#he is preparing to go down on lexi
a-little-unsteddie · 10 months
stuck in your throat || a/b/o
hi so today is @lexirosewrites’s birthday today and like,, idk three or so weeks ago she followed me (hi lexi <3 happy birthday <3 hope today has been fun <3) and to celebrate both of those things i started writing an omegaverse fic, and i wanted it done by today but it is grew a mind of its’ own and now it’s much bigger than i thought it’d be so instead of the full fic, have a snippet <3
again, happy birthday lexi <3
“Hello?” Steve answered, having learned to not open the call with who was answering without knowing who was calling from one too many scam calls
“Is this Steve Harrington?” A soft feminine voice asked, taking Steve by surprise.
“May I ask who’s calling?” Steve asked, not willing to concede his identity until he knew it wasn’t someone looking to sell him ‘Alpha Pills’ or something just as ridiculous.
“Of course! My name is Chrissy Cunningham, you sent in an application for being a full time nanny and tutor?” She responded with a cheerful voice. “I can’t <i>really</i> go much more in depth without an NDA being signed.”
Recognition zapped through Steve’s body and he sat up in his seat. “Oh! Yes, I’m Steve. Um. I’d be happy to sign an NDA, just may I ask why?”
“Yes, you may! My client is a big fan of privacy and only agreed to hire someone if they were under an NDA for the protection of their pup.” aaand all of Steve’s anxiety surrounding the NDA pretty much melted away. Sure, maybe it was a bit much to do, and sure, now he was dying with curiosity to know just <i>who</i> he had ended up applying to, but the knowledge that the NDA was for the protection of the pup soothed any anxiety Steve had originally felt about signing an NDA. In fact, it kind of made his omega perk up. He shook off the feeling, focusing on Chrissy.
“That’s actually really relieving to hear,” Steve said with a laugh. “When or where can I sign the NDA?” he questioned, wondering when Robin would be home so he could tell her.
“Well, first, you and I will do a preliminary interview, just like any other job interview. Then, if all goes well, I’ll send you an email containing the NDA for you to review and sign,” Chrissy explained clearly and cheerfully. “After you sign the NDA, my client will perform an in-person interview and then we’ll go from there.”
“That all seems pretty straight forward so far,” Steve replied, standing from where he had been lounging on the couch. He walked to the kitchen, where he and Robin had put up a magnetic whiteboard calendar to fill with each of their schedules and plans. He grabbed the blue marker, his color, and prepared to jot down when they’d have the interview.
“Perfect! Happy to hear it,” Chrissy said with an audible smile.
“When will the interview with you be?” Steve asked, biting his lip as he stared at the calendar, which had sparsely been marked with his blue marker, even since starting this job hunt. Robin’s plans were in red, and was much more abundant due to having three part time jobs.
“Well, as soon as possible, really. If you’re available now, we could take care of it right away.” the woman responded, sounding like she was walking into another room.
“Oh!” Steve exclaimed, recapping the marker and returning it to the pen holder. “Yes, of course. I’m available now.”
“Perfect!” Chrissy’s voice sounded from Steve’s phone as the omega walked back to the living room and sat on the couch. “So, starting off pretty easy here, what made you apply for this position?”
Steve thought back and grimaced at the reminder that it was Robin who had submitted his application to this particular job. He wasn’t about to admit that, though, and quickly found a more appropriate response.
“Well, I love taking care of pups, and I just got my teacher’s license a month ago,” Steve explained, which wasn’t a lie, so he figured it was probably as good of an answer as any. “I also saw that this job traveled, and my best friend thought that it’d be good for me.”
“Yes, that was going to be part of this conversation, too. So, you’re obviously alright with the traveling, then?” Chrissy asked and Steve heard what he thought could be pen scratching as she wrote notes. He swallowed thickly, suddenly anxious about what she was writing. He decided to ignore his anxiety, even as his scent soured around him with it.
“Oh, yes, traveling is more than okay,” Steve agreed immediately, “but it’s more important to me that I’ll be taking care of a pup, if I’m honest.”
This statement seemed to pique Chrissy’s attention, as the writing stopped for a moment. “Why is that?” she eventually asked.
Steve winced, wondering if he should be up front about it or not. If Robin were here, she would insist that he was honest. He decided on a half-truth.
“I’ve always wanted pups, and a lot of them,” Steve admitted, fidgeting with a loose piece of thread on the couch. He switched which arm was holding the phone, as he had started to get a little sore from holding it up for so long. “But I don’t have a partner, so I can’t really have my own right now. I discovered through babysitting for one of my neighbors that I have a knack for taking care of pups.”
The scratching noise was back as Chrissy listened to his responses. Steve was nervous he wasn’t doing well, but figured that it wasn’t going bad if she wasn’t suddenly calling the interview short.
“Your resume says that you’re good in high stress situations,” Chrissy said after a couple seconds of silence as she wrote down whatever notes she was taking. Steve briefly wondered if he should be doing the same thing. “I’m going to give you an example scenario, and you’re going to tell me how you’d respond.”
“Sounds simple enough,” Steve agreed, trying not to let his voice betray how anxious he was.
“For the sake of simplicity, we’ll say the pup’s name is Rosie,” she informed him before she continued to describe the scenario. “You’re taking Rosie to the park, when suddenly there is a crowd of people surrounding you and you lose sight of her. What do you do?”
Steve thought the scenario was odd, but not ‘out there’ enough to alarm him. He thought about his answer for a moment before replying.
“I would try to follow her scent, first, because that will usually lead me to any pup I’ve babysat. If that doesn’t work, I will call out for her. If the situation is bad enough, I would contact the authorities, and either you or Rosie’s father.” he paused for a second before continuing, trying to make sure he covered all of his bases. “But honestly? If Rosie is small enough, I would have rather carried her once I saw the crowd, or hold her hand, for the reason of lowering my chances of separation.”
Silence that’s only broken up by the scratching of pen against paper followed, and Steve was suddenly anxious that he answered incorrectly. He answered what he would do if it were his own pup, but what if that wasn’t right? What if he wasn’t cut out for this job?
“Alright, next scenario,” Chrissy said, moving swiftly onto the next one without commenting on his answer; Steve didn’t know if he preferred her not acknowledging it or if he would prefer to be told his answer was shitty up front. The next few scenarios were just as oddly specific, but Steve answered them exactly as he did the first one. He tried to not overthink his answers too much because between each one there would be a stretch of time that Chrissy used to presumably write his answers down.
“One last question and then we should be good to move forward.” Chrissy said a good twenty minutes of questions later. “When would you be available to start working?”
Steve’s eyebrows raised, surprised that he was seemingly, maybe being offered the job. “Um—immediately. I would need time to pack, but other than that, I’m free.”
“Wonderful,” Chrissy said cheerfully. “Alright, now it’s your turn. Do you have any questions for me?”
Steve hummed, trying to go through his usual list of questions he asked during interviews that hadn't already been answered and came up empty. “Not at the moment, but I’ll make sure to write any I think of down, if I do.”
“Perfect! So, I will consult with my client, and I have a few other applicants that are interested, but so far, you are my top pick, but I don’t make the decisions,” Chrissy laughed, as if Steve was in on the joke. He laughed with her, not knowing what else he should have done. So, maybe not a job offer, but it sounded promising anyway. “I will be in contact in a few days, three at most.”
“Sounds good, thank you so much for considering me, Chrissy,” he responded with a smile, hoping to leave one last good impression.
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airbendertendou · 3 months
SOMETHING SOMBER TO MiSS! ♥︎ chishiya shuntaro
synopsis : three years after breaking up, your ex-boyfriend seems appalled by how you've changed, and the new company you keep.
recomended songs — exes, tate mccrae ; bibi vengance, bibi ; diablo, lexie liu ; 505, arctic monkeys
cw ; typical aib death nd gore ; reader is a physical fighter nd i wont apologize abt it ; the militants themselves lmao ; oblivious reader who holds everyones attention <3
TAGLIST : @chaotickyrith @valleyofheartz
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♧ ♡ if you have a blank blog [no bio, no user, no header or profile pic, nothing reblogged, etc] do not interact with my content. you will be blocked. ♢ ♤
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Oil fries in the pan as you flip the meat you're cooking, the side dishes already prepared and ready to eat. You hum with a nod, satisfied with the spread you've cooked — happy the recipes you read came in handy and turned out well.
The front door slides open and a smile falls onto your lips unconciously. You don't turn from the stove as you speak, "welcome home, Shuntaro!"
He grunts in response, kicking his shoes off and throwing his work bag to the side. Sliding up beside you, Chishiya eyes the food you cooked curiously, nodding his head the way you did earlier. You grin, "hard day? Did they let you work with patients today?"
"Still a student, technically," he responds. Chishiya grabs the cutlery you need, filling one cup with your drink and the other with his own. He grabs one of the dishes, absentmindedly setting it on the table. "Proabaly won't be around people for a while still."
You frown, following behind him. "That sucks. You're the smartest person in that building."
The left side of his lips quirk up, "thank you."
Hitting his arm lightly, you can't fight your own grin. "As if I needed to inflate your ego anymore."
The only sound is your eating — conversation with Chishiya never felt needed. You often found comfort in his silence ; found it easy to be in his presence. When your food is finished and you're washing the dishes, you notice him lingering in the doorway. You let him take his time — sometimes, your boyfriend simply needed a moment or two before his thoughts could escape his head.
But, he never spoke up. Chishiya simply stood there, staring at you and through you simultaneously. You blinked at him, hands still soapy, "everything okay, 'taro?"
“Let’s break up.”
You pause, a wobbly smile masking the strain in your throat. You face him fully, “what?”
“Let’s break up.” He doesn't meet your eyes as he speaks. He looks over your shoulder — looks to the pictures of you together throughout the two years you'd been dating.
“…why?” You wipe your hands dry, hoping to hide how they tremble. Chishiya eyes them through furrowed eyes — he noticed. You hide them helplessly anyways.
He shrugs passively, “I’m bored.”
“And nothing I say will change your mind?” It's now that he meets your gaze. It's dark — empty as he looks at you. Ice crawls into your chest, settling there as your breathing begins to get heavy. You nod slowly and look to the floor. “Okay. Let’s break up, Chishiya.”
You hope the sound of his last name burns him as much as it did you.
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Music hits the pool area as you walk out, nodding to the beat you hear. Grinning at those you're familiar with, you perk up at your chosen group. The ones who brought you in when you were lonely.
"Ni—ra—gi!" you sing as you approach him. Sat on his lap is a girl with her bikini top slipping down slowly. Her lipstick is smeared and her cheeks flushed as her eyes widen at your voice. "Oh, am I interrupting?"
Niragi glares — he's really just hiding his laughter, "you always do. What do you want?"
You hum slyly, going behind the girl to settle her bathing suit correctly. Her breathing picks up and her hips twitch at your touch — Niragi hides his snort. "Have some newbies Hatter is welcoming. Wanna check 'em out?" You bend so that you're eye to eye with the stranger, "or keep having fun instead?"
With a squeak, the girl practically launches from Niragi's hold and skitters away. You blink owlishly, "was it something I said?"
Niragi's loud, boisterous laughter leaves a trail as you sneak into the secret meeting. Aguni eyes you before rolling his eyes discreelty and tuning back into what Hatter is saying. It's the same spiel you were given — this was a free paradise that only called for your loyalty. Loyalty being the cards you earned every game, of course.
If someone was going home, it was going to be Hatter first and foremost.
You eye the trio standing in the middle of the room, watching as the shorter male fidgets. He glances around — meets your gaze and gulps. He mutters to the girl he’s with, tugging on the end of his shirt.
Grinning, you lean close to Niragi and lower your voice to a whisper. “Traitor.”
“Them?” He raises an eyebrow, incredulous. “You really think?”
You put your hand out, “wanna bet?” Niragi clicks his tongue as you wiggle your fingers, insisting he shakes your hand. “Hm?”
