#he has no ass to speak of and Aether makes fun of him for it
sphylor · 1 year
Aether calling Dew "Pancake". thats his nickname for him. Pancake. thats it. thats the post.
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miasmaghoul · 1 year
As a resident Dew lover I am here for your Dew NSFW headcanons if you please <3
Switch, but usually bottoms. Topping is fun, but it tends to make him finish too soon. Doesn't play dom often, but enjoys every moment of it when he does.
Despite this, though, he never bottoms for his first time with someone.
Little dick, most of the others can fit the whole thing in their mouths with no trouble. Including his pudgy little knot.
Entirely too weak to having his neck and ears kissed/licked/otherwise mouthed at.
Obsessed with nipple play. OBSESSED.
Biter. Enough to draw blood, and he loves that too.
Loves marking and being marked. Wants evidence of every encounter, even if that sometimes means Swiss bruising his ass to the point where he can't sit for a few days.
L O V E S feeling shame and humiliation. Loves being broken down and treated like garbage.
Blames everyone else for his kinks ("Swiss made me like piss!" "Rain dressed me like a girl and now I'm into it!" "Mountain gave me a thing for feet!")
Massive size difference kink, likes feeling tiny despite how much he bitches about his height.
Speaking of, ELITE SIZE QUEEN.
The only one to have taken Mountain's knot (not counting Rain's jaw trick), and to regularly request DP. He loves being overwhelmed.
Bratty tendencies, but I don't personally hc him as whiny and obnoxious about it.
Mommy and daddy kinks
Edging forever and always. Also overstim. He likes to pretend he's had enough, but it's never enough.
Up for any position, but generally prefers being on all fours or bent over something. Eye contact is hard for him - Swiss likes to force it, but Aether gets as much as he likes.
Lost his "virginity" to Aether and developed A Thing about it.
Has different dynamics with everyone, very few people see the same side of Dew behind closed doors.
Don't tell anyone, but he would do literally anything Aether asked of him. The others all have points at which he bows out, but Aether? Dew can never say no to him.
VERY into dubcon. He likes to struggle, to feel scared and trapped. Adores when one of the others will let him give them the same treatment.
Breeding kink. BREEDING KINK.
Loves to choke, not super into being choked. Makes him nervous, and not in the way he likes. A hand on the throat to threaten or be possessive is fine, but he can do without the pressure.
Loves feeling used and objectified. The others play rock, paper, scissors on hotel nights when they're touring to see who gets Dew rights for the night. He grumbles about it, but always ends up chubby when someone argues that they want him instead. Like he's not even there.
If you pull his hair right when he's about to cum he screams. Every time.
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aetheternity · 2 years
Teyvat babysitting service
Synopsis: Your mother has important errands to run all day so she leaves you with her in home babysitting center. Which means watching over six very energetic kids for an afternoon. Luckily Aether is there to teach you the ropes.
CW: Just some sweet fluff. Reader has you/your pronouns. Venti and Scaramouche have different color hair than in canon.
A/N: I was reading the cutest fic by: teaberrii with a similar premise and it gave me this idea but like I put my own spin on it. Go check out their version it's super adorable. Plus I needed to write something in between two other projects.
A/N 2: Quick list of things that got cut, Reader calling Scaramouche 'demon child.' {I didn't know how people would feel about that}. Aether giving Scaramouche animal crackers with all the heads cut off. {Really sad I cut this one} Venti calling reader perfect {Didn't have a good place to add that} Aether cursing {Just the word ass but still} and last but not least Aether making fun of reader for having no child care experience {Also something I couldn't figure out where to place. I really wanted to put that in too but I guess right here in the authors note is the best I can do.}
Characters: Aether (10), Heizou (9), Kazuha (9), Scaramouche (8), Venti (7), Xiao (6).
Ok so you might've agreed to something dumb. Something you never would've in a million years had it been anyone else. But this was your mom, your mom who you'd never heard sounding so frazzled before. She'd scheduled a doctor's appointment and a couple other appointments which she now couldn't get out of and the person she had hired to run the daycare for the day while she was out had called out sick only two hours ago. Lucky for her she'd remembered you were off from work on Saturday. Which is how you ended up begrudingly agreeing to babysit despite having no experience with the field.
Six kids as well..
You'd arrived exactly when you said you would however obtaining your mother's attention was immediately a nightmare.
"Their scheduled snack time, nap time, playtime and pickup times are all on the paper on the table listed 'Name's to do list'." She stated struggling to pull her arm through her sleeve.
"Mom.." You begged glancing behind you at the ten pairs of eyes all glaring into your soul.
"And if I'm not back before six all of their parents know I had someone else here to take over for the day." She briskly headed towards the door clicking her heels as you rushed to keep up. Little giggles following behind you both.
"And if you have any problems at all talk to Aether."
"Who's Aether??" You questioned
"Here I am." A small blonde boy stood from a dimly lit corner. His braid swayed along as he headed towards the rest of the kids with a book tucked into his possession.
"He's my favorite little helper." Your mom grinned patting Aether's head. "Alright, now you kids be good for Name ok? I promise this is only for today."
"Too bad.. our new babysitter's so pretty." A brown haired kid with pigtails said.
"Wait my assistant is a child himself??!"
"Trust me, as long as you're kind to him he'll help you all day." She leans in to kiss your cheek. "I have to hurry if I'm going to make this appointment on time. Thank you so much for agreeing to this."
"Moooomm." You childishly pout but she's already gone shutting the door quickly behind her.
You sneak a glance behind you and the kids stare back.
"What makes you so qualified to take care of us for the day?" One of the kids scoffs.
"Scara, we said we'd play nice." The one you remember as Aether speaks up.
"No, you all agreed to be nice. I would never make a promise I can't keep." And with that he storms off, the other kids slowly dispersing as well and you're honestly grateful for it as their eyes were creeping you out.
"Here you go Xiao." Aether slides the book he'd been retrieving into the grasp of the only kid that had stayed when everyone else left. "Welcome to Teyvat's babysitting center, Name." He turns to you with a smile.
The first hour
"Sorry if this comes across as mean but you're a child yourself. How are you apart of the help?"
"I help your mom everyday. This group looks cute but they're a handful." Aether replies as you head over to the kitchen to recieve the note your mom had left.
"Right.." You sigh trying not to make it obvious that you don't trust a word he says.
A ten year old? Seriously? Isn't that breaking some kind of child labor laws? Does he even get paid to assist? Do his parents know? He can't possibly have any big jobs at least.
"Ok, five boys and one girl to watch today.." You say aloud, flipping the page your mom had left for you over. "Great.."
"Actually it's six boys." Aether interjects
"What? Even that one?" You point across the room at the one with pigtails from earlier rummaging around in the toy bin.
"Yes, we're all guys."
"But he's wearing a dress.." You blink a little more stunned than you'd like to admit.
Aether laughs, "It's two shirts and a pair of leggings. Don't worry he wouldn't be offended if he heard you say that. He's used to being seen as a girl."
"Well that's just great." You huff setting the paper back on the table just as the same boy you'd been talking about ran over, his heels clicking across the hardwood as he came.
"Here! This is for you." He stops next to Aether shoving a plastic flower towards you. Its white petals drooping a bit but it was still quite pretty for a fake. You grasped it by the green stem and the boy in front of you smiled with glee. "I want you to have it cause it's pretty like you." He giggles before running off.
"Well Venti already likes you. One down five to go. Though Venti's approval is the easiest to get."
"Alright lay it on me. Everything I need to get through taking care of all you kids." You place your hands on your hips making eye contact with Aether.
Aether pushes a chair up next to you, resting his knees in the cushioning as he points out into the living room. "Here's all you need to know: Xiao right over there, smallest, youngest and likes to be alone. The only people he really likes are me, your mom and his dad. He's probably the easiest boy here."
"Easier than you?"
"Well, he doesn't really do anything. As long as he has his snack on time and his nap on time he's fine." Aether shrugs and you nod along. "Next we have Heizou and Kazuha, their moms have been best friends since high-school so they were raised like brothers. Which means they're basically always together. One of them always brings board games or cards or something and they play together most of the day."
"Three easy kids, lucked out."
"Sounds like you're hoping for an easy day." Aether teases "Venti is a bit of a menace. He sneaks snacks, loves sweets, cries whenever any of the other kids cry and he won't sleep without Dvalin."
Aether points and you follow his direction. "His blue stuffed dragon." Aether shakes his head like he's remembering something truly god awful. "It went missing once and he screeched so loud we thought the windows would break."
"Keep track of the stuffed dragon.. got it." You nod, "Wait he cries when other kids cry? Why?"
"I believe there are two reasons he does that, one, he wants attention too. Which is very possible, Venti is a bit of an attention hog. Or two that he feels other people's emotions so strongly that he's just experiencing their pain with them. You can decide for yourself but I'm going with number one."
"This is all.. helpful." How is this ten year old so knowledgeable?
"And that leads us to our nutcase Scara. He builds block towers just because he likes to knock them over. Hates sweets-"
"Hates sweets? What kind of kid hates sweets.."
Aether shrugs, "And he should never be left alone too long without supervision."
"To be fair isn't that the same for all you kids?"
Aether freezes, "Wait he's not-"
A crashing sound makes you and all the kids divert your attention down the hall. "Oh God.. it's been fifteen minutes!" You groan jogging along with Aether on your heels.
You shove open the bathroom door to find Scaramouche standing beside the broken lid that belonged on the toilet tank. A low chorus of "Oooo's" began behind you and you turn to see Aether in shock with Venti, Heizou and Kazuha all leaning on each other in the doorway.
"I dropped my car in the toilet.." Scara said innocently, shifting back and forth on both legs. Though the smile on his face said he wasn't even slightly sorry.
"Why would you bring a car to the bathroom in the first place?" You grunt peaking inside the tank only to see nothing inside.
"Because I'm eight." He scoffed, crossing his arms.
"Ugghh Aether take everyone back out into the living room. I'll clean up in here."
You hear Aether shoo the kids away behind you. A soft whisper of, "You're in so much trouble.." From Venti soon followed by silence. And you sigh working to clean up the tiniest pieces of the broken top first. Once that's finished you slide the top back onto the toilet broken and all. You'll probably have to pay for it yourself but it was your fault for being irresponsible. You pull the lid up, looking into the bowl to see what you can only assume is the red car Scara had been searching for laying beneath the surface of the water.
Why was he even touching the tank then? With every part of your brain screaming in agony you shove your hand into the freezing water below, yanking his tiny car out with a heavy groan. Before you can even begin to bleach your hands until you clean your skin off you hear a loud call down the hall.
Placing the car in the sink, you shake your hand out stomping your way back into the main room. You're immediately met with a disgruntled Aether trying his hardest to yank Venti off the kitchen counter as the small boy stuck his hand up to reach the cookies on the top shelf.
"Venti!" You reach around his legs gently placing him back on the floor. "It's not lunchtime and it's not snack time." He pouts but surprisingly heads back off towards the toy bin.
You were at least glad to see that aside from Venti just now everyone else was being good. Heizou and Kazuha had returned to their game, Xiao was on the floor sucking his thumb while flipping through a book and Scaramouche was laughing at the scene that had just occurred only a few feet away.
"You mister are on timeout, ten minutes for breaking that top."
He sticks his face closer to yours, "Oh yeah? How do you plan to make me huh?"
Before you can respond Aether is by your side, "It's ten minutes for breaking Name's mom's property which is a good deal considering what you'd get if our normal caretaker were here. And this place has always been good to you considering how awful your home life can be."
"You think that's the way to get me to do what you say?"
"Ten minutes for poor behavior and I'll throw in all the blocks from my jenga box so you can build the tallest tower to break when you get out of containment." Aether points and you watch as Scaramouche's eye twitches but before long he's walking his way over to the timeout chair. "Go wash your hands off, I can handle everyone for right now."
You breathe a sigh of relief as you rush back into the bathroom, scrubbing your hands thrice with as much soap as you could. As well as the car that'd been discarded in the sink. You didn't hear a peep this time and for the first time today you were unbelievably happy to have Aether by your side, helping you through this.
Aether had helped you get the table from your mother's closet and you'd allowed him to carry into the main room for the kids lunchtime. Not at all child labor.. it was a cute kid sized table that barely weighed anything. The kids just grabbed their own chairs from the corner where they'd been stacked up in the corner of the room. Except for Xiao who needed Kazuha's help.
"Phew." You looked out into the open room and Aether pushed the chair from earlier up next to you.
"So shall we get started on meals?"
"You wanna help with this too?" You chuckle but you're honestly a bit happy seeing as your mom had not given you any instructions on what they actually eat.
"Everything is brought by all of our parents. So I can tell you what everyone eats." You nod along as you'd done earlier. "Heizou and Kazuha are first, they only eat dinosaur nuggets, carrots and celery. Place the same amount of nuggets on each of their trays they like to eat an even amount along with the same amount of carrots two each and one stalk of celery on both."
You head over to the fridge pulling out the packed baggies with both boys names on them. "Why do they both need to have the same amount of nuggets, carrots and celery?"
"Because they'll assume you're picking a favorite and then they won't eat."
"I thought you'd say something like it starts fights."
"No they don't fight very often but they both hate favoritism. Oh yeah don't forget, Heizou drinks grape juice and Kazuha drinks apple."
"Next is Venti, he likes apple slices leave them out so they're not too cold or else he'll cry about his teeth. For his sandwich he likes it cut into forths peanut butter on top and jelly on the bottom with little marshmallows shaped like stars stuck in the jelly and peanut butter."
"Are you kids raised by rich parents? Why are there so many steps just to make you lunch?" You scoff "And marshmallows? Seriously?"
"Venti really loves sweets." Aether shrugs "When I said on top I meant jelly at the beginning part of the bread spread halfway down then peanut butter below it. Cut the crust off by the way. And make sure the marshmallows are thinly sliced before you put them through the cookie cutter."
"Unbelievable, you know when I was a kid I had a normal peanut butter and jelly sandwich. Sometimes tuna if I was lucky."
"I'm sorry to hear that." You must've turned to him with pure aggravation behind your eyes because he cowers a bit before continuing on. "For Scaramouche, he likes cucumber sandwiches.."
"Oh my God you are all high society kids aren't you!"
"It's really simple!" Aether chuckles "The cucumbers are already peeled and clean all you need to do is put cream cheese, war chester sauce, mayo, garlic powder and onion salt into a bowl-"
"War chester sauce?" You can't stop yourself from snorting. He holds up a bottle for you pointing to the label. "Sure.. war chester." You actually do let out a giggle now.
"I'm ten what do you want from me? Even my mom can't read this word on the first try." You giggle a little harder as you take a bowl from where he'd pulled it off the rack. "All you have to do after that is put the cucumbers on top of the sauce spread and then you're done with the sandwich. But don't cut Scara's sandwich at all."
"Why? Wait why would I ask about having to do less work. Nevermind." You mix as swiftly as possible trying your hardest to mix quickly.
"Scara drinks lemon juice by the way." Aether hands you a bottle without a label and you stare at it.
"Lemonade huh? Wouldn't have picked him as a kid who enjoys that."
"No, not lemonade just lemon juice."
You pause in your stirring to stare at the bottle. "Are you serious? There's no way there isn't a drop of sugar in that thing. Even an adult would hate that."
"I personally believe he enjoys torturing himself. No one knows why though."
"Ugh who's left? Xiao?"
"Mhm Xiao is easy."
"I don't believe you."
"No seriously his dad makes his food the night before all you have to do is heat it up." Aether hands you a plate full of cold food from the fridge then grabs a pan from the rack gesturing for you to place the food in the pan.
"This might sound a bit weird to ask but why're you so eager to help? Is it because you're the oldest?"
Aether kind of smiles heading back to the fridge. "When I was little, like littler my twin sister used to always protect me. I felt kind of useless after a while cause I was always hurt or crying and she always treated me the nicest of anyone ever. Our mom said to me the best way to pay back kindness is to be kinder to everyone else around you. To recieve kindness is to give it back tenfold. So I always help everyone, to pay my sister back for everything she's done for me."
"Aww. That's really really sweet. Your mother raised you well."
"Thank you."
"Wait, you have a twin sister? Then where is she today?"
"Mom has me Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and weekends. While dad has her Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Saturday. Then I go to my dad on Mondays and Tuesdays."
"That sounds very confusing. I'm sorry to hear that."
Aether shakes his head, "Don't worry me and Lumine whittled them down till they agreed to spend holidays together." He turns the stove off. "Someday we might even get them back together."
You put on your best supportive smile. Trying your best to think of literally anything to say to this happy go lucky kid right now. Though your mouth dries and a knot forms in the pit of your stomach but he doesn't seem to notice.
"Ok. Last but not least me."
"Oh." You try to laugh off the information you'd been recently burdened with. "What do you want? Figs flown in from France perhaps?"
"All I really want are mozzarella sticks and tomatoe sauce." He gestures to the fridge and you sigh.
"Truly the easiest child." You say with a loud exhale, tugging him into a tight hug. You softly rub his shoulders.
You felt as though you might've blacked out for a minute because you couldn't believe what you were watching. The entire group of six boys just eating away at their meals. No conversation amongst them at all. Just happy go lucky chomping. Unbelievable.
You'd endured probably the most fear known to man today. Venti had decided to go outside in the rain without a coat and you and Aether had chased him down. Only for him to track mud all throughout the house. Heizou had gotten a paper cut and Scaramouche had disappeared again only to return with the leaning tower of blocks in his hand. Which Venti had promptly knocked out of his hand when he'd ran past him with a toy car almost starting a full out brawl between the two boys.
But for the first time in the last few hours you actually had some peace and quiet. It was almost terrifying. A part of you was happy but all of you was a bit frustrated because you could technically go and do whatever it was you hadn't been able to do the entire day but here you were instead. Watching them eat.
"Yeah me, Heizou and Kazuha don't need naps anymore but we normally take them with the others. Just because Scaramouche doesn't sleep if he sees other people doing stuff while he's supposed to be napping."
"Ok then. Nap time everybody!" You call out, clapping your hands.
"Dvalin?" Venti scurries over to his cot, tossing the blanket up in the air before searching beneath the cot as well. "He's not here!"
"Oh no.." Kazuha freezes, Heizou already covering his ears.
"No no! Don't cry Venti, I'm sure he's here somewhere!" Aether says "Wait where's Scara.."
Kazuha rushes to Venti's side, the tears already beginning to fall while you and Aether storm down the hall to look for Scaramouche.
"Scara!" You call
"Scara, come on we don't want to-" Aether pauses, gasping and you stop at the same door he's standing in front of with a loud exclamation.
Tucked between his hands is Venti's dragon Dvalin. One hand tightly wrapped around the dragon's neck while the other is beneath the dragon's torso. You can hear Venti's cries growing steadily louder.
"Scara.. please.. give me the dragon." You nearly beg
"Not one more step, or the dragon gets it."
"Scara why would you do this! You know how much that dragon means to Venti!"
"He ruined my tower!"
"We can all build a new one after nap time as long as you give me the toy."
"Scara.. don't make me call Auntie Nahida." Aether remarked moving closer. At this name you noticed Scara tense and his grip on Dvalin grew weaker. "Give up the Dragon. I just memorized her number too."
With a low throaty growl Scara handed over the toy. Running back into the living room. You and Aether both breathed a collective sigh of relief.
"It's ok right?" You turned the toy over to check the stitching.
"Of course it is. Scara was bluffing."
"How could you tell?"
"He keeps a knife in his pocket. If he wanted to kill Dvalin he would've forever ago."
Geez these kids are just not normal.
After Naptime
You and Aether had gathered with Scara in the first bedroom closest to the living room keeping the door open so you could peak out every once in a while. You had to admit that this was definitely the most fun you'd had with the kids. Scara had pieced together a huge skyscraper one that was almost taller than Aether at this point. And with the help of Aether's extra blocks it'd become truly marvelous.
"How is it fun?" You questioned when he'd added the last block.
"Hm?" Aether asked
"How is it fun to build something this big with the sole intent of smashing it?"
"Eight year old boy stuff." Aether shrugged
"Alright, I finally get to smash it." Scara's foot flies through it first with a happy go lucky grunt of 'yes!' The tower topples and in a matter of seconds the entire structure crumbles to the ground. Each block making a thud as they scattered atop each other.
You tsk, "All our hard work."
"Well what would you do with a block tower savor it forever?" Scaramouche questions crossing his arms.
"Well no.."
"Ah the crazy boy has a point." Aether chuckles collecting some blocks into a pile in front of him. You smirk collecting your own pile in front of you.
"Shut up Aether."
"Hey, what did we talk about on your last time out? You wanna build blocks until you go home you have to be civil."
He simply grunts in reply hanging his head as he starts to gather up as many blocks as he can. The tiny thuds of little footsteps coming your way made all three of you look up. Venti stopped in the doorway Heizou's hand in his. His eyebrows knitted as he looked at the scene before him.
"Um.. pretty caretaker we lost Xiao.."
"What do you mean you lost Xiao?" Aether is up first and you and Scaramouche follow the two boys into the living room.
"Venti had to go to the bathroom so I went with him." Heizou said
"You went with him to the bathroom?" You question
"Venti has issues getting his belt off sometimes." Aether replies, glancing around the room. "Well Kazuha, you were here right?"
"I was looking in my bag for my deck of uno cards. When I looked up he had vanished." Kazuha admitted
"Would he have gone outside?" You rush to the door realizing once you turned the knob that Xiao was far too small to be able to reach it. "Xiao!" You call "He has to still be in the house then." You say to Aether as he rushes past you to check the room next to the front entrance.
