#he thinks this is a game of whack a mole and im the mole
hyunpic · 1 month
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jiyansthesis · 1 year
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LEON KENNEDY (post-re4) x reader
summary — you and leon never thought what would lead to the two of you fucking would be a surprise zombie and an aphrodisiac
note — a little something i had in the drafts for a while. i was gonna post it when re4make came out but i totally forgot. might as well post it while im getting traction on my other leon post ^^
tags — smut, aphrodisiac, basically in public, rough, overstimulation, fem bodied reader, fem implied pet names
i am not responsible for any minors that interact + nsfw below the cut
not proofread
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"we're gonna get our asses kicked," you groaned, focusing on the scope of your gun which you used to survey your surroundings.
"no, you're gonna get your ass kicked. i can hold my own," leon shot back, trailing ahead of you.
there was a red wash over the two of you as you ran down the hallway, attempting to look for some vials before they get destroyed by the zombies lurking around.
"you don't happen to know where these serums are, do you?" you questioned, a zombie coming out the shadows only for you to quickly aim and fire your gun at its head, it immediately flying backwards to land lifelessly on the floor. "this is like some bad game of whack-a-mole. except without the hammer. and the moles are zombies. and we could possibly die. i'm getting tired of it."
"do you ever stop talking?" he opened a door, revealing a room with cabinets of liquids and something that looked like a chamber with a glass window.
"adding a bit of fun into this mission, leon. i can't just walk around shooting zombies and not have something to say."
he grunted, and went over to the cabinets, grabbing a container of blue liquid.
"this is it. i'll get all of these, you keep watch." you nodded in acknowledgement, considering the fact that leon was your superior.
you peered out the hallway you had come from, saw that it was clear, and shut the door, locking it.
then you decided to go into the connecting room, just in case something was in there.
the red emergency light was still messing with your eyes, and so you turned on your flashlight, scanning the room.
there were more bottles of substances. but it didn't look like the blue ones leon was getting. these ones were a reddish-pink, and had a certain glow to them. you stepped closer to it to examine it, but you swung around as soon as you heard a growl. you unsheathed the dagger around your waist.
the blade lodged in the zombie's throat, your reaction time saving you as usual. it crumpled over, but bumped into the display, causing the cases to break.
you thought it was a liquid, but it was like you could see the cloud of fumes rise from the broken vials. quickly you put a hand over your mouth and nose and ran out the room, but not before you caught a whiff of the strangely sweet, almost sugary flower smell.
you shut the heavy doors behind you, and let out a gasp of air. leon looked towards you, hurrying over as you fell to your knees.
"hey, you alright? what happened?" he held onto your arms, lifting you up and placing you in an office chair.
"th-there was a zombie. i killed it and it. . . it bumped into these flasks of pink stuff." your hands went to wrap around your stomach, a cramp suddenly appearing.
"pink stuff?" he asked
"yeah," you grimaced with pain. "there was this thing that came out of the broken tubes. it was like a gas or something."
"and how are you feeling right now?"
you felt immensely uncomfortable. there was a cramp in your lower abdomen and it felt like something was dripping out of you. your legs squirmed, not liking the feeling of your wet panties.
"i can-can't explain it." you stammered out. you think you know what were in those things, but you didn't want to make it awkward for you and leon. of course, you've known him since raccoon city, and congratulated him when he came back with the president's daughter. but you knew damn well you guys weren't this close.
even if you desperately wished you were.
"it hurts there?" he gestured to your hand over your abdomen, you nodded.
"it might've been something toxic." he glanced around the room at all the computers, lucky enough to find one that was unlocked.
you heard him type away as you shut your eyes. the pain was becoming excruciating, and you didn't know why you felt your crotch throbbing.
not only that, but your thoughts were bunching up, and you couldn't think straight. what were you here for again?
"hey, i think i know what it is." you felt him nudge you. "but you might not like it."
"i think i know what it is too. doesn't take much thinking to find out." you winced as you shifted in your seat.
he raised an eyebrow. "you know?"
"it's obviously an aphrodisiac. there's no other explanation." you slurred out.
"well, it's not a normal one. normal ones wear off with time, but this one. . . you need something for it to wear off. or you might die."
"die!?" you exclaimed, ignoring the pain of you suddenly standing upright. this definitely cleared your mind. "for fucks sake, leon. i didn't want to die from a fucking drug today!"
he let out a breath of air. "it's easily fixable. but i need you to trust me." his voice got a bit more husky.
"i always trust you, leon." you assured him. he hesitated, and slowly lowered you back down on the seat.
his fingers ghosted over the waistband of your tactical pants. "may i?" he looked up to you. never in a million years would you have thought you'd have leon kennedy under you.
you could already tell what had to be done for you to get rid of this feeling, and you gave him the okay. well, at least you get to have one of your fantasies out the way while also avoiding death from aphrodisiac.
he pulled down your pants, quickly followed by your underwear.
"didn't think to tell me about what was happening down here?" he smirked. "you're so wet."
you whined at the cold air, and urged him to hurry up and stop teasing you.
he followed your request, and instead of inching in his fingers like you'd expected, he immediately latched onto your dripping cunt, and you arched your back.
"leon, fuck!" you moaned out, a hand immediately going to grab a handful of his hair.
he hummed in amusement, leading you to clench your thighs around his head. leon quickly moved his hands to grab your plush thighs and spread them apart, locking them in place no matter how hard you tried to escape it.
it was like he wasn't even thinking about the aphrodisiac. it was all for his and your pleasure, rather than as an extremely awkward and embarrassing task that had to be done. or he was just too good at the job at hand.
every stroke of his tongue had your legs shaking, and you pulled at his hair every time he sucked on your clit too hard. it felt like a few minutes before you felt the buildup of something in your stomach, quickly overshadowing the pain you had previously felt.
"leon, m' gonna-"
his hands left your legs and went straight to your pussy. "make a mess for me, baby," he said as your hips bucked up violently and you let out what was almost a scream.
you panted, and you thought that at this point you'd be satisfied, the pain would be gone, and the two of you could put this all behind you and go on your merry way.
but you were wrong. it was like it got even worse.
your thoughts were scrambled, and all you could think about was the bulge in his pants. and it definitely wasn't his gun.
"why'd you have to do. . . all that?" you stammered out. you also realized he called you baby. your cheeks became even hotter.
"can't get my gloves dirty. and i wanted a taste." he winked. "are you feeling better?"
you shook your head, involuntarily grinding against the seat. maybe if you imagined it was his thigh. . . you wouldn't have to ask him to fuck you senseless. you were already shameless enough, with the fact he had just finished eating you out like his final supper, and the effects of the aphrodisiac were not helping.
just the sound of his voice and his smell was enough to send you into a frenzy.
"do you need some more help?" he began unbuckling his pants.
"yes, need mo' help," you whined. you never thought what would get you into leon s. kennedy's pants would have to be a mystery sex drug in a science lab. if you knew, maybe you would've done this way beforehand.
you almost drooled at how big he was. you would've put your lips right around him at that moment, but he was already lining himself up with you entrance.
"you ready, princess?"
"jus' hurry up," you moved your hips closer to him, sliding the tip inside which caused you to whimper. deciding not to let you suffer any longer, he slammed the rest of his throbbing cock inside of you. with every thrust he did, you were a whining, blabbering mess.
"does that feel good?" he whispered in your ear, sending shivers down your spine. you could tell that the effects of the drug were making you more sensitive.
"s' good leon," you threw your arms around his neck and brought him down for a kiss, which he quickly reciprocated. he was biting on your lips, his tongue occasionally slipping through your lips.
"i fucking love the sounds you make," he got out once the two of you broke away for air. it was like he was feral and had the aphrodisiac himself, pounding into you without giving you time to breathe.
"fuck, leon, don't stop," you could feel tears streaming down your face as your mouth gaped wide open to let out all your noises.
no doubt you were attracting monsters, but that didn't matter when you had this hot man you've been pinning for for years making you dumb on his cock.
he admired the way he had you already clawing for whatever you could grab a hold on, which was his back, and the look that you gave him.
he'd wanted to fuck you for so long, although that developed from him falling in love after the events in raccoon city. you'd kept him sane, believe it or not.
thank god he had this reason to finally have you under him.
"you gonna cum for me, yeah?" he began relentlessly hitting your g-spot, which had you screaming. he left open-mouthed kisses down your neck.
you didn't answer. or well, you couldn't with how he practically fucked the breath out of you.
not receiving an answer, he quickly took you out the chair and placed you on top of the table. you whined as he pulled out, but were quickly shut up by him thrusting inside of you again.
and just when you thought it couldn't get any better, the new angle caused him to almost brush up against your cervix. his hand made its way to your tummy and pressed down on the slight bump, making your hands fly up to cover your mouth.
"hey, pretty girl. i want to hear everything." he persuaded you to place your hands to stabilize yourself on the office desk.
"i-mm, i think i'm gonna make a mess," you warned.
"you gonna come for me? good girl," he praised, and with those words he hungrily pressed his lips to yours, devouring your sounds of ecstasy as you convulsed with your climax.
you started feeling overstimulated, the pain and sensitivity mixing in with the pleasure.
