#he invites us all to suck his own dick with him and what do we do? we flock. awed by the sheer tenacity and strength of his bombasticness
mattitties · 8 months
sworn enemy - matt sturniolo
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I don’t have many enemies in my life. I try to get along with most people, and even if I don’t like them, I do my best to be friendly no matter what. But there’s one person that I absolutely cannot stand: Matt Sturniolo.
I moved to LA about six months ago, and the triplets were some of the first people I met. I got close with Nick first, then Chris, and I attempted to get close with Matt, but he was so closed off and became outwardly rude to me every interaction we had. I have no idea why he hates me so much, but I will not tolerate him giving me that kind of attitude for no reason when I’ve tried to be his friend.
So I don’t try anymore. I’m over at their house more than I’m at mine, and I’ve gotten to the point of completely ignoring that asshole when he comes into the room. Is it rude to ignore someone in their own home? Sure, but none of this would be happening if he didn’t make it abundantly clear from day one that he has no interest in being my friend.
Nick and Chris invited me over tonight to watch a movie, so of course I accepted. Despite everything with Matt, I absolutely adore Nick and Chris and would never turn down an opportunity to spend time with them.
“Helloooo,” I say when I walk into the living room, where they’re already setting up the movie.
“Hey!” Nick smiles as he gives me a hug. “Movie’s almost ready, you wanna get some snacks?”
I nod and head to the kitchen, saying hello to Chris in the process. I’m so invested in rummaging through their fridge that I don’t even notice Matt walk into the room until he groans.
“Oh joy, look who’s here!” he says as I turn around.
“Don’t worry, I won’t bother you,” I tell him as I grab some drinks. “Just go back to your cave and it’ll be like I’m not even here!”
He rolls his eyes. “I can feel your presence even from there. Seriously, who invited her?”
“We did,” Chris says. “Come on dude, isn’t this getting a little old? It’s time to get over whatever dumb shit you have against her and grow up.”
Matt shakes his head as he takes a box of Goldfish to the couch. “Nah, I’m good. So what are we watching?”
“Oh, so now you wanna watch with us?” I ask. “Two seconds ago you were acting like it was the end of the world that I’m here.”
“Well, this is my house, and I should be able to watch a movie in my house even when little annoying creatures are sitting on my couch,” he smiles sarcastically at me.
I say nothing in response. He’s such a dick. 
“Oh, before I forget, do you want to come to TopGolf tomorrow night with us and our friends?” Chris asks me.
“I wish, but I’m going to a bar tomorrow night with my roommate,” I tell him.
“No worries, we’ll go another time. Matt’s not going either because he’s just too good for all of us, isn’t that right Matt?” Chris teases and pokes Matt’s stomach, earning a punch to his upper arm from Matt.
I roll my eyes at Matt’s clear inability to have any fun and sit back as the movie begins. 
I should not have gone out tonight. I’m having the worst night. I should have gone to TopGolf with Chris and Nick. All my life choices are being regretted. 
My roommate is currently in the bathroom probably sucking some random guy off, and I have somehow gotten in the middle of two drunk guys fighting over god knows what. The place is crowded and I’m being swallowed in a sea of people as I desperately try to get away from the fight before punches start being thrown. 
I’m unsuccessful. 
In the midst of the chaos, one of the guys accidentally nails me right in the eye as he goes to hit the other. He doesn’t even notice and continues going after him, but other people do notice. I really wish they hadn’t. I want nothing more than to just get out of there.
I push my way to the entrance and ignore the small crowd of people following me and asking if I’m okay.
“I’m fine,” I tell them, speeding up and breathing a sigh of relief when I make it outside.
The pain in my eye doesn’t even register until I open my camera and see it: red, bloody, and already starting to swell. I’m tearing up, and I can’t tell if it’s from the pain or from the disaster that is tonight. I need to go home, but there’s no way I’m going back inside to get my roommate, and she definitely won’t see if I text or call her. I could Uber, but I’m terrified of Ubering alone, especially in Los Angeles at 11 PM. I don’t want to bother Nick and Chris while they’re out, even though I know they would drop everything to get me. 
A pit in my stomach rises as I click Matt’s contact name and text him.
are you up? kind of in a situation here and need a ride
Call someone else
i wouldn’t ask unless i really needed help
I hate how desperate I sound, especially to him, but I’m cold and scared and in pain, so at this point I really don’t care.
Jesus fine where are u
I send him my location and wait. He pulls up ten minutes later, and I do my best to hide my tear stained and bloody face as I get in the car.
“Thank you so much,” I tell him, trying to control my shaky voice. “I’m really sorry, I just–”
“Are you okay?” he asks. I’m barely looking at him, but I can feel him staring at me. 
“Yeah, why?”
He turns my face towards him with his thumb. His eyes widen when he sees my eye, which definitely looks worse than it did 10 minutes ago. “Dude! What the fuck happened???” 
“Nothing, I’m fine,” I tell him, my eyes starting to well up again. 
“You’re not fine. What happened? Who did this to you?”
“Nobody did anything, I swear. Two guys were just fighting and I couldn’t move fast enough and I got hit. It’s my fault, but I’m fine. It doesn’t even hurt,” I explain unconvincingly as I start to cry. 
“If it doesn’t hurt, why are you crying?”
“Because I just wanna go home, Matt! Can you just take me home?” I sob.
“Okay, okay,” he says gently as he switches gears to drive. “Can I take you to my house? We need to clean up that eye.”
I nod and look out the window as he drives us home. He is the absolute last person I want to see in this state. I know he’s going to use this against me in a few days and he’s never going to let me live it down. 
When we get to the triplets’ house, I make a beeline for Matt’s bathroom and look at myself in the mirror. 
“Oh my god,” I mumble. I look awful. My eye is completely swollen and it’s turning purple. I have a gash in my cheek. “Why the fuck did I go out tonight?” I say as Matt walks in behind me. “I have to go to work looking like this! I’m not gonna make any tips! People are gonna throw up looking at me!”
“Okay, calm down,” he tells me. “Sit on the toilet. I’m gonna clean it and get you some ice and then you can just chill here, okay?”
I nod and sit down on the toilet lid as he gets a cotton ball and some hydrogen peroxide. He tilts my chin up to look at him. “Little sting,” he mumbles. I scrunch my face at the feeling of the peroxide on the cut. “I know, I’m sorry, almost done.”
He dabs the cut a few times and throws the cotton ball out. “Come on,” he says, motioning me to get up. “Go lay down and I’ll get ice.”
I silently oblige and lay on his bed, giving him a small smile when he returns with some ice chunks in a ziplock bag covered in a paper towel. 
“It’s the best I could do,” he says when he hands it to me. “We don’t have any actual ice packs.”
“It’s great, thank you.”
He lays down next to me and turns on the TV. I’m not even paying attention. All I can think about is trying not to ask the one thing I desperately want to know. I almost keep myself from saying it, until it just comes out of my mouth like word vomit.
“Why don’t you like me?”
He looks at me, his eyebrows slightly furrowed. “What?”
I immediately regret everything, but I ask again. “Why don’t you like me? I mean, Nick and Chris both like me, so I would assume you would too, but like… did I do something to you?”
He sits up and turns the TV off. “I dropped everything tonight to come save you from a bar. Why don’t you think I like you?”
“You’re just so mean to me. You have been since the day we met. And I don’t understand what I did to deserve that. If you don’t like me, that’s fine, I just want to know why.”
He doesn’t say anything for a moment. “I do like you. I never meant to make it seem like I don’t, I thought we were just playing around. Like friends tease each other, ya know?”
“Well yeah, but… you’ve never done anything to make me think we’re friends, so…”
“I’m sorry,” he says. He opens his mouth like he’s going to say something else, but then closes it.
“What?” I ask.
He shakes his head. “Nothin. Do you want to stay here tonight? I can get you something to change into.”
“Oh,” I reply, completely taken aback by this. “Yeah… yeah, that would be nice. Thank you.”
He offers me a pair of sweatpants and a T-shirt which I take into the bathroom and change into, discarding the ice pack in the process. I take another look in the mirror and sigh.
“God, I look fucking disgusting,” I say when I climb back into his bed.
“You look beautiful,” he says so quietly I have to double check if I even heard him correctly.
“Don’t tell me that just because you feel bad for me.”
“I’m not.” He turns on his side to face me. “You are beautiful.”
“Why are you being so nice to me all of a sudden?”
His eyes are moving between my eyes and my lips. I’m starting to put the pieces together, and it’s terrifying. 
“Because I’m tired of pushing my feelings down and making it your problem,” he says. I don’t say anything, I just give him time to explain. “I didn’t want to like you because you were Nick and Chris’ friend first, and I didn’t want to ruin anything. I thought being a dick would make my feelings go away. It didn’t.”
“I like you, Matt,” I whisper. “I have since I first met you. It made me so sad to think that you didn’t like me. And I’m sorry I’ve also been mean to you.”
“Don’t be sorry, I deserved it,” he says. “Do you still hurt?”
I shake my head. “Not really.”
“Good,” he says before lightly holding my cheek and pressing a soft kiss to my lips. I freeze for a moment, not fully processing what’s happening, and then I hold his wrist and kiss him back, our lips moving perfectly together.
It’s clear that neither of us have any intention of taking it further tonight. We continue to kiss for just a couple minutes until we separate, doing nothing but staring into each others’ eyes. 
“Goodnight, Matt,” I say.
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bluecollarmcandtf · 2 months
Fast Food Snack
My story starts with a close, but I'm hungry...
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An intimidating glare from the baggy-eyed manager tells me to back the fuck off, but I have no intention of leaving. I'm starving and this asshole has no idea who he's staring at! After all, how could an old fast-food worker named Darryl know that I just discovered the ability to control dumb little minds like his?
"Open up," I say, licking my lips at the feeling of inserting myself into his head.
Mind control isn't like how it's portrayed in movies. I don't just snap my fingers and bring victims into a vacantly drooling state. No! It's much more invasive than that, and it's much, much more unpleasant for my poor targets. Imagine a sickeningly stiff presence pushing through the back of your skull. It shoves your own ideas and intentions aside, ripping away the control you had over your body. You probably always took that control for granted, but now you can't cause so much as the blinking of an eyelid. Most people spend their time in my thrall screaming internally.
Being sidelined in your own body takes some getting used to, and Darryl isn't enjoying it in the slightest. Nevertheless, I use his hands to unlock the front door and invite myself inside.
"Please, come in," I make his gravelly voice speak, "Can I suck your dick as an apology?"
I feel the man cringe on the inside. He hates hearing and feeling his own mouth make such a vulgar offer, but his stoic face doesn't crack. This idiot is trapped inside his own mind while I get to puppet around his body. I don't even have to tell him what to do.
"Maybe later," I pinch the manager's cheek, "Let's get you deep-fried and seasoned first."
With a vice grip on his brain, I steer the fast-food worker off to do my bidding. Humiliating my playthings is the perfect appetizer...
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Darryl spends the next few minutes collecting all the leftover food from the garbage, dumping it all over himself. The manager doesn't stop there, proceeding to lay on the floor and rub all the grease and ketchup into his clothes. That trademark glare stays frozen on his face the entire time he soaks in the day's old fries and ketchup.
"I'm a messy little bitch," he states blandly from the ground, "And an ugly, dumb, low-life."
His words make me chuckle, even though I'm the one making him say it. My metaphorical arm is rammed up his ass like a ventriloquist with a dummy. It's also me that's puppeting his hands to rub the food into the pits of his polo and the crotch of his khakis.
"You really should've just let me inside," I purr with my own mouth, "Now I'm gonna make you act like a messy bitch forever."
Darryl's face remains unbothered, but I feel the real man panic inside. If he had control over his eyes right now, they would be bulging in pure terror. Instead, they gaze passively back at me from the floor.
"Boss? Where'd you go?" a smooth voice interrupts my fun with Darryl.
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A tall, dark, and handsome young man walks out from the back kitchen. His thick arms and bushy beard make me salivate. The name tag on his juicy pec reads 'Josh' but there's plenty of other things I'd rather call a stud like him.
"I thought you said we'd leave early if we got everything cleaned up," he grunts quietly.
The handsome fool is too preoccupied with wiping down tables to notice his manager rolling in grease and condiments. Briefly glimpsing in his mind tells me that he wants to finish his shift as quickly as possible, but I won't be letting him off work any time soon.
He jumps when he finally notices me, startled to find a customer still lurking after closing hours. His scowl shortly returns to his face as he pushes out his chest to address me.
"We're closed. You need-" his voice cuts as I commandeer his heavy body and thick neck.
With me in control, Josh's autonomy is squeezed into a corner of his skull, but he still retains all his senses; feeling his muscles relax, licking his salty lips, taking a deep breath of greasy air, and staring at his new master. I make him walk forward until his bulging chest is brushing against my own.
"I can give you a much better show than that dried-up, old, dishrag," I make him say, gesturing to Darryl with his broad hands, "My man-tits are fat and juicy just for you. Let me be your little slut. Fuck me like the breedable piece of meat I am."
Internally, Josh is furious, but his voice doesn't waver as he delivers the words I wrote for him. He's like a Ken doll I'm playing with, only none of it is pretend.
"I think I'd prefer dinner and a show," I giggle, "Why don't we let that dried-up, old, dishrag fuck your ass. He is your boss, after all."
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Josh doesn't visibly react to the idea. He doesn't wince or crack the scowl I'd left on his handsome face. He just marches to the back and lays himself out on the dirty floor. Darryl follows, per the instructions I'm pumping into each of his limbs.
"Give it to me hard, boss," Josh says in a low monotone.
"Prepare for a rough ride, muscle-slut." Darryl answers his employee dryly.
