#he also believes felix killed ladybug too
That Argos and Chat Blanc photo makes me wonder how Felix would handle Chat Blanc.
More over, how quickly would he react if Felix lived and his Lady didn't somehow.
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considering how adrien acted in emotion when felix thanos snapped everyone out of existence including maribug, i'd say he wouldn't take it well at all.
we'd probably end up with a feral chat blanc trying to get rid of felix while akumatized, & felix outwitting him at every turn while trying desperately to find a way to save him. felix knows when he's gone too far and that indicator is when adrien gets pissed.
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IOTA Reviews: Conformation and Re-Creation (The Final Day)
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Well, here we are. The final two episodes of Season 5. It's been a long and complicated journey, so let me get you up to speed on what exactly happened this season, episode by episode.
Evolution: Ladybug and Cat Noir chase Monarch through time, and it's not nearly as cool as it sounds.
Multiplication: Adrien likes Marinette now because the plot says so.
Destruction: Cat Noir accidentally Cataclysms Monarch, and it somehow leads to the most guilt he feels using his Cataclysm on anyone.
Jubilation: Ever want to have the image of Ladybug and Cat Noir being teen parents burned into your brain? No? Too bad!
Illusion: Nino establishes himself as a leader so terrible, Zapp Brannigan would call him an idiot.
Determination: Marinette likes Cat Noir now because the plot says so.
Passion: Nathalie shows she'd rather silently judge Gabriel for his actions over actually doing anything to stop him.
Reunion: Marinette talks with the spirit of Joan of Arc, and it's not nearly as cool as it sounds.
Elation: Someone tries to murder Marinette over ice cream for the third time in four seasons.
Transmission: Yeah, I totally believe you're replacing Marinette and Adrien with two new main characters in the middle of your fifth season.
Deflagration: Because of Tikki and Plagg's terrible decisions, Monarch comes the closest he's ever come to winning.
Perfection: Kagami becomes a giant cloud Akuma, symbolizing her also becoming a total airhead for the rest of the season.
Migration: The writers realize they have no idea what to do with Luka, so they kick him out of the show entirely.
Derision: “How many things do you want to retcon to make this story work?” “Yes.”
Intuition: Gabriel continues to prove how pathetic of a villain he is, even when he has unlimited chances.
Protection: Even after being tricked three times by her, Kagami still thinks Lila is a trustworthy person.
Adoration: “We have Lumity at home”.
Emotion: The episode where Felix essentially commits genocide is somehow also the one where the writers want the audience to start viewing him in a sympathetic light.
Pretension: Felix likes Kagami because the plot says so, and vice versa.
Revelation: Lila only gets as far as she does thanks to Marinette becoming as dumb as the rest of the class.
Confrontation: Our heroes expose the villain's evil plans by spying on them through a bathroom peephole.
Collusion: Remember kids, violent revolutions against politicians are never the answer.
Revolution: Remember kids, violent revolutions against politicians are always the answer.
Representation: To the surprise of literally no one, Felix is revealed to be a Sentimonster, yet the writers still won't tell us that Adrien and Kagami are the same.
Now that you're all caught up, let's get into the twenty-fifth and twenty-sixth episode of Miraculous Ladybug's fifth season: Conformation and Re-Creation
After a brief news report showing everyone enjoying the first day of Summer vacation, Gabriel and Tomoe finally decide to launch “Perfect Alliance”. What does this plan entail? For starters, Gabriel transforms into Monarch, detransforms to akumatize himself into Nightormentor again, gives himself the powers of the Mouse, Rooster and Horse Miraculous in order to clone himself and fly around the globe to spread his nightmare dust. Because just akumatizing Sandboy again and giving him the Mouse Miraculous' Multitude was just too complex of a plan.
Marinette is the first to be affected by the dust, we get a dream where she dresses up as a knight to save Adrien from a cheap recolor of Fang in his dragon form.
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This is a weird episode of Super Why.
Marinette defeats the dragon, who reverts back to Gabriel, who is accidentally killed by the fight, causing Adrien to cry since Adrien was watching the whole thing. Marinette wakes up, thankful that it was all just a bad dream sequence. She decides she needs to find out just where Gabriel sent Adrien to make sure he's safe, something that won't make sense as I'll explain later on. As she tries to leave, she keeps experiencing sudden headaches, as do her parents and Alya.
Meanwhile, Adrien is still left reeling from the effects of the nightmare dust from last episode, to the point where he has a panic attack, demanding to be let out. Gabriel, seemingly aware of this, decides to give Adrien the “antidote”, an Alliance ring with an app called “Perfect Alliance”. So once again, despite claiming to do this for his son, Gabriel willingly chose to make his life worse as part of his evil plans. Remember this, it'll be important later on.
Plagg suggests Adrien transform into Cat Noir, but Adrien reminds him that there are cameras everywhere, so he can't risk it. Plagg disables the cameras, but Adrien still says no. Whether he was aware that the robot who was sent to give him the Alliance ring with the new app had a hidden camera is irrevelant, because Adrien gives a different reason why he can't transform.
Adrien: I'm not in my right mind. I'm too angry; at myself for falling short of Marinette's love, at my father for sending me here in London, at this stupid app and these rings that use my image... it makes me sick! This nightmare is giving me the horrible feeling that, if I transform, I'll get akumatized and destroy everything with my Cataclysm. Marinette, Ladybug...
Plagg: Surely Ladybug can help you.
Adrien: If I ask her for help, I'd have to give her information that would jeopardize my secret identity... and I can't.
Okay, let me make one thing clear. The reason that Adrien can't risk exposing his identity thanks to all the cameras is a good one, and the fact that he doesn't want to risk exposing his identity to Ladybug in particular is a good sign of character development, but the problem I have is the fact that the writers decided to bench Adrien in the first place.
Yes, you heard that right. In arguably the most boneheaded decision in the show's history since... well, a lot of things this season, Adrien, despite being the son of the main villain, isn't going to get involved in the final battle at all.
There are multiple reasons why Adrien staying put in this room is a terrible idea, and most of them involve the fact that almost none of the in-universe explanations for this hold up.
Adrien is being heavily monitored by cameras? We just saw Plagg was able to disable them with ease.
Adrien can't ask Ladybug for help without jeopardizing his secret identity? The fact that he's at risk of being akumatized as is, with or without the Cat Miraculous, will still blow his cover due to Monarch's mind reading abilities (which we saw when Monarch almost learned Luka's secret in “Migration”), so he really has nothing to lose here.
Adrien isn't in the right state of mind thanks to the nightmare dust? Literally every other character who takes part in the final battle is able to either find a way to fight off the nightmares or keeps going while still under the influence of the nightmare dust.
Adrien's ultimate plan to take off his Miraculous and let Plagg choose a new temporary holder? We saw this exact same scenario play out earlier this season in “The Kwamis' Choice”, and things went horribly, horribly wrong.
Do you see why this makes no sense? Even though the show loves to boast about how valuable of an asset Cat Noir is, the writers are bending over backwards to justify keeping Adrien as far away from the final battle as possible, because they know damn well that they'd have to address how terrible his father really is with the reveal.
And the best part? This is basically the last we'll see of Adrien in this episode. Do you want to know how many lines he gets in the next episode, AKA, the final episode of the season? Three. AND THEY'RE ALL AFTER THE FINAL BATTLE.
But we're not done talking about this stupid idea yet, because unlike the other episodes, I have something else to rant about: The writers' commentary. In November of 2023, around four months after the finale premiered, the writers of this show recorded their own audio commentary, and while I don't have the exact translation (if anyone reading this has a translation of this, I would really appreciate the effort), I have seen one post summarizing the things they said, and all I can say is DEAR. LORD. This is not just shooting yourself in the foot. This is shooting yourself in the foot multiple times with Judas Bullets.
Like, it's amazing. We've always speculated just what goes through the writers' heads that makes them come up with some of the strangest ideas to take the story, and now, we have a first-hand account of why these episodes turned out the way they did. For this one moment, they gave about three explanations as to why Adrien was benched for the finale.
Let's start with the first one, Cat Blanc. I know what you're thinking, wasn't Cat Blanc an Akuma from an alternate timeline that our Adrien shouldn't know about? Not according to Melenie Duval. While Adrien's fear of being akumatized is reasonable, Duval claims that he could become Cat Blanc... which makes no sense as A) Adrien's nightmare was of an entirely different Akuma, and B) The aforementioned nightmare dust never informed Adrien of the alternate timeline where Cat Blanc destroyed the world, it just provided him with a nightmare about a similar scenario.
And in case you weren't questioning this woman's judgment, Duval has done on the record to state that her favorite episode of the entire show is “Derision”.
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Our next reasoning is especially stupid, as the rest of the writing team reveal that they had planned to keep Adrien out of the final battle as far back as 2014, nine years before the finished product premiered. Why would they do that? Because they wanted Ladybug to unify with the Cat Miraculous, of course! Sure, you could have just saved this unification for a special or something like that so you don't bench one of your main characters, or you could have at least had Adrien willingly give his Miraculous to Ladybug to unify with in person, but nope. This is seriously one of their defenses— I mean, explanations, for why Adrien isn't allowed to be in the final battle, because they thought it would be more important to give Marinette her 10th new form in three seasons than letting Adrien get some form of closure with his father.
And here's the final reason they gave in the commentary. Remember that dream sequence of Marinette dressed as a knight that was also sort of foreshadowed in “Gabriel Agreste”? Turns out, the writers wanted to, and stop me if you've heard this before, play with the tropes and symbolism of fairy tales. Wow, I've never seen any kind of pop culture do that before... except for Into the Woods, The Princess Bride, Hook, Shrek, Princess Tutu, Ella Enchanted, Hoodwinked!, Enchanted, Tangled, Once Upon a Time, Frozen, RWBY, Ever After High, Red Shoes and the Seven Dwarves, Guillermo del Toro's Pinocchio, and Nimona. But other than those, that's so original!
Even though the writers are acting like they're breaking new ground, do you want to know what they mean by this? They're just doing another damsel in distress situation but this time, Adrien, the boy, is the one who needs to be saved by Marinette, who is, GASP, a girl?! WOW! That totally changes everything!
Okay, yes, the damsel in distress trope has usually been seen as a misogynistic one due to the fact that the people who needed to be saved are usually women, but like I mentioned way back in my “Gabriel Agreste” review, just swapping the genders isn't enough to breathe new life into a trope as old as this one. It's arguably worse because Adrien isn't just someone who needs to be saved. He's a superhero, and like I mentioned, there were plenty of options to get him out of his room in London.
And I'm guessing that some of you are thinking, “But IOTA! You just want Adrien to save the day by himself because he's a guy!” Just remember that I had this exact same problem last season where the roles were reversed. Remember how I hated the way Marinette's arc about dealing with the stress of being Guardian was hijacked by Adrien complaining about Ladybug not trusting him? This time, we have an arc about Adrien trying to break free from his father's influence that's been hijacked by Marinette needing to save Adrien by herself, robbing him of any agency he had to the plot entirely. This issue isn't about gender. It's never been about gender. I would have the exact same problem if Adrien was the one who confronted Monarch by himself while Marinette was trapped in her room.
This leads to the biggest problem I have with this plot development: It ultimately goes against the core theme of teamwork the show keeps trying to convey. Remember how last season, Marinette needed to learn to let other people trust her? Now, she's going to beat up Monarch all by herself without any help. Remember how last season, Adrien needed to prove he didn't deserve to be left in the dark about everything? Now, he's going to stay all the way in London while his partner gets in the fight of her life. It's detrimental to both of them as characters, and makes everything that happened to them in Season 4 completely pointless.
Okay, now that I've spent five pages ranting about this insane decision, let's get back on track, shall we? As the Perfect Alliance app helps Adrien and Kagami calm down, Marinette sneaks into the Agreste mansion as Ladybug. Meanwhile, Nathalie has her own nightmare about Gabriel winning, AKA, the very thing she could have stopped a long time ago by ratting her evil boss out to Ladybug and Cat Noir.
We then learn just what the Perfect Alliance app really does. Basically, thanks to the technobabble, it helps alleviate the stress from their nightmares. Or, to put it in Layman's terms, Gabriel and Tomoe plan to get the entire population of Earth addicted to cyber crack. We see this affect several of Marinette's classmates, but because Mylene has a sudden disdain for technology that “Was made without respect for the Earth's resources”, she's the only one who sees the problem here. I'd ask why this wasn't established earlier this season, but it doesn't matter, since Mylene gives in anyway,
Because it's a day that ends with a “Y”, Gabriel goes to talk to Emilie's body yet again, and it seems like even the writers realized how tired this got, as Nathalie finally decided to ambush him with a crossbow.
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Miss Sancoeur, I served with Buffy the Vampire Slayer. I knew Buffy the Vampire Slayer. Buffy the Vamprie Slayer was a friend of mine. Miss Sancoeur, you're no Buffy the Vampire Slayer.
Yes, it only took five seasons worth of evil plans for Nathalie to realize just how demented her boss really is.
Nathalie: I can't let you do that... if you make the wish to bring her back, someone will have to go in her place. Emilie would never have agreed to this!
Gabriel: Do you think I'd be monstrous enough to sacrifice a human being?
Uh... yes? That is literally what equivalent exchange means. You really don't know how the wish works after researching it?
Shockingly, the frail woman armed with nothing but a crossbow isn't able to stop someone with superpowers. There isn't even a fight. Monarch just knocks the crossbow out of her hands and she faints. Maybe you should have actually come up with some sort of plan before confronting Gabriel by yourself, dumbass.
Back to Ladybug, she searches through Gabriel's stuff and finally learns he's Monarch... even though she should already know thanks to Felix and Kagami's play last episode. She even looks pretty shocked to see Monarch detransform.
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Back to the commentary, the writers justify this with their absurd “Every episode can be watched on its own” rule. Because simply having Marinette say she already knows was out of the equation, I guess. Seriously, earlier in the episode, Tikki (who, along with Plagg, wasn't affected by the nightmare dust for some reason) had doubts that Marinette should break into the Agreste mansion, and it came across like neither of them knew the truth, and this was a reckless decision that wasn't motivated by Gabriel being Monarch at all. Once again, the writers fail to understand the idea of using “Previously On...” segments to help new viewers catch up on what's happening. It's even more confusing when you remember that Tikki knows Adrien is Cat Noir, so his father being Monarch coupled with his sudden absence should be setting off all kinds of red flags in her book.
Ladybug tries to text Cat Noir about who Monarch really is, but chooses not to send it after Gabriel pushes a few of her buttons. Rather than jumping Gabriel while she still has the element of surprise, she only chooses to grill Nathalie for questions once Gabriel is out of the room. And of course, only when she's on death's door does Nathalie tell Ladybug to stop Monarch, but not before telling her to transform back.
We see Gabriel and Tomoe put their plan into action. They create a fake scene of Ladybug and Cat Noir kidnapping Adrien and Kagami in order to rile up the public (who aren't in the best state of mind thanks to the nightmares) in order to for them to use the Alliance rings to transform them into the “Miraculized”. In other words, it's basically “Heroes' Day” all over again. Seriously, think about it. Just like “Heroes' Day”, it looks like Adrien is being harmed by Ladybug in an attempt to push the population to the brink of despair so Gabriel can create an army in the process. Yeah, the public doesn't know the two are the same, but the audience does. Granted, this is a minor nitpick compared to the rest of my problems with this episode, but I hope you can see what I'm getting at here.
Case in point, the reason Nathalie told Ladybug to detransform was because Gabriel has found a way to track her and Cat Noir through their “quantum signatures”. With Cat Noir, it was thanks to the dust from Gabriel's Cataclysm wound, and with Ladybug, it was thanks to the Magical Charm she gave Gabriel earlier in “Gabriel Agreste”... which he shouldn't have since it was destroyed in “Dearest Family”.
Seriously, this is the season finale. How the hell are the writers still struggling to remember important events like this?
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Now's as good a time as any to talk about the Miraculized's design. Yeah, they're pretty lame. They all look like they're wearing fencing gear, and don't look intimidating in the slightest. They also now have the ability to use every Miraculous power at once, which breaks the previously established rules about the Alliance rings in that only one ring can handle each Miraculous power. You could at least argue that the robots used in “Confrontation” had more advanced technology that made them capable of using multiple powers, but nothing has changed about the Alliance rings to justify this. And remember, this is something every Miraculized in the world can use, yet the system hasn't been completely fried, and as we'll later see Monarch can still freely use the other Kwamis' power even when they're being shared with the Miraculized across the world. In fact, how can the Miraculized even transform like this? Monarch doesn't akumatize anyone to spread this transformation. Gabriel just tells to say “Alliance, Miraculize Me!”, and now they can transform. Was this always a function of the Alliance rings? Is there a tiny Akuma hidden in each ring? How the hell does any this work?
Ladybug fights off some of the Miraculized who used Voyage to find her, and remembers Nathalie's advice to detransform. So just like in “Passion”, even though she's still wearing her Miraculous, the system specifically designed to track her down isn't able to find her unless she's still transformed. Marinette runs away to a safe place before running into Plagg, who tells her Cat Noir is out of commission. With no other options, Marinette decides to unify with the Ladybug and Cat Miraculous, turning into Bug Noire, revealing her identity to Monarch in the process, and ending the episode.
