#she was only sorry about his death because two reasons one practical and the other sentimental
#560: Hogwarts Inquires - III
That's hit me.
MC was worried Solomon might turn her and Sebastian in to the Headmaster and they'd be expelled.
But what would Solomon's evidence be and why would Black ever care without any caught-on-scene for anything really, especially, when Solomon is easily annoyed by simply everything about his nephew.
Besides, even if he would have somehow convinced Black to look into the matter, who could guarantee him that his supposed wish to come true -- if we assume MC was right about him turning them in and that he wouldn't back down on his word (which I believe to be the actual truth, as Solomon was trying to put down / kill the both of them, MC and Sebastian, rather than to have them expelled or worse, sent to Azkaban; that's… the supposed sense of mercy this man has is absolutely vile).
But. Behind MC were Fig, as her mentor (and he would never let the opportunity of finishing his and Miriam's work slip away), also a person of trust to Black, and Sharp, as someone really worried about MC and who I think to be allied with Fig, therefore in the know to some great extent, and subsequently interested in keeping MC out of trouble, at least, of this particular sort, for Fig's sake.
Howevor, even if the toughest defense imaginable would be breached by sheer stubbornness of this man, even after a tactical retreat to Dinah&Matilda duo, what would be the evidence and why would Solomon be sure, that knowing his temper, whatever it was Sebastian took possession of was worth a legillimens from any investigator or, if Black wouldn't let anyone in, Sharp or Dinah.
You know. People who are entangled with Eleazar's inquiries about goblin activities and are likely in support of whatever party that fights goblins back. They wouldn't ever not to condemn the usage of Unforgivables, howevor, but would they cater to Solomon's vile wishes? Doubtful. They'd rather fight him off than let him do justice himself because killing someone for the sake of THEIR OWN good -- what really the fuck is wrong with you Solomon.
Back to evidence.
The Book could've easily be hidden by a third party.
The Relic, too.
But. If we're to jump forward to the dungeon, where it was already too late to change Sebastian's mind and Solomon came across The Evidence…
He destroyed the only evidence he had on them right away… The destruction of the Book would be the only a matter of Anne getting inside the dungeon and, enraged by the extent of it all and by how far Sebastian was ready to dwell, would have still casted Incendio.
The only solid ground would be the usage of Unforgivables. Which Black secretly or not so secretly do not condemn; he doesn't judge MC when she uses any of them in front of him. Meaning, Solomon's only option would be going straight to the Ministry, as Black would likely approve of that Imperio, but.
Given how reluctant was the Ministry. Given the fact Sebastian hadn't harmed anyone. Solomon doesn't have A N Y grounds to imprison him or convince anyone of Sebastian's danger to anyone. He doesn't have a chance on MC either, or he'd face Fig, who can contact the Minister directly at seemingly any time, and Sharp, likely being a man who might have a few things to say to anyone who're live in a disbelief of any cure existence and although it's not a crime, who're also induce that disbelief on unwilling or dependent others.
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marlsswrites · 2 months
Safety and sweat
Ice skating AU, part 5!!
August 5th - words: 665
First part Previous part
“Great practice Regulus.” Effie praised. “I would stay to chat but I have to shoot, I think my sons outside-“
Regulus began to nod his head, kicking his skates from his feet while he held onto the barrier of the rink. But then the noise of rubber shoes squeaking on the floor, travelling towards Regulus and Effie next to him.
“Hi.” He pants, leaning over his legs before looking up with a smile.
It had been exactly a week since Regulus bumped into James, the cute man from the bookstore, and coincidentally his coaches son. He was wearing the same football shirt, it was awfully tight around his biceps - he tried to avert his gaze, he really did - but it was so tempting.
“Hi James.” Effie sighed out while Regulus failed to hide a small laugh under his breath at the look on James’ face.
“Hi.” Regulus copied, a smile tucked away into the hidden corners of his lips.
Effie looked between the two a few times before only shrugging and huffing out a breath. “Wait here James, I’m just going to pick my bag up from the lockers, see you tomorrow Regulus.” Smiling, she pointed to the direction of the lockers, leaving her son and Regulus staring clearly at each other.
“Sorry, I ran here from football practice.” The brunette chuckled, then he did the one thing Regulus was sure would cause his death.
Honestly he wouldn’t be complaining if that was the last thing he saw before he died, at least he’d be at peace.
The man lifted his shirt up and swiftly wiped the sweat from his forehead, and - god - was he doing this on purpose? He swore he could see the muscles move on his toned stomach, the way a black inky tattoo emerged from his sinfully low risen shorts - it looked like a pair of antlers.
“Why exactly?” Regulus cocked his eyebrow, turning away to hide the flush from his cheeks, god he hates feeling like this. Flustered, small, sappy and stupid.
“I don’t- uh.” James laughed, it set off a whole new crashing, cold, salty yet warm wave of emotions off in Regulus’ stomach. “I don’t really know.” He snorted.
“Wow.” Regulus chuckled along, rolling his eyes. “Solid answer.”
“Shut up.” The brunette snorted. “You look really familiar?” He said after a minute of silence, eyeing Regulus up and down like he was a new work of art in a museum, he couldn’t quite place how he felt about that.
Regulus turned his head to see James still piercing his eyes through his own grey ones. He tilted his head to the side, vision of James partially blocked by the black curl that fell into his eye. “Yeah, you look like my friend.”
“Sirius Black, per chance?”
“Yeah… do you-“ He narrowed his eyes, before letting out a light gasp and parted his lips. “You’re his ‘little brother Reggie’” James gaped. “I thought you were like, 10.”
“What the fuck?” Regulus hit his arm and gave a mock offended gasp.
James let out the sweetest little giggle. “I’m calling you Reggie from now on.”
“Potter I swear to god-“
��Cute little Reggie.”
He only groaned, hiding his head in his own black curls as he dropped his forehead into his arms that leant onto the barrier. The one thing he could hear was James’ laughs and teases as Regulus cursed at him, but of course he didn’t mean it.
Normally he would, that was the thing. Last time Barty called him ‘Reggie’ he tripped him up, mostly because that name was reserved for Sirius and Sirius only. But for some reason he… liked when James did it? Fuck, this is disgusting.
It really isn’t though, it’s just new, and Regulus hates new. Even when it could bring the best things into his life, he only feels the need to push them away and stay where he’s been stood for the past year.
But what is safe anymore really?
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bigasswritingmagnet · 7 months
Stop. Talking.
Fandom: Girl Genius Pairing: Gil/Tarvek/Agatha Summary: Tarvek and Gil are perfectly happy sharing Agatha. They're getting along really well these days. Except...for some reason, all of a sudden, Gil just can't seem to stop insulting Tarvek. He's not even trying to do it! It's just like when he was trying to propose to Agatha-
Uh oh.
AO3 link
‘The consorts are fighting again.’
Agatha didn’t look up from the clockwork spread out on the workbench in front of her.
“They do that,” she said, distractedly.
‘In my experience, such restlessness is usually caused by particular needs going unfullfi-’
Without looking up, Agatha picked up a small death ray from a nearby stool and pointed it at a particularly pretty mosaic on the wall.
“What is my rule?” she asked, using her free to hand to rearrange the cogs.
‘My presence and opinion are unwelcome in the bedroom,’ the castle said, quickly.
“Correct,” Agatha said, and set the death ray back down.  “Don’t worry about it. Bantering is how they communicate.”
‘It seems a little one-sided for bantering…’ the castle said, uncertainly.
Gil’s plaintive calls fell on deaf ears as Tarvek stormed down the hallway.
“It was a compliment,” Gil insisted, hurrying after him.
“It was not,” Tarvek snapped, white-faced. “My family practically invented the art of devious, backhanded fake compliments so believe me, Holtzfӓller, when I say that that was an insult.”
Gil winced. Tarvek only made that particular nominal slip-up when he was really, really mad.
“Well, it was supposed to be a compliment!”
Travek entered his study and slammed the door shut so abruptly Gil nearly walked right into it. Gil opened the door and immediately ducked as a letter opener sliced by, directly where his ear would have been.
Gil stared in shock at the letter opener—apparently having been sharpened more than Gil felt was necessary for merely cutting paper—vibrating half-buried in the wood of the far wall.
“Were you trying to—”
Stars burst in his eyes as something heavy slammed into the back of his head.
Rubbing the back of his head, Gil turned around and had just enough time to dodge volume 2 of the Encyclopedia Horrifica (which covered chanting, ominous through corn)
“Get! Out!”
“I’m trying to apologize!” Gil protested.
“No, you’re not!” Tarvek shot back. “You’re explaining to me why I shouldn’t be angry! That is not the same thing!”
“I—! Okay, fine! I’m sorry that you thought my compliment came across like an insult!”
He managed to avoid volume 3 (cosh through dzyzxs) but not volume 4, 5, or 6 (all of the letter E), which knocked him straight off his feet. Before Gil could rise, Tarvek slammed the door shut again. This time, Gil heard him lock it.
Agatha’s tongue stuck out in concentration as she picked up the fragile blown-glass bulb with the tips of her gloved fingers. Slowly, she lifted it up and set it in the gap between two pipes, holding it in place with one hand. With the other, she turned a dial, fraction by fraction, slowly increasing the pressure on the seal that would lock the whisper-thin—but extremely necessary—bulb into place.
Gil burst into the room with a crash of the door.
“You have to talk to Tarvek!”
Agatha didn’t even flinch.
“What did you do now?” she asked, keeping her eyes fixed on the task at hand.
“Wh-! Why do you think I did anything?” he demanded, indignantly.
“Because when he starts it, you have no problem finishing it. You only ever come to me when it’s your fault.”
“Wh-! You-! That-!” Gil sputtered.
“There!” Agatha said, as the pressure gauge clicked green. She locked the mechanism in place and stepped back, tugging off her gloves and looking at Gil.
“So. What did you do?”
“I gave him a compliment!” Gil said. “And he got mad at me!”  
Agatha gave him an I do not believe you look.
“We were talking about that big conference with the neighboring city states, and he made a couple of suggestions that were, y’know, Tarvek level sneaky.”
“And I said…I don’t remember exactly what I said, but he asked me what I meant and I said we all know you’re a devious underhanded weasel, but this is the best double-crossing you’ve done since Sturmhalten’. And he—” Gil paused at the look on Agatha’s face. “What? It was a compliment! He managed to outplay the Other! That’s impressive!”
“He was also outplaying me!" 
Gil scoffed.
“Well, yeah, but I wasn’t talking about that.”
“You didn’t specify!”
“Why should I? We forgave him for that, he knows that!”
Agatha shut her eyes and pinched the bridge of her nose.
“He’s sensitive about it.”
