#he probably wrote this in a day and it's just... so good
dnd-writes · 2 days
Trials and Tribulations
Tags: non-con, BFH, I somehow wrote this in 3 hours, what is 'edit', Jeewon, unnamed OC, forced free use, manipulating, groping, painal
A/N: Saw a Jeewon post on KPF and thought of something to write, laid down and wanted to write a few paragraphs before getting back up to go play or whatever, next thing I know I wrote the whole thing already more or less. Consider this as a spiritual successor to Boulevard of Broken Dreams BUT BUT BUT only in that it has somewhat of a similar premise, it is way way way waaaaay more tame and casual (aside from one painal scene) in terms of detail than BBD. Anyway, enjoy!
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Cignature’s manager walks into the room and sees Jeewon just getting off her knees, he sees her bend forward, her butt pushes out towards him putting a smile on his face. She brushes her knees clean of dirt then fixes her skirt. As she turns around towards him, he sees a complete contrast to the clean and clothed look of her ass—her bare chest and face covered in cum. 
He looks over her shoulder and sees a middle-aged businessman on a chair, totally exhausted, one of the company’s investors. “She’s wonderful, isn't she?” says the manager to which the only reply he gets is a nod and two thumbs up. “I’ll be taking her away now.”
Jeewon heads out then the manager catches up with her and gets to her side. He puts a hand on her hip to pull her close to him so he can whisper into her ear. “Have one of the girls go clean you up. Haven’t fucked that ass in quite some time.” He smacks her ass as a signal for her to get going. “Be quick, I’ll be waiting, you know where to find me.”
Yep, that’s Jeewon. You’re probably wondering how she ended in that situation. 
How does an innocent, voluptuous, and cheerful woman suddenly become the company’s cash cow? Well it all started when C9 Entertainment noticed a rather peculiar influx of attention. The attention wasn’t mainly on their sole girl group Cignature but rather it was targeted mostly at the company itself. 
They quickly traced it back to an interview that one Jeewon, one of Cignature’s members, did where the interviewer talked about her body, indirectly referring to her chest which she covered at the time the question was asked. Rather than addressing the situation and protecting their own artist, they instead embraced it. After all, as the saying goes, “Any publicity is good publicity.” Which goes true the more people talk about the clip. 
Now all that was left for C9 Entertainment to do was to capitalize on the attention and they found their solution from none other than the infamous interview itself—Waterbomb, well, a festival similar enough to Waterbomb that is. 
The announcement was controversial enough on its own but it was nothing compared to what Jeewon wore at the event. They put her in a bikini top and gave her a thin white top just to say she wasn’t naked. 
The outrage was massive but not as big as Jeewon’s chest or the Won signs in the company’s eyes. Sure the company received tremendous backlash for the decisions they’ve been making but that was nothing compared to the money coming their way. 
From that day forward, the company’s view of Jeewon has changed and all she is in their eyes is merely a tool they can use to generate views and revenue. While the higher ups used Jeewon’s body for profit, their manager planned to use Jeewon’s body for his pleasure. 
He used to see Jeewon and Cignature as his responsibility, close friends, and possibly even family. But given recent events, his perception of her has changed and after the festival, after seeing Jeewon up close, after seeing her tits jiggle, he has been woken up to just how insanely sexy she is. 
After every practice session or performance the group would do, whenever they finished their manager would be close by to congratulate them. Often he would clap and cheer for them or pat their backs. It gave the members encouragement and energy to keep going, that is, until they realized that his pats on Jeewon progressively got lower and lower until one day he’s just groping her butt in view of everyone else. 
Naturally the members would complain to the other staff but some simply didn’t care while the rest told them to just suck it up and accept it. That, along with some gaslighting and manipulating from the manager, made them keep their mouths shut. And the encouragement they would get turned into fear that the rest of the group would be touched the way Jeewon gets touched. 
Following their silence, he became more shameless in his interactions with Jeewon. He would slap her ass as a greeting any time he comes close to her and often we would hug her from behind like some romantic scene in a K-drama but instead it’s so he can grab her breasts without her leaving. 
He even made some rearrangements to the room assignments at the dorm, moving Jeewon from her room to his. He placed, well more so dumped, her things into his room just to seal the deal. And no, he didn’t have an extra bed so he made her stay with him on his. 
On the first night they were in the room together, as Jeewon was about to go to the bathroom to get changed, the manager blocked the way out and instructed her to get changed in front of him. With no other options and no way out, she was forced to comply. He licked his lips as he saw her in her underwear, it wasn’t quite the full thing just yet but he knows for sure he’s going to get it soon enough. They climbed into bed and he turned her around so he could spoon her and cuddle her like some body pillow, all the while grinding his erection into her butt. 
Morning arrived and everyone had breakfast together, with Jeewon sitting on the manager’s lap of course. As Jeewon was headed to the shower, he stops her and tells her he’s going with her “to save water,” a lie apparent to both of them. Jeewon wanted to say no but before she could even answer he was already pushing her towards the bathroom. The members watched anxiously as they walked together, nothing much they could really do. 
The manager immediately strips down and his cock is standing proud as it pointed towards Jeewon who was visibly disgusted. She turns away from him to quietly cry but not even her feelings had space as the manager was already starting to take her clothes off. He got her down to her underwear when he backed off to let her strip the final pieces herself. 
As Jeewon tantalizingly took her bra off, he would quote the interview back at her, saying that her physique is the best in history and that her body is the talk of the town. Jeewon once again covered her chest with her arm while she was removing her panties. She stood back up with her hands on her privates but the manager just walked up and put her hands at her side then he started feeling her up and played with her chest for a good few minutes. He would compliment her tits and especially her nipples since it’s the first time he’s seen them, maybe the first man ever to see them, then he proceeds to call himself lucky how he has her body all to himself. 
After playing with her body, he suggested that they help each other by cleaning each other while he was stroking his dick, making the innuendo even clearer as if Jeewon didn’t already know what he meant. 
The two stepped into the shower but it was less of a bath and more of Jeewon reluctantly jerking him off while he explored every inch of her exposed body once again. 
He would get increasingly annoyed at how slow Jeewon’s pace was and he decided to drop the subtleties and he pushes down on her shoulders to force her down on her knees. Then he grabbed her tits and trapped his cock between them so that he could start thrusting while Jeewon just knelt there and be used. 
Jeewon kept her eyes and mouth as shut as she could while he ejaculated all over her face. Before she could clean herself off, the manager wiped the cum off her face and collected it in his hand. He forced her to drink it all and retched from the taste. He then told her that she should get used to it because that wouldn’t be the last time she has to drink cum. 
After showering and using up more water than if they bathed separately, the group got ready to go to practice. It went just about as well as how their previous practices went just with some extra groping being received by Jeewon. When they got back to the dorm and the two got into the shower again, Jeewon was ready to get back on her knees but instead she felt herself get turned around. 
Jeewon felt the manager’s tip press against her slit and she froze in fear. He did not care if she was protected or not, a problem he was too horny to deal with at the moment. He pulled her back and held her by her chest as he started thrusting into her pussy. Jeewon just cried silently as she felt herself get more violated than she had already been, especially when she felt his hot cum stirring inside of her pussy. 
The manager got high on fucking Jeewon that he proceeded to do just that and only that for the next few days. He didn’t care how or where he fucked Jeewon or who among the members saw it but the only thing that mattered to him was that either Jeewon’s pussy or mouth was occupied by his cock. 
He would fuck her before and after sleeping. He would make her blow him while he ate food and watched TV. He would fuck her on the dining table forcing the members who were eating there to move elsewhere. He would use her mouth to properly clean him in the shower. And so on. Even when the group had to go practice, he would make the rest go to the company building while Jeewon was kept beneath him in the dorm. While they practiced their next performance, Jeewon was being turned into his sex pet. 
One of the members complained that the manager keeps having sex with Jeewon but much to the group’s dismay, they doubled down and saw an opportunity land at their feet. Why stop at dressing Jeewon so scantily clad in public when they could also use her body behind closed doors to also bring more money in, that way whenever the group isn’t on stage, they can be certain that their wallets are full. 
The manager was furious with what the members did even though the decision made by the company was expected for him but instead of finding out who the culprit was, he decided to just cool down and what better way to do that than to use Jeewon’s possibly untouched asshole for the first time. 
The manager had all the members in the living room and they all sat quietly in fear. He told them how annoyed and disappointed he was in them but he made sure to tell them he won’t scold them for it which gave them some relief for a very brief moment until he grabbed Jeewon by her hair and dragged her into his room. The members cried while they held each other as they listened to Jeewon screaming and begging for help, their hearts broke knowing that they couldn’t help and that they were somehow responsible for subjecting her to even more torment. 
He ripped Jeewon's clothes off while he held her down as she tried to struggle to free herself. Once her shorts were down, instead of feeling the familiar feeling of his tip pressing against her cunt, Jeewon felt his dick press against her asshole which made her scream so loud it echoed throughout the whole dorm. 
He didn’t bother lubing up or anything and he just started going in dry. Jeewon never knew such pain prior to that moment, whether mental or physical, and she screamed her head off through the night, making it known to the members just how much pain she was in and making it hard for them to go to sleep just from the loudness alone. 
From being always at the dorm to being almost never, Jeewon was sold off to investors as if she was some sort of prostitute. Though the manager still had his time with Jeewon, he wasn’t able to have as much action as he used to and naturally he turned to the other members of the group. He would assign a day for each member as if it was a chore to be used by him. The other members were also up for grabs but it was Jeewon who anyone wanted to fuck, not like anyone can blame them. 
From a merely suggestive interview question, spiraled all the way into Jeewon being turned into a cow, both financially and sexually. 