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Bug Noire's design is admittedly pretty nice. I like the balance of red, black, and green, though the hair is a little too long for my taste. Granted, I still don't get why this is the reason why Adrien can't be here to fight Monarch alongside his partner. I'm just saying, was it really worth it, writers?
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Yep, right before the finish line, Nathalie gets her second award this season. After spending several episodes doing nothing but letting herself rot away, Nathalie only chose to finally do something about Gabriel once he was literally about to enact his final plan, thought she could stop him with nothing but a crossbow, and only begged Ladybug for help when it looked like she was about to die and had nothing left to lose.
“Re-Creation”, the final episode of the season, starts off with Lila watching some broadcasts of people succumbing to their paranoia (and she does it while smirking because the writers still don't think we understand she's evil) and transforming into Miraculized while she puts on a new disguise that makes her look like an evil Edna Mode.
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How come Lila isn't even affected by the nightmare dust like the rest of the human population? As always, never explained!
Back in the Agreste mansion, Bug Noire and Monarch are duking it out, and we get some pretty creative uses of Lucky Charm, like when she summons a piano to crash down on Monarch. Meanwhile, after Marinette's friends manage to get the Alliance ring off a Miraculized Ivan, we get to see how the rest of the world is dealing with the Miraculized. In Shanghai, the Renlings help Fei through her nightmares, Su-Han has recruited Jagged Stone, Luka, Penny and Fang to the Order of the Guardians instead of actually getting backup like he said he would in “Multiplication”, Present Bunnix finally decides to do something and uses Burrow to sent the Guardians to Paris, while the United Heroez fight off the Miraculized and learn the true nature of the Alliance rings. Just remember, it was too much for the writers to let Adrien get involved in the final battle, yet all these side characters get to do something in the finale for some reason.
Meanwhile, as if things couldn't get any worse, Nino decides the Resistance needs to get involved after reassuring Mr. Damocles that they never give up. Believe me, not much would change if you guys just threw in the towel, especially now that the United Heroez are here, and have Eagle, a member whose powers work as an instant cure for everyone's nightmares. Hey, while we're on the subject, does anyone know where the United Heroez were this entire season? I can excuse Fei as she's just one teenager in Shanghai, but the Americans have a small army of heroes, including the president, yet they just let two violent coups in France happen last week.
As Bug Noire and Monarch keep fighting, Bug Noire comes up with the brilliant idea to Cataclysm the Butterfly Miraculous, only being foiled by Monarch already having Resistance active. Okay, is a side effect of using the Cat Miraculous this season a taste for blood? Why the hell are the heroes so okay with trying to use Cataclysm on their enemies now? Bug Noire then decides to use her Cataclysm for something far more reasonable, breaking the ground beneath her and Monarch. Because I guess Bug Noire is really gunning for Biggest Idiot this episode.
Back with the Resistance, they meet up with the Guardians, United Heroez, and Ladydragon, who have actually been getting shit done. Wow, it's just like that scene from that one movie where all the characters we've come to know over the years rally together for the final battle! What was it called again? Oh yeah, Spy Kids 3-D: Game Over.
While the other heroes are overwhelmed by the Miraculized, we cut back to Bug Noire and Monarch yet again, now inside the area where Emilie's body is. The two keep fighting as Monarch tells Bug Noire why he's doing all this, all while Lila breaks into the mansion.
Monarch: I want my wife, Adrien's mother, to come back to us! Once our family is reunited, Kagami and Adrien will become the eternal icons of this world! And we will be here to witness their absolute triumph!
Bug Noire: “Your wife”? “Come back”? “Kagami and Adrien, eternal icons”? How many lives are you going to ruin in the name of your crazy dreams?!
Monarch: As many as it takes! In order to bring Emilie back, someone else will have to disappear! In order to heal the wound that Cat Noir inflicted on me, someone else will have to be wounded!
Bug Noire: Someone else? But who?
Monarch: Anyone! No one matters except us! How about you, Marinette? Wouldn't you give your life for your sweet Adrien's happiness?
Bug Noire: Do you really think that's what he'd want? To discover that his father has turned into a supervillain, willing to make innocent people pay the price of his madness?
Monarch: Adrien would do the same thing!
Bug Noire: Never! Unlike you, Adrien has made his peace with it. He's not living in the past! He has a whole life ahead of him!
Bug Noire: You'd know this if you ever took an interest in him. But in reality, Adrien means NOTHING to you anymore! You've locked him in your house! Locked him in your Alliance rings!
Bug Noire: Locked him into a life that allows you to hide behind him in order to justify YOUR madness!
Monarch: All I want is for him to be happy!
Remember all of this, because it's going to be important soon.
Bug Noire uses her Lucky Charm, and gets a tube of glue. She uses some of it on this random boomerang she found (I'm assuming it's the remains of Nathalie's crossbow), sticks it to her yo-yo, and then throws it at Emilie's coffin. Monarch reflexively grabs the sticky boomerang, and loses all of the rings on his right hand just as Bug Noire uses Cataclysm on the elevator to get to this area of the mansion, with the intent on CRUSHING EMILIE WITH IT. Our hero, ladies and gentlemen! Monarch saves his wife, but because he's distracted, he can't stop Bug Noire from throwing her staff at the Butterfly Miraculous, knocking it off and reverting Monarch back to Gabriel. Bug Noire ties up Gabriel's feet, and when Gabriel tries to sucker punch her with Venom, Bug Noire grabs the hand, threatening to Cataclysm the remaining Alliance rings and the two rings she should damn well know contain Adrien's Amok. Either she's bluffing, or we accidentally got the Paris Special universe's version of these events.
Bug Noire tries to reason with Gabriel, who then breaks down crying, showing how deep down, he just really cares about his family. And even though just six episodes ago, Marinette said that it was very easy for idealistic people to be taken advantage of by others, she buys into Gabriel's last-minute sob story, and wouldn't you know it, he stabs her in the back. Congratulations, Marinette. You just doomed the universe. Even when the Dino Charge Rangers accidentally got everyone on their planet killed, they were at least able to fix it themselves.
It's time to go back to the commentary, where we can learn the writers' true intent for this scene. They honestly believe that both Marinette and Gabriel care for Adrien in their own ways, and the whole reason that Marinette chose to trust Gabriel was to teach the lesson that it's important to talk out your feelings with others... a lesson that fails because 1) Marinette had already beaten Gabriel through violence, 2) Marinette trusting Gabriel backfired horribly, and 3) Gabriel won because he took advantage of Marinette's trust! You can't teach a lesson about trust when for all intents and purposes, Marinette once again lost BECAUSE SHE CHOSE TO TRUST SOMEONE!
Even though he had to unify with Tikki and Plagg to try making the wish in “Deflagration” (I really shouldn't have used the “Great Continuity!” clip earlier), we get yet another retcon this season: Tikki and Plagg have to reveal their true forms. Yeah, I know Tikki's true form was briefly seen in “Dearest Family”, but that doesn't change the fact that Monarch didn't do this when he had the Ladybug and Cat Miraculous in “Deflagration”.
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Tikki and Plagg's true forms just look okay. I like the otherworldly theme, but they don't really stand out much. They honestly look more like forms Ladybug and Cat Noir would have than anything else.
It's here that we get the culmination of five seasons' worth of lore. After a brief glimpse of it in “Ephemeral”, Tikki and Plagg, the Kwamis of Creation and Destruction will merge their energies to form their true true form, the Kwami of Reality itself, able to grand any wish asked. This majestic, otherworldly being's name? Gimmi. Just... Gimmi. The commentary claims they're named after an ABBA song, and I wish I was making this up.
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Like with Tikki and Plagg's true forms, Gimmi has an okay design. They're just a little too pink for something meant to be a fusion of the red Tikki and the black Plagg.
As Marinette begs Gabriel not to go through with this, Gabriel doesn't think twice about it, and instead, gives Marinette the rings containing Adrien's Amok, along with a request, fully aware that his time is almost up.
Gabriel: Marinette, make sure that Adrien never knows about the villain that I was, but instead, that he remembers the times I tried to be a good father.
Alright, we've finally gotten to the most controversial part of the episode: Gabriel's “redemption”, and I put that term extremely loosely.
Put aside the fact that almost a third of this season was spent telling the audience that a certain character who shall not be named is beyond saving despite working alongside him multiple times for the past two seasons, Gabriel's last-minute redemption falls flat because he doesn't even seem to feel remorse for what he's done. Not once does he actually say he's sorry for what he's done, just how Emilie's death affected him. That's understandable, but he doesn't even seem to acknowledge the weight of his actions or how many lives have been endangered. Remember earlier, when Monarch said he was perfectly okay with sacrificing someone else if it means his family can be happy? Yeah, that never comes back, especially now that him making the wish is portrayed as a good thing when every time it's been discussed ever since it was first explained in “Robostus” just how dangerous actually using it is.
In fact, let's discuss the fact that Gabriel is getting to make the wish in the first place. The whole idea of this basically contradicts Gabriel supposedly realizing he's gone too far. Rather than just having Gabriel give up his quest and let Emilie rest in peace, we're supposed to be happy that Gabriel double-crossed Marinette even when the music is making it seem like it's a bad thing... WHICH IT IS! Once again, for a show that loves to go on and on about how powerful love is, it really loves to show people getting screwed over whenever they decide to show compassion to their enemies. Imagine if in Return of the Jedi, when Luke chose to not give into the Dark Side by sparing Vader, Vader took the chance to kick him in the crotch while he was distracted. That's basically what happened here.
Next, notice how Gabriel specifically asks Marinette to make sure Adrien never learns the truth about who he was, and “Remembers the times he tried to be a good father”. After everything he's done, Gabriel isn't even willing to let Adrien learn about what he's done, because he wants him to focus exclusively on the times he TRIED to be a good father. This isn't the matter of Gabriel missing Adrien's fencing tournament because he had an important business meeting. Gabriel was a literal supervillain who preyed on innocent people in order to obtain absolute power, and he wasn't even a good father to his only kid. He was neglectful, controlling, and in the last few months of his life, spent more time trying to ruin his relationship with his girlfriend for no reason other than because he thought his associate's kid was a better match for him. He was a terrible father, and Gabriel even seems to be aware of this, but rather than find a way to repent for everything he's done, Gabriel is basically going to take the coward's way out by forcing Marinette to sugarcoat his life instead of admitting he was, at the very least, a flawed parent, all so Adrien will feel bad when he finally drops dead.
And yeah, let's talk about how Gabriel assumes that Adrien shouldn't be allowed to know the truth... WHEN THAT'S NOT HIS DECISION TO MAKE. Adrien should be the one to judge whether he believes Gabriel was a good father or not. Of course Gabriel would assume he was a good father despite the numerous red flags, but Adrien is another story. By keeping the truth hidden from Adrien, you're depriving him of a potentially important moment in his life where he finally learns to break free from his father's influence. Instead, even though he's a fucking superhero, we're just supposed to accept the fact that Adrien is just a poor, fragile, sensitive baby boy who can't handle hearing any bad news or else I guess he'll explode. It says a lot when, of all movies, Star Trek V: The Final Frontier did a better job handling an idea like this, by saying that pain is a natural part of life.
But let's talk about the biggest problem with this turn of events: The fact that it essentially vindicates everything Gabriel has done, with or without the mask, as well as essentially convey a pro-child abuse message. In case you weren't around before I posted this review, I asked my followers who have been victims of child abuse or poor parenting to share their experiences so I could get an idea of how similar they were to what Adrien has had to go through. And a lot of them were pretty similar.
During almost all of what I read from these people, their parents or guardians shared one thing in common: An inability to admit being wrong. All of them tended to either blame their kids for whatever happened to them, or find ways to justify their poor treatment. As far as they're concerned, it's the kid's fault that they're being treated so poorly. And while I'm sure a handful of people isn't enough to survey the entire population of abuse victims on this planet, the fact that some of these people, as in actual victims of child abuse, were able to see similarities with their own upbringings and the way the main villain treats his son and don't buy the show deciding to act like all of that was perfectly okay says a lot about how much this finale dropped the ball when it came to the lesson it wanted to teach.
Yes, from what I've read from my followers and other things online, some abusive parents do believe that what they're doing to their children is out of a warped view of love, but that isn't enough to validate their actions completely, and it obviously doesn't validate Gabriel's actions during the last five seasons. During the entire run of the show, Gabriel has denied his son a normal life, treats him like an object, and despite claiming that he really loves him deep down, he almost never shows it. It seemed like the show was either going to have Gabriel realize the error of his ways due to how fruitless they ended up being, but having him get the upper hand on Marinette at the very last second ultimately makes it so all of his effort, every evil plan, every civilian endangered, was all worth it. And that's why Gabriel's final moments supposedly acting like he's repented for his actions don't work, and why it turned what was initially just a boring finale into one that was beyond infuriating.
And I'm assuming that you're thinking to yourself, what exactly is the wish Gabriel was so desperate to make that he tricked Marinette at the last second?
We never really learn what kind of wish Gabriel makes using Gimmi, even in the epilogue. I'm also going to talk about this in a later post, but of course Astruc, being Astruc had to give his usual sarcastic remarks to anyone who had the slightest question about what the hell just happened.
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I love how someone will ask something like “Do you mind clearing up a few questions I have about the season finale?”, and Astruc will hear what they said as if they just asked, “Is Mylene secretly the reincarnation of the Anti-Christ?”.
So Gabriel makes his wish, somehow reunites with Emilie's soul as he ascends to Heaven... until the angels realize they made a horrible mistake, and send Gabriel to his custom-made Tenth Circle of Hell. Reality itself is rewritten and all of the characters we've come to know over the past five seasons are effectively dead. If that isn't supposed to be a happy ending, I don't know what is.
According to the transcript, it's been a month after the wish is made, we see how Paris has changed since then. Not only has Miss Bustier given birth to her baby, she's also been elected as Mayor of Paris, already passing her first law, the “Eco Rule”.
Miss Bustier: It consists of very simple principles: don't take more from the Earth than what it can give us, distribute its riches equitably and don't pollute more than it can recycle.
Remember when Mylene said that you can't solve climate change with a single law? I guess the writers forgot to recycle that moral too, because despite the vague as hell guidelines, Paris has already adapted to function without plastic wrappers or cars. Just remember, it's only been one month since the wish was made. Even Star Trek needed at least 130 years and a nuclear war before its utopian society could be established. And that's not even getting into the new school she's helped create.
Miss Bustier: In this new school, there will be no classes or struggling to get good grades. Children of all ages will be able to intermix and freely access all kinds of activities.
The fuck you mean “no grades”?! How the hell will that even work?! We're supposed to see this as her being an impressive politician, but it comes across like some grade schooler's “If I were president” essay. And remember, ONE. MONTH.
How else has the Eco Rule been implemented? All of the Alliance rings have been melted down and reforged into a statue honoring... the great hero, Gabriel Agreste.
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Yep. This is the ultimate fate of the main villain after five seasons of terrorizing the city of Paris: He gets a fucking statue in his honor. Are we sure this is a victory for the good guys? And no, just surviving the villain's master plan doesn't count as a win.
Even better, according to Adrien, he somehow helped defeat Monarch... even though Gabriel is Monarch, so is Monarch a different person in this world? What about Monarch's previous identities, Hawkmoth and Shadowmoth? Did they still exist in this world? They had to, considering that Chloe and Andre are still nowhere to be seen since the revolution, implying that either she's different in this world, or she also betrayed Ladybug for the same reasons. Nathalie is also back in full health, so did she ever use the Peacock? Was the Peacock ever damaged? We see Felix has it in this new world, but Emilie is still dead, so did she die of different causes in this timeline? Speaking of time, what happened to Bunnix? Did she survive too? Is she aware of the changes to the world like she was in “Cat Blanc”?
Adrien is hesitant to wear the ring because he's not sure if he can ever be even half the man his amazing father was. Marinette tells Adrien to be himself while handing the ring to him. So... was this an order? If so, was it intentional? Does Marinette even know what she's doing, or because she's a product of Gabriel's wish, she has to do this without a hitch? In fact, when he made the wish, why didn't Gabriel make Adrien, Felix, and Kagami humans instead of forcing them to rely on rings containing their souls that can easily break?
This scene is a great way to summarize Adrienette this season: The writers trying to write a heartwarming scene while hoping the audience doesn't think too hard about all the uncomfortable things it implies.
After reforging the Miraculous she got back from Monarch, Marinette decides to hand them off. Because fuck it, let's break the temp hero rule while we're at it! Chloe who? Ladybug, Cat Noir, Rena Rouge, Carapace, Viperion, Pegasus, Ryuko, Vesperia, Polymouse, Pigella, Purple Tigress, Miss Hound, Rooster Bold, Caprikid, Minotaurox, Bunnix, and even Argos (despite being the reason the heroes lost their Miraculous in the first place) assemble, ready for whatever challenge the world throws at them. Also, there's no reveal between Ladybug and Cat Noir this season because the writers still want to drag this plotline out, even when there's no excuse as to why they can't now that Monarch is gone.
