#he is nt a goose but
siriuslysirius05 · 11 months
Top Gun as Quotes in my Quotebook
Featuring 100% real things people have said to or around me.
Maverick: “I have a doctorate in dumbassery”
Iceman: “I would like you better if you were a worm.”
Goose: “Probably legal. Probably…”
Slider: “Jesus you want some pussay juice?”
Viper: “This is not a daycare.”
Wolfman: “I have just one question…is this Charmin?”
Hollywood: “He’s like a prostitute”
Chipper: [deadpan] “I’m going to fly away.”
Sundown: “That’s against the copying convention of 1863.”
Carole: [to a grown-ass man] “Babygirl, this is gross.”
Rooster: “Teague (Bradley) has always had a little boogie in him.”
Hangman: “You know, if you move any slower, I think you’ll start going backwards.”
Phoenix: “Let’s give this c*nt a deadly weapon!”
Bob: “Y’all fuck with webkins?”
Coyote: “Can’t get hungover if you never stop drinking.”
Fanboy: “I identify as having no fingers.”
Payback: “We will arrive in…two hours and 85 minutes.”
Halo: “Just your friendly neighborhood atheist.”
Fritz: “I don’t wanna suck your one millimeter Peter.”
Omaha: “It was all those years of saying sorry. They were saying pre-sorry for what they were planning to do to us.”
Yale: [to harvard] “What’s a dickery?”
Harvard: [to yale] “A degree…?”
Hondo: “I’ve pirated games I can do it.”
Cyclone: “it’s better to prevent than to regret.”
Warlock: “They have a chicken teriyaki bowl…I’m kinda attracted to that.”
Penny: “I am terrible at getting mugged.”
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In an earlier post, I listed the evidence pointing towards the one and only metallic noodle clown as being some robot form of neurodivergent. I have since dubbed this as "bot-tism."
(The Sonic half of my brain argues an episode of Aosth touching upon this concept and calling it "mechanically challenged." Egh.)
Since we're taking April, I finally finished this sketch from a while ago.
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I made a whole render of it for reference and everything, but I ended up drawing over the limbs and stuff anyway.
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It is actually a redraw from 2020! Blech the messaging is so blatant.
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As you can clearly see, this was drawn and posted when I killed the part that cringes.
I left the new and improved version textless and up for interpretation, but if you want my exact thought process, then see below the cut, because I don't wanna ruin the fun for anyone else.
The 2020 drawing was the first instance of me using Ennard's mask as a metaphor for "masking." Although not used directly in a ND sense, but for an internal struggle nonetheless.
Ennard’s desire to be human, and the ambiguity of how his mind even works is a perfect metaphor for a number of neuro types.
The former can be interpreted as many NDs struggle of being treated differently than NTs in a social setting. Like I said in the previous post, they only wear their mask when they know they're being perceived, and when he does finally get his skin suit, it only lasts for a week before it fails him. Burnout.
"But oh! Silly goose, why don't you just be yourself?" The neighbors reactions to the skin suit deteriorating. The entire point is that they need look/act "normal" to be treated like a human.
The latter can be interpreted to how many NDs have so many differing brain signals than a NTs, that they aren't even aware of.
To add on to the other post, Fnaf 6 seems to characterize Molten Freddy/Scrap Baby as if they were mindless entities that must be destroyed, hence "burn it" in the 2020 drawing. This bled into a whole different interp of Ennard as more animalistic than he really is. It wasn't widely used, but it was noticeable enough for 14-15 y/o me to draw about it. This to me is a lot like what I said prior about masking and looking "normal." This interp seems to paint him from an unknowing observers point of view. 'How dare you visually emote with your hands' or, 'how dare you get stressed out over the complexity of sound or light, weirdo.' You know. Which is probably my injustice sensitivity typing up paragraphs backing up a fictitious robot.
The latest version has his mask removed voluntarily, while covering his face his with his own hand. The mirrors are now silly mirrors, the floor is a spiral, and the reflections remain of himself, but also of his components, and another character of importance on the far left. (It's a bloodied Michael hand.)
He voluntarily unmasks, only to be surrounded by distorted reflections of himself. The Funtimes can represent the many oddities of his mind, and the aforementioned bloodied Michael hand can represent the damage that can be done to yourself or others if you dont take the accountability and measures to learn your own boundaries.
Also the irony that the horror clown character endures how a horror clown character would torment their victim.
The true message: Unmasking is a process.
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blubushie · 1 year
2/8/23 Kakadu, NT
The drive from Tennant Creek to Daly Waters is 4 hours. I arrive just before lunch, in the heat of the day and the usual suspects come to greet me Blackface with his low bleet Polly at the trough with a nicker and Kevo up last, wagging tail high wanting to know where his sheila is. I head in, patting as I go from one oven to the next. I greet my mate at the bar a how've you been, a few been a long whiles from the old familiar faces. For the first time in two years he doesn't pull me a pint but says they've got a new keg of XXXX and asks if I want a taste. "Stuff the XXXX, gimme the green stuff," and he does as he's told with a smile. The cook comes out to greet me with a grin miles wide and she hangs on my arm as we yarn on for a while. My croc slider is done in ten minutes. I finish my meal and the bartender sneaks me a roadie and laughs when I call him a bootlegger because the Territory might be dry now but we both know there's no laws out here.
The drive from Daly Waters to Jabiru is 6 hours but the drive from there to home is another 30 minutes through winding rainforest track. I drive with my windows down in a tiny little Honda not meant for this terrain and I stop for wallabies and drive slow to hear the chatter of flying foxes or let freshies cross the track on the way to sandbanks where they can lay their eggs. It's the middle of Wurrkeng and the night is cool eighteen degrees and the smell of smoke lingering in the air from my mob patch-burning the bush earlier. I get there at 7, long after everyone's settled and my brother hears the tyres in the drive first a warrior's sense — or something and he runs out to greet me with open arms. His lips meet mine as he pulls me into his solid chest for a bloke so scrawny he feels like a brick column and as we part there's a smack and then he biffs me over the head with his palm and asks where the hell I've been because mum's had a roast slow cooking for the past five hours and they'd begun to think I'd never show. I never told them I was even in Country. I follow him inside and into the kitchen mum runs from the sink to greet me and kiss my cheek dad greets me as well with an iron handshake and clap on my back. My sister waits in the lounge room and scoffs when she sees me and chastises me for taking so long but I see her smile when I apologise. She leaves to make a phone call. Wurlebme before I eat to wash the spirit from my flesh. We don't set the table tonight but instead eat out in the yard at a fire because celebrations are done under open sky. We bog in with our fingers and tell bad jokes that only I laugh at and make lewd comments and locker room talk and the goose is cooked to perfection and I can taste the ash in the damper and a part of my soul feels whole again as my brother smiles at me with mandem strings stuck in his teeth and my sister tosses frozen manngalele berries into my mouth and dad tells the story of that giant barra what got away that he loves to tell every chance he gets and mum sings a song to herself in the kitchen. By ten some neighbours arrive and we have a mulil to ourselves my ngadjadj runs to see me on toddler legs and I catch him when he falls. Behind him comes the girl who fancies herself my mararradj and she tussles the boy's hair before kissing me I don't stop her from removing my hat and sunnies and she remarks that he has my eyes, quarter-kukbele but his are still bright blue with youth and wonder that I hope he never loses. He sits in my lap, brother on one side, mararradj on the other sister and father and mother across as we eat. The neighbours brought a feast to celebrate my return mussels and fruit and meat and fish malalalk and dolek are choice, roasted on coals. Dessert is made for once, hot Milo and nutmeg and gelatin with mankurndalh berries. I bed down in the sleepout with my head positioned under the hole in the verandah roof that my brother and I cut a year ago so I could see the stars. I fall asleep to the chitter of flying foxes and the yips of dingos in the distance but tonight I don't dream of them. I don't dream of her face, or her touch, or her kisses or the brush of her fingers on my skin, or the softness of her hair I don't dream of recoil or heat or of angry voices, or the sting of a lash, or rushes at night I don't dream of yellow eyes watching me in firelight. I dream of snakes and keeled scales and colours indescribable and the sound of rain on marrunj leaves and of a mother's embrace, of hands cradling my face of lips on my forehead and thumbs wiping my tears and timeless tenderness in the voice of a woman who welcomes me home and says "You have never lived a day that I have not loved you."
