dhmis-autism · 1 year
update on watching dhmis with my mom; we are on transport, she immidiately noticed the lesley lisence plates in the animated sequence on her own and kept guessing which character was named lesley
the car died and she went ohh poor lesley :( and the GPS showed up and she was like OH! that must be lesley because thats a girl!
also for all u duck kin truthers out there she doubled down on comparing me to him and said that "its ok that you dont want to be him, but you are" so thts great for my allegations ; v ; )
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beastkonohaworld · 1 year
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"Archeops is actually better at running than flying. But he'll work hard at anything if it's for the team! All aboard!"
I had a vision of Emmet learning Archie how to fly. A great excuse for some dramatic art :D
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helenapsent · 2 years
Why can't you just leave me alone, surely you have to shout at me
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marshmallow-rainbow139 · 11 months
Things the Batkids have said about Batmom (Anne Wayne)
"Don't tell mom!"
"Better call your mommy, you thug! Oh, shit! I forgot to call Ma today!"
"Im only here because mom promised cookies."
"Mom, did you replace my coffee for decaf again?"
"Wait until my mother gets here! She's scarier than Batman!"
"Who is more likely to get mad? Bruce or mom? Mom, obviously!"
"My mom says you can spend the night as long as your mentor is okay with it."
"Bro, mom is going to kill you if you die!"
"Ma, don't worry, it's not my blood!"
"Do you think Ummi will allow me to adopt this baby dragon?"
"Mom, did you see my knife?"
"Sorry! I can't go on patrol; my mom grounded me."
"Mom said it's my turn to drive the batmobile!"
"You go ask her! You're her favorite!"
"Don't bleed on mom's favorite chair!"
"I tried the puppy eyes, but they don't work on her anymore."
"Who snitched on me to Ma!?"
"Well, guess that leads me to Plan B... MOOOOM!!"
"I think for Ma's sake and her blood pressure, it is best not to tell her that I got shot."
"Whatever they told you, mom, it's a lie!"
"Got you, mother fucker! Mooom, get off the coms!"
"Surrender, Poison Ivy! Wait, hold on a second. My mom told me to tell you, Thank you for the advice you gave her; the roses are blooming!"
"Hey Harley, my mom says she wishes you would tell her when you escape prison. She misses having a girl's night with you and Ivy!"
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I keep going to the river to pray
Written for the March pop-up challenge of the @steddieholidaydrabbles
Prompt: spring
Rated: M
Tags: Italian Steve Harrington; naiad Eddie Munson; past lives
CW: child molestation (not from MC); nudity; fade to black sex
Notes: Moooom, hype is turning the blorbos into water creatures again!
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Steve is five years old and the water whispers to him. 
“Steven, come back inside,” Mom scolds and yanks sharply on his hand. “Nonna told you the woods are off limits. The water is too dangerous. Heavens, I can't leave you alone for two seconds, can I?” 
Steve wants to cry. To thrash and kick and scream at the injustice of it all.
Because she is leaving him alone. All alone in this strange country where there's nothing fun to do and where nobody speaks his language, for an entire summer. How's he even supposed to listen to Nonna when he doesn’t understand her half the time? 
The only place where he finds comfort is the spring. The little pond with its crystal waters surrounded by crumpled pillars. He doesn’t know why, just knows there's something here that calls to him. 
Mom doesn't understand, and Steve is too small to fight as she drags him away. Something splashes behind them, like a large stone sinking underwater, but by the time he turns, all he can see is ripples on the surface. 
He doesn’t know why he says it, because there's nobody here. Nobody he can see. It feels like the right thing to do, though. 
“Don't worry,” he whispers to the water. “I'll be back, promise.” 
The water whispers back. 
Steve is thirteen and a man follows him into the woods. He's been lurking in corners and doorways in the village all day, smiling, staring, speaking saccharine words in broken English. 
Pretty boy, sweet boy, come here. 
By the time Steve notices he's trailing behind him on the lonely road in the fading daylight, it's too late to cry for help. He ducks into the shelter of the trees without thinking, not looking back when he hears the man give chase. Darkness is falling around him, but he doesn’t need to see. 
All he needs to do is follow the pull. 
The spring reflects the moon and stars, silver waves bouncing off the trees and pillars. 
“Help me,” Steve whispers, just as a hand grabs his wrist and spins him around. 
The man's face is a mask of primal hunger. His eyes glint, dark and unblinking- 
-and then they catch on something behind Steve's back and bulge. All the color drains from his face. He stumbles back, releasing Steve’s wrist, muttering a word in Italian that he doesn’t understand. Then, he turns and runs. 
Steve stares after him, heartbeat roaring in his ears. By the time he remembers to look behind him, there's nobody there. The spring lies silent in the starlight, but the water isn't smooth anymore. A circle of ripples is spreading, not far from where he's standing, waves lapping against the shore. Steve imagines he sees something slipping out of sight in the water, like dark tendrils of seaweed. Then he blinks and it's gone. 
Steve smiles.
“Thank you,” he murmurs softly. 
The water murmurs back. 
Steve is eighteen and everything is bullshit. He perches on a fallen pillar, toes dangling in the water, watching the sunset behind the trees, and feels sorry for himself. 
He can't protect his heart from being broken, can't get into college, can't even get his parents to love him. They probably believe they're punishing him by sending him back here, he thinks with a laugh. Idiots. They know nothing about him, nothing about the pull he feels towards this place. He's been feeling it more and more lately, even with an entire ocean between them. 
“Have you finally come to stay, sweetling?” 
Steve doesn’t startle. Simply blinks back from his thoughts and lowers his gaze, like it's always been the two of them out here. Maybe that’s true. 
“You're not scared,” the boy from the spring observes. His head is poking out of the water between Steve’s legs, long dark hair brushing his ankles. He's naked under the water, skin pale and smooth as marble. “Do you not fear me?” 
“Why would I? You've never given me reason to.” 
The language that slips from his lips is strange. Not English. Something closer to the butchered Italian he's picked up over the years. He frowns, briefly, but the boy's lips - pink and full and glistening with tiny droplets - curl into a smile and he forgets to wonder about it.
“Clever child.” Long fingers curl around Steve's calves, sliding up his legs. “I'd never harm what's mine.” 
The fingers slip under the hem of Steve's shorts, gracing his inner thigh, and he gasps. 
The boy hums, pulling himself from the water a little, so that his shoulders emerge. His hair is a dark, tangled halo around his pretty face. It tickles Steve’s skin as the boy noses along the inside of his knee.
“Yes, mine. You feel it, do you not? The pull.” 
Steve nods breathlessly and the boy smiles against the soft flesh of his thigh. 
“Of course you do, sweetling. It has been forever since I met someone as responsive, but you? You remember, don't you?” 
Steve pauses. Is that what pulls him here? Memories of a time he shouldn’t recall? Of a place far more splendid than the crumbling ruins around them, a place filled with song and laughter and the strange but familiar language that keeps tumbling from his mouth? 
The boy - the god - watches the shift in his face and smiles. Nimble hands settle on his hips, pulling him closer, and Steve slings his arms around slender shoulders as the pillar slips out from under him. 
His god's eyes are bright as he walks them to the middle of the pond. 
“It has been so long, sweetling, and I hunger for worship. Will you give yourself to me again?” 
“I do not need to,” Steve smiles as he is slowly lowered into the cool waters. “You've always had me.” 
His god smiles and pulls him in, and Steve sighs against those beautiful lips. 
The water welcomes him home. 
