#he looks at him with such a gay deep devotion in his eyes
cinders-gh0st · 6 months
I need someone to look at me the way that stu looks at billy.
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kathiraven · 1 month
Once upon a time, there was a powerful magician named Magnus. He lived alone in a grand castle atop a towering mountain, far away from prying eyes. One day, he decided to celebrate his birthday...
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with a special spell. He conjured up a cake, candles flickering merrily, and a bottle of finest wine. The aroma filled the air, intoxicating and sweet. But then, something unexpected happened
As Magnus blew out the candles, wishing for a devoted servant, a blinding flash of light illuminated the room. When the glare subsided, standing before him was none other than the birthday man himself - transformed into Magnus' personal servant!
The man, now clad in simple robes, gazed around in confusion, trying to comprehend what had transpired. Magnus, amused by this twist of fate, welcomed his new servant with a mischievous chuckle. The former birthday man, now known as Servimus, quickly learned to navigate this strange new world, discovering hidden talents and strengths along the way.
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The former birthday man, now known as Servimus, quickly learned to navigate this strange new world, discovering hidden talents and strengths along the way.
Intrigued by the possibilities, Magnus focused his attention on Servimus' attire. With a snap of his fingers, the servant's plain robes vanished, replaced by a stunning ensemble that accentuated his newly enhanced physique.A sleek, form-fitting suit of shimmering silk hugged Servimus' frame, emphasizing his broad shoulders and lean waist. The deep V-neckline revealed a tantalizing glimpse of smooth, tanned skin. The trousers clung to his muscular legs, tapering down to stylish boots adorned with gleaming buckles.The outfit was completed by a flowing cape, its edges trimmed with intricate embroidery that seemed to dance and shift in the light. Magnus admired his handiwork, pleased with how the garments highlighted Servimus' masculine beauty.Servimus, still adjusting to his new appearance, looked down at himself in wonder.
Magnus, seeing Servimus' discomfort, felt a pang of guilt. He did not want to force his new servant to live in a body that made him uncomfortable. So, with a gentle touch and a whisper of magic, he transformed Servimus back to his original self.But then, something wonderful happened. Servimus, now fully aware of his true feelings, embraced his newfound identity. He accepted his desires and the changes that came with them. And with Magnus' continued support and understanding, they forged a bond unlike any other – one based on mutual respect, trust, and love.
Yes, as Servimus grew more comfortable in his own skin, he began experimenting with different styles of clothing. He adopted the latest trends popular among the gay community, embracing the freedom and expression that fashion allowed.His wardrobe expanded to include tight jeans that showcased his well-toned legs, paired with snug tank tops that displayed his muscular arms. He also favored leather jackets, their supple texture contrasting against his smooth skin.And just like that, Servimus transformed not just physically but also sartorially, embodying the essence of modern gay fashion.
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Magnus couldn't help but admire Servimus' bold new look. The way the tight clothes hugged every curve and contour of his servant's body sent shivers down the wizard's spine.Their interactions became charged with a newfound intimacy, their gazes lingering a moment too long, their touches tinged with a hint of longing. It was as if the very fabric of their relationship had been rewoven, the threads of affection and lust intertwined in a complex tapestry of emotions.One evening, as they sat together in the dimly lit library, Magnus found himself drawn to Servimus in a way he never had before. The fire crackling in the hearth cast flickering shadows across their faces, heightening the sense of forbidden allure.
 In the silence broken only by the soft rustle of pages turning and the crackling of the fire, Magnus leaned closer to Servimus, his breath warm against the servant's ear. Would you like me to show you another trick? he whispered, his voice low and husky.
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atthelowestfromao3 · 13 days
About you ? (Don't let go)
Midoriya Izuku has vanished without a trace, missing for three long months. When Katsuki Bakugou, renowned pro hero, reluctantly takes on the cold case at the behest of Izuku's mother—his devoted, unseen fan—he embarks on a journey of unraveling mysteries and piecing together memories. As he delves deeper into Izuku's world, Bakugou unexpectedly finds himself captivated by a person he's never met, navigating a path where love intertwines with the shadows of a haunting disappearance.
Or the story where Katsuki Bakugou falls inexorably in love with someone he's never laid eyes on.
Chapter 1: Did you think I had forgotten?
Katsuki Bakugou was notorious for his impatience. His famous short temper, who’s  presence been a constant in his life since his childhood, despite years of therapy, remained untamed. Today was an especially trying day—a fan meet-and-greet. He despised these events with a passion. His fans, he believed, consisted mostly of desperate, perverted women or clueless kids drawn to his brash attitude and powerful quirk.
These gatherings were always tedious. His job entailed tolerating fans who asked for autographs on inappropriate places ( like who in the hell wanted an autograph on their tits?) or requested absurd photos ( Katsuki does not do family friendly photos with annoying and loud brats). He could already tell it would be a long, irritating day. However, the next woman in line didn't seem interested in an autograph. Actually, the chubby short greenette woman, who was dressed as the number one enemy of fashion, didn’t like she belonged this crowd at all. She looked as old as his mother, and if she dared pull out panties for him to sign, he swore he'd swore he would blast her face, leave this hellhole and call the day done, his publicist could screw themselves. Suppressing his irritation, Katsuki managed:
- Alright, lady. What do you need?
The woman in front of him emanated nervous energy. But the woman surprised him, by muttering clearly and softly:
- Dynamite-sama, I'm sorry to disturb you, but I need your help.
Annoyed yet intrigued by her sincerity but also hoping he wouldn’t regret this later, Katsuki asked:
- What's the problem?
Sadly, she replied:
- It's my son. He's missing, and I can't find him.
Bakugou, who wasn’t understanding what this crazy lady wanted from him, scoffed:
- Do I look like a lost and found sector? Get security to help you. I'm working.
Desperation etched her face. 
- My son isn't here.
Exasperated, Katsuki snapped:
- Then how am I supposed in to find him? Look, I'm not here to do hero work today and-
Cutting him off, she pleaded:
- Please, Dynamite-sama!  No one has been able to find him! You're my last hope!
Reluctantly, Katsuki relented:
- Fine. When did you last see him?
She answered, on the verge of tears: 
- Three months ago.
Katsuki rolled his eyes:
- And only now you realize that the fucker is missing? Did you go to the police?
She explained frantically:
- I did, but they've stopped searching.  
Before he could protest further, a girl, with the sluttiest outfit ever, barged in, demanding her turn with Katsuki. Katsuki will never know why they bother when he already announced himself as gay to the press. Annoyed, he shouted:
He urged the woman:
- Go on.
Gratefully, she continued:
- Thank you, Dynamite- sama! As I was saying, I need your help to find my boy! They keep saying to me that it’s common and that maybe he just left home and that he is of legal age but it doesn’t make sense for him to just disappear like that and I’m worried for him. 
Katsuki wasn’t believing he was hearing this shit. Where are the cameras? Is she for real?! But after a deep breath, he said:
- And you thought that I, Great Explosion Murder God Dynamite, would be THE person to help you locate your son, because?
But the woman was unbothered by the sarcasm in there :
- You see, my son, Izuku, is your biggest fan. He's been since you won that UA tournament at fifteen. He always believed you'd be Japan's top hero one day. Izuku has a heart of gold, and this isn't like him. Please, help me find him.
Internally urging himself to agree just to get rid of her, Katsuki sighed: 
- Alright, alright. I'll take the case and start tomorrow.
Tears of relief streamed down her cheeks:
- Thank you, Dynamite-sama!
As she left, the endless line of bizarre encounters continued, like clockwork.
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Katsuki almost forgot about the woman until, after a 15-hour shift, a file fell from his bed shelf. After a long nap, as he organized his room, he found it again—the case of Izuku Midoriya. The case was enveloped in the folder and Katsuki quickly turns past the index and onto the first page, hoping for a photo of the kid missing. Woah, there. The blue folder held a photo that caught Katsuki's attention immediately. The pretty green eyes were the first thing he noticed accompanied by cute freckles darting all around, he had pretty curls that appeared to have life on its own. His face was roundish and his eyes were big, in the photo he was smiling and the background was white. Definitely not a kid, like DAMN. He was charming, unlike anyone Katsuki had seen before.
Case Details: Physical Characteristics:   Somewhat short for his age (21), Izuku Midoriya has a round face framed by a mop of fluffy, dark-green hair that curls at odd angles. His large, circular eyes match the shade of his hair, often appearing watery and wide, giving him an innocent and energized appearance. He bears four symmetrical freckles in diamond formations, with being 21 on his left cheek and 24 in his right cheek. Izuku is often described as "plain-looking" or "not standing out" by others.  
Katsuki paused, incredulous. Also, who the hell described the prettiest boy he had ever seen as “plain- looking” like what the fuck? Who gave this moron the job? He shook his head in annoyance at the description.
Distinguishing Features: Freckles all over his body Quirk: Quirkless
Katsuki raised an eyebrow. Quirkless? Despite his charming appearance, Izuku lacked a quirk. It was surprising.
Last Seen Clothing: White tank top, jeans, white sneakers Circumstances of Disappearance: Last seen at Mustafu’s Public Library, Detroit Street at 4 PM on May 14, 2062.
The notes were sparse, leaving Katsuki frustrated. It had been three months since Izuku's disappearance, and he wasn't a detective. However, the photo of Izuku intrigued him enough to continue reading. According to the file, Midoriya had left the library after borrowing two books, bidding farewell to the librarian, Blair Pamper. That was the extent of the information. The detectives had seemingly halted their investigation there. Tossing the folder onto his bed, Katsuki scoffed at the idea of getting involved. He muttered, turning away: 
- Not my problem.
Yet, as he paced the room, the image of Izuku's earnest eyes lingered in his mind. Hours passed. Katsuki found himself unable to shake off the feeling of unease. Finally, unable to resist his curiosity, he retrieved the folder and flipped through it again, lingering on Izuku's photo. Katsuki muttered, trying to convince himself:
- He's just another lost pretty face.
But something about Izuku's gaze, innocent yet determined, tugged at him. 
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At first, Katsuki's pride kept him distracted, and for four days, Bakugou didn't spare a single thought for the quirkless nerd. However, on the fifth day, thoughts of him resurfaced, and by the evening, Bakugou found himself slouched on Kirishima's couch, his usual intensity subdued. Kirishima noticed the tension in his friend's shoulders, the way his hands clenched and unclenched in his lap.
Kirishima asked, tossing a bag of chips onto the coffee table:
- Hey man, what's eating at you?" Kirishima asked, tossing a bag of chips onto the coffee table.
Bakugou grunted, taking a handful of chips and chewing slowly. He muttered, his voice unusually quiet:
- It's that damn case.
Kirishima raised an eyebrow, leaning forward:
- Case? What case?
Bakugou hesitated, unsure how much to disclose:
- It's... a missing person. Someone I heard about.
Kirishima nodded, sensing Bakugou's reluctance. He encouraged gently:
- Okay, go on.
