#he just has an excellent poker face
fooltofancy · 1 year
Gotta ask about best boy Haurchefant and Ilya
anyway, most insufferable bros who also fuck energy, u know, the kind that makes everybody pick up their food and eat somewhere else lmao.
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hirazuki · 1 year
Personal rambling under the cut because I feel the need to share this absurdity, feel free to ignore XD
I met and spoke with my mother yesterday for the first time in almost four years, to talk about why my sister and I have cut both our parents off (i.e. emotional abuse and neglect throughout childhood that has resulted for both of us in severe trust issues, c-ptsd, eating disorders, depression, ocd, suicidal ideation/attempts, anxiety, and emotional and social stunting, to name but a few things), and, as an example because she asked for one, I brought up the fact that she and our dad kept sis housebound (she literally did not go outside for like, eight years?) and crippled by her dependence on them that they cultivated, and that the first time sis used any kind of public transportation alone was at the age of 26.
Mom's response: So taking the bus by herself as a child would have fixed everything?
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misdeliria · 1 year
bkg slowburn partners to lovers excellence
fyi: aged up, drinking, not beta'd, deal w it
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Cupid's Chokehold (3.7k)
"I'm falling in love with you."
It rolls off your tongue without a second thought, and you relish the relief of your confession. Katsuki can't control his surprise, and you can read his answer off his face, and for a brief moment, you regret making your move.
The sting of rejection is quickly numbed purely by willpower, and you laugh airily.
"You have a terrible poker face," you tease lightly. You steel yourself for the next part by deeply breathing through your teeth. "You aren't interested in me."
"It's not like that," Katsuki mumbles quietly, his ears turning pink. "I need to focus on my career. We both do."
"Gotcha," you whisper, looking off into space, head turned away from him. "No, you're right." You clear your throat and begin to wrap up your trash from your forgotten lunch.
Katsuki seems to want to stop you, but he's silent as he watches you step out of your seat and make a quick visit to the nearest trash bin.
"Look, we're good," you assure him as you prepare to end this shared meal. "Nothing's changed. We're partners."
Katsuki raises a brow at you, remaining in his seat. "Then how come you're leaving?"
You respond with a dry laugh, fighting down the pit in the back of your throat. "Give a girl a second to wallow, Bakugo," you huff. Shrugging, you awkwardly shift your weight back and forth between your stance. "At least I won't be so distracted during patrols anymore."
It's your weak attempt to lighten the mood. Although, it's hard to commit when trying to come to terms with your rejection. Unfortunately, Katsuki doesn't find it amusing, and his expression remains a combination of surprise and confusion.
"I won't be as weird tomorrow," you brush off sheepishly. "Get home safe." With a single nod, you turn to leave before anything can stop you.
You feel like you can breathe again once you shut your door and feel your car engine rumble to life. Before you can shift gears, a wave of embarrassment and shame washes over you, and you throw your head back against your seat.
Pressing your hands against your face, you let out a sound of anguish, feeling like a fool. Raking your fingers back through your hair, you sigh.
"You just can't shut up sometimes, can you?" Your voice is quiet as it disturbs the otherwise silence in your car. "Brush it off. You're not dying." You shake your head and quickly note where the alcohol in your apartment is for when you get home.
Katsuki doesn't notice anything different about your dynamic in the days following your confession. You make eye contact easily and banter with him like nothing has happened. You're civil and, for the most part, stay on task during patrol.
You're the perfect partner, and yet, Katsuki can sense something has shifted.
"You're late," he grumbles, glaring at you as you stride to your desk with a compostable coffee cup in your hands.
"Would you relax," you dismiss him with a flimsy wave of your hand. You drop your bag onto your chair and start peeling off your layers. "We don't start for another ten minutes. I'll be right back."
You disappear to change into your uniform, and Katsuki takes this opportunity to invade your privacy.
"You don't drink coffee," he states skeptically after bringing your cup up to his nose and taking a whiff. The stench from the coffee is strong but not enough to cover up the scent of your lipstick coating the mouthpiece. He didn't even realize you wore makeup.
"Hey, don't drink my drink," you chastise as soon as you return, adjusting the sleeves of your uniform.
"You don't even like coffee," he accuses, setting your cup back on your desk. You respond with an incredulous laugh.
"No, you don't like coffee," you correct him. "I'm perfectly happy drinking coffee."
"Why would you need to drink it anyways? Didn't you get enough sleep?" Katsuki's glare softens as he gives you a quick scan, picking up the exhaustion clouding your eyes and the tentative way you handle your stationery. "Did you at least eat something? I don't need you passing out on me during a fight."
"You almost sound worried," you say with a dry tone, covering it up with a hollow chuckle. "Where's the trust, man?"
"There is none," Katsuki bites back quickly, but the humored glint in your eyes relieves him. "Are you almost ready to head out?"
"Can we ever just start when our shift starts?" You groan with a roll of your eyes as you return your stationery to their respective spots on your desk.
"Being on time is being late," Katsuki reminds you of what feels like the millionth time since he's met you.
He can hear you poorly imitate him behind his back, but when he turns to glare at you, you're inspecting your nails and obviously feigning innocence.
It's all too normal for his liking, and he's unsure why. He should feel grateful that you're not awkward after your confession and that you've moved past it and carried on your professionalism, but he's not. Not entirely, at least.
A little part of him can't stop hearing your confession.
"I'm falling in love with you."
Every time he meets your eyes, there's a brief pause, and Katsuki can't tell if it's imagination. You glow whenever you smile, even if it's not directed at him, and he can't look away from you.
You still grab lunch with him after your shifts, although now there's a thin blanket of tension veiling your conversations. And, outside of work, there's no contact from you.
Katsuki misses the days when you'd message him in the morning before your shifts, asking if he wanted anything from the shop that you stopped by for quick meals. He'd never take you up on your offer, but now he'll see you walk in with a to-go cup and wonder if you forgot to text him. He knows the truth, though.
You're trying to get over him. He can see right through your efforts, no matter how subtle you're trying to be. Katsuki notices the way you freeze up whenever he brushes his hand against your arm or grabs at you to check for injuries.
Every time, without fail, you'll clear your throat and yank yourself away from him, avoiding his accusing glare.
"I'm fine," you grit out, holding your arm that's obviously in pain. "I'll be good. Thanks."
Just let me take care of you, Katsuki will think bitterly to himself, watching you stagger away and doing nothing about it. You never used to be this difficult when he was just trying to do his job.
You'd argue that caring for you wasn't part of the job, and he'd find every fiber of him disagreeing with you.
"What are you doing this Friday?"
You're obviously surprised once you comprehend what Katsuki is asking towards the end of your patrol. You look flustered and waging an internal battle in your head.
"My idiot friends are having their monthly get-together," Katsuki explains, uncharacteristically mumbling. "They asked if you wanted to join."
"What?" You laugh, amusement washing away your nerves. "You're inviting me? What are they holding over you to do this?"
Katsuki glares at you, irritated that you guessed correctly. Mina threatened him to invite you, otherwise, she'd show up unannounced at the agency and introduce herself.
Normally, he'd go unphased by her threats, but ever since your confession, Katsuki's felt a shred of anguish that you'll disappear one day.
Even if he couldn't give you the relationship you hoped for, he wanted to provide for you somehow. And, if he had to expose you to his personal life a little more, then he was okay with that. As long as it meant you'd stay with him.
"They threatened to ambush us during a patrol if I didn't."
You fail to stifle your laugh, and Katsuki hopes to elicit more of that from you.
"I appreciate the offer," you eventually answer, and Katsuki feels elated at your initial positivity. It quickly dissipates when you reject his invitation. "I have plans this Friday, actually. For once." You laugh at your deprecating allusion, but Katsuki maintains his aloof expression.
"Suddenly, you're too good for my friends?" It was meant to be a joke, but his abrasive tone reveals his vulnerable ego.
You visibly hesitate to respond, and Katsuki wonders what you're fighting yourself on. What are you holding back from him?
"I have plans already," you repeat with more force, finalizing your explanation, and Katsuki feels irritation bubbling in his stomach.
You didn't make plans that required you to leave your apartment often – Katsuki knew this. You lived with your best friend, so most of your time outside of work was spent at home. Whenever you managed to come across real plans that involved wearing nicer clothes than sweatpants, you'd normally chat Katsuki's ear off about your anticipation.
"Do you have a date?" He blurts his question out before he can comprehend the thought, and he can feel the tips of his ears get warm with embarrassment.
You can't fight back the surprise from reaching your face, and Katsuki knows the answer before you nod.
You laugh sheepishly at getting caught, tucking a strand of hair behind your ear – a nervous habit Katsuki has caught on to after two years of working with you.
"Yeah, I do," you murmur, looking everywhere but at him. "My roommate set it up with her boyfriend's friend."
How come you didn't tell me, he wants to ask, but he already knows. "Is he nice?"
"Yeah, he's..." He watches your eyes glaze over as you get stuck in your head before clearing your throat. "He's nice. Why?"
Katsuki shrugs, feigning indifference. Inside, he's frustrated, but he knows he shouldn't be.
You're his partner. His work partner.
As long as this random head that's taking you out doesn't distract you during your patrols – when you're with him – then he can't shouldn't complain.
"Will you tell me how it goes?" His question is quiet because he's embarrassed to ask, but he wants to know. He knows not knowing will bother him, and he can't explain to himself why.
"Um, sure," you hesitate to answer, almost questioning yourself.
You keep details of your date private from him after Friday comes and goes. The curiosity eats at Katsuki whenever he catches you glancing at your phone or smiling at yourself at your desk, but he keeps it to himself.
Your shift today was harder than usual. A few minor misdemeanors followed up with a villain attack.
You could tell that Katsuki was frustrated throughout the whole time, keeping quiet and growling to himself more often than usual.
After, when you were packing up your things to leave for the day, you noticed Katsuki sitting at his desk with his head hanging low. His arms are relaxed against the chair handles and you think he looks defeated as people walk past him without a glance.
"Trying to get food?" You pipe up, sliding past him to lean back against his desk. You keep your demeanor light, resting your hands against the surface and keeping your chin up. "I'm starving."
"You head out without me," he mumbles, flicking his hand.
"Nah," you hum, smiling at him with encouragement. "Come eat with me."