"le-leon, jus' cum in me," you pleaded, feeling your third climax coming already. maybe it was because you were practically intoxicated, or it was because you haven't had sex in so long, but you were almost self-conscious about how short of a time it took for you to cum.
"yeah? you want me to fill you up baby? do i make you feel too good?" a pool of your cum was pooling on the desk.
"yes! wan' you to, wan' you to," you trailed off as he grunted and let out a few soft, low moans, and you felt a warmth seep inside of you.
slowly he pulled out, which still had you twitch, and he looked almost apologetic about that. he searched the place for something to clean you up with, before ripping a piece off an abandoned lab coat, and slowly wiping you up with it. the table on the other hand, required the whole coat to wipe up.
he helped you put your pants back on as you regained and put your thoughts back in order.
"holy shit, we're at least twenty minutes late from meeting up at the extraction point," you checked the watch on your wrist. the two of you scurry to grab all your things as well as what you came here for, and went on your out the building. leon then called chris, who was pissed about the time delay.
as you left, it was strangely silent, as if the two of you had scared the monsters away rather than attract them.
"never thought that'd ever happen," you admitted as the two of you made it outside and to the rendezvous.
"never thought i'd fuck you during a mission in the middle of nowhere." he agreed. "how about dinner later, pretty girl?"
"isn't it a bit late for that?"
"it's never too late to take a lady like you on a fancy date. you deserve it." he shouted as the wind from a helicopter overtook your hearing.
"hmm, i'll think about it!" you grinned, saluting. "nice work out there."
"if that was my real job, i'd be doing it all the time."
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keiskake · 1 year
uhm uhm.
First of all i wanna tell u that i love your work a lot honey!
so, if it's ok with u, can you write a bakugou x gamer!reader ??
like when they both arrive home after UA and just start playing games together with the others (kirishima , sero , mina , tsuyu , denki...etc. those dudes you know)
and at the weekends when they all come to the readers house (yeaaaa we're rich hehehe ) to play games together such as football games and stuff ?
and actually i cant stop thinking about how fun and funny would be the whole bakusquad playing an among us game bro :))))
hope im not asking for a lot of things, if you're not comfortable about writing that just forget about it, honey!!
thx a lot.
a/n ~ thank you so much i'm really glad you enjoy my work, genuinely means the whole world to me. i wanted to firstly apologise that it took so long for me to respond to your request, and secondly your idea is amazing rui! the way the bakusqaud would play games would be similar to how an OTV video, very chaotic. i split the ideas into three segments so i hope i've done your great idea justice.
bakugo (ft bakusquad and their respective colors) x gamer!reader (gn)
at some point during dorm life you and bakugo were able to gain permission from aizawa to install a gaming console in the main living area. aizawa most likely just caved in because he couldn't be bothered to fight the two of you, given how stubborn you both were. so low and behold, a game console for class 1-A.
the class was split in the middle, those who played (bakusquad) and those who watched (the extras). smash bros caused the most chaos between the group, especially when there were teams involved. you and bakugo always fought whilst playing, mainly bakugo yelling that you stole his kill or stole his no.1 title. so you preferred to team up with mina though bakugo was always against it since you were his. but gossiping with mina whilst killing off kirishima and denki was the absolute life. sero would team with denki just to taunt him and laugh at him. when denki is tired of losing he'd just suck all the electricity out via his quirk, and bakugo would probably blast him for it. it was entertainment for the rest of the class, and a great way to blow off steam after a long day of classes.
sometimes on the weekends, bakugo will come to your house to hang out. the both of you are very competitive. for example, in your house there is a mario kart arcade machine and you love wiping the floor with a road raging bakugo. "OI DUMBASS DID YOU THROW THAT FUCKIN' RED SHELL???". "HOW DARE YOU GO IN FRONT OF ME YOU EXTRA?!". "GET OFF MY ROAD AND DIE."
you know, the usual. when you win he'll reluctantly give you kisses, putting his love before his pride. and on some occasions the whole bakusquad will come over and fawn over your game room. DDR machines, air hockey tables and of course the whack a mole contraception (as an add on, the whack a mole heads are changable, so y/n owns everyone's head in 1-A in a whack a mole form). bakugo and kirishima would be extremely likely to break one of your game machines, bakugo would start the process and kirishima would try and stop him but actually add fuel to the fire. sero and mina would absolutely kill DDR, there's no argument against that. denki would just take a bunch of pictures, pretending that it was his home on his socials.
and this is how a game of among us would go, everyone is in the same room but in different corners. instead of typing during meetings they would just shout at one another across the room.
"bakugo did you kill kirishima?"
"c'mon man, not cool."
"vote you out, duhhh."
"don't you DARE vote me out pinky freak."
"i'm with mina on this one."
"y/n??? you fucking traitor."
"i like to follow a valid queen."
"and this is why y/n is the favourite!"
"so blasty is going right?"
"guys please vote, being dead isn't very manly..."
"bakugo katsuki. you are out of here."
"blasty go poof."
"sorry dude."
and like that sero was thrown under the bus by bakugo, both were imposters and sero was left to fend for himself. but crewmates won, avenging kirishima's death. this would go on for about 3 hours before night would come and your classmates would go home. but this would be a bakusquad tradition. rooted from you and bakugo.
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mccn-bcys · 2 years
pairing: marc spector x reader
summary: a date at the arcade is going well...until you get to the last token of the night.
warnings: fluff, I decided marc deserves a night of happiness, brief mentions of established relationships with steven and jake.
authors note: this is a little short but I thought this was cute! Im actually proud of myself for starting and finishing this in one day! for reference this was the challenge post I saw that I'm trying to do every day this month. anyways i hope you guys like this! lemme know what you think!
word count: 1,361
marc could honestly say he was having the time of his life. he hadn't been to an arcade in years. he had almost forgotten what it was like to just relax and not worry about a certain moon god and any missions he might be sent out on.
and his favorite part was that he got to do it with you.
he loved watching you play the arcade games. you would get so competitive, sometimes even throwing out some trash talk. he knew you didn't mean anything by it, you just liked to win. your nose would scrunch up in concentration. there was a spark in your eye, and he loved to watch it. as did steven and jake.
'I'm surprised theyve got it in them to even make those threats.'
'yea it is pretty cute when they threaten to rip our arms off,' jake thought, the adoration dripping in his voice.
marc just ignored them and kept watching you. he'd never tell you that a few games he let you beat him just to see you jump with joy.
you were also having the time of your life. you hadn't done anything like this in years and your inner child was overjoyed. you also loved that marc was able to relax and have fun. it wasn't very often that he allowed himself to and you were happy that he felt comfortable enough to let his guard down around you, even if for a moment.
whenever he wasn't looking at you, you were stealing glances at him. your favorite face of his was when he was concentrating. he's furrow his eyebrows ever so slightly, and his tongue would stick out just a little. and if he won? the giant smile on his face? and the laugh of victory? oh it was like heaven on earth.
you had both chipped in for a bunch of tokens, enough to last a couple hours. and you agreed that you'd put together the tickets at the end of the night and buy something from the counter, something you would both want. you had your eye on the giant stuffed animal hanging up there.
and before you both knew it, a few hours had passed. the token pile was diminishing and your ticket pile was steadily growing in size. you both were quite proud of yourselves, besting each other in different games. you learned that he was incredibly good at skiball and air hockey. he was not that great at whack-a-mole, however. he would miss it, and he would start getting frustrated which only made it worse. you, however, found it funny whenever he would get frustrated about hitting the plastic moles. and then you'd play it and be great. he'd stare at you with admiration, jealousy, and disbelief and that look would also get a laugh out of you.
he was pulling you into the direction of another game, you reached into your pocket to grab a token, and that's when you stopped, which caused him to jerk to a stop. he turned around to look at you, wondering silently why you had stopped.
"is something wrong, babe?" he asked you, worried that he mightve said or done something wrong.
"marc, we only have one token left," you said softly, showing his your hand that held the last token.
his hands immediately felt for his pockets, looking for maybe any that he might have. alas, he had none. the game he had wanted to play needed at least two tokens.
"whatre we gonna do?" you asked, looking around at the other games around you, trying to find one that you both could play for one token.
"we're gonna make it count," he said definitively, grabbing your hand, eyes targeted on a game, as he pulled you towards it.
when you stopped in front of it, you looked at him questioningly. "marc?"
"this is Pac-Man," you pointed out.
"yes is it," he answered, a proud smile on his face.
"how're we both gonna play this?" you questioned, wondering why he chose this one.
"together. we both hold the stick. we both get to decide where he goes. we win together or we lose together."
and as sweet as that was, especially since you both liked to win, you still were uncertain.
"oh come on! this game is a classic, baby! even steven knows that this game is essential to any arcade experience," he looked to his reflection in the game's glass, and getting a nod from his alter, then looking back to you like you as if to say 'see!' as if you had seen stevens nod. "plus, i haven't played this game on so long! i used to play it all the time with ran—when I was younger!"
you had caught his correction. and of course you knew why and what he was going to say. he had told you about his childhood and all that stuff. you obviously knew steven and jake, considering that you were also seeing steven, and you and jake were just talking and flirting at the moment. but you heard his slip in his excitement.
you could clearly see how much this meant to him, how much he wanted to play it, and how much he wanted to play it with you.