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p33p33p00p00 · 1 year
what are ur thoughts an opinions on dr coomer !!! what headcanons do you have for that silly little goose huh . what secrets do you hold
sorry for responding to this so late hjxfhbnuifnck. my little nap may have turned into something that was 14 hours long. skull emoji
anyways i think coomer is like. the best well done character in terms of development (if that makes sense) like. the way he becomes less and less AI (note of how he said after every clone of him killed, he gains power. notice how after the clone fight he is NOT that ai anymore) as it goes on, and GODDDD THE COOMER CLONE FIGHT. THAT SHIT ACTUALLY KINDA. HIT ME. YKNOW?
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(for people who use screen readers, the image reads:
Dr. Coomer: GORDON. Every time you go to sleep I can feel my body TORN apart... ATOM by ATOM... It's agonizing Gordon... I've SEEN outside Black Mesa, Gordon...
Dr. Coomer: There's NOTHING... but I know YOU...
Dr. Coomer: There's a world outside here, Gordon... AND I NEED YOU TO TAKE ME THERE...)
as for headcanons. im gonna be honest i dont think i DO have any iudhnuiofcjlk,. like. besides the whole "the entire cast is neurodivergent in some way. none of those motherfuckers are NT" headcanon i dont think i have any?? it might be because i (usually) try to stay as close to canon as i can with these lil guys but i do really
enjoy trans coomer. it does not matter in which way i lofe trans coomer <3 theres also the "coomer has depression" thing but i think it might be supported by canon so. i dont know lol
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batemanofficial · 2 years
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astramthetaprime · 2 years
Seeing the Mirror in Myself
So this TopGun fanfic series... it’s been educational.  
I don’t know if this is peculiar to fanfic -- likely not, I can’t imagine it is -- but so many stories I’ve read are plainly folks trying to work through their real-life problems.  For me, that’s being a late-diagnosed autistic.  
And so, Maverick is autistic.  
He goes through times when he doesn’t speak.  He has sensory sensitivities from his sense of smell.  He has an overwhelming special interest that dominates his life.  He has cognitive processing difficulties.  He has internalized ableism and is too hard on himself, expecting himself to be stronger, better, just like the NTs ... 
But he loves Ice like he’s never loved anything else in his life, the loss of Goose is still fresh after thirty years, he loves dogs and will help people he doesn’t even know simply because it’s the right thing to do, even if he himself is in danger in the helping ... He loves airplanes and flying as the substance of his existence, and can’t imagine himself being anything but a pilot ... 
In these two weeks I’ve laughed so much and cried so much while writing these stories.  All of it here alone in front of my computer in between turning in applications for jobs.  
More nights than not I’ve been awake past midnight, writing.  Unable to stop.  This is my life.  This is what I was meant to do.  To bring these realities, these truths, from my hands into the world.  While tears burn my eyes and I cackle over the jokes I’ve told.  These two beautiful men who love each other so much.
They came from me, so it has to be in me to begin with, right?  
I’m not done with it.  No good story is ever done.  I’m writing one right now about how they fell in love, back in 1990.  Listening to old albums from my own past because the olive branch that will turn them from rivals to lovers is music, and it’s the music I loved.  
It’s a crazy world that won’t let me do the work I love simply because it doesn’t make money.  The work that gives me life.  The work I need to be whole.  
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daisywords · 2 years
1, 15, 20?
book you’ve reread the most times?
ok tbh probably Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets bc the beginning of the third one really stressed me out for some reason and I was a weird 9 year old so I just kept rereading the second one? idk
other contenders are The Name of the Wind, Ryria Revelations trilogy, The Goose Girl, the Chronicles of Narnia, Ender's Game, and the Fablehaven series. Oh also Ella Enchanted and Fairest. And Skating Shoes, actually, and Journey to the River Sea, and The Thief Lord! all kind of my comfort rereads that I've lost track of how many times I've read them and ofc the NT and BOM and D&C if we're counting those
15. recommend and review a book.
Okay everyone should read Piranesi by Susanna Clarke. It's honesly unlike any book I've ever read but very compelling and very beautiful.
It really did have a solid storyline and something to say while also leaning into this really cool aura of mystery and otherworldliness and just wow. And the way that you also kind of piece things together in a different way than the protagonist because of your outside knowledge but that doesn't undermine his intelligence! And he's so lovable and memorable in his own right, not to mention just the incredible stunning showstopping imagery
20. what are things you look for in a book?
I fell like most of the new stuff I read is honestly just recommendations from friends? If people who have good taste like it, then I probably will too. I really like fantasy but I do foray into most any genre? It's hard to explain I'm not actually picky about what "type" of book something is, but I am picky about whether it's good* or not
*arbitrary? literally idk
book asks
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sunflowersolace · 3 years
fuck it ducktales headcanons because none of these fuckin birds (alien in penumbras case) are cishet and neurotypical like disney wants us to believe!!!
ms beakley: bi | cis | adhd | she/they
boyd: pan | cis???? he’s a robot | again he’s a robot so? is he technically nt? idk but he has autistic traits | he/him
della: bi | cis | adhd | she/her
donald: pan | trans man | adhd, speech impediment | he/him
daisy: bi | trans woman | autism | she/they
dewey: bi | genderfluid | adhd | he/they
drake: pan | trans man | adhd, chronic migraines | he/him
fenton: bi and polyam | cis | dyslexia, adhd | he/him
gyro: gay | trans man | autism, chronic pain | he/him
gosalyn: lesbian | cis | adhd | she/her
goldie: bi | cis | dyslexia | she/they
gandra: het | trans woman | adhd | she/her
huey: pan | trans girl | autism, adhd | she/her
june: aroace | cis | autism | she/they
josé: pan | cis | adhd | he/him
lena: lesbian | cis | token nt | she/her
launchpad: bi | cis | dyspraxia | he/him
louie: gay | nonbinary | adhd | they/them
may: lesbian | cis | autism | she/her
penumbra: lesbian | cis | token nt | she/her
panchito: bi | trans man | autism | he/him
scrooge: het | trans man | autism | he/him
violet: pan | cis | dyslexia | she/they
webby: lesbian | cis | autism | she/her
boyd and huey
della and penumbra
donald and daisy
drake and launchpad
fenton and gyro
i’m neutral on fenton and gandra. i don’t ship it per say but i don’t hate it. i like the idea of fenton dating both gyro and gandra though
gosalyn and violet
goldie and scrooge
josé and panchito and donald
lena and webby
other various headcanons
-gandra is part goose
-launchpad is part pelican
-gyro and scrooge could tell that huey was an egg (the trans kind not the bird kind) from very early on and when she cracked they were like “finally lmao”
-gyro has accidentally called scrooge dad multiple times
- the first time gosalyn called drake dad was also an accident. he was watching her hockey game and cheering embarrassingly loud and she yelled “oh my god DAD STOPPP” and he almost lost it. she didn’t even realise what she had said until after the game
-the first time she called launchpad dad was intentional though. she had always referred to him by name or as “my dad’s boyfriend”. one day after a particularly nasty brawl with some villains, which left dw scratched up and lp concussed, she got very worried. after lp told her not to worry, she said “of course i’m worried, you’re my dads!”
