#he deserves all the love he deserved that game winning goal i am so glad he’s here
trelkez · 1 year
Ah, Ted Lasso. This episode was 90% mess, but that 10% sure does know how to hook me.
I wish I could go back in time to the self who went into Ted Lasso thinking it was tightly plotted, top tier stuff and say, "this is a ridiculous show, but you should watch it anyway. You'll love the characters. You will get so much found family. Just don't get too attached to any plotlines or expect anything to make sense ever, and you'll be fine." That would be a reasonable expectation for this show! Unfortunately for me, we're down to the final three episodes, so it's a bit late for me to recalibrate at this point. I am, alas, still invested in the plotlines. 
So let's get into 3.10, because … wow, is there a lot to get into.
I'm rewatching the episode as I write this (just in case I forget any of the batshit turns it took and/or parts of it turn out to have been a fever dream), so I'm going to tackle it roughly in order. 
1. Richmond's ten game winning streak
Where are we at in the season? Does anyone know?
Remember when this show had season arcs organized around some kind of football-related goal? Avoid relegation, make it back into the Premier League. It seemed logical that the goal of this season would be to win the league, but I guess we're going to get there by putting the team on cheat mode in the background and then shoehorning in some "will they or won't they" football drama at the end, which is actually very in keeping with the overall theme of this episode.
2. Nate quit West Ham off-screen
I'm so glad the guy in the apartment on the other side of my living room wall was out for the night, because I literally shrieked "WHAT?????? WHAT???????" when that "Nate Shelley Out at West Ham" graphic went up.
I didn't get to Nate in my 3.09 writeup, and it's just as well, because anything I wrote before that graphic would have been immediately rendered pointless. Nate quit West Ham off-screen. He quit off-screen.
I am going to reach way, way back to the Nate Shelley I liked in season one and say: that Nate did not deserve this shit.
It has been obvious throughout this entire season that the writers weren't interested in telling the story that season two set up. They didn't especially want to dwell on or in the toxicity that bottomed Nate out last season; they didn't want to do the harder narrative work of actually building back an unlikeable character through a slow but steady redemption arc, even though they've spent entire seasons doing exactly that with Jamie. Instead, they said, "yeah, but Nate isn't really That Guy."
Does the show regret what it did? It sure feels that way. It feels like, in the pursuit of telling a story about a good guy on an ego-fueled descent, the show went way further than it meant to and has now decided to backtrack on that by treating the whole thing like a guy waking up from a bender and going, "I did what last night? Why did I do that?" That wasn't really Nate who did those things, that was Drunk Nate! He did five shots of narcissism and got blackout drunk on jealousy, and he woke up in the morning with a new job. What wild shenanigans will ensue? 
So, sure. The only way any of it makes sense is if none of it meant anything. Fine. Even then, what was the point of sending Nate to West Ham and throwing all of Rupert's smothering, menacing glitz at him only for NATE QUITTING HIS JOB AND WALKING AWAY FROM RUPERT AND WEST HAM to happen OFF-SCREEN so they can CATCH US UP ON IT via FAKE SPORTS NEWS INFOGRAPHIC??
If they didn't show it because they felt the real rejection was in Nate going home to his girlfriend, that is very poor storytelling in a season that started out with the most literal Rupert is Palpatine visual parallels imaginable. If they're trying to say that the real climax of Nate's story isn't in rejecting Rupert, but in the amends he makes with the people he hurt, then why did they drag the West Ham stuff out until the tenth episode??? Why is all of this being left for the end, when none of the West Ham stuff has ultimately mattered at all, and pulling the plug on it earlier on could've left a lot of room for handling Nate's healing process at a slower, more organic pace?
Ultimately, this is a story about a good guy who lost his way a little and wound up hanging out with a bad crowd, and now he has to apologize his way back into the hearts of his real friends. The storytelling along the way has been wildly incoherent and had brutally terrible pacing, but if you completely disregard how we got here and pretend season one Nate just woke up from a West Ham bender, there's still time to enjoy the endgame.
3. Isaac is team captain again!
So – Isaac went into the crowd and wasn't banned for the remainder of the season? Let's close our eyes for a moment and imagine that the football gods looked upon Isaac's actions and said, "yeah, that seems legit, let's give him the smallest possible set of consequences." He was sent off with a red card. For assault. But the football gods are treating punching a fan like having a go at an opposing player! Cool. That's still, what, three games?
So even if we assume he only got a three-game ban, and keeping in mind that Richmond isn't in the Champions or Europa leagues and the FA Cup is just – not happening, I guess? So they probably don't have a ton of midweek games, which means that it's been … weeks.
But wasn't the win streak at eight games last week? So – did Isaac just – not get a ban? At all? 
Nope. No. Self, you are a Ted Lasso Doylist now, remember? Nothing that happened last week was actually about Isaac in any way, so why would there be ongoing consequences for him from that storyline? Deep breaths.
Isaac is one of my favorite characters in this show, and I'm not particularly interested in there being ongoing consequences for him from whatever that was last week, so – this is fine. Don't question it. We float on an ocean of vibes. Everything is great.
4. Why?
Why did we just take a beat for microaggression with Ted being shocked Bumbercatch is Swiss? Is this really where we're at these days, comedy-wise?
I'm genuinely not sure that anyone involved here knows how to write Ted without making him completely exhausting to be around, anymore. Is that on purpose? Let's pretend it's on purpose.
5. Do we think Nate is capable of being involved in something like that?
"Nah." – the writers, who are pretending they haven't seen season two
6. Jade
I like her so much, but I am 99.95% sure that's because she is being written to be likable, with no other discernible qualities. Who is she? What motivates her? In a season full of long episodes, was there really no time to show her existing when Nate isn't in the room? Did no one in the writer's room stop to wonder, "hey, is it at all dicey if that woman in the restaurant who dislikes Nate suddenly falls in love with him so he can be healed by the power of love?" Did no one say that out loud and hear how it sounds?
Anyway. Jade. Big fan. Looking forward to hearing all about her hobbies and backstory in the ample time remaining.
7. Dani vs. Van Damme
I have a feeling this completely random side adventure into our purest angel having an asshole hypercompetitive side isn't going to land for everyone, but you know what? Sure. Why not. There are epic tales out there of teammates facing each other in the Olympics, the World Cup, etc. and trying to destroy each other and then going home like none of it ever happened. I'm totally onboard for this kind of plot in theory! They took it a little too far with Dani breaking Van Damme's nose, but as we've established, "they took it a little too far" is the story of this entire show. 
You know what would have improved this a lot? If it had happened near the beginning of the season and kicked off a recurring storyline in which someone else now has to face Dani on a spring international break. Shoved in at the end of the season (and probably the end of the series), it loses a lot of its potential, so the placement is … strange. Instead of being an ongoing character trait they could slowly build up and make funnier in the re-telling, it comes out of nowhere and immediately goes to 11. But otherwise, why not.
8. Beard gets it
Beard is the only one who watched season two. He gets it.
It would explain a lot about Beard and this entire season if Beard used to be a time traveler, so he's the only one in Richmond immune to changes in the timeline. Maybe somewhere just out of sight there's a genre show about time travel happening, and this football team just happens to exist in that universe – so the world of Ted Lasso is constantly being rewritten, but no one notices. Ted Lasso as a Doctor Who spin-off in which no one has ever met or heard of The Doctor. 
No one but Beard, anyway. Is Beard also the only one who remembers that Isaac went into the crowd last week?
9. Uncle's Day
10/10, no notes. Every time I think I'm out, this show uses Jamie Tartt to drag me right back in.
(Actually, no, one note: Jamie was joking about Isaac being his best friend, right? That was just to screw with Roy? I'm going to assume Isaac was the choice for that line because it's so obviously unlikely given how rarely they interact, and not because the writers think Jamie and Isaac are still BFFs. It would be very in keeping with this season for them to think Jamie and Isaac's friendship is just running on cheat mode in the background, but like – I'm going to assume. For my sanity. That it's just a joke.)
The funniest part of this scene winds up being that they accidentally made it look like Phoebe was having an "oh. oh" moment about Roy and Jamie. I had to rewind that twice to figure out that she was spelling it out in her head, and not like, catching on.
I would've understood if she had caught on. Roy stares at Jamie for 10.6 seconds before he says "I love it."
10. Super League? In this economy?
+10 points to Leslie for "I hate to break it to you, Rebecca, but those children are dead."
Unfortunately, -10 points to Leslie for "who cares why Rupert invited you?" Historically speaking, Rebecca should care. Rebecca is totally justified in wondering why Rupert invited her!
Why would Richmond be invited into talks about a Super League at all? Richmond? Recently promoted Richmond? Complete lack of international play Richmond? It's sus as hell. If I were Rebecca, I would absolutely assume this was some strange plot by my evil ex-husband.
(I'm not convinced it wasn't, in fact, a strange plot by her evil ex-husband. Something is going on there.)
Super League is about the richest teams banding together to shake off the chaff. As a Spurs fan, I fully, completely understand the concept of a team that isn't actually rich and successful trying to buy into an exclusive club – yes, Spurs were involved in Super League drama; no, you shouldn't ask me about their season or we'll still be here next week while I cry on you – and we are definitely already outside the tethers of reality when West Ham is at the table, but it, truly it makes no sense.
(And even if Rupert weren't the one extending the offer, "go check it out, what's the worst that could happen?" is naive at best. What's the worst that could happen? The media finds out that Rebecca was at a Super League meeting and now Richmond is being dragged into a shitstorm, whether Rebecca decided to buy in or not. Girl, do not go in there! If you don't want to join, don't join! Why is any of this happening! Get Keeley back in the building before someone runs into a PR problem they truly cannot back out of!)
11. Is the psychic's prophecy still a thing?
So … is the show going Tedbecca? After that weird flirty moment she had with Sam earlier, the matchbook almost calls back to Sam more than Ted, but the show did make a point of having Ted pull out that matchbook a few episodes ago, and here it's directly paired with his toy soldier. 
(Honestly, slow clap for everyone who did those green matchbook / green soldier gif sets earlier this season, I thought you guys were reaching straight into outer space with that one and apparently I was dead wrong!)
Ted and Rebecca have barely even talked to each other in the back half of the season. Every week I log on here and see shippers shriveling into dust, their crops unwatered. Is the matchbook/soldier thing a misdirect, or are they going to cram a significant relationship change into the final two episodes of the season after largely ignoring them in the lead-up?
I have no idea which way this is going to swing, and that's kind of terrible, because there are only two episodes left. There isn't time left to do any kind of meaningful build. There's only time for a sudden last-minute rush of drama.
When I put it like that, I think they probably are going to shove it into the endgame. Either that, or the houseboat guy suddenly shows back up out of nowhere. Whatever happens, it is going to have a "bet you didn't see that coming" flavor, because there isn't time for anything else.
12. Roy has an epiphany
What the fuck even is this?
Listen. It never made sense for Roy to have broken up with Keeley. It was clearly something they did as a way to inject some new drama. THAT SAID, they did it, and they committed to it for almost an entire fucking season, and TEN EPISODES ON a teacher with a crush on Roy makes a way-too-personal comment about how she hopes his mess hasn't caused any damage, and THAT'S what makes him suddenly realize he needs to apologize to Keeley? THAT? Just like. Boom. Realization sets in. Lightbulb visibly goes off overhead as he mutters "fuuuuuuck" to himself. A fully illustrated epiphany!
What the fuck does this show think it's doing having Roy suddenly realize that he probably hurt Keeley and needs to apologize? 
In episode ten?????
I don't know how much time has passed, because in Ted Lasso season three time is an illusion, but at minimum – months. Months later, he suddenly realizes he might have hurt his girlfriend when he broke up with her??? That isn't character growth. That is completely fucking absurd. They needed Roy and Keeley to get back together and pushed it too close to the last minute, so they did some schoolteacher deus ex machina. Of all the abrupt plot turns in this episode, this might be the second worst.
(There's a clear winner and this isn't it, but second place? It's a contender.)
13. What happened to the corporate pixie dream girl?
So the overall implication here, between this and Trent's rumor of West Ham workplace misbehavior, is that Rupert is probably headed for some workplace harassment trouble, right? If withholding the mystery of it all turns out to be why they didn't show Nate quitting in this episode, I'm going to scream. I will literally shriek with the frustration of a thousand bad plot decisions.
14. Nate's nostalgia journey
This is, sincerely, great stuff with the photo albums and the music and the journey into the attic. There is still time to enjoy the endgame!! Disregard how we got here!!
15. Rebecca vs. Super League
Just watching this scene made me feel like I've now put in enough time on Ted Lasso to be allowed by contract to take some PTO. Ted Lasso needs to pay me for my time while I recover on a tiny island in the Outer Banks. I've earned it.
So – they thought – having Rebecca scoldingly yell "what do you think you're doing? Just stop it!" while picturing aging rich men as little boys was, like … feminist? Someone involved in this process thought, wouldn't it be great if we empowered Rebecca by making her everyone's scolding mother, and no one along the way went, wait, what? 
But then it keeps going so that we can humanize Rupert, which – what? Why is this happening? Why do I know Rupert's humanizing backstory when to my knowledge, Jade was born inside Taste of Athens?
This is the most I have ever seen Rebecca care about football. It's a lovely speech, but where is it coming from? Since when is she this invested? The only thing that rings true about this is that Super League is an ugly money grab and many, many owners do not give a single shit about their team's fans. Someone wanted to write a speech about that, so we're getting it through Rebecca, just like we got that speech about deleting your camera roll through Isaac. 
Also – the food: I know that the food is a continuation of Edwin Akufo's whole thing with Sam, but it is a weird fucking choice to put so much emphasis on Ghanian food and then reduce it to slop thrown at Rebecca.