We then learn who got the Butterfly Miraculous: Lila, who plans to get revenge on Marinette. Yep, the girl who has never even touched a Miraculous in five seasons is going to be Hawkmoth's successor. Not Tomoe (who I should mention never answered for being Gabriel's accomplice), not Audrey, not even Chloe. It's Lila. How the hell did she even get it anyway? Did Gabriel intentionally recreate the world to have Lila get the Butterfly Miraculous, or did Lila somehow retain her memories through close proximity to the wish and--
Fuck it, season's over anyway. Thank God...
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While I can't say for certain what she did with Adrien is her fault thanks to Gabriel making the wish, I can say a good chunk of the things Marinette did leading up to Gabriel winning are on her. She recklessly used her Cataclysm multiple times in her fight with Monarch, tried to crush Emilie's comatose body with debris, once again chose to gloat about how she was going to take Gabriel's Miraculous instead of just doing it the first chance she got, seemingly forgot Adrien was a Sentimonster, and somehow managed to lose even when she had Gabriel at her mercy.
So, yeah... this finale was terrible, if it wasn't obvious from this review.
It was just a complete trainwreck from start to finish. A good chunk of the first part was spent either ignoring the events of the last episode, or coming up with excuses as to why Adrien shouldn't get involved. And that's not even getting into Nathalie's “redemption”, which only really happened once she had nothing to lose, seeing how she was even closer to dying than Gabriel was. In fact, now that I think about it, why was more emphasis given to Nathalie's declining health over Gabriel? You know, the guy who's enacting his final plan because he's supposedly hours from death, yet effortlessly manages to clone himself, fly around the world as an Akuma, and keep up with Bug Noire when he struggled to enact a plan that required him to leave the lair without traveling around the world during “Intuition”? Given how we now know that the writers wanted the final battle to involve Bug Noire, I'm starting to think they also prioritized her opponent being in top shape while ignoring the Cataclysm wound affecting him.
The second half was mostly boring thanks to just how low the stakes felt. We know where Adrien is, and since Bug Noire was fighting Monarch, there was no danger of them taking her Miraculous, so for the most part, the Miraculized fighting the other heroes just felt like padding. Nobody even seemed to look for Ladybug or Cat Noir, not even the heroes. Of course, then we got to Gabriel's wish. I've gone over this before, but it bears repeating. Gabriel's “redemption” just doesn't work due to how little effort is spent actually making the audience feel bad for him other than saying “His wife is dead, and he's sad, so that justifies everything”. It doesn't help that we kind of had four episodes explaining why some people can't change, and it wasn't used when talking about Gabriel, but rather, Chloe and Lila. Because these writers really have their priorities straight.
The ending of the season itself practically falls apart with how many plotholes and unfortunate implications it has. And before you say that stuff like Adrien once again being left in the dark can be resolved next season, here's the thing: This was planned to be the series finale with how everything feels wrapped up. There's a sense of finality that shows all the main characters getting their happy ending, and we're just supposed to not question the new utopia Paris is now, much less the fact that even after eight years, Ladybug and Cat Noir still don't know who the other is. Even putting that aside, the show has always done a poor job of following up on plotpoints established in earlier seasons, as the lunchroom scene from “Illusion” shows.
Here's a summary of all the lessons the finale teaches: We shouldn't hold terrorists accountable for their actions if they just say they love their family, abuse victims should be constantly coddled and shouldn't be allowed to know the truth about their viewers, it's okay to keep crucial information from your significant other, genocide is okay as long as the person who commits it says it's for a good cause, love for others can easily be taken advantage of, so never trust anyone, genocide is the only way to create an eco-friendly world, environmental protection laws can be passed within a month and nobody (not even car manufacturers) will complain, teenage girls are worse than abusive parents who double as supervillains, and even if it was planned for almost a decade, don't let your main heroine be the one to save the day, but rather, the villain.
If anyone reading this is planning on becoming a writer and is worried that people won't like their work, just remember that there are people who get paid to work on this show.
But yeah, this is how the season ends, not with a bang, but with a nosedive. I was mostly pissed off with how Seasons 3 and 4 ended, but here? I'm just disappointed. This was the finale that we waited eight years for. The epic final battle against Monarch, and rather than the ultimate fight to the finish, the writers came with several excuses to not involve one of the two main characters in the final battle, the other main character fails to actually save the day, and the villain is rewarded for all of actions because he chose to turn himself into a messiah. I tuned into this season to at least see how the story would end out of curiosity, but it didn't even deliver an ending that made all the pointless filler, poor writing, and bad characterization worth it. I started this finale off bored, and I ended up furious for how lackluster this ending felt. It says a lot when this finale has been compared to Star vs. the Forces of Evil in terms of just screwing everything up.
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Marinette may not have been able to beat Gabriel in terms of stopping his plan, but she did manage to outdo him in terms of stupidity. Because she got the award four times this season (Evolution, Revelation, Confrontation, Re-Creation), she takes home the title of Biggest Idiot.
And for those who are curious or didn't keep up with my reviews, Gabriel gets second place with three Biggest Idiot Awards (Intuition, Protection, Revolution), we have a five-way tie for third place with Luka (Determination, Migration), Mayor Andre (Adoration, Action), Chloe (Deflagration, Collusion), Felix (Emotion, Representation), and Nathalie (Passion, Conformation), who all got the award twice, and a ten-way tie for fourth place with Alya (Multiplication), Xuppu (Destruction), Mr. Damocles (Jubiliation), Nino (Illusion), Joan of Arc (Reunion), Ice Cream Man Andre (Elation), Kagami (Perfection), Kim (Derision), and Tomoe (Pretension) each getting the award once.
And with that, we're done with Season 5. It's been a long road, but all I can say is...
At least, until the analysis and ranking posts.
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RANT : ML Season 5's Ending
I don't post about Miraculous much, but I need to get this off my chest.
Salt. Just...all the salt.
I don't like Chloe, she's a horrible person and hogged a lot of screen time throughout the show that could have been given to other characters, such as Nino. However, I find it disturbing that they decided to send a teenage girl to live with her abuser, with absolutely no friends; meanwhile her father, who only deciding to put his foot down last minute, gets to quit the job he's always hated anyway (even though he's abused his power before, and not just for Chloe's sake) without being called out for how he spoiled his daughter AND the adult magical terrorist gets a statue.
Not to mention Felix, a teenage boy who also has done terrible things, basically gets away scot-free. Remember when he basically tried to kill EVERYONE except for four people including himself, remember when he tried to force himself onto Ladybug, remember when he gave all the miraculous to a terrorist, remember when all it took to "redeem" himself was to emotionally manipulate someone in a vulnerable state into watching a play to convince her to solve the problem he caused for him (btw I can't believe Kagami came up with that plan and revealed Ladybug's identity behind her back, what the heck?) I get that he was abused, at the end of the day he's an abuse victim doing literally anything he can to gain the freedom he never had, but if he gets sympathy after all of that, what about Chloe? She was abused, she was neglected. Felix not only is seemingly forgiven and "redeemed", but still gets to be a permanent miraculous holder. When you combine that with how the narrative treats Gabriel and Andre, it looks like a sexist double standard...probably because it is.
Chloe sucks but that isn't entirely her fault. Andre spoiled her rotten, Audrey was a horrible influence when she wasn't straight up neglecting or verbally abusing her, Miss Bustier coddled her and Damocles let her get away with pretty much anything (although in their case I guess the mayor would've prevented them from letting Chloe face substantial consequences), Gabriel (and Lila) manipulated her multiple times. I'm not absolving Chloe of all blame, but she's 14. Leaving her with her abuser is horrible. That isn't cathartic, it's cruel. I'm not even asking for a redemption, I just think this "punishment" is too much.
Gabriel (and Tomoe too I guess):
Let's talk more about Gabriel. Gabriel, the abusive father, the magical terrorist, the guy that spent some of his final moments manipulating a teen, not only gets to make his wish, but also gets to be remembered as a hero. Statue included. Never mind that pretty much all of Adrien's classmates knew he was a terrible father at this point, they all clap and cheer when it's revealed he's getting a statue. The whole world is lied to and told the Alliance rings were hijacked by Monarch and that Gabriel sacrificed himself whilst trying to help stop him (I don't blame Ladybug for that though, I'm solely blaming the writers here). And we're supposed to be fine with this because he misses his wife and "tried to be a good father"? No.
An abused teenage girl is supposedly terrible beyond redemption, but an adult abuser is essentially outright vindicated by the narrative (the person he abused is tricked into thinking he was a hero, and Paris is basically a utopia post-wish). What a horrible message.
Remember, this may not be the end of the show, but this is the end of Gabriel's Agreste's story, and what an unfitting end it is.
Oh, and Tomoe gets away scot-free by the looks of it, because of course. Maybe she'll get comeuppance in a later season, but I'm not gonna defend the finale because of what a future episode might do, especially when this would've been the perfect time (and this goes for the possibility of Gabriel's secret identity being revealed to the public too).
I think Adrien is easily the most overrated character in the show. He's constantly coddled by the narrative, tends to "inspire" Marinette to be more passive and forgiving than she should be, and is incredibly bland (or at least he was until they started pushing just how angry he could get and how entitled to Ladybug's love he could feel, which I guess is something, but that something sure isn't pleasant); but you're telling me he doesn't get to have a legit passion beyond knowing he loves Marinette, to be involved in the final battle, to find out his dad is Monarch OR even that he's a sentimonster? He needs to know his life is tied to that ring and that he should be careful with it. This isn't "protecting him" (he's not a baby, if Felix eventually came to terms with being a sentimonster so can Adrien), if anything it's the opposite. Not letting him know that is dangerous! If not Marinette, Felix? Kagami? Nathalie? No one's going to tell him?! I hate to say it, but by robbing him of his agency and deciding they know what's best for him, they're being controlling over Adrien too; and no, I don't think that's "interesting", not after five seasons of Adrien already being controlled by someone else.
What is the show even trying to say? That Adrien needs to be controlled because he can't handle his emotions? Forget about giving him time or a good support system, he just wouldn't be able to handle it? If it was just his nightmare that'd be one thing, but Chat Blanc seems to indicate this is legitimately what they're saying. Why is this show trying to portray an abuse victim as someone who's dangerous and needs to be kept under control? Not just dangerous, but ultimately more dangerous than his abuser, since Gabriel made his wish and everything turned out fine (and at worst maybe one innocent person would have died/fallen into a coma had his wish not changed), but in "Chat Blanc" EVERYONE other than Chat died.
It does not matter if he finds out in a later season; it doesn't change the fact that his family is willingly lying to him and potentially endangering him by doing so, all for the sake of his abuser. Sure, you could argue Gabriel emotionally manipulated Marinette, but what's everyone else's excuse? I don't care if it leads to "interesting conflict", a) it's a conflict they've done before (Ladybug keeping secrets from Chat Noir), I'm not gonna praise the show for repeating itself, b) don't tell me telling Adrien the truth would've been "too sad" for the show to do but Marinette having to keep her mouth shut about Gabriel for the rest of her life (or even temporarily) is "interesting angst" (at least try to hide your favouritism, besides it's never even implied she feels guilty over this), and c) it's not like it will have a satisfying payoff, after all, it didn't last time. Even if Adrien does find out, Gabriel's not around anymore, so chances are Marinette will have to suffer the consequences of that, not Gabriel. That's not satisfying.
Like...Gabriel may as well have been related to Marinette instead (not her father but her uncle or something). Why not? Remember when he was her favourite fashion designer? (Don't worry if you don't, the show doesn't either.) Maybe have him become her mentor, imagine how much more of a personal impact Ladybug and Monarch finding out each other's identities could've had on both of them.
Why even have the main villain be related to the deuteragonist (giving him a closer connection to the main villain of the show than the actual main character) if you were just gonna side-line him in the final battle and rob him of any sense of closure? Whatever drama they can squeeze out of him finding out who Monarch is (IF he does) won't be nearly as interesting as it would've been to see Chat Noir confront Monarch, face to face, knowing that he's his father. Adrien might not even remember Gabriel being abusive at all, it's not made clear. But if he doesn't, all that time spent on Adrien's relationship with his father, building up a big confrontation between them? Wasted.
Remember how season 4 ended? How it built up Ladybug and Chat Noir working together to retrieve all the Miraculous back, after a season of them being more distant?
What a joke.
Is he the deuteragonist, or a trophy? The show can't seem to decide.
And then there's Marinette who, in a show that supposedly wants to empower young girls, doesn't even get to defeat the main male bad guy. After multiple seasons with her as the main lead, after multiple episodes where she's apologised or made to feel bad for either completely justifiable reactions or things that straight up weren't her fault (remember when she was made to say she was "out of line" at the end of an episode that was supposed to be about racism and police aggression?) meanwhile other characters rarely apologise to her in return, we don't even get the satisfaction of seeing her truly defeat the person that's caused her so much grief.
Seriously, she went through so much in this show; between the class consistently siding with Lila over her (btw turns out Lila basically had nothing to lose the whole time because she had multiple identities, yet another unsatisfying conclusion to a conflict), being forced to become a guardian, losing all the Miraculous, etc, and for what?
She failed. That's not me being too harsh. She may have influenced Gabriel to change his wish (emphasis on "may have", I'm pretty sure that woman was originally Emilie but in that case Nathalie being healed doesn't make sense), but her goal was to prevent the wish in the first place.
And why did they have to make her look like a fool? Felix's play spelled it out for her that Gabriel is Monarch, she even realises that he referred to the day she lost the Miraculous, but from the way it's presented she only figures out Gabe's Monarch after seeing him de-transform? Why did she think giving him a another chance would turn out well? She tried that all the way back in season 2, and it didn't work. Marinette is kind-hearted but she has her limits. You're telling me Lila crossed a line but Monarch could maybe be reasoned with? Why? Because he has a sob story?
Marinette is strategic and quick-witted. She's not an idiot.
Gabriel gets to make his wish and everyone else (who am I kidding, just Ladybug) has to clean up after him. Not only that, Ladybug does him a favour and ensures everyone is tricked into believing he was a hero. If anything, Chat Noir, the main male superhero, landed the killing blow.
Great. Just great. How empowering.
Bonus nit-picks:
--Did everyone on the planet seriously forget that the Adrien and Kagami in the Alliance rings aren't real, they're virtual simulations? That wasn't a secret. How did they fall for Gabriel's fake plea?
--If they were gonna put the girls from the specials and Future!Alix on the poster, they could've have them do more at least.
--Okay, Luka training with Su-Han was random but I guess since he was a temporary Miraculous holder it kinda makes sense...Penny and ESPECIALLY Jagged though? Nah.
--Ivan was the first person to EVER be akumatized then saved by Ladybug and Chat Noir. So with that in mind, surely he more than anyone would trust that they'd never kidnap two virtual innocent people, and would join Alya in reminding everyone else how they were always there for them, in a touching moment that brings the "first arc" full circle...oh.
--Look, Marinette is very talented, and I realise she had the book to help her but...I'm sorry literally HOW did she fix the Miraculous? Gabriel needed high-tech, presumably very expensive, machinery to re-shape them.
Final thoughts:
What makes this all sting so much more is that, wasn't season 5 supposed to be the original ending, just in case future seasons didn't happen? All seasons after this one are basically bonus seasons. So originally the show ended HERE. The last we would've seen of Chloe was her crying, trapped with her abusive mother. For all we knew Adrien would've been living a lie the rest of his life, looking up to his abuser. Gabriel is never fully revealed as the monster he truly was and is honoured as a "hero". Marinette literally gets stabbed in the back (well, it was her stomach, but you get the idea). There wasn't even a reveal, Ladybug and Chat Noir would've just never found out who the other truly is I guess.
Oh, but don't worry. Marinette and Adrien kissed.
That's all that really matters, right? (Never mind the fact that they spent five seasons building up to the start of a romantic relationship, and it will undoubtedly take even more for it to become a healthy one.)
Maybe the ending was originally different. Maybe they modified the ending of the season finale after finding out season 5 wouldn't be the last season. Maybe this will all somehow be fixed later (no matter how long they may will drag it out for).
Or maybe Marinette's blatantly out of character action (she hates liars, and only lied about her identity because she had to, even considering Gabriel's attempts to emotionally manipulate her previous episodes have made it clear she would not lie to Adrien, let alone the WHOLE WORLD, about Gabriel) will come back to bite her for the sake of having something to blame her for next season.
I don't know.
I don't care.
The writing for this show has been poor for a LONG time. I only stuck around because I still found myself having fun watching it from time to time, even as the problems got worse. That, and I was hopeful it would at least stick the landing. But after this, I don't think I can stomach continuing to watch a show that will probably continue to push such awful messages, and with such awful pacing.
Word of advice, all shows have flaws, so feel free to complain when a show does something you think is stupid (I've never found the argument that kids shows shouldn't be criticised because they're kid shows to make sense), but if you're not enjoying yourself because you can't overlook a show's problems, if you don't find pleasure in watching a show...just stop watching it. It's a waste of your time. Don't "wait for it to get good", don't wait for future seasons to clean up a current season's mess, don't continue watching it just because the fandom makes better content. I promise you there are better shows out there that deserve (and need) your attention.
