#he is my sweetest most precious child
tortoisebore · 1 year
originally reblogged the sibling post but then it made me feel itchy so here i am again
im the youngest of 4!! all of them are my half siblings, but saying "half sibling" is more of a family tree thing than an actual relationship thing. two brothers on my moms side, one sister on my dads. ive only met my sister maybe 5 times, her and my dad have never been on good terms. my middle brother and i are best friends despite the age difference and my oldest brother lives across the country but we try to talk often. youngest children get shit for getting the most attention from their parents, and although i think thats true and i could write a 10 page essay on the shitty ways my parents treated my middle brother compared to me, but there are completely unfair expectations for every child, and i think it isnt right to say that all that attention was always good attention. very fortunate to have a good relationship with my brothers, though, its made a lot of days easier! im the only fire sun of my siblings and my middle brother and i are a menace together since hes a scorpio! love him sm
allllll placements within the family are different and as the oldest sibling it sometimes feels like the younger kids have it easier but they DON’T—their experiences are just different!
like, my oldest-younger sister & i grew up with extremely strict conservative christian parents, but thankfully they’ve turned around a lot in the last couple of years and have become more lenient and progressive. but parenting-wise, it’s like night & day between the two oldest siblings in our family and the two youngest
it looks from the outside like my brother has zero rules—he doesn’t have to do chores, he can be on his computer all day unsupervised without anyone constantly checking his browser history, watch whatever he wants, etc. and the parts of me that are still bitter at how my parents raised me is sometimes like ‘that’s not fair.’
BUT, my brother doesn’t have the same structure that gave me an early sense of responsibility that i cherish now as an adult, he doesn’t have multiple siblings in the house with him to keep him company so he spends a lot of time alone, and the attention he does finally get is often negative for grades, behavior, etc. it’s also hard for him to be the only boy, and come after my sister and i, who were both always on our best behavior, had great grades without trying, and ‘respected’ our parents (really we were just too afraid of punishment to argue back), so my brother gets deemed ‘difficult’ just bc he came after two ‘easy’ daughters. it’s hard for me to watch the way he’s treated and spoken about sometimes because i can recognize his experience now, so i’m always his #1 defender in any situation, even when he might be in the wrong. fighting anyone that comes after him also means punching at my own family sometimes lmaooo but u gotta do what u gotta do
it’s such a huge relief to be close with them despite all of these weird & changing dynamics, i’m so glad that you’re close with your brother! at the end of the day our siblings are the people we spent the most time with and the ones that i feel like we see ourselves the most in, good and bad. like, there are pieces of me in each of my siblings and pieces of each of them in me, and even when it doesn’t always manifest in a positive way, those are the parts of myself i’m most fond of
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dcxdpdabbles · 8 days
I was thinking about Danny talking about Dan to the Justice League and all it would take would be a little slip of the tongue for Danny's "he's my evil future self" to be heard as "he's my evil future son." Because it's one thing to have futures where You turn evil, but another thing to have futures where your family members, your KIDS, turn evil.
Phantom was new to the Justice League team. He had been inducted only three months ago and could be seen coming and going at odd hours. No one really knew much about him.
Phantom was recommended by Wonder Woman during the last selection. Apparently, she knew him due to a mutual acquaintance, a woman named Pandora, who had asked the princess to meet the boy—teenager? Man? It was hard to know what to call him because his physical appearance was that of a youth when he was immortal. She rarely nominated anyone for membership, but the person was precious to the team when she did.
And the ghost was.
Although he needed some formal training, Phantom had an excellent grasp of his powers and the cleverness to pull off moves with them, which Batman even praised. Many of the members adored Phantom's willingness to take on any role in a team.
He never complained about letting someone else take the lead, followed orders without much trouble, blended well with anyone as a teammate, and, most of all, had compassion for civilians. Phantom was often the hero who lingered after a battle to help clean up and provide relief aid.
Civilians adored him, and his fans were growing in numbers.
Despite all of this, Phantom wasn't really close with anyone. The ghost rarely lingered after his missions or monitor duty. He flew in, kept to himself, and left out once he was done.
Phantom never started or helped the conversation progress if it was not mission-related. He wasn't as bad as Batman, but he made it hard to connect to him. Diana assured everyone it wasn't because Phantom did not like them—he was only shy.
It was hard to put the being who single-handedly held off Superman the last time he was mind-controlled next to the word shy. Yet they've seen it.
They saw him nervously play with his gloves as someone spoke to him, struggled to think of what to say in conversations, and even ducked his head when he got too anxious.
It was like whiplash to see the ghost go from a shy, nervous teenager to the one that stopped and held Superman in a taekwondo hold until Batman could stab the needle to get him free of mind control.
Then, that same powerful fighter drags himself to the crowd and the smocking city, ready to assist in any way.
Despite being exhausted and covered in wounds, Phantom helped the crew in charge of clearing the debris by lifting heavy objects and scanning the building for people needing medical attention.
Phantom had been more than willing to follow emergency services' commands, personally thanking the EMTs and firefighters once the chaos was over. When a little boy asked for a photo, Phantom told him they could take one when everything settled.
No one expected the ghost to keep to his word, finding the boy and his mother later at a hospital for that photo. He has been awfully apologetic that the camera could only catch a blurry outline of him with his glowing green eyes.
The little boy hadn't stopped grinning despite suffering a broken leg.
He was literally the sweetest little hero—Bruce had to remind himself that he was not an actual child and was, in fact, thousands of years old whenever he saw the ghost fidgeting with something while on monitor duty.
That's why, the day Phantom threw himself into one of the lounges couches with a distressed sigh, everyone in the area surrounded him.
"Everything alright, Phantom?" Asked Oliver as the ghost's glow flickered in and out of his usual glow.
The immortal did not remove his hands from his face but nodded. His glow lowered again as if reacting to his lie.
The heroes gave each other loaded looks before Diana stepped forward. "You seemed troubled, dear friend. Are you willing to allow us to lead an ear to your woes?"
"Dan is just giving me trouble," Phantom mumbled, his words muffled by his hands.
Wonder glanced at the others, but when they shrugged in confusion, she sat next to the teenager. Placing one supporting hand on his shoulder, she rubbed it gently and leaned towards him. "Who is Dan?"
Barry blinks. "You?"
"Yeah, the evil me of the future."
Phantom becoming evil? That was inconceivable.
"Did something happen to make you think you're going evil?" Barry asks gently, taking the other open seat on Phantom's left. He places a warm hand on Phantom's hunched-over back and is violently reminded of how tiny the boy must have been when he died.
It breaks his heart. He's smaller than Wally.
"The ancient of Time showed me that he destroyed the world. I helped create him, so I had to be the one to stop him. For the good of the world."
Diana sucks in a gasp, making Oliver, Hal, Barry, and Dinah weary at once. She made the hand motion, signaling that she would explain later, making the other heroes nod. "I know you may blame yourself, but that was merely a warning from the gods. You still have time to change the outcome."
Phantom glances up from behind his fingers. "You really think so?"
"Yes, of course."
The ghost offers everyone a small smile before vanishing from sight. There are gasps and a desperate cry for his name, but eventually, they realize the ghost has left.
"What was that about?" Hal asks after a moment.
Wonder Woman stands, striding over to the large windows of the watch tower. Her eyes turn to the brightest star visible with a small, sad smile. "Clockwork is the name of the ancient- one of the gods- that controls time. He rarely has champions, but when he does, he often gives them glances of their future. Many claim it's more of a curse than a blessing, for they often see the worse of what is to become."
Dinah straightens. "You're saying Phantom really will go evil?"
"No." Diana closes her eyes. "Ghosts are formed in three ways. The first is death. Someone or something dies, and they are formed from the souls getting attached to ectoplasm. The second is that they are bestowed a duty and are created to keep that duty alive. It often governs a part of our reality- space, dreams, wishes, and even plants. The last is the least common due to how rare it is for ghosts to have powerful enough cores. It is to be born from a stronger ghost, taking pieces of their core and growing into their own person."
Diana turns back to the confused-looking heroes to deliver her blow. "Phantom said it was himself that turned evil, but referred to himself as "Dan". Ghosts do not change their names, for their names are part of what holds their cores together. This means Dan is not him but came from him. His son will grow to be evil, and Phantom will likely have to put him down per Clockwork's instructions for the good of the world."
Hal bites out a curse. "That's sick. How could the time god ask Phantom to kill his own kid? Even if he is evil, Phantom doesn't deserve to have that duty placed on his shoulders. He's just a kid."
"But he isn't," Barry sighs. "Phantom is older than ancient Egypt. He just looks like a kid."
"It does not matter." Wonder Woman declares. "Clockwork's warnings can be overturned. We just need to help Dan off the road of darkness while he is still young."
They call for a Justice League meeting, one that only includes the original team that founded the league, to discuss a strategy plan. At first, some want to change the meeting to discuss how to put down Dan, wondering if being Phantom's son made him just as powerful before Batman stands up.
Bruce does not like the idea that the boy will end up destroying the world, but he is the most outspoken about Dan's innocence in the present day. His scorching words make a few ashamed of themselves for giving up on saving the boy before even meeting him.
The meeting drags on for hours until they eventually agree that they will monitor the child. If they realize he is too far gone to save, they will be the ones to end him. Phantom did not deserve to be the killer.
Clark asked Phantom to bring Dan around and introduce him. They dress the indentation as a league-wide party for the member's family (those in the know). The ghost looked spooked before he agreed to bring his child to meet the team.
A week later, every hero smiles politely at the six-foot-tall man with flaming hair who introduces himself as Dan. He's as bulky as Bane, and his low, dark voice echoes through the room. It's comedic compared to the cracking voice of his father, who has to flout to make them the same height.
As soon as the pair of ghosts fly away to speak to Supergirl and Robin, Barry grabs Bruce's cape. "That's a full-grown man."
"I know"
"Bats, that man is built like a brick house. "
"I thought Phantom said he was three? How in the Speed force is that man three?"
"It seems ghosts age differently. Or they are formed to take on the age they desire. I need to do research."
While the surrounding founding members whisper to each other, more heroes arrive at the makeshift party, some in their costumes and some in their civilian identities.
There are various reactions to Dan. A few consider him Phantom's father or brother, but both ghosts quickly make faces. Phantom reminds someone no less than five times that Dan is his future self.
Wonder Woman has to follow the pair whispering to confuse members about the cultural differences between ghosts and children. She doesn't have to explain that to the magic users or those who have worked with ghosts before.
There were a few who had vastly different reactions.
The members of Young Justice, including Secret, all backed up the claims that ghosts did not change their names and were treating Dan as a Phantom's son without blinking an eye.
John Constantine looked at Dan and cooed. "Aw, a baby core. How old is he?"
Phantom cracks a smile while Dan scoffs. "Three"
"Adorable." He raised his flask in salute, "He's powerful. You must be so proud."
Phantom's smile becomes strained. "Thank you."
Across the room, the founding members swear they will save Dan no matter what, as the larger ghost rolls his eyes and crosses his arms.
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dwindlinghaze · 11 months
HIII YOU’RE SO AWESOME! I was wondering if I could request a extroverted introvert!fem reader x introverted!Remus, where she is introverted and very sunshiny in public and remus is grumpy but he’s literally madly in love with her? like sarcastic, confident Remus is with this like bubbly and giggly girl and just a cutesie little story about them?
I hope this isn’t too much!
-Anon 🫶🫶
hi, lovelyy! thank you for requesting this! i loved the idea a lot and i hope you don't mind me writing r as girly and feminine :) 🫖👛🫧🪽🎀
sunshine and midnight rain
(remus lupin x reader)
contents : fluff, kissing, sweethearts in the sweetest love 😭🩷
  . • ☆ . ° .• °:. *₊ ° . ☆
when he first saw you walking this morning with the brightest smile ever, he wanted to hold you and forget about everything in schedule today.
he saw you waving to a ravenclaw, blowing the girl a kiss as the two of you laughed. it was so adorable and heart warming. he couldn't believe it.
you plopped down next to him, greeting your boyfriend a good morning.