"Wouldn't that make your boyfriend uncomfortable?"
Boyfriend? You frown at your partner, tilting your head with a curious look.
"My nonexistent boyfriend would probably be more concerned with my obnoxious partner giving me attitude when I'm hungry."
Katsuki finally looks up at you, and you widen your eyes in exaggeration.
"Oh my god, finally," you rasp, holding your hand against your chest. "I was planning on getting you a vest for your birthday to help you with your posture."
"You don't even know when my birthday is," he answers with a sneer, but it doesn't phase you.
"Of course I know when your birthday is, Bakugo," you tell him. "Now, can we please go eat?" You bounce off of his desk and pat his bare shoulder, shortly relishing the satisfying warmth that emits from his body.
Katsuki catches you by surprise when he holds your hand against his arm, squeezing gently.
"Are you okay?" You ask him, knowing what his answer will be but hoping for a rare moment of vulnerability.
"Just tired," he mumbles, not looking at you. You smile softly, understanding where his exhaustion might be coming from, and use your other hand to pat his spiky head.
"You're working hard," you remind him with sympathy. "You did a good job today."
Katsuki doesn't say anything, just responds with a nod.
You start to pull away, but he holds you in place for another moment. Your heart stutters in your chest, and you're hit with a familiar wave of infatuation that you've been desperate to avoid.
"We did a good job today," he finally says. "We're partners."
"I know, Bakugo." As badly as I want to be more, we're just partners. "You're not getting rid of me, unfortunately."
You're forced to yank your hand out of his, avoiding his glare when he turns back to look at you.
"Let's head out already," you plead, creating some distance between you before checking back to see if he's following you.
You can't fight back your smile when you find him out of his seat and pacing over to you.
Katsuki hates seeing you in Mina's apartment. It's like his worlds are colliding, and he's still not mentally prepared after a week.
He's grateful you let him pick you up and take you instead of finding your way there. He's also quietly pleased that you're glued to his side because you don't know any of his friends.
"I hope your friend likes this wine," you nervously babble in his ear, and it makes his skin vibrate with how close you are. "How do you not know what alcohol your friends like?"
"Cause I don't care," he bites back, arms crossed over his chest and sending you his normal glare. "And you shouldn't either. Not like they're your friends."
That was obviously not the right thing to say, and Katsuki immediately regrets it when he watches your expression fall.
"Then, why did you invite me?" You sound frustrated and lean away from him slightly. "What am I doing here?"
"Saving me from a night of nuisances."
Katsuki thinks he hears you mumble "Typically," but doesn't respond because Mina and Eijiro approach.
"Hey, Bakubro," Eijiro greets with a wide smile, clapping a hand against Katsuki's arm. "And hello to you too!"
You give them your name with a polite smile and present Mina with your gift. Katsuki has to fight the urge to put his arm around you – to protect you from his friend.
"I didn't know what to bring, but I hope you like this wine."
Mina squeals in delight, taking the bottle from your hands and inspecting it before throwing herself at you. Katsuki's skin prickles at the sight.
"I love wine!" She cries with glee. "You're so considerate! Bakugo never brings me anything."
"When do you ever bring me anything?"
"When do you invite me over?"
The glare Katsuki sends Mina is fatal, but she's unbothered, much to your apparent satisfaction.
"Let's open this right now!" Mina drags you away by the arm, and your panicked expression is enough to bring a soft smile to Katsuki's lips.
"So, she's the partner?" Eijiro takes your spot next to Katsuki and nudges his arm. "Think she's into you?"
The question makes Katsuki scoff, sending his friend a silencing look.
"She is? How'd you find out?"
"She told me," he answers gruffly. "Over a month ago."
Eijiro's eyes almost bug out of his head with how surprised he is.
"Why didn't you say anything? That's awesome, dude."
"Why would that be awesome?"
"Because it's obvious you're into her too?" Eijiro's brows furrow as he looks at Katsuki, who feels a burning fire in his chest light up.
"Excuse me?"
Eijiro sighs, scratching the dark scruff under his jaw. "Come on, man."
"You invited her to Mina's shindig," Eijiro points out. "You've been her partner for, what? A few years now, and you're finally bringing her around to meet us?" Katsuki just glares at him.
"Maybe you should mind your business," he tells his friend.
"You're defensive because you know I'm making a good point."
"When have you ever made a good point?"
Eijiro feigns offense when he puckers his bottom lip out in a pout. "I've been known to have good insight occasionally."
"This isn't one of those occasions." Katsuki notices you reappear from the kitchen with Mina, carrying four glasses of wine between you. He clears his throat obnoxiously, successfully silencing Eijiro with a look this time around.
"Hey, here's a glass," you tell him, handing him one from your hand. Katsuki takes it but isn't sure what to do with it.
"I didn't ask for this," he mentions as Mina hands Eijiro his glass.
"He means, 'thank you'," Eijiro answers for him.
"You don't speak for me," Katsuki barks, but your soft laughter kills his irritation.
"Don't worry, I know how he works," you tell his friends as you sip your drink. "He's actually holding my second glass for me."
Mina giggles at your statement, but the smile on your lips tells Katsuki that you aren't joking.
A short while later, after Mina moves on to her other guests and Katsuki has resituated you and him on the couch, you swap glasses with him.
You're invested in a conversation with Sero, angled away from Katsuki, but your legs are curled under you, and the fabric of your socks flick against his legs.
"I'll be back," he mumbles as he rises to his feet, empty wine glass in hand.
He finds himself in Mina's kitchen, a few guests lingering around and chatting. He comes across the wine you brought, empty in an ocean of half-drunk bottles.
Before returning to the couch, he refills your first glass with another wine he finds himself hoping you'll like. You're alone and on your phone by the time he comes back.
"Decide to join in on the fun?" You ask with a beaming smile once you realize he's returned. Katsuki finds himself pleased at the sight of you dropping your phone into your lap without hesitation as he falls into the cushion next to you.
"For you," he says plainly. "For when you finish that glass."
You frown at him playfully, taking another swig from his original glass. "You trying to get me drunk?"
"God, no," he exasperates. "Wanna make sure you're having a good time."
"Good call filling up another glass then," you laugh.
I know how you work too, he finds himself thinking.
"I am having a good time, though," you confess, resting your hand on his leg and giving it a reassuring squeeze. "Thank you for inviting me. I like your friends."
"I think they like you more than they like me."
"Everybody likes me more than they like you. That's how our dynamic works."
Our dynamic. Everything you tell him comes out more meaningful than he assumes you intend. Katsuki doesn't know when that started to happen.
He cherishes the dynamic between you, and for the first time, he's worried that it's in jeopardy. That it's been strained since you confessed to him, and, right now, he's on borrowed time with you.
"Thank you," he tells you. "For coming. You didn't have to."
"I did, though, " you correct him. "Mina tells me she would have shown up unannounced at the agency if you kept me from her any longer."
"Well, she's an idiot."
You give him a knowing smile, leaning against his arm. "Then, you're an idiot by association."
"Shut the hell up."
Your gentle laughter is muffled by the wine glass against your lips. You finish your drink in a single sip and immediately hold the emptied glass to Katsuki. He wordlessly switches your glasses.
He watches intently as you take an experimental sip from the wine he chose for you, and the satisfied hum you release tells him you approve of his choice.
"This is really good. Nice choice," you tell him, holding it out for him. "Did you try it?"
"I'm driving us, remember?" He glares at you for your ridiculous question, but you roll your eyes.
"It's a sip, Katsu-" You stop yourself midway, and Katsuki notices the flush in your cheeks, but not without actively searching for it. "it's just a sip, okay? Try it."
You're shoving the rim of the glass to his lips before he can call you out on your mistake. He reluctantly takes a little sip and his face twists in disgust.
"I don't like wine," he tells you, wiping his mouth with the back of his hand after you spill some against his face.
"Well, that's a shame," you sigh dejectedly, throwing back the remaining wine with a few swigs. Even Katsuki knows wine isn't chugging alcohol. "I'm gonna run to the bathroom."
And when you return a few minutes later, Katsuki notices you curl up in your seat a little further from him.
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an: wrote this for @/sarahlovesseb ♡
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anadiasmount · 6 months
TEACHING JUDE HOW TO PERREAR AAA (because you know there’s nothing worse than having a guy just loosely holding onto your hips and looking up at the ceiling as if he doesn’t want to be there) he’s so mesmerized by the way you move your hips but he knows he has to grip onto your hips and grind back and when he gets the hang of it it’s just 😮‍💨😮‍💨
salió el sol is the song i immediately thought of… it’s very much suitable for this blurb 🤭🤭
he had seen you outside waiting in line, watching how you made your friends laugh and danced a bit from the music that played inside the club. he watched you yet again when you walked into the place like you owned it, hair silky, tiny black lace dress, and those high heels that made your appearance like a sexy super model. all it took once eye glance and jude was hooked.
him watching you the entire night as you expertly played and gambled in poker, drank many shots to which you couldn’t get drunk off on, take pictures with your friends and even at one point working the dj booth. oh but don’t get started when the music switched from old r&b to old school reggeaton.
how you jumped from your spot and fixed your dress, throwing your hair back as you walked hand to hand with your friend down to the dance floor, so far yet so close from the vip booths. “where you going?” asked aurelien, patting the midfielder shoulder as he walked off. “gonna step here real quick, wanna see the crowd…” jude shrugged him off, determined to at least catch you, maybe even offer you a drink.
jude could sense you knew how to dance but not so explicitly and intimidating like this. a hand in your hair, shaking your hips side to side with knee bent, then throwing it back onto your friend, ass shaking as you came up with a sly and clever grin. jude locked his lips, leaning onto the railing, continuing to observe you, how you sensually rolled your hips, threw your head back almost in pleasure, your bottom lip between your teeth as you smirked and danced. a fucking expert… jude thought.
he couldn’t shake off the feeling your radiated. the whole club with their eyes on you. you were the show tonight, and he sure as hell loved it. his fingers gripped tight on his glass as he downed his final sip, not denying how gorgeous you were. jude was mesmerized, by you. and he wanted just a little taste even if he didn’t know how to dance himself.
at one point you had looked up locking eyes with the stranger who couldn’t keep their gaze off you tonight. your friend giving you an ‘i told you so’ look when you told her. “starting to get a little creepy don’t you think?” she spoke loudly as you continued to move your hips and ass to ‘baila morena’ that rang loudly in the club. you could feel the beat, the rhythm, the passion, all in every single song. you felt confident and even more so sexy.
