#he can be as fancy as he wants he's not immune to being tackled into water features
whumpkeys · 3 years
Blood Brothers (9-1-1 Lonestar Fic)
After an incident on a call leaves Carlos and Judd injured, TK has some guilt to look through. CW: Canon-typical violence, gun violence, drug mention.
It was a normal call. Or at least it was supposed to be. Dispatch had mentioned a simple car accident on the freeway with a possible missing kid. Nothing more, nothing less. They had found the kid and gotten four of the five people out of the cars with limited injuries and no deaths so far. The police were only really there for traffic control. Everything was going fine and overall, it was the kind of call that would no doubt be celebrated later with a night at the bar. Until Paul noticed something.
While Judd knew that he wasn’t as observant as Paul was, he was also far from oblivious. The sudden stiffening and look of concentration on Paul’s face betrays the fact that he had noticed something, though it wasn’t clear exactly what he’d noticed. It never was. Not until he did some fancy Sherlock Holmes type deduction and blew everyone away. Then it just seemed painfully obvious and left Judd with the thought that this is what Watson must feel like. A quick glance around reveals the fact that Judd isn’t the only one who’s noticed. Marjan and the probie were sharing a look of confusion and glee, clearly excited to see what it was that Paul had discovered.
Judd wasn’t immune to the lure of the trick either. Though he tries to remain outwardly uninterested, he still watches out of the corner of his eye as the other man approaches the truck, walking with purpose. Just as Paul’s about to make his first comment or ask his first question, something else catches Judd’s eye and he turns his head, recognizing the all-too-familiar glint as sunlight reflects off the long barrel of a shotgun. Judd follows it with his eyes, his heart stopping for a moment when he realizes who it was pointing at. TK wasn’t paying attention, of course, too busy chatting it up with his little cop boyfriend.
“Gun!” Judd’s shouting the warning almost immediately as he takes off towards the boy, knocking him to the ground just as the gun fires with a loud bang. The two of them land on the ground, Judd on top of TK, and he can only groan as TK shouts in surprise, asking what the hell was going on. Judd wants to answer. Really, he does. But just at that moment, the pain hits.
It’s a burning, searing pain that seems to spread out from his shoulder and throughout his entire body. He can hear somebody letting out a string of foul curses, ones that would get him smacked upside the head if Grace heard him saying, and it takes him a moment longer than it should for him to realize that it was him cussing up a storm and not some poor bystander. Judd tries to get up but his arms feel like Jell-O and refuse to follow his commands. All he can do is groan and hope he isn’t crushing poor TK under him.
As much as he liked to portray himself as this fearless, tough-guy cowboy, he was only human. He was susceptible to pain. And this shit? It hurt like a mother. Through the haze of pain and confusion, he can feel two people shifting him onto one of the stretchers. His arm moves at the same time that the pain spikes and a numb feeling shoots through his arm before making his entire body burn like it was on fire. He barely gets a strangled scream out before he's passing out on the stretcher.
Owen didn’t think he would ever be as scared as he had been when he found TK that night before moving to Austin. The stone-cold terror he’d felt when he’d found his son laying on the ground, cold as a corpse and not breathing, wasn’t something that was going to be easy to top. But the fear he feels when he sees the barrel of a gun pointed at him while he’s so clearly distracted definitely comes close.
“TK!” he yells, though it’s immediately drowned out by a louder shout, warning them about the gun. Owen freezes for just a moment, seeing a blur tackle TK to the ground just as the gun goes off. And that’s when everything goes to shit. Carlos is knocked aside in the commotion, his head hitting the edge of the truck and knocking him out, and TK himself doesn’t seem to come out unscathed despite what Owen is now considering divine intervention of some sort.
Owen forces himself forwards on unsteady legs, dropping to his knees beside the two. Michelle was already with Carlos, helping him to sit up and drink some water. For a moment, Owen’s convinced that he’s the only one who had seen this. The only one who knows what had happened. But his theory is quickly disproven when Paul and Marjan are there all of a sudden, helping him move Judd onto a stretcher. The cowboy was shouting out foul curses, causing most of the bystanders to cover their children's ears and look utterly scandalized. When he passes out, Owen finds that the silence is much worse.
TK hadn’t gotten up yet, which Owen was trying not to find concerning. He’s still laying on the pavement, curling up in the fetal position and not moving.“TK? TK, are you okay? TK!”
TK’s response is fairly quick and Owen just about sags in relief. “I’m fine. Just sore ribs. Think Judd broke ‘em. What was that all about anyway?” he asks, sitting up with one arm wrapped around his chest, a slight wince on his face.
Owen watches as the ambulance pulls away with Judd and Carlos inside and just shakes his head. “Come on. We’re going to the hospital.”
“Dad? It’s not that bad, seriously. I’m fine.”
“TK, it’s not for you.”
It takes a few seconds but the look on TK’s face when he finally realizes what had just happened makes Owen wish that he’d just invented some kind of elaborate lie or something to cover up the whole thing. He knew it was illogical but the urge to protect his son from any more hurt was there, overpowering any logic or rational thought. “Oh.”
“Yeah. Let’s go.”
They arrive at the hospital shortly after. Despite what he’d been told, about the trip not being for him, his dad had still made him get checked out. The whole way to the hospital, he’d been hunched over with his arms wrapped around his chest and Owen had been understandably concerned. A few moments after arriving, he's diagnosed with cracked ribs. After being told about caring for his ribs, they head into the waiting room to find Carlos sitting in the corner with an ice pack to his head and a pink emesis bin in his lap. He glances up when the two walk in, giving TK a small, pained smile. TK immediately glances away.
From what he’d been told, this whole thing was his fault. If he had been paying attention to the call instead of hanging out with his boyfriend when they were both working, then he would have seen the gun. He would have ducked or moved or done something other than just stand there like a lovesick dork. Judd wouldn’t be in surgery. Carlos wouldn’t be sitting there in obvious pain.
TK knew he had a bad habit of internalizing things and blaming himself. His dad told him practically every time it happened. But in this case, he was certain that it was his fault. How could it not be? He had been standing there, flirting with his boyfriend while everyone else was working hard. Judd had been right, he was slacking. And now he was paying the price for TK’s mistake.
Before he even has a chance to try and stop it, a strangled sob escapes him, and just like that, the dam he’d oh so carefully constructed breaks. He sits there, in the cold, cramped hospital chair, with his legs pulled up to his chest and his face buried in his knees as loud sobs wracked his body. The fabric on his knees is getting wet with his tears but he can’t bring himself to care. With everything else happening, it doesn’t seem to matter that much. He feels somebody’s arm wrap around him, pulling him into their side with a quiet, “Oh, TK.”
He recognizes his dad’s voice and the feeling of his chest. Briefly, he’s reminded of the time when he was a kid and he’d had a nightmare. He’d stood over his dad’s bed for nearly ten minutes before Owen had woken up. His dad had later told him that he’d scared the shit out of him. But after that, he’d just hugged him and held him close. He had rubbed his hair like he was doing now and he’d told him that everything was going to be okay. That whatever had happened was just a dream and it couldn’t hurt him. The mantra was different today. Today, his dad was assuring him that what happened wasn’t his fault. “Everything will be okay. It wasn’t your fault, TK, these things happen. Judd’s gonna be fine. Carlos is—”
“I’m fine,” Carlos pipes up, though his voice is tinged with hurt. TK can’t tell if it’s from the concussion or TK ignoring him. Either way, he had caused it. It was his fault.
“Tyler Kennedy, you listen to me.” TK hadn’t realized he had been speaking out loud. “This was not your fault. Okay?”
“But Carlos got— and Judd he—”
“They’re fine, TK. Right now, I’m more worried about you.” Owen lowers his voice, leaning in closer to his son. “How are you feeling? Any… urges?”
TK sighs, rolling his eyes and looking up at his dad. “I’m not a werewolf, you know, and I’m not made of glass either. I’m not gonna- I’m not going to OD again, okay? That was… it was a one-time thing. Not every issue is going to break me, okay? Okay, dad?”
“I know,” Owen tells him, a small smile on his face. “I know. I’m just worried, okay?”
“Yeah, well you don’t have to be.”
“It’s kind of my job, TK.”
TK feels a small spark of inexplicable anger appear. “No, your <i>job</i> is to save people.”
“Not as a firefighter, TK, as your dad.”
TK’s quiet for a moment. Just like that, the spark is gone and another sob leaves him. “I’m sorry.”
“Hey, you have nothing to be sorry for,” Owen assures him, rubbing small circles into his son’s back. TK just nods, too busy trying to hold back the sobs and tears that threatened to overspill. By now, Paul, Marjan, and Matéo had returned from taking the truck back for the next shift and were just sitting awkwardly in the chairs beside Carlos.
When Paul catches the captain's eye, he mouths something that Owen takes for meaning, ‘Is he okay?’ Owen hesitates, looking down at where TK was sitting, practically in his lap with his head buried in his chest. He nods. TK might not be completely okay right now, but he would be. Owen knew that. If his son was anything, he was resilient.
Owen glances up at the sound of footsteps, relieved to see the doctor approaching. He knows the exact moment that TK notices, shifting and accidentally elbowing Owen in the chest. “Oomph!”
“Sorry,” TK’s quick to apologize but pays his dad no heed as he looks over at the doctor, a tall blond man. “How is he? Is he okay?”
The doctor opens his mouth to say something when Paul pipes up. “Relax, TK, he’s fine. Doc’s relaxed.”
“Plus, Judd’s a fighter. He’ll be fine in no time.”
“May I—”
“Wait, did anyone call his wife?”
“If I can—”
“Yeah, I called her earlier. You know, she’s actually really nice. She invited us for dinner this weekend.”
“Guys,” Owen says, holding up a hand. “Let the man speak.”
The doctor sends him a thankful look and adjusts his clipboard as he clears his throat. “Thank you, Captain. Mr. Ryder’s going to be just fine. He’s lost a bit of blood but we were able to remove the bullet without much difficulty at all. He’s awake and ready for visitors. If you would like to see him, somebody can go in now. He’s been asking for his little brother?”
As soon as the doctor���s finished speaking, Owen looks down at his son. “That’s you. Go see him, make sure he’s not giving the nurses a hard time.” TK hesitates before shaking his head slightly and pulling his phone out as if he got a text. “I uh- actually, I have to go. Meeting a friend.”
Before anyone can protest, he’s out of there, taking off like a bat out of hell. Owen sighs, standing up. “Guess, that’s me then.” As he heads for Judd’s room, he hears Mateo comment on TK leaving to see a friend instead of visiting his brother. Marjan smacks him upside the head and calls him an idiot before Owen can say anything. He’d talk to TK later, make sure he’s okay.
Nobody, not even Paul, notices Carlos slipping away.
As soon as he’s out of the hospital, TK breaks down completely. He slides down one of the large white pillars and buries his face in his arms as he cries. Loud sobs wrack his entire body as he struggles to get a breath in without choking on it. He can practically feel everyone staring at him, watching as he loses it right there on the pavement. TK can only imagine the sight he makes. He was still in his turnout gear minus his helmet, which was probably still in the waiting room with his dad, and definitely looked the part of a badass firefighter. And here he was, sobbing like a child.
Too focused on dwelling on his own mistakes and trying to get a breath in, TK doesn’t notice somebody sitting down beside him until there’s a sharp inhale from the spot to his left. “It’s bright out, huh?” TK freezes, recognizing his boyfriend’s voice. He looks up slowly, trying to wipe the tears away with the back of his hand. They just keep coming.
“What are you doing here?”
“Come on, TK. I know you. And I know that you’re taking this hard. It’s not your fault. You know that, right?”
TK shakes his head. “That’s not— I wasn’t doing my job. I was just standing around, talking to <i>you</i>. I was distracted.”
“Everyone was standing around, there wasn’t much to do. You did nothing wrong. Please tell me you understand that,” Carlos says, an arm around his shoulders as he pulls TK into an awkward, half hug. TK just laughs bitterly and shakes his head again. Carlos frowns and decides to try another tactic. “What, you’re not going to ask how I’m feeling?”
TK looks up at him, the slightest hint of a smile on his face. “How are you feeling?”
“Like I just won a steak-eating contest.”
“Yeah. Doc says I have a concussion. Nothing serious though.”
TK nods. “Good. Look… I’m sorry. I’m really sorry.”
“TK, you have nothing to apologize for,” he tells him with a smile, squeezing him against his chest. “What happened was an accident. I know it doesn’t help much but it’s not your fault.”
“I know, it’s just…” TK shakes his head. “Nevermind.”
Carlos frowns but decides not to say anything for now. “Come on, Tiger. Let’s go see Judd. I heard he’s giving the doctors a hard time.”
This time, TK doesn’t protest as he’s led back towards the hospital.
“Where’s the kid?”
Standing at the end of Judd’s hospital bed, Owen got the strange feeling that he was at his judgment day. Judd didn’t look like he’d even been shot. If it weren’t for the bandage wrapped around his shoulder and the stark white hospital sheets, he could have just been laying in bed. He wasn’t wearing a hospital gown either, something the captain found fairly odd but not important enough to mention.
“He… had to leave. Had a date with a friend,” Owen tells him. They both knew he was lying.
“He’s blaming himself, ain’t he?” Judd asks, groaning slightly as he props himself up on his elbows and looks over. Owen just nods. “Fuck, knew he would. He’s okay though, right?”
Owen nods again. “Yeah, he’s fine. A couple of cracked ribs but he’ll be fine. How are you feeling?”
“Like I’m floating on cloud nine, Cap. Think they gave me the good stuff,” he responds with a shit-eating grin.
Owen laughs. “I don’t doubt it.”
There’s a moment of quiet as the mood slowly shifts and Judd looks up. “Any idea where he is?”
Owen shakes his head. They both knew who Judd was referring to. “I don’t know. He told me he wouldn’t be…” he trails off with a shake of his head. “But I don’t know.”
“Yeah, well, he’ll be fine. What happened out there?”
“Paul found cocaine. A ton of it. The guy didn’t want anyone finding out, I guess.”
“What, no ‘welcome to Texas’?”
Judd shakes his head. “This ain’t Texas shit, Cap. That’s some LA shit.”
Though the silence between the two had never been awkward before, it was now rife with tension. Owen wasn’t too sure what to say. He knew TK wouldn’t appreciate him telling Judd about their earlier talk but right now, he was considering telling Judd their entire life story just to have something to talk about. Thankfully, by some sort of miracle, he’s stopped from oversharing by the door opening and a light cough from the doorway.
Owen turns around immediately to see TK and Carlos standing there in the doorway. Carlos’s arm is wrapped around TK’s shoulders in a protective gesture and the police officer is giving them both a look that dares them to try anything. TK, for his part, was just standing there with his eyes on his shoes and his arms wrapped around his chest as if he could hold himself together just like that.
Nobody says anything for a few moments before Carlos nudges TK, prompting a slight glare at the other man and a quiet, “Hey.”
“Howdy, kid. Nice of you to drop by,” Judd responds, not missing a beat. Despite how withdrawn and hesitant TK was at the moment, Judd was acting as if they were just hanging around the fire station. And for that, Owen was grateful. TK hated any kind of pity or sympathy or anything like that. And while Judd wasn’t the type to pity people, Owen knew that his son would definitely interpret any difference in behavior as such.
TK doesn’t respond, leaving them with yet another awkward silence. It takes Owen a moment to see the look Judd was giving him, too busy watching his son with obvious worry. Judd clears his throat and Owen gets the sense that he was tired of waiting for him to catch on. “Hey, Cap, why don’t you and Reyes go call Grace or something?”
The dismissal was anything except subtle but it got the job done. Carlos seems to snap out of whatever protective trance he was in and nods. “Right… yeah. Uh- see you later, TK?” TK just nods, still not looking up from his shoes.
With one last lingering glance at his son, Owen follows Carlos out of the hospital room and back to the rest of the crew.
Judd doesn’t say anything as he watches the kid in the doorway. His posture and expression screams guilt and Judd knows that whatever he’s thinking about was eating at him. He shakes his head. “Am I gonna be receiving an invite to this pity party or is it one of them private affairs?”
TK glances up at that, a hint of a glare on his face as he looks towards Judd. It’s lacking any heat, though, and seemed more instinctual than anything. Judd sighs. “Come on, kid. What’s eating at you?”
There’s another brief moment of silence as TK seems to gather his words before speaking. “You got shot.”
Judd raises a brow. “Believe me, brother, I know.”
“No— you got shot because I wasn’t paying attention. I was flirting with Carlos. Flirting! At work. And you were— you—”
As he speaks, TK starts to pace back and forth across the room and Judd holds up a hand, stopping him in his tracks. “First of all, you’re making me dizzy. Second, this kind of shit happens. It could have happened to anyone. Probie, Marwani, your dad. Hell, even me. You know how many times I’ve tried flirting with Grace over the radio?” TK shakes his head. “Too many times.”
Judd pauses for a moment, just to get a sense of where they were, and then launches into the seemingly endless story of how he’d flirted with Grace over the radio, got himself smacked upside the head by his captain, and sent to the couch for the night by Grace, and almost drowned as a direct result from the incident. Partway through the story, TK migrates over to the hard plastic chair beside Judd’s bed and by the time he reaches the part about the couch, TK’s fast asleep with his head on the bed. Judd doesn’t stop talking just yet, continuing the story as TK lays there, his head laying on his folded arms.