Beginning to end, we could've done without this entire Super League story and been just fine. It isn't like this 63-minute episode required extra filler.
16. 24
10/10, no notes. They really do pull me back in with Jamie every time. He revealed that 24 and I, like Roy Kent talking to a schoolteacher, suddenly realized that I ship it. Jamie wore Sam's number?? I'm going to vid this so hard.
17. Nate's dad
I did say there was a clear winner for the episode's worst plot turn.
Nate is sad at home for one episode and suddenly his dad does a complete turnaround after almost three entire seasons? It isn't like we heard a story one time about Nate's dad and now we're getting a reveal on what actually happened there – we've seen him a lot! Nate's entire motivation set is built on his dad and their relationship!
"I pushed you to succeed so you would have more opportunities than I did" is a completely legitimate story to tell, but this has been almost three seasons of disapproval so thick that it threw toxic sludge across the entire show. Nothing Nate has done has ever been good enough. Now we're at the end, and they want to heal it so that Nate can grow, so all of that is being retconned into, "I never cared if you were successful, I just want you to be happy," and suddenly his dad is a completely different person. Boom, fixed! Definitely not the kind of thing you have to heal from over time!
I say again: Nate's story deserved better than this. By pushing this all the way to the end, they've run out of room to take their time with it, so it's just being dropped in. What a mess this season is.
18. Rebecca, do NOT do it
This season is, in fact, such a mess that for a minute there, I believed that Rebecca might actually go for it with Rupert. 
I think, more than anything, I'm puzzled by the perceived necessity of this closure on Rebecca and Rupert. I get that they wanted to give us a taste of what brought Rupert and Rebecca together in the first place – to have Rebecca to see him in that old light again before taking a step back, so she could acknowledge the past in a way that helped her finally make a clean break. I get it. But … why? Was this really something lingering out there for her to overcome?
Rebecca's entire season-long conflict with Rupert has felt like intentional backsliding for the purposes of The Drama. If you imagine that she came into this season still very fired up and insecure about her ex-husband, the arc from "I want Zava so Rupert can't have him" to "I don't care about beating Rupert anymore" is fine. But … did she? Is that really where we left her in season two?
And why did an episode in which Nate quits West Ham spend so much time breaking up Rupert and Rebecca, who were already broken up, while Nate quit off-screen? 
19. What's left?
Two episodes to go! That's so much time in which to accomplish so many things!
I said to someone last week: you know, I thought this was headed for a "Nate takes over as Richmond's head coach" place, but there isn't enough time left in the season for them to do that, so I guess he's just going to be staying at West Ham?
Turns out they can do anything, because they're just going to drop in whatever at the last minute. Nothing means anything! We exist in a world without the constraints of plot and continuity! Everything is on the table.
So, what's left to shoehorn in?
- Manchester City has been inevitable all season (ask Arsenal how that feels), and we're probably going to get some stuff with Jamie's dad there. Jamie has been one of the only characters they've consistently done right by, so my fingers are crossed they don't screw that up at the finish line.
- Will Trent ever come out to the Diamond Dogs? Maybe being out in the workplace isn't his thing, but it feels like a missed avenue of storytelling to have Trent be right there in the coaching offices, in on all the gossip and sharing and advice, and not have whatever he has going on be a part of it. That would have been such an easy way to integrate queer identity into everyday conversation over a decent chunk of the season, instead of playing it almost exclusively for drama the way they have been.
- Still on Nate's apology list: Colin and Ted? If apologizing to Ted doesn't involve the believe sign somehow, I really don't know anything about this show anymore.
- Is Ted staying in London or going back to Kansas? A lot of people seem resigned to the idea that he's going back, and a lot of Tumblr is hoping he stays for Rebecca, but I wouldn't be surprised if it's some secret third thing. Two whole episodes! There's still plenty of time for them to drop a surprise twist on us. (If he goes back to Michelle, it won't be a surprise twist, but I will turn this car around.)
- Are we ever going to learn what was up with Baz's friend who got kicked out of the pub? I really thought we were headed for some bigger integration of Colin's story, wherein it turned out that was Baz's secret boyfriend or something, but … … …?
- Is anything going to come of Trent's book? I have $5 on there being an epilogue time skip in which we fast forward to the book release and see what the characters are up to (aka the "no seriously, this is it, the show is over" ending) and another $5 on the show ending on Ted in the airport and the book not ultimately meaning anything.
Two weeks until we find out!
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im bored and kinda high so heres my opinion on all the reboot characters
caleb - is a character
axel - im just as gay for her as the next guy but there's no way in hell she's final two next season lol but i wanna hold hands w her
nichelle- yass girl give us nothing 🥰
scary girl - idc idc she was funny asf but i am glad she went early bc if she stayed any longer i wouldve hated her lol
damien - one of the best things to come from the reboot and yall are doing him a huge disservice shipping him w priya 🥴 that shit is so boring but honestly? there might be something there somebody's gotta make me a believer tho. CONVINCE ME
mk - as a bitter, annoying, sarcastic individual myself i could not stand this bitch omg 💀 her character has a ton going for it but all they did w her is make every single one of her lines sarcastic n shit and i was BORED
raj - dumb gay man i love him
wayne - dumb ace man i love him
ripper - bro just wasnt funy. i dont get why they make characters who just pride themselves in being nasty n shit kind of a waste of development idk
zee - we can all agree that he was great but he gives me early boot vibes for next season bc like if we're demanding development for all the first season early boots then he's just gonna be there ig. dumb can only get you so far yknow?
chase - him and emma both are such wasted potential like BREAK THE HETEROS UP OMG their relationship dragged the second half down so bad like chase is just bad for the sake of being bad. like he wasn't even funny either just a waste of space by the time he was gone 😭
emma - first i'll say im glad we got a plus sized girl w some fucking athletic ability beCause THEY EXIST yay happy but anyway she was so funy until she got back with chase and that whole shit w him throwing that challenge for pizza was so DUMB like she honestly thought he did that shit for her 💀 like she was CONVINCED bro the straight delusion was insane
julia - she was the bad bitch we all needed and deserved but i cannot sit here and let you mfs say that she played the game well bc she absolutely DID NOT. girlie had no actual strategy other than winning and thas not even a strategy. even her trying to "manipulate" chase that one time sucked too lmao. bro her goal was to get everyone to hate her and win out of spite that shit is so dumb but it's so her so idc we love her anyway
millie - there were so many times where i lowkey forget she existed lmfao i don't even dislike her it was just "oh yea she here too lol" but i gotta say it kinda feels like they used her as a scapegoat to make writing her outta the finale easier idk maybe it's just me. but her crying after bowie clowned her ass when she was eliminated was the funnies bit in the entire show i was giggling n shit bc she honestly did that to herself lmao rip
priya - people compare her to zoey and sky way too much honestly (its me, im people) but when you look at it we have a mary sue that was infuriating to watch , the same girl but olympic flavored whos existence i have to be reminded of every two months, and priya. priya is perfectly fine and she was a nice winner even if i knew she was gonna win the second she was onscreen lolZ but when she read millie's notebook and absolutely demolished her ego i was living. like girlie ate her up w absolutely no crumbs left idc
bowie (the real winner) - i was fully prepared and ready to hate this twink istg. like i was in my homophobic era and ready the second his name was called but omg i love him sm. he was the queen i never knew i needed in my life. and to all the mfs who say his gayness is his entire personally have never met an fem black man and it shows 💀 idc what anyone says he's the best writer character in the entire show 🤭 as much as i love him i cannot let his fit slide. the pearls can stay bc those were a serve but the pants??? THE FUCKING PANTS??? THOSE FUCKING FLOOD WARNING HIGH WATERS.?? why would they do him like that omg. fits like that are why we get hate crimed 😔
ok im done good luck to anyone who actually reads this lmao
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u dragged me into colinjamie hell, so I share this with u
team shenanigans ft. colinjamie - maybe they sneaking around (and are awful at it) or the team knows. no angst, just them
• cuddling during movie nights and being so disgustingly cute, the team makes them sit apart from each other
• playing games (had lasertag in my mind) and are on opposed teams but do the good whole 'seducing your enemy to get to win'
• dedicating goals to each other - somebody accidentally said it during an interview but it just got them bromance points
• touching each other every second. the team is happy for them but a bit annoyed. it could be because they are insatiable/in love BUT it could also be reassurance/ being each other safe places
• babysitting Phoebe/Nora/the Higgins' boys/Henry (or all?) and calling each other because they are both hot messes (or scared to be bad at it because they had shitty parents and shitty childhoods)
first, i cant believe anything ive said has made an impact, but i am so so so glad it did??? (also curious about what exactly it was) colinjamie needs more love, im so glad we have you here
second, all these are genius and i am in love with every single one of them okay i have SO many thoughts, i nearly lost this ask twice trying to type them all out
babysitting Phoebe/Nora/the Higgins' boys/Henry (or all?) and calling each other because they are both hot messes (or scared to be bad at it because they had shitty parents and shitty childhoods)
okay so tHIS ONE. I JUST. so i have a little sister, who, a few years ago, had an obsession with two things. disney channel original movies, and sofiia carson. this meant i have been exposed to all three descendants movies yes, but what it ALSO means is that i have been exposed to the "adventures in babysitting" reboot they had.
which means now i am thinking about colin babysitting the Higgins' boys and Nora, while Jamie is babysitting Henry and Phoebe. on the same night. and of course shenanigans happen, one of the kids has snuck out, one of the higgins' boys has a really important science project, another is experiencing his first heart break, jamie thinks he's taught henry some cuss words, they are both MESSES.
does it end up in frantic calls and impromptu trip out to find the one kid who snuck out? does that result in hiding from keeley/roy and the higgins' parents on their date night? do they run into trent crimm and his daughter at some point? yes. all that and MORE.
and in true "adventures in babysitting" style, when they get back to the higgins' house the place is a mess bc the washing machine was running, the dog tracked mud in the house and destroyed the science project, and colinjamie + the kids have to do a rush cleanup job. and then jamie has to sneak his kids back to his place bc ted and roykeeley are gonna be back SOON.
dedicating goals to each other - somebody accidentally said it during an interview but it just got them bromance points
oh anon i LOVE this. buzzfeed has an article on best sports friendships and colinjamie are top five because of this.
also. i want to say that this bleeds over into other moments too. colin has to toss smth in the trash but he's dead tired and doesnt want to get up off the bench, and jamie takes it from him, says "this is for you" and throws it from halfway across the room.
he misses.
richard says jamie should stick to football.
jamie is disgruntled bc that was a sucky throw and NOT worthy of colin.. walks over picks it up, walks BACK, and says "THIS one is for you."
misses again.
"no THIS one is for you"
colin at least stays in the locker room until jamie finally makes it.
playing games (had lasertag in my mind) and are on opposed teams but do the good whole 'seducing your enemy to get to win'
oh they ABSOLUTELY do this for laser tag, they ABSOLUTELY do the "seduce ur enemy to win" thing. the other boys are TIRED of it.
the real last straw for them is when they FINALLY have the "away game pillow fight" ted suggests and they start the "seduce your enemy to win" tactic during the pillow fight too.
cuddling during movie nights and being so disgustingly cute, the team makes them sit apart from each other
this is WHY the team went for the pillow fights
touching each other every second. the team is happy for them but a bit annoyed. it could be because they are insatiable/in love BUT it could also be reassurance/ being each other safe places
both. both is good. just, ALWAYS touching. which, they already do a lot, so like when they get together, YEESH the rest of the team is TIRED
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crazyyfilmyfreak · 1 year
NGl Cricket & Tennis were and still are my all time fav sports and thru out my whole life i have only been too religious and dedicated to them and i didn't really care much about Football ⚽️
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I used to watch his matches on live sms and mostly used to watch his matches after they were done, his goals on youtube & always followed his interviews
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i admire the utter brilliance of Superior Charm in his game and i love how magically skilful he is in the Ground, When ever i see him on a football ground it feels like God only gave me eyes so that i can witness this miracle of a player and how beautiful he is in the field 😭 and i have always admired and learnt a lot from his " Never Give Up attitude "
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his Humbleness , His eagerness to win , his perfection, his hardwork , his dedication, his loyalty , His skill as player , The charm and charisma he brings to the table as a player , he's one of the most selfless player of all time and he always and always keeps his " TEAM " First and i could go on and on about all the other qualities which i admire in him and which made me fall in love with him as a player 💀
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and i know all his achievements in the game
but there is sth that always killed me from inside not just me but every fan of messi has a peace of heart that's kinda not completely whole? there's some emptiness and that is the " WORLD CUP "
THE GREATEST CHAMPIONSHIP TROPHY IN FOOTBALL and My 🐐 Messi deserved it a very long ago and i was scared he may not receive that trophy and i fucking didn't even knew this will be his last Wc journey so that not have a WC in his wardrobe was always killing me from inside but guess what
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How beautiful that is 😭❤
And Now i will not ask you for anything and not demand you for anything i will just and just celebrate you and cherish every fucking moment of yours on the field as a player and i really fucking hope and pray to the god that you will play for much much much much longer time 😭❤
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Like the commentators said yesterday
" It's Like The Gods of Football really wanted their fav Son leo messi to win this greateat championship trophy of all time and they made him fought really hard af untill the very last moment and gave the trophy to him bcoz that's what he fucking deserves "
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captnjacksparrow · 3 years
Hey, really liked your analysis of Hinata. I feel almost the same way about her. Even though generally I dislike female characters who are naturally meek, subservient and pointless with no character arc in any type of media, what made me absolutely hate her character was how she treated Neji. If Kishi wanted to show her arc being developed organically, instead of proposing to Naruto that removes her stuttering and gives her new found confidence (because girls only get confident when proposing to guys 🙄), Kishi could have shown her talking to Neji after he literally told his bitter story on the chuunin exam grounds in front of everyone. She is shown like she is sympathetic but didn't do anything about it. She didn't even talk to him after he was hospitalized. She knew exactly why he was the way he was, and yet she fights him as if it was his fault. She, an heir of the clan, could have asked her father to support Neji, she had some clout. But nope. In fact, it was Neji who apologizes to her in a way, he is the one who trains her and help create a new jutsu for her. What did she ever do for him exactly? And Neji didn't have to help her. She was in the best position to help and understand Neji but what did she do? A lot of fans like her character because she is reserved but kind and sympathetic. She is reserved but a coward. She was not kind towards Neji. He died for her when he didn't deserve to, he had dreams and goals that were much bigger than Hinata's entire existence. She couldn't even see her own cousin's pain and she claims to understand Naruto?? Really??
