#he literally said TO MY FACE that a sleep study would be - and i quote - ''a waste of time and money''
hylianpixl · 1 year
guess who has
~*~sleep apnea~*~
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hp-hcs · 7 months
teenage dirtbag — yandere! asshole! theodore nott x obsessed! gn! reader x barely mentioned! enzo berkshire
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y’all be writing some long ass requests, so i’m posting this without the ask ✌️🥲
“He’s not a slut!”
“Yeah, well, you only think that ‘cause you want him to sleep with you.”
You scoffed and rolled your eyes. “I’m not just in it for the sex, dipshit.”
Harry snorted. “You’re also not not in it for the sex.”
“Are you calling me a slut now?” You asked, pressing a hand against your chest in mock-offense. “I thought we were friends, you two-faced bitch.”
“Anyways, my point being,” Ron interrupted. “He’s a violent manwhore druggie with a superiority complex and daddy issues. He’s a serial cheater, a Slytherin, and a literal Death Eater, Y/n.”
You nodded in acknowledgment as you thought about the very valid points he brought up. “Yeah, but he’s hot.”
“I swear to Merlin, Y/n-”
“‘…I think you’re really cute and funny, and-’”
“What are you idiots doing?”
“You’ve got a secret admirer, Notty-boy,” Mattheo snorted, waving the letter he was holding.
“‘Secret’.” Draco mumbled, putting the word in air quotes.
The rest of the boys crowded around Mattheo, snickering as they read the love letter over his shoulder.
“You’ve even got flowers, Theo,” Blaise pretended to swoon. “How romantic!”
“L/n’s fuckin’…obsessed, man,” Mattheo shook his head in disbelief as he looked up from skimming the letter in order to point to the small pile of Valentine’s Day gifts that had been left on Theo’s bed.
Theodore groaned. “Salazar- I just don’t understand how they don’t get that I’m not into them.”
“Problems in your love life there, Nott?” Draco teased.
“They’re just so…clingy. And obnoxious. Constantly following me around ‘n shit.”
“Yes, having someone who’s head over heels in love with you must be so difficult,” Enzo deadpans. “However do you manage to survive?”
“Oh, shut up,” Theo scoffed.
“Here comes your worshipper, Nott,” Malfoy snickers, surreptitiously pointing towards you, who was making a beeline over to the Slytherin table.
“My- ah, shit.”
Theo frowned in annoyance as his friends burst into raucous laughter.
“Hi, Nott!” You greeted cheerily, a light blush on your face. “I was wondering if you’d like to go down to Hogsmeade to get a butterbeer with me?”
He scoffed, rolling his eyes at your feeble attempts at flirting. It was common knowledge that Theodore Nott didn’t do committed relationships, so why were you still trying?
Your face fell. “Oh. Alright, then.”
Enzo glanced over.
“Next weekend maybe?” You tried again hesitantly.
“Merlin- You’re pathetic, L/n,” Theodore finally snapped. “How about you go get a life of your own instead of trying so hard to be in mine?”
You flinched back, your eyes widening, before you turned on your heel and left the Great Hall without another word.
“Oh- L/n’s here, Theo,” Mattheo snickered, watching you walk over to the Slytherins’ studying area in the library.
Theodore rolled his eyes, preparing for another barrage of mushy gushy romance bullshit. But you merely stepped around his chair with a murmured excuse me and continued down the row.
He watched, startled, as you stopped behind the study area’s couch and draped your arms over Berkshire’s shoulders.
Theo blinked.
Enzo, not even flinching or getting distracted by your sudden presence, just grinned to himself and clasped a hand around both of yours, his thumb rubbing small circles into the join between your wrist and palm as he continued his discussion with Blaise.
Theodore felt sick.
Then he heard you laugh at something Enzo said, and that’s what made him completely lose it.
He fumed. How dare Berkshire even look at you, let alone touch you? Berkshire didn’t deserve you. Who the fuck did he think he was?
You were his.
And Theodore would be damned if he was going to let Berkshire steal you away from him.
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aliteralsemicolon · 1 month
what do u think about Maeve as a character and as a love interest for Spencer?
Well she definitely exists. She was definitely a canon love interest 😐 I choose to forget a lot of details from that whole incident on purpose. Talking about this is just beating a dead horse bc I think my opinion is just a general consensus.
but here's what I think anyway:
The storyline
I won't talk about it for long because I feel like it's obvious, but the whole situation was handled so poorly. It kinda just showed up out of no where on one random peaceful day. What do you mean Maeve didn't want Spencer to get the BAU involved because 'it could endanger him'? Babe, he's already in danger just by being in a relationship with you, but I guess that just doesn't fucking matter. Also, what the fuck do you mean that Spencer just went along with it? I'm sorry? Spencer Reid, who becomes very impulsive when it comes to the wellbeing of his loved ones? He just agreed to sit back? Not even investigate in his free time?! By the time ZUGZWANG happens, we as viewers know how the BAU operates. The BAU was more than equipped to successfully deal with Diane. We know what they're supposed to do in a stalker situation, but for some reason they ignore nearly every goddamn protocol and then they're surprised when Maeve dies??
Maeve as a character
Listen, I don't dislike her because she was Spencers love interest. I'm actually somebody who's very keen on love interests for Spencer. I want that poor man to be happy. I dislike Maeve because she's one of the worst recurring characters on the show. She's very morally annoying. Not grey, annoying. Maeve is a geneticist. Geneticists, for the most part, study gene interactions and evolution. She has no fucking business diagnosing and prescribing shit from one look at an MRI scan. I don't even wanna talk about how medically inaccurate the migraine bit of the storyline is. Somehow it gets dumber. I don't know what she said for sure, but I know for a fact that she said something like she had to get to know Spencer because of how interesting he seemed. FROM HIS MRI SCANS?! Are we ignoring how unethical this is? Please, I cannot fucking do this. But there's more. Apparently she loves Spencer. She says as much at the end of a phone call AND literally writes that one love quote in the Narrative of John Smith for him. She loves Spencer, but fails to mention how she was engaged literally not long before she met him. And she doesn't feel an ounce of guilt or sadness when he ex-fiancé (whom she also supposedly loved) gets shot in the head in front of her? Also there's certain times where she just comes off as very emotionally manipulative, but in the dumbest way possible. The thing is that I don't even hate her because she's like this. Some of these things actually give the character potential to become a really interesting and complex character. It's because she tries to come across as the opposite. The writers try very hard to portray her as an intelligent, good and innocent character, but everything she does is very selfish and stupid. Personally, if I was a geneticist and some fucker reached out to me to ask about his MRI scans I would redirect him to a fucking neurologist or something.
Maeve as Spencer's love interest
She's introduced to us a mysterious woman over the payphone. We get glimpses of her body in a dark room and we watch her fiddle with things while walking around, but we don't actually get to see her face until later. Her voice is meek and sultry. If this sounds like some wattpad introduction then that's because that's literally what it is. Maeve is introduced to us in a very Y/N esc way. The whole relationship is very much wattpad story written by a 14YO back in the day. Wait I take that back, even fucking 14YO's writer better shit. At least their stories were worth ruining your sleep schedule for. I can't even be upset, Maeve is literally not the first female character portrayed this way on the show *cough* Jane Seaver *cough*. MGG didn't want Spencer to have a love interest so Maeve was written to die. I just wish they at least tried to do the characters and the story justice. Viewers couldn't even connect to Maeve because she was just thrown at us one day and then literally killed a second later. Even if she wasn't unlikable I find it very hard to imagine that I would've cared about her death, because I literally had no time to bond with the character. It's also just very awkward when she shows up after her death because I feel disconnected with Spencer's emotions. Mentally, I know that she's his first great love or whatever, but emotionally, I do not give a fuck. She does not match Spencer's freak. What she is, essentially, is a female version of Spencer (but through the male gaze because she's a woman so ofc she's slightly dumber and Y/Nified). Spencer is one of the most complex established characters on the show and Maeve as a partner for him is just very boring. And even if she's was interesting, I PERSONALLY FEEL LIKE the actors have no chemistry together. He's had more chemistry with love interests that lasted for a way shorter period than he does Maeve. Ironically, the most chemistry he has is with the one person he despises the most (Cat Adams) and I think that speaks volumes. God, I wish so badly that they utilised the bar tender he did a magic trick for or the forensic scientist in that bombing episode.
Again, I'm pretty sure most of the fandom feels this way. I'm fairly confident that I might have more to say, but I cannot be bothered anymore.
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tarobytez · 3 years
disability in the Six Of Crows Duology; an analysis of Kaz Brekker, Wylan Van Eck, and the fandom’s treatment of them.
****Note: I originally wrote this for a tiktok series, which im still going to do, but i wanted to post here as well bc tumblr is major contributor to what im going to talk about
CW: ableism, filicide, abuse
In the Six of Crows duology, Leigh Bardugo delicately subverts and melds harmful disability tropes into her narrative, unpacking them in a way that I, as a disabled person, found immensely refreshing and…. just brilliant. 
But what did you all do with that? Well, you fucked it up. Instead of critically looking at the characters, y’all just chose to be ableist. 
For the next few videos paragraphs im going to unpack disability theory (largely the stuff surrounding media, for obvious reasons) and how it relates to Six Of Crows and the characterization of Kaz Brekker and Wylan Van Eck, then how, despite their brilliant writing, y’all completely overlooked the actual text and continuously revert them to ableist cariactures.
Disclaimer: 1. Shocker - i am disabled. I have also extensively researched disability theory and am very active in the disabled community. Basically, I know my shit. 2. im going to be mad in these videos this analysis. Because the way y’all have been acting has been going on for a long ass time and im fuckin sick of it. I don’t give a shit about non-disabled feelings, die mad
Firstly, I’m going to discuss Kaz, his play on the stereotypical “mean cripple” trope and how Bardugo subverts it, his cane, and disabled rage. Then, I am going to discuss Wylan, the “inspiration porn” stereotype, caregivers / parents, and the social model of disability. Finally, I will then explain the problems in the fandom from my perspective as a disabled person, largely when it comes to wylan, bc yall cant leave that boy tf alone.
Kaz Brekker
Think of a character who uses a cane (obviously not Kaz). Now, are they evil, dubiously moral, or just an asshole in general? Because nearly example I can think of is: whether it be Lots’O from Toy Story, Lucius Malfoy, or even Scrooge and Mr.Gold from Once Upon A Time all have canes (the last two even having their canes appear less and less as they become better people)
The mean/evil cripple trope is far more common than you would think. Villains with different bodies are confined to the role of “evil”. To quote TV Tropes, who I think did a brilliant job on explaining it “The first is rooted in eugenics-based ideas linking disability or other physical deformities with a "natural" predisposition towards madness, criminality, vice, etc. The Rule of Symbolism is often at work here, since a "crippled" body can be used to represent a "crippled" soul — and indeed, a disabled villain is usually put in contrast to a morally upright and physically "perfect" hero. Whether consciously on the part of the writer or not, this can reinforce cultural ideas of disability making a person inherently inferior or negative, much in the same way the Sissy Villain or Depraved Homosexual trope associate sexual and gender nonconformity with evil. ”
Our introduction to Kaz affirms this notion of him being bad or morally bankrupt, with “Kaz Brekker didn’t need a reason”, etc. This mythologized version of himself, the “bastard of the barrel” actively fed into this misconception. But, as we the audience are privy to his inner thoughts, know that he is just a teenager like every other Crow. He is complex, his disability isn’t this tragic backstory, he just fell off a roof. It’s not his main motivation, nor does he curse revenge for making him a cripple - it is just another part of who he is. 
His cane (though the shows version fills me with rage but-) is an extension of Kaz - he fights with it, but it has a purpose. Another common thing in media is for canes to be simply accessories, but while Kaz’ cane is fashionable, it has purpose.
The quote “There was no part of him that was not broken, that had not healed wrong and there was no part of him that was not stronger for having been broken.” is so fucking powerful. Kaz does not want nor need a cure - its said in Crooked Kingdom that his leg could most likely be healed, but he chooses not to. Abled-bodied people tend to dismiss this thought as Kaz being stubborn but it shows a reality of acceptance of his disability that is just, so refreshing.
In chapter 22 of SOC, we see disabled rage done right - when he is called a cripple by the Fjerdan inmate, Kaz is pissed - the important detail being that he is pissed at the Fjerdan, at society for ableism, not blaming it on being disabled or wishing he could be normal. He takes action, dislocating the asshole’s shoulder and proving to him, and to a lesser extent, himself, that he is just as capable as anyone else, not in spite of, but because he is disabled. And that is the point of Kaz, harking back to the line that “there was no part of him that was not stronger for having been broken”. 
I cried on numerous occasions while reading the SOC duology, but the parts I highlighted in this section especially so. I, as many other disabled people do, have had a long and tumultuous relationship with our disability/es, and for many still struggle. But Kaz Brekker gave me an empowered disabled character who accepts themselves, and that means the world to me. 
Keeping that in mind, I hope you can understand why it hurts so much to disabled people when you either erase Kaz’s disability (whether through cosplay or fanfiction), or portray him as a “broken boy uwu”, especially implying that he would want a cure. That flies in the face of canon and is inherently fucking ableist. (if u think im mad wait until the next section)
Next, we have Wylan.  
Oh fucking boy. 
I love Wylan so fucking much, and y’all just do not seem to understand his character? Like at all? Since this is disability-centric, I’m not going to discuss how the intersection of his queerness also contributes to these issues, but trust me when I say it’s a contributing factor to what i'm going to say.
Wylan, motherfucking Van Eck. If you ableist pricks don’t take ur fucking hands off him right now im going to fight you. I see Wylan as a subversion another, and in my opinion more insidious stereotype pf disabled people - inspiration porn.
Cara Liebowitz in a 2015 article on the blog The Body Is Not An Apology explains in greater detail how inspiration porn is impactful in real life, but media is a major contributing factor to this reality. The technical definition is “the portrayal of people with disabilities as inspirational solely or in part on the basis of their disability” - but that does not cover it fully. 
Inspiration porn does lasting damage on the disabled community as it implies that disability is a negative that you need to “overcome” or “triumph” instead of something one can feel proud of. It exploits disabled people for the development of non-disabled people, and in media often the white male protagonist. Framing disability as inherently negative perpetuates ideals of eugenics and cures - see Autism $peaks’ “I Am Autism” ad. Inspiration porn is also incredibly patronizing as it implies that we cannot take care of ourselves, or do things like non-disabled people do. Because i stg some of you tend to think that we just sit around all day wishing we weren’t disabled. 
Another important theory ideal that is necessary when thinking about Wylan is the experience of feeling like a burden simply for needing help or accommodations. This is especially true when it comes to familial relationships, and internalized ableism.
The rhetoric that Wylan’s father drilled into his head, that he is “defective”, “a mistake”, and “needs to be corrected”, that he (Jan) was “cursed with a moron for a child” is a long held belief that disabled people hear relentlessly. And while many see Van Eck’s attempted murder of Wylan as “preposturous” and overall something that you would never think happens today - filicide (a parent murdering their child) is more common than you would like to believe. Without even mentioning the countless and often unreported deaths of disabled people due to lack of / insufficient / neglectful medical care, in a study on children who died from the result of household abuse, 40 of 42 of them (95%) were diagnosed with disabilities. Van Eck is not some caricature of ableist ideals - he is a real reflection on how many people and family members view disability. 
Circling back to how Wylan unpacks the inspiration porn trope - he is 3 dimensional, he is not only used to develop the other characters, he is just *chefs kiss* Leigh, imo, put so much love and care into the creation of Wylan and his story and character growth that is representative of a larger feeling in the disabled community. 
That being said, what you non-disabled motherfuckers have done to him.
The “haha Wylan can’t read” jokes aren’t and were not funny. Y’all literally boiled down everything Wylan is to him being dyslexic. And it’s like,,,, the only thing you can say about him. You ignore every other part of him other than his disability, and then mock him for it. There’s so much you can say about Wylan - simping for Jesper, being band kid and playing the fuckin flute, literally anything else. But no, you just chose to mock his disability, excellent fucking job!
Next up on “ableds stfu” - infantilization! y’all are so fucking condescending to Wylan, and treat him like a fucking toddler. And while partly it is due to his sexuality i think a larger portion is him being disabled. Its in the same vein of people who think that Wylan and Jesper are romantically one sided, and that Jesper only kind of liked Wylan, despite the canon evidence of him loving Wylan just as much. You all view him as a “smol bean”, who needs protecting, and care, when Wylan is the opposite of that. He is a fucking demolitions expert who suggested waking up sleeping men to kill them - what about that says “uwu”. You are treating Wylan as a burden to Jesper and the other Crows when he is an immensely valuable, fully autonomous disabled person - you all just view him as damaged. 
And before I get a comment saying that “uhhh Wylan isn’t real why do you care” while Wylan may not be real, how you all view him and treat him has real fucking impacts and informs how you treat people like me. If someone called me an “uwu baby boy” they’d get a fist square in the fucking jaw. Fiction informs how we perceive the world and y’all are making it super fucking clear how you see disabled people. 