"Xiao!" Aether calls as well.
After a while even Scara's checking. Venti and Heizou moving to the kitchen. Heizou checking the oven while Venti checks under the table. Aether heading into the bathroom though quickly finds his search pointless as Venti and Heizou had recently been in there. Kazuha headed over to the toy bin flipping the lid with a small sigh.
"Found him!" Kazuha called
You were the first to make it over there, chest feeling so much lighter. You pulled the tiny boy into your arms holding onto him so tight as though he'd escape again if you let go. After a couple seconds of that he wriggled his way out of your grasp with a grunt sliding to the floor and wrapping around Aether's ankle.
"Well thank goodness he's alive."
"Ah Xiao I left you alone too long. Sorry how about I read you a couple stories yeah?"
Xiao nodded quickly reaching out for Aether's hand. Only to be met with a small chorus of 'awwwww's'
"Aether loves Xiao and Xiao loves Aether!" The boys all chanted in unison laughing and giggling amongst themselves. You can't help but stifle a small laugh yourself when you see how red Aether's face grows. His head falling, bangs flopping against his nose and cheeks.
Aether straightens for just a moment, "I don't love Xiao! I just care about him! Unlike you guys who lost him!" With a huff he grabs Xiao's hand. "Come on Xiao." And you watch them settle into the chair in the farthest corner of the room. Xiao tucked into Aether's lap as he began reading Xiao's book aloud for him.
The last you'd seen of Venti he'd been happily pushing along a shopping cart of pretend groceries with Heizou and Kazuha playing shop keeper for him. Meanwhile you'd bunkered down with Scaramouche to finish yet another block tower.
"I want you to do the honors this time." Scara said placing the last block before scampering away from the slightly uneven tower.
"What really? Isn't that your favorite thing?"
"You don't appreciate how fun it is to build a tower just to smash it. But you will once you experience it for yourself."
You laugh softly, "Promise you won't use your knife on me if I do?"
"Just smash the thing." You put a hand out to push it over but Scara stops you. "What're you doing? You have to kick it over!" He stands and demonstrates with one leg out, "Kick it."
You shake your head but do as he says standing up to smash the tower with your foot. The tower collapses in a heap and Scara cheers the first bright non cheeky smile of the day stretching across his face.
"Now do you see?" He asks as he collects the blocks.
"That was surprisingly fun. Thanks Scara."
He rolls his eyes, "No need to thank me. Next time you should just trust me."
You sigh turning your attention to the door as Venti, Kazuha and Heizou enter. "Venti, wanted you to have this." Heizou says
Venti quickly unveils a messily colored picture. Most of the colors went outside the lines but over all you could tell the picture was from a coloring book. The colors all reminding you of Venti's stuffed dragon.
"Awww. It's beautiful Venti!"
"I wanted to thank you, for saving Dvalin earlier." Scara scoffs beside you and Venti just pouts sticking his tongue out at him.
"I'll treasure it thank you guys so much."
"Are you planning on coming back?"
"Back here?" You ask "This was really only for the day guys."
"But we really like you!" Venti practically yells, sucking his thumb into his mouth.
"We would all be happy if you came back again." Heizou nods
"Ewen Scawa!" Venti snickers over the thumb in his mouth.
The boys chuckle as Scara moves to shove his face into a nearby chair. "Shut up!" He huffs "I will not!"
"Aw Scara. It's ok. I will try to come back at some point. I've grown to like you guys too."
"Really?! Yay!" Venti giggles, bouncing around in a circle.
Aether suddenly appeared behind Kazuha, Xiao tugged into his arms as he went. "Someone's at the door, Name."
"Noooo, I don't want to go home yet!" Venti whined, hugging onto your pant leg.
"I don't think it's our parents." Aether said "It sounded like keys."
"She's back!" Heizou was the first one out followed by Kazuha, Venti, Aether and Xiao. You rushed out behind them and they immediately crowded your mother's legs. All calling out different things.
"Phew! I missed you kids too!" You sighed watching them happily jump around. Their smiles soft and delighted. "Did you kids have fun with Name?"
"Yes!" They all called excitedly
"When will name be back?" Kazuha asked
"Yeah we love Name." Venti piped in
"Love is a strong word." Scaramouche interjected
"Well, whenever you'd like to come see the kids. Since they enjoyed having you."
"Yay!" Everyone except Xiao and Scaramouche cheered
Closing time
You'd stayed until the very end. Until the last parent came to collect their child. You found yourself a little floored by how much Zhongli talked in comparison to his son Xiao that is until you met his wife. Very soft spoken, quiet woman.
"Bye." Xiao had murmured the first word he'd spoken the entire day. Or at least that you'd heard yourself. You barely registered his tiny voice at all. Almost thought you'd misheard.
"Come back soon pretty caretaker! Goodbye! I miss you already!" His mother's smile was soft but Venti was beaming as he waved and blew you kisses.
You were actually expecting Scaramouche to leave without saying goodbye so when he gave your leg a quick hug you were more than shocked. His mom was even more surprising or well moms one of whom didn't talk to either you or your mom. Too busy on the cellphone. His first mom had called for him pretty loudly and without another word he'd fleed.
Heizou and Kazuha hugged you super tight on each side. And with a "Come back soon." They each waved and headed off with their mothers.
"Hey." Aether smiled at you as his mom peaked in through the entrance. You leaned down to give him a tight hug shaking him back and forth as you did. "Never stop being a sweetheart ok? Look after the boys and your sister until I see you again."
"I promise." He headed to the door but flipped around one last time just for one final goodbye hug. "Today was super fun."
"Bye kiddo. Thanks for the help today." You waved and he waved as well his mother taking his hand and with him they left.
"Already attached to the boys? They'll do that to you they're the sweetest." You turn to look at her with a raised eyebrow, "Yes even Scarmouche. Once he gets comfortable he'll be even nicer to you."
"I'd love to see that." You scoff
"Well, anytime you're free." She shrugs with a smile.
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corvusunnx · 1 year
mushy may day 10: mutual pining/staring in adoration
I chose mutual pining (there's a little bit of angst but it's not much, and there's a happy ending <3)
pairing: swiss/dew
summary: dew comes back after helping a new sister of sin find her way around the big ministry, but overhears a part of swiss and aether's conversation about swiss confessing to someone. instead of going to hang out with them like planned, he leaves and cries his heart out to mountain. eventually swiss finds them and aether occupies mountain elsewhere so swiss can confess to dew.
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swiss sighs, leaning back into the couch of the common room. aether sits across from him, sifting through a deck of uno. time has been so slow today without dew. usually the two of them would be running around the ministry, being a pain in the ass to everyone in sight. they have a lot of fun messing with everyone else, playing pranks and finding ways to bother everyone. dew has been helping one of the new sisters, a direct order from papa. he was told to introduce her and show her around the ministry, the endless, huge building that they all live in. swiss doesn't know where dew is right now or he'd hang out with him, but he wasn't paying attention when papa was speaking earlier.
aether told him about what dew had been doing all day when swiss asked, placing a card onto the table with a quiet slap. swiss has been dissapointed since then. he wonders if dew also misses him, but doubt washes over any hope of that. sure, he hangs out with swiss a lot, but that doesn't mean he wants to be around all the time.
"swiss?" aether's voice is concerned, making swiss guess he's repeated himself, he just never realized. not listening, yet again. in his own little world of thought. "it's your turn." aether nudges the pile on the table with his hand. his ring reflects the light in the way a mirror would, putting a harsh glare into swiss's eyes.
"Oh! right, sorry. I was thinking about something."
"it was dew again wasn't it?"
swiss nearly chokes on air as he turns to aether, his face turning red.
"no? why would I be thinking about dew?!"
"liar!" aether laughs, a hand slamming against swiss's back playfully. "you know he likes you back, right? you don't have to obsess so much!"
"what if he doesn't, though? I mean he doesn't even act all that different aroun-"
"yes he does! bullshit!" aether cuts swiss off, placing a card onto the pile. he finds himself laughing at the sheer amount of doubt radiating off of swiss.
"I promise. I'll even tell him you like him if you're too scared. will that get you over this doubt you have going on?"
"no! anything but that! are you crazy?"
"uh-huh.. uno!"
dew nears the common room in the hall, pausing when he hears their voices echoing through the hallways. his heart sinks to his feet and his tail drops to the floor.
"I wanna tell him that I like him on my own. I appreciate you trying to help, though aether."
"you better. I've seen how he acts around you."
dew grabs at his chest, scrunching up the fabric his hand makes contact with. he knew it. he knew swiss had feelings for someone else. what an idiot he is to fall for him, knowing he doesn't feel the same. he holds back tears as he walks back to his room, unable to bring himself to greet the others. he bumps into mountain in the halls, carrying plants out of his room to the greenhouse.
"Hey dew- are you alright, little buddy?"
dew whines before tears start pouring down his cheeks. he can't hold them back anymore, not after mountain had drawn attention to him. he tries to speak, his words broken through sobs.
"I-I was gonna meet up with aether and swiss after giving the new sister a tour of the ministry- but.." his voice trails off. mountain sets the small potted plants down and reaches to hug dew, picking him up and holding him. mountain pats his back and reassures him he'll be okay before dew brings himself to talk again.
"swiss said he was gonna tell someone he likes them. I fucking knew it. I knew he didn't like me back. I'm so stupid." his words come out more as squeaks. he buries his face into mountain's shoulder, sniffling and crying. his heart feels like it's been torn to millions of pieces, despite already having doubts, even before he overheard swiss.
"he'd be a fool not to love you, dew. I can't think of anyone who'd match more perfectly with him than you. did you catch a name?" mountain turns his head gently, his nose now lining up with the smaller ghoul's ear.
"so for all you know, it could be you, but you're choosing to ignore that chance?"
"I know it's not me. why the hell would he ever think of me like that." dew's tears begin to dry up. he now rests his chin on mountain's shoulder, staring into the large and empty hallways. mountain brings a hand to rub the spade of dew's tail in attempt to calm him down.
"Oh shit. speak of the devil." dew pulls away from mountain and lands in front of him. swiss walks alongside in the hall with aether, his attention switching to the two ghouls in front of him.
"dew! are you okay?" swiss calls out, running over to him.
"I'm fine. don't you have somewhere else to be?"
"what? not when I see you like this- and I was gonna go looking for you anyway. I wanted to talk to you." dew tries to find swiss's intentions in his face, but fails.
aether gestures for mountain to leave, helping pick up one of the plants and walking with him to the greenhouse.
"what is it, then?"
swiss is confused at why dew is so hostile, the smaller ghoul now oozing with frustration as he stares up at swiss. did he do something wrong?
"uh... I don't really know how to say this."
"just get it over with."
"... I like you."
dew's gaze softens completely. he feels his heart skip a beat at swiss's words. he can't help but just stare back in complete awe. swiss feels regret wash over him the longer dew takes to respond, breaking eye contact.
"are you fucking with me right now?" dew's voice is shaky, almost as shaky as his hands, balled into fists at his sides.
"no! of course not! aether told me I should tell you. shoulda known it was too crazy." swiss chuckles, turning around to leave. he can't stand to be here anymore. he can't stand to face rejection. dew runs up behind him after watching for only a few seconds, and pulls swiss's shoulder to turn him around, now facing the smaller ghoul. dew aggressively pulls swiss in to kiss him, humming as their lips melt together.
"I didn't think you liked me. you scared the shit out of me!" dew scolds swiss, both of them laughing as they part from each other.
"ah, you'll live." swiss smirks, weaving his fingers into dew's. "i missed you, by the way. it felt like you were gone forever."
"you have no idea how bored I was earlier. I swear this building grew since last time I had to help a new sibling."
"honestly it probably has."
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p1nkcanoe · 1 year
I'm inviting myself into your inbox and building a nest like a really tall bird. Don't worry, I bring snacks. Anyway, your fic Love Like Ghosts is taking up so much of my brain, do you have any more thoughts on it? Do Mountain and Swiss ever find out what was happening? Does it become something he looks forward to? Does Aether ever reveal his mischief?
ooo yay!! I’ll be sure to drop by every hour just to drop by and share little snacks. and eventually i'll work up the confidence to sit and stay for a while <3
and speaking of love like ghosts, i'm glad you asked because i've had a few silly little thoughts. nsfw stuff under the cut, you know the drill... lets discuss.
first of all, aether definitely works open the lock of his door shortly after it all ends, closes it behind him before anyone can follow him in. i like to imagine him walking towards his bed slowly, a poisonous and amused smirk on his lips as he takes in the pathetic sight of the multi ghoul shaking and covered in his mess. swiss can barely life his head, his body is exhausted and his muscles feel like jelly. he hears aeth come in, listens to his footsteps as he comes closer, and his body flushes hot with embarrassment at the feeling of his eyes burning hot into his sweaty skin.
"what do we have here, huh?" aeth says once he reaches the edge of the bed. he places a hand against his spine and before he even makes contact that tingle of quintessence is there like a million tiny needles. swiss shivers, anticipating something but he doesn't exactly know what. the ghost cock? aeth's? something else? aeth chuckles as he peers at his backside, running his hand over the curve of his ass and down his thigh so that he can drag a finger back up through the leaking drip of mountain's cum. “guess mountain wasn’t tired after all.”
and suddenly everything clicks. well, kind of. swiss has a lot of questions, the first of many being “how???”
now, what if now that swiss knows the tricks of aether's little game that he gets very quickly intrigued with the possibilities and the vast potential? (did this sentence even make sense..? idk lmao)
lets just say he gets acclimated to the static of quintessence up his spine, has figured out the invisible timer that ticks down before he’s fucked within an inch of his life, and starts to look forward to it. there’s something so erotic about knowing your packmate is fucking himself the way he likes it, abusing a fleshlight that appeared out of nowhere, and apparently liking it a little more than he liked. and swiss has created a pornographic scene for himself, too. he's been fucked in the privacy of his own room, fucked in the shower, fucked in the common room with another ghoul feet away... there's a thrill in it and he can't get enough.
and maybe swiss gets curious and a little too horny for his own good and sneaks into both dew’s and rain’s rooms while they’re sleeping just to steal their favorite toys and return them later on, hexxed and tethered to his own body. and maybe he also manages to steal a strap or two from the ghoulettes just for a little fun. needless to say, aether gets really good at manipulating his magick and swiss has never cum more in his life. and right when he thinks that it couldn’t possibly get any better, a box shows up on his desk, the picture on the front: a pocketpussy in a clear shell speckled with glitter. premium, realistic silicone, it reads in bold, red font. stuck to the top is a sticky note:
“this one’s for you, choose wisely”
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lolibles · 3 years
playing video games with them| anemo boys <3
characters: kazuha, xiao and venti
very fluffy, a little suggestive in kazuha’s part, slight slight angst for xiao, crack
synopsis: what games you play with them, how they act with you!
not proofread please don’t sue me this is also very random :)
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playing stardew valley and animal crossing with kazuha is my life goal that will never be fulfilled please cry with me. anyway, just imagine cuddling on the sofa under a thick blanket on a cold rainy day with cups of hot chocolate or tea whilst playing stardew valley. the both of you work through the first year slowly as little farmers doing cute little farm things. also if you ever chose to get into a relationship with any of the npcs in the game kazuha will not be happy, he’d definitely not talk to that particular npc because he is now kazuha’s “sworn enemy”. he will also be a pouty baby, so please apologise and give him kisses. and if you REALLY want to make it up to him, ask him to marry you in animal crossing and this man will be on his knees in a split second. he’d prepare EVERYTHING, from the venue, the guests, he’d even attempt to design his own tux for his little character to wear. and you guys would have such an adorable animal crossing wedding. also because kissing in game is not enough, he’d probably kiss you irl when the wedding officiant says you may now kiss the xx. honestly i see kazuha even going out spontaneously to buy you a promise ring with a little maple leaf engraved in it for you. yes it was an animal crossing wedding, but it was a wedding non the less. playing minecraft with kazuha please, its so fucking wholesome- he’s so good at the game and he doesn’t even try. he knows all the tricks and he’s so sexy with redstone you cant convince me otherwise. he’s also an amazing builder pls wtf. AND OH MY GOD, imagine playing the sims4 with kazuha, he’d literally cry inside. you both would sit next to each other in front of the computer screen for hours just designing your characters. and you would have a little cat too. everytime kazuha’s character flirted with yours, he will definitely shoot you one of his romantic haikus. also the first time your characters woohoo’ed, he most likely would have teased you and said “its unfair that only they get to woohoo you know.” anyway i think playing wholesome games with kazuha is 10 bells out of 10 bells.
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now this one is kinda scary. i think its pretty obvious that xiao plays shooter games honestly. or anything that has to do with fighting. it wasn’t unusual to hear him literally SCREAM randomly throughout the day because of a game. if you ever play shooter games with this aggressive boy, please proceed with caution. i honestly feel like he would be so caught up in the heat of the moment he’d actually forget he was playing with you. so if he ends up getting angry, please bare with him- he honestly doesn’t mean to call you bad, or useless, or trash… I SWEAR. xiao will immediately regret his words and he’d feel so bad. especially after he notices how your mood just instantly dies. he’d feel so bad, even after he apologised and you forgave him, he can’t accept the fact that he just called you- the love of his life something so vulgar. and since he’s so awkward and bad with people he’d literally feel like crying on the spot. he wouldn’t know what to do to make it up to you. the next few days, xiao was so cautious around you- even if you didn’t think much about the incident anymore. in the end even xiao was unable to stay away from you for too long, and he’d ask you to watch him play games instead- which you happily agreed to. he loves it when you straddle him while he sits in his chair while gaming though he’d never admit it. but whenever you felt him get tense, all you had to do was give him a kiss and you just knew he’d calm down. you literally work magic on him. also occasionally you’d hear some idiots in his party talking shit about him, you wouldn’t think twice before speaking into the microphone and start standing up for him, and your grip around his waist would definitely tighten a lot more. “if i ever hear you talking shit about MY boyfriend one more time, i will literally come in game and beat the absolute fuck out of you.” yassss girlboss! xiao’s heart would explode and his face would be beat red, he thinks he doesn’t deserve you. also he thinks your so sexy standing up for him like that, please don’t tease him about it. i rate him a “please dont scold me im trying my best” out of “FUCK YOU SUCKKKKKK”
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oh my god, horror games. he hates them but he can’t stop. playing phasmophobia with him would be incredibly fun, but he would make you do all the work literally. he’d be too scared to do anything- and if you ever got caught with the ghost you’d be stupid to think he’d try to save you. he would be the first one out the door and running away. he’s also so loud, your honestly more likely to get jump scared by his screaming than the actual game. other than that i think venti likes to play the sims4 too, except he’s so chaotic about it. he wants to do challenges and he also wants to make like 10 babies with you even if your sims can’t afford them- cries when they are taken away. has all the packs and just enjoys fucking around with everything- also makes bets with you, like whether your baby is going to be a boy or girl, and if you lose you owe him a kiss or he asks you to do something for him. when he plays with you, he needs to be touching your body at all times. he says it makes him feel safe, and warm. so you just let him. venti also wants to play karaoke games with you, he loves your voice so much- whether you can sing or not he loves it. but he will tease you if you cant. he loves duetting with you, to him it’s something very intimate and close to home. he wants to hold your hand and give them a squeeze as an encouragement when you sing with him. and yes you guys probably have played just dance a few times, but venti gets incredibly tired after one round- so please bare with his annoying ass. i think venti is a solid 8 red bulls out of “ive already drank 15”
guys i was supposed to include aether but his part disappeared and i- </3 i��ll have to rewrite and upload it in a second part!! heh sorry for being gone for so long, anyway i have my presentations tomorrow, a test on thursday and another presentation on friday ;-; wish me luck! ill be back writing in a few days while i suffer rn sghshshsh
also @truegaypotat my love here is some xiao content <3
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dreamii-yume · 3 years
Yandere genshin self-aware au but you're reincarnation of Aether and Lumine dead sibling
You're the twins beloved sibling that died sometime before the prologue began. Your death is one of the reason why the twins decided to leave Teyvat (aside from the war that is). Till this day, your death still leave a huge scar on the twins.
But Before your death, you promised your sibling that no matter what happened you Will always watching over them and guide them throughout their journey.
And you did! But in form of player. In this new life, you're just a regular person who loves playing games. And for some reason, you feels some kind of connection with the protagonist of this new games you've playing...
I imagine the abyss twin is the first one to realize the player identity (in this case i Will use Lumine). After knowing the truth of Teyvat and gaining self awareness, Lumine decided to work together with the abyss to bring you back to Teyvat by any means possible. She's already been separated from her brother and suffering from the truth of this world, she just want her family to comfort her, especially from her dear sibling.
On the other side, Aether also gained the self awareness, and after realize the player's true identity, he became protective of player. Getting excited when player use him and sometimes stares longingly from their camera. He also started to research a way to bring his reincarnated sibling to this world. He can't wait for the moment when you, Lumine and him can be together again.
But what is this? Everyone also gained self awareness? Why are Klee saying that she has a new friend from another world? And why Albedo has many sketch of you? Speaking of Albedo, it seems like he conducted a secret experiment, one that might involved his sibling.