So with that in mind...I don't think I'll be watching what comes next.
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uptoolateart · 1 year
Sentimonsters vs Frankenstein's Monster
My six-year-old says Adrien can't be a sentimonster because he's too nice...and I'm back here with another essay.
I think some of our views on sentimonsters are wrapped up in our linguistic connotations for the word 'monster'. It has an interesting origin, probably related to words like 'demonstrate' or 'remonstrate'. Monsters are creatures that indicate or show us something...maybe about ourselves.
When Mary Shelley wrote Frankenstein, she used 'monster' to refer to something unnatural, made by man rather than God. This has precedent in older tales such as the minotaur, who was monstrous for being an animal-human hybrid and therefore also unnatural, not as the gods intended. Usually in such stories, the monsters are hidden, the way we try to hide the 'monstrous' parts of ourselves.
When the sentimonsters were first introduced into Miraculous, they seemed 'monstrous' in the horror sense, e.g. Feast. When senti-Ladybug showed up, we saw that 'monster' could refer to any living being created by a human rather than being naturally brought into this world by whatever means you believe we end up here.
As soon as you start thinking of Frankenstein, the parallels just keep coming, so here we go!
Gabriel vs Victor
The most obvious parallel is that of Gabriel Agreste vs Victor Frankenstein. Victor first decides to create his monster after his mother dies. Grief and love drive him to rebel against nature and reanimate the dead.
Similarly, Gabriel is driven to find the miraculous after the death of his wife. He too seeks the means to reanimate someone. Gabriel has also created life by unnatural means. At the very least, this is Felix and Kagami. I believe Adrien is also a sentimonster. (If you know the answer via leaks, please don't confirm this in comments, as I am watching in order and avoiding all spoilers.)
In the novel, the monster kills Victor's wife. If the full senti-Adrien theory holds true, then he indirectly and unknowingly killed Emilie.
In his grief, Victor drops out of society and sinks deeper and deeper into his project, hiding away in his laboratory, fueled by ambition. Gabriel too dropped out of the public eye and went into his lair, obsessed with his own ambitions. Obviously neither of them ever heard any zombie stories, or they would have known it never goes well.
Family / Acceptance / Appearances
The key journey throughout Frankenstein is the monster's search for love, family and acceptance. He is rejected by his creator - whom he calls 'Father' - just as Adrien is not truly accepted by his father Gabriel.
The monster seeks a new family, finding one living in the woods, on the fringes of society, as if this is the only way to find true warmth. The family consists of a brother and two sisters, and the monster wishes to be their brother. One sister is blind and befriends the monster based on his kindness. It is only when the others finally meet him that he's rejected, because they are repelled by his appearance. Interestingly, the brother is named Felix....
Probably if the monster had looked like Adrien, this family - and everyone else in the novel - would have been won over. In fact, Miraculous makes such a point of describing Adrien as 'the image of perfection' that it could be seen as a purposeful contrast with Frankenstein, as if Gabriel learned from Victor's mistakes.
The novel suggest that if you're ugly on the outside, it can make you ugly on the inside...but only because people will react badly to you and hurt you so much that you will be bent and twisted with resentment and rage. In Miraculous, we have beautiful people like Adrien, Felix and Kagami. Society reacts to them well - so what does that make them inside? Felix is perhaps the most interesting part of this because he's quite ugly inside, despite looking just like Adrien on the outside. The show suggests that appearances can be deceiving, a message we see again and again through the theme of masks and hidden identities. It also suggests that we can be more than we were 'made' or groomed to be - a point we'll come back to later.
But let's remember that everyone on Miraculous has a shadow, a hidden darkness - the monsters they don't want anyone to see. These come out when people get akumatised. It's love and warmth that bring us back into the fold, as it were. Perhaps if Frankenstein's monster had a Marinette, he would have had a different fate, just as Ladybug saves Adrien from being doomed to an eternity as Cat Blanc.
Loss of Innocence / Kindness and Forgiveness
Frankenstein's monster has the appearance of an adult (sort of) but he is a child, a newborn seeing the world with fresh eyes. Similarly, Adrien begins Miraculous sheltered from the world, getting his first taste of society when he enrolls in school.
In Frankenstein, the monster seems to be the only character who demonstrates compassion and forgiveness of others' transgressions. There is a kind of childishness to it, a naivety. Kids are always shocked when they get hurt. They have to learn to put up boundaries and protect themselves. The adult world is, unfortunately, full of selfishness and hurtfulness and corruption (along with goodness!).
Frankenstein is a story populated entirely by adults, so there really is no reprieve from the cynicism and bleakness. In Miraculous, we see this from the adults, too - but there are other kids, and many of them are basically kind and loving. Even so, Adrien is arguably the most forgiving, patient, compassionate character. We could see this as part of his innocence, and the loss of that innocence is another similar theme. Both he and the monster slowly have their eyes opened to the cruelties humans are capable of.
They both also learn what cruelties they are capable of - although Adrien hasn't truly discovered this yet, because Marinette has hidden the Cat Blanc episode from him. He needs to know so he can face, accept and deal with his own inner darkness. Otherwise, it will always be waiting in the wings for him.
The Search for Identity
A crucial feature of Frankenstein was the monster's search for identity and a path. He was a blank slate, unsure who he was. And can we even say 'he'? He was made from male body parts but he never grew up as a boy - he never grew up at all. He just entered the world fully formed (sort of) and was expected to insinuate himself into adult life. Who even was he?
We see this mirrored in episodes like Wishmaker, where Adrien reveals what a blank slate he is. I won't go into this here, because I talked about this in depth in my Kagami analysis after Perfection. If he learns he's a sentimonster, it just compounds it - although I won't go into this here because I've spent 107,000 words going into it in one of my current fics...let's not add that to a Tumblr post...! Suffice to say, he will have a lot to process.
Fate vs Free Will
At the novel's conclusion, Victor Frankenstein is killed by his own creation. It's poetic justice - or karma - or simply inevitable. Mary Shelley subtitled Frankenstein 'A Modern Prometheus Story', referring to the old tale of Prometheus attempting to steal fire from the gods and being punished for getting above himself. I suppose we are all waiting for Gabriel to receive his punishment, and there is an expectation that a lot of it has to come from Adrien himself,. Indirectly, it has, because it was his cataclysm that caused Gabriel to start falling to pieces. However, crucially, Gabriel was the one who used that cataclysm on himself, which sets Miraculous apart from Frankenstein in a big way.
Last night, a friend asked me: 'Does [Adrien being a sentimonster] not cheapen his whole journey about breaking free from the abuse? Because he can't, because it's magic...versus it just being that it's hard emotionally when it's someone you love.'
I think this needs to be looked at symbolically. A big part of Frankenstein was the exploration of the idea of genetics (a new concept in that era) vs upbringing - nature vs nurture. Did the monster ever stand a chance? Similarly, did Adrien? Or Felix? Or Kagami? Are they - and therefore we - all victims of programming? Can they / we ever break free of that programming? Do we get some kind of exemption card if we never break free, because we were doomed to destiny?
I'll liken this to other genetic conditions. I have Tourette's Syndrome, which means there are a lot of things I can't do - like underwater swimming. But you know...maybe I can, because I used to think I could never drive, too. Then, years later, I decided to take lessons and discovered that it's perfectly safe for me. I found ways to overcome the disability.
We can apply this to all kinds of people - think of athletes and musicians missing limbs, for instance, or Beethoven continuing to compose music even long after he'd gone deaf. Humans are capable of the most remarkable things, if they want it enough.
We all start with a kind of programming - that genetic code, our family set-up, and so forth. What cannot be programmed is our emotional and behavioural responses to that programming. When our emotions conflict with our programming, it's painful. Overcoming that programming is hard.
We see Adrien being controlled by the ring, forced to obey his father. However, he still feels things beyond that. In Risk, he tells Marinette he keeps wanting to tell his father things but he feels a block in his mind. There is a line he can't cross. We can say he's been made this way.
Taken symbolically, a lot of kids feel this way. Parents don't need magic rings to control and manipulate their children or demand that they be the people the parents want them to be. Adrien's struggle is actually the same struggle so many teenagers go through. This is one of the key aspects of Miraculous I have always related to.
If Adrien is indeed a sentimonster, he has been designed (groomed) to feel deep discomfort at opposing his father, to the point where it feels as if he's attacking himself. To break free of Gabriel's control and abuse is to discard everything he was raised to believe he was. He will truly be a blank slate, starting over entirely. Without Gabriel dictating who he is...who is Adrien Agreste? He will be a newborn again, in a nearly adult body - just like Frankenstein's monster.
As someone who grew up in a household of abuse, I went through all of this myself. I don't think the sentimonster angle cheapens this journey. I think it is a fantastical idea that serves as an allegory for something very real that many people go through.
And as we grow up...well, there's only so much that you can blame on your father. Frankenstein's monster may have had every reason to hate his creator, but they were still his hands around Elizabeth's throat, and it was still him who killed Victor in the Arctic. Adrien can blame Gabriel for plenty, but crucially in Cat Blanc, when he found out the truth and was prepared to cataclysm his own father, he held back at the last second. He didn't cross the line the monster crossed, and that's because of free will.
They may both have been programmed in some way, and that's the fate side of things that can be likened to genetics. But we're more than just a jumble of DNA, and Adrien is more than the magic I believe created him. So is Felix, and that makes every bad thing Felix has ever done 100% on him to atone for.
We could get tangled up in thoughts like: 'Maybe Adrien was just made so good that he could never knowingly cataclysm his father,' or, 'Maybe it was the block in his mind that stopped him.' But I don't believe this. Fate decided that cataclysm would happen anyway, but it was Gabriel who did it to himself.
We all have choices and Adrien made the crucial one - the choice not to become like his father. Because ultimately, Frankenstein poses the question: 'Who is the true monster in this story?' The answer, as we all know, is Victor himself...although his creation becomes monstrous as the story progresses. In the same way, Gabriel is the monster of Miraculous.
The difference is that Adrien makes better choices and is surrounded by the love he needs to keep him on a better path than Frankenstein's monster. Through his friends, especially Marinette/Ladybug, he is finding the family the monster wanted so desperately but never had. The monster concluded that he needed Victor to make him an equally monstrous companion because no one else would ever accept him. Adrien does not need to resort to this.
Adrien may be a 'sentimonster' but he will never be a 'monster'.
Please no post-Perfection spoilers in the comments :)
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dumbass-brunette · 11 months
In defense of Mlb’s season 5 final
I’ve seen a lot of discourse over how this season ended and while I understand and respect that people didn't like it, I vehemently disagree with the arguments made against these episodes.
Argument 1: ‘They redeemed Gabriel/ let Gabriel win’
While I do get why people see it that way, this is just flat-out wrong in my opinion. The whole scene with him being celebrated as a hero was meant to be unsettling and is setting up for future conflict in season 6. Having Adrien struggle with the conflicting feelings of knowing that Gabriel was an awful and abusive father while simultaneously being told that his abuser ‘was a hero who helped defeat monarch’ is massive story potential in my eyes.
As for the second half of the argument, Gabriel didn't win either, Gabriel’s entire goal was to bring Emilie back so that their family could be whole again. Instead he ended up realizing that Emilie not only did not want to be brought back but that he also ruined the chance of fulfilling her dying wish (for him to move on and take care of Adrien), and how did he react to this? He killed himself. He DID NOT nobly sacrifice himself as many are claiming.
He couldn’t bear living in a world without Emilie and he was too much of a deadbeat to care for his son, so SELFISHLY he killed himself.
Now, I’m a firm believer the woman in the final scene was Amelie, not Emilie. Instead of bringing Emilie back, he simply transferred Nathalie’s illness to himself so that he could join Emilie in the afterlife. He was a selfish coward who very nearly ruined his son’s life and then left his assistant to pick up the pieces. That is NOT a redemption.
Argument 2: ‘Marinette was shocked by Gabriel being Monarch, thus nullifying the events of Representation’
Marinette did in fact know Gabriel was Hawkmoth and was simply shocked at seeing it in real life. I would have reacted the exact same way tbh. I’m seriously surprised nobody else seems to have experienced the phenomenon of being shocked by information they already knew. Let me tell you right now, it happens, and considering the nature of knowing her boyfriend’s dad is a terrorist, I don’t blame her.
Argument 3: ‘Marinette was not taking the reveal in representation seriously and instead focused on her problems with Adrien being in London’
Keep in mind that this episode takes place a singular day after representation. Marinette was most likely still in shock due to this information. It’s also possible she didn’t completely believe it considering Felix has proved time and time again, to be an unreliable source and someone who couldn’t be trusted.
In terms of her focusing on her problems regarding Adrien, this was ENTIRELY due to the effects of the nightmare created by akuma Gabe (I forgot what he was called lmao), that is shown to cause people to act illogically.
Argument 4: ‘The citizens were dumbed down’
I’ve seen a lot of people complaining about the citizens reactions to Adrien and Kagami being kidnapped by Ladybug and Chat Noir. This goes back to the effects of Gabriel’s nightmare, I personally believe that the nightmare wasn’t as similar to sandboy as people seem to think it is. It shown to affects a person’s mental and emotional state, causing them to act irrationally towards anything that even slightly upsets them. Despite the fact that a few seconds of thinking would have led them to the conclusion that the kidnapping was not real considering the AI tech this universe has, it’s clear people did not take the few seconds to reach that conclusion. They were in a state of fear and panic, they were being soothed by their alliances and then that was harshly ripped away from them. Due to the shock and fear, the general population acted on impulse, leaving only people like Alya who have a personal connection to Ladybug and Chat Noir, with the ability to resist.
Argument 5: ‘Adrien was sidelined’
This is probably the only area where I kind of agree with the feelings of the argument. I wish Adrien had been more involved in this final. However, I feel it was necessary for the sake of the story arch set up for season six, that he wasn’t.
If we look at the way the show has set up Marinette and Adrien’s narratives, it’s clear that Marinette’s fight is a Man vs. Man physical fight against a terrorist. This is exactly what we received from her in the final.
On the other hand, Adrien’s narrative is less about fighting the forces of evil and more about advocating for himself, gaining his freedom, working towards self acceptance, and healing from his past traumas. The show does not want you to look at Adrien as a fierce fighter, and that’s okay.
What’s different about Adrien’s narrative, is that unlike Ladybug’s his was left unresolved.
Adrien’a story is about fighting for his freedom, and yet all of the people around him have been keeping him in the dark (something the show has never once framed in a positive light), inhibiting his ability to be free. Adrien’s story is about self acceptance and yet at the end of the episode he says he’s unsure if he’ll ever live up to his father. Adrien’s story is about healing from past trauma and yet the lie of Gabriel’s heroism is inhibiting him from doing just that.
As much as I wish that we had seen Adrien doing something out there, even if it wasn’t fighting Monarch, I believe that by having him not, the show as set up for a fascinating follow up season, and I have never been more excited.
Disclaimer: I’m not trying to claim people who disliked the episodes are wrong for doing so, nor do I think my opinion is the “correct” opinion to have. I’m simply sharing my take on the episode
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bulletsforyourtrain · 6 months
🍊🍋Bullet Train incorrect quotes ft. my oc pt. 2:
Part 2 with Ladybug this time lets goooo
Tangerine: How did none of you hear what I just said?!
Lemon: I've been zoned out for the past two and a half hours.
Ladybug: I got distracted halfway through.
Felix: Ignoring you was a conscious decision.
Tangerine: This food is too hot... I cant eat it.
Felix: You’re very hot, and I still eat you.
Everyone at the table: *silence*
Lemon: One dinner... I just want ONE DINNER!
Ladybug: I spy with my little eye something that begins with the letter “s”.
Lemon: *looks over at Tangerine and Felix* Lemon: Is it “sexual tension”?
Felix: Subs are so fun to play with. All you have to do is hint at what you might do, back them into a corner with a look, or grab their wrist in a certain way and they're a wide-eyed mess.
Lemon: What the fuck kind of Subway are you going to?
Ladybug: Substitute teachers deal with so much shit.
Tangerine: Guys.
Felix: Tangerine! I can't do this stupid math!
Tangerine: What’s the math problem?
Felix: Well, we have to add the bed, subtract the clothes divide the legs, and hope we don’t multiply.
Lemon, covering Ladybug's ears, while Tangerine smacks Felix upside the head: Not going to lie that was hella smooth.
Tangerine: That's ridiculous, Felix doesn't have a crush on me.
Ladybug: Yes they do.
Lemon: Yes they do.
Felix: Yes I do.
Lemon: Who would you kill out of the four of us, Tangerine?
Tangerine: Ladybug, easily.
Ladybug, laughing: What the fuck, man.
Tangerine: Well, Felix would be too easy. They’d probably be into it.
Felix, now standing in the doorway: What the fuck, man!?
Lemon: Ladybug, you'll be working with Tangerine and Felix.
Ladybug: Alright! My fantasy threesome!
Everyone else: *blank stares*
Ladybug: ...Of people on a team.
*after the Squad's plan goes horribly wrong*
Lemon: Now it seems we're back at square one-- finding the Son.
