#he is fucking miserable in his abuse
#560: Hogwarts Inquires - III
That's hit me.
MC was worried Solomon might turn her and Sebastian in to the Headmaster and they'd be expelled.
But what would Solomon's evidence be and why would Black ever care without any caught-on-scene for anything really, especially, when Solomon is easily annoyed by simply everything about his nephew.
Besides, even if he would have somehow convinced Black to look into the matter, who could guarantee him that his supposed wish to come true -- if we assume MC was right about him turning them in and that he wouldn't back down on his word (which I believe to be the actual truth, as Solomon was trying to put down / kill the both of them, MC and Sebastian, rather than to have them expelled or worse, sent to Azkaban; that's… the supposed sense of mercy this man has is absolutely vile).
But. Behind MC were Fig, as her mentor (and he would never let the opportunity of finishing his and Miriam's work slip away), also a person of trust to Black, and Sharp, as someone really worried about MC and who I think to be allied with Fig, therefore in the know to some great extent, and subsequently interested in keeping MC out of trouble, at least, of this particular sort, for Fig's sake.
Howevor, even if the toughest defense imaginable would be breached by sheer stubbornness of this man, even after a tactical retreat to Dinah&Matilda duo, what would be the evidence and why would Solomon be sure, that knowing his temper, whatever it was Sebastian took possession of was worth a legillimens from any investigator or, if Black wouldn't let anyone in, Sharp or Dinah.
You know. People who are entangled with Eleazar's inquiries about goblin activities and are likely in support of whatever party that fights goblins back. They wouldn't ever not to condemn the usage of Unforgivables, howevor, but would they cater to Solomon's vile wishes? Doubtful. They'd rather fight him off than let him do justice himself because killing someone for the sake of THEIR OWN good -- what really the fuck is wrong with you Solomon.
Back to evidence.
The Book could've easily be hidden by a third party.
The Relic, too.
But. If we're to jump forward to the dungeon, where it was already too late to change Sebastian's mind and Solomon came across The Evidence…
He destroyed the only evidence he had on them right away… The destruction of the Book would be the only a matter of Anne getting inside the dungeon and, enraged by the extent of it all and by how far Sebastian was ready to dwell, would have still casted Incendio.
The only solid ground would be the usage of Unforgivables. Which Black secretly or not so secretly do not condemn; he doesn't judge MC when she uses any of them in front of him. Meaning, Solomon's only option would be going straight to the Ministry, as Black would likely approve of that Imperio, but.
Given how reluctant was the Ministry. Given the fact Sebastian hadn't harmed anyone. Solomon doesn't have A N Y grounds to imprison him or convince anyone of Sebastian's danger to anyone. He doesn't have a chance on MC either, or he'd face Fig, who can contact the Minister directly at seemingly any time, and Sharp, likely being a man who might have a few things to say to anyone who're live in a disbelief of any cure existence and although it's not a crime, who're also induce that disbelief on unwilling or dependent others.
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poisonousquinzel · 1 year
thinking about just how likely it is that Batman was the only person Harley told about having suicidal thoughts whilst in Arkham in Detective Comics #831
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"I was seriously considering hanging sheets from the light in my cell and doing the maximum checkout when I heard this voice..."
Detective Comics #831
and how he knew when she strapped that bomb to herself in Batman (2016) #100 that he had to go after her because she was going let herself die in an attempt to end Joker's rampage for good but that she refused to physically do it because he didn't want to her Kill him and he told her that so she's found a middle ground
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"We don't need to end it this way. He needs to be locked back up."
that she'd rather die than keep living with his presence in the world haunting her, haunting Them.
That if he did choose Joker, she wasn't going to disarm the bomb herself.
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"Honey. You're talking to the wrong girl if you think he's not dangerous locked up in Arkham. It's like I said. That's not good enough for me. Not anymore."
the way he yells for her as she leaves.
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"You're only going to get to one of us in time, Bats. Who's it going to be?"
the way the two men stare at each other in the way they have so many times before, in those moments when Joker stayed or prioritized their fight over her. the way he knew Joker loved the thrill of it all and thought it was funny, thought there was No way Batman would leave him and that this game had to end as according to the rules. And that Batman would do so, he would follow the rules and save him. The way he immediately assumed Batman would choose him, choose his life and choose to stay and disarm the bomb.