"okay, let's do this," you said, cracking your knuckles, as if to show you mean business. he laughed and cheered as you agreed.
so you let him call the shots. you put the token in and you both grabbed the joy stick, his hand on top of yours as you both directed the yellow ball across the screen. you both probably seemed like mad people, laughing when you tried to go in different directions, yelling in worry when you almost got caught by the ghosts, or yelling in joy when you'd get the fruit or one of the big blue dots that let you eat the ghosts. but you both were enjoying the game, enjoying being so close to each other.
"YES!" both of you yelled as you won the game, fists raised in the air in victory. you turned to each other, hugging each other, before he leaned down to kiss you real quick before grabbing all the tickets you had won.
"now let's get these bad boys to the prize counter," you said, making him laugh as you both had handfuls of tickets.
and when you got to the counter, you had to bury your face in marc's shoulder to keep from laughing at the look of terror on the face of the poor kid working the counter. he laughed quietly to himself as he wrapped his arm around you to keep you close.
"you guys happen to know what you want?" the kid asked. you think was worried you were gonna take a long time, getting a bunch of small stuff.
"yea, can you get us the giant duck up there?" marc answered, causing you to look at him.
"i thought we were gonna get something we both wanted?" you said, wondering why he was getting the duck. you didn't think he would've wanted it.
"well i know you've been eyeballing it, and if it's what you want then it's what i want," he smiled at you, causing you to smile hugely.
"you still have enough tickets for another prize," the kid at the counter said, handing over the giant stuffed animal.
"let's get the blow up hammer," you said, looking at him. upon seeing his confusion you explained: "that way jake can get his anger out without bruising your knuckles or putting holes in the walls." you said making him laugh out loud as marc heard jake scoff and steven laugh as well.
"and now I can play whack-a-you," he said laughing along with you, as he lightly tapped your head with the inflatable hammer as you guys walked out of the arcade to head home for the night.
you were very happy with this date. you both spent time together, laughed together, yelled together, lost together, won together. you were just...together.
especially after when it came to one final arcade token.
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seulgiology · 4 years
take you on a drive | johnny suh
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pairings: childhood friend!johnny x childhoodfriend!female reader
words: 1.5k
genre: fluffy headcanon with humor uwu
synopsis: I’m pretty sure we all know NCT 127. You know, the 10-member K-Pop group who makes some questionable, but nonetheless amazing music? Then you must know their lead dancer and underrated vocalist/rapper, Johnny Suh. But what was he like before the fame and popularity? What happened in Chicago?
warnings: cursing
a/n: fuck, yall im so sorry for that long ass gif jdlknjdbc,,, anygays ADMIN 1 HERE YER YER. unedited in my angst to post this
disclaimer: This is a work of fiction from our imagination. It is not intended that the plot, theme, original characters, idols, etc. portray any real-life events/people. Plagiarism is NOT tolerated on this blog. If you believe we have copied an existing authors’ work, please message us privately. Thank you and enjoy :)
boy oh boy i hope ya’ll saw those pre-debut pictures of johnny cause-
but before we get into that;
how’d you meet in the first place?
funny you ask
it was by pure coincidence
you were a rising junior in high school
yikes lol,
you were pretty fucking young
you had just got your drivers license and desperately wanted to drive your parents car
the sad part:
your annoying ass little brothers had to go with you wherever you drove
two of these devils were too much
imagine being in a CAR with them
around august, you being the good sister you are,
offered to take them to the amusement park
with their equally annoying friends lol
12 year olds are just,,,
but you weren’t the only one chaperoning
one of their friends older brother (you vaguely remember his name being Johnny)tagged along to watch the devil spawns with you
and my my my, you were not expecting him to hop in the back of your moms mini van with all that hair
ya’ll know that hair he had pre-debut when it was super long and shaggy-like? yea that one
but he was cute
in a nerdy way though
you couldn’t help but steal peeks at him a few times-
or what you thought was being discreet
-through the rear view mirror of course
and what you gathered was this:
naturally puckered lips
might still be going through puberty with his voice
muscly arms, probably his whole body too
friendly eyes but intimidating face
in conclusion-
you didn’t know what to think about him
there came a point on the highway when your brothers and their friends wanted snacks
you exited the highway to the nearest gas station and sighed into the steering wheel as you waited for them to come back
“are you always this annoyed?” came a sudden voice.
you damn near banged your head against the car roof with how high you sat up
“shit, i thought you were in there with the boys.”
your hand was clutching your flowery tank top, the hot weather was not playing today
and he sniggered under his breath at obviously startling you
“What’s so funny?” in all honesty, you weren’t even upset
you just wanted him to get that you were not the one to mess with
… with your clear jelly sandals
… and clip on earrings your little sister forced you to wear
… and the flowers on your tank were the icing on the cake
the childish pout on your face was absolutely adorable to him
“You’re blushing. it’s cute.”
You couldn’t keep your front in place for long with that contagious smile he had
“It’s just insanely hot.”
“Pfft and so am I.” He playfully scoffed at your remarks, his bangs shifting along with his movement
the car fell into a comfortable silence after that,
both of you too awkward to continue
when the boys finally got into the car after 902837 years,
you were once again on your way to the esteemed amusement park
once you guys arrived, the boys immediately ran off to the biggest rollercoasters to ride
with you two alone
so much for chaperoning right
at least they said they’ll call if they need you
so there you were;
thinking how the hell you ended up with this sarcastic and sweaty dweeb
you turned towards him in time to see him already looking your way
might as well make the most out of the situation, right?
“I heard the Goliath is pretty scary.” You warily suggest
“Only if you’re a wuss.” He jesters back
“Tch, im pretty sure you’ll be throwing up your intestines by the time we’re done”
“I guess we’ll have to actually get on the ride to see, don’t we?” The cunning smirk was challenging and you were ready for it.
even if you were a little bitch who couldn’t stand heights
sorry to the readers who actually are afraid of heights
but if this guy Johnny was daring you,
something about him made you want to prove him wrong
“Race you to the coaster!”
and he ran off, leaving you in the dust
“I bet $5 he doesn’t know where he’s going.”
about an hour later, you and Johnny rode about 4 roller coasters
laughing until you cried
and screaming at the top of your lungs in absolute joy
but the slightly older teen at your side was having the time of his life too
for a completely different reason
his mind went blank when you held his hand tight as the ride was climbing to the top
he couldn’t contain his smile when you tugged him along to another ride and told him,
“Johnny we have to ride this one, It’s going to be even better than the last.”
you met up with the other boys to eat some of the food you snuck in
ngl y’all every time i went to six flags they don’t allow outside food in?????
none of you were tired yet, and spent another 3 hours at the park
You and Johnny found yourselves near the boardwalk part
It came to a surprise that he was the one tugging you along
you played all of the typical games people play
milk bottle
balloon bust
ring toss
that game where you have to shoot water in a hole to blow up the balloon
even managed to win your shaggy haired companion a stuffy
“it’s so pretty at night, isn’t it?”
you asked as he carried you on his back,
since you were complaining about your feet hurting
the lights of the carousel and the boardwalk together was so beautiful
you sat down near the big fountain in the middle, waiting for the other to make their way back
you chatted on and on about the amusement park
adored by the way his eyes seem to disappear when he laughed with you
and when you made your way back home, the conversation continued in the car too
you sung songs together and even managed to get on your brothers’ good side
surprise number 826363 of the night;
johnny could sing
You all sang your hearts out to Beyonce’s If I were a Boy, and TVXQ’s Mirotic
He couldn’t remember a time where he had so much fun in one day
so it was absolutely devastating when you pulled up to his house
“I guess this is it huh?”
he was so nervous, omg
he didn’t want to leave like that
shit, he spent the whole day having fun with an amazing person
he couldn’t believe he had to walk back in his house
and go on in life to only have this day as a memory
to lay at night and-
“You want my number, or...?”
you stifled a girlish giggle when he fumbled with his phone in his hand
you quickly opened up his contacts and added your name
with a little “<3″ at the end ‘cause you had to
you handed him back his phone and enjoyed the feeling of his fingers brushing against yours
your initial confidence soon left and all that was left was suffocating awkwardness
god he really wanted to say something
but he just had  to be a nervous
even if you both were pressed against each other on those roller coasters
“uh... I had a lot of fun with you- with everyone I mean, today, by the way,” he forced the words out
he could hear how nervous and shaky he was, but you could see his eyes held sincerity
“Yeah, so did I.”
you stared at him with a small smile on your face
shifting in place under the weight of his strong gaze
you both jumped at the sound of the car honking obnoxiously
“Damn where is the knife ‘cause this tension is THICK”
“How do you even know what tension is, aren’t you like, 6?”
you snorted at johnny’s comeback and shook your head in amusement
“I should get going before they try and drive the car down the street”
you subconsciously put your hands in your back pockets and slowly back track towards the car
“Hey, y/n!”
just as you were getting in the front seat, you whip your head in his direction looking at him expectantly
“Maybe next time you won’t actually be scared.”
he sent a giddy grin your way before closing the front door
leaving you in the drivers seat with tingles throughout your body
and a grin on your face that you couldn’t wipe away even as you bid your parents good night
you toppled on your bed in a fit of giggles as you hug your phone to your chest
take a shot from every time i type giggles
“omg is he asking me out on a date?” you couldn’t help but ask aloud
suddenly, your phone chimes with a new message
your phone drops on your bed from your excitement
you already knew who it was from
you quickly opened the message and didn’t stop your eyes from rolling all the way to the back of your head
save me in your phone as ‘youngHOE’ ;)
he never failed to make you laugh
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bridgyrose · 4 years
Ruby: So, who's your team putting through for round two?
