#he started killing people to deal with his hatred for his brother and ended up getting addicted to it because he was unstable upon birth
Thoughts on Hashirama's past with trauma? Frankly I think it's an excuse that he didn't stand up against Tobirama because their father abused him. He was the Hokage.. Also I'm not sure who to ask this but you seem knowledgeable Sas so can you refresh my memory about what happened with Madara, Hashi, and Tobirama? It's been a while since I read the manga/watched the anime. If you have time/effort. Just a quick explanation is all I'm looking for. :)
Anyone who disagrees please don't get angry and attack, and take it up with me if you do.
Hi there! How are you?
Don't worry at all, people can keep scrolling or block a tag if they are unable to deal with a character being criticised. This will be anti Hashirama and anti Tobirama, of course. Those who know me even a tiny bit know that they are constantly receiving hate in this blog, so, no surprise.
If you don't mind, I will start by the end. Hashirama had proposed the hokage position to Madara, but Tobirama was against that and requested a democratic election. Immediately after, Tobirama also fed his racist bullshit to Hashirama, and Hashirama barely answered with one of his typical small scoldings. This was overheard by Madara, who obviously was not happy. Hashirama gets elected, and Madara realises that the Senju are hoarding the power in the village. This, together with the fact that Tobirama could not let go of his prejudice and hatred towards the Uchiha, makes him correctly foresee that the Uchiha face a fate of exclusion and doom in the village they co-founded. He tries to warn his clan, but nobody trusts him, so he leaves mortified because he was unable to protect his family once again. And later attacked the village and Hashirama killed him. More or less that, in summary.
Now, about Hashirama, I can totally understand that he was traumatized by his abusive father, by his siblings being killed, by a childhood of war and suffering, and by all you want. But I can't by any means justify his terrible job as a hokage with any of that. He had the responsibility to lead the village fairly and, if he was unable to do that, he should have passed the position to someone else. You can't take such a job willingly and then justify your very concious and obvious negligence on trauma or faked incompetence.
Tobirama likely had many reasons to hate the Uchiha, as the Uchiha had many reasons to hate the Senju. Nobody is asking Hashirama to get rid of his brother, but he should have found someone impartial as an advisor. He knew perfectly that his brother was racist, and still, he not only listened to him and let him influence state matters, he also appointed him as a successor. He let Tobirama desecrate Madara's body for his experiments, and he knowingly let him kill and experiment with people to develop the Edo Tensei. One can understand that he loved his brother unconditionally, as he was the only family he had left. But he had a duty as a leader to put limits to his brother's crimes and rampant bigotry. Or, if he was unable to stop him, at least keep him far from any position of power.
You know, if the Uchiha were to do something remotely similar to what Hashirama did, everyone would be questioning their loyalty, saying that they put their clan before the village, curse of hatred and whatever bullshit.
Another thing I can't stand of Hashirama is that he plays innocent and dumb. And I just can't believe this comedy. Because in his political actions he was never dumb. He was entertaining Madara with empty promises and nice words but, first chance he has, he leaves him out of the leadership of the village they both founded. Why didn't he, don't know, appoint Madara or any other Uchiha as his advisor instead of his biased brother? Collecting tailed beasts is also not the behaviour of a fool, he very much intended to hoard power to stablish Konoha's supremacy (and his own). He distributed the tailed beasts but was clever enough to keep the most powerful one to himself. And for a man who reached to power with the excuse of democracy, see how quick he forgot about it nominating someone from his family without taking anyone's opinion into consideration. Should I believe he established an oligarchy by accident because he was naïve, and that he didn't know what would happen once his racist brother got to power?
Anyway, sorry, this was probably too long. But I start hating on Hashirama and I get carried away...
Take care!
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silviakundera · 9 months
Underrated aspect of A Journey to Love is how the ensemble's perspective is being widened & complicated by their experiences. Intro talks about a war that just ended between An and Wu. An are assholes, going around kicking everyone's ass for $$
First the spy squad from Wu country just want to complete 1 stupid doomed mission, in order to clear their sworn brothers' names who fell in the final battle. No real agenda or deep thoughts besides this personal obligation and Employee Following Orders. Avengers assemble! Our FL Ren Ruyi is on the run and was a Scarlet Guard spy member from enemy country An who are holding the Wu emperor hostage... but the Wu spy chief ML does only a spot of mild torture and basically tolerates this secret because (a) he's determined to retire and (b) she is retired (c) her identity doesn't match any know big enemy of his spy org and the state. But he doesn't want her around.
... record scratch: He compromises. Ok. I do want her around. I won't get attached but ok, she's helpful. I'll even trust her to mentor the princess as we travel to rescue the Wu emperor.
She is only a tutor, though! Won't get her involved in his country's buisness.
Yet then she joins a battle and risks her life to save a bunch of theirs. Ok, ML widens his POV again. She can be their partner!
Everyone loves the mysterious friendly & feral assassin.
Then the squad finds out her identity and tries to kill her. His defense of her inclusion in the group has expanded: (a) her identity doesn't match any known enemy of his spy org and the Wu state, (b) she saved our lives, and crucially (c) she Isn't Born in An Country [isn't truly An] + (d) she was working at the command of her superiors just like we do, a cog in the war machine, and also only killed shitty members of our spy org we don't like
Ok. Now she's on the team. ML & FL are dating now and all the kids ship it. There is 1 (one) Scarlet Guard enemy county spy they accept and support.
But at the same time, she's begun to care about them in return. And we're really IN IT now.
Let's mentor the princess and throw shade on the Wu emperor, considering how our actions matter & how powerful people affect the average person. Caring for the citizens of Wu. They deserve better than their ruling class.
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Being generally supportive & respectful of Ren Ruyi's love for the fallen An empress and RR's quest to avenge her.
The Wu delegation willing to (tentatively) ally with RR's former disciple, a marquis of An.
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An marquis revealed to have gone against orders to respectfully bury the bodies of their Wu soldier friends, because in his view all loyal soliders deserve it.
The Wu delegation digging up the bodies of their dead friends, to give them a final send off, and mastering their grief to wrench it back from turning into hatred of the An people - focusing their rage and hate on selish & war hungry leaders, not the soliders and generals ordered to fight.
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The focus of their resentment now turned to the right direction, expands their thinking & their plotting to have a consideratiom for all the residents of An and Wu, a care for humankind. An citizens are no longer the automatic enemy. ML tells the emperor of Wu to go fuck himself, directly to his face.
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Caring about injustice done to some Scarlet Guards and wanting to save active !! "innocent" Scarlet Guard lives. (So far from the starting point! No background check to validate that X, Y, Z don't apply to these people. No rejection of the ML by the delegation or threats for daring to care about a random Scarlet Guard's life or death.) I sure hope the An emperor pays big for being bad at his job, but we gotta be careful about how we deal with him and not mess up An for the nice jewelry makers & brothel workers who live there.
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"Having compassion doesn't mean irresolute."
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sasukesun · 2 years
genin naruto was truly a menace and a gremlin and older naruto admits he was specifically a menace to sasuke because he felt jealous of him and couldn’t handle it but i don’t know how people can claim that naruto was like- a complete jerk for “wanting to beat sasuke up” when their rivalry wasn’t really about that and sasuke very much reciprocated it. i don’t even think it was unhealthy as people claim it to be. i’ve already talked about sasuke thinking that their rivalry meant they would grow strong together, but that applies to naruto as well.
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“because we have to become stronger”
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“heh… both of us made it to the top” while looking satisfied.
like i’ve said before, it was never about “beating sasuke up” to prove that he was better than him, but actually about being acknowledged as an equal.
and sure it may seem that sasuke started to acknowledge and admire naruto after naruto started to improve, but sasuke actually starts reciprocating the rivalry earlier in the manga.
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when he acts playful towards naruto just to provoke him.
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when they compete over who eats more.
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when they compete over who gets on the top of the tree first (and smile fondly when they are both at the top).
and it’s not unhealthy really, they are just being 12 year olds. it’s honestly cute that sasuke gets to act like a stupid kid when he’s with naruto, that naruto draws those reactions out of him and lets him be a normal kid, they both just push the other up, even if they have feelings of jealousy they can’t deal with, even if they don’t know the right approach always, they grow stronger together and it really only gets “unhealthy” when itachi comes back and retraumatises sasuke, when itachi goes after naruto and easily puts sasuke down, when itachi says sasuke is weak because he doesn’t have enough hatred. sasuke not only gets jealous that he focused so much on itachi and yet itachi went after his rival, but he also feels like he hasn’t progressed enough, still isn’t strong enough to kill his brother, and of course there’s still the curse seal actively triggering him. that’s when everything changes and kishimoto calls it a “bitter rivalry”. but it required external and pretty traumatising forces to do so.
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and it’s no wonder that in vote1 naruto says that the fight they had at the hospital roof wasn’t the fight he wanted.
and despite hating boruto, traces of their rivalry remain even in the boruto movie, in a healthy, playful way, of course. like at the end of their fight with momoshiki when they go:
sasuke: “you’re a mess”
naruto: “so are you”
sasuke: “yeah, i can’t even stand” [sits down] “i won this contest”
we notice that sasuke still likes the competition, engages on it, in whatever coparenting reality kishimoto invented in this movie. and it’s not only that they still like this kind of thing, but it shows they’ve grown past the jealousy when sasuke admits he can’t even stand, there is no problem in admitting “weakness”.
