#he has no meaningful connections bc of that and bc he keeps being reminded (by his dad) that his time in the country is limited anyway
theworldinclines · 9 months
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fursectomy · 4 months
tumblr identity politics are so boring. please go outside connect with a real community and interact with real people. it will be way more beneficial to your growth as a person.
forget your dni list and GO OUTSIDE AND INTERACT. even if its hard even if youre in a more isolated place do your research go out of town join a club, an organization go to drag shows go to drag shows go to drag shows. or just talk to people. talk to strangers. learn about them. learn from them.
sit down next to a homeless person that everyone is pretending doesn’t exist and talk to her about her life. she may say something biphobic about one of her exes, but she’ll also tell you how much she loves her children who are being raised by her sister. she’ll show you photos of them and she’ll talk to you about her babydaddy who used to bash her head in and how she escaped and got her babies out of there. she’ll thank you again and again for being an angel and spending time with her.
when a strange guy covered in jesus merch comes up to you, bright and smiling, maybe give him a chance. you’ll mention your “girlfriend” (theyre nonbinary but you don’t wanna push it) and be surprised that he isn’t phased, he’s supportive even. you’ll realize he truly is one of those rare christians that loves jesus because jesus taught them to love everyone and value being kind. he’ll talk you about jesus like your 10 your old cousin talks to you about sonic and you’ll remember special interests can be anything.
befriend your partner’s old coworker who has a lesbian daughter and gushes about her to you and you to her. she knows youre nonbinary and lovingly calls you your partner’s “they” instead of girlfriend (its cute) but still misgenders both of you on and off. she’ll buy you slippers and earrings from ross that remind her of you. accept that shes 60 years old and her genuine care for you means more than say her vocabulary.
talk to the disabled person at your local coffeeshop who asks you about what youre drawing. listen to him when he tells you eveything about how a car engine works and what makes and models are his favorites, even when you don’t understand most of it. you’ll see him once a week and you’ll catch up when he asks you how your holidays were. he’ll tell you to be safe on new years eve because there are weirdos out there.
who gives a fuck about mspec lesbians. who cares if its “valid” or not. frankly, it doesnt matter. no one talks about mspec lesbians in real life because, like you w your dni, they’re hyper online. maybe you’ll meet a sugar mommy at a bar who tells you she’s a lesbian but she’s married to a man bc somehow, she fell in love with him anyway. she wants a sugarbaby because she needs to be with women to have a fulfilling relationship. you’ll think wow, i don’t know what to think of that or how to unpack that, but at the end of the day shes an interesting person that you got to learn about. she’ll buy you a drink and tell you you’re beautiful.
you won’t like all the people you talk to, but you will learn regardless. you will make friends, or maybe just passing connections, but they’ll be meaningful. walling yourself off and keeping yourself in a bubble of only people with your exact same opinions will render you unable to interact with the world and grow.
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jemmo · 2 years
just thinking about pat and pran and the earphone thing
bc we were shown early in the series that pran always forgets his earphones when he leaves for uni, it’s his thing. and despite being such a put together and organized person, it’s the one thing he always forgets or loses, and we see him lose them when pat accidentally steps on them.
then we see pat feeling guilty about it, and wanting to break the image pran has in his head of him as a bad luck charm, someone that always makes things go wrong. so he gives pran his earphones, with an excuse about him needing it to write his song, when really he just wants pran to have something of his, a tangible connection. and we see him use the excuse of giving the earphones as a reason for him to go into pran’s room, bc he will use any conversation starter and any opportunity to get into pran’s room and spend more time with him.
we see pran using the earphones despite taking them reluctantly and wai noticing that he has new earphones. and pran makes up a story about losing his old earphones to hide the truth, which in itself is a whole metaphor for pat and pran hiding their relationship and wai intruding in on it.
then we see the earphones again in ep 5, but this time pat opens up the conversation honestly by asking to come in before using the headphones as an excuse. and you know it’s an excuse bc he never intended to take the earphones back. he was never just lending them, he gave them to pran. he says it, they’re yours. bc in that moment he’s angry at the jealousy he’s feeling, and you can see that in how he says the line, but still, despite his anger, his heart and his earphones are still pran’s, and wai might sleep where he did, but pat gave pran earphones, and he’s making sure they still have that connection.
and then ep 8, it’s glorious. through what they say, you can tell that pat has picked up on pran’s forgetfulness with his headphones, and pran reassures pat that he has them, that he’s more careful now, pays more attention to keeping them close bc they were a gift from pat, and he treasures that more now. and he tells pat that he has his voice in his ears always, that the gift he reluctantly accepted all that time ago means something to him, he treasures it and it reminds him of pat, and you can imagine it always has even before their relationship began. just like we see in this ep, you can imagine pran listening to music through those earphones and thinking of pat and letting himself feel happy, revel in the gift and the care it shows pat to have for him.
and pat, being the thoughtful and caring man he is, gives pran the gift of an earphone case. this has so many layers, bc it’s him saying i know this is your one weakness, you’re one forgetful thing so i’m gonna help you here bc i can, i’m gonna make sure you don’t forget them again. and it’s pat knowing pran so well that he knows the best gift he can give him is practical. pran is all about logic and organization and things working how they should, so pat gives him a gift with purpose, which shows how understanding he is of pran as a person. and pat gives him a gift that pran can wear, all day, everyday, a token he can always keep with him. he embellishes it with the 2 P’s of their names intertwined, and its subtle enough that no one would read into it, by meaningful to the two of them. and pran can wear it as a constant reminder of pat and his love and his care, can walk around in public with this piece of pat without people thinking anything of it, which is what they’ve always wanted, to be able to do these couple things without people bothering them, and pat found a way for them to do that. and he does it through earphones, that carry music which is a language between the two that no one else can understand. pat takes this one incident of him breaking pran’s earphones, an example of him being a jinx, and turns it into something beautiful, makes it their thing and shows that actually, he’s not a jinx at all.
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whoree321 · 3 years
the bad batch + what romance/rom com movies they watch with you
each of the bad batch x gn!reader
ok first and foremost i really truly believe to the pits of my soul that every single one of these fuckos loves romances and you cannot under any circumstances change my mind
ALSO it’s a gender neutral reader except kinda in echo’s theres like a very brief quote regarding breasts but like i still think even that is pretty gender neutral tbh
so anyway
Hunter: Pretty Woman
this is not the first time that i have publicly declared that i think hunter has a deep rooted connection to the movie pretty woman and it will not be the last
first of all this movie is incredibly soothing to hunters overwhelming savior complex
second of all hunter is literally richard gere (debonaire but emotionally distant gentleman that learns to love) and julia roberts (hooker with a heart of gold) at the same time
he was a little skeptical the first time you put it on but he instantly fell in love with it
the humor, the sensuality, the class divide, the glamour, the unconventional cinderella story of it all. it just really butters his bread
after the first time, when you suggest watching a movie and you pick this one he’ll act very aloof about it (“whatever you want cyar’ika, it doesn’t matter to me”) but secretly he’s really really happy bc it’s one of his favorites (you def know this and def pick it more often)
he absolutely hates the scene when stucky the lawyer hits vivian. like it doesn’t matter how many times he watches it he will fully turn his head away from the screen and say “I don’t like this part” and when it’s over he nuzzles a little closer into you and very tenderly kisses your forehead
he loves the soundtrack too. like he fully exposes how much he likes the movie when you catch him singing or humming “pretty woman” or “it must have been love” absently to himself (you kept it to yourself for a while but eventually you just had to tease him about it. he just smiled a little sheepishly and admitted he liked the songs before promptly changing the subject)
hunter also lowkey definitely wants to recreate the ending where richard gere shows up to her apartment in the white limo with you bc he thinks it’s such a sweet gesture and he wants to treat you like royalty
Crosshair: 10 Things I Hate About You
if there’s one thing about crosshair it’s that he’s a sucker for the enemies to lovers genre
maybe its just him projecting (spoiler alert it most certainly is) but he really enjoys watching the drama conflama of a miserable bastard be tricked into love
and really that’s the true essence of 10 Things I Hate About You
he will grumble and bitch and moan about not wanting to watch a ‘chick flick’ when you put it on, but 15 minutes in and he’s hooked
he has strong negative opinions on literally every single character except for kat and patrick
(crosshair really really wants to think he’s patrick but when it comes down to it he is katarina stratford in every single possible way)
he doesn’t say a word throughout the entire movie but you can tell when he’s annoyed at like bianca or cameron or joey bc he will openly scoff at them
will absolutely hum along in your ear during the “can’t take my eyes off you” scene and make out with you during the paintball scene
(seriously he wants to be patrick verona so bad)
when it’s over and you ask him what he thought he’ll roll his eyes and say “i guess it could have been worse” but his little smirk let’s you know he enjoyed it a lot more than he’s willing to admit
Tech: 50 Shades of Grey
ok hear me out on this one
tech is a huge movie talker. like subtitles are a non-negotiable if you wanna be able to take in any of the movies dialogue bc tech is most likely gonna make commentary over it the whole time
this makes him absolutely indescribably so much fun to watch bad/corny movies with
he will go off about EVERYTHING. the plot, the dialogue, the acting, the costuming, the music, the production quality. nothing and no one is safe. whether you just enjoy letting him talk at you or you join in on the roast, cheesy movies are a hoot between you two
and honey. 50 shades is one of THE cheesiest movies ever
you and tech will literally spend the entire duration of the movie tearing it to shreds
and the thing is tech is a very sarcastic, funny guy when he wants to be (and when it comes to you he definitely wants to be) so by the end of it he will have you in absolute stitches from laughing at the ridiculousness of both the movie and him
with any of the other batchers watching a movie like this either turns into a shy, slightly awkward experience (wrecker, echo) or an incorrigibly horny experience (crosshair, hunter)
but in this context tech literally has no shame or squeamishness about sexual things (why should he it’s a natural biological process?) so to yall the sex stuff is just another thing to roast
literally christian grey could be fully tying dakota johnson down and flogging her and tech will be like “in the last 3 minutes they have panned up to her nipples 4 times. this is criminally shoddy cinematography”
even tho he’s busy giving a detailed play by play critique, he never fails to keep some sort of physical contact with you (wrapping an arm around you and running his hand up and down your skin, playing with your fingers or your hair) so you know he’s enjoying spending this time with you despite his nasty words about the movie
also 1000% after you watch it tech will do extensive research on the ins and outs of bdsm and will have lots of hypotheses he wants to test out (as long as you’re willing and able ofc) ;)))
Wrecker: 13 Going On 30
of all the bad batch members, wrecker is the only one who unabashedly loves any movie that could be considered a chick flick
like he doesn’t even try to hide it or act like he’s too masculine for it. he loves romance and he’s proud of it
this man will have full marathons with you. rom coms, regular roms, tragic roms, hallmark roms, you name it and he’s game
his absolute favorite tho is 13 Going On 30
i feel like he has a huge soft spot for childhood best friends to lovers stories like he finds that type of lifelong partnership so endearing (and he loves to live vicariously through jenna since that type of romance was obviously never an option for him)
wrecker is also very childlike at heart and i think the idea of a 13 year old sweetheart trapped inside the body of a 30 year old cut throat magazine exec is so amusing to him (and maybe makes him feel just a little bit represented in the media)
he is definitely the type to completely engulf you in a cuddle for the entirety of the movie and he DEFINITELY cries into your shoulder at matty’s wedding when jenna is crying on the stoop with her dream house
he wants to try razzles so bad. like so bad. i think if he ever came across them somewhere he would barter at least one of his brothers for them
wrecker really just loves love and watching movies about it just reminds him of how lucky he is to have his own love story with you <3
Echo: The Princess Bride
i feel like it’s glaringly obvious why echo loves this movie
pirates. sword fighting. decades long revenge plots. the value of an honorable, loyal man. true love that never wavers even in the face of devastating tragedy and the darkest of hardships. clever but goofy humor.