Even Kishi said she was a pitiful character who only watches from a distance. He deliberately made her that way, no goal, no backbone and no lines. And I think she sucks the most after Danzo.
WoooW!!!! Thanks for the ask, Anon.
[[Hinata and Sakura fans!!!! Please stay away and don't interact. I fucking tagged them properly]].
Even though generally I dislike female characters who are naturally meek, subservient and pointless with no character arc in any type of media, what made me absolutely hate her character was how she treated Neji.
We definitely share the same thoughts on this one, Anon.
I am really tired on most of the media for their poor treatment of female characters.
The last time I was amused by a female character was from 'Game of Thrones', I loved Cersei Lannister, who is an absolute biashhh and Sansa Stark, started out as an annoying rose tinted princess but ended up winning everyone's heart. Both are non-combative, soft spoken and somewhat powerless women in a world dominated by men. But they just didn't let the inconveniences stop them and instead they learned how to fuck that world back and take control. Both are similar and yet very different.
After seeing, such well-developed characters..... For me girls in Naruto series, is blehhhhh..... Nothing to get inspired from them. And I knew it by episode 3 itself. I have no idea how can girls, in real life, treat Sakura as some feminist icon, which makes my skin crawl for number of reasons. If you point her mistakes out in any discussions, they will pull the misogynist card to your face. When in reality, I am also a girl and my world views are entirely different from Sakura or Hinata. There is no way a 12 year old girl would want to look at the Duck of another boy.
And the problem is, They form the majority, I mean people who can connect with Sakura or Hinata. So, as long as girls like them exists, we really should suffer from these crap portrayal I guess.
That's why I advise people that If you want to see a good woman character, Narutoverse is not the place.
Having said that, I find Temari, Konan, Tsunade were better (I mean inside the Narutoverse). Though their motivations or reason to achieve a goal revolve around their men, I find their attitude relieving. Unlike Sakura or Hinata, they don't wet themselves on the sight of the men they love.
What irritates me was, Kishimoto could've easily put a character like Temari or TenTen or Tsunade into Team 7. It would've made my viewing experience a lot better. If he doesn't want the strong girls to take over the attention from his boys, then he should've introduced a meek character like Rin Nohara. She is silent and cute but atleast she was willing to die for the Village and never wetted herself over Kakashi, though she loved him. And she treated Obito like her best friend. But he deliberately made Sakura hateful and he never stopped.
Sakura and Hinata were the lowest of the low, compared to any other side characters. And, in the end, they got the main Character's Ducks without actively doing anything. For me this tells me three things
He was using these girls as a shield to close the hetero normative mouths while in reality hiding those boys true feelings under that shield.
He really hated these kind of girls and constantly showing his hatred on them at every given chance and never redeemed them back. 
He knew the target audience’ mindset and he simply caters them by giving them what they need and at the same time writing the important arcs according to his wish.
I think, it’s the combination of all three. 
Just to give you an example.
There is this delusional SS shipper Who justifies Sasuke was acting Tsundere throughout the war arc. I mean, come on!!!! 
I came across this post because, the Original Poster was an idiot who comes into the anti SS tag and reblogged my content and saying I was wrong... So, I don’t mind sharing that person’s content.
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So I don’t know where this delusion comes from... It's truly pathetic.
There are millions of idiots who believe in this kind of shit and Kishi is deliberately feeding them with bits and crumbs while making his boys go out and save the world.
These delusional mindset tells us they don’t give a single shit about the story as a whole. They watch it purely for the pretty faces and getting high over them. In this case, Sasuke.
It’s as clear as day that Sasuke didn’t care about anyone other than Naruto when fighting the war. You don’t have to be a shipper but even a non-shipper can point this out. I mean Sasuke wouldn’t have saved Jugo either, if he didn’t come to Sasuke and advice him. Do you think Sasuke would’ve tried to look for Jugo and saved him at all cost???? It’s just that he came to Sasuke and he helps him back. But Sasuke would’ve saved Naruto from the bomb blast even if he was standing a mile away.
So, if these delusions reflects the mindset of the majority of the women audience, then the creator will never try to give anything better but instead give us some low-life characters like Sakura and Hinata. 
So, Anon, your expectation for Hinata’s character could’ve been developed much better is just a wishful thinking. Because, Hinata is a character for these kind of people and not for us. And the author deliberately did it. 
She was in the best position to help and understand Neji but what did she do? A lot of fans like her character because she is reserved but kind and sympathetic. She is reserved but a coward. She was not kind towards Neji. He died for her when he didn't deserve to, he had dreams and goals that were much bigger than Hinata's entire existence. She couldn't even see her own cousin's pain and she claims to understand Naruto?? Really??
For me, this also irked me a lot. 
Hinata could’ve tried to talk to Neji about his problems even when he was a child. But she was simply playing innocent when in reality, she is just a coward. Even after the Chunin Exams, there was no apologies from her side, like you said. Because she is from the Main Branch. That hierarchy never changed. If she had the gall, she could’ve easily broken that hierarchy by saying, ‘I want Neji Nii-San to take over our Clan, He is the best candidate for this and I can gladly help him with all my efforts’.  A single line and just 2 or 3 panels, it all takes.
For me killing Neji is where Kishi asking us silently, 
Do you really want these pair to happen despite having a blood stain of another character??? 
Most people said, ‘Yes!!!’, because they don’t give two shits about Neji. As long as Hinata gets Naruto, the main character’s Duck, that’s all there is to it. It doesn’t matter who dies, who lives. 
That's why Kishi is shitting on them by making her as a non-existent woman in the Boruto Manga.
Even in real life, there are many hopeless foolish little girls who would do anything for the man she loves. I've seen them and I always stay 2 miles away from them. I mean, they even ditch their own friends and spends her entire time with him and when he dumps her later, she will come back to her friends for consolation. I think Sansa Stark is the best example for this. She started out much similar to Sakura and Hinata, believing in Princes and shit, she even naively betrayed her father for the man she had crush on. But the author made her to learn her lesson in a much painful way and later she came out as a Queen who no longer needed any man at the end. I think, this is called Development.
At the end of the day, Romance and Sex is all that matters. The author knew it. So, he is feeding these girls with some low quality cookies and they are very glad to take and eat it.
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shirophantomvox · 3 years
Ging Freecss Character Analysis
Hisoka Analysis| Illumi Analysis| Killua Analysis| Chrollo Analysis
What’s up, y’all? I am back again with another analysis. Today, I will be talking about Ging Freecss and I am glad that this was requested by @dukinaxael. I’ve been wanting to talk about Ging for a while and now is my time to shine. PS, I’ll be doing Leorio’s character next.  I’m sorry that this is so short! I haven’t been able to watch the last seasons because Netflix will not upload them. Enjoy anyway!
We all know that Ging is considered to be a dead-beat father to his son Gon. He is the reason why Gon wants to become a hunter in the first place and will do ANYTHING to achieve that goal. As the story is told, Ging left his home when he was 12 years old to take the Hunter’s exam. After passing, he never returned home, at some point met Gon’s mom, and saved a lot of felons/criminal’s lives. Now he is apart of the Hunter’s association (I think?) and apart of the Zodiacs (I think). Some of these next statements are assumptions because I haven’t seen anything past season 4. From that little bit of information, it seems like Gon gets his “over achiever” mentality from his dad. Who would have thought that a young man who had just obtained his hunter’s license would use it to help out criminals instead of busting them? Aunt Mito has expressed how she felt once her brother left and didn’t return, that is why she stressed that Gon should return home once he gets his license. She even stated that she cried for the longest when she realized he wasn’t coming back.
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The whole mystery about why Ging abandoned Gon is very fuzzy. According to Aunt Mito, Ging dropped Gon at his house, said that he isn’t with Gon’s mom anymore, and left while some people say that Mito took Gon from Ging because she felt that he was too immature to take care of him. Some even say that he lost a custody case to her. I can’t tell you if this is true or not because I don’t know and I haven’t seen any seasons after 4.
Judging from YouTube Clips, Ging seems to be a selfish dad and doesn’t care about how his son basically cried like fuck for feeling guilty about what happened to Kite.
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Leorio asked why he hadn’t seen Gon in the hospital and he acted like he didn’t care. If you think about it, Gon is the type of child that doesn’t want things handed to him, so maybe Ging was implying that he didn’t want to see Gon until he continued to push and work towards finding him. Still, that’s a horrible way to reacted once you’ve found out that your son is about to die. Here are some questions that I’m sure most of you have:
Why did Hisoka want to talk to Ging? Does he know that Ging is related to Gon?
Why does he refuse to go anywhere near Gon?
Why does he only talk to Gon on a high tree and not on the ground where everyone else is?
Why did he send his son on a goose chase just to find him?
I don’t want to say that I hate Ging but I strongly dislike him. (If he did do this) Why would you abandoned your child and leave him with your sister for her to raise? Then you send your 12 year old son, who had endured so much emotional pain/trauma from beasts he had to fight along the way, BTW,  just to meet you and then you only talk to him once your high off the ground? Ging, not the best guy in the world and certainly doesn’t deserve the #1 Dad mug.
Did Ging do all of this so he could make his son stronger while he was away?
In regards to question 1, I’ve seen some rumors on YouTube implying that Hisoka had an agreement with Ging to watch over Gon until he returns. I’m assuming this was after Gon left home.  Ging said that once Gon returns home safely he and Hisoka will fight until the death.
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Do you all remember when Hisoka told Gon something along these lines at the end of their fight at Heaven’s arena?
Many people have suggested that Hisoka had been protecting Gon and Killua from fighting opponents they wouldn't win against and it makes sense. He wouldn’t let them pass until they learned about Nen and beat the crap out of them hoping that the pain would cause them to quit fighting and never receive their Hunter’s License or take on strong opponents. Now if that last part is true, why would Ging set up an entire game to lead Gon to him? That's still twisted no matter how you look at it. Like I said, this manga is twisted in ways that I can't understand, lol.
Hisoka and Gon consistently fighting reminds me of Danny Phantom and Vlad Plasmius.
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Another person implied that Hisoka and Kite were people directed by Ging and along the way included Bisky (just by coincidence).
I would like to make a note. Pictures that were taken of young Ging portrayed him to be a happy and proud man but present day Ging looks angry, unhappy, and always ready to fight. Could this be due to the horrific nature of the Hunter's exam and other opponents that turned his innocence and humanity into something worse? We see the same thing happen to Gon. He was a happy bright kid that allows his anger to spiral out of control...and always wants to fight.
Well, you know what they say: Like father like son.
Ging and Gon finally have a talk as father and son.
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Apparently, Ging is on his way to the Dark Continent and forbids Gon to follow him. Overall, Ging has a toxic love for his son by consistently pushing his away until the very last second. I don’t know what is up but this anime is the definition of toxic love.
I can definitely say that Ging is a much better father than Zarkon. At least he acknowledges Gon unlike Zarkon who thinks his son is weak because he is half Altean. Damn, anime/manga’s; what’s up with the toxic father trope? Is this supposed to be the driving force to marketing these male characters stronger? Not going to lie, the toxic or sexist father trope is old and annoying .
This part of the analysis is based form what I’ve heard about Ging, YouTube clips, and what has been said about him. Of course I’m probably leaving out a lot of information but that’s because I haven’t seen the rest of the seasons.
Judging from photos kept around the house, Ging always wore his hat over his eye. I guess he was going for the Emo look when he was younger. His hat has hairs stick out from it which probably implies a certain type of cloth the hat is made from. In other instances, He has his hair sticking up like Gon’s but has a cloth wrapped around the edges. He wants them to be on fleek you know? Other times he just has his hair out with no hat or cloth. He usually wears white pants, shirt, and a blue cloth over his front and back side.
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I hope you all enjoyed this. I did try my best and I am so sorry that it is short.
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fireemblems24 · 3 years
AM Chapter 19
So happy that AM has detoured from the path VW/SS is following because that means I get to play a different map!
Possible spoilers for all routes up until ch 19 and SS ch 18 below.
So excited for this chapter - because two lords are actually going to work together. It's the first time and looking like the only time based on what's happened in other routes.
Hey, Claude, long time, no see.
Yeah, the Kingdom and Alliance Army teaming up! Why didn't this happen any sooner?
JUDITH! Cool to see her here.
Claude is so sure his city won't fall lamo. That's very Claude.
So are those "wounds" from Gondor why I won't get to use Claude AND Dimitri.
Claude believes in Dimitri (and Byleth) 😭
Ingrid's a Judith fangirl. My too, Ingrid.
Wow, Claude set himself up as bait to get the enemy inside all based on how much he trusted Dimitri and Byleth? That's more of a mastermind scheme than he's pulled in his own route.
Ok, guys, I'm seeing why there's a Claude/Dimitri crowd lamo.
OMG it's HILDA! And she'd defending Claude 😭😭😭 How quickly my heart switches from Dimitri/Claude to Hilda/Claude lol.
