zillychu · 3 days
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designs for a zine piece! enjoy some background story my illustration never needed under the read more (fair warning I did NOT edit this at all):
newbie mage apprentices Sam and Tucker who became friends bc they're kinda… the ones at the bottom of their class and struggle the most, for different reasons. they become besties over time and practice together!
except one night, something goes terribly wrong. they spent the last few nights preparing for a project, a bigger spell that needs an intricate circle with precise measurements to work. but when they try to activate it, well… 
oops. they summoned a demon.
which is, for one, extremely illegal. only certified demonologists are allowed to summon demons because they're so dangerous. anything less than a perfect binding circle and thoroughly researched info on the demon, including their true name, is even remotely safe.
but, weirdly enough… the demon seems just as surprised as they are. as Sam and Tuck frantically try to figure out how to dispel the demon, they realize–oh god, did their circle actually sufficiently bind the demon? it can't leave. they watch the demon tentatively poke it's claws into the air around the boundary, and watch it fizzle, retreating back with a strained hiss.
okay. okay, they can do this. without death looming over their heads, they can figure out how to send the demon back. it's cool, it's fine. except while they leaf through their books, they notice the demon watching them. it looks kind of… curious. timid. interested in what they're doing. it catches them noticing his staring, and it. apologizes? it seems flustered?
weird, okay. they keep looking, and the demon starts talking. at first, little comments to itself. mumbles that soon get just loud enough to hear. little “ooh, is that a telescope?" and “is that what fire looks like up here?" and “that must be for making charcoal…”
Sam is the one brave enough to be like "are all demons as chatty as you??” and the demon gets flustered again, apologizing. says he's just never been topside before, he's only read about humans in tomes. oh wow is that the moon outside? it really IS blue up here! is it always blue? what are you doing up? I thought humans slept at night?
Sam and Tuck can't help getting pulled in with the demon's genuine curiosity. they're wary though, since they know demons can be clever, conniving. there's a number of ways a demon can get the upper hand on a summoner who has them bound. if he gets their full names, gets them to smudge and break the circle… there could also be ways they aren't aware of. so they consider their words carefully, but engage in some chatter while they research.
it's almost morning by the time they find a way to send the demon back–but as they prepare the spell, the demon says WAIT WAIT and they stop, uncertain. the demon starts stammering out how this is weird but like… he really had fun tonight. he doesn't get to just hang out much, especially with anyone his age.
Tuck is like “how do you know our ages??" and the demon points out "oh, you said something about Paulie’s 18th birthday party, so I thought…” and they're both like oh shit we didn't even notice we did that?
“Paulina" Sam corrects in her dumbfounded stupor. 
“Right, Paulina!" the demon snaps his fingers, but quickly loses his confidence when Sam and Tuck continue to stare at him like they're not sure what's going on. he coughs and fidgets and says “um, well, I was just wondering, I guess… if you wanted to summon me another time, I wouldn't mind. you see those circles there? yeah, that's what summoned me. the candles helped too I think. oh, it doesn't need all those runes though, probably don't want to redraw all those.”
Sam and Tuck are practically gawking, but… for some reason, this demon looks so sincere. so much like them, awkward and lonely and genuinely curious.
it's a bad idea. a terrible one, even. the demon probably noticed they're newbies and not demonologists. it could be hoping they make an error in their circle, or mess up a candle, or reveal their names on accident. 
But, well. They're stupid. they're also eager for anything to help them in school, and too empathetic for their own good. they send the demon off with a yeah, no. they then think about it for a week, and end up summoning the demon against their better judgment.
the demon is shocked and so happy, they can't help but be a little endeared. they lay down some ground rules, take care to be as safe as possible… and soon, this demon that introduces himself as “Phantom" becomes a nightly visitor. they talk about their worlds, find out they share a lot of common interests, and help each other in their studies. which, hello, demons also study? bro are you serious??
they play games, laugh till their ribs hurt, and open up to each other on a far deeper level than anyone expected. over time, Phantom becomes a true friend.
Sam and Tuck quietly begin to lament the fact Phantom is stuck in that damn circle. they want to take him places, let him see the human world he seems so interested in. they want to paint his stupid claws and noogie him between his dumb horns and hug him.
but it's an astronomical risk. it's legal for a demonologist with a proper permit, but it's still considered a grave taboo to grant access to a demon outside a circle. there's just too much at risk. demons can be dangerous enough to lay waste to entire towns, take multiple teams of military-rank mages to take down.
they wouldn't risk it… if they hadn't snuck into the library’s restricted section and copy a page from a demonologist book that gives them good framework for a contract. they make some edits to it though, giving Phantom at least a little wiggle room to protect himself if need be. and allow him use of transformation magic so he can hide somehow. but they spend weeks making sure they have airtight wording to ensure Phantom can't cause anyone or anything any substantial harm. 
when they finally bring the contract to Phantom, he's stunned. he cries. nothing needs to be said, they all know the gravity of their proposal. even if they ask for proof of Phantom's trust in turn, first. they ask for his full name, so they can bind him. just temporarily. but in that moment, they'll have full control over him. they could instead tell Phantom to serve them, force him to obey their every order. even if it's just for a moment, giving them his full name with the proper circle and incantation, is putting his life in their hands. 
Phantom, with tears still in his eyes, smiles warmly and nods. with only a breath to steel himself, he gives them his full name. Daniel James Fenton.
magic sparks in the circle, and Sam and Tuck finish the incantation. ethereal chains sprout up to wrap around Phantom's arms and legs, which makes him jump–but the unwavering trust in his eyes makes the two humans choke up.
they release the binding. all that's left is to break the containment barrier in the circle, so Phantom can walk free.
“Uh, about that…” Phantom laughs sheepishly… then proceeds to step outside of the circle, merely wincing when the barrier zaps around him.
Sam and Tucker gawk. Phantom scratches his neck. “Y-yeah, so… your barrier circle was already broken that first night. It's, uh… right over there. You missed a spot.”
abject horror overcomes them because this entire time Phantom's been visiting, he could have broken out? EASILY?? THEY WOULD HAVE BEEN DEAD.
Tucker falls to his knees, but soon starts to laugh. it's kind of hysterical at first but slowly, he and Sam are genuinely laughing. they're so STUPID, and Phantom is the most un-demonlike demon they've ever HEARD of. Phantom is still flustered, stammering out apologies because he wasn't trying to deceive them or anything! he just didn't want to scare them! without a proper containment circle they technically couldn't send him back either, so he just… went back using his own magic each time they “dispelled" him. 
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once they've calmed down, Phantom morphs his body into a human form–which shock Sam and Tuck, because uh, only elite demons are capable of that. they were expecting an animal, or straight up going invisible. Phantom laughs it off, says he just, spent a lot of time practicing bc he's so interested in the human world (not a lie, but). he proceeds to adopt the nickname Danny, and they all have FUN WONDERFUL SHENANIGANS
(and sometime in the near future, when faced with something truly threatening he needs to protect them from, Danny reveals that. well. their contract also had some holes in it. and he's had access to his full demon power this whole time. whoopsie! it's a good thing he genuinely loves them and doesn't want to hurt anyone, or their asses would be SO dead lol)
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they're about as normal about his full demon form as you'd expect from me btw:
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roosterforme · 2 days
Yours Truly, Bradley Bradshaw Part 11 | Rooster x Reader
Summary: It's hard to go a day without seeing you, but it's impossible to go a day without talking to you. Bradley is trying not to seem too needy for you while you're thinking about making things official with him. Spending some time alone together on his couch might be the perfect opportunity to sort things out.
Warnings: Fluff, angst, language, mentions of smut and masturbation, Bradley hoping he hasn't fucked up
Length: 4800 words
Pairing: Bradley "Rooster" Bradshaw x Female teacher!Reader
Check out my masterlist for more! Yours Truly, Bradley Bradshaw masterlist
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"I think I'm in love."
"Excuse me?" Nat asked, nearly dropping her phone as soon as she was seated across from Bradley. "With whom? And if you say Vanessa, I’m going to flip this table over and scream. So choose your words wisely.”
Bradley was trying his best not to laugh too loudly at the slightly unhinged look on his best friend’s face. “Come on, Nat. She emailed me about a cup. Of course it’s not Vanessa.”
He watched her face slowly transform from apprehensive to intrigued. “Are you talking about the teacher? From the elementary school? Bradley, you haven’t even met her yet! She could be catfishing you!”
Once again, he had to try his best to contain his laughter as the waiter came over to tell them about the specials, including the massive steak dinner for two. He was willing to share it with Nat if that’s what she wanted for their very belated birthdays celebration, but he was already thinking about how much he’d really enjoy sharing it with you. You’d pick out the side dishes that you wanted to try, and he’d be more than happy to finish everything you didn’t eat. He was kind of loving this routine that the two of you had after just two dates. He was kind of already obsessed with the way you randomly texted him and sent him photos throughout the day.
“Is that okay with you?” Nat asked, kicking him hard underneath the table as the waiter looked at him.
She rolled her eyes. “Steak dinner for two. Medium rare. Two beers.”
“Sounds good,” he replied before she could do any further damage. When the waiter left them alone, he told her, “Yeah, I was talking about the teacher. What would you say if I told you we already went out on two dates?”
She raised one dark eyebrow at him. “How? It’s Sunday. You just got back on Friday morning.”
Bradley could tell his cheeks were probably growing pink as he said, “I went to her classroom as soon as I got home. We went out Friday night and again last night.”
“So nobody is catfishing you?” she asked, sounding almost disappointed. “I always wanted to know someone who got catfished.”
“Natasha,” he said with a laugh. “Nobody is doing anything untoward.”
“Does that mean you didn’t fuck her yet?”
“Why are you like this?” he groaned, leaning back in his seat as the beers got dropped off. “No, we haven't done that yet.”
“Damn,” she replied before downing half of her drink in one go. “Sounds like you’re in love or something.”
“That’s what I’ve been trying to tell you! She’s perfect for me. And somehow I think I’m perfect for her.” When he noticed her chewing on her lip, he asked, “What’s the problem?”
Nat shrugged. “You barely had any time to yourself after you dumped Vanessa. I don’t want to see you get your heart broken. And I don’t want you to rush into something too soon. And if she’s not an improvement over the last few you’ve been with, then I’m going to dump her for you.”
Bradley smiled across the table. “I appreciate your concern, but I think you’ll actually really like her.” He said your name softly as he thought about the last message you sent to him that said, I can’t wait for you to surprise me tomorrow morning. “She’s very funny. And she sends me messages to see how my day is going, not just to ask me where her overpriced cup is.”
“Wow. So you are capable of attracting someone who isn’t devastatingly awful. Color me surprised,” Nat told him as she grinned.
He was never exactly sure how she could always both irritate and amuse him at the same time. “Just eat your steak.”
You were up absurdly early on Monday morning. You fell asleep while talking to Bradley on the phone until nearly eleven o’clock. He mentioned that he and his best friend went out for a beer and steaks, and then he jumped right into asking you what you did all day. He also asked if you were wearing his sweatshirt. Knowing he was only a thirty minute drive away had you ready to suggest he just come back up to your place and find out for himself, but you bit your tongue.
“It’s the only thing I’m wearing,” is what you’d told him, and he treated you to the prettiest whine in his raspy voice. You were still thinking about how needy he sounded the next morning when you got out of bed to try to make yourself look as good as humanly possible for work. He hadn’t mentioned it again over the phone, but on Saturday night after dinner at Salvatore’s, he said he was going to bring you coffee before work. He made it a point to tell you about it in advance since you didn’t like being surprised.
After the amount of time you spent on your makeup, you were going to be devastated if he didn’t meet you in your school parking lot. Should you text him? Remind him of what he said two nights ago? You could barely keep your own schedule straight half the time, and he just got home from being deployed. You decided to just give him the benefit of the doubt, and you left your apartment without having made a single cup of coffee. If he didn’t follow through on his promise of a caffeine delivery, you’d call him and make sure he still wanted to see you on Wednesday night for burgers.
But you didn’t even need to worry about it, because when you pulled into your school parking lot, his blue Bronco was already there. And he was standing beside it with his arms crossed over his chest. And he was wearing his flight suit. You weren’t sure how it was possible, but that drab looking thing fit him like a glove, and you were starting to sweat as you parked while you thought about that cockpit photo he sent you months ago. The one with his big hand and his thick thighs. It was saved to your phone now, and it was in the regular rotation of photos you liked to look at.
Once you parked, he reached for your door handle, and a split second later, you had your arms wrapped around his neck and your lips on his while he laughed. “Well, this is a nice surprise,” you told him while he juggled the massive Starbucks cup in his hand and tried to pull you closer at the same time.
“This kind of warm welcome makes me feel like maybe you missed me yesterday,” he told you as his free hand wrapped around your waist and settled on your lower back. “Because I know I missed you, Gorgeous.”
The butterflies were on the loose now as you kissed him one more time and let your fingers brush slowly through his beautiful, wavy hair. His flight suit was rough and stiff, but it just added to how soft and sweet he always seemed to be for you. When you pulled your lips away from his, that crooked grin and those pretty brown eyes were aimed right for you. “Yeah, I missed you.” Your whispered admission had his gaze sliding down your face to your lips. “Two dates with you and I’m already always thinking about the next time I’ll get to see you again.”
Bradley looked contemplative, and you hoped you didn’t just sound too needy for your own good. He surprised you when he said, “My next deployment is going to be my hardest one yet.”
Your eyes went wide as you tightened your hold on him. “It’s not happening now, is it?” you asked, your voice sounding a little higher than usual as your heart began to thud. There was no way. He just got back. They couldn’t expect him to leave again so soon, could they?
“No. Baby, no,” he replied immediately. “It shouldn’t be happening for months. But my god, you’re going to make it miserable to leave again when the time comes.”
Three days ago, you had no idea what his touch felt like, but right now you were convinced you couldn’t live without it. “Good,” you whispered, and that crooked smile was back.
“I can’t stay long,” he murmured, pulling away from you so you could take your drink from his hand. “I just knew I’d never make it until later in the week without kissing you.”