echo considers this an action/adventure movie and NOT a romance movie (even tho it 100% totally is a romance movie) and requests to watch it very frequently
he can quote the whole thing. i’m seriously telling you echo loves the princess bride with his whole chest
even tho he refuses to admit it’s a love story above all else, he really does try to model himself in your relationship after wesley
like especially given what happened at the citadel and all the time you thought he was dead, the cinematic parellels are alive and present in y’alls relationship and he strives to be even half the man to you that wesley is to buttercup
literally in your day to day life he will sometimes respond to your requests with a smooth “as you wish ;)” (it doesn’t matter how many times he does it it still gives you butterflies)
when you watch the movie, he snuggles as close to you as possible and does his best to make youre comfy the whole time (he’s insecure about his prosthetics hurting you no matter how much you reassure him they don’t)
he just loves to be able to feel your heartbeat and your laugh when you giggle at the funny bits
every single time without fail at the part when buttercup is about to stab herself he leans down, ghosts his lips against the shell of your ear, and whispers the line in time with wesley: “there’s a shortage of perfect breasts in this world. it would be a pity to damage yours”
every single time without fail you wind up making out until he pulls away and tells you to watch the next part when wesley challenges humperdinck to a duel to the pain
echo just loves you to bits and wants you to know he’d endure a thousand fire swamps for you
Omega: Clueless
i have this really specific obsession with omega being a total girly girl and having very traditionally feminine interests as she keeps experiencing the universe and being exposed to a spectrum of gender expression beyond clone (masc and boring) and kaminoan (ugly)
so with that headcanon of her in mind, it’s vital to me that she sees clueless as soon as possible
clueless is an essential piece of media for a girl entering adolescence and i will die on this hill
it has literally everything you want and everything you need to develop into a well-rounded young woman
it’s so deliciously 90s and glamorama and valley girl humor and camp. its got meaningful female friendships and valuable life lessons and paul mf rudd
if there’s one thing you should encourage a burgeoning hetero teen girl to do, it’s to stick to dating guys like paul rudd in clueless. the earlier this message can be broadcast the better
the second you’re able to steal omega away from hunters watchful eyes (“hunter we’re just gonna watch finding nemo i swear!”) you show her this movie
at this point omega is not really a girly girl, but omega also has absolutely zero feminine influence in her life
the first time she sees clueless she is absolutely obsessed. like seriously she is so enamoured with the glitz and glam of cher horowitz
she asks you questions the entire time. she wants to know about EVERYTHING. the makeup, the clothes, the hair, the slang
(she definitely goes around saying stuff like “i’m totally bugging” for long enough afterwards that almost all of the boys have slipped up at least once with some ridiculous valley girl slang. you thought you were gonna die of laughter when you overheard tech say “as if!” to wrecker in the middle of an argument)
it just really introduces her to this whole world of femininity that she didn’t even know existed and she absolutely loves it
she makes you watch clueless with her seriously once a week at minimum. she begs you to style her hair like tai’s and you can’t help yourself when you happen to run across a little yellow plaid dress and buy it for her on sight
(hunter was gonna scold you for recklessly spending credits until he saw how omega almost cried from how happy she was for the gift)
honestly she enjoys the romance of it all and paul rudd is def her first celebrity crush but she enjoys more that you and her now have this special thing of hair and nails and pretty dresses
she loves how confident and beautiful and special you’re able to make her feel, and you love that you get to bring her that small sense of normalcy and happiness
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heavensong · 3 years
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Idk if I’m totally satisfied with how I’m drawing him but LOL here’s some rough drafts for a human!Moreau 😳 I literally put off drawing my own take on him for a WHILE bc I knew I was gonna get obsessed 😂
Anyways! I drew him being kinda awkward and gangly, bc his limbs in the game are so skinny and long and it’s easier for me to imagine his torso getting bulked up by tumors and swim bladders than it is for me to imagine just his arms getting really skinny? (This is bc I was very tempted to draw a short cute chunky dude🥰 but I was trying to make it all make sense I guess?) He’s got his signature weather-proof trench coat and a heavy sweater over a button down bc it reminded me of Rhode Island fisherman chic As well as other older fashion from coastal areas. I’m def headcanon-ing him as having run his clinic, tho I still see him doing his own fishing and crab-trapping down in the reservoir. For his personality I’m definitely feeling he’s introverted and awkward, mostly bc of social anxiety and that leaves him feeling very isolated. He’s not disliked by other villagers, but I imagine his social awkwardness makes it difficult to connect to others on a more meaningful level, though he yearns to have someone reach out and try to see him on a deeper level.
Even through the shyness and his gloomy appearance, Sal has a good sense of humor and charisma. He maintains his hobby of watching old classics and romance movies, though he used to read those kinds of novels too before they all got washed away. Because of his loneliness, it was very very easy for him to become wrapped up the the cult of the black god and mother Miranda’s experiments. She promised love. Acceptance. Strength. Family…; And Salvatore fell for it hook, line, and sinker.
⭐️ Also I just wanna say I’ve seen so many great designs for a human version of this dude and they’re all awesome and wonderful! Keep drawing him pls! ⭐️
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Hi could you talk more about why youd recommend not watching ww84?
warnings for under the cut: spoilers for WW84 and a bit of the first wonder woman; i only saw WW84 once a few days ago + it’s been a hot sec since i saw the original so if i get a few details wrong i apologize
tl;dr with no spoilers: WW84 is a poorly executed movie that insults its viewer with its messy and self-proud plot, bad character/relationship portrayals, and offers a personal slap in the face to a majority of its audience in their various discriminations, generalizations, and plot points.
the first point is the racism, made well by the post i reblogged here, (edit: found a second post that goes more in depth here) so i’d just suggest looking at that for that matter
next is just How they portray wonder woman in this one
i really appreciated the way the first movie portrayed diana because they did very well in keeping true to her Amazonian raising and life while still clearly showing she was a woman
when i say this i mean that a lot of media has a tendency to either make women who are very fem and keep to traditional gender roles or women who more or less shun femininity and attempt to largely fulfill only male gender roles
diana in the original is a warrior, strong and fierce, but still a woman, not trying to shun that or anything. she wears styles that suit her while still being woman’s styles (she doesn’t force her way into a suit), she talks of and addresses her womanhood proudly and without issue, etc
i want to note here i have no issue with female characters who act extremely masc and reject femininity- i love them tbh- but it’s important to remember that it’s not inherently against womanhood or anything to be a strong fighter who doesn’t stick to every stereotypical social gender norm
and the first wonder woman movie shows this very well
WW84... oh boy
first of all, wonder woman’s changing outfits every other scene. even between scenes where it makes no sense! i’m not saying she can only wear one set of clothes but Geez this was too much
not to mention an entire scene dedicated to her helping steve pick a fashion look? i understand this was to highlight the ‘80-ness of the movie, and it would’ve been fine if it seemed diana was helping him pick a period appropriate look, but it was clear she was trying to help him pick a ‘fashionable’ look which. wonder woman? from the island without a sense of popular outfits or fashion? what?
and the amount of focus on her wearing high heels.... ugh
i’m not saying you can’t have a badass woman who also likes social gender norm fem things but it felt clear that wasn’t what they were going for
wonder woman in the first movie liked practical fashion and not only were many of her outfits not that, her high heels? one hundred percent not practical
it didn’t fit her character and felt horribly out of place, clearly just the producers / directors / whoever going ‘oh, wonder woman is a woman how can we show this? fashion! high heels!’ and i hated it
(warning: imma be jumping from thought to thought as they bump into each so uh... enjoy the train-of-thought style of flaw informing)
and starting at the beginning like.... wow that scene had no purpose
wonder woman cheats in a competition and is punished for this by losing it in the end. except. this is stupid for two reasons
as the audience is shown she didn’t cheat on purpose. she made a mistake, lost her horse, and made a strategy to get back into the race despite this. honestly? i thought the story was going to be a lesson in ingenuity in the worst looking situations. but it wasn’t, which is bad storytelling, because the lesson is then based on a point that isn’t even that true
it is literally Never important again later. unless you count what was going on with the wishstone as ‘cheating to victory’ which i dont. that’s not even what the villain did. he wanted to take over the world. there’s no victory there you get without cheating. wtf. why did that message even happen
going into the actual story we meet the cheetah pretty quick, when she’s still whatever-her-civilian-name-is
and the cheetah... she’s such a bad villain
she doesn’t have the same backstory as she does in the comics
in this one, she uses the wishstone- which is a whole ‘nother thing in and of itself- to wish to be like diana, because ig being smart as hell but social awkward as hell too is so bad you need to desperately wish to be someone else? i hate that trope, but onwards-
she gets that, but in exchange for not only diana’s likable personality she also gets her wonder woman powers (and she loses her glasses, because pretty and cool means no glasses, right? /s), she loses her kindness bc of the rules of the wishstone- in exchange for your wish, it takes smth u care about a lot from you; for her, it was her kindness
this makes her villain! just because she lost her kindness. yep. honestly not a good look regarding all those people out there who are low/no empathy and can still be wonderful nice people but i digress
at one point she complains about why she needs to keep her power rather than go back to being just Her and i fucking wanted to scream
she has like. half a dozen degrees, clearly a couple of friends even if she’s awkward, and she’s got a life that was perfectly okay before she made the wish. as someone who is also socially awkward as hell, it infuriated me to here her acting like it was the fucking end of the world she couldn’t be more extroverted or whatever. there are ways to work on that!!! the movie trying to convince the audience she had a legit reason to not un-wish her wish (for the good of the entire world) was stupid and insulting
also her transformation between ‘looks human, wearing cheetah-pattern clothing‘ to ‘humanoid with cheetah fur/skin/appearance’ literally just. happened. for no reason. that was stupid
y’know what else is stupid? the wishstone. it was clearly just a plot device, and a poorly executed one at that. it isn’t even consistent in how it works
and they did a whole side thing with like. how it had the language of the gods written on part of it and it appeared in random locations across history around the time of great tragedies and,,, that was it???
they never explored the divine connection??? who planted it or why??? how it location traveled or anything????
like i said. poor plot device
i move on now to steve
oh boy steve
he’s brought back to life by diana’s wish on the wishstone, but... it causes him to come back in someone else’s body, quantum leap style. this is. weird. and is never ever addressed by him or wonder woman except once in a throw away comment. like. diana and steve kiss and are implied to have sex while steve is in someone else’s body and neither of them seem to care. this is not good!!
