#he has whiskers and toe beans too
sphylor · 6 months
i think when fully unglamoured Dew still has patches of scales but theyre dried up and colourless and fur grows underneath them now. he thinks he looks horrific but of course literally everyone else thinks differently
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py-dreamer · 1 year
SBI & RodentHybrid!Reader
GN!Reader, (this is my first time doing something like this-)
Rats, mice and most rodents alike are under-appreciated in my opinion and I had some SBI brainrot I could not stop.
How did they find you?
Philza had just adopted his 3 chaos sons and was not expecting to have anymore children.
Tommy was 3, Wilbur and Techno were both 10
however, one day he heard tiny squeaks during a trek in the forest.
he thought it was just a regular mouse but it was too loud to be one so he followed the source and peered in the bushes and in it was lil' ol' you
you couldn't have been more than a year old by the looks of it and you were absolutely tiny! you could fit in the palm of his hand
you were also freezing cold and there were no adults around so... guess Phil's gonna adopt another child then!
Your rat features:
I put down rodent hybrid cause' I couldn't make up my mind if you were going to be a mouse or a rat (there's a difference!) so neither can your family!
You have the cartoonishly big mouse ears (think Mickey Mouse) and also a long thin and scaly tail
You also have delicate whiskers and a itty bitty nose that has a surprisingly good sense of smell
There are small patches around your body hear and there
Also, smol. Extremely small. You are by far the shortest in the family. Mice are really small so I think you'd grow to 1ft 6 at most
Rats have strong teeth so you also have a set of really strong buck teeth
Since Techno once talked with a piglin, and Phil's chat are literally crows, you can talk to other rodents
"I'm not like other people! I'm 1ft 6, I have the best sense of smell, I can talk to animals and I have a tail cause I'm a foocking rat baby"
Life with the SBI
it was rather difficult to adjust to the new family member because of the drastic height differences but nothing they couldn't handle
All the seats, tables ect have a little ladder carved in or have a step-ladder attached so you could climb up
Stairs and doors. They were going to be a problem. So Dadza made like a little elevator out of string, small planks of wood and pulleys so you can get up and down the floors. Each door in the house also had a small doggy door on it so you could easily enter...though one time a stray cat had gotten in and chased you around the house so the main door and the door to the backyard had to have little locks installed on the little doors too.
Once you got a bit older, Dadza realized it would've been a very tiring life for you to have to climb up every seat and every table and every shelf you want to use so he made a little hole in the wall under a table and built tiny furniture perfect size for you and helped you decorate your room
Any soft fabric in the house was a perfect napping spot for you. your family would often find you nesting in hoodies, cushions, jackets, cloaks, blankets ect. (Although once Wilbur almost sat on you when you got a little too comfortable and fell asleep on the couch)
I'd like to think whenever you were mad at one of your brothers, you'd steal their stuff (that you can carry ie Tommy's disc, Wilbur's beanie, Techno's gold) and hide it in your room or a small crevice that only you can fit in and they'd be to big to fit in and reach their stuff.
You would also take advantage of your size and hide in places impossible for your family to hide in but not for you! You were always the hide and seek champion and could evesdrop on your brothers from inside the walls or inside a chest.
Midnight snacks. Just all the snacks. Rats can fit through any space they can get their heads into and some can chew through metal so there was nothing stopping your hungry tummy. Phil was even considering enchanting the pantry to prevent you from theiving all the snacks (you'd share with your brothers though, Phil was just miffed you ate all the snacks before dinner and could get ill)
When you guys were going out and you couldn't keep up, you'd just ride in one of their bags. You were extremely light and it was hard to keep up with their long legs so this was a perfect solution (you 100% fell asleep in a bag once and the family almost flipped the house upside down looking for you)
Your relationship with Dadza
We already mentioned him earlier but he loves you very much
Phil was a lot more nervous to take care of you cause he'd never raised a child this small before
He was very hesitant to let your brothers hold you when you were a baby because you were just so small and fragile-
When you were little and went out with him, you always had to be on him or holding his hand. Sitting on his hat, his shoulder, riding in his bag, him carrying you, he didn't mind but you couldn't be let out of sight especially in large crowds or tall grass.
He always had at least one of his crows keep an eye on you when you went outside to play just in case anything goes wrong
He still worries about you a lot but knows that at least you can defend yourself now.
Your relationship with Wilbur
he was your big brother and you both love each other a lot
it took some time getting used to you but the moment he saw such a tiny baby, he just went 'SMOL CHILD I WILL PROTECT YOU'
in the early days, when Philza couldn't take care of you, he'd hand you to Wilbur who'd spend time with you and Tommy. Be it going to town, making a new song, going to meet Sally, he was mostly glad to bring his little siblings along
While he cared for you a lot, he still played tricks on you sometimes like when he told you that birds eat mice and you just became terrified of Phil and his crows for a good week XD
He was much more relaxed when it came to your safety (not that he'd let you go into the woods alone, like just be less protective than dadza) though he would just be wary when you guys are with a lot of people so he'd prefer it if you were riding on his beanie. He'd get weird stares but as long as you're safe, he didn't care
when composing songs and you're with him, he'd sing the lyrics and you'd sometimes squeak them back in your high-pitched voice and he would either laugh or die from cuteness...or both
rats also generally have better hearing than humans so when he was composing a song, he'd ask for your opinion to see if it was good or not
Your relationship with Techno
when you were first welcomed into the family, he didn't know what to do-
don't get me wrong he got the same 'PROTECT DA CHILD' feeling as Wilbur and even the voices told him to 'PROTEC SMOL THING' when he got them later on
it's just that you were so small that he was afraid he'd hurt you he was never as gentle as his twin or his dad and Wilbur seemed to like you so he figured he'd him take care of you like Tommy
though one day, you were out in the garden. Techno was training, Phil was in the house, Wilbur and Tommy were with friends. A stray zombie found its way to your home and it started to attack you.
you were too small to get away quick enough and tripped but just as the zombie was about to hurt you any more, Techno shot an arrow through that f*cker's head he then realized you were too weak to defend yourself so decided to train you to be stronger
Wilbur was unsure about letting you wield a sword but Techno insisted it was for the best. Eventually, Tommy bugged him enough to train him too.
it took a while but after enough time and hard work, you were able to wield a few light weight weapons and were able to hold your own at pvp by quickly darting and dodging around your opponent.
when you weren't training, Techno read you and Tommy greek mythology. Tommy would sit in his lap and you would rest on his head (if he felt like it, he'd let you two braid his hair)
like the rest of the SBI, he gave you a piece of golden jewelry, for you it was a small earing
Your relationship with Tommy
I'll be honest: Tommy didn't really like you at first
He was glad to not be the youngest but he didn't realize that he'd get less attention due to you being a baby
they still loved him of course, but Tommy couldn't help but feel jealous when Dadza helped you make your own room or when Wilbur took you on their trips to town or when you'd always be carried by Wil or dad or when Techno started training you before him ect
he'd always try to ignore you or glare angrily and naturally, you reciprocated the behaviour and thus you two always had a sort of rivalry
he'd call you names, yank your ears, tail or whiskers and in turn, you'd call him names, steal his stuff and sometimes bit him if he pulled too hard
But then, one day:
You were 10 and sitting by yourself on the swings in the park. Barely anyone else was there and you were doing your own thing. It was one of the rare opportunities when you could be alone. I mean, you did love your family and all but it was nice to have some alone time too. You were minding your own business when suddenly:
"Hey are you a doll?"
A little kid had just picked you up by your waist and you were frankly very startled. You started wiggling, trying to get out of the kid's grasp but it was too tight.
"You're a very weird doll"
The kid held you tighter and you squealed out for help.
"I'm not a doll! Let me go!!"
The child gasps "A talking doll! Mama, mama! Look, a talking doll! Can I keep it please?" they called their mother over
A woman strides over and looked down while you were trying to get out of there. She gasps in horror and shrieks
She then snatched you out of her child's sticky hands and threw you at full force into the mud.
"GET BACK YOU VERMIN! GET AWAY! RETURN TO THE MURKY SWAMP WHERE YOU CAME FROM!" She screeched while you were trying to process what just happened and collect yourself.
All of a sudden, you heard a very angry yet familiar voice from the bushes
He then pounced and shoved the prick and her brat into the mud.
Without warning, she grabbed Tommy and tried to trip him over him but before she could, you sneaked up behind her and bit down hard on one of her legs. Tommy then grabbed you and booked it out of there with the screeches of the witch behind you.
Once you two made it back home, you started to clean yourself up when Tommy handed a towel to you. He said nothing and looked away but the gesture was all it needed. The both of you were silent but a mutual care about each other started to grow that day.
it took a while but you two soon became thick as thieves
he even introduced you to Tubbo later on!
You and Tubbo relate to each other on the fact that you were both often underestimated and your shorter heights compared to everyone else.
Life in the smp
you decided to follow Wilbur and Tommy when the left home and promised to write to your dad and older brother
by now, you were as tall as you could be and could defend yourself reasonably well
you, Tommy and Tubbo absolutely cause chaos together. I mean the rat, the racoon and the goat? Who makes better thieves than that?
You definetely participated in the disc wars, stealing Tommy's discs back from Dream whenever you could
During the L'Manberg era, you decided to join your brothers' country and became good friends with the rest of the L'Manberg members. You had a little uniform and everything, you helped to plant flowers and decorate around the country since it was a bit hard to place down blocks.
L'Manberg really felt like a second home and a second family for you even with the constant battles, you still had each other and that was enough.
Then you and everyone else lost your first lives during Eret's betrayal and Tommy had to give up his discs (you wanted to steal them back but Tommy told you that it was ok and they'd find another way) but hey, at least you guys were independent now...right?
Then the elections happened. You were sure your brothers would win until the votes were revealed. They were banned from the country and you desperately scurried after them, trying not to get trampled in the angry mob
You helped them set up Pogtopia and that's when Wilbur decided to give you a job.
With all things considered, you were arguably one of the best spies on the server: You were tiny and hard to spot, you can hide in places no one would think to look, you were fast, agile and hard to catch, you have a far more superior sense of hearing and smelling and can therefore sense if anyone's coming much easier, and you can communicate with rodents; one of the most common and unsuspecting animals.
Therefore, Wilbur gave you and Tubbo the job of spying on Schlatt and Manberg. Tubbo would pretend to be on their side and you would eavesdrop from the shadows.
You should've been more wary of Wil's behaviour, he looked like he was loosing it but still wanting to help your brother, you accepted the job and spied on Manberg, giving Pogtopia info when you could.
Techno came to help and you thought that it would be alright from now on...then the red festival happened. Tubbo gave his speech while you watched from behind the curtains. Then he was boxed up and you could only watch in horror as Techno walked to the stage to execute your best friend.
You thought it couldn't get any worse when someone grabbed you from behind and took you to the stage. JSchlatt held you by the neck and learned that you were the spy sneaking info all along. And before you knew it, he squeezed your throat and you died from suffocation on stage.
Wilbur couldn't look you in the eyes after that and you were told that Techno shot a firework at Schlatt cause 'it wasn't part of the deal'
After the final battle, you couldn't be happier. You were celebrating with all your friends and looking for Wilbur before the ground shook and everything exploded.
You lost half your tail and parts of your left ear that day. But that loss couldn't compare to the loss of your brother, dead in your father's arms
You tried your best to return to normal and just when you started to recover, Tommy was exiled. You followed him to Logstedshire and tried to stand up for him against Dream but he was too strong.
Tommy convinced you to leave him and that he'd be ok and you naively believed him.
When Techno took him in, you followed him and couldn't be happier; your family was back together!...well most of them.
Then doomsday happened. Techno didn't tell you his plans and you were in shock as to why he would blow up L'Manberg now.
He then told you about the execution. That while you were with Tommy in exile, he was going to be executed by the butcher army. That news shook you to the core but you couldn't think straight with your second home being blown to smitherines again.
Afterwards, you decided to take a break from society and ran away to live by yourself in a small home you built in the woods for some time to recover.
Tommy would visit sometimes and told you about the hotel he was building with Sam Nook, Tubbo visited when he could, he even brought Ranboo with him once and told you about their son Michael. Philza visited once, he told you that Techno was doing alright but just hasn't found the time to visit. You didn't answer when he knocked on the door.
(Sorry if the end sounds rushed, its because it is. I just didn't know what to do about the rest of the extensive lore but let me know if you'd like more of these x reader stuff, only platonic though. Anyways, until next time my lovely marshiemellows!)
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soft--dragon · 2 years
Okay, man I’m getting headcannons today.
Got any Fundy Headcannons? Ler or Lee.
Fundy boyyyy
He's a fox hybrid, so naturally he does those little "ehehehehe" sounds foxes do. They usually make those sounds when they're excited or happy, so those noises will slip in while he's giggling upon a melt spot being attacked
His way of dealing with lee moods is to snatch something someone has and bolt, a chase being initiated basically instantly and only hyping up his giggly state. He usually runs on all fours to force the person running after him to persist the chase, knowing the second they allow Fundy a slight chance to get away, they're not finding their item for a long while. Fundy has been known to be a menace and steal things when his instincts kick into overdrive, though when he's in a lee mood he'll purposefully run a bit slower - not that the person chasing him needs to know that
Tail wags!!! Excited tail wags when he's laughing and happy!! :D
His ears indicate a lot of his behavior, they're very expressive and are usually his tell when he's lying. Perked? He's enjoying it/happy. Laid back? He's nervous/shy. Wiggling and twitching? He's anticipating/excited. It's very sweet to watch, and he doesn't have much control over it so his friends will just watch his ears when they're tickling him to know if Fundy is having as much fun as they are
He blushes easily, his fluffy face will go an endearing shade of pink when he's tickled and it's a unique contrast against his orange fur
He crumbles upon being tickled, loses strength instantly and goes straight to the floor. He'll typically curl into a ball to protect himself, trying to hide all his sensitive spots - which realistically is everywhere - and gasp out little "no's!" while giggling madly
Personally headcanon his lower back/around the base of his tail to be quite sensitive as well as his neck, and his lower ribs. These spots will immediately get the best reactions such as squeaking, squealing, bucking and mini screeches
His feet aren't that sensitive due to him not wearing shoes, his beans and pads are quite tough as they've been battered around by the ground for years. However, the spaces between his toes will get him giggling and squirmy instantly as they're hidden from the elements reach and don't get touched often
Compliments and teasing will kill him. Wilbur has a boatload of nicknames he'd use with Fundy when tickling him just to make it worse. "Honey Whiskers", "Wags", "Squeaky Snoot", "My Wittle, Giggly Champion", ect
Raspberries are both hell for him, and a way to slightly get back at his ler. While they make him just about scream and thrash like a madman, the ler is also getting Fundy's fluffy fur to brush over their face and ears, making them laugh too. Fundy will try to tease the ler about it but he's usually laughing too hard to really get the words out
Right that's it for now lol, hope that they were okay ^^
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demonsandco · 2 years
Can we get some extra thoughts on barbs demon form? Could he live underwater? Can he walm around on land? What does he,,, feel like? Basically just any extra hcs or biology for hims eel form pls
Barb probably has the weirdest demon form out of all of them and I love him for it hhhh. Art of his demon form is over here for reference!
• Barbatos’ demon form is mostly amphibian in nature, so while he enjoys swimming when he has the time for it, he can’t actually breathe underwater. He can hold his breath for an impressive amount of time while swimming, but he’d need to resurface to get some air eventually.
• Despite his long body and proportionally tiny legs, Barb is surprisingly agile when walking. He is a busy demon with a lot of work to do, after all! His half scuttling/half slithering movements might look silly from a human’s point of view, but he really doesn’t have too much trouble moving around on land, despite his unique anatomy.
(cont under the cut)
• Barb’s skin is fairly smooth and soft, only broken up every once in a while by small patches of tough scales. His whole body feels wet and almost slimy, yet he never seems to leave a mark on anything he touches. The slimy coating protects his skin from heat and low humidity, keeping him healthy and hydrated. If he ever feels dry to the touch, it probably means he’s not feeling very well.
• Barb’s horns are incredibly unique, being more useful as sensory organs rather than weapons. They function almost like whiskers, moving around freely and being incredibly sensitive to the slightest touch. This means that unlike most demons who can’t feel their horns at all, he really enjoys having his gently petted.
• While Barb always keeps the end of his tail split into two, that’s not the only limb he can split. It’s not at all uncommon to see him carrying out his daily tasks with a few extra arms helping out. The more extra limbs he grows, the weaker they are and the less fine motor control he has over them, but for a demon as powerful as him, an extra set or two of arms is easy to handle. (this also means he has so so many toe beans available for squishing at any given moment)
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pleasantanathema · 3 years
Santa Daddy | Jean Kirstein x Reader
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Pairing: Jean Kirstein x Reader
Rating: Explicit 
Warnings: Daddy kink, dirty talk, thigh riding, mutual pining, friends to lovers (or, rather, idiots to lovers), lots of holiday fluff
Word Count: 6k
A/N: This is my Secret Santa gift to @whats-her-quirk​ 🎄💕 June, thank you so much for being a wonderful friend; I was truly lucky and privileged to get you as my Elf for Secret Santa! I hope this fluffy (and dirty) little fic with our best boi Jean brings you some holiday cheer! 
           There were only a few things in the world that made you happier than watching Jean Kirstein smile. Like most of your friends, you’d met him through work, but there was always something so special, almost magical, about seeing his darling smile and hearing his boisterous laugh. And you rarely passed up on a chance to see delight spread across his handsome face, which is why you couldn’t say no when he asked you to join him on a get-a-away with your friends for the holidays.
           The inquiry came after you mentioned how you wouldn’t be able to make it home for the holidays due to a winter storm blowing in. It would be the second season in a row that the weather kept you from visiting home.
           You could still hear his voice in your head, “alone? For Christmas?”
      ��    He’d then insisted you join him and his friends at Sasha’s family cabin. It was tradition for them, a gathering of misfits finding communion together out in the wilderness for a few days before the new year. You had taken trips with your friends before to amusement parks, festivals, even to the beach at Armin’s request, but something about being invited to an intimate setting to celebrate holiday traditions had you anxious.
           So, there you were, swaddled in blankets, listening to Eren bicker with Mikasa while Sasha and Connie bustled in the kitchen to make eggnog and treats. Armin had declined to join, citing that he’d seen too many horror movies about young adults alone in cabins to feel comfortable making the trip.
           And, true to form, Jean was running late. He was always late, his mind constantly moving a mile a minute unless he consigned himself to much needed rest and relaxation. Though, this time, you felt a little lonely while waiting for him on the couch, like there was a small part of you missing as you watched the snow fall outside.
           “So, none of you guys go home for the holidays?” You looked over toward the modest, plastic tree that Sasha had thrown down from her attic to bring a little holiday cheer to the living room, a few poorly wrapped presents and bags nestled under the branches.
           “Well,” Eren cleared his throat, “we are orphans.” He pulled at Mikasa’s scarf for emphasis.
           “Oh fuck, yeah, sorry, I didn’t mean to—”
           “Don’t worry about, he just always brings it up to get sympathy gifts.” Mikasa sighed, jerking the red cloth from his hands and scowling. Eren only laughed, brushing a stray hair from his face that had come loose from the bun at his nape.
           You sunk a little deeper into the cushions, eyes glancing out the window in hopes you’d see headlights flash in the driveway.
