#he looks so cute!!! SUCH A CUTIE :3333
hyunsvngs · 1 year
Ik this is weird but how skz would react/help with your period I’m on mine and I need comfort so here 😞
mine is due in a week and i'm pmsing like CRAZZYYY so i know what u mean. not weird at all periods are natural <3333
channie - god he'd be so sweet. spoiling you, sm sm choccies to make you feel better <3 kisses everywhere, just one big hand rubbing on your tummy. chan has a younger sister sooo he knows what it's like :(( cutie era fr. if he had to work he'd take you to the studio, making u sit on his lap while he carried on kissing ur cheek inbetween work and rubbing over ur tummy !!
minho - i'm imagining minho's normally indifferent persona SHATTERING when you're in pain. he doesn't understand your pain, how could he!! he's never had one lmfao. he tucks you up in bed with a hot water bottle tho, getting soongie, doongi and dori to come and cuddle u til u feel better <3 god and imagine them all loafing on ur hot water bottle LMFAO that's so cute
changbin - another baby who has a sister and knows the pain!!! i imagine binnie would be SO dramatic lmfao you're not lifting a FINGER for the whole time. he's bringing you breakfast in bed, wrapping u in a lil blanket burrito. he'd love if you let him run out to grab you chocolates, sweets and pads/tampons too, making sure you're fully pampered omg :(
hyunjin - dramatic. SO dramatic. you're getting everything. sheet masks together, painkillers whenever you need. probs takes a whole day off schedules so he can watch films with you!! just looking after u always, has an entire drawer full of period stuff for u too, hot water bottles, extra blankets, painkillers, pads&tampons!! just an allover cutie
jisung - im ngl he probs thinks ur dying. he's heard about periods and he's distraught. they HURT?? U BLEED? nah. he's terrified. treats you like you're dying, one cramp and he's asking if he needs to phone the hospital. ur like no jisung it's not that deep. he's still shitting himself tho. shows u cute baby seal documentaries on his phone and tries to distract you from the pain when u let him know its REALLY not that serious.
felix - he's probably the most knowledgable <3 if you want to be left alone to lay in bed, he's doing it. if you want cuddles, he's doing it. he knows periods can give you mood swings so he's completely ready for anything you throw at him!! and if he bakes you extra brownies to make you feel better, who's to know!! not so much of a pamperer as much of an understander, just knows what you need and is ready to be there<3
seungmin - OK sue me but.. he's giving period sex. like oh u know what'd help with cramps? spread ur legs. IDK SEUNGMINS JUST RLLLY GIVING THIS VIBE. other than that though, definitely kisses ur tummy and sues u if u tell the others that he was affectionate to u on main.
jeongin - oh god poor baby he'd probably be terrified too. but i think he'd be so so smug when you went to him for cuddles, complaining your tummy hurts. he'd be all "aww, my baby needs me!" like yeah, innie, stfu!! he'd be so smug that you want him when you're feeling so poopy and low and he'd love to comfort u but would still be doing that stupid fucking smile.
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sunshinevanfleet · 1 year
the magic shell - s. kiszka
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request: omg please do a sequel of daisy where they tell daisy that they’re having a baby
pairing: sam x reader
a/n: hi cuties long time no see! i'm back again with another sammy fic <3333 this request was super cute and i've been having dad!sam thoughts again (thanks beth if ur reading this), so i had to write this one. i'm hoping to be back on a normal posting schedule soon but until then please enjoy<3 ok love ya!!
genre: fluff
word count: 1.9k
summary: the reader and sam reveal to daisy that she's going to be a big sister.
warnings: pregnancy, kids
“Dada look!” Daisy’s high voice barely crested the sound of the wind coming off the ocean. She stood, her tiny fist thrusted into the air with a large seashell clutched between her little fingers. The lazy smile spread across her face was the mirror-image of Sam as he stood beside you, his shadow cast down over your figure as you relaxed on the blanket in the sand. 
He laughed softly, shielding his eyes from the sun with a hand across his brow. “Wow, that’s a big shell!” He said proudly. The pair of you watched with soft eyes as she dropped it into the pink bucket at the edge of the water, where she was keeping all of her spoils. She had been sure to show the two of you all of her little treasures: dozens of colorful shells, a sand dollar, some seaweed, and even a bottle cap she found floating along. You oohed and ahhed at every little thing she brought along, relishing in the proud grin that danced across her sweet face.
She went back to searching for more shells, while Sam glanced down at your relaxed form. “Feeling okay, sweet girl?” 
“I’m all right,” you said, brushing a hand over your flushed face. He peered at you, a slight worried look in his eye. He knelt down and retrieved a bottle of water from the cooler, pressing it against your cheek as he watched your expression. 
“You’re burning up out here,” he said, noticing the heat coloring your cheeks, 
“Sam,” you said, grasping his hand and taking the water bottle from him. You placed a kiss on his palm, smiling softly. “Stop worrying. I’m okay.”
“No nausea or anything?”
You shook your head. This was the first time in weeks that you felt like your normal self. You’d been feeling extremely nauseated for about two weeks before you finally broke down and took a pregnancy test. The two little lines had sent a jolt through you. You knew Sam would be excited. It was as if he were put on Earth solely to be the best husband and father. But the truth was, you weren’t sure how you felt about it. You loved Daisy with everything in you, and adored being her mother. However, somewhere along the way, you’d solidified the idea that your family was complete–just the three of you, forever and always.
“The baby’s noticed,” he said, sitting down in front of you and pulling your feet into his lap. Absent-mindedly, he massaged the skin of your legs and feet, making you sigh. This pregnancy was especially rough, compared to the breeze that Daisy’s had been. You felt like you were getting all of the side effects and sickness from both of your pregnancies rolled into one. You’d been confined to your bed or the bathroom floor for the past two months. It would be a wonder if Daisy didn’t notice.
“I know,” you sighed, brushing your hair out of your eyes. Then, you had a thought, “How are we going to break it to her?”
Sam turned away from watching Daisy, to watch you for a second. He laughed gently, “You make it sound like she’s going to be devastated.”
You smiled, “I mean–what if she is? She–she won’t be the baby anymore,” you said, and a wave of sadness washed over you. A sudden wave of emotion slammed over you, and you felt yourself tearing up. You tried to blink them away, but the tears had a mind of their own, and you started to cry. Stupid hormones. 
“Hey,” The softness in Sam’s voice engulfed you, along with his arms as he pulled you into his lap. He placed a gentle kiss on your temple, rubbing a soothing hand up and down your back. Despite the burning heat of his skin, you leaned into him. You muffled your cries into his shoulder, embarrassed to be crying over something so small. 
“She’s still our baby, my love,” Sam said softly, his voice dripping honey. He brushed the hair slicked down on your forehead off of your face, and met your eyes. The warmth of his gaze eased you, your tears slowly drying as he hushed and soothed you. 
“But she’s gonna be a big sister,” you said, tearfully. “She’s three years old already, and she’s not gonna be the baby anymore…” The last part came as a whisper, and you choked back more sobs that threatened to spill out. 
“She won’t be the baby. She’ll be one of our babies. Isn’t that better, honey? We’ll have two babies,” he hooked a finger beneath your chin, titling your face up towards his. 