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And how Batman didn't do that. How Batman walked away from him, leaving him to die or escape or whatever, because He was choosing Harley and her safety and prioritizing her life over him.
The way he stared him in the eyes before choosing the woman Joker had always left to die over him. The way that it was always Him, it was never a question if he would choose Batman over her, but when faced with that type of scenario, Joker is the one that gets left behind to die.
The way she literally woke up in the hospital instead of them having a scene just outside after he removed it. because she didn't intend to live in one of the two options. the way the bomb probably did go off to some capacity because you don't just end up in the hospital knocked out for a week.
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Him saying that he's glad she's okay, after everything they've been through, this war and Everything else. and the way he didn't brush off her concern
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"I'm glad you're okay."
"Are you?"
"I had to bury my father again today. I did it with my family."
i just, i can't,,,,, i cant
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irregularbillcipher · 9 months
i was thinking about that one au i mentioned a while ago of "human bill redemption happens but kryptos actually gets humanized and tossed into gravity falls first" which i said was mostly an excuse to have some wild character interactions but also. oh my god kryptos and ford's dynamic would be So Much
like ford sees this dude who is so attached to bill and is convinced that somehow bill cares about him and even that bill loves him which is So Obviously Incorrect and is just understandably projecting so hard onto this dude that he basically sees as a mistreated devotee. so he's trying so hard to not snap at kryptos no matter how awful he's being and to not be cruel to him and to try to get him to understand how awful bill is because he really just sees him as someone who Just Doesn't Understand how bad bill was; he sees him as a victim bill couldn't have cared about it because the idea of him being anything else is messy and terrifying. he doesn't want to grapple with the idea that bill could care about someone genuinely, he doesn't want to deal with the idea that bill could hold fondness for people
the realization that bill was a manipulator who never had his best interests at heart and never really cared about him was so important to his healing process and he shouldn't have to dissect the internal motivations of his abuser! and he's right, he shouldn't, but now there's this guy here who claims that bill cares about him and he can't stop projecting. because if he takes kryptos at his word then he acknowledges that bill could care for people and either he wasn't good enough for someone claiming to be a friend to care about, or worse, bill did care about him in some way and still treated him that awfully
and if he doesn't believe kryptos? then kryptos is yet another victim of bill's manipulation in which case ford just can't find it in himself, with the guy powerless and confused in a new form and a dimension he doesn't really know, to ignore him and cast him to the side. he shouldn't be responsible for bill's awfulness and he knows that, but he can't abandon someone he sees as a victim of bill when the guy is right in front of him and saying stuff that makes his stomach churn
and then there's kryptos who just hates ford so fucking much. and he has no right to! he has absolutely no right to, he's fucking deranged for being angry at the guy bill abused for... being abused by bill and not being okay with it but kryptos sucks!!! he's not a good person!!! and Nobody Gets Bill Like He Does and he's so angry that this guy who knew him for less than a fucking mortal lifespan is claiming to know his closest friend for literally trillions of years better than he does, to know what their relationship actually was better than he does
and he's quieter about it than he wants to be because he's at the mercy of the pineses and doesn't want to snap too much and risk his very mortal self but he's passive aggressive and plants all these doubts in ford's head because god ford, he liked you, don't you know how rare it is for him to like you? and you killed him anyway, you're really alright with looking at someone who liked you and helping to kill them? and you're really gonna tell me that the only person who ever actually loved me didn't really love me, what's wrong with you? is that supposed to help me? that the only person who ever cared about me was apparently lying? that's supposed to make me less miserable? maybe when bill told you that nobody else actually cared about you it was a lie but it wasn't a lie for me and i know that because he was the first person to ever be nice to me. great that you had your brothers, great that you had your ma, great that you had fiddleford-- i didn't. good for you that you had a few people in your life before him who cared about you, i didn't. he was the first person who cared and the only one who stuck around-- i remember what our mortal lives were like, and he couldn't get anything out of me by keeping me around, there was nothing he could have been using me for, so don't assume our relationships were the same. stop trying to make this easy for yourself-- bill loved me, he liked you, and you don't get to make this easy for yourself by saying he just wasn't capable of it
