#he ends up looking... not really very bright
phaelimbs · 3 days
— He had always expected you to be snarky, sarcastic, and somewhat arrogant. From the moment you entered the gym with that relaxed expression, eyes carefully scanning the events happening across the court, he knew you would be a pain in the ass. Much like Tsukishima who either caught their interest (Kuroo, Bokuto), or annoyed the hell out of them (Kageyama).
A returning manager in Karasuno wasn't exactly the "new member" he had in mind, with Hinata's very detailed description of being good with "pows" and "wham!", and the "sunshine" vibes you apparently radiate, the first thing that came to his mind was a new team player to strengthen the evolving team.
He had to admit, you were pretty. Maybe it wasn't the intimidating aura you reek of that caught his attention, maybe it was the thump of his chest and your whole being that mesmerized him.
Even the other teams shared the same opinion as him. Kiyoko was one serious person they respected, but they felt the energy that you'd put anyone who badmouths your team straight to their grave, all they felt was fear.
He kept looking at you throughout practice matches, much to his dislike. The way you carefully watched the team as they did their warm-ups, all while occasionally looking across the room, locking eyes with him.
It wasn't until Kuroo took the opportunity to walk up to you, interested to know about you like how he was interested to know Tsukishima. Striking up a conversation isn't really his forte (at least, not with someone scary), so he simply watched. And with that, your demeanor changed.
Instead of scowling like they expected, you smiled. A bright, friendly smile stretched across your face as you engaged in a conversation with Nekoma's captain. Fiddling with your hands as you politely answered his questions he himself had been dying to know, he realized you weren't trying to intimidate them, you were just shy.
Hinata was right, you did radiate like sunshine.
And as the evening comes to an end, you'd found yourself talking to others as well, getting along with the other managers and becoming closer with the other members. He's promised to himself to talk to you, atleast once until the Tokyo Training Camp ends, before he loses the opportunity to know you more.
— Akaashi Keiji, Kenma Kozume, Yaku Morisuke
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ilylovelyz · 14 hours
⍣ ೋ after the break up (prt 2)
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˚ · . kenma kozume, iwaizumi hajime, tsukishima kei, ushijima wakatoshi & atsumu miya (prt 1.)
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KENMA KOZUME — he feels really stupid. kenma does a lot after the breakup in order to distract himself. he buys more games, staying up until it's almost dawn. all of his attention goes into his video games and other devices that he completely stops taking care of himself subconsciously. it's only when he's lost almost 10 pounds is when he realizes how neglected he's become. it happened so fast it confuses him. why didn't you remind him to eat? or shower? oh.. right, it's because you broke up with him in the first place. still, he tries to forget. it's one night playing a game when he's dissociating randomly thinking about you does it all hit.
Super Mario Bro's plays in the background of his room. for once, his fingers are still but his eyes are locked on the pixilated screen in front of him. his eyes are red and dialted due to the bright screen contrasting to the dark dead of night. this game was very expensive, vintage and one of a kind—yet he's subconsciously stuck thinking about you.
did you know he thought about you so frequently? did you think the same of him? he drops the console, fishing his phone out from below him. his fingers tap on the keyboard, searching up your name into his contacts. he notices the last time you texted him was over a month ago. oh–, right. you broke up with him. right. kenma drops his phone back down, laying his face down into the same giant kirby plushie you bought him a long time ago.
a soft sniffle escapes through the thick material, mixing in with the almost taunting upbeat cartoon music.
IWAIZUMI HAJIME — your breakup was done on good terms. he was moving to the U.S., you were staying in Japan. neither of you knew the relationship wouldn't withstand such a long distance relationship so the relationship came to an end. the two of you still call and text over random things, but it's not like how things were before. time passes, and the two of you have less and less contact. iwaizumi is doing his weekly stalking of your Instagram when he realizes you've posted a photo of yourself.. but you aren't alone.
iwaizumi sighs with content when he's finally allowed to sit down, his legs sore from harsh muscle training. as always, he checks his phone. once he's finished going through his messages, ignoring almost everyone except his mom, he comes across your contact. the last you spoke with him was almost a year ago. he frowns, he wishes the two of you kept in contact, but you both were just so busy.
curiously, he indulges in his guilty pleasure and opens up instagram. as if on autopilot, he searches for your online handle. you both follow each other, but of course, never speak. he mindlessly scrolls through your highlights and posts, ending up on your most recent one. it's you. his heart flutters at the sight of you once more. even through a screen, you're still as beautiful as always. you're glowing and radiant as always.
his childish smile soon disappears when he realizes someone has their arm wrapped around you. a guy. a guy who is looking at you with the same loving look iwaizumi would give you long, long, ago. iwaizumi uninstalls the app shortly afterwards.
TSUKISHIMA KEI — he avoids you. he pretends you don't exist altogether. his heart cringes whenever he hears you around, regretting immensely when the two of you arranged your classes together in the previous year. it's childish. no, he's childish. especially because the breakup was more of his fault. still, he hides the fact that his heart is broken. he treats you like everybody else with such hate and bitterness, and only realizes how stupid he's being when it's too late.
"hey kei." you say, walking along aside the tall blonde. "do you want to work on the project together? sensei said that–," "i don't want to work with you." he says coldly. tsukishima doesn't even look to acknowledge you, staring straight forward as he walks. "o-oh, well i just y'know—" you stutter embarrassingly, "i just thought that because—" tsukishima finally stops in his tracks, swiftly turning to you, looking at you through clouded lenses.
"why do you keep on pestering me." his tone leaves you shocked. you can't even think of words to say, only able to let out incoherent stutters and mumbles. "all you do is stutter, it's annoying." tsukishima says nonchalantly, still looking at you with distain.
that seems to shut you up for now. tsukishima is relived when you do, if you talked to him anymore he probably would've accidentally spilled how he missed you. his relief is short lived when he sees the tears roll down your face and out of embarrassment, you quickly walk away from him. he's left standing still, gazing down at the floor. heart heavy and regretting.
USHIJIMA WAKATOSHI — he thinks he's alright but he doesn't realize he's distraught. he continues on with his life like normal, seemingly at peace and happy with whatever he's doing. but, he does have to admit, he's been feeling a bit more.. confused? more like agitated. outside of his calm demeanor to untrained eyes, he seems perfectly normal. but, to those who are close with them, they can see what's actually going on in that seemingly perfect head of his.
hazel eyes watch closely as you walk past. ushijima awaits for you to come up to him like normal, talk to him and pester him with a million questions once more. he hated when you pestered him, he wished you were more quiet and reserved... or did he? he's not sure. because now you are walking away from him, not saying a single word. hell, you barely acknowledge his presence. how do you not? he's everything you said catches your eye, tall and muscular build, with a handsome perfect face.
"y/l/n." he rumbles out. the boom of his voice finally catches your attention, finally spinning around to acknowledge him. you seem defensive, like a cornered cat, a single eyebrow quirking up at his call. "..ushijima-san?" his heart, for some reason, sinks into his gut with the formality use of his name. what happened to toshi? for once, his words are stuck in his throat and he struggles to come up with something to say.
seeing that he's yet to say anything, you hurry out of his presence, trying to be released from the gaze of the man you are forbidden to love. meanwhile, ushijima is realizing for the first time, that maybe he lost someone who he isn't fine with leaving.
MIYA ATSUMU — he's like a pitiful dog. he plays off the break up like it's nothing, even to your face, he just shrugged his shoulders and mumbled something under his breath and walked away. despite the two of you dating for a year, going through so many things together, hell, he even lost his virginity to you, but he still acts like it was nothing.. but everyone can tell it's not. much to his annoyance, even his twin brother tells him to take it easy following the break up. but he's fine. it was nothing. he definitely doesn't search for you in the crowd during his games, nor does he get the random pang of forgetfullness after school as if he should be waiting for you. he's fine.
a girl comes up to atsumu after his game, batting her long eyelashes and pouting her lips. "can i get your number?" she asks, making her voice as smooth as possible. atsumu blinks at her with a blank face before turning his back to her, ignoring her entirely. he ignores her whines and curses of embarrassment, his eyes scanning the emptying crowd.
"shes not here, 'tsumu." he hears a familiar voice say. atsumu snaps his head back to the direction of the voice, seeing osamu standing there with his hands in his pockets, eyes low and unamused. atsumu scoffs at his brother, "yah i know." the two of them wait in silence, but for what? what is he waiting for? suddenly, his ears perk up at a familar body frame, eyes darting to the source only to be severally disappointed with the sight of a person who looks like you, but isn't you.
"let's go home, 'tsumu." osamu says, walking past the blonde haired man. atsumu waits a couple more seconds, taking another quick scan of the crowd before he's hestiantly following his brother, shoulders low and eyes to the ground.
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secondbeatsongs · 2 days
Hello, you said in some tags in a poll that Speed Racer (2008) is your favorite film. If you’re okay with it, I’d really like to hear more about why you love it. I love the Wachowskis’ work (they’re among my favorite directors), but I kinda ended up bouncing off Speed Racer (2008). So, hearing that it had a real impact on someone makes me very curious why. I’m not interested in criticizing your opinion or arguing with you, I’d just really like to know why you love it in the hopes I might be able to enjoy that movie more in the future.
oh god this is from seven months ago, I'm so sorry - but I do love almost everything about Speed Racer (2008) and I still think about it nearly every day.
I love that it's so bright and colorful and absurd. I love that it's an anime in live action form. and I love that at its heart, it is a story about love.
it's about the mistakes people make out of love, and the consequences of that. it's about the way children grow to understand why the adults around them make the choices they do, and maybe choose to do the same things. it's about taking risks for the people you love, and the pain of failing to change the world, because everything is capitalism and everything hurts.
(and it's also about being transgender btw. like, that's one of the main things about it - it is very much a movie about being transgender)
what if your father's choices hurt your older brother, and your older brother's choices hurt you, and now it's you and your younger brother staring down a future where you're going to end up hurting him by making the same choice?
and then...what if you can escape that? what if the broken parts put themselves back together, and the hope doesn't run out, and you're not alone with the things that haunt you? what then?
and now you're at the end and mistakes were still made, people were still hurt, but everyone's grown and changed and they're different now. and they've figured out that maybe, just maybe, you can change the world by doing something you love, by creating art and beauty and making people feel things.
maybe you really can defeat capitalism by driving a car really fast. and even if everyone thinks you can't...don't you have to try anyway? shouldn't you fight with the skills you have, the only way you know how?
what if it works?
and I'm not even gonna get into most of the Racer X stuff (because I want people to go watch this movie, and most folks probably won't be spoiled for it), but his whole deal is just...everything. I love him.
(if there's a guy from Speed Racer that I want to put in a jar and shake every so often, or maybe wrap in a blanket so he can have a nice nap, it's Racer X. he's a great character. prime blorbo material)
anyway I've been rotating this movie in my head ever since I saw it for the first time, and I think I've seen it...seven? times now? and I still cry at the final race, and I still get blown away by the intro sequence.
(the beginning of the movie is genuinely one of the best things I've ever seen - it does an amazing job of introducing you to the world and the story of the characters, and gets you emotionally invested in it right from the start. it's fantastic filmmaking)
also like. story stuff aside, from a technical standpoint, the movie is a masterpiece. it's the type of thing that people hated when it first came out, but when you look at it now and see how it was made, how it intentionally looks bizarre and cartoonish, plastic and surreal, you can see the exact vision the Wachowskis were going for, and it's brilliant.
the way they did the visual effects, the way they made the outdoor scenes feel so detailed, the way the driving and the tracks work - they put so much thought into that, and the behind-the-scenes vids show how cool their process was.
also uhhh cars go vroom, crash into each other, flip upside down, explode, maybe have bees and hammers in them sometimes?
(the above is me complimenting the unhinged vibe of the races themselves, which I love very much)
anyway I could make other full posts about the script of the film and how much I love it, or the cool side characters, or the fanfic potential of the amazing world of the film, or how I can prove that it's set in 1991...but I guess if anyone wants those rants, they'll just have to watch the film and then come talk to me. :)
(please. please come talk to me about Speed Racer.)
so, yeah! I kinda lost my mind there and made this post way longer than I intended, but I do feel strongly affected by this movie, and I hope this has helped explain why.
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sunflower-lilac42 · 10 hours
☼ 𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝗹𝗲𝗺𝗼𝗻𝗮𝗱𝗲 𝘀𝘁𝗮𝗻𝗱 ☼ 𝘸𝘢𝘭𝘬𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘰𝘯 𝘴𝘶𝘯𝘴𝘩𝘪𝘯𝘦 ☼
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☼ summary: the zegras' get invited to spend summer with the hughes' and the older siblings plot to get their younger siblings alone together
☼ warnings: none :)
☼ word count: 0.6k
☼ file type: au (walking on sunshine) blurb
☼ sunny's notes: i am so so so so excited for this au and i'm hoping you guys are too! feel free to send in asks about luke and ophelia or the au in general! i haven't decided if i want to do au taglists yet, so let me know!
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“Do I really have to go?” Ophelia blinks up at her older brother, lips pouting slightly. 
They stood outside on the driveway of the Hughes’ house, Ophelia playing with the ends of her white cardigan, her yellow sundress underneath it, and her new shiny white high-top Converse adorning her feet. Trevor ran a hand through his hair as he stared down at her with a small smile, “You’re gonna be fine, phi. You already know Jack and Quinn and Luke aren’t as scary as you think they are. Plus, momma Hughes is gonna love you.”
She looked down at her hands, anxiety clouding her mind. Despite her having a bubbly personality, meeting new people always scared her, especially if they were close to Trevor. She never wanted to impede her brother’s friendships. Before she even got the chance to think about walking to the door, she heard it open and footsteps running towards them. Arms wrapped around her waist, picking her up and spinning her around, “Ophelia!”
“Hi, Jack.” Jack put her down and smiled at her before he moved to hug Trevor. 
It was only then that she realized that there was a boy behind Jack, following him out of the house much slower. She smiled at him nervously, “Hi.”
“Hi. I’m Luke, Jack’s younger brother.” He stuck his hand out for her to shake, which she did, “I’m Ophelia, Trevor’s younger sister.”
Luke nodded and the two slowly pulled their hands away from each other. Trevor and Jack shared a mischievous look. The two whispered a few words and then Jack looked at the two younger ones, “Luke why don’t you and Phi go for a walk? You can show her around the neighborhood.”
“Why would I-”
“I would love to.” Ophelia’s softer voice cut off Luke’s louder one, which shut him up, “Okay.”
The two younger ones took off down the driveway, oblivious to their older siblings high-fiving each other before getting the Zegras’ suitcases out of the trunk. The two walked in silence for the first couple of minutes of the walk, Ophelia being the first one to speak after, “So, how old are you?”
“I’m 15, going to be 16 in September.”
“Oh weird. Me too, except in December.” 
He nods, looking down the road to see two little kids selling lemonade at the end of their driveway. He looked back at Ophelia just in time to see her eyes light up at the sight, “I hope you don’t mind. I’ll be right back.”
She took off, running slightly, causing Luke to quirk an eyebrow at her actions. He walked a little faster to catch up with her, catching the tail end of her sentence, “...love lemonade, actually!”
Ophelia’s smile was bright as she talked to the kids, placing two dollars into the little custom jar that sat at the corner of the table. Luke stood by her, smiling awkwardly at the kids. The little girl who sat next to her brother looked up at the older girl, “You’re very pretty.”
Her cheeks flushed at her comment, “Thank you, you are too!”
The little girl smiled, playing with the ends of her hair, “We’re wearing matching dresses!”
Ophelia looked down at her dress and then at the little girl’s, “Huh, we aren’t we?”
The girl moved her hands to grab a ‘special’ glass from under their table, “I was saving this for a special customer and I think you fit the role.”
The glass, or paper cup, had little daisies on it, “It’s my last one.”
“Oh thank you so much. I love it.”
The boy, who had been sitting silently next to his sister, finally spoke, “Are you two dating?”
Luke and Ophelia immediately sputtered out words trying to explain, “No our brothers are friends.”
“Oh, you two would be cute together.”
Who knew kids could be fortune tellers?
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In A While...
Summary: Spencer Reid x Fe!Reader -> You were first introduced to Spencer through Emily, however, six years later, it seems some things are beginning to change.
Disclaimer: This is part one. A lot of pining, fluff and a little angst to come. Part two here. Not proof read.
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“Who is that?”
“Who’s who? Oh.”
“Baby girl, do you know-”
“No, but, oh. She’s cute. Hey, do you think-”
“Hey, guys. What’s going on?”
“You know her?”
Emily’s face lit up. “Actually, I do.”
Emily had called out your name, and when you looked up, you’d gone from looking a little lost and a little intimidated to bright and confident. 
Emily hugged you tightly and began asking questions about your journey to the office when more people gathered around her, leaving you to assume they were her teammates she always talked about. 
“Oh, right. Yes, this is Derek Morgan, Penelope Garcia, JJ you’ve met, and…where’s Reid?”
“I’m here.”
That was the very first day you met him. 
From behind Morgan, Reid stopped in his tracks and was introduced to you. The little sister of one of Emily’s friends. You’d applied for a small internship role at the Bureau. But once Emily caught wind of your name going through the servers, she asked Hotch if you could be placed with them. 
It would only be for two weeks and you had enough experience already with research which allowed you to help consult on cases with Garcia by your side. 
Once Hotch had finally made his introductions, you were thrown into the deep end. 
And, for the most part, it was smooth sailing. 
Your small background in linguistics helped on a case in Georgia, you’d made fast friends with Penelope who, within the first half an hour of meeting you, wanted to adopt you. And the team really seemed to like you, and best of all, you liked them. 
You also, despite your forced effort to shut it down, began to develop a small crush on one Doctor Spencer Reid. 
Granted, it didn’t go anywhere. After all, it was just a small crush. But it was nice to have his friendship. 
He was only three years older than you, so it made things easier. 
Everyone else, like Emily, was close to being ten years older than you, save for JJ and Spencer. 
“So, how do you know Emily?”
“She’s my sister’s best friend,” you replied. “They were in the same year at College. I was just the little sister, but they made me feel welcome. Less shut out despite the age gap.”
“Is that how you found this job?” Penelope asked you. 
“Sorta. It wasn’t nepotism or anything like that,” you quickly jumped to explain. “I- there was a posting for applicants. Emily didn’t even know until she called me up and asked me because she saw my name go through one of the servers. She knew before I did that I had been accepted but, instead of catching a train into DC every day, she helped me find a posting here.”
“Well, I’m glad. We need more girls around here.”
You smiled at Penelope’s comment, soaking in the moment before a call came through from Hotch. 
After the two weeks had finished, you returned back to College, but not before you had one final drink with the team. However, research for your Master’s still called. 
“No, no, no, please, please stay.”
“I can’t,” you smiled as Emily tried to drag you closer to the bar. 
“I will call you in the morning, but right now I need to finish up some research.”
Emily groaned. “Fine, but let me go with you.”
“No, Em, you’re having fun.”
“I can’t let you go alone.”
“I can go with her.”
From behind you, Spencer appeared. 
“No, it’s-”
“Please, it’s my pleasure.”
Emily smiled when you looked back at her. “Thank you, Reid.”
Spencer just smiled. 
Emily hugged you, but you were the last to let go. “Have fun.”
“Not a word.” you told her. 
“About what?” she pretended. 
That night, Spencer walked you home. And you both just talked. About anything and everything. He rattled off statistics about the amount of people that walk home, vs drive and catch the train. He asked you about your Masters and you told him. He even gave you some book recommendations which you checked out from the library the very next day. And you asked him about the love for his job which, by the time you reached your apartment, he told you;
“You should apply.”
“For what?”
“To be an Agent. I think you’d be really good.”
“What makes you say that?”
“Aside from your resume?” Spencer thought for a moment. “It just…seems to suit you.”
For the rest of the night, you tried to imagine your life from the past two weeks, being the rest of it. 
And it didn’t seem all that bad of an idea. 