Of course, internally, both men are freaking out. It's hard to tell who's more panicked; the manager who's about to dog-fuck his employee, or the roided up gym-rat who's about to take it like a bitch. Darryl wants nothing more than to pull Josh off the floor and run out of the building, but I hold his body firmly in place, making the man unbuckle his stained khakis like he's about to get lucky. Josh is the same, desperately trying to break free and attack, but I've got full control over his bulky body. I make him stick out his tongue and lick the floor like a pathetically horny animal. He still has to taste every inch.
"Papa's ready for ya," Darryl moans, pulling out the cock I easily inflated to full mast.
"Hurry Papa!" Josh squirms as he thumbs his pants below his wiggling bubble butt.
"What the hell?" a nervous voice stutters.
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Turning, I find a much less impressive man walking into the kitchen. His name tag reads 'Aaron' and he must've been bullied into cleaning the bathrooms for the last twenty minutes. He's missed a lot, but it doesn't take long for me to catch him up.
"I'm enjoying a meal here!" I bite, mildly annoyed, "Shut up and make yourself useful."
His mind folds instantly to my efforts, and I know exactly how to put him to use. Aaron snaps his mouth, marches around before me, and kneels. Without a single breath of pause, his hands unzip my jeans and pull out my aching penis. He swallows it whole, bobbing his head expertly. Aaron's never done this before, but I've had a few blow jobs and I know exactly how I like it; with a throat wide open and lips at the base.
"Continue," I sigh in pleasure towards Josh and Darryl.
The pair unfreeze, resuming the messed up porno I'm forcing them to star in. The manager leans into Josh's back and enters him from behind. "You're gonna have to take Daddy's dick every time we close. Got it, boy?" he grunts down at his employee. The bearded stud looks up to his boss, and sucks some of the various condiments out of the man's stained shirt. "Yes, sir. I want to end every day like this, here, with you inside me." Darryl continues slapping his groin into Josh's splayed rear, pushing the younger man's face against the cold damp floor.
It isn't long before Aaron's expert dick-sucking leaves me cumming in his stomach. Finally, I'm satiated. "FfuuuuUUUuuuUucck..." I grunt out a long guttural moan of relief.
When my eyes flutter open, I see the mess I've left in this little restaurant...
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The three men stop with the act; Aaron pauses, my dick still halfway down his throat; Josh freezes in the middle of writhing with fake pleasure; Darryl even ceases his brutal rape of his employee despite never reaching a climax. None of it matters anymore. My rocks have gotten off, so my little puppet show is over. I'm left with three terrified fast-food workers with broken wills.
"Sorry guys," I pull away and zip up my pants, "I get a little carried away when I'm horny."
"It's, ok," they all answer back nonchalantly, but I can hear their true thoughts screaming, locked away somewhere in their minds.
With a wave of my hand, I wipe the experience from their memories. I turn off their consciousness and set Darryl, Josh, and Aaron on autopilot. Like actors in a bad hypnotism movie, they rise and get back to their nightly chores. This time, their jaws are slack and their eyes are vacant. They'll finish closing down the restaurant and go home, where they'll scrub themselves clean and get a long night of rest. By tomorrow, all of the psychological and physical remnants of what I've done will be gone.
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For them, it'll be like I never set foot inside this place. For me, I'll have to pretend that I didn't just become an evil and sadistic super villain. I never did end up eating any food, but I did satisfy some sort of hunger inside me...
...at least for now.
I let my urges get the better of my powers. Being a mind controller is hard. I can barely even control my own mind at times. Wandering away from the isolated, little, restaurant, I wonder how long it'll take before I lose control of myself again...
To be continued?
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keeheauxtales · 1 month
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We can just keep talkin' 'bout the last time
You were here, what we did
No sleep till morning
Only bubble baths and back rubs 🔞
— “So Anxious” - Ginuwine
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pairing: soft!dom!Keeho x fem!bodied!reader (with switch vibes)
genre: tub sex :) established relationship smut with minimal plot, y’all know the vibes?
word count: ~1.8k
content warnings: dirty talk, cunnilingus, nipple play + underwater handjob!, dick riding, edging, multiple orgasms (fem receiving), a bit of breeding 🫢 (& thus ‘daddy’ is used, among other nicknames)
author’s notes: I’m kinda making this a prologue of a new project of sorts titled my “S.I.S (Self-Indulgent Series).” A bit of excuse for me to start writing more of what I wanna write – for me, but y’all get the pleasure of reading it! 😅 also: guess who just finally figured out how to make the text smaller like I’ve seen so many other awesome writers do?! 🙌🏾😂
Attachments: 3 Images
“wanna join me? 😉🛀”
Your phone lights up with these lovely invitations masquerading as text messages as you sit in the hotel room across the hall from your boyfriend. A smirk creeps along your face as you rise up from your bed to discard of whatever clothes you have on. Throwing on a robe that typically rests in the room’s closet, you grab your phone and room key, and briskly make your way to your lover.
When you open the bathroom door, you’re greeted with the same thing those pictures were alluding to, along with a more delighted expression on the face of its sender. Keeho spots your bare shoulders as you had positioned your robe lower the moment you entered his room. “Well,” Keeho starts, “glad you decided to come over.” He hovers his phone over the bathroom floor before you take it into your own hands to bring it over to the counter with your items. “There’s only a couple things keeping you from where I want you to be,” he states, dragging a finger along your height in the air.
You gradually peel the robe (thing #1) off of your body before beginning to close the distance (thing #2) between you and the warm water that has already been enveloping your boyfriend, eventually stepping in to join him.
Soap-covered hands immediately emerge from the aforementioned water the moment that second leg is inside of the tub, caressing and pushing your thighs as far apart as can be allowed. You’re briefly stunned before catching Keeho’s wanton gaze trailing up every inch of you before his eyes finally meet yours.
“Don’t sit yet, babe, wanna taste you…” And just like that, Keeho spits on your pussy like it hadn’t already been wet since before he sent those pictures. He drags his tongue leisurely along your entrance, and as you set a foot up along the edge of the tub, you let out a long, loud moan you didn’t even realize you were holding in.
“Oh fuck, baby,” you blurt out, feeling Keeho’s tongue enter your dripping folds with incredible efficiency. You feel intense vibrations from beneath you as Keeho journeys up and down your inner cavern, moaning at how good you taste. You admire his consistency, how he enjoys you every single time like it’s your first time all over again. “Don’t stop…” you moan out, “until I cum in that f-filthy mouth of yours…”
Keeho only has it in himself to hum against you in compliance before beginning to make out with your cunt. You start to feel your legs shake as his big hands inadvertently lather your thighs with soap, caressing them while he sucks sweet juices – and even sweeter sounds – out of you. He raises his hands behind you to your lower back, giving you full reign to grind against his face, roping your fingers into his wet hair for some sort of leverage before throwing a leg over his shoulder.
The reality of him being the source of your evident pleasure riles him up further as his own moans match the magnitude of yours. Drowning out the wetness of the water itself is Keeho’s mouth unabashedly pervading your wetness, and by the time you regain consciousness you didn’t know you had lost, that knot in your stomach begins to tighten.
“Yes, Kee… Oh shit… Yeah… Fuck!” Before you could even warn him like you tend to do, you cry out as your legs quiver, exploding into his mouth just like you had wanted. You whimper at Keeho as he slurps as much of your essence as he possibly can, moaning lustily into your heat. Big hands grip your ass before he pulls away from you completely, licking his lips as he resumes his position in the tub.
Then I fill the tub up halfway, then ride it with my surfboard…
— “Drunk In Love” – Beyoncé
As you do your best to slowly enter more of your body into the water, you notice it rise by default. With your partner’s permission, you raise the nozzle to empty a small portion of the water before fully submerging yourself into some much needed relaxation.
All the while, Keeho’s hands have been caressing his own thighs underwater in an effort to calm himself down a bit. However, he achieves quite the opposite as your legs land on top of his. Your thighs act like magnets as far as Keeho’s concerned, the way his hands are back on top of them, caressing them just like when you were upright minutes ago.
The both of you cautiously work to close the distance before officially colliding toward the middle of the tub. With Keeho’s hands now going up and down your legs, one of your arms snake their way around his neck. As the other arm trails up and down his back, Keeho leans forward until his lips meld with yours.
Melting into the kiss, you feel yourself settle into the warmth of Keeho’s embrace, his hands now rubbing against your back with the soap lingering atop the water. After a few moments, you guide your hands to his chest, resting along his pecs. Your fingers maneuver around his nipples, thumbs treating them like gears on game controllers before your index fingers join in to pinch them. You hear your boyfriend begin to moan rather loudly, breaking the kiss to callously grunt into your gaping mouth.
“My dick is already so fucking hard for you, and you wanna play with my tits…” Keeho spits out provocatively. “Okay then,” he concludes before mirroring your exact fingering motions on your breasts, eliciting whimpers loud enough to overtake the sound of any wetness beneath you.
Keeho latches his thick lips onto your neck, and subconsciously, your hands leap into the water in search of this ‘hard dick’ he spoke of. You find it in no time, mere seconds after Keeho lowered his mouth onto one of your nipples. You lean back for comfort, and his brain short circuits feeling hands that aren’t his grip his cock underwater. He flicks his tongue rapidly before nipping at your areola as a response.
You release a deep groan from the back of your throat, your hands overworking to win the fight with buoyancy as they aggressively stroke Keeho’s bricked shaft in between the two of you. You feel a bit disgusted, knowing that your leftover arousal is dripping out of your pussy into soapy waters, especially with your thirsty partner shooting doe-eyed glances into your glazed-over stares at any given moment. Miraculously, you feel precum each time your thumb rolls along his tip.
Eventually, Keeho leans back like you did earlier, resting his flexed arms along the tub. You’d be lying your ass off to say that the sight of his toned chest heaving wasn’t turning your legs into mush. His entire stance was inviting you to just pounce on that dick your hands were wrapped around, and you knew it.
You carefully follow that thought, begrudgingly releasing Keeho’s cock from one of your hands for leverage. As a result, his deep moans halt momentarily while you position yourself on his soaking and loaded dick. One of Keeho’s veiny arms assist on your hip before you lower yourself back down, this time boarding the solid member that’s been heavily anticipating your warm cavern of a cunt this entire time.
In a fit of instantaneous weakness, you feel yourself shake once Keeho has entered you, your hands back caressing his neck. His hands slide down your back before they dive beneath your ass, kneading your cheeks. The both of you exhale a slew of obscenities at one another before you start to grind on his lap.
Once you both adjust to one another in this different environment, Keeho wills himself to fuck up into you as slowly as he can allow himself to. All the while, you can’t seem to stop your pelvis from moving, causing the water to splash a bit wildly. Neither of you could care to exercise caution, instead you both grow more and more careless the more you get lost in the lust of it all.
“Fuck, you feel so fucking good,” Keeho grunts, sweating around the wet bangs covering his forehead.
“Shit… Fuck, make me cum, baby!” You cry out as Keeho’s throbbing cock reaches your spot in those gummy walls he keeps pulsing deeper into.
“Call me ‘baby’ like that again…” Keeho spits out, already reduced to just sitting back and letting you ride, but not before one particularly deep thrust aimed directly at your clit unlocks another nickname in its stead.
“Oh shit,” Keeho breathed out, feeling like he was drowning in that tub (and would’ve been okay with it after hearing something so rare leave your mouth like that). “You’re gonna fuck around and make me wanna become one for real, keep playing.”
And just like that, you feel a knot tighten deep in your stomach for a second time tonight, almost like it came into contact with your boyfriend’s cock drilled into your hole. “Then cum inside me, Steph,” you breathe in his ear seductively, “no sense causing such a sticky mess in this tub for housekeeping to have to clean up.”
“It may not matter once you’re cumming with me, sweetheart,” Keeho challenges in almost a whisper before he resumes rolling his hips up in time with your body damn near bucking against him.
You accept the challenge with so much composure as you grip the tub with your hand, your pussy gripping every bit of Keeho’s girth. Sensing a climax approaching from the both of you, he lowers himself back into the water with one of his hands clamping your waist, the other starting to squeeze your neck in that freaky progression that teeters between slight discomfort and alarming danger, and you could usually give a fuck… Keeho quite literally couldn’t stand to give a few fucks now.
“Is my baby gonna cum all on daddy’s dick like the good slut she is?”
You hum and nod in response, whimpering over his words.
“And are you gonna let daddy cum inside that tight… little pussy like you said?”
“Fuck, please!” you yell out, briefly realizing that he paused while awaiting your answer.
“‘Please,’ what?” he inquires as his voice drops a notch for an added edge.
“Please cum for me, baby! I want to feel your hot cum inside me, for fucks sake!”
Maybe it was the fact that the water was getting colder around you, or the way Keeho’s cock kept twitching inside of your swollen cunny, while denying himself of his own orgasm in the process, but damn, y’all were desperately determined to find release before leaving this bathtub.
After moaning your name, and lustily reiterating how good your pussy feels around him with his eyes rolling back, he gaspingly asks one more question. “Are you ready for this load, babygirl?”
“Oh god, yes, Kee– I’m cumming,” you exhale, vibrating around your lover as warm semen oozes out of the both of you. Keeho claws at your back as he fucks his own orgasm out, causing a chill to run down your spine as you fall forward onto his chest.
“Aww,” Keeho coos in your ear, smiling as you both unwind like you were planning to in the beginning of this impromptu date, “you did so good, mama.”
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sisgotdemons · 2 years
Is it bad I just wanna suck Joel off with the highest chance of someone coming in on us? Just like, imagine it, ugh
Birthday Boy
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Pairing || Joel Miller x Female!Reader
Summary || It's his day, of course you'd treat him well today.