and it's just through passing, biting, mostly-calm-sounding comments every so often, conversations where kryptos doesn't even raise his voice, but he doesn't let up, because he's just so unjustifiably angry at this guy for being worried for him and for hating bill
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shopcat · 6 months
there is, Obviously, fundamentally a difference between headcanon and an analytical reading of text, and treating the two as exactly the same is not only wrong but devalues both, but funnily, i've found people tend to forget that both of these things are the product of referencing our real life experiences and applying them where we see fit to make a more interesting way to interact with media. and you can't just like, forget that it's not JUST about headcanons and meta analysis and whatever, because people in real life also still matter. and in real life, there are different stakes and EXPERIENCES, and those experiences lead to thinking the way we do because that's how you Be a goddamn person, which is why it's ironic is all 😭
like, saying zuko atla has to be cis in order to be "properly" gay in order to be Truly Compelling narratively is fucking ridiculous. textually, zuko is not actually gay. he never was intended to be, he never will be intended to be, he was never even subtextually. the assumption otherwise is already rooted in fantasy, and the tongue in cheek assertion that it isn't, which means it has more credence, is ... dumb? childish? admitting to at least yourself that the things you talk about wrt character analysis aren't the intention of the creator is literally half the point of doing said analysis – you're MEANT to throw away the intended interpretation in order to give it a new life through different keyholes without entirely divorcing itself from the text. (in the same breath, insisting the creator truly meant One Thing when they absolutely would not have/don't care at all, and ignoring that the people who made the piece are going to put their own biases and experiences and background into the media itself and actually MUST be taken into account for things like this is just ... well. Stop That.)
i've personally never been someone to ever claim that The Writers All Along INTENDED to do something that they obviously didn't, like make a character from a 2005 cartoon lgbt+. this doesn't mean that reading doesn't have any substance or cannot possibly hold any meaning, or that it's wrong. if you can't be objective about your own readings what's the damn point... leaning into it being fiction, which changes just by being observed by a different person, is why it's fun or interesting to do in the first place. and yeah there are some basic cookie cutter headcanons people like to fling around, and there can be criticism for that otherwise, but claiming headcanons themselves AREN'T an offshoot of this way of thinking is fucking stupid. like it's plain wrong.
our own thoughts on why a character acts, what they do, what their presentation is, why their personality is what it is up to and including their sexuality, gender identity, religion, JOB, whatever, are made to fill the gaps the text can't or won't provide, and in the case of lgbt ones as long as it's not actively harmful (as in like insisting a lesbian character is bi or something) it is literally harmless seeing as it is fairly solidly a "won't", along with a whole bunch of other hc material that usually don't see the light of day on-screen nonstereotypically. people seeing themselves in characters isn't new but more than that, saying that you know this but then pushing it aside because The Analysis Means More when it's Realistic And Plausible is fucking dumb. and rude. bc the entire point of drawing the line of connections this way is how WE see them. being all like "oh well, your own personal identity is still valid otherwise, don't get your feelings hurt bc it doesn't matter," is moot if you've already asserted there's only One real way to be... plausible 🤨. which is to be NORMAL ! duh.
like, the read that zuko IS gay (and cis) relies on extracting parts through the lens of our own gay perceptions and is why cishet fans don't pick up on it, but you can ask pretty much any other lgbt fan and they'll agree. zuko's narrative arc IS compelling with the read that he is gay, from the way he is ostracised by his family, neglected and abused, the "punishment" he receives and then continues to become his own warden of, the order of his death and the banishment itself, sozin criminalising homosexuality, his inability to connect with others especially his own age, his inability to seamlessly interact with girls, his literal externalised viewing of seeing himself as someone with Two Sides, them being good vs evil, realising he can change the damn world through love and acceptance, striving for peace, being the face of change for his nation, relearning what it means to be who he is once he is free from his past, the shame and humiliation rituals, the claim of his father that he is worthless as a prince and person, AND MORE... and i cannot express enough here how fucking little it matters if he's specifically gay or WHAT THE HELL EVER 😭.