You brushed your tears away, nodding, trying to force yourself to pull it together. Taking a shaky breath, you rested your head on his shoulder and watched Daisy playing in the water. She appeared to be singing quietly, cradling a handful of shells in her hand. She placed them gently into her bucket, and straightened up to glance at the two of you, as if checking to ensure that you were still there. It was one of her quirks at home, too; if it got too quiet after she went to bed, she would tiptoe out of her room just to be sure that you and Sam were still around. Whenever she skipped ahead of you at the park, she was sure to turn around every few seconds to keep an eye on you. She kept track of you as much as you did her. 
She met your eyes, and you forced a smile and a wave. The little girl grabbed the bucket, lugging it up the sand towards the two of you. Her lifejacket and bucket weighed her down slightly, and Sam giggled at the sight of her struggling towards you. 
As she approached, she placed her bucket beside you on the sand. She began to rifle through the shells, searching for something. Once she found it, she placed it delicately in her hand and held the shell out to you. The pink-toned, scalloped shell glittered in the late afternoon light, and she beamed at you as she offered it to you.
“It’s for you, Mommy!” she said excitedly, placing it into your cupped hands. “It has magical powers,” she dropped her voice to a whisper, looking at you as if she were telling you a crucial secret.
“Wow, honeybee,” you said, smiling gently. “It’s beautiful, just like my sweet girl…” You brushed her hair out of her eyes. It was sunbleached, lighter than it usually was. With the natural highlights and soft glow from being out in the sun, she looked even more like Sam. Your heart swelled with affection.
“What kind of magic powers does it have, Daisy Lou?” Sam asked, peering over at the shell with a proud smile on his face.
“I can’t tell you,” she said. Her expression shifted to mischief, “It’s a secret.”
“A secret?” Sam gasped dramatically, clutching his chest.
Daisy giggled, and you peered at Sam, feigning the same drama. “Uh oh, you know what that means…”
“A secret for a secret,” Sam and Daisy said in unison, the latter breaking out into giggles as you reached out to tickle her side. It was something she’d come up with recently, trading silly secrets in exchange for one from you or Sam. Sam adored playing along, and you quickly grew fond of listening to them trading their ‘secrets.’
“Who’s first?” you prompted.
“Dada, you first!” Daisy insisted.
Sam shook his head, “No way, Miss Daisy,” he said, “Dada went first last time, don’t you remember?”
She wrinkled her nose, but huffed in defeat. “Fine,” she said sassily, sticking her tongue out at Sam before leaning down to tell her secret. “The shell’s magic powers will make Mommy feel better,” she said quietly. You smiled sadly, knowing she had been worried about you for all these miserable weeks. 
“Wow,” said Sam, glancing between the two of you. “I think it’s working already,” he whispered, nodding towards your smiling face.
“It’s true,” you agreed, nodding. “I feel much better.”
“I knew it would work,” she said, matter-of-factly. Then, she turned to Sam expectantly. “Your turn, Dada.”
He smiled, then glanced at you as if asking for permission. You nodded. Now was as good a time as any.
“All right, but this is a very important secret,” Sam said, playing up the drama. You rolled your eyes. He always had to put on the theatrics for Daisy. She was giggling already, prepared for Sam to tell her something outrageous. 
“I’m good at holding secrets,” Daisy said. You watched her with stars in your eyes, adoring her little quirks and phrases. Even when Uncle Jake once tried explaining to her that the phrase was ‘keeping a secret,’ she refused to change it. You supposed holding a secret described it much better, anyway. You always held her little secrets close to your heart.
“You are, honeybee,” you agreed. You brushed some sand off of your magical shell, and watched her eyes widen as Sam began to speak again.
“Well, you know how Mommy has been really sick lately?”
Daisy nodded, looking at you briefly. She quickly returned her attention to Sam, enraptured.
“It’s because she has a tiny little baby in her tummy,” Sam said. He placed a large hand against your stomach, rubbing soft circles into your skin with his thumb. “Right here.”
“A baby in your tummy?” She blinked at you, her eyes as wide as saucers. “How did you get a baby in your tummy?”
You laughed, shaking your head. “Well, I guess it was some kind of magic, Daisy Lou,” you said, winking at Sam. He grinned, leaning over and planting a chaste kiss on your lips.
“But you didn’t eat it?”
You wrinkled your nose, “No way.”
“How long is the baby gonna be in there?” She stepped closer, leaning down to peer at your stomach. You were barely showing, not enough for anyone else to notice and especially not enough for Daisy to notice. She screwed up her eyebrows and stared hard as she reached out to place her hand next to Sam’s. Her touch barely ghosted your skin, delicate as butterfly kisses. 
“Nine months,” you said.
“Then you’ll have a little brother or sister,” Sam continued. “Would you like that?”
She hummed to herself, mulling it over. “And I’ll be a big sister?” 
“You sure will.”
“Wow,” she said, straightening back up with a sparkle in her eyes. “Where will the baby sleep?”
You smiled. “Probably in our room, at least for a little while… We’ll figure it out.”
“And what will we name the baby?”
“We have plenty of time to decide,” Sam said. Daisy still seemed to be processing the information, though you were glad she seemed to be taking it well. A tiny smile brightened her expression as she looked curiously at your stomach.
“I hope it’s a baby sister,” she said. She peered at you as if she were going to decipher it just by looking at your stomach. “Maybe, we can name her Ocean…” Daisy waved her arms, gesturing to the expanse of water behind her. 
“That’s a beautiful name,” Sam said. His expression was flooded with warmth and affection, his eyes glowing as he watched Daisy process the fact that she would be a big sister soon. You leaned into him, smiling as Daisy stared out into the water. 
“I think Ocean’s pretty,” you agreed. “That’s where our little piece of magic came from…”
You stared at the shiny pink shell in your palm and felt at peace. Maybe you were meant to be a family of four after all.
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kittenninja14 · 7 months
Hii KN!!
I have a question. Can you describe the evolution of the way you drew Zane?
ps. ur Zane is so cute!
Hello, my mysterious friend!! <333
Thank you for asking that brilliant question.
First of all, thank you soo much!! I'm glad you think my Zane is cute!! <33
As for the "evolution" here it is:
The first time I drew Zane, I drew him like this:
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Yeah.... nowhere close to the Zane I now draw, lol.
Tbh, I nvr really liked how I drew him here. To me, he just didn't feel real(?). I dunno if that's the right word, lol. He looks more like a rectangle than a human.
But all in all, I just wasn't satisfied with the results. For this fanart, I just needed to draw Zane so I did my best in this art.
The second time I drew Zane was-- welllllll, I honestly love drawing Zane, he kinda is my fav character to draw (his hair is soooo easy, lol) But I started doodling Zane here and there in class.
I do not recommend doodling in class. Be responsible and work on ur classwork, lol.
I don't have all my doodles but here is one
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As u can see Zane is starting to get more shape here, lol.
He's starting to look more human (is that the right word?) than a rectangle, lol.
The third time I drew him was for a fanart from Shogun: Becoming by @nickelwick
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(sry about the bad quality)
Now this was a completely different art style in coloring/drawing but with all that aside-- you can see a major shift in style when it comes to drawing Zane.
(now in retrospect the eyes could use a little improvement)
Anyways, I wanted to draw Zane with a different look. From the time between the first drawing and the second, I was tweaking/improving my art style.