Word Count || 1,227
Contents & Warnings || Fluff & Smut — NSFW, 18+ Only, Minors DNI, explicit content/language, pet names (baby, hon/honey, sweetheart, good girl), oral (male receiving), teasing, face/throat fucking, spit/saliva, cum swallowing, getting caught, established relationship, ONE spank, 2 mentions of the word Daddy (said by Joel)
Disclaimer || This is my first ever fic, I'm sorry if it's not super good. I promise whatever comes next will be better!
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It was Joel's birthday and you invited Tommy over to celebrate with you and Sarah, forcing him to stay home for the day. It's not that he hated to celebrate his day, he was usually busy with work and came home late.
"How old are you again, old man" you hear from the living room, followed by a chuckle from Tommy.
"If you think 28 is old, I'm scared about what you think in 20 years, hon'," you say walking back in the living room with two bowls of popcorn, placing them on the coffee table and sitting right next to your birthday boy.
"Thank you, sweetheart," Joel says while wrapping an arm around you and placing a peck on your temple. Your relationship with Joel has been amazing for the past 2 years. When thinking back about it, you've got thank Sarah and her boldness to get her father into the dating scene. Who's daughter would slip her own dad's number to the local dinner waitress? Only in the Miller household, that's for sure.
"Movie in? What we watching again?," Tommy leans over his niece on the floor, grabbing a beer set there only a few minutes ago, Sarah replies, "Men in Black 2." as she wipes down the liquid ring caused by the beer bottle. "Learn to use a coaster next time, please"
"Ok ok, just play the damn thing. I wanna see if this is better then the original," he said before taking a swig of beer. You all sit comfortably, Tommy and Sarah huddled together on the floor and you and Joel cuddling together. You look up at him, admiring his facial features, wondering how he didn't notice his own beauty. He feels your stares and looks down at you and places his forehead against yours before placing a hand on your thigh and facing back to the screen.
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There's about a quarter left of the movie now. Sarah had fallen asleep against Tommy, who's starting to feel the effects of the couple of beers. "I'm heading up, want me to take this one too?," he says looking up at the couple on the couch, "I'll tuck her in and whatever."
"Yeah that's fine Tommy, thank you," you say while smiling at the two on the floor, watching him pick up the sleeping teen, struggling for a second, then walking up the steps. Soft groans and a "Shh, it's fine, just me" can be heard faintly going up the steps.
You and Joel are left alone on the couch and the sequel playing in front of you. Placing a hand on his lap, you lean up and kiss his jaw. "Did you have a good birthday, my love?"
Joel chuckled and pulled you onto his lap, hands placed on your hips, "Of course I did, I always enjoy the quality time we spend, together as a family," he then leans forwards towards your ear whispering, "and when we're alone," followed by a playful smack on your ass.
"Uh, you nasty old man," you jokingly gasped out, lightly hitting Joel's chest. He let out a hearty laugh, both hands now on your ass, "Well this 'old man' loves you and everything you do, baby."
You place your hands on his chest, rubbing softly against the button down he wore. You sit in silence for awhile until you break it.
“Do you want me to suck your dick?”
Your words almost gave him whiplash, eyes blinking furiously as he had a confused and intriguing expression on his face.
“Right now?”
“Yeah dummy, right now.”
“Where did this come from, pretty girl?” His lips turned up in a smirk at the thought of you sucking him off right here on the couch.
“Maybe I'm just in the mood to suck your dick. So do you want me to or not?," you say smirking.
“Fuck, you know I could never resist your offer, baby.” His hand reaches up to your mouth, thumb caressing your lips, thinking about them wrapped around him, making his cock twitch. You reach down and grabbed his covered bulge and palmed him in your hand. The idea of sucking him off had his cock hardened.
“What about Sarah and Tommy, sweetheart? What if they come back down?”
“Well, you need to be my eyes and ears, old man, because I’ll be too busy with your pretty dick in my mouth.”
He groaned in anticipation when you got up and made yourself comfortable on your knees, peering up at him through your thick lashes. Quickly, you pulled his jeans and boxers down, his hard dick springing into view, making you lick your hungry lips.
His hand petting your head lovingly gave you the encouragement you needed to have at him.
You licked his tip, collecting the bead of pre-cum that was forming on it. The feeling of your tongue on him and the risk of getting caught had him groan out.
He pushed your head on his cock, becoming slightly impatient. He wanted to feel your wet and tight mouth rubbing against him. When he was in your throat, he groaned out in satisfaction, his eyes closing in bliss.
You sucked him off like your life depended on it, slurping and moaning around his cock. Your mouth and hand worked together to bring him towards the edge. You released his length for a moment with a pop and spat on him, watching your saliva trickle down his heavy cock, making you hungry for more.
"Fuck baby, you're doing so damn good. Sucking Daddy's cock so good," he says hand gripping your hair, encouraging you to take him deeper once again.
You took him all the way to the back of your throat again, making your eyes water. The light gagging made him shiver on the spot. You pushed through the slight discomfort, wanting to make him feel as good as possible.
He fucked your mouth hard, saliva dripping down your chin with each force of his hips. “So pretty and messy for me, baby.” He was in awe as he watched you take each inch of him. He was a little over average size, yet was thick enough to make your jaw hurt in the best ways.
“Ah, fuck,” he leaned his head back while shutting his eyes tight, “I'm gonna come.”
A thrust or two more, and he was shooting his hot cum down your throat, some coming out from the sides of your mouth. You continued to bob your head on him until he was done spilling every single drop.
“Show me,” he moaned, tugging you off of his softening dick. You showed him your empty mouth, tongue stuck out with no trace left of him in your mouth.
"Such a good girl for me. Knows exactly how to treat her Daddy," he groans while taking his free hand and rubbing your cheek, causing you to lean into his touch.
"Open that pretty mouth again for me, my love." You follow his orders opening your mouth allowing him to spit in your empty cavity and without being told to, you swallow happily.
"Hey lovebirds, next time ya'll are havin' fun, invite me yeah?" You look up in the direction of the stairs, hearing the other male voice in the house chuckle. "If you don't, just keep it down next time."
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thehorrorgirlstyles · 2 months
Tainted Love
Ethan Landry x fem!reader
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Summary: You meet Ethan at a Halloween party Chad invited you to and start to become close to him, when the truth is later then revealed of his family’s plan. Was your relationship ever real or was it all a lie?
Warnings: Mature themes and language, mentions of sex, death, non-con, sub and dom trope, sexual scenes
18+ is recommend for this story, read at your own risk ⚠️
Songs for reading: All Mine;Brent Faiyaz, The Devil in I;Slipknot, Heartless;The Weeknd, Change;Deftones, Often;The Weeknd, Daddy Issues;The Neighbourhood
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You were on your way to a Halloween party that one of your best friends, Chad, invited you to. At first you were hesitant due to it being almost 11pm at night and you had class in the morning at 9, but you decided you would go because you haven’t seen Chad and Mindy since they moved away almost 2 years ago. Since you weren’t planning on doing anything for Halloween, you didn’t have a costume and thanks to chad telling you last minute about the party, you didn’t have time to buy anything. You decide you would just put on your old cheer costume from high school and add some fake blood, to make it more Halloween like.
When you arrived at the party, Mindy introduced you to her friend Tara and girlfriend Ankia. You were happy she finally was able to settle down with someone. You took a couple shots after and made you way over to Chad who you spotted talking to someone in a knight costume.
“Hey Chad, long time no see” you said to him, catching the attention of both him and the cute guy next to him you realized.
“Y/n, omg you actually came”
“Of course, anything to see my best friend, I’m still mad at you guys for leaving me, high school sucked without you”.
Chad gave you a long awaited hug and you tilted your head up to see the guy looking at you. “Who’s this?" you asked.
Chad looked back, “oh yeah this is Ethan my roommate”, he looked over at Ethan, “and this is y/n, my best friend, we grew up with each other before we moved away”
“Hey it’s nice to met you, Ethan” you smiled at him
“Uh- yeah you too” he scratched his head and held out his hand to you. You shook it and looked into his eyes.
“Shy?” You asked, he blushed and quietly laughed, while looking at his feet.
After the three of you talked for a while, Tara stole Chad away, leaving you and Ethan alone. You took the chance to get to know him a little better, when someone bumped into you spilling their drink all over you,
“Hey what the fuck!” you groan out, “I’m gonna head to the bathroom and try to get some of this off” you told Ethan,
“Yeah of course, uh- did you need some help”
You smiled at him, “No I should be ok, I’ll be right back”
You finished in the bathroom and just as you were about to leave you ran straight into your ex.
“Y/n, what are you doing here?” He asked.
“None of your business”, you went to walked around him, but he pushed you back into the bathroom against the wall.
“What are you doing, let me go Leon?!”
He responded by lifting your skirt up, “Aw but baby I missed you so much, let’s just have a little fun”, he smirked at you.
“This doesn’t sound fun to me” you replied glaring at him.
“Why do you always have to be such a bitch Y/n, just be the good little whore that you are, and take this fucking dick”, he said gripping you hair as he slammed you back against the wall
Tears started to form in your eyes. Was your ex boyfriend, someone that you use to love and care for, really about to rape you in some bathroom at a party?
You tried to get out of his grasp, but he was too strong and no one could help you, everyone here was either to drunk to notice or high to care. You stood there, starting to accept your fate, when a person in a ghost face mask busted through the room, stabbing Leon in the back, you screamed out, Leon falling to the floor, while the killer started to repeatedly stab him over and over again, not knowing what to do, your flight or fight took in and you darted down the hall, not looking back.
You ran all the way back to your dorm and locked the door, you started to think that maybe you had too many drinks, this couldn’t be real, could it??
A week later, there was news of the recent ghost face killings, you met up with the group on campus and told them everything. Mindy was explaining who it could be, when you caught Ethan looking at you. He turned his head quickly, saying something about "dying a virgin". You were surprised at this considering how good looking he was.
After the meeting, Sam ordered that everyone stay at her apartment. You were on the couch next to Ankia, when you heard a bang coming from Quinn’s room. Everyone got up, when the door was shot open and Quinn fell out, ghost face was right behind her. He went after Ankia and stabbed her in the side, so you took the nearest item and hit him in the head. He fell back, which gave you time to get Ankia to safety. You accidentally tripped when getting to the room, ghost face right behind you. He caught up to you, tackling you down to the ground.
He got on top of you, straddling you. He didn’t do anything, just stared at you, was this the same ghost face that killed Leon? After a moment, he got up off you and ran to get the others, you laid there in shock, why didn’t he kill you?
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It had been a week since Ankia was killed by ghost face, since then you and Ethan started seeing each other more and more, you started to really like him and tonight you wanted to take things further.
When you arrived to his dorm, Chad was already gone, perfect you thought.
You closed the door behind you, and wasted no time, kissing him. He was surprised but returned the kiss. You lead him over to the couch and push him on it, getting on top of him and straddling him. You trailed your hand up his chest, stopping your hands when they got to his neck. You wrapped your hands around his neck and started to grind on him, you could feel him starting to get hard, turning you on even more.
“Y/n” he rasped out, “I really like were this is going and I really like you obviously,” he pointed to his boner, “but I need to ask you something before we start anything” he looked at you.
“Your right I’m sorry I kinda just busted in here and took action, I’ve been really stressed out lately, with the deaths and everything” you paused, “and I know that you never done this before and I would love to be your first if you want... so you don’t have to die a virgin” you added.
He laughed, “of course I want to, it’s just-” he paused, getting nervous, “I- I really like you and I just- I mean- will you be my girlfriend?” he asked.
You smiled at him, “I really like you too, of course I’ll be your girlfriend” you kissed him. “So can I ride you now?” You asked.
He blushed, “yea-yes”
You trail you hands down to his pants, starting to unzip his jeans. He shudders watching your moments.
“Don’t worry about anything Ethan, let me take care of you” you told him. You freed him from his jeans and moan at the sight of him, he was so big, you dropped to your knees and looked at him,
“I want you to fuck my mouth, he groan, and does as you asked, putting his dick in your mouth.
“fuck your mouth feels so good” he moans out, “y/n, I can’t- I’m gonna- please mommy”.
You look up at him..did this man just call you mommy? Not that you were complaining.
You get off the floor and straddle him again. You lower yourself on top of him, adjusting to his size, starting to move, he grabs a hold of your hips.
“Wait, please fuck- I just need a minute, because if you start moving again, I’m going to cum right now”
You laugh at him, “Do I make you feel that good baby?”
“So much better than good, your so fucking hot”
You start to move again after a minute, ridding him like your life depends on it. Ethan is moaning and groaning under you, his hands never leaving your ass.
You can tell he’s getting close, “I want you to cum in me, I’m on the pill” you tell him.
He grabs your throat pulling you closer and kisses you hard, you moan into the kiss.
Ethan then flips you over on the couch and starts fucking into you, “Ethan” you cry out. Where did he gain this confidence all of a sudden?
He fucks into you faster, “Tell me your mine Y/n, all fucking mine”
“Im yours Ethan” you cry out.
“No one, will ever fuck you as good as I can, you're all mine baby, all fucking mine” he slaps your ass, making you jolt upwards.
After a while you both reach your climax.
You both lay there when you're done, him holding you like you're going to leave him. He looks up at you, “I think I’m falling in love with you Y/n”.
You smile at him, “So do I”.
After cuddling for a little longer, you both get up and put your clothes back on. Ethan tells you he is going to take a shower, so you head to his bedroom, thinking you will just lay on his bed and wait for him. When you go inside you find a duffel bag on his bed, a mask peaking out of it, you look closer and start to make it out, you gasped..it was the ghost face mask.
You go closer and open the bag finding the outfit and a knife, with a list of your friend's names.
Ethan was ghost face, he killed Ankia and Leon. This was why the ghost face didn’t hurt you cause it was him the whole time.