Finally, I wanted to talk about how the social model of disability is portrayed through Wylan. For those who are unaware, the social model of disability contrasts the medical model, that views the disability itself as the problem, that needs to be cured, whereas the social model essentially boils down to creating an accommodating society, where disability acceptance and pride is the goal. And we see this with Wylan - he is able to manage his father’s estate, with Jesper’s assistance to help him read documents. And this is not out of pity or charity, but an act of love. It is not portrayed as this almighty act for Jesper to play saviour, just a given, which is incredibly important to show, especially for someone who has been abused by family for his disability like Wylan, that he is accepted. 
Yet, I still see people hold up Jesper on a pedestal for “putting up with” Wylan, as if loving a disabled person deserves a fucking pat on the back. It’s genuinely exhausting trying to engage with a work I love so much with a fandom that thinks so little of me and my community. It fucking shows. 
Overall, Leigh Bardugo as a disabled person wrote two incredibly meticulous and empowered disabled characters, and due to either lack of reading comprehension, ableism, or a quirky mix of both, the fandom has ignored canon and the experiences of disabled people for…. shits and giggles i guess. And yes, there are issues with the Grishaverse and disability representation - while I haven’t finished them yet so I do not have an opinion on it, people have been discussing issues in the KOS duology with ableist ideals. This mini series was no way indicative of the entire disabled experience, nor does it represent my entire view on the representation as a whole. These things need to be met critically in our community, and talked about with disabled voices at the forefront. For example, the limited perspective we get of Wylan and Kaz being both white men, does not account for a large portion of the disabled community and the intersection of multiple identities.
All-in-all, Critique media, but do not forget to also critique fandom spaces. Alternatively, just shut the fuck up :)
happy fucking disability pride month, ig
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rvrindousvpet · 3 years
Can I request like a scenario where Shinichiros in highschool and it’s like when he first starts dating y/n and he’s like completely lovesick like he stares at her with hearts in his eyes all class and stuff like that Yk?
note : sure you can anon! i apologize in advance if he's too ooc and if this is vv shitty 😬🙏 also anon i can only do headcanon for now because I'm shitty at scenarios or drabble 😔😀
warnings : uhmm idk probably swearing?
character : sano shinichiro (slight mention of takeomi, wakasa n benkei)
lovesick high school shinichiro !
ha! this man, he is literally obsessed in love with you even before you become his girlfriend and it stays like that even now, okay here's the thing. it's not a phase thingy, cause he never grows out of it.
will wake up early to go to your house just to see you waking up with your sleepy cute face
"pst, y/n I'm so sorry to wake you up, but we have school remember? we can't afford to get late.."
"h-huh? shin...? how long have you been here?" you ask him as tilt your head while yawning
but hmm? why he isn't responding???
let's see what's in his mind shall we?
"shin? shin? hello??" you waved your hand in front of his face and then you decided to cup his face in your hand
when he snaps of out it, his face is turning into different shades of red !!! why?? well obviously cause your cute ass face is right in front his while pouting-#(£?£?
shinichiro.exe error!!
uhmm, you may or may have not broken him in the early morning
you go to school with him using his bike and everytime before you get on his bike he will put on the helmet for you <33 but he will also nag at you that you should hold him tightly and get on carefully !1!1!
when you arrived at school, he'll cover your legs with his jacket and bring you down himself ˶O_o˶ of course he did that, because he ain't letting those horn dogs stares at his beloved legs-#?#? besides he is the only one who can do that ! 🙄🙄🙄
yes, you guessed it. both of you are in the same classroom yey!! but unfortunately shin and your seat is wayyy too far from each other, your seat is in the middle of the class while his is in the wayyy back of the class sitting with wakasa, takeomi and benkei.
i feel sorry for wakasa though because usually he is the victim who shin will rants about how beautiful, cute, lovely, adorable, perfect, pretty, kind, endearing and how much he love and adores you. he did it everyday, so wakasa's ear can never get a rest :(
since you guys sit farr away from each other, he will use that advantage to stares at you with loving eyes~ he'll observe you every single moment, gush about how beautiful you look while writing notes, how cute when you scrunch your nose if you having a hard time understanding, and how focused you look paying attention to the teacher
so you're probably wondering, didn't he learn/study/pay attention to the class?? the answer is yes!! he didn't. the reason? well let me quote what he said "y/n is here so why should i focus on other things that isn't important??!? 🤔"
and his book is full of doodling with your and his name beside each other surrounded by cute little love <33
when the bell rings for lunch break he'll immediately rush to your desk and will offer you to hold your bento box !
holding hands while heading to rooftop cause that's where you guys usually eat ^^
hmm while eating, if he sees you talking to wakasa he'll definitely be on guard and will playfully say
"oi, this is my girlfriend not yours go search for your own will ya? this is one is mine and only and no one can take her away" and will hug and kiss your cheeks while saying that omlshsh I'm embarrassed-
will sometimes feed you, and if you're kinda bit messy eater he'll have a napkin all the time so he can wipe your mouth, finger and your messes from eating !
so he's lovesick right?? i just had a feeling that he WILL baby talk/cooing to you while wiping your messes •˶-˶•
"aww, don't worry baby it's okay to make a mess sometimes hmm? lemme just take care of you. you don't need to do anything. i love taking care of you okay my love"
okay now you're the one who's malfunctioning 😔🙏
fast foward to bringing you home, he will hug you and give you kithes and will cup your face and will gush about you and will prolong your stay outside the house because he loves you sm he ain't ready to let you go ಠ ೧ ಠ
will nag at you about don't forget to brush your teeth before sleeping, sleep early, take care of yourself, to eat and etc or he will ehem he will baby you in front of other people
let me tell you, you better do what he says or you're going to ended up feeling embarrassed for GENERATIONS !!
every.single.night.he.will.have.his.y/n.brainrot.moment 😲
i ain't kidding, this motherfucker will open his gallery that's full with your pictures and will stare at it nonstop fanboying about every single shit that's bout you
will definitely say "goodnight my love" right before he sleep 😳
bonus : you find out that he likes you cause, there's this one time you forgot about your things in class and coincidentally shinichiro and wakasa is in ze class at that time. wakasa do notice your presence though, he was about to tell shin who didn't notice you but! shin decided to do his daily gush/rant about you to wakasa. he literally shakes wakasa's body while doing that, poor waka :( it goes a bit like this
"....y/n is so fucking cute i might die-#?£?# did you see how cute she is when she's offering the teacher to help him?? i mean-#?£!£ god why can't she be mine, i just wanna keep her in my pocket forever BECAUSE SHE IS THAT PRECIOUS!!! ughdhdsb i wanna be her boyfriend so badly, WAKASA LISTEN! I LOVE Y/N SO MUCH THAT YOU DIDN'T UNDERSTAND, SHE IS LITERALLY AN ANGEL SENT FROM HEA-"
uhh yeah, his word is cut off because you accidentally dropped sumn... so yeah he noticed you.. he avoids you for 3 goddamn days before you catch him and confess to him that you like him too! he may or may not cried from happiness when you confessed 👉👈
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Flufftober - Day 2
2 - Sneaking Out Together
@prompts-in-a-barrel prompt in bold. Written for @flufftober2021 's event.
Pairing: Loki x Stark!reader
Tags: fluff, fluff FLUFFFFFFF (this is flufftober, of course there’ll be fluff). A tiny tiny bit of angst in the beginning (if you really squint) and maybe… maybe some father issues as well. I’m not discussing this with my therapist.
Word count: 1,2K
A/N: Listen. There isn’t an actual “sneaking out” because technically it isn’t. But it’s the most similar thing it could be, and honestly I like how it ended up.
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Gif not mine.
“There was only one rule you had to follow”, started Tony Stark, in front of fucking everyone. The whole team was in there, and you wanted to bury your face in your arms, but you couldn’t. You couldn’t because if there was one thing you’d never lose, it was your dignity. So, you sat right, with your eyes directly on your father’s as he kept going on how bad it was what you had just done. “Just one rule about dating. What have I told you?”.
“Don’t get in trouble”, you repeated, the phrase already memorized. “You know, I don’t see what the big deal is about. I never got in trouble, and I’m not a little kid anymore, you can’t actually control my dating life”.
“As long as you live under my roof, you can’t date criminals. No, wait. As long as you’re an Avenger, for moral stuff, you can’t date criminals”.
“Firstly, he’s not a criminal. Secondly, I only live with you because I’m an Avenger. Thirdly, we’re not dating”.
“Are we not?”, inquired Loki from the doorframe. You shot a panicked look over him, and calmed yourself down as you saw his teaseful smirk showing across his face.
“Can we talk alone?”, you asked, and Tony and you walked out of the room to talk in the corridor. “I just… I just want you to support me, dad. That’s all I ever wanted”, you said, lowering your voice and head, knowing all of your confidence had faded away as soon as he looked at you with that disappointed look he’s always looked at you with.
“I can support you in many things, dear. I really do. I love your work in the science projects you’re doing… and your new friends are great, and I know how hard it is for you to socialize”, you sighed, and looked at him knowingly, because if your relationship could be described in a phrase, it definitely was “not the point I’m trying to make”.
“But how can I support you when you’re making a huge mistake?”.
You sighed in frustration and wiped a tear away.
“If you think being around him is a mistake then why did you even let him in the team to begin with? Why didn’t you just refuse Thor's demand of keeping him here? You know me, you knew I’d get attached”.
“So, you’re admitting you’re dating?”.
“Yes, we are something. Maybe not dating. I don’t know what we are”.
“Oh, what a great way to tell me you’re fucking. Great, nice. I love to hear that my little…”.
“No, not your ‘little-something’, dad. I’m an adult now. So take it or leave it. This is what’s happening, and whether you like it or not, Loki is actually really nice to me. He’s a gentleman, he treats me right, he’s all the Prince Charming you’d think an actual prince is”.
“Just… do me a favor and don’t lie for him, would you? He’s got that much already on him”.
“I’m not lying”, you looked at him defiantly, yet with that tenderness he always saw in you, even as a little kid.
Tony sighed, knowing you were honest.
“Please, don’t let him take your goodness away”.
That same night you couldn’t sleep. You rolled around in your bedsheets, grasping to them for your dearest dreams, but anxiety won, once again. You thought of your studies, your homework, your grades. You thought of your father and your dating life. You thought of Loki. You thought of him way too often. You knew —you were sure— you had fallen irremediably in love with him.
Who wouldn’t? He truly was prince charming.
Speaking of which, you heard a soft knocking at your window. You got up from bed and covered yourself up with a blanket, walking to see who was calling you at such late hours of the night.
The moonrays shone brightly and they were the only way you could see around; otherwise, it would be only darkness. Nights were better now, and Loki was in there, waving hello with that big smile of his, looking up at you as if he were Romeo. He truly was.
You smiled back and opened your window, looking around for any sign of your parents or Jarvis’s cameras being a bitch, and when there wasn’t any, you finally rested your elbows on your window frame and gave him the dreamy eyes he loved to be stared at with.
“My little love?”, he called in a whisper, yet you could still hear it.
“Dear”, you called him back. “Why are you awake?”.
“I can’t sleep without you”, he said, and you smiled involuntarily. Maybe your feelings weren’t so out of place after all. Maybe he felt the same way, and the only thing in your way was your dad and his prejudices.
“Really?”, you laughed softly, and he laughed too.
“Why are you awake, pray tell?”.
“Of what?”.
“Of who, you may say”, you said, and he raised his eyebrows, wondering. “Of you, of course. And of my school books, that’s for sure”.
“Love and anxiety, all in one big package”, he said, and you rested your head over the heels of your hand. Did you just admit your love for him? And did he take it well? “I think it’s only fair for me to invite you to the library. The one from the compound is open at any time, right?”.
“Is this a study date at 4am?”.
“Darling, your idea of romanticism is so nerdy”, he laughed. “But if you may call it a date, then I’ll bring the candles”, he added, appearing a rose in his hand. “Shall I quote Shakespeare, too? Or is it enough for…?”.
“Well, no need to mock me, now”, you chuckled, while reaching for your clothes. “Meet you there?”.
“I’ll be there in a second, quite literally”, he said right before vanishing under a veil of green lights.
The night was spent with chattery over homework, with fun illusions he made in his hands, playing games and kissing —a lot. The night was spent so much, tiredness finally fell over you two, and before you could even realize, the sun had bathed both of your sleepy figures bent over the table, head resting over your arms. Loki was right in front of you and his legs intertwined with yours under the table. Books spread everywhere, you even used some as pillows. Not even once, you realized someone could walk in the library and let everyone know where you were last night.
And, as said, Tony and Pepper walked nonchalantly into the study area of the library, only to find you two sleeping over a pile of undone homework. You still had the rose behind your ear and a smile you wouldn’t be able to wipe off even awake. Pepper smiled and looked at Tony, who was staring in realization.
“They seem… good together”.
“You could even say happy? Good for each other?”, hinted Pepper, fighting back a giggle.
“Maybe… maybe they were right after all. I could give the guy a chance”, he nodded, rolling his eyes. “Now, let’s get those papers and close the curtains, they seem like they just fell asleep”.
(Taglist: @lucywrites02 , @louieboo87 @the-departed-potato , @jesuswasnotawhiteman , @idontknow296 , @beksib , @spythoschei , @geekwritersworld , @whatafuckingdumbass , @mysticunicorn7 @shadowolf993 , @joscelyn02 , @t00-pi , @selfship-mishaps , @sallymagnoliaposts , @deadgirl88 , @theonewiththenerds , @vicmc624 , @spiderlaufeyson @theaudacitytowrite )
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miryum · 3 years
Sick (Sodapop x Reader)
The Curtis house was unusually quiet. Well, somewhat quiet. Except for the loud coughs erupting from Soda, the rustle of Darry's newspaper, and the hurried questions from Pony, it was quiet. So, it wasn't that quiet.
But quieter than normal.
I had kicked out the rest of the gang when Soda had almost collapsed in the bathroom that morning. He had come down with a nasty fever, and I forced him to stay home from work. I didn't want anyone disrupting him or his sleep, so I forced everyone else out (against their wishes.)
Pony had a paper for social studies and a practice booklet in math due the next day, and he had pushed it off until that day. I was trying to help him the best I could, but with my own homework, it was somewhat difficult.
Darry had work that day, and had only come home about half an hour ago. He was watching TV with a newspaper in his hands, so it seemed like he was doing something.
Against Darry's wishes, I had decided to stay home from school so I could take care of Soda. Pony had gotten my homework, so Pony and I were having a study session, while Soda laid on my lap. I had a bowl of cold water next to me, occasionally re-wetting the towel that was placed on Soda's forehead.
Soda shifted, his arms latching around my waist, head in my lap. "You okay?" I asked him.
"Yeah." He mumbled, "I'm just tired and hot."
"That you are." I muttered. Unbeknownst to me, he had heard me, and now had a small smile on his lips.
"Hey Y/n/n?" Pony asked, shoving his papers my way, "I feel like I did something wrong, but I can't figure out what."
"Alright." I looked down at his notes on his math worksheet and quickly spotted the problem, "You forgot a negative. And you need to simplify the fraction." I handed his worksheets back to him, "Everything else is fine, you just need to slow down a bit. Your brain is going way too fast and you just can't keep up so you keep making small mistakes." I ruffled his hair, smiling. Pony grumbled and swatted my hand away.
I laughed and went back to my own homework. I had a science worksheet due and some math problems. I was finished with my math problems, but I couldn't figure out what I was doing wrong in science. Something just wasn't adding up.
"Hey Darry?" I called, "Could ya help me on my science homework?"
Darry looked up, an eyebrow raised, "I'll try." Both of us skirted around the fact that he wasn't the most confident in his school abilities as he had dropped out.
I started to stand but felt something holding me back. I looked down, "Soda." I said softly, "I need you to let go."
"No." Soda complained, "You're so comfy."
"Please? I need Darry's help."
"I can help you." Soda protested.
"But you're sick." I pointed out.
I looked up at Darry and shrugged. "Alright." I settled back on the couch and Soda made a noise of happiness.
I handed Soda your notes and he looked at them for a good minute. One of his arms was still wrapped around my waist and I re-wet his towel before placing it back on his forehead.
"Wait, what are you doing?" Soda asked, referring to the sheet.
"We're learning about homeostasis." I said sighing, "'The state of steady conditions maintained by living systems.'" I quoted my science teacher. (I would like to say that I hardly know what I'm learning in science (I'm not even taking biology right now), much less what they learned in the 60s. So... sorry.)
Soda's face scrunched up in confusion. "What?"
"Yeah." I agreed, "But I just wanted to clarify that 'baroreflex in blood pressure' is a negative setback. Right?" I directed my question at Darry. (That is the most basic question that I literally pulled off of the internet. And probably something every biology student should know. But again, I'm not taking biology right now... so idk)
"Yes." Darry said hesitantly.
"Ok!" I said, quickly scribbling some stuff down, "Thanks!"
"Anytime." Darry smiled, somewhat proud of himself for remembering.
"So you didn't need to get up." Soda defiantly.
"No." I huffed, "I guess I did not."
Soda hummed and snuggled into me more. I sigh and gently hit him on the head. He groaned and swiped my hand away.
For the next hour or two, Pony and I finished our homework and then had dinner along with Darry. Soda refused dinner against my protests.
Darry sent Pony to bed and soon headed to bed afterwards. I stayed up for a while, making sure Soda didn't need anything.
"Y/n?" Soda asked quietly after a bit.
"Can I cuddle you?"
I blinked, "Like, you want to- uhm- lay on my lap again? Or...?" I coughed.
