#he was exiled from his home at NINETEEN and he only was able to get back to france twenty one years later
navree · 1 year
went to dinner with my mother where we babbled about french history for like half the meal so now i wanna talk about things no one i know would understand
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archonssun · 4 years
Bros Watching their S/O Draw
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Bros Watching Their S/O Draw
Fair warning, this is gonna have a lot of character building in it.
WC: 2455
You’ve known the crown prince since you two were children. You were living in Tenebrae with Lady Sylva, and when the Empire took over you were sent back to Insomnia with King Regis and the prince.
Before your home had been occupied by Imperial forces, you were a bright child, always laughing. Your partner-in-crime was more often than not Ravus, and you two caused loads of trouble.
But as soon as Noctis arrived in Tenebrae, you grew shy. You weren’t used to having royalty from other nations watching you. Even after the prince had been at the manor for months, you never outgrow your shy nature. And when you were brought back to Insomnia at the behest of Lady Sylva, that’s when you really started curling in on yourself.
You had gotten somewhat used to Noctis’s stares, but the stares of the servants, Ignis, and Gladio were too much. A lot of the time, you could feel pity in the gazes of those around you, and that hurt; being seen as a refugee instead of who you actually were.
Fast-forward about seven years, and you and Noctis are in high school. You two were walking around when a blond came up to your prince, introducing himself as Prompto Argentum. The name made you nostalgic for your home, as you had remembered that there was a family called Argentum that had worked at the manor.
But as soon as the blond turned to you, you were cowering behind the prince. You still hadn’t gotten over your shy disposition, and high school just made it worse. You two eventually became friends, but only after about a year.
Now, you were tagging along on Noctis’s journey to Altissia, buzzing with excitement to see Luna again. Like Noctis, you had kept in contact with the young Oracle, except through Pryna instead of Umbra. Whenever she would send you a message, your day was infinitely better, and you came out of your shell somewhat. And every message you sent back to her was accompanied by a drawing.
The drawings always differed; one time you had drawn Pryna, another time was Noctis and Prompto. Drawing was something you had taken up soon after Tenebrae had fallen, and was something you did well in in school. And Noctis knew; there was very little about you he didn’t know, especially since you two had been dating for the past three years.
It really didn’t surprise him when one night at camp you pulled out your sketchbook. And he would just watch, mesmerised by the way your pencil seemed to glide effortlessly over the paper (it is NOT easy, trust me, I know)
He didn’t respond when Prompto tried to goad him into playing a round of King’s Knight, he was so focused on you. The way the tip of your tongue stuck out, how your brow wrinkled with concentration. It made his lips turn upwards in a smile, watching you work. A part of him wanted to get closer and see what you were creating, but he knew he’d be smacked.
After all, you didn’t like people watching you when you drew.
During the World of Ruin, you changed. You still drew, but instead of for pleasure, you drew the images for scientific studies conducted by Sania.
This boy…
Look, he gets it. Really, he does. Being an amature photographer himself has led to him appreciating your artistic abilities more than most, cuz he knows that it’s not as easy as it looks.
You’ve known Prompto since you were both nineteen. You were working at a coffee shop in a quiet part of Insomnia when he had walked in, dripping from the rain. The morning rush had just ended. At the time, you had been so engrossed in your current drawing that you didn’t notice him walk up to the counter until he cleared his throat.
Fuck, it scared you so bad that your sketchbook was thrown at the poor blond, hitting him square between the eyes. You were horrified when he started tipping backward, but stopped when his hand grabbed the counter. Thank the gods there was no one in the shop.
“Oh my Gods! I’m so sorry!”
“D-Don’t worry ‘bout it.”
“But you could’ve been seriously hurt!”
After that, you basically had to beg him to let you make it up to him, offering some coffee on the house. That’s when you got his name, when he told you his order. And it was when you handed him his coffee that he asked you out.
Yes, he was a stumbling mess while asking.
You two met up later that week and went on a date to a park. A bit cliche, yes, but you didn’t expect him to bring a camera with him.
The entire date was spent with you watching him take pictures and answering questions he had, and him watching you draw.
At first, him watching you made you nervous. But he never said anything as he watched you, and you got used to it. Hell, you didn’t realise he had gotten so close until you were finished and looked up. You almost threw your sketchbook at him again with how startled you were, but you’d be lying if you said you didn’t appreciate the view.
With how close he was, you could see all the freckles on his cheeks and nose, you could see just how deep of a blue his eyes were. His lips were chapped, you noticed, and were curled up in a bashful smile. That was the first time he had kissed you, when he was seconds away from getting a book to the face.
In the World of Ruin, you and Prompto became inseparable. And while he had stopped taking photos as often as he used to, you never once gave up on drawing. You were often seen in Lestallum, drawing with the children of the refugees in hopes that they would be able to forget about the world around them. And Prompto was always there at your side, watching you with a smile.
You were a Kingsglaive, but before that you had been the child of a now defunct noble family. You were closely related to Verstael Besithia; the mad man being a cousin of your parents. Your family had done some terrible things by the time you were born, and they had been exiled from their homeland of Niflheim.
Since your family had been helping Lucis, they were taken in as citizens of Insomnia by King Regis. And since your family had been known for their battle prowess, it had quickly become one of the major families that enlisted in the Crownsguard and Kingsglaive.
You were just the latest of your family to join the Kingsglaive and serve under King Regis. It was during your training that you met Ignis Scientia. It was your first day of training under the Kingsglaive, and there was a joint training between the Glaive and Crownsguard. Of course, the first thing you noticed as soon as you walked into the training area was the tall, burly man, who you later learned to be Gladiolus Amicitia. Then your eyes had shifted to the man beside him, the one with glasses.
Even though you couldn’t remember your homeland all that much, you could remember how Verstael had been a dangerous man, despite his slight stature, and you were immediately on guard around Ignis. Turns out your gut feeling was right, as you were pitted against the royal advisor later on during training.
“(L/n)! Scientia! Your turn!” Your captain hollered, making the hairs on the back of your neck stand on end. You were slow to approach the mats, shrugging off your Kingsglaive coat and setting in gently to the floor. Not once did your (e/c) hues leave Ignis’s form.
As you stood before the man, you could feel the tension that surrounded him, and you were instantly reminded of the soldiers Verstael had created. The emotions that the feeling brought forth were almost enough to make you freeze, but it was the sound of something shattering that brought you back. It was just in the nick of time that you held your short sword high enough to block. Taking your bottom lip between your teeth, you pushed against the lanky male, forcing him to retreat slightly.
There were no words spoken, which only made the match feel like it went on that much longer. Time and again, you were barely able to defend against Ignis, and it was nearing the end of the match that he managed to catch your long (h/c) hair on his blade.
You flipped backwards, a small frown adorning your face as you pulled your now shorter hair over your shoulder. With a grunt of disapproval, you took your sword and raised it to your head, chopping what remained of your long hair into a short bob. When you looked back at your sparring partner, he was watching you with wide eyes. It was then that the match was ended, having been declared a tentative draw.
“Are you alright, (L/n)?” Ignis’s voice said from behind you as you grabbed your coat. Straightening and looking him in the eyes, you gave him a short nod.
“I am alright, Lord Scientia.”
Ignis hated when you would call him ‘lord’, but it had been drilled into you since you were a child, both back in Niflheim and in Insomnia. It was only after he begged you to stop calling him ‘lord’ that you did, albeit hesitantly. Your parents would skin you if they ever found out you weren’t giving respect where it was due.
N E ways, after that match, you found yourself running into the man more often, as you both worked directly under the royal family; him with the prince, and you with the king.
You would often meet up with him on your days off for some coffee, or even to help him with the prince as you and Noctis were the same age. You and the prince became fast friends, but you still didn’t talk all too much with him unless he was speaking directly to you.
Again, it was a habit.
The first time you met Prompto you almost killed him. He had reminded you so much of your insane cousin that you had thought Verstael had sent on of his clones to kill you and your family. But Noct had been quick to protect his friend, and when he had asked you what was wrong you had bolted, scared out of your mind. It was the first time you had felt fear like that since you were young, since you and your parents and your siblings were on the run from the Empire.
When Insomnia fell, you were with Cor and Iris by order of Regis. Your parents had expressed their concerns of the upcoming peace treaty signing and had asked that they would be able to protect him. Except you were excluded, being the youngest of their children. They at least wanted you to survive. And Regis understood that; I mean, he did almost the exact same thing with his son, and he agreed to keep you far from the action.
After the Fall, you spent most of your time traveling around with Cor, and met up with the prince and his retinue at Keycatrich. Unlike Cor, you had entered the dungeon with them and proved your worth as a former Kingsglaive. You had been nervous around Prompto, afraid you had hurt him all those years ago, and you were relieved when you found out he held no grudge against you.
“You’re not the first one close to Noct that’s tried to kill me. Gladio did it too! But I promise, I just wanted to be Noct’s friend!”
One night, at the haven near Cape Caem, you were able to relax. Since the fall, you had been tense beyond belief. Especially when Ardyn would show up. Whenever that happened, you were quick to disappear; you didn’t want him to recognize you.
As you relaxed, you remembered the small sketchbook you had stashed in your Kingsglaive jacket for when you were bored on duty. Taking it out, you flipped to the next open page, frowning when you realized you’d need to get a new one soon.
You had been so occupied with drawing that you hadn’t noticed Ignis watching over your shoulder until his hand rested on your shoulder.
“Dinner’s ready, love.”
You jumped in your chair, turning to the man with wide eyes.
“H-How long have you--”
“I don’t think you want to know, my dear.”
It was during the World of ruin that your eye for detail came in handy for something other than illustrating. Since Ignis had lost his sight, you had taken it upon yourself to describe everything to him. Even if it was pitch black outside, your eyes would pick up on the smallest of details and relay them to him, you two earning the moniker “The Eyes and Ears of The King”.
Gladio had been your s/o for around three weeks before the Fall. Because of your connection to the Amicitia family (you were from an older family that was on the verge of going extinct before Clarus had offered you to marry his son), you had been one of the first out of the city, Iris in tow.
When he had met you two in Lestallum, all three of you were entangled in a bear hug with tears streaming down your face. Your family hadn’t made it out, meaning your line had officially died out with your father.
It was weeks later that you were back to normal, somewhat. You had become quieter and more temperamental -- not the best combination. But instead of taking your anger out on others, you would shut yourself in a room and start drawing. At the time of the Fall, you hadn’t drawn in years, but you didn’t seem to have forgotten anything; it was like relearning how to ride a bike for you.
You had music blasting as you were drawing, a small frown on your lips, when Gladio walked in. He leaned against the doorframe and just watched you. He hadn’t seen you focused like this before, and it kind of scared him; had you put that focus to something else, like monster hunting, he doubted anyone would be able to stop you. And you were his.
Later on, during the World of Ruin, rarely were the two of you seen without one another. And even more rare was it that you came home with injuries other than minor scrapes and cuts.
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kickingitwithkirk · 4 years
Beyond Seduction
Summary: Isobella Tennant wants her independence but society dictates she must conform to their ways. Sam Winchester is the most sought after artist in London and one of its most notorious rakes. He also has a secret he’s kept hidden. They come together with their own agendas and find something more than either expected.
Pairing: Artist!Sam Winchester x Isobella Tennant
Word Count: 3137
Warnings: Cursing, appearance shaming, low self esteem, dominating mother, attempted abduction and assault
A/N: for #OC Apprecation Day 2020 #OC’s are People Too
A/N II: Few months ago I came across a stash of old romance novels I’ve had for umpteen years when I had this idea for a series with Sam Winchester. I had been playing with for a while, getting nowhere, and one evening I was watching Thomas Kinkade’s Christmas Cottage with Jared Padalecki and viola Artist!Sam.    Not an original title but I liked the sound of it.
Part II Masterlist
*no beta, all mistakes are mine
London 1875
December 21
“Your daughter will marry my son by lent.” Arthur Ketch forcefully stated as he stood in front of the drawing room window.
“Of course Isobella will marry Ernest, but it’s impossible to do it that soon,” Lavinia Tennant, the Duchess of Monmouth huffed out, running her hand down the over skirt of her terre D'Egypte dress trying to hide nervousness running through her, “but she is the only daughter of the Duke of Monmouth, it will take at least a year to plan once the bannes have been read.”
“I have given you too much leeway already Lavi and will not have my son wait any longer,” Ketch said calmly, calling her the beloved nickname her husband gave her on their wedding night. Walking over and reaching out to stroke her cheek, watching with satisfaction as she trembled when he grabbed her arm instead, “or I will go to your husband about us.”
It wasn’t the first time he had inferred he would do it but there was something more in his tone this time.
Ketch’s roughness had been exciting, eliciting intense pleasures she had never felt and had come to crave. He was a far cry from her husband, who possessed a loving countenance and even temperament.
She couldn’t initially understand why Ketch hadn’t been accepted by their society. He was intelligent, charming and a Baron after all, even if the title had been bought by his father, who had been in the coal trade.
It was when she tried to end their affair his true intentions surfaced. Ketch had pursued her for the political advancement of his only son Ernest, who worked for Lavinia’s husband in Parliament.
Ketch planned to make his son Prime Minister of England and the Duke of Monmouth’s connections were his ticket. Blackmailing the duchess into forcing her only daughter Isobella to marry Ernest would solidify his position in society.
“I’ve instructed Ernest to propose again at your party in two weeks and she better not refuse him this time, you’ll make sure of that I have no doubt.” Ketch’s menacing tone said it all, he would follow through on his threat this time.
New Years Eve
“I hear he is indeed very talented,” Alexandra Pembrook informs her companion as they strolled into the library, stopping in front of the newly unveiled portrait of David Tennant, the Duke of Monmouth, “and not just as a painter according to Lady Vance.”
Isobella Tennant looked at her friend raising an eyebrow, “Since when do you listen to the idol gossip of Beatrice Vance? I thought you two weren’t speaking.”
“That juicy tidbit came by way of her ladies maid. Apparently, she overheard Beatrice telling Lady Lucas how her husband came home unexpectedly and almost caught them In flagrante delicto.”
“This is why I’m happy that I got Katie, she would never gossip about any goings on in this household.” Isobella firmly stated.
Katie had been her mother’s governess before becoming hers and then ladies maid after she was presented in society. Katie moved slower with age and hard of hearing so if anything scandalous was said in her presence, she’d never hear it anyways.
“I also heard he spent three months pursuing Lady De Burgh,” Isobella squinted slightly, trying to place the woman, “you know, Queen Victoria’s newest lady-in-waiting. Palace gossip is that he likes to savor his quarry like delicate morsels, bit by bit.”  She licked her lips in emphasis, “Too bad he didn’t see you when he was here, I’d bet my new phaeton he would’ve been more than up for the challenge of obtaining you.”
“Lexi!” Isobella gasped, using her best friend since they were both in pram’s nickname, trying to sound scandalized at the implication but grinned at her knowing the notorious Sam Winchester, who she only saw briefly once while her father was sitting for him, wouldn’t have noticed her even if he sat on her.
She did not possess the in favor looks like Lexi; golden blond hair, cornflower blue eyes and envious curves that were enhanced by the fashions of the day, that seemed to tempt him judging by his preferred quarry.
Isobella or Izzy, as everyone but her mother called her, had inherited her grandmother Tennant’s shock of long, thick, unruly copper gold hair, as did her four brothers, who at least had the fortune of being able to keep theirs shorn short, and pale skin covered in cinnamon freckles for days. What couldn’t be overlooked by anyone was, like her brothers, she was tall.
So tall in fact, she stood at least half a head and, in some cases, a full head taller than most of the men in their acquaintance. Her only redeeming qualities, according to her mother, was her title of Lady Tennant and the inheritance that came with it.
Despite being the plainest deb to enter society in years when she was eighteen, Isobella had a line of suitors and was greatly admired for her kindness, quick wit, and intelligence, especially in debate, having learned the skill at her father’s knee.
Now her admirers had drastically fallen away. It seemed what was admired in the girl wouldn’t be tolerated in the woman.
Isabella’s options were dwindling as she was no longer a blossoming flower in society, being just a few months away from turning twenty three.  
“Lexi, what kind of scandal could I get into, it’s not like I’ve got suitors beating down my door anymore.”
Lexi looked fondly at her best friend. She didn’t understand what had happened to all of Izzy’s admirers either. Her place in society and her illustrious title as the only daughter of the Duke of Monmouth had drawn a lot of the lesser ranking gentleman showing interest but she knew her friend well enough that their status wouldn’t matter to her if they actually loved her.
“You know Ernest is planning on asking again tonight.”
“You know I will decline again.”
“I can’t understand why you keep turning him down Izzy. He is dependable, would give you everything…”
“You know I love Ernest like a brother but there is no way we could make a go of it. He is too placid and I’m…”
“A damn handful, especially when that hard head of yours gets an idea. I didn’t love Pembrook when I agreed to marry him but now…I can’t imagine my life without him.”
“What I want is a man who will love me as is, let me be myself, not expect me to change for the sake of their ego.”
January 10
“Isobella Tennant, tell me that what I heard is not true!” Lavinia yelled as she swept into the breakfast nook.
Izzy and her father both looked up at the overwrought duchess. “Heard what mother?”
“That you were seen racing Ambrose Murdoch on the commons in a pair of breeches!”
“He said Boudicia couldn’t be as quick as his hunter being a mare…”
“And you were riding astride like some common…”
“… I wasn’t gonna let him get away with insulting my horse!”
“Horses, horses, horses! That’s all you think about! It’s time you stop messing with those animals and start breeding my next grandchild!”
“Lavinia! Don’t speak to our daughter that way.”
“David, I need to speak to you privately.” The duchess replied through her clenched teeth.
“Our daughter has turned down Ernest again, he is her last chance of getting married and it’s time you put your foot down and insist on her accepting him.” The Duke opened his mouth to say something, “No David, no more excuses. I know she is your favorite for some unfathomable reason and you’ve coddled her for far to long. She is not a fresh candidate anymore and with her plain looks and stubbornness finding another man to marry her…”
The Duke sighed as she droned on about Izzy turning out to be such a disappointment, too strong willed and independent for a woman, saddened that his wife had such a low opinion of their only daughter.
Isobella had always marched to her own beat, which was completely out of tune with her mother’s, long ago learning how to appease her vanity when it became apparent Izzy would not be the beauty her mother had been in her day.
Lavinia Emerson had been the most sought after debutante of her day, possessing luxurious blond locks, chocolate brown eyes and acres of creamy skin encasing a figure that, even after bearing five children, still turned heads.
When she accepted his proposal, David Tennant was under no illusion it was for anything other than for his title as the future Duke of Monmouth. But over the years she had come to love him and they had a good marriage, raising four fine son’s, all married with families of their own except Richard, the youngest at nineteen.
And yes, Izzy was his favorite, not because she was the only girl but she reminded him of his mother, she had that same free spirit but hadn’t above changing her ways for the sake of her family, as he was sure Izzy would once she was married.
“We’ve discussed this before and it’s time to tell her.”
As much as he hated to admit it, she was right, if she didn’t accept Ernest, who was an upstanding gentleman despite who his father was; Isobella would end up either alone, being exiled to the edge of good society and tainting her brother’s families or forced to marry anyone who would be willing to take her at her age.
Two nights later
Izzy stared out the large window still unable to comprehend the ultimatum her parents had given her.
Marry Ernest or loose Katie, her horses, and her freedom.
Her father knew what it would do to her under this virtual house arrest, to be at her mother’s by your leave and constant verbal assaults.
It would’ve been kinder to send her to a nunnery.
She thought about her visit to Lexi earlier that day.
“What choice do you have Izzy, you have to marry Ernest, you’d lose your sanity if your mother takes over complete control of your life.”
“If I’m gonna consider giving up my life, there’s one last thing I want to do and you’re going with me.”
Lexi sat up, “One last prank?”
Changing into the god awful orange servants dress she had wriggled from Lexi, Izzy ran down the servants staircase and out their entrance at the back of the house and hailed a hack to take her to Lexi’s and then the music hall.
Izzy walked hurriedly along the quiet streets after the variety shows had let out. She had been unable to find another hack after Lexi left for home so she was forced to start walking. It wasn’t the safest thing for anyone to do at night, especially an unaccompanied woman.
She was almost to the back gate of the grounds when she was grabbed by a man hiding in the shadows.
Sam Winchester pushed his hands deeper into his coat pockets, not actually cold from the night air turning chilly but disconsolate; it was his periodic companion. This last eighteen months all he had produced was portraits of London’s elite citizens, nothing inspiring him to create anything original, which gave him his fame in the first place.
He had decided to walk for a bit after leaving the Duke of Monmouth’s having repaired the loose corner of the frame around the portrait of said man. He liked the Duke, he possessed a sarcastic humor and  was personable.
For a Tory.
Sam was halfway along the high wall surrounding the vast estate when he heard a rough voice hissing in the shadows, “Stop struggling bitch or I’ll give it to you far worse.”
He ran to the end of the wall remembering there was an alleyway leading to a back entrance. Pausing at the opening he was thankful a gas light was nearby illuminating a burly man struggling to hang onto a woman in a hideous orange dress who was putting up one hell of a fight to get away.
“Hey, let her go!” Sam shouted, rushing towards them.
“Fuck off, this ones mine!” He yelled, shoving her to the ground.
Sam swung his large fist smashing into the stranger’s face. He grabbed his bloody nose for a monument and then threw a surprise right hook making contact with Sam’s left temple briefly stunning him and making his getaway.
“Bastard,” Sam spit out, rubbing his head knowing he’d probably have a headache later. He turned to the woman on the ground. She had drawn her legs up, arms wrapped around her legs shaking.
“Are you alright?” He asked as he stepped towards her causing her to start crawling backwards away from him till she bumped into the wall.
Sam squatted down in front of her, holding his hands out in a peaceful gesture and spoke softly to her, “ I’m not gonna hurt you Miss, I want to make sure you’re not hurt, can you nod if you understand me.”
She nodded once, finally looking up from the ground at him.
Sam’s breath caught.
Even under the dim gas light he could make out her unique features and felt that particular skittering under his skin urging him to grab a brush and create like he hadn’t in a very long time.
“I’m Sam Winchester,” standing up he holds out his right hand to her.
“Is..Izzy Morgan.” She replies, taking his outstretched hand. A sensation rippled throughout her in a way she never had with any man, not even with Lord Greyson.
He was the only man Izzy had freely offered herself to and had rejected her in a not so polite manner, publicly gossiping about her attempted seduction of him. It was quickly quashed by her brothers paying him a brief visit.
Sam released her hand, staring intently as he lightly ran his long fingers along her jaw, tracing the contours of; her forehead, curved cheekbones, full lips and nondescript nose, fascinated with the freckles he could just make out in the dim, scattered on her soft skin.
If only it wasn’t so dark to make out the color of her eyes but that hair, absolutely wondrous! He dropped his hand and picked up the tendrils that had come loose running them between his fingers fascinated that it was silky, not wiry, with its kinkiness as he assumed.
She was plain and exquisite at the same time.
“I would love to paint you if you’ll allow me,” she scrunched her forehead confused, “could you ask your employer for time off?”
“You want to paint me, why?”
Sam dropped the hand still playing with her hair and pulled from his coat pocket his card to show he was serious.
“I will pay you generously for your time. If you like I can speak..”
“No! I’m sorry but it’s impossible,” Izzy hurried to the gate and opened it, “thank you for helping me, I am grateful..”
“Then repay it by posing for me.” Sam deepens his whiskey-honeyed voice and watches as she shivered, reacting to it as he hoped.
“I’m sorry but I can’t.”
Izzy awoke late the next morning exhausted from her previous night’s adventures. She shuddered feeling the bruises acquired during the struggle with her would be rapist.
The door to her bedroom opened and a younger woman she didn’t recognize entered carrying a tray of tea and a light breakfast.
“Good morning my lady, I wasn’t sure what you would like so I bought a few things. Please let me know what you prefer.”
“Who are you and where is Katie?”
“I’m Margaret, your mother engaged me to be your ladies maid. I was informed that Katie decided to leave and be with her sister in Brighton, my lady.”
“Please take the tray, I only have tea in the mornings and pull out my dark brown riding habit. I’ll dress myself today and will be gone till dinner, thank you.” Isobella instructed, heading into her bath and waited for the maid to leave. After she departed Izzy threw on her outfit and hurried to the stable, saddling the first horse there and took off to Lexi’s for a confab about what to do next.
January 19
Her fingers shook nervously as she buttoned up the servants dress she had borrowed from Lexi again. From the trunk she pulled out the big overcoat and long scarf that used to belong to Phillip, her oldest brother. He had given them to her years ago when the family was in Scotland and hers had proven inadequate for riding in the climate there. Opening a small drawer she removed her old, worn riding gloves and slipped them on. She closed the trunk and locked it.
Making her way up the exterior stairs to the street Isobella locked the door leading to the cellar of Lexi’s home and walked to the hired hack waiting for her, instructing the driver to her final destination.
As the carriage travels over the cobblestone streets Isobella goes over the plan one more time to make sure nothing was missed.
Lexi had suggested she should come with her to Wales while her husband sorted out the details from his father’s sudden passing making him the new Lord of Whitmore. That sparked an idea in Izzy’s mind and they set about laying out the details to pull it off.
Isobella knew her parents, or rather her father, wouldn’t object to her traveling with her best friend to give her some time to consider Ernest’s proposal; with a slight hint that she was inclined to accept upon returning.
What none of them knew was she had her own plan in place and it was to be the scandal of the decade.
The hack dropped her off at the end of the quiet street and she walked briskly towards the address on the card.
Sam came downstairs in no better mood than he had been when his butler Crowley had awoken him late in the afternoon. At least he was dressed. Well, as dressed as he was willing to get in a clean shirt, trousers and no shoes. He had an odd exchange with the new boy Crowley had engaged to help since he was, according to Crowley, seriously understaffed with the size of his household. Sam laughed considering it was only him, Crowley, Mrs. Mills the cook and a maid.
The new boy had scurried off the fetch more coal as the door knocker sounded. Sam opened it and was stunned to see who was standing there.
“Are you still interested in painting me?”
If your interested in a tag shoot me an ask
tagging: @atc74 @alleiradayne
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qqueenofhades · 4 years
"And when he comes home years later, she cries again because he’s more like Asher than ever, scars littering his body and shadows behind his eyes, a soldier and a man and everything she didn’t want for him." (I'm too lazy to write it but since we're all up in our Feelings tonight...)