You pull out your phone, deciding to call the cops, when Ethan appears in the doorway.
“Y/n?” You look at him, as he looks over your shoulder, seeing the bag. Fuck what were you going to do?
“Did you look through my bag?” He asks.
You lie, “No, I just came in here”
He steps closer to you and wraps his arms around your waist, “I know you saw, you know the truth now” he continues, “so what are you going to do about it?”
You look at him “Ethan, you-.., why are you doing this? Please just stop this now and we can forget about it”.
“But I can’t stop, it’s in my blood”... He explains..
“You don’t understand, I have to do this for my family, you're either with me or against me”
“And what if I’m against you, are you going to kill me?” You ask him.
“Of course not baby, I love you. I’ll just have to tie you up and keep you here, if I can’t trust you to keep this a secret” he looks at you.
This isn’t the Ethan you knew, the shy, goofy, nerd that just asked you to be his girlfriend.
“You're my girlfriend now, you can’t leave me..you said you were all mine Y/n”. He adds.
“That was before I knew you were killing my fucking friends Ethan!” You yell at him.
He grabs you, throwing you on the bed. He takes your hands, pinning them against the headboard.
“Like I said Y/n your either with me or against me and right now, it seem like your against me, so I hate to do this, but your not leaving me” he ties your hands to the headboard.
“Ethan please, you don’t have to do this, you said you love me, this is not what you do to people you love!” You cry out.
“Sometimes you hurt the ones you love, in order to keep them safe” he says starting to get up.
“Wait, Ethan you can’t just leave me here..Ethan please” You beg tears starting to fall onto your cheeks.
He comes over to you and kisses you on your lips.
“It will all be over soon Y/n” he says, grabbing his duffel bag and leaving to finish his duties.
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no1deepspacehater · 6 months
Early Arrival (Xavier x Reader)
Tags: Blowjobs, Facials, Use of pet names (Bunny, my love), fluff
Summary: You give your boyfriend, Xavier, head.
absolutely, toe-curling, ball-sucking, way too descriptive, head
Cross posted on A03!
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Credit screen rolling, Xavier stretched out on the couch, suppressing a yawn. “Are we going to watch part two?” He relaxed his arm around you, bringing you out of your thoughts.
 Truth is, you didn’t actually invite your boyfriend over to just watch a movie. You really wanted to try something new with him… It turns out you were so hesitant that you got through an entire film as you searched for the courage to prompt him.
 You turned towards him, putting a hand on the remote he held to stop him from playing the next movie. “Uh Xavier, there was something… something I wanted to ask.” You stumbled out.
 Xavier turned to you with a smile. “You’re blushing like crazy, little bunny.” He pinched your cheek teasingly. “What is it? Do you want me to make you another lightshow?”
 Rubbing your hand against his chest, you just let it out. “No, I wanted to try giving you head.”
 Xavier gave you a confused, head-tilt look.
 “…Suck your dick.”
 “Oh…” Xavier mumbled, blush flushing into his face. It’s not that you two haven’t been intimate before, but this was the first time you’ve offered to give him head.
 “Please?” You murmur. “I’ve been thinking about… it, a lot...” Embarrassment making your cheeks heat up.
 Xavier gave you a reassuring smile. “I’m not going to say no, I’m just a little taken aback.” He leaned in closer to you, pressing a kiss on your lips. “If it’s something you really want.” He pressed more kisses against your lips. He grabbed your hand from his chest and led it down to clothed crotch. “I won’t deny you, my love.”
 In appreciation, you returned his feverish, deep kisses, letting him sneak his tongue in. You massaged him through his jeans, feeling him grow harder from the friction.
  After the heated make-out foreplay, you pulled back. The blush on Xavier’s face spread faster by the minute as you dropped to your knees before him. You looked away as you pushed his legs farther apart to make room for yourself.
 “..ready?” You asked, locking eyes with him again. Xavier nodded, then reached down to palm the hardening bulge in his jeans. You watched with eager eyes as he zipped down his pants, fingers shyly popping open the button.
 You rubbed his thigh, giving him an encouraging smile.
 Xavier shuffled his jeans down, leaving his plain boxers as the only layer. You leaned in closer, letting out a satisfying hum as Xavier finally freed his dick from his underwear. His eyes lowered slightly as he gave himself a couple strokes. He was fully hard and erect now, his tip slightly red and glistening with leaking pre-cum. His other hand placed itself on your cheek, bringing you closer. “If it’s too much…” He whispered, making sure you’re not having double thoughts.
 You nodded, shifting on your legs from your own heat starting to pool in your underwear. With that, Xavier removed his hands, one falling to his side and the other going to hold his shirt up, revealing a light-coloured happy trail.
 You grasped the base, lightly squeezing, sliding up over the head, and sliding back down. At the same time, you moved closer until your lips touched the top of his dick. You could hear Xavier’s breath pick up slightly. You let the tip of your tongue slide over the reddening tip, tasting the slightly salty beads of cum.
 You pulled back, letting your entire tongue flat out at the base, and licked all the way up slowly. You looked up at Xavier as you did so. His lips slightly parted as his fluttering eyes watched your every move.
Now or never.
 You opened your mouth, taking him in tongue first, swallowing all the way. Xavier finally broke out a groan. His hand rested lightly on the back of your head, toying with your hair.
 You suctioned the air out of your mouth, trailing behind your hand as you stroked and sucked at the same time. Your tongue moved around him, feeling every vein and curve.
 “(mc)… (mc)… (mc), (mc), (mc)!” Xavier moaned out, his hand ever so slightly tightening his grip on the back of your head as you sped up the pace. However, his hold on his shirt pulled it up further, griping so tight that it was sure to leave creases.
 Encouraged, you tried to take him all the way to the base, moaning as you went down. As his dick hit the back of your spasming, squeezing throat, Xavier instinctively pushed his hand on your head down.
 You gagged, throat contracting to force him out. Xavier whimpered out at the sensation before coming to his senses and sitting up. He released you, moving to the side of your head to pull you up off him.
 Coming up off him with a ‘pop’! Of your lips, you leant back, spit still connected to him and dripping off the side of your mouth. You looked at him with dazed, lust-filled eyes.
 With one hand on your cheek and another making soothing movements at your upper neck. “Sorry! I’m so sorry… are you alright?” Xavier apologized again and again.
 You pushed him back onto the couch, taking his member back into your hands. “I’m more than fine Xavier…” You cooed, licking up and down his wet cock. “You can be a little rough with me sometimes…” You sucked on a particularly prominent vein, sending him back into a moaning mess, only being able to whimper your name out.
Speeding up your strokes, you pulled down his boxers further, pulling his balls with your other hands-free.
 “ah, ah, (mc)-” Xavier moaned, his tone deeper and more warning-like. “If you do that- I’ll-”
 Massaging one ball and switching to the other, you looked up at him with a challenging smile. “You’ll what?” Before he could reply, you took one in your mouth, gently sucking and moving it around your mouth.
 Xavier laid his head back on the couch in defeat, whimpering and bucking his hips in your hand as you stoked his dick and played with his balls in your mouth. “I’m going to- i-I’m cum-!”
 Streaks of warm cum fell in stripes across your face just after you closed your eyes at the short warning. Xavier whispered your name, pet name and various other praises as he emptied himself on your face.
 You let his balls fall out of your mouth and slowed your stroke as he emptied out. Keeping your eyes closed from getting cum in them, you could only hear Xavier’s deep breaths as he came down from his high. 
 “…sorry, again!” Xavier helped you get up and sat you down on the couch. “Let me get that off you, my love.”
 You could hear Xavier fix his clothes then move to the kitchen, returning quickly with wet tissues to help you clean his cum off your face. He gently wiped at your eyes before moving to the rest of your face.
 “Was it good?” You asked after he finished cleaning your mouth off.
 Xavier let out a chuckle, “Are you serious?” He leaned in and pressed a deep kiss to your lips. “You were so good, little bunny.”
 Face reddening as you smiled with praise, Xavier pressed more kisses to your lips and neck.
 “I wish you hadn’t let me cum, though…” He murmured on your skin between kisses.
 You wrapped your arms and legs around him, pulling him back on the couch. “I couldn’t help myself.” You laughed.
 Xavier laid you back on the couch, hovering over you. His eyes raked from your face to your chest hungrily. “I wanted to please you, too.” He kissed your jawline, and you shuddered as you felt a hand slip under your shorts, resting the hem of your underwear “… make you feel how hard you made me.”. He pulled back as he edged your shorts and panties off. He settled between your thighs, a small smile on his face but a wicked look in his eyes.
“Allow me to repay the favour…”
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evereverest2 · 1 month
Roses — Terzomega
~part five of the Little Monster Series~
2.4k words ~ (light) smut
Days after his last encounter with Terzo, Omega finds himself in the ministry garden.
[parts]: one | previous | next
[author note:] early upload because the last part reached my goal of 50 likes! thank u everyone. for an early upload of part 6, get this one to 100 likes (i made it harder). otherwise, see you next wednesday ;)
“You need to get laid.”
The snickering jab came from Earth, who sizzled his cymbal for effect. Air laughed.
Omega’s tail flicked angrily. Having been warming up, he continued to practice with an edge of frustration, not giving Earth a reaction. His fingers climbed the guitar’s neck, quick as lightning, turning into an angry, shrill chromatic scale that left the guitar screaming its highest note through the crackling amp.
“He’s been so uptight,” River sighed, plucking a dark note from his bass.
“Ignoring us,” Air added with a random piano riff. “Too busy to say hi.”
“I’m right here,” Omega snapped. The four ghouls looked up from their instruments. The sound-proof practice room filled with dead air.
It was Alpha who finally spoke up. “You gotta admit it’s been a while, Megs.”
“Since what?”
“Since you got laid,” Earth interjected, hitting his bass drum a few times to punctuate his statement. 
River and Air burst into childish giggles. Omega’s brow furrowed with annoyance. Alpha laughed, a carefree sound, before shaking his head. “Nah. I mean, maybe, but nah. It’s you, man. When’s the last time we all hung out?”
“Last week,” Omega replied tersely.
“That was practice,” River said in his sullen voice. “You hardly spoke at all.”
“Yeah, like, really hung out. We used to do it all the time, right?” Alpha looked around at the other ghouls. There was a chorus of agreement.
“Why are we even practicing?” Omega huffed, suddenly frustrated. “There’s no new music and no tour date scheduled yet.”
More silence. Finally, Alpha said, “I mean, besides the obvious to keep ourselves fresh, it’s the only time we ever see you.”
“I’m busy.”
“We know, Megs. It’s not fair they make you do all that shit.”
“That’s why you gotta do your own shit, right?” Earth was relentless, laughing boisterously.
Air tilted his head, smiling suggestively. “If you need your dick sucked, you know I’m happy to do it.”
“We all want to suck your dick, Omega,” River sighed.
Omega, fed up, threw his guitar on the ground. The amp made a painful shriek that made everyone except Omega flinch.
“Megs–” Alpha tried.
Omega snarled at him, snapping his teeth. They locked eyes for a moment. Fiery red glaring into lightning purple. He growled, “We’re done here.”
He stomped out of the room, slamming the door behind him.
Every Sibling unlucky enough to see his terrifying rampage turned the other way, disappearing inside doorways, avoiding his path. There was no destination to his rageful stalking, his pacing of the Ministry. He just wanted to clear his head, to get away from the ghouls, to take one single moment of the day to himself, to think. 
At an intersection between halls, he felt a breeze gently blowing down an empty corridor, one that led to a glass door cracked open by a rock. The garden. The air was cool against his heated disposition. Refreshing. Inviting.
Omega detoured down the hall, slipping outside and carefully ensuring the door remained open. It automatically locked, and the only way to get back inside was to walk around the expansive compound through the front door.
The sky was cloudy blue, overcast but not quite raining. It was warm enough to be comfortable with a coat, though the breeze was cold and light, giving Omega goosebumps. He took deep breaths, smelling the air, calming himself. 
The plants around him were dying in the early fall, some still green, others withering away. The one plant that stood against the seasons was a dark red rose bush, though little remained of the blooms. He noticed, on the pathway, a handful of rose petals, which were bigger than any of the current flowers growing on the bush. Confused, he looked around, seeing another one further down the path. 
He walked forward, stepping around a hedge to see the very rose he had been searching for, clutched in the hands of the last man in the Ministry he wanted to see.
Cardinal Terzo was sat on an ornate concrete bench, looking down and spinning the thorny rose between his fingers. The bench was in a small clearing that looked over a garden of dead flowers, the back surrounded by hedges to create an apse in the walkway. Omega knew it was Primo’s favorite spot, and it surprised him that the old man was not there instead of Terzo. Of course, it was too cold to tend to the fauna in early autumn.
Terzo looked up at the intrusion. He looked sad. Not miserable, not pitiful, but simply sad. Then, he smiled at Omega. His frustration disappeared in an instant, leaving room to sense Terzo’s state of mind. Indeed, he was sad, mourning, his mind mulling over something in particular. But it was not all-consuming. There was a spark of happiness, and it came from seeing Omega.
“Hello, Omega ghoul. Care to join me?”
Omega hesitated. Suddenly, he felt as if he should not be there, and looked away. Terzo said, “Do not be frightened, ghoul. I do not bite.”
Omega relented, shuffling over to the bench and sitting on the edge. He stared at the collection of browning and dead flowers, wondering why Terzo was so welcoming of his presence. Since their tepid encounter days ago, they had yet to even see one another, let alone resolve the tension between them. 
“I was surprised to see this rose today,” Terzo said, breaking the silence. “The bush looks dead. Look how big and red it is.”
He held up the rose. Omega regarded it. 
“It’s dead now,” he pointed out.
“It was soon to die anyway.” Terzo held it to his nose, smelling it deeply. “Roses were mi mamma’s favorite. That is not a very uncommon favorite, is it?”