and then his relationship with diana? HORRIBLE
in the first movie they were barely starting to fall in love, only barely a couple even if that. more importantly they were friends, and that night he died diana didn’t lose a potential lover so much as she lost her first non-Amazonian friend
but WW84 portrays their relationship as if they were not only already a couple, but one close enough that even after forty years since steve’s death diana is still completely and hopelessly in love with him to the point that she’s literally hanging off his arm as soon as he’s back and making love that very night
it plays again once more into the misrepresentation of wonder woman’s character (how stereotypically hollywood female to fall over herself at the sight of her love interest) and it wrecks their relationship, which had been a lovely friends-who-could-be-more
what they should’ve done was focus on that friendship, build it back up after the long gap for wonder woman, and then started to rebuild that possible romance (and tear it down at the perfect moment... right when steve had to go again... ah that would’ve been lovely)
but they wanted to go in full-haul on the romance and it just felt. wrong and weak to me. diana’s refusal to consider giving up her wish (to get her powers back and save the world) is bc she doesn’t want to let steve go again, which makes more sense in the context of a first and true friend rather than a hastily slapped together love interest
steve’s character was generally good tbh but the way he played into the story? bad
moving on... the main villain of the movie? sucks. he’s just. fucking awful
despite a motivation being given that he wants to have money, he launches into wanting to take over the world for no real reason. he takes advantage of people for this and almost destroys the world he wants to rule for it. the main reason he stops this is for his son, who up until now he largely ignored and didn’t seem to care that much for outside of basic obligations. and the movie dares try to make him sympathetic by throwing in the fact he grew up poor and was bullied and not liked which i HATE
lots of people are/have been poor. lots of people are/have been bullied (myself included). that does NOT justify them DESTROYING THE WORLD TRYING TO TAKE IT OVER. can it be used to show the audience why he does what he does? yes. but to use it and clearly try to make it a reason to hand-wave-away what he did? NO. FUCK NO
also fucking. y’know how wonder woman took down this villain? she talked to him and the world. she gave a stirring speech while she laid slumped against a wall, not injured, just too weak to beat a bit of wind. she talked and she looped her lasso around his leg so she could talk to the world to to convince them to give up their wishes
once again... the mischaracterization
in the first movie, wonder woman gives a stirring speech while fighting Areas. it’s done in her battle, beating the god of war up while reminding him of what she stood for, who she was, why she would keep fighting for a broken world
this was weak. and it clearly wanted to be more than it was
the whole movie wants to be more than it is- it wants to have an important meaningful message like the first movie, about wishes for the self and war and the world and whatever. and it wants it so badly it does it horribly
the message is ham-handed yet messy and unclear and not right. it doesn’t make sense, and it feels poorly plotted. the movie thinks it’s more than it is and that makes it very hard to watch
and to finish my rant off... WW84 lied to its audience
did you see any ads for WW84? i did. they were bright, vibrant, funky music, stunning moments, action and intrigue. i was thrilled for a movie like it
the actual movie isn’t that
it’s not nearly as action filled, it’s not as ‘80s-focused as it leads you to believe, some of the most prominently featured moments barely matter
the lightning swing? pointless, as at that point in the movie wonder woman’s learned how to fly and does it for no reason but the trailers
and that cool suit? introduced in a random myth for no reason halfway through the movie, brought in at random with no explanation, only there for show and the trailers
WW84 is not the movie is lead people to believe it was, and the movie it is is poorly executed and insulting to a variety of peopler/minorities
if you’re gonna watch it, pirate it. i can give you a link. just don’t give dc your money or your legit views for it
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janiedean · 3 years
Amazing how you can erase and twist everything someone says and not even bother to check things before launching in your 1000 words answer where you repeat the same things over and over again. When I say “Theon’s story is about destroying death”, I AM talking about his trauma and abuse. I’m not saying that Theon is a superhero, I’m saying that Theon’s story is literally about surviving and saying no to the dying of light, he’s always been trapped between life and death. How is that less meaningful than Jon being AA just because he’s special. Jon is stereotypical, not matter how much you deny it. He is the bastard son of the “good” Ned Stark that everyone seems to venerate, he becomes important, he’s actually a prince, and heir to the kingdom, he’s going to come back from the dead and apparently it’s not enough because he’s also AA. Also “I search for AA and see only Snow”, how is that not a red flag? Didn’t you think that it could be about Ramsay hiding Theon? I didn’t say that everything is about mythology and ancient literature, I said Theon has a lot of connections to it, connections that are hard not to notice, that actually make sense and are not taken out of nowhere like everyone in this fandom does. Theon’s story is about himself, not about Bran or any Stark, you’re just obsessed with throbb. Theon is connected to magic and to the gods, Theon is the rightful king of the Iron Islands, so why it’s so amusing to people when someone suggests that Theon has something to do. I’m not saying that Theon has to be important for his story to count, but why it’s so amusing to people the idea that Theon is an abuse and rape victim and at the same time he has something to do. When it comes to female victims, they want them to do great things, when it comes to Theon they constantly reduce him to poor say boy, but Theon is not like that, Theon is in pain and he wants everything to end, but he’s also angry and he wants to be free. I didn’t say that he has to explore the sea because he’s an Ironborn, you said that, not me. I think that that’s something Book!Theon would want to do if he survives everything. Because he would be free and he would go into the unknown. That’s not true Theon has no connection to the sea, the Drowned God himself wants him as king and he likes ships, there’s also the fact that he never learned how to use a ship because he was kidnapped at 10. Also what’s so wrong about him connecting with his culture? He could change things, he wouldn’t be a viking, he would be an explorer. The way you talk about it, it’s like dealing with trauma means closing himself in an house. And about the prophecy, what’s so amusing about saying that Theon has a lot that fits? I know that the prophecy is vague, but Davos and Stannis don’t come close to it as Theon does. Theon died in almost every possible way and managed to come back on his own. He keeps saying that he died in Winterfell. Read the last chapters in ACOK, it’s all there and it all happens at the same time, and still there’s so much more, so many things. And it’s like this HAS to be true, but you say no to everything, you don’t even think that he has something to do with the Iron Islands, you just think he has to “atone” to Bran, so how are you different from D&D? Theon doesn’t have to atone to Bran, Robb or anyone else called Stark, his story is about identity. And Bran is talking to Theon and yes, Theon took Winterfell, but it’s not the only reason their stories are connected, Theon taking Winterfell from Bran was a foreshadowing to them interacting in the future for different more important reasons, that was always clear to me
... anon never mind that I hadn't talked about this in ages so like you came into my inbox with some 500 words of replying at 8 am on a sunday morning and idk how *I* am supposedly twisting things when
you brought this out of nowhere
I hadn't talked about the AA thing nor anything wrt theon's ending in like... a year
you are basically making up half of what I said or didn't because like 'oh I didn't say he had a tying to the sea because he's an ironborn' but two lines later you say 'what's the issue if he reconnects with his ancestry' which.... means that he'd have a tie to the sea because he's an ironborn so what's the truth here
'you're obsessed with throbb' I didn't mention robb once in my entire answer nor throbb nor I have written throbb meta recently like... I ship throbb but I don't see how that has any relevance to an answer where I literally didn't mention it and I said theon's sl can't be just about the starks
idk why you seem to think I have great stakes re jon snow and 'he's stereotypical no matter how much you say he's not', I'm saying that for a chosen one archetype he's a deconstruction so he's not stereotypical in the way h*rry p*tter is or aragorn is or whatever and it's like objective text and honestly I have fic to write and stuff to do and I could have like completely ignored your ask and said 'I think you're wrong' instead yesterday I spent half an hour answering you like... you don't need to sound that aggressive or come at me with this entire block of text when I wasn't even the one starting this conversation
what’s so amusing about saying that Theon has a lot that fits?
anon I explained in those 1k reply or whatever all the reasons why everything theon has that fits is something every single other character has at that point dany has the exact same reasons for fitting it and I told you all the reasons why jon has extra things that fit that no one else has, like.... it's my opinion, I haven't changed my mind since 2012 on it, you aren't going to change it and no one is until grrm writes different, you don't need to convince me or look for me to validate your reading because you can have whichever reading you want and no one stops you, I just don't think it's correct, the end
The way you talk about it, it’s like dealing with trauma means closing himself in an house.
anon you keep on saying I say that but you are aware that if I say I want char X to get their little house in the village/woods/city of their choice and grow strawberries with their loved ones and be happy I'm not saying what you said and I'm talking abt endgame? jaime and brienne both also deal with trauma and when I say that I hope they get married on tarth have fifteen kids and never set foot in a court again I'm not saying having children is the only way to deal with trauma like.... one thing is the endgame one thing is how you get there, where did I say theon is gonna lock himself in a cottage in wow and stay there until ados? nowhere, like.... please a bit of chill here? you read a thing and arbitrarily decided it meant stuff it doesn't mean but I am the one twisting and erasing? like sorry but it sounds like you want a fight about it or smth and believe me fighting about who is AA is not on my list of to-do things for today, also 'I died in winterfell' is like... yeah, theon greyjoy died in wf then he became reek then he became theon again, it's metaphorical, jon literally died, also like if AA wasn't a main fiver then it'd probably be someone completely out of left field that no one gaf about and for that matter there's a character who has been dying and coming back to life who has a flaming sword since like acok, but do I see you telling me it's textual proof beric is AA? no, but that would make more textual sense than theon imvho so *shrug*
in short: anon sorry but it sounds like being that theon is your fave - which... I mean he's in my top three so I agree that he's a great fave choice - you want him desperately to have the main role in the main storyline which is imvho not the case and again... even if jon was stereotypical (which we can argue on but like... from your wording I think you hate jon ngl which fair enough everyone has their dislikes) it wouldn't make the textual evidence less evidence and like... idk how to say it nicely but not liking the protagonist is more common than not and if you don't whatever but that doesn't mean he's not and that the textual stuff indicating he has the mystical hero storyline doesn't exist, I'd suggest you make peace with that concept and with the concept that your fave doesn't need to have any specialness in their sl to be a legitimate fave, also like... in asoiaf everyone who is special™ has a shit life and when grrm says he wants a bittersweet ending like in lotr, do I have to remind anyone what was lotr's ending? samwise gamgee goes back to his little house and children and wife in the shire and says he's home and we're all happy that the dude who deserved it most got it great, if that's what he's aiming for I really don't think presuming everyone gets the magical great™ storyline is in the cards X°D but most of all: again, everyone who's had a sl being full of magic prophecies and shit in these books has had a crap life and hated every second of it that was related to those prophecies and I want theon to be happy at the end so in lack of any imvho text proof that says it's anyone but jon I'll stick with that because it means none of my faves is in line to hate their life, which is exactly what happens to jon if he's AA and exactly what I think is gonna happen and I don't particularly like that for him either bc I do want jon to have nice things but idt he'll get them, doesn't mean I'm trying to find any textual reason to decide on my own that AA is dany (a char I care a lot less about) so that she gets the brunt of it because that's now how it works, I made peace with it too X°D
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verobatto · 3 years
Destiel Chronicles
Vol. XCV
It was a love story from the very beginning.
And You Are Not Here... (Part. III)
Hello my friends! This is another meta from season 13. We are still mourning with Dean...
I'm gonna focus in just one episode, because I have a lot of things to say about this one. Obviously, the majority of the things have been already analyzed by the meta community.
But, let's see what we find...
Move on
Remember how the last episode ended, with Dean blowing out his feelings and pain to his brother, so, this episode starts with Sam trying to talk with his brother about that. And by that I mean: Cas.
SAM: Hey. How you feelin’?
[DEAN is working on his laptop. He looks up at SAM, but doesn’t reply.]
Sam understands now that fact he had always suspect, what really means to Dean losing Castiel. But Dean sees it coming and doesn't answer, because he knows he let his pain and mourn talking by themselves, and now he wants to come back to hide behind his walls. But Sam won't let that goes so easy. Another heated discussion about Jack brings the topic back.
SAM: Dean, we can’t hide him forever. And, you know, just keeping him cooped up here isn’t working.
DEAN: Yeah, it is, actually. You wanna know why? Because as long as he’s here, he’s not out there doing God knows what. So what, does this mean that your plan for bringing Mom back isn’t working? ‘Cause I’ll say it again—Mom’s dead, Sam. Lucifer ripped out her freakin’ heart. Now, the sooner you can wrap your head around that, the sooner we can all move on.
(Gif set credit @demondetoxmanual )
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Look at this, Sam takes Dean's words and immediately repeats the ask but with another different meaning, aeaning his brother gets immediately. Sam tilts his head, and his eyes are searching for the answer in Dean's face, because he knows he won't have the answer in words from him.
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These exchange of gazes is so so important, because Dean is saying "Are you really asking me if I can move on... From CAS?" Because is obvious Sam was implying that, for Dean, losing Cas was more painful and unbearable than losing Mary. "You want to move on, from mom?"
The pause, the coma, is pointing Sam is referring Castiel, not mom. Is not mom the one you want to move on, right?
Dean's silence is priceless, both men talks without talking, and both know what they're talking about. Of course Dean can't move on from Castiel. And Sam knows it. Because he experienced the same with Jess.
And Dean changing the subject after that is saying HE WON'T TALK ABOUT IT.
Lies and Toxicity
We have a beautiful scene between Jack and Sam, in which Jack snaps all the bad things he heard last night. But Sam explains to him, they need his help to bring Mary back, and Jack can connect again with S through the pain of losing their moms. And he gives the kid a tip to conquer Dean's sympathy.
SAM: (...) Listen, if there’s one thing that Dean respects, it’s effort. So come along. Help us out. Let’s go be the good guys.
So we'll see the kid really giving everything in this mission.
Another quote that caught my attention was Jack saying this:
JACK: I thought lying was wrong.
Just came to my mind episode 14x19, when Jack is sick of so much lies and turn the world into 'just truth's real madness!
And another foreshadow in the same episode we will have Cas coming back, they're talking about this ...
DEAN: (...) why’d she come back from the dead and knife his ass?
JACK: People come back?
SAM: When a person dies and their soul can’t move on…
Talking about this in this specific episode has a meaning: the wife, the woman that man loved coming back from the death, is a reflection of Castiel coming back at the end of this episode. Souls that can't move on, is talking about Dean and Castiel's decease.
Another thing that is pointed in this episode is Sam seeing the bad things of John Winchester in his brother.
Castiel in the Empty
As the preamble to Castiel in the Empty, we had this dialogue here...
JACK: My mother… could she be a ghost?
SAM: No, we, um… we burned the body.
DEAN: That’s right, and what gets burned… stays dead.