And Ather can only screaming inside when he realize that everyone on Teyvat is now after his sibling
(O w O) T-This is...! >:0
Darling, do you realized how much of a big brain of an idea you just suggested?? Are you proposing a yandere battle between genshin siblings vs other siblings LMAO Becausw that sounds fun af (๑・̑◡・̑๑) Like— Yandere Lumine and Aether tag team + Big sis reincarnate player lol I would absolutely die and give my self up, because I am already emotionally attached to them lol They be taking advantage of that protagonist privilege haha…Also, since they basically have the most important role in the game, imagine not using them and they just pout and dead ass crashes the game lol If you won’t play with either of them on the team, then maybe you don’t get to play at all \\\٩(๑`^´๑)۶////
Also— Diluc and Kaeya working together??? Like- w h a t?? Is that even possible lol Joining in was probably Kaeya's idea because he thought it'd be fun, but lowkey kinda worried to get left behind so, he needs the brothers appeal with Diluc lol The brother in question here be grumpy af but kinda also agree—
Albedo and Klee would be SO CUTE— AH. I imagine Albedo doing all the creepy yandere shit, like breaking fourth walls, saying concerning voice lines, and won’t do as you control him to do so, you're this 👌 close to taking him out of your team. But then, Klee comes in doing the same fourth wall breaking stuff but like— It makes you feel bad rather than creeped out lol She says things like being lonely without Albedo-nii-chan and begs for you to take both of her and Albedo together so, your heart just- boom boom lol
Then, we have Barbara and Jean which would probably be wholesome as shit, not gonna lie lol Imagine the health bar never going down because Barbara keeps healing the entire party regardless of the countdown required lol and Jean's dmg amount slowly becoming higher and higher- You'll probably think its a glitch.
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cheelduh · 3 years
How to strike your way into someone’s heart (Highschool AU)
Part 2 to this. Can be read alone!
Pairing: Childe x fem!reader
Warnings: A lot of swearing I mean what do you expect they’re all teenagers. Lots of brick slapping. Childe clowns Scaramouche. OH YES this isn’t edited at all lmfao have fun.
Synopsis: It’s your big date with Childe after you lost the bet miserably. You decide to pay the occult club a visit in hopes of finding something that can...ease your concerns. Childe on the other hand has Signora give him a friendly piece of advice, believe it or not. 
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For as long as you can remember, you've never believed in ghosts, demons, or souls that lose their way in the endless void, forced to roam the earth in repentance.
Believing in the unknown takes creativity, adventure, maybe even a little sense of fear. Scratch that—a shitton of fear, because humans love to weave in their insecurities and inability to explain something into something of a phenomenon.
Bad luck lies in this category. Bad luck is simply a way to justify the catastrophe that one cannot admit they have fabricated themselves. Everyone wants a reason as to why shit hits the fan, and it can be anything but their own fault.
Bad luck is nothing but a load of bull to you. That's totally why you're standing outside the calculus classroom during lunch break, which happens to be the official meet spot for the occult club.
You raise a fist to knock, but then falter, thinking over your options once again. Is this what it has come to? Putting your faith into the weird kids that once tried to summon Schrödinger's cat for the physics final.
Fischl kicks the door wide open, a smirk playing at her lips once she spots you. "One cannot refrain from the song of your cogitation. The feline for which thou dwell on—"
A squeak leaves your throat and you flinch back, cutting her off. "You can read my mind?"
"Fischl," An icy eyed boy shows up from behind her and points a thumb back. "Mona needs your help."
Fischl squints at you for a brief moment, and then spins onto her heel to go back into the room.
The blue haired lower class man, Chongyun you guess, narrows his eyes at you. "Is there something I can help you with?"
Finally you manage to speak, palms all sweaty. "Yeah uh, I need your help. You know, with occulty things." You use your hands to articulate your thoughts, but ultimately give up.
You're not sure if it's pity towards your pathetic explanation or simply annoyance, but Chongyun widens the opening. He silently gestures for you to follow.
Stumbling on your feet and putting on your big girl pants, you hurry inside of the room, hoping you aren't seen by Beidou. She wouldn't let you hear the end of this.
The temperature instantly drops, and you have to adjust your sight to navigate. There's heavy incense in the air as well as a a few lighted candles from the dollar store, you guess.
Sitting smack dab in the middle of all the demonic markings is Mona, with a mischievous glint in her eyes. Chongyun has made his way next to her, crossing his arms with a sigh, and Fischl is busy cooing at her bird.
"Well well well..." Mona's amused, eyes almost twinkling as she gets up from the poor desk that had to suffer the wrath of her ass. "If it isn't Y/N."
Mona is a glorified dick wiper in your books. One time, she partnered up with you in chemistry last year and refused to do any work because apparently her "star sign" said she was incompatible with science. You haven't forgiven her since.
"I need your help." You barely manage to choke out the words, reigning yourself in by clenching your fists instead. It'll be unethical to claw her face, especially since you're the one who's come to her.
"Oh?" She smiles wickedly, revelling in every moment of this no doubt. "Why would the high and mighty Y/N need help from the 'Whoroscope whore'?"
Fischl nearly slips out a laugh, trying with her upmost ability to refrain from rolling all over the floor.
You blink away your tears of almost-laughter, casually sliding in twenty mora across the table dividing you two. If she's a whoroscope whore like you say she is, she'll definitely put it in her bra.
Mona raises a brow, but her eyes linger on the bill for a second too much. "What makes you think I'll do it for money?"
"That's simple," You say, rolling your eyes. "When you see mora, you cling to it like a baby clings to a tit. Now just take it and solve my issues."
She fumes a litany of curses but snatches the money up anyways.
"What do you want?"
You breathe in, then out. "I need a talisman."
Mona raises a brow, hand on her hip. "I'm sorry. Did I get that right?"
How dare she. You will your eye into not twitching, the beginnings of fire thrumming through your veins, scalding hot. How dare she make me repeat myself.
"You know, the thing to fend off evil spirits," Your statement hangs heavy in the air as the cogs in their brains click into place. "I need one that can remove the most evilest thing times ten to the power of twenty five on this planet."
Everyone immediately thinks of Hu Tao.
Chongyun is the first to speak from an area of expertise, seemingly shocked at your words. "Are you sure you want a talisman that powerful? How bad is the evil spirit you've come across?"
You glance out the window, through the semi-open blinds. The apprehension curls in your stomach once you spot Childe chasing Aether with safety scissors, and you've never been more sure of than anything in your life.
Gulping, you turn back to the exorcist. "I'm 110% sure."
He doesn't ask any more questions and goes to fetch the talisman.
Mona clears her throat. "So I hear you have a date with Childe today. Quite the character you've taken to."
"Oh please," You hiss through your teeth, your blood pressure going up tenfold, "you're the one that told him our star signs were intertwined and that we're fated lovers."
She shrugs innocently, stance casual unlike your own that is ready to lunge an attack.
"Here you are," Chongyun hands you a talisman, a colourful mix of some charms, some kind of liquid in a bottle, and about a shitton of other things. "You'll need these if you're going to face the most demonic of all evils."
You think of Childe's stupidly handsome smirk, the playful life of his eyes, and how gentle and considerate he is with you. You think about how cruel he is to others, but how loving he can be to you.
"Oh, I will be."
Childe is getting his ass handed to him by Scaramouche on the switch. It's just that he can't seem to focus, not with the forthcoming date all over his mind.
He hasn't experienced these kind of jitters in a long time. Has to endure that foolish smile that's about to plaster all over his face.
Scaramouche may be a son of a bitch with an agenda, but he doesn't appreciate his acquaintances safeguarding their personal crap when it starts to leak onto him. Especially when it comes to video games.
"Okay," The short boy sighs, stretching over the staff room sofa to drop his controller on the cushions. "Let's hear it." He can't even properly enjoy his victories when Childe isn't giving it his all.
"Hear what?" Childe lays his head back, relaxing from all the strain of endless gaming during the lunch hour. He seems too relaxed for someone who's broken into the teacher's lounge.
"Why you're so distracted." Scaramouche points out. "Not that I care—hey! I'm serious here!"
Childe's cracking up for absolutely no reason, rudely cutting him off. "I'm sorry—sorry it's just so hard to take you seriously when you're wearing that stupid fucking hat."
"Don't question the drip." The older moves his head to glare at him, but the thin stripe of silk on his hat swooshes with him, and it's enough to have Childe clutching his stomach in pain as he barks out in laughter.
"Grow the fuck up." Scaramouche says, no doubt exasperated from the constant shit he gets.
"Ok—ok I'm sorry."
There's a knock on the door before Scaramouche gets the chance to intimidate him again.
"Fuck shit fuck who is that? Wasn't there a staff meeting?" Childe whisper yells, panic clear in the ocean of his eyes.
Scaramouche shrugs and downs a can of soda with no care in the world.
Childe would be nonchalant too. If it were a normal day, he wouldn't give two shits about getting caught.
However, he's looking forward to that date he has with you today. Detention is going foil all his lecherous plans.
"It's me." The feminine sound of a threat calls out from the other side. "Open the door." The clicks and clacks of her toes tapping the floor indicating her impatience.
The two sigh in relief, Childe getting up to open the door. It's way too early in the afternoon to deal with this crap.
"Surprised to see me?" Signora greets sweetly, and if not for the murderous glint in her eyes, he would smile back.
"Yeah, I didn't say Bloody Mary three times." The ginger replies, keeping a steady eye on the upperclassman in case she pulls a fast one.
The blonde shoves him aside in offence, and prances in like she owns the goddamn place. Scaramouche greets her with the bird.
"There's this rumour going around—I'm sure you've heard..."
"Oh?" Childe pockets his keys, ready for an attack, not even remotely interested in the topic.
"Something about how Y/N gave Mona a visit today" Signora muses, elegantly taking a seat on the arm of the couch, "with your date and all, I just thought you should know."
"Hah!" Scaramouche bursts out in laughter, tears in the corner of his eyes. "I can't believe she went to get a horoscope reading on how shitty your date's gonna be."
"Get castrated." Childe growls, flipping him off on both hands.
"Now now boys," Signora's lips curl, and she clasps both manicured hands together, prepared to break the fight if it ever reaches its peak. "Settle down. You two are comrades."
"As if I'm comrades with this SIMP!" Scaramouche has to wheeze out the words.
The youngest clenches his fists, unclenches, and then lets a smirk grow. "Oh? I'm the simp? What about that time Mona pantsed you in-front of all the freshmen and you fell in love with her."
Scaramouche glares at him, a glare strong enough to have anyone shaking in their shoes. "I'm attracted at her sheer audacity of trying to fuck I, Scaramouche, the 8th harbinger, over. It takes balls."
"Mad respect." Signora leans forward to place her phone on the coffee table, then approaches Childe. "Moving on, the reason I've decided to bestow my precious intel on you is because I have a favour to ask of you."
"What?" He says blankly, confused that she has a request for him out of all people.
"I need you to let me get you ready for this date of yours." She gives him a gaze that is enough to wither away any arguments.
Childe shares a look with Scaramouche as if to say "am I fucking deaf because I sure as shit didn't just hear that."
"You sure as hell did, boys." Signora intercepts the connection of their two brainwaves with a dreaded sigh. "I hate Y/N. This is the only way I can get back at her."
"Hey!" Childe exclaims loudly, waving his hands in the air incessantly. "What makes you think I'll let you shit on my future girlfriend."
"I'll be doing nothing of the sorts." She points out, giving him a sly smile. "I just know she's terrified of what's coming. The better the date is, the more she's gonna hate herself. What more do I need but to sprinkle some inner conflict within her airtight resolve?"
As favorable as the proposal is, Childe  contemplates for a second. Signora...helping him? This could work to his advantage if he plays his cards right.
His inner turmoil takes him into the future, where you two are happily married with eight and a half kids. If you ever managed to find out Signora was the culprit that was finally able to set you two up, you'd never forgive him.
"Nah I'll take a hard pass." He doesn't want to think about divorce and custody battles this early on. He'd rather face the brunt of Signora's wrath.
Scaramouche chooses right then to make a tactical withdrawal out through the window since he doesn't want to be a witness to a murder he hasn't caused.
Surprisingly— "Fine then." Signora shrugs, unbothered when summoning out a minty juul from no where. She's disappointed nonetheless.
Childe tilts his head, perplexed, but decides against mulling over it for too long. Instead, he strides off to the door, wanting to get the last two periods over with so he can run home and freshen up for this date.
"Oh and Childe?" Signora calls out to him, but he barely acknowledges her, only pausing momentarily without looking back. "A piece of friendly advice. A diligent student like Y/N, there's no way she'd be into rash things like fighting. So try and control yourself, hmm?"
He flashes the senior a sheepish smile, the front row tickets to the illegal underground fight-club burning in the back pocket of his pants.
Childe conceals near the bushes by the gate, expertly hiding his shaking hands by pretending to look for something in his back. His goal isn't to seem desperate, even though he's raced out here at the speed of light after Havria's dismissal.
It's not like he's trying to eavesdrop or anything. He just wants a little insight on how you're feeling about this, in case the rumors of you visiting the occult club wasn't a farce.
From his peripheral, he spots you and a familiar figure that is Lisa, leisurely walking side by side as you approach the main side walk.
"Ready for your date, Y/N? You've been daydreaming all afternoon." Lisa winks, and dodges the shove you send her way with experience like no other.
"Yes, daydreaming about punching you in the face." Your left eye twitches in annoyance as you fix your hold on your skateboard.
"Well then, I'll be off—ah!"
The gorilla grip you have on her sleeve takes away all the time she has to get on the last bus she's about to miss.
Your utter strength is enough to make Childe's knees weak. How pathetic he thinks.
"Oh no you don't," You say in a sing-song voice, "you got me into this, so you're going to help."
"Help with what?" Lisa fakes a hard pout as she bats her lashes, trying to collect pity points.
"I—" You inhale, loosening your grip on her and averting your eyes nervously to see if anyone's watching. "Don't make me say it."
The older girl motions for you to continue, and you're sure you've suffered more for less at this point.
"I've never...been on a..." The sentence ends in a trailed murmur.
Childe doesn't think he's ever seen you so flustered. He's about to snap a picture for later, but decides against it. They'll be plenty of moments later on to see your cute expressions.
Lisa's grin is both seductive and terrifying, Childe notices. "You've never been on a date?"
"Shut up!" You hiss, dropping your board so you can cover her lips with your palm, eyes darting around your surroundings frantically. "Not so loud."
He has to bite at his fist to hide his amusement.
As if she has a sixth sense, Lisa's eyes somehow find Childe's through the abundance of leaves, and there's a glint in her eyes that nearly makes him shart his pants.
"Of course Y/N," She replies sweetly to you, who is currently unaware of the staring match going on. "I'll teach you everything you need to know...and more."
Childe doesn't know if that's a good or bad thing. Nor does he want to find out.
You ponder on what's taking him so long, more on edge than you usually are. Thankfully, Lisa basically pried your hair down from its usual up-do. Said something about how you can hide your lack of shits given as to not offend him.
Except you think you're giving more shits that you expected to. Why else would your heart be pounding so hard?
"What took you so long?" You sense him creeping up on you, ceasing his chance to pounce.
Childe groans playfully and slaps a hand over his face as he comes into view. "How'd you know?"
"You have a douche-styled gait." You reply as you remove your gaze off your phone to approach him.
He's prepared to shoot a witty reply, but it dies halfway through his throat when he procures a good look at you. Your hair frames your face elegantly, eyes shining despite the tiredness that's so clear, all complete with a cooling spring dress that hugs you just right.
Mouth going dry, he forgets how to speak the common tongue, unable to tear his gaze off your form.
You shift in place awkwardly. "Uh are you okay? Looking a little...blank."
"Sorry—sorry just thinking." Childe stumbles over his words like the complete idiot and a half he is, berating himself countlessly on the inside. He regains his confidence once he spots the light dust on your cheeks. "You ready for the best date ever?"
"The best date huh?" It's the first time you smile today, and he swears his heart leaps in his rib cage. You're the prettiest thing he's ever laid his eyes on. "I'm ready. I better not be disappointed."
"I wouldn't dare disappoint, girlie." He feigns mock offence as dramatically as possible. "I'll show you how to have some real fun. Cool keychain by the way, for good luck?"
It's one of the charms Chongyun urged you to carry with you at all times to keep all forms of evil away.
"Yeah...something like that."
The two of you ease into the walk in a relatively comfortable fashion, contributing with lively chatter and a few jabs here and there. It's not awkward at all, not like you thought it would be. Your nerves loosen up, mind diverting from the roots of the stress of high school.
"—And you won't believe what Kaeya did the other day. I'm telling you there's something wrong with him because that SoundCloud rapper wannabe Venti goaded him into birdboxing through the hallways at lunch."
"And the son of a bitch did it?"
"The son of a bitch did it." Childe confirmed, gasping through his laughs as the two of you converse in psychobabble. "And guess who he bumped into?"
You're choking in laughter, tears in your eyes as you hunch over and shake. "He didn't. Childe—no he didn't."
"Straightttt into Diluc. And he had the balls to feel him up because he thought he bumped into a hot bab—"
Childe crashes into a sturdy chest and stumbles backwards towards you, but manages to catch his balance midway. Both of you freeze when faced with a buff guy from another school, bandages on his fist and a crooked smirk on his face.
Fuck. You think. Classic high school cliché.
Realizing he can't risk the remainder of this date when it hasn't even begun, Childe raises a hand in apology, aiming to be the bigger person instead of socking the kid in the face.
"Sorry. I wasn't looking." He offers to the guy, but you can tell he isn't buying any of it. There are about four more kids who group, a setup that isn't going to end in your favour.
"Hey punk. You don't remember me?" The upperclassmen barks out, glaring holes into your date.
You deadpan towards Childe, but he's too is racking his brain to remember. Ends up shrugging with no recollection.
"I have a list of names but they're in my other pants." Shit, what an a-grade reply. Now you know you're done for. "Listen dude, I'm kind of on a date and the vibe is going great. Don't ruin it."
"It's a good thing she's here to watch then!" The guy yells, stomping so that he's right in-front of Childe, ready to pounce. "You humiliated me in front of my gang last week. I'm here to rip you a new one."
Childe blinks, tries to remember, and when he doesn't, he grabs a wad full of cash from the his Fanny pack and throws it at the guy's feet.
Everyone's eyes bulge out of their sockets, including yours at the amount of money placed there casually on the crack of the dirty sidewalk.
"Hopefully this is enough for the damages." Childe offers, aiming to not further escalate the situation albeit how pissed he is right now. If you weren't here...well that would be another, much more violent story.
With a soft tug, Childe brings you close and begins to pass the guy, until he's abruptly stopped by a hand gripping his shoulder tightly.
"I don't think so!" The guys barks, and his lackeys move to surround you two. "You gotta pay taxes too buddy." Oh he's getting way too comfortable now.
A feral smile grows on Childe's face as he looks over his shoulder. "Oh?"
"Yeah shithead." The guy seethes, puffing out his chest to size him up.
Childe itches for a fight. He can no longer keep in the urge and is just about ready to raise a heavy fist, but is beaten by the sound of a loud thwack, and then a painful groan following.
There you are, standing in front of the trembling asshole, spinning your crossbody bag in circles like it's a nunchuck in all it's glory. There's a deadly glint in your eyes, pure, unadulterated vexation in your features.
If Childe could fall for you any harder, it's probably happening now. In that exact moment, his heart beats in his ears uncontrollably, and there's nothing but raw adoration that piles up all at once.
You're an angel of destruction, a force not to be reckoned with, and shit, you're the eye of the fucking storm.
Fire courses through your veins as you pulverize the guy with your bag, swinging with such expertise it has Childe in awe. "He may be an absolute idiot for not remembering—"
"Hey girlie you're killing me here!" Your date snaps out of his astonishment temporarily.
"—but you don't get to call him a shithead, you asshole!" You snarl angrily, gripping the handle of your bag tightly, decking everyone that lunges at you, letting out strings of curses with every hit. Every hit sends a flock of them either stumbling back in pain, or knocked out completely.
Childe doesn't even get a chance to lift a finger by the time you're done violating them with your heavy ass pink bag. Stands there like an absolute loser.
"Apologize." You pant, prepared to send another flurry of attacks at the leader, who is crawling away with a battered face. "Apologize or I'll—I'll fucking Russian neck tie your ass."
"S-sorry!" The guy whimpers out and tries not to piss his pants at the threat.
Childe is still in too much shock at the whole ordeal to reply, short circuiting.
Another thirty seconds pass until he registers the smaller hand waving in front of his face. He catches your cold hand through his haze, brings it closer.
Running a free hand through his locks, he doesn't hide his astonishment. "You're fucking gorgeous, girlie." He whistles lowly, eyeing you with a new kind of regard.
"I-I uh." Your face is all shades of red by now, the adrenaline from kicking ass wearing down. "Let's go."
"How is that bag so heavy?" One of the fallen gasps out in pain, clutching his ribs as he trembles on the floor. "Like a buh-brick."
A part of your zipper in open, and Childe briefly peeks out of morbid curiosity. His jaw slackens. "Is that a...no, it can't be."
"It's a brick." You murmur guiltily, gnawing at your bottom lip. "Just in case." Fingers tentatively play with the straps.
Childe is head over heels by now, all smitten as a foreign warmth bubbles up in his throat, and he's just about sure he'll puke his heart out.
His next words are picked out carefully. "There's an underground fight club going on—"
You lock and aim for his right kidney.
Worth a try, Childe thinks.
"SIKE. Joking—joking. Just a joke." He insists, gloved hands raised by his ears in defence.
Clicking your tongue, you scowl and rush past him.
It hasn't even been an hour and it's been the most exciting date Childe's ever experienced. When he sees your lips twitch, he knows it's the same for you as well.
