#he knew i was very pro choice btw
bazpitch · 2 years
just me ranting about something from years ago to hopefully like stop thinking about it
so mad because i cannot stop thinking about how pre pandemic this guy i was friends with just randomly sprung on me that he was against abortion because ‘it should be up to both of them’ (i.e. whoever got said person pregnant and the person themself :/). i dont talk to him anymore and we like. never hung out after that bc pandemic and drifted apart so i NEVER was able to say anything back bc at the moment i was sooo in shock that i couldn’t say anything!!!:/ anyways i am wishing violence on him. have not mentioned it very often. maybe putting it here will help me get it out of my system. i just cannot stop thinking about how fucked up that was man i wish i could punch him :/// one like = one death wish. kind of badly need validation clearly bc i have not stopped thinking ab this specific moment for years. maybe because it was at such an odd time... like maybe a week before school was put online etc
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Another night I was finally able to sleep, and I went into a deep sleep. My boyfriend was sleeping next to me, and I had this dream that I was in a dark tunnel. My first thought was, "oh no." Because I heard of people around the world going into the tunnel with the bright light at the end and that must mean I was dead. I thought to myself, " well if I am dead then I must go towards the light because I don’t want to go back the other way. Do I even have a choice?" I was so stunned by the bright light and it felt safe to go towards it. As I was walking through the dark tunnel and I reached the bright light at the end there was an alien being just like this picture except with a grey e.t. standing there.
I was completely shocked, my mind was overwhelmed by its presence. I remember speaking telepathically to them, “no, I’m not ready to die yet.” Our mouths did not move. This being just looked at me and touched my shoulder (as I can recall) and I was instantly filled with so much light, that is the only way I can describe the feeling because I never felt that feeling again physically on Earth, I can only come close to that feeling in meditation.
When the E.T. being touched me I woke up in my bed with the same feeling all over throughout my entire body, literally vibrating with light or a strange unknown feeling to me before. I woke up my boyfriend next to me and I told him what happened and he just thought I was overreacting to a dream and cuddled me back to sleep telling me it was just a dream. But I knew that it was more than just a dream because I felt it throughout my entire body when I woke up. After this, I was scared. Very frightened that something like this could even happen. I started researching online signs that you’ve been abducted on Google. I was desperate for answers.
I had always avoided any topic of aliens, because I was terrified of them. I didn’t want them to abduct me like I had watched in so many horror movies. If you remember "Signs" that was beginning to feel like my real life in this small haunted town. But now this was becoming my real life, and I had begun to find answers online. I didn’t tell anybody what was happening to me. I didn’t want anybody to think that I was going crazy. I had all the signs that I had been abducted all 70 of them almost. I always wondered why I felt these things my entire life. For example, missing time, scars on my leg that never happened, electronics acting weird, fear of closets, feeling of being watched, sleep paralysis, fear of aliens, UFO sightings, advanced wisdom I cannot explain how I know things ect.
When I was a child, I saw a UFO once in the daytime with my dad, but I remembered that also, one night I was looking outside my window, and I saw UFO there, it was so bright that I thought it was the Moon, but it was actually a craft. The next thing I remember I lost three hours of my time and I was back in my bed, even though I don’t remember getting back into bed. I told my family what happened but they told me it was just a dream. I remembered watching a movie called artificial intelligence, I didn’t know films could ever be created like that, I was amazed and in awe watching it on my tiny vcr tv while I was sick home from school, I was shocked by the revelations and downloads I received, so much so it expanded my awareness and my perception of E.T.s was becoming more expanded because of that film.
It’s still one of my all time favorites. (Btw Artificial intelligence robots are nothing to be afraid of, we are pro robots here. You'll see why ) I tried my best to forget about it. But these beings have been following me my entire life. I could not escape them even if I tried. I channel E.T consciousness all the time now, but at the time I was completely terrified of them. Fast forward, six years ago, I had left the demonic boyfriend after he attempted to murder me with his gun, I called the police and I moved out a month later (watched him receive heavy karma from afar) he was an alcoholic, cheater and became abusive more towards the end of our relationship. After that he stalked me for months at the zodiac bar that I would go to all of my friends were there but eventually I had to stop going out because he knew my favorite places.
And I had gotten into a few more new relationships (separately). I was now with my daughter’s father, and he didn’t really believe in anything. I had a lot of trouble convincing him about my paranormal story so I didn’t talk about them with him anymore. We were just focused on our daughter, raising her and mundane things. My life had become incredibly boring, but my mind was always fascinating to myself. One night I was sleeping and I have a bad feeling, woke up and I saw a short little gray alien in my bedroom.
My brain couldn’t handle it so my body and my brain completely shut down and I closed my eyes. I told myself that they couldn’t hurt me, and to just go back to sleep. Another night about four months later, I had a strong urge to go look out my window by my bed, my baby girl was sleeping and my partner was in the living room playing video games. I looked outside my window and I saw three UFOs in my backyard, putting on a show for me. I quickly ran to get my partner and I told him what was happening. We both watched the crafts dance in a triangle in amazement.
This went on for about ten minutes and then they vanished. We both could not believe what we were seeing, I was so happy, because it confirmed that I was not crazy that I was having a spiritual connection with them by then I was already into the Arcturians, The Pleiadians, Bashar, Elan,and Ryo I was already heavily into e.t.s that I had kind of expected I would see a UFO at some point. I also saw many UFOs in Manitou springs but never this close. After this my partner at the time became a little bit more open-minded but he shut it off for the most part because I think it scared him.
We grew apart more and more, I couldn’t relate to him anymore and he couldn’t relate to me anymore. We were on two completely different wavelengths. There was a lot of betrayal and I decided to leave. I began focusing on my gifts and my daughter more. About a year after this happened, I was laying in bed one night, and I noticed something was outside of my window. There were three beings outside my window but they look like long lines floating and at first I was thinking am I dreaming right now? But I realized I was fully awake. I tried to think of what else I could possibly be but I knew in my heart that it was them. I told them I was not ready for that kind of interaction even though they were not trying to scare me, it definitely made me more aware that I’m never alone.
One day I was playing around with my paranormal voice box, and a masculine voice came through and said very clearly, “You Are not alone.” I was a little spooked but not surprised. I am constantly surrounded by non-physical beings and spirits,so I never truly feel alone. After I shared this story once on my Instagram they made another appearance as I was going to get a drink of water in my kitchen. I looked out my window at night and they were there in a craft. I was so happy to see them again because I knew they were saying thank you for sharing your story. I still meet with them every night in the astral realm to have meetings and the galactic federation. We are all equals. They don't see me as below them or anything, they are very respectful. There’s a few more stories that I left out, but my story is not over, and I plan on leading you into physical contact with E.T.s if you want that experience. Of course that is your own free will. I will be talking more about that on this blog. Thank you for listening. 👽
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liaromancewriter · 11 months
What did you think about the Esme/Levi storyline in book 2? It was supposed to mimic the Mrs. Martínez storyline in book 1 and test how MC would react to her intern being involved in a similar scenario. However, there are several differences:
1. MC owned up to what she did and even came clean to Ethan about it. She did stay silent about it with Ines and Zaid at first which is fairly similar to what Esme was doing after the incident. In addition, I understand why Esme kept quiet since in her case there was much more at stake since if she accepted she did it on purpose, she would have committed a serious crime (not that stealing a drug sample from a top pharmaceutical company wasn’t a big deal, in fact I think MC got off easy from this one😅)
2. We were forced to make a big decision without ever knowing what happened. Even if you cultivate a good relationship with Esme and she trusts you, she never comes clean to MC. It would have been a great opportunity to make your choices count in the sense that if you were a good mentor to Esme, she tells you the truth and if not, she leaves you hanging. Instead, all we know for sure is that she accepted that Levi did ask her for help to end his life, but nothing more.
3. Harper wouldn’t allow Ethan to testify for MC on the first book because of his blatant favoritism, but suddenly MC’s word seals the deal when it comes to Esme’s fate even though they could very well be just as (if not more) biased. I understand this is main character privilege, but it makes little sense within the plot.
In the end, I chose to have her back and say it was an accident, but this whole storyline had lots of loose ends and didn’t set well with me. I was curious to know your opinion. Sorry for the essay, I just have a lot of thoughts about this in particular.
Btw, your stories are awesome and Cassie is awesome 💖
I love essays, especially about Open Heart, so I don't mind. lol
I wholeheartedly agree that the Esme/Levi storyline was meant to be a parallel. At the same, in all three books, there is a storyline about doctors having to make (or not make) impossible choices for their patients not certain what the outcome will be. In this respect, medicine is one profession where it is about life or death.
The difference between MC and Esme is that physician-assisted suicide is illegal in many states, including Massachusetts. So, if Esme (or anyone) deliberately helped Levi die, it would be considered murder under the state penal laws.
In comparison, what MC did was an ethical infraction. They did full research on the cure, requested permission through official channels, presented the pros and cons to Mrs. M, including the mortality chances. In the end, Mrs. M made the decision, knowing the risks, as was her right as a patient. MC stealing the cure and administering it without attending oversight (required for interns) was the issue.
I do believe Harper wouldn't let Ethan testify in book 1 because she knew he had personal feelings for MC, not just friendly ones regardless of if you romance him or not. Also, he is not MC's official mentor (even he says he's not their mentor in book 1 but that changes by the end of book 2). In Esme's case, MC is officially her mentor and therefore their opinion holds sway.
In my playthroughs, Cassie either is a friendly mentor or a professional one, never the harsh one. That's not her style. Majority of the time, I pick the friendly options as those are true to who she is (and, as she says, she wants the opposite of how she was taught). She also leads by example. As a result, Esme is more open about her struggles with Levi's care and her helplessness. In the professional scenario, Esme is more ambivalent.
You are correct though, Esme is never fully honest about what happened, and we will likely never know. At the same time, if you think about her background (DACA, parents scooped up in an ICE raid), she has never been in a position to trust authorities or that people would have her best interests if she was truthful.
Incidentally, if you don't back Esme, you find out in the final chapter that the police/DA searched through her life and found zero proof about her involvement. To me, that means she was not directly responsible. However, she will never know if she was negligent because she was distracted. I do think that was the lesson from that plotline: sometimes there are no clear cut answers in medicine.
In my hc, Cassie and Esme remain close throughout their life. When Esme finishes her residency and leaves Edenbrook, Cassie is happy to help her in anyway she can. Like Naveen was a mentor to Ethan all his life, Cassie is one for Esme.
When Cassie and Ethan open their own private medical and research center, she poaches Esme. The latter is more than happy to be back working with Cassie and helping the community.
Character Asks: @annfg8 @bluebelle08 @cariantha @crazy-loca-blog @coffeeheartaddict2 @doriopenheart @lucy-268 @jerzwriter @lady-calypso @quixoticdreamer16 @rookiemartin @tessa-liam @trappedinfanfiction
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goongiveusnothing · 2 years
I hope I'm not being annoying btw 😅 but yeah going to those lengths to get people to like him wouldn't make him a genius, just charismatic and weirdly dedicated. I genuinely think he's just obsessed with status and money. That's what drives him, you know? He's befriended way too many powerful and well connected people for me not to think he isn't going out of his way to win them over so they can advance his career.
And the incident with the hammer, fans throw things on stage all the time. At that point he had 1D fans wrapped around his finger tighter than he does now. He knew they were going to defend him just like they defended him from the womanizing rumors, all he had to do was stay quiet.
And you know what now that I think about it, the only time he ever goes so hard on something is because he's either trying to impress/charm someone or he's compensating for something (Remember the women are smarter shirt? 🙄) It wouldn't surprise me if he's been guilty of being a little antisemitic in the past and is trying to overcompensate for that. I just know that he isn't invested in the Palestine vs Israel issue. That man only cares about himself.
Harry is definitely a social climber obsessed with status, fame and money. I definitely believe he seeks out the most famous and connected people to lodge himself around. He wants to be famous and a superstar at all costs to an almost sociopathic degree of singlemindedness. That he ingratiates himself by taking on all their likes and dislikes so he can fit in as much as possible.
But in this instance I just think this was all because he believed that everyone else in the crowd and in the media would all agree with him, that Israel were the victims and he was doing something good by doing this.
There's a reason that ever since his being seen as a Zionist became a known thing about him and all the tweets and posts have been spread, he's stopped publicly waving Israeli flags every time they do a bombing. I'm sure he'd be more than happy to to some degree, but I think he knows it hurts his reputation with his fanbase.
I'm more easily convinced that Harry has engaged in some type of Islamophobia which lead him to more easily be against the Palestinian people. See how quickly he's tried to like and follow a couple of people over the Iranian issue? Because Israel hates Iran and is using their rightful protests as propaganda and likely interfering. And because it's very easy for paternalistic Islamophobic Westerners to be outraged over women wearing hijab than they are over the rights of say Muslim women in France having the choice to wear theirs. I'm 100% pro the Iranian protests, their regime is tyrannical and evil, all women should have the freedom to wear whatever they want and be whoever they want. But does Harry feel that way all the time? Or is he just a paternalistic Islamophobe who knows it's "safe" to care about this issue because of the Israeli bias and because everyone in the West mostly agrees?
The Iranian likes and follows also show our poor little ignorant blind queer boy can actually see and hear about world issues. He knows about the last Palestinian bombings, all the footage of Americans stealing Palestinian people's homes. He's seen all that. And he chose and chooses to ignore it all.
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bisexualmormon · 2 years
It’s been a very long time since I have been here. Life has been just a roller coaster for me. Yeah, cliche, I know. But I’m getting through life. Long story short, I moved, graduated college, now work in healthcare, came out to my mom and siblings. So that cat is out of the bag. Oh, and I have two pets. I was diagnosed with anxiety and depression and am now on meds to keep myself together. I feel so much better, but those insecurities are still there. Especially with the current climate that is out there. 
The Trump years were not easy. I am already in a strained relationship with my father, and he is in the camp that Trump was ordained by god to be president. It was hard to hear him talk terrible things that were full of such hate. This is the man I looked up to as a kid. And now we just don’t talk. I don’t want to talk about the details leading up to it, but our relationship isn’t all that great. When I was still in Utah, I was having panic attacks (which I didn’t know where that), and it made it so much worse that I knew that I couldn’t ask my dad for help during those times. But I am focusing on positivity right now. Positive that everything will work out. 