"morning, angel," he replied, kissing your head with a gentle yet firm pressure.
"how'd you sleep last night?" you asked, rubbing his cheeks softly.
"um good," he replied shortly. "would be better if you were with me but i'll survive," he smiled.
"oh rem, you can always ask me to be with you whenever you want okay?"
"i know, lovie," he replied, kissing you once more on your soft cheek.
when you two first started dating, it was a huge shock to the friend group. you two were the absolute opposite of each other and maybe that's why you two completed each other so well.
remus needs rays of golden sunshine, a beautiful princess-like girl whose heart is veiled with fresh daisies and soft hands to keep himself grounded while you needed those midnight rains to keep your flower field of your heart blooming continuously.
he remembered the first date you two had was on the most whimsical day ever. he laid out a picnic date for the two of you in the middle of a field of wild flowers.
when he saw you walking in from the door, his eyes were met with fleecy skin, sparkly eyes, light pink clothes, and a pure heart to tie them all together.
he couldn't believe it. such a dreamy girl wanted to be on a date with him!
he felt special. lucky. and best.
"you're absolutely stunning," he mumbled in awe as he saw you sitting down next to him, your soft skirt calmly hovering above his leg.
"remus, so are you," you said, smiling at him with a smile so sugary.
remus realised how quiet you were being. but he knew that he's not the cause of it. you were calm and peaceful, enjoying the soft winds surrounding you two.
"i made some food for us both, i hope you're hungry," he said, putting a good amount of food on to the plate he brought.
"mmm looks tasty," you beamed. "you must be a very good cook."
"i try," he smiled weakly. "i hope it isn't too bad, sorry if it is."
you took a portion of it, placing it on your mouth as you hummed in contentment. "it's delicious! do you cook a lot?" you asked.
"i help my mom sometimes, yeah," he blushed, squeezing your soft knuckles.
"oh that's so sweet of you!" you giggled.
he loves you. so very much. he has been looking for you since he first heard his mother reading a romance fairytale when he was a child.
of course he wasn't thinking of you at that very moment. but he was hoping to have a lovely fairytale, he's glad his hope was fulfilled by meeting you.
he knew at the first moment he landed eyes on you, you will wrap his fragile heart in the most precious and endless love. he wasn't mad about it, he knew he will always have you by his side and he can rely on you whenever.
despite his rough and grumpy exterior, inside his heart was painted with your colours of pearls: pale white, pink, and softly glowing.
his friends teased him about it.
"how can she make you so soft and puddly? you're like a stone with us," sirius groaned. they're best of friends. remus is familiar with sirius' hyperbole jokes.
remus didn't reply, he kept on reading.
"moony, what do you call a dark house with pink interior?" sirius asked, one of his jokes.
"hmm?" remus replied, unamused.
"a remus!" sirius roared with laughter, james laughing along as he patted sirius' back for his horrible joke.
usually after a full moon, remus wouldn't even break a smile. he physically couldn't. but ever since you're his, he smiled whenever you visited him at the infirmary.
even james told you about it. "our grumpy remus smiles more often now that he met you," said the boy when you returned from the hospital wing to eat breakfast.
"really?" your heart warmed. you loved making people smile. it felt like you had accomplished something so special. although it's not a hard thing for people to do when you're around.
"yup. he usually sulks around the room after his furry little problem but now he looks... healthier and more alive somehow," sirius said.
"i'm so glad. i think he deserves the best of the best."
at first remus' friends were hesitant about your relationship, afraid that remus' cold demeanour would gloom down your shine but it never did. if anything your shine had brightened him up.
his friends were grateful and happy for remus. they know you're the perfect girl for him. a big part of loving someone else is to love yourself first. and you did that both so wonderfully.
remus isn't scared of you not accepting him for his lycanthropy. though he does have a fear of hurting you one day. that doesn't stop him from loving you and being open to you about himself.
he knew you're open minded. with your bold beliefs of equal rights in society. he wasn't scared. he wasn't in pain. after all the awful things the universe had given him, a lovely sweet girl is there, making the life he has bearable again.
the first night after he told you about his lycanthropy, you wanted to stay for him. but he insisted on you to not to do that and meet him the next morning instead.
no, he wasn't embarrassed of his appearance right after the transformation. his scars don't heal overnight. he physically looked the same the night before and the morning after, except that he's more relaxed the next morning as for the slumber really helped.
he just doesn't want you to be tired. he wanted you to sleep well. having the rest an angel always needs. of course you wanted to be with him before and after. but you know better than to go against him during his weakest point.
you see him the next morning, bringing a bag of chocolates and croissants.
you placed the bag on the bedside table, reaching for his hand instead. he was still asleep, eyes fluttering cause he's dreaming. you caressed his rough and scarred fingers softly, humming a tune.
remus woke up in the most peaceful way ever. seeing you beside him, playing with his fingers. "morning, princess."
you looked over at him, smiling so big. "oh morning, my remus," his heart fluttered when he heard the nickname. he is yours. forever yours.
"you're here, darlin'."
"i am, i brought breakfast for you," you grabbed the bag of chocolate and croissants, opening them.
he sat up, reaching for the pastry but you pushed his hand away, making him frown in confusion. "i will do the work for you. you've been doing so much to me and i want to do this in return," you giggled. "sit back and relax."
"you don't have to," he said.
"i know. i would never do this to anyone except you."
remus smiled at that, opening his mouth to let you feed him. "you're such a doll. you're so good to me and sometimes i feel like i don't deserve this treatment... i'm not good enough."
"rem, don't worry about that," you smiled at him softly, wiping away the drop of chocolate on his chin. "you have to love and accept yourself. i'm here to be with you all along the journey. i want you to be good to your body, be good to yourself and never say such things like that. life becomes good when you love yourself."
"is your life good?" he asked.
"the best," you answered. "i've learned to be grateful for everything- 'cause i have everything," you chuckled, squeezing his knuckles. "maybe i'm not the ideal type of girl in every person''s eyes but i am my type of girl."
"you're everything i aspire to be," remus said, holding his hand over yours over his heart.
"i love you," you said.
"i love you, darlin', i won't ever stop," he smiled.
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koostarcandy · 2 years
sweet thing
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summary: a night where jungkook comes back to your sweet self, paired with long hugs and silencing kisses.
pairing: jungkook x reader
genre: fluff, there's nothing else you can expect here in star candy land ^^ slight mention of smut, should i mention jaykay has a bike here?
a/n: im putting out everything i can before i get busy again :// inspired by those eyes by new west :3 this is the same universe as the hold on couple but can be read as a stand-alone! oktybyeeee ilyyyyy <3!
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sweetheart: found the bell peppers! we're making that pasta tonight 😤 see you tonight, love you ♡
jungkook re-reads your text, smiling wider each time. he shuts down his gadgets and grabs his helmet, rushing out so he could reach you faster. today was nothing short of long and draining, from half awake coffee making to zoning out at the big computer screen, it was all equally taxing, a routine he was slowly losing himself to.
he impatiently waits at a red light, looking out at pedestrians waddling on the rain soaked road infront of him. he sees worried mothers running after hyperactive children, teenagers sharing earphones and vibing, the elderly holding each other's hands to make sure they cross the road safely. these small things make him believe there's still hope in this world but his biggest reason for persisting will always be you.
you, with your fond smile and shimmery eyes when you see him at the end of a day.
with you all but jumping on him, trusting him to catch you. you try to hold him impossibly closer, landing kisses on every bit of skin of showing. you over him, bare chest to bare chest, heaving in breathlessness, stroking his tattoos and kissing your favourite ones. he gets ticklish when you do that, so you make it a point to kiss him all over, down to his fingers with boxing bruises. you sit up, scold him lightly for being too hard on his poor hands but sending him a proud gaze for progressing in his hobby.
jungkook plays his favourite memories of you in his head over like a broken record. times of you getting drunk and giggly over a bottle of peach soju and dragging him to every karaoke bar in sight. or when you made spicy cheese tteokbokki for 2 weeks straight, amazed that you never got bored of it. it could even be you snuggled into him at the crack of daylight, arms wrapping around him like the prettiest vines. you always press kisses on his chest, hands intertwining with his.
when he misses you deeply, like now, you are the only thing, the sweetest and most precious thing, on his mind.
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"wow, immersion blenders are pretty fucking cool, huh?"
jungkook chuckles into your neck at your child-like enthusiasm, strong arms wrapping around you even tighter. the smell of roasted peppers, garlic and tomatoes are all over in your kitchen and the most distinct one in his sensitive nose, is you. his favourite jasmine lulls him into a sense of calm, ears tuned to your mid-cooking commentary and occasional humming.
"are we done yet? i wanna eat and sleep and watch wednesday with you," jungkook whines for the nth time into your neck, suddenly feeling the full effects of yesterday's leg day. you turn and kiss him, effectively shutting him up. your hands settle on the back of his neck, playing with the nape of his hair. he steadies himself with his hands on your hips, recognizing your foolproof tactic of keeping him quiet.
"patience, my dearest," you smile into his lips, "good things come to those who wait, you know that better than anyone else, koo."
"this pasta better be really freaking good, sweetheart."
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"oh my god, this is the best thing that has ever been in my mouth."
"ugh, stop moaning, koo, your cute lil eyebrows are more than enough and are you sure about that? it's high praise."
"oh, my bad. you'll always be the number one when it comes to-"
"shut up and eat, there's a child here!"
jungkook laughs his elmo laugh, eyes immediately shifting to his beloved doberman. said child is half asleep, tired from playing around with his appa. your pink cheeks are full from the pasta you've made, your eyes becoming happy crescents when it falls on him. he keeps his empty plate aside, scooting closer to you. you take the hint and keep everything aside, sipping your soju-yakult-soda drink for a palate cleanse.
"oh, my big baby," you coo, cupping jungkook's cheeks and rubbing the apples of them. you place kisses on his head, recognizing your favourite vanilla shampoo on him. he curls into you, burying his face in your neck. you wrap him up with the fluffy blanket you've kept on the sofa for nights like these.
bunched up and tensed shoulders finally go down, breathing becoming even and scrunched forehead smoothing over. the jaunty music from the show you're both watching fade into the background, holding your lover as close as possible.
you love the fact that you're one of the first people in jungkook's mind to turn to for comfort because you'd give it to him anytime and any day. this is one of your favourite parts of your late nights together, wrapped in each other and drifting to dreamland and mind full of sweet things.
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pt time: @armys-dna ; @junsai-tree ; @soobhyun ; @shatzkrinslinzki ; @jinsquishes ; @cherishoshi ; @fragmentof-indifference ; @indgio ; @jjkeverlast ; @parkdatjimin
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merakiui · 1 year
AHHH i knew I'd mess up the request 😭 I would really love to have a flower bouquet from the miscellaneous menu, red velvet cupcakes and red mochi beans from midnight menu for my one and only Malleus 🖤 (I'd appreciate it if reader was an afab female)
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yandere!malleus draconia x (female) reader cw: yandere, unhealthy behaviors/relationship, non-con, nsfw, stalking, obsession, slight delusion note - thank you for checking in, dearest guest! enjoy your order! [lunar love hotel]
The beauty of humanity is transient in nature—so fleeting that one of unfathomed age might assume mortals are merely temporary phantasms crocheted into a celestial fiction. Most days it seems as though you are the untouchable human threads woven into a lively tapestry shielded by the toughest, sharpest of brambles. You are the very shape portrayed soft and precious in watercolor portraits, preserved within the haunted corridors of Malleus’s mind. Most days he wakes from poetic rumination and looks at you for who you are: a dear friend. A kind, clever child of man who is unafraid of crossing the threshold that divides humans from those with lengthened lifespans. You are, in every wondrous way, a mortal who continues to fascinate and amaze with your endearing peculiarities. 
Most days Malleus wonders if he could ever flawlessly imitate humanity in the way you do. Perhaps the idea is an impossibility or a childish dream fostered by his inherent need to stitch himself into your tapestry like a loose strand in search of a home. He can sketch your form in his mind every night—can follow your movements with eyes so green you may be smothered in their vibrancy—but he can never quite grasp the meaning of humanity. Although who could, really, when such an inquiry remains one of life’s greatest enigmas? Malleus surmises that is what makes the modern world in which he exists as curious as it is troublesome. 
