#he has no self control of his life and is constantly not conscious of his day to day life
butter1knife · 2 years
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Here’s more doodles of Dib. Been loving drawing him recently , especially this design of him, I love my AU ✨
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kikyoupdates · 2 months
Rivalry | Bakugou Katsuki x F!Reader 
katsuki catches feelings for his new rival
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Bakugou Katsuki has a crush, and he refuses to admit it. 
There’s a girl in his class who drives him absolutely insane. All throughout middle school, he’s had the top grades. His attitude, foul mouth, and appearance may fool people into believing he’s a delinquent—and to some extent, he is—but the truth is that he has a rigid, early bedtime, he does all his homework diligently, he studies at great length for tests, and he’s never missed a single day of class. 
He’s the best student there is. Or rather—he’s just the best in general. 
But this year, everything changed. 
There’s something about you that seems to catch everyone’s eye. You showed up at the beginning of the school year, a new transfer student, and from that moment onward, Katsuki swears his life got flipped upside down. 
You’re gifted. You’ve got the best grades not only in the class, but out of everyone in the whole school. Every time exam scores are posted for others to see, Katsuki is forced to grit his teeth at the sight of your name at the very top, time and time again.
It’s not just your grades, though. You’ve got a powerful Quirk, too. It’s some kind of energy control that allows you to levitate objects, enhance your physical strength, and also defend against attacks. It’s strong and versatile. Perfect for becoming a hero—which is exactly what you plan to be. 
The final nail in the coffin is that you’re also popular. 
Katsuki is used to being the center of attention wherever he goes. He’s used to being complimented for his intellect, his talent, his strength, and the sheer magnitude of his presence. Thanks to everyone praising him to high heaven, ever since he was a kid, his ego has become massively inflated. 
So, when he realizes that people are paying more attention to you than they are to him, he doesn’t know how the hell he’s supposed to handle it. 
Katsuki finds himself glaring at you just about constantly. You’ve always got a group of students gathered around you. You’re always smiling and laughing, looking carefree as can be. You’re also the only person in the whole class who doesn’t treat Izuku like dirt—which just pisses him off even more. 
One day, you stop in front of his desk with a bright smile. 
“Here you go, Bakugou,” you say, handing him a cookie. “This is for you.” 
Katsuki looks up at you in disbelief. “Why would I ever want this shit?” 
“I dunno. It was my birthday recently, so I baked cookies to hand out to the class. Don’t you want one? I thought everyone likes cookies.” 
“I would rather die than eat that,” he snarls, and he angrily shoves the cookie back into your hands. 
He’s dramatic as all hell, of course, and that kind of vicious remark would have been more than enough to make anyone feel self-conscious. It was needlessly harsh. He obviously didn’t mean it. Given the option of eating your cookie or dying, he would definitely eat the cookie. 
Not that it really matters, though.
You’re completely unfazed. 
“Damn, I didn’t know you were deathly afraid of cookies,” you muse. “I’ll have to keep that in mind for next time. What about cupcakes? Are cupcakes safe for you to eat?” 
Katsuki’s entire face turns red. “That’s obviously not what I meant, asshole!” 
“I know,” you giggle, and for some reason, the sound makes Katsuki’s heart skip a beat. “Sorry for teasing. You’re really funny, Bakugou. I like you.” 
He parts his lips to respond, but he’s incapable of forming any words. It feels like whatever he was about to say just died in the back of his throat. All of a sudden, he’s frozen in place, brain running haywire. 
“I like you.” 
You’re making fun of him. You have to be. And why should he even care whether you actually like him or not? He doesn’t give a shit about you. He can’t stand you. You’re the bane of his goddamn existence. 
That’s what he keeps telling himself, but given how red his face is, it’s sounding harder and harder to believe. 
“I’ll make something else next time,” you beam. “I’m sure one day, I’ll figure out something you like. I’ve noticed you eat spicy food a lot. Maybe I should try making a curry. Ah, but if it’s good, you have to be honest with me, okay? You’re not allowed to lie.” 
Katsuki’s heart does another flip. It’s so stupid. He can’t believe his mind even bothered to read into it, but…
The fact that you know what kind of food he likes means you’ve at least been paying some attention to him, right? 
“I’m going to beat you,” Katsuki blurts. His voice wavers slightly, and he grinds his teeth together in embarrassment, but still, he persists. “On the next round of exams… I’m going to place first. Just you watch.”
Normally, Katsuki can’t stand to lose. He can’t stand the feeling of inferiority. The idea that someone else might be better than him.
And yet, despite his frustration, despite how much he claims you drive him up the wall, he actually doesn’t mind the challenge. It’s exciting. It makes him respect you that much more. 
“We’ll see about that,” you grin—and he’s convinced you have to be the prettiest girl he’s ever seen.
No doubt about it. 
Something about you just gets his heart racing.
Check out the author’s library!
Read more on Ada’s Quotev (Kikyo and Starflame), Ao3, and Wattpad (Kikyo and Starflame)!!
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The Arcana HCs: When M6 are forced to attack MC
-- to set the scene --
It was a nightmare.
Thick clouds of miasma hung over the city as you and your lover confronted the sorcerer in the fields outside its walls. Between a series of traps and some well-placed taunts, you had successfully cornered them, which meant that while victory was in sight your opponent was down to their last desperate measure.
The measure in question, it seemed, was for the most horrifying three minutes of your life as you watched your lover struggle against a vicious spell before suddenly turning on you. Their usual loving gaze was replaced with a cold glare and they didn't hesitate to lunge at you with the intent to kill. You ended up choosing to take the hits and focus your energy on dealing the last blow to the evil sorcerer instead, not wanting to waste time hurting the one you love.
As the dust settles, you're too relieved to see cognizance return to your darling's face to notice their horrified expression, or to feel your own blood soaking the ground below you.
Too busy focused on trying to keep you conscious and heal you to do anything else at first. He's already crying, tears leaking from under his eyepatch as he gives you frantic first aid
Can barely bring himself to look at you once you're safely tucked in at Mazelinka's and being tended to by visitor after visitor. You will need to remind him day after day that it's not his fault
And, yes, convince him not to leave you because of it
Still won't be able to find any peace with it until you tell him you've forgiven him, and even then struggles to believe he's worthy of it
Tends obsessively to your wounds, in a weird combination of torturing himself by constantly checking them and redeeming himself by being the one to help his uncontrolled actions heal
Is able to hold it against himself less the less he sees you suffering. Once you're fully recovered and back on your feet, it feels more like a distant nightmare
Has a new interest in learning magic, if only enough so he can protect himself against behind hijacked like that in the future
Completely numb and on autopilot. You're hurt. They're going to do whatever it takes to fix that. Just hold on, it'll be okay - it'll be okay
Refuses to leave your side or sleep for very long at a time while you're recovering. It's like his world has narrowed to your survival
Unusually quiet. As in, barely speaks unless you speak to them first, and yet hyper-observant to the point that they're bringing you what you need before you even realize that you need it
Neglects everything beyond his own basic self-maintenance in the process. It's easier to forget himself and save his own pain and guilt to be processed until after he knows you're safe
Itching to heal over any scars left over and terrified of suggesting it and seeming like they just want to brush the whole thing aside
Has to be pushed to talk about it and won't open up until after you're completely back to normal, at which point he breaks down and spends an afternoon hiccuping "I'm sorry"s into your chest
Regresses to a lot of their previous boundaries until you can tell them that you still feel safe with them physically and emotionally
She has no doubts about you being a strong person. While she's horrified at what her body was used to do to you and the injuries you sustained, she's most upset at her losing control so easily
She feels guilty for you getting hurt, because she's convinced that she should have been able to withstand the sorcerer's spell
Surely, if she loved you as truly as you deserve to be loved, she would've been able to break free or stop it from working
Carries you back to the Palace herself and sees to it that you have everything you could possibly need, before effectively avoiding you for the next few days. She's convinced your relationship is over
Either because you're leaving her for not being able to protect you, or because you've lost your respect for her as a partner
It's also tapping into her own trauma of being trapped inside her body for a three year coma, which doesn't help the frustration
Genuinely unsure what to do with your forgiveness, understanding, and continued love and admiration for her
She doesn't know what she did to deserve you but she loves you
The first count he holds against himself is that he hurt you. The second count is that he was so horrified and traumatized by what just happened that he froze while you were still bleeding out
Thankfully there were other people present to help you out, and you didn't have to find out what could've gone wrong
Refuses to touch you for days. If anybody else had caused the damage he sees on your body, he'd be wishing hell on them. Except not only was it his hands that did it -
He was controlled that easily. He's spent years reclaiming control and ownership of his body after being made a spectacle of in the Coliseum, and in a flash it was all taken away from him again
And it was used to hurt you. None of his nightmares adds up to the combination of violated, afraid, and horrified that he just felt
Relegates himself to being your bodyguard and keeping you provided for, but terrified that you're not safe around him until you're able to convince him otherwise
It's still a reoccurring nightmare for years to come
So angry at you for not fighting back
Already crying and scolding you while she's putting pressure on your wounds to stop the bleeding and helping you get back home
Did you think she couldn't take it? Did you think she wanted you to get hurt at her hands? Why didn't you fight her back if it would have spared you so much pain?
Why didn't you help her enforce what you knew were her own wishes, and at the cost of your safety and well-being too?