Nora: Jaune decided to put me and Pyrrha in. Let the power houses do the work.
Ruby: Still no faith in himself?
Nora: *starting up a game of whack-a-mole* You know him. He thinks he doesn't belong here.
Ruby: *watching Nora* Do any of us though?
Nora: *grinning* You do.
Ruby: *blushing* I-I got lucky. Besides, Im still nearly failing all of my classes.
Nora: But you're passing.
Ruby: Thanks to Weiss.
Nora: *finishing up and collecting the prize* You two finally getting along?
Ruby: Sorta… although, it's helped that she's been dating Neptune.
Nora: A match made in heaven.
Ruby: Still cant believe the two are together like that.
Nora: *shrugging* Maybe he's rich?
Ruby: *laughing* Has to be.
Nora: *handing a stuffed toy sloth to Ruby* For you.
Ruby: *smiling and holding the toy close* You didnt have to.
Nora: But, you're my girlfriend. So, I wanted to.
Ruby: *kissing Nora* You should get ready for the next round.
Nora: Just as long as you watch the fight.
Ruby: I wouldn't miss it. You'll do great.
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mistymark · 5 years
the one with the tattoo.
soulmate!au // mark lee x reader // 2.7k words // masterlist // send requests here
summary; in which y/n’s tattoo suddenly disappears and it might be because of the boy from the go-kart track
warnings; pure fluff, humour if u squint
requested; yes -- “So sorry for bothering you. Can you do a soulmate au with Mark Lee where they both have the first words they say to eachother inked into their wrist or something like that. It would be great if it was kinda fluffy and funny. Sorry for bothering you again. I love your work” (also you are not bothering me at all thank u so much for requesting)
notes; banged this out the same day I got the request how good am I not very good I still have 60 requests kefjhvkjfv im so sorry I just felt so inspired // also this is so unedited im so sorry
Excited squeals and the stomping of footsteps outside your room alerted you to your friends’ arrival, “Y/n! Are you up? It’s time for go-karting!” You could hear Chenle’s smile through the door.
“They have other things, too, Le,” Jaemin’s voice was quieter, but you could still make it out through the door. 
Renjun’s voice broke through the other boys’, “Y/n! Get up!”
“I’m up! I’m up! Promise,” you grabbed the last of your clothes and started getting changed quickly. “Someone wake up Jeno.”
“Oh shit, yeah,” Jaemin’s footsteps retreated from outside your door, while Chenle and Jisung continued pounding on your door, knocking to the beat of a song you couldn’t hear.
When you were ready, you stepped out of your dorm room, finding all the boys waiting for you, “What’s so special about this track anyway?”
“It’s the biggest go-karting track in the country,” Renjun whispered. “Don’t ask more questions. They’ve been talking about it for at least half an hour; I can’t take anymore.”
You laughed and pushed him towards the stairwell, ready to leave. Jeno was trying to tug on a denim jacket and lock his door a few doors down from you, his wallet in his mouth. “Jeno! Come on!”
He made a few sounds of exasperation as he finally tugged the key out of the lock, his words muffled by the wallet. He jogged to catch up with the rest of you as you entered the stairwell.
You tugged at your left sleeve, the material of your sweater stopping right at your wrist, where the small tattoo resided, leaving it exposed. Donghyuck noticed your movement, “You’d think your soulmate would have something more interesting to say than just ‘you, too, huh?’ when they first meet you.”
Rolling your eyes, you elbowed him as you continued your descent to the lobby, “Have you even met your soulmate yet, Hyuck?”
He glared at you, the circle below his right ear a soft blue, the temperature slightly cool and indicating his soulmate was still quite far away. It had taken your group months to figure out what the coloured circle was, having never had changed, yet a week-long roadtrip up the coast caused it to change to a warm orange and the boy to complain about how warm it was. He had decidedly said he never wanted to go back there again, not wanting to suffer from it, but Jaemin had mentioned Donghyuck had asked if they’d be interested in going again this year.
On the other hand, everyone just took a wild guess at yours from the beginning, the dark smudge on the inside of your wrist that you were born with slowly forming the words ‘you, too, huh?’. As far as tattoos go, this had to be the lamest one you’d ever seen. When you were eight, you’d already guessed they would be your soulmate’s first words to you, or else just a really random yet significant thing they would say.
You had mourned your tattoo until you’d met your current friends, back in seventh grade; Hyuck’s temperature gage and Jisung’s countdown, a timer that consistently counted down until he met his soulmate. Jaemin could hear his soulmate’s voice only when she wished for something, and Jeno’s eyes matched his soulmate’s hair colour (At least, you presumed they were hair colours, his eyes had been brown for a while, before switching to blue and then silver for a while. He dyed his hair white in hopes of getting the message to his soulmate, and the colour of his eyes returned to a deep brown after that). Renjun couldn’t see colour until he was nine, and he met his soulmate, but he moved after that and doesn’t remember what they had looked like. Chenle and his soulmate were able to share their dreams, and he said even though he had conversations and they had done all these things together, he knew he didn’t look like himself in his dream, and neither did they, probably. He frequently said it was frustrating to know everything about someone except for what they looked like, and never know when you would officially meet. 
It was after discovering their own soulmate tells that you decided yours probably wasn’t so bad, but it still aggravated you slightly when they made fun of how dumb the tattoo was. Having reached the bottom of the stairs, Hyuck poked his tongue out at you, before shrugging, “I know where she is.”
The group piled into the car, ready to drive to your country’s largest go-karting track (”And arcade,” Renjun pointed out). When you arrived, you booked your time slot and decided to play some of the games in the arcade for twenty minutes until your slot, which would be your group of seven and an additional five, making for a group of twelve drivers.
After dominating Renjun in dance dance revolution twice, and losing to Jisung four times (in a row, too), you made your way to the track’s entry for your briefing. Your wrist was aching a little, but you figured it was just from going a little too hard on the whack-a-mole game with Jaemin. 
Five other guys were already sitting on the benches, eager to get started, and the staff member talked you through the process. “Each of you will receive one of these,” he held up a small rubber bracelet, “which will have your helmet number, kart number and locker number on it, just so we can keep track of our helmets and so you don't lose any of your belongings. So, once I get Woosung out,” he cupped his hand around his mouth and called out to another employee, who you assumed to be Woosung, “we can get you guys suited up. Let’s go.”
He directed you to a makeshift pitstop, writing in your numbers into the bracelets. Woosung came and grabbed your bracelet, while the original staff member (who you now knew to be Dowoon) grabbed another, standing in front of one of the five strangers beside you. Jaemin bumped your shoulder in excitement, causing you to stumble slightly, your hand only just brushing against the stranger’s.
The staff members clicked on the bracelets around your wrists at the same time, and the searing pain in your wrist became evident as you gasped, cradling it in pain once Woosung had moved to Jaemin to repeat the process. The boy beside you seemed to have the same issue, rubbing his wrist around the rubber bracelet, “You, too, huh?”
Not realising he had been talking to you, you looked up at him, “Oh, uh, yeah. They put these things on tight.”
He cracked a smile, and you were momentarily stunned. His dark brown hair dangled over his forehead and his large eyes met yours, creasing a little at the sides as he smiled at you, “Right?” He laughed, “My wrist was already hurting from doing bowling.”
“We did all the arcade games before this, so, mine was sore from, you know, absolutely dominating the whack-a-mole game.”
He laughed with you, before his attention was averted onto the staff members, now instructing you to put on your helmets before getting into the karts.
The boy beside you shot you a playful smile, “Let’s get it.”
You wished him good luck before finding your kart, saluting Jeno as you climbed in, “Prepare to be destroyed, mother-”
The starting up of the engines drowned out your voice, and you could hear Jeno laughing from beside you. You used the distraction to your advantage, able to quickly pass him as soon as the lights above you turned green. Whooping in victory, you worked on passing the others.
Four laps later and you were third place, trying to gain on the kart in front of you, whose number you didn’t recognise as one of your own friends’. The person coming first was miles ahead, drifting perfectly around the corners and picking up speed along the straights, determined to win. The person only a few feet ahead of you, however, didn’t have such talent, and you were gaining on them.
When it finally got to the long stretch of straight, you took your opportunity, speeding up a little more on the bend than you normally would, cutting it tight on the corner to become level with second place. You were now racing alongside each other, both of you pressing down as hard as possible on the accelerators to try and pass one another. Out of curiosity, you turned your head slightly to the other kart, and were surprised to see the boy from before next to you.
He grinned at you slightly before furrowing his brows in mock competitiveness, hunching closer to the steering wheel as if that would make him faster. You laughed and adopted the same position, before pulling your foot off the accelerator slightly when you approached the corner, but going on the inside of the other kart and becoming tied once again.