He shoves your hand away, “never making a bet with you. Not again.”
As the meeting concludes, you grin widely.
Your name is called as Hatter beckons you forward. He leans on the desk in front of his card display, grinning as his top men join him. He gestures grandly, his arms open wide. "Liking your promotion?"
It's a silent nod to the gun strapped to your thigh — to the absence of a bathing suit. Aguni crosses his arms lightly, sticking his chin out. You grin — recently, it's starting to look more and more like Niragi's teasing smile than anything like yours. "It's fun enough."
Hatter laughs loudly at your words. He nods his head, "rumor has it you could beat any of my militants, anyways. Would rather have you on our side — on my side."
Niragi slings an arm around your shoulders as he hums in agreement. "Not a good idea to get on this one's bad side. I've seen it — scary shit."
Hatter cackles again as Mira eyes you now. She tilts her head a little, deciding to speak up. "Wonder where that temper of yours came from."
You simply grin again, closing your eyes with a sweet facade. "An old friend. That's all."
— ♧ ♡ ♢ ♤ —
When he's recruited to the Beach, Chishiya isn't sure what to think. The man he was partnered with was lasered at the last second, leaving Chishiya in a remaining duo. The woman — Rei, she said — eyed him warily before nodding.
An unspoken rule of the Beach was the ability to bring more people in — more cards in.
It's a loud place, music booming and people cheering as if they aren't in danger. In the entry way of the hotel, there's a small crowd gathering, whooping and jeering. Chishiya unknowingly strays closer to the circle and away from his tour guide.
In the middle, a man with his hair half-up is laughing loudly. His arm is around someone else as they stand over the bleeding lump of a person on the floor. As he laughs, Chishiya can see the shine of a tongue ring gleaming in the lights. His arm is tapped and he's dragged back to the introduction of everyone.
For a second, though, Chishiya thought he caught a glance of you.
Hatter calls for a meeting, as he usually does to welcome newcomers. Niragi stands with his gun slung over his shoulder — Chishiya squints his eyes, thinking of how familiar he looks before his attention is taken.
A long, lanky figure begins to speak to Aguni. The only indication of the conversation is the raise of his eyebrows — he seems surprised by something. Aguni's lips part, as if he's going to speak, before he eyes Hatter and his mouth falls shut.
The door behind him opens and Chishiya feels cold. A shiver runs down his spine, trickling in line with the sweat that's built up. He keeps his eyes to the ground, as if he subconciuosly knows danger is around. A sharp, musical lilt of someone humming interupts the meeting in the room.
"The traitors," it can't be, "have been taken care of, your highness."
Stock-still and frigid Chishiya stands as you come into view. You look different — it's been three years — a wide, estranged grin on your face as you ignore the blood dripping down your face. Niragi saunters up to you, "the hell happened?"
"Had a knife," you let out an annoyed breath, sweeping at the cut above your eyebrow. "Not a very good one, though."
Hatter's laughter calls everyones attention back his way. His grin is just as wide as yours — just as corrupted and red. "Thank you, [Name]! For your sacrifice, the Beach will live another day."
You simply bow your head before standing with Aguni — the militants, Chishiya remembers.
Tilting his head, the blond secretly looks you over. You'd gotten toned — leg and arm muscles built and presenting themselves nicely in your shorts and shirt. You stood relaxed, surrounded by numerous weapons and threatening figures had no impact on you at all. Maybe you were part of that threatening crowd now — part of the fear that clung to the Beach.
Chishiya wondered if you'd noticed his differences as well — his longer, lighter hair and how he slouched more when he stood. He wondered if you'd even seen him in the first place.
Sharp, animalistic eyes catch his gaze. The lanky, tattooed figure watched him before saying something to the pierced one from before. Chishiya shot his eyes away before either had the chance to see him staring.
— ♧ ♡ ♢ ♤ —
"Seem to have caught the newbies attention." Niragi speaks casually as you roam the hallways. He lets out a snort, rolling his eyes and head until he's looking at Last Boss.
Last Boss grins, "always do."
You curl your nose, swatting away the rifle Niragi holds on his shoulder — it'd bounced your way one too many times. "We had a newbie?"
Standing in disbelief, Last Boss pauses in the middle of the hallway. He looks Niragi's way, mouth parted in shock before he's slowly shaking his head. "[Name], you are..."
"Something," a feminine voice speaks up. The girl is with a crowd of three, her eyes trailing up and down your body slowly. She turns to wink your way as her friends scatter. "Something, truly!"
With a giggle, she's gone.
Before they can comment, a bell is tolled, signaling the time for games. Niragi lets out a huff, following behind as you wrap your arm in Last Boss'. A stranger allowed their attraction for you to overcome their fear for everyone else. You had to be magic.
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You had to be magic.
It was a spade's game, to Chishiya's disinterest. He'd made an acquaintance — Kuina agreed on wanting to leave before Hatter, and had a history of combat. She would be useful in these games — except, they switched games at the last minute.
Chishiya couldn't have regretted it more.
You seemed to be the star of the show, everyone focused on you as your fellow militants grinned ferally. Poser — a four of spades where one player selected was not who they said they were. It should've been a hearts game, maybe diamond.
Said player could only be exposed by the color of their 'blood'.
Everyone was given a heavy, white t-shirt full of paint. Red meant you were human — blue meant you were an imposter. Chishiya gulps at the display in front of him. The red staining your skin wasn't just paint — he looked down apathetically at the two half-concious people who'd taken you on beforehand.
"You." A friend of yours is looking his way, at his pristine, unstained shirt. They tilt their head, "let us see your insides, hm?"
Letting out a huff, you swipe the sweat off of your forehead. Three others have joined you in your battle — think some of these people are actually dead. Standing straight, you see a newer militant cornering someone ahead. Shrugging, you saddle up beside them to help.
Your voice dies in your throat.
Dark, almost empty eyes meet yours and you hold back a gag. They shine sparsely, with disgust, maybe empathy and the smallest hint of regret. Your fist clenches around your trusty knife, praying to it that your voice won't break. "...Chishiya."
He almost jumps when he notices your attention on him. The stray militant has joined into the clump of fighters feet away — it's only the two of you once more. He lets out a breath, "[Name]..."
Your fist connects with his cheek before you can think. Chishiya stumbles back — doesn't have time to guard himself before you're nailing your fists into him once again. Your knees connect to the floor harshly as you go down, following his body as he collapses.
How dare he call you so casually? So lovingly? Your swing misses — Chishiya simply stares up at you. How dare he come into the world — this solace of sorts and destroy the walls you'd built? How dare he — three years later — still linger on your tongue and in your thoughts?
A choked, staggered sob leaves your lips as the voice overhead chimes.
"Game complete!"
Chishiya is still laying on the ground as you stand on wobbling legs. His eyes are half-lidded, hazy as he gazes at you, stock still. The red under his broken nose copies the red bleeding from his shirt. Not the traitor this time, at least.
You let out another sob before turning, grabbing the card and leaving the game.
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a part two is already in the works! have to figure out a definite plot, is all <3 if you’d like to be tagged in this series or any other aib work, let me know!! ♥︎
airbendertendou © do not copy, plagiarize, repost, or translate my content on any platform. if you see my content under any other name than my own, let me know. i only have this tumblr and an ao3 account under the same name.
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ronearoundblindly · 2 months
Your days were short, but packed full of work, which was strategic. Because by the time you got home, you were exhausted and ready to go straight to bed. And the sooner you got to bed, the sooner you could see Jake, your fiancé, in your dreams. That was the only place, these days, since he’d been away for weeks on a mission that popped up out of the blue. No contact, as per usual. Longer sleeps meant longer dreams with him, but when you walked through the door, tossing your keys down on the entryway table, you weren’t sure if you had somehow already drifted off when you heard the shower running. It was paired with two combat boots kicked off at the end of the hall, and a light humming drifting through the living room you were walking through quickly to verify your suspicions. He was really home.
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I'm ready. Let's do this!!! (There is no shirtless-Jake gif and I am SAD.)
Warnings for oral (m receiving), because Lexi is thirsty for shower sex apparently, and some dirty talk (petname of 'babe'). MINORS DNI. There is plenty of all-ages content on my Light Masterlist, but this is not for everyone! WC 805
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A high-pitched scream whistles over the fssst of running shower. It’s so subtle Jake doesn’t notice until the thud of front door hits a low note.
“Oh shit,” he mutters, racing to rinse shampoo from his hair and suds off his face.
He grabs the safety bar with a washcloth slung over it and then juts his hand past the curtain to clasp the towel rack, barely in time to brace for the onslaught.
The plastic shower curtain and its castors are yanked aside, and you squeal in delight, hopping over the lip of the tub—fully-clothed,—throwing your arms around his neck.
One of his feet slips under the weight.
“Hey, babe,” he says into your shoulder of still-dry cotton.
You pull back and smile. At least, he’s fairly certain you’re smiling. You’re blurry, and he’s a bit blind without his glasses.
He can hear you whine just fine though. “Too long, Jake. Way too long.”
Your hands are petting down his naked body, so Jake keeps holding onto the bars for dear life, trying not to eat shit on the slick floor. You continue anyway, fingertips tracing his abs, the cut of his hip, the happy trail he trimmed less than ten minutes ago.
“Yeah,” he agrees. “I’m sorry for—“ he giggles when you pinch at the tender spot on his side “—got, I mean, we got waylaid. The team…hi."
You wiggle closer, soaked through now, leaning into him and peering up through your lashes.
A goofy grin stretches across his face. "Hi there, cutie.”
“Can I tell you a secret?” you whisper, waiting for his nod. “I love you, but I don’t care. No team talk. No tech talk. Just be home, okay?”
Jake groans obscenely when your hand wraps around his length.
You maintain glassy eye contact. “Been dreaming about this. You miss me, too, big guy? Huh? Ready to come home?”
“Ah fuuuck,” he grunts. “Yes. So ready. Shit…”
It has been too long. Jake climbs so high so fast, he’s dizzy, watching you sink to your knees and take his rapidly hardening cock into your mouth.
“Babe, not gonna—uhnn, Jesus—not gonna last.”
And that was before your other hand started gently rolling his balls!
You can’t judge him for this, right? It’s reasonable he blows his load in three minutes flat when he’s been waiting to fuck you for weeks, isn't it? He even planned to rub one out in the shower to prepare, but here you are, eager and sucking him so perfectly.
You pop off of the head of his dick only for a moment.
“Show me how much you missed me.”
The words are a fierce challenge he’s all-too-willing to accept, so he all but begs for your touch again, one hand finally leaving the towel rack to cup the back of your neck.
“Close,” he gasps. “Just like that.”
Jake’s had his share of dreams, too. None of them hold a candle to the real thing. The feel of your skin beneath his fingers, the tap of your nose to his pubes as you take him as deep as you can, the vibration of a pleasured hums from behind your tongue while you lick patterns along the underside of his cock; he’s done for.
He manages only ascending “oh Oh OH”s in lieu of a coherent warning, but to his sweet lady, it’s obvious. His hips fuck forward that tiny bit more, and Jake curls his torso in ecstasy, clenching his grip into your hair for a split-second before relaxing.
His long, devastating moan starts just as the first spurt of cum hits your lips.
His thighs shake while Jake babbles how much he loves you. He can’t help but get sappy when you make him feel so amazing, giving him this attention and devotion and, yeah, being a horny gremlin like he is.
“You’re so perfect,” he breathes, finished at last, home at last.
You turn in the stream of water, spitting down the drain.
Jake helps you stand and hurries to get your wet clothes off only to haul you flush to his body and kiss you.
He’s soft with these, lazy and unhurried, nuzzling your cheek, capturing you over and over for kisses that say ‘I missed you,’ ‘I love you,’ and ‘I need you.’ He hums happily when your hands stop roaming his back and begin playing with his hair.
You’re imitating how he spikes it with product, gently tugging at the frosted tips.
