#he still loves his brother despite everything and doesn't know where to put that among everything else he feels about him
russenoire · 4 months
on first watch as an anime-only, i remember feeling like ritsu kageyama's descent into evil in episode seven needed a little more air, more space to breathe. i... no longer do. if that slide down the slippery slope feels a bit sudden, there is a reason; and if you know what to look for, it's not actually all that sudden. bear with me here.
from the first episode, the anime sets ritsu up as shigeo's kind, solicitous younger brother. we don't see much of him for the first three episodes, but when we do, he's making bids for shigeo’s attention: helpfully straightening his spoon when it bends and deposits a bite of his dinner on the dining table; noting that he seems out of it and offering himself up as a confidant at least twice; checking in on him in the morning so they can both leave on time. (i actually love the anime for doing this. ritsu doesn't even show up as a character until maybe the middle of the manga's second volume?) except for the spoon, shigeo gently turns him down every time.
and yet. the interview ichi mezato snags with ritsu in episode four confirms a distance between the kageyama boys. you are not seeing things here. he initially refuses her desire for detailed information about shigeo’s powers, only indulging her to find out what shigeo’s been up to. ritsu holds those powers in such awe that he uses a rather hyperbolic phrase to describe shigeo for her: '世界の基本', or sekai no kihon, literally the standard for [his] world.
after he coldly walks out on her, she reviews what little she’s gleaned from their chilly meeting: he's hawt, at the top of his class, athletic, very popular... all things his older brother decidedly is not. the story establishes a duality here between ritsu’s image—indirectly revealed through mezato’s notes—and the reality of ritsu, sat hunched across from her, sullen, barely tolerating her until she coughed up the information she promised him. later on that evening, we see just how deep ritsu's awe goes... or rather, how snared up it is in resentment and envy as he attempts in vain to bend a spoon, just like shigeo did when they were younger. all the trophies of others’ esteem already gathering dust on his shelves don’t mean shit if he can’t have this.
ritsu intercepts shigeo as he leaves for class the next morning: no student council meeting, so an opportunity to actually talk to him. this is rare, his brother notes. and of course dimple is haunting shigeo. when the specter comments on their apparent closeness, the boy side-eyes him hard. this can easily be read two ways: ‘why the hell are you talking to me when no one else can see you?’ and ‘man, fuck you for sticking the knife in deeper.’ ritsu doesn’t ask about the cult meeting here or ever in the entire series. was he really all that interested in mezato’s news? no, he only wants to know why his brother doesn’t use his powers anymore. and this is the first time they’ve talked about this.
it’s such a neat little mystery, these breadcrumbs the story leaves for us until ritsu’s formal introduction in episode six. even though they share the same home and appear to be on friendly terms, the kageyama brothers may as well live on opposite sides of the planet. we don’t even get a sense of why this state of affairs exists until episode five, where teru chokes the breath out of shigeo and his pissed-off soul levels teru’s school before catapulting him into the stratosphere to reflect on his sins: several years prior, shigeo nearly killed ritsu (and possibly ended three much older boys) in an accident neither boy understands; fragments of memory flash before his eyes as his consciousness shorts out.
‘brother, you’re home late, sopping wet. here’s a towel. are you hungry? you seem down; is everything OK? if you need to talk, i’m here for you.’
instead of turning down this bid for connection like all the rest and turning inward again, shigeo actually opens up. he apologizes for the accident—for the first time—then asks for some clarity, since his memories of it are broken. and ritsu clenches the knob to his brother’s bedroom door tighter. he lies to his face, tells him to ‘get over it already.’ this after asking shigeo to confide in him again, no less: too terrified to be honest with him, too used to being shot down. this boy is soaking in fear he has no context for, and he heads downstairs to soak in it alone. shigeo at least has reigen to process his own fears with, though he never trusts the man enough to take full advantage.
ritsu has no one.
he’s already keeping up appearances at home and has been for years; over the course of the spring cleaning big cleanup arc, we learn the extent to which he’s been doing so at school.
(all those expectations of him weighing him down for so long… he can’t hold out forever.)
student council vice president tokugawa calls him out on trying to melt into the scenery like his brother; his considerable gifts make that impossible. said gifts, however, are so ego-dystonic for him that they’re yet another part of Ritsu Kageyama’s Big Lie. the academically-gifted, popular sprinter so many of his fellow students swoon over isn’t real: why does everyone praise him for things anyone could do? he doesn’t actually have friends, just associates. who cares about charisma? why does everyone think he’s perfect when the only thing he truly wants will never be his? and why does his locker leak chocolate every valentine’s day?
gentle reader. are you still wondering why he snaps when he finally gets his wish? and why it looks the way it does?
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writerfae · 7 months
Cries over Rook and Cryptan (whose name my phone is desperately trying to turn into crystal). Their friendship kinda reminds me of Adél and Bendegúz, not because of any parallels, but it's this very strong, deep friendship.
...if I think about it, they remind me of the villain Adél au, where Bendegúz doesn't go with her to look for Ákos (and this becomes his biggest regret), and to put it simply Adél makes a deal with the Black swamp: Ákos remains unharmed, and Adél will carry on the Black swamp's purpose after Odette desrtoys it.
Adél and Bendegúz end up on opposite sides when it's the last thing they want.
It would be interesting how your characters from the present would get along with pre madness Rook (if you discount the fact that Aiden's job is to stop him from coming back). Just personality wise.
Also, I forgot to ask last time: can Callan fight?
Also, also:
Continuing the your traumatized boy takes care of mine Aiden babysitting Ákos saga:
I had this idea (that is actually canon) that i see as half cute half sad, which is this:
No matter how cute and precious Ákos is, despite still being a child he still managed to survive a month in a very hostile environment because 1: he's very smart, 2: he took some advice from each of his older siblings that helped him. He took care of himself... but he didn't like doing it. He stayed strong, sharp, and determined, but in the background, there was this little "I don't know what to do" (among other things, but this is what's relevant rn). And he couldn't do it forever. One time, he just stopped (and i can't say more cause spoilers).
And one of his feelings that I love writing about actually is that after Adél and Bendegúz find him and there's finally someone to take care of him. It's this repeated feeling of "It's okay, it's okay", but it's still a little suprising each time.
Finally getting to the point:
Ákos knows he can take care of himself, but on "bad days" he doesn't like it. Fortunately, he also knows that he has people he can rely on. So on some "bad days" (he has different types of bad days) he just follows people around like a little duckling (or on very bad days just Adél or Bendegúz), and yeah, he sometimes does this anyway, the difference is that on these days he kinda wants people to show him/ tell him what to do. To guide him a little.
And I think this would look so cute actually when Aiden's looking after him.
Like, idk exactly why (maybe because he was also left alone as a child), but I can totally see Aiden being like: child needs me to steer the ship for a bit so I will! with no hesitation.
Rook and Cyprian are everything to me at the moment <3
The villain Adél AU sounds cool! Dare I say it does remind me of Rook a bit. Either way, it's interesting!
Original Rook would get along quite well with everyone. Like insaid, hes really older brother-coded, not just with his issues. He's older than all of them and often busy though, so they probably wouldn't really spend much time together.
Callan can fight, but chooses not to. He's a person that sees fighting as a last option. He got weapon and fight training, though, so he can defend himself if necessary.
Poor Akós, that sounds like his survival instincts took over. But it's understandable, especially for someone so young, to just be taken care of.
Aiden knows how to look after himself, has been since he was a child. For him, it's almost normal, he had to unlearn that first. Had to learn to accept help. But he likes to give help, so as soon as he recognizes Ákos problem, I'm sure he'll try to help
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babe-in-red · 7 months
Hi again, can I ask something from Trigun? What do you think are Vash and Wolfwood’s greatest personality strengths and weaknesses? Why? What do you love about their dynamic? Sorry if you've answered these questions before.....
If you want to answer the questions above with Gojo and Geto's dynamics, I also don't mind....
I can answer both!
About vashwood:
Well, at first, Wolfwood, who must have been insanely confused after all the experiments, is one of the most stable characters in the Trigun universe. Though his morals are limping, you can clearly see why. As a child, Wolfwood was kind, understanding, and helpful. The big brother for the orphans. As an adult, he still fought against the regime he was in, and though they tried to break him and brainwash him, his strong personality, in the end, soaked through. I believe a good person in their heart cannot be completely corrupted.
Also, when Wolfwood loses his shit because of Vash being Vash, that's one of my favorite things about him. He shows how deeply he cares while denying it. The denial originates in Wolfwood. He's loving by nature, so when he pretends to be the big bad Wolf, he simply can't... someone save him. He really is *uses Vash's soft voice* Wolfwood.
Wolfwood's kindness and confusion are what make him the most human. His experience is something else.
About Vash--Ah Vashie Vash, Spikey Head, Tongari, Blondie, dumbass. Who wouldn't love Vash? I mean, that dude can be irritating by his inability to read danger, but then he's a plant (angel), and his beliefs are strongly installed in his bones. Vash is everything we wish to be, but Vash also has power we don't, so we simply sit in the corner. My love for Vash started when I understood that's exactly why he helps everyone. Because he has the power.
He possesses the strongest soul among the fictional characters. Incredible person, I'll tell you. Stubborn, maybe, and can't explain exactly why, but he knows in his heart. It's an instinct we lack. So, when Wolfwood doesn't understand why anyone would throw themselves into the pit like Vash, then the answer is instinct. I wish I knew what to do the second the problem appeared before me. That's what I love about Vash---quick in decision, unstoppable.
So, summing it up. I love their unstoppable, strong spirits.
Tired, but will always put together enough energy to keep going.
They are a part of one cake. You know, as a two-tier cake. The first tier is chocolate, and the second is vanilla. They taste different, but together they are delicious. It's their flavor.
Ah, I simply love vashwood.
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I wish we knew more about Suguru's background. About his childhood and his family. It's hard to go into depth when you don't know someone on that level. Suguru, however, is a typical traditional man; you can say he was raised in a strict family and led to follow traditions.
I like Suguru for the fact he treats everyone the same. And now, see the trait he shares with Satoru? They treat everyone the same until they don't, yet they do. It's really simple. Suguru met Satoru and was absolutely not phased by the Gojo prodigy boy. He treated him the same as he treated others. He normalized Satoru having friends despite his BIG status. I think that's also where Shoko sunk with them. She saw an opening and slid in.
Even after Suguru got lost for ten years, got his hair done, and then came out with villain plans, he still treated everyone the same--we all were monkeys, whatever, dude. There was no one less monkey than the other one. We were a zoo for him, lmao. I gotta let him have this one.
Also, he's funny, like, don't even let me start. And devoted to his thing. Loves children and is caring, even for those monkeys he keeps cleaning for money. Suguru is another example of a good man who cannot be completely corrupted. And you could see that during the fight in the movie. When even Satoru said that he trusted Suguru, he wouldn't seriously harm his students (mind, one of them was Maki with no cursed energy--monkey.)
When it comes to the Gojo brat, I gotta say we are too similar. I mean, the weirdness we possess is something so strongly judged. Being called a weirdo or idiot, but then you have people trailing you and following like shadows. When You have absolutely everything (which I absolutely don't), then it's hard to keep living. People usually live for their dreams, but when your dreams are all fulfilled, then what? You want to have goals, but you are on top of everything you touch. It's all fun while you can compete. You keep fighting.
I think Satoru was isolated most of his life, yet he always stayed true to himself. Rather be himself and hated than loved for who he wasn't. You can have friends and pretend every day, or you can be alone but be at peace with yourself.
I don't really care if he's a self-centered dumbass; his self-respect and self-love are what so many of us lack.
Summarized, once again two strong characters with different flavors come up together, fitting each other gaps.
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wineninconsistentices · 9 months
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__Pet Template__
Owner: Previous owner unknown, but Moose is now his owner.
Name: Bear
Species: Dog
Breed: German Shepherd
Gender: Male
Age: Eight
Backstory (optional): Amidst the chaos and confusion, Moose stumbled upon Bear while desperately attempting to escape the turmoil that surrounded him. Uncertain of the dog's circumstances or what had happened to him, Moose made the decision to offer him shelter and care. Despite the frantic crowd stepping past and disregarding Bear, their focus solely on escaping the unfolding mayhem, Moose took a chance and welcomed the dog into his life. It was undoubtedly a risky decision, but Moose has no regrets. The bond between them quickly blossomed, and Bear became his loyal and cherished companion. Moose's affection for the dog runs deep, and he holds a profound love for Bear, grateful for their enduring partnership in the face of adversity.
Date of birth: Unknown
Place of birth: Somewhere in New York? Possibly?
Notable traits: Moose couldn't help but notice an interesting pattern in Bear's behavior. The dog seemed to have a strong aversion to people who were taller or bigger than him. It all started with Bryan, whom Moose had spent some time with. Bear's aggression towards Bryan was initially dismissed as a result of the dog's injury at the time. However, as the week went on and Moose encountered more individuals, he noticed that Bear consistently showed hostility towards those who had a larger physical presence. Even though Moose didn't perceive any immediate threat from these people, he couldn't help but wonder if Bear's behavior stemmed from a protective instinct, particularly towards men who seemed more threatening in comparison of Moose.
Bear's strong bond with Moose is evident in his constant desire to stay close. He dislikes being separated from Moose and always wants to be by his side. Moose understands that Bear's behavior likely stems from a protective instinct, which, while understandable, can sometimes be a bit bothersome. Moose worries about potential dangers, like encountering a horde of threats. He's anxious that Bear might impulsively try to scare them away, even if they refuse to back down. To prevent any mishaps and keep Bear safe, Moose prefers to keep him in a secure location while he explores. However, Bear doesn't appreciate being separated and prefers to stick with Moose all the time.
Bear's intelligence is evident, as is common among German Shepherds. He has become familiar with Moose's daily routine by now. As soon as Moose puts on his boots and steps out of the house, Bear is right there, ready to accompany him. Their first stop is the nearby lake, where Moose refills his bucket with water to filter for clean drinking water at home. Once that task is complete, Moose takes the time to feed Bear and then proceeds to get dressed for the day. As Moose works on gathering the necessary items for his explorations, Bear shows his displeasure by attempting to interrupt him. He sometimes grabs something from the duffle bag and playfully runs off, trying to distract Moose. Despite Bear's efforts, Moose usually manages to assert his authority, but he still gives in to the dog's persistence, reluctantly taking Bear with him on his adventures.
Additional info: Not knowing what Bears original name is, Moose calls him bear. Something the dog grows accustomed to pretty quickly.
Bear did eventually grow a bond with Bryan before they lost the man, which the male was pretty glad about as he played around with dog. Obviously a dog lover, Moose was glad everything worked out in the end though it did suck that their ways had to be parted. He still wonders if the guy's doing okay, as the male spoke about finding a pair of brothers he knew of.
Moose has to keep the beef jerky he has in his medkit because the dog easily can get to it any other way, seeming to be a favorite treat of his. As soon as he hears the sound of the bag being opened, he's on a mission to snatch a piece from the man.
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dododan · 1 year
Idrissila - abandoned lunar demon
It is time to reveal another piece of Ash-kore's story. An important figure for his story is the character Idris himself and the role he played in planning the rebellion.
Idris doesn't have official credentials yet, but he has character sketches and design~ ready.
Idrissila - a demon with great potential
Her real name is Idrisilla. Daughter of a powerful family of moon demons, belonging to the nobility. Her family was highly influential and had a small territory. They were not Lords, but sought to aspire to one. When Idrisilla was born they thought the girl would be their chance to increase their territories. The first-born daughter that united the two strong moon demon families. A pure-blooded demoness who was expected to do great things.
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She was raised with this belief. She possessed everything she wanted, but she was taught how to be a ruler. From an early age she was taught philosophy, the art of war, etiquette and much more, so that she could become a Lord in the future (known by war and seizing the territories of weaker rulers).
Idrissila didn't mind, because she wanted above all to fulfil her parents' expectations. She knew that if she fulfilled their expectations they would be proud of her. She was born with a specific goal in mind. Unfortunately, she did not reveal any magical skills for a very long time. In their world, demons (whether low or higher class) manifest powers in a period of 5 years, sometimes in extreme cases magic manifests later (but no more than 8 years).
As Idrissila grew older, she felt she was letting down her parents and the expectations they had of her. She would agree to anything that could awaken her magic (potions, rituals or even situations that put her life at risk). She felt threatened. She dreaded the thought of letting down her family's name and expectations of her.
She was terrified when, at the age of six, her parents decided to have another child. They gave birth to twin brothers who displayed magical abilities from infancy. Idrissila felt threatened, but hoped that her powers would still awaken.
Unfortunately, at the age of eight, her hope died. Idrissila did not have an ounce of magic in her. She was useless to her family. The girl broke down. One day on her birthday, she lost everything. Her parents' attention, privileges, opportunities.
How did she lose everything she had?
Her parents initially didn't know what to do with her, and rumours of her frailty quickly spread. They sent her away to one of the residences far from the city, where she was to wait. Nevertheless, Idrissila possessed their blood and was part of their lineage. It was only after a few months that her parents decided that Idrissila would be raised to be the 'ideal' wife. She became a pawn and an object to be dressed in the most beautiful gowns and jewels.
