#he also IS in actual therapy tho
shima-draws · 7 months
I’ve mentioned it before but I’m a fucking sucker for unhealthy dependent relationships. There’s just something about them that is so. Chef’s kiss 👌
Anyway I’m still thinking about how Law was so attached to Cora and was so traumatized by his death that he literally devoted thirteen YEARS of his life to revenge killing Doflamingo. Even though all Cora ever wanted was for Law to just be free and live his life happily. And Law spending all his time in a hateful revenge spiral is literally the exact OPPOSITE of what Cora wanted for him. BUT WAIT THERE’S MORE. If the thirteen years of endless devotion to avenging his savior wasn’t enough Law 1. Named his pirate crew the Heart Pirates in honor of Cora, 2. Covered himself in permanent heart-themed tattoos in honor of Cora, and 3. Fashioned his Jolly Roger to be a mockery of Doflamingo’s and ALSO to honor Cora. Homie is a walking memorial for a man he only really knew for six months and again crafted the most intricate plan known to mankind to murder Cora’s killer. Because losing Cora fucked him up THAT much. Because even though Cora set him free, the moment Doflamingo shot him Law was chained to the memory of a man who no longer existed. Law literally fashioned his entire life down to his own appearance after Cora and it makes me so insane. I cannot even imagine what went through his head after Dressrosa I mean how do you move on after a thirteen year grudge is put to rest. What is he supposed to do now. Avenging Cora was literally his entire existence, his entire reason for living for half of his life. He needs therapy probably. If Cora somehow ever did come back to life Law would lose his fucking mind. The dependency is SO unhealthy and I am SO here for it
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silusvesuius · 2 months
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ywpd-translations · 11 months
Ride 749: The last Straight Road*
(NdT.: same pun Kinaka always makes with his name and the word for straight road)
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Pag 1
1: I....
3: Imaizumi-san!!
4: Go- good work!!
Good work!!
You were taking a long time for this lap
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Pag 2
1: Yes, teh, I got a fl-fl-flat- my bike!!
2: It's the tire!!
4: Only tires can get a flat
Ah- damn, yes, that's right
6: I thought something like this might have happened, so I brought these
Replacement tubes, tire levers, and a pump. Use them
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Pag 3
2: This is unusual!! I never thought Imaizumi-san was the attentive type – is it just for us!?
Yeah!! I thought first and second years were just not important to him....
3: You don't want to use the,?
We'll use them, thank you so much!!
4: You saved us, teh....!!
That's true
6: Ah, uhm... but..... Imaizumi-san
Earlier you said that
7: Sugimoto-san won't come”, what did you mean?
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Pag 4
1: He retired
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Pag 5
1: He's still displayed on the board, but
3: There's still time until midnight
If Sugimoto-kun....
4: Please leave the possibility open in case Sugimoto-kun wants to come back!!
5: Onoda insisted
6: Re... tired.....
Sugi..... moto-san....
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Pag 6
1: He used up all his stamina and mental strength in his fight against Danchiku, and he was defeated
2: You didn't notice because you've been on the course the whole time
4: Ah... actually, when it got dark, Sugimoto-san and Danchiku-san passed us various times... teh
Huh!? That? So at that time-!?
5: You have no time to talk about unimportant things
As soon as you're done with the repairs, run, first years
6: Soon
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Pag 7
1: Waa, ye-yes, teh, thank you for the tools
Yeah, there's still 40km
2: If we join our strengths....
Don't cooperate
5: Teh!?
7: From now on, you can't allow yourselves to run like friends
8: Huh....
Our “buddies” stickers.....!?
You have to fight
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Pag 8
1: And win the last spot to be an Inter High member!!
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Pag 9
1: Fa.... ight....
2: Against.... Kinaka-kun
3: Against.... Rokudai
4: 35km left!!
Gooo!! Kinakaa, Rokudaii!!
Do your best...!!
5: I feel like they'll be able to run the 1000km!!
Ah, but there was no distance between them just now?
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Pag 10
1: Fight....
2: The spot as a regular in the two-times national champion, Sohoku....
3: I can't take it by just being friendly....!!