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waitineedaname · 1 year
tell me about scar fma
You Have Unlocked An Unskippable Cutscene!
he's just. god where do I even begin with this guy. I cannot believe he's a character that exists and is as well written as he is. fma handed me serial killer with religious motivations and had me go "he's got a point though." from the very beginning, I was like "wow, this character is really interesting and complicated and compelling. god I hope he's handled well." and then he WAS. I spent the whole show terrified that they were gonna kill him off at any second because that's what shows do sometimes when they have a morally complex character they don't want to deal with, and not only did that dude SURVIVE, but he also KILLED THE PRESIDENT IN THE PROCESS. legendary.
I just. am so much more compelled by him than any member of the military. sorry. every time I think about scar and ishval, my heart starts aching. he lost so much, his whole family and his home and his culture and so many of his people, and he has to walk around with a physical reminder of that loss attached at his shoulder. to me, he's such a perfect example of the relationship between grief & anger and love & hate. he loved his people so much (I am forever haunted by the manga panel where he says he has nothing left to protect) and he had them violently stolen from him, and that grief and love twisted up in him and turned into a hateful rage against the people who did it to him
and part of that complexity that I love is that he is entirely justified in what he's doing, but he also hates what he's doing and what he's become. he doesn't like killing people, he's not like kimblee. he's just enacting what he sees as justice, even though he knows it makes him a killer too. it's why he doesn't begrudge winry's hatred of him -- if he is allowed his vengeance, then so is she. he also knows he's a hypocrite because he had been so against his brother's alchemy because he knew people would want to use it as a weapon -- and here he is, using his brother's alchemy as a weapon. it's why the reveal at the end about him getting the other set of the tattoos is so satisfying -- he finally accepts both parts of alchemy's potential, the destruction and the creation. so far, he's been destroying out of hatred and vengeance against the nation and people that slaughtered his own nation and people, and now he accepts the other half of the equation, which involves creating a better future for his people. it's not one or the other. that's what the fight against bradley involves, both destruction and creation. he destroys the man who ordered the slaughter of his people, and he creates the opportunity for the country to have a future at all
also I just love him and his kindness. he's not overt about it because he's stern and scowling all the time, but I think there is an incredible well of kindness inside him, and it's best seen with mei. he didn't have to let her tag along, but he did. he didn't have to help her search for xiao mei, but he did. he didn't have to give her envy and urge her to go home to her people, but he did.
this has gotten long. anyway, stan scar forever and ever
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taintedevesayori · 4 months
Meet Sayo and her friends
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Sayori Makina, nickname Sayo
Age: 17 at the start of story, 18 at death
Birthday: July 5th
Zodiac Sign: Cancer
Hobbies: Reading, singing, guitar, gardening
Favorite color: Purple
Favorite food: Parfaits
Favorite drink: Tea
As a child, Sayori was introverted due to her need to stay out of everyone’s way at the church she grew up in. She slowly grew more sociable as she befriended Emi, even more so after befriending Kisa and Lei, and later Rena. She still keeps her circle of friends small, though, despite being able to socialize with others in her class.
She is serious about her academics and excels in her classes. Her worst subject is history when needing to remember a plethora of dates and time periods.
With her friends she becomes extroverted, ready to try anything to have fun with her friends. This is why she learns to play the guitar so that she can make music with them. She eventually picked up sarcasm and sass from Kisa, moving away from being more of a quiet person.
She is incredibly stubborn, which constantly gets in the way of the Adam and Eve plan. When she has a grudge against someone, she doesn’t let it go. This shows in her hatred of Karlheinz. She is not afraid to defend herself despite not having any sort of training. She always carries a cheap silver pocket knife she bought herself, and later a nicer one as well that Karlheinz gave her as a peace offering. She has quick reflexes, which helps immensely when defending herself. She has tried to attack Karlheinz multiple times despite each time ending in failure.
When she cares about people, she loves deeply. All she wants is for her life with her friends to stay the same because they are the only thing that matters in her life.
She greatly admires Yui for still being able to smile after how badly she’s been treated by the Sakamaki brothers. She feels guilty that she became an Eve because she rejected her role.
(These next sections contain spoilers for my story, Tainted Eve. You can find this on Wattpad under my account AvaTrinityFae if you are interested in reading. There are details here that elaborate on the story. The rewrite is currently being posted on here.)
Sayori is a half founder and was adopted as a baby. Her birth parents, her father a founder and her mother a human, gave her to Karlheinz to protect her from the Endzeit disease spreading through the demon world. The three make a deal, Karlheinz will seal her demon blood and disguise her as a human in a human family. In return, she would be used as his Eve in his Adam and Eve plan once she was older. Her parents were reluctant but ready to do anything to protect her.
Karlheinz gives her to the owners of a local church, Kizuna and Ayumi Makina. The church was not doing well at the time and they could not ignore the large sum of money he was offering despite not wanting to take the child. They tolerated her as she was growing up and left her care mostly to the nuns. Her older brother, Shiro, did not like the hands off nature of her care so he did his best to also look after her. Because of this, they became incredibly close.
The first time she meets Karlheinz at age seven, he kills her older brother Shiro when he attempts to protect her. Her belief in god shatters after that because he said god would protect him when he told her to run. After that, she began acting out at the church, having many violent outbursts. Ayumi and Kizuna blame her for his death and from then on ordered the nuns to treat her cruelly. After a while, any physical punishments from the nuns wouldn’t phase her after constantly being subjected to them. She also blames herself for Shiro’s death, and deep down believes this is her punishment for abandoning him.
Sayo was introverted as a child. She became friends with Emi in primary school due to them both spending lots of time after school in the library. Emi was shy but pushed herself to talk to Sayo because they both liked the same sorts of books.
The two both became more sociable after meeting Kisa. Emi greatly admired Kisa due to her having many of the qualities she lacked as a person. When Kisa realized this, she continued to try to befriend Emi, and consequently Sayo due to Emi hiding behind her because of her shy nature. Eventually Kisa succeeds and the two befriend her and Lei, who Kisa had befriended due to their shared love of music.
Kisa eventually teaches Sayo to play the guitar when the girls decide they want to play music together. Lei learned to play the drums as a child, Kisa had learned to play the bass and guitar, and Emi had learned to play the piano. They elected Sayo as their lead singer, although all of the girls sing during songs as well. Kisa especially has many duets with her. At first, the band started off as just writing songs together for fun until Kisa got them a spot to play in a small local festival. From there, they decided to play any event they could to put themselves out there until landing a permanent spot at a dance club.
The group spends time with each other after school, working on homework or just socializing. Emi struggles with academics and procrastination, so it began partially to help her but partially to help Sayo spend as little time at the church as possible. They spend the night at Kisa’s house every Friday and have band practice on Saturday.
She learns of the Adam and Eve plan shortly after beginning high school. Karlheinz believes the plan will go more smoothly if she accepts her role and willingly moves in with either the Sakamaki or Mukami brothers. She rejects her role due to her unwillingness to be toyed with by vampires, and more importantly because he killed Shiro. He does what he can to change her mind, including introducing her to Yui. Yui believes she’s another prospective bride and tells her about her treatment by the Sakamaki brothers, leading to Sayo rejecting her role more strongly.
Life with the Mukami brothers
During her second year of high school, Karlheinz decides the only way she will accept her role is by finding Adam. Due to her personality, he decides she will be a better fit for the Mukami brothers. He gives her a week to get close to them and instructs the brothers to kidnap her if she refuses.
The Mukami brothers make a deal with her after kidnapping her. In exchange for her living with them and trying to find Adam, they won’t interfere with her life with her friends. Karlheinz warned them this would most likely be the only way the arrangement will work. They are secretly relieved that they won’t have to act as cruel as the Sakamaki brothers like they did with Yui. (For those questioning if this is in character, In Kou’s route, he expressed that acting like the Sakamakis left a bitter taste in his mouth in a converstion with Ruki when they first kidnapped Yui.)
Kou agrees to leave her alone at school but in turn consistently wants her attention while at home. At first she thinks he’s an annoyance but learns to get along with him. She sees Azusa as a cute little brother type and likes to help Yuma in the garden. Occasionally she helps Ruki in the kitchen.
Over time, she steadily grows closer with Kou since he refuses to leave her alone. However, her rejection of her role as Eve constantly gets in the way of admitting her feelings for him and their relationship progressing.
Eventually the Sakamaki brothers find out about Sayo and become suspicious of the reason she is with them. After Shu contacts Karlheinz, he tells Shu to leave her be, that she’s important to a plan of his. This causes the brothers to attempt to kidnap her to prevent the Mukami brothers from getting any benefits from their father. Yui comes to warn them before the attack.
Sayo and Yui hide in the basement during the attack. The Sakamakis follow her scent to the basement where the fight then continues. Kanato and Azusa are fighting outside of their hiding spot. When Kanato attempts to stab Azusa, Sayo jumps in front of him because she knows Azusa won’t be able to dodge. She dies in Azusa’s arms. Her death breaks the seal of her demon blood, showing her a memory of her parents explaining why they gave her up and reviving her as the half founder she was born as. Due to her demon blood, she has an affinity with snakes and is able to turn into one.
After her revival, she admits to Kou that she loves him and they make their relationship official.
After graduation, Sayo moves out with her friends to go to college out of town. Kou let’s her go without a fight as long as she promises to marry him when she graduates. The two consistently visit each other. The band’s popularity sky rockets when they write a song together with Kou.
The Alternative
In an alternate fate, Sayori moves in with the Sakamaki brothers and ends up in a love triangle between Laito and Reiji.
