#he still needs some new jorts
wheredidalltheusersgo · 10 months
The Stranded and The Scaly
Chapter 9
Day 7: We'll work this out.
Geoff paced around on the cave floor, fidgeting with his hair.
"This CANNOT be happening, dude."
His tail whipped around in a panic, Ezekiel made sure to stay out of the way.
"HOW could this even happen, man?!"
Ezekiel sat and thought for a moment.
"Gator in swamp. It bite, you mutate."
Geoff stopped pacing around and sat on the floor with his legs crossed and his tail in his lap. "How am I gonna face Bridgette like this?.. Will she even love me as a mutant?..."
Zeke gave the other boy a sympathetic look.
The blonde sighed and ran his clawed fingers through his messy hair. "I don't think they're coming back for me, man. It's been a whole week."
"Not lose hope."
"Why don't we just do something to get our minds off this? Anything works." Geoff stopped fidgeting with his hair and began to pet his tail.
Ezekiel stood up. "We hunt. I go on land, you take water." He began walking towards his exit to the cave. "Sounds just fine, buddy." Geoff got up and followed close behind.
The way out of the cave was not 'a walk in the park', as one would say.
Geoff did his best to follow Ezekiel as they climbed over rocks and walked through shallow waters. "You know this place like the back of your hand, don't you?" Geoff attempted to make small talk as they ventured out of the cave. "Only some. Other parts are mystery." The smaller mutant grunted in response.
While he was trying to play it off and lie to himself to make the situation seem better, the blonde mutant knew that he was still devastated by this turn of events. All of his life plans were probably canceled, he'd never live a normal life again. He'd never marry Bridgette, and they'd never have kids. Bridgette probably wouldn't want freakish half-mutant babies, anyways.
The worst part about this whole thing, though? If he and Ezekiel were ever rescued, they'd probably spend the rest of their lives in some government facility, being experimented on and monitored. They'd never know privacy again.
Geoff squinted as light shone from the exit of the cave. A few minutes later, and he was standing in the sunlight again, his scales shining under the sun's rays. Man, that felt great. He felt the urge to just lie on a rock somewhere and just soak up all that wonderful warmth... But he and Zeke had things to do, and it wasn't time for another nap.
The pair trekked through the forest, with the taller of the two occasionally brushing branches away from his face so he wouldn't walk into them. They were careful to stay away from the campsite, things wouldn't be very pretty if they were found.
Soon, the pair reached the lake.
Geoff got on his hands and knees to check out his reflection in the water, he gasped at what he saw. His face was a pale green, while the bridge of his nose and the area above his eyebrows was darker and scaly. He gently ran the pads of his fingers along the scales. "This is fuckin' gnarly, and not in the good way."
Zeke patted his ridged back to console him.
Geoff bared his teeth and observed how sharp they were. He gently poked one.
"I mean, it's kinda cool."
Zeke stared at the gleaming, sharp teeth.
"Hunt!!" He grinned.
"Eh? Hunt? You want me to hunt?"
The smaller mutant nodded quickly.
"I guess I could?" Geoff craned his neck down towards the water.
The water rippled as Geoff dunked his face in.
Surprisingly, he was surviving beneath the surface of the water.
He looked around in awe at the fish and plants in the lake.
A curious trout swam towards his face, big mistake.
He snapped his jaws shut around the fish and rose out of the water with a wide grin.
Ezekiel clapped his hands excitedly and gave the blonde a double thumbs-up.
Geoff spat the trout into his hands. "Dudeee!! Did you see that?!" He laughed and knelt down in front of Zeke, dropping the fish in front of him. His tail thumped against the ground to mirror his excitement. Ezekiel grinned. "Swim!"
Geoff grinned and backed up a bit before charging forwards and diving into the lake with a splash. Swimming was unbelievably easy now, since he had a tail to propel himself forwards with and increased lung capacity. Thanks to his sharp gator teeth, he had managed to catch at least five fish, this was surprisingly....fun!
The duo spent a few hours at the edge of the lake, talking, eating, and swimming.
As night fell, they relaxed in the cave. Geoff had given his sleeping bag to Ezekiel, since he couldn't even fit in it anymore. He smiled at how cozy the other boy looked as he laid on his slightly scaly chest.
Geoff's tail wagged slowly as he drifted off to sleep.
Boy, was he grateful to have a buddy.
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jeonginslefthand · 2 months
Harbor Lights ✨
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Pairing: Hyunjin x female Y/N (Established relationship (BF x GF), idol!Hyunjin x photographer!Reader)  Genre: Straight fluff, wholesome romantic date fluff  Word count: 1.7k+ Plot summary: Hyunjin decides to take you on an early morning walk along the harbor bridge before he has to perform his idol duties (and possibly for a quick photo shoot with his fav photographer ;)) Warnings: None. Maybe some cheesy lines here and there but what’s romance without some cheesiness to it?  A/N: So this was a random idea that I completely wrote up at 3am (no seriously it was 3am when I wrote this—). Although this was a 3am idea, this is [mostly] proofread and has been through many changes and drafts. I’m still a little new to writing shorter fanfics like this so constructive criticism is welcomed! But other than that hope you all enjoy it and let me know what you all think.
Stray kids masterlist
“[Y/N] wake up!!” 
You sleepily turn over in your sheets as your boyfriend shakes you awake. Usually, he’s in a rush to get to a dance practice or a recording session. He only has time to give you a small kiss on your cheek thinking you’re still asleep (you’re not though. All of his moving around naturally wakes you up). But this morning he’s up at who knows what hour trying to get you up for reasons you have yet to find out. 
“Hyunjin…” you sleepily say as you turn to check the time. 5:30 AM. Way earlier than when he usually wakes up. “Do you need me for something? Why’re you up so early?” 
“Come on, it's not that early.” Hyunjin pouts. “Get up and get dressed! We’re going somewhere special.” 
You sit up in bed looking at Hyunjin confused, raising your eyebrow. “Where are we going?”
“You’ll see!!” Hyunjin teases. “Oh, and bring your camera with you.” 
Hyunjin leaves before you can question him further. He rarely asks you to bring your camera. That’s only reserved for special occasions like sightseeing on world tours and special dates. Maybe he is taking you to a special place for a breakfast date? It would be a miracle if he found a place that opened before 6. Maybe he wants to have a mini photoshoot? Hyunjin’s always saying you take photos like a professional (and always makes sure to get his good side). 
With all these thoughts running through your head, you get up from your bed and start getting dressed. You don’t put on anything too flashy, grabbing a hoodie and some oversized jorts. You top off the outfit with a pair of worn out Converse and a beanie. As you pick up your camera, Hyunjin comes back into your room with an even bigger smile on his face.
“Ready to go [Y/N]?” He asks.
“Yeah. You still haven’t said where we’re going.” You respond.
“We’re going on a little walk. I just want to spend time with my girl. It feels like I haven’t seen you in forever.”
He has a point. With the next comeback around the corner along with prepping for the tour, it’s like he’s never home. You knew it wouldn’t be easy being with an idol, but deep in your mind, you wished you could spend more time with him during these comebacks. Although you would prefer not to be up so early, if it meant spending more time with your boyfriend then it’s all worth it. 
The two of you leave your cozy apartment and you start following Hyunjin as he walks. Wherever you’re walking must not be far if he didn’t immediately hop in the car (although technically this already counts as starting the walk). The two of you get a little further and see a bridge and a harbor appear. Hyunjin stops and grabs your hand as he turns to you. 
“We’re going to walk on the harbor bridge! I hear the view is breathtaking.” Hyunjin explains. 
“I feel I’ve seen this bridge before…” you start to look at your surroundings and see you probably passed this area a few times. 
Hyunjin doesn’t respond and he pulls you toward the bridge. You take note of your surroundings as the two of you walk on the bridge. There barely is anyone on the bridge. You see one or two people in workout clothes taking a run in the opposite direction. The two of you are practically alone and you start to understand why Hyunjin chose this place. The sound of the water flowing below you coupled with the chirps of the morning birds and the slow rise of the sun enhances the peaceful atmosphere. The warm breeze flowing along your neck gives you a feeling of comfort. You could take in the atmosphere for hours, wishing that time would stop so you could take in this moment with just your boyfriend.
You both find a stopping point in the middle of the bridge and you take a step forward taking in the view. Hyunjin was right, it was absolutely gorgeous. The sun perfectly hits the water to give it a subtle glimmer. There are two lookout goggles and a bench on the opposite side of the goggles. You and Hyunjin go up to the goggles and look through them to get a better view of the water surrounding you. As you back away from the goggles, you study the rest of your surroundings and think to yourself this looks like a scene straight from a painting. Just looking at what’s in front of you gives you the inspiration you need to snap some quick photos. 
You pull your camera out and start to take some pictures of the water. Hyunjin slowly sneaks up behind you and begins to cuddle you from behind. 
“Knew you wouldn’t resist the chance to take some photos!” Hyunjin teases.
“Shut up!” You respond. “I will admit, this is peaceful. I miss spending quality time with you like this.” 
Hyunjin doesn’t respond and embraces you some more, taking in the feeling of your presence. He didn’t need to respond. You knew he felt the same. The two of you sit in silence for a moment as your mind wanders off.
You turn to Hyunjin appreciating his beauty in this moment. The sun is doing wonders for him… you think to yourself. The rays of the sun hitting Hyunjin’s skin at the right angles make him glow brighter than he usually does. You’re hit with a wave of inspiration thinking of how you can capture this moment on your small camera. 
“Can you pose right here for a moment?” You ask pointing at a spot on the bridge in between the lookout goggles. Hyunjin smiles and quickly walks over to the spot with his back against the bridge getting in a casual pose. You hold your camera up adjusting yourself trying to find the right angle.
“You look so beautiful when you're taking photos. I don’t understand why this is just a hobby.” Hyunjin says. 
“And I don’t understand why you just paint as a hobby.” You respond still trying to get the perfect angle. “Your paintings are beautiful. Every time I see one I’m transported to another world. So what made you choose the idol life?” 
Hyunjin thinks for a moment before responding. “Because I love the stage. I love being up there performing, dancing my heart out. It’s something I don’t think I’ll fall out of love with. If I turn painting into a job, I’m afraid I won’t love it as much anymore. Nothing I make will feel like… me.” 
“And that’s how I feel about photography. Well, almost. Maybe as the years go on, I’ll feel differently and turn this into my side hustle. But for now, I want to enjoy this without worrying about how much money I can make out of it.”
You adjust some settings on your camera as you position it towards Hyunjin again. “Besides… isn’t it kinda hot knowing I only take pictures for you?” 
“Okay, there’s no denying that.” Hyunjin laughs. “But one day, promise that you’ll consider selling your beautiful pieces. They don’t deserve to be kept locked away in your computer.” 
“Only if you promise to do the same with your paintings.” 
“Hmm… maybe…” Hyunjin teases.
“Very funny. Shut up and hold still for a moment.” 
You finally get the angle you want and snap a few shots of Hyunjin. He changes up the pose a couple of times and you adjust accordingly. The rays of the sun continue to enhance his beauty as it rises. It’s like he’s naturally photogenic with his energy complimenting the entire scene. You finish taking the photos and show them to Hyunjin. He smiles appreciating the way he looks through your lens. 
“Okay, it’s your turn now!” Hyunjin smiles. “Go and pose on the bridge!” 
You’re hesitant at first, but you slowly hand Hyunjin your camera as you go to the same spot he was in. You’re not used to being in front of a camera, but you do your best to get in a comfortable pose. Noticing your struggle, Hyunjin walks up to you and helps you with the pose. 
“Just relax. Pretend there isn’t a camera. It’s just you and the harbor atmosphere.” Hyunjin softly says to help you relax. 
Hyunjin’s soft voice helps you relax, comforts you even. You look off in the distance zoning out for a moment until you hear a small CLICK!
“Perfect! Keep posing naturally like that. Like your beautiful authentic self. You look your best when you’re not worrying about what’s around you.” Hyunjin reassures you, continuing to make you blush with his soft voice. 
He takes a couple more photos and you go back to get your camera from him. You look through the photos, admiring the way your boyfriend captured your presence. It’s amazing how you’re able to see yourself in a different light (both figuratively and literally). 
“What do you think? I’m not as great as the professional [Y/N], but I think these do your beauty justice.” 
“They’re amazing Jinnie!” You respond. “A few retouches in Lightroom and maybe these will look almost as good as my photos,” you say teasingly.
Hyunjin laughs before responding. “How about we continue our walk darling? The rest of the bridge leads to the next city. It’s long but if you’re up for it I think it’ll be worth it.” 
“I think that sounds perfect!” You respond with a smile. 
The two of you finish your walk along the bridge. It took about twenty minutes to get to the end of the bridge to the next city and you take a photo with Hyunjin celebrating the moment. You notice a coffee house near you and politely drag Hyunjin for a quick coffee date and a bite to eat after all the walking. The two of you chat it up enjoying each other’s company, completely losing track of time taking in the moment. As Hyunjin is telling his stories from idol practice yesterday, he suddenly remembers he had his phone on silent and he pulls it out. He opens it to multiple missed calls from Chan and a few text messages from him. Hyunjin quickly gets up and you quickly follow him as he opens his phone to one message in particular:
BangChan: Hey! Are you coming to practice or what? 🤨
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sparklypinkflightsuit · 5 months
Stars Align: Part 7
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Pairing: Bradley Bradshaw x Reader
Warnings: Smut, Angst, Fluff, Pining, Mentions of Abuse, Violence, Angry Bradley, Sexual Themes, Alcohol, Swearing, Just Really Soppy Scenes.
-- Part 6 Here --
18+ Only
Bradley decided to skip the party that night. Michelle was getting on his nerves and he just really missed his best friend. He hadn’t spoken to you in over a week and withdrawals began to set in.
You plagued his dreams and he longed for your company, your adorable laugh to ring out when he made a really bad joke, or just to have a genuinely interesting conversation with someone who wouldn't look at him like he was looney.
All he got these days was stale conversations about the latest fashion, who slept with who, and how that guy they met at that party that one time got a fake ID.