You passed the finishing line and the screen above the track told you this was your last lap, so you decided to get a little risky with it. In the middle of a bumpy section, you nudged your kart over slightly, bumping into the boy’s and causing him to sidetrack slightly, and you were now second place, the boy only just behind you. 
He started drifting back slightly, and you thought nothing of it until he jerked his cart sideways, the front gracefully smacking into the back end of your own, causing you to lose control and fight to keep your kart pointing in the right direction. You glared at him before jerking your steering wheel to the left and pushing against the side of his kart, with him holding his to the right, the screeching of the karts unpleasant to the ear.
Coming up with an idea, you grinned at him, before stomping on the brake, causing the boy’s kart to go veering off to the right, and allowing you to step on the accelerator, overtaking him with ease. You heard laughter coming from another driver as they, too, overtook your opponent, and you whooped as you crossed the finish line; second place was officially yours.
You stepped out of your kart in the pitstop area, removing your helmet and receiving congratulations from your friends, Jisung clapping you on the back and expressing his awe at your driving.
“I saw you brake and I thought you were hurt!” Jaemin said, rushing over from where he'd stepped out of his kart, coming in second last. He looked at you carefully, before patting you on the head in congratulations.
You looked over at the other group, the other four chanting “Jaehyun! Jaehyun! Jaehyun!” at a boy with purple hair, who presumably came in first. A taller boy, who you noticed had come in last, was complaining to another, “My legs are so long I could barely fit in the kart! No wonder I came last.” He pouted and the smaller hit him in the arm, laughing.
Upon realising he was still holding his helmet, the boy you had been racing against jogged back to where your group was standing, “Hey, nice driving for someone with a sore wrist.”
You smiled, “I could say the same to you, no?”
He laughed and nodded his head, glancing at the floor, “I guess you could.”
Dowoon turned to him, “Right, thanks, dude. You can bin the bracelet over there.” He pointed to a trash can on the way out of the track. The boy nodded and jogged to catch up with his friends, releasing the bracelet gently from his wrist before throwing it in the bin.
“Are we ready to leave?” Renjun asked, releasing the bracelet from his wrist. Everyone nodded (except Jisung and Jeno, who still wanted to play some of the arcade games) and walked towards the exist. Somehow hot from the adrenaline rush, you rolled your sleeves up, fiddling with the bracelet mindlessly as you looked for your locker number.
Without looking, you binned the bracelet, grabbing the locker key from your pocket to get your things.
“That was fun,” Hyuck grinned at his phone, waiting for you to grab the last of your belongings. “I didn’t expect you to be such a badass on the track.”
You laughed with him, holding your locker door with one hand and putting the other on your hip, a jokingly sassy tone evident in your voice, “Are you saying im not a badass everywhere else?”
He looked up then, his eyes wandering from your face to your locker door before they widened in shock, “Y/n, what happened to your tattoo?”
Confused, you glanced at your wrist, “What do you mean- oh my god. What happened to my tattoo?”
Donghyuck grabbed your other hand, flipping it over to examine the inside of your wrist, “Okay, I thought I'd stuffed up which hand it was on for a second. But this,” he lifted both your wrists to your face, both of them bare, “this is not normal!”
The commotion drew the attention of the other boys, who all wandered back into the room, wondering what was going on. “Why are you taking so long? We have-”
“Y/n’s tattoo is gone,” Donghyuck said, showing them your wrists.
Jisung’s eyes nearly popped out of his head, “What?! How?”
Suddenly a thought came to your mind, “When we were getting our bracelets! I thought Woosung had just put it on too harshly, because my wrist was sore. It must’ve been the tattoo!”
Jeno shot you a confused look, “Does that mean Woosung is your soulmate? I mean, age is just a number but, isn’t he a little old?”
You frowned in thought, “Yeah.”
“Did he say it?” Renjun asked, peering at you from behind the giants you called friends. Everyone looked at him in confusion. He rolled his eyes, “The words. You know, the ones that’ve been tattooed on your skin for the past hundred years.”
You glared at him, “Not one hundred years. And, no, he didn’t.”
“Then who-”
There was a loud clanging sound as the door was pushed open, and the boy you’d raced against before stood in the doorway. His hair was tousled from the helmet, and his eyes wide, “Totally random question, but, um, did you have a tattoo by any chance? You know, one that just magically disappeared.”
The whole group was stunned, and Jeno placed his hand on your shoulder briefly before ushering everyone out, leaving you and the boy alone.
“No?” The boy deflated, and you noticed the sleeve of his flannel was rolled up on one side.
“No!” You yelled, watching as he turned to leave. “I mean, no, don’t leave. Yes, I had a tattoo.”
“Your sore wrist-”
“Must’ve been when the tattoo disappeared,” you nodded, your smile widening as you took in his face.
He whistled, “Thank God. I wasn’t sure if it had disappeared when you bumped into me, or when that other guy put the bracelet on.”
You laughed, “I thought my soulmate was Woosung!”
He shook his head, “No wonder we’re soulmates; we’re both idiots.”
You caught the twinkle in his eye as he looked at you for a moment, finally able to take in your appearance. Suddenly shy, you tucked a strand of hair behind your ear, “So, um, I’m Y/n.”
“Oh! Right,” he stuck his hand out. You took it shyly. “Mark.”
You nodded in greeting, “Hi.”
“Hey,” he breathed, shoving his hands in his pockets. “Do you, er, wanna get a hotdog or something? That’s all I saw they sold at the minibar so-”
“I’d love to,” you grinned, grabbing your bag and hoisting the strap over your shoulder. 
He glanced at you as you made your way the eating area, “You know this means I’m going to have to verse you again in go-karting, right? I was injured the first time, you know.”
“Ah, but so was I,” you smiled smugly at him. “But I’m up for that.”
Mark turned his attention to the boards of food displayed above the minibar’s counter, a small smile still evident on his face, his cheeks flushed slightly pink, “Great. It’s a date, then.”
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flatstarcarcosa · 4 years
also god im sorry i spend so much time now that im In The Workforce Again not being able to post thoughts as I think of them that I forget and then I jump through them like a game of whack a mole when i do have the time, thus me going from topic to topic which leads me to 
i forgot that i had a thought the other day at work that like, due to his injuries during his kidnapping, ozai ends up with a LOT of titanium in his skull and jaw. 
and one thing he ends up taking a lot of glee in when we move is people going to sock him in the mouth and not expecting to hit metal, and hurting themselves instead. 
it’s a neat party trick, but if he lets it happen more than once or twice in a night it does give him a wicked headache the next day. 
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make-it-mavis · 5 years
in which i continue, always and forever, to be this image
SO, you know that for every second I’ve loved WiR I’ve been sweating headcanons and always looking for ways to fill in holes where the creators left no worldbuilding. And since time immemorial, I’ve been plagued by one question -- WHAT ABOUT THE CORD THAT LEADS TO THE WALL? How do you get there? What’s it like? Is it dangerous? What role does it play in arcade society? Well, buds, I think that I may have settled on something while contemplating another pressing question:
Where do those extra doors/tunnels in Game Central Station go??? 
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You see!! People are going in and out of them so they must go somewhere. This is from the concept art, but they’re still there in the film, too. Maybe there are bathrooms in there, a whole heck of a lot of bathrooms. But what I’d like to think is that one of these paths (maybe that lonely door) leads to the WALL SOCKET. Why would you go there?
TO GO TO THE OTHER GAME STATIONS!! Game Station West, and Game Station East!!
There’s no way Litwak has the entire arcade plugged into the same power bar, with only 12 game cabinets. I’d like to think that there are two others, with their own sets of games and even their own Surge Protectors. It’s just that GCS has the most full ports with active games, while the others might have more empty ports or cords to games with no screens/characters like Whack-a-Mole that are unsafe to enter, if you can at all.
People can travel between the stations through the wiring in the wall, and it works a lot differently from travelling between game/station. There’s a train ride through the power cord up to the plug in the wall, but past that, it gets a bit funky.
In early concepts for GCS, the artists imagined the characters literally walking on electricity between games. 
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I’d like to imagine that’s how travel through the wall socket works. I can also see similar imagery to how Ralph and Vanellope enter the Wifi in the 2nd movie. I think that for a moment, your entire electrical being enters the stream. On the outside, you disappear, but you’re actually riding the electrical current at high speeds. It’s not the most comfortable experience and it’s also more risky than train rides, but its the only mode of travel through that space. No one’s meant to live in the wall, so there would be no cozy accommodations. It’s a drag, and most people don’t do it that often.
I think that it would not be open travel access 24/7. I think that maybe three times a night, the Surge Protector would open gates to travel to and from the other stations. Since he wouldn’t be able to follow anyone out, he really has to keep on top of security for anyone leaving or coming in, and he just can’t do that all night while also keeping an eye on the games in GCS. 
And SINCE the Surge Protectors can’t leave the power bars, the space in the wall is more or less lawless. There must be other ports in the wall that don’t lead to power bars, yes? Maybe a claw machine is plugged directly into the wall. If one made the right detour and twists and turns in the wires, they could visit that socket. The plug/port would still be there, like the ones we see in GCS, but it would not be nice and clean and full of couches. I think that the day it was plugged in, it could have been clean and completely empty+sterile. But those places get fucked up over time because they’re the perfect spot for illicit activity. Which is another reason the Surge Protectors gotta keep a sharp eye on travelers. 