to claim in no small way that it's impossible for a trans person, or a bisexual person, or anyone else lgbt, could ever line up his narrative with their own personal one is so beyond ridiculous it gives me a headache. no, "plausibly", i don't think zuko is like, transmasc. yes, plausibly, he could be gay. plausibly, he could be amab nonbinary but no one seems to actually give a fuck about that for some reason (i wonder!). nothing would change in both cases, because he's not actually either, so i really don't see the point in making fun of or being frustrated by one to lift up the other because you want cisgender boot soles to brush the back of your throat THAT badly. the implausibility of thinking any way about a fictional character should be taken into account to an extent, sure, but at the end of the day neither of us are doing anything truly worthwhile, and no one is claiming that it's the intent from the beginning to say otherwise, so what's the point here. why are we doing this. let's go skip in a meadow together before i kill someone with this rock.
#🐾#tldr i am actually just so sick of people saying the word plausible#it's not plausible for this character to be trans. well OKAY. THARS NOT THE FUCKING POINT IDIOT#not every fucking thing people do is for the sake of furthering the fucking plot holy shit what is wrong with you#these people will never know joy or happiness and forever be miserable bc they're just OBSESSED with trying to rationalise.. art?!#LIKE ITS NOT GONNA HAPPENNNN 😭#even if it is a plausible trans read people will pick it apart. I Know. i've been there. people do not and i hate to break it to you#like trans people. even other trans people. SHOCK HORROR. jesus christ#this is a real torture dungeon of my own creation#also my two cents personally i think the sum of who zuko is as a person is first and foremost autistic and gay. and everything else is as#an abuse victim. and i honestly don't care if he's trans bc it doesn't matter in the way ppl need to be tantruming over#but it still would be just as significant if not more so. acruallg definitely more so what the hell. my family doesn't hate me bc i Like#Boys .. OR GIRLS.#and YEAH sokka does read more trans sure. but he also is the one who got made fun of for at least like matching his belt and bag#or liking shopping or being feminine ..#is this what people mean when they say that... that katara would be transphobic to her own brother 😭#well probably not. anyway.#if we're being textual sokka literally IS the one with some sort of gay subtext just FOR being the victim of the charming 2000s lightly#homophobic joking. not zuko. no one gives af about zuko#it does not break my arm to say zuko got banished for being too much sowmrbing and not enough something and got to be himself afterwards#in the slow journey that that took. this could mean literlalt anything. so who cares#he's lgbt all at once. There. bitch#also these ppl bc it was a whole bunch ofc. seemed to just mostly be mad bc zuko got the hc more#like how is that everyone else's problem now. just make sokka trans more ... idiot#☆
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bravevolunteer · 8 months
michael's physical fate mirroring his emotional trauma is so perfectly engineered to make me fucking insane and that choice was not intentional at AAAALLLL
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anurarana · 2 months
I have no desire to catch back up with bnha so whatever. But I have learned what happens to dabi and guys. It's so bad. It kinda makes me feel a little sick
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llycaons · 2 months
one of the prev posts I was like oh cql? on the url and they WERE cql...but their top tag was...bad....but I don't even have the energy to refute their nonsensical arguments for it because like that's not what shipping really is about but also THEY REALLY THINK JC IS *THE ONE* TO MAKE WWX HAPPY AND LWJ IS BORING???? incest aside like jc makes wwx MISERABLE jfc canonically yeah lwj does make wwx happy and jc is left miserable and alone due to the consequenves of his actions including actively tormenting and mocking and humiliating and trying to kill wwx. go die mad about it 😭
#like 'wow their love for each other is so crazy and all-consuming its insane to thibk some boring lan cultivator could do that for him'#WHAT ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT!!!!! their relationship is so unhealthy and marred by debt and obligations in the FIRST PLACE#and even without that yeah there's love there but they also just don't see eye to eye on so many things and jc actively impedes#wwx in things he wants or believes in and also treats him like shit like this is fully a sector of the fanbase who are just making things u#in their own head to enjoy#which would be mildly annoying if not for the fact that it's 1. INCEST#and 2. between two characters with THAT kind of history. wwx needs someone he can like...trust..