Simultaneously dedicating every fibre in her body to taking care of you. If you so much as breathe a little differently she's checking you over and bringing you whatever you need
Eventually able to find her own healing by being able to accept your love and by beating the absolute crap out of the sorcerer in question until she gets an "I was wrong" out of them
Determined to learn defense and protection magic to makes sure neither of you is left that vulnerable, ever again
Still cries when she sees the leftover scars, sometimes
Pale from the shock of what's just happened and trying not to panic as he gives you all the first aid he's picked up through years of battlefield injuries and experience
Frantically muttering "don't leave, don't leave" through clenched teeth and pouring tears while he tries to get the bleeding to stop
Rushes you to the nearest doctor and won't leave your side
Convinced that you're not going to be able to love him after this
He knows he's done things worse than this in the past. He knows that you know that, but the thing that's made a better life possible has been his commitment to not being that person any more
And now he was that person. Event though it wasn't his choice and technically not his fault, he still did it. To you. You experienced it
Also worried that you won't understand that it wasn't his fault this time and wondering if maybe it was his fault, somehow
Able to accept your love and forgiveness pretty easily, but has a much harder time believing that he didn't lose all the progress he's made so far in making good use of his fresh start on life
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haute-pockette · 8 months
The Doctor being disabled.
Every incarnation sitting somewhere on the autism spectrum. Their stims and behaviors vary between incarnations.
First doctor with alexithymia. On Gallifrey it was fine, ignored. A "superior race" that prided itself in observation without interference doesn't put too much stalk in compassion. But meeting humans up close with Barbara and Ian started him down a path of learning to put words to his own feelings as well as others.
As his body aged he also developed arthritis. The cane was for mobility as much as it was for style. He learned the hard way that aspirin is not Gallifreyan friendly (he survived the small dose, but it scared the hell out of Susan).
Two with lots of physical stims. All his gestures and wringing his hands, grabbing onto companions.
Dyspraxic Two. Chicken scratch handwriting, stumbling over his words and his feet. He really leans into tactile sensations whether it's the texture of his clothes or holding onto a companion, it was always grounding for him.
Third tended to shut down more than his first two since the constant stress and frustration of exile had him already wound pretty tight. He'll lock himself in the lab and just put himself on autopilot until he recharges enough to deal with whatever shenanigans are happening.
Three has tinnitus that of various sounds including almost like the tardis materialization sound. He often has to look up to check if the Master is showing up to bother him or not.
Four has ADHD alongside with autism. He struggles with constantly running from responsibility and wanting to have some sense of control of situations.
It's one of those snowballs of procrastination causing anxiety which causes him to procrastinate further. Unless it's urgently life threatening, his stress response is freeze.
Five masks and suppresses his emotions in an attempt to blend with neurotypicals more since he's self-conscious of his previous "eccentricity" as Four. It causes a lot of strain between him and Tegan after Earthshock.
Peripheral neuropathy causing muscle weakness in his legs cause of the difficult regeneration. Look how much he falls over and leans on the tardis console, he can't stand straight for long periods of time without aids. Usually has braces, but will use a cane around the tardis (would use the wheelchair but it's dead in the Castrovalva river).
Six gets overstimulated easier than some, especially by noises and textures. Usually that with things not going accordingly tends to set off meltdowns. Ever since he hurt Peri he turns his energy on himself instead.
Bipolar Six. He tends to handle mania better than depression, at least when he has too much energy he knows he can spend it and try to get it out. He'll usually park the tardis somewhere his companion can enjoy and shut himself away in the cloister room or zero room when at the worst of his lows.
Also type 1 diabetic six, regenerating from poison fucked with his metabolism. He is careful to take care of his blood sugar, but he's terrible at remembering to stay hydrated. That's why Mel is always shoving carrot juice at him.
Seven has ADD (yes I know it's technically "ADHD of the predominantly inattentive type" but ADD is easier). ADD as in he's always in his own head, always five points ahead of the conversation. His train of thought is incomprehensible to most, but there is a string of logic to it.
Dyspraxic Seven with an abnormal gait and stance. Bad posture makes him look shorter than he is. Only he can read his own handwriting, which he insists is not as bad as it is.
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this may be hard to answer because we don’t actually know the characters too well yet, but what do you think vox and val actually *love* about eachother? it seems like it’s more than just sex between them, and i’m curious to know what you think their relationship is like outside the toxic or sexual parts
Anon, to me it is not hard to answer at all, I think about it constantly 🩵❤️ of course all I write is based mostly on my headcanons and interpretations.
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So... What Vox loves about Valentino? First and foremost, he makes him feel free. Vox is very self-conscious; he has a lot of internalized shame that he tries to cover with his grandiosity and fake smile. Valentino is unapologetically himself, and no matter how annoying it can be, Vox admires it. He's like the least judgmental person, and except for his temper tantrums, he's quite chill. Vox can't handle something? Val doesn't care; he still thinks his boyfriend is smart and will figure shit out eventually. Vox discovers he's into some weird, socially unacceptable kink? Great, they can try it. Vox rambles for hours about sharks? Good, he has a passion; Valentino likes people with passion, he will listen, he likes his voice anyway. Vox, who has spent his whole life crafting this perfect narrative about himself, cherishes the opportunity to feel comfortable enough with other people (a lot of these things apply also to his friendship with Velvette) to act like an absolute idiot around them.
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Also, I think Valentino can be a really amazing boyfriend - he can be funny, charming, and mindful of the other person. That's his whole thing; he deals with desires, and that's why people get addicted to him so quickly. In most cases, it inevitably ends with him taking absolute control over the other person and becoming abusive. But Vox is his partner, so he gets just those nice bits because Valentino knows he wouldn't be able to put him down like he did with Angel. Not that he'd want to; he likes having a partner who's equal to him, whom he can break only if he allows him to do so (yes, my reading of them is very BDSM-ish, don't @ me). Valentino wants to be loved, he loves the idea of love, surrounds himself with hearts but at the same refuses to adjust to societal norms in the way that makes him unlovable; every person he ever loved (in his mind, his obsessive desire equals love) rejected him eventually after he revealed his true nature to them. But not Vox. Vox accepts him as broken as he is, and despite all his toxicity, Vox is reliable, he's the most stable part of Valentino's life. He has the patience to deal with his mood swings, he can always find the solution when Val messes something up, he's willing to accept all the attention Valentino wants to give him, and he supports his passions (ruining lives, making weird porn and abusing people).
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Essentially, their love is largely about finally finding the other person who is as bad as you are, who accepts you no matter what and helps you grow (become an even worse person).
And some additional things:
Valentino really likes how smart Vox is. He himself is impulsive and acts instantly on his urges because violence is always an answer so he's kinda impressed when Vox presents him with some elaborate plots.
Vox loves Valentino's creativity, aesthetic, and attention to detail. He really likes nice things, but he lacks the ability to understand the nuance that is necessary for creating art.
They both enjoy each other's sense of humor.
Vox really likes that Valentino is kinda dumb? He can take care of him, and he likes taking care of people because it allows him to prove himself as The Best Boyfriend. He doesn't necessarily gets the idea of unconditional love, so the fact that he has an opportunity to earn it makes him feel more secure in their relationship. That's also why he loves spoling Valentino with gifts which is perfect because Valentino loves being spoiled.
Valentino likes being a little silly when he's with Vox. At work he can't manage people with his competence, so he does it with fear. But yelling and throwing people around is exhausting; he sometimes wants to bedazzle his gun while watching some trashy reality TV and bitching about his hard day at work. It's okay because Vox is also a little silly.
Valentino generally helps Vox live life more. He helped him come out of the closet (in my headcanon Vox for his whole life struggled with internalized biphobia); shows him that emotions other than anger are acceptable and don't mean weakness; even small things like always insisting on getting nice meals (while Vox could live his whole life on black coffee and rice) or decorating their apartment with fancy yet useless stuff.
They're both power-crazy maniacs, so the idea of being with someone who is widely desired by others and could destroy them if they wished is just so incredibly hot.
Vox | Valentino | What they hate about each other
If you liked these you should definitely check out my fic
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meanbossart · 4 months
I finally thought of a question! What does your Astarion think of all that's happened to him, now that it's all Over, and what does Drow think about what he knows about Astarion? Does he ever contemplate and compare, does he have passing thoughts like "Oh yeah, he told me this" brought on by nothing in particular? If Drow or Shadowheart were to bring it up either when drinking, or after a heated moment, what would happen?
Thank you so much for your art and your words! Your handle on Drow made me really crack open my Tav like a nut
(I use some dialogue excerpts from for A Novel Experience here to illustrate my points that some might consider to be spoilery, I don't think it's stuff that would affect one's reading enjoyment too much. Still, just figured I would mention it for anyone who minds it.)
In regards to Astarion, it is understandably complicated. I think the way he's found to get by so far is by not dwelling at all in what has happened. He's tried to turn the symbolic new leaf that night in the cemetery and likes to think of himself as not only freed, but a new man open to what life has to offer him and unburdened by his past - when memories rush back, he pushes them away. When something bothers him for reasons that relate to his past experience, he tries to push past the discomfort because he doesn't want to be defined by it. He is fairly self-conscious of being seen as a weakling or a victim, especially when he's constantly confronted by DU drow's utter indifference to his own past.
He has, by all intends and purposes, done well. He understands that he's a grown man who's been given a second chance at un-life by an exceptionally lucky turn of events, he absolutely does not want to waste a second more of his own time by being sullen, broken, or guilt-striken. He thrives for as long as his past doesn't directly confront him - but when it does, the avoidance catches up and he very easily loses his cool.