The fourth time was for my screenshot redraw:
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Honestly, here, you can see a huge change.
I would say that the fanart for Shogun: Becoming seriously inspired me when I drew this.
I think the tip I can give you when it comes to drawing characters is to first try to find an art style that you are comfortable with drawing.
In my case, if you scroll wayyyyy down in my DeviantArt account, you can see that the first couple of artworks are all done in different styles--I was in the "experimenting" stage.
In all honesty, I believe that all artists out there--no matter how good their art is--can improve. There is always room for improvement and betterment (dunno if that's a word, lol).
So when it came to Zane (and my art style as well) I started experimenting.
Then after I was done with experimenting, I started improving my art.
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Here is the fifth time I drew Zane.
This pic is actually the "foundation" of all of my Zane pics. The colors, expressions, and clothes were all done bc I experimented.
It took time--a lot of time-- to get this drawing done.
But that's how we all start, lol.
The sixth time, I drew the og Zane.
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He was quite a challenge, lol. Perhaps it was the color pallet or the fact that I was rushing to get this done for Ninjago's 13 anniversary, but he honestly could use an improvement, lolll.
Now I can do A LOT of pics to show the "evolution" but imma just use the latest art.
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This pic took like 10 mins (at most) to draw. Compared to the fifth time which took hours.
Drawing Zane has honestly become my fav pass-time, ngl.
I would say to all the artists out there-- just relax. Ur art doesn't have to be purr-fect. No one starts out as a professional. (unless u have some cool powers that make u draw perfectly)
Be patient with yourself.
Everyone can draw. But it just takes time, practice, and perseverance.
So don't give up. If I had given up on drawing Zane after the first pic, then I would have never drawn this cutie pie, lol.
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Anyways, I hope this answers your question!! I honestly had a lot of fun with this "evolution" post. Feel free to ask me more about the other ninjas. But ngl, I think Zane is the only character (as of rn) that I feel the most comfortable with and has the most development, lol.
Byeeee!! Cya next time!!! <3333
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tits4life · 1 year
I love him. No new news. But I fucking love him. I love that adorable little fluffy haired bastard more than words can explain, more than I can talk, more than my entire life. I use pictures because I can't find the corecct words to use most of the time and expressions are the only thing i could show. OK.
Starting from his first appearance
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I CAN'T- I-😭😭😭😭😭😭😭twink I don't remember what I exactly thought of him when I first saw this, probs some lanky guy gonna solo some side bitches and save vasco buttt
this pannel
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I fucking loved vasco, ok? I loved little vasco and his backstory I am a fucking sucker for gap moes BUT THEN! GOO CAME WITH THIS GOOFY ASS LINE AND I WAS SOLD. SOLD MF. Srs who wouldn't, look at that goofy ass smile, with goofy ass eyebrows, with goofy ass glasses, with goofy ass hair and then that twink ass bod. But this face fr be the I pull when I am with little kids.
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I am honestly crying and dying looking at this😭😭😭😭Look at him pull some karate kid move and he is so kjgwbdvk happy and smug😭? HIS HAIR!! HIS HAIRRR💀💀IT'S FUKING GLOWING AT THE BACK LIKE BITCH HE IS MFING GLOWING anddddddd he looks so little here ahkjsgvsgvc
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this. I love this. Pookie showed up for the first time and already cracked some eggs. Who wouldn't love him???? First impressions are important. And Kim Joongoo slayed it🦅🦅👄
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and this is one of my fav pannels of Goo.If you understand you understand, if you don't then try harder to understand. Because LOOK at that hand, that pose? that smile? like????😭? GAWDDDDDD I WANT TO SQUEEZE HIM SO BAD AND SHAKE HIM LIKLE A MILKSHAKE👹👹👹
currently break dancing to "She's crazy but she's mine'', thanks to hamburger
ANYWAYS i still don't know if I should lable this nightmare or best dream of my life if I saw this on my dream
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he still cute tho<3333 but I wouldn't dare go near him, jut a little pat on the head wouldn't hurt tho ;P
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that chair was actually me ya'all, he was throwing me😋😋
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but srs I love this pannel so myuch like he is throwing chair while saying carrying knife is cheap??? mhm Such a cutie pattootie💗💗💗skhdikvckvbsh simply truly adorable you know muy baby😭😭
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yes love break all his fingers, break his skull too, break him💓💓💓 how dare that thing touch you. nothing much for me to add here. Slay.
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if any one of you dares to say he looks weird. I will come for your throt even tho you are correct but you will be deemed wrong because I said so. ok? lets just all agree he is stuill cute here '3'
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And this. Good loard. If this didn't make you stan goo then I don't know hat else will. He looks so chill and goofy eheheheh I love him so much ❤❤ Look at him just munching on snacks while he gets 'accused' my lil meow moew <33333
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You might be thinking to just not talk about this, letting it pass as PTJ's old artstyle but NO. He is Kim Joongoo and we love kim Joongoo in amy form of matter or shape. NO KIM JOONGOO PANEL SHALL GO UNLOVED UNDER MY WATCH. Comeon he looks like he might bite but I swear he doesn't. He is just a little silly that's all🥰🥰
coming on to his second appearance
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OUR FASHION KING, OUR MESSIAH, OUR BABYBOY, OUR BABY ❤❤❤👄👄💟💟💟❣❣❣💞💞💞💞💞 he was born to slay, if you don't agree go argue with a wall. That long coat >.< i have never seena man wear that long coat and when I searched it, it specifically showed just for women only, baby boy is rocking with that striped socks💞💞💞
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understandable I love deadpool and spiderman too<333333
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That little heart could end me in less than a second. So if he did talk like how deadpool talks playfully...I am a dead man. I could not be under the influence and still think I would survive a nuclear bomb dropped right above me but this? THIS?? Neh eh I could never survive if I hear him talk like that. I would be a dead piece of meat INSTANT. Gone like the dinosaurs in an instant.
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i miss these type of lips not that I am saying the ones we get now are bad but these are just a whole different typr of beasts compared to now. Look at his lips, i want ti pinch it and then apply lip balm to it the wipe it off and apply lipstick on it. Look at them It's so glossy and juicy like for who did he get his lips so plump for WHORE🤨🤨??
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silly goo doing silly stuff<3333
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sksksksksk I love how his hair looks here. Reminds me of Donald Trump's hair or is it wig idk but I love how Goo looks here
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seeing this bitch made my mood sour. I will continue the ramble later.