-she just doesn’t wanna lose another parental figure.
- violet used to be a big fan of fantasy/magic books but after the events of friendship is witchcraft she decided to stick to mystery and other fiction. it just wasn’t accurate to real magic.
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enderphoenix11 · 3 years
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Black Gold - otetsu, The Red Baron - Sabaton,
39 music - Mikito-P(?), 20 dollar nose bleed - FOB, 99 red balloon
Fourth of July, The kids aren’t alright - FOB, Lake song - the Decemberists,
Whispers in the Dark - Skillet, War - Icon for hire
Cynics and Critics - Icon for hire (or Up in flames?), Power of the Hoard - L70ETC, One More - Beartooth,
Cupid shuffle - Cupid, Spicy Madonna - Bradio,
Drive - Incubus, Deja vu - Initial D, Blinding lights - the Weekend (but only at night and through a city)
Absinthe - IDKHBTFM, Nicotine - P!atd,
Nine in the afternoon - P!atd, Viva viva happy - Mitchie M, Bad Apple but the lyrics are describing what happens in the video,
Little do you know - Alex and Sierra,
Vocaloid bossa nova medley - Kahimi
Monster - Skillet, Angel of darkness nightcore, Numb - Linkin park,
A little respect - Erasure, In the Air tonight, Take on me - Aha
Merry go round of life - Howl’s moving castle
Literally any of Tanjiro’s covers: Snow white princess is, Jigsaw, RIP=Release, Chururira Chururira Daddadda, Declare war on all Voc@loid, Deep sea girl, Roki Roki, Cinderella, Disease called love, Abstract nonsense, Tiny little adiantum, Fukkireta,
Toccata and Fugue in D minor - Bach
Cooler than me - Mike posner, Farewell wanderlust - The Amazing Devil, Cult of Dionysus - the Orion Experience,
Miss Independent - Kelly Clarkson, Bring me to life - Evanescence
Vienna - Billy Joel, Transient apple salesgirl,
ACUTE, Canterella (~grace edition~ of course), Discord - Demxntia, Hope of Morning - Icon for hire (or least there are a couple ways to interpret the first three)
Diary of Jane - Breaking Benjamin
Stayin alive - the Beegees,
Vocaloid bossa nova medley - Kahimi (I know I already put it but it’s good) or Melt (either cute PV version or Cillia’s tuning Miku NT version)
Mama - MCR (i know they actually are back but shhh)
Unknown mother goose - Wowaka (Thank you wowaka, may you rest in peace)
I wouldn’t mind - He is We
The Call - Regina spektor, Gravity - Eden project, The Cat Carol
Crazy in love, Drowning, Wake up, Drugs - Eden project
Dynamite - Tao Cruz
I have a playlist: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLwyPROYRbRc8P6AdEGWJFCx9efeR3UqBB
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crystal-heart-saga · 3 years
Crystal Heart Chapter Four - HYDRA Attack
Tony's POV
Weeks passed, Fury and Hill finally got their heads out of their asses and decided that the safest place for Melanie once she left the hospital was Avengers Tower. (Which Steve and I could have told them the day after we rescued the kid)
The day we brought Melanie home, she followed Steve around like a lost puppy, afraid of being alone. Though over the weeks that followed, as she slowly got to know the rest of the Avengers, her confidence grew.
Then One night, she wandered down to my workshop.
Steve was on a solo mission, Peter was on Patrol and I was working. I had`nt slept for two days and was onto my sixth cup of coffee for the night when the door to my workshop opened.
"Pete, that you Underoos?" I asked, Peter often came to the workshop when he finished patrol.
"Ummm, It's me Mr. Stark," Said a voice that was Obviously not Peter.
I turned around from the workbench and Melanie stood in the doorway. looking terrified.
"What's wrong Mel?" I asked, gesturing that it was okay for her to come in.
"I... I had a bad dream."
I reached for a rag and wiped the grease off my hands before walking over and putting my arm around the girl, "You wanna talk about it?"
"But..." she started, but I cut her off, "I know what a bad dream is Mel. I've had a few myself." I said, "You can tell me. It's ok.
She took a deep breath, "It was about... HYDRA...They... they turned me... turned me into some kinda...Puppet... and I... I hurt Steve..." She burst into tears and wrapped her arms around my neck, "Mr. Stark, I hurt him so bad... and you... didn't want me anymore... "
"Oh mellie... That's not gonna happen. I promise. I will always want you around." I said, pulling her into a hug.
"But I..." she broke down into tears again, "But I was so scared... I don't wanna go back... I was so scared..."
"It's ok Mel. It's gonna be ok." I said, "Come on, let's get you back to bed."
I pulled the girl close to my side and walked her back to her room, tucking her back into her bed.
"I'm Sorry Mr. Stark," Melanie whimpered as I adjusted the blanket over her.
"What for?" I asked.
"For coming down to the workshop. I know You were busy and I... couldn't even..." Melanie was crying again, she rolled over, facing away from me as if ashamed by her tears.
"Come on Mel, It's ok, It's not your fault." I soothed, "You know that, right?
"I-I know." Melanie sniffled.
"You can come down to the workshop anytime, day or night." I said, "I'm always gonna be here for you. We all will."
Melanie sniffed again. "Promise?"
Melanie rolled back over, looking at me with tears in her eyes. "Thank you Mr. Stark." she said, "For everything."
"You're welcome Mellie."
"Will... will you stay for a bit? Till I fall asleep?"
"Sure," I said, more than a little surprised at the request. I settled in the chair beside Melanie's bed. My Project could wait a while. "Get some sleep kiddo, I'll keep you safe."
I must have dozed off at one point because the next thing I knew, it was the next morning and Peter was nudging me awake. After I rushed my Spider-ling to school, I returned to my project, only to find Melanie waiting for me in the workshop. She was sitting in what Steve called his "Sketching corner," an armchair and coffee table with pencils, a pile of loose drawing paper and a sketchbook.
"What's going on Mel?" I asked.
"Ummm, I wanted to thank you, for last night," Melanie said, brushing a strand of blonde hair from her face.
"You`re welcome kid, I know how real those nightmares can feel," I replied.
suddenly, Melanie's heterochromatic eyes went as wide as saucers, "Mr Stark, Steve needs help."
"Miss Peters is correct sir," JARVIS confirmed, "Captain Rogers is upstairs, he appears to be ill."