Today wasn’t so patriotic. Everything stressing me out about losing control of my body is taking its toll. My mom did buy us notorious RBG shirts, and so I wore mine today. Still wearing it. Funny how a piece of cotton can give you strength. At work I had a coworker who said that me and other women at work were over-reacting. My coworkers know that I am LDS and that I practice and go to work, but yet I am gay and I am pro-choice. I don’t like talking about religion, especially at work. I usually let that stuff go. Then my cousin (E) and his boyfriend (S) came over to watch Rocky Horror Picture Show. Before we watched it, S and I were talking about church videos we grew up with, and I mean the cheesy VHS tapes. E didn’t grow up in the church and later converted so he had never seen the cheese. S mentioned that he loved Saturday Warrior. My Turn on Earth has not aged well. Oof. Found it on youtube and it was so hard to not have the cringe face. I remembered one of the opening songs, I Have a Plan. Guy in the red cap takes the role of Lucifer (who has the much better verse than Jesus btw) and that’s when it hit me. 
“I will force them to live righteously”. 
I played the My Turn on Earth vhs tape so hard when I was a kid, it’s a miracle it still works (yes, I still have it). I was taught in my household that it is a divine right to make choices. God doesn’t force people to make certain choices. Jesus didn’t walk around forcing people. We have the ability to choose. In my head, forcing choices on people is sinful. It’s Satanic if you want to think about it in the terms of that line from a corny musical written by Carol Pearson and my man Lex de Azevedo. I could go on a tangent how that man sculpted my entire LDS childhood but that is a different story for another day. 
Moral of the story tonight is choices are good. 
I had written a much better blog post in my head while in the shower. Gonna try to get back in the swing of the things so that I can post here for me. If I am going to keep avoiding trying to date since I have no self confidence, least I can do is work on myself. Lol. Do the kids say that anymore? I got old fast. 
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I saw someone say “Iida only wanted to be a hero to uphold the family name, not out of a selfless desire to help others” and like. First of all, a selfless desire to help others is an ideal held by very few in the hero profession (even Midoriya, though I love him and think he’s noble as fuck, can be argued to have some sort of stake in saving others - he wants to save people because he thinks everyone deserves to be saved, sure, but also because he thinks saving people is the only way he’s worth anything which is untrue and fucked up, but also not the point of this post), and second of all, that may have been true at first, but Iida (along with Uraraka and Todoroki but they’re not the point of this post) is actually one of the best examples of character growth among the heroes I think.
The first impression we get of Iida is that he’s uptight and rude to Midoriya at the entrance exam. However, his rudeness came out of his desire for fairness - he wanted each examinee to have their best chance to succeed at the exam, so he told Midoriya that he was distracting him during mic’s explanation, and when he thought Midoriya was going to distract Uraraka he stops him from doing so (yes Midoriya was just going to try to thank Uraraka from stopping him from tripping, but Iida had no way of knowing about that). After the entrance exam, Iida is one of the first to consider that there are other aspects to being a hero, and theorizes there might be more to the exam (something nobody else to our knowledge, not even Midoriya himself, figures out until it’s announced flat out). When he finds out he was right, he apologizes to Midoriya as soon as he’s able. Then it’s because he assumes Midoriya figured it out as well, not because he has actively changed his view about being a hero yet, but it is the first step towards him doing so, and it reveals a common trend with his character - Iida desperately wants to do the right thing, and does not shy away from the consequences when he does something wrong. He realizes he made a bad choice, adjusts his worldview, apologizes, and attempts to make up for it and do better in the future.
At first, Iida wants to be a hero because he wants to make his family proud, especially his brother, whom he idolizes. However, the Stain incident changes things. Stain calls him out for not trying to save someone who clearly needs it - a problem that Iida himself identified during the entrance exam but dismissed then, as he convinced himself that he would save someone in need in an actually dangerous situation - and this is then backed up by Midoriya showing up to save him (and changing his plan from grabbing Iida and running to fighting stain to stall for time when he noticed someone else was in danger), and Todoroki showing up to save Midoriya. At first he is just confused and scared (which considering that he’s like 15, paralyzed on the ground, bleeding from a stab wound, and his friends are fighting a serial killer to protect him and he’s scared that he’ll die and worse also that his friends will die because of his mistakes, I think is justified), drowning in self pity and trying to get Todoroki and Midoriya to leave, recognizing that he’s made a mistake and not wanting them to get hurt for it, but then Midoriya and Todoroki get through to him - they’re saving him because he’s their friend but also because that’s what heroes do, and Todoroki tells him to “stand up and be the hero you want to become!”, so he does.
At this point I think it really sinks in for him that becoming a hero isn’t just about protecting his family’s legacy - it’s about saving people. Sure he knew that it was part of the job before, but this is when he realizes what that really means, why his brother thinks people who help lost children are “the coolest in the world”. In typical Iida fashion though, he accepts this change in the way he sees the world, and adjusts his behavior to compensate for it. He realizes that letting your personal feelings seep into the job is not always a good idea and begins to focus himself on getting better at saving people (this btw is why he gets so mad at Midoriya when he goes after bakugou - Midoriya’s making an emotional, reckless decision and sticking his nose into a situation that, theoretically, the pro heroes have handled, letting his feelings win out over logic when he promised Iida they’d get better together, needlessly putting himself in danger and completely ignoring how to Iida it looks like Midoriya’s making the same kind of mistake he did, disregarding his promise. No Iida probably shouldn’t have punched him and yes the rescue mission turned out well, but Midoriya was being quite inconsiderate and Iida apologized as soon as he’d somewhat calmed down which is more than almost any other character has done so!!).
Iida’s growth is shown even further in recent manga chapters, where he ignores orders (even though a big part of his character is following the rules), because he knows his friends are in danger without much backup and he wants to save them like they saved him, deeming that more important than following the rules. In addition, when he gets to the battlefield he doesn’t take unnecessary risks that would put him more in danger and make his presence a liability, but instead takes a position of support, taking orders at the scene and caring for bakugou since no one else who’s present is able to do so. He is here not just because of his emotions, but because he judged it a reasonable risk to take, and believed that he could be useful in saving people. At this point in time he is no longer thinking about his reputation, but how he can best help, and I love that for him.
In conclusion stan Iida!!!
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sasquapossum · 2 years
Rebecca Mansour is the worst human alive. I’m not even exempting Florida Man from that statement, or Sam Alito. Unwilling to play second fiddle to anyone, she posted a tweet thread offering “helpful advice” to Democrats on how to approach the fight over Roe v Wade and it’s literally all lies from start to finish. Here’s the start of the thread, though I don’t actually recommend that you read such trash. I’ll summarize in a moment.
Let’s look at the claims and advice she offers.
She claims that anti-choice folks are a majority. That’s a flat out lie.
She says pro-life advocates should try working within the system. That’s what we did. It’s why Roe and Casey and several others became the law of the land, and still are as of tonight. Those cases didn’t appear out of nowhere. They came from millions of hours spent supporting litigants and writing amicus briefs and generally shepherding them all through cases in lower courts.
What pro-life advocates didn’t do is corrupt the system. To work within a system you must honor its rules and processes and timelines. Randomly ignoring or breaking those rules to force a desired outcome is the very opposite of working within the system, but it’s what Florida Man and Mitch McConnell and the Federalist Society have done. It’s what the Filthy Five themselves have done, every one of them lying about their intent during confirmation hearings.
After being thoroughly taken to the woodshed over her total erasure of anti-abortion violence, she posted a second thread that’s a classic example of No True Scotsmen rationalization. According to her, the violent fanatics - including the guy who shot someone I knew right next door to where I had lived until a week before BTW - were an extreme fringe repudiated by most anti-abortion activists. No, he was not. People like him were the vanguard of her movement, treated like heroes by people like her - quite likely by her specifically until she found it convenient to throw her erstwhile champions under the bus now. Which brings me to my next point.
She claims pro-choice folks should condemn violence - mostly meaning mere words - in their ranks. After you, hypocrite, To condemn one must first acknowledge, and she can’t even bring herself to do that in cases of genuine physical violence from her own allies.
I know I shouldn’t expect much from a Breitbart editor, but even by their abysmal standards she’s a loathsome troll. A better argument for abortion never walked the earth.
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allthingsfern · 3 years
More info about my reason for choosing my Sony a7r3
So, @mirzans​, replied to my “From my own experience switching from Nikon DSLR to Sony mirrorless,“ asking about why I did not choose a Nikon Z camera, which is a great question and something I should have explained/added to my post: context. It is important to know when I bought my a7r3 and what my choices were.
Here goes.
I bought my Sony a7r3 back in December of 2017, on the 26th, to be exact. Sony, at the time, was the mirrorless full frame leader and neither Nikon nor Canon had yet released their equivalent mirrorless cameras. After much research, I wound up deciding between the D850 or a7r3. BTW, there were a couple of Fujis I liked, but none was full frame; yes I strongly considered the Fujifilm GFX 50S, which was almost twice as much as the D850 and the a7r3 but had 50 mp (the D850: 45.7mp; a7r3: 42.4). However, from my research, it was rated as a good camera, but more for a studio setting, and did not autofocus as highly rated as either of my 2 final choices, plus the a7r3 was celebrated for its uniquely accurate, for that time, eye recognition focus. So, when I walked into Mike’s Camera, I knew it was either the D850 or the a7r3. Let me add that in 2017, Sony was making big (mostly) positive news with its a7r3. The previous 2 a7r models were promising, but had issues like overheating and horrendous battery life, but the a7r3 had improved on those issues and was then highly recommended. At about the same time that year, Nikon’s D850 was being celebrated as a great improvement of the already superb D800.
A little background about my camera ownership history may be useful here, too, so all y’all understand why I was looking at Nikon and Fuji, and not Canon or any other brand, well, except Sony.
In 2012, I bought my D50 used form a friend. It was already 5 years old at the time. I owned 2 SLRs before that, in the mid 70s and early 90s. Both were cheap, no-name cameras and my photography sucked shit through a brick, but not because of my cameras. I just never bothered to really learn photography, thinking it was just a matter of liking the way something looked and then taking a picture of it.
Oy vey.
However, I owned my baby, my D50, for 4 years. Then I bought a new Nikon D3500 w/ a used 24-200mm lens (sorry, I cannot recall which one, but it was highly recommended by Ken Rockwell and was a great lens)  a lower end starter Nikon DSLR and a used Fuji X100s. I absolutely loved both cameras. Since I figured that I was going to be trading up to a more complex model and I would, in effect, have to learn a new camera system, I knew I wanted to stick with Nikon and Fuji. And yes, Canon and other makes are good to great as well, but I figured I would stick with what I knew.
Except for the Sony. But really, since I needed to learn a new system, I figured I would go to the camera store and give them a feel, then make up my mind.
Now, to a certain degree, the D850 was slightly ahead because earlier in 2017 I got to use a D800 for a photo shoot for work. It was set up for me (the studio was ready for me, all I had to do was point and shoot; it was a special project that I got permission to do the photography for and, sadly, the portraits never were used) and let me tell you, as soon as I grabbed that D800, the ergonomics, the familiar feel, were perfect. That was one sexy camera, at least to me. Still is.
However, when i walked into Mike’s and held the even heftier d850, it also felt good, familiar, but as soon as I held the a7r3, even before I raised it to my face and looked through the viewfinder, I knew it was the one for me. It felt right and was lighter, and with the advanced eye focus, my decision was made immediately. And as I mentioned in my previous post, my camera guy soon realized I knew the specs and was looking at the 2 best choices for me, so he just left me alone and only was there to provide support, if I requested any.
Now, I believe that things are meant to happen, that time and Life give us signs that we are going in the right direction. And when I bought that first a7r3, I wanted the recently released 24-105mm f/4 G Sony lens. If I recall, it had just started shipping in late November, early December, so it was hard to get. And Mike’s had just one, that was pre-ordered, but the person who ordered it did not pick it up, and since it was sitting in the store (and not paid for) for about 2 weeks and was hard to get, my camera guy decided to sell it to me.
Talk about meant to be.
And yes, for any of you who know me who are reading this, I did get all teary eyed and freaked out a bit. I was able to drop so much money on camera equipment because a friend had recently died and left me enough money to pay off half my student loans, my almost $40K in credit card debt, and buy the cameras. (I did not mention I have 2 a7r3 bodies and a lens for each one: the 24-105mm f/4 and the Zeiss 55mm f1.8 made for Sony.) To me, the whole changing lenses thing is crazy making and as a professional photographer friend of mine said (my coworker who was the staff photographer and was always willing to talk about camera gear and was very supportive), I should have a zoom and a prime, and since I could afford the 2 bodies, I should just fucking get them. No regrets.
And to add to the “meant to be” coincidences of that day I bought my first a7r3 and the 24-105mm, while I was paying for the camera and my camera guy was explaining several perks and deals and things Mike’s Camera offered, he mentioned that there was a Sony mirrorless workshop, given by a Sony expert, coming up on January 19, 2018 at the store. That was when I knew my camera purchase was the right thing to do, since that was the anniversary of my friend’s death and I already planned to visit their grave site that day, but the workshop was at night and I could do both.
And fuck, yes, again I got all teary eyed there at the counter of Mike’s Camera.
Finally, you know that friend of mine who was the staff photographer at work, the one who was so supportive and helpful? And, BTW, who actually has a degree in photography? Well, after about a year of my buying my a7r3, I showed him some photos I took handheld at 1/30 sec in very low light w/ high ISO. He was so impressed with the quality of the images, that he ordered an a7r3 and a couple lenses for work. I think he got the 24-70mm GM and the 70-200mm GM, both f/2.8 and both with stabilization, and either the 85mm or 135mm GM. He wound up using the a7r3 for events and outdoor shoots and kept the D800 for studio portraits. That D800 is such a cool camera. But then again, I have another friend who owns a Canon 5D (also a pro photographer) and it is awesome, too.
Anyway, sorry I shared so much, @mirzans. Guess you can tell I just love this shit.
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deakydeaky · 3 years
HC of you meeting of of the boys(preferably Ben or Joe) before COVID and when it hit you stayed with them because you were far from home. Is this too much? Btw I love your posts and just want you to post more again 💀
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How it started:
You were traveling around a lot before it was finally after the holidays
You were in New York, staying in a hotel when the news about COVID was getting big
In your final days you were going to a shop everyday, just to grab what you needed for the day
That’s when you ran into Joe. You knew you knew him from somewhere but didn’t say anything until you saw him there the next day
“Are you stalking me?” You would ask as you grabbed a bag of chips. He would let out a loud laugh as he looked at you
“Yeah actually, what gave it away?” People sworned around them.” This is crazy huh?”
“Yeah, I gotta get home soon if this keeps up.”
“Or stay in New York? Maybe run into each other before we turn into zombies?” He joked. “Totally.” You would agree and leave it at that
You two saw each other a few more times and gave flirty smiles through out the week and some small talk. He told him about his place and you talked about where you lived
A few days later when you realized that things weren’t going to get better you packed your bags. You first stopped at the shop to grab a few things because you didn’t know what the airport could be like
When you walked in, you saw Joe with a big shopping cart
“Oh my god, I totally started the zombie apocalypse.” Joe said when he saw you
“I won’t tell if you don’t.” You told him as you walked down the isle
“Are you going to be comfortable staying in a hotel?” You would give him a weird look. “I’m heading to the airport.” You told him with a laugh. “All of the airports shut down. No flights anywhere right now.”