Gil snorted.
“Yeah, no kidding.”
Agatha pointed back at the door.
“Go apologize.”
“But I didn’t do anything—!”
“You know what he’s like! He expects double meanings and power plays everywhere, all the time! You gave a compliment; he heard you trying to dig in the knife by reminding him of what he considers one of the worst things he’s ever done.”
Gil opened his mouth, outraged. Gil considered what Agatha had said. Gil closed his mouth.
“What is with you lately?” Agatha demanded. “It’s like every time I turn around you’ve said something stupid enough to make him go storming off—Gil?"
Gil had gone pale.
“Oh no,” he whispered.
“What? Gil, what is it? What’s wrong?”
Gil did not answer. He was staring into space, gazing at some unseen horror. Agatha took him by the shoulders and shook him.
“It’s pathological,” he said, hoarsely. “It has to be. I thought it was just you, but no, this is, this is just what I’m like—”
“What are you talking about?” Agatha exclaimed. He lowered his head slowly to look at her, his eyes haunted and hollow.
“I’m in love with Tarvek.”
Agatha stared at him for a moment...then she put her hand to her mouth and let out a soft gasp. “Oh, it is pathological.”
“This is all my father’s fault,” he snarled, fists clenching. “All that work he put into protecting me and making me physically stronger and faster and he didn’t do anything that could save me from my own big fat mouth!” He collapsed forward, head on the workbench, arms flung over his head.
Agatha put her hands on his shoulders, patting reassuringly.
“I’m doomed,” Gil wailed.
“No, no, you’re not. Come on, Gil, you weren’t thinking about it before, but now that you know—”
“No!” Gil said, grabbing her shoulders and shaking her. “Don't you understand? Tarvek and I hated each other for years! It took dying to get us to have a civil conversation, and now—!”
He clutched at his face, his imagination dancing nightmare scenarios before his eyes.
“I’m going to ruin everything,” he moaned. “I’m going to destroy everything we’ve built. You’re going to have to choose between us. When we have dinner he’s going to ask you to ask me to pass the salt because he won’t even want to talk to me enough to–Ack!”
Agatha spritzed him with the squirt bottle again.
“Stop that!” she said.
“You stop that!” he said, blinking water out of his eyes. “What is that?”
“It’s von Zinzer’s. He uses it when I start talking about dismantling the town for parts. Now listen to me.” She set the bottle down firmly and put her hands on her hips. “You are not going to ruin everything. You managed it with me, you can manage it with him.”
“Are you joking? We had to be trapped in the castle and almost permanently die about ten different times before you could trust me! And then we had all the–" Gil waved his hands around in a gesture that quite succinctly managed to sum up the overlay, his father freezing the town, two years of Agatha being missing in time, the collapsing empire, Martellus, Paris, England, god queens, inter-dimensional disasters, exorcism engines, and Martellus again. "–everything before we could be together!"  
"You and Tarvek were mad at each other for years, and it took you two days in the castle to get over it."
"By dying!"
'If you think it might help, I could always kill you again,' the castle suggested.
Without looking away from Gil, Agatha picked up the death ray and shot out a light.
"Gil, relax. You're overthinking this. Give Tarvek time to cool off, then go to him, and tell him you love him. No big explanation, just 'I love you'. You can do that, can't you?"
"Yes," Gil said. "I can do that."
He straightened up.
"I can do that," he said, confidently. Then he sagged "No I can't."
"I'll just start babbling! You know me! I'll open my mouth to say it and explanations will come out! Can't you tell him for me? He likes you." 
"He likes you, too!"
"But he doesn't love me!"
Gil swallowed hard, his eyes going overbright.
"I can't tell him," he whispered. "Not when he doesn't...and he doesn't."
Agatha sighed, softly.
"Gil..." She picked up her gloves and began whacking him with them. "Are you joking? After everything you two have been through together? Of course he loves you! That's why he doesn't stab you when you're an idiot!" 
Gil caught the gloves and pulled them out of her hand.
"You don't know that!" he insisted.
"I absolutely do! You, me, and Violetta might be the only people in the world who really know Tarvek, and I hear the way he talks about you when you're not there–" She grabbed the gloves back and punctuated her statement with three solid whacks. "So I am telling you! With confidence! That he loves you!"
She pointed at the door.
"Now go think about what you're doing to say to him. Plan it out. Give him time to cool off. And then go tell him how you feel, or so help me Gilgamesh Wulfenbach, I will tell the Jӓgers you want their help."
Gil waited two days. Not because it took Tarvek two days to stop being mad at Gil, but because Gil was sure his nerves would eat him alive if he waited any longer. Tarvek had stopped leaving the room when Gil walked in, and Gil would just have to hope that that would be enough.
Tarvek was in the library, flipping idly through a book on poisons and occasionally making corrections in red ink. He didn't look up when Gil cleared his throat.
"I'm busy."
"I need to talk to you."
"Write me a note."
"Would you please just—" Gil sighed. "Just hear me out?"
Tarvek, every motion extremely pointed and deliberate, set the pen aside, slid the bookmark between the pages, shut the book, and gave Gil his full attention.
Gil's palms began to sweat.
“And let me actually finish, before you start yelling at me.” Gil said, and winced internally. No, that was much too rude, now Tarvek was narrowing his eyes and bristling. Quick, quick, the speech! You practiced the speech! What was the speech?
“The reason I've been so rude lately is because you—” No, no, no, no, you are NOT starting a love confession with it's your fault I'm insulting you. “I know I’ve been acting like an idiot lately—”
He paused, expecting Tarvek to make a comment, but Tarvek just raised his eyebrows.
“The thing is,” Gil said. “The thing is, I…” He took a deep breath. “I’m—”
“You’re in love with me,” Tarvek finished for him.
Gil’s jaw dropped.
“You knew?”
Tarvek snorted.
“Of course I knew. I knew months ago. It was so obvious.”
“It wasn’t obvious to me!” Gil blustered.
“Really? You didn’t notice that you’ve been acting exactly like you used to act around Agatha?”
“Eventually!” Gil sputtered. “So all of this being mad and throwing things at me, you were just winding me up?”
“No,” Tarvek said, plainly. “You were genuinely insulting and I didn’t see any reason to let you off the hook just because I knew why it was happening.”
Gil stared at him, and Tarvek’s mouth curled up into a smirk, the cat construct that ate the mutant canary.
"And I was winding you up."
Gil stared, speechlessly. Tarvek tossed his book onto the cushion beside him and stood. 
"Actually, I was kind of hoping you'd take longer to put it together—it’s fun watching you flail around.”
“I take it back,” Gil said, flatly. “I hate you. I hate you forever and ever and ever.”
Tarvek put his hand on the back of Gil’s head, and kissed him.
It was a very, very good kiss. Gil was relieved to find he enjoyed it exactly as much as he enjoyed kissing Agatha, which had been a concern, but then Tarvek put his arm around Gil and pressed in close and opened his mouth against Gil’s and that was about it for any sort of higher brain function for Gil for the remainder of the kiss.
“Um,” Gil said, finally. “You’re. Very good at that.”
“I am,” Tarvek said, sweetly.
“I still hate you.”
“Sure you do.”
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idyllcy · 1 month
from one admirer to another : fried?
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pairing: leon kennedy x reader || masterpost: from one admirer to another
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synopsis: from one admirer to another, an online penpal service, allows for two people with common interests to write to each other without ever revealing their actual address! Luckily for both you and Leon, you get matched up! What do eggs and Christmas even have in common anyway? sure hope it's that modeling business and NOT that Ada Wong addiction.
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featuring: reader as scrambled eggs // leon as christmas
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Dear scrambled eggs,
Happy Paris Fashion Week. I'm walking this year (finally???) but not the same show as Ada. I ended up cast by a different brand than her, which makes sense since we don't exactly share the same genre of face. Also, she's in Paris for shoots while I'm here to walk. Women and men's fashion week aren't even the same week. I found that a little sad. Also, my agent got me on some sort of makeup from my makeup artist and somehow he's made me look 29 like hello?? I am a literal child ?? (I'm not. but im still in my early twenties).
My letter this time is going to be short (again) mainly because I need to mail this internationally and I'd like for you to send me a letter to my airbnb (the host gave me the keys).
I speak Spanish and literally no French, so when a lady in a shop was talking to me I could only shake my head and tell her no in Spanish and I still have no idea what she wanted. I guess we'll never know.
Right. The last walk was alright. I got to walk with the model, but I got a death glare from their friend bc I swear I felt my soul slip out of my body. Like, sorry your friend is hot??? Sorry I'm no better??? :((( What's it take for a guy to score a date these days? I ALSO did not get their number again. Can you believe that? I turned around and they disappeared into thin air! AUGH.
Anyways, I'm sending you one of the luxury-brand paris postcards I received as a small gift. Hope you like it.
What are you up to the month that I'm stuck in Paris? Christmas
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Leon finishes walking his show, backstage with a handful of models he's met here and there, mainly sticking with the group of raccoon models. Everyone's sharing the same Airbnb. It should sound like hell, except most people have their own room, and somehow it's the greatest blessing on earth because he knows Ada would ruin his life if he even thought of asking her about you.
His letter is mailed out first thing, shitty translator in hand as he's told Reverso is the better of translators for French, and he gets it mailed out with a quick wink from the old lady at the post office. He's sure she did it because he's on the more attractive side and not the fact that he's sending a letter to his penpal like some middle school boy. He should get over that crush on you too.
He starts his last walk of this fashion week, meeting new people to have a quick talk to, adding private accounts and getting to know a handful of other Ada fans at his last walk. It's the only one where he even gets to see Ada, and her walk is... no joke. Hatred be dammed that woman can strut. He wonders if there's another universe where he didn't accidentally get shot through the heart the first time he met her best friend.
The more Leon paid attention, the more he seemed to understand that one of the main reasons your contract got off so easy was because Ada had requested it. Some people even call you a result of nepotism. Well, not that you seemed to like the job all that much. Dare he say it, to you, modeling was just a side hustle.
How nice it must be to be in a position like that.
When the models finish up at the show, Leon's told he has a shoot the next day, and then a handful of shows scattered nearby. They're making him go to Spain for a handful of days for a photoshoot with Ashley, and then he's practically free for the rest of the time. He's sure it's because his manager's girlfriend wants to hang around the city. Leon's more than fine with staying in the city. It'll be a good break.
Shame though, he misses Sunny.