Dean is saying this to himself because they burnt Cas' body too, but this scene is cut and we jump into the next one: Castiel walking around the Empty.
Then, again, Dean goes with this quote here...
DEAN: So, aside from getting dead, what do Gloria and Wes have in common?
And the scene cuts to Castiel again, emphasis in loved people that was dead, and now comes back from it.
Another interesting scene is Dean finding Gloria's diary of mourning.
SAM: More of the same. Um, he really was into the whole catharsis thing.
DEAN: Yeah, sure. Who wouldn’t be? I mean, it’s like another word for “happy ending”.
Dean shows here he knows exactly what that is, and how you can feel when you lose the love of your life. The "happy ending" is a reference of a suicidal thoughts as another way out from the pain. And as we will see in the next episode, was a way out Dean was considering for himself. Also, the journal was made by John after Mary died, and was made by this widow, after his wife died. Is important because in the interview with MIA (the ship shifter therapist) she will ask Dean if he has a diary.
Sam talks about catharsis, as an important way to process the pain, and he really tried to make his brother to do that at the beginning of the episode. Failing.
MIA: Mm. Most of the people I see are in the same boat. No warning, no goodbye, no closure.
These words play an important role for Sam, Jack and Dean, in loosing their mothers and loosing Castiel.
They exchanged heated words again in front of Mia, Sam accusing Dean because he is not carrying well with the deaths, and we'll have again an indirect question, with second meaning. Sam will be talking about Castiel again. But then, and just like Dean did at the end of the previous episode, Sam will have his blow out about losing Mary. Is a blatant comparison between Romantic Love (CAS/Dean) and Family Love (Sam/Mary).
Sam leaves, and Mia points at Dean. Dean drinks from his flask. He was doing that and eating a lot, as he always does when he loses Cas.
MIA: (...) You’re angry, Dean.
DEAN: And?
MIA: And if you don’t want to do anything about it, that’s your business. But you’re aiming it at everyone in your life.
Dean will take these words and do something about it, at the end of the episode. But, I want to talk a little about visual Narrative here, because while Mia was talking with Dean, there was a picture behind her, with BLUE/GREEN AND RED COLORS (Destiel).
The scene between CAS talking with the empty that had taken his shape is intertwined with the shape shifter that took Dean's shape. This is very meaningful bc both creatures decided to take the protagonists of this love story shapes.
So, the Empty explains where Castiel is, and also, is baffled by the angel that woke him up. Is the first time someone wakes up in the Empty, and the entity is really mad at it.
But Castiel doesn't know why he woke up, so, he went with the first idea: Maybe the Winchesters did some deal or spell. But they didn't.
The Empty represents all the darkness inside of Castiel: his doubts, his depression, his fears, his weakness. So, the only way to keep him there SLEEPING (as the image of depression) is to point at the lack of faith in coming back, or in feeling himself loved or needed.
The following dialogue shows us how smart is our angel.
CASTIEL: Having me awake causes you pain.
COSMIC ENTITY: If you can’t sleep, I can’t sleep. Yeah? And I like sleep. I need sleep.
CASTIEL: Then get rid of me.
COSMIC ENTITY: Oh, should I, should I?
CASTIEL: Send me back to Earth.
Castiel immediately detect the point of it, and tries to give a resolution for both of them.
COSMIC ENTITY: Or I throw you so deep into the Empty that you can’t bother me anymore, hmm?
CASTIEL: Except you know that won’t work, or you would’ve done it already.
COSMIC ENTITY: Pretty smart. Pretty smart, dummy.
CASTIEL: Send… Me… Back.
The first conclusion CAS arrives is by his side. The only way the Empty can get some peace is sending him back to Earth. What Cas doesn't know is, the empty won't come back to sleep, ever again after this.
COSMIC ENTITY: That’s not part of the deal. No, no. Besides, you don’t want to go back.
CASTIEL: Yes, I do. Sam and Dean need me.
COSMIC ENTITY: Oh, save it.
When the Empty says SAVE IT, is because he knows the excuse is making CAS to come back, is not the real one he has in his heart. Oh, save it is not because of that, is because ONE MAN NAMED DEAN WINCHESTER.
Because immediately after this, the Empty mocks him about it...
(Gif set credit @petercapaldi )
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Look at Castiel's face when the Empty refers to his feelings as TULIPS, because the tulips represents the perfect lover, passion and romanticism. The tulip is a symbol of sincere love. It is an incredibly romantic flower that when giving it you express infatuation, passion, unconditional love, pure love.
So, the Empty is saying here: save it, you are in love, you want to come back because you are in love.
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To the Empty, is very disgusting, aberrant, and it annoys him. He qualifies it as "little feelings"
Because he's trying to erase the hopes in Castiel. So, he shows him he knows everything about him, and if he didn't understand at first with the tulips reference, he makes it clear now I KNOW WHO YOU LOVE.
And seeding again the depression, because he needs CAS sleeping or defeated, he continues...
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Unrequited Love. The Empty exposes right in front of Cas' eyes the fear of being unrequited. With this, he is trying to show him WHY WOULD YOU COME BACK IF DEAN DOESN'T LOVE YOU BACK? He needs to cut any hopes in the angel.
And after this, he shows CAS l his mistakes, and fears, and regrets, and guilts. All the bad things, all his darkness, to put him back to sleep.
But then, Castiel gets it, he is already saved. And with more energy and hopes inside his heart, he faces the empty again:
CASTIEL You can prance and you can preen and you can scream and yell and remind me of my failings but somehow, I’m awake. And I will stay awake and I will keep you awake until we both go insane. I will fight you. Fight you and fight you for…ever. For eternity.
CASTIEL Release me. Release… me.
Symbolism again! Castiel asking his own darkness and depression, and regrets to release him in that moment, he release himself from all of that and he returns stronger than never.
Lack of Faith
Back to Dean, Jack and Sam with the shape-shifters we can see another interesting visual element, next to Dean: Sunflower.
The sunflower is the symbol of the Sun and symbolizes love and admiration. But also happiness, vitality, positivity and energy. ... For some religions it is a symbol of the one who permanently seeks God, the divine, since the star king symbolizes God.
This could be linked to what Dean means to Cas, but I think is mostly what Cas means to Dean.
But jumping into the dialogues and the symbolism and parallel of having two Deans as we had two Cas, there's a little clue for a foreshadow...
Look at this, the scene is pretty blatant, we have Buddy, Mia's ex, obssesed with her, jealouse of her life, intertwined with the dialogue between Dean and Jack, showing how important Jack is.
So, Buddy is the Empty, Mia is Castiel. And the most important thing in there, is Jack... These are the ingredients and this is the dialogue...
BUDDY: I never stopped looking for you.
JACK: I can’t.
BUDDY: And when I found this place, when I saw all that…
DEAN: Yes, you can.
BUDDY: …warm, fuzzy good you were doing. I couldn’t let you have that.
Buddy is the Empty saying to Mia, CAS, that he will search for him in a future, and he will see his happiness, one of the most important persons to CAS is JACK, that's why the dialogues are mixed here.
DEAN: Sammy believes in you, and when he believes, he’ll go Hell for leather…
So I took it all away, and it was fun.
DEAN …but you gotta try.
Again, the Empty mirror talking about taking all away from Mia, Castiel's mirror, and we have Dean talking to Jack. This is the foreshadow of 14x08, when the Empty will come for Jack in Heaven.
MIA You’re… you’re a…
BUDDY: What? A monster? Well, so are you. And it’s about time you embraced that. So I’m not gonna kill those boys. You are. You end them, or you die, courtesy of Tweedledee’s silver bullets. So what’s it gonna be, princess?
MIA: Shoot me. Shoot me!
And now we have Castiel's mirror giving her life in exchange for Dean and Jack. Just like CAS will do with his deal with the Empty in 14x08 and his ultimate Sacrifice in 15x18.
Now, the last scene. Sam is ready to move on from having faith but Dean will take the advice that Mia gave him. But in this attempt of stopping Sam from being like him, he will show again one of his deepest feelings...
(Gif set credit @aborddelimpala)
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Dean had lost faith, hopes, because he lost Castiel. And Castiel represented all of that to him.
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Sam is worried, and Dean just realized he said it. He had just showed his brother part of his depressive thoughts. And the sadness in his face is all over.
Miscellaneous: The address in Mia's office door was 219, this is a very interesting visual element, is a reference to episode 2x19, "Folsom Prison Blues", in which Sam and Dean were two prisoners, trying to show their innocence. Finally breaking free. As a foreshadow of the emotional prison we will see in Dean's possesion in episode 14x09.
To Conclude:
This episode is full of symbolism and is centered on Castiel and his storyline with the Empty.
The episode shows us too the pain carried by Dean, Jack and Sam in loosing the people they love and how each one of them walks through it in different ways.
Hope you like this meta, see you in the next one!
Tagging @magnificent-winged-beast @emblue-sparks @weird-dorky-little-d @michyribeiro @whyjm @legendary-destiel @a-bit-of-influence @thatwitchydestielfan @misha-moose-dean-burger-lover @lykanyouko @evvvissticante @savannadarkbaby @dea-stiel @poorreputation @bre95611 @thewolfathedoor @charlottemanchmal @neii3n @deathswaywardson @followyourenergy @dean-is-bi-till-i-die @hekatelilith-blog @avidbkwrm @anarchiana @dickpuncher365 @vampyrosa @authorsararayne @mybonsai1976 @love-neve-dies @dustythewind @wayward-winchester67 @angelwithashotgunandtrenchcoat @trashblackrainbow @deeutdutdutdoh @destiel-shipper-11 @larrem88 @charmedbycastiel @ran-savant @little-crazy-misha-minion @samoosetheshipper
@shadows-and-padlocked-hearts @mishtho @dancingtuesdaymorning @nerditoutwithbooks @mikennacac73 @justmeand-myinsight @idontwantpeopletoknowmyname @teddybeardoctor @pepevons @helevetica @isthisdestiel @dizzypinwheel @jawnlockwinchester @horsez2 @qanelyytha
@destielle @spnsmile @shippsblog @robot-feels @superlock-in-the-tardis @superduckbatrebel @2musiclover2 @madronasky @anon-non2 @cea1996 @lisafu02 @asphodelesauvage @destiels-canonahhhhhhhhhh
If you want to be added or removed from this list just let me know.
If you wanna read the previous metas from this season here you have the links:
Buenos Aires, January 3rd 2021 6:46 PM
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oceanatydes · 4 years
here r my takes on the s2 islanders’ zodiac signs. I know some of them have canon bdays, but I’m going w how I feel on this
Bobby - Gemini
self explanatory, this one is canon
mind runs a million miles a minute
sensitive but tends to tread on the lighter side of things
Noah - Scorpio w Pisces influence
this one was really tough
he has this grounded, steadfast energy that reminds me of earth influence but his comfort w silence and also his overall intensity as a person gives me Scorpio vibes
caring but reserved
doesn’t speak often, but when he does his words are sincere and hold weight to them
eyes eyes eyes
I know it’s a thing in his route lol but the way he gazes at MC and the overall intensity of their interactions give me scorpio vibes
his inability to assert himself reminds me of Pisces. very caring but often times unable to stop letting people walk all over them
maybe Scorpio sun w Pisces moon?