Paris, France
August 30, 1997
There have been sirens droning for hours outside, on and on and on, as Maria Tompkins Flynn’s hand shakes where she tries to hold her drafting pencil, to put the final touches on the mechanical engineering plans she is putting together for her guest lectures at the Sorbonne. She tries to concentrate, but she can’t, and finally she throws it down, gets to her feet, and walks out into the dim living room. Picks up the remote and switches on the TV, as if there might be some explanation for all the ruckus outside, just in time to see an aerial photograph of a crumpled black car, a sea of flashing lights, motorcycles and cameras, and a scrolling news ticker. LA PRINCESSE DIANA DANS IN UN ACCIDENT DE VOITURE, the screen reads. CONDITION INCONNUE.
At that, Maria’s breath goes out of her a little, and she has to sit down hard. She hopes the poor woman’s all right – it’s not fair what that family has done to her, driving her out of her homeland and her life like this, hounded at every waking instant, and Maria, who knows a little of being forced into exile, losing everything, unable to go back, cannot help but sympathize. She glances out through the fluttering gauze curtains, then looks down at her shaking hands – she is not that elderly, she is only fifty-two, but age seems to have nothing to do with it. She has been living here since her adopted homeland crumbled into factionalism and war six years ago, and took her son’s heart with it. I have to do this, Mama, he insisted, during the rage and desperation of their fighting, as she gave everything she had trying (and failing) to convince her fifteen-year-old son not to enlist in the army. I have to go. Dad would have wanted it.
(How dare he use his father against her like that, Maria thinks, twisting the wedding ring that has worn a groove into her pale, fragile finger, the ring she has not taken off for ten years. It is a decade so close to the day – September 14, 1987, five days after Garcia’s twelfth birthday – when she kissed her husband for the last time. Asher said that this would be a brief mission, he should be home by Sunday, and then vanished into the ether. The KOS, the Yugoslavian intelligence service – there is no more Yugoslavia, but there are all of its secrets – is still so heavily classified that Maria has never been able to find out where he was sent, what he was doing, or how he met his fate. She and Asher agreed that he would tell their son what his job really was when Garcia was sixteen. Instead, she has been left in limbo, and he still does not know the truth.)
Maria sits down, gets up, wonders if she should turn the television on yet, if Princess Diana is doing better. They must have taken her to the hospital, truly? Her poor sons. They are teenagers, they are not ready to lose their mother. William is fifteen years old, isn’t he? The thought gives Maria a jolt. That is too young, too young to lose a mother, too young to fight, too young to go to war, and it is how old her own son was, when she lost him, in some demented reverse, some funhouse mirror, down the rabbit hole, gone and gone and gone. She has not heard from him in almost six years, since he enlisted in the HV, then sent a jumbled letter about going onto Bosnia. As if one war was not enough, he must find another? He survived one, he runs headlong into the next, and –
The knock, when it comes, almost makes Maria spill her tea. She was not expecting visitors tonight, and she wonders if it is her neighbor, Helene, asking if she has seen the TV. She is not sure whether to answer it, but it seems uncharitable not to, and she makes her way into the front hall, unchaining the deadbolt. The walls and floors in old Paris apartments are very thin; she can often hear every sound from down the hall, and tries to walk quietly. She opens the door an inch. “Oui? Comment vous – ?”
And then, she stops. Because she cannot be seeing right, she is afraid to believe, some part of her thinks it must be a ghost, on this night that feels so thick with bad omens already. Because he’s standing there in the corridor, in a pullover sweater and battered blue jeans, his hair thick and dark and unruly and badly in need of a trim, a healing scrape of some kind on his face and the slightest hint of silver by his temples. He is ten days away from his twenty-second birthday. He looks at her – looks well down, he has his father’s height and bearing and nose and eyes, and for a moment Maria’s heart stopped for an altogether different reason, that faint and foolish hope forever that her lover will come home to her – and says, “Hello, Mama.”
Maria stares at him, stares at her son, her living, breathing son, and discovers that her own breath is shriveled in her throat. She makes only a wheezing sound as if her wind has been knocked out. “Garcia?”
He ducks his head, almost abashed. It’s a boy’s gesture, but nothing else about him looks like a boy, no matter how young he is in years. He carries a dirty duffel bag and his knuckles are battered. He says, “Can I come in?”
Maria steps aside by reflex to admit him into the apartment, too dazed to protest. He moves as if he’s uncomfortable in an enclosed space, glancing up sharply when lights cross the wall as if it might be a sniper’s sight. If he is aware of Princess Diana’s accident, he does not say so. He perches on the couch, Maria goes to make another cup of tea on the stunned thought that one should do that when one’s son appears out of the clear blue sky, returns and hands it to him. Garcia nods his thanks and takes it, sipping tersely. She stands there, staring at him, his bent head, his careful motionlessness. At last she says, “Sarajevo.”
He looks up at her, hearing the recrimination. The decision he made to go to Bosnia even when the war in Croatia was done, rather than come back here, to safety, or even stay in the new republic the people had carved out. He looks apologetic, but not guilty. “I needed to,” he says simply. “It was not over.”
Maria looks at him, that thousand-yard stare in his young eyes, the way his index finger on his right hand curls as if around the ghost of a trigger. To look at your son and know beyond all doubt that he has killed people, possibly more than he can count, makes her want to fall like a leaf on the wind, to curl up, to crumple. Since he was so injudicious as to use Asher against her when he enlisted, she is almost tempted to do it again now. Asher was a very proud Croat, he never forgot that. Yet he was – at least while Tito lived – fiercely loyal to the Yugoslavian experiment, the ideal of a unified Slav utopia, a better country for all the people, no matter their race or religion or ethnicity. But after Tito died in 1980, the economy began to crumble, and the country slowly splintered, Asher grew increasingly disillusioned with the Serb-dominated leadership, became more and more sympathetic to the idea of Croatian independence. Maria cannot think he would ever have agreed to send his teenage son to war, would have done everything to forestall it. But Asher himself joined the KOS at the age of nineteen. She is afraid there is too much wildness in their blood, these beautiful, haunted, passionate Flynn boys who can never stay blind to injustice for long. She is too afraid that her beloved husband would not, if Garcia had insisted upon it, have ultimately said no.
Garcia sips his tea a few moments more. Maria moves to sit next to him, as the sirens and lights continue to go by outside, and she sees a muscle move in his cheek. “Sarajevo,” he says, as if continuing their earlier conversation. “There are rumors that Kosovo is going next.”
At that, Maria feels the tiny bloom of hope that opened inside her begin to crumble into dust. She knows what that means, even as she was somehow clinging to the foolish idea that he had come back to give up the war, to stay. It means he is going back. It means that is the next battle, and he means to be there. What is this? Some brief visit to ensure she sees his face one last time before he runs back like Asher, if he disappears as well, if he –
“You could stay,” Maria says nonetheless. “Here.”
Garcia shakes his head. “I can’t.”
“Three wars, then? Three? You’ve already had the one! That was for your – for our home, and you won it! Then Sarajevo, now Kosovo! Those aren’t even yours! Garcia, you don’t – ”
“Dad would have,” Garcia says stubbornly. “Dad would have understood.”
“Don’t you dare speak about your father like that to me.” Maria’s blood burns hotly in her cheeks, her heart close to smashing. Asher would never have supported the brutalities of the JNA, the Serbian atrocities, even in the name of holding together a Yugoslavia already lost, but she cannot stand to admit to Garcia that he is right. “How dare you even – ”
And with that, before they have ever even said hello to each other, before there has been any recompense for those six lost years, her grief and her frustration and her heartache burns through Maria like a poison, and she does something she instantly regrets, would give anything to take back. She raises her hand and slaps her son, her sweet boy, her child, across the face.
For a moment, Garcia looks stunned, and then as if he might rage. But what he does instead is even worse. His face slowly crumples, his head falls, and his eyes well up with tears. He must have taken all manner of worse punishment in the war, in the wars, and stood them without flinching, but at that, he breaks. He clenches his jaw, as if trying to stop the sob rising out of him, but he fails. His chin quavers, and he lets out a sound that Maria would burn down the whole world never to have heard him make, to never have been the cause of it. “My baby,” she whispers, horrified, thinking he will shove her away, but instead he falls into her arms, his face buried in her shoulder. “Sweetheart, Garcia, Garcia, my baby, no. No, no, no. Sweetheart, no.”
Garcia cries silently for almost five minutes, all the tears he has not shed before, for all the mortar shells and blasted buildings, the dead friends and the butchered civilians, the horrors that have aged him a hundred years already. It shakes and shakes out of him and Maria cries and coos and rocks him in her arms, though he is still twice the size that she is. She kisses his tumbled hair, like she did when he was very small and still prone to climb into his parents’ bed when he had a nightmare, sometimes when his father was there and more often when he was not. Maria rubs his back and cradles his head and kisses his face all over, as he clings to her arm and keeps sobbing in a way he can never do before the others, and she tries to sing him a lullaby, but her own throat is too choked up to manage. Her tears fall thick and fast into his hair. She feels as she did when the officer came to the door and told her in stilted English that he was very sorry, her husband would not be coming home. She wants to fall down and let her bones melt to dust and become one with the earth and sky.
Garcia cries until he is spent, as Maria notes a whitish scar braided on the back of his shoulder and does not ask, as her sore heart hurts even more. Then he rests there without a sound, limp and heavy, a toddler asking to be carried back to bed, and she gets him up – her hands do not shake at all this time – and guides him back to her room and puts him on her bed, and sits by him until he falls asleep, which takes only moments. She looks at the lights of Paris on the face of her sleeping child, the one thing left in the world that she loves, having lost two husbands and a son and two homelands, and wonders if you ever find the way out of it, this huge dark echoing place, this breathless grief. She smoothes a faint furrow out from between his brows. He does not wake.
(Garcia goes to Kosovo.)
(Princess Diana dies.)
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canid-slashclaw · 4 years
The Outliers - A Guild Wars Love Story
Chapter 1, Chapter 2, Chapter 3, Chapter 4, Chapter 5, Chapter 6, Chapter 7,
Chapter 8 "Easy, son. We'll take this one step at a time. Just watch were yer walkin'," Daniel said to his son as they carried a wagon wheel over to the craftsman shed. "I'm fine, father. It would take quite a lot for my wounds to spring any leaks."
"That's what they all say until it happens. Exercise is good for mendin' the body. But the way you abuse yours, those wounds might not ever heal properly."
Kaleb helped his father hoist the massive wheel onto the augur then placed a securing pin through the vertical spindle. He looked over the array of tools then picked up one of the rawhide mallets and began vigorously tapping some wooden pegs into place.
"I'm just trying to get back into the fight, that's all. Once this thing heals, I'll be good as new," he said while pointing his thumb towards his back.
His father just shook his head and scoffed. "No question where you get your tenacity from, that's for sure."
"Hey. Once I'm done here, I would very much like to head on over to see Ulfgar. I haven't seen that old norn since before my deployment."
"He'll be delighted to see ya of course. Go right on ahead, son. I'll take care of things from here."
The elder Grimwald waved for his son to leave just as the youngest member came rushing out from the back kitchen door.
"Katie! Hi sweetheart." His youngest sister rushed up to him then gave him a big hug.
"My goodness. You have the strength of a bear. Did some norn kid slip some animal spirit ale in your drink?" Kaleb laughed as he spun his youngest sister around. Within seconds, he winced in pain forgetting that the war wound was still quite painful.
But in spite of his injuries, he made absolutely sure to hold onto Katie as he gently brought her down to the ground.
"Awww. Does it still hurt? You don't need to spin me around if it hurts you."
He knelt down to look her in the eyes. "You don't hurt me one bit. I'm just a big, dumb brother who sometimes forgets his own limits sometimes. Isn't that right dad?"
Daniel smiled and waved to his youngest daughter then beckoned for her to come to him.
"C'mon, darlin'. Wanna help me fix up a wagon?"
She nodded then ran off to greet her father. Kaleb headed back inside to get into some better attire.
Several things had changed in the Grimwald household since Kaleb was away. For one, their family was one of the first to have indoor plumbing with hot and cold running water. And secondly, Rachel was taking a serious interest in attending one of the Asuran colleges in Rata Sum.
The warm shower felt so relaxing against his skin. A days' worth of grit and grime all washed away in a matter of minutes plus he never had to leave the house.
Warmth. He missed that sensation when she held his hands those five months ago. Her smile, although not human, was enough to bring a glow to his heart. Those amber eyes... how he longed for a chance to stare into them more deeply.
Kaleb closed his eyes as the steaming water streamed down his face. He could see her feline form lying on the bed, grooming herself. His mind began to wander, imaging other possibilities.
How would it be possible?
He pondered as he could feel his manliness rise to its fullest potential.
How would we be able to...
"Kaaaleeb. How long are you going to be in the bathroom?"
"Ahhh! Wait! Hold on just a minute Katie. I've gotta get dressed."
Jeese! Can't a man be left alone for just five minutes to contemplate carnal thoughts?
Kaleb headed to his familiar haunt, the Jotun's Corpse. If there was anyone in town who had connections to getting in touch with Amalthia, it would be him.
As he walked through the doors and towards his favorite barstool, he was immediately greeted by the mountainous norn who gave him the biggest, but one of the gentlest, bear hugs he had ever experienced.
"Welcome back to the lodge, boy! If I didn't know better, I swear I was looking at another norn."
"It's good to see you too, Ulf. So what makes you say that?"
"My boy. Tales of your ferocious battle have reached all the way to this humble watering hole. Normally I reserve bragging rights for myself, but today is your day."
The old norn grabbed a large copper goblet and spoon then started rapping the base of the drinking vessel with all his might. Everyone immediately took notice as the thunderous echo of his voice resonated throughout the tavern.
"Here ye. Here ye! Good denizens of Claypool. A newly minted town legend has returned and is standing before you today in these very halls. Kaleb Grimwald, a boy whom I knew since he was a wolf pup, has returned from a great battle and I am here to tell everyone of his heroic deeds."
"For it was those many months ago that he, and four of his bravest comrades faced and army of thousands of ravenous centaurs who were bent upon their total destruction. Did they falter?" Ulfgar paused then inclined his ear to the audience.
"NOoo!" The patrons shouted in unison.
"Did they shirk their duties?"
"Were they victorious?"
Kaleb stood there looking like a midget, compared to the norn, and just smiled. He knew that Ulfgar's days of adventure were long behind him and being able to tell a vicarious tale helped the old norn return to his glory days.
After the highly embellished account was finished and the merrymaking festivities had subsided, Kaleb sat down on his ever-familiar stool then soaked up as many lagers as his body could handle. He waited for a break in the revelry before asking the shaman about how to get in touch with a certain someone.
The old norn could sense that Kaleb had a question to ask so he went over and waved for the patrons nearby to leave. With the two of them sitting side-by-side Ulfgar folded his massive arms and smiled.
"What's on your mind, lad? You've got that I've-got-a-favor look on your face."
Kaleb knew that whenever Ulfgar referred to him as 'lad' it was on a much more serious and heartfelt note.
"First, I wanted to thank you for boasting about my heroic tale. And second, the numbers were just a wee bit inflated. It was hundreds of centaurs, not thousands."
"Bah. Just numbers. The people here know of your deeds and that is what they appreciate the most. Anyway, what was it that you really wanted to tell me?"
Kaleb traced the top of his stein with his left index finger before downing a draught. "Our suppliers were a couple of charr. The owner's daughter was the one who saved our lives. I just wanted to get in touch with her."
"Charrs, eh? Give me names, boy. That would be a good start."
"Let's see. The daughter's name is Amalthia. She has no last name since she's a gladium. And her father's name is Ludrick Crushsomethingorother."
"Crushblow! Centurion Ludrick Crushblow of the Fifty-First Blood Legion Brigade. Now that's a name I haven't heard mentioned by anyone in ages."
"So you know him?"
"Know him. Boy, he and I used to hang out all the time back during our great hunts. Every other week back when I lived just outside Hoelbrak, we could get together at the local pub and exchange some amazing tales. He's a good soul, lad. Don't let his fearsome appearance deceive you. He will stand by those who have honorable hearts," Ulfgar smiled as he took another drink.
"He always seemed like a grumpy old charr to me. But then, I never really got a chance to know him on a personal level like I did his daughter."
"Is that so? Well, what I can tell you is that there is more to him then you can possibly imagine. But in time, and if you are patient, you will learn these things."
"I hope to be that patient. By the way, what do you know about his daughter Amalthia?"
"Not much, I'm afraid. She was sent off to a fahrar before I really had a chance to know her. What I do know is that she was exiled from her warband for being unable to save one of her bandmates. It was supposedly due to her small physical size. Her warband leader blamed her for the death of their comrades and cast her out when she was nineteen. She's been living with her sire ever since."
"What about her mother? Amalthia mentioned her several times and in a none-too-good light I might add."
Kaleb downed the rest of his stein.
"Siri Blastfuse. Now that's a dam who has a heart as cold as Jormag itself. My advice - never cross her path."
"That bad, huh? I do know that Amalthia mentioned her mother more than once when listing off the negative things that went on in her life. She must have been a real bitch."
"Aaww. Now don't go insulting wolves that way, boy. My mother was Wolf Clan."
Kaleb looked at him sheepishly. "My apologies. I think the lager is taking effect. But I understand if you are unable to get in touch with her."
"No worries, lad. I'll find a way of keeping you and her in contact with each other."
"Good. If you can, I have a letter here that I've already written to her. If you can find a way, I would really appreciate it if you could forward it to her."
Kaleb handed the old norn a sealed envelope.
Tucking it into his shirt pocket, Ulfgar responded. "Consider it done, lad."
Feeling the effects of the alcohol, Kaleb tried to steady himself as he got up from his stool.
"Oh. One other thing... where is the nearest library?"
For the first time in their many years of knowing each other, Ulfgar was completely dumbstruck by the question. He scratched his beard for a moment with his fingers while pondering the question.
"Only one I know of is at the center of town. Why are you needin' a library for anyway?"
"Um. Learning new cooking recipes for when I get back into the army?"
"I think you've had too many lagers, boy. Go home to your folks and sleep it off. I promise it will all be better in the morning."
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aion-rsa · 5 years
The Creeping Reality of V for Vendetta
It's not the Fifth of November yet but that doesn't mean we can't consider how V for Vendetta's dystopian future is closer than ever.
Remember, remember the fifth of November, the gunpowder, treason, and plot. I know of no reason why the gunpowder treason should ever be forgot.
These are the words that have accompanied hundreds of Guy Fawkes Day celebrations ever since that eponymous Catholic failed to blow up Parliament in 1605. But for many millions the world over, the poem is now synonymous with V for Vendetta, a shockingly subversive studio movie that was released in 2006. More than a decade later that film’s success at celebrating radical political ideas can still be felt by the fact that a movie which glorifies terrorist action (blowing up Parliament and Big Ben) is considered a classic in many circles, and is routinely viewed at the beginning of every November by movie fans the world over. It’s almost a fitting bit of irony that the film’s iconic visage of uncivil disobedience—the sleek and sexy reworking of a Guy Fawkes mask on Hugo Weaving’s face—has similarly become ubiquitous with anarchists, counterculture subversives, and online hackers, who all wear the trademarked Halloween item… that they helpfully purchase from the very capitalist friendly Warner Brothers’ merchandising arm on Amazon.
Nevertheless, the film is always worth remembering on Nov. 5 (or any other day), because director James McTeigue and the Wachowskis’ best screenplay to date succeeded at shrewdly adapting the V for Vendetta graphic novel to the big screen. Alan Moore purists might forever remain skeptical of such praise since by reimagining a seminal anti-Thatcher ‘80s hit piece, the Wachowskis essentially reworked the entire narrative as a brutally anti-Bush allegory (and reconfigured Weaving’s V and Natalie Portman’s Evey as a surprisingly convincing star-crossed pair of lovers from The Phantom of the Opera mold). In the process, Moore’s V went from being the poster child for anarchy to a defender of classical liberalism.
But on its own cinematic terms, V for Vendetta combines slick R-rated action movie set-pieces (that are appropriately theatrical for a comic book adaptation) alongside some pointed criticism of the U.S. government circa 2006, specifically in regard to the War on Terror and the persecution of minorities in right-wing media (remember folks: as recently as 2004, a president ran a successful national campaign by pledging to make a constitutional amendment that banned gay marriage). The film may have unintentionally also endorsed the use of torture for political radicalization, but that’s neither here nor there.
Watch V For Vendetta on Amazon
Just as sweeping as its brava rebranding of Tchaikovsky’s “1812 Overture,” V for Vendetta remains a pop culture artifact about the anxieties felt on the left in the waning years of George W. Bush’s presidency. And with it being so specifically fitted to those critiques, it should in theory seem very dated in the third year of President Donald Trump's tenure in the White House.
Yet, if one looks around, it becomes apparent that we are tiptoeing ever closer to the dystopian future that V for Vendetta warned so vehemently against…
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A Government for the People That Watches the People
One of the most chilling (and familiar) beats of dystopian hell envisioned in V for Vendetta is the Orwellian presence of a Big Brother. The film’s cartoonish dictator, High Chancellor Adam Sutler, is clearly meant to resemble Adolf Hitler. However, the filmmakers also selected John Hurt for the role of the tyrant who stripped away his country’s civil liberties. This canny casting recalls George Orwell’s Nineteen Eighty-Four since Hurt starred in the actual 1984 adaptation of that book.
And like that story’s infamous Big Brother, Sutler’s Britain is under constant surveillance by roaming trucks that are eavesdropping on every dinner table, phone, or digital conversation amongst its citizens. This is an obvious allusion to the U.S. PATRIOT Act, which provided extraordinary freedom to government agencies to pursue suspected terrorists in October 2001 (less than two months removed from the shadow of 9/11). And its encroachment on civil liberties was as disquieting in 2006 as it is in 2019—after it was extended twice during the Obama administration.
As a U.S. senator in 2005, Barack Obama spoke precisely about reforming the law: “We don’t have to settle for a PATRIOT Act that sacrifices our liberties or our safety—we can have one that secures both.” Yet elements of the PATRIOT Act were only allowed to temporarily expire in its June 2015 extension due to the maneuvers of Senator Rand Paul. Meanwhile Obama, a president I greatly admire, continued to run afoul of civil liberties groups and privacy advocates.
In fact, it was during his administration that Edward Snowden, a former contractor for the National Security Agency, unleashed a cascade of classified documents that showed the NSA was secretly utilizing a global system of surveillance that was gathering massive amounts of information about the private correspondence of both American and foreign citizens. Initially, the White House’s reaction was to brand Snowden as “not a patriot” (he currently lives outside the reach of extradition in Russia) and to suggest that the American people simply needed to become “comfortable” with the NSA’s mass bulk collection of millions’ phone records. 
But eventually the Obama White House reversed course, first by appointing a panel to quell concerns of “distorted” information in the press about the “drip, drip” and “Big Brother” perception the U.S. government ascertained overnight. Subsequently, Obama pivoted closer to the side of civil liberties (especially after a U.S. federal judge ruled the bulk collection was probably unconstitutional). In June 2015, the NSA lost the carte blanche authority to collect millions of Americans’ phone records via the White House supported USA Freedom Act (the NSA now needs a targeted warrant from the FISA court).
So, all is well that ends well in this particular case, right? Maybe, except Snowden is still living in exile and considered a traitor by many government officials, the PATRIOT Act persists, the aforementioned parts that Paul was able to see expire were reinstated by the USA Freedom Act, telecommunications companies can still stockpile Americans’ bulk data, which the FISA Court allows access to with a secret warrant, and it is so easy to imagine a scenario where a president less constitutionally minded would not choose to introduce a bill after an intelligence agency was caught with its hand in the wiretapped cookie jar. Or one who would seek to expand its powers further when the PATRIOT Act comes up for renewal again.
In fact, given many of the strongest political winds at the moment, it seems that for every step forward, we’re about to take 50 goosesteps back.
Video of V For Vendetta - 3 - Control Through Fear
The Spread of Misinformation
Another hallmark of any good dystopian yarn is a state-run media arm that inundates and brainwashes a public via the spread of propaganda. Hence one of the most exciting moments in V for Vendetta is when the titular anti-hero invades and commandeers what is clearly intended to be a stand-in for Fox News, using their ability to infest every home in England to now instead offer a rousing cry of “vive la révolution!”
Of course even in 2006, it was unfair to conflate Fox News with being a government-run puppet of the Republican National Party or the Bush administration. In many ways, the tail wags the dog with Fox News setting the Republican Party's agenda, especially now that its standard-bearer prefers getting his news from Fox & Friends as opposed to his own intelligence agencies. By contrast, V for Vendetta simplified mass media misinformation for the sake of narrative brevity. Indeed, the point about the dangers of media misinformation are only more pronounced now than they were 10 years ago.
read more: The Best Dystopian Movies and TV Shows
As broadcaster Edward R. Murrow once prophesized in 1958, “For surely we shall pay for using this most powerful instrument of communication to insulate the citizenry from the hard and demanding realities, which must indeed be faced if we are to survive.” At the time, Murrow was musing about the decline of broadcast news during a period where there were only three channels on television. Today with the increasingly endless variety of media resources in a post-internet and post-social media world, the dissemination of lies and falsehoods is greater than even the Wachowskis’ paranoia could imagine during the pre-iPhone naiveté of 2006.
With more information than ever at folks’ fingertips, the desire to insulate one’s self in a media echo chamber has ironically become only more desirable for millions.
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To use V’s veiled punching bag of Fox News as an example, a University of Maryland study in 2010 found that Fox News viewers were more misinformed about factual information than those who consumed their primary news stories from any other major resource. Also, misinformation is arguably more dangerous to public discourse than even uninformed voters, because the misinformed are often more confident in clinging to discredited information.
Nine years later, it’s now a lot easier to fall down the rabbit hole of innuendo and ideological fanaticism (i.e. lies) than it was in the age when cable news reigned supreme. The more people become insulated in partisan echo chambers, the easier it is to create the effect of a brainwashed society hinted at in V for Vendetta—government run or otherwise.
Consider that Frank Luntz, a Republican pollster and once frequent Fox News commentator, showcased this bizarre resistance to reality  among a group of Donald Trump supporters. Preferring a particular political candidate for president was their right, but when Luntz emphatically proved the future Republican nominee Trump lied about how many Syrian refugees President Obama attempted to bring into the U.S. in 2016—for the record it was 10,000 refugees while Trump falsely asserted it was 250,000—the reaction was apathy, including comments like “he’d let in as many as possible” and “what is in his heart?”