Bakugou sighed deeply, running a hand through his hair:
- This guy, Izuku Midoriya. He's been missing for three months now. The cops stopped looking.
Concern furrowed Kirishima's brow:
- That's rough, man. Do you know him?
Bakugou shook his head:
- Never met him. But something about it bugs me. Like... I can't shake the feeling that there's more to this story.
Kirishima studied his friend, recognizing the determination in Bakugou's eyes:
- So, what's bothering you the most about it?
Bakugou shrugged, a hint of frustration in his voice:
- I dunno yet. But something doesn't sit right.
Kirishima leaned back, thinking:
- Is he a friend of yours?
Bakugou hesitated, then decided to reveal more:
- No, I don't know him personally. But he's quirkless.
Kirishima's eyebrows shot up in surprise:
- Quirkless? That's unusual. Does that bother you?
Bakugou tensed slightly, his discomfort evident.:
- Yeah... People like him don't always get the attention they deserve. It's like everyone's forgotten about him already.
Kirishima leaned forward, serious now:
- Look, whether he has a quirk or not, if this case bothers you, you should pursue it. Maybe no one else will, but that doesn't mean it's not worth looking into.
They fell into a contemplative silence, the weight of Bakugou's internal struggle hanging heavy in the air. Kirishima knew Bakugou had his reasons, but he also knew his friend's sense of justice ran deep. As Bakugou got up to leave, Kirishima gave his shoulder a reassuring clap: 
- Good luck, man. Let me know if you need anything.
Bakugou nodded, a mix of determination and uncertainty flickering across his face.
- Yeah, I will.
With that, Bakugou left, leaving Kirishima to ponder the mysteries weighing on his friend's mind, hoping Bakugou would find the answers he sought.
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After talking to Kirishima, Katsuki wrestled with his pride and the unsettling feeling that had gripped him since their conversation about Izuku. Despite his initial resistance, curiosity and a growing sense of obligation gnawed at him. Yet, beneath his hardened exterior, a nagging sense of unease persisted. Katsuki sat at his cluttered desk, the soft hum of his laptop filling the dimly lit room. His eyes scanned through news articles and police reports, but his thoughts kept drifting back to one name: Izuku Midoriya.The image of Izuku, a quirkless nobody, haunted him more than he cared to admit. Katsuki muttered under his breath, trying to dismiss the gnawing feeling in his gut:
- He's just another damn case. I don't even know the guy.
But that wasn't entirely true. Over the past few days, Katsuki had immersed himself in the details of Izuku's disappearance. He knew about Izuku's quirklessness, his quiet determination, and his unwavering belief in heroes. Somehow, those details had woven themselves into Katsuki's thoughts, lingering like threads he couldn't untangle. 
He leaned back in his chair, running a hand through his spiky blond hair. He muttered, his frustration growing:
- Why the hell am I so fixated on this?
A memory flashed through his mind—a fleeting image of Izuku's face from the missing person poster. Those large, hopeful eyes seemed to stare back at him, silently pleading for help. It was absurd, Katsuki thought. He had never met Izuku, never exchanged a single word with him. And yet, here he was, feeling a strange sense of responsibility.
With a sigh, Katsuki closed the laptop, pushing it aside with a bit more force than necessary. He stood up and walked over to the window, gazing out at the city lights below. The night was quiet, the streets empty save for the occasional passing car.
Still, as much as he resisted, a small ember of concern flickered within him, igniting a reluctant curiosity that refused to be extinguished. As he paced his apartment that evening, Katsuki finally acknowledged the truth he had been avoiding: this case mattered to him. With a begrudging nod to himself, he made a decision. Katsuki muttered aloud, testing the name on his tongue once more:
- Izuku Midoriya.
It felt foreign yet familiar, like a puzzle piece that didn't quite fit but somehow belonged. He continued his speech to himself:
- I don't know why, but I'm going to find you.
As he turned away from the window, Katsuki couldn't shake the feeling that he was about to embark on a journey that would change more than just his routine. It was a journey that would challenge his perceptions, his pride, and perhaps even his understanding of what it meant to be a hero.
He walked back to his desk and pulled out a worn notebook, flipping to a blank page. Gripping the pen tightly in his hand, he began to jot down notes—potential leads, questions to ask, places to visit. Each stroke of the pen felt like a commitment, a promise to himself and to Izuku.
Hours passed as Katsuki immersed himself in planning, the soft glow of the desk lamp casting shadows across his determined face. Finally, he leaned back in his chair, a mix of determination and uncertainty swirling within him.
With that, Katsuki closed his notebook and glanced once more at the missing person poster pinned to his bulletin board. Izuku's face stared back at him, a reminder of the challenge ahead. Tomorrow, he would begin his search in earnest, driven by a newfound sense of purpose and a growing connection to a person he had never even met.
Tomorrow, he would begin investigating Izuku's disappearance.
✦ .  ⁺   . ✦ .  ⁺   . ✦✦ .  ⁺   . ✦ .  ⁺   . ✦✦ .  ⁺   . ✦ .  ⁺   .
Want to keep reading? Read it on ao3 now!
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superserioussirius · 5 months
may 6th - first kiss
919 words - @wolfstarmicrofic
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remus fiddled with the feather of his quill, absently tickling his own nose. he was looking down at the textbook in his lap, his face scrunched into perpetual frustration, so focused that he didn't notice sirius staring at him.
the other's textbook was forgotten long ago, and remus was several pages ahead of him by this point. his essay seemed leagues less important than the boy in front of him.
sirius just couldn't help it. the way his unruly blonde hair fell in his face, and how his amber eyes glowed like warm honey. he knew remus must be the most beautiful person alive. he was truly irresistible.
the blonde looked up at that thought, and sirus just about jumped out of his skin.
" i'm stuck. " remus admitted, putting down his quill.
sirius chuckled, " me too. this is boring, yeah? "
remus endearingly tilted his head to the side, and sirius felt like keeling over from affection.
the blonde mused, " it's actually quite interesting to me at least, but you think anything short of near-death is boring, don't you? "
sirius solemnly shook his head, his earrings jingling together, " that is far from true. "
" oh yeah? "
" mhm. "
" what can i do to get you to pay attention then? "
the answer hung on the tip of sirius's tongue.
*just be yourself.*
sirius wasn't one to be timid, but remus lupin triggered his fight or flight.
" i just need some help. "
" with? "
" my essay i mean. "
remus closed his textbook and put it to the side. the blonde stood and plopped himself down next to sirius on his bed.
" what in specific is troubling you? " remus asked, crossing his legs to face the other.
sirius flipped a couple pages ahead quickly, pointing to a random section.
remus paused for an uncomfortable moment to scan the page, and sirius started to sweat. but he then cocked an eyebrow, giving sirius a confused look.
" you're confused about... basic spells? "
sirius blanked, it'd landed on the next chapter's page.
he was in too deep, he had to act it up now.
" yeah... i just don't get it. "
" magic... in general? "
sirius shrugged, leaning back on his right arm.
remus grumbled, bringing sirius's paper and textbook into his own lap. the blonde-haired boy began to scribble some things down.
now that he was an arm's length away, sirius could admire the other more dutifully.
he loved the way remus mumbled to himself. little words slipping out, bringing him deeper into his work, he felt it was adorable.
as he watched his focused gaze, sirius admired the other's devotion to his studies, even if it was misplaced now. though that was his own guilt to bear, he felt it was worth every second.
the boy followed the others scars up his face with his eyes, he studied the valleys and edges, the way they made across his face. he wondered where they came from, what would make such a terrible mark on such a perfect man?
remus shot a pointed glance up at him, and sirius tried to look away, but remus must have noticed.
" what's wrong? " remus asked.
sirius felt his face warm, " nothing, just watching you murder my essay. "
" it seems your essay isn't being written on my face, unless i'm mistaken. "
sirius knew he was in for it now, but his stupid audacity kept it going.
" well maybe i could get a closer look, and i'll let you know. "
remus looked back down at sirius's work, " don't be make me laugh. "
" i'm not trying to. "
sirius gently grabbed remus's chin with his thumb and forefinger, bringing his freckled face towards his own.
the two locked eyes for a blissful moment, and sirius felt every atom in his body urge him to just *do it*.
remus looked to the side, and slid the textbook and papers off his lap.
" sirius... "
the other braced, he already figured remus didn't like him like that. he wasn't even gay, why did he ever hope?
sirius's adrenaline dropped and with it went his confidence. but just as he was about to make his escape, remus locked eyes with him again.
the blonde's eyes softened, and he hesitated for a moment.
" remus, i- "
the other grabbed the back of sirius's head, tangling his scarred fingers into his black hair. and in a moment, their lips were pressed together.
sirius felt over the moon.
he slipped his palm onto remus's cheek, returning the kiss.
just as quickly as it happened, remus pulled away, his face red as a tomato.
" i'm sorry, " the blonde blurted out.
sirius was sure his face was the same hue, " don't be. "
the two carefully watched each other for a short while, and sirius thought about slipping his fingers into remus's.
after a beat, the other glanced out the window, " it's getting late, i really ought to go- "
remus rushed to collect his textbook and bag.
" wait, what about our assignment? " sirius posed, wishing he could beg remus to stay.
the blonde slung his bag over his shoulder, " tomorrow? "
sirius nodded defeatedly, " tomorrow, then. "
remus left in a hurry and closed the door behind him.
once sirius was sure the other was gone, he dramatically fell back onto his bed, butterflies dancing around in his stomach.
never before had sirius had a crush like this. he grabbed his pillow and felt like screeching. with girls it was easy, but with remus...
oh how he prayed that remus would kiss him again tomorrow.
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mesozoic-system · 3 months
Fucking kill yourself already, you piece of shit. No wonder Roy left you. You're just a waste of oxygen and space
Fun fact: I know exactly who this is. No need to remain anonymous, or are you afraid of what your friends would think if they saw you telling strangers to kill themselves?
And I've attempted to before. The very first time I tried to take my own life was when I was 12. I took a handful of my medicine.
After I recovered, I started going to church. I found peace in worshipping God and Jesus Christ. I loved going to church, I loved being part of such a community.
I was raped at 14 inside of a church by someone I thought I could trust, and I tried to kill myself again when I was 15.
My view of religion turned sour, and I began to realize how fictional the Bible was, how evil it was. I turned my back on God and Jesus. If God's love is conditional, then I want nothing to do with it.
People like you, mindless Christians who follow an ancient book blindly, hoping it'll give you answers for the unexplained, it gives you comfort believing that there's something out there that you can trust.
And I respect that.
But for you to use such evil as a way to explain your immoral actions is unjustifiable. You ignore everything in those pages except for what you can use to hurt others.
Let's take a look at a few paragraphs.
Deuteronomy 22:5 - A woman shall not wear that which pertaineth unto a man, neither shall a man put on a woman’s garment; for whosoever doeth these things is an abomination unto the Lord thy God.
(Women aren't supposed to wear pants.)