#okay I guess I donhave the energy. I'm less angry at them calling lwj boring. yeah he is kind of boring but that's fine#wwx canonically doesn't think so and canonically is very happy w him#these bitches think his arguably abusive extremely immature and volatile pseudo-brother who tortured and tried to kill him is BETTER FOR HI#?????? brother jc is not better for ANYONE. there's loving someone and there's wanting to be around them and shit. like there's so much#history there it's lucky if they can even be friends again#like 🤢🤢🤢 what the fuck are you on. the narrative was pretty clear. media comprehension -100000#I don't even think this person is unintelligent or anything they just have incredibly bad and nonsensical taste#or at least used to. idk how old those posts were I fully admit#wwx with anyone besides lwj is a hard sell but jc is beyond insane for multiple reasons#even if you 'don't see them as brothers' which is an interpretation I guess they still have a horrible relationship#and jc makes wwx feel terrible bc he has a bad personality and blames wwx for all the most painful things that happened to him and he lashe#out constantly. like he canonically makes wwx miserable and forces him to prioritize jcs own emotional and physical needs. by the end he's#a little better. but he's also not the moral beacon wwx gravitates towards. he's pragmatic and callous#wwx NEEDS someone he can trust someone who shares his principles someone who will take care of him and not demand him to crush inconvenient#parts of himself and play nice. to cater to someone else's feelings#like...structurally they're so well matched this post was insane I hate c/x shippers so much 😭#cor.txt
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textualviolence · 1 year
the thing that makes lan xichen jgy's true love is the fact that he in no way ressembles his dad. Unfortunately this also makes him unfuckable.
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one-winged-dreams · 1 year
Sometimes I just return to men that have these really fucking weird and skewed views on how they view and indulge in love and I plaster myself against the glass like
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finexbright · 2 years
#thinking thoughts that harry might actually be leaving his label and management and the whole three contract deal#wasn't a rumour at all because like what the fuck is actually happening#really fucking sorry but even if harry was straight. or wasn't with louis. he would NOT be dating this woman after everything#like every single person can see just how vile she is and how she's barely keeping up with her own lies#if you really want me to believe that harry is dating this woman who has no shred of self awareness#and has such a twisted view of things. and has been so cruel to so many people on set. and has supported#an actual abuser. and has looked down on one of the most respected actresses in hollywood rn. and has been spinning lies#then i honestly don't know what to tell you#i don't know how much truth there is to the nanny story but there was this quote about how she's fame hungry and how much she cares about#what other people and she's only with harry because of his fame and i think that was the only truth in that article#i don't know what sort of a hellish deal she negotiated with harry/his team but she was really fucking clever with it because what the fuck#convinced she doesn't have a team or publicist or whatever and that she's been pulling strings all along. anyways for fuck's sake#free harry from this mess and do you know what let him disappear for some time while she digs her own grave for her career#like you guys do see that she's been in the industry for over 20 years and has had so many career changes#acting/producing/directing etc and the thing that's gotten her the most fame is this pr stunt. is her bearding. says a lot about her#priorities and who she is as a person and if after all this you still think that harry is actually with her or that he's not#miserable with her. then boy do i have news for you. i don't claim to know him or whatever but like. any decent human would see through#her facade and back the fuck away. like any self respecting person would've seen her world of lies and said nope. i care about my life and#career goodbye. so yeah anyways hope this ends soon and hope she vanishes because it's clear that her career in hollywood is done for
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hellscape-halogens · 1 year
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daisies-on-a-cup · 11 months
actually you know what if you make will's dad an abusive parent i cant say i trust you much
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evenstarfalls · 2 years
hate the fact that i accidentally headcanoned eli's middle name as john. "eliot john cardale he's named after his abusive dad that's so fucked up and awful" girl you made that up!!! you're misremembering they never said that anywhere!! you came up with the fucked up awful thing!!!