Arundel doesn't really add much to the sad state of elder men from the Empire, does he?
By "that idiot," does he mean Cornelia? He can't mean Fleche.
Claude calling us late while Dimitri is all serious. Yeah, I can see the appeal of shipping them together lol.
Dude, Hilda just crit the first (and second) dude who attacked her. What a champ.
If Hilda dies, does she die for good? I don't think I want to test that theory and will just blitz this map. Which is easy with the Blue Lions in part thanks to Dimitri just being absurd. They're also surprisingly critical happy. Not that I'm complaining.
You know, the last time I was here, I was invading and killing Claude and Hilda instead of defending them. This feels so much better.
Arundel's talking mad shit for a man who's army got decimated in like three turns (other than that little corner he's hiding in, but Dimitri's right there so).
Time for Dimitri vs Arundel dialogue.
I forgot that was his uncle. Poor guy can't catch a break (Dimitri, not Arundel, fuck Arundel).
Dimitri telling Arundel he's rather calm for someone in his position (FYI, all his soldiers are dead).
Why does Arundel want him and Edelgard to kill each other? He really didn't answer the question about what happened lol.
Man, this was way too short. The other routes took me like 10-15 rounds. This one got cleared in 5.
I protected Hilda and Judith! So they gave me presents. Feels good. Feels so good compared to slaughtering Judith while she tries to retreat and killing Hilda for protecting Claude.
This is legit the only route so far were all three lords get to do something after the time skip except die.
It's nice seeing two lords just talk without wanting to kill each other. Makes me wish we got more of this. But, hey, at least it's Dimitri and Claude who got the chance too.
Claude calling Dimitri and Byleth soft-hearted. He's not wrong.
I bet Dimitri's so embarrassed right now, Claude saying he knew Dimitri would set his own goals aside to help Claude and Byleth just agreeing.
Claude really gambled on Dimitri lol.
Oh, we get Claude's weapon! That's pretty cool. He gave us a present. Edelgard didn't get one.
Why is the Alliance gone? Wait, they just decided to join Dimitri? Did Claude just dump the Alliance in Dimitri's lap?
😂😂😂😂😂 Poor Dimitri. All he ever wanted was to be a good king and revenge and now he's the leader of the Alliance too lamo.
I'm know it's not going to happen, but how banger if I now got to use Claude too.
Yeah, that's what I figured. Claude's leaving.
Oh, now we get to go rescue Rhea.
Yessss promise to meet again. Though I'm sure that's after the game is over. Still, feels good knowing Claude and Dimitri parted on such good terms. Seems like it's a good sign for the future. And the Alliance just willingly joined the Kingdom too.
Oh, God, Felix, never change. Demanding Dimitri tell the truth. Oh, about Edelgard being his step-sister. And Dimitri's telling them about it.
Ugh, how can he talk about his step-mother so calmly? Do we know if she caused Duscur? I really don't want her to have done that for Dimitri's sake, but given how he's this game's punching bag . . .
Glad Rodrigue knew about Patricia. That means Lambert really trusted Rodrigue.
Mercedes is always so compassionate. I love her so much.
Annette - "I feel the idea of fighting family is just about the worst thing ever." Also Annette, can get recruited to Crimson Flower (I'm betting she gets to fight Gilbert at least once, right?)
OMG Sylvain remembered that dagger 😂😂😂 I love how casual Dimitri and Sylvain are with each other in general. It's nice since he's got so many strained relationships, but with Sylvain it's always been pretty easy between those two.
I love how Felix is concerned that Dimitri can't bring himself to kill Edelgard. What a far cry from the guy who didn't think Dimitri deserved to walk on two legs.
Oh, great, another lord willing to work with Edelgard. $10 says she refuses to work with Dimitri too.
Ashe talking about killing family 😭
Wait, though, are we actually going to talk with Edelgard? Is this like . . . diplomacy? In my Fire Emblem? Just Dimitri things I guess.
It's a waste of breath though. Edelgard has no interest in working with Claude or Dimitri.
Edelgard really just takes Ls after she wins before the time skip.
Wait, what is Edelgard planning? "There is no other way," um except there is. You could just, not, take over Fodlan and kill everyone who won't let you stomp all over them.
You know what? I noticed something. Edelgard lied to all the Black Eagles (sans Hubert) about that attack from the evil death cult group (I refuse to call them "those who slither in the dark"). Claude got pressured to come clean about his origins to the Golden Deer, but didn't tell them. He didn't lie, but he didn't tell them about him. Dimitri, though, opened right up to the Blue Lions about him and Edelgard. It's funny that all three get scenes like this, where there's pressure on the lord to reveal something and Edelgard lies, Claude withholds, and Dimitri tells everyone the truth. Blue Lions really feel like a family.
New Chapter
This one is still different from VW and SS now.
We get a different picture too!
So now we go kill the Death Knight - again - Mercedes is gonna be big sad though. Maybe I'll tea time her to try and cheer her up.
So everyone is uniting under Dimitri now. Let's go.
So the next chapter is this fort with the Death Knight there?
Poor Mercie is sad though. I don't like her being sad.
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theoreticslut · 4 years
"Are you dumb?”
ron weasley x reader 
Requested by @justmesadgirl
word count: 3.2k
warnings: angst, fluff
A/N: thank you so much for requesting this! I love doing angst with happy endings; I just really hope this is angsty enough. If not I can definitely try writing something different <3 Please let me know what you think! Also, requests are open to anyone else that’d like to take advantage of them! I have a winter prompt list here and I’m open to doing anything else you might have in mind. Also, I’ve reached 300 FOLLOWERS so I would absolutely love to do something special for all of you so let me know any ideas you have for that please?! Thank you bunches, I love you Xx
Taglist: @justmesadgirl @xuckduck @yikesyikesyikes95 @filipi-yes @aestheticwh0r3 @siredkai @matsuno-nadeshiko @msmarklee1213 @immajustreadwritereblog @msmimimerton @lauren2408 @mischievous-queen @bunnyboo7 @grandeoptimist @kaitlynw011 @daddystevee @slytherinxhunter 
^let me know if you’d like to be added/removed!
“Ron Weasley! You ignorant worm.” You huff, storming out of the common room.
“Wait! y/n -“ he calls after you, but you ignore him.
He was such a pain in the ass sometimes. You honestly can’t understand how you fell for him. Sure he’s funny and usually pretty kind, but an overwhelming amount of the time he’s such a prat.
“Hey, y/n! What’s going on?” hermione asks.
“Ron is being a git like always.” You grumble, sighing now that you’re finally away from him.
“What’s he done now?” She asks, frowning at your obvious frustration.
You sigh, running a hand through your hair as you start to tell her.
“It’s game day, y/n!” Hermione cheers, jumping onto your bed as she wakes you.
“‘Mione, why’re you so loud?” you pout, burying your head in a pillow.
“Sorry, y/n, but today’s the day of the gryffindor and slytherin quidditch match. Aren’t you excited to see Ron and Harry play?”
“Very excited, but I also like to sleep.” You mumble.
She chuckles, pulling the blankets off of you.
“Come on, let’s get dressed and go get some breakfast.”
“Alright, alright. I’m coming.” You sigh, starting to roll to the side of the bed.
“And here is the gryffindor team!” Lee Jordan shouts from the commentary box, nearly drowned out by the gryffindor house cheering.
“You’ve got this, Ron! You’ve got it, Harry!” You and hermione cheer as each of your friends fly onto the field.
“Win this thing for us, boys!” You yell, smiling at your friends.
Harry smiles, nodding in determination at you while Ron flushes and shies away, his nerves racing.
He knew you’d be here, you love quidditch just as much as he does, but the thought of you watching him fail is nerve wracking. He doesn’t want to give you any reason to be disappointed. He wants more than anything to impress you.
“You’ve got this, Ron! I know you’ll do great! Just breathe and focus!”
He nods, smiling lightly as his ears turn red. He can’t understand how kind you are and how confident you are in every one of your friends.
He takes a deep breath and joins the huddle of his teammates before the game starts.
You watch the game, not much happening at the moment. The game has been going for nearly an hour now and gryffindor were ahead 140 to 110.
Ron has been doing great, blocking goal after goal from the slytherin team.
“Way to go, Ron!” You cheer as he blocks yet another attempt to score from one of the slytherin chasers.
“Would you like anything to eat, y/n? I think I’m going to grab some snacks and drinks.”
“Uhm, yeah. Just bring me back a water and whatever you want to grab for food. Thank you, ‘mione.”
A few more minutes pass when a slytherin beater starts to become pushy. You can tell they’re becoming more aggressive when they nearly slam into one of your house’s chasers.
Then you see them size up Ron and you know they’re readying to aim the bludger at him.
Before you can warn him, the beater directs the bludger right at Ron’s head.
“Ron! Watch out!” You shout, jumping up from your seat and nearly falling out of the stands as it races towards him.
You watch as he turns around to glance at you, trying to understand what you’ve said when the ball hits him right in the side of the head, surprising him and causing him to fall to the ground unconscious.
“Ron!” You scream, immediately running from your spot to meet him on the ground.
When you get there you see that one of the professors had been able to slow him down enough to not cause anymore damage from the fall, but he was still unconscious.
“Ron,” you gasp, frowning at the sight. You knew how worried he had been for the game and then this has to happen.
“Watch out, miss y/l/n. We have to take him to the hospital wing.” McGonagall says as hermione meets up with you, staring at your friend.
“Y/n,” hermione starts.
“H-he’ll be okay.” She reassures. You nod but don’t fully believe her.
It’s been a week now since the quidditch game, which Harry had won for you guys, and you still hadn’t seen Ron.
Even though you had seen him once before he woke up, since he’s woken up and been healing, he’s refused to see you.
Both harry and hermione have been to see him and have told you how he’s doing, but it upset you that you weren’t allowed to see for yourself. Why wouldn’t he let you see him? You had never been anything but a friend to him, you had even made sure he had some of his own clothes to change into when he woke up, and this is what you get?
“Hey, y/n. How are you doing?” Hermione asks as she and Harry come into the common room.
“Hey, guys. I’m fine. Are you guys coming back from seeing Ron?”
They both hesitate, sharing a look with each other which gives you all the response you need.
“You don’t have to hide it. Is he okay?”
“Yeah, he’s fine, y/n. Madame Pomfrey says he can leave tomorrow morning.” Hermione answers and you nod, feeling a tiny bit upset that he wouldn’t tell you himself.
“That’s good. I’m glad he’s better.”
“I think I’ll head up to my room now if you guys don’t mind. I’m kinda tired.” You say after a moment.
“Alright, y/n. Sleep well.” Harry says, sharing a pitiful look with hermione.
They know how much you care for Ron and how much it bothers you that he won’t let you see him. You are still his friend and you deserve to be able to visit him.
However, they also know the reason Ron has refused to see you - he’s embarrassed. He admitted he wanted to impress you and then he goes and falls all because he looked at you.
He’s too ashamed to look at you because you remind him of his failure even though he hasn’t failed at anything. In all honesty, he’s more afraid that you’ll be disappointed or even mad at him.
“Hey guys.” You smile, sitting down at breakfast with Harry, Ron, and hermione.
“Hey.” Harry and hermione greet. Ron, however, can barely look at you. You frown, but try to ignore it.
“How are you guys this morning?”
“A bit tired, actually, but good.” Hermione smiles, passing you the butter for your pancakes.
“That’s good.” You smile, looking over at Ron to see him staring straight at his plate seeming to be ignoring you.
“I can’t stay long, I have some reading I want to do before class.” You say, taking a bite of your food.
“What reading?” Hermione asks, wondering if she forgot to do something.
“I just want to familiarize myself with some of the topics we’re covering this week.”
“Oh, okay.” she nods, realizing you’re just trying to get out of this situation. You had already scanned over the reading last night.
She feels bad as she knows how awkward you’re feeling right now, but she’s not sure how to help. It’s dumb how Ron is acting, but it wasn’t her place to say anything. Not yet at least.
“So, Ron, have you gotten the work you missed last week?” She asks.
“Yeah. McGonagall dropped it off each afternoon.” He mumbles.
You frown, your brows furrowing when you see he’ll respond to hermione, but won’t say anything to you. He still won’t look at you.
“I’ll see you guys in class. I guess I wasn’t as hungry as I thought.” You say, standing up and fixing your robes before leaving the three.
Harry and hermione frown, watching after you as you leave while Ron just barely glances up to see you leave the hall altogether.
“It’s Draco, Ron. That explains it all.” You hear hermione say as Ron goes to say something, stopping when he sees you.
“Hey. Am I interrupting?” You ask, sitting down next to hermione.
Harry and hermione look at each other before looking down at Ron who’s taken to shoving food into his mouth.
You watch them, frowning when none of them give you answer, having fallen completely silent. You sigh, nodding.
“I just had a question, hermione, but I can ask you later. Sorry to bother all of you.” You say, feeling your throat start to hurt as you feel yourself wanting to cry.
It’s been a week since Ron left the hospital wing and he hasn’t said a word to you. He’s barely even looked at you, and it’s started to feel like you’re losing Harry and hermione as friends now too.
You can’t help but let out a small sob as you leave the great hall. You were losing your friends and you’re not even sure what you’ve done.
Back in your room you can’t help it and start crying. It hurt. It all hurt really bad. You four had been great friends since your first year and now you were losing them all for whatever reason. You’ve had so many great adventures and memories with them that you weren’t sure you could find anyone else like them. In all honesty, you didn’t want to find anyone else.
“I hate you, Ron Weasley. Why are you such a git?” You ask, realizing it started with him refusing to let you see him.
It’s been just about a month now and you’ve barely said more than twenty words to any of the trio. If they were so intent on kicking you out of the friend group then you were going to let them. Why try to hold onto something you’re not welcome in?