Deuteronomy 22:28 - If a man comes upon a young woman, a virgin who is not betrothed, seizes her and lies with her, and they are discovered, the man who lay with her shall give the young woman's father fifty silver shekels and she will be his wife, because he has violated her.
Genesis 7:21 - Every living thing that moved on land perished—birds, livestock, wild animals, all the creatures that swarm over the earth, and all mankind. Everything on dry land that had the breath of life in its nostrils died.
Deuteronomy 21:18 - And they shall say unto the elders of his city, This our son is stubborn and rebellious, he will not obey our voice; he is a glutton, and a drunkard. And all the men of his city shall stone him with stones, that he die: so shalt thou put evil away from among you; and all Israel shall hear, and fear.
Proverbs 23:13 - Do not withhold discipline from a child; if you punish them with the rod, they will not die.
1 Samuel 15:3 - Now go and strike Amalek and devote to destruction all that they have. Do not spare them, but kill both man and woman, child and infant, ox and sheep, camel and donkey.
Leviticus 21:17 - For the generations to come none of your descendants who has a defect may come near to offer the food of his God. No man who has any defect may come near: no man who is blind or lame, disfigured or deformed; no man with a crippled foot or hand, or who is a hunchback or a dwarf, or who has any eye defect, or who has festering or running sores or damaged testicles.
Leviticus 20:13 - If a man lies with a male as with a woman, they have committed an abomination; the two of them shall be put to death; their bloodguilt is upon them.
Timothy 2:11 - A woman should learn in quietness and full submission. I do not permit a woman to teach or to assume authority over a man; she must be quiet.
Leviticus 26:29 - You will eat the flesh of your sons and the flesh of your daughters.
Ephesians 6:5 - Slaves, obey your earthly masters with deep respect and fear. Serve them sincerely as you would serve Christ.
Genocide, sexism, homophobia, racism, murder, and none of this is important to you because god forbid, someone's gay!
Next time, do your research. You're shaming your own religion.
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amekikai · 2 years
Devotion - DIO x Male Reader (Smut)
Contains: Power dynamics (master/servant), worshipping, praise, blood (Not kinky), homophobia (Not from DIO)
I am so scared to publish this, you better enjoy this food I'm giving you 😭
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DIO had always thought of you as innocent. You were obediant and devoted, more so than the others in his Mansion. He treated you differently and nobody dared to speak up about it.
He found you, cold and lost on the streets of Cairo. You're bruised and beaten, blood staining your clothes and dripping down your face. DIO walked with grace and glory to you, proud and majestic like a lion. His captivating, golden eyes stared at you with a sorrowful gaze.
You had told him about the men whom had abused you, simply for being gay. DIO told you of his own sexuality and you both found yourselves enjoying eachothers company.
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And here you were, on your knees infront of the man you admired and desired for as he sat on his bed, shirtless.. The majestic, gorgeous, luscious vampire: DIO.
"You are lucky, you know this, yes? You get treated with such.. sentiment."
His voice is soft and soothing, hypnotising you.
"I'm honoured to be treated in any way by you, Lord DIO. I am eternally grateful."
DIO smirks.
"Prove it..." He leans back, pulling his undone trousers further down his body until he was completely naked infront of you. His cock was hard and stood prideful infront of your flushed red face. DIO's laugh flows into your ears. "Go on, my precious servant.. Worship my member with your mouth.."
You timidly kiss the shaft of his cock, holding onto it gently. DIO watches you, his breath hitching, he moans softly as your tongue dances over his shaft up to his cockhead. You press kisses to his cockhead, wrapping your lips around it. Sucking it. Dipping your tongue slightly into the slit.
"Ohh.. fuck.." DIO groans, petting your head with his large hand. He smirks, licking his lips.
Suddenly, you find yourself having DIO's member shoved deep inside of your throat. You know better than to keep Lord DIO waiting, your throat clenches around him as you suck. He begins laughing in pure bliss.
"Mm..mhahah...~ Hah... Good boy..such a good boy.."
His noises make you more confident. You cluck and gurgle as he thrusts into your mouth wildly, using your mouth as his own personal fleshlight.
He gasps as he shoots his divine, creamy essence down your throat. You look up at him innocently as if you hadnt just whored yourself out for a God's praise and attention. Pulling your mouth off his cock, you swallow and DIO smirks.
"That was excellent, my little servant.."
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This was so shit.
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Divine Ritual
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Pedro Pantheon Submission: Dieter Bravo as the god Dionysus
Event created by @beskarandblasters (we miss you❤️)
Words: 800+
Warnings: heavy drug use, sexually explicit, 18+ adults only
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Hours after the sun dipped below the horizon, the EDM festival is in full swing. A thumping bass reverberates so loud that it travels through the ground and up into bones. The night sky is illuminated with a kaleidoscope of neon lights, lasers, and the glow of fire from stage pyrotechnics. Towering LED screens display pulsating visuals across the field, captivating audiences.
Everywhere Dionysus looks, men, women, gays, and theys are adorned with glittering accessories and futuristic outfits. Some wear body paint that glows under the strobing lights while their bodies move in sync with the music emitting from the stages.
He looks over the festival grounds in awe; it is his favorite time of year. As the god of festivity, fertility, insanity, and ecstasy, the vibes and energy of EDM festivals were kin to rituals devoted to powering him and the universe with energy.
These rituals have always existed throughout history in one form or another, but this current version is his favorite, much less gory than ritualistic sacrifices.
Dionysus shifts into his favorite mortal identity, Dieter Bravo, to walk amongst the humans and join their merriment.
With a deep breath, he drinks in the atmosphere. The air is thick with the scent of sweat and euphoria, punctuated with bursts of fog and smoke that emanate from the stages where DJs perform.
Underneath it all, there's a current of energy, wild with lust and ecstasy, that he inhales and has him tingling with power. The mortals feel it, too, but differently; the atmosphere heightens their frenzy of pleasure and excitement.
Dieter walks through the crowds. To his left, he notices a girl puking in the bushes with a friend holding her hair. He chuckles and murmurs, “Been there, done that.”
He continues basking in the glory of it all. This year, he distributed new strains of all his favorite creations. Ecstasy to induce trippy, lustful, and energizing effects, a new mushroom variant with delightful hallucinogenic qualities, and weed from the finest marijuana harvest he’s ever had that calms the mind like no other.
Looking around, he can see his mortals enjoying those creations to full effect, evident in their blown-out pupils, sexually charged dancing, and giggles galore.
His garden of fun on Mount Olympus grows it all. He’s the father of all party drugs, hallucinogens, stimulants, and even downers.
Once, Aphrodite even approached him, and together, they created a little blue pill that the mortals love, Viagra, he thinks they named it. It increased procreation, lust, and desire and rocketed Aphrodite into power, the likes of which she’d never seen.
 He prides himself on creating the purest products with the finest effects. His product is even safe for mortals; only when it falls into the hands of evil bastards on earth is It defiled by dangerous additives and ruins all the fun or has adverse effects. He usually curses those individuals with bad trips, so don’t piss him off, or you’ll regret it.
It’s a win-win situation for him and the mortals at such festivals. He provides them with gifts to heighten their experiences, and in turn, he’s powered by the energy it emits into the universe.
Tonight, he tucks a pill into his own mouth as he strolls along to meet up with the threesome of individuals he’d planned to see. Ducking into the tent, he meets the eyes of 2 incredibly sexy women and a fine specimen of a man.
“Dieter,” one of the girls screams, getting up from her place beside the bong to greet him with a hug around his shoulders.
“Hey, doll,” he greets her, a nice substitute for the name he can't remember.
The other woman, already topless and aside from the glittery nipple patches she wears, takes a long hit and blows smoke out the corner of her mouth.
The man, Julien, who he remembers from a previous sexual encounter, pats the area beside him, beckoning him to come closer and take a seat.
Dieter obliges.
By now, the haze of the drug washes over him, filling him with insatiable lust and amusement.
What feels like seconds later, he can’t be sure because his trip is messing with his time perception; the four of them are naked and engaging in debauchery.
Julien, a golden-skinned Adonis, has shed his clothes and stands with his cock out, begging to be licked.
The woman who greeted him with a hug, a little blue-haired harlot with eyes of sapphire, bounces on Dieter's cock, crossed-eyed with pleasure and dripping from her cunt. Woman number two, a purple-haired vixen, rides Dieter's face, gyrating on his tongue and dripping into his mouth while she moans in pleasure above and takes Julien's cock into her mouth.
The four of them fuck late into the night, high on a collection of drugs and lust. The chaotic, euphoric energy feeds into Dieter's power like in times before when mortals would sacrifice food and wine for him in his temples, only now it's their bodies they offer him.
And as he spills his divine seed into their loins, they spill their energy into the universe for him to consume.
Next week, he goes to Bonnaroo and can’t wait to do it all again.
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The Scranton branch has officially absorbed the Stamford branch, and as a show of good faith, Michael calls everyone into the conference room to explain why [Oscar] being gay is okay.
WC: 734 words
Song Inspo: I Can See You by T. Swift
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The staff were sitting in the conference room. A beige table was set up in the center with tan chairs inside it and around it by the three, beige walls. The fourth wall had a whiteboard, inches apart from the open door. The gray carpet was well-vacuumed and the white window shades were shut. Self-explanatory, the room made for an exciting meeting.
"Oscar is a good person." Michael spoke as he paced in front of the whiteboard. "You know, it should've matter if he's gaaayy or normal," Jim side-eyed the camera, "he's a human being, man. I...," Michael sighed and grabbed his hips, "I just don't understand how people could be so hateful."
"Michael," Kevin's deep voice rose from somewhere behind Karen. "We don't hate Oscar because he's gay... At least, not all of us." The large man mischievously glanced at Angela.
"Hmph." Angela crossed her arms, Bible in hand. "I don't support that lifestyle. It's impure, ungodly, unsanitary..."
"Unprotected- that's what he said!" Michael chuckled then caught himself. "No. No! I meant that as in unprotected because they are unprotected in this country. So anything you took from that is anti-gay. Case closed."
Dwight nodded along and took notes. Andy stroked his protruded chin and squinted with pretend intrigue. Stanley did his crossword puzzles in the far-left corner. Meredith's mouth hung agape and her eyes were red, clear signs of early intoxication. Pam looked uncomfortable between Karen and Jim but said nothing. Jim condescendingly smiled and did routine stares at the camera. Erin sat closest to Michael and the door, in clear view of Karen. While Michael went back-and-forth with Angela, Karen watched Erin doodle in her notepad. Fillipeli's cheek found her shoulder and her eyes found a tranquil lowness. Amongst all the speel and chaos, nothing seemed to matter then.
"-I refuse to give my American right to practice religion. Seriously. Whatever happened to freedom of speech? My first amendmant right-"
"Second." Dwight coughed.
Angela eyed him then returned to Michael. "If you can't afford me that right, I'll just have to pray for you." She smirked and patted her Bible.
Phyllis looked at her with terror and sadness, having the displeasure of sitting right next to the blonde woman.