Before you could respond, he was opening the passenger side door of his Bronco to reveal another massive bouquet of flowers, similar to the ones he gave you on Friday afternoon in front of your class. “You’re too much,” you said, but something told you he was just getting started. You briefly wondered if it was too soon to have a conversation about being exclusive with him, because he was absolutely running circles around every other guy you’d ever gone out with.
You accepted the flowers from him while you sipped your drink which tasted perfect. He probably had a traffic-filled drive back to North Island to contend with, and now you could see school buses pulling into the parking lot, but you didn’t want to say goodbye to him yet. When you offered your drink to him to try, he smiled and said, “I don’t know if I’m going to like it with all the flavored syrup in it and everything.”
You held it a little closer and said, “Well, I like sharing things with you, Bradley.”
He groaned softly as soon as you said his name, and then he took a sip from your cup. “That’s fucking delicious,” he muttered before taking a second one. “Damn.”
“I have excellent taste. Especially in coffee and men,” you managed to say with a laugh before his lips descended on yours again. And for several minutes, all you knew was your favorite coffee, the sweet floral scent of the bouquet, and Bradley Bradshaw’s mouth.
“I really need to go,” he eventually murmured, lips pressed to the side of your neck as he had you pinned against your car door. “Wednesday. Burgers. Text me when and where?”
“I will, Bradley,” you gasped, unable to stop yourself from rubbing gently against him. His immediate response was to press his hips a little harder against you.
He was making you ridiculous, and the deep rumble of his voice when he said, “Good,” had you on the verge of calling out of work for the day and suggesting he do the same. You wanted every inch of him all to yourself somewhere private. You were panting as his lips and mustache dipped down your neck to the top of your cleavage, and then he pulled away from you altogether, cheeks pink as his chest rose and fell.
“Tell me to go to work, Gorgeous.”
“But I really don’t want you to.”
“Fuck,” he whispered, tugging his fingers through his hair. “Text me when you can and call me tonight?”
You pressed your lips together. “Send me another cockpit photo?”
He barked out a laugh that left you smiling, and he leaned in to give you one last soft kiss. “Whatever you want, Baby.”
Without touching you again, he backed away and walked around his Bronco, and he waved to you as he pulled out of the parking lot. Well. Now you were horny and caffeinated, and you carried your flowers to your classroom with you, knowing you’d need to have the relationship conversation with him soon. You’d be an idiot not to.
When you heard your name, you looked up from where you were standing behind your desk in a Bradley induced trance. “You have more flowers?” Jayden asked. “Are they from Lieutenant Bradshaw?”
Violet gasped. “Did you and Lieutenant Bradshaw get married over the weekend?”
“Where’s your wedding ring?” Henry asked, and you could only laugh at the hopeful looks on your students’ faces.
“I promise Lieutenant Bradshaw and I did not get married over the weekend. But he did inform me that he’d love to come back and spend some more time with all of us soon,” you told them, giving your flowers one last look as you headed for the front of the room. “Who wants to skip English for now and work on some more aviation problems instead?”
They all agreed unanimously.
All Bradley could do to keep himself sane until Wednesday evening was fly his Super Hornet and talk to you. Emails, texts and phone calls. As often as possible. He considered driving back up to Costa Mesa on Tuesday, but he really didn’t want to come on too strong. You had your own life and your own schedule, and it wasn’t your fault that he sat on his couch on Tuesday night with a half hard cock while he thought about how good you smell. He was desperate to touch himself, but he was way more desperate for the real thing at this point. Perhaps if Friday evening went well, you and he could move from his couch to his bed. Maybe you’d want to sleep over. Maybe you would stay all weekend.
“God,” he groaned, running his palm along the front of his gym shorts. Had he ever thought about Vanessa this much when he wasn’t with her? He certainly never had a collection of flirtatious selfies of her saved on his phone. And he definitely never got this hard for her when she wasn’t touching him. 
Sleep. He just needed to go to sleep. He tossed and turned for a long time after he called you quickly to hear your voice and say good night. You thanked him again for the cockpit photo, and all he could hear over and over again in his head was the word cock in your pretty, playful voice. Wednesday felt like a chore after that. Nat asked him again to see a picture of you, and he had to find one that hadn't been sent from your bed. That was easier said than done, and it also meant he got to scroll through the folder where he’d begun to save all the images you sent to him.
Bradley scrolled past the photo of you on the beach at sunset and showed Nat one from your classroom instead. “She’s hot,” she mused. “Very pretty face. Are the wholesome vibes doing it for you or something?” He raised his eyebrow, too afraid to actually answer her question. “Actually, she looks kind of familiar,” Nat said, handing his phone back to him.
“Does she?”
He got called to his jet, and the conversation ended there. Just a handful of hours left until he could meet you at the In-N-Out location that was about halfway between your place and his. And then he could kiss you again. He could make it. Just the thought alone kept him going. But even in his excitement on the drive up there, his mind wasn’t ready for what he found when he arrived.
The weather was overcast and a little cool, and you were sitting at one of the picnic tables outside the restaurant wearing jeans and his sweatshirt that you never bothered to return to him. And that was fine, because he didn’t want it back if you were going to keep wearing it and teasing him with that smile.
Your gaze was on him as he parked his Bronco and hopped out in his well worn jeans and tropical print shirt. “Gorgeous.” You were up and heading his way with his name on your lips like he belonged to you, and then you were in his arms again. “I missed you.”
When his stomach promptly growled because of his proximity to dinner, you laughed and started to lead him inside. “Missed you, too,” you told him as you patted his muscular abs. “Do you need two burgers or three?”
He glared down at you playfully. “Just two and some fries and a shake. I’m not a complete disaster.” When he pulled out his wallet, you snatched it out of his hand before he knew what happened. Then you ordered for yourself and for him, glancing his way to make sure you ordered what he wanted before pulling your credit card from your pocket to pay.
“You didn’t have to do that,” he murmured, feeling a little bad that he cost you almost forty dollars because he ate so much.
“I told you at Salvatore’s that the burgers are on me,” you replied, casually slipping his wallet back into his pocket. Your fingers skimmed along his jeans zipper before you pulled your hand away, and the needy look in your eyes was absolutely intentional.
“So, Friday night,” he said, voice raspy as he reached for you, sliding his hand around your waist. His mind was flooded with absolute filth as you tucked your body against his while the food was being prepared. He needed to buy groceries. He also needed to buy condoms. He really needed to jerk off. “Maybe you should bring whatever you need for a sleepover?”
“I was planning on it,” you replied easily. “I’ll leave work, stop home to grab my overnight bag, and then I’ll drive to your place for the night.”
Bradley could already picture you wearing one of his undershirts while you lounged around his place on Saturday morning. He could cook you breakfast after keeping you in bed as long as possible. “How do you like your eggs? Scrambled? Sunny side up? Over-easy?”
You were too busy burying your laughter against his chest as the order number was called. Being around you was the simplest thing he’d ever done. There were no jitters beyond the constant excitement he felt. Sometimes he could hardly believe he met you while he was deployed thousands of miles away from you. “Just eat your burgers,” you told him, and once again, he didn’t feel self conscious when he finished the first one in about five bites. And he didn’t mind one bit when you ate some of his fries.
When it was time to tell you goodbye, you didn’t hesitate before wrapping your arms around his neck. You kissed along his scars like they didn’t bother you at all. Eventually your fingers toyed with the button on his jeans. “Start thinking about which movie you want to watch… or not watch,” he whispered next to your ear, and he was rewarded with the soft sound you made before you said his name. 
“A completely spider-free movie,” you promised, and his hands drifted down your back and along your jeans until he had his hands completely full of your perfect looking rear end.
“You know just how to get me going, Gorgeous,” he murmured, and your smile grew until you were laughing softly. Once again, you and he were on the verge of being indecent in public, and he had to take a step away from you before his excitement was too obvious to everyone else in the parking lot.
Your bottom lip was tucked between your teeth, and you were looking up at him with wide eyes. “I know what you’re doing right now, but on Friday, I’m not going to want you to stop.”
Bradley’s blood thrummed with need, and a grunt escaped him as he leaned one hand on your car for support. Technically speaking, Friday would be date number four, even though he’d known your touch for less than a week. Taking it slower than this was simply not an option, especially not when you told him something like that. “I’m not pumping the brakes anymore,” he whispered, swallowing hard as you grinned at him. “Do you have any idea what you do to me, Baby?”
Your eyes fluttered closed, and you pressed your lips together. “You’re doing it to me, too.”
Bradley reached for your door handle and said, “Send me something cute when you get home.”
“I will,” you replied softly before kissing him hard and parting his lips with yours in one last, filthy kiss. “See you on Friday.”
He was still standing there, slowly counting to fifty, trying to get himself under control as you pulled your car out of the parking lot.
Bradley had a full refrigerator, a brand new box of condoms, and a perfectly clean house, now he just needed you. Everyone had been riding his ass all week at work, but he barely noticed. On Wednesday night after In-N-Out, you sent him a picture of you in the bathtub, your arm strategically draped across your tits. He asked for something cute, and you practically sent him nudes. But then you followed it up with one of you snuggled up in bed with a book. Scrolling through all of your pictures whenever he had a break at work got him through the week with a smile on his face and a bounce in his step, and he was the first one out of the locker room on Friday afternoon. 
He was shameless. He’d been thinking about tonight since he first asked you how you’d feel if he wanted to cancel dinner plans with you and just hang out at his place instead. You always made him feel like you were more interested in him than a potential dinner reservation. He zipped home to wait for you like an excited puppy just dying for attention. Going a day without seeing you felt too long. His plan was to order takeout, but after he fixed his hair and made sure his tee shirt and jeans looked okay, he started to skim the delivery options at his favorite pizza place instead. He was sure that as soon as you got here, he wasn’t going to want either of you to leave again anytime soon.
Bradley played around on his phone while he waited. One look at his calendar told him that he really had nothing pressing except for work over the next few weeks, and he wondered if you’d let him ‘surprise’ you with coffee before work on occasion. When he heard a knock on his door, he was up from the couch with his hand on the doorknob faster than it should have been if he was trying to play it cool, but he was past that now with you. When he pulled open his front door, you were standing there in his sweatshirt and a pair of black leggings with a tote bag on one shoulder, and as soon as you looked at him, you were in his arms.
“Hey, Gorgeous,” he whispered as your smiling lips met his. He had to kick the door closed as you started trying your best to push him further into the room while kissing him. All he could think about was how nice it would feel to have a girlfriend who greeted him this way all the time. To have you at his house as much as possible. To have you excited to just spend time with him.
You kissed his mustache and pulled away only far enough to meet his eyes as you said, “I’ve been daydreaming about today for months. When Jayden asked me if I was going to do anything fun this weekend, Violet said she wouldn’t be surprised if I was going to get a kiss from Lieutenant Bradshaw.”
He kissed you and murmured, “Kid really knows her stuff.” You continued to push him toward the couch as he said, “I hope you don’t mind, but there’s been a small change of plans.”
“Oh?” you asked, only looking mildly concerned as he wrapped his arms around you a little tighter.
“Yeah. I’m absolutely unwilling to leave to go pick up takeout right now, so we’re getting something delivered.” He let you push his chest until he dropped down onto his couch, legs splayed with you standing above him, hands on your hips.
“More time alone with you? Sounds good to me,” you murmured as you nodded down at him. “And you were absolutely right. You’re too big for your couch. Looks like we’re going to have to get cozy together. ”
You dropped your tote bag to the floor as Bradley reached for you with a smile. "Why don't you come here and show me in an abundance of detail just how cozy we can get." His hands wrapped around the backs of your thighs, and you bit your lip. He wasn't going to stop himself tonight. As long as you wanted to mess around, he was absolutely into it. If you wanted to sleep together, he was ready to welcome you into his bed with open arms. He knew what he wanted now. He wanted you in his life.
As you took a step closer, he kissed your thigh through your leggings and then looked up at your face. "I brought a copy of my favorite movie with me," you whispered. "I can't wait to not even watch it tonight."
Bradley groaned softly as you eased yourself down onto his lap so you were straddling him with a little smirk on your face. He let his hands settle on your hips as he rasped, "This is very nice and cozy." Then you took his chin in your hand, gently kissed his scars, and pressed your lips to his as you scooted up so you were snug against his body. "Say my name?" he asked, your body as close to his as you could possibly be.
He realized he was begging. He also realized you'd been in his house for about five minutes, and he didn't even show you around at all, but your soft, sweet moan took all logical thought out of his head. "Bradley."
His arms were around your waist, and he was fighting with himself to slow this down just a tiny bit. Draw it out. Make it last all night. But you were his Gorgeous girl. The one he'd been falling slowly but surely in love with for months. And you had your hands up inside his shirt while you told him how much you wanted him. How you'd been thinking about him longer than you knew what he looked like. How you wanted to spend all your free time with him.
"Gorgeous," he murmured against your lips while you dragged your fingers down to the top of his jeans. Goosebumps ran down his neck and along his arms, and he couldn't remember anyone else ever making him feel this good before. You were still smiling as he kissed down the front of your neck to the top of his sweatshirt which looked way better on you than on him. He couldn't decide what he wanted to do first. You had him so flustered, he said, "I just want to make you mine."
When he heard loud knocking on his front door, you released your hold on him with a surprised laugh. "Did you already order the food?" you asked placing your hands on his where they rested on your thighs.
"No," he whispered, barely able to comprehend anything except how much sense the two of you made together. But he hadn't ordered food yet, and he didn't know who would possibly be knocking on his door, but he decided he would send them packing immediately so he could be alone with you again.
You shifted your weight on his lap, and he chased your lips for another kiss as you said, "Whoever it is needs to get lost."
"I'll take care of it," he groaned, standing a little awkwardly with his erection pressing against the fly of his jeans. "Sit tight, Baby." He leaned down to kiss you once more before straightening and walking backwards toward his door where there was more knocking. You were all curled up against the couch cushions now, eyes glued on his every movement as he watched your teeth sink into your lip again. "Jesus, you're perfect," he murmured, causing you to bury your face in your hands as you laughed.
Suddenly his annoyance snapped into place as he heard a voice through his front door say, "I know you're home, Bradley. I want to talk to you."
