#he is my son m (he is older than me but shhh)
reisakumaproducer · 2 years
Having an enstarrie friend irl is crazy bc now I’m having more complex thoughts about the game than “ritsu sakuma adorable”
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mochimiyas · 4 years
Tumblr media
pairings: pre-timeskip!miya atsumu x reader, somewhat atsumu-centric
warnings: slight angst, mentions of insecurities, lowercase intended
a/n: wow i got lots of love from my sakusa drabble and i can’t help but thank you guys for enjoying! this drabble is based on my curiosity when atsumu accepts the fact that osamu will no longer pursue volleyball by his side, and what he does after it. i feel like its something everyone goes through in their life, whether it may be concerning a sport, hobby, job, etc. and if yall had someone that was on that atsumu/osamu bond level. please enjoy! content is under the cut...
“atsumu! when are ya gonna talk to yer brother?! it’s been a week, son. just please talk to him...” 
miya atsumu was considered one of the best setters during his high school years, and was widely known to be a threat along with his twin brother, miya osamu. 
atsumu clenched his teeth at the thought of his twin brother. the fact that his brother had the audacity to confront him at school, nonetheless informing him that he no longer wanted to pursue volleyball with him and instead, take a step into the culinary business. atsumu felt like his world was crumbling into ashes slowly, as if time slowed down in that particular moment. he remembered feeling his heart beating painfully in his ears after the gut-wrenching declaration.
everyone else who was in the gym at the time waited for atsumu’s reaction. majority of the outsiders thought atsumu would be happy that his twin decided to pursue his true passion, but the team knew better. they knew atsumu like the back of their hands. 
atsumu and osamu did everything together. they never once separated from each other and were each other’s greatest rival. atsumu would never admit it out loud, but he always considered osamu to be his motivation to improve and to become a better player. he never thought in a million years that osamu thought about ditching volleyball for cooking. how long was he thinking about this for? why would he suddenly quit? why is he leaving me behind? 
as the blonde setter mulled over all the possible reasonings behind osamu’s sudden declaration, the grey-haired spiker was internally freaking out, his brother’s silence scaring him. he truly didn’t know what the setter was thinking this time, his facial expression void of any indication of what he was thinking inside. osamu let out as a shaky breath as atsumu lifted his head to look at him. 
“can ya repeat that again, ‘samu?” osamu sighed as he braced himself for what was about to come. 
“i said, i won’t be doin’ volleyball anymore after high school. i’ve decided that i wanna start takin’ cooking seriously and start my own business,” he stared straight into atsumu’s eyes, gauging his reaction. 
“just because i ain’t doin’ volleyball, doesn’t automatically mean i’m less successful than ya by default,” he suddenly grabs the collar of atsumu’s jacket, “if yer so dang sure you’ll be the happier one, then come back to me when we’re old geezers! wait until then to frickin’ laugh in my face and say that you were happier!”
something inside of atsumu snapped and gave osamu a vicious glare.
he calmly stated, “if that’s how ya wanna do it, fine,” atsumu gripped his brother’s collar, “when we are on our death beds, i’m gonna look at ya right in the face and tell ya i had the happier life!”
it’s been a week since atsumu last spoke to his brother, the altercation being the last time. truthfully, atsumu was genuinely lost. the realization that his brother was pursuing a different career path than him finally sunk in, and so many emotions came at him all at once. atsumu didn’t know what to think, what to feel, and it scared him. it scared him knowing that he couldn’t do anything to set his thoughts straight. it also made him feel like he was incapable of keeping his emotions in check. he was miya atsumu, one of japan’s greatest youth setters. something like this should’ve been a breeze for him to overcome, right?
atsumu sighed and glanced at the clock on his bedside table. 00:28 am. the blonde setter knew you were still awake, and decided to text you. 
a loud ding! woke you up instantly and you hurriedly checked your phone to see your boyfriend texting you at an ungodly hour. you heard from suna what happened between the miya twins and when you asked atsumu about it, he ignored your question and walked away, your shouts of his name and pleas for him to come back fading into the distance. after that day, you gave atsumu some space, hoping that he would come talk to you about it but after a week of not hearing from him, you grew worried but still gave him the space he desperately needed. 
tsum-tsum: oi, are ya still awake? lemme come over
you: i’m awake now! ill unlock my door for you. just lock it when u get inside please 
tsum-tsum: omw now 
twenty minutes later, you faintly heard the front door open and close, the lock sliding into place. footsteps were shuffling closer and closer to your room until the door opened, revealing your disheveled boyfriend. the under eye bags, his immaculately styled hair now sticking up in different directions; atsumu truly looked like dog shit, you thought. 
you motioned for your boyfriend to come lay next to you, immediately curling underneath your comforter. atsumu laid his head on your chest as you gently stroked his hair and wrapped your other arm around his broad shoulders. 
“‘m sorry,” he whispered. 
“don’t worry about it ‘tsumu. your feelings and how you reacted are valid. i would’ve felt the same way if i was in your shoes, y’know,” you reassured him. you brought your hand from his hair to cup his chin, gingerly lifting his head to face you. 
“do you mind telling me what was going through your head for the past week? you don’t have to if you don’t want to.” 
atsumu immediately poured out his feelings for you. his fear of losing osamu, his partner-in-crime, and being all alone. osamu was truly the only person that could keep up with him, and for that he was grateful, but what was he going to do now that osamu is moving on? atsumu always left people behind due to his hunger to improve his skills as a setter, but never once he thought that it would happen to him, let alone it would be his brother who ceased the “terror of the miya brothers.” he also recalled the memory to you, what happened at the gym and the aftermath. 
he felt your body shaking slightly, confusion spreading across his face as he watched you fail miserably to contain your laughter. 
atsumu pouted, “oi! is my pain funny to ya or somethin’?! yer supposed ta be supportin’ me through my troubles, babe,” you laughed even harder at his pout.
“oh ‘tsumu, you never fail to make me laugh,” he glowered at you, “it’s just- you and osamu will be just fine.” 
before he could protest, you placed your hand over his mouth, “shhh, let me explain, love. ‘samu knew for a long time that you were gonna make it further into the volleyball path than he was. your love for volleyball is greater than his, and he knew that his time with you on the court wasn’t gonna last any longer,” you removed your hand from his mouth to cup his cheek. 
“but the last thing ‘samu knew he can do for you before he officially left volleyball, was to challenge you. that’s why he taunted you that day y’know. he wanted you to keep going without him. he supports ya regardless of whatever path you take in the future. hell, maybe one day, your paths will cross when you both are older and happy in your future lives,” you chuckled.
it was silent after. you and atsumu laid in each other’s arms. while you were trying your hardest to stay awake, the blonde setter seemed to be deep in thought about what you said. 
finally, after moments of silence, atsumu spoke up.
“i’m gonna beat him, ‘n i know damn well i’m gonna have a happier life than him.”
you giggled at his declaration. 
“can’t wait to see you achieve that, atsumu.” 
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Um um I love your writing
Pls comfort hug for merlin and gaius ??
I love them v much. Trash dad and adopted son are my fave relationships always :)
Also can it be hurt/comfort also bc I Cannot be Stopped w the hurting merlin as long as someone HELPS him after
Pls and thank !!
🥺🥺🥺Thank you so much my dude!
Please know i do not agree with a lot of what Gaius says, especially about a certain knight, but after all he is, as you so excellently say, trash :)
Thank you for the prompt!
Read on Ao3!
Prompts are here
When Merlin came back from work, he stormed straight past Gaius with a face like stone, slamming the door to his room behind him with such force the walls shook.
Gaius decided it would be best to leave him for a while.
About half an hour later when he did knock gently and nudge the door open, Merlin sat on the edge of his bed, staring at the wall. The candle on his bedside table lit him oddly, casting his darkly glaring face in shadow and making him look far older than he was. The air around him seemed to crackle with barely contained energy.
“Merlin?” Gaius ventured cautiously, hating that he felt a little afraid of him. “Are you all right?”
A tight nod.
“Is everything all right?”
A snort.
“Is it Agravaine?”
A bitter, bitter laugh. “No, everything’s…” The warlock seemed to change his answer mid-sentence: “Shit, actually. Isn’t it Gaius?” He turned to him, a singularly humourless smile stretching across his face. “Tell me one thing that’s good.”
Gaius sighed sadly. Things had been very difficult for Merlin recently, what with Gwen’s banishment and the Lancelot incident. All the worry of Agravaine and Morgana, and now this new princess too. “May I sit down?” he asked, still cautious of his ward’s bristling power.
Merlin jerked a nod, and Gaius went over to him slowly and sat down beside him. “Well, there’s Arthur, isn’t there?” he offered, trying to cajole him into a fond eye-roll or good natured insult.
Instead Merlin let out a near hysterical laugh. The crackling seemed to intensify for a moment, and Gaius had to fight not to shift instinctively away from him. “Right. Of course.”
“Merlin, did something happen?”
Merlin continued staring grimly for a moment before something in his face cracked right down the middle, and he buried it in his hands.
“He- he threatened to banish me.”
Gaius sighed. “Oh Merlin.”
“Me. After all I’ve done for him.” His voice was as raw with emotion as it had been flat a minute ago. “Why am I here,” he demanded, lowering his hands. “Why? Gwen never did a thing wrong... It doesn’t make any sense.” Then, hopelessly: “But I can’t leave.”
“Lancelot didn’t die for you to abandon your destiny,” Gaius pointed out quietly.
Merlin exhaled a great, weary sigh. “No.” Tears glittered in his eyes. “He’s all I have left, you see,” he said quietly. “Without him I am no one, yet I am nothing to him.”
“That’s not true,” Gaius argued. “The king- he has a lot on his mind…” He trailed off, because he couldn’t really find a decent excuse.
“I’m not going to work tomorrow,” Merlin said abruptly. “If he- I don’t know what I’d- I’m not going to work tomorrow."
“Well, you’ve certainly earned a day off,” Gaius said, keeping his voice light even as he saw the unnerving hardness settle back over Merlin’s face. Gaius would tread very, very carefully if he were Arthur.
As quickly as it had returned, the hardness left again, and Merlin’s face crumpled. His magic stopped crackling, he had gone very quickly from an imposing warlock to an exhausted young man.
He hadn’t cried. Not when Gwen had left, not when he’d returned from burying Lancelot. But now sobs wracked his thin form, and Gaius wrapped his arms round him and held him as he wept.
“I’m all alone,” he sobbed. “I’ve got no one, no one.”
“Shhh Merlin, you know that’s not true,” Gaius soothed. “Whatever he says, you’ve got Arthur, and the knights-“ Though his greatest and surest protector was gone- “And, Merlin, whatever happens-“ He prised him gently away from him for a moment and set his hands on his shoulders, looking into his ward’s tearstained face- “Whatever happens, you’ve got me.”
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pandoraborn · 4 years
Based on this tiktok, because it’s too funny to not-
The first thing Phil is greeted with when he opens the video call is the sound of Tommy wailing in anguish. Right away, Phil knows Tommy is milking it. If it were something actually serious, Wilbur would not look so awfully bored, and Techno would actually be panicked.
“Techno, what happened?” Phil drags a hand down his face as he stares into the screen, knowing his entire being matches the expression on Wilbur’s face. Tommy’s wailing is even louder now that Phil’s speaking, and he’s fighting the urge to hang up the call; Tommy is giving him a headache.
“There may have been an incident,” Techno begins. “With some of us getting hurt.” Techno’s voice is completely deadpanned, so Phil purses his lips as he studies the scene before him, or what little he can see behind a screen.
Wilbur is holding Tommy and patting his head, while staring off into space. Tommy’s crying crocodile tears while holding his side, hunching over and screaming about being in pain. Techno is looking far too innocent. Honestly, Phil doesn’t have time for any of their bullshit. He’d been busy trying to drain an entire ocean for his own purposes, and he doesn’t like being interrupted for petty family squabbles.
“Techno, you’re grounded.”
He hopes that’s a proper parental thing to say. It sounds about right. Punish the instigator, right?”
Techno blinks. He’s not even actually Phil’s son, but a close friend. Phil can see the confusion in his face, but Techno isn’t going to protest the role he’s being pushed into right now. They can deal with their roles when Tommy isn’t screaming and sobbing in pain.
“So, you’re grounding me,” Techno begins, glancing back at Tommy and Wilbur. “-because I”m the strongest brother?”
“My back!” Tommy wails, a little too loudly. The noise is giving Phil a bigger headache than he wants to deal with. He’s losing his temper. Why does he have to babysit these three, even when he’s nowhere near any of them?
“No, Techno!” Phil snaps. “I’m grounding you because you performed-”
“It hurts!” Tommy screams, interrupting him. Phil clenches his hands into fists in an attempt to keep from snapping at Tommy.
“-a flying skull crusher on your little brother!” Phil finishes. He narrows his eyes at Techno, who still seems unfazed. The piglin is staring blankly at the screen, Wilbur is still staring blankly into space while attempting to comfort Tommy. Tommy is, of course, still sobbing. Phil almost feels bad for him. Almost. Mostly, he just wants to escape this call and go back to blissful silence.