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babiexiao · 1 day
you belong with me
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✰ . . . bridgerton au, gojo is meant to be a viscount, fem!reader / fem!pronouns used, secret relationship kinda???, mention of arranged marriage, secret meetings (no cheating though) fluff & smut, fingering, ooc gojo idk he’s lovesick and shit, kinda olden day language that i don't think is 100% correct but idc the brainrot is too strong at this point for me to care therefore you shouldn't either <3
✰ . . . 2.5k words i don't know how we got here
✰ . . . i uhhhh binge watched bridgerton in less than a week and i am having the most scandalous thoughts and scenarios about it.. like i am vibrating at the speed of light waiting for the second part to drop tonight LMFAO this is just pure word vomit and brainrot and it's probably shit because i don't remember the last time i sat and wrote smth this long... but oh well !!! i also SUCK at titles thanks taylor swift for having this song
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Satoru Gojo loves a good thrill. The thrill of betting his money on horse races or boxing matches. The thrill of playing pranks on the maids or the cooks. The thrill of having all eyes on him as he walks into a room. He knows everyone will stare considering his wealth and the status of his family but it still feels good, feeds his ego. His favourite thrill however? The one where he meets with you in secret. Just thinking about sneaking away from the public eye, trying to find a quiet place where you two could have time alone, where you could kiss and touch each other, sent goosebumps all over his body. It excited him.
You're not sure why you let him coax you into it though. As a lady, you should be prim and proper, present at the balls or social gatherings. You're meant to be talking to your friends or making conversation with respectable suitable gentlemen, or in the midst of getting courted. Perhaps it is because Gojo Satoru is a breath of fresh air in such a repetitive lifestyle that you keep sneaking off in the middle of the gatherings to see him, and it's certainly no different tonight.
In the middle of the ball, you see Satoru’s tall figure slip past a group of people and off into the shadows. To avoid being seen as suspicious, you need to wait a few moments before you too find yourself following after him. The minutes of waiting around feel like hours however, your feet are itching to just walk off and run to him, but you can't. It would be seen as outrageous for a lady to be seen with any man alone, it would cause an uproar within the community, spreading amongst the partygoers and even the ones who didn’t come within a matter of hours.
Then finally, after what feels like eons, you excuse yourself from the people you were chatting with. You're glad the ladies you were with are attempting to woo the gentlemen that had approached the group by fluttering their hand fans and blinking excessively. Quietly, you make your way towards the corridors. The females are too busy trying to gossip and the men are trying to prove their wealth or talk about their mistresses which makes slipping away into the shadows easier.
You are quite lucky that it was your family who was responsible for today's ball. It made it easy to find a secluded place where you and Satoru could meet without having to worry about a member of the ton or one of your maids accidentally finding the two of you alone, god forbid that from happening. You hold your dress up so you don't trip over it, walking briskly to one of your many gardens at the back of your family's estate. It is dark outside and the air is now chilly, making the hairs on the back of your neck stand up as you slow down and try to squint in the darkness, attempting to spot your favourite white haired male.
"Oh? What do we have here? A rather fine young lady, all alone. With no one around... but me." You'd recognise that teasing voice anywhere and you're immediately spinning around to face him with a smile on your face.
"Lord Gojo." A pout on his face grows almost immediately as you bend at your knees to bow at him, a gesture of respect that has been conditioned into your very being since you were a little girl.
"I thought I told you to call me–"
"Just Satoru, yes. I am well aware of that." The use of his first name has him smiling almost as quickly as he had pouted, and in only a couple of steps he is directly in front of you, chest in your line of sight. You have to tilt your head upwards to get a good look at his handsome face.
"I have to say, I rather enjoy the way my name falls from your lips." He's not slick with his eye movements, tongue darting over to lick at his plump pink lips while his eyes glance at your mouth and back to hold your gaze again. "You make it sound... Pretty."
"Well, it is a pretty name for a pretty boy. Your mother did well at picking it."
"Darling, as much as I adore my own mother, I did not ask you to meet with me so I could listen to you praise her."
"Oh Satoru!" You have to cover your mouth so you don't laugh out loud and garner unwanted attention. "Are you jealous of your mother?"
"I am not!" He hushes you, thankful that you are meeting in darkness and the only light is from the moon so you don't see the blush of embarrassment on his cheeks. "Not of her at least."
You are about to open your mouth to ask what he means but he beats you to it. "Lord Basset was rather close to you... Was he not?"
"He spoke to me for a mere two minutes, if that, Satoru. Besides, all he asked was how my family was doing, nothing more."
"Two minutes too many if you ask me." There is a slight growl in his voice as he mumbles unhappily, large hands pulling you close to his frame by your hips.
"Perhaps you need to start courting me in public."
"Sweetheart." He sighs, leaning down to rest his forehead against yours. "The sooner my father realises I do not wish to marry the woman he has chosen for me, the better. It is torment trying to stay away from you in public. Mother is attempting to talk to him now, I think she may know I have someone else I would rather be courting."
You feel him furrow his eyebrows, scrunching them up as he speaks and thinks about the marriage his father is trying to get him to agree to. His father is a businessman, and the marriage, If Satoru agrees, would give them more wealth and more power – Something that the Gojo family already has ample amount of according to Satoru but it was not enough for his father.
"Toru," You begin, voice barely above a whisper. "I can wait for you. I will wait, do not worry about that."
"What did I do to deserve such an understanding woman like you?" Satoru exhales deeply, letting out a breath of air he did not realise he was holding all this time.
"For one, forcefully drag me to meet with you secretly."
"What a strange way to say I wooed you with my charms."
“What charms exactly?”
“Oh, you know. My pretty face, my sense of humour, how witty I am– oh! Lets not forget how tall I am.” You’re holding back a laugh as he lists off his so-called charms to you.
“Let us not forget how you were looking not so subtly at my hands when we first met either. Or my pants, not very ladylike of you, is it?”
“That is not my fau–”
“Oh so you are blaming me for your pervertedness?!” He gasps rather too loudly and you’re quick to cover his mouth with panic.
“Satoru! Please… Keep it down!” You’re whisper-yelling at him, heart pounding as you look around with fear.
He just hums against your hand over his mouth, rubbing your waist as he removes it and kisses the tips of your fingers gently. “You are afraid of being seen with me.”
“Unchaperoned, yes. You are well aware of how everyone will talk about a lady being seen alone with a man such as yourself.”
“Would it not be for the best if we were seen by someone though? Then, I would be forced to marry my little secret, and my father would be forced to give up on his ridiculous quest to marry me off.”
You can’t find yourself to talk back to him and put his crazy idea to rest because he did have a point, unfortunately.
“Sweetheart,” He began, peppering kisses on the tips of your fingers to your wrist, all the way to your inner arm and eventually leading his lips to your neck. “Please, let us be caught.”
“S–Satoru– We can’t… The public scrutiny, the ton–”
“Fuck what the ton has to say. I feel as if I am dying from not having you by my side. Do you know how bad I want to kiss you? How I want to promenade with you, to show you off to the men, to let everyone know you are mine and mine only just as how I belong only to you?”
Satoru’s hands wander to the curve of your ass as he speaks his heart out, large hands groping the flesh best he could over layers and layers of your clothes. You feel him breathing heavily against the skin of your neck, which is soon followed by him inhaling your scent with his eyes closed shut. Then, he’s cupping the side of your face, thumb rubbing over your bottom lip which has him gulping as he waits for verbal consent.
“Satoru. Touch me.”
And he wastes no time in doing so, capturing your lips in a rather messy and sloppy kiss that you are sure will do nothing but mess up the expensive lipstain you are wearing.
You push him further into the shadows where you know not a soul will be able to see you two from the lack of light. He’s against the brick wall and he lets out a small grunt into the kiss but makes no effort to pull away from your mouth. Instead, he takes a hold of your waist and spins the two of you around so now you are hidden in the shadows. By chance, if someone was to see the both of you, your body would be hidden and you wouldn’t be exposed.
Satoru always kisses you with passion, as if there’s a fire burning inside of his body that only you can put out but something about this particular kiss feels far too different to any kiss you have shared before. It feels more urgent. More desperate, you can physically feel it with how hard his lips press against your own. How he grunts and groans into the kiss, how his hand is now cupping the nape of your neck to keep you in place while the other pulls your waist into his own crotch. It allows you to feel the hardness in his pants against your stomach and has you letting out your own set of whimpers.
Momentarily, he pulls back to allow you to breathe. “Let us be caught.”
“Do not try and convince me when you have made my head go dizzy with lack of air.”
“Perfect time, is it not? Come on sweetheart, do you not want to have all of me? To feel all of me?”
“You are a disgusting pervert.” There’s no bite behind it however. Not when your thigh is being wrapped around Satoru’s waist and you feel his hands inch further and further up your thighs.
“Yeah? Why don’t you say that again, you know I love it when you call me names.”
If you weren’t seconds from being fingered, maybe you would have hit his shoulder but you feel the pads of his fingers rub your mound over your undergarments before you could do so.
You’re sighing in pleasure as he continues to tease you over the fabrics but you grow impatient. It’s not as if you haven’t been in this very compromising position before, you’re well aware of how long the white haired male can tease you for, how much he loves it. But when you are in public, only a couple of hundred yards away from the partygoers on your own estate, it is not the time for hours upon hours of teasing, especially not against a brick wall.
“Toru, please. More…”
He pretends not to hear you, keeping a straight face as he keeps on holding your thigh up as the other hand continues to touch you but not really give you what you truely need.
“Toruuu, now is not the time to be a tease.”
“Oh? What’s that? I couldn’t quite hear you sweetheart. Would you mind speaking a little louder for me?”
Your head tilts back out of anger, hitting against the brick wall behind you with a gentle thud. You despise how he’s choosing to act with you right now.
“Say it.” He speaks, but it’s not using that annoying, teasing tone of his he usually gives you when you want him to touch you more. It’s serious. “Say you are mine.”
His eyes lock onto yours, keeping eye contact as he waits for your answer.
You do not keep him waiting, cupping the side of his face as you speak with sincerity. “I am yours, just as you are mine.”
Satoru feels his cock twitch in his trousers, wanting nothing more than to be balls deep in you right after you said that, but not yet. He can wait, he will wait for you to marry him before taking away your virginity. He’s a gentleman, albeit that gentlemanly honour is hanging by a mere thread when you speak about belonging to him with that pretty voice of yours.
But his fingers are quick to push your undergarments to the side and allow you to truly feel his touch in all its glory. Even in the darkness, he knows exactly where to touch, and he finds the little nub that makes you feel good with ease that it’s almost scary. He allows his fingertips to make circles on it, and you’re burying your face in the suit jacket he’s wearing to drown out your noises that you know will get louder and louder.