Her teachings were discontinued and they sought to prepare her for her role as a wife. She was to be meek, obedient, give birth to an heir and do as she was told. Idrissila accepted this fate, thinking that if she lived up to her parents' expectations they would see her potential and she would win their love.
Idrisilla never had friends among the higher demons, as they all knew she was of little worth as a demon.
The girl grew up surrounded by a few servants and soldiers to watch over her. Idrissila grew up isolated from the rest of the world until she came of age and began attending balls and parties. She was expected to find a husband quickly, but found such gatherings the perfect opportunity to demonstrate her worth to her parents. She tried to gather information that could be useful to her father and brothers, but they never appreciated her efforts and told her to stop. Her role was to find a husband - to charm some powerful demon and form an alliance with him, beneficial to the family.
A truth that hides deep
Despite this prohibition, Idrissila listened and memorised information for fun and to ward off the boredom that was getting to her at parties. No one knew the intricacies of noble families like she did. Not only did she eavesdrop on the higher demons, but the servants did not consider her a threat either.
Years passed without Idrissila finding a husband and no one was interested in getting engaged to her, for fear that her defect would pass on to her children.
Her potential was spotted by Ash's spies, who arranged their meeting. Ash-kor gave her a chance to change everything she hates. They met at her residence after one of the balls.
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Idris - the demon who is free
Ash-kore gave her a chance and was the first to ask her what she really wanted. He did not treat her like an object, but like a person. Idrissila ran away with him and joined his rebellion, because all she wanted was freedom. The ability to decide for herself. She did not want the world to be ruled by the principle of "the stronger have privileges".
She abandoned her old life. She changed her name and all she had left was the medallion she had received at birth, showing her belonging to her family.
As a member of the rebellion, she initially became its informant, giving Ash-kor information about the noble families (their power, residences, magic, influence, etc.). Ash also noticed that Idris was very knowledgeable about military planning or group management in general.
Idris never abandoned her studies even when she was exiled. She would often sneak into the mansion's library and read. She has become Ash-kor's right hand and follows him faithfully. She believes in his purpose and that the rebellion can make a difference.
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Unexpected Places (Pt. 04 of 11)
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Pairing: Ivar the Boneless X Reader/Bjorn X Reader
Word count: 3 K
Summary: As a princess, you've lived in a golden cage all your life, always a piece on someone else's game. But everything changed when the Norsemen came crushing down on Wessex, like waves in a violent storm. Their king spared your life and decided to take you with him to his kingdom, in what felt more like a rescue than a kidnapping. There, you were not only confronted with a completely different culture and lifestyle, but also with two of his sons. The oldest one has his eyes set on you, but it's the youngest one, Ivar, who gets who claimed your attention since the first sight. And he seems to have an unnamed interest in you. Of course you hoped whatever that was would pass, but when unexpected feelings start to flow a different way, things begin to change.
<- Previous part (03)
Next part (05) ->
{Vikings Masterlist}
Fit For a Princess
You're listening to the chattering between Aslaug and Helga, looking at pieces of jewelry at the market place. You say something every now and then, but you can't shake away Ivar's stare. On the last days, two weeks or so, he's right there, sitting across from you on every meal, eyes burning through you. Hvitserk said he's studying you, still expecting you to snap, to decide you had enough of all this and want to go back home. To Wessex, where your older brother now rules. And Ragnar already said he'd take you back if you wanted, so there's that.
But leaving Kattegat hasn't even crossed your mind, not before and not now. How could you trade all you have here, and slide back into the invisible chains you had on? It wouldn't be just stupid, it would be the death of you. You're finally understanding who you are, the things you like, the kind of people you like. In England, you had to play a specific role, because everything was political. Here, you're just who you are. And you do what you want to do. This is true freedom.
“I really like this one,” Helga says, as your eyes wander through the many rings, earrings, and necklaces. “I'd like those two as well.” She continues as you pace around, further away from both women, turning the corner and then walking to another store. The pieces they have here are all made of metal, delicately bent into beautiful shapes. You caress a bracelet with the tip of your fingers, wondering if it'd look good on you.
“Don't waste your time with these cheap things.” The voice, that you now recognize immediately, makes you turn around. Ivar comes from among the people, only stopping when he's standing next to you.
But despite his attention being on the jewelry, your eyes are on him. “You're tall.” It comes out suddenly, because he never stood beside you like this, so you couldn't have noticed.
“Well, you're tiny.” Ivar glances at you, playing with one of the rings. “Anyway, you shouldn't be looking at these things. They won't suit you very well.”
Giving the old man an apologetic look, you randomly pick a bracelet. You don't get why Ivar is being rude, but, judging by what Hvitserk had told you, his brother isn't one to hold back. He says what he thinks, it doesn't matter how mean it may sound to others. You're still trying to figure out if this level of brutal honesty is good or bad. “I really like this one.” Searching on the small bag attached to your dress, you take four coins, way more than what the bracelet is worth, handing it over to the man and putting the bracelet on. The silver color is beautiful, and the drawings carved on it remind you of the pattern you saw on one of the boats that brought you here.
Ivar rolls his eyes exaggeratedly, sighing. “You are such a kind princess.” Dropping the ring, he starts walking side by side with you when you set in motion through the market. You weren't expecting that.
“King Ecbert was king of Wessex. This isn't Wessex.”
“(Y/N)! Wait for us.” Aslaug calls and you stop, giving her a look and a nod before turning to face Ivar, who towers over you.
“Therefore, I'm not a princess anymore.” Shrugging your shoulders, you give him a small smile.
“That's a shame, isn't it?” He lowers his voice, leaning closer.
“Not really.” Shrugging your shoulders, you give a little step back, putting a strand of hair behind your ears before giving him a little wave, walking back to where both women are.
After they're done shopping, as you walk back home, the clouds push themselves apart just enough for the sunlight to appear. That makes you stop, taking in the warmth on your skin, but it soon disappears.
“Hey, (Y/N),” Hvitserk calls, coming from the beach with his father, Ubbe and Bjorn, who's walking behind them. “We're going to meet some traders. Wanna come?”
“Why not?” You mumble, elbowing Hvitserk when he's close enough.
“Go put on some pants then. We're riding there.”
“Oh.” It's so absurd it's stupid, how you can't seem to do the simple things people know by heart here. “I'm not very good at riding.” Whispering, you tell him, not wanting anyone else to listen.
“I'll help you out.” He nods, tilting his head to where Bjorn is. “Without cracking your head open in the process.”
Smiling you nod before heading inside to change out of the dress. You're just about to head out when Aslaug tells you to grab a cloak in case it rains later, so you have to make another trip to your room. But soon enough you meet Hvitserk and the others again, reading the horses.
“Which one is mine?”
“Over here.” Hviserk guides to a beautiful white horse. “Give me your leg.” He says, and for a moment you furrow your eyebrows, but soon enough you understand what he means. Raising your leg, Hvitserk grabs your calf and you push yourself up, successfully mounting on the horse with his help. It feels funny to be this tall. You have ridden before, but most of the time you used a carriage. There was no need for a princess to ride on the back of a horse at Wessex. It's wild though, and you've grown to love wild things. “Keep your feet like this on the stirrups at all times. Don't put of your feet all the way in or it might get stuck if you fall. If you touch her with your ankles, she'll move forward. Pull the halters and she'll stop. The same thing goes to pull her left or right, but since we'll ride together she'll just follow the other horses.”
“Got it.”
“Your ass might hurt at the end of the day, so be prepared.” He warns before jumping to the back of his horse. “If it'll help you feel more steady, you can hold on the saddle, but trust me, you'll get the hang of it once you lose the fear of falling.”
“Have you ever fallen from a horse before?” As you speak, the small group starts moving, and your mare does the same, keeping their pace, slow at first until everyone starts galloping, and all air leaves your lungs. You hold tightly to the saddle, scared at first, but you remember what Hvitserk just told you. If you let the fear of falling win, you'll never learn to ride properly, and you'll never enjoy it. Slowly, you let go of the saddle, holding only on the halters, making sure it's loose so she'll feel free to run.
And the sensation is amazing. The wind makes your hair whip your face over and over, and you lightly shake your head to get rid of it. Glancing at Hvitserk, you mirror his position, a smile creeping over your lips. The landscape, green, blue, and gray, passes by in a blur, and you try to take it all in. It's beautiful, breathtaking. Almost literally, because when you finally stop, you're struggling to catch your breath.
“You ok?”
“Yeah.” You answer, and Hvitserk nods before moving to stand next to his father and brother. You see a small troop approaching, riding up the hill.
“You're quite good at this,” Bjorn says, guiding his horse away from his siblings and near you. “A few more lessons you'll be riding like a true Viking.”
“I really like it. Its... Thrilling.” You're finally calming down, and your thighs ache a little bit.
“Wanna see the traders coming?” Turning his horse around, he gestures at a cliff, not too many miles away. “We could go up there, it'll give us a nice view.”
“Isn't it a little high?”
“The horses are used to it. C'mon.” Without waiting for your answer, he starts galloping away.
Glancing at Hvitserk, you hold the halter tightly to keep the mare from moving. “You think I should?”
“Sure, it has a nice view. But if you feel like the trail there is too much you come back here, alright? The horses are used to it but you're not.”
“Alright.” Touching the mare with your ankles, you loose the halter and she immediately moves, following Bjorn's horse. It doesn't take much until you're deep inside the woods, the horses now trotting. Bjorn keeps silent, giving you a few glances since you're slightly behind him.
“That way.” He says, and you just let your ride follow his. The smooth ground soon starts changing, with more rocks, and becomes unravel. When you see a steep slope, with apparently nothing to hold on to, you pull the halters, making the mare stop.
“I think it's too craggy.” You speak up, getting Bjorn's attention. “I don't want to fall on my first try.”
“She's used to this kind of inclination. You'll be fine.”
Considering it and also what Hvitserk said, you decide to leave the cliff viewing for another day, when you feel more secure on the horse. “I think I'll pass, Bjorn. Maybe another cliff where I can go on foot.”
“Don't be a pussy. It's not that craggy.” Then, he kicks his horse hard and it sets in motion. It doesn't surprise you, but when the mare moves as well, following him, you're startled, and in the sudden change, you let the halter fall.
Holding on the sell, you can only watch as Bjorn's horse easily climbs the slope, at a fast pace, and yours do the same. But when it suddenly turns left, around a huge rock, you lose your balance, and since there's nothing to hold on to, both your feet escape the stirrups, and you're pulled to the ground hard. Losing your breath, a sting on your ankle makes you yelp as you roll down the slope, only stopping once the ground is flat again. Rolling on your back, you take deep breaths, trying not to move the left leg since the pain is spreading through your foot and calf. “Damn it!” You exclaim, removing the hair from your face.
“(Y/N)!” It takes only a few seconds until you see Bjorn kneeling by your side. “Are you alright?”
“I just fell from a horse and rolled down a hill!” You speak fast, the pain on your back making itself aware. “Of course I'm not fine!”
“Let me take you–” He says as he starts to pull you up.
“No.” You cut him off, slapping his hands away. Bjorn has done enough for today. If he wasn't trying to be a freaking show-off, this wouldn't have happened. “Go get–”
“(Y/N)?” You hear his voice and breathes out relief. “I heard a yell.”
“Over here. Lying on the ground.” Annoyed, you cover your eyes with both hands. “Can you please see if my ankle is broken?”
“What happened?” He asks in a low voice, and you uncover your eyes to see him jumping to the ground, kneeling next to your stretched out leg.
“Bjorn made his horse bolt up the slope and mine followed.” You explain, giving him a hard glance, groaning when Hvitserk lifts your leg to remove your boot. “Easy there!”
“Sorry.” He mumbles. “But calm down, it's not broken, just sprained.”
“Shit.” Taking a deep breath, you sit up taking off the other boot as well and throwing it at Bjorn. “You can't keep yourself from getting me hurt, can you?”
“Me? Everything you had to do was hold on. The horse–”
“I'm not a Viking!” Bursting out, you look up at him. “I'm not some shieldmaiden, I'm still trying to fit in here and learn things. You can't expect me to follow your pace.”
“I just–”
“Bjorn, you should get back. Help father with the traders, I'll take her back to Kattegat.” Hvitserk interrupts him, and Bjorn leaves after a grunt, saying something you couldn't understand.
“And he thinks he has the right to be pissed!” Lying back down, you groan. “I think this is a sign to stay away from him. Every time he's in the situation, I get hurt.”
“Alright, c'mon.” Hvitserk pulls your arm until you're seated again. “You need to put some ice on this ankle, let's go.” Hvitserk takes your mare first, tying her up with his horse before mounting and pulling you up to ride with him.
Despite the slow pace he keeps, your back still hurts. Resting your head on his back, you sigh. “Why are you so quiet?” You ask after a while.
“I'm thinking about the right words to tell this to mother. She won't be happy.” He answers, a hand resting on his thigh as the other holds the halter. “She's not very fond of Bjorn already.”
“It was partially my fault too, I think. I let the halter slip and had nothing to hold on to.”
“You're know Bjorn likes you, right?” Hvitserk suddenly says, and you pinch your eyebrows together. This thought hasn't crossed your mind. “That's probably why he did that. That's how he... Gets a woman's attention.”
“Would you do the kindness of telling him it's not working?” Muttering, you rest both your arms on his back folding them as if his shoulders were a table. “Actually, I've been meaning to tell you... I met Ivar at the market place today.”
“...And?” He asks after a few seconds of silence.
“Nothing, just... It was nothing, really.” It's hard to understand exactly what you want to tell Hvitserk. You just can't seem to put your feelings or thoughts together. “I was looking at these things and he said they wouldn't suit me.” Stretching out your arm, you show him the bracelet. “I bought this there.”
“That's nice. But cheap.” Rolling your eyes, you remember Ivar said pretty much the same thing.
“He also said I'm kind. But that was probably in a mocking tone, so...” You get into Kattegat, and Hvitserk greets some people. “I don't know.”
“I believe it's safe to assume Ivar doesn't hate you.” Hvitserk slows down the horse when a group of kids run by. “If he did, he wouldn't put himself on your way like that... Or look at you the way he does.”
“And how does he look at me?” The words come out slowly because you're not sure if you want to know.
“The only thing I can say for sure is that he never looked at a woman like that.” You finally get to Ragnar's house, and Hvitserk asks a man to help you down. Once you're safe on the ground, he jumps off, telling the man to take the horses. “And I mean it in a good way.”
He puts a hand around your waist, helping as you jump on the right foot until the table in the main hall. “Do you think he–”
“What happened this time?” Aslaug asks, her voice already giving out that she's not happy.
“Twisted ankle. She fell from the horse.”
“Take her to her room, Hvitserk.” The Queen mutters, saying something to the girls who were following her. “And carry her this time if that isn't too much to ask.”
“Alright.” He replies, picking you up with a hand on the small of your back and another under your legs, quickly finding the way to your chambers.
Giggling, you give him a look “I love when your mother–”
“Careful with the teasing this time. I might just drop you to the floor and I don't care if your a princess who fell off a horse.” The fake angry tone makes you laugh again.
“My bad, Prince Hvitserk.” You snap back, rolling your eyes.
Aslaug has her maids help you bathe first, cleaning the dirt that is attached to your face and hair before lying you on the bed again and applying a piece of fabric with cold water on your ankle, keeping it elevated with some pillows. She isn't happy to know the whole story, despite you assuring her it's alright now. You could've died, she said, breaking your neck. But it's useless to worry about what could've happened. The best thing to do now is to focus on the ankle, which she said will be better in a few days, and let the whole incident go.
Later that night, you give little jumps to the main hall to eat something. It's just Ubbe and Bjorn, seated on a table at the corner. Nodding at them, not wanting to chat with Bjorn at the moment, you sit at the edge of the table in the middle, your back turned at both men, taking the jar and pouring yourself something to drink.
“How's your ankle?” Ubbe asks, and you look over your shoulder.
“It's fine. I'll be able to walk normally in a few days. But my back still hurts.” Completely ignoring Bjorn's existence, you turn away from them again.
Drumming your fingers on the table, you wait for the Queen's maids to bring your meal. When you feel someone moving behind your back, you assume it's them, and place your cup further away to open some space. But instead of the bowl with rabbit stew, a necklace is put down before you. And it's absolutely beautiful, with three blue stones surrounded by a golden metal, delicately molded around it. It's different from anything you've ever seen in Wessex. Taking it in your hands, you see Ivar dropping to the seat next to you, and you turn to look at him.
“What is it?” You ask, unable to hide the smile that comes to your lips.
“A necklace.” He simply says, and you roll your eyes at his tone. What a way to ruin the mood.
“Yeah, I noticed.” The smile slowly drops as your eyes go back to the piece, fingertips caressing one of the stones.
“This was made for a princess. Not those cheap things.” He gestures at your bracelet, and you giggle.
“Well, this is absolutely beautiful.” Glancing at him, you find he was already staring. “Is it for me?” You inquire in a lower voice, not wanting to make any assumptions that might embarrass you.
Ivar nods, lightly pushing your shoulder. “Turn around. Let me put it on.”