“My spleen!” Tommy cries. He’s throwing his head back and wailing, and Phil is horribly reminded of a toddler who doesn’t know how to handle the world around him. At least the teenager has Wilbur for comfort.
“Whatever,” Phil continues. “You’re tending to Tommy for the next day. I have shit to do and all you shits are interrupting me. Goodbye.”
“Goodbye, father.” Techno sounds solemn before hanging up the call. Phil groans loudly before chucking his communicator to the side, flopping back down in bed. He can work on his project after a nap. Working through a headache is just going to make it worse.
When the call ends, Techno sets the communicator down carefully and turns around to face the other two. Tommy sits up slowly, finally shutting up and wiping his eyes.
“You almost ruined it,” Techno grumbles. “I thought he was going to see right through this and call us out. You were too loud and too whiny, like you were really milking the agony there.”
“I have a headache now,” Wilbur cuts in. “We’re not doing that again.”
“You both owe me fifty bucks each,” Techno says. “Easiest hundred I ever made. I told you Phil was going to write it off as ‘not-his-problem’. I keep telling you, he doesn’t care until he has to, and that’s usually when he’s here.”
“I did good though. I actually started crying.” Tommy wears a proud smile on his face as he pulls money out. “You heard Dadza though, Blade. You get to be my bitch for the next day.”
“Nope, we are so not playing this game.” Techno abruptly gets to his feet. “I have shit of my own to take care of. Tommy, you can make Wilbur your bitch.”
“Nope, I’m going to nap,” Wilbur grunts. “My head hurts and my ears are ringing and I want to get away from the gremlin.”
“Oh come on guys,” Tommy whines. “We were brothers for a whole five minutes, I don’t want that to stop!”
“I’m not your brother,” Techno deadpans. “And before you reference what Phil said, you know he knows that too, he just wanted to end the call as soon as possible, so it doesn’t count. Tommy, go bug Tubbo or something.”
“You’re both so mean,” Tommy grumbles. “I do everything for you and don’t get anything back.”
“Shut up you gremlin.” Wilbur’s reaching over to ruffle Tommy’s hair. “We do everything for you too. And Techno can deny it all he wants, but he’s like my twin. I’d like to think he’s older than me by two minutes, which makes us all brothers.”
“Wilbur I’m not your twin.”
“Shhh, I’m going to sleep now. You two have fun.” Wilbur giggles while waving with two fingers.
“Heyyy-” Tommy starts to say with a bright, hopeful smile on his face, once Wilbur disappears. “It’s just you and me now, Techno!”
“Oh my god, you needy child,” Techno gripes. “Fine, we’ll spend the day together. After that I require contracts and money from you and... Wait, Wilbur didn’t pay me.”
The only sound that’s heard then is a door slamming shut. It’s painfully clear to the pair now that Wilbur and Phil really left them both to fend for themselves.
But then again, Tommy always makes things entertaining, not that he’d admit it out loud.
@mysterio-is-the-truth, @lilsprout-exe, @egopocalypse
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*sequel* to actual fucking quotes from the shiftblr coffeehouse discord server
once again, it's out of context because x1000 funnier
also x1000 longer than previous post
"ur satan is gnc af"
"Bestie I’m already having gender envy over a fucking demon please"
"O_O ODEPIJHFbavevisdpvfhzdcnjawedsidjksjdkoeirjfmkdsoeirujdksodifjndmksoidfjdksidfj ITS" NOT IN MY FRAFTS IS SPEDNT 1 hour PN THAT SHIT"
"ohoho sexy"
"I am very proud of myself"
"himbo x edgy fuck"
"he has teefs"
"good for biting 📷"
"he's a himbo basically"
"i havent watched blue exorcist in years but mr okumura my beloved </3"
"is it important information to mention that the person i put up for my turn is the son of satan" "I know like 1 thing about everyone who isnt ranboo lmfao"
"tumblr sexyman"
"idk why but my first thought was cowboy onceler"
"I vibe with him but he is very long and twisty"
"steampunk e-girl"
"steampunk tumblr sexyman"
"Canonically bi crimelord I agree!!"
"they look like someone i would want to be friends with but is way cooler than me so i'd never actually talk to them"
"babby..... would die for him"
"honestly i probably kin him"
"i'm sure he's lovely but he looks way too much like my ex i'm sorry-"
"i'd be down for another rotation! i have another twink to show y'all"
"Also :00 blonde friend"
"Let us all infodhmo"
"Hsjagdvbs shhh im on phone"
"Nix woukd you like to joon?
"skitters away"
"I have two braincells and they both drink dumb bitch juice"
"oof wait whats the order again i have 0 memory"
"i want to bond with him over cosplay-"
"Awkwardly watches in band kid"
"One day I'm gonna a broadway star"
"which isnt to say they were bad. they were just fortnite dancing during rehersals"
"I threw it so hard my glasses flew off and slid under the stage right divider"
"anyway heres my boi"
"haha emo"
"virgil sanders kinnie"
"he looks like he listens to my chemical panic at the fallout boy"
"Bro I bet he'd kick my ass with his deck"
"bird man my beloved"
"fuck i had so much to say and then i forgot it all"
"She sounds like someone I would end up stealing her personality"
"yess name collector gang"
"alias glass aiden haven absinthe fish brick rice"
"But I have Cypress, Remure, Genesis, Lemres, and Comet"
"And she's named after a mars candy bar bc alien"
"Hey, if plato went by plato, you can be king thief"
"im not dissing my gramma like that shfojd"
"My dad has seven legal names" "bitches be like *looks at fictional character* *steals their name* it's us we're bithces"
"coraline lowkey traumatized me but i adore it regardless"
"mmmmmm magic man :]"
"°0° green man"
"criminal (affectionate)"
"he would shoplift a candy bar from walmart and then brag to all of his friends about the sick stealing he did"
"despite the fact he's canonically been capable of overpowering a minor deity"
"i would commit so many crimes for him"
"Very babey"
"Yes please tell green man he is very pog"
"he also keeps a lot of dumb secrets"
"but I will sorely miss the chaos and energy of this here chat until I wake again" (by request XD)
"i just say words and if they're funny then they're funny"
"* or extremly chaotic either works"
"at this point we are just taking turns rambling"
"bc my brain has a schedule"
"Hopefully they have gyoza there or I will lose my mind"
"hehe yes spooky man"
"my ghost glucose guardian"
"the head of the undead group that lives there, and we end up dating. (yes I date a ghost, no I will not be taking constructive criticism /lh)"
"ghosts r just inherently sexy"
"i mean im becoming a squid thing so"
"Raven quirk raven quirk!!"
"ł â m p"
"mothman: ooh lamp you look very nice today! do you come here often? mothman: wait shit no"
"I'd date a ghost"
"mine is still accurate, i am still sobbing (/j)"
"p e e p e e"
""@nick wilde is a tumblr sexyman" is the best thing i have ever seen"
"im sorry im cackling like a dying hyena"
"you're all 12 year olds"
"He once caused global warming on accident so he could get a tan"
"god, what a himbo. i love him"
"that reminds me of my friends kin assigned me jesus"
"Man outside of battle be like: princely crying but then in battle hes like: "CATACLYSM! DISASTER! DEVASTATION!" Chill out man"
"Every time I talk about satan it never fails to shock people it's my favorite thing to do"
"im kin assigning him roman sanders" ""Oh yeah he caused global warming because he wanted to get girls" "he what""
"oh damn i forgot satan was straight"
"twink appreciation club"
"give us the twinks"
"my first thought was bottom-"
"so many people to try and get his dad to love him"
"daddy issued"
"Big boy but"
"anyways janus is swagggg"
"gib twink"
"give twink then i will share"
"holds him gentle like hamburger"
"This dumb bitch opened a book that said "do not open" and got possessed by a little bastard"
"he is. fragile creachur"
"klug is beauty klug is grace i would let him step on my face"
"If I'm playing swap and I have to hear one more "Pwanet Powew" Im gonna lose it"
"Who is to blame? Pandora or the box?"
"Bakugo isnt my type but I respect the drip"
"i say like my type isnt long-haired pretty boys and girls that look so gnc that people have a history of confusing them for men"
"hes a gremlin and i can appreciate a pretty gremlin"
"that is to say i am attracted to VFlower vocaloid. This is a confession."
"note i am a lesbian"
"You may like Schezo wegey"
"why does he have one single expression"
"soul soul eater passes the vibe check"
"magic wand"
"I Want To Hold His Hand"
"i would commit a war crime for him any war crime idc which one"
"my favorite one is when he sounded rlly gay because he said "Muscular bodies keep me satisfied""
"p e a n u t"
"Klug is a homophobic homosexual its just facts"
"grug from the croods is peak male performance"
"jaw drops to floor, eyes pop out of sockets accompanied by trumpets, heart beats out of chest, awooga awooga sound effect, pulls chain on train whistle that has appeared next to head as steam blows out, slams fists on table, rattling any plates, bowls or silverware, whistles loudly, fireworks shoot from top of head, pants loudly as tongue hangs out of mouth, wipes comically large bead of sweat from forehead, clears throat, straightens tie, combs hair Ahem, you look very lovely."
"tag yourself im the fireworks shooting from the top of the head"
"i like essays"
"central time gang"
"11:11 pog-" (wait... is that a suprise angel number?? yes it is lovelies just for you <3)
"Then again im also a dumbass bitch who wonders what the souls in soul eater taste like. SERIOUSLY THOUGH. THEY LOOK TASTY AS HELL!!!! LIKE GODDAMN BRO YOU'RE MAKING ME FUCKING HUNGRY. Like. that shit- it's Bone Apple motherfucking Teeth. hell yea my guy. Im hongy now.... shlorp I'm seriously considering this. Like. They seem kinda like a liquid? But a solid? Are they like jello? The fuck they taste like my guy???? I keep imagining they're like sour, like sour candy maybe? Or do they taste salty? Sweet? Maybe some combo of two? Do they even have a taste or is it about the texture? The sensation? God my mouth is watering what the hell. I am starving. I think I need to go get a cookie. I'm gonna go get a cookie. Brb. I'm better. I'm still craving souls though. Which is a weird-ass cringey thing to say but I'm being dead-ass rn. They just.... look tasty???? And I wanna eat one. Thus. I am shifting to Soul Eater for the express purpose of satisfying my fucking cravings. enjoy"
"points were made"
"jello? more like helloooo schloooAHFJDSDAIDWNALDHSJKDAIDANDM"
"anime girl voice: mmm! mm... ahhhhmp!! mmm, mmm... aaahmp!"
"i think it sounds great i'm going to start eating like that"
"several people are typing"
"do these look edible to you"
"forbidden gummies"
"when I was on lsd I couldn't eat my fruit gummies because I thought they were alive because they had little faces on them"
"oh shit yeah don't do drugs"
"anyways general consensus is puyos are edible, ty for your input everyone"
"everypony is a word so powerful it can bring nations to its knees"
"pls the self control it's taking me not to say "hewwo everypony" in gen chat when someone new joins-"
"hewwo evewrypony uwu deaw cewestia i hopwe it doewsnt wain owo"
"ive cooked up a sowution wiwth the knowwege ive acwued. they say a kitcwen time saves niwne, but im just savwing two. Ive gathewwed the inwedients to make a time sowbet. Thewe's hawdly woom fow seconds when the seconds mewt away."
"I had a ten year old sister... you know what happened to her??? very sad, very tragic... she turned eleven....."
"Guts dont say the secks word :( /j"
"watch your fucking language in front of the president"
"im so sorry lumi"
"i think you're like ehhhh 8/10 funny"
"now me???? 10/10. Hilarious"
"sometimes i have to take a step back and remember that this is the same guts i follow on tumblr /lh"
""ok every here's some good shifting advice!!! uwu have a good day" "yeah i did lsd and ate fruit gummies""
"i have one setting and it's whatever this is"
"my bitch ass cat just pushed the door open with his fuzzy face and now my sleeping dad is being lulled into dreams by Cosmo Sheldrake's 'Pliocine'."
"me on discord: nick wilde"
"me on tumblr: shifting water! haha funne! me on here: my hermit crabs are cannibals also i want to eat souls."
"u give off older cousin ive never spoken to but always admire at the family gatherings vibes"
"what the fuck"
"If you adopt me then yes"
"am I qualified for dad jokes???"
"we're all a lot smarter on tumblr"
"I'm like "awww... sweet... sweet little shiftlings... posting such sweet shiftling content... so pure, so wholesome... does not even know abcs....""
"can't think before you speak if you never think B)"
"I'm not responsible enough to be a mom"
"cat pet"
"show us pictures of the cat or i will do Crime"
"maybe thats me being a coward tho"
if y'all want I can make this a series bc shiftblr keeps giving me more content
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mikauzoran · 4 years
Marichat: Serendipity: Fifty Marichat and Adrienette Kisses: Kiss Thirty-One
Read it on AO3: Serendipity: Fifty Marichat and Adrienette Kisses: ...in grief.
“Adrien?” Marinette called sleepily as she tiptoed into the nursery, squinting at the dim light from the lamp on the table between the rocking chair and the armchair.