           “Do you think Jean’s okay? He should’ve been here a while ago and the storm is getting closer.”
           “Jean, Jean, Jean,” Sasha trotted into the room, balancing a mountain of sweet-smelling cookies on a plate, “you’re always worried about him.”
           “Someone should be, guy’s an idiot.” Eren chimed in, green eyes shining from the low flames rolling in the fireplace. He and Mikasa were sitting in the floor, a game of checkers spread out before them, with more stolen pieces resting near the cunning Ackerman’s side of the board.
           Eren wasn’t wrong, but over the years you’d known your group of friends, you’d noticed just how much the man in question had grown. In his early twenties, Jean had been quite the bumbling fool, having literally met you by bumping into your shoulder while leaving work, only to look at you and mumble “god you’re beautiful,” before issuing a quick apology as he rubbed at his neck sheepishly. You’d never mentioned the moment again, though your stomach still churned with a slight thrill every time you thought about it.
           But over the years he’d managed to turn that puerility into something much more charming. He was more refined, almost infuriatingly suave, easily gaining attention from anyone and everyone. And though you sometimes hated to admit it, he’d captured your thoughts as well.
           You kept your budding crush on Jean Kirstein close to your chest, not admitting it to any of your close friends. You always figured he was out of your league, seeing that he had a new, more beautiful girlfriend just about every other month. But, despite your simmering feelings, you still allowed yourself to get closer and closer to him over the years—some might say he’s your best friend, but you might call him your most treasured vexation.
           Another hour or so went by, your time spent nibbling at cookies and reminiscing with everyone about another year passed.
           Then the door finally opened, cold air gusting into the small living room as Jean stomped his damp boots on the entry mat.
           “Have you guys opened presents yet?”
           You glanced over the back of the couch, heart tugging in your chest as you noticed snow dusted in his long hair and a sizeable red and white polka dot package in his hands.
           “No because Christmas is tomorrow, or did you forget that too?” Connie said it with crumbs in his mouth, feet kicked up on the coffee table.
           Jean laughed, running a hand through his hair before wrapping the gift in his arms like it was something valuable.
           “I know, I know, and sorry I’m late, had something important to go get.” He smiled, bright and cheery, hazel eyes bouncing between his friends and the carefully guarded box, “I ask because…uh, this needs to be opened kind of soon.”
           “Is it perishable?” Sasha perked up, already ready to go make room in the fridge if something delectable was waiting as a gift.
           “I mean…you could say that? It may or may not be alive.” He was laughing, that kind of infectious laughter that had everyone in the room grinning whether they wanted to or not.
           Jean didn’t set the present down to even take off his shoes, instead tracking snow in with him and plopping onto the couch with flurries still on shoulders. He nudged your knee with his, pushing the present toward you. You pressed your lips together, hands getting sweaty as you pieced the puzzle together.
           “Is that…?”
           “Yeah,” his grin was pulling at his cheeks, eyes so sincere and happy and it almost startled you, “it’s for you.”
           The top of the box moved, the green bow popping on top of the polka dots.
           You moved the gift into your lap, pulling off the top to find perky ears and green eyes peering up at you—a kitten, grey and striped, with long, white whiskers and a pink bow around its neck greeted you with muted curiosity. You just stared at it for a moment, and it stared back, like you were both wondering just how it got into your lap.
           “I just,” Jean was getting nervous, carding his fingers through his hair again as he waited for your reaction, “I wanted to make sure you’d never spend another holiday alone, you know?”
           You carefully picked up the little cat, watching how it stretched and yawned as you pulled it from the carefully lain blanket inside its temporary home.
           You smiled, pulling the warm little bundle to your chest.
           “Um, Jean, this cat has six toes on her paws,” you said, pressing your thumb gently against one of the extra appendages in question.
           “Six toes?!” Sasha was jumping up from her seat, bounding over to kneel in front of you and pluck one of the kitten’s paws into her fingers. The cat quickly pulled its paw back, little black toe beans curling to its chest.
           “Yeah, it’s what drew me to her. She’s extra special…” you could’ve sworn you heard him mutter something under his breath, a little musing of “just like you,” but any hushed murmur was overshadowed by the ohs and ahs of your friends gathering around to look at the adorable little creature.
           The kitten had been lulled to sleep by the car ride from the shelter to the cabin, content to just curl up in your arms as inquisitive fingers prodded at her little kitten mittens and the silky, white tufts in her ears. Even Mikasa was enraptured by the tiny animal, taking the time to retie the little pink ribbon around her neck to make a bigger, prettier bow.
           You noticed how your friends were whispering, cheeky grins pressed against eager ears as they looked between you, the precious kitten, and Jean on the couch. You were starting to feel like you were missing something, or maybe that you were at the end of a joke you hadn’t caught on to yet.
           “Thank you,” you whispered to Jean after the fuss died down, everyone returning to their seats and back to their previous fixations.
          You’d mentioned perhaps wanting a cat a few weeks ago; it was just a silly, off-hand comment you made over coffee about how you’d once read that people with cats live longer because they pick up on the nine-lives of their feline partner. You didn’t believe it to be true, but you’d mused about the idea of having a cute kitten of your own to snuggle up with on lonely nights.
           “I know it’s sudden and a lot of responsibility, so if you don’t want her—”
           “No,” you cut Jean off, bundling the kitten a little closer in your arms, your heart singing as you felt her start to purr, “no, I want her, she’s perfect.”
           Jean finally started to get settled himself, standing up and shrugging off his jacket. He was in a tight turtleneck, coal black threads stretched to their limit across his broad chest and shoulders, hugging his trim waist. You were careful not to stare for too long as he stretched his arms above his head to shake off the weariness of his drive through the snow.
           He always looked like he stepped out of a fashion catalogue, fresh and so put together that sometimes you were tempted to snap his photo when he wasn’t looking; he just looked that good all the time. He loved to wear designer clothes and keep up with the latest menswear trends, and tonight was no different, that beautiful black turtleneck (that was covered in grey fur) undoubtedly belonging to a designer whose name you probably couldn’t pronounce.
           “What are you gonna name her?”
           He sat a little closer this time on the couch, a brawny arm outstretched behind you as he leaned over to scratch at the kitten’s chin.
           “I don’t know,” you admitted, gazing down at the serene, sleepy face in your arms, “I’ll have to get to know her first.”
           “Well, I’ve been calling her Frankie.”
           “Frankie?” You smiled through your confusion, the name sounding oddly right.
           “She was pretty wild in the car and kept meowing when Frank Sinatra was on the radio.”
           “I see,” you laid the kitten down into your lap, sweeping your fingers through her fur and watching as she curled up into a tighter little circle, “well, I’ll consider it.”
           You felt warm, heavy fingers brush against the back of your neck, Jean absentmindedly painting figure eights into your prickling skin. Heat flushed to your face as you realized just how close your bodies had become—his thigh was pressed against your own, dark jeans tight and hot, the scruff of his cheeks brushing against your own as he toyed with the sleeping cat’s tail.
           There were voices all around you, the muffled sounds of your friends relaxing together falling almost on deaf ears. Your whole world felt like it just revolved around this couch, like nothing else mattered beyond the simple touches to your skin and the drowsy kitten beneath your hands. He never wanted you to spend another holiday alone, you replayed his words, the sweet sentiment finally settling into your spirit.
           You could tell everyone was starting to get a bit sleepy, a few hours spent drinking spiked eggnog and chasing the new kitten around with a feather toy having left you especially exhausted. Your head was a little swimmy as you bid everyone goodnight, the grey tabby cat following closely on your heels to your bedroom where Jean had already brought in a litter box and a bed for her to sleep in. Jean, underneath all the designer bravado and smiles, was perhaps the most thoughtful person you knew.
           But despite the heaviness in your head, you couldn’t seem to sleep. You tossed and turned in the bed, occasionally picking up your phone to scroll through it or just watch the time tick by. You had a lot of thoughts mulling around in your mind, most of them revolving around the man sleeping just right across the hall.
           Never in a million years did you expect Jean to walk in with a beautiful, perfect kitten as a gift. The little thing was back to sleeping again, this time curled around one of your feet, each exhale a little purr against your toes.
           You’d carried the weight of this crush around for too many years. You rubbed your palms against your eyes, sighing as you came to terms with your feelings for Jean for what felt like the thousandth time. Your pining was starting to take its toll, too, what with the sleeping giant so close yet so far away.
           And you still felt like you were missing something.
           Throughout the night, your friends had seemingly been playing coy, teasing Jean about getting you such a big, sentimental gift. Maybe they had all caught wind of your suppressed feelings and were poking at Jean for even daring to indulge you. Now you were just getting frustrated with your thoughts, sighing as you tried to squeeze your eyes shut and force yourself to sleep.
           But then you heard a little sound, the soft buzz of your phone against the wood of the night stand.
           Jean: You awake?
           Your heart skipped a little in your chest as you saw his name flash upon your screen. You texted him nearly every day, yet he never failed to send a little jolt of adrenaline down your spine.
           You: Yeah. Can’t sleep.
           Jean: Me either. Cabin is too fucking cold.
           You: I have a kitty asleep on my feet, definitely helps beat the chill.
           Jean: A warm kitty sounds nice right now.
           Only a few seconds passed before the next message appeared.
           Jean: Wanna come keep me company?
           Your thumb hovered over the keyboard for a moment, your mind not even thinking about the words in front of you. Instead, you were picturing Jean in his bed, hair tussled with his own phone in his hand as he texted you, light spilling over his bare chest in the dark. You wondered what he was thinking—maybe he just wanted you to bring the cat over to see him for a bit, or maybe his mind was wandering in the same place yours was, which was picturing him naked beneath his sheets.
           You set the phone down, momentarily starting to panic.
           You hadn’t prepared for this, hadn’t prepared for the possibility that Jean might be asking you to come get in his fucking bed with him. Thank god you took a leisurely shower earlier—and you still smelled good, you checked.
           You stood up from the bed, watching the kitten stretch and quickly fall back asleep on top of the blankets. You bent down to slip on your pajama pants, but then found yourself debating if you should just leave the flimsy material behind.
           If this was what you were hoping it was, walking in without pants would send the “I got the hint, I’m here to fuck,” message loud and clear.
           But if this was just “hey pal come keep me company, I’m bored,” walking into his room in nothing but a shirt and panties could be quite awkward.
           You decided to hedge your bets, stuffing your pajama bottoms back into your bag as that lingering liquid courage from the eggnog set in. If worse came to worse, you could always say you forgot to pack them.
           You carefully closed the door behind you, making sure the cat didn’t follow.
           Then, it was literally just a few steps to Jean’s room. Conveniently, his door was cracked. Did he get up and leave it open for you? Did he always sleep with his door cracked? Or had he planned all along to ask you to come over?
           You shook your head, taking a deep breath. Those inessential thoughts needed to be quieted.
           The door creaked as you slid past it, the old hinges signaling your arrival and making Jean’s attention whip towards you. His phone was still in his hand, like was watching your messages and too-eagerly anticipating your reply.
           “Hey,” you whispered into the darkness, wincing as the door kept groaning as you pushed it shut behind you. You leaned against it for a moment, too nervous to just waltz up to his bed and fall in. You chewed at the inside of your cheek as you waited for him to break the silence.
           “Aren’t you cold?” He whispered back, shifting in the bed.
           His figure was illuminated by the pale, grey light from window, the snow clouds still keeping the moon suppressed in the sky. Like you’d imagined, he was shirtless, all those hard-earned muscles on display from where he was propped up on his elbows, sheets low against his waist.
           “I thought you were cold, Mr. No Shirt.”
           “You’re not wearing pants.”
           “I’m not wearing pants,” you parroted back.
           You watched the smile spread across his face, that darling, infuriatingly pretty smile that made you a little too happy in this moment.
           He pulled his sheets back in invitation, revealing that he, too, was not wearing pants, only clad in blue boxer briefs that were sinfully tight around his upper thighs, etchings of Calvin Klein pressed against his lower stomach.
           His hands were on you before you even settled onto the mattress, warm and greedy and pulling you flush against his body. All those worried thoughts you had before vanished under his touch, the message you had been missing suddenly loud and clear: you weren’t the only one hiding your feelings. All those veiled emotions came alive beneath wandering hands, your fingers digging into the meat of his shoulders as his found the flesh of your thighs.
           “Was this what you were thinking about when you invited me here?”
           You breathed in the smell of his warm skin as you settled against him, notes of his cologne still lingering against his body.
           “This is what I think about all the time,” he confessed, nudging his thigh between your legs.
           You couldn’t stop the moan that fell from your mouth as the muscles of his thigh pressed against your aching core.
           “Me too,” you were pulling his face down to yours, thumbs against his cheeks as you pressed your lips to his.
           A satisfied sound rang from both of your throats, lips melding and slanting against one another hungrily.
           “Why didn’t you say anything?” His words were lost within the kiss, being swallowed down as you kept drinking him in.
           “Why didn’t you say anything?” You echoed back, gasping as his hands slid underneath your shirt and began to wander across your belly, reaching up toward your ribcage.
           You both knew the answer to that: you were idiots, too scared to admit feelings even though they were clearly on display for everyone around you. But now the question didn’t matter, all the answers you wanted about to be shared between your anxious bodies with starved kisses and touches.
           You shamelessly pressed yourself a little harder against his thigh, sighing as your pussy found relief against his leg. He groaned at your action, moving his thigh back and forth a little bit to see how you would react. When you whimpered, your own thighs squeezing around his, he smirked, repeating the motion of sweeping his thick, sturdy thigh back and forth between your legs.
           “You like that?” His head was tilting down, teeth nipping at your jaw and down your neck as your head fell back against the pillow.
           “Y-yes, feels so good.”
           His hands were still traveling, wandering across your heated skin like he wanted to map your curves into his memory. He groaned against your throat when he discovered you’d also forgotten to wear anything under your t-shirt, his thumbs lazily brushing the undersides of your breasts.
           You felt like you were burning beneath his sheets, like he was painting fire against your skin with every touch. His large hands engulfed your breasts, carefully kneading and rolling your soft flesh in his palms. He was eager to kiss you again, to slip his tongue past your parted lips and get addicted to your taste.
           Jean pinched and pulled at your hardening nipples, greedily taking your little mewls into his mouth. He touched you like he already knew you, pulling at your body like you were the perfect little sex doll on strings for him to play with; rocking you on his thigh, tugging at your nipples, tongue dancing in your mouth, his hair tickling your cheeks, his cock hard and hot against his stomach.
           Your panties were getting more and more wet by the second, the soaked material sinking into your folds as you rubbed yourself against the downy hairs and rounded, solid muscle of his upper thigh. His boxer briefs were bunching closer to his hips, pre-cum already staining against the fabric where his cock was imprinted into the threads. You slipped your hand down his impressive chest, fingers dipping into the elastic of his briefs.
           “Oh fuck,” he groaned against your lips, pulling back to suck in a breath as your fingertips brushed against the head of his cock, “fuck you’re so hot riding my thigh like that, so fucking wet.”
           “You did say you wanted a warm kitty.”
           Your words had him pinching harder at your nipples, making you gasp as he chuckled.
           “Mhm I can’t wait to play with your kitty, make you mine,” he punctuated his sentence by bouncing his leg up, sending electric pulses of pleasure racing over your nerves.
           You responded by pulling his cock from its confines, wrapping your fingers around it and tugging at the silken skin. God he was thick, barely fitting in your palm as you moved your wrist up and down. You suddenly felt so small against him, realizing that he was dwarfing you just by lying next to you in the bed. His long, thick fingers could spread across the entirety of your chest, the thigh sliding against your pussy was enormous, but it felt like it belonged there; you could get used to riding him like this.
          You both fell into a frenzied, delirious rhythm, your bodies bucking and panting as you found bliss against each other.
          His hands slid down your body, leaving your tender breasts and searching for a new home. He found your hips, fingers digging into your skin as he rocked you back and forth against his thigh himself, using the strength in his forearms to have your pussy pressed down against him in the most perfect way to have you seeing stars and whining his name.
          “Gonna cum, baby? Gonna cum just from riding me?”
          “Fuck, yeah, yes, please, make me cum like this.”
          Your hand had gone slack against his cock, your mind almost unable to concentrate under the waves of pleasure building and coiling inside you.
          It felt too good to have his rapacious hands on your hips, grip mean and tight as he basically fucked you against his thigh. You wanted to scream, your other hand clawing at the back of his neck for stability.
          “Baby,” he breathed, peppering a few kisses along your cheek, “could…could you call me daddy when you cum?”
          There was a hesitancy in his voice, like he was ashamed to ask such a thing.
          Your lower belly clenched, heat racing across all your nerve endings like he’d just poured sin straight out of his mouth.
          You nodded your head for him, uncontrollable moans and gasps getting in the way of your own words. The thought of calling him daddy, that sent something wicked down to your pussy, had your fingers squeezing and tugging at his cock again and your eyes falling shut.
          It felt like your sanity was breaking, like reality was splintering and this wasn’t real—you were dreaming again, weren’t you? But then you felt his cock twitch in your hand, felt your swollen clit brush against your panties and his thigh, and you were thrusted back into the actuality of your situation. You were with Jean, he was groaning in your ear, and you were about to cum all over him.
          “D—da…,” you were choking, so overwhelmed with a final cresting of bliss that you almost felt like sobbing.
          But he just clutched you more tightly, pressed you harder against him, whispering your name in encouragement to let yourself go for him.
          Then, you lost all of your sensibilities, euphoria washing over your body as you snapped and came undone with a little whine of, “daddy,” against his lips. You slowed the rocking of your hips, your heart beating out of your chest, your pussy pulsing and clenching as you rode out the last remnants of your orgasm.
          “Holy fucking shit that’s so hot, you’re so hot,” he mumbled, one of his hands smoothing against your cheek.
          “Wha—,” you smiled, shaking your head as you caught your breath, “what are you doing with a daddy kink, Jean?”
          He mimicked your smile, hands moving to slide your ruined panties down your legs and removed the rest of your clothing as he repositioned your bodies. You let him move you around like a ragdoll, so delirious in your afterglow that you barely even registered how he was hooking your legs onto his shoulders.
          “Do you not like calling me daddy?” There was a seriousness laced into his tone that told you he’d drop it if it made you uncomfortable.
          “I like it,” you fisted one of your hands in his hair, bringing his lips to yours for a slow, messy kiss, “just didn’t expect it.”
          “I’m full of surprises, baby.”
          You felt the head of his cock nudge between your wet folds, his hands back on your hips where they belonged. Your head fell back against the pillow as he started to push inside of you, stretching your walls and making your toes go almost numb from the pleasure. You felt like you were splitting apart, like a fissure was forming down the middle of your body, stemming from where he was spearing into you.
          With your legs on his broad shoulders, he was pushing you into the mattress, his hands urging your hips to relax and let him sink into your warm heat.
          “Ohhhh fuckkkk daddy,” you couldn’t help but to whine, all your senses suddenly overwhelmed again. You were drowning in him, falling deeper and deeper into the throes of heaven with every inch of his fat cock slipping inside of you.
          “God you’re so tight,” he presses his forehead to yours, keen eyes watching how your lips were falling apart and your eyebrows scrunching together in pleasure, “that’s right, daddy’s going to take such good care of you.”