“Hey, y/n. How are you?” You hear hermione ask as she sits next to you on the bench your studying on.
“Hey. I’m fine. Not much happening lately.” You say, not bothering to look at her.
“What about you?” You ask, just barely glancing at her.
“I’m...good. Look, y/n, I know it’s all been pretty tense among us, but I don’t like not talking to you. I mean, we’re roommates, y/n, and we’ve barely said two words to each other this last month.”
“Yeah? Wonder why...”
“Y/n, you know how Ron is. Harry and I weren’t sure what we should say, but we’re tired of this. Ron is being a git and we’ve told him. We miss having you around.”
“It doesn’t really seem it, ‘mione. I see you three talking and laughing every day. You only stop whenever I get too close.”
Hermione sighs, realizing how hurt you must feel. She never wanted this to happen.
“I’m so sorry, y/n. Just, will you come sit with us at dinner tonight? Harry and I miss talking with you. We really do.”
“Sorry, ‘mione, but I’ve already got stuff going on. I won’t be going to dinner.”
“What do you have going on?”
“Well since you guys started excluding me I needed to find something to do. So I took up dueling.”
“Dueling? With who?” She asks more than surprised. You’ve never shown any interest in dueling, in fact when you practiced a bit in class a few years ago she distinctly remembers you saying you didn’t like how it felt fighting.
“Some older students. It doesn’t really matter, I just won’t be at dinner. Sorry, but I should probably get going.” You say, slamming your book closed and getting up.
“Rough day?” Talia asks, noticing your agitated look the moment you walk through the door.
“A bit, yeah.” You sigh, setting your bag down as Quentin places a hand on your shoulder.
“It’s alright, pipsqueak. You get to duel now and we all know how much fun you have with it.” He chuckles, ruffing up your hair as you smile.
You had gotten into this because you heard Talia, who you have astronomy with, talking about it with another of their friends. You couldn’t help but push into the conversation, asking all sorts of questions. Eventually she told you to just come check it out.
That next meeting for it, you had found out you’re actually not all that bad at it so you kept coming. Soon it was like a habit. You would go to classes, work on your homework, and then meet up with the six to seven students in years higher than you three times a week.
It was something to distract yourself from your friend group and something you could actually progress in which you always liked.
“Focus, y/l/n! You got to anticipate your partners attacks.” You hear one of the other students holler as you duel Talia.
“Watch it!” You hear Talia shout just after she casts a spell to which you weren’t paying attention to. You groan as your knocked back, hitting your head against the ground.
“Y/n! Oh godrick, I am so so sorry!” Talia says as you start to fall asleep.
You groan as you wake up, your eyes picking up on how bright the room you were in was. You furrow your brows as you don’t remember the dungeons ever being bright.
“Hello, dear. Glad to see you waking up.” You hear a woman call and you groan.
“Where am I? Why is it so bright?”
“You’re in the hospital wing, miss y/l/n. Had a nasty incident with dueling. Not sure why you would take that on as a hobby, but luckily for you I was able to counter the spell as well as help cure that concussion of yours.” You hear madame pomfrey say.
“Oh yes, dear. You probably don’t remember too much, but you got sick a few times. It’s no wonder considering miss Talia Wembley and mr Quentin Jacobs said you hit your head pretty hard when you fell back.”
“They’re some pretty good friend for getting me so quick.” She states.
“Yeah, I guess.” You hum, thankful for them, but knowing they aren’t the friends you’d like to be hearing about.
“Well you just rest for a bit. I’ll bring you some food in a bit.”
You nod, sighing as she leaves. A few minutes later you hear three easily recognizable voices talking with each other just outside the door.
“If you go in there you’re just going to upset her! She’s not happy with you. She’s not happy with any of us right now.” You hear hermione whisper shouting.
“I don’t care! I have to make sure she’s okay. She’s been out for two days.”
“I really don’t think that’s the smartest move right now, mate.” You hear Harry say in response to Ron.
You huff, closing your yes. You can’t believe these three.
“If you’re going to argue, maybe you should go somewhere I can’t hear you.” You snip, hearing all of them pause.
“Ron! Stop!” You hear hermione sigh, before you hear her hurried footsteps coming closer to the door as Ron steps into view.
“You’re awfully brave coming in here, Weasley. What makes you think I’d want to see you after you wouldn’t let me come visit you in here?”
“Are you dumb, y/n?” He asks, frowning at you.
“Excuse me?” You scoff, not believing he would dare say that to you.
“Dueling? Why would you take that up? Especially from other students and not a teacher.”
“Those ‘other students,’ Ron have become some of my friends since you three decided I wasn’t good enough to hang around you anymore. I was trying to move on. Not like I owe you any kind of explanation though.”
“We never said you weren’t good enough, y/n. Blimey!”
“Not outright, but you certainly made it clear enough.”
“We’re sorry, y/n. We really didn’t mean to.” Harry sighs, him and hermione standing a few feet behind Ron.
“It’s fine. It’s in the past, anyways. I’ve moved on, made other friends.”
“Godrick, y/n. Stop taking it out on Harry and hermione. I’m the one you should be mad at.” Ron sighs, running his hands through his hair in frustration.
“Oh I am. I’m livid at you, Ron, but I’ve decide to ignore it. Just like you ignored me.”
“For merlins sake, y/n. I’m sorry. You know I’m dumb! I didn’t know how to face you after the game.”
“Face me for what, Ron?! I just wanted to make sure you were okay! I was worried and you refused to let me see you for an entire week! And then you still wouldn’t look at me let alone talk to me when you got out! What was such an issue that you couldn’t face me?”
“I had looked at you when I got hit with that bludger.” He sighs, sitting down by your feet.
“Yeah? And?”
“Blimey, y/n. I like you and I was embarrassed. I wanted to prove that I was good at quidditch and then I lose focus because I saw you and I got knocked unconscious.” Ron rambles.
“I...what?” You ask, beyond confused.
He ignores you for an entire month all because he was too embarrassed for getting hit? How bloody dumb is this man?
“I was bloody embarrassed, y/n. I really wanted to impress you and I completely screwed it up. I never wanted to stop talking to you, I promise. I just couldn’t face you.”
“Why? What is it about me that you couldn’t face?”
“Hmm?” He hums, looking up at you with absolute confusion written on his face.
“Tell me what’s so scary about me, Ron. Did you think I’d be mad? Disappointed?”
He bites his lip, giving you your answer.
“You’re a bloody idiot, Ron. I wasn’t mad or disappointed at all. Least I wasn’t until you wouldn’t let me see you. I was so worried.” You sigh, crossing your arms.
“I’m sorry, y/n. And I’m sorry for calling you dumb. I just, you hated dueling when we had the lesson on it. Why would you go and learn it now?”
“I needed a distraction. Well, at first. Now I do kinda really like it, and I’m not half bad when I’m not distracted by my annoyance for you.”
He chuckles, gently grabbing hold of your hand, playing with your fingers.
“And if it helps reassure you any, I already know how good of a quidditch player you are. Have you forgotten I watched you play over the summer?”
He laughs, smiling up at you. He really is dumb if he avoided you for a month. You mean everything to him and yet he made you feel worthless.
“Can you forgive me for being a git?”
You think about it for a minute, watching him frown lightly before you chuckle.
“Of course I can, Ron, but you’re going to have to make up for the month.”
“Don’t you worry about it, beautiful. I’ve already been thinking about how.”
You chuckle and hold your arms out to hug him, relaxing into him as he wraps his arms right around your body, completely holding you to his chest. With just that hug you could tell how sorry he was and how much he loved you. It truly felt like he was holding onto you for his life and sanity.
“And for the record, I like you too, you dork.” You smile, watching as he chuckles before kissing your forehead.
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beauvibaby · 4 years
tipsy winner - a.matthews
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“Auston Matthews scores the winning goal in overtime!” I shot up out of my seat, cheering along with half of the stadium, he shot me a wink when he met my gaze for a brief second as the guys all skated over to him. Nothing could wipe the grin off of my face, as the other girlfriends and I shared excited shrieks, I answered my phone as I waited out in front of the locker rooms. “Y/N, I just saw the game!” Ema cheered over the line, I smiled even though she couldn’t see me. “I know, it was great wasn’t it?” I breathed out, finally getting to relieve some of my excited energy as I anxiously waited for him to come out. “It was amazing, tell papi how proud I am?” She asked, hearing the commotion as the guys started piling out. “Of course!” I told her, adding a quick goodbye as Auston nearly tackled me to the ground in a hug, “oh my god! Baby, that was freaking amazing!” I gasped wrapping my arms around his neck, pulling him in for a kiss, “it was.” He agreed cockily, I lightly whacked the back of his head. “Keep your ego in check.” I quipped, he smirked but nodded, pulling me in for another quick kiss. “Drinks?” Will asked approaching us, he put an arm over each of our shoulders, I glanced around him to see Auston looking at me with raised brows. “Hell yes!” I cheered earning a round of applause and a thankful look from my boyfriend, I wasn’t much of a partyer and he respected that, his own habits having settled down since he’s been with me, but he deserves to have fun, and I’ll just be the one to make sure he doesn’t do anything stupid. “Beat it, Nylander.” Auston joked, lightly shoving his team mate out from between us so he could walk with his arms around me to the car.
“Baby you don’t have to go, you know that, right?” He asked in my ear as he placed a kiss to my hair. “I know, but you deserve this and I know you want me to be there, just don’t expect me to get drunk.” I teased, glancing up at him, he was giving me a concerned look. “Aus, I promise I want to go and be with you, have fun, alright?” I assured him, turning in his hold when we reached the car, I placed a hand on his cheek, smiling when he turned and kissed the inside of my hand before resting his cheek back in it for a moment. “Fine, I swear if you want to leave just tell me and we can go, promise?” He mumbled, holding a pinky out like a child. I threw my head back in a fit of laughter and he grinned at my actions but still held his pinky out. “I promise.” I linked my pinky with his, “now get in the car.” I added. “Oh, your mom called, she said she was proud of you.” I spoke suddenly once he started the car, “call her in the morning, alright?” I reminded him, “I know, I know.” He assured me, shooting me a smile as he placed a hand on my thigh.
“Playing designated driver too?” I teased Steph as I slid into the booth beside her at the bar, “oh yeah, told him to let loose, we’ll see what I have to deal with.” She laughed in response, clinking her soda with mine. “Seems like my child for the night is already reaching his limit.” I sighed with a smile as Auston cheekily waved over at me from his spot by the bar with Freddie. I could tell by his mannerisms that the alcohol was really getting to him, he was a little slow in his response time, and there was a sheen on his eyes that he only got when he was getting drunk tired. Steph let a giggle fall past her lips when Auston started stumbling over to me, he nearly tripped but steadied himself on the post beside him. “Hi, baby.” He spoke holding a hand out for me, I raised my eyebrows, taking his hand and shooting Steph a look as he pulled me to the middle of the bar. “Dance with me?” He asked, swaying to the non existent music. “Love, there’s no music playing.” I laughed softly, cupping his cheek, feeling the slight stubble peeking through on his jaw. “I don’t care, I just want to dance with my girl.” He muttered with a disappointed pout, I gave in and leaned against his chest. As we slowly turned around I saw Steph taking a video on her phone, “send it to me!” I mouthed and she shot me a thumbs up, fumbling with her phone when Mitch nearly fell into the booth beside her. “Auston?” I spoke after a while, feeling him get heavier on me, he shot his head up, “yeah, yeah, what?” I could tell he was beginning to get tired. “Let’s go home?” I offered, and he nodded with a sigh, knowing I was right.
“Auston!” I scolded when he pressed more than just our floor in the elevator, “stop that.” I lightly whacked his hand and he dramatically pulled it in with a frown. “Ow.” He complained, I raised my eyebrows, “you get rammed into walls for a living, and my little love tap has you frowning?” I retorted and he tried to hold back a fit of drunken giggles but failed, biting his lip as he snickered, the doors to the elevator opening on our floor, thankfully every number he hit was higher than ours. “Come on.” I sighed with a smile as I pulled him along. “Are you staying with me?” He asked suddenly with a sad look on his face, “Aus, honey, we’ve lived together for three months.” I reminded him, digging through my bag for my keys, once I pulled them out, he snatched them from my grip. Muttering something about being a gentleman, I leaned against the wall with my arms lightly crossed as he fumbled with the key, hardly being able to get the key in the hole. “Ladies first.” He spoke going to open the door but moving before he realized it hadn’t opened and hitting his head directly on it. This time I was the one holding back giggles as I took the keys from him, “you didn’t unlock the deadbolt.” I softly pointed out, quickly unlocking the door, he lightly smacked my hand away when I went to open the door. “Stop.” He whined, opening it and lazily holding it open for me. “Oh, my prince, what would I do without you?” I teased, my response coming over deaf ears as he stumbled in, muttering to the door about the lock.
“You’re drunk, baby, lets get some sleep.” I directed him towards are bedroom, “I’m not drunk.” He defended, a look of thought crossing his face, “I’m tipsy!” He confirmed with a proud grin. “Hmm, alright.” I simply agreed, smiling softly at his back as he swung the bedroom door open. He nearly threw himself down on the bed, landing on his stomach, “Auston, you’re not going to be comfortable in dress clothes.” I reminded him, running my fingers through his slightly tossled hair, “but I’m so tired.” He complained, lazily sitting up with my assistance. I rolled my eyes at his childish behavior, I began unbuttoning his shirt, I was expecting him to make a smart remark about it, but he was too tired to try. He rested his forehead on my shoulder as I pushed the material off of his body. “You smell good.” He mumbled, placing a wet kiss to my exposed skin, I smiled even though he couldn’t see me. “I know, you got it for me.” I answered, thinking back to the perfume he had gifted me just a few weeks ago, no reason, he just came home and gave it to me, saying how it made him think of me. Auston kicked his shoes off, wiggling his brows when I undid his belt, “not tonight, babe.” I laughed, he groaned and stood up, thankfully being able to remove the rest of his pants before flopping back down in his boxers. He laid on his stomach with a pillow curled up under him, I expected him to go straight to sleep, so I went about my usual night time routine, disappearing into the bathroom for a solid ten minutes, removing my makeup, brushing my teeth and my hair, I walked out and flicked the light off, turning my bedside lamp on so I could see the pajamas I was looking for, I jumped when I saw Auston looking back at me.