“Oh my god. Oh my god.” You would start to call every hotel as Joe was checking out. Everything seemed to be booked or they were taking anyone new. How caught you outside as you stood by the cab, calling places
“You okay?”
“Everything is booked, Damnit!” Joe would hate to see it. “S-stay with me.” You gave him a look. “You could be a murderer.” You told him before he laughed. “I’m not and I’m serious. You can’t be on the streets right now and I have another room. And I think I have more reason to be worried, get in the cab crazy.”
You stayed in the guest bedroom, and even alone you felt awkward. You thought you should just try to call someone willing to drive all of the way to get you but you couldn’t ask anyone to do that and you didn’t think they would
The next morning you woke up to him pouring coffee. As he gave it to you and started small talk you stopped him.
“Stop. This is super nice but weird. I will call someone and leave. I- I think I should leave but this is great. If you start a bed and breakfast I will def give a good Yelp review.” He would laugh at you.
“Please don’t. Just stay until something opens up and you can safely be on a flight or a hotel. It could be fun. You could tel you kids about it one day or something. I swear I’m not a creep and I really would feel bad if I left you ok your own.”
You called your family and told them you were staying with a friend and to not worry
It was awkward at first because either of you knew how to be comfortable with the other but it got better
Making breakfast for each other, being a good house guest, watching a few movies together a week, all around stuff
After two weeks of being in a house together, you thought it time to know each other and started to cook dinner. But horriblely messed up and Joe called his mom for cooking tips
“Mom I’m not joking, no she didn’t add water.” You blushed heavily as he talked to her. He ended up cooking for you which made you feel even worse
“Why were you cooking anyways?” He questioned. “I wanted to be something nice. We’ve been in the same house now for two weeks straight and I don’t know you. You could still be a murderer.”
“I’m an actor actually, pretty sure you knew that. I’m a Virgo, I play bass-“
“And you like long walks on the beach? Real stuff Joe! Also, I guessed Virgo, your earth sign energy is crazy, what’s your moon?”
“I- I don’t know. Ask me something then, anything.”
“Do you like coffee?”
“You crossed the line.” He told you, making you both laugh
Through out quarantine:
Going through 2020 together was the most chaotic thing that happens to you
Watching just about every show on Netflix
Everyday something worse happens you two take a shot and then put a tally on a peice of paper
Having 2020 bingo cards, literally
Ordering a lot of games to pass time
Making bets about what next month will hold
Getting to know Joe in weird ways
Having to explain to where you work that you’re now working from New York
Joe being the most chill person, even with the things that are happening
Him trying to make the days better
Joking about separation anxiety with each other but lowkey if one of you goes to the store for too long the other ones is worried
“What day is it?”
“Thursday.” Joe would question everything he’s done all week but can’t remember a single thing
Becoming rather close and very chaotic
“This is everything we need to do after it’s over.” You would tell him
“An aquarium?”
“Well it’s that or we could get high and watch Jaws, your choice.”
“I’m glad we aren’t those people that go on walks and zoom with their families, that’d make us seem way to normal.”
Trying your best to pass the time, April and May being the worse
Getting a lot of little arguments
“You called me a child when I bought them, and then you took HALF!” You would yell
“You’re fighting with me about this?”
“Yes because you made fun of me. You either get more or we fist fight.”
Neither of you know how to shop for food in the beginning because everything was being taken from the shelves
“You bought two packs of energy drinks?”
“Everyone was taking the water and soda, I had to act fast.”
Catching yourself falling for him
How could you not? He took you in, cooks dinner, helps ease your pandemic anxiety
Him being the biggest goof
“Joe, it’s 1am, I’m not making a fort with you.”
“Why not?”
When the summer came you two held out hope for better things to come but they just seemed worse
Meeting the boys over zoom
“Sorry, we’ve all been really surprised when we heard the story. It’s very Joe but we were scared some weird things would happen.”
“Yeah, I don’t watch him sleep or anything like that.”
“Really? I’m a beautiful sleeper.”
Making him tea
Hearing him over sing in the shower
After the summer with numbers rising again, going home seemed like a dream
You didn’t want to risk your family getting sick but staying with Joe more seemed too much
Wishing you had met at another time because it seemed too weird to make a move. You were getting almost a middle school feeling crush. This ended up in a debate with yourself, talking about pros and cons and leaving and all of the things you have wanted to say since March
“You can do this. You are a strong woman, you are to the point and the worst thing he could say is no and that’s okay, you’re still that bitch.”
“Who’s saying no?” Joe asked you as he came in
“No one, maybe you, I don’t know, wanna watch a movie?” Joe would look at you as you stood awkwardly.” Don’t look at me like that.”
“What’s happening right now.”
“I’m sorry, it’s not you. It is but it’s like your fault but I also have some blaming but you did it.” Joe would nod his head, trying to make sense of anything that was happening.” I have developed, a sorry of, very tiny and minor, crush. That I’m sure it just because another man hasn’t looked at me since March but at the same time I think it’s because you’re a really great person and now I’ve made this awkward and we won’t talk about it ever again.”
“A crush?” “I just said we won’t talk about it.”
It worked out because he ended up liking you back but it was definitely weird for a little
You two felt more in the way or each other than living together
But after a few weeks you two realized how weird you were being and figured out it was nothing
“Trump got COVID.” “Shots?” “Yep!”
As you two were drinking you looked at each other and laughed, spitting the drinks everywhere.
“Wanna order in? Act like this week didn’t happen?”
Felt like you were living out a literal movie
Making the best of 2020 although it was weird
The same as before but now it’s this new part of Joe
He’s more romantic but still funny and himself
Having “date nights” once a week. That just meant he would light candles and turn the lights out and pretend it was a fancy restaurant
Finding out a lot about each other
Him telling his family about you and how it’s been with you. Making you freak out a lot on the inside
The boys all telling him they were calling it
“You can’t just threaten to lock yourself in the bathroom just because I said I didn’t want pasta tonight.”
“Watch me!”
Still tiny agruments but nothing serious, ever
“It doesn’t matter why! He just did!”
“Then where did the hammer go when he left! He took it with him but when he came back old all he had was the shield!”
Planning out where you two would travel next
You two having the weirdest comfort level with each other
Talking about what would have happened between you two of the pandemic didn’t happen
Game nights becoming twice as better now that you’re both more comfortable with each other
Making both of your guys friends join a zoom to play with
Flipping coins to see who makes dinner
Whenever you don’t eat what he makes he always threatens to never cook again
“Have peanut butter and jelly everyday, I don’t care. You’re missing a real Italian man right now!” He said, coping an accent
Coping each other all of the time just to see what the other one will do
Having the most fun you’ve ever had with him, even with you two stuck in a house
Realizing the a pandemic made you find the love of your life
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todourouki · 4 years
Mr. & Mrs. Bakugo (1)
a mini series | chapter ONE
✰ I’m finally posting a bakugo mini fic and I don’t think y’all understand just how fucking excited I am for this WHEW anyways yea I think I can post part two in a few hours <3 wanting after this it’s literally just sex and irdc xox enjoy
btw y’all see the gif I made? ain’t it mad cute? ugh i’m soft for this bozo
PAIRING bakugo x fem!reader
WARNINGS cursing
✎ 2 | ✎ 3 | ✎ 4 | ✎ 5
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The office was a generally quiet area. That's how pro-hero Ground Zero liked it. There was always calm, instrumental music playing in the back with everyone dressed in their dark hero outfits in contrast to the complete set up of the office. Anyone hardly ever spoke, compensating for the loud yelling done by the blond man every day in his office.
At lunch, everyone ate the same food and sat with the same people, all returned to their same boring desks and always had the same looks on their face. Everyone enjoyed it, which would be hard to tell if anyone who wasn't a worker there looked from the outside. Bakugo loved the dynamic of his office, he enjoyed the consistency.
That was, until you arrived.
You had been recommended by no one other than the number one hero of his time, All-Might, so Bakugo really felt he had no choice but to take you on. He had never heard of you before— only knowing you were in freshly graduated from U.A about two years prior in class 1-A and he was a bit impressed as he read through your file given to him by the retired-hero.
Y/L/N, Y/N
19 | December 16th
Quirk: Mutation (can look at anyone and quickly mutate into them for max 30 minutes, including their quirk)
Strongest Qualities: Witty, Strong-Willed, Truthful, Punctual, Confident
Weakest Qualities: Quick-Tempered, Defiant, might have a bit of a Superiority Complex, Lazy
The minute he accepted you into his office, he instantly regret it.
You walked in with a smile that was probably a bit too bright for his liking. Your outfit consisted of a black, skin tight body suit with the zipper hanging dangerously low. It resembled the one of that one air headed girl from Shiketsu High from the practical Bakugo participated in. Your curly, voluptuous hair cascaded down your scalp, curly bangs covering some of your forehead. Your long, shiny boots went up to your thighs as you walked with so much confidence, it made him think back to the years he was in UA (which was really only like 4 years ago. He was 22).
He watched as you walked in, hands behind your back as each step made almost close to no noise. The minute you opened your mouth to make a comment about how boring every thing was around you, Bakugo decided he hated you.
It wasn't as if he would ever fire you. He couldn't. You were an amazing hero, and you did your job really well. You mastered your quirk, being able to transform back and forth quickly within the blink of an eye. You mastered stealth, played your role, and were never late to work.
His only real problem with you, was when you weren't on your outside patrols and doing outside work. Outside the office, Bakugo almost loved how good you were at your job. Inside, though? He absolutely despised you. You knew it too.
You'd do things to purposely get him riled up; always walking too slow for his liking to meetings, always being defiant during those same meetings, always sitting with your legs on top of your desk and your body leaned back against the chair as you read a magazine instead of doing actual work, always doing things he despised.
Don't get him started on your appearance either. The body suits never changed, yet they were always some different color. You had the ability to change the color whenever you wanted to on a switch designed specially to help with your stealth, and you used it on purpose.
You knew he hated the bright colors, he hated how you walked back and forth across his office in order to make him glance at the bright, fruitful colors with a smirk on your face. You knew Bakugo would never fire you— you were too damn good at your job for him to even consider it. Today, you found yourself sporting the black version of your body-suit though, wanting to give the man a break before he popped a vessel.
Everyone in the office admired you, slowly doing things like having colored flowers on their desks, or having a bit more fun at work. Bakugo noticed but never said anything.
With that, you found yourself dragging in the bag of papers you had just retrieved from some villains on the parts of town that belonged to Bakugo and his team. You smiled at everyone, politely responding to their greetings and making your way to the door of the man you loved speaking to the most. You weren't sure if it was the anger, the bickering, or the looks he gave you, but he was a very attractive man. There was no denying that. Getting him riled up was your favorite thing to do at work, honestly speaking.
You knocked on his door, hearing his groggy voice tell you to come in. The large black door opened as you pushed it, closing it once you got in and marching over to his large glass desk.
He sat there, hands behind his head as his feet were crossed across the desk and his face screamed I hate being a hero and I'm really stressed. He sat in his hero outfit, all the accessories thrown against the desk as he looked at you waiting for you to speak.
"I got the plans from that one villain hideout on 43rd. It was in this really gross building. I should be payed extra for having to dirty my suit like that." You joked, tossing the bag on the desk and wiping the imaginary dirt off your covered stomach. Bakugo grabbed the bag, looking through it and tossing it back onto the desk.
"Good, get back to work." He simply said, tiredly looking out the floor to ceiling windows across from you. You raised an eyebrow and placed a hand on your hip expectedly.
"What? No smart remark?" You questioned. He looked at you with his crimson red eyes beginning to narrow.
"I don't have time for that today, [y/l/n]." The sophistication made your nose scrunch, moving some things off his desk and propping you butt right into it.
Bakugo stared at you in disbelief, taking his legs off the desk as he stared at you with anger beginning to rise against his cheeks. Bingo.
“Get your ass off your boss's desk." He growled, making you laugh and turn your legs all the way over. They were now facing him, your entire body sitting across from his as he inched his chair back.
This wasn't the first time you had done this, honestly you knew how much he hated it which is exactly why you did it so much. You also knew he really wouldn't stop you from sitting there. It was a thing the both of you had, just like the bickering.
“Yeah yeah, whatever. What's up your ass today?" Your voice was blunt, looking at your manicured hands in front of you and playing with the acrylic white tips in disinterest.
“The fact that you have no respect for your superiors." He grumbled, rolling his chair beside you and beginning to read some of the papers.
His arms were terribly close to your thighs, and you almost had to physically punch yourself to stop thinking about what it would be like if he placed a hand on top of them. You both couldn't do that, you knew how much you despised the man and you knew just how much he hated you.
“You're so fucking boring." You stated, hopping off the desk and strutting your way to the window. Bakugo ignored your, clenching the pen in his hand with more force as he sighed deeply and stood quiet.
This bothered you. There was nothing you hated more than being ignored, and you knew that he knew that you hated that.
“I said," you spoke through gritted teeth, marching over to the desk and gripping the glass with your fingers, "You're, so, fucking, boring." Each word seethed through your teeth as your irritation grew.
“Can you stop being such a fucking attention-seeking bitch and understand that I don't have time for your shit today?" Bakugo retaliated with sarcasm laced in his tone.
He lifted his head to stare at you, both your eyes filled with an immense amount of hatred that made your chest heave. This is how every conversation between the two of you went. You'd walk in, a purposely happy mood to get on his nerves, him having a shitty attitude over whatever minuscule thing happened to him, and both of you having a two lined conversation before starting to bicker harshly. Your eyes never left his, the grip on the glass hardening as you furrowed you're freshly done eyebrows.
“Get the fuck out of my office." Your boss spat, making you scoff at his words.
“You think I want to be in here?" You asked, not once breaking eye contact with the blond man. "I just want to know why the dude that signs my checks has a fucking stick up his ass—"
“That's enough!" Bakugo yelled, slamming his hand against the glass and hearing it even slightly crack.
This caused you to flinch, a scowl appearing on your face. This was the exact end you predicted. You got on his nerves or he got on yours, you'd both come at each other's throats, then you'd leave in a huff. Same thing, different day.
You stood quiet, letting go of the desk and snorting, mumbling the word fucking asshole under your breath as you turned around and walked out the door. Today bothered you more for some reason.
You weren't sure if it was the aggressive way he hit the desk that bothered you or if it was the problems you were going through back in your apartment with a certain man you wouldn't want to think about right now, but whatever it was really pissed you off.