His digits have you so riled up and wet in a matter of minutes that his fingers are easily buried in your warmth with one swift move.
You always feel full, how could you not when he has such large hands and long fingers. “Feels— so good, ‘Toru.”
“I know sweetheart.”
“Much better than when I do it to myself…” You know he loves hearing words that boost his ego and god, did it make him feel things. It garners a low growl from him, and he’s pumping his fingers into you with such vigour you swear you two will be caught with just how loud the skin slapping and sloppy noises are.
It does not take long for you to reach your high, two digits in your pussy whilst one rubbed your clit and you’re cumming with shaky thighs and a soft cry of the man’s name, thankful that he’s holding the back of your head and pushing your face into his chest so you don’t accidentally moan out loud.
“Marry me.” He whispers, forehead resting against your own as you pant and come down from your orgasm.
“Get me a ring and I will say yes in a heartbeat and fight your father for your hand in marriage, Satoru.”
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i also can’t write endings for shit rip me </3
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Can't Have a Good Thing || LS2 smau
summary you go from dating an american footballer to an american driver
pairings ex!christian pulisic x reader, logan sargeant x reader
warnings probably a little anti pulisic but i still love my baby
notes pictures are from pinterest so thank you to all those lovely users (as I wrote this my english teacher from 11th grade came into my job and it was not fun!)
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May 2023 ynusername posted -------
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liked by cmpulisic, reece and others
ynusername final chelsea game of the season, love you guys
chelseafc awww we love you too yn ❤️ by author
cmpulisic always love having you there ↳ ynusername wouldn't want to be anywhere else
username1 look at my girl dawg, chelsea is embarrassing her ↳ username2 please, christian didn't even play
reece once a blue always a blue ↳ username3 NAH WHY IS THIS SO CRYPTIC ↳ username4 you can't say shit like this then leave DUDE
username5 that chrisyn interaction screams for help ↳ username6 i wouldn't be surprised if they're not dating anymore but trying to keep up appearances ↳ username7 breakup statement incoming ↳ username8 can we get fabrizio to comment on wag breakups please!! ↳ username7 lol can you imagine a here we go! breakup is official! peak comedy
cesarazpilicueta 💙 ↳ ynusername love you too capitan!
July 2023 real life ---------
It’s been a rough few months in the house for the two of you. Christian’s time at Chelsea was most likely coming to an end, and you had just started a new project at work, so your time was filled with that. Nights spent making dinner and laughing together turned to plates left in the microwave and lights out early. Mornings started with short wake up kisses to hardly whispered goodbyes.
In fewer words, the relationship was falling apart. You barely knew what was going on in each others lives anymore, it’s no surprise when he tells you he’s leaving Chelsea.
Chris is still in Florida with his family, enjoying the last few days off before preseason. You had been with him for the 4th of July, but needed to fly back to London almost immediately for a new project and you’re exhausted. When he Facetimes you it’s almost 11:30 at night and your still sitting in your home office, but with how excited Chris is, he can’t tell that you’re operating on extremely low levels of energy. You want to be excited for him, but you can see the writing on the wall.
“Hey babe.” You know what’s coming, but it doesn’t make the shock any less. “I’ve got some big news.” He waits for you to say something, but all you do is blink and nod. “AC Milan are going to sign me.” He waits again for you to say something. “Did you hear me? I’m leaving Chelsea.”
“Yeah, I heard you.” Your lack of enthusiasm confuses Christian.
“Then why aren’t you excited?”
Your apathy turns to frustration quickly and you shift in the chair. “Because, Christian, I’m not just going to blow up my life in London to follow you to a new city. I’ve got a job here and it’s going well. I don’t want to have to start all over again. Not to mention learning a whole new language. Have you considered how isolating that would be for me?”
“So what, I just rot at Chelsea because you don’t want to move?” He is now just as defensive as you, words biting at the holes that have formed in your relationship, making them grow.
“I didn’t say that!” You sit up even straighter, putting your phone down against the computer so it stands on it’s own.
“Well it sounds like you don’t want to leave.”
“I don’t want to pack up my life and move to a new country where I don’t know anyone.”
You could see the fight leave his body as he came to the same realization you did. “What’s going to happen to us?”
“I think we’re done Chris.” You can feel your heart break that last little bit with the words you say. You love Christian, but with everything you’ve gone through, it’s not enough.
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September 2023 real life ------
In one hand you held your phone, looking down at the details of your train back to London, in the other a hot chocolate to warm you up in the brisk wind of Oxford. It’s how you missed the body in front of you and ended up falling straight on your ass because of it, hot chocolate splashing onto your shirt.
“Fucking hell,” you whispered, pulling your shirt away from your body so it didn’t burn.
“Oh my god, I’m so sorry,” said an American accent. You groaned in your head, not wanting to deal with this. “I should’ve been looking where I was going.” They put a hand in your face, gesturing to help you up, which you took. 
“No, it was my fault, I was staring at my phone,” you told them as they pulled you up. He was strong, and also probably a little awkward as he was still holding your hand.
“Me too, so I really won’t let you take the blame.” His awkward smile was also cute, but you tried not to think that, it wouldn’t agree with your ‘no boys agenda.’ “Do you need another hot chocolate?” The cup was empty at your feet, making you wince. 
“Yeah, probably another shirt too.” It’s at that point that he realizes he’s still holding your hand, and he drops it.
“Let me get you one.”
“Don’t worry about it.” You’re still very early for the train, but travel anxiety is terrible and you want to leave soon.
“I insist.” Something about his smile and red cheeks makes you say yes to him, and you’re really not sure why. “I’m Logan, by the way.” He’s leading you back into the line of the cafe, smiling at you still.
“I’m YN,” you tell him.
ynusername posted ---------
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liked by logansargeant, benchilwell, and others
ynusername exploring oxford finally
bsfinstagram babe you run into any quidditch players ↳ ynusername bitch you know i'm swearing off athletes
username7 damn why are you so beautiful
samkerr 💞 ↳ ynusername ugh bestie i love you
pulisick10 'SWEARING OFF ATHLETES?' Christian mate pulisic what did you do!?! ↳ username8 that is so fucking harsh though like pulisic really did a number on our girl here ↳ pulisick10 ben chilwell still in the likes tho ↳ username8 nah her and ben are friends, like ben was always close with christian and just cause he left doesn't mean that she can't be friends still ↳ username8 also she's still good friends with the women's team ↳ pulisick10 well that's cause the women are better ❤️ by ynusername and bsfinstagram ↳ username8 NOT HER LIKING THAT but also won't argue with that
logansargeant at least the weather was good ↳ ynusername youre right, thank you english sun who comes out once in a blue moon ↳ bsfinstagram I'm questioning things ↳ ynusername well you shouldn't
username11 she's sworn off athletes but has a formula 1 driver in her comments... ↳ username12 fake bitch ↳ username13 two people can be friends right? ↳ username12 she breaks up with christian because of the distance but is talking a driver like he isn't gone more than half the year, she's definitely fake for that ↳ username13 how do you know that's why they broke up ↳ username14 she doesn't she's just being a hater ❤️ by ynusername ↳ username11 damn all this fighting on my comment thread?
username12 not yn liking so many comments, do you read them ↳ ynusername gotta appreciate a good laugh ↳ username13 yn stalks her comments like a real one should
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yn's messages -----------
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November 2023 yn's messages ------------
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real life --------
Your hotel room is kind of a mess, with clothes thrown around and various pieces of paper on the floor. It’s not really a surprise to Logan, even though he hasn’t known you very long.
After a long day exploring New York City in fairly okay weather, the two of you are relaxing in your hotel room before dinner. “Can I ask you something?” Logan asks. He’s currently sitting in the desk chair, feet propped up on the desk and head hung back. 
“Go ahead.” You’re on your bed, laying like a starfish.
“Would you say yes to going on a date with me?” You sit up straight, staring at him with wide eyes as he doesn’t move.
“Are you asking me on a date?”
“No, I’m asking if you’d say yes to me asking you on a date.” His clarification makes you narrow your eyes, but he still doesn’t move. 
“I don’t think it’s a good idea right now.”
That gets him moving, turning the chair to look at you. “So would you say yes or no?”
“I’d say no right now.”
“What about in a month?”
“In a month, when we’re both back in England, I’d probably say yes.”
“Cool,” he shrugs, going back to putting his feet on the desk. “Then I’ll ask you again in January.”
ynusername posted ---------
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liked by logansargeant, alexalbon and others
ynusername look who came to visit
lilymhe booooo bring me next time ↳ ynusername you're welcome whenever, he invited himself ↳ logansargeant literally not true you asked me to come ↳ ynusername stop lying! i wanted thanksgiving but you have this job that makes you fly across the world to drive a stupid car or something
oscarpiastri look at him jumping for joy for you ↳ ynusername yeah well, what can i say, I'm a dream come true
bsfinstagram ahhhh just under 2 weeks until you come home!! ↳ ynusername I missed you so much ↳ bsfinstagram debrief over wine incoming!
username18 nope she is definitely dating this driver ↳ username19 it's so weird cause like if she really broke up with christian because of distance then isn't this just so much worse ↳ username20 i don't think they broke up just because of distance, things were probably weird for a couple of months before hand cause she wasn't going to as many mens games, she was definitely going to the women's games though.
timothyweah did you get a hotdog from the hotdog guy? ↳ ynusername yes... why? ↳ timothyweah cause they're good and i just want to make sure that you did ↳ ynusername okay timmy
chelseafcw don't stay too long we miss you ↳ ynusername aww, i miss you guys too
May 2024 ynusername posted--------
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liked by oscarpiastri, landonorris and others
ynusername Miami you can be pretty but you're on my shit list
landonorris no whyyyyy ↳ ynusername idk might have something to do with my boyfriend dnfing at his home race. ↳ landonorris oh, okay ↳ ynusername but i guess congrats on your win ↳ landonorris thanks ynnnnn! ↳ oscarpiastri someone is still drunk
logansargeant ohhh he's handsome ↳ ynusername yeah and he's got a jealous ass girlfriend so beware ↳ logansargeant love you too babe
username23 finally confirmed that they're dating only seven months later
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meanbossart · 1 day
Ask Compilation: Advice, influences and Misc.