"Are we going or not?" You mumble, avoiding eye contact, a tinge of red still decorating your cheeks.
Childe crumbles into his hands at your deadly duality. One that comes for his enemies and one that comes straight for his heart.
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fanficshiddles · 3 years
Triple Threat, Chapter 1 (Sequel to Trust)
Summary: Darcy and Loki were enjoying their life, still annoying the Avengers. But one day, Loki from another timeline appears. After causing some mischief, he tells them that Jane is compromised with the aether. And he needs their help.
Now Darcy not only has TWO Loki’s to deal with, but also a deranged and tortured Jane who’s much more powerful than she should be.
But they have to find her first.
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Darcy was late. Ohhh so late.
She ran as fast as she could out of the compound with her bag over her shoulder, Thor, Tony, Natasha, Bruce and Loki were waiting at the Bifrost site.
‘Sorry! I’m sorry! I couldn’t find my contacts and got up late.’ She said out of breath as she slammed into Loki’s side, he slipped his arm around her waist to steady her.
It had been almost six months since Loki and Darcy realised they couldn’t love anyone else. Although, whilst they tried going on proper dates together, they found it wasn’t really them. The whole romance thing.
The Avengers didn’t really know what to make of them both. Loki and Darcy didn’t like it when they were called boyfriend and girlfriend, and to the team they were just like they were before. Mischievous and a bit annoying. But the team knew that no one else would get a look in at either of them now, that was for sure.
Did Darcy love Loki? Yes, she did. She wouldn’t ever hesitate to say she did. And Loki felt the same. They already had a strong foundation built together. Had they added very regular sex to the mix? Hell yes! Did Loki want to kill every man that even just looked at Darcy in a flirtatious way? Of course!
But they were comfortable and happy with what they were. Whatever it was.
‘You’re late.’ Loki drawled.
‘Well, someone failed to wake me up!’ She looked up at him, narrowing her eyes.
‘I’m not your alarm clock, it’s not my duty to wake you.’
‘It is when you’re the reason I was up most of the night. I was walking like John Wayne when I got up. It would’ve been polite to at least wake me.’ She huffed.
‘Eww. Too much information!’ Tony said as he pulled a face.
Loki just looked very smug.
‘Exciting night, huh?’ Natasha smirked at Darcy.
‘Hell yeah!’ Darcy grinned.
Loki chuckled and squeezed Darcy’s side, just as Thor called for Heimdall to open the Bifrost. Whisking them all up to Asgard.
Asgard and Midgard were working together, sharing science and technology. Tony and Bruce were able to take their inventions to completely new levels, while Asgard learned a thing or two from the scientist mortals.
So trips to the golden city were quite regular. Darcy went along whenever Loki went. Frigga was always so happy to see her, even Odin was starting to warm up to her, too. He was also trying with Loki, attempting to make amends for not being a great father. Loki didn’t make it easy, but Darcy kept telling him off and told him to try and at least be civil.
When they arrived, horses were waiting for them on the Bifrost. Tony and Bruce couldn’t get used to riding the horses, they were worse than Darcy had been her first time. They stuck to a very slow walk and took forever. Natasha was a natural rider, which didn’t surprise Darcy or Loki.
Darcy ended up having a favourite horse, a lovely grey mare, she was a gentle giant. Loki always helped her up, often flinging her too far so she would fall off the other side. That would usually end up with Darcy withholding sex for a day or two.
Luckily, he didn’t do that this time. He winked at her as he got onto his horse and the two went galloping ahead as normal. Thor and Natasha raced up after them with Tony and Bruce slowly lagging behind.
‘Hey, Birger! How’s it going?’ Darcy asked when they reached the stables and Birger was on duty just outside.
‘Good morning, Darcy.’ He took hold of the reins for her while she dismounted. ‘You’re getting better at riding, I see.’ He grinned.
‘Yeah it’s getting easier. Soon I’ll be bale to beat this one’s ass.’ She smirked and motioned to Loki who came up beside her.
Loki poked her side playfully. ‘Unlikely.’
‘You never know, My Prince. This mare is one of the fastest in the stables.’ Birger laughed.
Loki narrowed his eyes at Birger and then Darcy. ‘You’re turning Birger to the dark side. Stop!’ Loki put his hand over Darcy’s face with a chuckle.
Birger took Darcy and Loki’s horses from them, just as Thor and Natasha caught up with them. They knew the other two would take forever, so the four of them went inside and headed straight for the banquet hall.
Sif and the warriors three were there. They were pleased to see everyone, more so Thor. But Sif had a soft spot for Darcy, they got along well after they first met when Darcy and Loki visited for a week. Sif was secretly giving Darcy some fighting lessons, she wanted to surprise Loki.
Darcy had remembered when Jane told her about Sif, how she seemed stuck up and rather snippy with her. But Darcy had a feeling it was because Sif had a crush on Thor. So of course she would have been jealous of Jane.
‘Where’s the science dudes?’ Sif asked as everyone sat down to eat.
‘Probably still halfway across the Bifrost.’ Loki smirked.
‘Perhaps we should get them a carriage next time. Or take one of the ships.’ Thor suggested with a mouthful.
‘What are they hoping to achieve this trip anyway?’ Darcy asked as she filled her plate up with various meat and vegetables. She LOVED the food on Asgard.
‘Weren’t you listening in class?’ Loki rumbled, raising his eyebrow at her with a playful smile.
‘I was probably too busy staring at your ass.’ She shrugged.
Loki laughed while the others rolled their eyes.
‘I believe they’re hoping to finally get some of the magic from the healers into some kind of containment, so they can take it back home and study it properly. Change into something we can use. It would help speed up healing so much.’ Natasha said.
‘At least she listens in class.’ Loki teased Darcy, who then proceeded to stick her tongue out at him.
‘So childish.’ Loki tutted at her.
By the time Bruce and Tony joined them, the rest of them had stuffed themselves full and went to their chambers to get unpacked.
‘I’m gonna hang out with Sif while you are doing science with the others.’ Darcy said to Loki once they were sorted in his chambers. She was tying her hair up in a bun at the mirror.
Loki walked over to her and slipped his arms around her, resting his chin on top of her head as he looked at her in the mirror.
‘What do you two get up to together? Hmm?’ He asked.
‘Girl stuff.’ Darcy shrugged.
Loki raised an eyebrow, not entirely convinced. But he took her to meet Sif before heading off to the healer’s room himself to meet Natasha, Tony and Bruce.
As soon as Loki was out of sight, Sif took Darcy outside to the training area. She kitted her out with some basic armour, a shield and a sword.
‘Have you been practising the steps?’ Sif asked as she took out her own sword.
‘Yep. Well, whenever Loki is out of the way.’
‘Have you heard from Jane lately?’ Sif asked when they started doing some simple blocking moves, Darcy was able to step away and use the sword or shield to block any attacks from Sif.
‘Nope, nothing. It’s like she’s just vanished off the face of the earth.’ Darcy sighed.
‘Weird. I thought she was in love with Thor, she always seemed head over heels for him when they visited. Have you asked Heimdall to check in on her?’
‘Nah. She was such a bitch towards me and Loki ever since I was kidnapped by him in the first place. It’s up to her to come to me, if she wants to make amends.’ Darcy then took a jab towards Sif, surprising the female warrior and hitting her chest armour. But she was impressed.
‘Ohh, sneaky. You’ve been practising more than just your steps.’ She grinned.
‘Sure have!’ Darcy said triumphantly.
‘When are you going to show Loki your new skills?’
‘Tomorrow. I want to surprise him by asking him to teach me some moves. Speaking of which, can we work on tackling? I want to try taking him down.’ Darcy said as she stopped to catch her breath for a moment.
Sif laughed and put her arm around Darcy’s shoulders. ‘You really think you’ll be able to knock Loki down?’
Darcy shrugged. ‘I’m hoping the element of surprise will help me.’
‘Good luck with that. Loki is the champ of deception and he is NOT easy to take down, even though he doesn’t look very strong.’ Sif said.
‘Tell me about it. He can lift me with ease with one arm, uses me for weightlifting practice.’ Darcy huffed.
‘Sounds just like the old Loki really is back.’ Sif laughed.
‘Did he hang out with you guys when you were little?’ Darcy asked, they took a seat on a bench for a while to chat.
‘Not often. He was more into books and his magic. A bit of a loner. But I guess we didn’t help the fact by teasing and making fun of him, he was Thor’s little brother, that’s how we saw him. I feel bad now, knowing about his true heritage and everything he’s been through. But there were times his mischievousness shone through and he would join in sometimes.’
Darcy nodded. ‘He did tell me that he struggled because you would all fight with brute strength more than anything. While he prefers more skilled combat, using his magic and tricks.’
‘He is a highly skilled sorcerer, always has been after Frigga’s teachings. I think in a way, we were probably more intimidated by his skills than anything, which likely made things worse. There aren’t many people like him out there.’
‘There certainly isn’t. Which is probably a good thing, one Loki is enough to deal with.’ Darcy laughed and hopped back up to her feet. ‘Come on, let’s fight!’
That night, Darcy was getting ready for bed.
‘Hey, Loks. Can you poof me up my toothbrush? I forgot to pack it.’ She said as she rummaged through her bag.
‘Already in the bathroom.’ Loki said, he was in bed already, reading a book.
When Darcy headed into the bathroom, she smiled as she saw it was indeed there. Next to Loki’s in a little cup by the sink.
‘I used it to clean the toilet when we arrived.’ He called through to her when she started brushing her teeth.
Darcy popped her head round the door to look at him, brush sticking out of her mouth. ‘Yeah? Well I used yours to clean my ass. So guess that makes us even!’ She grinned and disappeared to the sink again.
Loki rolled his eyes and chuckled. ‘You can be so disgusting sometimes.’ He said loud enough for her to hear.
‘Right back at you!’ She shouted through.
He had just put his book down when Darcy came through to join him in bed. She jumped on top of him, he chuckled and let out a fake oomph.
‘Have you put on a little weight?’ He asked as he poked her sides.
‘Hey! That’s not a very nice way of flirting.’ Darcy scowled at him.
Loki smirked and ran his hands up and down her upper arms, squeezing her biceps. ‘You’ve got more muscles…’ He hummed. ‘Why have I not noticed this?’
Darcy rolled off him to the side. ‘Maybe because you’re too focused on other aspects of my body.’ She grinned and started un-buttoning her pyjama top, hoping to quickly get his mind off her new muscles.
‘Mmm… indeed.’ Loki purred and rolled on top of her.
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gayaethernaut · 3 years
As requested by @wilhelmares here are the shipping HCs for Marlton/Misty!
I’ll be honest, I am less familiar with the BO2 Victis storyline and characters as I am compared to the other Aether crews, but I will try my best! Most of these I’m just going off of the general vibes that I remember from these two (and I reread the comics last night to help me remember their characters), so I apologize if there are any inaccuracies!
•Who said “I love you” first
Technically I’d say it would be Marlton, but he said it in his usual long-winded-technical-Marlton speak. They probably weren’t even facing each other when he said it, looking over his shoulder while Misty’s back was turned trying to fight off zombies and cover him. Once the last zombie in that wave was killed and Misty finally had a chance to breathe and process what he said, her eyes got all wide and she had to ask him to clarify if he said that he loved her. If they were alone at the time, they would share a quiet moment where Misty takes his hand and tells Marlton that she loves him too- followed by a mostly-joking threat that he better not share that with the others. Once she runs off to take on the next horde Marlton just watches her go, smiling.
•Who would have the other’s picture as their phone background
I think they both would, but Marlton would probably have a photo of him and Misty together as his background. Misty has a photo of Marlton in the middle of sneezing as her background, because she thinks it’s funny.
•Who leaves notes written in fog on the bathroom mirror
I think Misty, and I think her little notes would be half threats, half little compliments. Something like “I’ll kill you if you use up all the hot water, also you’re cute.” Marlton has a hard time reading them anyways without his glasses, but he still appreciates it.
•Who buys the other cheesy gifts
Definitely Marlton. Given their apocalypse setting, it’s less of him buying cheesy gifts and more of him going out of his way to scavenge for things she might like or find useful. I HC that’s why Marlton is often shown with just a pistol and Misty usually has a larger gun or rifle, because Marlton knows she likes those better and she’ll them to good use. While he’s also given her little sentimental things here and there, she’ll actually insist that he holds onto them. Not because she doesn’t want them but because he has way more pockets than she does and Misty trusts Marlton to hold onto the things most important to her.
•Who initiated the first kiss
Definitely Misty. I imagine it was during the aftermath of another crazy fetch-quest for Richtofen/Maxis, Misty has gotten herself hurt doing something reckless and Marlton actually dropped his usual vocabulary to try and explain how upset it made him. He specifies that it’s not her being a badass he has an issue with, but her not caring about what happens to her. It’s the moment that Misty realizes that Marlton actually cares about her and doesn’t just see her as another pretty face. She promises to be more careful from now on- and maybe a quip about still keeping his ass safe- before leaning forward to kiss him gently.
•Who kisses the other awake in the morning
It actually alternates depending on who was keeping watch that night for zombies. Marlton always kisses Misty on the forehead first, then moves down to her nose so that it’ll do that adorable little crinkle. Then he’ll proceed to kiss every single freckle on her face until she’s fully awake and playfully shoving him away. Misty is at her most cuddly in the morning, so she’ll actually nuzzle up into Marlton and plant many kisses on his cheek before also handing him his glasses once he’s finally awake. Then she’ll usually hum out something like “good morning, nerd.” It’s always the highlight of both of their days.
•Who asks if they can join the other in the shower
I think Marlton- but he uses so many words and long strings of technical jargon to keep him rambling and avoid directly asking her because of his nerves. Eventually Misty figures it out and just pulls him in.
•Who surprises the other in the middle of the work day with lunch
So for most of these I was going with either a canon or semi-canon setting, but for this one I’m going with an AU where they live on a ranch of some kind and Marlton drives into town every day for an office job. He frequently drives home for his lunch breaks to spend time with Misty and make them both lunch, but every once in a while Misty likes to show up and surprise Marlton at work with takeout from his favorite place.
•Who was nervous and shy on their first date
I actually think it would be Misty- but hear me out. What if their first “official” date was during their brief time at The House. Little Sam and Eddie overheard that they were together and set up a pillow fort in the living room for them to hang out alone in. They sat inside of it together and just… talked. But it was the first time in so long that Marlton felt so comfortable and happy just being there alone with Misty that it was actually like- a normal conversation. Perhaps normal wouldn’t be the right word- but there was no long strings of needless vocabulary from Marlton. It actually kind of intimidated Misty a little- just listening to him talk about the future. What she would have liked to do if their lives had been different. What he would like to do if they could go back to their normal lives. He still broke out into his usual rambles every once in a while, both out of habit and because it seemed to make Misty less nervous and laugh.
•Who kills/takes out the spiders
Marlton’s always given a warning so that she doesn’t startle him, but Misty loves using the spiders as target practice. It’s also funny when Stu and Russman come running in after hearing the gunfire and searching for the source of the threat, only for Marlton to inform them that it was just a spider and that they’d be needing to scavenge for more ammo soon.
•Who loudly proclaims their love when drunk
Honestly I’d say both of them- though Marlton rarely drinks. While sober Misty is often hesitant to openly broadcast her affections, Drunk Misty will delightfully run around and show off her boyfriend to everyone (mostly the zombies) around them, all while refusing to let go of his hand.
There you have it! I’m ngl I’ve never really shipped these two all that much, but I still had a ton of fun coming up with HCs for this ship and GreySam so I’d love to do more of this!
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miasmaghoul · 1 year
Lil prompty prompt
Mountain has Dew and Rain in cute lil dresses; cleaning up around the den with vibes in em and well... if they cum or even spill they gotta lick it allllll up and then start over geheeueuehe
Forcedfem also ft. Aether because I liked it that way!
"What, uh...what's going on in here?"
Aether really doesn't have to ask, but his brain needs a minute to comprehend. To ensure he's not dreaming. Surely he must be, surely he can't possibly be seeing -
"Exactly what it looks like," Mountain rumbles from where he sits on one of the common room sofas, legs crossed. He pats the cushion next to him. "Come enjoy the show, hmm?"
Aether swallows hard, nodding slow as he shuffles towards the couch, eyes still stuck on the...well, show is an appropriate way to put it. He palms himself through his jeans absentmindedly as he sits, lips parted and eyes wide.
Dewdrop is kneeling in front of the fireplace, scrubbing at soot-stained stone with shaking hands. His hair hangs over his shoulder, obscuring his face, but every time he draws his brush back Aether catches glimpses of red cheeks and glassy eyes. He's breathing heavily, stilted, biting his lip. Aether's eyes are caught on the way the skin-tight...he supposed it could technically be called a dress, rides up his thighs. The dress is bright red, a little slip of a thing that clings everywhere. Dew's nipples poke through the slinky fabric, his little dick hard and tenting the front. There's a wet spot there that makes Aether groan and throb in his pants.
Rain is standing nearby, facing away from them, swaying as he mops a small section of floor by the window. His legs are visibly shaking, his shoulders drawn and the muscles in his back taut. His dress is another silky shift, but this time in pale blue.
"Like what you see?" Mountain rumbles, and Aether nods. Palms himself again, fattening up nicely against his thigh. He glances over at Mountain and sees that the earth ghoul is in the same boat, straining against his zipper.
"I appreciate the view, but I can't help but wonder what I've walked in on," Aether mutters, eyes sliding along the curve of Dew's ass. He wants so badly to call the little ghoul over, to shove his head under that skirt and lick him into his mouth. To hear all the pretty little sounds Dew makes for him when Aether takes him to the root.
"Just a little fun," Mountain says, watching Rain twitch when he bends to rinse the mop. Aether watches too, the motion making one of Rain's shoulder straps slip off.
"How did you convince them to do this?" He murmurs, attention flicking back to Dew when the fire ghoul gives a shuddering sigh that could almost be called a moan.
"Positive reinforcement." Mountain grins, holding up a pair of small remotes. "Isn't that right, girls?"
They both nod but don't speak, and Mountain tuts. He clicks a button on each remote, soft buzzing fills the air, and the sounds that pour from the ghouls before them have Aether nearly creaming himself. He gives himself a firm squeeze as Mountain does the same, both groaning.
"Tell Aether the rules, sweet peas."
Dew cants his head, tosses his hair back and the look on his face is pure sin. Rain turns to face them and looks much the same, red and dazed, lips slick with drool. The wet spot at the front of Rain's dress is much more pronounced, surrounded by streaks and little drips. Ah, water ghouls. Aether is fully hard against his own leg, throbbing.
"W-we, uh," Rain starts, voice thin. He sounds lost, frail in the best way. "We have to clean. Have to clean up everything we're told. Make it sparkle." He nods to himself, looking to Mountain for approval. There's sweat beading at Rain's temples, dark curls clinging to pale skin.
"Very good," Mountain hums, clicking one of the remotes again and the buzzing intensifies. Rain collapses to his knees with a shout, hand flying to his crotch. "What else?"
"No messes," Dew pants, staring at Aether with unfocused eyes. He looks farther gone than Rain. Sounds it too, voice flat and absent in a way that tells Aether they've been at this for a while. "No messes or we...we have to start over."
Dewdrop cries out as Mountain clicks the other remote, a pattern of buzzes audible from his direction. He rests his forehead on the stone of the hearth, teeth clenched. Aether can see the way his cock twitches as Dew rolls his hips into nothing.
"That's right," Mountain croons, tilting his head and watching the pair of them squirm.
"Messes?" Aether breathes, fully rubbing at himself now. He has a feeling he knows what that means, but -
"They aren't allowed to cum, or to drip on the floor." Mountain sets the remotes next to him, content to watch Dew rut into the air and Rain struggle not to collapse. "My poor little lilypad has been mopping that spot for...how many time is this, princess?"
"F-four," Rain gasps, and Aether watches a new spot soak into the fabric stretched over his dick.
"All because she just can't stop leaking." Mountain fixes Aether with a lascivious smile. "Such a shame too, since my girls aren't getting what they want until they're finished."
Dewdrop and Rain both let out sobs at that, looking at Mountain with sad eyes. Aether watches Mountain spread his legs and unzip, freeing his thick, stiff cock from the confines of his pants. It sways in the air, wet at the tip and desperate for a hole to fuck. He gives himself a slow stroke and lets out a dramatic moan, dropping his head against the back of the couch. Rain looks like he really might cry, and Dew has shifted to sit on his heels, grinding against the vibrating plug like a wanton whore. It suits him.
"Is that so?" Aether murmurs, a cruel little smile curling the corners of his lips. "Fascinating. Should we give them something extra to work for?"
Mountain smiles at him and nods, and Aether wastes no time in freeing his cock. He sighs at the coolness of the air against his heated skin, thumbing over the slick head. He lets out a groan and stares directly at Dewdrop, whose mouth has dropped open. His tongue lolls out, the little ghoul drooling onto his own chest.
"Don't make a mess," Aether teases, wrapping his fingers around the base and slapping his cock against his thigh. "If you do you'll never get your mouth on me, babygirl."
Dew's tears start slipping down his cheeks unbidden, and behind him Rain wails, hips hitching forward as he stares at Mountain in blown-out adoration. That wet spot spreads and Aether swears he can hear the way Rain's cum drips onto the stone floor.
Mountain laughs.
"So cute when you're out of control. Now lick it up and start again."
He turns up the vibrations and then Rain is crying too.