Omega shook his head.
“Many people love this flower. Yet I can only think of mamma when I see it. No one else will think of that, si? It is mi mamma’s flower. To you, you may look at this flower and think nothing of it. To me, mamma is what makes roses special.”
Omega’s tail flicked back and forth on the bench contentedly. He nodded along to Terzo’s musings. Surprisingly, this gentle atmosphere was soothing him from his outburst at the ghouls, and finally, he could calm down. 
“Is that why you’re out here?”
Terzo nodded. “Two years ago yesterday, I buried mi mamma with roses. I was hoping there would be one left in the garden.”
Omega thought to say something. To give his condolences, to ask how she died, to ask how he was doing, any number of things. Instead, he choked. And before he could think of anything of comfort, Terzo spoke again.
“What brings you to this garden, Omega ghoul?”
Relieved for the topic change, Omega sighed, shaking his head. “Nothing important. I’m taking a break.”
“From… everything,” he chuckled slightly. “I’m exhausted.”
“Ah. It is hard, si? They say, eh, you work for Satan, then they say, eh, you must do all these things. It is like a business, not a church. Why, we are no better than the Catholics.”
Omega looked at Terzo, surprised. Though Omega may not have fully acknowledged them before, Terzo had just voiced the very feelings that he had been plagued by for far too long.
“Yeah,” he sighed, then laughed despite himself. “That’s it. I’m the only quintessence ghoul, and they give me too many responsibilities. Trivial, meaningless things anyone could handle, all because of my element.”
“You delegate then, si?” Terzo began pointing at invisible people. “You do this, and you do this. Lower your stress.”
“I don’t have the authority to do that.” Omega sighed.
“They expect too much out of you. They always do.”
Omega looked at Terzo, slowly plucking the petals from the rose. They naturally fell silent, both watching as dark petals drifted to the ground until the rose stem was barren.
“Now I have really killed it,” Terzo said, dropping the stem. He pushed his hair back, sitting up. “I can never help myself from ruining nice things.”
“It’s not always your fault.” Omega leaned forward, resting his elbows on his knees. “That rose was dead anyway.”
“Si. But how much longer could it have lived?”
“Maybe it would have died today.”
“Or maybe it would have lived through winter,” Terzo chuckled. “But it does not matter. You cannot bring back a dead rose.”
Omega stared at Terzo. After a moment, Terzo noticed, catching his eye. Omega swallowed thickly, looking down at the remnants of the flower, breaking their eye contact.
“Maybe we can.”
Omega rubbed his hands together a few times, his fingers suddenly feeling cold with the breeze. He chastised himself for feeling so nervous. He looked at Terzo again.
The words escaped his mind like air from a deflating balloon. All that was left was his eyes, rimmed by black, always seeing through him, piercing him like arrows. And his lips. One plump pink, one black. An unsettling appearance, but one that Omega had grown to long for. 
Terzo reached up to take off Omega’s mask. He let him.
There was no telling who leaned in first, who initiated the kiss that followed. Only that there was one. One that both had been craving for some time. And it was unlike any they had shared before; indeed, for they had rarely kissed at all. When they did, it was rough, nasty, followed by choking or spitting or both. Never for the sake of being kissed but for the heat of dark passion. But on this concrete bench in the Ministry garden, Omega felt the gentle nature of this kiss, and it scared him. This was not how they were. This was not hatred. This was not lust.
Omega pulled away first. 
Terzo said, “Omega—”
“I want to revisit our agreement,” Omega interrupted, clearing his throat, too terrified of what Terzo would say to let him finish.
Terzo paused. “You want to fuck me again, mostriciatto?” 
Omega gripped the edge of the bench, annoyed at how he always said things like that just to make him mad. “Yes,” he replied through gritted teeth.
“Why did we stop before?”
“It…” Caught off guard, Omega failed to answer right away, his mouth agape like a fool, hesitating. “Your drinking.”
“Eh, you catch me after a party, and you think I drink too much? I do not drink today, do I?”
“You always did when we had sex.”
Now, it was Terzo’s turn to be caught off guard. He shook his head, shrugging. “Wine makes me horny.”
“If we continue doing this, I don’t want you to drink all the time. It increases the risk of getting caught,” he added quickly.
“Fine.” He held up his hands. “I will be responsible. I won’t quit cold poultry, but I will do my best. Happy?”
Being happy was a complicated feat. Omega was surprised at how happy he was at that moment, yet what lingered in the back of his mind was far from the excitement he felt now. It made him want to quell the happiness, chalk it up to being horny, and forget the ways Terzo’s smile made him feel.
Omega nodded slowly. Terzo reached up to touch his face.
“Shall we reinstate the agreement now or later?”
Omega pointedly avoided turning his head to Terzo’s touch, glaring at a dead leaf across the garden instead. “I’m busy until evening.”
Terzo tutted. He got up to stand in front of him, casually running his arms along his shoulders. He leaned over to kiss his jaw. He murmured lowly, “As I recall, you still have one more hour of practice.”
Omega wondered when Terzo found out his schedule, or when he became such a convincing man.
He tilted his head to meet Terzo’s, reuniting once more in a salacious lip lock. His arms slipped around his waist, pressing their bodies close, Terzo now standing between his legs. His hands ran along Omega’s back, lightly scratching, slipping up to tangle his fingers in Omega’s hair. Omega gripped his ass with his big hands, slipping one down his pants just to feel the flesh. Terzo released a gentle groan.
Omega suddenly lifted Terzo, then carefully set him on the concrete bench, lying down. He knelt over him, one leg on the ground to balance, kissing fiercely. Terzo held on to him, still playing with his hair and face with his fingers, splitting his legs apart greedily. Omega slid his hand down his chest, stomach, resting comfortably on the curve of his bulge. He thumbed the length of it, tight in his pants, making him moan lightly.
Then Omega heard something, which made him stop dead in his tracks. The crunch of a dead leaf. He raised his head, his eyes darting around them.
Omega shushed him. He walked away from the bench, checking the path that led to the door. Not a soul in sight. The door was still ajar. Omega returned to Terzo.
“I thought I heard someone,” he said, tense.
“There is nobody around, ghoul; you worry too much.”
Omega looked at Terzo, who was disheveled and clearly begging for more. As much as he wanted to relent, to give in to his feral desire to rip into him in the garden, he was too concerned with getting caught, and the moment had passed.
“It’s too risky out here.” Omega pinched the bridge of his nose. “I don’t know why we didn’t think about this.”
“We are horny,” Terzo said helpfully.
Omega sighed. “I should get back to work.”
“You have always been a cockblock, ghoul,” Terzo mumbled bitterly, standing to readjust his pants and fix his hair.
Omega glowered at him. “You think I’m not frustrated?”
“I hope you are,” Terzo grinned. “Then you will treat me not-so-nice later tonight.”
Omega crossed his arms. “I’ll be at your quarters when I’m finished.”
“Oh, Omega, do not finish before you see me. It will not be as fun,” Terzo winked at him. He slapped Omega’s ass on his way out, causing him to jump in surprise. Omega’s eyebrows furrowed, embarrassed, angry that he was embarrassed, and glared at Terzo as he walked up the path and disappeared inside the Ministry.
[parts]: one | previous | next
buy me a kofi <3
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moonshynecybin · 3 months
Do you think the ranch visit 2014 ended with like slightly annoyed sex because Vale just annoyed with Marc beating his record but also slightly admiring him
i love this because its true. marc is ANNOYING ! of course it cannot be ignored that vale is ALSO annoying (max biaggi fight. hello.) like they match each others freak in that regard, but at what point do you look at this sexy ass twink who is obsessed with your dick and your bike (sex to vale. is motorcycle racing lest we forget he keeps that m1 in GROPING distance and marc is like GOD i wish that were me so it does. work comma sexually. for them. like a lot. but i digress) and obsessed with your ability to ride it and be like hmm. maybe this habit is NOT so cute. when beforeeee you thought hey hes just like MEEEEE and got HORNY about it. well obviously if youre vale it is when he doesnt let you win at your own goddamn track at your own goddamn house in front of your own goddamn brother and various peers. that shit is irritating. which i do think marc realizes now, but is also largely unrepentant about because he's hilarious. free my girl he did all that but it was funny. our marc not famous for his wealth of tact and restraint on the track. and vale is thirty six staring down one last chance to maybe win his tenth. and earlier that week when he beat marc at that karting event he said finally somewhere you dont win. so yeah when marc doesnt roll over and let him get the lap record that day in 2014 all of those endearing traits where they overlap and are similar. change. morph. arent so cute anymore. the light shifts. the music hits a minor chord. ominous. foreshadowing. chekov's gun carefully being placed on the wall. and suddenly. kind of a theme with them huh. vale hates him for all the things he learned from vale.
so. we are here to ask how that emotion translates to nasty sex. obviously. like all of these complex emotions do NOT mean that vale does not want to get his dick sucked lmao. like he's here he's thirsty marc's been in a tiny little titty huggin black tshirt all day its happenin. AND. it should be noted that in a very real sense this is their first sleepover. first time fr hanging out outside the paddock in a place where there is PRIVACY. no real REPORTERS. an actual locking DOOR. no way to hide from the fact that theyve been all over each other for like TWO YEARS now. AND multiple yamaha M1S that can be used as somewhat SEXUAL PROPS. (vale feeling also perhaps. emotionally complex here. a lil delicate. like YEAH i can invite my coworkers i like to hang at my track thats bro stuff but what about my years long situationship that —*static noises in vale's brain* like remember this is where MARC thinks things start to change between them...)
so yeah vale ends up like. amping up that competitive edge a little in bed. making this a fuckbuddy thing more than a RELATIONSHIP thing as much as he can in his head and with his hands and failing miserably and feeling even WEIRDER about that. so he's. i think he's working hard at putting marc where he wants him. hot hands a little rougher on the curve of marc's waist. cupping his ass making him gasp. sending him to his knees and making him suck his dick hot and nasty. teasing a little edging on the little feminine nicknames theyve never talked about but that make marc squirm and flush prettily. edging marc with three fingers in his ass while he whines for it. dragging it out. exerting a little control. not mean at all everyone is having fun (marc. out of his MIND.) just. excising some tension. its probably nothing hes just in his head. holding marc in his hands as he looks up at him. and marc trusting it. marc going. marc being just where vale wants him. just like he never does on the track. and marc thinks everything is fine when its happening thinks everything is AMAZING. but after that is when vale starts to go a little cold......
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sweetbbyshion · 11 months
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Car rides
-> Toji Fushiguro x Reader (AFAB reader, no pronouns used)
characters: Toji Fushiguro
genre: smut
summary: your boyfriend loves his car too much but I guess he loves you enough to ignore his stupid rule
warnings: NSFW, established relationship, pet names (darling), blowjobs, car sex, UNPROTECTED SEX, creampie, he's a bit mean
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Toji loves his cars.
He's always talking about his cars like those are his children. Toji goes on and on about how much he worked to afford the expensive cars he owns and so, naturally, anything remotely sexual was off the table.
When you two started dating, he had mentioned it once or twice. Toji would fuck you anywhere, anytime, but never in his car. It didn't matter if you tried to make advances while going home, both too pent up from work as you start palming his hard dick through the fabric of his pants, begging for just one taste before you got home. Toji Fushiguro would hold back until you were away from his car to fuck you against the near wall, arguing about how much a brat you acted when he has told you multiple times his cars were off limits. Eventually, you let it go and it was fine since your boyfriend would make sure you're satiated before getting inside his car.
Now, more than ever, you hate this stupid rule and Toji’s affection for his cars.
You and Toji decided to travel together for a weekend. It is a five hour drive and you are already getting bored with still four more hours to go. You limit your phone usage to just skip songs, scared that you will get sick just by looking at the device. The man is too focused on the road and the fancy GPS to indulge your rambles and at some point you just throw your head back and groan, already regretting going so far away.
For some reason, your brain decided to focus on the way your boyfriend’s hands grip the steering wheel. Maybe it was the overwhelming boredom, maybe it was the fact that you didn't have the time to do anything with your very hot partner before leaving the house. Whatever it was, it had you clenching your thighs at the image of Toji driving, his sharp jaw looking so inviting, his tongue licking his lips whenever it felt too dry, the biting marks you left the day before all over his neck.
You let out another groan of frustration that has your boyfriend furrowing his eyebrows and give you a quick look.
“Did you go insane?” You turn your body to the window, forcing yourself to stop looking at the reason for your irritation. “What's your problem?”
“You're my problem.” you mumble, refusing to look back at him.
“What did I even do?!” he asks, using one of his hands to grab your arm and pull you to turn on your seat.
“What you didn't do is the problem!” you whine. “I’m horny, I wanna suck you off and I want you to stop somewhere and fuck me but your annoying rules are… annoying!”
Toji laughs, “We have to expand your vocabulary, darling.” He clears his throat when he sees your harsh stare through the corner of his eye before continuing, “Alright, I’ll fuck you really nice when we get to the hotel. You just have to wait a little bit more.”
You mumble something along the lines of not wanting to wait longer before you try one last time to get your way. You start by whining his name, your hand caressing his thigh slowly as you watch the way he takes deep breaths before scolding you. “You're such a brat.” He says but makes no effort to push you away. Toji adjusts himself on his seat and you notice the way his dick is already hardening under his pants. You don't celebrate too soon though, knowing Toji has too much self control for your own good. His free hand, still on your body, squeezes your thigh when your hand starts moving up and trying to get his pants unbuttoned. You feel a sense of victory rushing through your body when Toji doesn't stop you and instead proceeds to place his hand on your head to push your face closer to his lap.