He was growing quickly bored of this new lifestyle, and wished he’d taken the time to savour his old life when he had it. To savour you.
Bradley was finally coming to terms with the fact that he should have told you how he felt before you left, but the opportunity was now long gone and he would likely never have the chance again.
But that didn’t mean he couldn’t still tell you how much he cared.
“Ma, I’m home!” Bradley called as he jogged up the stairs to his bedroom.
Carole poked her head out of the kitchen, “I thought you were at Michelle’s tonight?”
“I was gonna, but I really just need to talk to Birdy.” He said as he stopped at the top of the stairs.
“Okay sweetheart, I’ll get dinner started.”
Bradley disappeared into his bedroom and shut the door, he took a deep breath as he picked up the phone.
“Hi this is Y/N, I’m not here right now. Please leave a message and I’ll get right back to you!” Your sweet voice rang over the other end, and it gave Bradley goosebumps. Simultaneously it also filled him with guilt. You kept missing one another, and it was mostly his fault.
The line beeped and he cleared his throat.
“Hey Birdy, sorry I missed your call yesterday, looks like we keep missing each other.” He chuckled sadly, cleared his throat again and sighed, “I really, really miss you, kid. Life’s not the same without you. Please call me back, I don't care what time it is, just call, I'll answer.”
He hung up and rubbed his face frustratedly.
Part of him wanted to pack a bag and catch a bus or plane over to you, but he knew it wasn’t the right time.
Not yet anyway.
Bradley looked around his bedroom for a moment, until he had an idea.
He got up and crossed the room to his desk and pulled out a sheet of paper.
If he couldn't tell you how he felt, he decided he'd write about it instead.
The weeks passed in a beautiful blur, and you were really growing accustomed to life in the little bungalow with Bradley.
He couldn’t keep his hands off of you, and he was your biggest supporter when it came to your art, which was flowing out of you with ease.
He made it hard to concentrate when he kissed your neck from behind while you tried to paint, but once he’d taken care of you, well and truly breaking the bed, that’s when some of your best work was created.
One day you were lounging in the back yard catching some sun, while Bradley did some gardening, shirtless and in his favourite jorts. The sun glistened against his tanned, sweaty body, and you couldn’t help the way your core throbbed as you bit your lip and watched his muscles ripple as he worked hard to move around a series of large stones.
He glanced over at you and caught you staring, and a wide grin spread across his face.
“Really? Like this? I’m disgusting.” He chuckled.
“I know, but it's really doing it for me. Please?” You stuck out your bottom lip and pleaded.
Bradley couldn’t resist you if he tried, especially not when you lay in such a small bikini, face flushed by the sun and lust. He straightened, wiping the sweat off of his forehead with the back of his hand. He sauntered over to you slowly, teasingly, and gave you a wink as he grabbed your calves, slowly sliding his hands up to your thighs and pushing your legs apart, crawling in between them.
He captured your lips hungrily and took your breath away as your hands wandered his sweaty abs.
You wrapped your legs around him and he moved his lips to your neck, and down, down, sucking marks into the valley of your breasts until he reached your bikini top. He tugged at it gently with his teeth and -
“Hellooo? Anyone home?” A voice rang out, and you pushed Bradley off of you, blushing bright red. Bradley groaned as he pushed himself up and off of your lounger.
“Who is it?” You whispered, flustered.
“Nat.” He mouthed back, then took a deep breath to calm himself. “Out here Nat!” He called. “I really need to start locking that door.”
You chuckled and adjusted your bikini. No one knew about you and Bradley yet, you'd been keeping your relationship in a secret little bubble of bliss, not keen on other peoples unwanted opinions just yet.
Nat poked her head out the back door with a grin. ''Hey guys! I did knock, but I guess... never mind.'' She could obviously tell she had interrupted something by the flushed looks on both of your faces. ''I'm heading over to the Hard Deck for a few drinks, just wanted to see if you're interested?''
Bradley looked over at you and you shrugged, ''Sounds fun to me, I just need to get changed.'' you smiled.
Bradley sighed, ''Yeah ok, can I shower first?''
Bradley was positively bouncing as he waited at the airport's arrivals terminal, you were finally getting off of the plane to come and stay with him for the summer, and it had been months since he had last been able to hold you, even if it was just platonic.
He craned his neck as he waited for you to arrive, growing more and more impatient by the second, until he saw your smiling face bobbing along with the crowd. You'd had to jump to see over the heads of some of the passengers, but when you spotted Bradley, you ended up in full sprint, zig zagging past everyone to get to him.
As soon as you were close enough, you dropped your suitcase and jumped into Bradleys arms. He spun you around with his face buried in your hair, and he felt as if he could fly in that moment, he was so happy.
''Oh my god, you have no idea how much I've missed you lil bird.'' he mumbled into your hair.
''I missed you more!'' you exclaimed as you pulled back and cupped his slightly less chubby cheeks to inspect him. ''I've missed you and your dumb moustache.''
Bradley chuckled as he put you down, grabbing your suitcase and your hand as he walked you to his truck.
You sang along to cheesy 80's hits and caught up on the past few months as he drove you to his house, and Bradley couldn't stop glancing over at you, thrilled that you were finally back with him, even if it was just for a little while.
''So how's Michelle?'' you asked, teasingly, ''Have you done the thing yet?''
Bradley blushed and cleared his throat as he eyed the road, ''Uhm, we broke up, and no.''
You looked over at him with wide eyes, ''Oh, I'm sorry Brad, you never said anything. What happened?''
''I took too long.'' He shrugged.
''Took too long to do what?''
''Sex, Birdy, I took too long to fuck her.'' He said plainly, a hint of humour behind his lips.
''Ah, gross, Brad. Didn't need to put it so crassly.'' You cringed, ''I am sorry though.'' you nudged him gently.
''It's okay, she wasn't right for me.''
You wanted to say 'I knew it.' or 'I told you so.', but you didn't. You didn't need to, you knew he knew.
''Why did you hold out on her? Thought you just wanted to get it over and done with.''
''I couldn't stop thinking about what you said, about the first time needing to be with someone I actually care about.''
You blushed and nodded, ''Yeah, that's sort of why I still haven't done it either.''
Bradley glanced over at you for a moment, but he said nothing, turning his attention back to the road.
Before long you were pulling up on his drive and you hopped out before the truck even fully came to a halt. You legged it inside and skidded into the kitchen, where Carole stood brewing a cup of tea.
''Carole!'' you screamed, running over to hug her.
''Oh sweat pea! I'm so happy you're finally here.'' she hugged you back and kissed the top of your head. ''It's gonna be so nice to have another woman in the house again.''
Bradley walked in and put your suitcase against the wall. He scoffed, ''You mean 'girl'.'' he said teasingly.
You shot him a glare, ''Shut up Bradshaw, I don't even wear princess pyjamas anymore.''
Carole laughed and shooed you both upstairs to unpack.
Bradley showed you to the guest bedroom and sat with you while you unpacked your things into the little chest of drawers.
''So, any boyfriends or anything your side?'' he asked as he leaned back on his elbows.
You scoffed, ''No, they're all dreadful where I live. I have got a friend though, her name's Gabby, I think you'd really like her.''
''I'm glad you're fitting in, but don't forget where you really belong.'' he sighed, laying back against the bed, his torso exposed. You pried your eyes away and forced out a chuckle.
''And where is that?''
''With me.'' he said simply.
You stopped for a moment, but then realised he must have meant physically, as in back in your home town, and you said nothing.
''Woaaah, what are these?'' You heard him say suddenly, and turned around to find Bradley fishing a pair of thongs out of your suitcase.
You gasped and snatched at them, but Bradley moved them out of reach.
''Give them back, Bradshaw!'' you swiped again, falling onto the bed as Bradley held them up high.
''Not until you tell me what they are, dental floss?'' he teased.
''Shut up, I'm not a kid anymore.'' you threw yourself onto Bradley and pinned him under you, snatching the underwear out of his hands. You looked down and you were now face to face with him as he chuckled, and your face must have looked even redder up close.
''I know you're not, Birdy, you haven't been for a long time.'' he was suddenly serious as you hovered over him.
You pushed yourself up and shoved the thongs back into your suitcase, zipping it up.
You stuck your tongue out at Bradley, ''I'll unpack the rest later. Once you're in your own room.''
The Hard Deck was packed by the time you arrived, and Bradley took your hand as he lead you through the crowd towards the pool table at the back. You smiled as you saw the familiar group you'd come to adore over the past few weeks.
You said hi to everyone and wedged yourself in between Jake and Bob as they asked you to help settle a debate.
Bradley went to the bar and grabbed a round of drinks.
''So Baby on Board here says showering at night is better, but I say showering in the morning, so you're fresh for the day, what do you think?'' Jake drawled and took a sip of his beer, sure you would agree with him.
You laughed, ''Well, I think it depends on your lifestyle, but personally I shower at night, you're not gonna get dirty or sweaty while you sleep, and if you do I'd suggest a morning shower. But the way I see it is if you shower before bed, then you're all soft and clean and sleep better, and should still be clean in the morning for the day ahead. If you only shower in the morning, by the time you go to sleep you'll be all gross again.'' You shrugged and Jakes face fell, he looked defeated. Bob hooted and gave you a high five.
''I'll have you know, I do get very dirty and sweaty at night, so I'll stick to my mornin' showers thanks.'' Jake said sarcastically, and sauntered off. You and Bob laughed, and he rolled his eyes.
''Last week I lost the debate, so it's only fitting I win this one.'' Bob grinned. ''So, how are...things?''
You blushed and lowered your voice, ''Good, really good, but no one else knows. Can you just keep it between us three for now?''
''You got it.'' he smiled.
You found it difficult to act normal around Bradley for the rest of the evening, having to catch yourself from flirting with him out in the open, and he kept finding himself staring at you across the room for prolonged periods of time before having to remind himself that no one knew.
You were tempted to pull him into a bathroom stall, but as packed as the bar was, you knew someone would notice.
You were sat on a stool as Nat told you an embarrassing story about Jake, who stood not far away trying to convince you that she was telling it wrong, when you noticed Javy's face drop. He immediately stopped his game of darts, and tapped Jake on the shoulder, whispering something in his ear.
Jake looked over and sighed, you couldn't see what they were seeing from your seat, but Jake made his way over to you and leaned over so only you and Nat could hear him.
''Heads up, chickadee, Alice just walked in.''
Your heart began to thud, but you smiled a calm smile and nodded. ''Thanks Jake, where's Bradley? We should probably let him know.''
''Not sure, I'll go find him.'' He patted you on the back gently as he walked off to find Bradley, and you went back to your conversation with Nat, trying to push the fact that Alice was more than likely still unhappy and would be looking to pick a fight with you or Bradley.
You and Nat laughed along to her reminiscing about the days before she was friends with Jake.
''Anyway, so then when I pointed it out to Hangman, he acted as if he didn't do it, and he tried to...'' she suddenly trailed off, distracted by something over your shoulder, or rather someone. She frowned as she stood from her seat.
''What?'' you asked as twisted in your seat, but just as soon as you had turned around, you wished you hadn't. It was if you were inside a horrible, realistic nightmare. You thought you were going to be sick.
Your breath was knocked from your lungs and you stumbled off of your seat, tears prickling in your eyes as you blinked rapidly and fought to breathe.
''Hey pretty girl. It's been a while.''
-- Part 8 Here --
Taglist now open 💛 please let me know if you'd like to be added!
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gingerlee-holds · 4 months
The Puppet Master, Part 2
The long, long awaited sequel! This one is brutal heehee so if you prefer gentle twords, read my other fics for that! But a very very flustered cutie has been waiting for this for a loooong time, and who am I to deny her what she needs heehee!! I hope you enjoy!!
Written for @featherfoxx, thank you to @devious-bliss for the inspiration!
Word Count: 2,953 Reading Time: About 12 minutes Warnings: hand restraints, feet twords, hard tickling, implied mind magic
Before we begin, keep in mind that this is a reader self-insert! Now, without further ado, let me tell you how exactly you were tworded to fucking bits heehee
All that night, you blushed and squirmed through tickly dreams. You awoke at multiple points throughout the early morning hours, curled up in a ball, blushing and sweating from a ruthless puppet master playing with your subconscious. No matter what you did to distract yourself, it seemed like that pesky little magician snuck back in to ensure you hadn’t forgotten how ticklish and vulnerable you were. Squirming around and holding your favorite stuffed animal over your bright red face, it felt like this had been intentional; that sneaky puppeteer had delicately wrapped your mind in her yarn, and ever since you had visited her, you felt that yarn occasionally pulled on, filling your head with flustering, tickly thoughts. You, of course, had no way of proving this - as it was most likely your imagination making it worse for yourself - but the idea that the ginger in the purple suit had somehow fiddled with your brain was enough to fill you with a playful determination.
After the third wake-up, still kind of feeling the fuzzy ears of a fox puppet around your collarbone, you were resolved. ‘That’s it! She’s not getting away with this!’ you thought to yourself. ‘I refuse to be her plaything!’ And having made up your mind to acquire retribution, you spent the rest of the night hatching a bold plan: you would catch her by surprise and give that pesky magician a taste of her own medicine!
After a night fraught with ghostly pokes and phantom scribbles, dawn came at last, and you arose with a fire in your soul, burning for vengeance. Quickly throwing on a band t-shirt and some jorts, you grabbed a makeup brush, a spool of your bright red yarn, a few fuzzy feathers, and - grinning evilly - a brand new electric toothbrush, setting it all into a backpack along with a few water bottles. You put on some sandals and set off toward the park. You were ready.
The carnival had just opened when you arrived, which, in a way, was much more amusing than you had anticipated. A yawning attendant gave you a bag of crackerjack for free, chuckling and saying he “can’t be bothered finding the receipt printer.” You almost burst out laughing when you saw someone in clown makeup scrolling through their phone while dressed in street clothes. The carnival in the morning reminded you of a college student - wild and carefree, partying with reckless abandon into the night, only to be rudely awakened the following morning to set it all up again. It’s no coincidence that the circus visiting your town was primarily staffed by college-aged folks.