4: And also
5: There's Sugimoto-san's wish!!
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Pag 11
1: Wa- wait, please, Imaizumi-san
But.... if in this training camp the condition to become the sixth regular was to finish the 1000km first....
2: Then why did Sugimoto-san and Danchiku-san race!?
4: I came here to give you a message from Sugimoto
5: I think, I think it's necessary, you know
Sohoku is a team that connect and support each other
6: Just like during our first year, you, Naruko, and Onoda, connected your wishes and aimed for the goal
7: And last year Kaburagi ran with Aoyagi-san and carried the team until the mountains on the third day
8: So I think we need it
9: Our third year Inter High members
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Pag 12
1: Definitely need a “first year”!!
3: Even if he knew he was making his own situation worse, he thought about the best shape for the team would be
4: He accepted it, and fought
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Pag 13
1: For the fifth place
3: Among the first years, those two are left, I look forward to see what they do!!
That's too much food
4: Danchiku probably understood it, too
That's why he fought with all his strength
6: Now you two have to run with the weight of those expectations on your back!!
7: Fight, against your opponent and against yourself!! Use all your strength
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Pag 14
1: And pull to yourself that last jersey!!
2: Straaa-
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Pag 15
1: Straight roaaad!!
2: - traight!!
3: …. ngh
4: Kinaka-kun.....
5: Don't cry, Rokudai!!
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Pag 16
1: What are you doing, oi!! I'll leave you behind like this!! I'll tear you off!!
If you give up, then it's lucky for me!!
2: My goal has always been the Inter High jersey!!
To get back at those senpai who made fun of me!!
3: To show it to the Onii-san who taught me how to ride bikes!!
So, for that....
6: So I'm telling you not to cry!!
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Pag 17
1: But, Kinaka-kun....
It's that your “Straitgh road”, wasn't fast at all....!!
4: You knee? It's your knee, right?
Since when? Since a while ago?
5: Since when we were at about 800km
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Pag 18
1: It's a race, Rokudai
2: You should have told me, teh
I didn't notice, teh!!
3: I'm such an incapable former manager, teh....
4: Since when I lost to you in the first years' race
6: I've been thinking that I would definitely not lose the next time we race
7: Even though the truth is that I don't really care about that anymore
So, once again...
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Pag 19
1: It's a race, Rokudai!!
3: Let's do it, Rokudai!!
I can't, teh
4: Race me, pedal!!
I don't want to, teh....
5: Fight me!!
I won't pedal, teh
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Pag 20
1: Because, if I fight you now, Kinaka-kun, I'll end up winning, teh
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Pag 22
1: With that kindness of yours, support our senpai during the Inter High
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boxwinebaddie · 1 month
heeeeello party people!~ super bacteria uncle nina here using my silly tumblr to cope again ( my culture came back and it was...suuuuper fucking bad! like i knew it would be, lol! awesome! <3 thanks, god! )
but we're not thinking about, what were gonna think about is the time that ravenstan got a little Too tipsy topsy turvy on jerseyky boxwine,
( it's the cab sav one, fyi. i can't drink on all these Fucknut Antibiotics - they prescribed me the wrong one and i took it, if you can believe it; i luv doctors - can y'all believe i did this shit Sober? unREAL, brohs! )
and was on tiktok live, the dawn spawns of the world convinced him to do the 'White Boy Of The Month' filter bc he's too impressionable and what can i say;
The Man LOVES White Boys. ;) xxx
( helpsksdj )
so, he started doing it and was like 'nooooo, is /KYLE/ on this one?!?! You're Joking.' ( everyone said 'JK <3' because they all think they're jimmy valmer stand-up sit-down comedians, smh...but no, naught joking, Actually JK bc in my ncau-niverse, cd and the blondies gang are celebrities, so naturally they’re on A Lot of social filters )
so he was GOING to save The No.1 slot...for the no.1 slut ( if you will, ) my ginger gringo king, ceo of dark academic debauchery and bottom feeding ;), new jay's finest - literally - kyley b matthew broflovski; <33 ( buuuut! he's a reformed manhoe; so watchya mowtH! )
buuuuut x2 ( and i'd say it's a big butt, but it's not, it's ravenstan, so it's flatter than the sidewalk; luh you flat stanley ) Gaydhd Won Again and tipsy ravenstan got distracted by all the FINE ASS WHITE MEN and started getting philosophical about it ( that man put a lil too much #thot into those placings; he was born for it, soz )
had about two spots left ( the top and bottom spots; i am laughing ) figured that there was almost 'No Chance!' he would get jersey...