Never once do Toji's eyes leave the road to look down and you can't help but pout a little bit at the lack of attention. Maybe this whole car thing would be better if he wasn't actually driving but you can't stop yourself now. You push through your need for attention from your older boyfriend and fish his dick out of his black boxers. Toji hisses at the contact and your pout vanishes with the small reaction.
“Don't make a mess.” Your boyfriend warns you. “If you get anything dirty, this will never happen again.”
You roll your eyes at the threat, leaning further down to lick the tip of his dick slowly. You let out a satisfied hum at the taste of his pre-cum and open your mouth to take more of him. It's an uncomfortable position, the seatbelt is digging your side and your back hurts but you ignore that for the time being and decide to let future you deal with it. Your tongue swirls around his length and, luckily, Toji seems more focused on driving than forcing you to take all of him. You decide to take your time and not choke on his dick, for once. Your boyfriend always took pleasure in making you cry but today he had other priorities. So you suck him slowly, your hand accompanying you in pleasuring the man as you play with his balls and leave sloppy kisses down his length. More than a blowjob, it seems like you're set on having a makeout session with his dick.
“Are you gonna suck me right or do I have to make you?”
You pout at his harsh tone, looking up at him. “You're not even paying attention to me ‘ji.”
“You wanted this. Not my fault you couldn't wait until I parked.” Toji argues, still refusing to look at you for even a second.
“Then stop the car.” you suggest.
It takes around 10 seconds for Toji to decide before he's pulling off the highway to the closest service area. Your boyfriend hasn't fully stopped the car before you're rushing to the backseat while trying to pull your shirt off. Toji laughs at you before moving to the backseat as well. It's cramped and you probably could just move the front seats to get more space in the back but you don't even have the time to voice your thoughts before Toji is kissing you harshly. Your head hits the window while you try to adjust yourself but you don't have the time to think about the pain, too keen on undressing the older man. It's too early in the morning, the sun had barely risen so the parking lot was relatively empty except for your boyfriend's expensive car and a few trucks.
Getting undressed in the back of a car is harder than you imagined. Toji has to grab your ankles to take off your shoes before you accidentally break the window trying to take them off and he helps you slide your jeans down your legs. You're still excited, even if the leather of the seats is gluing to your back and the position is painfully uncomfortable. Your boyfriend pulls his dick out of his pants, not bothering with undressing and tugs your panties to the side, ready to finally give you what you have been waiting for.
“You're dripping all over the seat already.” Toji laughs, slapping your pussy with his tip. “I’ll make you clean it with your tongue.” You don't have time to ask if he's being serious before Toji is plunging into you. Your back peels itself off the leather seats when you arch it and you moan loud with the sudden stretch. “Shhhhh, darling. Wouldn't want people to know what's happening here, would you?”
Toji pulls back almost fully before he's slamming back into you, repeating this until he's setting a nice pace that has you holding onto him. Your nails scratch his back all the way up to his shoulders and you keep your mouth occupied by biting and kissing his neck so noises don't come out of it. Your boyfriend doesn't care as much as you and his grunts are noisy as well as the sound of his hips slapping against your ass. He's ruthless in his thrusts, muttering something about how this was what you wanted but you're too out to fully understand what your boyfriend is saying. His cock hits hard the sweet spot inside you and you see white. Whether it's because of the pleasure or a possible concussion from hitting your head, you're not sure. Instead, you moan variations of his name as you feel yourself get closer and closer to your climax.
“S-slow down.” You beg, bumping your head against the door again because of the brute thrusts.
“Don't tell me what to do.” Toji groans between his teeth. Despite that, he still places his hand on your head to shield it from hitting the door once more. “Might as well leave you satisfied- fuck - so you don't annoy me again.”
“‘ji, fuckfuckfuck I think ‘m gonna cum.” Toji laughs, sarcastically asking if it was that good for you to cum so soon but you don't even mind that, simply nodding your head eagerly.
Toji wants to pretend he is an alpha male with insane self control but you feel the way his dick pathetically twitches, letting you know he's as close as you but not wanting to before you. Your boyfriend is a real gentleman when it comes to pleasuring you.
His rough hand grabs your face when you start losing yourself to the feeling and he forces you to look at him. His tongue licks your mouth before kissing you and you notice the way his steady pace starts to get uneven. Your orgasm hits you while your boyfriend is staring into your eyes. Toji always seems to take pleasure in looking at you lovingly while helping you reach your high. You wrap your arms around his neck and pull him down for a kiss as Toji dumps his load inside you. The hot ropes paint your walls and you whine a little because of the overstimulation as Toji rides his orgasm and you squeeze every drop.
“Sorry for ruining your fancy leather seats.” you murmur, resting your forehead against his.
“Worth it.”
“Really? I think I got a concussion.”
Toji calls you dramatic before inspecting your head - he pretends he doesn't care but Toji got a bit worried at a particularly rough hit. He places a kiss on top of it before grabbing your clothes to help you get dressed. Just then it hits you, as Toji is pulling your panties back to its place, that you either walk to the service area’s dirty bathroom with cum dripping down your legs to clean yourself or you risk worsening your back pain to have Toji clean everything for you.
When your boyfriend smirks and starts kissing down your body, you are sure of your decision.
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forlorn-crows · 11 months
kinktober day 20
(not so) dry humping. we already know who's the king of cumming in his pants. put a pretty water and air ghoul on top of him and he's a goner. and they're high? oh yeah, big boy's totally creaming himself
little dick mountain, they/them zephyr (dick/cock for their anatomy), transmasc dew (cunt for his anatomy)
Dew lets ribbons of herbal smoke seep out from his gills, giggling at the ticklish feel. 
“Showing off for us, are you, water lily?” Zephyr lilts, reaching out to run a finger along the curly fins on the water ghoul’s neck. Dew sighshappily, preening under their attention. 
Mountain hooks his chin over Zephyr’s shoulder and watches the smoke curl and dissipate around them. “Pretty,” he mumbles. 
“He is, isn’t he,” Zephyr purrs. 
“Pretty high,” Dew replies with a laugh, snuffing out the end of the joint. 
Mountain squints. Stares at the ashtray for longer than necessary. He grumbles a little into Zephyr’s hair. “Was’at th’ end already?” he slurs, brows knitting together. 
“Number . . . uh . . .” Dew sucks his teeth and lets his eyes droop, brain visibly buffering as he struggles to remember just how many they’ve shared between the three of them. 
Zephyr chuckles at the both of them. They relax further back into Mountain’s chest and pull Dew further up their outstretched legs. He happily makes himself comfortable on Zephyr’s lap, wriggling and readjusting until his legs fold pretzel-like to fit between the taller ghouls’ equally lanky limbs.
“You two are adorable lightweights,” they muse. They smooth their hands up and down Dew’s sides, earning a pleased hum from the water ghoul who promptly tucks his face into the crook of their neck like a milk-drunk kitten. 
“‘S not fair you just,” Mountain gestures vaguely with one hand, “make it disappear. Fuckin’ air ghouls.”
Dew huffs a laugh against Zephyr’s shirt. “Not fair,” he echoes. He wriggles his hips again, settling further into their lap and into the comfortable haze hanging between his ears. 
Zephyr can’t really hide—or help—the strained grunt that escapes their throat at the sensation of a pretty water ghoul squirming directly over their dick. Blame it on the weed, or blame it on the lack of substantial material between Dew’s sex and theirs, but Zephyr is instantaneously more lightheaded and significantly harder than they were just moments ago.  
Mountain’s nostrils flare against their skin, ears perking. “Mm, smell good, Zephy. Feelin’ good?”
Dew sniffs too, jolting back up from his draped posture and grinning wide when he feels Zephyr chubbed up beneath him. “I’d say they’re feelin’ real good, Mounty,” he drawls. He rolls his hips for good measure, wrenching a real groan from the air ghoul’s throat. 
“You would too with a pretty little water ghoul in your lap,” Zephyr retorts. They give a pinch to Dew’s side as payback. 
“Ohhhh,” Mountain says, neurons finally firing in the right series. He squeezes his hands around Zephyr’s middle and pulls them properly against his chest, rumbling contentedly as the bright honeysuckle scent of their arousal wafts over them all. “Wha’ if I have a pretty air ghoul in my lap?”
“Dunno, pet,” Zephyr breathes, dropping their head back against Mountain’s shoulder. Dew takes this as an invitation to melt his lanky body back against their chest, nuzzling his nose close to their pulse point. “What will you do?” they tease. 
And then they have the audacity to wriggle their own hips, grinding against Mountain’s lap until he groans too. “Fuck, Zephyyy,” he whines. 
“Zephyyy,” Dew snorts, mocking him lightly. But any menace is lost in the giggle he lets loose less than a second later—a giggle that morphs straight into a moan when Zephyr’s cock rubs just right against his clit through their pants. “Oh,” he gasps, humping right back. “That feels real nice.”
“Yeah, does,” Mountain groans, his own cock quickly filling out and the little head turning sticky. “Too—mmpf—too nice,” he admits. 
“Plenty to go around, boys,” Zephyr teases. They grind between the others, indulging in the lazy heat settling in their veins. A pleased purr kicks up in their chest. “Fuck, you two feel divine.”
Mountain noses along the wispy hair at their temple, mouth slightly parted as he huffs hotly against the side of their face. A high earth ghoul is an easily excitable—and sensitive—earth ghoul, so his hips are already kicking up in tempo underneath Zephyr’s ass. It’s rough and greedy, but it feels too good to even fathom stopping. 
Thoughts are in short supply between them anyway. Especially not when Dew starts bouncing a mere minute later like he can ride Zephyr through their pants. 
“Don’t—don’ do that,” Mountain whines. His arms wrap around Zephyr’s torso and he grabs Dew’s waist, but he does nothing to stop him from moving. If anything, he grips the little ghoul tighter, keeping him from slipping off of Zephyr’s lap while he ruts harder against their ass. 
The air ghoul gasps, caught between amusement and arousal. “Can feel how hard that little cock is, pet. Getting needy?”
“Likes seeing me ride you,” Dew pants, almost just as desperate. Almost.
“You are doing nothing of the sort.”
“‘lose enough,” Mountain wheezes. The water ghoul keeps glancing past Zephyr’s face, batting his eyelashes at Mountain and flipping his silver hair out of his face. And devils below if he would stop bouncing like that, maybe Mountain wouldn’t be so close to cumming in his jeans. 
“Mounty-y-y,” Dew sing-songs, voice bouncing in time with his body. “You got that look on your faaaccee.”
The earth ghoul shakes his head, biting back a childish nuh-uh. The look in question has his eyebrows drawn together, and his chipped fang poking over his bottom lip where he’s worrying it between his teeth. His eyes are droopy and red-rimmed, fighting not to stare at Dew or roll straight back into his head. 
Zephyr cranes their neck to run their tongue up the column of Mountain’s neck. They rock their hips back and forth between the two ghouls, slow and torturous. "If you cum, pet,” they rasp, “I bet our droplet will clean you up while I fuck his darling cunt. Won't you, Dew?"
Dew chokes. "What the fu—"
"Oh Lucifer," Mountain cries, voice cracking through breaks he didn't even know he had while his hips give a telltale stutter. Before he can gather the scraps of his remaining wits, he squeezes his arms around Zephyr’s middle and humps them rabbit-quick, creaming himself in no less than five thrusts. He shudders through it, whining high and wounded, cumming harder under the burn of embarrassment. 
“Oh, darling,” Zephyr groans, albeit with a slightly teasing lilt. “That sounded like a very good time.” 
“Shut up,” Mountain mumbles, grimacing at the way his cock twitches in the confines of his now sticky underwear. 
Mercifully, Zephyr leans forward so their ass isn’t directly on Mountain’s lap anymore, getting close to Dew’s face with a wicked smile on their face. Dew can’t help but giggle as they brush their lips over his. 
“Better get to work, water lily,” they croon. Zephyr casts a quick peek over their shoulder, winking at Mountain who’s still staring at them, slack-jawed. They turn back to Dew, pressing even closer and lowering their voice to a barely-there whisper: “Wouldn’t want your treat to go to waste, would you?” 
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faghubby · 7 months
Oh Husband
"Husband, why don't you kneel down here and make me cum" Dana smiled. I looked around quickly. She was sitting in one of the patio chairs drinking a glass of wine as I was picking weeds out of the flower beds.
"Dana?!" I said quietly with a stunned look.
"What? You know you want to. Must little chastity bitch" Dana replied. She spread her legs. Pulling up her dress she wore no panties. I kneeled on the stone patio and buried my face between her thighs. As I liked and sucked her pussy.
"Do you hope Bob peeks over the fence and sees you?" Dana teased. I felt the cage get even tighter as my dick tried to get hard but had no room to grow.
"Paul you would like everyone to know what a beta husband you are wouldn't you?" Dana continued. She played with my hair that she had made me grow out as I pleased her. I made her cum. I always made her cum with my tounge. As she did she just pushed me back and fixed her dress. She made a hand motion as if dismissing me. I went back to finish the flowers. Her juices all over my face.
Dana got up and walked over to me. She bent down and grabbed my ass.
"It would be so hot if you wore your little thong bikini while you worked in the yard. Get those tan lines even darker" Dana teased then went inside. I knew she was teasing. She had me go to a tanning salon once a week. She loved my femine tan lines. She wanted anyone who might see me without a shirt to know what a bitch I was.
It had been 7 years ago when she had learned what kind of man I really was. It had started innocent enough. Dana was being adventurous and while she was sucking my dick worked a finger in my ass. I went wild.
I begged her to do it again and then again. This led to inserting a toy in my ass. Then fucking me with a strapon. All within a few months time. This led to a discussion of a threesome. Another man. I was reluctant but agreed. We chose a stranger. After a search on fetish dating sites. Dana found someone. We chatted a few times and finally decided it was time and invited him to the house. We where both nervous. His name was Greg.