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In Roman mythology, naiads (better known under the name of their Greek counterparts, nymphs) are nature spirits most commonly associated with water, guarding rivers, springs and the like. Some were worshipped as local deities, with shrines built in their honor.
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"Mike kills the spiders while Will just stands there scared" "Will kills the spiders while Mike stands there terrified"
Y'know what would really happen??
Mike: Oh God. A spider.
Will: [jumps up on the couch] EW GROSS. KILL IT
Mike: WHAT??? NO, WHY ME???!?!?!
Mike: YEAH BUT THIS ONE IS HUGE, WILL. OMG IT'S COMING FOR ME [gets on the coffee table].
Will: KILL IT.
Will: FINE. [throws a shoe at it but fails] FUCK
Mike: [screams] IT'S CLIMBING THE TABLE [hops onto the couch and clings onto Will]
Joyce: honey, I'm working, can you wait a bit???
Mike: NO.
[El enters the room]
El: [aggressively stomps on the spider] *Under her breath* ugh gross. I'm ON THE PHONE WITH MAX CAN'T Y'ALL STAY QUIET FOR 30 FUCKING MINUTES???!??!?
Mike and Will still clinging to eachother: yeah... sorry...
[El walks away rolling her eyes]
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writers-reach · 5 months
Hello, could I please request Mitsuru and Makoto (separately of course) with a reader that calls them mommy? Not in a kinky way but more like a nickname because of how they dote on them. Like it slips out acidentally once but they start doing it more later.
persona 3/5: "whatever mom" (mitsuru kirijo, makoto niijima)
notes: gn!reader
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mitsuru kirijo
it started on a trip to tartarus.
she was in your group as you ascended the floors, and despite fuuka being added to the team as your navigator, she still had those moments where she'd try and guide your team during battles.
one of those battles you were outnumbered. it was only you, junpei, mitsuru, and yukari and there were six enemies. it shouldn't have been too hard, considering they were relatively weak, but mitsuru still felt cautious.
"be on your guard, y/n, they're not as weak as they look."
you roll your eyes. "whatever, mom."
junpei and yukari thought it was funny, at least, and mitsuru just gave you a huff.
it got worse later on.
mitsuru was helping you tidy up the dining area on the ground floor of the dorm. you were struggling to reach something when she walked over and, thanks to her high heels, managed to grab it.
it just slipped out. "thanks, mom."
you froze.
mitsuru froze.
you were glad junpei wasn't there, he'd probably never let you live it down.
you went beet red. "mitsuru. i meant mitsuru."
you thought she was gonna kill you, but she instead patted your shoulder with an uncharacteristically playful grin across her scarlet lips.
"of course, dear."
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makoto niijima
makoto is a chronic worrier, but it manifests itself on kinda hovering behind your shoulder at all times.
due to this, ryuji has started to call makoto your mom in a joking way. you found this hilarious. makoto did not.
you'd whine out a "moooom" like a child if she took too long getting her school supplies into her bag, or if she had to stay late for some student council business.
you'd call her "mom" when asking to have a small piece of her food.
it eventually got so bad that you changed her contact name to "mom"koto in your phone.
makoto one day got sick of it. "okay, okay, i know i tend to dote on you and make sure you're doing okay, but i'm not like a mom, am i???"
your silence spoke volumes
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a/n: i tried my best! hopefully you like it :) hopefully you meant p5 makoto instead of p3 ;-;
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video stores, shopping malls, and ren faires part 2!
Pt. 1 | On AO3: video stores, shopping malls, and ren faires | song for this chapter
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There’s about an hour ‘till closing when Claudia Henderson drops Dustin off at Scoops Ahoy.
“Hi Ms. Henderson!” Steve greets the woman as she enters, Dustin just behind her with a backpack on his shoulder.
“How many times do I have to tell you to call me Claudia, Steven dear?” she chides.
“At least once more, Ms. Henderson.” he returns, turning on the charm that more and more frequently only worked on women hers and Ms. Byers age than on the ladies his age that he tried (and failed) to flirt with during his shifts.
Dustin grimaces, “Dude. Don’t flirt with my mom.” He scoots past his mom and heads towards the back of the store where he knows there’s a worn-in couch and wi-fi waiting for him.
Claudia shakes her head at her son, but continues on. “Thanks again for agreeing to watch him, Steven, he’s been super excited about it!”
“Oh, has he now?” Steve grins politely, but he knows he’s going to give Henderson so much shit about this.
“Moooom..” Dustin whines through the open window to the back of the shop.
She leans in closer to Steve like she’s telling him a secret. “Dusty said he was excited to spend time with his brother.”
Steve’s throat clenches tight at that.
“Oh shoot, I wasn’t supposed to tell you that!” she says with a wink. “He’s had dinner already, but I’m sure he’ll try to get some sort of junk food out of you.
“I’ll be back tomorrow afternoon, maybe early evening, and I’ll take you both out for dinner then, how’s that sound?”
He shoves past the emotion in his throat “Sounds great, Ms. Henderson, I’m looking forward to it.”
She gives him a smile, and calls towards the back of the shop, “Bye Dusty-buns! Behave!”
“Goodbye, mom!!” Dustin yells back, fully annoyed.
She and Steve share a covert snicker, and she heads back out the entrance with a final wave.
As expected, the last hour continues on without a customer showing up
Steve spends the entire time after Ms. Henderson leaves trying to get the persistent sticky film off the cracking linoleum of the tables; the register’s been counted since the last customer left about an hour before Dustin arrived, and he does NOT want to mop, so he just focuses on restocks and the tables.
Dustin comes out of the back at some point and plops himself onto a tabletop in the middle of the store, telling Steve all about his time at his nerdy summer camp (to which Steve sends back the appropriate ‘mhm’s and ‘Oh yeah?’s to his story while he cleans).
He zones back into the conversation when Dustin says “...hang on, I’ll go grab it from my bag and I can show it to you!”, jumping down off the table to go grab whatever it is that he was talking about.
As soon as he leaves, through the stark quiet of the empty mall, Steve hears the notes.
Thirteen notes. Whistled from somewhere in the building, that both strike him through the heart with overwhelming happiness and freeze him where he stands.
He has no clue as to why, but it’s as if his body recognizes the emotion that he’s supposed to feel upon hearing the tune, but his mind only registers it as vaguely familiar .
“What the fuck?”
“What?” Dustin says, coming back up to the table Steve’s been scrubbing with some sort of…thing in his hand.
“Nothing, forget it, what’s that now?” Steve nods toward the device and goes back in on the table in front of him.
He finishes with the last table just in time for closing, 9 pm, and for Dustin’s explanation about….okay, he still doesn’t know what it is that Dustin was showing him, to also come to a close.
“Okay Henderson, I’m just about done here, wanna help me with the cage?”
“Alright, lets close this up and go out the bac–”
He hears the notes again.
“Did you hear that?”
They’re both quiet, listening for the sound again, but nothing comes. 
Dustin grabs the hook from next to the entrance to bring down the metal cage. “You hearing things Ste–”
There they are again.
“Ah ha! You heard it too! What the hell is that?”
“Uh, whistling? C'mon Steve, I know you’ve had a good couple hits to your noggin, but do you not remember what whistling is?" Dustin teases, but when Steve doesn’t say anything, “Steve? You still know what whistling is, right?”
“Huh? Yeah, yeah, obviously man,” Steve waves him off, “I'm just trying to find out where that’s coming from. I swear I know that tune from somewhere."
He mumbles the last as he steps out of the entrance to Scoops, walking slowly towards the center of the floor. He doesn’t get far, however, before he hears it again, coming from his right. 