“you’re wrong… the night is just getting started!” you wink at her, grabbing her hand and initiating for her to throw it back on you, hyping her every move as chants and praises were heard in the back from your friends and newer strangers.
time passed, your feet a tad bit sore after dancing for almost an hour. you sat at the bar, quietly stirring your drink with the thin black straw with legs crossed. you sense a familiar stare across from you, smiling at the stranger once again. “rude to stare no?” you’re quick to remark, earning a chuckle and him walking to you. “how so?” he said confidently, leaning against the bar with one arm.
“you’ve stared at me the whole night, like some shy boy in a corner, when deep down we both know what you want…” you cocked your brow up, taking a sip of your drink before turning slightly to face him. jude acknowledged you with a knowing nod. “will it still be rude if i ask to buy you a drink?” he offers, hearing how you laughed.
“not at all…”
“i’m jude,” he introduced. he extends his hand to shake yours, your hands fitting like puzzle pieces, “y/n… encantada.”
“i have to say… you’re an excellent dancer,” jude said, making you look up with a look. “quite a show you put on i must say…”
“not particularly,” jude shrugged.
“then follow me,” you stood up, grabbing his hand once again before he stops you. “w-wait, i -i don’t know how to dance…” he shyly admits. “well you said so yourself, im an excellent dancer? i’ll teach you,” you guided him to the dance floor, cheering when you hear “salió el sol’ by don omar playing in the dj booth.
“first things first is, you can’t be stiff, let the music flow through your veins,” you advised, smiling as you grabbed on to his shoulders and lead him deeper the crowd. “second, it’s all in the hips, if you can’t move them, then it will suck…” you winked, jude giving you a half grin.
ella lo vuelve loco como se menea, bailando pura candela, lo vuelve loco cuando se acelera, y pela
you show him by circling your hips, guiding his hands to grip and feel as they moved. jude feels his pulse on his wrists quicken, the affect you have on him slowly turning him on, not being able to resist and pull you closer. his feet widen a bit, shocking you as you went between them, continuing your slow movement as you gently grinded on him, feeling his prominent abs as you did.
y yo quiero saber cómo es que baila la julieta… julieta baila sexy con la mano en la cabeza
you turned slowly, your back against his chest as jude dragged his hands along your sides. “you sure you don’t know?” you tease, a bit shocked at how quickly he was learning. “yep… have the best teacher on me currently,” you feel his lips trace your ear, your ass on his crotch as you continued to move your hips now more taunting. “dancing so confident… so sexy…”
you close your eyes, head thrown back on his shoulder, a hand coming to rest on the nape of his neck, the other interlocking with the his that circled your waist. “am i doing right?” jude closed the last bit of space, grinding and bucking his hips with yours so sensually, so hot. jude resists the groan escaping his lips as you whimpered softly.
“doing so good jude…”
the two of you are under a spell, bodies contracting and moving flowy. the different shades of light, the music, the tension, it’s all to much, yet you can’t seem to pull away even when you both lose control and are out of sync. jude’s head nestled into you neck as you feel his hard cock on your ass, his hand low on your abdomen pressing your even closer, whispering daunting words that have you trembling to the tip.
lo de ella es playa y arena, se excita cuando el sol la quema, quiere reggeaton, discoteca pa' la nena, se le mete en las venas
“is it supposed to feel like this?” he asked, pressing a feather kiss on your jaw. “like how?” you stutter now his affect on you, feeling the drinks from the entire night beginning to have their affect. “so tender and intimate? so right?” jude was sure of one thing, that he was compelled by you, not just your dancing, everything about you. “answer me, or i’ll stop,” jude spoke, feeling your muscles tense, as you pushed back more, both his hands ln your hips again.
“you should feel more than just tender and sweet… you have to feel it here,” you turn swiftly, wanting to moan at the loss of contact. “you feel it here,” you touch his beating heart, similar to the bass of the music. “and in here…” you brush his temple, jude placing a kiss on your wrist all the way down to your inner flesh.
you’re so sure by the end of the night you might forget his name and let it be as it is. but it’s clear jude has different plans, his strong muscular hand wrapped behind your back as your clung into his shoulders, your cunt allow rubbing against on one of his strong thighs.
“what else? teach me more.”
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It took 30 years, but here it is! The Remus fic!!
Told You So
“He’s just a boy! He won’t eat you!” Lily giggles while forcibly dragging you down the platform. Lily has been insisting since the two of you met at the beginning of third year that you and Remus would really hit it off, but new people are scary and the Marauders have quite the reputation. So here you are at the beginning of your sixth year being pulled down the platform to what you know will surely be your end.
“It’s not him I’m worried about! No one could be scared of him, he's too soft!” You grunt trying to dig your heels into the ground further. “I’m so bad with words. And he’s really tall!” Lily stops and looks at you like you’ve grown a second head
“Well Remus is excellent with them so it will balance out and I have no clue what his height has to do with this” She says and continues to look for Remus
“Tall is intimidating and I’ll die Lily.” You whine
“You were partnered with Severus for potions last year, Remus will be a walk in the park.”
“Those are two VERY different situations” You defended.
“Well I already told Remus I’d finally introduce the two of you. You wouldn’t make me a liar would you? Oh look there he is.” She chirps, waving him over before you can say anything.
“Tall” “Pretty” you and Remus say at the same time once he’s in front of you. Remus gives you a dopy smile and a little wave as you give what could only be described as a grimace. Your friends have lovingly told you you have zero poker face and your discomfort makes itself known and while you don’t doubt the kindness of the Marauders, your inability to coherently speak to new people has prevented you from meeting the only one Lily has deemed acceptable.
“I’ll take my leave before Potter is able to make his way over. Don’t forget to breathe, he’s too soft to be scared of remember?” She whispers the last part to you before making her way to where the rest of her friends are. You notice Remus taking a deep breath out of the corner of your eye as you try to summon any inner strength you can find and talk to someone new.
“I’m gonna marry you someday.” Remus says with a big smile as he holds out a hand for you to shake. Your eyes nearly pop out of your head at this. “That was supposed to be I’m Remus nice to meet you” he groans looking absolutely mortified with himself.
“Straight to the point we love that for you Moony! Keep on manifesting!” Sirius says as he comes up behind Remus and claps him on the back. James and Peter look about ready to pee themselves they’re laughing so hard. The arrival of the other three only serves to increase your anxiety.
“I’m I uhhh I mean w-well I-I umm you’re literate!” You nearly shout shoving the book you had been holding into his chest causing him to stumble back a step. You quickly turn around and run away to find a compartment and write a quick will before dropping off the face of the earth. “At least I gave him the book…” you mutter to yourself as you make your way through the crowed and onto the train. You really do want to make more friends and Lily had said how much he liked reading so you brought one of your favorite books as a way to start a conversation. Thankfully you have another copy of the book, so you won’t need that one back from him. You slump into a seat in the compartment Amos, Arthur, and Molly are in.
“We all saw that from the window” Amos cackles. You groan and bury your face in your hands.
“Leave her alone! It was so cute!” Molly squeals. “Wasn’t it so sweet Arthur?”
“Absolutely adorable.” Arthur says with a soft smile looking at Molly like she hung the stars.
“You couldn’t even hear what they said.” Amos points out. They all turn to you expectantly. “What did you say?”
“Molly, I leave you my nice tea kettle. Arthur, you get my muggle science books from primary school.” Is all you say finally sitting up as the train begins to pull out of the station.
“That’s fine I’ll can ask him myself. Worse case Sirius and Jame will have no problem telling me.” Amos says before quickly standing up and booking it out of the compartment and down the train in search of the Marauders. You look at Molly and Arthur for help.
“Like he ever listens to me.” Arthur says with a shake of his head.
“I don’t know what you think I could do.” Molly chuckles when you look at her. You let out a loud groan as you sink into your seat and contemplate the necessity of a magical education.
You don’t see Amos again until you are boarding the carriages to the castle and he yanks you backwards and unceremoniously tosses you into the carriage the Marauders are in as it begins to take off. You nervously look between the four boys in the carriage and your so called best friend. You will yourself to breathe and remind yourself that Amos is one of your best friends. He knows how nervous you can get with new people. He wouldn’t have put you in this position if he thought it would do you any harm. You take a deep breath and try to smile.
“Do you get motion sick?” Peter asks looking genuinely concerned. “You look like you’re gonna throw up.”
“I-I’m well I uhhh. No.” You squeak out.
“As your future in-laws, we told Amos we needed to meet you. We didn’t realize he would chuck you into the carriage like a sack of potatoes. Our deepest apologies.” Sirius said with a soft smile as he threw an arm around your shoulders
“Shut it Padfoot.” Remus hisses, kicking him in the shin.
“Oww! I’m just trying to be nice! You said to be nice! Didn’t he tell us to be nice? I thought that was so nice of me!” Sirius nearly shrieks looking to James and Peter for support.
“I thought it was nice.” Peter shrugs.
“Extremely nice. You know I’m often told how nice I am. And smart. Don’t forget handsome. Oh a-“ James says in what you assume he thinks in a nonchalant manner until he gets cut off by Sirius.
“We’re here to talk to our new sibling, not for you to indirectly woo Lily. Now where were we? Ah yes introductions. I’m Sirius, this is James, that’s Peter, and of course you know your future husband.” You’ve not looked at Remus yet, but as Sirius gives introductions your need to not be rude has you looking at Remus who looks like he’s about to explode.
“I am so sorry. We got off on the wrong foot and my friends all share a brain cell which clearly has been lost.” Remus says with a sigh before he gives you the softest smile and you feel like you’re going to melt.
“It’s fine.” You whisper. Maybe you could learn to deal with the Marauders if it meant Remus would smile at you like that again.
You focus on your breathing for the rest of the ride, willing your soul to not leave your body. The second the carriages reach the castle you are jumping out and stumbling towards your friends. “Bye!” Remus calls after you.