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prev letter : masterlist : next letter
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brewed-pangolin · 8 months
not thirsty or anything, but i’ve had this in mind for ages and basically soap has a pregnant gf (reader) and at the end of mw3 he ‘dies’ while she is around 4-5 months pregnant and basically ends up getting close to the rest of 141 while grieving BUT! soap is not actually dead. he is alive but he has to pretend to be dead to protect him from makarov and only the rest of 141 and kate knows. anyways, after healing soap starts stalking/watching over reader and he wants to go back home to her but he can’t because he is supposed to be dead. i don’t exactly know where i am going with this but i am in deniable of his death, and it ends with fluff and smut ofc! i would also imagine johnny would def be a twin baby maker
This one made me feel angsty, so that's where we're going with this one.
cw: mentions of loss. Angst no comfort (sorry)
You sat at the corner table at the bustling coffee shop. Your back to the sidewalk as you stared into the void that was black Americano in a white porcelain mug.
You had barely touched your chosen beverage. Electing rather to rather to trace your fingers around the rim while silently studying it's chipped texture.
The gentle pressure of a warm hand on your thigh pulled you out of the lonesome trance. Meeting the welcoming honey gaze of one Kyle 'Gaz' Garrick, who for one reason or another, had become the gravitational rock within your world of uncontrolled chaos.
"It's alright, love." He said, voice low and soothing like a weighted blanket on a cold night.
"We can go home if you want. No need to stay if you're not feelin' it today."
"Kyle's right."
Kate's voice interjected quietly from across the table.
"And you need to rest. If you so much as sneeze at this point, those two mini Scots will come flying out."
You feigned a kind smile. One you had practiced over the last few months to keep your torrid of emotions at bay.
Kate's humor was always a welcome reprieve.
Yet with the constant churn of life within your belly, you were finding it harder to laugh at anything as you were repeatedly reminded of the light that was so unceremoniously ripped away from you.
"C'mon, love. Let's get you home." Gaz pressed with a gentle tone as he stood from his rod iron chair and extended his hand.
He could read you like a book. And your pages were strewn in tumultuous heartache and unshed tears.
"I'll get the tab." Kate added. Just as she pulled out her wallet her phone began to ring.
"Shit. You two head out. Gotta take this."
"Price, again?" Gaz inquired with a raised brow, pulling your fur line coat over your shoulders.
"That's classified." She answered. Turning on her heels and matching back to her car.
You had begun to take note of her use of the world recently.
That was the thrid 'classified' call in two days.
Not that it was uncommon, of course. Something just seem to familiar about the way she spoke to said 'classified' recipient on the other line.
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slutforsnow · 8 months
Death, Revelations, & Jail
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A/N: This one might end up being just a tad longer than the last 3 chapters :3 ALSO I FINALLY FINISHED EPISODE 3 😭 IM SORRY IT TOOK FOREVER, HENRY BEING PATHETIC WAS FUNNY 😭😭
Tw: Joseph's death, revealing Violet's trauma (grooming, SA, assault, abuse, manipulation), Kathleen's death, robbery
At the funeral, Violet stood with Kathleen and Billy per Joseph's final request. His reasoning had been that he wanted her there instead of Antrim because of how caring she was compared to his step-father. Violet was touched by him asking for her to be there in his final moments.
Violet had one hand on Kathleen's back, rubbing her back as she and Billy sprinkled dirt on Joe's body, holding back her own tears. She didn't know why, but she just wanted to bawl her eyes out. He had been a sweetheart in the short time she had known him and had prayed for him to recover.
Billy and Kathleen didn't deserve this; they were too good of people to have lost Joseph. If Violet could bring back Joe, she would even go as far as ask God to take her abuser and ex-friend.
'If anyone deserves to be in the ground it's that fucking-'
Violet's thoughts were interrupted, hearing a familiar voice. Her heart dropped, and she suddenly felt lightheaded.
She slowly turned to face him. What was he of all people doing here?
As Violet watched the short argument between Kathleen and Henry, the pieces began to make sense. Henry was Billy's step-father and Violet's abuser. She felt hot tears fill in her eyes, but not of sadness, oh no. Of anger. Hatred, even. He was here hurting two more people while his victim was here in front of him and he had the fucking nerve to pretend everything was fine between the two of them and ignore her? Violet balled her fists, glaring at Henry, and scrunched her nose up in disgust at the blonde bastard.
"You really think that Joseph would want you at his burial? He asked me to be here instead of you because he felt more loved by someone he just met instead of his own stepfather that he's known for the past 6 years?" She spat, her chest heaving up and down, as she felt her heart speed up. Henry paled, looking at Violet.
If he didn't remember her before she spoke, he sure as hell remembered her now. Kathleen and Billy looked between Henry and Violet, seeing the tears of rage roll down on Violet's cheeks.
"Violet- what are you doin' here?" A simple question, how pathetic was he? To ask how she was while she was recovering from the damage he caused her?
"Really? That's your question? Not 'I'm sorry for doin' what I did to you two years ago I hope you can forgive me'?!" She yelled, feeling her knees grow numb. She felt faint, sick even.
Why would he act so casual?
"Vi, what are you talkin' about?" Kathleen asked, sounding genuinely confused that her husband and Violet, whom she now considered to be a daughter to her if Violet and Billy were to ever date in the future, knew each other.
"What I'm sayin' is that your husband and a third party manipulated me into thinkin' he loved me but only used my 16 year old body for such disgustin' and vile things," Violet stated, glaring at Henry but speaking so gently and sweet to Kathleen.
"You what!?" Billy shouted in anger, turning to Henry. He immediately reached for his pistol, ready to put a bullet between his eyes, only to be stopped by his mother.
He always had a bad feeling about Henry, but knowing that he was the one who violated Violet was beyond disgusting. It was horrid. Silence stood between the 4 of them and Billy shot between Henry's feet, causing a cry of fear and surprise to erupt from Henry's throat.
"Warnin' shot," He stated bluntly before pulling Violet into his embrace as Kathleen practically dragged Henry back to the house to shout at him for what he did to her.
"You can put your pistol away, moron," Violet teased, giggling to herself as Billy rubbed her back, listening to the sounds of the two men burying his brother.
"No, I'm gonna need it when I get back to the house," He told her, a small smile tugging at his lips.
"Don't waste your bullets on him. He needs a slow and painful death," She argued, laying her head on his chest as he held her close.
Billy pondered that for a moment; get rid of the problem or let the problem suffer.
"You're right, he does deserve to suffer," He murmured, putting his gun back in his gunbelt. "I'm sorry he did that to you."
"Why are you sorry? You didn't know," She questioned, looking up at him and wipin' her tears away. As she did, she had also revealed her scars across her nose. He didn't say anything about her scars, thinking they added to her sense of danger.
"For not doin' somethin' sooner so he couldn't have hurt you," He answered simply, as if it was obvious. Violet felt a faint redness creep up onto her cheeks; he cared about her that much when they had only met a few days ago?
"Awh, Billy that's mighty sweet of you," She replied, not meeting his gaze so he didn't notice her growing redness. Billy gently laid his forehead against hers, smiling at her as he was happy to make her smile.
"Anythin' to see you smile, Vi," He murmured, holding her close.
That night, as the pair decided to stay and comfort Kathleen, Violet ended up staying over with the Antrims as it was pouring rain by the time she noticed it was dark out.
Billy let her cuddle with him in his bed, and they talked each other to sleep–talking about ideas on how to make Henry go 'missing' and comforting Billy about the loss of Joe. Late in the night, Billy woke up to the sounds of hustlin' and bustlin' in the kitchen area. He quietly got up, making sure not to wake Violet, grabbed his gun, and crept his way to the kitchen, aiming it at his step-father once he got a clear view of him.
Henry stopped moving, slowly looking towards his step-son.
"So you caught me. This is my money," He began, having only opened the small box that held what little savings Kathleen had.
"You haven't earned any of it. Not a fuckin' penny," Billy began, moving forward, keeping the gun aimed at Henry's head and being glad he towered over the man he hated. "You chase a dream. You pay for whores. You cheat on my mother and now you fucking steal from her!"
The more Billy spoke, the more he felt his anger rise. He didn't raise his voice. No, he couldn't do that. Not while his mother and best friend were asleep. They needed their rest. It had been an eventful day for both of them.
He continued to force Henry to back up eventually out of the house and into the cold rain. Billy didn't care about the cold. He had enough of Henry's bullshit.
"Not to mention what you did to Violet; she was fuckin' sixteen!! Sixteen!! How could even think of doing such a thing to her!?" He yelled, pressing the barrel of his gun to Henry's head. He could yell now, since they were outside; no one could hear him over the loud pouring rain.
Violet, however, woke up having to use the bathroom. She frowned, not seeing Billy in bed next to her.
'Maybe he's in the kitchen,' She thought to herself, yawning as she made her way to the bathroom, grateful that Billy's clothes covered her body mostly. As she made her way around the house to hopefully see Billy, just eating a midnight snack, she caught sight of him outside with Henry. She stood by the table, seeing the box of the family's savings. Sighing tiredly, she made her way upstairs again to grab a towel to dry him off when he came back inside.
"You could've been a good man like my father. All you had to do was try," Billy continued, cutting off Henry from his pathetic rambling and pleading.
Then he remembered Violet's words from earlier.
"Don't waste your bullets on him. He deserves to suffer."
And suffer he will. He lowered his gun and went back inside, shutting the door in Henry's face.
When he turned around, he came face to face with his mom and Violet. He assumed they heard him as Violet came over to him and wrapped his blanket around him, considering it was the only was big enough that could actually have any chance of drying him a little bit, as Kathleen lit another oil lamp to warm him up.
Violet, knowing this was a family matter, hugged Billy tightly once he sat down next to his ma and went upstairs.
She laid in bed for a while, staring at the ceiling as she waited for his return.
Once he came back to the room, with his hair still damp. Once he put his pistol away in his gunbelt, he laid next to Violet in silence. She pulled him into a tight hug once he got comfortable, holding him somehow tighter than before.
"Thank you," She whispered, knowing he drove away Henry for good.
"Of course, Violet," He whispered back, holding her close and burying his face in her shoulder. Vi buried her face into his neck, taking in his calming scent. He smelled like a wet dog, but amongst that scent, he also smelled like grass, mud, with hints of whiskey.
"I'm never leaving your side," She stated softly, earning a gentle chuckle from him.
"You're an idiot."
"Nah, you are."
"How am I an idiot?"
"Who went out in the rain in their pajamas 10 minutes ago?" She teased, giggling as he laughed softly, accepting defeat.
"Alright, you got me there," He admitted before closing his eyes to try an asleep.
"Yes, I do," She murmured, yawning before curling up into his side.
Days later, Kathleen dropped as well from the same illness that took Joe. The moment Violet had heard the news from Jesse, she had bolted barefoot to find him, determined to help Billy and Kathleen.