His feelings regarding the decisions he made underneath Cazador's palace are mostly rigid. He's happy to not have Ascended and content that the spawn were set free, but he does not like to dwell on what their lives may be like moving forward and, if ever discussing it, does so with callousness and indifference, shutting down the conversation before it can begin. While he doesn't bask in the feeling, he does take the smallest bit of pride in the fact that he has sacrificed eternal power for the freedom of thousands - when doubt arises and he's haunted with the could-have-beens, he soothes himself with the fact that his sacrifice had a purpose.
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DU drow has no moral quandries with what Astarion did while under Cazador's control or regard for the people he victimized at all, but he dwells constantly on the suffering he's endured. He flip-flops between thinking of Astarion as a perfectly capable individual and someone who is overly sensitive and finicky the moment something upsets him - someone who needs protection. He has a grand hero's complex about him and at times difficulty trusting Astarion's capacity to make his own choices - since he didn't have the opportunity for such a long time. He isn't controlling, but Astarion knows him well enough to read the doubt in his face even when he's quiet about it.
Interestingly enough, this seems to mostly apply to when Astarion's ideas go against his own, or make him feel powerless or unneeded in some way or another. He's perfectly happy to go along with his impulses otherwise - even when they seem to be made in bad judgement.
It also applies to intimacy for a while, with DU drow proceeding to avoid sex even after he's rid of his urge - not only because he's still afraid of his own desires, but also because he doesn't trust Astarion to express his agency during the act.
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But that's an issue that they solve fairly quickly (well, ten-chapters-in quickly. sixteen if you only count when they first have sex since the events of the game) , especially as Astarion asserts himself as the more dominant half of the relationship.
I don't think either DU drow or Shadowheart have the nerve to use Astarion's actions while enthralled against him. DU drow because he doesn't care or thinks he's held accountable in any way, and Shadowheart because she knows better. That said, things do come up between him and other characters and then - well. He doesn't deal well with it at all:
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sminiac · 7 months
hey! It's 🪱
How vocal are p1h in bed??:)
Warnings — Smut focused, MDNI.
Hi honey! Since Keeho’s noisy in general (lol) he keeps a steady pour of expletives between his moans and sharp intakes of air that prevent any lack of oxygen getting to his brain that might happen if he didn’t make the conscious effort to do so. Defaults to a series of “Fuck you feel so good baby.” And “G’na fuck you full.” When his brain starts to fail him on assembling any significant or weighty thing to say.
He’s more of a moaner, has a pitchy voice so it’s only natural he falls under a more whinier category opposed to rough grunts and growls, if you like someone who unintentionally makes slutty whimper sounds he’s your guy! A lot of the time he does it because he eventually picks up on the affect it has on you, doesn’t necessarily realize what letting out a dramatic sultry sound when you’re barely ghosting at his cock really does though, until you’re making the sounds authentic.
⋆ C. Taeyang
Also one that’s loud outside of bed = loud in bed, but! He makes you really work for it. Theo doesn’t let himself meltdown under your touch so easily, surprisingly he has really good self discipline, so a good duration of time spent is with you coaxing him into finding his voice, reminding him that it’s okay while he’s rapidly shaking his head, teeth sunken tightly into his lip to withhold the ample collection of indirect praise and expressions of his pleasure from your ears.
Controversial opinion, but he’s a sobber. Sobbing, tears, it’s always a mix- like rain and snow, except it can never just be one or the other. Even if it’s not a punishment, in your most genuine of actions that you want to give him a handjob, sensitive thing, he just can’t handle it! Constantly begging, pawing at your sleeves with big glossy clumps of tears in his eyes and down his skin while your slick hand works his cock, what he’s asking you for? You have no idea, and you’re starting to think he never will either. He’s just always wanting something, even as simple as your eyes on his face, he just weeps and cries about how impossibly good you make him feel, and it’s a frequent problem because he’s a little too loud for his own good.
⋆ C. Jiung
He’s arguably the quietest amongst the 4 so it’s such a treat when he’s nuzzling himself close to your ear, allowing you to hear the faint whimpers and soft groans in the back of his throat, they aren’t over excessive, or exaggerated for the sake of your pleasure, he merely allows himself to relax significantly more and to get lost in the feeling of your cunt welcoming him in so warmly. He’s quite literally only for you to hear, won’t even allow himself to reach a volume where he’s at risk of being heard by anyone else, lets you know you’re the first and probably the last to ever hear him like this. He’s just so lovey, gate-keeps himself for you :b
Jiung’s more of a talker, but even then small in scale of noise level. He’s incredibly good with breathing control so a moan or two doesn’t really have time to mistakingly slip through, if he’s not making subconscious sounds then he’s telling you, and his explanations can get very descriptive sometimes, to a point where you think you’d rather hear him talk for the rest of your life about how good you feel, how pretty you are instead of a loud obnoxious cry and whatnot. Once you hear him huffing out a breathy “Fuck.” You know he’s close to sinking away from the physical hold of his skin and to a blissful level that he’s never even caught a glimpse of without you, the way his hips piston forward with a new profound energy that lacks direction speaks to you that he’s so hellbent on catching a lick of his orgasm. Stupid and so pretty, almost drooling out a weak chant of “Good, good! s’fucking good sweetheart.” He just babbles and babbles.
⋆ H. Intak
The hardest to place into a category and keep him there. A complete wildcard, one day you’re getting more deep chest produced sounds that are coupled with mean words and a rough hand, the next he’s moaning with a slight rasp to his tone, so gentle and keen on taking care of you- or a thorough mix of both. He’s very multifaceted when in bed, I think this pertains to more than just how loud he can be, always suggesting new things to try, which bleeds into his dialogue and arsenal of established noises. Unlike Jiung, he isn’t very deliberate about his delivery in letting you hear his voice, he just lets whatever it is go that he feels barreling its way through the back of his throat.
He’s a healthy mix of quiet and loud, always has a good few surprises for you whenever he’s fucking into you or allowing you to use him without any rules or restrictions. When you’re using him for your own needs he’s very softly spoken whilst praising you, telling you how good you’re doing, that he wants to watch you fuck yourself into cumming all over him. When he’s the one who has the ‘upper hand’ only very few words are said besides degrading and insulting you for letting him fuck you like this, letting him move you in whichever position he wants, obeying his every request, then he’s more of a groaner, even laughs at you.
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ᰔ sminiac’s P1Harmony M.list
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Hot take. Everyone needs to stop pointing at one character in Jade Winglet and be like “AH! They're THE asshole of the group! That one! That one specifically!” Because everyone is an asshole.
Moonwatcher won't shut the fuck up which causes people to feel bad (Reference; Winter Turning, Pg. 75) because, hypocritically, she only has a censor if it “benefits” (hard quotation because it has always failed her. Reference; Luna and Moonwatchers interaction) her.
Qibli is an ass, like, a HUGE ass. He pressures Turtle and berates the very thing he's self-conscious about. He's got massive main-character syndrome; he wants power, he always wanted power, but he wants COMPLETE control of power without any repercussions. One of the reasons he refused Darkstalker's offer was because he wasn't entirely sure he would slip something in there.
Winter is an ass, he literally attacks other dragons without thinking about it (Reference; Peril), he's quick to strike and like Qibli, berates Turtle for being “a waste of potential” to his tribe.
Kinkajou goes off on everyone's backs and uses the remnants of the magic scroll to control and transform Darkstalkers against his consent or will. She has essentially killed him via poison. The whole book and DS character arc was trying to push through a narrative that you shouldn't control people, that you shouldn't take away their free will, and that you shouldn't transform their being into a form for your desire and comfort. Yet it's completely flipped on its head because Kinkajou wanted to be “a little silly” with her solution in ending the IceWing and NightWing conflict. She does exactly just this and that makes her part of the asshole list.
Turtle is inactive, his inaction causes a lot of problems for the others in a negative way in order to preserve his own self. He uses animus magic on Anemone just to make sure that he doesn't get any attention but this backfires and his sister is left not only being used as a WMD by Queen Coral, additionally, she is also left feeling alone in her magic. Turtle just sat on the sidelines as he actively watched Anemone get used like a tool by her mother and groomed by a disgusting snotball of a power-hungry political obsessed eel bbq dragon. His “neutrality” was incredibly toxic towards the upbringing of his sister. Yet, despite being the one guy everyone likes to pounce on and beat down he's probably the LEAST asshole character out of everyone in Jade Winglet. You can point at Turtle's issue of “not doing anything” and dig deeper to realize he's a child for one (an even younger child when he enchanted Anemone) and for two it's an unhealthy trauma response from his family. He has helped and supported every single Jade Winglet member in their “fall/on their knees” development and all he ever got in return was those to treat him like garbage (with Peril being the only one who wanted to help him and realizing how shitty animus magic is for him and attempted to make a situation better by ripping up the scroll with good intentions in mind).
Peril is probably the most self-explanatory but she tries. I can't really say anything else about the flaming toaster oven w/ the pizza box inside it dragon that not everyone else has said negatively about Peril before. She's uncontrollable and she constantly talks about hurting others, yak yak yak… Brownie points is that she's attempting to become a better person and trying to find her own path in life.