During the welcome feast you sit as far away from the Marauders as possible. “How’d it go?” Lily asks excitedly as she sits down next to you across from Amos. You toss a roll at Amos when he lets out a chuckle. “So it was as bad as Sirius said?” She asks with a sigh as they both look at you expectantly.
“I don’t know what you all were expecting to happen! When have I ever been the one to initiate a friendship?” You nearly screeched. They all muttered agreements.
“I’m sorry. I didn’t think you’d be that startled. I really had good intentions.” Lily grabs your hand. Her eyes pleading with you to believe her. You sigh and give her hand a squeeze.
“I know. I really do want to be friends with him I just…” you sigh trailing off as you look over at Remus smiling dreamily. As if he had been waiting for this moment his eyes met yours almost immediately. “Co-could you umm maybe ask Remus if he’d like to possibly exchange letters? Maybe that can help me get more comfortable with him? Then I can, you know, talk to him. Maybe. If it goes well. And he doesn’t think I-”your rambling is cut off by Lily squealing excitedly.
“My baby is going to marry her soul mate!” Amos coos.
“Why do people keep saying things like that?” You groan slumping down in your seat.
“Because it’s true. I’ll go tell him right now about the letters.” Lily chirps quickly getting up and making her way over to Remus.
“Merlin have mercy on my soul…” you whisper, again, debating the necessity of a magical education.
Dear Y/N,
I was over the moon when Lily told me you wanted to exchange letters. You don’t know how relieved I am that I didn’t scare you off. I’d like to apologize for how strong I came on. I promise I’m not normally like that. Ever. Lily has been telling me about you for so long and I’ve seen you around the castle so often, but I’ve never been able to get myself to go over and say ‘hello’. I hope that writing these letters will help me to be more open with you and not hide behind Sirius and James. So, how to begin? Here’s some need to know facts about me
Full name: Remus John Lupin
House: Gryffindor
Favorite food: Chocolate
Dream job: Professor
Bucket list item: Writing a book even if no one but me ever reads it
I can’t wait for your response
P.S. Thank you for the book. I haven’t read it before, but I’m excited to and hopefully we can talk about it
You want to cry at how sweet Remus is. You’ve picked up and set your quill down at least 10 times trying to think of an adequate response. You take a deep breath and read Remus’s letter one more time before picking up your quill and beginning to write.
Dear Remus,
I must admit that I was rather startled by our first introduction, however it was really nice to know someone thought so highly of me. I also hope that these letters help me to be braver. I can’t imagine you hiding behind Sirius and James. From what I’ve soon of The Marauders around school it seems like they rely pretty heavily on you to be the brains of the operation and hide behind you when McGonagall is after you all. Here are some very important facts about me
Full name: Y/F/N
House: Y/H
Favorite food: Croissants
Dream Job: Baker
Bucket list item: Open my own bakery
P.S. I look forward to swapping notes
You don’t look at the letter again for fear of ripping it up and never sending anything. Instead you quickly pack up your things and rush from the library to the owlery.
“Where are off to in such a hurry?” Amos calls out to you seemingly appearing out of nowhere. You let out an inhuman shriek and nearly trip over your own feet, but he rushes forward just in time to help you keep your balance.
“Ooo off to send a love note to Lupin?” He asks while waggling his eye brows, noticing the letter in your hands. You make a displeased noise and straighten out your clothes. You look level him with a glare before making the decision to literally run away before you convince yourself to drop off the face of the earth. “You got this!” he yells after you. “We’re all rooting for you guys!” He adds even louder. You can’t help but smile a little bit at your best friends odd attempt at support.
“Come on y/n. Just one?” Sirius pouts from his place on the counter.
“Sirius, you’ve had like five already.” You point out while reaching out to smack James hand away from the bowl of cookie dough you had set off to the side. It’s been six years since you had sent that first response and you’re currently in the kitchen of your and Remus’s shared apartment working on the desserts for a party Amos is throwing on Saturday .
“I’m your favorite brother and therefor deserve a cookie.” Sirius continues giving you his most charming smile.
“Nuh uh!” James shoutes. “Everyone knows I’m the favorite. My wife got you and your hubby together.” James sticks his tongue out at Sirius triumphantly.
“They’re not even engaged!” Sirius fires back.
“Oh, so now thats a technicality?” You ask, putting a hand on your hip. “Because if I remember correctly, you all introduced yourselves to me as my future inlaws.”
“Cause we are” James mumbles around a mouth full of brownie.
“If James gets one I get one!” Sirius shrieks shoving a fistfull of brownie into his mouth.
“No one was given anything!” You yell while trying to coral two six foot something toddlers out of your kitchen. They both start screaming to try and confuse you, but you’ve spent too much time around and living with Marauders to be thrown off by it. You start screaming too in an attempt to assert your dominance. Suddenly the lights go out and you all freeze.
“Did you all miss nap time or something?” You sigh in reliefs at the sound of your boyfriends voice.
“Remus can you please take them in the living room and play a board game or something? I really need to finish these desserts for Amos.”
“Ooo games!” James cheers before he and Sirius each grab a cookie and make their way to your living room. Remus shakes his head and smiles fondly after his friends.
“How was your day?” He asks as he sweeps you up into a hug.
“You should have seen them when Amos was here too earlier.” You say with a laugh remembering the sugar cube war that took place this morning. “How was the interview?” You can feel Remus shift nervously at your question. You hug him tighter and kiss his cheek. “I’m sure it went wonderfully. One of them will stick. I know it.”
“Yeah…I’m sure…”
“Remus we need enrichment!” Sirius sing songs from the living room.
“I just have to fill the macarons and bake the last cookies. I’ll join you guys when I finish.” You kiss his cheek and go back to the counter where your bowl of cookie dough sits.
You wake up the next morning to the sound of Remus humming to himself. “Morning.” You mumble as you stretch.
“Morning dear. I forgot I have an interview today in town. I’m going to run some errands after, but I’ll be back way before our date.” He says softly before leaning down and kissing your forehead.
“Knock ‘em dead.” You sleepily sigh nestling back into the bed. Remus convinced you to close the bakery today and spend the day together, so you have no where to be and a cozy bed calling your name.
When you do decide to get up you take your time getting ready. Remus has kept the date a complete secret. He just told you to wear something you like. With his vague directions in mind you get dressed and go eat a small breakfast knowing any date with Remus means yummy food.
“I’m home!” He calls out as he tumbls through the door and two and a half later. “Give me ten minutes!” He adds rushing past the kitchen and to your bedroom.
True to his word ten minutes later he’s walking back into the kitchen ready to go. “Walk by again!” You cheer causing his cheeks to flush, but he does as you say. “That’s my man!”
“Oh hush.” He mutters his cheeks getting even redder. “You know I could take you to court for false advertising. I thought I was getting a sweet soft spoken bean.” He tries to put on what you all call his ‘Professor Remus’ face, but you can see his smile peaking through.
“No way! You knew what you were signing up for and you love it! Now tell me where we’re going.” You smirk as you walk over to him and kiss his cheek.
“I hope you’re hungry.” He chirps as he grabs your hand and leads you out the door.
“The book store?” You ask confused
“Surprise...” He squeaks out as he holds the door open for you. You shrug and head in smiling as you take in the large book store. You and Remus have spent an embarrassing amount of money and time here and yet you always find something new. “I’ll be right back.” He quickly mutters before walking to a different part of the store. You nod absentmindedly as you trail your finger along the spines of the books looking for something interesting.
After fifteen minutes you begin to look for Remus. You peak around isles but he’s nowhere to be found. You’re starting to think you’ve been abandoned when you find yourself speeding toward the ground. You had been looking up trying to see over the shelves as Remus is taller than most of them and failed to see him sat on the floor. “Are you ok?” He asks nervously looking you over for injuries.
“Why are you on the floor?” You ask with a giggle as you get situated across from him. He takes a deep breath and clears his throat before handing you a worn copy of your favorite book.
“Look what I found.” He says giving you a smile that makes you believe the Trojan war could have been started over one person, because you would fight an army to see that smile again. You smile back and begin to look through the book. As you flip through the pages a small envelope falls out. It has you name written on it in what you immediately recognize as Remus’ nice hand writing.
“What’s this?”
“You’re literate.” He says as he picks it up and hands it to you.
“Honestly, you get tounge tied once and your branded fo-“ you freeze as you finally get the paper out and read it. “Ma-maybe I’m not. Remus what does this paper say?” He just smiles at you with big hopeful eyes. “Remus…” is all you can get out as the tears start to fall. “Yeah. Yes. Of course. Of course I wanna marry you.” Your words come out jumbled as you look back and forth between the paper and Remus.
“Oh thank Merlin.” He sighs with relief. “If you’d said no Amos would have killed me. There was, well there was supposed to be a whole day leading up to this, but I got nervous I just kind of skipped to the end. Our friends are currently not very pleased with me.”
Amos’ party turned out to be an engagement party for you and Remus. It was a wonderful night full of friends, family, and love. After everyone else had left you, Remus, Lily, James, Sirius, and Amos sat around a fire talking about all the things that led you all to where you are now. “I can’t believe we’re god parents.” Sirius said raising his hand to you for a high five.
“I still can’t believe Amos and Jame are allowed to be in charge of a little humans.” You say with a smirk.
“Well I can’t believe Moony made us plan a proposal for weeks only to throw the whole plan out the window.” James teases.
“I was nervous!” Remus groans.
“As if they would have said no.” Lily says with a laugh.
“I am always right.” He concedes.
“No you’re not.” You say with a roll of your eyes.
“Yes I am. I told you on day one I’d marry you.” He looks at you the same way he did on the carriage ride that first day and you’re happy to let him have this.
“Yeah you did.” He leans in and kisses you softly as your friends cheer in the background.
“I’m gonna be the best godmother to baby Lupin.” Lily sighs happily causing you and Remus to break apart with nervous but excited smiles on your faces.