“Hey. Go back to bed, Buguinette. I’ve got it covered,” he assured softly in an effort not to wake Louis.
Marinette blinked the sleep out of her eyes and frowned at her husband. “Why are you transformed, Chaton?”
“He likes the purring sound,” Chat explained, giving the crown of his son’s head a careful caress. “It’s easier when I’m transformed, so…”
“Adrien, have you been crying?” Marinette, now more fully awake, demanded as she went over to where he sat rocking, their infant resting peacefully on his chest. “What’s wrong, My Love?”
Chat shook his head. “I was just thinking too hard. It’s nothing.”
He still sounded choked up.
Marinette’s eyes narrowed.
“Did you want to talk about it?” she gently pressed.
He blew out a sigh. “I…I love him so much, Marinette. I love him so much it hurts. My chest literally aches. I was just wondering if maybe that feeling goes away when they get older.”
“I don’t think so,” Marinette hummed softly, reaching out to stroke Louis’s dark hair. “Maybe it’s not as intense all the time, but I don’t think that feeling ever stops.”
“O-Oh,” he choked, a new wave of tears catching him off guard.
She gave a start, alarmed at his sudden reaction. “Adrien, what’s wrong?”
He shook his head. “I was thinking about my mother, wondering if she’d ever felt this way about me.”
“Oooh,” Marinette breathed, raising a hand to gingerly run it through his hair. “Oh, Adrien… Honey…”
“I’m still struggling to understand,” he continued through tears. “I thought maybe my parents would make more sense when I had a child, but…I don’t know. Maybe it will make more sense when Louis is older, but…right now, I can’t imagine… The way my father was with me…the way he is with me… And my mother…she abandoned me.”
Marinette winced but kept petting his hair, knowing that all she could do was be by his side.
“She knew my father didn’t love me, but she left me with him. She left me,” he repeated with a shellshocked expression. “I’ve only had Louis a few months, and, already, I can’t imagine giving him up. I could never leave him somewhere I knew he wouldn’t be loved and cared for. I’m trying to understand,” he whispered, voice shaking, “what was so wrong with me that my mother could walk out on me like that.”
“Adrien, no,” Marinette cooed, taking his damp cheeks in her hands. “There’s nothing wrong with you. Trust me. You are the sweetest, most loveable person,” she stressed. “Ask anyone. If there was something wrong with someone, it was your mother.”
His luminescent eyes went wide.
“Hear me out,” she cut him off before he could protest. “You’ve talked to me a couple times about how she had untreated mental health issues. Maybe that had something to do with it. Maybe it wasn’t about you at all. Maybe it was about her.”
Chat’s brow furrowed, his eyes pinching into a frown as he tried to reshape his prevailing worldview of nearly twelve years running.
“Or,” Marinette suggested, “maybe there wasn’t anything wrong with either one of you. You said your mother loved you when you were a child, right?”
He slowly began to nod. “Yeah. She did. Why?”
“Well, maybe she never stopped loving you. You know how parents who can’t take care of their children give them up for adoption so that the kid can have a better life?”
Chat kept nodding, not sure where his wife was going with this.
“Maybe it was like that. You said that your parents’ marriage was rocky at times, right? That they knock-down, drag-out fought a lot?”
“Maybe she needed to leave the marriage quickly, but she didn’t know where she was going or what would become of her,” Marinette illustrated, and it was hard for Adrien not to get carried away with the picture she painted. “She couldn’t take you with her knowing that she couldn’t provide for you…so she left you with your father where she knew you’d at least have food and clothes and shelter. Maybe she planned to come back for you when she got settled but something happened to her. Maybe something stopped her from coming to get you. Maybe she never stopped loving you.”
Marinette didn’t know what the truth was. For all she knew, Émilie was a self-absorbed witch who had never loved Adrien at all. Maybe she’d run off with a lover, leaving her past life without a glance back. It didn’t matter what the truth was. The important thing was that Adrien needed a kinder reality than being an abandoned child, so Marinette was happy to spin as many pretty stories as her husband needed.
“…Maybe,” Chat replied quietly after a long, contemplative pause. “Maybe you’re right. Maybe…she was planning to come back for me when she felt like she could take care of me.”
Slowly, he began to nod as he mentally tried on the narrative. “That actually feels more like my mom. That’s why I could never understand why she would abandon me. It never felt like her, so…maybe she’s dead. Maybe she still loved me.”
“I think she did,” Marinette added softly, leaning in to kiss his tear-stained cheeks. “You’re very loveable, Adrien. I bet your mom felt the same way towards you as you feel about Loulou.”
Chat let that sink in for a minute and then burst into tears.
Marinette wrapped her arms around him, nuzzling his hair and pressing little kisses to his face and jaw and neck. “Shhh. It’s okay. Let it all out.”
He hiccupped and sniffled and eventually calmed down enough to whimper, “I m-miss her. I wish-sh she could see her grandson.”
Marinette gave him a tight squeeze. “It’s okay, My Love. I’m sorry I can’t make it all better for you, but I promise it’s going to be okay…. Wanna go back to bed and snuggle?”
He nodded, letting his transformation drop. “Thanks for holding me together.”
“Of course. That’s what partners do,” she assured, taking him by the hand. “I feel lucky to be your partner.”
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zombieratt · 5 years
Uhhhh, BNHA and Steven Universe AU
I had this idea mo n t h s ago and its just been sitting in my notes so fuck it right?
I pulled this out of my ass after watching the SU movie, its very inchoherent and jumps around loads, sorry in advance. I did t r y to keep it relatively organized but i dont think I succeeded.
Ask box is open if u have Questions
(ask me things. please, im so lonely)
Deku is 'Steven' and the inheritor of Citrine
Probably about 18/19 in the AU for the reason that i refuse to write a child fighting a W A R
By the time the movie events happen hes in his 20s
All Might is Citrine and Yellow Diamond
Black Pearl! Aizawa
Tanzanite! Iida
Rose Quartz! Uraraka
Cinnabar! Kirikami (Carnelian!Kirishima and Amber!Kaminari permafusion)
Connie! Bakugo
Im also capitalizing on Ace!bakugo for this as a point of contention between him and his family
they canstantly ask if he has a girlfriend and he is Real Sick™️ of their shit
Hes alloromantic tho sowy
Two years older then Deku bc it feeds into the inferiority complex for that tasty a n g s t
Baku is more repressed than connie, and more resentful of it
He Desperately wants to be accepted as a crystal gem and gets mad when reminded of his humanity
He’s mad that deku is physically stronger than him, so they spar a lot
But the core of it is that he thinks of the gems as family, and would absolutely sacrifice everything for all of them
Endeavor is red diamond
Rei is a blue pearl that was damaged by RD, he bubbles her and she’s replaced by Blue Pearl!Tensei
Strawberry Quartz!todorokis (red diamonds perfect soldiers)
Shouto is the best one (jasper but good)
AFO is black diamond (hes cracked, but thats a secret shhh)
Can use any power her sees used before him with the exception of healing capabilities due to his photokenesis ability
Temple fusion is one for all, and is the same size as afo, made up of rose quartz, cinnabar, tanzanite, black pearl, and citrine
Green diamond is nana
Losing yellow diamond devastated her
Her power is called envy she can mimic a gem’s voice perfectly
Her pearl is Pink Pearl! Midnight
Purple jade! Shinso
Yellow peridot! Mei
Onion! tsuyu
Tourmaline! mina [
Gold!sero [bismuth]
Mirio, tamaki, and nejire are the cool kids
Ronaldo! Mineta
Sadie! Jiro
Lars! Momo
Yellow pearl! Present Mic (under BD Currently)
Mama inko owns a bakery that sits at the top of the mountain above the temple, she offers tours of the light house, and runs it in her spare time with her second husband hisashi
Hisashi loves deku like his own son, but has a hard time understanding him sometimes
Deku appriciates hisashi, but he wishes he had gotten to know his birth father
No one is exactly sure how deku came to be, inko turns scarlet anytime they ask
Its basically vore. No, i will not elaborate
When deku and Katsuki fuse for the first time, its the first time they really understand each other
Their relationship begins to improve drastically after this, because they can fuse and feel each others feelings in a much deeper sense than just conversation
They call their fusion katsumi
Aizawa is Bakugos favorite
Bakugo is kirikami’s favorite
Aizawa and shinso end up real close after change your mind
Yellow Spinel!Sir Nighteye
Not very ship centric, more about friendship and family more than anything
That being said, the relationship dynamics explored are: Erasermight, Erasermic, inko and all might, Rei and endeavor, BakuDeku, TodoDeku, Iideku, UraDeku, UraIida, inatodo, KiriKami, Todoiida, shiniida, SeroMina, MomoJirou, todoshin, meiida, Miritama, Big OT3, micnight, Shigaraki and AFO, NightMight, DaveMight, and m o r e.
These dynamics are explored both Romantically and platonically, but put heavy emphasis on the idea that platonic love is just as good as romantic love
there’s more than this but i ran out of energy, if y’all want i can make another.
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odechambeau · 4 years
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There’s not a super lot of Odette content known so I’m gonna go over the quiz and provide details too!
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It’s one that Emily gave her when she was a child. I’ve had the image of her leaning on her hands and knees over it, just watching the music box spin. Hmnnn I know I liked the thought of it being a glass piano like this, but in my mind it’d been a carousel. One with horses that go up and down as it twirls... could have more than one but hmnnn. It’s an old thing by now, but she still enjoys it greatly. Might also play that Sing Sweet Nightingale son g, or whatever Emily sung/hummed to babies. I’m positive she has all of those mentioned above though.
Recently had the image of her picking it up and dusting it off too. Like by all means let servants take care of cleaning, but ,, not this. This she will care for alone. 
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I’m glad you all got light blue like! When I first imagined Odette, there was this picture in mind. She’s been almost yearning for blue hair since. I think it’s something that needs to be more awakened in her though? Like ah, people actually do have those colored hairs? And I like the idea of her getting it dyed as an adult! I have many pictures on pinterest with different shades of blue that she likes: 1, 2, 3, 4, 
Speaking of hair, bangs are the bane of my existence, and Odette hates being compared to Adora so like I think she wears her hair higher now? and parts her hair the opposite way of adora, kinda like Kaoru and Hikaru! I go ah though because she super vibed at this, so perhaps it’s a little straighter at the top and then spiral curls. She likes this and this too. She really won’t tell me if it’s older her thoug h, because adult her kinda vibes t o o. especially with twin buns and things so g e h.  I gotta try and draw her again but shhh
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She was gonna li e, but thought she could trick even more if she didn’t!! Haha~ Unfortunately it was unsuccessful, but perhaps next time ! 
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She’s not the best at being thoughtful or anything but she gave Theodore one once in winter for his room. He can have a beautiful plant indoors now!! Not that they don’t have many more too probably but!! She just resonates with the light purple and light blue colors. She gave it to him but not because it was her favorite. At least doesn’t feel that way? Big shrug! Probably didn’t know what to pick! Anyways, think Abel’s papa gave her one too and she ah,, She liked it. Though perhaps she did want to share it with him. But this was before she liked him so shusH.
Originally what I imagined was Adora being pink and her being blue and like. aesthetic! Learned more about Adora now and her wearing blue cuz Nathaniel likes it and she go w e h, but light purple is a close second to the colors she adores. Pink and purple is still aesthetic so it’s f i n  e. shehufftho. 
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So she agrees that she’s grown out of her clumsiness, and I know she has! And I’m proud! Stepping on Theodore’s foot was like a fluke because!! He distracted her. But I have very clear visuals of her tumbling into things as a child. I also had the image of her literally bumping into Nathaniel once, idk why. and then she just blink. I wouldn’t be surprised if she fell backwards too though. She just baby. Part of me feels like she might have lil baby tears though owie,,
Anyways she is still quite shy on the inside. Umn, she seems to have outgrown it, yes? That is what she’d been working on the most, as it is one of the traits her parents disliked most about her! But,,, it’s just who she is honest l y. If she’s in a group, she feels little need to speak. She’d let Adora go on, or anyone else to speak in her place. But if you’re one on one with her she can find things now to speak of but,,, She doesn’t like strangers. She trusts little to anyone, especially since her parents are trash and the servants are loyal trash to them. All but one servant, perhaps. Though I’ve had the image of a servant that’s kinda ?? idk b a d at their job, or just very ehhhh clumsy/shy??? Idk but I’d like to replace them with Abel. Who is good at his job and just baby!! She thought he reminded her of herself when she was younger. But she doesn’t hate him for it even though she hated herself for it??? H m n. But!! geh
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I told flame once and it was just a throwaway kinda thing so you could all get to know Odette better anyways. But she’s an old ladY. I don’t think she’s ever s e e n a movie. And y’know she may refer to it as a Cinema too, it’s really not that wrong of an answer! 