Luntz further found that only three of the 29 Trump supporters sampled believe that Obama is a Christian. One even insisted that he believed Obama was sworn into office in 2009 on a Quran. Also the general consensus was to prefer news from far right-wing leaning media like Breitbart (a site that willfully sided with the Trump campaign over its own reporters, even in an incident of alleged physical assault) and talk radio while anything considered “mainstream media” was to be viewed with hostile skepticism and outright denial. This was years before a fanatical Trump supporter, who watched the president call all non-right-wing media “the enemy of the people,” mailed several pipe bombs to CNN in addition to those of nearly a dozen of Trump's political opponents and critics.
Additionally, Steve Bannon, the former executive chairman of Breitbart News LLC, was hired by Donald Trump to be his campaign's CEO, further muddying the waters of collusion between political leaders and the partisan, extremist media they court--although after Bannon fell out of favor with the mercurial president, Breitbart happily threw him to the wolves and fired the fallen Trump advisor from his returned chairman role, all to curry favor with the veritably lying and tweeting president.
In this current climate of media tribalization, it is far easier for a demagogue like Sutler to lie his way to power and to then retain it.
Video of Opening scene from V for Vendetta
Persecution of Minorities
V for Vendetta begins with a blunt and on-the-nose depiction of the kind of politics that High Chancellor Adam Sutler and his Norsefire Party represent. Roger Allam’s Lewis Prothero is obviously meant to be a cross between Howard Beale and Joseph Goebbels when we hear his televised voice before even realizing we’re watching Natalie Portman and Hugo Weaving’s robed introductions.
From the very first frame, Prothero, and by extension the political party he represents, hisses his disdain for those inherently responsible for all of the problems in the world: “Immigrants, Muslims, homosexuals, terrorists, diseased-ridden degenerates, they had to go! Strength through unity, unity through faith!”
read more: The Best Sci-Fi Movies on Netflix
Drawing a parallel between the nativist bigotry represented by V for Vendetta and the current disintegration of the Republican Party is like tracing with a ruler. While V for Vendetta’s fears about the persecution of the LGBT community turned out to be thankfully unfounded in the Obama Years with “Don’t Ask Don’t Tell” repealed and gay marriage now the law of the land, everything else Prothero espoused hatred for is again in the national conversation… except with even less nuance. This includes how the Trump adiministration is targeting people who identify as transexual as Other, beginning with banning them from the military.
It would almost be redundant to bring up how Donald Trump—the preferred president of David Duke, a former Grand Wizard of the KKK, and Neo Nazis everywhere—suggested in 2015 that we should ignore the Constitution and founding tenets of this country by creating a religious litmus test for entry while banning all Muslims (which he has now made a restricted version of the law of the land via executive order). So let’s just focus on what the man who once inferred he did not know what the KKK represented. While on CNN in 2016, the GOP candidate said, “I think Islam hates us.” For the record, this also insinuated merit to Anderson Cooper’s question about whether Trump believed Islam was “at war with the West?” 
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Let this sink in: The President of the United States insinuated that a religion of 1.6 billion people (that’s roughly 23 percent of the global population) is at war with the United States. It certainly gives his voters a boogeyman to fear in the shape of nearly three million fellow American neighbors. In the 2018 midterms, he shifted the focus back to his original boogeyman when he turned the media's attention to an “invasion” of South American refugees from a crumbling caravan a thousand miles away walking through Mexico on foot.
V for Vendetta features flashbacks of Sutler rounding up British Muslims, and gay and lesbian citizens to be taken to camps. While Trump has not suggested anything quite that drastic for Muslims (yet), he campaigned pretty damn close to it in regards to undocumented immigrants. And then he acted on it as president, supporting and then attempting to defend a policy designed to ruin immigrant families by locking children in cages. This makes good on a campaign launched by the claim that a majority of undocumented migrants are “rapists,” which in turn led to millions of Trump supporters chanting “build a Wall.”
One imagines that if Prothero was a real person, he’d have been in the bleachers right next to them, talking about how he also agrees about shipping off minorities in a “humane” way to a place where they’d be “happy.”
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“He’s Completely Single-Minded and Has No Regard for Political Process”
Ultimately, however, the easiest way to glimpse our ever growing flirtation with Sutler’s future is to see how parts of our culture already march to the sound of the fictional character’s bark. Midway through V for Vendetta, V surmises that Sutler’s career began with “a deeply religious man and a member of the conservative party. He’s completely single-minded and has no regard for political process. The more power he obtains, the more obvious his zealotry and the more aggressive his supporters become.”
Obviously, the Wachowski Siblings, as well as Alan Moore before them, were revisiting the rise of Adolf Hitler in a modern context. I would not suggest that it is a 1:1 comparison, but so much of how V describes Sutler could be used at this very moment to detail the popularity of Donald Trump.
In terms of political process, one only has to look at the Republican president’s woefully dishonest campaign promises and then often fractured policy, be it rounding up illegal immigrants or now claiming he has the power to revoke birthright citizenship without a Constutional amendment, despite it being enshrined in the 14th Amendment. In 2016, he ranted and raved about how he plans to immediately deport 12 million people living in America without due process, a claim he echoed in 2018 by playing ignorant to due process. Even Bill O’Reilly once called him out on that fact, pointing out in 2016 that under the Constitution, anyone detained on American soil (i.e. not just crossing the border) has the right to be processed in our judicial system—a harrowing (and impossible) feat if it is to be immediately implemented around 12 million times. Yet Trump just shrugged the facts off, repeating, “They’re here illegally,” as if repetition and magical thinking will make it constitutionally sound or at all humane.
Then again, Trump’s entire rhetorical approach has already been documented as operating on a fourth grade reading level, and it is as effective as the emphatic leader of V for Vendetta’s fictional conservative party. Increasingly, folks cheer when he suggests attacking cornerstones of American life like the freedom of the press. Much like how Sutler reacted to a political TV parody that made him look the fool, the Donald let his thin skin show when he suggested, with the utmost earnestness, that one of the things he wants most is to “open up libel laws.”
Even if the Supreme Court settled long ago in 1964 that you need to prove an organization reported inaccurate information it knew to be false with malicious intent, Trump would like to be able to sue “The New York Times [when they write] a hit-piece which is a total disgrace or when The Washington Post, which is there for other reasons, writes a hit-piece. We can sue them and win money instead of having no chance of winning, because they’re totally protected.”
His whining about the press suggests a chip on his shoulder worthy of when Sutler had a late night comedian disappeared into one of Creedy’s black bags.
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Yet these are applause lines for supporters who are indeed embracing V’s visions of a dystopic 21st century where the more power Trump receives, the more aggressive they become. With almost every Trump rally during the heated primaries, there seemed to be another attack, another beating, and another protest devolving into chaos. In January 2016, Trump told an Iowa crowd, “There may be somebody with tomatoes in the audience. If you see somebody getting ready to throw a tomato, knock the crap out of them, would you?... I promise you, I will pay for the legal fees.”
Two months later in North Carolina, a black man was sucker punched by a Trump supporter as he was being escorted by police out of the facility, and it was captured on video. Despite visual confirmation of an unprompted burst of violence from a white supporter toward an African American protestor, Trump lied to his supporters when he said, “It was a guy who was swinging.” He then condoned the violence by saying, “I thought it was very, very appropriate… that’s what we need a little bit more of.” He then later would not refute the alleged attacker’s claims that the protestor was a member of ISIS.
After his ascendency to the White House, many emphatic supporters of Trump have become more violent instead of less so. When a visceral orgy of far-right politics converged on Charlottesville, Virginia in 2017, Neo Nazis, Neo Confederates, and card carrying members of the KKK celebrated an event titled "Unite the Right," including a number of supporters dressed in President Trump's preferred golfing attire as they marched with torches and chanted "The Jews will not replace us," word-for-word the same cries made by Nazis at 1930s rallies. The following day, one such far-right extremist drove his car into a crowd of counterprotestors, killing 32-year-old Heather Heyer. The following week, Trump gave rhetorical cover to racist supporters by saying "there were very fine people on both sides." A year later, a Trump enthusiast sent bombs to Trump critics. A year after that, a far-right terrorist opened fire in a Walmart in El Paso, Texas, killing 22 people and injuring another 24.
Eventually, this is going to devolve into something even more tragic and reminiscent of the 1930s.
How is this anger growing right now in a country that actually has seen a growth in job creation, GDP, and access to healthcare while a decrease in the deficit and unemployment over the last six years of Obama's presidency and then increasingly so in the Trump years? There is an obvious racial and deplorable component for a number of voters in this country from the David Duke mold. Still, there are also reasons for justifiable anger with a cataclysmic income inequality gap and stagnant wages, the undeniable stench of money in politics, and the ever modern and unending anxiety of the new century: the threat of terrorism. But demagogues like Sutler and Trump are exploiting these fears and frustrations with such ridiculous ease, and building it on a foundation of hate, nationalism, and bigotry, that it seems almost fictional.
But if you think all of this is slanted, partisan hooey, watch V’s impassioned plea for the people of England to set aside their fear and face an ugly reality inside their culture. Then admit that it is not prescient for the direction our country is headed in.
Video of V for Vendetta: The Revolutionary Speech (HD)
So yes, Americans are closer than ever to achieving the dystopian future imagined for England in V for Vendetta. That’s something to remember, remember for the fifth of November.
A version of this article first ran on March 17, 2016.
David Crow is the Film Section Editor at Den of Geek. He’s also a member of the Online Film Critics Society. Read more of his work here. You can follow him on Twitter @DCrowsNest.
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David Crow
Nov 5, 2019
V For Vendetta
The Wachowskis
Natalie Portman
Hugo Weaving
from Books https://ift.tt/2JjXiVW
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whitewolfbumble · 6 years
Wild Horses - Chapter 4/5
A Bucky Barnes Biker AU
Summary: Kicked out of school and exiling yourself in a town time forgot, one little incident lands the sights of the locally infamous Avengers biker gang square on you. Wild horses run faster and there was no chance to turn back now.
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Reader
Word Count: About 3.5k
Warnings: Language, death, injury/gore
A/N: Down we go again! Note, I am not a nurse/doctor so if you find any inaccuracies I apologize. This series is written for @softhairbarnes 750 Follower Celebration! She is my muse and a writing goddess. Hope you enjoy this fic, dearest!
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“Why are you down there?” The voice was low and course like a gravel road, patchy and held tight in his throat. 
The interruption to your light sleep would have made you jump a mile high and a mile across the room, but it came friendly and somehow with an edge of something like mischief. It was above you, floating down and snapping conscious reality back to your mind in a moment.
“Bucky,” you croaked, inhaling both the warm morning air and the reality of the last night at the same time.
In the morning light streaming filtered through thin pastel curtains, he was clear to you in a moment, rousing you fully awake. He was still on his back (as he should be), chest bare, head tilted and looking down to you on the floor. The bruise on his cheek stood out, a signal of what other injuries lay unseen.
“Hey,” you whispered, moving your stiff body to get up and stand with legs leaning against the mattress. “How’s my favourite and only patient doing?”
“I dunno, Doc,” he responded, though by his fondly gazing expression and that hint of mischievous tone he seemed just fine.
The slightly bruised knuckles so lightly touching the skin of your thigh you didn’t even notice as you stood peering down quiet and gentle to him.
“Can I see the damage?” you asked.
He agreed and you gingerly lifted a corner of the taped on square of gauze clinging to his side. Bucky peered down too, movements a little stiff but managing to see what you did. An ugly, but not as angry looking dual lines of his wound, stitches holding and settled in, looked to be healing. It was puffed slightly and looking bruised, but not anything unusual. Not raised or infected, little blood on the gauze to speak of.
“Looks like you’ll live.” you said with a smile moving to bend over him, hovering just above his face. A face that held a look that stopped time. And to Bucky, your look held the same.
An intimate moment, unduplicatable and unbelievingly magical, was created and held by the both of your looks. It stopped time and held you both under its power.
It was infinity quiet moment, the buttery yellow sunbeams lighting up his bruised, subtly smiling lips. His pale, drawn face was edged with that glow, eyes burning a brighter blue than you had seen.
“God, Bucky,” you breathed, caught up in the glow, in the feel of time stopping all around you. “How many times have you been stabbed to smile like that so soon?”
You chalked up your next actions to checking on him, taking care of him. But as your fingertips brushed his cheek, feather light over his bruise, you knew somewhere deep it sprouted from a need. To be close to him. To comfort him. You were drawn to him, to touch him and be near him, just as he was to you.
“Yeah, maybe gotten used to it,” he whispered, voice hoarse but softly tender too, slowly moving his hand to hold yours to him. “But haven’t woken up to a face like yours before.”
That endless expanse of time, your feeling of an unbreakable bond and bubble, was burst all too soon.
The jarring sound of the door opened, Steve coming in unannounced. It would have been hard not to notice the intimacy between you and Bucky, but he came in and sat beside his friend all the same. You stood up taking a step back and running a hand through your hair, not particularly ready for the gang to see you in your pj’s just yet.
“Morning,” Steve said pleasantly enough to the two of you. “Looking good Buck, better than usual I’d say.”
“Yeah, nothing like a good sleep after being cut open.” Bucky said back, playing along with the tease, much to your frown.
He stiffly propped himself up on one elbow, barely even wincing. Man, if you had been stabbed not some hours before and patched up by a novice in a country home you would not be doing as well as him.
“Hey, Y/N, Sam is trying to work your coffee machine but is having no luck. Mind showing him how it goes?” Steve asked you, expression blank and innocent looking enough. “I think today we could probably all use a cup or three.”
“Alright, but behave you two,” you warned, grabbing your robe off the chair and slipping it on.
“Yes ma’am.” Bucky assured, smile weak but genuine.
“We promise.” Steve said.
You weren’t surprised to find Sam in the kitchen, peering through your cupboards for the coffee grounds. But you were surprised to hear a couple other members milling around the living room, coming in with Steve obviously.
“Steve brought the whole crew with him, huh Sam?” you asked by way of a “good morning” to the man in your kitchen.
“Yeah, we’re a bit close so I’m sure most will come by and check up on your patient up there,” he responded, grounds in hand before rattling the coffee tin. “And also a bit caffeine deprived too.”
And so it began. You underestimated Sam’s little comment about the gang stopping in. You thought, yeah, of course they would come and visit. Check up on Bucky, make sure he was comfortable and okay, making promises to see him again soon.
But nope.
They came, and they stayed. All of them. Or what you figured must be at least the vast majority. Your driveway was a sea of motorcycles, glinting bright in the sun. Your tiny little living room, delicately decorated by your grandma probably just the once seventy years ago, was packed on every surface with denim-clad, leather jacket wearing, grime and grease stained bikers. And when the living room was overflowing (which did not take long), they took to the front steps and back porch, drinking beer and causing your serene and timeless sanctuary to be overrun with noise and beer bottles.
You closed the bedroom door and braced yourself against it, eyes closed and fist clenched.
“Bad day?” Bucky asked. He was sitting up a little now and placed your mystery book he had been reading on his chest.
“I get that they want to make sure you’re okay, Bucky,” you started, lips held in a grim line. “But all of them? All the time? This is the third day of you being here. You would think they would have enough confidence in me to take care of you by now. You’re practically up and about on your own anyways.”
Bucky looked away from you, shrugging. “Not a confidence thing, babe. We stick together. Fly or fail, we’re in it together.”
You didn’t want to admire that, would rather fume and fuss and feel that tight feeling of anxiety in your chest until they left, but to be honest you did admire it. You didn’t have that in your life. Never had. And you weren’t about to take that away from Bucky at any rate.
Sighing, you walked around to him and absently filled his water glass, passing it to him. As usual you were caught up in your own thoughts while he took a sip, eyes fixed on you. Walking around to the other side you laid down in a huff, moving the pillow closer to your patient. Again Bucky peered down at you, the beginnings of a crooked grin on his lips.
“Okay, I won’t kick them out yet, but soon,” you muttered, trying not to thinking about the truth Bucky said to you those days go. That you could belong to this world, these people. You just weren’t sure how to act around them now, knowing what he thought. “In the meantime, where are you?”
“Chapter nineteen,” he said taking the book off his chest and opening it back up. “I skipped a chapter or two though.”
“Yeah, that one storyline is a little ridiculous, but it all comes together soon enough. Well, I’m hoping so,” you commented.
As was your routine over the last few days, Bucky picked up where he left off and began reading out loud to you. You two would take breaks, talk about the story, ramble on about life, but often you just listened in to him, more often than not inching closer until your cheek was resting on his cool metal prosthetic arm. You rationed with yourself that he couldn’t feel it, but by the upward curl in the corner of his mouth, you knew that wasn’t true. He rationed that you didn’t notice when his fingers slid under your thigh between it and the mattress, but you did.
Late in the evening of the next day Bucky was already asleep and without the presence of his calming words, you were on edge yet again. The high pitched buzz of the phone didn’t help, making you jump and almost drop the cup of tea right out of your hand.
“Hey,” said Steve on the other end. “We won’t be in town tonight. We have a, uh meeting on the outskirts, so you’ll have to tuck Bucky in for bed for us. Just let him know that?”
“He’s sleeping,” you said a little dully, exasperation with this whole thing not able to be completely hidden. “But I’ll let him know in the morning. And between the ten people you left behind here and myself, I think I can manage tucking the grown man in.”
“Thanks, Y/N,” was all he said before hanging up.
You glanced back at your tea, the steaming liquid bringing up thoughts of the muscle relaxing, peaceful bath you could be taking right now… And an idea lit sparks in your mind.
You paused, debating and calculating before muttering a weak “what the hell” and deciding just to go for it. You deserved an evening alone (save Bucky) with a comforting bath and some quiet.
With determination you walked into the living room, walking up a couple stair steps to get slightly above the crowd.
“Alright!” you yelled in the house, the clamours and raucous sounds of overcompensating rough masculinity dying down eventually. “Everyone is leaving. Meaning you, all of you. Steve wants you all back at the bar. Now. He’ll be there soon for a whole gang meeting, alright? Sam is coming now to look after things here and you all better be gone before he gets in, or he’ll give Steve an earful, understand?”
Unsure murmurs were following by resolute stomps, luckily in the direction of the door. Revving and smoking exhaust from ten or more mufflers filled the air then disappeared as soon enough they were gone. 
And for the first time in days, you finally had some peace.
The bath was luxurious, the silence beautiful, and the emptiness of the house like a blanket. Cozy and comforting, enveloping and with a softness that is hard to find when filled with intruding guests. Ones that made you reflect on your place in the world, anyways.
It was in that little bubble of contentment that you took your space on the floor when you (literally) crawled into your makeshift bed. Despite Bucky innocently (at least in expression and tone… maybe not in intention) suggesting every night that you stay in bed with him, you rested your head down on the pillow, wriggling around for a comfy position on the floor. No amount of blankets could take away the hard unwavering floorboards underneath you, but you had just about enough of them to give it an honest try.
The dark room was lit by small slivers of muted moonlight, a softer and cooler light than you were used to seeing Bucky in. It suited him, actually. Yes it was cool and soft, but also had a bright white kind of passion or intensity to it, the stilled beams with none of the buzzing energy the suns rays give.
In these thoughts you faded in and out of sleep and wakefulness, happy to drift in your tranquil house.
It was not yet even close to dawn, the dead of night still holding fast to the world, when you heard something. Or you thought you did, waking up just slightly enough to keep you ears open. Maybe your ruse to get the gang to leave didn’t work after all.
But the sound happened again, too soft for the clumsy gang, who happily favoured loud and unapologetic noises at all hours. It was a thud, like someone knocking into the coffee table or kitchen table. The second time it sounded your eyes opened, brain signalling this wasn’t either in your head or the house settling.
With a bit of a groan you sat up, looking over to Bucky, who seemed to be sleeping silently. Though he had greatly improved and probably could have handled a truck ride to his place, he had stayed, content to remain in your bed for most of the days and nights. You weren’t complaining about it, hard floor and all.
Carefully you stepped light toes on the floor, pinpointing with an accuracy only one who grew up here and snuck out more than once could know, making your way across the room and down the old stairs in complete silence.
When you got to the bottom step, you stopped, looking out to the shadowy main floor. Less of the moon was shining through down here, as though the farther away from Bucky you were, the more demure the moonlight. It meant dark black shapes melded into the darkness around it, the edges not so defined as in daylight, moving and morphing subtly.
You stepped down, wondering if someone had camped out on the couch or maybe had gone back outside for a beer (clearly a favourite pastime of the group). You walked deeper into the darkness of the room heading over towards the front window. Maybe if you recognized the motorcycle you would know who was here? Well, you knew a couple anyways: Natasha’s black and scarlet bike with the spider, Tony’s modern bright red bike, Steve’s navy and silver bike, and Bucky’s classic black and silver one, of course.
But hand clamped around your wrist hard, a concrete grasp that felt like they had reached bone and stopped you dead in your tracks, voiceless and shocked. It wasn’t the sudden feeling of a person coming up behind you, grabbing your wrist, but the pain and radiating fury of their strength.
The next few moment happened so fast and so endlessly slow you couldn’t process any of it. It took you a second longer to realize this wasn’t a friend but enemy that was here with you. 
The first realization hit when a fierce kick to the side of the knee sent you to the ground. The confirmation of that realization when the hand clenching your wrist held you up, and a fist collided at bone crushing speed to your face. The terror from that realization hit when arms encircled you, a vice grip like a boa constrictor hellbent on squeezing the life out of you in the most painful way possible.
You felt as though bones were about to crack, organs split open, your skin about to burst at its seams. Dead weight, you fell to your knees, bringing your attacker with you and the adrenaline induced need to get away flooded you, drowning you with a focused survivors flight reflex unbridled by much conscious thought.
You whipped your head back, smashing your skull painfully against teeth and jaw and bone. Your foot kicked up awkwardly but hard, coming into contact harshly with the man crotch. The combination sent him off balance and tumbling back, but with his vice grip unwavering, so did you.
You were pulled down on top of him, your back to his chest, head knocked back painfully on his shoulder. You felt his hands on your bare skin, the grip biting and hard, bruising and unshakable. You squirmed and shifted and tried desperately to get out his bracing hold on you, to get away but you just couldn’t.
You knew you couldn’t let him pin you, couldn’t let him get on top of you. You tried throwing your elbows back and smash your heels into him and shook and rocked and did your level best in the darkness to keep him from getting what he wanted.
You gasped, sucking the air out of the room and about to burst your lungs, as suddenly the dynamics of this fight changed.
You screamed out a choked “No!” as you felt and saw someone come down on you, stunned at a second assailant and knowing now you were doomed.
The man mounted and straddled your hips and you briefly saw a telltale glint of a knife in the darkness. You were pinned to the man below you and now the man on top of you, causing a scream to erupt from deep within your soul and lungs as though you were already dying. Horror wasn’t adequate to describe the feeling inside you, the petrified feeling of death with no way to stop it.
In a flash the knife was at your side, and squelching squirt noise following, then even quicker than you could react it was at your head, a gargle and warmth hitting your ears and temple.
You felt the warmth of blood, the gushing of it soaking your clothes and back, and you waited for the pain. Waited for the shock to subside to feel this torment, to feel the life slipping from you.
But it didn’t come. What did was the relaxed feeling of release around you. Was the man under you slowly letting go.
It wasn’t you who was dead, but the man below you, his side stabbed and neck slashed, blood soaking your skin as every drop fought to leave his body and cover you.
You looked up through tears and sheer overwhelming panic to the person straddling you in the darkness, the bright hint of blue unmistakeable even in the dim light.
You wanted to sob his name, to cry out and scream and run away from this and take him with you. But you couldn’t move, the only movement or sound just a thin whimper escaping your heaving chest.
Bucky got up off of you and you about groaned, terrified for a moment he would leave you here. But he scooped you up, ignoring your blood-drenched clothes, picking you up so your chest was to his, your legs on either side of his hips.
He didn’t take you upstairs to the bath or to bed, but outside, the night air hitting you. You wanted to breath deeply, to calm down, to feel safe and protected, but you found yourself unable to feel anything but utterly overwhelmed. You breathed in short hard spurts, hitched and struggling, feeling as though no oxygen was getting in. You held your eyes shut tightly, shock taking over.
You felt Bucky move, before he set you and himself down. You realized as the ear-ripping sound rang in your ears, that you were on his bike, still face him, with one of his arms wrapped firmly and unwaveringly around you and the other on the handlebars.
You felt your hair move around you as you both tore away from the house and its trauma, your eyes closed against him, digging deeper into him. You didn’t know when it started, but you began to shiver, then shake, and then you couldn’t stop. Not even when Bucky held you closer, leaning over you as much as he could.
At some point the bike stopped, the ringing in the background of your head dying down and buzzing silence filling its place. You were airborne for just a moment before coming back into complete contact with Bucky, your hands gripping him harder, threatening to never release from him. You heard gravel boots and felt your body bob with his steps, still not willing to look at where you were going.
You heard a door open. Steps down a silent hall. Another door, then quickly another. You felt yourself being carried up a flight of stairs, still harshly aware that wherever you were now, it was still just the two of you.
Bucky held you still, the pair of you alone in this place. You couldn’t open your eyes to find out where you were yet. Even when after a time he ever so slowly set you down on unsteady feet.
He didn’t pull away for maybe a few seconds or minutes or days, you couldn’t tell anymore. He just held you tightly but nothing like… You couldn’t finish that thought, shivering into him.
“You’re safe here,” he whispered to you, so low against your ear you only barely heard it. “You are.”
The silence after could only last so long, something needing to burst out of you lest you explode here on the spot in his arms.
“Bucky!” you almost yelled with eyes now wide, the sound jolting you where you stood and him instinctively pressing up closer against you in an instant. His eyes were locked on yours, searching and shocked. “Steve said… Steve called… He said that, he said you… you were there, but sleeping so… He’s out of town tonight, he-he’s on the outskirts… You needed to know, he said you needed to know.”
“Yes doll, thank you,” he whispered, a placating kiss pressed to your temple.  He held you again, waiting to speak until enough little kisses given, for both your sake and his, fingers running through your hair. “...You did good Y/N. You did so good.”
He cupped either side of your face, holding you back so he could look at your tear stained cheeks and wide, bloodshot eyes.
“I need you to do something else for me tonight Y/N, okay?” he said, thumbs moving across your jawline while you blinked slow and watery. “I need you to stay here, okay? You’ll be safe here, but I need you to stay. I will come back, you understand? I need you to repeat that, Y/N. Tell me what I just said.”