Laito enjoys teasing and harassing her, which gets on her nerves. This consistently ends in the two arguing. Their relationship is volatile until she sees him playing piano one day. The urge to put lyrics to his song was so tempting that she began singing without thinking. The music room becomes the one place they get along without fail. They are able to talk normally to one another, which slowly causes Laito to fall for her.
She also becomes close with Reiji. She sees him as the most reasonable member of the family, and although he has a problem with her carefree attitude at times, he respects her for her determination and willingness to work for what she wants. The two end up in a routine of having tea together before leaving for school, which is a peaceful and enjoyable time for the both of them. Being able to get along with her surprises him at first but he has to admit she isn’t an annoyance towards him like the rest of the family.
Laito becomes increasingly jealous of her relationship with Reiji and tries to act possessive over her. His attempts at showing his affection outside of the music room tend to backfire, pushing her away. Reiji takes advantage of these moments, partially because he grows more fond of her but also to antagonize Laito.
During a particularly nasty argument, Laito asks why she has such a problem with his methods of flirting and she snaps back that she wants him to see her as anything other than just another girl to fuck before storming off. This is where fate splits.
If Laito goes after her, she accidentally confesses that she didn’t fall for the flirting, she fell for the person she spends time with in the music room.
If Laito storms off as well, Reiji finds her soon after and tells her that it’s annoying to see her so gloomy. She is baffled and asks if she should go elsewhere. He then says that she should and asks “shall we make it a date then?”. She comments that his attempt was a little smooth before agreeing. As the two are leaving, Laito spots them. He was looking for her to try to make up after the fight and is enraged when learning from Shu that Reiji asked her on a date.
If Sayo chooses Reiji in the end, Laito kills her in a jealous rage. If she chooses Laito, she dies after her mind is hijacked by Cordelia’s spirit, which allows Cordelia to kill her because she refuses to let Laito find happiness after the part he played in her death.
After dying, the seal on her demon blood breaks, showing her a memory of her parents explaining why they gave her up and reviving her as the half founder she was born as. Due to her demon blood, she has an affinity with snakes and is able to turn into one.
After graduation she goes on to college in another town, moving in with her friends. Depending on who she chooses, Reiji or Laito decide to kill Karlheinz before proposing. She agrees on the condition they wait until after she graduates.
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Leiko Koizumi, nickname Lei
Age: 16 at start of story
Birthday: December 30th
Zodiac Sign: Capricorn
Leiko is one of Sayo’s best friends. She is the most serious of the group. She is often seen carrying around a planner, where she keeps track of the many things she does, whether that be her volunteer work, hanging out with her friends, or other extracurriculars meant to give her a leg up for college. She plans on studying biology in college.
Lei grew up learning how to play the drums. She always had a love for music, which caused her and Kisa to bond quickly when they first met. She is all for starting a band when Kisa first brought it up.
Lei has a protective older brother. Both her and Sayo had to stop him from barging into the church when he overheard them talking about the harsh treatment she receives from her adoptive parents and the nuns. He was always ready to do what he could for Lei and her friends but felt like he had to be even more protective of Sayo after learning of that.
Lei is the most perceptive one of the group and is able to pick up on many of the changes in Sayo as their story progresses. She wants her and everyone else to know that they can turn to her for support whenever they need it.
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Kisa Fujimoto
Age: 17 at start of story
Birthday: April 7th
Zodiac Sign: Aries
Kisa is one of Sayo’s best friends. To others, it seems like she’s the leader of the group, although there really is none. She is the most outgoing and energetic of the four. She is stubborn, sarcastic, and can be sassy, which rubbed off on Sayo after a while. She is unsure of what she wants to do for her career, but knows she wants to go to college with the others and keep the band going.
She is the leader of their band, Bitter Step, and plays the bass. She taught Sayo how to play guitar and left the lead vocals to her because they all agreed Sayo has the best voice of the four. They all sing, however, and have many songs that include all four of them. Kisa and Sayo specifically have many duets.
She has four siblings, an older sister and three younger brothers. Her older sister is married with twin babies. She often doted on kisa as a child, which led to kisa doting on her younger siblings in return. She is family oriented and enjoys helping out with the kids.
Over the years, Kisa and Emi began to realize they have romantic feelings for one another. They aren’t in an official relationship until college but many are able to tell they are romantically involved before that.
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Emi Akiyama
Age: 17 at start of story
Birthday: February 20th
Zodiac: Pisces
Emi is one of Sayo’s best friends. She is the shy one of the group. Emi is very in tune with her own and other people’s feelings. She often feels that the pain the people she cares about feels is her own. She can be a bit spacey and tends to procrastinate, finding other things to do as an excuse for not doing schoolwork. She enjoys baking sweets for her parents and friends to enjoy. She wants to study nursing in college.
Emi learned to play piano and how to sew from her mother as a child. Her mother is undergoing treatment for cancer, but still finds the time to make outfits for the girls to perform in when she has the energy. Emi was the most reluctant to form a band due to her shy nature and stage fright but eventually decided it would be fun for the four of them. The more they performed, the more confidence she gained until it became completely natural for her.
Over the years, Kisa and Emi began to realize they had romantic feelings for one another. They aren’t in an official relationship until college but many are able to tell they are romantically involved before that.
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Rena Mikijima
Age: 17 at start of story
Birthday: July 27th
Zodiac Sign: Leo
Rena is one of Sayo’s friends. She is the sort of person that hops around friend groups, so she has plenty of friends that want her attention. Still, she considers herself closer to Sayo and her group over her other friends. Her personality is similar to Kisa’s in the fact they are both outgoing and energetic. She is more feminine, however, and not as sarcastic. She can be a big flirt when the mood strikes her and enjoys flaunting when dancing with the girls.
During their second year of high school, Rena became the president of the art club. That occupies her free time after school, preventing her from spending as much time with the girls as she did during their first year. She wants to study art in college.
Rena is not a member of the band but she supports them in whatever way she can when possible. She enjoys going out to dance with the girls, along with shopping. She becomes ecstatic when Sayo admits she needs new clothes after moving out of the church and plans a shopping trip for everyone, determined to find clothes that suit her so she can help Sayo create a full wardrobe.
She does go to the same college as the girls but does not move in with them, instead choosing to find her own place with her boyfriend she met at the end of their second year of high school. 
Sayo's sprites gifted by @theshiningidols-koukuron
Others created on this picrew and art drawn by me on the character sheets
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cartoon-buffoon · 1 month
Saw someone I followed doing this so I might as well also do it praying to all the gods they don't see this and get mad I copied them anyways time for:
(feel free to inquire or ask about ANY part of these AU's as I love talking about them and most if not all of these WILL end up as a fanfiction story and I have plans for all of these)
Misery loves Company
Basic info: Misery loves Company features a version of Euthanasia Rabbit from FNF's Wednesdays' Infidelity and an OC based on that one Felix game over image aka: HET. Both Euthanasia Rabbit and HET have original written lore that is connected for this AU and although Euthanasia Rabbit's story of him losing Ortensia and being in a depression is similar how it happened is more detailed and kinda the main focus of this AU. That and Het and Euthanasia's absolute boiling hatred for each other that kinda gets resolved? Not really? Idk it's complex.
Summary: Oswald and Felix used to be "friends" until one day Felix went off the deep end leading to a conflict that sent both of them spiraling. The only saving grace Oswald has was his wife who one day died. Both donned new names for different reasons, both bitter at the other for the conflict that started everything they one day meet again in a forest where Felix (now named Het) intends to kill Oswald (now named Euthanasia). This doesn't go as planned however and ultimately leads to Het ending up on his 9th and final life. Due to the fight they call a temporary truce but they still absolutely hate each other and do everything in the power to make sure the other dies because they firmly believe the other was responsible for all the misery they faced. From their perspectives at least
Blood & Ink
Basic info: An Epic Mickey AU inspired by Gravity Fall's Weirdmageddon and Infamous Second Son. This AU features Oswald fighting against four powerful creatures called "Terrors" who—unlike Toons who are made of paint and can be dissolved by thinner—Terrors are made of ink and use blood as a power source. The terrors themselves are also famous rubberhose horror characters as I like them and they belong in this AU, the Terrors are specifically: Bendy/The Ink Demon, Trevor Henderson's Cartoon Cat and Cartoon Dog, and Skitzo the 1920s killer bear. There's also the 5th Terror being the only good one who is from Skitzo's cartoons being named "The Little Dog". The way Oswald fights them is with powers he gets and he's gotta solve the mess he made because he awoke the Terrors.
Summary: Wasteland is in ruins, despite everything him and his brother went through that mouse had abandoned Ozzy leaving him to deal with wasteland slowly crumbling. Not wanting his world to vanish or be destroyed he inlisted the mad doc's help in order to temporally escape wasteland and meet with Yen Sid who offers him info of creatures who could save his world. Unfortunately this entire thing goes haywire and Oswald is brutally killed by the Terrors he woke up only to be brought back, this time with new powers as a result of his paint getting combined with ink. Oswald now must get a hold of his powers as he tries to stop the sadistic creatures who took over his world in such a short time while also struggling with the mouse who popped back in.
Toon & The murder toon trio
Basic info: Personal OC insert AU featuring my OC Toon who is an amorphous blob of ink who takes on the appearance of a crappily made cartoon character because he finds it appealing. While exploring the area he woke up in he awakes the murder toon trio which is the Cartoon Cat, Cartoon Dog, and Skitzo. This AU is more or less a hectic slice of life thing where Toon tries to maintain a sense of normalcy whilst the three constantly try to drag him along to perform "pranks" or just murder people.