"Nooooo." Soda whined, "I want cuddles!" He gestured to me. (You know the grabby hands that babies make where they reach there arms out and they make the grabby hands? He's doing that.)
I walked over to Soda and gently sat by his feet. Soda gave me a look and grabbed my arm. He dragged me down to lay on him. I stiffened, but when Soda wrapped his arms around me, I felt myself relaxing.
My head was on his chest, our legs tangled together. He ran a steady hand through my hair and I could feel his heartbeat.
"How are you?" I whispered, "Are you feeling better?"
"Much better."
After a few moments, I felt Soda's breathing slow and I looked up to see his eyes closed.
I smiled and tried to stand, but he subconsciously tightened his arms around me and pulled me back into his chest.
I rolled my eyes and snuggled closer. I felt my eyes closing and the pull of sleep reached to me.
I shifted, sunlight making me squirm. The bed I was on seemed smaller and a little uncomfortable, but warm and inviting nonetheless.
"Y/n. Y/n." I heard a voice sing in a teasing manner.
"What." I mumbled.
"You might wanna get off Sodapop."
"What?" I opened my eyes and looked down. Soda rested underneath me, still sleeping peacefully. I looked up at the rest of the gang leaning over us, smirking. Two-Bit held a Polaroid picture of Soda and I sleeping with each other.
"Keith!" I screamed, reaching for the photo.
Many things happened at once.
Soda woke with a start, sitting up suddenly.
I fell off the couch and reached for Two-Bit.
Two-Bit ran away while laughing hysterically.
And the rest of the gang roared with laughter.
"Why? What's 'appening?" Soda said groggily. I seethed, not saying anything. "Why are you on the floor?" That question was directed to me.
Two-Bit came back into the room and held up the photo, "This happened."
Soda took the photo from him and looked at it closer. "Aw!" He said, turning to me, "We look so cute!"
I crossed my arms as the gang laughed.
"It's not cute." I protested, "I didn't mean for it to happen. By the way, how's your fever?" I asked.
"Stop trying to change the subject, Y/n/n." Steve said, "I think we all need clarification on what you and Soda are."
"What do you mean?"
Pony spoke up, "You guys are always flirting and you took care of him while he was sick. We're all kinda waiting for it to happen."
I was shocked by his up-front confrontation . I didn't know what to say.
"Alright." Soda said, "Let us change that." He directed his hand at me, "Y/f/n. (Your full name) Will you be my girlfriend?"
My heart started racing and I felt my cheeks get hot. Did I want this? "Sure." I said, shrugging, "Why not."
The gang cheered, but Soda said, "Wow. That was the least exciting answer ever. Am I that bad?" He joked.
After a minute, I checked Soda's forehead and noticed that the fever had broke over night. I smiled softly at him as the gang got ready for the day.
"How is he?" Darry asked me.
"Still sick." I shook my head sadly. "I'll stay home again today."
Darry was about to argue, but I cut him off with a look.
After the gang had left, Soda looked at me questioningly, "Why'd you do that? I thought I was all better."
"You are. But I wanted to spend the day with you."
Soda smiled widely and kissed me for the first time.
Hey! I realize that I haven't posted in the longest time, but that's cause I had a bit state-wide conference for a club I'm in, and I was really busy. So, sorry I haven't posted, but I hope that this longer chapter makes up for it! Bye!
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tarosin · 3 years
the great adventures of y/n tubbo jack niki and wilbur - racing across the sea
requested: yes/no
part 8 of the great adventures series
warning: cursing, anxiety about the sea
ever since the argument you and tubbo had become inseparable, he practically lived with you and your parents at this point, and your community was loving it. everytime one of you would stream, tens of thousands of people would tune into your stream to see what madness was going on and today was no different. the pair of you decided to stream a laugh and the stream ends challenge. safe to say you ended up changing the rules several times, you even made ranboo join the stream so you could have extra lives. not long after the stream ended you, ranboo, and tubbo practically dominated the twitter trending page. today however was tubbos last day at yours and shortly after you ended stream, the pair of you headed out to the train station so you could make sure your best friend made it onto the train safely. after you said your goodbyes, you decided to facetime jack on your way home to discuss vlog ideas, and just to talk to him, as you had been rather busy this past week going over plans with ranboo, tubbo, and all of your parents about the uk trip that was happening pretty soon.
a few days later, it was finally time to go film the vlog. you couldn’t exactly lie, you weren’t exactly looking forward to this, as you were told it had something to do with the sea and boats which oddly enough didn’t mix very well with your fear of the deep sea. you had no idea what’s down there and you didn’t want to find out, but hey at least you’d be with tubbo.
your parents offered to drive you there so you didnt have any additional stress from having to get a train then a taxi, this allowed you to have a pretty quiet journey to meet up with your friends. you sat in the back of the car on facetime with tommy who was the only one who knew about your fear and was rather confused as the why you would agree to do such a thing
“i’ll never understand what goes through your mind, you’ve got this though! you’re going to be completely okay, plus you never know it might help you get over your fear, you did tell me you had been working on getting over it.”
“I suppose you’re right, it can’t be too bad. I mean I love the sea. I just don’t like what’s deep down, you feel me?”
“i understand mate, but you need to remember jack wouldn’t put you in danger. as much as he acts like he would, and even if you do fall off the boat or some how end up in the water, you won’t automatically end up at the bottom of the sea. just try to enjoy yourself, yeah?”
“call me when you get home you can tell me all about what happened, afterwards we can record a minecraft mod video.”
“of course, boss man.”
“you hang out with tubbo too much, you should hang out with me a lot more.”
the car pulled into the car park and within a minute of the car stopping tubbo was at the window shouting your name.
“right tommy, i should probably go, ill see you later bud!”
you said goodbye to your parents as tubbo opened your car door for you.
“what a gentleman, thank you, tubbo.”
“anything for you, now let’s go. jack began filming the intro and i really want the hat hes wearing.”
“you’re ridiculous.”
he stood with his arms crossed shaking his head, pretending to be offended before walking off with you not far behind him.
you stood with niki and wilbur as tubbo went off filming some of the intro with jack. the three of you stood talking about how you have all been and discussing more plans for your meetup.
“y/n, go control your friend, he’s stealing a hat!”
you ran up behind tubbo and stole the hat from him, putting it on your own head.
“why have you got the hat now?”
“i am now captain!”
“but i wanted to be captain!”
you and tubbo stood arguing back and forth over who was captain, ignoring jack trying to get the pair of you to stop.
“you have 5 seconds to stop arguing or you’re being separated 5...4...3...2...1 right.”
“jack no!”
jack pulled you aside claiming he has something really important to ask you.
“so did you bring something valuable?”
“yeah i did actually, i brought tubbo and the necklace tommy gave me for my birthday last year.”
tubbo overhearing the conversation walked over telling you both that he also brought a valuable item, in fact it was a family heirloom.
“i brought an urn.”
“why would you do that tubbo? what the fuck-“
“you two do realise if either of you lose it had to go in the sea?”
“poor grandma.”
“aye about that you will have to pry that necklace out of my hands in order to throw it in the sea!”
the three of you went up to wilbur and niki where wilbur stole the hat you stole from tubbo, and you were told that you were all about to race to the isle of wight.
it was unfortunately time to board the boat, you sat next to tubbo, so that you felt like you had some sort of control with what was about to happen. the others sat making jokes about what was going on whilst you were trying to get control of your breathing. as you all set sail, you thought you were doing a good job of hiding the fact you were potentially about to have a panic attack as no one seemed to notice, or so you thought. considering the fact tubbo was your best friend, he instantly noticed something was wrong and wrapped an arm around you, and decided that distracting you would be a lot better than making you focus on what was currently happening.
“hey y/n, i have an amazing idea for when ranboos in the uk. a 4 month sleep over.”
before you had time to fully process what was going on, all you could hear was wilbur now claiming to be captain then going on to tell you why portsmouth is called portsmouth. you couldnt help but laugh at the random things he was coming up with since he put the captains hat on.
“that is a cinema..i’ve been in this industry for a while now, isn’t that right?”
it was silent for a while until niki tried to steal the captains hat, but was unfortunately unsuccessful .
“maybe next time niki.”
“thank you for believing in me, y/n.”
you pointed out a castle which ended up with wilbur talking about how the planned executions there .
“are they dead?”
“...tubbo of course they’re dead. what kind of question was that?”
the other boat began getting closer to the boat you were all currently in, indicating that it was almost time for you all to split up into two groups.
“my boat is going much faster.”
“that is a sign of pollution.”
“wow jack you’re polluting the world, i hope you’re happy!”
the ride was pretty chill until jack asked what he had lost in the past.
“past relationships.”
“the love or host.”
“laugh you lose streams.”
“the waterslide races from when we went to the water park.”
you and tubbo continued listening things that jack had lost.
“okay. so i’ve lost a few things.”
jack looked towards the other boat.
“however, you two are about to lose each other.”
“excuse you?”
“no, y/n is mine!”
eventually wilbur had enough and picked tubbo up and took him to the other boat with him.
you and niki sat laughing as jack and wilbur bickered about who was going to win the boat race. whilst jack was distracted, you felt niki tap your arm and told you to look over to the other boat where tubbo was reaching his arm out to you so you could quickly swap boats.
you quickly got into the boat and sat next to your best friend, tubbo knew you were still slightly nervous, so made it so you would be sat in between him and wilbur so you would feel a lot more comfortable. a few minutes later, your boat began to set off and all you could hear was a mixture of tubbos laughter and jacks yelling getting quieter the further you went.
you turned to face wilbur who pointed towards a building before announcing that it definitely belonged to the the three of you, and was renaming it reddit gold.
“reddit..reddit gold, are you serious?” you said through your laughter, the three of you sat together taking turns narrating what was happening .
“go on, y/n.”
“if this capsizes, were all drowning.”
“cheerful as awful.”
“do you think sharks are beneath us?”
“i’m not even answering that question.”
you looked over your shoulder to see that niki and jack were catching up to you all.
“i hope they don’t overtake us, otherwise it’s bye bye tubbo.”
“and grandma.”
“excuse you, tubbo?”
“he’s claiming that he brought an urn with him and if we lose our valuable item gets chucked into the sea.”
a little while later jacks boat was next to yours and you and wilbur started to shout how it was like romeo and juliet.
“y/n, you studied this at gcse a while back, yell some quotes.”
“tubbo i didn’t listen to the teachers.”
“do it!”
wilbur continued to talk to the others whilst you and tubbo sat bickering about William Shakespeare .
“tubbo my favourite character was benvolio and he fucked off halfway through.”
“what do you mean he fucked off?”
“he literally disappeared.”
wilbur was genuinely questioning what he was listening to he slowly turned around and tried to catch your attention; however you were currently in the middle of a debate about why benvolio disappeared, which was that last thing you expected to be doing on the boat. eventually your debate died down and you looked up to see wilbur shaking his head at you both, clearly confused as to why you spent 5 minutes arguing about romeo and juliet. an idea came to wilburs mind as he started laughing and pointing at the sea.
“drink some seawater, tubbo.”
you looked away as tubbo reached into the water trying to hold as much water as he could before bringing it to his lips and drinking the seawater.
“tubbo did you really just-“
“more tubbo!”
tubbo did the same as before, however this time brought his hands towards your face.
“drink it, y/n!”
“yeah, y/n, you can help desalinate it.”
“how wonderful, i’ll pass though.”
tubbo looked at you pretending to be upset and lifted his hands towards you again, this time you gave in and drank some of the water.
“thanks, tubbo, I can now only taste salt.”
jack noticed what you and tubbo were doing and looked at wilbur confused.
“im making them drink seawater!”
“what’s it like?”
“salt.. a lot of salt!”
you checked your phone as you kept receiving multiple messages from tommy trying to get your attention, forgetting that you were currently on a boat with the others. you looked up from your phone to see tubbo drinking more seawater.
you had no idea what was going on for jack and niki, but it sounded a lot like they lost hope as jack yelled asking if there was room for him on the boat while tubbo sat flipping him off in response to his question. jack continued to yell at the three of you however none of you could hear what he was yelling, so you kind of sat just nodding your head in agreement to what he was saying. wilbur pointed out that he could see the finishing line and how it looked like you were all going to make it. you looked over to see jack and niki recreating that one scene from titanic tubbo looked at you smiling, trying not to laugh.
“absolutely not one of us, if not both of us, would end up in the sea.”
the boat began to go significantly faster. at the start you were unsure how to feel, however a few minutes into it you began laughing enjoying how fast you were going.
“woahhh we’re turning!”
the boat did a loop before going straight on as fast as it could go.
“y/n, tubbo, we’re going. we’re going.”
you ended up passing another boat you and tubbo instantly waved to everyone on the boat a few people waved back .
“they don’t wanna wave.”
“they know their boat is bigger than ours.”
“they could easily ram us and kill us all.”
“hopefully they decide against doing that.”
the boat began weaving resulting in you, tubbo, and wilbur constantly crashing into each other, not that any of you cared you were all having the time of your lives. you pointed at a boat which was cutting off the boat jack and niki were in .
“we’ve got this in the bag boys, victory is ours!”
your boat slowed down so it could dock.
“i think we’ve won!”
“we won”!
“holy shit we won! tubbo doesn’t have to go in the sea now!”
everyone got out of the boat so you could all wait for jack and niki to reach the dock, as the two of them approached you all tubbo began to sing.
“we are the champions my friend!”
“i have to go into the fucking water!”
you pulled niki into a hug.
“jack you cruel man.”
“did you not have fun niki..we had a great time.”
you let go of niki and stood behind tubbo placing your head on his shoulder whilst jack explained to wilbur what was going to happen if they lost.
“oh, I thought we got to decide who was thrown into the water.”
“no no no no no no!”
“well i think considering we won..”
after a small discussion as a team, you all instantly agreed that jack should be thrown into the water, you all stood on the boat as niki argued that he cant throw her into the water. a couple seconds later wilbur walks towards jack handing him the camera before picking him up.
“are you ready?”
“i don’t think the bits that funny will, i don’t think the bits that funny!”
you all screamed and laughed as jack was thrown into the water. jack complained about the temperature of the sea as he climbed back onto the boat only to be pushed off again by you and tubbo.
“that’s revenge for trying to put us on separate boats!”
you spent the rest of the day together just hanging together as a group before you said your goodbyes.
the ride back home was you excitedly explaining what your boat ride was like to your parents, once you got home you ran upstairs to your room then called tommy on discord
“how was it then?”
“tommy it was so cool, honestly i wish you could have come with us.”
“i mean you’re coming with me george and wilbur to a water course next week, you don’t have a choice.”
“oh okay, it’s a good job i’d love to be there then, tom, also what mod are we playing just so i can check i have it ready.”
the two of you spent a good hour talking before getting ready to film a video with charlie and jschlatt for tommys youtube channel.
@l0ver0fj0y @etheriaaly @xx-smiley-xx @hawarun @kylobensgirl @cawcaw-pretty-thing @reverse-iak @c1loudee
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roger-that-cap · 4 years
at first, you loved the words on your body that connected you to your soulmate, your one and only. but the older you got, the more annoying and mocking they became. what weirdo sings rhianna when they first meet their soulmate, anyway?
steve rogers x fem!reader
soulmate au!
word count: 1.7k, she’s a baby :,)
warnings: none besides the fact that this was written in an hour and a half, flufff!
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By the time you were old enough to read, the song wasn’t out yet. At the time, you had no idea it was a song, of course, and the words were still cute. It sounded like you had a sweet soulmate. You thought of your soulmate coming to you in a million different ways in your imaginative little brain every single time it rained.
But when you were eight years old, the song came out. And then, you were teased for your words relentlessly. They started to hum the song when you walked by. Someone drew you a picture of a raindrop. One kid was even bold enough to laugh right in your face and tell you that Rihanna herself was your soulmate.
And every morning, you would turn on your side, lift your arm up, and look at the words inscribed in semi-neat cursive, your soulmate’s writing.
You can stand under my umbrella
Who even said that? It was so… cheesy. As the years went by, you doubted that it was rain at all that made the words come out of your soulmate’s mouth. By the time you were in high school, you were certain that it was a pick up line. You no longer longingly stared at every rain shower that happened.
Even though you had a certain, tiny disdain for whoever was behind the words, you knew that you missed them in a way that you didn’t understand fully yet. Perhaps the reason was that everyone else around you was happy with their other halves, living perfect lives with the person destined for them, but you knew that wasn’t their fault that you didn’t have yours. By the end of high school, most people already met their soulmates. You didn’t have yours yet, and it was your second year of college. Naturally, you started to worry.
What if they didn’t exist at all?
The possibility of not having a soulmate and just having filler words in the form of a Rihanna song plagued you every day, and the thought only got stronger when it rained. When you were younger, rain meant good luck, and it was your comfort weather. Now, all it brought was the cold and negative thoughts.
It was your lucky day, because it was quite literally pouring while you served the drenched customer her coffee. You watched her yank the door open and rush towards her car through the glass windows, and you swore under your breath when you remembered something.
Your car was in the shop, and you were supposed to be walking home from work. That meant walking home in the torrential downpour.
You sighed and shook your head, leaning over the counter and already anticipating getting ultimately drenched on your short walk home.
Your boss let you go home early and started closing shop, and you didn’t know if you wanted to thank her or send her the bird for not letting you wait out the storm. She had never let you go home early before, not once in the entire history of you working there. It was unusual. You had full intentions of asking her if she had a hot date, but she started to turn off the lights before you could ask her what made her want to do something nice for once.