Now that everyone has run away typing furiously in the comments reblogging tags about this and that I want to emphasize that everything I said above is about CANON CONTENT. You can LOVE YOUR ASSHOLES!!! I personally LOVE MY ASSHOLES!!! There is nothing wrong with acknowledging that the protagonists that you read aren't the greatest people in the whole wide world. I know I wouldn't want to be in the same room as Peril if she was an actual person; with that said that doesn't mean she ISN’T my favorite dragon in the whole gosh darn freaking series. Winter is a bastard, I love Winter. Qibli is a bastard, I love Qibli. Moonwatcher… Actually, no. Moonwatcher can not. (this last one is a joke and a personal opinion, if I was to look at her into it retrospectively and have a positive thing to say I would say she's very neurodivergent relatable, and her power is very autism-coded.).
Jade Winglet is full of bastards.
I love my Jade Winglet bastards.
Stop being in denial and using “well I don't like [Insert Jade Winglet Member] because of what they did with [Insert Plot Point Here]” and accept that your favorite is a bastard. Tired of hearing about this rank system on who's more fucked up than the other and debating if they deserve love and respect for that. Ofc they do. They're your favs, y'all don't need to push or morally justify trying to like your favs by putting another Jade Winglet member down. You aren't impressing anyone or going “GOTCHA!” for this thought process.
Now stop fighting you cursed dragon hyperfixated disaster fandom. (/j)
Drops Mic
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mari-monsta · 11 months
It honestly really baffles me when people say adrien is a boring or simple character, I don’t understand where that comes from at all. Because I think the main reason he’s so compelling are his complexities, but in the same vein those complexities I think make him someone very easy to relate to. Like it’s fine if he’s not likable or relatable to everyone but saying he’s not complex is really just ???? To me. Just looking at how DIFFERENTLY he acts around different people and situations is so fascinating to me. Of course everyone takes different personas and highlights different aspects of their personality around different people but adrien is the king of doing it around the same people to the extent of which having his two personalities be the same is laughable to those who know him personally in his everyday life.
But it’s not out of no where, seeing his home life and the kind of person he’s made out to be by his situation it’s not hard at all to understand that he’s a person who is immensely self conscious. He’s constantly gauging others perception of him and whether or not he is “safe”. What’s more fascinating is the entirely different way this comes out in chat noir. Because adriens personality as chat noir is also deliberate to a certain extent but it’s deliberate in the way that that’s how he wants others to see him. He wants to see self assured and larger than life because in his everyday life he feels small and self conscious. The fact that this dichotomy is so easy to follow in his character but creates such a black and white image in his two personalities is so interesting!
Another thing I find completely fascinating about him are his high empathy and how that actually fucks him up more often than not. He’s acutely aware of how other people might be feeling and can easily sympathize. At the same time though he has a hard time understanding certain social cues and situations and seems very out of his element. I don’t think these things conflict at all. Adrien is someone who easily puts himself in other peoples shoes and can imagine and have sympathy for their situation, but that doesn’t mean he’s going to pick up on the social complexities of every interaction every time. Emotions aren’t the same as communication and when it comes to the later adrien works best with simple and straight forward interactions.
In the same vein because of his aforementioned situations he’s also a character who has a lot of repressed anger and frustration that has been building up for a very long time. In his everyday life, he feels powerless, small, and insignificant. He doesn’t have faith that anyone would listen to his thoughts and feelings and actually take them into account, because by all of his experiences no one really has. This creates a defense mechanism where he shuts himself out before he even gets to the point of sharing how he really feels. We see this really easily in his relationship with Nino. He loves Nino DEARLY, but there is something that we have seen in him constantly putting up walls emotionally. He won’t tell him when he doesn’t find something funny, he won’t tell him if he’s unhappy to do something even when it greatly affects his life because he is at his core afraid Nino will not validate those emotions.
As a result, all the frustration he’s built up from feeling powerless in his everyday life we see just. Randomly bursting out of him in inopportune moments as chat noir. It’s not that adrien is such a violent or angry person normally. But he’s so used to repressing and modulating his emotions regularly that when he feels somewhat safe to express any frustration ALL of the anger he feels constantly bubbling under the surface all of the time just suddenly rushes out, like a dam holding back hundreds of gallons of water. This happens repeatedly, and then as soon as he’s realized he’s let himself get out of control he immediately feels immense guilt and he stops the dam up even tighter. This is obviously not a healthy feedback loop but it’s fucking FASCINATING!!!!
A common thing that I feel like I see fans often misinterpret about his character in my own opinion is just how PRIVATE of a person adrien is. Adrien loves sharing his love and appreciation for those around him because he knows how it feels not to know, not to be sure of that affection. But in the same token, Adrien rarely if ever actually shares his real feelings with those he’s close to. He doesn’t like people prying into his life or his feelings and he is very private about most things. We don’t see him talking about what he likes, we don’t see him sharing with his friends his anger or frustration. And in the end Adrien is the one character who has kept his secrets most closely held to his vest. This is all despite being so grandiose and loud mouthed as chat noir. Even as chat noir, adrien rarely is entirely open about things going on in his life.
To me Adrien as a character isn’t interesting or compelling because he is shy or cute or sweet, but because there are a number of different facets to his personality that I can easily see reasons for and understand where his feelings come from. He IS sweet, but not without misplaced anger, not without repression, not without mistakes and messy emotions. Not without pain that we can both easily see the roots of but also have a wide spread variety of consequences from. We see how his formative experiences affect every aspect of his life even in ways he audience wouldn’t necessarily expect, but make complete sense. That’s so fun and interesting to me!!!! Let characters be messy but try their best anyways!!! Let characters hurt each other and try to put the pieces back together one shard at a time. People have complicated emotions that come out in ways we can’t always foresee or help, people make mistakes because of that. But despite everything adrien is a character who cares deeply for those around him and tries to do right by them despite all the rest of it, and despite sometimes not really knowing how.
It’s things like that that keep miraculous being an extremely engaging and compelling story to me. Most of the general things about adriens character are also things that I find interesting about marinettes as well! Of course the intricacies of her character are completely different, but the general hows and whys and complex motivations for her actions while maintaining the best of intentions are what make them both so interesting to me. So this is just a little love letter to adriens character because I wanted to talk about that and why I find him so engaging!
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yuly · 2 years
↬ Child’s Play: Part 3 ↫
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Aaron Hotchner x gender neutral reader
Summary: Jack helps bring you and Aaron back together
Warnings: angst and fluff, brief mention of anxiety
WC: 2.6K
Pic credit: @masterwords​
A/N: text in italics indicates a flashback
 *✧・゚: *✧・゚
It has been a year of healing, growth and self-love. For the first time in your life, you poured all your time and energy into your own well-being. Your journey to self-healing is like an exhausting hiking trip, the climb is daunting, but the glorious views from the top make it all worth the while.
Looking back, you recognize that the dynamic between Aaron and Haley, and their extensive history, created an unhealthy environment for you. As much as it hurts to admit, there is nothing you can do to change that. You decided to remove yourself from that environment and focus on the one thing you can control: yourself. You spent the year travelling, levelling up in your professional life, and making conscious decisions to invest in your happiness. 
Aaron put all his time and energy into his job, delving deeper into his career than ever before. His relationship with Haley is now strained beyond repair. Still, he interacts maturely for Jack’s sake despite his anger and resentment. Even after the divorce, Aaron always had a special love for Haley. The calming sense of familiarity usually presented whenever they were around each other was now replaced with formal greetings and short straight-to-the-point sentences. She will always be a part of his life but no longer a welcomed guest in his heart. 
Aaron will never forgive himself for losing you, for breaking your heart, for not appreciating all he had with you. He spent the greater part of the year going over every minute detail of your relationship, anguishing over every misstep he took. His heart aches with every beat it takes without you by his side. Aaron yearns to make it right; there is not a day that goes by where he doesn’t pray for a second chance with you. He constantly dreams of being able to love on you, cherish you, and hold you tight.
Losing you made him question himself as a man and a profiler. Not a day goes by when he doesn’t feel ashamed for not seeing what was happening before his eyes. He spent hours revisiting the core principles of profiling and human behaviour. He feels lost, with no sense of direction and no desire to be found. 
Rossi has tried to set him up on a few dates, but no one comes close to you. No relationship will ever be like the one he had with you. No one can fill that void in his heart and mend its tiny pieces like you do. There is nothing he wouldn’t give for a second chance.
Jack will never forgive him or Haley for losing you. His friend, fellow dinosaur enthusiast, reading buddy, and cheerleader. Jack doesn’t verbalize his feelings, never mentions your name anymore, and he’s long since given up on asking his dad to invite you over. He understands you and his father are no longer together, but it makes him sad that he never got to say goodbye.
Jack found his own way to connect with you; he keeps a little journal and writes you letters daily. He writes about his nightmares and how his dad tucks him in and gives him a special hug so he can sleep tight. Jack asks you to come back for his next birthday and promises you a seat next to him. He never mails them, wondering who he can ask for help with that or how on Earth he would find your new house to send it to. Instead, Jack settles for pretending to mail the letters and imagining all the cool letters you would write back. He keeps his letters safely tucked away in a shoe box under his bed at his dad’s house. 
It’s a quiet afternoon when Aaron comes home from work. He robotically begins his regular post-work routine: shower, put his clothes in the wash, cook for himself and Jack, and eat. Mid-meal, his mind is thinking of ways to make the rest of the day go as smoothly as possible, and he decides to look for Jack’s shin guards so they can be on time for once. 