He doesn’t reach the drowning part before he’s dozing off beside the kid, confident that they’d be alright.
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kaiserin-astraia · 3 years
NieR's Project Gestalt
So after several nights losing sleep over this, I decided to write down my biggest issue with the NieR series: project gestalt. It’s pretty unanimously agreed by fans that project gestalt was probably the worst plan in the history of plans, executed in the laziest way possible. And yet, I couldn't help but obsess over how project gestalt could have been salvaged, even after the events of ending E of nier replicant.
This is the part where I say: I’m going to spoiling the hell out of NieR: Replicant and in some capacity NieR: Automata. If you don’t want to be spoiled, then get out now — that being said, if you’re sticking around anyway, I’ll be attempting to give summaries and explanations to concepts in the games that are relevant, so that we are all on the same page. also also I only know the high level details of the Drakengard series & won't be touching on it much.
So. What the hell was project gestalt?
Project gestalt was the terrible and last ditch effort to save humanity from a widespread pandemic called white chlorination syndrome, or WCS. WCS was caused by a literal inter dimensional fight between a red dragon and demon baby thing that resulted in the death of both and the deterioration of their corpses causing salt (also called Maso particles) to fall from the sky. If you got infected, the Cult of the Watchers gave you the choice of losing your free will and fighting for them as a soldier in the Legion, or turning into a pile of salt and dying. BrandonSP has a wonderful video talking about the Legion and the Nier universe leading up to the events of Nier: Replicant that I’ll link if you want to know more about this history (here), but all you need to know is: humanity is on the brink of extinction and the planet is no longer inhabitable in its current state.
Project Gestalt discovered that the way humans could escape extinction is by separating their souls from their bodies — the soul having no physical form is immortal & immune to maso, while the body without a soul can't become infected, because there’s no consciousness to force into a demon deal, I guess. You know, I realized while writing this that it’s not clear why separating soul from body actually worked to prevent WCS, but whatever it worked because Yoko Taro Said So.
However, separating body from soul was no easy task; upon doing so, most people’s souls would instantly go berserk, turning into mindless violent entities. The first success was the playable character of Nier: Replicant, who I’m going to call Nier. Upon this first success, the governments of the world convinced / coerced him into cooperating with the Project, and he became the cornerstone for all the “gestalts” aka the souls separated from their bodies.
Just to keep everyone up to pace, gestalts are the souls separated from their bodies, otherwise known as “shades” in Nier: Replicant.
So Project Gestalt’s planned chain of events was as followed:
1. All remaining humans would undergo gestalt-ing 2. The resulting replicants (aka, the soulless bodies) and androids would fight and defeat the legion & clean up the planet so that it was habitable again … which meant containing or eradicating the leftover maso covering the planet. 3. Once ready for rehabilitation, Grimoire Weiss and Grimoire Nior would merge into each other, causing all gestalt souls to snap into their respective replicants starting with Nier 4. Profit. Seems a simple plan, right? Well, not even a single step of that plan worked. By the end of Nier: Replicant ending E, Nier’s Gestalt, aka the shadow lord, has been killed by his own replicant; the replicants have gained sentience and I would argue their own souls, and many gestalts have relapsed into becoming violent, nonsensical entities. The insta-snap grimoires are dead, too, and-- Oh there’s the tiny issue that when a gestalt relapses, their corresponding replicant gets something called the “black scrawl”, a painful and terminal disease. Once a gestalt relapses or dies, their replicant can’t be recreated (well... mostly) and because the original gestalt, the shadow lord, is dead, all the other gestalts are doomed to eventually relapse or die as well, and thus humanity goes extinct. This is where I call bullshit. There’s little known about the time period between Nier: Replicant and Nier: Automata— especially the time of the gestalt and replicants decline. The game(s) leads you to believe that nothing can be done because the soul snapping Grimoires are dead and so is the original gestalt. However, there is tons of evidence in the game itself that implies it’s not so simple, and truly the true tragedy is that simply, everyone gave up — or more likely, Yoko Taro didn’t want us to think this hard, lol. Well TOO BAD, I can’t stop thinking about it so finally let’s actually talk about how to save humanity. First of all, I read on Reddit how it seems to be that the androids Devola and Popula are only two units, and with their demise in Nier: Replicant that project gestalt is doomed to failure. However, Nier: Automata clearly talks about how there were several Devola and Popula model pairs in different cities/continents. There’s no way that only our Devola and Popula in Nier: Replicant knew how to merge a gestalt with its replicant; such vital information would be stored in every android related to the project, and these models were quite literally created to oversee it. So. Idk why the hell the project was allowed to even get so disorganized, but regardless, after the the Shadow Lord and grimoires die, the remaining Devola and Popula units should have immediately made a plan B. There were several big issues with the state of the world before, so we’ll tackle them one by one for the biggest chance of success. 1. All relapsed gestalts need to be eradicated or contained. Their violence has lead replicants to attack them back and view them as monsters, leading to meaningless conflict. If the Devola and Popula units are programmed not to harm the gestalts because they are the 'true humans', they need to make new units ala A2 or 2B to take care of it. Because we know that android technology is already there, evidenced by the Memory Tree, and Devola and Popula, it follows this is definitely possible.
2. There should be three divisions of research made as follows:
2.1 Research into the effects of mismatched replicants merged with gestalts, like Kaine. Because the clock is ticking, there’s unfortunately no time to gawk at morals. Taking volunteers, even 1 success could be the difference between extinction or survival.
2.2 Creating and housing “iced” or “stasis” gestalts, while replicant bodies are “grown” for them. Because replicants have formed their own identities, they should try to create/raise replicants completely asleep/comatose. If not this, research into putting gestalts into their proper replicants at infant stage can be tried. (Note: replicants were infertile, hence why replicants had to be made, not born of sexual reproduction. Yoko Taro said that replicants couldn’t reproduce because they didn’t have their souls, however I think this was just a comment said to cover a plot hole.)
2.3 Research into whether replicants truly have souls or not, and whether something can be done to allow them to reproduce. Regarding the soul issue, it’s heavily implied that the Memory Tree, having absorbed the memories of so many replicants, began growing a soul of its own (that Nier killed, thinking it was a shade, oops). Now, how is that possible? It shouldn’t be, unless the replicants had made their own or unless a soul being created was possible. If we want to get fancy, a fourth division could be organized to study Emil and the weapons project that experimented on him, with an emphasis on how to either reverse the effects or if any information can be gleaned from them regarding the soul.
2.4 Black scrawl 2 electric boogaloo: it’s said in the project gestalt files that they couldn’t find a cure or reason for this phenomenon, but if we’re trying to cover our bases, another research division should be created to investigate and attempt to cure it. It seems to be a magical malady, so I wonder if Emil would be able to help... or even Kaine.
3. (Moving along...) More androids should be created to build cities / homes / areas of civilization for the newly reformed humans to re-habitat. This is said to be a goal of the androids in Nier: Automata, and they were doing a piss poor job — maybe if they got started earlier they’d have a better shot. The replicants were/are already living in medieval levels of squalor and poverty, which is ridiculous considering the android's technology is so advanced.
4. No more lies: though in my plan, replicants shouldn’t have to be created except to be possessed, but if they are created and allowed to mature into a sentient age, replicants should be educated and informed about the truth of their existence — this is for many reasons. First, that way replicants will be less likely to fear and attack shades they see; two, worst comes to worst, they may be more willing to share their bodies with their gestalts and who knows? Maybe they’d merge naturally. Three, no replicant would be allowed to get strong enough to defeat an android (or two -- seriously, what were the twins thinking letting Nier get so powerful?).
Hopefully this makes it very obvious that the death of humanity was entirely the fault of Project Gestalt itself and the androids meant to oversee it -- at least the androids have the excuse of being programmed to act a certain way, but still. It's so frustrating that we just have to accept that humanity was doomed even though, by its own lore, there was a lot that could have been done to attempt to save humans. Like, I love you, Yoko Taro, but gees.
anyway if you've read all this I'm so sorry but also I'm REALLY interested to hear what y'all think about the Nier universe and it's facets. idek why I've got such deep brainworms but here we are.
P.S. As of writing this, I've played some Nier: Reincarnation and it just further implies that the way they created and treated replicants was both A) awful, holy shit, it's so bad, and B) ill-advised on every level. I don't want to spoil but good lord. Honestly, I think at this point YT just wants to express/nail home that humanity was doomed to fail because of its own cruelty and flaws. ok ill shut up now bye love u
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Hi! I’d like to request a ship with bts, nct 127, and nct dream!🍄
astrology sign:
I’m very humorous and usually find myself doing whatever it takes to make someone laugh. My goal is to make people feel more comfortable around me and make friends. I’m very straight forward, yet try not to be super stern with my opinions. I’m considered the ‘mom’ of the friend group but also the ‘blunt’ one because I can be more sarcastic at times. I can be very talkative when I’m with my friends, as well as quiet. I’d say I’m an ambivert.
tysm in advance!
@enhyp3nen Hi! I hope you enjoy your ship! :)
In BTS, I ship you with Taehyung!
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His Capricorn is a good match for your Taurus!
His fashion sense is out of this world.
He helps pick out your outfits for you sometimes in the morning when he isn't in a rush.
He'll do it even when he is in a rush sometimes, as well, just because he wants to spend more time with you.
His face is pretty expressive, especially if he doesn't "vibe" with or around a person, so I feel like you are similar in that sense of being straightforwardness.
King of sarcasm.
Sometimes when he is being sarcastic with you, you don't even realize.
Occasionally it can kind of come across as petty or mean-spirited, so that might cause minor arguments. But I feel like the communication between you two is strong.
Apparently he doesn't like to take pictures of himself? Not sure how true that is, I vaguely recall seeing that somewhere. But his camera roll is full of pictures of you and of your date nights.
If your relationship isn't out to the world, you will just give photo credentials on your instagram to "My Love" or "My Good Boy".
"My Good Boy" might be straightforward, though? I feel like if whispers ever start about Taehyung having a significant other and your name gets thrown into the list of potential people, they will know right away the two of you are together.
In NCT 127, I ship you with Johnny!
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Compatibility, astrologically wise, you are compatible with only two members.
Either Taeyong or Jungwoo, so I was feeling Jungwoo more.
Then I clicked in my head, that you sound EXACTLY like the personality of Johnny. Like genuinely not messing around here.
How your relationship got outed to the public: You were visiting the boys at the dance studio for the day, because you hadn't had the opportunity to see Johnny (or any of the boys, really) for a while because they've been preparing for a comeback. You and Johnny are sitting by one of the mirrors next to each other, and don't notice Haechan is filming himself and the antics of the others, and are listening to music together (one AirPod each) and eating some food that you brought with you. He takes the last bite of the chicken from your utensil without you noticing. You go to eat it and notice it's gone, and your head just slowly turns to look at Johnny as the little shit sits there with a smirk on his face. Haechan gets the exact moment that you tackle Johnny to the ground and you two start play wrestling and you start yelling at him for eating his chicken. He doesn't even realize that he got you two in the video until he sees "Johnny Has A Girlfriend" trending on Twitter the next day, and is getting multiple phone calls from the managers. It's a crazy few days after that, but eventually your relationship gets accepted and everyone fawns over your love.
Johnny is the biggest clown, and just because you're dating him, that doesn't mean you're immune to him absolutely roasting your ass.
Man is a straight savage sometimes.
He tones it down a little bit when he genuinely pisses you off with it one day and you make him sleep on the couch.
He bought you flowers every day.
I know everyone calls Taeyong the "Mom of NCT", but I feel like Johnny is as well?
You two are mom and dad of the group, and protect those boys with your entire beings.
When he is taking pictures of you, he hypes you up and pretends to be a photographer at a professional shoot.
Such a romantic, I feel like.
In NCT Dream, I ship you with Mark!
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I feel like Mark, out of everyone in NCT, would be one of the biggest simps in a relationship?
Just the amount of admiration and adoration he shows towards those that he loves is astounding, and he has so much love to give.
Unfortunately, you two aren't astrologically compatible, but I feel like the communication between the two of you would be strong because you would both know when it was time to talk out your feelings.
I know you said that you like fashion, I feel like he would be the type of boyfriend to surprise you with a day out shopping?
Not anywhere fancy, not because he doesn't trust your intentions, but because he knows you love outlet malls and smaller stores more than the fancy places.
You can find a lot of hidden gems in those places, he loves seeing your eyes light up when you find something you fall in love with.
After you walk around a couple different stores, you two go to a small cafe tucked away in a cobblestone lane, that you find out is run by an elderly couple that have been together for 68 years.
The two of you stay there for a couple hours, listening to their stories, while you eat your food.
Whilst you are preoccupied, Mark runs across to a little flower stall across the lane and grabs you a few stems of your favorite flowers and surprises you with them.
As you two walk out, you promise the couple to visit as much as you can and you become quite close with them.
When he admires your photography skills, he will surprise you by getting them professionally printed and hangs them up in your shared apartment.
Endless giggles and jokes when you two are lazing about in bed on a rainy day.
If something if bothering you, you will be sure to tell him. He doesn't like seeing you sad and he can always tell when something is bothering you.
He wasn't sure about introducing you to all of the other boys at first. Not because he wasn't sure about the relationship, quite the opposite in fact, he was terrified that they would scare you off.
Also, your relationship wasn't out to the public yet and he was worried that the more people that knew, the higher the chance it would get out.
Yeah, the boys found out about your relationship when they all came over to his apartment (SOMEHOW they all fit in it? Like.... explain the logic and science there? Is it magic?) and they found you in the kitchen singing along to the music coming through your AirPods whilst you are cooking dinner for the two of you.
You turn around and see them all staring at you wide eyed and confused, and you scream in shock.
Mark comes running and sees you accidentally slipped and fell on some flour that you somehow spilled on the floor by your feet?
Worried boyfriend mode activated.
Calls you "jagi" and starts checking you over for any injuries.
Meanwhile, the boys are experiencing PEAK CONFUSION
Eventually Renjun yells out, "WHAT THE FUCK DID WE MISS?"
Once the boys settle down, you all talk and they love you two.
They protect the both of you, just as much as you two protect them as well.
If you ever feel like the managers are overworking or mistreating any of your boys, you will absolutely go to war for them. Like, pray for the managers souls, because you are a savage when it comes to protecting those you care about.
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kirishwima · 5 years
oooo, what about... hcs on how MC treats the various members when they’re sick and vice versa if you’re up for it!!!!
oh i really like this! especially since im a little sick today too lol
* When he’s sick, he’ll complain about it A Lot 
* He’s just a grumpy little bean, walking around with a blanket over his head and shoulders, probably with a thermometer stuck in his mouth for extra Drama ((yoosung bby that’s-that’s now how u use thermometers))
* He’ll love it if MC takes care of him, taking his temperature, bringing him tea in bed or cooking a warm meal for him
* Even though he loves to be pampered, he’d really try his best so MC won’t catch his cold-he’ll berely even look their way, even holding his breath when MC is near his face to e.g. put a compress on his forehead
* When MC is sick, his caretaker switch is instantly flipped 
* He loves to take care of his loved ones, and so he might feel a little guilty excitement to be the one to take care of MC in their time of need
* Will make delicious hecking soup, or even call his mom for some housewife flu remedies
* He’ll feel especially guilty if MC caught the cold from him-will double up his pampering ante and refuse to let MC even take a single step out of the bed
* He’ll personally call their work/uni to let them know MC’s sick, and will spend the day by their side no matter what
*He’s just a sweet caring baby :’)
* Also a Big. B I G drama queen when sick
* Zen: *sneezes*  Zen: This is it. This is how I die. Goodbye cruel world
* He very rarely gets sick thanks to his good genes and self-care, so when he does it feels like the end of the world for him
* If MC tries to care for him, he’ll appreciate it but will refuse their help at first, worried that they’ll catch his cold
* Will eventually accept the help though, especially if his cold worsens/if he develops a fever e.t.c
* The first time MC takes care of him when he’s sick, he might actually cry; he hasn’t had someone care for him like that ever since he left home, and even then he never experienced this gentleness, the way MC cradles his face when placing a cold compress to his forehead or how they hold his hand tight to comfort him
* He simply appreciates their presence really
* If MC is sick, he’s immediatly tackling them to the bed, turning them into a burrito of clothes and blankets as he dashes into the kitchen to make them some warm tea with honey
* Might actually be a liiiittle extreme with his care-no Zen, no one needs 5 spoons of honey in their tea nor a whole box of vitamin C to get over their cold. Yes, they’ll be fine even without wearing 25 layers of pyjamas
* MC will probably have to calm him down and reassure him they’re fine, they’ve been through the common cold a dozen times and it’ll pass
* He’ll be happy to care for them whichever way they need him to though
* Baehee does NOT get colds.
* She refuses to!!
* What you heard was definitely not a sneeze. It was just. Uhhh. It was just allergies. Yup, that’s all it was.
* It takes a lot to convince her that yes, Jaehee, you do have the flu, and yes you need to rest
* The fussiest patient ever really
* Even with a burning fever she’ll refuse to stay in bed, dazily trying to get ready for work regardless of her condition
* MC please tie this girl to the bed (no, not in a kinky way, more like a please-stay-there-and-get-better sorta way)
* When she eventually gives up and allows MC to take care of her, she’ll feel really guilty about it-Jaehee’s so used to being self-efficient, that she’s never really had someone care this much for her
* She appreciates it, but is also scared-for her having someone care this much for you is both a blessing and a curse, and it’ll take her a long time to learn to accept help when she needs it
* If MC is sick however, she’s immediatly running to the pharmacy for vitamins and cold medicine
* She won’t fuss too much over MC-it’s something she herself hates, so she doesn’t want to make MC feel overwhelmed either.