Six years later…
You’d been, officially, SA Dr. Y/n Y/l/n of the BAU for four months. Before that, you had worked within the State Department for three years since your knowledge in languages was helpful for their investigations, and before that, you were placed from post to post, helping agents with their cases, mostly in and around the East Coast. 
And the minute you walked into the building, it oddly felt like coming home. 
You’d lived in Virginia most of your life, but working with the BAU…felt like home. 
This was also helped by the fact that Emily had decided to come to town for a visit, even if it wasn’t for long. 
“Oh my god, Emily, Hi.”
“Penelope,” Emily smiled before hugging her. 
“I really am really happy to see you but right now…”
“We’ve got a case?” you asked. 
“Big one.”
“I guess I’ll catch you later, then?” Emily asked. 
“Or you could consult?”
As if appearing out of thin air, you all turned to find Hotch stood behind her. 
“We’re always welcome to have you on the team, Emily. Even if it’s just as a consultant.”
Penelope had a badge for her by the time you’d all made it into the briefing room. 
“Here you go.”
“Thank you.” Emily replied before pinning it to her shirt. 
“We have a case…”
Penelope went on to explain the case and within twenty minutes, the wheels were up. You had taken your seat next to Rossi, and across from Spencer. And even though she was paying attention to the case, Emily couldn’t help but notice the small look in Spencer’s eyes every time you looked at each other. 
She also knew that look meant more than what Spencer’s brain was willing to admit. 
And it only continued to happen. 
Three days later, Emily watched yourself and Spencer dance around each other, like you knew each other’s every move. 
You both stood in front of the evidence board, moving things around as you talked about the case, working out the geo-file. And every time you stood back, Emily could have sworn she saw Spencer’s eyes glow when looking at you. She also didn’t fail to notice the double glances you passed each other, just a few seconds away from catching each other in the act.
Emily had always known you had a small crush on Spencer. Even from the first day you met. The fact you could barely look at him for the first four days was her biggest sign. But when she’d asked JJ about you two when you’d officially joined the team, it seemed like…nothing. 
You’d both just become…friends. 
Nothing more. 
But Emily couldn’t be the only one to see it. 
So when Derek snuck up on her as she watched the both of you, it gave her some confirmation to her doubts that ‘friendship’ was all that was between yourself and Spencer. 
“They’ve practically been glued at the hip.”
“Clearly.” Emily stated. “They seem to be in sync with one another.”
“Been like that since her first day.” Derek explained. “Now they don’t even have to talk. They just…know.”
“And nothing ever…”
“Hey, guys?” Spencer called out. “We might have something.”
You went on to explain what you had found with Spencer’s help. 
However, by the end of the case, Emily finally got the answer she was looking for. 
Spencer trailed your every move with his eyes as you unbuckled your belt, stood and grabbed a snack and drink for yourself and JJ. 
“Hey, Reid?”
He snapped his attention to Emily who was sitting across from him. 
“If you want to ask her, she might just say yes.”
“I don’t know what you’re talking about.” And he turned back to his book. 
“Hey, Spencer?” Emily placed a finger on the top of his book and pushed it down. “Talk to me. What’s going on?”
“I don’t know.”
Emily waited for him to continue. 
“I…I know that we’re friends but recently I’ve just felt…different. And I can’t even remember when it started. All I know is one day we’re walking back from a coffee shop, and the next…”
“You can’t take your eyes off of her?”
Spencer felt slightly embarrassed, but nodded all the same.
“I know something has changed, but I don’t know when or even how. But I know it’s changed and…it’s different, and I don’t hate it, but I also can’t seem to make sense of it.”
“Do you think she feels the same way?”
That was a question Spencer had been asking himself for weeks. “I don’t know.”
“Have you thought of asking her?”
“What if she says no? I like her but…”
“You don’t want to lose her.”
Spencer shook his head. And then his eyes found you again as you walked back to JJ and handed her her drink and bag of chips before sitting down beside her with your own. 
He’d lived his entire adult life as an FBI agent and somehow the prospect of his feelings for you and the potential chance of losing you was the scariest thing he’d ever witnessed.
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ruh--roh-raggy · 2 days
Alone With You (Boss! William Afton x Fem! Reader) FLUFF - Part 1
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Hello hello! So, uh, this was supposed to be a short one shot. It is now... not... that-- Anyways! I have missed writing for this big beautiful man. Any warnings will be labeled throughout each part. So enjoy Will laying it on thick, Henry trying his best to be a wingman, and a reader who is maybe just a little too obsessed with how huge Will is compared to them, but I'll let you be the judge of that. Let me know what you think, I love getting comments! If you would like to be added or removed from the tag list please let me know!
WARNINGS: CW! scene with aggressive man, threats of violence, other than that tooth rotting fluff, Boss! Will, age gap (Reader is in her late 20's, Will is in his early 50's), AU where Will isn't a murderer, mutual pining, flirting, dad jokes, Will being his usual awkward adorable self, Home Sweet Home adjacent, a love letter to the wonderful story "Bunny Ears" by @yellowbunnydreams that falls into a very similar vein as this, I think that's everything, if I missed any let me know!
You can find my Masterlist here! ~ AO3 Link! ~ Tip Jar!
Word Count: 6,801
Part 2 (TBA)
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You hummed quietly along to the song that crackled over the radio in the pizzeria, laughing to yourself as you pulled out some of the noodle ball yo-yo’s from the box, shaking them slightly to watch their rubbery tendrils dance. “These things are so dumb looking.” You chuckle before dropping them into their respective prize box. You perked up slightly at the sound of your name being spoken behind you. You turned to find one of the co-owners standing on the other side of the counter. “Good morning Mr. Afton.” You greet him with a bright smile. You noticed that his usual stoic expression cracked slightly, offering you a small smile of his own.
“Good morning.” He can’t help but breathe out a laugh over how bubbly you were so early, the restaurant hadn’t even opened yet and you were already as warm and personable as ever. “Would you like any help over here? I know we got a pretty big restock in.” You glanced at the pile of boxes at your side that nearly came up to your shoulder.
“If it wouldn’t be too much trouble.” You grimace slightly as your attention turns back to him.
“Not at all, happy to help.” He carefully cuffs the sleeves of his dark purple dress shirt. You struggle to keep your eyes off of his strong forearms, the thin silver scars that littered his tan skin almost seemed to glow under the coarse dark hair that littered his arms that had always captivated you. You managed to tear your eyes away from him the moment he finished the task. “Alright,” he claps his hands together, “let's get this show on the road.” Despite his reputation, you always found that it was actually rather comfortable to be working so closely with Mr. Afton. Your boss was known for being a bit of a recluse. He never really left parts and services unless he and the other owner, Mr. Emily, were doing one of their walks in the Spring Bonnie and Fredbear suits. You remember when you first started working at Freddy’s that the other employees would always tell you how terrified they were of Mr. Afton. But, out of every conversation you have had with him, he’s been nothing but kind towards you. You let out a surprised squeak as he bumps into you slightly. “I am so sorry.” He rushes to apologize, you giggle at his worried expression.
“It’s okay Mr. Afton. I’m a lot tougher than I look, I promise.” You smile jokingly, flexing your arm. He chuckles, shaking his head slightly.
“I’m sure you are, rabbit.” He mutters barely loud enough for you to hear, you almost missed the nickname he had slipped onto the end. You smiled softly, turning back to your work as your cheeks grew warm.
“Oh perfect, you’re both here!” You turned to find Mr. Emily had walked up to the prize counter. He smiles warmly at you, “good morning honey, how are you?”
“I’m good Mr. Emily, almost done with the prize counter thanks to Mr. Afton.” You notice out of the corner of your eye how the taller man awkwardly stuffs his hands into his pockets, his attention dropping to the floor.
“Good, I’m glad Will was able to help. Jared was supposed to have done this last night, I’ll have to talk to have a word with him. I’m sorry you ended up having to take care of this.” He apologizes, his expression quickly brightening again as he remembered why he was there to begin with. “Will, I put your sweatshirts in your office. And for you, my dear,” He hands over the neatly folded purple fabric. “The rest of yours are in my office, but this is the one you asked if I could have custom ordered for you, I figured you’d want to wear that one first.” He chuckles, his eyes darting in between you and his business partner. You swallowed thickly, knowing he was expecting you to put it on.
“Custom order, huh?” Mr. Afton chimes in before his attention turns to you. “You must be pretty special, he won’t even let me custom order things.” He chuckles.
“Oh, I think you’ll like this design Will, I had one made up for you as well.” Mr. Emily practically sings. Your face felt like it was on fire, you could feel your palms starting to sweat as you gripped on tightly to the material. You timidly unfolded it before pulling it over your head. The soft fabric blanketed your body, you took a moment to unzip the short ¼ zipper to fold over the collar of the sweatshirt. You pushed up the sleeves to your elbows, finally catching sight of the bright yellow Spring Bonnie that stood out sharply against the dark purple background. You reluctantly let your eyes trail back up to your bosses. Mr. Emily stood with a proud smile on his face, arms crossed over his chest as he marveled at his work. Mr. Afton stared at the emblem on the sweatshirt with a shocked expression, his jaw hanging open until he realized you were looking. He quickly snapped it shut, straightening himself up as he tried to regain his composure.
“Spring Bonnie, huh?” He asks before clearing his throat, his voice cracking slightly as he pushes the question out.
You look away timidly, scuffing the toe of your sneaker against the black and white checkered floor. “Yeah, he’s always been my favorite, sir.” You admit bashfully. It took him a moment to respond, the silence that hung thick in the air making your heart pound in your chest.
“Well, you made a great request, it looks great on you.” Your gaze snaps back up to him, his eyes widening slightly as he realizes what he had just said. He doesn’t say another word, he simply turns on his heels and power walks towards the back of the restaurant, practically crashing through the door that led to parts and services. Mr. Emily shook his head, blinking in confusion before turning back to you.
“We have a party at noon, I’d like you to come help with Fredbear and Spring Bonnie once Meredith gets here.” You look nervously at the door to parts and services and then back to your boss.
“Yes sir, um, did I say something to upset Mr. Afton?” You ask timidly.
Mr. Emily chuckles, shaking his head. “No, I think he's flattered that Spring Bonnie is your favorite. He just doesn't know how to take a compliment.” He teases his friend.
“Okay,” you let out a small laugh yourself, shaking your head slightly. “Mer should be here around eleven, I'll head back to your office around then.”
“Sounds good to me, thank you in advance.” He smiles warmly before hurrying off. 
William collapsed into his chair with an aggravated groan. “Goddamn am I out of practice.” He shakes his head. “It looks great on you.” He repeats himself in a mocking tone. “Get a fucking grip, Will.” Henry bursts into the room, looking at Will with an expression of pure disbelief.
“What in the faz-fuck was that?” He kicks the door shut behind him. “You don’t just tell the girl she looks nice and run off.”
“I didn’t mean to say that out loud.” He snaps through gritted teeth. “I’m sure she doesn’t want some creepy old man flirting with her.”
“Will, you’re the farthest thing from a creepy old man.” His friend reassures him with a firm nod. “You’re one of those… what are the young people calling them now… a DILF?”
“A what?” William laughs loudly.
“A DILF, you know, a dad I’d like to- whatever, it’s not important. What is important is we need to fix whatever the hell just happened there.” Henry exclaims as he points dramatically outside. “You used to be the biggest flirt I knew in college, what the hell happened?”
“I got married is what happened.” Will responds gruffly. “The second I put a ring on that woman’s finger, any sort of spark we had was gone.” He grumbles. “I haven’t flirted with anyone in twenty odd years.”
“Well we need to get you up to speed my friend.” Henry chuckles, clapping the taller man on the shoulder.
The first hour or so of your shift was spent running the prize counter, excited groups of kids running up to the plexiglass case and asking how much for whichever particular prize had caught their eye.
“Sorry I'm late, traffic was a nightmare at the center.” Meredith huffs as she hurriedly pulls on her newly appointed sweatshirt. “Aw, you got a Spring Bonnie one, that's cute.” She smiles.
“Apparently, Mr. Emily took it upon himself to get me and Mr. Afton matching ones.” You chuckle. “Also, I'm scheduled for a walk in an hour, so I'll be back.” You hurriedly excuse herself before she has a chance to ask any questions. The silence that surrounds you as the door to the main pizzeria shuts is all consuming. You took a deep breath, it was the first time it had been quiet since you had arrived at work. You stretched, rolling your shoulders back before starting down the hallway. You had done this job plenty of times, it was honestly one of the best parts of your week. You knocked hesitantly on the door to parts and services, listening for the soft ‘come in’ from Mr. Afton inside. He says your name softly, a smile lacing its way across his lips.
“Perfect timing, I was just about to get into costume.” He groans as he stands, carefully undoing the buttons on his dress shirt. You had seen him go through this process dozens of times, but even now it still amazes you to watch him get into the suit. Something so expertly crafted by his own hands, as dangerous as it was beautiful, if the slightest thing were to go wrong that suit held the potential to kill him where he stood. “You mind giving me a hand?” He asks with a charming smile. You nod, hurrying to his side. He inserts a turnkey into Spring Bonnie’s torso, pulling the internal supports out of the way in order for his body to fit inside. Your eyes burned into the section of the suit you were staring at. In the brief glance you had allowed yourself to have, you had noticed how his muscles almost seemed to glow with the thin sheen of sweat that had formed from working on animatronics all day. The black tank top that stretched tightly across his toned chest left no room for speculation about just how strong Mr. Afton was. He takes hold of your hand, swapping it out for his on the key. “Hold it tight, okay?” He instructs gently. You nod, trailing his movements as he picks up the torso and slips it over his head. He places his hand loosely over yours. “I got it rabbit, you can slip your hand out.” He says quietly, focusing intensely on the internal supports. You carefully do as he asks, earning a hushed “beautiful” from him. He makes sure that everything is secured in place before pulling out the key, and slowly releasing the breath he had been holding. “So far so good.” He chuckles. You repeat the same process with the legs and arms, leaving him fully suited up minus the yellow rabbit’s head.
“Your bowtie’s a little crooked.” You point out with a bashful smile. “Mind if I straighten it out?”
“Not at all.” You take a step closer to him, running your fingers over the soft purple fabric. You carefully adjust the bowtie back into its proper position.
“There, now Spring Bonnie will look as handsome as possible.” You giggle, your cheeks growing warm as he shoots you a playful smile in response. You quickly pull your hands away from him as Mr. Emily walks in the room. He chat’s happily with you and Mr. Afton as he expertly gets himself into his own suit.
“It should be a relatively easy walk, just take it slow, there are a lot of kids out there at the moment.” Mr. Emily explains.
“Just another Thursday, Henry.” Mr. Afton responds with a chuckle. “You should have a pretty easy time, but you’re already an expert at this as it is.” He offers you a lopsided smile that you can’t help but return. He glances up at the clock. “Well, it’s showtime boys and girls.” He grabs the mascot head from his workbench, quickly slipping it over his head. Mr. Emily copied his actions, looking in the mirror by the door to make sure Fredbear’s hat was on correctly before following you out into the hallway. You knew from experience that Mr. Afton had a harder time seeing out of the suit than Mr. Emily, having to remove his glasses before putting the costume on. You reached back, allowing your hand to bump into the fingers of the Spring Bonnie costume, offering to lead Mr. Afton to the picture spot so he wouldn’t have to worry about stumbling. He allows his hand to engulf yours, following closely behind you as you wound your way expertly through the excited groups of kids. You brought them to a well lit corner of the restaurant that was specifically set up for pictures. You step in front of both of them as they step into their spots.
“Mr. Fredbear, Mr. Spring Bonnie, let me know if you need anything.” You smile warmly at the pair before heading off to interact with the crowd that had formed around the performers. For the most part your day went on like normal, you kept the hoard of kids and parents alike organized enough to keep your bosses from getting overwhelmed by all the people wanting pictures or just to meet their favorite anthropomorphic animal friend. That was until you noticed one little girl who appeared to be hiding off to the side. She clutched a yellow rabbit plush to her chest, nervously shuffling her feet as she watched the rest of the kids run up excitedly to the mascots. You looked around to find no one appeared to be waiting with her, so you decided to see if you could help. You approach the girl with a friendly smile and a wave. “I noticed you're looking a bit down friend, is everything okay?” She looks between you and the crowd behind you.
“I want to go say hi to Spring Bonnie but I'm scared.” She admits in a tiny, shaky voice.
“Well, that’s definitely no fun. Why don't you tell me what's scaring you, maybe I can help.” You offer kindly.
“There's just a lot of big kids, and Spring Bonnie looks a lot bigger than he does in the pictures too.” You noticed how she absentmindedly tugged at one of the rabbits ears in an attempt to comfort herself.
“Can I let you in on a big secret?” You lower your voice to just above a whisper, making the girl lean in to listen with wide, excited eyes. “I happen to be best friends with Spring Bonnie and Fredbear.” You nod in response to the shocked gasp she let out. You held out your hand, introducing yourself to the girl, her black pigtails bouncing in time with her growing excitement.
“My name’s Addie.” She responds with a gapped tooth smile.
“Well, Miss Addie, since we're friends, why don't I take you to meet my other friend Spring Bonnie so you can say hi!” She nods, looking at the crowd with some remaining apprehension. “Still a lot of scary big kids, huh?” She hurriedly responds, proving you right. “I'll tell you what, if you hold my hand, I promise no one will bother you.” She timidly takes your hand, letting you guide her in the direction of Spring Bonnie and Fredbear. She clung to your leg as you approached the large golden rabbit's side. “Excuse me Mr. Spring Bonnie.” You couldn't help the smile that passed over your lips as you noticed the man inside the suit straighten up at the sound of your voice. “My friend Addie is very excited to meet you, but she's a little nervous.” He tilts his head to the side slightly, like a dog hearing an unfamiliar sound. He dramatically looks around for someone the same height as you before letting his gaze drop a little lower, making a small startled movement when his eyes land on the girl. You feel her grip tighten on your hand, inching herself further behind you. “Still a little too scary up close, huh?” You kneel down beside her, bringing yourself closer to his height. “I promise, Spring Bonnie wouldn't hurt a fly, you don't have to be scared of him.” You try to reassure her
“How do you know?” She asks timidly.
“Here, I'll show you he's not so scary.” You give her a comforting smile, softly squeezing her hand in reassurance before standing back up. You walked up to the large yellow rabbit, giving him a small, bashful smile before pushing yourself up onto your toes and pressing a quick peck to the tip of the suit's nose. “See, he's not scary at all.” Seeing the fact you managed to get face to face with the monster bunny seemed to put Addie’s nerves at ease. You could feel Mr. Afton’s gaze burning into the side of your face before his attention was pulled away by the little girl. She bravely approaches him, reaching out to tap a finger against his arm.
“Excuse me, Spring Bonnie.” She squeaks before pulling a folded up picture out of the chest pocket of her bright blue overalls. “I made you a drawing.” Spring Bonnie excitedly motions to the drawing, passing it off to you as he knelt down in front of her. He opens his arms signaling he was asking for a hug but he waited for Addie to make the first move. She nervously looks up at you for guidance, you give her a reassuring nod, silently signaling that it was okay. She slots herself into his arm, giving the suit a tight squeeze with her little arms. You unfold the drawing for Spring Bonnie to look at, your smaller, ungloved fingers a much better fit for the task. You hand it over to him, smiling as you watch the interaction of him silently fawning over her masterpiece that she made just for him, making Addie giggle. The drawing depicted Addie holding onto Spring Bonnie's hand, best friends scrawled across the bottom of the page in blocky purple letters.
“Addie, there you are!” You turn quickly to see a very worried looking mother making her way towards you. “I told you I'd come see Spring Bonnie with you honey, you didn't have to run off.” She chuckles, kneeling down as her daughter crashes into her arms. “See? I told you he wasn't going to be scary.”
“My new friend was a big help.” She beams up at you.