He lets you go to stand under the water he fears might go cold soon.
“Am I beautiful?” Jake preens, his own hands notching at your waist and squeezing instinctively.
He knows how to make you laugh just as much as you know how to make him laugh. Equally, he knows how to make you come, too.
“Alright, dirty girl, how am I repaying the favor?”
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[Main Masterlist; Jake Jensen Masterlist; Ko-Fi]
A/N: no clue whether this is any good. might be stunted. might come back to edit it. maybe. 🤷🏻‍♀️
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d4yl1ghts · 6 months
I have a Mark Sloan x female reader fanfic
Mark is the chief for a day his friends are a little bit confused and jealous that he is the chief for the day. Mark is together with Meredith grey’s big sister, and she is surprised when her boyfriend is the chief for the day.
Y/n is the head of cardio, everyone loves her and the guys think that she is the hottest attending at the hospital.
Y/n and Mark Sloan has a one year old daughter together.
Something based on the episode when Mark is the chief, and maybe that involves Mark with his daughter and his girlfriend
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mark sloan x grey, fem!reader
summary: mark is selected as chief for the day and everyone is shocked that he was chosen
You were dropping your daughter, Evie, off at daycare for the day as you were head of cardio at Seattle Grace and your boyfriend was head of plastics. “Bye, sweetheart. I’ll pick you up at four, okay?”, you said as you kissed her head. She waved you off and you waved back at her as you drove off.
As you arrived, you didn’t see your boyfriend anywhere. It was like you jinxed it: he came cheerfully strutting down the corridor. “Oh, hey, baby.”, he said seductively. “Did Evie miss not saying goodbye to me today?”, he asked. “You wish. She didn’t even notice.”, you teased. “So, what’s got you so cheery today, hmm?”, you asked. “Well, the chief is off today and they chose me to take over for the day.”, he stated confidently with a smirk on his face. “Oh, well done!”, you said as you rubbed his arm. You wouldn’t say it out loud but you were slightly jealous as Mark could be irresponsible at times but you knew he would still do a good job and you were proud of him.
“Thank you, I have to go and do my chiefly duties, I’ll see you later.”, he kissed your cheek before walking off. Once he had disappeared past the corner, Derek approached you. “What’s he so happy about?”, he asked confused. “He’s been chosen to be chief for today because the chief is off.”, you stated. “Him? Out of everyone?”, he questioned. “Derek, I know he can be annoying and immature sometimes but this is a good opportunity for him, I think he’ll do well at it.”, you said. “Hmm, I guess so. I just wish I’d have a chance to be chief of surgery.”, he replied honestly. “Derek, I’m sure you will. I bet one day you’ll even be chief of surgery.”, you responded.
“I’ve got to go and prepare for a surgery, see you Derek.”, you walked away. Almost by chance, your sister Meredith came walking around the corner and bumped into you. “Sorry, Y/N.”, she said genuinely. “I’ve just seen Mark strutting around like he owns the place, any reason for that? Well, he already acts like he owns the place but…”, she added. “Everyone keeps asking me this, you know you could just ask him yourself.”, you replied. “This way I get to talk to my sister and Mark can be a bit… unbearable sometimes.”, she stated amusedly.
“The chief is off today and selected him to fill in as chief.”, you said. “Oh! Well done to him. I’m shocked that the chief would have chosen him out of everyone though.”, she replied as she looked through her files. “So am I, to be honest. He doesn’t have the best reputation but I’m happy he has a chance to outdo his reputation.”, you shared with her. “Yeah.”, she agreed. As you were about to walk off to get ready for your surgery, Cristina and your half-sister Lexie walked over in your direction. “I bet they’re going to be asking me about Mark as well.”, you sighed frustratedly. Meredith laughed at your over dramatic action.
“Hey, Y/N.”, Lexie said. “Hi, Lex and Cristina.”, you welcomed the two of them. “Are you also here to ask why Mark is so happy today?”, you questioned. “No, actually, but why is he so happy today?”, Cristina reciprocated. “He’s been selected as chief for the day.”, you repeated for like the fifth time today and you’d only been here for half an hour. Cristina’s jaw dropped wide open. You laughed at her expression as did Lexie and Meredith. “If you have a problem with it ask the chief when he’s back in.”, you said to her. “Okay, I have to prepare for surgery, bye!”, you ran off as Cristina looked ready to kill you. Your sisters laughed at your antics whilst Cristina was fuming.
It was now quarter to four and so you were getting ready to leave to pick your daughter up. “Hey, baby.”, Mark whispered. “Where did you come from?”, you asked. “The chief is back so I was wondering if you want me to pick up Evie with you because I don’t have anymore surgeries or consultations to do.”, he stated as he smiled down at you. “Of course.”, you smiled as you reached up to him for a kiss.
Mark offered to drive and you gladly let him. Soon, you arrived at the daycare and the both of you went to meet Evie. “Daddy!”, she screamed as she noticed Mark smiling at her. She only knew a few words but obviously ‘daddy’ was one of them. She waddled towards him and he picked her up. “Hi, gorgeous.”, he said to her as she nuzzled into him for warmth. He let her rest on him as he took her to the car. He strapped her in the back carefully, making sure it was safe.
Once you had began driving off, you said to Mark: “You were such a good chief, honey.”
“But you’re an even better dad.”, you added as he smiled to himself.
“You’re an even better mum.”, he said as he looked over at you quickly before turning back to the road.
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toxic3mmy · 4 months
Toxic quackity baby trapping us is so hot for some reason
yesss omfg, he would be so so hot at it, too
prompt: alex keeps you for himself
warnings! slight smut!
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your boyfriend was nice to you and all but he never met your needs. he was always too busy with work or too tired. those were his excuses for not buying you flowers, taking you out on dates, and especially for disregarding your needs in bed.
but you loved him. he was your first everything. it was just hard because you needed more than just someone being with you. you needed attention and simple pining as if he was still trying to win you over, just like at the start of your relationship.
“he doesn’t deserve you, y/n. you’re too good for him, you know?” your best friend, alex, would often tell you this
alex was your closest friend and any time you needed someone to vent to about your empty relationship, he was there. he held you when your boyfriend made you cry. when you were with alex, he kept your mind off of how badly your relationship was failing.
you began to spend almost all of your time with alex. it’s not like it made any difference to your boyfriend. he didn’t really notice when you were gone.
so you happily would spend nights and even weekends with alex. the two of you were strictly friends.
sometimes, though, you two would smoke a little or even drink a little and the two of you got more touchy. you were comfortable together. you would hold hands and even cuddle a lot.
“i could treat you so much better than that lazy son of a bitch”
“yeah… i know, lexie”
and that’s where that conversation would end. it came up a lot, honestly. and the two of you had had a number of instances where everything would get quiet. the world would stop and it was like the universe would wait for one of you to pluck up the courage to kiss the other.
but that never happened. one of you would awkwardly cough and change the subject and that would be that.
you woke up on this particular rainy spring morning with excitement. you and your boyfriend had been together for three years and today was your anniversary.
your boyfriend had already left for work and so you began to prepare for your wonderful weekend. you cleaned, cooked a huge meal of all his favorites, and even had time to doll yourself up. you were hoping that this could help repair the distance between you two that had been apparent for these last few months.
your front door closed shut and you excitedly went to greet your boyfriend.
“hi! how was work?”
“long… where are you off to?” he asked absentmindedly, only slightly glancing your way
“dont you know what today is?” you frowned
“it’s friday.. thank god. hey, maybe we could catch the basketball game at the bar down the street. i’ll even buy you some girly alcohol drinks, oh and i can invite all the guys!”
“but.. i cooked all your favorite food…” you said quietly
“that’s okay sweetie, you can put it in containers and i’ll eat it throughout the week. while you do that,” he said untying his tie and emptying his pockets, “i’ll go get changed into my jersey”
you held back tears as he left to change out of his work clothes. you sniffled as you thought everything over. he wasn’t even your boyfriend at this point. he treated you like a friend. he forgot your anniversary and you spent your whole month planning a nice weekend full of fun things to do together to celebrate your three years of love.
so much for love, you scoffed
you quickly put on your shoes and got into your car. you drove as fast as you could.
this was the last straw. he no longer felt like a boyfriend to you. you two were practically only roommates.
you wiped your eyes as you parked and walked towards alex’s house. the rain was coming down hard and you realized you were in only a skimpy short dress. but that didn’t matter.
“y/n? whats wrong?” alex said when he opened his front door
you were wet and cold from the spring rain and your makeup was definitely ruined from your crying.
“i need you alex…”
he nodded with an empathetic expression and brought you inside. he wrapped a towel around you as you began to explain what happened between broken sobs.
“i’m so sorry… you never deserved anything like this” he sighed softly
“make me feel better, i need to forget about him” you said with eyes full of lust. you pulled alex to your body, his hips pressed to yours, and hungrily began to kiss him passionately.
“the way you’re looking at me right now… how can i say no?” he said in between kisses,
“i’ll make you forget. i told you for so long that i could treat you better and i meant it. i don’t want you going back to him after tonight, understood?”
a loud mew escaped from your lips as his mouth was immediately mouthing at your wet pussy. he licked you up and down and made sure you felt every second of it.
“just lay down and i’ll take care of you, princesa. i’ll make sure you never leave me for him again” he hungrily had his way with you, eagerly stretching you open with his mouth and fingers. he began to pump his cock and lined himself up at your quivering hole.
as he entered you, you felt loved. his cock inside of you while he panted and planted sweet kisses all over your naked body are what made it easy to completely get lost in him.
he took his time, making sure to focus on you completely. it wasn’t until the two of you came down from your highs that you realized.
“uh… alex?”
“please tell me you wore a condom” you shut your eyes tightly as you already knew the answer to that. you felt his load leaking out of you
“i told you, you’re not leaving me. aren’t you ovulating right now? well, i guess now you’re all mine” he smirked and held you close
he had always showed you the love and care that a boyfriend should. he treated you the way you deserved.
“did you seriously just baby trap me? wow, very mature of you… you’re lucky you’re my best friend and that you’re cute” and wow was it incredibly sexy of alex to remember that you were ovulating…
you didn’t mind that he did this without you knowing. it was kind of sweet, in a sickening way. but hey, who likes being normal?
“i know” he smiled and held you tightly while the two of you fell asleep for the night.
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toasttt11 · 9 months
drunken confessions
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March 11, 2022
Lex was flirting with a boy from the Michigan football team in the kitchen of the Junior/Senior Hockey house, a huge party being thrown after the win the Umich hockey team had earlier that day.
Lex sat on the kicthen counter and the boy, Will was standing next to her leaning against the counter, staring at her as his hand was inching closer to her, “You know your goal was insane tonight.” Will looked at the girl with a flirtatious smirk.
Lex hummed looking away from the boy taking a sip from her cup, “I know.” Lex knew it was insane goal that she scored tonight making the team win in overtime.
“Lexie!” Frank Nazar called out waking into the kitchen looking for his friend.
“Yeah Frankie?” Lex looked towards Frank as he rushed towards her, Lex setting her cup onto the counter.
“It’s Rutger.” Frank quickly explained, making Lex nod and smoothly jumping off the kitchen counter in her black heels.
“Where is he.” Lex asked as they walked out of the kitchen ignoring Will who was calling her name after her.
Frank gently put a hand on her arm taking her to the Den where no one was aloud to be at from party besides players from the hockey team. A few of the players were in the the den all looking over a mumbling Rutger who was on the couch laying down.
Lex quickly walked in her black leather pants and black lace corset bending down in front of where Rutger’s head was laying on the couch, “Hey buddy.” She brushed his hair from his forehead, “Wanna go home now?” Lex knew Rutger isn’t the best at handling his liquor and ends up passing out somewhere so the team likes to be careful not wanting him to pass out somewhere not around any of them. Lex tends to be one to take care of Rutger most times when he’s drunk as he tends not to listen to anyone else while he is drunk.