There is beauty in tragedy. Malleus knows this well because all human life is tragic in some melancholic manner. But nothing can be more devastating than the raw emotions that entwine themselves through you, staining your expression in muted fear. Thankfully, it takes but a moment for the darkness to dispel itself, alight with yellow-green speckles that foretell a familiar presence. He offers you a pleasant smile through the window, not having considered you might still be awake at such an ungodly hour when he appeared for his usual visit to admire you while you lay motionless, wrapped in the sweetest of dreams. The little beast who often accompanies you—Grim—is curled on the bed, his furry frame moving up and down with each peaceful breath he takes.
There is beauty in the sincerity of relief. Malleus knows this well because when your shoulders relax and you slide the window up to greet him, all instances of horror having vanished from your delightful countenance, you look most ravishing. 
“You nearly gave me a heart attack, Horns. Don’t scare me like that!” 
Horns. It’s a cute, casual nickname—an alias that he wouldn’t have received had he not met you. It’s far more meaningful than the princely status draped across his shoulders, a reminder to all who see him of the destiny that awaits him—a destiny that distances him from others grandly. They seem to care about such a thing—as if it’s a thing so ominous—but you never mind it.
There is beauty in the thorns that pierce the heart. Malleus knows this well, for he stands at the edge of a love that just cannot bear any fruit, consumed in a shadow while he watches you enjoy the noisy company of friends and classmates. Malleus is not very partial to this, yet if it made you happy he would willingly melt into the darkness so that you may continue to spread your glorious light. 
“Oh?” His eyebrows raise curiously and he bends down to lean further into the open window, conscious of the sleek, obsidian-colored horns that curl upwards from his head. “I’m far from a medical practitioner, but I have heard that a good shock to the heart is one way to keep it beating. You need only give me a moment. I shall conjure a bolt strong enough to—”
“I’m fine! I’m fine!” you whisper hastily, shaking your head in a manner so wild it sparks amusement deep within his chest. 
“I jest.”
“I would hope so,” you retort, a smile spreading on your lips. “One shock from you and I don’t think I’d be standing in one piece.”
“Nonsense.” He dismisses you with a wave of his hand before pausing to truly consider it. “Well, I suppose in order to test such a theory you would need to incite my wrath first. Would you care to try?” 
“That’s a death wish! Is your sense of humor always so morbid, Horns?”
“Would you prefer otherwise?”
“Nah.” He blinks at you, and a chuckle spills from your lips. “It’s you, Horns. Morbid jests and all. I wouldn’t have you any other way.”
In that moment, Malleus thinks he wants nothing more than to have you, radiant smiles and all. 
There is beauty in trust. This is something Malleus knows well, for when Lilia handed him a cloth the color of a starlit sky and uttered something about acts of trust he understood the implications. Or perhaps the meaning evaded him; Lilia is always so cryptic. And so, once the moon has risen high, Malleus descends upon Ramshackle’s grounds to consult his wise, beautiful child of man.
“Acts of trust? Like trust falls?”
“Trust...falls?” Malleus repeats it with a furrowed brow. 
“It’s when someone falls backwards into the arms of another person, assuming that that person will catch them. It’s supposed to be a trust game.”
“Shall we play?” He withdraws the cloth from his vest pocket, running his fingers over the silky satin. “This game of trust humans are so fond of... It sounds most entertaining.”
“Oh, sure. Uh... I don’t think we need a blindfold for it, though.”
“I have recently learned of this ‘trust game’ from Lilia. One that involves relying on another to replace your sight.”
“Ah, I’ve heard of that one! We can try it.”
“Then allow me to be your eyes.” 
Your nod is immediate, and so Malleus flicks his wrist and the blindfold fastens itself around your eyes. You reach up to touch the fabric and giggle. 
“Make sure to guide me away from any furniture, okay?”
Though you’re unable to see it, Malleus smiles at you, a deceptive flicker in his gaze. The game begins innocently enough. Malleus leads you with honest intent, and even when you stumble he merely levitates furniture out of your way. You nearly take a nasty tumble when your foot catches on the rug, but he’s quick to cast a skillful spell that lifts you up out of harm’s way and lowers you gently upon the bed. Your hands curl into the sheets and you exhale a relieved sigh. 
“That was close. I almost fell.” When Malleus doesn’t respond, you sit up and move to take your blindfold off. Malleus places a hand upon your shoulder, guiding you back down. You flinch, arm stiffening in surprise. “W-Whoa! Seriously, Horns, you can’t keep scaring me like this!”
“There’s nothing to fear,” he assures you. “Do you trust me?”
“Of course. If it weren’t for you, I would’ve kissed the floorboards.”
Malleus nods, as if having expected this answer—it’s unsatisfactory for a reason he cannot list—and traces the path down your stomach, along your hips, to the waistband of your trousers. You seem so fragile in this moment, so vulnerable and so very in need of protection. He’s watched you long enough to know of the dangers you often find yourself in. You move to sit up again, but he looms over you, straddling you, and he thinks you can sense his towering presence. It’s that unique sixth sense he’s heard all humans secretly possess.
“H-Hold on. Wait. What...” You swallow thickly, remaining completely still. “What’re you doing, H-Horns?”
“Do you trust me?” he asks again. “You must trust me. I mean you no harm.”
“No... No, I really don’t right now. Can we stop? I want—” You squirm under him when his fingers curl around the waistband, tugging both your trousers and panties down slowly. He peers at the modest lace trim. Like the rest of you, it is very pretty. “I want to stop. Please. Hey, stop. Seriously—”
You reach blindly for him, your voice rising in panicked pitches. His hand finds yours, fingers intertwining. Though you try to pull away at the next second, his grip remains firm. Not enough to break your hand, but it does cause you a bruising discomfort. Your lips twist into a trembling frown and a meek whine squeezes itself out of you, your chest rising and falling with quick breaths.
“You will trust me in due time,” Malleus murmurs it like it’s a vow, his voice so soothing it’s like muffled rainfall. He notices the silent tear that slips out from under the blindfold, and he swipes it away with his thumb. Out of sight, out of mind. “I only wish to prepare you.”
“P-Prepare...” You shake your head, voice straining. “For... For what? Malleus, stop. I don’t want...this. Please stop.”
No longer Horns. He’s lost that name now, but it’s nothing he can’t retrieve.
He slips his gloves off and, after having coated his digits with enough of his own saliva, works your pussy open with two slender fingers, quietly amazed at how soft and warm it is within. Your body goes rigid under him, your free hand grabbing at the sheets while the other remains imprisoned in his grasp. You could take the blindfold off, but you don’t, instead sniffling through a mantra of stop and take it out. He knows you don’t mean those words, for it isn’t long before you’re tightening around the three fingers curled within you, your labored breathing punctuated with little gasps and groans. It is most adorable.
There is beauty in submission. Malleus knows this well because when you arch your back, dig your nails into his hand, and gush around his fingers with a strangled cry you are the most exquisite portrait he has ever had the blessing of admiring. He could spend lifetimes pondering your angles, considering dainty brushstrokes, wondering about the skillful hands that sculpted you so perfectly. So beautifully. So humanly.
You’re panting when he comes back to his senses, having slipped a fourth finger into your wet warmth without realizing it. There’s a strain in his pants, an ache that had once been so dull and is now so unbearably tight. The insatiable, animalistic part of Malleus wants nothing more than to spear you on his cocks, to feel the stretch as your pussy envelops both in its gummy walls, to hear your wails and kiss your lips puffy, to press his hand against your bloated belly and feel the sinful connection for himself. But there is the rational, sweeter side that knows you would be in a world of pain if he was not given enough time to properly stretch you, and so he decides that, as pressing as his needs may be, yours are far more important. 
He wishes to cherish with you for many years to come, not break you beyond repair.
“We shall spend the night here, my dearest,” he declares, the fondness of a smile in his tone. His hand releases yours momentarily so that he may tug the blindfold up to see your sparkling eyes. Tears of joy, no doubt. “Until I can fit more than just my fingers so that we can truly connect as one.”
He leans in to press his lips upon yours in a chaste kiss; you do not reciprocate. Malleus would have thought he’d put you to sleep with how frozen you’ve become. But you’re merely looking at him with defeated eyes—eyes that are so beautiful even when reflecting the pains of betrayal. Malleus tells himself that this is the teary-eyed ecstasy he has heard of in the stories Lilia would often recall when he was old enough to hear such tales. It is not pain; it is pleasure.
And there is beauty in both.
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s3rrrpentine · 8 days
these are my main bitches!!! (very affectionate)
tw: child abuse
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Cheii is my very first oc (2016), then comes his bestfriends (2018), Xavier and Akari (xavier's gf). but for now, i will be yapping about the boys!
these drawings are from 2020-2022??? i don't remember :'-) it's been a while.
i hope you can see by their outfits... guess who is the wild child lmao (it's xavier)
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xavier is like. the love child of ghost and soap (at least to me!!!) his body is decorated with scars because of childhood trauma but he is also energetic and loud (coping mechanism). a little ghostsoap coded don't you think? 💀🧼
also his undercut reminds me of soap... i thought of giving him a mohawk too before. purposely wear ugly colours just to spite people when actually he felt pity for the colours.
loves to fight, it gave him an adrenaline rush and dopamine because my guy's insane and depressed. yes he got daddy and mommy issues :O touch-starved and will cry for being praised.
the mom left them with no goodbye first. then, his glasgow smile was caused by his hot-temper-alcoholic dad with a kitchen knife. he was only 12 years old :-/
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"Little fucker, since you like smiling and shit, I'll give you one," His dad grinned widely, breathing raggedly as he carved his son's face with the knife. Xavier's bloodcurdling scream made the house door to be kicked open by their neighbours and Cheii.
Cheii rushed towards Xavier who was helplessly sobbing on the floor, begging for his mom. His heart bleeds for Xavier. All he could do was hold his hands and cry with him. Saying his sorry for being too late as the guilt ate him from the inside.
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my dear cheii is probably closed to my headcanon ghost's personality. quiet, observant, tolerates with his circle ONLY. no smile kind of guy but secretly the sweetest, kindest little bean <333 he is no words, ALL action.
he is like the good student turn bad??? because he saw how free xavier is living his teenage life without the pressure of good expectations. not a delinquent but definitely can fight, prefer not to but had to (because of xavier) oh yeah, he surely developed savior complex because of that certain someone lol
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xavier is bisexual while cheii is asexual/demisexual (wow literally my hc for soap and ghost and i think that's cool)
their relationship is definitely platonic. but soulmate. brothers for life. i-would-die-for-you kind of relationship. nothing sexual but they definitely kissed each other before (they felt nothing!)
uh i gave xavier the most trauma for "character development" so he is the most special and precious to me. you can say that cheii is like the "second male lead"... loved by all (it's just me) but kinda mediocre???? he is too... indifferent... hmmm
that's all i wanted to show hehe sorry if it was all over the place :^}
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loviingpedri · 8 months
where was i? - trent a.a
prompt: where trent redeems himself as a father.
warnings: cursing, some angst (fluff at end), grammar issues
Part 2 -> Part 1 here
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my secret
you couldn’t have asked for a better best friend. she broke into tears finding out your pregnancy. she cried harder knowing she was gonna help you with your little angel.
evelyn, your best friend, the one who could do it all even held your hand while in labor. its been a year since the birth of your baby, Aria Alexander-Arnold. you adored her. practically, everyone adored her.
it was still a question who her father was. but that was your secret. you lied to everyone about aria’s last name. everyone was fooled about her name, but only you knew she was a proud alexander-arnold. people speculated trent being the father with your public relationship, he made it easier by revealing your breakup by going out with a couple friends the next night, then getting caught making out with another girl.
you never cared on what trent did. it only mattered that he just stayed out of your life. you were living your best life.
“y/n, when are you ever going to tell trent?” evelyn spoke softly as aria was still sleeping.
“i don’t know. life has been so much better with just aria and i. i’m just afraid.” you sighed in distress.