* Instead she’ll discreetly push MC to go home earlier from work, will leave all the necessary medicine on the bedside table, make some tea and soup for the both of them, e.t.c
* If she knows MC likes to be pampered, she’ll be more bold with her care, cuddling MC and placing her cool hands onto MC’s forehead for comfort (i hc that Jaehee always has really cold hands and feet lol)
* Similarly to Jaehee, he’s not used to getting colds
* He has his own personal doctor, nutritionist, everything needed to be in perfect health pretty much
* It’s more likely that, after getting the yearly flu shot, he develops a few flu-like symptoms for a few days as it often happens with the influenza shot
* He tries to muscle through the symptoms, but when he starts coughing midway through a meeting, he decides to take the day off and go home to rest instead
* He’s very attuned to his body-if he feels unwell, then that’s that, and he’ll simply wait for his body to recover to its natural state
* MC is probably a bit shocked at first-they’ll try to offer Jumin some help, to go get him some medicine or cook something for him, but he’ll refuse, saying his doctor has already given him all the necessary medications and that he can just call the chef to make them both something appropriate for the winter weather
* If MC tells him that they’d rather cook something for him because ‘a meal made with love will make the cold go away faster’, then he’ll simply tell the chef to take the day off, and lounge in the kitchen as he fondly watches MC make him a heartwarming soup
* He’ll indulge a little if MC lets him-will tell them to feed him, smirking at the blush that spreads on their cheeks. He’ll raise a brow and tease them, asking if they should help him shower as well, laughing at their wide eyes at the suggestion (not that he’d mind it *wink wonk*)
* If MC is the one sick however, then hoo boy, all hell will break loose
* The penthouse is effectively in quarantine-he’ll call the best doctors he knows of to examine them, will tell Jaehee that he won’t be coming into work and remain by MC’s side at all times until MC is back in full health
* Jumin: “I’ve called the best doctors I know, you’re in good hands MC”  MC: “That’s literally a cardiologist and a diabetologist, Jumin that’s like asking an architect to engineer an airplane?! pls tell these poor ppl to go back home”
* He’s absoloutely one to overreact, and it’ll take a LOT to convince him to calm down and simply let MC rest
* He’ll actually try and cook for MC-nothing fancy, maybe just some rice porridge or noodle soup, and it might taste a bit weird, but he’ll be happy if MC eats even a little bit of it
* Just wants to take care of his SO, even if he doesn’t really know how to
* Wait i thought idiots don’t catch colds-
* He is definitely one to catch a cold in the summer
* One moment he’s fine and memeing like usual, the next he’s laid down on the couch, sweating and coughing like there’s no tomorrow
* He’s not used to actually having someone around to care for him, and getting sick as a kid...well, it was essentially a death sentence, so he’s gotten used to hiding his symptoms as best as possible
* It’ll actually take a while for MC to notice he’s sick-they might hear him discreetly cough while trying to talk, notice he looks more tired than usual, little things that point out that he’s not in the best shape
* He won’t push MC away if they try to take care of him, but he’ll be really confused-he deadass NEVER had anyone do this for him, and he doesn’t really know what’s happening
* “Wait MC why are you pulling me to bed I’m not really in the mood for-”   “SHUT UP AND LET ME NURSE YOU BACK TO HEALTH YOU BID NERD”
* Will crack nurse jokes at any and all opprotunities (will try and get MC to wear his nurse cosplay outfit ofc)
* In all honestly, his heart will swell with love when he looks up to see MC’s worried face, how they’ll place a hand on his forehead or feed him medicine and a warm meal that isn’t honey buddha chips
* He feels guilty but at the same time so happy-he never thought he could ever have this, and he does, and he’s so scared that they’ll slip right through his fingers-with the boldness that the delerium of fever allows him, he’ll hold MC close to him, not caring wether they’ll catch his cold or not, simply grateful for their presence beside him
* If MC gets sick....good luck lmao
* He wants to take care of them, he just...has no clue how to lol
* Will put honey buddha chips in the microwave and hope it works
* Nah I’m just kidding-he’s used to taking care of Saeran as kids, so he more or less knows what to do-he will however have to ask Yoosung if he can come over and help him cook since he’s hopeless in that regard
* V actually has a pretty weak immune system-not immunocompromised per say, but he’s just more vulnerable to the winter cold is all
* He’s used to getting sick and knows the drill-go to the pharmacy, get some meds, stay in bed for a day or two, then back to daily life it is
* Rika...never really took much care of him. It’s probably not only because she didn’t try to, but also because he’s used to doing his best to not worry anyone; whatever burden there is to carry, he’ll try and carry it alone, always
* Well, MC is here now and they ain’t about to let that happen
* V will try and undermine his flu at first, but MC will insist, will tug this big lanky boy into bed and cover him in blankets, make him some warm tea with milk and honey and stay beside him as he drinks it, rubbing soothing circles in his back if he starts coughing/sneezing
* Unused to such affection, he’ll probably be shocked and flustered at first, but will appreciate the care nontheless
* Can’t wait to get healthy again so he can pepper MC’s face with kisses and take them on a well-deserved date, as a thank you for taking care of him
* If MC gets sick, his nursing mode is ON. 
* This boy is a caregiver by design-he loves to pamper his loved ones, loves to be there and caring for them as much as possible 
* If MC has a cough, he’ll cook up one of his mother’s remedies-a cup of warm red wine with honey and lemon (it soothes the throat instantly, 10/10 guaranteed)
* He’ll quietly stay besides them as they sleep the cold off, reading a book and frequently checking their temperature, placing lukewarm compresses to their forehead (only after placing a quick kiss of course)
* Hates to see his MC sick, but loves to care for them, can you see the predicament poor spicy mint is in
hi im soph and im here to remind you to get your yearly flu vaccine when possible! the yearly flu is no joke and actually kills thousands per year, so please take care of yourselves and your loved ones
-send me mystic messenger headcanons/scenarios for the characters to react to!-
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I graduated high school in 94, the internet for most people was AOL, my experience in high school was unexceptional in every way.  My friends were gamers on the PC and SNES, we all got along with our parents, none of us did drugs, nor knew how to get a hold of them.  None of us were having sex.
So when I sat down for Euphoria I was a bit blindsided.  Was this a complete dramatization, a very dark and fanciful look at kids in high school here before the start of another decade, one in which kids are connected to the web at all times, where social “norms” are being chipped away as a new social consciousness worms it’s way out of the cracks? Or is it a show, glamourized, but still truthful about what kids experience in their teens? I can’t say for certain, I’m not a teen anymore and I don’t have the foggiest idea what kids experience in school now.
What I can say for certain is that Euphoria is a fantastic show with frank and direct performances from it’s younger cast.  Zendaya plays Rue, our narrative guide to a landscape that’s pretty damn brutal and terrifying, to be honest.  Rue’s struggled with the death of her father, and as we begin the show she returns home from rehab, while she fills in the blanks with a third-person monologue, having suffered an overdoes prior to the events of the show.  
We get the lay of the land as Rue narrates over the current happenings and flashbacks that flesh out how we go from a pre-tween Rue to the current high schooler.  We’re introduced to the other primary characters of the show, interspersed with Rue’s omnipresent voice hinting at things past, present, and future.  We have Jules, the new girl, Nate, the Jock, and his on and off girlfriend Maddy.  There are many others but these four are the gravitational mass the rest of the cast orbits.
The show doesn’t shy away from anything. From drug use to parental failures, leading to and complicit in the failures of the children they’re raising, sex, sexuality, violence, it’s all here and crafted by writer/director, Sam Levinson.  About three episodes in I was concerned about who had thought all this up, even more so with a Black lead, because I’m trying to be more aware of who is writing Black stories.  I didn’t recognize his name, but when I saw he was responsible for Assassination Nation I suddenly had a little clarity about this show.  If you haven’t seen Assassination Nation, I’m not going to tell you to see it.  I thought it was a fantastic movie, and possibly even protoform for some of the characters in Euphoria, but it’s unbelievably fucking brutal and marketing had no idea how to get people in the theater for it, so the trailers gave this “Dark Comedy” vibe, and it is literally anything but a comedy. 
Euphoria is the same way.  It’s intense and by the time the credits rolled at the end of each episode I was so desperate for the next, but I could not binge it.  It’s too dense, and as you watch these young people struggle it made me unbelievably anxious. There is a line early in the show where Rue describes nude pics as the new social currency in the new connected teen microcosm.  That’s just a scratch of what this show tackles, and already that subject matter is touchy at best and becomes a plot device that questions the legality of teens sending each other nudes and then ultimately what happens when these young people, as they get closer to adulthood, then experiment with as they mold themselves based on their already mature experiences with little to no guidance from their parents.
I’m trying to remain spoiler-free, as best I can.  I can’t say the last episode resonated with me very well, it creates a bit of a zero-sum arch for Rue, but it’s also a hook for the second season, which is coming.  But the trajectory of every other character as the season closed out is super enticing and I can’t lie when I say I’m sort of anxious to know where it goes.
Zendaya gives a performance I would have never expected based on what little I know of her, ie Spider-man (where I love her M.J.), but this role is so far removed from the comic book fare I know her from.  She makes you care so deeply for Rue, while at the same time cursing her name for some of the shit Rue doles out as she battles with addiction, and possibly the first love she’s ever experienced outside of her home.  You have Jules played by Hunter Schafer, this being her first acting credit, and having learned that I can only hope this is just the start of a much larger career.  She effortlessly brings a character to screen who connects with you almost instantly, and yet is this loose cannon who isn’t malicious but she is immune to the idea of staying in a bubble.  Rue and Jules bounce off of Nate, brought to life by Jacob Elordi.  He’s seemingly the definition of white privilege, cis, het male.  But you can’t judge a book by its cover, and that’s Nate personified.  Of all the characters in the show, he’s the least genuine in my opinion.  Jacob provides a fantastic performance, no doubt, but the character of Nate is a tad too American Psyhco.  There is a level of disbelief that comes with Nate, and sometimes his doings are so calculated that they don’t really mesh with his inability to keep his emotions in check. 
So yeah, I really liked this show, but I can’t say it ever makes you feel good.  I  don’t think that’s the point in the slightest.  I wasn’t cheering on Walter White after season one, and Euphoria is the first time I’ve felt connected to the material like I was with Break Bad.  I want to see these kids survive, but their current struggles are unprecedented and bleak. 
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lildowdow123 · 4 years
MLQC Guys being jealous (slight NSFW for Vic and Lu)
Hey everyone, I'm glad that people like my last piece so I decides to make another one. Hopefully you guys like it too. There may he some spoilers. If so I'll put it in ** so you can just be a Goldman and avert your eyes. Btw, in these, you're dating the s/o in question just to clear up any confusion
Also, feel free to drop me a message to ask me to do a particular scene. If I can, I'll do it
Exel own the bois
Lets get to it
Victor slight NSFW
Normally, its us who has our green eyed monster rear its head. Contenders for our medusa stares are socialites wanting to get a piece of Loveland's most eligible batchelor (like Chik) , the new pretty interns who spends a little too long with Victor
It is a rare event when the tables are turned and it is Victor questioning himself on weather he has it in him keep you with him. But rare isn't a never
At events like the LFG charity ball or an Investors evening, any occasion where MC dresses up and gets a little fancy, the CEO's blood pressure begins to rise when he sees how much male attention you get. Not in a creepy possessive way. More a jealous way.
You're chatting with another business owner, just making polite conversation with the man. Of course you get compliments on your outfit or maybe your hair. You're god damn gorgeous
The conversation gets more and more friendly. Small lines are dropped here and there like "Wow that colour really goes well with your eyes" or "It suits your figure" until soon enough he is asking you back to his place after this
You're a little taken aback by the offer at first. "Oh I'm really sorry.." you try to start. A shadow looms over you. The charming sexy devil in his suit has arrived
An arm finds his way around your silk covered waist, pulling you to him. He won't say anything unpleasant or nasty, the boi has decorum but he will make sure this man knows you're his
"Who's this MC?" Victor asks, his cold stare not moving away from the other man. He will hold his free hand out for him to shake while he introduces himself, not giving a damn about the mans name. He wont be around you two for much longer
"Victor Li. I'm with MC" and with that, the poor other man knows you're not available
His chit chat is far less flirtatious now that LFG's bossy bitch is standing with you anchored to him
After the event, when you two are driving back, feel free to give him a small rant on how the other man was just being friendly and that he shouldn't have scared him shitless. He may not take it seriously and argue that he was flirting with you and that he will not let someone else lure away his woman
A long night of jealousy/make up sex will follow as soon as you get back to his place. He will dirty talk you sometimes if you make him jealous. Things like "do you like my cock? Only I can make you feel this way" He'll take you all night and make sure that you have forgotten all about the other man
Tbh, I find it really hard to imagine Kiro getting really jealous. He is always so bright and cheerful that it would be hard to see his green eyed monster. So forgive me if this is a little wishy washy
You and the backstage team are preparing for an episode of your show which Kiro will guest star in. He is getting prepped to be in front of the cameras when he sees you talking to one of his crew. It's pretty normal stuff. Communication between your team and his team is key to make this run smoothly so he doesn't pay that much mind. He just watches Miss Chips pull the concentrated face you make (also, it's been pointed out to me by another Tumblr writer that MC is an acronym for Miss Chips) because it's cute to see you get passionate about your work
That is something they all really appreciate about you
His attention is turned away from you and back to his makeup artist who is nearly done and just needs him to close his eyes for some setting spray but when he opens them again, the stagehand is much closer and leaning in for a kiss.
Miss Chips is leaning back away because she is already in a relationship with Kiro but the boy just keeps closing in.
Not on his watch *SPOILER: He has to stop himself from having a full on Helios moment with the guy*
"Hey, Miss Chips. I'm ready do you need me anywhere?" You hear the chipper voice of your star and boyfriend call out as he walks up to you, planting a kiss on your forehead. Stage boy backs up a little, seeing Kiro place his metaphorical stake on you.
He won't scream or shout or threaten violence on the boy. No, his way of expressing this jealousy is much more passive aggressive way. His smile will still be bright and his voice as happy as ever but after MC explains that she was just telling the guy that she needs the lights checked or something, he adds "so please do that now" in the most delightful tone he could muster
He might as well have said fuck off to the guy
He wont wait until they have privacy, he will make out with his MC as the backstage crew busy themselves around they, pinning the rest of you to the wall *SPOILERS kind of like that Kiro Kiss date* May earn some raised eyebrows from Kiki and Willow and a huff from the make up artist as his lip balm gets all over you.
One word is needed to explain how BirdCop will get jealous on this. That word is Shaw
The guy is the embodiment of sexual energy, probably most teenage girls fantasy. Sk8ter boi with a nonchalant outlook on rules and authority with enough big dick energy to power New York. Now, MC isn't a teen anymore but it doesn't mean that you're not immune to his flirtatious charms
He was reluctant to let you meet his brother. In fact, for a long period of time he was completely opposed to it. Then, you two ran into eachother on the bus. Ooops
Ever since, whenever you two interact, Gavin feels the need to be around in some way. Weather it be with her, tuning into the Wind FM to feel that is happening or flying around wherever they are. It could be thought of as stalkerish but it comes from a good place..I think
Irrational things would be flying around his head. I mean, it's his brother. Jesus! "He's not even that much taller than me! And younger than me! How could he even attract her?"
Shaw being Shaw is sure to make some kind of comment that is bound to set Gavin off. It probably would turn into a fight. Like, not even a civilised wrestling round, like a proper bitch fight brawl. He'd tackle his brother's ass to the ground and start punching, maybe hair pulling so he can keep punching. Shaw would be putting up one hell of a fight just to bruise Gavin. Poor MC has to try and break up this shit
Later, once the fight has stopped and MC has managed to get Gavin away, she has to ice him down and try to patch up some of the scrapes that he had gotten.
Mother duck MC comes out in spectacular fashion to scold him, telling him not to do that again. Gavin will probably explain why he felt jealous of his brother but will do so with the biggest blush ever. Poor thing is a bit insecure about you and his brother but you'll find a way to try and ease it for him
Lucien slight NSFW
The man has a cool calm demeanor and a confidence that seems unshakable. Damn he looks hot while giving his lectures at Loveland Uni
Being the hot as hell POA that you are, you turn the heads of some of the university boys there. I mean, really. What's there not to love about you. You're fucking cute
He may not show his jealousy but it is there, building like a shaken coke bottle. Watching a guy sneak small whispers to you during his lecture? Not going to go unpunished.
Has the manners not to call you two out in front of the entire class but after his lecture ends, you best believe that this man is going to make the two of you stay behind.
Once all the other students have filed out of the lecture hall, he will begin. In his low, unwavering voice he will say to both of you (but mainly the guy since he did most of the talking) "I don't appreciate being talked over in my own lecture hall. If you don't have the courtesy to let other students learn, then I urge you to leave." He says, all serious. The small smile he usually gives you will not be there. It's more than just a light scolding.