You shook your head again as you realized that you didn’t even have a hood or jacket or even worse, and umbrella. You sighed and braced for the cold, yanking the door open and folding your arms, pushing through the uncomfortable feeling of the cold, wet rain with your head down.
You got caught at a crosswalk and had to watch cars fly by. Of course you did. There were footsteps behind you, and you sighed and regretted the second that you stomped your foot, looking up to the sky and letting the rain hit you right in the face. “This is the worst fucking day of my life.”
There was a gasp from beside you and you didn’t even open your eyes. You assumed that whoever it was, was offended by your language. “Sorry,” you said, but you didn’t sound apologetic at all.
Someone cleared their throat from beside you, and you turned your head to the side to see a handsome blonde man with a dark blue umbrella and a pink flush on his face smiling at you, already moving the umbrella your way. Your heart raced. This couldn’t be it. Was it? Your hands were suddenly shaky as you waited for the man to say something, anything. No, not anything, you were waiting to hear the predestined offer (or pickup line) that you now loved again.
“Here,” the man said, and the sound of rain hitting the roof of the umbrella was almost as empty as you felt in the moment. You mustered up a smile at him and said a small thank you, trying to mask the disappointment that came with being so close meeting your soulmate after all.
The man held the umbrella for as long as he walked in the same direction as you, and then he apologized for not being able to hold it for you any longer. “It’s alright, thank you” you said, and hoped that the sound of the pounding rain was enough to hide the tremor in your voice. You were not about to cry.
You went to stand under the roof of a building on the side of it, hoping that the wave of rain would be over in a few minutes. It was better than running for two minutes, you supposed. You saw another blonde man with large strides walk past, with an even darker blue umbrella in his hand, and he was dry.
You groaned. “How am I the only one who didn’t know about the rain?”
The man stopped in his tracks and turned around, looking at you with wide, blue eyes as you stood nonchalantly under the roof, arms crossed and still a little hurt after the universe teasing you with the first umbrella man. When all he did was stare at you, you have him a harsh look and looked away. Staring men always meant trouble, and the meaner you were, the faster they would leave you alone.
“You can stand under my umbrella,” the handsome man said, and slowly, your head turned back his way. Your eyes locked again, and it was your turn to stare like an idiot. “I-I mean, if you want to.”
You leaned off of the wall of the building and took a step towards him. “Did you really just say that?”
A grin lit up on his beautiful face, and you already decided that his smile was your favorite thing on earth. Screw churros from the fair. “Depends, did you just say something about being the only one who didn’t know about the rain?”
You threw yourself into his arms, and he nearly dropped the umbrella just to hold you. His embrace was warm and strong, and he used just enough pressure for you to feel he was there. “I didn’t think you were real.”
It truly did felt surreal. You were in your soulmate’s arms after all that time wondering, worrying, and losing sleep, and now it all felt like it was going to be alright. You could see the happiness in you near future coming your way, the questions and the subtle and uncontrollable bitterness towards others fading away quickly. You already held this man high in your mind, and just like that, he was a priority. And you didn’t even know his name yet.
Instead of asking him for the name that you so desperately wanted to know or saying any of the cheesy words swirling around in your mind, you decided to talk about the words. “Because, who quotes Rihanna?”
“Who doesn’t look at the weather before leaving the house?” He retorted, pulling back a bit to study your face. You were glad that he was able to do it, because you discovered that his face was just as comforting as the warmth of his arms.
“Shut up, weatherman.”
He smiled down at you, blue eyes giving you a fond look that only soulmates could give each other after meeting so suddenly. He poked you right on your nose, a fluttering touch that made your heart skip a few beats.
“I can walk you wherever you need to go.” Your heart warmed at his kindness. It turned out the younger you that hoped that your soulmate was a sweetheart was right, after all.
“No, it’s okay, it’s probably out of your way,” you said anyway, disregarding the way the inner you was screaming at the part of you that had control over your mouth.
“I’m not even supposed to be all the way over here right now, and I think I already missed my appointment.”
“Where are you supposed to be?”
“The barbershop.”
You frowned at him. The barbershop was all the way on the other side of town, and he didn’t seem like he was lost. “How’d you find yourself over here?”
He paused for a second, like he was debating on whether or not to tell the truth. “Something told me to walk this way.”
You could have fallen apart, and you believed that without even knowing you, he would have known how to put you back together again. “Looks like you listened,” you breathed out, in awe of the man before you, who was staring at you with the same look of bewilderment.
“How could I not?” He took one of your hands in his after asking for permission with his eyes, and you felt the tingling build up at the connection. “I’m Steve.”
You told him your name, and he repeated it once, and then twice, and then a smile was on his face, like that was the one word he needed to hear. You resisted the urge to touch his face now that you could see the subtle stubble growing in. “Don’t wear it out, weatherman.”
You took a step forward, and his long legs only took half of his normal stride to match up with you. He walked you home while you talked about anything and everything with him, every now and again talking about the words on your respective wrists and how glad you were that you found each other.
It felt so right.
You met him the next day at the park, and it was as sunny as it could be. He was carrying a tackily designed gift bag that he put red tissue paper in, and from then on, you knew he was a big goof. He handed you the bag with a huge, dopey smile on his face, and you cackled when you opened it.
It was an umbrella, an poncho, and a copy of Weather for Dummies.
omg omg not my first soulmate au lmao and many more to come in different shapes and sizes bc-
i’m obsessed
hope y’all liked it!!! <3
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honeypiehotchner · 4 years
Statistically Speaking (a Spencer Reid one shot)
Okay, yes, I know I literally just made a post about being triggered by Criminal Minds, but writing fluff about Spencer has been one of the things that has helped me heal (weirdly enough) and this is one of the one shots that I wrote. It’s all fluff. Enjoy xx.
(Also I’m only on like season 2 of the show so that’s when I’m imagining this is set but it can be whenever idc)
Tagging @breadgenie892​ because she ruined me with her Jaskier x Geralt fluff earlier. This is 100% payback :)
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You and Spender Reid — sorry, Dr. Spencer Reid as he adorably introduced himself to you on your first day at the BAU (and scrambled to say, “S-Sorry, it’s Spencer. Just Spencer Reid,” immediately after).
The two of you have quite the bond.
You’re no genius, not in the way Spencer is. Your memory is nowhere near Eidetic, it more resembles Dory from Finding Nemo, but you don’t make that joke anymore. Hotch gave you quite a worried look and called you into his office an hour later to ask if you were alright that day.
But you digress.
Before you met Spencer, Google was your best friend. You ask a lot of questions, and by a lot-- well, just ask Morgan.
On your first day, Morgan said, and you quote, “Oh, God. There’s two of them.”
Whenever you had a question, you Googled it. You researched, you found literary journals and universities that studied what you wanted to know. You found your answers, and sometimes more questions along the way.
But when you started at the BAU, Google was child’s play. Especially when Spencer could give you the answer faster than you could type in the question and hit enter on Google.
It’s one of the things you love most about him. At first, he only answered you because you have a bad habit of asking questions aloud when meaning to just speak to yourself. Spencer didn’t know you were mainly asking yourself, and he launched into a full explanation. You were too mesmerized to stop him, and started asking further questions. It went on and on until you were dazed and he was smiling, and the rest of the team was staring at the two of you like you’d gone insane.
So now, you ask him anything and everything.
Recently, you called him at almost ten at night. It was storming, but you really needed to take a shower. It had been two days since your last, and you couldn’t take it anymore.
“Hey Spence,” you said when he picks up. “Statistically speaking, how likely am I to get struck by lightning?”
“What? Y/N, what are you doing?”
“I need to shower and it’s storming. How do I look statistically?”
“Not good! Don’t take a shower!”
“Spencer,” you groaned, flopping down on your bed.
“Y/N, showering increases your likelihood of being electrocuted. Ten to twenty people on average are struck by lighting when bathing.”
“There’s the stats,” you chuckled. “Fine, genius. I’ll wait it out.”
“Good,” he sounded genuinely relieved.
His concern made you smile. “What are you up to?”
“Talking you out of electrocuting yourself.”
“I wouldn’t be electrocuting myself. The lightning is what would do it.”
“Yes, I know.”
“Are you tired of me yet?”
Spencer laughed airily before he replied in a soft voice, “No. Never.”
As strange as it sounds, things changed that night. Spencer stayed on the phone with you until the storm passed -- you were getting scared after a particularly loud boom of thunder, but you’d never admit that to him. Once it passed and once Spencer checked the weather radar to be sure it was gone, he let you shower.
The next morning at the BAU, you fixed a cup of coffee for him as a thank you for the night before. You were expecting him to take it and move on, but he pulled you into a hug instead.
Thankfully, no one saw it. If they had, you’d both be getting hell for it.
But despite not seeing the hug, the team has noticed things.
Hotch first noticed it when you offered to accompany Reid to the local police station to set things up on a new case. You normally go with Emily to talk to the families or even with Morgan to visit crime scenes. It was nothing against Spencer, you just happened to like being out in the field more than holed up in a station with exhausted law enforcement.
But not this time. This time you wanted to be with Reid. You even turned down Morgan’s offer to go to the crime scene.
Yeah. Hotch knew something was up.
Morgan noticed, too. He saw you pouring a massive amount of sugar into a cup of coffee and jokingly asked if it was for Reid. In your flustered state, you said it was yours. But Morgan watched you hand the cup off to Reid once you were back with him.
Emily’s suspicions were confirmed when you were talking with her one night on the plane. Everyone else was asleep, so you, Emily, and JJ began talking about “girly” things. Tonight’s topic happened to be crushes.
“I can’t imagine falling for someone on the team,” Emily whispered, pulling a face, overdoing it just to get your reaction.
And your reaction was priceless. You shrugged and went completely silent. While you were glancing over your shoulder to check that Reid was still sleeping, Emily shared quite the look with JJ.
Garcia was maybe the last to notice things. She had her suspicions as well (it passes the time, and Morgan made a few comments about it, too), but when she saw the two of you laughing, that was it. Spencer was sitting in his desk chair and you were sitting on his desk. You were arguing about something Garcia couldn’t hear, but the smiles on your faces told her the argument was all flirting.
And she’d be right to think that, too. The argument that day was that Spencer overworks himself, so you promptly sat on top of his paperwork so that he couldn’t get to it. He refused to touch it because it was too close to your ass and voiced this issue, and you told him it sounded like a personal problem. And that you wanted him to get up and walk around, maybe eat something, too.
You’re a bit of a hopeless romantic. That part of you was telling you that Spencer’s flirting was genuine. That there were feelings buried behind it, but you were never sure.
Spencer was officially the last to notice.
“How am I looking?” You asked seemingly out of nowhere.
Spencer raised his eyebrows, turning to look at you, your voice having broken him out of his thoughts. “Uh, good?”
You tilt your head. “No, statistically. I asked what are the chances of me making it to dinner on time?”
“Dinner?” Morgan asked, sauntering over with his blinding smile. “Got a hot date tonight?”
“You wish,” you scoffed, shoving his shoulder lightly.
But you didn’t elaborate further, which caused Spencer to go quiet. Realizing you weren’t getting any statistics out of him this time, you gathered your things in your arms and headed out.
Once you made it through the door, Morgan nearly fell to the floor. “Spencer. Pretty boy. What are you doing, man?”
Spencer dumbly looked down at the paperwork on his desk.
Before he could say anything, Morgan said, “No, man, not the paperwork. Y/N. What are you doing?”
“What do you mean what am I doing?”
Morgan laughed loudly. “Oh, pretty boy. You have no idea?”
Spencer scooted back from his desk, eyebrows furrowed in genuine confusion. “No idea about what?”
“Reid,” Morgan emphasizes every word. “She likes you.”
The sentence stunned Spencer so much he nearly fell out of his chair. “What?”
“Come on, man,” Morgan groaned. “An IQ of 187 and it didn’t help you see she’s got feelings for you?”
Spencer stood to his feet, grabbing his jacket. You liked him. You like him, and you’re going to dinner with someone else.
“There you go,” Morgan cheered as Spencer practically bolted from the room. “Go get her, tiger!”
“Shut up!” Spencer called after Morgan.
Pushing through the doors, Spencer halted, seeing you standing by the elevator. You’re staring down at your phone, and you don’t exactly look happy.
Spencer approaches you slowly, hand gripping the strap of his bag. “You okay?”
You look up quickly like he’s startled you, and truthfully, he has. “Oh. Um, no. My date-- Well, they canceled. Said something came up.”
Spencer can see you’re hurt by this, but he doesn’t care. “Have dinner with me,” he says, eyes expectant.
“With you?” You ask.
“Yeah,” he shrugs, a smile coming through when he adds, “please.”
“Okay,” you can’t help but smile, too.
Spencer grins now, stepping over to press the down arrow on the elevator. You wait in silence, stepping on when the doors open, and Spencer presses the button for the ground floor.
All of your hurt is gone from your face now, and it causes Spencer to start thinking. He stares ahead, and then he hears you giggle.
When he looks over at you, he asks. “You didn’t have a dinner date, did you?”
“Nope,” you chuckle. “Got ya.”
“Yeah,” Spencer laughs. “You got me.”
“So…” You pause, heart racing. “Statistically speaking, how likely are you to kiss me right now?”
Spencer doesn’t even care that the elevator is a few seconds from reaching the ground floor. All he cares about right now is you.
And because of that, he says, “Very likely,” before pulling you in. Your fingers tangle in his hair while his cup your jaw, moving you closer, deepening the kiss, trying to make up for all of his stupidity. As he holds you now, feels your lips, he wonders how he never knew.
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kiribakuficrecs · 3 years
hello!!! im going on a very long trip at the end of april and I'm looking for some very long fics to download to keep me entertained! i dont care what they're about as long as there's no major character death or mentions of non-con. ur blog is a godsend ilysm and you do such a good job thank you so much 🙏
hi there!! i definitely have a lot of good lengthy fics i can recommend to you!
quote love unquote by newamsterdam 
Sero nods. “It’s the chance of a lifetime, really,” he says. “We want you to date Bakugou, for the sake of his reputation with the press. Some public appearances, a few ‘candid’ photos. For at least a couple of months.”
“Bakugou sent you to ask me to date him?” Kirishima asks, baffled.
“Of course not. We, his people, are asking you to date him. He’s going to have to get on board, if he wants his career to survive. And in the bargain, Riot will get all sorts of publicity, because their lyricist will be dating one of the industry’s hottest stars. A win for everyone.”
When Kirishima Eijirou's band hits the big time, he's not prepared for his newfound fame. He's even less prepared to meet the actor he's been crushing on for years, or to start dating him as a publicity stunt. The closer Kirishima gets to Bakugou Katsuki, the more he realizes he's in over his head. But it's hard to stop, once his heart is in it.
acceptance and denial by poteto
It all goes okay when Kirishima decides to come out to his friends and it all goes wrong when decides that Bakugou is the best fake boyfriend material.
cause the darks not taking prisoners tonight by imatrisarahtops
“Are those soba noodles?” Kirishima asked.
Again Bakugou’s only reply was a grunt. He offered no further explanation—not that Kirishima honestly expected one—as though making soba noodles from scratch at half past four in the morning wasn’t at all a bizarre occurrence and made complete and total sense. For a fleeting moment, Kirishima even wondered if maybe he was the odd one here. Besides, he’d already decided it was generally not in his best interest to question these types of things with Bakugou, especially when it was something essentially harmless.
When Kirishima has a nightmare and is unable to fall back asleep, he accepts defeat and decides to study in the common area of the dorms. What he doesn't expect to find is Bakugou, also very much awake, and Kirishima can't help but think that maybe they're both having the same problems with sleeping. If he's worried, it's just because they're friends. (Right?)
the weight of your hand by kamin
That night, to the citizens, the explosions were a jolt of fear at every blast, but to the heroes and the students of UA, they were punches and swings, fierce fighting and loud strength. The explosions were the pulse of the battle, and the power of a boy that would never back down.
One after another, explosions set a chorus through the shuddering city.
And then, suddenly—the explosions stopped.
(In which Bakugou’s kidnapping goes a little differently, and just a few seconds could change so much.)
so take my hand (your life will be brighter) by multiclassmaps
When a stranger shows up at the ice rink during Bakugou's usually private training sessions, Bakugou expects to hate him. He doesn't expect to develop feelings that become increasingly difficult to deny, or for them to help each other sort through their emotional baggage. - Bakugou really didn't like Kirishima's smile. There was something about it that made his stomach hurt, something about it that made it difficult to focus. He definitely hadn't thought about that smile on his way to the ice rink that day. He definitely hadn't.
distance makes the heart grow fonder (false) by dragontrappedinhumanskin
When Bakugo and Kirishima get hit by a quirk that forces them to literally stick together or face the less then desirable consequences, how the fuck is Bakugo supposed to keep his crush hidden?! Well, turns out he never needed to.
-- “Well, this fucking sucks, how are we supposed to train?!” "Really closely?"
perihelion by tauontauoff
Bakugou was a comet, blazing out of reach. Kirishima knew he was stupidly lucky that his furious trajectory went by close enough that his fingertips got to graze the cowl of fire. It was enough.