          It felt like all your history with him was being wiped away, like this moment wasn’t about two friends fulfilling all their years of mutual pining, but instead about a new relationship blooming between two bodies full of lust and desire. This was about Jean fucking you senseless, about him taking control and finally having what’s belonged to him for longer than he probably even realized. You wanted to lose yourself to him, lose yourself to his appetite and just let him devour you.
          All the air left your lungs when bottomed out inside of you, your walls clenching and sucking him in. He stayed still for a moment, nearly lost himself at the feeling of your cunt wrapped so tightly around his cock.
          “So fucking perfect,” he groaned, dragging his cock out of you slowly before pressing in again, your cunt greedily sucking him back in.
          “I always have been,” you teased, one hand lost in his hair while the other slid down the expanse of his back. You bucked your hips in his hands, coaxing him to keep moving.
          “Oh fuck. Good girl.”
          His praise made you feel drunk, liquid heat rushing to your ears and between your legs.
          He began to snap his hips, repeatedly burying his cock into your depths, the angle of your body making him hit that fleshy patch inside of you. You cried out at the feeling of being so stuffed, your walls burning from the intrusion but that coil inside your belly tightening again, hotter and more intense than before.
          “Mhmmm, such a good girl, I promise,” you pressed your lips to his in reassurance, letting your breathy moans fall into his mouth as he started to get a little rougher. His pace was steady, solid, a hard motion of his cock thrusting in and out of you, each push and pull full of purpose and passion. Every plunge was making your lower stomach spasm, making pleasure burst across your body so forcefully that you felt that urge to cry again.
          “Wanted to fuck you for so long,” his face was tucked underneath your chin, mouth trailing across your throat between his words. A particularly hard suck against your neck had your back arching, breasts flattening against his chest and your nails clinging to him.
          Jean sat back on his knees, big hands smoothing down your thighs as he looked to where your bodies were conjoined, watching how your pussy enveloped his cock with every thrust of his hips, sweet skin encasing all of his length. He looked enraptured by the sight, groaning and hissing every time he pressed inside of you.
          Then his eyes were flashing up to your face, softening as he took note of your blissed-out state, your face flushed and your lip between your teeth.
          “So pretty,” he mused, a palm ghosting up to your chest to toy with one of your tits as he found a new rhythm.
          You were ensnared by the scene before you as well, eyes wide with delight as you admired the man before you. Jean felt unhinged, electric between your legs, like he’d finally let go and was pouring all his clandestine secrets into your willing body. His chestnut hair was swept over his shoulders, the muscles in his arms and across his body rolling, rounded and thick like he was marble come to life. And his face was smooth, pretty, concentrated, cheeks dusky with a dark blush as he found euphoria from within your body.
          Your hips began to match his thrusts, bucking up into him in order to feel his thick cock fall deeper into you. His strong hands encouraged you, gripping into the supple flesh of your thighs as he pressed himself into your wetness, faster and faster with every thrust.
          “Daddy,” you called out to him, having to bite back a grin as you observed how quickly you earned his attention, “you feel s-so good,” your hand was traveling down your chest, trailing over his fingers on your breast before snaking down to your clit, “p-please let me cum again.”
          You had an inkling that he would take over for you.
          His thick, long fingers hovered over your own, carefully aiding in swirling over your aching clit. You hissed, recognizing the buildup to orgasm pooling within your belly.
          Jean’s other hand slid higher upon your body, fingers lacing around your ribcage, framing the underside of your breast. He began to forcefully pull your body into his, sliding you upon and down the sheets and upon his cock. You cried out, legs tightening at his waist, pulling him closer, deeper, begging him to devour you and take what he wanted. His thumb was almost impatient on your clit, now circling so quickly that your body was shaking, lower stomach clenching and unclenching repeatedly like you were lost in a reckless tide.
          “Shit, I’m not gonna last with you squeezing me like that, baby.”
          Your mouth watered at the thought of him finding that ultimate pleasure inside of you. Your ears became tuned to the chorus of resonances between your legs, the sweet, wet sounds of skin against skin, of slick at the base of a fat cock, of Jean grunting your name like a lost prayer.
          The final chord of your sanity was threatening to snap, you could feel it again, like he was pulling the strings of your body too tightly and you were going to splinter and break with just the right swipe of his thumb.
          “I-inside,” you mewled, unable to keep your eyes open any longer as your thighs began to quake, “daddy—oh fuck, fuck—cum inside me, please,”
          God you were so fucking close to falling off the edge, and he could feel it, using his grip to bring you even harder and faster down onto your cock to get you careening and falling again.
          Your push into oblivion came when you heard him pleading, almost whining, above you, sweat dripping down his skin as his syllables flowed together, “please, please, please, fuck, cum for daddy, cum for me, please.”
          You could both feel it, how you creamed around his cock, pussy sucking him in so deliciously tight that it caused him to lose all control. His fingers dug a little too deep, his cock throbbing and pumping deep inside of you with his release. It was like the world went quiet, like a blanket of snow fell onto your bodies and hushed your sounds and cooled your skin. You could feel the heavy weight of him inside of you, like he was meant to be there. Your body relaxed, feeling like you were sinking into the mattress and he was the only thing keeping you from being lost.
          When he finally pulled his spent cock from inside you, he wasn’t gone long. His hands were back on you again, pulling you in for simple, affectionate kisses and rubbing tenderly at the places he’d perhaps explored too roughly.
          “Jean…” you cut yourself off with a yawn, fatigued limbs winding into his own.
          His thigh found its home between your legs again, both of you groaning with a mixture of lust and disgust as you felt his cum drip into a mess between your thighs.
          “Whatever it is can wait until morning, we need to sleep.”
          “Oh fuck, it’s Christmas.”
          He nuzzled your cheek, lips searching for yours.
          “Mhmm, Merry Christmas, baby.”
          You laughed, laying your head against his chest.
          You weren’t sure how long you slept, but it felt like you spent a small eternity in Jean’s bed before your eyes opened again. When you awoke, he was already awake, sitting on the edge of the bed with the kitten in his arms. She was ready to play, striped tail swishing as he dangled a toy mouse just out of her reach.
          “What time is it?” You stretched, suddenly all too aware that you were still very naked beneath the sheets.
          “It’s only eight, everyone else is still asleep aside from Mikasa who actually went for a run in the fucking snow.”
          Jean smiled, hair tucked behind his ears, and you felt your heart skip a beat as you realized just how madly in love with him you were. You always aimed to make him smile, to hear him laugh, but to see him gazing at you in the morning sun with pure adoration shining in his hazel eyes had you practically melting into the bed.
          “I meant what I said last night, you know,” he said, turning the kitten loose to run across the bed.
          “You said a lot of things last night, daddy,” you teased, watching his cheeks turn a pretty pink at the mention of that name.
          “I meant about you never spending another holiday alone. Because, you know, I’d like to…” he trailed off, rubbing at the back of his neck like he was genuinely nervous.
          You sat up, running a hand down his arm before kissing at his shoulder, momentarily getting lost in the smell and feel of him.
          “Yeah, I’d like that.”
          No one was surprised that the two of you, and the kitten, spent every single holiday together thereafter, mostly naked, and always smiling.
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imanonymousfanfic · 3 years
How do you think the strawhat would be with a crewmate who has a cat (or like three) ?
I am so sorry this took so long to answer. I've had university deadlines.
This is my personal take on the characters. I hope you enjoy reading it as much as I had fun writing this. Thank you anon ❤️
Luffy would LOVE to have cats aboard!! Luffy would be giggling childishly after hearing the new crew mate has cats, unless that’s why he asked for them to join in the first place (no surprise there). Since it’s Luffy, and he’s oblivious as hell, he’ll probably do a couple things that would get them feisty, earning him a good cat fight. He’d end up looking like he does after Nami has a go at him. Luffy’s love will go on endlessly, as they’re not part of the StrawHat family. Before the cats can explore the ship, the idea of teaching the fur balls some “cool tricks” will come up, maybe even plotting to sneak some meat behind Sanji’s back. Maybe it’ll work, maybe it won’t... probably not, knowing Luffy. He’s good company for them, a good partner to play with if he has a feather stick. You will find them resting on his belly as they both nap in the sun on Sunny's head. And without a doubt, ass will be kicked if a single whisker on their faces is touched out of malice.
For a brief second, Zoro will question the cats safety: traveling on water, but at the end of the day it’s not his problem… kinda. Despite his stiff “cool guy” exterior, the swords man would definitely jump in after any of the cuties that have gone over board. He will angrily mutter about their reckless climbing and playfulness as he rushes them out of the water. I mean he does the same for Luffy, so what’s new? He’d give them some small here and there, nothing too special. Their compatibility will really shine when they crawl all over the man during his meditation, they will have fun tapping at his gold earrings, and as much as he would like his silence, the cats company will make him smile. There’s no doubt about it, Zoro loves them, he just expresses his affection to his crew own way. They’re part of the family and their silly antics will make his night shifts a lot more entertaining.
Sanji will ban any cats from the kitchen right away, which is entirely understandable. Cats shed like crazy and don’t think about where their paws have been. They would knock over things carelessly, even on purpose at times when they want attention. That will irk Sanji. Should it ever happen, though, he’d take the opportunity to show off his cool moves in front of Robin and Nami. His envy would melt the man, seeing them curled up in the ladies laps too, but that’s just Sanji being himself. Since are respectable for the most part, and for this reason Sanji wouldn’t treat them any less than he would the rest of the crew. He’ll work hard on their meals, spoiling their little toe beans off.
Chopper will be the CUTEST with cats, he will be befriend them on an emotional level much faster than the others as he’s one himself. He’s in tune with them, and since he’s a doctor, he will be eager to pick up on veterinary studies to care for them. You will find him often studying their anatomy, even physically studying the little fur balls himself. He’d play with them lots, mostly with him originally chasing them, but knowing Chopper, they will turn that around. You’ll catch Chopper reading books with the cats crawling over him and covering his desk. An adorable sight to see.
Franky is definitely more a dog person, but he won’t reject the adorable purring of a cat. He’ll walk around with one or two of them perched on his shoulders, the height and the stability of Franky is a fun place to hang out. They see lots, and he’s a fun person. When not busy, Franky will take a moment to give out some pets, maybe even making some kissy noises at them. He’ll incorporate some kind of play pen or netted area so they can play safely. You’ll definitely catch him blubbering emotionally about them at some point. It’s Franky, after all, he’s a ginormous softie. When maintaining the ship, he’ll keep the cats locked away for their safety, all the heavy materials and tools could be dangerous, and the last thing he wants is them hurt while they get a little too curious. Let’s hope whenever they crawl over him, none of their claws have a scratch at his banana hammock.
100% Robin is a cat mom, calling it immediately. She’s elegant and has that cheekiness that cats posses too. She likes to soak up some sun, explore her surroundings to understand them better, and is intelligent with a talent in sneaking around. Robin confirmed to be a human-cat? All jokes aside, Robin’s companionship with the cats is calm, just like how many of them like it. They’d be spoiled with lap cuddles, and her devil fruit will make sure none of them are left feeling jealous. Her and Chopper will be often spotted hanging together, or helping the vet check ups.
For some reason, I have a hunch Brook is scared of cats and his hair would pop off seeing them. He’d jump behind one of the crew members, his bones rattling loudly as you hear his cheerful voice pronounce his fear. Luckily for him they’re not dogs, his femur would be gone in seconds if they were. He’d be nervous around the little things at first but with time he will open up to them. Seeing how the crew plays and cuddles with them will make him step out of his comfort zone, and next thing you know, they’re huddled around him as he plays the violin. Music, after all, is calming for cats. He will have his own furry fans to give him all of the love, which will warm his heart (if he had one).
Nami will think they’re super cute, but wouldn’t be quite as enthusiastic as some of the other crew members. That’s just Nami though. She’d definitely be cracking some skulls if you hurt any of them, and she’s a very protective cat mom. She might not be the super cuddly type, but she doesn’t care about them any less than the rest of the crew. She’d save a little bit of money on the side for some nicely made collars, which will be a BIG deal coming from her. They’d be gold plated, or something nice along the lines which is definitely her way of showing affection. No matter how cute they are, however, they won’t be caught in her cartography space - their paws are chaotic and Nami needs her maps to be pristine. As cute as inky paw prints are, she rather not have them.
Usopp will talk to the cats a lot, befriending them like they’re any other person. Even though they can’t understand him or his exaggerated stories, they’re entertained by him no matter what. He’s enrapturing, able to hold their gaze as they get lost in his enthusiastic tone. They sure feel playful around him too, his goofy behaviour is exactly what they need, but they might end up chasing him across the ship with how much a coward he can be at times. With his ingenious building skills, he’d take the time to make them some cool toys, a crazy laser, a feather toy, who knows what Usopp has up his sleeve. Oh, the ideas are endless and Usopp’s designs will be spoiling their tails off. If only Sniper King is able to see how adorable they are… *wink-wink, nudge-nudge*
As I’m not fully caught up and his character to me is still quite hard to write about, I will try to capture Jinbe to my best understanding of him.
I imagine him to find great companionship with cats, understanding their free will, but sense of loyalty they have. Unlike dogs, who are loyal to nearly anyone, a cats sense of loyalty is out of a devoted love they choose to share. Jinbe holds a similar integrity with the relationships he choose to be a part of. Naturally their natures of being are opposites, as he’s a fish man, strongest when in water, while cats run from it. They share a wholesome companionship. If it isn’t Zoro first in the water to save them, Jinbe will be the next to be a kitty rescuer.
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rodeoxqueen · 4 years
The Sparda Boys Taking Care Of Stray Animals Headcanons-(AO3 Request by @Zehnmou)
Zehnmou requested: Why is this so cute...urgh, my heart just exploded. 😭. I have always love Dante being a goofy dad
Anyway, pardon me, but might I ask for a request here? I don't have any Tumblr account though,
What about Sparda boys taking care of stray pets in their own ways? (oh any kinda is fine to me though, cats, dogs, birds,....they're all good to go)? Like fluffy stuff. Thank you so much.
I love this idea. Pull my fluff trigger, if you will. I did not write Nero, though I will add his segment later.  I’m too burnt out from school to do more but I still wanted you to have something to read as soon as possible. This was all my exhausted cowboy brain could scrounge up to write. 
Thank you for requesting darling,
Our favorite ice king tries not to make it obvious but he is a cat person.
He is a staunch believer that owning a pet is extra work and pointless. Besides, you own another creature and that’s freaky. 
But as soon as he sees them toe beans and twitching whiskers, he’s not that loud about his aforementioned opinion. 
He won’t exactly house them, but Dante sometimes catches him leaving cans of tuna around the alleys. He refuses to admit it’s him. 
It’s even harder to hide he’s the local cat dad when he walks down the street and there’s a gaggle of cats following him, tails swishing the air with affection. 
His pants at the ankle area are covered in cat hair. He can’t walk out the street without a pack of all sorts of cats rubbing themselves on his legs. 
Sometimes there will be some sickly kitten that’s left on the street. Vergil can be found in his plastic white chair, bottle-feeding the poor thing. It grows healthy and cute and he lets the kitty, who he named William, sit on his shoulders while he reads. 
After he lets in that cat, about twenty more show up. Dante had to beg Vergil to be sensible, a rare sight to behold, when there are cats everywhere in his shop. 
Vergil= Crazy Cat DILF. 
Unlike his complete form, he’s quite into the idea of animal companionship even if Griffon is annoying as hell sometimes. 
He loves feeding birds. When he’s reading with Shadow’s head on his lap and Griffon is preening, he’s throwing bits of cracker and biscuit onto the ground for pigeons. Sometimes Shadow tries to eat one or Griffon strikes lightning at them with a chortle. He is inconsolably pissed. 
One day at a local park,  he keeps hearing this wretched and pitiable noise. After some tracking around, he finds a raven with a broken wing. They’re hopping around pathetically and incapable of flight. 
When they see him approaching, they freak and screech at him and try to flee. 
“Have no fear, little bird. I mean you no harm.” He stoops down, hands gentle and slow to approach them. 
For some reason, the corvid trusts him, beak stroked by his careful fingers. He cups the bird and takes them home. 
He manages to fix their wing with a splint. The bird hops following him. Shadow tries so hard to not eat the poor thing and Griffon is offended. 
“What?! Am I not cute enough for ya, V? You cheating on me with another birdie?!”
When they begin to heal and can fly again, V sadly lets them leave. He gives them a little push towards the window. 
“Go on now, little wanderer. You’re well and free once more.” They don’t move, intelligent eyes focused on him only. They hop back and caw at him, flying up to sit upon his shoulder. 
“If you wish.” V muses. He strokes the bird’s head. 
“If you are to stay, I must find you a name. How about Poe?” 
“Excellent choice.” 
V is not very original. But he has a pet raven and that makes him so much cooler than you.  
On account that he does live in the shadier parts of Redgrave, there’s a lot of strays. However, there’s also a lot of demons that like to eat the aforementioned strays. It’s a brutal little ecosystem. 
So imagine Dante’s surprise one night, when a hellhound runs into the alley near his shop. 
The hound is snarling with some sort of black goo in its mouth and its claws like scythes scraping the ground. Dante thinks it’s a dog that’s dumpster diving. 
“Same.” He walks away. It barks at him, looking for a fight.
“Look puppy. I fight Cerberus for fun, you are not going to win this.” The hound jumps him anyway, taking a good chunk off his leather coat. He throws the dog off and semi triggers, exposing his demonic skin. 
He assumed the hound would just run away. Instead, it rolls onto its back with its tail shaking. He can’t get it to leave and he eventually lets it inside. 
He has a dog now, he guesses. 
The hellhound is a lot different than a normal dog. Firstly, it’s from hell. 
It also is super strong and fast, and incredibly violent. It should not be treated as a pet.
Dante disregards that and plays fetch with it using an old can. It runs into traffic and comes back with half a stop sign. 
“Come here, boy!” The hound leaps onto him and sends him through a wall. Dante has to borrow Nico’s saw to clip its nails. Don’t even get him started on bathing the hound. It tore the faucet right out of the wall and sent a spray of water right at Dante. 
He never really finds a name for the hellhound. He just whistles and it’s there. 
He and the dog can enjoy a pizza together and he feeds it the olives when they show up on his slices. However, the hound is perfectly happy with some demon leftovers or roadkill. 
Its breath? Terrible. 
He tried to leash the dog and it bit a hole through his hand. No leashes. 
He cannot take the hound to the dog park. The last time he did the dumb hound tried to eat someone’s Pomeranian. 
The hound’s really useful during hunts when Dante brings it.  
Dante gets a side compartment for Cavalier so the hound can sit and let the open air hit its face. The hound can run just as fast as a car but it loves it. 
At the end of a hard day, the hellhound will jump up and down and chase its tail with joy when Dante comes back from work. 
He and the hound sleep on the same bed, the hound laying its stupid little head right on his chest. Both their snores make Vergil want to set the shop on fire. 
(For my Tumblr Lone Rangers Only)-Vergil walked in on Dante doing this to his hellhound and he simply walked out of the building: 
Tumblr media
Rodeo’s Two Pieces: 
This Cowboy Is Tired But Never Of Your Requests and Comments.
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gaylittleinnkeepers · 3 years
azzie watches naruto — ep 1
We Meet Mr Catboy
(some notes: i only started watching this bc of manta sir and lesbian wisdom. i myself am a lesbian in training and i need all the help i can get lmao. OK LETS GOO)
demon fox?? i think you mean evolution vulpix
omg whys dis baby got a fucking moana type shit on his tummy??