Nevertheless, you soon found the tent you were looking for. The purple and green tent looked just as cozy as it had the night before, but the sign in front differed. It read: “The Puppet Master Returns Tonight @ 6! You won’t want to miss it!” Instead of being pulled invitingly open, the tent flaps were shut tight, except for a tiny bit at the bottom where the flaps had pulled apart slightly. ‘Perfect!’ you thought.
Crawling inside, you were surprised at how little the mood in the tent had changed. The lighting inside was cozy, as it had been last night, even though the sun was out. The sounds of birdsong outside faded, too, and if you didn’t know any better, you could even say that you had entered some kind of pocket dimension. No doubt some more of that magician’s trickery. Everything looked as it had: the plush floor, the stage, the curtains… but where was the Puppet Master?
Only one of the curtains was closed, but the other was still open, showing the stage. All of the puppets had been put away in a toy chest, and beside it, your target slept, snuggled to a pillow. The Puppet Master looked different; where she had been chubby before, now she was somewhat skinnier. Her hair was longer and messier, but that was most likely the fault of her sleep. Instead of her suit, she wore a pair of fuzzy pajamas and socks and a cartoonish nightcap drooped over her head. A snorer, too, you observed as you approached. The pillow was less to support her and more to give her something to hold onto, and she cuddled it close. She almost looked too cute to tickle, but you knew your mission. 
‘It’s too easy,’ you said to yourself, holding onto the straps of your backpack and beginning to approach the stage confidently. You made it about halfway before shenanigans struck. 
The plush, comfy floor you walked on seemed to provide less and less support as you went on, each step sinking you deeper into the softness beneath. Once you were halfway, you had sunk into the plushness up to your waist, and, grumbling, you pulled yourself forward. Instead of a mattress, this plushness reminded you of a foam pit, and after a few more steps, you were completely stuck. The surrounding plush floor held you snugly up to your chest, and much to your dismay, it had now become too difficult to pull yourself out. Moreover, you quickly discovered that you couldn’t pull back either: you were stuck in the comfy, foamlike, plush floor, conformed to your body shape entirely. 
“The hell is this!” you muttered out loud by mistake. Unfortunately for you, the Puppet Master softly snorted as she awoke, yawning and rubbing her eyes. She reached over, picked up a pair of round glasses, scratched her head, and stood up to see her intruder. 
The sight of you, frustrated with the floor and confused at your predicament, sent her into hysterics. “Heeheeheeheehee! Ohohooh, dehehearrr!!” she laughed, hugging herself around her belly. “I-ihihihit seeeheeheems- heehehehehee!! - thahat sohomeone was a lihittle eager to return~!!”
Growling in humiliation, you hung your head to hide your face. The element of surprise had been entirely lost!
The sleepy girl before you padded over softly on her fuzzy socks, hopping off the stage and onto the plush floor, which didn’t sink under her as it did for you. Giggling helplessly at your condition, she laid down in front of you on her stomach, swinging her feet in the air behind her as she booped your nose. “Hey there again, cutie pie! Missed me that much~?” 
You said nothing, doing your best to retain your dignity.
“Couldn’t stop thinkin’ about me, huh~?” You suddenly looked up at her. She smiled as if she had known what your night had been like for you. Giggling at your shocked face, she continued, “Oh, you’re too precious. Don’t worry, hun! It’s only natural!” She reached over and ruffled your hair. “Anyone who needs this place finds it! That way, I can play with only the people I know will enjoy it as much as I do!” The Puppet Master suddenly tugged the air in front of your forehead, and all at once, your mind rushed with tickly thoughts and teases, all the memories of yesterday pushing forward and coloring your cheeks a bright red. It was her all along!
As you racked your mind trying to make sense of this information, you were interrupted by a sudden stream of bubbly giggles emerging from your throat. The Puppet Master’s head-scratching reached your neck, and her nails gently traced around and around. She smiled fondly, her whole expression painted with affection at your adorable glee.
“Now, let’s see whatcha brought! I’m super curious!” She crawled around behind you and sat, happily picking up your backpack.
“No, no! Don’t look in there!” you hastily said, but she had already unzipped it and was looking through its items. 
“Oh! New yarn, looks like! And… feathers? Is that a makeup brush…? Hmm…” She went silent for a bit, and you jumped when you suddenly heard her voice right in your ear: “Trying to get revenge, huh~?” she purred. “How absolutely adorable you humans are, thinking you can outsmart me~!”
Well, that cleared a lot up. She wasn’t human! That’s how she had all that power! What was she??
“Hey!” Her snapping her fingers in each ear brought your attention back. “Got a question for ya!” Pulling your bag of tools behind her, she crawled back to where you could see her. “Have you ever heard of Cat’s Cradle?”
Tilting your head a bit in confusion, you nodded. “Yeah, it’s that kids game with the string.” 
“Y’ever played?”
“Few times, while ago.”
She clapped her hands happily. “Perfect!” she exclaimed. The magician pulled out your red yarn from the bag but, to your shock, pulled out an identical spool of pink yarn after it. She unspooled a long string of each and cut it with a simple tug. “Okay, here’s yours!” she said, handing you your red yarn while she held the pink one. “Watch me. Try to follow along.”
Seeing as you didn’t have anything else to do, you sighed and tried your best to follow along as she skillfully began creating the Cat’s Cradle. She giggled a tiny bit when she finished, setting her yarn down to help you out by tugging the yarn here and moving your fingers there. In the end, you held a rather complex and beautifully made string figure between your fingers!
“Bravo! Oh, you’re remarkable at this!” She clapped again, making you smile sheepishly. However, it didn’t take you long before you realized you couldn’t untangle your hands from the yarn. Harder and harder you tugged, but your fingers were very well tied, your hands bound by the pretty Cradle. “Oop, here, let me help you with that…” she muttered, taking one of the ends of your yarn and giving it a gentle tug, and all at once, your hands clapped together, bound tight. “There! Now c’mon, cutie, let’s getcha out of my floor.”
Blushing at the realization that the game had been a ruse, you let yourself get tugged out from the floor by your yarned-up hands, feeling the ground become more and more firm underneath you. “T-that was a nasty trick!” you whined.
“Oh, you should have seen it coming a mile away. I’m a Puppet Master! Nimble fingers come with the job~,” she teased as she wiggled her fingers against your cheeks, making you sputter. Gently, her soft hands guided you to the floor so you were lying down on your back before she effortlessly grabbed your bound hands and moved them above your head, saying, as if it were an afterthought, “These can’t move now.” It shouldn’t have surprised you, but you were a bit bewildered by the fact that she was correct: you couldn’t pull your hands down as much as you tried. 
She suddenly gasped as she got an idea. “I know another game we can play! It’s called, how long can my ticklish little puppet stay silent while I tickle them!”
“T-that sounds like a terrible game!” you spat, and she patted your head in response.
“I don’t know… you did intrude on me while I was sleeping, so I think that deserves a little punishment~! Then again, maybe it’ll be a reward since I know you’ll enjoy it so, so much~!”
Before you could voice any more criticisms, you yelped in surprise when she pulled out all your tools and set them before you. 
“Hm… I can’t hold all of these at once… I know! I’ll need help!” She whistled, and the toy chest sprung open, a group of five puppets rushing through the air to her. “Here, Wolf, you can hold the makeup brush, and I’m trusting you two to hold these!” she said, handing the two extra-fluffy feathers to Lion and Cat. She removed the electric toothbrush as if she were holding a precious relic. “This one’s mine~!”
You didn’t even have time to say, “Wait-!” before it started~!
The two puppets with no tools, Snake and Owl, dove in first. Owl, all covered in fuzzy feathers, nuzzled into your neck, chin, and ears, hooting and cooing at you. “Whooooo’s a ticklish puppet! Whooooo’s a cutie patootie! Who? Who?” she asked, snuggling her soft felt beak into your ear. All by herself, Owl was sending you into squeaky, blushy laughter, but don’t worry, it would get a lot worse! <3
Snake, meanwhile, had slithered his sneaky way under your shirt, nudging your shorts down a bit to reveal your hips. “Sssssssscore~!!!” he victoriously said as he wound his way around and around like a belt, his surprisingly tickly underbelly making you jump and buck around. Besides the occasional hiss as his felt tongue flickered across your lower tummy, he stayed silent as he pulled wave after wave of laughs out from your lungs.
The Puppet Master sat, smiling and watching you being slowly picked apart so adorably by her cute little puppets. She was content to wait until you began getting used to the current tickles before ramping them up. After all, she had until six before her next show, so she was content to make you pay for your impudent intrusion!
Wolf’s patience wore out first, and after a lengthy squeal on your part when Snake dipped his head into your belly button, he growled and dove in, armed and ready with the makeup brush. The Puppet Master chuckled and pulled your shirt up to your ribs for him. Quickly swatting the reptilian puppet out of the way with the brush, he dipped it into your giggle button and swirling it around and around your tummy. He looked up and grinned happily at the results: deep belly laughter erupted from Mt. You, bouncing about the tent like a rubber ball, much to the amusement of the Puppet Master, who began giggling with you. To celebrate, Wolf started to nibble around your ribs while continuing to paint with the makeup brush. 
Lion and Cat, wielding their feathers like knights holding their swords, looked up at the puppeteer pleadingly, happily cheering when she nodded as their sign of permission. The two puppets flew down and began happily humming a circus tune as they started going to town on your sides. Cat, soft and sweet, hummed innocently as she wiggled the fuzzy feather up and down your right side, up and down, mercilessly rhythmic. Lion, by contrast, was anything but sweet as she giggled cruelly, turning the feather around to the pointy tip and, using it like a quill pen, began writing and scribbling over your left side. It was brutal! You thrashed away from the mean scribbles and pokes, only to be met by gentle feather strokes and wiggles! You were already shrieking through your laughter, yelping with glee, and unable to beg for mercy anymore. At around the twenty-minute mark, the Puppet Master herself made her move. 
You had absolutely no way to pay attention to what she was doing, so no alarm bells went off when she began crawling down to your feet and pulling off your sandals, but you could only go bug-eyed and squeal when you heard the unmistakable sound of the electric toothbrush turning on. Your thrashing increased a bit, but the other puppets made sure you were far too weak to put up any significant resistance. The Puppet Master smiled at you with pitiless satisfaction and adoring affection as she used the toothbrush under your toes on your right foot, scribbling across your left sole with her nails. That was the final straw for you. Tears rolled down your cheeks in rivers as you lay limply, unable to do anything but sit there and take your tickles like a good puppet. Your laughter had gone silent a while ago. Yet, this time, the puppets were out for metaphorical blood as they wrecked your spots creatively, curiously, and mercilessly. 
The second you began coughing, though, everything stopped. All the puppets dropped to the floor, inanimate once more, and the Puppet Master sprang up to get some water from your bag. She put the bottle to your lips, and you gulped it down eagerly, smiling at the relief it gave. She brought your hands back down again, and suddenly, you found that the strings fell apart, sloughing off your hands and allowing you to free yourself from the tangle with ease. Curling up into a ball, you finished your water, and the Puppet Master finished her water shortly after. 
“You feeling okay, cutie~?” 
“Y-yyeheheesss! G-gohohoshh…” 
“Didn’t think I’d go that far, didja~? I’m just a sweet, innocent girl, huh~? Not when you wake me up before I’ve finished my sleep!”
“Oh, don’t worry! This was such a pleasant wake-up ~!” With that, she quickly scooped you up in her arms, carrying you across the room and onto the stage, laying you down beside her. “Now, I think we could both use the sleep, right~? You must not have slept well, I’m guessing~!”
You nodded, all the sleepiness hitting you like a freight train as you yawned and got comfy on the floor. 
“Figures~!” She yawned, too, and wiggled over to you. “Besides, it’ll be nice to have something other than a pillow to spoon.”
The two of you were out like an identical pair of lights, you being snuggled by the petite magician. No dreams bothered you in your sleep as you floated in the void sea of the subconscious mind. What would await you when you awoke was no concern of yours because, for now, you were comfy, exhausted, and being snuggled by an adorably sweet… whatever she is. You’ll figure that out later. For all your life afterward, you would never recall a more peaceful slumber than on the floor of that tent, cradled like a cat by an adoring and tickle-hungry Puppet Master!
The end ~!
Read the previous entry in The Puppet Master!
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tokischaaaaa · 2 months
idk if you saw slushynoobz new insta live but he was wearing a “drain this” shirt with an arrow pointing down and i was wondering if you can write a smut about it 🤗🤗 ANYWAYS I LOVE YOUR WRITING
Sucio Camisaa
!hamzah x !latina reader
warning! : SMUT! cursing
word count!: 839
y/n was heading to bed until she heard the door open; hamzah was home. however, he was home later than usual, wearing a black shirt with some wording on it and blue jorts. as he entered their apartment, y/n became suspicious about the reason for his late return. 
"hi baby," y/n said, leaning against the counter. hamzah put down his backpack and approached y/n,
"sorry I got home late, had to record, edit, then go on live to open packages." he sighed. y/n nodded in response before looking at hamzah's shirt, which read 'drain this.' 
"hamzah, you wore that shirt on live?" y/n said, raising an eyebrow. 
"yeah, what about it?" hamzah said, rubbing his neck.
y/n grabbed hamzah by the collar of his shirt and dragged him to their bedroom. she quickly laid him on his back, ripping off his pants and eventually his boxers. she got to hamzah's toes and arched her back so he could see her ass but couldn't touch. she proceeded to hold his manhood and started to kiss the tip deeply, met with hamzah's groans.
y/n began giving longer kisses to his tip and the rest of his manhood. she started to suck him off at a slow pace until hamzah said,
"what are you, like a granny y/n?" hamzah scoffed. 
y/n grabbed his throbbing manhood, "you had the audacity to wear that stupid shirt out, hamzah." she growled and proceeded to stroke him at a much faster pace than before. 
hamzah's moans grew louder and louder with each stroke y/n gave him. still holding onto hamzah’s manhood, she moved higher to his chest. hamzah reached for y/n's breast to fondle, but his hand met her collarbone.
he had nothing to distract him or keep his cocky behavior up. as hamzah's hand met her collarbone, she began to kiss his neck, marking it all over. 