“I… I’ll stay here,” you whispered, trying your best to repeat his words through the numbing haze of shock. “You’ll come back… You- you promise you’ll come back.”
“That’s it,” he said, pulling you in tightly again. “I’ll come back. I promise. You’ll be safe.”
Too soon he broke away from you and was out the door before you could plead for him to stay. He would have, if you had managed it. He would have stayed instead, protecting and caring for you. He would have done that over facing whatever it was he was off to face, or whoever it was was he was off to find. He would’ve been safe and kept you safe.
But instead he left you, drenched in a dead man’s blood, alone and shaking in the dead of night.
Thank you for reading! Please leave me some feedback so I know what you thought of this chapter! I feel like whatever side of good or bad you think this is, you’ll have an opinion lol. Let me know if you want to be tagged!
Permanent Tags: @dontpanc @smodvocate @bungalowjamaica @buckybonky@methefandompanda @hangirl93 @captainrogerrsbeard @friendly-neighborhood-lich-queen @thisgirllikeme @jjsoccer11 @innerpandablizzard-blog @fanatic-fanfic
Bucky Barnes Tags: @bexboo616 @kaaatniss
Wild Horses Tags: @myshakespeareandarling @lunasayinprincess2 @disagreetoagree @lilypalmer1987 @verygraphicink @jsmith509
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thephoenix-hq · 5 years
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☞ NAME: Sirius Black. ☞ AGE: Nineteen (11.03.1959) ☞ BLOOD STATUS: Pureblood. ☞ HOUSE: Former Gryffindor. ☞ GENDER: Cis-male. ☞ FACECLAIM: Ben Barnes. ☞ TRIGGER WARNING: Suicide.
Sirius Black wasn’t meant to live in poverty. From the day he was born, he could have whatever he wanted, whenever he wanted. It wasn’t until he got a little older and started blatantly questioning the activities happening around him that he got his first taste of how twisted his family was. He learned to keep his mouth shut until he went to Hogwarts, though. It was meeting James, the boy his age from a family he grew up hearing terrible things about. Bloodtraitors. Muggle-lovers. A five minute conversation on the train had Sirius questioning his whole life.
After that, he met Peter who was a half-blood but possibly the kindest person he had ever met. And then there was Remus. He really had to rewire his brain for Remus, because though he was one of the most genuine humans he’d never met, he was also a werewolf. And Sirius had been bred to believe in the dangers of them. The final straw that chucked every last bit of connection he had to his family was the exile and subsequent death of Alphard Black. His uncle had been the only person that seemed uncomfortable by physical abuse and open scrutiny of anyone deemed lesser than them.
In 1975, he brought home a muggle woman and though Sirius didn’t understand it, his uncle (the only person in his family aside from his younger brother that he felt unbridled love for) seemed happier than he ever had. It confused the young boy immensely when his own family threw him out and told him never to come back, lest he correct his tragic ways. A year later, that woman went missing and Alphard Black ended his life. His oldest nephew ran away from home when his mother wore white the whole next week displaying the most outrageous sign of disrespect Sirius had ever seen. He would never look back on them, and he would always fault them for the death of his uncle. There was no going back after that.
-  J U N E  1 9 7 9 -
It was the ultimate rebellion. When Dumbledore sat him down and asked him to join the Order of the Phoenix, his answer was (unsurprisingly) immediate and impulsive. Sirius didn’t quite know what he was getting himself into, but he knew he was standing up for something much bigger than himself. He was fighting for his uncle, his friends who were dear to him and couldn’t help where they came from, and those who weren’t able to fight for themselves. His decision to join felt right, like there was nothing more befitting of the disgraced rebel boy, Sirius Black.
←  C O N N E C T I O N S  →
→ James Potter
James was the friend that could always be counted on. His loyalty was stronger than the gravity surrounding the earth and nothing could change his mind once he made it up. Occasionally that was something of an annoyance about him, but very rarely to Sirius. He had weaseled his way in with the golden boy, securing a lifetime spot as something good beside him. He would be eternally grateful to James for that, because it was too easy to feel himself slipping. He loved the people he surrounded himself with now, but it would be so easy to do exactly what had always been asked of him. It was an extremely fleeting thought. Sirius was firm in his stance against his family, unwavering in his love of his friends. It was just the old thoughts that came to him sometimes. James was the person he went to, nonjudgmental in his entirety - especially in his old age. He was the one person Sirius could confide in without worry, because he had the absolute highest regards for the friends he chose.
← Remus Lupin
The friendship they held had always been odd. From the start, Sirius had seen Remus Lupin as a sickly, skinny little thing that obviously came from a family of little financial value. He kept to himself at first, but James had been determined to make their threesome into four. They lived together, they needed to be friends was his constant excuse. Sirius, on the contrary, felt like it wasn’t their place to force the kid to hang out with them. Later on, he became grateful for James’ persistence, because Remus was funny. Despite how closed-off he had been from the start, upon cracking open that cold, slightly frightened exterior, Remus revealed his intellect. He was wise beyond his years, had a whip quick wit, and was so sarcastic it was almost rude. They got along swimmingly after that because the second Remus opened his mouth, it was bound to be a catch and the other three boys were lucky they got to hear it.
→ Peter Pettigrew
Quiet, kind Peter wasn’t as mousy and timid as everyone seemed to think he was. He had a knack for flying under the radar that Sirius admired endlessly. The Marauders truly were like the gears in a clock when they got going, each taking up space but not overpowering the others. James was the central axis that brought them all together. Remus was the careful planning and detailed numbers. Sirius was gusto and color face, all raw emotion and impulsive thought. And Peter was the small hand. He ticked away, kept things going. He was the fly on the wall that you would miss if you weren’t specifically looking for him. That’s what Sirius noticed. Peter wasn’t timid and shy, he was crafty. Sneaky. It impressed him.
→  Dorcas Meadowes
Dorcas Meadowes is the type of person that can look straight through the skin and see into the soul. Sirius noticed her in school by the way she treated others. The incident involving Mary and Mulciber spread around the grounds like the wildfire on the post office. They all knew the story. Mulciber used the imperius curse on Mary MacDonald and coerced her to set fire to the post office in Hogsmeade. This disabled the anti-apparition charms surrounding the school and every aspiring Death Eater left to join the Dark Lord. The professors managed to get the wards back up in an instance, making them infinitely stronger than they had been before. Mary wound up in the hospital wing with burns up and down her arms and a faded memory. Dorcas was by her side in an instant, something Sirius commended. He couldn’t imagine how he would feel if James were in Mary��s place, he in Dorcas’. He would have lost his mind, but the Ravenclaw girl handled it with a quiet grace that went almost entirely unnoticed. He approached her a few months after the incident and struck up a conversation. Things were rocky between the Marauders at the time because of a thoughtless prank Sirius pulled on Snape and he found himself wanting to get to know her. It was interesting to see someone who seemed so similar to himself from the outside. She, naturally, shot him down with a look of disgruntled contempt. This only made him admire her more, and eventually they became mates on the basis that she saw right through him and he got on her nerves. Though life separated them upon graduation, their reunion will likely prove that nothing much has changed between them.
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&&. rumor has it that ( oakley davenport ) was just spotted in the forbidden kingdom. ( he ) is ( 29 ) year old ( human ) known to be a ( pirate ). many have said ( he ) resembles ( daniel sharman ). ( he ) has been said to be ( destructive and self-indulgent ) but also quite ( disciplined and well rounded ). ( he ) is currently serving as ( quartermaster on the star eater )
001. the shallows
( oakley ) would describe ( himself ) as a ( summer ) person and would identify as a/an ( enfp / chaotic good ). ( his ) birthday is ( march 7 ), making ( his ) star sign ( pisces ) and ( his ) animal sign the ( snake ). ( his ) biggest pet peeve is ( people giving him mis-informed advice ), and ( his ) theme song is ( start a riot by duckwrth & shaboozey  ). when it comes to the separation of species in candoris, ( he ) is ( neutral, like his captain ). finally, ( his ) primary goal is to ( not get killed ).
002. the depths
oakley was born out of wedlock to two commoners outside of candoris. obviously, this was not something to brag about considering it was looked down upon by almost everyone in his community. exiled and ridiculed by the rest of the community, this forced his family to relocate to live on the shores. in turn, this showed oakley exactly what he was going to be in life. from his window in his seaside home, he spent his time longingly staring at the moon and watching the tides crash and crumble onto the shore. he wanted to be out among the waves, settled under the stars for all of his days without care or consequence. anything to get him away from his life of isolation that he was confined to by living with his parents who did not even love each other, so why would he believe that they even loved him an ounce.
as he wandered the beach one day, a found a book laying in the sand, thankfully undamaged from water. his curiosity overwhelmed him and he decided to take a glance at it. he wanted to learn more about what it was. he took it to a town vender, one that sold books like these and inquired about them. the vendor told him that they were an escape from the real world once you read them, and he felt as if it was exactly what he needed to distract him from his own isolation. he found a sort of friendship with the vender, who offered to teach him how to read so he could learn to escape into a world that was starkly different than his. and before time could tell, oakley had invested himself in reading any and every story he could get his hands on, even for just a moment of solace. he’d read by the sea in the moonlight, weeping over words he could barely understand because at least it was something.
one night when he was sixteen, a ship had docked near their cottage— a pirate ship of all things. he had only ever read of pirates in tales and stories. yet seeing one with his own eyes opened them up to believe in all of the dreams he wished for. packing just a nap sack full of a few of his items and every coin he had spared in his life, he snuck away from his home and boarded the ship as a stowaway. he just longed to be on the sea and this was the first opportunity he had gotten to take it. it wasn’t long after that oakley found himself slowly working through ranks, but it still didn’t feel right. of course being a pirate and loving the sea meant the world to him and he would continue to pursue this adventurous lifestyle, but as the ship he was serving on docked, he unloaded his things without bothering to say goodbye to his shipmates. plundering the seas was everything he thought it would be, but he still longed for that family connection he so desperately craved.
his streak continued over the course of a few years, jumping from ship to ship hoping that he would perhaps be able to find one that offered him everything he wanted. he was a pirate after all, as long as he was able to get the things he wanted he was doing quite well for himself. docked at a trading port that day, oakley caught wind of a new ship that was about to set sail— the star eater. it was not until he heard of the name of the captain, mina stoker, that his interest was piqued. he remembered her from one of the other ships he had been on briefly, though he had no defining memory. only that she wasn’t someone that he had ever felt uncomfortable with during his travels. he set his sights for the star eater, and made himself a part of her crew.
there was something different about this ship, something that sparked a sort of excitement he had never encountered before— even more so when he discovered his first pirate ship. they voyaged off into the night, oakley settling into what felt like home for the first time in his young life. a bright eyed nineteen year old boy, living the life of adventures and riches so he would be able to conquer the seas with his crew. oakley started out on the ship as a deckhand, just a regular part of the crew. he would work hard and make himself known on this ship instead of just letting himself fade into the background because it was the first time he felt like he made sense somewhere.
a few months into their maiden voyage, oakley had been passing by a cabin when he heard some hushed whispers. normally, he would have just passed, but it was the quartermaster’s room. letting his curiosity take over his senses, he decided to listen in, learning all about the quartermaster’s plan to overthrow mina as the captain, assuming that it would be easy considering she was a woman. oakley knew that something didn’t sit right with him when it came to the quartermaster and he wasn’t just going to let him go through with his plan. he retreated to his own cabin and waited for everyone else to fall asleep before taking this to captain stoker herself. it was late at night, but there was not one moment that oakley had even doubted that he should tell the captain as soon as he possibly could. he hesitantly knocked though, hoping that mina wouldn’t get mad at him for disturbing her sleep or whatever she may have been doing. thankfully she opened the door for him and welcomed him into her cabin. he had told her everything that he heard from the quartermaster simply because he thought she should know. he did not want to be apart of a ship where the captain was overthrown, especially since he had taken a liking to this one far more than the others he’d be on.
without wasting a second, captain stoker woke everyone up on the ship to confront the quartermaster and make it known that mutiny aboard the star eater would result in immediate release of the crew member or members involved, sending the quartermaster to walk the plank as everyone watched him disappear into the dark cold sea below. and it was in that moment that mina placed her trust in oakley for the next ten years. she promoted the navigator to quartermaster, the first mate to navigator, and made oakley the first mate seeing the potential from him almost immediately.
though first mates normally shadow the quartermaster or the navigator, he stuck with mina, learning everything about how to be a good pirate from her and all of her experiences. while he did shadow the other parts of the ship and how to be those crew members when and if the time came, mina had quite literally taken him under her wing when it came to all things pirate. from then, the two of them shared a close, unbreakable bond that resulted in late night talks and learning quite literally everything about each other. this would cause some emotions to stir in oakley, ones that he would chose to ignore, which was out of character for him since he was very indulgent. yet he did not want to ruin the relationship he had with mina, so he remained silent for years.
the star eater spent most of its time out at sea, waging battles from royal ships as well as other pirate ships. within his first three years aboard the ship, oakley found himself as the quartermaster for the star eater. which was an important move on mina’s part since she knew where his desires lied and any other mutiny’s attempted would have to get through captain stoker and oakley. oakley loved his position as quartermaster, barely spending anytime being the navigator of the ship (mostly because he was pretty bad at it).
oakley was known for getting himself into trouble, whether it be on land at taverns with other species or at sea with other pirates, the amount of times oakley had faced death were far higher than anyone else aboard the ship. he was often known for having a general disregard for rules or social norms when it came to his personal pleasure. he would often charm married woman right out of their pants and have a hell of a time doing it with no sight of consequences or any fear in any situation he manages to get himself into. though he was known for his destructive tendencies to blow things way out of proportion, he was notorious for his ability to get out of those situations with his quick wit paired with his silver tongue. his crew would for sure that he had gotten himself killed, and oakley would return to the ship with a colorful story, much like those of the books he loved as a child, of how he had evaded certain death and any accompanying injuries by merely talking his way out of it. with that skill, he was given the nickname oakley “the cunning” davenport, something that mina made fun of from the start.
after sailing for seven more years, ten years into their voyage and richer than they could have ever imagined from money and experiences, the star eater ported in the kingdom of candoris, somewhere they had been before for a few trading posts. while they were there on this visit, the borders were closed off, forcing the star eater to be left in the bays of the kingdom leaving them no choice but the stay. while the crew loved fighting and taking down other ships, oakley, mina, and the rest of the star eater was suddenly in the middle of a war that they had not asked or wanted to be apart of, but they had to pick a side and fast, finding it safer to unite with pirates rather than separating themselves from the situation. despite his loyalty to the pirates, he finds himself agreeing with the people against the separation of species. he does not fathom why a war must be waged for the sake of power and separation. and he most definitely did not realize this is what they would be getting into upon arriving in candoris for a quick stop.
TL;DR — oakley ran away from home to become a pirate where he eventually was apart of the crew the star eater and has been on the ship for ten years. his stance on the war is neutral because he honestly doesn’t want anything to do with it.
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shtbgs-blog · 6 years
me: has 500 muses me: adds more
shush i am in a battle to have the most muses and just bc i have like 600 doesn’t mean i don’t want to play them a few of these are old old old muses I always have muse for and would love to start playing again.
under the read more you will find introductions for:
ambrose hartley ( bebe rexha ) colby blackstone ( sofia black-d’elia ) harley maddox ( miley cyrus ) brinley joseph ( chloe norgaard ) quinn james ( kehlani parrish ) daniel silver ( herman tommeraas ) lance nash ( justin bieber ) holden clover ( james franco ) & conor johnson ( nicholas hoult )
Do I hate myself? Yes I do.
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AMBER ROSE “AMBROSE” HARTLEY looks an awful lot like BEBE REXHA. SHE is TWENTY-SEVEN and while they're PLAYFUL, they have a tendency to get pretty ABSENT MINDED. You’ve probably seen them around Kola listening to HURRICANE by HALSEY. 
Ambrose came from a really loving family tbh like, she had no problem with them at all in the slightest
her problem was she just couldn’t stay tame no matter how hard she tried, even when she was young she seemed to be full of energy and at the age of six they had adopted another little girl to be Amber’s best friend
For a long time they were the closest of friends, and there were times where Amber thought they’d be friends forever, but as they grew older she could see how different they really were, and how perfect she seemed to fit into Amber’s family
Better than Amber ever had, actually.
So at the age of eighteen she packed up her things and moved out.
She didn’t move far, at first, instead she decided to crash with one of her girlfriends but that honestly didn’t last long.
That was when she began to travel but no one ever seemed to match her wild and adventurous persona.
While she was gone she did do a lot of bad things you could say. One of those things being mixed up with a man who actually sold her for prostitution but you won’t ever catch her talking about that
During one of these wild adventures, though, someone made the joke that they thought her name was Ambrose because of how fast she speaks. Ever since then it just stuck. That was a few years ago ( 25 )
She just recently came back to Kola after deciding maybe it was time to go home and see her family and old friends. But who knows how long this will last.
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COLBY BLACKSTONE looks an awful lot like SOFIA BLACK D’ELIA. SHE is TWENTY and while they’re LAID BACK, they have a tendency to get pretty IMPULSIVE. You’ve probably seen them around Kola listening to FAST CAR by KHALID COVER.
papa was a rolling stone..... legit
her dad is a rock star and she’s one of hadley’s siblings
her mom is just as wild and firey as her father with a legit passion for music and maybe did a few songs with him but she was most known for kind of being a hot mess ( courtney love vibes )
which is why it’s so fucking weird that colby is the way she is like? she is just this soft spoken chill individual who likes to take photos
she’s been her parents photographer for events since she was sixteen but she’s been dying to get away from them 
so off to kola university it was, where she’s studying photography
she’s here to have a good time and she’s pretty chill
unless you get her stoned then she’s fucking wild
oh and when she’s drunk????
she’s basically a fucking rockstar just like her parents
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HARLEM “HARLEY” MADDOX looks an awful lot like MILEY CYRUS. THEY are TWENTY FIVE and while they’re ACCEPTING, they have a tendency to get pretty OBNOXIOUS. You’ve probably seen them around Kola listening to CURSE OF CURVES by CUTE IS WHAT WE AIM FOR. 
Harley is here to steal your girl honestly they flirt with every single female they come into contact with it’s kind of overwhelming 
but they arent strictly into females they just feel more comfortable around them
They have always been masc / the dom in every single relationship they’ve been in, romantic or platonic. 
They just have always had that more dominant personality type which has lead to them getting into a great deal of fights
When they were seventeen they came out that they identify as agender and go by they/them pronouns but their parents just didn’t seem to get it???
it wasn’t super bad or anything it just lead it to be awkward in their house hold so Harley decided to leave at the age of eighteen after graduation
Ever since they’ve been living with their best friend ( wc ) 
They work in a liquor store where honestly they get to pick up on a lot of people and get invited to a lot of parties so they dig their life a lot tbh.
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BRINLEY JOSEPH looks an awful lot like CHLOE NORGAARD. SHE is TWENTY-ONE and while they’re HELPFUL, they have a tendency to get pretty SKETCHY. You’ve probably seen them around Kola listening to RAINBOW by KESHA
. oh my god this is my oldest muse I’m bringing in so far and I’m actually writing a book based off her life so there’s a strong ass chance this is gonna be long and I’m gonna have the absolute most muse for her because i know her so well
so basically when brin was 16 her father convinced her to start dealing drugs for her in school because it was like the easiest way for him to make money since so many people in LA, California were smoking pot esp in high school 
And her dad has always been like a brodude more than an actual father figure and like she agreed because hey she got to pocket some of the cash and she was able to live her best life right
wrong at seventeen she actually fell in love with someone while her father was gone for a full fucking month and he had the audacity to come back pissed off at her for pulling away from him / he also may be on the run from the cops bc he almost got busted but he was mad at her for the former
so he took her away from la and they began their travels on the road
she never even got to finish high school
Basically she lived in an RV with her father traveling from city to city selling drugs just to get by
Her father had a way with talking to people that made it easier for them to sell and what not but soon, her father’s connection ran dry
She was nineteen the first time one of her fathers friends cornered her in the small RV bedroom and no matter how loud she yelled, he never came.
He swore it’d never happen again.
Three months later it was an almost routine practice and Brinley realized she never meant anything to him
She was too scared to leave and still to this day hasnt
She’s currently living in Kola, California but she’s staying in a motel room
Her father was able to score some drugs when they got there so she’s currently selling but she’s scared when the drugs run out he’s going to turn back to the old routine.
Give me some new friends for her
give me some people who will show her she can leave her father and stay in kola forever
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QUINN JAMES looks an awful lot like KEHLANI PARRISH. SHE is TWENTY-THREE and while they’re SELFLESS, they have a tendency to get pretty MESSY. You’ve probably seen them around Kola listening to THE FEELING by JUSTIN BIEBER. 
Quinn is such a mess of a human being I swear to god
She would give her left foot to a stranger if they needed it which is wild because she thinks thats her best attribute
NO IM JOKING BUT SERIOUSLY THIS GIRL WOULD GIVE ANYONE HER WORLD and she’s so quick to fall in love with people it’s absolutely disgusting
but she’s just the kind of person who thinks too far ahead but she’s such a fucking optimist she feels like everything will work out and nothing could POSSIBLY EVER GO WRONG!
wow is she constantly wrong it’s a problem but listen you can’t get her down no matter how hard you try
she’s new so thats legit all i know about her
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DANIEL SILVER looks an awful lot like HERMAN TOMMERAAS. HE is TWENTY-THREE and while they’re HELPFUL, they have a tendency to get pretty UNREALISTIC. You’ve probably seen them around Kola listening to I’LL SHOW YOU by JUSTIN BIEBER.
Oh my god this wild fucking animal right here was well, at first he was cosima silver’s nephew but now since i have them in the same group he’s her cousin and lives with her in the apartment above her little shop
This did not happen easily, oh no, he comes from a family of very strict parents who actually exiled Cosima’s family from their lives at a young age because they believed in her ‘gifts’ and they thought they were crazy
Daniel, though, thought the exact opposite. When they were young and before the split happened Cosima would talk to Daniel about her gifts and he would reel in them and he literally loved it so much
But when they were cast out of the family Daniel sort of realize just how horrible his family actually was??? and how different he was????
Sadly his dumb ass was honestly stuck there until a month ago where he finally packed up his shit and completely bailed on his family then moved in with Cosima and he’s been here ever since
He works in her shop as a tarot card reader or rather, he’s trying to learn how to do it. He has literally no gifts but he wants to help people and maybe start to learn from Cosima 
Personality wise he’s my big pansexual mess who is flirting and messing around with just about everyone every chance he gets and he just lives for making out and hooking up and having a good fucking time okay
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LANCASTER “LANCE” NASH looks an awful lot like JUSTIN BIEBER. HE is TWENTY-SIX and while they’re RELIABLE, they have a tendency to get pretty IRRITABLE. You’ve probably seen them around Kola listening to HOLY GRAIL by JAY Z FEAT. JUSTIN TIMBERLAKE.
 lets start off with the fact that Lance is the oldest of SEVEN CHILDREN his mother being the common denominator 
Lance was the first born and her most prized son out of all the kids but as he got older, and she started having so many suitors, and started toying with various hard drugs he sort of lost that connection with her and was forced to grow up way too young.
When he was ten, he already had three siblings, each one of them born a year or two after the other and Lance was the only one who could really take care of them. Him and the second oldest were often left in charge of the kids but they didn’t want much to do with all the kids and Lance sort of understood that.
When he turned nineteen and the second oldest was eighteen they left town without so much as a letter which only forced Lance to become the actual father the whole family needed.
His life has always been about the kids. He now has siblings ranging from 3 to 25 and he usually keeps tabs on all of them. 
But ya boi has to make money some how, so, he’s dedicated any time he can get away from the youngest kids to doing what he does best and thats babysitting drug addicts or being a designated driver.
He personally does not do drugs but he knows what to do and how to take care of people when they’re tripping so he has become the druggie babysitter of Kola, California.
He’s honestly a really cool dude who is actually really fucking helpful all of the time
He just gets really god damn moody sometimes and wants to punch people in the throat but think about it his day starts at 6 AM with 2 children and 2 tweens, you’d be moody as hell too by 9 pm while driving some drunk asshole home
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HOLDEN CLOVER looks an awful lot like JAMES FRANCO. HE is THIRTY-NINE and while they’re BALANCED, they have a tendency to get pretty FICKLE. You’ve probably seen them around Kola listening to A WALK THROUGH HELL by SAY ANYTHING. 
his gif doesn’t match my aesthetic at all or his aesthetic but IDGAF BECAUSE IM ALIVE FOR IT
ANYWAY Holden is a cop:tm: he’s been idolizing them his entire life and now he’s just a good guy cop who sometimes lets people off with a warning and is that ‘cool cop’ around town like
all the kids love him, even criminals like him he’s just really charismatic and seems really chill????
ugh i have literally virtually no information for him other than he was divorced and it’s gonna be one of the many wcs i write up and submit but if someone wants an ex husband who gets too focused on his job all the time hmu for sure
he also has a younger brother who may or may no t better be dave franco
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CONOR "CJ" JOHNSON looks an awful lot like NICHOLAS HOULT. HE is TWENTY-SEVEN and while they're COMPASSIONATE, they have a tendency to get pretty RECLUSE. You’ve probably seen them around Kola listening to IDK LOVE by JEREMY ZUCKER.
ok he’s not a zombie in his main verse but like if u think for ( 1 ) second im not turning him into a zombie for the zombie verse ur WRONG!!!!
but lets focus on mainverse cj and talk about zombie cj later
Conor has always been a nice and compassionate kid and honestly, he got married at 23 to the love of his life
But after three beautiful years he lost his wife to a car accident and he hasnt been the same since
a lot of people in town look at him like this poor broken bird because ever since his wife died he hasn’t been able to be like a normal human being 
he doesn’t go out
he barely goes to work
he’s going to lose his house
he’s just in a deep deep deep depression and honestly it’s actively sad
but he’s still nice and charming and flirty at times but it’s very rare
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marckiris-road · 4 years
The Great Confluence
Chapter 1: The Rising
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It was just another beautiful day in the Ivory Isles. Located near the isles is the Isles of Masks, an ancient place full of inhabitants that wears masks as the name suggests. They have a tradition of ritual and disciplined swordsmanship, and those who follow these traditions are called Juggernauts which. One of the Juggernauts was a young man named Yurnero. This man was a stern and serious character, living his life honorably and is a highly disciplined swordsman. His master, Sabasteen was a well-known blacksmith in their land that produced the finest of swords. 