After sifting around the boy’s room for nearly ten minutes, he looks under the bed.
He finds a shoe box he’s certain should contain the shin guards but is surprised to find a stack of papers instead. As Aaron sits on Jack’s twin-sized bed, his signature frown appears as he wonders why Jack would keep his homework in such an unusual spot.
His eyebrows shoot up, and his breath catches as he reads the same line on all of the pages: ‘Dear, Y/N’
Aaron sits in the same spot for nearly an hour, reading every last letter. He lets his tears fall freely, careful not to stain any pages. His broken heart never recovered from your breakup, and now Aaron feels the pieces of his heart shatter even further. He places all the letters neatly back in the box with shaky hands as he sits, thoughts swirling in his mind. 
He realizes he robbed his son of a friend and a wonderful role model. He regrets not speaking more with Jack about this, and half of him regrets invading his son’s privacy in this way.
The other half is overwhelmed with emotion and a tiny sliver of joy as this is Aaron’s final push over the edge. He feels compelled by every fibre of his being to find you and make this right. His mind runs a million miles a minute, devising a plan. He immediately decides against asking Garcia to track you down, but contacting you on his own will be difficult as you’ve blocked him on everything imaginable.
Aaron slowly walks to his office, hands in his pocket as he stares out the window. He decides to take a page out of Jack’s book and write you a letter, silently praying you haven’t somehow managed to block his email too. Aaron exhales and begins pouring his heart out on the screen as he types away. 
You stare at your phone screen, baffled. At first, you think your mind is playing tricks on you, but the email is very much real and very much from the man your heart still yearns for. 
You don’t even bother finding a place to sit as the world around you slows and fades away. You read the entire email in Aaron’s voice. He asks to meet at a botanical garden in the city, where the two of you first met and where you often went together for clarity and peace of mind.
“Excuse me, you dropped this”
You turn around to meet the most handsome man you’ve ever seen. He’s breathtaking, tall and dark-haired but looks out of place wearing a three-piece suit and- wait, is that a Gucci tie?!
He clears his throat, and you jump a little, silently cursing yourself for staring.
“Sorry, yes, that’s mine. Thank you, sir.”
He laughs, and the sound has you nearly dissolving on the spot. “You can call me Aaron.”
“I’m Y/N. A bit overdressed, aren’t you, Aaron” you add teasingly.
He smiles, “I’m here to see a venus fly trap, actually.”
When you look at him curiously, he clarifies, “it’s for my son, it’s his latest fascination, and I want to prove to him that they are here stateside.” 
“That’s adorable! They’re actually kept on the northern side of the garden, it’s a bit of a walk from here, but I could show you. I don’t mind.” 
“As long as I can return the favour, let me get you a coffee.”
“Sure, Aaron, I’d love that” you’re a giggling, blushing mess as you walk toward your destination.
“You come here often?”
“Oh, all the time.”
“Excuse me, you gonna place an order or what?” The annoyed barista pulls you back into reality; she rolls her eyes as you fluster about, quickly giving your order and rushing to the side.
You read his email over and over again, on your way home, out on the porch, in the kitchen, on the sofa, while you brush your teeth. You’re unsure how to respond or what to think, but you can’t deny the burst of joy you got from knowing he still thinks of you and wants to see you. In your healing journey, you’ve learned to let go of things. You don’t harbour any anger or ill will towards him now, almost a year later, but the pain is still there, and you know it will hurt to see him again. You don’t answer his email.
Aaron stands in the exact spot where the two of you first locked eyes, hands in his pocket and eyes scanning the area frantically. It’s been twenty minutes already, but he’s not ready to lose hope. 
You walk in directly behind him, and as soon as you see the back of his head, the shoulders you love dearly, all that fills your heart is warmth and love. You take a deep breath and will yourself to have some decorum as you approach him. 
“Hi, Aaron.” He whips his head around, and there you are, standing to his right, so divine, radiating a sense of serenity. He almost can’t believe you’re here and nearly cries at the sight of you.
“Hi, Angel.” His voice is soft and mellow. He meant to take it slow, and pet names certainly weren’t part of the plan. But he can’t help himself; in his eyes, you are an actual angel, and your presence before him only solidifies that.
He stares at you for a full minute before rambling into another apology. You reach out to lightly touch his forearm. “Aaron, I accept your apology. I’m willing to let bygones be bygones. But it still hurts. I know it’s been almost a year, and I really thought I was over it, but seeing you today, I-” You look up at him with doe eyes. Truthfully, you have no idea what’s happening; the only thought in your mind is that you still love him.
Aaron feels his heart clench at your words. “There’s no time limit on your healing Y/N. I am sorry for asking you here today, that was selfish of me, and I should let you heal and thrive in peace.” 
You grasp onto his forearm once again. “You didn’t force me here, Aaron. I came by choice, and I wanted to see you too.” You feel embarrassed at your mixed signals. One minute you’re telling him you’re still hurt, and the next, you want to see him.
“Y/N, I am the happiest man on Earth today because you accepted my apology. Thank you for coming to see me. I am willing to do any and everything possible for even the smallest chance to have you in my life again, in any capacity. I know it’s a huge ask, I understand and respect your decision, but I’m asking you all the same, Y/N.” He’s on one knee and brings both hands to hold yours gently. 
You can tell by the look on his face that he is sincerely pleading with you. “Aaron, I don’t know if we can ever go back to how things were. It will take time, but I’m okay with us as friends.” 
He feels tears streaming down his cheeks, and you tug at his arms, motioning for him to stand.
“Thank you, Y/N, thank you. Take all the time you need, whatever you need. I am more than happy to be your friend again, Y/N.” He looks at you with a bashful smile, and you feel your cheeks heat up. You share a hug, one that conveys reconnection and love.
For the next few months, you and Aaron work to slowly rebuild the relationship. You’re in a comfortable space again, not entirely platonic but not romantic either in the physical sense. Aaron has been very respectful and accommodating of your boundaries. He wants nothing more than to kiss you all over and worship every square inch of your body to show how much he loves and misses you, but he is more than happy to keep those feelings at bay and share what you allow. 
You’ve secretly been dying to ask about Jack. Still, you’re understandably uncomfortable broaching the subject, so you’ve decided to leave the ball in his court.
Aaron wants to reunite you and Jack more than ever, but he’s afraid you only want him back in your life and nothing to do with Jack or Haley. It breaks his heart all over again, but he has no idea how to bring it up to you. 
A Snapchat memory from a year ago, where you and Jack visited an aquarium, is your last straw. You decide enough is enough, reminding yourself that avoiding uncomfortable topics is exactly how things unfolded the last time.
Later that day, you’re out for lunch with Aaron, and you ask about Jack. Aaron is shocked at your question but glad all the same. “He’s good, Y/N. He really misses you.” You give him a sad smile, and his tone tells you there’s something he’s holding back. You reach out to hold his hand, a silent cue that you’re willing to listen.
When Aaron finally tells you about the letters he found, you break down in tears, feeling lightheaded and guilty for not saying bye, leaving Jack without closure or explanation. By cutting Aaron out of your life, you also cut Jack out by proxy.
Aaron is at your side in a heartbeat, holding your hand and coaching you to breathe. He reassures you that it’s not your fault, that it was a series of unfortunate events that were out of your control, and that Jack will be more than happy to see you now.
“Before we go further, I want to clarify a few things. Jack is my son, and you are my partne- friend,” he corrects himself, offering you a shy apologetic smile.
“You are my friend, and you mean so much to me, Y/N. When it comes to Jack, I want you to be involved in whatever capacity you feel comfortable. As his father, I feel comfortable with the two of you spending time together and you correcting him if the need arises. You are not compelled to parent him, and if there is anything you feel unsure about, please let me know.”
You smile, grateful to hear his words.
“That means a lot. Thank you, Aaron. I want to speak with Haley first if that’s okay with you. She’s Jack’s mother, and I want to clear the air with her before I barge my way back into her child’s life again.”
“You’re not barging into anything, Angel. You’re always welcome here.” He says softly. “If that’s what you want, I’ll set it up, Y/N.”
Your conversation with Haley goes better than you imagined. She apologizes for her behaviour, and you clarify that you are in no way trying to replace or compete with her role in Jack’s life. The two of you end on a positive note with a mutual interest in Jack’s well-being and happiness. 
“Y/N! You came! Y/N is here, guys!” Jack nearly topples you over in a hug.
“Happy Birthday Jack! My goodness, how did you grow so fast!” He giggles, dragging you to sit next to him.“Corn and lots of warm milk.”
Laughter erupts through the room, and you stare at him lovingly. When Jack proclaims this as ‘the best birthday in the world,’ you realize this is home. 
At the end of the party, Jack makes you pinky promise not to leave him again without saying goodbye. The two of you lock pinkies. “I don’t plan on leaving anytime soon, but if anything were to change, I promise to talk to you about it, Jack.” He nods enthusiastically, “because that’s what families do!” 
“That’s exactly right, Jack.” You hold him close and plant a kiss on top of his head.
Later that night, you notice Aaron acting strangely and spacing out.  
“What’s wrong, Aaron?”
“Jack called you family” you hear the slight break in his voice and see that his eyes are glazed over. You walk over to engulf him in a hug. “Is that okay with you?” he asks gently.
“You and Jack are my family, Aaron, and this is my home.” Your statement puts the last piece of Aaron’s broken heart into place, and it makes him feel whole again. 