"i wasn't thinking much of it, babe," hamzah moaned.
"wrong answer, amor," y/n hissed and sucked on hamzah's neck harsher. 
groans escaped hamzah's mouth. he pulled y/n closer and accidentally smacked her ass. a gasp escaped y/n’s mouth.
y/n quickly regained her composure, a mischievous glint in her eyes. she hovered over hamzah, her breath warm against his ear. 
"you need to learn a lesson," she whispered, her voice low and sultry.
hamzah's eyes widened, a mix of anticipation and excitement flashing across his face. y/n trailed her fingers down his chest, lightly grazing his skin.
she moved lower, her kisses following the path of her fingers until she reached his manhood again. 
without warning, she took him into her mouth, her tongue swirling around the tip before taking him deeper. hamzah's hands clutched the sheets, his breath hitching with each movement of y/n's mouth. 
"fuck, y/n," he groaned, his voice strained.
she continued her pace, increasing the intensity, her eyes locked onto his. each moan and gasp from hamzah only fueled her determination. she pulled back slightly, her hand replacing her mouth, stroking him firmly. 
"do you like that, hamzah?" she asked, her voice teasing.
"yes, god yes," he panted.
"good," she said, a wicked smile spreading across her face. she lowered her mouth again, taking him as deep as she could, her tongue working its magic. hamzah's hips bucked involuntarily, his moans growing louder and more desperate.
just as he was about to reach his peak, y/n pulled away, leaving him teetering on the edge. hamzah let out a frustrated groan, his eyes pleading with her.
"please, y/n," he begged.
she straddled him, her hands on his chest, her eyes fierce. "you need to remember who’s in control," she said, her voice firm. 
hamzah nodded, his eyes locked onto hers. 
"good," she said, slowly lowering herself onto him. they both let out a gasp as they connected, the intensity of the moment overwhelming. 
y/n set a slow, deliberate pace, her movements controlled and precise. hamzah's hands gripped her hips, trying to urge her to go faster, but she held firm, maintaining her rhythm. 
"patience, hamzah," she whispered, leaning down to kiss him deeply. 
hamzah's hands slid up her back, pulling her closer, their bodies moving in perfect sync. as the tension built, their breaths grew ragged, the room filled with the sounds of their passion.
finally, unable to hold back any longer, y/n increased her pace, her movements becoming more urgent. hamzah's moans matched hers, their bodies moving frantically as they chased their release. 
with a final, shuddering gasp, they both reached their peak, collapsing into each other, breathless and spent. 
y/n laid her head on hamzah's chest, their bodies entwined. 
"you'll think twice before wearing that shirt again, won't you?" she said, a playful smile on her lips. 
hamzah chuckled, his hand stroking her hair. "yes, ma'am," he said, his voice full of affection. 
they stayed like that for a while, basking in the afterglow, their hearts beating in perfect harmony.
tokischaaaa talks: theres more coming out to get rid of this drought! <33
also keep sending requests <3
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fillsta · 1 year
Les Amis & Co: Beach Day Edition
Because it's summer and I had to
My guy, he's so pale he needs an entire bottle of sunscreen to not get sunburnt. And he really doesn't care, everyone is after his ass holding the sunscreen, trying to 'at least cover his back because he'll be looking like a blonde strawberry by the end of the day'. Brings only a towel and his wallet or sth. Wears his swimsuit, flip flops and a t-shirt.
The dad of the group. Makes sure everyone has sunscreen on amd everything they need and you can hear him yelling "DON'T FORGET YOUR HATS" every hour or so. With every opportunity he gets, he's dropping random facts about the sand, the sea, the random crab grantaire just found etc etc. 80% of the time he's reading a book in his lil beach recliner chair. Brings an entire backpack filled with everything anyone could possibly need at the beach. Same kinda outfit w enj's, just with sneakers (bc he's driving everyone there) + a nice hat
He cannot put his ass down. Homeboy is always hyping someone up to play games. Beach rackets, volleyball, whatever. He and Gavroche sre having a BLAST. Nags to Combeferre about having to wear his hat the entire time. Brings a small bag w his stuff + another one filled with beach balls, rackets etc. Swimsuit + unbuttoned Hawaiian shirt and a funky bucket hat
Vibes around drinking beer. The type of friend to splash water on everyone while they're trying to get into the water (particularly Enjolras). Goes looking for random shit on the rocks. Brings a fanny pack for his phone and cigarettes. Towel?? Don't know her. Shows up only in a swimsuit and at some points, he takes it off for shits and giggles
Have you ever been to the beach near a cliff side and there's this one mf who climbs on top of the cliff to perform an epic 11 meter backflip into the water? Yeah that's Bahorel. Bitch just goes around looking for ways to possibly get hurt. He doesn't. Deffo has a paddle board. Gets a crazy ass tan. Brings only the bag for the board and puts the rest of his stuff in there. Wears one of these shitty low armpit shirts. And a 'women want me fish fear me' baseball cap
He be taking beach day seriously. Brings snacks for everyone, randomly pulls out a sketchbook at some point. Gets excited over cool rocks and spends more time than necessary on making a sandcastle. Cannot go into the water on his own, at least one of his friends have to be swimming as well. His back is red asf at the end of the day. Hawaiian shirt but buttoned up. Carries an extra tiny bag for his book and sketchbook.
Somehow, he'll find a way to get stung by a jellyfish (and grantaire will almost immediately offer to pee on him). If not, he steps on a sea urchin. Or gets his leg scratched on a rock. But still he manages to have fun. In charge of the aux chord. Is extremely annoyed by grantaire and his splashes. A standard bag, has a t-shirt on but it obviously falls into the water by accident so he has to be shirtless on the way home (Musichetta and Joly don't mind at all). Lost his hat :(
Speaking of joly, mf's crazy over sunscreen. At least 3 times a day, they apply a new coat, hydrate every 10 minutes and will not let ANYONE go into the water if they've eaten anything, not after at least 2 hours pass by. Pull up wearing a speedo, jorts and a short sleeved button up. Amd a big ass hat. Huge af beach bag.
It's their time to shine. They spend most of the time posing for pics but at the same time they're kinda shy abt it. Went into the water like once. One of these 'beach please bags'. They're wearing a flowy summer dress and like swimming shorts and a bikini top kinda thing. Staw hat person
He's dying inside. Bro's under the umbrella, watching everything, hoping time will eventually come for them to go home. Courf tries to get him into the water and he succeeds. Unfortunately, les amis do not let him go, they force him to be a part of the summer fun and at some point, he starts enjoying himself. Gets sunburnt. Bro shows up in jorts snd a polo t-shirt and changes into his swimsuit there (also he's definitely one of those guys who keep their underwear underneath). Unironically wears a fedora hat. Carries 26383 bags + Cosette's bc he's a gentleman above everything.
Photographer of the group. Takes pictures of everything and everyone. Also takes videos of the stupid shit grantaire does and makes sure they o over to the gc immediately. Provides everyone with data, she's the hotspot friend. Jehan is her main model. Tries getting a tan, fails. Short flower dress over her black bikini and sandals. Matching straw hats w jehan.
Omg sis has 2 siblings to take care of. Runs after Gavroche and Azelma all the time to keep them from doing stupid shit. She and bahorel do swimming competitions. Has like a big ass water bottle (joly approved) because she always gets dehydrated. And Gab and Azelma never drink water, ever. Doesn't go for a tan, still gets a great one. Old crusty bikini and just jean shorts over it. She'd like to go topless but isn't all for it yet. Has to carry her siblings stuff as well.
Ok sis is a great swimmer. She's in the water 24/7 vibin, swimming, playing games. No-one can get her out of there. She doesn't really eat much but if. There's any juice, she is drinking it all up. She loves her beach juice time okay? One piece swimsuit and a see-through coverup tied around her waist. Just a small beach bag is okay for her
As soon as they arrive, lil bro's in the water playing already. Then he pulls out water guns and declares war on everyone. Annoying little shit, but they all love him so much. Courf keeps him occupied by playing with him all the time. No one complains. Eats all of Feuilly's snacks. Begs Eponine to let him do stupid shit with bahorel. She does NOT give in, so he just finds a small rock to jump off of into the water nearby. Creeper swimsuit.
Quieter than her brother but she follows along. Hellps Feuilly w his castle. Keeps Marius company when she's not in the water. Cosette asked her if she wanted her pics taken and she was ECSTATIC. Flowy dress and a flower pattern one piece underneath.
Bonus Montparnasse:
Floatie guy. Bro has like an inflatable donut and once it's in the water, he's off. Falls asleep on it and someone was to swim like a mile away to bring him back. Brings very few stuff with him. Like grantaire, just a swimsuit is fine
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janis-1987 · 1 year
Cecilos week, day 1
First Meeting Cecil had been dying for a chance to talk to the cute new scientist who had arrived in town just a few days ago. Normally, he was really good at just happening to run into people that he wanted to see. But for some reason, Carlos was different. He didn’t want it to feel like he was stalking him, of course, he knew that could come across as creepy rather than endearing, it’s how he had scared off a past potential boyfriend after all. So, he decided that maybe it was best for him to just hope that he would run into Carlos naturally. 
Today was like any other day really, Cecil had just finished his shift at the station and had ran out the door to avoid anyone that may have been coming after him should he have accidentally said too much about something. He would have time for reeducation later, right now, he really just wanted to meet with Carlos. He gribs the fabric handle of his satchel as he makes his way to Nightvale Community College, the station needed a new intern after the last one got pulled through a mirror and trapped in the mirror world. Cecil had warned them that the mirrors were covered for a reason, some people just don't listen. That, and a reminder on his phone popped up reminding him that he was supposed to be a guest speaker there today. 
He picked up his pace, holding his cat ear headband on his head as he ran down the street, he did not want to lose that again. He waves to a few friends as he rushes down the streets, taking a few less than ideal back ally shortcuts to get there in time. He takes a moment to catch his breath before he enters the college.  Cool air hits his face, a nice feeling after running in the sweltering heat outside. He makes his way into a bathroom, he was glad he had enough time to change before he had to go into the class, it would have been embarrassing to enter the class looking a mess. He doesn’t look at the uncovered mirrors of the bathroom as he rushes to get into a stall. He removes his Hawaiian shirt and leather pants. Instead opting to change into his extra long jorts with a pair of matte silver leggings and his black poncho. He steps out of the stall, still stuffing his clothes into his satchel as he makes his way out of the bathroom.  He knew he was going to be a little late as he speed walks down the hallway to the Communications department. When he saw him, Carlos. He was standing in a group of people, talking in hushed tones about something most likely scientific, his perfect dark black hair tied in a loose ponytail. Cecil feels his heart rate speed up, and he does everything in his power to appear as normal as possible. Their eyes meet and Carlos gives Cecil a cordial nod, and he nods back. Still in a rush to get to his lecture. 
His lecture takes about two hours, and he had to admit, he was more than a little distracted, hoping he would get to see the handsome scientist after his lecture finished. But despite that, he really did try to focus, this lecture was important to him. As soon as it's over, he chats with the professor as the students filter out and then finally he is free to leave. 
He walks back down the hallway he came in, and his heart sinks slightly as he sees that Carlos is no longer in the hallway. He had expected that of course but it still was a little disappointing to have not gotten the chance to talk with him. 
That’s when he hears him, his voice like music to Cecil’s ears. He smiles and feels giddy childlike excitement as he hears him talking in someones office a few doors down, and his first thought is to hide. But before he gets the chance, Carlos is in the hallway. 
Cecil wants to say something, anything, but for once in his life he finds himself at a loss for words. 
Luckily for him, Carlos speaks first, “Hey, you like science?” He asks in that voice that could make Cecil melt in seconds flat. 
His voice remained firmly caught in his throat, he couldn't say a word, his brain racing as he tries to speak, he didn’t want to make it awkward and without his voice all he can do is nod.
“You wanna see something scientifically interesting?” He asks, his deep brown eyes sparkling in the florescent light, he brushes a strand of curly hair that had come loose out of his face. 
Again, Cecil’s voice failed him and all he could do was nod. Carlos smiled at him and lead him up the back stairs of the Earth Science Building, taking him to the roof. 
As once they arrive at the top, Carlos points to a field at the edge of town, were a hazy column of darkness stretched from the middle of the field into the sky. 
“What is that?” Cecil asked, finally finding his voice. 
“I’m not sure, but it can only be seen from this exact angle and distance, watch.” Carlos explains as he takes two steps to the right, Cecil following his lead, and it was gone. They took two steps back to the left and it was back. Their feet fell into perfect unison, like a small barn dance, between just the two of them. Cecil couldn’t help the smile on his face, this was amazing in his eyes, he was getting to spend time with the man he had fallen head over heels for, and he wasn't making it weird. 
“That is scientifically interesting,” he said, worried he might be overselling his interest. He then continues, “you can also see my apartment building from here. It's always there. It doesn't disappear.”
Carlos looked over the town and then back to Cecil and asked, “Which one is it?” 
Cecil pointed it out, it wasn’t very interesting in his opinion, just a normal building with a green roof. 
Carlos nods his head, and smiles as he looked at Cecil, “That has a nice roof. Good shingles.” Cecil couldn't help but smile, he wanted to talk more, he wanted to at least get his number, but Carlos got up, his phone buzzing, “I have to go to a meeting. It was nice talking to you Cecil.” 
“It was nice talking to you too.” Cecil says with a smile. He stays on the roof a little longer, he didn't want to make it weird by going down the stairs at the same time, plus, he liked the view. But after he felt like enough time had passed, he made his way down the stairs, and decided to head home, still beaming over the compliment Carlos had given him. The first compliment Carlos had given him.
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Mario Kart 8 - Booster Course Pack Wave 6 Speculation/Obsessing
I've always loved the Mario Kart games, but for my money Mario Kart 8 Deluxe is the new gold standard for the entire kart-racing genre. It just FEELS SO GOOD to drive these goofy little contraptions around and blow up your friends in psychedelic cartoon worlds.