     Sabasteen: Yurnero, come over here. 
     Yurnero: What do you desire master. 
     Sabasteen: A group of thieves have stolen the precious artifacts of the Ivory Isles. It is still unknown on who the culprit is. I need you to investigate the situation. This is a classified mission. No one else must learn about this or else this could stir chaos for our people. 
     Yurnero: By your honor, it will be done. I will not let these traitors go unpunished. 
     Sabasteen: I know you won’t disappoint me and your homeland. Now go. 
Juggernaut went to the monastery of the stolen artifacts. He looked for clues on the where beings of the thieves. The building was clean empty. He searched to bottom, but no evidence was to be found. Just as he was giving up hope on finding evidences on the monastery, he saw a strange unusual pattern on the red wall. 
     Yurnero: Somethings not right here. This doesn’t match the patterns of the other wall. This is blood. It says “The Lost Order”. 
After deciphering the message, the Juggernaut decided to go back to the place his master was staying. Just as he was heading home, he sensed the presence of people following him. 
     Yurnero: One, three, five, seven, a total of nineteen enemies. Its no use hiding. Show yourselves.
 A bunch of men, all wearing masks wearing black robes decided to show up from the shadows. Behind them was a man wearing armor that benefited of a general. It was the lord of the Ivory Isles, Nishigami. 
     Yurnero: My lord, what is the meaning of this? 
     Nishigami: You have involved yourself on a matter that is out of your hands. We heard about it. You know about The Lost Order. 
     Yurnero: How did you know I was investigating this case? 
     Nishigami: The Order has their own ways. As one of the strongest Juggernauts alive, you will pose a dangerous threat to our future plans. So, I have decided to take care of you as soon as possible. And you fell right into the trap. 
The lord of the land then walked away, leaving his minions to take on Yurnero. He was surrounded on all sides, and he was outnumbered eighteen to one. 
     Mercenary 1: Die! 
Just before the mercenary was able to hit Yurnero, he suddenly appeared behind him in the blink of an eye, killing the mercenary. 
     Mercenary 2: What? When did that happen? 
     Mercenary 3: We knew this guy to be dangerous, but this is just absurd! 
Yurnero then suddenly leapt towards each enemy, slashing them instantly without giving them a single moment to react. And soon, all the mercenaries hired to kill him, perished in just a short amount of time. 
     Yurnero: It’s been awhile since I had to use this skill. I must hurry to my master now. He should know the betrayal of the lord of this land. 
Yurnero then arrived to his master’s place and told him everything about what the lord did to him. 
     Yurnero: Master! It was the lord of this land, Nishigami! He was the one who stole the artifacts for his own good! He hired mercenaries to kill me and thought he could get away with it. 
     Sebasteen: It seems the time has finally come. Here take this. You will need it for the journey ahead of you. 
     Yurnero: Your prized sword. Why? I don’t understand. I may be strong, but why are you giving me your most valued treasure? 
     Sebasteen: Your journey is just about to begin. Know that the honor of our kind is with you, and I trust you make the correct decisions. 
*Horn Sounding* 
     Nishigami: Yurnero, come out this instant! 
Upon hearing the voice of the corrupt lord, Yurnero felt like this will only lead to no good. 
     Yurnero: There you are you cowardly traitor! Fight me like a man! Where’s your honor as a swordsman? 
     Nishigami: Don’t lecture me about honor pup! How dare you defy the lord of this land. For that, you shall be severely punished. You are hereby banished from this land, and is denied to experience a noble death. And from now on, you shall be branded as an exile and a traitor to his land! 
As commotion stirred up in the center of their town, more and more people gathered to see what was happening. Hundreds of Juggernauts were present to witness the announcement of the lord. 
     Yurnero: Everyone don’t believe him! He is a traitor to th-
     Nishigami: Silence! One more word and I will end the lives of everyone you love. Hundreds of juggernauts are gathered here. It is not a wise move to do anything stupid. 
     Yurnero: Don’t believe him my fellow Juggernauts! This person is a threat to our- 
The sky suddenly glowed green and magic particles were seeping from the ground
     Nishigami: What is this? What’s happening? 
As purple magic particles seeped from the ground, the sky also suddenly turned green, as if it were the horrifying land of the dead. As everyone was confused on the strange phenomenon, as strong earthquake suddenly occurred and split the land in half. 
     Nishigami: *falls to ground* What is this magic? Who did this? 
     Sebasteen: The time has come. It feels like vengeful magic, it’s the undead. 
     Yurnero: The undead? What is magic of people on the realm of the dead doing here! While everyone was panicking, skeletons then rose from the ground beneath them, and the sky soon became more darker at every passing second. 
     Nishigami: Guards! Protect me! 
     Yurnero: Master run away! I will take care of Nishigami once and for all and bring honor to our country. 
     Sebasteen: No. Its too late for us. This land will soon sink to the bottom of the sea in any moment now. You must live, preserve the honor of the Isle of Masks, and bring us justice! 
     Yurnero: I won’t do it! I can’t abandon you! If our land is to fall then I shall die before that happens. Blade Fury! 
Yurnero’s renowned katana techniques allow him to master the flow of the blade, spinning with his blade gracefully, tearing down every skeleton in his path. The skeletons used magic on Yurnero, but it was to no effect. Other Juggernauts were also fighting throughout the hectic battlefield. 
     Juggernaut 1: Yurnero! You muse leave at once! Leave the rest to us! 
     Juggernaut 2: The honor of our nation shall not be tarnished with the acts of a traitor! 
     Sebasteen: My student! Remember what I have thought you! You mus-
Sebasteen, then got stabbed on the back by a bone sword. He fell to the ground with a huge smack. 
     Yurnero: Master!!!! 
     ???: Ahhh. A student-master relationship I see. *evil laughter* 
     Juggernaut 1: Who are you!? You abomination! 
     Ostarion: I am the Wraith King, Ostarion. I heard the stories of this place. The relics of this nation. So, I just decided to hop by and take it for my kingdom. Submit to the Wraith King’s rule! 
     Yurnero: You fiend! How did the realm of the dead arrive at the realm of the living? 
     Ostarion: You poor naïve child. True you may be strong to some but to me, you are just a lowly rat. There are still a lot of things possible out there that is way beyond your imagination. Too bad you won’t live to see the end of it. Wraithfire Blast! 
Yurnero got hit with the green spectral fire, stunning him. 
     Yurnero: I can’t move. Is this the end? I couldn’t fulfill my master’s wishes. What did he want me to do? 
     Ostarion: *slowly walking towards him* Another subject for the Wraith King. Goodbye! Just before Ostarion could slice Yurnero, a fellow Juggernaut blocked the sword of the king. 
     Ostarion: You lowly plebeian. You dare stand against me? 
     Juggernaut 1: Healing Ward! Purge! Yurnero can you move now!? 
     Yurnero: *pants* Yes, I can. thank you! 
     Juggernaut 1: Run! As you are right now, you cannot take him on! Get stronger and avenge us! Forget about the traitorous lord. I’m sure he has fallen by now! 
     Yurnero: I see his body laying on the ground there, he is turning into a wraith. But brother I cannot leave you to die! 
     Juggernaut 1: Just go! You need to live to tell our story and so our legacy will endure! The other Juggernauts and I will hold him off. Go! 
     Yurnero: But-
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Suddenly. A blue wisp suddenly attached to the body of Yurnero, as the tethered wisp approached the Juggernaut, it, and Yurnero were suddenly teleported out of the Isles of Masks. Just after they had escaped, the entire land suffered another strong earthquake, and was devoured by the ocean waves during the night of vengeful magic. 
Chapter Epilogue: 
Yurnero lost everything. His friends, his family, his people, and his fellow warriors. Yurnero was now the sole survivor of his people. He alone remains to carry on the Isle’s long Juggernaut tradition, their art, and to avenge his fallen nation from the hands of suffering so that another nation would not fall victim to the same fate. And so, the Juggernaut embarks on a journey, until the day comes that he and Ostarion would meet again. 
Chapter 2: The Grand Magus
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Yurnero saw a flash of bright light. Next thing he knew, he was at another island far from the Isleof Masks. He looked around, and still sees the wisp tethered to him.
   Yurnero: This wisp, you are one of the Fundamentals! The Fundamental of Force. Why did you save me?
    Io: *bleep bloop noises*
Io doesn’t have a clear spoken language, but its reactions are conveyed through sounds which resembles music patterns. Yet, only a few special people are able to understand the wisp’s speeches such as Yurnero due to his connections with the spirits.
    Yurnero: The Great Confluence is soon coming? It does make sense. The realm of the dead suddenly arrived and slaughtered my people. Wait what is that?
At the distance of the cliff they were staying, they saw a green explosion-like fog appeared in the distance. It was the Isle of Masks
   Io: *Bleep Bloop Io noises*
    Yurnero: Yes. It’s my homeland isn’t it? Its sinking towards the sea.
Yurnero tightly grasps his hand and pointed his sword towards the sinking isles
   Yurnero: Master, my fellow Juggernauts, and my people! I shall avenge you. I vow to continue our ways and traditions. I shall make sure to save this realm from the dead!
    Io: *Bleep bloop Io noises*
    Yurnero: Thank you kind Fundamental. I will need your protection. If it’s the realm of the dead we’re dealing, we would need an army and more strong arms at our aid. I know a few friends. We should go visit then.
    Io: *Bleep bloop Io noises*
Yurnero: Its true, we don’t know where they will strike next. We will have to find out on the way. Hopefully Sven or Tresdin may know a thing or two.
    Io: *Bleep bloop Io noises*
    Yurnero: Tresdin is preparing for a war? That may have something to do with the Great Confluence master was talking about. Let’s join her later. We have to go to Sven first. That rogue knight should be of great help to us. Let’s head to Lordaeron, I heard he was recently there.
    Io: *Bleep bloop Io noises*
Io and Juggernaut then began their journey to find Sven, the Rogue knight. Three months have passed and on the way to Lordaeron, they have arrived by the Passage of Sarddel which blocked of Lordaeron. A rocky passageway full of gargoyles, golems, and other rock creatures.
    Io: *Squeek high pitched noises*
    Yurnero: Yes, I sense his presence as well. Show yourself!
    ???: Long time no see Yurrnero. I see the Fundaments have also decided to take action.
A mysterious figure emerged from the shadows. A green figure wearing black and green robes holding a staff that glowed with green arcanery.
    Yurnero: Is that you Rubick? It has been a long time indeed.
    Rubick: I heard what happened to your homeland. I’m sorry for your loss. But did there happen to be strong spells that the sunk with your people? And did the realm of the dead show any strong spells?
    Yurnero: So, I lost my everything and the first think you decide to ask is about our lost and hidden spells? You really haven’t changed. Our spells won’t even do you any good for a wizard such as you.
    Io: *Confused Io noises*
    Yurnero: You haven’t heard about this guy? *Laughs*. Let me introduce you. This weird man is Rubick, also known as the Grand Magus. Boy dreams to become like his father, the Apex Mage and the son of the great Aghanim. Rubick this just proves how far you are from achieving your father’s footsteps. Drop it. Stop living in your father’s shadows. And become your own man.
    Rubick: Was that supposed to be an insult!? Io aren’t you supposed to be everywhere attending other businesses such as Lordaeron and Stonehall? My thirst for knowledge can never be quenched, and I will not stop until I achieve my fathers’ fame and power.
     Yurnero: Wait what do you mean about Lordaeron we were just heading there once we are through the Passage of Sardel. And Stonehall too near our Ancient? Did something happen there as well?
     Rubick: Yes. Our Ancient, which is a big structure that watches over the land, and our source of life.
    Io: *Bleep bloop Io noises*
    Rubick: So, all this time you were just accompanying Juggernaut on his way to Lordaeron? I thought you should’ve known better. War between the undead and Lordaeron will happen soon. No scratch that. It’s happening right now I believe. I was just on the way there as well.
    Io: *Bleep bloop Io noises*
    Yurnero: Yes, I owe this wisp my life. If it weren’t for him, I would’ve been a goner. Why do you plan to head there? Do you want to save this realm as well?
    Rubick: Oh nah of course not. One of the generals of the Empire of Bone leads the army attacking there. I merely just want to learn his arcanery.
    Yurnero: Rubick, if you stand for nothing, what will you fall for?
    Rubick: I stand for myself, to become the next Apex Mage, just like my father.
    Yurnero: You- This guy’s hopeless. Where in the world did you get this information anyway?
    Rubick: A few months ago, I went to the Ivory Incumbarium and spoke with Nerif.
    Yurnero: Nerif!? You mean the Nerif the Oracle?! How?
    Rubick: My thirst for knowledge led me to the Ivory of Incumbarium. Yes, a lot of traps are there but my magics easily allowed me to pass through. Yes, getting information from the Oracle was a tough one. We exchanged spells and fought for several hours. I then got my fill of riddles, did some research on it and here we are.
    Yurnero: Did he tell you anything about the Great Confluence?
    Rubick: The Great what now?
    Yurnero: Forget it we’ll deal with it later. Now, we must hurry to Lordaeron. Our friends. I mean, MY friends need our help. Let’s go there now.
    Rubick: Are you saying you’re asking me, the Grand Magus to accompany you to help save a pitiful empire, yet this pitiful realm?
    Yurnero: You’re hopeless and you have no honor. Fine. If you come with us, you will get your fill of magic for your own enjoyment, how about that?
    Rubick: Fair enough. Let us be on our way then.
    Io: *Disappointed Io noises*
Chapter Epilogue:
And so, the Yurnero hurriedly went towards Lordaeron with their new companion, Rubick, the Grand Magus. Despite their difference in their beliefs, Yurnero decided to put up with his narcissistic attitude because his power will be a great aid in order to battle against the Realm of the dead.
Chapter 3: The Siege on Lordaeron
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The group finally arrived at the gates of Lordaeron. Fire lit up the night sky, and buildings were blazed in fire. In the entrance, they saw Davion, the Dragon Knight. A powerful, durable, straightforward, yet versatile knight.
     Davion: *Uses Breath of Fire*. That takes care of this batch. Who goes there!?
     Yurnero: We’re friendlies calm down.
     Davion: The Juggernaut, The Grand Magus, and one of the Fundamentals. Its rare to see a bunch of big names gathered in one place. Let’s cut the formalities and get straight into it. Follow me towards our headquarters.
     Yurnero: But what about the City?
     Davion: This was just the first wave. They will come at us at any second now.
     Rubick: You go follow them to plan for whatever you need to plan. I need to examine these bodies and the magic behind this.
      Io. *Bleep bloop Io noises*
      Yurnero: Okay go do your thing. Davion, let’s go.
Yurnero then followed Dragon Knight to their headquarters to discuss about their plans. For the coming of the next wave of undead forces. Inside the building were a bunch of familiar faces that Juggernaut knew.
     Sven: It’s the Juggernaut, Yurnero! It’s been too long!
     Yurnero: Sven! I knew you were here. I’m glad to see you well.
Sven, a rogue knight wielding the massive, Adjudicator’s Blade and the massive shield Vigil Segnet.  
     Invoker: Aeons have I waited, and saved, for this battle to commence! Throughout the aeons I have been known by many names…but my true name of power…is Carl.
     Everyone in the room: ……….
Carl, the Invoker, also known as the Arsenal Magus who mastered the Lost Magic of Quas, Wex, and Exort. He never stops talking and a narcissistic wizard. Despite having young looks, he is a hundred times years old. Everyone hates him. Be it friend or foe. Everyone.
      Yurnero: This is not normal. Its rare to see a bunch us heroes gathered in one place. What brings us all here coincidentally at the same time? Even the Fundamental of Forces and Rubick are outside. Thinks in his mind *Rubick must really regret not being in the room where it happens. *
      Davion: I reside here as the guardian of Lordaeron.
      Sven: I believe Jugg that you have heard me having business here? All of a sudden, these undead started to appear, can’t run from it. And I love my land, I have to fight for it.
      Invoker: I am a beacon of knowledge blazing across a black sea of ignorance. My totality eclipses the cosm! Behold before you, the illustrious, the imperious, ingenious arch-mage… CARL.
      Everyone in the room: ………
Everyone in the room became quiet. Everyone just really hates Invoker.
      Davion: *Coughs* lets get to the meeting at hand. The first wave has caused this much devastation to this city. Luckily, we were able to hold them off.  From the information I gathered, the general leading them was Clinkz. I’m sure all of you here are familiar with the guy.
      Yurnero: Whispers *Just like what Rubick said from the oracle*
      Sven: If its just him this should be fairly easy. His only strength is his Searing Arrows and his Skeleton Walk. If we place sentry wards, we should just be fine.
      Davion: Its not wise to underestimate the enemy. He is a general, of course he must have measures. I heard he brought friends with him to finish us once and for all.
      Sven: We can end this war at Yorktown, cut them off at sea but, for this to succeed there is someone else we need.
      Davion: I know.
The heroes then continued to discuss their plans against the invasion of the coming undead forces. They then manned different entrances of Lordaeron. Juggernaut took the North side. Dragon Knight and his men took the West. Rubick and Sven took the East. Invoker took the South all by himself. And Io stayed in the middle as the support to go to anyone at any given moment.
Soon, the sky filled with red clouds heavily rained. It was time for the battle to commence. The sound of drums grew closer. It was a huge undead fleet that amounts to almost 100 galleon ships. There was a ship however that caught the eyes of everyone. With red and black flags, and a structure that resembled a ghost ship, located at the bow was Clinkz. A burning skeletal marksman who commandeered the entire fleet.
      Juggernaut: Its them. Master, may this momento you left me protect this land.
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      Invoker: *Chanting Loudly* Harlek's Incantation of Incineration!
A catastrophic ray of fierce energy from the sun suddenly appeared, targeting multiple ships. After its channeling, it incinerating all the ships that were hit with it.
      Rubick: Fascinating energy. Let me try that.
Rubick pointed his staff at Invoker from the southern part of the map, and a solar energy came out of Invoker without him realizing it, and was absorbed by the staff of Rubick.
      Rubick: Sun strike!
Rubick tried to do the same thing Invoker did. But was only able to create one ray instead of multiple rays.
     Rubick: Ha! That was terrible…  
      Sven: Your ability as a trickster and in stealing spells is admirable. But why didn’t you target the main ship with Clinkz in it?
     Rubick: That would be disappointing then.
All of a sudden, Clinkz pointed his bow at a sky, and all at once, multiple Searing Arrows rained down from the sky on the entire city.
     Yurnero: Everyone, take cover!
Multiple arrows rained on the ground with each arrow causing an explosion as it hits the ground.
      Sven: *Uses Warcry* Raaaaaaughh!
Sven’s warcry covered his allies with a small shield, but this only helped minimize the damage they sustained.
Soon, the battlefield was covered with smokes.
      Davion: *cough* *cough. Status report everyone!
When the smoked cleared, the entire city was filled with the skeletal army.
      Yurnero: In just a short time, how? Looks like its time. Juggernaaaaaaaaut!
Juggernaut used his Blade Fury, dancing throughout the battlefield like a tornado, shattering all skeletons that came across him.
On the other side, Sven with his giant sword, cleaved multiple skeletons at once with his giant sword.
     Sven: *cough* Jugg! How are you holding? Tell me if you see Clinkz, that little skeleton could be anywhere by now!
Dragon knight then used his Ultimate skill, Elder Dragon Form, and transformed into a black dragon and took off to the sky.
      Davion: Sven your hit. Take it easy. *Uses breath of fire on skeletons* I will search for him throughout the battlefield. I must see how everyone else is doing!
     Invoker: Quas Quas Exort! Killing Wall of Koryx!
An Ice wall appeared, encasing multiple skeletons in ice.
     Invoker: Wex Trionis! Endoleon's Malevolent Perturbation!
An EMP appeared on the battlefield, exploding and emptied the mana of the skeletal mages.
     Invoker: Wex Quas Wex! My foes aloft!
A fast-moving tornado appeared, suspending them in the air and ripping enemies with the wind.
     Invoker: And for the finale, Exort Wex Exort! Gallaron's Abyssal Carnesphere! Behold the meatball!
Invoker pulled down a meteor from the sky, crashing down the land and rolled forward and setting the skeletons aflame, and finished of the last of the remaining skeletons in the Southern part of the City.
     Rubick: *Watches from a distance* *Gulp* There is no spell that I can master, but that guy is just overkill. So that is the power of the Arsenal Magus. Interesting!
     Invoker: Whatever that was, twas scarcely worth my notice. This bores me. Is there none t hat can stand against my will?
Suddenly, a big black green creature that resembled a gargoyle suddenly emerged from the shadows. Dragon knight looked at it from a distance and was shocked.
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     Davion: Smoke of Deceit?! Everyone watch out! They have already infiltrated our defenses. They could be anywhere by now! Sentry wards does not reveal enemies using Smoke of Deceit!
The black winged creature spoke in a deep voice.
     Harbinger: Well, well, if it isn’t Carl. If you had studied more arcanery, you might have evaded your own demise.
     Invoker: Harbinger, the Outworld Devourer. What a surprise, you dare fight me? You think Learn how fragile you are! Quas Quas Quas! Sadron's Protracted Frisson!
Invoker casted a spell that chilled the enemy to their core. But it was to no effect. A sudden blue light of barrier emerged from the Outworld Devourer, and blocked the spell completely.
     Harbinger: Linken’s Sphere, the magical sphere that protected famous heroes throughout history. You thought that your spells would have any effect on me? Arcane Orb!
Harbinger's outworldly knowledge allows it to tap into the ebb and flow of all spiritual energy, infusing it into his being. From his staff, he fired off orbs to Invoker, damaging him based on his mana pool.
     Davion:  *watching from a distance* This is bad! Invoker has the highest mana pool around us! Harbinger is the worst possible enemy for a Magic User. Invoker Use your ghost walk and run away! I’m coming!
     Invoker: Aurgh! Quas Quas We-
      Harbinger: It’s too late. This is the end. Astral Imprisonment!
Harbinger casted Astral Imprisonment on both Invoker and Dragon Knight, placing the target in an astral prison, locked away between a pocket between the world, and the Outworld.
    Harbinger: Sanity’s Eclipse!
Harbinger used his ultimate skill, unleashing a huge psychic blast that deals to enemies based on the difference between Harbinger’s mana and the target's mana.
     Invoker; Wex…Quas…Exorrr…aggghhh…
     Davion: Invoker… Although everyone hated you, your service will be highly appreciated, and I will not let your death go in vain.
     Harbinger: Davion, the Dragon Knight. Your lucky your low mana pool saved you from that eclipse. I see you have already used your dragon form. Let’s dance.
     Davion: I will protect this land from the likes of you! What are you even doing here? I thought Clinkz was the one leading the army?
     Harbinger: Don’t be stupid this is all out war. The Realm of the dead has collided with the living, and I to have decided to join Clinkz in the destruction of this world. Your sanity I’ll shatter, and your dreams of peace, I’ll destroy.
     Davion: Both realms have collided? How? Is this the Great Confluence Juggernaut was talking about?
      Harbinger: Juggernaut? He is lucky to be saved by that fundamental. After this place, the king will soon set out to destroy Stonehall, the capital of this world. If the stronghold were to fall, then taking over this realm will be easy.
      Davion: Not if I can help it. I will protect our honor and our country. Let’s get this over with.
Meanwhile, back to Juggernaut over at the other battlefield after the smoke cleared. Yurnero united with Sven and Rubick after the rain of exploding searing arrows.
     Sven: *Cough* Jugg what are you doing here? What about the northern part of the city?
     Yurnero: Don’t worry. I have cleared the entire northern area of all skeletons there. So it should now be safe.
      Rubick: That was quick. I admit we could use some help here.
      Yurnero: Don’t worry about the ships in the northern shore, they were all taken care of by Invoker’s sunstrike. And it seems Clinkz’s ship is here at the port of Yorktown.
      Rubick: I’m surprised though, I thought the rouge knight would be as equally as swift at taking down the enemies as you Yurnero.
      Sven: Says the person who couldn’t perfectly copy the Arsenal Magus. I thought the Grand Magus would be much more skillful than that. I’m the one who protected you from those exploding arrows.
      Rubick: What did you say about the Grand Magus?! I can only perfect spells, if not do it better if I was right in front of them. Invoker on the other hand was over at the other side of the map!
      Sven: At least I was able to take down most of the skeletons here.
      Rubick: What can I do? I’m a magus. I simply support you fight from behind. You’re not even doing your job quickly. So much for the wielder of the Adjudicator’s Blade, the Grand Magus is not impressed.
      Yurnero: He’s right Sven. Its not the size of this sword, its how you use it.
      Sven: Come on Jugg are you literally gonna side with this clown? Take a look at this. Rahaagh!
Sven swung his long blade, and in one strike, it cleaved towards all the other skeletons in the area.
      Sven: See what I did there? I don’t thi- hey. The sentry wards are gone.
      Rubick: Your right. Here let me use the Dust of Appearance just in case.
Rubick then went for his inventory and took out his Dust of Appearance. He tossed it in the air and it sparkled magic dust over the area. Just after he used it, Sven saw Clinkz at his back ready to strike Rubick down.
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*Sven pushes Rubick out of the way*
      Sven: Behind you!
The searing arrows hit the shield of Sven, exploding on contact.
      Yurnero: Sven! Are you alright?
Sven was thrown back because of the explosion but was able to stay on his feet.
      Sven: *cough* I’m good. That was bad it almost got you Rubick.
      Rubick: Hmph! I didn’t need your aid.
      Yurnero: Clinkz! You have finally shown yourself you coward. You’re not as weak as you were. I don’t remember your allows exploding on contact.
      Clinkz: I’m surprised you were able to take those shots head on Sven. If not, the Grand Magus would not have lived long enough to follow his father’s footsteps.
      Yurnero: That’s enough now! Why are you attacking this place? How did the realm of the dead get here!?
      Clinkz: You didn’t know? The realm of the dead has merged now with the realm of the living.
      Rubick: The realms have merged. Yurnero, this must be the Great Confluence you were talking about.
      Sven: That would make sense why you would appear in the first place.
      Clinkz: Yes. And now this will be your end. We will take over this realm and shatter you all to a million pieces, to serve our King Ostarion. My partner has already arrived at the opposite end I suppose.
      Yurnero: Partner?
*A huge screeching sound of psychic energy was heard from a distance*
      Sven: That sound!
      Yurnero: The Outworld Devourer, Harbinger!