Aether thinks he could get used to this.
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watanabes-cum-dump · 3 years
Rating Genshin Impact designs pt.2!
(part 1) 
Welcome back whales, f2ps, and everyone in between! Since the first part was pretty well received, I’ve decided to continue this series! 
Once again, I am not a professional artist of character designer, I am just doing this for fun since Genshin has a lot of good and bad designs
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Aether’s design is a fucking GODSEND from those shitty basic male MC looks. Ya know, the ones with dark basic anime boy hair and an outfit that’s about as imaginative as an unborn fetus. 
The use and placement of colours is so nice and I love the details all over him. He looks like your typical kind and princely character, which is honestly how I imagine his personality. Also idk why but I love the fact he’s wearing a crop top, it’s just so refreshing to see an MC that isn’t in a regular outfit or a full suit of armor with a shitty silhouette.
He looks sleek and leaving him in mainly black and other neutral tones ensures that he’ll look good with any element in his lights, gold also works with a lot of colours very well, so nothing ever looks awkward on him. 
I also love where they put the lights, it just works really well. Hell, even without lights he looks awesome, I could see Aether’s design without any of the elements lighting him up like a lightsaber. 
Also, it looks pretty comfortable for traveling, boots, gloves, and he’s gonna be walking and fighting a lot so a crop top is a good choice. The pants are a bit more loose for easier movement and he doesn’t wear too much armour that could restrict him. Love it. 
Overall, I love this design so much, I wish my colour placement was that good, bruh he looks like the friggin sun I love his design so much ;-;
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Ok so, I like this dress, and I like the design. It’s not my favourite, but Lumine is really cute and looks super dainty and doll like, but it just doesn’t speak as loud as Aether’s design. Idk I feel like it’s lacking something. I do love her hair though, it’s a super cute hairstyle and is leagues different from other generic blonde anime girls. 
The main gripe i have with this is that i don’t think a WHITE dress with a corset is a good outfit for traveling. There’s also just a lot of weird detail on the dress? Like there’s this weird part in the middle of the skirt where it looks like there’s metal? Just attached to the fabric? 
She doesn’t look like a traveler, she looks like a princess, and I guess that fits given that Aether is the one used in most promotional material, but I think this dress is more something she would wear when she joins the Abyss. 
Lumine seems so cool and threatening as a villain, I think her outfit really reflects that, like I said, she looks like a princess and the cool whites and blues really help with that. 
Overall.... I just don’t know. I don’t like it, it’s really easy to recognize but it’s just not as good as Aether’s. Sorry Lumine 
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Ok, ok, ok, I LOVE MONA!!! Her colour scheme is so nice and not only is her design pretty, it tells you a lot about her. There are stars all over her, she’s an astrologist, her outfit is very intricate and it suggests a cocky personality, which is pretty true. 
The outfit looks so expensive though??? Like Mona how did you afford this? But it sells the mage vibe so well and aaaahhhh she’s just so pretty! 
Not a lot to say, she’s just pretty :3
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I really like the top part and the shoes, my only gripe is the shorts. They look so out of place?? They look like workout shorts and just don’t flow with how elegant the rest of the design is. I feel like adding more detail to the shorts or just sticking with the “young noblemen from the 1800s” vibe and making them longer (and maybe pleated?) would seel the look a lot better. Don’t get me wrong Xingqiu, you work booty shorts better than me, but booty shorts that look like “athletic gear” from Walmart? On a young noblemen/martial arts prodigy? Yeah no, it doesn’t pass the vibe check. 
On the other hand, his shoes and shirt (and tailcoats) really sell his whole rich vibe better. I love how it sort of combines elements of Victorian London and traditional Chinese clothing, it works so well. I just wish I could come of with something as creative. 
I see a lot of people dunking on his haircut but I like it personally, it’s very recognizable. The fact that the right is really short and flat just kind of pisses me off? Idk maybe that’s just me. 
Overall a very good, well thought, and creative design. 
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Ok, next to me loving Chongyun so much, I just- look at his design. There is so much to unpack and I love all of it. 
It combines modern day fashion with traditional Chinese clothing and it just does it in such a natural way and looks so fucking good??? Like the hoodie over the qipao? The baggy pants and the shoes that allude to him as a martial artist? Immaculate. 
Cryo characters all have such nice designs, Miyoho really does play favourites. Like there is not a single cyro character with a bad design, all of them are 1) recognizable and 2) very very very very pretty 
(Also random thought but Chongyun reminds me of a k-pop idol? Like his haircut and the drip? Idk but peak k-pop energy)
His colour scheme is on point because why wouldn’t it be? You can tell that he’s sort of cold and that he definitely has ice powers, the placement is also just really smart. Chongyun has like four colours on him (gold, navy, light blue, white) and yet it’s just arranged in such a way where it’s so easy to recognize and sets him apart from all of the other blue and white characters with ice powers. 
I remember I saw a video titled “why you should play Genshin Impact” after I had finished BOTW, and I saw Chongyun’s design and being like ‘Oh wow, he looks pretty cool’ 
I love Chongyun so much and his design is a big contributor to that, and that’s all I have to say. 
Geo Daddy Zhongli 
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Ok Zhongli is really hot. Like really, really, really, FUCKING hot. Like “he simultaneously raised and lowered my standards for the male gender” hot. How did he lower them? Bruh his spending habits, it makes him so endearing and cute I just- *dies*
(Zhongli I have Mora, you don’t need Childe I can be your sugar mommy-) 
Ok so let me start with his colour palette because awooga that shit is hot. Black and brown wasn’t a colour palette I expected to love so much but here we are. He definitely looks like he has earth powers, and it’s so nice. I have never seen any character who have brown in their colour palette, even if they do, it’s just their hair. 
And the fact that he’s wearing an elegant suit and yet has pauldrons? I love it so much. It speaks to him as a gentleman and a warrior, which is literally his entire personality and I love it so much. 
Once again we have a character who combines Victorian London vibes with traditional vibes and it is amazing. Like the tassels and the dragon motifs? The long ass tailcoats that aren’t practical for fighting but GOD are they hot? Yes. Yes to all of it. I just wanna tug on his lil tie and smooch him. 
I love how they just added yellow on the inside of his tailcoats, it’s really nice and helps break up the dark colours of his outfit I love Zhongli so much he is my comfort character and everything I don’t deserve :’)
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fieryhonesty · 3 years
The life of You
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“Writing battle scenes or overall action scenes will be the death of me, all I will say for today.”
Words: 2620
The sparring has happened a week later as Kaeya had to deal with his paperwork. Which he was neglecting for a while and Acting Grand Master was slowly running out of patience. Usually he wouldn't push his work this much. Yes, he is procrastinating. Paperwork is boring and he'd rather be in front lines. But for that there would have to be some kind of danger.
Ever since Aether has left Mondstadt, everything has become dull and boring. Not like he would like bad things to happen. No, he is a knight and thinking of hurting citizens was not on his list. Surely the Abyss Order is still active and sometimes one of their members appears. But that's usually solved even before the knights can arrive. 
The Darknight Hero is surely having his own ways and information flow. Kaeya won't question him, he promised to himself to keep the secret and not bring it up under any circumstances. However it's quite interesting. 
Back to the topic, he is bored to his wits. Aching for some action, action which does not entertain his hand only. The fact you agreed on the friendly spar was motivating him enough to actually finish the never ending paperwork.
The sparring would be happening on Friday but you had hands full of doing commissions. Coming home kinda tired and exhausted. He wanted to face you all rested up and there's no better day for it than Sunday morning. 
You hate to wake up early in the morning during weekends, so you are a bit grumpy. Your morning hair is wild and it's hard to tame them but you somehow manage to tie them up into a messy bun. Splashing cold water on your face before heading back into your room to change. 
Once you are all set up you head towards the Knights of Favonius training hall. The streets of Mondstadt are quiet as it's still pretty early. The sun is already up but most of the people sleep at this time. Why couldn't Kaeya come up with a normal time? Like it would matter if you fight at seven in the morning or ten.
You arrive at the training hall shortly after seven. Finding the bluenette in the middle of warm up. Perhaps you should have run here but it's too late now. Just a regular stretch will have to do. As soon as he noticed your presence he flashed you a grin. 
He was looking forward to this. Unable to determine why exactly. Was it the longing to experience something you two used to do in the past during your trainee times? Or was it excitement to actually see and feel how much you improved?
Surely he had seen you using your sword with utmost elegance. It was like you were dancing with the blade. Being a silent spectator or ally on the field is different from facing your attacks. As he remembers your attacks back then were kinda clumsy and not so calculated. He always beat you, making you frustrated.
He walked past as you were in midst of your small warm up. Picking one of the dull training swords before looking back at you.
"What's with that gloomy face, dearest y/n? You are not happy to see me? That hurts my feelings!"
Putting hand on his chest as if he is really hurt, slightly gripping the fabric of his attire. He should be an actor, you think before narrowing your eyes at him. You can see through his flirty words. As if he doesn't know what's wrong. You want to go back to bed. Usually you would be sleeping a few more hours!
"Well I'm sorry? Part of me is still sleeping..." 
Kaeya chuckles at your whining. Walks behind you and whispers: "Didn't know you'd like an audience."
You turn at him dumbfounded, tilting head to the side.
"Huh? Why do you think I would mind somebody observing us exchanging blows?"
His lips quirks. Considering if he should tease you or if it's too early in the morning. 
You want to resume your warm up but then his hands land on your waist, tugging you closer. It takes you a couple of seconds to realize what's going on. As soon as his hot breath tingles your ear you want to wiggle out. It's not like you dislike it but first- you didn't expect it, second- weren't you supposed to spar?
"You seem like you had forgotten the rules about sparring my dear friend."
What does sparring have to do with getting all of a sudden touchy? When you put your hand on his trying to push it away it slides down your hip where your vision is. 
"No fatal blows, no attacks aimed at head, blood means stop and... no visions if you possess one."
He whispers, his lips were nearly brushing against your earshell giving you goosebumps. You gulp. He is right. It's been too long since you had any non life threatening fights just for fun. Thus you removed your vision only during nights. And even then it was close to you just in case.
You chuckle in embarrassment. Wanting to untie your orb but he stops you.
"Please, allow me."
Damn. For some reason you feel heat rushing your cheeks. Untying your vision felt like ages. You didn't notice you were holding your breath until he finally took a step away. Putting your cryo orb in a safe place.
Whenever Kaeya gets touchy he manages to raise your blood pressure. Usually it's just a friendly gesture like a hand on shoulder or something. When he wants to tease you he will rest his hand on your waist. However you can't forget that one time where it actually was useful. 
Somebody has been bothering you. Refusing to retreat no matter what. You were hopeless as you didn't want to be rude but they seemed to ignore your wishes to leave you alone. Then Kaeya's hand swiftly wrapped around you, pulling you closer. Giving the guy a fake smile 'I'm sorry but it's rude to keep pressing on when the lady says no, please respect her wish.'
You were relieved when the guy actually left. Assuming he was bothering somebody's girl. Or at least that's what you would have thought too. The way Kaeya held you was really protective, telling everyone to back off.
You quickly waltzed towards the racks with weapons. Hoping he won't notice your flustered cheeks. The more you think of it the more you get embarrassed. At this point you are not sure if you are embarrassed from his act or from the way you are thinking. You thought you two are friends but why are you getting so easily flustered lately? This shouldn't be happening if you are just friends, right?
You close your eyes and exhale to calm down. You shouldn't be thinking like this. Kaeya's your childhood friend, of course you will have a special bond. You sort of grew up together and as kids you really didn't ponder about being touchy or not. Perhaps it's all alright, he is behaving like he is used to and it's you overthinking it. 
Perhaps he just sees you as a friend and nothing more. You shouldn't really think of it or get flustered whenever he touches you elsewhere than your shoulder. 
'It's all Yue's fault... her fantasies of me and guys are getting under my skin. Yup, that's it!'
Taking one of the swords. It's lighter than you are used to. Trying a few swings to get used to its weight. The sword feels so... fragile? You are actually worried if it won't break. Like yes you two won't go full force but still how do these not get destroyed?
Furrowing at the steel in your hand before glancing at your sparring partner. 
"So, is Sticky Honey Roast sufficient?" 
You see a brief confusion in his face. 
"Why yes. Are you admitting defeat already?"
Tilting his head aside with an amused expression.
"Nah, I just want to know if we are battling for the same price. That's all. I'll kick your ass, Honey." 
He chuckles at the nickname. Now you are speaking his language.
Both of you move into the center ring, bowing to each other. You are first on the attack. Once again your attacks are quick but Kaeya seems not to have any issues to parry them. Slowly backing towards a corner. Better not let your ego take better of you. He is probably just testing what you can do.
And you were right. When his back touched the wall his eyes narrowed, a glint flashed through them. Switching from defense to attack. Now he is making you back off. You are back in the ring, ducking to the side trying to land a hit. It gets parried and immediately followed by a swing of his own blade. 
You have been observing him when you happened to fight together. His attacks are always calculated and aimed at weak spots of his enemy. They are elegant. You have to admit he is a truly elegant swordsman. His style is stunning, yet it can be dirty. When you don't expect it he knocks you down. You roll to side away from him. He quickly follows but you are back on your feet, blocking his attack. 
"Hmm, getting knocked down early."
"Don't get cocky now. You might find yourself licking the dust very soon."
You retort. Break from the encounter and swing from your right. As he is right handed as well, his left is pretty much unprotected. To your surprise he quickly passes the sword to his left, just in time to block your blow. 
Flashing you a quick confident smirk. He has actually enough strength to push you. Attacking with his left hand. You feel the blows are a bit weaker but still you are amazed by the fact he can use the weapon as efficiently as in his right hand.
Trying to land a hit but neither can manage it. As good as your attacks are, your defenses are not faltering behind. You get a bit frustrated by it. You really want that dinner. It will feel good to stuff your face with your reward.
It's early in the morning, you are already sweating and your belly is empty. It's hard not to think of food right now. You deflect one of his blows aimed at your abdomen. Taking a step aside.
"This is kind of fun." 
"It sure does bring back old memories~"
He agrees, shooting you a genuine smile before making another step to attack. This one is actually stronger than any previous ones, making you stagger. You huff, mildly annoyed by the fact none of you has landed a hit and he can still use this much power. 
Your body is getting tired. There is no way to tell how much time has passed but it feels like at least a couple of minutes. You are both sweating. Yet none of you is willing to let the other win. 
You dash at him with high speed, your swords are loudly clashing. Another couple of hits exchanged. With every blow they get weaker. You are out of breath. Your hold weakens. Kaeya seizes the opportunity and disarms you. The sword flies away. You are heavily breathing and stare at the bluenette. Your arm is still in position as if you were to attack but you can't. 
He points his sword at you and grins. He won. Again. Just like when you were younger. This brings up some deja vu feeling. You drop on your knees with a loud sigh.
"My dinner..."
Now you are hungry for real. The victory was so close! Looking up at him, he is as much done as you. His shoulders are rising and falling up quickly. Sweat rolling down his face, his attire is literally soaked. You were this close to seizing the free dinner.
You notice his expression. He should be satisfied, smug as always. But instead of it he looks... concerned? You rub your wrist. It hurts a little but it seems like nothing major.
"Does it hurt?"
"Huh? Uh, no! I mean yes but no! It will be fine in the next day or so, don't worry!" 
His expression doesn't change for a brief moment. But then switches back to his usual mask. Helping you up before asking.
"6 pm is alright?"
You look at him dumbfounded again.
"Or we could go later if you want to~"
Ah, the dinner! Right you are the one paying for his stuff. Sighing once more at that thought.
"Whatever time fits you. My wallet is shaking already."
"Ah, don't worry, Dear~. I wouldn't dare to order such expensive things to make my date go bankrupt." 
Date? Did you hear right? You are now more confused than before. What does he mean with the date?!
"Kaeya! What do you mean- you can't... you can't just out of nowhere say date..."
"Oh? It was a mere jest. But you have to admit, a man and a lady going out together. Doesn't it sound like something one would call a date, hmm?"
You groan in frustration and annoyance. The more you think of it the more it makes sense. You hate it when he is right. But wait. You two going on a date? Sure. He said it as a joke but it doesn't mean your brain won't run into a direction it shouldn't. You simply can't imagine dating one of your friends. 
"Don't tell me you are really thinking of it, y/n. It was a joke- unless... there's something you like to admit~"
You repeat slowly. What would you like to admit? You look up at him, his star shaped eye is observing you with a glee. Lips curled into a sneer. You roll your eyes and pick up the sword you dropped. Put it back where it belongs. 
"Sometimes I want to strangle you, Kaeya."
"That's not how you express your lovely feelings. But hey I get it I'd have problems to confess to myself as well~"
You glare back at him.
"If you don't stop..."
"Shh. You know I'm joking, Sweetheart. Right?" 
Kaeya raised his hands up in peace. He can't help it but feel like he is dealing with somebody different right now. The death giving aura coming out of you is kind of scary. 
"Yeah, you better do. I don't want to get jailed for a murder." 
You deadpan and untie your hair. The messy bun was no longer keeping them in place anyway.
"Well, I can guarantee you there will be at least one person cheering for you." 
Maybe he should have kept it for himself as the atmosphere started getting weird. You quickly caught the wind and shrugged. 
"I really doubt he would do that. You two are idiots in your own ways but... I believe he still cares. Just like you. But none of you have balls to admit it."
A scoff leaves his lips before he runs hand through his hair.
"Hah. It seems all of us have some issues we won't admit."
"What do you mean?!" 
You retort to which Kaeya just chuckles. If you don't see it now, so be it. Eventually when the time comes you will. He certainly can see it the way how your relationship moved. It's still in the beginning but he is not blind. He had noticed those quick glances from the bar owner. Checking on if you are alright. Later or sooner you will have to notice it too and then it all up to you.
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oristromboli · 3 years
If You Be Our Star, We’ll Be Your Sky | 5
Chapter 5: Offerings
After discovering the scroll's contents, the disciples following the God of Duality become the next destination.
Life is simply a series of fair exchanges and offerings to one another in devotion.
(Smut this chapter: none)
A distant voice starts to sing.
Six dear companions all still alive,
One lost his throne and then there were five.
 You inhale deeply as you tuck the three bottles against your chest with one arm. With the other, you bring your hand to make an emphatic fist. “Today has been. Rough. This had better be a fever dream.”
Childe whistles low, eyes scouring your frame that is now free from dirt, but still littered with scrapes from the Ruin Hunter. “Rough, huh? Did you remember to give a safe word?”
(Aether shushes Paimon’s quiet question of what’s a safe word?)
You unfurl your fist to pinch two fingers together. “I am this close.”
He squints and leans forward, narrowing his eyes. “But your fingers are touching.”
Childe barely manages to dodge the rock you hurl at him.
 “So, on a scale of one to ten, how mad are you at me?”
You hum. “About an eight.”
Childe scoffs. “I can do better than that.”
“Sorry to interrupt,” Aether grits, “But I believe we owe Paimon an apology.” His hands finish wrapping bandages around your forearm and you wince, noticing the gremlin still pouting with her back turned to you all.
After Childe side-stepped your stone and stood up in an attempt to placate you, you immediately took a swing at him. Of course, characteristic of your exhaustion and Childe’s nature, he side-stepped again and stuck out a foot. Which you tripped over. Which he laughed at. Which neither Zhongli nor Xiao stopped, assuming you could break the fall.
Of course.
This led you to tumbling and knocking over the remaining plates that had food on them, to Paimon’s shrieking horror. She held a dumpling to her chest and solemnly followed Zhongli’s gentle advice on a proper, er, funeral speech with a chorus of voices yelling behind her (in irritation from you, in please stop embarrassing me from Aether, in mockery from the king of clowns himself).
Xiao’s hand awkwardly pets her head as she refuses to look at you two.
“I paid for it,” you grumble and Childe snickers.
“Now you know how I feel.” You glare at him and elbow him before sighing, looking at Paimon.
“I’m… Sorry? Ow – “ Aether pinches your side and crosses his arms. Try again. “I’m very… Sorry. I’ll, uh… Your next meal is on me?”
She harrumphs.
“How about your next meals are on me? Breakfast included,” Childe says with a jovial tune, placing a hand on your shoulder. You shrug it off and ignore the feigned hurt look on his face as you cross your own arms. He chuckles quietly when you hold up eight fingers to him. “Uh, all your future meals are included?”
Paimon suddenly pirouettes and floats happily. “Okay! No backing out now with Zhongli here,” she chirps, and Childe manages to barely suppress the irritated twitch of his eyebrow.
“Damn leeches, the lot of you,” he murmurs. Sitting squarely between Aether and Childe, you notice how Paimon takes the liberty to sit on Xiao’s outstretched leg. Poor thing is unfortunately hoisted and promptly placed on Zhongli’s knee instead as he sits cross-legged. Without missing a beat, Zhongli begins petting her as well while the six of you sit in silence for a moment.
“Okay, so did I miss anything important?” you suddenly say, turning to Childe on your left. He raises an eyebrow at you in stage confusion and smirks.
“Like missing the mark on hitting me?”
“What are you doing here, Childe?”
Even your own soft tone catches you off-guard and Childe’s eyes widen for a brief second before he schools a look of casual neutrality. Another voice cuts through the air.
“You’re here to observe, are you not?” Xiao interjects. Childe groans and rolls his head to the side, blinking his eyelashes up innocently towards the adeptus with a plastic laugh.
“Aw, am I that obvious? If even spear-up-his-ass can read me, then I really must be losing my touch.”