Summary: there is no real summary for this, Toon just gets bullied a lot by the three however the three actually do hold some affinity for him. Due to Toon awaking them the murder toons cannot stray too far away from him and Toon can regenerate so they can't kill him so their all kinda stuck together. They build a weird sorta bond of friendship and relying on each other, heck there's also a sort of love drama going on because Toon is a moron who falls for Skitzo and the Cartoon Dog desperately tries to tell him not to date someone named straight up "Skitzo".
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chiss-ticism · 1 year
Absolutely buck-fucking-wild to me is it that the murder of Abel, ethics aside of being the first to discover such a thing is even possible aside, is the catalyst for sin in general, and not just, like, murder being a thing people can do now. The punishments levied upon him (and his descendants :[ ) were definitely harsh, sure, but I'm 100% surprised that they weren't worse all things considered. Especially with the raw deal that Lilith ended up getting when she did something Big G didn't like.
Here's two chunks of text from the Demon: The Fallen Sourcebook, Houses of the Fallen, for those unfamiliar:
The calm, measured war of the angels and demons ended suddenly and terribly when Caine slew his brother Abel. The shockwaves of this event ripped through Creation, opening the souls of both mortals and demons to the possibilities of violence, excess and hatred. Some of the Namaru, especially those closest to Lucifer, were able to resist the temptation of sin and stay pure. Many more saw the opportunities offered by atrocity and sin and embraced the darkness wholeheartedly...
Although humanity's mortality was imposed at the moment of the rebellion, it was some time before the rebels felt the impact of that curse. The watchfulness of the fallen angels helped keep accidents from becoming fatal and the early stages of the war were fought in ritual and structure between angels and not humanity. The Slayers knew that this escape from death's touch would not last, though, because they could sense humanity starting to grow old. Before the rebellions, humans aged until they reached maturity, and then they simply stopped developing in adulthood. They grew no older and thus had very little concept of old age. Still, the prospect of immediately ushering humanity into the world of death had receded. It was decades before the effects of aging became apparent. Humanity was aging slowly, far more slowly than modern man does.
That changed in a single moment of anger. Caine, son of the first man, raised his fist in anger and slew his brother. Abel's spirit passed through into the world of death, but any attempts to reach it were thwarted by a sudden storm that erupted in shadow of the world, carrying Abel's spirit away before Slayer or Loyal Reaper could interfere.
The storm changed everything. It changed the world of death, but the Slayers would not discover quite how much for some time yet. It changed the hearts of men, who turned on each other with anger, jealously, and most of all, brutality. Animals in the wild killed each other through necessity, to eat or to defend themselves. Through awakening humanity, the angels had also given mankind the ability to kill because they wanted to. In the centuries that followed, some Slayers speculated that the storm was nothing more than a manifestation of that change in humanity in other aspects of reality. Others dismissed the idea, saying that it made mankind too significant in Creation: The angels were the shapers of reality, not the humans. Whatever the cause was, there was no questioning the changes in the angels themselves after the storm broke. Where once their skirmishes had been more like philosophical debates conducted on multiple layers of reality simultaneously, their battles became desperate struggles for existence. The Time of Atrocities had begun.
(HoTF, p. 173)
Also notable is it that DtF frames Caine's decision to kill Abel as a moment of fetid rage - an act of passion, without much forethought into why he did what he did. ("a single moment of anger") Whereas Caine himself, (allegedly, mind, if we're to believe that The Chronicle of Caine is actually from his direct point of view), frames it as an epiphany of sorts. A premeditated act of sacrifice, for that's what Adam asked him to provide - one that he committed with a heavy heart.
Then one day
our Father said to us,
Caine, Abel
to Him Above you must make a sacrifice -
a gift of the first part
of all that you have
(The Book of Nod, p. 21)
He'd prayed for a whole day and night, having gone to bed previously with his eyes wet with tears and mind racing for some sort of reprieve from its anguish, and came to a realization on his own, as his prayers deliberately weren't answered.
The Oracles watched in horrified fascination as Caine killed his brother and created a new, poisonous set of concepts that would ultimately infect man and angel alike. The Oracles' first instinct was to bend all their efforts to preventing such a terrible act, but the lessons recently learned during the lunar raid gave them pause. Would it be worth it to allow the First Murder to occur if it led to a final triumph over the Holy Host? The idea tantalized them. This would be their first attempt to consciously alter the universe according to their will rather than God's, and in the end, the allure of that fact overcame their moral reservations. The storm approached, and the Neberu did nothing, believed that they were about to forever turn the tide of the war in the rebels' favor. (Houses of the Fallen, p. 102)
Despite offering up the brightest fruits and sweetest grasses, it wasn't enough - and likely never would be for he could never truly love the plants that he grew - not to the level that Abel reached with his animals whose births he aided in, those who he nourished and watched grow. So he offered up the only thing he possibly could, for only one thing did he love with his whole heart: his brother. An act of sacrifice with reverberations on a cosmic scale.
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strangerficsxx · 2 months
Chapter One: MADMAX
story:Midnight Rain wc: 2.1k two and a half months deep into her last year in high school and jennifer made a deal with herself to not get involved with steve harrington or her feelings for him. however, she falls in love and starts going out with new student / bad boy, billy hargrove. that was until a large tentacled entity called the mind flayer and demodogs begin terrorizing the citizens of hawkins, indiana.
[a/n: all characters, plot, etc. are not mine. The only thing I own is my original character. credit to gif owner.]
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{ October 29, 1984 }
Halloween decorations fill people’s yards as starts filled the night. It was chilly and the breeze was soft. A bright crescent sits in the sky shining down on the people in Hawkins. Jennifer, who is in her bedroom, searches for her wallet along the way before exiting the house.
She says goodbye to her mom, before stepping out the door. Jennifer closes it behind her before shoving her wallet in her hoodie pocket, looking up and sees Wilhelmina who is leaning against her dark green 1970 pickup truck. She hits another drag of her cigarette one last time before putting it out, waving at the brunette. The two females get settled in the car, sliding their seatbelts on as Wilhelmina puts the car in drive and speeds down the road. They soon arrive at Palace Arcade as she parks her truck in front of the building. She kills the engine while Jennifer throws her seatbelt off, opening the door and steps out. She closes it behind her then walks towards the entrance with her best friend. The two females walk into the arcade and grab the coins that are needed for the games. 
"I can't believe we are spending Tuesday night at my work place when I should be at home lounging and getting high with you."
“I know, but I haven't been here since last summer.”
Wilhelmina groans.
“Can we play Centipede real quick. Last time I was here, there were some kids who wouldn’t let me play. And this time, it’s available.” 
“Jennifer, the little shits are our brother's and their friends pushed you out of the way. ” 
"No, they did not. It was my brother. He just never listens.” 
“That’s because you’re too soft. I thought Nancy revved you up into being a different person last year.” 
“I… didn’t let that happen. And, stop with all this and let’s have some fun while we can.”
“It’s not like the worlds gonna end.”
“You never know,” 
Once in the game, Jennifer hears the pitter patters of feet approaching as she looks over and sees four boys rushing toward Dragon Lair and and they begin playing. Jennifer watches her brother play, dying in the process as she watches him sigh in annoyance. Dustin curses before kicking the machine as Jennifer and Wilhelmina look over at the small group of boys. Jennifer hears the sounds of death as she looks back at the screen and see that she died. Game over -- the brunette reads before walking towards Dig Dug where she sees the name MADMAX sitting in the top score of 751,300 right the boys rush up to the game and Dustin pushes his older sister out of the way.
“Hey, imbecile! Watch who you’re pushing.” 
“Sorry, Jennifer. But this is more important.” 
“More important than my safety and wellbeing.”
Jennifer and Dustin make a face at each other before he looks at the score, reading the numbers before turning and asking his sister who MADMAX is. She shrugs her shoulders when Keith approaches. He peers above her and the small group of boys, munching on a bag of cheetos. the corners of his mouth are pampered in cheeto dust as well as his fingers. Jennifer makes a disgusted face at the sight.
“Who is MadMax?” 
“Better than you.”
Dustin holds up his middle finger, flipping Keith off. Jennifer pushes his hand down before looking back at Keith. 
“Is it you?” Will asks. 
Keith scoffs. “You know I despise Dig Dug.”
“Then who is it?” Lucas demands. 
“Yeah, spill it, Keith!” Dustin shouts. 
“You want information, I need something in return.” He suggests, looking Jennifer's way as hatred and disgust flows through her body. The boys look her way as she look back at them. 
“No. No way, Keith. You’re not getting a date with me.” 
“Come on, just get him the date.” 
“We’re not prostituting Jennifer!” Mike shouts.
“But it's for a good cause.” Lucas adds.
Dustin cuts in the conversation. “No, don’t go on the date. Know what? He’s gonna spread his nasty-ass rash to our whole family.” 
“Acne isn’t a rash and it isn’t contagious, you prepubescent wastoid.” 
“Oh, I’m a wastoid? She wouldn’t go on a date with you."
The conversation -- argument becomes indistinct to Jennifer's ears as she watches Will turn and exit, he stands there for a while in a trance like state before stepping towards the entrance of Palace Arcade. He walks out there as Jennifer turns to grab Mike’s sleeve, yanking it to get him to look at what she's looking at, seeing Will. He steps out and follows after Will as Jennifer stands in the middle of the arcade, wondering if the boy is okay. She watches them enter again, speculating on what happened until she feel a tap on her shoulder. Jennifer turns around and sees Wilhelmina standing in front of her. 