PUT /MATTHEW! GRAY! GUBLER!/ AT ONE ( Immaculate Taste, btw! he also put jacob elordi at number two because he is a fucking genius and that...really tells you Everything you need to know about my stan. like tall, could probably be a runway model, intellectual, kind of a jackass, stays fitted, accent or eccentric manner of speaking...yeah )
and RIGHT when he was rolling for the very last spot ranking on the filter ( that's the BOTTOM, i repeat, THE B/O/T/T/O/M of the tierlist )
and had to place him at /TEN/.
-- riiiiiiight as Kyle /FUCKING/ Broflovski came out of the kitchen in the dorky ass star of david apron that sheila got him for hannukah, with his hair up and everything, holding a fork so stan could taste...
...proceeded to Blow On It ;-;, s-so stan wouldn't burn his mouth... ( bc rav always gets too excited and burns his mouth; nooo :c </3 ) and asked him why his phone was blowing up w/ people tagging him in thirst traps of 'That Supa Nerdy Guy From That One Crime Show' and asking him if stan tweeted something about him cooking bc people keep telling him that he's 'Cooked'. SHKDLDHLKS HEEELP.
*rawr xd home mid/hschooled ravenstan vc*
Scene. <3
#nina speaks#sorry that ravenheadstannon makes me cry laughing everytime and i needed a distraction; he needs to go to jail#like he needs tall white boy behavioral therapy for his BAD BEHAVIOR he is down astronomically bad...i'm...SMHHHH#I CANNOT EXPRESS HOW FUNNY PUTTING SCARY SWOLE AF TOPDOM STREET FIGHTER JERSEY KYLE ON BOTTOM IS#LIKE THAT IS SACRIFUKINGLIGIOUS THAT IS WRONG#all to put mgg on top SORRY SPENCER REID HE REALLY DID SPECIFY IT TOO EVEN WHEN JK ASKED IM CRYINGGG nOO#HE WAS LIKE ACTUALLY HIS NAME IS dR. SpENcER rEid!!!#like are u kidding...are you JOKING SUPER BEST FRIEND???#SAY!!! SIIIIKE!!!! and jk thought this was cute bc aw u know his name thats so dorky awh--oH IMMM SORRY!!!! *sarcasm vc*#i dIDNT KNOW HE WAS A DOOOOOOCTA MY BAAAD DOES DOOOOCTAH SPENCA REAAAAAD WANT SOME PASTA?!?!#SHOULD I LEEEEEEEAVE YOU TWOOOOOO TO GO ON YOUR DAAAATE?!?! YOU AN yAAAAAA bOOOOYFRIEND?!?!?#IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIM SOOOOORRY FOR THIRDWHEELiN! ITS NAUGHT LIKE THIS IS MY HOUSE OR MY SB BOYFRIEND OR ANYtHIN!! >>>:/#help oh my god ATE THE FIRST BITE OF PASTA IN FRONT OF HIM EVERYONE WAS LIKE OH MY GOD MY PARENTS#ARE BREAKING UP NOOO RAVESEY NATION WE ARE SO DOWN OH MY GOD THE OTHER HALF WAS SHIPPING#REIDVEN#ravenstan tried to explain....He COULD NOT dkhflshfl so bad so funny RIP he was like wow i came home from a long day#of my internship i made you diNNAh and you put me aT tEN???!! ohhh it was so over oh my god rs was like mI AMOR BESITO BESITO BESITOoOOoOo#YOU ARE SO HANDSOME I LOVE YOU YOU ARE SO TALENTED AND SMART AND FUNNY I DONT EVEN KNOW WHO THAT IS ( has a shrine )#WOWZA THATS SO CRAZY BABY PLEASE DONT BE MAD IT WAS AN ACCIDENT TE AMOOO PLEASE HAVE I TOLD U HOW HANDSOME U ARE ;-;;;;#insane...he still got his pasta too...jail for life...he did redo the filter and did it until he got jk first put him at one and closed it#i cannot believe it also i love cute domestic apartment husband jk he is the best he really is ravenstan Count Your Days#people joking about them breaking up and foreshadowing it...BRUTAAAAAAL! please note mgg sided w rs in the divorce#and made a video saying i love u to him <3 as a joke <3 bUT I KNOOOOOOW JK WAS PUNCHIN DRYWALL AND SCREAMIN#I KNOW THAT PISSED HIM AWHFF SOOOOO BAD OH MY GOD HE MADE SEVERAL MGG HATE ACCOUNTS#AND TURNED HIS STOMACH WATCHING CM EVEN THO HE HATES THAT SHIT JUST TO COMMENT#ON TIMES SPENCER REID WAS FACTUALLY INACCURATE#my chest hurts but i cant tell if its bc of the bacteria or bc i'm laughing too hard so i won help i love my criminal mind <3