Doing as he says, you turn your back at him. Ivar takes the necklace and places it around your neck, and you hold your hair up so he can close it on the back. Once he's done, you let the hair fall before turning to face him, folding your left leg and carefully laying the wounded ankle on the bench between you and Ivar. “How does it look?”
You wait for an answer, but it doesn't come. Ivar's eyes were fixed on the necklace, but slowly, they come to meet yours. Tilting your head to the side a little, you feel heat spreading through your cheeks.
Shaking your head lightly and looking down, you take a deep breath. “Have you heard that I fell from a horse this afternoon?” You're glad you got your brain to function, changing the subject. “Twisted my ankle.”
Ivar's stare falls to your bare feet on the bench, the skirt of your dress pulled up to your knee. “Mother told me it was someone else's doing.” As he speaks, Ivar gives an angry stare at where his two brothers are, and it's obvious who he's looking at. “But I think you'll survive.” You feel his fingers caressing your skin, from your knee and down through your calf, so softly you wonder if he's really touching you.
“I will.” You assure him, biting back a smile.
“Ivar,” Ragnar calls, and it does take a while until you both look at where he's standing, near the thrones. “Your mother wants to speak with you.”
“What now?” He asks, annoyed.
“I don't know. Go ask her.” And he disappears.
“Guess I'll have to go.” He glances at you, grabbing the clutch.
But before he can push himself up, you grab his arm. Perhaps you shouldn't do it. Perhaps this whole thing is just some kind of joke he's pulling on you, but still, the necklace is beautiful and he was... Kind. So you lean closer to him, placing a soft kiss on his cheek. “Thank you for the gift. It's very beautiful.”
Ivar is frozen, even after you let go of his arm. He stands there, blue eyes locked on yours. Slowly, painfully slow, a smile comes to his lips. And it feels different. True, genuine. “You're welcome, princess.” He whispers before pushing himself up to his feet and walking away.
You're still a little dazed when the rabbit stew comes, and you can do nothing but play with the spoon. But heavy footsteps get your attention, and when you look at your side, you catch a glimpse of a very angry Bjorn disappearing inside.
He saw everything. And it takes you by surprise to notice that, the moment you laid eyes on Ivar, you immediately forgot Bjorn and Ubbe were here. Everything just... Faded away, and there was nothing else, just you and him. And this is not the first time it happens.
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jjofalltrades · 3 years
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The anon ask last night gave me some inspiration & I wanted to write out the scene of the first phone call in Wolf Hunt. Hello will have some callbacks. And, well, I did promise some loving for The Art of War. Hope you all enjoy these tidbits for #TeaserTuesday! WOLF HUNT: "Seaworth residence," Arry absently greeted as she waited for the popcorn to finish in the microwave. She pulled the notepad and pen near the kitchen phone close in case there was a message for either adult. It took her a moment of doodling to notice the silence on the other end of the call. "Hello? Seaworth residence, Arry speaking."
Someone breathed heavily in her ear, sending a wave of goosebumps down the back of the teenager's neck. They said nothing, despite remaining on the line. Part of her wanted to believe it was a mistaken call on their part, but there was something oddly familiar about their breathing. She knew that if she paid attention or thought about it long enough, she'd get it. However, the microwave's beeping startled her. Arry yelped, losing her grasp on the receiver.
Not a moment later, Davos and Marya entered through the backdoor with their arms full of grocery bags and balloons, obviously surprised to see her home. "Gracious!" The older woman stepped back into her husband at the door, then made a clucking sound with her tongue. "Arry Snow, what in the Mother's name are you doing home so early?"
The couple went about setting everything on the counters. Davos pointed to the phone that hung haphazardly by her side. "Did someone call?"
Arry slowly glanced down at the item in her hand, then blinked. "Oh!" She hurriedly put it back to her ear. "Hello? Are you still there?"
HELLO: Gendry caught himself staring outside his office window down at the station. The textured glass often blurred the view, allowing his mind to distort the image altogether. He watched as the people of Winterfell came and went about their day without a care in the world. Past and present blended momentarily, structures rose and fell in their place, the roads roughened, and the people of all ages passed each other. If the sheriff closed his eyes, he could smell the wood-burning stoves and the fresh droppings where the horse and cattle stood. Yet, the winter air would have been fresh from the exhaust pipes of vehicles or other pollutants. Then again, the burning flesh from the piles of bodies would have put a dent in anyone's day.
He walked Lady Arya Stark up and down this same path after the battle when she woke from a nightmare. Being outside in the cold sharpened her mind. Among the lower folks, she discovered a new sense of duty to them while they recovered just as much as the high-ranking members of the kingdom. Arry always did believe it was her responsibility to look after people, no matter their status. He quieted his complaints of the cold or hard labor if it meant never having to see the look of pure terror on his soulmate's face again.
"I don't think we won, Gendry," her voice shook with dawning horror. "This doesn't feel like a victory. Something's wrong. Something went wrong, and now everything is different."
THE ART OF WAR: "Are you blackmailing me for information on your brother, Professor Stark?" Gendry turned at his hips to face his current lab partner. He was more amused than offended she would use this tactic. Though, Rickon did warn him of her cunning determination.
"Of course not," Arya even went as far as to place a hand over her heart. Her wickedly sexy smirk, however, spilled her secrets before she had a chance to confess. He didn't deny himself a glance at her lips, knowing damn well the reaction it often got of her. Sure enough, the other professor sucked in a hollow breath, freezing in place. Arya stuttered, paused to huff her annoyance at her body's reaction, then placed both hands on her hips. She needed to regain power between the two. "I was simply...using the positive reinforcement method we are so fond of using in our field."
"Is that so?" He leaned against their workstation. Gendry gently graced her bottom lip with his thumb, taking a calculated risk to their ever-changing boundaries. She stilled, sharp grey eyes watching with eager precision on his next move. The engineer slid closer until he towered over her. "I believe our next lesson should center around bargaining," the pad of his thumb traced her lips. "For example, how much is a kiss worth?"
"Now, this is blackmail, Professor Waters," her voice softened. When she reached for his wrist, Arya did not attempt to remove his touch or stop their game of chicken. Who would win this round, Gendry wondered.
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mimisempai · 3 years
I am here to ask you something special
Sam wants to do things the right way. He visits an old friend to talk about his relationship with Bucky and ask for his blessing
5 times where Sam asks old Steve for his blessing and one time where he realizes he never needed it.
Many people talk about Steve as if he were dead, but I imagine him living a peaceful life in a cottage with his sweetheart. Sam and Bucky still in contact with him, one way or another.
🌈 Happy Pride month ! 🌈
To celebrate, 1 day, 1 story.
Be ready for smiles, laugh, fluff, tooth rotthing fluff, positive vibes and a lot of love!
2265 words - Rating G
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Sam hesitated a bit before reaching for the small gate that led to the entrance of a small cottage surrounded by trees.
When he decided to open it, a voice said, "I thought you wouldn't come in."
Sam looked up and his gaze went to the source of the voice.
He moved forward a little, and hidden behind a flowering bush, he saw Steve, a book in his hand, sitting in a rocking chair.
"Sam, it's so good to see you! " he said with a smile that not even the years had been able to change.
He got up quietly and came over to meet Sam.
"Steve, you look great."
"No need to spare me, you can add I look great for my age. Come on in. So what brings you here my friend? We... uh I don't get many visitors, so I'm a little surprised."
Sam, who had noticed the slip of the tongue, didn't insist and followed him into a small, pleasantly arranged living room. They took seats in two armchairs.
"So Sam? How are you? How is it carrying the shield?"
"I'm fine, and as you know yourself, not always easy. But I think I'm doing okay."
Steve smiled softly and said, "You are, and I never doubted it, though I hear you don't care what Steve Rogers wants." he winked.
"I see Bucky couldn't help but open his mouth."
Steve chuckled, "He even made a point of saying it to my face, full of arrogance with his stubborn tone, 'You know what Steve, Sam's right, we don't care what you want.' and you were right. I'm glad you found your way, although as Bucky explained to me, we had no right to ask you to do something like that without knowing the consequences. I owe you an apology too Sam."
Sam, touched, didn't immediately know what to say. It moved him more than he thought to hear Steve's apology and the fact that apparently Bucky had defended him so passionately. It further confirmed why he had come to see his old friend today.
"So Sam, you still haven't told me, to what do I owe the pleasure of your visit?"
Sam fidgeted a little, he had thought it would be a formality, but now that he was here he realized it was harder than he had anticipated.
"Um...so here goes...you know Bucky and I are together...-" he began in a hesitant tone.
He was interrupted by a burst of laughter from Steve.
"I think I was the first to know. It was super early in the morning and I remember us...I was having breakfast when I got this facetime call from Bucky, talking all excited about a cookout, about 'Uncle Bucky' and in the midst of all this information, I managed to figure out that you two were a couple."
Steve looked at him with a fond smile.
Sam remembered what Steve was talking about like it was yesterday.
They had held a cookout on the harbor, and Bucky had come with a cake. Sam remembered how his nephews, family and friends welcomed him as if he were family. The way Bucky's face lit up when he saw Sam.
He especially remembered the end of the day, they were side by side in front of the lake and Sam had turned to Bucky and just said, "let's go home."
He had seen several emotions run over Bucky's face, shock, surprise, realization and finally a nameless joy.
He had whispered in a voice clouded with emotion, "Yes, let's go home."
And they had gone home, Sam's arm around Bucky's shoulders.
There had been no passionate kiss, no grand declarations in that moment, but like Bucky, Sam considered that from that day forward they were together.
Steve's voice snapped him out of his reverie.
"Yes, excuse me."
"No worries Sam, believe me I understand you."
Sam coughed, then resumed, "Yeah, so I was saying, Bucky and I are together and things are going pretty well and-"
"According to Bucky, things are going more than pretty well." replied Steve with a cheeky smile. "He told me about the two of you taking a house together. If that's the case, then things are going better than well between you, right?" Steve asked him playfully.
It was true that, contrary to what the beginning of their relationship suggested, everything went smoothly.After fighting with each other and Sam choosing to become Captain America, they realized that the most important thing for them was to talk and listen to each other, and this allowed them to deflect most of the conflicts that would arise. Sam had learned to lean on Bucky and Bucky had learned to listen to Sam, and the balance between them was natural.
So living together had been a very obvious step.
He still remembered Bucky's joy when he had taken him in front of their new house, surprising him. But what had moved both men the most was the sign nailed to the door, obviously made by children's hands. It read: " Sam, Bucky and Alpine's house. "
The cohabitation was really going smoothly, it was easy to live with Bucky. They had adapted well to each other.
Sam smiled fondly, thinking back on all the little things that made up their daily routine.
Bucky was caring and Sam hadn't expected that. Bucky recorded every detail about him, all his quirks, his likes, everything-
"Sam? I lost you again."
You're going to think I'm an idiot by now," Sam replied with an embarrassed chuckle as he scratched the back of his head.
"I actually find it kind of refreshing, it's been so long for me, but I remember the thrill of the early months." said Steve with an understanding look.
"With her?" asked Sam, pointing to the wedding ring with his chin.
"Sort of." replied Steve with a mysterious smile.
"Always so evasive my friend." teased Sam.
"And so?" asked Steve.
"I see..." Sam didn't insist, "So I was saying, we're together and it's going very well. Bucky's even adjusted very well to Delacroix."
"Yes it seems to me he told me about working on a boat with your sister I believe?" asked Steve, looking interested.
"When he first came to Delacroix, he had brought me my new armor, and he stayed to help me repair the boat of our family business that Sarah, my sister, runs. And when he moved here permanently, he offered to help on his own. He fit in perfectly and the people of Delacroix respect him."
Sam thought of Carlos, who kept singing Bucky's praises. Bucky had taken a liking to the old man and often Sam would find them sharing a beer on the boat deck when he returned from a mission.
"You know Sam, it doesn't surprise me, Buck has always been a friendly and helpful guy. I'm glad to know that he's been able to get back to some semblance of a normal life despite the years Hydra took from him.I'm glad to know that he knows something other than fighting."
Sam saw emotion pass over Steve's face.
Of course he had seen that Bucky was fully acclimated to life in Delacroix and he was not unhappy about that. He knew that if he needed him, the White Wolf would be there in a heartbeat and ready to help, but he was glad to know that he had a life outside the battlefield.
"Yeah, sometimes I feel like he's lived in Delacroix longer than I have, and I was born there so that's saying something. So, yes, we live happily together in Delacroix, and he's kind of part of the family."
Steve chuckled, "Haha yes, Uncle Bucky. I really wish I could have seen his face when he was called that."
"You would have seen mine," Sam retorted, "I was the most surprised."
"Pleasantly surprised I hope." asked Steve, with a slight frown, gauging Sam.
"Yes yes, don't get on your high horse, Steve the mother hen. My nephews don't have much of a male presence in their lives except for me, that's why they adopted Bucky immediately, and needless to say, the reverse is true. Besides, he's become a legend among the younger generation, you understand, the bionic arm and all, even my wings can't compete."
Steve laughs as he imagines Bucky surrounded by kids.
"Wait, let me show you!"
Sam picked up his phone and after a few seconds, he showed Steve the screen.
The older man couldn't hold back a small tear at the picture of Bucky lifting children with his arm, while others laughed around him. But what touched him the most was Bucky's own laughter.
As Sam put his cell phone back in his pocket, Steve wiped away his tears as he apologized, "Well, that's just the way it is, as we get older we get more emotional, and to see my best friend this happy, makes me incredibly pleased, thank you for showing me this Sam."
"You're welcome."
Sam cleared his throat before continuing, "So here's the thing Steve, I came today, because Bucky is an extremely important person, hell he's the most important person in my life.  I never thought I would find someone who knows me and understands me so well and who I don't have to be strong with all the time.I told you he's part of my family, but I would like him to be part of it in a more official way, and since you're all the family he has left as I know he thinks of you as his brother, although sometimes you act more like his mother, so I-"
Steve, laughing at Sam's last sentence, interrupted him with a wave of his hand.
Once he calmed down, he began to speak, "Sam, I think I understand what you came for. And I want you to know that nothing makes me happier than to give you my blessing, but you didn't have to ask for it. From the first day Bucky told me about you two, you have had this blessing. You are an exceptional person, and I am extremely happy that my two best friends have found each other. Having found happiness with the person I love, I know how precious that is. Not everyone gets a second chance like we did... like I did. So be happy, both of you. You both deserve it."
He clasped Sam's hand and put his other hand over their joined hands, just like the day he had passed the shield to him.
Once again Sam's gaze was drawn to the ring on Steve's finger.
"You still don't want to tell me about her?" asked Sam.
Letting go of Sam's hand, Steve said simply, "No..." Steve paused for a moment before continuing, "This story belongs to him and me."
Sam abruptly raised his head, but seeing that Steve had resumed his mysterious air, he simply nodded.
"I understand. I'm glad you found happiness then."
He stood up and headed for the door, "Don't walk me out I know the way. Just wish me luck."
"You don't need luck. I'm sure he'll say yes." replied Steve with a wink.
"Goodbye Steve."
Then he closed the door behind him.
As he was about to open the gate, his phone vibrated.
He picked it up, there was a message, "On your left."
He looked over his left shoulder, and saw Steve in the darkness of the window, but he wasn't alone and had his arm around the shoulders of a familiar figure. Sam tried to make out the features of the smaller man, but couldn't. He simply smiled and went on his way.
A few days later, at Delacroix, lying with his head in Bucky's lap, Sam watched him squirm to try to take a picture of his right hand with his phone.
He straightened up and asked, "What are you trying to do?"
"I want to send a picture to Steve, of this," Bucky said, waving the hand that had been sporting the engagement ring in front of Sam's nose.
Sam smiled with fondness, picked up the phone and took Bucky's hand. He captured a photo of their joined hands, the engagement ring in full view.
Then kissing Bucky's hand, he handed the phone back to him.
Bucky typed a few words and sent the message.
Several hundred miles from Delacroix, in a small cottage, reading, Steve picked up his phone, which had just vibrated.
On the screen were the words, "Buddy, you'll never guess who is going to tie himself down."
Followed by a photo of a hand adorned with what could only be an engagement ring, joined to another hand, undoubtedly Sam's.
"So that's it, Sam proposed?" said a voice behind Steve.
"And Bucky said yes." replied Steve as arms wrapped around him from behind and a kiss was placed on his head.
He set the phone down beside him and turned to put his hands around the waist of the man behind him.
He sighed softly in happiness as he said, "I hope they are as happy as we are Tony."
"I'm sure they will be, my love." the man whispered as he kissed his head again. Then he let go of him and came to sit next to Steve.
Tony leaned against Steve who put his arm around him.
Then Steve picked up his book and continued to read aloud, "Perfection is achieved, not when there is nothing more to add, but when there is nothing left to take away."
Not beta'd I hope you enjoyed it 🥰
Quote at the end : Wind, Sand and Stars - Antoine de Saint-Exupéry
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herstarburststories · 4 years
I'd die for you, come kill me
Kinktober Day 11: restrained
Pairing: Demon!Dean x Reader
A/N: This one goes for my good friend followers celebration. So happy for your milestone, @msmarvelouswinchester! Divider by @talesmaniac89.