He knew that voice. He'd gone many months without hearing it, but he did know it. The sinking feeling in his stomach left him reeling as he yanked open his front door about a foot to reveal the one person he thought he'd never have to see again. Especially not when he was finally about to spend the whole night at home with you all to himself before asking you to be his girlfriend.
"Fuck," he groaned, his face heating up with embarrassment as all of the desire started to recede from his body. "What do you want?"
Bradley, I need you to get back on that couch immediately. Do not pass go, do not collect two hundred dollars. Couch, now. Thanks @beyondthesefourwalls
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Telling Hugh Dancy about trans masc Will and more...
As some of you already know by now, I went to Boston Fanexpo this past weekend for another stop on the unofficial Hannibal 2024 Reunion Tour.
I had planned to do autographs on the Friday before the Hannibal panel and had brought some gifts for Hugh which included a copy of Adapt. Evolve. Become: The Genderqueer Fandom of NBC's Hannibal, which I compiled and edited last year. I also got him to sign my own copy (above).
It all moved quite quickly, but I did have the chance to explain that it's a volume by and about trans, non-binary, and genderqueer Fannibals that includes art, fics, essays, and personal pieces. He seemed intrigued and I said I hope he'd have the chance to read it and that the art isn't explicit/sexual but some of the fics are - he laughed and said he appreciated the warning.
It was all quite the whirlwind, especially after coming all the way from the UK, so I was absolutely mortified when I remembered the next morning that I had talked with a few trans Fannibals who had specifically asked me to let him know that he/Will is a trans icon. So I went back up to see him again on the Saturday morning when it wasn't too busy (and get more stuff signed) and this is what happened:
[I wrote notes down right after so this is as close an account I can get without having filmed it!].
Me: I saw you yesterday Hugh: I remember (smiley-friendly) Me: I gave you a book Hugh: I remember (smiley-friendly) Me: well, I forgot to tell you. A few trans Fannibals reached out to me to tell you that Will is a trans icon to them and we all love you for it. Hugh was surprised (in a nice way) and I was pretty much going to walk away then - job done and feeling like time for me to stop bothering Hugh lol. But before I could walk away he sort of held out his hand to stop me and said something along the lines of - I don't mean this in a disrespectful way, don't take it the wrong way... I'm genuinely curious- I get that it can be about identity- but what is the connection to Will and being trans? Luckily - my essay in the book is exactly about how Will can be read as trans, so I sort of gave him a summary of that. I explained that (obviously) both Will and Hannibal can be read as queer, and that - especially as both characters have dominant masculine and feminine traits, it's also easy to read them both as trans or in some way genderqueer. He was nodding and agreeing, so I further explained that with Hannibal, he is fully formed - he's already whatever he is - which Hugh also agreed with. But that Will is still becoming, still transitioning and therefore can be more relatable to trans fans who see that journey in themselves. So although it's not necessarily the same journey - there is enough to it that it resonates with trans people. I said that in the show there is also the added bonus of Will being seen and accepted for who he is, just as trans people wish to be. He was nodding along and agreeing with me and then he thanked me for explaining that. It was pretty quiet previously but I'd been there a few minutes so the queue was building up a little but he was so focused on me - so genuinely intent on hearing what I had to say and learning more. SO I CARRIED ON. (lols) I explained to him that it goes further than the show, that we have found a community in the fandom and that many trans people have a catalyst in their life that sparks their journey - like Will had in his friendship with Hannibal. For us it might be a person, an event, or even a TV show. I explained how the fandom are so supportive of trans people - that we are SEEN. That I for one wouldn't have been able to afford top surgery without the kind donations of Fannibals back when I was not in a good place (mentally or financially). That we all help each other and for some of us that has been life-saving. He did the hand on heart thing and said "wow" and was clearly moved. I said to him that so much of this is in the book, that I completely understand if he doesn't want to read the fanfic, but I really hope that he will at least read each of the personal pieces - that each of the fics and art also have a little write up from their creator about what the show and/or fandom has meant to them and their gender journey - how important this has been in our lives. He repeated a couple of times that he would definitely read it. I thanked him and he held out his hand and gave me the most genuine hand shake I've had in my life.
I want to really stress here how much this was instigated by Hugh. That he really wanted to know more and understand and didn't even look at the slowly growing queue but was instead intently focused on knowing more about the trans Fannibals and about why this show and the characters mean so much to us.
I then went off and spoke with a few Fannibal friends in the queue before getting around the corner to another Fannibal friend and having a bit of an emotional moment/breakdown. I can't even explain how grateful I am that he gave me the opportunity to explain all this to him. And I was especially glad I got to tell that Will is a trans icon because I'd have felt terrible if I'd have not done that after people had asked!! Thank you for trusting me to pass that message on for you!
I know for many of you Adapt. Evolve. Become: The Genderqueer Fandom of NBC's Hannibal might have gone a little under the radar. So here is some more about that >>
It was compiled last year for Trans Hanni Day, edited by Max Turner of (and in conjunction with) A Coup of Owls Press - and published under Max's ACoO imprint.
It features essays, personal pieces, fanart and fanfic by and about trans, non-binary, genderqueer and otherwise non-cis Fannibals.
IT IS FREE TO DOWNLOAD, however we ask that if you do that, please consider donating to one of the linked trans orgs if you can afford to (or a similar organisation/charity of your choice).
It can be purchased on Amazon, however, as the proceeds go to charity, and Amazon only gives royalties, more is earned/given if bought directly via Max's shop.
Dearest trans Fannibals, please know that YOU ARE SEEN!
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sunny44 · 3 days
Surprise visit
Pairing: Charles Leclerc x Lando Norris x Carlos Sainz x Fem!reader
Warnings: none I guess.
Summary: Your friends visit you at work.
This is a request.
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It was a typical Wednesday afternoon at the bustling childcare center where I work. Laughter of children filled the air as they played with toys and engaged in various activities. I was in the middle of organizing a craft session, helping a group of toddlers glue colorful pieces of paper onto their creations, when I heard the front door chime.
I glanced up, expecting to see another parent picking up their child or someone from school that wanted to talk to me, but instead, I was surprised with unexpected visitors. Standing at the entrance, with wide smiles on their faces, were none other than Carlos, Lando and Charles.
The three Formula 1 drivers seemed somewhat out of place in the childcare center, yet their presence brought an instant energy and excitement to the room.
"Surprise!" Carlos exclaimed, his eyes twinkling with amusement as he waved.
I blinked, trying to process what you were seeing.
"What are you guys doing here?" I asked, a smile spreading across my face despite the shock of. Seeing he three of them.
Lando grinned and stepped forward, carrying a large bag.
"We remembered you work here and thought it would be fun to come by and see the you and your little ones."
Charles nodded, his expression warm and genuine, and god I love that smile.
"We know how much you love your job, and we wanted to see you in action."
Before you could respond, a chorus of excited giggles erupted from the children. They recognized the famous faces, their eyes wide with wonder and delight. One brave little boy approached Carlos, tugging on his pant leg.
"Are you a race car driver?" the boy asked, his voice filled with awe and Carlos crouched down to the child's level and nodded, smiling warmly.
"Yes, I am. Do you like cars?"
The boy nodded enthusiastically, and soon, the drivers were surrounded by a small crowd of curious children. Lando and Charles joined in, each taking a moment to chat with the kids and answer their questions.
I watched the scene unfold, my heart was swelling with gratitude and happiness. It was surreal to see these world-famous athletes so effortlessly engaging with the children, bringing joy and excitement to their day.
"Do you mind if we join the craft session?" Lando asked, looking at you with a playful glint in his eye.
"Of course not," you replied, laughing. "The more, the merrier."
The drivers eagerly rolled up their sleeves and dove into the activities, helping the kids with their art projects and even making a few of their own. Carlos proved to be surprisingly skilled with a glue stick, while Lando's creativity knew no bounds. Charles, meanwhile, patiently assisted the younger children, his gentle demeanor putting them at ease.
I was distracted organizing a few things when Mila, a little bonde blue eyed girl called me.
“Yes, dear?”
“Is the boy with dark hair and dimples your boyfriend?”
“Why do you think that?”
“Because he’s looking at you the same way my dad looks at my mom.” she says and when I looked a Charles he stoped looking.
“He’s not my boyfriend Mila.”
“Do you think hell be mine if I asked him?” I smiled at her innocence.
“Maybe you should ask him?”
Then she ran to him and touched his shoulder to catch his attention.
“hey cutie.”he says and she smiled at him.”
“Ca I ask you something?”
“Do you wanna be my boyfriend since your not Miss Y/L/N boyfriend?” She asked and I had to control myself to not laugh.
“I think I’m a bit old for you.”
“But I think your so pretty and I love your dimples.” She says and he smiled at her.
“Well thank you for that but I kinda like another girl so…”
“Wow, that’s awesome.” She said happy making him giggle. “Well thank you though.”
“No, thank you.” She hugged him and he looked at me and smiled.
The rest of the afternoon flew by in a blur of laughter, conversation, and colorful creations. The children adored their unexpected visitors, and you couldn't help but feel a sense of pride and joy as you watched the drivers interact with them.
As the day came to a close and the children were picked up by their parents, Carlos, Lando, and Charles helped you clean up the classroom. They thanked you for letting them visit and expressed their admiration for the important work you did every day.
"It was our pleasure," Charles said, giving you a warm smile. "You're doing an amazing job here."
"Yeah, this was really fun," Lando added. "We should do it again sometime."
Carlos nodded in agreement. “Absolutely. Thanks for letting us crash your workday, Y/n."
I couldn't stop smiling as you walked them to the door. "Thank you all for coming. You made the kids' day—and mine, too."
“We’re going for dinner today so, if your available.” Charles said.
“Oh yeah, you should come.”
“Okay, text me the details and I’ll see you guys later.”
“Great, see you.” Lando says and they leave.
After the door closed behind Carlos, Lando, and Charles, the childcare center felt quieter, though the air still buzzed with the excitement left behind by their visit. I gathered the last of the craft supplies, still replaying the surreal afternoon in my mind.
The children, now mostly gone, had left their colorful creations drying on a nearby table. I took a moment to admire the art, some pieces embellished with extra flair thanks to the drivers' help. It felt like a dream, having them there, but the tangible evidence of their visit was scattered across the room.
As I finished tidying up, I heard the familiar sound of my phone buzzing in my pocket. Pulling it out, I saw a message from Charles.
Hey! We’re meeting at La Nona at 7 PM. Looking forward to seeing you there!
I felt a flutter of excitement. Dinner with them would be the perfect way to end this unexpected day. I quickly replied:
Sounds perfect! See you then.
With the room finally in order, I said goodbye to my colleagues and stepped out into the warm evening air. The drive home was filled with a mix of anticipation and disbelief. I quickly showered, changed into a casual yet stylish outfit, and headed to La Nonna.
The restaurant was cozy, with a welcoming ambiance. I spotted them almost immediately—Carlos, Lando, and Charles were already seated at a corner table, their laughter and easy conversation drawing me in.
Charles noticed me first, his eyes lighting up as he waved me over. “Y/N! Over here!”
I approached the table, smiling as they stood to greet me. “Hey guys, thanks for inviting me.”
“Of course,” Carlos said, pulling out a chair for me. “We’re glad you could make it.”
As I sat down, the conversation flowed effortlessly. We talked about their visit to the childcare center, their racing experiences, and even shared a few personal stories. It felt like catching up with old friends rather than dining with world-famous athletes.
At one point, Lando leaned in with a mischievous grin. “So, Y/N, what did Mila ask you about Charles?”
I laughed, recounting the adorable exchange with the little girl. Charles blushed slightly, his dimples deepening as he smiled.
“She’s quite the matchmaker,” he said, glancing at me with a warmth that made my heart skip a beat. “She asked if Charles was my boyfriend and when I said he wasn’t, she asked me if he would be her boyfriend.”
“Look at you, making all the girls fall in love with you.” Lando says.
“Speaking about boyfriends and girlfriends,” Carlos chimed in, “do you think she’ll be happy if she finds out you’re taken and it not Charles?”
I felt my cheeks flush. “I’m not taken,” I clarified, trying to keep my tone light.
Charles gave me a thoughtful look. “Not yet, anyway,” he said softly, his eyes holding mine for a moment longer than necessary.
The rest of the evening was a blur of delicious food, laughter, and easy conversation. As the night drew to a close, I felt a mix of contentment and excitement about the future.
Walking out of the restaurant, Charles fell into step beside me. “Can I walk you to your car?” he asked.
“Sure,” I replied, feeling a flutter of nerves and anticipation.
As we reached my car, Charles turned to face me. “Today was amazing, Y/N. Seeing you with the kids, how much they adore you—it was something special.”
“Thank you,” I said, touched by his words. “And thank you for coming. The kids loved it, and so did I. Specially Mila”
Charles laughed and a few seconds later he hesitated for a moment, then took a step closer.
“I was serious earlier,” he said quietly. “About being interested in someone. I know this might seem sudden, but I’d really like to get to know you better.”
My heart raced as I met his gaze. “I’d like that too, Charles.”
He smiled, his dimples deepening. “Great. How about we start with a proper date, just the two of us?”
“I’d love that,” I replied, unable to hide my excitement.
“Then it’s a date,” he said, his eyes twinkling with anticipation. “I’ll call you tomorrow to make plans.”
As Charles walked away, I couldn’t help but smile. Today had been full of surprises, and as I drove home, I couldn’t contain my excitement about our future date.
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Bonus scene!
Yourusername instagram stories
“My babies project of the day” posted at: 10:34am
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“Friends, pasta and lots of wine.” Posted at: 8:30pm
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ventismacchiato · 9 hours
O6 stuck with you — crash course on how to not be an idiot !
scaramouche x gender neutral reader
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“Why are you just standing outside the door like a creep?”
You turn to see Scara standing behind you, adorned in sweatpants with bags under his eyes as his members slowly catch up with him. You have the knee-jerk reaction to argue with him.
“I’m not,” you defend, “You’re the one running late, is someone scared?”
“You’re the one who hasn’t gone inside,” Scara points out, reaching out to grab the doorknob but you jut your arm out to stop him, “I was right, you are scared,” Scara smirks.