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hey alexa, is projecting my emotions and situations onto fictional characters in my mind because that's the only way I know how to process and deal with them healthy??
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floral-hex · 2 months
fuck, I hate telehealth, but ya know, I think I’d actually like it if it was in minecraft instead of a video call. Let’s do therapy in roblox or something.
#having a relationship with your therapist is unethical… but what about running a dungeon together in world of warcraft??#today we’re going to talk about my abandonment issues while we build a mountain base in minecraft together#shit… I was just joking but this is actually sounding kinda rad#but wowwee do I hate telehealth#I hate professional video calls#I always feel like I’m saying the wrong things or I’m not talking enough#my last psych appointment was telehealth and it suuuuuuucked#oh man I don’t even know if I ever posted about this#it just felt so awkward and I was always worried someone could hear me on the call through the apartment walls#and he was like basically ‘just try to think positive’#fuck you fuck you fuck you and also think about my butthole and fuck you#thanks for the meds but never say that shit to me again#like… my therapist is a cool guy. I ‘love him. or as much as you can love your doctor in a distant platonic way#he’s always so cool about ‘yeah your chemicals are all messed up’ and he’s doesn’t shut me down at least not without actually understanding#but my psych who works in the same office does telehealth and seems very distant and not great at talking about deeper issues#which is fine. really. I just needed a doc who’d give me a fair shake and help me with the medication side#but I have to do telehealth for him and it feels so awkward and shallow#can’t we just do a 5 minute phone call? ‘hello. can we up the dose of my meds? yes? okay thank you.’#I see you typing on your computer a lot. I’m not saying anything interesting. if you’re on neopets just say so#anyway I only thought about this bc I guess I COULD do telehealth therapy today or something#but like I said. telehealth feels awkward and I wouldn’t be able to open up over it#it’s cool tho for like… I dunno. people who can’t go in person or need quick visits or whatever#I’m not saying it’s not useful or a viable option. I personally just hate phone calls and video calls.#and I love video games bro 😎#and I love you#goodbye forever#text
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deadrlngers · 2 years
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i was tagged by @shadowglens and @risingsh0t to make some ocs in this picrew. thank you so much besties, i loved this picrew so much!! <3
vesper moxley (cp2077) • victoria gray (cp2077) joelle knight (fo4) • nina bower (fo4) selene (oblivion) • hiraeth (skyrim)
tagging: @uldwynsovs @arklay @devilbrakers @nuclearstorms @morvaris @girlbosselrond @indorilnerevarine @moiragf @cultistbase @faarkas @steelport @nokstella @reaperkiller @malefiicarum @brujah @calenhads @lightwardens @aelyosos and whoever else wants to do this or that i missed bc i'm terribly forgetful sorry!!