He laughed and kept his eyes on me as I pulled my shorts and tank top out of the drawer, I kept my back to him as I removed my clothes, “you’re so pretty.” He mumbled, I hummed in response, smiling to myself, even if he was drunk he still made me feel like the luckiest girl in the world. “Baby, are you mad?” He asked after a while, I turned towards him as I finished pulling my shirt on, “no, of course not.” I assured him, furrowing my brows together when he looked at me with concern. I shimmied the shorts up my legs before making my way towards him. “Why would I be mad?” I asked softly, smiling when he pulled me closer, nuzzling his face into the crook of my neck. “Because I’m drunk, and you’re not and you’re taking care of me.” He paused like there was more, I ran my fingers through his hair, “and I said you were pretty and you didn’t say anything, did-did I do something?” He asked shooting his head up. I smiled at his concern, I leaned up pressing a kiss to his cheek, “no, Aus, you didn’t do anything. I’m not mad, I’m glad you had fun tonight.” I explained, gently pushing him back down to the bed, he he so stayed but finally laid his head back down. “You need to sleep, bub, you’re going to be exhausted tomorrow.” I whispered, running my fingers up and down his spine, something he would never vocalize that he loved, but I could tell whenever I did it he would relax. He let his eyes flutter shut, shoving his head farther into the pillow as I pulled the blanket over us. “I love you.” I whispered to his already sleeping figure, kissing his temple before letting myself fall into a good sleep.
I woke up to the sound of Auston grumbling under his breath as he trudged into the bathroom. I blinked a couple times to adjust to the light that was now pouring into the room, he didn’t notice I was awake as he brushed his teeth, I laid there, similar to how he had done last night, watching him go through his routine. I smiled when he walked out and his eyes landed on me, “good morning.” I whispered, he smiled at me, “good morning, princess.” He mumbled leaning down to kiss my lips softly. I hummed in appreciation when he laid down beside me, “do you remember anything from last night?” I teased, he rolled his eyes, “uh, no actually.” He admitted with a chuckle, I reached behind me and grabbed my phone, showing him the video Steph had sent me. He watched it and groaned hiding his face in his hands, “there wasn’t even music!” He laughed at himself, “nope, but it was still super sweet.” I assured him, placing my phone back on the nightstand. He pulled me closer, our faces inches away, “and then when we got home, you walked into the front door, and then you thought I was going to blow you when I was taking your pants off, let’s see, what else...” I trailed off laughing as his face turned a light shade of pink in embarrassment. “You weren’t bad though, you were still really sweet to me.” I explained, he smiled, slightly relieved that he hadn’t done anything to insane. “You told me I was pretty while I was changing and when I only hummed you freaked out and got afraid that you’d upset me.” I added and he raised his brows, the concern flashing in his eyes just like last night. “You are beautiful, you know that right?” He searched my eyes for a single doubt that I didn’t believe him. “I know, Aus. You tell me a hundred times a day, everyday.” I smiled softly, hiding my face in his chest. “Damn right I do, my girlfriend is fucking gorgeous.”
tag list: @literarycharleton
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frannyzooey · 3 years
Hi I am here to proclaim my love of you and your writing 💕
Seriously I love everything you’ve written. TMTC fills the western AU hole in my heart I didn’t even know I needed until I read it. The way you’ve written Gracie, the OC I would lay down my life (and hand in marriage for)?? Please she absolutely deserves only the best. And I love how you’ve written in Pedro’s other characters into the universe; you’re too talented.
I think about Box Set Frankie at least once a day. I mean the way you’ve written him—mischievous and a lil’ goofy, but not afraid to get D I R T Y 🔥🥵. Before reading Box Set, I liked “Work From Home” by Fifth Harmony, but after reading “Home Video”…yeah I like it for extra reasons now 😉. I feel like this happens a lot in your writing; even though you don’t know me I’ll read little details that make me feel seen. Another example of this is in “Roman Holiday” when reader whips out Milk Duds; I love this candy and it made me feel so happy to see it pop up in your fic.
Omg what can I say about Weeknights Frankie? I’m seriously in love with him. He’s so soft, charming, understanding, literally a 15/10 man. He’s such a Good Dad™ to Lucia, while also being a Daddy™ after dark. Seriously, get you a man who can do both. I love rereading Weeknights because the way you develop the Frankie x reader relationship is so wholesome with the perfect amount of pining to make my heart yearn for one man and one man only. And then it all comes to a tipping point in “Wednesday” and oh my goodness my 🐱 has left the building. I always think of you when rewatching Triple Frontier because of the way you’ve expanded his character.
Finally what can I say about resident murder daddy Dave York. Catch me loving fics about a man whose movie I’ve never seen. You’re such a talented writer and I love how you can write a soft Frankie and a punishingly dirty Dave. I’ve never wanted to be an analyst more in my life.
tl;dr: ilysm. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for sharing your beautiful writing
the way I sat on this for days because I couldn’t stop rereading it 🥺❤️
I don’t even know what to say — I’m so in love that you’ve picked apart all my fics, so I’m gonna pick apart your ask:
1) TMTC is so very special to me, it means the absolute world to me that you love it 🥺❤️
Gracie will 100% accept your hand in marriage, but only for the fattest of rocks and also if you let her continue to play her rope games with you, occasionally welcoming other people into your bed because she wants all the love 🥰 but then you gotta let her sleep because she gets real crabby if she doesn’t get any 😌 — and thank you for mentioning the other Pedro characters, they were so fun to write and I’m so glad you enjoyed them! We have a little more of one of them coming in the epilogue....
2) Box Set Frankie owns my heart and so do you with that mention of “little details that make you feel seen” — what an amazing compliment and also the goal because my true aim with Box Set is comfort, with their established relationship and their fun intimacy and their filthy trust in one another and being “seen” is what it is all about ❤️ Also, Fifth Harmony and Milk Duds for the WIN — I put Milk Duds in there because they are also my favorite ☺️
3) Weeknights Frankie — you GET IT! Good, sweet dad during the day, absolutely daddy at night — get you a man who can do BOTH. The duality of that whole dynamic gets me every single time — there is something so attractive about seeing this competent man take care of those he loves with care and humor and love and then absolutely wrecking your shit at night. I love that you’ve enjoyed the pacing of their relationship — tbh, it’s the story that I’m probably the most insecure about, so to hear that brings me so much joy 🥰❤️ and OOF — yes, Wednesday — the chapter I thought would get me laughed off the internet and yet somehow everyone (including myself) was like 🚨👄🚨 ❤️❤️❤️
4) DAVE. I have also never wanted to be an analyst more in my life — jfc, the need in those. Your comment about being able to write both Frankie and then Dave has me floating into the sky with happiness 🥰❤️
Thank YOU from the bottom of my heart for sending this in — I’m gonna be thinking about it all day/week/month, just absolutely grinning and melting in the best way at your immense kindness.
Thank you for reading and for sending so much love! ❤️❤️🥰🥰😍😍
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AAAhh I'm the anon that requested twst boys meeting their girlfriends family - it was so good and awesome 💕💕💕💕💕 I'm glad you enjoyed writing it. If you don't mind may I request the same for Azul, Rook and Jack please?
Hi, Luv! Likewise, I’m glad you enjoyed the first part, and I’m ecstatic to hear that you want more! Here you go, Anon! Sorry that this took so long!
Part 1 can be found here! https://twisted-wonderland-insanity.tumblr.com/post/620318557803282432/yay-new-tw-blog-can-i-ask-hqs-for-mallets-leona
Meeting their Fem! (S/O)’s Family Pt. 2 (ft. Azul Ashengrotto, Rook Hunt, and Jack Howl)
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~Azul Ashengrotto~
Your father is immediately giving Azul the stink eye as soon as he walks through the door and into your home. Given his suit, his cheerful smirk, and the overall devious aura about him, it’s no wonder if any adults in your family think he’s a Mafioso.
However, Azul has a plan ready to act upon just for this occasion - he’s willing to prove to them that he’s the one for you, after all!
Like Vil, his biggest strength is his sharp tongue. Being what some consider a ‘conman,’ Azul knows how to sweeten his words to win anyone over. How do you think he got his contracts, after all?
However, he will show more compassion to your family than any of his clients. He’ll give you mother an endless amount of compliments, and even bring a gift for both of your parents as thanks for inviting him over.
Even if he finds children a bit annoying, he’s willing to play with any younger siblings that you have. Most notably, he could offer his coat and hat to them to dress up in, calling them a ‘young man’ or a ‘little lady’ if they accept. 
If you have any older siblings, he’s adept to strike a civil conversation with them. It doesn’t matter what the topic is about, or his knowledge on it, Azul will listen to whatever they’re interested in if it means that they’ll like him more.
If your father tries to bombard him with questions, he’s not worried - at least, not visibly at least. On the inside, he is DEFINITELY nervous about whether or not he succeeds at winning him over, but he tries to hide it in his facade. Nonetheless, he is still very courteous during his conversation with your parents.
“Thank you Mr. and Mrs. (L/N) for inviting me to this amazing dinner tonight. It was a pleasure getting to know you all, and I hope that I can see you again in the near future. Your daughter is an amazing woman, and I hope that you’ll accept my love and consideration for her just as I do with yours.”
When the night is over, Azul has won over most of your family members. Most of them will set aside his appearance (all accept your father, go figures) and see him as a charming and sweet gentleman. This all comes at a cost of Azul’s stress and adrenaline increasing due to how much he had to do to get their favor. However, no need to worry! Jade and Floyd MAY have been looking over you two from the outside in case something went wrong.
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~Rook Hunt~
Ironically enough, Rook is actually pretty excited to meet your family, wanting to know how amazing they are if they were able to bring you into the world. Just make sure that you tell your boyfriend to maybe tone it down a bit.
Spoiler alert, he forgets about this precaution, and your family is put off by his overtly cheerful behavior at first. Your father in particular feels like he’s putting a facade to hide the fact that he might not be worthy of you. 
Don’t worry, though. Rook might not have a strong tongue like Vil, but he does indeed do his best to follow by example. For your sake, he will try his best to tone it down for the remainder of the night.
Yes, Rook might be a bit perturbed if any siblings you have decide to poke fun at his haircut or his personality, but will nonetheless feign ignorance to that kind of behavior. He’s a gentleman, after all, so no ruckus will be made during the dinner table.
Did I forget to mention that Rook took his daily dose of respect women juice before heading to your place? Because if I didn’t, then now you know! Like Vil, he treats all the women in your family with utter respect and compassion, and might even befriend your mother with his wellness tips and compliments.
Your father, unsurprisingly, is the most difficult person for him to please. However, unlike some people who find it annoying, Rook understands where his overprotectiveness comes from. Like himself, your father can’t help but dote on you constantly and make sure you’re alright.
Luckily for Rook, he uses his greatest strength of all to try and persuade your father - his use of pathos.
“Monsieur (L/N), it was an absolute honor meeting you tonight. Before I leave, I would like to leave an appraisal. (S/O) is mon seul vrai amour - my muse and inspiration! Her smile brightens up whatever room she is in, and I am eternally grateful that she has chosen me as her beloved partner. S'il vous plaît, Monsieur (L/N), my only hope is that I’m willing to protect her forevermore just as you have done so your entire life.”
When he leaves, your family is somewhat mixed about him. Some people find his personality as oddly charming and funny. Others, however, find Rook to be sketchy and too outlandish for you hello father dearest. But overall, he is pretty confident about tonight’s encounter and hopes to meet them again.
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~Jack Howl~
Ok, let me be frank and say that your family might be intimidated and/or startled by Jack the first time they see him. With his resting scowl and enormous height, don’t be surprised when the first thing they think of him is “delinquent.”
Which is precisely why your father is immediately set on placing you guys on separate sides of the dinner table. This angers Jack to no end, seeing as though he never gave him a chance to prove himself as worthy.
Jack may not be the best for his words, but tonight he will try his best to appease your family through his actions. He has his mind set to one goal, and one goal only - making sure that your family approves of your relationship with him.
Does your mother need help setting up the table to washing the dishes after? He’ll quietly offer to do it, and if she consents, he will do so without any complaints.
With siblings, the best way to win them over is to play games with them. Despite his brute strength, he will try his best to make it easy for them just so that they can have fun. The best part about this? Any young siblings that he can carry on his shoulders will ABSOLUTELY love him if they do that! Albeit, he will have a blushing face afterward...
And then there was... your father. Oh dear King of Beasts, have mercy on his soul. As stated before, Jack’s not exactly the best at conveying his emotions through words as much as through actions, so if your dad starts to bombard him with question after question, chances are he might not even answer them all.
However, annoyed after seemingly being asked a hundred questions, he will stand up for the two of you with annoyance at your father. He can tell that his overprotectiveness is almost suffocating on you, and you deserve better than that! Most of all, he will not hesitate to say that directly at your father’s face.
“Listen, Mr. (L/N), all night long I have tried to prove myself to you because your daughter and I agreed it would be the right thing to do for our relationship. If I didn’t love (S/O), I wouldn’t have gone through this night hoping that it would be a success. Clearly, however, you don’t see that in me. And clearly, you don’t see that I’m good for (S/O)! I understand that you want what’s best for your daughter, but I also want you to see that she doesn’t want you breathing down her neck every five seconds! So please, give us a chance, if not for me, then for her!”