“Miss Addie was very brave. Thank you for coming to say hello to Mr. Spring Bonnie.” She runs up and gives the rabbit one last tight hug around his leg before heading off with her mother. You glanced up at the clock, realizing the scheduled 30 minutes was up you collected the two men and dismissed them to the back without much of a fuss. “Would you like any help Mr. Emily?” You ask as you take the Fredbear head from him, setting it gently on the workbench.
“I should be all set, Will might like your help though.” He nods in his co owner's direction. You noticed him struggling to take off the head, the thick, fabric fingers making it difficult for his hands to properly articulate.
“Would you like some help, Mr. Afton?” You ask sweetly.
“Please, these stupid gloves make it impossible to hold onto anything.” He chuckles. You carefully take hold of the mask, your body pressing into the Spring Bonnie suits plush stomach as you struggle to accommodate for your boss's massive stature. You push the head up enough for him to get a proper hold on it in order for it to be removed. He blinked a couple times as he left the dark confines of the head, continuing to squint as his eyes adjusted to the light. A soft smile finds its way to your lips as you pick up his glasses off of his work bench, unfolding the stems and presenting them neatly to him. His eyes drop to the gold wire frames, looking back at you with a charming lopsided smile that makes your heart pound. “Thank you rabbit.” He quickly pulls off one of his gloves to accept the item. Running his finger through his hair in an attempt to put back the sweaty tendrils that had fallen and stuck to his forehead. As he takes them from you he leans in slightly to whisper, “you know, if you wanted a kiss from Spring Bonnie you should've just asked.” Your cheeks grew warm, you stumble slightly over a toolbox on the floor, the loud clattering catching Mr. Emily’s attention.
“Well don't kill the poor girl.” He rushes to your side in order to steady you. “Honestly Will, the amount of times I've told you about leaving your tools around.” He continues to fuss over you for a moment, you reassured him you were just a bit startled by the noise. Your eyes met Mr. Afton’s, a playful glimmer in his gaze as he slowly trailed over your form. He shakes his head slightly, massaging the bridge of his nose under his glasses before quickly turning away. 
“I should probably get back to the floor.” You state softly, slowly backing up towards the door. You pause when Mr. Afton calls your name.
“Thanks for all the help today.” The corners of your mouth quirk up in a smile.
“Happy to help.” You noticed him pause briefly, it registering in his mind how he had said something similar in regards to your thanks earlier. You pulled your bottom lip between your teeth, letting your gaze linger on him for a bit longer than necessary before slipping out into the hallway.
“She's not going to want some creepy old man flirting with her.” Henry mocks Will’s statement from earlier. “I don't know Will, she seems pretty sweet on you already.” Will didn't miss the mischievous smirk that quickly passed over his friend's features.
“Henry, don't you fucking dare.” He points an accusatory finger at him. “The last thing I need is for you getting your hands involved in my love life.” He grumbles.
Henry turns to Will, giving him an incredulous look. “Did we- did we witness the same attempt at you flirting earlier?”
“I'm rusty!” He snaps in response.
“Rusty isn't the word for it, my friend.” Henry chuckles, crossing his arms over his chest as he leans up against one of the workbenches along the wall. “I've been in a happy, loving marriage for almost thirty years, just saying.” He raises his hands in front of him innocently. Will just stares blankly back at him, waiting for Henry to whip out some punchline to prove he was fucking with him. He couldn't seriously be suggesting that he should ask you on a date. But he knew that look in Henry’s eyes, the pair had been best friends nearly their entire lives, it would be a hard detail to miss. Henry wasn't just serious about helping him flirt with you, he was excited, and an excitable Henry Emily is something Will adamantly tried to avoid. Henry sighs, seeing Will’s apprehension wasn't wavering in the slightest. “Listen, think what you want. You're too old to get back in the game, she's too young for you, whatever. But, Will, I wished you noticed how her eyes sparkle when she looks at you. I think that would give you all the confidence you need.” He jumps as his pager goes off, quickly pulling it from his belt. “Gotta run, problem at the front. Think on it for a while, okay?” Will cringes slightly as Henry slams the door behind him.
“Her eyes sparkle when she looks at me, huh?” Will chuckles, running his fingers through his salt and pepper hair. “Henry, I think you're just a hopeless romantic.”
Your fists shook from their position clenched at your side. Leaving parts and services behind you walked out onto the main floor only to find one of the new hostesses getting screamed at by an upset patron. You immediately rushed over to help, placing yourself in between the terrified teenager and the middle aged man who needed to learn some manners. You didn't even get through asking what the problem was before all his anger was directed at you. Apparently, the issue was that his beer had been knocked over by one of the dozens of children that raced around the establishment, and from the smell coming off of him you could tell he probably should've been cut off a while ago. “I expect to be compensated for the entire fucking visit. I am absolutely appalled at the state this place is in! Where's your manager, both of you need to be fucking fired for how poorly you treat customers.” At the threat of losing her job the hostess you had rescued started to cry. “See? They have fucking children running this place, ridiculous.”
“Sir, this conversation doesn't involve her anymore, I would appreciate it if you left her out of it.” Despite trying to keep your voice calm you couldn't hide the definitive snap of your anger bubbling up. Being here as long as you had, you’ve grown pretty close with most of the employees here. As cheesy as it sounds they were your family, and you would be damned if you were going to let this drunk asshole disrespect your family.
“Oh, all high and mighty over here, are we?” He waves his hands in front of him. “What? You want a fucking prize for trying to be a hero?” You heard Mr. Emily call your name from across the restaurant as he struggled to push through the crowd that had surrounded the commotion.
“What I want is for the drunk in front of me to stop berating one of my hostesses-” You were cut off, wincing away as he swung to strike you across the face. Much to your surprise the slap never came. You turned back to the man, ready to beat him to the ground, but it appeared that someone had beaten you to the punch, literally.
William Afton was on top of the man in the blink of an eye. Hauling his short, fat frame from the floor by his collar, leaving the man's toes barely skimming the neon patterned carpet. The man let out a shocked sound and began to protest, whatever clever response he had dreamed up died in his throat as a deep guttural growl left your boss. He slams the man up against the wall, you struggle to stop yourself from laughing as you watch him attempt to stretch himself to the floor. “Apparently, we need a crash course in how to keep our hands to ourselves.” Mr. Afton snarls.
“If it wasn't for the fact that she-” he quickly raises an arm to point at you.
“If you don't want to lose that finger I suggest you drop it.” His tone was dangerous, something you had never seen from him before. You were finally snapped from your trance by Mr. Emily gently shakes your shoulder and calls your name.
“Honey, come on. Come sit down in my office, just let him handle this.” He fusses over you as he leads you towards the back of the restaurant. The muffled, far off sound of Mr. Afton’s voice as he yelled at the man who had tried to assault you was drowned out when the door slammed shut behind you. You thudded into the cushions of the couch in his office, he pulled a bottle of water out of the mini fridge under his desk, handing it over to you and instructing you to drink it slowly. He quickly hurried out of the office once again, leaving you to sit in silence. You scrunched up your face uncomfortably, the painful thudding of your heart against your ribs finally registering. You felt a tear drip off your jaw and onto your lap, it took you a moment to realize you were crying. The door to Mr. Emily’s office opened softly, you looked over to find Mr. Afton peering around the door.
“Don’t look at me like that, you look like you’re about to apologize for something.” You attempt to joke to lighten the mood.
“Of course I’m going to apologize, rabbit, this happened on my watch.” He tries to argue.
“It’s not your fault that guy’s a douchebag.” He cautiously takes a few steps closer to you, kneeling down in front of your position seated on the couch.
“He didn’t get his hands on you, did he?” You shake your head, eyes trailing down to your lap. He chewed the inside of his cheek as his eyes traced over the terrified expression that had settled itself on your face.
You sniff, smiling up at him through teary eyes. “He probably hits like a bitch anyways.” He chuckles, pushing some stray hair out of your face. You sniff, “that was just really scary.” He tuts quietly, pulling you into a warm embrace.
“I’m going to kill him if I ever see again.” He grumbles. “No one hurts my rabbit.” Your eyes widened slightly as your cheeks grew warm. He cradles you against him for a moment, your body easily relaxing in his arms.
You jump as Mr. Emily bursts back into the room. “He managed to squeak out before I could call the cops.” He huffs. “Are you alright?” 
“I’m fine Mr. Emily, promise.” You attempt to reassure him. He sighs, still eying you with a worried expression.
“Will, drive her home, make sure she gets something to eat.” He waves at his friend. “I’m giving you the rest of the weekend off with pay, go rest up.”
“Oh, Mr. Emily you don’t have to-”
“Weekend! With pay! This is non-negotiable, young lady!” He exclaims dramatically. 
“Come on rabbit.” Will chuckles, helping you up off the sofa. “Let’s get you something to eat.” Your hand lingers in his for a little longer than necessary, his striking silver eyes scanning over your features. You opened the door to Mr. Emily’s office only to find all of your coworkers crowded around outside. They all froze at the sight of Mr. Afton, knowing how bad it looked that they all had abandoned the floor. He sighs, glancing down at you and back up at them. “She’s okay. If any of you see that guy around here again you come tell me or Mr. Emily, he’s permanently banned from Freddy’s.” You feel the warmth of his palm spread across your back as he places a hand in between your shoulders. “I just wish we could've done more to teach that asshole a lesson.”
“Mr. Afton, you literally threw him out into the parking lot. If Mer hadn't stopped you it seemed like you probably would've handled the job pretty well.” One of the cooks chuckles only to be met with a collective murmur of approval from the group.
“Unfortunately, no matter how much I would've loved to watch you beat that guy into the pavement, it wouldn't be worth getting you locked up.” You glanced up at him only to find a semi surprised expression on his face. This was the first time he had witnessed such unwavering respect from all of his employees. Your attention is drawn to Meredith as she says your name, “you going to be alright?”
“Yeah, I should be okay.” Your cheeks grew warm as you continued to explain the situation. “Mr. Afton’s going to drive me home.” You scanned over the group. “Where's Katie?” You watched a few of them shuffle out of the way as she was shoved to the front, her cheeks stained with tears as she looked down at the floor.
“It's all my fault that guy tried to hit you, I'm so sorry.” She sniffles.
“Hey,” you grab her gently by the shoulder, “that guy was a douchebag, I want to make sure you're okay.” At your genuine concern she broke down again, pulling you into a hug as she apologized repeatedly.
“Ryan, she comes in with you right?” Mr. Afton asks her boyfriend, who nods. “Both of you get out of here, I'll fix your time cards.” He nods to the doors. “The rest of you get back to the floor.” There was a hurried bunch of yessir’s and affirmative sounds as they hurried back out to their positions, Ryan taking Katie out the back door so they could leave. “Right, now that everyone knows you're okay,” the two of you share a laugh at all your coworkers' concern, “how about we go get something to eat, if that's alright with you.”
“I think that sounds like a great idea.” You smile at him, allowing him to lead you outside. He seemed nervous as he fumbled his keys from his pocket, nearly dropping them on the ground in the process. “What kind of food do you like?” He asks as he slides into the driver's seat next to you.
“I'm not picky, whatever works for me.” You reassure him. He grips the steering wheel tightly, swallowing thickly before turning to look at you.
“At the risk of sounding like an absolute creep, would you like to come back to my house so I can cook for you?” At the question your heart began to pound in your chest. He wanted you to come back to his house with him?
“You want to cook for me?” You couldn't stop a smile from lacing its way across your lips as you repeated the question back to him. “Why?”
“All the restaurants around here are pretty shitty,” he responds with a chuckle, “I happen to know my way around the kitchen pretty well… only if that's something you're comfortable with, of course.”
“If it's not too much trouble, Mr. Afton-”
“Will… you, um, you can call me Will.” His silver eyes met yours, your breath freezing in your lungs. “And it's no trouble at all. I'm looking forward to spending time with you.” He admits with a lopsided grin. You let out a flustered giggle before responding.
“I am too.” Will didn’t miss the nervous excitement in your tone. 
You pulled down the long gravel driveway, the thick fir trees acting as a tunnel that eventually opened to reveal a modest, pale yellow colonial tucked away nicely into the wilderness. “It must be nice not having to worry about neighbors.” You chuckle.
“What can I say? I like my privacy.” He jokes in response. You stick close to him as you head onto the porch, every snapping branch making you jump as you wait for him to unlock the door. “Don’t worry rabbit, I won’t let anything hurt you.” He promises with a coy smile. He pushes the door open, motioning for you to walk in ahead of him. Will’s house was furnished simply, there wasn’t much decoration outside of the basic necessities. A well loved, comfortable looking couch and matching loveseat sat around a well kept fireplace, from the fresh logs that sat inside it appeared to have been used recently. The walls were completely bare, painted a pale sage green with ivory trim, a stark contrast from his fellow co owner who practically had an entire family album strewn across his desk. “It’s not much–” 
“It’s cozy, I like it.” You reassure him with a soft smile.
“Well…” he starts, “It definitely feels a lot more like a home with you in it.” Your heart thudded loudly in your chest, your eyes meeting Will’s the instant the words tumbled from his lips. “You know, I just… I just don’t have company that often… it feels more like a home when there’s someone besides just me here.” He laughs awkwardly. You let out a shy giggle, your gaze quickly trailing to the floor.
“I’ll have to make this more than a one time visit then.” He takes your hand in his, gingerly bringing your knuckles to his lips, his thumb trailing over your skin, dulling the electric buzz that ran through your fingers from the small gesture.
“I’d really like that rabbit.” Your cheeks grow warm, the two of you exchanging a soft smile as he guides you in the direction of the kitchen.
“How would you like me to help?” Will gives you a shocked look, studying you carefully as a playful grin laces its way across his lips.
He can’t help but chuckle as he watches you roll up your sleeves, your usual bubbliness radiating from behind whatever nerves you were currently experiencing. “You want to help me cook?”
“That’s what I said, isn’t it?” Will laughs at your blunt response.
“Alright,” he holds up his hands in defeat, “no need to get so hostile.” You felt yourself relax as laughter of your own bubbled up in your throat. Your eyes met his, warmth spreading through your chest as butterflies erupted in your stomach. In that moment it really settled in just how right all of this felt.
Will sat across from you at the small, circular dining room table, a cluster of randomly assorted scented candles served as your lighting. You swirled around the dark red wine you held in your hand before taking a sip, Will was completely captivated as he watched the glass come to rest against your lips. “Thank you for dinner.” You speak up after a few moments of silence.
“I should be thanking you,” he says with a chuckle, “you were a big help.” The way his silver eyes seemed to almost glow in the dim light made your heart race, he looked at you with such fondness in his expression. “Rabbit, you look very beautiful tonight.”
You can’t help but giggle at his compliment, your cheeks growing warm as his gaze holds you in place. “Thank you Will.” You trail a finger around the rim of your glass, struggling to keep the dumb smile off your face.
“You’re blushing.” He remarks with a proud smirk.
“I am not!” You respond immediately, your flustered tone not masked in the slightest by your loud laughter. He just simply smiles, his gaze trailing over your features, mapping out every single curve and angle. You glanced at the clock, letting out a regretful sigh when you realized how late it had gotten. “I should probably get heading home.”
“Wow, when did it get so late?” He remarks in awe, finally noticing the time as well. “I’m sorry to have kept you–” The words die in his throat as he feels the warmth of your much smaller hands slowly cover his own.
“I had a really nice time with you tonight, Will.” The comment hung in the air for a moment as he thought of how to respond.
“Maybe… Maybe we could do this again sometime then?” His voice came out softly, barely more than a murmur, unable to tear his eyes away from the sight of you gently holding his hand in your own.
“I’d like that.” You respond in a similar tone. You let your thumb slowly trail over his, the callouses he had built up over years of hard manual labor were rough under your fingertips. You reluctantly pulled your hand back, folding it neatly in your lap with the other.
The ride back to your house was spent in a tense silence, neither of you knowing exactly what to say at the moment. Your chest tightens as he shifts the car into park, you notice out of the corner of your eye how his mouth falls open to speak but no words come out at first. You turn to face him, prepared to say your goodbye for the evening, but your voice died in your throat when your eyes met his. He scanned over your face, his gaze eventually landing on your lips. For a brief moment the thought of how his scruff would feel as he kissed you flashed through your mind, how warm his hand would be against your cheek as he pulled you in closer. You shook the idea off before you could entertain it any further.
“I guess I will see you next week.” Every word tumbled slowly from his lips, not wanting to have to leave you a moment sooner than necessary.
“Unfortunately Mr. Emily seemed pretty serious about the whole weekend with pay, so next week it is.” You laugh demurely.
“If you need anything, you give me a call, okay?” You swallow thickly at his husky tone.
You nod, “okay.” You reach for the handle on the door, hesitating as your fingers wrap around the cool metal. Will began to fidget with the radio as he struggled to keep his eyes off of you, the soft crackling the only sound to break up the otherwise deafening silence. In one swift movement, you turned, lips landing on Will’s cheek. He sat motionless as you pulled back, his jaw hung slack in shock as he tried to process what had just happened. “Goodnight, Will.” You whisper as you hurriedly open the door.
“Goodnight, rabbit.” He can’t help but let his eyes trail after you as you stand, drinking in one last sight of you before you have to part ways. Both of you are already dreading the eternity of spending the weekend apart.
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Tag List: @zoey5252 @loudchaosking @weirdoartist21 @lokanda @emmbny @yukkkiki @dij-ology @maria-moll @phd-in-fuckery @helreyy @hallucinating-xoxo (if you would like to be added or removed from the tag list please let me know!)
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Kiss me then? **•
Pairing: Seokmin × gn reader. [note: they have been long time friends and roommates before becoming lovers]
Genre: fluff , very very soft fluff. [in an established relationship<3]
Song rec: bad by wave to earth.
Word count:700 [masterlist]
Taglist : @hongmingoo , @shuabby1994 , @unlikelysublimekryptonite , @asyre , @yumiyumis-blog @soobunsbun , @nishloves , @aaniag , @sikuthealien , @jespecially , @lizza2001 , @snapdragin002 , @thepoopdokyeomtouched .
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"Seokmin, have you ever thought of kissing me?" you said, staring at the sun slowly setting on the horizon, painting the waters of the river in a bluish orangish hue. 
"I do kiss you y/n" Seokmin mumbled, his hand was around your waist while your head leaned on his shoulder. His attention was also on the mesmerizing scenery in front of him. 
"Well, I'm not talking about the cheek or hand or forehead kisses. I'm talking about the one on the lips." your voice sounded more like a whisper. 
You sit up straight, turning to look at him. He turns to face you as well. You notice his features illuminated in the bright orangish light. He had three moles on his face, two on the cheek and another one right above his jawline on the left side. 
"I actually did think of kissing on your lips and even once dreamt of it" he had a soft smile on his lips. His eyes went back and forth from your eyes to your lips. You'd be lying if that actually didn't make you feel nervous. Seokmin was patient unlike the other few men you've gone on dates with. But he is also your friend who is now your boyfriend as well. For three months in fact. 
"Alright.. That's cute" you muttered as you looked away. 
Seokmin hummed in response.
You both stayed till the sun had totally dissolved on the horizon and the warm colors of the sky were slowly fading into the blue of the night. The picnic date came to an end.
Without a kiss on the lips?Well yeah. 
With Seokmin walking back home with you hand in hand without saying anything much? Also yes. 
The silence was comfortable though you still kinda hoped he talked about the kiss more. After coming back home you both were heading back to your own rooms to change your clothes. (You guys had separate rooms but you both shared the apartment y'all have lived in since last year in college. For 2yrs now to be more accurate). 
"Seokminnie we should watch a movie while having dinner okay!" 
"Of course babe but you chose the movie this time" he chirped. 
As soon as you were about to open the door of your room, Seokmin grabbed your hand. 
"umm by the way can we talk about the kissing thing you mentioned,love?" He said, looking straight, holding eye contact. 
"Yeah.. " you paused a little "sure come inside my room" you added. He was still holding your hand while your heart was hammering to your chest. Now standing in the empty space in your room, you were a bit tense about it. And he did notice that. 