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littlesislovesyou · 7 days
Awww I missed you a ton too hun sorry for taking a while...and I'd love to nap with you cutie I'm sure I'd get alot more rest if I felt comfy around someone else I was cuddling...after teasing me into sleepily fucking your pussy while sucking on your tits and making you whine for me and then cumming deep inside of you~ Clinging to you tightly and not letting you go and keeping myself sheathed in your cunt and not letting it leak out easily... <333 Awww don't apologize I love how you're so eager to tease me back lol and me too ty sweet girl 😘
Yes please wrap your legs around me and squeeze my head in between your thick, amazing thighs as I eat out my precious dessert; you~
I'll never stop...you know that baby BUT you need to stop tightening your needy little pussy around nothing and start tightening and squeezing around my cock and almost silently communicating between our bodies to urge me to fuck my cum deep inside of you sweetheart~ 🤭🔪
I do but it's moreso my sleep schedule and work keeping me from being active so we're only active and awake at this hour LOL but I do enjoy making you horny and needy for me so late at night...turning you into a ditzy, bimbo fuckdoll that can barely think...so much so that you forget to close you're window while you're furiously masturbating and getting off to me~ And you pass out with your panties soaked and your chest out as you sleep peacefully...you won't hear me enter. Or stealthily walk up to you while taking off my clothes while admiring how fucking submissive and breedable you are splayed out like that...already needy and ready to be teased and used by me that when my hands and knife reach and brush against your tits...your nipples harden and I'll cut your cute panties to ribbons and kissing your cunt while it's still soaking wet and eager for more as you squirm and whine needily in your sleep...probably perceiving this all as a wet dream as I fuck my cute and irresistible babygirl on my throbbing cock...getting good use stretching out your desperate cunny with ease with how horny and wet you already are for me in advanced...you fucking whore, my whore~ Mine...🖤
I do see what I do to you to an extent...and I love every second of it~ 😌
Mhm! You'll always be close by with a comfy pet bed made just for my personal, breedable little fuckpet...easy to nuzzle up your face against my thighs and get headpats and kisses while you hump and grind your pussy against my legs...eager to show that you're ready to be used however I desire...nuzzling against my cock because you want your treat so badly, you just can't help it can you, kiddo~? It's okay...your owner isn't THAT merciless...and its only fitting you put that pretty mouth of yours to good use and worshipping your owner's cock yeah? That's my good little girl~ 💕💓💗🤫 Come and earn your treat...
I know you'd be the best fuckpet a man, woman or person can ask for and I need you to be mine always...I know you'll always satisfy me and I'd want to do the same for you too~ 🖤
You know...You're right baby. I need to keep you comfy, cozy and safe in my roaming arms...cum in you again and again and the fuck it deeper inside of your sweet little pussy, yeah~? It's the least sweet thing I can do as your masked stranger looking out for you, yk? <3333
You act so innocent in front of mom and dad but really you're just a needy little whore unable to resist your big sibling and finding them so attractive that you fuck your pussy to them all night, hm? Hoping you corrupt and tempt me into committing such a naughty taboo and raping my little sister nonstop and making you all mine...I don't care how much dad secretly lusts after you and teases you either...if he wants to touch he'll need to go through or deal with me being there. Jealous and territorial as I fuck and rape your holes with no remorse on my turn to remind you that you're mine with dad's help and support as he jerks off to his two kids being horny, feral siblings for each other that love too much...it'll be our secret and we both know you won't tell mom~ 😇😈💓 My good little sister 🥴
Mmmm I don't really know tbh. I know free use and cnc is high on the list for me and I of course tripped over some new ones on my way into your blog lol but it's something to think about if I have anymore? I'd probably just dm you privately about it but we can always talk about it more in time...and I'd love to know what you've got hidden away in the kinky closet too~ We can trade secrets...? ; p
Aww well since you asked and begged so eagerly to know how hydrated I am rn...on your knees, honey.
Mouth open...and tongue out...wiggle your hips for me~?
Atta girl...here it comes...! <333 🤫
👀💗 do you know how many times I’ve re read this over and over again;’) it honestly got me through my day, your asks always get my imagination going 💗
I hope you’ve been having a great night and a good day, I hope you’re feeling well today<333
And I hope you stayed very hydrated;’) I think I should double check and be sure though, you know just on my knees in front of you, mouth open💗💗💗 hehehe sorry I just can’t help myself<3
Ugh honestly if I was your pet I would be so clingy, sitting in your lap all the time cockwarming you<33 sleeping in your shirts and just keeping your scent all over me all the time☺️💗 humping your thigh or your leg anytime I start getting needy<3 ugh I would absolutely love ittttt, of course I’ll always be near, keeping you company while you play games<33 hehe just your pretty little fuck pet, all yours, just worshiping you all the time💗💗💗
Ah don’t even try to act like you’re not just as sick as I am in the head big sibling;’) I see how you always stare at my ass, or grabbing me and groping me all the time, I know you always steal my panties and go through my room~
Hhh 🥺💗 awe my poor big sibling gets jealous hm? Don’t worry big sibling, I just have eyes for you<3 I only want you fucking and breeding my holes🥰
Sorry I won’t lie I’m a little high lol 🥺💗 but you know I absolutely loves your asks, the way you talk to me and word things is irresistible and it drives me crazyyy☺️🫶
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mazm-imagines · 5 months
Lilies and Deliveries 2024!
So sorry for this being late I just wanted to make sure everyone could submit when they wanted to. All entries under the cut!
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My entry :333
AND a lovely sweet poem by @jani-livt2:
"Alan Brown
In all beauty and grace
There is a boy born in May
A sweet person and a lovely face
A gentleman and an icon, they say
A caring brother and a nice friend
Whose loyalty will never end
And at his jobs, he lends
Service, care and content
He never lets anyone down
And he doesn't make you (modgwaaaaar) frown
He's an unsung hero in town
He is Alan Brown"
What if i threw up this is really cute ❤ ALTHOUGH I FEEL TARGETTED 🤨/lh yeah he does never let me down ❤ i love this so much meowwww
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Fanart by @vampire-times!!! insert you are my sunshine rap remix... PEACE AND LOVE ON PLANET EARTH!!! HE LOOKS SO CUTIE PIE AND HAPPY 😁😁😁😁
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This entry is from @guacstarz! LOOK AT HE !!!! LOOK AT HEEM!!! My silly man :3 i think he would love pink chocolate... and the nepi hair clippppp meow meow meow !
THANK YOU VERY MUCH TO THOSE WHO PARTICIPATED THIS YEAR :3333 These are all very skillful creators (almost wrote creatures oops) so please check them out :333
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Hehe ur response to my prev ask was soooo cute :3 but I was reading through your fics and I reread the one where u dress up in the frilly maid dress for satoru and he literally falls to his knees like the LOSER he is and. It made me think…. I feel like stsg in general think ur beautiful like. All the time. Staring at u 24/7 with heart eyes like 😍😍😍”damn my bae so gorgeous” (satoru in particular……. Like you’ll be out at a cafe or something and while you’re ordering drinks he stares at you from the table twirling his hair and winking like a highschool girl flirting with her crush >_< he’s sooo silly i adore him) but why is it my first instinct to say that they would both absolutely adore you most when you’ve just woken up like… messy hair, still half asleep, a little drowsy YKKKK???? it’s such a domestic thing, to be able to see someone you love when they’re just themselves,,, not attempting to be presentable or anything… I feel like they would both be soo soft for it :( satoru is just grinning and he wants to make fun of you for being sleepy soooo bad but he thinks you look so cute and he just wants to squish your cheeks 😞😞😞 and sugu does not have such restraint. Makes a teasing little quip in his deep morning voice abt his sweet baby being sleepy……… (don’t be fooled. He wants to squish your cheeks just as bad and coo at you like you’re some sort of newborn kitten 😞😞 Trust in me believe in me I know!!!! I see the truth.) is it just an equally shared need between sugu lovers to see this man in the kitchen in the morning making breakfast like the househusband he is while teasing u for being all tired n huffy… yeah…. Maybe….. oh ok…… —stsg anon !!