Booster Course Pack Wave 5 just dropped this week and I'm loving this shit. Squeaky Clean Sprint?! KAMEK?!
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This unholy union?!
Of course as awesome as this stuff is, I can't help but think about that one last wave of goodies we're getting at the end of the year. At the very least we know we're getting two new drivers and 8 new-old courses (with 1 or 2 possibly being brand new), but at this point Nintendo hasn't announced any specifics.
It's fun to guess and speculate though! Since we're only guaranteed 2 new drivers (and there's a smaller pool to pull from), I started there.
Prior to the Booster Course Packs adding Birdo, Kamek, Wiggler, and Petey Piranha (all drivers who have appeared in previous MKs), Nintendo added guest characters from non-Mario series like Link, Splatoon Girl, and Isabelle. While it's POSSIBLE they could hit us with someone brand new and/or from a different series, I'm thinking it's more likely they'll pull these last 2 drivers from the existing Kartiverse.
With that in mind, here are the standout possibilities from previous Karts:
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DIDDY KONG in Double-Dash!!, Wii, Tour Iconic sidekick/costar of Donkey Kong Country series, and three-time karter (not to mention headlining his OWN kart games). On one hand it's fuckin' crazy to me that he's not already in here, but on the other hand if I can only pick one more Kong, I'd rather have Funky or Dixie 😬sorry didds
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HAMMER BRO in Tour I like Hammer Bros, I've always thought of them as Bowser's elite goon squad--hammers hurt and their helmets are dope. On the flipside we already have Koopa-Troopa, Lakitu, Dry Bones, and Kamek, plus 9 Bowser-flavored Koopas. We might already be over koopacity.
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MONTY MOLE in Tour This is some goofy left-field shit that I am absolutely into. Not my first choice, but funny, cute and strange enough to be worth it. He a mole driving a car
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PEACHETTE in Tour So even though this looks exactly like Peach in a slightly goofier outfit, it's actually Toadette in a powered-up form from New Super Mario Bros. U Deluxe.. Identity theft is a crime, Toadette.
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PAULINE in Tour Mario's original damsel in distress, Pauline debuted way back on the original Donkey Kong arcade cabinet, but also had a major role in Super Mario Odyssey on the Switch (plus a bunch of handheld DK games in-between). Glamorous singing mayor-lady, cool! Why the fuck not! We better get a New Donk City track if she's added tho
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KITSUNE LUIGI in Tour Look I know I gave Peachette a lot of shit for being an obscure power-up (this one hailing from Super Mario 3D Land and World), but at least we can tell this is still Luigi! Plus it'd complement Tanooki Mario and Cat Peach REAL nice. Let me have this. Luigi needs a win. It's not a furry thing (not that there's anything wrong with that!).
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POOCHY in Tour This fuckin' guy. I still have acid flashbacks to his levels in Yoshi's Island. Still tho, big ol' dog-thing driving car is hilarious, I'd sign off on his goofy ass
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FUNKY KONG in Wii, Tour Finally, another prospect with more than Tour on his Karting resume. Funky Kong fuckin' rules. DKC's resident gearhead, party animal, and big lovable himbo dumbass, this dude gotta come back. Non-negotiable. HE WEARS JORTS... WITH A BELT
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DIXIE KONG in Tour The other coolest Kong. Probably technically cooler than Funky. It'd be crazy if both new characters were Kongs, but if they were Funky and Dixie I would shit my pants with joy. Dixie's badass.
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NABBIT in Tour This would make sense, but I would also be like "sure why not." Shitty little thieving rabbit-man is fine. Is anyone clamoring for this? No judgement, just curiosity. I got kind of sick of the New Super Mario Bros. series, but I don't speak for the whole fuckin' world.
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KING BOB-OMB in Tour HAHAHA YES!!! BIG DUMB ORB MUSTACHE CROWN MAN. I also lost my shit when he showed up in the Mario movie. If B-list bosses like Petey Piranha and King Boo get to drive, let this big fancy idiot. He probably accidentally explodes like a dingaling when he doesn't win.
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MEOWSER in Tour Like Kitsune Luigi, this would be a nice complement to Tanooki Mario and Cat Peach, but we already have Bowser Classic, Jr., Dry, and his 7 delightful little punkass shithead kids. Meowser does benefit from reminding me of Kintaro, from my OTHER favorite game series with the initials "MK":
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CHARGIN' CHUCK in Tour A different listicle already mentioned his fucking awesome-ass burger'n'fries mobile being the best part of him. I'm trying not to accidentally rip off that listicle COMPLETELY, but I might have. Sorry. I think it was on Hard Times/Hard Drive? CC's beefiness and sporty theming could save him from being another face in the Koopa Krowd, but he's not my first draft pick.
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CAPTAIN TOAD in Tour I'm all over the place on this one. El Capitano has his own spin-off games--that's pretty legit! But he's just Toad with some different clothes on... but so is Metal Mario and Cat Peach! Do we need a third Toad? If he's a higher weight class because of his gear, then maybe!
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HONEY QUEEN in MK7 Aww, remember Super Mario Galaxy?! I like when lady-characters get to be something besides "skinny human princess." If fricking Petey Piranha can race again, so can this big ol' bee!
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PARATROOPA in MKDD!! Ah, our millionth Koopa! Jokes aside, since Paratroopa has ONLY been in Double Dash!! (the one where every driver needed an obvious partner), I bet he's a major longshot. Kamek, Wiggler, and Petey Piranha were all in Tour, so I'm inclined to think Nintendo will be pulling from the Tour roster. But who the hell knows! Here are some other (unlikely) prospects.
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R.O.B. in MKDS Between this and his playable debut in Super Smash Bros. Brawl, R.O.B., the (in)famous robot peripheral for the NES/Famicom, was having a little moment in the 2000s. A wave of 1980s nostalgia or a 20th anniversary celebration, maybe? I'm not expecting him to come back again after almost ANOTHER 20 years (Jesus Christ), but I love his kart that makes it look like he has little legs.
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PAC-MAN AND OTHER WEIRDOS FROM THE ARCADE COLLABORATION WITH NAMCO in Mario Kart Arcade GP, Arcade GP2, and Arcade GP DX Again, non-Tour to me says longshot, but fuck it would be weird and cool to play as Ms. Pac-Man. Blinky the ghost, one of the Tamagotchis and a happy little arcade drum also made the cut!
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Mametchi aka The Cooler Nabbit.
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OK he's actually a BIG, SASSY cartoon drum. Still cute. Crazy that the Prince from the Katamari games wasn't playable in these, IMO he'd be perfect and have a deliciously funky, knobby kartamari.
Click here to vote for your fave!
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welcometogrouchland · 2 years
Pacing around cause I'm having the exact same feeling that I got with thanks to them which is that I love the episode but it doesn't quite feel complete.
I think I've seen people say it's poorly paced which I don't think is true! This episode knows what it's about and only accomplishes what it sets out to. It is very clearly about emotional arcs and those are the things that end up resolved. everything else is just doing the legwork of setting up elements for the finale (getting people all in the one place, giving characters motivations and plots, etc).
It's all that background set up that goes unresolved because it's not for this episode, it's for the next, the same way something like Flapjack's sacrifice and Belos' plan was at the end of TTT.
I genuinely love FTF so much, it has some of my favorite character work in the series. Willow and Luz stealing the show, Amity and Gus getting little moments, Hunter once again being a vehicle for the writers to do a heartbreaking portrayal of grief, just like they did in TTT w/ Luz and Camilla.
They finally got me to like Boscha, they took the time to finally justify what makes kikimora so much worse than all the other emperor's coven lackies that we've met (something I always thought was lacking), they gave someone like mattholomule presence and development.
They put their blood, sweat and tears into the characters this episode, so that they can cover all the plot ground they need to next ep with minimal baggage.
again...it's just that understanding of knowing that none of these episodes are complete without the other, where they'll form into a 90 minute TV movie that does it's best to tell the story with the time it has left. Everything I wanted them to dwell on was something that couldn't have been included without taking something else away.
And sometimes the understatement works! Gus and Willow don't have a dramatic talk with Hunter about him being a grimwalker cause...they don't care. Respectfully. No matter what he is, they love who he is. Same with Eda and King missing Luz. They don't need to say it. It's felt very clearly.
I think I also just struggled to identify the theme at first, which always gets my jorts in a twist. Then, after a bit of looking around at other people's takes and opening my mind passed my preconceived wants and biases, I realized the theme (I think)
This episode is about adults making mistakes, kids being put in positions of "power", as they either try to fix things or end up replicating the broken dynamics set up by the adults.
(under a read more cause this started as a review-ish and then it got LONG bc. I just really love the themes of this show)
It's in the little things.
How no adults except Eda and Lilith (by king's leverage) survived puppet-ification whereas all the kids did. How those kids survived because the adults sacrificed themselves and gave them an inadvertent head start.
(not a huge predictions guy but I have a feeling that if Luz and Co end up needing to actually play the collectors new game, it's gonna be the kids who understand it intuitively, especially Luz)
How the kids tried to create a functioning society but ended up replicating the dynamic of their previous dictatorial society, right down to a scared and semi-vindictive child being manipulated by a less powerful person for their own gain. Boschas arguably meaner than the collector (when you take intention into account) and kikimora is much more pathetic than Belos but that's still the general dynamic going on.
How the episode ends with the kids of hexside finally cooperating in order to take down the last sluggish vestiges of Belos' empire's mindset.
How characters like Willow and Hunter bottle their feelings or otherwise struggle to express them but ultimately have to learn to be open so that they don't explode. This is something the adults in the show have repeatedly struggled with and Boshca herself points out how both her and Willow are leaders. Kids being put in positions of responsibility and fumbling their way through with no guiding hand (and I could talk all day about hubtlow hand symbolism. All day)
How Camilla helps Luz but finally opening up and relating both of their struggles to each other's, telling her that they're not so different and Camilla, the adult, made a mistake that she regrets. But she can only move forward and try to understand Luz and her world better.
How it seems that, in the show that riffs on the Isekai genre, where multiple characters have escaped to other worlds (Caleb, Younger Eda and Luz) in order to be understood but seemingly never verbalized this, leading to catastrophic fallout, the solution to the main character's issues is to finally just. Understand what it is she wants out of life. And it's a very simple but very existential and meaningful goal, of wanting to be understood. The way that Caleb, Eda, and even Camilla never were.
How Luz carving a palismen in a way no-one else ever thought too seemingly gave it new and exciting abilities. Nothing to do with her being inherently special or the titans specialist little guy. Just her making an unconventional choice and being rewarded for it. It almost feels like season 1 again, y'know?
It's in the way that the collector is literally rewriting their history to be "better", but (even though they're less violent than the usual expectations of their culture) still coming up short because they're only able to understand one person in the world and treat everyone else like toys. Toys that they love, but children inevitably break even their favorite toys when they play too rough. The collectors trying to be different but they're too young, naive and manipulated to see what was actually wrong with their species way of life.
The way that king wants to stop the cycle of collectors and titans killing and trapping each other by just talking to the collector but because of circumstances still has to go behind their back which just gives Belos' fire more fuel (though tbh Belos really took a gamble on that one)
It's all of this together that makes me insane because I feel like I need the payoff right now in order to fully satiate myself but at the same time...I don't. Because I don't want it to end.
For the future was a really good episode. Bit cluttered, bit busy, but then again when is this show not? I've come to love that about the owl house despite it's nature as a flaw.
I wanna know who that guy in the in-between realm was from the beginning of the episode (titan trapper?) And I want to know what purpose he serves. I want to know where characters like Alador and Steve are, what odalia's final moment will be, what the collectors new game might be, how the conflict is going to resolve and how the show will end. And I might only get some of these in depth, and others not at all and I can't even be mad about it. This show deserves more but I'm happy with this episode, not really as a standalone episode, but as a part of this larger movie-like send-off. Looking forward to watching and dreaming. Probably going to make fanart once I finish my current assignments (I have sketches for the reqs!)
This has been a post so long and rambly that I hesitate to maintag it. It's not for anyone. It's just for me. And I'm okay with that
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48, 41, 43, 44 (cap and pat) and 38 :)
oh hey eli
48. What do you think the ghosts' jobs would be in a modern living-human AU where they're all just chaotic housemates?
my favorite kind of question >:)
i will preface this with: i am projecting as an elementary education major at university, and honestly i haven’t seen the show in so long that i don’t know if these are based off true characteristics, or the version that i’ve created in my mind bc of fan theories
robin - astronomer, no question, he’s so smart and would love mapping the stars and discovering new galaxies
humphrey - everyone (including me) puts him as a principal type, which i do agree fits pretty well. i think he’d enjoy being around kids and they’d definitely find him entertaining. also part of me wants him to be a chef for some reason
mary - she’d have a stand at the farmer’s market every week with really cool baskets and tons of food to sell, and cap would help her garden bc i said so
kitty - i really think she’d be a teacher, but definitely for much younger grades, she’d be so fun for primary aged students
thomas - do y’all remember trish from austin and ally? yeah that’s thomas in a modern au
fanny - she’d have no job, she came across a large sum of money after her husband died so she just sits at home with dante all day <3
cap - get this man into local theatre !!! (pat would drag him along and before you know it cap is the star), otherwise he’d probably enjoy a quiet job at a library, without much talking
pat - he’d definitely still be a scout master, and honestly he would make a fantastic teacher. he’s got the optimism needed for it, and he’s great at motivating people, so yeah absolutely
julian - he’d be fired from his MP job so he’d try to get into local government, and would fail, so his entire life is just attempting to campaign and mooching off the others
41. Let's settle this once and for all. Who's the real leader, the Captain or Pat?
i gotta give it to Pat. as much as i adore Cap, he’s too rigid </3 obviously in the military or other instances he’d be great at leading!! but with the ghosts, Pat just fits the vibe
43. You've heard rumours of a tenth upstairs ghost who doesn't often venture out of their room to visit with the other residents of the house. Who are they? (i.e. make up a ghost OC. I know i'm putting you on the spot. I just want to see what you come up with.)
okay i’m terrible at coming up with OCs oh god
it’s a teen who snuck into the house in the early 2000s and is honestly too embarrassed to show his face. he’s probably 16 or so, and was supposed to be meeting a “friend”, but got stood up, so he figured why not drink some of the alcohol that was up in the attic,,,it was not alcohol (honestly who knows what it was, one second he was fine and the next he was looking down at himself)
the reason he doesn’t venture downstairs is because he’s got a massive crush on like. pretty much all the ghosts, and mike and alison, but surprise!! he found out after a couple years that he can turn invisible (which was a relief because he thought every time he DID go downstairs, they just ignored him)
so he definitely listens in on all their convos, which frankly solidified his crush on most of them weirdly enough
also he wears jorts and a hawaiian shirt (he’s just like me fr)
44. me a song you think [insert character name here] would like, or a song that reminds you of them!