      Rubick: Curios. I wish to go to that area to take his spell. But alas that won’t be possible. Wait somethings wrong. I don’t feel the magical presence of the Arsenal Magus anymore!
      Clinkz: It seems Invoker has fallen huh? That old man finally bit the dust. Everyone hated him anyways so what’s the big deal.
      Rubick: I wanted to find out his secret arcanery... And it is because of you people that that dream is undone. Guess your magics will have to do as substitute. What a waste.
      Yurnero: I never thought a day would come that Invoker would perish one day.
      Sven: Lets move on it can’t be helped. Harbinger is the number one weakness of mages due to his skills depending on the mana of their target. Come old friend, let us avenge him and fight for this land!
      Rubick: Mystic Flare! Fade bolt!
Rubick fired off a powerful stream of arcane energy towards Clinkz.
      Clinkz: Strafe!
Clinkz then burned brightly and his speed highly increased. He was able to dodge the projectiles headed to him by Rubick. And quickly ran in circles, firing Searing arrows on the three of them simultaneously.
      Sven: *Sven used his warcry* Yahauugh!
Sven's Warcry heartens his allied heroes for battle, increasing their armor and movement speed.
     Yurnero: The lines of the Vigil Codex truly inspire us.
     Sven: Storm Hammer!
Sven unleashes his magical gauntlet and threw a hammer at the ground causing the area around it to leave a hole and smoke to rise up slowing Clinkz down.
      Clinkz: You almost got me the-
Just before Clinkz was able to finish his sentence, Yurnero suddenly appeared from the smoke and casted his ultimate skill, Omnislash!
     Yurnero: Looks like its just you and me. Juggernaaaaaaaaut!
Juggernaut leapt toward Clinkz, and quickly slashed him at multiple sides.
      Clinkz: Urgh! Ghost Scepter
As juggernaut continue slashing Clinkz, he noticed his attacks suddenly passed through him. Yurnero then cancelled his skill and leapt back to Sven and Rubick
      Yurnero: He turned ethereal! Damn it! He wasted my ultimate skill. I won’t be able to use that move again for some time.
      Clinkz: You almost got me there. Death Pact!
Clinkz put pointed his arm at Sven, and grasped his arm towards him.
      Sven: Aurghhh! I lost all my strength! What, what did you do!
      Yurnero: Sven are you alright!?
      Clinkz: I merely just took back the life you stole from me. Now I’m healthier than ever. Burning Army!
2 parallel lines of skeletal archers emerged from their sides.
      Clinkz: Strafe! This is the end for you Sven. Orchid Malevolence! Nullifier!
      Sven: *Sven used his warcry* Yahauugh! What? I cant use it! I’m silenced! I can’t move either! Damn it where did he get such powerful items!
      Yurnero: Sven I got you!
Juggernaut puts up a healing ward towards Sven which allowed him to gain more life energy. As the first barrage of arrows hit Sven, his armor steadily shattered, and his life force weakening.
      Rubick: The healing ward is not healing him fast enough. Telekenesis!
Rubick pointed his staff at Clinkz and raised him up.
      Clinkz: You’re only delaying the invitable! Skeleton Walk!
Clinkz blazed up disappeared from the sky, leaving 2 skeleton archers firing Searing arrows at Rubick!
      Rubick: What!? How could he disappear from the hands of the Arsenal Magus!
Clinkz suddenly appeared at a different angle and used his skill Strafe, blazing up and fired multiple Searing Arrows at Sven.
      Clinkz: Strafe! Good night rouge knight!
Clinkz and his burning army of skeletal archers fired multiple searing arrows at them at once, just before they were able to hit them, a blue line of light suddenly tethered to Sven.
      Yurnero: Io!
Io came behind them at full speed, surrounded with 5 particle spirits that danced around the wisp. The particle spirits blocked all the arrows the burning skeletons coming towards Sven, but took the damage instead from the barrage of arrows coming from Clinkz himself.
      Rubick: Fascinating. What would bring the fundamental to perform such heroic acts on a rogue knight. Let me test my combo with him them. False Promise!
Rubick casted False Promise on Sven, buying him time to live.
      Rubick: He won’t die for as long as the spell last. Combined with your healing ward and Io’s tether, he should rejuvenate quickly. It either promises death, or promises life.
      Yurnero: That spell! Isn’t that from the Oracle? You stole it!?
      Rubick: I did not steal. I merely borrowed.
      Io: *Bleep bloop hurt Io noises*
Drawing energy of matter from all worlds, Io begins unravelling time. Growing bright yellow and giving Sven, his tethered ally an amplification of regeneration, at the cost of its own life force.
      Clinkz: Io the Fundamental!? I didn’t know you were here! An honor to take down a fundamental. Take this!
      Sven: Friendly wisp! You do not need to lose your life for me! You are an important fundamental of the universe! Go!
      Io: *Bleep bloop Io noises*
A barrage of searing arrows hit Io, exploding as it made contact to the wisp. Once the smoke cleared, Sven and Juggernaut were overcome with grief and Rubick was in shock.  All that remained of the cleared smoke were Sven, back to full health and power, and that remaining particles of Io, who took all the damage of the Searing Arrows from Sven, and sacrificed his own life force for him to regenerate quick enough to avoid the promise of death.
Io the friendly jolly wisp who saved not only Yurnero, the last Juggernaut, but also the life of his old friend, Sven, was no more.
Meanwhile back to the Dragon Knight and the Outworld Devourer, their clash came out to a standstill as their soared through the air, dodging each other’s attacks.
     Davion: *pant* *pant* I need to end this soon. My dragon form is about to run out.
     Harbinger: Running out of juice I see? What a pity. Unlike you who has a relatively low mana pool, I never run out of mana thanks to my Essence Flux. The outworld is awash with arcane energy, and they all diffuse through my rifts.
Harbinger decides to fire out more Arcane orbs from his staff. Davion most of it, but got hit at the last one. Davion glided through the air and used his breath of Fire against him, but the Linken’s Sphere protected him from any magic.
    Davion: This is bad. If I’m running low on health and mana. If I don’t take him down, the others won’t stand a chance. Juggernaut and Sven are close ranged fighters so they can’t reach Harbinger in the air, and Rubick and Io are only support heroes, they wont stand a change against a hero who uses their own mana against them. There is only one choice left.
Davion then decided to breath fire around him. Creating smokes between him and Harbinger.
    Harbinger: What are you planning? A smokescreen?
Then out of nowhere, Davion came behind him clipping his wings on Harbinger to bind him and attempted to grab him with his tail to stun him.
    Harbinger: Close call! Astral Imprisonment!
Davion then got trapped on the Astral Imprisonment, disappearing his physical being in their realm from the world for a few seconds and trapped in a ball of prison.
    Harbinger: Sadly, but that was too predictable.
Just as Davion got out of the Astral Imrisonment, Harbinger casted it a second time on him, putting him back again in an orb and dealing damage.
    Harbinger: I’m just toying with you now. Remember I can cast Astral Imprisonment 2 times. This is the end for the Knight and Slyrak, the dragon you got the power from. Sanity’s Eclipse!
Harbinger once again used his ultimate skill, Sanity’s Eclise on Davion, unleashing a psychic blast and sent out a huge sound of psychic energy.
    Harbinger: I heard you were heavy but I found you not so. The end.
Once the Astral Imprisonment ended, he only saw blue smoke, the remains of an illusion.
    Harbinger: Illusion!?
    Davion: Too bad you can’t cast that Astral Imprisonment 3 times!
    Davion appeared once again behind on Harbinger and was able to get a tight grip on him with his wings and his tail
    Harbinger: I can’t move! My wings are… heavy! That illusion! Since when?
    Davion: Behold the Illusionist’s Cape! Rubick gave me this telling me he was curios if this will able to produce an illusion of me during my Elder Dragon Form. Luckily it did.
Davion then flew up high to the sky, then quickly dived down and threw Harbinger’s body crashing to the ground with a huge force. With the last of his mana, he used his full Breath of Fire until he ran out of mana.
    Harbinger: No, this cant be! Fallen… like a stone….
As he said his last words, his body then cracked, and turned to broken pieces of stone.
Davion then flew back to ground, and just in time, returned to his normal human form. He then heads towards the spot where Invoker perished.
     Davion: Although I never liked you, I have avenged your soul, and it was an honor to fight with you, Carl. May your magics and your ego rest in peace.
Now, back to the battle at the West side of Lordaeron, continued the battle of Yurnero and his group against Clinkz, the Bone Fletcher.
     Clinkz: *Maniacal Laughter* It seems I have killed one of the fundamentals of the universe. I hope I didn’t upset the balance or something.
     Rubick: The death of the Fundamental of Force… Interesting.
     Yurnero: Io, you jolly wisp… A person that always put others ahead of itself. Not only did you save mine, but now you also saved my old friend’s life.
     Sven: Raaaaaaughh! *invokes God Strength*
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Sven, with the strength of the Sacred Helm, combined with the emotions of the sacrifice of the kind wisp, channels his inner rogue strength turned his body from blue to red, and greatly increasing his damage for a few seconds.
     Clinkz: Wait wait wait… What is that strength, that’s beyond earthly... Wait is that Daedalus!? *Whispers* This is bad, one strike, and I’m a goner…
    Yurnero: Harrgghh!
Yurnero now regaining back his strength thanks to the healing ward, quickly dashed around the battlefield, killing all the skeletons that Clinkz conjured.
     Clinkz: Skeleton wal-
     Rubick: Telekenesis! Too bad skeleton that was a close one. You won’t be able to use Strafe for a while because you just recently used it.
Yurnero suddenly blinked right beside Clinkz and used his Bladefury, spinning his sword and continuously damaging him.
Rubick then blinked at the other side of Clinkz.
    Rubick: Spell steal! Let me try that Juggernaut. Blade fury!
Rubick then spinned his staff around, spinning like a cyclone, dealing just as damage just as effective damage on the other side of Clinkz, pinning him down unable to escape.
Sven then grew closer and closer to Clinkz.
     Clinkz: Wait wait wait!
Sven then hit Clinkz with his sword with such tremendous force, that a huge shockwave generated and flew him across the port hitting the rocks.
     Clinkz: Hurghhh!! That was bad. Really bad! If it haven’t casted Death Pack on Sven earlier, the life I had wouldn’t have been enough to survive it. This isn’t the end! Skeleton Walk!
Clinkz then turned invisible, quickly running away back to his ship and ordering his troops to retreat.
     Yurnero: Damn it! I was just about to finish him off! That guy should not be allowed to live! If he will be able to inform Ostarion of our strengths and plans, we will be doomed.
     Rubick: That blow didn’t finish him off? The Grand Magus is confused. I have no more dust of Appearance to use. What should we do? Can we go after him?
     Sven: It’s alright. We knew Clinkz was always a coward, running away at the very last second. That’s why we asked the aid of a special someone. The hero that ruled the seas. Look at the shore. It’s the admiral’s ship. Cutting of the escape of their ships from escaping.
     Yurnero: As we are right now, we cannot catch up to him. He’s too fast. He probably has already teleported to the safety of his own ship. Can we really trust his skills? His facing against an entire fleet trying to escape.
     Sven: Don’t worry, I have fought with him side by side, and he has mastered the art of battling on the seas. The Admiral Kunkka has admirable skills, all we can do is watch from here and see from afar how he will be able to stop an entire fleet from escaping. That man would literally sink down his fleet just to protect his nation. He will avenge those who have fallen here in Lordaeron.
     Yurnero: I have heard tales of him. Its really stormy right now, so we really can’t do anything. I shall have faith on this person.
      Sven: *Shouting* Kunkka! If you can hear me, you better make sure you won’t let them get away! Avenge those who have fallen, and fight for our land!
Kunkka then shouts out from a distance.
      Kunkka: I hear ya mate! Leave the rest to me and rest well. Get a drink or two! The admirable Admiral Kunkka! At your service.
Chapter Epilogue:
And so, concludes the battle on the city of Lordaeron. The deaths of Invoker and Io will not be in vain. When the heroes were at the headquarters discussing their plan, they wanted to cut them off at sea just in case Clinkz escapes. But for it to succeed, there was someone else they need: Admiral Kunkka.
Chapter 4: The Battle of the Gulf of Yorktown
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     Kunkka: Rough seas ahead, crew. Strap me to the mizzen when I give the word.
The Admiral Kunkka, is a great leader of the Claddish Navy, who uses the legendary rapier, Tidebringer.  What makes him different from the others however is that he is a one-man navy. Having lost his crewmates in the past, he commands the seas with his ghostly crew.
It was heavily raining; waves were rough and lightning flashed through the skies. Kunkka however was able to commandeer his ship as if it was the finest of weather, sailing unbelievably fast. As Kunkka sailed his ship, the other heroes watching from the shore saw something weird.
     Yurnero: The ships are suddenly fading from sight.
     Rubick: It must be the work of Clinkz, using his invisible skills on his ships.
     Sven: Not to worry, he has a counter for that.
      Kunkka: Ahh invisbility. None can hide from the view of the Gem of True Sight.
      Clinkz: The gem? Damn. My cloaking skills are useless against it. Everyone, fall back at full speed! Other ships, buy us time to escape.
      Kunkka: No, you’re not getting away.
Kunkka then while piloting the ship rammed one of the enemy ships, tearing it apart instantly. He then raised his arm towards the sky.
He summoned a number of rising torrents from the seas, hoisting up multiple enemy ships towards the sky. The ships that were hit by the torrents lost their balance, and crashed towards the ocean floor once it fell back down.
     Skeleton Soldier: Sir! He has destroyed multiple ships! Only a few ships remain!
     Clinkz: If I were in the position to fight, I would’ve taken him out by now. But the wound that Sven dealt to me is too serious. We must focus on escaping. Order some of the ships to board him. This will bring us time to get into the fog and lose him. Just in case, call for Tidehunter.
Several ships then headed towards Kunkka, and a single ship blocked his way towards the enemy’s main ship.
     Kunkka: I see the lot of ye boarding my ship ey?
A number of skeleton warriors board his ship.
      Kunkka: I must thank you for boarding this ship. If anything, you just made it easier for me.
Kunkka then unsheathed Tidebringer, and with a single slash with his rapier, all skeletons on board were instantly killed, and in the back, destroyed all the ships surrounding him.
     Clinkz: Did he just destroy all of our ships in one slash? We have no other way to escape, but to sink his ship once and for all. I did not want to use my skills so that we won’t reveal our location, but this is dire. Due to my wounds, I will not be able to use the best of my abilities. Long range artillery is all I can provide.
Clinkz then drew his bow and aimed at Kunkka’s ship firing a barrage of searing arrows. Some of his arrows made direct contact with the ship, causing them to explode on impact, slowing down Kunkka’s ship.
     Kunkka: You thought you could get away by slowing down my ship?
Kunkka then waved his arms in an X formation. Soon, Clinkz’s ship began to leave a red line, and from where it started, an X was located.
Kunkka then completed his skill, and just as the ship returned to the area of the X, a strong torrent of water lifted the enemy’s ship.
      Clinkz: Stabilize the ship! He hasn’t arrived yet?!
Clinkz’s ship was able to maintain balance when it fell back down to the rough seas. Just before Kunkka could get in range to the ship, a huge leviathan from beneath the water emerged, knocking back Kunkka’s ship and separating Kunkka and Clinkz.
     Kunkka: Well, Tidehunter, look what the tide washed in.
     Tidehunter: Kunkka, I thought I left you on the bottom of the sea.
Tidehunter emerged from the sea, a leviathan with tough hide and his ocean spells that sweep enemies upward. He is also the rival of Kunkka, proclaiming him as his archnemesis.
Meanwhile, back at the shores of Yorktown, the other heroes watched as Tidehunter emerged from the sea.
      Rubick: Tidehunter? How is he hear? Is he working with Ostarion?
      Sven: I believe he is the archnemesis of Kunkka.
      Yurnero: This is bad. Tidehunter will give Clinkz enough time to repair his ship, and escape.
      Sven: Lets just watch. It isn’t over.
On the strong waves, and heavy weather, Kunkka and Tidehunter looked at each other on the eye.
     Kunkka: I know you want to settle our battle once and for all, but see that ship right there, I can’t let them escape and I’m running out of time.
     Tidehunter: Is that what you want? Then be my guest go ahead. But you have to get through me first.
Tidehunter opened his mouth, and summoned a gush of water that damaged the hull of Kunkka’s ship. While they were fighting, Clinkz continued to steadily shoot Searing arrows in order to buy he and his crew enough time to make repairs after sustaining damage from the torrent they were hit earlier.
     Skeleton Warrior: Sir! We are almost done with our repairs; we should be able to sail and escape in a few minutes!
     Clinkz: Hurry up! I can’t continue this forever! I am still heavily wounded!
Meanwhile, Kunkka and Tidehunter exchanged blows with each other, while Kunkka also dodging he and his ship from Clinkz’s raining arrows.
      Tidehunter: I see your death drawing near! Kunkka!!!
Tidehunter then smashed his anchor towards Kunkka, with him barely able to block it with his rapier.
     Tidehunter: Ravage!!
Tidehunter slams the area around him, calling the abyssal god Maelrawn, and causing multiple tentacles to erupt from all directions. Kunkka’s ship was thrown through the air, and as it was airborne, his ship took direct hit from Clinkz’s exploding arrows. As his ship went back to the ground, he saw the boat of Clinkz to continue moving. He knew he only had one option left in order to not let him escape.
     Kunkka: Well. It was nice meeting you guys while it lasted!
     Tidehunter: Are you giving up now Kunkka? Your ship looks like it won’t be able to sustain much more damage.
     Kunkka: I’m gonna miss you, you slimy wretch.
     Tidehunter: What do you mean?
Kunkka pointed his sword forward, what appeared however were a fleet of phantom ships. They may seem like an illusion to the eye, but the damage it causes were all real. Tidehunter got hit by the first 4 ships that rammed into him head on. On the 5th ship, Kunkka jumped on that last ghostship to get close to tide. Before the ship was able to hit the leviathan, Kunkka jumped from the ship into the air,  and he thrusts his rapier forward, cutting Tidehunter on his throat.
     Kunkka: Ah, Tidehunter, you cared enough to hate me. You can't buy that sort of love.
     Tidehunter: Kunkkaaa!!!!
As Kunkka sliced down on his throat, Tidehunter fell down the sea, sinking to the abyss. Kunkka then leapt back into his ship. When he looked at the location of the ship of Clinkz, it was too far for any of his abilities to reach, and his ship was too damaged to catch up on the rough seas. He only had one thought in mind.
He casted Torrent on his own ship, and a gush of water propelled the ship far up into the sky. It then kept going towards an angle on Clinkz’s ship, making his ship the weapon to destroy Clinkz’s final ship.
     Clinkz: What! How did you catch up?! What you’re doing is suicide!
Kunkka then drew his sword towards Clinkz.
     Kunkka: Suicide? No. I simply cannot let you live for the sake of my land. Your king will lose in the final battle. As for me? Well, a captain always goes down with his ship.
As Kunkka said those words, his ship rammed with Clinkz’s ship, destroying both ships in the process and sank them towards the depths of the sea.
Back in the mainland, the surviving heroes gathered up to discuss their plans.
     Davion: Today, a lot of brave souls perished for the city. And we lost special heroes. We lost Io, Kunkka, and that wizard.
     Yurnero: Their death will not be in vain. At least now, we significantly damaged their army’s strength, and we now know where the final battle will be.
     Sven: It was at Stonehall if I am correct? The main capital of this world.
     Davion: I wish I can go to, but I have to lead the repairs here in Lordaeron and defend it for any incoming attacks. Can you heroes go there and defend our Ancient, and save the world for the sake of all the people?
     Yurnero: By my tribe’s honor and legacy, I will do it and to avenge our fallen comrades.
     Sven: I will punish and cleave through their entire armies. This is what the kind wisp wanted me to do, and Kunkka had faith on us to stop the war once and for all. I will not let their sacrifices go in vain.
      Rubick: I am curios to what the Realm of the Dead has to offer. Maybe there, I can continue to hone my magics.
     Davion: Thank you heroes. It was an honor fighting alongside you all.
Chapter Epilogue:
And so, they parted ways, and Yurnero, Sven, and Rubick decide to head to Stonehall in advance to prepare for the last and final battle against the Wraith King. This is to avenge their families, fellow heroes, and for the sake of the people living in this world. They must win the final battle against the Realm of the Dead, in order to stop the influence of the Great Confluence.
Chapter 5: The Ancients
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Several days have passed and they have arrived to the capital of their land, Stonehall. When they arrive at the gate of Stonehall, they were met with guards guarding the entrance.
     Guard: Who goes there?
     Captain: Don’t worry, I recognize them. Heroes, we were expecting you.
     Yurnero: You knew we were coming? How?
     Captain: Commander Tresdin already got wind of what happened back in Lordaeron. We already know that the final assault of the undead army will occur sooner or later.
     Sven: Tresdin? The Legion Commander?
     Captain: Yes. I was ordered to wait until you arrive, and escort you to our headquarters. Follow me.
     Yurnero: Very well captain, lead the way.
     Rubick: It’s been awhile since I last came here. Beautiful place, Ivory towers, magical defenses, and mysterious creatures.
     Sven: We are here to get ready for the battle. Use whatever arcanery you know on the field, not here.
The group then followed the captain to the headquarters. When they arrived there, they met with the Legion Commander, Tresdin, and Mars, the first son of heaven.
    Yurnero: Tresdin! And Mars? Why are you down here?
    Mars: I was sent from heaven to take care of the Great Confluence. As the god of war, I shall partake in this last battle. Heaven has already had their deal with the realm of the dead. Its time to end them once and for all.
    Tresdin. Juggernaut & Sven we welcome your aid. Rubick, have you come here to study? Or to fight.
     Rubick: Legion Commander, it is through battle where I learn new magics, tactics, and discoveries. I simply am just following Yurnero because it just so happens that events bring us together.
     Mars: The Grand Magus. You bring dishonor to the art of war. If you stand for nothing, what will you fall for? At least Aghanim’s died, leaving behind his scepter to you. What have you done with it so far? No wonder you can’t reach the heights of your father.
     Rubick: Do not lecture me. You may be a god, but my magic far overpowers your skills.
     Sven: Stop it now. We need to work together people. Rubick, your skills of craftsmanship may be worth mentioning, but without the rest of us watching your back, you are easy prey to them.
     Yurnero: Let’s get back to the matter at hand. Tresin, what information have you collected thus far?
      Tresdin: Not too long ago, I and Mars were in combat with a platoon of their army. Its been several days of non-stop war. After all, you have heard of it right? The base of the enemy is not too far from here.
      Sven: Their base is situated near here? Does that mean their Ancient as well?
      Mars: We were able to take out a lot of them, but just as we decided to push towards their Ancient, Ostarion appeared.
      Tresdin: We were about to engage him in battle, but soon, more heroes followed behind him.
      Rubick: I see, more people to play with then? Who were they?
      Mars: From what we saw it were Pugna, the Nether Mage. Chaos Knight, one of the Fundamentals of the World, Viper, the Netherdrake, and Abaddon, the Lord of Avernus.
      Sven: It’s a 5 v 5 then.
      Tresdin: Yes. The plan is by tomorrow dawn, my army and Mars’ will join forces and set up a barricade on the outskirts of the city.
      Yurnero: It’s an attack and defense then.
      Mars: Yes. There are three lanes that connects both ours and the enemy’s Ancients. The top lane, the middle lane, and the bottom lane. The top lane is the longest route towards them. The middle lane is the shortest, but it would also be the busiest and the most heavily defended. The bottom lane is shorter than the top lane, but I doubt it would be easy to push it. Their tank will likely stay there.
      Rubick: From the looks of it, the top lane is our offlane, and our bottom lane is our safe lane. The enemy heroes will also situate themselves accordingly.
     Tresdin: Here is the plan. Mars and Rubick will take the offlane. Sven and Juggernaut, take the bottom and the mid lane respectively. I will roam the jungle to assist lanes periodically and hunt down any enemies I come across.
     Mars: Always report their movements. We should be able to communicate telepathically thanks to our Ancient near us.
     Sven: And the goal is to destroy their Ancient am I correct?
     Mars: Yes. Remember. Always bring a town portal scroll, incase they breach one of our lanes.                        
     Rubick: We will launch our attack tomorrow right?
     Tresdin: Yes, spend the rest of the night to gather all the equipment you require.
As the sun sets, the 5 heroes gathered at the porch of the headquarters to appreciate the beauty. It will be a long time before they will be able to see a view as majestic as this.
     Rubick: This view, its truly remarkable. Let’s not make this the last sunset.
     Sven: That’s rare, considered it is coming for you.
     Yurnero: We already have lost countless men, ally’s, and friends to get this far. Let’s not make their sacrifices in vain.
     Tresdin: We may not live to see our glory, but it will be an honor to fight alongside you all. I’ll get going now.
     Mars: I’m going ahead now. See you on the battle field.
     Sven: Me too, I have matters to attend to at the city and check our ancient.
Tresdin, Mars, and Sven the left the porch to prepare for the battle tomorrow, leaving Yurnero and Rubick to enjoy the view together.
     Yurnero: Hey Rubick.
     Rubick: What is it?
     Yurnero: Tell me, honestly, how do you feel? Your tone when you saw the sunset, it is not the usual you who only cared and thirst for knowledge.
     Rubick: Yurnero, it seems you have noticed. I have put some thought about what everyone has told me about on our journey together. When we arrive here at Stonehall, and I saw the Ancient, I have forgotten that it is what binds all of us together. Including our life force, and the magic around us that we all use. I am just, thankful for it. I feel father’s creations flowing around from the Ancient.
     Yurnero: That’s wow… I didn’t expect that coming from you. For the sake of everyone, we shall protect it, and destroy the enemy’s Ancient once and for all. This should put a stop to all the undead’s life force. If they do it to ours, then not just us, but everything, the trees, animals, civilians, people, everything in the land of the living will wither and die. Failure is not an option. I am glad you have finally come to realize that.
     Rubick: Yes, although my curiosity knows no bounds, I am glad to finally decided to find a reason to stand and fall for.
     Yurnero: For the sake of our fallen comrades, and for our realm, failure is not an option, even if it costs us our own lives. The mission? We get our hands dirty and the world stays clean.
Chapter 6: Defense of the Heroes
Its early dawn, the heroes have gathered, and the war has begun. From a distance Mars shouted:
      Mars: To those behind, Rally!!! To those ahead, kneel.