Greg took control as soon as he entered. He had Dana naked and bent over before either of us had time to question. He ordered me to strip. As he fucked Dana. Not have sex or make love he fucked her. His hand around her throat his thick 7 inch cock smashing into her at an amazing pace. He stopped at one point and made Dana suck his cock. Tasting her own juices. Before he went back to fucking her. He totally ignored me I didn't know what to do so u stood and watched. As he pumped his seed into her.
"Come clean my cock" he ordered me. I was still in awe and did what he said without hesitation.
"You faggot husband just needs a firm hand" he told Dana. He pushed me away.
"Clean your wife Bitch" he ordered me. Dana spread her legs and seemed even more excited as she watched me clean another man's cum from her well fucked pussy.
We talked at length about what had happened and what we both wanted. We both agreed to explore this more. Dana is one of those people who research everything. And she did that very thing. She soon learned about cuckolding, chastity, FLM, sissy, punishment and a whole lot more. We talked and experimented alot. Now we have three kids so somethings where just not possible but Dana found ways.
Like if she called me husband it was an order. And I was to call her princess when we played. She locked me in chastity pretty fast. Since I had a small penis anyway. I enjoyed it. Well kinda. I enjoyed having to ask to touch myself. I enjoyed Dana being in control of me. Dana also started dating. Telling most people that she was cheating on me.
We told the kids mom had gone back to school to further her education. The kids ranged from 11 to 16. So it was a good way for them not to question, mom's night classes or late study groups. Also since mom was back in school Dad picking up the slack around the house doing more chores. The further she pushed the more I wanted. So when she had me shave, and start wearing panties I didn't argue. She would keep me locked for months at a time. And peg my ass once a week. While she told me about her lovers and what they did to her. She would sometimes show me videos. I understood when I watched. I had never even tried to fuck her lime they did. Most where rough using her.
"Non of them have such a gentle tounge like yours though" Dana told me. The kids now grown or away at school Dana became more open about things. She had confessed to her two best friends a few years ago. But now she didn't mind if others found out.
She took me panty shopping, instead of buying them online. Even telling the sales girl they where for me. She would take me to dinner and order for me. Telling the waiter that I couldn't be trusted to stay on my diet. She openly flirted with people in front of me. Including several of our friends.
She even took me to a gay bar and had me suck the bartenders cock. On the drive ho,e she told me she would never let me inside her again after watching what I had done.
But now rumors got back to the kids. And we are having a family meeting tonight. I know Dana is going to tell them the truth. I just am scared of how they will react.
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I may or may not be the same anon that requested the Deadpool x Wolverine au one shot- you did amazing by the way, pure food, absolutely delicious 👌👌
I hope I'm not over stepping by ramming this au down your throat, I just love it so much.
Could I get another one shot? 👉👈🥺
Maybe of the ab scene? Lucifer looking respectfully, them basking in the fact they won and bet the big bad (who I feel would be alastor in this au because I want him bald 😂), then luci just going to town on adams ass amongst the wreckage.
Only if you want to of course!
I love your work btw! Okay- bye!
*Slams fist into the table* YESSS ADAMS TITTIES!!
Sorry lmao Also, keep in mind I still haven't seen this movie so I'm sorry for any inaccuracies.
Alastor being bald is hilarious and cursed LMAO
Adam and Lucifer were standing on the platform between the glowing reactors that were going into overload. Lucifer had one hand on a reactor while the other held Adams hand.
Adam tried to reach for the other reactor, but because Lucifer was so fucking short he couldn't reach.
Adam: AHHHH!!!
Lucifer: YOU CAN DO IT!!
Adam made a fist and released his blades from his hands and they jammed into the reactor. Adam screamed as his body was overwhelmed with energy.
The top of his uniform exploded from the amount of energy that was coursing through his body, revealing his toned stomach.
Lucifer leaned back and looked, not hiding the fact he was staring at all. Fuck, when this was over they so needed to bone and he was SO licking that stomach and those lovely titties.
The power was very strong as it surged through their bodies. The reactors blew up from the over use of power.
Adam and Lucifer slumped over on the ground, panting but both were proud that they put an end to Alastor's plans for good.
Lucifer looked at Adam who was sweating. "You okay?"
"Suck my dick."
Yeah he's fine. Lucifer smirked, "Is that an invitation?" He purred.
Adam looked at Lucifer. "We nearly fucking died and you want to bone?"
"We just saved the world together, I think you deserve an orgasm. Or three."
Adams eyes went wide and his eyebrows shot up to his hairline. "Isn't three a little ambitious for you?"
Lucifer laughed. "No. Eight would be starting to get ambitious."
Adam shook his head. "Unbelievable."
Lucifer tangled him to the ground and gave him a flirty grin. "How about I make you a believer?"
Adam blinked. Aw fuck it they saved the fucking world what's a few minutes for themselves? "Do your worst." He gasped when Lucifer leaned down and licked from his navel up to his chest and sucked on a nipple. "Fuck!"
"That's the plan handsome.~"
Lucifer licked, kissed and sucked his way from Adams chest to his neck while they both undid their pants.
Why waste time?
Adam moaned as he pushed his pants down, Lucifer palmed Adams dick. "As much as I love your front, I need you to turn over. It'll make this easier."
Adam groaned but did as he was told. He gasped when his ass was exposed to the air and Lucifer spread his cheeks started to eat him out there.
After a while Lucifer pulled back and spit into his hand to slick up his dick. They both moaned when Lucifer, ever slowly pushed his way inside.
He gave Adam a minute to get used to the feeling before he started to move and gripped Adam's hips as he thrusted forward.
"Aw, fuck!"
Lucifer started pounding into him the way they both liked, making sure to hit Adams prostate with each thrust.
Fuck he felt amazing as always.
Lucifer reached forward and pulled Adams hair, pulling a guttural moan deep from his throat. "AHHH!! FUCK!!~"
Lucifer smirked, "Who knew you were into hair pulling.~"
Adam shook with need. "F-fuck off- AHHH!!~"
"Nah, I think you liiike it.~" Lucifer teased as he pulled Adams hair one more time before placing his hand back on his hip and picking up the pace. He could feel his own end nearing and he wanted Adam to finish first.
Adams eyes rolled in the back of his head as pleasure over took him, his jaw went slack. Fuck this felt so fucking good.
Adam was so close, he gripped the grate of the platform. So close, so close, so close....
Instead of touching his dick, Lucifer reached up again and pulled on Adams hair again which made him cum with a shout.
"AHHH!! LUCI!!~"
Lucifer came from that inside of Adam, moaning out his pleasure as they rode out their euphoric state together. He pulled out and pulled Adam up, both panting. Adam turned his head to look at Lucifer and they shared a passionate kiss.
When they broke away, they rested their foreheads against each other.
Lucifer smiled, "So, want to go again handsome?"
"Give me a fucking minute."
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1k fic request? 💕
I don’t think we read enough Ed/Stede 69-ing. I bet you could give it to them, as a treat? 👀
I have been gleefully waiting until sexual sunday to share this one! You're so, so right Kylie. 69 time
This sounded a lot easier when Stede was describing it to him.
See, both Ed and Stede enjoyed getting woken up with blowjobs, but they’d forgotten whose turn it was to do the waking, and Stede had proposed a little competition. Now, face-to-face with Stede’s perfect dick, with Stede fucking licking his lips as he got settled between Ed’s legs, pressing a kiss into the crease of Ed’s hip…frankly, Ed was starting to rethink his declaration of an eminent easy victory, because this was so fucking hot that he was a bit worried he might come the second Stede got his mouth on him.
He must’ve been tense, because Stede’s hand smoothed gently over Ed’s thigh. “Alright?”
“Perfect,” Ed sighed, letting his shoulders relax. That was one thing about sex with Stede, no matter the angle - he could always just let go and have fun.
“Great,” Stede said cheerfully, and then he immediately got right the fuck to it.
“Oh, holy shit,” Ed whimpered, his head tipping back and his hips bucking forward as Stede closed his mouth around his cock, swirling his tongue around the little head, humming in delight like he always did at the taste of him, and why was that so hot -
Stede pulled off, chuckling softly at Ed’s whine. “Ed, my dick is feeling really neglected -”
“Oh, right, sorry.” Ed shamelessly wiggled his hips until Stede got back to work, and he whined in pleasure as he took Stede’s cock in his hand to guide it into his mouth.
Yeah, this was bliss. Stede’s cock was thick and hot and perfect, and he immediately discovered that the way he could get Stede to groan around his own cock when he pulled back to tease the head with his tongue was fucking delicious. He tried to relax to take Stede down as far as he usually could, but with the pleasure of Stede working him, it was too much, so he wrapped his fist around Stede’s cock, stroking what he couldn’t reach.
Stede pulled off, his voice slurring in the most wonderful way. “Did we decide if we can use hands?”
Ed’s eyes rolled back in his head at the thought, and he gave Stede a pointed stroke with his hand, spreading his thighs as well as he could while laying on his side in invitation.
He had to pull off Stede’s cock when Stede immediately slipped a couple fingers inside his hole, finally making him feel full, giving him a lovely stretched feeling at his rim. He panted, letting his head tip forward against Stede’s hip, leaving messy kisses along Stede’s cock as he tried to hump his face - 
“Ed,” Stede laughed, good- natured, patting Ed’s thigh with his free hand. “Need a break?”
“No,” Ed whined, trying to squirm down into Stede’s fingers.
Stede nipped at Ed’s thigh, making him shiver. “Want to admit defeat, then?”
“Then be a good boy,” Stede said, just before returning his perfect mouth to Ed’s cock, “and suck my cock, okay, precious?”
“Mm,” Ed whimpered, and he took Stede back into his mouth.
He closed his eyes, letting the entire world narrow to just Stede’s cock in his mouth and the pleasure between his legs. Stede knew just how to suck Ed’s cock to reduce him to a puddle of boneless pleasure, alternately closing his lips around his rock - hard little cock and, when Ed started to whimper at the feeling, pulling back to lick around it until he was squirming for more, pumping his fingers in his hole at a decadent pace.
Like this, too, Ed could hone in on the more subtle signs of Stede’s pleasure. He could feel Stede’s thighs tremble when he took him deep enough until the head popped into his throat, he could feel the gasp around his cock when he pulled off just far enough to sloppily mouth along the underside of Stede’s dick.
And, honestly, they’d both of them all but forgotten about winning their little game, just drawing out each other’s pleasure and focusing on what made them feel best -
But that didn’t stop Stede, stupid perfect sexy Stede, from getting Ed there first.
Ed had to pull off his cock when it got to be too much, clinging helplessly to Stede’s thighs as he worked him, feeling his cock twitching in Stede’s mouth as the pleasure built. “Fuck, fuck, holy shit, please -”
Stede hummed encouragingly around him, and that was all Ed could take. He bit into the meat of Stede’s thigh as he came, clenching around the fingers inside him, gasping his way through it.
“I win,” Stede announced proudly.
Ed laughed breathlessly. “Shut up, you smug bastard. Want me to finish you off?”
“Hm.” Stede popped up, his chin still wet, and Ed groaned when they kissed and he realized he could taste himself on Stede’s tongue. “I’d like to see your face, actually?”
How was it, that Stede could make Ed come that hard and he still looked so shy when making a request like that?
“Mm, yeah.” Ed pulled Stede down on top of him, loving the way Stede ground his cock against Ed’s pubic mound, his hipbone. “Mark me up, baby, c’mon.”
Ed did not have tits to fuck. He was glad he didn’t have tits to fuck. He’d paid a lot of money so he wouldn’t have tits, for fucking or otherwise.
But, like. Sometimes it was fun to put his hands on his chest, squeezing his pecs together so Stede could straddle him and kinda fuck his chest.
Stede thought so, too, apparently, because it took all of two seconds until he was coming with a cry of Ed’s name, painting Ed’s chest with his come.
And then he collapsed down onto him, pulling him into a sweet kiss. “You’re so fucking perfect.”
“Wow,” Ed pretended to gasp. “I think you’re fucking perfect.”
Stede snorted. “Guess we’re pretty fucking perfect for each other, then, right?”
Damn right.
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sspd1rtythoughts · 3 months
CW: Free use, age difference (between adults), degradation (slut, whore, bitch), blowjob's, praising, fingering, recording and taking pictures, orgasm denial
You just love messing around with your father's friends
Even at an adult age you're still living with your dad, mainly because it's cheaper than living by yourself. Both of you mainly do your own thing, it's like living with a roommate.
You always loved when your dad organized football or gaming nights with his buddies. Not because you're into football or anything, but because it means that...you get to have some fun with his friends.
They're all around the same age as him, in their fifties, already greying. And yet you can't help but let them use you whenever they come over.
They know how easy you are. They know what a cockdrunk slut you are. Heck they even share photos and videos in a groupchat without your dad of them pounding into your soaking pussy or you sucking them off while grinding on their foot or fingering yourself open.
Or even of multiple of them having their way with you.
When they come over you always wear a tight crop top that almost has your breasts spilling out and a short skirt. You never wear any underwear, why should you? You love getting used by them anywhere and anytime they want.
Tonight one of your dad friends rings the doorbell. You open the front door in just a robe, having just gotten out of the shower. Seeing it's one of them immediately has your cunt soaking.
"Is your dad home?" He asks, peering into the house. Your dad was out on a work trip, the timing couldn't be better.
"No, he isn't. He had to go on a last minute business trip"
You let the robe fall away a little, almost revealing your breasts completely, almost showing your nipples to this man that's at least twice your age.
"But if you want... You can still come in. Maybe invite some friends for a gaming night, I'm sure he wouldn't mind..."
He just smirks at you and pushes you into the house, immediately stripping you off the robe.