As the 18 year olds took care of Kathleen, she cherished every moment she had with them. She didn't want to go, yet she knew that God would reunite her with her husband and Joe. As she was being taken care of, she noticed how Violet and Billy talked and cooperated. They worked together without complaint and were just as stubborn as the other. Kathleen didn't want to leave Billy alone, but as time went on, she realized that he wouldn't be alone. He'd have Violet with him, and Kathleen was okay with that.
The day after she was buried, Violet laid her head on Billy's shoulder as his now former home was cleared out. The town had taken the house as Billy didn't have enough to pay for it.
Violet sighed, rubbing Billy's arm as he watched the home get cleared out.
"You can come stay with Jesse and I until you get back on your feet," She suggested, peering up at him.
"I don't wanna be a burden," Billy denied, shaking his head.
"You could always rob someplace," a familiar voice said, pulling their attention from the now empty house to Jesse.
"Jesse, no, he needs money not to be arrested-," Violet began, rolling her eyes and crossing her arms facing her brother completely.
"I mean, it could work," Billy interjected, looking down at Violet.
"Where would you even try?" Violeg protested, looking up at him.
"That place," Jesse suggested, nodding curtly towards the Chinese laundry place across the road.
"No, you'll both get caught for sure," She told him.
"Doesn't hurt to try," Billy said, nodding to Jesse.
"You can't be serious, Billy!"
"Alright, meet back here around midnight."
"Fuck you, Jesse," Violet grumbled, pinching the bridge of her nose and closing her eyes in disappointment.
The next night, Violet had gathered Billy's things, as well as her own, onto 2 horses. She knew this would happen. Stupid Jesse and his dumb fucking plan. Violet knew this would happen, but did the boys listen? No, of course not. Why would they?
She peered around the corner of the clothing shop, seeing Billy running from the jail, and she whistled at him, causing him to stop running.
"Violet?" He questioned in a whisper shout as he came closer to her.
"Of course, you fucking idiot, now get on your horse and let's go," She playfully said, grinning and jamming his hat on his head.
"How- wait, why are you leaving?" He asked, not wasting time and getting on his horse as Violet got onto hers.
"Whose gonna keep your ass outta trouble?" She retaliated, grinning evilly.
"Rude," He repreplied, chuckling as the two snapped the reins and their horses were off.
'Goodbye to this hellish town and the people in,' Violet thought, smiling as she no longer would have to be forced into trying to date some of the other guys in town. 'Freedom at last.'
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jupiterpiss · 2 months
Battle of the Sexes!
Summary! Art and Patrick can’t seem to catch a sign of when they’re unwanted. Their stubbornness is what fuels their motivation to stick around. Similar to gum in hair, a massive fucking inconvenience. They rather shoot them selves than to be shooed away like pests. Unfortunately for them, Grace isn’t too fond of bugs.
Warnings! None :D okay maybe a mention of pregnancy and cheating. Nothing crazy tho. Not really edited. This is just the START of a series, more to come later :))
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Being married to Tashi Duncan was hard.
It felt like a never ending tennis match, a constant racket race that pounded a ball back and forth across the court, forcing one another to run aimlessly to catch after a ball like a dog. It was senseless.
It didn’t help that Tashi consumed every figment of her life either. If Tashi wasn’t playing ‘wifey’ at home, she was playing ‘coach’ on the court, and if they weren’t on the court she would change into ‘manager’ at work. It was a different suit, same design. It should’ve felt like prison, should’ve felt like the crashing of a thousand waves.
Maybe it feels like the sinking of teeth, tugging away at her flesh and licking ridges of muscle off her bones. It should’ve felt like death, and yet Grace couldn’t find it in her to leave.
In fact, she loved it.
Being married to Tashi was hard, but living without her was harder.
It was exactly why she didn’t prod too far into Tashi’s whereabouts in Atlanta. Why didn't she look twice when she saw her talking to Patrick, noses practically touching and hands softly caressing each other as they whispered things Grace would never hear. Not like she wanted to know anyway.
It was also why Grace never questioned who the father of their child was, didn’t even bother to ask when she found Tashi in the bathroom a month after Atlanta, worried expression tugged on her features as her teeth grinded the inside of her cheek.
“I’m sorry,” it was positive. Of course it was. She wouldn’t expect any less from Patrick ‘pull-out-it’ll-be-fine’ Zweig. Asshole.
Nonetheless she kept it together, kept their family together because she loved Tashi. Yearned for Tashi. And mama didn’t raise no quitter, so Grace stayed. Happily.
But Art and Patrick don’t stay out happily, not like she wanted them too. Of course they prod into their life, into their home acting as if a summer fling gave them the rights to being forever in their lives. Maybe Patrick had some leverage given his child and all, but Art? What the fuck did he have? It pisses her off, makes her blood red boiling hot when she sees the two, happier than two fucking peas in a pod looking at their happy family, from the outside in.
It was the reason why she meets them when they ask to have dinner, just the three of them.
“Why can’t we make this something? Hm?” Patrick waves his fork between her and them, quizzical expression in place. She feels like smacking the shit out of him.
“Why the hell would I want that?” She argues, scowl contradicting the two other men’s expressions.
He only makes her more pissed with a curt, “Because.”
It makes her scowl grow nastier, “Because?”
Her eyes squint, fire in her irises as her brows pull together in a way so similar to how Tashi would it almost makes Patrick sick. Must be a couple’s thing.
“You fucking shitting me? Because?” she mocks the way he says it, almost childish in her antics but she doesn’t care. It was a childish response on his end anyway.
It doesn’t take long before Art chirps in, knowing that if he lets Patrick take the reins they wouldn’t get anywhere.
“Look,” he leans in, “This isn’t just about Tashi, as much as it looks it. This about you too,” he reasons, eyes sincere as he holds her gaze, “We want you too.”
She scoffs, “This isn’t about me being potentially jealous of not being a choice if that’s what you’re thinking,” she decides to match Art’s position, leaning in just as close to the two, “I’m not letting you two fuckwads ruin my god damn marriage. I won’t. Just cause you want us both doesn’t mean shit.”
There’s a pause, a half of a second where her eyes flicker between the two, gaze intense and imitating in a way that forces both men to cast all their attention onto just her.
“I alreadly let one of you fuckers in,” she casts a gaze towards Patrick, looks away before she can notice that stupid lazy smirk appear on his features, “I’ll be stupid to let you both. Fuck off and stay the fuck away from my family.”
Her chair screeches against the ground, a harsh metal against tile as she stands up, expression pissed as she looks down to the two. She takes in their respective reactions to the matter, Patrick still holding his infamous smirk though it holds less charm and more defeat, a contrast to Art’s clenched jaw as he stares right back at her. A challenge.
She’s too tired to nip at it though.
“Have a good one,” she gives them a half assed grin, a barely there smile before she looks at Patrick one more time, “See you at pick up. Remember Lily’s toothbrush.”
With that she leaves. Leaves both of them sitting there, blood boiling and teeth scraping at their inner cheeks.
“Fucking bitch.” Patrick snorts at Art’s grumble.
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articdelilah · 10 months
Hello! I really loved the Ikemen Prince x Teen!Reader concept. Could you please make a Gilbert, Keith and Silvio version of this? Thank you <3
✮ A Little Trouble ✮
Hi Anon!! Of course I can!! I’m been waiting for a Keith request so Thank you!! Sorry for the wait as I’ve had quite a busy few days and no ideas but I hope you enjoy 💞 I only wrote about kind!Keith🕊️
Foreign Princes
Platonic!Ikemen Princes x Teen!Reader
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(Keith is so sexy oml) At the Goodwill gala, Keith was very confused at the fact such young nobility was attending. He didn’t immediately have any suspicions however.
Nevertheless, he struck conversation with Belle. Asking her how she’s enjoying the gala and where she was from. Both parties enjoyed their conversation, talking about books they enjoy and such.
Belle had asked Keith if he’s interested in the study of plants to which he smiled and said yes. The girl expressed how she always wanted to travel to Jade and learn about plants in their top schools, but simply never had the chance too as she had to stay here to help her family.
Keith only shook his head and told the girl he would teach her everything he knew. And not to give up hope of course!!
Keith decided to stay a couple of days because of Belles interest in plants and herbs, wanting to teach her more about them. They made plans practically everyday, usually spent in the gardens, talking about all types of useful plants.
Keith made it sound all so simple and was a great teacher. He was patient and answered all questioned the girl had (even silly ones) (because my husband is perfect duh)
Another activity that would bring the two closer is doing each other’s hair. Keith braiding Belle’s hair and Belle putting small charms and flowers in his.
Keith found out Belle was well Belle from Silvio and he wasn’t surprised. However he told Silvio he wouldn’t use that information against Rhodolite, after all why would a King’s death be held above their heads? They were grieving (they are totally so sad) and he didn’t want to add to that.
Dill absolutely loves Belle! The bird is always trying to get the girls attention which embarrasses Keith extremely.
Tall trees towered over the greenery of the lush forest. For many days now Keith has been teaching Belle about herbs and flowers therefore she really wanted to repay him. Belle had taken Keith out for a walk in her favourite forest when the girl felt herself suddenly being drawn to a patch of small white flowers. Belle crouched down in front of them, brow raised at the flowers she’s so used to seeing. She never payed them much attention before but the Prince had shown her how important every plant was, even the ones you usually think nothing of. “What are these?” She asked, too busy inspecting the plant to look up at Keith who held a gentle smile on his lips. Her fingers stretched out to hold one of the tiny flowers. Twirling it for a little before she saw grey haired man again in the corner of her eye. He too had crouched beside her, observing the flower with his gentle gaze before giving her an answer. “Feverfews. They are good for-“ “Giving a few fevers?” The girl giggled at her pun and Keith couldn’t help but chuckle along with the horrible thing.
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Silvio didn’t want be around snotty chil-Wow this girl knows a lot about trade and economy
Silvio knew Belle was being taught about such things at the castle but he couldn’t help be impressed at how actually knowledgable she was. She knew a lot about Benitoite and how important they were as well as not undermining the importance of Jade and Rhodolite, Silvio liked that.
That was the reason Silvio chose the engage in conversation with the young girl.
Silvio can have anything he wants, but Belle had taught him how true feelings could not be bought with money. She was patient and not pushy, though a bit bratty at times of course.
Silvio and Belle really like picking on each other. Poking fun of one another whatever chance they got, laughing cruelly at the other. Obviously in good fun!
Silvio already had his suspicions on the girl being Belle so when the news broke, he really wasn’t surprised.
Belle was in town with Silvio, sitting inside a small tea shop as the words “I always wanted to visit a Benitoitian beach” blurted out. She hadn’t even realised what she fully said when Silvio asked her to focus on her food.