We both grimaced at the news, "We should hurry," I said, grabbing Melanie by the hand and leading her upstairs. Cursing under my breath the whole way. Steve never gets sick. Ever. Something was seriously wrong.
My fears were confirmed when we got to the penthouse and found Steve throwing up into the toilet; he looked terrible. His blond hair was soaked in sweat, practically plastered to his forehead, and his big blue eyes lacked their usual sparkle.
"Steve, Steve," I said, kneeling beside him "You look awful sweetheart."
"Tony, is Melanie okay?" Steve asked, breathing heavily.
"She's fine, she and i've been down in the workshop," I replied. combing my fingers through his damp hair.
"they`re.... coming for... her, you have... to protect her.."
"And leave you here bringing your guts up? No way."
"I`ll Be fine, this is the serum, it's getting the poison out of my system."
"Poison?" I asked, alarmed.
"I`ll explain later, just keep her safe. Please Tony,"
"I promise, I will." I kissed his pale cheek before getting to my feet and leaving to find Melanie. she was waiting just outside.
"Melanie, we need to talk," I said.
She nodded, her Heterochromatic eyes full of fear and concern.
I took her by the hand and led her into the Laundry, "Do you remember that first day at the hospital? Where Peter hid you when HYDRA agents came looking for you?"
Melanie nodded, "In the Bathtub," she replied.
"Well today`s a little bit different," I said.
Melanie seemed to understand what i was implying and clambered into the Laundry basket. I quickly arranged the clothes so she was concealed from the outside and placed a blanket on top of her.
"one of us`ll come and get you when it`s safe `kay?"
Melanie made a little sound of acknowledgement.
The basket was beside the dryer, so I turned on a load. Figuring that the noise would conceal Melanie`s breathing and keep her warm at the same time.
When i closed the lid to the basket, Goose positioned herself on top of it.
"Goose, Stay. Protect her," I instructed
"Meow," Said goose.
By the time I`d called my suit, Steve was staggering into the living room.
"Melanie?" he asked.
"Safe, Goose`s on guard duty" I replied, "You sure you`re okay?"
Steve took two steps towards me and nearly fell over in a heap. I caught him and eased him onto the ground, (thanks to the Armour, i never would have been strong enough otherwise)
"m'ok." Steve said "I lost my focus for a moment, that's all." He stared at up at me, blue eyes glassy.
"Yeah no, You're far from ok." I replied, "You need to sit this one out."
"Can't.." Steve protested, "I promised Mel... I'd Protect.. her."
"That's a promise we all made," I reminded, but before I could continue, A Bomb broke through the Skylight, Flooding the room with Gas.
My Helmet closed immediately, and I sent out the Avengers Assemble code before looking down at Steve. His super-immunity was busy fighting whatever these Lunatics had poisoned him with, thereby lowering his resistance to the gas.
"Come on Capsicle, Stay with me," I said as I started to drag him out of the Gas cloud. When we retreated to the hall, My fiancé had passed out, but he was still breathing.
Before i knew it, The rest of the Team had gathered around us.
"F***! What happened?" Natasha asked.
"Some Lunatic poisoned him," I replied, "And then HYDRA tossed a gas bomb through the skylight. Bucky, can you get him down to Medbay?" I asked.
Bucky nodded, and I watched as he grabbed Steve and supported him. About a year ago, I wouldn't have trusted my fiancé`s best friend as far as I could throw him. But after he saved Peter's life from A Vengeful Green Goblin. It forced me to admit that maybe i was wrong.
"Where`s Melanie?" Clint signed as Bucky disappeared down the fire escape.
L-a-u-n-d-r-y B-a-s-k-e-t G-o-o-s-e I signed back.
Clint Saluted and ran off.
As I charged my repulsers, The memory of last night, and Melanie's distraught, terrified face flashed before my eyes. taking a deep breath, I prepared for the battle ahead. Those Asses were not going to take My girl away.
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pinkydec · 3 years
if you want…elaborate on the england nt as government au …please ?
I’m gonna put this in a read more because it’s very… full on almost
so this was an idea that me and a friend came up with a few weeks back based on the fact marcus would be a better prime minister than bojo and it’s stemmed into an idea I’ve got after I’ve finished my prompts, where they’re all part of the government in the uk and each member has been assigned a role
marcus: prime minister: this is pretty self explanatory, the amount this man has done for the country is honestly unbelievable and he deserves more credit.
jesse: personal bodyguard to pm: protective jesse just kills me and can you imagine just how protective he'd be over marcus??
hendo: private secretary to the pm. so basically hendo would help with communication, managing the pms diary and basically helps marcus get stuff done.
trent: executive assistants to the secretary. he works with his dad thats all i'll say
luke: executive adviser to the secretary. so luke would work very closely with trent and hendo and would basically would give them support surrounding the party and would help write speeches and such.
pickers: chief of security: no man would fuck with this man. just picture pickers screaming at a member of the security team if they fucked up even the smallest amount, it's a beautiful image.
harry m: chief of staff. so he'd work closely with marcus and would be close to him and would be a big help to marcus when he trying to make a decision about something.
dec: Downing Street Press Secretary: dec bless him isn't the smartest tool in the book, but he knows how to work people into his corner. so he would be excellent at changing how the british media view the government.
mason: Director of communications. so mase would be in charge of the communication internally within the government and externally, so this may include contact media and doing statements.
harry k: campaign manager. so harry would be in charge of doing campaigns for under represented groups and working within a group with charities and such.
stonsey: bodyguard 1. listen if john stones was in a suit i wouldn't say boo to a goose. he's one of the bodyguards who go everywhere with marcus.
kyle: bodyguard 2. same with kyle.
tyrone: home secretary. honestly tyrone would have the most demanding job but after seeing him take on p*til, i'm all for it. he is basically in charge of everything, he'd be legally countable for the national security and making sure that our communities are safe etc.
chilly: secretary of state for health and social care. so chilly would be have control of the financial control for the nhs and stuff and would be in charge of the nhs's performance and would be able to give money to mental health
reece: lord chancellor and secretary of state for justice. so this is actually two roles but they're basically together anyway. so he'd be in charge of the courts, prison and probation and would even be part of the supreme court.
jack: secretary of state for digital, culture, media and sport. so he would help to promote and grow englands cultural and artistic heritage and help businesses and communities to grow by giving them the money and opportunity to do soon.
kalvin: personal driver. listen kalv turning up with sunglasses on knowing he's the Shit that gets to look all fancy is so personal to me
phil: the leader of the house of lords. phil would basically be in charge of all the government business which goes down at the lords and would provide assistance to everyone
buk: campaign managers apprentice. listen buk is my son and harry taking him under his win is so soft to me im gonna cry
raheem: secretary of state for defence. so raz would basically be in charge of military operations and defence operations and has overall responsibility for the ministry of defence.
jadon: secretary of state for housing, communities, and local government. so he's in charge of helping support local governments in the regeneration, housing, planning, building and the environment.
dom: secretary of state for education. dom would be in charge of the department for education, which covers pre-school, primary school, secondary school, the school curriculum, free school meals etc.
eric: chancellor of the exchequer. money. eric is essentially in charge of money. he's in charge of tax and public spending for each year and has to do a budget every year.
dele: secretary of state for environment, food and rural affairs. dele is in charge of protecting the biodiversity the countryside and the marine environment. he also helps with keeping british farming going.
trips: secretary of state for foreign, commonwealth and development affairs. trips is in charge of british relations with foreign countries and governments and has oversight into MI6 and promotes british interests abroad
conor: secretary of state for business, energy and industrial strategy. conor is in control of science, research and innovation within britain, is in charge of the policy surrounding climate change etc.
deano: bodyguard 3. listen deano in a suit >>>> plus i know from when he was on loan with my hometeam nobody fucks with this man.
ben: attorney general. ben is a legal adviser to both the queen and the government, ben's got a bit of a busy job bless him, he's the superintendant to the crown prosecution office, the serious fraud office and working with government lawyers.