Once he dismisses the other student, who leaves a little scared of how the professor talked to him, he will give you your scolding by going to the seat behind a desk and patting his knee. He takes off his glasses and gives you one of those piercing stares that let you know that he is deadly serious
Even if you protest that he was the one who started talking to you, he will not even say a word. His eyes will never leave you as you try convince him. This man is a bad jealous (not bad bad but pretty bad at handling it)
After you finally bend over his knee, he will pull down your trousers or skirt and tug down your panties, letting them pool at your bent knees. "You know that I don't like to share you MC" he will say in his deep voice
You'd best believe that he is making you count each one and thank the professor. You can feel his fingers occasionally dip down to tease you a little before returning to your now pink ass
20 spanks and a whole round of orgasm denial later, he will send you on your way but tells you to come over to his place later where you will continue...
I hope you enjoyed that. I am sorry if Lucien was a little short. I'll try to do better next time. If you have any scenes you want in particular, feel free to leave me a message and I'll do my best to complete it
Thank you
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brokenmimir · 5 years
When Eyes Meet, A Battle Begins
White Rose Week 2019, Day 8: Free Day
All the stories talked about meeting a rival on your Pokémon journey, one who would challenge you again and again and keep you on your toes. Ruby just hadn't expected her's to be so pretty.
I've never gotten into the anime, and this probably got a bit too into the weeds with staying true to the video game. Still, I'm a huge fan of the games, so this was fun to do. I also wrote this before the new Corgi based Electric Pokémon got announced, which is obviously an even better fit for Zwei.
White Rose Week has been a blast, and I hope everyone has enjoyed themselves as much as I have.
“Zwei, you can do it!” Ruby shouted, bouncing in place. “Use Tackle!”
The Lillipup bent its tiny legs, before launching itself forward with a cheerful bark. It slammed into the small, bud-like Pokémon, sending it reeling back. With a grin she pulled out a Poké Ball and tossed it, catching the Grass-type inside. The ball rocked back and forth for a moment, making her bite her lip with worry, before it finally settled down with a click.
“Yes!” Ruby shouted, jumping up and down. “We did it, Zwei! We caught the… uh… the something!”
Before she could retrieve the Poké Ball and use her Pokédex to figure out what the cute little Pokémon was, a voice scoffed behind her. “You don't even recognize a Budew? What kind of trainer are you?”
Ruby turned around, and found herself stunned at the sight in front of her. The girl couldn't be more than a year or two older than her own fifteen years, and without her heeled boots she might have been even shorter than her own barely five foot height. Despite that she looked elegant and refined in a way that Ruby had never seen in real life, even standing along the forested trail of Vale Route 4.
“Well, are you going to say anything?” the girl demanded.
Ruby blushed and looked down at herself. She was a bit dusty, having spent the last few days living out of a Pokécenter while trying to fill Professor Ozpin's Pokédex. She'd already caught a few new friends to go with Zwei, the Lillipup her father had bred for her when she was still a little girl, but she suddenly found herself wishing that she'd spent at least a little more time on her appearance. Her dusty, grass stained black and red dress and beloved red cape, looked silly next to the other girl's perfect white dress and bolero jacket.
Why did she care, though? She'd never worried about what anyone else thought of her looks before. In the end she fell back on habit, meeting the girl's blue eyes, one of which had a really cool scar, and offering a challenge. “We've made eye contact. That means we have to fight.”
She smirked. “Hmph. Perhaps you're not a total loss as a trainer if you at least know that. Prepare to be defeated by Weiss Schnee!”
“Well- well you prepare to be defeated by Ruby Rose!” she responded, to which Zwei added a cheerful bark. “That's right, Zwei! Let's get her!”
The two faced each other down, Weiss pulling out a Poké Ball and throwing it out. “Myrtenaster, let's show this girl who's boss!”
From the Poké Ball emerged a Pokémon like nothing Ruby had ever seen before. It appeared to be a fancy, elegant sword, with a long, scarf-like blue tassel emerging from its pommel. The weapon floated in midair, and she could see decorations on the hilt that resembled eyes and a grimacing mouth.
“Alright Zwei, use Baby-Doll Eyes!” Ruby shouted.
Zwei barked, and focused on Myrtenaster, his big, glistening, incredibly cute eyes making it hesitate. Ruby still wasn't sure what kind of Pokémon the sword was, but nothing was immune to Zwei's cuteness.
The other trainer wasn't immune, either. “Ahh! It's so cute!”
“I know,” Ruby said with a grin. “Nothing's cuter than Zwei!”
Finally shaking off the cuteness overload, Weiss pointed dramatically at the Lillipup. “Myrtenaster, use Fury Cutter!”
The sword hesitated, obviously not wanting to hurt the cute little puppy, but eventually it swung its body. Ruby braced herself, worried for her cutie, but the hit didn't do too much damage. Zwei shook it off, barking confidently as he set himself again.
“Good boy!” Ruby shouted, suddenly much more confident. She didn't know what Myrtenaster was, but she wasn't afraid of it if it could only hit that hard. “Use Tackle!”
Zwei jumped forward… and flew right through the Pokémon, not hitting it at all. Ruby blinked, confused, but he hadn't missed. The attack simply hadn't done anything at all.
Besides making the other trainer laugh. “Really? Don't you know Ghost-types are immune to Normal-type moves? Your Lillipup doesn't stand a chance against Myrtenaster!”
“Oh yeah?” Ruby said. “Well, um, your face doesn't stand a chance either! And it's not like yours did much either!”
Weiss smirked. “Didn't it, though? Myrtenaster, Fury Cutter again!”
The sword-shaped Pokémon attacked again, using the same move, but this time it hit harder. Still, Zwei was a tough little Lillipup, and he was okay even with several more hits like that one. She had a secret weapon ready, just for jerky Ghost types. And finding cookies. Mostly the cookies. “Zwei, use Odor Sleuth!”
The Lillipup sniffed the air, focusing in on Myrtenaster. Weiss just ordered her Pokémon to attack again, this time hitting poor Zwei hard. He kept his feet, but Ruby fretted, almost going for some medicine before she realized what was going on.
“Figured it out?” Weiss asked. “Fury Cutter is twice as powerful every time it hits! Next one's gonna take your little doggy down!”
“Not if I have anything to say about it,” Ruby said confidently. “Zwei, use Tackle!”
“That won't work, you dolt,” Weiss chuckled. “Myrtenaster's a Ghost-type, remember?”
The Lillipup charged forward, but this time instead of passing through he slammed into his opponent, knocking it back a bit. “Now who's a dolt,” Ruby said triumphantly. “Odor Sleuth lets Normal-Types hit Ghosts.”
“You're still the dolt, dolt,” Weiss said, blushing at having not known that. “Myrtenaster, finish that cute little Pokémon off.”
Myrtenaster swung one more time, this time sending Zwei tumbling back. Ruby ran over to him, but while obviously out of the fight he wasn't too hurt. Still, it was with a heavy heart that she had to recall Zwei to his Poké Ball.
“Is he alright?” Weiss asked.
Ruby looked over at the other girl, and felt herself smile just a little. She'd been kinda acting like a jerk, but if she cared about her opponent's Pokémon then she wasn't a bad person. “He'll be okay.”
Weiss returned to her cocky stance, resting one hand on her hip as a smirk stretched across her face. “Ready to give up?
“No way!” Ruby shouted, pulling out another Poké Ball. Silently she thanked her Uncle, grateful for the training trip he'd brought her on that had led to her getting this Pokémon. “Crescent Rose, let's kick her butt!”
The Pokémon was strange looking, with a four legged posture, light pink fur, blue eyes, and a huge red scythe blade sticking out of one side of its head. Ruby felt her chest puff out with pride as she saw her opponent's reaction to the unusual Pokémon.
“No way!” she said. “Is that a Shiny Absol?”
“Yup,” Ruby said. “Your Ghost-type is going down. Crescent Rose, use Bite!”
The Absol jumped forward, opening the mouth in its strangely human-like face and taking a large bite out of Myrtenaster. Crescent Rose was too powerful for the Ghost-type, taking it down in a single bite.
“Alright, so you've got some good Pokémon,” Weiss said, making a face as she recalled the sword-like Pokémon. “I'll still beat you!”
“Bring it on,” Ruby said with a grin.
“Hmph,” Weiss harrumphed, hesitating for a moment, before pulling out another Poké Ball. “Glyph, you can do it!”
The Pokémon had green hair with two red, disk-like horns, and red eyes. Its body looked like it was wearing a white tutu, and it danced in place like a ballerina on two legs.
“That's a Kirlia!” Ruby said, recognizing it from Trainer school. “Absol's are immune to Psychic-type moves!”
“But they're weak to Fairy moves!” Weiss shouted. “Glyph, use Disarming Voice!”
The Pokémon shouted, a wave of energy emerging from its mouth to strike Ruby's Absol, knocking it back and hurting it badly. Still, Crescent Rose was tough, and she wasn't defeated by one hit. “Crescent Rose, use Bite!”
It hit hard, but the Kirlia withstood it. Ruby had forgotten that being a Fairy-type also helped it resist Dark attacks. “Glyph, finish off that Absol!” Ruby winced, bracing herself for the attack, but the shout left Crescent Rose still standing… barely. Still, she needed something else, so she quickly recalled the Absol, pulling out her last Poké Ball. If this didn't do it she was in a lot of a trouble. “Come on, Wormy, you can do it!”
“Wormy?” Weiss asked, raising a skeptical eyebrow.
Ruby threw out the Poké Ball anyway, revealing a three foot tall bee with lance like cones for forearms. After seeing it Weiss scoffed and tossed her hair. “Seriously? A Beedrill? Why did you name it Wormy?”
Ruby blushed and poked her finger tips together. “I caught her when she was a Weedle and thought she looked like a cute little worm. I didn't know what she turned into.”
“Dolt,” Weiss said, rolling her eyes. “Glyph, its a poison type, so use Confusion!”
“Wormy, hit Glyph with Poison Jab!”
The Beedrill was fast, much faster than the Kirlia, and it slammed one of its poisonous lances into the other Pokémon, taking it down in one blow before it could move. With a sour look on her face Weiss pulled out another Poké Ball. “This is my last Pokémon, a gift from my sister when I was young. He's more than enough to beat you, though!”
She tossed the Poké Ball, and out came one of the most adorable Pokémon Ruby had ever seen. It looked like a spherical ball of striped fur, but with two tiny slits for eyes, and a pig nose at the front. She couldn't see any legs or mouth, but its little nose moved up and down as it grunted cutely.
“That's adorable!” Ruby gushed. “What is it?”
“This is Boarbatusk, my Swinub,” Weiss said proudly. “Swinub, use Mud Bomb!”
“Wormy, Posion Jab!” Ruby replied.
Wormy was faster again, but this time the hit barely did any damage. The Swinub oinked loudly, before somehow launching a clod of densely packed mud with a flick of its body. It slammed into the Beedrill, doing quite a bit of harm.
“Swinub is an Ice/Ground type,” Weiss said. “Your Poison type doesn't stand a chance. Hit it again!”
Seeing how hurt the Beedrill was Ruby bit her lip, before she remembered what it could do. “Yeah, well… Wormy has the Swarm ability, so Bug-type moves are way more effective now that he's hurt. Wormy, use Twineedle!”
The Beedrill darted forward, slamming its two lances into Boarbatusk. The Swinub was obviously badly hurt by the enhanced attacked, but it wasn't enough. Ruby felt her heart fall as the Swinub replied with another mud ball… only for it to miss completely.
“No!” Weiss shouted.
“Wormy, finish it off!”
The bug darted forward, slamming its lances into the Swinub again before it could move, knocking the Pokémon unconscious. “Alright! You did it Wormy! Good job!”
“Here,” Weiss said, tossing some money at her. She looked upset, and Ruby could understand why since nobody liked losing. Still…
“You were amazing,” Ruby said.
“Not enough, obviously, since I failed,” Weiss said.
“You just lost 'cause you got unlucky,” Ruby said. “If that Mud Bomb had hit I'd've lost Wormy.”
“You still had Crescent Rose,” Weiss pointed out, looking only a little mollified by her words.
“Yeah, but she was hurt pretty bad,” Ruby said. “I'm not sure if she could've beaten your Swinub.”
“I guess we'll never know,” Weiss said with a sigh as she gathered up her Poké Balls.
Ruby bit her lip, before running over and grabbing her own, as well as the Budew that she'd captured before the fight started. When she turned around she saw Weiss already starting to walk off. “Wait! Where are you going?”
“To get my team fixed up,” Weiss said.
“Let me go with you,” Ruby said. “Mine's pretty beat up, too.”
Weiss hesitated for a moment. “Fine.”
Ruby ran up beside her, grinning brightly. “You're really good, you know.”
Weiss shook her head. “I lost.”
“Yeah, but, I mean, we're both pretty new as trainers, right?” Ruby said. “We both only have three Pokémon on our team. The best way to get better is to lose, or at least that's what my dad always said.”
“My father told me a Schnee should never lose,” Weiss said.
“Well, he sounds dumb,” Ruby decided. “I mean, you're awesome and you lost, so losing can't be that bad.”
“You are such a dolt,” Weiss muttered.
Ruby grinned. “Come on, it's getting pretty late. Let's get some dinner while our teams are getting healed!”
Weiss looked at her for a long moment, before blushing and turning her face away. “You're paying.”
Ruby plucked up the courage that led her to become a Pokémon trainer in the first place. “Of course! You're always supposed to pay when you ask someone out on a date, right?”
If Weiss had been blushing before, it was nothing compared to how red she turned with those words. She still managed to raise her chin in the air proudly when she spoke again. “Good, at least you know that much. But if you intend on courting me, I expect you to also prepare yourself appropriately for the evening.”
“I will!” Ruby promised, desperately hoping she had something in her pack to wear on a proper date. She also suddenly wished she hadn't run and hid whenever Yang tried to teach her how to put on make up.
“Good,” Weiss said primly, before looking away as she reached over and grabbed Ruby's hand. It was cool and soft, and fit her own perfectly. She wasn't sure which of the two turned more red at the contact, but while Weiss kept her expression stoic Ruby grinned from ear to ear.
What had she gotten herself into?
“Don't think this means I've forgotten you won by luck this time,” Weiss said, squeezing her hand a little. “I'm going to beat you next time!”
She couldn't wait to find out.
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In The Closet
Midnight is the best hour of the day. I slip on my invisibility cloak and wander the silent castle and grounds when I can manage to stay up. It's not allowed, but as long as I'm under the cloak I can stay out of trouble. It's my fourth year at Hogwarts, and I've just recently been named as the second Hogwarts champion. Ron isn't talking to me, otherwise I might bring him along with me at night. 
It seems as if Ron's not the only one who hates me for being the second champion either. I didn't sign up for the stupid tournament, honestly even if I had been allowed to enter I wouldn't have. I'm sick of the spotlight and the attention of being Harry Potter. At first when I learned I was famous it was exciting and fun, but very quickly it made my life hellish. The first task hasn't even started and already I get no time alone. 
Late night walks are the only peace I ever get now. It's nice to be able to walk around Hogwarts and be ignored. In the day I get lots of under the breath comments and angry glances. Malfoy has been an even bigger pain in the ass than ever, the mocking and taunting he starts has reached a new high. I wish Malfoy had been chosen as champion instead, maybe the dragons in the first task would eat him and I'd never have to watch another dramatic reenactment of my every mistake. 
I slip on the cloak and down into the common room, no one is awake, just the way I like it. I slip out the portrait whole and even though she can't see me the fat lady curses at me for waking her. I walk silently through the halls, even invisible if I'm not careful filch might get wind someone's out of bed and ruin this last bit of solitude for me. The castle is most beautiful at night, because I can explore and appreciate it. Even the portraits and paintings are asleep at this time. 
I'm turning a corridor when I hear someone, a familiar voice, but without the loud arrogant mocking in which I've always heard it I don't recognize who is speaking till I see him. The moment I see that slick white blonde hair I can feel the anger and frustration rise in me. Draco Malfoy, out to ruin the one good thing I have these days. I can't think straight, I don't go for my wand, just slip the cloak off and throw it behind the nearest statue. 
Before he has time to make a sound, I've lunged forward and thrown a punch. Draco dodges on reflex, shock in his grey eyes at the sight of me. His stupid pale face looks like it's missing some well deserved bruises, and all the frustration and anger bottled up inside me drives my actions. Draco is so stunned that he drops his wand and has to fight back with his hands. I land a solid punch to his left eye, and then he catches my stomach with a sharp blow. 
The air rushes out of my chest, but the anger only rises. I'm not thinking, and I slam my whole body towards his, trying to tackle him to the ground. It works, but we both go flying backwards into a closet left open. In our scuffle we manage to close the door, and are both plunged into darkness. After a few more minutes of fighting, we both tire out and separate. I collapse to the ground, and I can hear draco out of breath nearby. 
"What the hell Potter?!" Says Malfoy, more surprise in his tone than anger. 
"Really? You're surprised that I'd hit you after everything you've done? You deserve a good punch just for what you've been doing to me this week." I snort and roll my eyes, he can't see it, but I hope he can at least hear the eye roll in my tone of voice. 
"No, I'm always happy to hit you Potter. I'm just surprised you're out at night, now that you're Triwizard champion do you fancy yourself immune to all rules?" I could picture the sneer on his face with every word and it made me want to hit him again. "Or maybe you're hoping that filch will take you out himself so you don't have to face the shame of failing at the first task?" 
"Do you ever spend all your free time trying to think of new ways to prove you're obsessed with me?" I snap back, "You have a new way to torment me every hour," the last sentence is more bitter and quiet than anything. The anger has worn off and now I'm just feeling tired. 