This does however give him the rich prick an idea; he speaks to Sariel about it. Sariel thought it through, but the diplomacy of the country came first then his moral rights from wrongs so he agreed. He wanted to send Guards but Silvio simply paid them to not follow, and they were kind enough to take the money and shut up.
Belle was shocked at the news of being taken for a trip however she simply thought it was in Rhodolite. The girl didn’t know what was in store for her!
“You get back here girl!” Silvio snapped as the girl started to run away from him. He was lying on the light blue towel, trying to soak in the warm sun when the girl decided to bring a bucket of icy cold ocean water, pouring it on the Prince’s face before quickly retreating. Silvio’s eyes sprung open and her laughter filled the afternoon air. He wasted no time to stand quickly and sprinted right after her. The bright sun smiling down at the two; Belle however didn’t get very far, mainly because of how hot the sand was. She had tried to run to the cool salty water but it was ultimately useless as Silvio had already caught up with her. His large hand covered in rings of pure gold and gems worth millions came down to ruffle her soft hair, his other arm bringing her into a (gentle) chokehold. Silvio wasn’t exactly mad, his face held a pleased grin as the girl laughed and tried to wiggle out of his grasp. He couldn’t get it out of his head how he’ll have to travel back to Rhodolite to leave her.
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Gilbert already knew Belle was Belle.
Let’s be honest! He has spies all over and the fact that Rhodolite had chosen such a young girl interested him deeply.
He struck conversation right away with his calm smile. It creeps Belle out at first, he IS Gilbert from Obsidian after all.
Gilbert decides to stay in Rhodolite and he started to appear everywhere the girl was. In the kitchens, the library and the gardens!!
Overtime, his smile was Belle’s favourite features about him.
As she grew closer with the Prince, Belle and Gilbert both kind of rubbed onto each other. Belle unconsciously started to speak a little like him.
Late night walks with Gilbert in the gardens aren’t uncommon but Sariel was definitely not happy about it. Sariel knew what Gilbert was capable of doing, Belle did too, so he warned her day and day out.
Belle however was determined to impress and such, so she didn’t listen to Sariel (sorry Sariel). Gilbert was very pleased at this, not like Sariel trying to stop him would ACTUALLY stop him
Belle was practicing her dancing alone in the dead of night. The girl unaware of the beast which lurked within the shadows of the palace. His cane hit the door, letting a thud echo through the empty ballroom
He laughed and offered his hand.
It was cold and dark in the now abandoned ballroom. There were no stars in the sky, the moon hidden behind clouds as if scared of the beast that had sneaked on Belle. Instead of mauling the rabbit, he offered her a dance. He couldn’t just stand as the girl tried to waltz alone. Gilbert’s hands rested on the girl’s, guiding her through each step of the dance. The empty room was large and illuminated by a singular white candle; its flame dancing along with them. It flickered and rocked, trying to match their steps. One glide to another, each motion carefully guided by the black tiger. He talked through each move and even with Gilbert, the dance was still hard. “This is so difficult!” The [H/C] girl sighed defeated. She knew this wasn’t the only dance she had to know, but she was tired and Belle could see the crack of dawn outside the stained panes of the big windows. She always muddled the steps, timing or direction. “The Waltz is the easiest dance of the many you’ll have to learn.” The Prince of Obsidian laughed at Belle’s increased sour expression. Her nose wrinkling simply at the thought of learning another dance. The two spent hours within the cold room, their shoes clinking and echoing bouncing off the walls. Let’s just say Gilbert wasn’t pleased when he had to leave Belle behind.
If you like my work, please feel free to request!! Anyways Goodbye Doves! Til next time🕊️🌙
Can you tell I really like Keith?
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minetteskvareninova · 4 months
I finally realized why it always rubs me the wrong way when people compare Alicent to Hürrem: despite multiple genuine similarities between the two, people often use it to imply things about Alicent (and Rhaenyra) that are just plain untrue. Notably, Hürrem has legitimate reasons to worry about her sons' lives, while Alicent... Just doesn't. I am sorry, she really fucking doesn't.
First off, let's make something very clear - recent history of their worlds is very much on Hürrem's side, while with Alicent, it's a lot less clear. Notably, while the oldest members of the Ottoman dynasty, when the empire was just really just a small emirate in Anatolia, were able to peacefully coexist with their brothers and other male relatives that could challenge their power, as the empire grew, so did the propensity of potential candidates for the throne to fight over it. By the time Süleyman I. became the sultan, fratricide was very much an established practice. Ottoman succession laws were rather murky, and at the time the show takes place, the good old "to the strongest" principle was in place when it comes to deciding which prince was to become the next ruler. There was some sense that the oldest has more right to the throne than his brothers - hence Mustafa being considered the strongest candidate, along with his general popularity among the janissaries - but Selim I. did win the throne from his older brother, so it was hardly set in stone.
Then there's Westeros, which is a lot more complicated. Sure, you did have Maegor I. usurping and murdering two of his nephews, where the third was only saved by going into hiding, but notably that was only after the oldest one rose in open rebellion towards him. Now, Aegon the Uncrowned wasn't really in the wrong there, considering Maegor had at that point already burned the Starry Sept and generally showed himself to be the absolute worst. Aegon was fully within his rights to be worried about the fate of himself, his own family and the whole country. But it's worth noting, because even the most tyrannical king Westeros had up to that point didn't just shank his nephews completely unprovoked (as was at the time the show was set already an established practice for the Ottomans). Hell, Maegor previously fully supported the reign of his older brother, apparently for no other reason than because of affection between them. Even after they had a falling out because of Maegor's bigamy, Maegor went into exile rather than directly challenge his brother's rule.
Then we have Viserys I., whose claim was also contentious, but after it was cemented trough legalistic means, noone ever went directly against him. It's worth noting that Rhaenyra's claim too was established trough legalistic means (her father's decree) and just like Viserys' claim, it also went against the common practice of Westerosi succession. Admittedly, Rhaenyra's claim was much less stable, mostly because of her gender, but still. In addition, there is absolutely no indication that Rhaenyra would ever go the Maegor route if her throne wasn't usurped; admittedly, she would've kept a close watch on her brothers (and they might be in danger if there is ever an unrelated crisis during Rhaenyra's death - possibly, maybe), but that's far from the "certain death" scenario Alicent presents to Aegon the Trashy. And considering the alternative is a civil war, which also endangers the lives of her children... Yeah, keeping your head down and trying to appear as faithful as possible to Rhaenyra suddenly seems like a pretty viable option, doesn't it?
But that would mean Alicent has to firmly go against her manipulative father and place her trust in Rhaenyra just after she lied to her about *gasp* having premarital sex, and she just isn't emotionally ready for that.
Look, I am not saying Alicent doesn't have good character-driven reasons to be horribly, horribly wrong. But she is. By God is she wrong. Superficially, hers and Hürrem's situation are similar. But one of them is probably right, while the other is just wrong. And that makes all the difference.
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void-occupation · 7 days
hi! I'm trying to get other peoples opinion on this-
what do you think alastors human life was like?
sorry it took me so long to answer this one, I've been busy lol
are we talking about what I think for canon, or the headcanon backstory that exists purely for angst? Because those are two veeery different answers lol. I'll just answer the canon opinion, and maybe do another part about my headcanon if anyone's interested
As far as I know, it's been confirmed that Alastor's mother was colored, and at least hinted that she practiced voodoo. I think that his father is also confirmed to be white, and I know we're all pretty sure by now that he was abusive. We know Alastor likely became a radio host, and was a serial killer (obviously lol) who hung around Mimzy frequently enough. For simplicity's sake, I'll say that Alastor was born in the year 1900, making him 33 when he died
Now, for the speculation. I feel like his parents only married when his mother got pregnant, which resulted in her being outcasted from the Vodun community. I believe she still would have taught her beliefs to Alastor, which probably angered his father, who was most likely Catholic based on the most popular religions in the area at the time. I don't know if it would be ore likely that Alastor's father killed his mother and Alastor killed him because of it, or if Alastor killed his father because of the abuse and lived with his mother until she died of illness. Either way, his father ends up out of the picture. For this, I'll say that his mother lived.
Something I don't usually see people take into account is that the US got officially involved in WW1 in 1917, and started drafting 18yo boys in 1918 - ironically enough when Alastor was 18. The law that prevents "the only surviving son" from being drafted wasn't even thought of until 1964, so Alastor wouldn't have been spared from the draft. I believe draft contracts were about 2 years long, so unless he was injured, Alastor would have spent about that much time in combat. He likely had PTSD from that, but they didn't know what that was at the time, so it would have gone untreated.
He gets home when he's 20ish, and eventually becomes a radio host, befriending Mimzy in the process, but he struggles when he comes home. Nothing seems to alleviate the awful feeling building in him since he came back, and then his mother dies. He snaps. Based on that pre-canon comic, Alastor typically targets predators/abusers ("I do hate those who can't show a little more respect towards those of fairer means"), which makes it pretty ironic (or purposeful) that his name literally means "Avenger".
He hears a woman screaming late at night on his way home, and sees a man cornering her in an alley. Maybe the screams remind him of his mother, or the things he saw overseas, or maybe he's just angry, but he picks something up and bludgeons the man to death. Later, he can't stop thinking about how good it felt to end such a miserable creature, so he does it again. And again. Until eventually, he's killed dozens of men just like his father, and he's reporting his own murders on a news broadcast for the police.
I like to think he didn't practice cannibalism until he got to hell. But if he did practice while alive, it probably would have been during the Great Depression. Times have gotten hard, and while he still has his job, money is tight, and it would be so much easier if he just took a cut or two from the man he just murdered.
However, he still has to dispose of the less edible bits (clothes, hair, bones, etc), and he does so in the bayou behind his house. One day though, there was a hunter who for some reason thought he was a deer. Barking Alerts Alastor of his presence, and he takes off, dogs close behind and baying loudly. Then a gunshot cracks through the air, and Alastor feels a split second pain in his head before collapsing to the ground. The bullet somehow didn't kill him, but it did paralyze him, so there's nothing Alastor can do to fight when the dogs eventually begin tearing into him. In the end, it was the blood loss that killed him as he was mauled, and it seemed like an eternity before he finally succumbed to that. (this is what breeds Alastor's severe dislike (read: fear) of dogs
this is pretty rough, but I figured I'd probably better just get it all out at once lol. Let me know what you think!!
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thegreymoon · 5 months
The Story of Minglan
Oh, fuck all the way off.
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If there is a bloodbath before she is put down, I will rage.
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If you are not careful, he will have your head removed from your body 🙄
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I need to watch this man in a role that is not completely infuriating. He's stupid beautiful and so talented to boot. I can't bring myself to brave Guardian but there must be something I can sink my teeth into.