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Her shyness is more one-on-one like when greeting gentleman at a dance or whatever e l s e. She doesn’t like speaking one-on-one. Otherwise I’m surprised Ado r a, we’ve said they’ve done public events for a while now!! She enjoys ballet, she’d say she rivaled her sister in fencing, she enjoys singing and feels like she’s done that publicly too! She has no idea how to paint wh a t, I doubt she’s attempted-- perhaps o n c e. She had cooking on the list at first but that’d be too easy, and she didn’t feel like being roasted :) 
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Everyone put snow white and like id k. She disliked Tangled though!! It had a mean mother who trapped her not-daughter in a room. That was one of Odette’s punishments for being unladylike and whatever else as a child! It was dark and she didn’t like it! The mother also kept snapping at her for mumbling, which she did a l o t as a child. 
Also had the image of someone pulling her by her hair and into the dark room so that’s n i c e. Also feels like sometimes she finds herself kinda punishing herself? By sitting alone in a dark room and staring off a bit. I worry. Also I’m sure that’s not the only punishment they had for her just the only one I know of so f a r. Especially if they’re doing all that weekend stuff to ‘the good one’ TM. 
Bonus: Odette if suddenly after all the neglect her parents throw Adora to the wolves cuz she can’t marry Nathaniel, and focus on her . But like also not really because it’s really jarring and sc a r y, thank yo u.
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She will have a handkerchief on her at all times, and since she can burn easy at times she likes to carry a parasol! Can’t say she carries a purse as oft e n but it doesn’t really feel all that wron g, but big shrug, I don’t think she goes out that ofte n. Servants take care of buying their needs. Images of her going into town are cute thoug h like let h e r. 
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She likes the first two especially, but she has been leaning towards more Asian tastes and continues to into adulthood. She likes th ese (there’s two pictures of it).
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thicctails · 5 years
Cretaeam belua ex Terra
Chapter 1 The End of one Story is the Beginning of another
Meredith coughed, shivering slightly. She glanced over at the makeshift nest beside her, gazing sadly at the tiny form laying within. Her only son, Peter, lay there, unmoving save for his shallow but steady breaths. She ran a thin hand over his small stomach, feeling the ribs that were becoming way too obvious. They stuck out like roots just lightly buried in dirt. She needed to feed him more, or feed him something better, but neither were an option right now. Her baby boy, her precious Star Lord, only 3 years old, would unfortunately probably not make it to his next birthday, unless she somehow managed to miraculously beat the horrid disease wracking her body.
But she knew that wouldn't happen. She could feel it. It crawled through her, destroying anything in its path. It was only a matter of time before her strength gave out, leaving her son alone, destined to a slow death. It made tears well up in her eyes just thinking about it. If only they'd been human, she could have found someone to care for Peter.
'If only they'd been human...'
Meredith pushed herself up, wandering slowly deeper into the cave they were living in. A pile of books sat near a small candle. Laying down, she coughed before reaching for a book near the bottom of the pile. She flipped through its worn pages, looking for a certain page. She paused upon finding, thinking about what she was doing. If she did this, she would be sapped of all her strength, and Peter would finally have to face the inevitable, that she would be gone, and he would be alone. But if she didn't do this, Peter would be alone anyways with no chance of being cared for. At least this way, he would have a fighting chance at having a life.
Summoning her remaining strength, Meredith hauled the heavy book up off the ground and walked over to Peter's bed. Gently, she shook him awake.
"Peter. Peter sweetie wake up." She whispered, fighting back another rib cage rattling cough.
Peter stirred slowly, his thin, bat-like wings stretching out as he roused from slumber. The small, white spots that Meredith always thought looked like stars were just barely visible in the dim light. His large blue eyes blinked owlishly at her.
"Momma? Waah?" He groaned quietly, rubbing his eyes.
"Get up sweetheart, I need to tell you something. Something very important."
Peter sat up at that, trying desperately to rub the sleep from his eyes. He crawled over and flopped into his mother's lap. Meredith smiled and stroked his downy soft hair.
"Do you remember that talk we had? The one where I told you that I wouldn't always be here to take care of you?"
Peter nodded slowly, his face beginning to show mild distress.
"Well... that time has come. But there's something I need to do first, and I need you to promise me something."
Her son's eyes were leaking tears now. He let out a sob and buried his face into his mothers' stomach, not nearly awake or emotionally stable to deal with the information he was being given. He didn't know much, but he knew what his mother's words meant. It meant she would be leaving him alone. Forever.
His mother let him cry. After all, how do you tell a child who has just learned that he is going to lose the only loving figure he's ever known to stop crying?
"Momma, please don't go!" Peter sobbed, his voice shaking. Meredith pet her son's hair, tears dripping down her face.
"Shhh. Hush my child. It'll be okay. I'm going to make sure you aren't left alone." She whispered, before placing her palm flat on Peter's head. His eyes flashed white for a moment, before he collapsed onto her. She could hear bones crack as the spell worked its way through her son's body, changing his appearance. Meredith fell back onto the cave floor, her strength gone. Slowly, she reached over and grabbed her unconscious son's hand, feeling, and smelling, slick blood. She squeezed it gently, before moving to the back of the cave and laying down, closing her eyes for the last time.
Yondu stepped of his M-Ship, breathing in the damp night air. It was chilly out, so his breath was visible as he strode through the grassy field. He had been given some coordinates as to the boy's general location was, although they seemed rather odd. The coordinates led to a thick, dark forest, filled with tall evergreens. It was dark enough that Yondu had trouble seeing where he was going, cursing a few times along the way when he stubbed his toe or tripped. How did a Terran live in this mess? It was all brambles and branches.
Yondu paused as a familiar, iron tinged scent struck his nose. He flicked open the holster of his arrow just in case things got bad. He crept closer to the entrance of a cave, but paused when he saw what was in front of him. It was a small child, small enough that Yondu instinctively looked around for other Terrans. But he found none, only a thin, crumpled heap next to the boy's unconscious form. Blood surrounded the child, seeping through his clothes and staining the ground. Yondu closed the distance and knelt down, searching for a pulse. He found one, strong and quick despite the child's appearance. As gently as he could, Yondu picked the boy up, and let out a surprised curse when he felt how light the child was. Had his mother been starving the kid? Where was his mother?
Looking beyond where the child had been laying, Yondu could see a still, crumpled form that reeked of blood and sickness. Not a single wisp of movement could be sensed from her form. Yondu didn't bother going over to check her pulse. He slid a small satchel off of his shoulder and packed a few items into it. Some blankets, a book on Terran biology he found near the back of the cave, and finally, a small contraption that the child had on his person. A sort of headpiece attached to some kind if electronic.
Readjusting the sleeping child in his arms as gently as he could, he began to walk back to his M-Ship. But before he could reach the tree line, a low growl sounded out. Tensing, he spun on one foot to look behind him. 3 pairs of glowing green eyes stared straight at Yondu from the shadows of the forest. No, not at him, but at the kid in his arms. More growls began to rumble out, and large, clawed paws began to appear from the shadows. Yondu narrowed his eyes and pursed his lips, ready to whistle a tune that would send his Yaka arrow straight through these beasts' hearts, when the growling stopped. The creatures backed away as their eyes widened. They disappeared from sight moments later. Yondu cocked his head slightly. It wasn't unusual for animals to be afraid of his arrow, but he had never seen anyone who didn't know him personally recognize what his whistle meant.
Shaking it off, Yondu made his way back through the forest and to his ship. The ship activated its tractor beam, and within seconds he was back on the main part of the ship, near the pilot's chairs. Kraglin was sleeping soundly in the co-pilot chair. Yondu smacked the Xandarian on the back of the head as he passed. Kraglin snorted and blinked, glancing over at the Captain. He sucked in a breath when he saw the small thing clinging to Yondu's coat.
"Cap'n! Is that the cargo?!" He exclaimed, his eyebrows shooting up to his hairline.
"Yeah. You got a problem wit that Kraglin?" Yondu asked, starting up the engines.
"No, but Cap'n... he's so little." Kraglin said quietly.
"You going soft on me Krags?" The Captain growled.
Kraglin shook his head, but he kept sneaking glances at the sleeping boy the whole trip back to the Eclector. When they arrived, some of the crew had come to greet them.
Horuz cocked an eye at the sight of his captain holding a small bundle of clothing tucked up against his chest. It was only when the bundle move did he realise what Yondu was holding.
Now, being small and underfed was nothing new when it came to Ego's children, but Horuz could not remember the last time he had seen a child look so... skeletal. The child looked barely alive, breaths coming in slow and shallow, and exiting with a soft wheeze. He showed no signs of stirring as Yondu handed the child to his first mate, nor when Kraglin clumsily readjusted him in his arms. So, it came as a surprise when the child bolted awake when Yondu placed the translator onto his head.
The Terran froze, seemingly paralyzed by fear. Wide, fearful eyes darted around at the strange new people. He was shaking now, completely overwhelmed by all the new sights and faces, not to mention the complete lack of familiar faces. Horuz felt sorry for the young boy, most children they had picked up had been at least 3 years older than... Peter, was it? He couldn't quite remember exactly what the file had said, only that his mother had fallen ill, and that the child's name was Peter.
Skyyar, a particularly nasty V'tyana, sniffed at the child. Peter, deciding that Kraglin was a far more comforting presence than Skyyar, whimpered and hid his face in the Ravager's jacket, curling up into an even smaller ball.
"Hrmmm. Thisss one sssmellsss of weaknessesss. Perhapssss we should jussst eat him inssstead." The green, snake-like creature hissed, sticking out his forked tongue. Yondu growled.
"You say that EVERY DAMN TIME SKYYAR! For the last time, we DON'T eat cargo!" The captain snapped. The reptilian humanoid bowed his head, but flicked his gaze back towards Peter, discreetly wetting the scales around his mouth.
Yondu turned his attention to the boy curled into his first mate's chest, placing a hand on the quaking child's back. Peter flinched and his gaze snapped to Yondu, his pupils like pinpricks as he stared at the Captain. The child had begun to silently sob, fear gripping his heart in it's crushing grip.
"Easy there Petey. Skyyar's jus' bee'n a as-er, jerk. Ain't nobody gonna eat ch'a." He soothed. Yondu was tempted to threaten to eat the boy himself, but he had a feeling, with how young and truly afraid Peter was, that doing so could only end very, very badly. He glared at the rest of the present crew. "And can I trust that my crew can make that a well-known fact?" He asked, already knowing the answer, but looking for confirmation anyways.
Horuz and the other crewmates nodded immediately, while Skyyar hesitated, only briefly, before nodding as well. Kraglin narrowed his eyes at the V'tyana but said nothing. Instead, he jerked his head towards the ceiling. Yondu nodded and handed him the satchel. Kraglin slid it onto his shoulder and headed further into the Elector, missing the hungry eyes that followed the child in his arms.
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O.O whats this? A GotG fic, on my good Transformers blog? Its more likely than you think. 👀👀👀
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knivxsanddespair · 5 years
Multi Dimension Episodes
Every living thing has a purpose in life, even the ones who do not communicate. Or so Solarius thought. Of all the fifteen years he tried to search for his own, all seems to come to a dead end. Neither Eclipsa, nor the MHC, Meteora or Star herself would loosen their tight lips whenever he asked about his biological mother, as if there was a looming danger whenever one would speak of her. 
He took a glance at the only photo of Mina, the only expression he had was irritation and hopelessness. “Bloody hell, ma. What did you do to these folks until any mention of you was like the bloody boogeyman? Why did you leave with all the answers? Can’t you just magically woosh like a spirit or something and talk to me? I doubt you would..”
“Ello ello ello, what’s all this then?”
The teen looked to see both his fathers at the door. “Nothing much, just thinking about stuff.”
“You’ve been thinking quite a lot lately, lad. And I know what you’ve been thinking about.”
“Honestly, old bean. You think you can hide it from us?”
“I-I guess not.”
A familiar face walks in between his dads and face him. “Q-Queen Star?”
“Yes dear, I would like to apologize in advance about all of this..we never wanted to hide it away from you, sweetie. And I know how this has been weighing on your mind for quite some time so..are you ready to hear it all?”
Solarius couldn’t be any more ready for this. “Yes, Yes I am”
Little did he know the horrors that await for him to hear...
When I was your age, twice!
“Indeed.” Meteora smirked triumphantly. “We grew up like, two times so we were actually babies two times!”
“Uh, according to your mom, something else happen so technically you grew up three times.” Mariposa corrected her.
“S-Stop making me feel older than I already am, Mari! Sisters don’t tell babies their real age!”
“That sentence didn’t even make sense.” She raised an eyebrow to her.
“A-Anyways!” The half-Monster continued. “Where was I, Nova? Oh yeah! we were the best duo in that zone, fighting everyday just to go through for some spiders!”
“We also...almost sacrificed your mom and dad to a pretty boy that has a mouth for a belly!”
Both teens were already scrambling for something just to pacify the baby. “Great going, Mari! Now we might have scarred our niece for life!”
“Just shut it and get something real fast!” She then remembered the bedtime story her brother used to tell her. She quickly slipped in the penguin on her finger and showed it to Nova. “And after the battle, they could have all the breakfast burritos they could ever want!” She recite it while wagging her finger to the infant’s face.
That sets Nova back to her cheerful self, to their relief. “Remind me never to babysit ever again.”
“But she’s precious when she’s not crying.”