Rutger eyes opened and silly drunken smile formed on his face, “OLLIEEEE!” He leaned forward his forehead hitting her chest.
Lex looked down slighty feeling her heart pound from the nickname and the touch from Rutger before shaking her head ignoring the feelings and the looks she knows she is getting from her teammates that are in room and preparing for all of the chirping she knows she going to get tomorrow.
“Alright big guy let’s get you home.” She put an arm under his arm wrapping it around his back as Luke pushed Rutger’s legs off the couch making Rutger sit up as Luke put an arm around Rutger as well, picking him up with Lex.
“You guys good?” Gavin Brindley asked the two as they got Rutger up and started to walk with him.
“Yeah we’re good.” Luke Hughes nodded in thanks before continuing the walk with Rutger and Lex, out of the party and house to the outside, getting fresh air as they walked to the house next door the Freshman/Sophomore Hockey house, the two ignoring all of Rutgers drunken mumbling and Luke smirking slighty seeing Rutger lean mostly against Lex.
Lex unlocked the door of the house and turned the lights on closing the door behind them, Lex and Luke shared a dreadful look knowing Rutger room is up on the third floor, they started dragging a half asleep Rutger up two flights of stairs both sighing in relief seeing his door, they opened the door walking him over to his bed as Lex pulled back the covers from his bed before setting Rutger in his bed.
Lex sat on the edge of the bed and started untying his white Nike air force ones and taking them off, setting them onto the floor.
Lex looked up hearing Rutger mumbling seeing his eyes open and he was looking at her, “so pretty.” Rutger leaned forward gently grabbing one of her strands of curled hair, “So so pretty.”
Luke who had went to the medicine cabinet grabbing medicine for the morning raised an eyebrow seeing the blushing look on Lex’s face, he set the stuff on Rutgers nightstand, “Your good here Lexa?”
“All good Lukey go back to the party i know you have a girl waiting for you!” Lex smirked teasingly towards her best friend, Luke fondly rolled his eyes leaning down kissing Lex’s cheek platonically before starting to head out but not before hearing how soft of a voice Lex used to talk to Rutger, he smiled shaking his head wondering how long it was gonna take for Lex to admit what she felt for Rutger.
“Why don’t you try to get some sleep Rut?” Lex softly spoke as she gently brushed her hand through Rutger’s fluffy hair, knowing that helps Rutger fall asleep.
“Why won’t you love me?” Rutger looked at Lex pouting with glossy eyes.
“What?” Lex furrowed her eyebrows looking at him, “What do you mean?”
Rutger huffed, “I give you so many hints and you never do anything back, but you were flirting with stupid Will.” Rutger pouted looking at his best friend, who he just wanted to date.
Lex opens and closed her mouth before hesitantly asking, “Is that why you got so drunk tonight?”
Rutger huffed again seemingly sad, jealous and annoyed, “Of course it is. You weren’t giving me any attention, i just want you to love me back.” Rutger words trailed off as his eyes slowly closed and his head fell to the side.
Lex looked at Rutger who was now peaceful sleeping after admitting his feelings for her, confusing her even more.
Lex has always been very adamant about never feeling anything or being with a hockey player ever, but Rutger has always made that difficult. Lex knew the last few months especially, she felt something for Rutger and she’s been trying to see if it would go away, hoping it was just silly crush but she knows it probably won’t ever will.
The only good thing is she knows Rutger never remembers anything when he is drunk so it gives her sometimes to figure out her feelings some more, because Rutger isn’t worth losing as a best friend because of her feelings and she loves playing hockey with him and she never wants to mess that up.
Lex got up off the bed pulling the covers over him taking one more glance at his peaceful face before walking out of the room leaning against the door releasing a breath she didn’t know she was holding before heading down the hallway into her room.
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rootedinrevisions · 9 days
Twisted Fate: Part 2
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SUMMARY: As she navigates the aftermath of the storm, Lexi must confront the lingering emotions and unspoken words that have haunted her since their breakup. Bound by the twist of fate that brought them together again, they must decide if their reunion is merely a consequence of circumstance or the universe's way of telling them something else.
WARNINGS: Angst. Violence/Blood (Storm Damage & Injuries)
The first aid tent was bustling with activity, a haven of controlled chaos in the aftermath of the storm. Medics moved swiftly, tending to the injured, offering comfort and care. I sat on a cot as a medic carefully bandaged the cut on my head. The pain was dull but persistent, a reminder of the ordeal I had just survived.
"There we go," the medic said, securing the bandage. "That should hold for now. You'll want to change it at least once a day until it's healed. You've got a mild concussion, but otherwise, you're in good shape considering everything. Take it easy for the next few days, okay?"
You nodded, offering a small smile of gratitude. "Thank you."
"You're all clear to leave. If you need any supplies or a place to stay there's a red tent next to us that has blankets, clothing, food, and water. They're also helping get people a place to stay for the night if you need it," the medic continued before she moved on to the next person.
As I gathered my things and prepared to leave the tent, my eyes wandered, taking in the scene around me. That's when I saw him - Tyler - on the other side of the tent. He was talking to a girl with blonde hair pulled up with a claw clip. Her face was streaked with dried blood. She looked pretty banged up, her clothes torn and dirty.
I watched as Tyler reached down and gently brushed a piece of hair from the woman's face, tucking it behind her ear with a familiarity that sent a pang through my chest. My mind immediately flashed back to the days when he used to do that for me, a simple gesture that had always made me felt cared for.
Who is she? I wondered. Clearly, he knows her, but to what extent? Is this just someone he helped out of their destroyed home earlier? Probably not, I reasoned. It's a small town, and I know just about everyone. And a hair tuck behind the ear seemed a little personal for someone he would have just met.
My mind spiraled further. Was she a new fling? That month's flavor? Or maybe she was something more serious - a girlfriend? The thought gnawed at me, a mix of curiosity and jealousy twisted in my gut. I looked away, trying to push the thoughts from my mind.
As I stepped out of the tent, the late evening air hit me. The devastation around me was immense, but the resilience of the people here was palpable. I took a deep breath and tried to focus on the fact that I had survived and that I was safe, at least for now.
Later that night I sat in a hotel room. It was modest but clean, a temporary refuge arranged by the volunteers. They had set me up in a hotel the next town over, giving me a place to stay while I figured things out. The American Red Cross had provided me with a change of clean clothes and some toiletries, small comforts after the harrowing day I'd endured.
I stood under the hot spray of the shower, letting the water wash away the grime and stress of the day. The heat soothed my sore muscles, and for a brief moment, I allowed myself to relax. But the relief was short-lived. My mind kept drifting back to Phoebe, my beloved cat, and the worry gnawed at me. Where was she? Was she safe?
After the shower, I dressed in the clean clothes provided, feeling somewhat refreshed but still weighed down by the enormity of my situation. I sat on the edge of the bed, the unfamiliar surroundings making everything feel more surreal.
How do I even begin to pick up the pieces of my life after something like this? I didn't have any family. My parents were gone and I was an only child. I suppose I could try to reach out to my aunts or uncles. See if they could provide any sort of help.
The loss of my home, the uncertainty of the future - it all felt overwhelming.
And then there was Tyler. I couldn't stop thinking about him and the blonde woman I'd seen him with at the first aid tent. The image of him tucking her hair behind her ear played on a loop in my mind. Who was she to him? Why did it matter so much to me?
I sighed, lying back on the bed and staring at the ceiling. Everything felt tangled and confused. The day's events had left me emotionally and physically drained, yet sleep seemed a distant possibility with my mind racing like this.
As I lay there, the worries and questions swirled around me. Phoebe, Tyler, the future - everything felt so uncertain. The only thing I knew for sure was that I had to keep going, one step at a time, and somehow had to find a way to start again.
Later that night, I lay in my hotel bed, staring at the ceiling, the weight of everything kept sleep at bay. The clock on the nightstand showed just after 10 PM, and I couldn't shake the thoughts swirling in my mind - Phoebe's whereabouts, the uncertainty of my future, and the lingering image of Tyler with the blonde woman.
A knock on the door interrupted my restless thoughts. I rolled out of bed, immediately assuming it was probably some kid running up and down the hallway, knocking on random doors. However, when I opened the door I was surprised to see Tyler standing there.
He held a cardboard box in his hands, and beside him on the ground was something I couldn't quite make out in the dim hallway light. I opened the door wider, curiosity piqued.
"Hey," Tyler said, his voice soft. "I've got something for you." I could see the grin forming on his face as he motioned to the thing on the ground beside him. Then a soft meow emerged from within.
"Phoebe!" I said excitedly as I knelt to look into the pet carrier.
"I found her," Tyler explained, setting the box down and opening the carrier. Phoebe stepped out cautiously, looking around the unfamiliar room before rubbing up against me. Relief washed over me as I scooped her up, holding her close.
"Thank you," I whispered, my voice choked with emotion.
Tyler nodded, his eyes warm. "Someone found her and turned her into the animal tent. I claimed her after the veterinarians assured me she was okay.
He then gestured to the box. "I also managed to get a few things from your home before they declared it unsafe to enter. Just some photos and sentimental items I thought you might want. There wasn't a lot that I found, but it's better than nothing, right?"
Tears began to well up in my eyes, gratitude mixing with the sadness of everything I'd lost. One box. That's all that I had left of my life.
"And," Tyler continued. "I stopped by Walmart and got you a new litter box and food bowl for Phoebe. There's some food and litter in there too for you. Thought she might need them while you're here."
I couldn't find the words to express how much this meant to me. Tyler's kindness, his thoughtfulness - it was almost overwhelming. I managed a shaky smile, looking up at him. "Thank you, Tyler. Really."
He smiled back at me, his gaze softening. "It's the least I could do. I'm just glad you're both safe."
There was a short pause after he spoke. A moment of silence heavy with unspoken emotions. Tyler shifted slightly, breaking the stillness "I'm going to go get the cat supplies from my truck. I'll be right back."
Before he could move a woman's voice interrupted. "I have them."
I turned to see the blond woman from the first aid tent stopping in front of my door, holding the items Tyler had mentioned. I went to thank her, only to realize I didn't know her name.
"Thank you-" I began, hesitating.
"Kate," she replied with a warm smile. "I'm Kate."
"Thank you, Kate," I said sincerely, taking the supplies from her.
"No problem," she responded. She then turned to Tyler. "Javi and I are heading for the hotel for the night. Do you want us to wait in the car for you?"
Tyler thought for a moment before shaking his head. "No, I'll catch up with you later."
Kate nodded a hint of concern in her eyes. "Alright. Just don't stay up too late. There's another storm system rolling in north of here tomorrow. We'll want to get up early to start chasing."
So she was a storm chaser. I began to wonder if she was part of Tyler's crew or just someone he had come to know working in the field.
Kate left, and as the door closed behind her, I turned to Tyler, curiosity gnawing at me.
"She seems great," I said, trying to sound casual.
Tyler grinned, and I noticed a certain look in his eye. I knew that look. It was clear he had feelings for her, even if she wasn't his girlfriend. "Yeah, she's great," he said, his voice carrying a warmth that told me everything I needed to know.
He didn't offer any additional information, and I didn't ask. It wasn't my place, and there were more pressing matters to focus on. Still, a small pang of something - jealousy, maybe - twisted in my chest.
It then began to dawn on me. This would probably be the last time I saw Tyler. Tomorrow, he would go back to storm chasing and being a YouTube star with his one million fans. The realization stung, knowing that the brief reconnection we had was just that. Brief.
I turned back to Tyler, who was looking at me with a mix of emotions in his eyes. "Well, I should get going," he said softly.
I nodded, trying to muster a smile. "Thank you again, for everything. And good luck with that storm tomorrow."
Tyler hesitated, then reached out and gave your should a gentle squeeze. "Take care of yourself, Lex. And Phoebe too."