Hope - Capricorn
hardworking, ambitious, independent
she knows what she wants and goes after it
very confident in the realm of work but struggles w love. has a hard time feeling secure and letting herself be taken care of in intimate relationships. caps tend to place a lot of value on themselves as public figures or people w meaningful reputations. this can lead to conflict/struggle in their intimate relationships
need for control & and to remain in control
tends to take responsibility in situations & is generally someone who maintains order
Priya - Leo
gorgeous (lol this is just me being gay & loving Leos)
fr tho Leos have this aura abt them that just draws everyone to them
whether islanders loved her or couldn’t stand her, she was always involved in the conversation somehow, even if she wasn’t there
loves drama! has a tendency to stir things up
very playful and confident
likes to tease & have a good time. her presence is known as soon as she walks into a room. very flirty
does care abt what ppl think abt her, but sometimes her need for validation tends to get the best of her & makes her act in ways that she later regrets
Hannah - Pisces
this one is obvious lol
she’s a dreamer; very head in the clouds type personality
loves writing & fantasy — Pisces tend to enjoy the arts and creative expression
sensitive; too soft for this world (until a bit later in the season lol)
forgiving — she doesn’t hold grudges and doesn’t hold anything against lottie for the whole Gary situation
Marisol - Aquarius
confident, but more detached
level-headed — she’s someone who leads with her head, not her heart (tho that changes later if she pairs up w MC)
sometimes is more reserved; as compared to islanders like Bobby, she’s not as “out there”
logical, rational decision making
Gary - Taurus
I haven’t played his route but from my interactions w him I’ve gotten that he’s very focused on his nan— for obvious and important reasons but family, home, and security matter a lot to him
he’s a man of simplicity and habit — he knows who & what matters to him
doesn’t like crazy fancy things & doesn’t believe in super far “out there” things — he’s more traditional and grounded in his belief system
Chelsea - Libra
really sweet! gets along with everyone
interior design — having an eye for beauty/aesthetic is associated w libra bc libra is ruled by Venus, planet of beauty + art (n a few other things)
overall friendly aura + makes ppl feel really at ease. she’s easygoing & very loveable
“ray of sunshine” type energy
means well + wants to keep the peace, even if sometimes she accidentally goes about it the wrong way
Henrik - Aquarius, but w earth influence
super chill! goes w the flow & is easy to get along with
comes into the show w out expectations — doesn’t put heavy emphasis on the future of how exactly every single thing plays out. he’s realistic about what could happen, but still open to the potential of a meaningful connection
detached—flirty but not in the “I love every bit of your soul” way. more like “I think you’re really cute so let’s go on a hike & eat some moss” way
straightforward — he doesn’t beat around the bush & lets people know how he feels
doesn’t worry too much about what’s “normal” — does his own thing + loves it
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otpcutie · 4 years
Winteriron 2,3,26 :-)
I love these, thank you!!💚 Ofc this is Daddy Bucky/brat Tony, aka the only way I write them🤪
2. If they could each describe each other in one sentence, what would it be?
Bucky would describe Tony as being the sweetest thing, with an endless supply of cheekiness—a brat with a heart of gold, if you will. (He’s so soft for his boy hehe).
Tony would describe Bucky as a natural protector (and Daddy) who radiates a feeling of safety and comfort, who makes people’s lives better just by being in them.
3. If they complimented each other, what would they say?
It’s no surprise Bucky likes to run his mouth, his praise is constant and never loses it’s weight ofc. From, “Christ, babydoll, just look at’chu—pretty as a picture. C’mere, Daddy wants’ta show ya off, my perfect boy.” To, “Tony, baby, I’m so proud of you for openin’ up to me and lettin’ me help.” Hehe and of course, “S’like you were made for me, takin’ Daddy so fuckin’ good—yeah, just like that, m’good boy.”
Tony’s definitely not shy about complimenting Bucky either. From, “Holy fuck, I have the sexiest Daddy ever. Are you sure you’re real?” To, “I can’t believe I got so lucky, that you’re my Daddy. I have the best Daddy a guy could ask for—that anyone could ask for.” And of course, “Feels s’good Daddy—always make me feel so fucking good. Ruined me for anyone else—fuck, you look so hot. All mine, Daddy.”
26. What are their favorite parts about physical affection/sex?
The intimacy of it all, it’s two of the ways they express their love and feel connected. Tony can really let his guard down during sex bc Daddy gets him to that sweet dazed space where he’s so vulnerable and emotionally exposed, but he’s right there to keep him safe—Bucky always has him. He loves it and he let’s his Daddy see sides of him nobody else has, like being needy. Bucky never feels more powerful or important than he does when he’s being sweet on his boy and/or taking him apart. It’s a heady thing, that someone with as many walls as Tony trusts him completely and let’s himself be so soft and gooey with his Daddy—Bucky is needy too, but Tony takes it in greedily and adores his constant praise and affection. Physical touch and words of affirmation are deffs love languages they share💘
They mesh together so well, they can’t help how they’re drawn to one another and always end up touching in some way. Of course kink is a big thing for them, another way to express how they feel about each other and it’s part of both affection (even nonsexual) and sex—a Daddy and his boy, getting to embrace and explore that is extremely meaningful for them both. It’s time where the possessive boys they are reaffirm who they belong to and who belongs to them—not that they ever forget it but the reminder is🥰
Otp asks game
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spearcast · 4 years
SO  i finally finished the Roz Rundown as i’ve been calling it, the general correct timeline and story lines of Roz as to where i’ve gotten here. i’m putting it under the cut. she LONG so if ya’ll read this i apologize
Born alongside her twin sister on Tatooine to mother Yvait Pabura. Roz is born with yellow eyes like her father. Both twins have their mother’s brown hair. Lyn, however, has regular brown eyes. Both have sharp canines.
THE DEFINING INCIDENT;  at the age of four, Roz kills a Zygerrian slaver with the Force in defense of her and her sister, and Force-chokes another in defense of her new adopted togruta mother, Roxxa Vela. Her birth mother killed the Zygerrian slaver with her slugthrower rifle and buried both of them in the sandy yard away from the farm.
When Roz turned eight, four years after said defining incident, Luke Skywalker showed up on their doorstep. Well- in reality, he had been showing up on the Pabura farm’s doorstep and talking with Yvait, and visiting the children. It was just that at eight, Yvait gave both Roz and Lyn the option to go with Luke and train at his Jedi temple on Dantooine. Lyn was unsure, and hesitant; ultimately, the “elder” twin declined and wished to stay with her mothers all year round. Roz, however, at the pushing of her best friend Jhoren and the encouragement from Luke himself, jumped at the chance to train with the legendary Skywalker.
Roz trains with Luke and the other padawans until she’s 12. Through these years she returns to Tatooine every other season so she can still keep close with her family. She’s transported by friends of the Harsh family (Yvait’s mother’s family), the Taaks- Nesota, T’seri, and their hybrid daughter Tabiit. This creates a bond between the Taaks and Roz, especially as Tabiit becomes sort of an older sister to the girl.
The year that Roz is 12 is the year Ben goes fucking crazy. “Canon” says he didn’t kill anyone, but in actuality he did. The transformation from Ben Organa-Solo into Kylo Ren is a bloody one, and Roz stumbles out of her hut to be greeted by the dead bodies of her fellow students, everything in flames, the Knights of Ren, the three or so remaining padawans at Ben’s side, and Ben- with his hands bloody and his lightsaber reddening, extending those bloody hands to her. He asks her to trust him and come with her, where she’ll be safe. And she almost takes his hand but after feeling the rush of cold come off of him and the others she turns and jumps into the ocean despite not knowing how to swim. She manages to survive despite being hurled against the rocks at the bottom of the cliff; she gets herself into an eroded alcove and only after she feels the lot of them leave, begins climbing the steep steps that lead her back up. Luke is distraught, sobbing, screaming at the bodies of all of the fallen- when he senses Roz, and goes to her, and the two embrace and cry and mourn and he promises her he’s going to get her to safety. He’s going to get her home. In his hidden escape ship he calls Leia and Han, he calls Yvait, he calls Nesota for back up just in case those who did this to his temple return.
They’re just leaving Dantooine’s atmosphere when his ship is attacked by Alrai Kal’eeb, Roz’s biological father, and his crew of pirates and slavers. The Order is offering big money to anyone who can find any force sensitive kids and bring them to Snoke (and his new pet). Luke will always define this as his final great failing- after failing all of the padawans at his temple, he feels he failed Roz by not saving her from her father’s clutches.
Alrai Kal’eeb being a stupid, ugly man doesn’t realize as he and his buds are jetting away from Luke’s damaged ship that the Amazon and the Taaks family are there to kick ass and take names. In the skirmish while the ships are connected, Tabiit finds Roz and rescues her and carries her back to the Amazon where they disconnect with Nesota and T’seri and flee to safety. (T’seri goes back for Luke in their personal ship and takes Luke to where Leia and Han are.) Roz, after going back to Tatooine to her family who is crying and so, so happy she’s safe, decides to fly with the Taaks for a little while and offer her service to them for saving her life. They agree, also because staying in one location would draw too much attention and they don’t want the Order to track her down. At fourteen, two years later, they return to Tatooine so Roz can go back to her family.
This is a mistake though! If only because that’s when Roz stumbles upon her farm under siege by the Order. Ren and Hux and Phasma are at the helm for the first times in their lives in the Order and they’ve got Roxxa and Yvait tied up and on their knees before Ren and Hux. Lyn is nowhere to be found. Hux ends up shooting both Roxxa and Yvait and Roz does the smart, terribly scarred thing to do and runs back to the Taaks.
Roz transforms. She is no longer Roz Nuun Pabura. She is now Roz Sunborne. The Taaks take care of her and Roz stays with Tabiit when she pairs up with an old friend, Corellian and Mandalorian bounty hunter and space pirate, Rhys Th’on. The trio bond and help each other. It’s within the next two years that Roz also is gifted the Taaks’ family heirloom connected to the Force- the lava crystal lightsaber belonging to their great grandmother Aremna Taaks, who was a Jedi but left the Order bc she wanted a FAMBILY. (Aremna Taaks may or may not be a technical sister or cousin of Ahsoka Tano.) The lightsaber calls to her and Roz /loves/ it. This is in addition to the one she built at Luke’s temple (the one with the krayt dragon pearl as the crystal which is a silvery-yellow color).
Roz needs a teacher! So she, Tabiit, and Rhys search out the vibes Roz is getting and they meet up with Ahsoka Tano, Sabine Wren, and Ezra Bridger. Roz has THREE teachers. Well, two technically, but Sabine loves her and teaches her what she can because fuck it. Fuck it. Roz gets to be trained by the coolest motherfuckers. Die mad about it if you’re mad about it. This info will most likely shift a little when the Ahsoka & Sabine Hunt Down Ezra show eventually comes out.
Roz is 17 when she starts hunting down Kylo. She’s still 17 when she decides to join the Order for a bit after dabbling with the Resistance also. She is technically a double agent via Leia’s orders but she still is doing it for selfish reasons.
It’s a stint of a year and a half with the Order before she gets hit with reality and accidentally kills Kosmik’s aunt and is only praised for it by Kylo. This disturbs her greatly! So deeply! It’s after this that the Siege of Quarzite happens and while at first Roz is like !!!! FUCK YEA it’s then revealed the Order wanted to essentially kidnap the Kage people because of their prowess as warriors and turn them into enslaved soldiers. Roz is like oh wow I fucked up!! In this time she starts getting really strong with the Force and almost rips some of the Knights of Ren apart during training the last time before she yeets out of the Order. Kylo is like… she’s just fucking mad it’s whatever. OG Ren Ren (aka original Ren?? I’ve only read a little about him but he seems interesting and weird I like him) is like… nah man she’s Different. (This would be the spot in the story where it’s starting to hint at Roz being the descendant of Revan.)
She kills her dad somewhere in that year and a half also. That story is really good and it’s when she’s found by Tabiit and Rhys before Kylo finds her and it’s. It’s good. Roz’s patricide is actually meaningful and not horrible and it’s a moving on point. It’s one of the reasons she starts becoming herself rather than living in Kylo’s shadow still. Baby’s growing up.
Roz leaves the Order! She’s so fucking lost! There’s a funny story in here somewhere where Hux actually assists in her escape because he a) hates her fucking guts and b) wants to see Ren suffer and c) is almost completely sure she has none of the Order’s information which is……. Wrong. But. She doesn’t have enough info to stop what happens in TLJ I guess. Might rewrite some stuff. But this is also where her story starts pulling away from the main line. Roz really doesn’t want to associate with Kylo ever again, she hates him a lot more than she could ever love him, and she just gets ANGRIER but she gets angrier with a PASSION and a FIRE and an UNDERSTANDING of how she feels. No more vague feelings and no more wanting to save him.
She’s like 19-20 when she gets a vision of her Aunt Cora (her dad’s sister, Kage warrior mama) and also of a woman who may or may not be Shmi Skywalker reminding her that Jhoren is on Tatooine and that he needs help breaking the slave trade once and for all. She calls in anyone she’s met within the past years- which, again, somewhere in there the Amazon gets her crew and is joined by Khorde Khell and his ships (the Tuskat Retribution, the Revenant Concordia, and the Zakkeg Bolide) as well as gathers the Teal Squadron and the like; somewhere in there she meets and loves up on Miss Badass Senator of Coruscant Lenore Baccre Moorheart and also somewhere in there dearest Lenore becomes a FORCE to be RECKONED WITH (Padme would be proud mama ILU so much).