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kimbapisnotsushi · 2 months
miscellaneous high school shenanigans part two!!
tsukki's only ever been struck speechless twice in his life
the first was when hinata snuck into the mock training camp. the second was when he found out that kageyama didn't have any music taste whatsoever
after tsukki gets over the shock he's like "what do you MEAN you don't listen to music?? how do you just not listen to music??" and kageyama just shrugs and takes a slurp from his yogurt drink or whatever and goes "just don't"
i'm telling y'all kageyama doesn't listen to music the closest he gets is the rhythm of sneakers squeaking against the gym floor and hinata's bathroom song
also i think it'd be funny if yachi was just always taking cues from high school romance manga for living her life. right after becoming manager she picks up the first sports manga that catches her eye and uses that to guide her through the epic highs and lows of high school volleyball
hinata and kageyama: [yelling about something something passionate confession of emotional vulnerability something something partners and teammates something something reaching your dreams something something] yachi: oh my god . . . this is just like in slam dunk . . .
(i will be honest with you guys i have never seen slam dunk so i don't know if it matches anything in slam dunk but i respect slam dunk so i went with it)
honestly every day yachi is grateful she's living in a sports series because she does NOT think she could handle the backstabbing female love rival whose only purpose is to be mean to the female lead for getting involved with the male lead
i mean she COULD. but maybe after like thirty chapters of development and a major event.
(yachi thinks about this a lot. she rambles about her hypotheticals to tsukki and yamaguchi and although tsukki will never admit it, he finds it very entertaining)
i think konoha is really good at modern romance. i think he excels at the small everyday romantic things and makes people swoon without even realizing it. he's the fukurodani academy heartthrob but is completely oblivious to it
leans in to tuck an earbud into your ear when he wants to share music. walks you to where you need to go even if it's out of his way and never says anything about it. will take the stack of textbooks you've been asked to carry without a word. buys you a drink from the vending machine without being asked. really good at leaning against the wall/doorframes/over the window in a way that makes him look windswept and pretty.
just UGH konoha akinori i love him
the other third years would be soooooooo jealous but they get it. they too have fallen prey to his charms
on today's edition of making hq characters collect a random Thing™️ (following fukunaga + bucket hats): sakusa likes coasters
they're easy souvenirs from different places AND you can swap them out to match whatever you're feeling at the time!! plus they save his desk from water rings!!! they're functional, pretty, and he has less to clean up because of them!!!!
sakusa's favorite is this square white ceramic one with ginkgo leaves drifting off a tree painted onto it
(no it's not because iizuna-san got it for him as a bday gift or anything shut up motoya!!)
sakunami totally had a tiny tiny secret crush on asahi at some point
he just thinks asahi is really cool!!!! and handsome!!!! and maybe sakunami just wants to be cool and handsome too!!!!
sakunami has a really good poker face i guarantee you. nobody knows how wild his inner monologue is until they get him to open up around them
i mention this because one of the times dateko is discussing karasuno after a match with them (practice or otherwise), the others get around to talking about asahi and sakunami gives a dreamy lil sigh and is like "yeah . . . he's so strong . . . isn't it cool . . ." and everyone is just like. what the fuck
they were NOT expecting that from sakunami of all people and especially not about karasuno's ace
kogane is devastated because he doesn't think there's any way he could compete with asahi
cue the miscommunication in which kogane tries to be a little bit more like asahi to get sakunami to like him while sakunami wonders if kogane has a fever or something because he's been acting weird
ALSO keep in mind that kogane probably gets all his info about asahi from the rumors and whatnot so he's like "i have to be MEAN???? i have to BEAT PEOPLE UP???? i don't know how to beat people up!!!!! i can barely beat futakuchi-san in arm wrestling!!!!!"
sakunami please put the poor boy out of his misery the rest of dateko are SUFFERING
usuri is definitely the first to clock kiryuu's massive crush on bokuto. he's the first to realize that kiryuu is speeding down the highway in that direction even before kiryuu himself
kiryuu is like "wtf how did you know| and usuri is like "haha you know how perceptive i am!" when in reality he caught kiryuu sleep-talking about bokuto's muscles and how fluffy his hair looks
see also: akaashi on the fukurodani side realizing that bokuto has a major thing for kiryuu that bokuto is oblivious to
akaashi: hold on what—what did you just say??? bokuto: i SAID i wanted kiryuu to try holding me against the wall!! doesn't he look strong enough?? and he's so solid, i bet it'd feel really nice!! what do you think akaashi? akaashi, on the inside: god why can't i be of legal drinking age
conclusion: usuri and akaashi wingmanning bokiryuu while tripping headfirst into feelings for each other themselves
can you guys see my vision PLEASE tell me you guys see the vision usuaka would be so fucking funny
usuri is trying to woo akaashi via elaborately planned schemes that produce the perfect romantic atmosphere and situations but akaashi is too busy overthinking and analyzing every second they spend together that he simply does not notice. it's absolutely terrible and they need all the help they can get
it's okay, bokuto and kiryuu totally plan on returning the favor (mostly because bokuto really likes the idea of double dates)
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aurora-babydoll · 9 months
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Mammon headcanons :)
I’m not feeling well still but I do wanna write again and I’ve been thinking a lot about him so here y’all go. I know y’all are used to nsfw but this is just some cute little things that I think Mammon does :)
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•$• he has a very wide variety when it comes to music taste but his favorite song is No More ?’s by Eazy-E
•$• if you’re in the car and he’s on aux cord he’s absolutely playing it and it makes Lucifer slam his head against the steering wheel in disappointment
•$• Mammon’s top 5 songs on Wrapped
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•$• he used to make fun of Asmo for liking Ariana Grande but then the Thank U, Next album came out and he was like “fuck, this goes hard”
•$• he’s not particularly an Arctic Monkeys fan but Arabella makes him think of you so he puts it on and thinks of your pretty lil face when he needs motivation, it’s his good luck song
•$• I feel that the rest of the songs on the list are self-explanatory if you’ve heard them
•$• he has a group of friends that he plays poker with once a week and he’s very good at poker
•$• no luck at the casino but when Mammon plays poker he’s coming home with the bag. He’s got an excellent poker face and he always gets great cards
•$• he makes you come with him and sit on his lap while he plays
•$• “need ya with me, treasure, you’re my lucky charm”
•$• this man and his obsession with nicknames for you
-pretty thing
•$• and that’s just a few
•$• back on the gambling thing, whenever he wins big he’ll always get you somethin’ shiny as a gift like a new necklace or a ring.
•$• “had to pick up a pretty thing for my pretty thing, you like it?”
•$• he seems dumb but he’s actually very good at picking up on things
•$• he always knows what you’re feeling and what you need and he’ll do anything to give it to you
•$• he loves you so much, if you ever need reassurance on that he’s happy to give it
•$• “you know I love ya, treasure. Id kill for you and I’d die without you, you don’t gotta question that”
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sgt-tombstone · 2 months
141 Headcanons - Price
Shockingly good at Mario Kart. The team begs him to play with them on game nights and he's the only one who doesn't gloat or shit talk. It's almost scary the way he sits silently and stick-still as he absolutely dominates every track. His favorite track is the SNES Rainbow Road
When he was in basic training, he lost a bet and had to sneak a cat into his room. He kept it hidden for a month before an NCO found it and he had to arrange for it to live with his sister. When he moved off-base, the first thing he did was go pick up the cat
Loves black and white movies, especially old detective noir films. Whenever he needs to de-stress from a particularly bad mission, he'll pop one in and relax by making fun of the terrible acting, gun fights, sound design, hand-too-hand combat scenes, etc
Has been offered a promotion at least once a year for the last eight years and has refused every single time. He doesn't hate the idea of the extra responsibility, but he can't stand the thought of not being able to go out into the field with his team anymore. Being sidelined scares him more than the potential of dying on a mission ever has
Can and will fall asleep on any semi-horizontal surface, to the point where he refuses to hang out in the rec room because he knows that he will fall asleep and will wake up with something drawn on his face. He always threatens to check the cameras to see who did it, but he never does (he already knows; Soap and Gaz have horrible poker faces) It's never permanent ink, so he doesn't really care. Their grins are worth the extra minute it takes to scrub his face
Backseat drives like a motherfucker. He either has to be in the driver or passenger seat or else he's leaning over the center console trying to give directions (he's excellent at giving directions, just not from the backseat)
Would be a coffee snob if he had the time, energy, or funding. Instead, he puts unholy amounts of milk and sugar in to cover the taste of truly horrendous military base coffee
Does crossword puzzles during infil/exfil flights. They help calm him down and as a result, he knows a lot of useless information. He's great at trivia. Sometimes the other members of the 141 will lean over his shoulder to help, especially if he's stuck, but the rest of them get really competitive with it (he's not sure how they made crossword puzzles competitive, but that's the 141 for you)
Ghost | Soap | Gaz
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princessjojo-x · 11 months
Scorpio Mars
💝 his pluto & mars influence shapes him into an unpredictable, vindictive, sadistic, secretive & stubborn man.
💝 he has a strong sense of self-preservation which leads him to be overly secretive & distrusting.
💝 he hates not knowing what's happening around him; this isn’t necessarily bc he’s suspicious & paranoid but bc he’s controlling asf. however, you wouldn’t suspect this as he comes across as very chill & care free. he won't bluntly violate your privacy but will still find ways to always know what you're up to, keep tabs on you & remember random things abt you, even when he knows for sure that you’re trustworthy & you’re doing nothing wrong.
💝 he never reveals his true intentions & feelings. even if he’s boiling inside, he excels at retaining a poker face. he keeps his emotions bottled up & releases them in intense outbursts. he conceals his fierce anger & mars energy until he needs to use it. if he’s provoked enough he wont hesitate to respond very intensely, maliciously & emotionally.
💝 he’s a lot more cunning & manipulative than he lets on. he can be very cold in regards to success, rxships & feuds. he has a tendency of going to extreme lengths to get his avenges, throwing people under the bus to get what he wants & ghosting lovers with no remorse.
💝 he gets off on the reactions of others. he knows exactly what strings to pull to trigger & affect them. his super power is catching you off guard & poking at you psychologically. hopefully he uses this power in a teasing & humorous way, instead of a toxic & cruel way.
💝 he has immense psychological strength & he can use his mind to manage or separate pain. he may even have the ability to enter a trance-state or cocoon in states of agony or when he is pushing himself to achieve better (such as run that extra kilometre).
💝 his private nature means his battles go completely unseen by anybody else. his enemies are his history, trauma, betrayals & victimisations. the best way to piss him off is to bring up his past wrongs & mistakes.