You swelled up, stepping back and squaring your shoulders, and Scaramouche was immediately certain that the next words out of your mouth were going to be a lie.
“I’ll have you know…,” you caught sight of his dubious expression and seemed to deflate right before his eyes.
“I heard your mom’s attending the meeting,” you easily lie.
Scara immediately takes his hand off the doorknob.
“See, I’m not the only one scared!” you gloat.
“I’m not scared of my own mom,” Scaramouche replies. But there was an edge to his words that made you wonder if you’d just stepped on a landmine. But, being the stubborn idiot you were you barrelled on regardless, hoping to cover up the tension by burying it with more words.
“Just admit you don’t wanna go in either, wouldn’t kill you to stop acting like a smartass for two seconds.”
“I don’t act like one, everyone’s just smarter compared to someone like you.”
“What’s that supposed to mean?”
“You’re proving my point.”
“Fuck you, I-.”
The door gets thrown open by an exasperated Jean who is looking at you both with a solemn expression.
“Just when I thought you both were getting along,” she says, stepping back to gesture you both inside.
“We are!” you speak up, “Please don’t put us on hiatus again!”
“We weren’t even arguing,” Scaramouche adds, rather unconvincingly.
“Yeah, I love this little guy!” you lie. 
You both give her a strained smile as she sees through your bullshit. 
“I wish I believed you,” she sighed, “We really need to work on your acting skills.”
“Why would we—,” you don’t get to finish your question before the rest of your group members barge in after you, forcing you to attend the meeting you’ve all been dreading all week.
“So, before we continue with my portion of the meeting Lisa is going to give a crash course on media training,” Jean says, gesturing to Lisa standing in front of you all with a rather pointy pointer in her hand.
“Welcome to Lisa’s crash course on Media Training,” your manager smiles, “If you guys answer anything wrong then I’ll hit you with this stick!”
“Lisa, you can’t hit them,” Jean interrupts.
“Really? What’s the point then?” she sighs dejectedly, “Ok moving on. I’m going to throw some scenarios at you, and I want you both cuties sitting in the front to listen.”
You and Scara awkwardly avert eye contact with her and shrink in your seats.
“Scenario one, if you and another group under the same entertainment tie for an award, what do you do when you get on stage and there’s only one trophy?” Lisa asks, eyeing you.
Suddenly the shoes you’re wearing become rather intriguing.
“I think-,”
“Not now, Childe, honey,” Lisa interrupts, pointing at Scaramouche who was forced to sit next to you, “I want to hear from him.”
“Share the award,” he grumbles.
“Exactly! Basically the opposite of whatever you both had going on,” Lisa muses, “Even if you both hate eachother you want to appear nice in front of new fans and sponsors. How about you both come on up here and act it out!”
“I’d rather not,” you start, but Lisa is already grabbing you and Scara and pushing you to the front, taking your seat.
“Go on, pretend that book is the award,” Lisa points as you pick up her book. 
“Why is the cover some shirtless guy?” Childe asks.
“Not now, hun,” Lisa hums as she waves him off, “Continue.”
Scara stares distastefully at you and the scenario you both were in.
“Wow. Congrats on the award,” he praises in a monotone voice. He pauses for a second before clapping his hands just once.
“Thank you,” you say back, your face neutral as you hold the book up, “What an honor this…is.”
The room is silent for a few seconds before someone speaks up.
“That was terrible,” Venti boos.
“It was rather…not good,” Lisa says, “There’s no nice way to put that. But better than screaming at eachother.”
“I only yelled because he yelled first,” you defend, tossing the erotic book aside, “Maybe he should be working on his media skills.”
“Maybe you should work on not being a sore loser,” Scara shoots back.
“Better than being just a loser.”
“Ironic coming from you—.”
“Alright!” Lisa claps as she stands up, “Back to your seats you go, I’ll just email the powerpoint to you both. That’ll be better.”
“Let’s take five and I’ll get into the main reason we’re here,” Jean sighs, “Ease up.”
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“Listen guys,” Jean drawled, leaning on the back of one of the chairs as everyone got situated once again, “We are low on publicity after that scandal at the award ceremony.”
“What does that have to do with us?” Scaramouche mumbled. 
Everyone shoots him a look.
“Okay, I admit it’s our fault. But isn’t everything fine now?” you say, taking the bullet. 
“Well, sort of,” Jean starts, “But in order to keep our appearance high we’ve decided to host a show starring you all.”
“It was an idea we scrapped a while ago, but kept in the back just in case,” Lisa smiles, “A dating show!”
The room was silent before a ruckus exploded.
“What do you mean by dating show?” Lumine asks, “Who the hell are we dating?”
“Do we even have time for a show?” Kazuha pipes up.
“Where is the show going to be? Is it gonna be like the bachelor? Can I be the bachelor?” Childe rambles, “Wait, I wanna be one of the girls who fights for a rose.”
“If it’s the bachelor then are we all going to try and date one person?” Aether muses. 
“This is stupid,” Scara states. And for once you agreed with him.
“Everyone, hush!” Lisa interrupts, raising her voice to get everyone to quiet down, “Let me explain before you get your panties in a twist.”
“Our panties in a what?”
“Now not Childe,” Lisa sighs, “Okay, Jean, take it away. And everyone save your questions for the end.” 
“The dating show will be with all of you,” Jean states, “Later on we will add a few extra people, at most three, who will also be idols. It won’t be like the bachelor, but more like Love island if I had to compare. We’ve rented out a private island where this will be recorded.” 
“We can always script random shit for views, so don’t stress too much,” Lisa adds, “But it’ll be better if it’s authentic. That being said, there’s only two of you in this room who will be following a script and have to end up together.”
Jean and Lisa both gesture to you and Scara.
“Scaramouche and Yn, you both will be fake dating on this show. And if need be after the show we can have a fake break up where you end on good terms, or have you both continue to date,” Jean explains casually as if she was simply recounting the weather.
The room is silent before everyone but you and Scara erupt into laughter.
“Oh my god,” Venti cackles, “This is going to be great.”
“I can’t wait to see you both kiss,” Childe grins.
“How the fuck is this supposed to mend our image?” Scara speaks up.
“Believe it or not, love, people ship you both,” Lisa smiles, “Even though you both are gremlins. So the fans and media will eat this up.”
“Why can’t I date someone like Lumine or Venti instead?” you question.
“I’ve seen farmers markets with less fruit, try again,” Scara remarks.
“Fuck off,” you sigh, not willing to accept your fate.
“Wait, so do the rest of us have to find someone to fake date?” Aether pipes up.
“Honestly, the rest of you can do what you want as long as you keep it interesting and reasonable,” Jean answers, “You guys can fake date or actually date your members for fun, I suppose.”
“If the show gets bland we’ll assign designated couples and scripts but you guys will mostly have free will,” Lisa adds on.
“Wow,” Childe whistles, “So who wants to cheat with me on live television?”
Lisa stares at him for a moment.
“Okay, everyone but Childe has free will.”
“Don’t damage your images even more,” Jean sighs. 
“Dibs on Yoimiya,” Lumine quickly says.
“We’re calling dibs?” Venti asks.
“Then I want Xiao,” Kazuha muses.
“Let’s team up Aether!”
“Guys,” Jean sighs, “You can sort the details later and in private, for now we just need you to sign some forms so we can get production going.”
“What if I don’t wanna do it,” Scaramouche asked, already halfway out of his seat. 
“Too bad, we’re writing this off as a free holiday. And according to Section 3E in your idol contracts, it’s mandatory you take one every year.” Lisa grinned, pulling out a stack of papers. “Sign away cuties, no escaping this.”
Scaramouche slowly sat back down, staring down at the contract with a look of disappointment in his eyes. 
“This will be a good chance for you guys to get to know each other as friends, idol work is exhausting and can strain relationships!” Lisa explained as she passed out pens, “This is a great opportunity for you guys to relax!”
You stared down at the piece of paper in front of you, skimming the clauses.
Idols Inferno™ Participation Contract This contract outlines the terms and conditions for participation in the dating show Idols Inferno™ hosted by former idol Yae Miko, hereinafter referred to as "the Show". The Show will take place on TG6, a private island accessible via plane from Teyvat. 1. Participation Participants agree to actively participate in the three-week-long Show, adhering to the rules and guidelines set forth by Sakura Entertainment, the production company. 2. Accommodations and Activities Participants will be accommodated together at TG6. Regular idol training activities will be suspended during the duration of the Show. Participants are strongly advised against engaging in such activities. 3. Filming and Media Rights 3a. Camera crews will capture footage of participants throughout the filming period, with the exception of private areas such as restrooms. Hidden cameras and microphones will be installed throughout, including bedrooms. 3b. All footage captured during the Show remains the sole property of Sakura Entertainment, which retains the right to use and distribute it publicly. Participants forfeit any claim to ownership of footage in which they appear or that includes other participants. 4. Confidentiality Participants agree to maintain strict confidentiality regarding the content, activities, and outcomes of the Show until the official airing date. Disclosure of behind-the-scenes information before this time is strictly prohibited. 5. Electronics and Communication 5a. Personal cell phones and electronic devices are strictly prohibited during filming. Devices must be securely stored and may only be used outside of filming hours. Violation of this rule may result in confiscation of the device. 5b. A communal television and house phone will be provided for public use in the dormitory area. 6. Scripted Interactions 6a. Participants Scaramouche Shogun and Yn Ln are required to portray a fictional romantic relationship as scripted by the Show's producers. This may involve physical contact and specific dialogue as outlined in the provided script. 7. Dispute Resolution Any disputes or disagreements arising from this contract or during the filming of the Show will be resolved through mediation, arbitration, or another mutually agreed upon method. 8. Schedule and Production Details a. A tentative filming schedule will be provided to participants outlining key activities and events. Participants are expected to adhere to the schedule as directed by the production team. Please review and sign below to indicate your acceptance of these terms. Participant Name: ________ Date: Representative Name: ________ Date: 
You signed away your fate, sighing dejectedly. 
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“Why are you standing like that?”
You scoffed, suddenly self conscious about your body.
“This looks natural, shut up.”
You had found Scara waiting for you in the lobby but once he caught sight of you he started walking ahead, leaving you behind as he started scouting outside for a good photo spot. He didn’t waste any time in ordering you around, and maybe it was the events of the day and how late it was at night, but you found yourself complying.
“You’re supposed to look like you’re having fun,” he berates.
“As if you’d know what that looks like, you rarely even smile,” you say back from where he had you stand by a tree.
“I do, just not around you.”
You roll your eyes as you sit on a bench you guys stumbled upon. It was late into the night and you both were wandering the streets your dorms were located on, but since you guys were isolated due to being idols there weren’t many places to hang out let alone fake a photoshoot.
“You’re helpless,” he mumbles, stepping forward and grabbing your legs to swing your body to the side of the bench so you’re laying down.
He joins you and sits on the other side of the bench, grimacing as he places your legs onto his lap.
“Take a photo,” he instructs.
“This is weird,” you say, not enjoying how Scara oddly had a keen eye for posing couple photos. You comply and take a few, showing Scara who immediately deleted them. After doing that for almost five minutes he was finally satisfied and pushed your legs off of him.
“Post it, now we’re done,” he says, getting up and walking back to the dorms.
“Wait up,” you huff, walking one pace behind him. You weren’t about to walk alone at night, even if your only other option was tailing Scaramouche.
He didn’t say another word until you guys reached your dorm buildings. Before he turned to head back he spared you a look.
“Let’s just get this fucking show over with.”
For once, you didn’t disagree.
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stuck with you!
masterlist — prev | next
changed the update account pfps so it’s easier to see xx
did i eat that contract up or what guys
asking again pls comment on the masterlist if i can use ur username and make u a fan in the au!
synopsis — after the disaster that was the live award show, where you and scaramouche got into an argument on stage after both of your groups got a tie for top artists, your guys' PR teams have been in shambles trying to scrape up your mess. that's when the idea to send you both off with some other idols to a remote location for a survival dating show to mend your public image comes up. before you know it your bags are packed and you’re on a plane to a remote island. the only obligation is you need to end up with scaramouche at the end of the show, whether you end up liking him or not doesn’t matter to your managers as long as the show’s ratings stay high. whatever you do in between to get there is up to you!
notes — sorry gang i was rlly sick last week and cudnt write el oh el so enjoy this long chapter
taglist — @na1lea @cindywasneverhere @lunavixia @aestherin @mlaakai @camvrin @retiredmommylover @iheartpieck @jangyung @cartierfiles @loveariel @silly-ez @mochipls @pomeiu @chuuismylife @flowerypesky @creammpuff @justanothertiredreader @boxdisappeared @kissmiere @kissingkzuha @webbywill @kazusboyfriend @s3xpistolss @pjsucks @bunns-wonderland @lordbugs @localgirlywithnolife @kosumos @danfelions @featuredtofu @pinxeajin @herebyaccident0 @haeunoo @scaradooche @pglt19 @chemiru @childesbabygirl @simonisferal @shutingstar @vxcmx @domimiki @ttalgi @esuz @tokkishouse @kitsuvil @scarasmood @ihearttori @nomurahayami @starringyau @androxphobic
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nanamisdarling · 3 days
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《- top dad's best friend Nanami Kento x bottom ftm reader
Cw!: readers genitalia reffered as: cunt/pussy(mentioned boobs), somnophilia, mating press, pussy eating, age gap, Nanami is in his 40's (reader is 18 or above), dilf Nanami, pregnancy kink (?)
Dni: fem aligned, minors, blank(ageless, gender less) blogs(・´ω`・)
Your dad invites his hot friend, nanami, to come over. He just finds u so cute!! And has been fantasizing about fucking you, so at nighttime he takes action♡
A/n: i apologize to any grammar errors English isn't my first language >□< and this is shorter than I expected..