With that, he turned and walked out of the room, leaving me standing there, the weight of everything pressing down on me once more. I closed the door and sat on the edge of the bed, Phoebe curling up next to me. As I stroked her fur, I couldn't help but feel a mix of gratitude and sadness. The future was uncertain, but at least for tonight, I had a roof over my head and my beloved cat by my side.
TAG LIST: @omgbrianab I @shanimallina87
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ladylooch · 1 year
Omg dad Nico going with lucie to get a shot
“I’m sorry.” Lexi whispers to Nico with a grimace.
She feels awful. She should be strong enough to go into that room with her daughter, but she dies every time Lucie cries from her shots. Her 2 month shots were awful. Her 4 month shots had Lexi crying the whole drive home. When she got there, Nico told her he would do the next round. At 6 months old, her next round is here and Lexi isn't sure Nico is prepared for the hell.
“I’ve got this, babe.” He assures his wife. “Give kisses.” He encourages his daughter to smooch her mom. Lucie is babbling happily in Nico’s arms as they bring her back. They grab her weight then measure her, noting her new growth in her charts.
“You’re growing so much now, huh Lucie!” The nurse practitioner exclaims.
“Yeah, we gotta stop feeding her.” Nico chuckles, pressing his nose into her dark hair. The baby smell of her assaults his senses. 
“No! You're perfect!” She checks Lucie’s temperature, noting that as well. “Okay, the two shots today are going into her thighs. And she’s in the cutest dress so I think we can keep her clothes on. I’m going to go grab her vaccines and I’ll be right back.”
“Thank you.” Nico smiles, then stands to put Lucie up on the table. “Okay, baby. We are about to do something really awful. I’m gonna say it flat out. It’s going to suck. But that’s life, LuLu. And I’m going to be right here to make it all better when it’s over, okay?” Lucie looks curiously at her dad. He pushes her hair back from her forehead and she closes her eyes joyfully at his warm touch. Nico smiles down at his mini, wondering how he ever lived before her.
A knock sounds and Nico calls the nurse practitioner back in. 
“Dad, how are we with shots and needles?” She asks, setting her station up.
“Good.” He nods confidently.
“Okay, good. I am going to have you stand beside her and hold her. Just keep her leg still and I’ll be quick.” Nico nods.
Lucie looks up expectantly at Nico as the nurse practitioner gets settled. Lucie has her nook crammed into her mouth and kicks out her little legs excitedly. Nico grabs her left one, holding it down as the first shot is administered. Lucie immediately starts to scream. Nico’s heart rips inside his chest and he coughs on a strangled groan. 
“It’s okay, pumpkin.” He leans down, kissing Lucie’s cheeks and forehead. “I know, baby. You’re so brave. One more. Only one more. Then it will be over.” 
“Okay dad, other leg.”
Nico’s hands suddenly shake as he reaches out for her other leg. Lucie wails in his ear, already turning red in frustration and pain. Nico pulls in a trembling breath, then the other shot is in and over. A total of 15 seconds that literally felt like someone shot him in the chest. His legs are wobbly. He swore he was stronger than this, but the distress in Lucie’s tone and her eyes and the betrayal he feels that he had to hold her down. What kind of psychological torture is this!?
“Are you okay?” The nurse asks Nico as she puts two purple bandaids on Lucie’s chunky thighs. He nods but can’t respond. “Good job Lucie… and dad.” She gives him a sympathetic smile. “Be sure to watch for any reactions- hives, fever, vomiting. She was okay with her previous shots, but always good to watch.”
“Thank you.” Nico’s voice is tight as he scoops Lucie back up into his chest. 
“Have a great day!” She cheers as she leaves. Nico can’t help but scowl at the closing door. He rubs Lucie’s back over her tiny dress, tucking her into the crook of his neck. 
“Mommy was right. That is awful.” He murmurs to his daughter, closing his eyes to calm himself down. As he does this, Lucie picks up on the change in him. She begins to settle and quiet, little wet cheeks softening from her previous ordeal. “My brave girl.” He murmurs through a kiss as he walks back into the waiting room. Lexi is anxiously biting at her nail, popping up when they meet her. “That was worse than you described it.” He huffs.
“I know!” Lexi cringes.
“We need to tag team that next time. I can’t do it alone again.”
“Okay. Honestly, it makes me feel better that you need support to.”
“I’ve never heard her make that kind of noise before. I thought my chest was going to cave in.” Lexi frowns, reach for Lucie’s back as she runs a hand along Nico’s hips to get a hug from him. The three of them share a connected moment before they head out to the car. 
Nico puts Lucie in her car seat, adjusting her mirror before he gets in. His head immediately goes to the steering wheel. 
“She’s going to hate me for the rest of her life. Why do they make the parents hold their kids down like that.”
“Well they only have so many hands, honey.” She defends. Lexi rakes her fingers through the side of his long hair. Her hand rests on his neck comfortingly. “She won’t remember.” 
“But I will.” He responds. Lexi closes her eyes, sighing heavily in agreement. 
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fuckingstarellie · 1 year
1. The Bet
how (not) to get the college rockstar girl
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infos: college au! ellie williams x reader (fem oc)
contains: fluff, smut, slow romance, comedy, some lame jokes, angst, swearing/cursing, ellie being super hyper mega hot, oc extremely correct and stubborn.
chapter summary: Alexia and Dina make a bet which in the end causes Alexia to lose, Dina tells a lie.
Alexia was in the college dorm, studying modern languages in college and preparing for a project that was requested by one of the professors, her moment of peace is interrupted when her roommate and best friend Dina opens the door making a very loud noise in the dorm
“Hey Alexia, guess who I just saw walking down the main hallway?” — Dina said excitedly as she threw herself on her own bed.
“well let me think…i don't know dee, i have to do this damn job and i just can't think of anything else!” — Alex replied
“Lexi I think you need to relax, being locked in the dorm forcing yourself to do something that you definitely can't develop right now isn't going to do any good”  
the blonde haired girl sighed before turning her body around in that rolling chair and then facing Dina — “ yes, I think you're right, but hey, will you say who you saw in the main hallway or not?” — alexia arched one of her eyebrows curiously.
“let's say halfway there maybe I saw Jesse standing in front of one of those snack machines” — started Dina — “and he was like OH MY GOOD FUCK so handsome, he just kind of winked at me and i panicked, and well now i'm here”
"WHAT? Did Jesse wink at you? Like the same Jesse who's in a band with fucking Ellie Williams?” — Alex replied her friend with wide eyes.
“Is what I'm saying Alex, the guy I've had a crush on for years just winked at me!” — the brunette was gesticulating with her hands quickly, this was one of Dina's frequent quirks.
“This is fucking crazy, you should ask for his number, just a guess” — Alex got up to organize the mess of books he had left on the dorm desk.
“what? no he is jesse he wont give me his number” — Dina shrugged
“with all due respect Dina but fuck you, the guy just winked at you, he's clearly interested so you go and get his fucking number!” — said alex in indignation.
“what? Alex, it would be really embarrassing to be dumped by him, I'm just trying to avoid embarrassing myself knowing it could go wrong” 
“I still think you should give it a try, Jesse seems like a nice guy, we don't see him around with many girls and well...you're beautiful, there's no way he won't give you his number!” — Alexia knows that although many guys hit on Dina, she is still insecure about some things. 
“oh ok Alex you won. if i can't get jesse's number you have to try to get a kiss from miss williams heartbreaker” — replied dina defiantly.
“is it like that? well done! I know you'll come back here with that guy's number so I don't even have to worry” — Alex shrugged confidently that he would win.
a few hours later
"and then?" — asked curious alex — “did you get his number?”
Dina put on her best sad face and shook her head.
“WHAT?” — Alex stared at her friend completely shocked.
“he just replied to me - sorry but no - when i asked for his phone number” — Dina replied. — “So Alexia...I think you just lost a bet”
what Dina hadn't told Alex is that she actually got Jesse's number, but the brunette would LITERALLY do anything to see Alex go after the red-haired Williams, even lie...
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n/a: Well, this is the first chapter and it also tells how Alexia got into this whole thing that could go very wrong or very right! Hope you like it
English is not my native language, sorry if there are some mistakes (correct me please), chapter not proofread!
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queencherryberry · 1 year
So….I lied. I smoked the whole day and couldn’t resist writing chapter 6. And…uh…buckle up.
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Tags: @alyyaanna @alyanamrossi @crossrhodez @mylittlepartofthegalaxy @freegardenbanananeck and anyone else who wants tagged.
Warning: implied violence, revenge, argument between reader and randy, implied sub space for reader, slight kink shaming
Chapter 6 of Brothers Best Friend
Cody let out a small chuckle rubbing your back as you clung to him still sobbing. He picked you up and took you to the bathroom and sat you on the toilet while he ran you guys a bath. You reached out to him doing grabby hands and he walked over while the tub filled up. You wrapped your arms around his waist and put your head on his abs. You just wanted some type of close contact with him. He stroked your hair as you started to calm down. For as long as he had known you, he knew physical touch was your love language. And he was prepared for how clingy you were about to become. To say he was excited for it was an understatement. When the water was sufficiently full enough he sunk into the water. You got in and sat in front of him. Your back rested against his chest and laid your head on his shoulder and closed your eyes. Cody wrapped his arms around you in a hug and rested his face by your neck. You both sat in the bath in silence enjoying each others’ presence. “I love you too baby girl.” He mumbled into your skin. He was met with light snoring from you. You hadn’t realized how exhausted you were until now so dozing off wasn’t a surprise to cody. He only smiled. He placed a kiss to the side of your forehead. He held you with one arm and reached over to drain the tub with his free hand.
After drying you both off he carried you to bed where you could get some actual sleep. He was even nice enough to put in some makeshift pj’s. He used one of his shirts and hoodies and he put your sweatpants back on you. “I’ll be right back to cuddle. I still have to go clean up breakfast since it’s almost 2pm. That and I still have to get some online school work done. Rest well.” He whispered to you stroking your hair. He kissed your forehead and put his shorts back on. He heard your phone go off. He picked it up to see who it was. He furrowed his brow and walked out of the room still holding her phone. He opened the text messages. ‘Hey lil’ mama, where you at? I didn’t see you at school today. You good? You still mad about Lexi? I told you we just friends. It’s not like that. I don’t know what you think is happening, but nothing is happening. Can we talk about this? Say dinner at 7?’ Before Cody could answer another text popped up from your best friend Brandi. ‘I know you probably don’t think about him like this but how big do you think Cody’s dick is? Like do you think he’s packing? Ask your brother if Cody’s single. Or better yet next time you see him give him my number chica’ cody smirked to himself. He kept this information on the back burner. He went back to jeys text and just simply sent a dick pic. ‘Fuck off dickwad. She’s mine now.’ He then blocked Jey and erased your conversation with Jey. He then texted Brandi his number. He saw an unread message from Randy. ‘Kim’s staying for awhile. Grab what shit you want and stay out of the house for about a week or so. I’m pretty sure rhodes wouldn’t mind the company. Just try to cock block him when he brings girls home. Tell him it’s a gift from me.’ Cody set her phone down and tried not to laugh. “This mother fucker…” he said to himself. He sighed and went to the sink to start doing dishes. After 15 minutes he pulled out his laptop and started work on homework and looking through class notes. His phone buzzed. He looked and saw he had a DM for $500. He opened it, piquing his interest. The note attached to it read: ‘next tinder bitch please whip.’ He set his phone down and sighed. He debated his options. He looked over at you sleeping peacefully. He closed his eyes and leaned back in his desk chair. There was something he was forgetting but he couldn’t remember what it was. He shrugged and closed his laptop and crawled into bed with you.