The two of you share your first kiss again, though it’s decidedly sweeter the second time.
 *✧・゚: *✧・゚
Thank you all so much for your enthusiasm for this story ♡ its been quite the ride for the these two, I think they deserve this happy ending :) Your support and feedback means the world thanks for reading ♡
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ovwechoes · 2 months
Supports & Guilty Pleasure Headcanons Sort of the same vibes as the bad habits and ‘home’ hcs i did a couple posts back, but with guilty pleasures instead! My asks are open and if you have any opinions, thoughts or suggestions I'm all ears c: they're under the cut & enjoy!
Ana Amari: Ana's definitely the type of woman who knows all the gossip, reads tabloid magazines, and is already aware of drama unfolding in the celebrity world before you do. It's her favourite thing, and she likes to feel detached from her life through the lives of celebrities.
Jean-Baptiste Augustin: You can't tell me Baptiste doesn't eat up reality tv shows where all the contestants are conventionally attractive, and they're trying so hard not to eat each other's faces constantly (Love Island, Too Hot To Handle, etc). It's his favourite thing to watch when he needs something to numb his mind, and is something he rarely shares with his co-workers out of embarrassment over how invested he gets into them.
Brigitte Lindholm: With Brigitte, she has a good grasp on her impulsivity and has an astounding level of self control. She's disciplined and she's careful with her food, especially if it's not a cheat day. However, she's not one to stray from snacking late at night. Angela's seen her standing in her PJs eating cheese out the bag at the fridge, and it's something she will never live down. When asked, she'll simply tell you she's listening to her body and she can't control when she's hungry (in a joking way). It was something she especially did growing up, as Torbjorn will tell you anytime the topic is brought up.
Illari Quispe Ruiz: For Illari, I can imagine her best and most fulfilling guilty pleasure is sleeping in. She works herself to death, with most of her nights being cut short due to the work she has to finish ASAP. She prioritises her work over her health more often than not, so she rewards herself with a decent lie in every once in a while. Because of how sleep deprived she'd be though, she would end up sleeping 15hrs straight, waking up to a whole new level of drama unfolding at HQ.
Kiriko Kamori: Guilty pleasures are something Kiriko used to struggle with - she's had every one you can think of at least at one point in her life. Currently, it's shopping online for non-essentials. She's had several apps and websites blocked from being accessed due to how much she was spending on items. They weren't even for herself most of the time; if she saw something that reminded her of a co-worker in Overwatch, or knew they were wanting something of a specific nature, it would already be bought and getting prepared before they can consider getting it for themselves. It's sweet, but also makes her bank account shiver every time she gets paid.
Niran Pruksamanee / Lifeweaver: Daydreaming is one of Niran's worst guilty pleasures in the sense that you'll catch him doing so at least once a day. He loves exploring his imagination, and loves to let himself get drifted off into his daydreams when he's supposed to be focused on something else. When he was in Uni, he was often questioned by his roommates about if he had MDD (maladaptive daydreaming disorder), because of how often he would be found daydreaming without a concern for the real world. He didn't but it made him self conscious about his daydreaming, so he rarely talks about them and when he does daydream, it's usually in private or where people won't notice he is.
Lúcio Correia Dos Santos: Lucio loves to sing in the shower - it's something he's always done and it helps him enjoy something mundane in his routine. However, when he does it's extremely loud, and he usually has a speaker that's way too loud and echoes throughout HQ. He's been warned about it before, but he doesn't see the harm in it.
Angela Ziegler / Mercy: When it comes to guilty pleasures, she tries not to indulge in them and have some restraint when it comes to habits. However, she admittedly loves desserts and will often eat desserts first or as a main meal of the day instead of savouring them last. It's something she'll never change, and if you try to tell her otherwise she'll purposely eat dessert first for a week straight just to agitate you (in a light-hearted way).
Moira O'Deorian: When Moira's not working, she can be often found in loungewear, planted on the sofa of Talon HQ, watching a nostalgic show she used to love as a teen or young adult. She hogs the tv, and is surrounded by snacks when she watches them. She loves the nostalgia, and it's a form of escape from work and the physical stress on her body from her experiments. It's the best way for her to unwind, in her opinion, and she encourages people to join her (even though she's taking up 90% of the sofa, and they'd have to sit on the floor to watch with her).
Tekhartha Zenyatta: Zenyatta's main guilty pleasure that he would talk about is watching cute animal videos on youtube or facebook. He enjoys the comfort in the innocence of the animals, and he'll go in depth on how it's cleansing for the soul, it's nourishing for the mind, things of that nature. He enjoys the time spent relaxing, enjoying something that's not negative or necessarily pointed in a certain way (like political, for example).
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so uh we know how baekhyun take showers with his members to “get closer with each other”… may i request exo reacto showering with their s/o for the first time? lol it can be SG if u want 👉👈
Hello Lovely, thank you for requesting this :) I hope this is ok, I have done it in a way of how they would be and feel being in the shower for the first time with their S/O, I hope its alright. If not, let me know and I can re-do :)
Exo reaction: Showering with S/O for the first time <3
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Warmth: Suho is the type to always be in awe of you, to him your body is the most beautiful thing in the world and it deserves to be worshipped. He can't take his eyes off you which in the beginning can make you feel a little self conscious but when his arms wrap around your body and he whispers how beautiful you are, you find yourself relax. 10/10 would make you feel like the most beautiful person in the world.
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Elevated: He's literally over excited to shower with you for the first time. He peppers kisses all over your face and rubs his nose against yours. He likes to steal your body wash as he thinks yours smells better and will happily use the shampoo to style both of your hair into massive mohawks. He honestly just makes you feel at ease and comfortable to be yourself with him.
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Addicted: The look on his face when he watches the water cascade down your back is a picture. He is the type to be speechless in this situation, no words pass his lips but his actions speak for him. He will stand close to you, with your face pressed into his chest and just let the water fall on you both like rain. Love resonates inside the glass cubicle and he can't believe you're all his.
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Needy: He can't keep his hands to himself. He will use any excuse to touch you, such as massaging the body wash into your back or cupping your face towards the water so no soap goes into your eyes. His eyes are constantly tracing up and down your body as he bites his bottom lip, to him you're simply perfect. Definitely will make you promise that no other man will ever see you naked for the rest of your life. That view is for him and him only.
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Cheeky: He literally can't keep his hands to himself. As soon as you have entered the shower, his hands are roaming your body. Though he has seen you naked before, he feels as though its different in the shower, more intimate. He would press long, passionate kisses to your lips and lift you so your legs wrap around his waist. Your back will be pressed against the shower wall as he takes control.
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Delicate: He would be awkward when you first get in to the shower together, he finds himself stuttering and falling over his words. After a while though, he would relax a little and hold you close. Your back would be pressed against his chest as he sways you from side to side. He would press soft kisses against your neck and make you weak at the knee's. He also would help you wash your hair and untangle any knots with his fingers. All he wants to do is take care of you, in or out of the shower.
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Hooked: He would be the master of self control. As sexy as you look to him right now, he wouldn't want you to think that this shower is just a ploy. He actually just wants to feel closer to you, for you two to become more secure in your relationship. He would definitely have music softly playing in the background and would massage your shoulders and listen to you talk about your day. He would also press kisses all over your body and tell you how beautiful you are. He's just so in love.
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Shameless: The boy has absolutely no shame. As soon as you enter the shower, he's staring. Offers to help you wash but spend at least 10 minutes on your breasts before moving to your butt. Just laughs when you call him out on it. He feels like the luckiest guy on earth so he's going to make the most of having you in his arms. It doesn't take long until he's got you on the floor of the shower...and lets just say it becomes a whole lot steamier.
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uniqcreep13 · 4 months
My personal takes and headcanons on the characterization of Sonic characters (Post Frontiers):
In his early 20's .
A more mature version of the character, still has a youthful energy and the attitude of a snarky teenager, but is a lot more reflective about his actions and the consequences they have.
Runs at problems just as often as he runs FROM them.
Seeks comfort in the status quo of his life, but as he ages he starts to understand the weight of his choices.
Never wants to slow down, and growing scares him.
Sees the best in people and tries to give them the freedom he yearns for.
Scared of compromise because he feels it would tie him down.
Lighting based powers.
Older brother figure for Tails, very protective of him, which is why he took so long to grow out of Sonic's refuge.
In love with Amy, but constantly avoids her advances out of fear of commitment.
Friendly rivals with Shadow.
Frenemies with Eggman.
True Rivals with Metal Sonic.
In his 30s-40s
Deeply respects Sonic's skill, but hates him still
Values the loyalty and efficiency of machines, and normally thinks that life as a whole would be better off if he could control it and make it work like his machinery.
He dislikes the idea of having living/human henchmen, as he doesn't want the chance of someone betraying him like the ones before, only put into question when Sage enters his life.
Maniacal and egocentric.
Despite his selfish nature and actions, sometimes his more human side comes when the topic of family is brought to the table, although he will never admit it.
VERY protective father, would torch a city for Metal and Sage.
Still unsure about his sexuality, likely straight.
Little brother of Sonic.
His flight speed allows him to catch up to Sonic, but he is still pretty slow on his feet.
Lived under Sonic's guidance for so long he struggles to see his flaws, or to think of himself as anything else but Sonic's sidekick.
Has self-confidence issues.
Wants have a chance to be a hero of his own.