@stillintheimpala said: i have a fic idea. demon!dean stuck in a chair on handcuffed to a bed with those demon proof handcuffs. he's completely at your mercy. you get to dom him. (I put ropes instead of handcuffs because of the gif)
Prompt: Remember how I said I'd die for you.
Warnings: angry sex, p in v, riding, restraints, power play, smangst, angst, kind of hopefully ending (?), demon!dean acts like demon!dean
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“Where is he?”
Sam sucked in a breath, moving his shoulder uncomfortably as he straightened his posture. The youngest Winchester's features contorted into a grimace, and you couldn't tell if it was because of the look on your face or him jarring his dislocated arm. “He's in the dungeon, but Y/N-”
“He isn't himself. I know that. Kinda noticed when he threw me against the wall and said he couldn't wait to rip my throat out with his teeth.” You gave Sam a humorless grin before you gestured to the wound on your shoulder. “This is a good reminder as well.”
“We'll cure him.” Sammy nodded at you, wrapping his words with faith and determination; he was always a believer.
You arched your eyebrows. “Then what are you waiting for?”
You two were still standing in the living room as Dean's howl rushed through the air. He sounded more like a beast than a man, yet he was smack dab in the middle of those polarized states. He was human enough to know where to strike and animal enough to relish in the attack.
Sam's gaze softened on yours.
“I know he hurt you. He hurt both of us, but Dean is my brother. I can do it alone. You don't need to-”
“Sam, he ran away once, and you just got your arm yanked out of your socket. You won't be able to fight him. You need backup,” you interrupted him. Despite your conclusion being completely rational, there was more to it than that, but Sam didn't need to know about it yet. “Besides, it's Dean.”
The hunter glanced at you. Gentle eyes watching your jaw harden, he pressed his lips together and nodded. “Okay.”
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Dean's demonic self had been throwing insults like a man feeding his dog shattered glass. He was full of them, not caring about hiding his satisfaction when he hits yours and Sam's weak spots.
A couple of seconds ago, he had called you an easy pussy that saved him the job of having to go out and get some. That display rewarded him with a thicker needle that pierced much deeper than it needed to. The pure human blood spread into his veins as a holy wash, like soap over a flesh wound. Dean growled in pain and went quiet for a while.
Your eyes abandoned the demon for once, directed now to his brother. Sam's earthy brown eyes were drawn in concern, mouth sketched into a frown. His healthy arm was onto his shoulder, obviously physically hurting.
“Sam, go. I can do it. It’s just two more needles. He'll probably pass out once it's done,” you pleaded in an attempt to catch Sam's rational side that always saw the order in chaos. His hazel orbs settled on you, and you knew he didn't want to leave his brother. You can't blame him for that. You didn’t either, but if Dean was in his right mind, he'd want that. And you needed some time alone with this demon version of your boyfriend. “Please.”
You didn’t know if it was something in your cracking voice or if the fact his brother regaining control meant he’d have even harsher words to spit, but when the tall man’s eyes swept from you to his brother and back, he sighed. In that moment, you knew he accepted it. 
“If he doesn't pass out…”
“I call you right away. Don't worry, and please take some meds for your pain.” You offered some tenderness to him in the middle of the violence through a lovingly smile. In a matter of seconds, the only traces of Sammy in the room were the boot-clad clamor of his footsteps growing quieter and quieter.
“Now you have me all to yourself, sweetheart. What are you planning to do?”
The lopsided grin was still attached to his face, and those were still his teeth. Still, something about Dean's smile made you want to rip him apart with your nails. How did he let this happen? How did the situation escalate like this? How did everything get so bad so fast?
“Shut up,” you hissed through your teeth, boots clicking on the floor as you approached him. Dean glanced at you shamelessly; the pretty little bruise on your skin proving that he had succeeded in breaking you. It twisted his guts in both good and bad ways — the bittersweet contradiction among lovers. 
“Feisty, huh? I always liked that on you. Who would guess that you were a bottom in bed?” Dean appeared to find your fury entertaining as if he relished any emotion he could instigate inside you.
“I said shut up.”
“Or what? You are gonna sting me with a flimsy syringe needle like I did to you with my cock? Go ahead, sweetheart.”
The idiotic nickname burned your insides. As your and Dean's relationship got more serious, he'd stop calling you that. You weren't just a fling or a woman he'd leave the next day, and the Winchester only called you that either sarcastically or during an argument now. Was this how the demon saw you? Just another sweetheart?
Dean smirked at your quietude, poking the bear once again. “What? Demon got that smart tongue of yours? It's embarrassing, really. You get all worked up, pretending to be that tough gal, but you can't hurt me. You didn't even fight back when I tried to kill you. How weak is that? You’ve always been a liability. Just another woman I had to protect to get inside her.”
You warned him, the words coming out more like a groan than anything else: “Shut up!”
Yet, Dean persisted. He had discovered your weakness, and he couldn't wait to see how much you could take. You'd end up giving in to him, thrashing headfirst into a fight, and he'd escape again. The demon was counting on that. “A waste of time, really. At least you had a nice pussy, but I scratched it open. It's useless now, just like you.”
The dismissal in his words laced with the cynical chuckle that left his mouth made you hit your breaking point. 
“I TOLD YOU TO SHUT THE FUCK UP!” You grabbed a syringe and stung Dean like a scorpion, right in the jugular. He wanted to set you on fire? Good, you'd make sure he got burnt too. “I said I'd die for you. Remember how I said I'd die for you? And you tried to kill me.” You grunted, throwing the empty needle away. Dean's normally forest green eyes went black as howls of outrage escaped his mouth. The blood of saints that coursed through his body was a good way to either turn the beast into a man again or kill him completely. Knowing this, he screamed and struggled in the chair, as desperate as a rat stuck in a mousetrap. It made you doubt the cure. Perhaps a good thing couldn't save him now, the whispers of sulfur that colored his heart black too intrinsic to eradicate without killing the host. You couldn't bring yourself to care about it now. The demon was suffering, and he deserved it. You wanted your own hurt ricochet back to where it came from: him. “Now you are sitting there talking about me like I'm your bitch or something like that, but I'm not. I can take care of myself, and I don't need you. I chose to stay here.”
Dean blinked, and suddenly everything was in place again. His face softened like it usually did when you two were alone, and an actual smile conquered his features. All the oxygen in your body caught in your throat.
“You're right. You are a strong, independent woman, and I should feel lucky to get myself a keeper like you.” His voice filled the dungeon with light-hearted relief. Your cheeks were hurting as you scooted closer to him. “I missed you so much.”
He was saying all you wanted to tell him the minute he left. Your eyes got glossy, and you threw yourself on his lap, clutching to him like devout patron to her bible. Dean was here. He came back to you.
A quiet gasp of praise left your mouth: “Dean-”
He interrupted whatever you were about to say, replacing your words with a kiss. A sweet one — sweeter than anything you might imagine. It was the kind of kiss shared for two lovers in the dark, recognizing each other’s bodies by touch alone. You, of course, allowed yourself to get lost in the sensation of belonging. You shouldn't have. You should never just jump into someone, or you might drown. It's hard to find corpses in a black river.
Yet, your soul was tied to the righteous sinner, so you kept pressing your lips to his while he devoured your mouth softly.
“Sammy doesn't understand, Y/N,” he said. When he pulled away, you nuzzled into his neck. The heated tang to his murmured sentiments remained there, but his voice, less gruff than usual, fooled you. “I finally don't have the weight of the world on my shoulders. I'm free. I never thought I'd be happy after that night…” Dean wore the façade, even gulping at the thought. He didn't know if it was because the human blood was slowly coursing into the core of his being, but he wouldn't waste time on it. “But I can now. We can run away together, leave Sam behind. Just me and you.”
What did you expect? He was a demon. The blame was on you for expecting repentance from the ashes of hellfire. This isn't a fairytale where the hero suddenly is hit by true love and everything is solved with the ultimate kiss. This is a hunter’s tale, and there's just one ending for those stories: the prey dying.
You lifted your head. “Dean would never leave Sam behind.”
Dean burst into laughter as if your hope was some sort of funny joke. He adjusted his hips in the chair, smirking at you with cruelty.
“Bet it almost got you. I could see your eyes shining with hope. You were ready to get on your knees and suck my cock. You’d be screaming Dean, Dean, Dean, and inevitably fall for some stupid lies.” He shook his head with disappointment. “You're too easy, Y/N.”
“Who do you think you are?” The indignancy in your tone only drew a malicious grin out of Dean. This was too good. He could feel his cock hardened in his pants. He might fuck you before killing you only to make good use of his time.
“I'm a demon. What about you? Oh, wait! I know the answer to that one.” He licked his lips, savoring the moment. “You're a little-”
The palm of your hand met Dean's cheek harshly, transferring some of your anger into a red mark on his right cheek. The eldest Winchester's head was tilted to the side from the impact. He clenched his jaw before turning his glare at you, eyes back in black as he spoke: “You shouldn't have done that.”
Every syllable that left his tongue was imbued with a threatening crimson rage, but you didn't care. Not now.
You weren't scared of him.
“You shouldn't be a demon, but here we are,” you remarked, summoning a smarmy leer and wearing it like one of his flannels. “Shut up. I know you're not my Dean. You are just all he hates in himself wrapped with his skin. You're disgusting, cruel, and selfish.” It didn’t make any sense for your body to be as heated up as it was, but it was. And Dean didn’t care. Fuck him. “You’ve spent so long aiming at our Achilles’ heel that you forgot you have yours too. Stupid.” You chortled, grinding your hips on his. At this point, both your panties and emotional stability were ruined. “Look at you, all hard for the girl basically torturing you with poison, huh?”
“You-” He attempted to speak, to put you down so he can climb over you. You stopped him with a hand inside his pants.
“Language, Dean,” you groaned at him. It wasn't unusual for you and Dean to blow off some steam with sex, either after a fight or a hunt, but, this? It’s a whole new level of fucked. Yet somehow, your pussy didn't seem to mind, and neither did his cock. You got his length free, and his stiffened cock slapped his clothed belly. “I don't wanna hear something that makes me angry because if I get mad, then I won't let you come inside my pretty pussy. Understood?”
He groaned in response, trying to move his hands to show you who the real alpha was here, but the rope kept him in place. Silence lanced through the air because you knew you didn't want to waste time on something as exciting as foreplay; he did not deserve that, and you didn't want this. You just lifted your red skirt and slid your panties to the side. Your pussy swallowed his cock painfully slow.
The demon that ate your lover didn't offer mumbled protests at the fact you were still wearing clothes. Your Dean always tried to get any piece of fabric away because he liked to see all of you. This Dean, though, gulped and glared at you. Pleasure flushed his cheeks only he can’t deny the physical pleasure. It’s clear that, even as a demon, he could never reject the carnal appeal of your body and your sweet, soaked pussy. Hands pinned behind his back with the restraints, you two in the middle of a big demon symbols on the ground, he was completely at your mercy. He was helpless.
Dean bucked his hips to get all of his hardness inside you right way, to show both you and himself that he still had the power here. You barely blinked before moving your hips up, restricting him further entrance into your cunt. Dean was always eager when it came to sex, but you knew this wasn't about just fucking you anymore. You were in control.
Placing your hands on his shoulders, you murmured in an increasingly sultry bite: “I'm the one making the rules here. Take it or leave it.”
“Fucking a demon? That's why you told Sammy to go with all the crap about caring for his arm?” the former hunter remarked. You and he both knew Dean wouldn't — couldn’t, not with half his cock being squeezed by your tightness — leave your pussy, but he still very much had the capacity to bite.
“Unlike you, I worry about the people I love.”
“I don't love,” he snarled, watching you swallow the malcontented lump in your throat. “Hear that? I don't love you.”
“Then at least be useful and fuck me,” you groaned, finally resting wholly in his lap with all of his dick inside of you. Dean whimpered, overthrown by the sensation of your heady tightness encompassing his cock. He tried to break free again, starved to grab your thighs, your ass, any part of you he could get his hands on, but the rope limited his range of motion. The raw polyester and nylon mix around his wrists was a contrast to the warmth of his lap. His eyes closed, blinking only back into wakeful blackness because of your promise disguised as a hissed threat: “No, forget it. I'll be the one fucking you.”
There was something delightfully mercurial about the way you rode Dean. The dungeon once filled by his pained screams had now become the perfect studio for your flexing thighs slapping against his, your breathless moans camouflaging the raw hurt of your heart, and the unique sound of Dean's cock sunk to impossible degrees inside your needy cunt. He leaned in for more.
This was no longer about the sexual release for him. It was for the tiny part of Dean that always craved an order to follow. It was the small piece of him that craved carrying the weight of responsibility heavy on his back like the burden Atlas had to bear. It was the liberation of the heavy chains that held him down since he was a child, even if his hands were — appropriately enough — tied behind his back. As a demon, he didn’t have to worry, and neither did he when submissive to you. For you, it was expelling your revenge on this devilish version of the man you loved. He had it coming.
“I hate you. I hate having to save you. I hate caring about you.” You huffed, nails sinking in his clothed shoulder. The ghost of your touch was enough to make his dick twitch inside you. Tears brimmed in your eyes as the goosebumps rose your spine, and every time you sunk on his cock brought you closer to collapse. All Dean did was to praise your name with a moan. “I hate how good you feel inside me.” You sobbed, increasing your rhythmic and going fast and rougher on his cock. Your walls were tightening around his dick. Your untouched clit rubbed against the fabric, but it didn't matter. This wasn't about pleasure. “I hate that it’s you and not him.” That's not my Dean.
That caught his attention. Dean’s shoulders grew rigid. He was ready to catch a glimpse of warring emotions of hatred and disgust on your face, but he wasn't prepared for the crushingly forlorn refraction of loss and dispair he found there. 
The knight of hell should feel satisfied. That was what he wanted, wasn't it? Destroying you, turning the woman the human version of himself loved into a walking catastrophe so you wouldn't dare bring him back.
Apparently, the priorities changed. Maybe the blood was really effective, slowly disintegrating his armor into flesh again. It was the only explanation for all the humanly emotions he was experiencing.
Dean felt the conflict building as if hurting you was physically tearing him apart. His eyes contracted into livid green again, shining like the moon with tears he didn't dare drop. He was still a demon, bratty heart or not.
Yet, there was only so far a man could control himself. His lips were treacherous for your name, echoed more like a plea than anything: “Y/N-”
“Shut up! I don't wanna hear your voice. You said I'm your little bitch, nothing but a whore to you, huh? Guess what, asshole. You are my bitch now, and you’re gonna like it.” The little monster in you hummed happily to your authority, glad to finally punish someone for the incitement of agony inside your guts. You closed your eyes, riding Dean ferociously.
Dean Winchester might have been a cage to your feelings, but at least it was golden.
You said you'd be here. You said you wouldn't leave me. Your thoughts corroded your wearied heart as you tried to fuck them away with Dean's weeping cock. You could feel he was close, and you were constantly hitting your G-spot with eagerness, your sweat and harrowed feelings gushing over. You said I didn't need to leave. You said we'd find a way through this. You lied, you lied, you lied. 
I trusted you, and you destroyed me. You hurt me and Sam, and I can't even blame you for it. He knew all your enemies started out as friends. He knew how much it would hurt you if he got the mark. He knew how it would break you if he said those words, demon or not. And you know you can't put this blame on Dean’s shoulders, but you were suffocating and needed fresh air. The sacrificial game wasn’t always a virtuous act. So, you dropped yourself down hard, appreciating the way his cock hit the right spot over and over again. It forced your body to feel good despite your restless mind. I hate you. You made me go crazy. And I miss you.
What was the saying? Man makes the promise, and the demon makes him break it.
Dean's fixated you. He wanted to get free of his cuffs and cup your cheeks, see you lean into his touch so he could wipe away the tears that started to fall and haven't stopped in minutes. He wanted to tell you he was here, not completely, but he was here. He wanted to apologize and make it better, but he didn't. His white skin was burning red because of how hard he was trying to move his hands, hair moving by your movements and his. The semi-human groaned like the remainder of the beast clutching his strings when he hit his orgasm and spread his seed inside you. You whined like a broken toy as you came all over his cock.
It felt good, for a while. It was nice, feeling good.
You stayed there a little more, gaining control over yourself while he softened inside of you. Dean was doing the same in an attempt to stifle his human emotions from surfacing. He wasn't going to be weak anymore. He couldn't be because for once in his life, he hadn’t hated himself. 
You coughed, using the chair to hoist yourself to your feet. His cum dripped from your pussy, dampening his still-clothed thigh. You sniffed, grimacing a little when you noticed that your face wasn't wet with sweat. You’d been crying. 
That only made you madder at yourself.
“Fuck it,” you groaned, putting his dick back into his pants before zipping him up.
Dean smirked in a final attempt to turn the table and get on your nerves again. “That's what we just did.”
You didn't waste more of your heart on him. Taking the last needle, you sunk the devil into his sharp skin and pressed the plunger with all the fervor of pulling a gun's trigger. He screamed like the rush of humanity flowing into him was a shot to the heart.
Your legs were trembling when you threw the object away and hugged yourself, focused on Dean's fragile body in front of you. 