About three hours later there was angry pounding on his door. “Rhodes open the fuck up. I’m going to fucking kill you.” Cody shot up in a panic. He’d be lying if he said he wasn’t scared to open his door. You awoke too and got up. Cody tried stopping you but it was useless. You flung open the door to stare face to face with your brother. “Fuck off randal! I’m trying to fucking sleep. And if you dare lay a hand on him, I, PERSONALLY WILL RIP YOUR BALLS OFF AND SHOVE THEM DOWN YOUR THROAT!!” You screamed at your brother. Randy’s face got redder when he saw the marks on your neck as well as the hickeys that littered your neck. “The fuck you’d do to my sister you little shit!?” Randy yelled. Before either man could blink, you gave your brother a low blow by kneeing him. You then slammed the door in his face and marched back to the bed and grabbed your blanket and curled up to Cody who still sat up shocked. He blinked a few times before laying back down. He just stared at you. He had a confused boner. He wasn’t sure if he was scared or turned on but he wasn’t going to speak on it. You grabbed his arm and dropped it over yourself aggressively. You curled up to his chest. You then moved around so you guys were spooning.
After about another 2 hours you woke up and Cody was missing. You sprang up and started looking for him. You wondered if Randy was still around. You heard laughing and it was coming from down stairs. You crept downstairs where you found your brother and Cody playing Call of Duty. Both men looked over at you creeping down the stairs. “Bout time you woke up miss priss. Thanks for the injured balls bitch.” Randy said starting another round of the game. Cody had a black eye when he looked at you. You continued down the stairs confused. You walked over and saw they were also smoking. You grabbed Randy’s cartridge and took a hit from it. “What? Not gonna sit by your boy toy? Codes told me everything. At least he’s a better candidate than fuck boy Jey.” Randy said. You got up and walked over to Cody and wrapped your arms around his shoulders and buried your face in his neck. He rubbed your arm and then went back to playing the game. You sat down next to Cody and put your head in lap. You chewed on your sleeve as you watched them play.
You soon felt Randy get up to leave. You didn’t know how long you were asleep. Cody stroked your hair and switched to a different game. He hit off his mod and leaned back into the couch. With one hand he combed through your messy hair. He thought you looked like an angel as you slept in his lap. He smiled to himself. He wasn’t playing his game for very long. He set the controller down and stretched. He looked at the time. “Sweetheart. Wake up. What do you want to eat?” He said, shaking you lightly awake. You yawned and stretched. You rubbed your eyes while stretching. You looked up at him and reached up to cup his face. You rubbed under his eye and frowned. “Randals a dick. This looks like it hurts.” You sat up still holding his face. He kissed your hand and held it in his. He looked at you sweetly. “Did you know Randy had a bet with Kim on when this would happen?” He said killing the mood. You smacked your forehead in irritation. “Are you shitting me? That dick!”
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elisysd · 1 year
Gentle – Lexi Jayde
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Masterlist - Previously - Next Chapter
I can't take another break, take another burn I don't want another lesson learned Could you please be gentle with me?
Monza, during a Grand Prix, was an interesting experience. The number of Ferrari fans was literally in every corner of the city. Shops were also decked out in the team's signature red and yellow colours. It was a real popular fervour that amazed Lyanna, as much as it made her a little anxious.
She had arrived on Friday morning at a hotel not far from the circuit but far enough away not to risk running into Charles or any of his friends. That would jeopardise the whole plan she had prepared. She was due to meet up with Kika early in the afternoon, who was to give her her paddock pass, and then she planned to take a stroll around the streets of Monza to try and get a feel of the atmosphere.
But apart from that, she was going to lay low and remain incognito. She felt like a lion in a cage, pacing up and down her room. She was dreading Sunday as much as she was looking forward to it. Yes, to sort out her relationship with Charles, but she was also looking forward to experiencing the Grand Prix atmosphere from the inside. She wanted to understand how it all worked, between the mechanics, the engineers, the strategy managers and the drivers of course.
At last Saturday arrived. Kika had arranged to meet her not far from the entrance to the paddock. Not the main one, but a more secluded one, used by the mechanics. The Portuguese woman, dressed in a black dress and her eyes hidden by Prada sunglasses, found her easily enough. At the same time, Lyanna must have seemed like a fish out of water, standing in the middle of the road not really knowing what to do or where to go.
“I hope you know what you are doing.” Stated Kika after greeting her.
“Well, not really to be honest. I just want to see him and I hope for the best.”
“So no strategy?”
“No, just honesty. I didn’t prepare a speech or anything. I’m just gonna pour my heart out and hoping that he is willing to listen to me.”
“You guys really need to figure out where you stand because he has been a mess. Really. He just buried himself into work and shut everyone out. And I don’t know if you’ve seen the mess that Zandvoort was but he would really have needed someone by his side. He wanted you to be there.”
‘I watched the race, I saw what happened…” confessed Lyanna.  
“Can I be honest with you Lyanna?”
“Charles is a good guy. And he cares a lot about you, everyone can see it. But I don’t know how long he can endure what you put him through. It’s been what, the second? Third times you pushed him away without giving him as much as an explanation? It’s not fair. I’m not blaming you because frankly I don’t know what happened in your life for you to act like this, you must have your reasons and I won’t judge you for that. I’m just saying, please be careful. Because he will give you everything but it’s in between your hands. You have to prove him that you are reliable.”
“I made up my mind. I’m ready to go all in with him.”
“Relationship and all?”
“I didn’t think that far ahead…”
Kika rolled her eyes.
“Anyway, here’s your pass. Let me explain what is going to happen tomorrow. I will come to your hotel in the late morning so we can arrive at Alpine’s garage together. It will bring less attention than if we both arrive with Pierre. You are going to watch the race with me from the hospitality. That’s the part of the plan Pierre is sure about.  Then, he is supposed to intercept Joris to tell him you are here to see Charles and from there, if everything goes well, Joris will come to take you to Ferrari’s garage so you can see him.”
“Fingers crossed that it would go well then…”
But nothing went well. Everything had started so well. As expected, Kika had picked Lyanna up from her hotel and they had both arrived at the paddock without attracting any attention. Then the two young women went to the Alpine garage where they found Pierre. Lyanna also met Esteban, who welcomed her with open arms.
“I’m so happy to meet you! I watched all your movies, I’m a big fan.”
“Well thanks, it makes me happy to hear but I’m not here as Lyanna Michel today, I’m just here as Lyanna.”
The last thing she needed and wanted today was to talk about her work.
“Can I ask you a question?”
“Uh sure, yeah.” She hesitated.
“We’re both French. So surely, even if you live and work surrounded by the English language, there are some words you still have a hard time to pronounce. So my question is, how do you pronounce squirrel?”
She could not help but laugh. A big and loud laugh.
“You know, I think it’s actually the toughest one to pronounce! Even I can’t get it right.”
They stayed that way, talking and laughing together about the absurdity of the English language. Esteban had a way to make people comfortable and it was exactly what she needed. Soon enough they were both joined by Pierre who came to them with  a box between his hands.
“Lyanna! Can you come here for a second? I have something for you.”
“Oh please, don’t tell me it is what I think it is…” sighed Kika.
With a proud grin on his face, Pierre motioned to Lyanna to get closer.
“If, hopefully, everything goes well today, you are going to walk out of the track as Charles’ new girlfriend. So, before you had to go over to the dark side and betray your nation, your French DNA, to become a new supporter of the Italian team, I wanted to see you wearing the Alpine colours. At least I'd have that to annoy Charles. His girlfriend was an Alpine fan before she became a Ferrari one. It'll annoy him. And seeing him annoyed makes me happy. So if you can wear this tee-shirt and this hat, it would be perfect.”
“You won’t let me get out of here if I refuse, right?”
“You, at least, owe me that Lyanna.”
She took the box out of Pierre and went at the back of the garage to change. Once she was back, Pierre, was waiting with his phone ready to take pictures.
“Di you really had to give me a shirt with your name and your driver’s number on it? Don’t you think it’s a bit too much?”
“Yes, it is. But that’s what makes it fun.” Added Pierre with a shrug.
Unexpectedly, this little show helped Lyanna to relax. She had fun striking ridiculous poses, soon joined by Kika. And then it was soon time for Pierre to concentrate and get back to the grid. But first, he made a quick diversions to the Ferrari garage in the hope of running into Joris there to warn him of the situation.
It was the look on Kika's face when she checked her phone a few minutes before the race that made Lyanna realise something was wrong.
“Pierre couldn’t find Joris. I’m sorry Lyanna. But don’t worry, we will find a way.”
“It’s okay. I’ll be fine. I’ll just try to get through Ferrari’s security on my own. How hard can it be?”
Kika looked at her, doubtful.
“Let’s focus on the race, okay? They are going to start soon.”
Charles was starting P3, right behind Max Verstappen and Checo Perez’s Red Bulls. As for Pierre, he was starting P7 after a strong qualification session.
The start was strong and unexpected. Charles got off to a very good start and managed to keep up with the two red bulls. But the Ferrari still didn't have enough pace to be able to hold on to the cars in front. The strategy was therefore quickly to try and defend P3 against Fernando Alonso, who himself was up against a Lewis Hamilton in top form. And then, a few laps later, an unexpected event turned the race upside down and turned all the tables. Trying to overtake Max Verstappen in a desperate bid to save his championship, Checo Perez collided with his leader's red bull, sending them both off the track, making Charles the temporary race leader.
Everything now depended on how Ferrari would manage the rest of the race. But for once, luck seemed to be on the Tifosi's side. A well-executed Safety Car strategy, perfectly executed pit stops and a good understanding of the tyres enabled Charles to enter the final ten laps of the race 5 seconds ahead of Lewis Hamilton.
Lyanna was biting her nails in agony. She trusted Charles, he could do it. He was going to do it. Taking advantage of the attention glued to the screens, she slipped away with a little wave to Kika and headed for the Ferrari garages.
“Where do you think you are going miss?” a member of the staff interrupted her as she was trying to find a way to go inside or at least to find someone she knew who could help her.
“I’m here for Charles…” she tried to explain but was interrupted by the security guard.
“Yeah sure. Do you know how many girls tried this before? Go away before I make you leave.”
“But you don’t understand…”
“Lyanna?” a well-known voice was heard.
“Carla! Thank God.”
Arthur’s girlfriend made her way to her and explained to the man that she was a family friend.
“What are you doing here?” asked Carla.
“I needed to see Charles. I have something to tell him.”
“Oh, does that mean that next family dinner at the Leclerc’s, you will be there?”
“Let’s not go that far ahead, okay?”
“Honestly, I don’t think you need to worry. But come on, we are going to miss Charles crossing the finish line.”
And what a finish it was. The gap had closed to 3.5 seconds and Lewis had quickly caught up with Charles, but the Monegasque and Ferrari had managed the race perfectly and it was to the jubilant cheers of the Tifosi and the Ferrari garage that Charles finished the race. After a long and complicated season, he had arrived at the top of the podium. Lyanna was beyond proud and she couldn't stop a few tears from gathering at the corners of her eyes. Carla jumped with joy, soon to be joined by Arthur, who hugged her. Seeing all those happy people left Lyanna speechless. She let Charles' friends and family approach the barriers to welcome the pilot, preferring to leave the moment to themselves. Her turn would come soon enough. Now was not the time.
She soon found herself in an almost empty garage, with the exception of Fred Vasseur, who had preferred to remain on his own, leaving the team to enjoy themselves. He would congratulate Charles in due time.
“I’ve never seen you here before.” He said getting close to her.
“I’m here for Charles. I’m Lyanna.”
“Oh. Lyanna.” He repeated with a knowing smile. “If you want a chance to intercept him before the podium and all the protocol, you should go up the paddock.”
She thanked him with a smile and did exactly what he told her. The paddock was packed with people. Everyone was trying to catch a glimpse of Charles. He was caught between the cheers of the fans, the mechanics, the journalists desperate for his first words, the flashes of the photographers, the teams in charge of protocol and the podium who were trying to guide him as best they could through this sea of people.
Attempting to slip along at a quick pace, Lyanna looked around for him before finally catching sight of him. With a dazzling smile on his face and his jumpsuit half open, he was standing 4 metres from her. Pierre, not far from him, had just caught sight of the actress and whispered a few words in his friend's ear. Charles turned his head towards her stunned.