So here’s a fun thing I thought of because there’s massive gaps in my HC timeline for Turbo’s (and Mavis’) life. What if, eventually, with Mavis’ help, Turbo more or less set up camp in one of the wall ports? It’s not comfortable, but it’s safe from the law. He would only live there between his and Mavis’ attempts to infiltrate and settle into other games. Maybe he could find a way to block visitors, like with a wall designating the place a hazard, or something, and Mavis had a password to get in. It’d be a really sad, lonely way of life, effectively imprisonment until a miracle came along, and it would do no good to his already unstable mind. Mavis would keep him company of course, relay news of any opportunities in GCS, bring him stuff to keep busy with and just spend time with him. Especially once Mavis is locked out of her game (working on that plot point), I’d imagine she would spend days at a time with him.
Maybe, eventually, whatever’s plugged into that port is unplugged, and like we see in RBTI, the light from outside actually pours in and he can tell when it’s night or day again. And he spends hours just staring out, thinking of what he wouldn’t give to feel alive and free again, and that list just keeps shrinking. Desperation for a real home and place in life lead to some awful deeds. But in his eyes, the alternative is rotting away forever in a box, and that’s just out of the question. 
ANYWAY. I don’t really have a good way to close this off other than “I’m really excited about this and I’m gonna adopt it into the way I write things from now on.”
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your-fave-is-bi · 5 years
Hcs for Helios and Banshee pls
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Give me a character and I’ll tell you my headcanon for:
What they smell like:
How they sleep (sleeping position, schedule, etc):
What music they enjoy:
How much time they spend getting ready every morning:
Their favorite thing to collect:
Left or right-handed:
Religion (if any):
Favorite sport:
Favorite touristy thing to do when traveling (museums, local food, sightseeing, etc):
Favorite kind of weather:
A weird/obscure fear they have:
The carnival/arcade game they always win without fail:
Smellslike oil and metal are prominent, but there’s always a faint scent of petrichorand electricity hanging onto him
Littlespoon, how fast he falls asleep depends on how his day’s been – usually takesabout 40 minutes to fall asleep, sticks to his schedule – he has to make surehe gets all his hours at the shop. Makes exceptions on days when his boyfriendjust got back from a mission, goes to sleep later and wakes up later, gooddistractions and all that ;)
Oldschool classics and just simple and easy rock that’s not too heavy
 Ithink it takes a lot of time, not bc he’s slow, but bc there’s a lot to keeptrack of (including an often clingy boyfriend who makes very good argumentsabout staying in bed)
honestlyjust. New guns and materials to make them. He’s so passionate about what hedoes that it never feels like a job.
Ambidextrous,bc he just never remembers when he’s lost in thought, and its just easier whenworking with finicky materials
TravelerI guess?
Towatch? Crucible if it counts, baseball and basketball. To do? Pool, archerymaybe squash
Sightseeingand just exploring in good company
Sunnywith a majority of clouds, or really heavy thunderstorms if he’s inside
Don’tknow if horses are still a thing in the destiny universe, but Banshee is NOT afan of them
Whack-a-mole.He’s very fast when he focuses.
 Smellslike the moments before a thunderstorm, petrichor, a tree split by a lightningstrike. They’re always there, but often he has a touch of vanilla and peachhanging onto him.
 Bigspoon, fast asleep and always ready for a nap. Doesn’t really keep himself to aschedule, more a ‘I feel a little tired im gonna sleep for an hour’ nap kindaguy. Very cuddly.
 Rockand RnB, electronic very rarely but often enough to say he likes it
 Slowbc he almost never has specific times he needs to be anywhere, so he takes histime lazing around and waking up
  Kissesfrom the boyfriend
  Loveswatching crucible and wrestling, likes boxing and baseball
 Likestaking pictures of landmarks and sightseeing, loves exploring in good company
Sunnyand warm please and thank you
Extremelyweirded out about bellybuttons
 Thegame where you need to be strong and punch hard. Also shooting games. And anybooth that has a prize that makes Banshee laugh bc he WILL get that prize.
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bastardrobocop · 6 years
on fallout 76
so, because im a fool i pre ordered fallout 76. frankly, i was going to buy it on release anyway because im starved for anything fallout and new california was a complete bust. 
anyway, this means i have had access to the “B.E.T.A.”, which isn’t really a beta. it’s just server stress tests. i’ve done every pc round so far and i feel like i can say pretty conclusively that it’s just not very good.
sorry, this is going to be a long meandering post
i dont know if its something they can fix in the like, week before they launch the game, but the delay/latency/feel is so fucking whack it’s unbelievable. the multiplayer fallout new vegas mod feels like it has better netcode. in addition, it is dreadfully optimized. i play on a laptop, so maybe take my perspective with a grain of salt, but i’m not the only one who has pointed this out. i use an nvidia 970m, which runs fallout 4 at around 50/60 frames per second. fallout 76 tops out at around 10-30 on average. just wandering the world, the framerate is atrocious. performance is best in small interior cells and in wide open spaces with nothing in it. in more dense and enemy populated areas, the game stutters hard. more than once ive had the game freeze for several seconds during a firefight. its honestly inexcusably bad most of the time. with poor latency and framerate chugging, the gameplay experience is trying. it makes literally everything painful, including just inventory management and crafting. 
the gameplay itself isnt too awful in that its just fallout 4 again but without the pretense of minimal rpg elements. performance problems can make some engagements suck, but most common enemies aren’t too hard. however, the real nasty ones that are higher level than you can be nigh on impossible to take down solo, which sucks because my friends arent always available and dealing with online randos is always bad. but it’s also the only way to get like, good weapons. but anyway, the core gameplay loop is almost the same. i say almost because the ‘workshop’ storage is your only storage. and it has a 400lb limit. which takes into account anything you put in it. this should seem like an obvious issue; you basically cant afford to store things if you gather valuable resources. im currently stuck carrying this big fucking rocket launcher which is useless right now because i dont have any inventory space for missiles, which weigh a ton. also, ammo has weight now. and you can’t scrap ammo for ammo parts like gunpowder or lead. and you can’t sell ammo either. so instead you just have to like, dump hundreds of rounds just on the ground since you can’t store them in the workshop because you need space for steel and adhesive and that M2 Browning that you can’t use yet but want to hold onto because it looks bitchin. however, you can bulk scrap with plastic, which reduces weight by about half. however, therein lies another problem; plastic becomes a precious resource because you can’t make a bulk pile of wood without it for some reason. plastic is currently more precious than literal gold. still, you get stuck holding a bunch of valuable scrap in your inventory which you can’t put into your stash because it’s full and you can’t go out and find more plastic because then you’ll be over-encumbered and you cant afford to drop this circuit board and you can’t build any more things in your camp because the budget is painfully low and even when you DO get enough plastic to bulk things the bulked stuff goes into your inventory and wont necessarily fit back into the stash and i’m still carrying this fucking missile launcher please god let me put down this missile launcher please oh please god
the ui is a disaster. it’s like they turned 4′s console/gamepad control scheme and doubled down on it; on pc, random keys are bound to multiple things and then also bound to a separate key, and you can’t re-bind things individually. so that means middle mouse is both ‘open favorite item wheel’ and ‘enter third person’ and ‘enter build mode’ when there’s also V which is also ‘enter third person’. you cannot change this. there will always be one button for this. there is still no separate binding for bash and grenade throw, of course. if you press escape, it opens the map. if you press m, it opens the map. to open the pause menu with things like ‘options’ and ‘microtransaction store’ and ‘quit the game’, you have to open the map with either escape or M and then press Z. there is no direct button to take you to the pause menu, as far as i can tell. when you go up to a workbench, there are three options; E to craft, R to scrap, Space to repair and modify. from this menu, if you want to scrap an item, you must mouse over it, and then select it. however, DO NOT MOVE THE MOUSE UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES. even if the prompt is open and asking if you want to scrap, say, a pump action shotgun, if you mouse over and the highlight moves over to your only power armor chest piece, it will scrap the power armor chest piece. even though it was asking if you wanted to scrap the shotgun. its potentially one of the most hostile interfaces ive ever seen. the bindings for ‘scrap mode’ and ‘scrap item’ in different menus also change. if i’m in the repair menu, G scraps an item. if i’m in scrap mode, spacebar does. the only good thing ive seen so far is the favorite wheel and also you can set it so you can see through your pip boy background while browsing it. 
the world feels desolate and boring. the lack of human npc interaction has been replaced with finding some dead persons holotape. there are robots. there is at least one AI. but all the questgivers are pieces of paper, holotapes, or voices on a radio. sometimes it’s a robot. you don’t actually interact though. there’s no interaction beyond listening and being told what to do. while im bitching about how the world feels, lets talk about factions. bethesda has kind of casually hyped up factions as being some kind of meaningful, cool choice. they’re literally nothing. there is no indication to other players what faction you are in. you can join every faction and reach top rank in every faction. you cant see if anyone is a member of your faction unless theyre in your faction specific base. there is no inter-faction conflict, there are very few faction quests aside from random events, and once you’re done with the main faction quest, you’re basically done for good except for repeatable ones. i honestly expected factions to be a meaningful choice, which was probably my mistake. i was hoping it would force you to commit to your current faction once you joined it, or would prompt you to abandon another faction in order to join a new one. but there’s just nothing. i was expecting something like, i dunno, destinys faction thing. like joining new monarchy. and maybe butting heads with members of other factions, like i figured the Brotherhood faction would be my enemy if i joined the enclave. but it’s just nothing. the world is nothing, the quests are nothing, everything just feels pointless. 