“What happened to you? You, like, went away and just stayed.” 
“Sorry, just distracted by something. Let’s get back to the games, OK?”
Wilhelmina nods as her and Jennifer both play and spend time together for the rest of the night, having them buy burgers and milkshakes. 
The following morning, Jennifer sits in her car checking to make sure she has all her papers so she can turn them in as soon as she walks inside. Grabbing her purse in which she got for Christmas from Steve (surprisingly), Jennifer steps out of the vehicle. She shoulders her bag when a car engine revs as the person driving it parks in an empty spot. 
Billy, a tall male with long hair steps out of the vehicle as well as a redhead. She skates away and he walks toward the school. Jennifer met Billy right after he moved to Hawkins, Indiana – bumping into him in the halls of Hawkin high school before falling for him. He fell harder because Jennifer was different then the other girls, and by then, they ended up being a fling. She couldn't help but stare at him as Jennifer bit her lip, having Nancy and Steve look over at her. She was smitten, even if Jennifer didn’t want to admit it. At least, she had gotten over Steve Harrington and found someone who makes her happy but loved.
...Or so she thinks.
“Damn.” Jennifer says.
“You know you said that out loud, right?” Steve questioned, looking over at her.
“I know.” She smiles cocky. "I did that on purpose."
“Wait. Are you dating him?” Nancy asks. 
“I’m not revealing that much of my personal life to you, Wheeler.” 
Jennifer grabs her bag and closes the car door, walking past them smiling confidently before straightening towards the double door entrance. She steps toward Billy as he grabs her hand, pulling Jennifer in like a magnet before dragging her toward the janitors closet. She giggles, dropping her bag inside he locks the door behind them. Billy’s lips collide with Jennifer's as he pushes her against the wall in the janitors closet.
The fire burns in his eyes as the bell rings suddenly, breaking Jennifer away from Billy, staring and listening. She smiles before he brings her into a kiss as she stays there, gripping his bicep. Straightening their disheveled looks, Jennifer smooths her hair out, looking over at her boyfriend who is doing the same thing. Before leaving, Billy grabs Jennifer, pulling her close as his lips land on hers, staying there. She gropes his bicep as he pushes her against the wall. But they pull away, exiting the closet. Jennifer take off one way as he goes the other. She heads to class. Step in and apologizing to her teacher, Jennifer takes a seat next to Nancy as she looks over in her direction. 
“I don’t want to ask this, but were you in the janitors closet a few minutes ago?” 
“No, why?”  
“Oh, because there was a lot of racket including some breathy moans, and wanted to make sure you weren't doing…” 
“Nancy, enough. OK? Like I said, I’m not revealing anything to you.” 
Outside of class, Tina stood by the entrance as she hands out flyers for a party as she hands Jennifer one. She grabs it and looks at it.
A party.
It reads Tina’s Halloween bash. Jennifer knew that she was going, following behind Jonathan and Nancy. They talk as Jennifer followed before stopping when Nancy gets to her locker. Steve jumps out and startles her, picking her up before setting her down. She stares at them before looking toward Jonathan who is already halfway down the hall. Jennifer takes off too, not wanting to see the commotion. She walks away and toward her locker to grab your next period textbook, closing the metal door. Jennifer catches up to Jonathan as they greet each other. 
“Hey, any plans for Halloween?” 
“No, just staying in and…” 
“Listening to the talking heads? Or, watching movies with your mom and her new boyfriend? Sounds pretty vague to me.” 
“Oh, hush. Anyway, what are your plans?” 
“I’m going to that party. Maybe next time we can crash at your place and watch horror movies together with Wilhelmina like old times.” 
Jennifer steps away and head towards her next class, passing Billy as he stares at her and blows her a kiss as she catches it. 
That night, Jennifer walks with Steve and Nancy toward the front door of Barbra Holland's house. Steve rings the doorbell as they all wait for a few seconds until the door opens, revealing Mrs. Holland. She lets the three teenagers in as she walks by a ton of photos of Barbra before being seated at the table. 
“I’m so sorry I didn’t get to cook. I was gonna make that baked ziti you guys like so much, but I just forgot about the time, and before you know it, ‘oh, my God, it’s five o’clock.”
“It’s fine.” 
“Yeah, it's great.” 
“Right, I love KFC..” 
They all exchange various looks before Jennifer and Steve take a bite of their food, turning towards Nancy who begins to speak. 
“So, I noticed a ‘For Sale’ sign out in your yard. Is that the neighbors, or…”
“You wanna tell them?” 
“Go ahead.”
Mrs. Holland looks at Nancy. 
“We hired a man named Murray Bauman. Have either of you heard of him?”
“No, I don’t think so.” 
“He was an investigative journalist for the Chicago Sun-Times.” 
“He’s pretty well known,” 
Mr. Holland shows Jennifer, Steve and Nancy Murray’s card as Jennifer looks at it. 
“Anyway, he’s a freelance now, and he agreed to take the case.” 
“Oh, that’s… that’s great.” 
They smile as Steve swallows his food. 
“No, that’s really… That’s great, right?” 
“Yeah, totally.” You agree. 
“What does that mean?” 
“Means he’s gonna do what that lazy son of a bitch Jim Hop– sorry. What the Hawkins police haven't been capable of doing. Means we have a real detective on the case,” 
Jennifer takes a sip of her soda as Nancy does the same. The Holland's keep saying how they are gonna have their daughter found as Nancy worries for them, unable to process her emotions as she excuses herself from the table. Steve makes a comment as Barbara’s parents chuckle as Jennifer stood too, going after Nancy. Standing outside of the bathroom door, she lightly knocks. 
“I… I wanted to check on you. You know, see how you’re doing.” 
“I’m… good. Just go back to the meal. I’ll be out in a few minutes.” 
“Nancy, come on. I know you’re upset, let me in.” 
Jennifer hears a sniffle come from Nancy before she opens the bathroom door, letting her in as tears fill her eyes. She sits on the side of the tub as Jennifer stood in her place, folding her arms across her chest. She kneels in front of her and brings Nancy into her embrace, rubbing soothing circles on the small of her back as she sobs.
“I wish there was something I could’ve done. I don’t… I don’t know, maybe I should have stayed with Barb and took her home. I—” 
“It’s okay, Jennifer. Really. It isn’t your fault.” 
Jennifer and Nancy both stay there for an extra minute or two before rising and checking themselves out in the mirror, walking out of the bathroom and towards the table in the dining room. 
When Steve pulls up to Jennifer's house, she thanks him for the ride and says goodbye to him and Nancy before unhooking her seatbelt. Jennifer opens the door and steps out of the vehicle and closes the door behind, walking towards the entrance of her house ready to start a new day.
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dire-kumori · 1 year
I'm glad you liked my last idea- I had another idea (I am also very scattered brained and just come up with like 16 new ideas for random au I find on the internet) We're after like I'm gonna say 80 time loops where Michael is like fully devolved into the reaper He decides not just to kill his younger self this time... He only plans on doing it once just one little piece of revenge.. And he knows it will hurt his younger self too so it's like a double win...
Basically he sneaks into the Afton house at night and kidnaps Elizabeth.. Then he takes her to wear sister location would be built.. He knows that Michael saw him and is probably going to follow him in an attempt to save Elizabeth he's planning on it.... Elizabeth is like freaking out and reaper Mike Is trying to justify... Hes got her tied up to a tree and everything
Reaper Michael: I know it's my fault you became that thing.. If I had watched if I had come sooner I could have saved you.. *Touches her hair Elizabeth squirms away*
Elizabeth: When my dad and brothers find you they're gonna make you pay you're a bad man!! (She is trying really hard to act brave but she is terrified)
Reaper Michael: I know.. cause I care about Elizabeth.. I've always cared about you're my little sister for God damn sake... And I know that somewhere in that horrible twisted mass of metal and plastic you cared about me too.. But you still killed me you wore me like some kind of dress up..
*Elizabeth suddenly realized that this thing somehow is Michael screams and wiggles against her restraints. Younger Michael hears it and rides his bike towards the scream*
Ripper Michael: I honestly should thank you Elizabeth you showed me that no matter how much I tried to hide it all I am is a dirty rotten creature and all I can do is hurt people... But you still killed me and it hurt so so much.. And one death won't mean anything in the greater scheme.. (Man has gone full monster He knows what hes doing is terrible and hes not actually helping anyone it's more just cathartis)
*Elizabeth not really understanding what he means by everything... But understanding that somehow she did this to him.. She is so terrified she wants to just start crying there not only because of the monster in front of her but because this monster is her brother and she made him like this for some reason...*
Elizabeth: What happened to you Michael? what did I do what's going on? I'm so sorry?
Reaper Michael: That's what I said to you... *Michael thinks back to the scooping room* Want to know what you said?
*Younger Michael is in the clearing with a baseball bat*
Reaper Michael: The scooper only hurts for a second.. (Quickly kills Elizabeth I don't know how he just does-)
Then he probably makes a quick work of Younger Michael before it starts all over again..
Sorry I couldn't stop thinking about this since you said earlier hes only doing This to deal with his own feelings of self-hatred. It's kind of Marinate in it.. I thought it would be interesting if in one loop he kills Elizabeth It's like hes gone fully off of the deep end at this point and doesn't really have a way to justify what hes doing anymore- And even though he does blame himself for what happened to Elizabeth he still hates that she did it to him.. Sorry for how long this ISL OLI hope you like it!!
This is pure evil and I am absolutely living for it!