"Whatever Potter, enjoy the closet." I hear Malfoy standing up and wait for the faint light of the hall when he got the door open, but it didn't come. I could hear him doing something, but the door stayed shut. "The doors locked." He said after a minute. 
"So?" I ask, we both know the spell to unlock doors all too well. 
"So I dropped my wand when you attacked me! Will you just come let us out?" He asked, sounding a bit embarrassed. I'd forgotten about that, and stood up reaching for my wand. Panic began to rise as I realized I too must have dropped my wand, because I didn't have it with me anymore. 
"My wands gone too," I say as I triple check my pockets and feel the ground to see if it might have just dropped in here. No such luck. 
"Wait, what?" Draco sounds just as freaked out as I am. "Are you saying we're stuck in here?" He asks. 
"We could yell for help," the idea coming to me suddenly. Someone is bound to hear after a while and come let us out. 
Draco snorts, "Yeah I'm sure filch will be thrilled to help us out." He says with thick sarcasm. My heart sinks as I realize he's right, the only one possibly awake and out at this time would be filch and his nasty cat. If he were to find us we'd be in astronomical trouble. I don't reply, just sit trying to wrap my head around the fact that I'm going to be stuck in this small dark closet with Draco Malfoy for hours. 
I hear Draco sit down near me and sigh deeply. He must be resigning himself to the terrible reality of our situation too. Of all the people to get stuck with, it had to be him. I actually had a bit of a crush on him back in the first year, but I've never told anyone. Between his constant harassment and Ron's obvious hatred of him I figured that was never going to pan out. He's just gotten crueler and crueler each year, so it wasn't hard to get over him. 
"Firewhiskey?" Draco asks after we've been sitting in silence for awhile.
"What?" I ask, not sure I've heard him right. 
"We were going to have a party in the Slytherin dorms tonight, but it didn't work out. I was going to hide the firewhiskey I'd gotten father to send when you attacked me, as long as we're trapped in here together, I figured I'd offer to share." He explains. 
"Oh, um okay." I say taken aback. "Thanks." 
He just pushes a bottle into my hands. "I have two, you can drink this one." He says and begins ratting around on the other side of the closet. I'm not really able to focus on whatever he's doing because this stuff is really strong and apparently Malfoy expects us both to drink a whole bottle each. I've never drank that much in my life, but I'm not about to be shown up by the prick. 
Suddenly a light flickers on, and I turn to see Malfoy with a lantern. We both look around the space around us, there's some bins of cleaning stuff and a few extra lanterns on a dusty shelf. I pull a bin up to sit on and a larger one to use as a makeshift table. Malfoy pulls up his own bin and sets his firewhiskey on the table I'd made by my bottle. 
"Doesn't look like anyone's used this for a long time," he says while running one long pale finger through over thick dust on the lantern. He brushes most of the dust off and the small room gets a bit brighter. He sets the lantern down and turns back to me. "Look, I know we hate each other and have this whole feud thing going on, but seeing as we're stuck till who knows when, let's have some fun." 
This whole night is getting stranger and stranger, but I'd also rather get along for the couple hours we're trapped in here. I nod in agreement, still just a bit too shocked to form coherent sentences. He opens his bottle and raises one thin carefully shaped eyebrow at me, waiting for me to follow suit. Nervous, but not willing to back down I do the same. He raises his bottle up and I copy silently. "Cheers," he says and takes a large swig.
Firewhiskey burns more than any alcohol I've ever tasted, I can tell how strong it is. I make a face after I set the bottle down and Malfoy laughs. "That was my reaction the first time I tried it too," says Malfoy. "Do you need to tap out Potter?" He teases, but it sounds a bit friendlier than his usual jabs. I narrow my eyes and take another, larger, swig from the bottle. 
"I can handle myself just fine Malfoy, I'm not a light weight either!" I say, it's a complete lie, but I would never be able to live with myself if I let Malfoy beat me in anything. His expression changes and he takes the implied challenge. We take about five shots each before I really am starting to feel it. I know it's a bad idea to have any more, but I'm still feeling competitive. Malfoy I guess could tell and decided to have mercy on me. 
"Alright Potter, let's take a break. This is your first time with firewhiskey after all." He says. I would normally object just because I'm proud, but I'm getting too drunk to be prideful. 
"Okay sounds good Draco," I realize my mistake and quickly correct myself. "Erm, Malfoy I mean." I say awkwardly.
"No, it's okay. How about first names just for tonight, we can go back to feud names after we get out." He laughs and looking at him, I'm starting to think that maybe he's feeling the firewhiskey too. 
"Okay, Draco then." I say, testing the name on my tongue. "Can I tell you something?" I ask, maybe it's because I'm drunk, but I find myself wanting to open up about the tournament. 
"Sure Harry." He replies, and my name sounds so strange coming from his mouth without malice. 
"I didn't sign up for the tournament. The first task is dragons- and I'm terrified. I think whoever put my name in might have been trying to kill me." I say, letting out all the worry I'd been trying so hard not to show in front of Hermione or any of the other Gryffindors.
"Father told me about that, honestly the whole tournament is insane. I don't really think you put your name in Harry, I saw your face when it was called. I just have to make fun of you cause you hate me or whatever" He said while looking down at his bottle. 
Harry watched him and felt a rush of emotion, someone actually believed him from the beginning and it was Malfoy? Then he processed the last words Draco said.
"Draco I only hate you, because you're so awful to me, if you weren't such a dick we might even be friends" I say slowly. How could he not know? He looked up in shock and finally our eyes met, he looked pissed.
"I am going to kill Pansy!" He says loudly and takes another big swig of the firewhiskey. I have no idea what he means, but he's ranting at this point. "Oh so I need to insult him to get his attention, huh? I've spent the last four years trying to get him to like me, and every time I've doubted myself it's the same advice!" He takes another drink and then begins to imitate his friend. 
"Oh Draco, he obviously hates you, you can't tell him! You have to play it cool, tease him more. Get his attention by insulting him and mocking him, maybe then he'll pay attention to you and start to like you!" He seems to have forgotten me entirely, and in his anger is reaching for the bottle again. He's had too much and without thinking I reach out to stop him. Our hands meet on the bottle and I blush. 
Draco is staring at me and I start to blush too. Maybe it's just the firewhiskey, or maybe it's just the light, I'm not really sure what he's mad at Pansy for, but I'm remembering how cute I've always found him. 
"Harry, can I tell you something?" He asks while looking into my eyes. I just nod, this light is casting shadows that highlight his cheekbones. I'm feeling less and less over him by the minute. "Harry, I've had a huge crush on you ever since we first met. After the first time you rejected me, on the train first year, I went back to my cabin and Pansy gave me advice on how to get your attention."
My jaw drops as I finally realize what he's saying. I don't know what to say, he just confessed his feelings for me. I lean in and kiss him, the feeling of his lips on mine makes my brain short out. I push the table out from between us and tangle my fingers in his hair. He pulls me closer and we fall to the ground. All I can think about is how right it feels. Soon I feel his cold hands on my chest as he pulls my shirt off.
We end up falling asleep curled up together in the closet that night, I'm not sure what we're going to do tomorrow when someone can finally get us out and finds us here. All I know is that we're going to figure it out together. I stroke Draco's hair as he sleeps in my arms, and I know that no matter what happens, I'm not blaming this on the firewhiskey. I never got over Draco either, and I'm glad I didn't. 
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We talk a lot about the women in the Castles series, particularly how individual and independent each of them are. This is especially true of the Hatter family, with each of the sisters taking control of their own fate in rejection of expected norms, but, rereading Howl’s Moving Castle again the other day made me realise... there is another sister whose story is very different.
Megan Parry is generally seen as another antagonist in the story - from the constant nagging of Howl that we see in HMC to Sophie saying that she doesn't get on with her later on in CitA. She's presented as controlling, judgemental, disapproving and, ultimately, disappointed in the choices her brother has made, and this manifests as anger and frustration and an incessant criticism that causes Howl to slither away so hard he ends up in another world.
A throwaway line from a sick, half-asleep Howl got me thinking, however... "Megan's full of envy because she's respectable and I'm not."
Now, that's odd. If Megan was so disapproving and frustrated, why would she be full of envy? Howl seems to suggest that actually, this frustration lies not in disappointment, but in jealousy. What if the reason Megan is so upset by her younger brother's lifestyle is not because she disapproves, but because she resents it - because she was unable to do the same.
When we look more closely at Megan's criticisms of Howl when they go to Wales, this becomes a lot clearer.
"You're a disgrace to me and Gareth" This is how her tirade starts, and it’s the theme that she returns to at the end. As Howl highlights later, Megan is very focused on respectability and how her family is perceived by others. It's very much about keeping up appearances, showing to their neighbours that they are proper contributing members of society. Which means that the problem here isn't actually Howl and his lifestyle - it's how he impacts on the way she is perceived by others. 
"Lounging about in those clothes instead of buying a proper suit..." This is interesting, because this is Megan's perception of Howl - a perception that the reader - and Sophie and Michael - know to be untrue. Howl is notoriously fixated on his appearance and clothes, and is actually a very hard worker when it comes down to it. In fact, we frequently see Howl working exceedingly hard whilst dressed up in finery - tying back his sleeves, kneeling in mud, and then getting frustrated when a sleeve gets snagged on a nail, despite being able to fix it easily. So which is the true Howl, the lazy slob or the dedicated dandy? He's consciously chosen to present himself in Wales one way, and Ingary the complete opposite. Why? "...and looking respectable for once" Howl is Obsessed with how appearances affect outcome - the fancy clothes he buys for Sophie and Michael for their visit to Mrs. Pentsetemmon and the King, and his instance that they wear them later in the flower shop as it will be good for business. His refusal to do the same in Wales suggests to me that the baggy trousers and rugby jacket are a conscious decision to reject this notion of propriety in appearances improving status, and is an act of rebellion against... who? "Taking up with riff-raff and layabouts, bringing them to this house!" 'This House' - a respectable house, one I assume Megan has worked hard for and works hard to maintain. I say she - the unseen but ever-mentioned Gareth is the one who is out at work currently. How big is his role in Megan's characterisation? Remember how she greeted Howl with a pointed comment that he wasn't home yet, to which Howl quickly responds with "What a pity! We can't stay," and a fake smile. Howl and Gareth clearly Do Not get on, and Gareth's influence is unavoidable in the house he shares with his wife. "Are you trying to bring me down to your level?" As we've now established, Megan, like her brother, is obsessed with how people perceive her and, unlike her brother, she's very worried about losing the status she now has. Keeping it depends on making sure it is authentic - or at least, that it appears that way. Any blip of inconsistency or deviation from the norm - such as an unpredictable and unkempt younger brother - could bring it all crashing down. Megan knows that this lifestyle is a shallow one. "You've had all that education, and you don't even get a decent job," Now this is where I think it gets interesting, because it's now that Megan brings up Howl's known intelligence and the higher education that DWJ spoke about. Megan, at least, views this education as a route to getting a good job, the implication of which is upwards social mobility - something she clearly places high importance on in line with how the family is perceived. "Wasting all that time at college, wasting all those sacrifices other people made, wasting your money..." It's at this point I think Megan begins to get a bit... stuck, and I think it's to do with the central line here. "Sacrifices other people made" - which other people? It has to be someone close to them else she wouldn't be so emotional about it. It could be their family or parents, however neither of them are mentioned, so what if the person who made the sacrifices was... Megan. She also talks about college - or wasting time at it, at least. She doesn't necessarily think that college itself is a waste of time - but simply what Howl does there. She has an idea of what college should be used for - and it's getting that education to get a job and... improving your situation. "Never doing an honest day's work, never getting a job I can be proud of" I mentioned that I think Megan gets stuck - because now she's back to repeating earlier criticisms, simpler ones. The important one, the one she's really hung up about has been said. Again, there's the theme of Howl's shining dishonesty that is approached and disproved elsewhere in the book, but that’s not the bit that attracts me here. Notice, it's not a job Howl can be proud of - it's one that Megan can be proud of. It's almost as if her relationship with her brother is based in pride of his skills and achievements, something she can show off to her Proper Members of Society friends. "Look at Howell, look at what our family can do." "Shame on me and Gareth" All the time Howl is failing to be something she can show off, he is bringing shame on her and her husband. At this point, she's failing to see her brother as very little more than a status-asset, and he's not bringing in the revenue that was expected. "Coming here and spoiling Mari rotten," And then finally, this is how we end before Sophie manages to interrupt. Because Howl loves his family, his sister and his nephew and niece. They're the weak flank that he knew would spur him into action if the need arose - and he's prepared to rugby-tackle the witch and chase her over garden fences when it does. The door to Wales has to stay when the Castle moves house, because despite slithering out Howl doesn't actually want to leave forever. Megan knows he loves them, and he shows that love through his treatment of the children - but this isn't what Megan feels he should be providing for them.
Once we've looked at it more closely, we can see that Megan's problem with Howl isn't his lifestyle or choices - it's how they impact on her lifestyle and choices as a Respectable member of Society. More than that, her perceptions of Howl differ greatly from the knowledge the reader has of his lifestyle in Ingary. Howl's decision to reject the expectations of Wales and his sister is then overshadowed by his undeniable love for them and inability to completely walk away.
Once the gang leave Megan's house, the only acknowledgement we get of her rant is that... we're going to ignore it. "Howl said nothing about Megan" tells us that he is apparently immune to anything that she may say about him - or at least wants it to appear that way. He knows what she thinks and has heard it all before, and her (wrong, constructed) perception of him is not going to impact on his True lifestyle and choices.
But why would Howl - obsessed with image Howl - go out of his way to construct this fake image and make his sister angry?
We already know the answer to this, because he does the same in Ingary - destroying his reputation and blackening his name in order to try and slither out of proper society and expectation. However, in Wales he's not slithering out of becoming Royal Wizard, he's simply refusing to do what was expected of him by not getting a good job and settling down with a nice partner in a nice house with 2.5 children and a front gate... just like Megan has done.
Megan, who is full of envy for Howl because she's done this, and he didn't.
The very short description we get of Megan when they first arrive in Wales describes her as clearly Howl's older sister, disapproving in manner but with eyes "full of anxieties". Simply, anxiousness and jealousy do not make for a happy housewife. Furthermore, the only time we do see Megan expressing any vaguely positive form of emotion is when she talks about the missing homework, where she appears (to me anyway) to sound interested in the found spell. This suggests that she doesn't actually disapprove of Howl, and is actually quite interested in the work that he's done. Perhaps, in another life, she too could have pursued this curiosity, gone to college, researched spells...
Megan Jenkins is a mirror of Sophie. As elder sister, she dutifully accepted the role of inheritor of the family, fulfilling the expectations placed on her while allowing her younger brother to go and seek his fortune. Sadly, Megan didn't have a witch put a spell on her, indirectly allowing her to reject those expectations and forge her own fate. Her anxieties and disapproval match Sophie's helplessness and jealousy at the start of the book. Her anger and criticisms match Sophie's crankiness as an old woman, as expression of frustration at a situation out of your control.
Megan was the one who made the sacrifices. Megan wanted to go to college, get all that education, buy nice professional clothes and get a decent job. Instead, as traditionally expected of a young woman, she got married and had her 2.5 children, and has to work extremely hard to maintain that image. Meanwhile, she watched her brother throw away the chances that to her represented freedom, as he rejected what is traditionally expected of a young man.
Howl knows this, which is why he let's her yell - why he refuses to abandon her, rugby tackles witches, and spoils her children. I'd even maybe guess that it's why he leaves her with all his books - it's a subtle invitation to read them and be able to join him. Megan, of course, with her jealousy-distorted perception, only sees this as arrogance and selfishness.
I'm going to briefly move away from explicit textual evidence slightly now, and bring in some personal headcanon. I've written before about how I think Howl's interest in magic can be traced back to media we all have access too - and that he's really a Lord of the Rings, Led Zeppelin Fanboy at heart (lol) - but then I realised. Megan's house is called Rivendell. As in, the beautiful realm of the elves, manifestation of idyllic fantasy and a haven for reflection and knowledge. She and Howl had the same upbringing, and I'd guess read the same books - there's absolutely no reason that she wouldn't have had the same response as her brother. She was just unable to act on it.
Megan is an antagonist, but she's not a bad person and it's not her fault. HMC is a book about perception, and Megan is by no means outside of that theme. From her perception of her brother, to Sophie and Michael's perception of her, this face value should never be trusted. Howl - as with Sophie's curse - is the only one to see through his sister's facade.
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greennightspider · 6 years
The Cabin in the Snow (Chapter 1)
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M’Baku x OC (Akari)
Summary: M’Baku and Akari get stuck in a snowstorm in a cabin during an assignment. What’s a couple of Jabari warriors to do? This fic is based on M’Baku a short time before he became the leader of the Jabari Tribe.
Author’s Note: A note on Akari’s appearance is at the bottooooom just ta give some kind of guidance on my vision for her. In short Akari is thick but she is FIT. Gurl got some muscle in that pudgy-ness. 
Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4
The Jabari Mountains could be seen for miles in Wakanda. The stark contrast between the white snow that blanketed the sharp peaks and the rest of Wakanda reflected the independence of the Jabari Tribe, who had long inhabited the cold altitude, and much to everyone’s surprise, had prospered. While the long years and decades allowed for the Jabari people to climatise, this did not in fact mean that they were completely immune to the cold, as two young lost souls were quickly finding out.