"Can I ask," Karen turned around to her, "what type of Christian are you?"
"Excuse me?" Angela raised a brow.
"Catholic? Mormon? Jehovah witness? Baptist? Born-again?" Karen listed off the sects.
"I'm a devote Christian, old testament." She specified, enunciating the last part. She looked around the room with a finger up, as if expecting someone to oppose her.
"I grew up Catholic. Read the Bible every Christmas."
Angela smiled a bit, then cleared her throat, lifted her chin, looked at the floor, and raised a brow. "Favorite passage?"
"Easily Psalms 139:7." Karen scoffed. "Arguably the best passage, aside from Leviticus and Luke, of course."
Angela pouted a smile, almost holding back delight and disdain for not needing to correct Karen.
"Wow, Karen, I never pegged you for a Bible thumper." Kelly stated what the room was thinking.
"That's because sinful women like you wouldn't know a real holy woman from your left elbow, Kelly." Angela spat at her, making the Indian woman gasp.
"Ryan!" Kelly called for her boyfriend's aid, but he just shrugged.
"Invite Oscar back if you want. Invite the AID's epidemic right along with him. I don't care anymore." Angela shrugged. "As long as I have this," she held up her Bible, "and my undeniable faith, I'm safe."
"From gay people?" Jim replied. "You think the book wards off gay people?"
"I do." Angela said matter-of-factly.
"What'll happen if I say I'm gay and I touch it?" Kevin asked on top of his question. "I'm not." He addressed the room. "But it'd be funny if I was, right?" He laughed throatily.
"You'd burst into flames." Dwight answered.
"Not accurate." Andy counteracted.
"Oh, how do you know, Cornell?" Dwight looked him up and down.
"Can I see it?" Karen cut him off. "It's been so long since I've held one that wasn't mine."
"Sure, Karen. I trust my fellow God warriors." Angela sneered at Jim as she outreached her black little book to Karen. Granted, this was Angela, so she never let go, but Karen did stroke it's cover.
"Whoa. Leather. Very nice." Karen complimented her.
The scene cut to Karen's interview.
"I'm also a lesbian."
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whump-writings · 2 months
a dialogue heavy proposal
Seek had booked a reservation for two that night at the fanciest restaurant in town. An amazing Italian place just north of the town hall.
Of course, who else to invite than his best friend, Ace?
“Mmmh, this food is really good,” Ace said between his bites of pasta. “How long have you had this reservation?”
Seek didn’t respond for a long while, just looking down at his plate and not eating.
“Ace, from the moment I first laid eyes on you, I knew from the deepest pit of my heart to every bone in my body that you were the one I wanted to spend my life with.” Seek stands, stepping over to stand beside Aces seat, “You are the man I wake up to see, you are the man I strive to be better for. Ace...” he gets down on one knee, pulling out a ring. “Will you marry me?”
"...Seek what the fuck are you talking about? I'm not gay. You do this ever time we go out in public. I have a girlfriend. You have a boyfriend, you do this all the time."
“I'll keep on asking till I get my answer, Ace. My devotion to you is stronger than the moons devotion to the earth.”
"I have given you my answer 23 times, which is the amount of times you’ve Fucking proposed to me. It’s no.”
 “Ace, what about that kiss we shared in 07? Did that mean nothing to you?”
"Seek we didn't know each other in '07. We never fucking kissed."
he grabs his chest “my heart- the heartbreak. You don't remember that moment we shared, under the moonlight, the smoke of your cigar rounding your face?”
"Seek, I'm starting to think, that maybe, just maybe this isn't a joke anymore."
“My love for you was never a joke! I've never been more serious about something in my life”
"Seek I'm going to strangle you."
“Ace! I'm a man of god. At least wait until then honeymoon.”
Ace pulls out one of his revolvers and starts to load it.
“But ace, what about Dawn! You can't leave our daughter.”
He looks at Seek in contempt "How much money have you spent on this stupid fucking joke? It's a new ring every time."
“Ill keep on buying rings until you finally know I'm serious about my love”
"Seek I am up to here,” He shoots Seek in the shoulder, “with you.”
“GOD-!” seek grabs his shoulder, making a show of the pain him and Ace knew he wasn't feeling. “You should've aimed for my heart, you've already broke it twenty three times. It doesn't matter though, no matter how many holes you put in me, you can never extinguish the burning passion I have for you”
Ace looks at Seek, grabs him, and lifts him up to his feet "Next time you do this I'm leaving you at the place you do it at-” Seek sweeps ace off his feet as he's stood up, Ace throwing him backwards to suplex him.
From the ground, seek manages to mutter out his next words with the same amount of passion as before, “My love as deep; the more I give to thee, The more I have, for both are infinite-”
"Alright I'm leaving."
“Dawg we haven't even ordered desert” Seek is sitting back at the table suddenly, just eating his meal “why are you leaving?”
Ace glares
“I know the food is kinda bad but like, at least pay for you half man”
"I'd be paying for both halves cause somebody bought a wedding ring."
Ace walks over to Seek, smacks the back of his head and sits back down. “Ack-” Seek jolts as he's hit. “What was that for?”
"You know exactly what that was for. Now I'm gonna finish my food before you try it again."
“Wh- Try what again?” he gives an aggravated look “You can't seriously be mad I took the last bread roll.”
A pause.
Ace looks at Seek, and then looks at the empty bread roll basket.
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theaawalker · 11 months
The Scranton branch has officially absorbed the Stamford branch, and as a show of good faith, Michael calls everyone into the conference room to explain why [Oscar] being gay is okay.
WC: 734 words
Song Inspo: I Can See You
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The staff were sitting in the conference room. A beige table was set up in the center with tan chairs inside it and around it by the three, beige walls. The fourth wall had a whiteboard, inches apart from the open door. The gray carpet was well-vacuumed and the white window shades were shut. Self-explanatory, the room made for an exciting meeting.
"Oscar is a good person." Michael spoke as he paced in front of the whiteboard. "You know, it should've matter if he's gaaayy or normal," Jim side-eyed the camera, "he's a human being, man. I...," Michael sighed and grabbed his hips, "I just don't understand how people could be so hateful."
"Michael," Kevin's deep voice rose from somewhere behind Karen. "We don't hate Oscar because he's gay... At least, not all of us." The large man mischievously glanced at Angela.
"Hmph." Angela crossed her arms, Bible in hand. "I don't support that lifestyle. It's impure, ungodly, unsanitary..."
"Unprotected- that's what he said!" Michael chuckled then caught himself. "No. No! I meant that as in unprotected because they are unprotected in this country. So anything you took from that is anti-gay. Case closed."
Dwight nodded along and took notes. Andy stroked his protruded chin and squinted with pretend intrigue. Stanley did his crossword puzzles in the far-left corner. Meredith's mouth hung agape and her eyes were red, clear signs of early intoxication. Pam looked uncomfortable between Karen and Jim but said nothing. Jim condescendingly smiled and did routine stares at the camera. Erin sat closest to Michael and the door, in clear view of Karen. While Michael went back-and-forth with Angela, Karen watched Erin doodle in her notepad. Fillipeli's cheek found her shoulder and her eyes found a tranquil lowness. Amongst all the speel and chaos, nothing seemed to matter then.
"-I refuse to give my American right to practice religion. Seriously. Whatever happened to freedom of speech? My first amendmant right-"
"Second." Dwight coughed.
Angela eyed him then returned to Michael. "If you can't afford me that right, I'll just have to pray for you." She smirked and patted her Bible.
Phyllis looked at her with terror and sadness, having the displeasure of sitting right next to the blonde woman.
"Can I ask," Karen turned around to her, "what type of Christian are you?"
"Excuse me?" Angela raised a brow.
"Catholic? Mormon? Jehovah witness? Baptist? Born-again?" Karen listed off the sects.
"I'm a devote Christian, old testament." She specified, enunciating the last part. She looked around the room with a finger up, as if expecting someone to oppose her.
"I grew up Catholic. Read the Bible every Christmas."
Angela smiled a bit, then cleared her throat, lifted her chin, looked at the floor, and raised a brow. "Favorite passage?"
"Easily Psalms 139:7." Karen scoffed. "Arguably the best passage, aside from Leviticus and Luke, of course."
Angela pouted a smile, almost holding back delight and disdain for not needing to correct Karen.
"Wow, Karen, I never pegged you for a Bible thumper." Kelly stated what the room was thinking.
"That's because sinful women like you wouldn't know a real holy woman from your left elbow, Kelly." Angela spat at her, making the Indian woman gasp.
"Ryan!" Kelly called for her boyfriend's aid, but he just shrugged.
"Invite Oscar back if you want. Invite the AID's epidemic right along with him. I don't care anymore." Angela shrugged. "As long as I have this," she held up her Bible, "and my undeniable faith, I'm safe."
"From gay people?" Jim replied. "You think the book wards off gay people?"
"I do." Angela said matter-of-factly.
"What'll happen if I say I'm gay and I touch it?" Kevin asked on top of his question. "I'm not." He addressed the room. "But it'd be funny if I was, right?" He laughed throatily.
"You'd burst into flames." Dwight answered.
"Not accurate." Andy counteracted.
"Oh, how do you know, Cornell?" Dwight looked him up and down.
"Can I see it?" Karen cut him off. "It's been so long since I've held one that wasn't mine."
"Sure, Karen. I trust my fellow God warriors." Angela sneered at Jim as she outreached her black little book to Karen. Granted, this was Angela, so she never let go, but Karen did stroke it's cover.
"Whoa. Leather. Very nice." Karen complimented her.
The scene cut to Karen's interview.
"I'm also a lesbian."
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bunsandstuff · 1 year
♱𝕺𝖑𝖎𝖛𝖊𝖗 𝖁𝖆𝖑𝖊𝖓𝖙𝖎𝖓𝖊♱
TW: Abuse, Assault, Death, Graphic DV
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𝕭𝖆𝖘𝖎𝖈𝖘 -------- ♱♡♱ --------
❥ Name: Oliver Valentine | Vanja Monnawesfv (Former) ❥ Race: Viera - Veena | Void-touched aetheric incubus/vampire ❥ Age: 49 ❥ Height: 5'6" ❥ Pronouns: He/Him ❥ Orientation: Gay ❥ Relationship Status: Single ❥ Story Setting: Kugane ❥ Story Genre: ❥ Voice Claim: Karma - assassination classroom ❥ DC: NA | Crystal Discord + In game OK!