During Christmas Class 1A and 1B spend a laid-back week learning about extreme environment hero work in the Alps. Kirishima was used to keeping part of his feelings for Bakugou hidden, and had every intention of keeping it that way, but things don't always go according to plan.
fight me by mr_todoroki
Bright red, spiky hair. Annoyingly bright smile. Clothes that radiate ‘look at me’ vibes. Neon yellow tank top with black shorts. And those were definitely crocs on his fucking feet.
Yeah, Katsuki hated this guy.
Bakugou gets a new roommate.
quietly by chezka
“We’ve been taking the same way to and from school for weeks,” Kirishima grinned, and then when Bakugou frowned at him he put on an affected pout, tilted his head so that he was looking at him through his thick, long lashes, “you never noticed? Am I that easy to miss?”
He could barely finish the sentence before a laugh escaped his lips, and Bakugou rolled his eyes, hit him with a shoulder a little more violently than necessary.
“You stick out like a sore thumb, broom-head,” he grumbled, promptly ignoring Kirishima's whining about his hairstyle when it started coming, “I didn’t notice ‘cause I didn’t care.”
“And now you do?”
everyone knows that cats are independent by purplepersnickety
Eijirou enjoys his job, working the graveyard shift at a 24/7 coffee shop. His daemon Riot is always there to keep him company, and he likes meeting the early-morning patrons and giving them the best possible kick-start to their day. It's been his routine for about a year now.
Then one day, a grouchy guy with a daemon in the form of a lion walks into the shop in the dead of night, and Eijirou decides to strike up a conversation with him.
punks not dead by wrunic
“So you want to use me to piss off your mom?” Kirishima summarized, raising one pierced eyebrow at Katsuki.
“Look, if you want to be all fucking judgy about it, I take cash,” Katsuki said, dropping his hand palm up on the table.
“Hey now,” Kirishima said, raising his hands in surrender, “I didn’t say I wasn’t doing it. I’m always down for a little chaos.” He flashed a grin, showing off his ridiculous shark teeth.
“Good,” Katsuki said. “We start tomorrow."
sent, delivered, read, loved by kiribakuhappiness
Kirishima E. [6.49pm]: ur okay for such an angry dude bakugou! :)
Bakugou K. [7.12pm]: FUCK YOU!
Kirishima E. [7.14pm]: haha! :D ttyl!
Bakugou K. [7.52pm]: STOP TXTING ME!!!
- OR -
Bakugou's and Kirishima's relationship develops from classmates to friends to more, as told through their text conversations.
flicker by mr_todoroki
He was starting to feel depressed. Life was so uninteresting. It was so mundane and forgettable. He had no one to hang out with besides Kota, his family didn’t even live in the city.
He grew his hair out as some sort of rebellion, some sort of stand to make his life the slightest bit more interesting. But he could already feel himself giving in to the pressure of cutting it. He needed to work to live. Without a job, he’d truly have nothing.
Kirishima never applied to UA, therefore never became a hero.
let’s get down to business by kjelfalconer
Katsuki Bakugou, one of the brightest rising stars on wall street, is in need of a new personal assistant. Again. Could Eijirou Kirishima finally be the one to last more than two months?
Katsuki's long suffering HR department sure hope so.
something about us by bigstupidjellyfish
nothing like being in highschool and having no idea how to deal with emotions
fireproof by inkbender
Four years after a classmate nobody seems to remember is kidnapped by the League of Villains, Kirishima drags an amnesiac hobo he found washed up on the beach into his apartment, attempts to teach him how to adult (with varying degrees of success), and discovers along the way that the line between heroism and villainy is quite fine indeed. Plot-divergent after episode 45, the Forest Training Camp arc.
blood riot by magicallee (alternatively)
Kirishima from a universe with no quirks is mind-swapped with an alternate universe version of himself where there are superpowers.
And in that universe he’s a super villain.
And Bakugou is the superhero who caught Evil-Kirishima and put him in prison.
blindside by drowclericpelor
“You’re the first guy friend I’ve had that I can just like, be friends with. You’re either the most unthirstiest boy ever...” Camie shrugged and made another wobbly illusion appear between her hands. It looked like a sparkly rainbow with the word ‘friendship’ beneath it, accompanied by what Bakugou assumed was supposed to be a twinkling sound effect, but it had a tinny quality to it and sounded far away. “...or I just ain’t got the kinda straw you like to ssssip.”
Carefully, Bakugou considered the strange turn this conversation had taken.
He had never been asked, point blank, if he was gay before. And he honestly had never thought about how he would respond. Lying about himself didn’t sit right with him. But he’d always wanted to wait until he was the number one hero - when he stood above everyone else - before coming out. Though he’d had times when he’d thought about doing it before then and had almost gone through with it once. But being the number one hero came first. It wouldn’t matter what people would say about it then as long as he’d risen to the top.
Bakugou knew his lack of a response would give Camie all the answers she needed.
flour power by wingsonghalo
“I’m telling you now, Shitty Hair,” the blonde growled, “I am not gonna play house with you. We will cart this stupid flour around for a week like the assignment says. But some of our idiot classmates are naming the thing and setting up ‘playdates’ and dressing it and I am not doing anything that stupid. Got it?”
Kirishima and Bakugou are paired up to take care of a flour sack for a week. It would be so simple, except nothing with Bakugou is ever simple. Also Kirishima might be kinda sorta completely head over heels for him.
sunchaser by chonideno
that feeling when you suddenly want to jump off a cliff for no reason but instead of a cliff it’s your best friend and instead of jumping it’s growing feelings out of nowhere
or how Bakugou has to try really hard not to throw everything to the wind, and Kirishima doesn't help
i also have a tag specifically for fics that reach somewhere between 30k-70k words long if you wanted to check that out as well! i hope you enjoy the fics here and that i was able to help, ily enjoy your trip!!! :D 
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idyllicbunny · 4 years
Hide and Seek | Chapter One | G.W
"Mr Weasley, care to share what is so intriguing that you can't be bothered to listen to what might be on your N.E.W.T.S?" Snape snapped irritatedly.
George shot the professor a wink before leaning back into his chair.
"Professor I apologise but I can't help it if you're rather large snout-"
"George" Elirah hissed smacking his arm. "Don't even think of finishing that sentence!" She turned to the seething professor.
"Sir, please accept my apology on behalf of George. He doesn't know what he was saying if we could just go back to going over the spec content-"
"Lirah please it's not my fault his snozzer is big that its a distraction to my learning. I should really speak to Dumbledore about it." Elirah winced as Snape abruptly stood.
"Get out my classroom.. NOW" George shot her a wink before walking out the classroom.
Elirah turned to Fred who sat there holding back his laughter. She scowled at him throwing her quill at him.
"It's not funny!" He chuckles before sliding into the seat that George just vacated.
"It kinda is didn't think the he had it in him." Elirah raises her eyebrow at him as he waited for Snape to continue with the lesson before turning back to her.
"He's never been sent out before. So we made a list of all the things we have yet to do in Hogwarts before we leave." He smiled proudly.
"You dimwitted, good for nothing idiots!" Elirah whisper shouted. Fred's eyes widened as she reached for the potions book and began hitting him with it repeatedly.
"Ouch Lirah stop it oww Elirah!" Fred cried. She threw the book onto the desk before crossing her arms glaring at the flushed boy.
"If you can't take me simply patting you with a book what do you think your mum's going to do when she receives an owl from Snape about today!"
Fred felt the blood drain from his face at the mention of his mum.
"Oh shit!"
"Yeah exactly George is going to be slaughtered because you airheads didn't think this through!."
"It still baffles me how you irritable brats were able to befriend Miss Amare!"
Elirah and Fred jumped as Snape leaned down from behind them looking over their parchment.
"Merlin I think I just had a heart attack" Fred said clutching his chest.
"Didn't feel good did it Fredrick maybe keep that in mind when you and your other half decide to go on your childish rampages with Peeves." Snape grumbles before shooting Elirah a small smile.
"Keep up the good work Miss Amare!" Fred gapes as he walks off.
"I still don't understand how you are his favourite student"
Elirah grins at him pinching his cheeks.
"Is someone jealous?" He pouts leaning into her touch.
“Stop bragging" she shakes her head gathering her things making her way out.
"Come on let's see where your not so better half has wandered off to."
They make their way out with Lee and Angelina.
"So what was that all about?" Angelina asked smiling as she linked her arm with Elirah's.
She rolls her eyes explaining the situation to which Angelina shook her head.
"Why am I not surprised?"
"Hey in our defence we literally thought of this before we went to sleep okay!" Fred said linking his arm into Angie's.
"Well I'm not going to just walk alone." Lee mumbled wrapping his arm around yours.
You all laughed making your way to the Gryffindor common room.
"Finally I was wondering when you'd show up!" George grunted he was draped on the arm chair next the fire.
"We're not that bad a company. In fact wasn't it you who interrupted our study group to complain about and I quote 'Snape's abnormally large snout'?" Calliope joked throwing a chocolate frog at him.
"Yeah what Pea said" Aramis smirked throwing his sugar quills.
"Actually it was more like him coming in and dramatically throwing himself onto the sofa like those muggles do in films. But unlike them George never stopped complaining" Millicent added.
"You're all wankers you know that!" George sulked. Everyone laughed as he pouted turning around so his back was facing everyone. Elirah laughs walking over to him. She perched on to the sofa poking his side.
"George ..."
"George Weasley"
"Georgie?" Elirah says softly. George audibly groaned knowing he was a sucker for when she called him that. Of course he daren't tell anyone because they would tease the shit out of him.
'Come on George ignore it it's only a name for Merlin sakes get a grip-'
"Georgie?" she repeats wrapping her arms around him her hands finding his hair.
'Well fuck I'm a goner' he thought as she stroked his silky strands. Sighing he sighed turning so his nose brushed hers.
"Yes Lirah?"
She grinned clutching his face.
'That fucking smile'
"Come on we're all friends here. You know they were joking and you have a match tomorrow can't have our best beater all moody now can we?"
"I'm going to pretend I didn't hear that Lirah!" Fred chimed. 
"Fine okay I'm happy!" He shot her a sickly smile "See all smiles."
Satisfied Elirah turned around to get up only for George to pull her into his chest. She rolled her eyes used to his behaviour.
"How the fuck does she not see it!" Lee sighed wedging himself between Angelina and Fred.
"Your guess is as good as ours" Angie replied.
"So what's your plan for tomorrow?" Aramis questioned popping a sugar quill into his mouth.
"We're going to thrash them slimy gits what else is there to say no offence Mills?" Fred retorted.
"Non taken" the Slytherin smiled before turning back to her book.
"You best do ever since that Malfoy has been seeker they think they're Merlin's gift" Raine grumbled.
"Don't worry we'll knock em down a few notches" George winked.
"Ow what was that for Angie!?" George whined throwing the chocolate frog back at her.
"Absolutely not! I want a clean game tomorrow. I'm sick of this stupid rivalry shit. All it does is get us in trouble I can't have either of you being banned or I'll have no beaters for the rest of the year. For some reason ever since Oliver left everyone thinks no one can fill his place." Angelina said crossing her arms.
"Fine but I swear if they pull what they did last time-"
"Let's not think that shall we? Don't manifest negative thoughts and it won't happen" Elirah cut tracing the veins along George's arm.
“You're such a bloody Ravenclaw sometimes Lirah it's painful!" Aramis teased.
"Hey what's wrong with what she said" Calliope and Raine said in unison.
"Oh here we go." Lee sighed.
The next chapter ... yall aren't ready for.
Here's a sneak peak
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Credit to @_neptuness_ (Instagram acc)  @y_eojinkiss (tiktok acc) for this masterpiece!
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shirtlesssammy · 3 years
6x02: Two and a Half Men
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Sam Winchester’s back from Hell
A woman runs with her baby from an unseen assailant in her house. She gets herself and her baby under the bed and they stay as quiet as possible. She sees her dead husband on the floor and can barely keep it together, but does, just in time for the assailant to pull her out from the bed, leaving the baby to watch the carnage. 
Dean, Lisa, and Ben start unpacking their life in their new home. 
Sam checks out the murdered couple. The baby is missing.
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Dean orders pizza for lunch, disregarding Lisa’s earlier promise to Ben that they’ll check the neighborhood out when they go out for lunch. 
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Sam confers with Grampa Campbell about the case. Something weird is happening with babies. Sam doesn’t see it, but notices that the house has a security system that wasn’t set off by the invader. They have a lead. 
Dean wanders into the garage to find Ben messing around with a shotgun from Baby's trunk. He makes it VERY clear that Ben will never shoot a gun. 
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Ben wants to do what Dean does. Dean turns on the ol’ John Winchester charm and yells at Ben to shut up about the gun. Ben backs down and walks away, dejected. 
Samuel has found another family that has the same security system --and fits the profile of the previous victims. Sam heads out to find them. 
Lisa confronts Dean about his altercation with Ben. She wants to know what’s up with Dean. If they killed what was after them, why is he acting like this? She gets that he’s trying to protect them, but he’s scaring her. 
Sam gets to the couple’s house only to find them already murdered. He follows bloody footprints through the house. 
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The murderer pops out at him and they fight. Sam slices him with a silver knife, and the wound hisses. The assailant runs away. 
While Dean secures the perimeter that night, Sam calls needing his help on a case. Dean insists that he’s out. Sam tells him something so interesting that Dean meets him. 
Sam saved the baby!
The next morning, Dean hands Lisa a gun, tells her to salt the doors and windows, and takes off to work the case with Sam. 
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First on the agenda: shopping for baby supplies. As they’re checking out, the baby starts wailing. Neither brother knows what to do --and here I want to question what the hell Dean’s thinking. Sam has an excuse re: no soul, but Dean, you’ve taken care of a baby before. Anyway, they keep looking at the poor thing like it has two heads. 
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A nice woman comes up to coo over the baby and asks his name. Dean answers, “Bobby” and Sam answers, “John”. Yep, the baby is named Bobby John. She offers to change his diapers for them. Dean glances over at a security monitor and sees that her eyes are glowing. 
Dean declines. More specifically he says, “Give me the baby before I stab you in the neck.” Bold. The lady takes off running with Bobby John. Sam wrestles the baby from her while Dean full body tackles her to the ground. She plays the old lady card and security comes after Dean. He runs. 
Sam and Dean need to get off the road, especially since the shifter caught Sam’s license plate and is now a cop tracking the number.
At a motel, Dean changes Bobby John’s diaper and then hums him to sleep with Smoke on the Water. EVERY TIME I’m sorry to say this just makes my brain emit a low, steady brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.
For Tender Dean Science:
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Okay, I’ve rebooted. 
Sam - who has spent the whole time seated in front of research material - is impressed at Dean’s fatherly chops. But like, HE RAISED YOU, SAMMY. You must at least be able to logically analyze your memories? Dean chalks up his skillz to his recent experience parenting Ben. “I know he’s not my kid, but lately I’ve been feeling like...yeah, he is.” He’d like to raise Ben better than they grew up. In related news, do you ever want to just chew off your own arm???
Soulless!Sam informs Dean that moving Lisa and Ben from place to place is just as bad as their own fractured childhood. 
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Sam pushes Dean to consider that his paranoid behavior is turning him into their father. I do like that Sam is helping my girl Lisa out with the traumatized man living in her home but DAMN, SAM. While Dean broods over his failures as both a father and a partner, Sam realizes that the dad in the recent deadly home invasion is still alive. He heads out, leaving Dean to dip his finger in whiskey and let Bobby John have a taste.
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Bobby John’s dad is...not bereaved. His wife was cheating on him and got pregnant. (So apparently she deserved a gruesome death? Huh. Good to know, dude.) She denied she was cheating, telling him that he’d come back early from a trip and they’d had sex. It’s fun how the layers of trauma this cold open woman goes through just get worse and worse. 
At the motel, Dean’s relaxing on the vibrating bed when there’s a wet explosion from the crib. It’s not a poopy diaper! When he peers over the crib, Bobby John’s an entirely new baby. (He’s the baby on the diapers box and I really hope those parents got to keep that prop!) Sam calls with a new theory - the baby’s father is a shapeshifter!
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Bobby John gets cleaned up just in time for a shady manager to knock on the door and demand to be let in. The shapeshifter cop from earlier bursts in just as Dean unlocks the door. He’s there to bring the baby to “our father,” whomever that is! They engage in fisticuffs, until Sam arrives and shoots the shifter.
Later, they’re driving off with Bobby John to find a safe haven for the little tyke. “I didn’t even know they had babies,” Sam says, of shifters. “I thought they were just freaks of nature - like, X-Men style.” Gurl, please. He refers to Bobby John as a monster, but Dean insists that Bobby John is just an innocent baby. If I had a dollar for every time this show danced around this point only to fuck off and forget it in the next episode, I’d have a lot of dollars. 
Sam suggests bringing Bobby John to the Campbells to raise, which Dean thinks is a monumentally poor idea. (I’m Dean/Cas endgame BUT imagine society if Dean had brought Lisa a shapeshifter baby to raise!!!) Sam “not all hunters” the Campbells, then says that Samuel is like Dean. This is...not the slam dunk argument Sam thinks it is. “I’m a freakin’ head case,” Dean rebuts and it is a SOLID REBUTTAL. Still, they head to the Campbell’s compound.