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woollyslisterblog · 5 years
1834 May Friday 16th (part three)
For you m[u]st n[o]t forget, that, as a circumst[ance], w[hi]ch seems mo[re] partic[ularl]y to tell you the sect[io]n of your own heart, w[oul]d n[o]t then ha[ve] occurr[e]d, you m[i]ght still ha[ve] been ignor[an]t of it as ev[e]r; and I sh[oul]d n[o]t ha[ve] h[a]d the str[aight] advent[age] of being val[ue]d as at pres[en]t –
Mary! Is n[o]t this reasonab[le]? You f[i]nd trav[ellin]g insupportab[le] - you h[a]d oth[e]r int[ere]sts [unreadable] than mine - you c[oul]d n[o]t bear to leave Lawton - you ev[e]n made a point of my promis[in]g to set[tle] n[ea]r th[e]re - and you ab[ov]e all peop[le] knew how I w[a]s situate[e]d tow[ar]ds my own pl[a]ce where my fam[il]y h[a]d liv[e]d bet[ween] 2 and 3 cent[urie]s, I be[in]g the 15th possess[o]r of my fam[il]y and na[me] - Mary! The sp[iri]t of my unc[le] start[e]d up bef[ore] me, and h[a]d my life been the sacrif[i]ce, idolat[o]ry m[ust ha[ve] yield[e]d to hon[ou]r - Mary! My d[ea]r[e]st Mary, you th[ou]ght of me too lowly then, as you think of me too high[l]y now -
Reflect up[on] these th[in]gs - you will be happ[ie]r by and by - you will trust my fr[ie]ndsh[ip] and reg[ar]d implic[itl]y; and this will n[o]t be the least of the comf[or]ts that I firm[l]y hope will att[e]nd us b[o]th - ask me to wr[ite], or do an[y]th[in]g - I do n[o]t feel as if I sh[oul]d ev[e]r disap[poin]t you m[u]ch - I ha[ve] no feel[in]g tow[ar]ds you b[u]t affect[iona]te reg[ar]d; and my gr[ea]t[e]st anx[iet]y is for your welfare - B[u]t cheer up , Mary be comfort[e]d my d[ea]r[e]st Mary, if it sh[oul]d be b[u]t for my sake- How my pen still lingers on your engross[in]g subject!
I m[u]st answ[e]r the prompt of your let[ter] - James Clayton is no longer my serv[a]nt - he ca[me] to me on the 24th ult[imo] Refused to wear Thomas's liv[e]ry - on the 26th and left me on the 28th sorry probably for his folly , and n[o]t calculat[in]g That I sh[oul]d n[o]t retrace the warn[in]g giv[e]n at the mom[en]t - Mr Williamson, register office for serv[a]nts, Colliergate, (I th[in]k it is) York is the on[l]y pers[o]n I kno[w] of, like[l]y, to kno[w] an[y]th[in]g ab[ou]t the man –
You will see Fr[om] my last, as far as I can tell at pres[ent], wh[a]t I am go[in]g to be ab[out]- I shall prob[abl]y be in York By 12 on Tues[day], and off in an h[ou]r tow[ar]ds Richm[on]d – In my a[un]t’s pres[en]t state of health, I can’t be abs[en]t Mo[re] than a week – I do not exp[ec]t her surviv[in]g anoth[e]r wint[e]r – my fath[e]r’s life, too, is ver[y] precar[iou]s – He h[a]d a ver[y] slight paralyt[i]c affect[io]n, mo[re] partic[ularl]y in the left arm, 3 or 4 days ago – Mar[ia]n’s Attent[ion] to h[i]m is qui[te] exemp[lar]y- Her feel[in]g towards me seems altogeth[e]r chang[e]d int[o] wh[a]t is m[o]st Comf[orta]ble – God bless you, my d[ea]r[e]st Mary! You can’t poss[ibl]y doubt my reg[ar]d, n[o]r how m[u]ch I am alw[a]ys Ver[y] espec[iall]y yours AL’
writ[in]g out this let[ter] has taken me fr[om] 3 25/60 to 4 10/60 = 1 1/4 h[ou]r – what will Pi-[Mariana] think of it? I see three tears fallen on her paper - what a goose she has been – surely she never thought of losing – she played upon me too much – the history of our acquaintance maybe summed in she - accept[e]d refus[e]d marr[e]d offend[e]d refus[e]d repent[e]d-
The way AL trucates her vowels in the written form has me wondering if it was a reflection of her speaking voice. A tendency to speak far back in the throat and elide the vowels The thermometer scene when she speaks 'of VER[y] VER[y] bad memor[ie]s' springs to mind. But I'm sure that I have read elsewhere that Regency voices are closer to American North East pronounciation due to the Pilgrims not accents remaining closer to English as spoken then, so it is a mere idle speculation.
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bloojayoolie · 5 years
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Army, Cartoon, and France: They were about to hold an election and none of the French leaders was prepared to take responsibility for plunging France into a war. Of course, they did not know how weak the German army was. In the end, France refused to act without British support and so Hitler's big he gamble paid off. Maybe next time he would risk more! nt. SOURCE 15 मय y ad e y of m w ki H RNO P / N T THE GOOSE-STEP. "GOOSEY GOOSEY GANDER, WHITHER DOST THOU WANDER? "ONLY THROUGH THE RHINELAND- PRAY EXCUSE MY BLUNDER!" A British cartoon about the reoccupation of the Rhineland, 1936. Pax Germanica is Latin and means 'Peace, German style'. PAX ERMANICA Historical Untitled Goose
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thatdarnblogagain · 5 years
Captain Marvel Review
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This...this is awkward. *Ahem* How does one put this gently? The Captain Marvel movie, kind of sucks. Like “oh my gosh this is bad” sucks. That sentiment comes from an objective viewpoint; well as objective a viewpoint one can have after watching whatever Marvel’s, Captain Marvel was.
I paid little attention to the calls for the film to be boycotted or whatever controversy surrounded the lead of the film, Brie Larson. All I wanted was a good film as Marvel is accustomed to delivering. Sadly, I was let down. Why you ask?
.Carol: A tale of Two Leads - One of the biggest problems for me is not the character of Captain Marvel but what Marvel is trying to do with her. It is in some way similar to what happened with Iron Man in his first live action film.
Robert Downy Jr took a C to B list character at best and gave a performance that shot him into the upper echelons of comics. However that was more of an unintentional thing. There was no one saying how great Tony Stark was. We saw this with his ingenuity throughout the film but more than that we saw it by how vulnerable he was by being captured, and left for dead more than once, thus having to learn or rely on others. Why? Because Tony is a genius and he is genius enough to know he needed others to help him in his plight. Yes he has an ego but that falls away when he knows his or others’ lives depend on it. He makes mistakes and comes out of the other side stronger for it. That’s relatable.