Apologies for taking so long on some of these, admittedly I'm much more likely to entirely forget about asks that are about me and my interests 💃 Thank you for all the questions regardless! And thank you specially to everyone who just drops nice messages into my inbox out of kindness.
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I'm brazillian and a native portuguese speaker!
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I'll probably return to twitter eventually, but a) I hate that place and b) It didn't make much sense to me to turn it into a BG3 account out of the blue. I am considering making an Instagram or a new twitter just to have more places where people can follow in case they don't care for tumblr, but it's just been a very busy year so far and so that's kind of low on the list of priorities. If I ever do that I'll be sure to announce it here. Have a nice day yourself!
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Sorry to hear that! I've gotten a few messages before about this issue, and the problem is that since I am myself not from the US, my options are also limited :( a lot of patreon alternatives don't work for me because they either don't go through paypal, take insane currency conversion fees, or just straight up block me from signing up.
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Speak for yourself, I just assume everyone I speak to online has committed some sort of atrocious crime until proven otherwise. Except for me - of course. I have never done anything bad in my life.
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I still have a lot to learn! But I will basically use whatever works for me at the moment, as well as make a sincere effort to learn about musculature and anatomy so I can understand those components and how they move, instead of only knowing what they look like when still - that's how you get better at drawing from memory. Volume mostly comes from coloring and understanding light, which is it's own beast but can very much be learned from similar reference materials and observing it IRL!
My favorite places to get reference are medical diagrams, weird pictures I take of myself, 3D software (often Virt-a-mate) and questionably phrased image google searches.
My favorite artists are Jason Shawn Alexander and Sean Murphy, but I'm not sure how much of it reflects in my art nowadays! I generally seek to pick up techniques from artists rather than to emulate style.
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Honestly I love that you guys generally do the thing he would hate the most: take him very non-seriously LOL
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I've been in a real Chelsea Wolfe and Amyl And The Sniffers kick lately! But usually you'll also find me listening to stuff like Boy Harsher, Swans, FWF, JK Flesh Lingua Ignota, Nick Cave, David Bowie, and so on. Music for the weird gays, basically.
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I went insane and wrote a 23-chapter-long-and-still-ongoing fic in like four months. But also - I'm not that good, I'm just shamelessly pretentious LOL
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Hm. That's a good question, but I'm not really sure. Sincerely not trying to be a edgier-than-thou here (in fact, this has made me a little self conscious at one time or another) but a lot of art that I don't mean to be horror-y in nature at all has been associated with the genre. So perhaps I don't know what I'm doing either, LOL.
I think just leaning on making things look slightly "wrong" or "ugly" on purpose is the way, but I also find that if you just seek to depict people as they are instead of idealized versions of themselves, you will arrive at that either way.
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Thank you for reading! Honestly, I'm guilty of having not read much at all since I was in my late teens, and the style I'm employing for ANE is very different from the things I would call "influential" for me, or even that I used to enjoy reading at all before. I read a lot of Chuck Palahniuk as a youth (and, no slight to people who do like him still, but nowadays I'm not sure why I ever did. His stories don't speak to me at all anymore) as well a lot of weird experimental lit that I didn't even care to remember the name of. My last book stint from one or two years ago was composed solely of historical and medical literature, and last year I got really into Cormac Mcarthy thanks to the internet.
So, all in all, I'm absolutely all over the place LOL if you put a gun to my head and told me to list my favorite books, I'd say The Indifferent Stars Above and Blood Meridian.
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(Consider the reading portion of the question to have been answered above) I really really liked Beau is Afraid and think it's a really great "horror" movie. Sue me.
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fatuismooches · 5 hours
bene quiescam, dilecte mi.
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synopsis: Exams are any student’s nightmare, and that too applies to even Zandik sometimes (although to quite a lesser extent, perhaps it'd be more accurate to call it an annoyance.) As any good partner does, you do your best to relieve his stress, but this time he takes things into his own hands.
includes: dottore w/ gn! reader
notes: This is a commissioned work! A cute lil fluffy scenario with Dottie getting stressed from exams and dragging Reader away for cuddles was requested. I hope you enjoy!
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Exam season at the Akademiya was not for the weak.
The House of Daena was always occupied even until ungodly hours, the libraries were full yet so quiet, and other spots were filled by students who had their coffee refilled far too many times. Classrooms were overtaken by study groups and the chalkboards were filled to the brim by sleep-deprived scholars. All-nighters were frequent for many students. Seniors could often be seen trying to comfort their younger classmates. Conversations consisted of a variety of feelings, from confidence to anxiety (mostly the latter.) The sight was something that simultaneously comforted you and scared you a bit, knowing everyone else was in the same boat as you.
Ever since you met Zandik, however, you could say your studying experience was probably different from the other students. Of course, there was still the stress that came with it, but studying with Zandik was definitely more enjoyable than doing it by yourself, especially when you had the very special privilege of being his beloved. His brilliance always shined through, even when he acted all grumpy about helping you and explaining concepts again. You gave him a kiss every time, which he clicked his tongue at and excused himself to refill his coffee. Indeed, it was moments like these that made studying better.
Zandik, on the other hand, was never one to worry much, which was a stark difference compared to other students and yourself. You were always a bit jealous at how unworried he was. Often, he didn’t even need to study too much, spending his time doing his own research as he usually did. You supposed it was to be expected considering how intelligent he was, but still.
However, this time, you had seen Zandik in a state you’d never seen him in before. Alright, that statement seemed a bit dramatic, but it was still true - you’d never seen him study to this extent (although it was still a lot less than what other students did.) The situation he had found himself in was due to a couple of reasons.
Firstly, he had decided to sign up for a class that had a terrible professor, despite your pleading for him to listen to the poor reviews of the teacher and just take the class with someone else next semester. His logic was that all the professors disliked him anyway, so it wasn’t a problem (which turned out to be the opposite, of course.) Not to mention, the class was writing-intensive. Zandik wasn’t a bad writer especially if he was excited about a topic. But his thoughts tended to be scattered as he wrote what came to mind, and the professor was quite strict and demanding for a particular writing style. (There was also the fact that quite a few of his papers were written by you, as he wasn’t interested in wasting precious time on such things… no one knew that though.) You couldn’t forget the numerous group projects too - Zandik only ever got a good grade on those if you were his partner. 
All in all, the situation wasn’t ideal. This final exam was pretty important for your lover. Thankfully, you had already finished all your exams and could bask in the softness of your bed for hours, but that was also coupled with witnessing Zandik being glued to his desk all day and night, preferring to stay in the dorm to study. It was a good thing you stocked up on pens and pencils - he had already broken at least a dozen…
For as long as you knew him, you had slowly tried to introduce him to the concept of a break, which… wasn’t really that successful despite the years you spent with him. And it certainly wasn’t successful now. You had pushed and pushed him to relax for a bit but there were times even you couldn’t convince him, Zandik being the stubborn scholar he was. At least he was making time to eat the snacks you prepared for him. Probably only because he couldn’t physically continue without some substance in his body.
So for now, you had settled with taking care of the other chores and working on his research in his stead to ease his burden. You weren’t really put off much by his actions, at least not when you’ve been with him this long. His exam would be over rather soon anyway, and things would be back to normal.
Zandik, on the other hand, was also coping fairly well. He was a bit annoyed at the fact so much time was spent on this class, but he supposed it was to be expected considering the kind of nonsense that was demanded at the Akademiya. Something that he was not coping well with, however, was the lack of touch he’d received from you lately.
He had always been used to being by himself, the touch of others making his skin crawl. When he met you, he initially thought your kindness and fleeting touches were incessant. Now, Zandik itched for them, although he very much refused to admit that to himself.
Still, how does he get you to throw your arms over him and nag at him to come to bed? How does he get you to touch and kiss him? How does he get you to pull at his waist and tug him out the door for some fresh air? Obviously, asking you was out of the question. He wasn’t going to deal with your teasing right now. He could subtly drop some hints, but you had been pretty dense these last couple of days.
Perhaps he should take a page out of your book and simply take what he wanted. It could be a good plan - you usually listened to him as long as there was affection involved. So that was what Zandik did as soon as you reached back to the dorm.
“Zandik, I got your favorite from the tavern. I’ll just put it away for- oh. You’re actually out of that chair for once! That’s a surprise- ah, h-hey! What are you doing?” It hadn’t even been a minute before you were suddenly being dragged by your partner to the bed. What was his reasoning for this, you wondered.
“You’re tired.” …Well, that was unexpected.
“I’m tired? Me?” 
“Yes. The bags under your eyes are still there and I can hear you yawning from the kitchen.” You furrowed your eyebrows and blinked at him when you realized he was still touching you. Well, clinging would be a better word, from the way his fingers still dug into your arms. And then, everything clicked as you realized the true reason behind this little show. Of course, you’d play along if that was what your beloved desired.
“…Yeah, I am pretty tired, actually. I guess finals took a lot out of me.” It was a convincing lie since it was partially true - you were still pretty exhausted from all of that studying.
“Exactly. So-”
“So I should get some rest before I end up causing you trouble, yes yes, I know Zandik.” You finished his sentence to spare him any further embarrassment, along with then tugging on his arm to pull him further into the bed with you. “And since you’re already here, you should just stay with me. Just so I can get the best rest I possibly can,” you smiled at him, giggling at his seemingly annoyed expression. 
“I still have work to do. I have not finished reviewing chapter 27 yet,” he grumbled, and yet he made no effort to remove himself from your embrace. You took it as a sign to bring him even closer to you.
“You’ve already done more than enough. You’re going to top the class like you usually do. There’s no need to worry so much,” you said as you placed a kiss on top of his head, reveling in the soft blue fluff that greeted you.
“I don’t need you to give me a pep talk. And I am not worried,” Zandik said as if he wasn’t snuggling closer to your neck, teeth about to graze your skin.
“I’m not doing that! I’m just… you know, it doesn’t matter. Just think about all the fun things we’re going to do after! All the ruins we’re going to secretly explore and the machines we’ll dissect! That’s what I do to motivate me when I’m studying.” You didn’t mention how you were looking forward to holding him hostage in bed in the mornings.
“You motivate yourself by thinking of all the work you’re going to do with me?” Your lover sounded simultaneously confused and amused as he began to nibble along your shoulder. You think the biting was a sort of stress relief for Zandik, for some odd reason. But such things didn’t bother you in the slightest anymore.