      Juggernaut: Lets do this! Master, the day has come for the final battle. Ancestors, watch over me. Juggernauttt!!!
Meanwhile, on the opposite side of the battlefield, Ostarion and his allies were discussing.
      Pugna: My king, it seems the enemy has launched an all-out attack. This seems to be the final battle.
     Ostarion: Very well, it’s time to end this once and for all. Unleash the full army of the Realm of the Dead. Protect the ancients at any cost, and crush them down at their hooves.
The battlefield on all lanes soon then clashed each other. Over at the mid lane, Juggernaut was pushing through the hordes of undead army. As he pushed through, he then soon saw a red knight, mounting his steed that came from hell.
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     Yurnero: A fundamental, like Io! Chaos knight! The fundamental of Chaos.
     Chaos Knight: Ahh Yurnero. How was your journey with Io? Too bad that wisp blew up. I was hoping that I would see him face to face as one of the Fundamentals of the universe, but too bad.
Yurnero then without a moment’s hesitation dashed towards him, and sliced him down multiple times. After slashing him down, it only appeared to be an illusion.
      Yurnero: An illusion? Damn. Where could the real one be?
Meanwhile over at the bottom lane, Sven cleaving through multiples of enemy armies was soon met a fallen warrior that had the power of the mist and riding his blue steed, Abaddon, and a skeleton filled with energy from the Nether Reaches Pugna.
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     Sven: Ahhh, the Lord of Avernus and the Nether Sorcerer. What an honor facing 2 heroes at once just for me.
     Abaddon: Sven the rogue knight, Honors to you and to the rogue's code you follow. But, to die at a noble hand is no guarantee of a noble death.
Sven then charged towards them and threw a storm hammer on Abaddon, but with his steed, he was able to simply evade it. Abaddon then charged at Sven and just as his horse passed by him, he swung his sword on Sven damaging him.
      Abaddon: My attacks slows you down, and making me faster. Your death is at hand.
Soon green particles appeared on the ground Sven was standing on, and suddenly an exploding pulse appeared, damaging Sven.
     Pugna: You didn’t forget about me did you?
Sven then quickly got back up from his feet and threw a dagger behind Pugna. Pugna dodged the small dagger, but Sven suddenly appeared on the dagger’s location. Just before Sven could hit Pugna with his sword, Abaddon pointed his sword towards Pugna.
     Abaddon: Aphotic Shield!
As Sven swung his sword on Pugna, a shield appeared on him, exploding upon hit, damaging Sven. But Sven’s attacked caused Pugna to fly back, and his sword cleaved all the way to Abaddon, damaging him as well.
      Abaddon: Not bad.
Suddenly, a barrage of arrows suddenly rained down on Abaddon and Pugna. Tresdin suddenly arrived from the trees.
      Tresdin: Sven. Heal up!
Tresdin then sound a horn on Sven, regenerating his health back up and gaining him an increased attack speed. She then charged towards Abaddon.
      Tresdin: Come Lord of Avernus, lets duel!
An arena then suddenly appeared between them, forcing Abaddon to exchange blows with Tresdin unable to run away. Sven then threw another storm bolt on Abaddon, stunning him and hitting him several times,
      Pugna: Abaddon, don’t die on me now this early.
Pugna then used Life drain on Abaddon, giving his own life force to rapidly heal him.
After 4 seconds, Abaddon regained consciousness after getting hit by the Storm bolt and casted his ultimate skill.
     Abaddon: Come, I dare you. I’ll take your worse
Just before Abaddon’s health ran out, he casted Burrowed Time, his ultimate skill. Tresdin then saw that each time she and Sven would hit him, he would gain more life instead, healing him instead of damaging him.
      Tresdin: Sven, stop attacking and let’s reposition. Atleast he has now used his ultimate.
      Abaddon: You have to try a little harder than that. Abaddon then waved his sword around him and Pugna, covering both of them with the mist.
      Sven: Tresdin, get ready. *Uses Warcry*
When the mist cleared, it seems that both Abaddon and Pugna were gone.
      Sven: Where are they?
      Tresdin: They must have gone to the other lanes. Continue pushing forward. I’ll go through the jungles once again and assist the other lanes.
      Sven: Roger that.
Meanwhile at the top lane, Mars and Rubick were holding out against Viper.
      Mars: Rubick! Hit him with your spells while I block his attacks with my shield!
Rubick then used multiple skills on Viper, but the Netherdrake glided through the air evading their attacks.
      Viper: You can’t catch me with your skills. Take this! Nethertoxin!
Viper spits out nethertoxin on the ground of Mars, causing the ground to bubble with poison.
      Mars: Urgh. This poison is so annoying!
      Rubick: Purification! Heal! This will prove to be troublesome. I can’t use any of my spells against him. He is immune to his own Poison.
      Mars. Let’s slowly pull back. We cannot push this lane. Viper is giving us quiet a predicament.
Soon, a mist appeared on Viper, surrounding him.
      Rubick: That mist. Its Abaddon!
      Mars: It seems they decided to make an all out push on the top lane.
Abaddon then suddenly appeared out of the mist with his steed, charging towards Mars.
      Rubick: Spell Steal! Aphotic Shield!
      Mars: Shield Wall!
Mars smashes Abaddon with his shield, knocking him back.
      Pugna: Your life is mine!
Pugna used his ultimate skill on Mars, sucking out his HP.
      Rubick: Spell Steal! Telekinesis! Life drain!
Rubick then lifted Pugna from the ground, interrupting his channeling of Life Drain, and then smashing him to the ground, stunning both Abaddon and Viper. He then used Life Drain on Mars, allowing him to regain the HP he lost from Pugna.
Viper then after recuperating from the stun suddenly flew to another and used Viper Strike on Rubick.
     Viper: Rubick, you will look good with some more green!
     Mars: Bulwark!
Mars then appeared in front of Rubick, taking the damage from Viper’s attack.
     Rubick: Spell Steal! Viper Strike
Rubick then quickly stole Viper’s spell and casted it on Pugna at the back. Pugna was directly hit by the powerful poison.
     Pugna: Aurghhh! Abaddon!
     Abaddon: Aphotic Shield! Mist Coil!
Abaddon then encased Pugna with a shield to minimize the damage he sustained, and healed him with mist coil at the small cost of some of his life.
     Mars: Aurghh! That hurt, lets slowly pull back. With the three of them here, we will be able to buy time for the rest of the lanes to push towards the enemy Ancient.
Mars and Rubick then slowly pulled back to the entrance of the city. There, hordes of allies from the Bronze and Ash Legion charged at the 3 enemy heroes. But they did not do much. Abaddon galloped throughout the field, slicing enemies with his chilling sword. Viper flew around the battlefield spitting poison, and Pugna casting Netherblasts on the defenses, breaking buildings with ease.
      Abaddon: You only delay the inevitable.
     Mars: This will be tough. We need to buy them as much time as possible Rubick.
     Rubick: Yes, understood. Time to test me knew set of skills acquired from the previous battles. Fade bolt! Earthquake!
Rubick and Mars continued to stall the enemies at one of the entrances of the allies’ Ancient.
Meanwhile Tresdin was on the jungle slowly heading to the mid lane to help Yurnero push to the enemy’s Ancient.
      Tresdin: Its near, I can sense it. I’m coming Juggernaut, lets push together.
      Chaos Knight: Where do you think you’re going Tresdin?
      Tresdin: Chaos Knight? I have no time to fight with you.
Tresdin then went for a different route on the jungle, only to face with Chaos Knight once more.
      Chaos Knight: How rude, ignoring me like that:
      Tresdin: Out of my way!
As she sliced him up, it was only an illusion. Soon as he looked around her, he was surrounded with 7 horsemen from all different sides.
     Tresdin: What? How? Since when?
     Chaos Knight: Come Armageddon. Let’s show her chaos. Planeshift.
Chaos knight with all of his illlusions pulled Tresdin and them together, striking her down simultaneously with his multiple illusions of himself without giving her a single moment to react.
     Tresdin: I'll never yield. Urghhh…
Chaos Knight: Your time on this plane is ended.
Meanwhile at the mid lane, Yurnero was steadily charging towards the enemy’s ancient. After a while, he finally reached the enemy’s stronghold. He sliced his way towards their Ancient until he finally was close enough to it.
     Yurnero: This is it. It’s now or never.
Yurnero leapt towards the building to destroy it. But before he could, he saw a blade thrust at him at the corner of his eye, aborting the attack and leapt back to evade the attack.
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      Ostarion: Well, well, well. Look who finally showed up.
      Yurnero: Ostarion! You will pay for what you have done to the Isle of Masks, and for what you have done to this realm.
      Ostarion: Very funny Juggernaut.
Ostarion looks over at the other entrance of their stronghold.
      Ostarion: Look who else decided to show up.
      Yurnero: Sven!
      Sven: Jugg! You’re already here! Let’s take him down together!
      Ostarion: Let’s see you try. Wraithfire Blast!
Ostarion threw a Wraithfire at Yurnero.
      Yurnero: Blade Furrryyyy!!!!
      Sven: Reaughhh!!!! Storm Hammer!
Sven activated his warcry, giving both him and Yurnero more movement speed and threw a storm hammer at Ostarion.
Ostarion blocked the hammer with his sword. He put the sword on the ground to block the spinning blade of Yurnero, and used his Armlet of Mordiggian to fend of Sven’s attacks.
The 3 heroes then clashed in front of the enemy’s Ancient. Yurnero danced and blinked with his blade around Ostarion from all sides, but Ostarion would always be able to parry them with his sword. Sven then would slash Ostarion, but he would always evade the sword and sometimes, punch him with power using the Armlet of Mordiggian. A gauntlet that sacrifices the user’s life energy to gain immense strength and power.
      Ostarion: Is that all you can do?
Yurnero then pulled out a healing ward to heal both him and Sven.
      Yurnero: This is tough. Listen I got a plan, but we only have one shot.
      Sven: Alright. Just like old times then.
As Yurnero dashed towards Ostarion, he threw a dagger at Ostarion. He then suddenly blinked towards the dagger and striked him with his sword. As Ostarion blocked the main attack, Yurnero took out another blade from his arsenal. He then blinked behind him, and stunning him with the Abyssal Blade.
      Ostarion: Is that the Abyssal Blade!? Where did you acquire it?!
Sven then pulled all his might and slashed Ostarion with his sword. Scattering his different bones across the ground.
      Yurnero: Lets end it Sven!
They then rushed towards the Ancient to destroy it. But before they could, the hear a pack of horses galloping at the distance.
     Chaos Knight: Reality Rift!
Chaos Knight warped reality and targeted Sven. He and his illusions then strike Sven down, tossing him over the ground and damaging his shield.
     Yurnero: Sven! Are you alright!?
     Yurnero then looked at Sven’s directions. Then he heard footsteps behind him. When he looked back, he saw the blade of Ostarion striking him. He then tried to block it with the sword his master gave to him, but the sword fell to the ground. Ostarion then picked up the sword and sliced up Yurnero’s mask, cleaving it into two and cracking its top. He then fell to the ground.
      Ostarion: That was a close one. Did you forget? I am immortal! *evil maniacal laughter*
      Sven: Jugg… No!!!
      Chaos Knight: Your friend is dead. I already took care of Tresdin too. Now, you’re next.
As the illusions of Chaos Knight grew closer to Sven, they suddenly stopped when Yurnero’s mask started to emit blue particles of light.
      Sven: What is that? What is happening?
     Yurnero’s entire body then rose from the ground, and from the crack of his mask, a small dragon suddenly came out from within it. The crack then awakened the ancestral souls that laid dormant inside it. Among the spirits was an ancient dragon named Akakiryu. The Juggernaut then stood up back from his feet. The dragon then encircled around him, and now begins to accompany him and reuniting with his former master, contributing his powers to him. Thus, the Juggernaut became a being merged from many souls. The dragon's might, combined with the strength of his ancestors, made him more powerful than ever before.
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      Ostarion: What is that? How are you still alive?
      Yurnero: The souls within Yurnero have been awoken. It is us, the people you murdered. With the mask sundered, our souls can finally be free. In a past life, we were branded as traitors… And denied a noble death. Together we will find a way to bring back our people. Once the Ancient is destroyed, our real work can begin. We are Juggernaut. We are Yurnero.
Meanwhile, back at their stronghold, Rubick and Mars were having a hard time trying to hold off their enemies.
      Pugna: A blast from the Nether Reaches!
The last line of defensive towers now crumbled at the magic of Pugna.
      Abaddon. We have now finally arrived at the Ancient. One last push, and the land of the living will be no more.
      Mars: Not if I can help it!
Mars then threw his spear towards Abaddon, Impaling him and his steed on a wall.
      Abaddon: Urgh. You are only delaying the inevitable.
Viper the flew threw the skies, dodging all projectiles aimed at him while spewing out poison on their Ancient.
      Rubick: This is bad. Our Ancient is under attack!
Abaddon then managed to get free from Mars’ spear, and was now heading to attack the Ancient. Mars then drew another from his hand and blocked his way.
      Mars: We’ll have to make this last bit count. Now’s the chance, their all grouped up at one spot. Its time to give it our all.
Rubick then used his blink dagger to blink in between the three enemy heroes.
     Rubick: Ravage!
Rubick then casted his staff upward, summoning tentacles from beneath the ground and knocking everyone up into the air.
     Pugna: What!? Wasn’t this supposed to be Tidehunter’s ultimate skill?
Mars then followed and pointed his spear into the air.
      Mars: To the death! Rise, Arena of Blood!
Mars then summons an inescapable arena from the ground, with his finest soldiers of the Ash Legion pushing them towards the center of the arena while they were stunned by Rubick’s Ravage.
     Rubick: Black Hole!
Rubick then conjured a black hole, drawing all three enemies towards the center, greatly damaging them. Pugna couldn’t handle the force and soon, his bones cracked and his life force gave up.
      Pugna: I should have known! Urghh
      Abaddon: Damn you! *Activates Burrowed Time* Aphotic Shield!
Abaddon then escapes the pull of the Black Hole and charged towards Mars to take care of him once and for all. Viper was then able to escape the vortex of nothingness thanks to Abaddon’s shield, buying him a split second to fly off.
      Rubick: Will-O-Wisp! Brightly Shine!
Rubick then conjured a bright light of wisp, blinding both Abaddon and Viper, stalling more time.
      Viper: These are the skills of the other 2 fundamentals. How?
      Rubick: I have spent time long enough with Io to understand the skills of the other Fundamentals.
      Mars: Yurnero! Sven! Hurry up! We can’t hold them off for much longer now!
Back at the enemy’s stronghold, Juggernaut has awakened to their true form, stronger than ever.
      Sven: Jugg? Is that still you?!
      Yurnero: Sven, you have played your part well. Once Yurnero was the last of his kind, but no longer. Changed, but still…the Juggernaut. The strength of fallen brothers and sisters flows through this body. Call us Juggernaut.
Juggernaut’s voice has noticeably changed and echoed. His manners of speaking has grown deeper, and now refers to himself as “we”. Sven, knowing he was alright, gasped out a sigh of relief.
      Yurnero: We need to hurry, they are attacking our ancient as of this moment.
      Sven: Then let’s spare no time. Raurrghhhh!!!!    
Sven then unleashed his skill, God’s Strength, turning his blue armor to read, and his attack greatly increasing. He then took out a weapon and used it. It was the Black King Bar. Which increased his size, and grants him immunity to all incoming magic.
      Chaos Knight: I will not let you do as you please. Phantasm! Manta Style! Behold, the horsemen of the apocalypse!
Chaos then continued to create more illusions of himself, amounting up to 20 different copies. Sven then charged at them one by one, but only destroying an illusion.
     Sven: If that’s the case, this ought to do it.
Sven’s armor then glowed blue. He activated Shiva’s Guard, which caused an area around him to create a freezing field. He then looked for the real copy. Sven then threw a storm bolt and flung towards the real copy. He then flung his sword, hitting the actual copy of Chaos Knight.
      Chaos Knight: Thrown…from my steed. Ughhh. How…
      Sven: Illusions don’t breathe the cold air. It was fairly easy.
      Chaos Knight: Noo.. This cant bee…. Urgh..
      Ostarion: The fundamental falls? Unreal. You will not get away with this. Submit to the King’s rule!
Just as Ostarion finished his sentence. Yurnero suddenly appeared in front of him and performed A thousand cuts in a single second.
     Ostarion: This speed… This is unreal!
     Yurnero: You will pay for what you have done to our kin. This world shall live on.
Ostarion then once again scattered to a thousand broken pieces.
Sven and Yurnero then simultaneously hit the ancient with powerful blows. Soon enough, the enemy’s Ancient cracked and at last, it finally has been destroyed.
     Ostarion:  Urghh… So, this is how it ends? I feel my soul, leaving me now….
Meanwhile, back at the ally’s Ancient,
     Abaddon: No… this cannot be... we were so close... How can such a thing be?
      Viper: Can't feel my wings. I fly… no more….
      Mars: Huff... Puff… They made just in time…
      Rubick: So, this is the power of the Ancients… such strong power. We finally did it. We have ended the Great Confluence.
Back at the enemy’s stronghold, Yurnero and Sven listened to Ostarion’s last words.
      Ostarion: Ughhh it seems the end is near.
      Yurnero: Your reign of terror finally ends. With your Ancient destroyed, the Realm of the Dead will now have nothing to sustain theselves now.
      Ostarion: Was it worth it though? I have destroyed a huge part of your kingdom and killed some of your friends.
      Sven: It was all worth it. For the sake of the future generations, we would gladly lay up our lives, even if it meant our entire race going to extinction.
      Yurnero: Our souls have finally been avenged. Yurnero has fulfilled his duties well. Today starts anew. We vow to bring back our people, and begin the rebirth of the Isle of Masks. We will bring glory to our friends… and death to our enemies.
Ostarion’s skeleton remains then started to lose their green ambient colors, and soon faded away into dust. The sky became clearer, and the stench of the dead fading away. What was left after the war however was ruin. The kingdom, then soon started to initiate repairs to what has been lost and bury the countless casualties they suffered. The heroes then soon found out that Tresdin has fallen in battle, and they bury her in the Tomb of Valor.
      Mars: It seems the bronze legion has lost their greatest general.
      Sven: It was an honor to fight by her side. Without her, this victory wouldn’t have been possible. She helped me back there at the bottom lane from Pugna and Abaddon. She told me to go ahead for she was supposed to aid you Jugg. I should’ve followed her and this wouldn’t have happened.
Yurnero’s pet dragon then went to Sven and rubbed him, as if wanting to comfort him.  
     Yurnero: Don’t blame yourself old friend. If you didn’t go ahead, you wouldn’t  have been there to help us in fighting Ostarion. Things would’ve ended badly for us, and we wouldn’t have awakened.
     Rubick: It’s all right. I feel her soul resting in peace now. I must now go and part ways with you people. Apparently, there are still a lot of things I must learn, and I am still far away from reaching my Father. Future perils likely await us. Expect to see me there. Farewell.
     Yurnero: Rubick. You weren’t so bad after all.
Rubick then waved his wand and casted a teleport spell, teleporting out from their sights.
      Mars: It was an honor to fight by your side heroes. I will remain here for the meantime to rally the Bronze Legion. The Ancient has taken significant damage, and I must remain here to protect it.
      Sven: The land itself will heal in time with the Ancient’s powers. Tresdin put her life on the line, knowing fully well that if she fall’s another will rise to take her place. But this… *pointing out towards the landscape* This can never be replaced.
      Yurnero: We will not forget the allies who laid down their lives for this. Io, Invoker, Kunkka, Tresdin, and the countless soldiers that died. None of it wouldn’t have been possible without them. At least for now, peace has been restored in this land, and our fallen kin can now rest peacefully knowing that they have been avenged, and we have secured a future for the generations to come.
Chapter Epilogue:
And thus, ended the tragedy of The Great Confluence. The heroes then decided to take a rest, watching over this land and to rebuild what they have lost. More dangerous perils will surely to come in the coming years of this unpredictable world. However, there will always be heroes who will stand up to valiantly fight for the sake of their land.
*The names of characters and places are inspired from Dota 2. All photos used belong to Valve and their respective creators and I do not own then in any way*
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flairmagazineblog · 4 years
Flair Reads: What to Read in 2020
At the start of every new year, a new booklist comes out predicting the must-reads of the year. This list is often compiled before many of the books are even published nevermind read and reviewed. 2019 was an incredible year for publishing, from fiction to poetry and everything in between— it was easy to miss a great read amidst the avalanche of new releases. We have rounded up the best books of the last year so you can catch up on anything you might have missed.
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“The answers to making it, to me, are a lot more universal than anyone’s race or gender, and center on having a tolerance for delayed gratification, a passion for the craft, and a willingness to fail.” 
If you need a good laugh then grab Ali Wong’s latest book and jump in! Her Netflix comedy, Baby Cobra captured her hilarious thoughts on everything from being a working mom to her views on modern marriage. This unfiltered collection gives fans more of Ali’s wisdom as she shares her life in the most personal and hilarious ways. 
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“In fact I need you to know it was all true. The friendly guy who helps you move and assists senior citizens in the pool is the same guy who assaulted me. One person can be capable of both. Society often fails to wrap its head around the fact that these truths often coexist, they are not mutually exclusive. Bad qualities can hide inside a good person. That’s the terrifying part.” 
Most people know her story but very few know her name—until now. Emily Doe was the sexual assault victim of Stanford swimmer Brock Turner who assaulted her on campus and sparked the conversation around white privilege, #MeToo, and the fault lines in the U.S. criminal justice system. The story of the Stanford rapist was front-page news for weeks but this memoir gives the power back to the victim and tells the story from her point of view allowing readers to get to know the real Chanel Miller.  
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“We must be the masters of our own destinies. I did not learn that until it was too late. You have to fight to take back control of your life. Sometimes you will hurt the ones you love the most. But in the end, it will always have to be your choice.” 
This Young Adult (YA) novel is perfect from start to finish and gives insight into the world of third culture kids. Being a teenager is hard enough but what happens when your home life doesn’t quite match the world you live in?  Seventeen-year-old Rukhsana Ali tries desperately to be a good daughter and friend—with a scholarship to Caltech she can’t live up to her conservative parents’ expectations. Will she be able to become the perfect Bengali daughter or will she lose it all to become her true self?
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“I heard Carl shout, and I turned to see Roland now on fire, though not as bright as his sister. Carl simply kicked him into the pool, where he fell like a rock, extinguished.” 
This book is impossible to put down—quirky characters, unique plotline, and ridiculous dialogue make it one of Kevin Wilson’s best books. The story is about two unlikely friends, Madison and Lillian, who met at an elite private school but were separated for years after a scandal that got one of them kicked out of school. The other stays in school and leads a life of privilege thinks she has everything figured out until her husband’s ex-wife dies and she is now responsible for her twin stepchildren. The friends reunite as they try to keep the stepchildren from going up in flames—literally. 
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“Home is never the same for anyone not just refugees. You go back and find that you have grown and so has your country. Home is gone. It lives in the mind. Time exiles us all from our childhood.”
Dina Nayeri is a brilliant wordsmith who crafts the most beautiful stories by weaving in her personal narrative into each of her books. At age eight, Nayeri fled her native Iran with her mother and brother to Italy finally calling America home. The brilliance of her words has earned this book notoriety and was a finalist for the 2019 Kirkus Prize in Nonfiction. 
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This is maybe the most creative poetry book to come out this year because it is not only a work of art but a  collage of President Trump’s words like they have never been seen before. Rob Sears has hand-crafted the tweets, speeches, transcripts, interviews, writings, and musings of the American president into sonnets, haikus, and free verse poems. While this might not be the read-of-the-year for everyone it is a refreshing take on the 45th President’s musings.
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“Once a story you’ve regarded as true has turned false, you begin suspecting all stories.”
Canadian author Margaret Atwood has been famous in her native country for decades but took center stage internationally when Hulu released the series The Handmaid’s Tale in 2017. Based on her chilling novel, the series shocked audiences to the core and left everyone wanting to know more about the disturbing dystopian society of Gilead. Atwood picks up the story more than fifteen years later in this long-awaited sequel. Will the protagonist Offred face freedom, prison, or death? 
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“Back in the main corridor—what Luke now understood to be the residents’ wing—the little girls, Gerda and Greta, were standing and watching with wide, frightened eyes. They were holding hands and clutching dolls as identical as they were. They reminded Luke of twins in some old horror movie.” 
The undisputed king (no pun intended) of horror writing is back with a new book to give you nightmares. In the quiet suburbs of Minneapolis, a murder takes place leaving Luke Ellis kidnapped and taken to The Institute. The Institute is a place where people are checked in but so far, no one has ever checked out. This psychological thriller is reminiscent of Stephen King’s earlier work and is a must-read if you are a King fan.
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“By embracing your calling and refusing to hide your glow, you wouldn’t just make your world brighter, you’d light the way for the women who come behind you.” 
A bit of self-help can’t hurt! Author and the founder of a multimillion-dollar media company, Rachel Hollis is here to remind women that they are often not living up to their full potential. In this #1 New York Times bestselling book Rachel writes about the positive behaviors to adopt, the things to let go of, the path to growth, and the ways to better believe in yourself.
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“It’s because I’m tired of being branded a terrorist; tired that a human life lost in my country is no loss at all.” 
The East is often seen only through the gaze of the West. Underlying that reality is the fact that the region is often only spoken about my males in the media and the complex stories of women are often lost. In this collection of essays, nineteen female journalists discuss their homelands and how reporting on conflicts in the region has given nuance to the women who are often misunderstood as stereotypes.
Flair Reads: What to Read in 2020 was originally published on FLAIR MAGAZINE
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sweetcerac · 5 years
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Finding Free Kindle Books That Rock
There are so many free books on Amazon! And I’m hoping I can help you find your next great read from one of these frugal finds.
When I stumbled upon Introductions (The Ghost Bird #1) by C.L. Stone free for Kindle, the plot sounded so interesting. Set in this world of the The Academy, Sang Sorenson meets this amazing group of Academy guys that help her see she is worth so much more than how her family is making her feel with their abuses. Gorgeous wonderful guys and this really strong caring girl who seems to weave into their group so seamlessly as they try to solve the problems at their high school. It completely sucked me in!
Here I am, after reading all 12 Ghost Bird books and all of her second Academy series, Scarab Beetle series (the first book is also free) as well, I can't help but BEG for more from the author on Twitter. But it makes me realize what awesome nuggets of story telling these free Kindle finds can lead me to.