Barely visible on the Jabari mountains’ second largest summit were two moving dots, barely visible in the snow both covered in furs, one leading the other, the leader making sure to stop every five minutes to remind the second-in-command why they were there.
“I swear to Hanuman M’Baku, I can’t believe you LOST the map!”
M’Baku groaned, rolling his eyes and his head simultaneously before answering the furious female in front of him. “I SAID I was sorry Akari, besides are you not supposed to be the smart one here?”
Akari swore that if she didn’t have to concentrate on trudging one foot in front of the other in this bloody snow, she would have tackled M’Baku and sent both of them flying down the mountain, leaving their fate in Hanumans’ hands.
Fate obviously had a sense of humor, considering out of all the people she could have been paired with on this assignment, she had managed to bag the class clown himself. M’Baku. Everyone at school knew his name. He was charming, charismatic, and always had a few female groupies floating around him. Oh. And not to mention he was the chieftain’s crown son.
As part of their first year of college schooling, their final winter assignment involved conquering one of the Jabari Mountain’s coldest peaks. While it was a simple task; follow the map up the mountain and back down, this was also a test of endurance in some of Jabari’s most central landscapes. No technology, no communication devices, just a solitary map and two backpacks filled with food, water, and a first aid kit. This was a test not only of one’s map reading skills, but it was supposed to hone the student’s connection to the mountains themselves.
And considering the fact that M’Baku had lost the map halfway through the trek due to a loose flap on his backpack, one could say their odds weren’t exactly great.
The pair had reached a craggy impass which allowed Akari to swivel her feet on the rocks to face M’Baku with a sneer. “And is not a big part of being the chieftain’s crown son being able to actually LEAD people?”
M’Baku scowled, giving Akari her first small victory of the whole trip. She knew M’Baku hated being reminded of his standing, since he always wanted to just be seen as ‘one of the boys’. Akari supposed it was part of the reason why he was so likeable; he wanted to see people for him, not his title.
Turning back around on her heels and continuing forward gave M’Baku ended up concentrating on the only view he had atop this white wasteland: his female counterpart. She was considered tall for a female, although she still only measured just above his shoulder, which he observed when she first found out about the lost map and proceeded to rage at him in a way that only his father could come close to. Curiously she was probably the only person to ever try and rage at him like that.
Akari wasn’t the smallest of girls. She had a strength in her strong build that M’Baku knew made half the guys in their year weary of trying anything suspect. Akari’s normally curly hair was tightly pulled into a bun atop her head, that would come into view when she struggled to pull the white fur-lined hood over her hood onto her head due to the merciless winds that were starting to pick up. Her face was stern even though her chubby cheeks would at first glance say otherwise. M’Baku had to admit her lower half was something else, admiring her wide hips and strong legs that he knew gave her an edge on this trip. M’Baku knew of Akari, hell most of the guys he knew in class fancied her, although he didn’t see the big deal. She was well liked by teachers and students, and she managed to balance being a bookworm as well as an athletic champ at combat sports. And while they were in the same class, he hadn’t given her so much as a passing glance until now.
A sudden cold breeze shook M’Baku out of his thoughts and tilted his head toward the horizon, almost as if the wind was warning him of the ominous snowstorm. “Akari,” M’Baku urged, as Akari turned around and then followed his eyeline, her eyes widening.
“We need to get off this mountain.” 
Several hours later the two were no closer to their destination, and the storm had well begun to set in. Their furs and gear had done well to help them brace the cold, but it was only meant to last them several hours, not a whole day. M’Baku had agreed to let Akari lead in the beginning, however he knew she wouldn’t last much longer without rest and shelter. Both of them wouldn’t. Akari’s movements we’re becoming slower as her legs struggled to trudge through the never-ending expanse of snow. She would never show weakness, but he knew even with the howling winds that her teeth were chattering.
They needed to find shelter in this snowstorm and fast. As they slowly trudged on M’Baku racked his brain for anything that could help them, trying to peer at their surroundings to see if there were any landmarks. When he was little, his father would often take him and his brothers up these mountains as he had always believed that his heirs, and future leaders of the tribe needed to be one with the elements. As M’Baku tried to remember if there was anything on this particular peak, the words of his father faintly graced his memory.
“Son, on this mountain, hidden behind the second peak, is a cabin…”
M’Baku snapped his head up. He remembered they had passed a peak not too long ago, which meant the second wasn’t too far off.
M’Baku shuffled as fast as he could to rest his hand on Akari’s shoulder, and his eyes widened when he saw her face. Her eyes we’re hooded and her face was almost frozen when he turned to face him. Her usually full lips were on the tinge of blue. While his memory was hazy, he knew this cabin was important. He knew that it’s location was a secret only known to the families of chieftain, that only chiefs were meant to use this cabin. For what, he could not remember, however at this point he couldn’t care less. M’Baku knew that there would be consequences for revealing this secret to an outsider, and that both of them would have to face his father when they returned. But he wasn’t about to let both of them die for the sake of protocol. Spotting the second peak not far ahead of them, he gripped Akari’s shoulder to brace him for his decision. “Akari, I know of a place here where we can rest, it shouldn’t be too far.”
M’Baku had to use all of his weight to break the door free from the ice that had settled into its cracks. Akari and M’Baku both rushed in and quickly shut the door behind them, Akari taking the time to finally stop moving and try and steady her erratic breathing. However M’Baku took no time  in scanning the room and finding a blanket. He then stalked towards Akari with his arms out, a corner of the blanket in each hand. “Drop your backpack.”
Akari didn’t object and as soon as her bag slipped off her shoulders M’Baku embraced her with the blanket, wrapping it around her tightly like a cocoon.
“Sit there.” M’Baku motioned to the bench to the right of the entrance. Once she was bundled up and settled he paced towards the firepit across from the entrance. He all but threw his bag down next to him and rummaged recklessly until he found his flint.
As M’Baku worked on getting the fire going, Akari took the time to take in the cabin and to study M’Baku. While he was a jokester, who’s never-ending stream of jokes would get on her nerves, and while she wouldn’t be in this ordeal if it wasn’t for him, Akari couldn’t help feeling reassured watching M’Baku work frantically, concentrating on building the small flame. She knew he hardly ever took things seriously, but when shit hit the fan M’Baku never hesitated to step up.
Looking around the cabin Akari took in her surroundings. The cabin wasn’t grand, but it was more than big enough for two people. She glanced across the room and noticed that almost the whole back wall was converted into a bed, with furs and blankets neatly folded to the side. The hearth that M’Baku was tending to was placed to the left of the bed, directly across from the entryway but far enough away that anyone who opened the door wouldn’t harm the fire. Akari sat on a long wooden bench facing away from the simple table and cupboards behind her.
Once the small sparks had finally blossomed into a raging fire, M’Baku sighed in relief. Akari clapped her hands in appreciation, and M’Baku turned and raised his eyebrows slightly, amused at her uncharacteristic outburst knowing it was most likely the hypothermia but glad to see a smile on her face.
He then stood up and stretched, and Akari would have taken that as the cue to start unpacking their belongings and grabbing the rest of the blankets and bundling up near the fire. That is until she noticed M’Baku was simultaneously taking his shirt off as he stood.
With wide unabashed eyes Akari stared at M’Baku’s now bare chest as he was front and center. She had seen him and many of her other male classmates shirtless before, it wasn’t an uncommon sight at sports games and rituals. However something about watching him now, alone, with his body glowing in the light of the fire made it feel… different. M’Baku then went on to remove his pants, walking around the hearth to drape them on a spare bench opposite him. He then turned to her, almost completely naked were it not for the tight black briefs he was wearing that left nothing to the imagination. Akari, whose mouth was slightly agape, locked eyes with the nearly naked M’Baku standing in front of her. Who then said only two words in a deep, commanding voice that shook her to her core.
“Akari. Undress.”
Akari’s hair is similar to this pic of Philomena Kwao
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And her body-type is similar to this OTHER picture of Philomena Kwao
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Hope ya liked it!
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galactic-crossing · 7 years
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Claire, Claytown’s Dreamer
She keeps her messy black hair cut-short. (not “military cut” short, but short enough so it doesn’t get on her way whenever she goes swimming) Usually dyed blue, or in other “non-traditional” hues.
Usually favors athletic-wear and other types of clothes which might allow her to move with freedom, (like the Tropical Tank and Relay Shorts she’s wearing on her profile pic) an imperative necessity due to her active life-style. That said, she also likes to wear dresses when relaxing, during formal occasions and dance performances, or whenever she feels like exalting her unique kind of femineity.
Likes to wear either real flowers, or flower-like ornaments on her hair. Pink Lilies appear to be a favorite or hers.
Shoes? Socks? She doesn’t care about those, (she says they’re “uncomfortable and unnecessary” to her) so 97.7% of time won’t be wearing any. Instead, when she wants to get fancy/fashionable, she’d prefer to adorn her feet with anklets, nail-polish and/or barefoot-sandals. (if feeling SUPER fancy/fashionable)
She has beautiful and lively green eyes, and her skin has a delightful natural tan honed by years of outdoor life and activities.
Of athletic physique and tall-stature, with well-toned legs and “abs-of-steel that make men and women go crazy”. (her words, not mine [-_-]U even I don’t write lines as cheesy as those)
Has some peculiar scars on her back resembling chirurgical cuts and circuit-arrays. She says there’s an interesting story behind them, but only Celeste and her family know the truth behind them. Hmmmm….
Unfettered, energetic, curious and always true-to-herself.
Constantly smiling, laughing, shouting, running and perpetually trying to live life to the fullest. Her enthusiasm can be quite contagious.
Rather competitive, and always eager to tackle new challenges, not for glory nor pride, but because she enjoys testing her skills and limits in order to always keep growing and improving.
She greatly values freedom, courage, passion, empathy and love.
She’s usually the first to jump when it comes to defending the helpless or lending a hand to a friend in need.
New Leaf’s relevant trivia
Best friends with Ribbot. Since he’s a robot(/cyborg?) frog with nigh-unlimited energy and a great sense of sportsmanship, he’s the only one in town capable to keeping up with her when it comes to the kind of crazy psychical challenges she enjoys partaking in with her friends back home. Spending time with her “metal-bro” is always a blast.
As Claytown’s Official Dreamer, she’s the one most likely to visit Dream Towns, a task she dearly enjoys and goes pretty well with her curious and freedom loving personality.
She really wishes she could swim without using a wet-suit… nor any suit/clothing at all, just like she usually does back at home.
Miscellaneous Tidbits
Job before becoming a resident: Test pilot of prototype Super-Robots / Mechs… just like Celeste. Makes sense, considering the kind of story they hail from.
Orientation: Le5b1an-H0m0romantic
Loves Celeste with all her heart and soul, despite them being members of rival organizations/factions in their origin story.
Born and raised in Hawaii, under the loving yet eccentric care of her two dads; one of them being a badass Super-Robot pilot like her, the other a famed genetic researcher specialized in human bio-augmentation.
She has been bio-augmented in order to become a better pilot/warrior. It comes with a plethora of perks and bonuses, with even some mundane utilities, like being immune to frost-bite, so she’s able to go barefoot even in the coldest weather.
While piloting is her job and duty, the dance arts are her true vocation and passion. She started by learning the Polynesian style of her ancestors, and from there she has learned a whole lot of styles and disciplines; from classical ballet, to break-dance and almost anything and everything in between. She’s always eager to showcase her skills, while also motivating others to learn and/or experience the joys of dancing for themselves.
A big fan of monsters and strange creatures, both fictional ones (like those she watched in the horror movies she grew up with) and those whom exist on her world/home-dimension… even those whom they fight against. She believes there’s much to learn from them, and she’d like to find a way for humans to co-exist with them.
She’s an excellent swimmer whom could beat all the current Olympic records without breaking a sweat.
Her preference and commitment to go around barefoot is what motivated Celeste to try it for herself.
An avid naturist. (I remember Celeste was quite flustered when she found out) In practice, it isn’t so much about her looking for excuses to get out of her clothes, and more like she doesn’t consider n4k3dn355 something taboo nor a thing to be ashamed of, but just an ordinary and wholesome part of life.
Her boisterous attitude and unbound approach to life might make her appear rude and obnoxious in the eyes of some people. Nonetheless, be reassured that she doesn’t make it in order to deliberately offend people, and that if explained why X or Y conduct/action of hers is considered non-appropriate, she’ll try her best to behave herself, as long it doesn’t compromise her core values.
Mayoraesthetic here, inspired by @ellesanimalhaven.
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howardlinkedin · 8 years
Group Project: Part 4
Running Title: Group Project. Part 4 Part 3: Here Part 5:  Here Sequel to Shelter Summary: Link starts a food fight and Cross is really good at his job, but at the same time isn’t. Featuring: Phantom Thief G and how Kanda went to the dogs. 
The second time little Timothy tried to help his Papa bake, he dropped the entire bag of flour on the kitchen floor.
Link took one glance at his son, who was near to tears, to the pile of white on the floor and smeared a handful of flour all over the boy’s face.  
Lala wandered in then, taking in the scene of her stunned little brother and the floor, to her Papa, and started laughing.
“Shut up!” Timothy retaliated by throwing an egg at his sister, which crunched right onto her front.
Lala reached for the milk.
Daisya Barry gaped at his youngest brother, mouth full of potato chips.
Kanda, who was scowling up at him, thought his brother looked damn disgusting. “Swallow your food idiot.”
Quickly, Daisya gulped down the half eaten chips and wiped the salt from his face with his hand. The young teen scowled further. Use a napkin, damnit!
Noise, like the archangel he was, rounded the corner and shoved a paper towel in his brother’s stunned face, and continued on his way. Thank fuck for Noise Marie, Kanda thought.
“Wait, wait. So you want me. ME.” Daisya pointed to himself in reiteration. “To help you get a job?”
At 14, Kanda Yuu was a lanky, awkward teenager. And like every teenager, he came to the point where he wanted money of his own. He let out a “che” and turned his usual glare on full force.
“Yes.” He gritted through his teeth.
“Holy shit, you’ve never asked me for anything!”
“Never mind.”
The red haired Colonel was in the cafe again.
Since Anita was working the counter that morning, and there were no other customers at the moment, Cross decided to make himself more late to work than usual and strike up conversation. Chaoji wiped down the same table for the fifth time, staring arrows into the man’s back, while his aunt laughed at whatever flirty nonsense the officer was saying.
He just didn’t see it. What it was about the man that stuck his aunt’s fancy so much.
There had been others. Men who held themselves the same way, sultry smiles and arrogant words, that tried to get Anita’s lovely attention. Only for her to dismiss them without so much as a hello, and the men were left with ice burn on their ego and pride.
Yet here he is. Always barging in on his phone, rough voiced and obstinate. He never left tips, and was out like a whirlwind (usually).
“Come over for dinner.” Anita offered, adding more coffee to the man’s mug. Her voice filled with that hum she always got when she was particularly interested at something.
The nephew walked into the next table, “What?!” he squawked.
Marian, ignoring the young man and his crisis, grinned, salacious and downright lewd. “Alright. I’ll bring the wine, Madam.”  He always called her Madam when flirting. Anita seemed to like it, as she practically glowed under the attention. To be fair, the Colonel also basked in her attention as well.
Taking his coffee, Cross bowed and bid farewell. “Until tonight.”
Once he left, Chaoji hissed at his aunt. “Just what do you see in that guy?”
“Oh Chao.” His Aunt sighed, giving him a look as though he had missed something important. “You simply don’t know him like I do.”
The nephew made a face at the nickname, and squinted at his aunt. “How long have you known him anyway? When did you two even meet?”
Anita tapped her chin in thought. “Oh, a few years.”
“He arrested me once!” She actually sounded damn pleased at the statement.
Hours later, after an interview, Allen came back to their temporary home-away-from-home to the sight of his family covered in food, eating cereal at the counter.
“Man, I miss all the fun.” He lamented, as though being a singing sensation and performing live for adoring fan’s was bread crumbs compared to a food fight with his family.
Lala, who was closest to him, smeared her frosting stained had over his cheek. “Welcome home Daddy.”
The young father suddenly had stars in his eyes as he practically vibrated with delight. “Link-”
“Link, I’m Daddy!”
“I heard.”
“Papa and Daddy!”
Link ignored his ecstatic husband while their son gave Allen a look that clearly said ‘I think you are a really weird adult.’
“Lala’s a music box.” Allen whispered to Link during the night.
Link put his book down, and attentively looked at his husband. The white haired musician had already told him of their son’s likeness to an organ - all high notes and enough personality to take up a room.
“She’s meant to be heard, the people around her will influence her song and they’ll be influenced by her in return.”
“Well,” The baker began, rolling to his side and crowding the musician with his arms. “Good thing she’s our daughter then.”
Allen bubbled up a laugh, heart full of joy.
Their daughter. 
Day’s later, Kanda Yuu became the community dog walker. Every day, after school and every morning on the weekend, the long haired youth would corral a team of dogs around the neighborhood.
It paid decent, and eventually dog owners learned he was good at training also.
Daisya, who was the manager of the Teen Community Center, took several pictures every time his brother passed by, happy, yipping puppies at his heels.
Frequently, Alma would tag along, cooing at the several dogs, who basked in the attention. They often laid on the grass of the park and let the canines lay and crawl all over them. Kanda would frown down at them and say, “Alma I’m working.”
“But they’re so cute Yuu!” They would fake pout, all a sparkle.