#tag games#warning i accidentally infodumped in the tags i'm sorry ignore me 😔 ckjsdhdskj#made this based on relationships idk why jdksd. victoria is vesper's bestie 4 life & first gf. joelle & nina my fave wlw married couple#and then for the last one. listen. i've resurected a very old oc and i'm still not so sure but i miss skyrim so bad. they idea is that#they are related as in hiraeth is a descent of selene bc i think dragonborn=martin septim's child> family line going forward until we#have our little hiraeth. i never thought of selene & martin having a kid in canon (only stupid ideas of an au) but u know. what if. she#still ends up in the shivering isles tho and becomes sheogorath. hiraeth's bloodline having like an emperor & a daedric prince. OK KING!!#much to think about tbh. not sure if they/she(probably he too. thinking of their gender as therapy for myself) will stick as nord or maybe#wood elf too like selene. or maybe even dunmer?? it makes no sense fjkdfhk IDK. literally i HAVE so much to think for them#also their name came to me bc i read the welsh word Hiraeth that basically means 'a mixture of longing yearning nostalgia homesickness'#+ 'an expression of an empty desire and grief over a past life or place' and with drangonborns i like to push the idea of 'maybe they were#actual dragons in a past life and now human' u know?? so i thought it was sooo fitting. i also like the idea of the more dragon souls#they absorb the more their features turn..dragonesque?? draconic jkfdhfkdsj idk i love them very much (:#(i have no idea how dragon in past life + martin's bloodline can fit but i'm literally only vibing rn)#i want to replay skyrim SO bad but i need someone to hold my hand so tightly as they help me set up mods for this game bc i never played#skyrim with mods (collective gasp) and i have no idea of what to pick ecc especially bc everything..breaks with a snap of fingers so yea ri#SORRY for talking so much i get excited about new things (my oc in this case) so easily..#oc: vesper#oc: victoria#oc: joelle#oc: nina#oc: selene#oc: hiraeth#ALSO FUCK OFF JOELLE IS SOOOOOOOOO CUTE HERE!!!!!!!!!!!
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shima-draws · 1 year
My doctor: Hey yeah that's not normal I don't think it's an issue with your hip
Me: Oh?
My doctor: It's an issue with your spine
Me: OH
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tacagen · 1 year
man do i love green goblin and do i HATE how he's usually handled
#reading classic amazing sm and was extremely disappointed that the osborn's death after min(if any) time as goblin trope was canon all along#norman's characterization tho... 100/10 HE IS SO INSANE AND PATHETICCCCC. EASILY MY FAVORITE ONE#also i love how initially his corrupt businessman side wasnt explored anyhow unlike modern interpretations that tend to not explore goblin#the perfect goblin is spectacular one tho. hes got it all. even mysterio-level scams about his identity and death. the actual masterplanner#harry!goblin is.. idk a grown ass man flying around ny as fucking goblin AND HAVING INSANE BEEF WITH HIS SON'S CLASSMATE is so much funnier#whatever harry might do he will never reach This Level#im sorry classic!norman's motivation for being goblin is 'OOOH... NOBODY UNDERSTANDS... I HAD TO DO IT FOR HARRY...' AND THEN TURNS OUT#HARRY IS NOWHERE NEAR HIS ORIGIN EXPLANATION. JUST SOME GREEN GOO EXPLODED INTO HIS FACE AND HE DECIDED TO DRESS UP AS GOBLIN AND DO CRIMES#i have no idea how stan lee did it but the lazy 'chemicals as the reason for villain's mental illness' thing NEVER SLAYED THAT HARD. EVER#he is so silly and hilarious and MISERABLE and he makes ZERO FUCKING SENSE ghrgahtshhgrgr#and the way his amnesia works is THE DUMBEST THING EVER and AT SOME POINT I FUCKING LOVE IT???? WHYYYYY#AND THE WAY BEING GREEN GOBLIN IS APPARENTLY TRANSMITTED NOT ONLY GENETICALLY BUT ALSO THROUGH AIRBORNE DROPLETS ON THERAPY SESSIONS????#green goblin#norman osborn#amazing spider man
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cashweasel · 1 year
3, 5, 14, 16, 22, 32, 38 💞
I was told these were for galen so that’s who I’ll answer for fjdkslfjf (galael belongs to @sysba <3)
3. Hot and Steamy or Soft and Tender?
Loll have you met these bitches? They’re all about hot and steamy, hot and steamy is l the goal (mayhaps they will be soft and tender sometimes but that’s a rare occurrence)
5. What is their love language?
They have words of affirmation and physical touch in common,, other than that valen likes to receive quality time and galael is all about gift giving ✌️
14. Are they an introverted couple or an extroverted one—AKA would they prefer to go out to a party or event together or would they rather stay in?