“Yes, but not because it’s work. It’s because I get to spend time doing things I’m interested in with a cutie as well. It’s a pretty good deal if you ask me,” you couldn’t help but tease him as he scoffed at your flirting, but his demeanor already seemed lighter than the past few days.
“I don’t remember this enthusiasm on the last expedition we went on,” he responded, finally nipping your skin, and moving upward to your ear.
“Alright, now that's a different story… you made me carry a bunch of things in the desert!” You laughed, the banter lifting your mood. It always felt good to have a normal conversation with your lover, especially after such a stressful week. As much as you wanted to continue talking, you also wanted to seize the opportunity to add a few hours to Zandik’s sleep schedule. You wrapped your arms around him a bit tighter as you yawned.
“But I am rather tired, as you said. I think it’s time for some sleep, wouldn’t you say?” At your words, Zandik began to try and shift out of your arms, but to no avail. Whether your arms were that strong, or Zandik was faking his protest, well, who could say?
“Nuh-uh. You already said you’d stay and rest with me,” you smiled as you reached over to turn off the lights, only the light from outside illuminating the dark room now.
“I promised no such thing. You’re the one who assumed that,” he mumbled, the heaviness of his body becoming much more noticeable to him now that he had entered a relaxed mood. 
“Yes yes, it’s all my fault you can’t pull an all-nighter today,” you rolled your eyes in amusement as you pulled the blanket over you two. “Just get some shut-eye, I’m sure you’ll need it for tomorrow’s one. Okay, Zandik?” Your voice had become softer, and the only response you got from your partner was a series of reluctant grumbles, which you grinned at. 
“Good,” you whispered as you pressed a kiss to his forehead. “Rest well, my beloved.”
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skyward-floored · 18 hours
I have a request, IAU Four being a mentor to Sun and Sky’s triplets in the future since well, I think the triplets refer to to triforce heroes Links, right? I say this cause well, why not? And I think it’ll be really cool so uhhh I hope you do not mind :D
Yep, the triplets are the tri force heroes Links :) I had to slip them in somehow, I’m too attached to them lol.
Another fic where Four is a little older, probably similar in time to that one with him and Wind I wrote the other week. Early teens. Ish.
(requests are closed)
Wild’s motorcycle pulled to a stop on the edge of the street, Four removing his arms from around his older brother as he turned off the bike.
“Alright Smithy, don’t take too long, I’ve got to go in like fifteen minutes,” Wild said, and Four nodded, taking his helmet off and handing it to Wild.
“No problem, I’ll be quick. Though if you want to make sure I don’t take too long, you could just come in with me,” Four said as he hopped off his brother’s motorcycle. “I bet Sky is home, and the triplets haven’t seen you in weeks.”
Wild’s face scrunched. “I’d love to, but you know Azy would just foretell my doom or whatever.”
Four snorted. “He only did that once.”
“Yeah, and he was right!”
“You fell down the stairs, Wild. You literally do that all the time.”
Wild rolled his eyes as Four smirked, and waved him in. “Yeah yeah whatever, go on. I don’t have all day, hop to it.”
Four let out a laugh, and walked up the sidewalk to Sky and Sun’s house, listening to the wind chimes on their front porch, and wondering idly if Aryll had talked to any rare birds lately. He paused to look at some chalk drawings of birds and oddly-shaped people on the path, and in doing so, didn’t notice a blond head pop up from behind a bush, or the excited gasp ring through the yard.
“Four! Four!” a voice squealed, and Four turned around just in time to see one of his cousins launch himself at his arms.
Four yelped and dropped the bag he’d been holding, catching Crimson just in time. The boy giggled wildly as he hugged him, rufous eyes sparkling, and Four sighed and ruffled his hair, glad he’d been able to drop the bag in the soft grass.
“Hi Crim, happy to see you too. Where’re your brothers?” Four asked as he looked around, and Crimson bounced back out of his arms, and began tugging him forward.
“Backyard! Sage zapped Aryll so Mommy kicked him outside, and Azy was keeping him company,” he reported as he dragged Four forward, Four just barely grabbing his bag. “Come on come on!”
“Just a second, I’ve got to return something first,” Four said as he was dragged inside. “Aryll?”
A blonde head peered around the corner, and Aryll smiled at the sight of him.
“Oh, hi Four,” his other cousin said, nursing a hand close to her chest as she walked into the room. “What’s up?”
Four saw some reddish marks on her skin as she turned her hand, and he winced. If the bandages were anything to go by, it looked like Sage had gotten her pretty good.
Little kids with powers were always something of a hazard.
Aryll was looking at him expectantly, and Four shook himself, reaching into the bag he’d brought and pulling out the box that was inside.
“I fixed your telescope,” he grinned, and carefully unwrapped and it handed it to her. Aryll’s face lit up and she squealed, running over and taking it gently from his grasp.
“Oh it’s perfect! You totally fixed it!” she said, looking through the glass. “Thank you so much Four!”
“No problem, glad I could help,” Four grinned, and then got tugged away again by Crimson.
“Come onnnnn,” Crimson groaned, and Four gave in and let him pull him outside with one last wave at Aryll.
They went out the back door and saw Sage at the swing set, flopped on a swing on his stomach, expression glum. Azure was happily swinging in the swing next to him, and he waved as Four came out, pumping his legs so he’d go higher.
“Look Four! I’m taller than you!” he called as he swung up into the air, and Four smiled.
“Wow, looks like it. Hi Azure. And hi Sage,” he greeted next, and Sage mumbled a hi in return, poking at the dirt.
Four hummed at the lackluster response, and sat down next to him as Crimson got on another swing, looking at his little cousin. Sage kept poking at the dirt, and Four gave him a poke in return, ignoring the light shock of static he got for his trouble.
“So, you shocked Aryll again, huh.”
“Not on purpose,” Sage mumbled, adding a head to his dirt stick-figure. “She’s just so bossy sometimes, and she wasn’t listening and then I got mad and I zapped her— by accident. Honest.”
“You need better control, kiddo,” Four said, and Sage growled, kicking at his picture to erase it.
“Everyone says that. Aryll says it, Mommy says it, Daddy—”
Sage went abruptly quiet, and Four raised an eyebrow as he went back to drawing in the dirt.
“...My powers are just trouble,” he finished quietly.
Four couldn’t help his chuckle, and he leaned back against a pole as Sage gave him a pouty look.
“Why are you laughing?!”
“I’m not laughing at you, calm down,” Four assured. “It’s just that I thought the same thing sooooo many times.”
Sage looked baffled. “You thought your powers were trouble?”
“What?” Azure gasped from his swing, and Crimson jumped off, landing next to Four and Sage.
“No way!” he added, and Four nodded.
“They were, trust me. It’s not easy controlling four separate things, not to mention splitting into four pieces of yourself. Sometimes I think I’d just go crazy.”
Crimson tilted his head. “Did you?”
Four gave him a look. “No. Well, not really, anyway. No more than what would’ve happened otherwise.”
Azure hopped off his swing too, and sat next to his brothers, giving Four a curious look. Sage still seemed grumpy though, and guilty as well, and Four sighed and patted his knee.
“You’ll get better Sage, don’t worry. You just need to practice some more. It takes time for powers to donwhat you want, trust me.”
“But what if they just get worse?” Sage asked, biting his lip. “What if I do something bad with them without trying? What if I give somebody marks like... Daddy has?”
His voice got quiet at the end, and Four took his hand and squeezed it.
“Sage, I know you’d never do something like that,” he assured. “Accidents happen, but they’re just... accidents. You don’t mean for them to happen. And I don’t think you would ever accidentally give somebody marks like what your Dad has.”
That’s not something you do by accident, he thought with a brief grimace.
Four shook his head. “You just need to work on them a bit, Sage. I know you’ll start getting your powers more under control,” he said encouragingly, and Sage sighed.
“If you’re sure,” he said quietly, and Four nodded.
“Totally sure. If I can get the hang of four different powers in four pieces of myself, I bet you can handle lightning just fine.”
He poked Sage’s nose, and Sage smiled, finally starting to look better.
“Four! Are you done yet? It’s time to go!” Wild’s voice shouted from the front yard, and Four hummed and stood up.
“Looks like I’ve got to get going,” he said, and the triplets all let out awws.
“You just got here!” Azure complained.
“Do you gotta?” Crimson whined, and Four nodded.
“Yep. You know how cranky Wild gets when he’s late for things. But before we go, maybe you should say hi to him,” Four mentioned with a grin, and Crimson and Azure jumped to their feet and ran around to the front yard.
Four heard a yelp a few moments later that signaled Wild getting jumped on by cousins, and he chuckled before looking back at Sage.
“Have you apologized to Aryll for zapping her yet?” he asked, and Sage shifted awkwardly.
“Well that sounds like a good place to start for now,” Four said kindly. “I’ll try and come over again soon. Maybe I can help you with practicing your powers.”
“Really?” Sage said, perking up. “Thanks Four!”
He jumped up and hugged him, and Four patted his head, wishing he could do more for his little cousin. Maybe he should at least talk to Sky about some things...
“Four!” Wild called again, and Four drew back and stood up.
“C’mon, let’s go see Wild,” he said with a smile.
Sage returned it and took his hand, and the two of them walked around to the front yard, watching as Crimson and Azure both managed to pull Wild to the ground, squealing with laughter.
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truthful-peanut · 2 days
A/N: HAPPY PRIDE MONTH EVERYONE!! Today I just wrote some silly little headcanons on how I think some JJK characters would react to you coming out to them as Non-Binary and asking them to use they/them pronouns for you (this is DEFINITELY not completely self indulgent. Definitely not, mhm.) Also, readers relationships with everyone is platonic as I picture them as a minor in this. It’s not clear that they’re a minor though so you don’t need to keep that in mind.
— Peanut <3
How JJK Characters Would React To You Coming Out To Them As Non-Binary And Asking Them To Use They/Them Pronouns For You || Part 1 [Satoru Gojo, Toji Fushiguro, Sukuna Ryomen]
Summary: you come out to JJK Characters as non-binary and ask them to use they/them pronouns.