You’re the cute one, Kanda wanted to say, but instead he would scoff and usher the pups away. Alma would turn pink and roll around tittering, because of course. They always heard what Kanda didn’t say.
Once upon a time, a red haired Colonel arrested a Queen.
At 19, Anita Han was a feared name on the streets. She appeared one day, with a loyal gang of followers. They stole, vandalized, but Anita drew the line at violence against another human being.
(She grew up around violence.
As a little girl, who had become immune to fear after watching the man who was supposed to love and protect her mother, slam his fists and bruise with words. Anita despised it, but was not above using her fists to protect herself.
Only hurt if they hurt first, she taught herself.
Trust was a hollow and weak thing, when she had no one to trust but herself.)
She was the unsung Queen of the back allies. She was also young, rash, and thought she was invincible.
Anita and her team had outwitted police, chased off other gangs who tried to push their way forward, and those of her ramshackle team - her family - only grew.
Until one night, when the sky broke in a torrent of rain, Anita found herself in the middle of a gang war that became too much too soon.
Mahoja, her greatest friend, was struck by a crowbar to the head, and all Anita could see was blood and rage. With a yell, she tackled the one who hurt her friend, not noticing others rallying their way to her, intent dark and black. Her hand had just stolen the bar from her offender, and hands were a graze away from her back when it happened.
There was no thunder with the rain that night, but the gunshot that echoed seemed to make the entire ground shake beneath her feet.
“Alright, break it up.” The voice was firm, but held a mockery of boredom with inflection.
How he got to the center of the mob, Anita never could figure out, but she would always remember him as he was that night. Tall and brooding, with a cheshire grin and red, red hair that caught the rain.
“Time for angry children to go to bed.” He continued to mock, and there was a part of her that was angry at him for it, despite how distracting he was. How dare he? Who was this man to come and nose his way into her business?
Two clicks and well delivered punch to the right person, and those surrounding Anita and Mahoja fell.
Those clicks? Handcuffs.
“Hey, you’re under arrest, congratulations.”
Anita had never felt more rage burn through her heart than that moment.
“I am the Phantom Thief G!”
Allen, who was pattering about in his pajamas with bed head and a mug of coffee, stared at his son who was standing on top of the kitchen table. The boy had his green bed sheet tied around his shoulders and what looks like a giant blue oval markered on his forehead.
“I see.” Was all he could say, and took a sip of his morning beverage.
“Woosh!” The boy leaped off the table and began running around the borrowed suite. It may be time to consider enrolling Timothy into school, Allen thought. When did the school year start again?
His husband, always the early bird, opened the entrance door with a bag of breakfast pastries when he became witness to his sheeted child. “Why?”
“He’s the Phantom Thief G.”
Link handed the bag to his husband, who began to dig through its contents. “And what does the Phantom Thief G do?”
“I!” Little Timothy took this moment to jump on the couch and pose like a superhero. “Steal from the rich and give to the poor!”
The blonde stared at his child, wondering what made him tick, and asked, “Isn’t that Robin Hood?” Scoffing, the boy crossed his arms, obviously insulted. “He’s English, I can’t be Robin Hood. I’m French and therefore clearly am a phantom.”
“Well, Mister Phantom.” Allen waved a chocolate muffin in the air. “Come get breakfast.”
“Muffin!” Cried the boy.
Lala shuffled in, bleary eyed and groaning. “Why is he so loud every morning?”
At seventeen, Kanda had a Crisis.
Alma hated rings. The things got in the way of their needle work and sewing for new clothing designs.
Shit, the teen thought.
“Shit.” He cursed out loud.
“Yuu, no foul language at the dinner table.” Chided his father.
Later that evening, Kanda was a pacing stormcloud in his bedroom. Froi stood in the doorway watching his son go back and forth.
“Can I ask now?” “No!”
A minute passed. More pacing.
“Yuu, I’m going to ask.”
“Wait damnit!”
The father waited some more. Eventually, Kanda stopped his moving about and faced his wall in a teenage, angst ridden brood. “Okay, ask.”
“Yuu, what’s wrong?”
Kanda mumbled and crossed his arms. “Yuu, I can’t hear you.”
“I SAID.” The teen started, loudly. “Alma doesn’t like rings!”
Oh, Froi thought. What a dilemma for a young mind.
Daisya, being the nosey brother he was, popped his head in. “What about something different?” “Like what?!” Demanded Kanda, now glaring at the wall.
“A bracelet.” Noise offered, walking past with his nose in a book.
The Tiedoll house was quiet as the fretful teenager in love mulled over the idea. He huffed out a “che,” which Froi long learned was Kanda’s way of agreeing with something.
Wait. “Yuu. Are you going to-”
“Shut up.”
“Oh Yuu!” The father’s eyes welled with tears. How his son has grown!
“Shut up!”
Strapped in the back of the red haired officer’s car, which carried the scent of coffee and nicotine, Anita seethed with rage. Which, the Colonel ignored and jammed a cigarette into his mocking mouth. “Damn rain makes it impossible to get a good smoke in.”
What nonsense. What rot. Anita’s tolerance for him shrunk with every passing second. “What about Mahoja?” She demanded. Did you just leave her there to bleed out and die?
Sharp eyes looked into hers over the rearview mirror. “Your friend? Yeager carted her off to the hospital.”
She did not know who this Yeager person was, but she doubted they even did anything. They didn’t know her or her friend, these officers. Why should she believe his word?
Seeing her twisted look, the Colonel snorted and started his engine. “You like rock music?”
“Too bad, driver is the DJ.”
Instead of music, Anita heard a phone ring. The Colonel cursed and dug his cellphone out, one had on the steering wheel. “Why the fuck are you awake?”
Anita blinked.
“Don’t you ‘quarter’ me you brat, it’s late as shit go to bed.”
What was happening?
“Yes, I’ll be home soon, what are you, my mother?”
The car jerked as the office one handedly turned a corner. Anita wondered if officers could ticket each other for reckless driving. Last she checked, driving while on the phone was against the law.
“It’s almost midnight, go the fuck to sleep. Why isn’t that boyfriend of yours getting on your ass for this?”
The car parked. Anita looked out the window and knew instantly that this was not the police station.
The Colonel hung up and tossed his phone into the passenger side. “Damn brat.”
“Brat.” Anita repeated, staring hard at the officer. What was he doing? Much more, what was he thinking on doing?
He shrugged. “My kid, he’s a brat.” He got out and opened the door. “Okay out.”
She stared at him.
The red haired man made hand motions to signal for her to move. “Let’s go, according to the bossy gremlin at home, I’m past curfew. Hup-to!”
He must be truly dumb if he believed Anita would listen to him at this point.
A door slammed open near where the police vehicle parked, and someone bellowed. “Marian what the fuck boy?”
Anita was startled, and caught sight of a small old woman, with wild gray hair and a scowl longer than a symphony. She had her boney hands on her hips, and a foot tapping impatiently.
“It’s raining piss out here, move it!” The old woman ordered as she turned to yell behind her. “Barba! Get some towels!”
Slapping his palm against his forehead, as though Anita was the one making his life difficult, he reached in quick as a sparrow and yanked the gang leader out of the backseat by the back of her shirt.
Anita kicked and began to fight. “You let me go right now you-”
Two clicks, and the handcuffs fell off her wrists; Anita as flummoxed. She gaped at the man before her, who just huffed and shoved her at the old woman. “Take care of her Mother. She’s wet.”
“I can see that idiot.” Mother spat, and proceeded to shove a warm towel over Anita’s water logged head. “Come, come, let's get you dry.”
Anita went inside, and the door closed. She heard the officer’s car leave.
“What?” Because, truly. What?
The elder woman “bah”ed ushered the younger down a hall. “Ignore him, he’s a dramatic bastard.”
Mother wasn’t the Colonel’s mother. She wasn’t even blood related to him. Mother was just Mother.
Morning came, and Mother’s phone rang. The old woman didn’t even bother answering, instead tossing the phone into Anita’s lap. “It’s for you.”
Weary, the female gang leader answered. “Hello?”
It was Mahoja!
“Where-?” She tried to question.
Her friend cut her off, already knowing. “Hospital. A red haired officer gave me this number, saying you would answer.” At the revelation, her friend sounded just as confused and relieved as Anita felt.
Months later, Anita spotted the red haired Colonel leaving a corner store, a cheap can of coffee in hand.
“This damn place needs an actual cafe.”
“Quarter!” a little muffled voice demanded. Holding the Colonel's other hand was a white haired boy. The kid was stuffing his contented face with a donut.
“Yeah, yeah.” Conceded the man, crossing the street, not noticing her at all.
Maybe. Anita had thought. It’s a good time to change pace.
Kanda clasped the bracelet around Alma’s wrist. It was gold, with a simple embellishment at the rims.
Looking from their boyfriend to the bracelet, Alma let out a squeal and tackled him to the ground. “Yes!” They cried.
The other teen shouted, startled. “Why are you crying?!”
“I love you so much Yuu!”
Kanda did not understand why that warranted tears, but whatever. He accepted long ago that Alma liked to cry on him.
He loved them too, in any case.
After dinner and Chaoji conceded that Colonel Cross wasn’t entirely awful since his aunt enjoyed his company so much, the red haired man asked for Anita’s tablet.
“The brats want to meet you.”
Anita looked positively pleased. “Of course!”
Curious, Chaoji watched as the internet call was made, and a familiar face appeared on the screen.
He stuttered.
“Ah!” Exclaimed the white haired man. “Chaoji!”
“Who?” A blue haired boy poked his head under his father’s. A blonde teenager waved at them. “Hello grandfather.”
Cross’ shoulders twitched, not yet used to the title. “Hi.”
Seeing the usually suave Colonel so awkward in front of his family sent an arrow straight into Anita’s already smitten heart. She started to laugh. “I heard you wanted to meet me.”
“Ooh, she’s pretty.” The boy complimented.
Anita beamed.
“Hi Anita! I’m Allen! Thanks for taking care of this lonely old man.” His kid teased. “It’s my pleasure.”
“Little shit.” Cross seethed. “Quarter!”
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thisdaynews · 5 years
Trump threatens to overshadow U.N. climate push
New Post has been published on https://thebiafrastar.com/trump-threatens-to-overshadow-u-n-climate-push/
Trump threatens to overshadow U.N. climate push
European allies lamented the United States’ absence from Monday’s summit at the United Nations headquarters in New York. | John Moore/Getty Images
U.N. General Assembly
Here’s what to watch at Monday’s summit as governments, businesses and activists seek to move past a likely no-show United States.
The politics of climate change claim the main U.N. stage Monday in New York with appeals from world leaders (and notable absences) and some new proposals to tackle greenhouse gas emissions.
So who and what are worth watching?
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At this one-day climate summit that kicks off the annual U.N. General Assembly, the star attractions are Boris Johnson, Angela Merkel, Emmanuel Macron and Narendra Modi, joined by leaders of 60 countries and dozens of multinationals. Donald Trump will likely skip it — as will the Japanese and Australian prime ministers and Chinese President Xi Jinping. Although White House press secretary Stephanie Grisham said Monday morning that she “wouldn’t be surprised” if Trump popped by the meeting.
The host, U.N. Secretary-General António Guterres, says he “told leaders not to come with fancy speeches, but with concrete commitments” that go beyond the 2015 Paris climate pact.
What’s the context here?
No one — neither the European nor Asian governments that are here, nor the U.S. that isn’t — is cutting emissions fast enough to address many scientists’ warnings of looming catastrophe in the coming decades. China’s are still rising rapidly.
So will this jamboree just send a lot more hot air into the atmosphere without bringing any meaningful progress on climate change?
Not necessarily. Even before they started, the summit and its 10 days of related official events helped drive a global conversation about climate. Individual countries are expected to announce plans to exceed the nonbinding pledges they made in Paris. Big companies are offering ideas, too. Nestlé is one of the latest to commit to a 2050 target to get to zero carbon emissions, while IKEA, Salesforce and L’Oreal are among the companies making pledges to align with the Paris deal. Big banks and insurers backing climate finance include Goldman Sachs, HSBC and Japan’s Government Pension Investment Fund.
These moves are driven by undeniably growing public anxiety. Recent scientific studies say nations may have as little as 12 years to cut their greenhouse gas emissions sharply enough to allow human civilization to avoid serious harm from rising seas, spreading illness, worsening storms and other effects of a warming planet. More bad news is expected Wednesday when the U.N.’s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change reports on oceans, following up on its negative assessment on land use in August. Public opinion is spurring politicians and companies to act — or at least look like they’re acting. Ahead of her arrival in New York, Germany’s Merkel on Friday announced a new €50 billion plan.
But without the U.S. on board, isn’t any climate push hobbled from the start?
Yes and no.
By announcing his decision to pull out of the 2015 Paris climate pact ratified by 185 nations, Trump slowed the diplomatic and policy momentum behind a coordinated global response. At home, citing his claims of harm to the economy, the U.S. president rolled back the Obama administration’s regulations on greenhouse gas limits for cars, trucks and power plants, and pushed the U.S. to burn a lot more coal. He’s the spoiler at the global climate bash in New York this week.
Even so, Trump may be the most important but, he isn’t the only player able to drive the climate policy agenda in the United States. Hundreds of mayors, more than a dozen states and the biggest American philanthropists — including former New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg and most recently Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos — are throwing their weight behind activist laws, pollution targets and investments. They hope to have an impact beyond the Trump presidency. Companies that operate globally are embracing renewables for business reasons.
But here’s a reality check: For all their sincerity — or, depending where you fall politically, sanctimony — there’s only so much that business or local leaders can do without the backing of the U.S. government.
Don’t expect any change in policy soon. Trump’s climate politics enjoy significant Republican support. Twenty-two GOP senators urged him to leave the Paris accord in May 2017. You do hear some dissenting voices in the party, however. “I wish America were in a leadership position, not watching others from the side,” Sen. Mitt Romney (R-Utah), then-President Barack Obama’s opponent in the 2012 election, tells POLITICO. He adds: “It reduces the prospect of us being a leader in the world.”
European allies lament the United States’ absence. “It really makes the fight against climate change much more difficult and complex,” says European Commission Vice President Maroš Šefčovič. “What we have to do here is live by example and to develop the economic narrative that to go green it pays off.”
But what are the practical implications of the U.S. approach?
For one thing, there’s a lot less money for the Green Climate Fund, a U.N.-created pot meant to help developing nations adapt to climate change. Obama had promised to pay $3 billion into the fund by 2020; Trump has made no contributions to it.
Some worry the U.S. could lose out financially. A 2016 study from the International Finance Corp. estimated the world will see about $23 trillion in potential climate-related investments in developing countries through 2030.Now, those opportunities may go to China and other countries aggressively pursuing them.
Some politicians in the EU threatened to refuse to engage in trade talks with the U.S. if Trump follows through with his pledge to formally exit the Paris deal next year.
But isn’t the focus on the U.S. misplaced? China is the biggest greenhouse gas polluter now, and regardless of the political optics, the U.S. has done as well as any major developed economy to reduce emissions.
True, China became the largest producer of carbon dioxide in 2006, passing the United States. The Chinese counter that America has done far more damage to the atmosphere during its long reign as an industrial power — about twice as many tons of carbon pollution, according to the historical data. Be that as it may, as China works to catch up economically, Beijing is only promising to peak its carbon output no later than 2030. By then, according to current estimates, its emissions will be 33 to 47 percent above what they were in 2010.
The U.S. record on reductions certainly isn’t anything that climate activists swoon over. Despite an overall downward trend during the past 12 years, the U.S. is nowhere near meeting Obama’s climate targets: The country’s carbon dioxide emissions are 10.4 percent below 2005 levels, making it practically impossible to achieve the Obama administration’s goal of a 17 percent cut by 2020 and 26-28 percent by 2025. The Climate Action Tracker shows that U.S. emissions will probably get only halfway to the Obama goal.
Surely then the Europeans, who are all on board behind Paris, are leading the way on government-mandated emissions reduction?
Well, sorta. Europe is meeting its emissions goals. That’s in large part because the EU has since the 1970s had stagnant population and relatively slow economic growth.
“The bad news is [the goals] weren’t tough enough,” says Mauro Petriccione, the EU’s top climate bureaucrat. And the bloc isn’t coming to Monday’s summit with any pledges of further reductions.
Ursula von der Leyen, the European Commission president-elect, doesn’t have the power to commit the Union to anything new before Nov. 1, and will need the support of EU national leaders and the European Parliament to make any pledges. But her intentions are clear, says Petriccione: cut emissions by up to half by 2030.
For this week, rather than focus on additional emissions cuts, Petriccione insists, it’s more important for the EU to “create a viable model for a modern clean economy” that countries including China, India and the U.S. can eventually copy, because the rest of the world outside Europe is responsible for more than 90 percent of global emissions.
So what does business want from the pols on climate?
Mainly, predictability. Many companies are moving in a greener direction, but that’s a long-term commitment of resources and business strategy. “Markets need full information on climate risks and opportunities,” says Jen Austin of the We Mean Business coalition, along with “clear pricing signals,” a term that can include the kind of carbon tax or fee that for now is off the table politically in the United States.
But business leaders aren’t immune to spinning on climate and not backing it up with action. Of 45 economic sectors assessed by the International Energy Agency, only seven are on track to live up to the Paris agreement’s goals. Those not on track include the electric power, fuel supply and building sectors.
To close up here, what are the odds anyone will remember this summit a year from now?