He looked down, eyes shutting a few times as if he was waking up before lifting his head to look at you. 
“Y/N?” His voice was back to its gruff drag, but it was carrying a strand of vulnerability and care that he had only ever directed at you. Dean frowned, confusedly watching you and the place around you both, not to mention himself. “Y/N, what happened?”
He didn't remember anything. He didn't remember the terrible things he’d done. He didn't remember the words said.
You gulped, the back of your hand pressed against your wet cheeks. “I'm going to get Sam.”
The demon may have gotten teary-eyed, but the human Dean was the one letting the tears slide down his cheeks as you turned around and left, almost running to get away from him. He didn't even know why.
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obae-me · 4 years
Could I please get hcs on how the brothers would react to a mc that doesn't like or feel comfortable receiving compliments? They personally make me uncomfortable since most of the time, people only give me compliments if they want something from me or are just joking and being cruel.
I’m sorry this one came out late, but I really liked writing this one. I hope you like it, thank you, Anon! 💜
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He’s the Demon of Pride, and as such, despite his sound and logical mind, he doesn’t realize there are...people...who don’t like compliments. It doesn’t occur to him as a possibility at all. He loves compliments. He thrives under praise. He’ll puff up his wings and strive for perfection just so people will look at him.
So, naturally, he finds compliments to be high on his list of forms of affection. If MC does something right, he’ll compliment them. However, in return all he’ll get is a scoff? A questioning glare? This makes him furious.
What he doesn’t realize is that MC is used to being used. To being praised only to be betrayed. There was always an ulterior motive, so why should demons be any better?
“You would throw back something I willingly gave you?”
“You’re only giving me a compliment to get something out of me, so why don’t you just tell me what you want instead of lying to me?”
That wasn’t a rebuttal he was expecting. Yes he was a demon, and yes sometimes his intentions weren’t the most pure, but to think that someone would believe he’d sink so low as to give compliments in desire to extort them? His brothers maybe, but him?
He took a moment to look at their expression. It was sour and uncomfortable. It’s not what he expected. This was a problem that went deeper than just distrust in demons. He’ll ask them if they’ll talk about it. They don’t go into detail, which he respects, but explains that compliments feel only like lies, and it makes them uncomfortable.
He’ll learn to find other ways to praise them other than compliments. He’ll reward them with a dinner or a little treat. If they’ve done something he’s really proud of, he’ll put it up where people can see. He’ll still give them simple compliments every now and again out of habit, and while MC still doesn’t fully accept it, they’ll smile and nod this time instead of throwing it out the window.
He doesn’t give out too many compliments to anybody in general, much less a human. On top of that, it’s especially rare that he’ll give a genuine compliment. This is the demon that MC should be wary of, if he says something nice about them, it’s a very very high chance that he does want something. Not necessarily because he wants to harm the other person, it’s just that he’s grown up with Lucifer as an older brother, and more often than not, puffing up his ego can get him off the hook.
Naturally though, this makes MC very distrustful. On the off chance he does give MC a legit compliment, he might as well have said that he doesn’t like money, because they won’t believe it one bit. He’s totally in the dark about it, he doesn’t get humans at all. He thought he did a good thing, he thought they would’ve loved praise from him, the one and only Mammon. He went out of his way to ask Solomon about it. He was a human too so surely he’d understand.
“Probably because they think you want something, Mammon.”
“But I didn’t that time!”
He was hopeless.
If that’s how they felt, he was going to have to show them how genuine he could be. He was a gentleman, an icon, a pillar of power, so he was going to have to prove it. Everyone found it amusing just how exaggerated he was, treating everything that MC did with respect and reverence. Even Lucifer was in awe over how hard he was working to treat people with honest intentions.
He would make sure MC was there when he returned stolen things back to his brothers. He tells them he’ll cut off gambling and bets immediately. He opens doors for them and escorts them to RAD all without asking for a fee. He wanted MC to trust him, he thought that maybe, just maybe, someone wouldn’t call him scummy for once.
Yes, the brothers had a secret bet with themselves to see how far Mammon could last. Lucifer won, he tends to know his brothers the best. Mammon stopped being completely honest to everyone in about two weeks. He really did try his best to continue to be honest with MC, though. Even if no one else did, they wanted MC to trust him.
He has a hard time taking compliments too, so if there’s anyone that understands MC, it’s him. Compliments always riddle him with anxiety. He can’t be anything but a dirty, nasty, ugly otaku. His brothers tend to just roll their eyes at it. He’s a powerful demon, he can’t really think that way, he’s just being whiny.
So if MC doesn’t accept any of his compliments, he thinks it’s himself that’s to blame. Of course they’d look extremely uncomfortable to be complimented by him, they probably thought he was a pervert now. He shut himself in his room for days. The brothers had seen this happen before, so they weren’t concerned, but MC couldn’t help but be worried.
They came up to his room, knocked on the door, but was left with silence. Not surprising. They felt like they had to apologize anyway, so they spoke to the door, hoping that maybe Levi would hear some of it. They apologized for making him feel bad. They apologized for being stupid, for being rude.
Levi opened the door, shaking his head furiously. He hadn’t thought that of them at all. They both end up putting their feelings on the table. MC will share with him some of the stories of why they can’t trust honey-coated words anymore. Levi will talk about his failures as the third-born.
“We’re both a mess, aren’t we?”
In the end they’ll both spend much more time together than they had before. Even just the peace of being in the same room, even if they were doing different activities, set them a bit more at ease.
They both worked on trying to be better at accepting compliments, with no pressure put on them, of course. And if any demon ever tired to butter MC up to abuse them, they’d be destroyed by Levi before anyone could say Game Over.
One time tried to give MC an compliment that was so eloquently written, it could’ve been written by a poet. They did not take it well, to no fault of Satan’s or his work. It was so disgustingly sweet, MC went pale, nauseous off his words.
Satan felt so angry and embarrassed, he refused to be around MC for a week. Which made things worse. Both Satan and MC were spending far far too much time in their rooms and spending copious amounts of effort just on avoiding each other. The other brothers had had enough. They all got together and summoned both of them downstairs to talk. Lucifer called them out.
“Whatever happened certainly doesn’t warrant this new behavior, so you two are going to talk it out. Now.”
“Satan doesn’t like me, doesn’t surprise me, I knew everything was a lie anyway. With a compliment like that, it was too good to be true.”
Satan was uncharacteristically at a loss for words. The brother’s plan seemed to be working, so they left the two alone to talk it out. The two went back and forth for a while, clearing up all the misunderstandings. Satan had never felt dumber. He knew more than most, even among immortal beings, and yet he still let his emotions overtake his logic.
Now that he knew how MC felt about compliments in general, he knew how to handle them. If anyone thought that words alone were among his area of expertise, they were mistaken. He would do countless research on other ways to show praise and affection that wouldn’t come off as hollow. He’d fight anyone that made them uncomfortable again.
He’ll have the hardest time with this. He’s a compliment churning machine. He’s a hype man. He’s a man of love., and so he wants to let the people he loves just how much he loves them.
It’s like never ending torture for MC, and they can’t help but feel like he’s doing it on purpose. How could he tell them they look amazing? How could he cuddle as close as he wants and describe them down to the detail? Every day made MC feel sick.
It got worse when MC was around him the first time he got drunk. He’d throw himself at them, every word he said laced heavy with alcohol.
“MC, you’re so cute, I want you by me all the time. MCCCC, you’re so wonderful, and beautiful, and cute-ah but I already said you were cu-“
MC shoved him off of them in a panic. “Stop, Asmo. Just stop!” They fled to their room leaving a confused drunk demon on the floor.
The next morning, while he fought a demon-sized hangover, he draped dramatically over his bed, running over last night’s kerfuffle in his head. Although the minor details were fuzzy, the important parts remained, including MC’s words. What’s this he was feeling...guilt? No no, he couldn’t have that, he needed to fix this right away.
He brought over his fluffiest robe and a tray with little cookies and fruity tea. MC almost didn’t let him in, but Asmo looked...different. Asmo sat them down and made sure they indulged themselves a little before apologizing. He had gone too far, and making other people feel uncomfortable was not an attractive quality.
MC felt like they needed to admit to him as well that any compliment they receive makes them feel that way. It was just too much for them all the time. He’s stunned, but how is he supposed to tell you how much he loves appreciates you?
MC decides to limit him to one compliment per day, maybe two if they feel like they can handle it. So now every day Asmo stays silent till he can think of the most perfect, most beautiful thing to tell them, hoping that maybe one day they’ll fully believe him and take it to heart.
He’s very much an actions over words person, so it’s rare that he’ll compliment MC with words alone. He likes to bring MC food, make sure they’re well fed and hydrated. He’ll keep them protected, that’s how he best shows his affection. He’ll follow MC everywhere he can, watching over them.
Sometimes he does tell them that they’re so sweet, and MC just shrinks further into their seat. He’ll frown. He doesn’t know why, but he does notice this anytime he says anything nice about them. So he’ll double down on getting them all the food they want. For him food equals love.
MC found it nice, since he was working so hard on making them feel good without trying to compliment them, but one night they came to their bedroom to find enough food to feed a small demon army. They appreciated it, but maybe Beel was taking this further than he needed to.
They brought him back to their room, and he looked extremely pleased with himself. He wanted MC to eat it all, he wouldn’t have one bite...other than the few bites he snuck already. However, MC begged him to help them eat it, it would be impossible to eat it all themselves. While Beel was eating, MC sighed and crossed their legs.
“Beel, I appreciate this so much, but you don’t have to go this far for me, you haven’t done anything wrong.” 
They explained how they just didn’t like compliments in general. No matter who they came from, no matter who said it. Demons, angels, humans, even God himself could say something kind about them and they’d still take it with a grain of salt.
It didn’t take long for Beel to understand, thank goodness. Of his many brothers, Beel is one them who supports them immediately despite how strange it seems. He’ll back down a bit, but still make sure MC knows every day how much he is proud of them by the things he does.
Get a compliment from Belphie? Probably if there was something majorly wrong. He’s not good with words in general, and he doesn’t compliment anyone. Not his brothers, not humans, not even Diavolo. So this isn’t too much of an issue for MC.
However, he keeps a close eye on MC, closer than most people realize. Because of this, he notices one day when a grimy, good-for-nothing demon he doesn’t know, tries to win MC over with their words in order for them to do something.
“Aw come on, MC, you’re so smart, brilliant even! So won’t you do my part of the project for me? It’s nothing you can’t handle, you can handle anything!”
He can’t help but notice MC lean heavy on the wall behind them, using the books in their hands to cover the lower part of their fading face. He comes over and puts a ‘friendly’ hand on this demon’s shoulder. Upon laying eyes upon one of the powerful Student Council, they hesitantly tell MC they’ve got somewhere to be and then scatter. Belphie looks at MC and shakes his head a bit.
After what he’s done, after everything he’s said, he has no business helping MC out like this. He knows how much of a hypocrite he seems. He shoves his hands deep in his pocket and turns away. No wonder they can’t take compliments very well when every demon here that does sounds like, well...sound like him.
“Thank you, Belphie.” He stops, looking back over his shoulder at MC. This human...they were so dumb and confusing, but...he didn’t want to leave them alone. They were exhausting yet because of them he’d slept more peacefully and had more good dreams than nightmares.
He won’t ever tell them how much they appreciate them, which is fine, sometimes MC prefers it that way. He’ll mostly stay silent, but stay close to them. MC can know how much they mean to him without him having to say a word. Especially if Belphie feels comfortable enough to fall asleep on them, sometimes in their lap, sometimes on their shoulder. It says volumes.
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theglitterypages · 3 years
Title: Let's Fall In Love Part 1
Pairings: Nishinoya x fem! Reader
Warnings: None
Word Count: 3000+
You looked around you to see if you knew someone at this place but all you see is unfamiliar faces, you sighed before fishing your phone out of your pocket, you typed a message and sent it immediately.
After placing your phone back to your pocket you heard squeals nearby, your eyes landed in a group of girls surrounding a tall guy weaing glasses.
“Oikawa-san, can we take a picture?”
The guy smiled and looked at the short girl in front of him while the other girls surrounding him was obviously dying because of his smile.
You just raise your brows and proceeded to walk away so you could finally watch your cousin play.
“Oh, hello. I'm Y/N I'm Hinata Shoyo's cousin. Nice to meet you all.”
“Oh! Hinata told us you'll be coming, the game already started. They lost the first set.” you gasped and immediately looked at where the players are just to see your ginger cousin looking so serious.
You bit your lower lip and guilt filled your heart, you kinda get lost on your way here that's why you were so late.
When the second set of the game started and they scored you silently screamed. You don't know Hinata's teammates yet but those determined look on their faces makes you want to cheer for them aside from the fact that you're here to support Shoyo.
You witnessed how Hinata became fond of volleyball as he talked about his idol, the little giant. You're just a few years older than him but you've seen how he grew up loving volleyball even if his height became some sort of hindrance.
You couldn't help but be proud of how far he is to the old Shoyo, if they win this match this is their ticket to the nationals, Shoyo's goal.
“They're trouble.” you commented as you look at the players of Shiratorizawa. Yachi was able to hear you and she immediately looked up at you, “H-How can you say so?” you narrowed your eyes as you stare at the players on the other side of the court, those stern faces are obviously full of pride and for them to have such pride, they must have the talent as well.
“Their eyes screams determination and pride. It is ideal to have the confidence in matches like this and they must be confident because I've heard that they've been into Nationals but their own pride may become their own destruction in this match as well.”
Yachi blinked for numerous times with her mouth gaped open, you noticed her silence and you looked down at her. “Sorry, did I say too much?” you smiled awkwardly and Yachi immediately blushed as she shook her head.
“Ah no! No! You just seems so smart and you're so—so pretty.”
“Thanks for thinking so..”
You also blushed and focused on the game once more and you saw Karasuno's libero trying to chase the ball with all his might but he failed.
For a guy who's small, he's energetic and he's also fast, you can even tell that he's an outstanding libero just by the way he holds himself inside the court, not to mention that he's good looking, the blond bangs is a big plus in his looks as well. You blushed when you realized that you were too focused on him and shook your head to snap out of the spell that little guy has put into you.
“Ugh, the guy's serving again.” Saeko said as she looked at the big guy on the other side of the court.
“Monster.” you whispered silently, that dude is obviously a monster. His posture screams dominance, it was as if he's silently declaring that he owns the court, that he owns the game.
When Shoyo entered the court your eyes literally shone in glee. You clapped so hard and shouted in top of your lungs.
“Go, Shoyo!!”
Hinata was surprised to hear you shout but he waved anyways and winked, you smiled at him while waving and suddenly your gaze landed at their libero once more.
Nishinoya was frozen in his position when he saw you standing beside Yachi, he has no idea who you are but you're probably Hinata's friend. Noya's expertise is spotting real beauty in every place despite of the fact that he's crushing hard on their manager.
His admiration for Kiyoko has become a common joke among the team but he wouldn't deny the fact that he is indeed attracted to her but not to the point that he'll court her or other stuffs.
As he looked in your direction, his eyes met yours and the two of you are frozen. Your breathing hitched for an unknown reason, his eyes are intense, despite of being a small munchkin those eyes made your knees weak for an unknown reason.
You kept on telling yourself to look away and focus on your cousin but he's not looking away either and you can't let yourself be defeated.
More seconds has passed and no one's backing down not until you heard the crowd shouting, your eyes widened and you looked at Shoyo's direction just to see his spike get blocked by the red haired guy.
You worriedly looked at Shoyo and you bit your lower lip as you tightened your grip on your sling bag as you close your eyes for a silent prayer.
Nishinoya smirked as he witnessed that. It was amusing, really, because that nervous look on your face feels like you're the one playing in the court, damn, he loves how adorable it was.
He let out a deep breath and fixed his posture, now, he just feels himself become more determined to win, he doesn't know if it is because of you or it is because he wants to cheer up his team, either way, his desire to win is burning.
He's gotta prove himself now.
When Hinata was able to score you screamed just the same time that he did and you laughed. “Shoyo hasn't change much through these years. I'm glad.” you whispered.
You can still see that small child you used to take care of before, Hinata has always been a happy virus, he's good at influencing everyone's feelings and it is one of his remarkable traits that you've loved.
But when your gaze landed at Nishinoya, who jumped so high you couldn't help but chuckle at his similarity with your cousin, it may appear that they're twins.
“Number 5 has been playful in guessing where to block. Since most of his intuitions were right he'll end up being too confident, once that happens they should lead him as far as possible and then prepare to attack.”
“Oh YN, you're smart!” Saeko commented and you shook your head, damn you didn't notice that you talked out loud.
“Shoyo's stamina and his speed could be annoying sometimes especially if you're the one being fooled by him. That brat kept on running away from me when he was a kid every damn time it's time for him to sleep.”
You smiled upon seeing how he scored again and everyone around you also clapped. “You sounded like a Mother eh? You're so mature.” Saeko smiled and you smiled back.
When Ushijima go for a spike, you saw three blockers from Karasuno jumped but you smirk upon knowing what they did. “They opened a path for their libero.” you looked at Nishinoya who was able to dug the ball and kept it on air, you saw him sat on the floor as he breathes heavily.