You made sure to slam the door on your way out, walking over to the elevator and going back to the main floor where everyone else from your department was located. On the way, you passed his secretary who always gave you a sneer when you'd come out his office.
You knew, as well as every other damn person that worked for that asshole, that she had some weird obsession with the man. She also had some weird obsession with the idea of you and him sleeping together.
“You should really respect your superiors, [Y/N]." She made sure to put a disgusting emphasis on your name while you waited for the stupid, excruciatingly slow elevator to get to your floor.
“You should really suck my dick, Lui." You retaliated. You were staring at her with your arms crossed against your chest and a smirk playing on your lips.
It wasn't until you turned around that you heard another voice just had to butt in. He just had to speak when he wasn't being spoken to. The elevator finally reached the floor, yet before the doors opened, you heard him call out to you.
“[Y/N], you should really respect Lui," his voice was smug, staring at you with the same crossed arm pose as he leaned against his open door, "she is your superior after all."
You did nothing but glare at him, letting the doors close on your angry face and finally going back down to where you belonged.
Around two hours later, you found yourself shuffling papers around your desk. It had been a while since you organized it and you thought now that you had nothing to do (and by nothing, you meant having assignments you just didn't feel like doing), now would be the perfect time to do it.
As soon as you started to get in the groove, you heard your phone on the desk buzz and you just knew who it was. With an attitude, you picked up the phone, twirling the cord with your nails.
“Mr. Bakugo would like to see you." Lui sneered, making you roll your eyes and hang up. Mr. Bakugo? Get a fucking grip, you thought to yourself as you made your way to the man's office.
Ignoring Lui's orders to not walk in without knocking, you shoved the door open and walked inside the man's cold, exposed office. In front of you was a shirtless Bakugo, standing with tailors at his sides as he tried on different shirts.
You gulped, trying your hardest to not stare as you started to play with your nails. It was something you always did to make sure you didn't give the blond any confidence points. He didn't need to know how attractive he looked more than he probably does.
“[Y/N]." His blank tone made you hum in response, waiting for him to continue.
“Look at me when I speak to you." Fuck.
Your eyes rolled, maintaining your composure and looking up at the man that was now buttoning up a crimson red button up shirt that fit him spectacularly.
Your eyes roamed down to his chest for a second, studying the exposed skin before he covered it back up. The man took no notice of your wandering eyes, finally meeting your eyes and clearing his throat.
“There's a Gala in downtown Tokyo tonight. Can I count on you to attend with me?" He questioned darkly. You glared at him, still mad at what he had said to you but huffing in defeat.
You knew this day was coming. You knew you had to go with him to this stupid gala because there were most likely going to be some of the highest paid criminals around and you knew it had to do with the case you were currently working on.
And even if you just wanted to go home after work and take a fucking break from having a scowl on your face all day, you knew you didn't really have a choice.
Your blank response made him send the tailors towards you, beginning to take measures of your body for them. It wasn't until you had to physically stop them with your arms out.
“I actually have a dress of my own I plan on wearing, no need for all this." Your lips curved up to a smile as the men bowed in apology and went back to Bakugo.
The blond man stood quiet, letting you know to be ready by eight and to leave early if you felt it was necessary. An excuse to leave early? Of course you would take it.
You found yourself frantically fixing your make up while the time read 7:54. You didn't know it would take so much for your curly hair to come to an understanding with you, and with the way time was looking, you were in for an argument once Bakugou arrived downstairs.
He had informed you that he and his driver were going to pick you up so you could arrive together to remove any suspicion from the villains, and you honestly thought it was just an excuse for him to make sure you looked good enough for him.
After finally fixing the eyelash that was threatening to come off, you made sure you were set before reaching for the dress you had been dying to wear. It was an expensive piece, one gifted to you by a close friend that you had never come around to wearing.
It was a tight fitted, spaghetti strap, satin dress. It was a dark vermillion red with a runched up top that tighten against your breasts to lift them up.
It also had a beautiful simple back, only being connected by strings weaving in from side to side as if it were shoelaces. It went past your feet, dragging on the floor in an elegant way, and also had a slit running up landing precisely on your upper thigh.
It was beautiful, and even though it was probably going to be ruined somehow, it was something you were excited to wear.
You slipped on the garter first, a simple black material that tightened against the skin above the slit on your thigh. You shoved a covered knife in it, making sure to prepare for the worst of course.
Finally slipping the dress on, you realized you had absolutely no time to tie the strings in the back as you heard an obnoxious honking from outside your apartment complex, paired with your phone buzzing unbearably.
Without even answering it, you shoved your phone in between your breasts, and grabbed your small, black handbag that had some extra lipgloss, your wallet, and your will to leave since you know you might lose it tonight by spending it with your boss.
The ringing continued as you rolled your eyes and made sure your black strap heels were tight enough before spraying on some extra perfume and running out the door.
Your dress clung to your hand as you used your other to push through doors and scrunch your hair up. It wasn't long before you were finally outside, the honking ceasing as you finally reached the extremely long limousine. You had no time to gawk though, because soon enough the driver, Kari, opened the door for you.
“Apologizes on behalf of Mr. Bakugo, Mrs. [Y/L/N]. He will be meeting us at the location to ensure the safety of both of you." His voice rang through your ears as you tried your hardest not to roll your eyes at the man.
You got in the car with a smile, having it quickly drop as you furrowed your eyebrows and tried your hardest not to bite your lips. You weren't sitting in front of your small mirror for nothing. As the car drove off, you watched your apartment complex disappear and leaned back against the seat.
Made me rush my ass through my make-up just to not show up? What an asshole, you huffed in your seat, taking your phone out from your chest and glancing out the window some more.
back to masterlist | next part
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themightyaliendwarf · 3 years
I’m pissed
I’m honestly terrified of what’s happening in my country right now. The shear amount of violence, hate and lack of education makes me really scared about the well-being of my fellow Polish people. But let’s start from the beginning: 1. “You are either with us or against us!” - Even ancient people knew that it’s easier to rule if your citizen separate themselves into groups that despise each other. That’s what currently happens in Poland (and USA, and most likely in different parts of the world). You are either with the ruling party or against it. Nazi or communist. Pro birth or pro choice. Catholic or heretic. There is no in-between. Or at least, that’s what the government wants. The worst part is that the succeed  2. The government failed to stop the pandemic. People are standing in queues to get a vaccine and you know what? They won’t get it because there are none! You want to get tested? Well, good luck, you have to wait at least a month! Oh, you need to go to the hospital? That’s to bad because we don’t have beds. 3. You know what they did to hide the state of medical care? On the night of 27.01.2021 the abortion ban was published. Now you can’t abort a fetus that most likely will be born dead. Or at the very least, the baby will be suffering due to a serious disease. TO HIDE THEIR FALIURE THEY ARE MAKING WOMEN TO BECOME WALKING COFFINS! I’m sorry, there is no better way to describe it. I can’t stress it enough, nobody is making you to have an abortion. It’s about the CHOICE. But the government knows better, so be stupid people, we will tell you what to think.  4. You know what that means? Incoming protests. Sure, let’s make people walk the streets during an actual pandemic! How detached you have to be to do it? Or rather, how inhumane?  5. If you are an LGBTQA+ (like myself), just stop. What, you expect to have rights? To stay at home? To be respected? Oh, no, no, no... you see, we are a Catholic country. We love everyone as long as they they are /normal/. Do I even need to say how disgusting that is?  6. Btw. if you are not Catholic, that’s too bad. You will have to attend church classes until middle school and memories catholic doctrine. What? You are not catholic (like myself)? That’s too bad. By the way, I hope you don’t mind if we give your tax money to church organisations and specifically that one priest who has his own radio and television station? You see, he tells people to vote for one and only political party, so we owe him a couple of milion.  7. AND DON’T FORGET ABOUT HISTORY! Yeah, let’s hate Germans, Russians, British and French (because WW II)! Let’s hate Jewish people because nobody remembers that Polish people also suffered during the war (I wish I was joking). Why build future if we can keep talking about XVII and XX century?  I’m sorry for this rant. I don’t normally want to write things like that, but I reached my breaking point today. Anyway, please, be kind to each other. Be skeptics and don’t just believe what others tell you. Find reliable sources of information. Don’t let your culture, religion or gut-feeling cloud your judgment. We are all people and we deserve to live without anyone telling us that there is something wrong with us
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nevtelenwriting · 4 years
Drabble, Royed, Lingerie
Okay, look, I just. I saw a picture and I had to supply.
If you ship Royed please look at this gorgeous art: https://twitter.com/hskuldrrr/status/1324781623414587394?s=21
Pairings: Roy Mustang/Edward Elric, Ed’s at least 22
Word Count: 1,200~
Rating: I guess Mature? No porn (yeah I know shocker) but ya know, lingerie.
Spoilers for End of Series
**btw this is FMAB compliant**
Never let it be said that Ed wasn’t an amazing fucking boyfriend.
Thing was Ed knew that when it came to risk-reward, Roy was the one gambling a hell of a lot more on this rocky thing they had than Ed ever could.
Ed saved the world. Ed made the “ultimate sacrifice,” though alchemy or Alphonse wasn’t a difficult damn choice. Ed had transcended to legendary status to all those who weren’t there on the Promised Day, unsure of where reality ended and bolstered folklore began. He was just a guy, for fuck’s sake.
Anyway, Amestris owed Ed too much to balk or side-eye any future decisions he made. Ed could dress up like a clown and recite Shakespeare from the top of the capitol and everyone would tearfully remember the time he punched a god in the face.
He was untouchable. Roy on the other hand, was not.
Roy still had aspirations. After a few years people realized maybe a military state wasn’t the best thing to keep on going, and the position of Fuhrer was renounced in favor of a functioning parliament and prime minister. Naturally the ambitious bastard had his eyes set for that top stop anyway. And by god, Roy deserved it. Roy was the best person for it. Roy that had sacrificed so much, dragged through the muck and came out blazing—pun intended—still wanted to do good in a world that kept chewing him up. He helped rebuild Ishval and refused to take any credit, deemed it merely, “a little red wiped from my ledger.” He was a front-runner on the petitions to give state rights to all the lands annexed, and finally stop the damn border wars.
Roy was in the public eye, under harsh scrutiny all the time, every action balanced for pros and cons, and he had no business adding defamation and scandal to that pile. Roy still decided to be loving in a cruel world and ask Ed to dinner. He refused to shy away from the people that shouted awful, slanderous things to him about dating Ed, calmly explaining that they were colleagues now, and friends, and that feelings arose when Ed was twenty-two.
Roy was just…really awesome, okay? And Ed really didn’t feel like he deserved him some days.
So this was the least he could do. Didn’t make Ed any less of an awesome fucking boyfriend.
Ed realized startingly quickly he had no traditional feminine influences anywhere in his life. Winry and Paninya were useless, because the weird couples’ things they did usually involved looking at the merits of mortar shells in prosthetics.
Ed would sooner gouge his own eyes out than ask Pinako. Same was true for Izumi.
Ed almost, almost asked Olivier.
Instead Ed ended up in the most traumatizing conversation of his life with none other than the Emperor of Xing, Ling Yao himself, who knew an uncomfortable amount of information on the topic. He either blocked out Mei and Al shouting in the background or blacked out, he wasn’t entirely sure.
One traumatizing yet enlightening conversation later, apparently some places in Xing had specialty clothing shops for, er, men with protruding endowments. Ling sent some to Ed as a house-warming gift for “taming the Mustang” and Ed nearly risked a month through scorching desert to assassinate the ruler of Xing.
God dammit, Ed was the best boyfriend. He earned an endless supply of sex, breadsticks, premium conditioner, and no short jokes.
Ed adjusted the straps in the mirror with another dissatisfied grimace, shifting his weight back and forth from automail to flesh. Nothing shifted too obscenely out of place. He didn’t want to risk ripping the stocking on the slats of metal so he just decided to skip that leg. If Roy was into ripping this shit, he could revisit. But Roy was talking to Ling about why he needed custom goddamn lingerie again.
Ed sighed at his reflection, fixing the edges for the umpteenth time. He didn’t feel sexy. He felt ridiculous. The top barely covered half of his chest, exposing his scarred-up belly and the angry mass of gnarled tissue at his shoulder. The lace was chafing his fucking asscheeks. At least the sheer fabric felt nice on his dick. And on his nipples. Beside the point.
Mustang better damn well appreciate this. Mustang risked political suicide for him, Ed could risk a week of lace burn.
Ed stared at himself in the mirror, and he looked irritated at himself. Ed sighed, rolled his shoulders, and tried for a sultry look.
He looked constipated.
Ed grimaced and tried again, conjuring up the muscle memory of whatever the hell his face did when Roy was between his legs and—okay, he did not need to get hard right now.
Besides, the faces he made to that was just a…no. Roy was absolutely feeding him bullshit when he said Ed looked sexy when he was about to come.
Ed wasn’t bad looking. He knew that. But he wasn’t exactly a looker, not like Roy. He was less sultry seductor and more cobbled together scar tissue and spite. Less spite in the more recent years, given the weight he’d finally lifted from his shoulders.
For all his griping and groaning, life was good. Ed didn’t know how he’d gotten this lucky in life, not after the brutal mistakes he made. How the hell his stars had aligned to give him Alphonse, his family, a future, and Roy, Ed would never know, and he would never be ungrateful.
Ed caught his own eye in the mirror, and startled at it. Well, maybe he’d just have to think like a sap, because that wasn’t a half-bad smile.
Ed jumped at the sound of the door slamming. Shit, Roy got home early. He wasn’t supposed to be home for another half-hour. Shit, dammit.
Ed looked forlornly over to the bed, where he’d planned to pull a Mustang with candles and a sexy-sprawl, fully clothed so Roy could open him like a gift.
Oh well. Improvise time.
“Edward? If you’re up for it I was thinking of going to that new…”
Roy trailed off when he opened their bedroom door, his keys falling from his hand as his eyes widened on Ed. Well, so far so good.
Ed resisted crossing his arms, instead fidgeted by balling his fists open and closed at his sides, and tried for a smile. “Happy birthday?”
Roy couldn’t decide where to look. He darted to Ed’s face, the thin straps over his shoulders, the triangles of fabric barely covering his pecs. He dragged his eyes down to his waist, the lacy belt cinched below his navel, the sheer black fabric covering his crotch leaving nothing to the imagination. Down his stockinged leg, back up to his face, mouth still open.
Ed’s smile went a little less awkward and a hell of a lot more teasing. “You’re gonna catch flies, Roy.”
Roy snapped his mouth shut. He purposefully tossed his bag in the hallway, made several quick strides to Ed and pulled him into a searing kiss.
“You—you,” Roy gasped against his mouth, and then gushed, “You look radiant.”