So here I have listed the Top 15 Free Kindle Books that I have found on Amazon that sound like they will lead to some more amazing series! Give them a shot along with me!
1) Awaken by Skye Malone
"Running away from home was never Chloe Kowalski's plan. Neither was ending up the target of killers, or having her body change in unusual ways. She only wanted a vacation, someplace far from her crazy parents and their irrational fear of water. She only wanted to do something normal for once, and maybe get to know her best friend's hot stepbrother a bit better at the same time.
But the first day she goes out on the ocean, strange things start to happen. Dangerous things that should be impossible. Things to which 'normal' doesn't even begin to apply.
Now madmen are hunting her. A mysterious guy with glowing blue eyes is following her. And her best friend's stepbrother seems to be hiding secrets all his own.
It was supposed to be a vacation. It's turning out to be a whole lot more."
2) The Mind Reader by Lori Brighton
"Cameron Winters is a freak. Fortunately, no one but her family knows the truth... that Cameron can read minds. For years Cameron has hidden behind a facade of normalcy, warned that there are those who would do her harm. When gorgeous and mysterious Lewis Douglas arrives he destroys everything Cameron has ever believed and tempts her with possibilities of freedom. Determined to embrace her hidden talents, Cameron heads to a secret haven with Lewis; a place where she meets others like her, Mind Readers.
But as Cameron soon finds out some things are too good to be true. When the Mind Readers realize the extent of Cameron’s abilities, they want to use her powers for their own needs. Cameron suddenly finds herself involved in a war in which her idea of what is right and wrong is greatly tested. In the end she’ll be forced to make a choice that will not only threaten her relationship with Lewis, but her very life."
3) The Fallen Star by Jessica Sorensen
"For eighteen year-old Gemma, life has never been normal. Up until recently, she has been incapable of feeling emotion. And when she's around Alex, the gorgeous new guy at school, she can feel electricity that makes her skin buzz. Not to mention the monsters that haunt her nightmares have crossed over into real-life. But with Alex seeming to hate her and secrets popping up everywhere, Gemma's life is turning into a chaotic mess. Things that shouldn't be real suddenly seem to exist. And as her world falls apart, figuring out the secrets of her past becomes a matter of life and death."
4) Bound, An Arelia LaRue Novel #1: by Kira Saito
"Sixteen year old Arelia LaRue lives in New Orleans where the music is loud, voodoo queens inhabit every street corner, and the ghosts are alive and well. Despite her surroundings, all she wants is to help her Grand-mere Bea pay the rent and save up for college.When her best friend Sabrina convinces her to take a well-paying summer job at the infamous Darkwood plantation, owned by the wealthy LaPlante family, Arelia agrees.However, at Darkwood nothing is what is seems. Arelia enters a world full of tricky spirits, strange characters and forbidden love.In the intoxicating world of New Orleans Hoodoo/Voodoo expect the unexpected! Come along for the ride..."
5) Starfire Angels by Melanie Nilles
"They've been coming here for thousands of years, using Earth as a sanctuary to escape threats from their own kind. Mankind knows them as angels, and one of them left a child upon her death to be raised as a human.
Raea is now a high school senior, and her life as a human is about to end. The crystal shard she bears is not a pretty pendant; it's a collective of powerful entities who chose her as their Keeper, a protector of one of the four shards that power a machine capable of destroying whole worlds. Those who desire the Starfire's power have sent an agent to find her, but she's too busy evading a nosy reporter ready to exploit her secret and dating a hot new foreign student to notice. Nevermind learning what she really is.
Only one person on Earth can help her, the last person she ever expected. But he's not from Earth. Life as a human would be so much easier."
6) Deep Blue Secret (The Water Keepers Book 1) by Christie Anderson
"California teen, Sadie James, thinks her life couldn't get any better. She has great friends, an energetic mother she adores, and the beach practically in her own backyard. But her carefree life is turned upside down when she's rescued by a mysterious and strangely familiar boy who won't even tell her his name.
Each time the boy appears, Sadie's unexplainable attraction to him deepens along with her need to unravel his secrets. The boy is there to protect her. But as wonderful and exciting as it might be to have an irresistible boy with crystal green eyes protecting her every move, every minute of the day . . . why does Sadie need one?
As Sadie finds answers, she realizes her life isn't as perfect as she thought. Not only is she caught in a world of dangerous secret agents she never knew existed, but it turns out her true identity may be the greatest secret of all."
7) The Deepest Cut (The MacKinnon Curse Book 1) by J.A. Templeton
"Sixteen-year-old Riley Williams has been able to see ghosts since the car crash that took her mother’s life and shattered her family. Guilt-ridden over the belief that she’s somehow responsible for her mom’s death, Riley is desperate to see her mother’s elusive spirit to gain her forgiveness.
When her father moves the family to Scotland so they can all start over, Riley believes her life couldn’t get worse––that is until the ghost of nineteen-year-old Ian MacKinnon catches her purposely cutting herself. An uneasy truce quickly turns into friendship, and soon Riley’s falling hard for Ian.
Riley believes her gift could help Ian end the curse that has kept him tied to the land for centuries, but that would mean letting him go forever and she’s not sure she is strong enough to do that. As if her life wasn’t complicated enough, the spirit of the woman who killed Ian returns and she’ll stop at nothing to keep Riley from helping Ian find eternal peace."
8) Initiate - The Unfinished Song Book 1 by Tara Maya
"The initiation ceremony is the gateway to ultimate power...or death. A DETERMINED GIRL Dindi can't do anything right, maybe because she spends more time dancing with pixies than doing her chores. Her clan hopes to marry her off and settle her down, but she dreams of becoming a Tavaedi, one of the powerful warrior-dancers whose secret magics are revealed only to those who pass a mysterious Test during the Initiation ceremony. The problem? No-one in Dindi's clan has ever passed the Test. Her grandmother died trying. But Dindi has a plan... AN EXILED WARRIOR Kavio is the most powerful warrior-dancer in Faearth, but when he is exiled from the tribehold for a crime he didn't commit, he decides to shed his old life. If roving cannibals and hexers don't kill him first, this is his chance to escape the shadow of his father's wars and his mother's curse. But when he rescues a young Initiate girl, he finds himself drawn into as deadly a plot as any he left behind. He must decide whether to walk away or fight for her... assuming she would even accept the help of an exile."
9) Rippler (Ripple Series Book 1) by Cidney Swanson
"Discovering she can turn invisible terrifies Samantha, especially when she learns a geneticist who murdered her mom wants her too. Handsome Will Baker offers help and secrecy, but soon Sam will have to choose between keeping her secrets and keeping Will in her life. Suspenseful and romantic, Rippler and its sequels capture the collision of the beautiful with the dark. Discovering she can turn invisible terrifies Samantha, especially when she learns a geneticist who murdered her mom wants her too. Handsome Will Baker offers help and secrecy, but soon Sam will have to choose between keeping her secrets and keeping Will in her life. Suspenseful and romantic, Rippler and its sequels capture the collision of the beautiful with the dark."
10) Sora's Quest (The Cat's Eye Chronicles Book 1) by T. L. Shreffler
"A noblewoman, an assassin, and a soul-stealing necklace....
Sora planned on running away from her wedding, but she never expected to be kidnapped! Dumped into a world of magical races, arcane jewelry and forgotten lore, she finds herself at the mercy of a dangerous assassin, haunted by an even darker past. She yearns for freedom, but he won’t let her go—not when her Cat’s Eye necklace is the only thing that can save his life.
But the necklace itself presents a problem. It is an ancient device from the long forgotten War of the Races, and its magic has the ability to steal souls. Can Sora learn to wield its power—or will the power wield her?"
11) Six Moon Summer by SM Reine
"Rylie's been bitten.
She's changing.
And now she has three months to find a cure before becoming a werewolf... forever.
Rylie Gresham hates everything about summer camp: the food, the fresh air, the dumb activities, and the other girls in her cabin. But the worst part is probably being bitten by a werewolf. Being a teenager is hard enough, but now she's craving raw flesh and struggles with uncontrollable anger. If she doesn't figure out a way to stop the transformation, then at the end of summer, her life is worse than over. She'll be a monster."
12) Into the Shadows by Karly Kirkpatrick
"Paivi Anderson has it all - friends, a spot on the varsity basketball team, wonderful parents, and quite possibly, her first boyfriend. It was everything a freshman in high school could ask for. Her perfect life begins to crumble when she discovers her name on a list distributed by a power-hungry presidential candidate. How could anyone think of Paivi as an Enemy of the State? Could it be because of her special powers? No one was supposed to know about them, but the mysterious messages in her tater tots say otherwise. In INTO THE SHADOWS, Paivi quickly learns who her friends are and is forced into a reality she didn’t see coming."
13) Fire in Frost by Alicia Rades
"CRYSTAL FROST tells herself she isn't crazy, but sane people don't see ghosts. As her psychic abilities manifest, Crystal discovers she can see into the future, witness the past, and speak with the dead. Add blackmail to the list of things she never thought would happen to her, and you basically have her sophomore year covered. After spotting her first ghost, secrets from her family, friends, and classmates begin to surface. Uncovering secrets can be dangerous, but giving up means someone will get hurt. Again."
14) The Ghost Files by Apryl Baker
"Cherry blossom lipstick: check Smokey eyes: check Skinny jeans: check Dead kid in the mirror: check
For sixteen year old Mattie Hathaway, this is her normal everyday routine. She’s been able to see ghosts since her mother tried to murder her when she was five years old. No way does she want anyone to know she can talk to spooks. Being a foster kid is hard enough without being labeled a freak too.
Normally, she just ignores the ghosts and they go away. That is until she see’s the ghost of her foster sister… Sally.
Everyone thinks Sally’s just another runaway, but Mattie knows the truth—she’s dead. Murdered. Mattie feels like she has to help Sally, but she can’t do it alone. Against her better judgment, she teams up with a young policeman, Officer Dan, and together they set out to discover the real truth behind Sally’s disappearance.
Only to find out she’s dealing with a much bigger problem, a serial killer, and she may be the next victim…
Will Mattie be able to find out the truth before the killer finds her?"
15) A Job From Hell (Ancient Legends #1) by Jayde Scott
"The moment Amber starts her summer job in Scotland and sets eyes upon Aidan, her fate is sealed. Summoned by an ancient bond, she can never love another. Lost in the woods one night Amber enters Aidan's deadly world when she unknowingly participates in a paranormal race and promptly wins the first prize...a prize worth killing for.
In a world of forbidden love, ancient enemies, legends and rituals, nothing is as it seems and no one can be trusted. Life will never be the same again, unless she enters the Otherworld. But to do so, Amber must die..."
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stacks-reviews · 7 years
Must Reads Part 7
Happy Friday! This week on Must Reads we have mermaids living in glaciers, illusions at the carnival, murder, and more.
--Daughter of the Burning City by Amanda Foody (7/25/17) The Gomorrah Festival is a traveling carnival of debauchery, catering to the strangest of dreams and desires. Sorina has spent most of her life on the borders of the festival as an illusion-worker, the only one to be born in hundreds of years. She creates illusions that you can see, feel and touch, that even have personalities. Sorina’s creations are like her family even though she knows that they are not truly real. At least until one of them is murdered. Desperate to save her family Sorina will venture into the most sinister corners of the Festival to unravel the horrifying truth.
I started thinking about Cirque de Freak by Darren Shan the moment I read the description. Purely because of a creepy carnival. I’ve never read that series by him but I have read a few books of his series The Demonata. I’m really enjoying Sorina’s illusion powers. I like how she can make them touchable. I’m already debating if she might somehow be summoning her ancestors, maybe even pulling people from other dimensions, or just being so creative that she can create almost anything and make it real. Or even unknowingly putting a bit of herself into each creation, giving them life that they may grow and develop on their own. Either way it sounds like it would be pretty good. I’m curious to see what all powers might reside deeper in the carnival. And just what kind of power is able to kill illusions.
--The Last Kid Left by Rosecrans Baldwin "A car smashes into a sculpture of a giant cowgirl. The police find two bodies in the trunk. Nineteen-year-old Nick Toussaint Jr. is arrest for murder, and after details of the crime rip across the internet, his sixteen-year-old girlfriend, Emily Portis--a sheltered teen who’s been off the grid until now, her first romance coinciding with her first cellphone--is nearly consumed by a public hungry for every lurid detail, accurate or not. Emily and Nice are not the only ones whose lives come unmoored. A retired police officer latches onto the case. Nick’s alcoholic mother is thrust into an unfamiliar role. A young journalist who left her hometown behind is pulled into the fray. And Emily’s father, the town Sheriff, is finally forced to confront a monstrous secret. ...A searching novel about how our relationships operate in a hyper-connected world, an expertly-portrayed account of tragedy turned mercilessly into entertainment. And it’s the suspenseful unwinding of a crime that’s more complex than it initially seems. But mostly it’s the story of two teenagers, dismantled by circumstances and rotten luck, who are desperate to believe that love is enough to save them.”
First came across this book from a review on NPR, which had some mixed reactions now that I look back at it. I’ll include the link if I can. On another reading of that review it appears that this book was too ambitious. But it still sounds enjoyable to me and I want to try it out but I might now put it a bit lower on my list than I initially had it.
--The Seafarer’s Kiss by Julia Ember  Ersel is a mermaid who often wonders what lives beyond the ice shelf. She spends her days hunting for items in sunken ships to add to her collection and wonders what they are. She gets her chance to find out when she finds a shield-maiden stranded on a glacier. But when Ersel’s childhood friend and suitor finds them together, he gives her a choice: say goodbye to her new friend or face the justice of the glacier’s brutal king who banned all contact with humans. Determined to make her out fate, Ersel asks the god Loki for help. But that help see’s her exiled from her home. To save herself from dying in the barren part of the sea and to reunite herself with her friend, Ersel will have to outsmart Loki.
I love everything about this. A version of The Little Mermaid that takes place in a much colder climate, a possible female love interest who sounds fierce, and a message on equality and on what a lady does with her body is her choice. There is a preview of this on Goodreads that I just finish reading if you want to check it out. It mentions a ceremony called The Grading where each female mermaid is graded on their fertility when they are nineteen and then the male mermen fight over who gets to have that mermaid. But thanks to the cruel king all mermaids have to do this and do whatever their merman says. Even if they are abusive the king will not left them leave their mermen. The previous queen held the ceremony but never forced anyone to do it if they didn’t want to. And Ersel doesn’t want to. She doesn’t want to be forced to spend her days laying eggs. She should get a say in what her future holds. And arctic mermaids! 
--Song of the Current by Sarah Tolcser For generations Caroline’s family has been called by the river god, who guides their wherries on voyages throughout the Riverlands. Caroline has been waiting for the river god to call her name and is starting to think he never will. When her father is arrested for refusing to transport a mysterious crate, Caroline takes her fate into her own hand and agrees to deliver the crate if they free her father. Caroline will be caught in a web of politics and lies, will be chased by pirates, all without the help of the river god.
I originally wrote maybe when I starred this on my research list. It sounded like it could be really good but I wasn’t quite sure. Then I checked out the preview on Goodreads. I didn’t read all of it but I didn’t need to. I stopped as soon as I read the part where there are frog people. They have greenish-brown skin, yellow eyes, bulbous foreheads, and webbed toes. I don’t know how much of a role they will play in this book. The first one we meet appears to work with Caroline’s father and I really hope she will stick around for the entire book and that her people will show up a lot too.
--The Wicker King by K. Ancrum (10/31/17) August has learned that his best friend, Jack, has a degenerative hallucinatory disorder. Jack has very vivid and long-term visions of a fantasy world that’s layered over our own. Determined to help Jack cope, August will follow Jack as he leads them on a quest to fulfill a dark prophecy in this alternate world that is ruled by The Wicker King. Over time even August starts to question what is real and what is fantasy. They struggle to stay afloat as they teeter between fantasy and reality. In the end, they must choose their own truth.
I really like the possibilities of this book. Will the fantasy world end up being real or will it all be because of their imaginations taking over. To Jack it will appear real the whole time because of his hallucinatory disorder. As for August, at first it won’t be real but the more time he spends helping Jack the more he’ll start to think it is real. Or maybe they both are. They’ll have to decide which world is the real one.
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“Welcome to Bellares, the village on the only border in the world. Half is in the Confederation of Greek States and half is in the Holy Roman Republic. Or Republic of Rome. I forgot. My name is Eirini. I’m kind of a big deal around here, if you didn’t already know,” I said, giving the newcomer a smug smirk. The cloaked figure nodded. “I am aware. That is why I’m here. Today is your day of maturity, correct? And you grew up in the Greek part of the city?” Indeed, I had. The Roman part was neat and orderly, cut into blocks by their straight, paved streets. The Greek section was just as nice, but the roads wound through the town and the houses were uneven. The difference between the two was immediate and obvious, almost as if an invisible line cut through the city. And I grew up on one side of the divide. “Yes ma’am, I live in the Greek States,” I said. The hooded figure lowered her hood, revealing a vulpine face obscured by a mask. She was an Evolved, an animal granted sentience and the ability to walk upright after Ragnorok. But she was also something more that I couldn’t put my finger on. “Very well. you won’t stay there for long. But know that soon-” Water started trickling from her ears. “this—“ from her snout, her eyes, her mouth, from under the cloak, I’m drowning but I break the surface and I’m panicking, oh gods help me, gods of Olympus, help me help me I see an Evolved screaming my name screaming for help and the water forms a giant wave bigger than even Poseidon’s. “Will all be washed away.” And the sky darkens and the wave crashes and everything is gone. I wake up in a cold sweat, safe in my bed in the Greek Sector. A dream. It was just a dream. A mere dream. My home was not flooded. My room, full of stolen possessions, was still here. The two things I actually owned- my black cloak and staff- were still here. Everything was okay. I get dressed and walk downstairs. I grab my wooden staff. It was oak, straight until the top where the last foot was a crescent so that it outlines half of a circle, almost like one of those shepherd’s staffs. It was seven feet of smooth oak and when I grasped it, an orange orb materialized, floating in the crook. In the center of each staff’s orb, a symbol unique to each magic user forms. Mine is a blue jumping wolf. I sling the staff across my back and head downstairs, where my parents were waiting. My mother was sharpening her sword and checking her bow’s tensile strength. She had a long day of policing the city to look forward to. My father was holding his own staff, a green orbed beech with a red ox. His cloak was clasped with an emerald to match his staff. He taught at the local magic school. Illusiomancer, first class. I was an illusiomancer myself. My magic was not as strong as my father’s, so I was only a second class. My father smolders as I pass, the controlled burn in his eyes proof of the argument we had last night. My mother’s tight lips and tense stance as I pass my father were proof that she knew. But I paid no mind. I simply walk past into the dirt streets of Bellares. As the door closed, my dad said in the berating voice that I’ve been accustomed to hearing as of late. “I raised you better than this, Einiri. You’re my son, not whatever you think you are.” I clenched my fists and insulted back. “Yeah? Well you’re still the Apophis-spawn that I know and hate!” One more day, I reminded myself. Then I’m rid of him for good. The Roman guards gripped their swords as I cross the official border into Roman territory. The Greek guards simply yawned and adjusted their straps slightly. Seriously, the only reason that Rome hasn’t gained ground in this war is that the Greek Pantheon is stronger. They have numbers. They have organization. But we have pure power. I walked through the Roman Sector, looking for dopey people to trick and/or steal from. I love doing that, but I haven’t been able to for… Anyway, soon after, I located someone in a fancy-looking cloak and cape. “Hello, stranger,” I said in Latin, putting on the guise of a homeless person and hiding my staff. “Can you spare some change?” He reaches down to take change from his coin purse, but it isn’t there. “Strange,” he says. “must have dropped it.” He crouches and I crouch with him. But it doesn’t seem so. To any bystander, it looks like I’m standing patently. I remove the coin purse from his belt. Another smooth pickpocketing. Or so it seemed. I felt my illusion shatter as I stood up, coin purse in hand. Golden coins with the face of the Pontifex Maximus of Rome stamped on one side and the central temple of Jupiter on the other spilled out of the small bag as I dropped it and took off running. In the Greek half, I could lose the guards in the winding streets and the bustle of people. But I could never get that far. The border guards would stop me. As I ducked into a side alley between a fish shop and a blacksmith. Two old friends of mine, a muscular ram Evolved from the Norse Alliance that goes by Thorson and a fisherman from the Shinto islands named Tsugoyumi Musashi, ran the places. I opened a door into Yokohama, the fish shop, and moved a crate, revealing a hidden trapdoor that led next door into Thorson’s smithy. I replaced the crate carefully and closed the trapdoor. I waited until I heard the police enter Yokohama before taking off down the corridor and exiting through an upwards opening door that redirected magical magma to the sides and clearing a path for me through the smithy and into the streets. Once in the streets I put on an illusion of a filthy homeless elf, straight from Alfheim Island in the Norse Alliance. An immigrant that wanted to move to the glorious Romepublic but couldn’t speak a lick of Latin was common in Bellares. It was, after all, the gateway city. Immigrants to both Greece and Rome were processed here. “Hey! You’re under arrest!” the same Roman police surround me. I come quietly. They confiscate my staff and take me to the courthouse, shoving me into- a man’s cell with a man’s bathroom. They just don’t understand anything, do they? The next day, I appeared before the Roman court. “Judge Tibernius, I didn’t do anything, I promise.” I pleaded. “Yes, you did. The official of Rome that you stool from was on his way to deposit his coin in the bank. A month’s pay from an official is grand theft, plus assaulting an official. Einiri, this is the third time this month you’ve appeared before the court. Until this moment, I believed that the evidence was all circumstantial,” Tibernius declared. “Sir, I didn’t steal from this man!” I declared. I’m not usually a liar, so I gestured in the general direction of the “You were found with his coinpurse.” “But-” “And you’re the only illusiomancer in this half of the city.” “But-” “But NOTHING, Mr. Einiri! You have taxed my patience enough! For all of your previous charges and this one, consisting of multiple charges of petty theft, grand theft, assaulting an official—“ “I didn’t hurt him!” I stood suddenly, saying the first thing to come to mind. It was an extreme feat of will that I didn’t end with insults that involved his mother, a brothel, and a horse. “–and contempt of court, you will be sentenced to EXILE from Rome and temporary expulsion from Greece. Guards! Take him away.” I was to be deported from Rome and I’d have to find my way back to Greece if I wanted to get home. Even though I didn’t want to very much. My stolen possessions were confiscated. My father was angry at me because of our argument last night, culminating in his throwing all of my clothing except for the cloak I was wearing in the fire. My mother was gonna side with him, like always. So I left gladly and with no regrets. Nothing was left for me here. All of my possessions were on my body and I did not want to stay with my family. The village is very far north, so we end up only having to teleport a relatively short distance north to get to the Wilds Between Gods, the wilderness between the Norse Alliance and the Greco-Roman territory. It spanned two continents, only ending east at the Nihon Sea, where it is said that the Shinto reside. Nile doesn’t border the Wilds. Instead, they’re surrounded by the Desert of Red Sand, the divine wastes. “Here ya are,” a guard said in vulgar Latin. “Yer ‘ficially in exile, boy. But that don’t mean ya won’t pay for yer crimes.” He draws his sword. “Take ‘is stick,” he snarled to the other guards. If only he knew how much his words hurt. Two of the three other guards- the two wielding Gladiuses- hold me down while a third with an orbless mage’s staff takes my own staff. He clearly didn’t have enough mana to generate an orb. If I could get my hands on my staff, I could escape. I could only perform basic illusions without my staff, but that’d have to do. I summon a dry mist to obscure the guards’ vision. I could see through it, though. It only goes a few yards around in a circle, but that’s all I need. I wrench from the two guards’ grips, saying “I’m- no- boy!” I put a single hand on the staff and I made both of us disappear from view. I yanked the staff out from the guard’s hand and ran. After almost four yards, I felt the illusion shatter. That’s why they brought the mock-mage. A spell-breaker. But they were too far away with no ranged weapons or offensive magic. A spell-breaker is purely defensive, used to mirror-cast and reverse spells. That didn’t stop them from trying to run after me. I finally made it, passing a Terminus boundary in the woods. I was all the way out of Rome now, and out of the jurisdiction of the group of guards. They couldn’t come after me. I was deported from Greece. I was wanted in Rome. I was alone in the woods with no way to gather food or find clean water. Stranded and alone in a hostile world with no way to function, to survive. To live. I was nineteen today. What a birthday to have. —- The Shaping of Reality Chapter One: Exiled, part one.
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sonofhistory · 7 years
can I get some information about all of Marquis De Lafayette's kid? Doesn't have to be deep detail, maybe just a couple facts about each of them
Henriette du Motier de Lafayette was born in 1776. There is barely anything of her because she died in 1778 at just the age of two while Lafayette was off fighting in America. 
Anastasie Louise Pauline du Motier de La Fayette was born in 1777. Before her mother was to be arrested after her husband fled, Adrienne hid her in a cubboard upstairs. When they were going to take away her mother, she fled she her hiding place; being arrested with Adrienne de Lafayette. She spent two years in jail with her father, her mother and her younger sister. She ended up marrying Juste-Charles de Fay de La Tour-Maubourg and together they had two children- her husband like her father were both unable to enter France for a while after the Revolution and imprisonment. She died in 1863.
Georges Washington Louis Gilbert de Lafayette was the only son of his father the Marquis. He was born in 1779 and his name and godfather was George Washington. When his mother was to be arrested, he hid with his tutor Felix (he was fourteen at the time- in 1792) and went into hiding. In 1795 he was able to create a fake passport which he used to make his way to the United States. In America he studied at Harvard, lived for some time with Alexander Hamilton before making his home with none other than George Washington. One year after his family from freed from prison he himself made his way back to Europe at the age of nineteen in 1798. He was an exile of France and unable to return. In 1800, Georges entered the army and was wounded at the Battle Mincio. Later he was an aide de comp for General Grouchy. But Napoleon effected his army expirience greatly and didn’t allow him to rank higher as his fighting went on. 1807 he gave up his horse after Grouchy had been killed, risking his own life. The namesake Lafayette went with his father to America on his final visit and met Thomas Jefferson. He married Emilie de Tracy and they had three daughters and two sons. 
Marie Antoinette Virginie Motier de Lafayette was the youngest Lafayette child born in 1782. When Adrienne de Lafayette was nearly arrested she was sent off into the woods to farmers cottages for safety. She too joined her parents and elder sister in the Austrian prison. 
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