Aether smiles and reaches behind you to lightly punch Childe’s arms, but you saw how Aether’s own lips pulled slightly too tight. Even he’s on guard. Centuries together allow you to catch these little ticks that others thankfully miss. “It’s gotta be that, with the way we’ve been tearing through Fatui strongholds.”
Childe smirks back at Aether with a dangerous glint in his eye. “Yeah, you’re lucky they sent me and not somebody much worse. I actually like you all.”
Whether or not Aether also heard the sincerity in his voice, he spares Childe the momentary embarrassment and continues with a jab without missing a beat. “Sucks that you’re sent back here, I know how much you like to travel.”
Childe sighs and casually sits back, leaning on both of his hands. The night has long fallen, but the blanket of stars and warm glow from Liyue Harbor nearby is enough to illuminate his boyish face with practiced tranquility.
“The Tsaritsa is pissed. Normally she wouldn’t care since she has her Gnosis, but… She wants to keep tabs on your movements. You’ve already stirred up trouble in Mondstadt and Liyue, can’t have it spreading elsewhere. So, I got placed on janitor duty after failing to obtain the Geo Gnosis.”
“I know.”
All eyes turn on you as you flick your own to the thick journal hanging on your belt buckle.
You miss Childe’s eyes narrowing at the book.
(You miss how Childe’s mouth parts at the starconch dangling along its pages.)
“I read those reports in the camps, but… I didn’t think it was worth mentioning to the others. The Fatui are trying to juggle too many priorities so they’re always a step behind us. If we appear in Dragonspine, they write it down after we show up in Springvale. According to some letters, the official solution was to send a Harbinger to try and boost morale, but that seemed too far-fetched at the time. The Eleven aren’t glorified bureaucrats meant to watch over a region.”
Too simple. Too easy. If they wanted to kill you, they would not have sent just one. Something’s not right.
“Pretty bird, you asked me why I’m here while already knowing the answer? I’m proud. You’d make a fine Fatui spy,” he grins as your eyes roll to the back of your head. Childe hums and continues with an innocuous question. “Kind of interesting how quickly you travel, huh? My men just can’t seem to figure it out.”
It’s a trap, yet with the way Aether’s breath hitches lightly, only you and he caught it. All parties present are among the few who know of your abilities to manipulate the mysterious waypoints.
The thing is, there isn’t actually some… Grand secret. You just simply could. The Tsaritsa didn’t need to know your own lack of competence – and you sincerely doubt she would believe you two anyway.
You sense Aether’s attention shift to your presence rather than see it. Both of you must give credit where credit’s due to Childe: play the fool when you are the one fooling everyone else. As you must fulfill your duties, Childe must fulfill his.
Unfortunately for him, the two of you have been a part of this dance for centuries with countless companions asking similar questions. Always fishing for information, always trying to step over those careful lines that Lumine was the first to draw for safety.
“Yeah! Paimon’s seen the way they interact with the old technology here. It’s super confusing!”
“Oh?” comes the amused reply as Childe leans forward. There, there it is again. Those lifeless eyes. “And how do you suppose you all manage that?”
Aether is the first to interrupt. “We don’t know. Paimon is in as much of the dark as we are.”
You slowly move your hand to nudge Aether’s in a moment of gratitude to speak in your stead. He doesn’t look your way, but you feel a soft touch back.
This time, Childe meets your eyes, though something unnerves you in the scrutiny you’re placed under. “Is that so…” he murmurs before throwing his head back in a loud laugh. He places both hands behind his head. “Ah well! Mysteries galore, never a dull moment with you all. Not too upset about being back if my nights are gonna be fun like this.”
“Childe,” Zhongli says for the first time, smiling as his voice pitches deeper like he’s taking part in some conspiracy. “Are you implying… You enjoy Liyue?”
“What can I say,” he grins, “I enjoy the people.”
Xiao grunts. “Give it time.”
“But why did they send you? You’re not the spying type, you’re…” One of your hands gesticulates wildly to Childe’s form. “You’re a fighter.”
“Because I’m already close to you all,” comes the shockingly quick reply. You blink. Childe blinks.
You both blink.
“Signora would set off more alarm bells, wouldn’t it?” he teases, immediately breaking the tension.
“This settles it, then,” Zhongli says, crossing his arms and closing his eyes in contemplation. “I see a wonderful opportunity to appease all parties involved in their respective endeavors.”
You frown as you notice the knowing glance passed between Childe and Zhongli but opt to ignore it.
“I propose,” he continues, looking between you, Aether, and Childe, “that since Xiao and I have no dealings with mortal quarrels, we will officially remain out of your affairs. However, Childe is here to alert the Cryo Archon of your dealings to stifle any further disruptions. You will feed him information about your travels where relevant – and, of course, I will help in an unofficial capacity where possible. In return, you stop rampaging Fatui encampments and endangering the tentative peace found within Liyue after Osial. Relations between the Fatui and the Qixing are stressed as is.”
Aether clicks his tongue as he frowns. “This feels like a very easy solution, and nothing is ever easy. What’s the catch here?”
Childe shrugs as he smiles back to Aether. “Don’t be surprised if I’m ordered to do something very messy?”
“Indeed, matters of the battlefield are no easy proceedings,” Zhongli muses. “The machine of war requires all cogs to be functioning and efficient. Make no mistake, the Tsaritsa’s plans are never granular with flaw. This is a skirmish she intends to win, and I doubt she will allow you to meet the Archons before she acquires their Gnoses, if at all. Appease and abate her curiosity for now. It will spare the land from being watered with blood once again.”
Childe raises an eyebrow as he tuts. “Dear Zhongli, for a former God of War, you sure are awfully transparent about tricking the Tsaritsa in front of a Fatui Harbinger. Does my title mean nothing to you?”
“On the contrary,” you counter before Zhongli can respond. “It’s because it’s you that this might work. You can either accept this ultimatum and make it easy, or we drag a lot more unnecessary innocents into this situation with drawn-out fights across two regions. Wouldn’t want the other Harbingers to come and steal the spotlight again, right?”
You meet his ocean blue eyes again, hoping your gamble on his distaste for the other Harbingers pays off. There has to be a reason it was only one Harbinger sent, it was only him and not someone else.
“Because it’s me, huh?” Something… Something suddenly flashes across his face as the corners around his eyes crinkle briefly. Just as quickly, it disappears. Good grief, you think you’re going to get whiplash with the speed of his changing expressions.
Though, to be honest, you’re the one to blame because you’re certain nobody else pays as much attention to his face as you do. Stars know that Aether sure doesn’t.
Childe tosses a smirk to Zhongli. “A really stupid decision. This will make my job easier, though, and for once I get to keep the damn glory. Just don’t say I didn’t warn you if it comes down to it.”
Zhongli smiles back. “I sincerely doubt it will.”
After that, banter flows easy between all of you as you catch up on your days with somewhat strained ease.
(“I’m not reliving my day sober,” you say as you take a long swig from one of the bottles you bought, feeling Zhongli’s heated gaze on the bob of your throat. Another night, you promise yourself.
“Neither am I,” Childe grunts as he swipes a bottle and joins you.)
You never mention the contents of the scroll, and thankfully, neither does Paimon. You’ll have more time for that after you get wasted.
At some point, Paimon dismounts from Zhongli to sit comfortable on the picnic blanket as he switches places with Aether so that the blonde is next to Xiao.
You don’t miss how the two lean close to one another, or how Xiao’s shoulders seem to relax slightly after the change. Zhongli is flanking your right while Childe is on your left and everyone is sharing in the bottles. Despite the growing comfort that blankets everyone as the night marches on, you feel creeping tendrils of doubt weave into your gut.
And promptly short-circuits every time Childe brushes against your thighs lightly. You never meet his eyes each time, though you both know how quickly you straighten your posture in response.
This is… Okay. Tonight, everything is going to be okay. You shove those nasty feelings of suspicion deeper down, refusing them the chance to ruin a good thing.
Childe’s back. Surprising, but it’s… Good. You’re happy (?).
When you feel a slight nudge to your shoulder, you look up to meet the devil’s eyes as he smirks. At this distance, you can smell the faint aroma of alcohol emanating from him. “I know you’re still upset with how we left things off last time, pretty bird. Let’s try to mend this rift, yeah?”
Liquid courage, huh?
You swallow and grin back. “Only if you pay for the meals.”
“Just the meals? Wow, you are an easy date. Then, for the night, mind telling me your safe – “
More shouts erupt as you suddenly jump up, your wrists caught before they can wrap around his throat and Childe is just laughing at your alcohol-fueled attempt to fulfill your promise.
“Am I at a ten now?”
 Only much later would you and Aether look back on this moment with horror, realizing how dearly you underestimated the ambition of the Cryo Archon in her pursuit for dominion.
 Five dear companions stand together ashore,
One’s tossed to the depths and then there were four.
 So, to be fair, the time is now after. You’re wasted.
Okay. Remind sober future you to not… Not tempt the stars. Or fate. You sigh deeply as Paimon goes on a long-winded rant to the buzzed crowd about the scroll’s contents at Zhongli’s behest. Truly, truly you did not want to talk about the scroll, something about Childe’s sudden appearance made you feel… Uneasy.
Or maybe it was the alcohol talking. Time to repress your anxieties again.
You zoned out too much, because all eyes are on you expectantly and you’re at a loss. Thankfully, Aether motions to your journal in a fat hint as to why, so you grab the item to open it to the page you copied the scroll down and hand it to Zhongli.
He leans closer to Xiao so both adepti can peer at the pages. “This is…” Xiao starts, frowning as he continues reading. “I thought this was lost to time.”
“As did I,” Zhongli says. “What you have is a remnant from the God of Duality.”
“Jeez, we know!” Paimon sighs. “That’s what Paimon was talking about earlier!”
Zhongli chuckles softly. “Forgive me, friend, you are correct. What I mean to say, is that you have a map to the God of Duality’s disciples.”
“We know it’s a map! Paimon wants to know if there is treasure involved.”
“What is with you,” you hiss at her.
Xiao raises a lazy eyebrow. “What you have is treasure. Long ago, before the God of Duality gave up their own life willingly in pursuit of the ‘last knowledge’ beyond divine death, they left a series of maps to the mortals as a guide to find the adepti who dedicate their lives to the practice founded by the god. Think of it as like a Sigil of Permission, although should a mortal naturally stumble across their abodes, they are permitted all the same.”
“Indeed. Guizhong once worked with this god, although she was more interested in the… Practical and material application of her knowledge,” Zhongli supplies.
“So, like the ballista?” Childe replies. “But if she involved herself with the material application, then what was the god’s reasons? Spiritual?”
“Of a sort, but I can’t imagine the likes of you being privy to that,” Xiao says, scowling at Childe. Aether sighs and rubs his face.
“And you were doing so well…” he mumbles.
“You are close, but not quite. Think of it as the adepti version of mortal alchemy,” Zhongli continues, ignoring the petulant look Xiao gives him. “We all must deal in transactions and contracts, although for illuminated beasts, the nature of this can be taken a step further. However, even as the God of Contracts, I do not understand the true nature of this god’s power.”
“So,” you say, pursing your lips. “Can this be anything? Items, food, or even knowledge itself?”
“Yes, but you must first offer something worthy of it.” Xiao crosses his arms. “Mortals do not understand this. Most walk away cursing the adepti for tricking them, despite them willfully misinterpreting what exactly is demanded.”
“Indeed. For example, a man on the brink of starvation offering his first kill in a month to the adepti in exchange for knowledge on how to feed his family will be rewarded with the location of the finest hunting grounds, the best traps, and the means to make sure his family never suffers famine again.” Zhongli frowns and looks to Liyue Harbor. “However, if a rich man were to ask the same with the same offering, he will walk away with a plague set upon his crops and his cattle slain.”
“Ouch,” Childe says, inappropriately thrilled at the prospect. “Little harsh, don’t you think?”
“A curse for an insult,” Xiao growls. “The adepti arts are not meant for the quick and foul schemes of you humans.”
“Alright! I get it, you sanctimonious prick. You’re supposed to lick the boot, not deep-throat it,” Childe grumbles back as the alcohol loosens his words. “Something like that though would be useful for the Fatui. A leap of faith for the ol’ Liyue arts.”
“Careful Childe,” Zhongli says. “What you say may be taken literally by the god’s ways. They may indeed ask you to leap from a mountain top to prove your worth. Do you know what will happen then if you fail?”
“I’ll be home in time for breakfast?” Childe lazily responds.
“Your body will never be found.”
Silence descends before Paimon coughs a little too loudly. “Sheesh… So, can only humans ask them for favors?”
“No,” Zhongli says, looking to her. “Everyone may request something, though even gods can hesitate at their payment. I once made such a transaction myself for my weapon, Vortex Vanquisher, to be smithed and imbued with the divine ability to seal Osial.”
“Really?” Stars gather in Paimon’s eyes as she kicks excitedly. “But what did you offer in return, Mr. Zhongli?”
He only smiles, but you see how his gaze fades, looking past Paimon to a time long ago. “Enough.”
Childe frowns and takes the journal from Zhongli’s hands, inspecting it himself. “Huh. I don’t see any markings to the abodes though.”
“That is because you must first have an offering in hand and a will to see it through before the map will reveal itself,” Xiao says, harshly seizing the book before offering it back to you. You laugh and take it, reattaching it to your belt. “Find something to represent your question before you seek these disciples. They may ask more of you regardless.”
“More importantly, I am not sure that most of these locations still have the disciples. As time progressed, most have gone into hiding deeper into the mountains.” Zhongli hums as he puts a tentative hand to his chin, trying to summon memories of his subjects’ whereabouts.
“Yeah, Jueyun Karst, right?” Paimon asks.
“That is where the more formidable adepti reside. The others have retreated to the City of Ichor.”
At Paimon’s quizzical glance, Xiao adds simply, “The capital of adepti abodes.”
Everyone takes a moment to allow the information – surely forbidden to outsiders – to sink in.
You sigh before standing to stretch out. “Well, I don’t know about all of you, but this day’s been a lot for me. On that note, let’s call it a night, yeah? We can deal with this later.”
“We?” Childe laughs, standing up as well. “Are you inviting me along, pretty bird?”
“You are inviting yourself along, you free-loader,” Xiao says as he stands. Aether smiles as he’s offered a hand from the adeptus and is gently tugged up.
Childe closes his eyes and takes a deep breath, clearly mustering what little patience he has left. “For someone who can jump so high, you sure are terrible at catching jokes.”
“Anyway. If you can find something, then sure. All part of your job, right? Just don’t make me regret it,” you chuckle while Paimon floats up next to you, carrying the picnic blanket.
“Remember that I’m the lesser of the evils here, o mighty one,” Childe says as he smiles placidly and waves his hands mockingly to Xiao. Still… Something lurks in his eyes that pierces the warm alcoholic daze in your mind.
Childe feels real, feels present, but he seems too… Lucid, considering how much he drank. Like the scroll woke something up in him.
But of course it would, you reason with yourself, he’s a Harbinger serving Her Majesty. Who wouldn’t jump at the opportunity?
“One more warning,” Zhongli calls as he walks past everyone, beginning his own descent back to Liyue Harbor. “What you offer must be honest and from your own heart. You cannot seek someone else’s desires. It is an insult to send someone in your stead to bargain your own contract, so think carefully on what you ask, Childe – and for whom it truly is.”
Childe pauses and stares, a rare sight on his easy-going face, before he shakes his head and laughs. “Of course, of course,” he says, trailing after.
As you walk closer to Liyue, lagging behind the group while they converse amongst themselves, you can’t help the doubts gnawing at you once again at the idea of seeing these adepti.
And with the way Aether turns behind himself to look at you, he can’t either.
 “Are you thinking what I’m thinking?” you say as you take another bite from your salad.  Aether nods while he refills Paimon’s cup with more tea, glancing at the journal on the table.
It’s been a least half a week since your last encounter with everyone, since your last encounter with…
You sigh, willing that thought away. This doesn’t escape Paimon’s notice as she frowns, placing a small hand atop yours.
“What’s wrong?” she asks, concern creasing her features.
“Just thinking you look better without all those worry lines.” You laugh when she smacks your hand.
“You know, the same can be said of you!” Paimon huffs before laughing too. “But… Seriously, what’s going on with you two?”
Aether looks at her before meeting your gaze. He puts down his cup to turn to Paimon again, trying to find the right words.
“Exploring isn’t the only reason why we travel,” Aether starts carefully. “We’re also looking for something. Or, well, I’m just helping her.” He chucks his thumb to you as you snort.
Paimon’s eyes light up as she smiles wide and bright. “Oh! Do you think the adepti can help you? Maybe Paimon can help too, as your official Teyvat tour guide.”
You chuckle slightly as you push the plate of remaining salad towards Paimon as a gift. “I hope so. You can finish this for me, by the way.”
Although Paimon grabs a fork and starts eating, you still catch the quiet complaint of misleading names and there’s nothing satisfying about this salad.
 “I do not understand.”
Zhongli pauses, placing a hand on his chin. “Xiao, I will not pretend that I know any more than you do. However, walking among Liyue’s people, I have found them to be consistent in their inconsistency. A tree, though verdant and in bloom, will change its colors before shedding its leaves entirely. This does not mean it will never again bear fruit. A bird will always come home when it flies, a flower will still be beautiful though its life is short. We must place our trust in these cycles of life and season.”
(A mantra, they both know, heard a thousand times. A poem. A plea of compassion for the mortals from she who rests with dust.
Ashes to ashes. Dust to dust.)
Xiao purses his lips, growling to himself. He still does not see the meaning of peace in turbulent and unreliable things. “These humans are fickle. They can raze forests in their greed.”
“Yes, and they can plant new ones all the same.”
“But, my lor – “
“Don’t,” comes the warning noise from Zhongli. “I am that no longer, Xiao. Call me Zhongli. We are equals here, please.”
He maintains steady steps with Zhongli. He’s… Confused. Why did his mast – Zhongli allow Childe back so soon, so easily? “Do you truly trust that man?”
Zhongli nods. The two of them are walking along the shores bordering Liyue Harbor. Although Xiao won’t admit it, he’s been slowly allowing himself to drift closer and closer to the city. He looks to Zhongli when the other sighs, clearly understanding the reluctance swirling in Xiao’s mind. “My friend, you know Childe will not dare defy my contract.”
“But what about the Travelers? What of Aether?” Xiao cries suddenly, opening his arms. They’re getting closer still to the boats, and though Xiao slows his steps – with Zhongli slowing with him – they continue their march regardless. Liyue’s people remain far, though, as the younger adeptus was never fond of crowds. “Do you think Aether trusts him? Do you truly believe that – “
“I cannot and will not speak for Aether,” Zhongli interrupts, pausing in his steps. He holds up a single hand, motioning for Xiao to stop as well. “If you care for his opinions, why not ask yourself?”
“W-what? How can I even ask him when I don’t know where he is?”
Zhongli smiles and stretches his arm behind him. Xiao follows the motion and pauses, widening his eyes when he spots you, Aether, and Paimon conversing with Childe at the edges of the city. However brief the interaction was, as you all part, Aether turns and flashes a two-fingered salute to the Harbinger before walking away.
Xiao scowls and turns around. “I will question him later,” he mutters.
Zhongli simply laughs.
 (Xiao hates the doubt creeping into his mind. He has devoted time immemorial to his lord, would lay down his life thousands of times over should Zhongli ever ask. Xiao is who he is because of Zhongli, because he saw fit to save the life of one who was damned.
He hates the doubt creeping into his mind.
It is not because of the morality of this man, no, Xiao could care less. He has slain demons worse than the Harbinger. It is not because of the enigma of the travelers, for Xiao understands secrets intimately.
It is because Zhongli has held and kissed and cared about so many humans, yet… Spoke so easily of mortality, of cycles and seasons, of excitement coming from those who break the norm and are worthy to lie with a lithic god.
He hates the doubt whispering to him that Zhongli – glorious, wise, effervescent Zhongli – was wrong. That the all-knowing did not know what Xiao felt whenever he gazed upon Aether.
Guizhong nurtured flowers, but Morax possessed them.)
 Four dear companions see a mask donned with a growl so beastly,
One left for war and then there were three.
“I just realized something.”
“We’re breaking one of Lumine’s rules. ‘Be mindful of the company you keep, with connections to enemies and friends alike – ‘ ”
“ ‘Don’t get attached and pay a price so steep, we must leave before the night.’ “
“What do we do? We…”
“I know. We’ll figure it out.”
 Three dear companions saw hands in the art she drew,
One could not escape their grip and then there were two.
 “Hi, Albedo! Long time no see!” you call to the blonde, waving merrily. The alchemist turns and smiles softly to you as you approach his table at the base of Dragonspine.
“Ah, Traveler, I didn’t expect to see you,” he replies politely, reticent as usual.
More days have passed, and both you and Aether agreed to split up in search of worthy offerings for the adepti. Briefly, you encountered Zhongli and Childe at Liuli Pavilion, though only stuck around long enough to discuss their respective choices in whether or not they decided to join your journey. Of course, they said yes.
Just as quickly, you turned on your heel, refusing to indulge the confused mixture of lust and irritation that quickly pooled at the small interaction. Get it together! Now isn’t the best time for that. Childe’s back, you’re pissed still, you’re mad at him.
You keep chanting these words to yourself in hopes of making it truth.
… He’s not bad looking.
Although you have an idea of what to give, you came to Dragonspine in hopes that the renowned alchemist can offer some insight.