LOL, how did they think this was going to end?
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I love how it was only Sheng Hong and Changbai who remained standing in the end with maybe one or two others. They are not getting themselves involved in this circle wank. I do wonder, though, how that will work out for them in the long run, because people are generally not fond of those who did nothing to support them in hard times even if they did not directly oppose them.
LMAO, Minglan is done with poetry and calligraphy and has started teaching them practical things 🤣🤣
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Future concubines and stepmothers-in-law, beware!
Smh. It must be done so she does not become an idiot like you who's easily led by the nose by people with bad intentions.
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Seriously, Minlgan is doing this kid a massive favour. With a ridiculous mother like this, things could only go badly for her in the future.
Good girl.
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I don't know who she inherited her healthy brain cells from, but it certainly wasn't from her parents.
LMAO, there is nobody I love on this drama more than Shitou 🤣
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He's so smart yet so dumb at the same time 🤣🤣
And to think Qi Heng had a Shitou of his own and got him beaten to death for his loyalty. I'm still so fucking pissed about that and nobody even mentions it anymore. Duchess Qi is going on happily with her privileged and illustrious life as if she didn't horribly murder at least two gorgeous young people for the funsies. There is no justice.
Fucking finally!
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I was wondering how long it would take him to appoint the single most competent person he has on staff for this important task. Qi Heng can continue to rot, stewing on the issue of how the Emperor addresses his dead parents.
LMAO, of course they did and of course Prince Shen is the idiot who let them.
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Also, who is the nephew? Prince Shen's son? With which wife?
I still don't understand who borrowed money from whom here.
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How old is this son? I was imagining a child but it seems like we are talking about an adult here?
He's a goddamn self-serving idiot.
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Honestly, fuck Prince Shen and his idiotic sister making excuses for him. And fuck anyone running a high-interest loan operations. Yes, debts must be repaid, but usury is a crime for a reason.
I am so not on their side here. I hate this whole family with the exception of Madam Zhang who had the misfortune to marry into this hell.
Oh, shut up, you are fooling no one 🙄
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I am also getting tired of him looking for trouble where there is none.
I feel so sorry for these courtesans who have to deal with idiotic men and their marital problems every day.
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She is smarter than every man in this hall combined.
Also, Gu Tingye is not subtle. I hope he compensates her well for listening to this drivel.
Of course he did 🙄
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Also, why do I care? Let's go back to Minglan and Madam Zhang! 😭 The men can all rot for all I care.
Oh my god.
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Who the hell are these people and why the fuck do I care?
Why can't we just go investigate the salt trade with Changbai and maybe bring down all of Gu Tingye's evil maternal relatives along the way? I have zero fucks to give about Xiao Duan.
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allyium-inserts · 1 year
If Only... Part 2
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Based on Naruto Shippuden. Has canon-level violence and death. Mentions of pregnancy. Very fluffy and angsty. I try to follow the Shippuden storyline as best as I can. There will probably be grammar mistakes. Sorry, it took so long, I’m a senior in college so I’m just trying to graduate right now!
Find Part one here!
At this point no one knows of your relationship with Itachi except for the Akatsuki, only Jiraiya knows that’s because he was gaining intel on the Akatsuki and found out that way. But I know for a fact Tsunade has Anbu watch over your cottage. And that Anbu is Tenzo/ Yamato and you both have a deal to not tell your mother who visits and only steps in when you are in danger (even though you can handle yourself)
The only reason the Akatsuki knows about your relationship is because of Kisame’s slip up and that one-time Hidan tried to get in your pants and when you brought it up to Itachi. Itachi was not happy, and it is safe to say that Hidan will never mess with you or Itachi again. At least not in Itachi’s presence
Although you two are not officially married, he has slipped up and called you his wife when talking to Kisame about you. And Kisame never lets him live that down. And you have slipped up by saying my husband when talking to Sakura or Shizune. And they are so confused because they don’t even know you are seeing someone. I mean Sakura totally thinks you are from that one time, but she couldn't confirm it. 
When Jiraiya and Naruto leave to train, you totally leave with them to travel again cuz you’ve missed traveling around the land and being able to help other people. When Jiraiya almost gets killed by Naruto, you are the one who saves his life. He is very much in debt to you at this point. One Senju almost killed him, while another practically saved him.
But you three diverge and you continue to do your own thing. And while traveling you meet Hidan and Kakazu a lot considering how much Kakazu tries to kill Hidan. Hidan likes to call you his little nurse, but only when Itachi isn’t around because the last time he did. He wished he wasn’t immortal. 
While traveling, Itachi visits and you bring up starting a family because you know for a fact that Itachi to you is like Dan was to Tsunade. Plus, it doesn’t help that both you and Itachi have a feeling that Sasuke will come after him soon. You both go into this long discussion about having children and even though you are both extremely young. You are ready and fully prepared to raise a child on your own.
Itachi would love to have a child with you, and nothing would make him happier than starting a family with someone. Especially after being alone for so long and thinking that he did not deserve love at all. He doesn’t even think he deserves to have the privilege of being a father let own being with you.
You understand his stance and wouldn’t push any further, but he wouldn’t mind trying and if you were to get pregnant then you do and if not, you don’t.
“My Love, after everything I did. You would want to give me that honor?” 
“Of course, Itachi, no matter what happened in the past, you deserve to have a family.”
That absolutely melts him, and he does not understand how he is constantly falling deeper and deeper in love with you because each time he falls and doesn't think he can fall deeper. After this conversation, you both would continue to talk about baby names. And decided that if you were to have a daughter, name her Mikoto after Itachi’s mother. For a boy, you would name him after your late uncle Nawaki. 
During your travels you hear about the civil war in the Land of Rain, so you head that way to provide medical aid to injured civilians and ninja if need be. Getting into the Land of Rain is extremely difficult to begin with, but because you are an “asset” to the Akatsuki, you can get in easily. Although when you tell Pain that you are going to provide for both sides, he was not happy, but killing you would cause him more issues than he needed now, especially since they are preparing their move. 
The people in their Hidden Village often called you The Priestess, which was a name you haven’t heard since you met Itachi all those years ago. During the Civil War, Hanzo had put a few attempts on your life, which did not work. Except there was a very close call where an injured ninja had arrived at your tent. The injuries were serious, so you used a lot of chakras and by the time you were done you were exhausted. In your state of exhaustion, you didn’t realize the ninja had gotten up and threw a kunai through your stomach. When you looked back, he was already dead, and Itachi was standing over his body. You pull the kunai out of your stomach before you start to cough up a lot of blood.
At this point you were bleeding out and your chakra was almost completely depleted. Although your mother had taught you about the Seal of 100 hundreds healing and how to accumulate the chakra. You never truly unlocked it, and you have been accumulating chakra since you were 15. 
Suddenly you feel the wound disappearing and your chakra regenerating quicker than normal.  By the time Itachi moves to you, your stomach wound is practically closed and just blood covers that portion of your shirt. His heart literally dropped when he saw the kunai in your stomach. He literally could not lose you, the only person in his life that showed him what it was like to love again. In his mind, he will always be the one to die first, after all Sasuke is getting stronger.
“Please don’t leave me yet.”
After your near-death experience, you leave the land of rain and begin to head back to Konoha. During your travels, you run into Jiraiya and Naruto. The first thing you do is check on Jiraiya’s wound and ask how the training is going. 
You finally arrive in Konoha and the first thing you do is head back to your cottage near the Nara Forest. To your own surprise, Tsunade, Shizune, Sakura, and Tenzo have kept your home clean and neat. 
On your walk to the village, the first person to recognize you is Sakura, who was picking medical herbs right outside the village. The first thing she noticed was your forehead seal. Her eyes literally lit up and asked about the seal. You answered any questions she had while you both walked into the village straight to the hokage’s office to talk to your mother.
When you arrive at the office, Tsunade is doing paperwork with Shizune. She stops her paperwork to give you a large hug, much like when you initially arrived in Konoha. You talk and discuss your travels as well as how you unlocked your Seal of 100 Healings.
During this time, you have started to help at the Hidden Leaf Hospital. You also grow close to the Nara family, cuz after all you are one of the few people allowed in the forest. You rarely see Itachi at all until about a week before Naruto arrives. 
You are hanging out in your home, cleaning up and getting ready to leave into the forest to collect medical herbs to use. A knock at your door causes you to stop what you are doing and at the door is Itachi. You smile widely because you haven’t seen him in a while and let him in. 
During his visit, he tells you that the Akatsuki are starting their plan and probably will not see him very much or at all until the plan is complete. You nod your head and ask how long he will be staying. And ofc it’s not long but he promised to make the most of it. Because after all you both have a feeling that you wouldn’t see each other again. 
So, his entire visit you guys do nothing but whisper sweet nothings and make love to each other, because after all of this is the last time, you might see Itachi. 
Before he leaves you to try to heal his eyesight, but he denies you and that makes that gut feeling even worse. 
“Please come back to me.”
“I can’t promise that my love.”
The next week, Naruto returns to the village with Jiraiya after training for so long. Once Jiraiya hands Naruto off to Kakashi, he asks you to meet for tea. You meet up with him and discuss his intel on the Akatsuki and want it to mean for you as an “honorary” member of Akatsuki. You refuse to break the confidentiality between Itachi and yourself, so you only listen and don’t tell anything specific other than their plan is starting soon, but don’t know when. With that, you leave some Ryo and leave.  
You don’t hear from any of the Akatsuki until you are talking to a Nara member in the village and a gray piece of paper lands in your hand as a message from Konan. You politely dismiss yourself from the Nara member and head straight to your cottage to prepare a first aid bag. As you leave the cottage, you are met with Tobi, which teleports you to the hideout.
Once you arrive at the hideout, you are met with an extremely injured Deidara, a dead Sasori, and fellow Akatsuki members. You instantly go to work on Deidara and heal him as best as you can. You practically exhaust yourself healing Deidara and nearly pass out from chakra depletion. After like 6 hours of healing, you have healed Deidara the best you could. 
You continue with your life until one day you go to Sakura because you were feeling under the weather. It had been about three weeks since you saw Itachi. As a healing ninja, you had an idea about what was causing the illness. When she confirmed your suspicions, you told her to not tell anyone, not even your mother. 
You heard talk around the village about Akatsuki in the area. You ignore the information and go to the closest collection office to collect some blood and resources. Although technically working with Konoha is a way. While being a mercenary any blood or organs you needed you would go to the collection offices and buy them. Just as you arrived you ran into Shikamaru and his crew. When he asked what you were doing here you brought up how when you were traveling you often used collection offices to get blood and organs. What you weren’t expecting was that Hidan was sitting on the stoop of the office. 