That spike was surely strong, it would probably kinda painful too, Nishinoya looked into your direction and your eyes widened, you immediately looked away and turned to their setter instead.
Nishinoya smirked, “Too late sugar plum, I've been watching you watch me since earlier.” he whispered.
“What are you saying Noya? By the way nice receive!” Daichi complimented and Noya just smiled.
“No, you guys are the reason why I got it.”
Saeko gasped and she looked at you, “So they didn't put three blockers to stop him?” you nodded and smiled as you glanced at Nishinoya, “They cornered him so he would be forced to go for that spike, a spike that landed to where their talented libero is placed. Directly blocking forceful spikes from that guy would be bothersome and dangerous for their fingers but if they can corner him to spike on the direction of their powerful libero the ball will be theirs.” Yachi nodded knowingly as she made a mental note to remember this tactic.
“Are you a volleyball player too YN-san?”
“I was. I hated sweating too much though so I stopped playing. I prefer using my brain than my body.”
“Your brother is smart.” you told Tsukishima's brother, he smiled at you and rubbed his nape, “He may look spiritless most of the times but yeah, he is smart and the more he feels down the more he became strong.” you nod and looked back at the court.
“The pressure is on their setter, your brother is doing good in being able to touch those spikes, nothing hurts a setter's pride than those and the total blocks of course. The more the pressure, the more they'll change their pace. At that time they may lose their balance.”
You looked at how Hinata saved the ball and you got worried for him but he stood up like it was nothing and attacked. You sighed in relief as you touched your chest, “Shoyo will be the death of me.” you breathed out and Yachi giggled beside you, “It really is scary when they chase the ball with everything they got.” she told you and you totally agreed.
Another powerful spike was given by Ushijima and you gasped after seeing Nishinoya saved the ball, it was beyond amazing, you imagined yourself being the one in his place and you can already tell you might end up with tons of bruises because of that man's spikes.
But even if that spike must've been painful to receive you see nothing but determination in Nishinoya. He's a strong willed soldier, a man probably destined to be a libero.
Karasuno took that set but Shiratorizawa wasn't fazed at all. Another spike from Ushijima came, Nishinoya tried to save the ball but he fell on his back because of the impact.
You worriedly glanced at him, your hand flew to cover your mouth as you gasp, the long haired guy come to his side to check on him but Nishinoya stood up by himself with a dangerous look on his face.
“He has the advantage of being the biggest among us but that fact wouldn't affect me as a libero because in this court no one is equal to him but me.”
It was the final set, a serve that you thought it wouldn't even make it in, has passed the net and Nishinoya immediately saved it with all his might.
Ushijima spiked it down but Nishinoya saved it for another time and later on they scores when Asahi hit it. Everyone went wild including you, you held Yachi's hands, “YES!!!!” you screamed loudly.
Nishinoya heard that unfamiliar voice scream so he took a glance on your direction just to see you cheering with Yachi, he smirked and looked at Daichi, “Thanks, Nishinoya!” Daichi told him and Nishinoya proudly looked at his captain.
“Karasuno can depend on me!”
You heard that shout and looked at Nishinoya's direction, when his eyes met yours he smiled at you, at first you didn't know what to do and you wanted to just look away but that would be impolite.
So you chose to give him a small smile as your cheeks reddened because of embarrassment.
Nishinoya gulped hard at the smile he had received from you and he looked behind him trying to see if that smile was for someone else but no one was in his back, meaning, that smile was meant for him.
Your heart was beating fast when you see Karasuno prepare for a synchronize attack, everything depends on every point and when you saw Hinata jumped your breathing hitched and it almost feel like your heart rate dropped after speeding up just seconds ago.
Hinata hit the ball but it was saved by Ushijima, it was spiked once more and Hinata was hit by the ball, you gasped and immediately called out his name. “Shoyo!!” you held your chest and tried calming yourself when you saw him got up as if it was nothing.
Ball was exchanged in a breathtaking manner and you almost had a heart attack they prepared for another synchronized attack this time, “First tempo...” you breathed out when you saw Hinata mixed in and as he jumped it seems like he was flying.
He hit the ball and as it flew towards the other side of the net receivers tried diving in to get the ball but it already dropped on the floor.
There was a stunned silence amongst the crowd and at that moment all you could hear was your heartbeat. You see Hinata landed on his feet while breathing heavily and at that moment the crowd has gone crazy to cheer the new champions.
Tears started forming at the corner of your eyes as you see the whole team hugged each other, it was a heartwarming moment, and the way each player held into each other made you tear up.
Your eyes landed on Hinata and you smiled even if he's not looking at you, you were there when he came home when he lost the match when he was in Junior high school. You were also there when he begged you to let him practice with your teammates so he could be good in volleyball.
Before you see Hinata's smile right now, you've heard his cries first, you witnessed him cry out of frustration before seeing him like this.
And you must say his hard works are all worth it.
After the awarding ceremony you prepared to leave just like the others but before you could even leave, Shoyo already shouted your name as he held his medal.
He was hopping playfully as he charged himself towards you to hug you. You laughed and hugged him back, you're basically lifting him so you tapped his arm, “Shoyo, you're not a kid anymore, I can't carry you around like I used to.” you joked but he just giggled as he took his medal off his neck.
He jumped to wore it on you and you looked at him cluelessly, “Y/N L/N the best big sister ever!” you blinked and suddenly you felt tears streaming down your cheeks.
“I'm proud of you Shoyo. I'm so damn proud of you.” you took off your neck and give it back to him with a smile, you pat his head as he giggle and your eyes landed at his teammates, they were smiling at the two of you so you smiled back.
“Congratulations.” you bow your head down for a bit and they did the same.
Nishinoya's eyes are sparkling as he look at you but you didn't notice that. He wanted to introduce himself but he doesn't want to ruin your beautiful moment with Shoyo.
“I have to go now, Shoyo.”
“But we just met! We're gonna celebrate, come with us! Come with us!”
“Shoyo, Kuro and I will—”
Hinata glared at you as he pointed his team, “You came to watch us but you'll see Nekoma?!” you laughed and shook your head, it is true that you're friends with the players from Nekoma but the reason why you have to call Kuro is because you asked a favor from him.
“Aren't they your friends too?”
“But I'm your cousin!”
Childish. That's the word you'll use to describe him but you can't resist that cute pout on his cute face.
“Shoyo, wake up idiot.” you shook Hinata but he's still sleeping, Nishinoya on the other hand was sitting in front of you and he's half-asleep.
“You look horrified YN-san. Don't worry, they're just tired. Nishinoya and Tanaka sometimes fall asleep with their eyes half open too so don't be scared.” Sugawara smiled at you as he handed you a juice, you gladly accepted it and drink some before sighing as you look at your cousin once more.
“Ahm guys, thank you for taking care of my cousin. I know that Shoyo is sometimes too hyper. Sir and Coach thank you for guiding him.” you bowed to all of them but everyone shook their heads, “No, no, you don't have to thank us. Hinata is a good player.” Daichi smiled.
Nishinoya woke up and his eyes immediately met yours, you let out a sound of surprise when he suddenly sat up but you ended up smiling as you see how he looked. Noya smiled back and wiped his mouth, you silently chuckled because of his gesture and seconds later you heard your phone beeped.
“Uh-Oh, Shoyo your Mom is texting me. We have to go." You shook him but he's still unresponsive, you felt bad to wake him up but you just have to go home, “Ugh, I think I should leave him here. Ahm wake him up once you guys are gonna go. My house is a bit far so I really have to go.” you looked at your cousin and pat his head, “Sleep well you little monster. Please take care of Hinata for me, sorry for the trouble.” you bowed to his teammates and they stood up to bow down too.
“Thank you for cheering for us.”
“Oh, that's nothing. It's nice to meet you all, see you soon.”
“Take care YN-San.”
You were walking as you put your earphones to listen to some music but you suddenly heard someone shouting behind you.
“Oh...Nishinoya, why?”
“I asked Shoyo where—” he paused, catching his breath as he look at you, “I asked him where you live and my house is a little near yours. Would you mind if I go with you?” you suddenly felt your cheeks heating up, you had to look away from Nishinoya and mutter a response to his question.
Noya smiled at how you reacted, “So, you're Shoyo's cousin. You're tall.” you looked at him and chuckled as you shrugged your shoulders, “I stopped growing years ago. You'll probably be taller than me in no time.” you replied, still avoiding his gaze.
“Is that an attempt to cheer me up? I don't really mind my height.”
“I'm glad that you don't you look...” you paused for a moment to think of the proper choice of words but your mind just went blank when Noya suddenly walked in front of you with a smirk.
This is why you wanted to go home early, there's something in Nishinoya's presence that makes you weak and even if you're a little taller than him, he can affect you more than you can affect him.
“I look what?”
“Fine. You're also a great libero, the double save was amazing, not to mention your sets.”
“You're beautiful.”
He said it like it was nothing and you wondered if he's joking or not but you've decided not to comment anything about it.
“Y/N, can I get your SNS accounts and your number?”
You took his phone from his hands and typed your Social Media Accounts before giving it back to him. “Thanks for walking with me. I appreciate it.” you took the key of the gate of your house while Nishinoya watch you.
“Your parents are not yet home?”
“They only come home on Weekends. I live alone in Weekdays.”
“What? You should go inside then, don't come out of the house at night. If you need something always buy them at morning but if it's something that you really need you can call me and I'll bring it to you just don't come out alone. It's safer for you to stay inside.”
You laughed at his long speech and he narrowed his eyes at you unamused that you chose to laugh at his kindness. “Hey, I'm serious. It's dangerous for a young lady to stay outside at night. You should ask Shoyo to stay with you sometimes, even though it's not much it would be better if there's someone with you.” Noya has no idea why you're laughing at his sentences, he's genuinely worried for you, it's not really ideal for a young lady to be alone, he should tell Hinata to stay with you at some days of the week.
“Don't get too worried Nishinoya. My Dad taught me martial arts. Thanks for walking me home. Congratulations super libero.”
“Go inside first before I go home. Lock the gate, your door and windows.”
“Yes Dad!”
You received a message.
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Echoes: a Descendants Fanfic
The children of the isle, and the children of Auradon, are now lost and alone in an unknown world.
Can they remember the truth? Can they remember who they really are? Is it possible for them to find their way back home?
All they have left, are the echoes from another life...
Chapter 1: Uma
His large, calloused hand slowly caressed her cheek. She could feel the heat radiating from his body, the wood smell of his clothes. How sweet it felt to be around him. Hot specks of ash flew around them, amid a thunderous sound of revolts, screams, some crackling fire. It looked like the end of the world. Through a haze, she blurred a pair of blue eyes full of melancholy, a sadness weighing on him.
"Come on Hook, I'll always be a just step away from you, " she said in a voice she didn't recognize.
"I know, we are light from the same star, right?" His deep voice slipped from his lips, tears streaming down his dirty face. Behind him, a pulsing red light blinded them, giving the young man the mythical appearance of a fiery creature. He leaned in, bringing their foreheads together in a desperate attempt to feel her close one last time "Goodbye, Uma ..."
Her eyes snapped open, her heart pounded. His words still echoed in her head, she still felt that suffocating heat, the chaotic sensation, and the sadness that vision had caused her. It had been brief, but still, she felt like she had been sleeping for days like she didn't think she would ever be able to wake up. But now the cold of the undaunted room made her hair stand on end and reminded her that it had all been a dream. She blinked several times, barely realizing she was clinging tightly to the sheets, making sure she had returned to reality. She put her hand to her heart and felt it pounding and excited. It felt alive. "I miss you," she thought, closing her eyes to that strange and familiar feeling, "Even if I don't know who you are."
Uma watched the snowfall through the grimy window and found that just as it had happened every day in that dead tundra, the sun had not risen. In that forgotten corner of fleeting feelings, only the gloom remained. Without fire, without chaos, there was no one by her side. Her breath resonated on the icy upholstered walls as if floating in the heavy silence that only abandoned houses have, that sad emptiness of having had and have lost. She got up from the bed.
But of course, Uma couldn't remember ever having anything. That loss was all she knew. All that remained inside her, like a luminous lamppost guiding her, was the hope that one day she would be able to recover everything she had lost. She walked through the lonely house, her long blue hair falling like soft clouds over her naked body, two small front braids, eternally tied, from which hung small amulets whose meanings she did not know. Only the heavy wool blanket that had wrapped her up during the night covered her.
Just like every day, Uma went to the small kitchen, lit the oil lamps, and started to heat the tea. Outside, the wind whistled, and as she cracked two eggs on a frying pan, the heat of the kitchen reminded her of her dream. Fire, ash, the musty smell of gunpowder and blood, the boy with blue eyes. That was her dream. Over and over, that vision haunted her at night. He had lost count of how many times she had had that same dream, always the same, always leaving her with that feeling that she did not understand, but could not get rid of. "I miss you".
Something inside Uma told her that there was a reason why it felt so real, why it kept popping up in her mind. It was more than a dream, it was a memory. But she couldn't be sure, Uma wasn't sure about anything. As far as she knew, that exciting memory could only be an invention of her mind.
In town, they called her a witch. They said that magic had destroyed her mind, and that was why she did not remember who she was. Maybe they were right. Maybe that sad-eyed boy she called "Hook" wasn't real, it was just magic confusing her mind. As Uma ate her breakfast, listening in the distance to the howling laughter of the forest elves, she couldn't help but feel once again disappointed that the dream hadn't changed. Why couldn't she remember more? She sipped her tea and tried to forget about it.
The last fishermen of the town began to gather their nets with slow and tired movements. It had been a long day. Uma said goodbye to them with a kiss thrown into the air, as was the tradition, and they responded in the same way, thanking her for the help and hard work. The dogs surrounded her amid joyous barking, and she had to dodge them laughing, as she walked away carrying her own basket overflowing with fish. In front of her stood the messy mound of windows, balconies, doors, and chimeneas. Uma had always thought that those particular tower-towns so common in the northern lands, looked like a tree made of houses stuck together. An oasis by the sea, a refuge from that mysterious, cold, and hostile land.
She entered the city swinging her basket, she knew perfectly the path between that maze of stairs. Here, the air was different, it smelled of bread, sweat, coal, human heat. It was more joyous, more comforting. Uma found the company she needed just by seeing the townspeople in their daily life while continuing to climb to the top. Boys hauling lumber, up alleys with the day's game on their backs, people on balconies spreading clothes, shaking rugs, or lighting lanterns. She paused for a moment, daring to look back, to see the huge sea from above.
Up there, where she was at the height of the birds flying and the trees seemed tiny, Uma stopped feeling so alone. Up there, among the wind, the heat, the flowers in the windows, the amber lights in the houses, and the noise of the people, even if it was only for an instant, Uma could almost feel normal, like someone loved, like someone human. And that was precisely what had motivated her to dream of one day, to be able to raise enough money to buy a little house in the highest part of town, where she could wake up every day in the midst of that joyous daily life, where she could finally feel that she was someone.
Finally, Uma reached her destination. She entered the narrow, candlelit establishment and approached the counter. She put the basket on the floor, and a skinny girl came out from the back.
"Uma! How are you? How are things going down there on the plain?" The girl greeted her with a charming smile. Uma shrugged, returning the smile.
" Hi Ruba, you know, cold as always ... I brought fish" replied Uma, smiling fondly at the girl in the store.
"I see they had good fishing today, right?" Ruba looked at her excitedly, and Uma only answered with her head "Well! How much do you want for it? It looks very good, how about 60 coins?"
"Are you crazy? Your mother would kill me if she finds out you gave me that much money" said Uma, laughing slightly. The girl from the store smiled, pleased to see her happy, and handed her a bag of fifty coins on the counter.
"Come on, take them, " Ruba said with a wink. "My mother doesn't have to know ..." Uma laughed again, slightly flushed.
"If you insist" she answered taking the bag and weighing it on her hand with pride. Ruba sighed with a huge smile.
"You know? I don't even think mother notices ... She is too busy licking a foreigner's boots" Ruba whispered with an amused tone "They say he came from the warm lands of the south and we are renting him my brother's room, you should have seen his face, He is furious to have to sleep on the kitchen floor, but he had no choice ..."
"He comes from the warm lands?" Asked Uma intrigued "And how is he?"
"Well, he is tall and handsome ... He's tanned, you know, like the people of the South ... He came on the train dressed as a prince with a ruffled suit and a suitcase full of wonders ..." Ruba explained with bright eyes of emotion "I'm sure he would love to meet you!"
"Me? Why?"
"Because you are a witch, you are the best that´s ever happened in this boring town ..."
"Thank you?"
"Oh, I almost forgot! I wanted to give you something… " Ruba said happily and took out from the folds of her dress a small wrapped package.
"To me?" Uma asked, surprised, and happy. No one had given her a gift since her teacher had died.
"The stranger brought us gifts from the south, you know, for letting him stay, and I thought why not give one to my favorite witch?" Ruba admitted, blushing a little. Uma smiled gratefully and took Ruba's hand in a happy squeeze.
"Thank you, Ruba, for everything ... You are the best friend I have made in this town ..." answered Uma, delicately keeping the gift in its folds. Ruba smiled from ear to ear.
"And you are mine, Witch ..."