Whipping his head around, there are only two stores down that leg of the mall with the lights still on, Wyatt’s all the way down at the end, and the vintage Sam Goody record store two doors down from Scoops.
The whistle cuts through the quiet of the building and Steve follows the sound, the only thought that registers is that he’s glad whoever’s doing it seems to have the song stuck in their head so he can follow it better.
It’s definitely coming from much closer than Wyatt’s so he sneaks back to the wall and follows it to the record store.
“Damn it, I know that tune! Why can’t I place it??” He whispers, potentially to no one since he doesn’t know if Dustin followed him.
“I don’t recognize it at all.” Okay, Dustin followed.
The two sneak up to the mostly closed store and hide behind one of the columns that make up the doorway, its metal cage door still most of the way open, and listen.
They hear it getting closer to the entrance from inside the store before it gets drowned out by the rattle of the gate closing.
Whoever it is whistles the tune once more then goes quiet.
Steve sits and waits, still scrubbing through his memories to try and find the song. Soon enough though, Dustin whispers “C'mon man, let’s go.”
“No way dude, I gotta know who it was at least!”
“Well then look!”
Steve moves to peek around the column and scans over the aisles of vinyl…only to come up empty. They must’ve gone into the back.
He turns back and says as much to Dustin, “They must be about to head out, I didn’t see anyone in there.”
“You’ll figure it out another day then. Can we go?”
Steve sighs, but nods, a weird melancholy coming over him, knowing he’s not going to figure out what that song was.
He takes a single step back towards Scoops when the person starts singing; the lyrics match the earlier tune and their voice is low and raspy.
It legitimately makes Steve weak in the knees and sends him to the floor.
“What the hell, are you okay?”
“Shush!!" Steve scoots back against the column and sits there in the dusty corner, listening to the song.
“I'll swim and sail on savage seas with ne’er a fear of drowning and gladly ride the waves of life if you will marry me.”
Oh shit.
Oh fuck.
He does know this song.
The memory of his grandpa Otis singing this to his grandmother almost every morning while he stayed with them over summer is so clear now that he has hold of it, but how the hell does this person know it?
‘Dammit Steve, remember the lyrics!’ He scrubs his face with his hands and scans his memories for the next lines, pleading with his brain to give them up.
“No scorching sun nor freezing cold will stop me on my journey,” the person continues, quieter while they shuffle around the store.
It’s the next line that triggers Steve’s memory: “If you will promise me your heart, and lo—“
“And love me for eternity.” he sings aloud the next line, his butt getting cold from sitting on the floor.
“Who's that? Is someone there?” A jingling sound comes closer to the door, they must’ve been near the back of the store, did he sing that loud? Did this person have super hearing??
He looks over at Dustin, wide-eyed, to which the younger boy gives him an encouraging ‘shoo’-ing motion with a similar wide-eyed, smiling expression.
Steve stands and steps around the corner to face the other half of his duet before he can chicken out.
He’s greeted with the sight of Eddie Munson, local freak of Hawkins High, and subject of Steve’s longest standing, and most annoying crush. His long, dark hair is down but half hidden under a red bandana, his bangs and a few whispy pieces are pulled out from under it to fame his face. Dark jeans, a band tee, some retro reeboks on his feet and his store vest still over his shoulders...damn he's cute.
‘Has he been working here all summer? Oh fuck, that means he’s seen me in my uniform.’ his thoughts catch up to where he is. ‘Shit! I’m still in the damn thing! This is so embarrassing, can I still leave and not have it be weird..?’
Steve’s mouth and brain ignore his frazzled thoughts and take the reins for him, continuing the song on their own and sliding him past the gate into the store towards the other man as he does.
“My dearest love, my darling dear, your mighty words astound me,” he feels his face grow into a grin and reaches for the other man unconsciously to start the dance he’s known associated with full and true love all his life. “But I’ve no need for mighty deeds when I feel your arms around me!”
Eddie, who’d gone stock still, also seems to have a brain that’s working for him on its own accord and reaches back to take Steve's outstretched hand.
As soon as their fingers touch, Eddie unfreezes with a glowing grin and bright laugh, stepping with Steve in the long-learned dance as he continues the song. “But I would bring you rings of gold and even sing you poetry, and I would keep you from all harm if you would stay beside me!”
“I have no use for rings of gold, I care not for your poetry, I only want your hand to hold,”
Eddie cuts in with the echoing response “I only want you near me!”
“To love and kiss, to sweetly hold! For the dancing and the dreaming! Through all life's sorrows and delights, I’ll keep your laugh beside me!” the two race on together, picking the song and dance up in pace; kicking out their feet opposite the other while both their hands are grasped between them, Steve spinning Eddie out from him and pulling him back against his chest with his arms wrapped over and around him…Steve hasn’t felt this light in years.
The very last verse of the song has them locking their forearms together and spinning, practically prancing, in a circle. “I’ll swim and sail on savage seas with ne'er a fear of drowning and gladly ride the waves of life,” Faster and faster until:
“If you will marry me!”
Steve picks Eddie up at the waist, much like his grandfather would his grandma, spinning him through the line until they can’t hold the note any longer.
He sets Eddie back on his feet and they double over in laughter. Dustin, having entered the store at some point during their dance, is looking on like they're crazy.
“Munson! How do you know that song?!” Steve finally gets out, face hurting from how much he’s grinning.
“How do I— how do you ?? My mom would sing it constantly, even taught me the dance! How the hell do you know it?”
“That’s my grandparents’ song! Literally, like, okay not literally, I’m sure he didn’t write it or whatever,” he shakes his head and waves his hands, getting back on track, “but my grandpa would sing it to my grandma while he was doing his whole courting thing to get her to marry him. They’d sing and dance it almost every morning! How’d your mom get it?”
“She learned it from—“ Eddie's eyes widen in realization “From the couple whose house she helped take care of when I was little…”
Steve gapes at him in wonder. “Was that my—?” ”Was that your—?” they start at the same time, both men breathe out laughter.
“Steve Harrington.” Eddie shakes his head in delighted disbelief, eyes twinkling.
“That’s me Munson.” Steve can’t seem to stop grinning. “Better get used to that name too, cause as of now, we’re officially engaged.” He nods with finality, and heads back toward the exit, and waves at Dustin to follow.
“Oh yeah? That how it works? Maybe you need to sing it some more to convince me.”
Steve spins with a grin, walking backwards. “Anything you need, Future Mr. Harrington.”
Eddie splutters, his face turning a lovely shade of pink, but manages to quip back, “Who says I’m taking your name??”
Steve stops, pretending to think. “Hmmm. You know what? You got me, I’ve been writing ‘Steve Munson’ in my notebooks for years now.” Steve relishes in the bright red blush that spreads over the other man’s face at his (truthful) admission.
He gives the other man a wink and smirk before turning back and sliding out into the mall.
As soon as they are, Steve is accosted by Dustin's teasing.
“Ew! That was so gross and smarmy!” he’s grinning and jumping around, obviously trying to copy the footwork he just saw while they walk back to finish closing down Scoops.
Steve smiles, thinking back on Eddie’s flushed and happy face, his wild curls spinning out from him, the feeling of his hands around his slim waist, the feeling of Eddie in his arms…
That was…definitely a series of thoughts he just had.
“It was the truth, Dusty.” He admits aloud.
“Pfft, yeah, sure Steve.” Dustin dismisses him, and Steve just shrugs it off, immediately imagining how funny it’d be, Dustin not taking him seriously until he’s invited to be Steve’s best man at his and Eddie’s wedding.
“Aw fuck, it was right there, you even told me!”