“Also agreed.”
Too many bunnies dangit!
“But Daaaad!”
“Nova, I know you love them but at this point they are starting to fill up our castle!”
The blonde sighed, up until her sister said something in his defense. “Dad! They’ll follow our every order so you don’t have to worry!”
This got an eyebrow raised by Tom. “Alright then, Prove it to me!”
Nova and Sun smirked to each other. “Bunnies! Double file!” The bunnies who were scattering and jumping stopped and lined up in front of them.
“Now then, wave at Dad!” The bunnies all stood on the back paws and waved at Tom. 
Tom was at a shock. “Well now...now I’ve seen everything. I guess I can let them stay, if you promised to clean after them.”
Another victory for both of them. “We promise!” 
The bunnie proceeded on to walk off in an orderly manner with the two children.
Two Ladies and a kid
“Well...what do we have here?”
It isn’t everyday that a kid could have just waltz into the kingdom just like that. Even more so, Bella and Lilith have no idea where the blue haired kid came from. 
“Hmmm..” Lilith brought him to her lap. “What’s your name, kid?”
Tsunami couldn’t say anything, he just let out a few notes of melody.
“That’s nice kid, but we need to know who you are and where you live.”
Again, just a few strains of notes from his mouth.
“You can’t speak, can’t you?”
“Great, now what do we do?”
Bella scratched her chin. An idea went to her head. “Well, do you see this man?” She showed Ruberiot to him. “He used to annoy my mom with a song, or so my Grandma Moon told. With your style of clothing tells me that you could have water based magic so can you try something?”
Tsunami looked at her, and then raised his hands. the pipes of the castle broke, as the water flowed and swept Ruberiot out of the castle. 
As the girls watched on, evil smirks grew as the cradle the merbaby. “Well..you may stay here for a while, and we are gonna have lots of fun and cookies!”
The mention of cookies got Tsu singing in delight. That would be a yes in his terms.
My mama, your mama
Kyo had invited Leon to his house from time to time, feeling he should at least see his mom, even though she isn’t from his own dimension.
The counselor turn her head towards the boys as they got in. “Well, don’t be strangers now, this house is open to you too, y’know?”
Leon just nodded to her. “Thanks M- I mean-”
“Look, call me Mom, or Inang if you want to. Kyo already told me who you really are.”
“T..thanks mom.”
The three had some biscuits and talked about current day events, as well as discussing about their life partners, which made both Kyo and Leon blush bright red.
“Pfft, I just love how much of a mess teen boys could be. Anyways..Leon?”
“Yes, mom?”
“I know what had happened to your parents. And I want you to know that above all, what had happened to them was not your fault and it never will be.”
“I know it really does seem like it was, but life is full of ups and downs. You can never be blamed for being born, and anyone who says so are pricks.”
He was trying real hard not to swell up right now, but he does need someone to say this to him.
“And know that you are not alone, you got a lovely demon girlfriend, and my son is now your brother, as will I be your mother if need be.”
That’s where it hits hard. Leon just went to her lap and bawled out his pain.
“Shhh..it’s alright child, I’m here..”
( Well now, It’s the 12 in singapore today and I am now 24 today! I guess on my birthday I just wanted to write this for ya’ll cause I know with the state of the fandom right now, the pressure and stress is real. I just want ya’ll to continue being the best peeps that you are and keep making awesome content, no matter what people may say!
Solarius belongs to @fuluv
Nova ( stomco baby) belongs to @jess-the-vampire
Nova (tomstar son) and Sun belongs to @megadraws
Lilith, Tsunami and Bella belongs to @kyotemeru-arts / @makanshoku
Leon Diaz belongs to @demon-draws 
I know it ain’t much but enjoy nonetheless UwU)
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cassidy-bolton · 5 years
Untitled Part III || Self Para
C H A R A C T E R S:         Featuring:  Evelyn Bolton, Alma Lucía, Aidan Bolton, Riley de la Cruz, Devin Bolton, Patrick Bolton & Lily Bolton     Mentions:  Daniel Bolton & Cassandra Wilson
T I M E L I N E:  Current
N O T E S:  At the hospital
“I want to see my daddy!” Lily demanded as tears streamed down her face.  Looking up towards her uncle, she was balling her tiny hands into fists at her sides as she stomped on the floor.  “I want daddy!  I want him.  Where is he? I want my daddy.”  The little girl continued this tactic for several moments until finally Daniel lifted her in his arms to soothe her.  Suddenly she started to cry harder, sobbing into his shirt, gasping for air with each breath not sure what was going on.  She just knew something was wrong with her dad and she wanted to see him.  Kiss his boo boo better like her dad with her when she got hurt.  When Daniel sat down, she remained in his lap and kept an eye on her siblings, her grandparents and Cassandra.
“It is all my fault mom,” Aidan said sniffling as he kept back his tears.  “I—I told him I did not want to see him.”  
Alma pulled in her son towards him, gently rubbing his back as she shook her head.  “Shhh, Aidan darling, none of this is your fault.  Your father loves you and he knows you love him.  I promise you he knows.  He too was a teenager.  Please sweetheart believe me on this.  None of this is your fault.  Your father has demons he has been fighting for years.”
Aidan started crying against his mother as he shook his head.  Everything he said at the zoo kept replaying in his mind.  Just maybe if he did not say those things, none of this would have happened.  The teenager kept placing the blame on himself, just thinking all of this rested on his shoulders alone.
Devin then jumped up from her chair and pointed towards Aidan, “it is your fault!  All dad wanted was a nice day with all of us and then you had to be an asshole!  If it weren’t for you, none of this would have happened!”
Quickly, her twin pulled her down.  “It’s not Aidan’s fault.”  He whispered.  Looking over at his older brother, he took in a breath.  “She’s just upset; she knows it isn’t your fault.”
The teenage girl started to get angry, “stop speaking for me.”
“Enough!”  Everyone’s eyes darted towards Jack.  “Aidan, it is not your fault.  Devin, I know you are upset right now.  But you do not get to blame your brother for this.  Just please everyone get along.”
After the words of her grandfather, Devin curled back up in her chair next to her twin. It was not even ten minutes later when she saw her mother walk through the doors.  “What are you doing here?” She questioned Riley harshly.  
“Your brother text me it was an emergency and your dad is in the hospital.”  The woman looked around to see most of Cassidy’s family staring at her.  She was well aware she was not their favorite person in the world.  Even with everything that has transpired between her and Cassidy, she still was the mother of two of his kids and was connected to him always through the twins. She took a seat next to Patrick and started talking to her son, since Devin refused to acknowledge her any further.
Things started to wind down as everyone went quiet.  Few words were exchanged as all of them sat there on edge wondering if Cassidy was going to pull through or not.  Eventually Riley got up from her chair, “well kids, I need to go.  I have other pressing matters.  Patty keep me updated about your father okay sweetie.”
A look of sheer shock came across Devin as her mother got up from her chair and said those words.  How could her monster of a mother just leave as if everything was okay?  How could she abandon them there?  “Just go, no one wants you here anyway.”  With those parting words, Riley left not saying anything more to anyone else.
The doctor walked into the waiting room causing Evelyn to stand up and make her way towards him.  “Mrs. Bolton,” he started in a somber voice. “Your son overdosed, which in result caused cardiac and respiratory arrests. We managed to get his heart beating again; however he is still unable to breathe on his own.  Right now, he is on a ventilator and unresponsive.  If you want you are allowed to visit him, but please limit the number of people.”  Evelyn nodded, before she wiped away the tears.  All she could think was all this time and she did not see the signs.  What mother does not see the signs?  How could she not know?  Or maybe she did see the signs, but ignored them because she always had a soft spot for Cassidy.  
A sigh left her lips as she turned to face everyone.  She swallowed the lump in her throat as she tried to suppress her tears, needing to be strong for everyone in the room.  “Ca—Cassidy is um,” she sniffled and turned her head for a moment trying to regain her composure.  “He is unresponsive.”  The woman’s hands were trembling, while her voice was shaking.  She reached over towards Jack to lean against him.  “We are allowed to see him in small numbers, no more than three people.  I—I’m going to stay with him.  You all should go home and get some rest.  I promise I will keep you all posted.”  Of course Devin quickly protested.  “Please Daniel, take them home with you.  They need to rest.”  She then looked over towards her granddaughter.  “Devin, Uncle Dan will bring you, Patrick and Lily back tomorrow.  Just go home, I promise I will let you know if anything changes.”  Even though Devin wanted to object, she merely nodded towards her grandmother.
“Evelyn, I will bring Aidan back up tomorrow.  If anything happens please contact me immediately. I love you Evie.”  Alma placed her arms around the older woman and gave a light squeeze before getting out of the way for Aidan to hug both his grandparents before the two left for the night.
Next up were Daniel, the twins and Lily saying their goodbyes to their grandparents.  “Daniel, please take care of those kids.  We need to discuss arrangements for when Cas wakes up.  I love you son.”  She whispered in his ear quietly to make sure the three children did not overhear. After the hugs, Daniel headed out with the kids to his apartment.
After the whole family left at her insistence, Evelyn noticed Cassandra.  “It is okay if you go home Cass, I know you are close to Cassidy.  But there is not much you can do here.”  It came to no surprise to Evelyn when the other woman protested about leaving.  Even though her son never confirmed his relationship with Cassandra, she had a suspicion there was something between them for a long time.  “If you want, you can come back there with me.  I am sure it is what he would have wanted.”  She said before walking down towards his room with the brunette next to her.
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sugarbooger513 · 4 years
Thamior’s Beginning
Thamior, and all of the characters mentioned, belong to me. Please don’t use them and claim them as your own. 
He’s a high elf I use in dnd, by the way. :) 
Warnings: Blood, abuse, mentions of death, murder 
  “I should have known. I shouldn’t have trusted you. After that whore’s treachery had been discovered, I should have thrown you to the curb.” 
     “Shut up.” “Excuse-” “Do NOT call my mother a whore! You fucking killed her!” Thamior struggles against the chains around his wrists. The iron only digs further into his blue/grey skin, making blood well up around them. 
      “Oh, Thamior.. to think I raised you as my own. You were my pride and joy..” “I’ll never be anything to you. You’re a murderer! A fucking murderer!” The young elf’s silver eyes gleam with hatred. His usually well kept, navy colored hair is caked with blood and dirt. The older elf scowls at the sight of the young man he raised. 
     “You’re right, Thamior. You’ll never be anything to me. Just like your mother was only used to give me an heir.” “Fuck. You.” The tall elf takes one long stride, immediately in front of his “son”. His large hand lashes out, wrapping around the boy’s throat. 
     Thamior gasps, desperately trying to pull away from the man’s iron grip. Just as he starts to see darkness in his vision, he’s released. As he gasps for a breath, the man shakes his head. 
     “No child of mine would dare talk to me out of line. Just ask your dear sister.” From the corner of his eye, he can see her standing, watching. Her face is unreadable, but her slightly darker eyes are filled with tears. 
      “She’s brainwashed. She thinks how I used to. She thinks that because you’re the king that you actually run something. Listen, buddy,” Thamior snarls the nickname, “I won’t let you get away with this. Our mother didn’t deserve to die! You don’t get that right! You can’t-” 
     “Celeste.” “Y-yes papa?” “Tell the guards to take him back to the cell. His execution is set tomorrow in front of the town.” Thamior’s eyes widen. He was.. going to die how his mother did. Celeste nods, leaving to find the guard. 
     “I might lessen your punishment, Thamior. All you have to do is tell me where the others who formed the assassination plans are.” “Eat my ass, old man. I’ll never let you get your hands on them.” The king snarls before spitting in Thamior’s face. 
     The guard chuckles at the sight before pulling the elf to his feet. Thamior’s legs ache as he’s pulled into a cell. The guard unlocks the chains before shutting the young man into the cold, wet cell. Water dripped from the shoddy roof and onto his head, making him shiver a bit. 
     Instead of sitting on the bed, he plops on the floor and starts digging in his pocket. There’s no way they got it.. “Fuck yeah!” He quickly covers his mouth because of his own outburst. Still, no guard seemed to notice. 
     He opens the small bottle before ripping off a part of his clothing. ‘Okay, Master, lets see if old Thamior still has it in him.’ He quickly dampens the cloth before shoving the almost empty bottle in his pocket. The wet cloth is easily shoved into the waistband of his pants. 
     He jumps up to his feet and goes to the bars. It’s late in the evening, and he’s the only one actually in the dungeons, so there’s only one guard on duty. It makes him smirk when it’s the guard he wanted to see. Don’t let the smirk fool you, it does make him feel a bit guilty when he sees her. 
     “Pssst, Raven!” The human girl looks, her face immediately lighting up when his silver eyes meet her green ones. He flashes his signature, toothy smile that never fails to make her knees weak. “Thamior, how can you be smiling? Your father is going to hang you!” “I know, I know, dear. That’s why I-” “Tell me it’s a mistake, Thamior. You wouldn’t plan to kill the King.” 