Night fell, heavy and freezing on the plain. By the time Uma returned home, the darkness was almost absolute. Despite carrying a flashlight, she had to tap the walls for a long time to find the door. When she entered, the wall of enchanted tapestries greatly lessened the cold and the furious roar of the night wind. As soon as the door closed behind her, Uma dropped to the floor, exhausted, looking at the small hall of the house. Silence, again that deadly silence. With ragged breathing, she decided that she would stay there until her muscles relaxed, and she leaned against the wall, staring blankly, imagining not having to go back to that empty and distant house every day. She took off her coat, brushing dust and snow from her hair. In her pocket, she felt the small wrapped package that Ruba had given her, and Uma smiled again as she took it out. A gift from the south.
What wonders could come from those lands? Uma couldn't even imagine it. That northern land had been all she knew, all that interested her. That was what her teacher, the witch Aida, had taught her. Five years had passed since the villagers had found her, so cold and pale, that they had thought she was a corpse. They said that she came from the sea during a stormy night, an unconscious body that the waves threw to the beach. Villagers had given her a two-day funeral and attempted to bury her in an unmarked grave. But when the first earth fist was placed on her, she woke up. The frightened villagers took her with the only person in miles around who knew about the mysterious affairs of the world: Aida, the old witch of the forest.
Before that, Uma had no memories. She didn't know who she was, what she was, or where she came from. She only remembered the sea, the lightning, and the feeling of having lost something. Old Aida had taken her, cared for her, fed her, healed her wounds. She was the one who helped Uma overcome the shock and discovered that she knew how to speak, write, knew about the things of the world. But she still didn't know anything about herself. "You are a witch," her teacher had told her. "I can feel your magic, you probably got into forces that you shouldn't have, and this is the price you must pay. " After six months, Uma began to dream about the blue-eyed boy. And because of that dream, that memory, Uma was able to remember her name. Aida tried spells to make her remember more but never succeeded, and all Uma was left with was that fuzzy image of a world on fire.
Aida was a traditional woman, who during the time she met her taught her to rejoice in the little things in life, to cook, to attract fish, to become human again. And a year ago the old woman had died, sitting in her chair, leaving Uma with one last lesson to learn: how to survive alone. And Uma had learned, hunting her food and selling the fish that she trapped to the town's merchants, little by little, learning to make friends, to be kind to people, to trust them. Rarely did Uma think of the possibility that the world existed beyond that frozen region, that magic-filled forest, and that sparkling sea.
Uma untied the laces of Ruba's gift, thinking about her teacher, for the first time wondering if, in other lands, she could stop feeling the emptiness that consumed her inside.
She unwrapped the slip of paper, and a gold ring fell into her open hand. As soon as the metal touched her skin, Uma felt a jolt that shook her heart, like an electric shock that tore out the air, while in her head the vision of the boy with blue eyes appeared again, and his voice repeating the same words in an infinite cycle "We are light from the same star".
"Harry ..." she whispered as if her soul was breathing for the very first time "I remember you ..."
Also available on Ao3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/25621861/chapters/62193694
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Gardens #1 (1/1/2021)
Click here if you're like "What the heck is this about?"
Valera @autokrates fights an annoying sibling. Alastor cheers for the great show and does absolutely nothing to help. Sir Pentious @hiss-and-vinegar fusses over Valera's wounds.
*Ah, the gardens. Just the place for Valera and her brother to get into a no holds barred bareknuckle brawl away from her guests. Far enough that nobody has to hear them snapping and snarling at each other, close enough that neither has far to drag the other at the end of the dramatic little affair. Fortunately, fights don't actually take thirty minutes to muddle through for most people, these fish included. Five or so minutes of hissing and biting at their imperfect duplicates, and at the end, Valera limps away with Volitan's arm clenched in her jaws and a few pounds of flesh lighter. Neither comes away feeling better, but at least there's fresh fish to feed to the guests who craved a more cannibalistic slant to their meals.*
*The fountain is good enough to rinse the worst of this mess off, and Volitan can go let the ocean burn his wounds clean for all she cares. Her friends can't see her like this. She'll need... What, half an hour to close her wounds? They shouldn't notice.*
**Happy New Years.**
From a high window a large crowd loudly cheers, whistles, and applauds.
It's Alastor, he's the large crowd. Him and his invisible audience.
He doesn't know what's going on but it was hella entertaining to watch.
Thank the gods Alastor was far enough away to probably not hear the undignified squeak that she made when she realized she had a witness, Valera's emotions were shot enough without embarrassment on top of it. Head jerking back to seek him out among the windows... Ah. There he is. Game face, Val, give him a thumbs up. With Volitan's arm! Lovely. In fact... She's just going to send it off to him, a little flotation between friends.
"Here! I'm going to be a while, be a dear and butcher this, would you? I'd hate to see it spoil while I cleaned up."
Look at the delight on his face! "You're a TERRIFIC host!" He bows out the window so deeply it's impressive he doesn't fall out, then runs off with his new culinary treat. He's going to make something decadent with this.
But first he's gonna bite off a chunk from the severed end.
Sir Pentious
A certain snake is slimthering.... he is wearing the long robe that Valera gifted to him for Hissmas. He's searching for his love, now that he's properly warm and bask-ed. The smell of blood has his tongue flicking out longer, and he's drawn to it... slimther slimther...
The sound of Pentious' voice makes Valera tense up, swearing under her breath. What's the human phrase? Out of the frying pan, into the fire? She'd rather have Alastor and his cheerfully uncaring amusement, Pentious might actually *worry*. But it was too late to pretend nothing was wrong. So.. Time to do what she does best, then.
She perches on the edge of the fountain, posing just so to keep the worst of her injuries away from her beau's many eyes. A hand in her lap to artfully cover her thigh, tail conveniently looped around her legs before dropping back into the fountain. Natural? No. But it might be enough! Maybe! If she can distract him. "Penny! Hello dearest, enjoying the weather tonight?"
Sir Pentious
"YESSS, MY DEAR, THE WEATHER ISSS NICE. THE AIR ISSS SO GOOD HERE, A NICE CHANGE FROM SSSSULFUR." Tongue flicking, but he's definitely sure that's blood he smells... or something similar! He was used to Valera's blood, as he'd bitten her *quite a few times.*
A head tilt, and his face squishes inquisitively. "WHAT ARE YOU DOING THERE...?"
"I'm glad to hear you're enjoying my home, my love." Her tail wiggles in the fountain, eyes scrunching up into half moons. Even if she was trying to keep him from getting too nosy, it was still nice to see him happy on Okkylk.
Right. A question. "Me? I'm sitting, obviously. You just missed Alastor though, I think he ran off to the kitchen with his latest prize."
Sir Pentious
She twitches, hand lifting off her injured thigh to wave dismissively. "Yes, darling. I got into a bit of a tussle, you see. "
Sir Pentious
"A BIT?" His eyes widen and... He comes closer, trying to peer around her to see the damage.
... A choice is presented to her. Trust her fiance, or.. don't, and upset him. So, despite the immediate impulse to deflect, she reluctantly lifts her tail from the water. Or, what's left of it. The end seems to have been sliced off, gods only know where the fin went.
Sir Pentious
His eyes widen considerably, then NARROW. His hood opens and he's careful to put his arms around her, trying to mind any more wounds.
A few scrapes and scuffs are hardly enough to keep Valera from leaning into a hug. "Alastor? No, of course not. I fought my brother! He tried to scold me again and I'd simply had enough!"
A pause as she nuzzles her face into his shoulder, purring softly. "I took his arm off, so don't feel TOO bad for me."
Sir Pentious
Ah, that *brother.* Sir Pentious growls like the cobra he is, vividly imagining tearing the man apart--not that he'd really seen him yet but he could guess.
She shrugs, lifting a leg to inspect the damage. A few cuts, nothing to write home about. Hilda would probably want to put stitches in a few of them, but Val was pretty sure they'd close on their own. They'd mostly stopped bleeding, at least. "I assume fighting with family is a normal part of having one? Maybe not physically, but Veci do tend to be more direct than humans. He doesn't like the way I do things, I don't like him acting like he knows better. We fought, I won, so I'm right."
Sir Pentious
That sounded much simpler.... But Penny couldn't help his frown. He took her hand in his, and kissed it.
"He hurt you. I would tear reality asunder for you and your smile, my love."
... Ah. Valera has to try very hard not to make a noise like a deflating balloon crossed with a dying whale, wheezing quietly and folding in at the waist as Pentious metaphorically stabs her with surprise affection straight to the heart. Thunk. Her head, thumped down to his chest. Don't look at her. Don't acknowledge her. She's feeling feelings.
Sir Pentious
He's petting down her hair, looking over her damage and that gored tail....
Penny gently pets down said tail, careful to mind the wounds.
Give her a bit to recover, and then she'll perk back up to see what he's doing there.
"Hm? Something wrong, love?"
Sir Pentious
"What?" Wait, right. Aliens worry a lot more about that kind of thing, huh? ..Or was that everyone not heavily traumatized and used to regrowing limbs? Hard to keep track, really. Whatever. He's concerned, which is the OPPOSITE of what she wanted!
Quick, say something comforting! "I'll be okay, darling! I'm used to... it...?" She squints. Wait. No. That sounds bad, actually. "It'll grow back in a few minutes! You'd never know I was hurt!" YEAH THAT'S THE ONE.
Sir Pentious
Frown! WEH!
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She looks... A bit baffled. But once she's over the initial surprise, she takes one of his hands in hers and pats it.
"Oh. Um. Alright, do you want to.. Help me to the bathroom? I'm sure we've got medical supplies in there."
Sir Pentious
Listen, caring about other people is not Penny's strong suit, but he cares so so much about Valera.
Being cared about is not something Valera is used to, she's not sure how to handle being the one getting fussed over. But if it makes Pentious happy... She'll try to fumble through it. Time to get up, then. He can't lift her, but taking the weight off the worst leg should make it easier to not open anything on her carpets.
Awkward cough.. "Thank you, love. I was just going to sit out here until everything healed over, but. This is better."
Sir Pentious
He's lucky she's already standing or else she'd do the affection wheeze all over again. But no, she has to hide her face against him like a normal person and pray the blush doesn't reach the tips of her fins. Just. Just going to take his arm and let him lead her along, then.......
Sir Pentious
Off they go..... To the bathroom........ Womance....
He can put salve on her wounds and wrap up the more uncomfortable ones, and she will be very embarrassed and very grateful... And also whine a lot because ow, the salve Hilda makes is NOT soothing in the slightest, it burns!!! Sure heals things fast though, the smaller cuts vanish in moments!
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black-wolf066 · 4 years
An Au where Five dies young in the apocalypse.
(((I originally wanted this to be something more happy-ish, despite the Au idea, but my Muse demanded angst; so angst it shall have. Warnings for the general Klaus-ness of... well Klaus (he's my favorite of them all so I’m not hating on him, but we all know the warnings that come tagged with his name by now) as well as mild language and again angst. 
This story is posted over on my Ao3 account under the same pen name (blackwolf066) I would link but due to people posting phishing links, I'm weary to do so. The story is called [Not an End of All, Only an End of Something])))
Klaus is not quite twenty-four, just a little over a year before the inevitable publishing of Vanya's book, when Five pops up out of the blue. And at the worst possible moment too as Klaus OD's on the ground of some seedy alleyway.
When he wakes up in the back of an ambulance, he thinks it was all just one big twisted hallucination. But then he looks over the EMT's shoulder and sees a glaring, near murderous Ben, which is not an uncommon sight at all considering where he landed himself (again). No, it's the pale figure standing beside Ben, a very rattled and pale ghost with the face of little number Five and--
"Well, shit."
Is all he can really articulate.
Ben just glares harder.
After coming to grips with it (he will never come to grips with it) and after hearing Five's sad tale; he seeks out the rest of their living siblings.
Really, he shouldn't have even bothered.
Much like how no one believed Klaus about Ben in the beginning, they sure as hell don't believe him about Five, or the bullshit he spits about the apocalypse being real (courtesy of Five telling him and Ben what all had happened after he disappeared). Klaus truly believes his brother's story, the proof of it clear enough on his ghostly corpse. The layer of soot that was too ashy and grey to really be grime. The slight wheeze to Five's words even though the boy was dead and no longer needed air. The hollowness of his cheeks and the clothes that hung too big on his too small, bony frame.
It’s a scary thought, to know that all of humanity rests on Klaus' shoulders; and all because none of his siblings could be bothered to give Klaus the time of day.
"We're all doomed." Five puts eloquently.
Klaus hisses at him, but he knows Five is right. He's the last person anyone should put their faith in and yet Five didn't have much of a choice.
Klaus didn't need the reminder.
Nor did he sign up for this shit.
(None of them did, not Ben and surely not poor little number Five, who Klaus still has a hard time keeping long bouts of eye contact with; the image of his too small brother and the clear suffering he had gone through, far worse than when Ben had appeared all bloody and shadowed in the corner of his room at Seventeen).
Meanwhile the Commission are left scratching their heads and wondering what in the hell happened. What killed Five in the first place? Was it the starvation that did him in; or the ashy air that caused his lungs to stop filling altogether? Or was it the expired Twinkie that was the straw that broke the camel’s back?
(They don't dwell on it for long. What will be will be and all that jazz)
With two nagging brothers instead of one, Klaus has a harder time chasing and keeping his continued highs. Though he doesn't want this responsibility, would rather sit back and watch the world burn during his lower moments of weakness; Klaus finds, much like Five, that he doesn't have much of a choice either.
(The disappointment on anyone's face had always been a natural state in regards to Klaus. He was the family fuck up after all, the useless number out of the lot of them; and that included Vanya. He was used to it by now, but to see that disappointment on his kid brother, hurt more than he'd ever like to admit aloud).
So he gets clean, or clean enough, no longer allowed to go for the harder stuff (the topic of Sobriety is a fight Ben and Five realize they will never win). Klaus needs something if he's to do this with his sanity still intact, the ghosts are just too damn loud, too unpredictable and too uncontrollable (not like he could ever control them in the first place) to really go full on cold turkey.
At least it's a start in the right direction, so Ben and Five will take whatever they can get at this point.
With no leads other than a glass eyeball no longer in Five's possession, there isn't much Klaus can really do but wait for nightfall and break into the Meritech facility; a company he had never even heard of (until that day) that apparently the eyeball originated from ("Obviously it came from there, Klaus, pay attention!"). With Ben and Five acting as his lookout and scout respectively (to warn of any security wandering the building as well as to point out all the cameras to duck around and avoid), it doesn't take Klaus long to find the file room, but none of the files on hand have the serial number Five rattles off and they're back to square one.
Between the span of the next six years, the harbinger of death will lose an eye and none of them know when exactly that will happen or who said harbinger will be.
And life continues on.
Klaus manages to get a job despite his record, and even a small apartment to live in. It's a shitty little studio in an even shittier part of town. It's all he can really afford, but it's the home he made for himself and his brothers and he couldn't ask for much more.
Vanya publishes her book, and though Klaus silently cheers on her ballsyness (even--deep down--understands why she did in it the first place) he would have liked it better had she not callously attacked him like she did everyone else. He debates on using the damn thing for kindling in the fireplace, but somehow can't bring himself to do it; not when it's the only picture he has of his sister despite the betrayal he feels burning in his chest.
It sits collecting dust on the bookshelf instead.
Then one day Vanya randomly appears in their ghostly midst and Klaus is honest to god ready to throw hands.
"You know this is not what I ever had in mind about getting the four-corner squad back together again." Klaus mumbles.
"There never was a 'four-corner' squad," Five grunts, "You always just invited yourself along anyway."
Fair, Klaus thinks, and smirks faintly at the twin smacks that resound in the apartment from Ben and Vanya hitting Five's arms. The little gremlin’s hissing as he threatens and dares them to do something like that ever again, do nothing to lighten the fact that Vanya is still very much dead and standing in the middle of his apartment.
"It would explain why I never found Ben or Vanya among the rest of your bodies." Five states sometime after Vanya is filled in on the whole stopping the world from ending shin ding.
Klaus doesn't ever meet her eyes the entire time they talk; skirting around the guilt laden looks she keeps shooting in his direction upon learning he was speaking the truth this whole damn time.
(Meanwhile the commission is scrambling to right this wrong, and they almost go back to save their bomb from getting hit by that car, until they realize the apocalypse is still happening)
Which is fitting, really, that where Vanya ends the world the first time, it's Klaus that ends it the second time (the commission just don't know it quite yet).
And god doesn't that just suck to know he was the cause of his brother's suffering, even if the whole damn thing was nothing more than an accident.
Reginald still kicked the bucket (ding dong the abusive bastard’s dead). Harold still somehow managed to get his hands on the damn journal and was still hellbent on getting his vengeance against the umbrella academy; even without Vanya by his side.
With his living siblings distracted in their fight against Harold and the commission (still believing that Harold is the fuse somehow in all this chaos), Klaus is still kidnapped, tortured and forced to go cold turkey (but this time it's because he knows too much, Hazel and Cha Cha being sent out to find out how Klaus even knew about the apocalypse in the first place). He still gets saved in the end, still ends up back in time alone, fighting in a war because he was too scared to use the briefcase again and end up somewhere far worse. He still gains and then loses the love of his life (his Dave, his everything). Still dies, talks to dear old daddy and comes back--to the land of the living where his dead siblings all hover worriedly around him.