South by Hippo Campus is SO Cap and i’ll die on that hill BUT. a possible contender is The Astronomer from Ghost Quartet, very nice song and idk!! feels a bit like Cap!!
for Pat hmmm…i really like giving him ABBA or Queen songs, they’re just so perfect, so we’re going with Radio Gaga <3 (i swear at some point i did a post listing several songs for each ghost, and i literally have the playlist, but i can’t find the post no matter how hard i look so maybe i never posted it </3)
sorry to reuse these songs bc i’ve definitely provided them as answers before, but i haven’t listened to anything but will wood in months so i have no new music options
38. It's your turn to pick a movie for film club! What are you watching?
oh this is so much pressure coming from you eli
my personal favorite movie is richard jewell, so i would obviously choose that just to make them watch it. though i do think they’d enjoy the suspense, and absolute shitshow the FBI is
i may also go for Luca, because i think they’d all like it (cap may resonate particularly well)
and then of course the barbie movie <3 everyone needs to see it once in their life (or death)
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having-conniptions · 1 year
Love In The Air episode 8 live reaction under the cut (long post)
I was gonna watch the new episodes of Link Click and Jujutsu Kaisen but I saw the PrapaiSky preview and I need it RIGHT NYEOW
I can already tell they're gonna be the death of me
Wait this looks familiar... timeskip back to the race Rain and Sky snuck into?
Yup, definitely. The dude with the half-jorts is there lmao
I am SO ready to watch everything play out from Sky's and/or Prapai's perspective
And THAT'S when Prapai spots Sky. Bruh if I were Sky I'd have melted right then and there with Prapai smiling like that
He immediately has a soft spot for Sky huh
"He's my boy" not yet baby
He's lecturing Sky but he also saved his ass
Sky's annoyed face when Prapai tries to touch his face WE LOVE A STRONG BITCH
Oh that is NOT how a relationship should start PRAPAI I WAS ROOTING FOR YOU DON'T PULL THIS SHIT
I mean at least Sky told him to take what he wanted
And honestly Sky is really going for it so I guess it's not that bad but it's still some weird power dynamic / blackmailing shit soooo... eh
Lmao at the same time Phayu is lecturing Rain until Rain kisses him - idk if I love getting a recap of the whole first half of the series but I guess it helps put the PrapaiSky scenes in a chronological context while also slowing down the pacing so it's not all over in 2 episodes
Ok Sky is mad and I am confused bc how much of what happened did he actually want? He seemed rather enthusiastic but when Pai went for a second round Sky looked rather grumpy but told him to "bring it on" regardless? Very very dubious consent and Sky feeling used afterwards...
"Single life is the best. I can sleep with whoever I want" oh Mr. Braces over here is a player huh? How old is this kid??? Lmao
Poor Sky he deserves to be loved, not used
Aaaaa the montage of PrapaiSky thinking about each other / trying to forget
Hehehehe Prapai is such a player... but he can't go through with it because he can't get Sky out of his head, classic
3 months later Prapai is still replaying that night in his head huh... (riding his bike while thinking about Sky riding him)
Lmao Sky is reading Demon Slayer (I already spotted the figurine in his room a while ago)
Hahahaha the little reference to the source material of the series
"I don't know who you are. But if you're trying to annoy me, I'm hanging up." I LOVE HIS SASS
"In case you didn't know, humans are warm-blooded. And I'm a human. It's normal for my body to be hot. You don't have to help me, cause I don't associate with cold-blooded animals. Farewell." I SWEAR HE HAS THE BEST LINES LMAO
Prapai is just being a bit of a creep rn
The way Sky just yeets his phone
Lmao Pai is already so whipped
Wtf is that chicken dance
"You've met P'Pai, haven't you?" awkward......
Hahaha Sky putting the pieces together "Wind... Prapai."
Sky needs a ride, HOW CONVENIENT
"Rain doesn't know about us, does he?" THERE IS NO "US" YOU GUYS HOOKED UP ONCE THAT'S NOT "US"
I love that Sky is standing his ground
Pai you're being cringe
So the reason why Sky rejects Prapai is because he doesn't believe Pai is actually interested in him beyond sex and thinks he's just gonna use him 😭 awwww baby nooo you're amazing and that's why he will fall in love with you and give you the world 😭❤️
Ok sunflowers are cool I'd be thrilled to get a whole bouquet of them
Oh he's calling him! Oh he has him saved as psycho... 💀
He's hesitating to throw away the flowers!!
Bonus scene: "sometimes sexy. Occasionally sad. Mysterious at times." That's how he sees Sky huh xD
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six31 · 7 months
Giant survey, then and now
While going through some recently acquired archives of my early days (i.e. my Xanga account from 20 years ago), I found one of those survey things that tells people all sorts of random stuff about you. I thought I'd take a stab at filling it out again to compare the answers. Formatted painstakingly for clarity.
date 2004: August 29, 2004 2024: February 29, 2024
time 2004: 11:39 p.m. 2024: 10:48 p.m.
name 2004: [first name] 2024: [first name] or Six, which I didn't start using until after the Xanga was created.
age 2004: 22 2024: 42
birthday 2004: 1/4/1982 2024: 4/1/1982 (I have since moved to a commonwealth country)
school 2004: University of Georgia 2024: The same, class of 2004
eyes 2004: Brown 2024: Brown
hair 2004: reddish-brown 2024: brown with gray at the temples, although at times chocolate brown, ginger brown, brown with caramel highlights, pink, red or purple, depending on what wig I'm willing to tolerate that day.
height 2004: 5'0" 2024: 5'1" or 155 cm
shoe size 2004: 6 1/2 2024: 7, or 7 1/2 if I plan to wear insoles. I was probably a 7 back then too. Shoes aren't supposed to hurt, regardless of what pop culture tells us
when is your bedtime? 2004: Paper clear time + 30 minute travel + 1 hour. So roughly 1 a.m. on a good night 2024: Whenever I feel like, which tends to be sometime between 11:30-1 p.m.
flown on a plane: 2004: yup 2024: many times
ever been so drunk you blacked out: 2004: nope 2024: at least twice
cut your hair: 2004: I desperately need a haircut 2024: During the pandemic I couldn't stand the feeling of hair on the back of my neck, so I buzzed it all off with a #1 clipper
shampoo 2004: Joico Kerapro. I have 2 liters of it under my sink 2024: See the last question. My husband has the long thick curly hair, so I use whatevers available in the shower
fav color 2004: sage green 2024: mostly true, but I also like purple, and I'll always default to gray when I'm chosing a product/item of clothing. If there's a color called pewter or charcoal, even better
day/night 2004: night 2024: still a night owl
summer/winter 2004: summer…i don't like cold! 2024: summer, but I really prefer autumn
lace or satin 2004: satin 2024: satin
person to talk to face to face 2004: The redhead 2024: Randy. I miss him terribly
person to talk to online 2004: Seth. Definitely seth. 2024: Carl
wearing 2004: short shorts and an old t-shirt. My equivalent of pajamas. Oh, plus an avocado and clay purifying masque 2024: An oatmeal tank top and a pair of capri leggings
eating 2004: my words 2024: M&M's I hide in my desk so my husband doesn't eat them all in one sitting
drinking 2004: tea 2024: Raspberry Coke Zero
listening to 2004: Meat Loaf - Bat Out of Hell 2024: the very loud crickets outside, because the windows are open
cried 2004: no 2024: not in the last 24 hours
worn jeans 2004: jean skirt 2024: jean shorts. jorts, if you will
met someone new online 2004: not online 2024: no
done laundry 2004: I took Gavin to the laundromat 2024: Marc puts in a load before he goes off to work, and I take it out, fold it and put it away in the afternoon
drove a car 2004: yup 2024: yes! In fact, it was my first time behind the wheel of an Australian car, driving on the left side of the road. Every time I tried to put on my turn signal, I hit the wiper blades instead. I will never, ever relearn the correct way, it's too deeply ingrained at this point.
talked on the phone 2004: Yup 2024: No
yourself 2004: more often than I used to 2024: barely
your friends 2004: yes 2024: much more than myself
destiny/fate 2004: nope 2024: no
angels 2004: nah 2024: no
ghosts 2004: not in the traditional sense 2024: There are things we don't understand but I'm hesitant to ascribe them to the supernatural
UFO's 2004: "We've been coming to this planet and probing people's anuses for over fifty years and the only thing we've found out is that one in ten of them doesn't mind it all that much." 2024: Kids in the Hall was so fucking gay (laudatory)
do you ever wish you had another name? 2004: yeah 2024: I have another one now, and I go by it in some circles
do you like anyone? 2004: yep 2024: yes
which one of your friends acts the most like you? 2004: If you put all my friends in a blender, the metaphoric result would act something like me. 2024: I don't know? There are parts of me in all my friends and vice versa
which friend have you known the longest? 2004: Tim 2024: I'm still in touch with Tim, bless his heart
who do you go to for stuff? 2004: Depends on what I need 2024: Depends on what you mean by "stuff"
who do you hang around the most? 2004: Glenn, Katie, and the rest of the copy desk. 2024: Marc, Jimmy, Mika, Ethan, Cleo in person, the rest of the Gang online
worst feeling? 2004: being forgotten or ignored 2024: being forgotten or ignored
Keep a diary 2004: In spurts 2024: Oh man, as part of my last move I consolidated and scanned in all the diaries I've been holding onto for years and years, so now I have a digital copy of every journal I've kept. By and large, two things were consistent: 1) they all started with some variation of "Paper feels better to write on than a computer, and even though I've started many of these and lost interest, THIS ONE WILL BE DIFFERENT." and 2) they all peter out at about 35 pages.
Like to cook? 2004: I have a few select dishes I do well 2024: I'm trying to learn how to cook more, and not just recipes from food companies trying to get you to buy their prepared food. It takes me three times as long to shop for groceries here in Australia because I get flustered when they don't have things I used to regularly buy, like Shake 'n' Bake and sweet pickle relish, kosher salt and graham crackers. Bloody graham crackers! Its a learning process
Fold your underwear? 2004: nah, it gets piled up 2024: yes, it fits better in the drawer that way
Talk in your sleep? 2004: I grit my teeth pretty loud, so I'm told 2024: I still grit my teeth pretty loud, and they're noticeably shorter than they were when I was in my 20s, and I've been told if I don't get a handle on it, they'll cost about $10,000 to replace
Set your clock a few minutes ahead? 2004: every room in my house is in a different time zone 2024: this house is run by Google devices, so everything is synchronized but the microwave, which is several hours off.
Bite your fingernails? 2004: yep 2024: I quit cold turkey when I was 38, then had to relearn how to use my hands
Believe in love? 2004: sure 2024: Yes
Movie you rented? 2004: We buy them by the handful around here 2024: I have no idea. I mostly watch things that are available for free on streaming
Movie you bought? 2004: Lost in Translation 2024: Who buys movies these days? I think I bought my mother a copy of Moonrise Kingdom back in 2012
Movie you watched? 2004: The American President 2024: The Fifth Element
Song you listened to? 2004: Poe - Not a Virgin 2024: The Rolling Stones - Gimme Shelter, part of my 120 bpm walking playlist on Spotify
Song that was stuck in your head? 2004: The very same. I made the discovery that it falls nicely within my range 2024: Albert Hammond - It Never Rains in Southern California, which was shared by a former mentor in SoCal kvetching about the near-flood conditions they were experiencing
Song you've downloaded? 2004: buncha Liz Phair stuff 2024: I bought the soundtrack for Fran Bow
CD you bought? 2004: Outkast - Speakerboxxx/The Love Below 2024: Lol. Lmao even
CD you listened to? 2004: Meat Loaf - Bat out of Hell, per Glenn's request. Learn something new everyday. The CD now lives in my car 2024: From Exile - Monolith. My brother's band
Person you've called? 2004: Gavin 2024: My mother-in-law
Person that's called you? 2004: My brother, Ben 2024: My husband Marc
TV show you've watched? 2004: Sealab 2021 2024: Ramsay's Kitchen Nightmares
Person you were thinking of? 2004: Bo. I shoulda called him yesterday for my New Media project. 2024: a college friend who's going through a rough time at the moment
You wish you could live somewhere else? 2004: I belong in the mid-atlantic region 2024: I belong in South Australia
Others find you attractive? 2004: yeah. Attractive attractive, not this "she's cute and has a nice personality" bullshit 2024: Some do, yes
You want more piercings? 2004: I wanted an eyebrow ring before I learned about the whole severing a nerve to your face thing… 2024: I don't even use the holes I have
You want a tattoo? 2004: I'd never be able to settle on design I could love for the rest of my life 2024: same
You drink? 2004: Citron and ginger ale, baby 2024: Still my go-to cocktail, but I'm more of a craft beer person these days
You do drugs? 2004: nah 2024: In Texas I used to buy delta-9 gummies from a local small sister-owned business, which I would consume at the rate of 10 mg every two weeks. Nothing more than that.