💝 he feels the most angry when he’s embarrassed. he gets embarrassed by being lied to by others or himself being caught in a lie.
💝 he’s rarely neutral abt anything, he’s strongly opinionated & either loves something or hates it.
💝 he has this risqué factor abt him which feels like you shouldn’t deal with him for some reason you’re still drawn to the idea. he is just naturally sexy & consequently he tends to have a player/promiscuous image projected onto him.
💝 he is intense in both daily life & in bed. he has the highest sex drive & his nether regions are extremely sensitive. he’ll likely want to sleep with you on the first meet & he’s always willing to take intimate risks. he’ll fuck anywhere & anyone, including someone he hates. ensure to never shame him for his sexuality. additionally, he has a tendency to talk abt his pee-pee in high praise, especially when he’s romancing someone!
💝 sexually, he’s more dominant than aries mars; he’s not here to win, he’s here to possess. he wants to be in control & call the shots. it’s his way or the high way. he tend to equate s3x with power & control, with his partner playing the role of a obliging slave.
💝 sleeping with him is like listening to a good song & waiting for the beat to drop but it never does. this explains why scorpio energy can be so intoxicating - it always leaves you on the verge of full satisfaction meaning you keep going back for more. in my opinion, this placement is overrated for its sexual performance. it’s more his energy & anticipation that makes him exciting & alluring. but once he gets to the deed, he’s completely driven by his lust & desire, which makes his performance animalistic & reckless. he tends to go straight to the crotch area with little foreplay or stimulation. it’s like sleeping with a very horny person who’s having sex for the very first time in their lives. it can feel quite predatory & domineering. also, he’s not as freaky as you’d expect & there’s something abt him that’s a bit closed off. in my experience, when it comes to performance those with domicile or exalted mars overpromise & underdeliver whilst those with debilitated mars underpromise and overdeliver.
💝 he doesn’t kiss & tell which makes him a worthy sneaky link.
Turn On’s & Off’s:
💝 he’s not pleased by the typical sweet nothings (words of affection, gentle caresses) & an intimate rxship too peaceful bores him. he’s turned on by mystery, passion, intensity, vulnerability, trust & anything that’s hard to understand. in the shadows & spaces where others might shy away, he is ever hungering for an intensity that matches his own. he likes revealing each others deepest secrets, desires & fears. he enjoys breaking sexual taboos & a hint of danger (love-hate rxships, age gaps, etc).
💝 he’s easily aroused by perceived anticipation & stimulation (a moment turning into something more). if you intrigue him enough & give him the impression that the moment could turn into something more & that something sexual could occur (via glances & movements) you’ve got him. for him, s3x is all abt control & how many ways either of you can lose said control. he likes a shared glance that holds an intense promise (eye contact). he likes the thrill of a teasing game that involves mutual seduction & mind games, which make the heart race faster (blindfolding).
💝 he likes talking abt s3x, sexual attention from others, seducing others & being around physically attractive people as he loves s3xy environments.
💝 he’s turned on by the concept of ownership. he enjoys getting marked by/marking his partner (bruises & love bites).
💝 he has the highest pain tolerance so enjoys aggression from his partner (bitten/scratched).
💝 he likes doing the deed in the dark, physically ripping his partners clothes off, laying down with his head close to his partners genitals, body hair, body odour, latex, leather, sex toys, begging, jealousy, teasing, tickling, torture, bdsm & prolonged sex.
💝 he likes a challenge & proving himself so ensure to let him chase.
💝 he likes being held really close during s3x & water mars in general love positions where they can see their partners face
💝 he craves a deep emotional bond & being utterly lost in his partner. he wants someone who will understand/appreciate his protective nature & sensitive side
💝 he’s attracted to blonde, innocent women with big boobs
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P5R Random Thoughts #3: Annoyance, Anger, and Conviction
Or, just a couple more random thoughts about Joker.
I actually do enjoy that Joker seems to sometimes get genuinely frustrated with his friends' antics - I don't know if it reads that way to anyone else, but a combination of his dialogue options and character model body language definitely reads that way to me.
He's gotten mildly annoyed with Ryuji's loudness on several occasions - often having dialogue choices that are essentially some variant of "keep your voice down!" Much as Joker feels what I suspect is quite a lot of gratitude for Ryuji's unflinching support and passion (he was his first friend in Tokyo, after all - no deal, just friendship), his dialogue options also become a lot more passive aggressive during early Kaneshiro arc - and small wonder, because Ryuji's eager carelessness actually did get them caught; thankfully by Makoto, and not law enforcement. Of course, he still cares a lot about Ryuji; I think he's just a little frustrated right now.
He's usually pretty chill with Morgana bossing him around - for what reason, I honestly couldn't tell you, but he does pretty much anything that not-cat recommends. However, when Morgana spontaneously invites Yusuke to stay with Joker without asking him, Joker kind of "!!" and looks at him. It's then followed up with everyone deciding to invite themselves to Joker's place, again, without asking him and Morgana encouraging it. The scene ends with Joker straight up elbowing/jostling Morgana in the bag after everyone's left for Leblanc. Pfft.
He tells Yusuke to hurry it up in Mementos when he gets too in the zone... and much as you can't rush an artist, they do near immediately get jumped by Shadows after that, so, you know, he does have a point.
Even with Ann, Joker frequently sweatdrops at her kind of out-there ideas of how to strengthen her heart. While I wouldn't call it annoyance, per se, there is at least one scene I can think of where two of the options straight up shut her down, and the last is basically a sarcastic "good luck with that", which Ann proceeds to take at face value as encouragement, leading to Joker sweatdropping once again. Lol.
So many of these are basically the equivalent of Joker going >:( at his friends and them typically completely not noticing which is funny as heck.
Also, because I'm the kind of person who loves to read into things, I think it can tell us a little more about Joker. What actually frustrates him here?
Drawing attention to the group in the real world - something he actively tries to avoid, at first, because of consequences for him, and then, because it puts the thieves at risk
Getting himself and the group into unnecessary trouble - so we've got two instances of Joker being mindful of potential consequences
People getting invited over without being asked first - this one's a little ambiguous as to why. Could be a simple courtesy thing, could be related to Joker's earlier obvious discomfort with people getting in his personal space without permission, could be that he likes his privacy. Personally, I suspect he's actually somewhat embarrassed and a little concerned about what his friends' reactions will be to where he's staying - I do have some reasons for this interpretation but ultimately, no matter what reason you ascribe, he's definitely not initially happy about this spontaneous invitation by Morgana.
I think we can even condense the first two and say that Joker seems to be a little more focused on outcomes and consequences than much of the rest of his group, who (before Makoto joins) very much people who act in the immediate moment. He's not quite on par with Morgana's brand of pragmatism, but he does seem to always be at least thinking ahead.
There are a few exceptions, however.
Joker's actual anger is something he is evidently not good at hiding. He has an excellent poker face, but his eyes and, apparently, the way he speaks give it away entirely. To hide his anger, he outright has to not say anything and obscure his face. That actually does not seem like someone who is especially good at hiding strong emotions, even if he can school the rest of himself.
Ann, of all people, has to make excuses for his obvious disdain towards a cop. Every single dialogue option is some flavour of snippy comment. His character model continues to stare directly at said cop, even after Ann interrupts.
He is not thinking about consequences here. Joker fucking hates cops, and he is either very bad at hiding it - or he has no desire to. A very similar thing happened with Kamoshida too. He has nothing but disdain for abusers with power and authority over those they hurt. He also outright doesn't trust the justice system at all after seeing how it failed him and so many others ("They do more than the cops" <-hello. on live tv no less.).
And this leads to something else that's actually a fairly interesting facet to his character that I'm curious to see if it'll get acknowledged in some way.
For the most part, despite the Metaverse confidence and flashiness (which I feel isn't a great metric anyways - all the thieves are like that), Joker responds to most compliments and successes by either complimenting the whole team in turn, or brushing it off as luck or not a huge deal. This is likely in part a cultural thing, but when it comes to genuine appreciation being shown, he does seem to have some semblance of humility about it all - which is why it's almost hilariously shocking how pushy he can be about helping others.
He chases after Ann because she's upset, even though initially she told him not to. He corners some of the students getting exploited by Kaneshiro and won't leave until they tell him the details, even resorting to playing into the rumours about him so that they'll talk. He overhears his confidants in some kind of trouble on several occasions and near immediately asks them about it, and then continues to bring it up if they don't elaborate. It's notable that these instances are some of the few things he decides to do himself, without Morgana's explicit encouragement. I suspect a lot of this is because he has so little faith in anyone else to do the right thing - he has no trust in the justice system, and most adults don't seem to care. But Joker cares, and he will listen to what happened, and he will do something about it, and he will help, and he does so by refusing to let up - he does not wait for someone to ask for help necessarily, he just kind of goes and does it. It's not like I can't see the rationale here, but it's also, kind of, a little bit... presumptuous, in a way.
Again, it's a fascinating contrast with his typical (at least apparent) humility, and his kind of wishy-washy dialogue from early game - Joker has always been firm about this.
The official forming of the Phantom Thieves at the buffet is a scene that really caught my eye for this. Again, much as Joker has the same level of anger as his friends, his answers are still largely "probably"s and "maybe"s. He "hadn't even considered" continuing to act as Phantom Thieves. But interestingly, there is one dialogue option that is stated with none of the usual hesitancy or vagueness - "I want to help people". <- It's the crux of his awakening. This is Joker's true conviction. And he's willing to do anything, be whoever he needs to be, to see this through. He wants to help. He can't bring himself to look away.
Asserting the Phantom Thieves' brand of justice is a conviction that arises later on through proof of the effectiveness of changing hearts, and as a natural extension of his growing familiarity and confidence in their methods. Joker nearly always needs a little push to get started, but once he gets going, he's kind of relentless. He doesn't seem to be truly all that angry with either Makoto or Akechi for their questioning of the thieves' justice (barring his initial reaction), but he does, again, get annoyed at the assumption that the thieves are somehow a threat to people who aren't inflicting harm onto others - Joker says the thieves only target "criminals", implying that even though others may see them as criminals themselves, Joker does not agree. And when Makoto winds up joining them, there appears to be no residual hard feelings from him - she's like them, and she's come around.