"Hey.." he paused and settled his hands on your shoulders "no need to be tensed up okay? I just wanted to say that I..really wanted to kiss you in the park, that time but I was a bit skeptical since you looked away." he breathed. His eyes were still locked to your now wide eyes, lips slightly parted. 
"I-" you paused for a moment, "kiss me then?" you said. That was honestly all he really wanted to hear as he leaned in to press his lips onto yours. Your eyes shut as you felt the softness of his lips. One of his hands leisurely brushed your shoulder as it slithered around your waist pulling you closer, making you gasp softly. While his other hand rested on your back. Bodies pressed against each other, your lips moved in a rhythmic pattern to his with your hands slowly making their way around his neck. Your fingers softly brushed through his hair. After a while you both pulled away breathless. His forehead touched yours, eyes still closed just like yours are. You let out a chuckle. 
"That was…" he breathed and then continued "really nice" 
"We should do this often then" you smiled. 
And that's how you kissed your long time friend who's your present boyfriend, Seokmin, on the lips in the middle of your own bedroom. 
Curtains closed. Now go get some anti delulu pills from Minghao 🚶🏻‍♀️(idk how should I even end it so anyways) .
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A/n: soo.. either this heat will k*ll me or not studying properly will😃👍🏻.
anyways comments and reblogs are highly appreciated, I did proofread but lemme know if there's any mistakes. 🪻🪿. Okay bye~🪿
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stevesjockstrap · 2 days
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Part 2/2 🖤 part one or Read on ao3 • rated E — all the smut in this one (full tags on ao3)
tattoo artist Eddie, swimmer Steve Harrington, oblivious Eddie, pierced Eddie, appearance by Steve’s jockstrap 🫠 dom!Eddie, brat Steve ofc
@steddieonmywaywardson @steddiesummerexchange
Thanks again to @fuctacles and @lawrencebshoggoth 😘
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Walking into the bar a few days later to see Steve in a tight crop top and very short jean shorts with the Calvin Klein band of his underwear showing a few inches above them had Eddie almost dropping to his knees.
He hadn’t been that excited about the 80’s theme night at their regular dive bar but now being faced with the happy trail and bare arms of his … what would he even call their relationship? They weren’t exactly friends. He was a little more than a client, honestly, but Eddie was hoping for much more than that. He just didn’t think it was going to happen. Gorgeous athletic assuredly straight guys like Steve Harrington do not end up with fuck ups like Eddie Munson. He knew what he looked like, the long hair and piercings and almost all of his body covered in weird tattoos. Cute frat boy types didn’t go for the likes of him.
He spun around to see Chrissy in a bright neon pink leotard with a headband. His own leather jacket and Judas Priest T-shirt seemed lame now, looking around at everyone who had gone above and beyond for the theme.
“Hey Chrissy. Love the outfit. Are you leading us in Jazzercise tonight?”
She laughed hard and genuine, throwing her head back and making her high pony tail swing around.
Steve came up next to them with an easy grin. “Hey Ed! How are you?”
“Hi Steve. Pretty good, pretty good. You guys really went all out, huh?”
Steve huffed a small laugh and shrugged, completely nonplussed that he was the hottest person in the place. Maybe the state. What Eddie would give-
“Can I buy you a drink?” Someone came up beside them, looking Chrissy up and down.
“Sure!” The guy in a cowboy hat and jeans (maybe had forgotten which theme night he was attending, or maybe he thought it was the 1880s, who knew) offered her his elbow and lead them to the bar. Steve threw a thumbs up at her when she turned to look back at him and Eddie wanted to run away immediately.
Thankfully he was saved by the Corroded Coffin boys showing up, but then Eddie had to awkwardly introduce them officially after they ragged on him for their enthusiastic session.
But Steve was amazing, unquestioningly shaking their hands and engaging in the typical polite small talk. The boys complimented his outfit without making it feel weird, and Steve excitedly pointed out Drew’s Metallica shirt and started an in-depth conversation about the album (making Eddie silently swoon beside him).
Chrissy rejoined them after cutting her suitor loose, and they all found themselves hanging at a corner of the bar, shooting the shit with the bartender and judging everyone else’s attire and the music.
As more and more alcohol was consumed, Eddie was quickly losing his mind. Steve was so comfortable in himself, talking with anyone who approached the bar or started talking with them. It shouldn’t have been that attractive, but Eddie who had grown up with all the same people surrounding him now, he found it hard to make friends. Chrissy and Argyle had found their way into his life by accident, but their extroverted selves had just adopted the sad boys in the tattoo shop and frequently drug them out of their comfort zones.
Eddie almost swallowed his tongue when a tall good looking man approached Steve and asked him to dance, waiting to see the hate crime in action that he was expecting. Waiting for the other shoe to drop, something to finally burst the Steve Harrington shaped bubble forming in his heart.
Instead, Steve gave him a demure smile and went with him, actually taking his hand and allowing the man to escort him to the dance floor where they quickly got into the groove and Eddie was dumbfounded.
He blinked at Chrissy and she sent him a look, but he was too drunk to decipher it. He couldn’t figure out why this was somehow worse than when he’d assumed Steve was straight and unattainable. Now that there may be a possibility — he shook his head at himself, quickly draining his cup and waving off the questions from the boys as he threw cash onto the table and stood. He had to go home before he embarrassed himself. Or made a fool of himself in front of Steve.
Gareth sent him a small sad smile and patted his shoulder as he went past.
The next few days went by quickly, Eddie trying to settle the slight nausea whenever he thought of how he’d acted with Steve at his tattoo appointment (and the consult meeting beforehand), forcing himself to be even more professional at his appointments now to try to overcompensate.
“Are you into Steve?”
Eddie scoffed and watched as the cue ball went wide, missing its target completely. “What the fuck, Chrissy?”
She smirked at him from the other side of the table, quickly pocketing two of her striped balls.
“Well?” She asked again. Chrissy had drug him back to the bar, apparently to interrogate him.
“Is this just a dirty trick to win at pool? Or a real question?” Eddie peered at her while she scoped out the table.
“A question can be more than one thing,” Chrissy said with a wide grin. “People, too.”
Eddie frowned, game now forgotten. “What does that mean?”
Chrissy shrugged and took a drink from her beer. Eddie took a few steps closer to her. “Is Steve asking about me?”
She had let it slip earlier that she’d gotten together with him and Eddie tried not to let it bother him. They’d only exchanged a few messages since he had been in his tattoo chair. Eddie had tried to keep it cool, letting Steve know scars were finicky and not to worry about any areas that healed strangely. He’d be able to touch them up. Eddie had winced to himself at the double entendre and then the conversation hadn’t really progressed like before.
Chrissy shrugged again and Eddie wanted to shake her.
“Chris, you’re killing me.” He gulped down his own beer and sighed. “Look. I tried to be so professional with Steve. If I made him uncomfortable I can apologize or whatever. But yeah, he’s fucking gorgeous and sweet and funny and completely out of my league. You probably know all of this, and you’re fucking with me. To win a dumb game of pool. But, for your own sick twisted amusement, yes. I know I have zero chance, but I know I’ve never been that hard while tattooing someone. Does that answer all the things of your question?”
She just nodded, but had a small sly grin on her face.
Eddie lost three games of pool before he called it a night. Then went home and scrolled through his messages with Steve to torture himself.
“Are you inviting your boy to the party?”
Eddie actually looked behind him to see who Gareth was talking to, and not seeing anyone in the vicinity, he frowned. “Huh?”
“The big end of summer thing at Argyle’s? Are you going to invite Steve?”
Eddie dropped his phone, and Gareth snickered at him. “He’s not- Wha- Do- uh.” He looked around the packed shop, lowering his voice. “Should I?”
Gareth rolled his eyes. “How long are you going to keep circling each other? You obviously both like each other, he gets along well with all of us somehow, you act like a lovestruck teenager when he’s around. What’s stopping you?”
Eddie thunked his head on the table and Gareth chuckled at his dramatics.
He’d always kept a decent eye on his schedule and appointments, Argyle complimenting him because trying to figure out the other guy’s schedules and trying to work with their convoluted systems was more than he could take some days.
It wasn’t until he walked into his office and found Steve there instead of the promised Mike Hawk that he second guessed giving him access to his calendar.
“Oh. Um. Hi, Steve. Why are you- I mean, its good to see you, but well, uh…”
Eddie trailed off, awkwardly standing in his own doorway.
“It may have been Chrissy’s idea,” Steve supplied. “And Argyle… could put someone in your calendar. I couldn’t get a hold of you, and I didn’t really want to bother you by just showing up and taking away from your work, I just, I dunno.” He was so genuine and seemed shy now somehow, even more endearing to Eddie.
“Uh, sure. That doesn’t seem stalkery at all,” Eddie huffed.
“Think of it more as, I dunno, just a surprise appointment instead of being tricked by all of your friends.” Steve grabbed the back of his neck, smirking.
“Oh? Is that what we are? Friends?”
That didn’t seem to deter Steve at all, in fact his smile widened and maybe blushing.
“I was hoping, to be that, or…” Steve stood, and Eddie realized he was wearing the black sweatpants he had sent him home in. “Since I sort of have an appointment, could you look at this tattoo for me? The last guy, he did his best, but you know, tattoos over scars can be finicky, I hear.”
Eddie laughed, his heart unclenching. “Yeah, you know not all tattoo artists are as professional as me.”
Steve walked closer to him, reaching behind him to pull his door shut. Eddie swallowed.
Wiggling out of the sweatpants and turning, Eddie let out a gasp. Steve stood before him in a jockstrap, tattoo still healing but areas on and around his scars lighter and fuzzier. However, his brain mostly clued into the fact that Steve’s entire ass was bare to him, and all of his long legs.
“Uhh huh, well it does seem like your scars haven’t taken the ink as well. C-can, um, can you stay here for a minute? Just give me one minute?”
Steve turned again, giving him a small nod and stepping back into his (Eddie’s) sweats.
In the middle of the tattoo shop, Eddie stopped and looked around. Only about half of the guys were in today. Weekdays they didn’t all need to be here. Argyle smirked at him from the front desk. Eddie glared and approached him quickly.
“What is this all about? You putting fake names in my schedule for people to ambush me now?”
“Hey, you’re welcome, brochacho. Go back there and get your shit together.”
Eddie laughed, all his annoyance gone instantly. He met Argyle’s outstretched fist with his own, shaking his head. “Thanks, man.”
Realizing he had actually left a hot half naked guy alone in his office, he quickly grabbed stuff from his work station and hustled back, locking the door behind him.
Steve was lounging on his couch with his arms crossed, making his arms and shoulders look ridiculous.
“So, um, this last dude who tattooed you, was he- you know, did you like him?” Eddie grinned, tucking his tongue behind his teeth.
“Ah, he was alright. I think I’m going to like you a lot better though.”
Eddie chuckled, shaking his head as he dumped his stuff on his desk.
“I think we’re going to set up shop back here, if that’s cool with you. I kind of got drug over the coals for, uh, an interesting session a few weeks ago. The boys won’t let me live down another performance like that. And since we’re just doing a touch up…”
Steve reached behind his head to grab the collar of his shirt and pulled it off with a flourish. “Fine by me. Although, between us, that guy probably enjoyed the attention.”
Eddie stopped to groan, rubbing over his face. “Fuck. Well, maybe next time then, Stevie.”
His gaze slid from his cocky grin down his hairy chest, down to his tantalizing happy trail that was still burned in his memory from the bar that night.
“God, you’re pretty,” he breathed, unaware he had said it out loud until the belly he was eyeing shuddered with a laugh.
“Where do you want me, Eds?”
“Uhh, there’s an old bench shoved here somewhere. Gotta be more comfortable than on my desk.” As he said it, he winced but he watched as Steve’s eyes darkened.
“Yeah, you can bend me over your desk another time.”
“Jesus Christ,” Eddie chuckled.
Eddie popped up the dusty table, quickly but efficiently wiping it down with disinfectant before beckoning him over. Steve stood again, sliding the sweats from his legs as Eddie watched, enraptured. He didn’t take his eyes off of him as he laid down, arching his back as he positioned himself and had to hang his arms off the sides to fit.
Other tattoos he hadn’t gotten to see before drew his attention away from the magnificent ass, some script across his ribs and a baseball bat with nails through it on his bicep.
The one he’d done on his thigh was the biggest, and was the most detailed. If he’d known (or had thought to ask any questions) he would’ve prepared Steve better for the pain he’d had to endure. Hindsight being what it was, he just shrugged at himself and carried on. Nothing to do for it now. Steve had come back, after all.
Sucking in a deep breath, Eddie traced a finger down his spine and over the leg strap that crossed over the tattoo. “Gunna slide this up a little, baby.”
The word felt like too much, hanging between them, but Steve made a little affirmative noise in his throat and arched into the touch.
Eddie put his gloves on, got his tray set up and let himself believe this was actually happening.
“You gunna sit so good for me again, sweetheart?”
Steve whined and nodded, Eddie watched his fingers flex into fists.
“Your pretty little mermaid for everyone to see, been showing it off to everyone?”
“No, haven’t, not really. Did everything you said. Even kept it out of the sun.”
Eddie coughed to cover the little whimper that came out of him, when he realized there were no tan lines to be found on all of the skin under his hands. Steve must sunbathe in the nude, but hadn’t been with his new tattoo.
“You like following my directions, Stevie?” He smirked even though he knew Steve couldn’t see.
“Yes sir.”
Eddie almost dropped the tattoo gun. “Fuck, sweetheart. Just relax. Just be a good boy for now, okay? I’ll take care of you.”
“Mhm,” Steve whined as Eddie continued. Thankfully his previous self had plotted the scars mostly in the mermaids dark hair or background, easily able to blend into shadows and such so he didn’t need to redo stencils or think very much, since most of his focus was again on the little noises Steve was making and his ass under his hands.
Steve had definitely been holding back the first time, because now the noises were even more constant and pornographic. Eddie knew he was dripping in his boxers, trying his best to quickly deposit the ink in Steve’s perfect skin.
“Doing so well, pretty boy.”
“Feels good, Eds. Could sit here forever,” Steve whimpered.
“Mhm,” Eddie hummed, not acknowledging the lie as he watched Steve’s jaw flex and the muscles bunch under his hands. “Relax, Steve. Or I’ll stop.”
Cooing at his devastated noise, Eddie wiped ink from his body again and pressed a kiss to his side, making Steve cry out and his hips jolt.
“Oh fuck, you’re going to be the death of me. How can you be this hot?”
Eddie stopped. “Huh? Me?”
“Of course, Eds. You think all of this was for show? I just get naked in front of people I don’t think are hot?”
That stumped him. “I mean- uh, but-“
“I thought I was pretty blatant the first time, but Chrissy-“
“Chrissy,” Eddie groaned. Of course she was in on this. This stunt had her name written all over it. “Holy shit.”
Steve rolled over on his other hip to look up at him. “Eds, it was her idea but only because I had been whining to her about not knowing how to get your attention. She said you were not going to catch any subtle teasing or jealousy tactics, that I’d have to go big and obvious. This was as, uh, big and obvious as we could agree upon.”
Eddie frowned. “Agree upon?”
“Chrissy had much more elaborate plans, but I didn’t want to like publicly embarrass either of us. I just wanted it to be us, and you know, maybe the shop guys, that was really hot last time. But-“
Eddie stopped him with a kiss, Steve grinning into it and finally wrapping his arms around him. He ripped the black rubber gloves from his hands and someone pushed the tray of supplies out of the way, then suddenly he had a lapful of mostly naked Steve.
When they finally broke apart gasping, he traced Steve’s wet bottom lip with his thumb and Steve pulled it into his mouth. “Goddamn you’re amazing. So fucking gorgeous. Could look at you forever.”
Steve gave him a blinding smile from around his thumb, licking across the pad before letting it go. “Promise?”
“Yes, baby.”
Their lips crashed together again and Eddie’s hands went to his hair to hold him where he wanted him and around his waist to pull him closer, their hard lengths meeting between their layers. Eddie knew this was not good for his brand new tattoo but he couldn’t break their desperate kiss.
Steve kissed down his jaw to his neck, nosing his hair out of his way.
“Stevie baby, gotta-“
He laughed at the petulant whine he received. “Settle down, just don't want to fuck up all the work I did, even though I know redoing it again would be enjoyable for both of us. Turn over for me and I’ll take care of you.”
Working together, they arranged Steve to stand bending over the table and Eddie slid close behind him, licking across his hole and sliding a hand into the front of his jock.
“Please, please Eds- oh my god,” Steve wailed as he fucked himself back and forth, not sure if he wanted to rut himself into his mouth or his hand.
“I got you, sweetheart. Come for me and I’ll clean you all up and take you home.”
Steve arched back into him again. “That’s the hottest thing anyone’s ever said. Ever.”
Eddie swiped his tongue over his spasming hole again, making him shudder. “I think you’re a bit biased right now, but I’ll remember that.”
Ignoring his own throbbing cock, he slurped and stroked until Steve made the hottest noise he’d ever heard (he was definitely biased), coming hard into his sexy little jockstrap.
“That’s my good boy,” Eddie growled, nosing between his legs against his clothed spent balls and making Steve whimper.
“Stay still and let me wrap your fucking tattoo and then I’m dragging you home.”
“Y’ssir,” Steve slurred, slumping down onto his hands on the table, poking his ass up further into the air.
“Can’t believe you rode your motorcycle to get a tattoo on your ass, you absolute menace,” Eddie huffed.
“I was hopeful I would be getting a ride after.”
Eddie cackled along with Steve as they took the short drive to his place.
“As if there would be any other possible outcome with you throwing your gorgeous self at me.”
Steve shrugged, undoing his seatbelt. “Could’ve been. I’m not everyone’s cup of tea.”
Eddie looked at him like he was insane. “You mean, like, blind people? Lesbians?”
Giggling, Steve stuck his tongue out playfully. Eddie pretended to reach for it. “I’m a hit with lesbians, for the record.”
“Of course you are, handsome. Now get inside before I embarrass both of us in this parking lot.”
Wanting to get out of the shop quickly and without many eyes on them, Eddie had persuaded Steve just to put the sweatpants back on and snuck out the back staff door. Steve had confirmed that the rest of his appointments for the evening had also been fake (Benedict Phalange and Jack M. Ihoff, he needed to get more creative friends honestly) so they could run off without guilt.
Eddie left Steve waiting impatiently on his doorstep as he rushed around his apartment throwing dirty clothes into his closet, gathered all the trash from his coffee table and as a last resort sprayed air freshener everywhere.
Pulling the door back open with a flourish, he ducked his head down and bowed, putting on a voice. “My liege, welcome to my very humble abode. Me casa es the landlords casa, unfortunately. But it’s supposedly earthquake proof.”
Steve snickered at him, pulling him from his low bow and pushing him against the door. “Well let’s test that out, shall we?”
“Fuck, I’m keeping you,” Eddie groaned before meeting his hungry kiss. “Let’s go test out the shower first.”
After pushing and pulling each other to the bathroom and losing clothes along the way, after they’d wriggled Eddie’s pants off, Steve looked him over with wide eyes.
Eddie felt unnerved for a long moment before Steve made a low appreciative noise and ran a finger from the ink on his throat to the metal through his nipple and gasped as his eyes trailed lower.
“It’s yours?”
Eddie frowned, almost gasping himself as Steve dropped to his knees in front of him, then realized what had grabbed Steve’s attention. “Oh. You didn’t know?”
Steve traced along the harpy tattoo above his knee. “I didn’t know it was on you, Mr. Humble. Letting me rave over it and you didn’t feel the need to tell me you tattooed it onto yourself? That’s beyond badass, Eds.”
Maybe finally cluing into the fact that he was kneeling in front of him, Steve looked up from under his lashes at him, pressing a quick wet kiss to the tattoo before hooking his fingers in the elastic of Eddie’s boxer briefs to pull them down.
“Is- are- oh my god.”
“Not sure I can answer that one, honey,” Eddie laughed.