“afraid of what? i know he broke your heart, but i still would think he would want to be apart of his child’s life.”
fidgeting with your fingers, “i just don’t want to get hurt again. what if he doesn’t wanna be apart of her life. or if he takes her away from me.”
“trent is probably the sweetest guy you’ve ever dated even if the breakup was messy. i say he’s the only one evelyn-approved.”
“i’ll think about it,” finishing your sentence, a cry was heard. you both nodded at each other before getting up to comfort her. opening aria’s room door, she was already standing in her crib. her tears stopped falling and the brightest smile appeared on her face. she is the most precious thing you’ll ever need in life. “hi angel. how was your sleep?” covering her face with kisses.
evelyn walked into the room. “y/n, it’s pretty cool today. i think you should take her out. i have a meeting at work, so please enjoy the weather for me.”
“good luck, you’re gonna need it.” evelyn kissed aria on the cheek before leaving. “let’s get you dressed.” it was a mystery where you were going. yet, you needed time out of the house.
soon, both you and aria had your fall outfits on ready to fight against the cold. putting her in the stroller and locking the door, you were prepared to just go anywhere. holy shit were you freezing. walking to the cafe a few miles away, hot chocolate was much needed. placing your order and sitting down, you paid no attention to the customers walking in. mid way feeding aria a piece of a chocolate croissant,
“y/n?” you knew that voice. looking up you saw a familiar face.
“hello jude.”
“oh my god, it’s really you. bloody hell.” jude attempted to hug you, but realized the stroller. “babysitting?” he looked so confused but was trying to process where you’ve been for the past 2 years.
“no, this is my daughter. her name is aria.” you put on a smile on your face trying to play it off like it wasn’t his good friend’s child.
“daughter? y/n, you had a baby? who’s the father?” jude was no stranger to you. he had one curious mind, especially in a state of panic. “wait, sorry. that’s none of my business. i’m just happy you’re doing well. it’s been awhile since i’ve seen you.”
you nodded at him. although jude never did anything, you were just afraid of trent finding out. you needed to prepare yourself, because word is gonna get out through the national team within a few hours. “it has been awhile. how have you been? playing for madrid, yeah?”
“my blood runs is madrid now. of course, it still has some part of england in it. i’ve gotta go to practice now. i’ll keep in touch, please don’t block me on instagram.” you laughed off the joke. trent must’ve tried to see what you were doing, only to be blocked on all social media platforms.
trent’s reveal
“man, i need to clean out this closet.” trent spoke to marcus.
“shit looks mad trent. what even happened.” marcus picked up a shirt off the ground and threw it on the other side of the closet trying to avoid the millions of piles of clothes.
“went crazy, lost of organization. i could name a lot of things.”
“went crazy after losing the love of your life. has she ever unblocked you yet?” trent was doing worse than you after the breakup. he turned into a mess after learning he couldn’t reach you anymore.
“i don’t wanna talk about it. maybe i should clean this corner, i’ve never worn clothes from this section in forever.” taking clothes from the hangers and throwing it in a bag for donation. a box was revealed. “what the hell is that?” trent picked up as marcus appeared in curiosity. trent had 0 recollection of the box being there. opening it, he almost dropped it after seeing the words, “baby alexander-arnold coming on -/—/—“ and the pregnancy test right next to it.
“what the fuck.” rashford’s mouth immediately fell.
“is this a joke? who put this here? marcus are you trying to fuck with me.”
“no man. that’s a sick joke to put on you.
trent’s mind started to fill with idea of fatherhood. he didn’t dislike the idea, but the mystery behind the box was still trying to piece together. he set the box aside. stress filled his mind. “let’s go. we’ve got practice to be at.” rashford seemed more shocked then anything. pulling his hair at the fact trent just left the topic alone like nothing.
arriving at practice, just a bit of warmups. kicking the ball back and forth. trent tried to take his mind off who put that box there. marcus taking concerned glances at him, knowing he was out of it.
suddenly, jude ran into the field.
“TRENT YOU’LL NEVER BELIEVE WHO I JUST SAW.” caught off guard, trent had no time to process what jude just said.
“what?” almost falling over since jude’s rough push of excitement and shock.
“Y/N. I SAW Y/N.” everyone’s face dropped at the sound of your name. you were loved by the national team. not to mention, the shit show behind the breakup and the reason why trent had to be at therapy for most of the season. “and you’ll never gonna believe it, but she had a baby.” the word baby rung around in his head. the news just got shocking each time.
“a baby? what?” jude nodded his head.
“she said her name is aria. she looked about one years old. mate, she kind of looked like you if i’m being honest.” the reaction of the last sentence was mixed. he wanted to be the father, but what if he wasn’t. he didn’t want it to be all in his head.
“hold on, you said 1?” harry kane joined into the conversation. seeming like he wanted to make a point. jude nodded at his question, still curious what was about to be said. “trent, when did you break up with y/n?”
“i don’t know. maybe two years ago.” it was impossible to trent that he was the father, but it was still likely.
“you broke up with her around late february. 9 months later, it would be november. mate, it’s december already. i mean, it’s very likely it’s yours.” trent wanted to pass out at that moment.
“i’ve still got access to y/n’s instagram.” saka said. pulling it up, a birthday post to aria was made. “posted on november -“
almost falling to the ground. “that was close to the date i broke up with her, just 9 months after. jude, where did you see her?”
“at ‘place’. what are you doing?” if trent kept up the same speed during the world cup, fifa would’ve upgraded his stats. he grabbed his bag and ran quicker than ever. it’s been 2 hours since jude saw you, but you couldn’t walk that far with just a stroller. trent was praying you’ll be around there.
parking his car and running around. he saw a face. someone who he’ll never forget.
“evelyn. where is y/n?” evelyn’s eyes widened. fuck. she wasn’t prepared for trent to know today. she saw your text saying how you saw jude. news must travel fast around here. “please, answer me. you can yell at me again, but please tell me where she is.” it was bold of him to show up in front of evelyn. he got a loud yelling session trying to use her to talk to y/n again. she could see he was desperate in his eyes. she was confused on what to do.
“excuse me while i take this call.” she patted his shoulder before walking a distance away to safely call you. trying to whisper, “y/n help. trent is looking for you. i think jude told him.”
“oh my fucking god. what am i going to do?” you tried to remain calm as possible so your baby doesn’t think of anything.
“get dressed, it’s time for aria to meet her father.”
“what?” with no questions allowed, the call ended. you grabbed aria to get ready quickly since there was no time for fighting.
evelyn walked back to trent. clearing her throat, “i don’t know what you’ve heard. i’m going to answer your question now. yes, that is your child.” the word child was ringing in his ears. he didn’t know how to react. did he want to cry or did he want to run away? “do you want to meet her.”
“of course.” he nodded quickly. he followed evelyn like a stray dog. she knocked on the door to signify that he was there. you took a deep breath. opening the door, you saw the two people who you’ve spent your entire life with. evelyn walked in, trying to give you two space. “y/n,” he wanted to hug you. you only had one arm available as aria was resting on your shoulder. aria heard the unfamiliar voice and turned to look at him. it was true, she looked just like him.
“hi trent. very nice of you to show up.” you patted your skirt to reduce wrinkles and ease the awkwardness. “this is aria.” for the first time, aria flashed a big smile at him. she was never good with strangers, but this might be different. you moved out of the doorway and urged him to come inside.
“can i hold her?” you nodded at him. easily, aria was all over him. “does she have my last name? i mean it’s totally fine if-“
“yeah, she does.” aria alexander-arnold is the only thing running through his mind. probably the only thing he’ll ever need to think about.
“y/n, i’ve been trying to get into contact with you. i mean where have you been.”
“where was i? taking care of my daughter. sorry, i didn’t wanna seem like a distraction.” the both of you knew very well what you meant by the word distraction. you could see regret running through his veins. “i just wanted to ask you, where were you? you said you wanted to get into contact, but you didn’t try harder.”
“i understand my mistakes. i’ve missed the prime of my child. nonetheless, i missed your entire pregnancy. i promise to be devoted to both of you. can we start over?”
“it’ll be hard to not say no. you are the father of my child and high school sweetheart. i think it’s better if we do start over. the three of us, as a family.”
“we’ll always be together, forever.”
from now on, there would be no secrets.
author’s note: check out my poll! thanks for all the support everyone.
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Though The Path May Be Long, I Shall Find You; Ruggie Bucchi
A path lies ahead, some are more treacherous than others. At the end of the winding, coloured footsteps is where they can rest; a bird directing them forward, made out of precious stone.
Main Character; Ruggie Bucchi
Supporting Roles; Grandma Bucchi, Rho (Ruggie's bird)
Content; Soulmate AU (I use the term soul match), gender-neutral reader, this can be read as platonic, familial, or romantic, hurt/comfort, I get emotional yet again about Ruggie, stressed reader
Content Warning; Ruggie's backstory (his mom's death and I mention childbirth, but describe nothing), self-doubt (reader), allusions of depression (reader), anxiety attacks (reader)
Word Count; 5 K
Do not put mine - or other creators' - works into AI; that shit steals.
Prologue & Leona's Story | Jack's Story
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Ruggie was out with the adults, tagging along to collect honey to bring back to the village. He followed silently behind his grandmother, holding her hand. Ahead of them two birds flew ahead, honeyguides, singing their song to alert the beastmen that there was a hive ahead. A hive full of sweet honey, a rare treat saved for the elderly and the young of the village.
“You see those birds, Ruggie,” his grandmother nodded up to where the birds flew. “Those are honeyguides. Your mother…” The woman paused, taking in a calming breath. It’s been nearly five years since her daughter, her only child, had passed away due to complications from childbirth. Unfortunately, it was common for many first-time hyena beastmen to pass while delivering… and such a fate fell upon her. She shook her head, continuing with her tale. “Your mother, her messenger was a honeyguide.”
Ruggie looked up to his grandmother. “Mama had one of those birds?” He tried whistling the tune of their leading song, but it just came out as raspberries.
His grandmother chuckled and ruffled his hair. “Yes, and oh the trouble those two got into. How do you think I got all this grey hair?” She tugged at a few strands to prove her point. She did their whistle, going slowly so that Ruggie could practice alongside her. “Like this.”
Ruggie eventually got the call down and whistled towards the other adults, and the two honeyguides. “Gramma?” He tugged at her shirt. She looked down and picked him up, putting him up on her shoulders. “Do you think my messenger will be a honeyguide… just like Mama’s?”
She smiled bittersweetly, picturing the rose quartz bird that stood still by the only pictures she had of her daughter. “Hmm, maybe. But that’s for the winds to decide. Regardless though, they’ll bring you great happiness.”
“Gramma?” Ruggie placed his head on top of hers. “What’s your messenger? Did Mama meet her soul match? Did you meet yours?”
The birds stopped, as they arrived at the hive. The adults tasked with smoking the bees out got to their jobs, passing down honey from the rock crevice and putting aside some of the comb for the birds. This harvest looked like it would be enough to feed both the elders and the children, plus some extra left over for the harvesters.
Ruggie’s grandmother hummed to herself. “I think that’s a story for a later time, no? Now come on, try some of this honey, it’s the sweetest I’ve ever had in all my years.”
She never got her messenger. Never had been gifted a soul match by the King of Beasts or the southern winds. And her daughter had met her match, but then he left after her death; her messenger going still after her passing. Leaving the ageing woman all alone, with only a few photos, her daughter’s lifeless messenger, and Ruggie. The person who looked the most like her.
The stars twinkled in the night sky, and Ruggie reached his hand out. “Hi, Mama,” he whispered. “I hope you’re doing okay up there in the stars… Tomorrow is my birthday ya know! I’m getting a messenger, just like you did!”
A gentle warm breeze caressed his face, and a shooting star raced against the deep indigo sky. Make a wish. Ruggie clamoured over the window, the breeze playing with his hair. He leaned against the frame, and closed his eyes. “Mama, if you’re up there listening… I wish that you could be my messenger. I know that I never got the chance to meet you, to get to know you, but I want to. I want to get to know you. And I know that you can’t be here, but … I love you, Mama.”