After that speech, all of your family is left in shock. After Jack leaves, he doesn’t know how your father reacts after. Would he be angry at your boyfriend, or unresentful? Would he question his parenting skills, or forbid you from seeing him for the next month? Whatever the case, Jack is content with what he said. Could he have been gentler with his words? Maybe. But he still said what he thought needed to be said, and he hopes that your dad takes his words into considerations.
Besides, chances are he did happen to win someone over that night. If not your mother, then perhaps your siblings.
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himbeaux-on-ice · 3 years
if people, and by this I really mean certain sects of Habs fans, don’t shut the fuck up with these smarmy posts about “who REALLY won the Pacioretty/Suzuki trade” I am genuinely going to snap. This post might even qualify as snapping. I’m fed up.
BOTH teams won that trade. Both did. Smarter people than me have said this. Both teams and both players ended up getting exactly what they needed in the long run. The only argument for one being truly above and beyond the other is that one team also got a pretty useful Tomas Tatar thrown in to boot. Which. Point Montreal, I guess.
Nick Suzuki is a fucking amazing young player who is only going to get better, with incredible character and intangibles to boot. You would be lucky to get to draft him, let alone trade for him as a prospect. I genuinely believe they would have to be idiots not to make him captain of the Habs someday, when he is older and ready to shoulder it, because he clearly is a great leader in the making in addition to a player of remarkable skill. He is the centrepiece of the future of the Canadiens franchise, and I don’t even know in what direction they would even be building right now without him at the heart of the plan. With Vegas having less need for young players right now than Montreal, I am glad he got to end up somewhere he can crack the lineup and shine, and it has been a true pleasure to watch him rise to that opportunity these last two years while knowing the best is still yet to come.
Max Pacioretty has rebounded from the shit treatment he got from management in Montreal to become an absolutely indispensable part of the Vegas offence the last two years following a slow first season. The 2021 season particularly was one of the best of his entire career, scoring goals at his second-best ever pace (one every two games) and THE best point-production pace he has ever had (1.06 points/game) — numbers which in an 82-game season could have seen him crack forty goals and eighty-plus points. As of the end of Round 2, after coming back from being out for 27 days with injury, he has had a point or more in all 7 playoff games he has played, including a career-high THREE game-winning playoff goals (and a primary assist on a fourth GWG), tying him for a franchise record for longest playoff point streak. In addition to leading the team wih 24 goals this regular season (this despite missing 8 games), his teammates and coach cite him as a presence who makes the whole locker room feel more confident in their winning ability just by being there and playing his part. He has been incredibly valuable to the team’s goal to Win Now, especially this year, and has been every bit a worthwhile acquisition for them, both as a leader and as a contributor on the ice. They would not be where they are in the season/playoffs right now without him.
I myself am going to enjoy watching these franchises go head to head, and these talented players compete against each other as the next chapter of this story. It will be fun to see who wins between them, it’s true! But there is LITERALLY no reason to shit on one of these two incredibly skilled players of colour as your new favourite way of praising the other one, besides to prove that you have absolutely no idea what you’re talking about and haven’t done an ounce of research before you opened your mouth.
It’s irritating, it’s petty, it’s ignorant, and this refrain which rapidly become a pet peeve of mine this season often feels like an attempt to rationalize and pretend that the shitty way Habs management treated Pacioretty at the end of his time in Montreal (never mind Therrien’s typically appalling behaviour in the years before that) was something he must have deserved, just so that fans don’t feel any guilt-by-association about it. There are a lot of bullshit fan narratives that get drug around in hockey year after year, but this “Pacioretty isn’t worth anything anymore anyway so the Habs won that trade” one that refuses to die IRKS me. It is MEAN and it is FALSE and it is just SILLY.
And if it’s what I’m going to have to look at in Habs spaces throughout this series, one which I want to enjoy between two talented teams I both love. Well, you are allowed to say and think whatever you want in the end, but in that case I will find other people to enjoy these semifinal games with besides the people on this website. Good goddamn day.
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averysleepyfrog · 4 years
My thoughts on GOTY and TLOU2
The following text may contain not so positive thoughts about Neil Druckmann( not TLOU2 itself, just him and a certain other movie director), you might like to skip this if you are sensitive to this.
EDIT: My mistake, Tsushima didn’t win GOTY, just Player’s Voice. IDK anything about GOTY yet.
EDIT2: TLOU2 actually won GOTY. Ah, the ignorance I had back when I wrote this.
I still think Hades should have won GOTY. It does what it does great, it also brings "new"( or, rather, not so common) things to mainstream gaming, which is refreshing, it is stunning to play and look at. The fact that all of this is done by an indie studio consisting of 17 people is all more impressive. While Ghost of Tsushima looks great from what I have seen( I can't play it or TLOU2 because I can't afford a PS4), it does seem a bit formulaic in terms of other games in the market in a way that it's an open world action with RPG elements.
That said, I am lowkey glad it won GOTY instead of TLOU2, for a very specific reason. To make it clear, I do not hate TLOU2. I casually liked the first one because Joel's character( particularly the fear of losing loved ones and doing horrible things to make sure it doesn't happen again) resonated with me. I was lowkey interested in the second one, but after the spoilers I went "meeeh, another story about how revenge is bad, a trope that definitely has not been around in media for century". I do not support any harassment the development team has received, and my sympathies go out to Laura Bailey and her family because she did not deserve this. I just see the game as a pretty average piece of media that has a pretty good technical execution, graphics and musical part, but also a pretty flawed story that has been told many times and done better.
My issue with TLOU2 comes from it's director and how he responded to any sort of criticism. What I have seen of Neil Druckmann has been that the man is extremely dismissive of any sorts of criticism towards his game, and not just the reddit dudebros who hate representaton, but also people who have legitimate criticism towards the game. He has been acting extremely unprofessional on both his official Twitter and outside it, lumping the two together and giving off the impression that he is some misunderstood genius who gets unfairly hated because he made good representation of minorities, when in reality he just took a very common storyline and tropes, and had his team give them a vivid face.
While I cannot talk about whether that particular case of representation was good( that falls to the LGBTQ community), I do not like the fact that he uses it as a shield from criticism or anything that doesn't praise his game. He honestly reminds me of Rian Johnson, another creator that made fun of a franchise's fans by lumping them together with misogynists and racists while using representation as a shield for his own movie. I feel like it is an inherently devious practice, because it makes these men look like they exploit real social problems as a means to further their own goals, and it really calls into question on whether these people genuinely think LGBTQ deserve to be represented, or they just do it to look progressive and be able to defend their creation by waving the “Y’all are just rightists!” flag.
Both of these men give me huge bad vibes, and it really saddens me that the likes of them are regarded as some modern geniuses( they are not). I feel like there are more straight white male directors out there who engage in such behavior that my mind misses, and I do not think this is an acceptable behavior. Which is why I am glad that Ghost of Tsushima won GOTY. Such creators should not be validated in their narcissism and usage of minorities as a defense from criticism, especially when the end product they put out is not exactly phenomenal.
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d-pennants · 4 years
Every line Aaravos says...
In an interview Ehasz & Richmond confirm that Aaravos never lies, but..
if you understand where he’s coming from, he’s not lying about anything. But you don’t necessarily know where he’s coming from. He never lies, he always tells the truth.
So, how much is the real truth, subjective truths, alternate interpretation of words, or paltering (misleading by misrepresenting select truths)? Who knows.
But I copied all of of Aaravos’ lines from transcripts if you want to try and guess.
Some are kinda funny in hindsight -  “ Preparing you for greatness.” Just meant being able to see Aaravos, who is a Great One. (Or very impressed with his own looks).
S2E7 Fire and Fury
Viren: I'm ready. Aaravos: Speak. Viren: I - Aaravos: Speak, so I may hear you. Viren: Who- who are you? Aaravos: Ah How long I have waited to hear the sound of another voice. How may I serve you?
S2E8 The Book of Destiny
Viren: Who are you? Aaravos: My name would mean nothing to you. Viren: [sighs.] Where are you? Aaravos:  I don't know. Viren:  Don't lie to me. Aaravos:  I'm not lying. I never lie. Viren: [sighs.] I found this mirror in the lair of the Dragon King. This mirror meant something to him. You meant something to him. Aaravos: Perhaps. Tell me what you need, and I will help you. Viren: I need your name. Aaravos: Aaravos.
Viren: What's going on? Every time I found a mention of you in an ancient scroll or tome, the entire passage disappeared as soon as I looked! [sighs.] What game are you playing? [sighs.] Viren: Ugh! [sighs.] Why should I trust you? Aaravos: You shouldn't… yet.
S2E9 Breathe
Viren: I should end this right now! Throw the mirror into a river and cut you off forever. Aaravos: You won't. You are too curious. Hungry for knowledge and power. Both things I can provide. Allow me to earn your trust. Viren: And how would that work, exactly? Aaravos: Search your heart. There's something that you want very badly. But something or someone stands in your way. Viren: I- I am having a problem getting some people to listen to me, to hear the importance of what I'm saying. Aaravos: Who are these people? Viren: They are kings and queens. The leaders of the other four human kingdoms. Aaravos: Then we will have to get their attention.
Aaravos: You tried to win over the other humans with loyalty and friendship, but they ignored you. Those who fail tests of love are simple animals. They deserve to be motivated by fear. Viren: Bring terror to Del Bar to Neolandia to Evenere and to Duren!
Aaravos: You're in danger. They've come for you. Do as I tell you. Prepare for battle. Guard: Lord Viren! Open up, by order of the High Council! Aaravos: Well? Open it for them! Opeli: Surrender, Viren! Aaravos: Stop. It's over. Viren: But I can destroy them all! I have all the power I need! Aaravos: Stop! Opeli: You're completely surrounded, Viren! Give yourself up. Don't make me give the order. Viren: You have betrayed me. Aaravos: No. I will stay with you.
S3E1 Sol Regem
Aaravos: Do not despair. Be patient. Your time will come. You have put things in motion.
S3E3 Ghost
Aaravos: Get up. Get up. You have visitors coming. You're going to need to look presentable. Viren: My children. I'm so glad to see you safe. Claudia: What happened, Dad? Why are you down here? Viren: While I tried to unite the five kingdoms against Xadia, the Council was more concerned that I broke a few rules along the way. But none of that matters. The egg, did you get it? Claudia: It's not an egg anymore. It's hatched. Viren: It hatched? That dragon will become the most powerful creature in the world, and you've let it fall back into Xadia's hands? Claudia: But, Dad, Soren could've died. Viren: That doesn't matter! Soren: Dad? Viren: I do not mean to be cruel. But we must be ready to sacrifice. Even the things we love. I would have asked you to choose the egg over my life, if it came to it. Do you understand? Everything I do, and everything I ask of you, is for the future of humanity. Claudia: Is that why you told Soren to kill the princes?
Claudia: Answer me, Dad. Why did you tell Soren to kill the princes? 
Aaravos: Careful. If you tell the truth, you will lose her. You will need her soon. Viren: Oh, is that what you thought, Soren? Claudia, did you really think I would ask him to do such a thing? Surely you know your brother is um, easily confused. Soren: Wait, I know I'm not the smartest, but I know what you said. Viren: Oh, really? What do you remember? Soren: You told me to return with the news that the princes died. You said, "Accidents happen all the time." Viren: Soren, I was preparing you for the worst. I knew tragedy might have already befallen them No! You said that I'd know to do the right thing. Viren: Soren. I said "do the right thing," and somehow you heard "kill the princes." Oh this is disappointing, son. Even for you. Soren: Claudia, you believe me, right? Claudia: Oh, Sor-bear. I believe you thought you heard it, but you obviously made a mistake. We're just really lucky you messed up the mission you thought you had, huh? Wow.
S3E4 Midnight Desert
Viren: What are you doing? Aaravos: Preparing you for greatness. Now, be still.
Aaravos: It is ready. Open your eye. You can hear me. And now you can see me. And I can better serve you.
S3E5 Heroes and Masterminds
Claudia: Knock knock! - Oh, who's your new friend? Viren: Don't! Do not touch it. Claudia: Sorry, Dad. I just thought it looked cute. Viren: No. I'm sorry. I'm just trying to get ready for our march on Xadia. Did you need something? Claudia:  Uh, no! I was just making sure you're okay. I mean, you are okay, right? Viren: Thank you. I'm fine. Claudia, you understand why Prince Ezran had to be removed? Claudia: Of course. He couldn't have done the things that need to be done. Viren: Others might take a crown out of self-importance, but I-
Claudia: You're doing it to help us. To help everyone. Viren: Yes. Yes, that's right. That's why I know I can count on you, Claudia. Claudia: Everything's going to be okay, Dad. I'm here for you. Aaravos: Well played. She will be a valuable asset. Viren: She is not an asset. She is my daughter.
S3E6 Thunderfall
Soren: What, you don't want me to smoosh that thing? Viren: Do not smoosh the purple creature. Think of it as my animal familiar. Soren: So, you're saying you've adopted a little bug-pal? Viren: Yes, Soren. He is my little bug-pal. Soren: I'll just ride back here with Claudia for a while. Aaravos: Has our relationship truly escalated to this new height? Am I your "little bug-pal"? We have a long journey ahead. While we travel, there is something I have been meaning to ask you. My understanding is that somehow you killed Avizandum. Viren: I've killed no such person. Aaravos: Avizandum was no person. Avizandum was an archdragon, the great king of all the dragons. The most powerful creature in the world. Yet, somehow, you brought him down. Viren: So, Avizandum was his true name. We called him Thunder.