Steve continued staring until he finally thumbed at the metal through the head of his cock. “How do you keep getting hotter?” He pulled back, shedding his (Eddie’s) sweatpants and jockstrap in one motion. “C’mon, I need that in my mouth right the fuck now.”
Eddie would be embarrassed for the noise that came out of him as Steve sunk to his knees the moment they stepped in the shower, but then his brain was being sucked out of his dick. He threw one hand out to hold himself up and slid the other into Steve’s thick hair as his hot mouth slid down his length.
He realized his eyes had slid closed and forced them back open to see the gorgeous man below him. “Fuck, baby. Look so good like this,” he gasped.
Steve pushed himself up another inch with a high whine before pulling off. “Can’t take your huge cock.”
Eddie thought his legs were going to drop out from under him as Steve dived back down to swallow around the head of his dick. “Jesus Christ, where did you come from?”
All he could do was try to stay standing, almost sure his brain was going down the shower drain watching Steve as he lapped against the piercing or his cute little furrowed brow as he tried his best to take him down to the hilt.
“Don’t hurt yourself, sweetheart. Doing so good.”
He huffed, sending air across the head of his cock and he jolted a bit, making his piercing slide across Steve’s lips. “Just want all of it,” he pouted.
Unable to help himself, he grabbed a better handful of the hair on the back of Steve’s head and pulled his mouth back onto him. “Tap me if you need to,” he rasped.
Steve made a pretty keening noise and blinked up at him.
Pushing forward only a little further than Steve had been able to take before, he waited for Steve to take a long breath before fucking into his mouth.
“Such a good boy,” he couldn’t help but groan as his throat opened up for him. Carefully inching forward again, he rocked back and forth, leaving only a couple inches untouched.
Steve pushed against his thigh and he quickly backed off, but Steve gasped out, “So fucking hot, Eds. Do it harder. And I want all of it. Make me take it.”
Eddie’s knees almost gave out. “The fucking mouth on you, pretty boy.”
The only response he received was a low hum around the head of his cock before Steve pushed himself down onto this length and looked up expectantly at him.
He watched his face intently as he used the grip on his wet hair to pull him steadily forward. Sliding past his perfect lips, he moaned as they met the curly hair at the base and Steve swallowed around him.
“That’s it baby,” he huffed, yanking him off and letting him suck in a shallow breath before rocking all the way back in. Tears joined the water dripping down his cheeks but he wouldn’t let Eddie stop, whining and shoving himself back down even as his gag reflex fought him. “God, I lo-“ he shook his head. It was too soon. “Gunna come, Stevie.”
Steve bobbed his head and kept humming and swallowing around him until Eddie saw stars and reached above him for the shower rod to hang on to as he came down his throat.
“Oh fuck,” he hissed as the soft tongue cleaned him up. Then he almost hit the floor again when Steve looked up at him with his big round eyes, wrapping both hands around his own hard dick, getting himself off while looking him up and down. “Come for me, beautiful. Then I’m chaining you to my bed. Never letting you go.”
“Ah! Eds!” Steve made eye contact with him as he shuddered through his release, finally leaning his forehead against Eddie’s hip to catch his breath.
Once they were cleaned up and dry, cuddled up in bed, Steve looked around searchingly and Eddie raised an eyebrow at him. “Where’re your chains?”
Days later after not getting to see each other due to their schedules and Eddie trying not to come on too strongly (honestly he’d ask Steve to move in with him if he didn’t think he would run away screaming), Steve picked him up for Argyle’s party.
“I don’t know that I consented to a motorcycle ride,” Eddie smirked. God, don’t get hard. Don’t get hard.
“Parking over there is atrocious, this way we won’t have to walk a mile.”
Eddie kissed his cheek as he took the helmet held out for him. “Good thinking, sweetheart.”
He tried not to get too excited. But the vibration of the bike under him and holding on to Steve as he zipped through the city was exhilarating. Steve wiggled his hips back into him teasingly. He growled into his ear, “Be good.”
Steve shook his head and wiggled again. Eddie grabbed his hips and rutted his hard cock against his back. When that only made the wiggling continue, he looked around quickly before sliding his hand down between Steve’s legs.
Chuckling darkly against his shoulder as he gasped and revved the engine. “Don’t kill us, pretty, haven’t gotten to do everything I want to you yet.”
The hardness in his hand twitched and Steve slowed down the bike, turning a corner and taking them down a more deserted street.
“And don’t come,” he hissed as he squeezed a bit tighter.
They made it to Argyle’s in one piece miraculously, Steve whining at him as he hopped off the bike and pulled both of their helmets off to meet his lips.
“C’mon Stevie, before we get arrested in his front yard for indecent exposure.”
No one was surprised to see them walk in together, Eddie had been unable to stop talking about their developing relationship to anyone and everyone who would listen. Drew would jokingly make gagging noises at him and Gareth would loudly fake moan from next to him in the studio or bar.
“Ah our favorite pet project has arrived!” Argyle called out when he saw them, nudging Chrissy who was draped over his shoulder, apparently this meddling had brought them back together.
“Hey guys,” Chrissy beamed at them.
It was unbearably hot, but under the umbrellas and awning in the back of the house it was a bit more tolerable, and people were jumping in and out of the pool.
Eddie almost swallowed his tongue when Steve came out of the bathroom wearing a tiny sporty looking speedo and nothing else. He grabbed his elbow and pulled him back into the bathroom. “Are you trying to kill me? What is that?”
Steve just grinned. “It’s a pool party, babe. This is a bathing suit,” speaking slowly and deliberately like he was explaining something very complicated. “You wear it in the pool.”
“Uh huh, smart ass. What about keeping your new tattoo out of the sun? You’re pushing it, you’re already lucky I’m letting you swim at all.”
“Mmm, let me, Eds? What else do I have your permission to do?” Steve pulled him close by the waistband of his own plain black trunks.
“Fuck, you are trying to kill me,” he breathed, closing the distance between their lips. But after a quick kiss he pulled back. Looking into his eyes, he promised lowly, “Keep being a brat and you’ll end up bent over Argyle’s weird furniture. You have one free cheek.”
Someone knocked hard on the door and they jumped apart. One of Argyle’s friends snickered at them as they hurried out past him.
Steve continued teasing him incessantly throughout the party, dragging him into the pool and wrapping his arms and legs around him so Eddie could carry him around, after they’d gotten out and dried off he got back in then plopped his cold wet self right onto Eddie’s lap and got comfortable. Taking any opportunity to touch him, pulling him in for kisses mid-sentence with their friends if he felt like it, licking invisible crumbs from his fingers as he ate.
“This must be the famous Eddie, then,” a voice came from above them and Steve squawked as he jumped up to throw his arms around the person.
Eddie recognized her immediately from Steve’s instagram.
“Robin! I thought you couldn’t make it!” He was almost jumping up and down, Eddie found himself grinning just from how excited he was.
“Well I texted you a bunch, but it seems like you don’t have your phone.” She looked pointedly down to his tiny bathing suit.
Steve smirked at her and they shared a long look, seeming to have a conversation without talking.
“So Eddie, what are your intentions with my platonic soulmate?” Robin asked seriously as she dropped into the chair next to him. “How do you feel about him wanting six kids?”
Eddie looked quickly between them, throat going dry suddenly, “Uhhh, I mean, um-“
“Aww leave him alone, Bob. I’ve already been messing with him all day,” Steve laughed, plopping himself back into Eddie’s lap.
As the day went on, drinks were consumed and games played, Steve still finding any excuse to use Eddie as a chair and pressing his lips anywhere he could reach.
The final straw was when Steve plucked an ice cube from Eddie’s drink and as he watched, licked some of the dripping drink from it but instead of popping the entire thing in his mouth (which would’ve been hot enough on its own), he tucked it down the front of Eddie’s swim trunks.
Robin laughed at them as Eddie squeaked before grabbing Steve’s hand and pulling him into the house.
Steve’s wide grin told him everything he needed to know.
“Thought you liked being my good boy, why are you acting up?” He crowded close to him, cupping his face and making him meet his eyes.
“Want you, Eds, please,” Steve pouted and gave him big puppy dog eyes.
“You’ve been sitting on my dick all day, honey. What else do you need? Huh?”
Steve pulled away and Eddie almost pouted himself, but then he just looked around before asking, “Are there bedrooms here?”
Barking a quick relieved laugh, he took his hand again and they ran up the stairs. Locking the door and pushing Steve against it, he met his desperate kiss and lined up their hips with a groan.
“Take this tiny thing off, babe.” He pulled at the hip of his speedo and Steve giggled.
Together they got their suits off and Eddie shoved him until he landed on the bed. He pulled open the nightstand and his eyebrows shot up. “Good for you, Argyle.”
He threw a condom and a small bottle of lube onto the bed and left the rest alone.
“Yessss, want your huge cock in me,” Steve hissed as he squirmed around on the bed.
“Settle down, Stevie, I think I promised you something else if you were going to keep being a brat,” he taunted.
“Want that, too.” He maneuvered himself onto his knees with his back to Eddie.
Momentarily distracted by his own art on the expanse of skin before him, his eyes then traveled up and he let out a deep groan. “Holy fuck, Stevie. How haven’t I seen this one?”
Eddie traced over the delicate lettering right under his perfect dimples in the small of his back, his jaw actually dropping. “You are just a pretty little babygirl, aren’t you?”
Steve arched his back with a high whine as he dragged his finger down between his cheeks. Without warning he slapped across his bare cheek and chuckled at his little squeak.
“More, c’mon,” he taunted, rising up on his hands on the bed.
Eddie hummed thoughtfully and swatted harder against him a handful of times in quick succession before grabbing a handful of cheek in a harsh grip, enjoying the rough inhale of breath and little whimper he received.
He continued spanking down his thigh and swatting over his perfect tramp stamp until everything was a warm pink and Steve was writhing and widening his legs so he’d get a peak of his pretty hole.
“Please,” Steve whined prettily. “Need your cock, please. Oh fuck!” Eddie smacked once more hard across his ass.
Quickly grabbing the lube, he chuckled as Steve flopped down onto his face on the bed, arching his back and immediately showing off his ass. Eddie swiped his wet fingers across it, trying to prepare him quickly as his own dick screamed at him to just shove inside.
Finally after Steve was a quivering whimpering mess on the bed, he removed his fingers and rolled the condom on.
“Oh, c-could, um,” Steve stammered.
“Why’re you gettin’ shy on me now, pretty? What do you want?”
He huffed, half hiding his face into the sheet under him, and Eddie tried as best he could to patiently wait for him to say something.
“Can, you know, can we do it the other way? Wanna see you. Hold onto you.” Steve couldn’t look at him while he said it, and Eddie wanted to go throttle whoever had told this gorgeous man that he didn’t deserve to be taken care of.
“C’mere, Stevie,” he cooed, and his eyes shot to his, widening when he realized Eddie was serious. He turned over, sitting up on the edge of the bed and Eddie knelt in front of him, pulling him in close. “Gunna treat you so well, babygirl. You already have me wrapped right around your little finger. Of course we can do romantic and soft,” he laughed.
Steve’s eyebrows turned down and he gave him a little pout. “Didn’t say anything about soft,” he grumbled.
They laughed together, and Eddie pressed a kiss to the side of his mouth, then his forehead. “Gunna have me eating out of your hand, aren’t you babygirl? Gunna have me completely whipped. I can already tell.”
Steve simply shrugged and pulled him in for a deeper kiss, wrapping his arms and legs around him. Finally he pulled away, gasping, “Please fuck me already. I can’t wait anymore. And Robin is very needy, she’ll come look for us soon.”
Eddie snorted. “Oh, she’s needy, huh? Must’ve learned that from you.”
He watched as he got his gorgeous self spread out across the bed, fluffing pillows behind his head and threw one playfully at Eddie who helped him shove it under his hips.
He teased him for a long moment, dragging the pierced head of his cock around his hole and over his balls until he was whining and grasping handfuls of sheet. The first push inside made his eyes cross, holding on tight to his thick thighs under his hands. “Like you were made for me, baby.”
Leaning over him, he kissed down his neck and over his nipples, giving them extra attention when it made him clench around him and cry out. “Oh yeah, baby? Sensitive little things, huh? Maybe we’ll see if Argyle can pierce them for you. Or better yet, I’ll get him to show me how, and I’ll be the one to make you even prettier.”
“Oh fuck, yes, oh my god,” Steve wailed as he met the harried thrusts. “I don’t know how you’re real. God I love- love your fucking cock.”
Eddie hummed into his neck. Not the cleanest coverup he’d heard, but he hid his smirk by dragging his teeth across his collarbone. “Going to give me a complex, sweet thing. All this big talk.”
Steve shook his head petulantly, reaching down to feel where he was being split open, squeezing around the base where it wasn’t even all the way in. “It’s so big, Eds. Like even if you weren’t so sweet and the hottest thing on two legs, I’d give it up just for this.”
“Oh, that’s very romantic, honey,” he huffed. Deciding he could talk too well while getting fucked, he pushed at his leg and pulled it over his shoulder, opening him wider and laughing as Steve cried out.
Able to push all the way in now, he got lost in the back and forth, gazing between Steve’s blissed out face and watching himself disappear into him.
“Can- oh! Can feel you in my throat. So deep, Eds. Gunna come.”
Eddie echoed Steve’s groan as his big hands came up to play with his own nipples, Eddie encircling his leaking cock and matching his thrusts.
Steve came hard between them, his gorgeous noises and the clenching around his dick sending Eddie over the edge right behind. Slumping down onto him as they tried to catch their breath, Eddie smirked into his skin when his legs wrapped around his hips.
“I’m not going anywhere, babygirl.”
Surprisingly none of their friends came to look for them, and eventually they had to face the music.
Robin rolled her eyes at them as they opened the sliding glass door to the backyard, and cried out when Steve rushed around to pool towards her.
“No running by the pool, dingus! You’d think you’d be more careful after your crazy embarrassing accident at state.”
Eddie frowned, his attention switching back to Steve as he groaned and went to cover Robin’s mouth. But the secret had already been spilled.
“But I guess Eddie could just cover up more scars,” she giggled, narrowly avoiding Steve’s flailing arms to smirk over at Eddie.
Finally clicking all the pieces together, he found his voice. “You told me it was a motorcycle accident!”
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coloursflyaway · 24 hours
I have a fun fact for you that I’m sure you’ve already seen. The specific color of Edwin’s bow tie is Payne’s gray. Now, do you think he bought that for himself or do you think it was a gift (from Charles of course)?
I have absolutely not seen that???? Oh my god, that's SO lovely, I am obsessed with how much thought was put into absolutely everything in this show ♥♥♥
I wouldn't be surprised if Edwin had had a bowtie before, and then there was a case that involved a tailor or something, and Charles finds out that there is a colour named after Edwin
(it's the wrong colour, though, in charles opinion. nothing about edwin is grey; his eyes are green and a hint of hazel if the light hits them just right, his lips are pink and sometimes, if he has bitten them in concentration, a little red, his hair is the colour of expensive wood and that fancy library set up they had in my fair lady; his soul and his entire being and everything about him is so bright it sometimes overwhelms him: his joy is as bright as sunflowers, his anger as red as blood and as fierce as fire, his sadness the most awful shade of black known to men, his affection for charles is everything at once, every colour, every shade, every brightness)
he gets Edwin a bowtie that is just the right colour and it looks lovely against his pale skin and the blue of his suit.
And since there is a bit of fabric left over, Charles gets to keep it, stuffed deep down in the pockets of his jacket. Sometimes, when a case is especially tough or when it's very late at night or when he looks at Edwin and his non-existent heart swells in his chest with just how much he loves him, Charles touches it, wraps it around his fingers.
He's not quite sure why, but it soothes him somehow, and really, the reason for that isn't important in the end, is it?
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gunilslaugh · 1 day
hiii (*^ω^) this might be incredibly self indulgent but can i request ot6 as your boyfriend OR bestfriend and their reactions to seeing you performing in a musical as the lead? like how they'd act being the one in the crowd, how'd they'd treat you in your dressing room after the show was over, stuff like that? also also, i adore your writing!! could i be 🪐 anon? tysm 🥺🩵
Hello I hope this is good enough! Yes of course you can be 🪐 anon!
All Members < <3 - <3 >  Summary: Xdinary Heroes reaction to you being the lead in a musical performance. WC:700 Warning:none
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photo not mine credits to owner.
From the second you told him that you got the lead role he is so incredibly proud of you. When your performance date finally came he was so excited to go and support you. While he’s in the crowd watching he isn’t afraid to cheer loudly for you. Would probably brag to the people around him that you’re his significant other. Once your performance is over he showers you with praises. 
“You did so well. It was amazing,” he tells you as he gives you the flowers he bought just for this occasion. He’ll pull you into a bone crushing hug, pressing a kiss to your cheek, telling you how proud he is. 
When you told him that you got a leading role in the musical he was so happy for you. He was already anticipating watching you perform, so when the night finally came he was more than ready. He makes sure to take some pictures and videos of you while you’re performing. He’s a bit more reserved when it comes cheering, but he’ll definitely be clapping extra loud for you. At the end of the show he makes his way to you as quickly as he can. 
“You did great,” he tells you. He gives you a single flower of your favorite flower. On the way home he’ll show you the videos and pictures he took. 
It almost seemed like he was more excited about you getting the lead role than you were. He couldn’t wait to watch you perform. He was buzzing with excitement when opening night finally rolled around. He would also tell the people around him that you're his significant other. He takes pictures to show you later. He tells you not to change afterwards because he wants to get pictures of you in your costumes. After the show he would practically jump on you in excitement telling you how good of a job you did. He’d tell you what his favorite parts were and would want to take you out somewhere to celebrate.
Oddly when you first told him that you got the lead it didn’t fully register at first, but once it did he felt immensely proud of you and he knew that you would do an amazing job. The moment you walked out on stage Seungmin felt so thrilled. When the cast took their final bow at the end he would definitely be cheering the loudest for you.
“I’m so proud of you!” He picks you up as he hugs you. He got you a small gift to celebrate. A simple chain bracelet that has a charm related to the musical that you started in. Keeps telling you about how well you did while the two of you leave the theater together. 
A bright smile appeared on his face at the news of you getting the lead role. He already felt so proud of you just for getting the role. The proudness that he felt only grew as he saw you performing on stage. Not only was he proud, but he also felt incredibly lucky to have a talented significant other like you. He takes some videos so that he can look back on this moment. When the show is over and he makes his way to you backstage he gives you a small bouquet of flowers. 
“You did really well,” he tells you sincerely as he hugs you. When he pulls away from the hug he’d give you that bright smile again.
He was so excited to watch you perform on stage from the moment you told him about getting the lead role. For him opening night couldn’t come fast enough. While watching you perform he could hardly stay in his seat. He takes a very shaking video of you because he was that excited seeing you up on stage. 
“It was so good! You did amazing!” He hugs you and spins you both around. He’d over exaggeratingly cup your face while praising you. He’d be a bit over the top about it, but it's because he’s so proud of you. Definitely can’t wait for you to play more lead roles.
taglist: @purplelady85 @gingerjunhan @chewednails @ezlynkisses @mon2sunjinsuver @mxlly143
comment or message me to be added!
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Well part 4 is long overdue. It’s been so so busy at work and honestly I was stuck for a while, but here it finally is! I hope you enjoy!
Pairings: Jake Kiszka X Danny Wagner **slash
Tags and warnings: 18+ ONLY!! Adult themes including: fear, anxiety, and jealousy, complicated partnerships, includes some Josh X oc, Sam finally appears, very little kissing (I know), male masturbation, dad Jake AU, uncle Danny AU
Word count: 4.4k
By the next Monday Jake strolled happily into work, ready to look over the profits and donations from Friday's event and make sure all the correct paperwork was done to start getting the money where it belonged.
“Hey” a quiet and familiar voice got Jake’s attention in the break room as he brewed a new pot of afternoon coffee.
Looking over he saw his colleague entering the break room as well. He said hi to her back as she opened the communal fridge and grabbed her lunch box out. “The concert was amazing, I heard everyone had a fantastic time”.