He cracked open his eyes and saw that the entire night sky was filled with shooting stars, a sign of a good omen. The warm breeze tickled his nose before going back out of the window. In the distance, he could hear a lone hyena calling out to its clan, but no one called back. He looked out into the sea of shooting stars and located the star he designated for his mom; an orange star, large, but not super noticeable. A warm amber amongst the darkness of the sky and pale blues of other stars.
He yawned and went back to his bed, clutching on to one of his mom’s old stuffies; a patched up warthog. “Good night, Mama, I love you.” He closed his eyes and was off to the land of dreams.
The light breeze was back, warm and carrying the scent of honey. It carried a small pink crystal bird with it, placing it gently at the foot of the bed, looking after Ruggie’s sleeping form. A honeyguide, much like his own late mother’s. It too being made out of pink crystal, but rhodochrosite, not rose quartz. A crystal meaning compassion, love, comfort, and happiness.
When Ruggie woke up he stared at the bird before cradling it gently to his heart. He walked to his grandmother’s door. “Look, gramma, it’s just like Mama’s!”
His grandmother hugged him, clutching on tightly to his back, tears rolling down her cheeks. Perhaps this life had been cruel to her, but she at least knew that her grandson, her only family, had someone out there. And that maybe, just maybe, her daughter was looking down from the stars smiling and looking out for her son.
Ruggie kept his messenger on him at all times. When he was wearing his dorm uniform, he kept the pink bird on a braided necklace that his grandmother made him for his fifth birthday, using some fabric from one of his mother’s old scarves. Whereas, when he was in the school uniform he kept it in his breast pocket, above his heart. And he would subconsciously check throughout the day to make sure that it was still there, a habit of his. 
It’s been four years, and yet the bird has yet to come to life. But Ruggie didn’t feel bitter, or sad. He knew that life wasn’t fair, he has witnessed that much. He has lived it, experienced that it wasn’t fair. Knew that it was something you could only make the best of. He also knew that he shouldn’t complain. He was thankful that he had at least something to match his mother. A symbol that she was always looking after him. So, even if the messenger never came to life, he could at least have an aspect of his mother. Thankful that there was at least a chance of him having a soul match out there, somewhere.
He hadn’t told his grandmother, as he didn’t want to bring a sense of sadness; had she not gone through enough? The last thing that he wanted to do was to bring more pain to the ageing woman’s heart. He just wanted her to be happy. She had done so much for him, sacrificed so much; the least he could do was give her some hope. That he could bring their family out of poverty. That he could get a well-paying job. That he could find happiness. That she needs not to worry about him. That he would be okay. That they would be okay.
Besides, the new school year was beginning and he was positive that would mean that Leona would give him odd jobs to do. But hey, money is money, and he wasn’t one to look a gift horse in the mouth, especially when said gift horse paid him graciously. 
So, Ruggie was busying himself by rearranging his room, placing the few personal belongings that he had in their spots. The photo of him and his grandmother, and next to it, the warthog plush that belonged to his mom. Everything else was hand-me-downs from Leona, or related to schoolwork. The only other personal things he had was the braided necklace, and of course, his messenger. He whistled the honeyguide call to himself, making sure everything was in place. Leona was off at the ceremony, so he basically had the day free to himself. He could probably go off and work some odd errands, but just for today, he would relax.
He closed his eyes and rubbed the wings of the stone bird. “I know you’re out there. I want to find you,” he sighed, holding the bird to his chest. “Let me find you.” He tried to fight off the drowsiness that was taking hold — it wasn’t even nighttime yet — but it won in the end, and he fell asleep.
As the sun set, and the waning moon rose, a warm breeze carried the scent of hibiscus flowers and honey, ruffling his hair. The stone bird tumbled out of Ruggie’s hand, falling gently onto the blankets. The breeze caressed it, and the stone honeyguide ruffled its feathers for the first time. It hopped upright and nestled in the sleeping hyena-beastman’s hair, singing its guiding call softly.
Ruggie stretched awake, the room still dark as the sun had not yet woken up for the day. The waning moon, and stars provided the only light, casting the room in blue and silver light. He walked over to the window and looked out, searching for his mom’s star. “Hi mom,” he said to the warm amber star up in the sky. A warm breeze tickled his ears, and he imagined it was her playing with them. “Can you show me a sign?” About my soul match?
Something shifted under the bedsheets, and Ruggie’s ears twitched at the noise. He crept over to the bed, and lifted up the sheet carefully, unsure of what it could be. Underneath the blanket was the stone honeyguide, twitching in its sleep.
His eyes widened, and he carefully scooped up the little bird, cradling it in his hands. After all of these years. After all of the hardships that he has endured. All of the uncertainty. His soul match was here. He took in a sharp breath, trying to control the well of emotions that had sprung forth; that his soul match was alive, and that maybe his mother, and not the King of Beasts, had sent him a sign. That he wouldn’t be alone in this life. But a lone tear traced down the planes of his face, dropping onto the bird.
This is your sign, take it, my love.
You didn’t know what to make of any of this. Being transported into some dimension and waking up in a coffin of all things. That you now live in a decrepit mansion with some cat-monster and ghosts. That magic existed and you had several life-endangering encounters with said magic. And that you now have a small bird made out of pink crystal, and that it was alive. That it could talk.
“You know,” the bird hopped onto your head, “I can’t explain more than you need to be privy to.” Their voice played in your mind, and you tried to ignore them, instead focusing on the tall stack of books about dimensions; trying to find a way home.
You waved a hand around, forcing the bird to take flight, landing on your desk. “I am well aware of that, since you dodge every single one of my questions,” you huff, flipping over the page since it had nothing relevant about your situation. It only said that giraffes were originally demons hailing from the Boiling Isles, wherever that was. This dimension had evil giraffes, but apparently your dimension without magic was far more ludicrous than that. Predictable. “So if you aren’t going to be helpful, just leave me alone. I don’t need your ‘help’.”
The bird gave you a bombastic glare, huffing to itself it went to a small dark brown leather bound journal with the gold insignia of a lion and a hornbill, placing it in front of you. “No need to get snippy with me. Here, read this, it should explain everything you need to know. I can’t do anything else pertaining to your questions now though, know that.” With that, the bird took off through the window, off to who knows where. 
You sighed, but focused on the journal they put in front of you and cracked open the centuries old leather.
Of all the magic there is in Twisted Wonderland, the most coveted, the most revered, is the magic of soul matches. These matches come in many different forms, different for every person. Platonic. Familial. Romantic. Those are the most common. For the merfolk it is a song that only they can hear, their match tugging at their soul. Gifted to them by the benevolence of the Sea Witch. For fae it is yet to be revealed, as they are a secretive lot. Fearing that should anyone outside of their clan know that that information would be used against them. All that is known by outsiders is that they were gifted from the Thorn Fairy, a blessing. As for beastmen, and anyone hailing from the Sunset Savanaclaw, they were gifted bird messengers made from precious stone. It is said the crystal represents what their match will bring to them. And once they feel that they are ready, a glowing path of footsteps will lead them to their match. The birds will dance, and then they will know that they have found each other.
You placed the journal back down, brows creasing. You weren’t from the Sunset Savannah, let alone this dimension in the first place. How on Earth do you have a messenger? Why do you have a messenger? And what did it mean? I’m not ready for this… I don’t think I’ll ever be.
Ruggie had formed a friendship with his bird, and he even gave her a name; Rho. She doted over him, and her voice was what he imagined his mother’s was like; confident, caring, and warm. And even though he had a friendship with her, he has yet to see the glowing footsteps. He was more than ready to meet them, so it must mean that his soul match, whoever they were, wasn’t. 
“It’s unlike you to dwell on possibilities,” Rho said, landing on his shoulder, returning from one of her daily flights. “Uncertainty clouds your mind, much as the smoke from a brush fire does. Clogging out any possible light from the bright sun that lies beyond the thick smoke.” Rho also happened to be quite poetic and… concerning? But she was sweet, so he ignored the cryptic verses.
Ruggie shook his head, trying to centre his mind. “Hmm? Just thinking is all. Ya don’t need to worry about me, Rho. Shishishi!” But she was right, as his mind tended to go down the more pessimistic path.
What if his soul match was never ready? What if they didn’t want to find him? What if they would reject him after finding out about the cards he was dealt in life? Would they stay by his side as he pulled himself, his family, and his community out of poverty? Would they… would they be like his ‘dad’ and ditch him in hopes of better prospects elsewhere, never to come back? To leave him behind? Leaving him alone to take care of everything, with no one to turn to for support?
Rho sighed, and hopped onto his head, ruffling his hair. “See, uncertainty. A tree cannot grow if it does not receive sunlight. And you cannot grow if you doubt yourself.”
He rolled his eyes, but she was right, as per usual. “Yeah yeah, I know,” he sounded relaxed but he took the words to heart. It’s something his grandma would also tell him, albeit she would get straight to the point. Something like, Quit doubting yourself. You are more than capable. Plus I love ya, and that’s what matters!
But Rho looked unconvinced. “If you want, I can go… persuade their bird to encourage them to meet you.”
“Thought that was against the rules though?” Messengers aren’t allowed to disclose any information that could change their match’s mind on whether they wanted to meet or not. He had no idea why, but it was seen as a big no-no. “Didn’t take you as the rule breaking type.”
Rho flitted down to the windowsill, looking out into the Savanaclaw Dorm exterior. “As long as I don’t let anything slip, it is fine. A gentle nudge if you will. And technically, I am breaking no rules. Just paying a visit to my counterpart to discuss their progress. That is all.”
Ruggie raised a brow, chuckling to himself. “Shishishi, you’re a horrible liar,” he poked her on the nose. “Just don’t get caught, okay?”
Rho nipped at him and took off into flight. “Need not to worry.” She didn’t add her own thought, which was I’m unsure if they will be able to see me or not. It’s been several weeks since they arrived and I’ve seen no sign of them.
The bird has persisted to follow you everywhere you went; to all your classes, and you had to kick it out of the washroom on several occasions as well. Everywhere. And they. Would. Not. Shut. Up.
“Hey! Hey! You really need to find them!” They pulled at your uniform, trying to get your attention. “Hellooooo! Are you even listening to me?”
Unfortunately, yes. All you wanted to do was get back home. Yes, you have made friends here. You had fun. But you didn’t belong here, or least, you felt like you didn’t belong. The magicless Prefect from another, magicless, dimension. The closest thing you could even call family here would be Grim, and the three main ghosts who are still tethered to the Ramshackle Dorm. Stuck here without any clear way out, much like you are.
You glared at the bird, looking away from the nth book about different dimensions, still finding dillidy squat. “Yes,” you pinch the bridge of your nose, “I heard you the first time. But until I find answers, they can wait. They’ve waited this long, I can survive without them.”
The bird plopped itself onto the book, effectively preventing you from reading any further. “Exactly. They’ve waited for this long. They thought that there was no one out there for them. I know that you’re tired; tired of not getting answers. Tired of being treated as less than due to your situation. Tired of not knowing. But know this; there is someone who wants nothing more than to meet you. They don’t care that you don’t have magic. They don’t care that you’re from a different place. They just want to know you.”
That made you pause in your research, hands trembling. They were right. You are exhausted from everything. 
“Now now,” a second voice played in your head, the voice of a woman. But when you looked up you saw another crystal bird, the only thing differing it from yours was that it had more red and white bands. “No need to be nasty. Dear, come now. What is weighing so heavily on your mind?”
Unlike your bird, this newcomer was gentle, and didn’t prod you. They hopped forward, wiping a tear from your face. Since when had you started crying? But the few pebbles that were trying to hold together the dam came surging forward, and the new bird comforted you, wiping your tears away.
“Dear, you’ll be okay,” they said, handing you a tissue. “You don’t always have to be strong. There is no weakness in admitting that you need help. That not everything is okay. There is strength in that.”