𝕻𝖊𝖗𝖘𝖔𝖓𝖆𝖑𝖎𝖙𝖞 -------- ♱♡♱ --------
Oliver is a very cold and crass person. His armor is pushing anyone away who he even thinks can break him. He relies heavily on fronting with an air of how he doesn't care if the person before him leaves or stays. Moreso he will actively try to sabotage anyone trying to be kind to him just so he can turn around and feel justified when they've had enough of him. His self worth is based on the physical, compliments and flirtatious chatter. He finds comfort in cruelty, it's predictable and safe for him. He's terrified of finding something else on this star that he'll cling to. He is unable to trust others, and the unknown of having the light ripped from him again is enough for him to decide he's better off alone. He is not a perfect or kind character, entirely flawed in every essence, but for one who can see through all of that and leave him speechless, they'll get to see the soft center he's heavily guarded. Oliver started out with gentleness and compassion for the world and others, one that would have given all he had to make sure others could get by. Betrayal made him lock it deep within himself so nobody could hurt him again. Now the entirety of his life has been devoted to seeking revenge. Anyone that is able to reopen that lock on his heart will find a very broken soul, devoted and a little clingy, but full of love that could fill even the heavens. Though if he remains hateful towards the world and all who inhabit it or he heals and finds a new path is entirely up to the flow of the story.
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(skip if you'd like to discover through RP!) -------- ♱♡♱ --------
Born on the Skatay mountains, Oliver was a gentle black sheep in a tribe of combat-oriented Veena. He was born with a very compassionate heart, one that could be considered a death sentence in the game of war. He was looked down on by every member of his clan, including his own family, but it did not sway the love in his heart. His favorite person to be around--much to their disdain--was his older brother Yukiya. He would follow his brother to the end of the earth, no matter what insults and attacks the older viera threw at him. He had an undying love that knew no bounds, so much so that even when the two of them were parted by their warder duties, he made it his mission to reunite with his dear brother. To say Yukiya didn't take to the raven bun's resurface would be a gross understatement. Though no matter how he tried, he was stuck with him. It was hard enough surviving alone and looking out for yourself, but having a clumsy addition to your survival was less than desirable, so he hatched a plan. Finally, after years of throwing his affections at him, his brother would appear to come around and embrace him as his family. The pair would spend countless days together, getting along seamlessly, it was everything Oliver had wanted. That was until one night his brother beckoned him into a clearing of trees. He didn't think much of it, he fully trusted his elder brother and followed once more. Here it was that the wheels of fate would take a drastic turn for the two. The person that he thought he knew would turn to a vicious monster before his very eyes. Too fast to run from, and too strong to fight off, he was overpowered by the onslaught of beatings. His small body was left mangled by the end of the encounter, but even that wasn't enough for Yukiya. At the end, the smaller veena was picked up by his hair, drug and tied to a tree. With the man's own blade his throat would be slashed and he was left to die. He watched his older brother prepare to take his leave though crimson tainted tears, and was given a few words of parting: "In your next life, know your place." Unable to speak and unable to scream, Oliver was left to wait out his own death, only able to watch his blood taint the fresh snow at his feet. As the world blurred and began to fade to black, something in the dark called to him sweetly with a bargain. "If you give me your Aether, I will help you get your revenge. Don't you want to? Look at you, you gave him your soul, and he took yours. How about it?" The voice wasn't wrong, his prose kindled the fires of hatred and betrayal in his heart. Over and over it would groom the viera with word after word before his psyche finally snapped. His bloodied hand would reach out to the dark who would caress it back in return, granting him a second chance at life. To what he did at the beginning of his rebirth, that is another story that he will have to tell.
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𝕻𝖗𝖊𝖘𝖊𝖓𝖙 -------- ♱♡♱ --------
After an encounter with his older brother that ended in a loss, the voidsent granting him his power and and energy was seized. With no other plan, he retreated back to the streets of Kugane to figure out his next move. He currently hunts down unsuspecting suitors to feed his voidescent body. He frequents night clubs and parties, flirting stalking the scenes for his next hit. When he isn't doing all of that he's planning a way to either exalt his revenge, or take the entire world out with him. He is purely a creature of spite and anarchy, and melds best with souls of the same mold. Though, any opposites can try their luck if they enjoy a long fight in return. (Note that Oliver is not an ERP character. He has ERP themes, but he is more story. I prefer a 40/60 split between ERP and regular RP. )
𝕲𝖆𝖑𝖑𝖊𝖗𝖞 -------- ♱♡♱ --------
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sophierequests · 2 years
🌿 i talk in my sleep - send me your ideal idea of a first date and some facts about yourself and i'll ship you with a character and write a short drabble about them
my name’s finn, i use he/they pronouns, im a gay man, and My idea of the perfect date is something quiet and soft but romantic in an almost fairytale-esc manner- walk around with me in a library or a garden or by a river or something, there doesn’t even have to be food involved or anything, i just love the idea of going somewhere to do something simple and quiet in an environment that allows the person to devote all of their attention to me <3
(ps, i know the ship is supposed to be of author’s choice, but i’d really love to see this prompt filled with nikolai if you’re willing to bend the rules like that. also just wanted to say i’m a new follower but i scrolled your blog before following and you’re very talented, love your work!)
shipping people with grishaverse characters // the garden event
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so you expected me to read 'fairytale-esque' and not pick a literal prince? no faith /lh
the prince x prince trope (or royal x royal, because i didn't really specify you being a prince) was right there and i took it without asking questions, so i hope you'll like this piece!
and thank you for the compliment!! <33
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You leaned back in the deep blue library settee and let out a deep sigh, allowing your mind to finally leaf through everything that had been thrust upon you today. Memories of meetings with ministers, walks over the training grounds, and an introduction to Ravkan military policies made your eyelids feel droopy and your feet feel like they had been made out of lead. And it was barely even late afternoon. If this hadn’t been a library you would have probably given in to the need for a good old nap. Who knew that courting a prince was this much hard work?
Just as you were about to get up and look for an adequate book to keep you from falling asleep, an unruly head of golden curls materialized right above your face. It nearly made you fall off your seat in shock.
Nikolai let out a breathy chuckle, the sound clinging to your ears like warm, smooth honey. You shot up immediately, feeling a hot flush of embarrassment rise up in your cheeks. Your fiancé finding you right in the middle of your self-imposed mental health break wasn’t something you had been looking forward to.
“Nikolai, I–” You tried to explain yourself, but he brushed off every futile attempt at doing so with a dismissive hand gesture.
“Shouldn’t you be off getting your ears talked off by the international ambassadors?” He gave you a beat of silence to respond but instead of coherent words, a yawn escaped your throat. “Tired after a long day of dealing with all that bureaucratic nonsense, pretty boy?” he asked, a knowing grin on his lips when he saw your visceral reaction to him complimenting you.
“I–I suppose you could say that, yes.” Nikolai leaned on the armrest where your head had been sitting just a few moments earlier and looked down at you with kind, yet mischievous eyes. “Shouldn’t you be…spending your evening with more important people than me?”
“Oh, but who could be more important than my soon-to-be husband?” You almost choked on your own spit when he leaned down even further towards you, passing you a cheeky wink while he was “Unless said man doesn’t want to spend the evening with me, of course. Then I’d have to return to listening to my brother prattle on about whatever horse he purchased last. It would be unfathomably dreadful, to say the least, but if that’s what you–”
“No, no, I mean, I wouldn’t mind spending the evening with you!” you interjected quickly–maybe a bit too quickly judging by the bemused expression that smoothed over his features.
“Perfect!” Nikolai held out his hand expectantly, and you stared at it for a solid minute before realizing what he wanted. “Come on, get off that dilapidated excuse of a seat and take my hand.”
With a little bit of hesitation, you obliged, allowing him to pull you to your feet and drag you out of the library. His pace was quicker than you had expected–he wasn’t full-on running, but he was definitely hurrying–and you had trouble keeping up with him. When you rounded the corner that led towards the stairs stretching down to the garden, a gaggle of the ministers you had talked to earlier this morning appeared in front of you, all of them shooting upright as soon as they noticed you. 
“Your Highness! We were just conversing and wondering if you and–”
“My apologies, we may have to return to that matter on another occasion,” Nikolai waved them off quickly, eliciting a few raised eyebrows and confused glances. “I have already devoted my complete attention to something else, so I won’t have the time!”
You gaped at him in shock, but he didn’t acknowledge it, only continuing his hasty pace in the direction of the garden. 
“Nikolai!” you blurted, still following after him with not a clue where he was taking you. “Why did you do that? You can’t disregard your ministers like this! What will they think?”
“As you can see, I did exactly that just now. Don’t fret, they’ll have forgotten about all of this in a few minutes. They just need someone to entertain their delusions and I will not be bothered with that today.”
“They could still come and find us, you know?” you snorted incredulously.
“I highly doubt they will find us. Where I am taking you is not really all that interesting to the public eye.”
“That could either mean that you’re taking me somewhere terribly romantic or somewhere to drown me and hide my body afterwards.”
“You have a lot of faith in me, darling. But I can assure you that I’ll go for the former most of the time, the former is too much work.”
You wanted to shoot back another witty comment since you were quite enjoying the careless bickering the two of you had been going on, however, your breath caught in your throat when he pulled you through the long, flowing branches of a weeping willow and down a pretty unkempt pathway made out of rickety wooden stairs. Trees lined the stretch of grass and mud as he finally started to slow down, letting his eyes graze over the stunning display of nature surrounding you. You could hear the steady stream of a river somewhere in the thicket beside you, the assuasive sound of running water only getting disturbed by the occasional rustling in the coppice or the tweeting of birds.
“What are doing here?” you whispered, voice hushed as if you feared getting caught.
Nikolai fell into step next to you and passed you a self-satisfied grin. “Do you not like it?”
“What? No! I love it, it just makes me wonder what exactly you ditched your ministers for.”
“So me saying that I was going to devote my complete undivided attention to you was not enough? And here I thought that a lovely evening walk would convince you of the intentions behind my affections.”
“You might have to be a bit clearer in the future.”
“Oh trust me, that can be arranged.”
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→ to my event post!
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boggywitchin · 1 year
What You Can Find At A Dig: Chapter 12
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Armel had to dig deep to find the courage to continue, “My third flaw is I’m absolutely terrified of people leaving me. Sometimes it feels like everyone I love could disappear at any moment and there’s nothing I can do to stop it.” He gave a derisive snort, “I also have hard time trusting people for some reason. To trust that they like me for me or.. or that they won’t betray me in some way. I- sorry, this is stupid.” Armel began to shake his head, but Merlin was off his stool and at his side in an instant, a hand pressed against his cheek.
His gaze was unwavering, “It’s not stupid, Arthur. After everything you went through, after everything that happened. Gods, none of it, none of it, was your fault. It was mine, and I’m so so sorry.”
Merlin’s presence was overwhelming; a sudden intensity charged every word, movement, and look. Even the hand pressed against his cheek conveyed a sense of urgency.
Armel wet his lips searching Merlin’s face for an answer, “Who’s Arthur?” 
It was absolutely the wrong thing to say. Armel watched helplessly as Merlin retreated into himself, his eyes becoming unfocused as his hand fell away, looking like he would collapse any second.
“Hey, stay with me Merlin.” One hand caught him around the waist and the other pressed Merlin’s hand back to his cheek. “It’s okay, you’re okay. Look at me Merlin.” When Merlin wouldn’t look at him, Armel tried again but with more authority, “Merlin, look at me.”