“I did, yes.” Steve nods, leaning all his weight on the counter closest to him, elbows on the countertop. “Though I was just as surprised by the thought at the time that you are now.”
“How does he still think that you don’t like him?” Will laughs.
“He thinks I don’t like him?” he says, frowning over to Robin, down at the other end of the counter from him.
“Don’t look at me! We literally just had to force a musical number upon him in order to get him to figure out his own feelings; I don’t even want to know what we’ll have to do to convince him of yours.”
“I don’t know how much more obvious I can be, Bobs.”
Robin snorts, and the three teens start talking over one another at that. “You’ve already been–?”, “How’ve we not noticed…”, “Apparently you could be more obvious.”
“How Max, how?! Apparently he’s already proposed and Eddie’s none the wiser!”
“Don’t yell at me, Dustin.”
Steve huffs at the twos’ arguing, his brow furrowing further. 
He looks back at Robin and before he can even get a word out, she says “I’d love to help Dingus, but I’m going to be absolutely no help in the ‘Guy’ area.”
Steve lets his head fall down between his shoulders, she’s right of course, but It’s actually Will that comes to his rescue.
“I might have an idea.”
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Part 3 here!
woo!! part two! tbh, it's 10 pm and to me this looks good and is coherent but i'll probably re-read it tomorrow and have an annurysm...
anyway, shoutout to @/stevie.boy_19 on tiktok who made this video that i haven't stopped thinking about (obv.)
tagging those who seemed interested on part 1, hope that's ok!! @ent-is-indecisive, @mightbeasleep, @eyesofshinigami
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askpercyandsally · 5 days
Baby shark! 🦈
Percy: Aw, that song is for babies.
Sally: Oh, so that wasn't you I heard singing it just this morning?
Percy: It wasn't!
Sally: ��� Baby shark~
Percy: Moooom! Stooooop.
And then I (Sally) tickled him. :) Thank you for the ask.
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short-black-diamond · 10 months
Hi im not sure if you like him but could you do bf hcs for luna from blue lock if thats okay? Thank u
ok I think he's a side character?? Wasn't he in world five...?
Ok I'll try my best!! also I don't think I will ever do headcannons, I prefer writing stories, love. I hope that's okay with you :D
Bf headcannons with Leonardo Luna !
Okay, to start off, I think you two met verrryy randomly in Spain. He gives me the vibes that he likes fish very much, and so, you two met at the fish market.
I can just imagine following scenario:
Loud voices were heard, where people either yelled "Everything on slae!", "Don't you dare drop that!", "Moooom!?", and "Come here, try things out!" (->I heard that from personal experience.)
Amidst the people selling and bying, kids running around, and elders sitting somewhere and chatting, Luna went to his favourite fish shop. There, he saw a dilemma.
A pretty person, you. His cheeks took on a rosy hue the longer he stared at you, but when the seller yelled at you to scram, you yelled right back.
"My family are patrons in this shop, and never got any one of us treated that way!", you exclaimed. And in the next moment, an elder looking man stepped in, with a mean snarl towards the new employee before catching sight of you.
"____! What a surprise! How's college?!", he yelled happily as he strutted towards you to hug you. You hugged him back with a frown.
"College is good, but not that new employee you hired.", you stated, glaring at the guy. He started to sweat. Next to Luna were two elderly people who only shook their heads in dissappointment.
"It's always the same with that boy...", the first one muttered, and the other one chimed in. "Yes, the boy thinks he's so high and mighty by working here that he's forgetting his place."
Luna kept looking at the scene, also at the types of fish.
"What?! What did you do this time, boy?!", the elder man explaimed, gritting his teeth at the younger man. You looked at the boy in arrogance.
"He can't even cut the fish properly. I told him to not cut off the head, but he did anyways. He also didn't riü out the spine. And now, he wants me to pay 50 Euros for cutting a 500 gramm light fish. That is simply ridiculous and disgraceful."
"That's it, you're fired!", the elder man exclaimed. "Pack your things and leave!"
You smirked at the outraged expression of the clerk who left. "I'm so sorry, ____. He's always been a pain in the ass...and now I don't have a helping hand..."
Luna and you spoke up at the same time. "I can help!"
You looked back to the guy in surprise. "Wait, aren't you...?!", you started, thinkin, and Luna shook his head in worry.
"Ah, nevermind."
Luna let out a small breath of relief. He loved going to these markets, but he hated getting recognized. And he also loved the fact that you didn't call him out.
however, he held his breath again when the owner of the shop looked at him with a frown. "Wait...I know you...!"
"Y-yeah...?!", he asked, hoping that tha man wouldn't say anything about him bein Leonardo Luna.
"You're also freqzent visiter, aren't you?! So you should know how to cut fish as well! If not, than our ____ here can help!", the man explained, and Luna sighed again.
"Two new workers instead of one!? That would be great!", the man exclaimed again before he told you two to meet him again after giving you both your fish.
Okay, and here would be where they are getting to know each other.
"So, you love going to this fish market, but you don't like getting recognized...", you muttered, feeling sorry for almost blowing his cover.
"Yes. I really do. This market is particularly close to the ocean, so that is a huge plus when you want fresh fish."
You frowned at him. "But, do you even live here in the area? And why do you even need that job?", you asked as you were sharpening the knifes in the kitchen with him.
"I know that I am actually filthy rich, but I wanted to work somewhere else besides playing soccer. And I love fish, so I'm glad I got a little part-time job here.", he answered with a smile.
You nodded in understanding. "My name is ____ ____ by the way."
"That's a cool name! Do you actually work to pay for college, or..?"
"I got a scholarship, but my family is in slight debt. If I work here for a few weeks, then we can pay everything in no time."
And through the smell of fish, hands filled with blood and some of the fishes eggs (y'know these orange or black or red little balls), you and Leonardo grew closer.
You two shared some funny stories as you sold the fishes, and your harmonized teamwork made the atmosphere in the shop wonderful, making people want to visit more and more.
And then, on the last day of Luna's workday, he asked for your number. "I..I really like you, ____. And I'd like to stay in touch...", he muttered shyly.
you blushed, but you gave him your number nonetheless. "call me soon. Tell me when you're done travelling...I'm gonna miss you, you know?"
And since then, you were alone with your chef, the owner of the shop. He became like a second father to you, and he also teased you for not confessing first.
"I didn't know when the right moment was, Tio!", you exlcaimed. He only laughed. "It's never the right moment with you younglings! I'm glad he confessed though."
Suddenly, a person stepped in. It was a cold winter day, and you were still cutting the fish. "Hey ____.", Luna said as he took of the scarf which covered half his face.
"Luna..?!", you whispered. You ran towards him and hugged him, but you didn't touch him. "Sorry, I'm covered in fish...", you muttered, but Luna didn't seem to mind as he held your with fish-blood smeared face and kissed you gently.
"Finally!", the owner yelled in happiness, and the customers were surprised.
Long story short, Luna led you to many restaurants, flew around the world with you for a bit, and you two got together.
He was such a gentleman. Gifting you expensive looking flowers, buying you some of his merch after he saw you with a Loki Keychain (he's still pissed abt that) and overall was a very gentle lover.
When he'd be tired from work, you'd be there to cheer him up over the phone, or whenever he did a surprise visit, you'd either massage him, or cuddle with him.
He doesn't really know how somebody like you could be together with someone like him at first, because he couldn't control his usual arrogant and sacrastic self. But, it turned out that your sarcasm rivaled his and you were just as arrogant as him in certain aspects.