Lyanna took the opportunity to run towards him as Pierre asked the people to let her pass. Charles also began to hurry and, as if in a slow-motion film, he found her halfway along and took her in his arms, twirling her around. Pierre, accompanied by Joris who was standing not far from the scene and a few fans who had realised that an important moment for Charles was about to unfold, proceeded to block the two young people from the view of the journalists to give them some privacy.
Lyanna buried her face in Charles's neck as he moved away from the central walkway to a more secluded corner. Finally, she turned away from him and stared into Charles's eyes.
“Congrats, champ.” She whispered.
“It’s you. It’s all you. My little good-luck charm.”
He rested his forehead against hers.
“It’s my turn to take you by surprise.”
“What do you mean.”
“I’m going to kiss you now.”
author's note: Last chapter of the week. I'm going back to work next week so I'll have less time to write. But hallelujah!!!!! THEY KISSED. I loved writing this chapter. A little bit sad because we've reached an important part of the story. But don't worry, it's not the end of Lyanna and Charles story. Don't forget to comment, I'm always curious to hear your thoughts and hopes for the rest of the story.
Taglist: @zendayabelova @purplephantomwolf @ru-kru @dakotali @blueflorals @aundercover @ruleroftheuniverse
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kamryn1963 · 2 months
Never Grow Up- Al, Trudy, Hank fanfic
Summary: Hank and Trudy meet the newest member of their family.
Notes: I was really going to write the next chapter of So Long, London and instead got this idea...
My next update will definitely be for that story but I hope you enjoy this! Almost completely fluff which is not my usual lol.
Hank and Trudy entered Al and Meredith’s house, Hank holding a tray of food that he dropped off in the kitchen before they headed to the living room where Al was sitting on the couch holding his two week old daughter. 
Hank and Trudy stood back for a minute watching as Al rocked his daughter, smiling down at her. They hadn’t seen Al this happy in a long time. It was refreshing for Hank and Trudy who knew of Al’s struggles well and were glad things were starting to work out for him. 
“Hey”. Al greeted as he looked up and met his friends eyes. He hadn’t heard them come in. 
“We let ourselves in. We didn’t want to wake the little one if she was sleeping”. Hank replied as he and Trudy sat on the couch beside Al. 
“Thank you for that. She’s awake though, ready to meet her Aunt Trudy and Uncle Hank”. Al said with a smile as he turned them. 
“Is Meredith around?” Trudy asked not seeing her anywhere. 
“She just went to take a nap. She says hello”. Al responded as he shifted Lexi in his arms a bit. 
“How’s Meredith doing?” Hank asked. 
“She’s okay. The doctors said the labor was good and both her and the baby are looking good”. Al was grateful that was the case. He had been preparing himself for the worst case scenario and was so glad both his wife and daughter were doing good. 
“That’s great, I’m glad to hear that, man. Camille was sorry she couldn’t make it but made a casserole for you guys. It’s in the kitchen”. Hank responded and Al was so grateful for his friends. 
“Alright, enough of that. I want to hold me niece”. Trudy stated and Al chuckled as he gently placed Lexi in Trudy’s arms. 
“What’s her name?” Trudy asked a few minutes later looking at the perfect little girl in her arms. God she looked so much like Alvin already. 
“We decided pretty early in Meredith’s pregency that she would pick the first name and I got the middle name”. Al took a deep breath excited to share his daughters name with his family. 
“Meet Lexi Elizabeth Olinsky”. Al said and both Hank and Trudy instantly loved the name. Al continued before they could say anything. 
“Lexi was a name Meredith heard once and we both love it, we thought about naming her Alexis or Alexa and having Lexi as the nickname, but found everytime we referred to her we always said Lexi so that’s what we went with. I knew I wanted a family name for her middle name and Elizabeth seemed to be prefect. It was Meredith’s mom’s name and is her sister’s middle name. It’s also my sister’s middle name” Al said and it took a minute before the last sentence hit both of his friends. 
Hank understood first, smirking as he turned to look at Trudy who looked shocked as the words hit her. Hank reached out and gently grabbed Lexi as Trudy embraced Al. 
“Alvin…” Trudy gasped as he hugged her back with a laugh. 
Trudy’s middle name was Elizabeth. 
“You named your child after me?” Trudy asked and both her and Al had tears in their eyes as they pulled away from each other enough for Al to meet her eyes. 
“Your one of my best friends, Dee. I couldn’t think of anyone else to name my child after a woman who I know will love and protect her as fiercely as me and Meredith will”. Al explained, tears still in his eyes. 
“Well I’m honored”. Trudy wanted to say more but couldn’t find the words. People didn’t render her speechless much. She looked at the little girl in Hank’s arms and smiled. 
Al just smiled and wrapped an arm around her shoulders as he leaned against her. Al knew he’d made the right choice. Naming a child had been more stressful than Al had imagined but he and Meredith were pretty happy with the name they’d chosen. 
The three of them sat there and talked for the next thirty minutes. Hank and Trudy filled All in on the interesting cases they’d worked lately and any gossip Al might enjoy. 
Eventually Hank noticed Al started to drift off and chuckled lightly as he covered his friend in a blanket knowing that Al was definitely not getting much sleep right now. 
Hank and Trudy continued holding Lexi and just looking at the newest member of their little makeshift family. Trudy was holding Lexi again at this point, stroking a finger over her little cheek as the little girl looked up with wide eyes. 
“Are you sure you don’t want one of these Trudy?” Hank asked as he watched his friend hold Lexi, both looking very content. 
“That’s why I have friends with kids, Hank. I get to hold the kid and spend some time with them but at the end of the day I get uninterrupted sleep”. Trudy replied with a roll of her eyes as she continued rocking Lexi. 
“That’s what my sister said too''. A new voice said and both Trudy and Hank looked up as Meredith entered the room and sat on the other side of the couch beside Al who was still sleeping. 
“It’s an amazing plan”. Trudy responded, getting a laugh from Meredith who turned to her sleeping husband and started running her fingers through his hair. 
“Has he been sleeping long?” Meredith asked quietly and Hank shook his head. 
“About thirty minutes”. Hank replied and Meredith nodded as she sighed. 
“A few nights ago he woke up screaming from a nightmare which caused Lexi to start crying and since then Al’s been refusing to sleep so I’m glad he’s finally sleeping even if it’s only an hour or two”. Meredith explained as she looked up from her husband’s exhausted face to meet Hank and Trudy’s eyes. 
“Would you like us to talk to him? Tell him to stop being an idiot?” Hank asked and Meredith gave a grateful nod. 
“Please. I get his reasoning, I really do but he’s no help to me or Lexi when he won’t sleep”. Meredith sighed as she looked at her daughter still in Trudy’s arms. 
“Do you want her back?” Trudy asked, feeling a bit guilty that she’d been holding Lexi even when her mom was here now. 
“No, no it’s alright. The break is appreciated”. Meredith said honestly just as Al stirred beside her looking up to meet Meredith’s eyes. 
“Morning sleepyhead”. Hank teased getting a weak glare in response as Al sat up. 
“Why don’t you two head to your room for a bit? Nap, shower whatever, me and Hank have the afternoon free and are willing to watch Lexi”. Trudy offered and Hank nodded in agreement. 
“I know how to care for a child and Lexi seems to be way tamer of a baby than Justin was”. Hank added and Meredith seemed to agree but Al looked hesitant. Probably due to the prospect of potentially having another nightmare. 
“Come on hun. We haven’t got to spend time with just the two of us since Lexi was born and I’m not sure when we will have this opportunity again”. Meredith said and Al reluctantly agreed as he stood up and headed over to Lexi to kiss her forehead. 
Hank and Al got Lexi’s bassinet downstairs while Meredith fed her a bottle and once Lexi was settled and sleeping again, Al and Meredith headed upstairs. 
“Thank you”. Al called and Hank and Trudy exchanged a smile as Trudy called back. 
“Of course, now go to sleep idiot”. Both Al and Meredith chuckled in response as their footsteps faded away as they entered their bedroom ready to take advantage of the time they got together. 
Hank and Trudy just sat there looking at the precious little girl in their arms. The newest member of their family.
After seeing horrible things everyday and seeing the worst of humanity day in and day out, getting to see the good things was always great. Especially today considering that Hank and Trudy knew quite well that Al and Meredith had wanted a child for a while and they finally got that. 
This is what made it easy to fight. For Hank, Trudy and Al, this is what they fought for. To meet their nieces and nephews, to get to hold their children. 
This is what made all the fight and pain worth it.
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nextstopwonderland · 5 months
Hi!!! Can I request 21 “Staring into each others eyes” with Bryan/Yuta, please? 🥺✨✨
Anything for you, Lexie 😘 (Bryan/Yuta my beloved)
Oh look it’s another take on The Red Rocks Date by yours truly.
I’ll show you a place (713 words)
Yuta didn’t really meditate much before meeting Bryan. Claudio would tell him how Bryan taught him years ago, and how it really can help.
Mox has no interest in meditating and Regal, when he was around, thought Yuta’s time would be better suited on the mat.
But Bryan would just look at him, with an expression he couldn’t quite read, and say, “When you’re ready, let me know.”
It felt a little like a test, but Yuta wasn’t sure for what.
Lots of things feel like that with Bryan, and Yuta craves to be passing each and every one. He’s felt reignited by Bryan’s recommitment to them. Has heard Bryan say he loves him, multiple times now.
(Has wanted to know exactly what that love entails.)
And so when Bryan tells him he’s going hiking Yuta jumps at the chance to go. He gets one on one time with Bryan, but it’s never truly private. This feels like it could be a turning point.
It’s everything he hoped, Bryan talking quietly, seeing him so in his element — focused on nature but also focused on Yuta. Asking him questions, wanting to listen.
It’s after Yuta films him for the Okada promo — something he feels so honored to have been able to do — that he gathers up the courage.
“Teach me? How to meditate?”
Bryan smiles at him like Yuta just bestowed the best Christmas present.
They sit a little ways off the path, in one of the few shaded areas. There’s no one around them right now, only the sound of a crow in the distance.
“I’ll walk you through a basic meditation practice. You comfortable?”
“Good. Find your posture. Rest your palms on your thighs, face up or down, whatever’s comfortable.”
Yuta does so, face up.
“Now close your eyes, and just listen to my voice.”
Yuta doesn’t mean to shiver, but he can’t help it. Bryan’s voice is so soothing, washing over him like a gentle breeze.
He follows the guidance: find a memory, an image, hold onto it, breathe in through your nose and out through your mouth. Focus only on the place in your memory, let it fill you up, ground you. Breathe in for four, hold for four, out for six.
It only lasts about five minutes before Bryan pulls him back, tells him to lock the memory away, tells him to come back slowly, open his eyes.
He isn’t prepared for Bryan to be looking right at him as he does, and realizes Bryan must have been watching him this whole time.
It’s like he falls right back into that place he was in, looking at Bryan. Unsurprising since he’d been the subject of his focus.
He’d chosen the first time he ever saw Bryan walk into the AEW locker room, the moment when he’d dragged a hand through his hair, looked over at Yuta and smiled at him, warm and bright.
“Love at first sight,” Kris had said later that night. Yuta had snorted in reply, saying “I’ve seen him for years now, have the DVDs to prove it.”
“Not the same.”
And maybe she was right, because he hasn’t stopped looking at Bryan since. Has wanted his attention, focus, smiles, slaps, whatever he could get.
And now they’re looking into one another’s eyes, all alone amongst the Red Rocks and Yuta wants — he wants.
“What made you finally ask?” Is the first thing Bryan says.
Yuta shrugs, never breaking their gaze. “Just wanted to know. To be… closer.” He flushes as soon as he says it, awkward and fumbling.
Bryan quirks an eyebrow. “To your inner self?”