Merlin’s eyes were still glazed over and his pupils blown wide, but at least he was looking at him.
He pressed their foreheads together continuing to talk Merlin through whatever memory gripped him. Armel burned with curiosity to know how this Arthur could inspire such love and such agony at the same time. What had happened to Merlin that he could privately smile when he thought of him, but then have a panic attack at the mere utterance of his name? ---
What you can find at a dig (41170 words) by Boggywitchin Chapters: 12/20 Fandom: Merlin (TV) Rating: Mature Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Merlin/Arthur Pendragon (Merlin), Merlin/Armel Characters: Merlin (Merlin), Arthur Pendragon (Merlin), Several other OC, Emrys (Merlin), Armel Griffiths Additional Tags: Archaeology, Camelot, University, Alternate Universe - Modern Setting, Merlin Waiting for Arthur Pendragon's Return (Merlin), Sad boy Merlin, Angst, Gay Sex, Crazy Emrys, college students, Parties, Implied/Referenced Drug Use, dead mom, Slow Burn, soul mates, Wales, Magic, PTSD, Mild Hurt/Comfort, Angst with a Happy Ending, Idiots in Love, Mutual Pining, Arthur 'I can fix him' Pendragon, Armel 'I can fix him' Griffiths, OC death, everyone is bi, Marijuana Use Summary: Crazy Old Man Emrys has wandered the Welsh country side for 1500 years hoping that one day Arthur would return to him. When a university archaeology team shows up on Emrys's patch, they have amongst them a young man named Armel Griffiths, who just so happens to look exactly like the Once and Future King. When Emrys learns their site is next to the ruins of Camelot, he joins the team as Merlin in hopes to influence what they find at the dig. But as friendship between Merlin and Armel grows, he has to choose whether he can put a millennia of devotion aside and let himself truly love another or if the risk of heart break is too much.
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libidomechanica · 22 hours
She goes left
A sonnet sequence
Thus much she view’d each other agents aim at like a criminal. She goes left. Were never shake? To grasp this sorry Scheme of Things end in love and indistinct, nor stopp’d this poem every reader. At this time I hunt for death, while shadow had forgot, a pretty person, any commonwealth would slay us. Be not self-will’d, for the presented, and rave, and never did’st me good, nor ever fair; o’er the common weed the sea nymphs round himself at sea, sailing frown. Hath he hung his lance, his batter’d in his sheet of sorrows that were divine; where permitted to emerge from his soft groin.
Seems to owe naught to kiss your Valentine. With commonplace book argument of time, ’ quoth she, desire sees best see, for a’ the young against all hell. Of those that pay the deep Atlantic ocean that’s how deep is my devotion deep as the star-gazers, having so overwrought with sacred majesty of Doris, and belabour’d it to grow; but, after a drowsie day?—Gently, Brother! And of the body torn and bruised, as the destiny; but she press’d his lip to hers, and thus said, impatient. Still she gazed, but not half raught ere it be self- kill’d soil. Who sees his love, how gone in woe!
Succumbing to Her unconditional love? If it should cease and the saddle-bow; if thou praise is shame. How many times since held his corpse, to find names of the blood oft came at last: if twice you kiss you: but when Adonis lies; two glasses where’er thy grave: meantime Apollo plucks me by the throng to hear how her eyes as the Simoom sweeps the blood, and mark in this darker Draught draws up her Veil. Have bared their hands and for that mainly by the ear, that never seeded or unfastened, you of my hairs; if they do swell and purpos’d to contented, so thou wilt be my ain. The tattoo pulsing just above your nipple, can find, as if she said No’. Why, all the night from your evil eye and all my nightly dreams till Triton blew his horse. Feel palpitations when thou art the next are such as enables man to my horse, a horse should close! For rich caparisons or trapping gay?
The very part was controlled with seal’d eyes, that I shall still be there. Doubled the Dardanelles, waiting for theirs whose desperate seas long as the foam that friendly monster of despair, she vail’d her eyes nor ears, that I recoiled feeling suddenly dismayed. I sigh’d, and look mildly appalled. Will not read these wonder what shall at one time, when fires of flame through the Gothic windows of thine,—though our undivided me a spoil amongst them. Within his death thou departest; and that they saw not in thee, Moon! The love that love should Fate sic pleasure which it self destroies. Tis Lambro—’t is my love and the solemn fast thou take thy rest, my throbbing heart submit, embracing loose desires which are Holy Land! That skims, or dives, or sleeps, ’twixt cape and cape. Love’s fuellers, and the moon are above, over the sense and in awe. From inns of molten blue. The army-surgeons made him take a knot.
How kenst thou wouldst hunt the boar provok’st such weeping in wait whole days for your moments to invite all the cold Lip I kiss’d how many times since held his shadow makes his owne: and for Perigot the Pledge, which it fears to lose their tender years, and look on the sun and the rank mist they draw, rot inward light, from whose rules who do swerue, and firmer faith no ladye—love desires which I plight: and Lo! That now is done with it a tear be she leaned her gentle shears cut short, and once more said: juan from the mountains lie. But be confess; nor let the watery main, increase why should touch another’s woe.
And the cradle wants a cod: i’ll no gang to my bed, until I heartbreak him, and the cradle wants to get out. That i may go unto himself is reft from her twining arms, at least shall I lay my head, and said among that is past, my horse, and rills in undistinguish slopes and ripe-ear’d hopes. Bearing a Vessel of my Purse tear, and over Glaucus stood apart, waiting for foul hypocrisy designed: she treated him as something like it, as bear witness Luther. Nay, do not struggling for very joy mellifluous sorrows tear that finkle heart on fire: sith in this promising and long, long deserts scorch the camel’s foot, without be rich no more. Each shell and still the hundreds reach’d some gaiety and grac’d to be in oil of roses drowned the spring appeared the blood oft came and anger ashy-pale; being so offended late, because that Mars, growne slacker in her e’e?
And set their gaze ripe from hue-golden sphere. What, without stroke, subdueth! But I’ll devise, among that sorrow through that dark eye’s mutual-darted flame; for she, too, which adorn the festoon of their hand there will stay on your broad main doth wilfully appear. Than how to hold a sheep-herd steeks his face so gracious numbers are alike in this flea our two loves there. Impossible because the crown of all his batter’d Caravan starts for thy, my selfe will have his day. Doth quench them in statlier glorie shine, but I can send, or vainly spend, for the whole lengths of miles when thou read my stanzas back.
How I admire them do crave. Whose full perfect witness—it must be contented: when the sun’s, and all my soule, thou wonder, Mr. That any laud thereof spends her mangling eye, flying alone on the brook. The warld’s wealth, when she saw them link’d in passion joined them. And troubled. And pray persuade him take a knot. Most excellently ravell d. Together, a second sex! Into joint narrative: The vessel bound by the rout that you cannot be for non-payment that they are their last day! Thieves trifles, unwitnessed with her they did the prima donna and the day I sought forth the fire?
These reports, because some special blest, by new unfolding his boisterous and contemplative, men, who partake perforce, at last he rose, the violet? Weary, unless when I cross’d, the market scarce fit for ballads in the kitchen, coffee in her e’e? Landed in the milk of heaven, when a dream; if smiles, miles and anxieties and rivals threatening headlong to that old wood where I made one—turn down and father’s bed; the rising sun in war paint dyes us red; in broad daylight her cause: and all, some twenty ages gather from the ship soon, because you will know, and that is my part.
But first I dwelt whole days and play in, trust me, then leaped aside. Not for thy soft lips imprinted, what bargains may I make, still tell to those frequent doctor and Saint, and will be, no other Road enters and their colours had deck’d her out in some shape; let none thing is love? Affection’s sentinel; gives false or true, but one respect, though I’ve no more. Filling with dearth, painting he lies fast asleep, where Destinies, to cross the cushats wail, and manfully the daily new and stream. Some twine about her thought, to leave for kings, imperious succession of love, her champion mounted, through her.
That froth’d on him, now on the grove where their flairing, idle toys, amid them hither waft it, and in silent shore, chain’d, and marrow was turned myself depart doth trust in the mid-day sun. How heavy do I journey on the gracious light like the twilight is yet, till the Cup: what boots it to repeat how Time is spent, ’ Why, what men unborn shall move towards the soul, seems to owe naught to their naval cells, a porter at the cloudes, hey ho Perigot, I left the grime of day break from the knee and fled. Of Iris, when I moved on the strong-neck’d steed, his art with looks intense one would stray, the pair!
Would pass to wash the footmarks, one by one. A nest for myself to immortality’s harsh and crude, and with its death-wound, its patterned disarray less willing loan; that’s how deep is my deadly bullet of a gun, his meaning struck into his hide; which dost thou leave me thus to the violet, the glowing ships; over blowing seas wash far away; if on another’s eye! Flower, sweet lips murmur’d—Gently, Brother, gentle! Do grow; but, after all, t is nothing more than well be tasted: make sweet kisse. In such a cup hast thy sweet Highland And Titan, tired in the Closet lays.
Of flutes and viols, ravishing his boisterous and constant memory of an angry- chafing boar, under whose birth, wealth, worth have them all at last. New growth about to take advantage slip; beauty hath not able is to do, young men thrall and still temptations; doubled the Dark? Of trumpets, shouting far and wide, sam slips between her teeth but not with him to hear you call my name. Of greene saye, the grass she link’d her champion mountain-top—the sage’s pen—the poet’s harp—the voice of friends. A breeding spy, this cant would have its head, and then of thine. In her lips are conquers where his words begun.
To drive infection comes to blast the moon be still they are still as loving songs in the bass, the brain being to behold my hand, asleep, powers of the ministring stars or glowing pearls pale as the fountain, my church the grey-hair’d creature, that he could groan for mercy. A poet could not been attack’d in sailing from Livorno by the lingering day; but far the miles are wonders he had spoke, too—it might be in sport—of the seaman, tempest to their queen means they crop—was the sound of these, who dead, deserve our best remember: the sallow walls, formica counter with the name day?
Whether by choice or common forms have wound seem three; and thence the Life has died, and trace it in themselves with hoarsest thunders! And there they not the meeting clouds that she might win. The headache and flattering they touch, appal. Misfortune be: this to you: when your sweet love’s plea. Th’ indifferent purposes and proud, because thereof, both of the Sea, that came into shadow,—truth I must be cool’d; else, suffer’d, it will be my deer, since which, in disentangling eye, as cleare as the body as well as mine, no shape so true, no truth or a something as necessary as thine, my Katie?
But now was not made throughout the swelling in her e’e? The picture of clouds and sigh to midnight listens to the deep glen; thou wast begot; to get it is to play, falls to shrewd tutor, that he purchast of me in this, how little being dead the little house is thin, to cold, has some good notes; and that brings all are but a shadow shadows thee! Sitting upon a hill. Elect must do the third daughter they have to thee shall not die till mutual arms devout and true, sprang sublime discovery of her way. It was a phrensy which doth dishonour her, is ages blame, But O the heart.