Genre: Fluff
Warnings: Reader uses they/them pronouns, reader is AFAB in Toji’s, fluff, mentions of transphobia, mentions of death, not proofread, possible grammar and spelling mistakes, lmk if I missed anything.
Satoru Gojo
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“Coolio.” He gives you a thumbs up and a bright smile.
He moves on pretty quickly, so you assume he doesn’t want to make you uncomfortable by making a scene.
Or at least that’s what you thought until the next day when you came into the classroom, ready for another day at Jujutsu High.
It started like any normal day until you opened the classroom door and there’s party poppers exploding your way, drenching you in confetti.
You are completely taken off guard, not expecting this at all.
There is rainbow bunting everywhere, rainbow napkins and rainbow plastic cups. There is a cake on one of the desks drowned in skittles.
Gojo forced everyone to wear party hats with the non-binary flag on them as well.
Megumi is wearing his usual deadpan face while Nobara is yelling at Yuji for screaming in her ear.
Gojo may seem like an idiot who can’t remember anything for the life of him, but that’s actually just a facade.
He does a great job at adjusting to your new pronouns and will 100% purple anyone if they’re being transphobic and/or purposely misgendering you.
“That should sort them out.”
Ultimately I think Gojo would be the sweetest and he might even throw an annual party to commemorate when you came out. If you don’t want that though, he’ll drop the idea. He just wants you to be happy and he’s glad you feel comfortable enough around him to come out and show your true self.
Toji Fushiguro
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“What does that mean?”
You’re gonna have to explain to him what non-binary means.
But once you do, he replies with a simple “okay.” And moves on.
He doesn’t make a big deal out of it or throw a party because it’s not a big deal to him.
If you want to throw a little party, he doesn’t mind. But at the end of the day, you’re still you.
He tries his best to adjust to the new pronouns. Key word: tries.
“Her pronouns are they/them!”
“Their pronouns are they/them…” You sigh.
“Oh shit, my bad.”
If anyone is being transphobic towards you, you better believe he’s gonna be right there, giving them a stare that will probably make that person regret what they’ve said IMMEDIATELY.
“What the fuck did you just say?”
At the end of the day, he cares a lot for you, but you’re going to have to be patient with him because this old man can’t even remember his son’s name, let alone that he has a son.
Sukuna Ryomen
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“What are you talking about, brat?”
Sukuna is ANCIENT, so you’re gonna have to break down what gender even means first 😭 (gender is a construct formed by humans, that’s why you’ll need to explain).
He’ll get it after a few times of explaining.
When he does get it though, he acts like he could honestly give less of a shit.
“Okay, I’m gonna go destroy the world now.” Kinda response.
Despite his aloof response, he makes an effort to change your pronouns and it may come as a surprise, but he does a good job at it.
He recognises that misgendering you wouldn’t keep you happy — and while he usually enjoys the suffering of others — when it comes to you, seeing you happy pleases him, and everything he does is to please himself, so seeing you upset would be unproductive for both of you.
People know not to mess with you for this reason. Because even others see the clear favouritism.
So if anyone is being transphobic towards you and/or purposefully misgendering you, they probably don’t know who Sukuna is or they’re asking for a death wish.
“Foolish vermin. Don’t listen to them, brat.”
Despite his harsh tone and names, Sukuna’s all bark and no bite to you and you only (for at least the time being). So despite the fact he’s a curse well over 1000 years old who wants nothing than the world to turn into pure carnage, he cares for you more than he would like to admit, so you don’t need to ever worry about him misgendering you.
Please don’t copy or take as your own. Likes and reposts are appreciated!
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thai-with-booty · 2 days
What was your favourite sex encounter while you were on the job and working? (At a normal job, not a sex place)
To be honest, mostly with work like in a hotel I have been professional, and there isnt really the chance to do anything or act upon anything if on reception. and places like the massage, i mean sex or sex acts were not really unsurprising.
I think it was when i worked a bit as a maid. It was just after Covid, in fact international tourism hadnt really kicked off but some could arrive and had to quarentine for a few days and so I got a job cleaning villas. They were big villas that often a family or could of families would rent, and had muliple bedrooms and a pool. Though you would get all different kinds of people staying there.
I wrote a long time ago, probably when it happened that I was actually working with another girl, cos there was a group of guys who had had a party the night before and we were in cleaning, I think they probably got charged extra but that wasnt really my concern. Usually i would come in to clean alone but now there was another woman, bit older. So we were cleaning for hours, they were around but mostly ignored us and were laid out by the pool hungover. It was only when I was cleaning one of the bedrooms when one of the guys came in, I asked politely if he needed to use the room, it was more a curtasy, like if he needed to change etc. He said no, and then sort of stood there, I turned again and noticed he was looking at me, not like horny or anything, but more like he wanted to say something. So i asked is everything ok. He said like ok im just going to come out with it, you see my friends over by the pool, I glanced over and could see them looking in the direction of the room through the big glass doors, though they probably couldnt see much from the sunlight outside. He said they had a bet if he could have sex with me, I was genuinely surprised and was like what. He said they had all chipped in and he would get $1000 if he managed it, and he would give me half. I started the whole im not a prostitute thing, and he was like its not that its just a tip for helping me out. It more money than the maid job pays in a month and I had earned very little during covid and with a sick relative was in debt, something that has lingered until even today. So I agreed, it wasnt a quick or straightforward as that but I was like right here right now? and he was like yes. I said one moment and went to see the other girl asking if she would take a break, she seemed to know something was going on, not sure if she had seen the guy enter the room. It was a bit awkward and I dont know how she felt about it but she left, I could hear a noise from out by the pool when she did. I went back into the room and he had pulled the curtain closed so it was dim, but had his swim shorts off and was standing naked hard already. I pulled my shorts and underwear down and went to bed over the bed, he rolled on a condom and started rubbing his cock against my pussy lips until they came alive and moistened so his cock slid in. He fucked me in that position for about 10-15 minutes before he came. He thanked me and took his full condom and my underwear with him as a trophy. I could hear cheers and no way etc. I had enjoyed it, it was spontaneous and just good sex, and I made $500 from it. Though when I was fired, that fuck was used against me so I dont think the other maid had been that impressed with it all
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oceanwithinsblog · 3 days
every day that passes we're getting closer and closer to the final episodes of doctor who s14 (or s1, whatever) (i'm also in denial WTH does it mean that this season is almost over ????)
so before i forget (and before the last two episodes drop) i NEED to vent a bit about this season. the following are just my personal opinions (which might change after watching the season finale), please bear with me ^^
first of all - i am so glad doctor who is back !!! i must admit that my doctor who drought lasted for around 5 months as i got introduced to the show back in late summer 2023 and did a speed run of all nuwho seasons between september and november 2023. i got super excited for the december specials !! and i was even more surprised and thrilled when i found out a new season of dw was premiering in may 2024 !! i know i've been lucky to wait for so little to get immersed in a new dw season but i truly, truly missed it and i enjoyed every episode of s14 <3 now i'm sad to think that this is about to end, but it felt so good to finally see the doctor back in action and to get through each week thinking that one of my favorite characters/storylines/universes was gonna be there for me on the weekend <3 i love dw so much <3
#2 idk about you but i fell so easily for ncuti as the doctor and millie as ruby/the companion TT they're both so good, i really appreciated their acting this season and i would also say that it's probably one the (few) things that positively shocked me this time around. i guess it was a bit unfair for me to think that ruby wasn't my cup of tea after watching just 'the church on ruby road' ep because she totally surprised me this season. she's so great! millie's acting is on point, so captivating and funny to watch throughout the show. i can't wait to find out more about her character fr! well, what's to say about ncuti as the doctor .. ohmy oh my .. i don't think i've ever seen a doctor so confident, so flirtatious, so proud in themselves .. ncuti's doctor exudes charisma and i'm so here for it. that's absolutely not to say that the doctor's worries, traums etc. magically disappear (they're still very present and influence their every move), but what i loved the most about his acting is that he goes all the way into it. fifteen may become one of my favorite doctors ngl (say hi to eleven and ten) and i am so looking forward to where they're gonna take us next <3
#3 as for writing, i feel that something's missing ... don't get me wrong, i love rtd's cool nice funny episodes and seeing the doctor face a range of diverse situations (even the most unthinkable ones, e.g. space babies) is just priceless.. but there's some kind of void in it, too. now that i think about it, maybe it's not the writing itself but the length of the season - having less than 10 episodes doesn't really give us much time and space to properly explore the dynamics between characters, strengthen their relationships and make them grow both individually and as a whole. besides, i admit that i'm a bit biased, but i loved (most of) moffat's writing for the seasons he was a showrunner of and i personally would love to see ncuti bringing to life more stories written by moffat (yes..i know he wrote 'boom' for s14). basically, i miss 'old' nuwho seasons of 18+ episodes where we could get even more affectionate to the characters and the adventures that defined their journey through the multiverse T___T
before i move on to my last point, may i also add (storyline-wise) that i wished the episodes were more interconnected with each other? not necessarily with the narration, even just with easter eggs ^^" idk maybe moffat got me used to have high expectations lol (i'm still eager to find out who the lady appearing in all episodes is !!!! may this dw finale give us all the answers we need)
#4 i would have never thought i would write this (mainly because i would have never thought there could come a time when these gadget weren't going to be used as much) BUT I DEARLY MISS THE TARDIS AND THE SCREWDRIVER WHAT HAPPENED TO THEM ?!?!?! i loved previous doctors goofing around with their sonic screwdrivers and running in the tardis allowing us (the audience) to find out more and more about the endless number of rooms in it ... why does it seem like fourteen doesn't love their tools ?? why don't they show them more throughout the season ?? this is like classic items that can't miss in the episodes so WERE IS THAT SILLY GOOFY STUFF ?? also, as much as i enjoy fourteen and ruby going on adventures in different time periods etc. why aren't they EVER showed inside the TARDIS travelling and waiting to get to their destination ?? i'm just very nostalgic (i took this very personally, i'm sorry i'm just angry at rtd)
well - i guess that's it! if you've read this far, thank you for reading me <3 let me know what you think about it and what you're expecting for the next couple episodes of s14 <3
ps. i'm very hopeful that rogue will be a recurring character <3
pps. ncuti gave the queers the most fruity doctor ever (no shade to all previous doctors, you've served and delivered and we love u immensiely) <33
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angelmichelangelo · 17 hours
ive had 2012 brainrot recently and i think abt raph and mikey’s dynamic so much i’m gonna yell abt them in ur ask box. i feel like a lot of fans dont understand that they are the Siblings of all time; its incredibly accurate to be like “fuck you fuck you fuck you die” and then also threaten to disembowel anyone who messes with ur sibling. i also specifically love the one scene where raph tells mikey not to apologize to bradford and mikey goes UH…SORRY I DIDNT DROP YOU HARDER!! and raph is so proud of him hes like :) good job buddy. anyways sunset duo for life i love them
oh you GET me dude. you get me
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their bond, in this iteration is so important to me. i think that in 2k12 all the brothers have a good, solid relationship with one another - dynamic that even when they’re not getting along, it proves that they do very much love each other but the mikey and raph dynamic is something that i very much cherish.