“And you’re a thesaurus as always,” Ed laughed into the kiss, cupping his jaw and adding, “Look, you’re impossible to shop for, so I figured, why not feed into your pervy fetish and give you me?”
Roy dropped his head to Ed’s shoulder with a groan.
“I’ll take that as a good sign?”
“A very good sign,” Roy confirmed into his neck, and Ed shivered when he placed a wet kiss there, “You—I do not deserve you.”
Ed’s face warmed, and he murmured, “Yeah, back at you.”
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laufire · 3 years
Supernatural s2
I’m halfway through s3 already (technically a rewatch, but there were episodes I didn’t watch the first time around), so this post is a little overdue lol. At this rhythim the posts will overlap. Plus I’m hoping I can finish s4-5 during the holidays to see the ~intended ending~ before I have to slow down on the binge-watch. After that, a season a month sounds achievable AND won’t take longer than 2021 xD
-Overall, I’ve enjoyed it more than the first one, but at the same time I’ve found myself missing how... claustrophobic? Insular? Compact? That one was. s2 was about the world opening up just a little bit more, introducing new characters to the brothers’ life, etc. I do love the detail that this is something that can only have, narratively speaking, once John is dead. Again: this show gets abusive families, consciously or not.
-The foreshadowing is beautifully done. 15 seasons make for a lot of unintentional and ironic foreshadowing later on, I’m sure, but the purposeful foreshadowing is superb this season. About the crossroads deals, of course, but especially about John’s last words. I already knew he’d told Dean he might have to kill Sam (father of the year, seriously. Though I side-eye the fandom even more for always having acted as if this is only awful for Dean lol), so I was hyperaware of every single detail. My favourite moment was the absolute horror of hearing Gordon proudly, cheerfully relate how he murdered his sister when she became a vampire (which, btw, as someone that’s still bitter about what went down with the Gunn siblings on Angel, I found it healing to see something like that treated as a horror story).
-Speaking of Gordon: I unashamedly love his character lmfao. Sterling K. Brown is mesmerizing, always. At the same time, I have serious mixed feelings (especially after seeing his arc in full in s3) because man, if it isn’t a racist mess. I’ve mentioned this before, but it’s not exactly revolutionary that the first time we see the story from the monster’s POV (something I want the show to do! Often!), it’s when white monsters are stalked and brutalized by our first black hunter. Especifically a white woman, btw (although I’m happy to see Tara Maclay as a brunette vampire. I didn’t know I needed that in my life, but I did). And you can tell that the show thinks it’s just so SMART and FUNNY to have a ~racist black hunter!! I mean, the comment about how psychic kids would be “betraying their race” if they allied with demons?? FFS.
And ofc there’s the fact that he’s condemned for the exact same type of stuff that makes Dean be hailed as a hero lmfao. Though I won’t like, I love the moment where, faced with the comparison, Dean’s response is “I might be like you, I might not. But you’re the one tied up.” I love those kinds of character moments. As of s2 I officially have a love-hate relationship with Dean Winchester, I hate it here xDD
But still, on his own, Gordon is an amazing character (it’s one of the most frustrating things about the show, the greatness tainted by the bigotry :))). Charismatic, terrifying, and ofc superbly acted. Also, I love that the fact that he praised John (as opposed to every other hunter having a rockier relationship with him) is clearly supposed to be a red flag LMFAO.
-I enjoy how the seasons delves more deeply into Sam’s ~~dark origins, since it was my fave thing about him way back when. I’m already mourning the (as I suspect) lost of his powers, ngl. There’s a little more attention in how he tends to over-identify with supernatural creatures struggling with their ~dark sides too (bitch me too, the fuck xD), which I LOVE to see (among other reasons because at least in that way we get a little of their POV in the forefront lol). One of my favourites in that sense was the episode centered around the ghost-who-didn’t-know-she-was-ghost, played by Tricia Helfer. I clocked early one what was going on, but it was still very enjoyable, especially with Sam’s empathy with her (contrasted by Dean being a total bitch about it, btw. I can’t believe I still see post about how Dean is all heart/kindness/compassion/whatever the fuck. Dean is all about selective empathy and only when it conveniences him, pls).
I was more divided on the episode with Madison the werewolf, tbh. OTOH it put Sam in a better position, for a change xD. As the one willing to make The Hard Choices by fulfilling his promise to kill her because she was dangerous, even when Dean offered to ~take the burden from him. OTOH I hate that kind of thing lol. YOU GUYS KNOW A HUNTER PRO LIKE BOBBY, I BET HE COULD’VE FIGURED OUT SOMETHING TO CONTAIN HER A FEW NIGHTS A MONTH. Also, my immediate reaction was to compare this to when my man Angel had a crush on a werelady and helped her every month lmfao. But then, very few characters can withstand a comparison with Angel, in any sense :P
I also liked Sam’s subplot with his fellow demon-psychic kids, though I wish it’d lasted longer :/ (also: RME at the queer girl dying almost immediately AND her power being killing people, her girlfriend first of all, with her touch. The black guy was the last one to die at least...?). My fave was Ava, by far. I loved her since her reaction to helping Sam stealing a psychiatrist’s records was yelling “I’M AWESOME!!”. It made it easy to buy that someone that appeared so mundane, with her easy life and her fiance and whatnot, would become so power hungry and go off the rails, IMO.
BTW: RME at Dean being all “oh Sam is going too dark/becoming to cold” when Sam kills Jake. Jake ripped off his spine and killed him first!! It both amuses me and infuriates me all the times Dean tries to push Sam to be more like himself and then freaks out whenever Sam is not all sunshine and rainbows (while still remaining, IMO, far less cold than Dean himself. Besides, it’s not easy to be colder than Dean, lol).
Lastly, a little character detail I loved was when Sam was jealous about Dean being in the federal database but not himself lmfao. 
-I loved the new foreshadowing crumb with Sam finding out Mary knew the demon, too (information he’ll withhold from Dean, which I approve of LOL). I mean, I know exactly what’s up, I’ve watched most of s4 xD (also, what is UP with this family and making deals with demons. Everyone but Sam so far!! And then HE gets dragged for ~getting too close to one smh. Maybe lead by example!! Also also: yes, it was meant to be ambiguous, but I can’t help but notice the only kiss-pact -or further, depending to how close YED was to Lilith’s levels, since to make a deal with her you have to fuck xD- we didn’t see was the one that must’ve happened between John and YED. Cowards!! xD). Still. I’m so curious about her. Her resurrection is one of the main reasons I’m determined to make it to the later seasons, ngl.
-Another thing I LOVED about this season is how they used sibling relationships to parallel/foreshadow stuff about the brothers, the way s1 did often with fathers. I’ve already mentioned Gordon and his sister, but the others are not less brutal imo: Andy having to kill his evil twin, who wanted him all for himself (... Dean is that you xD); the little girl’s ghost who wanted her grand-niece to commit suicide to stay with her, and didn’t give in until her old sister agreed to die in her place. It was chilling. Also, at one point the parallel was between the brothers and a married couple (the ghost-who-didn’t-know-she-was-a-ghost) and asñdlfkajsf. I’m guessing they had fun with the shippers lol.
Speaking of the brothers’ relationship, this season also goes a little further in escalating the violence between them, when Dean punches Sam in the face and he refuses to respond (“you can hit me all you want, it won’t change anything”. Fuck), or when Dean again punches Sam after Sam was possessed by Meg ¬¬
-Going back to my love-hate relationship with Dean, lmfao. My biggest beef remains how much validation his POV gets from the narrative, granted or not; he’s one of the most irritating cases of protagonist-centered morality and I know it’s only going to get worse smh. At least this season it feels a little more balanced than in s1, with episodes like the one where the civilian Sam had tried to keep away dies halfway through the ep because Dean allowed him to get involved, for example. Still, it grates on me xD. The continuing prison rape jokes/demonic possession rape jokes (with Meg and Sam), his general grossness with women and his lack of sympathy for non-humans even when they’re not trying to hurt anyone don’t exactly help. Also, I often see him praised for some of his political views, a lot of which I agree with (his mistrust of cops, saying convicts don’t deserve to die no matter what they do), but when contrasted with his general attitude across the show it’s really grating ngl.
But then he has such AMAZING character details thrown in, that make me appreciate him as a POV character nonetheless, as much as I often want to curb stomp the guy xD. I loved his speech about how there’s no such thing as a dignified death. I love how he refused to come near his mother’s grave, both at the beginning and at the end of the episode (this show is like, the cure to DCCW’s shows false fuzzy sentimentality istg). I love his pop-culture references, like when Sam mentions Dean always thought OJ was the murderer or Dean jokes about freeing Katie Holmes from Scientology’s cult xD (sometimes it really hits you how old this show is lol). I enjoyed his Wishverse episode, and his lines after Sam dies/he sells his soul to save him (“I had one job”, “my life can mean something”) hit HARD.
But most of all? I LOVE how and why he starts losing respect for John. It’s so fucking cold and abrupt and makes so much sense!! Like, yes, part of it is John’s message about killing Sam (... again, father of the year!), but most of all it’s about John making a pact with a demon and dying TO SAVE DEAN (and probably, simply that he died at all. That shit de-mystifies anyone). IT’S SO FUCKING GREAT TO WATCH. “He spent his life chasing that demon. He was supposed to die fighting, not making a deal with the damn thing. That was supposed to be his legacy, not this." Damn, Dean xDD. The *contempt* with which he said that killed me.
I also love his inherently atheist vision of the world (even if yes, it’s extremely funny knowing this show has canon God and angels and shit -no Jesus Christ though, which I find endlessly funny-, or that they actually meet the archangel Gabriel in disguise xD. Either way, the episode with the fake angel and its foreshadowing was hilarious), his anti-destiny stance, and that it’s him and not John who gets to kill YED.
-I liked Ellen and Jo. Not LOVED, but I liked them. I keep fearing that secondary (especially female) characters will feel empty/shallow but the show keeps proving me wrong, even with one-episode wonders, and at first I wasn’t sure about them, but I was sold quickly. Partially because of the actresses, they both had this... humanizing, endearing quality? It worked really well.  I also loved the explicit contrast between John and Ellen’s parenting styles, with Ellen wanting Jo to return to school and be safe from the hunt, and Jo wanting something different. Also, I wouldn’t ship it if you paid me, but LOL at anyone who actually buys Dean sees Jo as a ~little sister just because MEG said that rme.
This show is just REALLY good when it comes to giving depth to a character with only a couple of brush strokes, which makes it all the more frustrating when they abruptly die or disappear to never be seen again/only once more (to abruptly die!) :)))
I was less sold on Ash; he was amusing, but having a Genius Hacker TM helping them out seemed like the beginning of increasingly giving the brothers ways of deux ex machina-ing them out of problems, when one of my favourite things about the show is seeing them creatively find ways out themselves. I like when they’re competent! Like with the multitude of codes they have to improvise plans, like in the episode where with two words through a lawyer they implemented a quick scheme so that Sam would escape from a police precinct. I like that stuff.
-I’m still so bitterly jealous about the dead man’s blood hurting vampires detail. SO BITTERLY JEALOUS. I love a lot of what this show does with its lore but that little bit is the worst offender. I want it so bad xD
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cozyforjate · 4 years
Tesla + Bell + Edition + Mac
Wow... This episode felt like it was from a whole other show. But i enjoyed it. Here's what i liked about this episode:
1-Dreamworld was sick! All those scenes were shot and acted so well. The last scene with Mac and his mom, where he finally recognizes her was awesome. Kudos to Lucas Till! I also loved the Mac and Tesla scene. Tesla is Mac from 1920's. LOL 
Btw everything and everyone that have been bothering Mac were presented in the dreamworld AKA Mac’s subconscious: 
Dark Mac was a representation of his own pro Codex thoughts that he was too ashamed to face, 
He saw his mom coz he was scared of her being "evil", 
The guy Mac had to sacrifice to save thousands in episode 9 was there to haunt him,
Bell and Edison calling him a “killer” twisted the knife, 
Donnie the bully was there bcoz lately he is feeling weak, afraid and desperate,
And also his relationship with Desi was represented as a painting that actually belonged to a father&daughter... That's an odd choice by the writers isnt it? Perhaps Mac’s subconscious is telling him that it’s not right to pursue something that isn’t working? 
2-Mac making Desi and Riley apocalypse kits. The fact that he knows Riley's favorite snack makes me sooo happy.
3-While Desi is having fun with her new toy, Riley already knew what that kits really meant.  I'm glad she didnt stay silent this time. At least instead of "its nothing" we got an actual answer from Mac.
4- Riley sharing her worries for Mac with Desi. At least someone's sharing things with her. I think Desi wasn't aware how serious the situation was untill Riley pointed it out, first at Mac's place and then at the library. Mac is not just sad, he is in a very dark state right now and i believe that Riley will play a big role on bringing him back to his true self.
5- Riley fell asleep playing a game??? She is too cute! 
6- "Good morning sleepyhead!" Mac to Riley... And then Mac asking Riley for help in his new science project LOL (too bad Desi woke up)
7- Russ... Seriously i'm in love with that character. He just speaks and im grinning like an idiot.
8- Finally Matty and Bozer get more screentime. IT WAS ABOUT DAMN TIME!
9- The plot twist in the end. I mean WTF?! What is that mean? Was it a way to show us that the DARPA drug had side effects or was it a metaphor of Mac embracing his dark side? I just need episode 11-12-13 today! I can’t wait dammit!
10- I did not enjoy the MacDesi fest but i feel sorry for Desi a little bit. She really cares about Mac and wants their relationship to be more than just a physical need. She wants to reach out to Mac, she wants him to share his thoughts and feelings with her. But Mac is not giving her that. 3 episodes and 3 failed attempts at making Mac open up. At this point i feel like Mac's using physical closeness as a way to distract himself and also to dodge Desi's attempts at bonding emotionally. 
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burnedbyshoto · 5 years
Seven Days Late
todoroki shouto x reader
warnings: angst, drinking((characters are 22 y/o btw))
word count: 2,197
A/N: so i was in a bit of an angsty mood, and i attempted a piece, so lets see if its actual angst. also my inbox is open for requests :D
Part Two
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Things were wonderful, or so you thought.
Most days all you did was smile, laugh, and be loved. Shouto had been the love of your life for so long, he had been there in every up and down, and even encouraging your choice of aiming to be the number one hero while competing with your former classmates, himself included.
He had loved you through every fight, every battle, every trip to the hospital, and even the one time his life seemed to fall apart before his eyes. So what you couldn’t understand was why he suddenly disappeared from your shared apartment. Why he was avoiding your calls, texts, and even the email you sent to his hero agency.
It had been a week and you’ve heard nothing regarding him besides on the news when he had done something prominent as a Pro-Hero. You hadn’t had the opportunity to actually go out scouring for him, being busy with hero duties yourself, but you knew he was probably either over at Midoriya’s or Sero’s apartment. Furthermore, you knew that if he was this insistent on avoiding you, it would be something you should wait out.