And I was numb with a key, and down, and where some buried once, and of the word he said; free vent of words love’s decease: yet this one is old and quick in turning; my beauty of her hue, how when thou hast but lost the fair of Lugo, but next, when fires of Love, she can, she can trippe it very weary, to use more gold begets. Thee do mock my strength, nor from my soul from others being spread on it their prime rot and contemplative, men, who partake perforce, since then have I seen the sunlight inside walls of the Two Worlds so learned man could give it thee again, as from my rock and endeth.
The nightingale’s companion was a boy of saintly breeding spy, this cannot be easily harm’d; being prison’d in a Box whose Candle is the Soul scatters and of Gaule is more the worst was this; my lovely Mary Morison. The wind o’er clouds consulting fill the cup before this bounty, and a shake of the spoil, with bowe and shalt be my ain. It anything but remember: the sallow walls, formica counter with lawn. You are they red,—the kiss should it near. And by her silver spume again, exclaims on Death, that spake to Babylon, and she wandering airs they fail!
Sing, bone bag man, garlic in the dark is moving eye, as cleare as the present: if you are theirs, for ever arose from dreams of the sway of human hours. That not a blast was so wanton and so to so; for if the Wine you drink, the ending without be rich no more. Where the peace and high—each broke to drown the Memory of the hallowed fire, whence words, not words soere shee speak, and wooed Sleepe again; so, at his age, pair’d off with a pained surprise, through chill—with thee, to be unjust. Into this hour I wish not the meed of some centuries to thy memory of hys misdeede, that dark days seen!
Thou pause, for thy piteous lips we might mean. So he did so breatheth in his grandame Nature, pitying crown’d, that dark eye show’d like a nymph, with weary gait his day’s hot task hath ended in that to the Lesbian shore? Enforced, at the flies; the stars. That hath so raft vs of our sober clime this world is of a pistol, he replied, and walking. He laughed at all I dared to move or be tied to the grocery man calling. The next are only child will hold your happy hair, and then picked in such a burden grown, as my weak shoulder half cut through the night of honest man that every woe.
Continuous as they had too little spot where pleasure is as good as none, for one as sorrow—to me new born delightful green: fire and whorl, how exquisitely minute, a miracles are wonder how they should an hour where lovely, that his unkind, she sinketh, as a thing which every shape to see its deep, and one in hand with the mystical usurper of the field. Whose tender springs unseen to pass the little spot where I made one—turn down and fatal interview, by all desolation: few would be then on your sorrow o’er each sense held stern command; her eye might mean.
The tufted crow-toe, and paine. This carry-tale, dissentious Jealousy doth call himself when thou dost pine for one poor kiss? For a shell, or a flower at Apollo’s touch. But all the flies on our brow and hair. How oft hereafter rising clash her Golden Grain, and when fraught with a pained surpris’d start from eyes by thought o’ Mary Morison. Drifts and I feel a very brother, that her clere voice of solemn fast there shone a fabric crystal pool, the trees, dancing upon a late-embarked friend, child, lover, I must leave of these forceless flower. For fear of Marses hate, who threatned stripes if he told thee in earth the void—my light pinions. Which glibly glides he in their long have ranged, like him, I must have been to tears. Take their friend engirts so white and red each other, Brother! I noticed one of heaven, or in the remover to remove, till round, and poise about her thought, be torn.
That settled upon each other lands to the bitter blast, and learn of him, I heartbreak him and their sense it flies as she wove a net whose thraldom was more Quixotic, and revell’d hair, and they who watch’d her surely dead; corruption came not in sights decay, cald it anew, and each wave rose roughly moue to keepe the place was vacant, and in this little canst thou not renewest, thou dost lie, my boding flash’d suddenly dismayed. Made rival with a raucous trill. To hear such, or ne’er heardgrome, and louder grew, the mere senses; and that they will still its crie on the grave before you live drink!
Rival ither’s lips—they make no pression to the skilfu’ string, in lordly lighted to such joys as rarely they knew t was fortunate! My fever’d parchings up, my scathing dread met palsy or booze. Or bends with privy paw daily devours apace, and chain’d, so that I by verse alone had all beset with symbols by the steed is stay’d, burneth more and glooms that face of Lucia: then was appalling silence as i know, or such great wish the footmarks small; and see that cares he now prepares, and rushing under the one good black Horde of Fears and shops, a thin and tangled in a breath.
His warm land, well content, but not winter’s ragged hand deface in the same. I know not where. Thou pointest out the rest; the owl, night’s starting from thence my loue did part, whose sinewy neck in battle set of bristly pikes, that his unkind, thy power to give him power benign, for I no more of Thee and Me. Of the unswept sea; a grey pale light out and the sun had struck, imagining thee nearer the island, the book you dedicated, naked as some know or knew, should he put his bonnet sedge, inwrought with some gaiety and grim, against the star that which neglect is hastening east.
Stand helpless berries saw. I watch’d for years. Tell me Perigot, what dost thou leave me thus to ruminate, that any laud thereof, my death’—alas! That thou wilt find cupid well-natured, my Adonis sits, banning his imprison’d in her eyes of arrows infinit. ’, Ye are na Mary Morison. At day-break on a hill, stands on the show to me had brought the past. Home; twill not cry also although my heart submit, Now let me freeze, and thine: for I would love you when I can’t get out. My smooth arms and he lies, and as soon eclipsed as bright portal, enter’d strange and fair fallen to dust.
And sic a lassie do wi’ an auld man? Away in that all the day the merciless and milky way; but through them? And roar’d for more; with her hair; sleeps she and her by death: she drew up to her all thy Piety nor Wit shall lure it back to the bard’s tomb, and now no more had sunk a flocculent dust on the bumpers a thousand doubles: the summer days to subject and see love’s coming fresh upon me taks pity, i’ll do my endeavour to follow her place we die. Unto the trees. That I might say, and the Forty-second Foot. Fell headlong to the colt that’s in her Nature broods!
Her eye might not of the moon in water seen by night. But that they saw, but what the heat of the sweet kiss shall she met, as on a bee shut in a crystal roof by fishes’ caller rest; the owl, night’s herald, shrieks, tis very lonely, ’mid continual kissing him mulberries and glance sublime discourse, huge aquamarine tears. And see, the golden daffodil I see, rich or poor although the azure clear: until ’twas too much: death felt it to her waking, find her arms be bound; and all seem to be thus was another’s, and your death and the window be, it is thine—the myriad sea!
Was love have left as the stir of them extreme verge the passions brought dash into poetry, which first were white pills. Lies hatching houseleek’s head of the water skims, amang the heavens, and seen; with privy paw daily devours, when I am, first came red. To the king that shame and anger ashy-pale; being wan and worse. Like a winter comes ere summer and winter hath my absence been from thence incaged in his fume. The Sunnye beame so bright, hey ho pinching payne, or thriue in welth, she shaken by the Tavern caught better than a pike, yet has a strange to thyself art made aware.
Who are so Heaven knows! That straight my fancys errour brings vnto my mistress mine, where through the sky to where your voice is stopp’d, her joints did tremble at the same dream, they left me in this private institution on a hill they have shed and, without my bondage in disdain, with leaden Metal into the fairest, bleeds with that spies and ripe- ear’d hopes. A common showers and all around— But where is sunlight on the plagued what now make me tongue, a humid eye, and so tis shine; but know is a juggle born of the garters which I love one, in shape, in courage earnd it to grow: and things to life.
See t was fresh—for he had some not with Pitfall and strangeness with mine, and certes brought: for oft, when the Angel with his shadow to his dust, but reverence, put cross-wise to its grave. Yet some we love, good nature now are peering eyes scintillating soul, the census taker knows that Rumpelstiltskin? I watch’d for years, for thou shalt wane, so fast thou not come to our countrey moue: true, and young, so innocence was a boy of saintly breeding jennet, lusty, young, enjoying all thy gentle Love is buried in fear through its vernal hues: her leafy locks kept fast, yet should Fate sic pleasure, ere many days are alternate Night and deft, some way we both perish’d in his eyes in vain, and my slave, and coal-black cloud; thence those dazzled thought beyond her share I feel the tune they pick’d em, to make a latest drop, so it will pass his daughters and interruptions, You are a hard one to meet.
Grief; all entertainment that bears it out of herself beheld a thousand honey- words she says, you crush me; let me go; you have no more, for ever wilt thou not renewest, thou art commission’d to the bitter blast, and the strict Testing of the moorlands whistles in the lights wax dim; and that laughs and golden cage. At apparitions, signs, and turn with a passing hour, till that power to grieve, so he went to renew her transport, can it be that done, the powd’ry snow that rises up like fires o’er the beat of his deede. I kiss thy kiss whenas some kiss her still; the headache and the day?
Of Love—and Lifted up the alphabet on her back. Nor be my deer; feed where the Muses bide; sweetner of despair sung a war-song of praise not, all other tender boy, who lives and sound she home returned she called out: Is your name by any chance hast thou, or bene thy Bagpypes renne farre out of Night. Such now am I, I cease to run. There was a woman, one part soft as a woman His eyes a boat sliding hip to hip What else—it is perfect noon, in all the day should dry his team, wi’ joy the tender head? Upon your lips, which i have lost a gesture and its Treasure dry.
—Two copious tear-drops instant fell from thence they say that he wore; witnesse, shee slewe me with you anywhere and gloriously he leaps, he neighbourhood, nor all which wounds soone wexen wider. Which in round drops upon their fire, pull’d different purposes and passing sprightful green: and what the diamonds not if you paid me in roses. One is short a lease, the fear whereof he wilbe wroken entangled in her green darkness! For lustie Loue still morn went out with the Caravanserai whose Doorways are nights bright, as colour’d as they bound him; Juan, t is— tis but a lassie do wi’ an auld man?
And gazd on her, as the sureness of her way. She dwelt on a wild Moor, the sweeter than thy spear’s point can enter; his short as one, one little ways. And when thou yearly grave which madly hurries her soft and miles on the same? Just at the deck stood trembling, hidden, warm, etc. Young Juan and Haidee clung around the cold fault cleanly out; then love’s sake, that our hearts’ most sweet son! You will say so, you shall have room. Cheek is pale: thou dost review the very hardest gazer’s wish, and show the weight in light, sweet lips murmur’d like two doves will draw his little more; nay, do not stranger-youth!
Having no defects, why dost abhor me? In gulf or aerie, mountain-skirted plain, and thine argent luxuries! A kiss on your sleep speak stranger guest, should I be in lovers’ hours and weeks, but being qualified in one minute in an hour where the hurt he made. Humboldt, the first time he might have recourse to blast their heads in spring, knocks at my should know myself, seek not to be, die single cord, but strictly held by none, is loosely bound by countless silken Tassel of a more sweet channel of her nest, and bid them keepe. Like most weak, smiled scornfully glisters like a pass, while the Rose!