Definitely the extroverted couple lol they’re always going to parties, events, traveling etc (they’re hot and famous ofc they’re very popular and always in the news kskskdjfj) tho they strike me as the type that also likes to leave early/disappear and skip stuff sometimes does that make them ambivert? 🤔Idk
16. Who stays up way too late and who tries to drag them to bed?
Lmaoo Valen is a revenge procrastinator, time doesn’t exist to Galael, they both suck 😂💀 I don’t think either of them gives that much of a fuck they just let the other be, that’s gonna be their own problem to in the morning tho they’re totally not opposed to tiring each other out hehe ifykyk
22. Who gets more easily embarrassed?
I don’t think either of them really gets embarrassed that easily but out of the two I’d say Valen is more likely to
32. How do they resolve their arguments?
They fuck about it
38. What was their most memorable date?
I have no idea you’d have to ask them 😂 me personally I love their amusement park/ Disney land date cause it’s funny af
[otp asks]
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sysig · 1 year
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Yandere x Yandere is an underused trope imho (Patreon)
#Doodles#Original#Yanderapy#Surprise surprise! They're both yanderes lol#That was actually the main element of the accidentally-combined-ideas - one of them was supposed to be not-yandere in one of them#Buuut I do stand by that yandere/yandere couples are underutilized for comedic and dramatic purposes and I'm only too happy to do it myself#In this case it's more on the comedic side because they're rather yandere-Lite™ - neither of them are interested in Hurting the other#Being weird and all up in each other's business and a little toxic and thinking about each other a lot? Yes lol#But also part of the comedy is that Because they're so into each other there's not really any need to escalate to violence#They just like each other too much!#And also Mitsuru was in therapy enough to pick up on some red flags of his own to curb so when he sees them in the wild he has workarounds#Ishida is pressing a boundary (and he knows it) to see if he can get Mitsu to agree to isolate himself#The thing with Mitsu is he's also a little dumb and innocent ♪ He's slow to pick up social cues and process new information#So he sees the behaviour (using negative-talk as a way to isolate) and instead falls back on his established skill (setting boundaries)#Without recognizing that Ishida meant anything malicious by it or that the response he was trying to illicit failed lol#He's a bit lovestruck as well so of course he's going to assume the best! Ishida also thinks it's cute so he knocks it off after a while lol#If I ever do go into drama with these two it's going to be interesting >:3c I do have some ideas just In General but them specifically hmmm#For now I'm happy to have them just be a silly comedic duo tho haha
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jrueships · 2 years
thought this was you for a second lmao, felt it'd be relevant to your interests ^^
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eLi A P p L E ??!?!?!???⁉️⁉️⁉️‼️
#WHAT ARE yOU DOiNG AT gAY PRiDE ?!??!?!?!??⁉️⁉️⁉️#the @s... why is he so messy#stupid fruit#fuckin fivehead telling THEM to go to therapy????#CLEARLY HES THE ONE WITH A LOT ON HIS MIND#im sick#actually i cant be sick because i did say that actually#that was my eli apple twitter roleplay account#i have a checkmark because elon recognized i also am evil and horrid#im trying to use my powers for good this time tho#im trying to... bring together what is breaking#a bond between men.. i shall Forge It#eli rlly said KISS EACH OTHER AND MAKE UP 🗣!!!!#gay ally eli apple#out of all the allies to be on our side..#THE LIKE LMAO#hes just sayin! what we're all thinkin!#theyre gonna hate him for speaking the truth like jesus#so cute how all the nfl n their fans and the world knows about diggs n allen losing their focus n havin a consensual workplace relationship#everyone except diggs/allen#they either think theyre being rlly sneaky and straight with their burning desires for each others bodies#(theyre not)#or are the only ones in the whole entire multi solar systems who dont realize they are Gay (theyre stupid)#I CANT BELIEVE HE TWEETED THAT...... I CANT BELIEVE IT'S A TWEET#he might support gay crime but not gay couple crime :(#THERAPY!!!! NOW 🗣‼️‼️#THANK U for showing me this i feel like a disney princess blessed by the gifts from a little bird#love when moots/anons show/link me stuff to look at like YES thank u!! this is so cool WE SHALL PONDER TOGETHER !!#ted asks#diggs/allen couples counseling arc... no... season 3 has really went downhill man.. 😔 they better fix this 😡🤬.