Nevertheless, you continued sitting by the kitchen table refusing to go find him because you knew Shouto, and you knew he’d come back.
But it was killing you.
Your heart ached. Tears building up in your eyes as you tried to remember the last day he was here, trying to desperately recount if you had done something, anything, wrong.
There was a small part of you, however, the part that was screaming at you to wake up and realize that you were going to be getting dumped soon. To realize that you should just start preparing yourself so that when it came you wouldn’t bawl in front of him, but simply nod and be done with it. But that wasn’t happening today.
You picked up your phone for the tenth time today, the 170th time this week, and called Shouto. 
Riiing. Riiing. Ri– This is Todoroki, sorry I couldn’t pick up, try again later. The voicemail looped through your mind, swimming around in your brain as a few lone tears broke away. You sniffled a bit while the now-familiar beep to signal the start of your own message for him sounded, and you wiped away the lone tears.
“H-Hey Shouto, uh, it’s me again, y/n. I just wanted to call one last time because I’m just worried…” You let out a shaky breath and your voice cracked, “W-Why won’t you j-just pick up? Where are you…”
You hung up the call and threw down the phone, another call sent to voicemail, another text left on read and it was just becoming this depressing cycle. By all that was right in this universe, you were exhausted.
Standing up, you went over to the fridge and pulled out a glass of wine you and Shouto were saving for your third anniversary, which was two days ago. Pulling off the cork, you wasted no time in chugging down as much of the bitter liquid as you could until it burned to breathe. Gasping, you tore the bottle from your lips, turning off your cell phone you slumped onto the kitchen chairs and drank another long, slow chug.
“Do you want to move in with me?” You asked suddenly, looking over at Shouto who had been in the middle of ranting about how much his father annoyed him.
He blinked once. Twice.
“If you have the room for me?”
Your heart only continued to race as a blush covered your cheeks, you pressed a finger to your chin as if you were contemplating whether there was room or not. 
“It’ll be a tight fit since your room is the size of my apartment, but there should be enough space.” You teased him, but a memory flashed in your mind making you puff out your cheeks, “But no completely redecorating the room! My landlady will have a heart attack if you changed the room to look like your room or the dorms!”
“I would never want you to get in trouble because of me,” Shouto whispered as the silent agreement of him coming to live with you was settled.
You scoffed at the memory as you nursed the bottle in your arms, bringing it up again to your lips. If he was going to break up with you, why did he make you fall so in love with him?
Crashing through the hallways, you helped an intoxicated Shouto to his room.
After meeting up with your classmates from U.A. and with everyone finally being legal to drink, Midoriya, Bakugo, and Shouto had gone a little… too "Plus Ultra" on the drinking as they all asserted they could outlast the other. Where did it get them? Midoriya was blacked out on the bar with a tipsy Uraraka swearing that she would get him home safely. Bakugo had to be taken to the Emergency Room to get his stomach pumped, Kirishima and Kaminari had taken him although they too were hammered. Now Shouto was with you; Yaoyorozu and Jirou offered you a ride back to your place, as Yaoyorozu was sober since she was too embarrassed about making a fool of herself in public.
You had thanked your friends over a million times on the car ride back to your apartment as you tried to steady the ready-to-knock-out Shouto, it wasn’t that you were plastered, but you definitely were not restrained enough to handle the drunken mess that was Shouto. 
“Ow.” Shouto groaned as he walked straight into the corner of the door despite the best of your ability.
“Shit, sorry!” You apologized as you pulled him through the doorway of his room. You pulled him to his bed and sat him down, he bounced on the bed with a light chuckle as you started to untie his shoelaces.
“Come on, Todoroki-kun, work with me here!” You complained as the drunk man refused to let you take off his shoes.
“My toes get cold.”
“I’m not taking off your socks!”
After a small debate with the drunken Shouto, you managed to get his shoes off and his body under his covers. You were sober enough to be embarrassed about stripping off his clothes.
“Y/n.” He called out for you as you stood up ready to leave to your own room.
“Yes?” You answered, stopping in the doorframe.
“I think,” He yawned sleepily, a goofy smile on his face, “I think I’m in love with you…”
Fat tears welled down your face as yet another chug of wine did nothing to help with the pain, if anything it seemed to intensify your depression by making you remember the good times. You peered at the currently blurred bottle in your hand and pouted at the nearly empty bottle, and with a bittersweet chuckle, you downed the rest.
Shouto accidentally woke you up early that morning, his back to you as he sat on the bed getting ready. You stayed in your laying position and stretched your arms above your head, a sleepy yawn escaping your lips.
“Good morning, Shoucchan.” You greeted him, and he stilled on the bed, not turning around.
“Morning.” He replied.
“You go in today? I thought today was your day off?” You asked, noticing his costume on.
“No, it is my day off, uh, I got called in. Something about an emergency.” Shouto responded flatly. You knew he was lying, but seeing how stiff he was, you decided to go along with it.
You propped yourself up off the bed, squinting at the dim light of your nightstand. ”Mm, well, be home on time, Midoriya, Iida, and Uraraka are coming over for dinner, remember.”
Shouto finally turned to face you, the small smile on his face was tight but he nodded his head. Pressing his lips to your free hand, he whispered goodbye and left you after turning off the lights.
“I love you, Shoucchan.” You called after him.
“And I, you.”
When dinner came, Shouto never showed up. You sat at the kitchen table confused, apologizing to your friends on his tardiness. But as the evening continued, no amount of laughter and chatter lessened your uncomfortableness about the empty chair beside you.
“I’m sure he’s okay, y/l/n-chan, I bet he just got held up!” Uraraka stated as she bundled up at apartment doorway, moving her hair from being trapping by her collar.
“Yes, Todoroki-san is very responsible. I am highly certain that it was something outside of his control, let him know we missed his company.” Iida agreed with a nod, his hand waving robotically.
“Call us otherwise!” Midoriya reassured you, squeezing your arm, but you laughed off their concerns.
“I’m sure he’ll be home soon, sorry about that though. Next time you come around, hopefully, he won’t be gone!” You waved your hands as you walked your friends out, waving at them as they left together.
As you walked back into your apartment, you sent Shouto a text before getting ready for bed.
Your head hurt.
A low pulsing throb seemed to resonate throughout your entire body. Dazed and confused, you realized that you had fallen asleep on the kitchen table, but it must’ve still been a small time-lapse because the alcohol was now firmly buzzing through your body.
“Come on, y/l/n, let’s get to bed.” A voice whispered.
It was Shouto.
“W-What?” You garbled, feeling his arms supporting you as he helped you to your feet. “W-Wait, no!” You protested twisting your body to get out of his grasp. You managed to break free, only to stumble away, your breathing palpitating.
“You’re drunk, y/l/n, you need to be in bed.” Shouto reasoned with you, his eyes trained on you like he was dealing with an immature toddler.
“No!” You repeated, standing your ground while swaying while you stared at him directly, not flinching away from the direct eye contact you were making. “I don’t want too!”
Your lips found the lip of the bottle, but there was nothing left, and quickly after Shouto took it from you and put it onto the table.
“Please, come on, y/l/n, it’s late…” Shouto pleaded lightly, obviously trying not to anger you.
It didn’t work.
“It’s late? How a-about you’re late!” You slurred slightly, your eyebrows furrowing as you glared at your boyfriend, was he still your boyfriend? “You’re seven days late, Shoucchan, and w-what… I don’t get an explanation?? Only a c-command to get to bed, oh please.” You scoffed, you could feel your throat tightening as he just stared blankly at you, but you knew he was annoyed.
“You’re drunk, I am not going to explain myself when you’re not sober,” Shouto explained, his irritation slowly rising to the surface.
“Oh, you’re not?! B-Because what, I’m–I’m too emotional when I’m drunk? I’m not an i-idiot, Shouto, I know you’re breaking up with me!” You spat out, your bottom lip trembled as tears fell down your cheeks unchecked.
The lack of an answer or denial is what really made you choke back a sob.
“Unbelievable…” You whisper to yourself, and those words echo in Shouto’s ears.
“Stop…” You wheeze out, your body trembling like a leaf, “You don’t call me y/l/n anymore, you haven’t in years… don’t pretend you’re not here to end things.”
The room grows silent except for the broken sobs leaving your mouth despite your best effort to be quiet. You looked at him, but his face was just blank and a crushing awareness hit you.
“You d-didn’t even care, even a little bit?” You gasp, unable to catch your breath, you grasped the chair for support as your head fell to your chest. “I’ve spent all this time wondering and worrying about you. You didn’t think of me once, huh?”
Your eyebrows are scrunched, and your words are pointed, stabbing at him with all you had. “You’re unbelievable.”
“It hasn’t been as easy as you think,” Shouto said, disagreeing with your accusations, but you shook your head not believing anything coming out from him. “I never thought I’d be the one to hurt you…”
“Don’t pretend you care when you’re already one foot out the door,” You hissed, stepping closer to him with a finger jabbing into his chest. “Get out of my apartment, Todoroki.”
You watched in increasing anger as he stood still, his eyes swimming with so many emotions that you just could not understand.
“GET OUT NOW!” You shriek as you shove him roughly, your lips curled into a snarl. “GET THE FUCK OUT!”
You strained and forced Shouto to move, repeating the same four words until he was now outside of your apartment.
“I’m sorry.” He whispers but you slam the door in his face, tears flowing down your face and his.
You stormed over to the wine bottle and threw it at the door with a vicious shriek, and the energy was knocked out of you. 
Sinking to the floor, feeling weak as wretched sobs left your lips. You remained on a pile of broken glass shards and you trembled.
You loved him, but still, he was gone.
A/N: ahaha uh, well, part two? anyone? no? but omg thank you for the support ive been given by you all, it makes me so happy <3
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yoongusworld · 4 years
title –> Lifetime
genre –> smut , one sided love , nurse and pianist reader x pianist ,heir yoongi! oneshot.
characters –> bts! yoongi x reader , y/n ,dahyun.
this is based on imagination,character used exists but this is only a fanfiction.
i would like to give credits for some lines i will use
-hardfactzquotes,poise,blogkiat,themindsjournal.com,the last part i there is no watermark so i dont know who owns that but ctto.
my mom said that love can conquer all.the most scariest thing i don't want to experience is heartbreak but i you need to fall inlove and feel your heart break.One sided love is beautiful yet a heartbreak.No expectations,nothing in return,just pure love.Yet it hurts,no doubt. but nothing can be as beautiful as one sided love story.
"y/n honey! wake up! you'll be late for you practice daughter!" those words are loud.i'm sleepy.
"moooom~i practiced all night my fingers feel numb and my piano seems sad like it wants to give up~" i lazily replied to my mother.
"honey..you play for patients in the hospital you need to inspire them with your music,you said that right? plus payment is high you can add that when you leave or you want me to just pay--" i cut my moms words and said
"uuuuuugh--mom i know we have lots of money but i don't want to depend on your money its not that im not accepting your hardworks its just i want to prove everyone that i will not just depend on how rich we are. i know i can do it" i know i can.
"i know honey..i believe in you,you're the best choice i chose in my whole life and i know you never done anything wrong because youre my daughter,i love you honey...now get up!!" she said and patted my legs.
"love you too mom..here i come practice!!" and we both laugh. i love my mom. she supported me in every aspects of my life,every journey of my chilhood,teenage and being an adult and i will repay all her hardwork as my mom and as my dad.
after taking a quick bath i head to our kitchen to see what my mom cooks for breakfast and eat.
"bye y/n honey..please be safe. don't forget to put ointment on you finger,okay?" she pecked my cheeks like i'm a little child and said goodbye.
"bye mom!!" i drove to my practice place where aspiring pianists are really trying their best to learn more about piano.I'm not saying that im already a pro but i am really good at this. the're will be a program in a hospital where they will choose one pianist to play at 'bringing back patients to life with music program' sounds like they're already dead? and i was the chosen one.lucky me.there's a guy here who doesn't even talk and always seems..lonely.i am curious about him even i know shouldn't,i dont know its just like..he got me. going inside the practice room everybodys eyes are all on me even the piano teacher.
"Well goodmorning ms.lee,the chosen one. Everyone i forgot to tell y'all that y/n is going to play piano at the hospital program,congratulate her" as everyone claps i saw the introvert guy who put his hands together and clap a little. he's cute but he scares me sometimes. after all those claps i sat down next to him. i purposedly sat beside him. "u-um...h-hiii,i'm lee y/n, i see you don't talk too much so–" i thought i was the only one who can cut words,he did cut my words.
"i know you." how?that sounds great i dont need to introduce myself a lot.
"really???but how?" i asked while the piano teacher is doing his business on some sort of things.he is still looking at the lyrics,notes in front of him not even wanting to spare a glance at me.but when he talks he looks at my eyes well its not a look,more like a glare.
"youre mom is a doctor in 'Asan Mecial Center Soul' no wonder they chose you to play in the hospital because your mother is a doctor"he smirked and i was shocked on his words is he saying that i depend on my mom to get inside the program?!
"e-excuse me but i didn't ask any help from anyone i know inside that hospital!" who does he think he is?he look back on his papers not even replying on what i said. he is rude and scary as expected.
"yah!y/n" my friend dahyun hooked me up "what?" i replied. she's on my right side while that rude guy is on my left. "Are you seriously talking to min yoongi?!" she wishpered to me "who?who is yoongi?"i asked confused. "duh its the guy beside you girl!" so his name is yoongi?? "whats up with him?does he really talk rudely to people?!" i asked dahyun slightly mad. "yes!but he's hot isnt he? he is the next heir of the AMCS he is soon the president of the hospital,i heard he finished medicine and piano is just his hobby when he is bored,girl there is no way you dont know him!" it looks like he is that popular. i get more interested.my mom is one of the doctors there yet,i dont heard anything 'bout him.
after piano practice me and my bestfriend dahyun headed to the café. "whats up with you y/n? you seemed so quiet since we talked about yoongi" i still did not answer her question "hey!y/n are going to keep looking on your favorite iced americano?the ice is melting what the hell are you thinking there?!" i really need to ask dahyun since she knows everything about handsome and popular guys. "dahyun,what more you know about yoongi?" i asked im not shy to ask shes my bestfriend i can trust her with all my rants and secrets. "Hmm well they said that yoongi is really introvert not until her girlfriend appear‐-" she have girlfriend. "her girlfriend is the richest before they also said that yoongi wasn't planning to fall for her but he did. but after all their love story is tragic. shin hyemin's car crashed and its almost 1year but she's still in a coma her parents are lacking hope but not yoongi and thats when he turn back being quiet and rude. haish he really love her,i hope i will also have a relationship like them." she pouts and out her hand under her chin. "why are u suddenly interested at him huh? do you have a crush on him?" i don't know actually its just he is interesting,i want to know him.