As soon as you walked past, Hidan perked up and was like “Are you to heal me, my little nurse” with that smirk on his face. You simply replied with, “don’t let you know who hear that” and his face paled slightly until he looked behind you. You just walked in and started talking to Kakazu and the Head person about the recent arrivals and cost and stuff. 
Cue the fight scene where Asuma is dying. 
You felt bad about Asuma and how Ino was trying to help him, she looked at you pleadingly as a cue to help her.
“Why are you just standing there? HELP US!”
“He’s already dead Ino.” 
The shock in her eyes as you said that and the anger behind them was something you haven’t seen since the Civil War in the Hidden Rain Village. You felt guilty but she will learn when to stop trying like you did.
“How long have you been working with Akatsuki?”
You didn’t answer at all. You didn’t have to tell Shikamaru how you met them randomly and then fell in love with Kin slayer and is pregnant with his child. You didn’t have to explain how we were practically a mercenary, so it wasn’t uncommon to run into ting. Everyone looked at you in shock and betrayal. 
You simply returned to your cottage and prepared for a transplant that you needed to complete to help a traveling merchant. 
You had been requested by your mother to report to the Hokage’s office, regarding the issue. You wanted to ignore it, but her mother’s ignorance of the situation has gone on too long and now we both needed to answer it. 
As soon as you arrived you heard the screaming from Shikamaru, Ino, and Choji about the situation. They wanted answers and you didn’t blame them. As soon as you walked into the office you and your mother exchanged a look and you sighed. 
“You want answers, here are the answer.”
You explained to them about how you were a traveling healer and that you had run into Itachi and Kisame by chance. And how it wasn’t uncommon to see rogue ninja on the road, and since you weren’t one for affiliations, you healed whoever regardless how terrible they were. You told them everything except your relationship with Itachi and that you were pregnant. After that whole debacle, they were of course still angry for letting Asuma die and the whole situation. You chose to not go to the funeral. 
Cue the Itachi pursuit mission and here’s where it gets angsty…
At this point you are like 2 months pregnant, and slightly showing.
So, when you hear about the mission you of course decide to join regardless of what your mother says, and the people involved are confused until your mother explains to them my connection to Akatsuki and your close relation to Itachi. She didn’t go into detail about our relationship but said it would be helpful. 
Jiraiya and I made eye contact, and you really had a bad feeling about this, and you knew that you had to go regardless of the protest. Tenzo would back you up in going but Sakura was nervous for your child.
During the mission you are stuck with Sakura and the two ninja dogs. Until there was a bright explosion, that captivated us. You instantly start running that way cuz you knew you had to, there was a feeling. After that investigation, you continued with the group until Tobi popped up, you knew why he was there and why there was this pit in your stomach. 
“Tobi, let me through!”
“Tobi only will let Ms. (Y/N) because she gives Tobi candy.”
With that you pushed through unconcerned with the yelling behind and the confusion. Tenzo knew why you had to move forward.  I ran until I caught up with Kisame and Sasuke's crew. You were already crying knowing the outcome today will have, but you just needed to see him. 
“Kisame please… you know I need to see him.”
“You of all people should know why I can’t let you through.”
I’m the last part of the fight. You pushed through Kisame and ran Itachi, the dehydration didn’t matter, the cold numbing your body didn’t matter, and the rawness in your eyes did not matter. All that mattered was Itachi and seeing him alive and telling him about your child. So, he can die knowing about the miracle you two have talked about.
As soon as you arrived at the scene, a scream ripped from your lips, and you stumbled down the rocky surface to meet Itachi. You ignored the stunned boy and instantly fell to the ground, grasping Itachi in your hands. You started healing him in desperation to see his eyes again, to see the love they carry. 
 “Please don’t leave me, please! I can’t live without you, Itachi. I can’t… I can’t raise her by myself!” You sobbed loudly as Tobi, Kisame, and Zenstu appear in front of you. You continued to try and heal him as the sob racked from your body, vision blurry with tears unable to comprehend anything around you. “I know I said I was ready to do this by myself, but I c-can’t, please. Please wake up!” Hoping it was genjustu who continued to try and free yourself. You even used your 100 healing seals just so you could see his brown eyes again. You didn’t care that you might be hurting your child, but you just wanted to hear his voice one more time, see his smile one more time. It was too soon for him to go, he still needed to meet his child, he had to meet his child. “We have to take him,” someone said but you couldn’t figure out who, and next thing you know all you are holding his headband to your chest as another loud scream is ripped from your mouth into the air as the Konoha ninja finally reach you. Ignoring their presence, you continue to sob, not caring who sees or hears because, after all the love of your life, the father of your child had just been ripped away from you. Your throat was raw as you finally feel someone put their cloak over you to try and cover your drenched form. The world was a cruel place, and you can think everything is perfect until it all falls apart. All you say, your throat raw from screaming, turning back to them is,
“He’s gone” 
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Hi Again!
Sorry I’m making another request I REALLY love your writing lol but what do the goth kids react when you show affection someone else infront of them
Also again sorry for asking more I really loved the Lolita goth one you made because I requested dir I was very happy I kept on stimming with joy
\(⁀▽⁀ )/
Hello Friend! I’m so happy my writing brings you so much joy! Don’t ever feel bad about requesting anything, I love these kinds of asks!
I’m sorry this took so long to write, but I take Saturdays and Sundays off from writing so I don’t get writer’s block!
I hope you enjoy it! I didn’t write a romantic portion for Firkle because even though I’ve aged them all up, he’s still a minor in my headcanons.
Without further ado
Goth Kid Jealousy Headcanons:
- Michael doesn’t necessarily get upset when you show affection to other people
- He knows that you have other friends or an S/O
- Plus, as a friend, he’s not really a hug kinda guy
- So when you two are hanging out and you’ve dragged him to go shopping with you, he doesn’t get disheartened if you happen to run from him for a few minutes to go talk to someone else you know
- He just stands off to the side until you come running back over
- It does scare him because he thinks you’re gonna leave him to go hang out with someone else
- But just reassure him that you’re not gonna leave him like that, and everything will be A-Okay!
- Henrietta is also not an touchy person
- But, she does get attached faster than the others do, so her jealousy comes out of left field sometimes
- If you happen to see one of your other friends while you’re out with Henrietta, you’ve learned to just wave at them from afar instead of rushing over to go speak with them
- Henrietta really does feel bad for making you feel like you can’t go say hi, but she’ll never admit that it makes her jealous when you turn your attention away from her
- Hell, if you had brothers or sisters, you couldn’t even hug your siblings without her boring holes into the back of their head
- It doesn’t take long for her to get over it, though. She’s working on it, you just can’t mention it or else she’ll argue that she’s not jealous
- Pete’s a clingy little shit
- He likes hugs, platonic hand holding, anything that involves being close and near you
- He’s had a lot of friends that just left him in the past, so when you came along and managed to stick, he damn aure was gonna make sure you stayed
- So don’t be surprised if you guys are walking around town, and you see someone else you know
- You run over, giving your other friend a hug and catching up for a minute before returning back to your pock-marked friend
- And Pete is just angrily staring at you, giving you a passive aggressive attitude immediately upon your arrival
- He’ll complain for a bit, but gets over it after about an hour or two of huffing and puffing
- Poor guy will be the death of you
- (Maybe intentionally 😬)
- Firkle doesn’t show it, but he is also a clingy little shit
- He rarely shows emotion for anything
- Except that one time you unintentionally had another guest when he came over
- So you both had gone over to your house for the weekend and your cousin had unexpectedly come over
- You saw Firkle everyday, and only saw your cousin once in a blue moon
- So you didn’t end up spend all of your time with just Firkle, instead inviting your cousin to do whatever it was you and Firkle had planned to do
- He did not like that whatsoever, so with a few thinly veiled threats to your cousin while you weren’t around, you were shocked when your cousin stopped their visit short and went home
- You shrugged it off, going back to Firkle, none the wiser that his jealousy was the reason that they had left
- Jealousy is practically this guy’s middle name if you’re in a relationship with him
- He doesn’t want you looking at anyone, doesn’t want anyone looking at you, doesn’t want you talking to anyone, yadda yadda
- He always brushes it off, claiming that he is not jealous and that you can do whatever the hell you want
- So when you tease him by saying things like “Oh, so you wouldn’t mind if I hung out with (whoever you want to put here lmao) today instead of you?”
- You gained joy in watching his jaw clench as he basically forced himself to shake his head
- He feels bad quickly if he sees you giving attention to someone else, so please give him a smooch and hold him closely
- Tell him you love him and you’ll never love anyone else and he relaxes into putty
- Don’t break his heart please, I don’t think he can take it!!
- Remember when I said she was a jealous friend?
- Well… Good luck to you being in a relationship with her
- She’s so super clingy and she doesn’t care if it shows
- If she notices you looking at someone else for even a second too long, she’s planting kisses on your hand, your shoulders, intertwining her arm with yours, doing everything she can to not-so-subtley claim you
- She loves to give you hickies or mark you everywhere with her lipstick without your knowledge
- You can’t grocery shop without people looking at you weird for having purple lipstick marks on your forehead and cheeks
- Henrietta knew they were there before you left, neglecting to tell you and feigning innocence when you come into your shared homewith your cheeks ablaze, embarrassment taking over you
- She’s such a stinker 🙄
- Don’t even think about looking at someone else behind his back
- He always finds out.
- Always. Finds. Out.
- And you pay for it when he invites you over and you don’t get to leave for up to 3 weeks.
- Of course he doesn’t force you to stay, but he’s so good at guilt tripping that you can’t say no.
- He’s sweet and insecure, please don’t hurt him
- He’s been hurt so many times in the past, please just hug him tightly and let him cuddle with you to his heart’s content.
- He just loves you a lot and he doesn’t want you to leave him for someone who he thinks is actually worth your time
- Give him a big ol forehead smooch and reassure him as much as you need to. He’s tender, just love on him
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hauntingjasper · 1 month
How did Gumball and Marshall meet?
What did the two think of each other?
Most fan stories I've read show that they hated each other from their first interaction.
I love your version of this beautiful couple 💗💗
Ooooooo I was just thinking about their story together! I think I still have some tweaks to do with my own interpretation of them but I have some ideas.
I believe they met when The Candy Kingdom was giving its baby steps, maybe as a simple candy village or something, and Marshall Lee just stumbled across it one day. Marshall never did anything to actively harm it, but he didn't interact with anyone there, he was probably interested in something else, like the founde- I mean, the food there.