He loves it when you are being arrogant and sarcastic to the haters in the comments, and he always laughs when you tell him what they answered. He loves it when you comb your fingers through his blonde hair, and he always leans into your touch with a smile.
He enjoyed spending time with you, and he hopes that he can someday be more than just your boyfriend.
Sorry if that wasn't what you requested, because writing for side characters is actually tricky...
But it was fun to write, and I hope it was okay for you.
Read you in the next post!
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spicywhenspeaking · 6 months
If I'm There: Chapter Seventeen
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read from part one here!
summary: Noah and Natalie met in high school and developed a relationship through their love of music and art. Falling in love, innocent and young, they think nothing can keep them apart. However, sometimes in the pursuit of your dreams the things we love the most get left behind.
warnings: mentions of alcoholism
this is a complete work of fiction, these characters while based on real people are totally made up. :)
edited by me hungover this morning....soooo if you see something spelt wrong no you didn't.
taglist : @lma1986 @cookiesupplier @notingridslurkaccount @blackveilomens @thisbicc @thebadchic @laurpartyprogram @jessitpwk @samanthasgone
Roughly 10 years later, June 5th, 2023
The constant beeping of my alarm begins waking me up and as I roll over to hit the snooze button when I suddenly hear the pattering of footsteps and then a small “oof” of a body launching themselves in the air and landing directly on me.
“Ouch!” I call out and the mass now on top of me dissolves into a fit of giggles. 
“Mom!!! wake up!!! Ashley’s mom will be here soon!” Erin is full of energy today. Her friend Ashley’s mom is taking her and some of her friends to Six Flags for the day to celebrate the end of the school year. I roll my comforter up to cover Erin up in a burrito of blankets and she starts to laugh even harder. “Mom! Let me out!” Erin’s voice squeaks out between laughs. 
“Okay, okay. Be free little one,” I tell her while unwrapping the blankets covering her. I see her face poke out the top and lean down to cover it in kisses. “Oh, I love you so much!! My little baby!! I can’t believe you just finished third grade! Stop growing please !” She laughs and wiggles out of the bed. “Moooom! Please get up, I need to eat breakfast.”
We travel downstairs into the kitchen together and I turn on the coffee maker while gathering the supplies needed to make breakfast. I start making pancakes and soon we hear clunking around coming from the other room. “Do I smell pancakes!?” Haylie calls out from behind her door. Erin runs to the other side “Auntie Hales come to eat breakfast with me!” she calls out and the door swings open surprising Erin. She jumps slightly but recovers as soon as Hailey picks her up and swings her around the hallway toward the kitchen where I’m flipping the last pancake onto the large serving plate. “Pancakes and bacon! I hope you’re hungry,” I call out and pour two cups of coffee and a glass of orange juice for Erin. “I’m starving! Thanks, Mom” Erin says. “Yeah, thanks, Mom!” Haylie jokes. 
We didn’t mean to stay at Haylie’s this long but every time I considered moving Haylie wouldn’t hear it. She loves having us here and we love being here and after a while, we really felt like a little family. Speaking of families, my brother is coming to visit soon. Kyle and Maggie are both coming. Together. 
After I left they became closer and eventually fell in love. I didn’t know how long it would last but after Kyle enlisted in the Marine Corps they got even closer. When he was stationed in Okinawa in a surprise to us all they secretly eloped so they could live off base together. They are still together now and happier than ever. They have a five-year-old girl, Natasha, who Erin loves so much. The girls are so sweet and we love any chance we can get them together. They’re coming to visit next week for a week and I’m really excited. 
A lot has changed in the last ten years. Kyle and I have grown to be incredibly close. I think us both becoming parents changed a lot. Unfortunately, our Mom never recovered from her alcoholism and passed a few years after Erin was born. She met Erin a few times but I was very protective, especially in those first few years of her life and I didn’t want her seeing my mom when she was at her worst. Our Dad lives in Austin now, he wanted to be close to me and his grandchild after our Mom died, and at first I was really hesitant, but over the years a lot has changed. Our relationship is pretty good now and Erin loves her grandpa so much, he likes taking her to the library and the park on the weekends, or to get ice cream after school.  
We finish up our breakfast and help Erin get ready for her day trip with her friends. We pack her a small bag since they’ll be having a sleepover after their day at the amusement park. Erin is running around her room trying to decide which stuffed animal she wants to take, she’s deep in thought trying to choose between her stuffed giraffe and her frog build-a-bear we made a few years ago for her birthday. “Froggy! I choose you!” she declares and for a moment everything about her is Noah.
Noah. I never heard from him after I sent the letter. I thought about reaching out again but between life with a newborn and working on finishing my apprenticeship time just slipped away from me. Then she was getting bigger and I was getting settled into my new career as a tattoo artist and when I saw that he was in a new band that was really picking up, that same insecurity that Alex planted all those years ago came right back. her words echoing, “You’ll ruin his life you know? His whole career. He will throw it all away for you. Is that what you want?” I stopped trying, I stopped waiting and I have tried every day of Erin’s life to be everything she needs. When I listened to that first album I was amazed. By his talent, what he was creating for himself was exactly what he wanted. I cried so hard listening to it, I threw the CD in the box that was hiding in the back of my closet.
Ashley’s Mom picked up Erin about an hour later. “Have fun and be careful okay? Listen to Ashley’s Mom and I will call you before you go to bed tonight, she has my number if you need to call me at all okay?” I ask and my sassy daughter in her rush to leave is nodding and just saying “Yes, okay Mom, I will, Okay..Mom she’s here!! Can I go please??” she pleads and I laugh and give her a big hug, and kiss before walking her to the car outside.
Later when I’m getting ready for work I decide on a simple white tank with my faded loose-fit jeans that are covered in holes, but the most comfortable pair of pants I own. I throw on some light makeup and put my hair up in a loose bun. “Wow! How can you make a plain white tank look so hot?!” Haylie loves to hype me up so I give her a little spin and mock bow. “Thank you!” I say as I finish packing my bag and filling up my water bottle. I’m trying to only work a half day so I can do some emotional spending, if I can finish my appointments before getting any walk-ins, Target is all mine.
Waving goodbye I head out the door and hop into my car to head to work. I bought a new car when Erin was five and I love it so much, it’s perfect for us. A little Honda CRV in black. My books have been filling up lately and I was able to pay off the car early last spring which was an amazing feeling. I take off down the street and it’s a short drive to the shop only ten minutes, I turn on the radio and my usual station is playing. “Up next we have a song that’s picking up some traction on TikTok and normally we don’t care about that. But, this is a band I like so to celebrate their upcoming show in Austin, up next we have Bad Omens with Just Pretend” the DJ says and I audibly groan and hit the power button on the radio and just commit to the silent drive into work. It hasn’t been impossible to avoid his band but I try, everyone laughs at work when they come on a playlist. They all anticipate me calling out “Hey Siri” or “Okay Google,” “Alexa” followed by “Skip!” I think they all just assume I don’t like the band and I’m happy not to elaborate. 
I get to work and head to my station to get set up for my first appointment. It’s a repeat client and we are finishing up her sleeve tattoo with filler and some color. It doesn’t take very long and before I know It I’ve finished two more clients and it’s almost 2 pm. 
I continue to clean my station since my client left a half hour ago. My plans to cut out early and go shopping came to a  crashing halt when I heard the jingle of the door opening and four guys walked in, two of whom I hadn’t seen in about a decade. I knew they were in town but I mean, Austin is a huge city. They could have walked into any tattoo shop. But no, the man I’ve been avoiding, actively avoiding since he left me, alone, unknowingly pregnant and devastated is right there. Right in front of me, it’s like every feeling I worked through in therapy is rushed back to the surface.