“That’s good to hear” Jake offered a soft smile as he filled his mug and leaned against the counter while his medical beverage cooled off.
“Did you have a good time?” She continued since she had taken a seat at the small round table and pulled out a bag of grapes to snack on.
It would be more awkward for them to both be in the small room together and not exchange pleasant conversation, so he answered her somewhat truthfully. He only hoped she wouldn’t bring up the surprise addition at the end, not having the heart to fully process that yet. “I did”, he sipped his coffee, debating how quickly he could excuse himself without coming off as an ass so he could get back to his work.
“That's good” she smiled, and Jake hoped he could make his break soon, but just before he could open his mouth she blurted out. “By the way, who was that guy you brought with you?”
Damn he missed his opening. “Oh, he’s sort of a friend of the family. I owed him one so…” he shrugged his shoulders casually and brought the mug back up to his lips so he wouldn’t have to say much more. The last thing he needed was rumors about his dating life spreading around the office.
“Is he single?”
Jake nearly choked on his coffee at her bold inquiry, causing her to blush.
“Sorry, he was just really cute. A few of the girls in the office have been talking about it all morning. His name was Danny right?”
So he’d introduced himself to a few of the office girls at the after party? It shouldn’t have come as a surprise to him. Danny had watched the door like a hawk waiting for Jake to join them after gathering himself in the restroom. Jake could see the concern still sharpening his eyes, so he pulled on a smile and started mingling with his guests like nothing was wrong. Eventually Danny loosened up again, his bright smile returning so he socialized himself while Jake fulfilled his duties as host.
They weren’t the last to leave, a group having volunteered to stay behind and help clean up so Jake could pick up Luna and get her home, but nearly all the guests were gone by then. Jake snagged the two pieces of cake he’d set aside earlier and Danny offered to hold them in the car while Jake drove back.
Both of them seemed to be pretty tired of talking after the little party as they sat in silence during the drive. At a red light though Jake stole a glance in Danny’s direction, eyes falling to his lap where he held the tiny plastic plates in each hand.
Jake’s mind immediately floated back to when Danny held his hand not even an hour before. Thinking back on it he couldn’t believe the reaction that simple touch hand gave him. If they hadn’t been interrupted by Jake being caught off guard would he have let Danny kiss him?
He brought one of his hands from the steering wheel to his mouth, pinching his bottom lip between his thumb and forefinger. He tried to remember the last time he was even kissed- it was one of the first dates he’d been on since becoming single again. That’s right he’d walked her to the front door and she planted a kiss right on his lips, pulling away in embarrassment when he didn’t return it. It wasn’t that he didn’t like her, they had a good date actually and she was really interesting, but he just didn’t feel that way towards her. The failed kiss solidified that.
What if it was the same way with Danny?
When Jake got home and put Luna to bed he was frustrated. He was stuck between two feelings, one being uncertainty about trusting someone he still barely even knew, and the other being aggravation at himself for not just giving in. His heart couldn’t be hurt anymore than it already had, right?
Maybe not, but apparently he could still get jealous.
Jake found it unprofessional that his colleague was asking her boss if his guest last night was single. Sure she couldn’t have known it was supposed to be a date, but it still made Jake mad.
Saving him from having to answer her, and probably with some stiff remark about focusing on work instead of talking about boys like he was parenting her, Jake’s cell rang in his pocket. He pulled it out and saw it was Sam calling.
“Sorry, I have to take this”. He grabbed his mug and sped walked back to his office, shutting the door behind himself as he answered on the last ring. “What’s up Sammy?”
“Jake! Where are you? What are you doing right now?” He quickly bombarded him like whatever he had to call about was extremely important.
“I’m at work, why what’s going on?” He set his mug down on his desk, but stayed standing up to prepare him for whatever Sam was about to drop on him. Knowing him it could be anything, he just hoped he hadn’t been arrested again at the very least.
“I know how you feel about social media, but you need to get on the ‘gram now”.
Jake sighed, what could possibly be on Instagram that Sam had to call him in the middle of the work day? He switched his phone to speaker though and pulled up the app anyways. “Alright, what am I looking for?”
“Josh’s story!”
Jake hadn’t heard from Josh since his trip started a few days ago, but he wasn’t surprised to see he was still posting online as he clicked the little bubble and the video started playing. First it was Josh’s partner, trying to get the frame set up until Josh walked into the picture. It looked like they were at a balcony restaurant on the beach, Josh completely unaware of the phone recording as his partner got down on one knee in front of him.
“Jake? Did you find it?” Sam asked after a minute of silence.
“Shut up yes I’m watching it right now” Jake replied, covering the smile on his face as he watched his twin get proposed to miles away.
He had no idea, but it wasn’t like everyone in Josh’s circle wasn’t expecting it for some time now. Josh and his partner had been together for years, and although they always seemed content with the life they’d quietly built together, Jake could tell Josh always secretly desired more. Seems like his partner had seen the same thing in him.
“Have you talked to him yet?” Jake finally spoke once the two on the screen hugged and kissed and the video ended.
“No, not yet I called you first”.
“Okay hold on I’m adding him”. Jake switched back to the call screen and hit the add line button, Josh’s contact being the only favorite in his phone.
They waited silently until he picked up.
“Hello brothers!” Josh cheerfully answered.
“Congratulations!” Sam beat Jake to the punch, encouragement filling his over-excited voice. “Have you made plans already? When’s the big date? Color scheme? Oh! Do you have an officiant in mind yet because I can go online and-”
Josh’s laugh cut Sam off, “we’ve been making plans, though I had no idea the proposal was coming so soon. Thinking next spring so we still have a lot of time”.
“We’re proud of you Josh. This is amazing” Jake added, knowing Josh was sure to already have everything planned out in his head and the biggest obstacle was going to be figuring out how to make his vision come to life.
“Yeah it’s about time Josh, don’t know what took you guys so long”.
Josh forced out another chuckle that died off quickly, he knew Sam didn’t mean anything by it. How could he know the fear and anxiety surrounding being out and open, let alone declaring that on paper to a government that barely even supported you? “Well, it’s a good thing we’ve already had one wedding in the family. Don’t know how I’m going to top yours Jake” Josh steered the conversation elsewhere, more at the benefit of himself and less at the comfort of his twin.
“Oh I’m sure you will come up with something” Jake matched Josh’s forced chuckle. He was beyond happy for him, but he couldn’t shake the gnawing in his gut as he remembered his own wedding day. How nervous he was, but Josh was right there by his side, his best man, holding his hand until he turned around and saw the most beautiful bride he’d ever laid eyes on. Now he’d have the opportunity to do the same.
It felt like such a distant memory, so much had changed in him between now and that lovestruck boy in the past. Marrying young hadn’t bothered him, but it had speedrolled his life. Wife, kid, house, job, it all came one after another and now here he was years later, alone. The sacrifices he’d made to be here, he’d make them again in a heartbeat, but he was slowly starting to realize how much he’d missed out on.
“Thanks for calling guys, but I’ve got a fiancé waiting for me in our room” Josh spoke again. “Wow, I really like the way that sounds, fiancé”.
“Go get em!” Sam hollered back.
They said their goodbyes and each hung up one by one. Jake stared at his phone screen, now blank and reflecting his face back to him in the black.
He knew how much this meant to Josh, it was something Jake had once taken for granted. If there was anything life had taught him it was that you couldn’t take things for granted. And if there was anything Josh had taught him it was that sometimes, despite your fear, you had to take matters into your own hands and fight for what makes you happy.
There was no real way of knowing how it would all turn out, but maybe a simple leap of faith is what Jake needed to feel happiness again, and when he pondered what the one thing was that might possibly make him happy the first thought he had was Danny.
Jake unlocked his phone again and opened the text thread he’d yet to delete, because he hadn’t the nerve to save the contact yet.
He didn’t expect to get anything back quickly, especially in the middle of the day, so he set his phone face down on his desk and tried to ignore it as he got to work. Within half an hour it was buzzing against the polished wood and Jake was snatching it up to check the notification.
Do what do I owe this pleasure?
I was just thinking about the other night
Wanted to apologize for our date being a bust
I don’t think it was
but I’m glad you were thinking about it
Jake smiled at his phone, he knew it was ludicrous to think Danny hadn’t reached out to him since then because he’d had a bad time. In all reality Danny had just been giving him the space he thought he needed, the space Jake had been drowning in.
I accept your apology though
Make it up to me? Dinner tonight?
Tonight? I’ll have to find a sitter
Bring Luna over here
Im watching Emma tonight
He thought for a moment, worried about being invited over to Danny’s sister’s house without her being there. Then he stopped himself, this was exactly the thinking that kept him from exploring this part of himself that was desperately trying to break free of the confines he’d created.
Ok. We will come over after homework
Great! See you then
“Daddy, how did you get so good at reading?” Luna asks as she traced the letters over her sight word while Jake finished sending off some last minute emails for the day.
“It takes a lot of practice darling” Jake replied, looking up from his phone with a gentle smile. “That’s why you have to do your homework”.
“But what if I don’t like reading?” She frowned, picking up another colored pencil and frustratedly scribbling on the page.
“Well, some people don’t” he stuffed his phone back into his pocket and crouched down at her tiny table. “Some people love reading though. You just have to find what you like to read”.
“What do you mean?” She was intrigued now, abandoning the homework now that she had his attention, which was almost done anyways.
“There’s all sorts of things to read out there. It’s called genres. There’s romance stories about love, scary stories about ghosts and monsters, nonfiction about history and science, but most fun of all there’s fantasy”.
“What is fantasy daddy?” Without even knowing she seemed excited, like the prospect of learning to read was suddenly more fun and interesting.
“Fantasy is anything you want it to be sweetheart. It’s princes and princesses, witches and wizards. When you’re reading you travel to other worlds, different times, anything is possible as long as you can imagine it with your mind”. He poked her forehead, causing her to giggle. “Now, are you ready?”
She perked up, having been kept in the dark about the plans Jake made earlier for tonight, otherwise there’s no way he would have gotten her to focus on the half of her homework she did do. “For what!”
“We’re going to eat dinner at Emma’s house. Is that okay with you?”
“Yay!” She jumped out of her chair, running back into her room to grab her shoes. When she returned she had a book with her, holding it up in question. “Can I bring this to Emma’s house? I want to practice reading with her”.
“Of course. Do you want me to carry it for you?”
“No, I got it” with her Dad’s approval she marched off towards the front door, ready to make the familiar trip to the house just a couple of blocks over.
When they reached the house, Jake collected himself as he stepped onto the porch. With one hand he held the book, having taken over carrying it not even halfway through the walk, the other coming up to knock hard enough those inside could hear.
After a few moments of waiting, Danny answered the door with Emma right at his side.
“Luna! Uncle Danny is making spaghetti!” She excitedly grabbed her friend's hand and tugged her inside, the two adults chuckling at their enthusiasm.
“Do you like spaghetti?” Danny asked as he stepped aside and let Jake in. Jake nodded, suddenly feeling insecure about being here again. He’d been over at this house more than a dozen times, had plenty of dinners and parties and barbecues, but this was the only time he’d ever been over without Emma’s parents here. It was also the first time, besides the two children that ran circles around their feet in the kitchen until they were being sat at the dinner table, he’d be alone with Danny since the chance encounter at the auto shop.
“This is our mom’s recipe” Danny mentioned once they were all sitting down and enjoying the dinner he’d made. “Don’t really know how to make much else”.
“It’s delicious” Jake replied, using the napkin to wipe his mouth after one embarrassing large bite. He hadn’t realized how hungry he was until he smelled the tomato based sauce simmering on the stove. “I didn’t really know how to cook either. But you know once you’re a hot single dad you kind of have to figure that stuff out”.
Danny nearly choked on a noodle, not expecting Jake to unexpectedly turn his previous words back on him like that, especially not around the kids who were in their own little world at the other end of the table. “I like cooking now. Gives me a way to be creative again”.
“Is Luna not picky?” Danny pretended like he was unphased and continued the conversation. “Emma is the pickiest eater. I’m surprised she’s even eating this right now”.
“I think it’s because you made it. She’s infatuated with you, talks about Uncle Danny every time I see her”.
Danny swallowed hard again, he didn’t know he was so popular. “I hope she didn’t say anything about me falling out of the tree last week”.
Jake chuckled, what was his tall ass doing in a tree? “No, she didn’t, but I kind of want to see this tree now”.
“You can after dinner. It’s in the backyard”.
They smiled at each other as they worked towards finishing their meal, listening as the girls shared the best part of school today.
“Alright, who wants popsicles?” Danny asked, raising his eyebrows at Jake like he’d even be able to tell his daughter no after they’d already been offered. Jake nodded and Danny let them pick the flavor they wanted before he led them outside into the grass so they wouldn’t have to clean up colorful sticky drops all over the house.
“Alright, come on I have something else I want to show you” Danny grabbed Jake’s hand and tugged him away from the tree he’d fallen out of while trying to hang a swing for Emma. Jake glanced back, making sure the girls were still playing in the small plastic house tucked in the corner of the large yard, then back ahead to see where Danny was leading them.
“Been working on this for a while now, thing was in pieces when I got it”. Danny opened the doors to the shed and inside was a motorcycle sitting on a stand, halfway between looking old and rusted and glossy new black.
“Umm, it’s still in pieces” Jake chuckled as he stepped further inside to get a better look.
“Is not!” Danny corrected him, “I just have the body panels off the frame so I can refinish them. Should be done by the end of the week”.
“Is that so?” Jake ran his fingers against the metal frame, imagining how it must vibrate when the two wheeled vehicle roared to life.
“You’ve ridden before?”
“What? No” Jake pulled his hand away shyly, looking back over to Danny who watched him closely.
“Well, maybe this weekend I can give you a ride?”
Jake’s eyes grew wide, a nervous smile spreading in an attempt to hide his apprehension. “Oh I don’t think so. Who knows what my neighbors would think if they saw me taking off on the back of a motorcycle with some guy…”
He trailed off as Danny approached him with a purposeful look in his eye. Taking Jake’s hand into his again, he brought it to his lips to softly kiss at his knuckles. “What does it matter what they think? And you wouldn’t be on the back of a motorcycle with some guy, it’d be me”.
Jake opened and closed his mouth a few times, but nothing came out. He wanted to joke around, say something like well that’s comforting but the truth was the idea of being pressed up against Danny’s back like that made his mind spin, and watching Danny’s lips brush against the back of his hand was not helping his train of thought.
“Ok, so no ride. I still want to see you this weekend”. Danny noticed the way Jake’s focus shifted to his mouth and he swore he could even see Jake’s tongue dart out to wet his own lips. “Really I want to see you all the time, but I can be patient”.
Jake sucked in a shuddering breath, his heart speeding as he processed the words coming from this ruggedly handsome, yet ever so gentle man before him. “Yeah, I’d like that. This weekend?”
“Jake?” Danny’s brows furrowed, making the beating in Jake’s chest palpitate. “Can I kiss you?”
Frozen in place, Jake waited on baited breath as Danny let one hand go and slid his fingers against his neck, weaving them into the tresses of hair at the back of Jake’s head so tightly it pulled at the scalp, but that only caused Jake to tilt his head back and let his eyes flutter closed.
Breath came first as Danny moved to close the gap between them, but before their lips could connect a cry came from the backyard. They both snapped to attention, running over to where the girls had been playing and seeing Luna had fallen and skid her knee.
“Are you okay?” Jake asked as he helped her up.
“Yeah” she sniffled, wiping her tears from her cheeks as she got over the initial shock of the injury.
Emma clung onto Danny’s leg, scared that she may have hurt her friend since she was pushing her in the swing.
“Come on, why don’t we show Luna where our band aids are?” Danny bent at the waist and scooped up his niece, carrying her inside as Jake followed with his little one.
“Oh I can do that” Jake tried to squeeze himself into the small bathroom that was filled with small human sized towels and a mermaid shower curtain. Danny set Emma down on the stool used to reach the sink and called Luna over to sit on the toilet as he pulled out a box of unicorn bandaids.
“Do you like unicorns?” Danny asked, Luna being shy and still a little upset, but she looked at the images on the box and nodded her head. “Ok, first we have to clean this up then we can put one of these on, okay?”
He had Emma help him wet a wash cloth from the cupboard and he gently dabbed the small amount of blood off before applying a thin layer of antibacterial ointment.
“Do you want to tell Luna you’re sorry and help her with the bandaid?”
Jake watched the entire time from the doorway, impressed with how easily Danny managed to console them both. “I’m sorry Luna” Emma apologized and Danny helped her peel off the backing of the adhesive before she easily stuck it to the hurt knee.
“It’s okay, it was an accident. I wanted to jump off the swing anyways” Luna finally smiled again, hopping off the toilet without any issues.
“Alright, are you ready to head home? I think it’s about time we got ready for bed” Jake asked as he took her hand again and started to lead her towards the front door.
“Wait, I left my book!” Emma exclaimed, turning around in his grip to run off towards the dining room.
“I’m sorry” Danny spoke quickly while he still had a moment with Jake. “I was distracting you and Luna got hurt”. He looked genuinely upset, but Jake wasn’t bothered by it at all.
With all the courage he had in his body, Jake placed a hand against Danny’s upper arm and leaned over to press a quick kiss to the corner of Danny’s mouth. Before Danny could even register what was happening Jake was stepping away and Luna was returning. “It’s okay, kids get hurt. She’s fine though, right princess?”
“Yeah, I’m fine” she assured them both, waving goodbye to Emma who had just re-emerged from the bathroom.
“I’ll see you later then?”
Danny felt like pulling Jake back against him, wrapping his arms tightly around his shoulders and kissing him to pieces, but he held himself back. Maybe when they did see each other again he could manage to get him alone once more, and he could satisfy a bit of that craving. “Can’t wait”.
Jake was feeling just as tired as any other Monday when they got back home and Luna bathed and settled in bed. After a quick shower himself he laid down underneath his own covers, trying to go to sleep despite the rushing thoughts he had in his mind.
He kissed Danny. Well not really, more like pecked him on the cheek just a little closer to his mouth than a regular friend would. With his eyes closed he played over the scene in the shed over and over in his head, each time imagining in a different way how Danny would have kissed him.
Would he have delicately graced his lips across his the same way he tenderly held his hand? Or would he have vigorously taken command of them the way he gripped him by the hair?
It started to grow unbearably hot underneath in his sheets as Jake couldn’t rid himself of the fantasy of Danny kissing him until he frustratedly threw the covers off and reached his hand down and slipped his finger beneath his waistband. Once he took himself in his grip he stroked a few times before realizing how turned on he actually was. Using his other hand he tugged his sleeping pants down past his fist so he could get a better angle and speed, closing his eyes again as he panted softly.
When was the last time he’d touched himself like this? Couldn’t have been that long ago, but as the desperation grew with each haphazard flick of his wrist he knew something was different this time. He wasn’t just touching himself, but he was imagining he was reaching the edge at the hands of someone else.
Stuck in his fantasy, Jake brought his free hand up to his head, raking his fingers through his hair at the crown and tightened both his grips. He stifled a moan as he came, letting his hand come to rest on his heaving chest. He’d need to process that at some point, but it certainly wasn’t going to be tonight as he padded off into his bathroom to quickly clean himself up then tucked himself back into bed, finally able to sleep.
Tags: @gracev0609 @lipstickitty @kultavalo @lyndz2names @sanguinebats
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I think Viserys having nerdy interests has maybe misled viewers of House of the Dragon into thinking he's much more intelligent than he actually is.
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yzafre · 6 months
Roxas: Had the Halloween town kids throw bombs in his face for multiple missions in a row before finally breaking down and smacking them around a bit.
Ventus: The dwarves were rude and refused to talk to him, immediately resorted to chasing them down and whacking them.
Characterization I see frequently: Ah, yes, Roxas is the one always willing to throw hands and Ventus is a smol sunshine boy.