In Captain Marvel from the first exchange of dialogue in the movie, we are told how strong Carol is though she is “emotional” (Something we see little of). We have constant scenarios of the character being lauded by others for how brilliant she is, whether as a pilot, warrior or hero. There is no fall for her beyond brief moments of being captured...twice. In each scenario she manages to get away with ease and gain little from either. Yes she “falls” in the movie during montages as Marvel tries to hamfist the idea of rising up into the plot line but Steve Rogers did that already and without needing to hammer it home that this was a Psuedo-motivational moment.
Again let’s look at Tony. In his workshop Tony goes through countless tests to get his suit to fly or do what he wishes and we see him fail before he succeeds. But Tony does not give up! He keeps going till he gets it done and even then, he keeps upgrading his suits for any possible situation because he knows he is not invincible. Anything is possible and he needs to be prepared. Whether this is caution or his need for control it shows us Tony’s mindset which almost seems neurotic at its worst.
Carol...falls from space, closes her eyes and decides to fly. That is a scene meant to be empowering but I instead just groaned. Marvel seems to want us to buy into Carol being the cornerstone of the Marvel Cinematic Universe but I think it can be argued while not nearly as strong as Carol, Black Widow deserves that spot.
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(This picture has more charisma than the cast)
.The Attitude - Carol is cocky. Not quite Tony Stark or Namor cocky but she has an ego of sorts. She is a woman who knows she is powerful, knows she has the means to take control and is not afraid of doing so. However she has an attitude of no nonsense but also of being able to empathize with others, such as when Scarlet Witch returned to her senses after the House of M storyline. Carol in her Ms.Marvel guise along with Spider-Woman come to her aid before taking Wanda to the Avengers’ Mansion and in those few pages we see a range of emotions. Joy at seeing her friend. The jubilant yet skilled approach Carol takes to fighting the threats facing them. The pain on her face when Vision turns Wanda, his wife at the time, away.
Those are organic expressions and it hurts to say those pages carry more emotion in them than Brie’s portrayal. It is wooden and has no real character behind it. Yes she is soldier but so is Captain America, Bucky, Falcon and Black Widow. Yes she has amnesia, so did Bucky and in Civil War he still showed the emotion of someone who felt like they could not even trust themselves, worry, fear, wariness of all around him besides Steve. Brie really only has one emotion throughout. Stoic. Stoic in happiness, sadness and anger.
She does stoic well but nothing else. For example, upon realizing all she knows is false, Carol in the movie has no moment of breaking down that others face. T’challa upon seeing his father’s transgression confronts him and completely changes his mindset about aiding the outside.  Charlize Theron as Furiosa in Mad Max - Fury Road upon realizing what she was fighting for all along no longer exists, this bastion of strength walks into the desert, takes off her prosthetic arm and screams into the distance. Carol has none of that besides saying, “I don’t know who I am!!!” which is quickly countered by her friend saying, “You are Carol Danvers....”. And...that’s it. She has a moment at the end where she echoes this and ordeal over. Yup.
.Missed Opportunities - Yon Rogg, Korath, Ronan, Agent Coulson, Mar-Vell and even the Skrulls feel like they were wasted in this movie. Some are glorified cameos and that sucks. Korath especially feels like he could have had backstory to show how he became what he was in Guardians of the Galaxy. Oh and Mar-Vell...what did they do to Mar-Vell!?!? Moving on!
Nick Fury feels like he got some of the worst of it all. Many wanted to see how he got those Scars but the pay off is so bad you wish it was instead a moment better left to our imagination. While it is fun seeing a younger Nick Fury at work with a different attitude to his older self, there seems like he deserved a subplot that paid off the speculation of him losing his eye.
Skrulls + He trusted someone he should not have + Lost an eye = Easy Subplot. Imagine going through a movie with Nick having faith in a character only to see that is not who he thought it was and pays a huge price before painfully having to take that person out? That would have explained the Nick Fury who we know so well.
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(Annnnnnnd...lack of common sense starts now)
.Plot Twists - NO! That’s all I will say! NO! I understand trying to subvert expectations but there are some things in the Marvel Universe that should stay as such. This is not like changing, M’Baku to a anti-hero/hero or the Mandarin into an Actor (Who was not even the real Mandarin). This is like taking the Red Skull and making him a hero. It  just does not work. That is all I will say to avoid spoilers.
.What Genre am I? - You know something? Winter Soldier is a Spy Thriller movie. Ant Man, a crime comedy. Thor-Raganarok a Sci-Fi Comedy. None of them are really the same despite being hero flicks. Each has its identity. Each understands what it wants to do. Captain Marvel does not.
It shifts from bad action movie, to bad drama to bad comedy. It is jack of nothing and the ace of nothing. Captain America understood it was a period piece and played up the aspects of this. It was essential but Captain Marvel only has this is spots before the film does away with them.
It is no rite of passage tale like Homecoming was or even Shazam. In those films the heroes fall due to their own errors and must dig themselves out of it, in one case literally. Captain Marvel has none of that. Brie is powerful at the start and becomes more powerful at the end. It has the spy of spies in the MCU, Nick Fury but fails to use him nearly enough.
A depowered Carol, (Thanks to a power cancelling chip on her neck) on the run with Fury trying to understand her past sounds like an amazing prospect, making me want to see her regain her powers after gaining better understanding of how to utilize them. But nope, she whoops ass and will make sure you know. Even if you don’t want to.
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(I’m the badass female of the MCU...after Black Widow, Okoye, Shuri, Peggy Carter, Valkyrie, Gamora, Frigga, Pepper Pots, Aunt May, *Aunt May Into the Spider-Verse* Nebula, Sif, Sharon Carter, Nakia, The Ancient One...yeah after all of them!)
Rating: 1 out 5
.Boring Screen Play and action
.Bland Lead
.Misguided attempt at a powerful female lead (Wonder Woman & Furiosa did it far better even if they were flawed as well)
.Convoluted plot
.Goose is awesome and so is Nick Fury.
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Just some things (in somewhat chronological order):
-nobody likes my music
- “DEPRESSING MUSIC??? HA YOU FOOLS”  *everyone cries*
- “man. i hate taylor swift” *screams all the lyrics in every song*
- chinken nunggets 
- “aha hey look the hotel has a gender neutral restroom” -litterally EVERYONE
- **blows all my money on chocolate milk, mac n cheese, and goldfish*
- i want to go to school plz
- unnecessary stress stress steess stress w hy *face breaks out* i wanT to cLaW it oF
- what the fuck charli why are you so indecisive 
- ahh i  mi s s   y o u
- you smell so good ggh ?? ACTUalluY Like fucking magical flower gardens 
- wow, smooth, charli - nice going 
- h e ck
- wowie this suit is tight
- *pours water on myslef and watches it bead off like a duck*
- haiku: quack goose geese honk duck
I cant move my arms are stuck
Really, i cant breathe
- i can mcfucking do this  ( later) * o u ch
- crying in front of all my friends when i listen to your voice
- what the hell charli s t o p
- why am i so emotional ?? I dont even like ed sheeran that much 
- smol wriggly wrolly boi ! ^-^ !
- this sOng make a me a ha ppy !
- aaaA you’re so cUTe wowie 
- I am a rainbow goldfish. 