The flood of emotions, of stress, of anxiety, of being overworked, of being everyone’s therapist calmed down from a raging torrent to a gentle trickle. Taking the tissue you blew your nose. “I don’t feel okay… I’m so,” you took in a choked breath, “tired.” It felt like a weight had been lifted off your shoulders, admitting to the truth. “I’m just so tired. I should be angry, but I’m just so tired.”
The bird put a wing on your face, holding it with care, with love. They had only just met you but have shown so much more kindness and empathy than anyone else during your stay. “Life has not been kind to you,” they said, rubbing grounding circles onto your palms, guiding your breathing. “You deserve to feel wanted. Deserve compassion. To be comforted when the dark clouds seem like they engulf all light. You deserve to be happy.”
“Why are you telling me all this,” you croaked, voice cracking. “I’ve ignored them-”
The pink bird shook their head, “No, you’ve been surviving, and adapting. But if you wish, if you are ready, you can find him.” They hopped back up to the open window, looking at you warmly. A soft breeze played with the ragged curtains, carrying the scent of honey, but also the smell of home. “Will you be alright?”
You rubbed at your nose, still feeling shaky but better. Not feeling like a water balloon about to burst. “I will be.”
The bird nodded, “Should you need anything do call. Your match calls me Rho.” They took flight, heading back to your match. And you could make out the faintest hints of glowing dandelion-yellow footsteps fading into the distance.
Ruggie had not had much free time for himself, being busy with schoolwork, lessons from Leona, and his normal workload alongside odd jobs to make some extra cash to send home. But even with the hustle and bustle, he had noticed the footsteps. They were faint, sometimes wavering, but they were there. It means that they’re open to meeting him, but not quite sure. Still some doubt in their mind.
“What did you tell them?” He looked up from the dishes he was scrubbing, filling in a shift at the Mostro Lounge.
Rho popped out from his breast pocket, climbing up to his shoulder. “That they aren’t alone. That they will be okay.”
Ruggie felt like there was something heavy in his throat. They feel alone? They aren’t okay? “Rho,” his grip on the plate that he was scrubbing tightened, and he forced himself to release it before he caused cracks. “What did you do? Where are they?”
“Ruggie, they will be okay. I told them words that they needed to hear. Affirming words.” Rho’s voice took on a more stern tone, which made Ruggie back off, but he still worried. “What did we say about dwelling on things outside of our control?”
Ruggie took in a deep breath, held it for a few seconds, and released, calming his mind. “That it’s like the smoke of a brush fire. That beyond the dark smoke, there is sky beyond it, and fresh air… this too will pass.”
Rho let out a guiding call, “Good-”
Ruggie quickly grabbed her and put Rho in his pocket, hearing the door from the kitchen open. He didn’t want someone to walk in and find him ‘talking to air’ and think he was slacking off. “How is everything goin’ on out there?” He got back to scrubbing dishes, covering up that he was previously not.
“Quiet,” you huffed, putting on an apron and coming to stand next to him. “Azul has been trying to butter me up into making a contract with him… again.” You shook your head, rolling your eyes, “But I reminded him of what happened last time and he left well enough alone.”
Ruggie relaxed, it was just you. “Heyya, Prefect. Long time no see? Decided you were too good for Savanaclaw, huh?” He teased, bumping his shoulder to yours.
You bumped him back. Ever since you had to crash at Savanaclaw, you had formed a friendship with the hyena-beastman. He didn’t hide behind a mask, he was authentic, and that put you at ease. “Pshh,” you swatted at him with a towel, “like you could really get rid of me that easily, gotta come over and bug Leona every now and then. Keep him humble.”
“Pftt,” Ruggie burst out laughing. “Yeah, ‘keep him humble’. Just as long as ya don’t mess with him too much, yeah? Remember, I usually do his work.” There was no bite, and he swatted you back. “These dishes won’t clean themselves, come one, before Azul finds us slackin’ off.”
You quirked a brow but got to work, you would rather do the dishes and make light conversation, or just enjoy the quiet, with Ruggie, than deal with rude customers or being roped into something. So you and Ruggie worked in relative silence, working on getting the large pile of dishes done. The only thing breaking the silence being the distinct whistle Ruggie did quietly.
“Just curious, but what kind of whistle is that?” You put down the large pan you were rinsing off, down to dry, turning to Ruggie.
Ruggie stopped, his left ear twitching. “Ah, it’s just something I picked up when I was younger.” But he could see the curiosity in your eyes, and he decided to humour you. “It’s a honeyguide call, a type of bird. We used to work with them back at home to collect honey.”
Why does it sound so familiar then? Where have I heard it before? “Could you show me how to do it?”
As Ruggie taught you how to make the call, the two of you failed to notice Rho slip out of his pocket, flying up to where your bird rested. “We should just tell them! Look! The footprints are right there! Are they that dense?!” They huffed.
Rho shook her head, “They will do so on their accord. For now, let them be. They’re happy.”
The footsteps were glowing brightly now, a bright, warm, dandelion yellow. Cheerful, playful, and happy. But you hadn’t followed them yet, doubt still on your mind. Why did someone else get to pick my soul match? Shouldn’t I have a say in this? But every time those doubts came forward, the other pink bird, Rho she said her name was, would come for a visit.
“Good day, Prefect. How are you faring today?” She hopped over to your desk where you had a book about this world open, reading about beastmen and Sunset Savannah cultural practices.
You placed a bookmark on the page you were on, which discussed the caste system. “Doing better. But, Rho?” You held out a finger, and she hopped on. “I’m curious; what kind of bird are you?”
Rho cocked her head, “Ah, I thought you knew. My dear, I am a honeyguide.” She let out a call.
“A honeyguide…” You froze in your seat. It’s a honeyguide call. You knew you had heard that call before, your own messenger waking you up every morning with it. Did that mean… was Ruggie your soul match? The honeyguide. The feeling that everything would work out for the better when you were around Ruggie. He just felt… correct to you. Like home.
You rushed towards the front door, Rho and your own honeyguide clutching onto your uniform for dear life. “AFTER ALL THESE MONTHS YOU CHANGE YOUR HEART?!” Your honeyguide shrieked, falling off.
“Hush you!” Rho scolded, sending off your messenger to find Ruggie. “I take it you connected the dots then? You don’t need to rush, dear.” She said.
You didn’t slow down though, if anything you sped up. “My match is Ruggie, isn’t he?” It was stated like a question, but you knew that it was a statement. “I’ve kept him waiting! Kept him out!” You knew a bit about what Ruggie’s life was like before attending Night Raven College. That fate had seemed to mock him… and you also mocked him unknowingly.
Rho pulled on your ear, pulling you out of your spiral. “You weren’t ready, you cannot and should not blame yourself! You were making the best out of your situation!” This was the first time that Rho had sounded upset.
You stopped your frantic pace, halting in the middle of the hallway. Students passed by, some giving you weird looks, but they continued on their way. But someone stopped, and stepped aside, watching.
“I hurt him!” You shouted, but no one but you, and your match could hear when you spoke to your birds. “Hasn’t he been hurt enough?”
The footsteps were blinding now, he couldn’t be far away.
“Doesn’t he deserve to be happy? Don’t I deserve to be happy?! Why should some long ago king dictate how we should be happy?! We didn’t ask for this! Any of this!” You were heaving, the dam of emotions breaking again, tears rushing down your face in full force. “Rho,” you whispered, “I just want a place to call home. It doesn’t need to be the one I knew. It doesn’t need to be fancy, or elaborate. It doesn’t even need to be a place. He feels like home, where I can rest.”
But Rho wasn’t there anymore, your bird was now on your shoulder, trying to move you forward. “Well, you can’t do that if you just stay there! MOVE!”
You looked up and the footsteps were gone, in front of you was Ruggie with Rho on his shoulder. You hiccupped, be it from crying, the emotions, or the shock that he was right there, within reach. “Did you hear all of that?”
Ruggie nodded, “Yeah, yeah I did.”
Rho and your messenger took flight, performing the soul match dance before Rho landed on your shoulder, and your bird landed on Ruggie’s. And they sang the honeyguide call, indicating that there was something sweet ahead.
“Come on,” he took you to an empty classroom, away from prying eyes. “Here, breathe with me. In; one, two, three.” You breathed in as he instructed. “Hold; one, two, three.” You held. “And out; one, two, three.” And you breathed out. “Better?” He caressed the knuckles of your hand gently.
You nodded. “Ruggie, I’m sor-”
He stopped you, smiling. “There’s nothing to be sorry about. What matters most is that we found each other… That we chose each other.”
Author's Note; I literally cried writing this (I was emotional at the time). Ruggie's story has been in my brain since I put his name on the list for this AU. It has haunted me for weeks. Have had the honeyguide song stuck in my head for years ever since I first heard it on Wild Kratts of all things. My favourite one I've written as of yet; up there with Jade's.
Tag; @leonistic
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mushroom-madness · 9 months
🍄 Round 6: The Fight for Third Place 🍄
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🍄It’s a Baby Boy Battle for Bronze! 🥉🍄
🍄 Vote for your Favorite Fungi! 🍄
Descriptions Below ⬇️
Todd (From Mario)
"Todd is a baby possum who has a mushroom on his head. He is a precious darling with big, soulful eyes, and is one of the most popular characters from Drawfee.” - Submission 118
"You know who he is
You said none of the examples were not guaranteed and I really want Todd in there so submission here:]” - Submission 188
Timestamp ~ 1:25:00
"He is just the sweetest child and he gives the best hugs! Lookit him! He had 4 arms for extra good hugging! THE BEST BOY DESERVES TO WIN! I love him, he deserves all the good things!" - Submission 7
"A happy whimsical child, but very lonely because they're sick. Will encourage you to make a mess with them." - Submission 41
"He is my favorite boy and is just so pure and adorable. He gives me drawings and gives the best hugs, even if he doesn't win I would be so happy he even got in." - Submission 48
"'He's just a lil boye." - Submission 57
"He's just this young kid, only 8, and he's just so cheerful. He'll draw pictures for the player character, Stella, want to experiment with various things, follow you around just being curious about things. He's such a good kid. Yet the entire time you have him aboard the ship you know that he's dying and you'll have to take him to the Everdoor at some point for Stella is the spiritfarer and ferrying people to the afterlife is what she does. Needless to say I cried especially hard when the time came for me to take him to the Everdoor" - Submission 59
“Y’know I honestly dunno alota details about Stanley cuz I haven't gotten him in spiritfarer yet but I can just tell how funky he is ok" - Submission 64
'You know him. You love him. He's adorable. I couldn't not throw in a vote for him" - Submission 66
"guy!! ever!!" - Submission 84
"Grew him in my garden and he took over my guest room. He's my son who I will personally escort to the afterlife." - Submission 86
"He is such a sweetie!" - Submission 87
"He is my son. you Know" - Submission 89
"He's my bb boy I adore him so so much I wish to give him French fries and let him draw and I'm still distraught over him leaving : ((best boy <3" - Submission 99
"I know he was an example but I want him in!!! He's just a little guy!!!! You literally get him from growing him out of a garden and he's just a kid spirit that follows you around and I love him so,,, HE CALLS YOU BIG HAT I-
Also him being in the bracket would be propaganda for people to play spiritfarer in general good game 10/10' - Submission 134
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luffysfakebeard · 9 months
Sanji’s like my sweet summer child that is the most precious thing I have ever heard someone say and it is totally not the point I was trying to make
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dragonwritersblog · 4 months
King Of My Heart
Funnybunny Week Day Five: Gods AU . Pomni, Goddess of Life. Jax, God of Death. Such polar opposites yet share the most precious bond that the universes have ever seen.
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Hey guys! Its day five and we have my fav prompt of the week, gods au! I'm so excited for you guys to see what I've gotten cooked up.
Also, there is a mention of child death but it is very, very brief but I don't want you guys to go into this without that information. As always, I will label (1) when it will start and (2) when it ends. If this is something that triggers you please feel free to skip this fic, your mental health matters.
Other than that, enjoy! <3
And all at once, you are the one I have been waiting for King of my heart, body and soul, ooh whoa And all at once, you're all I want, I'll never let you go King of my heart, body and soul, ooh whoa - King Of My Heart by Taylor Swift
The best thing to compare the gods with was the wind. You may not see it, smell it, touch it, but they were always there to walk with you during your day. Some gods would even use the wind to get where they need to be, and if mortals were really lucky, they could sense if they were really by their side or not.