"[Name] you better get ready, nanami is coming in any minute!" Your dad said. It was daytime around 1 pm, you were in your bedroom. So excited to meet Nanami!! :3
You have actually had fantasies about him for so long, his big veiny hands touching you...his long fingers fingering your pussy!! >:3
You realized that u had been zooning out and you proceed to dress up. Then there is a sudden harsh knock at the door, you guessed it was Nanami. You went downstairs and u see your dad greeting Nanami by the door. "[Name]? Oh yeah he is right here!" You heard your dad say, all the attention coming to you. Fuck, seeing Nanami staring at you just makes you tremble...this is wrong, Nanami has a wife and kids!! He'd never like you, you thought.
"Wow [name]! It's good to see you! It's been a long time since we met." He smiles at you, you bit your lip and looked away. You didn't even notice the lustful eyes Nanami was giving you.
It was nighttime. You were fast asleep. Nanami wasn't originally going to stay over, but the time flew, so he thought he could stay overnight. Maybe it was his plan, his plan to fuck you and make you his.
Nanami waited until he could hear your heavy snores through the thin walls. He then went quietly to your door and opened it. It creaked, but he's glad you're a deep sleeper. He slowly went his way to you, so vulnerable sleeping♡
He grabbed your covers, putting it beside. Revealing your half naked body infront of him. What a slut! He thought, seeing your perky boobs, he wanted it all from your pussy to your nipples. He then discarded your boxers, revealing your pretty cunt♡
He quickly lapped his mouth around your cunt, licking on the clit and fingerig your hole with two fingers. He heard slight moans coming through your mouth, how cute!!♡
He ends up putting his tongue in your hole, tongue fucking you. The immense pleasure making you yolt awake.
"MH!?N-nanami?! W-what are yo-aahh!!...Doing!! GK!!" You moaned out, eyes rolling back.
You stared down making eye contact with Nanami, watching him as he flicks his hand on your clit. "N-nanami!!..fuck please! My D-dad is going to hear..!!" You cry out. Nanami stops eating you out. "Shh baby boy, be a good boy and br quiet."
You whimper as you feel nanami pulling your body into his!♡ Spreading your legs up to your shoulders and hovering above you, he takes his hard dick out from his briefs and doesn't bother preparing you and slammed his dick in you♡
"N-nami! Too much t-too MUCH!!♡" You rolled your eyes, trying to cover your mouth with your hands. It didn't matter though, u were still loud despite covering. "Fuck..you don't know how long I wanted to do this." Nanami whimpered, his hard thursts making you even closer to orgasm.
"Cum!! Nami I'm g-going to cum!!!♡" You yelled out, making him thurst faster, getting sloppier and sloppier.
With one last thurst he makes you cum. "Uwah!! NHAMII!!♡" You scream out, probably waking up your dad. Nanami comes after you feeling your throbbing cunt clench around his dick. Clear slick squirting out from you as it's mixed with his white liquid, filling you up to the brim♡
"Are you okay?" He asks, nanami looks at you in awe seeing your face flushing red, heavy n rapid breathing. You slowly nod at him. Almost forgetting the fact that the man u so constantly masturbate to just came inside you!! :3
"I will take care of you, go to sleep."
Was the last thing he said until your eyelids felt heavy and u fell alseep(*≧д≦)
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shanastoryteller · 1 day
Hi Shana! Wow, *we* get gifts for *your* birthday? Lucky us! Could I have some more WWX and Jiang Yanli run away please? I hope you have a great birthday and plenty of cake!
a continuation of 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18
Sizhui and Jin Ling are offered separate rooms and he’s not sure exactly what Jin Ling’s face does because he’s too busy trying to keep his own perfectly neutral, but Baba cracks up laughing and leans into Uncle Wanyin’s side to say, “Just like us when we were younger, huh?”
Uncle Wanyin seems a lot less scarier than when he’d pulled his sword on them, but the scowl on his face isn’t exactly friendly. But he doesn’t push Baba away. “I don’t know what you’re talking about. I was thrilled when we got our own rooms.”
“We snuck into the others room at night until Madame Yu found out,” he says to them. Uncle Wanyin elbows him, but not hard enough to cause Baba to wince.
This is a little bit more like the grumpy younger brother Mama and Baba had always talked about, although it’s not coming off as exactly natural. But it also doesn’t feel fake either. Sizhui tries to think about how he’d be feeling and acting if he thought Jin Ling was dead for thirteen years and then he popped up like nothing had happened and decides Uncle Wanyin is doing okay, actually.
Separate rooms sound nice, theoretically, but this place that their parents say is home is still new and unfamiliar and frankly he wants his annoying little brother where he can see him. Just in case.
“It’s alright if you want to share,” Mama says. Jin Zixuan’s arm is around her waist and he’s looking at her with the same faintly adoring expression he’s had since he first saw her. They’re sharing a room too, apparently.
Which is fine. That’s her husband. He’s Jin Ling’s father. It’s just a little odd to see someone putting their hands on Mama, is all.
He’d feel guiltier about this if Jin Ling didn’t keep side eyeing his father too.
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habken · 24 hours
I can't imagine how funny it would be for class 1A to find out about Izuku and Katsuki being bothers
Katsuki:"Stop touching me"
Izuku:"I'm not touching you"
They fight in the middle of class and then end up needing to be separated. They are placed on opposite sides of the classroom.
Katsuki:"I hope you break your arms, dumb ass bitch. How the hell don't you know how not to use your quirk?"
Extra: "Yeah, you kinda suck at using-"
Katsuki: Want to fucking die?
Imagine he fight they had after he hero licenses exam. And the conversation to follow
good good shit the rest of the class is like"wow these guys Hate each other" and then at some mundane time after deku v kacchan 37 or something it gets revealed just extremely casually and they all lose their minds
I also like to think that not even aizawa is fully aware until home visits and almost passes out seeing all five of the bakudoriyas piled onto a single couch
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yunwangja · 1 day
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touch - tobio kageyama oneshot
kageyama feels jealous as he notices that the other karasuno members can be physically affectionate with you while he struggles to do the same, thanks to your hesitation whenever he tries to get close.
genre: slight drama? romantic angst? its kageyama being frustrated so ig yeah, also eventual fluff
tags: kageyama x fem!reader, high school friends to lovers
warnings/notes: swearing, honestly that's it lol. also THIS IS MY FIRST TIME SORRY IF ITS LACKING /,,,,: i tried my best for them to be in character too so if not mb >< also approx. 1.2k words
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kageyama’s thoughts had been swirling lately, a tumult of confusion and frustration. and it was all because of you.
he found himself watching you more often than he cared to admit, noticing every smile exchanged, every casual touch with other members of the volleyball team that seemed effortless. midterms and practices passed in a blur, overshadowed by his own internal questioning.
why did he feel like you were avoiding him so subtly? why did simple interactions feel like navigating a minefield? happenings from days ago has been haunting him, your subtle movements away from him echoing in his mind.
he wanted to be closer to you, and understand why you seemed so distant whenever he tries to. only thing was: he’s bad at this. he’s bad at expressing his feelings and making a mess of himself, especially in front of you. how could he do this so naturally when you keep on backing away?
"y/n-chan! you’re here!" hinata exclaimed joyfully, bounding over to greet you. oh right, i’m in practice. kageyama thought and snapped back to reality, mainly because of hinata’s loud announcement of your arrival, and well, because, it’s you.
his head snapped towards the gym entrance, catching your smile as you exchanged greetings with hinata.
"how was midterms?" sugawara approached you and asked kindly, prompting a hesitant response from you, "uh, they were fine, i think. hehe." the third year patted your head comfortingly, "i'm sure you did great."
kageyama's chest tightened slightly at the gesture, his irritation simmering beneath his composed exterior as he focused on his serves.
"wow, tobio, you're as consistent as ever," daichi commented seeing his performance, with asahi nodding in agreement. you managed to wave to kageyama from beside yachi, and he nodded in acknowledgment before returning to his practice.
practice officially began with a three-on-three match: tanaka, sugawara, and asahi against hinata, kageyama, and tsukishima. you stood near tanaka's team and cheered enthusiastically as tanaka spiked, "nice kill, tanaka-senpai!"
tanaka grinned proudly and threw an arm around your shoulders, basking in your praise. “it’s nothing, y/n!”
kageyama's frustration flared again. why can't i do that too? kageyama wondered silently.
he decides to lash it out on tsukishima, pushing him to block their spikes better - to which the tall teammate responded with an exasperated roll of his eyes.
it all started a few days ago - you were having lunch on the rooftop with hinata and kageyama. hinata was engrossed in his own thoughts, while kageyama had this plan to subtly get closer to you, unsure and hesitant about being too forward. he wasn't particularly skilled at these things.
as kageyama inched closer, you immediately noticed and instinctively pulled back a bit, nervously remarking, "oh, is the sun shining on your side?" even though the weather was perfect and there was no sunlight. kageyama glanced down and replied, "uh, no... yeah, thanks. you didn't have to move unless it's cramped for you."
"no, as long as you have enough space," you awkwardly chuckled, trying to ease the panic you felt and continued eating.
kageyama sighed inwardly, contemplating another approach. he just wanted to be more gentle and affectionate towards you, just like the others do. hell, maybe, more than they do.
while you were sipping your beverage, you happened to try blueberry-flavored milk for the first time. "this is an interesting flavor," you remarked.
"really? what brand is it?" kageyama asked, attempting to hold your hand with the milk carton while leaning closer to you, making his face close to yours.
once again, you panic and quickly hand him the carton instead, "i-i don't know. you can check it yourself." you stood up to gather your things, suggesting, "let's go now," with hinata obediently following. he urged kageyama to hurry up as he remained on the floor with the now-empty blueberry milk carton.
from that moment, thoughts began to swirl in kageyama's mind—why did you keep avoiding him? was he making you uncomfortable? did you not like being close to him? was he being too much?
walking back to your classrooms, kageyama was stopped in his thoughts when he noticed hinata subtly linking his arm with yours. "y/n-chan! look!" hinata excitedly pointed out a stall being set up outside the window for the upcoming school festival.
you squealed with excitement and both of you jumped up and down, holding hands. kageyama couldn't help but notice the contrast—why was it okay for hinata to touch you like this, but not him? was he doing something wrong? did you dislike him?
"aren't you excited, kageyama?" hinata's question pulled him back from his thoughts. he quickly masked his inner turmoil and casually walked past both of you, muttering, "i don't care", making hinata complain about his lack of school spirit, while you just giggled in response.
back in the present, after the interaction with tanaka, you continued cheering for his team, prompting hinata to playfully pout, "y/n-chan, cheer for us too!"
you laughed and nodded, encouraging everyone with a big smile. “do your best too, hinata! tsukishima, kageyama!” kageyama would normally be melting inside, but today his mind was all over the place, frustrated. this drove him to be set on winning.
i don’t need to be close to you. i don’t even need your cheers. he resolved silently (and pettily), i'll prove it. and he did.
as practice ended, everyone dispersed, leaving you and kageyama, since you were walking in the same direction. "thanks for your hard work," you greeted him cheerfully, but he merely nodded, avoiding eye contact.
trying to engage him in conversation, you remarked on his performance, but kageyama's responses remained curt. "you were really cool as always, but you seemed even more fired up today after seeing tanaka-senpai’s spike," you commented lightly, trying to lighten the mood.
"you're so petty," you teased with a giggle, but kageyama stayed silent, lost in his thoughts.
as you walked and chatted animatedly about a recent volleyball match, a bicycle approached unnoticed.
just in time, kageyama noticed and instinctively pulled you closer, holding your hand to prevent you from getting hurt. flustered by his sudden action—and the fact that he was holding your hand—you looked at him in surprise.
"watch where you're going," kageyama said gruffly, his hands holding yours intensely. you awkwardly laughed off the situation, "i'm sorry. thanks though!"
glancing at your hands still together, you attempted to pull away. “you can let go now,” you try to smile.
there you go again, he thinks. he’s been experiencing this from you for days and it’s been pissing him off. he’s had enough.
kageyama held on to his grip on yours. "no," he said firmly and looked ahead. confused, "what? it’s fine, really, you don’t have to hold my hand,” you try to assure him and continued to let go of his hand.
his expression softened slightly as he slowly looked at you, revealing a hint of vulnerability beneath his usual tough exterior. "why, can't i hold your hand?" he questioned, his voice quieter but determined.
you were taken aback by his question. where is this coming from? you never really noticed anything unusual about his behavior—at least, not that you were aware of.
you try to stay calm for now. "what do you mean? of course you can, but there's no need to anymo—"
"that's a lie. you don't even let me touch you." he maintains eye contact with you. you can't quite grasp what he means yet, but despite the firmness in his voice, his eyes seem to be pleading, as if he's waiting for something.
"do i make you uncomfortable, y/n?" he asks while you're still processing the situation. you shake your head. "no, not at all."
"then why can't i hold your hand?" he continues. "you let the other members do it all the time, especially hinata. why do you treat me so differently?"
technically, you know why you were acting this way. you just never thought that this was something kageyama would even think or care about, so you just behaved this way naturally.
"i…" nothing else comes out. at this point, you and kageyama are having a staring contest. you want to go home—you’re nervous as hell—but he’s looking at you like he won’t leave until you answer him. "where is this coming from, kageyama?"
"hinata links arms with you, holds hands with you. sugawara-senpai pats your head all the time. tanaka-senpai has a habit of putting his arm around you whenever you compliment him—all of them get to touch you like that, and you don’t even care. but i just come and sit closer to you, and you back away already?"
honestly, you are amazed at how he remembers your interactions with the other members. to you, what they did was nothing to think about, but kageyama noticed every detail.
you knew kageyama—well, at least this trait of his; the fact that he is actually opening up about this means it has bothered him for quite some time. it dumbfounds you that these "small" things to you actually mattered to him—a lot, maybe even more than you realize.
you look down at the ground, breaking eye contact. "y/n—"
"you are right, kageyama, it is different."
"because i don't care if the others do it to me," you say, lifting your gaze back to him, a sense of vulnerability in your eyes this time. "but i care when you do."
you see the surprise on his face. "too much that it could kill me, honestly." he looks bewildered. "w-what? i don't understand."
"unlike the others, i…" your cheeks flush, and your eyes linger somewhere else again as you brace yourself for what you're about to say. "i want you to touch me."
this shocks kageyama, but leaves him wanting more answers.