And it is a literal compound, with armed guards standing patrol at the metal gates. In the grim main building, cold Campbells circle Dean and Bobby John like sharks. All the Campbells look like they’re one step away from taking a knife to the baby. Dean refuses to hand over Bobby John to any of the “family.” Sam asks to hold Bobby John. Sam then immediately turns around and hands Bobby John over to Samuel and I CHEW MY OWN ARM OFF I HATE SOULLESS!SAM sometimes. Dean wants to know what the plan is now.
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All the dark looks shot between the Campbells make me want to scream, and then weep. 
Dean’s worried about the Campbells wanting to study Bobby John (in the mad scientist way) and Christian Campbell laconically comments that Dean’s mind goes straight to torture. When Dean demands an explanation, it’s revealed that the Campbells know aaalllll about Dean’s torture time in Hell. 
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The Campbells also fantasize about what a great hunter a shapeshifter will make. Samuel demands that Dean trust him, and then interrogates Christian about his baby-making failures with his wife. He offers Bobby John to Christian. “The crap I do for this family,” Christian mutters as he takes the baby. READERRRRRRRRRS, I hate him.
Outside, a dog yelps. Dean and Sam flee for the panic room with Bobby John while the Campbells load up with weapons. A shapeshifter arrives, wearing Samuel’s face. They tranquilize him after a fight, and try to take him prisoner. 
The shifter heads down to the panic room wearing Sam’s face, tosses Sam across the room, and then just...shimmers himself into Dean’s form. 
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The shifter pins Dean against the wall, cutting off his air until he passes out. He then takes Bobby John and calmly walks out. 
Later, they all reconvene after the fight. Samuel reveals that the shifter was an alpha shifter, who spawned all the other shifters. “The lore” also says that an alpha can sense their babies anywhere. 
As Dean and Sam walk out to the car, Dean goes over the details of the hunt. He wants to know if Sam registered what the shifter at the motel had said about his “father.” Sam lies incredibly poorly, but Dean puts it all together. If Sam knew the alpha was on the hunt, then he would have known that he would come after Bobby John. Dean wants to know if he was using the baby as bait. Sam plays it off - he just thought the Campbell compound was the safest place. UGH DOUBLE UGH at all the terrible layers. 
Samuel has a brief phone call, complaining to an unknown boss about how hard it was to try to take the alpha shifter prisoner. 
Back at Lisa’s, Dean frets about the best way to keep Lisa and Ben safe. He acknowledges that he’s been acting like a prison guard. “You tell yourself you’re not gonna be something...my dad was exactly like this. All the time. Scared the hell outta me.” Lisa tells him that she knows one thing: 
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She looks at him, and sees someone who wants to hunt. But she also tells him that he sees himself as “some bad, awful thing. But you're not.” She proposes that Dean head out to hunt with his brother, and stop by when he can. Maybe they can have it all!
Dean smiles a real, honest smile in the garage as he pulls the car cover from Baby. Smoke on the Water plays us through a truly gratuitous hot rod close-up of Baby. The curves! The headlights!
For I’m Just Gonna Give You Two the Room Science:
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Dean is back in town!
Baby Quotes:
So either we've got monsters grabbing babies to make baby stew, or we've got a bunch of psychotic yokels grabbing babies to make baby stew. Either way, it's baby stew, which is bad
You think I speak baby?
I've never seen a baby monster before
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Anything - Din Djarin x Reader
SPOILERS. SPOILERS. SPOILERS.  Please do NOT read if you haven’t finished season 2 of the Mandalorian. This baby is filled with spoilers, like literal quotes. Please don’t read if you’re not done. 
Prompt: Chapter 16, but the reader comforts Din. 
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It was over. 
It was just over. 
You were saved, after all hope seemed lost. you held Grogu tight in your arms, tears still streaming down your face. Din had told you that this mission would be hard, but you went. He was your son and you would do anything to have him back. 
You flinched as the door flung open, but the Mandalorian stood still. You were still behind him, the safest place in the room. The man on the other side of the door had killed an entire army of Dark Troopers on his own. He now stood before you, his frame as still as Din’s. “Are you a Jedi?”
Your heart sunk. You knew the answer to the question before it even left the mouth of the caped man. Grogu peeked out at the man from within your clutch, an obvious connection already present between the two. “Come, little one,” the Jedi spoke to the Child - your son in all but blood. 
But as the man waited, Grogu did not move from his place in your arms. You had stopped clutching him now, allowing him free movement. “He doesn’t want to go with you,” Din said, still standing slightly in front of you.  “He wants your permission.” You looked up at Din, who was still staring at the Jedi before him. Grogu stared at the caped man, as well. From all you’d learned this past week you were sure they were having an unspoken conversation. “I will give my life to protect the Child, but he won’t be safe until he masters his abilities.” 
Your stomach turned. Grogu had done amazing things while with you and Din, saving both of your lives on more than one occasion. If he somehow lost control of those powers, it would be detrimental to more lives than your own. The same thought was surging through the mind of the Mandalorian. He now turned to you, gently taking the Child out of your arms. Before he was fully out of your grasp you grabbed Din’s forearm, halting his motions. “I love you, Grogu. This man is going to take good care of you. Make sure you’re really good for him.”
Grogu cooed at you, his head tilting slightly. You knew he understood your words, as well as the tears slowly streaming down your face. After a small kiss on the Child’s forehead, you released him over to Din, who held him slightly out from his body to look him straight in the eyes.  “Hey, go on. That’s who you belong with. He’s one of your kind.” Through the beskar armor you could still hear the pain in the mandalorian’s voice. “I’ll see you again. I promise.” Grogu reached out, his tiny hand settling on Din’s helmet. 
And, then, there was Din. 
The Mandalorian removed his helmet and allowed his son to look at him before leaving. In your many years by his side you had never seen his face. You wanted to study him and soak in every detail of him, but you averted your gaze out of respect for your love. His face was for the Child, your child. He reached out once more, finally touching Din’s face.  “All right, pal. It’s time to go.” Grogu whined, almost causing you to grab him back. You wanted nothing more than to shelter your child from the galaxy, but you knew this was the way. “Don’t be afraid.” 
Din did not hand him to Luke, instead placing him on the floor. Grogu gave one final look to both you and Din before joining the Jedi and his droid. The Child had always been curious and the bleeping droid had been enough to lure him over. You watched intently as the droid and Grogu interacted in a language of coos and beeps. Then, he chose to go. 
The Jedi carried him to the elevator where you watched as half of your world disappeared. The other half stood beside you, still watching his son being carried away. You refused to look at Din, instead choosing to lean into his side for both comfort and support. Once the doors to the elevator closed you broke down. You were sore and tired and beaten up, and Din was in worse shape than you. Sobs raked through your body.  “Not here,” Din said softly. 
Once off the ship you found refuge in Nevarro. Cara had set you up in a hut until a new ship could be built. Din had money and connections, so it wouldn’t be too long, but you didn’t somewhere to crash for at least a few nights. All of your belongings had burned with the ship, including the blindfold you used to cover your eyes and allow Din to sleep next to you. For the time being you had cut off a thin piece of fabric from the tunic you were wearing, leaving the garment an inch shorter than the day prior. “I’m ready.” 
You laid on the bed and listened intently to sound of Din shedding his armor. You had memorized the routine long prior and knew exactly how long it would take for him to be in bed beside you. As the bed dipped you moved close to the man, desperate for his closeness.  “You don’t need that.”  “Din-,” your sentence stopped as you felt the Mandalorian’s touch on your forehead, gently pulling at the fabric. “Are you sure?” In response he pulled the blindfold entirely off, finally allowing you to view the face of the man you loved. Tears sprung to your eyes as you studied his features.  “You and Grogu are the two most important things to me. We are a clan, and I will treat us as such. I want you to know what I look like. I don’t want you to solely love a suit of armor.”  “But what about your Creed?” “Being a Mandalorian doesn’t mean not being able to love. I can’t fully love if I never show myself.”  “Din, I-I can’t believe this. I love you with all my soul. I can’t tell you how grateful I am that you did this.” You reached out and touched his face, getting drunk with closeness to your love. 
Din’s fingers trailed from your shoulders to the small of your back, pulling you flush to his body. “I would do anything for you and Grogu.” He paused, touching his forehead to yours. “Anything.” 
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geekgirles · 3 years
Your Heart
Chapter 4 -- Stalemate Word Count: 8284
Waking up to the sound of her parents’ latest invention going awry was something she was sure she was never going to get used to. Never mind that she’d have an entire life to get accustomed to it or her newfound respect for what her family did for a living. 
As disciplined as Jasmine Fenton was, being awakened by an explosion was never going to be anything but annoying. 
Sighing resignedly, Jazz yanked her covers aside and got up, ready to start a new day. After showering and getting dressed with a long-sleeved, white dress shirt, a black ribbon tied tightly around its collar; a matching black, a-line skirt over thin grey tights; a teal blazer over her shirt, and brown ankle boots (which went well with her brown leather shoulder bag); she first made her way down the stairs to her parents’ lab. 
Absent-mindedly combing her pixie cut with her fingersーa decision she made after 18 years of rushed haircuts due to having been covered in some sort of unknown ectoplasmic goo after an invention explodedー, Jazz cut straight to the chase. “Let me guess, your latest invention just ‘malfunctioned’”, she air-quoted. 
As she expected, Jack and Maddie were hunched over a metallic device that had definitely seen better days, if the smoke coming off of it was any indication...What she wasn’t expecting though, although she should have, was her dad’s answer. “Actually, that was just the Fenton Toaster. We were about to start the day with a healthy, ghost-kicking breakfast, when she failed on us.” Had she been sixteen again or literally any other person in the world, Jazz might’ve actually been taken aback by the fact that her dad was tearing up over a toaster. Then again, she was Jazz Fenton and this sort of thing from her dad was as common as him yelling obscenities about ghosts. “Oh, dear friend. We hardly knew ye!” 
Rolling her eyes at his dad’s antics while her mum patted his shoulder in an effort to comfort him, Jazz muttered, “Dad, that toaster’s almost as old as Danny…” Who, by the way, was going to be ecstatic to learn the dreaded toast-drying machine from Hell had finally been vanquished. 
Speaking of her little brother, “Where’s Danny, anyway?”
Again, to any other family in the USA but the Fentons, that question would have seemed stupid. Danny was a college student who lived at his university’s dorms with his best friend, so the chances of him being around his childhood home during the school year were pretty slim. And, again, they were the Fentons, and her little brother had been going back and forth from his dorm, to Fenton Works, to the Ghost Zone (not like their parents knew, or even needed to know, about that one…) since he first got into APU. 
Maddie left her weeping husband’s side to pick a wrench up and start working on the toaster again ーpoor Danny; it seemed the evil, toast-drying machine from Hell was harder to get rid of than Vlad. “Sorry, sweetie. You missed him while you were doing your research. Your brother was here yesterday; he said he came Sunday night because he couldn’t find his dorms’ keys. But he’s back at college now.”
She suddenly stopped tinkering with the busted toaster’s inner workings, taking off her goggles from her face, a pensive expression plastered on her face. “Hm...I know Danny’s always been a little distracted, but he keeps losing his keys. At this rate he’s going to end up sleeping on the street just because he can’t get inside his own home!”
Recovering from his temporary loss of composure over the Fenton Toaster ー“I love you, guys, but it’s a miracle this family hasn’t been studied by professional psychiatrics already. Not like I didn’t give it my best shot…”, Jazz thought to herselfー, Jack was soon standing right beside his wife, towering over the pile of scrap metal with a matching pensive expression of his own. 
That couldn’t be good.
“Now that you mention it, sweetcakes,” he said, “you’re right. Danny’s always losing stuff!”
“Right?” Maddie insisted. “Don’t you remember, back in his first year of high school, when his English teacher, Mr. Lancer, called you over because Danny’s pants kept falling several times just that week?”
“Uh...the memory’s a bit blurry, Hon, but I know what you mean.” In truth, Jack didn’t remember any of that. All he knew was that he suddenly found himself chaperoning a homecoming dance. If only there was a way to get your memories back like those keychains that you attached to your clothes… And then it hit him. “I know, Maddie! Why don’t we make one of those keychains that you attach to your clothes so you won’t lose them for Danny?”
His wife beamed at that. For all his scatterbrained-ness, Jack truly was a talented inventor with a creative mind. Just a fuzzy head. “Oh, that sounds marvelous, honey! I’m sure Danny will love that!” She exclaimed before quickly pecking him on the lips.
Unbeknownst to her parents, Jazz grimaced in worry at the idea. Back when she was sixteen, or any other day, really; she’d have been overjoyed at the idea of her ghost-hunting parents creating something that was absolutely non-ghost-related, but since said idea would make it more difficult for Danny to keep his secret from them...She was just glad she was in town to look over him. Trying to appear supportive rather than dismayed, Jazz chirped, “Yeah, great idea, Dad...What are you going to call it? The Fenton Keychain?”
“‘The Fenton Keychain?’” Jack parroted before scoffing. “Of course not, Jazzy-pants! I was thinking something more along the lines of, ‘The Fenton Fermoir’!” He announced, striking a dramatic pose. 
The blue-eyed young woman started at that, taken aback. “Wait, ‘fermoir’? Isn’t that French?”
“Yes, it’s an adjective that means ‘that which closes.’” 
Gaping at her dad, Jazz blinked. And blinked again. And blinked a third time for good luck. “...you know French?”
This time, it was her mother who answered her, laughing her question off. “Oh, yes. There’s more to us than just ghost-hunting, you know?” Then she and her husband laughed together at her own joke. 
“Could’ve fooled me…” Jazz mumbled. 
“What was that?”
“Nothing! Um...oh, right. So Danny’s not here today, huh?” Her parents shook their heads. “That’s a shame, I wanted to ask him how things were going with...um...with, you know, school and all that. Oh, well! I’m sure he’ll tell me some other time.”
Jack and Maddie exchanged a glance. Ever since Danny started going to high school, their kids often acted weird. At first, they blamed it on adolescence, making them want to make an identity for themselves outside of their parents’ influence but not knowing exactly who they truly were, either. But the fact that their eldest child was 23, their youngest 21, and they still acted like that sometimes was a bit concerning. 
The wrench in her hand long forgotten, Maddie made her way to her daughter’s side. She draped an arm around her shoulders, not noticing that said arm was the one holding the aforementioned wrench and that she was unconsciously pointing at Jazz’s face with it. “Honey, is there something about Danny we should know about?”
Jazz panicked.
Yes, there were so many things about Danny they should know about.
They should know their kid had gone through a terrible accident that changed his life forever at the tender age of fourteen. They should know he got ghost powers he spent agonising months trying to get control over. They should know he only ever wanted to protect innocents from ghosts and yet, he was labeled as a menace by the very same people he was trying to look after. They should know he’d not only been carrying the burden of being Amity Park’s unofficial protector since he was fourteen, but also became the king of an entire dimension and could count the people he could rely on with his hands. They should know he went through his very first serious heartbreak because the girl he liked hated his ghost half more than she liked him. They should know their college best friend was a fruitloop who wanted to kill Dad, take Mum from him, and either kill or adopt Danny; because, really, it all depended on the side of the bed Vlad woke up on.
They should know their only son was risking his life even more now because he’d made a deal with the Queen of the Witches of Amity Park who, judging by what Danny had told her, was the embodiment of a death sentence.
And he’d been carrying all those burdens and responsibilities, facing constant danger, making decisions not even full-fledged adults would find easy to make, and had been aimed at with ecto-blasters by his own parents since he was fourteen. Being Danny Phantom had stolen some of the best years of his life away from  Danny Fenton. 
And they had no idea of any of that. 
But how could they, when Danny refused to tell them the truth?
Every time Danny faced a bigger threat than dealing with ghosts of the same caliber as the Box Ghost, Jazz tried convincing him to come clean to their parents. Because, what if they never saw him again after that battle? What would she tell them, then? 
But Danny would not budge. And, Jazz remembered, she couldn’t blame him. With the entire town, barring a dedicated fan club, and a good chunk of the Ghost Zone against him, how could he risk losing one of the very few places he could call home? Just like she told him when he asked her why she never said anything about his secret, it was his secret. Only he could talk about it with Mum and Dad. 
“Jazz, honey? Is everything alright?”
Her mother’s voice broke her out of her stupor. She must’ve spaced out for a while, for her parents were looking at her worriedly. Flushing sheepishly, she cleared her throat. “Yeah, I’m fine. Don’t worry. And don’t worry about Danny either. He just…” What was that excuse he told her he’d use if anyone started asking questions again? Oh, right. “He’s just busy working on a paper to help me with my own thesis, that’s all.”
Okay. So not only was it a lie, but it wasn’t exactly what Danny told her to say, either. Her little brother decided to respond saying he was suddenly very interested in the occult because he was writing a paper on a seminar he’d signed himself up for, but since she went back to Amity Park to study the witches there, it was still a good excuse. 
Said excuse seemed to calm her parents down, before they fully registered her words and they seemed worried again. But, she knew, this time they were worried for her.
“Uh, Princess? Are you sure you want to focus that thesis of yours on...witches?” Jack asked warily, looking up from the remainers of the Fenton Toaster.
The redhead rolled her eyes in annoyance; there they went again. “Your father’s right, sweetie. While not necessarily a bad topic...erm...it’s not exactly the easiest one to research.” Her mother tried to discourage her gently. “For starters, most of the  records we have are nothing but speculations and hearsay… I mean, the Salem witch trials were mostly based on unfounded accusations!”