He hasn’t seen me, too busy talking to Ryan at reception and I overhear “Yeah, I think Nat is available. She doesn’t have anyone on her books for the rest of the day” he says, looking down to check my logbook. “Hey Nat!” He calls to me and the four eyes follow, two in particular getting hit with immediate recognition. “Do you have time to fit these guys in? They say they’re just looking for some small line work?” I see his whole frame tense and his mouth opens slightly, almost in awe, "Natty?" we whispers.
I’m frozen, I’m speechless and our eyes are locked. I’m staring into the eyes of the man that I used to love, that’s the father of my child he doesn’t know. I have to speak. I have to say something. NATALIE! SPEAK ! SAY SOMETHING!  I scream to myself internally before I finally breathe out and manage to speak. I try to keep a calm face as I respond “Um, yeah sure. Just get them to fill out the paperwork and send them back.” I duck back down into my little station and try to calm my breathing. I look around and there are pictures of Erin everywhere, I move to quickly remove all of them from my workstation and pick up my phone to call Haylie
“911, this is an actual emergency and I’m freaking out!” I rush out in a harsh whisper “Noah is here. At the shop. With his band. And they want tattoos! WHAT THE FUCK!”
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thank you loves! <3
dividers from here!
Next chapter ->
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thebest-medicine · 2 days
Show, Don’t Tell
The Owl House - lee!Luz, lee!Hunter, lee!Amity, ler!Camila, ler!Willow, ler!Gus, ler!Luz - [read on ao3]
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Summary: Camila shows the rest of the Hexsquad a way she used to calm down / cheer up Luz during a scary movie when she was little. Soon, more of the Hexsquad reveal themselves to share the same weakness.
A/N: I come to bring you sweet owl house tickles, takes place during thanks to them
Words: 1.2k
“Si, and any time Luz was too scared—she always tried so hard to be brave! We always used to help cheer her up with—”
“Whoa! Mama, you don’t have to tell them about—”
“No, tell us! What is it?” Amity asked, a curious smile on her face at Luz’s blurted attempt to silence the story. Luz stared back at her with blushing cheeks before the eyes turned back to her mother a moment later.
“You’re right.. I shouldn’t tell them.” Camila said calmly. She waited for Luz to lose a bit of the tension from her shoulders, ler her guard down just a little… “I should show them!” She leapt toward her daughter with a war cry. Luz scrambled backward on the couch with a shriek of giggling terror.
“No! Mama! Dohohohohohohohon’t!” Luz cried, laughing already as she feebly fought to block the advancing, tickling hands. “Oh nohohohoho! Behehehetrayal!” She cackled as Camila got to her sides, pinching up along them to her ribs. Luz clutched at her wrists as she laughed, squishing herself further back into the couch.
“You see, Luz here is quite ticklish. Never fails to put a smile on her face!” Camila explained to the grinning witch teens as they watched on.
Luz’s face burned with embarrassment as she laughed and laughed, until finally her mother pulled back a minute later with a proud grin on her face. “Tadaa—Smiley Luz!”
“Moooom.” Luz whined through lingering laughter as she covered her face.
“Did you kids have this in the Demon Realm?” Camila asked next as Luz caught her breath.
Willow and Gus nodded with a familiar smile.
“My dad sometimes used to do that when I was growing up.”
“My dads too.”
“Heh, my parents never would have done anything like that, but, the twins...” Amity responded with a shudder at the memories. “They were pretty mean when it came to tickling growing up.”
“Oh, I’m sorry to hear that, it’s not very fun when someone takes it too far.” Camila assured her. “Luz doesn’t mind as long as—”
“Mama! Please!” Luz protested with a nervous smile.
One of the group continued to watch on confused, a strange smile working its way onto his face at the unfamiliar display of affection and sudden laughter.
“What, um…” Hunter spoke up a few moments later. “What is that?”
“Whaaaaaaaat?” Gus gasped dramatically, spinning to face Hunter. “Are you serious right now!?”
Hunter blushed a little at the attention as eyes converged on him. “Yeah, I uh, I’ve never seen someone do that before.”
“So you don’t know if you’re ticklish?” Willow asked gently.
“If I’m..? No...” Hunter looked to Luz, who had mostly returned to her normal composure and breathing. “Is it… Fun?”
Luz’s cheeks blossomed with redness at his question and she looked away. The whole group chuckled at that.
“Yes, it’s just a way of playing or bonding with someone. Lots of families or friends do it.” Camila explained, placing a hand on his shoulder. “I bet some of your friends here can help you find out.” She winked.
Everyone was smiling as she stood and announced. “I’m going to go make some popcorn and snacks for the movie, okay mijas?” Then, she made her way to the kitchen.
“Well, what do you think, do you want to try?” Willow asked, grinning at Hunter as she moved in closer on the couch.
Hunter swallowed, looking between her and Gus, who gave him a similar look. “S-Sure.”
Luz smiled at him reassuringly, then scooted out of the way so that Willow and Gus could get closer on either side of him. She turned to Amity, who was watching her with a blush of her own.
“A-Alright. What should I..?” Hunter looked between his two friends. Each got in close on one of his sides.
“Put your arms around us, like a hug!” Willow suggested.
Hunter blushed further, but then did as he was told.
“So.. there’s a few general hotspots that most people are ticklish.” Willow explained as she brought one hand up into view to get Hunter’s attention. “For example.” She brought down a wiggling claw hand, just over the middle of Hunter’s stomach.
Hunter jumped at the contact, a strange, unfamiliar sensation that made him want to shout. He reeled back with a wide grin, tightening his grip on his friend’s shoulders to keep from pulling his arms in. She kept tickling, light but persistent. Hunter couldn’t hold back the giggles long as they formed in his throat. Laughter still felt somewhat foreign on his lips, but this felt almost natural. “Wha-whahat- hehe- what is thihihihis?”
“Looks like you’re ticklish, buddy!” Gus cheered with a grin.
“Here’s another spot a lot of people are ticklish.” Willow pulled away her tickling hand, only to bring it back to poke into Hunter’s ribs. He jumped away from the touch, his body flinching toward Gus. Soon, he was met with a poke from that side as well as the other witch joined in the teasing.
“Ehehehhe it feheheeheels weheheird!” Hunter said through his laughter.
“Good weird? Or bad weird?” Willow asked.
“I-hehehehe I’m not suhuhure yehehhet!” He answered honestly, a little overwhelmed at the potency of the sensation.
“Here’s another spot a lot of people are ticklish.” She wiggled two fingers under his arm and Hunter yelped. His arm tugged back and slammed into Willow’s shoulder where she had him lightly pinned to the couch.
Gus moved his own hand up and started to poke around the other armpit, and Hunter laughed outright.
“Ahahahaha! Wahahaha- not thehehehere!” He gasped, wishing for a moment he could crawl out of his skin to escape the strong, intruding buzz of ticklish sensation.
The two of them stopped. “Sorry, too much?” Willow asked.
“No, just… that was a bad spot, I guess.” Hunter replied. “It’s fine.” Then, he continued, assuring them. “It was kinda.. fun. Is there… other spots people can be ticklish?”
Willow’s smile brightened. “Of course! Let’s try somewhere else. Let us know if it’s too bad a spot again, okay?”
“Okay..” Hunter nodded. “Hey, why are you grabbing my feet, Gus?”
Meanwhile, as Luz turned to Amity. “So, you said the twins were pretty bad, huh?”
Amity’s blush grew. She looked at the ceiling. “H-heh, yeah.”