- breadsticks?? Hell yEs *eats like 8+*
- tHe crOc     so majestic 
- “charli, what’s that website youre always on?”  *remebers “isnt tumblr for gay people? -brinley 2k18”* uuhhhh 
- i havent had one of those little ice cream cup thingys since like 3rd grade 
- *wi g G L e*
- w hy did i buy so much chocolate milk ??
- “just dont drink it all you will litterally die” haha jokes on you *runs to the fridge*
- i. Miss. You.
- i miss my doggo ;-;
- did i mention you smell good??
- i want to hug you please this isnt fair
- i cant even look into your eyes without looking away because theyre just tOo   b e au t i ful
- crying myslef to sleep
- hating myself because i cant do anything to help you ngghh
- hugging myself and pretending its someone/ any o n e  else telling me its ok
- i cant breathe
- what’s going to happen ? ? 
- what if i cant protect them and i lose one of them and i c a nt do anything and its mY fault 
- i dont want to sleep because im afraid of what my dreams will tell me
- its no t  FA i r
- i love you i love you i love you i love you i love you i love you i love you i love you i love you i love you i love you i love you i love you i love you i love you
- ple a s e  pleasse p L e A s E
- im sorry im sorry im sorry im sorry
- ahah goodmorning every muscle in your body hurts because you didnt stretch you dumb fuck 
- 2 more days.
- he c k   My choccy milk
- you got this - just don’t add like,,, 20 seconds like last time
- aha aye you should post this shit no one wants to see it might make you feel beeter      w h at 
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For the imagine thing, if you're still doing them.... I'm going to go dirty and ask for Imagine that your 'first time' is with Chakotay. Please? Cause you do smut so very well?
Okay, anon. Buckle up. This shit got long. (That’s what she said.) Anyway. Needless to say, this is NSFW. Watch out kiddies.
Your concentration has been blown all through Beta shift. Tonight. My quarters 1900 hours. His lowvoice echoes in your subconscious and sends tingling tendrils of anticipationacross your body. A warmth settles low in your belly with an answering wetnessbetween your thighs.
A blush colors your cheeks and you look around to see ifanyone is watching. No one notices you. No one ever notices you; only when youmake an error in calculation. But, he does. He sees you for who you really are.The Commander is never far from your thoughts.
His warm smile, the way he guides you through the corridorwith the close protection of his body, the easy companionship, and his cooking.God his cooking. The temperature isslowly rising and you wonder if it’s you or the warp core. Someone moving besideyou pulls your attention back to the task at hand.
After a few minutes, you lose focus once again. Time seemsto be moving so incredibly slow! This shift cannot possibly last any longer.The chronometer is nearing 1730. Just in time for you to clear away thehalf-written reports and--
“You’ve been working on this diagnostic for thirty minutesnow, Lieutenant. Is there something wrong?”
Oh. Shit. Why is this happening? Why? Why?
“I am so sorry. I’m—it’s just been a long day, ma’am,”B’Elanna looks at you and almost seems genuinely concerned. She pauses for amoment and you hold your breath.
“Why don’t I finish with this and you can get an early startto bed. Be ready to report tomorrow, rested and refreshed,” you look shockedand both of you know that you’re not going to say ‘no’.
“Yes, ma’am. Thank you,” you practically bolt out the door.
Once in your quarters, you rifle through the little civilianclothes you have. Nothing seems to be capturing your attention, so you give upon the search and start with your shower first, hoping that inspiration willstrike you.
Your aching muscles sing under the steady pressure of thehot spray. Feeling adventurous, you grab the body scrub from the untouchedcorner of the stall, a gift from your sister upon Voyager’s departure, and lather yourself. Reveling in the warmvanilla that envelopes you.
Stepping out of the bathroom, after a quick shave of yourlegs, you plop down into the softness of your bed. The towel that is looselywrapped around you relaxes as the tie falls out. Despite the standard issue‘Fleet mattress and sheet set, this is some of the best damn sleep you’ve everhad.
You burrow deeper into the comforter. A quick nap before avisit to the Commander sounds like a wonderful idea. Your eyes slip closedbefore you can ask the computer to set an alarm.
The chime of the door rouses you from your deep sleep. Yourun your hands through your dry hair and—DRYHAIR. OH, GOD.
“Computer, what time is it?”
“The time is 1948.”
Oh, God. You situp, hands flying to your mouth, and the override to your door is being keyedin. The door opens to reveal the Commander, concern etched deeply into hisexpression. There is nothing you can do to really hide your nudity from him, soyou clutch the towel against you, a deep blush rising from your chest to yourhairline.
He crosses to you and gingerly sits at the edge of your bed.
“I was worried when you didn’t answer any of my pages. Are youalright,” you lean into the hand that comes to brush your unruly hair from yourface.
“Chakotay,” his name tumbles from your foggy brain, “I am sosorry. I fell asleep and I--.”
“Sleeping is never something you have to apologize for,” hecups your face, a calloused thumb caresses your cheek, “I’ve noticed that youhaven’t been getting enough rest. I should go and let you get back to sleep.”
“No,” you think. Hehas slept in your bed many times before. Content with only feeding you,massaging you, laughing with you, and cradling you in his strong arms throughthe countless nightmares. Your relationship over these seven long months hasgrown strong, building to a beautiful crescendo that currently is slippingthrough your fingers.
Tears prick hotly behind your eyes and he scans your face,seeming to read your thoughts. He shakes his head sadly and he wants to speak,but your movement stops him. Forgetting the towel, you bring both of your handsto comb through his hair. You let your arms drop to his shoulders as he bringsyour forehead to his lips. You shudder at the delicate contact of the kiss.
He is so close you can almost feel his pulse; the enticingscent of earth, musk, and spice pulls you to nuzzle his neck. You place anexperimental kiss on his pulse point, he rests the bridge of his nose againstyour shoulder.
“Chakotay. Please,”you’re breathless, “I need you. All ofyou,” he growls as your whispered request finds him. Broad hands trace downyour bare back, goose flesh breaks out across your sensitive skin. His mouthbegins to leave wet open-mouthed kisses leading to your neck.
You moan unabashedly into the cool air of your quarters; hishands tighten on your hips. Your senses are so overwrought with what he’s doingto you that you forget to reciprocate, but he doesn’t seem to care. Recliningyou in his embrace, his lips trail your collar bone and you feel his tongueswirl over your skin.
“Mmmm…you taste likevanilla,” he hums into you. A dull ache begins to throb deep inside you,the wet heat returns to you and gushes unbidden from your naked cunt. Rubbingyour thighs together to create friction of any kind, your fingers find theirway to the hair at the nape of his neck.
A whimper is drawn from you as his mouth suckles one of yourstiff dusky nipples. You arch into his mouth and he groans with a mouth full ofyour breast.
“Are you sure…?”
You open your eyes to consider his; deep brown, full of loveand passion. A smile spreads on your face and you guide him up to meet yourlips. This kiss is different than any you’ve shared before, it’s strong, allconsuming, the fire he’s kept at bay, is slowly scorching you.
Coming up for air, he scans your face once more, asking yourpermission yet again.
“Yes, Chakotay. Takeme. I am yours. Make love to me,” the dimpled grin he gives you is blindingand beautiful. He descends upon you again; licking, nipping, and kissing. Youfeel his hand skim over the rippling muscles of your stomach, your breathhitches as one of his fingers runs through your swollen folds, hot and slippery,thick with want.  