this is also a personal gripe, but there are like no energy weapon alternatives to small guns aside from the errant laser pistol, but ammo is extremely rare. the only new energy weapon i’ve seen so far is the plasma gatling, which is a big gun. otherwise, it’s just the crappy pistol/rifle converting laser and plasma rifle. no plasma pistol, just a pistol conversion. no laser pistol, just a pistol conversion. i’ve always loved energy weapons and just like. not getting any variety while guns and melee weapons get tons of variety is grating. there are many new ballistic weapons that look neat. the 10mm smg is back, and i am admittedly fond of it. however, 10mm ammo is painfully rare. i spend basically all my lead making more ammo for it. i can kind of get by with my laser pistol and my shotgun always makes up however much ammo i lose because a lot of enemies use shotguns, but my 10mm just goes up in smoke and there’s none to be found elsewhere. there’s a shocking amount of .308 because almost every early/mid enemy uses a hunting rifle, but i guess it makes sense because the big MG-32 thing takes .308 so they want you to be able to use it when the time comes. still, i’d rather be using an energy weapon. i want like. a recharger pistol. or the plasma rifle with all the tubes. or a pulse gun. just like. anything other than the ugly aer9 pistol conversion. i think the folks down at bethesda just dont like energy weapons very much; theyre leaps and bounds less viable than small guns. 
the enemies look okay. instead of raiders, you have the Scorched. they’re Marked Men, but weaker and also a cult formed by radioactive bats. there are super mutants, because bethesda cant be bothered to go outside of the comfort zone of Things People Recognize and also they hate lore i guess. the wild animals are kind of fun. theres a big toad that looks cute, and frogs that have MASSIVE arms that they run on, which looks funny. theyre small though. things like the mothman and snallygaster look neat. the flatwoods monster is okay. the grafton bastard is big and kind of easy to cheese out. there is a monster named after a flawed and racist interpretation of indigenous beliefs. theres a big sloth, who i love. the mole men (called mole miners) are intimidating and ANNOYINGLY precise with shotguns. they’re later game enemies and very aggressive. they drop a neat looking unarmed weapon that ive been using, called a mole miner gauntlet. it’s like a power fist with big claws. there’s a big bee called a honeybeast. ive basically covered all of the new monsters, though. everything else is from fallout 4 and dlcs. this includes things like anglers, which had obviously evolved on far harbor along with the lure plant so it doesnt make sense for them to be there, and gulpers which are big salamanders so i guess that’s more okay. there are swarms of bees that are just he same repeated png of a bee, spinning around. oh yeah, there are a couple new insect types; ticks and fireflies. both use the animations of the radroach and bloatfly, respectively.
solo play can be kind of boring and difficult. most randos you meet will either ignore you or call you a slur and run away. ive only had one guy break into my house and i murdered him. however, even though he had a bounty on his head, he was still allowed to get ‘revenge’ on me which meant he could spawn right next to me and this time he had a power armor suit, so he killed me a couple times before logging out to avoid my wrath. coward. if you’re out there dude, i’ll kick your ass. also, quick note about the bounty system; its kinda rough around the edges. i tried to save someones garden by shooting a ghoul that was stomping their flowers in the back. however, my shot somehow curved around him at point blank and broke a blackberry bush. from then on, i had a 20 cap bounty on my head. i had to hide from people in my secret enclave bunker and get my friend to kill me so i could perceive other people on the map again and also not live in fear of every tom dick and larry with a power armor frame and a bad attitude. 
i feel like i should wrap up. fallout 76 is not very good, but if they can work out performance and latency it wouldnt be too bad for just dicking around with friends. in terms of being like, a fallout game, it’s worse than 4. i haven’t gotten into story spoilers, but its not great. and it feels remarkably desolate for a game thats advertised as being a cool time with your buds. maybe itll be better when there are more people playing. i dunno. its just not very good. i dont recommend it.
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dose of Sei-Cimarron headcanons (no they’re just Saralegui headcanons)
serious linguistic prblm: can they still be called head-Canons when they’re a million AUs away from the original universe?
〓What if in SS:word chain Yuu-chan falls asleep and the boys just have a peaceful little moment (in XL coffin) like SCHOOLMATES TAKING A BREAK LOITERING AROUND TOGETHER  come to think of this it's a different level of trust he was being alert
〓Bishounen King and Company's rising star Saralegui invites his friend (person mentioned having doubts about this title due to complicated history) to shoot a variety show with him and after the game part the two put together prove to be weirder talk guests than the show's host could handle
〓Seisa finally enters the international stage. In the first few months following, people of the world are going through stages of "?!ARE the shinzoku Emperor and king of Small Cimarron TWINS so WHAT will happen with alliances” ”drastic changes are happening yet again regarding inter-regional houseki trading” “.....and have you noticed the twins-leaders are keeping the same hair style which is, I can't help but notice, cute" "and the Seisa Emperor for some reason had his hair cut a little shorter" “Shinma is vigorously joining forces with countries of the continent to help with a language program for immigrating shinzokus” "and the next we know king of Small Cimarron did the EXACTLY same" "and the Seisa Emperor had his shortened a little more" “how about Cimarrons currently being confronted by formidable shinzoku activist on past crimes” "and you guessed it king of Small Cimarron once again did the same" "and the Seisa Emperor had his perfectly all-right looking hair cut a little more again, now he is almost looking like that short-haired mazoku king regarding hair style" "and surprisingly, since his last public appearance the king of Small Cimarron does not seem to be cutting anything on his head whatsoever, and is actually revealing in recent interview that he is starting to feel bored of this catch-me-if-you-can and planning to grow some long hair back....." Yelshi calmly snaps writing utensil
〓White owl Sara (+Yelshi +Alazon +in fact there's a whole flock of them) comes across crow Yuu-chan, and for whatever reason tries to mislead Yuu-chan to believe he's a dove (doesn't matter if succeeded), with mentions of a dark-toned doggie Berias (im being shameless, this was a headcanon from a chat with my pal L-san. and yes we got it from that bird-and-dog-buddies set of pics)
〓King of Small Cimarron visits Big Cimarron and for the front of things had the chance to sit down with the actual king of Big Cimarron (instead of the person running its affairs) for a tea, pleasant+serious monarchs turning out fruitful, mature conversation you'd expect from politicians, which just also happen to be a talk ultimately really weird
〓(taken away all his character) Innocent, average modern youth Saralegui plays on the whack-a-mole machine with long hair flying around (WISH I WOULD BE DOODLING THIS IN 1 YEAR)
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sacrasm · 7 years
okay so i usually dont dream/remember my dreams and of course last night i remember what i assume is the later half of my dream 
and of course this one is all kinds of crazy.  im still confused.  how can you put a child lock on a car so it can only go 65 mph.  what is glitterball.   this is going to haunt me for the rest of my life
dont read if you want to keep your sanity intact.   (tl;dr: i hosted the weirdest house party, cars come capped at one speed, tyler hoechlin was our responsible adult of the night, everything seemed so unrealistic but totally shit we’d do.  i think im going crazy.)
it goes like this: 
for some reason im driving this dark blue fiat but it had a child lock on the gas.  it was literally impossible for the car to go anything but 65.  not any faster, not any slower, and if you held your foot down long enough you might get to 66.  
so im driving to my grandmother’s house, and pull up in the driveway, and when i get out my dad tells me that he hired a babysitter to make sure things don’t spiral out of control.  apparently i’m throwing a house party, except the house looks like my grandmother’s, but is actually my parent’s and the inside is a weird fusion of my grandmother’s home, a friend’s home, and the valley fair mall if any of you know what that looks like.
the babysitter gave me the evil eye when i went inside, and told me that just because there were 15+ teens in the house doesnt mean we can go wild and skip bedtime.  she looked like this little crotchety old blonde lady, like the kind you’d get for a sub in highschool that just hates any and all teenagers and stress knits.
i didn’t see anyone when i actually went into the house, aside from a comically large escalator and doorways and thirty or so pizza boxes in the kitchen.  some still have pizza in them, but no one knows which boxes. my fiat was in the middle of the living room.  the babysitter had a shotgun and told me that she’d use it if we got too raunchy.  tyler hoechlin was sitting in an armchair.  he complimented my car. 
for some odd reason the halls and doorways were all the size of one car, so you could drive in the hallways.  the fiat still had the child lock, so i just drove around the hallways at 66mph until i accidentally hit someone, that turned out to be one of my friends, who was riding a horse.  somehow he was fine and uninjured, as was his horse. he refused to answer to anything except napoleon, which doesn’t make sense because that friend isn’t short.