“i am naruto of motonui you will come on my boat and i will DUMP UR ASS IN THE OCEAN”
is that naruto?? the blonde boy?? he seems like a bitch
also catboy i mean LOOK AT DEM WHISKERS its some ash ketchum kinda stuff
the music sounds like some old pop thing lmao rick astley is that u
naruto is a mood
OMFG NARUTO WTF- THE SEXY JUTSU- (still has the whiskers)
naruto has funny baby boots
aha naruto is W E A K
is he an orphan-? edit: CALLED IT
this has such a different style to demon slayer i cannot
this is some villain origin story type shit ong
ohoho mizuki is in BIGG TROUBLES IS HE A BAD GUY??
“those are the eyes of a demon fox” honey his eyes are generic blonde white boy eyes whatre you tryna say
OMG this scene has a lesbian flag aesthetic UwU
how the hell does naruto run-?
i cant stop seeing the lesbian flag aesthetic help me
lord hokage is a lesbian confirmed by the lighting in his room
naruto ruN
*doesnt run* well ok boomer (even tho in this ep hes younger than me)
smh how is iruka still alive he was fucking impaled
naruto has a big head for a twelve yr old
theyre all so cute lmao if i wasnt 99% gay-
eHeEEhGheEhehE - naruto uzumaki
why isnt iruka dead- wasnt he fuckin stabbed-
i guess its ninja magic *shrug*
lmao there is SO MUCH but lmk if you like me being weird!! and also lmk if you wanna get tagged to see my idiotic reactions~ see yall soon for ep 2!! this is kinda cool!! also i have a crush on sakura >-<
edit: also i think @mantabanter wanted to see? so heh here i thought it was Very Cool
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liamloveslarry · 4 years
Baker! Harry & Primary School Teacher! Louis
so, a couple of weeks ago i made a little post about how i’d love for people to send me prompts/writing ideas and the lovely @louistsbravery sent me one based off her moodboard she so kindly made, here!
my brain kind of ran away with me and so i hope you like this, i tried to stick to the theme as best i could, enjoy! :)
Harry eyes the man from behind the counter. 
He watches him as his eyes scan the board above from where he’s standing, sleepy blue orbs blinking tiredly behind the square glasses perched upon his nose. 
His heart thumps something fierce when he notices the tufts of brown hair sticking out slightly from behind his ear, a noticeable trait he assumes from lack of sleep and too many early mornings.
It’s 6 o’clock in the morning and the sun is barely edging over cobbled streets and tall buildings, its shimmering waves casting a pale glow over puddles on the pavement and bouncing off lampposts. 
‘Babs Bakery’ is nestled between a small row of shops along the Northern Quarter. Its quaint, rustic exterior leads itself into a small tea room and peaceful eating area. Potted plants line the windowsill outside while the smell of fresh baked scones and coffee beans pulse and weave through the air, an atmosphere Harry’s prone to taking naps in.
He’s been here for about a year now, taking over from his Nana when she’d gotten too old to carry on the business, but he hadn’t changed a thing. It might be slightly old fashioned but it reminds him of his grandparents and how he used to sit at the table in the corner by the window with his colouring book and jumbo crayons, while being served hot vimto and iced fingers.
A small cough nudges Harry from his stupor and he blinks, realising he’s been staring. The man is smiling slightly, the last traces of sleep pull at his lips as he lifts his hand to cover his mouth while he lets out a yawn.
“Morning.” He says, his Northern twang is raspy and gentle, a higher pitched lilt whispering through words.
Harry wipes his clammy hands on his apron and steps forward, fingertips drumming along the counters edge. He can see the man’s wearing a light blue button up underneath a soft, grey jumper. Pale pink tie burrowed in between. A shoulder bag is situated over his left arm and there are textbooks, papers and pens bursting through the zip.
“Hey. G’morning.” He replies, fingers aching to touch him. “Find anything you like?”
The man squints one more time at the blackboard, eyes moving over loopy words and today’s specials.
“I think,” he says, dragging out the ‘I’. Harry finds it that endearing he has to grip the countertop and remind himself to keep breathing. “I think I’m gonna go for a latte and a cheese and ham toastie, please. Is that alright?” 
Harry nods and reaches for a paper cup. “Is that to go or stay in?” He asks.
“To go, please. Need to make sure I get to work before the little monsters. If I time it right, the caffeine rush lasts all day.” The man responds, smirking a little. “I swear I love my job, but sometimes they can be a handful.”
Harry nods and spins on the spot, turning the face the coffee machine and placing the cup underneath the metal nozzle. There’s a spurt and a groan before hot milk starts to pour into the cup.
“Am I right in assuming you’re talking about children, not animals, right?”
The man laughs and Harry blinks up towards the ceiling, whispering a quiet ‘fuck’ as his knees buckle. 
“Yep! Early years. I work at the Primary School just down the road. The only animal I have is Eden here, and she’s still asleep the lucky buggar.”
“Eden?” Harry asks, as he places the cheese and meat on top of the bread baked only this morning, crumbing bits of pepper on top and drizzling balsamic vinegar over the sharp cheddar. 
He places it into the small oven and turns the timer on.
“Yeah, heh. Sorry. She’s my pet rabbit and the kids go crazy when I bring her in. I hope you don’t mind me bringing her in here? She’s in her carrier so she can’t escape.” Louis looks sheepish, and he rubs the back of his neck while he flicks his eyes up to meet Harry’s; but the look is quickly dissolved when Harry dashes around the counter and asks if he can see her.
Louis nods and steps aside, giving view to the medium sized carrier sat next to his feet.
Harry crouches and sees through the bars, a small golden rabbit, tufts of white fur peeking through the strands. Her nose twitches in sleep and her soft whiskers brush Harry’s fingertips lightly where he’s resting against the metal bars. 
“Oh my, she’s so cute.” He whispers, not wanting to wake the sleeping animal. 
He peers up at the man from where he’s situated on the floor and realises he’s eye level with the fly of his work pants. He flushes and bends his knees, standing up. 
This only makes things worse as he’s now directly facing him, no counter in between their bodies. If Harry were to inch his fingers out, he’d feel just how soft his jumper is. He flexes his knuckles and reminds himself not to think about if his skin is as soft as his voice.
He coughs into his fist and steps back.
“Sorry – uh. I just love animals. And I don’t mind them in the shop,” he nods his head to where a small tank rests next to the till. “I have one of my own to keep me company, too.”
A plump goldfish swims happily from rock to rock, bobbing his tiny mouth as he scoops up the remaining pieces of fish food Harry had sprinkled in earlier.
Louis spins to face the tiny morsel, but only after his eyes drop down to where Harry’s biting his lip, a small bridge of pink scattered over his nose and cheeks.
“Nice.” He says, smiling at Harry once more. “What’s its name?” 
Harry walks back around the counter and scoops the cup from underneath the machine and presses the button on the timer, stopping the chirps that are signalling the food is ready. 
He places the items down in front of the man and bends to rest his elbows on the counter, reaching one finger out to follow the fish through the glass.
“Phillip.” He huffs, the sound sculpting into an embarrassed laugh. 
Louis looks at him with his eyebrows raised, a small grin quirking his lips.
Harry groans quietly and rolls his eyes.
“Please don’t ask – my niece named him and I couldn’t say no.”
Louis laughs and reaches a hand into his pants pocket, pulling out his wallet and sliding his card out of the slot. 
“Mate, you don’t need to explain anything to me.” He says. “I deal with 15 of them on a daily basis, why d’ya think I bought a bloody bunny?” 
He smirks as he places the card into the reader and enters his pin, and Harry stares at the way the sun is peeking its way in through the windows, causing the man’s hair to shine, highlighting his cheekbones and lightly freckled skin.
He stands there for another couple of seconds before the reader beeps and he pulls his card out. 
“Cool, well - I think that’s me.” The man says, slipping his wallet back into his pocket and gathering the items in his hands. “I guess I’ll see you around, uh?” he looks a little expectantly at Harry and smiles, a tiny quirk of his top lip.
“Louis,” he replies. “Well, I guess I’ll see you around then, Harry.” 
Harry manages a wave before the man is out the door, smiling at him through the window one last time before he disappears down the street.
It isn’t until Harry’s shutting up shop and wiping down the counters that he spots a small folded piece of paper, wedged in underneath the till.
He frowns and drops the cloth, peeling open the sharp edges until scrawled black writing looks back at him, reading:
“Nice Buns!” 
Harry stares at the letters and the scribbly, rushed image of two iced buns smiling and feels a flush work its way from the top of his head to the bottom of his toes.
The thing is, is that Harry doesn’t know who could’ve done this. 
The bakery’s been busy non-stop all day and plenty of customers have been in and out over the last eight or so hours, and so he’s confused as to who left him the note.
He pockets the piece of paper and picks up his cloth, continuing to clean.
This time with a small smile etched onto his face.
The notes keep appearing after that. 
Once a day, in the same spot as before. 
Usually, Harry only notices them at the end of his shift, treating them as little surprises after his busy schedule.
Some days there are short sentences, wishing him a good day, and other days there are lyrics from songs that make him smile, every now and then there’s a cheeky one liner that makes him blush.
There’s a small glass jar that sits beside the toaster where he keeps them, day in, day out, the glass gets fuller. Sometimes Harry, after a bad day, will twist the top off and read through them one by one, curling up on the chair by the window and instantly feeling the stress of the day melt from his shoulders, sated happiness washing over him.
He hasn’t yet managed to find the person on the other end of the notes, always too busy to stop and look. And anyway, what would he say if he found out? Yes? Maybe? ‘No Jonathan, if this is you, I’m not into threesomes so stop asking me?’
He kind of likes there being an air of mysteriousness to them. 
But he guesses, it wouldn’t be so bad if it turned out to be a certain someone, now would it?
It’s after an unusually busy day that has Harry rushing around on his feet and trying to serve a long line of customers that seems never ending, flour dusted through his hair and balancing both dishing out food and cleaning up after people, that come 5 o’clock, he’s exhausted and practically dead on his feet.
He slumps against the counter and rests his head down between his shoulder blades, having a minute to himself and heaving a big sigh, when he hears the telltale sign of footsteps approaching him, shuffling he thinks, a little slowly.
He whips his head up and sees Louis. 
His hair is a mess and there’s a line of purple felt tip staining his cheek. His tie is skewed and the top button of his shirt is undone, Adam’s apple bobbing slightly as he swallows, lightly dusted with midnight scruff. 
“Sorry, I know you’re uh-technically closing soon,” he says, “I just wanted to pop in really quick for one of those chocolate chip muffins? My sister’s coming up for a few days and I need something sweet to get me through, long day ‘n all. Which I’m sure you can relate to.”
Harry huffs a laugh and nods his head, turning to face the cabinet full of pastries and frowns when he realises there aren’t any in there. He closes his eyes and sighs.
“Ah, sorry. It looks like we’re out, I have a fresh batch of blueberry in the back if that’s okay?”
Louis nods and smiles and Harry wanders into the back, letting the smell of bread and cookies sprinkle over him as he pulls out one of the trays and picks a particularly plump muffin, bouncy slightly in texture.
He finds Louis in the same spot as he was before, only this time he’s rubbing his eye with his fist, looking even more tired than when he first padded in. 
He waves the muffin at Louis who grins in response, arm falling back to his side and walking closer to the counter.
“Let me just wrap this up for you.” Harry says, and places the muffin in a small decorative box, closing the lid and taping it with a sticker.
When Louis’ walking towards the door a couple of minutes later, he looks over his shoulder and says,
“You might wanna check something over there,” nodding his head to a small counter display full of flapjacks, where a piece of paper looks to be slotted in between, sticking up as if waiting to be plucked, “looks like you missed something.”
And then with one last smile that’s bordering on slightly nervous, he’s gone.
Ten seconds later when Harry unpicks the paper, the words ‘you bake me crazy, wanna grab a drink sometime?’ look back at him.
He thinks back to the other day and presses his lips together, suppressing a smile and biting his lip.
He knows just what to say.
And then, three years later when he stares down at the ring and card with two pieces of bread on the front and reads, ‘I loaf you very much, shall we grow mould together?’
And he looks into teary blue eyes.
He knows just what to say then too.
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trashyswitch · 3 years
Day 4: Those Evil Fingers (Paws)
Isabelle and Raymond wind up having a tickle fight after Raymond gives Isabelle a rather tasteful shirt...
I know it was meant to be fingers. But paws work too, right???
Isabelle was hanging out near a garden of flowers that were created by the main player. It was such an abundance of flowers with colors galore! And she loved them so much, she didn’t wanna pick any! So she was carefully looking at the lillies and the roses that filled that part of the field.
Soon, Raymond came walking up with his book in his hand and his glasses on his face. “Good morning Isabelle. Such a pleasant evening.”
Isabelle turned around and smiled brightly. “Good morning Raymond!”
“Observing the flowers, I see?” Raymond asked.
“Yes, I am! And I love them all! I wanna pick them, but I don’t want to take them on him.” She admitted.
“Very wise. I suggest you keep them in their rightful place so they continue to flourish for years in the future.” Raymond suggested as well.
“Hey Isabelle? You’re a dog, right?” Raymond asked.
“Y...Yes...And you’re a cat.” Isabelle implied.
“Correct.” Raymond replied.
“What about it?” Isabelle asked.
“Do you like belly rubs by any chance?” Raymond asked.
Isabelle widened her eyes at him and backed up a bit. “Nooooo...Why would I?” Isabelle asked.
“Dogs like that sort of thing. I like belly rubs as well.” Raymond admitted. “Well, I suppose I did as a small kitten.”
Isabelle smiled. “That’s cute.” She admitted. “I can imagine it now.”
Raymond smiled and blushed a little at that. “Th...Thank you, I suppose.”
“No problem! Anything to make a friend happy!”
Raymond walked up to Isabelle and handed her a shirt. “I made it myself.” Raymond told her. Isabelle put on the shirt with a quick spin, and looked at it with surprise! It was a shirt that said ‘Tickle me’ with an arrow pointing to her belly!
“I-” She started to feel drips of sweat falling down her face as nervous giggles left her mouth. She scratched the back of her head as a blush filled her face. “I like it, Raymond.”
“I apologize, was that too much?” Raymond asked.
Isabelle quickly started dripping with worried sweat. “No no no no, It’s okay!”
Raymond let out a breath of relief. “Thank the heavens...I’d feel quite dissatisfied if I hurt your feelings.
“It’s cute.” Isabelle admitted.
Here:” Raymond put on his own shirt with the exact same design on it. “Perhaps my wearing the same outfit will help you feel somewhat more comfortable.” Raymond offered.
Isabelle looked down and started shaking with laughter as a star showed up on her eye. “You shouldn’t have done that Raymond...Cause a long time monster has been waiting for the day to get you after all these years!” Isabelle teased.
Raymond widened his eyes and looked around. “What? Where?”
“In this very field!” Isabelle told him.
“Wait WHAT?!” Raymond fell backwards in his startled reply, and yelped as Isabelle ran up to Raymond and started tickling him with her paws. “Wahahait- NAHAHAT THERE! HAHAHAHAHA!”
“Awww, The smug little crisp has a ticklish tummy!” Isabelle teased.
“Merely a little?” Isabelle giggled and went for the ears next. “How about your ears?”
“Ihihit’s...EEehehehehe Ohohokahahay, ihihit’s ticklish! Quihihihite tihihihcklihihish!” He admitted.
“Awwww!” Isabelle cooed.
“Dohohon’t Ahahahaw mehehehe!” He warned.
“But you’re really cute when you’re all giggly!” Isabelle grabbed one of the flowers and made it nod up and down. “See? Even the roses agree you’re adorable!”
“Yohohohou puhuhurpohohosely mahahahade thehem nohohohod!” Raymond told her.
Isabelle gasped and placed a hand onto her chest. “How DARE you accuse me of doing that! I did nothing!”
Isabelle’s fake hurt quickly dropped into smirks as Isabelle tickled his ears some more. “Your ears are such soft things to play with! What kind of shampoo do you use?” She asked.
Raymond shook his head and batted the ground with his tail. “Ihihihi’m nohohot tehehehellihihing!”
Isabelle huffed and placed a hand onto her hip. “Well...I wanna know…”
Raymond looked at her. “Nohohot tehehehellihihing.”
Isabelle sighed and smiled. “Fine.”
Raymond continued to giggle and flap his sensitive ears. He was placing his paws onto his mouth as he giggled, which made the giggles slightly muffled and 10 times more adorable! Isabelle just about exploded with excitement upon hearing that!
“AWWWW! GIMME GIMME MORE MORE GIGGLIES!” Isabelle declared, tickling the front bottom of his ears really rapidly with a wide smile.
Raymond’s body practically burst out with all the laughter he could possibly muster up in a single minute. Raymond’s laughter sounded so genuine and suited him so well! It didn’t help that it sounded somewhat higher pitched as well. That in and of itself, made the tickles all the more fun to give.
“Listen to that beautiful laughter! I love it!” Isabelle told him. “Your laughter screams happy!”
Raymond’s whiskers started wiggling as he laughed more, and his belly filled with plenty of butterflies. It felt like every butterfly wing that flew around in his belly, was fluttering its wings against his belly walls to make him giggle and laugh more and more. It was a strange feeling he was not familiar with.
“Cuhuhuhut ihihihit ohohohohout!” He begged. “Thihihihis ihihis rihihihidihihiculous!”
“Oh really? Well, your words sound quite ridiculous to me!” Isabelle teased. “Now: Do your paws have a tickle to them?”
Raymond yelped as his paw was tugged closer to her, and squealed as his paw was touched. “QUIHIHIT IHIHIT!” He ordered.
“Quit what?” She asked innocently.
“But I don’t want to! I wanna keep tickling you!” She declared.
“WEHEHEHELL-” He snorted and laughed another octave higher.
Isabelle was smiling as she tickled the toe tips of the paws. “Awww! Ticklish tips?” She teased.
“YEHEHEHEHES!” Raymond laughed.
“Well ain’t that wonderful?” She teased.
“NOHOHOHOT!” He fought.
“Too!” Isabelle rebuffed.
Raymond fought back. “Nohohohot!”
And Isabelle rebuffed. “Toooo!”
“Toooooo! Too too too!” She teased. “Now the word ‘too’ doesn’t feel like a word.” She told him with a giggle.
Raymond tried to pull her fingers away as much as possible. But it was just no use. His paws were stuck in Isabelle’s grip until she decided to let go.
“Now tell me Raymond: Have you been enjoying this by any chance?” She asked.
Raymond bit his lip and whimpered. “Whyhyhy wohohould yohohohou sahahahay thahahat?” He asked.
“Because you haven’t been pulling very hard! And because you haven’t exactly told me otherwise.” Isabelle told him.
“Thahahat’s truehehehe.” He admitted.
“And if I do this:” She stopped tickling and let go of him. Raymond jumped back a bit from shock, and was still all giggly. But he soon looked at Isabelle with disappointment and sadness. “I...Well…”
Raymond walked up to Isabelle, with his arms stretched out. He grabbed Isabelle’s hands, and wrapped them around his own wrist. “Please…Perhaps you can…”
Isabelle perked her ears up and listened…
“Perhaps you would like to resume tickling me?”
Isabelle smiled proudly and grabbed both hands. “I would love to!”