One in particular who loved to visit earth was Pomni, the goddess of life herself. She always adored seeing each soul she molded and breathed into the earth going about how they wanted to live their lives. She loved seeing their passions, their commitments, their dreams. Nothing else could fill her with pride than seeing her souls carry out the best and happiest lives they ever imagined.
But it didn’t mean that it hurt when the souls she created went into another direction, to go down a darker path that she couldn’t pull them away from. It pained her when the beings that she put onto the earth became the worst things she could ever imagine. 
She knew she shouldn’t blame herself, after all she was only responsible for creating life, not to control it, those souls' actions were their own and never her fault. But it didn’t mean that she never felt guilt for creating those souls in the first place, even if she couldn’t see the outcome of their actions. 
But there was one other god that steered her away from her self-blame, one that made it his mission to make sure she knew that it was never her fault. One that was the bane of her immortal existence, but somehow made it all the more better by being in it. One that went by the name of-
“Jax,” Pomni felt herself grinning as the other god walked up next to her, “To what do I owe the pleasure?”
“Only your presence my dear,” The rabbitoid god bowed. 
Jax, the god of death. He was spawned into creation around the same time of Pomni, meaning he knew her the longest than any of the other gods within the heavens. He was her best friend, and her soulmate (even if the two didn’t acknowledge it after many millennia). If Pomni was responsible for gifting life, Jax was the one who guided them to the next plane of existence.
It wasn’t a dark job as most mortals believed. Yes he had to deal with the most atrocious souls and take them where they would be served the justice for the people they hurt (he always made sure to give them a taste of their own medicine for making Pomni so sad), but that didn’t mean he hadn’t met some of the kindest, thought-provoking mortals that he had the honor of guiding to the heavens.   
“Although, I am curious as to what brought you to the mortal realm this fine day my lady,” He peered down at her, a mischievous smirk on his face.
The goddess rolled her eyes at her partner, “Just observing one of my most recent creations. Her parents are taking her to her first day of elementary school, they’ve been so excited for her. It’s the sweetest thing.”
Jax turned to where she was looking, a little girl with red hair wrapped in pigtails, swaying back and forth on her feet as her parents walked with her to the front gates of the school.
“Those two were my most favorite creations,” Pomni exhaled happily, “I gotta watch them grow into the people they are today and watch them fall in love. And now they have a child of their own!”
“It really is something,” Jax mused. No matter how many times she had done this before, Pomni treated every single soul that she formed as if it were the first, it had been that way since the beginning of time. “But they are not the only ones who have experienced falling in love.” His tone held a hint of cheek.
Pomni turned round, raising a brow as she matched the cocky smirk on his face. She knew exactly where this conversation was going, “Oh?”
“I mean, judging by those two, they’ve got the whole opposites attract thing going on between them,” he observed, “Sounds a little bit like you and me.”
“Is that so?” Pomni crossed her arms as Jax continued with his little speech.
“Think about it, everything in life needs opposites in order to form the perfect balance,” he told her. “Fire and water, winter and summer, Yin and Yang…life and death?”
“And what exactly are you insinuating oh so terrifying god of death?” she teased, leaning in close to him.
“All I’m saying is the universe is giving us a lot of hints,” he replied, “You and me, the perfect opposites. We’re meant to be my dear, so how about you let me treat you right with a nice candlelit dinner under the stars tonight where we can declare how badly in love we are with one another.”
“Tempting, but I’ll have to make a rain check with that,” she said, “I have another soul to create later today, I want to keep my focus on that.”
“Always as focused as ever,” Jax let out a longing, dramatic sigh as he leaned in closer to her, “But that’s what I love about you Pomni.”
“Keep the sappiness to yourself mister,” she giggled, pressing a to the center of his face and pushed him back lightly.
Jax joined in on his goddess’ chortles with his own carefree laugh. Pomni was the walking manifestation of literally breathing new life into him. Just the smallest smile from her made his heart lit up like the millions of stars placed onto the dark sky each night. No, she was the star of his night sky.
His laughter was cut short when he felt a shift in the atmosphere, an invisible string suddenly cut. From the way he could sense it, the string had been remarkably short. 
Pomni ceased in her laughter from the sudden change of Jax’s mood. She placed a hand on his arm, she had seen that look after centuries of being his friend and understood it well. “Jax?”
He smiled softly, resting his hand on top of hers, “Don’t worry about me Pomni. Wait for me in the skies above and tell me about the rest of your day when I get back. Duty calls.”
She nodded, her eyes watering. Another mortal’s life had ended today. Jax gently shushed her, wiping the tears from her eyes, “Don’t worry my dear. I have a feeling this soul will be going to a good place, I’ll make sure of it.”
“Okay,” she sniffed, “Just, take care of yourself too.”
Jax looked at her with awe. Even when she cared about the wellbeing of another soul, Jax was also her main priority. “I will,” he promised, “I will.”
He lifted her hand, gently pressing a kiss on her palm, before letting it go. Before Pomni could say another word, he was gone.
The heavens were always an interesting place. Many mortals had pondered what it would look like, moreso imagining it to look like the traditional tale of a city of clouds and angels playing harps. 
While it wasn’t like that per say, but it was a place of peace for the new coming souls to rest. Each paradise for both the mortals and the gods was constructed by the universe to create each individual wonderland for them all to live in.
Pomni’s paradise consisted of a beautiful forest, flora and fauna, enchanting waterfalls and a little cozy home within the cave of a mossy cliff. It had everything she needed, a fireplace built within the stone, a pantry filled with all the fruits, bread and meat to last her lifetimes, a large dent in the middle of the ground, with mattress, pillows and blankets replacing the rocky structure to make up the most comfortable bed, and a canvas set up for her to paint something new each day right by the open entrance of the cave.
Right now, the goddess was waiting in her little nest, already setting up the blankets for her and Jax. It was something she did every time he had a pick-up. He told her he was used to it by now, but the tired look in his eyes every time he came to her entrance said otherwise.
Once she had finished preparing a plate of his favorite fruits and chocolates, a flourish of wind sent a chill up her spine. She didn’t even need to ask who it was when a chin rested on her shoulder and a pair of arms wrapped around her waist. “Tough pick-up?” she asked the familiar presence.
Jax hummed in agreement, “It was a kid, a year younger than the one you were observing earlier. He liked to draw with his older sister, play with his dog in the garden, and make fairy cakes with his mom. When I went to see him, he was in so much pain, nothing like his playful self when he was laying in that hospital bed. The moment I picked his soul up in my arms, he was right back to his normal self. I promised him that he would be going somewhere where he would never hurt again, but I know that his family just lost a precious part of them.”
She shifted in his arms to face him, “Come here.” She pulled him down to lay on the mattress, pulling a blanket over them. She let out a surprised yelp when he pulled her face into his chest, running his fingers through her hair as his other arm held her tight. She melted into the embrace, today’s pick-up must have taken a lot out of him.
“Thanks Pomni, I…I needed this,” he spoke carefully. “Being the god of death, it's important that I’m strong enough for the souls I carry to the other realms. Whether they’re scared of what’s next, or terrible people who want to put up a fight, even kids…the front I have to put up is a tough one. But not an easy one. You…you make it easy. You make everything easy.”
“And you do too. For me,” Pomni told him, “Every time when one of my souls turns to a life of hurting others and destroying this earth, you always make sure that I don’t feel responsible for their choices. It's really hard not to, it is my job after all. But you take some of that weight off my shoulders.” She peered up at him, “You’re special to me too.”
Jax exhaled strongly, pulling her tight against him again, “You’re so, so, so special my little goddess. More than you could ever believe. I wasn’t lying about how madly in love with you I am.”
Pomni had never been more glad than she was right now that her face was buried in his chest, hiding the blush staining her pale cheeks “W-well, since we’re free now, maybe we could do that candlelit dinner under the stars?”
Jax looked down at Pomni, who was staring up at him with her wide, multi-coloured eyes anxiously. “Yeah, I think we can do that,” he grinned.
“Don’t let that inflate your ego, mister,” she pouted.
“Too late little goddess,” He rested his chin on her head, “Too late.”
She sighed with exasperation, shaking her head fondly. 
The goddess of life and the god of death.
Who could have ever expected it? Maybe opposites do attract after all.
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Haven’t quite had the energy lately to write a whole fic. Here are a couple scenes from a bby Obanai sickfic that I gave up on (partially because I’ve already written an Obanai sickfic lol I don’t want to be repetitive) -
“Poor baby. You must’ve caught the stomach bug Muichiro had a few days ago…”
Obanai’s face twisted in anger. “Stupid Mui,” he muttered. “Gotted me sick.”
“It wasn’t his fault, baby, it’s not like he got you sick on purpose,” said Mitsuri. “I don’t think you were even around Muichiro when he was sick. So I’m not sure how…” she trailed off, guilt blooming in her gut. Oh. Obanai might not have been around Muichiro when he was sick—but Mitsuri had been.
Muichiro had been so sick. He was sick enough that he apparently didn’t even put up a fight when Shinobu told him he needed to go to the hospital. Mitsuri stopped by briefly to check on him that night after she’d heard, not intending to stay long or get too close—but she got there just in time to hear Shinobu say, “Muichiro, please stop asking for more pain medicine. It’s a waste. You already know you’re just going to vomit again before it has a chance to work; we have to just wait until your stomach settles down a bit first.” and Muichiro promptly burst into tears. Mitsuri had never seen Muichiro cry before—wasn’t even sure he could cry—and it felt wrong to just stand there in the doorway while there was a sobbing child in need of comfort. He was so confused and upset from his high fever that he’d let Mitsuri hold him for a little bit until he fell asleep.
She had washed her hands afterwards, of course, but she didn’t think to change out of her uniform before she went to meet Obanai for dinner…
Oh, she was so stupid! Obanai had a weak immune system and was prone to sickness; she should have taken better precautions to avoid contaminating him. The thought had occurred to her the day afterwards but Mitsuri felt fine so she assumed Obanai was probably in the clear too…
Obviously, this was not the case.
“This one time, when Rengoku and I were on our way back from a mission, we bought out everything at a street vendor and we both got food poisoning from it,” said Mitsuri. “We were sooo sick. I went back home to my parents for a few days until I felt better, because I was so sick I needed someone to help take care of me. It happens to everyone sometimes, sweetheart.”
The story was intended to make Obanai feel better, but instead his face scrunched up and he started crying again.
“Huh? What’s wrong?“ she asked frantically, pulling away so she could examine him.
Obanai sobbed and reached for her in protest. “Mommy w-was sick!”
Mitsuri’s expression softened and she cradled him against her chest again. “Shh, shh, no, baby, it’s okay. Mommy’s all better now.”
“Mommy w-was sick, and…and, and…” Obanai hiccuped, struggling to get the words out. “A-and Obi w-wasn’t there…to m-make her feel better!”
Mitsuri’s heart melted. “Oh, baby,” she cooed, kissing his head over and over. “You’re the sweetest, cutest, most adorable, most thoughtful, most amazing most precious little boy in the whole wide world!”
“Bu-but I’m s-so gross!” Obanai wailed.
“Everybody’s gross sometimes, baby,” Mitsuri said, patting his back. “What if Mommy was sick and you were here to make me feel better? Would you think I was gross?”
“N-no!” Obanai cried. “No, love Mommy!”
“And I love you too, Obanai!” Mitsuri said. She kissed his forehead again. “So I’m gonna take good care of you until you feel all better, even if you’re gross. Okay?”
Obanai nodded slowly. “‘Kay, Mommy.”
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cosmic-nebula356 · 2 months
Facts for my Summer Clan leader????
For starters:
he is canonically dead :/ sorry
He along with EVERYONE in his summer clan: D e a d
His full name is Natsu Taiyō👀 (Natsu=Summer) (Taiyō=Sun)
He is very polite. Speaks from the heart, but isn't exactly the best with conflict he cannot solve.