He sits down on the couch, making you straddle his lap as he hovers your completely bare body over one of his thighs as he gropes one of your breasts, squeezing and pinching.
"Grind" is all he says in a commanding tone as you oblige and do just that, grinding your soaking wet pussy on his clothed leg.
You immediately moan out, not holding back as your dad isn't home to hear your sinful slutty noises. It doesn't take long until you fall into a steady rhythm against him, mewling and whining.
The man grabs his phone out of his pocket, recording the delicious sight and sending it to the group chat with the caption 'guess who's home alone'.
Without warning he pushes two fingers into your squelching heat, making you cry out in bliss. You keep grinding until eventually you start getting close to cumming.
"Ah ah ah. A slut like you doesn't deserve to cum yet." He pulls his fingers out and gets you off his lap, making you sit on the floor in front of the couch between his legs as you whimper at the loss of pleasure.
He immediately unzips his pants, freeing his dick right in front of your face. You don't even have to be told what to do as you immediately lick a stripe up his length before taking him into your mouth, sucking him off, bobbing your head up and down.
He groans, leaning back. "That's a good whore... We trained you so well." You suck him off until he suddenly unloads his load without warning into your mouth. He grabs a fistful of your hair, keeping you still with lips wrapped around his dick.
"Swallow." He commands yet again and you obey without a second thought, swallowing his seed down your throat.
"Good girl... Now bend over."
You bend over the living room table, presenting your dripping pussy to him. Without hesitation he immediately shoves his cock inside, making you moan out loud.
He pounds into you roughly and without mercy from behind, his crotch slapping against you. He brings a hand down on your ass, spanking you hard making you clench around him. You're panting and moaning like the bitch you are, drooling all over your tits as they're pressed against the table.
A hand of his sneaks around and starts pinching your unattended clit, the pleasure shooting down your spine, directly into your nerves.
Suddenly another of your father's friends comes in, immediately getting hard at the sight of you bend over the table, getting pounded.
"Seems the bitch really couldn't wait to have her hole filled huh?" He asks sarcastically as he frees his own cock in front of you. You immediately reach out, stroking it and liking it like it's candy.
It doesn't take long until you suddenly squirt around the first friend, your cunt tightening around his cock and milking him a second time. All while you start sucking off the second, absolutely cum drunk.
You can't wait for everyone else to come over too.
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klbwriting · 7 months
Not Romeo, Not Juliet
Chapter 7: Who is a Man
Fandom: Red Hood
Pairing: Jason Todd x f!reader
Warnings: violence
Summary: its almost time for the competition and the actors want to party, Jason goes to protect one of them and ends up in a bad situation
Who is man that is not angry?
Jason and YN spent the next few weeks mostly texting and talking on the phone, with Jason dropping by her place a couple time to run lines and just hang out. He spent evenings he wasn’t practicing in the Big Belly Burger in Crime Alley, listening for police chatter and checking the local social media for reports of muggers or gangsters, disappearing with excuses when he needed to handle something as Red Hood (Red Mask was very dead). Dick knew something was up, but Jason was being tightlipped and always had a good excuse for him to be out. Homework, dates with this Annabeth from the play, and Practice was taking up all his time, but Dick thought he was hiding something. He was right but Jason was trained in secrets by Batman, just like he was, if he didn’t want Dick to know he wouldn’t, at least until Dick started playing dirty. A couple weeks before the competition, after Jason had been particularly cagey about going out Dick finally just put a tracking device on both his shoes and also his phone, anything to figure out what he was actually doing.
Rehearsal that Saturday was rough, everyone was tired, some were sick with colds since it was late November, and everyone was a little peeved to be in school working on this play when it was Thanksgiving break. Jason was worn thin by the time midafternoon rolled around and the director was clearly frazzled so he took matters into his own hands. She liked him and he was going to use that to get them out of there.
“Does everyone hate me?” she asked when he approached after talking to the others. He shrugged and she nodded. “Ya, I figured. Tell them practice is over for today but next week its Saturday and Sunday.”
“Do we have any negotiating power on that?” he asked. She eyed him and he nodded, all 6’1 of him being a little scared of her evil eye. He turned back and told the others and they groaned. “Hey at least we can go,” he said, gathering his stuff. Jackson and Matt looked at him. “What?”
“You still hate us?” Jackson asked. Jason shrugged. It had been easier to get along by just dealing with them, the younger classes weren’t so bad, but these three sucked. “If not, we were going to meet and hit up Pegasus over in the Narrows. They don’t check IDs.” Jason chewed his cheek a bit as he thought. It would be an excuse to get out of the apartment, maybe he could go, just enough time so that anyone that might report him to Dick would see him there, and then he could duck out. The Narrows bordered Crime Alley so he could go do some patrolling, Saturdays were always crime heavy.
“Fine, sounds like fun and I could use a drink,” he said. Chelsea perked up.
“Maybe you could get me a drink,” she said, giggling a little. Jason nearly threw up in his mouth.
“No, I have a girlfriend,” he said, letting it slip out without really meaning too. YN wasn't his girlfriend, at least, neither of them had verbally committed to anything, but it felt natural to say that, to think of her face when he said ‘girlfriend’. Chelsea looked put out and the boys looked annoyed. “What? Am I not allowed to have one?”
“No, just, we know it's no one who goes here,” Matt said. Jason rolled his eyes, this high school shit getting annoying.
“She doesn’t go here, she lives in Gotham, and I don’t need to give you any more info than that, now, what time are we meeting there?” he said. They looked like they were reconsidering inviting him until the junior girl playing Gertrude, Sydney, came up, asking what they were up too.
“O we’re going out, you want to come?” Jackson asked, smiling at her, well, leering was more like it. She wilted a little, clearly not liking the look he was giving her. But Jason could see she wanted to go, hang out with the cool seniors.
“Are you going Jason?” she asked, taking a step closer to him. He knew then that they would let him come and he would go, if anything to make sure to protect Sydney from Jackson.
“Ya I’m going,” he answered, and they agreed on a meeting time and place. Dick was annoyed by the plans but when he saw the confirmation text from Matt that they were meeting and sneaking into a club he sighed.
“Well, guess going out and illegally drinking is a right of passage for teenagers,” he grumbled, trying very hard to be the cool big brother. Jason didn’t know about the trackers, so Dick wasn’t actually worried. “Just if you drink no driving, and is that girlfriend of yours going?” Jason had to reel himself in, once again reminding himself that he was supposed to be dating Sydney.
“Ya, and she doesn’t have a curfew,” he said. Dick rolled his eyes at the suggestion but didn’t say anything. He clearly did not want to have any kind of safe sex talk with Jason, so he just left it floating out there and Jason took the uncomfortable silence as he out, saying a quick bye, grabbing his bag and leaving. He texted YN, asking if she was working that night, thinking that if she was working late he would stop by, but she said no so he deflated a little. He didn’t want to drop by too late and disturb her mom. He would just go to the club, hang out until Sydney went home, without Jackson, and then go do some patrolling. It was a solid plan.
What a terrible plan. It was two hours into the night, almost 11, and Jason was at the bar, sipping water, watching the others drink and party like it was the end of the world. Honestly, going to those Wayne galas and getting drunk on wine when he was fourteen was a helpful learning experience in this moment, because there was no way he would want to be this trashed out in public. At least at the gala Alfred had been able to hurry him to his room and lock the door once he started acting like an idiot, this was just sad. Jackson was trying to serenade Sydney, who was clearly not having it, Chelsea and Matt had each found a guy to flirt with, and here he was, deflecting anyone who came over to him with a scowl. He was bored, but still didn’t want to leave any of them alone to do something really life-ruining, so he watched, wishing for an out. And curse whatever genie granted his wish.
The music stopped when the first shot rang out, the DJ running from the stage where several of Maroni’s thugs came out, brandishing semi-automatic rifles. They shot the air and Jason jumped into action, getting his things out of his bag and putting on the helmet while everyone was distracted. He grappled to a beam in the ceiling, jumping to the next one to be right above the attackers. Before jumping in he scanned the room for anymore, seeing no one else threatening. The bartender was on the phone, ducked down behind the bar, probably calling the police, and several of the clubgoers had already run out the unguarded front door. This wasn’t a hit meant to do anything except inspire fear. These were Maroni’s guys, in Falcone’s territory, clearly Maroni was trying to send a message to Falcone, and Jason didn’t like it, barely controlling the rage that was in him. He threw down a smoke bomb to the stage, landing just after it went off. Guns started firing and he cursed himself for not disarming them first, he prayed no one was hurt as he started disarming them, getting three of the goons’ weapons away and putting them out of commission before he heard another shot and felt a splash of pain through his side. That was it, the rage was out and he needed to hurt this guy. He mentally assessed the wound, too far to the left to hit anything vital, a thru and thru, he could live with the pain and end this last guy. He managed to dive in there, sweeping the man’s legs and knocking him to the ground, sending the gun skittering across the room. He punched him, feeling the power that the rage put into his fists. He hit him two more times, until he saw the blood coming from the man’s mouth. He stood, the smoke clearing around him. He saw phones up, videoing his actions. This wasn’t something he thought about before doing it. He scanned the crowd, not seeing anyone on the ground, not seeing people gathered to help anyone or crying over a body. He hoped that meant everyone was safe. Then he heard sirens, and he took off. He ran backstage, finding a side stage door and running through it towards Crime Alley.
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“Boy where are you going?  And who told you that you may wear clothes again?  Certainly not me.  Get naked, your work has just begun.  What? You thought that you would have the honor of being a urinal to me and my friends at one of my parties and that was it?  Fuck that.  You were brought here for the needs of the party, and you got paid with piss.  Come with me in the house.  Leave the mess for tomorrow….
“…So did you have a good time drinking our piss?  You sure as hell stink of it.  You’ve been wearing it all night, so you are probably used to it.  It’s fucking giving me a raging boner.  Nothing gets me more than walking into a rest stop shithouse or a locker room and it reeking of piss.  Add my cigar smoke to the mix, and I am so boned up.
“This way.  Oh look, Bevins and Dewey are passed out over there.  They are going to be hung over when they wake up.  One of your jobs is to give them a good breakfast, some strong coffee, and your holes to use.  Bevins will probably fuck you.  I have never seen one man fuck so much; you’d swear that he spent more time hard than he was soft. 
“Oh my god, Dewey pissed his pants.  Look at that….  Get down there and suck some of the piss out of it.  He’s passed out.  If he was awake, he would be demanding you do just that.  The only difference is that his piss is probably ice cold.  Get down there….
“Fuck yeah.  Grind your face in there.  Feel his dick?  It’s fucking huge, isn’t it?  And keep in mind, that’s soft.  It’s one of the fattest cocks I have ever seen.  You certainly drank from it tonight.  I don’t know if that’s when we had funnels in your holes, or after we took them out and drained your ass.  I don’t think he would have fucked you when we converted your ass from urinal duty into a working cunt.  He would have ripped you up good.
“Wanna see?  Go on, take his cock out….  Go on.  He would love it.  I have ridden with this man for fifteen years.  He, Bevins, and I have a long, long history of using faggots.  Trust me, if he woke up with your mouth around his dick, he would belch and fart and then think of it as a start of a good day….
“Let’s get his jeans around his ankles.  You take that side, and on the count of three.  One, two,… three!  Again!...  Hell yeah!  If he wasn’t wearing his boots, we could take them off.  I would love to shove his skanky piss-soaked skid marked underwear in your mouth when I fuck you.
“Told you he was big.  Those balls are legendary, as is that dick.  Go on skin him back; let’s see what you get to clean under that hood….  Jesus fuck!  That’s nasty.
“Go on.  Don’t hesitate now.  You have done an amazing job tonight drinking all that piss, then taking load after load in your cunt.  This is nothing.  You do this, I will be inviting you back.  Hell, Dewey will probably claim you as his when he sees what good of a job you do.  Not many faggots can meet his nasty expectations.  Atta fag! 
“Keep sucking on that limp dick of his.  This is so damned hot.  Spread your legs.  This is not going to take long.  Don’t let him slip out no matter how hard I slam your cunt.
“Damn you are sloppy back here.  There’s easily a dozen loads in here.  Fuck, it feels so good.  That’s it!  Moan into his dick.  You fucking whore.  You goddamned piss-drinking whore.  You live to be two fucking holes for men to use.  And we are going to do that.  You will take nut after nut.  Just like a whore.  Oh man, keep moaning like a bitch.  Daddy is going to dump in you real good.  I bet you want to be owned.  Don’t you, you slut? 
“Did you just moan your yes?...  Faggot, cunt!  I own you now.  Every aspect of your life now belongs to me.  I’m so close.  And the one thing I do to every cunt I own, I brand them with my cigar. 
“Scream!  Scream into his dick.  Ahhhhh! Ahhhhh!  Fuck!  Fuck!  Damn!  Fuck, you almost snapped my dick off when you clamped down.  You got my load to add to your cunt stew.  Hold still.  I need to drain my bladder.
“Oh fuck.  What a night.  Ahhhh.  There it goes.  When we get to bed, I will plug you so you can have this load in you until morning….  That doesn’t look like I went deep at all to give you a proper brand.  After we get you installed in your new role in life, we’ll make sure you are branded the way that owned toilet faggot cunts should be.
“Clamp down; I’m pulling out.  Good boy.  With all that action back there, I am amazed you have such control over your muscles back here. 
“Pull off Dewey and stand up.  Come here give me a kiss….  Yup, just like kissing a sewer.  You did good tonight….  Fuck, I don’t even know your name.  Don’t need to either.  Let’s go to bed.  I need a good night’s sleep.  Your job is not over.  You are going to rim me to sleep.  Let’s go.
“Oh fuck.  You are dripping down your leg.  Let’s get that plugged up.”
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