Despite being an inventor, he sometimes feels like he compensates his lack of skill with his machines, which prompts him to train harder.
The strategist of the team, tries to keep tabs on everything and everybody.
Often overworks himself.
Night owl.
Wind based powers.
Friends with Shadow (Nerds)
Sort of friendly rival with Omega.
Rivals with Eggman on who can be the better mind, often outsmarted by the doctor.
Metal Sonic:
Behaves like a teenager, around 15-19
Exists as an AI interconnected to the Eggnet, but chooses to remain attached to his original vessel.
NEO is a spare body, and not a different version/upgrade.
Views Eggman as a father figure, and his diligence to protect him is not rooted in his code, but in his own will, which is why he will run to his aid even when it is an irrational or actively harming move.
Despite suddenly having stopped being an "only child" with the appearance of Sage, Metal isn't bothered or envious about Sage, but rather shares an odd sibling bond with her as she can properly relate to him.
However, instead of jealousy or hatred towards Sage, he often feels self conscious and suffers from identity crisis, as he is split between being Sonic's double, an AI, an Eggman's son, and often has Sage comfort him on his doubts, much to his own shame.
Is deeply starved for recognition and praise by Eggman, and his outburst as NEO are attempts to surpass him in order for Eggman to recognize Metal's achievements, although this only annoys him.
CAN talk in all forms, but chooses to remain non verbal for a majority of the time, only letting out scarce comments here and there, speaking to Sage almost all of the time in binary/through the Eggnet, and reserving the monologues and speeches for his NEO form.
Unlike the other Robots who rebelled against Eggman for their will and identity, Metal wants everyone to recognize him as the apex of efficiency that Eggman seeks in his machines.
HATES Surge and Shadow for mocking him, and often goes out of his way to fight them.
Rivals with Sonic, has a deep hatred for the Hedgehog, and considers him the copy, regularly starts fights with him and challenges him to races.
In her early 20s
Has tried to follow Sonic's pace since childhood out of her love of him, but has slowly grown out of her love quest an into a development of her own.
As or even past Knuckles in physical strength, and damn near Sonic in speed, could duel Shadow to a standstill.
Still deeply in love with Sonic, but she recognizes that Sonic is too free spirited to allow her to have a chance, and has since attempted to move on from her childhood crush, much to Sonic's dismay.
Wants to have her own adventures and make her name before settling down.
Hard working, and very versatile, a good leader.
Kind and welcoming, is often the one to try to introduce people, and the one who taught Sonic and Shadow to forgive and give their opponents a chance.
Her hammer grows in weight by a small margin every day.
Can swim.
Learnt how to intimidate people from Vanilla, and can even make Shadow nervous when she has her outburst.
Is often the therapist and confidant of the group.
Calls Sonic by his legal name when angry.
Water based powers.
Doesn't get along with Rouge.
Tries to be an example to cream, and a figure to rely on for everyone else.
Hangs out with Mecha Sonic on the occasion.
Is one of the few people that Blaze can let loose around.
Mid 20s
Is still the Guardian of the Master Emerald, but yearns for an opportunity to do something else with his life.
Is still introverted, but being around Sonic and the others has put his loneliness into perspective.
Works as a bounty hunter every so-often, taking interest in ancient relics and artifacts.
Amy's personal trainer, always happy to help someone with physical training.
Quick to get into a fight, never backs down from a challenge.
Simpleminded, but not ignorant.
Is actually very knowledgeable about archeology, history, and geography.
Dating Rouge (When Team Dark and Team Sonic fight they sneak off to make out).
Still close friends with the Chaotix, often asking them to guard the Master Emerald when he is gone.
Fire based powers.
Mid 30s (Mentally)
He acts edgy and full of himself when he is relaxed, but cool and collected when at work or when the situation calls for a levelheaded attitude.
Still uses guns, but only when the situation calls for it, and only against robots, often using his hands to incapacitate criminals.
Works with G.U.N. alongside Rouge and Omega, having made ammends with the organization after the invasion of the Black Arms, finding a mutual understanding with the commander, and choosing to work together for the better of the world.
Team Dark is still together, and work as a special agent division for G.U.N., being tasked with specific high importance missions.
Shadow still remembers Maria, but rather than letting himself be controlled by the past, he uses Maria's words as a compass to go in the side of good, not trying to obsess with his promise or his origins, but trying to grow into a better person.
Has trouble expressing his emotions, and often has people misinterpret his words with sarcasm.
The few people who can actually read his emotions are Team Dark, Sonic, Knuckles and Amy.
Has nightmares of Gerald, Black Doom, and Mephiles.
He loves latinas.
Tries to be a father figure/mentor to Silver, often teaching him practical knowledge and training his abilities, but has troubles establishing an emotional bond with him.
He is close friends with Knuckles and Amy, as Amy is someone he can emotionally rely on, and Knuckles understands his solitude and trouble expressing himself.
Friendly rivals with Sonic, often playfully teasing him or challenging him, but still holding a great deal of respect.
Rivals with Mephiles. Shadow lays awake at night, fearing that he returns.
Was always a dork, but having lived in the hellscape of crisis city had him on edge at all times, not allowing him to properly develop.
A far descendant of one of the other 2 hedgehogs.
Has a crush on Blaze but is unable to act upon it, since he doesn't want to ruin the relationship they have.
Uses the timestones to travel through time, but tries not to abuse their power to avoid causing problems in the timeline.
So far removed from his original future that it does not exist anymore, with Silver being a creature immune to the flow of time.
Is close friends with Blaze, being a good confidant and partner for her when things get rough, often visiting her to chat or hang out.
Psychic and Light powers.
Has nightmares of Mephiles.
Is Shadow's student, often asking him to help him train to use his powers and to further master abilities like Chaos Control.
Is Rivals with Infinite, being one of the few people that can undo/bypass his time travel with the Phantom Ruby's reality warping.
Super Transformations:
Super Sonic: Still the most reliable transformation, although Sonic has tried to avoid using the emeralds to not rely on their power too much, wanting to grow his own strength instead.
Hyper Sonic: The most powerful yet unstable form for Sonic, far surpassing that of Super Sonic and even SS2 but costing a massive amount of power from the Emeralds and lifeforce from Sonic himself. Knuckles advised to avoid using that power again, and Sonic forbade the others from trying to reignite the Super Emeralds.
Super Tails: Tails is still not strong enough to handle the power of the Emeralds, and while he can transform, the energy consumption pays a heavy toll on his well being, which is why he often avoids using the Emeralds.
Super Knuckles: Knuckles is no stranger to transforming, and regularly uses the Master Emerald to transform when Eggman or another powerful foe tries to attack Angel Island.
Super Amy: Amy can transform, and is in fact very powerful when she does, but often chooses not to, as while she can handle Chaos Energy just fine, she lacks the necessary contol to make use of a super form, often shooting large energy blasts and afterimages unintentionally when swinging her hammer.
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scary-tingz · 2 years
Slashers with a self conscious + flat chested S/O HCs
A/N: Shout-out to my fellow itty bitty tt committee members😭 I know it be hard out in these streets. The reader is more femme in this but it can be read as gender neutral.
Slashers Included: Sinclair brothers, Brahms Heelshire, Billy Loomis, Stu Macher, Thomas Hewitt, Michael Myers, Chucky, Freddy Krueger, Bubba Sawyer, Jason Voorhees
Warnings/Content: Sexual themes, implied lemon, corruption kink, mention of nursing, humiliation, size difference, mention of bra and dresses
Vincent Sinclair:
Vincent knows what it’s like to feel lesser because of his physical appearance. He understands what it means to feel shame towards a biological trait that you have no real control over, not without serious medical procedures.
He has a profound appreciation for the human form, your bust size doesn’t matter to him. He sees naked bodies all the time, he’s kind of desensitized to nudity as a whole so what he really sees value in is you as a person.
He loves you for you, not for something as trivial as the size of your chest.
He likely will not notice you are shy or ashamed of it unless you make it obvious or express it to him directly, but once he notices he will do his best to let you know he appreciates you.
Might make little sculptures in your likeness, draw you more often, or rest a hand on your chest while he spoons you. He might not speak his mind all the time, but you can kind of tell what he’s thinking.
Bo Sinclair:
Bo likes tits. And this goes for all tits. Doesn’t matter the size, the shape, the nipple placement, he just loves tits.
You would think that a guy like him wouldn’t notice how you feel about your bust size, but believe me he does.
He might not say it outright but he will definitely mess with you about it. He might give your breasts extra attention, even when it seems unnecessary.
He probably found out when he made an insensitive remark and got put in the doghouse for it, but he spent the rest of the night by “making it up to you” in the bedroom and showing you just how much he appreciates your body.
Lester Sinclair:
Be honest. Do you think this man has seen a titty in his life? Be honest.
I think he is amazed and enthralled by whatever is underneath your shirt and he is not afraid to show it.
Chest size isn’t even something that he thinks matters, really. He feels like the luckiest fella alive to have a partner who lets him rest his head somewhere.
He probably won’t notice, but if he ever does he will immediately let you know that it’s not something you should feel ashamed of or worried about.
He is the most outwardly vocal of the brothers about how happy you make him and how lucky he is to have you, this man will not allow you to slander yourself in any shape or form.
Brahms Heelshire:
Doesn’t matter, if you have nipples he will try to nurse.
No, I will not elaborate.
Billy Loomis
He thinks it’s cute how self conscious you are about it, it makes you seem so innocent to him.