It's likely too soon for me to state with any certainty, but I do think that's what Joker is hoping for - that people will come around if he gives them undeniable proof that they help instead of harm. Every character has at least some "selfish" motive to being a Phantom Thief, in addition to the shared goal of providing courage for those left abandoned by society. Ryuji wants positive instead of negative attention for once, Morgana wants his memories, Ann wants to alleviate her feelings of guilt surrounding Shiho, Yusuke aims to understand the human heart, and Makoto wants to feel useful and needed. What about Joker?
He started off this story just trying to help. No one believed him. He was punished for "hurting" someone and there was nothing he could say or do that would convince anyone otherwise. It was his word against society's. And when the Phantom Thieves' motives are brought up, it's the same questions: aren't they going to hurt people? Aren't they dangerous and untrustworthy? And this frustrates Joker in a similar way to the rumours surrounding his own arrest, but now - now he has proof. Proof that they helped, proof that this works. It's undeniable, to him, that real good is coming of this. And so now he has a leg to stand on; he can actually argue his point by saying "the Phantom Thieves aren't like that; look at the people they're helping, and how the people who should've done something can't do half the good they do". It's no longer his word against the rest of the world. He's counting on people being unable to deny what they are forced to witness.
In a way, Joker now has grounds not just to plead the Phantom Thieves' justice... but also his own innocence and good intentions. His defense of their justice is also, I believe, a defense of his own ego, to an extent.
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livesworthlivingau · 4 months
Lives Worth Living Chapter 0
CW: Hospice Care/Deathbed
(It's been years since you were all last together. The days of you traveling together had long passed, and now your lives had all settled into their own places. You and Isa were now married and had moved in together in Jouvente, where you often helped Isa at his wonderful little Tailor shop. Mirabelle had moved to Bambouche with Bonnie and Nille to open her own House of Change and spread the gift of her belief with all those who would like to accept it, and finally Odile... a world renowned professor on the theory of craft and its various applications... and one we would soon lose as she laid on her deathbed.)
(It's nice to see everyone again after so long, though the circumstances in which you find yourselves does make it a bit awkward. You all sit silently in the somewhat familiar living room of the famed researcher, who was spending her last days at home in hospice care, other than Bonnie and Nille, the former of which frantically working in the kitchen as the latter supervised. Bonnie never broke the habit of trying to solve everything with snack time, though to their credit it did work a good portion of the time.)
(After what feels like an eternity of waiting, no one even knowing where to begin with what to say, just waiting on the doctor to give the go ahead, they finally exit her room and approach our gathered little family.)
"She's ready to see you all now." (They say, with a trained, soft tone, the voice of someone who cares but sees this far too often to let themselves care too much... as if acting in a play, you think to yourself almost nostalgically...)
(As the other two are collected and you all crowd into the room, stifled sobs and gasps fill the air, seeing the once so well kept and excellently postured researcher of your group, reduced to such a fragile state.)
"Gems alive, you all need to work on your poker faces." (She rasps out in her weakened state in a light hearted manner, still proving to be the most mentally hearty, even in the face of this.)
"Sorry M'dame Odile, it's just hard to see you without a ruler in your hand, shouting at kids to get off your lawn." (Isa chimes in through his uneasy voice, trying not to choke up as he speaks. Despite being such a big loveable oaf, he was always the softest out of all of us.)
"And you, our own little head housemaiden, I know that look, and don't even try it... there's nothing to heal, nothing to fix... it's simply my time." (Odile said, shocking Mirabelle out of her thought spiral. Even in her final moments she was still better at reading us all than ourselves, and just as blunt in spite of that.)
"I-I made your favorite, Dile." (Bonnie stammers out, fighting back a wave of tears as they hold up a plate of Onigiri filled with pickled plums, as fresh as can be. We all know she won't be able to have any, but the gesture alone was enough to bring a bright, genuine smile to Odile's face.)
"Oh Boniface... come here dear." (Bonnie almost moved faster than could be seen to the naked eye, burying their face into Odile's body as they gripped her in such a careful but loving hug, unable to stop from sobbing now while their grandmother figure just rests her pruned and shaking hands on their back.)
"Well... you must be simply dying to chime in with some horrid pun by now." (You find your eyes locked with hers suddenly as her words rolled out towards you, almost feeling like a deer in headlights since you always did prefer the background after all.)
(You must have something for this, you can't miss your moment in such a grim time.)
          "I'm too lost in regret for never figuring out your top secret research topic."
          > "Simply dying huh?"
          "Just desperately trying to figure out how to start looping again."
"Oh dear, it seems your incessant word play has rubbed off on me, the horror." (She teased in her familiar dry way, though it's still a nice moment as you both share a half smile, leaving the rest unspoken, as there was no need to say it aloud, you both already knew all there was to say.)
(You find yourself tuning out for most of the rest of this, after all, you had your moment already, and it was all the both of you needed, everyone else could have theirs now.)
(You don't know how much time has passed, but a harsh cough suddenly snaps you out of it. Odile rasps sharply for as much air as her failing lungs could manage, sighing it back out as she takes a moment to collect herself.) 
"... It's time... No looping our way out of this one, huh Siffrin?" (She tries to smile, but she was too weak to hold it for long. You return one in kind as you feel a tear start to pour down your cheek, almost wishing you could still at this point. You simply walk beside her and take her hand, Bonnie and Mirabelle having taken the other already and gripping it as firm as can be without causing her pain, Isabeau soon joining and taking both your and her hand in his own massive one.) 
(Time slows, each second getting longer than the last, Odile's eyelids getting heavier and lower, it only takes a few moment, but we were all there, holding on tight, lost in an endless, painful moment, a sharp pain through your heart as you lose one of your closest family members... when you start to feel a... tug... on your... sto-)
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coffeeghoulie · 4 months
Mushy May Day 28: Collecting Objects
The pack has a beach day, and Mountain and Rain spend it looking for a keepsake to take home.
Thank you so much to @forlorn-crows for putting Mushy May together, and to @ghuleh-recs for making us the dividers <3
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"Will this do, tadpole?" Mountain asks, holding up something small between big fingers, covered in their human glamour.
Rain chirps curiously, straightening up from where he's been combing through the sand. Behind them, the lake laps at the shores, water stretching off to the horizon, sky and water the same bright blue.
The band's on an off day, Papa deciding that a lake day would be good for all of his ghouls. Mountain's grateful for it, eager to take off his shoes and sink his toes in the sand, connect to his element. Rain, Dew and Aurora had happily dove into the water the moment the bus had pulled to a stop, even though Rain is a saltwater ghoul. Any water is good enough for their magick.
Cumulus and Cirrus wade through the waves, up to their knees, talking to each other in quiet tones, while Aeon and Swiss playfight and tussle in the water. Swiss keeps saying something about planting palm trees, and Aeon rolls their eyes, splashing water at him every time.
Papa's on the shore, under an umbrella, eyes shut behind sunglasses. Should they approach him, Mountain knows the old man will insist that he isn't sleeping, just resting his eyes. His face is slathered in sunscreen that smells strongly of artificial coconut and zinc.
Rain trots over, squinting in the summer sun at what Mountain's holding. It's cobalt blue and about the size of a fifty cent gumball, just slightly translucent and glowing where the afternoon sun hits it. "Shit, sunflower, it's perfect," Rain gushes, holding his palm out.
Mountain gives him a crooked grin, depositing the bit of sea glass into his outstretched hand. He watches as Rain rubs his thumb over the wave-smoothed edges, a bit of glass buffered and polished into a pretty little gemstone. It'll get tucked into one of the nooks in Rain's bunk, along with all of the other stones the two of them have collected together, until they get back to the Abbey.
The collection gets split evenly between two places. Half of the rocks will line the shelf above the desk in Rain's room, organized by color. There's a pile for each tour Rain's been on, can name every body of water he took them from.
The other half will go to the greenhouse, to the bed of flowers that Mountain keeps, one plant for each of his packmates, former and current. They line the edges of the raised bed, curling around the snapdragons and jasmine, the baby's breath and catchfly and daffodils. The stones circle the morning glories climbing their trellis, tucked around the petunias.
It's theirs, the same way Cirrus and Cumulus buy magnets from every rest area and truck stop the band stops at.
"Did you find one for me?" Mountain asks, watching as Rain inspects the sea glass.
"Mhm," Rain hums, reaching wordlessly into the front pocket of his shorts and pulling out a stone. It's flat and almost perfectly round, and if the lake were calmer, water glassy and still, it would make an excellent skipping stone. It's a slightly marbled grey, basalt, if Mountain had to take a guess, but he's more than willing to bet that Rain selected it for its shape rather than any unique coloration.
"This is perfect, Rain," Mountain beams, auburn hair glinting copper in the light. Rain gives him a grin back, and even through his human glamour, his teeth are just a little too sharp.
"How about I put these with our stuff, and we actually get in the water?" Rain offers, shifting on his feet.
Mountain's brow furrows for a moment, poker face nonexistent when it comes to his water ghoul. "Shit, didn't mean to keep you from the wa-"
Rain reaches up, pulling Mountain down by the shoulders to press a quick little kiss to his lips, effectively shutting him up. "Don't apologize. I needed to get a rock for you."
Mountain smiles again, unsure if the warmth on his face is just the sun or a blush. He waits until Rain's back is turned, depositing their stones in one of the pouches of his backpack over by Copia, before calling out. "Last one in is on dishes duty when we get back to the Abbey!"
Rain splutters, scrambling through the sand, and Mountain just laughs.