“So I guess that means you’re pret-ty ticklish.”
The blush covered her entire face.
“Don’t worry, I don’t wanna do anything that makes you uncomfortable.” Luz leaned in, whispering. “But if you’d be okay with it, I’d love to try it some time.”
Amity giggled in anticipation. “T-That would be fine. I trust you.”
“Like…. Maybe now?” Luz smirked, giving her a playful look.
Amity nodded, already letting out small laughs. And Luz pounced, only to bring one slow, gentle hand down to poke at her twitching tummy.
“Hehehehe- AHH! Heheh!” Amity giggled, shouting out a little laugh at every new poke. Her laughter joined Hunter’s, and Camila smiled as she prepared snacks in the next room.
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mothmags · 3 months
More Nashi headcannons
This time, her relationships with her family!
part 2 - part 4
I said it before and I'll say it again she is a daddys girl
Her and her dad were super close when she was little, and they are still very close now
Natsu is so proud of his little girl.
This mf will brag to everyone about how strong and brave she is
very much like how guildarts acts about cana vibes
she tries to seem humble about it, but it's very obvious that she likes the praise
these two team up to prank people. April fools day is dreded in the dragneel household for this reason alone
he has since learned to knock when entering her apartment after accidentally catching her and maree in the mid romantic moment (they were not having sex THANK GOD)
"their not dating my ass," but he mostly keeps it to himself. they will tell everyone when their ready (totally not connecting that he and lucy had that same kinda relationship when they were younger)
be buys her and her brother a gift if he's gone on a long mission
yall KNOW. He's going to be a great dad
when she was a teen, her and her mom had BEEF
nashi would not listen to a word she said even if it was for the best
nashi was just sick of having her tell her what to do
she grew out of it by her late teens' early 20s, tho
they were super close when she was a kid and are becoming closer now that shes out her teenage angst era
even though they had a rocky couple of years, they would still do magic lessons on wednesdays
before they go for their weekly lessons, they get coffee or tea at the local cafe that opened up down the street
Lucy gets a mocha latte and Nashi gets a boba tea
they talk about books and how their week has been and general catch up since sometimes their schedules dont sync up
these two, even in nashis' teen years, they gossip to each other about stuff happening in the guildhall while the other was away
nashi also tells her mom everything shes been working on in her studies at FSI
lucy is always ecstatic since some of it is stuff that isnt public knowledge yet
luxy tries really hard to be a good mother to her kids and now that nashi isnt a kid anymore she sees how much work and love her mom gives to make their family happy
She low key thinks he's a babied brat
They "fight" a lot. mostly about trivial things, but it never gets serious. its mostly teasing
they dont throw hands often with eachother its mostly verbal
Lucy would ground them for fighting, and they would both be like "moooom >:( we were just having a little fun"
he breaks into her apartment several times a week to steal snack on the way to the guild
when he tries to set up a prank in her apartment maree catches him like 75% of the time
she just kinda backs away and doesn't snitch because she thinks it'll be funny
sometimes hed just break in to knock a drink off her counter and turn the lights off or just generally be a nuisance for a hot second then just leave
nashi never gave him a key. This guy just breaks in through her window.
sometimes loke lets him in tho
he stays with them when his parents are on a long mission
not because he needs someone to watch him but because he gets bored in an empty house
they very much have the "only I'm allowed to be mean to my sibling" dynamic and will fight anyone who tries to break that
when they both were living under the same roof, it was incredibly chaotic but once she moved out he missed her a lot
hed never tell her that tho
besties for the resties
he joins her on smaller jobs when she can just go by herself
he joins in because "a lady shouldn't travel alone!" but he just wants to hang out with her
when she was younger and more rowdy, he would try to keep her out of trouble but would get wrapped up in whatever prank she was doing at the time
he would join her for mostly every job for this reason, but since neil goes out on jobs alone now, he mostly joins him (and ofc he joins natsu and lucy on theirs aswell when they do big ones)
he steals food from her apartment with neil
he teases her like like how he teases lucy but ofc its all light hearted
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aikofanfan · 1 year
Holidays am I right
MC’s Mom: Hmm he seems very refined. Far from what I expected you to be attracted to.
MC: *groans* Moooom please.
MC’s Dad: He seems like a fine man. Well done kiddo! *smacks their back*
MC: OOF- thanks dad.
Lucifer: *chuckles* I’m happy to have your approval.
MC’s Mom: *gives Lucifer a once over* Hmm. Okay MC I’ve decided!
MC: Decided what? *sips their hot chocolate*
MC’s Mom: I want five beautiful grandchildren! No more no less!
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Her Song part 16
I'm brought out of my slumber by a weight moving across my side. Not quite conscious yet, I nuzzle my face further into the warmth under my body, but finally open my eyes when I feel the movement again. I see Liho crawling across my body before she crosses the couch and cuddles up to Syd, who is sound asleep on the opposite end of the couch.
As my mind becomes fully awake, I realize that I'm laying on top of something oddly warm. I pick my head up and look down, and my breath catches in my throat at the sight. Florence is sleeping on her back, and I'm laying on my stomach on top of her. My leg is resting across her hip, and her hand is firmly holding my thigh. Her other arm is wrapped around my torso, with her hand slipped under my shirt and resting on my lower back. My head had previously been buried in the crook of her neck, but now I stare helplessly down at her sleeping form in embarrassment, my cheeks set ablaze by the position we're in.
I try to move away from her and spare myself the embarrassment of waking up like this in the morning. I push myself up away from her body, but her face scrunches up in sleepy discontent. "Where are you going?" she asks groggily. God, her voice. I pause, still leaning over her body, and she brings her hands up to rest on my hips.
"Oh, well, I was just gonna, uh, give you a little bit of room. I didn't wanna crowd you or anything," I stumble over my words. Our quiet whispers sound deafening in the silent apartment.
"Don't. I like you here," she mumbles as she pulls me back down into our previous position.
I'm thankful for the darkness to hide my furious blush. I smile like an idiot against her neck. I think I might have a heart attack as I feel her press a soft kiss to the top of my head. "Goodnight, darling."
"Goodnight, Flo." I hear her breathing even out once again, and I press a delicate kiss to the skin of her neck. "Goodnight," I whisper again. I fall asleep with a smile on my face and butterflies in my stomach.
"Mom. Psst, Mom." I grumble incoherently in response. "Moooom."
"What's wrong, Syd?" I mumble again without opening my eyes.
"It's morning time, Momma. You gotta get up so we can have pancakes. Does Florence want pancakes, too?"
"I'd love some pancakes, sweetheart," Florence answers before I have the chance. I finally open my eyes and pick up my head, quickly realizing that we're still in the same position. Florence's hand is now rubbing small circles on my back, and my face burns hot at the sound of her morning voice.
"Yay! I'll go get the stuff out!" Syd exclaims as she runs into the kitchen.
"Morning," I say shyly.
"Morning," Florence replies easily. I look into her eyes and laugh a little as her cheeks tint pink. A loud bang comes from the kitchen and scares us both.
"I gotta go...take care of that." She laughs and nods, signaling that I should go. I stand up and join Syd in the kitchen.
I sneak glances at Flo as Syd and I cook, and every time I do, she's looking right back at me with a goofy grin on her face.
She briefly heads to the bathroom then comes back, and soon the pancakes are ready.
We sit at the kitchen table as we eat. Syd is telling a story about some annoying girl at school, but I'm entirely lost in the beauty of Florence. The sleep is still present on her face, right along that lopsided grin of hers. I haven't gotten used to my t-shirt hanging off her shoulder, and if I saw it every day for the rest of my life, I think it would still take my breath away each time.