How two of the world leading experts in ectology, who defended the existence of ghosts long before their theories were proven correct, could be so convinced there was no such thing as witches was beyond her. Arbitrary scepticism, much?
Jazz had to admit, she understood her family’s surprise when she opted to focus her thesis for her Cryptology class on the legendary women. A psychology undergraduate, a woman convinced of the infallible nature of the scientific method since birth, and an aspiring psychologist since she was sixteen, it was understandable that her decision to minor in Cryptology would come as a surprise to...well, everyone. 
But protecting your half-ghost little brother from the shadows for the last seven years had a way of making you question everything you once thought you knew. 
After all, if such a thing as ghosts weren’t only real but had an entire dimension for themselves, then who was to say such a thing as magic-wielding women couldn’t exist?
The moment Danny told her and Tucker he planned on asking them for help at the beginning of Fall only cemented her decision. It was a real pity Danny refused to disclose the supposed location of the Amity Park clan for her safety. 
“Mum, Dad, I’ve told you already. It’s precisely because of all those myths that I want to study them. For all we know, all those potions that are always mentioned in folklore could just be really advanced medicine. Are we really going to turn our backs on the scientific community like that?”
“And that’s a great idea sweetie! But…” Maddie tried reasoning with her, but nothing came to mind. Awkwardly, she turned to her husband and whispered harshly, “Help me out here, will you?”
Jack didn’t need to be told twice. “What your mother’s trying to say, Jazz, is that, if there was evidence on the existence of witches, we’d already know. Don’t forget, your ancestor, John Fentonightingale, was a celebrated witch hunter during the time of the Salem trials. He was an admired and respected member of his village, but the only thing he ever did was send innocent people to be burned alive.
“When he eventually realised what he’d done, he spent the rest of his life lamenting his shortsightedness; rejecting the fame and glory his witch-hunting days had brought him. And even if he ultimately turned to ghost-huntingー”
“Goodbye, fame and respect.” Jazz mumbled.
“ーthe hole in his heart caused by his actions would never be filled again.” Jack finished his tale with a morose expression, hoping Jazz would understand what he was trying to say. 
She didn’t. “Okay, that was a very moving story with a valuable lesson on the dangers of letting fear and paranoia overtake us. But what does it have to do with me?”
Still standing by her daughter’s side, Maddie tried comfortingly rubbing her arms with the hand that wasn’t holding the wrench. “We’re just trying to warn you not to jump to conclusions, because you might regret it.”
Okay, that was it. Her parents were in no position to warn her against jumping to conclusions; they lost that right the day she finally understood they’d been unknowingly talking about ripping their own son apart ‘molecule by molecule’ ーright in front of him. Jerking away from her mother’s touch, she put her hands on her hips as she sent them her most meaningful look.
“For the last time! I’m not going to try and, I don’t know, rally up the entire town against the witches! I just want to study them. You know, learn about their culture, about the origins of their abilities, about the differences between fact and fiction...” she shot them a pointed look as she stressed that last part. “I just want to understand them!”
“But you don’t even know if they exist!” Jack protested as she made it to the stairs.
Hearing her dad’s comment, she turned to face them once more. Oh, she knew they existed alright, that much Danny had been able to clue her in. What she didn’t know was where to find them. But she couldn’t tell them that. “Well, that certainly didn’t stop you from building a ghost portal to another dimension you weren’t even sure existed! And it sure as Heck won’t stop me!” 
That last comment should be enough to get her parents off her back for at least a couple of days. But the conversation had put her in a bad mood, something that didn’t happen since she learned to appreciate her parents’ ghost-hunting abilities, or, when it was Danny who was being pursued by them, their lack thereof. Stomping out of the house and slamming the door closed behind her, Jazz angrily made her way to the usual starting point of her quest. 
The Amity Park Public Library. 
The large granite building was supposed to be completely white, but the decades since it was built had washed out the stones, making them look grey-ish instead. The several steps leading up to the entrance were flanked by two lead lion statues resting atop a block of stone each. The front of the building, on the other hand, was both decorated and supported by numerous columns, with two of them at either side of the wooden door. 
Despite the impressive sight, what truly mattered lay behind its doors. Walking inside, Jazz let herself be washed over by the smell of ink and paper so characteristic of the library. Wherever she looked, hundreds of books stood proudly on their shelves, some of them so high up that the only way to reach them was with the help of stairs. 
Scattered around the library were several tables and plastic chairs where the visitors could sit to read their latest acquisition or work on the projects that brought them to the library in the first place. 
Breathing the scent in, Jazz walked over to the little counter located right at the entrance of the library, where the librarian would usually be working on her computer. Whenever she wasn’t out and about organising books, that is. 
Jazz waved at her with a smile. After coming to the library to study for years, she was basically a regular by now. “Good morning, Wilhelmina!” Wincing at her unintentional high-pitched tone, she lowered her voice to barely a whisper. “How’s everything around here?”
Looking up from her computer, the pudgy woman smiled knowingly at Jazz before willing her chair to get closer to her. “Good morning, Jasmine. It’s been so long since I last saw you; when was it again, two days ago?” Wilhelmina joked as she leaned in closer to the redhead, intertwining her fingers as her elbows rested on her desk.
Jazz flushed slightly at the harmless jab. “What can I say? You won’t get rid of me so easily!”
“Don’t I know it…” There was something odd about the way the librarian said those words, but the redhead decided to let it go. It was probably nothing, either way. 
“I wanted to ask you if you could recommend a book onー?”
“On witches?” The auburn-haired lady finished for her. Seeing the young woman’s embarrassed hint of red on her cheeks, she chuckled. “Oh, don’t be so surprised, my dear. You’ve been asking for the same thing for almost a month now! It’s just nice seeing someone retain some sort of interest for this old place and its books. Nowadays, most people just come here to surf the net for free.”
“Well, you won’t have to worry about me for a while, then! So, the books?”
Leaning back on her chair, Wilhelmina pointed to a faraway aisle. “Try the History section. I’m sure there’ll be a journal or something to help you with your paper.”
Jazz flashed her a charming grin, “Thanks, Wilhelmina. You’re the best!” As she turned her back on the librarian, Jazz failed to notice the dark grin that made its way to her face. 
Once Jazz was out of earshot, Wilhelmina said, “Oh, you have no idea,” the twisted expression never leaving her face.
As she walked around the library’s endless halls, Jazz couldn’t help but be grateful for having Wilhelmina as the librarian. Any other person would have looked at her like she was crazy or a Satanist murderer in the making for researching the occult so much, but never Wilhelmina. The woman just smiled at her and tried helping her to the best of her abilities. If Jazz had been looking for information entirely on her own, she’d have stuck to a particular section of the library, but Wilhelmina was always recommending a broader search. And, Jazz couldn’t help but think, it was a smart choice. One never knew what they could find or learn if they listened to different experiences other than their own. 
Standing in front of the shelf where the history books were, the aqua-eyed woman began scanning for something that might help her clear up the fog surrounding the group of witches Danny might be facing from now on. If she could just find out where their hideout was supposed to be… Not only would she be able to study them, but she might even convince them to ally themselves with her brother for good!
Ever since she was a teenager and found out about her brother’s secret, Jazz was determined to focus her thesis on the effects such circumstances could have on him. But as time went by, she came to understand that would be impossible. Writing a thesis on Danny’s very unique circumstances would be akin to exposing him, and she couldn’t do that to him. 
Because he trusted her. 
Danny’s number of enemies increased tenfold by the day, while his allies followed a much more stagnant rhythm. Goodness, he couldn’t even get his girlfriend to give up ghost hunting for him! She and Tucker were the only two people in all of Amity Park he could rely on. 
And there was no way she’d ever betray that trust. 
Which, sure, was a very meaningful proof of the love and bond between them, but still left Jazz without a topic for her thesis. So when Danny revealed his discoveries on the existence of witches, of all things, she was ecstatic. 
The possibility of a magical species living in Amity Park was perfect on many levels. On the one hand, it would expand their knowledge of the paranormal, with the added bonus of finding potential alternatives for everyday problems. And on the other, it gave her the perfect excuse to stay close to Danny and make sure he was safe. With her in town, he wouldn’t have to make up excuses as to why he slept in Fenton Works when he already had a perfectly nice place to stay at APU. All he had to do was phase through her room to get to his. 
And, most importantly, that way he had somebody else he could talk to about his double life. He was going to need it if he’d indeed managed to establish a truce between the spellbinding women and ghosts. From what he’d told them, those sorceresses were vile. 
As she walked over a nearby table carrying a pile of books with both hands, Jazz couldn’t help but wonder how her little brother would handle the situation. 
Danny was not handling the situation well.
Although, it wasn’t necessarily his fault. Lady Arcana’s own unwillingness to cooperate was a key factor in their stalemate. 
Even if they addressed each other formally and obvious jabs directed at their respective species were, thankfully, non-existent, the coldness between them that reigned during their first face-to-face interaction was now stronger than ever. 
Just like the last time, he’d sent Skulker to escort the queen and her entourageーwhich still consisted of the same two witches; talk about confidence…ー through the Ghost Zone up until they arrived at his lair’s throne room. They still pretended they were both honoured to be in each other’s presence even though Danny was sure the Witch Queen wished she could just spit at him as much as he did. 
And knowing Desiree, if she were near to grant her wish, a cascade of spit would rain down on him.
This time, however, Danny had ventured deeper inside his lair, with the witches close behind him. Figuring discussing over inter-dimensional safety in the middle of his throne room would be unwise, since one never knew who could be watching, he led his guests to the Council Room; where the Observants, Clockwork, and heーand occasionally Frostbite or any other ghost with a modicum of authorityーgathered to discuss political affairs regarding the Infinite Realms. 
Admittedly, he wanted to slap himself for not thinking about it sooner. 
Another thing that was different and he had failed to point out earlier was that, technically, the witches weren’t alone. No, there was nobody else besides the queen and her two...guards? ーcould he even call them guards?ー but they weren’t alone per se, either. 
The bespectacled, strawberry blonde one had a pet owl perched on her shoulder. The bird, Danny had to admit, was beautiful. Its plumage was predominantly white and cream. The white feathers were more noticeable in its belly and heart-shaped face, with most of its body and the top of its head looking rather creamy. The owl’s black orbs seemed not only capable of seeing in the dark, but also deep inside your soul. 
In other words, the girl’s pet was pretty, but creepy. And he had a feeling that would be a stable of these women. 
The Asian teenager seemed to prefer reptiles, and, yes, he based his hypothesis entirely on the fact that the girl had a bearded dragon around her neck as if she was wearing a scarf. Danny couldn’t tell what was creepier; the lizard’s naturally spiky, scale-covered body and its little tongue licking its eyeball, or the way the witch scratched her pet’s chin and cooed at it when she thought nobody was paying attention to her. 
“Well, it could be worse. She could buy herself a cat and name it after a married woman who will never love her back.” Danny had to physically restrain himself from shuddering at the thought. 
But the weirdest thing, of course, had to be Lady Arcana’s own companion. Which, again, he was sure was going to be a stable between them. At first he didn't even see her carrying anything, her form obscured by her cloak, but the moment they entered the Council Room ーalone; Lady Arcana had stationed her witches to guard the doors, just as he did the same with two of Walker’s goonsーand she made herself comfortable (or as comfortable as she’d ever be in enemy territory), he spotted it.
Had she really brought a potted plant with her all the way from the portal to his lair? And, now that he took a closer look, was that a carnivorous plant?
Scratch whatever he said about the teenager and her lizard. The way the plant nuzzled her face or wrapped itself around her forearm as she gently stroked its stem was ten times creepier. Although, a part of him couldn’t help but think she and Undergrowth would get along swimmingly. 
Two plant-loving psychos bonding with each other. Talk about a meet cute. 
But never mind their questionable taste for pets. They’d been discussing for over an hour and they were still at the starting point. Time was money and this woman was going to make him go bankrupt if they kept going like this. 
“Your Majesty, I understand the situation is quite...extraordinary, but I’m afraid we are still in need of a solution.” He tried for the umpteenth time that hour. 
The woman before him just sniffed in displeasure. It was a good thing they were separated by a rather large, rectangular table, otherwise, he might have leaned forward and wrung her little neck out of sheer exasperation. “I am perfectly aware of the situation, King Phantom. But, as I have informed you already, there is not much I can do if I do not know the cause of the portals opening.”
But that was precisely why he needed her help! Getting frustrated, Danny let out through gritted teeth, “Which I believe is precisely the reason why I need you here in the first place, my Lady. You are supposed to be able to discover the reason behind it.”
“Well, supposedly, these portals are a natural occurrence of the Ghost Zone. How is it possible that you do not know how to take care of the problem on your own?” She countered, matter-of-factly, and Danny would have given about anything to get her to shut up and do something useful instead. 
“Supposedly,” he echoed, “your people have the natural ability to surpass the laws that separate the Infinite Realms and Earth from each other, and hence, youーshouldーknowーhowーtoーcounterーit!” His voice raising in volume as he spoke, he made sure to punctuate that last part for emphasis. 
Narrowing her violet eyes at him in disdainーhow could he have ever thought they were beautiful?!ー, Lady Arcana spat. “Supposedly, that bond was tattered after your kind’s betrayal.”
If it weren’t for the audacity of her statement, he would’ve recoiled at the gravity and resentment etched into her words. Narrowing his own eyes at her, he leaned forward. “Trust me, your Majesty, you would be wise to keep your mouth shut; you are in no position to talk about betrayals.”
As her scowl deepened, teeth borne at him in anger, a low growl could be heard emanating from her throat. But Danny was not going to be intimidated that easily. Returning the intensity of her gaze, the two kept eye contact, initiating a staring contest born from frustration and distrust. 
Eventually, the Witch Queen averted her eyes, crossing her eyes in a huff as she leaned back on her chair. Her little plant reacted to her turmoil, for it hopped over to her ーwait, it hopped?!ーto get her attention. Noticing her weird-ass pet near her, the witch began to absent-mindedly caress its little, purple...head?
He was never eating a salad again in his life; he ought to let Tucker know he’d decided to join him in his carnivorous ways.
Leaning back against his own chair, Danny pinched the bridge of his nose, exhausted. They’d been at it for more than an hour and, rather than discuss a possible solution, all they’d done was argue. Sighing through his nose, he called out to her, an idea forming in his mind, “Hey.”
Taken aback by his sudden drop of formality, Sam looked over at him with a guarded expression. What was he up to? Rather than answering, she raised an interested eyebrow as a sign to go on. 
Danny took that raised eyebrow and her silence as permission to continue. “How about we drop the honorifics and formality for a while, huh? I don’t know about you, but I’m a rather laid-back person and having to address someone as if I was meeting the Queen of England tends to stress me out. And that by extension makes me much more prone to get defensive.”
Sam bit back her reply that she was, in fact, as much of a queen as the Queen of England, and that he should treat her as such.
“And let’s be real; getting defensive with each other is going to get us nowhere, don’t you agree? Besides, I’m already stressed out as it is due to a matter regarding a black hole forming, so I bet I’m not the most agreeable guy to be around right now.”
“No, you aren’t”, Sam was actually surprised Phantom shared her beliefs about formality and social distance. But that didn’t mean she was going to lower her guard around him. And his last words took her completely by surprise. “...did you just say ‘black hole’?”
“That’s not something you should concern yourself with.” He dismissed the question immediately.
Squinting her lavender eyes at him, her suspicions of any ulterior motives never quite going away, Sam gave in. “What are you getting at?”
At least she was listening to him. He was willing to count that as progress. Danny raised his palms up in mock surrender. “I’m just saying, we don’t know for how long we’re gonna have to work together. So how about we’re at least casual with each other? Because, I don’t know about you, but all this higher register of speech is giving me a headache.”
As if to prove his point, Danny rose up in the air until he was comfortably floating about three feet high. As he leaned back, his arms crossed behind his head and one leg over the other, nothing would’ve wiped the smug look on his face as he looked down on the Queen of the Witches of Amity Park, her own jaw hanging low in awe. 
Noticing the smugness radiating off of him in waves, the raven-haired girl forced her jaw shut. No way in Hell was she going to give him the satisfaction of amazing her. Even if she wasn’t going to say it aloud, Sam concurred with his point. Straightening her back, head held up high, she made sure to bruise his ego the same way he almost bruised hers. “Fine. Let’s drop the honorifics, I was tired of pretending I have any respect for you, anyway.”
Danny frowned at that. “Hey!”
“What? Do you seriously expect me to believe I’m not in immediate danger of being attacked by a ghost just for the mere fact of invading their turf? That you and your people actually respect mine?” Her voice was laced with cynicism as she scoffed. “Yeah, right.”
As much as Danny would’ve loved to contradict her, he knew he couldn’t. After all, he hadn’t just sent Skulker to escort them in fear they might get lost, the possibility of them being ambushed by vengeful ghosts was very real.
The raven-haired girl smiled triumphantly, knowing she had him right where she wanted him. “If it’s any consolation, if any of you so much as tried stepping foot, or ghostly tail, or whatever, into our territory, not a single one of us would hesitate to exorcise the Hell outta you.” Motioning to the door with her head, she added. “Susan in particular would have a blast.”
“The teenager with the bearded dragon; Count Scalynton”
“‘Count Scalynton’?” Danny echoed in disbelief, before having to stifle a laugh with his gloved hand. Seeing the Witch Queen’s unamused stare, however, he sobered up. “And...uh...what about...the owl?”