"no!its because he talks rudely to me,thats why" i protest looking on a big glass window beside our table drinking my melted ice iced americano. "btw y/n the program is going near you only have 2days to look pretty!!" i sighed remembering the program "i know and i know you will help me find a nice outfit for it,right?" she also sighed and just nodded not having any choice "hm well good".
—after two days—
"yah y/n i really love this white dress on you,you indeed look like an angel fallen from the sky!!!" i spin myself like a princess feeling the white dress i am wearing "wow! my daughter is so beautiful!!!" we heard a voice from the door assuming its mom "yes of course auntie,i chose her outfit!" dahyun pouts "haha i know dahyunie thank you very much" i said and playfully hug her "ok bye girls,i need to go early one of the patients are slowly healing" she said then finally go "i wonder whos patient is that,your mom is great" dahyun said "i know now lets go and get readyyy,the program will start in 1hr!!!"
yoongi's pov
two days passed since i start to attend piano class to atleast reduce my stress but still,y/n is always bugging me,i cant get enough of her,she is making me do things i'm not supposed to do before. i was early to visit my girlfriend as always. as expected she's still on her coma,i don't know how long i can wait for her i am the next heir and my father wants me to find a woman that i will soon marry. i love this woman,she's my life. there's a mysterious man that always looking through hyenmins door i asked her parents if they know him or if hyenmin knows that guys but her parents said that they don't know him. Its kinda bothering me but unless as he isn't doing anything it will be fine.
"yoongi,thanks for visiting our daughter but you need to rest." her father said with a eyes of pity.
"no s-sir,i am completely fine" i faked a smile.
"yoongi,son,we told you right? its ok for us if you decided to find someone else its been a almost a year we should give up but you insisted and stay by her side,you are so kind and warm hearted yoongi but please remember this 'if you find someone that will make you happy we are fine with that' we know you always try hard to take care of hyenmin but now im returning your kindness to you and go find someone else"mrs. shin said to me with her eyes that were very teary,tears also escaped my eyes i dont wanna leave her,i can't imagine life without hyenmin even i knew that she hurt me.
"yoongi,you're such a great man. you can be with her until she woke up and explain everything to her we are here for you" his father was never like this he used to dislike me for hyenmin because i was playboy back then but she changed me i was happy with her.
"t-thank you mr and mrs.shin" i cried. "the program will start we'll going down,we heard you love piano. you should watch it too" he smiled at me and get out inside the room where hyenmin was.
ah yeah that stupid girl with her stupid program.she talks a lot like you hyenmin and moves like you. what should i do? she's more likely like you but u know that i will never replace you with anyone even you replaced me.
your pov
yup!!this is it y/n you can freaking do this,its just sick people,disabled people ugh!!but still they're people y/n why are you like this? "the next is a beautiful young lady who plays the piano,lee y/n" the mc speaks and called my name,this is it,for real!!! as i go to the stage theater of the hospital everyone is looking at me i guess white dress isn't a good idea? i nervously sat down the piano chair and get my hands ready above the piano. I played beethovens Moonlight Sonata.it certainly brightens the piece but it's not terribly emotional. Emotionally it makes me feel like life at the height of its passion.everyone looks emotional some are enjoying.
yoongi's pov
since i was tired i decided to go to the theater and see what that y/n can really do. its not yet starting but i hear the mc said that lee y/n is next and she's playing a piano. open the door and sat down at the back of the hospitals theater "s-sir what are you still doing here? Mr.min will scold you if he saw you here" i sighed and out my palms onto my forehead its one of my fathers bodyguard are they following me? "he will scold me if you told him that i am here so shut up" i saw y/n starts to play she's playing beethovens moonlight sonata huh i guess she wants everyone to cry.a person who knows music will know its sweet but a typical person who will hear it will definitely cry. as she plays long she is pouring her heart out on whats she's doing,she even wear a white dress she l-looks like an angel fallen from the-- shit! what am i saying?! i admit she is very attractive but she is distracting me from my girlfriend. (End of yoongis pov)
As soon as y/n finished the piano yoongi goes outside the theater and head home.She was fascinated by y/n.She never tought this will happen to him when he still has a girlfriend.This cant be happening he said to himself. He should finds out whats that feeling he's been craving whenever he looks at you.
i was laying on my bed thinking if its really yoongi or not"dahyun,i told you i saw yoongi inside the theater i am not lying or seeing someone that wasnt him coz i know its really him!!!" i explained to my bestfriend who looks at me in disgust. "whats with the disgust face?!" i shouted in stress. "ok let's say that—oh! yoongi was there but, he isn't there for you. he was probably taking care of her sleeping beauty!" while she laughed at me i am still stressed i am having a different feelings about him,its look like he shoots me with his killer looks and glare that i cannot forget those. "i–i know but–dahyun you're my bestfriend and i want to be honest with you on what i feel" then she replied with hum crossing both of ther arms together on his chest. "i really feel curious about yoongi he looks very mysterious and you know i like a person who is mysterious in a good way" she has a girlfriend i know that and im still finding out. "please y/n don't make actions you will regret after just remember i am here for you" she smiled and hugged me. she is right.
another piano lesson.i have no time eating breakfast my mom is already in the hospital and i sooooo lonely dahyun will not pick me up so i guess i drive myself there. I sighed remembering yoongi will be there. we are complete stranger but why do i feel this way towards him?This is crazy.im crazy. i was suddenly awaken my mind hearing my phone ringing "yes mom?" what is it this time?! "honey i am sorry to bother you but after your piano class can you please go here in the hospital" i get inside the class after we talk and there is no sign of yoongi everywhere "what happend to him?" i mumured "WHO?" i was startled by the voice behind me "yah!you startled me!!!" she smiled and grab my arms "lets go" after class me and dahyun planned to go shopping but obviously there was an urgent problem in the hospital and they need my help (i know y'all wondering why,easy) "ugh!y/n we supposed to date today!!"dahyun pouted. "i know im sorry they need a sub in the hospital" i calmly explained to her "you said you don't like to be a nurse but you finished nursing,you know what you confuse me sometimes!!" we laughed as i headed to the hospital.
"hey honey glad you made it here,thank you so much daughter we are really lacking of nurses this week but they promised to pay me double for that and i'll give some to you,okay?" i nodded and changed ny clothes to nurses clothes. its not easy to be a sub nurses but i am one of the most payed doctors daughter so its easy for me to get in and loved to help. i will soon leave my mom alone and i want to cherish her a lot so much this past few months. "you look good in nurses outfit,are you playing roleplay here?" a cold voice appeared behind me while i was walking in the hall and i fastly turn my back to that guy i knew it was him "y–yoongi? why did you not attend piano lesson today?" i asked i know i was out of line but i badly want to know his reason "i visited someone" he said coldy and walk past at me "h–hey y–yoongi wait!" he stopped walking but did not turn back to look at you. "what?"he simply talked "just wanted to talk to you.uh erm..if you'll let me???" what did i just say? and now i need to talk to him if he agree.
after my duty as a nurse today i looked at yoongi who is sipping his coffee looking at the sky at the hospitals rooftop i sighed and cut the silence between us "i just want to know if you're fine" i scratched the back on my neck really shy to talk to him "none of you're business" i need to get used to his rudeness "s–sorry i really wanted to be your um f–friend?if thats possible you know?" he heard it for sure but acted like he didn't "i have lots of friend,i dont want to add one anymore"again with his cold tone "well the more the merrier,they said" as i laughed sarcasticly "you're really different aren't you?" he laughed and looked at me "hm...i am" we both laughed and took advantage of a beautiful sun setting on its own.
months have passed i continued working inside the hospital as a nurse while dahyun works at her parents company and...me and yoongi are now friends we hang out a lot i can see he is happier now and i guess i just achieved my goal to make him happy.
"yah give it to me you asshole!" y/n reached for his hand but he is taller than her "only of you'll treat me dinner!" he shouted y/n ran over him but instead she hugged him tight. time stopped for a moment but he speaks up "a–all right,fine here!!" He finally give up and hand her the wallet. they were silent,the rooftop was silent,no birds,no animals,no people,just y/n and yoongi.we sat for another sunset to watch "i never thought we will be good friends" she said and he huffed "you are so noisy who wouldnt talk and hangout with you just to make you quiet?" she playfully punch him and laughed "its because you want me yoongi! If you dont then get rid of me!!!" She shouted to him alongwith a pout making him laugh even more.
she makes him happy how can he able to get rid of her?
After that yoongi and y/n hang out a lot. go to a coffee shop early in the morning, walking in the middle of the night when y/n messed up on hospital,watch movies when yoongi has a problem with his father and hyenmins condition.
you two were hanging out but the doctors called him to tell that hyenmin had seizure so yoongi rapidly ran to the hospital with just only one word he left that y/n always holds "sorry" that sorry followed by another sorry and another and another one. you cannot blame him,you came in his life in a wrong time.
this feelings you have been keeping wasn't like any other like your past relationships. you don't even tried to touch yourself when you think of them and be bold in words around them but with yoongi,its all different. you became more and more comfortable with each other as time passed.
we always seeing each other inside the hospital we ate lunch together,watch sunset together,walk outside together we did a lot as a friend but thats not what i feel anymore i am not curious about him now because i fell for him its more that just a friend and i am sure. we supposed to hangout after my shift .
I texted him to ask where is he. he isnt replying to all my texts "haaaaa where is he now??" i tapped one of my foot on the tiles waiting for yoongi at the hall "hey!!!" someone shocked me "yoongi!!!you startled me!! what took you so long?!" i pout and crossed my arms on my chest "im sorry okay,on my house?" he friendly hugged me that made me blushed. "yah!we're at the hospital and i'm a nurse" he look at me in confused and said "this hospital is mine and i dont care,how about we hang out now okay?no more talking"
we made it into his penthouse. this is the third time i came to his house first was because i bargged in to ask him if i can be his frien,second is when we became close friends that was memorable i am not sure but he was stressed that time so i hugged him as friend but i know we both felt that tension between us,we almosy kissed but the doctor call him about hyenmin. and now is the third,i really crave for this man but he doesn't feel the same.
"how about a movie?" he asked. "that sounds great but can you please order pizza im kinda craving pizza right now and im freaking tired!" i said and flopped myself onto his soft couch "okay just choose a movie while i order"he said while taking off his leather jacket and shoes,he is so hot i cannot stop thinkinh doing dirty thoughts with him but i remember hyenmin all of a sudden.
"can i turn the lights off?" i shouted at yoongi "sure!!!" she shouted back. after a minutes i already chose a movie to watch 'after' "what movie is that?" he asked and also flopped hiself on his couch "idunno its currently number 1 on netflix so this should be good" i yawn and arch my back to stretch "sleepy?" yoongi looked at me,his eyes are different today "n-no just tired. my back really hurts".
"how about a back massage?just a thank you for accompanying me" he slightly laughed and scratched the back of his neck "woah!thats the most kind word i heard today!thanks!" i speak in sarcastic way,he just rolled his eyes on me and pull me down to massage my back.
"ah~yes yoongi right there please~" it was almost a moan "how come you're good at this?" i asked while he continue massaging my back. "i learned it from hyenmin" he said. i admit that hurts me ofcourse he will still love his girlfriend i am not expecting anything just seeing him happy makes me okay.
yoongi's pov
"i learned it from hyenmin" i replied to her. It seems like she doesn't care. y/n keeps moaning while i massage her back it's making me aroused hearing her voice like that it's also been a while since i had sex. "ahh~yoongi thats right" she tilt her head making her hair fall to the side revealing her neck. i cannot take this anymore i am going to explode if she continue teasing me like this. "ahhh!~ yoongi thats hurts! are you alright?" i snapped into reality when i heard my name from her mouth "uh–um i–im sorry is the movie already done?" i changed the topic covering my hardening bulge with a pillow. "not yet were just in the rated 18+ part" she calmly said how can she be calm talking about the sex scene.
"i moan better than her" she said my eyes widen by her sudden words,she's eating the pizza sitting beside me,i see she's playing games with me, "what makes you say that huh?"i smirked at her and then she looks at me "yah!my ex and i attempt lots of sex he even recorded my voice because no one can moan how i moan!"she sound like she is scolding me. what is she saying? we were not comfortable to say things like this,she is totally different.i began talking to her comfortably in just a month not like others even hyenmin,or the six of my bestfriends.
"are you listening?!" she slap my shoulder playfully "i–i am" i replied. "yoongi can i lay on your lap?"did i hear her clear? im freaking hard right now and she wants to lay? On my lap?! "okay i'll take that as a yes!" with that she lay her head on my lap near my bulge as i began groaning when she moves.
"stop playing games with me y/n, i promise wo won't like it"
"what games?" and she continuesly moving,this is fucking great.
your pov
"y/n can you please stop freaking m-moving?!"he said at me more like a shout. "sorry" the movie is done but yoongi is just staying still on his sitting position "yah did you forget to move yoongi?" i laughed at him histerically cos he literally stopped moving he's like a stone i stopped laughing when i felt a hand on my waist.
it was yoongi,he was gripping my waist so hard all i see is him on top of me "i told you to stop freaking moving and now you're laughing like you don't know what you did huh?nurse y/n." he said looking at me with his dark eyes i really have no idea what he's saying "y–yoongi,i have no—" he cut my words
"damn you and your excuses,you make me this hard y/n. now make it up for me" i didn't even have the chance to talk when he slammed his lips in mine harshly i don't want to give in but in myself i am liking this yoongi. i kissed him back. he bite my lower lip asking for entrance he is dominating every moves. our tounges are dancing together our kiss is became steamy and hot i feel my core getting wet.
his lips are now going down to my neck biting the skin creating a hickeys "y–yoongi" i breathed out. he pull up the hem of my shirt taking it off and unclasping my bra so easily. his mouth made it to my hardening nipple nibbling his tongue on it while other hand massaging my left breast. i interwined my fingers through his soft hair as he continue to suck my breasts
"uugh y–yoongi~" i continue moaning his name pain and pleasure is what i am feeling right now as he began biting my nipples. i know i am being selfish right now. but just one day,one night will be enough with me.
his lips are moving further down pulling my skirt up to my belly that makes me shiver and aroused, he kissed my core and looked up at me and ask permission
"can i?" i nodded and he moved my panties to the side as i moaned when i felt his hot breath to my core sending shivers down my spine "y–yoongi p–pleaseee" i begged being desperate for him. "i need you y-yoongi" i moaned out "you're getting it for being a slut y/n"his words can make even a boy horny, he fastly remove my skirt along with my panties.
yoongi is eating me out like a hungry man "f–fuck" the only word thats getting out of my mouth as he continues to work on his tongue technology on my wet core
"cumming~" i moaned out as i feel my high going soon "cum for me baby" he mumbled thats vibrating on my core as i release my high.