“Yeah, I wanted to ask you a quick question, if you don’t mind?”
“Go on.” He puts down his papers, a clear indication to continue.
“I have something from my travels, and I’m wondering if the material can be transmuted. Err, I mean… Is it conducive to alchemical properties?” You hold out your hand and summon an iridescent mask. Although, you have to admit that calling it a ‘mask’ is loose at best, as there is no holes for eyes, just a cut out for a mouth. The mask shimmers in a cacophony of cosmological colors under the light on one side, resembling the abalone shells found along shorelines. There are almost no other features, making it a twisted mirror to the viewer. On the other, there is a matte blackness that reflects no light.
Albedo frowns and sticks out his hand, tentatively holding the object as you pass it along. As he turns it this way and that, mumbling observations under his breath, you can’t help but shift your weight from foot to foot in anticipation. You notice him pick up a scalpel to collect the smallest sliver of a sample and he places it on the alchemy table.
Stars, how long can he stare at the thing?
Eventually, Albedo turns to you (and ignores your sagging relief) to hand the item back. “I don’t know where you acquired such a fascinating specimen. Pray tell, where did you come across this?”
“Um,” you start, blinking widely. “Nowhere close to Dragonspine?”
He nods. “A shame. Perhaps I can find something similar one day.”
Not a chance, buddy. “So? What do you think?”
“The materials, though nearly as primordial and resilient as Liyue’s crystals, are extraordinarily organic in nature. This should be likewise conducive to any transmutational processes you wish to conduct. However, unlike inorganic objects, you cannot easily predict the outcome. Why do you ask?”
You nod as you hold the eyeless mask, staring into the blackness behind it.
“Just trying to figure something out for a ritual. Tricky thing has a mind of its own sometimes.”
It stares back.
 (You decide to find a new offering. This will reveal too many things, stir too many questions that you have no answers for.
It’s better that they don’t know. They can’t know.
Aether understands. He still remembers the day he met you.)
 As Childe walks along a bridge towards Wangshu Inn, he pauses to savor the idyllic landscape. The sun is setting steadily behind the inn, casting deep shadows all around him. “You know, where’s the honor in sneaking up on your opponent, hm?”
In a flash, he whips out his bow and fires a shot towards Xiao’s head. The Yaksha leaps gracefully and flips in the air, twisting his body so that he utilizes his weight in a downward thrust. Childe jumps back to avoid the shattering earth and smirks, rubbing his nose. “Show off.”
Gold eyes meet blue. Shit, Childe can practically see the air around him twist with hostility and Childe’s feeling like a kid in a candy shop. “I warned you that I will not spare you, human.”
“Good. Don’t you dare disappoint me,” he snarls before running towards Xiao. When the other sweeps his spear in an arc, Childe flips over the motion to swipe at his head with his own hydro spear. Xiao grunts and leans back, allowing the blade to graze his cheek as he twirls with the pole to regain balance.
Childe moves back to raise his bow and fire a literal rain of arrows upon the ground, but in the commotion, he nearly can’t keep up with his opponent’s speed as Xiao dances between each arrow fired. Xiao leaps again with fangs bared, aiming for the spot where Childe is perching before his instincts push him to dive out of the way.
Breaking his fall with a roll, Childe turns to see Xiao charging him. No better time to practice the moves he’s seen Zhongli employ in their rare outings to the wilderness.
Right as the adeptus thrusts his spear, Childe summons his blades to parry the movement with an upward cross, trapping the pole between two swords. When Xiao moves back to dodge the rounded kick to his side, Childe switches to a pole once again to thrust into the earth where Xiao’s feet dance out of the way.
Now or never. The Harbinger grunts as he shifts feet to kick the spear.
Neither graceful nor imperial like Zhongli’s, the action gets the job done regardless as it spins dangerously fast towards Xiao, releasing arcs of sharp water-like echoes across the air. Xiao dodges all of them, panting when he notices the water is fierce enough to cleave the stone near him in half. He stands straight, motioning his spear accusingly to Childe. “Where did you learn such a move?”
“Zhongli showed me his spear, of course,” Childe replies sweetly. With a shout for bloody murder, Xiao moves for the kill, but… Childe’s eyes flick to his right and he suddenly wills his blades away to stand straight, placing one hand in his pocket. He relaxes his figure and smiles leisurely.
Come on, take the bait you asshat.
Shy of stabbing Childe’s throat, Xiao’s spear halts as he hears it: children. Very fast, very young, and very loud children skipping closer to their battle. Xiao growls again as he releases his weapon, standing straight and crossing his arms. Neither break eye contact as the kids run past them with giggles when they hit each other with toy swords.
“Why are you here, scum?”
Childe buckles like he’s been shot with an arrow, leaning forward as he places a hand on his chest. “Oh! Oh! So mean, XiaoXiao.”
“Disrespectful little rat.”
“Ha. I’m here for the Travelers. Word has it that they were last seen around here.”
Xiao scoffs and looks away. “You are too late, they left long ago.”
“Oh?” Childe steps closer to the adeptus and slowly leans forward, plucking a single golden strand of hair from Xiao’s shoulder. He stiffens as he glares at the Fatui, who shakes his head like he caught a child with their hand in the cookie jar. “You know, I really hate liars,” Childe sighs.
He side-steps the adeptus to continue his languid walk to Wangshu Inn, humming a traditional Snezhnayan song all the while.
“You sound horrible,” comes the crabby voice behind him.
“Sheesh, so wound up. Do me a favor and either go fuck yourself or go fuck someo - ”
Once again, Childe barely manages to dodge a rock hurled at his head.
 “Hey! Aether buddy!” Childe cries, opening his arms when he spies the blonde. Aether turns and laughs, waving to the enthusiastic Harbinger.
“What are you doing all the way out here?” he says, smiling as bright as the sun when he spots Xiao behind him. “Xiao! You two didn’t fight each other?”
“Uh – “
“Dear XiaoXiao and I? Now, who do you think we are?” Childe pouts. Paimon squints and flies up to Xiao, giggling as she spies a crimson cut across the other’s cheek that is purposefully hidden behind bangs.
“Paimon thinks that they did,” she says in a sing-song tone. Aether gasps as he runs over, fussing over the deep wound much to adeptus’ chagrin. Still, Childe notices the slight blush creeping up his face. What a bunch of lovesick idiots.
“Good grief,” Childe mutters, rolling his eyes. Paimon looks just as unimpressed as he felt. “Is this a regular thing, stir-fry? I’m about to puke.”
“First of all, Paimon is not stir-fry! And secondly, it kind of is,” she sighs, rubbing her temples. “Paimon doesn’t get how they haven’t figured it out yet, but Paimon doesn’t want to just tell them.”
“Yeah, they’d never believe you, they’re trying too hard.”
“What’re you doing here anyway, Wallet?”
“Oh, I’m looking for – Wait. What d’you mean ‘Wallet’?” Childe scoffs, glaring at Paimon. He groans, pinching the bridge of his nose as he suppresses the very real and very loud urge to commit homicide. It’s illegal here, stop it, too many people, you can kill her later. “If you’re going to embarrass me like that, at least avoid doing it in front of the Fatui underlings. I still have a reputation to maintain.”
Paimon hums and holds out her hand.
Is she serious?
She makes a ‘gimme’ motion.
Is she fucking serious?
“Promises, promises. Remember that night with Mr. Zhongli?”
Childe releases a string of filthy Snezhnayan curses as he grabs a small bag of Mora to hand over from his own knapsack. “I am on a budget, you know. Not that you’d understand, you bottomless pit. Will this be enough to cover your next meals, m’lady?”
“Yep. You may leave, Mr. Wallet,” she say solemnly, raising her head as she motions for him to make his exit before breaking out into a smug fit of laughter.
Oh. That’s it. Legality be damned, he’s going to kill her –
“Xiao told me you were looking for us?” Aether calls. Childe blinks quickly, before nodding and repeats your name, all thoughts of murder pushed to the back of his mind. For now, anyway.
“Where is she? Thought little birdie would be here.”
“Oh, she’s still in Dragonspine, though I think she mentioned staying for the night before leaving. She should be back first thing tomorrow. Come with us to dinner?”
“Aether, no – “
“I would be delighted. Right, XiaoXiao?” Childe grins, opening one arm to allow the blonde to lead the way. “Team building and all of that.”
“Please? At least get along on the upcoming trip?” Aether smiles at Xiao, pleading with his eyes in that certain way that makes Xiao’s heart race again. He grumbles and allows the other to lead them towards the tables.
Xiao turns around and puffs with irritation at Childe’s entertained gaze.
The Fatui makes a heart symbol with his fingers. Asshole.
 “You know Aether, had Lord Rex – “
“It’s Zhongli now, remember?”
“Yes, you’re right. Had I known he would have found someone so capable, even to the adepti, I would have hoped to see you fight sooner.”
“Aw, now you sound like you’re about to ask me for a favor too, Xiao.”
Xiao’s lips barely turn upward, soft and slow. “You dare assume I need help?”
Aether pouts slightly. “No. Just wanted to offer anyway. And you were being so nice, ha.”
“… Shall I practice my flattery for your next visit, then? With any luck, I will be better.”
Aether laughs and leans a bit closer. Some time passes before he speaks again.
“Xiao, have you ever been beyond the borders of Liyue?”
Xiao raises an eyebrow as he looks to his right and stops, losing his breath. Aether is… Aether is radiant under the moonlight. More than that, truly. The strands of golden hair billow softly in the wind, catching the light from the lanterns all around them. And… He’s smiling so earnestly, so sweetly and golden.
The ginkgo tree behind Aether sways.
“Why do you ask?”
Aether leans back, kicking his legs as they hang over the balcony. “Well, ever since you accepted the contract to defend Liyue, have you ever been given a chance to leave? Will you leave now that ‘Rex Lapis’ is gone? The people here are capable of defending themselves.”
Xiao sighs and looks back to the horizon. “I do not know,” he mutters. “I… I do not remember if I have left Liyue. Before I came to serve under Zhongli, I served another, but my memories during those days slip through my fingers. There are flashes. It…” Hurts.
Aether understands. He scoots closer again, delicately placing a few fingers over Xiao’s. When Xiao flinches slightly, Aether starts to withdraw before his hand is grabbed. He allows himself to be pulled back gently. Though his heart beats against his chest, Aether feels more at ease than he has for a long time.
“I want to take you. We should go someday,” Aether says quietly.
“Somewhere. Anywhere. If I call your name, you’ll come, right?”
“Yes. If you want to see me…” He dares a glance at Aether.
They stay like that for a time. Xiao decides that night that honey is better than almond tofu.
Aether decides to make a list of places to go.
 A young Snezhnayan boy, surrounded by many others of his ilk, recites his oath before the feet of the Tsaritsa with glee. His blood rushes to his ears as he kneels at her feet. Tartaglia is his name now, his duty, his purpose. The ice-tipped sword digging into his shoulder as he echoes and affirms his vows only fuel his determination to serve his beloved goddess.
Yet, when he rises, he is no longer in the throne room. He is standing on a cliffside watching the venerated Tsaritsa dangle a woman over a yawning ravine by her throat with the other Harbingers bearing witness beside him. The woman is struggling, clawing at the goddess’ forearms and whimpers, “Your Majesty! Please! Give me another chance! My love - ”
Once, he stood as the Twelfth Harbinger.
Now, as the Tsaritsa releases her hold, he stands as the Eleventh.
His eyes steadily follow Columbina’s shrieking fall into the Abyss. Traitor.
The Tsaritsa turns her steely gaze to the audience presented, meeting each of their eyes. “Ice, once fractured, requires a sacrifice to seal it once more. We cannot allow weakness in our ranks.”
“Yes, Your Majesty,” the Harbingers respond in unison. However, when Tartaglia blinks, the scene starts to replay once more.
Except this time, instead of Columbina, the Tsaritsa is holding –
No. No no no no no!
 Childe sits up, sweat beading along his skin and temptingly close to emptying his stomach. He closes his eyes and flexes his hands, willing water to slowly coalesce in his grip without bothering to look at the other entity in the room.
“If you get off on watching people sleep, you could’ve wined and dined me first,” he grumbles, joke falling flat.
“I thought I already did." Childe looks to see Xiao casually sitting in his windowsill, one leg hanging off the side. However, the adeptus isn’t looking at him but at the moon rising. “Who is Teucer?”
“How,” Childe rasps. He didn’t realize until then how dry his throat is. “How do you know that name?”
“You were screaming it.”
Chidle doesn’t respond but releases his hand, allowing the water to evaporate once more. He groans and leans his head back, hitting the headboard with a dull thunk. Some time passes, though neither seem eager to break the silence.
“Why do you serve her?”
“Excuse me?”
“Why. Do you. Serve her?” Xiao repeats, slow but forceful. “You’ve seen what the Fatui are capable of.”
Childe narrows his eyes at Xiao’s back, irritation slowly growing in him again. “You’re lecturing me? You who fought in the Archon War? Give me a break. I may be just a human to you, but… You know what happened to Khaenri’ah.”
It’s not a secret among the Harbingers and the highest officers where Snezhnaya inherited most of its technology nor what happened to the ancient empire. One of the many missions of the Dottore involved researching the ancient factories producing Ruin Guards, after all.
To the Snezhnayans, though, the Fatui are paragons of virtue for humanity against the Abyss and they remain blissfully ignorant to the true reasons behind Khaenri’ah’s fall.
“The Tsaritsa is leading us to become the strongest nation.”
“That is what she tells them,” Xiao replies. “Why do you serve her?”
“You think I want my motherland wiped off the maps because we are willing to do anything, anything, to survive the cold? To make the lives of our poorest easier? To feed the empty bellies when winter comes? The Tsaritsa is helping all of us in Teyvat, you ungrateful bastard. She’s making sure that we can thrive as people, not as pets to Celestia. Once she frees us, we’ll all be safer in a new era.”
Xiao makes a sound vaguely like a laugh – a pitying laugh, Childe notes – and stands. He never turns around as he sighs. “You believe that the gods aren’t pets too? That she’ll just forget? Remember that it took seven Archons to condemn the fallen nation, not six. Celestia’s seat will not remain uninhabited forever.”
He then leaps and Childe watches Xiao’s departure before huffing to himself. Good riddance. The gall of this adeptus to enter his room and then act like he’s on the moral high ground? What a self-righteous prick.
Sighing, Childe slides back to bed and pulls the covers over himself again. His knuckles go white as he grips his sheets, remembering how easily the Tsaritsa tossed her mortal lover aside.
One day, he will crush the thrones of the gods.
“I know.”
 Dreams come more frequently for Ajax now. He wonders if he will ever hear those voices from the first night again.
 Aether and Childe are eating their breakfast together, idly chatting over upcoming plans. When the blonde begins stripping his scarf to avoid stains, Childe whistles long and low.
“Careful comrade, the world will explode on itself if you take any more off. I fear what seeing your collarbone will do to the common folk.”
Aether laughs and rolls his eyes before stabbing at his meal. “So, you got an offering yet?”
“Mm? Oh yeah. Definitely.”
“… No you don’t.”
“No I don’t.”
He sighs and leans forward, staring at Childe intently. “I know that you’re going to ask for more power, but the question is, what’s worth that? You already have the heretical teachings from the Abyss, the Delusion, the Vision…”
Childe pretends to be hurt as he waggles his eyebrows. “Comrade! You can never truly know what I have up my sleeve.”
“Well… What about a toy?”
That sends Childe reeling. “A toy? Why a toy?”
“You said it yourself, you defend childhood dreams, right?” Aether’s voice is soft, but he doesn’t look at Childe in an attempt to allow privacy for the Harbinger. “That’s why you fight. So give them a toy.”
There’s a pregnant pause before Childe laughs again, charming and familiar, but there’s an overtone of sincerity. “Ah, maybe you do know what’s up my sleeve.”
“Careful Childe,” Aether responds, eyes twinkling. “I fear what seeing your arms will do to the common folk.”
“Aw, they would love it!” he grins, flexing both of his arms upwards in a show of mock strength. “Maybe I can just offer those adepti the adoration from my fans.”
Aether snorts. “Call it a hunch, but love and adoration might be two different things.”
“Yeah,” Childe replies, digging back into his food. “Besides, I think my biggest fan’s love is the only one that matters.”
His companion raises an eyebrow, but says nothing when he sees the rare expression of peace on the Harbinger for Teucer.
Aether wishes Lumine could see it too.
 Two dear companions saw a blonde figure run,
One chased to the end and then there was one.
 Gods… What did you do to piss off the stars? Truly? There must be some sort of karmic balance in play. Life just saw you having a good morning and decided hey, it’s been too long since she’s had something bad happen!
You’re definitely cursed.
You groan as you roll onto your side, ignoring Childe’s own pained moans. When you were walking up the steps to Wansgshu Inn – true to his damned codename – the immature Harbinger thought it would be hilarious to hug you from behind to surprise you.
Which was a bad idea because you suddenly grabbed him in response. Which had you both losing your balance. Which made you tumble to the bottom of the steps together.
Of fucking course.
“Ha, did you – ugh – fall from Celestia babe? Because coming down those steps, you – “
“Childe, I’m giving you three seconds to shut up.”
When you both sit up, you stare at each other for a long moment before you sigh, fighting back a grin. “Alright, what’re you doing here?”
Childe pouts and stands up, offering you a hand to help you up.
You ignore how familiar it felt, how nice that he dusted the dirt off your back while holding you tight.
“Pretty bird’s been avoiding me. Can you blame me if I go hunting?” he whines.
“I have not! I’ve been looking for something to trade and you should be doing the same.”
“Oh, that? Pfft, I got that covered.”
Raising an eyebrow, you cock a hip out as you stare. He only nods enthusiastically and rolls back and forth on his feet. “Aether told me you might need help completing a commission? There’s one nearby if I recall correctly. We’re all meeting up again later tonight to discuss the next steps anyway, can’t hurt to have your loyal comrade along!”
Shaking your head, you two meet up with the others at the inn to discuss the day’s plans before setting out on your journeys. Shockingly, fewer insults – though no less scathing - pass between Xiao and Childe than you expected while you finish speaking to Aether.
Huh. Last you saw Xiao and Childe, you could’ve sworn they were more… Hostile.
Some time walking along the road passes while you two chatter briefly. It’s all small talk though, and you can feel it again, that chasm between you, that something left unsaid. Maybe a peace offering will do?
You feel Childe’s eyes on you as you summon a bag of spices in your hand and shove it towards him, not bothering to look at his face. “Here. Forgot to give it to you earlier.”
No, you didn’t. You just bought them today.
“Hm? What’s this? …Snezhnayan spices?”
“Yeah, I saw a merchant selling it and thought it’d be interesting to try out for some recipes. You’ll definitely get more use out of it than me.”
Total fucking lie. You bought it entirely to show him, hoping to make things less awkward and… Maybe see his smile, too.
You ignore the flashes of amber eyes and a deep voice running through your mind. It was just a fun night. Nothing more.
“Huh. Thank you.”
Nodding, you both continue along, but the silence between you is comfortable now. It’s nice again, simpler, like Osial never happened. Almost, anyway.
Childe makes sure you aren’t looking as he puts the spices away, smiling to himself.
 One dear companion left under the sun,
She wandered in search of her friends and then there were none.
 “Guizhong, what are you singing of now?”
Guizhong turns and giggles at the sight of Morax in his full draconic glory, scales aflame with a  gold shimmer that no treasure can match. “Beloved, you need not appear as a god before me. Come and sit so I may braid your hair.”
When Guizhong looks to the plains, she continues her soft melodies. Morax settles next to her in his mortal form. Without hesitation, he tilts his head when her hands reach his hair, offering her his peace. There is a tacit understanding between them when anxiety tugs at her heart; as an industrial goddess, she turns to her hands to settle her thoughts.
Morax, though he never shows on his stoney face, enjoys providing this comfort for her. After so many centuries together, Guizhong long abandoned the endeavor of persuading Morax to express emotions in the human way. She knew that the brute before her will always remain an illuminated beast at heart.
That is why she loves him so.
“Morax, my love, you are purring again,” she teases. He huffs and stops, but at her light tug on his hair, he resumes. “Is our dear dragon turning into a fat house cat?”
“Which am I, Guizhong?” he says. When she leans in to kiss the corner of his mouth, he turns to meet her soft motions with his own. He was never gentle, this god of stone, yet he tries for her. “Am I a god, or am I your pet?”
Her lover’s words are teasing, and she cannot help the bubble of laughter as he tries – and fails – to smile charmingly in a show of fangs.
“You are my love,” she murmurs and kisses him again.
Hers. Of course, he thinks. Hers.
“My heart belongs to you,” he whispers back, though frowns when she notices her crestfallen expression.
“Your heart belongs to you, as my love for you is mine. Do not give it away so easily. Beloved, love is a thing that should free us. I do not wish to bind you, but I want to grow with you. Love is changing, is it not?”
He follows her gaze upwards to the ginkgo tree they sit under before she continues. “Welcome the changes time brings you, Morax. You may find yourself surprised yet. Promise me you’ll try.”
At her contemplative tone, he looks to her again, though she doesn’t meet his gaze. “I will,” he replies. “I promise to try and appreciate these mortal cycles. Though I would not call myself so dramatic as to die for it; so many humans declare this a romantic notion. How strange.”
“It’s a start,” she laughs. “Perhaps start with loving the land and loving your subjects. They have never truly courted death.”
“I do not see why you fret,” he mumbles and moves closer to kiss her jaw. “You will be here with me.”