Fifty-fifty. If China comes to the carbon pricing party this week in New York, that would be a real political turning point. Don’t hold your breath, since Xi is missing from the action. This week is more likely to be remembered as the week that banks, other companies and teenagers took charge of the multilateral climate response — in the absence of united political action — egged on by Europe and small nations.
Kalina Oroschakoff, Matt Daily and Bob King contributed to this report.
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daveshevett · 6 years
Home Automation - From Dream to Reality
New Post has been published on http://planet-geek.com/2019/03/23/home-automation/home-automation-from-dream-to-reality/
Home Automation - From Dream to Reality
The whole Home Automation craze has been around for years. From the first X10 devices in the 70s and 80s, all the way through wifi enabled refrigerators, the technology to link devices and services in the home has marched onward. I certainly am not immune to the draw of a ‘smart home’, where all my devices are interconnected and can communicate with each other (and I can communicate with them!), but up until recently, the tech for this has been clunky and unimaginative. Sure you could have a big multibutton wired box on your coffee table that could turn on the kitchen lights, but that’s not particularly convenient.
No, the big revolution came when always-on, integrated voice controlled devices like Amazon’s Echo Dot and the Google Home successfully bridged the human / computer interface with easy to use voice commands that didn’t require you to speak like Robbie the Robot. With natural language interfaces available 24/7, without requiring physical button pushing or training, home automation could start to move into the “this makes things easier” territory.
I’ve naturally been attracted to this sort of integration. Having a whole-house ‘personality’ that I could talk to anytime, anywhere, without it being intrusive or burdensome was a big attraction.
How I Did It
The first step to this process was getting Amazon Echo devices in all the rooms. This turned out to be less of a challenge than I expected. Echo Dots are going for $40 and are a decent starting point. I was setting up for the 4 rooms in my house, so this was easy (with a full Echo in the living room for good ambient music and general use.
Even before I started setting up the next stage of automation, we found having a House Bot to be incredibly convenient. Having an Echo in every room, you get very comfortable having basically any answer to any question available just by asking. “Alexa, What’s the capital of Wisconsin?”, etc etc.
But more than that, we use the always-available service for a lot of other things:
Shopping lists – being in the kitchen and realizing we’re almost out of sugar “Alexa, add Sugar to the shopping list” (“I’ve added sugar to your shopping list.”) – when one of us is at the supermarket, we can look at the current list on our phone and see what’s needed, marking things off as we get them.
Timers – This one was a little surprising. “Alexa, set a timer for 10 minutes.” “I’ve set a timer for 10 minute, starting now.” – this is a great reminder service for anything from something in the oven to remembering to go leave to go pick up your kid.
Intercom – because we have Echos in every room, including the kids room, it’s nice to be able to use it as an intercom. “Alexa, Drop in on the kids room” (bdoink) “Hey, what do you want for dinner?”
Music – I have our accounts linked to Spotify, which means I basically have access to all the music in the world, as well as many curated playlists. A lot of times I’ll come down in the morning for coffee, and put on some music with “Alexa, play quiet classical music” – and a nice mix of quiet music will start playing.
Background sounds – We have an active house and neighborhood. Sometimes a nap is needed, and perhaps the general churn of kids playing and doors closing can make that difficult. Asking Alexa to play quiet sounds helps make napping easier. “Alexa, play ocean sounds” is a great way to set some soothing sounds to take a nap to.
Okay, all this is great, but what about the other automation stuff? The lights! What about the lights?
Home automation is frequently associated with ‘turning the lights on and off’. I wanted to be able to do this via Alexa, as well as have some automatic things happen (for instance, the stair lights turn on when you get up to go to the bathroom in the middle of the night). To do this, you need lightswitches and sensors that can be linked together and controlled
There’s a lot of technologies to do this. With LED lightbulbs replacing CF bulbs (for good reason), zillions of companies started making WiFi enabled lightbulbs. I’ll be honest, these things seem sketchy AF. This is a fully enabled wifi computer in a lightbulb socket in your house, on your local network. Most people don’t know what those devices are doing, and what external services they’re communicating with. There’s a school of thought that says “Who cares? It’s just a lightbulb!” – but that’s not the point. That’s not a lightbulb, it’s a computer. It’s on your local wireless network in your house. Which means it has localized access to all the devices on your network at home. That nice firewall / router you have? It’s just been bypassed.
Now, many could argue that this is already happening, with the smart devices like the Echos and other things in the house, which are in regular communication with servers on the internet. And they’d be right – there’s communication happening there that I’m not in 100% control of. But, with a hefty dose of salt, I honestly trust Amazon and Google a lot more than a Chinese company making a $19 Wifi enabled lightbulb that asks me to install an Android app to control the light. Do I blindly trust Amazon and Google? Heck no! But I know a lot of very smart people are analyzing what the Echos and the Google devices are doing. There’s far more transparency there than these fly by night “Smart Device” manufacturers on the net.
Building out the Hub and Devices
Right. Enough of that. Let’s get down to how I built out my network.
First of all, if you’re not going to use wifi, you need to pick another wireless protocol. There’s several to choose from, I ended up choosing Zwave. This is a very common protocol, and has many devices and hubs supporting it. When I started this project 2+ years ago, Zwave devices tended to be on the pricy side, but the costs have been steadily dropping.
Once you’ve selected a protocol, you’ll need a hub. A hub does all the communication with the devices, and presents that communication to whatever interface you’d like to use. In my case, I wanted a dozen or two devices, and I wanted to talk to them via Alexa as well as web and mobile apps. This is a pretty normal ask, nothing too fancy. I ended up buying a Vera Plus hub. It was relatively inexpensive (at the time, compared to others), had a decent developer community, and I had several friends at MakeIt Labs who were using them, so I had a place to ask questions.
For my initial setup, I also bought 2 GoControl LB60Z-1 LED Bulbs. At the time they were about $35 each.
The initial setup was pretty easy. I was able to get the bulbs synced with the hub, and I was able to get the hub communicating with Alexa (though this turned out to be something of a challenge, since the integration was still in beta. I hear that the Alexa integration is much smoother now).
At this point, I had a system that would allow me to control the lights in our living room just by speaking out loud “Alexa, living room lights on please” or, if it was a movie night and we wanted subdued lighting, “Alexa, living room lights to ten percent please”.
A side note here. “Dave, why are you saying ‘please’ to a computer?” – it’s a good question. It turns out, when you’re speaking out loud in an aggressive short tone, even to a computer, it makes the entire environment around you… less comfortable. Teaching a 10 year old that it’s okay to yell “ALEXA, LIVING ROOM LIGHTS ON” puts everyone no edge. But if you’re polite, and treat all communication with respect, it changes the tone of communication.  It helps that you can even thank the bot after doing something. “Alexa, bedroom lights off.” “Okay!” (lights dim) “Thanks!” “You bet!”
Now that the control hub was in place, it was time to expand the network. I added several Z-Wave motion sensors, a Fibaro RGB Led Controller, and a couple more bulbs. In the end, my network consisted of:
8 Zwave LED lightbulbs
3 motion detectors
1 LED controller and LED strip
1 hub
4 Alexa devices
This all… surprisingly… worked really well! Having the lights in each room voice controllable was a huge win. I don’t like centralized lighting in a room. I’d rather have 4 lamps around the edges of a space than have one big light. Tying all the lights together in one ‘scene’ where they can all be turned on, off, or dimmed with one command was awesome. This setup ran for almost 2 years.
After it was well established and the family had gotten very comfortable with having a true ‘home automation’ setup, I started to have some problems.
The Vera Plus hub controller is, well, slow. It could take 5-10 seconds for a device to respond to commands, and occasionally the hub would disconnect from Alexa. The UI on the device was PAINFULLY outdated. It had the look and feel of something written by an intern 10 years ago, and they’ve been just maintaining / adding screens / updating forms on it since then, with no one willing to tackle replacing the UI with something more modern and less clunky. It all “worked”, but it was no fun to fiddle with. I also was interested in doing more integration. I wanted to have a ‘smart lightswitch’ setup where I could see the status of all the lights, and all the motion sensors, on a tablet on the wall. This wasn’t that idle a need – our houses are very tightly insulated. When someone comes in the front door, you can feel the pressure change in the air int he house, but it’s subtle. I wanted to be able to look up and see if someone had just come in the door downstairs, particularly if I was in the attic.
It was time to look at upgrades.
In the 2+ years I had been building this network, the technology had advanced, and there were many new offerings. The Google and Alex integrations had improved, and new devices were on the market. I started taking a good long look at the Samsung Smartthings Hub. I had heard about SmartThings, but had also heard the tools were not mature yet, and there were some serious concerns about privacy and stability. The third generation hub however was looking very nice, and many of the ‘mysteries’ about how these devices were communicating were being cleared up. I started watching the SmartThings subreddit and it looked like people were doing some good work, so I took the plunge and bought the hub.
I won’t bore you with all the details of setting up the new hub and migrating the devices. The short version is “it happened”. There were naturally bumps (like, in order to migrate any Zwave device that’s already been set up to a new hub, you have to basically tell the device and the hub to deregister the old connection before you add the new one. This is accomplished via something called Z-Wave Device Exclusion, which seems counterintuitive, but it let me attach the devices to the new hub once I figured that out.
The real pleasant surprise was that Samsung provides an “IDE” for working with Smartthings. It’s a very well designed UI that lets you go in and update, modify, browse, and configure every device attached to the system. This includes adding new functionality through community-written drivers and debugging connectivity issues. This IDE was a breath of fresh air compared to what I was working with on the Vera. I felt that Samsung understood that people doing Home Automation really want full control over the devices and the tools, without going nuts with hacky approaches to the system.
Once the Smartthings hub was up and running smoothly, I wanted to go to my next project, which is having a ‘smart display’ showing the light and motion detector status.
A while back, I picked up a handful of Amazon Fire HD 7″ tablets and modified them to be able to run the google Play store. I pulled out one of the tablets, charged it, got the software on it all the way up to date, and installed ActionTiles on it. ActionTiles is sort of the ‘standard’ tablet display application for people using SmartThings devices. While not particularly elegant or fancy, it provides a clean, simpl touch interface to all the devices on your network. Setting it up and configuring it was pretty easy, and after tinkering with the layout a bit, I mounted the tablet in one of of the clamp brackets and set it over my desk. I at last had a live display of my device network that would notify me if the door sensors tripped while I was safely ensconced in my office. Victory!
This has been running now for a day or two, and I’m super-happy with the results. I’m sure I’ll find things that need tuning and updating, but so far, the entire project has been a win. I have several ideas about the next steps, but that’ll have to wait for anther day.
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bernardschweizer1 · 7 years
Science Day in Xitang
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I recently had the pleasure of joining another company event of the pharmaceutical start-up that my wife co-founded. This one took place in Xitang, a water town in Zhejiang province, about two hours west of Shanghai. It was the first time that all employees of both the American and the Chinese divisions of the company were brought together, and they did so to celebrate the company’s “Science First” philosophy.
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Since Liang had been in charge of programming this “Science Day,” she could provide me with a front-seat ticket to the morning session. For two hours, I sat there listening to scientific presentations about drug discovery, human antibodies, and immunotherapy. One thing I took away from this experience is a renewed respect for what those on the “other side of the aisle” from me, i.e. the natural scientists, do. The complexity of the drug-discovery process, the length and cost involved in finding new therapies, and the high level of integrity of those involved in this search made quite an impression on this humanities scholar. In fact, the obstacles to new treatments seemed so high, I was wondering at times why anybody even bothered. But these people assured me that success, though hard-fought-for and expensive, was possible.
Rodents play an important part in all this because the scientists have found a way to induce these animals to generate antibodies that are identical to human ones. The science behind this production of “fully human antibodies” is beyond my grasp. All I know is that these antibodies can be injected into humans to boost their immune response to cancerous invasions. In fact, many cancers could be eliminated at an early stage if the immune system recognized them as harmful. The problem is that cancer cells are skillful impostors, duping the immune system into believing that they are harmless, thus deflecting the immune response away from them. Since the new therapeutic approach utilizes rodents to generate human antibodies, there was a lot of talk about mice and rats at the retreat. This must have made some impression on my subconscious mind because when I strolled with this group through the picturesque alleys of the water town later on, I could not help imagining that we were ourselves rats in a maze. It was as if somebody on high--a sort of supernatural behaviorist--was conducting an experiment with us, observing our collective behavior and taking careful note of our choices and preferences. The specific maze experiment that we participated in was designed to investigate two different aspects: memory and preferences.
In typical rat-maze experiments, a hungry rodent is placed at the entrance of a labyrinth with a food treat located at its end. How many times does the rat need to go through the labyrinth until it runs to the treat without getting lost along the way? In our case, the answer was: two attempts. At lunch time, we had a hard time finding the place of the food reward, unsure of directions and even having to ask locals for directions to the end of the labyrinth. Learning quickly from this experience, we had no problem proceeding to the source of food at the second attempt, going straight from our hotel to the dinner restaurant in the evening. Rats are smart. But we were smarter yet: we even remembered how to retrace our steps all the way back to the beginning of the labyrinth, i.e. our hotel, although there was no food reward waiting at the end.
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Figure 1: The “classic maze experiment” (left) and the “T-maze” experiment (right)
The second experiment we were participating in was the T-maze experiment, testing for preferences. In the classical version of this experiment, the observer places different treats at the branches (A, B) of the T in order to study the rats’ preferences and decision-making in repeated runs through the T-maze. Our group tackled the T-maze by walking down a long straight alley from our hotel until it intersected perpendicularly with the main thoroughfare along the canal.
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Figure 2: The T-maze experiment of Xitang
Our group first branched off to the right because the dinner restaurant lay that way. After concluding dinner, we continued going town the right arm of the T, strolling aimlessly along the lantern-lit alley, checking out the sights, which included tasty presentations of skewered scorpions, centipedes, and some kind of thick ringworm.
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Exhibit 1: Delicacies on display in Xitang’s food stalls
At this point, one rat (aka company employee) could be heard daring another one to eat one of those roasted vermin for 50 bucks down, but no money changed hands and nobody was choking in the alley afterward, indicating that the offer had not been accepted.
As we neared the end of the T, we began to hear thumping noises that grew louder with every step, and soon flashing spotlights, pulsating lasers, and sheets of neon greeted us with the sheer power of a physical force. The epicenter of this manic activity was an alley bordered on both sides by discos that gave the alarming impression of a natural disaster. It seemed as if a volcano had blown its top here, an effect that was reinforced by the earth-shaking bass drums, the clouds of smoke, and the lava-like flickerings that enveloped us there. But on looking more closely, one could spy some gyrating females in tight clothing animating the crowd, and this instantly changed the analogy from Vesuvius to Babylon.
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Exhibit 2: Reward at the B end of the T-maze (”Babylon”).
Adding to this the flow of great quantities of liquor, and the Babylonian impression seemed even more apt, except that in this version of Babylon, everybody was hunched over their smart phones, paying hardly any attention to the gyrating females or to anything else for that matter, including each other. The rats sniffed at this presentation of a reward and hesitated.
The experimenter found the rats’ lack of interest in the Babylonian reward worth noticing. He (she?) watched with interest as the rats turned back and retraced their steps, going past the intersection of the T that led to their hotel (see Figure 2), keeping going until they reached the other end of the T-bar. There, they entered a different kind of establishment offering different rewards. The rats saw Belgian beer, and they perked up their ears when gently strumming guitar sounds accompanied by Chinese soft pop emitted from a small stage. The rats settled down here, thereby indicating their approval of this reward.
On www.ratbehavior.org, it is explained that
T-mazes are used to ask rats to choose between two options. A different reward is placed in each arm of the maze. Rewards can be anything: different foods, another rat in a small cage, shelter, an odor. The rat is allowed to explore the whole maze.
Clearly, we had found different foods, drinks, and odors at the two ends of the T. But what about “another member of the species in a small cage”? Well, remember the gyrating women? They were actually confined in some sort of inverted gemstone cone, and their facial expression made one wonder if they felt trapped in their career. So….
Anyway, the maze experiment I fancied being a part of involved a group rather than just an individual rat, so the scientist who designed it must have had a social purpose in mind. Maybe the experimenter wanted to find out how the company would behave collectively when hungry and disoriented—would they lose their temper and turn on each other? Would they pool their resources to solve the problem? Would they learn quickly to orient themselves better the next time? Well, the rats proved to be collaborative, patient, and intelligent, mastering the maze on the second try. Well done!
As for the preference test in the T-maze, the scientists and pharma executives turned their backs on the flashy, wasteful, high-intensity/low quality decadence at the Babylonian end of the maze, choosing instead the calmer, more communicative, and gentrified entertainment at the—shall we say—“Notting Hill” end of the spectrum.
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Exhibit 3: Reward at the A end of the T-maze (”Notting Hill”)
The experimenter noted dutifully in his (her?) log that the rats showed a proper appreciation for sustainable, socially meaningful experiences, preferring them to quick thrills in an alienating environment. And while the experimenter on high packed up his things and headed for the exit, marveling at the creatures’ wisdom, the rats settled down at the Notting Hill end of the T, sipping Belgian beer, snacking on the tasty nut confections that are on offer everywhere in this town, chatting, and celebrating the historical victory of the Chinese soccer team over the South Koreans (1:0—go China!). Occasionally, though, talk returned to the theme of the scientific retreat: science, drug discovery, and ….. rats.
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