     He bites his lip slightly. Raven has been a dear friend of his since they met, and she formed a very obvious crush on him. Who could blame her? Hes always been very good at making people swoon. Still, it makes him feel even worse lying to her, but he has to if he’s going to get out of here. 
     “Can you see me actually killing someone? Come on, Raven. They got the wrong guy.” “Do you promise?” Damn it. “I promise.” 
     She whimpers, her eyes filling with tears. “Oh, dear, don’t cry. I’m one man.” “B-But.. I love you, Thamior.” His heart breaks. He never felt the same. Still.. “Raven, I love you too. If this is to be my last day.. I want to make it.. memorable.” “W-what do you mean?” 
     Now he smirks. He has her right where he wants her. “I think you know what I mean, baby. Let me out, take me to your room. I’ll make you happy tonight.” “T-Thamior! Are you crazy?” He chuckles lowly, and she visibly shivers. “Of course I am. I’m crazy for you. Please, Raven.. Let me be your first..” He reaches through the bars to slowly stroke her cheek. 
     She lets out a curse, suddenly fumbling with her keys to unlock the cell. He takes a step back as she opens it. She’s breathing heavier, obviously nervous. Still, she gives him the slightest glare. “Why now?” “Obviously because I won’t have another chance, dear. I always planned to rule with you beside me, Raven..” God, hes just getting this poor girl’s hopes up. 
     That obviously works because she jumps to pulls him into a kiss. He has to resist pulling away. Instead, he places his hands on her waist, his long, delicate fingers squeezing ever so slightly. When she backs away, her eyes are like wildfire. Hes never seen her like this, and the sight is a bit intimidating. “Come on, Thamior. We need to hurry.” “Lead the way, dear.” 
     He follows, both of them scanning for any other guards that might be making rounds. The coast is clear, and he shuts the door behind them once they make it to her room. However, when she tries to kiss him again, he stops her. 
     Turn around, love. I want this to be something you’ll never forget..” She obeys his command without question, which only makes him feel worse. She puts so much trust in him, and she always has. As he walks over to her, he pulls the cloth from his waistband. 
     “Oh, Raven.. I’m so sorry..” “Sorry? Tham-” He quickly wraps one arm around her waist and shoves the drenched cloth over her mouth and nose, covering any attempt she had at yelling for help. 
     “Shhh.. It’s okay. Nice deep breaths.. good girl.” As comforting as his words might be, and he wants them to be, there’s nothing comfortable about the situation. When her body finally slumps into his, he scoops her into his arms and goes to place her in the bed. 
    “Please, Raven, wake up and hate me.. Gods, I deserve it..” He wipes a strand of her blonde hair away from her face before going to look in the small mirror on her dresser. Damn, he really does look a mess. He quickly throws his shoulder length hair into a ponytail. 
     Once he opens her window, he looks back at her sleeping form. At least she’ll get some rest. She might get in trouble for trusting to let him out at all, but.. it isn’t his problem anymore. 
     He climbs out the window and easily lands on his feet. The air seems.. heavier than it usually is. His fath- the king has all of the guards searching for the group of bandits and such that planned to assassinate him.
     “Doesn’t he realize,” Thamior starts whispering to himself as he sprints towards the hideout, “he won’t find us.. he can’t.” Still, worry builds in his chest the closer he gets. How did he even find out about the plans? Thamior never let it slip. He never trusted anyone with it. 
     “T-Thamior! Get out-” The scream makes him choke on his own breath. In front of him, the King’s guards were attacking the hideout. His master, the leader of the group, has two men holding her down. Her eyes widen in fear when one of the men grabs Thamior by his throat. 
     Beside him is a dagger, which he kicks into the air, and plunges into the guard’s throat. The two guards holding his master get distracted, which gives her the chance to slam their heads together, knocking them unconscious. 
     “The dwarf.. he was.. a spy..” Thamior snarls at her words. He never trusted that damn dwarf! A flash of silver makes Thamior freeze. His master takes the sword through her abdomen. Without thinking, he runs over and grabs the man’s head. He twists as hard as he can, ending the man’s life with a sickening crack. “M-Master!” 
     The wood elf falls into his arms, coughing up blood. It splatters onto his leather armor, staining it. “G-go.. please..” “Where is everyone-” “They’re dead.. you’re.. alive..” “N-no! You’re alive, too. We’ll.. we’ll find a doctor and-” She chuckles, reaching up to touch his cheek. He leans into the palm of her hand, seeking comfort. 
     “No, kid. I- I can’t. I had.. a good life, though. Hey..” “Y-yes..?” She wipes the tears pouring from his eyes. Even after years of training him, she can’t help but stare into his eyes, admiring the gold flecks in his silver irises. It’s the only physical trait he got from his real father. 
     “I’m.. ready to meet your mom..She deserves to know.. the boy she had is a strong young man..” He sobs and places his face into her sandy brown hair. “T-tell her I love her.. please..” “Of course, Thamior. Please, don’t grieve for me.” “H-how can I not.. You cared for me..” “I will always care for you, child.. Now, get out of here. Take my dagger, and the deck of cards. Don’t let them catch you..” 
     Her eyes suddenly lose their shine, and her arm loses the strength to hold to his cheek. He closes his eyes for a second, but opens them with a new fire behind them. “I won’t let you die in vain. I will kill him, and I’ll kill anyone who is on his side..” He places her on the ground before closing her eyes. The dagger on her hip is something she made herself. He takes it, along with her deck of playing cards. 
     He takes the bag of gold from the table before running out. More guards are already on their way, he’s sure. He has to leave, and only come back when he’s ready to face his father again. Only when he’s ready to watch the life leave that man’s eyes. 
      For now.. he’s all alone. 
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yg-got7scenarios · 7 years
Infinity Part 15
Tumblr media
Characters:  Mark Tuan (GOT7), You (Reader/OC), Park Jinyoung (GOT7), GOT7 members, Mark’s parents, Marika (Your friend), and other surprise characters
Genre:  Slow Build, Mainly Angst, Minor Fluff, Smut (on previous and future chapters)
Warning/s:  Heavy Angst, like Angst almost 90% of this chapter – more revelations and all those shit
Length:     3,959 words
Plot:  You have always believed the line from your favorite book that some infinities are larger or smaller than other infinities. You always wonder if you even have an infinity that you get to spend with someone or you will be forever alone?
A few days after Junhyung had witnessed his wife crying over her lost daughter for the nth time for the last 10 years, he had went to visit the orphanage in Busan where his wife’s daughter was handed over after she left (Y/C/O).  He went straight to a friend of his who works in the orphanage and sat down in front of his desk.
“Do you have the information that I need, Seungri?” He asks straight forwardly and the usually bubbly demeanor of the younger man dipped at the tone in his friend’s voice before he shakes his head.
“I do not know what’s with this girl but everyone who seems to know her likes to avoid her at one way or another.”  Seungri blurts out before handing over the folder to his previous boss.  Junhyung’s eyebrows furrowed further with the younger’s statement.
“What are you talking about?  What do you mean exactly by that?”  He asks with pure curiosity and the younger just tips his head back before leaning against his chair.
“Look, you haven’t reached out to me in a while and you wanted to get that girl’s information and you cannot provide me any reason at all.  If you didn’t lend me money for my Ramen business a year ago I couldn’t have done this, but I do owe you a lot, hyung…”
“And her sponsor, who was so in love with her and almost as if she was her long lost mother, do not even want to let herself known – even though ______ already left the orphanage years ago, and it is OK for her to come out already…”
“The sponsor was the one who saved and took care of ______ while she was in (Y/C/O), along with her eldest son… but I think her husband should not know about all of this so she kept it a secret… even after 10 years…” Junhyung nods in understanding and he felt even more rueful of his wrongdoings… His wife’s daughter really had suffered a lot.
“I feel slightly bad for the kid; she was a kind little girl, very intelligent, and she is so good at what she does…”  Seungri heaves out a sigh and Junhyung wanted to smile because she reminds him of someone really close to his heart.
His wife.
“C-can you share who her sponsor was?”
“It’s in that document you’re holding, hyung. Everything that you need is there…” He whines and Junhyung stares at the folder in front of him.
“I do not know what you want from that girl hyung, and I respect that you do not want to share, but I hope it’s not something bad?” He says and Junhyung almost growls.
“What are you talking about?  I am not a criminal; you should have known better.”  He says and Seungri nods, though Junhyung is sure he is not totally convinced since the look that the younger is throwing him is still doubtful; but he doesn’t mind.  He doesn’t need to know anything.
“I will take our whole company to Aori ramen this weekend – keep it reserved for us.”  Junhyung says and Seungri smiles widely.
“Can you take them to Monkey Museum too?” Junhyung just scoffed at that before he waves his younger friend off, making an escape towards the exit of the orphanage.
“______?”  The woman repeated your name and you let out the breath that you didn’t know you’ve been holding since you’ve met eyes with the older woman in front of you. Jinyoung stood next to you, shifting his gaze between you and the other lady across you from time to time. 
“______, do you know her?”  Jinyoung places a hand on your shoulder and you flinched by instinct; before dropping your hands to your sides.  Jinyoung’s eyes widened when he saw tears flowing from your eyes.  He was about to ask what’s wrong or to hug you but–
“M-Mrs. Tuan?”  You cried out silently and the older lady nods frantically, putting her hands on her mouth and she started crying as well.
“”Y-yes, dear… It’s me.”  You just stared at her for a few minutes and before you can even register what’s happening, Dorine closed the distance between the two of you and enclosed you in a tight embrace before sobbing heavily, leaning her chin against your shoulder and burying her face on your hair.  You cannot help but wrap your hands tightly around the woman whom you thought will never see ever again – automatically burying your face against the crook of her neck to try muffling your cries of happiness.
Dorine pulls away for a few minutes and she cradles your face between her soft hands before wiping your tears gently, letting out a chuckle because you just cried out harder and louder with the sweet gesture.
“Sssshhh, it’s okay, honey…”  She kisses your forehead and you let out a few breaths before trying to calm yourself down from how hard you’ve been crying.
What is Mark’s mother doing here?  And how did she find you?  Moreover, how did she know you?  Does that mean that she remembers you?
“You might be surprised as to why I am here… I know that you have a lot of questions, ______, and I am here to answer everything…” Dorine rans her hand through your hair while she continues to wipe your tears that seem to be flowing from your eyes non-stop.
“Also, there is something that I need you to know…” She continues.  Jinyoung now looks at the woman questioningly before looking back at you.
Before you can even get to respond, you heard a slight cough next to you and that’s when you realized that you and Mark’s mom are actually not alone.  You quickly remembered that Jinyoung is actually with you.  You glanced up at him and he looks confused, but not upset.  Jinyoung is aware of some of the details of your past, though you were not sure if you were able to bring the Tuans up.  You felt slightly guilty that you need to ditch Jinyoung after weeks of him mostly keeping his thoughts of taking you out for dinner to himself.
“J-Jinyoung, this is Mrs. Tuan – she was the woman who helped me… back then… in (Y/C/O).”  You said softly when your cries finally died down. Jinyoung bowed in front of Dorine before extending his hand for a shake, which the other took willingly.
“It’s nice to meet you, Mrs. Tuan, I’m Jinyoung, ______’s friend.  Thank you for taking care of her back then, you are too kind.”  His demeanor is always so lovely and Dorine cannot help but smile widely at the young man.
“Likewise, Jinyoung-ssi.  It’s a pleasure.”  Dorine pulls her hand away before the two of them bowed at each other.  You gaped at your ex-boyfriend before reaching out to grab his arm; giving it a light squeeze.
“Can you excuse us for a minute, Mrs. Tuan?”  You look up to the older lady in front of you and she nodded quickly, backing a few steps away from where you are and you circled around to stand in front of Jinyoung after shutting the door of the passenger seat gently.
“I’m sorry – Jinyoung-ah –“
“It’s okay, ______.  W-we can just have dinner some other time.  It looks like… you two have lots to catch up on.  I can wait.  Call me if you need anything, okay?”  He smiles and you nodded.  He reached out to pat your head slightly before pressing a quick kiss on your forehead. He walks around the car but not after leaving another bow towards Dorine.  You stepped aside when he started the engine, then he droves off of the road.
You felt a warm hand around your wrist and you turn around to meet the same loving, caring eyes of the woman whom you’ve been longing to see – apart from your Mom.
“Shall we, ______?”
Mark knows that he might be risking a whole lot of things with what he’s about to do; but there is no stopping him now.  He hopes that his Mom and Dad would understand where he was coming from, if ever there is a need for them to argue about seeing you again.
However, when he was just a few blocks away from his parent’s house, his heart started to stammer out of his chest, like a fish out of water.  He suddenly became nervous of what is about to happened.  He is about to tell his parents that he doesn’t care about what they say or if they are against you or anything; meaning that there is a huge chance that he might argue with his Dad, or his Mom, or maybe both.  Or maybe not at all.
He took a huge breath before stepping out of his vehicle, surprised when he saw his watch; it took him only half the time to get at his parent’s house.  He might have a couple of speeding tickets in his mail but that doesn’t matter right now.
Mark rings the doorbell once – twice, before the familiar sound of the door knob opening making him release the breath that seemed to be clogged on his throat since he pressed on the tiny button next to the door frame.