STSG AND THEIR EEPY LITTLE BABYYYYYY no bc i agree SO much i don’t think there’s anything more pure and domestic and loving and soft than seeing your lover all sleepy and disheveled…. and being like Wow I Am In Love With You . AND THAT’S SOOO STSG CODED THEY’RE BOTH LOVESICK LOSERS TRUST‼️‼️‼️
i was sleepy when reading this btw you rlly made my whole morning 😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫 SUGU W HIS DEEP GROGGY MORNING VOICE CALLING YOU HIS SLEEPY LITTLE BABY PSVDKDBFKBFKFBFJ (SOUND OF STATIC) you rlly want me to go insane huh….. HE WOULDDDD he would be so teasing but in such a sweet way T—T oh is his baby still sleepy? need a longer nap ?? it’s ok, you can just cling to his back and get comfy while he makes you breakfast :3 <- cue incessant cooing until you’re coherent enough to tell him to cut it out . he’s suchhh a sap.
AND TORU OUR LOVERBOYYYY he wants to squish your cheeks :cccc sniffle . wants to tease you soooo badly but gets cuteness aggression instead. the type to wake you up by biting your cheeks and you’re all confused ??? like whyyy are you drooling all over me 🤨🤨 and he can’t even explain himself bc you’re so cute you literally fried his brain. sugu has to pry him off you i fear …… but would you really want him to . when your toru is equally eepy and cute and just wants to coddle you... would you really do that to him ….. ☹️☹️☹️ cuties .
is it just an equally shared need between sugu lovers to see this man in the kitchen in the morning making breakfast like the househusband he is while teasing u for being all tired n huffy… yeah…. Maybe….. oh ok……
PAGSJPAHSH PLEASEE THIS MADE ME LAUGH…. SO TRUE !!!! all suguru stans want to see him in an apron :3 engulfed by the morning sunshine :33 he’s just sooooo househusband coded……… makes you breakfast every single day. he’s so serious abt it <3333
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An unneccesary collection of Edwin McMillan photos
I have five mutuals so they'll get it, we hope
so cuties forever 💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖
(compilation edition)
(@un-ionizetheradlab don't kill me)
(@lacontroller1991 Lawrence is at the bottom I promise)
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Okay so this was before he grew a mustache. I love how "normal" he looks but at least he's happy <3333
You know what else makes him happy?
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Twinning portraits with Alvarez!!!
Okay, fine, I know that they didn't make similar poses in opposite directions ON PURPOSE but I like to think so.
Okay but they actually look kind of similar. Except McMillan has a mustache.
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This next one is McMillan pretending his shoes are the most interesting things in the world. I don't know. Maybe he's camera-shy. This is actually really relatable.
While we're still on the topic of McMillan doing anything BUT looking at the camera...
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McMillan, now the director of Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, is supposed to be getting photographed by Ansel Adams. Who, by the way, mostly photographed landscapes. But I guess it was a really special occassion.
Anyways, Adams is taking forever to set up the camera. So McMillan is bored out of his mind, thinking "Why am I here?"
But all that time probably paid off because...
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AWWWWWW he's so cute when he smiles <33333
To close it all off, here's a cute little one where Nobel-winning scientists are doing everyday stuff like the rest of us:
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(who in the world is the guy all the way on the left)
McMillan loves Coca-Cola too.
Anyways look at Ernest Lawrence in the middle he's so cute <3
Honestly I would've shipped those two IN ONLY Lawrenceheimer and Alvamillan didn't exist.
So, I guess that's it for today. Now I need to make a folder for all these images. (And finish up that map I was working on last Monday.)
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pebiejeebies · 8 months
WOOH, still E13, 5 episodes to go… yaaayyy…
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My bbgs, look at the cuties <33 (They’re looking at the cereal boxes in the sky from.. you know who!!)
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Randomly interacts with cabby first!! This is feeding me well yall I’m screaming rn, the fact that it’s literally the first 3 minutes and already cabloon rays are shining thru
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SAME FACE!! SAME FACE!! WOOP WOOP!! (Not counting silver cause.. he’s showing only one eye lmao)
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My babies , they’re looking at each other  I’m going to explode, same face too!!
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Did I mention that these two are my babies? Also hello cute Yinyang <33 (my multi shipper ass is shitsing rn)
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THEY’RE SO CLOSE NOW OMG?? WHAT DID I MISS??! DID I FORGET A SCENE?!?!/genq /nm /iwantmoreofthisnow
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*glances at HIS alliance* TAKE THAT Nickel— oh. Nevermind goodbye Bot :(
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After a WHOLLEE EPISODE, This is all I got from my babies 😞
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NOOOO ITS BREAKINGSGSG— Okay but god she’s so girlboss, look at that SASS!!
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Woah, is this the first time we see an actual side view of cabby?! Plus, they’re beside each other here!! <3
Context: they were all told to gather, I love how much times they’re beside each other omfg
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Them <33
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My guy became a mannequin lmao,, Btw Cabby going in with the nerdy info is cute, and balloon is like ‘Hm. Interesting’
Maximum of 30 images, sigh, see ya next post!!
(First post) — (Next post)
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ltlemon · 11 months
kk I'm gonna live blog episode 6 of OFMD because it'll be funny MAJOR SPOILERS but also like everything's super spaced out so you could probably read along with my reactions? (no clue why you would do that but the option is there.)
fair warning this is really long but no one's going to actually read this so that's fine.
that opening shot is SOO PRETTY
who tf is this guy
'my love'? is he fruity and evil? evil and fruity?
'god that was a beautiful pitch, that was really nice'??? I THINK SO???
I might end up liking the evil gay violin man
hi ed <33
oh no trauma
DRAMA WITH THE GIRLLLS <33 (Izzys little wiggle is precious)
he did say sorry though :')
they're sharing the bottle !! the only times ed has done that with anyone that I can remember has been with calico jack and stede
fock off >:(
aww stede put away all his stuff for him
's probably not a good idea though
oop, yep, caught it. guilt room :(
poor stede he looks like he feels a little bad now.
he's so sweet about it though. <3
oluwande looks like he's doubting his partners choice of a third slightly
fang's sticking his pinky out!
hehehehe they want a party <33
aww not stede offering to give the loot up to a good cause
give it a new purpose, one not tied to ed's guilt
you interrupted their little meeting >:(
that's what I said
aw ed's charmed
✨I'm gonna go walk my dogs now, I'll be back✨
okok I'm back and I have a quesadilla
oh cool Ricky's back
you were minding your buisness?? no tf you weren't
heh, his new nose is cute though, it's like fancy china
old wrapped his arm around Jim!!! the cuties ever!!
I love him so much
'filthy little gutter rats' I'm dying
'don't be pirates' 'yeah agreed don't be pirates 😀'
girl what is wrong with you
wee John doing drag makeup!!!!!!!! EAHEIDHAB
izzy seems quite intrigued
AWW stede's so charmed by the party
it's rubbing off on ed too
omfg Jim's so silly
just a little guy
eeeeee ed's little smile at stede <33
AND HE'S GOOD!?!?!?!?
fang's clapping for izzy in the background ee
Jim and Archie are so flipping cute omfg
holy shit??? hand kiss???
AWWWW <<3333
oh its gay violin man!
'oh I'm going to torture you all. by the way. 😃' sorry I forgot, I meant evil gay violin man.