Felix: For the record, I already found him.
Ladybug: And you let him get away before we could have a meaningful conversation.
Felix: He stabbed me!
Tangerine: I'm surprised he waited this long, Felix. We've all had the urge.
Lemon: I sleep with a gun under my pillow.
Ladybug: I sleep with a knife.
Felix: Both of you are pathetic.
Lemon: Oh yeah? What do you sleep with?
Felix: Tangerine.
Ladybug: Wait, if baby oil dissolves condoms, what does it do to babies?
Tangerine: Believe it or not, babies and condoms are made of different materials.
Lemon: It’s like rock paper scissors. Baby oil defeats condom, baby defeats baby oil, condom defeats baby.
Felix: Rock also defeats baby.
Ladybug: Shh, here comes Tangerine!
Felix: Quick, Lemon, start talking about boring nerd stuff!
Lemon: You know, nerd culture is mainstream now, so when you use the word “nerd” derogatorily, it means you’re the one that’s out of the zeitgeist.
Felix: Yes, that’s perfect. Just like that.
Felix: Hi could I ask how exactly does one accidentally set a lemon on fire?
Ladybug: Microwave for 40 minutes.
Ladybug: I read boiling lemons helps cover up bad smells and I wanted to cover up the scent of burnt oranges, but I didn’t own any pots…
Tangerine: Did you burn an orange too? HOW?!
Ladybug: Microwave for 40 minutes.
Felix: You're smiling. What happened?
Tangerine: What? Can't I smile just because I feel like it?
Lemon: Ladybug tripped and fell down the stairs today.
Lemon: Why are your tongues purple?
Felix: We had slushies. I had a blue one.
Tangerine: I had a red one.
Lemon: oh.
Lemon: OH.
Ladybug: You drank eachothers slushies?
Lemon: Is stabbing someone immoral?
Tangerine: Not if they consent to it.
Felix: Depends on who your stabbing.
Ladybug: YES??!!?
Lemon: Made you all playlists!
Lemon: Tangerine, yours has only heavy metal, and is dark like your soul.
Lemon: Ladybug, yours has sad songs and blues to pair with your crippling depression.
Lemon: And Felix has the ABBA Gold album.
Tangerine: I love you.
Felix: I love you too. I've waited so long to hear you say that.
*Tangerine and Felix kiss passionately*
Lemon, to Ladybug: You owe me 20 dollars.
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mcheang · 8 months
Felix tells Adrien the truth
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With everyone but Adrien and Kagami left to accompany Felix in Paris, they demand he return everyone.
Felix: everyone? Even Monarch?
Adrien: you know who he is?
Felix: Obviously. How else would I have found him to make our trade? Dear cousin, have you ever wondered why I would want the peacock miraculous when I had most of Ladybug’s miraculous at my disposal?
Adrien: it’s not like I knew you made a trade. But…for the peacock miraculous to hold such interest to you…
Felix: did you ever wonder how we could look so identical despite being cousins? How our mothers could give birth despite being infertile?
Kagami: are you saying… you are a sentimonster? That you’re both sentimonsters?
Felix: Adrien’s obedience to Gabriel is more than habit, Kagami. It’s because he, and Nathalie now too, who holds your amok, and how they’re controlling you.
Adrien: you’re just lying.
Felix: oh? Want to prove it? I can bring back everyone but your father. Monarch attacks every few days. If there are no attacks, will you believe me then? You can ask Tomoe or Nathalie for the truth if you don’t believe me. But I warn you, Nathalie has your ring Adrien. Whatever she orders you to do, you have no choice but to obey
Adrien’s eyes were tearing up. “No! Bring everyone back!”
Felix: even at the risk of Monarch being free again, and for our uncle to again try to matchmake you two together? I heard about the cataclysm. Your father’s days are numbered. Locked away by red moon, Chat’s cataclysm’s effects will be frozen in time.
Adrien: I need to think
Felix: we literally have no one rushing us
Kagami: bring back Ladybug. I trust her judgement.
Felix sighed. “Fine but if she attacks, I’m snapping my fingers again.”
Needless to say Ladybug is surprised by Felix’s accusation. Also…she felt sorry for Adrien.
Ladybug: do you know where the butterfly miraculous is hiding
Felix: under his tie, duh
Ladybug: bring Gabriel back first and I’ll tie him up with my yo-yo. We can see the truth then.
Ladybug’s plan works and Nooroo is free. The rings are recovered.
Adrien is horrified.
Gabriel: I wanted to bring back your mother
Felix: somehow I doubt my aunt would be pleased to hear you neglecting my cousin, or rejecting her sister.
Argos then brings everyone back, satisfied enough with Gabriel being arrested. He recalls Red Moon, having suspicions about who Ladybug is under the mask.
Argos is both a criminal and a hero to Paris.
Nathalie gives Adrien his ring and admits she is Mayura and dying.
Amelie buried her sister in a small ceremony. She offers to take Adrien in since he is being scrutinised by the public
Marinette is depressed and she thinks she has to save Duusu, though Felix did aid largely in defeating Monarch and saving the other kwami
Adrien is surprised to see Felix at home and how accepting Duusu is of their new holder.
Chat Noir reports this to Ladybug and she accepts that Felix can keep Duusu for helping her defeat Monarch and recover all the miraculous
When Marinette visits them, Felix is understandably wary and more protective of his miraculous. He treats Marinette in a civil manner but as soon as Adrien leaves them alone, he confronts her.
Marinette honestly admits that she will let him keep Duusu, but cannot help wondering why he didn’t just tell her who Monarch was outright.
Felix: you killed my brethren, you don’t deserve my trust.
Marinette immediately understands the sentimonsters she defeated. “I’m sorry, I should have come up with a different plan.”
“Besides destroying their smoke or sending them to the sun,” Felix said harshly. “Yes, you should have. I tolerate you because you’re good to Adrien, but I will never trust you with Duusu.”
Marinette: i know. I don’t trust you either because of what you made me go through when Risk was defeated. But I do owe you.
Adrien came back and they get along as before.
They cannot be called friends, nor enemies. Acquaintances will have to do.
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thetimelordbatgirl · 11 months
(Miraculous Ladybug anon)
I just wanted to add a few things so you can understand even more why the fandom is going nuclear because of the finale:
Adrien didn't just ignore the bad things his father did. Because Gabriel's wish rewrote reality, Adrien doesn't even remember all the abuse he suffered at the hands of living under him.
The only person who does know is Marinette (who was allowed to figure out who Gabriel was instead of Adrien), but she was told by Gabriel to never tell Adrien what a massive scumbag he was in life and instead focus on the times he tried to be a good father. I'm not even being hyperbolic here. Gabriel literally told Marinette to tell Adrien to remember the times he did the bare minimum in trying to be a good father.
Even though Felix screwed over Ladybug by stealing all of the Miraculous except hers and Chat Noir's at the end of the last season, once Ladybug gets all the Miraculous back, he gets to be part of her superhero team, meaning he gets a forced redemption too.
And finally, when someone criticized Chat Noir's absence on Twitter, Thomas Astruc responded by citing the events of Chat Blanc, as if the actions of the characters in an alternate timeline was enough to justify keeping Adrien out of the conflict that was started by his own father (Link for proof: https://twitter.com/Thomas_Astruc/status/1675405463536402432).
Safe to say, absolutely nobody in the fandom is happy with the finale other than Thomas's biggest simps.
I'm...going to believe you on the Thomas Astruc thing after finding screenshots, cause guess which bitch is blocked by Thomas Astruc on twitter?
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But also...yep...I am so happy to have dropped this show. Because holy shit.
This show really did have Gabriel abuse Adrien, both emotionally and physically, and literally either akumatize his son twice, showing he'll use his son even to get what he wants, or he'll endanger Adrien with akuma's literally out to hurt/kill him and in this finale alone, literally locks him in a isolation chamber, only to then turn around and have Adrien remember none of Gabriel's shit (the akumazations being the only thing that makes sense he doesn't remember cause both times those timelines were erased), just so Adrien can't have any reactions to the Hawkmoth shit and so that the show can have everyone praising Gabriel at the end.
And I just...again, I'm not going to get mad at Marinette here, she's fourteen for fucks sake and isn't the only one to know who Gabriel was by the end (you can't tell me Nathalie forgot, let alone Plagg and Tikki and Felix), but like, show really had Gabriel die doing what he does best: manipulating a child who has no idea how bad his treatment of Adrien could get (all Marinette knows is that Gabriel's controlling at best) and through the two, basically tried to reinforce Gabriel being a good dad somehow (cue coughing fit from that bullshit) while ignoring all the shit Gabriel has done.
And I am not even surprised at the Felix thing, just rolling my eyes as its honestly not as worse as the show trying to act like Gabriel's a good guy in reality. And funny Thomas Astruc brings up Chat Blanc as wasn't that the same episode that showed Gabriel as soon as he found out his son is the holder of the black cat miraculous, yeeting his child into the Eifel Tower and basically akumatizing said child after going at him emotionally and also tried to akumatize Marinette prior cause of him finding out his son is happily dating someone cause Gabriel never lets a chance to akumatize someone (mainly children) go? Funny episode for Thomas Astruc to bring up as an example of why Adrien can't fight Gabriel in the same episode that acts like he was a good person/dad.
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flightfoot · 1 year
Kagami is dead to me.
I would have never believed she would be capable of this level of awfulness.
Unless it's revealed that Felix Mind controlled her.
Maybe we should all Stop pretending that Chat/Adrien matter clearly they don't because it's all about Felix.
Felix should just kill him already and then we can go back to PV dynamics or whatever it is that they are planning.
The amount of undeserved plot importance Felix has is entirely too much to handle.
If the next season continues being the Felix show then they have truly lost the plot
But hey the movie is pretty good 👍
Okay I disagree with Kagami's decision to tell Felix Ladybug's secret identity, but I wouldn't go THAT far. She honestly seems to believe that this will result in the best outcome. I don't think she should have done it, but while I think it's a poor decision, it does make sense for her to think the best of her boyfriend. It's not like she's done it with the intent to hurt Marinette.
I don't want anyone to die, but I do think that the reliance on Felix for moving the plot forward should be reduced. I honestly wouldn't mind if Felix was brought into the show as a more regular cast member, while also reducing the amount of influence he can have in changing the status quo to something more normal, and giving Adrien more ability to change things himself.
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katalist · 11 months
Some immediate thoughts: Oh there's SO MUCH aftermath that is going to result from this and I've got theories.
BIGGEST TAKEAWAY: Marinette already sent a voicemail to Chat Noir explaining that Gabriel was Hawkmoth. Maybe this will be hand waved. But even so, she's decided not to tell Adrien, but we haven't seen if she'll tell Chat Noir or not. And if she doesn't?
Adrien already has negative feelings about his father. Even in the end scene, he's conflicted. I'm not sure if HE believes the lie he's being told. Just a few days ago, he threatened/tried to kill his father as Chat Noir. Being told his dad defeated Hawkmoth right after this? There's some conflict, there.
Not only that, but as Chat Noir? He's bound to pester Ladybug. Who was Hawkmoth in the end? How did Gabriel help? How is Ladybug supposed to respond?
Also, Felix and Kagami both are in the know about Gabriel as well–they know that something's up with Gabriel being "celebrated." And maybe they realize that it's all in the interest of protecting Adrien–theres a reason Felix didn't let Adrien in on this stuff before–but how long can that last? Plagg also knows. And Lila. And Nathalie! (And I wouldn't be surprised in Alya finds out, as well.)
The point is, too many people know the full details of the situation. And too many of THEM know Marinette's identity, as well. There's a lot of stress on the situation, and no one there besides Plagg knows that Chat Noir is Adrien. And why would Chat Noir be kept in the dark?
And then, what's the excuse for Chat Noir to have been missing for the final confrontation, and how is ADRIEN dealing with not having been there? There will be whispers behind his back. He's going to catch wind of /something/ if the idea of being sheltered from the truth doesn't eat away at him first.
There's too much weight on a shaky foundation, right now. This shit is going to come crashing down. At the very least, it's going to be a lot of angst.
Additional thoughts: There's some debate on whether it was Emilie or Amelie in the end scene. She's wearing clothing associated with Amelie, but apparently some folks are saying the script referenced Emilie? If it's Emilie I have a lot of questions, but I'm not going to outright deny that possibility. It felt vague on purpose.
There's also a reason Gabriel didn't verbalize his wish, and I don't just think it was for dramatics. That was DEFINITELY ambiguous on purpose. I think that there's more going on here than self-sacrifice. I'm personally still hung up on the line where Gabriel mentions he won't sacrifice a real "human being," potentially alluding to the sacrifice of one of the senti-humans, but that could be me reading too deep. Something is up with Gabriel's wish, though. It wasn't just himself to save Nathalie. I'm having a hard time believing that, there's still something really off about what his ORIGINAL wish/sacrifice was going to be that was never explained in full.
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Graveyard Siblings (4)
I am sorry for not posting in a while. School is a total bitch. Here is part 4 of a fic that is not a fic.
(Part 1)(Part 2)(Part 3)
Tall Marinette.(I admit I might be projecting a little here.)
One day, she took out something from someplace high and the whole family realized that ‘holy shit when did you get so tall?’
Bonus if Jason comes back from a long mission and had a wtf moment because she was wearing 6-inch-heels and met his eyes with them on.
You know how Bruce has the identity of Matches Malone to infiltrate the Gotham Underground.
While Jason does the drug deals more street crime stuff, Maria uses an excuse of being the representative for Red Hood excuse to mingle with the rich people who does crime on the side (Penguin), she uses it to go to black market auctions and buy some of the lost miraculouses which got into the hands of black market dealers.
Jason knows about it and acts as her ‘bodyguard’ anytime he can or sends one of his henchmen to be one with a death threat if she gets a single scratch on her.
Bruce is unaware of this. Or is he?
Mari helps with running WE since she is a little less busy with the vigilante side of things.
It started with Tim panicking about deadlines and Mari offering to help, to Bruce and Tim bullying the board to have her as co-CEO.
She has to be that and head of Afterlife. So she is very busy. Doesn’t know about what comes next….
Somehow the class comes to Gotham for a trip. It has been 3 years since her death.
Mari has changed her appearance since the day she left Paris. She has highlights in her hair after a ‘sibling bonding day’ with Jason. Her hair is kept short for convenience and not in pigtails. Along with her tall height and more confident aura, she is almost unrecognizable.
She rides a motorcycle too.
The class waits in the lobby for the tour and in walks this badass woman with aviator sunglasses, leather jacket and designer clothes which was all MT brand, making a lot of people swoon.
She takes off her glasses and walks past the class. Checking stuff on her phone and sipping coffee in her other hand.
She seems familiar but they couldn’t figure out why. (All except Chloe, Alix and Felix who are snickering in the background.)
Lila sees her and comments on how she must be a criminal with the way she dresses. (Lila internally freaks out because were her eyes messing with her? Because she looked a little like Marinette. Also jealous of the new arrival for stealing all the attention.) Alya takes the bait and calls security to ‘arrest’ her.
They just laugh. The class doesn’t understand, speaking in confused French.
“I am Maria Todd-Wayne, also known as designer MT. CEO of Afterlife and co-CEO of the very company you are in. I am allowed in here. Don’t judge a book by its cover.” she said in perfect French.
“But Lila told us you can’t speak French.”
“Lila Rossi, your friend. She told us that you and MT were dating.”
“Me dating myself. Okay I love myself because self-love is a thing but that is a whole other level. MT are my initials. Anyone who has a brain could have figured that out or at the very least do a Google search. I am not sure where your friend got that notion.”
“Hey, Bean, come on. We have a long day ahead of us.” Tim reminded her.
“Goodbye but cease the rumours or you would be escorted off the premises.”
As they rode up the elevator, “Tim, why are they here?”
“They are the lucky winners of the Wayne Enterprise Young Prodigies Contest. Why, Maria?”
“Lucky, huh.” She muttered under her breath. She might as well tell him. They are the Bats and they will find out anyway. “They are from my old class, the one you know…”
“Oh. Want me to send them back? I can do that if they are making you uncomfortable.”
“Nah. Too much to deal with. And it is unfair to send them back over a petty grudge. Besides, I could have some fun.”
“Anything that Bruce and I should be worried about?”
“I swear no killing. Just because Jason came back from the dead, hell-bent on killing. Doesn’t mean I am too.”
“Cool, just don’t do any property damage or traumatize our employees.”
“I might need you to erase some footage later and tell Bruce about this.”
“Some brownies, my favourite coffee cake, the ‘special’ brew and you have yourself a deal.”
So basically she just showed up around where the class was ‘by coincidence’.
Talk to a few people and take them out of earshot of the rest of the class.
End the conversation by saying a few things only they and her would know. Insides jokes and secrets. (I pick her old childhood friends like, Nino, Kim and maybe Sabrina)
Uses Trixx to turn into a walking dead version of her 15-year old self and disappears as they freak out about how she knew that secret/story.
Freaks them out further by appearing again in front of the whole class and pretending not to know their previous conversation.
Mari manages to get Lila alone.