“That’s Spooky.” Lady Arcana replied with a shrug of her shoulders. 
“And your little friend?” He asked hesitantly, pointing at the potted plant comfortably perched on its owner’s lap, but making sure his finger didn’t get too close; in fear of getting it bitten off. 
“Oh, this little guy?” Sam looked down at DeMilo with a fond smile. “His name’s DeMilo.”
“...are you serious?”
“You got a problem with that?”
“No! No, no. Of course not! DeMilo is...uh, a great name.” He quickly assured her, sheepishly. The last thing he needed was to invoke her wrath, again. Clearing his throat, Danny decided it’d be best to change topics. “So...No honorifics?”
“No honorifics.” Lady  Arcana nodded from her chair. 
“Right. So, instead of ‘your Majesty’, ‘my Lord’, or ‘King Phantom’, you can just call me ‘Phantom’ and Iー”
“You can just call me ‘Lady Arcana.’” The Witch Queen cut him off with a tone that left no room for discussion. 
The white-haired young man slouched slightly at that. Just when he thought they were making progress, she closed herself off completely all over again. But he couldn’t afford displeasing her further, so he’d have to play by her rules...For now. “Right. Got it. So...about those portals?”
As he asked that, Phantom leaned forward to her, changing his position mid-air so his torso was facing now upside down but his head remained straight. As the Ghost King lowered his body so his forearms were atop the wooden table, an intrigued gaze directed at her, Sam deposited DeMilo on the table, her own hands resting on it. Locking eyes, they had each other’s undivided attention. 
Understanding they were back to business, Sam sighed tiredly. “I wasn’t lying when I said I need to know the cause behind the portals’ strange behaviour. If this is something that can be solved through magic, then it is imperative that we know what’s causing it to figure out the best course of action to take. The wrong spell could lead to disastrous consequences.”
“Like?” Phantom raised an inquisitive eyebrow.
“Like sending the world to another dimension instead of closing a portal between dimensions.”
“I guess that makes sense. So how do we figure out the cause?”
“I can start by looking through this.” Sam offered as she, seemingly, got a book out of nowhere, Phantom’s eyes widening at the sight. The reddish-brown leathered book was the same one she used to open the portals to the Ghost Zone, which made it their safest bet for finding a solution. After all, if the book guarded almost forgotten knowledge on how to open inter-dimensional drifts, then it should have the answers to more mysteries, right?
Outside the Council Room, on each side of the door, Stephanie and Susan were patiently waiting for their queen. Well, “patiently waiting” might have been an exaggeration. Stephanie was stiff as a board, while Susan looked like a furious guard dog, the murder in her eyes only cemented the picture. 
Both witches’ emotional state could only be attributed to one thing.
Or, to be more precise, the two police-dressed, green spirits they were forced to stand guard alongside because the Ghost King wasn’t about to be caught dead (pun not-intended) with three witches and no back-up.
As much as she hated it, Susan had to give the spook credit: he wasn’t nearly as stupid as she thought. 
The teenager kept stroking the length of Count Scalynton’s body, currently sprawled alongside her arm, as she pondered different ways to escape the Ghost King’s lair and his ectoplasmic, door-floating, bloodcurdling realm in case things went awry. 
Beside her, Stephanie was lovingly scratching Spooky’s beak in an attempt to calm  herself down. Looking over at the ghost-guard assigned to her, she squeaked and promptly looked away when the spectre, having felt her gaze on him, landed his blood-red, pupiless eyes on her. Gulping loudly, she whispered to Susan. “Do you think her Majesty will be frequently meeting Phantom from now on?”
Susan whispered back with a sneer. “I hope not! Miss Wilhelmina was right when she warned me against these putrid, soulless drones. We can’t lower our guards, especially not now that the queen needs us.”
Discreetly pointing with her head, the Asian girl guided her partner’s gaze to her hips. Lifting her red hoodie almost unnoticeably, the strawberry blonde’s eyes widened at the sight; two crossed, leather bandoliers were filled to the brims with an assemblage of jars containing colourful liquids. Stephanie’s jaw almost fell open in shock; the 17-year-old girl was armed to the teeth with potions!
Realising they weren’t alone and the dangers in their secret stash being found out, Stephanie tried to appear nonchalant. Pretending to be talking in general, she added. “I just hope her Majesty is safe.”
Susan gave her a wry smile. “Oh, trust me. Her Majesty will be fine even without our help.”
As she skimmed the pages of the spellbook in search of more information on the portals, Sam kept looking over at Phantom, praying he hadn’t noticed anything unusual. 
As satisfying as it’d been seeing his bewildered face when she suddenly pulled the book off seemingly out of nowhere, the truth was she’d been carrying it with her under her skirt. But what she worried about was not him finding out about the book, but the other items her dress hid from plain sight. 
Strapped around her thigh was a black holster filled with potions. Unlike the arsenal Sam knew Susan had brought with her, which consisted of several offensive and highly corrosive concoctions, the queen’s own collection consisted mostly of Blinding Bombs. As the name indicated, it was a type of potion whose main purpose was to distract the opponent long enough to retreat or come up with a plan. If things went south, all Sam had to do was smash the jar against the ground and cover her eyes, for a small explosion of light would ensue and temporarily blind the spirits, giving her and her girls enough time to escape. 
As she leafed through the spellbook’s pages, she suddenly shivered, noticing a cold presence by her side sending shivers down her spine. What was even odder was the sudden smell of something she couldn’t quite put her finger on. Dumbfounded, she turned her face to the side and growled at the sight. Snapping the book closed and bringing it close to her chest, she snarled at Phantom. “What do you think you’re doing?”
Taken aback by her sudden movements, Danny blinked. “Um, trying to help you?”
He had to be kidding her. “Come again?”
“I...uh...I just thought I could help you look for answers.” He rubbed the back of his neck nervously. “So I was trying to see if I could find anything useful in that book of yours.”
Oh, he definitely had to be kidding her. “No, thank you.” She turned him down, only thanking him out of politeness. She turned back to the book. “You’ll only drag us down, anyway.”
Danny was starting to get really frustrated with that all-knowing, condescending attitude of hers. Even his sister wasn’t as annoying despite her know-it-all tendencies. Hell, Skulker was easier to work with! Standing up in mid-air, using his leverage to stare her downーliterallyーhe folded his arms in front of his chest. “And how, pray tell, am I going to drag us down?”
He was surprised by the witch’s next action. Huffing loudly, she got up from her chair and shoved the book in his face quicker than he could blink. At first he had trouble registering what just happened (mostly because he was levitating a good three feet above her and she was still safely on the ground) until he took notice of the sparkly, purple mist surrounding theーfloatingーspellbook. He blinked in awe; so that’s how her magic looked like. Once the initial surprise had worn off, however, Danny had to admit, he was a little disappointed; he’d expected more than a floating book. 
Looking over the tome, he saw Lady Arcana staring intently at him. Instead of anger as he expected, however, an amused, knowing expression adorned her features. He might’ve thought she looked pretty hadn’t it been for the wickedness of her smile. 
“Read.” She instructed him. 
Danny did as he was told...only to furrow his brow in confusion. What the…? Reading over the pages he couldn’t make sense of anything written on them. The inked markings splattered all over couldn’t even be considered hieroglyphics! Squinting at the offending piece of paper, he tried reading aloud. “Spiral...lightning bolt...spork?...What kind of sick mind came up with this?!” 
Sam let out a hollow laugh. “You really think that if you were really able to read this book in the first place all by yourself, you’d even need to call for me?” She rolled her eyes at him, not knowing what to think; either this guy was messing with her head or he was an idiot. She motioned with her hand for the book to return to her “Limit yourself to keeping your subjects in line and let me handle this. Although, on second thought, I might actually be asking way too much of you.”
“What’s that supposed to mean?” The green-eyed ghost didn’t like where this was going. 
Still reading, Lady Arcana raised her palms up in mock surrender. “I’m just saying, for a ghost that’s supposed to be the undisputable ruler of an entire race after having defeated a tyrant, you sure have a lot of detractors defying your authority.”
“Oh, please! Like you know anything about my subjects or any possible detractors.” Was it true he was often fending off ghosts who didn’t care for his laws to stay clear of Amity Park? Saying he didn’t occasionally get his ass handed to him would be like saying his parents took kindly to people who disrespect their jumpsuits, but he didn’t have to tell her that.
“I know more than enough.” Sam countered.
“Oh, yeah? Name one ghost who doesn’t respect my rule and still causes trouble.” The halfa challenged. What was he trying to get out of this? At least ¾ of his enemies screamed their names and evil plots whenever they were freed from the Ghost Zone! In Ember’s case, she literally depended on people knowing and chanting her name. 
“That poacher ghost of yours...what’s his name?”
A poacher ghost? Who the fuck was she talking aboー? “You mean Skulker?”
Sam perked up at that. “Yes, that one! He so obviously doesn’t respect your authority. I mean, he literally hunts you, the Ghost King, for sport almost every two weeks!”
An undignified sound escaped the halfa’s throat, but that was the last of his concerns at the moment. “Okay, first of all,” he started, raising one gloved finger, “he so totally respects my authority. Whenever I need help, he’s always willing to put the whole hunting-the-most-unique-specimen-ever aside for the greater good. And second,” he sent her a pointed look, floating closer to her. He revelled in the way she uncomfortably shrunk away from him; served her right, “Skulker’s not a poacher, he’s a hunter!”
“Does he have a permit or a hunting license?” Lady Arcana asked, not missing a beat.
That actually gave him pause. “Well...no, butー!”
“If a hunter hunts with no permit, then he’s a poacher!” Seriously, how dense could this dude be?
“You seem to be forgetting that Skulker is a resident of the Ghost Zone; my domain. Whatever laws are followed on Earth or among your kind, do not necessarily apply to us.”
“That outta shut her up,” he thought triumphantly.
“So you’re saying you’re okay with innocent creatures dying solely for the purpose of flattering one ghost’s ego?”
Well, apparently not. Danny spluttered at that. Who was this woman anyway, Jane Goodall?! “Whaー? No, of course not!” He vehemently denied before changing topics. This woman was about to get a taste of her own medicine. “But what’s with all these pointing fingers anyway?! I bet some of your ‘loyal’ witches also commit their own atrocities right under your nose.”
Oh, she was going to blast him into next Thursday for that! Standing up from her chair, Sam slammed her hands against the table (careful not to hurt or startle DeMilo, though). “For your information,” she snarled at the ghost before her, “the only huntress in my clan is Diana. And not only is she formidable, sheーalsoーhasーaーpermit!”
Fed up with the ridiculous conversation and the even more ridiculous woman, Danny slammed his own hands down on the table, even if he was floating. “Again with the permit! What’s with you and permits?! What are you, a cop?!”
“I’m a queen!” Sam all but roared. “So, yes, it is my job to ensure certain jobs are only trusted to people with permits!”
Danny was about to continue ranting, but he stopped himself. All this pointless fighting was only making them waste time, and they couldn’t afford that. He didn’t understand how she wasn’t already exhausted from all the arguing. Rubbing his face with his hands, he let himself fall back on his chair. “Let’s...let’s just keep on investigating. Forget I said anything.”
Sam was about to retort when she took notice of the white-haired ghost’s tired eyes, her own fatigue finally kicking in. Slumping her shoulders as she, too, fell back on her chair once again, she continued reading. “Yeah, sure. That’ll be for the best.”
They stayed in silence for a while after that. Lady Arcana reading intently, and Danny praying to all things above him that he’d be able to survive the day. Eventually, the Witch Queen broke the silence, slamming her book shut. His head snapping up at the sound, Danny dared to hope. “Any luck?”
The queen sighed. “I have good news and bad news. Which one do you want to hear first?”
His heart sank. “The bad news,” he moaned pitifully. 
“Bad news is, there’s nothing in this book about what could possibly be causing the Ghost Zone to create more portals than usual. The most it has is the spell I use to get here, but that’s about it.”
Danny was convinced his heart was now lost somewhere along his knees. “And the good news?”
“This isn’t the only book that might have information on the Ghost Zone. When our people parted ways for good after you-know-what,” the look of resentment was back on her face and Danny didn’t know what to do; he should be the one feeling offended! “most of our knowledge was forgotten, but not lost.”
“Meaning?” He prompted her to finish her statement. 
“Meaning, there’s still probably many more books on the topic.” She finished. 
“Which means…” Danny began, only for the two of them to groan in dismay. As nice as it was that not everything was lost just because that particular book didn’t have the answers, having to look for another spellbook or grimoire meant they would have to keep meeting with each other. For Lady Arcana would never leave a precious heirloom belonging to her people out of her sight and in the Ghost Zone, and Danny couldn’t afford to take his eyes off of her in case she and her kind double-crossed them.
In other words, they were stuck with each other until further notice...He was starting to regret not being fully killed by the accident the day he got his powers.
21 notes · View notes
staycult · 4 years
highschool!hyunjin as your boyfriend
pairing — gender neutral reader x hyunjin
genre — fluff / bullet scenario
word count — idk maybe 600-700
Tumblr media
ok so
u both met bcs of the same class
since u were a new student, he got assigned to tour you around the campus
bcs he's a goody two shoes
"hyunjin, by the way." he said as he gave u a light smile,
you being a shy bean u are, just gave him a nod
he took the hint and started to walk with you following him behind
he opened a big door for you and motioned u to go inside
the smell of old books and the sound of typing devoured your senses
"this is the library, quite old but still does it's job" he said while looking around
you love libraries a lot
"it's nice" you finally spoke, fiddling w/ ur fingers a bit
"[y/n], sorry i didnt answer you earlier"
he smiled at your sudden burst of bubble
"so that's basically it for the facilities" he said while stopping infront of you
the bell rang and a whole lot of students went out of their rooms
"hey you should go with us for lunch" he said half confidently
"if you want to, that's what i meant" he added.
since you dont have that much friends, you decided to go along
you entered the cafeteria and was greeted with hyunjin's friends
7 other boys greeted you with a smile as well as 5 other girls. you have grown close with them in a matter of minutes especially the girls. as it was to go home, hyunjin offered to walk you home. the awkward tension between you two disappeared. it became a routine for the both of you to walk home together since he lives a block away from you.
finals came in and you were cramming your eyes off in the library
as you were looking for the book you needed, you stumbled upon yeji and hyunjin
who were facing each other while studying
not gonna lie it was an eye sore to see
yeji is one of your closest friends so you shrugged it off because they had always been close
but this time, it felt different
like you were hurt?
you picked up your book and turned around to find your own seat
"pst! hey [y/n]!" a familiar voice called out
"come sit with us!" yeji whisper-shouted
so u did
it felt awkward for some reason and you rlly didnt know why
you guys had always been close, why now?
yeji had this smirk on her face
while hyunjin was side eyeing her
she let out a snort "hey i have a class in 5 see you both later at lunch!" she said waving off
he cleared his throat and turned his attention towards you
"so, i found this cool coffee shop where you can write in the walls, do you want to come after finals?" he asked
you felt a butterfly run wild in your stomach
what is this feeling?
"i would love to" you smiled
both of you ordered a large smoothie each in the coffee shop and bought markers before hand. hyunjin was scribbling all over the walls. the coffee shop was full of names and quotes written by customers. you brought out your marker and wrote, [y/n] was here <3 in different colors. "jinnie, why are you drawing circles?" you chuckled.
"i-uh im making a puzzle." he said while closing his marker cap. "really? let me see!" you exlaimed. he took in a deep breath and showed you the puzzles. "all you have to do is to make a sentence out of the circled words or symbols" he explained. "words that was written by other customers you mean?" you snorted. he rolled his eyes, "just do it!"
you have gathered the a "👍🏼", "👁" and a "you"
confusion took over you as you observed the circled words. "i like you?" you asked hyunjin. "i like you too." he replied. it took you a while to realize what it meant. "for real?"
"for real." he replied seriously. a blush crept up to your face, did he really just confess? "oh god im sorry" he panicked. "it's okay if you dont like me back i shouldnt have listened to yeji let's forget this happened-"
you cut him off by giving him a hug. he went stiff at your sudden skinship but eventually hugged you back. "you silly, of course i like you too." you said as you burried your head into is chest. "for REAL real." u chuckled.
"i thought you liked yeji" you said in a low voice as you pulled away. "what? she's like my sister from another mother." he said, grossed out. "she helped me out into confessing.." he added while ruffling his hair.
"well, it worked." you claimed as he pulled you in for another hug.
boyfriend hyunjin claims that he's not clingy
well that's a lie
he's not much into pda
but he loves holding your hand whenever he has the chance
like below the tables during class
or in the library while studying
you guys are lowkey, but not a secret
coffee shop dates!
any kind of date really
he loves taking pictures of you
and posting it on his insta
back hugs and sleeping on your lap kind of love
being successful together in terms of career and school is his number 1 goal
he's very supportive!!! will literally shout whenever it's your turn in debates
"PERIOD! that's my baby!" he would clap loudly even though by now youre embarrased as hell
will give you flowers everytime u meet u go on a date
love notes!!!!!
kisses are passionate and loves to rub your back while doing so
he would get very shy after
never forgets to reassure you whenever you doubt yourself
"im here baby, always."
"i love you, i'll always will."
needless to say, he is the best boyfriend out there.
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