“Mark?”  His mother was shocked by the sudden appearance of his eldest son on their front door, but still opened the door widely before gesturing for Mark to enter the house.  Mark did step inside, and by the time he has his arms wrapped around his mother’s shoulders, the dam finally broke and Mark sobbed incessantly; not caring if he looks weak and vulnerable right now.
Dorine was stunned by her son’s actions, didn’t exactly know what’s causing this pain to her eldest son.  As Mark continues to sob against his mother’s chest, his mother just held him tight, rubbing his back and nape with her warm hands while muttering sweet nothings in Mandarin against his ear to try and calm him down, but it seemed to make his cries harder and louder.
“Honey… Mama is here… I got you… Shhh…”  Dorine’s heart is breaking for her beloved son. Whatever or whoever is making his son cry this hard surely hurt his son so much.  She had never seen him like this, not even when he almost broke his ankle during that soccer game back in middle school in the States, which led him to not participate in the intramurals.  It wasn’t even when he was bullied by a few students at school when they went to Korea for the first time because he doesn’t know how to speak Korean.  She knows her son mostly keep everything to himself, no matter how sad, disappointed, or hurt he is – so seeing him like this, running to her arms in the middle of the night, she knows that this is something serious.
“I – I can’t – Mom…”  Mark managed to blurt out in between whimpers.  “I – I love her… But she hates me… B-because of what I did…”
I love her…. But she hates me because of what I did…
Could it be that he is talking about...
Mark suddenly pulled away before wiping his tears away with the sleeve of his hoodie; directing his gaze towards his Mom’s confused eyes.
“W-what do you mean… Mark… Are you talking abou–“
“______, yes, Mom.  ______.  I love her. B-but because of what you told me last week… I avoided her when she was trying to reach out to me… I pushed her away… and I almost got her in trouble… Now she hates me with her life and she might be back with her ex…”  Mark lets out another shuddering cry before running his hands through his hair before tugging on it, keeping his head in place as he stares at the ground, his bottom lip caught between his teeth, nibbling on the skin so hardly he is wondering why blood hasn’t come out of it yet.
“I – I don’t want to blame you, or Dad, for that matter, but Mom, I can’t help it.  I’m sorry. Why do you have to be against it? Why do you have to lie to Dad about ______?  Are you only worried about him and my sisters?  Joey?  How about me? Do you not care about what I feel? Mom, you know I love her, since that day I saw her by the river.  No wonder why you never agreed to us visiting her because she is not there anymore and she was just 3 fucking hours away from me.”  Mark cannot help but raise his voice and slamming the door behind him, the sound echoing through the entire house; breaking the eerie silence surrounding the mother and her beloved son.
Dorine just looked at her son’s weak state and she felt her heart breaking into small pieces.  She knows that her son is not rude and he is a kind-hearted person and is a good son, but the confession that the two of them had talked about more than a week ago and whatever he had done to you that made you mad at him seemed to have taken its toll on her son’s patience.  She cannot be mad at him, she knows she was at fault at so many things. She started tearing up when she saw her son’s slouched form in front of her, both of his hands on top of his nape, feeling guiltier and guiltier by the second.
When a loud sob left Dorine’s lips, something clicked inside Mark’s head and he mentally cursed himself.  Did he just yell at his mother?
Damn. I am so, so, so stupid. Fuck.
“Mom?”  Mark managed to gather his wits and he looks up to his crying mother; standing up from where he was slouching on the carpeted floor.
“I’m sorry...”  He takes a few steps forward before gently grabbing his Mom’s face, kissing her cheek before resting his forehead against hers.
“I didn’t mean to say those words at you, Mom… I love you… Oh God why am I so stupid I shouldn’t have let my emotions take over me Mom I am so sorry please forgive m–“
“Mark…”  Dorine holds his son’s wrists, kissing the insides of it and Mark felt even guiltier.
“Do not say sorry; I was the one who caused you this pain, son… You have the right to be disappointed at your mother–“
“No no no no, Mom – no – I don’t have any right to say those things –“
“I’m sorry, Mark.  I’m sorry.”  Dorine hugged Mark tightly and Mark returned the gesture with glee.
“I’m sorry too, Mom…”  Mark finally stopped crying and he just relished the feeling of his Mom’s embrace.  Eventually, both of their cries died down and his Mom told Mark to sit on the couch while she makes some tea.  When Dorine comes back, she is holding two mugs of steaming tea, handing one to his son before sitting next to him.
“Is Dad here?”  He asked after blowing on the steam on his tea.
“No – but he will be back tomorrow.”  Dorine responded and Mark nods; thinking of what else to say after the outburst that he had made earlier.  Dorine sensed that her son is still uneasy so she laid a hand on top of his – the one that’s resting on top of his thigh.
“What happened to you and ______, Mark?”  Mark takes a sip of his tea and he felt the warm liquid gush down his throat, the warmth spreading through his tired limbs and he felt a bit relaxed.  He intertwines his fingers with his Mom’s before taking another gulp of his tea before setting it on top of the coffee table in front of them.
“The morning I left after you’ve told me everything about ______, I decided to forget about her; since it’s been 10 years since the last time I saw her…; so I thought it wouldn’t really matter if I would never see her again…”  Mark nibbles on his bottom lip and a light squeeze on his hand urged him to continue.
“While I was driving home, I saw her on a café near a fair and decided to follow her, since it might be the last time that I’ll be able to see her…”  Mark licks his dry lips before continuing.
“I followed her while she was playing games at the fair – she even won a panda bear with those dart games and she looked so happy… then she walked her way towards the Han River and I still followed her from afar…” Mark’s fingers traced the rim of his cup while he stares at it as if it’s the most precious thing in the world.
“When she finally reached Han River and managed to get a comfortable spot where she can sit down, I stood underneath a tree a few meters away from her… since it was night time, it was pretty dark in that area so I am sure she won’t be able to see me…”
“Then she was trying to call my cell and I was so conflicted if I should pick it up or not so I just stared at my phone… then… I was taken aback when I look up to her already looking at my direction.  I walked away out of panic Mom and she might have noticed me so she followed me, but I just ran away from her and hid inside the convenience store.  I thought she was gone for good, Mom, but when I came back to the café where I parked my car, I saw her, she was waiting for me.  Until…”  Mark’s voice quivered and he closed his eyes in frustration.
“I didn’t know what I was doing… All I have in mind was to run away from her and I didn’t look at her beside me while she taps my window… I just drove away, my car slowly gaining speed… then I just stopped when I realized that she is not there anymore… I looked for her when I came down from my slump… But I haven’t found her anywhere… I was also told by Jackson and Bambam that she was best friends with Bambam’s tutor and they were trying to look for her and me but… those things happened…”
“I went to her house the next morning thanks to Bambam… and she was so mad at me Mom… She threw me out of her house… I can’t blame her, I was such an ass for doing that to her… Then Jackson even told me that she was almost hit by a truck because….”  Mark cried and Dorine clutched his heaving shoulder.
“Because I left her behind… luckily his ex was there and he saved her... but that guy hurt her in the past… however, I also realized that I might have hurt her more now… and I don’t know what to do… Mom… I don’t know if she will ever forgive me after what I did…”  Mark wiped his puffy eyes before staring at his Mom.
“I honestly didn’t care if you or Dad gets mad at me by coming after her that morning… but I guess it isn’t important because she won’t come back to me anymore…”  He lets out a sad chuckle and Dorine pulls her son to her chest.
“But Mom… I really love her… and I don’t want to lose her… I don’t know what to do…”  He says and Dorine hugged him tighter.
“This is all Mama’s fault, baby…”  She kissed the top of his son’s head and Mark felt tired, really, really tired that he just stopped crying altogether.  He cannot even answer his Mom anymore.  He had talked a whole lot today and being an introverted person, talking about his innermost feelings leaves him exhausted as much as physical work does.  Dorine just continued apologizing to her son as she taps his back, the boy still hiccupping from how hard he had cried earlier.
Soon enough, Mark’s cries and hiccups totally died down and he had fallen asleep on his mother’s lap.  Dorine slowly placed her son’s head on top of the couch pillow before grabbing a small towel to wipe his son’s face drenched in dried tears and snot.
Dorine feels remorseful towards her son, and towards you.  She didn’t know that it will come to this point at all.  She is aware of her son’s attraction towards you but she never thought that it will this deep too soon.  However, she had thought about it carefully and just smiled when it dawned on her how amazing, strong, and beautiful you once were, and she was sure that you are even better now that you’ve grown up.  She was thinking that her son and you are probably really meant for each other, because despite being apart for too long and not recognizing each other when the two met again, their hearts easily got familiar on who they were with; and it brought them back together.
The guilt is still eating her insides up looking at her son who looks like a small little boy on their living room couch, lying on his side, curling like a ball, his eyes swollen, fluffy, and his lips dry. She hasn’t even noticed that the color of her son’s hair is now brown until then.
That was when she made a decision that might change both of their lives forever.
Junhyung went to his office and opened the documents that the younger had handed over to him.  He skims over the information – to the girl’s full name, birthday, etc. There were a few photos as well and has already confirmed that the girl on the documents is his wife’s long lost daughter – not that he doesn’t know about it before – but at least he has his wife’s daughter’s latest contact information and address.
He goes over to the other document which states who your sponsors are and his eyes widened at the recognition.
Dorine Tuan?
Wasn’t it Mark Tuan’s mother?  His son’s boss and good friend?  He thought carefully and he is positive that that is Mark Tuan’s mother’s name.  He remembers meeting up with them quite a few times to talk about their sons and their businesses, along with Randy and Sophia, who are Jackson’s parents.  The six of them also went on vacation in Jeju sometime this year courtesy of their own sons when they managed to get a large contract for their start-up firm.
So it was Dorine who took care of ______ in (Y/C/O) and brought her here?
“…but I think her husband should not know about all of this so she kept it a secret… even after 10 years…
Junhyung put two and two together and he had realized that Raymond was actually against the whole plan of Dorine taking his wife’s daughter to Korea… but why?  Is it because of her sickness?  They could have easily taken her in in their custody since technically she was an orphan after what had happened to her back in (Y/C/O).  What could be the exact reason why Raymond didn’t approve of Dorine’s plans 10 years ago?
“…along with her eldest son…”
Eldest son?  Isn’t that Mark Tuan?
Junhyung wonders if Mark has any idea about this whole thing, since he definitely had met his wife’s daughter 10 years ago.  He wonders if Dorine had shared this information to her eldest son, or he was completely oblivious to his mother’s secret.
Junhyung is not sure if the new found information would be able to help him or not.  He is yet to find out.
Part 16
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cruisinfdr · 7 years
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i was tagged by @atksims !! thank you !!
i decided to do sterling to spice things up a lil bit
1. What is your sim’s favorite food? he could live off of chicken nuggets
2. What is your sim’s favorite color? red and blue 8~)
3. What is your sim’s zodiac sign? as a gemini,,, i choose gemini
4. Does your sim believe in “love at first sight”? yeah thats what always happens in the movies right mom
5. What is your sim’s sexuality? he’s 8 years old
6. Is your Sim a cat or dog person? (or both?) cats are too boring for him get my son a dog to run around with
7. Adding to the previous question, if your sim were to have a cat and/or dog, what kind/breed(s) would it be? i think he’d be happy w any dog but he wants a dog bigger than he is. give me the biggest mutant dog u can find
8. Does your Sim have a best friend? sacha is his best friend but dont tell anyone because its a dumb baby thing to have ur brother as ur best friend. if anyone asks, its his Cool, Older Cousin shiloh
9. Does your Sim have a favorite life stage? he’s having a good time as a child rn. its great to be 8 !!
10. What is your sim’s ethnicity? i never really thought v much about ethnicity, i usually only stuck to race to keep things simpler, but when i read this i had to figure it out so i went back 4 generations to when his great grandma was adopted and i can conclude he is 1/4 Japanese, 1/8 Haitian, 1/8 Swiss, 1/8 Irish, 1/8 German, 1/8 Swedish, 1/16 Mexican, 1/32 French, and 1/32 Polish. no one ever wanted to know this but here we go lmfao
11. If your Sim could travel to anywhere in the world, where would they visit? disneyworld
12. If your Sim was a castaway on a distant, uncharted island, who would they bring? he would bring his mom so she can help him get home lmao
13. Does your Sim have a favorite tv show and/or movie? teen titans (but the old one not the new one) (ugh i hate childrens tv shows now they used to be so good)
14. Does your sim believe in the “simulation theory”? he’s 8 he barely knows basic multiplication
15. Does your Sim have a favorite kind of clothing to wear? he likes to dress like a “”Tough Kid”” but really he just wears a lot of jeans n graphic t shirts
16. Does your Sim have a lucky charm? nah
17. What kind of music or singers does your sim listen to? enjoy
18. Does your Sim have a favorite family activity to do together? he loves to go to the park and play with sacha and his moms
19. What is your sim’s age? lmfao 8 and a half (((it’s almost 9 so uh. yeah hes a big kid)))
20. Does your Sim have a dream job? hes gonna be the worlds greatest super spy. or a super cool secret agent. whatever it is, hes going to look straight out of an action movie ok trust him
21. What is your sim’s favorite beverage? he likes soda but riley says he cant have it very much since its sugary >:( sometimes lorelei sneaks him some but shhh
22. What is your sim’s favorite dessert? warm chocolate chip cookies
23. Does your Sim have any siblings? if so, do they get along with all of them? sacha his brother who is older by approximately 2 minutes ((which bothers him because sacha is such a baby) & they argue every now and then but otherwise theyre p good
24. What activity/hobby makes your sim the happiest? he loves playing on the jungle gym and monkey bars
25. If you could meet your sim, would you be friends with them? i dont really hang w 8 year olds and i think he’s 2 tough 4 me so. nah. but i mean when he’s older ......