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#kh#kingdom hearts#these are really silly examples but the point stands!#in fact I think it expands when you look at their full screen-time#I am once again begging people to watch a full let's play of Days#don't get me wrong Ventus IS brightness and sunshine#but he also has the energy of a chihuahua ready to fight the world and I will stand by that#where as Roxas will tend to just try to avoid it until he Very Much Can't#now I think Roxas does BITTERNESS better than Ventus or Sora#but bitterness is not temper#in fact bitterness is usually negative emotions left on the backburner until the resentment caves in on itself#I suppose this is up to interpretation but from my reading...#a lot of times Ventus seems to burn out his anger then let it go#whereas Roxas doesn't do anything with the emotions until he/the situation self-destructs catastrophically so it ends up being nastier#but on the day-to-day?#yeah no Ventus is going to be the one reacting first#you can also exchange Sora for Ventus for some of these arguments#though I think he lands somewhere between Ventus and Roxas for short-temperedness#all this is more complicated than this reductive commentary of course#you have to take in how and in what orders the characters were introduced and marketed#the difficulty of getting the handheld games historically and the biases that set in before they were easily accessed#not to mention stock archetypes for fandom joke set-ups that then perpetuate the characterization...#like there's a LOT to how this came to be#but it Gets To Me sometimes#yza talks about a thing
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sysig · 1 month
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Time Loops are they/them culture (Patreon)
Bonus of my little guy in ISaT style:
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#Doodles#Pixel art#ISaT#Siffrin#Loop#And then I still don't have even a code name for smol and my time loop concept lol#I'm sure you can imagine my excitement upon seeing a time loop RPG <3#Not to be silly but the thought of either of us picking up the wavelength and running with it is fun to me haha ♪#I...may or may not have developed brainworms about it it's fine lol#Good characters! Good story! I'm always a sucker for a tragedy with bright spots <3 It's hard to even call the ending bittersweet tho hehe#It's very sweet! Like sugar :) Hehe#Shock of shocks I - person who has done this how many times now - liked the dynamic between Sif and Loop best haha#Is it spoilers if it requires past knowledge of my faves hmmm inconclusive lol#These were just introduction doodles - not even Getting Used To doodles yet a step before that!#Fun designs :D I like Sif's hair a lot <3 The way it's two-tone because he likes black! Adorable! And cowlicks hehehe#And eyepatch hehehe Sif's design is so fun ♪#What no my time loop shop keep lad having a hat like that has no bearing! I'm completely unbiased! Lol#For the pixel art I did directly just use Siffrin's hat in shape haha I just added the belt and buckle ouò#Man it's been too long since I've played with pixel art it's still so fun <3#Someday I'll get Aseprite. Someday#In the meanwhile it was fun to make their colour palette :D#I love that ISaT is in black and white canonically as well I think it's really cool ♪#Me when monochrome red 💕💖😭🤌💗#It is simply The Best colour palette out there I'm sorry others need not apply#Again my pencils and blood pen surely give away none of my biases because I don't have any lol#Hrmng I want SASASAP too pixel art cool - the glow up in ISaT is only strengthened by looking at the original closely!#Ah well I'll just admire at a distance until then <3
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raeathnos · 17 days
#hello hi I am so fucking burnt out 🫠 pls forgive me if I’m inactive for a bit or real fucking weird if I am here#I was supposed to have a 3 day weekend but an hour before I was done it got turned into another 6 day week soooooo 🙃#we had terrible storms yesterday and I worked with no power and then came home to no power (it didn’t come back till 8:40pm hELP)#cat had a vet appointment which ended up being super emotionally draining and upsetting#his heart disease has worsened and he’s on more medication#and though none of these things are ever set in stone it’s looking more and more likely that he won’t live as long as a typical cat#I uh thought I was okay and then just kind of completely broke down sobbing last night#and I can’t really think too hard about it without bursting right back into tears#he’s only 6 and a half and the sweetest cat and it’s not fair#trying to stay positive but I feel so bad for him#gonna love him as much as I can for as long as he’s here which is hopefully still for a long while#it’s not a dire situation it’s just the disease progressing but like it’s still hard#dealing with too much rn#we were expecting the vet bill to be about $400 but then opted to do a few extra things and it pushed it to $750 so ouch#we’re fine we had it saved but you know how it is#he expensive but he’s worth every penny <3#I also injured my knee so that’s fun- tore something in it I think#it’s not as bad as it was but it’s still painful and swollen and hard to bend#my dumbass is going hiking tomorrow despite this because it’s the first weekend that isn’t supposed to rain since like March#so as soon as I get out of work tomorrow I’m fucking off into the woods for a few hours to go be feral#probably bad for the knee but it’ll be good for the mental health#works only a half shiift tomorrow too and I’ll be done in the am so it should still feel like a long weekend#kinda bummed about it still tho#pls stop depending on me to pick up everyone’s slack kthnxbye#I’m so fucking tired 🫠#on the bright side I have next weekend requested off and it’s only gonna be a 4 day work week because of the holiday#there’s a rock and mineral show here next weekend and I am very excited#gonna buy some neat rocks hopefully 👍🏻#and assuming the weather is good next weekend and my knee doesn’t worsen I’m gonna fuck off into the woods again afterwards to be feral#gotta go rot in the woods for a bit to fix the soul; yall know how it is
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screampied · 2 months
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ᡴꪫ‎ synopsis. university sucks major ass. on the bright side, you’re on break—you decide to go pay your father a visit. this 'visit' ends up to you being introduced to his best friend, toji. who’s he? maybe your panties know the answer.
wc. 7.4k
warnings. fem! reader, dad's best friend! toji, age gap (reader is over twenty), praise, cunnilingús, squìrting, implied multiple órgasms, unprotected, degradation, size difference, impact play, poor dad is kinda clueless, almost caught, overstimulation.
dbf! masterlist
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“who’s he?”
a simple question — yet the moment the words ran out your mouth, it felt as if all eyes were on you. in reality, it was though. the tall man who was quite a few staggering inches taller than your own father had such a gaze. he had hands buried into the depths of his pockets, shifting his weight as he stood still before burning a stare right into you. an intense stare, you could almost make out somewhat of an intriguing smirk. that sly smile with an everlasting scar running down the right side of his mouth.
“hey honey,” your father waves out with a brief gesture. he throws an arm around the buff man before giving him a rough pat on the back. “this is toji. met him ‘bout a year ago at one of those boat races. heh, news flash—he lost.”
“woah. no need to embarrass me, man,” toji murmurs in a raspy tone and by all means was his voice deep. laced in pure baritone, far deeper than your fathers. by a mile, to be specific. his voice has a jagged huskiness to it, insanely attractive. as he spoke, his eyes flickered towards you and he’d occasionally look away with that same chaffing sneer. “but anyway,” toji averts his eyes back towards you. his cologne was loud, you could smell it from miles away from you. he pauses for a few good seconds before uttering. “it’s nice to meet ya, sweetheart.”
you gulped, suddenly feeling small. you couldn’t pinpoint what it was about him — his demeanor, the way he carried himself, anything was. but it was something that had you a bit drawn in so to speak. “i um..”
“she’s not that much of a speaker,” your father chuckles, giving you a soft rub near your back. “poor brain’s probably all fried from those midterms. right honey?”
“you don’t say.” toji raises a brow, glancing away for a moment and a smile tugged right against his his dimples—and for a moment, he was suddenly intrigued by his best friend’s daughter.
that was the initial first reaction between the two of you. you ended up staying at your father’s house for the remaining duration of your visit.
nothing too much sparked between the two of you, of course there’d be subtle moments. real subtle moments—stupid things, like having him help you grab something from one of the top shelves.
of course he’d help, he was taller than you by many many inches. effortlessly towering over you. it’s the way he’d press up against you. it was quite hard to shut those thoughts of yours up. those lewd salacious thoughts that were forever kept into the very back of your brain, silently fantasizing about your father’s best friend.
apparently, he stayed for quite around the same time you did since he and your father would typically hang, do all sorts of men activities you never really cared about—golfing, shooting ranges, watching the most recent football games. that was the most annoying part, how they’d both obnoxiously yell at the screen whenever their favorite team was pathetically losing.
your room was directly upstairs, you heard everything. it was as if the walls were merely thin. in a way, they were. the constant repetitious hollering from the two men were so irksome. eyes merely rolled to the back of your head whilst you were trying to scroll on your phone in peace.
you never did understand why a dumb game of balls would drive men so crazy. nevertheless, you let off a tiny sigh before plopping right down in your bed. immensely, you stared off into space.
you had no idea why, but the minute your eyes linger into the white nearly peeled off drywall near the ceiling, you thought about him. toji.
stupid, maybe…
it’s been a few days and you hardly knew the guy. encounters between him were subtle and brief. he’d nod his head at you, barely acknowledging your existence and going straight back to some meaningless conversation with your father.
there was one day however, one day that had you hot all over. it was when you walked in on toji, he was using the spare shower that no one really uses, it’s reserved mostly for guests—perfect for him in this case.
you remember it like it was yesterday. since you were wide awake during this time for whatever reason, your dad sent you to go replace some towels from downstairs since he was doing laundry so you mindlessly make your way downstairs. the door was visibly cracked. sure, you probably should have knocked but who takes showers around three am?
apparently, this guy.
toji was literally just getting out the shower when you walked in. steam fogged throughout the entire space.
it was hot, stuffy and dampened with mist clinging against the rectangular mirrors. smothered with fog, you practically end up bumping right into something hard.
to be specific, that something was toji’s broad chest. maybe you were a bit delusional but you could have sworn, the moment you made contact with his bulky pecs, it moved upon impact.
“excuse you, sweetheart,” toji would scoff teasingly, his low voice was a bit more rougher since it was late at night. you were definitely speechless, barely able to process a single word from your mouth. thankfully a towel was wrapped around his slim torso—yet you started to wish maybe he didn’t have it protecting his lower half.
your eyes stuck to his chest the entire time, talk about embarrassing. immediately, your pretty dilated pupils ran down his chest, down his v-line, his perfectly structured build . . and then, his happy trail. he was well trimmed of the sort, practically. toji’s version of well trimmed was a bit hairy. regardless, it was still an attractive feature.
the more your eyes rove, the more you glance at his nearly perfectly sculptured structure. his chest was painted with a plethora of battle scars, now you were the one intrigued. you wanted to know more.
“you’re a little rude, huh,” and you abruptly snap from your thoughts. it was so brusque…
returning back to reality, out of that lewd trance you were so desperately trapped in—you blink twice, not even realizing how he was right up close to you. toji stares down at you before sneering. “it’s like three am. shouldn’t you be in bed?”
you shift your feet a bit, maintaining a little distance before trying to reply in the best nonchalant way possible. “uh no,” and then you utter awkwardly. “shouldn’t you be in bed? who randomly wakes up to take showers this late?”
“guys my age,” he jibes. “ya wouldn’t get it.”
you deadpan, fully aware it was a joke but you held everything in you to not have your eyes roll all the way back. “whatever,” and then you nearly forget what you were about to do. he watches you, you open near the lower cabinet and replace the clean towels. it grew profoundly quiet, a pin could drop. the moment you turned around, toji scoffs to himself. “did you need anything? something else?”
“ah. thank you, i’m fine, princess,” toji huffs with a sly grin. he reaches near the small wooden table to grab what seemed to be a half-used lotion bottle. however, you didn’t expect for him to completely change the topic, flipping your own words around with a blunt, “do you need something?”
“you heard me, girl.”
the banter…
he was definitely cocky, playful, literally any other synonym would fit.
you hated how he’d get you speechless everytime. you loathed how he was such an effect on you. with a brief gnaw on your bottom lip you narrow your eyes, mumbling out a, “stupid question.”
“i agree,” toji smirks. “but eh. y’er a smart girl. ‘m sure you can come up with a good comeback soon.”
he was so annoying, entirely so.
it’d be simple interactions like that between the two of you. much to your surprise though, nothing really else happened. toji would tease you a bit then pretend nothing happened, throw you a compliment or two and call it a day.
toji would often visit daily or twice a day, mainly to hang with your father. you could care less about what they did, but you were bored out of your mind from being in the house all day. you could go out, but it’s not like you had anyone to go with. everyone was either busy or … busy. besides, most of your friends were on exotic vacations or out of the country—you sighed, rubbing a hand against your stomach as you stared in the ceiling wall.
but then, the most lasciviously filthy thought made its way into your thoughts. you thickly swallowed before reaching a hand down between your legs. the air grew abnormally dry, shame…
to be completely honest, you couldn’t even remember the last time you touched yourself. this couldn’t have ever been a more perfect time. you were sure your father and his cocky best friend was out at top golf, probably.
intaking a single breath, you lean back against your pillow—slowly, you started to focus on your breathing.
parting your legs, you lightly pull down your shorts before tugging your panties to the side. you wince for a little, realizing how you were already a bit soaked. a little dampened spot right towards the front part of your underwear. you knew it had to be from pondering about toji.
speaking of, you remember that time where he helped—well, ‘attempted’ to cook dinner that one time. all you could focus on was his hands. such rough thick hands, you wondered what’d it feel like to have those same hands gingerly wrap around your throat. such thick fingers shove down your throat while he calls you such degrading names—just anything.
the more you were deep in thought, the more drenched you started to become. you went slow, being patient with yourself. you imagined it was toji’s fingers instead of yours. such big fingers thrusting in and out of you.
steadily, you start to insert a single finger in. a middle finger, it felt good, you suppressed a single moan and by this point, your imagination was running wild. you allowed your body to relax for a few moments before you slipped another finger inside. seconds later, you started to gentle move around inside your clit. your pace was sweet and precise—you let out a soft moan that rang throughout your thin walls. “toji—f-fuckkk.”
your voice was shaky, imagining toji being here right now made you throb ten times more. just propped all up behind you, thrashing his fingers against your swollen folds made you more aroused than you ever thought. your thrusts against your own entrance was small, a steady pace but irregular enough to make your knees start to buckle.
throwing your head back a little, you started to whine as each second dragged. your breath became insignificantly heavy, hitched and all. you made sure to stimulate in all the right areas, adapting to a perfect rhythm, then that’s when you’re rudely interrupted. talk about a cliche.
“hey. is it anymore detergen—”
toji pauses mid sentence, literally trying to process the scenery in front of him. he stands still and his initial reaction was slow. the first thing he does is chortle lowly. “well, shit. is this a bad time?”
you’ve never felt anymore embarrassed in your life, a sudden wave of heat rushed over your body before you quickly shielded yourself with your blanket. “oh my god,” you’d squeak out, and toji averts his eyes elsewhere for a few seconds. “i thought you all left already.”
toji hums. he takes a moment, and it’s as if he’s thinking of what to say. he was amused, seeing your flustered state and he looks back at you. “we were but it got canceled last minute since a storm’s approaching,” and you let off a soft gulp, hearing his footsteps creak against your wooden floor as he got closer. “thank god it was me who came in here ‘n not your father, right princess? now that’d be embarrassing.”
“stop calling me that,” you grumble, and you don’t even realize how soft and weak your voice was. you slowly pull your fingers out before intaking another sharp breath. he glanced at you before simpering. “haven’t you heard of knocking?”
“girl,” toji utters in a low rasp. “the door was wide open. i can’t knock on air,” and you mentally eye rolled — he was so insufferable. incredibly so, toji’s eyes roam across your old room that was a bit scattered with some boxes from when you moved out four years ago. it was a bit unkempt, your father usually used your room sometimes just to store things from the attic. toji buried his hands into his pockets before chuckling. “i heard you, ya know. moaning my name all loud like that.”
you blinked thrice, sitting up before compressing your eyebrows together. “what?”
“whaaat?” he jeers, mocking you. toji inches closer towards you until he was right beside your bedside. you gaze up at him and he had a blunt sticking out from the corner of his lips. he looked so appetizing, even while dressed down. ripped jeans and a sweatshirt. you could tell he was fit, of course he was—you saw him shirtless. he was well likely in his early thirties, dressing so laid back and casual. “between you and me, sweetheart, you can do better. ‘s cute ‘n all but that’s not how ya finger yourself. been a while, yeah?”
this guy, he was so bold. casually speaking his dirty mind, not afraid to say anything.
you don’t know why, but those last few words made you throb. you loathed how right he was, it was as if he could read you like a book. between studies and actually living a university student’s life, you barely ever get time to yourself. time to please yourself.
“whatever,” you utter. “yeah... it’s been a while.”
“poor thing,” he clicks his tongue before taking a seat on your bed. it jitters from his weight for a bit before he peers a gaze at you. “hm,” he puffs out, dragging a hand against his jeans. “i’d be happy to help though. those useless fingers of yours can only please you so much, right? heh.”
this indescribable effect he had on you, it heavily irked your nerves. “…please,” and you don’t even register what quickly came out of your mouth.
you were so pent up by this point, being interrupted. you wanted to finish, you desperately wanted to finish. your soft breaths hitched, and toji’s intimate stare lingered on you for a bit. his loud cologne started to waft across the entire room, so intoxicating. “just make me finish, please.”
“there’s those manners,” he coos in a husky tone, and he gets up closer. he was purely teasing you, you just wanted to feel his touch . . . feel something at least. he pulls the fat cover that went over you, yet at a more tantalizingly slow pace. he was a mere tease, you nearly let off a whine once you felt the tips of his warm fingers skim past your thighs. “messy girl,” he mumbles, and then he pauses to glance at you. “are you sure? jus’ wanna-”
“toji,” you mutter, and you liked hearing you roll his name so sweetly off your tongue. seeing you grow purely frustrated was utter amusement to him. the way your eyebrows would curl and furrow, irises flaring and your jaw slightly tensing. you had such readable body language by default too. “please. i want you. just touch me.”
he simpers. “pretty please.”
again, he was so infuriating. you felt yourself starting to pant, not knowing how much longer you could take as he started to softly trail a thumb against your skin. his touch was so warm, it was intense and ignited something within you.
“touch me—pretty please, toji.” you mutter out, sprawling your legs out just a bit. it was so hot, the temperature surrounding the atmosphere of the room was so humid. he glances at you before smiling.
“that’s a good girl.”
his words warmed your heart in such a lewd provocative way, you just wanted his touch.
desperately yearning for it, toji leans up close, bringing a big hand to part your legs apart and he was so slow. he takes the blunt that was propped up between his teeth, setting it aside near your nightstand. you prepare to inhale deeply, not expecting him to then bring a tender kiss towards your inner thighs. he started to create a trail—a trail that gingerly went up and up and up.
“so sensitive,” he’d purr, watching your own body melt from just the softness of his lips against your skin. you wanted him to hurry, you replayed this exact scenario over and over at least a dozen times. now that it was reality, you just knew that your body wanted him. “oh. don’t give me that look,” and he smirks, watching the pout grow against your lips. “gonna stare at me all day or are ya gonna tell me how you’d like for me to start?”
“i need you to—eat me out,” you huff out in short singular breaths. you were throbbing rapidly, each moment he stalled to speak, the more aroused you grew. his warm breath just fanning against your folds had you nearly going weak.
he snickers. “need?” he repeats, and you moan once he swiftly drags a finger down your soaked cunt. it was drenched, but it could be a bit more. toji hums to himself cockily. “you don’t need shit, girl. fix your sentence ‘n talk proper..”
“i—” you gripe, starting to grow more and more frustrated. your vexed facial expression amused him. he raises his darkened brows, awaiting for your answer and the cute pout that continued to stretch across your lips was so cute. “i— i want you to eat me out, pretty please.”
“much better,” he says in a low gruff. the moment he finally hovers his mouth over your sopping clit, toji gently strokes a thumb up and down. opening you up slowly, he creates a single slow lick to make you whimper. “i’ll make ya cum quicker than you ever could, princess.”
and you knew he probably wouldn’t lie about a simple fact like that. toji’s touch, it was sloppy.
without a doubt, he was a messy eater.
just one taste of you and he was hooked—a new addiction for him and it wasn’t gambling.
you tasted sweet, candied even. he was in so deep, occasionally the tip of his nose would prod against your entrance. you slumped back against the bed, your legs twitching in pleasure. not before long, your lips started to part and you started to gnaw on your hardened knuckles. you didn’t wanna be too loud—you just remembered your father was right downstairs.
he didn’t have the best hearing in the world, but knowing you, you could be a bit overzealous with your moans.
the noises his tongue made, sliding his tongue between your folds, sucking and nibbling. he even broke away his lips just to spit a nice wad onto your pussy. you watched the entire time, mesmerized. he was so nasty—nasty and you only wanted more. toji continued to drag a thumb against your slit, lapping up your slick arousal that was already starting to drip down his chin. it ran further down, a bit of his trimmed facial hair now soaked with your sweetness.