Bro is like the sweetest, most precious being ever
Has a good sense of humor
Ever since meeting Haru, he’s developed a slight bit of sass with him, but not towards Fuyu
Sheltered baby sheltered baby sheltered baby no thanks to Fuyu❄️
Yugūre was the previous Summer Clan leader before he ascended to Paradise (more on that later 👀 perhaps)☀️
Natsu was chosen at the age of 6: He was more shy and more timid for a child compared to the usual reckless kits (like Aki)
Poor baby boy was so sheltered he don’t know sex in full detail. 😔 only the basics/doesn’t drink sake or alchahol of any kind (he was forbbiden to by Fuyu)
Loves the outdoors: he’s a fan of nature
Facninated by mortals and sees them as equals
Surprise surprise ✨ he actually likes dogs, even if dogs blow his cover when he visits the mortal realm/(or as I dub it as Land of The Flesh) And so he finds it easier to talk to them when they’re a dog spirit and whatnot
Is he the equivalent of a kitsune Jesus? Maybe 👀
He 6’4 ft baby ✨
Would sound exactly like Xie Lian specifically from the English Dub of Heaven Official’s Blessing (would recommend 100% to watch 👹👹👹)
Update: I’m deciding to switch up and join the rest in changing his name as Natsu 😭
Aight that’s all for now I'm willing to reveal here 👀 Seriously, I full heartedly believe the Kitsune boys are actually too good for blush blush because of the lore they have. I’m willing to go nuts with it for the angst, Freud, drama, just because holy shit- I love it! Sad Panda please don’t make a character who is canonically the Summer Clan leader 😭 let us be creative on who it is and what happened to them.
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merakiui · 2 years
Oh my god I never thought Id see an alpha!scaramouche. Mera, hes been on my brain a lot recently because of the leaks I saw of him (nervous about what his new design is gonna be and what his animations are gonna be). Some more brainrot for omegaverse though ! Maybe a way you would find out about him being an alpha is that your suppresants don't get renewed on time so when you go to seek comfort from the wanderer you notice he seems a bit different around you. Theres just a little hint of brainrot, you'd do a better job at expanding on it than I possibly could <3
Omg he's been on my mind so much lately!! orz I miss brain rotting about him, so expect lots of mouchey thoughts. <3
(cw: yandere, omegaverse/abo, pregnancy, unhealthy behaviors/relationship, obsession)
As for the omegaverse brain rot, what if it's that one trope where Scara gets you pregnant by accident because you went into heat and he got overwhelmed by his instincts and the two of you end up fucking without protection? And he's so close to biting your neck and claiming you as his for all of eternity, but he miraculously holds back and just,,,, sinks his teeth into his arm instead!!! And now the both of you are sort of stuck together after the pregnancy test comes back positive some time later. You're so ashamed that you've burdened Scara with this and you apologize profusely while he just stares at the test, half-expecting a joke or a mistake or something. You tell him you'll deal with this yourself and you suggest getting rid of the baby since you can't afford the resources or the time needed to care for a child. You're in your final year of university. You have to focus on your degree, not a child, and you don't want to bother Scara with any of your problems.
Scara has this moment of internal panic when he hears you say that because he actually doesn't want you to do any of that. He can't explain why, but the idea of you getting rid of the baby makes him feel oddly uncomfortable. So, since he's a very well-off alpha with a stable and respectable job, he moves you into his penthouse. He says it's only to keep you safe. Omegas are already vulnerable enough, but one that's pregnant and emits the sweetest pheromones?! That's just asking for conflict. Scara promises he'll schedule an appointment with an ob-gyn (hmm maybe it's alpha albedo ooohhhh), but he waits a while. He'd prefer to keep this between you and him (the last thing he needs is Miko breathing down his neck if she finds out; and she'll no doubt tell Ei and then he'll really be in hot water). He'll have the family doctor come in to see you. You won't even have to leave his home, save for when you travel to uni.
Scara's almost never home. And for the first few months, it feels like he just doesn't care about you, which isn't too terrible because it allows you to do all the things you'd normally do regardless of this new arrangement. But Scara is so cold and distant, almost always in a foul mood when he's home, and you begin to wonder if this was a good idea. But while you stew over your doubt, Scara's been watching you through the cameras in his home while he's at work. You're so precious when you're oblivious, and he's given an immense serotonin boost when he watches you crawl into his bed and wrap yourself up in the blankets, most likely to surround yourself with his scent.
There are just a few concerning issues. One: You're still attending university and he can't always follow you to and from your school. Two: Your friends are always messaging your phone. He'd know because he's had a colleague he's acquainted with tap into your phone so that he can read every message as soon as you receive it. You haven't told them anything yet, which is a relief because he wants to make you disappear from the world so that it'll be you, him, and the adorable baby growing inside you. You don't need those fools anyway. And three: You don't actually like him. There's no love. You're just here because he told you he'd take responsibility.
But when your friends insist on meeting up with you, claiming that you never go out anymore, it really gnaws on Scara's patience. And when you get into heated arguments with him when he refuses to let you go outside for fresh air, of all things, and he has to calm himself down because he doesn't want his temper or the intense amount of pheromones he's releasing to stress you and the baby out, it just adds more fuel to the growing fire. You only need him. Why can't you realize that? That's what you told him while he was fucking you all those months ago. So why does it feel like you can function perfectly fine without him (save for those little moments when you get weepy and melancholic, yearning for an alpha's presence)? He'll make sure you'll depend on him soon enough.
After all, he'll be the only one in your life. There won't be anyone else to turn to. You'll have no choice but to accept him and this life, even if you think you can leave after you've given birth to Scara's child. There's no way he's letting you go now, not when he's fallen so deep into this obsession.
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Jonah Hauer-King and the reader (Y/N) embark on a beautiful journey of parenthood, sharing their dreams and creating a loving home filled with laughter and joy. Together, they embrace the magic of having children and celebrate the blessings that come with building a family.
As we sat together on a lazy Sunday morning, the sun filtering through the curtains, Jonah's gaze was filled with a mix of tenderness and excitement. He held my hand gently, his thumb tracing circles on my palm, as we shared a moment of quiet intimacy.
With a soft smile playing on his lips, Jonah turned to me and said, "Y/N, I've been thinking a lot about our future lately, and there's something I'd love to share with you."
Curiosity flickered in my eyes as I met his gaze, my heart already skipping a beat at the anticipation of what he was about to say.
"I know we have so much love to give, and the idea of creating a family with you fills my heart with joy," Jonah continued, his voice filled with genuine affection. "I want to have babies with you, Y/N. I want to see a little one who has your beautiful smile and my eyes, a perfect blend of our love."
My breath caught in my throat as tears of happiness welled up in my eyes. In that moment, I felt an overwhelming rush of love for Jonah, knowing that he cherished our relationship and envisioned a future together, expanding our love to include little ones.
Wrapping my arms around him, I whispered, "Jonah, the thought of creating a family with you fills my heart with so much warmth and happiness. I can't wait to embark on this journey of parenthood together, loving and nurturing our little ones."
From that day forward, we delved into conversations about our dreams of starting a family. We discussed names, nursery ideas, and all the little moments we looked forward to experiencing as parents. Together, we painted a vivid picture of a future filled with love, laughter, and the pitter-patter of tiny feet.
In the years that followed, our dreams became a reality as we welcomed our first child into the world. The joy in Jonah's eyes as he held our baby for the first time was indescribable. His love overflowed, and he embraced fatherhood with an open heart, doting on our little one with endless affection.
From changing diapers to late-night lullabies, Jonah proved to be the most loving and devoted father. Every day was filled with sweet moments of tenderness and laughter as we navigated the beautiful chaos of parenthood together.
Our home became a sanctuary of love, filled with the sound of our children's laughter and the warmth of a family built on the foundation of Jonah and my unwavering love for each other.
As I watched Jonah playfully interact with our children, his eyes mirroring their innocent joy, my heart swelled with gratitude. I couldn't have asked for a more loving and supportive partner in this incredible journey of parenthood.
Together, we created a beautiful family, a testament to the love and commitment we shared. Our love story had expanded to include the precious lives we had brought into the world, and each day, I fell in love with Jonah a little bit more, witnessing his dedication as a partner and father.
With each milestone, from first steps to bedtime stories, we celebrated the magic of parenthood, forever grateful for the love that bound us together.
And as our children grew, they would always know that their existence was a product of the immense love and desire Jonah and I had for each other. Our family would forever be a testament to the beautiful journey we embarked on, guided by love, and nurtured by the sweetest of dreams.
tags; @anonyymoouussssss
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How about a DILF!Erwin who only got a DILF tag because he adopted a child without involving himself into a long-term relationship?
And so... after getting into the relationship, you realized how great of a father he is. If both of you decides to come into agreement to be together for eternity, you'll have to have your own kids, too. You suddenly got jitters thinking about it.
"We're not required to do that."
"N-no, but it seems as if we have irreconcilable differences," you replied, perhaps inkling towards breaking up with him as you believe you would just hold him down.
"Not if one of us compromises."
"I don't think I could."
"I could," he answered, gently but resolutely. "Just not with the involvement of my child."
"Of course," you gave him an understanding smile, "that sweetest loveliest child."
He didn't see it as a mere sympathetic smile from you, though. It was the sweetest smile that he had seen and it flushed his mind with warmth—with overwhelming warmth that the glass containing all of his composure snapped into pieces. You love his child with all of your heart, just like he does even if it's not his own blood.
What were you doing to him, really? To rattle the emotions even he himself had never imagined to have, just how did you manage to let that out? Now he wants nothing but to engulf you with his warmth, wrap himself all over you, and the consideration that he doesn't deserve you—you who still have lots of opportunities ahead, who has been seeking a life not tied inside a measly home of three—dissipated into thin air. He might be undeserving and could even stall you down, but if you run to him this way, being the most precious being ever existed, then you have given yourself over. He'll take you in any way he can.
"See? Then we could work."
And he did—god—he did so very well. Eventually, when you got married and have your bundle of joy growing up further, you realized that you're finally ready.
"Off to school!" the little kid bounced out of the table, gave you the routine goodbye kiss, until both of you are the only ones left in the house.
You gulped, wondering how to go around it. When you turned to him you almost huffed a gasp. He was looking at you sternly with a hand propped to his chin. He sipped his coffee before starting, "Something has been bothering you. We're not going out until you tell me the gist of it."
Oh, fuck it.
You stood up, went on the dishes then said, "I want to have your child."
He spurted out the coffee. As he cleared his throat and wiped his polo shirt, he stared at you, aghast, trying to find a hint all over your face that would say you're just fucking around. That was, indeed, very unlikely of you.
You looked conflicted, though, so he walked towards you and grasped your hand away from the plates, "Repeat that."
Your eyes lurking around his face turned more and more unconfident until you just defeatedly looked down the ground. "Of course, if it's fine with you—"
"Repeat that," he cupped your cheek, lacking patience, and forced you to look at him in the eye.
He has been waiting for it for so long but he still wanted to make sure. The last thing he wants is for you to make such a decision only out of pressure.
"I want to have your child."
"Then why do you look so doubtful?"
"Do you think..." here it is, the million-dollar question, "I'll be a good mother?"
Oh, when Erwin thought you couldn't be more divine as he already deemed you so. He went for a kiss then. The sudden tip of intensity was his answer and you understood that much; you'll be a great mother for your child—no, you're the only one who's going to have his child.
"You already are," Erwin said in between kisses as he slid his hands under your shirt.
"Do you think I'd still be a capable wife after that?"
What kind of question is that? He almost laughed. Of course, he chose not to as he didn't know such insecurity lurks around your mind. If anything, he feels responsible for letting you feel like that.
"How do you want me to answer your question?" he smiled sweetly after ending the intimate kiss with a chaste peck. When you looked down again, he hummed in disagreement. He rather walked you towards the wall and pinned you once and for all. If you want a child, he'll do so in the soonest possible time—just like how willing he is to grant and serve you for the rest of his life, just like how earnest he is to shower his little family with the warmth of his love.
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im having the urge to produce a 30k blabber out of this 😭
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