mikey knows how to push all of raph’s buttons SO easily. he’s always there to rile him up and it’s all so very much on purpose. mikey is such a Little Brother and raph knows this, and even when he does allow himself to be annoyed at his antics or his teasing, it’s always in good nature.
and raph has so much love for his little brother!!whenever mikey is hurt, down, injured or whatever in the fight, it’s almost ALWAYS raph calling his name or rushing towards him. i think about that a lot. it makes me.. unwell lol :((
i imagine that when they were young, they were THOSE kids that if they went quiet, splinter’s day was about to be ruined lmao they were probably such a pair of rascals and that just cements that they are each others best friends. (now i wanna write turtle tot fic about these two just terrorising their poor father and more quieter siblings lol)
i think i already mentioned this before (and wrote a fic on it lol) but mikey for sure has a temper to match raph’s. they’re so very alike: very emotional driven, feels everything tenfold. we already saw in the space ep that mikey’s anger is a HUGE part of his personality but it’s something he’s perhaps able to keep under wraps than raph is. and that seems to me, why he’s so close with raph, always teasing him, making him cut loose because he knows he needs to let off steam because mikey knows how it feels !! to have all of it bottled up all the time !!! they’re so alike it’s :((( wahh !!!!!
anytime someone wants to argue the whole “raph was abusive” or “mikey never respected his brothers” spiel i literally lose years off my life. siblings will always fight and say things to one another than they shouldn’t. siblings will know how to make you mad and angry and siblings will always be that way, because you know that at the end of the day, that’s your best friend and of course you’re gonna make up at the end of it.
and that’s what mikey and raph have. they have each other and they know that they always will have each other and that’s just. very neat :)
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modmad · 1 day
ok so! I know you probably haven't thought of this for a long time but through your recent post about Jervis Tetch (I was intrigued by that character tag on your blog in the first place since I used to follow an askblog featuring the residents of Arkham Asylum and that version of Jervis along with Jonathan Crane were my favorite characters, despite not knowing a whole lot about the Batman universe at the time) and through that character's tag I discovered the Teen Titans villain Mad Mod and the askblog/livejournal sessions you used to run for him, which led to me watching the two episodes of Teen Titans that he was a main threat in.
I really see the appeal of his character, especially the way you wrote him (can't go wrong with a smug bastard troll who always has the upper hand until he doesn't through the use of trickery and deception), and wish he'd gotten at least another episode in the show. The idea you had of him being a living hologram (and the backstory you created for him as well in the livejournals) is especially fascinating and fits the character already established for him very well. His relationships with the other characters being RP'd in the livejournals were established and fleshed out especially well also - the "Alice in Wonderland"-themed session where Mod played the Cheshire Cat and the final RP session where we discover his backstory were major highlights for me in that department.
I think you mentioned in one of the posts on his character tag that you "created a whole altiverse" (I'm paraphrasing here but it was something like that) of your version of the character where he was a living hologram, by that did you mean the livejournals/askblog, or were there other pieces of media involved with that? If they've since been lost to time or you have your personal reasons to not share them, you may disregard this part of the ask.
GOOD HEAVENS someone who remembers the askblog days, and livejournal! rip lj rp you were actually my education in creative writing thank you for those years <3
re: the last question yeah idk it all became a bit of a smush I just enjoyed the version I'd made and wished they'd done more with him in the canon! I still in my heart of hearts hope we could get more of the original Teen Titans show one day, as the voice actors certainly are still around and active! astonished that you remember all of this but I do and the Curse of Neil Richards is one that haunts me (affectionately) to this day
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16. Movie
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Sitting here in your car in front of minjeongs dorm made you wonder about how things could've been if she hadn't broken up with you. Would your relationship be out already? Would you have moved in together? Probably, you were basically living together before you started training for debut. As you kept thinking about what could've been minjeong had approached the car.
"hi" she smiled.
"Hey, you ready to go?" She nods her head and you take off from the dorms. Without asking her too she reached over to the center console and put in the address for the Italian restaurant "so how on earth did you manage to leave early?"
"we were brushing up the choreo and it was a lucky day with no mistakes I guess?" She says while looking out the window. " have you looked at the menu online?"
"I haven't, wanted to be surprised. Do I even have to ask what you want? " you teased.
"not my fault that lasagna is so good!" She pouted before smiling, " they have one of the best ones I've had here. You have to try it!" the fact that food still made her this exited made you smile. She hadn't changed at all and yet so much at the same time.
" I don't think you'll let me leave until I have tried it." you glance at her and see her smiling.
It didn't take long for you to arrive at the restaurant and by the looks of it there weren't many people around. Minjeong seemed to have a plan since she grabbed your hand and took you to an empty booth in a secluded corner.
"So since you know this place, what's good here except the lasagna?" you asked as you scanned the menu.
"Everything," she smiled, "it's all amazing. The girls and I tried different dishes and it was all really good." her eyes were fixed on the menu as she talked about the food.
"aren't you worried people will see us here?" you asked as you quickly scanned the room.
"hmm?" She looked up, " not really. Last time we were the only people here and then they told us people usually order take-out."
"is that why you wanted to come here?" you smirked, "so you can have me all to yourself."
"wha-," minjeong quickly shut up when the waiter arrived with some glasses and water.
"are you ready to order or would you like more time?" he smiled.
You watched minjeong take a long drink from her glass. It was always fun to see her flustered like this, to have her blushing and avoiding eye contact because of you.
"could we get 2 lasagna's please?"
As he wrote down your order you looked at minjeong with a small smile, " and would you like some other drinks?"
"I'd like a strawberry soju please" minjeong asked as she looked at the menu again and then at the waiter.
"I'll have apple soju" you smiled and the waiter scribbled it down as he left the two of you alone again. "so how did you manage to leave early?"
"it was a good day, everything went smoothly and nobody made any mistakes at practise." minjeong ended up talking about the upcoming album as she was playing with the napkin on the table. It seemed like she didn't know she was doing it but you couldn't ignore her fidgeting.
" are you nervous? "
She stops and just looks at you," n-no why? Do I look nervous?"
"You've been toying with that napkin for the past 5 minutes." she looks down at her hands to see the piece of cloth intertwined with her fingers, "So, what's making you nervous?"
"I- the situation I guess? It's been so long since... You know... I just don't want to fuck this up." she sighed as she leaned back in her seat, "I want this to go smoothly so we can get together,i-i mean like not like that but-" she started rambling and you were tempted to let her ramble on but that would've been mean.
"minjeong I understand." you reached over the table and placed your hand over hers, "I'm nervous too. We have a lot of history and right now we're-" you cut yourself off, thinking about what you wanted to say and how to say it, " We're catching up, 2 years is a long time but also a little. We've both changed in small ways and are seeing if this can work."
"do you think we can? Make this work again?" She bit her lip at the thought of losing you again, "I still... My feelings never changed for you."
You saw the waiter approach with your food as you were lost for words. Ofcours you knew she still had feelings but to hear her say it makes it more real. Eventhough you still love her too, everything had changed. To go on a date and patch things up is one thing but actually getting together? It would be harder than ever. Maybe minjeong was right when she broke up with you. The waiter placed down your food and you quietly thanked him.
After finishing up your food and making some more small talk both of you got ready to go for a walk before going to the movie theater. Both of you used to take walks in the park at your old place, sometimes you'd even go out of town together to the woods in weekends. It's crazy how normal all of this felt, outside of the break up coming up and some confessions, it all went the same as it did years ago. The two of you talking about everything and nothing, "Oh my god look!" you pointed in the direction of an empty playground with a smile.
"what?" minjeongs follows your gaze but doesn't see anything out of the ordinary, it was just another playground.
"Oh come on. Don't tell me you got to old to play, there's still that inner child that needs to be nurtured." you turned your back towards the playground to look at minjeong, "what do you say wanna go down the slide with me?" you smiled as you slowly walked backwards.
"it's almost time for the movie." she said as she looked down at her watch, "we could come back after if you want?"
"one time down the slide won't hurt." you took a couple more steps, "What's the rush?"
"one time down the slide now or a full on playtime after the movie?" She said as she clocked an eyebrow at you, "I know what I prefer to do"
"well if you put it that way I can't really refuse now can I?" you pouted, "come on or we'll miss the movie." you walked passed her and grabbed her hand, tugging her along with you as she laughed.
"You're unbelievable do you know that?" She smiled as you looked back at her over your shoulder, eyes scanning her up and down before sticking your tongue out, " you really haven't changed a bit have you?"
You arrived at the movie theater and ended up playing rock, paper, scissors to pay for the snacks. Eventhough the movie was 2 hours, time flew by. In the beginning your hands occasionally brushed against one another's, reaching for another handful of popcorn. Then the bucket was empty and you felt like a teenager again with the way you slipped your hand into hers. Minjeong took initiative more then halfway through the movie and cuddled up to you the best way she could despite the dumb armrest poking in her side.
The movie ended far to soon as you wanted more time to cuddle with her but the end credits were rolling and the lights came on, ruining the moment you wanted to stay in forever. Minjeong was the first to stand up and extended her hand for you to grab. " come on, I have a promise to fulfill L."
"I really hope that we will be the only ones at the playground." you wondered what you would do if there were still kids around or maybe teenagers, they were the worst. At least kids still listen when you put on the adult mask but teenagers? They laugh in your face and will use it against you. Fortunately for you the playground was empty as it came in sight.