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pinknipszz · 11 months
Hi! Firstly, I love ur headcannons and the way u characterize them, specially Lo and Neteyam. Could you do avatar headcannons of how they would be in a traditional dance festival. (Like would they be dancing, drinking, telling stories, etc.) Much love, xx
hi anon! 👩‍❤️‍👩 and thank you! i’m not really confident in my lo’ak and neteyam, but i’m so glad you like them! and that’s such a cute idea :) i hope you like my take on it. love you lots! xx
avatar headcanons | you attend a na’vi festival
⋆✮↪ neteyam and lo’ak + bonus: jake and tsu’tey
he plays songs with traditional instruments. his favorite is the gourd drum. it's made out of the bladder from a sturmbeest his mother hunted, and he plays it at the festival. when you asked him why, he embarrassingly admitted that he’s insecure about his singing voice, so he uses the gourd drum to imitate the microtonal drone in na’vi singing. as much as you like to reassure him, you love neteyam’s musical prowess. he even dedicates songs to you.
he makes you dance with him most of the night. the festival itself is all about dancing to honor the great mother. to neteyam, dancing is one of the most intimate things in the world, and he wouldn’t do it with anyone else except you. when you first arrive at the festival in your beautiful attire, he is sweeping you off your feet. he is swaying to the sounds of the hypnotic music, taking the lead and outshining everyone else. everyone has their eyes on their future tsahik and olo’eyktan.
he shows you off at every chance he gets. when you two aren’t dancing, neteyam is dragging you around to meet his friends from training, bragging about how beautiful and kind and talented you are. in these special moments, you admire how the “perfect child” facade slips away to mess with his friends like how he does with his brother. it wouldn’t be like this under any other circumstances. you’re truly grateful to the festival and the great mother, even if neteyam teases you too. you swear he exaggerates everything.
he teaches other na’vi how to gamble. he learned the whole idea of gambling from his dad. he’d teach you and the other na’vi all about human games like “jackblack” and “poker” and “julepe” using makeshift cards and chips. you were really confused about the rules but eventually got the hang of it. your group of friends would bet simple things, like woven clothes or headpieces. when things aren’t looking so good for you, lo’ak would start accusing other na’vi of cheating.
he turns drinking into a competition. he technically isn’t supposed to drink, but it’s a festival so what were his parents expecting? lo’ak likes to provoke other young warriors into stupid challenges to see can who handle their alcohol the best. they don’t fall for it at first, but lo’ak knows how to push the right buttons. these usually end with a lot of empty bottles. lo’ak always wins, but at what cost? his dignity? his honor? there’s too much to count. you like to tease him afterwards.
he pulls you away from the crowd a lot. festivals can get a little overwhelming, and even the great and mighty lo’ak has his social limits. when his dancing becomes sluggish or his mind is off somewhere else, you take his hand to ask if everything’s alright. instead of responding, though, he abruptly pulls you away from the festival to spend some quality time with you. you two are silent all throughout, but you like to stroke his hair and cup his face to comfort him. lo'ak loves you for it.
he’s coming up with new drinks. driven by his mysterious human knowledge, toruk makto is an artist when it comes to mixing alcohol. he just felt that na’vi drinks were too weak, so he asked mo’at if he could change things up a little at the festival. it took a lot of convincing, especially since it’s a special tradition, but she reluctantly gave in. now not only does the clan adore him for bonding with toruk, but also his excellent drinks. he doesn't even have experience from earth. he just mixes things together and prays.
he babysits the children. festivals were never really his thing. he just grabs a drink and leaves. before, tsu’tey was obligated to stay for the whole duration of the festival as the future olo’eyktan. since that title was given to jake, he doesn’t even bother to show up sometimes. that doesn’t mean the clan doesn’t put him to work, though. he’s the assigned “babysitter,” as jake puts it, which is ironic since tsu’tey doesn’t know a thing or two about kids. somehow, the clan children still like him.
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Random Dead Poets Headcanons
i love my silly poet boys so much.
Neil is REALLY REALLY good with kids. They just hang off him. In comparison, kids start crying at the sight of Charlie.
Todd loves chocolate, I mean who doesn’t? But Todd keeps a little bowl of Hershey kisses under his bed for when he has bad days.
Speaking of Todd, he keeps every single journal he’s ever written in. After Neil’s passing, his mother was kind enough to let Todd take a couple of Neil’s journals.
Mr. Keating is an EXCELLENT cook. like stellar. he invites the boys over for dinner sometimes and they are always asking for seconds.
Neil called Mr. Keating Dad once and panicked so much he almost started crying. Like he was stuttering all over himself until Keating gave him a hug, held him tight, and told him it was okay.
Pitts really enjoys those MGM musicals. He can’t dance to save his life but the dancing is just so fanciful and magical to him. His favorite dancer is Gene Kelly.
Charlie and Knox have something similar to "The Slap Bet" from How I Met Your Mother. Don't ask how its started. All anyone knows is that Knox has four slaps left, and Charlie has two.
Meeks was, and will always be, a vegetable hater. Specifically, broccoli. Mostly for the fact of when he was in middle school, his Mom still made him eat it, despite having braces
Neil does not like to drink, he thinks beer, whiskey, and scotch all taste nasty to him. He drinks them to look cool, though.
When Neil does drink, he’s a lightweight. And a clingy drunk.
Cameron is a whiz at Poker. The Poets all swear he counts their cards but he’s just got a really good Poker face.
Knox keeps a collection of Jane Austen novels. His favorite is Sense & Sensibility.
Occasionally at Poet meetings, Neil grabs a copy of whatever play they’re doing at Henley and makes the poets read the roles. Last time, Charlie was Juliet and Cameron was Romeo. Charlie nearly killed Cameron himself.
Neil is an excellent swimmer.
Pitts is one of those guys who enjoys really disgusting food combinations. He quite enjoys pickles and peanut butter together. With a Chocolate Milkshake.
Todd doesn’t like thunderstorms. He hides it from Neil one night and wakes Neil up while he’s crying. From then on, Neil stays up with him when it storms, reading to him or talking just to take his focus off of it.
Chris cannot sing. At all. Chris is a really vocal drunk so she’s always the first one to ask who’s up for karaoke.
Charlie is a terrible cook. He burns everything he touches. Keating has tried to teach him some lessons, but to no avail.
Knox really likes TV westerns like Gunsmoke and The Rifleman and Rawhide. He looks like a kid in a candystore everytime he watches one. Pitts is the only one who will watch them with him.
Charlie lost a bet to Todd once and Charlie ended up having to shave his eyebrows. Todd called him “Baldy” for the duration that they were gone.
Meeks does not like blood. It either makes him want to vomit or pass out. Or both, in no particular order.
One time, Charlie had to go to the hospital for a serious case of pneumonia. Out of all the poets who were distraught, Cameron hurt the most. Suddenly, their dorm was too quiet. When he came back, Cameron threatened to kill him if he ever did it again. That’s when Charlie and him created a silent truce.
Todd has a pile of unread books on his nightstand. Yeah, he’s one of those people. It’s okay, I am too.
Todd has a dog at home named Lucky. Lucky is his pride and joy. He’s a Jack Russell Terrier.
The Poets once tried to Parent Trap Keating with their school librarian. It worked out for a few months.
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riddles-n-games · 9 months
Anyone remember the knife and the glass ballerina in The Inheritance Games? Yeah? Well, let's talk about that because I have a canon theory about them. I think the reason why Avery was so affected by what Nash told her when he mentioned the knife and the glass ballerina in the first book, especially the ballerina, was because of what it indicated about her vulnerability and not just for the sake of what it meant as a clue in a puzzle. She’s used to being the knife; sharp, on edge, defensive, battle ready, quick-witted, and alert. The glass ballerina, on the other hand, represents fragility, delicateness, vulnerability, being on the knife’s edge of always potentially losing it all, feeling small in someone else’s eyes, not being in control of one’s own life and all because one wrong step can mean the whole thing can come crashing down, shattering to many broken shards of glass that reveal the jagged pieces which are still very much a part of her. It’s just something she’s not used to being seen as but it’s as fitting to her character as the knife analogy. Because the last few years of her life have been so rough, of course, it’s not a surprise that she’s built up her walls and is often on the offensive to defend herself and Libby. 
But, all the same, the emotional well has also been building up and maybe some of that finally started to leak through the cracks by the time she meets the Hawthornes. The brothers have all been taught how to pick up on certain cues and the more hidden parts of a person’s interior which I’d say is a staple of Nash and Grayson but all of them are fairly excellent at it. However, I would also argue that Nash is most exceptional at recognizing such things because he is the eldest of the four and knows his brothers well enough to sense when they’re hiding something as I said in another post. 
This might bother Avery because she thinks her exterior is a strong façade but over the course of the books, she learns to embrace it as shown in the final showdown in The Final Gambit but beforehand, in the first book, this bugs her because literal strangers are picking at her like she’s an open book. And to them, maybe she is, partially, but Avery still holds her own. She doesn’t want to associate with the glass ballerina because she thinks it implies that she is going to break at any moment and she views herself as someone with a good poker face. I think it’s a clever way for us as readers to be able to view these two warring parts of our protagonist and see how she ends up reconciling them as two distinct but equally important halves that shape her to be a better developed character by the end of her arc.
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shu-box-puns · 11 months
Right so hear me out, we're in the Hallelujah Mountain base and Quaritch has decided he needs to inspect the compound for security reasons. So basically, Military!Reader has to tidy up QUICKLY, and hide their cat which they SOMEHOW, illegally, smuggled onto Pandora (don't ask, I haven't worked out how yet) and they're really stressed about hiding it before Quaritch turns up. Discovery will result in Military!Reader having to return to Hell's Gate and face rotating home, or Quaritch shoving the cat outside to teach them a lesson.
Logically, the only thing to do is get everyone else in the compound involved. I mean, Grace and the Colonel are natural enemies, so it would be laughably easy to convince her to get on board. So within hours, Grace has roped in the others, and there's a plan for Jake to get rid of the cat hair whilst Norm puts the cat in an exopack and sneaks it out back when Quaritch enters to carry out his inspection. Meanwhile, Trudy is on standby to stuff the cat in the helicopter as a very last resort, whilst Graced nags the man's ear off to distract him.
In exchange, Military!Reader just have to act as security for that day's forest mission since Trudy's sick. It's a win win :D
ANYWAY, to cut a long - and excellently thought out - story short, come morning, Military!Reader now has a much bigger cat to hide.
(Tsu'tey followed them home because they've been growing closer and he's assured all of them he'd be long gone before the helicopter arrives. In simple terms, he is in no way a morning person, and is too big to move. Very quickly, it becomes the whole compound's problem.)
Cut a tense but funny sequence of three fully grown adults (Norm, Trudy, Jake) trying to sneak out a groggy Tsu'tey as well as the cat, whilst Military!Reader fails to keep a poker face, and Grace wonders how the hell she ended up in this situation.
And yes, Tsu'tey and the cat become best friends.
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