Reaper Mike has fully gone off the deep end if he's outright willing to kill his little sister. He knows that she isn't the one who killed him, but can't completely erase the pain and terror he felt when he was down there alone in the scooping room. And as a ghost possessing his own derelict corpse, those emotions he felt at the moment of his death never dull. Circus Baby and Ennard are gone but the human soul who controlled them is right there, so weak and vulnerable, unable to fight back, and it's not like it will stick, right? One he slaughters the young version of himself time will be reset and she'll be fine. It's just once, a brief momentary release...
William would be proud of how alike they are in that moment.
(Bit of gore talk ahead; par for the course with a lot of my writing but if it's upsetting to you, skip over to 'He knew.')
And young Mike is utterly broken at the sight of his sister's corpse, drenched in blood with her belly slit open, intestines hanging down to the ground with her face frozen in an agonized scream for help that never came. He knew that something dangerous was coming. He knew his family was in danger but selfishly, he only thought about saving his own skin. Why didn't he try to warn anyone? Why didn't he try harder to protect his siblings? It's his fault Elizabeth's dead, and in the face of how utterly he's failed is sister, he doesn't even put up a fight when the Reaper comes for him next.
Whether or not anyone else aside from Michael remembers any of the loops depends entirely on the author. But let's say in this case Elizabeth does remember some of it, if only as a bad dream. The next morning Elizabeth reacts to the sight of Michael with a mix of guilt and horror and actually vomits at the sight of him.
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a-v-j · 1 year
"I have another question for the hypothetical scenario who was deemed too wholesome for this lonely story. There are some questions I am curious about."
"First, since how long would it take for Recall to remember his life as Science, Sans and Geno, before he became Error. And how will that affect the relation with Extinction and Killer? Secondly, what would Killer's opinion on Recall be, pre and post remembering? Since, as mentioned in the previous asks, Extinction and Killer would eventually create some chaos out of boredom, and Recall would have to deal with it. "
"On top of that, since Killer is not a father figure, and more of a brother figure, how much would Extinction emulate him? Since younger siblings emulate the closest older sibling, not the parent in most of the case. How would that affect his growth compared to Extinction in the Eon asks? And what would Eon opinion be on Killer's soul state or story?"
"And lastly, since this is mostly spoken in case where Killer doesn't get errorify by some shenanigans. What would happen if he started errorfying? How would he end up personality wise, considering that the last thoughts of people before becoming Errors define their new persona? Would it be camaraderie for what he got here, maybe family love or maybe self-hatred/self-guilt for putting those watch him. Would Recall try to help him remember, considering he got experience with losing most of your memories? What about Extinction, since with how volative he was during his childhood, I don't think he might react well to this."
"It might sound weird for Killer, but without the interference of Chara or Nightmare, he can feel love and so, taking in context his relation with Colour in the something new comic?"
"So what do you think?"
For the first one, there would be no way for Recall to actually...well, RECALL he was Geno without Reaper. Atleast not in my stories. So there's no scenario for that one. And if somehow down the line Recall does remember, i dont really think it'll affect his perspective or relationship with Ex and Killer, it'll still be the same, just with much more Geno in the mix
For the second one, Ex is pretty impressionable so he'll eventually adapt killer's gremlin-ness and be more chaotic as he grows, heck he'll perhaps be killer 2.0. really an opposite to his sorta stoic, calm and reserve canon adult personality. And Eon wont even exist, cuz yknow, death was never in this mox so...
Errorfied Killer be a mega bitch gremlin, not a violent type but will be destructive as hell. That is..if Recall doesnt kill him off while glitchifying.
I think there would some fight that will ensue between recall and ex, who's most likely be protecting killer at that point
Then again, this is just my impromptu thoughts, perhaps if i take more time foreseeing how their interaction and relationship develop, it might come to a whole different scenario but I'm too busy to do that right now lol
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Hello and welcome to Day 16 of "Let's Explore My Plot Bunnies"
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Continuing the Crack/Crossover My Hero Academia plot bunnies that I have, today we are talking about a Shaman King Crossover (-ish?).
Title for the fic: "Spiritual Warfare - Quirk Era Edition"
The story starts with the mess that Asakura Hao's successor to the title of Shaman King makes literally a month into his new position.
Said mess leads to the apparition of super-powered humans into the world. At the beginning, the superpowers (or Quirks as they are later known as) aren't that big of a problem. The real problem starts later down the line when Quirks show signs of becoming too powerful for the body of humans, thus ending up with the humans dying in gruesome ways.
The other Shaman Kings from history decide it is time for them to intervene when the creation of Nomu by the one called All For One starts - after all the souls of the people that were sacrificed in creating that abomination have never been fully able to move onto their next life, which causes a problem for the world at large as well.
The Shaman Kings decide that Hao's soul (including Yoh) should be the one(s) to take care of this problem and reduce the full possibility of a calamity for Earth. (And, no, it's not because the Shaman Kings still dislike Hao and want to put him to work as punishment for the headaches they got while he was Shaman King; they are not that petty ... )
As such, Asakura Hao and Asakura Yoh are reborn in the Quirk Era. Asakura Hao is reborn as Midoriya Izuku and maintains his connection to Spirit of Fire - which is very good considering Spirit of Fire can be explained as the combination of his mother and father's Quirks.
Meanwhile, Asakura Yoh is reborn as Bakugou Katsuki, whose parents just happen to be extremely close to Izuku's parents. Which in turn means they grow up as brothers - even more than when they were brothers before.
Being a baby again sucks, but at least all they have to do in this lifetime is just find this All For One and get rid of him for good. (Easier said that done when you are supposed to be a law-abiding citizen, but oh well)
Since being a Pro-Hero is not only a good career but also could make finding AFO easier, Bakugou decides to go for it. And he drags Izuku with him at the U.A. Entrance Exams because Bakugou wants him there as moral support ("Ha! Now that I think about it, you are now the younger one between us."; "I am gonna kill you, Yoh!")
Izuku planned to just sit there... you know, like a statue and not get himself any villain points so he wouldn't have to deal with this situation at all, but it appears that his younger brother's mentality of "Let's protect humans" has rubbed off on him in the last 500 years. So, when the Zero Pointers appear and some children are stuck in between the debries, Izuku helps them. But it's not a big deal. It's not like he will get point for this, right?
... RIGHT?
Fast forward a few weeks later, both Izuku and Bakugou get their letter of admission for U.A. (Izuku will end Bakugou before this whole spiel is over. That he promises.)
Now, both Izuku and Bakugou have to deal with juggling between school work, attacks from the villains, the ever growing problem that is All For One and his bullshit, the too insistent Mr. Yagi, taking care of their classmates and making sure they don't die that fast (who the hell let kids fight in this world? Izuku just wants to talk, nothing more) and their never-ending but ever growing hatred for Hao's successor. Let's hope they make it, I guess?
Some details I wanna ramble about more:
Hao!Izuku was born in the Midoriya family, which is a very distant line of the Asakura family. So, Izuku is still an Asakura.
The shaman community has been on the down low since a lot of them were killed during the time humanity hated everyone who wasn't "normal" and had those "abnormal powers." Because you know, humanity just loves to start purges every other century or so. This only serves to make Izuku (Hao) more angry at humanity. At least this time, Bakugou (Yoh) is also angry.
In this lifetime, Izuku (Hao) is the one who had an arranged marriage. The arranged marriage is a good thing for both Izuku - who doesn't want to deal with gold diggers - and for the girl, Sayaka - who just wants to be a person in her own right and not just a trophy wife for someone else's family. Bakugou (Yoh) is the happy uncle who fears the gremlins that these two will give birth to.
Izuku (Hao) chooses to have "Hao" as his Pro-Hero name; while Bakugou (Yoh) is still undecided on that.
After they end up in UA, it becomes apparent that they are not the only ones to have been reborn in this world; (me and my friend @yokomisaki brainstormed who would be who in this AU and this is all we have so far) => Eri is Opacho; Todoroko Natsuo is Horohoro; Himiko is Anna (and she is not a villain in this one); Todoroki Touya is Faust (Double Spy ftw?) and Eliza is Hawks; Lyserg is Detective Tsuauchi Naomasa; Tao Ren is Monoma; Manta is Melissa Shield; Ryunosuke is either Snipe or Present Mic (still undecided);
Izuku (Hao) ends up adopting Class 1-A to his own horror and to Bakugou's (Yoh's) amusement.
Izuku (Hao) is also very much done with humanity as a whole. He is losing braincells the more he stays here, he can swear that on his soul.
Bakugo (Yoh) is able to sleep through an explosion created by a villain attack - this was confirmed by Izuku, who did, in fact, witness this happening.
Izuku (Hao) took a look at Endeavor's fire once and proclaimed that a fireplace is more effective than him. Todoroki Shoto may or may not have heard that one.
I can totally see Touya (Faust) flirting with Hawks (Eliza) while other heroes are presents. He does that mostly because he thinks it's fun (Hawks also blushes a lot) and because he likes being a little shit around these "heroes".
And this is about it for this crack fic.
Honestly, while I was talking to Yoko and deciding who is who in this AU, my brain just went over Naomasa as a potential character for Lyserg. But when it hit me, I was like: "Doesn't Lyserg hate lies/liars? Did we just make him a lie detector?" And then we proceeded to laugh over the irony of this.
Either way, I hope you had fun reading my rambling. Have a great day/night, and take care of yourselves!
See you tomorrow,
-TooManyPlotBunnies-Send Help
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(Same here, Yoh, same here)
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starsarefire824 · 1 year
I'm that anon that started your fic today and I just read chapter 6 and omg... omfg... I stayed 5 minutes staring at my screen.