The Crew Stage A Slave Revolt On Tatooine. They Kill A Lot Of Slavers. They Kill A Lot Of Hutts. Goodbye Hutts. Tatooine Belongs To The Sand People Now. And The Criminals. And The Slaves Most Of All Because They Are Not Slaves Anymore. Fuck You Star Wars Tatooine Has No More Slaves. There Was No Bargain Bitches!!!!!!
Uhhhh also Roz gets really fucked up when Luke dies. She feels it in her bones. She gets kinda confused when Kylo dies tho. She’s like…. Yay? But Also??? Screaming??
When Luke dies Roz has a meeting with his force ghost on Tatooine during a binary sunset because I’m emo. That’s Her Dad. Like Her Real Dad. Fuck that other guy. But also Roz is like wait have you blue hallucinations always been force ghosts??? And Luke is like ALWAYS?? Turns out Roz’s special connection to the Force is being able to talk really easily with the Force ghosts!! Fuck those 5 minutes Rey had with all of them- Roz even talks to ANAKIN even though she doesn’t realize who it is. She talks to him a lot, actually. (They’re very similar okay??? OKAY??? I know it’s super OP but let me live, she’s Special alright, she’s my Special Little Baby Who Talks To Ghosts And Kills Things)
So like… she helps the Resistance return the Kage to Quarzite where they create their own happy peaceful empire, she reunites with Lyn because Lyn doesn’t die in this one!! Haha retcon. We still kill their moms tho sadly. But like!! Yay the Galaxy is at Peace!! Oh ALSO Roz is the descendant of Ancient Sith Lord Darth Revan and Badass Bitch Bastila Shan. Roz is like IDK who those people are but cool cool I guess.
Then she returns to the Temple on Dantooine and discovers the ruins of the Jedi Enclave and finds a MASK and turns out Roz is haunted cause she gets fucked up by all of the Force Ghosts who tell her some SHIT is coming but she’s like ???? Why?????? Everything is PEACEFUL why can’t it STAY peaceful???
And then BAM Sith Lord Hyaljenasha “Yaljen” sith pureblood who has been frozen for thousands of years (was around when Revan was around, just not powerful then) and when he awakes he’s like….. That’s a Revanchist force signature singing if I’ve ever FELT one! And he’s like…. Obsessed with Roz a little but he wants to train her
He’s got novitiates which are like his apprentices but he’s so technically old (even tho physically he’s closer to Roz’s age, so like between 22 and 27) that he doesn’t believe in the rule of two lmfao. He’s got Nevtay Strake who’s an Umbaran force sensitive, she’s a snooty bitch who wants everything to burn. He’s got Johaale Garnak who’s Chiss and unfortunately not force sensitive, but they’re a boss ass motherfucker who knows how to fight with weapons especially a lightsaber. They’re cool. Like. Chaotic neutral. Not even evil wtf. He’s also got Carnhea Wellew, a twi’lek woman who is supposed to be a juxtaposition to Roz- they’re very similar, Carnhea has been through some shit and is angry because of it and she needed direction with her immense force abilities. Yaljen is that direction for all three of them! They Love Him a lot and are Way Too Attached to him and while he cares about them also he kinda becomes one-track-minded when Roz Revandescendant comes into play cause he’s like…. Whew…. Wipe me off the face of the GALAXY please. Lemme teach you. Please.
The reason they’ve gone undetected since Yaljen’s awakening is bc he was like…… WOW the force is fucked up now. It wasn’t this fucked up when I went under. We gotta lay low. Gotta literally keep the Force close to the chest here. So they fly under the radar! Amazingly enough!
This is where I’ve gotten. Roz and the crew are like….. HM….. Yaljen is very kinda scary and he has a hold on a lot of strings that we don’t know about but we can’t kill him outright bc he’s so powerful and has powerful darkside followers and also fuckin Johaale who’s a batshit talented motherfucker…
Roz is like. Teach? Him teach? I learn his secrets and destroy him? And everyone at first is like you just didn’t get to do that to Kylo so you want to do that to Yaljen but then they realize it’s probably for the best to wait it out until they can get like. HELP.
Roz has training stints with Yaljen. Yaljen sexy! Roz is like Hm. Yaljen adores Roz and is very patient with her and is very kind and reassuring and Roz is like HM.
Poe and Finn are also gay I’m making canon now. I say this because they appear sometimes! As the heads of the Resistance as it stands they interact quite a bit with all of the squad. Sometimes there are double dates with FinnPoe and Jhorhys (Rhys and Jhoren), sometimes triple dates including ChorZeebs. It’s cute!
IDK where to go from here so I’m just gonna…… leave this all here for now
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roominthecastle · 5 years
@castle2cute​ replied to your post:
Hi Room when you said “changing me back theme” of his love confessions to her....where you referring to ....like what he told her on the boat.....when I look at you I see my way home, etc.?
Yes. If you look at how he words these confessions, the theme of returning/rebirth is always there is some shape or form, and it is always connected to Liz.
It is blatantly obvious in 302 when he talks about Odysseus (and “Our Home” is playing in the background), but “coming home” is there as early as the pilot (firmly tied to “you are my second chance”), and in the “fish monologue” in 209 where he says he rarely thought about who he once was but she is starting to remind him of that old self -- the one that “died” when he assumed a new identity to wage war. This old self was the one w/ a family before 1987, the one who had a wife, a daughter to raise, and a home in Takoma Park.
In 121, he tells Liz that being pulled back from death’s door is how he feels when he is w/ her, and in 319 we can see how her death is his death, too; she is his life and his heart, and without her, he is stuck in a death sentence-like curse that covers up and forever holds his true self captive. This fake identity == disguise also nicely ties back to his Odysseus parallel since Odysseus also returns home wearing a disguise, but his journey is not complete until he sheds this and transforms back to who he used to be before the war.
Liz/Red has been firmly built on a Beauty/Beast framework and the work is still ongoing. S4/5 slapped on the “you are holding her captive” & “let her go” angles, S6 brings the fury the Beast unleashes when he realizes Belle pried into his past that was off-limits, and Liz’s latest remark about how Red will always be this fake identity & Red’s painful reaction directly echoes the Beast at his most dejected: “I'm just fooling myself. She'll never see me as anything [else]. It's hopeless.” And we have already covered the whole “falling in love as a transformative experience” idea which is deeply embedded in these relationships. Becoming Reddington is akin to the disfiguring curse the Beast suffers under, and “this is who you will always be” is so not how the story ends. We are just at the darkest point.
Red once warned Ressler that embarking on a revenge mission after a deep personal loss can keep one’s heart from “ever feeling the light again”. Fittingly, Red calls himself Ahab in the pilot, the unyielding sea captain who suffers the “revenger’s tragedy” and remains damned, his heart closed off, despite having a young wife and child waiting for him at home. But, thankfully, Red gradually shifts away from this fate as he begins to develop feelings for Liz; the Ahab of 101 is already an Odysseus in 301, someone who can still return. The curse can still be broken. Based on his confessions (which are also steeped in light imagery), Liz is his Belle, the one who is making him feel again, the one w/ the power of positive transformation. This specific dynamic has been developing for 6 years between these two characters, and I just don’t see them throwing it all away.
@castle2cute reblogged your post and added:
Ooh awesome point about a “Gina z in Katarina”however they were never an item like Tom and Gina....or at least we haven’t been told yet. I still wonder if that is who that is in the finale? Thoughts?
I believe now we have confirmation, so I am gonna put this part behind a read more
<<< SPOILERS >>>
bc yes, Katarina is returning from the dead.
Now, parallels rarely match 100% and they don’t have to in order to carry a meaningful message. Gina isn’t Liz’s bio mother, either, but that’s less important than what the character and the ties to her signify in the grand scheme of things. Gina and Katarina represent a temptation to slip back into the wrong chapter of the past w/ a dead end (this is why it’s Liz who gets referred to as “the future”). The second Tom tried to rekindle his relationship w/ Gina, he began swiftly straying from the right path and ended up bound and unconscious on the floor. And it seems this is what’s in store for Red w/ Katarina, too, in the finale.
The past self Red lost and is trying to find his way back to was not who he was with Katarina (that connection, in fact, led to the “death” of Ilya). It is who he was when he still had a family of his own, which predates what we saw in “Rassvet”. Katarina lived in Soviet Russia in the ‘80s, was married to Kirk, carrying on an affair w/ real Reddington (the one she was in love with), and raising Liz at the time when our Red lived in the US with his wife and his daughter. Meeting Katarina, a first love from childhood, after having suffered the loss of his family must have been instant comfort, tho, and it might still feel as such when they meet again bc Red is once again reeling from a huge loss that Liz’s second betrayal triggered. But as that spoiler video already shows, Katarina is not really here to play lovey-dovey. and that’s about all I’d like to say about this for now until we see the actual episode.
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clamorbelli · 5 years
whaddup . it’s ya boy , skinny penis . ok so there’s not much to put here except hi to any new people that might’ve not seen my intro for noelle & angelo ( CLICK HERE ). i’m jaz, & this here is my newest babe, sebastian higgings. i’ve definitely missed stuff, but underneath the cut u’ll find plenty of fun stuff abt him. and by fun i mean tragic , bc sebastian is a piece of shit. ; )
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TRIGGER WARNINGS  :  death, drugs, alcohol, emotional instability, therapy mentions, unhealthy habits, blood mention.
◟ * ◊ ─  keith powers + cismale + he/him » * believe it or not sebastian belongs to the higgings family. they are 26 years of age and are known to usually spend their time around buena vista apartments. the photographer has been living in victoria for 22 years. the people closest to them describe the bisexual + aquarius to be +inspired and +autonomous as well as -callous and -debauched.
sebastian is the ( current ) eldest son of the late johnathan and sasha higgings, born to the couple when they were happy, in love, and a shining example of what marriage should be. sebastian was a momma’s boy through and through from the day he was born, severe separation issues plaguing his infantdom, only rectified through intense therapy. his bond with his mother, even after finally being convinced she wasn’t the only nice person in the world, never wavered however. they were thick as thieves.
there was never anything remarkable about seb’s childhood except his fondness for the family camera whenever they went on holiday. his parents first believed it was a desire to model, but they soon came to understand it wasn’t being in front of it that seb wanted, he wished to be behind it. from then on they gave him a disposable on every trip, and before long the house was full of his amateur photography.
when he was ten, the unthinkable and unfathomable happened. his mother died. seb had been an entirely normal, average kid up until that point, but part of him died the day his mother slipped away forever. it was impossible for it not too, with the amount of time they’d spent together, his dependency on her at birth, the fact she was his best friend and it didn’t matter what the kids at school thought. as a child, he was ruined, affected for the rest of his life in ways he didn’t quite understand yet.
seb was sixteen by the time victoria was adopted into the family, and his reign of terror on victoria had long since begun. he came home with bloody noses and bruises more times than he could count, he sneered and spat at other kids in the playground, knowing they could do little except beat him to a pulp and have their parents foot the bill. he started drinking all too early, dabbled in drugs no sixteen year old should’ve touched, spent nights away from home, uninterested in the new woman in his father’s life.
victoria, however, was a different story. the pair got on like a house on fire, likely because of their bratty, conniving ways. at that age sebastian was like gasoline and his newfound sister was the match. natalya still had seb’s heart from when they were kids, his sister being the one thing in life he still felt warmth for, but victoria had managed to form a relationship of her own with him. for a while it was them against the world, until cassandra stepped in, pitted the girls against each other, and made life infinitely harder for a boy already on the brink.
he and his father argued daily. blazing rows that ended in smashed kitchenware. seb was losing it but the higgings patriarch failed to see his behaviour as anything more than childish cries for attention. seb didn’t know the empty feeling in his chest wasn’t normal. he didn’t know he shouldn’t play with girls emotions until they cried. he didn’t understand why he only felt things when he was getting into schoolyard fights or looking through the lens of a camera.
seb graduated high school and chose to do an online course for photography, honing his skills whilst remaining close by until his sisters graduated. when they did, he only managed a year without natalya before leaving the city himself, he would miss victoria dearly, but they facetimed every day and skyped properly at the weekends. before he left he told his father to stick his businesses up his ass. he was disconnecting from his legacy. his final words to his father were full of toxicity and rage, as they had been for 12 years now.