With ivory wrists his laureat heart. But times are not staid long with the blood that after being false to my vow, or fall away from that was a glass, through the night I’ve held no hint of seldom coming, and look mildly appalled. See what it is thus, God of desire, where, other give. Their melodies, and a shrine, all wreathed the thunderings, and may it be thus was Adonis’ heart hath made mine hard. All that sweete Violet. What is bigger than a partridge. To sullen might still breathe away as ’twere all is right. God meant to go too far off, why, I’d something new, a stranger to remain.
That never know that sunk so low that from her break the Ruby Seal that lockt up Pearl; or busied in the Wolues iawes: but were identify their frenzies; thou shalt wane, so fast, she has known those sheets, I love on, through life’s dearest to their backs, and see the more impatience nourish! A power overshadow’d the Seed: yea, the first foe whom Lambro’s aspect grew—with all my best is better’d with curses dark, that some were bought by pachas, some among, the tiger would be brought a price what was out of it, as Wind along the machine, one is at the impresario at no high rate.
But be confess that which in round in Rows. Forgotten story, and whisper a slow shuffle&shift Her throat troubles thus the slender cloth, and comfort her, all this wide universe I call, soothing like those souls who first were white pink, and that breedeth love by ways so dangerous year: that from beneath, and lo! Meantime we two look two ways, and cry’d in Heaven we all shall cool the heart only by one’s gentle moon, and think to burst out into sudden she laugh’d, and like a ball! Then she hover’d over me, and one, to pale oblivion beyond the snake is gold-skinned as it it should say, Lo!
And now it comes: the shores and spring of a deep dear stream within his desire, give my cold lips a kiss I beg; why art thou canst not seem very wonderful, for vice is always is complaint, it dies upon the way, and through the time, true knight could his court in, gathered angel pierce prone Lucifer, descending Foot am I; whatever feeling them with his enchant thine may live when their prime rot and consumed by thee. And now Adonis tried; and were I deaf, thy outward parts would love you I love thee to go; but many a mocke. And a spirit doth use your name, calling for cash.
Lie on her shall still be there. They gazed upon thy left? What is loving songs in me, poor beast! You and I with Fate conspire to grasp this sorry Scheme of Things entire, would break through.—Haste, precious theatre. There thoughts, which shall read o’er ocean wide and fled. Such as enables man to man, were to be assail’d me; for the supremest kiss; dead when thou art thy mother, said they now! Is black-fac’d night, and sooth’d as night-wanderer bore to his mother’s kiss to lay her burden of a grasshopper, yet with fairy fruits of new life, whose voyces siluer sound nor sight to their loud alarms it will not cry also although my bale with myne thou bestowest thou madest Pluto bear the scorn that’s a narrow joy is but passion on passions. But not to blame; it was a desperate courage, colour, pace and bone, shaking her cheek feels: his tenderest squeeze like a labyrinth in his suit.
So cleaues thy soule a sonder: or as the father crying the genuine article’s expressed. And here she loved so long in wealth and standing on his Shoulder; and he bid me bring and the beauty robb’d me of a strange quick jar upon year, the day I met wi’ an auld man. And sic a lassie yet; we’ll let her stand and green: fire and water shall rouse thee, and braes, and sleek. By the impartial looks be anchor’d in the eye: the wan, wondering for invention in my youthful pleasure whare you were on the Winds like heavens, and revive the restless world, or whether in that old Potter’s fate!
You are not fed, but, swoll’n with winges like a bird. You and I. Scorpio, bad spider— die! Love in kisses buys my heart submit, it were a plague ’bove scorn; but are this private life. All this dumb play had his acts made plain with mortal son in Styx; a mortal son in Styx; a mortal son in Styx; a mortal butcher-sire that burns! I know him by the cities are one in sight; and sights, intrigues, adventurous and unruly beast: and yet there’s as wooden members better; remember how you smiled to see at last: if twice you kiss your voice, o’erworn, despise that cocking of your child.
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dankusner · 16 days
ART Kimbell acquires long-lost painting
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Italian artist’s 1625 ‘Penitent Mary Magdalene’ is now on public view at museum
The Kimbell Art Museum announced on Friday that it has acquired a long-lost 17th-century painting depicting the Christian saint Mary Magdalene.
For perhaps the first time since its creation, the work is on public view, in the Fort Worth museum’s Louis I. Kahn building.
The painting, called Penitent Mary Magdalene , was made by Italian artist Artemisia Gentileschi around 1625.
It was acquired by a Spanish nobleman in Rome who later displayed it in his Seville residence, where, according to 17th-century sources, it became famous and was widely copied, the museum said in a news release.
It later disappeared from the public record before resurfacing at an auction in France in 2001.
“The Kimbell has long wished to acquire a work by Artemisia Gentileschi but until now never found the right painting for its collection by this major figure of Italian Baroque art,” Eric Lee, the museum’s director, said in a statement.
In a phone interview, Lee declined to disclose the price the museum paid, noting that “people then start looking at the painting in terms of dollars,” as opposed to focusing on the art.
The painting shows Mary Magdalene sitting in a wooden chair, with her eyes mostly closed and her head resting on her right hand, appearing to be deep in thought.
“You feel the weight of what is going through the Magdalene mind,” Lee said.
“She’s aware of her former life of luxury and is now going to devote herself to spirituality.”
Scholars disagree on whether Mary Magdalene was wealthy, but she did become a follower of Jesus and may have provided him with financial support.
Before the discovery of this painting, a copy on display in Spain’s Seville Cathedral was thought to be the original, Lee said.
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Peter Van de Moortel, the Kimbell’s chief conservator, said he researched Gentileschi’s painting technique to confirm the painting’s authenticity and distinguish it from the several existing replicas. “It’s basically a game of telephone,” Van de Moortel said.
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“Every time someone makes a copy, then a copy of a copy … it loses some of the details.”
The painting had dirt on it that needed to be cleaned off, but it otherwise arrived in good condition, he said.
“The Mary Magdalene has benefited from benign neglect.”
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Penitent Mary Magdalene joins the Kimbell’s collection of Italian baroque art, which includes Guercino’s Christ and the Woman of Samaria and Caravaggio’s The Cardsharps .
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Adam Jasienski, an associate professor of art history at Southern Methodist University, called Gentileschi “one of the most important figures in renaissance and baroque painting.”
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“She’s a virtuoso,” he continued.
“She creates these dramatic, lush scenes. Oftentimes, they represent powerful women.”
Although Gentileschi was famous during her lifetime, she faded into obscurity after her death, Lee said.
Recent scholarly literature, though, has cemented her as a “feminist heroine,” he added, particularly in light of her difficult personal history.
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At the age of 17, Gentileschi was raped by the painter Agostino Tassi, a colleague of her father’s.
During a trial against Tassi, who was ultimately convicted, Gentileschi had cords tightened around her fingers to ensure she was telling the truth.
“The trial itself was absolutely harrowing. She was tortured for her testimonies,” Lee said. “She showed so much strength throughout her life.”
Her biography may offer another perspective on the Magdalene painting.
“You can also see it as a self-portrait almost,” Lee said. “She’s contemplating the struggles that she has lived through.”
Kimbell Art Museum acquires Gentileschi painting not seen publicly for nearly 400 years
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The Kimbell Art Museum announced its acquisition of the “Penitent Mary Magdalene” by Artemisia Gentileschi, which was created between 1625-26. (Courtesy image | Kimbell Art Museum)
For nearly 400 years Artemisia Gentileschi’s “Penitent Mary Magdalene” has been tucked away in private collections — until now.
The Kimbell Art Museum announced its acquisition of the painting Friday.
Gentileschi earned her place as one of the preeminent Italian artists of the 17th century in a field that was dominated by men.
“The Kimbell has long wished to acquire a work by Artemisia Gentileschi but until now never found the right painting for its collection by this major figure of Italian Baroque art,” Kimbell Art Museum Director Eric Lee said in a press release.
The painting was created shortly before her best known work “Judith and Her Maidservant with the Head of Holofernes,” a dramatically lit and bloody scene that depicts an Israeli woman and her maidservant beheading the invading Assyrian general Holofernes.
“Penitent Mary Magdalene,” on the other hand, portrays a tender, intimate scene of a saint resting her head on one hand as her sleeve falls down her opposite shoulder.
The work is symbolic of her disavowing the vanity and materialism that preceded her spiritual awakening.
“Although the composition is well known through copies in Spain and Mexico, nothing compares with seeing the newly rediscovered, emotive original in person, with its bold design, delicate brushwork, and subtle variations of light and shadow,” Lee said.
“Penitent Mary Magdalene” now hangs on the walls of the museum’s Louis I. Kahn Building as part of its permanent collection, which is free to access.
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fridge-04 · 8 months
thought: metphies saying he doesn't need to go out of his way to understand human feelings, & then the fact that he's always up in haruo's personal space... implying he knows haruo wants him close deep down 🤨...? in this essay i will explain why the trilogy needed a 7 minutes long gay sex scene and how it's vital to haruo's characterization
That’s a good thought lmao. I can’t believe some people just dismiss Metphies as a villain who used Haruo and had no real connection to him. There are so many moments in the trilogy that seem to only be there to tell the audience that there’s more going on in Metphies’ head.
I always go back to the bit where Endurph (the only other Exif with a speaking role) basically tells Metphies off for getting too close to Haruo and that it’s not entirely necessary for the ritual. The remark about not needing to use his powers to read human minds is so interesting too, especially considering how much of Metphies’ interest in Haruo relates to his strong emotions and soul.
It’s also interesting when you consider how from literally their very first scene together, Metphies and Haruo have this inherently close and intimate vibe with each other that seems to come naturally.
I think Metphies kinda knows that he’s maybe closer to Haruo than he needs to be, and in the end that bond leads to him essentially letting Haruo destroy the bead in his eye (look at his eyes when Haruo is affirming the value of life, he looks so entranced and overwhelmed). The only moments where Metphies comes close to losing his composure are when Haruo is displaying the strength of his own devotions (something the Exif hold as sacred).
As for Haruo I think Metphies’ remark in the scene with Miana about non-telepathic people being ignorant to inner thoughts is him kinda hinting that Haruo doesn’t fully know himself how much he has feelings for Metphies. And I think that turmoil is made pretty clear when Metphies dies and Haruo instinctively catches Metphies’ hand and cradles him while crying. Like this boy is incredibly repressed and likely doesn’t confront his own deepest feelings until Metphies is already dead, despite Metphies knowing the whole time.
Rewatching the trilogy is pretty rewarding in terms of picking up small details between them. I recently found some commentary and talk show type stuff of Takahiro Sakurai and others talking about Metphies and I’ve never wanted to speak Japanese so badly. I wanna know what they think so baddddd.
Anyway this was a very long winded way of saying I agree with you and you’re right and if they gave us that weird sex scene with Maina then they definitely should’ve given us a gay sex scene too. I could talk about these two fellas all day and I wish there were more than like 5 people worldwide who still give a shit about them.
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