You smoke? 2004: only second-hand 2024: From approximately December 2004 to Ausgust 2014, I regularly smoked clove cigarettes. I switched to e-cigarettes for about 4 months before quitting completely
You like cleaning? 2004: my things need to be in an order that I can understand 2024: Marc runs a very tidy house and I'm mostly on board. Ironing can be very zen if you let it
You like roller coasters? 2004: hell's yeah 2024: hell's yeah
You write in cursive or print? 2004: a hybrid of the two, just like my father 2024: a chickenscratch hybrid of the two that's getting worse and worse
Ever cried over a boy/girl? 2004: Who hasn't? 2024: yes
Ever lied to someone? 2004: yeah 2024: yes
Ever been in a fist fight? 2004: nope 2024: no
Ever been arrested? 2004: Nope 2024: no
Of times I have been in love? 2004: every time I think I'm in love, I realize later I'm not. 2024: twice
Of times I have had my heart broken? 2004: At least twice. I can't remember because I don't dwell on it 2024: multiple times
Of people I consider my enemies? 2004: three 2024: I'm too old/tired for enemies
Of CDs that I own? 2004: about 100 not counting mp3s 2024: One. I gave away my entire collection when I moved, save for From Exile - Monolith
Of times my name has appeared in the newspaper 2004: every day for the past year my name has appeared in 6 pt type on the opinions page of The Red & Black 2024: From October 2011 to February 2016, my name appeared in the corner of every page I designed for The Gaston Gazette and The Shelby Star, a number that is conservatively north of 6,000.
Of things in my past that I regret? 2004: 2. One, not getting into design sooner, Two, not getting the help I needed back when I realized I needed it. 2024: 2. One, getting into design in the first place, Two, not getting the help I needed back when I realized I needed it.
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makotonaegi · 10 months
❎ changes 🦀🦀🦀🦀🦀🦀 Follow
Monday, December 12, 2023
🌟 New
• We’re pooping and shitting. We’re shitting and farting. It’s called allowing your Account to exist. You still have the option to delete your Account whenever, so we’ll just keep this up. Your move.
• We’ve rolled out some visual changes that include letting tumblr Live take up the entire screen. You’re welcome. We’ve decided this was the best outcome since this has been hemorrhaging money since day one.
• After a long talk, we’ve decided it’s no longer okay to suck me long and hard thru my jorts. It’s winter season babey, and that means you have to do it through my jants now.
🛠️ Fixed
• Lmao did you see that picture of straycatj when he had his balls. 😭 Well, now he’s fixed may those soldiers rest in peace.
🚧 Ongoing
Nothing to report here today.
🌱 Upcoming
• We’ll be adding a badge for the bootlickers of tumblr. But I guess we didn’t need that at first since you can already tell who is who by the way they act alone.
0 notes
fear-and-delight-l · 3 years
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-Jill is very avid about getting her sister, Georgia back. Well, at least the killer anyways. 
-Jill has never finished any of her writing, until she is an adult. 
-Jill gives hugs hugs hugs!!!
-everyone wants her hugs. 
-ok, Jill is very sexually confused. Bradley Marsh is good looking...but so is McKenna Hanlon with her pink lipstick and her always good looking pigtails....then there is Sarah Uris, who is so cute with her blonde/brown curls and her little cheerleading outfit. 
-suffers from stuttering simp disorder 
-simp simp simp
-simp? Yes. 
-ok but I think she would like Plastic Hearts by Miley Cyrus lmao
-FLANNEL GODDESS!!! Has flannels in so many colors. 
-”R-R-Riley, stop m-making fun of m-my j-j-jorts.” 
-oh yeah. She is rocking the jean shorts. They either go to around her knees or near the middle of her thighs. 
-shoulder length brown hair. Screams bisexual. 
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-just gonna put this out there, take it as you will, but her glasses make her look like a fish. Her eyes are HUGE 
-goddess or (what is a non-binary god? Godthem?) of dad jokes. But not the corny kind. The kind of dad jokes that include sleeping with him and “riding him like a horse.” 
-”so not fucking funny.” -Edith Kaspbrak, who’s dad isn’t even present in her life.  -yeah, bisexual.  -sexual for Edith Kaspbrak.  -And Sarah Uris
-And Bradley Marsh
-and Jill Denbrough 
-and Brenna Hanscom
-and Patrick Hockstetter (she regrets this. But when Patrick isn’t chasing her with Bowers and Criss and Huggins, she likes to notice that Patrick is definitely good looking)
-crazy wavy hair. Seriously, she wears it in a pixie cut, and it is CRAZY. But she help Bradley cut away his mullet. 
-the friendship dynamic between Riley Tozier and Bradley Marsh is UNSTOPPABLE!
-plays softball with Jill. She is pitcher, and damn is she good. (Jill plays third base, for reference)
-the girls on the softball team sort of like her, sort of not. She’s a loser, and they don’t like her because everyone thinks she’s queer.  -still a trash mouth 
-still a smartass 
-Rildeth? Edithley? Redith?
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-all right, here we go. 
-He came out to Riley, and Riley came out to him. 
-daddy issues  
-daddy issues
-daddy issues
-anyways, Bradley had a mullet that his dad made him wear, and when Riley helped him cut it....freedom!
-when he and the other losers are going to the quarry, he likes to help McKenna pick flowers so Sarah will have some to turn into flower crowns  
-is totally charmed by Jill  Denbrough. He is a simp for how charming she is. Bravery, art...
-Bradley also likes to draw. 
-Brenna may be totally smitten with him....
-Bradley is the same age as all the other losers, but the losers all see him as older. 
-hates his father, feels weak around him. 
-he and Riley often share cigarettes. (I love the friendship dynamic here.)
-Bradley has little freckles, and when he and Brenna get together as adults, Brenna likes to kiss all of them. 
-Bradley loves to hang with Sarah, and she is such a sweetie. She gets annoyed, but when she is around Bradley, she is calm. 
-Bradley likes to put his arm around Sarah, ALWAYS
-I’m in love
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-yes, Sarah Uris is cheer captain. The other cheerleaders are skeptical of her, but treat her ok nonetheless. 
-Sarah Uris is a softie who will tell you to fuck off. 
-bridwatcher. Sarah loves her birds. She likes to sit with Jill. Jill draws birds while Sarah quietly talk about the birds. 
-Brenna loves to play with her curls, braiding them and doing fun styles with them with the help from McKenna. 
-sundresses one day, shorts and a shirt the next. 
-her hair is so nice! Think...classic curls. Google for reference. 
-the cheerleaders don’t go to track meets or softball games. So, since Brenna and Edith are both in track and Jill and Riley are softball players, she goes in her own cheerleading outfit, and even snags one for McKenna, (who isn’t a cheerleader.) and they both cheer at track and softball. 
-must I remind you that Jill is a simp for BOTH OF THEM. AND BRADLEY?? HE CHEERS THEM ON TOO.
-one time Bradley actually got into a cheerleading skirt??!!
-anyways, back to Sarah.  -she loves to give everyone kisses before leaving. Here’s how she gives them:
Jill: cheek kiss, runs a hand through her hair.  Edith: takes Edith’s face in her hands and kisses her nose. Edith sometimes backs up a little when she feels a little panicky about germs, but always accepts Sarah’s kiss.  Bradley: forehead. She ruffles his hair, and sometimes, Bradley kisses her chin as she is kissing his forehead.  McKenna: near her lips. Like, the corner of her mouth. 🥺 Brenna: cheek kiss. She holds brenna’s chin while kissing her.  Riley: straight on the lips. Or the forehead if you song ship stozier. -ok, I am a huge fan of Sarah+Riley....but then there is Edith. Poly??? Possibly 
-anyways, Sarah loves to make flower crowns and put them in bradley’s hair. 
-she and Brenna are very close. If Sarah isn’t next to Bradley, or has Riley’s arm around her shoulders, she is with Brenna, either holding her hand or showing her stuff about plants or birds. She gives Brenna constant praise about the barrens 
-very grumpy a lot.
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ok, Brenna is straight. I didn’t change that.  -Brenna thinks constructively, and is a visual learner. Constantly thinks about the future. 
-ok, she is so so so sweet. Likes to wear this cute pink skirt, but only around the losers. 
-She loves to read and wrote poetry. It’s so cute I just can’t aaaah-
-ok, so she’s on the track team. Edith convinces her in 10th grade. 
-HAIR CLIPS! she has them in her hair, and tons extra in her backpack. 
-Bradley loves it when Brenna plays with his hair and puts clips in it. 
-she and Bradley are very good friends. 
-she may be straight, but isn’t uncomfortable when Sarah holds her hand or Riley talks about her gay situation or when Jill tells her she’s pretty. She just isn’t gay but she loves and supports her gay friends. She even kissed McKenna in a game of spin the bottle
-poor baby has body insecurities...
-ugh, she hates Henry Bowers. But she loves ice cream! She likes vanilla because it’s sweet and plain. 
-when they have sleepovers, everyone always has a disc of New Kids on the Block to play for her (AAA!)
-Riley literally swore to protect her. Even though Riley’s sarcasm can be demeaning, she trusts her. 
-Brenna Hanscom, a sweetie that will fight for you.
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McKenna Hanlon, the badass vegan who definitely has WAP. 
-ok, I didn’t change her race, she is still black. 
-McKenna is a sign of hope. Everyone feels so uplifted around her. 
-she has this signature pink lipstick she wears everyday the Greta Bowie makes fun of, but she still wears it. 
-she loves bubblegum. McKenna has it ALL THE TIME. 
-inspiration? Yes. She is a goddess. 
-ok, she is so nice, but that gun she has? Pennywise doesn’t stand a chance. McKenna is a fighter. 
-McKenna has these cute little pig tails that she wears with purple ribbons. Jill loves to listen to her talk. 
-definitely the least insane of all the losers, but girl knows how to have fun!
-not a huge smoker, but occasionally will share one with Bradley. 
-the friendship between McKenna and Bradley is impeccable. They are a badass duo. 
-I don’t know what her sexuality is. She definitely doesn’t. Although she and Jill got caught making out in a closet. They said it was no strings attached....suspicious.
-she is indeed vegan. She just has a special love for animals and can’t bring herself to eat them. She isn’t protesting everyone to go vegan, she just eats how she wants. She occasionally slips and goes for ice cream though😉
-at the rock war, after she recovered a little from Bowers, SHE BEAT HIS ASS!
-my queen, gosh I love her!
-she is so much fun to be around. One time, in the barrens, she installed a swing so she could sit in somethin because Riley and Edith and Sarah are always in the hammock together. (It’s bound to break). 
-need a therapist? She’s ya girl. 
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-ok, so this looks very soft girl, but Edith is fiery!  -her mom makes her worry a lot about disease and what not, but her anxiety about what her mom may do is worse. 
-seriously, she is scared of her mother. She doesn’t even know if her sickness are real. 
-anyways, don’t fuck with her. She will bite you. 
-no seriously, she will bite you. One time in a fight with Hockstetter, she bit him. She was worried she might have gotten something in her mouth, but Sarah calmed her down.  -she may bicker with Riley, but really, she loves her. Her and her stupid glasses, 
-anyways, she is a sweetie. She runs track, but as long as Riley is waiting on the sidelines with her inhaler at the end, she is alright. 
-someone give this girl a hug. 
-internalized homophobia towards herself. 
-she and Bradley are good, they just aren’t as close. Edith is closest with Jill. 
-Edith looks up to Jill, big time. 
-Edith hates her mom very very much. 
-she wears cute little tops with shorts or skirts. Occasionally she will wear overalls. 
-fuck greta Bowie campaign? Yeah, Edith started it.
-Fanny pack! She has an extra pair of glasses for Riley, Bobby pins for Sarah, an extra pen or pencil for Jill, a mini stick of Bradley’ favorite deodorant, hair clips for Brenna, and McKenna’s favorite bubblegum. 
-Riley calls her Eds. She hates it because it sounds like a boy name. She hates it even more when Riley calls her Eddie. 
-kisses tears away. Crying? She will kiss your cheeks and wipe those tears away. She did that when Brenna got cut by Bowers. 
-inhaler? Yes. It’s her little beacon of safety. 
-ice cream and comic books with Riley, bird watching and flower crowns with Sarah are her favorites! 
-doesn’t know her sexual preference, she’s just not straight. 
-butterflies always land on her when she’s outside. One landed on her nose once and Riley and Sarah started rock-paper-scissoring for who got her. (That was long forgotten since Riley is a sore loser.)
-my baby has long hair is very slight waves. It goes down to her breasts. 
-likes to wear Jill’s Flannels. 
-Edith is cold? Never. She always has someone’s something, whether it’s McKenna’s iconic leather jacket or Jill’s flannels
Ok! Those are my headcanons. Feel free to repost, I don’t give a damn. If you want drawings or more headcanons of them, I am always open. I had this posted on my old account but that got taken down....I was previously coffeeandweasleys
@im-a-rocketman​, @nate-isnt-great​ @imreddieimreddieimreddie​ @ur-not-reddie​
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Writing Snippets
Palmer gets a haircut (small description of scars)
Square Lasky
The Ferrets traumatize the IVs
The adventures of Jorts
Hacksaw Squad meets Fireteam Crimson
1. Palmer gets a haircut
Clippers buzzed next to her head and she unclenched her jaw as auburn clumps fell to the floor.
They had numbed her for the stitches despite her protests. The nurse leveled a flat look at her before continuing putting in neat rows of stitches. Her scalp itched at the tugging sensation and she balled her fists.
Stupid. A stupid mistake. It wasn't even a big deal, but head wounds bleed and need to be kept clean.
Now she was going to walk around with a sign on the side of her head telling the world how she fucked up.
The nurse finished up and pat her shoulder. A mirror was placed in her hands and she saw her tired face staring back at her. Tilting the mirror, her eyes traced the raw pink slice that ran from just behind her temple past her ear and down the back of her skull.
It was an angry thing, uneven and vivid, but better than it had been hours before. Apparently a screaming, blood covered demon was enough to scare the Covies into a corner. Still her armor had been a mess and the techs had seemed skittish as they helped her out of her kit.
The face looking back at her was blank. She raised an eye and felt a slight tug. Turning again she looked at the scar and the shaved stripe. The nurse who had done the stitches had offered to even her hair out and she had numbly agreed.
Sarah Palmer was not vain. She hadn't put much thought into her hair. Now the back and side of her head were exposed to the cool air and the remaining strands were tied back away from the fresh wound.