Isabelle held onto both arms and started tickling them with her little claws.
Raymond snorted immediately and giggled. “Ehehehehehehehe!”
“Ticklish?” She teased.
Raymond nodded his head. “Yeheheheheah…”
“Hmmm...Good.” She started skittering in between the paws, and where the light bit of webbing was in between the feet. She started scratching right in there…
“BAHAHAHAHAHA! WAHAIT! WAHAHAHAHAIT!” He laughed hysterically rather quickly.
“Oh my goodness! What a good spot!” She teased.
“Yes Raymond? I’ll stop if you want me to.” She told him.
Raymond shook his head and hissed in the middle of his laughter This told Isabelle that yes, perhaps it’s time to stop.
Isabelle stopped tickling him on the webbed paws, and moved to squishing the middle toe bean instead. This seemed to feel good to Raymond, telling by his reaction: He was smiling a little, swaying around a little, and purring as he swayed. It was such a cute little thing to see, and Isabelle was glad she could be the one to see it.
“Awwwww...You like this…” She reacted calmly.
“Mmmmmmm...Mmmmm hmmmm…” He hummed softly before resuming purring. Isabelle smiled and continued the massaging for a little while after that.
With some time left, Isabelle invited Raymond to The Roost to have some coffee with her. Raymond happily accepted, and the two of them walked to The Roost together to get their cup of morning coffee.
“I think you’re a pretty cute guy.” Isabelle admitted.
“And I believe you are a swell lady.” Raymond replied.
Isabelle giggled and gently nudged him. “Sweet talker.”
“Cat whisperer.” Raymond muttered loud enough for her to hear.
Isabelle just about spat out her drink upon hearing that...
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bouncydragon · 4 years
Cuddly & Soft
So~ I wrote a thing. It is based on this post here. So it is silly and soft, and involves big cats, Tony being a little shit, Loki being a good boyfriend, some bot-love, and shapeshifting. It very possibly is crack but honestly Idk, it’s just a fun little thing I wrote because I was stuck on another story and was bored.
Anyway, enjoy! Hope you’ll like it!
Loki walked into the lab with a cup of coffee and a cinnamon roll he had gotten for Tony at the coffee shop down the street from Avengers Tower– Tony loved that place and he had been huddled up in his lap for over twenty-four hours now, if it weren't for Loki coming in every once in a while and make him eat or drink something, or take a much needed break, Tony would've collapsed already. Loki didn't particularly like it when Tony pulled these lab binges, but he couldn't exactly lecture him because he was the same, only he huddled up in the library and forgot to eat or sleep as well. So Loki didn't stop Tony, he just made sure that he ate and drank and at least sometimes took a break, and Tony always let himself be convinced, even if rather reluctantly– Loki just had the better arguments. 
The lab was filled with loud music blasting from the speakers in the ceiling, some rock song that Loki didn't know, which wasn't exactly a surprise because he hadn't yet let Tony introduce him to Midgardian music in detail. He did enjoy most of what Tony played in his lab though, so that was a start, right? 
Anyway, Tony was sitting at one of his workstations, only in jeans and a black tank top, with his weird working goggles on. Loki was sure there was a proper name for them but if Tony had ever told him, he couldn't remember. Loki had to stop and take a deep breath to calm himself because he really loved that look on Tony, and he loved watching him work too, especially when it showed off his fine muscles… 
Loki shook his head, that wasn't why he was here, but could he really be blamed? Sometimes he thought Tony did it on purpose because he knew full well what effect it had on Loki. Tony was a very handsome man and Loki wasn't above admitting that his brain momentarily crashed when he saw Tony like that, but he could control himself, most of the times at least.
Never mind. 
As Loki got closer to Tony though, he noticed that the man wasn't actually working. His goggles were on his head and he was looking at a screen. 
"Hey, what are you doing?" Loki asked, placing the coffee in front of Tony. Now that he got a good look at the screen, he realized that Tony was looking at a picture of… a cat? Okay, a big cat, but still a cat nonetheless. 
Tony took a sip from the coffee and sighed happily. "Taking a break?" 
"You are?" Loki gasped. "And I didn't have to remind you? Wonders never cease!"
Tony rolled his eyes and smiled up at him. "Very funny." Another sip of coffee. "I hit a dead-end and it frustrated me, so before I throw the whole thing at the wall and make DUM-E's day because he has to use the fire extinguisher, I thought I'd just step away from it for a bit." 
"That's not very nice towards DUM-E though, you know how much he loves using the fire extinguisher," Loki pointed out, looking over to the bot who had his claw dropped. "You should make his day, a happy bot is a good bot."
"Sometimes I get the feeling you love DUM-E more than me," Tony mused, grinning up at Loki. 
Loki laughed and put the cinnamon roll down on the empty plate that was still on the workstation since he had last come down here. "I don't, don't worry. I just think he deserves more recognition, and appreciation. He's trying his best." 
"I appreciate him." Tony pulled Loki down into a soft kiss. "Have I ever told you how much I love it that you treat them as persons and not some emotionless machines? You're the only. You don't call them 'it' either." 
"As far as I'm concerned, they have personality, and that justifies treating them thusly." 
Tony kissed him again. "Anyway, trust me, DUM-E will get his chance. I often set things on fire." 
"That you do, my dear." 
Tony rolled his eyes but chuckled. "I love you too, Loki." 
Loki chuckled and pressed a kiss to Tony's head. "Anyway, what exactly are you doing now?" 
"Looking at pictures of big cats." 
"Okay," Loki drawled. "Why?" 
Tony smiled softly at the picture of a huge black cat on the screen and there was childish delight in his eyes, like he had just witnessed some kind of wonder. 
"I like big cats," he eventually explained. "Like lions and tigers and panthers. They look so cuddly and soft." 
Loki raised an eyebrow at him. "Like the ones that'll eat your face off?" 
Tony's head whipped around and he stared at Loki. "IT WOULD'VE BEEN OUT OF LOVE!" 
Loki backed away a bit and regarded Tony with a calculating, surprised glance. The man's face was soft and he was still smiling, like a little child, and honestly, Loki had never seen him like that. He had seen him inexplicably excited and even giddy, but this was different, Loki just couldn't tell exactly how. 
Tony turned back to the screen, switching to a picture of a sleeping big cat, displaying a huge paw that could probably cover Tony's entire face. 
"They have big toe beans," he muttered, clearly more to himself than to Loki. "They're like little toe beans, but big." 
Okay, Loki could admit that the cat on the screen looked quite beautiful, the sleek black fur with faint spots. But his focus wasn't on the picture, it was on Tony and the sheer childish glow of his face, the soft look in his eyes, and the tiny smile. Loki couldn't exactly understand why Tony looked at a picture of a cat like that, but he found that he liked that look on him. 
At least until Tony looked up at him grinning and with a rather mischievous gleam in his eyes. 
"Loki," he drawled and cocked his head a little. "You're a shapeshifter, aren't you?" 
Loki's eyes widened and he raised a hand. "No, don't even think about it, Anthony." 
"Aw c'mon! Please!" 
"No, I'm not turning into a cat for you." 
For a very short moment, Tony pouted, then he got up and backed Loki up against a table, trailing his collarbone with a finger, smiling at him tenderly before he kissed his jaw. 
"Please, honey," he whispered against Loki's jaw, his hand resting on Loki's chest. 
Loki tried not to react, he wouldn't give in, no nope, he wouldn't– but it was really difficult to resist Tony like this. He loved this, under different circumstances, he really did, but now it was just evil. 
"Please, Lokes," Tony drawled. "For me?" 
"Why?" Loki managed to ask, but it was in a very breathy tone. 
Tony pulled away and Loki wasn't sure if he should be glad or disappointed about it. Some part of him practically screamed at him to not let Tony stop, but it wasn't his brain and so he didn't listen to it. 
"Well, the chances of me ever coming face to face with a panther or any big cat are slim," he explained and crossed his arms over his chest. "Plus, I wouldn't risk having my beautiful face eaten off, as you so elegantly put it." 
Loki took a deep breath, calming himself and then considered Tony for a moment. The pleading look in his wonderful brown eyes got to Loki, of course it did. Pepper called them 'puppy dog eyes' and now he understood why. How could he possibly resist this? It was already hard to resist Tony when he wasn't looking at him like that, Loki just wished that it was in a different context, a much more fun context– preferably involving him and Tony in bed, or on a couch, naked, but certainly not him turning into a cat to satisfy his boyfriend's curiosity. 
On the other hand, seeing the childlike glee on Tony's face would most likely be worth it. 
"Fine," he eventually sighed.
Tony squealed in delight and wrapped his arms around Loki, pressing a rather hard kiss to his lips– not that Loki was bothered by the force, mind you. 
"You're lucky I love you," Loki mumbled as he straightened his posture and then walked over to the screen to look at the picture of the cat. 
Tony chuckled. "I feel incredibly lucky, yes." 
Loki rolled his eyes and took a few steps back from the workstation, Tony was eyeing him with curiosity and anticipation. Loki smiled slightly– yeah, it was worth it, that was a very nice look on the man, and so, in a matter of seconds, he shifted into the form of a panther, complete with faint spots and big toe beans and whiskers. 
Tony squealed and approached Loki carefully, holding out a hand, even though he knew Loki would never hurt him. Loki lifted a paw and put it on his lover's hand, making a sound that could be interpreted as a happy growl. 
"Wow, it's quite heavy," Tony observed, childlike wonder once again shining in his eyes as he inspected the paw. "Ooh, those toe beans!" 
Loki rolled his eyes and nudged Tony's hand with his nose, before he lay down and rested his head on the man's thigh, closing his eyes. Tony smiled and started stroking the big cat's head, occasionally scratching him behind the ears. 
"You do like this," Tony observed grinning. 
As an answer, he received a growl, it didn't sound threatening or warning, actually it sounded quite soft and content. Tony chuckled and continued petting his currently feline boyfriend. The fur was actually quite soft and Tony gushed over the faint spots in it. Everything about this was great and he loved Loki even more now, if that was even possible. 
For a long time, they just stayed on the floor of the lab, Tony kneeling and Loki lying in front of him with his head on his thighs. Tony enjoyed stroking the fur, earning growls of approval from Loki, which could be interpreted as purring. 
After a while, Loki sat back up and tilted his head, before he raised a paw and put it flat on Tony's face. 
Tony frowned. "What are you doing?" he asked, muffled by the panther paw. 
Loki growled softly and removed his paw from Tony's face, just to close the distance between Tony and him and run his long, rough tongue over his face. Tony grimaced but also chuckled. It felt funny, a bit gross, but mostly funny. 
"Yeah, you're enjoying this way too much for having been so reluctant about shifting," Tony said and scratched Loki under his chin. 
Loki growled and lay back down, this time on his side, his head resting in Tony's lap. Tony smiled down at him and kept on petting him tenderly, just like he would caress Loki's skin when they were cuddling, or doing other stuff, y'know. Loki clearly seemed to enjoy it, judging by the soft rumble coming from his throat and his eyes being closed. 
Tony knew that they could probably scare the ever-loving fuck out of the other Avengers, but for now he just wanted to enjoy this, his Panther-Loki. Tony loved it when Loki shapeshifted, or did any magic, for that matter. It was still a quite wild, surreal concept for him, the existence of magic and the Norse Gods and all that, but he liked it. Wrong, he liked to have Loki in his life, the endless joy this man brought him every day they were together was something Tony had never experienced before and he loved it, every moment of it. 
Suddenly, Loki moved and got back up, Tony looked at him confused. Loki licked his hand and then carefully closed his jaw around it, pulling Tony along with him as he made his way over to the couch Tony had put in the corner of the workshop upon Loki's insistence. Tony smiled and followed willingly. 
Loki let go of his hand, making sure he didn't accidentally hurt him with his fangs, and licked it for good measure, before he jumped onto the couch and sprawled out there. Tony chuckled and, from the look Loki was giving him, he knew exactly what was expected of him, so he lay down next to Loki, resting his head on his flank. Loki licked his hair, which made Tony giggle, and then rested his head on the couch, closing his eyes. 
Even in the form of a panther, Loki still succeeded in convincing him to take a break, take a nap, which, okay, he kind of needed after being up for over twenty-four hours. And this was nice, weird but nice, he could feel Loki's slow, calm breathing and heartbeat, which he loved listening to under normal circumstances anyway. So Tony closed his eyes as well, turning to lay on his side, and rested a hand on Loki's paw. 
It didn't take long for both of them to be asleep. Meanwhile, JARVIS had documented the whole thing, as it was something to keep as a memory, Tony cuddling with a panther on the couch in his workshop.
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enternalempires · 4 years
Those Eyes
This is a Ladynoir/Adrienette fic. It has switched Miraculous and a reveal and Marinette purring, lol. Lots of fluff. Hope you enjoy! Haven’t figured out how to use links yet but my Ao3 username is the same!
We all know that Plagg with Marinette would be chaotic as all hell, like she’d mention a very very bad course of action that would have us all going ‘second-hand embarrassment, no!!’ but that sarcastic little shit of a Kwami would be like, “Yes!! Do it!!!” because like, after eons of being alive and literally killing the dinos off along with various other disasters you just learn to not care anymore. And Adrien with Tikki would be chaotic in a different way. They’d be so?? Productive??? Like, they’d agree on so much and just vibe that it would be pure sunshine magic. Like, there’s a reason why they got the humans that they did.
Marinette shrieked, scrambling past a car that was picked up and thrown in her direction— successfully dodging any debris and sharp objects left over from the Akumas wake.
At eighteen years old, she knew better than to take off her earrings.
She knew she shouldn’t have, even if it was Adrien Agreste who asked her to change them out, promising with his life (as she made him do) that they would be safe in his bag. She knew that having a photo shoot with him and she in her original MDC designs shouldn’t have made her heart flutter but it did.
They were modeling together.
God, if the fifteen-year-old her could’ve predicted this, she would’ve melted in her spot.
But she didn’t.
And she also didn’t predict that Hawkmoth would choose absolutely the worst time to put an Akuma out into the streets of Paris, but she wasn’t surprised. Her luck as Ladybug never passed over into her life as Marinette— ruler of clumsiness and bad decisions.
Marinette knew she needed to get back to Tikki, she needed to find her earrings and quickly put them on.
She just didn’t expect to find the car that Adrien’s bag had been in to be completely destroyed with its contents spewed around the street.
Oh, she was screwed.
“Tikki,” She hissed, getting onto her knees and ignoring the glass that stuck into her palms as she shifted through all the now unrecognizable car’s contents. “Tikki, where are you?”
“Oh, this is golden,” A voice cackled from behind her and Marinette whipped around— coming face to face with a tiny black Kwami with glowing green eyes and a long tail. She blinked once, twice, and then noticed the bright silver, almost white ring he was carrying. “You’re Sugercube’s babybug, huh? Oh, loverboy is going to get a kick out of this.”
She gaped, unsure about how to continue.
“Do you have cheese?” He asked, scowling when she shook her head. “Great. What use are you then?”
This was Chat Noir’s Kwami?
He seemed… completely opposite of Tikki.
“Well, aren’t you going to torture me now?” He asked, floating up to her face— his sardonic tone deepening as he lazily landed in Marinette’s palms as soon as she offered them up to him. “I’m Plagg, by the way. Why did you take the earrings off?”
“Urm, I’m Marinette and Tikki didn’t want me to but I kinda… I had this photoshoot thing that I had to switch them out for. So I did.”
“Oo! A rule breaker! I like you. My human is a goodie-goodie, unless it comes to you. He’s so in love that it’s revolting.”
“Not good at the emotional stuff, huh?”
“Nah, cheese is my love.”
“Oh,” Marinette raised an eyebrow. “Not the tiny goddess that calls you Stinky Socks?”
Giving her an eyeroll, Plagg huffed out, “Can you just say ‘claws out’ already?”
“Is there anything I need to know regarding Chat’s powers?”
“Be careful when you’re jumping around and moving, it’ll look a bit different than usual and you’ll be faster.” His voice was so bored that she couldn’t help but to giggle. “I’m awesome, so you’ll also be able to hear a lot better and see in the dark. Also, people will smell.”
“Excuse me?” Marinette blinked. “Smell?”
“Yep.” The black cat yawned exaggeratingly. “Loverboy says you smell good or whatever. Also, don’t ruin everything.”
For whatever reason, that made her cheeks flush and Plagg laughed, his cackle creating goosebumps to go over her skin.
He felt powerful— like destruction and death and sadness. He felt like he could destroy the whole world, like he could send it into a proverbial darkness, and Marinette was reminded of Paris drowned in water, and the moon cracked in half in the sky.
It was terrifying.
Plagg was terrifying.
Tikki felt light, like home.
Like life and warmth and creation and happiness. Her power was intimidating, it was skin-tight and heavy and weighed down her shoulders with a burden she never wanted but bore anyways.
Marinette wondered how his magic would feel after she transformed and looked around. The destruction still damaged around her, but she was hidden by three toppled over cars and couldn't see anyone through the cracks.
“Plagg,” She slipped the ring onto her middle finger, watching as it turned smaller and shone in a soft sky blue color. “Claws out!”
The power that overwhelmed her made her feel unbalanced, her head swarming like she was twenty feet underwater, the pressure pounding around her in all directions.
Being Ladybug felt suffocating sometimes. It felt like responsibility and trauma walked beside her every day.
But wearing the Black Cat Miraculous?
That felt like drowning.
Like devastation was clinging to her.
How did her kitty deal with this? With feeling demolition wreck havoc through his veins on an almost daily basis?
Ladybug— or well, she couldn’t be ladybug anymore— sucked in a harsh breath and looked around. The world was just… in ruins around her but it was more vivid than anything she experienced. The sun shone on everything brighter, the shadows almost nonexistent and the details— god, she was starting to see why Chat stared so much.
Taking her baton into her hands, the young heroine saw that the silver was the same color that the ring had turned into, a soft sky blue, and noted that in the light it glowed with an azure flicker.
Turning around with a flinch as a loud boom followed by multiple screams rang throughout the street, the heroine had full intention to join in on the chaos and to hopefully find Chat— until she caught sight of herself in an upside-down car’s windshield.
She stood there gaping.
What the…
She wasn’t really sure what to expect, maybe an exact replica of Chat’s outfit, maybe her outfit as Ladybug but cat-themed but not… not this.
Her eyes were the same color but brighter, the iris having a deep blue ridge to them and the white part of her eyes were a slightly lighter shade. And her pupils— her pupils are slitted!
Does that, does that mean that… that Chat’s eyes are normal now?
Ignoring that thought, she looked at the rest of her.
The suit was still the same black leather that her partner wore but with an azure shine to it. Around her neck, there was a dark blue bow with three loops made out of what seemed to be a soft and a baby blue bell in the middle.
Around her waist was the same blue ribbon that wrapped around her twice and then swished around her hips and extended towards her ankles in her ‘tail’.
She had a tail.
Her eyes flew back up to her hair and her hands instantly shot up to her ears— leather ears exactly like Chat’s but they had light blue tips. They flicked and she felt it. She grabbed them with her hands and she squeaked.
How does he live like this?!
Instead of her pigtails, her hair was down to her shoulders with two thin ribbons going down to her shoulders. Her bangs were still present but the little hairs that used to frame her face on either side of her head and in front of her ears were now three curved whisks of hair that almost made her think they were supposed to resemble whiskers.