I love how when ed says 'its because I only hang out with cool pirates' Stede's looking at him like he just delivered the burn of the century
oh holy shit stede's getting pissed he's like stop touching him
'oh shit! You struck a chord, I think you got it in one!' his face here is so wholesome aa
'you torture like a bitch' 'yes ok honey maybe you shouldn't say that it might get us killed'
AW NO THE LITTLE 'it's me you want ITS ME YOU WANT' he can deal with it, causing pain to himself because of an action he did is fine, he's used to that, but that pain coming to stede is unacceptable.
'so what's the plan you...weird...fock?' starting to like izzy
AHDJAKSJ I love Lucius and Pete sm ya'll
his little conductors baton is really cute
Lucius and Pete in the lower levels of the ship looking like a shot from Alien
omfg stede asking for her name is so cute'
'where were you 😡' 'we got engaged 😄' 'aww🥰' 'anyways- 😡'
'alright gang! let's talk profit sharing! 😄' I'm dead
'don't do it stede 🥺' crying sobbing shaking
holy fucking shit stede
baby's looking haunted by the horrors in his bedroom
sir you just killed a man???? why do you want to fuck now????????
aw ok but Izzy's back to singing though <33
he likes it :))
GAY SEX?!?!?!
omg they're shouting for an encore in the creditsaaa 🥺
and Archie and roach interact yay!!
wow. ok. so we were right about the gay sex hips!!!
wow. we were right about the gay sex hips....
on to episode seven. (I may die within the next 24 minutes.)
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tonberry-yoda · 2 years
Hello! Can I have a kingdom hearts or arcana matchup please 🖤 (you can do whichever you want to write for😊).
Personality: I tend to keep to myself unless someone comes up to me and starts a conversation (a lot of people say I'm very intimidating when they first meet me for some reason 😂). I tend to be slightly reserved with someone until I'm comfortable with them, then I'm a massive dork (I love to joke around and make people laugh). I am very empathetic, always trying to keep the people around me happy (even if I'm not in the end) I hate disappointing people so I can over work myself sometimes. If someone is rude or annoying me I tend to get very sassy and sarcastic. I am very protective of my friends and love ones and get very angry if someone hurts them. I'm also a very calm person and it takes a lot for me to get angry/snap. I also sleep a lot....like a lot, unless it's during the school year then I tend to get like three hours lol (it's a running joke in my friend group that I never sleep). sometimes I stop in the middle of talking because I think I talk to much (I've been told many times that I do so I just try not to really talk in a way)i play with my hands a lot, I have a really high pitched (idk sorta cute?) sneeze, I can be very clumsy (I literally tripped on air once😂) when I do something scary my hands shaky after I've done the scary thing (if that makes any sense)
Aquarius, infj
I like reading books, writing, listening to music (mostly kpop). I love love to dance (again mostly kpop). And even though I hate being in front of crowds I do like doing shows where I dance (I've done it multiple times with my friends at school events😊). I love doing my makeup especially crazy colored eye shadow. I love to be outside also. I also like to go on car rides in the middle of the night (I love going to get food then sit in a random parking lot).
I dislike rude people, heights (I have a fear of falling from them) and peaches (I hate peaches)
My favorite movie is spirited away
My favorite song is ditto (new jeans)
notes: hey there!! super sorry this took so long, but i am really happy to do this matchup for you!! not often do i get kingdom hearts requests so i definitely went kingdom hearts for this one!! thanks so much for your patience and understanding and I really hope you enjoy your matchup <3333
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this man is such a cutie omg
he doesnt take any hint that you're intimidating, like he just walks up to you because he thinks you look cool and that blossomed an IMMEDIATE friendship and eventually something more :)
he loves that you have a dorky side because you two will definitely be giant dorks together
you two definitely have the same feeling that you and him have this feeling that you need to make everyone happy, so sometimes you'll both have your down days. dont stress yourself out and just chill with your lovely bf because you both make each other happy no matter what!
he is just as protective as you are, so you two always protect each other no matter what <3
you two are nap gods
like you will always be napping together omfg
and like when you get those awful school nights of sleep know that this man will come up to you in your freetime and just hand you a blanket and you two will fall asleep in each other's arms listening to music
you both talk too much and that's okay
it makes you guys really fun to be around
but you are just two balls of energy ready to go and always willing to listen to each other (even if you do accidently interrupt each other lol)
he makes fun of your sneeze, but obviously thinks it's adorable lmaooo
he will catch you when you trip on air <3
he will play music for you
and listen to music with you
read to him because he loves when you do that. he's not a big reader, so when you read to him it makes him all giddy lol
he loves when you dance
sometimes he'll just catch you dancing and pull you into his arms to dance with him <3
feel free to do his makeup too, i think he would love it
he would love midnight drives with you
you two would just have light music on the radio and just be cruising with the windows down
it's a calm and sweet moment that you two love to share on rare occasions <333
2023 @tonberry-yoda – do not repost or claim ANY of my work as your own! likes, reblogs, and comments are not only welcome, but appreciated <3
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weirdo09 · 2 years
pairing: bywheelclair<3
one cool november afternoon, will, lucas and mike decided to have a movie night at mike’s. will and lucas decided to bike together to mike’s.
in mike’s house, he’s in the basement getting ready for couple’s movie night and slightly panicking because ‘what will i wear?’ ‘what do i say?’ so, after setting everything up(his folks are out of town, hallelujah!) he goes to change into one of lucas’ sweaters that he ‘borrowed’ and some pajama pants.
with will and lucas,(outfit check) will has on one of lucas’ sweaters which he also ‘borrowed’(lucas noticed and told him he looks cute in his clothes which in turn was given a very flustered will) and some of mike’s pajama pants. lucas has on one of his own sweaters(which one of his boyfriends will definitely steal or ‘borrow’) and some of his sweat pants.
when they arrived and rung the doorbell, they heard mike loudly walking down the stairs and opening the door. mike was the first to speak saying “uh, hi, come in.” lucas and will walked in the house and all of them went to the basement. lucas went to sit down on the old couch and patted the cushions next to him, signaling the other two to sit down with him. will and mike looked at each other and started running to sit with him
they both tackled/cuddled lucas while they sat. lucas chuckled at their antics and hugged them back in response. after a while cuddle sess, lucas asked “sooo, what are we watching?” with that mike quickly stood up and exclaimed “your favorite, gremlins!” (i love the gremlins sm, gizmo is so cute) he had a goofy smile on his face and lucas couldn’t help but find him absolutely adorable and smiled “really, baby?” “yup!” mike chirped. will chuckled faintly at his boyfriends’ utter cuteness.
mike went to go put on the movie while lucas was smirking at will asking him “what are you laughing?” will replied with “oh, nothing.” lucas still smirking just looked at him like yea sure whatever, cutie. as mike put movie in the vhs and pressed play, he quickly went over and sat down. as the movie was playing, they were all cuddled up in a red, wooly blanket. even though, it’s his absolute favorite movie, he couldn’t stop looking at his lovely boyfriends
unlike lucas, his boyfriends were invested in the movie. will, with his head laying in lucas’ chest was fully absorbed in it and mike, with his head on lucas’ left shoulder was trying and kinda failing to keep his eyes open so lucas decided to lull him to sleep(mike doesn’t look like he gets much anyway) he started to stroke mike’s jet black, curly, soft hair in a slow, steady motion and that soon lulled him into a deep sleep. when he was fully asleep, lucas gave him a little peck on mike’s forehead. will was a little jealous but happy that mike was getting some sleep.