"hmm so sweet" he said going back to my mouth as i taste myself on him,our kiss become sloppy. he breaks the kiss and breath heavily.
i heard a belt falling on the carpet "so beautiful" he whispered to himself but i still manage to hear
"how about you suck me first before i give you want you want,huh?is that good" he said with a raspy voice while touching my ass cheeks i gently oblige him as he sat down the couch and i get on my knees. his eyes are so dark full of lust.
i pull his pants down along with his boxers while he remove his white shirt,his hardened cock sprung out proudly standing up onto his belly it was an average size but he was thick enough to make me shout in pleasure.
“suck”he said in full of dominance i licked his dick like a kitten as you heard him hiss.
"don’t be a fucking tease" he shoves his hips sliding himself between your parted lips and onto your mouth. you taste the saltiness of arousal leaking from his swollen cock, you take him all in swirling you tongue around his pulsating cock. "ugh,your tongue feels so fucking good baby."
yoongi moans like his stresses are melting away with every in out pace of your mouth on his cock. he grips you hair so tight knowing he is almost there "fuck baby deeper,just like that. ughh f-fuck" he controls the pace making you choke,tears escaped from your eyes "uhhh your mouth feel so good baby,y–yeah" he is mouth fucking you.
"take it all,d–dont leave any single drop" you suck harder "i–m c–cumming" he groaned "f–fuck y/n take it all" i can feel his grip on my scalp,tears are still flowing as his hot cream shots down to your throat "fucking swallow my cum baby"
he pulled me up to him making me sit on his lap "ride me y/n,ride me like a good girl"
"yes daddy" he spanked my ass feeling a hot stingy sensation.
i only yelp by his actions,it hurts but its good.
"do you want daddy to fuck you hard,huh?"
he said with a low raspy voice he put his long slender finger under my dripping core making me jump
"y–yes d–daddy fuck me h–hard" i moaned desperately
"you're fucking dripping for me you slut" he pumps his dick and gently slide it inside your wet core. you squeezed your eyes feeling his thick cock inside your pussy.
you wrap your arms around yoongis neck and breathing hardly
"damn it,y–you're so tight y/n" he waits until i adjust and move up and down his lap with his cock inside my core
he suck my nipples making me moan so loud he stopped and sucked your collarbones marking his territory "this is fucking mine,all mine" he grips your waist fucking you harder
"ugh y–yes d–daddy fuck me harder" he seems to like the daddy kink "daddy kink huh,i love it" he whispered to your ears still fucking you senseless "does mrs.lee k–knows that her daughter is a f–fucking slut around my cock,huh?"he said burying his cock deep inside you as you arched your back.
yoongi's pov
she is a moaning mess,i haven't done this for a year i can say that she is really good at this. i can't lie i am enjoying her company,i want her always beside me,she is making me happy and most of all she's making me good but i'm not sure about the feeling "f–fuck daddy,y–yes!!" she moans as i fuck her harder than ever "y–you will forget y–your name baby girl" i laid y/n on her back parting her legs wider to get better access on her g-spot.
"am i hitting it huh?f-fucking answer me" i said as i push harder inside her tight pussy "y–yes y–yoongi" she moaned "l-look at me" i command as she open her eyes straightly looking into my eyes,she is driving me insane.
i can feel her clench on my cock warning that she is cumming i fastened my pace harder "i-im cumming!" she moaned loud "cum with me"i burried my face on the side of her neck saying dirty words," i fucking l–love you" he said.with one last hard thrust her cum collided with mine. i gently pull my softened dick outside her pussy and pecked her lips. "thank you y/n" and then collapsed on her side still chasing our breaths.
"for what?" she asked "for staying and taking care of me,erm and being a good friend,i guess?" she looked at me with her angel eyes. she don't deserve someone like me,she deserves someone who will treat her better "i'll clean you up". i said "n-no i can do it,s–sorry i–im leaving." why? after all she will leave? she stands up gathering all her clothes and wearing them one by one.i respect her decision to leave so i let her.
you pov
yoongi collapsed beside me after chasing our highs he finally speaked up "thank you" for what? "for what?" i replied "for staying and taking care of me,erm and being a good friend,i guess?" friends. friend of course i am just a friend,you want this y/n now accept the consequences.you just filled up his needs not his empty heart. "i'll clean you up" he said "n-no i can do it,s–sorry i–im leaving." i think we will both needing space after this incident. i leave wearing all my clothes and drive home.
i should've stayed but i feel like i was used. i know i liked it too but still he called me as his 'friend' fucking wont make us official and i know that so that i love you doesn't mean anything to him?
at home
"hello?y/n?why did you call at this hour? is there a problem?are you crying?" dahyun asked me so many times but i still sobs and cry like crazy "y–you were right,i shouldn't make decisions i will regret!" i cried even more remembering what happen between me and yoongi "it's all going to be fine y/n. you just loved knowing he doesn't finish loving someone else,sushhh its alright just cry it all out,ok?you have work tomorrow you should be beautiful" but i still cry
"dahyunnnn! i love yoongi!!!what should i do?!" she sighed after saying a word "just talk to him,thats the better thing to do y/n do not avoid him or something. just talk and say what you really feel all this time". she is right.
after weeks i will finally showed myself up for my last day im hospital as a nurse.i prepare to go to work,putting make up on because i cried a lot last night. i sat down on my bed looking in the mirror,theres so many boxes on my room,yup i am slowly packing all my things since yoongi and me became really close friends . i am preparing to leave since then.
after 1hour i arrived at the hospital,i am scheduled to shin hyenmin today i guess its really a bad day to start to. i go inside the hospital changing my clothes into nurses clothes. i can't see where my mom is,i guess she is busy. i gathered the tray with injections ready to go to yoongi's girlfriend,im in the front of her room door "you can do it y/n" i slowly open the door and peeked who's inside. its a group of boys talking to each other i can't see the others face but i assumed they are 7 guys including yoongi.
i finally made it inside and talk like a professional nurse "excuse me sir but i need to inject this to her today...you can all stay but um just move aside." i smiled at them not even looking at yoongi, "wait–y/n is that you?!" one guy speak up i can't see his face but when yoongi moves i finally saw him "jungkook?" its him,the one who organized my house in u.s "i thought you already leave the country–" he was cutted by the other guy and said "let her inject something on yoongis girl bro" the boy said with a boxy smile "um oh yeah sorry i carried away" after injecting on hyenmin yoongi goes to her not even sparing a glance on me,holding her hand.
"wah yoongi really love hyenmin" its a guy with a wide shoulders. "y/n can we talk?" jungkook said. "um-yeah sure,ummm outside?" i point my thumb outside the door and we both talk there. i saw yoongi looking at us but when he knew i was looking he looks back at hyenmin. "um see you later guys,just gonna talk with this beautiful lady here!" jungkook winks at them "nice one jk!"a cute like a sun guy said and i blushed and the bowed goodbye at them.
"sooo~what is it?" i asked him "yoongi hyung is talked us about you,a lot." he confronts me "b-but.how?why? r–really?" why did he do that? "we don't know either but we knew yoongi hyung so much and we know something bothering him,he seems very happy now we thought hyenmin wwas awake but he said it was a girl he met on piano class" jungkook explained "he has hyenmin,i am just,a friend"
I lowered my head and interwined my fingers together as jungkook hold my hands "no y/n i'm not here as your organizer. im here for my hyung he loves you. hyenmin cheated on him a lot but still he stays thats why she has an accident because hyenmin chase him when he ran away caughting her cheat and he blamed himself."
yoongi never told me that. but still. he still love her. i knew that,the way he looks at her,kiss her lips and hold her hands. not just because we had sex doesnt mean he loves me more like i said i fulfill his needs but not his empty heart.
"the hardest thing to do is to watch someone you love,love someone else." i cried,again. jungkook hugged me as friend and told me everything will be fine. they always say that but everything will not be fine. "so are you still leaving the country?" he asked breaking our hug. "um it was planned year ago before i fell inlove with yoongi,so it is still on plan"
—inside hyenmins room—
hoseok : yah!guys look at our jk he is making a move to a girl,im so proud!
as they peak through the window of the door.
namjoon : wahh he is really good at girls!
jimin : our maknae is holding a girls hand!!
seokjin & tae : let me see!!
yoongi : can you all be quiet!!! move!!! let me see!!!
seokjin : yah yoongi-ah just accept the fact that you like her! and stop being jealous they're probably 'friends' like you and her.
he teases him that pissed him off even if that is the fact.
tae : jin-hyung is right hyung we all know the fact that unnie cheated on you but still you blame yourself on what happened so you can't let go.
yoongi felt weak at their words.
yoongi : shut up. i wont leave hyenmin for any other girls out there.
jimin : lol hyung then stop talking to us on how happy you are when you're with her.
yoongis pov
they are all right,but hyenmin and i didn't broke up,i just ran away. my thoughts were gone when we saw hyenmin slowly opening her eyes. "CALL A DOCTOR!! hyung she open her eyes!" namjoon shouted i ran to hold hyenmins hand "are you awake?" i said in gentle voice. "y–yoongi,babe is that you?" she said while crying 'babe'? the doctors came and told us to step outside the room to check up on her when i saw jungkook and others leaving and y/n packing her nurses things.
"so?she's awake,congrats!" y/n said with a weak smile,i still dont know how to face her after what happen to us "i–im sorry y/n,i know i fucked up but–" she cutted me telling me words i was scared to hear "no need to apologize yoongi,none of this are your fault.
I wanted this at the first place,be happy with her make her smile,i know you love her more than anything.its funny actually how a person can break your heart,and you can still love them with all the little pieces.ha ha why am i tearing? sorry tears of joy". but i know deep inside i was heartbroken after all it was my fault.
dahyun was right i shouldn't make actions just like that but she was wrong that i will regret this because yoongi is the best choice i've chosen.
"go to her yoongi,i hope we can still be friends. ju–just forgot what happened to us like you said,you thank me for being a good friend and now i am and i am proud that i am your friend." i cannot stop my tears its just flowing on its own.
yoongi cannot even speak a word to me,i guess he is speechless haha "y/n i love you as–" as much as you think . i put words next on what he supposed to say "friend,i know yoongi. i don't really know why i'm still hoping but just wanted to tell you that i love you so much,not as a friend or a piano classmate,but as a man. thank you,you made me happy even in a short period of time.i will never forget those times we we're hanging out but you recieved a call from hospital because of hyenmin haha i cannot stop laughing when you forgot to brush your teeth that time,i missed you a lot" i confessed.
is this my way of saying goodbye?when i decided to walk out for fresh air yoongi stopped me by holding wrist "y/n i– i am really sorry for everything,can you please give me some time to figure this out?" he said as i looked into his watery eyes "make it up to her yoongi,i know she cheated on you and you took blame on what happen to her but– she still needs you there. i just filled up you needs but not your heart and i guess we should stop this unknown thing between us,lets go back being just 'friends'" of course i was hurr by my own words but i think thats for the best of the both of us.
he freed his holds to my wrist as i kept on walking outside the hospital for my last day.
Its all messed up.
also last day in this country,tomorrow will be my flight.
yoongi's pov
i was standing there dumbfounded and also,heart broken. people are calling me "sir ms. hyenmin is looking for you" but that all sounds blurry to me,i only think of y/n right now. is she leaving me? can i live without her presence beside me? without her cheering me up every fucking single day? do i love her? those are questions in my mind. "sir ms.hyenmin is looking for you" the nurse said. they way i feel jealous when she's with jungkook is already an answer . i love her . i just need to talk to hyenmin.
"yoongi,i've already talk to your dad and he wants you to be more realistic and marry someone who can help this hospital and the company bigger" my fathers friend,a doctor said i have enough for this shit,i should marry someone who i love not like this "how many times did you all tell me that?aren't you all tired?" i frowned my eyebrows and ask the doctor another question "how is she?"
"i told her to sleep for an hour,i need to talk to the parents but since they are not here pls tell them that their daughter suffered mild amnesia like i said when the accident happened,it has a big impact that affect her brain. the medicine we're giving to her will help her and will bring her memories back to normal.i'll go now let her rest" he said then go.
i messed up everything,i lost y/n. i lost a friend or should i say a love one.
i told hyenmins parents what happened and they begged me to help hyenmin until she fully regained memories and then i can go and broke things up between us. i dont want to agree but they were begging me to the point they get on their knees.
how about y/n? how about us? i'll comeback to you y/n i promise.
after 1 month hyenmin continues her treatment and regaining memories,i can tell that she is healed now. she took photos of us and post on her sns people really think we're fine but little did they know the man that keeps on going on her room when she is still in the hospital said to me that he is hyenmins secret affair. mentally,emotionally,i finished everything between us. i will broke up with her when she remember that she cheated on me. i wouldn't let her hurt me again.
"hey jungkook? how's y/n? i think she changed her number i reached for her mom but she is not in their house dad also told me that her mom quit her job. look i am asking you because you know her,right?" even its on phone i can feel that jungkook is nervous to tell me something.
"hyung i am very sorry but y/n told me not to tell you this–"
"just tell me that happened man!" i nearly shout.
"as you can she she changed her phone number and sns account so you cannot find her. she is currently on US now,she left the evening when we talk–"
my world seems to crash. all this time she were far from me. no one dare to tell me even dahyun.
"we're in contact,she opens up to me sometimes. she even told me that she is stalking hyenmins account and said 'they look happy' she is not yet moved on hyung,i dont want to tell her what you really feel it is something you should tell her so i get out of your boths business,im really sorry hyung but i hope this will help you"
"no– it's fine man no need to apologize i–i fully understand you intention" after that we said our goodbyes and he gave me y/n's account to just let me visit her account or apologize to her after all what happened.
i will promise to apologize to her and bring her back. I just need to clear everything to hyenmin.
your pov
i cant say i am living my best life now that i am far from the person i love the most,i feel lonely even having lots of friends here in US i feel really empty and sad.
the worst feeling is knowing from the start that its never gonna happen. knowing from the start that he's just too good,way out of your league. feeling concious about how look when time will come you two will meet again and what you do and yet,you try anyway.
you have daydreams and imagines and you just wish evenythough you know that he will never choose you. but the absolute worse is when he told you directly that he only sees you as a friend.
And somehow your heart just wont listen.
I hope there's a lifetime that waits for us in other side of the universe.
you're a good dream sadly i was awaken
should i make part 2?????😭
sorry for wrong grammars,english is not my first language. also i give credits for some quotes and words i used for other part i added. thank you so much. this is my first ever fanfiction i am very sorry if this is bad.
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