It was...something. Different.
She sat quietly through the instructions on how to keep it clean and when to come back, chewing over this new thing. She had plenty of scars, the blamite round in her left shoulder, hardlight blade on her right bicep, bullet wounds and plasma rounds having left their marks on her. She'd been born into this war and it had made her its own.
She sits there and looks. Makes faces and bares her teeth.
This might be something.
2. Square Captain, our Captain
"Am I really square looking?" Captain Lasky asks, voice carrying from his bathroom to where Palmer and Roland were talking in his quarters.
They share a look and mouth some words before he sticks his head, face dropping from the lack of an answer.
"Your silence is deafening."
"Tom, did someone hurt your feelings, cuz I can kill them for you."
"What the Commander is trying to say is we like you and will defend your squareness."
"So you do think I'm square!" He rubs at his jaw as his brow furrows. Palmer sighs and rolls her eyes, looking to Roland as she shrugs before walking over and slinging an arm around Lasky.
"We love our square little captain." She squeezes him to her side. "Little goody two shoes Lasky with his morals and his square little head."
"Gee thanks Sarah, I can feel the love and support." He says squished against her side. "Also, I'm not short, you're a Spartan, they gave you height in the war."
"Our tiny baby Captain square head." She says pressing a kiss to his temple.
"Am I really that square?"
"Would you like me to tell you the math, sir?"
"I would!"
"We know, Sarah and no thanks, Roland, don't give her any more ammo."
"Square, square man."
"Roland, pull up the footage from g-AAH"
"Roland delete that footage! I thought there weren't any backups?"
"No can do, Spartan. It's saved in a hundred different places and you need the captain's code to make me delete it."
3. The Ferrets
"So you know how we got kicked out of group therapy because we were scaring the IVs?"
"You weren't 'kicked out', it was suggested that you three see another doctor in a more private setting."
"That's kicking us out, Mom."
“They said we needed someone to help us with our ‘unique needs and life experiences’ and that we needed to ‘stop making the IVs cry’ when we were just participating!“
"Anyways, we have a new psych and they seem cool, they were talking us through the paperwork and what we wanted."
"How was that?"
"Well we said we think we might still be legally dead so we'll get back to them."
4. The Adventures of Jorts Part ?
"Hey Roland, where's Jorts?" Captain Lasky asks and Roland deliberates on sharing the news about the ship’s newest cat.
"I'll tell you, but you can't get mad."
"She's in Blue Team's quarters, has been for a few days."
"Why would that make me mad?"
"Because shehadkittensunderMasterChief'sbed." Roland spits out quickly, hands clasped in front of him and a sheepish look on his avatar's face.
"Kittens? She was pregnant? Why didn't you-"
"Captain, I don't make a habit of reading the cats' biosigns. You cannot blame me for this."
At that, the captain scratches his nose and his mouth turns up a little at the corners.
"Are they there right now?"
"Yes, captain. I believe it's feeding time."
"I have time." He mutters to himself as he looks at the clock before turning to Roland. "Time for a break. Do you have pictures?"
"Of course I do! They were even talking about letting me name one!"
5. Hacksaw Squad meets (our) Fireteam Crimson
The Spartan Commander is mouthing off to your squad leader over comms, but you couldn't care less right now because three Elites twice your size are circling you and the two other marines trapped in a Forerunner base.
Red blurs replace them and two of the aliens fall dead while your eyes adjust and watch as Spartans take down the third. They nod at you and you move as a unit to rescue the other half of your squad.
They're a sight to take in as they rush hunters and punch Elites, bodily moving in between you and the attackers most of the time. One of them breaks radio silence when your squad splits up and falls in behind the two leading the attack.
They also sound panicked as they bark at the other one about where the rest of the squad is and the other responds in an equally aggressive manner. You don't have much time to think because there are drop pods incoming and too many voices chattering on the comms.
Your squad regroups on the Spartans and you clear the tower. The Spartan with the jetpack jumps off to circle around the back and check for any stragglers while the one with the horned helmet seems to take a headcount.
Phantoms surround you as your ride takes too long to get there. The Spartans, Fireteam Crimson it seems, are herding you to cover and furiously trying to keep you alive. You haven't lost a squadmate since they appeared and you are grateful for them, if a bit put off by their demeanor. Climbing on the pelican for evac you hear one speak out of their helmet’s radio while the other nudges them tiredly.
"We saved our boys."
Thanks for reading! Jorts is based off of the ship cats from @/kat-w-writes fic Iron and Gold. Most of the other stuff is in collaboration with Bellygunnr and Shitty17!
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lnevada · 3 years
DF S2E2 Things You Missed
Or that I'm obsessed with.
First, a retraction: Having rewatched the first season more closely, I realized Ray figured out a similar solution/plot in a convoluted stream of consciousness of not really connected but loosely connected ideas on his own in S1E23, just as he did last episode. This can probably be considered a new established formula and running joke in the series (at least they're acknowledging Ray's intelligence more).
On to the new stuff!
Ray finally wore JORTS. Silly.
This is only the second or third time Ray has used the "Danger Force, ASSEMBLE" line. (A MCU reference).
Bose has to wear a baby harness to an amusement park.
Ray is such a capitalist. Despite having unlimited wealth (I assume, through the city's budget for superheroes), he is so stingy.
And Miles is such an anti-capitalist! I adore his leftist rants. Too few and far between, but I guess they pack more weight that way.
This is the first time anyone has stopped and waited patiently for Miles to process his vision (and make sure he's not drained/shaken by them). Makes sense it would be his sister, but its still progress. I expect everyone to start doing the same (*wags finger warningly*).
Among Us references. Ugh.
Schwoz in his boxers is a reference to some old movie, but more importantly a repeated joke that Jasper was given in S4E19 (pretty sure that one). Which just reminds me of how good of friends those two were!
Even though Ray 'yells' at him/hurts his feelings, when Bose gets scared he turns to Ray and is visibly shaken by not understanding what's going on. (Again, reminiscent of Jasper, but the mentorships are slightly unique.)
Needles get bigger every time. Cute.
*Wait a minute! Schwoz recommended the blood test. Don't gaslight Ray! Also, I knew it wasn't Schwoz because he did his science thing. And it can't be Ray because, well, no one can mimic Ray.*
"I like it when they run." A callback to Piper's line in S5E15 I Dream of Danger (and recalling Ray/Piper's mentorship).
"Ray-by" - why is he so cute? Also, pinball/victory dance.
1000 rooms in the Man's Nest is a lot. But more so what I would have expected from the Man Cave and reminds me of, say, the Tardis. Unrealistic, but now there's infinite possibilities to build new sets and explore the Man's Nest further in future episodes (without relying on the four or so new ones we see in this episode). It's always cool to explore the living spaces of MCs.
Ray...speaks another language? Fluently?! (Good job Cooper!) So does Miles (at least a farewell)? We're just now bringing this up? (Also, Chopa needs to speak more Spanish, conversationally. And everyone being bilingual, at least partly, kind of makes Bose learning 3, or however many in the quarantine special, a little less impressive.) Alternatively, if Mika can learn French or multiple European languages, the whole team would be able to act as translators for half the damn globe! They could go anywhere!
Unfortunately, RT being in Helper Monkey probably should have been obvious. I definitely didn't catch any of it on the first watch.
Does Ray wear the antlers the entire time? How annoying for filming.
They are not being held prisoner. They are in jail because they're criminals/mutations that would scare and/or terrorize the town. They're at the Man's Nest because Ray's lazy, so they don't overcrowd the Swellview prison and they are more contained by Scwhoz's tech. It's that gray area you work in as a vigilante superhero. Keep up Chopa (whose back and forth mood swings between wanting to be good and wanting to act morally questionable give me whiplash and prevent her from being my favorite; although my theory is they make her swing back and forth to prevent her from being too much like Max Thunderman's character; or maybe they're just trying to write her as complex?).
I don't judge you darling, I'm all for it. But also, 'just in case', lmao. Great line delivery.
I was going to say, hey eating is Ray's schtick, but then he came back and shoved the piece of cake in his mouth, so we're good.
As an unrelated aside, I had the epiphany of, how many African American twin teenagers could there possibly be in Swellview? Meaning that if Miles and Mika are going around telling civilians they are twins in uniform, it would be fairly easy to narrow down their real identities if one wanted to. However, that gets thrown out the window with Chopa barely covering her face as she walks past the video cameras and dies her hair RED! How many Hispanic teenage girls in Swellview have the reddest red hair possible? Loopholes! what secret identities?
Also, also: It makes me sad that the only kid who doesn't have a unique, banter-filled mentor/sibling-like/cool, older uncle relationship that I can point to with Ray is Mika. She's kinda trying to fill in for the role of 'mom' in the group but, due to her age, it doesn't always land (for me). So instead, she just kind of scolds Ray (which everyone does) and continuously brings up her intelligence. I just hope that as the seasons drone on the two can find common ground.
Bandages on the necks. (continuity)
No one is going in the trash rocket!! (And I thought we ran out last episode?)
Chest Monster saying Scooby Doo's catch phrase + the SD chase sequence in the hallway.
The Hybristophiliac in me is being fed by this episode (if you're under 21, don't google that ;)~). Go off Ray! (Also, I think this episode tracks with Ray's trajectory for getting increasingly more vigilante in nature and more violent in his tendencies/proceedings with villains. That, or he really does hate Drex.
There is nothing 'dad bod' about Ray (nothing wrong with one though). They are dad clothes though. Again, I'm not mad, it's just facts.
I super appreciate that cut back to Ray's reaction after Chopa blows Drex away. Just showing how proud he is of his wards.
I already bragged on how much I love seeing each kid face Drex and win!
They had that actor monkey doing all sorts of stuff this episode. I hope he got all the treats! And everyone on set was nice to him.
Cooper flexing in the scene with Rick Twittler is just silly. Stop trying to one up the villains! You're distracting me from the plot!
Also, Chest Monster is a part of this family now. He's my favorite, forget everyone else.
Another cardio joke! And yet, these two guys are the most fit people on the planet, what gives!
Sending all of the school up to space (where it would realistically disintegrate) is a little dramatic, but makes for a good visual.
Theory time! I know this is late, and the new episode is tomorrow, but I have speculations to get out!
Of all the directions I expected this special to go A) I didn't realize Henry wouldn't show up until the tail end of part 3 or part 4 (he'll be in like 3 scenes, what gives? Why hype it so?) and B) I could never have called going to space. Ray's line confirming they're heading to space seemed a little unnecessary/forced. I assume Schwoz will get them back to earth?
Drex: I mentioned in the last post how Drex feels severely underpowered this episode/special. I think from a production standpoint, this is because he was the big bad in Henry Danger. Henry had to overcome Drex and save the world to reach his full potential as a superhero/character. Rt was too, but he only appeared once whereas Drex was a rule of 3 situation. RT is meant to be a big bad in Danger Force's canon. Drex is only a minion/distraction and minor threat, so he's easier to defeat. From a canon perspective, I think the fact there are more superheroes and they all have powers that they can now control for the most part means they can handle Drex pretty well. This is still no excuse for the continuity error confusing whether Drex recovered his indestructibility or not (I'm certain he should have it, but I suppose the kid's powers are long distance and bypass it?).
Part 3: Part 2 almost felt like an extended episode. There were so many scenes, and character moments, and new things learned (the Man's Nest), and it moved the plot along. Especially if Henry doesn't show up to somehow bring the group back to earth, I really hope Part 3 doesn't feel like a filler episode. The first two have been great, so hopefully the momentum doesn't slow down until after the special.
Format: I guess we're dropping Mika as our omniscient narrator/main character? I loved having her be in the know and narrating in past tense (and bringing importance to her character). It told us bad things were coming but also that everyone (or at least Mika) survived. Without the narrator, the audience is in the dark, we don't know if everyone survives, and it makes it harder to theorize what will happen in the last two episodes :( . The format totally changed between parts 1 & 2.
Villain team up: Rt is smart but has no brawns. He needs Drex to fill in the role of fighter (even if he has an army of upgraded viruses). There are more superheroes, so there needs to be more villains for the kids to face. I hope there's a purposeful villain team up and a big show down rather than Drex getting a 'redemption arc' because he's stuck with the group and has to help them return to earth. We've been through so much with Drex that I'm hoping he doesn't suddenly turn 'good'.
*Ray: Remember how I said 'no one can mimic Ray'? I still think this is true. Ray/Cooper is pretty in it in the final scene and is acting normally. However, both times I watched the episode, it bugged me to no end that he went from trapped in the cell with no way out to in full uniform coming up the tube. We don't see him released/escape, or blow a bubble. Just a hard cut away from his character and then he appears in a new scene with the kids. Speaking excuses that can't be proved because the audience doesn't see it happen.
We know RT is returned to his own body by the end. I don't think RT is possessing Ray. Unless, he can divide his consciousness into multiple places/beings (like Ultron in the MCU) or RT has made 'smarter' viruses that can mimic people/not appear outwardly like viruses. Again, I don't think this is the case. I think this would be too confusing for a kid's show to make Ray 'bad' without context and in such a sneaky form. Maybe they ran out of time at the end of the episode and just had to get Ray into the main room.
But, I don't think it's an accident that earlier in the episode Ray was gaslit by the kids. Mika and others claimed it was Ray who suggested the blood test to find Rick when it was blatantly Schwoz who did. Mistakes can happen in script and continuity errors are not always caught, but this seems like a big one that is blatantly thrown into the script to cause confusion for the kids/audience. Ray was not affected by RT at this point in time because he hadn't had contact with Rick. However, once he goes down into the dungeon and is trapped in the cell, he is left alone with Rick for an extended period which would be the perfect opportunity for Rick to mind control/possess Ray in some fantastical way. I think that if this was a smarter show, Ray would be possessed/controlled by RT in some way to distract the kids and keep Danger Force in space. So if this does manage to happen in some convoluted way, and say, Ray and Drex team up as villains to distract Danger Force, remember I called it here first!
Your word for the day is convoluted because of course the show is! Send me asks if you have your own theories for where the special is going and/or how it'll end! What has been your favorite part so far?
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