"What are you staring at?" she asks with a smirk. I just shrug with a sheepish smile, blushing as I duck my head to avoid her eyes. Her phone dings multiple times in a row, and she looks down at the screen with a frown. She types away with an adorably upset pout for several minutes. She finally sets down the phone, rubbing her face in frustration.
"Everything okay?" I ask carefully.
"Yeah, it's fine. There was a problem on set. I have to go, I'm sorry."
"No, don't worry about it. It's your job."
She gets up and quickly hugs Syd goodbye, promising they'll see each other again soon. I walk Florence to the door. "Oh shoot," she explains. "Your clothes. I'll go change real quick."
"Don't worry about it, Flo," I chuckle. "You can keep them or return them next time you see me. They look good on you."
She nods bashfully, looking down at her feet. "Uh, I had a lot of fun."
"Me too. Can I ask you a question?"
"Of course."
"Was Zach...okay with you staying here overnight?"
"Zach has no say in what I do," she states seriously, looking into my eyes. "And I hope we can do this again sometime."
"I'd love that. I'll see you later, Flo."
"Goodbye, darling." She leans in and presses a chaste kiss to my cheek before leaving the apartment.
"Yeah, Syd?"
"Is she your girlfriend now?"
"No, Syd," I sigh.
"Do you want her to be your girlfriend?"
"Eat your damn pancakes or I'm gonna sell you."
"I'm gonna sell you," she mocks.
I try to glare at her, but I can't wipe the giddy smile off my face. Florence Pugh is wearing my t-shirt and kissing my cheek. I slept on top of Florence Pugh last night. And, god , I'd do it for the rest of my life if I were given the chance.
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harunayuuka2060 · 2 years
*20 years into the past*
MC's father: MC, can you help your mother in the kitchen? Since we're almost done here.
MC: *9 years old* Are you sure? These logs are heavy.
MC's father: *chuckles* *has lost his arm while fighting for the safety of his country*
MC's father: Yes. Now go and help your mother.
MC: *nods*
MC: Mom?
MC's mother: MC, thank goodness. Are you here to help?
MC: Yes.
MC's mother: *smiles* Thank you. Can you wash the dishes while I breastfeed your baby sister? She has been crying.
MC: *nods* I'll continue doing all the housework, Mom. Please take some rests.
MC's mother: *pats their head* You're such a responsible kid. I'm sure your sister will be proud to have you as her big brother.
MC: *smiles* Just go, Mom.
MC's mother: *chuckles* Okay.
*at the dinner table*
MC's father: Honey, I've received a news from the capital. There are some bandits that trespass people's houses and— *pauses* *looks at MC*
MC: *listening to him*
MC's father: MC, can you go upstairs with your sister? I need to keep the conversation private.
MC: *nods* *gets their sister and do as told*
*once they're out of earshot*
MC's father: Honey, we need to leave this place.
MC's mother: Are you sure? I can protect this household.
MC's father: *shakes his head* The bandits are too great in number. I don't want to take the risks.
MC's mother: *smiles* I understand. Should we get everything ready before midnight?
MC's father: Yes. Thank you.
MC: *cradles their little sister*
Their little sister: *is still wide awake*
MC: Can't you sleep because I don't cradle you like Mom?
Their little sister: *giggles*
MC: *smiling*
The chief of the village: I know you're already out of service. But we badly need your help. We need every men to help us capture those bandits who have been caused of everyone's nightmares.
MC's father: *looks at his wife and kids*
MC's father: I'll help. If you promise that you'll put my family to safety.
The chief: I promise.
MC's mother: Honey...
MC's father: It's going to be alright. *then focuses his attention on MC*
MC: *has understood it immediately*
The chief: Just walk through to this tunnel and you'll see the others at the other side.
The chief: Please be careful.
MC's mother: We will. Thank you.
The chief: *watches as they disappear into the darkness*
The chief: Please forgive me.
MC's mother: MC! Grab your sister and escape from here!
MC: But Mom!
MC's mother: *defends herself and her kids from the bandits* Your mother can fight! Don't worry about me!
The bandits: *laughs in amusement*
MC: Mom—
*Someone grabbed them from behind*
MC's mother: *her eyes widened* MC— *got stabbed on the shoulder*
The man: Be quiet kid. If you want to live with this baby. *then pulls them away*
MC's mother: MC...
*when they're already at the end of the tunnel*
The man: ...
The man: *lets go of MC* Run, kid. Don't even try to get back inside.
MC: ...
MC: What happened to my mom? How about my dad?
The man: ...
The man: They're probably dead by now. The chief betrayed us. This is all a trap. *turns around, ready to go back*
MC: I'm going with you!
MC: ...
The man: Now go. You still have a family to protect.
Simeon: Sister MC... *in a worried tone*
MC: *wakes up with tears in their eyes* Ah... Father Simeon. *gets up* *smiles apologetically* *wiping the tears off* Did I fall asleep while you're doing your sermon?
Simeon: Yes. Were you having a nightmare? It seems you've been calling for your mother and father in your sleep.
MC: ...
MC: I must be exhausted to have a dream like that.
Simeon: *touches their forehead* You have a fever, Sister.
Simeon: *gets closer* I wonder what you have been doing—
MC: *puts their hand over his chest to stop him* You're being too close, Father.
Simeon: ...
Simeon: I'm sorry. *makes a little space between them*
MC: *stood up* I'll ask Mother Superior if I can take a day off today so you won't be worried.
Simeon: *smiles* Okay. Have a nice day, Sister MC.
MC: *face him properly, bowing their head* You too, Father.
Lucifer: Are you alright, Sister? *hugging them from behind*
MC: *smiles* I don't know why you would be worried about me, Father Luci.
Lucifer: Stop calling me that. You know my real name is Lucifer. And as for those dreams,
Lucifer: I'd prefer not to relive them in your head.
MC: ...
MC: *chuckles* I'm going to hell. Those kind of dreams are to be expected.
Lucifer: ...
Lucifer: *buries his head on the crook of their neck* Sister...
MC: Tell me. What will happen in two years time?
Lucifer: ...
Lucifer: Every people you cared in this world will die.
Lucifer: Including the high priest and the abbess.
MC: And there's nothing I could do?
Lucifer: Yes.
MC: ...
MC: *turns around to face him* I'll give myself to you completely, if you promise that tragedy won't ever happen.
Lucifer: ...
Lucifer: I have a friend who can alter the future. Do you want to go with me so you can talk to him?
MC: *smiles* Yes. That'll do. *puts their hands on his waist, pulling him closer*
Lucifer: *has this intense gaze*
MC: Shall we indulge ourselves again, Lucifer?
Lucifer: *smiles* My pleasure.
Simeon: *who's watching them secretly*
Raphael: You're back, Simeon.
Simeon: Yes.
Luke: How's meeting Sister MC?
Simeon: ...
Simeon: It looks like I'll be seeing them sooner.
Raphael: ...
Raphael: Yes. It seems like it.
Their sister: *approaches them* E-Excuse me, I've heard that my brother is... going to die sooner.
Their sister: W-Will he be here?
Raphael: Low-rank angels like shouldn't be allowed here.
The sister: I-I'm sorry... I'm just worried about my brother—
Simeon: Yes. But their destination is... unclear right now.
Their sister: ...
Luke: H-Hey! Aren't the other angels busy? We should go now! *dragging her away*
Raphael: ...
Raphael: That must be disappointing.
Simeon: No. I completely understand why.
Simeon: After all, MC didn't become a nun because of faith itself.
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