"i want you to be close to me like that so badly, but it’s too much—it feels selfish. i mean, it’s not like you’re going to benefit much from that. it's all just for myself. i bet you don't want to do that, so i purposely avoided physical contact with you."
"idiot," he whispers, loud enough for you to hear. you look at him, quite embarrassed that you just lowkey confessed to him, and now he's calling you an idiot. he takes a breath and closes his eyes. "why? i just answered you—"
"i want to!" he shouts, his voice rising sharply.
now, you both keep surprising each other.
"i'm not complaining here just because i think you treat me differently from them! hell, i couldn't care any less if it was anyone else. but it's you, y/n."
"i'm frustrated because i want to touch you like that too!"
he looks away, feeling shy. "i want to hold your hand and pat your head when i want to. i want to stand and sit close to you so i can feel you beside me. i want to be able to hug you when i score a point during a match," he pauses, "although i don't think you're allowed on the bench during a match—but that's not the point!"
he looks so cute, but this is also all new to you. you don't know how to feel about his confession. you don't know if this literally means he likes you (which you do too), but one thing is for sure.
you weren't being selfish after all.
"so, please, y/n…"
"let me. and don't avoid me," he says. "it hurts when you do, you know."
your eyes fill with concern. you take a few seconds before speaking again, "kageyama."
he looks at you shyly. "what?"
you respond by grabbing his hand, intertwining it with yours. "okay."
he looks down to see your hands together, and his face turns bright red. "you can hold my hand." he looks up to see your smiling face.
"i'm sorry for avoiding you like that. i thought you really didn't mind. and cared. thank you for telling me what you felt," you apologize.
he shakes his head. "no, you did nothing wrong. and i'm not actually mad, you know…"
"i was just frustrated. i'm sorry i kind of shouted just now."
you shake your head and start to walk again, letting your linked hands guide him as well. "no, no. i know. i'm even glad you let it all out. that's a big step, in my opinion, after knowing you these past months," you say.
he looks at you, his eyes widening slightly in surprise. it's as if he didn't expect you to notice. you didn't show any trace of anger or hurt after how he acted just now—you even cared about what he felt. his expression softens, a mix of amazement and shy delight flickering across his face and looks away again. "well, that's what i'm trying to learn these days."
"that's good," you give him what he thinks is the sweetest smile.
you both continue walking hand-in-hand towards the street corner where you usually part ways—kageyama takes the bus while you head in the other direction to the train station. after your intense and revealing conversation, the rest of the walk is quiet.
"y/n," he breaks the silence, and you look at him, urging him to say what he wants.
"uh, you know," he looks shy again, scratching the back of his head.
"what is it?" you ask.
"i'm just saying this to put it out there, but…" he squirms, "you can call me by my first name if you want to."
you are taken aback first by what he says. after absorbing his words, you laugh, and he continues to blush.
"all right, tobio."
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x0xomady · 3 days
can you give us a lil blurb story? 🥹🙏🏽 like maybe harry and his gf are just chillin listening to music? idk
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put your records on
summary: little blurb about how harry takes you on a date to the record store and it finishes with a listening session at his house.
rockstar!harrystyles x female reader
warnings: some allusions to smut but nothing NSFW! this is all cute fluff
the hardest part of being the girlfriend of a rockstar is that theres never enough time. we never have enough time to cuddle, talk, etc. harry’s always in the studio or he’s in another country on tour.
don’t get me wrong, i LOVE dating a rockstar. i love watching him play for millions of people, i love listening to his music, it’s all really great. until i want to spend some private time with my boyfriend, then it’s horrible.
today harry was finally able to get some time off. so, we’re going back to our roots and shopping for vinyls together.
i followed harry through the aisles as he perused the dusty shelves, his long fingers tracing over the spines of the albums. i couldn't help but steal glances at him as he browsed, admiring his relaxed demeanor.
his expression is so carefree, with a hint of a smile tugging at his lips. it was moments like these that i cherished, when he was able to put aside his stage persona and simply be himself.
harry and i have always had pretty different music tastes. harry, being the rock obsessed hippie he is, always chose the albums from the 60s and 70s. i on the other hand, always went for the 90s r&b.
i walk down the aisle and see one of my favorites, sade. i grin and look at the album knowing harry hates her slow love music.
my hands quickly grab the album and hold it up, turning to face him with a cheeky grin on my face.
“we have to get it h.”
harry groans and rolls his eyes playfully.
“not sade, please. her music is so boring.” he says, trying to sound annoyed but failing to hide his amusement.
“aww you don’t like cheesy romance songs?” i smile and wave the record in his face teasingly.
“cheesy isn't the word i'd use, more like sleep-inducing.” harry snorts, swatting at the record in my hand. “but you can get anything you want, my love.” he smirks and slaps my bottom before walking past me down the aisle of records.
i drop the album into our tiny basket of vinyls. we've picked out about four different albums so far and the pile is only growing.
harry picks up a record, a grin across his face as he flips around to face me.
“oh and this right here- this is the real art.” he smirks and holds up his self titled album.
i scoff playfully and shake my head. “oh wow i don’t think i’ve ever seen that one before” i say with a giggle, taking the album from him.
harry pretends to be offended, placing a hand on his heart dramatically.
“hey now, that’s my masterpiece. you should be more respectful to your favorite rockstar darling.” he grins and kisses my cheek before placing his album back in it’s spot.
“oh yeah right, you’re so humble too.” i tease, playfully nudging him with my shoulder. harry is actually one of the most humble people but i can’t boost his ego by telling him that.
harry grins and picks up another record from one of the shelves.
“ah okay last one” he holds up “Wild Heart” by Stevie Nicks.
“okay that’s actually the last one, H.” i smile and drop the stevie nicks album on top of our little stack.
harry grins and glances at the little collection we have piled up in our basket.
“yeah i think we’re done."
harry lays on the floor with his head in my lap while he belts out marvin gaye to annoy me. the speakers record player cracked softly while the song played out.
i roll my eyes playfully and lightly smack his head. “you’re so annoying” i laugh, running my fingers through his fluffy brown hair.
the two of us are laying on the floor of his home music studio. when he was designing his house, he built this room with long shelves for all of his record collection.
the room is cozy. there’s a fuzzy carpet on the floor, little string lights on the walls, and posters on the ceiling. since we started dating, it has become our favorite spot, where we come to spend time with each other.
“baby i can’t help it the music is possessing me!” he gasps dramatically and belts out the song louder.
i groan loudly and cover my ears. “harry you’re horrible!!” i giggle, and look down at him.
“oh really? tell that to him” he grins and nudges me with the grammy that he had stuck googly eyes on.
i roll my eyes and smack his chest. “yeah yeah get over yourself, pretty boy.” i say as i try to hold back a smile.
“hey-” he gasps dramatically when the song switches to “lets get it on” by marvin gaye.
“uh oh babe i think i might have to listen”
“please no-” i groan and cover my eyes.
before i can register what he’s doing harry tackles me onto the floor and starts kissing me all over the face.
i squeal and squirm under him, giggling like an idiot. i always feel like a love drunk idiot when i’m with this curly headed man.
“harry stop!!” i gasp between my laughs, pushing him playfully.
“nope sorry babe. we gotta get it on.”
this was so stupid i’m sorry.
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rubytuby · 1 day
winner winner
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college!art donaldson x fem!reader
word count: 1.5k
warnings: none lol, just short and sweet :)
note: stanford art my beloved wow… that’s boyfriend, pookie even. also i have to say that i am a patrick girl and i'm cooking up something there for yall. let me know if you liked pleak!
As the sun beat down relentlessly on the Stanford practice court, every movement felt more grueling, the exhaustion seeping into your bones. After picking up stray balls for what seemed like the hundredth time, abandoning your racket and never looking back sounded more than enticing. Bending down to retrieve another ball, you could feel the pounding in your head, a dull throb forcing you to close your eyes. Your scalp was wet from sweat, and you could see your damp hair hanging in the corner of your eyes, clinging to your forehead as you moved. Stuffing the balls into your shorts pockets, you trudged back to the center of the court, wiping the sweat from your forehead with a sigh. 
Through half-lidded eyes, you blankly stared at hitting partner, Art Donaldson, who was looking right back at you with a big grin on his face. You cocked an eyebrow at him and shook your head impressed by his ability to look absolutely unphased by exertion. You felt another throb in your head and winced and placed your thumb and pointer finger over your eyes.
Art's grin faded, replaced by a look of concern. “Hey, you good?” he asked, stepping closer, genuinely worried for you.
You dropped your hand and waved him off, forcing a tired smile. “Yeah, yeah, just give me a sec,” you replied, though the pounding in your head was reminiscent of that one time at tennis camp when you almost got heat stroke.
Art eyed you skeptically, doubting your words. "Are you sure? You look like you might—"
"No, I can play," you interrupted him mid-sentence, your voice firm despite your fatigue. Art tilted his head to the side. "I swear I'm fine." You flashed him an exaggerated smile to prove your point.
Art’s eyebrows lifted slightly, lips curling into a subtle, amused smile. He knew you’d never call it quits, regardless of how tired you were. He then removed a ball from his pocket and held it out, shooting you a knowing look. You simply met his gaze with a blank expression. As you positioned yourself to receive the serve, he spoke with a hint of amusement in his voice, "Alright, this one's gonna be 130. Ready?"
"If you keep taunting me, I might just forget we're here to play tennis and accidentally walk back to my dorm," you joked.
"Well, you know I wouldn't mind going back to your dorm," he said with a wink.
You rolled your eyes and gave him a tight-lipped smile, bucking your head in an effort to get him to stop talking and actually serve the ball. You shifted your weight from one foot to the other and squinted against the beaming sun, silently cursing yourself for telling Art he could take whatever side of the court he wanted.
Art tossed the ball into the air and smacked the ball with his racket, you braced yourself, eyes locked on the ball's descent. With a swift motion, you swung your racket, the satisfying thwack of ball meeting strings reverberating through the air. Art effortlessly returned your hit and let out a soft grunt, initiating another rally. At this point in your practice, you had resigned yourself to serving each hit directly to Art, too tired to bother with tricking him. Art, though, seemingly wanted you to put the work in before you could call it a day. Hitting the ball just inside the front of the service box when you were way back by the center mark.
"If you wanted to win so badly, you could’ve just asked me to play nice," you remarked, words heavy with exasperation as you let the ball bounce off into the distance.
Art watched the ball roll away, silently celebrating. "Where's the fun in taking it easy?" he teased. "Maybe I wanted the challenge."
You rolled your eyes, but a small smile tugged at the corner of your lips. "Yeah, yeah," you replied. "I'm sure those distracting grunts are just part of your master plan to win, right?"
Art shrugged and walked over to you, leaning against the net. "Well, they're not meant to be distracting," he retorted, a smirk on his face. "But if they're taking you out of the game, maybe you're not cut out for this."
"Oh, please, last time I checked, the WTA and ATP didn't have any categories for grunts and groans," you said, turning your back to Art as you walked back to the baseline.
Art laughed, smile widening as he prepared to serve up another ball. "Maybe they should consider adding it," he quipped as he tossed the ball into the air. 
Art served the ball with a slice. You returned it with a swift backhand, and the rally began again. Each of you fell into a rhythm, the ball bouncing back and forth across the net.
"This is match point," you called out.
"If you say so," he replied, a confident grin spreading across his face.
The rally eventually grew more intense, each exchange faster and more furious than the last. Art’s eyes glinted as he positioned himself for the next shot. Suddenly, with a fluid and powerful motion, he sent the ball rocketing toward the far corner of the court. Your eyes followed its trajectory, a split second of realization dawning on you as you scrambled to reach it. But it was too late. The ball landed just beyond your outstretched racket, bouncing twice before coming to a stop. You halted and let out a frustrated groan, a pout forming on your lips.
Art watched as you dropped your racket and flopped down onto the court, frustration evident on your face. Laughing softly to himself, he sauntered over, picking up your racket along the way.
He leaned down next to you and patted your cheek, holding your racket out with a playful grin. "Tough break, champ," he teased.
You playfully tugged the racket from his hand and stood up, sticking out your tongue. "You live for these moments, don't you?"
Art grinned mischievously and nodded. "Oh, absolutely," he replied with a laugh. As the two of you strolled toward a nearby bench, he playfully snagged your hand, intertwining his fingers with yours.
"I swear to god I almost had it," you mused, shaking your head.
Art responded with mock dread, “Oh no, you lost for once, your reputation may never recover.” 
You both plopped onto the bench with a thud, limbs splayed out as you leaned back, panting heavily. The exhaustion from the intense rally was apparent in every breath you took, your chest rising and falling rapidly.
As you settled onto the bench, you placed your oversized bag on your lap and began rummaging for your water bottle. Art scooted closer, wrapping an arm around your shoulders. Then, after some serious searching, you unearthed your water bottle with a triumphant expression. Art feigned surprise, raising his eyebrows in mock astonishment before gently lifting your legs to rest across his lap, tracing his free hand against one of your knees. 
You brought the bottle to your lips and promptly you chugged down half of it in a couple of big gulps. Art stifled a laugh, watching you with amusement. "Thirsty?" he teased, nudging you playfully with his elbow.
You shot him a playful glare, wiping your mouth with the back of your hand. "Shut up," you retorted, but the smile on your face betrayed your annoyance. He removed his hand from your shin and reached for your water bottle, but before he could grab it, you snaked it away from him, furrowing your brows and shaking your head.
"Nuh uh, what's the magic word?" You said, wagging your finger in his face.
Art raised an eyebrow. "Are you going to make me beg?" he teased, leaning closer to you, his face mere inches from yours.
“Maybe later,” you said, closing the gap between you two, smiling as you pressed a chaste kiss to his lips before handing him the water bottle.
Art grinned, taking the bottle from your hands. "Ok, now, can I please have a sip of water?"
You faked pondering for a moment. "Well, since you asked so nicely."
After taking a long drink, Art handed the bottle back to you with a smirk.
You giggled, rolling your eyes. "So, a rematch tomorrow?" you asked. "Coach says I need to work on my ‘’sloppy forehand’—whatever that means."
Art scoffed. "You? A ‘sloppy forehand’? Sounds like something he made up to get you to play harder," he teased.