Her hands had claws, her wrists had ribbons and a small bow on them, as did her ankles— and her feet were shaped into paws!
Hopping on one foot, she saw the ‘toe beans’ on the bottom of her sole and squeaked rather loudly again.
She was a cat— a cat!
Her panicking came to an end when the car she was looking at herself was suddenly picked up and— thrown at her.
She heard it moving before she saw it, her ears perking up and dragging forward, her body leaping out of the way as the tension in her body raised. She sensed it coming towards her, somehow being able to feel the immediate area around her— she couldn’t stop observing it all.
Oh. Oh. It all makes sense now.
How Chat was always able to see the Akuma or any objects that were about to hit her before she did.
That and she could get so stuck in her head so much that it could be problematic.
Like now, for example.
The Akuma— a giant doll version of Reflekdoll, poor Juleka probably got akumatized again— was throwing things at her and, well, she tried her best to dodge, using her baton and newfound speed and agility to avoid being dangerously squished.
Unfortunately, she was rather clumsy with her new suit and powers.
She tried to listen to what Plagg had said, to be careful, and to be slower but she couldn’t. She never got hit by cars or building debris or the giant doll's hands but she flinched at her roars of rage and collided with building edges or other things she underestimated her own ability to stop with.
It would be so much easier if she had her yoyo or her wings to help guide her.
Where was her Chaton when she needed him?
Across town in a shady alleyway, Adrien Agreste was smiling brightly at the tiny red and black Kwami who was giving him a soft smile of her own— blue, almost purple eyes twinkling.
“I can tell why my babybug likes you so much,” Tikki said, having found and calmly explained the situation to the blond who she found calling out for Plagg mere minutes before. “You’re very polite and sweet, Stink Socks probably complains so much!”
“Thanks,” Adrien flushed slightly, wondering if he heard the miniature goddess correctly when she said that her Babybug, Ladybug by omission, liked him. “He’s not too bad as long as I give him enough camembert.
“Him and his cheese,” Tikki rolled her eyes before focusing them back on him, her smile turning encouraging. “I’m sure Plagg has found M— Ladybug by now. All you have to do is say ‘spots on’. I’m positive you’ll be able to handle it, Adrien! You’ve proven to be an amazing Chat Noir, I’m sure you’ll be an amazing Ladybug as well!”
“You’re… nothing like Plagg.”
“I know,” The Kwami giggles and strangely enough it reminds him of his lady’s giggles— that is until a loud shattering boom went through the air and shook the ground around them and a flash of black and blue went past the alley. “Ready?”
“Not really, but I’ll do my best!” Adrien gave a nervous chuckle and then took the earrings into his palms, then turning a darker sheen of red then what the black glowed with originally and the part of them that would go into the holes turned into cuffs.
When he put them on, he tugged, delighted in the way they were tight enough to never fall off unless physically torn from his ears.
“Alright, Tikki, spots on!”
Adrien didn’t expect the warmth that encased him.
Usually, the magic that he got from Plagg felt cold and secure, like a protective darkness hiding him from the loneliness, giving him the freedom to run through the night without fear of the isolation waiting for him at home.
Tikki’s magic felt heavy, like burning alive— and suddenly he understood the burden that had been placed onto his lady’s shoulders and the strictness in her eyes.
There was no room for mistakes.
The world was in her palms, she had become Atlas at thirteen and never complained once. She had taken up the mantle with wariness and a proud stance and she held it so tightly that she never dropped it once.
He sucked in a breath, almost doubling over with the weight of it all.
Ladybug— for five years— felt this unyielding responsibility? She did this and put up with him, him who teased and goofed around and made mistakes? Him who had admittedly gotten better over time but still flirts and is playful on the field?
How did she deal with that?!
Fortunately, he didn’t have to think long about that being a giant doll stopped at the edge of the alleyway, turned to him as he shuffled back and roared.
He saw his own reflection in the shiny face— a maroon suit with black details and a black mask, his hair the same mess, and the yoyo around his waist. Thick wings were on his back, he could feel them twitch and scuffle as they opened in surprise. Ladybug had wings, he didn’t know why he expected not to.
His eyes were wide and so normal that it took him a second too long to realize they were coming closer.
Because the doll was moving closer, making his reflection do the same.
Why couldn’t he sense it?
Why did everything look so… so familiar? No extra sight, no extra hearing. How did Ladybug do this— how could she fight while being so normal?
God, he always had a lot of respect for her but now he has even more.
Shooting into the air, the yoyo automatically swung in his hand as he used it to volt himself into the sky, having seen his lady do so so many times it was almost second nature. Once he got over the doll, she shrieked in agitation— looking like Reflekdoll— and moved her clanky, large body to try and grab him.
Chat, however, if he could even call himself that anymore, opened his wings with some experimentation and flapped them a couple of times, not expecting the power they held and went so far into the sky that the sight could rival their rendezvous point on the Eiffel tower.
He tried to drift right but ended up volting upside down and catching a large gust of wind that sent him backward, wings snapping painfully straight.
The hero yelped and desperately, yet futility, clawed at the air.
Where was his lady when he needed her?
The young heroine was just thinking she got the hang of how to run across the rooftops with her accelerated speed— having failed and either trip or face-planted into a chimney here or there— but a masculine yelp came from above her and she looked up just in time to see the panicked face of her partner before the deep red-suited boy with long wings crashed into her.
They went flying, both rolling as their bodies tangled together, the cold tiles of the roof underneath them not hurting but definitely not pleasant as they came to a stop a couple of seconds after.
She groaned, feeling his familiar and hard body underneath hers.
She wanted him to be there with her, of course, but that didn’t mean she wanted him to tackle her after being airborne.
“Chat,” She struggles to detangle her arms from around him, his wings crowding them more than the usual present-battle entanglement. She was grateful though for this moment, he was warm and soothing and Tikki’s magic felt like a breath of fresh air. “Why would you—”
Why would you try to fly?
She was going to ask, seeing as that’s most likely how he literally fell out of the sky and onto her but then, then something horrifying happened.
She started to purr.
“Eek!” She shot up, arms painfully pulling out of their spot as she desperately tried to crawl away from her partner. “No, no, no, no—”
“Milady,” Chat’s teasing voice froze her but, unfortunately, made the purring all the much louder and she snapped her eyes up to meet his startlingly normal eyes. “Are you doing that because of me?”
“N-no! No, of course not, that would be, that would be, uh—”
She tried to focus on what she was saying, her lie so obvious, but then that stupid cat put a gentle hand into her hair and started to massage her scalp, petting her so softly that her purrs echoed.
Why did that make her feel so warm inside and why did it feel so good?
“Aw, my little kitten.” Chat cooed out. “So adorable. You’re happy to see me, hm?”
“Hm— ah, n-no.” The heroine leaned into his palm, forgetting about their surroundings as she melted into his touch— that is until a prickling sensation shook her whole body and she heard the faintest scrap of metal against the ground.
Her eyes flew open again and she jerked back into a sitting position, eyes snapping to the right as her hackles raised. Another stupid car was coming right at them! Without much thought, the heroine pushed her partner down onto the opposite side of the roof, rolling down after him just as the vehicle smashed into the building.
So this Akuma was the murderous kind.
Not the trap or trick kind.
Nice to know.
“Okay, we have to lure her towards the Seine,” She jumped into her usual serious mode, jumping to her feet and unaware that her tail was swishing behind her. “That way there’s less of those stupid cars to throw. I’m pretty sure everyone is to safety by now but we still don’t want her damaging buildings due to the people inside.”
“Ladybug— er, I mean… what do I call you now?” Chat asked, standing up and stretching his wings, and then almost falling over again due to the wind and some building chunks the muttering Akuma was chucking at them.
“Uh, I don’t know, you pick.” She said half mindlessly, blocking hits for both of them. “It looks like a bigger version of when Juleka got Akumatized but I haven’t seen anything that could be the object and trust me, I’ve been thrown around enough to catch all of her.”
“Bluebell Kitten,” He said, pointing to the bell in the middle of her bow. “And are you okay? Did you have trouble using the baton?”
“No, the baton is easy, it’s the stupid senses thing! How can you focus on anything?” The apparent kitten asked, pointing towards the Eiffel tower. “And for the record, I regret giving you the choice to choose, Scarlet Beetle.”
“Ah, nice name.” He grinned, heeding to her signal, and started to run in that direction. “I don’t know, it just comes naturally. Makes sense it would be overwhelming for you, though. You get no extra senses at all, I don’t know how you fight like this.”
“Quite easily,” Bluebell Kitten quipped. “And just wait until you use my charm, it’ll definitely knock you off your feet.”
“That’s okay,” Scarlet beetle helped her keep the right face and sent her a wink that sent her tail wagging embarrassingly. “It’ll just be another way I fell for you.”
“Whatever.” She rolled her eyes but couldn’t help the smile that made its appearance. “You ready for this, buggy?”
“Ready as I’ll ever be, kitten.”
The battle went by with a little struggle— Scarlet Beetle having to help Bluebell Kitten with her speed, showing her the best way to stop or how to adjust her eyes to focus properly on what she was doing and about the new depth perception she had. In return, the bug turned cat helped the still flirty boy fly better, teaching him how to find the right air currents and how to land— but the heroine could tell her partner struggled with the Miraculous.
It was a different kind of struggle than she had with his.
Sure, Plagg’s magic was uncomfortable and too light and just wrong against her skin but Tikki with her kitty? Not a good mix.
He struggled to understand that he couldn’t take any hits for her— that that was the Kitten’s responsibility now.
That, no matter how much he wanted to save her, he couldn’t do anything that would put himself incapacitated or at a greater risk. They could defend each other but he was the last line of defense— they were a team but he mattered more.
He was the only one that could heal those hurt, that could fix things that were broken.
“Minou,” She had sighed out, blue eyes sparring her partner a glance as she distracted and he tried to figure out what his lucky charm meant. “No self-sacrificing today, okay?”
“What do you mean?” Scarlet Beetle had asked, frowning as he spun his yoyo in a circle to block some rumble from hitting him.
“It’s not your job to protect me right now. It’s your job to survive long enough to defeat the Akuma and fix everything.”
“No buts. You can’t put yourself at risk, even for me. Understood?”
Begrudgingly, the blond-haired boy nodded and they settled their full attention back into the battle. Within minutes it was done, both of them having used their powers and able to return poor Juleka back to the Couffaine boathouse after fist-bumping and answering Alya’s question when she stormed up to them for a report on the Ladyblog.
The heroine could tell that her poor bug was still upset, having witnessed her take a couple blows that he hadn’t seen coming— being more unattentive than usual and not able to sense as much.
She had broken ribs but still fought by his side.
Broken ribs were nothing compared to what he went through before, she had told herself. He had died before, she wasn’t as unlucky.
“Chaton,” The Kitten grabbed his wrist, stopping him from where they were running on a roof, his earring cuffs beeping letting them know he only had three minutes left, her ring was at four. It had been roughly twenty minutes since they used their powers; more time from being older and getting more powers and mature suits. “I’m sorry that today was bad for you.”
“I’m just… I’m not used to not being able to protect you, milady.” He grumbled with a  pout, crossing his arms over his chest. “I don’t like it.”
“It was only for today,” She reminded softly. “And I know how you feel but you just— you have to remind yourself that what happened, how I was hurt, wasn’t your fault. I know you would’ve protected me if you could have. That’s one of the burdens of having the Ladybug Miraculous.”
Scarlet Beetle just frowns at her and she sighs, reaching up a hand to softly cup his cheek.
“It’s okay, Kitty,” She smiles. “I’m fine now, aren’t I?”
“Is this how it’s like for you?” He questions, shiny green eyes flickering between her own. “Feeling helpless? Just watching and unable to save… I was unable to save you. I can’t, I can't do that again—”
Scarlet cuts himself off with a choking sound, hand clenching by his side with tears in his eyes. He trembled slightly and the Kitten felt her ears press flat as she recognized the terror in his eyes.
“Come here,” She holds her arms open, offering a hug and her boy is quick to take the opportunity and wrap himself into her gentle hold. “I know that was a hard fight but you’re not going to lose me, okay? Never. You’re stuck with me now, I’m not going to leave you or get hurt and not be there. I promise.”
“Promise,” He wiggles until his arm is free and holds out his pinky, the action so adorable that she can’t help but to giggle as she lifts her own hand and interwinds her pinky with his.
Beeps echo through the night and Bluebell pulls away, running a hand through Scarlet’s hair to make it even messier. She ruffled the spots his ears would normally be and smiled when the strands fluffed up and stuck up into different angles.
“We have to go, Minou.” She boops his nose. “Meet me in our hotel room tower tonight, we’ll switch back to normal.”
“Okay,” He gives her a goofy smile. “What does Tikki like to eat?”
“Chocolate chip cookies, or just sweets in general. Plagg likes cheese, right?”
“Really! Cookies are so much better than stinky camembert— which I’m guessing he mentioned. Do you, urm, even have that?”
“My dad’s secretly a cheese fanatic, I’m sure I can smuggle some of the good stuff from him.” Bluebell tilted her head slightly, eyeing his wings. “Don’t fly if you’re going into a window or something narrow because, and no offense, you're not good enough to avoid smacking into it and breaking something.”
“I take full offense,” He winks. “See you Milady.”
“See you, kitty.”
“Can you keep me?” Plagg asked, staring dreamily at the gruyere cheese that the young heroine had given him shortly after she detransformed and made it back home— and after he laughed about the pictures of all her friends including Adrien and Chat Noir on her walls. “I know I called you mushy and sentimental but this is even better than camembert!”
Marinette laughs and shakes her head, “Sorry Plagg, I prefer Tikki. I don’t like smelling like cheese.” Even if gruyere smelled quite a lot better than camembert.
“Ugh, humans.” The Kwami grumbles. “So fickle. You just wanna smell good for loverboy. I think that cheese smells amazing, for the record.”
“Your opinion has been noted.” She nods to him. “And I don’t want to smell good for Chat!”
“Mhm,” Plagg rolled his eyes. “Sure.”
“I’m not!”
“I totally believe you, kid.”
“You’re horrible,” She grumbles.
“Yeah, yeah. Feed me some more.”
“Feed me!”
“Stop yelling or I’m telling Tikki you were being mean to me.”
“Hey!” Plagg turned to her with glaring green eyes. “Don’t bring Sugarcube into this.”
Marinette turned to him and raised an eyebrow, “Then don’t bring my kitty into this.”
“Aw,” He snickered. “You called him your kitty. He’ll get a kick out of that.”
“Plagg, claws out!” Marinette flushed a bright red and a green light encased her.
Time to go visit her kitty— because he is hers, no matter Plagg’s teasing.
Across town in a lonely room, Adrien was laughing so hard his stomach was hurting and tears were coming out of his eyes. He was practically wheezing at this point, curled up as he tried to catch his breath— something that, at this point, was useless.
He had managed to convince Tikki to try some of Plagg’s camembert.
And the little Kwami quite honestly looked like she was going to throw up, cheeks going almost a purple as she grimaced and gagged.
It shouldn’t have been as funny as it was but Adrien couldn’t help it.
Tikki was so different than Plagg and the simple fact that she looked like she was ready to die right then and there from the mere taste of the black cat’s favorite food was one of the funniest things he has ever seen.
“Haha,” She said, voice light but disgusted as she tried to cover up the taste with chocolate— which, by her expression, he could tell did not blend well. “Now you have to try it. Fair is fair.”
“No!” He choked on a chuckle. “Plagg has tried to feed me it so many times and succeeded. I don’t need to smell like that cheese more than I already do!”
“Hmph,” Tikki crossed her arms and floated up to his face. “I’m going to tell baby bug you tried to poison me.”
Adrien gaped, “You wouldn’t.”
The miniature goddess giggled, “You’re right, but your expression was worth it!”
“You’re so much nicer than Plagg, I can see why Ladybug loves you so much,” He commented, blinking slightly at the little Kwami’s stupefied expression. “She’s talked about you before. I didn’t know your name or anything but a couple of times during patrol she mentioned how, well… how she was so grateful you were her best friend.”
“Really?” Tikki gave an excited smile that only widened as Adrien nodded.
“Really really.”
“Well, she’s the best Ladybug I’ve had. The youngest too.” Her smile goes softer with a tender look only a being as long as she had lived could have. “I don’t know how she does it all, but despite all she thinks about herself, she’s a very resourceful little bug. I couldn’t be prouder of her. Or of you, Adrien! Plagg loves you, even if the stinky socks won’t admit it.”
“Thank you. He purrs when I hug him, even if he yells at me.”
“Does he really?” Tikki laughed joyfully. “I’ll have fun teasing him about that.”
“I thought you were the one that got teased?” Adrien tilted his head to the side.
“It goes both ways,” She reassured. “He’s just better at it.”
“I see. Did he really kill all the dinosaurs?”
“And the doo-doo birds.”
“No!” He gasped. “Evil.”
“Laziness and distractions,” The kwami corrected, lifting a solemn paw. “He was different back then. Less happy.”
“Less happy?” Adrien questioned.
He always assumed that cheese was the only thing that made Plagg truly happy, well, until he met Tikki and she had shared a couple of stories, telling him about all the interesting things they’ve been through together.
“Yeah,” Tikki gave him a sad smile. “We’ve been around since the dawn of creation, Adrien, we’ve seen countless civilizations and being rise and fall, empires turned to nothing more than ash. We’ve seen evil rise and good defend time and time again. My bugs… they are always smart, always compassionate people. Sometimes gentle and sweet like your lady is. Sometimes not. But they all— each and every single one of them— see horribly traumatizing things that Plagg’s holders do not, they get torn apart from the inside out. But his kittens? They get hurt more. They risk more. They die more and they die first. Always. And he dies with them a bit each time.”
Adrien didn’t even know what that was, the only thing that came to mind was— sad.
“I know,” She gave him that motherly smile of hers, tone soft and soothing but with a note of sadness to it. “You don’t have to say it. Plagg takes a long time to open up to someone. He doesn’t like acting close, he doesn’t like being close— he said that it hurts less that way. But I know that it hurts the same, that it hurts even more. That he wants more time with them, I know I always do.”
“I can’t speak for anyone but myself,” The young hero says. “But I know that whenever I go, I will want more time with him, too.”
Tikki fixes him with a sweet look in her eye, “That’ll mean a lot to Stinky Socks. Could you tell him that?”
“Of course,” Adrien gives her one of his bright smiles— one that’s actually real. “It’s almost time to meet Milady at our room, are you all energized?”
Their room was at Le Grand Paris, paid for by Major Bourgeois after he assured the two heroes that there would be no supervallince, no one allowed on that floor (the very top) without their explicit permission and that they could come there at any time, the balcony always unlocked.
Chloe told them that it was a gift to her favorite superhero and ‘friend’ of all time.
Ladybug gave a weak smile and scowled once whom she considered to be a nuisance looked away.
Besides Chloe beings, well… Chloe, Adrien had no clue what she could’ve done to make his lady hate her so much. They interacted once every couple months due to her causing an Akuma, so maybe that was it but the dislikement Ladybug had for the girl seemed to go beyond that.
It seemed personal.
“Yep! Take me back to my baby bug, please.” Tikki smiles at him.
Returning the look, Adrien calls out, “Spots on!” And is encased into a burning, dark red light before the same maroon suit and dark wings flexed against his skin.