“Gods, already so wetfor me,” he brings the digit to his mouth and sucks it clean. Craving contactand the desperate need to touch his skin overtakes you, you pull clumsily atthe zipper of his jacket. Gently, he pushes you away, kissing your nose.  
“Not yet. Let me seeto you first. I want to watch you come undone.”
His brazen statement and hand questing between your thighsbrings you to new heights. The slickness between your legs is surprising. You’venever been so wet in your life. His mouth returns to yours. Tongue languidlycaressing yours; there is no way you will live another night without feelingthis man inside you.
He circles your clit slowly, maddeningly; your body istaunt, ready for release. You grind yourself down into him and he presses afinger against your gushing slit.
“Yes? Do you like howthat feels,” he huffs into your open mouth.
“Jesus, yes. Moremoremoremremomoreeeee…” hisfinger pushes into you, deliciously. He moans as you cry out, pulsing aroundhis broad finger.
“Oh, it’s—ah…yes. Yes.Yes,” the full feeling of him has you quaking intensely.
“Do you,” he sucksyour bottom lip between his teeth, “fingeryourself?”
His interrogation is seriously turning you on and you begin toride his finger. He gasps and matches your deep steady thrusts.
“Ugnf…yes. But, ohhhh—hmmm,”you brush your nose across his and he watches with heavy lidded eyes as youpull your bottom lip between your teeth, “Yourfingers. God, they’re bigger than mine.”
He licks your jaw hungrily and kisses you until you’rebreathless. As you pant, he adds a second finger, his thumb rubbing your clitmore insistently. The pressure is too much and it makes you jump. He stops,fingers still inside you.
“Did I hurt you,” hisbreath is hot in your ear and you feel the worry on it.
“No. It’s just toomuch.”
“Show me,” you’reconfused for a moment and he parts from you with a lingering kiss. Sittingupright, he pulls one of your legs into his lap and lets the other fall behindhim. He grasps your hand and pulls it down your body, resting it on your achingclit.
His hand covers your own and the other slowly massages youropening. You get the hint and shyly start to press and flick at the strainingbundle of nerves. You look to see him watching intently and your inner musclesclench at the intensity in which he studies your movements.
His fingers slide back inside you and you nearly come thenand there. You throw your head back and simply enjoy yourself. Your free handcomes to knead at your breast and tweak your nipple. He grunts enthusiasticallyand sets a steady rhythm.
“Do you like it whensomeone touches your breasts?”
“Yes. Yes.”
“Ah, you’re so tight.It’s magnificent,” you never thought you’d be one for dirty talk, but it’sdriving you crazy with want. A fresh rush of wetness runs down his palm.
“Mmm…you like to talk.Tell me, tell me what you want.”
You feel your pussy tighten in warning. You’re soaking wetas another wave coats his hand.
“Ah! Oh! I wa-nt—ung—Iwant to feel you inside me,” all you hear is his breath, deep and heavy inthe air, “I want to ride your cock untilI forget my own naaaAAAMEAH!”
You come so hard that the force your cunt is gripping hisfingers with is almost painful. He sighs and leans down to kiss you soundly,breathing life back into you. He pulls back to say something to you, but there’sno time. You need his dick inside of you. Right at this very moment.
He huffs out a short laugh as you pounce and rolls over,helping you remove the obnoxious number of layers between you and his caramelskin. He is bared from the waste up and you fight the urge to sink your teethinto his collarbone.
Noticing the fire in your eyes, his hands palm both of yourbreasts, flicking roughly at your nipples. The sensation shoots straight toyour sensitive cunt and you rub your slick opening over the trail of hair underhis naval.
He grabs both of your ass cheeks in his hands, pulling youup his body; large arms wrap around you to unfasten his trousers, but he doesn’tslip from them just yet. He brings you to him, small slow nibbles morph intofeverish twists of tongue and teeth.
You begin to rock back on him, your clit finding delicious frictionon his abdomen, his hips thrust of their own accord, you slide down to meet hisstraining erection. He stills you, panting into your mouth, and you feel himtwitch against your ass.
“What I am about totake from you is precious,” he breathes, “I would be honored. But, if you are having--,” you silence himwith a finger over his full lips.
“I have never beenmore certain of anything. I trust you. I-,” you falter and he smiles. Hiseyes close for a moment and when they open again a lone tear escapes.
“I love you,” hetakes your hand in his and brings your knuckles to his mouth. His admission takesthe air from your lungs, you drop a kiss just above his heart, and travel downhis body. When you reach his calves, his trousers and briefs are crowded underhis knees. Once you’ve done away with his boots, socks, and pants you finallyget a good look at that handsome cock. Jumping and begging to plunge deepinside you.
“Come here,” hehusks. You climb him and he maneuvers you underneath him once again. Your handsroam the warm skin of his shoulders and he settles between your legs.
“We’ll take it easythis time. Save the more of the ‘riding’ for later,” you both chuckle andhe kisses your cheek. His hand caressing the side of your breast, sliding downover your belly, and back to your wet pulsing heat.
Fingers stretch you and his thumb mimics your movementsperfectly over your clit. You feel yourself hurtling toward release once more.When you’re just about to come, he slips his fingers from you, the head of hiscock nudging at your opening. Slowly, oh-so-slowly, you take him in. He’s huge,like iron, pulsing and twitching inside you.
The feeling isn’t uncomfortable, but strange. You’ve neverbeen so full, stretched around something so hard and heavy. His eyes are onyou, measuring your every movement, his control is impressive. Focused only onyou.
“Ahhh…is this alright,”he hisses and leans down to bring you face-to-face.
The small twinge gives way to a pleasurable ache, you feelyour muscles ripple around him and he groans, eyes squeezed shut.
“Yes, oh yes. You feelso goooood. Mmmm…”
He gives an experimental thrust and there is no real relief,he returns, pressing you deeper into the mattress and pulling against yourfront wall on his way out. Your pussy clenches in satisfaction and you moan obscenelyto let him know just how good hefeels.
He does it again. And again. Gaining speed and intensity asyour body coats him with ample lubrication. The ache turns to a throb, yourmuscles flutter every time his cock leaves you. You bring your legs to restaround his hips and he slips deeper into you.
“Yes. Yes. Can youcome,” he is grunting with effort.
“H-har-der. Ughn. Ineed—I need…,” you slip your hand between your writhing bodies to slideover your clit. He grasps at one of your breasts, rolling your nipple betweenhis fingers.
Your body tenses, rippling and milking his cock, pulling itdeeper into you. Your orgasm strikes you so potently that you cannot gatherenough air in your lungs to scream the way you are inside your head. He sucksyour lip into his mouth briefly before ducking into your neck and roaring as hecomes inside you.
The warmth of it fills you, seeping into your bones. He laysbeside you, breathing like he’s just run long distance. You’re not fairing muchbetter. Soon, your senses return to you and he is gathering you to his sweatslicked chest.  
“You let me know,” his arm pushes me up to lay across him, “Ifyou are hurting tomorrow. I’ll get a dermal regenerator.”
You can’t help but smile at his caring nature. Theexhaustion from earlier is assaulting you tenfold and he’s already fallingasleep. So, that is what it feels like to be ‘thoroughly fucked’, as MeganDelaney puts it. It’s wonderful. And you’re so glad you waited for this man. 
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