The angst, the way i can understand that everyone is right and wrong at the same time?Lucas has all the right to feel hurt with Mike because it's implied that Lucas was talking to Mike about Max and how he feels about her and in Lucas POV Mike was acting behind his back and I understand Mike because he was so confused and he doesn't even know what made him and Max do that anyway. But Lucas was so wrong for the way he said those things and the fact that Mike was drunk and Mike said that disgusted thing about El and god how i loved that punch.
At this point, ngl I'm with the party in this one. While I feel sorry for Mike and understand there is a lot inside his head right now, that doesn't give him the right to hurt his friends, he needs to have more responsible regarding of the others feelings like... he knows Will loves him but keeps giving him missed signals, giving him hope without even consider what this may be doing with Will? I'm glad Will stood up for himself. I'm so mad at him right now, not because of what happened with Max but how he is acting towards everyone. Like Lucas said to him, he can't keep hurting people just because he hates himself.
And... Wtf El? If I was Nancy i would glare at her saying "I don't care how powerful you are and what you can do with it. Do something like that to my brother ever again and I will kill you myself".
Anyway im loving it, it's so good 😭
AAAAH SO glad you're liking it anon! I am so stoked you decided to try out the first couple of chapters!
And WOO BOY, lol. I totally agree! It's hard when you can kinda see where everyone is coming from, but still find some of their choices severely lacking! Lucas is right, Mike is so wrapped up in his own inner turmoil that he can't see how the way he acts hurts Will. He'd convince himself that the sky is fucking purple if it meant that he wouldn't have to look himself in the eye and accept himself for who he is. But, also, it's like....I get it Mike. He's very repressed, it's the 80s, he's very young, he's dealing with his depression and anxiety on top of it. etc etc. It's a lot. And Will, as we have learned so far, has confided in Dustin and Lucas and obviously El, but he's been pretty quiet regarding Mike. Sure, it's obvious to everyone else, but I think, without words, Mike could find any little thing to convince himself that it's all in his head. But that doesn't excuse his actions. And it DOESN'T excuse what he said at El. That had everything to do with his self-hatred and little to do with how he actual feels about her.
And El! I mean, I get it, girl, but yeah...her reaction after the punch is pretty insane. But, I feel like it's pretty canon that when El is hurt or having trouble processing her emotions, it's pretty typical for her to respond with anger, and a lot of times that ends up in slightly extreme use of her powers. I haven't really explored that part of her personality in a fic before, so I thought it would be fun/interesting to do that here. Anyway, thanks for giving it a shot, and even though Madwheeler wasn't necessarily your thing, I'm glad you're enjoying it so far! Thanks for the lovely ask and thanks for ranting to me all your thoughts! I love it so much!!!! ❤︎❤︎❤︎
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Season 4/5 of ageswap is driving me insane but I'm nowhere that part of the timeline. Putting this under a readmore cause it got long again. Spoilers for ageswap beneath the cut
Ageswap Karai isn't dead.
She's the Shredder.
During the Fire, she and Leo fought each other because she'd killed Yuuta and rebuit the Foot Clan. A fire started and consumed most of the Hamato Clan's estate, including the building those two were fighting in. The roof collapsed, seperateing her and Leo.
Don and Mikey didn't know about the fight at the time, but had seen the fire and ran to the infirmary to grab Yoshi. Their plan was to then run to the residential areas to pick up Saki, but along the way they ran into Foot soliders. By the time they made it to what was the boys' room, it was already up in flames. Unknown to them, Shinigami had already been there and Saki was safe.
Raph meanwhile went to find Karai and Leo, and was able to dig Leo out of the rubble. He tried to dig Karai out as well, but the Foot Clan were closing in and Leo was still unconscious, so he made the decision to take Leo and run.
Before the brothers left Japan with Yoshi, they found out that a body had been found within the rubble. Believing it was their sisters, they left Japan.
Karai, however, had managed to escape the building before it completely collapsed. Some nasty burn scars prevented her from being able to search for her brothers and son personally, so Tatsu and Shini handled that.
This essentially means that the ageswap turtles, without meaning to, technically kidnapped Yoshi whilst believing they got their sister killed.
Because of that, Ageswap Karai is out for blood. She's spent the last 15 years searching for them, partly for revenge and partly to get her son back. So is Shinigami, because she's Yoshi's other biological parent. This is the enviroment Ageswap Saki was raised in: a missing twin brother, and both his mothers on a war path against the Hamato Clan.
When the Foot Clan arrive in New York, they don't immediately find out that the Turtles and the rat are the Hamato Brothers and Yoshi. Part of this is because there's very few people in the Foot Clan who know what the Turtles sound like, and Yoshi wasn't even talking when the Fire happened, so his voice isn't a clue to who he really is. Plus by this point the Splinter nickname has thoroughly stuck, so Saki and the other Foot don't hear anyone call him Yoshi until later.
Because of this the situation from Karai's perspective is that her brothers are hiding, sending out these monsters and teenagers to fight their battles for them, and no one knows where her youngest son is. She grew up with the Turtles, so in theory knows they'd never hurt a child, but she's also had almost 15 years to stew in her hatred, so her perception of them is bit off.
And the longer they stay in NYC, the more worried her and Shini get to the point where they decide to take drastic methods. 12 Shredder kidnapped April, Ageswap Shredder takes Shadow.
Unfortunately for the Hamato Clan, this coincides with the Kraang's first invasion attempt, so all the older, more experieinced members are out fighting. This leaves Yoshi, his sisters and Tang Shen to rescue Shadow.
Karai had been expecting her brothers to finally make an appearance, maybe April and Casey as well. Not a team of children, one of which she recognises as Saki's ex-girlfriend. She is, to put it mildly, disgusted. Who sends out children to fight their battles for them?
Yoshi ends up staying behind to give his sisters and Shen the cahnce to escape and as in canon fights the Shredder alone. It doesn't go great for him. She's not trying to kill him, because even at her worst there are things she won't do and murder a child in cold blood is one of them, but she doesn't go easy on him. He's still a member of the Hamato Clan, and this is war. He'll leave the fight with some new scars, his old blue hoodie a shredded mess, and some fun new trauma to deal with, but he'll leave it alive.
Doesn't make Yoshi any less relieved when his aunt and uncles arrive. It's not a long battle - they'd literally just destroyed the technodrome - but whilst the rest of the family focus on getting the kids to safety, Leo faces down the Shredder.
At some point, someone screams Yoshi's name, not his nickname, not Splinter, and Karai freezes. She realises for the first time why those (petrified) amber-brown eyes had been so familiar, she remembers that her youngest son had inherited her eyes.
The rat mutant she'd just brutally attacked was the missing son she'd spend so many years searching for.
Her freezing also allows Leo to knock her helmet off, and he's more than ready to kill the Shredder, right up until the moment where he sees her face and recognises his big sister. Which means that whilst she's dealing with the revelation that Splinter is her son, Leo is finding out that his sister is still alive and the Shredder.
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misty-groves · 18 hours
Ivy Wayne thought/study
Ivy Wayne looks SO MUCH like her grandmother. Darker skin, a sharper nose, darker curls, and a shorter stature. But she looks so much like Martha. She looks like Bruce of course, but he looks like Martha too. She has Talia's coloring mostly, and freckles she got from Thomas. But the way the genetics worked she looks enough like Martha that it hurts.
She wore pearls once, and the way Bruce amd Alfrsd reacted made her never wear them again. She was seventeen, and the two men had choked and looked broken.
Ivy takes up the mantle of Cardinal at age nine. Her Robin is Jason, that's the Robin she learned with. They have been very close the whole time.
Dick is her older brother and alway has been. Even at his lowest. He saw her when he became Bruce's ward, and felt pulled to her. When things were at their worst, and he wasn't a good brother to Jaaon, he was still a better brother to her. He is the only one she's always honest with the first time when asked how she's doing.
She's got a lot of thoughts over how Dick and Bruce treated and spoke about Jason before Ethiopia. And despite what ypy may expect, the disconnect between how she amd Jason were treated didn't strain them. Jason expected worse, and was just glad she was treated okay. Ivy just made sure to be there for Jason as loudly and obviously as she could.
Ivy died when she was 12 a few months before Jason died. It was a car accident as a civilian. She died in Dick's arms as he sang to her. This really messed them both up.
She was put in the Lazarus pit after being revived by Talia when Bruce gave her to her mother. She struggles with pit madness fir the rest if her life, but her genetics help her deal better than others.
She was allowed to write a letter to Bruce two to three times a year while with the leauge. He wrote back.
The day she learned of Jason's death was a month after he passed. The sun was bright, and she went on a sobbing rampage.
She was Damian's personal gaurd. She's still fiercely protective of him. But for all her duty- she was his first real teacher about family. She sang him to sleep, read him stories, and offered comfort and unconditional support.
Ivy found out about Joker Junior and screamed at Bruce, stormed off, fought red hood and spilled her guts to a stranger (she didn't know it was Jason she just spilled her guts to.)
Jason, who dosen’t tell her who he is, finds that One Person cares about his death. Finds His Person cres and spent five years in the leauge and would actually kill the joker if she gets the chance)
Ivy starts her own team a year after she comes home, they're Called Constellation Justice Guild
A few months after her Lazarus swim she gets given a serum that grants her meta abilities (that she hides when she gets to gotham). Because of her intense desire to protect her powers manifest as better intuition, and the ability to make energy sheilds. (With lots of training she is eventually able to make the Sheila's see through, use them to move things, amd use small Sheila's as projectile weapons)
She HATES needles
Ivy is TERRIFIED of being truly alone
She's also pretty scared of letting people down
Also needles and vampires
She runs after school self fedmse classes for free three times a week, where she also provides dinner.