Scarlet beetle sighed.
Oh, how he couldn’t wait to see his lady.
Arriving at Le Grand Paris, Bluebell Kitten knew that her partner was already inside based on the precariously left open door and an album from Jagged Stone that she could hear extraordinarily well even from outside.
She, expecting to be able to stop, landed onto the balcony and put away her baton— only for her clumsy feet to stumble due to her speed and she crashed right through the open door, thankful that he left it open.
Then for the second time that day, the two heroes crashed into each other before slamming into the floor, the Kitten on top of the beetle and both bright red, bodies tangled up and so close that she couldn’t tell where she ended and he started.
“H-hey, Milady.” He, for some reason, chuckled and cupped the back of her head, holding her gently as he shifted slightly underneath her. “That eager to be bugged by me, huh?”
“Chaton,” The heroine scowled, pushing herself onto her elbows as she rests peacefully against his chest. “Aren’t you punned out for the day?”
“When am I ever punned out, little kitten?”
Bluebell shrieks as a purr loudly announces her appreciation— that she otherwise would’ve been able to hide— for the pet name and she scrambled back as that stupid blond started to laugh.
“Chat!” She covers her mouth with both hands, desperately trying to stop both her blush and the noise coming from her as it only grows thanks to her useless partner pulling her back onto him with a wicked grin. “Make it stop! How do I make it stop?”
“I don’t know if I want to help you with this, Milady,” He bites the inside of his cheek. “I quite like you not being able to hide how you feel.”
The purr in her chest turned into a soothing, almost constant rumble and she pouted.
“Yeah, well, I don’t.” The words seemed to vibrate in her throat and she swallowed the odd tickling feeling down. “I purr, Chaton. Purr! And every time I look at you my stupid tail wants to act up! Why? Because it hates me.”
“No,” He grinned. “Because you loooove me.”
Flushing deeply, she buries her head into her hands— deciding that's not enough and then buries it into his chest to hide the red-stained cheeks but Scarlet Beetle only laughs, telling her he saw it already.
“Come on, Bugaboo. I’m just teasing you.”
“I don’t like this.”
“But you like me.”
“What? I didn’t do anything.” His laugh deepens and she can feel it in her own chest, being that close to him. That traitorous purr only gets louder. Stupid, stupid cat instincts. Why can’t she enjoy the sound of his laugh without him knowing? Was that too much to ask?
“Just give me my miraculous back, you silly tomcat,” Bluebell grumbles, successfully sitting up this time, the purr quieting when Scarlet Beetle puts his hands back to his sides. “And don’t tease my purring!”
“Why not?” He pouts. “You tease my purring.”
“That’s different,” She whines. “You’re cute when you do it. It’s just weird for me too! I don’t want to be able to hear your heart beating— wait!” She stared at him in wide-eyed horror. “Do you… do you usually hear that good?”
“Yeah?” The hero gives her a weird look. “But I learned to ignore it, why?”
“No reason.” She sighs, looking away from her partner as she scrambles off of him, both standing up and a foot apart. “Point is, I’m a cat person but I don’t want to be a cat.”
“I rather like seeing you as a cat,” His comment earns a dry look.
“I’m sure you just love seeing me prance around in leather but I like being Ladybug, not a kitty.”
“But you're my kitten,” Beetle’s pout returns, and his green eyes widen innocently— almost as bad as Manon’s when she wants something.
The longer she stared into his eyes, the more familiar they became.
Not because they were Chat’s eyes, no— she’s seen her partner’s slitted gaze thousands of times. She’s seen him look at her a thousand times with that look in his eyes, too. The look that got her heart racing and the ‘what ifs’ to drag through her mind.
But these eyes?
And that expression?
She saw it somewhere else, on someone else.
All she can do is stare blankly at him, mind reeling.
No… no, it can’t be him— Chat can’t be—
But he could.
The missed classes, the poor excuses, the exhaustion, the secret gaze, the trusting of her civilian self. Blonde hair, green eyes. Bad father. Kind, selfless, smart. Lonely. The gentlest soul she has ever met.
Everything just clicked.
The thing they had been dancing around for years just fell into place looking into those eyes— eyes she used to be too nervous to look into. Eyes she tripped over, eyes she used to be in love with; eyes she still was in love with.
Raising a shaking hand to his cheek, she caressed it softly before bringing it up to his hair and brushing the strands back. He watched her, curious gaze intense as they locked eyes.
The name passed her lips so softly, so assured, and her kitty flinched in surprise, wide eyes filling first with confusion, then panic, and then with questions.
“How did you…”
She fell for him once under the hood of an umbrella and a sincere apology, with thunder and lightning crashing around them in the downpour but she didn’t mind. She wasn’t the only thing in Paris that day that felt so heavy that she could scream and she didn’t mind. She fell in love with the sweet boy with good grades and a sadness trapped into a smile. She fell in love with the boy who did everything he could to make his father happy, to help people. She fell in love with the boy beyond the good boy, perfect model facade he put on.
She fell in love with Adrien Agreste at fifteen.
She fell in love with him again at eighteen but it was different this time. There was no lightning, no quick strike of feelings and amazement and warmth. No, it was like swimming in shallow waters only to get swept up in the tides, completely trusting the water to keep her safe.
She fell in love with the puns, with the goofy smile and flicking ears and curious green eyes. She fell in love with her best friend, her partner. She fell in love with the boy in the mask, the one who supported her whenever she needed it and held her even when she didn’t. She fell in love with his sensitive heart and sharp mind.
She fell in love with Chat Noir.
And ever since then she’s been falling all over the place, enamoured over everything he did. She fell and fell and fell. There were so many things to love about him— both sides of him.
How couldn’t she see it before?
Because, honestly, who else could’ve been good enough to be Chat Noir?
“Your eyes,” She murmured almost absentmindedly, looking between the verdant orbs. “They’re usually darker and slitted. Cats eyes. But… but these eyes? These are Adrien Agreste’s eyes. I know these eyes, they’re beautiful.”
She could hear his heart racing and she could see the almost begging way he looked at her. She could see the tension in his body, the way he could so easily shrink in on himself.
“And is… is being Adrien okay?” The hero questioned, wincing slightly as he looked away from her. “Are you disappointed that it’s me?”
“Of course not,” She giggled and that stupid purr still hadn’t left. “You’re you. How could that ever disappoint me, Chaton?”
“I don’t know... I’m not, I don’t— do I know you?” Adrien— Chat— questioned, shuffling on his feet as he leaned into her touch. “Outside of the mask, I mean?”
She felt the purring stop and her ears went back. She retracted her hand slowly to her cheek and hugged herself around the middle. She looked down at the wings opened anxiously against his back, not wanting to see the disappointment on his face.
“Yeah,” The heroine nods. “We’re friends.”
That’s all they were.
Chat Noir and Adrien were in love with Ladybug— not her.
She wasn’t elegant or agile, she tripped over her feet three times a day and could be so unorganized and forgetful that she drove herself insane. She wasn’t too confident and she was far from brave.
Marinette wasn’t like Ladybug.
She wasn’t… she wasn’t that perfect girl Chat made her out to be.
Adrien was her friend, they hung out and could have good conversations but she noticed that he avoided her slightly, almost like he was disgusted by her. Like she made him uncomfortable.
Like he couldn’t stand her, even if he was polite.
It was almost like how she acted the first year they knew each other but he seemed more… wary, like she had done something to offend him and he was just waiting for her to realize or talk to him about it.
Would he be disappointed that she’s Ladybug?
Angry, even?
“Why do you look so sad, bugaboo?” Adrien asks, concern touching his tone. “Did you— do you not want to be my friend?”
When she looked at him, her poor partner looked ready to drop with worry and she gave a watery chuckle, just realizing there were tears in her eyes.
“Sorry,” She rubs the wetness away, almost poking herself with the claws. “I just… you don’t like me much. The civilian me, anyway. I don’t want you to  be upset that it’s me.”
“There are very few people I don’t like,” He frowned. “And none of them have blue hair, or blue eyes, or your smile. Who are you?”
Bluebell lowered her eyes, “You won’t hate me?”
It’s always been a fear of hers— Chat finding out who she actually was and leaving her, being disgusted. How could an insecure klutz like that protect Paris? How could he trust the girl who couldn’t get three good sentences out to him to talk down an Akuma or soothe one of the victims with her tone?
How could he still love her, knowing the girl underneath the mask?
Ladybug was stunning.
Marinette was just… Marinette.
“I couldn’t even if I tried,” Adrien reassured her, wringing his hands together in such a cute, unlike-Chat way that she giggled. “Can I detransform?”
“Sure,” She took a step back again, nervous for no reason at all.
It was just Chat, just her partner. Just the boy she’s been in love with for the last five years.
No big deal.
None whatsoever.
“Are you sure?” He asked. “You look like you’re going to cry. Oh no, I’m so sorry! I knew you wouldn’t like that I was Adrien! God, I’m so stupid—”
“Stop being mean to yourself!” She snapped. “I care about you, both sides! I care that you’re Adrien because you make me a little nervous but it’s nothing bad, I promise! I just have, urm… it’s a lot to process.”
“...Understandable.” He swallowed, then said, “Spots off.”
A flash of red consumed Scarlet Beetle and in his place stood Adrien, hair neater and muscular body less accentuated in his, ironically, ladybug-themed sweater and jeans that she knew he wore to school.
It was Adrien Agreste.
Her friend Adrien Agreste.
Bluebell knew that— of course she knew that but seeing it… it took her breath away.
Tikki floated between the two heroes with wide eyes, glancing to her baby bug and then back to the blond. She had no clue what was happening and her holder dreaded the lecture she’d get later of the importance of keeping their identities a secret.
With slightly narrowed eyes but an encouraging smile, Tikki went over to the other side of the room where the cookies were at and started to eat.
She could feel the Kwami’s eyes on her and the anxiety creeping around her veins pulsed viciously.
Taking a deep breath, she looked Adrien in the eyes— and then purred.
Horrifyingly loud.
When will this nightmare end?!
“Eep!” She stumbles back, flushing. “I don’t mean to, I swear!”
Adrien gives her that bemused smile, one usually reserved for Marinette after she did something weird or awkward, and chuckles, “It’s okay, Milady. No judgment here.”
“Thanks.” She said, still covering her cheeks.
“Are you, um… going to detransform, too?”
She knows that Adrien— Chat— has wanted to know who she was since the day they met. She wanted to know too but the fear of Hawkmoth getting to them outweighed the desire.
But thinking about it and actually telling him were two different things.
“I meant what I said,” Bluebell told him, voice steady but wary. “You avoid me and… and the way you look at me— we’re friends but just don’t… don’t get your hopes up that I’m someone you’ll like.”
“I already know I like you, with or without the mask.” He reassured, that usual comforting smile on his lips that got him that sunshine-boy reputation. “So please, bugaboo? I really want to know who you are.”
She bit her lip, holding her breath for a couple of seconds as she held herself in place too, leaning against the wall besides the windows.
She felt trapped, worried, but also excited.
She wanted him to know, even if she was scared.
She was far enough away from him, she could probably make it to the window and escape if he looked absolutely revolted by her.
She’s faced rejection before.
She could do it again.
Even if it would hurt really, really bad.
“Claws in.” She said, face turned to the ground as she trembled.
Oh God, there was no turning back now.
The soft baby blue light surrounded her, the drowning, beating wave-like power of the Miraculous leaving her as Plagg appeared in the air next to her arm— him being tackled by Tikki before he could even say anything, followed by a loud ‘shush’ from the Kwami.
Marinette stood there, shoulders raised with tension and her heart pounding behind her ears. She had the strongest urge to hide her face from view, to run away from all of this.
From his reaction.
“You’re… you’re Marinette.” Adrien said this slowly. He got a nod in reply. “And you think that I— Adrien Agreste— don’t like you?”
She gave another nod, not trusting her voice to speak.
She couldn’t even look at him. How pathetic could she get?
“I don’t hate you, Mari,” He said this and Marinette shyly looked up, flushing at the look of adoration on his face. He could still look at her like that? How? “I always noticed how uncomfortable I made you, I was just giving you space. I didn’t mean to make you upset, I’m sorry.”
“It’s okay,” She rubs her arms and looks away again. “You don’t make me uncomfortable, just nervous.”
“Why?” Adrien questioned, voice almost cracking. “Do I intimidate you or something?”
Marinette couldn’t help it. She laughed.
“Intimidate me?” This is said with a giggle and she makes her amused eyes meet his. “You think you’re intimidating? Cute.”
“Hey,” His tone turned slightly offended and she bit her lip as he pouted. “I can be intimidating and scary.”
“Yeah?” She teases, leaning forward with that twinkle in her eyes— playful like how she could be with Chat. Because this was Chat. “Do it. Be scary. Intimidate me, ‘o frightening one.”
“Urm, I d-don’t think I can right now. You’re you.”
“Does your brain feel like it’s going to explode?” Marinette asks, blue clashing with green as she tilts her head to the side.
“Kinda.” Adrien admits sheepishly. “I’m still trying to understand why you get nervous around me.”
“Uh,” She blinks, a sheepish smile coming onto her face. “I know you’re in love with Ladybug but— but I’m not her, I’m not that great. I’m just me. And you think of me— Marinette— as a friend. But… I’ve kind of been in love with you since Dupont?”
“You what?”
“Been in love with you,” Marinette’s face burned. “Since I was about thirteen. I hated you at first, you were friends with Chloe and the gum on my seat didn’t help but then I noticed how kind you were. Smart, selfless. Lonely, too but you don’t like talking about that so I’m sorry for mentioning it— I just, I fell in love with you and that’s why you always made me nervous because I didn’t think you could love me back.”
“Marinette,” Adrien looks at her, tenderness and seriousness oddly mixed in his gaze as he slowly walked towards her. “I’ve been in love with you from the second we met. And don’t say that you’re not Ladybug because you are, both inside and outside of the mask. You help people, you protect them. You’re passionate and strong and stubborn and I love you. I don’t know how many times I’ll have to say it before you believe me but I’ll do it until then and even after. I love you. I love you so much that it hurts— mph!”
With slight tears pricking her eyes, Marinette closed the distance between them and wrapped him into a tight hug, his now familiar body both making her feel calm and make her heart race.
“I love you too.”
Adrien sighs contently, wrapping his arms around her too. He held her gently but tightly, not willing to let her go but not risking hurting her— not that the silly kitty could.
Suddenly he chuckles and says, “That explained why you purred.”
“I said not to tease me!” She whined, pulling back enough that she could look up at him with narrowed eyes. “You’re  so mean, Chaton.”
“And you’re stunning, Bugaboo.”
The comment made Marinette squeak and dunk her head, desperate to get her blush out of his eyesight— but a soft yet collapsed hand holding lightly onto her chin stopped the action, Adrien bringing her eyes back up to look at him.
“You believe me when I say that, yes?” He asks. “Because I mean it. Everything about you is gorgeous, I don’t know how I didn’t realize the two girls I fell in love with were the same one.”
“It’s because we’re both stupid,” She giggles, stering the converastion away from compliments, unsure of how much warmer her face could get before she combusted. “But I also blame your hair.”
“My hair?” He raises an eyebrow.
“Mhm,” She hums, reaching up to play with the soft strands as she had done so hundreds of times before. “You always have it so neat but as Chat it’s messy.”
“I like it better that way,” He explains, a slight purr to his voice. “It’s more comfortable.”
“Both styles are equally cute, so you’re lucky.” She murmurs absentmindedly, still focused on his hair, ruffling it slightly with a smile. Then she notices the ear cuffs he had on and blinked in surprise. “Are those my earrings?”
“Huh?” Adrien blinks his eyes open and Marinette giggles at his dazed expression. Even without the ring he was her silly kitty who liked to be pet and cuddled. “Oh, yeah. They changed when I touched them.”
“Your ring did too,” She shows him. “It was weird, I thought it would’ve stayed silver.”
“Yeah, me too,” He poked the ring and then gently slides it off of her finger, putting it on his own before reaching up for the earrings and giving them back to their rightful owner who puts them off and sighs in relief.
This magic was familiar— this magic was warm and like home and tight enough to keep her safe, not like swimming in an open ocean and gasping for air only for her lungs to fill with water instead.
“Yes?” She looks up at him, seeing questions in his verdant eyes.
“Have you, um, seen something bad that I haven’t?”
It was admittedly a weird question, one that through her off guard but one that also made her think of the word drowned in water and dust, of the Eiffel tower toppled over, of watching herself crumple and fade, of seeing the moon cracked open in the sky and a boy in white with blue, crying eyes and a broken soul.
It made her think of how she saved him— but how she hadn’t saved her Chaton all those times, how she watched him die and fade and get captured and tortured and taken control of.
It made her think of the trauma of watching her city burn and the people in it all relying on her since the tender age of thirteen to save them all.
It made her think of all the times she had to protect everyone by herself because she lost Chat after he risked everything to save her.
Realizing she got lost in thought, Marinette startled and focused back onto her partner, “Yes, but don’t worry Minou. I can handle it.”
“I want you to be able to talk to me about those things,” Adrien murmured softly. “Tikki told me that all her Ladybugs live through things Chat Noirs don’t— but we’re a team. I want to share that burden with you.”
She sighed— and then she told him about Chat Blanc, she told him about how Paris drowned under the weight of their love three years ago and she’s been scared for him ever since, she told him about all of it.
By the end, they were both in tears and holding onto each other.
A weight feels like it was lifted off of her shoulders, like she was light enough to just float. It felt good talking about it, to let go all of that terror and heartache she accumulated over the years.
“You’re stronger than I ever knew,” Adrien kisses her forehead and her heart flutters. “I’m so proud of you, my little kitten.”
“Adrien,” She whines, hiding her face into his shoulder. “Stop.”
“Stop what?” He chuckles, lightening the mood. He always had a way of doing that. “Complimenting you?”
“Yes, I’m not used to it!” Marinette exclaimed. “You’re making me blush too much!”
“What if that’s my goal?”
“Then it’s a bad goal.”
“Meow-ch, Princess.” Adrien puts a hand over his heart. “You hurt me so, but fine. If that’s a bad goal, then what’s a good one?”
Feeling brave, she shoots him a wide smirk, “Kissing you until you’re breathless.”
He just stares at her, gaping as he blinks.
“What, Kitty?” She teases, leaning closer. “You flirt all the time but can’t take it?”
“No, it’s j-just… I completely support that goal.”
Laughing, Marinette rolls his eyes before cupping his face and kissing him— the feeling of his soft lips on hers sending a shiver down her spine. It was passionate and slow and loving, a kiss that told both of them all they had been feeling for these years.
It was a kiss that told them no matter what happened, they’d be okay.
So they kissed, again and again until they lost reality.
Going through the pain of having their Miraculous switched was worth it.
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save-the-spiral · 4 years
Wiztober Day Nine: Mice
Welcome to day Nine of Wiztober2020. Dyvim loving hours. Khrysalis Spoilers ahead. Content warnings for Injury mention, slight disassociation/panic attack from narrator.
@pyromancyy @necrospellbinder I summon you for reader/dyvim content. hello.
(link to prompt list)
You hiss in pain as the bandages tighten around your calf. You had insisted you were capable of tending to your own injuries, but your companion insisted on helping. So now you both were camping out in a small alcove of rock on the outskirts of the Khonda Desert, hiding without your armor so you could be healed.