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Hm... something about Rey and the ghost of Shmi Skywalker?
Rey is 273 days on Jakku when the woman with the dark eyes and the faint lines around her eyes bends down, and helps her wash the dust and debris from a hyperspace drive port. (Two and a half portions, never let it be said that Rey doesn’t know her worth.) “There,” the woman says, and when she smiles the lines around her eyes carve even deeper. When Rey drags the brush over the drive port, no sand kicks up. “Shiny and new. Go on, now—you can’t let him run out of portions.”
“’m Rey,” Rey says, breathless, clutching the port to her chest.
“Go!” the woman says, and Rey runs. She gets in line just in time to get the last three portions from Unkar. But when tries to find the woman after—
The sand is empty of sentients, and no one seems to know the human woman with dark hair, darker eyes, not even when Rey wanders among the camps and asks for her. Rey is only 273 days, and hungry, and so she eats there, squatted down in the sand outside someone’s tent—scarfing down half-mixed portions because she’s dizzy with starving, and she can’t wait. If the dark-haired woman wanted some, she should have been easier to find.
Rey sleeps that night full—or, at least, what she thinks is full—and dreams of a wattle-and-daub hut, and a woman with dark hair, dark eyes, laughing. The woman’s son sits with sun-bleached hair, his mouth is skewed as he works on a droid to help his mother with the customers that come. Rey helps too, and when he smiles at her, it feels like coming-home.
They are so happy, and Rey wakes crying, even though that is water she cannot afford to lose.
“No, not that one,” the woman says, and Rey drops the part like it burns her hand to touch. She whirls around, and there is the woman with the dark eyes, dark hair. She’s smiling, a little bemusedly, at Rey, at the specific part Rey was trying to extract from the mess of decay and rust.
“What’s wrong with it?” Rey demands. She is six hundred and seven days now, and she thought—
“Navigation systems are fiddly,” the woman says, stepping towards her, and then she is there, close enough for Rey to touch, to—“Biologic growth damages them first, interferes with the electro-magnetic signaling. This has—” she grunts, and the part comes away in her hand. “This has overgrown. It’s not worth installing again, it’ll just send the ship off-course trying to follow all those awful fractals.”
“What good does that do me?” Rey asks, thinking of all the portion she’s lost, if this stranger is right. She’d just wanted—
But the stranger smiles, and her eyes crinkle at the corners. “Come on,” she says, lowering herself to sit on the durasteel floor of the mighty star destroyer. “I’ll show you a trick my unscrupulous master showed me, on how to make it look as though tech has never been damaged.”
Rey spends the whole afternoon with her chin hooked over the woman’s soft shoulder, watching as she shows Rey how to reroute, undo, lay down new electric pathways. She smells like something sharp, the way Rey has always imagined ozone would smell if Rey had ever found the courage to leave the atmosphere. Her eyes are older than her face, that much Rey knows for sure.
“There you go,” the woman finally says, pressing the piece into Rey’s hand. “Good as new. Plutt won’t even be able to tell the difference, so you shouldn’t accept less than five and a quarter portions—”
“What about you?” Rey asks. The woman is warm, and alive, and human, and Rey finds herself hoping she’s her mother. Just to have something, someone. And especially her, with her crinkled eyes, the way she rests a hand against Rey’s cheek like—
“Oh, I’m fine,” the woman says, and Rey’s heart falters. “You will be full, on five and a quarter portions. That’s enough.”
Rey eats alone, eats until she is sick on constituted bread and meat, and she lies in her own bed biting down on her fist to keep herself from crying.
Sometimes, Rey looks out of the corner of her eye, and there she is, the woman with the dark hair and the dark eyes. “Hello, Mother,” Rey begins greeting her at some point, muttered in between breaths as she extracts another part, as she wakes from her midday nap in the shadowy berth of a star destroyer, as she forces herself to stay longer, work harder.
Sometimes, she hears someone murmur, hello, daughter, but she’s not sure. She’s not.
Poor affection-starved Rey, longing for a family, any family, even a ghost. Even the vague shape, even a shadow. Even the hint of a mother, whispering in her ear, droids have always been harbingers of good news, of better things ahead. Strangers may be angels. You are more. Run, go. I will follow you there.
Rey  isn’t sure, really, but in the barracks of D’Qar, Rey tosses and turns, until a cool hand comes to rest on her forehead, her neck. Shhh, a voice that is not quite the Force but might be something similar, whispers. It strokes its cool knuckles over the rabbit-pulse of her jugular. Shh, rest. You have a war to fight in the morning.
Luke has holos of his family—Padmé Amidala and Anakin Skywalker, Uncle Owen and Aunt Beru Whitesun-Lars. But it’s the holo of their their step-mother, Shmi, that stops Rey in her tracks, stops her breathing at all. Anakin’s mother, Luke says, but Rey is holding onto he lightsaber too tightly to hear.
I know her, she says, and Luke goes still, blinks. 
She used to—sing me lullabies, Rey says, because that’s all she can remember just now, the dark-haired-dark-eyed woman—Shmi Skywalker, chosen to be Mother of the Living Force, blessed, holy—humming in Rey’s darkened AT-AT. Shmi singing in Huttese; warm and calloused hands, a rough voice singing of how much she loved, would protect—
Luke catches Rey before she hits her knees, gathers her up to his chest. Shh, Luke murmurs, stroking her hair as Rey sobs. Shhh, it’s all right. Everything will—it’ll turn out right. It’ll be—it’ll be right.
Rey feels a cool touch at her forehead (impossible, Luke’s hands are hot at her waist, and—) and she sobs again, feeling hollow, feeling like she’s come home, somehow, impossibly. It is a war, she shouldn’t feel….
Shh, Luke and his grandmother whisper together, cradling Rey against the bulwark of light they represent. Shh.
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ecotone99 · 5 years
[SP] Mother's Day
Background: My good friend says every Mother’s day she and her family go to the cemetery where some of the in-laws are buried and celebrate the matriarchs of the family. Sounds like a delightful family ritual. I thought I would write up my take on what happens.
Mother’s Day
I sat crouched in the darkness as the first rays of light broke on the horizon, hidden behind a solid wall of granite. I held the dagger, tightly between my hands, trembling ever so slightly as I scanned the cemetery grounds for movement.
“Mom? Why are we in a graveyard, and why do you have the kitchen knife?”
Ok, so it wasn’t so much of a dagger but a really sharp chef’s knife. I mean, it was a Wülsthof, so it’s not like it was undagger-like. It was at least German steel, so that made it feel like a dagger to me. All that really mattered was that it was metal and sharp. I scowled a bit as I looked at my son standing there with a flashlight. This was his first time out. Being on cusp of middle school I felt it was reasonable to bring him along - one day he would need to take over this job - if he loved me that is.
“Shhh Cy! Just watch” I hissed. I immediately felt badly - it wasn’t his fault he was in such a screwed up family. Hell, it wasn’t my fault either. The least my husband could have done was disclosed what would happen before we brought kids into this.
I scanned across the field but there was nothing but headstones, tufts of grass, and old vases filled with dying flowers. I took a moment to contemplate the scene, relaxing just a bit to settle into my awareness. This had become a regular pattern for me over the past decade - each May I spend my weekdays taking the kids to school, doing the laundry, and even enjoying Michigan Spring with a bit of yard cleanup. Then Mothers day weekend would come and I would pack up the kitchen knives, jump in the Ford Flex, and head to the local cemetery at dawn to kill my in-laws.
Well, I’m not really sure, now that I think of it, whether I’m actually killing them. Perhaps this is splitting hairs (ha ha!), but when they crawl out of the ground like they do I can’t imagine they’re actually alive. I mean, it sure feels like a zombie/vampire/undead kind of event (at least from my limited tour of netflix shows on the topic), though it doesn’t happen until day break. I don’t really get that either - every show where the undead rise seems to have them coming out at night. I once argued with a girlfriend over this, emphatic that it couldn’t be an undead uprising and that there must be another explanation since it never begins until daylight breaks. She doesn’t talk to me anymore - something about how I project my feelings on my inlaws to justify keeping my kids away from them. Fuck her.
“Mom, what’s that?” Cy stammers. He’s right beside me now, leaning up against the big monolith emblazoned with the name “Levine Schroeder”. He’s safe there, Levine was just another dead great great grandpa who happened to die early enough that he was buried at the edge of the family plots. His stone made for a great vantage point of the rest of the field, For some reason you never had to worry about the men in the family coming back to life, only the women. And then, too, only the women who married in. I don’t know if it was a curse or a plague, but it was weird as shit. And ever since I joined the family I’ve been a central actor in this play.
I looked down at his hands and saw he was clutching a small red pocket knife - a Victorinox swiss army knife, with its one and half inch blade extended. A smile crossed my lips - that was my boy scout son, always prepared. I brought him out here just to observe, to understand his “heritage” as it were. But silently I was proud that he was ready to to help out - there was a reason I brought him instead of his brother Henry.
My eyes darted across the landscape and followed his gaze to a stone roughly fifteen yards away. There was movement, certainly, though in the still breaking light it was tough to tell. It looked like Susan’s stone, a great aunt who was married to my husband’s uncle Alan.
“Just watch” I hissed through my teeth to him, and began to move towards the shaking pile of dirt. Despite having only done this for the past ten years or so I had developed a bit of a technique. See, if you move in slow and wait for them to surface their head above the ground you can hit them with one strike and send them back to their grave none-the-wiser that another Mother’s day had passed. Quick and painless (I think!?). What better way to honor a dead ancestor?
After I dispatched Susan I went on to Janet and Michelle. Pardon me, Michèle. Supposedly she was French from the countryside, though she died nearly 20 years ago so I never met her (minus the last ten years I’ve been returning her to her grave on M-day, of course). I think I would have liked to have met her though; out of all the corpses crawling out of the ground at me she seemed to have the most lovely vintage clothing, and you just got this sense that she was well put together.
I saved grandma Ruth Schroeder for the last. She passed when Cy was just a baby and, while I’m sure he didn’t remember her, I thought it only fitting that I share this experience with him. She was older than the others when she passed, and was slow, so she was an easy kill (or whatever it was I was doing).
“Cy, pay attention.” I called to him, still hiding in the shadow of Levine’s stone.
“The key is you have to hit them in the head, don’t just hack away at them like a tree.” The minute I said it I rolled my own eyes. Hacking away at undead like a tree. WTF. What kind of world was I living in.
I approached Ruth, or what was once Ruth, and eyed her up. She shambled towards me on mission unknown - I’d never let one bite me, or whatever it is they were going to do. Hell, maybe they just wanted to give me a hug. But after all this time I wasn’t going to find out.
“The eye is easiest, but anywhere in the head is fine after all this time” I called out, not bothering to look back. I plunged my knife up into Ruth’s skull just between her jaw bones on the right side. The lifeless body fell to the ground and turned to ash like the others. “See, when you do that it’s quick and painless” I continued.
I heard Cy shout: “M-MO--” then pain lanced through the left side of my face and everything went dark.
I came to with Cy sobbing over me and a headache beyond compare. The sun had risen in the sky and my scout den mother foresting skills told me it was mid-morning. I groaned as I sat up, pain lancing through my face. My hand found dried blood.
“Oh Mom!” Cy said, a mixture of joy and desperation bringing him to tears as he grabbed me in a hug only a fourth grader could give. I saw a flower vase on the ground next to me, a twisted kitschy metal container usually attached to cheap grave markers. Next to it was Cy’s knife, sitting discarded in a pile of ashes.
Bethany. Shit, I had forgotten. The cancer last year. Damnit. But Cy had my back. So I guess I made it one more year on this side of the graves. I stood up, bracing myself on Cy, and picked up his knife.
“We might have to get you a bigger knife” I said, trying my hand at levity. It failed miserably and he started to sob. I picked up my chef's knife and as we walked back to the car I noticed the tip of the knife had broken off. It had been getting old anyways - a wedding present of course - and the handle on the paring knife had long since split. Couldn’t find the bread knife to save my life. Idly I thought to myself that it seemed like a refresh of the cutlery was in order. Maybe I would go down to the Williams Sonoma in the mall this afternoon and see if they had any of those Henckles for a good price. They must have a sale on, it’s Mother’s day after all.
submitted by /u/cab938 [link] [comments] via Blogger http://bit.ly/2HiF7vz
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