"His words, not mine," you replied with a shrug.
Art leaned back against the bench, narrowing his eyes as he looked at you. "What if the loser buys dinner tomorrow?" he suggested.
You raised an eyebrow. "Is this your way of saying you’re tired of paying for me on every date?”
Art's expression softened, and he reached out to tuck a strand of hair behind your ear. "It's not that, you know I don't care," he said, voice tender. "I just thought it would be a fun incentive."
You looked off to the side and faked pondered before saying, "Alright, deal."
Art leaned in, his lips brushing against your cheek in a gentle kiss. "Just so you know," he whispered into your ear, "I'm not planning on losing."
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reidsdimples · 1 day
Accidental Baby Genius | Part 2
Based on the request from part 1
You tell Spencer about his child, years later.
Fluff/angst/no smut 🖤 🧸
Enjoy some AI renderings of Reid’s son 🫶🏻
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3.5 Years later
“Mommy!” Your son raises his arms when you walk in the door. He hugs you tight around the neck.
“Roman,” you sigh and hold him for a minute. You push away the gnawing realization that’s been plaguing you for months.
He looks up at you with big brown eyes and sweeps his wavy brown locks from his face. You put your hand in his hair and mess it all up again and he laughs. Even his laugh- the way his face contorts- it’s so achingly familiar.
The cut of his jaw as he approaches three years old is becoming more pronounced. You can’t unsee it in him, Spencer Reid is his father. And if his looks weren’t enough of a convincer-
“Rome read me three Dr Seuss books and The Very Hungry Caterpillar today,” your sister informs you,
“Four!” He pouts.
Your two year old was reading at a fucking first grade level if not higher. You sigh, in awe of him.
A familiar heartache seizes you. Spencer has no idea that this amazing little boy is his son.
“I think it’s time,” you shake your head and inform your sister.
“I think so too,” she agrees.
Roman as back to his spot on the floor, building a Lego set of the Star Wars star destroyer which is huge and you can’t figure out how to build. But he’s over half done and you can watch him move around and articulate how to do it all day long.
You noticed about a week ago that he’s started to lick his bottom lip when he’s thinking, or bite it when he’s nervous. It’s not a trait he got from you.
In fact the only thing he seemed to get from you was his nose and ears but the jury was still out on that one. It’s like you birthed a mini Spencer Reid.
“Hey Romi,” you call him by his nickname and wave him over.
“Do you remember how you asked me about your dad?”
“Uhuhh,” he uses his palm to brush his hair back with his hands which are too big for him.
“How would you like to meet him?” He turns in your arms and lights up.
“Does he like reading?”
“He does,” you answer and fight back tears.
“What about counting, because I can count all the way to five thousand,” he starts talking faster when he’s excited.
“I think so,” you caress his small face and kiss his forehead.
“I didn’t know if this was still your number,” you say when Spencer answers his phone.
“I’ve had it for years, what’s up?” He seems distracted and you don’t want to do this over the phone.
“Can we talk… in person,” you ask.
“Sure?” He hasn’t spoken to you since about a month after you left the team so abruptly.
“How’s lunch tomorrow?” You ask.
“I thought you moved?” He presses.
“My sister and I moved to DC last month, I’m working at the pentagon now,” you inform him.
“Wow, okay,” you hear shuffling in the background. “Let’s do pizza, you still like Ray’s?” He asks because you two ate there all the time.
“Yeah, how about 1230?”
“Sounds good, see you then,” he hangs up.
Your sister takes your shaking hand but you calm yourself by looking at your beautiful boy.
You think Spencer will want to be a dad, you think he’s mentioned it before. Especially with how absent his father was. But you’re nervous and unsure. He would have every right to be angry with you, Roman was almost three. But it’s better late than never right?
“Spencer,” you beam nervously and he hugs you. He seems taller, his hair seems curlier, and he’s got some facial hair. He looks… matured. You wonder what he’s been through, what he’s seen with the BAU since you last saw him.
“Y/N, how are you?” He asks.
“Good, I’m good,” you guys sit outside and make idle chat about work.
You fall into easy conversation over pepperoni pizza and he laughs about some joke your coworker made about Aristotle.
“You said you needed to talk to me?” He crosses his legs and pushes his hair back with his palm(just like Roman does.)
“Spencer…” you shake your head and look down at your lap. Your throat tightens and it all comes down to this moment.
“Hey, what’s wrong?” He leans forward and drops his pizza.
“I’m so sorry,” you don’t expect to cry but you do. He drags the metal outdoor chair closer to you and touches your shoulder:
“Sorry for what? What’s going on?” He seems worried.
“I didn’t just leave the BAU for a new position,” you sigh and wipe your eyes. You turn in your chair towards him and pull your knees to your chest.
His brows are furrowed, full and dark just like your sons.
“I got pregnant,” you huff out a shaky breath.
He slides his chair back. You can’t look at him.
“What are you saying?” His voice is low.
“This is Roman,” you slide your phone across the table towards him. Your lock screen is a picture of your son staring at the camera as though he’s far beyond his years.
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Spencer inspects it, his eyes scanning the photo frantically.
“That- he…” and then a tear falls down his face. “Do you have more pictures?”
You take your phone and give him your camera roll.
He swipes for a while, he’s biting his lip, his eyes bloodshot.
“He looks just like me,” he whispers a broken whisper and sits back down.
“I know,” you can hardly speak.
“How long have you known he was mine?” He doesn’t sound angry, just… sad.
“I’ve suspected it for a while, he started talking a year ago and… he’s just so smart. Sickeningly so…”
“He could talk at 1?”
“Spencer he can read books and do math at 2 and a half. I could kid myself on his looks for the first year or so of his life but…” you grab his hand and squeeze. “I’m so sorry.”
“Why did you leave? Why didn’t you tell me you were pregnant?” He asks and looks up at you.
“Because… you had just lost Maeve and there was a chance that the baby wouldn’t be yours and I didn’t want to make things harder on you,” you sniffle.
He rubs at his eye like he used to do when he got a headache.
“Why tell me now?” He asks.
“He asks about his daddy. And now that I know for a fact who that is… you deserve to know.”
“Daddy,” he whispers and his voice cracks as he looks at a photo of Roman as a baby baby.
“He’s even wearing…” he points at the picture.
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“My sister was trying to make a point,” you smile softly.
He laughs a little at that.
“Do you want to meet him? You don’t have to. You never have to…”
“Of course I do,” he stops you.
“I don’t want anything from you. That’s not why I’m telling you this,” you assure him. “You can be as involved or not involved as you want.”
“Y/N, he’s my son. I want him to know me and I want to know him,” now he’s squeezing your hand. You nod, you’re relieved.
“Okay, are you ready?” You ask your son the next day.
“Yes!” He holds up his toy train that he brought his dad to the park.
You spot Spencer at a picnic table in the shade and pick up your son. The wind blows his hair around as you approach. Spencer stands, his eyes lighting up as he beholds Roman.
“Spencer Reid, this is Roman Jacob Reid,” you say proudly.
“Hi,” he smiles and waves at Roman who you stand on the table.
“I got you a train. It has my name on it, see. R-O-M-A-N,” he points at the letters. Spencer lets out an amazed huff and takes the red engine.
“It’s perfect!” He exaggerates.
“I’m changing his last name tomorrow,” you whisper to Spencer. “If that’s okay.”
“That would be amazing,” he smiles down at you.
“Okay stand back,” Roman pushes Spencer away from the table. “I’m going to show mommy that you’re strong because I’m strong and if I’m a superhero you’re a superhero!”
Spencer glances at you and has no idea what he means but then Roman jumps off of the table towards Spencer in a giant leap with a howling laugh. Spencer doesn’t miss a beat and catches him swiftly with the biggest smile of his face.
“See mommy! Strong! Now I know he’s my daddy for sure!” Roman exclaims.
“Romi be gentle with him,” you warn.
“Romi,” Spencer whispers as he tries out the nickname.
“Mommy says you’re a special agent, are you a spy? Like double oh seven?” Roman asks absentmindedly as he places the train into Spencer’s shoulder and moves it back and forth. He’s sitting on the table in front of his dad who looks like the world just fell in his lap. Your heart feels so full.
“Maybe, what do you know about 007?” He grins at his son.
“Some stuff,” he shrugs.
“I do know magic,” Spencer informs him.
“But magic isn’t real!” Roman swats his dad’s chest.
“No?” Spencer pinches Romans ear. “So you always have a quarter in there?”
“Woah!” Roman stands on the table in awe. “Do it again!”
“What about this? Is this yours?” He reaches towards his other ear and brings out a lollipop.
“It is now,” he giggles and snatches it. “Thank you,” he hugs Spencer around the neck.
Spencer looks at you and you’ve never seen him like this. He seems content, amazed, like he’s finally found a puzzle he can’t solve. You’re hugging Roman’s stuffed bear to your chest as you watch them.
“Thank you,” Spencer whispers to you and hugs Roman again. “Now let’s go get some ice cream,” Spencer says.
“Uh-oh you said the magic word,” you taunt as Roman squeals in excitement.
“I wanna be on your back,” Roman tells Spencer who obliges. He wraps his arms around Spencer’s neck, his legs around his waist while Spencer supports his legs.
He follows you to the ice cream shop across from the park. You think for the first time in a while, that everything just might be okay.
“Would it be weird for me to thank you?” You ask Spencer.
“Thank me for what?” He asks and licks his ice cream cone. Roman is in your lap, gently picking singular sprinkles off of his ice cream and eating them first. Like always.
“For him,” you hug him gently and kiss his head. Roman doesn’t react, too lost in his ice cream.
“You carried him, birth him, and raised him on your own until now. I should be thanking you. You’re incredible,” he stares into your eyes. Your heart skips a beat and you look away.
“Let’s just say we’re both grateful for him,” you smile. “I never knew, where you stood on children. If you ever wanted them.”
“Children bring such a light into our lives, especially people like us who work in the dark all of the times they remind us of wonder and innocence and show us compassion and patience. In their presence we are given the opportunity to rediscover the joy in simple moments, the thrill of exploration, and the power of unconditional love. I’ve always wanted children,” he explains.
You don’t know why you had any doubts about him.
“Well, they can be trying too,” you look down at your perfect child. “So I hear,” you shrug and both of you laugh.
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The Man 11
Warnings: non/dubcon, and other dark elements. My username actually says you never asked for any of this.
My warnings are not exhaustive but be aware this is a dark fic and may include potentially triggering topics. Please use your common sense when consuming content. I am not responsible for your decisions.
Character: mob!Lloyd Hansen
Summary: a demanding customer complicates more than your work life.
As usual, I would appreciate any and all feedback. I’m happy to once more go on this adventure with all of you! Thank you in advance for your comments and for reblogging ❤️
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You half smile and half cringe. Oh boy. He wants you to do that. With him there. Well, you never really did it with an audience. You’re more of a loner when it comes to... cumming. 
You let out a brittle chuckle, “sir, that’s... you know, I think I’m pretty good. I got lots of action today--” 
“I’m not asking,” his voice is dusky and makes your chest thump. Wow. Okay, you can see for a split second how he might be attractive. If you just photoshop the caterpillar off his lip with your mind Adobe. 
“I understand but what if I just focused on you, sir. You seem to enjoy that--” 
“Don’t make me repeat myself. It’s getting old. Fast.” 
“Sure, that’s fair, I hate a broken record,” you gulp and look down then back up, squinting as you smile with a strain in your cheeks. “So, like down here or... it’s a bit tight...” you sheepishly show your teeth then laugh for real as the joke bubbles in your mind. You can’t help but let it free, “that’s what she said.” 
He blinks and looks at the ceiling then down again. He sits back in his chair, legs wide, hands on his thighs. 
“Get on the desk,” he orders. 
You inhale and steel yourself. This is a lot. You think you’ve been handling things well. One thing in particular but you don’t know how much more you can take. Today has been intense. What time is it? 
You move forward, once more face to face with his crotch before you manage to plant a foot and stand. His eyes flick down and he hums. You turn slowly and try to see the corner of his screen. Holy, it’s not even three o’clock. 
“What the hell are you looking at?” He snarls. 
“Nothing, sir, promise--” 
“Turn it off.” 
You should say the same thing about his dick. You keep your mouth closed and press the button to black the monitor. You put your hands on the desk and carefully slide his delicate keyboard and mouse aside. They’re so light you nearly toss them. You shake your head. 
“What?” He sneers. 
“It’s just, sir, Apple products are made to break. This keyboard feels like a wafer.” 
“This isn’t what we’re doing right now. Focus.” 
“I’m focused,” you whine and consider the desk. This glass better be sturdy. 
You lift one knee, then the other. You don’t like this. It's like crossing ice; tenuous and just as cold. He clicks his tongue. 
“You know, you don’t got a bad ass considering,” he mutters. 
You should thank him. It’s a real compliment. All those squats you do when the shop slows down are paying off. You’re too frazzled to do much more than turn over and sit facing him. As hot as this might seem in his head, the logistics are not easy. Or safe. 
You glance around and frown, “sir, what if I break--” 
“You keep talking, and I’ll break something on you,” he swivels the chair slightly as his hand crawls up his pantleg. 
“Got it, okay, so...” you bend your legs, putting your feet on the glass and wiggles your toes.  
You slowly pull your thighs apart. You tremble as the cool air slips between them and grazes your cunt. Your ears are burning and your skull is pounding. You’re dizzy. This desk is really high up. You could fall and crack your head open. 
“Take your fucking time,” he growls. 
“Sir, I got a bit of stage fright here,” you squeak, “I never really... you know, in front of someone.” 
“No use being shy when you had me down your throat twice today,” he reprimands. 
“Fair,” you tilts your head, “that’s a good point.” You look down at your body and reach down between your legs. You blow out between your lips, almost whistling as some of the tension seeps out. “That’s helpful advice, actually.” 
He sighs and you seal your lips. You nod and close your eyes. You can do this. How many times have you done this? Well, maybe you shouldn’t be proud of that.  
You feel down your tummy and along your pelvis. Goosebumps rise and you shiver, leaning back on your other hands as your feet arch against the edge of the desk. You feel along your coily hair and delve between your tender folds. You’re wet but that’s better than the alternative. You’d rather this not last forever. 