towards the movie’s end, will, too started getting groggy. lucas looked over at will and smiled softly at the sight in front of him, the two sights in fact. he sometimes thinks about them and is close to tears at just how wonderful they are. will soon falls asleep leaving lucas the only one awake. he whispered in both of their ears “sweet dreams, my loves.” and gave them both two kisses on the forehead which earned smiles from mike and will.
omggg, i love this so much :)))))<3333
@adorewillbyers @adoremaxmayfield @thebylerfiles @ronanticized @fangirltrashsthings @feelin-a-bit-frazzled @forever-augustine @forevereternally-janedoe @no-ordinary-demigirl @high--infidelity
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cowboycakes · 2 years
hey sheppie, can you tell me some things you love about johnny joestar 🎤
finn. you shouldn't have asked (yes i'm going to tell you so many things i love about johnny. thank you for asking i love you i squealed when i saw this.) but, like, don't feel obliged to read this. i am in love with him. i am obsessed with him. you've been warned.
tw: my opinion and my own (dumb, prob wrong) interpretation of johnny is in here. like lowkey johnny discourse. this post is kinda sad too. mentions of mental illness and (jjba canon) violence/death. also me gushing about johnny obviously.
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#. johnny is so beautiful. like he has the most breathtaking face ever (esp in official art and towards the end of sbr. official art of johnny is what broke the camels back and made me watch jjba.)
#. prettiest when he cries.
#. i relate to him, and his character makes me feel less alone. he's sad and i am too. it was refreshing to see a male character feeling emotional and defeated and explicitly showing it instead of keeping a straight face. i enjoyed seeing a character who feels perpetually guilty and seeing how that guilt intrudes his mind constantly, to the point that his guilt physically follows him around (as danny the mouse.) he's ashamed and he hates himself. and every time he'd break down from said guilt and shame and self hatred, i would be like "no! its not your fault! don't cry!" and that helped me reflect on my own life... sometimes life hands you shit cards, but that doesn't make you deserving of it. and the human spirit is still built to overcome it. johnny reminds me of all of that.
#. cowboy! yee haw!
#. i love his storyline. i loved how much backstory araki let us see (though reading that shit was painful.) and i love love love johnny's monologues throughout SBR, especially how his narration at the beginning parallels his narration at the end. way to crush my soul.
#. i know he's kinda framed to have "righteous" goals... but imo he's amoral and most of what he does is out of self-interest, and i like that about him. only time he breaks away from that mindset is when someone he cares about is in question.
#. he's a nervous lil guy. i like nervous guys.
#. kissable face. cutie patootie wanna snuggle him. he just looks like he's good at cuddling and he's lowkey wearing jammies. the other day my irl friend was like "johnny looks like he's wearing a onesie" and that's kinda right. his clothes look soft i wanna put them on.
#. he’s got the hottest poses sorry i don’t make the rules. he's always arching his back n spreading his legs n shit
#. we are both horse girls.
#. he's OP as fuck. AND he's willing to throw everything away and sacrifice himself to achieve his goals, which was extremely exciting to watch. like every fight scene with johnny in it had me so hype. like the FUCKING SCENE WHERE JESUS SHOWS UP AND JOHNNY USES HIS NAIL BULLETS ON HIMSELF. one of my fav scenes ever.
#. LOOKS SEXY WHEN HE'S MAD <3333 and when he's not mad he's just being cute. he's so damn cute.
#. hates the american government.
#. dude's kinky!
#. i love his relationship with gyro. canonically, i don't know what it is. i do believe they loved one another, like so so much. i think they had what love is at its core: devotion, loyalty, sacrifice. and they both had goals consuming them the whole time, but their love for one another ultimately outlived those goals, and johnny's love for gyro outlived gyro himself. the way that gyro's last thoughts were of protecting johnny, the way johnny prayed for gyro's safety and it was all in vain, the way johnny ended up carrying the wrong corpse "home." all of it is absolutely gut wrenching and i cry about it daily and it makes me love johnny's character even more.
#. i love his sarcasm and deadpan expressions
#. TUSK!!!!! tusk. the cutest ever. that's my baby. and the way Tusk is named after a song from my favorite band... Araki did that for me and only me. i love that tusk evolved as johnny's character developed. i love how johnny freaked out when tusk first appeared. like dude chill that's just a little pink guy.
#. i love his name. jawny.
#. johnny showed concern for lucy when barely anyone else did. and lucy deserves the world. so.
#. stupid little hat with stupid little hair horns
#. fat booty.
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loserlvrss · 3 months
꒰ 𝐋𝐄𝐄𝐇𝐀𝐍 & 𝐓𝐀𝐄𝐒𝐀𝐍 𝐀𝐒 𝐘𝐎𝐔𝐑 𝐁𝐅 ꒱ 김동현 & 한동민
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summary : what i think leehan and taesan would be like as your boyfriend (done individually)
genre : mdni !! smut, fluff, leehan x afab!reader, taesan x afab!reader, headcanon, drabble tws : language, eventual nsfw (specified) author notes : both. at the same time. word count : 0.8k
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MEANT to be in a relationship aka best boyfriend vibes
nickname typa boy; includes the fish you remind him of (tetra is cute don’t play)
would love to shower with you
— does your skincare for you
loves to listen to you talk (even esp if you’re pissed off) and always has that cute smile plastered across his face as he just sits there
— loves that you always listen to him rant about decorating his fish tank or the new sea lore he comes across
loves when you’re touching him; strong believer this man likes physical affection
— probably pinches your cheeks when you’re being overwhelmingly cute
holds your hand in public to make sure everyone knows that you’re taken
— would get you a matching set of jewelry based on your preference
i thought id throw this in bc he’s such a girl dad don’t fucking play i’m crying
skirt man i fear
best believe you’ll be going on an aquarium date AT LEAST once
seems indifferent sometimes but would literally die for you he's so in love
nsfw 18+ minors do not engage !!
— “keep your eyes open” “eyes on me, baby”
— death stare bruh, and oh its so hot you piss him off on purpose
— would grab your cheeks to have you face him, gently ofc bc he’d never seriously hurt you
gives me brat tamer vibes thoughhh
— he would laugh at you during sex because you look so pathetic to him lovingly
voice kink :((((
— would say stuff like “can’t take it, princess?” just to tease you
doms most of the time, but will switch if you really want him to
choking. loves seeing his big hand stretched around your neck and will often just hold in there when you guys are kissing or making out
loves making out messily i don’t make the rules i just follow them
might like spanking idk give it a try
doesn’t really look like it on first glance but FREAK. FREAKY. SOMEONE GOTTA MATCH HIS FREAK.
— dirty asf >.<
munch …its the long hair, its meant to be pulled idk
— the glasses stay on OH LORD IM TWEAKING
fingering + edging + orgasm denial
boob lover (don't matter the size or shape, bro loves them) will just hold them in his hands while you do miscellaneous tasks or while cuddling
aftercare bb </3333 so cutie
all in all, best sex you’ll ever have c:
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— this man LOVES romance (if you couldn’t tell by his vinyl taste)
— pick you up from work type of guy. walk in the park type of guy. first kiss vibes type of guy. share headphones type of guy. sings love songs with you in the car type of guy.