Yuta bites his lip, and shakes his head. “To — you.”
Bryan’s smile is a slow, revelatory thing, starting out as surprise and then turning softer.
He reaches out a hand, the two of them sitting crossed legged only a few inches apart. Yuta grabs it, letting out a breath as Bryan squeezes his palm.
“I’m glad,” Bryan says, pulling Yuta closer to him, their eyes still searching one another’s. “That you asked.”
Yuta only closes his eyes when Bryan’s lips meet his own, like a firework going off inside him.
He breathes out and kisses back.
He thinks maybe this’ll be a new memory for his next meditation.
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boltupbitches · 2 years
Crème Brûlée and Sweets - Chapter 4
It had been over a week since her date with Joe, and aside from a text from him the next day, it's been mostly radio silence. Josie was put off by that. She thought they hit it off pretty well, but realized that her crush may have only been one-sided. Doubts started to swirl around like, 'Maybe he was just being nice? Maybe it was just to boost his online presence and be more relatable to fans? Wait - why would he do that when he clearly has a way bigger public profile than I have or will ever have?' Rinse and repeat.
For the most part, she kept herself busy with talking to her parents, facetiming Gaea, hanging with Mike, and cuddling with Biggs.
Gaea tried to talk her out of worrying about it, "Jo, he's just a guy that you barely know and hung out with once. I am not saying that to be a bitch, but I just don't want you to fall hard again. Let him come to you if he's interested!"
Josie buried her head into the sleeve of her hoodie and mumbled, "too late," at both statements. One, she was starting to fall for him - a hopeless romantic's greatest punishment - and two, she had messaged him a meme from the Office where Kevin spills his chilli everywhere. Nothing in return. That was yesterday. He didn't even read it.
Gaea groaned, "Joooooooooo - if I have to fly out to fucking Cincy and kick your ass, I fucking will! Who is this dude anyways to have you this hooked? He kicks balls for a living and probably isn't even that great!"
Josie lifted her head and glared back at her computer screen. "First of all, wrong sport. He's an American football player and is a quarterback. He's also a first round draft pick and Heisman recipient. Y'know, what Lexi is trying to do right now at 'Bama? His name is Joe Burrow."
Gaea stared blankly back. "That's supposed to mean something to me? I don't follow football and Lexi is a shithead with a few screws loose, so I normally don't listen beyond the bare minimum one call a week I have with him." She hummed quietly to herself while staring down at her phone. "Jo.. your hung up over this dude?? He looks like the kid from Home Alone if he grew up normal!" She starts to laugh a little to herself before scrolling through Google images.. "Wait a minute - is that? Nah, that can't be..."
Josie continued to glare at Gaea, not seeing the amusement in her reaction. "What?"
"He went to Ohio State? Soo... a guy I'm kind of seeing went to Ohio State."
"A guy? Is this guy a certain Joey Bosa who has liked all of your fucking instagram pics since the beginning of time? That guy? Wait - did you hook up before or after the mural job you got hired for at the Chargers training facility? What do you guys even have in common besides anime?"
Gaea scoffed and flipped her hair, "First of all, I got the job and then I fucked him weeks later. Let's get that straight right now, Ms. Jo! And we don't even talk football. He knows my lack of interest beyond the occasional update from my brother on his drafting prospects next season. We talk about art, gaming, travel, anime, and then we bone."
"Wait - so you ride my ass for being heartbroken over a dude ghosting me, but here you are hooking up with your own NFL player? What - how the fuck? I am confusion."
Gaea had an offended look on her face. "Listen, I never said don't hook up with him. Bone him if you want to. I highly encourage you do so and that you are careful. I'm just saying to be careful because I know you. There is nothing wrong with being a romantic. I think it's wonderful and I think you're going to find someone who recognizes that and will reciprocate that. I just don't want you to rush and be all in emotionally without being prepared. I love you, Jo, and I am sorry I was a bitch just now about it all."
Josie put a fake smile on her face, trying to not let her emotions slip up too much. "I know. I forgive you. We're just both a bunch of bitches to each other, but that's just us being us. I feel stupid that I'm even this impacted after a week of knowing the guy. I hate that I'm this way. It's why I don't date."
Gaea nodded, "I get it. Really I do. Listen, have you considered going back to therapy to talk about stuff? Sometimes there is an underlining experience that is the reason for things. I know my avoidance issues tend to come from the shit with my mom and my childhood. Not saying that's the reason for you, but talking to a mental health professional really gave me perspective I wasn't getting before. Wait - hold on a sec!" Gaea ducked out of view for a few moments.
Josie raised an eyebrow as she heard a deep voice greet Gaea as "babe" and then a few moments of mumbling before Gaea reappeared in the frame. "Hey, sorry, was letting my friend in."
"Your friend? That's what I am?" Suddenly a much taller and larger man ducked into the frame of the camera. "Hi Gaea's baking friend! I am Joey, her other friend who occasionally spends the night and buys her dinner. Nice to meet you."
Josie was starstruck for a moment, "holy fuck.." before clearing her throat. "Hi, Joey, I'm Josie, or Jo as Gaea usually calls me. Nice to meet you?" She said slightly uncertain. 'How do you great your best friend's boner buddy?'
"Ah! Now I know why you look familiar! I was just speaking with Burrow yesterday and he mentioned you." Joey smiled.
"Oh god.." Josie yanked her hoodie up over her face and dived face first into her couch, out of view from the camera.
"Is she ok?" Joey asked with concern.
"Yeah - she's just thinking about the Bunghole quarterback ghosted her."
Joey snickered at that, "Bunghole. Definitely changing Burrow's name in the chat to that. Anyway, nah, listen Josie? I'm going to yell at Burrow for not texting you back. Dude is a hopeless romantic with cold feet. He said he's pretty sure your out of his league and is scared you'll realize how big of a dork he is - which he definitely is. Much more of a dork than I am to be fair. I mean he watches Spongebob for fucks sake." Joey rambled.
"Morò, you watched Spongebob with me last night." Gaea interrupted.
"No, you had it on and I didn't want to bother you by changing the channel."
"But you actually changed it to that channel."
"Because I thought you wanted to watch it?" Joey sounded confused.
Josie sat back up slowly and pulled her hoodie back down. "Are we really discussing who watches Spongebob? Look, I really appreciate your help Gaea, and er- Joey, but I feel too embarrassed to ask anyone to do that - text him I mean."
"Oh, well.. too late? I texted him." Seeing Josie's face turn ghostly pale, Joey quickly interrupted. "Listen, he needs to hear this. If he doesn't address it now, you'll both continue dancing around each other for the rest of fucking eternity and the next time I see him for golfing, I don't want to listen to him cry to me, Nick, and Sam because he can't grow a set of balls."
Gaea nodded. "Yeah, it's bad enough I have to deal with Joey's brother Nick trying to slide in Nysa's DMs every other Saturday. I can't deal with anymore of you love sick fools."
"Wait - Nysa and Nick? They know each other?" Josie was confused once again.
Gaea nodded and rolled her eyes. "Kind of, but not really. He decided to use his Scooby Doo level investigative skills and discovered I had a sister when he found out about me and Joey. All he discovered was that she's pretty 'hot' - according to the text he sent Joey," She glared his way and he looked away as if he had no idea what she was talking about, "Long story short, he sent a follow request and has been trying to hoe it up in her DMs ever since. You know Nysa is the serious type, yeah? I told her straight up that he's a hoe and it's a no. Yeah, so that's that."
Josie started to laugh a bit at that. "You're ok with her calling your brother a hoe?" She asked Joey who was sitting there with his own grin at Gaea's blunt and harsh description of is little brother.
"I mean, if it was anyone else who said that shit, I'd be a bit mad. But it's Gaea and she's right. He's in his hoe phase right now. What's it they're saying on Twitter? City boys up? That's him."
Josie and Gaea started laughing at that image painted in their mind by Joey's description. He joined in at their reaction.
Once they all stopped laughing, Josie sighed, "Thanks for talking with me guys. I am going to get off here and get started on dinner. It was really nice meeting you, Joey. Gaea, we'll talk soon?"
Joey waved and got up from the couch, disappearing from view.
"Course. I'll probably call you tomorrow or something. Let me know how things go. I'm a flight away and I have a black belt in taekwondo. If shit goes down, I'm coming up there to Cincy to kick ass!"
Josie smiled and blew her a kiss, "Of course you would. Love you! Bye!"
Gaea blew her a kiss back, "love you too and ciao! talk soon!"
The facetime ended and Josie shut her Mac.
Within a few seconds a text popped up on her phone's screen.
Joe Brrr
Hey, sorry I've been MIA. Can I call you now? If you have time to talk.
Josie sighed before weighing out her options. Who was she kidding? She wanted to hear what he had to say.
"Now or never, I guess." She mumbled to herself as his call popped up.
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katlakitty · 11 months
N7Month Challenge - Day 6: Meal + Day 26: Foliage
Jaal had consumed all his meals in the tech lab on his own so far, but he knew he wouldn't learn a lot about the aliens if he kept to himself. Sharing a meal among family and friends was a vital part of angaran culture and it didn't feel right to consume his nutrient paste like this, locked away in a dark corner on his own. He wasn't going to eat with the crew, but he was curious if their habits would be similar.
He knew the schedule of the crew well enough to know that most of them would be in the kitchen right now. Either preparing or already eating their food. He was nervous as he left the tech lap and headed to the kitchen.
He was met by a wall of noise as the doors swooshed open. This was familiar to him. Everyone was talking over each other, one Louder than the other while occasional laughter broke through the noise.
Liam was the first to notice him entering the kitchen. Apart from the Pathfinder, Liam was the one Jaal had spent most of his time talking to. He wouldn't say he was comfortable around Liam yet, but they shared the same attitude when it came to social interactions with other species.
He tried to initiate a conversation, but Jaal was just there to observe the others for the time being.
The conversation topics weren't different from the ones he had with his family at dinner. Vetra and Peebe were bickering about a matter regarding Kadara, Drack was eyeing the leftover food on Vetras plate as if he was waiting for a chance to steal it.
Suvi was involved in a discussion with Lexi about the foliage and the botanical life on Havarl and the other planets they had visited so far.
The pilot, Kallo, was silently eating his food and Liam had given up on trying to pull both him and Kallo into a conversation.
Jaal had only intended to make a quick visit to the kitchen and stay passive while simply observing. He soon found himself pulled into the conversation however when the Pathfinder joined them and sat down next to him. He answered his questions and asked some of his own, turning their conversation into a lively discussion when others of the crew joined in.
When Jaal returned to his secluded bunk in the tech lab he had a feeling that he would be able to enjoy his time on the Tempest. The crew had been no different with each other with him being around. There were no fake smiles or wrongful politeness, they had all acted genuine towards him. Jaal was far from trusting any of them yet, but he was optimistic about working with them. The Resistance could use an ally like them.
You can find a collection of all my N7 Month drabbles on AO3.
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fexiana · 1 day
I’m conflicted 🤔
I just dressed Lexi in the 3 play scene outfits that I am going to cover in this video and now I have a question for you..
Remember the dress shirt and black skirt Lexi wore when she took the final bow after her Our Life play?
I feel like she would change one more time but then I don’t???? 🫠🫠🫠
She has a bun… would she let her hair down?… After all, Fez is in attendance at the play so I’m indecisive of what outfit or hairstyle she should finish the video in after the play scenes that I am preparing to film. Because even though I feel like she’d change into something comfortable before leaving, she’d also be matching Fezco in a cute way if she kept it on. He can’t change anyway so he will be in his suit for the remainder of it—
Or at least leading up to the final scenes; if you recall my last poll 😊 Please help me decide, in this poll, on what I should do. I should be done with the play scenes in 24 hours from now so that will be how long I will have the poll open for.
If you choose different outfit/hairstyle, please type in the comments what you envision she’d wear and how she’d have her hair 💌 I appreciate you all for your help❣️
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