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i dont know much about trigun but i think it would be silly if vash and knives (they are brothers?) or vash and wolfwood (lovers? enemies? idk) were drawn like that barbie and ken mugshot meme. From what you post Mr Vash Stampede just seems like ken. little silly guy
YOU HAVE THE MOST PERFECT TIMING WITH THIS EVER I'm literally in the middle of drawing a picture of knives and vash that looks like this.
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theyre brothers your honor
#i would draw the whole meme but i simply do not have the energy for it tonight#the phrase mr the stampede has been stuck in my head all night hehe u just reminded me of it#drawing vashs tristamp hair is soooo painful to me. i miss the spikey. unfortunately i am doing a style swap thing with this so i have to#sigh </3#hiiii louis this made me smile hehe thank u#also ive seen like 3 ppl do that meme with vashwood already so the fact that u included knives makes me happy :]#(<< guy who is having a category 12 emotional about millions knives moment tonight)#theyre BROTHERS. theyre brothers.....#i love the idea that after canon knives calms down and stops trying 2 kill everybody bc he realizes#oh i dont want to commit genocide actually. i just need therapy.#but like. he and vash are still both wanted criminals because. gestures at the events of trigun. all that#so its just. silly antagonistic brother adventures. i keep thinking abt that one drawing someone did of them comparing wanted posters#its so silly and its so important to meeeeeee.#knives just needs to smoke some weed and play Minecraft for a few hours and he'll calm down.#hes just got undiagnosed autism and a metric ton of childhood trauma. its fine#sorry i kind of went off on u there. I'm having trigun emotions tonight. if u couldn't tell#making this unrebloggable because its a wip <3 sorry kings#my sketches are sooooo ugly . u get the idea tho#asks#friends!!!#din0draws#shrimp fried rice#also. other file names blurred bc its a spoiler for another ask I'm answering soon. lmao
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azulock · 10 months
I finally read the latest chapter today and akdhakdh yeah poor Ness wanted to be in Witch Hat Atelier and got stuck in the football squidgame
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emilyblame · 2 years
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“Let me speak to your manager” / Oh, you mean Benji? / He’s fucking busy / ’Cause I just drove through AP / On my brand new jetski / So leave some tears after the **** / If you’re feeling silly / I’ll call you, beep you later / If Otto doesn’t serial kill me. / I’m out of my cage / And I’m on the stage / I’m dying to give you a show / I’m alienated / Way overrated / Here are a few of the notes: / My fans are the best / They’d love me more dead / But man / I can’t die ’til I finish the album / ’Cause if I could time it right, shit could go Platinum / But baby / it’s getting too loud. / Da da da da, da da da da da / And everyone’s freaking me out / I wake up and I’m up and I’m down / Yo shut the fuck outta your mouth / Bite tongue ’til there’s blood in my mouth / It freaks me out. / I’m Miss Congeniality / Everybody’s proud of me / But when they try and tell me / Volume’s muted like they’re sound asleep. / Therapy’s not working / I don’t understand / So I kill time playing tennis with your favorite band / We’re singing / Da da da da, da da da da da / It gets real super dark around the edge of my heart / Around the edge of my heart / It gets real fucking dark around the edge of my heart / Around the edge of my heart.
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trashcreatyre · 2 years
I feel like its important for you all to know that in the moth and flame (post 06 au) Elise manages to get mephiles to go to therapy exactly once and then never again
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