I should also say that Lila thought that her curse was making her see MT as Marinette.
It terrifies Lila when she finds out that MT is actually Marinette, not dead but alive after all this time and apparently living the high life she wanted. This fact made the Italian swell up with jealousy.
“I hope you are not lying about me again, Lila Rossi. Like you always do.”
“What do you want with me? I swear I didn’t say anything else about you.”
“Aw, Lila. Don’t recognize me?”
Maria flickers and Ladybug is in her place and later, the Marinette that appeared in her bedroom and back to normal.
“You! How? Why are you here? Why can’t you leave me alone?”
“Why not? I mean you did take away nearly all my friends, my parents and made my life a living hell. If you think about it, I am just repaying you the same favor. How are the others? Treating you well?”
“What did you do to me, you bitch?”
“I just put a curse on you. The ghosts of your past will haunt you until you stop.”
“Stop what?”
“Stop Lying, Liar. They all feed and grow in power from your lies. I wonder what would happen in a few years if you kept this up.”
“You think you can get away with this. This is war and I have already beaten you once.”
“Oh Rossi. This isn’t a war. It’s a death sentence.” With that she disappears.
Lila tries to tell her class that MT is actually Marinette. She is met with crazy looks. Some of them look like they want to believe her but don't because they don’t want to look crazy too.
Oh. Adrien wasn’t on the trip because his mother didn’t want him to go to the crime capital of America although the crime rate has gone down a little due to Hellbat curing some of the city’s bad energy..
Right after Lila told the class about MT, Scarecrow came to steal some Wayne tech and the class got caught in the crossfire. So later, it was brushed off as Lila seeing things due to the fear toxins.
Joker made the mistake of kidnapping her. Once was enough to never try that again.
(It involved the use of nearly all of the Miraculouses, old and new. He was thoroughly humiliated at the end of it and his picture by the time Hellbat was done with him was on the Batfam’s Christmas Card. Like I said she doesn’t kill but making them beg for death was okay.)
It coincided with Jason’s Birthday and the video of the incident was ‘the best birthday present ever.’ The uncensored version was watched at the next undead siblings bonding day. Damian included.
After hearing a few rumours about what happened, most criminals were glad for Hellbat’s rare appearances. (which happens once a month and during really busy time of the year)
There was a time where Penguin was carrying out one of their plans and when Hellbat showed up, all of their thugs surrendered instantly. (No Batman did not pout at the fact that this French girl was more imitating than him.)
Scarecrow used his newest batch of fear toxin on her during the first year after she died.
He was astounded to see her still standing and she later proceeded to beat the crap out of him while being under the toxin’s influences.
He has tried to stay out of her way since then.
She saw Scarecrow as Hawkmoth and said a lot of things in French which scared everyone because she said it with so much hate, anger and in a very menacing tone that everyone is like ‘I am not touching this.’
It took Red Hood and Nightwing to restrain her from further beating Scarecrow up.
He was one of the people who sympathised with the Joker after the Incident.
The next was Riddler being so arrogant in his plans and managed to get Hellbat and Spoiler into a death trap.
“You know I have a few regrets in life. And my final one is that I got captured and am now going to get killed by a walking fashion disaster.”
“Hey! I made this myself. I will have, you know.”
“You have a brilliant mind but no sense of fashion at all. When I get out of here, I am going to burn that thing with you in it, for your crimes against fashion.”
“What is wrong with it?”
Cue a lot of roasting of Riddler’s costume and Spoiler adding more fuel to the fire.
They manage to escape while Riddler is crying on the floor, having an existential crisis.
The thing was no one knows why Riddler was silent the entire week after encountering Hellbat and crying when anyone mentions it.
They now think Hellbat is the scariest one in the Batfamily, second to Batman and tied with Black Bat/Orphan.
The few who find out what really happened in the warehouse that night. Blackmail material on the Riddler.
Three ( four if you count Penguin) of Gotham’s biggest villains of the Rogues Gallery scared of Bats’ newest addition. Hellbat was not someone they wanted to mess with.
Magic crisis stuff. Like a world ending event thing. Dr. Fate says they need the Miraculous jewels but the last mention of them had been in Paris a few years ago and had vanished since then.
Costantine looked at Batman. “You know who you have to call.”
Batman calls Hellbat. Who hasn’t been introduced yet to the JL.
“Ah. Bats. Not that I question your authority or anything but how can your newest ‘ward’ help us?”
She takes off her helmet and reveals her face and more importantly, her earrings.
Tikki comes out of her hiding place.
“I am the current Guardian of the Miracle Box and wielder of the Ladybug miraculous during Hawkmoth’s reign in Paris a few years ago. Any other Questions?”
“Oh great Guardian. Tikki. It is an honour to meet you.”-Wonder Woman, who else.
“You too, Princess Diana. Pass on my regards to your mother.”-Tikki
A huge face-off and the big evil is defeated.
WW asks abt HM and gives a horrified face at the end of her story. Nearly everyone who eavesdropped on the conversation was.
"Forgive me, Guardian for not aiding you in your hour of need.”
“It’s okay. I understand that there are other crises, world-ending ones that JL have to take care of. I am better now. Mostly.”
“I doubt it with those revenge schemes I found lying around. But she is getting there with her therapist.”-Batman
“I hate you, Dad.”
“Did you just call him Dad?”
“Do you see me as a father figure?”
“I see you as a nuisance with how nosy you are with my personal business. So you are more of a bother figure.”
“I see you as part of the family too, Daughter.” (Got that reference anyone?)
“Jason was the one who adopted me.”
“Legally you are adopted by me.”
Maria with Pikachu surprised face because nobody told her that. “My life is a lie.”
(Part 5)
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You know, I wonder how Gabriel and Kagami would react if Adrien actually DID manage to break his amok and his Miraculous, erasing both himself and Felix from existence (I'm assuming Lila would only really care about the Miraculous being broken, and most everyone else would just plain be devastated).
Assuming that Ladybug didn't just murder everyone immediately with her powers going out of control, I've got some guesses.
Like, Kagami would be devastated, obviously. But I think that she'd probably wait to start on the grieving process until Lila and Gabriel were dead. Probably anyway? I'm not sure the exact way and thought process she'd have behind blaming Lila and Gabriel for Felix's and Adrien's deaths. I mean, they wouldn't have killed the two of them directly, but their actions would undeniably have led to Adrien taking the step he did.
Come to think of it, I'm not sure how she'd view Adrien's suicidal action, either. Like intellectually I don't think she'd blame him for Felix's death - he'd have been the cause, but it's not like he knew that what he was doing would kill him, and Adrien did it specifically while killing himself anyway - but emotionally I think part of her WOULD be angry at him. And it would make for some very mixed emotions that she'd know would be unfair, because really, Adrien's the one who's suffered the most throughout this.
I'd imagine that everyone else mourning Adrien, while Felix would only really be mourned by her and his mother, and maybe Chloe, would also give her quite the mix of emotions.
And then factoring in that she knows that the whole situation Adrien was in was partly due to Felix's actions, as well as inaction due to not wanting to take some better options in order to maintain his own pride...
She'd have a lot of complexity to work through. After she finished beating up and probably murdering Lila and Gabriel, anyway.
As for Gabriel, I'm just wondering whether he'd show regret and remorse for what he put Adrien through after his death. I mean, again, assuming he actually survived Marinette's and Kagami's wrath. The wrath of everyone who cared about Adrien, really (which is a lot of people). He kept on telling himself that this was ultimately gonna be good for Adrien, that it'd all be worth it... but Adrien was willing to kill himself to get away from him. I'm wondering whether that might be enough to finally get through to Gabriel that he fucked up, and lost the one other person he cared about, through his own actions. That it was his own fault. Whether he'd be wracked with guilt, or whether he'd still be in denial, believing that what he was doing was justified. Whether he'd look back at everything he put his son through, all the violation, all the control, all the misery, and finally, fully regret what he did.
adrien dying and taking felix with him would definitely lead to a kagami and marinette team up again. part of kagami's revenge would be for felix but also for adrien; yes part of her would be mad at him for killing himself and not getting help elsewhere, for breaking everybody's hearts. but like, also she'd know he wasn't to blame at all for being a hero. and yeah, she'd both be cut up over felix and mad at him for lending a hand to the whole tragedy in general. mixed emotions galore!
(omg, that part about everyone mourning adrien and only amelie, kagami, and maybe chloe mourning felix--that hit hard dude 😭 poor felix lol he deserves that)
and "adrien being willing to kill himself to get away from [gabe]" oof OOF that hurts too even though it's true. you just have a way of analyzing things that really point out how tragic the characters' situations are :D in regards to all of gabriel's guilt and shame...who's to say he's not already deeply feeling all of that? you're on the right train of thought though! i'm very glad you're beginning to examine gabe's inner demons and looking at how he would handle all of this :DDDDD
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dotstronaut · 3 years
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HEY DID YOU KNOW that four years ago, I had a full AU idea for Miraculous Ladybug that integrated Felix and Bridgette as the original Parisian Chat Noir and Ladybug and inserted them into the canon timeline by making Felix the younger brother of Gabriel Agreste? 
If you want the rundown of the AU and basic plot (and the reasons why I will never finish it), it’s under this read more:
Felix and Bridgette have the same roles they do in the pilot. Felix is a little less social than his older brother, they were close when they were younger but grew apart as time marched on and Gabriel met and married his high school sweetheart, Emilie. I was going to make it so that Emilie Agreste was the original Moth miraculous holder. The old man gave all of them their miraculous secretly, so it’s likely very few of them know who the others are. Emilie and Gabriel are either given theirs as a unit, or Gabriel finds out his partner’s identity on his own.
Felix tragically dies while using his bad luck during a particularly tough job (conflict is either caused by general bad juju/negative emotions taken to the extreme OR the holders just save people from regular disasters and crime) and the current Ladybug is beside herself with grief. (In my headcanon, miraculous ladybug either doesn’t fix death OR because there’s no akuma to purify, it just doesn’t have the same amount of power.) She may have had a crush on Felix at school, but she had become quite close to Chat Noir during their time working together. Possibly at that point they had grown up and ended up together as a couple, even. 
Tikki, in an effort to save Bridgette from the trauma, uses her miracle to fix what was broken and also wipe Ladybug’s memories. (Or this may have been a deus ex, more than one miraculous being used by Bridgette, something like that.)
Gabriel witnesses all of this and suddenly realizes he has lost his brother. He didn’t even know Felix was Chat Noir. When Felix gets killed by his bad luck, Gabriel blames the miraculous and kwami and steals Emilie’s moth miraculous and stashes it away with his Peacock Miraculous. He becomes obsessed with the miraculouses and with his failure to protect his little brother. They have and raise their child, Adrien, but their relationship quickly degrades due to his controlling and abusive behavior, and eventually she runs away to try to regain control of her life. Gabriel’s role in the show is shifted by this. He owns two miraculouses and is desperately trying to find the old man and the rest. When a new Chat Noir and Ladybug appear on the scene, it enrages him. He starts using the moth miraculous to try to steal theirs in a misguided attempt to save them from the miraculous and themselves. This makes it Extra Dangerous for Adrien to be found out by his father, as Gabriel blames Plagg for his Felix’s death.
If you’ve read this far, the big twist, the big surprise ending? The young woman who gave up her memory of being Ladybug rather than feel the grief of losing her partner? It was gunna be Nathalie. Gabriel’s loyal assistant, who upon having no memory of her role as Ladybug and therefore no memory of much of her youth, was taken in by Gabriel and given a job so that he could keep an eye on her and make sure nothing else happened to her.
Over the course of her boss acting as Hawkmoth, she encounters Ladybug and Chat Noir a few times and has niggling memories and reminders. Of course at some point the memories would be unlocked at just the right moment, or to prevent Hawkmoth from doing something heinous. I was never sure how this AU was going to be resolved, but it explained some of why Hawkmoth is such a dick towards two kids and why he wants the miraculous so bad (he wants his wife back, but it’s possible he may believe the power of all four would be able to bring Felix back for himself and Nathalie).
It’s too bad the network approved/published a super racist comic where Marinette interacts with super-stereotypical “gangster” African Americans (plus Marinette is naked/wearing a cardboard box and assumes they are going to kill her - you know, fun for the whole family!) It’s too bad the show’s creator defended the comic and called those who were upset ‘sjws’ and looking for racism where there was none. :)
It’s also a shame Astruc was such a dick to members of his audience in general and treated them like they were idiots for wanting to identify with a struggling teenage girl playing the villainous rich-girl role (and wanting to see her redeemed and grow as a person). He straight up insinuated that a struggling teenage character was evil and never going to change her ways! :) So that’s the other grudge I hold in addition to the racist comic thing.
No shame to anyone who is still in the fandom, because the characters were super sweet and relateable, and it was a really fun sandbox to play in. But these were dealbreakers for me, and as I don’t trust the show or Astruc anymore, I will probably never return to this idea or the Miraculous Ladybug franchise ever again. But like, if you’re reading this and you still care about these characters and think it would be interesting to explore this idea, it is absolutely up for grabs! You can take pieces of it or the whole AU, I do not mind at all. I appreciate credit but it’s not required. You can also reblog my other fan art and AUs for this show if it floats your boat. 
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Debunking “Adrien is perfect”
  To voice a rather non-Marinette-like opinion of Adrien: He’s not perfect. He’s never been perfect. He has, in fact, been riddled with flaws from the very beginning. Part of the reason Chat Noir gets hate is because he serves to exaggerate Adrien’s flaws and make them more obvious, destroying the perfectionism façade. And the sooner Marinette tosses the “I love the perfect Adrien” filter in the trash where it belongs, and starts actively recognizing and acknowledging his faults, the better off the endgame relationship will be.
 Long post is long and I don’t like cuts, cuz i’ve lost a few posts in the past using them. Please filter the tag “long post” I use it for walls of texts like these. 
First of all, flaws are just one of the many things that happen when someone either learns something the wrong way, spends too much time in the wrong environment, lack any decent role models... really there are a plethora of causes. What i mean is character shortcomings aren’t necessarily reasons to hate the character themselves. They’re more or less internal obstacles put there to be overcome in order to portray character growth. Of course spending an exaggerated amount of time with these characters without seeing them overcome particular shortcomings is frustrating it does not necessarily mean they will never be redeemed or developed and are/were deserving of hate.
 Except for Gabriel. That creature belongs behind bars.
 Most of Adrien’s flaws come from his toxic home situation:
The Miraculous Wiki puts Adrien at fifteen. Meaning Adrien has only been actively leaving the house (for public school and the occasional social get-together) for about a year. His fourteenth birthday was one of the earliest episodes and im assuming his fifteenth birthday happened off screen between the s3 finale and the new york special.
Regardless the majority of his life was spent in isolation and his only company was his immediate family, Nathalie, Felix and Chloe. None of whom are particularly good role models except for Emilie. Maybe.
He’s rather overworked for a 14 y.o. boy. On top of school, he has fencing, piano and Chinese lessons. This leaves him with very little time for himself. 
He lost his mother. In Feast, Adrien expresses Emilie was a source of joy in his life--”Only Mom can make me laugh like that.” Felix marked the one year anniversary of her disappearance.  Worse still, we’re led to assume all Adrien knows is that Emilie disappeared. Did she abandon him? Was she kidnapped and killed? He doesn’t know. He has no closure regarding her absence. 
On top of losing his mother, his only remaining parent is an emotionally manipulative and abusive prick. Gabriel has denied Adrien a birthday party, threatened to take Adrien out of school just because he can, never lets him have friends over for any reason, hardly ever makes time for Adrien and only once in a blue moon will actually sit and eat a meal with the poor kid.
And on top of all of this he’s not out of the woods yet. He’s still living with his abusive father. He’s still not allowed to see his friends outside of school much. He’s still got a packed schedule. He still doesn’t have closure regarding his mother’s “disappearance.”
Looking at it like this paints Adrien in a rather sympathetic light.
 Marinette doesn’t know Gabriel is Hawk Moth either, but she does understand Adrien is lonely, isolated and in need of a source of love and comfort. She also understands to some degree that his heart is delicate, so she constantly handles him with kid gloves and looks on him with a perfection filter. 
We see how Mari reacts to upsetting Adrien in Malediktator when she softly whispers an apology after Adrien expresses his sorrow over everyone celebrating Chloe’s departure. She’s seems pained and distraught over causing him to be upset. Thus the reason Marinette calls Adrien perfect isn’t that she never sees any of his flaws--she just cannot acknowledge or process them under these conditions. Shes too busy trying not to hurt him. She also has shown some signs of having extreme anxiety, which messes with ones head and makes it difficult--nearly impossible--to think straight. She wants to be the source of love and comfort he desires (and already is in a way) so his faults go unprocessed.
But what are Adrien’s flaws?
1. He has trouble standing up for himself. 
He’ll take a stand for others.
 He stood up to Chloe on Mylene’s behalf in Horrificator and on Marinette/ Cheng Sifu’s behalf in Kung Food. He stood up to Lila in Oni-chan and Ladybug. He stood up to Gabriel in Simon Says--but as Chat Noir, not Adrien. 