“Sorry!” Dyvim mumbles reflexively, his paw shakily gripping the roll of bandages.
“S’fine.” You hiss again, letting your head fall back as you looked above towards a starless sky as twilight quickly descended into night. It was eerie, but the dread in your heart isn’t enough to stop your newfound comfort in darkness and shadows.
Shadowmancy is a hell of a thing, you muse.
“Done.” Dyvim smiles weakly, patting your knee with his paw.
Your heart races and you blush as you catch his gaze, instantly turning away.
“Thank you, Dyvim.” You manage, swallowing nervously. He's so close to you, looking so earnest and bright. “But really, you didn’t have to.”
Dyvim moves closer, settling down to sit right by your side. You still stare to the side, as if a cliff face is at all entertaining. A brush of soft fur, and suddenly his paw is on your cheek, turning your head to face him. You hope he can’t feel the heat of your blush through his adorable little toe beans on his paws.
It is so small and warm. All of him is so small and warm, a contained little star, infinite energy swirling inside of him.
Dyvim feels untouchable. A specter of greatness you can never achieve, a determination that you never truly had, even in the beginning.
“I didn’t have to, but I wanted to. His whiskers twitch and ears flicker as he says it.
Your mouth opens slightly, at a loss for words when you realize he hadn’t removed his paw from your cheek yet, that his small claws had traced your jawline. Finally, you speak. “But...”
At your obvious discomfort, he drops his paw. “I’m sorry- I-”
“But why?” You finally manage to say, exhaling a shaky breath.
“Why tend to my wounds? Why treat me like I can’t help myself? I’ve saved about a dozen worlds by now, I don’t need-!”  You don’t even realize your hands have been trembling until Dyvim takes them in his paws.
“You...” Dyvim pauses, then chuckles slightly. Before you could even get offended, he continues talking. “You get any help at all, and decide people are patronizing you. I only want to help, and even the simplest act makes you say ridiculous things.”
“Ridiculous?!” Your voice raises with indignation.
Dyvim holds on tighter to your hands in his, and even though his hands are more delicate, more mundane, without the hum of magic under his skin like you possessed, you can’t bear to rip your hands away from his even as your anger rises. The thought of accidentally hurting Dyvim is anathema. The possibility of seeing his face twisting with pain or slack with death, it's as if someone reached in your chest and tried to pull out your heart, clawing and clenching and straining until you can’t breathe-
Your eyes open when you realize Dyvim had been repeating your name, a question, as if calling out and not knowing if you were there. His fingers run through your hair, dulled claws lightly scratching at your skull, a repeating rhythm. His other hand is around you, clutching your shoulder, a barrier of fur and muscle that you knew was stronger than it appeared.
It almost feels like a hug. And that is strange to you. You move your head, no longer tucked in the soft space of Dyvim’s neck and shoulder, and blink blearily up at him, and wonder if you had ever been hugged since coming to the Spiral. Since you had been summoned by Headmaster Ambrose. The answer makes your entire body ache, old wounds rising to the surface to remind you of days spent injured with no one to heal you.
“Dyvim?” You whisper.
“Oh, thank goodness.” He mutters quickly, eyes suddenly brightening from their dull worry. “It was so strange- you suddenly weren’t responding- and at first I thought you fell asleep, but-”
“Shhh.” You tiredly press a finger to his lips, hushing him. Your heart skips a beat as you see what you were doing, and you quickly let your hands fall to your lap. The fur on his face was now awkwardly ruffled.
Dyvim looks down at you, eyes locking with yours, and says your name. It's sad, not pitying, but concerned, as if he's helpless to stop whatever may come to hurt you. In a way, he is. He isn’t a wizard, and because of that so many battles were fought without him. So many opportunities to be stuck at the sidelines, powerless to stop whatever tried to kill you this time.
His hand is resting at the back of your skull, and the arm supporting your back was no longer tense, but still strong enough that you can rest against it.
“I just...” You whisper again. “I can’t put my life in another persons hands. Ever since I learned of magic, I’ve been on my own. Years of questing, of killing and saving people, of victory and defeat... and it’s all relied on me. My triumphs. My mistakes.” Your breath shakes, and you squeeze your eyes shut for only a moment before opening them again. “I can’t drag another person down with me when I fail.”
You let your head rest on his collarbones, the soft feeling of fur enveloping you as you close your eyes. You can hear his heartbeat.
Dyvim rests his chin on your head, and his hug encircles you. You feel so small in that moment, safe and quiet where no one could hurt you.
You feel tears gather at your eyes, and will them away.
“I’m always scared.” Dyvim finally says. His voice is young and fragile, and you know if it were a better time you and he would still be considered too young for the adult world, but too old to be a child.
Neither of you got a chance to be a child.
Dyvim exhales, thinking for a moment. “Every time we go into battle, I think it must surely be our last. That any moment there will be something to throw me out of a window again, dying. Or you will be defeated and the enemy cruel and unmerciful. Fear chases me like a rabid animal, uncaring and ruthless. I am afraid, all the time.”
Your hands snake upwards, and you hug Dyvim back, fingers interlocking where they now rest at his back.
The desert is quiet at night. Distantly, you think you may hear the sounds of both mouse encampments, but maybe your mind is playing tricks on you.
“I have always been afraid, ever since I truly understood what world I had been born into. The only thing that can keep the fear at bay... It’s knowing I can heal you. I can help, I can bandage your wounds and make your meals and keep you company, and I know, in a way, that even those paltry actions help save my world.” Dyvim’s voice wavers, as if on the verge of tears. “You are worth it. Worth the fear, and whatever it takes to care for you. Not because you saved worlds before, or even saved the whole Spiral. It’s because I care about you. Who you are. A person whose path has denied them what they deserve. You are allowed to show weakness, to be afraid and hurt, with me. We have faced so much together, and I can only hope that means something. I promise I will care for you in any way I can, on my honor if I must.”
You realize you are crying as you move away from his chest, only to say, “That won’t be necessary.” in a trembling voice.
Dyvim pulls you in tight, hugging you as if it’s his only chance, savoring it and how ephemeral this affection must be by its own nature. You fall asleep together, under the starless sky. For this moment, where you both begin to drift into sleep, there is nothing more important than the fact that you two are together, and safe.
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fedoraqueen · 4 years
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Hey so I wasn’t sure what to put so I kind of winged it and this is the result… Here’s the fic. @clonewarsreturns
Healing on Ryloth. In the aftermath of Ryloth’s liberation, Jedi General Thahali Junn and Padawan Paulo begin to help with relief efforts. Unfortunately not everyone can stay completely on task.
Blueberry loved his general’s padawan. He genuinely did, he would die for the big lug. But if he could change one thing, It would be to see over or around him. And that’s what the problem was at the moment. He was behind a hulking 10ft youngling.
he stood on his toes trying to even see if there was a better place to move, but no such luck. Everywhere was too tall for him.
“ Having trouble there captain?”
“ Shut up robin.”
“ I was just asking.”
“ Now you’re just shutting up. That’s an order.”
“ Yes sir.”
Blue fumed under his helmet and crossed his arms trying to figure out a better way to get around. His brothers snickering at his sides. He decided to stuff his pride down.
“ Paulo I can’t see.”
The padawan turns around confused.
“ What? How?”
“ You make a better door than a window buddy.”
“ oh. Well I can help!”
“ Well yeah Can I just-”
Paulo bends down and holds him up so he can see. The snickering gets louder. He shifts around and climbs up Paulo’s arm to his shoulder.
“ So where are they-” Blue doesn’t get to finish as they’re pummeled by beanbags knocking him off Paulo, “ RETURN FIRE!! ”
They never stood a chance as they’re beaten down by Tarragons group.
“ We win!” Tarragon crows and leaps off the cliff above them, several twi’lek children following and giggling, Blue gets off the ground and dusts himself off grinning under his helmet.
“ You honestly didn’t hear us coming?”
“ No I did! Just wanted to see Robin and Buzz get hit.”
Said clones groan as they’re swarmed by twi’lek children trying to see how their armor worked.
“ BOY’S!” They all freeze and look towards the source of the shout.
Thahali stood in front of them folding her arms. Blueberry, Paulo and Tarragon scramble to their feet and salute.
“ What are you doing?”
“ Tactical games with the younglings?”
“ Bean bag throwing?”
“ I climbed up Paulo.”
Thahali shakes her head and points to the open ship.
“ Go help get that food out of there. Now.”
Paulo stands and starts jogging towards the ship, Tarragon Buzz and Robin close behind him. Blueberry leans against her shaking his head.
“ Can you believe the Nerve of some people. I’d be very disappointed if I were you.”
Thahli moves, sending him into the dirt.
“ Go help unload you slacker.”
He Gives an indignant gasp, “ I am insulted at the very insinuation I would slack off!”
The cathar raises an eyebrow, Blue picks himself up off the ground. “ Okay I’m going.”
“ Good. Go do your job.”
He laughs and waves behind him towards the little twi’leks. “Ash haku sareen thingku if nu ask ash’ll share!” ( She has sweets, If you ask she’ll share!”
He cackles as She’s swarmed with little kids politely asking for her stash of sweets as he joins his brothers.
“ You are on latrine duty for the next month.”
“ Worth it.”
She gently hits the back of his head. “ You owe me more sweets.”
“ I’m a sweet. If I give you my arm does that count?”
“ No.” She sighs and sits down for the first time for the day. “ How did things go on your front?”
“ All good. We managed to get some houses rebuilt before we got distracted.”
“ That’s good…” She leans closer to him and lowers her voice. “The council and senate find this to be a waste of resources.”
“ To be frank they both don’t come to these kinds of places to help rebuild. I’d like to see wrinkly old Palpatine do any of this! Or any of them try it!”
Thahali snorts, looking at her friend. His helmet on the ground, fluffy red hair falling past his shoulders. She finds herself staring too long, she looks away to see Tarragon, Buzz and Whiskers playing a game with a ball with the younglings. Paulo Robin and Dk are lounging by a fire talking with some of the adults. Blueberry puts his hand on her shoulder.
“ When we do things like this, It not only helps people know the Jedi care, It let’s them know us clones aren’t just meat droids.” 
“ That’s profound coming from you… But you’re right.” She smiles and looks back down at her captain, His gapped tooth grin is contagious.
“ I’m going to go play with them.”
She laughs, “ Have fun. I’ll go be an adult.”
“ Have fun with that!”
They go their separate ways, Thahali striding towards the fire with a smile on her face and a newfound determination in her step.
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vixtens · 4 years
vixen    deals    with    a    great    deal    of    stigma     &&.     harassment    dealt    towards    her    for    having    a    mutant    quirk.     her   canine   like   appearance   doesn’t   help  ;    as   people   have   even   tried   forcing   her   to   wear   muzzles   to   avoid   people   getting   bitten.    this   was   especially   bad   while   she   was   in   school   and   during   her   first   few   months   working   at   feel   good   inc.      (    she   was   seventeen   at   the   time,   by   the   way.    this   wasn’t   adult   vs.   adult   behavior.     )      but   another   coworker   brought   the   harassment   to   skeptics   attention   and   he   stopped   it   quickly.
her   quirk   gives   her   the   appearance   of   a   silver   fox.    she   has   black   fur,    with   greys   and   whites   contrasting   the   tip   of   the   fur,   mainly   around   her   forehead,   some   on   her   tail   and   on   her   back.    she   has   a   white   stripe   on   her   left   ankle,   too.
her   hands   are   human   like,   but   she   has   a   dewclaw   on   her   wrist   and   her   nails   are   sharp,   only   retract   partially.   there’s   an   extra   thin   layer   of   flesh   on   the   palms   of   her   hands   and   feet,   such   are   the   “   paw   pads   “    or   toe   beans.     (    the   toe   beans   grow   fur   during   the   winter    )
and   with   the   fox   like   appearance,    comes   the   muzzle   and   the   sharp   teeth.   she   has   whiskers    (   some   on   her   legs,   too   )
she   also   makes   the   sounds   that   a   fox   would.    be   it   barking   in   alarm,   gekkering,   laughing,   or   screaming,   vixen   tends   to   repress   this   part   of   her   when   people   that   she   trusts   aren’t   around   to   avoid   making   herself   a   target   for   harassment. 
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imnotcameraready · 5 years
chivalry is dead — ball outfits
as of chapter 20, everyone is dressed Fancy™
outfits and ID explanations below! 
Patton — Cat
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i gotta start with our kitty-pat!!!!! he’s so cute !!!! his dress is a lot like cinderella’s, actually, now that i think about it. His dress corset has the princess-cut lines down the center that have some silver thread detailing, and the center part is a sparkly grey while the outside is a pale grey-blue velvet. The corset’s waist juts out, and at the center middle of the waist there’s a large bow made of glittery black tulle. The top most layer of his dress is glittery silver tulle, while the next layer (and the one that extends out behind him in a train) is glittery black tulle. i feel like it should bunch in the back, but i didn’t draw the back, but it also probably bunches in the back just given how fabric Moves™. the inner most layer of his dress is a velvet gradient from the same pale grey-blue on his corset to an actual dark grey, similar in shade to the silver tulle! his shoulder poofs are also scrunched up silver tulle, and that’s all the sleeve he’s got. he does have forearm-length gloves, though, which are grey with pink toe beans that mimic a cat’s!
his mask is also pretty standard for a masquerade ball — it’s a grey cat mask, with a silver gem for the nose and with pink ears and whiskers! 
Logan — Octopus
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a smart animal for our smart boi :^) also like, my favorite outfit of the bunch, i want it so badly. his blazer doesn’t clasp, but it’s fitted pretty well and clips on the inside to his vest. It’s dark blue, with a black adjustable waist strap that goes around his back, and with four tails that seem more like tentacles. The shoulders of his blazer are also adorned with light blue “bubble” rhinestones. His vest is just a shimmery royal blue, and his undershirt is white, but his tie is iridescent blue and black. It’s tied up in an eldritch knot tho ;0 His pants are pretty tame, just some dark blue slacks. hes got a little piece of pink coral tucked into his lapel, too!
logan’s mask is. like. like i’d die for it. like it’s so cool. there are four tendrils poking out and swirling around it on either side, protruding from the mask itself, and while the coloring of the mask is fairly basic (it’s just dark blue) the “underside” of the tentacles are decorated in silver gems that mimic an octopus’ suckers. this was the first one i did and. like. im still yelling. i want that mask. 
Deceit — Peacock
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thought i’d mix it up a little!!!! deceit’s suddenly flashy and, in the bard’s words, “the hottest chick in the coop.” he doesn’t have a blazer, but he does have a half-cape thingie, which has blue and purple and green rhinestones on the shoulder pad while shimmers an iridescent purple and green when he moves. his vest is a matte teal, and his undershirt is mint green, and he has lil arm bands that keep his sleeves pulled up that are dark blue. his ascot is also iridescent, and shimmers blue and purple. His pants are pretty tame, though (as i’ve seemed to do with most everyone’s pants lmao) they’re black with a glittery green stripe down the side. his shoes are. supposed to be black dress shoes. but it seems i forgot to draw them. and his gloves are dark green! i love this outfit but its also a mess of colors asdfgjkl
his mask covers the scaled side of his face and has blue rhinestones decorated similarly to the cape. There are also a lot of feathers. Like a lot of peacock feathers. all coming out of the left side. his scales are well hidden. 
The Thief — Snake
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speaking of mixing it up a little, the thief does love being a red herring. his outfit is less snake themed and more deceit themed t b h. idk what to call that blazer, but it’s black, and short in the front with two long coat tails in the back, and is buttoned low and twice with gold circles and chains that mimic deceit’s coat clasp. His blazer also has sequins arranged in diamonds, traveling up his sleeves’ forearms. his vest is black, too, but is sheer while the blazer itself is matte. his dress shirt is a pastel yellow, and the bowtie is black, calling back to deceit’s SvS outfit. his slacks are also pretty plain, just black, and he’s wearing black gloves. 
his mask is literally a call back to deceit — covers the let side of his face, and has sequins arranged in diamonds all across it, mimicking deceit’s scales. If you look close enough, though, you can see his face scar jutting out at the very edge
remember when virgil was tryna convince the thief that he was the virgil-esque roman? :^) 
The Bard — Harlequin
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i love love love the bard’s outfit. it’s actually a ball-dance dress, meant for people who are actually doing ballroom dancing, with some red sheer tulle as the skirt. His bodice isn’t a corset, though it is kinda stiff and sinched at the waist by a thick black belt with a heart on it. The belt matches his choker, which incidentally is connected to his dress :^) the bodice also has a red and black checkered pattern throughout, with a large white pearl at every check intersection. There are pieces of tulle from his dress connected to his wrists by thick forearm bands, also with the red and black checkered pattern — good for showy dancing!
his mask is also based on a harlequin/jester theme, with five protrusions at the top in alternating red-black-red-black-red, and with bells at the ends. the center of his mask is white and fades into the red and black checkered pattern at the sides. 
The Artist — Jester
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shout out to the artist for his character development, because the boy’s learned to be okay laughing at himself and at things. He’s going as a jester, so his outfit is semi-formal and semi-flashy (good for distracting ;) ). The left half of his suit is a solid black, while the right half has a checkered pattern of red and black. His suit’s sleeve cuffs spiral out a little, and are gold. His slacks are solid red on the right while adorned with the red and black checkered pattern on the left. 
his mask is similar to the bard’s — the top has five jester-hat-like protrusions, alternating black-red-black-red-black, with bells on the ends. The mask itself, however, is white with little marks of all four card suits. 
The Playwright — Queen of Hearts
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The Playwright’s dress harkens back to the animated Alice in Wonderland’s queen of hearts dress. The skirt is nearly identical, with an outer most layer that’s half red and half black, and with chevrons on the inside that alternate black and gold. At the tip of his corset’s waist is a large red rhinestone in the shape of a heart, and across his bodice is a large red heart that stretches from the neckline to the waist. His sleeves? Basically remus’ sleeves. Poofy shoulder parts that pinch in near his elbow, then are flush against his skin to the wrist, and then floof out at the wrist. The sleeves are black with glittery red trims around the wrist floofs and in the creases of the shoulder poofs. 
his mask is actually all rose gold wire-work, in intricate spirals. there’s a crown in the middle, on the top, also made of wire. 
Dragon and Damsel — the Prince and flames
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ignore the big doodle on the left — that was for another drawing! 
Dragon’s outfit is fairly simple, he’s just wearing Roman’s usual white princely outfit with the gold trims, red sash, black boots, etc. The main difference is that his crest has been replaced with Dragon’s part of the crest, which is just the castle’s outer towers and wall. 
Damsel on the other hand is wearing a ball gown. His corset has a tall behind-head-neck-thing-whose-name-ive-forgotten, taller than his head with orange and red detailing shaped like flames. The corset has stiff gold shoulder pads that actually prevent him from lifting his arms high, and the body itself is detailed with sequins and rhinestones that mimic the red sash. There’s a little bit of rolled up red tulle at his waist, and then the gown. The first two layers are kind of torn up and in tatters (almost as though they’d been physically torn and then burned) and are colored orange, then red, and the inner most visible layer is a dark ashy grey. His eye, usually covered in a bandage, is patched over with a red rose. 
neither of them have masks, but the damsel has a red veil (not in the picture). they want to be seen and identified. 
no taglist bc uhhhh idk if y’all wanna see this (its not writing?? ) 
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