“Of course,” she says. “Of course.”
She moves her ankle further beneath her dress, hiding from his imperial gaze the black decay that eats at her.
“Another promise. Indulge me, God of Contracts.”
He grunts in acknowledgment, though he continues his ministrations.
“Promise me that you will free me if you love me. Love me enough to live, instead of dying for it then.”
More silence meets her, though from the grip of his hand on her thighs, she knows he acquiesces.
When she met with the God of Duality so long ago, Guizhong knew her days were numbered as she collected artifacts filled with poisonous malice. The day that this blackness takes her is swiftly coming. Her dear friend chose death in their pursuit of knowledge since their true love lay in discovery. She knew this long before she ever met her lover.
Guizhong closes her eyes as she fervently kisses Morax with an apology deep in her heart. She loves her people enough to toil endlessly for them and, eventually, die with them, yet Morax did not choose this path. Guizhong refuses to choose for him, made him promise to continue his own journey.
Someone as strong as the God of War would not understand her desperation. Among the gods of this land, Guizhong is weak enough to be considered a mortal herself – a fact she accepted long ago as she offers her knowledge to her people.
Regardless of this, she wonders briefly if she was selfish in this, in loving him knowing that it would be temporary. But when he moves down her neck and presses his body to hers, she finds her heart soaring with peace. She’s lived a good life, selfish as it was. How ironic that she chided Morax on his possessiveness.
Guizhong knows she will be his first love, but she prays to whoever is listening that she will not be his last.
 The sky twinkles, too far away to be seen.
gosh I love exploring facets of a character's personality via a different POV
1) The idea of adepti (and by implication other non-humans of Teyvat) dealing in favors and transformations is directly inspired by various mythologies in different cultures of fair trade whenever humans wanted something. City of Ichor is directly inspired by the myths of separate lands (like Tir Na Nog)
2) Among the many symbols attached to the ginkgo tree is longevity, peace, and hope
3) Since the Harbingers' titles are directly referencing the Commedia dell'arte, I decided to pull one of the characters from it as a 'lover' for the Tsaritsa. The Columbina character is the secret lover and assistant to the Harlequin whose own character is known for his trickster qualities, thwarting his master's plans, and pursuing what he loves at all costs. Since the Cryo Archon is the Archon of Love, I mean...
4) Childe's story directly references his desires to "crush the thrones of the gods"
5) Guizhong's corruption is my personal theory since the quest "Treasure Lost, Treasure Found" has us find tablets, but the archaeologist is utterly confused as to how Guizhong was killed with the strongest god protecting her. Combined with no natural disaster would have been enough to strike her, nobody would dare challenge two gods, and one tablet says "there THEY fought on Guili Plains" with black dust and splintered rocks as the only elements in the last battle, and - yeah. I know a lot of people portray her as sweet and all-knowing, but I wanted to humanize her a bit (hah) because she's still a god who strongly valued her own intellect above most else and carelessly collected evil artifacts the Adepti had to hide after her death. You can't tell me she didn't have some flaws.
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valeriethepussycats · 3 years
Inside Out
Chapter 6
Pairing- Loki x Reader
Your thoughts and other characters are in italics.Flashbacks are in bold.
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Back on Earth, Darcy paces around her apartment as Ian is sat watching the news on TV. “Y/n not answering her phone. Jane isn't called me back. Erik isn't calling me back. Stupid SHIELD isn't calling me back!”
“What's SHIELD?” Ian asked.
“It's a secret.”
Darcy leaves a voice message for Erik. “Uh...hey, Erik. It's Darcy again. Uh...Thor came back, he took Jane to Asgard and um...I'm not sure what I'm supposed to do.” As Ian is watching the news they start reporting about Erik being arrested at Stonehenge.
“Something else went missing this week when Astrophysicist, Dr. Erik Selvig, notable for his involvement in the Alien invasion in New York streaked nude across Stonehenge..
“Darcy, you really need to look at this. Your friend Erik, what was his last name again?” Ian wondered.
Darcy looks at the news report on TV.
“...disrobed and began shouting at visitors at the historic site. He was later taken into police custody for psychiatric evaluation. The police are still refusing to confirm...” Ian presses the pause button on Erik's face from footage taken at Stonehenge, Darcy sits in dismay as she looks at Erik's face on the TV.
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In Asgard,
Thor and Y/n is sitting at a table.
“You’re brooding.” Y/n announced. “What are you thinking about?”
“You’re the mind reader.” Thor teased.
Y/n looks at Thor with a cocked head then gasp. “ You want to take Jane to the Dark World to get the Aether out of her.”
“Shhh, it’s the only way.”
“You’re also thinking I can help with the Aether.....How?” Y/n asked.
“You have the ability to stop even slowly time down you can slow down the Aether’s control on Jane.”
“I can’t come with you, Thor.”
“What...why not?” Thor questioned.
“Thor, this is what Loki wants he wants, me to leave Asgard.” Y/n explained.
“Why would he want that?”
“He doesn’t want to.....watch me die.”
“That’s understandable.” Thor mumbled.
“Do you feel the same way Loki does? Should I not be here?” Y/n asked but before Thor could answer, Heimdall walks up to them.
Thor exhale deeply. “You’re not in Odin's war council?”
“The Bifrost is closed by your father's orders. No one is to come or to go.”Heimdall takes off his helmet and places it on the table. “We face an enemy that is invisible even to me. Of what use is a guardian such as that?” He sits down looking defeated.
“Heimdall, it was literally invisible go easy on yourself.” Y/n said as she lays a comforting hand on his shoulder. As doing so she stars to to see..different pictures of worlds. She takes her hand off of Heimdall’s shoulder and the picture stop. “Weird.”
“Malekith will return, you know this. I'll need your help.” Thor replied.
“I cannot overrule my King's wishes, not even for you.” Heimdall answered.
“I'm not asking you to. The Realms need their All-Father strong and unchallenged, whether he is or not. But he is blinded, Heimdall, by hatred and by grief.” Thor explained.
“As are we all.”
“Well I see clearly enough.”
“The risks are too great.” Heimdall disclosed.
“Everything that we do from here on out is a risk.” Y/n said looking at Thor.
“Your going to help me?” Thor asked.
“I’ll find my way back to him.” Y/n proclaimed with a smile.
Heimdall hesitates before replying. “What do you require of me?”
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“What I'm about to ask of you is treason of the highest order. Success will bring us exile and failure shall mean our death. Malekith knew the Aether was here, he can sense its power. If we do nothing he will come for it again, but this time lay waste to all of Asgard.”
Thor is holding a meeting with Sif, Fandral, Volstagg, Y/n, and Heimdall. “We must move Jane off world.”
“The Bifrost has been shut down and the Tesseract locked away in a vault.” Sif shared.
“There are other paths off Asgard, ways known only to a few.” Heimdall revealed.
“One, actually.” Thor disclosed.
The others suddenly realize he means Loki.
“Oh this is gonna be fun!” Y/n said with a broad grin.
“Y/n....” Thor started.
“Oh no you got this Thor.”
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Thor walks up to Loki's cell where he is standing looking well kept and clean.
“Thor, after all this time and now you come to visit me. Why? Have you come to gloat? To mock?” Loki wondered.
“Loki, enough. No more illusions.” Thor stated.
Suddenly Loki's cell is transformed, the illusion is lifted and we see that Loki's cell is a mess, everything has been thrown around and he's sat on the floor, looking unkempt and messy, in the other corner of the cell. “Now you see me, brother. How is Y/n? She won’t see me because....we had a disagreement.”
“She’s fine.”
“No quakes? No abnormal weather?” Loki asked.
“Heavy rain.”
“Good.” Loki said with a note of relief. “Her powers are truly something else...I fear I can’t be the man she needs me to be......she told me I was her happy ending.” Loki said with an Inappropriate laughter. “What did I do to deserve that?.......go ahead I’m asking you.”
“Nothing.” Thor answered.
“Nothing.” Loki agreed. “I do not deserve Y/n or...mother.” Thor walks up to the other side of the cell to be closer to Loki. “Did she suffer?”
“I did not come here to share our grief or giving you advice. Instead I offer you the chance of a far richer sacrament.” Thor made known.
“Go on.”
“I know you seek vengeance as much as I do. You help me escape Asgard and I will grant it to you, vengeance. And afterward, this cell.” Thor remarked.
Loki chuckles. “You must be truly desperate to come to me for help. What makes you think you can trust me?”
“I don't. Mother did. Y/n do. You should know that when we fought each other in the past, I did so with a glimmer of hope that my brother was still in there somewhere. That hope no longer exists to protect you. You betray me and I will kill you.”
Loki smiles.”Hmm. When do we start?”
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Back to the meeting with Thor and his comrades
“He will betray you.” Fandral proclaimed.
“He will try. Loki will not try anything with Y/n there.” Thor noted.
If he does I’ll just kick his ass again. Y/n thought.
Loki and Thor walk out of the Asgardian prison. “This is so unlike you, brother. So clandestine. Are you sure you wouldn't rather just punch your way out?”
“If you keep speaking I just might.”
“Fine. As you wish. I'm not even here.” Loki said using his diversion tactics, turning himself into an Asgardian guard. “Is this better?”
“It's better company at least.” Thor admitted.
“Still, we could be less conspicuous.” Loki turns back into himself but turns Thor into Sif. “Hm, brother. You look ravishing.”
Thor looks down at his body then replies in his own voice. “It will hurt no less when I kill you in this form. What would Y/n think?”
“Very well. Perhaps you prefer one of your new companions, given that you seem to like them so much.” Loki then turns himself into Captain America in his full Captain America costume. “Oh, this is much better. Woh. The costume's a bit much, so tight. But the confidence, I can feel the righteousness surging. Hey, you wanna have a rousing discussion about truth, honor, patriotism? God bless Amer–“
Suddenly Thor grabs hold of Loki puts his hand over his mouth and pushes him against the wall making Loki turn back into himself. “What?” Thor looks to the side and they see two Asgardian guards walking away. “You could at least furnish me with a weapon. My dagger, something!” Loki exclaimed
Thor looks at him and we hear a noise like a sword being drawn. “At last, a little common sense.”
Loki then looks down then holds up his hands which now have iron handcuffs on them.
“And I thought you liked tricks.” Thor laughs and turns to walk off.
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Back at the original meeting Thor was holding with his comrades.
“Well, what then? Your lovely mortal is being guarded by a legion of our Einherjar who will see you coming from miles away.” Fandral reckoned that.
“I won't be the one who comes for her.” Thor looks over to Sif.
Jane is sat in her guarded room when one of the guards enters. “I'm not hungry.”
Suddenly Sif comes up behind the guard and knocks him out, she looks over to Jane.“Good, let's go.”
Jane and Sif meet up with Thor with Loki standing beside him, Jane points to Loki. “You're...”
“I'm Loki. You may have heard of... “ suddenly Jane slaps Loki hard in the face.
“That was for New York.” Jane voiced.
Loki smiles and looks at Thor. “I like her.”
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imagine-loki · 3 years
Triple Threat, Chapter 1 (Sequel to Trust)
TITLE: Triple Threat CHAPTER NO./ONE SHOT: Chapter 1 AUTHOR: fanficshiddles ORIGINAL IMAGINE: Imagine Loki kidnaps Darcy Lewis, in hopes of getting the tesseract in return for her. Imagine his surprise when he grows rather fond of the mortal, finding that she understands him better than anyone else ever has.  RATING: M
SUMMARY: Darcy and Loki were enjoying their life, still annoying the Avengers. But one day, Loki from another timeline appears. After causing some mischief, he tells them that Jane is compromised with the aether and under Thanos’ control. And he needs their help.
Now Darcy not only has TWO Loki’s to deal with, but also a deranged and tortured Jane who’s much more powerful than she should be.
But they have to find her first.
Darcy was late. Ohhh so late.
She ran as fast as she could out of the compound with her bag over her shoulder, Thor, Tony, Natasha, Bruce and Loki were waiting at the Bifrost site.
‘Sorry! I’m sorry! I couldn’t find my contacts and got up late.’ She said out of breath as she slammed into Loki’s side, he slipped his arm around her waist to steady her.
It had been almost six months since Loki and Darcy realised they couldn’t love anyone else. Although, whilst they tried going on proper dates together, they found it wasn’t really them. The whole romance thing.
The Avengers didn’t really know what to make of them both. Loki and Darcy didn’t like it when they were called boyfriend and girlfriend, and to the team they were just like they were before. Mischievous and a bit annoying. But the team knew that no one else would get a look in at either of them now, that was for sure.
Did Darcy love Loki? Yes, she did. She wouldn’t ever hesitate to say she did. And Loki felt the same. They already had a strong foundation built together. Had they added very regular sex to the mix? Hell yes! Did Loki want to kill every man that even just looked at Darcy in a flirtatious way? Of course!
But they were comfortable and happy with what they were. Whatever it was.
‘You’re late.’ Loki drawled.
‘Well, someone failed to wake me up!’ She looked up at him, narrowing her eyes.
‘I’m not your alarm clock, it’s not my duty to wake you.’
‘It is when you’re the reason I was up most of the night. I was walking like John Wayne when I got up. It would’ve been polite to at least wake me.’ She huffed.
‘Eww. Too much information!’ Tony said as he pulled a face.
Loki just looked very smug.
‘Exciting night, huh?’ Natasha smirked at Darcy.
‘Hell yeah!’ Darcy grinned.
Loki chuckled and squeezed Darcy’s side, just as Thor called for Heimdall to open the Bifrost. Whisking them all up to Asgard.
Asgard and Midgard were working together, sharing science and technology. Tony and Bruce were able to take their inventions to completely new levels, while Asgard learned a thing or two from the scientist mortals.
So trips to the golden city were quite regular. Darcy went along whenever Loki went. Frigga was always so happy to see her, even Odin was starting to warm up to her, too. He was also trying with Loki, attempting to make amends for not being a great father. Loki didn’t make it easy, but Darcy kept telling him off and told him to try and at least be civil.
When they arrived, horses were waiting for them on the Bifrost. Tony and Bruce couldn’t get used to riding the horses, they were worse than Darcy had been her first time. They stuck to a very slow walk and took forever. Natasha was a natural rider, which didn’t surprise Darcy or Loki.
Darcy ended up having a favourite horse, a lovely grey mare, she was a gentle giant. Loki always helped her up, often flinging her too far so she would fall off the other side. That would usually end up with Darcy withholding sex for a day or two.
Luckily, he didn’t do that this time. He winked at her as he got onto his horse and the two went galloping ahead as normal. Thor and Natasha raced up after them with Tony and Bruce slowly lagging behind.
‘Hey, Birger! How’s it going?’ Darcy asked when they reached the stables and Birger was on duty just outside.
‘Good morning, Darcy.’ He took hold of the reins for her while she dismounted. ‘You’re getting better at riding, I see.’ He grinned.
‘Yeah it’s getting easier. Soon I’ll be bale to beat this one’s ass.’ She smirked and motioned to Loki who came up beside her.
Loki poked her side playfully. ‘Unlikely.’
‘You never know, My Prince. This mare is one of the fastest in the stables.’ Birger laughed.
Loki narrowed his eyes at Birger and then Darcy. ‘You’re turning Birger to the dark side. Stop!’ Loki put his hand over Darcy’s face with a chuckle.
Birger took Darcy and Loki’s horses from them, just as Thor and Natasha caught up with them. They knew the other two would take forever, so the four of them went inside and headed straight for the banquet hall.
Sif and the warriors three were there. They were pleased to see everyone, more so Thor. But Sif had a soft spot for Darcy, they got along well after they first met when Darcy and Loki visited for a week. Sif was secretly giving Darcy some fighting lessons, she wanted to surprise Loki.
Darcy had remembered when Jane told her about Sif, how she seemed stuck up and rather snippy with her. But Darcy had a feeling it was because Sif had a crush on Thor. So of course she would have been jealous of Jane.
‘Where’s the science dudes?’ Sif asked as everyone sat down to eat.
‘Probably still halfway across the Bifrost.’ Loki smirked.
‘Perhaps we should get them a carriage next time. Or take one of the ships.’ Thor suggested with a mouthful.
‘What are they hoping to achieve this trip anyway?’ Darcy asked as she filled her plate up with various meat and vegetables. She LOVED the food on Asgard.
‘Weren’t you listening in class?’ Loki rumbled, raising his eyebrow at her with a playful smile.
‘I was probably too busy staring at your ass.’ She shrugged.
Loki laughed while the others rolled their eyes.
‘I believe they’re hoping to finally get some of the magic from the healers into some kind of containment, so they can take it back home and study it properly. Change into something we can use. It would help speed up healing so much.’ Natasha said.
‘At least she listens in class.’ Loki teased Darcy, who then proceeded to stick her tongue out at him.
‘So childish.’ Loki tutted at her.
By the time Bruce and Tony joined them, the rest of them had stuffed themselves full and went to their chambers to get unpacked.
‘I’m gonna hang out with Sif while you are doing science with the others.’ Darcy said to Loki once they were sorted in his chambers. She was tying her hair up in a bun at the mirror.
Loki walked over to her and slipped his arms around her, resting his chin on top of her head as he looked at her in the mirror.
‘What do you two get up to together? Hmm?’ He asked.
‘Girl stuff.’ Darcy shrugged.
Loki raised an eyebrow, not entirely convinced. But he took her to meet Sif before heading off to the healer’s room himself to meet Natasha, Tony and Bruce.
As soon as Loki was out of sight, Sif took Darcy outside to the training area. She kitted her out with some basic armour, a shield and a sword.
‘Have you been practising the steps?’ Sif asked as she took out her own sword.
‘Yep. Well, whenever Loki is out of the way.’
‘Have you heard from Jane lately?’ Sif asked when they started doing some simple blocking moves, Darcy was able to step away and use the sword or shield to block any attacks from Sif.
‘Nope, nothing. It’s like she’s just vanished off the face of the earth.’ Darcy sighed.
‘Weird. I thought she was in love with Thor, she always seemed head over heels for him when they visited. Have you asked Heimdall to check in on her?’
‘Nah. She was such a bitch towards me and Loki ever since I was kidnapped by him in the first place. It’s up to her to come to me, if she wants to make amends.’ Darcy then took a jab towards Sif, surprising the female warrior and hitting her chest armour. But she was impressed.
‘Ohh, sneaky. You’ve been practising more than just your steps.’ She grinned.
‘Sure have!’ Darcy said triumphantly.
‘When are you going to show Loki your new skills?’
‘Tomorrow. I want to surprise him by asking him to teach me some moves. Speaking of which, can we work on tackling? I want to try taking him down.’ Darcy said as she stopped to catch her breath for a moment.
Sif laughed and put her arm around Darcy’s shoulders. ‘You really think you’ll be able to knock Loki down?’
Darcy shrugged. ‘I’m hoping the element of surprise will help me.’
‘Good luck with that. Loki is the champ of deception and he is NOT easy to take down, even though he doesn’t look very strong.’ Sif said.
‘Tell me about it. He can lift me with ease with one arm, uses me for weightlifting practice.’ Darcy huffed.
‘Sounds just like the old Loki really is back.’ Sif laughed.
‘Did he hang out with you guys when you were little?’ Darcy asked, they took a seat on a bench for a while to chat.
‘Not often. He was more into books and his magic. A bit of a loner. But I guess we didn’t help the fact by teasing and making fun of him, he was Thor’s little brother, that’s how we saw him. I feel bad now, knowing about his true heritage and everything he’s been through. But there were times his mischievousness shone through and he would join in sometimes.’
Darcy nodded. ‘He did tell me that he struggled because you would all fight with brute strength more than anything. While he prefers more skilled combat, using his magic and tricks.’
‘He is a highly skilled sorcerer, always has been after Frigga’s teachings. I think in a way, we were probably more intimidated by his skills than anything, which likely made things worse. There aren’t many people like him out there.’
‘There certainly isn’t. Which is probably a good thing, one Loki is enough to deal with.’ Darcy laughed and hopped back up to her feet. ‘Come on, let’s fight!’
That night, Darcy was getting ready for bed.
‘Hey, Loks. Can you poof me up my toothbrush? I forgot to pack it.’ She said as she rummaged through her bag.
‘Already in the bathroom.’ Loki said, he was in bed already, reading a book.
When Darcy headed into the bathroom, she smiled as she saw it was indeed there. Next to Loki’s in a little cup by the sink.
‘I used it to clean the toilet when we arrived.’ He called through to her when she started brushing her teeth.
Darcy popped her head round the door to look at him, brush sticking out of her mouth. ‘Yeah? Well I used yours to clean my ass. So guess that makes us even!’ She grinned and disappeared to the sink again.
Loki rolled his eyes and chuckled. ‘You can be so disgusting sometimes.’ He said loud enough for her to hear.
‘Right back at you!’ She shouted through.
He had just put his book down when Darcy came through to join him in bed. She jumped on top of him, he chuckled and let out a fake oomph.
‘Have you put on a little weight?’ He asked as he poked her sides.
‘Hey! That’s not a very nice way of flirting.’ Darcy scowled at him.
Loki smirked and ran his hands up and down her upper arms, squeezing her biceps. ‘You’ve got more muscles…’ He hummed. ‘Why have I not noticed this?’
Darcy rolled off him to the side. ‘Maybe because you’re too focused on other aspects of my body.’ She grinned and started un-buttoning her pyjama top, hoping to quickly get his mind off her new muscles.
‘Mmm… indeed.’ Loki purred and rolled on top of her.
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