There have only been two-ish instances of Adrien, not Chat Noir, standing up for himself. I say -ish only because he was kinda standing up for Lila in the first and Chloe in the second. 
First in Volpina he stood up to Ladybug for how she handled the situation with Lila. He personally believed she handled the situation poorly (which she did--there were/are serious consequences for that. still) and although he was kinda wishy-washy in conveying that it was only because he was scared of sounding too much like Chat Noir. Her partner. Her chief-of-staff. Who can and will call her out on such behavior. 
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Second in Malediktator, when he more or less told Marinette she was wrong to be happy about Chloe leaving. Granted this was partly him standing up for Chloe, but aside from her—he, Adrien, was deeply upset chloe was leaving on such bad terms and made sure Marinette understood that. 
Abused children tend to be somewhat submissive/agreeable/etc. They have trouble speaking out when they’re uncomfortable or don’t want something or think a particular action is wrong. Usually because they are anticipating some kind of punishment for speaking out or afraid of offending the other person to the point that said person wants nothing to do with them anymore, or both.
 For Adrien to fix this particular flaw, he needs to prioritize himself and his own wants more. However he also needs someone who doesn’t chastise him for doing things he likes, tending to his own needs and setting boundaries. Kagami is not that person--she’s actually quite demanding of him and cold. Her understanding of relationships isnt great either, which is why these two really aren’t that great for each other. 
2. He puts his faith in the wrong people
  Adrien’s fucking household is about as toxic as it can get (please don’t take this as a challenge, S4). On top of his immediate family consisting of his abusive, toxic, terrorist father, there’s his cousin Felix. Felix who squished cheese under Adrien’s pillow, stole his phone, pretended to be him and sent an outrageous and awful video to his friends. 
 There’s also his mother Emilie whom, despite his love and adoration of her, lied to him for who knows how long and messed around with a broken miraculous to the point it forced her into an indefinite coma and left Adrien at his father’s mercy. There are theories that she did this for her family but nothing concrete or canon has been proven--all we know is that Emilie had been having frequent dizzy spells while she was still awake and using the peacock miraculous, and that she anticipated her fate and Gabriel apparently promised to save her.
There’s Lila, as well. “She’s not dangerous. She just craves attention.” Wrong, Adrien, she’s very dangerous. She is conspiring with your father to spy on you, attempted to get Marinette expelled from school, tricked you into leaving Ladybug alone with a supervillain whom she personally requested to kill Ladybug, pinned Marinette against a bathroom wall and almost got her akumatized, actually got Marinette akumatized and nearly cost you both the Ladybug Miraculous and TIkki. She isn’t just dangerous she is an actual threat, whether or not she is the future Hawk Moth who sent Timetagger after you when you were children with time-sensitive powers. Adrien has a slightly better understanding of that after the events of Ladybug and Oni-chan, so hopefully he will be on his guard at least in regards to Lila.
 The reason for Adrien’s overly trusting nature may lie in the fact that literally everyone closest to him, everyone for the first thirteen years or so, was toxic and/or a liar. You know what happens when you can’t trust anyone around you? You live with it. You accept all these bad people as they are, without making any effort to establish healthy boundaries. Adrien certainly lived with it--how’s an abused, isolated boxed-and-sheltered son supposed to know what healthy boundaries are when he’s lacking any healthy connections? I bet he can just barely endure all the anguish but he can’t stand to be alone so he just tolerates it. Not to mention the most guilty is his father. Where else is he supposed to go?
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Like a frog sitting in a pot of water, you don’t realize you’re in trouble until the water is too hot. So you just accept it--all the bad feelings--you accept it, live with it and it still hurts but you rarely complain. Because anything is better than being alone. 
I think Adrien understands, deep down, that the love he is clinging to, the love provided by his relatives, isn’t really there. But if he looks at it too long and lets this knowledge sink in he’ll lose it. He really did lose it in Chat Blanc-- just that sky-crashing-down-on-him realization that he didn’t have his fathers love, hadn’t had it for a long time, just completely ruined our boy. 
 Of course the knowledge is there. It’s literally right there in front of his face and it’s only a matter of time before he is forced to turn and look and face the music. At which point I hope Marinette knows who he is and has a plan to save him otherwise Chat Blanc is just going to happen again. 
3. Yes, he takes the flirting too far sometimes
No--that doesn’t make him toxic.
Yes, Adrien overreacted to Ladybug never showing up in Glaciator. He shouldn’t have been upset with her in Frozen for not accepting the rose. He should have told her the damn truth about being forced to leave the city at the same time she was in the New York special. 
 However, he also apologized for overreacting in both Glaciator and Frozen. And again, abused kids live in anticipation of punishment for their mistakes. Adrien’s father has taught him that the slightest mistake can result in loss of freedom or trust, even if its circumstances beyond his control. And he now understands that Ladybug isn’t going to blindly punish him for being honest with her, which he now knows to do. 
 He makes mistakes, apologizes for them, and learns from them. That’s not fucking toxic--it’s natural, human and allowed. 
 He’s flirty and suggestive, yes, but the minute she signals she doesn’t want it or isn’t feeling it he stops. He has had immense trouble with not flirting with her, despite her telling him she isn’t interested multiple times. That much is true. But he truly and deeply cares for her and he would never force himself on her and it isn’t because he knows she’ll kick his ass if he does. It’s because unlike the vast majority of his family, he’s actually a decent human being. 
 He has even begun to “flirt platonically,” toasting their partnership and friendship rather than offering a romantic relationship she can never say yes to. If that isn’t the most soft and respectful fluff I don’t know what is.
 4. He is leading Kagami on
Did he cheat? I’m actually not sure. Thomas is being vague in his tweets and won’t give us a decent answer (because he likes “watching fandom burn”--i mean MOOD but clarify please). 
 Here’s what we know and have observed: 1. Chat Noir told Ladybug “I have a girlfriend” 2. He immediately followed that up with “It’s not good at all. I just said that to make you jealous”  3. He allowed Kagami to kiss him in the new york special 4. but he has trouble telling girls not to touch him--been a problem since episode one. Yes its generally cheek kisses chloe gives him but sometimes its not and he looked downright uncomfortable in a lot of cases of physical contact with her and with Lila 5. he seemed rather comfortable with kagami kissing him--except he did say no to her kissing him in the finale 6. but he’s also trying to move on from Ladybug and be with Kagami  7. If he were in a relationship with Kagami, he’d likely keep it a secret because both of their parents are controlling of them and may not allow it 8. His understanding of relationships and girls is kinda dreadful due to not having his mom around for advice and his father’s general lack of a concept of what healthy romantic relationships and boundaries are, and, as Nino put it, not being able to understand signals very well
Adrien’s current relationship status is up in the air. I’m about eighty percent certain he’s dating Kagami--but there’s still that twenty percent chance he’s not.
 Putting aside the question of whether or not he and Kagami are official, Adrien’s been attempting to move past his feelings for Ladybug. Which--won’t sugarcoat it--he kinda sucks at. At the same time, Kagami is aware he is in love with another but lacks the understanding that his moving on will take time. 
 The main issues here is that Adrien knows who he wants but can’t have her. Kagami is a wonderful person herself and he wants to get to know her better, but they aren’t really a good match and they are both going to get hurt in the end (Love Victor anyone???). Until that happens we are going to have some questionable moments in the show, and we just need to remember that Adrien is a child with a poor understanding of relationships, and not an evil person. Kagami doesn’t necessarily have a great understanding of them either--”Your indecision hurts me Adrien,” “Adrien you and I are perfect for each other!”--and she has flaws of her own she needs to unlearn. 
 For the time being, Adrien is leading Kagami on (it needs to be said--even if they aren’t dating he’s flirted with her, given her roses etc.) I say leading her on because, no matter how much Adrien believes Marinette is just a friend and they weren’t flirting in New York, loyal boyfriends who wish to be monogamous don’t dance with other women.
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 Or look this happy when that other woman touches them
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Does this make Adrien a deceitful and hateful character? No. Does this make him an unworthy character? No. It makes him an abused child with little to no concept of healthy relationships. 
Also Adrien’s friends, including Marinette, have no reason to believe he is dating Kagami. They know he is interested in her and she in him, but as Nino said, Adrien has a hard time picking up signals and understanding their meaning. Not to mention the boy is fifteen. Flirting skills, understanding boundaries, and other relationship concepts are a challenge even for ordinary fifteen year olds in healthy environments to grasp--case in point: Marinette.
Adrigami and Lukanette are simply not going to end well. The Love Square is the endgame and ultimately both Lukanette and Adrigami are going to fall apart to make that happen--I knew that going into the possible Adrigami and Lukanette  territory that the finale created.
 Kagami is a strong, intelligent person--she’s likely going to be the one to end it given what we’ve seen. I don’t like to think about what might happen then--she may be akumatized and Chat Noir would feel rather guilty and may not be able to fight her. But they will both come out of it with something they needed--Kagami will understand (as Marinette needs to) that Adrien isn’t her perfect soul mate incapable of making mistakes. Adrien will understand relationships better. 
 Its unfortunate that this has to happen in order for Adrien to learn due lessons, given that he actually does have someone who can talk to him about girls and relationships and loyalty: Nino.
 Given what Nino wasted no time in scolding Mari for spying on Adrien and Lila when she confessed doing so in Chameleon, as well as how he treats Alya, I undoubtedly believe Nino would be the one to come out and say “You can’t dance with Marinette when you’re with Kagami.” 
 Assuming he is with Kagami. 
In conclusion: Adrien is flawed but not deserving of hate. He is a traumatuzed child stuck in a toxic household who lacks proper mentors. Marinette, Alya and Nino are out of the loop about his potential relationship with Kagami. And Marinette and Kagami both need to acknowledge Adrien is imperfect. Nino and Adrien need to do guy talk like two seasons ago. 
Also Marinette probably has some intense anxiety issues. But more on that later.
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uptoolateart · 6 months
Adrien Agreste…and Data from Star Trek. The parallels kept leaping out at me. Then I started talking about it with my husband and a friend and it spiralled. Bear in mind, this whole post is full of Star Trek spoilers, including the films, especially Nemesis.
Unnatural Creations
Adrien’s a sentibeing and Data’s an android. They’re both created by ‘unnatural’ means – created by a human rather than God/nature/whatever you believe. Consequently, they both begin their lives as blank slates, with no childhood memories, and they long to fulfil their programming. With Data, this is more literal, while in Wishmaker Adrien tells us all he ever wanted was to be what his parents wanted him to be.
This lends them a similar sense of naivety, leaving them open to being fooled or even used. In a way, they are both Pinocchio, wishing to be ‘real boys’. Pinocchio even wears a feather in his cap, which is what led me to do this drawing a few years ago.
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Data and Adrien’s ‘fathers’ (creators) have made other children, too – other androids and sentibeings – not necessarily to public knowledge.
Over time, both Adrien and Data come to desire individuality. An integral part of this is having dreams. Adrien’s dreams come in the form of personal ambitions, beginning with his love for Ladybug. Data has ambitions, too, but his dreams also come in a more literal form, i.e. as he evolves, he starts dreaming like a real human.
'Evil' Twins
Another crucial part of being human is self-reflection, highlighted by Data and Adrien’s ‘evil twins’. For Data, this is Lore, made according to the same design but with his own personality. He obtains the emotion chip intended for Data. Where Data is all logic, Lore is all feeling without boundaries. He’s the emotional potential exploding unchecked.
Adrien has a few ‘shadow’ sides, which I’ve explored before. An obvious one is Felix, wielder of the peacock miraculous, i.e. the power of emotion. Then there’s Cat Blanc, who is all of Adrien’s darker thoughts and feelings bursting forth uncontrolled.
What Lore, Felix and Cat Blanc have in common is that they are abused sons, bitter and resentful that their fathers never gave them the love they longed for. They lash out from grief and trauma. Also, Lore killed his/Data’s father, while Cat Blanc killed Gabriel in an alternate timestream.
Data needs to face and deal with this ‘shadow’ side before he’s ready to receive the emotion chip intended for him and find the happy medium between the two extremes of the emotional spectrum. We see this when he is forced to deactivate Lore, thus inheriting the emotion chip, learning from the mistakes his brother made and trying to do better.
Likewise, Adrien needs to come to terms with his ‘shadow’ before he’s ready to face the final battle with Monarch. In Conformation, this played out as Adrien having the emotional maturity to recognised when he was out of control and make the decision to remove his miraculous, stepping away from the battle before he could do damage.
This is without even getting into the mirror universes in both shows, where Data has a much more direct ‘evil’ alter, and Cat Noir comes head-to-head with Claw Noir. (Sadly, we never saw Data hug Evil Data the way we saw our two Noirs accept each other.) There was also the very brief Copycat moment. Adrien’s had a lot of doubles.
It’s interesting to note that Lore believed he was superior to humans and had a genocidal plan, much like Felix snaps all the non-sentibeings out of existence in Emotion. Lore also dresses like Data and poses like him to fool their father and others on the ship, like Felix does with Adrien, attempting to fool Gabriel and others in Adrien’s life. A key difference is that Lore never really gets the chance for redemption, whereas Felix is only 14 and has his whole life ahead of him, with the opportunity for positive evolution. He discovers the love he’s lacked as a child and chooses to change.
At one point, Lore also implants the emotion chip in Data and uses it to control him remotely, inspiring anger and hate in him, thus weaponising him. Felix makes it very clear that he would never try to control Adrien. Instead, it’s Gabriel who controls Adrien via the twin rings, the Alliance, and magical dust causing him to live out his worst nightmare. In Cat Blanc and Ephemeral, we also see Gabriel akumatise Adrien, using his darkest feelings to transform him into a weapon.
When Data first meets his brother, Lore convinces Data that he was created as a 'less perfect' version of him. When they are later summoned back to their father's secret home, Data learns this is untrue and is fascinated to realise that he is 'not less perfect than Lore'. Adrien, too, is repeatedly described as 'perfect'.
Data has a beloved pet cat. Adrien, of course, spends all his private time with Plagg. I also can't help but notice that Data and Cat Noir's eyes are similar in colour.
Artistry / Education
Data is a keen painter and violinist, and well-versed in just about everything, bearing in mind he was programmed with encyclopaedic knowledge. Adrien is a pianist and, thanks to his father’s programming, is also highly skilled in multiple disciplines and languages…and seems to know a lot of very random information, e.g. Morse code.
Undead Mothers and the Demented Fathers Who Can’t Let Them Go
Adrien’s father can’t get over the death of his wife and keeps her cryogenically sustained in the basement. Similarly, Data’s ‘father’ was married to a woman Data deems his ‘mother’. She, too, died long ago, but his father transferred her personality and memories into an android body. She’s the only android in the galaxy who can pass as completely human, even in medical scans.
Cat Noir is always sacrificing himself for Ladybug. We don’t know if he remembers those moments of death or not. He seems to throw himself in front of her on instinct, as if it were the natural order of things. He believes he’s not as valuable as she is.
In Star Trek: Nemesis Data sacrificed himself for Picard – although he did see himself as of equal value. In fact, he argued strenuously throughout the series for equal status with humans. And to all of us watching Nemesis…I can’t begin to tell you how hard his ‘death’ hit me.
On paper, it makes sense for an android – a robot – to sacrifice himself so a human may live. But we spent seven seasons plus several films getting to know Data. Android or not, he was a beloved character, he was a friend, he formed relationships. That’s why the crew gave him a full funeral and eulogies.
Likewise, Cat’s sacrifices hit Ladybug hard, something many of us fanfiction writers have explored in depth.
Perhaps the biggest difference is that Data knew he was programmed. He knew he was at the mercy of his microchip. He knew when his emotion chip was installed. He was wholly conscious of his developmental journey.
Yet, even after five seasons, Adrien has no idea. He doesn’t know he’s been programmed because he doesn’t know he’s a sentibeing. Like something out of Blade Runner – and like Data’s mother – Adrien would pass the Empathy Test and be deemed human yet still have no idea of his origins.
The fact is, you can’t break your programming until you know you’ve been programmed.
Data was given all the chances he needed to live a full life and make a fully informed decision about what he wanted to do with it at the end when he made that final sacrifice. Adrien has none of that. He was edging towards revelation, realising his father was controlling him somehow, but all of that was taken from him at the end of S5. It’s like if Data were given a hard reset.
Marinette’s choice to keep the truth from Adrien mirrors Data’s choice to keep the truth from his android mother. She believes she’s a human, the original woman she was made to replicate, and he chooses to let her carry out her life under that pretence.
'I want to be a real boy!'
As I said, Data and Adrien are both like Pinocchio, trying to be ‘real boys’.
At the end of Data’s life, it didn’t matter whether he was made by a scientist or by organic means. He touched people’s lives, and that made him real in all the ways that matter.
Similarly, if Adrien got snapped away, people would remember him. They would mourn him. It doesn’t matter if there’s a body left behind or not. He too has touched so many lives, and that makes him just as real and important as any organic human.
In these ways, I believe they both succeed at being 'real' regardless of how they came into being.