And all of this spirals with Klaus being absolutely and utterly done with everyone's shit: with the added scary bonus of secondary powers he didn't realize he even had (nor can control) due to said cold turkey experience.
In the end Harold really was the fuse, and the world is ended because his ghostly siblings couldn't penetrate the fog of Klaus' panic attack to calm him down (a panic attack induced by a mix of PTSD, the complete lack of faith his living siblings still have in him, and the resulting battle that ensues as Harold strikes the mansion).
His already uncontrollable telekinesis goes ballistic when the mansion explodes from C-4 Harold had planted around the block. He doesn't see the fighting that results from it, he doesn't see Luther rip Harold's eye out either (an eye he gained from pissing off the wrong people at the wrong time in his incarceration). All he hears is the fighting, the loud explosions, and the crumbling of the building around him. All he can smell is the smoke. All he can feel is the heat of the flames as they begin to lick teasingly at his skin and before he knows it, he finds himself back in that god forsaken jungle.
And so, ends all of ‘something’.
it's not a moon chunk to end everything in a fiery blaze of death, but an earthquake as Klaus' power unintentionally shifts the tectonic plates enough to set off every volcano in the world (dormant or otherwise).
Oh well.
C'est la vie
What will be, will be.
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dukereviewsmovies · 5 years
Duke Reviews: Olaf's Frozen Adventure And Frozen Fever
Hi, Everyone, I'm Andrew Leduc And Welcome To Duke Reviews Where We Are Continuing Duke's Yultide Reviews..,
And By That Music, You Probably Think We're Looking At Frozen Well, We're Not...But...We Are Looking At Olaf's Frozen Adventure...
This Christmas Special (That Was Originally Released With Coco To People's Dismay) Follows Our Favorite Snowman Olaf And Kristoff's Reindeer, Sven As They Set Out On A Mission To Save Christmas For Anna And Elsa When They Discover That They Have No Christmas Traditions Of Their Own Due To Elsa Being Confined To Her Room For Most Of Her Life, Will They Succeed And Find Traditions For Anna And Elsa To Do Over The Holidays?...
Let's Find Out As We Watch Olaf's Frozen Adventure...
The Movie Starts In The Village Of Arendelle, Where Olaf Waits For The Surprise Holiday Party That'll Begin After The Yule Bell Rings That Will Ring In The First Christmas In Arendelle Since Forever. With People Arriving In The Courtyard We Get Our First Song...
But When Anna And Elsa Invite Everyone In, Everyone Leaves To Do Their Own Holiday Traditions...
Wait A Minute! I Know That Voice...
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Q! What Are You Doing In Arendelle?
(Q) Well, I Thought I'd Give Picard A Break From My Antics And Bug These 2 With The Fact That Unlike Most People They Have No Holiday Traditions..
So, You Created Your Own Family Out Of Anti-Matter To Make Anna And Elsa Sad Over That Fact...
(Q) Exactly!
Get Out Of Here!
(Q) All Right, All Right, I'm Gone...
(Q Disappears)
With Kristoff Believing That It's Their Loss, He Tries To Cheer Anna And Elsa Up With One His Traditions He Got From The Rock Trolls When They Celebrate The Holidays By Singing The Ballad Of Flemmingrad, Which Is Probably The Only Song In This That I Don't Like...
Saying No Thanks To Kristoff's Tradition As It's Kind Of Gross...
Anna, Elsa And Olaf Go Inside As Olaf And Anna Ask Elsa What Holiday Traditions Do They Have Which Leads To Our Next Song As Elsa Remembers....
But After The Gates Were Closed, They Were Never Together As A Family Again Which Leads Elsa To Blame Herself For The Fact That They Don't Have Any Christmas Traditions...
Coming Up With An Idea, Olaf Recruits Sven To Help Him Find The Best Holiday Tradition And Bring It Back To The Castle For Anna And Elsa To Use Which Leads Us Into The Next And Probably My Second Favorite Song In This Special...
(Start At 0:35, End At 3:32)
However When He Visits Oaken...
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Olaf Discovers Oaken's Christmas Traditions As He Takes Him Into His Spa, But Don't Worry He Doesn't Melt As Olaf Reforms When Oaken Brings What's Left Of Him Outside...
Giving Olaf A Spa Of His Own To Give To Anna And Elsa, Olaf And Sven Ride Off Only For The Spa To Open Up Causing One Of The Hot Coals To Fall Out And Onto Olaf's Traditions, Causing Them And The Sleigh To Catch On Fire...
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With The Sleigh Going Out Of Control, The Sleigh Falls Over A Cliff With Olaf Of The Canyon And Sven On The Other Side As They Watch The Sled Explode...
Back At The Castle, Elsa Visits Anna In Her Room To Apologize For Earlier Only To Find Her Not There But In The Attic Where They Find Some Of Their Old Childhood Items Before Coming Across A Box To Which They Discover...
Something We See Later Back At The Canyon, Olaf Discovers That While None Of The Traditions They Got Survived One Managed To In The Form Of A Fruitcake...
Attempting To Find A Way Around The Cliff, Olaf Goes Through A Wolf Infested Forest While Sven Rides For Help, Though He's Unable To Get Through To Kristoff, Anna And Elsa Arrive And Understand Everything The Reindeer Is Trying To Tell Kristoff...
Losing The Wolves In The Forest, Olaf Manages To Save The Fruitcake From The Wolves Only To Lose It To A Hungry Bird...
Saddened By The Loss Of All His Traditions, Olaf Is Sad And Sings This...
Eventually Finding The Sad Olaf In A Snowbank, Anna And Elsa Tell Olaf That He Didn't Let Them Down As They Finally Show Him And Us What's Inside Of The Box: It's Their Christmas Tradition And It's Olaf...
As When They First Made Him Years Ago, He Was The One That Brought Them Together And Kept Them Connected When They Were Apart As Every Christmas Anna Made Elsa A Gift To Remind Them Of Their Childhood And How Much They Still Loved Each Other Which Leads To The Final And Best Song Of The Entire Special...
And Of Course Once The Song Is Over The Fruitcake Lands On Olaf As If The Bird Was Saying...
(Bird) Eh, Don't You Know, Pal That Everyone Hates Fruitcake...
And That's Olaf's Frozen Adventure And What Did I Think Of It? Well, Before I Give You My Answer, I Think I Might Give You Guys A Christmas Gift Of An Extra Review As I Don't Know When I'm Going To Be Talking About Frozen Again So, What The Hell, Let's Talk About Frozen Fever...
The Short Starts In Spring As Elsa, Olaf, Kristoff And Sven Get Ready For Anna's Birthday And Elsa Acting Like A Perfectionist Doesn't Want Anything To Go Wrong...
Ew! Snowman Cooties!...
Going To Wake The Birthday Girl, We Get Our Song For The Short That Plays Throughout Nearly The Entire Short..
But As Elsa And Anna Sing I'll Point Out What's Going On...
As Anna Dresses Up, Elsa Sneezes Which Gives Birth To The Little Bundles Of Snow Known As The Snowgies Everytime She Does, Believing Elsa May Have A Cold, We Get A Let It Go Callback Before Elsa Hands Anna A String Which Will Take Her To Her Presents...
Following The String, Anna Discovers All Of Her Presents While Elsa Keeps Sneezing Out Snowgies That Cause Trouble For Kristoff And Sven While Olaf Is Absolutely In Love With The Little Guys To The Point That He Believes That They're His Little Brothers...
Still Believing Elsa Has A Cold, Anna Gets A Cold Remedy From Oaken While They Find Anna's Presents. Eventually Reaching A Clock In Town, Anna Tells Elsa To Take It Easy As She's Starting To Act (Well To Put It Mildly) Drunk...
Nearly Falling Off The Clock Tower, Anna Gets Elsa Before She Does And Touches Her Head To Discover That She's Burning Up And That Maybe They Should Put Anna's Birthday On Hold Which Is When Elsa Finally Admits That She Has A Cold...
Walking Elsa Back To The Castle, She's Upset That She Ruined Anna's Birthday Again But Anna Doesn't Blame Elsa And Just Wants To Get Her To Bed But When They Open The Door They Find The Surprise Party...
Blowing The Birthday Bugle Horn, Elsa Sneezes Into It Which Fires A Gigantic Snowball To Prince Hans On The Southern Isles...
(Hans) You Realize I'll Get Revenge Against On You On Once Upon A Time!
(Elsa) Don't Care, You're A Bad Guy And As The Old Saying Goes Good Guys Rule And Bad Guys Drool!
But Despite The Birthday Party, Anna Got The Best Birthday Present Ever By Taking Care Of Her Sister, Elsa...
Visiting The Ice Palace, Marshmallow Lets Kristoff, Sven And Olaf In As They Drop Off All The Snowgies That Elsa Sneezed Out...
And That's Frozen Fever And What Do I Think Of Both Of These Frozen Outings, Well Let's Start With Frozen Fever As That Came Out First...
The Short Was Good, But I Realize Now That It Was Just Made To Tide Everyone Over Until Frozen 2 Came Out By Giving Everyone A New Song Which Is A Good Song But You Can't Hide That Fact, Still Though It Was A Good Short And I Do Say See It...
Now As For Olaf's Frozen Adventure...
I Honestly Have No Clue Why Everyone Complained About This When It Was In Theatres, This Is A Great Christmas Special And Short, The Story Was Sweet The Songs Aside From The Flemminggrad Song (Which I Felt Didn't Belong Among The Other Songs In The Special And Wasn't In The Same Caliber As Those) Were Pretty Good And I Say Ignore The Haters And See It Now!
Till Next Time, This Is Duke, Signing Off...
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masha-russia · 7 years
Please know that fans of elia or Brandon have no problem with rhaegar and lyanna being in love and getting a happy ending. Problem only arose when those 2 chose to pursue their happily ever after at the expanse of elia, his children by her, Brandon, Rickard and basically the whole realm. Lyanna is supposedly so moral a person that she can't see howland being bullied yet she doesn't bother coming back an telling everyone that she wasn't kidnapped but consented? This makes no sense.
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Hi, thanks for asking,
Before talking about Rhaegar and Lyanna, I’d like to start with Brandon. Brandon Stark has fans? … In this case, I feel like these people don’t know that Brandon Stark was one of the creepiest men in the story. I realize that many may have forgotten, or not truly comprehended, the part of Dance with Dragons that showed us Brandon’s personality, since it was a small part in a Theon chapter. Brandon Stark was a sexual predator. Apart from killing people, which is already bad enough, his other favorite pass time was to sleep with virgins, specifically virgins, because he loved the sight of blood on “his sword” -> "a bloody sword is a beautiful thing”. I know the text is subtle here, but that’s the meaning. And no, Barbery Dustin wasn’t lying. Also, GRRM words: “It’d be an exaggeration to say that Brandon died before he could have children” which translates to “he had plenty of bastards”.
“Brandon loved his sword. He loved to hone it. ‘I want it sharp enough to shave the hair from a woman’s cunt,’ he used to say. And how he loved to use it. 'A bloody sword is a beautiful thing,’ he told me once.”
“Brandon was never shy about taking what he wanted. I am old now, a dried-up thing, too long a widow, but I still remember the look of my maiden’s blood on his cock the night he claimed me. I think Brandon liked the sight as well. A bloody sword is a beautiful thing, yes.”
Brandon Stark was gross. His caring for his sister and father makes him a three dimensional character, but not any less of a creep (edit: and not because of his relation with Barbery which was consensual) I am glad he died, and I have to say, House Stark was lucky he did, because if Brandon became Lord of Winterfell, the reputation of the House wouldn’t be at all as good as it was under Eddard’s rule.
Alright now, you say you have no problem with Rhaegar and Lyanna being in love, only that it happened “at the expanse of Elia and the children”. If you refer to the moral aspect and to the idea that Rhaegar “cheated” on her, I don’t understand what alternatives would satisfy you? Rhaegar was made to marry Elia, it was an arranged marriage, and Lyanna was being forced to marry a man she absolutely did not want. Divorce isn’t an option in Westeros (though judging by the outraged reactions among Elia fans following the news of show Rhaegar divorcing Elia, divorce doesn’t seem to be an option for you either), polygamy isn’t allowed, the only way for Rhaegar and Lyanna to be together is as a non-married couple, sadly. Again, I think Elia was in friendly terms with her husband and supported him. And Rhaegar’s children don’t have a say in his love life. As long as the children are cared and provided for, he did his duty as a parent. As you know, Rhaegar was greatly concerned about the War for the Dawn, and he believed Rhaenys and Aegon would have a role in it, so obviously he would have returned with Lyanna and their child to raise all of his three children together. 
If you refer to their deaths, I already explained several times that you cannot blame Rhaegar and Lyanna for the murders of Elia, Rhaenys and Aegon. They didn’t commit the murder. The responsibility lies with Gregor Clegane and Amory Lorch (the actual murderers), with Tywin Lannister (for giving the order), with Robert Baratheon (for wanting to kill all the “dragon’s pawn”) and to an extent with Aerys Targaryen (for refusing to send Elia and the children with Rhaella and Viserys to Dragonstone). Same for Brandon and Rickard. Rhaegar and Lyanna couldn’t have known what would happen, and they certainly didn’t wish for such horrors like the murder of Elia and the children.
Please do not believe that Kingdoms rise in rebellion over highborn girls who elope with noble Princes. “Such stories make for charming songs, but poor history”. Jon Arryn didn’t call his banners because of Lyanna, and not even because of Brandon’ and Rickard’ executions (Aerys was in the right by law to execute them, for threatening a Royal with murder, even though he did it cruelly). He rose in Rebellion when Aerys asked him to kill the innocent (by law) young men he was fostering. Thousands of people won’t go to fight and die in a war for the sake of a girl. Betrothals can be set aside.
“This makes no sense,” you say, not understanding why Lyanna and Rhaegar didn’t inform anyone of their eloping, and accusing them of idiocy and selfishness, or the story of being inconsistent. It is not the story or the characters being inconsistent though, it’s the text screaming at you that there is something wrong with the informations it gave you thus far, and that there are missing pieces of the puzzle. I think it’s evident from the novels themselves, but even GRRM is always elusive when answering any questions about Rhaegar and Lyanna and their actions. Just from one interview:
“Will we learn more about Rhaegar in the next book? Why did he take almost a year to join the fight against the rebels, or why did he kidnap Lyanna?”“You will learn more, but I can’t promise it’ll be in the next book. Keep reading.”
Rhaegar took a year to join the fight because he did not know there was War, and I believe someone was doing his best to keep him ignorant. This someone could very well be Varys - he is a Blackfyre supporter, his wisperings in Aerys’ ear was what made him even more paranoiac and cruel, he was the one responsible for Aerys’s coming to the Tourney at Harrenhal, where it is rumored Rhaegar planned to dispose him as King. If Varys really cared “for the Realm” (he does not), he would have helped Rhaegar, but instead he helped Aerys to keep the Throne while making sure his paranoia and madness grew.
Old Lord Whent had announced the tourney shortly after a visit from his brother, Ser Oswell Whent of the Kingsguard. With Varys whispering in his ear, King Aerys became convinced that his son was conspiring to depose him, that Whent’s tourney was but a ploy to give Rhaegar a pretext for meeting with as many great lords as could be brought together. Aerys had not set foot outside the Red Keep since Duskendale, yet suddenly he announced that he would accompany Prince Rhaegar to Harrenhal, and everything had gone awry from there.
As for not telling anyone of their eloping, again I believe they did tell someone. I strongly suspect Lyanna told Eddard that she fell in love with Rhaegar and that she would run away with him, but Eddard didn’t have the courage to let his father and Robert know. Other people must have been told as well, but again something went awry.
Once Rhaegar joined the war, it was too late to sue for peace. The leader of the Rebellion, Robert Baratheon, declared Rhaegar his number one enemy, so I can hardly see Rhaegar making peace with him. The Kingdoms were fighting, divided between Targaryen loyalists and Robert Baratheon supporters. It’s just not realistic at all to believe Rhaegar could have raised a white flag. Killing Robert would have put an end to the Rebellion, just as killing Rhaegar brought an end to the fighting at the Trident. Rhaegar and Robert were the faces of the War. 
I very much doubt Rhaegar wanted to kill Eddard. It is possible that he gave orders to spare Eddard, for Lyanna.
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This is funny. Ok as I said already Rhaegar didn’t know of the war, but … Basically the whole Realm from Dorne to Casterly Rock passing by the North fangirls about Rhaegar, how noble and gifted he was, that he was a true dragon, that he would have been a great King. How exactly did you reach the conclusion that “Canon paints him more as a coward”?
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Even Yandel (Yandel!!), who wrote a very biased book (The World of ice and Fire) as he was trying to please King Robert Baratheon, said:
 For despite his crimes, Prince Rhaegar was no coward.
Even he, not a lickspittle exactly but a man who wanted to be in Robert’s good graces, couldn’t bring himself to talk badly of Rhaegar.
I’d gladly come back to this conversation once we get the other two books.
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