he went to new york, cliché and crazy as it may have been, and found a surprisingly immense amount of success. through some ridiculous means, his shots were picked up by a local, renowned photography blog, the owner of the blog also owning a gallery, wishing to display his work. from then on it was up and up. seb travelled the globe, was able to shoot the most incredible places, spent his weeks on planes and trains and on his feet. he had his dream, he made a name for himself, he didn’t need his father.
seb may have had the career of his dreams, but his personal life was a shambles. full of one night stands with no substance, exes that hated his guts, friends who’d found it too unbearable to be around him. he was arrogant, confident in himself to a fault, unable to connect with passion on any level except with his work. he was a riot, a fun guy to be around who was willing to try anything once, but he lacked the ability to form meaningful relationships. people came and went and seb was left, alone, in his fancy apartment somewhere in manhattan. he was as lonely as he was the day his mother had died, things in that regard had never changed.
the phone call he received when victoria died shook him to his core, the male feeling something other than debauchery for the first time in a long time. his father? a fucking waste of space who failed to keep his children safe, but victoria? he flew home just days ago, having one emotional instinct left in him – his brotherly instinct. natalya was still alive and god knows seb was going to lose another member of his family. 
ok so yeah, seb’s an dick. when i say emotionally unavailable i mean . . . highly, on an unhealthy level that requires some serious therapy. seb lost himself when his mother died and since then he’s been trying to find some solace in these flings he always has but, of course, he never will. he’s apathetic when it comes to people becoming attached to him so tends to be particularly cruel with ppl who get involved w him.
asshole . like, just not . .. a nice person . will point out someone’s faults, will tell u if ur skirt is ugly as fuck, willing to laugh in your face if he thinks what you said is stupid. just doesn’t . . give a f. needs to grow up.
hOWEVERRRR R rr. ofc if he was like that 24/7 he’d never even get people into bed in the first place so he can, of course, turn on the charm. he’s very flirtatious, loves sex and sexually charged conversations. flirting is a hobby for him and it’s one he has fun with. if ur not looking for anything deeper, seb isn’t too bad ig . if you can engage him on things he wants to talk about, keep things chill, not take his dickheadedness to heart, etc, he can be manageable. sort of.
massively confident, but unfortunately it’s justified. he’s beautiful, he’s talented, he’s rich of his own accord, and he’s successful. he’s massively independent, but finds it hard to work in a team.
he’s ! lowkey ! a visionary !!! when it comes to photography he really is that bitch and is genuinely incredible at his job because it’s something he’s actually passionate about. he never turns down the opportunity to photograph, so even though usually he loves money, he’d be willing to do a lot of photography for free whilst he’s back bc ? he just loves doing it, and it reminds him of his mom and how she encouraged him.
uHhh bad habits to the max. the only one of my charas who regularly takes hard drugs and drinks, has a penchant for mdma and is looking into microdosing to help his artistic ability. 
exes from before he moved away
best friend, probably only 1 bc . . . intolerable
any kind of connection from before he moved, bc it’s always exciting to see someone again after four years right
enemies lmao
people he knew in new york, if anyone has charas who’ve been there recently
people that were friends with vic
i dunno i’m not good at these y’aLL KNO I LIKE BRAINSTORMING DOMFDOD
give me some angsty shit too
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dailyaudiobible · 5 years
11/25/2019 DAB Transcript
Daniel 1:1-2:23, 1 Peter 3:8-4:6, Psalms 119:65-80, Proverbs 28:14
Today is the 25th day of November. Welcome to the Daily Audio Bible. I am Brian. It’s always great to be here with you as we come together around the global campfire and…and release the stresses of the day and engage with the Scriptures and take the next step forward. And that next step forward is going to lead us into a new book today. We completed the book of Ezekiel yesterday, which will lead us today into the book of Daniel.
Introduction to the book of Daniel:
Daniel is one of the more fascinating books in the Old Testament and it’s prized, actually for a couple reasons. One is the historical account that the Daniel tells and then Daniel also has really cinematic sweeping prophetic visions, not unlike some of the visions that Ezekiel had. In fact these visions of Daniel have of been consulted over thousands of years in the study of the end times which is the study of eschatology. So, Daniel was contemporary with Ezekiel. They lived at the same time and Daniel had been taken into exile when Jerusalem fell to Babylon in 597 BC, which is the territory that we've been covering for a while now in some of these prophetic books. So, we know that that was a very traumatic time for the people who had been conquered, remarkably difficult for those who had been deported with families being broken apart and all. And these things we heard in the biblical narratives. So, we know this. We know the Daniel went into exile but even though he was exiled he was also favored by God. He was a gifted young man who rose to become very influential, an advisor to the Babylonian kingdom and to King Nebuchadnezzar and beyond. Here’s where things get a little interesting. Even though Daniel was and exile, he was a Hebrew who had been exiled from Jerusalem, and he was a profit, he wasn't a prophet for or against Israel. The visions that Daniel has in this book aren't particularly Jewish which gives him a unique voice. So, as we enter the first half of our time in the book of Daniel, which ends today we’ll read the story of Daniel's life and in the process of reading the story of Daniel's life we’ll encounter some of the richest stories in the Bible…like stories that I've known my whole life, like the story of Shadrach Meshack and Abednego in the fiery furnace or Daniel’s story, Daniel in the lion's den. This is the Daniel that we’re talking about. And then as we move into the back half of the book of Daniel, we’ll focus on the prophetic visions of four great world empires and the imagery is highly symbolic and it’s this portion of the book that has been and continues to be scrutinized by eschatological scholars. So, obviously if the end times is something that you are a fan of or study or if that's your pursuit, educationally, well then Daniel is a part of that story and will become a centerpiece of that study. But whether or not that’s your passion, Daniel's portrayal of God's sovereignty over all the kingdoms of the world, over all things is a powerful reminder for us. And Daniel will carry us all the way into the final month of the year which isn’t that far away. So, let's settle in and enjoy the 27th book of the Old Testament, the book of Daniel. And today we’ll read chapter 1 verse 1 through 2 verse 23 and we’re reading from the New International Version this week.
Father, we thank You for this new week in Your word and this is…this is a busy week here in the United States. This this the week of Thanksgiving and then Black Friday all over the world and we immediately find ourselves catapulted into the holiday season, which only gets busier and busier, certainly full of joy, certainly full of goodness, certainly full of wonderful opportunities to ponder and contemplate Your arrival, but nevertheless a busy season. And, so, this week kind of transitions us into that zone, into that space that will carry along with us through the end of the year. And, so, as we move into the book of Daniel, we invite Your Holy Spirit to lead us. And as we continue our journey through the New Testament, we stay in lockstep harmony with You. This is our desire, not only to finish the Bible strong and well but to receive from You everything that You have for us as we continue this rhythm of life. And, so come Holy Spirit we pray into this week and to all that is before us in this week and to all of our thoughts and words and deeds. We pray in the name of Jesus. Amen.
dailyaudiobible.com is home base, it is indeed the website, and it’s where you find out what’s going on around here.
And I'll tell you, this is the week, right? This is…and that might not make perfect sense to you everywhere in the world, but this is Thanksgiving week in the United States and Thanksgiving happens this Thursday and it's a day of gratitude, but it's a national holiday and it’s right before Black Friday and it’s like this is sort of the inauguration of the holiday season. And, so, no matter where we are in the world, pretty much, you know, after this week, there's a lot of marketing going on and a lot of…a lot of incentives to buy a lot of things for a lot of people and a lot of festivity and a lot of joy but a lot of chaos too, right? Just a lot of disruption happens around the holiday season because we’re just changing our rhythms and we’re heading into it. So, let's stay connected to our journey through the Scriptures as we…as we enter into the new season. And one of the ways that we do that, obviously, is come around the Global Campfire every day, but one of the things that helps us to keep involved in the rhythm is the fact that we’re doing this together. So, there are a number of ways to stay connected during the season.
Check out the community section dailyaudiobible.com for all of the different links to different social media channels that we’re as well as the Prayer Wall, which also lives in the Community section at the website where you can reach out in prayer and offer prayer always. And this is the time year where…where…where we need to stay close, close to one another and close to the heart of God. It can be a very very challenging time, even though it can be a very joyous time. So, stay connected.
If you want to partner with the Daily Audio Bible, if the journey of the Scriptures in a year is meaningful to your life, then…then thank you for your partnership. There is a link on the homepage at dailyaudiobible.com. If you’re using the Daily Audio Bible app you compress the Give button in the upper right-hand corner or, if you prefer, the mailing address is PO Box 1996 Spring Hill Tennessee 37174.
And, as always, if you have a prayer request or comment 877-942-4253 is the number to dial.
And that is it for today. I’m Brian I love you and I'll be waiting for you here tomorrow.
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3x3racha · 6 years
Dating Kim Seungmin would include:
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A/N: The original post got deleted and I didn’t save the finished product so I tried my best to modify my last draft of it. I apologize for any spelling and/or grammar errors. I hope it’s still as good as the first one.
The OG A/N: You’re actually the first person to request this sadly. He needs more love ugh but I was already working on this on the side bc boy needs more content and I love him so much. Anyways thanks for requesting! I hope you like it!
~Admin Yeong ☾
Crush Phase:
He wants to talk to you he thinks you're absolutely stunning 
But he’s scared he might mess upHe would try to hide his fear and nervousness as best as he could
You start to notice he slowly keeps standing closer and closer to you until one day he’s shoulder to shoulder with youTries to sit by you often The boys tease him a lot for it 
He’s shy about starting a conversation but once he does he can’t stop smiling and the conversation becomes super easy
This makes it easy for you guys to become closer friends
He starts becoming the friend you can rely on and he’s always there for you when you need him
He’s had a crush on you since the start but now you’re close friends and he doesn't want to ruin that so he pushes his feelings for you aside not willing to take the risk since he doubts that someone like could ever fall for him poor baby
Confession you ask him for relationship advice or about a crush and he puts himself in the guy’s shoes describing to you how he would treat you Then he accidentally lets it slip that he’s in love with you
He realizes that he totally outed himself and he just sits there silently, not moving an inch, his eyes wide looking everywhere but at you.
He starts rambling and apologizing out of his nervousness 
“Oh god. Y/n I’m sorry. I didn’t mean it. Well I mean it I just didn’t want you to know. I didn’t want to ruin our friendship. I’m so sorry. I know you don’t feel the same so we can just pretend that it didn’t happen. I’m really sorry-”
“No-no-no. Seungmin, I like you too. I just thought you didn’t feel the same.” 
“Oh. Wait, really?”
“Yea, I’ve liked you for awhile now.”
“Then uh, do you maybe want to go on date with me tomorrow.”
“I’d like that.”
Then he nods and quickly kisses your cheek and blushes. 
He doesn’t really know what he’s doing but somehow he does everything right and you can’t tell that he’s freaking out on the inside 
Shy baby at first but becomes less shy as the relationship progresses
He’s honestly such a hopeless romantic
Cafe dates 
Dates where you can do fun things together like roller skating or ice skating 
Picnic dates
Ice cream dates 
Cute bookstore dates 
Just starting out in your relationship he’s nervous to do close affectionate things out of respect for you
You fell asleep while watching a movie in the dorms and he carries you to sleep in his bed and he sleeps on the floor 
Kisses all over your face
Long sweet kisses
Holding hands but him being shy about it in front of others
So you discreetly hold pinkies
He’d trace your fingers
and compare his hand size to yours while cuddling
Nose kisses and lots of them
Cups your face when he kisses you 
Loves it when he rests his head on your chest as you run your fingers through his hair and vice versa
Cuddles you like a teddy bear
Buries his head in the crook of your neck
Strokes your face admiring your features when you fall asleep in his arms
When you hug he’d gently lift up and sometimes spin you around causing you both to giggle
Calls you angel or baby or princess/prince
You guys always falling asleep on the couch in a tangled mess
Him setting up a blanket fort in his small bedroom so you two can cuddle and feel alone in this whole world.