I think the candy citizens would be terrified seeing a dark shadow passing back and forth rapidly near their houses and stealing their candy, and he'd become some kind of boogeyman or the chupacabra to them lmfao (I like to think that some older candy citizens would still use his "legend" to scare the younger ones and make them behave)
They kinda start off on the wrong foot in this too, sorry anon 🙏 But it's just because Gumball now wants to catch this candy stealer and help his poor citizens have a peaceful night of sleep for once after weeks, and gets incredibly frustrated on the way. He finds a way, though. Either by setting a trap to catch Marshall Lee himself when he's shapeshifting, or by catching something else that unintentionally lures him... like a zombie cat who keeps showing up at the crime scene. (Or both too, I guess that works.)
Okay so now Marshall is mad (picture a small bat fuming that he has to be in a cage), his cat is mad, and Gumball is freaked out by the fact that there was a zombie cat wandering around his village and he didn't even realize it, potentially putting his citizens in risk of infection (Schwabelle wouldn't infect anyone tho, she's a good kitty), so now what? This nerd is going to study them, ofc. Especially Marshall Lee once Gumball finds out he's a vampire.
Vampires are practically extinct since Marshall Lee also became a vampire hunter in this universe, but I believe that the people who managed to survive their attack long enough also managed to leave behind records about them, stating their habits, their abilities and whatnot.
I know that, due to canon events, this would probably be out of character in insane levels but,, , I like to think that Gumball would be thrilled to have met Marshall simply because he's a vampire. He's read the records and would've liked to study more about the vampires (both out of interest and because he'd try to figure out the most effective ways to take them down but that's for another day-). The only reason he stayed was because Gumball offered him food and somewhere to stay during the day so he wouldn't burn to death, and because Gumball wouldn't give his cat back until he was sure she wasn't dangerous. If she was safe, he'd give her back and Marshall Lee could do whatever he wanted after they were done.
Marshall Lee would be thrown off by all that because first of all, stranger danger, and second of all, what the fuck.
Marshall Lee was more suspicious of Gumball than Gumball was of him. Gumball just kept asking questions about his vampirism and studying his physiology. Stuff like checking his abnormally low temperature and slow pulse, examining his shapeshifting, reading the records all over again and playing checklist to see how many different skills Marshall Lee could score... It was weirdly amusing for Marshall to see Gumball so fascinated over things that had become normal to him.
I think they would start bonding once they find out they're both immortal, and they'd cling to each other because of it. Gumball would listen to Marshall Lee's stories and Marshall Lee would listen to Gumball's. He was still a little weirdo to Marshall, but a weirdo who's passionate about his interests and managed to create living sentient people out of food, that was impressive. Gumball thought of him as one of a kind. No pun intended. Maybe.
I think that's all I have to say about them right now :P Thank you for the ask! 💖🫶
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thepenultimateword · 2 years
Fright or Flight
CW: Blood, murder, death,
The air reeked of blood. A thick, metallic haze that hung over every centimeter of the gore splattered room.
Villain hid beneath a long, folding table, fist clenched tightly between his teeth to keep from gagging--or worse, whimpering--and exposing his hiding place. In his free hand, he clutched the bloodied end of his tattered half cape. In the chaos, he'd slipped in one of the pools of gore, a disturbingly warm and sticky experience, though the sopping cloth now left him shivering. From the fear or the cold, he wasn’t sure.
It had happened like that. One moment they were all bustling around HQ figuring out the logistics of Supervillain's newest scheme, the next moment, carnage.
This wasn't how Villain's first day was supposed to go.
"Don't. Don't." Supervillain choked around the hero's strangling grip. Villian peered far enough from his cover to see as she thrust the master criminal halfway out a window.
"And I should let you keep wreaking havoc because?" Her voice ran cold, as chilled as the ice water people claimed ran through her veins.
Superhero. Villain had heard about her. Horror stories for rookies he'd always assumed, but now...just looking at her...he wondered if those stories hadn't been understated.
"B-because I can get you information, keep you in the loop on other villains' schemes." Suddenly Supervillain grasped their pride again and broke into a loud snarl. "I'm an asset!"
Superhero scoffed, dropping one finger off Supervillain's collar to let him flail and sway. "You forget I know you. The moment I let you go, you'll either disappear and cause trouble somewhere else, or you'll scramble for your allies and attack me back tenfold. No. No loose ends. Aren't you the one who taught me that?"
"That wasn't-- Superhero, if you just listen!"
"Sorry, I don't make a habit of conversing with criminals."
And she dropped him.
The scream only lasted a couple seconds. As soon as he passed the top two floors, the wind lifted the shriek away as cleanly and crisply as if it'd never happened.
Villain's insides squeezed in on themselves, and he clutched hard at his gut as he slid further back against the wall. The last thing he needed was a shadow or a shoestring giving him away on Superhero's way out.
Or that had been the plan. Before his wet clothes decided to give a terrible squeak on the tile floor.
Villain froze. clenching either side of his half cape in both hands now and pulling it around him like a shield.
Tap. Tap. Tap.
Superhero's red boots, stained darker from the blood, stopped right in front of his hiding spot. Now that Villain looked closer, it wasn't much of a hiding spot with the trail of blood leading right underneath.
Long auburn hair came into view first, the ends gathering together to tickle the floor, then a bloodied temple, and then those heart-stopping blue eyes. Like ice chips that somehow also burned.
Her gaze locked with his, and he flattened himself against the drywall. A fly in a web. A mouse on sticky trap. Prey backed into its hole.
"Who are you?" Superhero said. No real curiosity. Barely a speck of any feeling at all.
Villain swallowed, but that only served to paste the walls of his throat tighter together. "V-Villain..." he barely squeaked.
"Never heard of you."
"I-I'm...new. Today new."
"Unlucky day to start a job."
Strong fingers seized him by the ankle and the next thing he knew, Superhero had dragged him on his back out into the open. The murderess stood over him, staring as if to peel him apart, and all he could do was stare back and pray the urge to kill didn't strike her.
She toed at his throat. "You're so fresh, I can practically smell the paint drying."
"I've done things!" Villain defended sharply. Idiotically. Why was he saying that? She didn't need to actually see him as a target and tear his head from his body! Just...for some reason the thought of her not taking him seriously was almost just as gut wrenching.
"Oh really? Such as?"
"Th-things. Bad things. I...I was hired by Supervillain."
Superhero raised her brow. "You want out alive, don't you?"
"Um...yes? If that's an option, I would very much like--"
"Then don't tempt me."
Another dry swallow, this time tagged with a sort of choking, dying animal sound. "Ok."
Superhero nodded. "My moral code doesn't allow mercy for a certain caliber of criminal. You seem mostly harmless. So I'll be going now."
Villain could only squeak in response.
Supervillain lifted the teasing-threatening pressure of her boot off his jugular and moved out of view, the light tap of her soles soon fading into nothingness.
For a long time, Villain couldn't move. His heart beat too rapidly and every muscle coiled so tightly that any attempt at getting up shot sharp cramps up his limbs.
In fact, it wasn't until Other Villain and her vultures came scrounging an hour later that he was able to--with some help--sit upright.
"How did you survive?" was the first thing out of Other Villain's mouth.
Villain shrugged. Even if he could get the words to come, he really couldn't say why the hero had chosen to question him out of everyone. Eventually, Other Villain had enough silence and pulled him against the wall to wait while her vultures went through stained shirts and pockets.
"Other Villain?" Villain called eventually, once they moved on to stealing larger items, like furniture and plans.
"Hm?" Other Villain said as she poured the contents of a desk drawer into her backpack.
"How does one get on Superhero's radar?"
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ronearoundblindly · 2 months
🍓: Dead character you want to bring back to life
☀️: Kiss/Marry/Kill the last character you wrote, the last character you saw on a post and the last character in your camera roll
😫 These were sooooooo difficult, Elle. WHY!!!! From this ask game.
Natasha Romanoff, which I did not come to lightly. Knee-jerk reaction was Steve Rogers, but if we're saying bringing them back from their canon death? A) Steve would be super-duper old, just saying, and B) then all I'd be doing is bitch slapping him until he died again.
Then I thought Tony Stark because I know the reasons he's dead are good and noble and whatnot, but I miss him and want Morgan to have her dad back.
However, they did my girl Nat dirty, and if the plot gods were ever gonna pull some fantasy magic bullshit to get someone back, it better be her. She stuck to her morals before she died. She made good choices even though they suuuuuucked. She deserves to come back.
Uh oh. I am in trouble with this one.
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Nomad (but specifically Hideout!Steve), Chris Beck (The Martian), and pre-serum!Steve.
What the fuck am I supposed to do with this??? CHOOSE???
I'd rather eat glass, but fine, fine, it's a game. I'll play.
Kiss, Marry, Kill: There's a couple of roundabout arguments to be made here about how Nomad wouldn't exist without skinny!Steve and therefore if--and I'm not saying I would--I killed skinny!Steve it negates whatever I chose Nomad for. There's also the reality that whatever any of their situations are, all of them are in a good bit of danger and might freaking die anyway, but I digress...
I love me a good, practical man, so Chris Beck is way higher up on in this ranking than we might think. And for the record, I am absolutely thinking of this as face-value, the guy actually dies fr fr, no weird shit or cop outs.
Wait, and this is only a KISS? Like I don't even get to fuck another one???? Bullshit. I want a refund.
Damn, I already have one marriage I regret; I ain't gonna for 2-0.
...but it's HIDEOUT!STEVE...y'all don't even comprehend how difficult it is to know where that's going and make this decision. I am dying right now.
Alright, fuck it. Warning, you're not gonna like it, gang.
Here we go:
Kiss: Chris Beck Marry: pre-serum Steve Kill: Hideout!Steve
I am so, so sorry.
I can feel y'all's death glares from here, but my justification is this: Beck never did me wrong. He's just a scientist on his mission, working hard, and making the best with what he's got. Admirable, wonderful, and unavailable because he's in fucking space. Would I love to kiss him? Hell yeah. I'd fuck him too but no one asked. BUT, crucially, I would not be the highest (or even a top) priority in his life, so I can't marry him.
Nomad and/or Hideout!Steve--buddy, pal, would-totally-be-love-of-my-life--your shit is a mess.
You don't know if you even have a future. You're a goddamn fugitive. Even if you weren't a fugitive, you are about to have a whole thing about saving the UNIVERSE, and if that doesn't scream "it's complicated," I sure as shit do not know what does. Bless. You are in limbo, you are not a scientist, you will hardly be around, I love you, but die.
::dodges tomatoes and wrenches hurled at her head::
Skinny Stevie though, dearies, just think about it. This man would be so fucking devoted to you. He'd work so hard. He would take care of himself--at your encouragement, too--and live a long life, just quieter than the other two. That's what I want. After figuring out where my own priorities in love lie, that's what I need.
Thank you for asking!
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