Ivy has a self sacrificial world view and thinks her job is to a be a gaurd dog of sorts.
She ends up living with Jason for a few years. They share an apartment and go to therapy.
In some aus she meets her grandparents. She gets along with them well enough
In her villian au she becomes Pheonix. A villian with powers, friends, and hatred. She turned evil after losing her family to the Joker. All of them one by one. She's a handful for the heroes and has slowly converted her friends amd the griend sof her siblings into villians.
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lunasmusemenagerie · 4 months
Jason Todd - muse info (my take on this lovable asshole)
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adding a read more because its looong and of course TWs of abuse, drug use, torture, mind control, death.
Jason Todd grew up already on crime alley, with an unemployed father and his mother. from the time he could remember, he father started slipping into drugs and abusing them after being laid off, which cause several massive fights between his mother and his father. it wasnt uncommon for the man to become agressive and fighty when on his drugs of choice. this led to verbal and physical abuse for both Jason and his mother, although his mother tried to sheild him from it as best as she could. but, it wasnt enough and Jason came home one day to see his father had murdered his mother, and, seemed to be fully ready to try and murder him. the boy ran but to no avail, his father soon caught up to him and threw him to the pavement as two on duty cops watched, he was beaten to an inch of his life. from that day forward Jason found a home on crime alley, scavenging what he could to sell and getting in good with the fences.
the kids on crime alley quickly learned no one would take care of them, except for themselves and each other, and even then... alliances could be dangerous if not forged with the right people. While Jay typcially pulled jobs on his own, he also didnt mind having the network and sharing what he knew within the network.
having seen the batmobile in this part of town enough times, several of the kids planned on stripping the car and selling off parts, with it being as high end as it was. Jason was the first to try, as his target, the tires would take the longest to remove. he'd gotten the second one loose when Batman caught him, and before the man could try and grab him jason tossed a tire iron at him to distract so he could dash. he wasnt expecting the man to be as agile and fast as he was and he found himself slammed against the car, staring up at the vigilante that a lot of criminals had started to fear. Batman released him, and took him under his wing, taking him off the streets to live at Wayne Manor as a ward of the state, much like Dick grayson had been. this is how Jason learned of the world of Bruce's, but above and below ground.
He trained with both Bruce and Dick, starting to go out on missions with them. this life was exciting, finally getting to deal justice to people that he wished he could when he was younger. being the ward of one of the world's richest men, however, took some getting used to. tension between bruce and jason grew as his methodology of dealing with problems were getting increasingly violent, and a line was drawn when jason shot a criminal before they brought him to the police. instead of being praised for his markmanship he was met with rebuke, being told that they don't use guns.
Dick and Bruce had a falling out when his brother moved to Bludhaven, and the role of sidekick fully landed on Jason's shoulders. Instead of giving Jason more freedom however, Bruce tightened his leash. At 17, he went after the Joker alone, hoping that by either bringing in the clown or killing him, he could prove to Batman he could do this and didn't need to be so heavily watched.
Joker was able to subdue the boy, and spent the next two days torturing the boy before bashing his head in with a crowbar, all while filming it. The videos were sent to batman along with th3 live feed of Jason's death. However, Jason wasn't dead. Not truly. The Joker had gained access to the Lazarus Pit and raised him, before burying him underground in a pine box, letting the boy dig his way out on his own before the Joker took him and the nightmare started over.
Jason was yet again tortured and conditioned by the Joker, planting false memories of Jason's time with Batman and Nightwing to where the only thing he felt towards then was hatred and fear. He was to be the secret weapon to demolish the mental am emotional strength of Jokers nemesis.jaso. doesn't remember much of this time, the only clear memory was when they broke him of the mind comtrol, of his brother holding Jason's face, asking him to come back.
He was taken back to thr manor to recover, but a lot of damage had been done. It was hard to tell the false from the real, and wvery time he tried to sort it out he'd end up more confused and with a migraine. So, he chose to only focus on the present, moving out of the manor as Bruce still conjured feelings of hatred and fear, even without the mask on, and operating under the name of Red Hood, swift and decisive vigilante justice.
He's spent the last couple of years operating on his own, only recently patching up his relationship with Dick Grayson. Both boys however, still have rocky relationships with Bruce.
(Jason is aged 19-24, is bisexual and panromantic)
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goldenbinturong · 6 months
I find myself thinking about Bruce Wayne if he wasn't Batman, and I really like Poison Ivy because I also go crazy when doing research projects so here's...whatever this is (idk the ship name for them but uh this doesn't include that, sorry in advance)
Also I vibe with the DC Continuity Project, which helped immensely in deciding what, who and when (Because canon likes retconning origin stories to hell and back, I'm using their timeline for Ivy & Bruce's story)
At 14-years-old, Bruce Wayne's plans to become a jack-of-all-trades martial artist is shot down by Alfred Pennyworth.
Truthfully, it took months of arguments, and the butler did fear for a moment the teen would never forgive him for putting his foot down.
However, after a very productive conversation (aka Bruce finally breaking down under the weight of grief and the pressure of a legacy), Alfred agreed he could travel and study so long as he promised to not just be a recluse and actually finish his schooling.
Fast-foward, 19-year-old Bruce Wayne and 18-year-old Pamela Isley meet in Seattle. Bruce is looking into alternative landscaping projects with altered plants that can withstand Gotham's pollution, meanwhile Pamela is conducting her botanical biochemistry research with Woodrue.
They see kindred souls in each other - stand off-ish, orphans, highly independent and emotionally wack - and begin to bond.
When Woodrue encourages Pamela to be part of his experiments, Bruce is alarmed and they argue about it. Pamela is convinced this is her chance to make connections in higher academia, and that Bruce wouldn't understand because he was rich.
However, as things get out of control and Pamela is affected by the experiments, they team-up to get Woodrue arrested. (Idk how but let's suspend our belief okie)
Woodrue is imprisoned. Both think all's well that ends well, but Pamela starts developing the side affects of whatever was injected in her, causing mood swings, green skin and weird spores sometimes.
Seeing that Pamela's dealing with huge amounts of self-hatred and regret, Bruce offers up the manor as a safe haven while they try to figure out how to tamper the effects.
Pamela spends the next year in the care of Alfred, forming a bond with the butler and growing to see him as a parental figure as well. Bruce continues his traveling, but gives Pamela full reign and budget to conduct research on her physical condition.
Aside from learning what exactly her new powers are and creating a syrum that undoes her unnatural appearance for short periods of time, Pamela focuses on regaining her emotional bearings with the support of Bruce and Alfred, and what she plans to do with her life in the future.
Fast-forward again, Pamela finishes her undergraduate degree and continues her graduate work, utilizing the syrum to continue her life in the public. She's 22-years-old, and a 23-year-old Bruce is set to return to Gotham next year.
She's excited! She has friends, a good mentor helping with her research, and peers who respect her. She has a family, a father and a brother, that support her. She got lucky enough that financial burdens aren't on her mind and she has a handle on her condition, allowing her to live a normal life.
It all comes to a head when the laboratory she uses is attacked. It's chaos, there's fire and rubble everywhere. Pamela has to limp out of the building, past the bodies of her coworkers and mentor.
As she escapes alongside other survivors, devastation reigns in her mind. She wants to cry about the people she's lost, she wants to scream about how her hard work has been destroyed but most of all, she's angry at the injustice, and she wants to kill the motherfucker who thinks trampling on innocents is okay.
She refrains from telling Alfred, but immediately calls up Bruce and is like, "What if I fight crime in Gotham?" And Bruce is so on board, he arrives earlier than planned to train her.
(Bruce - "Alfred doesn't know I still did martial arts while studying...let's keep that between us." He's also secretely smug that one of two wards still ended up fighting crime.)
The next year consists of preparing - her suit is designed (since it's Bruce, he hyperfixates on the practical aspects of it and how to achieve maximum protection while still allowing her spores to permeate), communication systems are created and, once Alfred finds out, the cave is set up.
(Pamela - "I live off of sunlight, why does our base of operations have to be underground? Why can't it be in the manor?")
(Bruce - "We must work in the shadows for maximum effectiveness...also it's cool.")
Once Pamela's 23 and Bruce is 24, Gotham meets its first-ever superhero.
She's unnamed for a while, her call-name on comms just being P (Bruce being B), but after Joker almost poisons the Gotham Reservoir, Pamela manages to catch-him off guard by acting too hurt to fight and casting itchy spores onto his person.
"Surprised? Don't you know poison ivy never dies?"
(Later on, Gordon laughs as she retells the story, "Poison Ivy? It fits you!")
(Also Bruce, once she's back in the manor, "We can work with Poison Ivy... also it does stop itching five years after death so... you're kinda wrong.")
I imagine that although Pamela loves children, she wouldn't immediately think to adopt Dick. Bruce, however, would absolutely be demanding through her earpiece that she bring back this miserable boy.
Insanely funny as well that once the Justice League sets up, they're like, "Hey, Ivy, if you've got powers, why use gadgets?"
And she's like, "Well yeah, but B says it's important to have backup plans."
They're like, "Who's B???"
Anyway I might post more ideas about this universe if they pop up in my head (was hoping to make it superbat but I ended up falling in love with Ivy so she's the star)
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