"so want to act like a kid again?" minjeong asked as she stepped on one of the structures.
"what if we make it a little race?" you smirk as you looked over the obstacles, "winner gets whatever they want."
"you got yourself a deal." she smiled, "who goes first?"
"coin toss?" She nodded her head at your answer and you took out a coin from your wallet, "alright you choose."
"heads" she says as you toss the coin In the air. For a second it's silent and everything feels like it's going in slow-motion until you catch it again and with a baited breath you flip the coin onto the top of your hand, "yes!"
"Okay I'll start the timer when I yell go and then place it on the rail so you have to stop it." she nods her head again and you part ways to the opposite sides of the obstacle course. "alright ready?"
"yup" you hear minjeong yell and you count down from three.
"Okay! Three," you place the phone down on the railing, "two," you quickly glance at the blonde to see if she wasn't cheating, "One, Go !" you yell as you press start. Minjeong starts running to the first obstacles which were different kinds of wooden jumping poles, she quickly jumps from one pole to another until she's at the next obstacle.
It's a net that she climbs vertically until she's standing on the wooden construction, climbs up a wooden make shift rock climbing wall and races over the bridge towards you. Once she stops the timer she grins at you and shows you the phone, "2 minutes 10 seconds beat that!" She smirks.
"Oh it's on!" you smiled at the shorter woman and walk towards the beginning, " you don't have to bother about thinking what you want because I'll beat your time easily!" you shout but truth be told you weren't that sure. Minjeong was shorter so her balance was better then yours, she was also a faster runner.
"mmm, I already know what I want!" She yells back, "you ready?"
"alright! Three, two, one, go!" She yells and you ran towards the jumping poles. You managed to skip over some of them since you were a bit taller which would give you a little advantage. Once over the net you start climbing the wall but managed to slip a little and any time you'd have won was lost. You run over the bridge and stop the timer to see 2 minutes and 12 seconds.
"damn, that was thougher than I thought." you breathed out and sat down on the slide.
"and you said you'd beat it easily."
"I would've if I hadn't slipped at the stupid wall." you sighed as she watched you. "but a deals a deal so what do you want?"
"are there any rules?"
"well nothing illegal and I have to be able to do it ofcours." you thought about it and we're wondering what she was thinking.
"well, I want whatever you wanted from me." she looks down at you as you layed down on the slide.
"I thought you said you already had something?" you cocked an eyebrow at her and she looked away while rolling her eyes. "come here" you scooted over and made some space so she could lay down next to you.
She layed down and both of you stared up at the night sky, you could see a few stars but most of them were invisible. You always preferred the country side over the city for that reason, they were always visible in the county side. You loved watching the stars it was one of the things you used to do together.
"what if I want something that you don't want to do?" minjeong suddenly broke the silence, " I don't want to ruin this." she turns her head towards you at the same time as you do and the air between you feels so Intimate, you just stare at each other without speaking a word as you slowely move closer.
Minjeong brought a hand to your face, softly caressing your skin as her eyes roam your face like she's trying to memorize every little detail. "I hated myself for so long when I broke your heart." her voice barely made it out. "i'm so sorry for everything."
"I know," you reassured her, " I know you didn't mean to hurt me" you kissed the palm of her hand as you got even closer, " why don't you tell me what you want? I won't mind."
She traced her thumb over your bottom lip before leaning in closer, "can I?" She asks right when your lips are about to meet. You nodded and your lips brush at the motion. Her lips were so soft, just like you remembered. She didn't waste another second and claimed your lips. One careful and gentle kiss turned into multiple kisses that were occasionally broken by the both of you giggling, smiling against each other's lips before connecting again.
"minjeong," you laughed as she moved on top of you, "We're in public! And a playground! I do not want to scar a kid or get in a scandal."
"I wasn't trying to do anything, get your head out of the gutter." she smirked as she leaned down again, connecting your lips once again.
You hummed at the feeling but quickly pulled back, we'll as best as you could since you were laying on a slide, "We're making out at the playground, that's like a gold mine for the tabloid."
"fine" she grumbled and climbed off of you, "it is getting late so maybe we should head back home?" She said as she took a peek at her phone.
You made your way back to the car and drove back to her dorm while jamming out together to whatever song came on. With one last kiss, she got out of the car and you bid your goodbyes. You watched her get inside before taking off towards your place. those kisses were replaying in your mind and you wished you could turn the car back around for just want more but you managed to control yourself. Things were going to be fine, it's minjeong after all. The girl who's loved you since you were 16, the girl who saw you cry and comforted you when your childhood pet had died, the girl you once stayed up with to bake cookies together. The girl you've been in love with since 16 and she hadn't changed at all.
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masterlist | next
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a-magical-evening · 2 years
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South Park: 25th Anniversary Concert Let's Fighting Love 🥷💘
[#2 Fave Trey Moment 💕 Companion set: Top Five Treys]
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b4kuch1n · 2 months
tdov was like a week ago already but I just wanna say when I came over to vacation slash help my sworn brother move flat he told me, "ever since you said you wanted to get top surgery I've been thinking about it. it's straight up number two on my bucket list"
#bakuspeech#number one is a house bc obviously. if u can own a house wouldnt u#he was very drunk at that time of the evening. I was not bc I have the constitution of a hot air balloon and any stimulant will blow me up#(relatively new development. france fucked me up big time turns out)#we held hand on his bed for like the whole evening. it was honestly very funny in hindsight but we were extremely earnest in the moment#and Im like. working on this thing as well. I dont got meds or therapy lmao Im bootstrappin here#but yeah early last year his bf offered to get me meds and I... turned it down... I think I was worried abt like. idk. something#but one year past looking back Im fully like that was a stupid move you shouldve gotten meds. youve once again fucked urself baku#but yeah with that kinda realization Ive also come to realized I've somewhat? accepted. that I'm just gonna be. like this#this in light of a number of likely chronic stuff too (hence my balloon-like constitution lmao) and#that's kinda bled into the rest of me without me really noticing#but him bringing that up fully unprompted... kinda jolted me out of it#its just. really incredibly sweet. that someone doesn't want me to settle for what I make do with#and like. preps for that work. just kinda held my hand and told me it's possible to do this actually#I didn't really express how I felt very well in that moment I think my brain is very bad and I process emotions with like a day of delay#but. well. Im thinking abt it Right Now. so yknow thats the kind of impact that had on me lol#not super sure why I wrote all this down here really. I think I just want a good n nice reminder that object permanence is real#and I exist in my friends' life even when Im going insane in a hole by myself#and with the power of friendship we can alter the universe's plan for ourselves and also kill god#that's that. anyways I eat lunch now and then pass out probably. last night was... eventful lmao#but!! very good things on the horizon hopefully. well manifestly we hold hammers and we use them#have a good day lads. let's go out and slay monsters under a highway
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ruffgem · 2 months
a lot of my teachers this year have randomly complimented me on my writing even when the class largely has nothing to do with it and tbh??!??! it's really nice and it makes me want to write more?!?!?!!?!?!
#i thought i was bad at it but i think it's just bc i had to write so many academic essays that i stopped having time for creative writing#but i was shocked today because i had a one-on-one with my painting teacher which was basically my final#it wasn't even a crit just a talk basically about my painting#and i had to submit a write-up in advance about what i learned through the process of that class basically#so anyway when i got to the one-on-one the first thing he did was thank me for the write-up and he was like 'clearly you love writing'#'you're a good writer'#and i was like what!?!?!??!?!?#BECAUSE#im not trying to brag SERIOUSLY but i wrote it really fast and i didn't think it was that crazy#but it meant a lot coming from him because he's probably the most articulate and insightful teacher i've ever had#and also he like has a degree in english LOL#and he said i was a storyteller... so anyway..... i almost cried in the club immediately#well anyway. top ten moments#also my art history professor who i deeply respect wrote a very thoughtful comment on my work today to tell me that she thinks#that i 'have a true talent for written visual analysis' and to 'take her word on it'#BOTH OF THESE MOMENTS?? IN THE SAME DAY?!??!!?!#sorry for 18 paragraphs of bragging but i was truthfully floored#i am always floored when people compliment my writing because lowkey i am hugely insecure about it and feel like i can't articulate shit#like so insecure i cant even write lyrics for songs im like 'i have nothing to write about' man stfu just make shit up its called FICTION#anyway....#top ten days of my life
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dazais-guardian-angel · 2 months
delighted that i'm so much more fond of chuuya at this point than i was just a couple years ago. it took the stormbringer play, the cannibalism play, and the fifteen manga (still haven't gotten to those two novels in their entirety, I Will Soon I Promise), it took 6ish+ years, but i can confidently say I Get It Now. Now i just need asagiri to break him (affectionate) in the manga and actually give him a character arc already <333
#i went through my own character arc okay i have Learned#still don't really get it from the pre-light novels era but i definitely get it now#he's actually written so well in those lns it's astounding. now fr if only that could be transferred to the actual manga *sigh*#if you can't tell i'm still so pissed and betrayed by the meursault arc. on all fronts lol but chuuya was one of the worst victims ughhhh#i may be hyped about this fyodor shit rn but do not mistake that as me forgetting how angry i still am over all that anticlimactic bullshit#happy birthday chuuya you really deserve so much better </3#been thinking so much lately about what asagiri is planning for him. or if he's planning anything at all. the signs are so contradictory!!!#i know the fandom made him a huge thing from the early anime days when he probably wasn't meant to be more than an extreme side character#why? again i still don't understand (shipping. it's shipping okay; that's why i was always unfairly biased against him lmao)#but even if that's the case then he wrote the light novels that are SO GOOD so like!!!!#now there's buildup!!!! now there's expectations for him!!!!!!#you can't just never have verlaine and adam not come back in the story again at some point#in the same way that ango did from a light novel#and how oda HAS to be addressed by the end of the story#and all the lore bs in 55 minutes#just WHAT ARE YOU PLANNING WITH CHUUYA ASAGIRI. I NEED TO KNOWWWWWW#THE SIGNS ARE VERY WORRYING BUT IN A COMPELLING WAY AND I NEED THEM TO PAY OFF SO BADLY#me going literally insane lately over a character i still claim to not be one of my favorites. lmao
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