I bet I could think of more parallels if I tried, but this has already got long enough :)
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nxrthmizu · 3 years
| the detective and the blue-eyed fox | ch.5
title | all her fault 
pairing | Damian Wayne x Marinette Dupain-Cheng 
warnings | mentions of death, death, but nothing explicitly described
words | 3.1k 
author’s note | im emotionally invested in this series, i have ch.6 and ch.7 planned out too :3 prepare yourself for more twists and (maybe) a major death :))) also this wasn’t proof-read,,, lmk if there are any mistakes! enjoy :3 
| beginning | previous part | ao3 | 
Three walls of cement and one wall of two-inch glass. Gabriel Agreste faced the four blank slates of his confinement everyday for three months, pondering on how he was going to endure the remaining of his days in his dreary ‘home’. They wouldn’t even provide him with paper to create some sketches on- (What were they afraid of? Paper butterflies? He was powerless without his miraculous). 
“So, what business do we have today, Ms. Rossi?” He asked smoothly, business-like as ever despite not being able to remember the last time he had a conversation. Three months of complete isolation- The guards wouldn’t even spare him a single word, and to be fair, he couldn’t blame them. 
“Did you hear about Adrien?” 
Being straightforward when she wanted to be was one of Lila’s strong traits. Her words were driven to the point, cleared from the lies that typically shrouded them. A borderline sadistic smile traced her vermilion lips when a spark of curiosity glimmered in the man’s eyes- Oh, she was going to enjoy being the bearer of the staggering news. 
“What about Adrien?” She could tell- He was expecting something perhaps along the lines of his son screwing up the company he inherited, or perhaps his son making a public statement about- 
“He’s dead.” 
Gabriel froze from where he was seated on the cement block they provided him with, red draining from his already-pale skin and his bloodshot eyes. “What?” His voice was but a hoarse whisper, a denial, a beg, a plea for the woman to laugh and tell him that it was all some cruel joke. 
“He was murdered.” Oh, how she enjoyed seeing the anguish dawn into his eyes. The pain seeped into his body like a parasite, leeching away any will of survival the man had left. “Two weeks ago.” 
If getting stripped of his miraculous and being arrested was the sky crashing upon the world he tried so hard to bring his wife back into, then the revelation of his son’s death would be the universe collapsing into itself, becoming a black hole that self destructed from the very core of Gabriel Agreste’s heart. 
“Felix Graham de Vanily is combining the Agreste and the Vanily companies with a horizontal merger,” Lila continued, enjoying the acidic pain that burned through the heartless man’s soul. “Oh, and did I tell you? From the day Adrien died, Chat Noir stopped patrolling the city.” 
The rush of ‘What if he was murdered because I was Hawkmoth?’ and ‘There are no more Agrestes left...’ smashed into him like water reaching the bottom of the waterfall. There was no mercy behind the strong wave of despair; no mercy behind Lila Rossi’s cold eyes and satisfied smile; no mercy that the world had left for him as a punishment for all his crimes. 
“I think I might know who killed him, but I need you to be honest with me,” Lila said softly, enjoying the view of the man’s bowed head. The swollen red of his teary eyes made something inside her heart stir, and it wasn’t sympathy. No, not at all. Her heart swelled with a triumphant laugh, a satisfaction that can only be achieved through the means of revenge. “What happened to the peacock miraculous?” 
[Paris, three months ago] 
In the midst of destruction you could easily find pain, agony, and despair, because wherever you looked, there was someone who had no time to mourn, but still mourned nonetheless. Ladybug had lost count of how many Paris lost after the hundredth- And the count was only increasing exponentially by every passing second. The former city of love was doing its’ best impression of a society undergoing an apocalypse- In fact, it was a society undergoing an apocalypse. 
Exhaustion clawed at Paris’s heroine like a monster that wanted to be released from its’ cage. It tore at her without pause, releasing soreness into her muscles and weariness into her mentality. How much longer did she had to fight? How much longer until she couldn’t go on anymore? How much longer until Paris would fall into the hands of the man who could only focus on what he wanted? 
And what would happen to Paris if she couldn’t stand any longer to defend it? 
Smoke painted every inch and corner of the skyline in an abstract painting, which would’ve been beautiful if it wasn’t because of the direness of the situation. The clouds were stained a dirty red and firetrucks wailed in the distance, too little of them to keep up with the demand of damage control. Screams echoed across the city, a painful reminder to the heroine of how many lives she had let down. Nothing pained the heroine more than the fact she had been trusted with so many and ended up failing just as many.
A little distance away, shrouded under the same red sky that Ladybug stood under, was the Le Grand Paris. A section of the grand hotel had caved in, leaving the top half of the building in ruins. The golden embellishments of the hotel were caked in dust, the grandeur of Paris’s greatest hotel submitting to the chaos and destruction around it. 
“Come on! Get in here! Hurry up!” 
Chloe couldn’t believe her eyes. 
There stood Mayor Bourgeois, urgently yelling out orders for as many people as possible to get into the hotel’s wine cellar, which would be underground and as safe as it got at the moment. The endless stream of Parisians flowed continuously through the open doors of the hotel, the hotel’s large wine cellar being able to accommodate about half of Paris’s (surviving) population. 
For once in her life, Chloe was proud to call the mayor her father. 
“Daddy! I’ll go get more people here!” She yelled over the bustling noise. Worry clumped over the mayor and butler Jean’s eyes, but her father nodded nonetheless, a smile slipping over his lips. 
“Be careful, my dear!” 
On the other side of Paris, Alya was holding onto her younger siblings as tightly as she could, all four of them hidden under the dining table. A loud ring startled all of them, the second-oldest Cesaire turning her attention to her phone. Earthquake-like vibrations made multiple household objects topple and smash onto the floor, much to the twins’ terror. 
“Chloe?” She breathed, picking up the call. 
The voice that came in response was panting, taking hurried, shuddering breaths. The consistent thump-thump-thump of footsteps also echoed through the phone, accompanied by the distance rings of destruction. “Where are you? Get your family towards Le Grand Paris, you can hide in the wine cellar!” 
Alya couldn’t believe the blonde’s words. 
“And if you’re up to it, spread the word! The wine cellar is the safest place we have right now.” 
The call ended, Alya blinking back her surprise in exchange of a courage that surged forward all of a sudden. “Nora, take Ella and Etta to Le Grand Paris and hide in the wine cellar.” 
“And where are you going?” 
Alya steeled her jittering nerves. “I’m going to get out there and help.”
Not too far away from the Cesaire’s apartment, Ladybug was swinging through the city, surveying the damage. The whizz of her yoyo felt deafening to her ears, and everything hurt. Her muscles were sore, her legs were shaking, and her vision felt blurry. Half of Paris was a rubble of cement and dust, and the other half was on the verge of collapsing soon. 
Ladybug’s eyes widened in horror as she jerked back, catching sight of a familiar building that was so burdened with destruction that she could barely recognise it if it wasn’t for the fact that she knew she was on the right street. 
“No. No, no, no. Nononono-” Her breath caught in her throat, suffocating and strangling her from inside. 
The bakery had collapsed. 
She prayed with all her heart that her parents had gotten out, but from the looks of it, the bakery was hit fast and the chances that- 
“Think positive thoughts, Marinette.” The heroine whispered to herself, desperate and unwilling to face what she was sure was the truth. “Maybe they got out. Maybe they got out. They’re fine.” 
Even as she swung off, Ladybug knew in her heart that despite the lies she insisted on telling herself, her parents’ dead bodies were somewhere underneath the rubble. 
“Mamma!” Tears streamed down Lila’s face as she tugged and pulled at the portion of their ceiling that had chosen the diplomat as its’ victim. There was no use- Both of them knew as well as 1 + 1 that there was no way Lila could lift the concrete block by herself. 
The diplomat looked up with a weak smile, already having come to terms with how her life would end- With her lower half crushed by a ceiling. “Leave me here, dear, the building’s going to-” 
Lila shook her head stubbornly, desperately trying to lift the concrete again, only to look up in surprise, not having expected a pair of spandexed hands to join hers. Ladybug let out a grunt as she tried to nudge the collapsed ceiling even just a little, her suit tearing due to the rough surface of the collapsed ceiling. 
“Come on, we’ll push at the count of three!” The hero instructed, groaning and giving all her strength to the giant piece of debris, but it was no use. Ladybug was tired and worn out, and the little strength she had in her was not enough to overcome the concrete’s stubbornness to stay put. “I... I could...” She flung out her yoyo, trying to think of a way to use the concrete’s weight against itself. 
“Ladybug, the building is collapsing, please just leave me be.” The diplomat pleaded. “Lila, please get out of here!” 
The building groaned, supporting the woman’s statement. Ladybug bowed apologetically, guilt lurking in every corner of her eyes. “I’m so sorry I couldn’t be of more assistance, ma’am.” 
“You’ve done a lot for Paris. I should thank you.” The woman whispered, smiling painfully at her daughter. “I’m sorry, Lila. I love you, forever.” 
The girl sniffled, pressing her lips into a thin line. “I love you too, mamma.” 
“Come on, Lila.” Ladybug whispered gently, pulling the teen away. It was as heart-wrenching as abandoning a puppy on the side of the road on a rainy day, but the diplomat was right- The building was giving in, and if they didn’t get out themselves, Paris’s death count would only increase by another two. 
The escape from the building was quiet, only filled by the whizz of the yoyo. “I’m sorry I couldn’t have done more.” Ladybug said softly. 
“It’s not your fault.” Lila sniffled bitterly. Now that they were soaring over the city, Lila could see just how much of it was crumbled and broken- At least 70% of the city was reduced to rubbles, and the Eiffel tower, who had once stood tall at the core of Paris, had now bowed down to the wrath of the man who knew nothing but his own wants. 
It was at that moment that Lila Rossi decided that the person she hated the most was Hawkmoth.  
You never know the true meaning of horror until you live that one moment that crushes you inside. 
It freezes your blood, it makes your heart stop, and your chest feels like its’ being constricted. You can’t breath, and your field of vision just narrows to the one point that defines the cause of all your pain. Sometimes, you don’t even know what you feel. All emotion has been drained out of you, and your brain has lagged behind, unsure of how to react. 
Chloe stood in front of Le Grand Paris- The remains of it, anyway, and came to the conclusion that her father saved at least a thousand lives that day. All by putting aside his own safety and shepherding millions of his citizens into the wine cellar. 
It was over. 
It took hours for the firefighters to dig out the entrance to the wine cellar, millions and thousands of relieved Parisians crawling from the hole. The daughter of the mayor sat and waited, helping wherever she could. There were too many tears shed, too much blood bled, and too many people dead. 
She watched the line of Parisians trickle from what was formerly Le Grand Paris’s wine cellar. She waited and waited until the sun finally had mercy on Paris and ended the day that would be marked as the end of the city of love. She prayed and hoped until she saw the last man crawl from the cellar. 
And then she faced the truth that neither her father nor butler Jean made it into the wine cellar themselves. 
Adjusting to the bright light shining around her was difficult, to say the least. Paris had been shrouded in semi-darkness for the past twenty-four hours. 
Marinette sat up hurriedly, groaning at the piercing pain that shot thorugh her spine at the action. All around her were her friends’ worried faces, Alya’s, Adrien’s, Nino’s, Chloe’s- Were those tears on Chloe’s cheeks? And was that Lila comforting her?
“Alya found you passed out in the middle of the street after it ended.” Nino explained quickly. 
Ah, that was what they were calling it now, Marinette thought. The battle she had fought for over fifteen hours without pause was now labelled ‘It’. 
“What were you doing out there, you could’ve died!” Alya scolded, but despite the tone, the teen was more glad than anything to see that the bluenette had made it. 
“Where... Are we? And why is everything so... Destroyed?” 
The classmates shared looks that practically spelt ‘Who’s going to break it to her?’. 
“Ladybug disappeared after the battle was won. She never got to use her miraculous cure.” Chloe supplied the explanation coldly. “Thousands are dead. Almost every building needs to be rebuilt.” 
Adrien offered her a weak smile that was on the verge of breaking. “Hawkmoth is gone for good.” There was a faint suggestion in the boy’s eyes that he was going through much more pain than any of them knew. “Hawkmoth... My father. My father was Hawkmoth. He was arrested a couple hours ago. Nathalie was Mayura.” 
Silence shrouded the teens like a  black rain cloud. “I’m sorry, Adrien.” Marinette whispered. It was coming back to her now- Chat Noir’s anguished screams when they discovered Gabriel Agreste, decked out in his purple suit, standing in the attic of Agreste Manor, Mayura’s escape- Feeling like she couldn’t go any further. The last thing she remembered was her transformation dropping, and contact with the cold hard ground. 
“Don’t be.” Lila responded nonchalantly. “I think I can speak for everyone here when I say that this whole shit was Hawkmoth’s fault and no one else’s. Almost everyone has lost a family member. Some of us lost more than others. It’s no one’s fault, so don’t you go apologising, Dupain-Cheng.” 
Her friends murmured their agreements, giving her soft smiles despite the devastation that tore at each of their hearts. 
Marinette wanted to laugh. 
Thousands dead and it was because she couldn’t hold on for two more seconds to use her miraculous cure. 
Thousands dead, including her own parents, Lila’s, and god knows how many others’ parents, siblings, lovers, and friends. 
Thousands dead and it was all. Her. Fault. 
Impatience decorated Lila’s tone as she tapped her heels, waiting for the terrorist’s answer. The click of her heels echoed through the room, bouncing off the concrete walls to create the loudest noise Gabriel had ever heard in a long time. 
“What happened to the peacock miraculous?” She repeated one more time for good measure, irked and irritated by the lack of answer from the other side of the glass. 
“It’s gone.” Gabriel answered softly after a while. “When they found Nathalie passed out in that alley, she didn’t have her miraculous on.” The man’s former assistant had fled after Ladybug and Chat Noir confronted them in the Agreste Manor, but two hours later, she was found unconscious in a back alley, and it was later discovered in the hospital that she had fallen into a coma. 
Bewilderment lit inside the woman’s eyes, burning beside the fury that blazed inside her soul. “Are you telling me someone stole them?” She hissed, resisting the urge to slam her hands on something. 
“No.” Gabriel answered reluctantly, slightly afraid of the woman’s fury. If it was any consolation, he knew the two-inch glass wall would prevent her from inflicting any harm onto him. “I’m telling you that Duusu probably ran off with her own miraculous.” 
The woman sucked in a deep breath, regulating her breathing to regain her composure. “Then do you have any idea where she went?” 
“Duusu is corrupted and manipulative, but she’ll need a host to operate through. She’d probably look for someone emotional, someone who’s lost a lot and is in a lot of pain.” Gabriel sighed, looking up to be met by Lila’s annoyed expression. 
“Oh wow.” Said the woman sarcastically, hands propped on her hips in a pretentious, thoughtful manner. “Someone emotional, someone who’s lost a lot and is in a lot of pain. That just about defines everyone that survived the apocalypse you laid on us three months ago.” 
It was at that moment Lila’s sarcastic attitude brought Gabriel to a terrifying conclusion. There was no amount of sympathy in her eyes, and judging from the hate and loath in her eyes... The revelation splashed him like a cold bucket of ice water, waking him up from the small smudge of hope he got to hold for a couple of seconds. 
“You aren’t here to get me out.” He whispered. Just when he thought that the sly woman was going to get him out of the four walls he was trapped in- She slammed her true intentions back into his face with no mercy. 
“You killed my mother, you bastard.” She smiled so sweetly that he wouldn’t be surprised if she was instantly cast as the beautiful but wicked stepmother from Snow White or perhaps the enchantress from Sleeping Beauty. “As well as the friends and family of thousand others. I hope you rot in jail forever.” 
If anyone’s confused on the timeline of the story, this is how it goes: 
3 months before current time, the final battle takes place (ch.5). Thousands die because Ladybug didn’t get to use her miraculous cure. Hawkmoth is arrested and Nathalie falls into a coma. Ladybug/Marinette leave Paris after the battle is over.
Ladybug/Marinette heads to Gotham, where Marinette gets hired into GCPD and becomes partners with Damian. She also becomes Gotham’s newest vigilante, Lan, who exposes corrupt politicians 
2 weeks before current time, Adrien Agreste is murdered and Chat Noir stops patrolling Paris. (This is when Marinette learns from Tikki that Adrien and Chat are the same person even though the conversation wasn’t written) 
Current time (ch.1) Lan asks Damian to help her find the miraculous of the black cat 
Damian, the next day, finds out that Plagg and the black cat miraculous have been in his apartment the whole time (He then emails her and asks her to go to his apartment to discuss things) 
(ch.4) Damian and Marinette talk 
At the same time, in Paris, Luka visits Chloe, who is apparently in kahoots with him 
Also at the same time, Lila breaks into the highest security prison in Paris and talks to Gabriel Agreste/Hawkmoth (also partly ch.5) 
That’s about it for now :3 
taglist. @demonicbusiness @animegirlweeb @roselynfey @2confused-2doanything @insane-fangirl-of-everything @promiswords @galaxylightmoon @fusser90 @ira-sairain @liquid-luck-00 @glastwime859
gen. daminette taglist. @maskedpainter @animegirlweeb @missmadwoman
| next part | ao3 | 
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