Stealing kisses randomly
Like you’ll be in the middle of working on something and he’d just come up and kisses you then walks away blushing
Making you flustered by backing you up and puts his hands on the wall and presses his forehead against yours (kind of like what he does with Jeongin) but then he gets super flustered too  
His face lights up when he talks about you
It’s so cute
Having such a close connection with each other like
Automatically knowing when something was off with the other people
Sleepy pillowtalk 
Sleepy ‘I loves you’s
It’s like 3am and you wake up to seungmin explaining all the reasons why he loves you 
Constantly reminds you how much he loves you
Loves to get you flowers
Gets you obnoxiously large plushies 
Getting you random gifts bc 
“It reminded me of you.”
Adores you with all his being
Staring into each other’s eyes completely in love
Acts starstruck over you like he looks constantly shocked that he’s actually with someone like you he’s so in love
If you’re ever cold he’d offer himself like full on ‘let me cuddle you then you’ll be warm’
A parents’ dream future son-in-law
He’s so sweet, caring, and respectful towards you
who wouldn’t want a boy like that for their child
Being so encouraging and inspiring towards you
The boys teasing him calling him ‘lover boy’
He always looks at you like you’re the only person in the world
Wants to know everything about you 
Being so comfortable with another to be vulnerable to one another 
Matching lockscreens
Likes to get you random meaningful gifts
hiding small notes into your backpack so you can smile if you’re having a long day at school.
Plans the future
Wants to get a pet with you
Like any animal, he’s down as long as you raise them together
Planning trips together 
Wanting to travel the world together
Lowkey pictures your guys' wedding in his mind all the time
Then y’all get into some serious conversations about how you guys will spend the rest of your lives together
Secretly has your contact info with his family name 
You being close to Jeongin and Hyunjin
And they thrive on teasing you two
 Binge watching tv shows
Binge watching crime tv show which leads to in-depth conversations on who’s the perpetrator 
Watching romantic films together
Is one hundred percent down for an 80s’ movie marathon 
He’d probably steal cute date and romantic ideas from them too
Like it’s your birthday and he recreates the final scene from Sixteen Candles where Sam and Jake are sitting across from each other with the birthday cake inbetween them 
“Happy birthday, Y/n. Make a wish.”
“It already came true.”
Then you kiss
I love 80′s movies so much you don’t even know
Takes photos of you when you’re sleepy bc he thinks it’s adorable
One day he just random grabs one of his large hoodies and shoves it over your head 
He takes cute photos of you when you’re not paying attention And posts them everywhere
Being everyone’s relationship goals
You’re like a trending instagram couple 
Y’all are cute and aesthetically pleasing together 
Him feeling comfortable with you to be loud with and it’s something to cherish Sometimes he will act super animated it’s cute
Him serenading you randomly
Like if you come home and you feel like garbage cuddle up with this boy and he’ll sing to you 
You say that you love a certain song
And later he’d start singing you that same song
Remembers everything about you
Asking you random questions
Like when watching a movie
“Who’s your favorite character?” 
Or “if you were in their position what would you do?” 
Or just hang out and he randomly asks what you have and haven’t done 
He’d love to learn what you love to do 
He’d make an attempt to try it
He’d also love it if you wanted to try singing or dancing he’d be so excited to teach you even if it’s a trainwreck
He gives you the puppy eyes whenever you’re mad at him
Trying to make one another flustered but while doing so you make yourself flustered too
Hums you to sleep
Him being insecure and you are constantly reassuring him how amazingly talented and beautiful he is Stan him seriously!
May not look like it but he’s a strong protector when it comes to you
Gives you everything he has
So dedicated 
Remembers your food orders
Notices the smallest things about you that no one else, not even you would notice them, until he brings it up 
Y’all being overly happy together
Occasionally chasing each other around
Playful like a puppy
Values your opinion 
Jeongin singing “Seungmin and Y/n sitting in a tree” 
Which then causes the other boys to join in
Seungmin is so sweet to you 
Highkey moms you a lot 
Takes care of you 
If you're sick he’d cancel everything to come take care of you 
Even if it was just a headache
Constantly make sure that you’re eating and taking care of yourself 
He’s such a sweetheart who’s head over heels for you
Honestly husband material af
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Send your requests here!
~Admin Yeong ☾
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tiny-little-bird · 7 years
Jon Choking Littlefinger
I'll start right away by saying that plotwise, if Jonsa isn't happening (it is happening in s8), Jon choking LF, didn't forward the story in any way, at all. 
The crypt scene could've easily not have had LF in it, it could've just been Jon looking at Ned, then heading out, mounting his horse, turning around, smiling and waving goodbye at Sansa, and it would've worked perfectly, no need for the choking scene, but they included it it anyway. Why?
It had already been made very clear to us that he'd die for her, kill for her in season 6. I mean he almost beat Ramsay to death, he fought a war for her. So yeah, there was no reason to show him being so aggressive towards someone connected to Sansa, again; towards someone who declared his love for her, to him.
Again, you gotta ask yourself, why then? 
That scene added nothing to Jon's plot/story in s7. Nothing, but the fact that he loves Sansa, fiercely.
D&D had him threaten LF, that if he touches Sansa (for a platonic relationship, the word harm, would've worked much better, but yeah... D&D settled for touch, more than once) he's going to kill him. Now, we all know Jon's threats were meaningless, they literally were empty threats, because LF was meant to be later executed by Sansa, Arya & Bran. So why add that choking scene then? If Jon wasn't even going to carry out the threat?
D&D for "some 😉" reason wanted to keep reminding us, even in season 7, just how much Jon loves Sansa, just how possessive and protective he is of her, because for “some 😉” reason it’s clearly very important to the plot.
"She's his sister, of course he's protective of her." Ok, fair enough, but the scene where he almost beats Ramsay to death, the scene where Sansa says "He'll keep me safe, I trust him.", the one where she tells him "Father couldn't protect me, neither can you, so stop trying." and he says "I'll stop trying to protect you when [...]", and the scene where he tells her "I'll never let him touch you again. I'll protect you, I promise.", were more than enough to get that message across, the viewers got the memo Jon cares deeply for Sansa in S6, no need to waste precious screentime, and money on it any further in S7, and yet, they did. That choking scene, only ended up making the goodbye scene between Jon and Sansa, more powerful, more intense, more meaningful; it gave it a romantic feel.
D&D kept showing us, that Jon is very protective towards Sansa, in a territorial way, almost in a “don't you dare, don’t you dare touch her, get near her, she's mine; mine to protect, mine to take care of, mine to love.” kind of way. I cannot see another reason why D&D would simply bother so much, waste so much screentime, to show us just how much he loves Sansa, and how much Sansa loves him, over and over again, if they're not building them up for romance in S7.
Again, exclude Jonsa, and that scene doesn't make any sense, exclude Jonsa, and that scene was absolutely pointless/useless. I highly doubt they'd waste money to pay the actors, to shoot a scene that brings absolutely nothing to the plot. No. They wouldn't. Same thing with the scenes with Tyrion “a sham marriage, unconsummated”, I mean, why add that? Why add a scene with Jon, where Sansa where her (not)bedding is being discussed? lol And Theon, “What you did for her, is the only reason I’m not killing you.”, which translates to, you betrayed my family, I should kill you right now, but you saved her, and she saved me in return, she means the world to me, she’s all I have left, all because you helped her, so I’ll let you live, I won’t kill you.
He’s miles away from her, and Sansa keeps being brought up, he’s miles away from her, and Sansa keeps bringing Jon up. D&D did not want us to forget about Sansa’s and Jon relationship, they didn't want us to forget their love for each other, even while being miles and miles apart from one another.
So yeah, the only purpose that choking scene served, was of enlightening (some of) the viewers at home (the majority are still clueless lol... my sweet summer children🙈), it served to make Littlefinger (and us) realize, Jon has strong feelings for Sansa, which later led Littlefinger to tease Sansa about a Jon/Dandelion alliance/marriage to see her reaction, to see if she feels the same way towards him, and what he got from her, was an incredulous "You think he wants to marry her?!". I mean look at her expression, how she raises her eyebrows, she’s literally like, “What? Jon wouldn't marry her/do that? Would he?”
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I must say, Sansa also seems to be quite possessive of Jon, as well. Her reply to LF was odd, for a sister. It’s as if this whole time, she thought she’d never have to share him with anyone, that he’d always be hers, that she’d be the only one he gave his attention and love to. As if the thought, that Jon will marry someone at some point, never even crossed her mind, which would be, well, weird, to say the least, if she only had sisterly feelings towards him, which she clearly does not. 
This season we also got the “What about happy? Why aren't you happy? What do you want, that you do not have?” question from Littlefinger, a question which she doesn't answer, well, she does answer, but by avoiding the question, “At the moment, peace and quiet.”, which is like, at the moment what I’d very much like/want, is for you to stop moving your mouth and get tf out of my sight. lol I love sassy/savage Sansa 😆 Fact remains, she did not answer his question, so it’s left to the audience, to answer the question for her.
I’m pretty sure many of the viewers sitting at home, answered that question in their head. I watched this episode with a group of friends, there were 10 of us, they all thought (me included) that love is what’s missing in her life, that love is what she wants, what she still wants. Sansa, despite all that's happened to her, she still wants love, I mean, there's nothing else missing in her life, she’s home, surrounded by friends, she has Jon, and she’s safe, again, the only thing missing in her life, is love. 
I don’t even want to imagine what it must feel like for her, to have feelings for Jon, that she thinks she’s not supposed to have (bc you know, she doesn't know he’s her cousin, yet), to know they can never be. I think that, that, is what makes her unhappy, and I assume, very, very frustrated too, and I ssume, also pretty mad at the Gods, for being so cruel, for playing sick jokes on her, for denying her love, time and time again. 
Going back to LF, I think at this point, after getting that incredulous, somewhat shocked reply from her, after seeing just how loyal she is towards Jon, that nothing he could say nor do, would ever turn her against him, Littlefinger is pretty sure both Sansa and Jon have strong feelings for each other, and that, that's why he failed to come between them, why he failed and is continuing to fail to turn Sansa against him. 
Note: Him failing to get between Jon and Sansa, is also why he changed his strategy, and decided to try and pit Sansa and Arya against each other, which, let me tell you, had he succeeded, as a consequence/chain reaction, he would've managed to come between Jon and Sansa as well, because Jon would've never forgiven Sansa, if she had executed Arya. Had LF managed to manipulate Sansa into killing Arya, he would've isolated her from the other Starks, which was his plan/main goal all along.
"What are you talking about, Littlefinger doesn't think Jon and Sansa have feelings for each other, he thinks/knows they're brother and sister, he'd never think they could fall for each other." Yeah... emh, this is the same character who said this, in S2 (season 2 is where D&D started with all the foreshadowing btw): 
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Jon's reaction was completely out of place, he could've simply threatened him, told him “you stay away from her/I’m warning you, to stay away from her, or else...” or something along those lines, but no, D&D had him in full snap mode, instead. 
I mean, nothing else LF said got a reaction out of him, nothing. D&D deliberately had him snap at the “I love Sansa. As I loved her mother.” He snarled, slammed him on the wall, full force, like, really violently, all the while growling, literally like a wolf (going back to the territorial behaviour), we've never heard him growl like that, never, and he almost chokes him to death, but somehow manages to stop himself from doing so.
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Then he casually get’s out the crypts, and D&D proceed to give us that beautiful, heartbreaking/heartfelt goodbye. Jon turns, waves goodbye and sweetly, but sadly smiles at her, as if nothing happed just two minutes ago in the crypts lol Sansa waves back, and she also sweetly, but sadly smiles back at him. 😭💔
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 And then? Littlefinger comes out the crypts, confused af by what just happened. I think LF here, is supposed to represent the audience. The audience, just like him, should go "wtf was that?/wtf just happened?/wth did he react like that/so violently?", and then go "oh, oooh, omg! OMG!!!", just like LF is going in his head. Then he looks up, only to see Sansa looking melancholically in Jon's direction, even if Jon is no longer in view now, and she looks so worried, sad and heartbroken.
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You can literally see all the wheels turning in LF’s head, in the gif above.
Conclusion: If Jonsa wasn't bound to happen in S8, this scene would've never happened. Jon choking Littlefinger, was included because of Jonsa, it had no other purpose, but to further Jonsa, to show the viewers, through Jon’s actions, and LF’s reaction, that Jon’s behaviour and feelings towards Sansa are very intense/strong and “slightly” inappropriate.
#JonsaIsComing 💙
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