Aaravos: Please, continue. I eagerly await the great confrontation. Viren: We did not find Thunder Avizandum where we expected to find him.
Aaravos: What an incredible story. I am delighted you took down that arrogant monster. Viren: It sounds like you have a history with Avizandum. Aaravos:  Oh, I do. He is the reason I am where I am today. Viren: And where is that? Aaravos: He never bothered to mention where he imprisoned me. Viren: You're imprisoned? Your home looks like no prison I've ever seen. Aaravos: Yes, it's well appointed. But make no mistake, this has been my prison these past few centuries.
Claudia: We're going to cross that border. After all impassable is just another kind of passable. Aaravos: Yes!
S3E7 Hearts of Cinder
Viren: So, what is the plan? Aaravos: To fulfill your wishes, of course. Is your wish to rule Xadia? Viren: I wish for humanity to flourish. And it cannot flourish with a knife forever at its throat. Aaravos: So, you wish to conquer Xadia? Viren: No! No, my goal is a bright future for humanity. Aaravos: Right. And this bright future will require us to conquer Xadia? Viren: Yes. Yes, perhaps. Aaravos: The key to achieving your noble aims for humanity is simple. It's the same as it has always been. Viren: The key is the Dragon Prince. Aaravos: Yes. You must take down the Dragon Queen and capture the baby dragon. Then you will have the attention of all the world, and the power to do what you want. But first, there is something we need here in Lux Aurea. Viren: You want us to attack the stronghold of the Sunfire elves? But we need to preserve our forces for the final confrontation. Aaravos: Viren, I'm nothing if not elegant and efficient. We'll risk as few lives as possible… one. Viren: Ah, mine. Aaravos: Yes.
Khessa: Ugh! Humans disgust me. Your kind could not be satisfied with what you were given. So you take what is not yours. You take it within you, and you turn it to filth. Aaravos: Your arrogance is so predictable. You allowed my vessel to walk right into your court, and then you brought him directly to the source of all your power? Oh, the irony is wonderful! You're just like your grandmother. Would you like to know the truth of her fate before you face yours?
(Aaravos whispers something. The second word seems to be human).
S3E9 The Final Battle
Aaravos: When you capture the dragonling, I will show you how to take his power, how to imbue yourself with all his magic and potential, so that you will transcend the limits of your human form. Then none will dare stand against you.
Aaravos: Brace yourself.
Aaravos dark magic spell: He swallows your heart. He swallows your mind. He swallows your power.
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tobin-heaths · 4 years
Haters be hating 
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request: could u write something where r and alex are dating and doing an interview and the interviewer insults r/asks an invasive question and alex gets really protective and defensive?
pairing: Alex Morgan x Reader
words: 941
Settling down into the uncomfortable chair you sighed, mentally preparing yourself for the last interview that was to come for today.
Alex, sitting next to you, sensed your distress and grabbed your left hand, gently running her thumb across it. "It's only five minutes, babe. It'll be fine." She said.
You shrugged your shoulders and watched with a lack of interest as the interviewer entered the room to take his place in front of you both.
"Hello, ladies. Let's get this rolling, yeah?" He grabbed his mic and smiled at you. One last glance at his watch he gave the signal to his camera man and started the interview.
"Starting this wonderful interview I am here with the 2019 World Cup winners Alex Morgan and Y/N Y/L/N. Welcome, ladies. It's great to have you here." He said.
"Thank you! We're glad to be here." Alex said with a big smile. You only nodded with a forced smile, trying not to come off as bored or cold.
You didn't like the way he stared at Alex or the vibes he gave off, not one bit.
"What a tournament this has been for you and once again, congratulations on your well deserved win, ladies."
Only five minutes, only five minutes and this would be over. You were repeating this in your head all over again.
He was mostly talking to Alex, asking questions about her goals against Thailand and England, her overall mood and preparation for this tournament and what else was coming now.
You didn't mind this that much, not really feeling in the mood to talk and grateful for Alex who was staying so calm and professional.
"Now, Y/N. This has been extremely successful for you too, managing to pull your score of international goals up further." You nodded. "But still, there was one scene I'd like to talk about in detail." You frowned in confusion while Alex took a sip of her water.
"Your foul against Spain in the 65th minute." Upon hearing his words you knew he was out to get on your bad side. You sat up as straight as possible and clenched your jaw.
"Now, that corner kick. What exactly was it that you were doing there? Elbowing another player in the face like that? How did that happen?" He asked and stared at you.
"Well, for one, I declared this on Twitter already. This was an accident. I was not out to hurt her on purpose. I tried to clear the ball and while in the air my elbow unfortunately made contact with her face. We were both at fault." You explained.
"But how? That did not look like it was an accident. Have you seen the videos?" You looked over to Alex who in return touched your knee to calm you down.
"It was your foul that secured the penalty for Spain, who then managed to actually score a goal against you. How did it feel to cause that?"
Your eyes were ready to pop out of your sockets. This is what interviews have come to nowadays? Reporters being this unprofessional?
"I'm sorry, what? Please watch your words. My girlfriend did not do this on purpose nor was it her fault that Spain managed to score one goal against us." Alex said and gritted her teeth.
"Correct me if I'm wrong, but Y/N did receive a yellow card for this, not without reason–" He started but you interrupted his trash talk.
"Look, I don't blame the referees for carding me, on screen it does look bad and intentional, but when I say I really wasn't out to get her and she said herself it was a weird coincidence how we collided. Neither of us actually watched where we were going." You exclaimed and shook your head in disbelief.
"In my eyes this was a deserved red." He said and shrugged.
"That's enough. This is my girlfriend you're talking about. I don't know if you ever watched soccer but there have been far worse fouls and unfair situations where no one was carded, so saying she deserved a red for an accident is unacceptable, rude and unprofessional. Time's up so we're out of here." Alex spat and pulled you away from the interview area.
She knew that game and foul was still bothering you even weeks later. Yes, you had blamed yourself for this badly, you never had to talk about that in any interview though, not once and now this dude nobody heard of came along and acted as if he knew it all.
Walking over to your agents and security you happily accepted your bag and phone and waited as staff unhooked the microphones. Alex and you left the building hand in hand.
"Are you alright, babe?" She asked, looking at you to avoid the flashes of paparazzi cameras.
"Yes. Let's talk in the car." You looked to the ground and quickly climbed into the waiting vehicle.
"Thank you for defending me, Alex. I would've slapped him if he kept going." You sighed and grabbed her hand.
"I know, it's alright. I don't get what he was trying to achieve. Asshole. Nobody messes with my girl." She pinched your cheek and smiled at you.
You rolled your eyes but kissed her as the car drove you back to the hotel. Your agents would be handling this, making sure this dude wouldn't be interviewing any more of your teammates.
You would've preferred to go on a car ride interview with Katie Nolan and joke around with her, knowing she'd always love and respect you but somehow that wasn't happening yet.
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icharchivist · 3 years
Okay so done with Ardyn and Ignis’s dlcs, meaning i am done with the game for good! what a ride! what a blast! i had so much fun with everything, i don’t have anything i’m disappointed about so DLKJFDF a good ride for me.
Starting with Ignis, i really liked his DLC. 
The first part, which mostly just talks about how he got his eyes injury, was very fun to play through. Compared to how much i struggled with Gladio and Prompto that was a blast to play through ahah. I liked the gameplay and i liked being back in Altissia.
It was nice also to see Ravus’s actual turn around in game, since his whole part in the main game was... all over the place. So it was nice to see his actual motivations being laid out, and his teaming up with Ignis was pretty neat, they worked out well with one another, both as Guardians, and working as parallel to one another, with Ignis wanting (originally) for Noctis to see his goal through while Ravus wanted his sister to be freed, and in the end after Luna’s death, Ignis joining Ravus in not wanting to lose Noctis just to “his duty and fate”
The way Ignis got blind had me yelling. Putting on the ring of Lucii to try to protect Noctis, a ring that famously burn off anyone who tries to use it and isn’t of royal blood. Lowkey wondering if it works in a “truth from FMA” way where the people who ended up burnt by the ring all lost part of themselves that were important to them. Nyx wanted to live as a hero and he had to die as one. Ravus was the arm of revenge for his family and he lost his arm to it. Ignis was the analyser, the one who looked after Noctis and looked for his future, and his eyes were burnt. Like a way to prevent them all from even fighting destiny again. 
Anyway the whole canon complient part was so fucking sad and the goodbyes with Ignis and Noctis had me cry so hard i couldn’t look at the screen anymore. It was so sad and intense to me my heart is still broken.
So jumping on the fixit future just afterward, well, to me was kind of healing lmao. The whole thing, how Ignis even manage to win protecting Noctis, doesn’t really make any sense but it doesn’t have to, it’s just a happy ending that was sorely needed after all this mess, for me at least. 
It also made me cry to see Noctis’s resolve being that he would not let himself be separated from his friends. Makes me wonder if it has to do with the fact the alternative timeline pretty much therefore prevents the train incident from happening, meaning Noctis didn’t hurt Prompto, and didn’t have to play Ardyn’s mindgames about Prompto back then. Regis and Luna’s death were symbols of stuff Noctis couldn’t have protected. But hurting Prompto was Noctis ealizing that he would be harming his friends if he tried to end Ardyn. With the way Ignis’s ep goes, Ignis is another “stuff Noctis couldn’t have protected” so instead of fearing hurting his friends he’s more dedicated than ever to not let them go this time. Kinda liking this.
The alternative ending wasn’t as detailled as i expected (i swEAR i thought i’ve seen something about Luna surviving which?? i didn’t see at all so??) so i’m kinda happy with it? The gist of it is just “even if Noctis spent ten years into the Crystals his friends stayed together (which they didn’t in the ten years in canon) and once they were reunited they never let go of one another again”. I’m fine with that!! v good with that!! and i’m just happy Ignis can feel like he protected Noctis to the end, like he was meant to do. He’s so happy at the end i am tearing up just thinking about it.
so i really liked episode Ignis personally.  The alternative ending is just that, an alternative ending if we want to indulge in it and i’m happy with it, meanwhile the rest of the episode was pretty good to me. 
my only problem with the DLCs (and that is all of them) is also kinda just, the reason they had to exist, is that well. Honestly i’m not against dlcs and all but those were really scenes that would have benefited from being clearer in game. Not knowing how Ignis’s injuried himself really didn’t sit right with me, not knowing where Gladio was gone to was bothering me. Prompto’s ep itself wasn’t something i expected, wasn’t a gap i thought needed to be filled, but they filled it with more clarification about the magiteks in a way that i think is sooo much more impactful than just the game. 
I guess what i mean is that, they are filling holes that were in the games that bothered me, and on one hand i’m thrilled to have complete stories that specifically addresses them, on the other, i just kinda wish i didn’t have to wait until the end of the game to have those answers. 
Ardyn’s dlc has a huge lore dump at first which, imo, should have been clearer in the game too, but as it is i like how it’s done in the Ardyn’s dlc. In the end it just really gives the feelings the dlcs are course correcting DLKFJDLKJFD
ANYWAY Ardyn’s DLC. It was a blast to play through, the whole game itself was pretty fun. I really wanted to explore Insomnia (i also really want to explore the royal palace  but well that won’t be...), so even if it was by fucking around and finding out, it was hella fun.
Plotwise i am glad it makes Ardyn’s motivations very clear and in the end well, Ardyn is a really tragic figure and i’m really sad for him even if i remain angry at everything he has done. It’s just, what other choices did he have when he was doomed from the start?
It was sad to see how nice of a guy he was, how he just wanted to heal and help people, only for the gods and his brother to betray him. Somnus is such an ass bc of that lol. Originally i wondered if the recalling at the begining was Ardyn being an unreliable narrator but the final fight with Somnus confirm that Somnus did betray Ardyn because he was jealous of him, and even if he grew as a leader to see the horror of the daemons, he still fucked his brother’s life up for all of this man.
As for the Gods... wow major, major fuck you. The starscrouges is a Gods’s thing and they had a family line try to “fix it” and they made Ardyn the hero to fix it..... and then the moment he did, they made him the bad guy, refused him salvation, just so in the future the Lucii line will be able to end properly once the Chosen King will clean Ardyn. The Gods really set both Ardyn and the Lucii to fail to start with. The Gods wanted more for the “Chosen King” to have a painful sacrifice than they wanted to clean Ardyn’s up and Ardyn was just a tool in all of that, not allowed to fight his fate. No wonder he ended up embracing it and did the worst he could with what he was given.
That does bring home how much technically Ardyn won,  he got all he wanted. He destroyed the world that forsaken him, he spited the Gods ‘till the end, he ended the Lucis family line, and he finally was allowed to die. The Gods also got what they wanted since they WANTED Ardyn to spread darkness onto the world to set up their champion. That fucking blows.  The Gods are the real bad guys there. Noctis deserved better so i welcome Ignis’s dlc even more.
so yeah i’m leaving Ardyn’s dlc extremely bitter against the Gods and how they didn’t leave neither Ardyn nor Noctis a choice in all of this. They had their plan from the start and just expected them to play their parts. 
fucking tragic.
but with all of that i’m done with FF15 and i loved it. I had a blast. It was fun to play through, the gameplay was so fun and fantastic, i love the four guys with so much love that just thinking about them makes me want to cry. I like the original ending, in a “i love to suffer” way, and i love the alternative ending in a “now some healing” way. I liked what all the dlcs brought to the story, and i’m glad i played through all of this. 
I think it’ll take me some time to think about replaying the game and if i do i’ll probably try to ignore chap 8 and onward lmao. But i’m really glad i gave it a chance in the end. 
eff u Peten for making it happen though it’s all your fault. 
so yeah, i had tons of fun that’s for sure!
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