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la0hu · 2 years
new york accent i'm dyin over hee-yah
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sunsetsimon · 2 months
trying to ride simon but failing miserably every time. he'll never request it from you, no, but what man doesn't love to have his beautiful girl bouncing on his veiny cock, your breasts at perfect level to be squeezed and nipples sucked? to feel himself impaling your pussy, abusing your cervix but you're too fucking desperate to care about the dull ache in your stomach.
you're working yourself so hard, puffy clit rubbing against his pelvis with each bounce, his blond pubes leaving teasing kisses that threaten to drag you over the edge. but simon is greedy, he needs more of you, faster and harder. he needs to control you.
you know as soon as his legs spread apart on the bed, it's over for you, control is immediately gone. he plants his feet down on the mattress, his hips propping you up, pushing his leaking cock even further than you felt was possible, his full balls pressed against your plushy ass.
his strong arms wrap around you, pulling your upper half down onto him so your chests are pressed together, locking you into place as he fucks you. your mind is foggy, the sense leaving your brain at the intense pleasure he gives you, tight walls strangling his throbbing dick, a silent plea for him to destroy your insides. cream dribbles out of your pussy, trailing down his balls to the sheets, leaving a damp stain in its wake.
hot tears are pouring out of your eyes, pure bliss enveloping you as he uses you as his cum dump. the only words you can blabber out are "fuck simon!" and even then your tongue struggles to work properly, senses overloaded as your orgasm washes over you, the pressure in your head so intense black dots line your vision.
you can't hear or think, only feeling the vibration of simon's chest against yours with his low groans, probably praising how good you feel and that he's right there but you're too fucked out to understand. you can only feel the sweat dripping down his chest, his skin sticking to yours as he fucks you into oblivion.
his thighs stutter as he finishes, filling you as deep as he can go with ropes of hot, thick white cum. it fills you to the brim, dripping out of your pussy and down your inner thighs, only adding to the soiled sheets beneath you. slowing his thrusts to a stop, he pushes you up by the shoulders, taking a good look at your flushed face. drool is pooled in the corner of your mouth, red cheeks stained with tears, looking as wrecked and beautiful as ever.
his dark brown eyes dance along your body, as if taking a mental video of your chest rising and falling rapidly, attempting to catch your breath while looking at him with that glossy look in your eye.
so yeah, you may fail to ride him to orgasm every time, but fuck is it worth it.
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tenok · 5 months
#another thing that drives me crazy us that some parts of fandom made ut hard for ne to enjoy things I like#for example when series 2 only came out I was invested into all edits with sad songs#about how Aziraphale loves angel!Crowley and demon!Crowley suffers#and than you came into tegs and apparently some people will argue that it's canon and not angsty au#*tags#and now it leaves bad taste in my mouth#or like. brainwashed Aziraphale ir Aziraphale that scared and under treat can be tasty concepts#while it's treated as 'what if' and not as 'it's clearly canon and we will build all our understanding of his character on it'#or Aziraphale's black and white thinking or him still believing that angels are (should be) inherently good and heavens are better than hel#I think it is canon! it did played it's part in final fifteen! but I can't say it because I think it's neutral or even lovable part of#Aziraphale as character (sure real life person would be insufferable with thanking like this. but also I would kill someone real who drives#like Crowley! who cares!) and you can't put it in tags without treating this either as flaw he will and *should* overcome#or proof of him being bad/stupid/abusive#like I don't care!! I want to say 'look at him my baby thinks he's the smartest and most holy being in this room' and boop his little nose#I can't even enjoy angsty headcanons about Crowley being miserable without Aziraphale#because one they treat this as being Aziraphale's fault and two it's again treated as canon#like I can take only so much fucs where Crowley lays face down into pool of his tears thinking that he's the poores lost puppy ever being#while not giving two fucks about Aziraphale being in danger him own being asshole to him in final fifteen and oh yes SECOND COMING AROUND#anyway yes I'm a weak link and should be eliminated yes yes#yrs I block and try to not engage and after some weeks I tentatively ready to enjoy *some* of this things again#but yes I still want to complain!!#no people doesn't do anything wrong bu engaging with canon the way they find enjoyable#I can't stress enough that it's a me problem#but of course my hatred turned onto imaginary enemy
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