— dates.date him.take HIM out
respects you to the max
loves showering with you in a domestic way; washing your hair and body
— also does your makeup for you because he's so artsy (he wanted to learn how to enhance your already beautiful features)
— dries your hair for you
lays his head on your chest quite often to get you to run your fingers through his hair (it puts him to sleep 99% of the time)
would call you sweet things like doll or love
back hugs bro. while you’re cooking, doing dishes, in lines, any time you’re faced away from him really. and, he would not care if people stared, it would actually fuel his ego
would love to see you in tight dresses (but doesn’t care as long as you’re comfortable)
doesn’t care about gender roles
would match clothes with you because he wants everyone to know your his
— customizes clothes for you to wear
— wear his clothes actually !!
pretends (not very well) like he wouldn’t do whatever you wanted
sigh hearts in his eyes when he looks at you
dating to marry 100%
nsfw 18+ minors do not engage !!
would fuck you properly every.single.time
— unforgettable. ruins everyone else for you type of fucking.
romantic service dom
holds your hands during and after
would never hurt you, but likes to see you cry or so fucked out you’re just babbling nonsense at him
loves hearing about what makes you happy and what makes you feel good
— will ask things like “does that feel good, baby?” “tell me, i wanna hear what makes you feel good.” “let everyone know how good im making you feel”
loves to watch you cum </3
size kinkkkk (he’s just so tall, it’s easy for him to overtake you)
body worship
praise in the form of dirty talk !!
likes when you give him head but prefers finishing inside you, on your stomach, or thighs
— i fear he’s a head pusher, but not to the point where it’s unenjoyable for you
— he would also caress your face with his dick in your mouth
— a little gagging never hurt no one esp not taesan
would be the type to say “they can look but, i’m the only one who gets to touch you” if you wore something revealing
is the type to like pretty sets
king of aftercare; water, cuddles, massages, non-verbality, food, love confessions, etc.
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uriwoos2 · 3 months
that is so cute oh my 🥹 i might have to do something similar for riwoo’s bday…maybe even get a donut or two hehe!!
no stop I TOTALLY get u!!! it’s not silly at all <33 i felt the same way about assigning them nebulae lol…but it’s just so much fun!! i love assigning idols songs too :D …. and i’m working on a post that’s bonedo as rom coms & abbott elementary characters lol!! 😭 the lists are endless. would u ever consider posting something like that for bnd? :D id love to see what things to assign them…
MOON BEARS!!!!!! 🫶🏻🫶🏻🫶🏻🫶🏻🥹🥹🥹 they are SO unbelievably cute…i’m obsessed with their super rounds ears!! like how can they be so cutie pie…. :( ahhh me too! i love nature so much! <3 nature has my heart 🌺🌺
beluga whales are sooooo adorable 🥹😭 i love their giant foreheads lol. AND OH MY GOODNESS??? YOU ARE SO CORRECT!!!!!!! baby beluga sungho oh please my heart 💔💔💔 >< your mind omg >> brilliant! 😭 he even smiles like them…. 。°(°.◜ᯅ◝°)°。 im melting … that is the most adorable thing…i love it <3333 SEE!!! id love to see what sea animals you’d assign them cause sungho’s is just so accurate and fits him perfectly <3
of course cream <33 you are so so sweet ! 🥹 and very fun to talk to >< pls don’t apologise abt the long answer !! i loved reading it hehe 💘💘💘
— also saw ur post abt your moodboards!!!! “im not that good at it” AS IF UR MB’S AREN’T THE CUTEST THING!!! the touch tank one with riwoo…. 💔 god. so sweet :( i totally get u tho!! they’re so fun to make :D i used to make random ones for my old blog. it’s very therapeutic in a way hehe
— vivi 🧸🍓
yes ! yes !! I think u definitely should get donuts for riwoo's bday, it feels so special and exciting ! <3 🍩🍰
ooh that's such a cute idea! I'm looking forward to see what romcoms u assign them !! I think ur really good at these kind of things btw, the nebulae post was SO sweet too ! :(
and on that topic I also was planning to do something along those lines, but thanks for pitching me that idea! bonedo as sea animals is in the plans !! <3 🦭🐠🦀
nahh ur wrong about that cuz when I turn up at the sweetest person competition and see vivi already there...... I'm going back out! (>᎑<๑) <3
also THANK U THANK U SM T_T 🩷🩷🩷 I just started making them recently so I'm not sure how they turn out, but u saying they're cute means so much :( pls. and I'd LOVE to see yours so much too!! omg! u have the best theme and I bet the moodboards u made are also super pretty <3 🌺
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sayakxmi · 10 months
I was thinking about it for a while, and I've finally made up my mind about a Magi reread, because, man, I miss it.
Last time I stopped around the 2nd Balbadd Arc, because the first few chapters are a crime, and I cringed too hard, like, still not looking forward to it, but I'll probably skip some pages when I get there. Ah, but that for later.
I'll be clogging the tag a bit (not sorry), so if somebody gets tired of seeing me talk about it, feel free to block "saya's magi reread". Anyway, getting to the actual manga.
Night 1. His name is Aladdin.
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This is actually hilarious.
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He looks so smol.
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Hi, Leila, good to see you! Sorry I've never finished that fanfic where you were one of the MCs, but it's cool, you and your girlfriend are living the life in canon (and my canon, too), so, like, no hard feelings.
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Really, though, do we ever talk how similar she looks to Alibaba.
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Cuties. Also, sorry I Schrodinger'ed Sahsa in that fanfic.
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You're a thief. (Gdi, I want a watermelon, too.)
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I wouldn't exchange my boy Alibaba for anything, but these three sure look like a trio. Alternative universes exist, so there probably is one where they became the MCs. Also, Aladdin is so cute here.
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(Pov: he did something weird, but I don't want to add the photo, cuz ew.)
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Ok, go back to being precious.
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10/10 reaction, I'd be confused, too.
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It's hard having a friend who lives in your flute. It's hard and nobody understands.
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Ugo-kun's a thief.
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What a cute backstory, I sure hope nothing bad will happen very soon to any of them.
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Ok, seriously, the Alibaba vibes are strong in this one.
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Leila's a thief.
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RIP to Leila's breakdown, but I would've ended up just throwing in several pages here.
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I actually wonder how deliberate it was, ngl. But given what happens later, it's quite possible it was on purpose.
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This page deserved to be included here
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Actually, was it ever explained why Ugo was running around in his underwear alone, like, always? Was it bc his clothes got too small or sth?
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It's kinda funny when you think that some people just know about the djinns, some don't. Like, it makes sense for a thief to know what can be thieved, but still makes me wonder how much people know about magic in general.
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No, I'm pretty sure they don't??? Honestly, every time I look back at the first arc I'm reminded that, tbh, Ohtaka wasn't fully sure where she was going with that just yet.
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POV: you're about to be pummeled to death by a giant blue arm.
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Uh oh.
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I wanted to make fun of Ugo, but then I remembered that I am sad for Ugo.
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Sind sie das essen? Nein, wir sind der Jäger!
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I can't add all the panels I wanted damn you photo limits, but that's still so wholesome.
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MY BOY IS HERE MY BOY IS HERE MY BOY IS HERE MY BOY IS HERE <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 I'm very normal about him. :3333
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