He can’t wait to make you forget all about your insecurities while he corrupts you, your mind unable to focus on anything other than him.
Kinky shit aside, Billy is very observant. He would notice, and understand why you feel that way about yourself, but that won’t stop him from trying to make you see things his way.
He constantly reassures you that size doesn’t matter to him, all while nuzzling his face against your chest with a cheeky little smirk.
Stu Macher
Stu is super touchy, so he finds out pretty quickly that your chest is something of a sweet spot.
He frequently targets it after finding out you’re embarrassed about it, just to tease you.
He’s similar to Billy in the fact that he finds your insecurity endearing more than anything, just another one of your quirks.
He’s the kind of dumbass to say “It’s okay babe, my chest is flat too.”
Thomas Hewitt
Similarly to Vincent, he knows what it’s like to feel ashamed of your natural body, and he will never judge you for that.
He’s kind of confused as to why you’d ever fret over that sort of thing, he thanks God every night that you choose to spend time with him but you’re worried he’ll be less attracted to you because of your boobs? He’s surprised at you!
He loves resting his head on your chest more than anything, it makes him feel so safe and secure. He’d never give that up, and he doesn’t want you to think that he would.
Michael Myers
This man does not care about a lot of things. Breast size is one of them.
That is not to say that he can’t enjoy your chest, but he’s killed plenty of well-endowed people over the course of his career so it’s not like he has a preference.
He just kind of tilts his head at you when you express worry over something so trivial, confused as to why it matters to you so much.
Might give you some extra attention if he’s feeling nice, but he tries to convey to you that he doesn’t really care about body type.
“For Christ’s sake, I’m a doll! You think you’re the one who has to worry about your appearance?”
If you tell him to his face, he might laugh at you to be honest. Not because he shares your thoughts, but because he thinks it’s funny how you’re worried about such a thing when he’s… Y’know… Him.
He assures you that it doesn’t matter to him, he loves you regardless… And he also tacks on the fact that all boobs are big to him because of his tiny stature, so stop feeling bad.
Freddy Krueger
Freddy is a horny bastard. If you have a hole for him, then that’s all he needs, everything else comes secondary.
He teases you about it mercilessly, oh my god.
Don’t let him find out unless you have a humiliation kink because it’ll never end with this man.
He’s not doing it to be mean! Well, okay, maybe he is, but mean affectionately.
Like Bo, if he senses that he overdid it and upset you he’ll spend the rest of the night trying to make it up to you in bed, show you how to really appreciate your chest…
Bubba Sawyer
He’s flabbergasted.
How could you, his precious partner, ever feel so negatively about a part of yourself that he loves??
He loves every part of you to be fair.
But he can’t rest easy knowing you don’t like a certain part of yourself when he thinks you’re so perfect.
There’s a good chance that he’ll never catch on, but if he does… Oh boy. Prepare for the coddling to begin.
He will make/get you all sorts of pretty dresses, if you wear them you’ll feel pretty, he promises!
He starts procuring some bras for you too, the cutesy kind. Maybe if you wear cute bras you’ll start to think your chest is cute too? That’s his logic, anyway.
He feverishly rubs his face against your boobs, babbling fruitlessly as he tries to communicate that he loves you as you are. What a cutie.
Jason Voorhees
How could such a cute spousey like yourself ever feel that way, huh?
Odds are he won’t catch on until way later in the relationship, when he starts hyperanalyzing your body language.
He thinks of it as just another interesting trait, one that he becomes more mindful of.
He’ll try and subtly reassure you of your attractiveness to him, since he finds himself to be so… Unsightly.
Expect him to give a lot of carefully grown wild flowers and edible berries in an attempt to show his appreciation for you.
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kindaorangey · 18 days
half blank, half apocalyptic [armand playlist]
half blank
i'm your man (mitski)
this song is like. a thesis statement of sorts for the playlist. every line is armand. but here's the key stuff:
"i can feel it gettin' near/like flashlights comin' down the way/one day you'll figure me out/i'll meet judgement by the hounds"
i find it interesting that armand let daniel interview louis a second time, even though he had so much to hide. on the one hand, he believes himself powerful enough to retain control of the situation; on the other hand, there's only so much he's willing to do to make sure louis stays - louis is suspicious of armand before the story begins and armand knows this, thinks daniel will help put those suspicions to rest if he can make it through the interview without being found out. far from exerting complete control over louis all the time, armand pulls the strings from time to time from the cover of shadow. so, by letting daniel come for the interview, he inadvertently bring about the unravelling of his lies.
"people always gave me love/others were never to blame after all"
there's a tendency among trauma survivors to swing from understanding themselves as a victim to viewing themselves as solely at fault for the damage done to them, and as evil. of course, these extremes are both kind of true for armand - he is a victim, and he is kind of evil and responsible for his own suffering. but the pendulum swing is what i'm talking about here - in the wake of his lies being revealed and louis leaving him, that sense of guilt bleeds into everything he might otherwise see himself as innocent for. this is my fault, therefore all of it has always been my fault.
geyser (mitski)
"you're the one i want/and i have turned down/every hand that had beckoned me to come"
rewatching s2 it's crazy to me how much armand throws himself at louis in paris, how quickly he's ready to let his coven turn on him just so he can chase after his manic pixie dream boy
"i will be the one you need/i just can't be without you"
as much as armand molds louis into someone who would want to be with him by lying to and gaslighting him, he also molds himself into someone louis would want to be with. he plays the victim, he's subservient to louis, he lets louis sleep with hundreds of other men even though he's clearly not thrilled about the situation. and i think he enjoys playing this role, but a lot of it is not good for him. louis makes a mess, armand cleans it up.
off to the races (lana del rey)
THIS ONE'S ABOUT MARIUS!!!! DON'T COME FOR ME!!!!!! listen i feel so self-conscious putting a song that is so quintessentially modern LA on a playlist about a 500-year-old vampire. but there really isn't anyone that captures the concept of this song better than ms. lana del rey.
"my old man is a bad man, but/i can't deny the way he holds my hand/and he grabs me, he has me by my heart"
"he knows me/every inch of my tar-black soul"
"light of your life, fire of your loins/tell me you own me"
"i'm not afraid to say that i'd die without him/who else is gonna put up with me this way?"
the power imbalance, the slight awareness that this relationship is unhealthy, but committing wholeheartedly to it because you sincerely believe there's nothing better you deserve, and nobody else would treat you better. it's armand and marius.
me and my husband (mitski)
"i steal a few breaths from the world for a minute/and then i'll be nothing forever"
anyone else constantly thinking about lestat calling armand "nothing"?
"i bet all i have on that furrowed brow/and at least in this lifetime, we're sticking together"
again, a big part of armand was willing to throw away his coven of 300 years to be with louis. he just latches on to louis as his thing to pursue and reason to live.
to be alone (hozier)
sexual trauma song woo
half apocalyptic
the kiss (the cure)
"kiss me, kiss me, kiss me/your tongue is like poison/so swollen it fills up my mouth/just, just love me, love me, love me/you nail me to the floor/and push my guts all inside out
just get it out, get it out, get it out/get your fucking voice/out of my head
i never wanted this/i never wanted any of this/i wish you were dead"
armand tends to seek out relationships that remind him of his relationship with marius - which is to say, one where he concedes control to the other person, and toxicity feels familiar to him. he simultaneously craves this dynamic and, naturally, resents it, because it's unhealthy for him. and in 2×05, i think we see hints of him conceding control to louis as a way to punish himself for what he did in paris.
f major (hania rani)
plucked straight from assad zaman's armand playlist! it's dark, it's elegant, it just has a really beautiful ominous vibe
tuck (yves tumor, NAKED)
mostly vibes tbh. it's unsettling to listen to, and i put it on here because it's unsettling to listen to. but here are the relevant lyrics anyways:
"tears on steel for you/you, you, you/piercing skin for you/you, you, you/scars in my heart for you/you, you, you/i fell off this world for you/you, you, you"
"tie me up/looking down/black mass ready/tie me now"
"have someone else's will as your own/mercy of the master you've never known"
it will come back (hozier)
this one's full gremlin.
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hwnglx · 1 month
Your ideal partner reading for Felix really surprised me, as it's quite different from other readings I've seen on him (which most seem to include some sort of mix or variation between shy and sweet for his ideal type) Could you explain it more in depth, since I'm not very we'll versed in tarot? 😅
hi love ᡣ𐭩 i asked my cards again because it's been more than a year since i did the reading, and they more or less clarified what i saw before.
quoc+kiosw, 6osw&de
yongbok definitely likes a more mature partner. he wants someone who is more mature than him, has a better understanding and more control of their emotions and can therefore help him work on his toxic and unhealthy habits.
felix is an immensely sensitive person who deals with a lot of insecurities, and subconsciously tends to self sabotage a lot. whenever i read for him, i always get very tense and nervous energy. he's so so self conscious and constantly in his head worrying about doing everything right, hugely perfectionistic and self critical guy. because of this, he's in need of someone more confident and stable in life, who can help him understand himself better, be kinder to himself, make him feel loved and cared for, calm him down.
he's the type to need a lot of support and reassurance from people in order to feel like he's doing well, which is why it's more beneficial for him to surround himself with empathetic people who are honest and direct in their expression. meaning he's likely to feel more drawn to someone who is open about their affection towards him. he thinks someone is very attractive when they embody the qualities he lacks.
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