“how’s it feel, princess,” he’d mutter out, briefly departing his lips away. as he does—you stare as a pretty cobweb of his own spit tugs against your own entrance. glistening and all, it was so sheeny. he was right between your precious thighs, and you couldn’t help but give his ruffled dark hair a light pull. “tell me how i make you feel. talk to me nice, girl.”
“good,” you whimper, nearly choking on your own saliva. your words were so trembly, you could hardly recognize yourself. it’s been a while since you’ve been eaten out, let alone being intimate. as you continued to let off irregular breathing patterns, you swallow. “f-feels good.”
“just good?” he’d tease, bringing a long suck towards your clit. you let off a whine once he playfully nibbles near that particular spot with his teeth. his tongue scrapes against your folds time and time again. it’s indescribable—toji’s head shook back and forth as he was nose deep into your pussy. for a moment, he sounds offended.
toji gives your cunt a sweet little kiss, and he feels it start to hastily pulse from doing so.
he knew you were getting close, all from a simple cue from his tongue. speaking of toji’s tongue . . it was lengthy.
so long, it reached areas that had your eyes mindlessly rolling back.
cute little cacophonies of, “oh my g-godddd,” repeated ghosts past your lips as you started to practically drag his face against you. the texture of his tongue—so moist and slick, already wet from obvious reasons, but grew even more dampened from your sheer arousal. it was a taste his tastebuds grew to crave more of. “gonna c-cum toji. f-fuckkk.”
“you’re gonna wait for me, little girl,” he grouses, and your irises fleetingly dilate. he gifts the entrance of your cunt with another string of spit, then he rubs a few circles against it. mean vigorous circles that made your legs pathetically twitch. “you make a mess when i tell you too.”
he was so mean.
such sternness in his tone, yet it turned you on. that slight secretive rasp that hid underneath his voice. toji breaks his lips away for a moment, glaring at you before focusing near the crevices of your thighs. he teasingly slides his tongue upward, away from your most sensitive area just to watch you squirm.
“toji,” you’d whimper, feeling his tongue just roam everywhere from below. he was so skilled, you’ve never had a man be so sloppy. at least in a way that toji was. he greedily sucks near your thighs, gently sinking his canines into the plush of your thighs before going back towards your pussy. “i can’t—can’t hold..”
you were barely able to finish your sentence, and that’s when you came — it was so sudden and abrupt. gushing all out of you and your nerves had your mind spiraling. a constant crazed loop.
it felt like a wave, a tsunami crashing down and it felt so good.
your orgasm that shortly followed was so loud, you didn’t even bother trying to cover your mouth. toji chuckles, cupping his mouth around the very top part of your achey slit before lapping his tongue against your hood. your hips temporarily quavered due to his tongue, and you still maintained a rough grip on his head.
“easy on the fuckin’ hair,” he’d grunt after feeling you roughly yank on his strands bringing a kiss towards your slick entrance. you swallowed, your legs feeling practically mush before he brings a terse spank towards your clit. “cute ‘n all, but i didn’t say you could finish yet.”
“s-sorry,” you’d breathe out, still feeling the after effects of your intense high. it was so good, your eyes were all hooded and droopy. toji saw a bit of drool seeping from the corners of your mouth and hums silently.
he sighs, leaning up before getting on top of you. he hovers himself and you stare up at him. he rests both arms over you, groping near the rickety headrest before leaning up close to your face.
“are you sorry, sweetheart?” and he gets up a bit closer, green viridescent eyes glance right into you—you smelled the mint and brief tang of alcohol residing on his tongue. using another hand to grab your chin, he softly pulls your bottom lip down before derisively grinning. “aw. nothing to say? no back talk this time?”
“i… want a kiss,” you pant, feeling his warm body just inches away from colliding against yours. just a single inch and he’d be grinding on you. “kiss me.”
“oh i dunno. sounds like a demand, babygirl,” he’d sneer, and your eyes leer near his scar. it was damp a little from him just being between your thighs a moment ago. perhaps it was a bit filthy, but you wanted to taste it. taste him. “ask me the right way.”
you pout, staring right into his eyes. “i wan— can i get a kiss, pretty please. i just want a kiss.”
“course ya can,” he utters, and that’s right when he squeezes your chin. your lips were plump and glossy. toji stares at you back for a long while, studying your cute expressions before he leans right in. the kiss was passionate, it felt so wrong but felt so right. you moaned the second his lips crashed onto yours. he finds it cute, feeling your arms rub and feel around his slim waist. you were pulling him closer — a sign that you wanted more of him. toji teasingly grinds his hefty body against you, and you whimper in his mouth once you feel his thick bulge prod against your panties that were halfway on you. “mhm.” he’d groan.
while his tongue skims against yours, you part your lips a bit for him and the incoming savory taste you’d get a treat out of.
you made sure to savor it, so sweet with a bit of spice.
running your tongue against his, breaking away to lick near his chin, softly making sure to lick near his stubble—you cleaned your own mess off of him. without him asking you either, toji grunts as he watched you through his peripherals. he’d never expect his best friend to have such a nasty girl for a daughter.
“y’er fuckin’ filthy,” he mumbles, breaking away and watching both strands of spit leave and depart. your lips curv into a cute needy scowl before he heard your father suddenly call out from downstairs.
“honey? i said, was that a scream…? is everything okay?”
your eyes widen, not even knowing your father was speaking—yelling actually. toji snickers, and now he’s the one suddenly quiet. prick.
“o-oh um,” you clear your throat, sitting up and that’s when toji starts to create soft chaste kisses near the inside of your neck. you nearly moaned before turning your head to speak. “i’m—i’m fine. i thought i saw a cockroach.”
“cockroach? do you need me to come up and—”
“no!” you’d quickly reply before clearing your throat once more. you let off a sigh, feeling toji start to suck near your collarbone. “i mean, no dad. i’m okay. thanks anyways.”
“okay honey, if you say so.”
toji chortles. “fuck. you’re bad at lying. just tell y’er old man you were getting eaten out by me.”
you glare at him, immensely bringing your brows into a furrow. “no, i’m not gonna say that. are you crazy?”
you eye rolled, yet part of you felt like he wasn’t exactly lying. after all, he could probably be insane—perhaps he was.
you didn’t know, and to be frank, you didn’t really care. all you really cared about was getting pleasured—riding out orgasm after orgasm with him, and that’s exactly what you ended up doing for hours on end.
toji would find himself leaned back against your pillow, studying your hips carefully before grinning.
the moment you lightly shove him back, he clicks his tongue. “oh?” he says, and you already sprung his dick out. he was very much hard, presenting you with an upward slight curve. you licked your lips, hovering over him before giving him a few strokes. a groan slips past his lips and your thumb brushes against the various veins that ran just below his foreskin. “y’er gonna ride me? can a sweet girl like you even handle it?”
“shut up,” you’d fuss, and he just smirks at you. you wanted to wipe that smug expression from his face. he knew just how to irritate your nerves. toji watches you throw your leg over him, a simple hook around. you’re straddling him now and he brings two rough hands to attach near your hips. you lean in to kiss him again and he returns it, slowly tilting his head back and your arms wrap around him. he feels you reach down, grabbing ahold of his shaft before softly sliding the head of his dick near your slick entrance. “s-shit. you’re big.”
“i try not to disappoint,” he slyly says, sliding a thumb near your hips. his voice was so low, so pompous and arrogant. you give him a glare but he only hums out of pure amusement. “barely the tip in ‘n y’er struggling. need my help, sweetheart?”
you ignored him and he smirks, allowing you to do your thing—you bring one hand towards his chest, gently feeling near his perfectly chiseled abs. he was so toned, tracing against his tense muscles and he watches your every move. it was as if time was stood still, he chuckles at how eager you were. you weren’t like him, you weren’t patient and thorough. you were a bit more rushed and sloppy—cute, it was very much cute to him though.
a moan goes past your lips once the wet tip of his slowly starts to sink inside. it had a few droplets of pre-cum leaking down, and you slowly rocked your hips in place to get comfortable. his eyes go lower to focus more on your body, the grip he had on your waist was so rough and sensual. because toji was so thick — it took you a good six minutes, six precise minutes to reach all the way down to the base. your lips opened a bit, and you let off a soft shrilling whimper once you did a cute attempt at jerking forward.
“take it slow,” he purrs in such a rasp, you leisurely started to lurch back and forth once he was buried all the way down to the hilt. you inhale deeply and he was so hefty. balls deep, swollen balls that was hidden and engulfed beneath your inner walls. “atta girl.” he praises, watching you try to maintain a decent rhythm.
ringing went throughout your ears, you felt all hot.
toji playfully brings a hand to feel near your tummy. you were wearing some old university hoodie. it was comfortable, but much to his surprise, you didn’t have a bra underneath. he hums to himself, and you let off a moan once his hand trails ever further. further and further until his thumb brushes against your perky nipples.
“t— toji,” you’d moan, and another hand of his was tightly clinging onto the left part of your waist. you were riding him smoothly. yet since he was so big, you started to feel your thighs building up with drowsiness. your efforts were cute to him, so desperately eager to get off.
his black lashes flicker, and the way he’s all leaned back and manspread was so attractive—you felt your back start to naturally arch and it didn’t take long for toji to reach that particular spot. once you felt his tip prod against there—way past inside the orifices of your cunt, you let off a sweetened whimper. “found it,” he whispers, bringing you close towards his chest. you lean into his touch, intaking his cologne into your nose before your hand starts to wander all over his body. he liked how handsy you were, slipping a hand right underneath his shirt to feel a part of his abs. you made sure to trace directly on each line, each tender flexing muscle. all the way down onto his sharp v-line. further down, you started to feel his happy trail. your favorite.
he grunts, feeling the softness of your hands meander freely. “that’s it, sweetheart,” he gruffs in a sharp breath. an imaginary lump getting caught in his throat — he was holding both of your hips upright and by this point you were slamming right onto his thick cock. “touch me more. feel all over me baby.”
“can i—” you started, leaning in to kiss near the crook of his neck. your voice was soft, a bit trembly before your hands went up this time. feeling near his pecs before a breath gets caught in his throat. “can i feel here, toji?”
“f-fuckin’ girl,” he groans, a chill running down his spine the second he feels you gently rubbing a thumb against his nipples this time. toji was surprisingly far more sensitive despite his rough front he was putting up, it was a bit cute. after all, he did say feel all over you. toji was panting now, while you rode him continuously, he swiped a few beads of sweat from his forehead. “whatever.”
you giggle, watching him now be the one with a pouty expression this time. you plant a kiss near where his slanted scar went down his lip before he spanks your ass. “just ‘cause ‘m sensitive there doesn’t mean ‘m gonna get all whiney for you, girl,” he utters in a raspy tone. the sharp sting from the spank felt good.
you felt yourself twitch between your thighs whilst your hips moved in harmony. you do a little back bend with your hips, constantly jerking against him and he grunts with how slow yet sloppy your movements were. “keep goin’ slow like that. ‘m gonna—cum.”
his voice consistently got deeper, and the tips of his fingers gently pierced into your skin—you were vocal yourself though. moan after moan, a constant repeat. you found yourself whining out his name as if it was a lewd mantra. over and over again, to toji though, it was purely music to his ears.
he feels you start to slow down a bit though, exactly at the minute he tells you he was approaching his incoming release. toji clenched his jaw, gifting the fat of your ass with another mean spank. “f-fuck. keep fuckin’ me. make me fuckin’ cum.”
you plant kisses near his neck this time, near the very inside and you swiftly quicken your pace a little. he was stuffing you full of thick inches, full of such girth that had your tongue salivating right in your mouth. you could only imagine what it’d feel like to have his seed pouring into you. you couldn’t lie to yourself, ever since you saw toji shirtless. his bulge sticking out through his towel, you only imagined he’d be so full of cum to give. you tilt your hips backwards, and he lets off a husky groan.
that particular spot reached so deep, you felt it too. his cockhead pokes and taps repeatedly against your sweet spot and you sob out a needy, “f-fuck, ‘s right there,” you tilt forward and he’s just about reaching his peak. the longer you took, the more spanks you received.
toji was a patient man, but only for so long.
the bed frame creaked constantly, it was the only tune that played in the background. he slithers a hand down between your thighs and spanks your cunt a few times. you whimpered, already a bit sensitive but felt something else approaching. “toji— toji.”
toji groans, the build up nearly taking his breath away. with your rhythmic thrusts against him, his eyes merely roll and he has to take a minute to catch his breath. you wrap a hand around his throat—tenderly of course—then place your lips onto his once he finally finishes inside of you.
he didn’t expect for you to choke him, but he liked it.
he liked how forward you were, your thumb lightly grazed against his adam’s apple, and a deep grunt gets trapped in his throat. your cunt was practically overflowed with such dumps of his cum—you’ve never felt more filled. toji shook a little, a hand gripping your ass as you kissed him.
slowly, he started to feel himself get addicted.
he already was addicted from having a simple taste of you earlier, but he was getting infatuated. you had him whipped, and he knew this probably wouldn’t be a one time thing.
albeit, the last thing you expect is to pull away from the kiss once you feel a sudden pressure brewing up within you.
momentarily, you whine—feeling a sudden familiar wetness coat his base. nerves all throughout your body had you locked in a trance, and you pause your hips before toji tsks.
“little girl,” he mumbles with a sly smile. “did you just squirt on me?”
it was so unexpected, you pant heavily—heave after heave leaving your lips before you moan out a sweet, “y-yes.”
“don’t be shy about it. i like when it’s messy,” he sneers, his eyes tantalizingly trailing down your body once more before he lifts you up just a bit from his shaft. he observes the lewd mess, how much cum trickled past your thighs and he hums. “wanna do that again? i bet i can do it in five minutes, baby.”
to say you were being treated like a rag doll was an understatement.
toji was ruthless with you, ruthless with you in your own house. well, ex-house. you didn’t live here anymore but you used to.
he coaxed orgasm after orgasm out of you like it was nothing. making you imitate and try positions you’ve never even heard of—you were getting stretched, easily said. it’s been hours by this point, you weren’t even in your room anymore. you were in the bathroom with him.
toji had you propped up against the door, you’re taking him from behind and you’re roughly biting down on your lip.
entirely so, it was still risky.
your father was right outside near the living room doing who knows what. probably watching some sports program—yet of course, he started to grow curious of where his best pal went. initially, toji said he had to use the restroom.
like four hours ago . .
he was so mean too, spanking your ass numerous times. your ass was perked upright for him, and you’re leaning against the door. you whimpered, feeling him grip on your panties that he refused to pull off of you.
oh, he likes seeing it dangle and thwack against your skin. the pretty fabric just cutely rubbing against your thighs. his weight just barely hovers against you and he’s smacking right into you.
your cunt swallowed his hefty inches each and every time—by this point, you weren’t sure if you could even give him one more.
you lost count of how many mind blowing orgasms that you were just completely intoxicated from his dick and his dick alone.
toji’s rough bare hands grab onto both parts of your ass, spreading it before deepening his strokes just a bit. you moaned, feeling every inch store inside of your sweet cunt. he knew just where to hit you. you breathe through your mouth and your nose at the same time, heavy cute pants that started to fog up the door’s material.
“fuck, fuck me f-fuckkk,” you’d drag out, and your back naturally arches just from a teasing touch of his finger racing down your back.
your ass was held up high and your cheek was softly nudging against the cold door. another build up was approaching and you were just so in awe—you were literally thinking, where has he been all your life? “close, ‘m getting closer.”
“bet you are. drippin’ all on me ‘n it’s fuckin’ nasty,” he replies—yet you freeze once you hear footsteps approach the door. it was your father, right when you were about to cum—you feel toji’s hand wrap around your mouth. your eyes roll backwards, and then he speaks through the other end of the door.
“toji? hehe, did ya fall in there man? you’re missing the game. we’re down by four points.”
toji chuckles, hearing a tiny muffled squeak go past your lips. he was balls deep, giving you such thick vigorous inches. that’s when he leans right up close to you—a hand still propped to have your mouth shut before whispering in a raspy tone. “you gotta be quiet, sweetheart. you want y’er old man to hear you make a sloppy mess on me?”
you shake your head, making an attempt to try and suck on his fingers and be smiles. “messy baby.”
your mouth was now stuffed with nothing but his thick fingers. you moaned, coating each digit with your glistening saliva as he pounded right into you. the grip your cunt had on him made him groan. eyes roll into the depths of your cranium so far back that your vision was pure black. squelch after squelch, it was so erotic. the build up of your incoming release yet again.
it was so slow and tense, you felt your thighs ache and tremble the more you were arched all over for him. the most sluttiest arch he’s seen in a while.
“huh—oh, nah man i’m good,” toji replies with a simper. you were trying so hard to be quiet, if your father heard anything, that’d be a wrap for you.
dying out of pure embarrassment certainly wasn’t on your bucket list for sure. the way toji responded was so casual, almost as if he wasn’t just happily drilling into his best friend’s cunt in his own home. “four points? shit. defense can’t do anything right.”
“telllll me about it! i could play better with my eyes closed, damn.”
you found it so irksome how they were casually having a dumb conversation whilst you were just about to gush right onto toji’s shaft—you felt him dip his hips into you deeper though, and you let off a sweet whine.
toji leans into your ear and whispers. “you’re doing a good job, sweetheart,” and then he chuckles. removing his hand, you nearly let off the most loudest orgasm imaginable but you kept it together by biting your tongue. it was a cute squeal, and as your legs part you made such a mess.
it was probably the umpteenth time.
while you ride out your release, he’s slowing down his strokes and stares at the excess cum filling up your entrance. toji licks his lips, dragging a thumb to plug it all back in once he pulls out. he didn’t like putting things to waste. you whimper, feeling so taken aback from how stuffed full you were.
it was an awkward silence, you felt a sharp scare in your stomach once you thought your father heard everything — but thankfully so, he plopped right back down on the couch. toji lets you take a moment to calm down, and then he brings a wet kiss towards your lips. you were so sensitive, trembling within his hold—you didn’t want him to leave just now.
“atta girl,” he purrs, that same sly smile pressing against his lips as he brings a thumb towards your lip. his gaze was so hypnotizing. such pools of green eyes looked like it had a story to tell, and perhaps you wanted to know just who toji fushiguro really was.
maybe that story is ready for another day though.
thankfully you didn’t get caught.
or did you—you had to leave out the bathroom first, then toji after about a lengthy minute time difference so it wouldn’t be remotely suspicious. once the both of you were out, after about an hour of you all crammed up and watching the boring never ending basketball game, your dad ends up going to the bathroom.
while he was occupied, you leaned against toji and he wraps an arm around you. he could tell you wanted more—but his gaze was stern, telling you with his eyes to basically be a good girl and be patient.
a few seconds pass before you father bellows out a pitched, “erm. toji? is this shampoo—? what’s this white stuff over the sink? doesn’t look like shampoo.”
the both of you share the same frozen expression, impish smiles fading before you nudge toji to speak after long seconds passes.
“huh? oh, that’s uh mayonnaise. i forgot to clean up after myself.”
“aren’t you allergic to mayonnaise?”
you mentally facepalm, watching toji break into a sheepish sweat before he gruffs out a low, “i guess not that brand of mayonnaise.”
“right. riiiight,” your father mutters, and you heard sudden shifting. it was abrupt, and you felt something fall — probably a brush from the familiar after sound, you then hear your dad add a follow up question. “wait a minute,” and he glances down near the floor. “are these panties?”
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