idk how but somehow i’m in a different room, the horse is on top of my car, and all of us are trying to do as much irresponsible shit that we could get away with before getting caught by the babysitter, like drinking copious amounts of alcohol and having indoor paintball tournaments.  time is a social construct inside the house and doesn’t exist, which we’re all fine with.  
and then i drove down a hallway and then a door opened, which the car hit at 66 mph and the door stayed intact.  two of my crushes were sitting in someone’s bedroom, which i guess was mine bc a ton of my shit was in there. they were playing a weird cards against humanity and truth or dare fusion game, that also included pokemon cards.  hoechlin is doing vertical pushups on my bed while simultaneously playing the strange card game.  he’s not doing so good. i went back out into the hallway and my best friend had a rainbow donkey pinata that was as tall as her shoulder.  we both couldve fit in it.  she told me that it was filled with the world’s greatest chocolate, but she refused to open it because she didn’t want to ruin the donkey.  irl that friend loves chocolate.  her boyfriend was following her around the house/mansion trying to convince her to just smash the paper mache donkey already.
i got back in the car, a different best friend was in the fiat with me.  she liked throwing smokebombs out the window at anyone she saw.  somehow she got her hands on a t-shirt cannon and shot confetti in people’s faces despite never leaving the car.  someone bet that i couldn’t kick a hole through a refrigerator. they lost the bet.  everyone was suddenly betting that i couldn’t kick through anything.  i could kick through anything as long as i was wearing my necklace.  my necklace gave me power.
all the tvs in the house only played the sports channel, which had this game going on 24/7 called glitterball.  it looked like football meets ice hockey, except there were pits on the field and whack-a-moles would pop up and players would slam into them or fall in.  there was no glitter involved.  someone stole the babysitter’s shotgun and was trying to shoot her since she kept interrupting us during shit but she was faster than sonic and kept matrix dodging the shotgun shells. tyler was rooting for us.  actually i think he started a betting pool with other celebrity friends to see who could shoot the babysitter.  it turned into a little hunger games, except we were all hunting the babysitter.
one of my other friend’s bedrooms since they all had rooms at my parent’s house was literally filled with weed.  there was a path big enough for a car to squeeze through and a sofa in the middle of the room but other than that, floor to wall weed.  nothing else.  he called it the posey room. he also had a lamborghini which also had a child lock, but his was stuck at 45 mph.  i always passed him in the halls in my tiny ass car even though the hallways are one car so idfk how i managed to pass him.  whenever he honked it was just a yeaaaaaaaaaa boiiiiiiiii.  there was a record player in the exact center of the house, suspended in midair.  it played whatever you wanted to hear the most.  we called i the record player of erised.  no one could hear what it played for themselves, and no one could give accurate descriptions of what they heard for someone.  someone would argue they heard smooth criminal, another would say moaning, and someone else would say fireworks.  we knew they weren’t right.  without fail hoechlin would always say it sounded like wonderwall.  we all looked at him funny because that was the only thing we found weird in the dream.
since the house was part mall there was a weird amc extension.  we watched a movie that was a combo of ferris bueller, me before you, avatar, and your name.  the friend with the pinata had a whole kiddie pool filled with popcorn and was sitting on the pinata, which was still intact even though someone had ran it over in the 45mph lambo.  i watched it get rekt.  but there it was, whole and fully intact.  the friend on the horse was still on the horse and refused to dismount, and managed to convince most of us that he was actually attached to it so he couldn’t get off.  i had seen him get off the horse to kick someone in the balls.  after the movie none of us could find the babysitter.  she disappeared.  we were all fine with that.  we found tyler eating leftover pizza in the kitchen and watching glitterball.  he said the babysitter left him in charge because she was sick of us.  we were fine with that as well.
the fridge that i put a hole in was the door to his room.  there was a camaro in there, and it was locked at 120mph.  my car was faster than his.  no one thought it was strange.  someone drank sriracha like it was water. someone else buttered the hardwood flooring and put lube on the doorknobs and faucets.  we all stayed in our cars for a while to avoid the buttery floors, all capped at different speeds.  the camaro was still the slowest, even slower than the horse. hoechlin’s car horn was just assorted swear words.  every time he honked it would stop our cars.  someone traded cars with him and just honked at random intervals .  we could hear the muted swearing every time our cars jerked to a stop.  eventually tyler traded back.
i got in a fight with my other friend about what would be in a sandwich called the lgbtq+.  i said edible glitter and anything the person making it wanted.  she said that was literally just glittery subway.  she argued that it had to be  lamb, grain, bacon, tabbouleh, quince, and an ingredient starting with the letter of the maker’s sexuality.   hoechlin said that we had to fight and whoever won would be right.  someone backhanded me before the fight started and i woke up.  what the fuck.
mildly concerning facts about this shitshow:
how does someones brain create this nightmare??  
why was i driving a fiat?? 
none of the neighbors filed an noise complaint. 
 im so confused.  
how did tyler hoechlin get into the house.  
do they even make pinatas bigger than small children
how does a fucking pinata survive a rollover from a lamborghini
why did no one stop us
we drank enough alcohol to die of poisoning three times over but werent drunk
a  room full of weed.  an entire room.
this is the second half so what was i doing before this
what was i doing
why did i dream this
what the fuck is wrong with me
if this was the second half, then what the hell happened in the first half
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cramulus · 7 years
I loved your post about praying, and Im curious; What do you think is the way forward as Discordians? I am unfortunately not Discordian enough to make that decision for myself
I’ll say this, fellow seeker: 
In the Discordian cosmology, we talk about how the cosmos spins through a five-season cycle: Chaos, Discord, Confusion, Bureaucracy… and then finally we transcend bureaucracy and enter Aftermath. I think we’re on the cusp of that transition, which is a holy time for us Discordians, but lets recognize that it’s also scary and a lot of people are gonna get hurt. 
We’re at that point right now where the Bureaucracy [How the World Works] has been codified and intensified to an unsustainable degree. People don’t want it anymore. This is the moment when Aftermath has its best shot of defeating Bureaucracy.
I’m in the USA, so I’ll comment about stuff over here. According to my grid, Bureaucracy is the “moneyed interests”, it’s the patriarchy, it’s the old boys club, it’s wealth inequality, it’s our inability to align the system with our own needs.
I think the force of Aftermath first appeared during the 2011 Wisconsin Protests. It was defeated and went back underground, eventually appearing again, with more vigor, as Occupy Wall Street. It did not land a solid punch on its target and disappeared. It manifested again as the Bernie Sanders campaign. Sanders’ energy is a threat to both the agents of Bureaucracy, the democrats and republicans. And the force of Aftermath is gathering strength right now.
Each time the force appears, it makes an attack and then vanishes to return again stronger, more coherent, sharper, with better tools. Through defeat, weakness and impurity is boiled out of it. (some people call this “dialectic”.. Gurdjieff calls it the “Triamazikamno”, the 3-part law.. but I’m getting ahead of myself)
Bureaucracy is dancing the same steps. Each time it defends itself against Aftermath, the evil within it moves closer to visibility. The Trump presidency sucks, but I’m optimistic because the evil is on the surface now, we can confront it in honest terms. It’s like a game of whack-a-mole. The force of Aftermath can only land a hit on Bureaucracy once Bureaucracy is visible and stable.
And you know what? Donald Trump is an agent of Aftermath. He grabbed the reigns of Bureaucracy and said GIDDYUP. His sword is drawn, and he’s challenged Aftermath to a fight. Are we ready?
But I want to be sober about this. We need to have this fight, but people are gonna get hurt. There are parts of Bureaucracy which help and protect us, and those are under fire too. Some of the chips on the table are education, entitlement programs, immigrants, the LBGTQ movement… We’re gonna fight, but we’re gonna bleed too.
Foucault says that this is how Bureaucracy was forged, in the ashes of the American and French revolutions. The people were awake, they had the tools and will to defeat tyrannical power structures. So now what? How do we build a government that people aren’t just gonna overthrow as soon as they get upset?
This is why they invented juries. Why do you think we have Juries? It’s not because 9 random people are good at judging things. It’s just a sleight-of-hand to disguise where the power is. Judges kept getting lynched by the families of the sentenced. Juries were designed to confuse these lynch mobs. If the state sanctioned death sentence wasn’t delivered by the state, but by our peers, who do we riot against again?
The state apparatus has been cleverly designed this way. Anybody who opposes Bureaucracy is firing into their own crowd. Both democrats and republicans are trying to tear down certain aspects of the government and society. And in the long run, this is what needs to happen. But recognize that we’re gonna go through some dark times on the way to Aftermath.
I think a lot of people over-romanticize chaos. I count myself amongst the Discordians but I don’t worship chaos. Chaos doesn’t accept your worship; it’s a force of nature. It changes things. Sometimes it creates, sometimes it destroys. You could be destroyed in this battle.
To return to the question… How should Discordians move forward?
I don’t speak for anybody but Professor Cramulus, but I urge you to join the same team as fledgling Aftermath. Let’s water it, help it grow, help it adapt to the Bureaucracy it is destined to defeat. But let’s not get carried away here. let’s not get deluded by the humorous and gentle parts of the Principia Discordia. Chaos is not nice. Eris clutches a chilly dagger in her bosom.
It is said there is serenity in chaos
I’ll see you in the eye of the hurricane.
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