You press down on your clit and take a deep breath. You let it out slow as you trace the sensitive bud and hum. Alright, gotta get the rhythm. You’re thinking too much. Stop that. 
Wait, no. You need to think. You need to picture something. This is too much pressure. Knowing he’s watching you, you have to think of anything else. Of someone. Someone sexy. You gotta get the motor going. 
You ease back onto your elbow as the heat begins to flow. You picture this burly guy you saw down at the sandwich shop. You don’t quite have the clear picture of him but he was tall and thick and he had some nice eyes. He also looks pretty grumpy but he could probably channel that energy into some good hip action. 
Okay, back to the point. You put together the fantasy; thick arms, hairy chest, throaty grunts, and a big... yeah. That’s it. Your fingers swirl faster, slippery as your excitement builds. You moan and tilt your head back. You’re almost there. 
You flick your fingers up and down, your thighs quivering. You gotta give this guy a name. Something sexy. Gene? No, ew, that’s not it. Hm. Oh, yes, Adam? The first man. The epitome of maleness. 
You squeak as your breath hitches and your lashes flutter. Your toes curl and you put your head forward as the tension winds tight and all at once, unleashes. You quake and drone out madly, head lolling as you fight to keep your fingers moving. You feel your orgasm flowing from you, wetting your cunt and the creases of your thighs. Fuck... 
Suddenly, your land on your back. The glass braces and you wait for a crack. Lloyd pins you by your neck. He swats your hand away from your cunt and frames your entrance with two long fingers. He drags them up, rubbing your buzzing clit as you squirm. 
“Oh, Adam,” you burst out and your eyes snap open in horror. You didn’t mean to let that out. 
“Adam?” He growls as he stops, squeezing your throat tighter, “who the fuck is Adam?” 
You touch his wrist, “I meant... Floyd?” 
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inchidentally · 22 hours
[McLaren's IG stories]
- god you can rly see the size difference in them Oscar's legs look miles long
- Oscar looking at Lando before every answer EXCEPT the two they were both immediately agreed on
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- Lando's jabby little thumb bc there is only one adventurous eater in that hallway at that moment lgfsaljfgsalf
- smth about how Oscar watches so carefully and repeats back Lando stating how he'd like his burger order !!! like if we didn't have countless examples of him doing this so that he can answer for Lando when need be or predict what he needs etc then I wouldn't think it was special but he genuinely is interested in Lando's little idiosyncrasies kill me
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- their glowy proud little faces over both saying tortilla patatas at the same time ;__; and Oscar echoing Lando's wow!
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- Lando rly cannot be taught anything he personally hasn't chosen to learn bc he has had the same number of people in his career getting him into golf as trying to teach him Spanish but while he's now teaching other ppl golf he's never graduated past soy lago
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hanniebaeee · 2 days
Crazy For You - Final Part
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Hyunjin x fem!reader
Warnings: SMUT, drinking, cursing MDNI
Genre: enemies to lovers, fluff, angst
Summary: You and your best friend's cousin, Hyunjin don't get along very well. This game of cat and mouse may be a disguise to hide your real feelings.
a/n: Hyunjin is just the cutest bun!
Part 1 , Part 2
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You hadn't spoken to Hyunjin or even glanced his way after the dinner party events. But seeing him at college with Rose, both engaged in a conversation, and laughing like the leads of a Kdrama had you bristling in rage.
Fine. If that's how it's gonna be, then fuck you, you thought as you made your way to the library. All you wanted was to be alone. You were so tired with this thing with Hyunjin, you just wanted a break. As you stormed on furiously,  you walked straight into someone.
'Wow!  You OK?'
You looked up to see Chris giving you a concerned look, holding your arm so that you wouldn't fall back. It was enough for the floodgates to open. Tears rolled down your cheeks and you throw your arms around Chris, who put his arms around you protectively.
'Hey, hey, its OK.' he said, as you cry against his chest.
He stroked your hair, trying to calm you down. Once you were better and your breathing was back to normal, he gave you a soft smile and said,  'Let's get you something to eat, OK?'
You nod and let him walk you to the cafeteria, holding hands.
'Wanna tell me what happened?' Chris asked, placing a steaming cup of your favorite coffee in front of you.
'I-' you began. 'I don't think whatever we tried to pull off...worked.'
'How do you know that?' Chris asked.
'He was cosying up with Rose just now.' You said, your voice shaking again. 'I'm sorry you had to see me like that, Chris. I couldn't hold back.'
'It's totally fine.' Chris said, shaking his head. 'I want you to come find me whenever you need help, yeah?'
You smile through your tears.
'Thank you so much for coming to the party, Chris.' You said. 'Jennie and Minho and Lisa all love having you over.'
'Thank you for inviting me, sweetheart.' Chris said giving you a smile. 'Now, what can I do to stop these tears, hm?'
'Let's go out for lunch. I need to get away from him. How about that new cafe near the bus stop?'
'Let's do it.' Chris said, nodding.
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Hyunjin dropped his backpack at their regular table and frowned as he didn't see you there.
'Where is she?' he asked.
'Having lunch with Christopher.' Jennie said, in between feeding Changbin a mouthful of salad.
'What? Why?' Hyunjin asked, his heart racing.
Jennie shrugged.
'Um, she wanted to, that's why you pabo.' Lisa said, clearly enjoying his reaction.
'What the fuck is going on here, Lisa?' Hyunjin growled, eyes narrowed. 'Why is he always around?'
'The real question is why is it not YOU, Hyunjin.' Lisa said. 'You're always around, but you do nothing but hurt her over and over again.'
Hyunjin stood up, grabbing his backpack.
'Changbin. Outside. Now.' He snapped at Changbin,  who sprang up from his seat after giving Jennie a quick kiss.
Once outside, Hyunjin glared at best friend.
'I told you it wouldn't work!' he said. 'See what's happening!'
'Calm down, Jin!' Changbin said. 'Shit.'
'How do I calm down!? I know I fucked up OK?' Hyunjin said. 'I can't lose her to him!'
'You won't!  This is Y/N we're talking about!' Changbin said, trying to be strong but he was panicking. 'We'll make it right, I promise!'
Just as they finished talking, they saw you and Chris walking together, laughing at something. Hyunjin felt jealousy taking over him. But again, you looked so genuinely happy, it broke his heart that it wasn't him who was making you smile like that.
Hyunjin starts walking, pushing past Changbin. He didn't stop until he was inside one of the bathrooms. And to Changbin's horror, Hyunjin burst out into tears.
'Dude!' Changbin said, rushing forward to pull his friend into an embrace. 'Hyunjin, stop!'
Hyunjin just sobbed, letting out years worth of despair and pain that he'd been holding in. He was so heartbroken, Hyunjin didn't think there was anything left to do. He had lost you and he didn't have it in him anymore to fight through this. This was it.
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'I'm not going!' You said, shaking your head. 'Look, he clearly likes Rose. Let them be!'
'Oh my effing God!' Jennie growled in frustration. 'Y/N L/N, apparently we are not the only idiots here. Ok? I spoke to Binnie and he told me that he is the one who made Hyunjin ask Rose to the party. Got it? That pabo wants you. Not anyone else. What's wrong with you?! Why won't you just see it, already?!'
'Jen, calm the fuck down. And, Y/N. It's just us. Since when do you care if he's around or not? You're coming and that's that.'  Lisa said, walking out of the room to avoid an argument.
You look at Jennie with sad eyes and she comes forward to hug you.
'I'm sorry, Y/N. I love you, ok? I want you to be happy. It is just so frustrating when you decide not to see what's really happening right in front of your eyes. I know you feel put down and insecure, but can't you try?'
You nod, allowing Jennie to pick your dress and do your makeup.
And that's how you ended up at the nightclub in a dress you hated. Your friends were adamant on making Hyunjin see what he was missing. Even though the only thing he did was sit by the bar, taking shots and drowning in his misery.
'He didn't bring her along.' Lisa noted, and Jennie nodded.
'Where's Y/N?' Jennie asked and Lisa pointed out to the couch where you sat with a drink in hand and a jacket covering your dress.
Jennie stomped over to you and said, 'Darling, we're trying to get things to work here. Please. Do your part!'
'I don't want to do anything!' You said stubbornly. 'I wanna go home.'
'Don't make me mad, Y/N.' Jennie said. 'Now get that darn jacket off and go get you man!'
'Do I have to?' You plead, making Jennie close her eyes tightly and purse her lips.
As much as you wanted Hyunjin, you just couldn't even think about a rejection. After all, it all went down after you refused to go further with him.
'Y/N. Listen to me clearly, yeah? I've known you for long enough to know what Hyunjin does to you. I've seen you falling for that man over and over again. You can tell me that he's an asshole. I will agree. But it never stopped you from loving him. And I know for a fact that my brother loves you as much as you love him. You're both the biggest idiots I've ever come across. You wasted so much time bickering and having ego clashes. You know that he doesn't even like Rose. He's crazy for you. But he stinks at showing it. He's afraid you'll reject him. He thinks you didn't want to fuck him because you think he's not good enough for you. He doesn't understand that it's because you want to be meaningful with him. He's just confused. Just give him a chance. If you can.' Jennie took big breaths and sat down, gulping her drink down in one go.
The music was too loud and yet only Jennie's words float around your brain, stabbing you at all the right places. He thinks he's not good enough for you? He really thinks that, when you actually think he's the most perfect man you've ever met? Arrogant, yes, but still, perfect.
'She's right you know.' Lisa added. 'He tries to show that he doesn't care. But he's just really insecure and thinks he doesn't deserve you.'
'Uhhhh!!!' You cry out before standing up and getting the jacket off. 'Fine. I will kill you both if he does something stupid.'
Fixing your hair and adjusting your dress, you walked over to Hyunjin.
'I hope this works.' prayed Jennie. 'I'm so done seeing to them cry over each other. Fucking idiots.'
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You stood behind Hyunjin, your hands sweaty with nervousness.
'Oh God.' You say under your breath.
Hyunjin felt so numb as he looked at his glass of alcohol with no real interest. He didn't want to drink, he was just trying to get the image of you with Chris off his mind.
You clear your throat and he paid no attention. You take one step forward, now standing beside him. He looked sideways, and seeing you, he sighed.
'What do you want, Y/N?' He asked, dejected.
Your heart flutters at the way he says your name.
OK, stop being so dramatic!, you tell yourself and sit next to him.
'What's this, Hyunjin?' You ask.
He swirled the drink in his glass, chuckling sadly.
'I'm doing some self reflection shit Changbin wants me to do.' He said.
'He wants you to do that in a club?' You ask.
'Apparently.' He replied. 'And why are you here?  Where's your boyfriend?'
'I don't have one, Hyunjin.' You said with a sigh.
'Oh, the one you went on lunch date with?' Hyunjin asked, and you could see the sadness in his eyes through the lights flashing on his handsome face. And there was no teasing there. None at all. Just sadness.
'That was just a friendly lunch outing.' You said. 'So that I could avoid seeing someone I care about with someone who had made life really hard for me.'
Hyunjin's heart skipped a beat.
'What?' He asked, his heart breaking into a thousand pieces. 'What do you mean?'
'Don't pretend now, Hyunjin. Everyone knows.' You say sadly.
'I don't.' Hyunjin said. 'What do you mean?'
'Rose used to bully me back at school, ok? And it had a lot to do with you. Anyways, I think she regrets it now, but some things just don't go away with a sorry, does it?'
'Baby, I never knew. I would never have agreed to-' Hyunjin felt horrible. He wanted to cry. 'I'm so sorry.'
'Where is she anyway?' You asked, ignoring his apologies. 'I half expected to see her wound around your neck when I came in.'
Hyunjin gives you a look and you shrug.
'She's not my girlfriend, Y/N.' Hyunjin said. 'Please.'
'Ok.' You say, your heart beating louder than the music in the club.
'Honestly, why are you sitting here and talking to me?' Hyunjin asks, pushing his drink away.
'Because you are too much of a coward to come to me.' You said under your breath.
'Excuse me?' Hyunjin gives you a glare.
'Because, Hyunjin. If I keep waiting for you to come back, I'm afraid you won't.' You said loudly.
He just sat with his eyes wide open.
'So that you can reject me again? We were in a relationship and you pushed me away when I -' Hyunjin just laughed sadly and reached forward, grabbed his drink and gulping it down. 'Oh wait, you pushed me away twice.'
'When you wanted sex? Hyunjin, we had a made up relationship because your sister dictated us into it. I love Jennie for trying so hard to get us together. But that's not how it should work. I want you to ask me out. I want you to take me out on dates. I want us to be a normal couple.' You said, the weight on your heart getting heavier and heavier. 'I want to have sex with you, but I want it to mean something. You won't even talk to me. Tell me one meaningful conversation we've had. Just one. I can't live in the fear of you getting bored with me after I agree to a random fuck with you. No.'
Hyunjin was silent, but his hands trembled. You are silent too, waiting for him to speak. Your eyes fall on his trembling hands and you slip your fingers through his, holding them tight.
He exhaled noisily,  turing to face you completely.
'I'm sorry.' He said. 'I'm sorry for being a pain all my life. I'm sorry for saying that no one would want you...its not true, because you're amazing, Y/N. I've loved you since we were kids. Then we kiss at that party, you push me away and you ignore me and pretend like nothing ever happened - it broke my heart. You should understand that nothing I have with you is ever meaningless. I would never fuck you and leave you. I could never. Because I love you too much for all that.'
You squeeze his hand as he struggles to speak.
'My mother is, well, she's unbearable. I didn't want her to harass you any more than she already did. I teased you and stayed away all those years ago, only because I didn't have it in me to drag you into any shit with my mother. Then we moved, and I started seeing you all the time. I hoped I could finally get somewhere with you. But every time we spoke, it ended in a fight.' He said, shaking his head. 'I started to believe that you're too good for me. You deserve better. Someone like Chris. And it made me so angry.'
You had never seen this much honesty from Hyunjin. His thumb rubbed soft circles on your hand, and it relaxed you.
'I have loved you since I was what, seven?' He said with a chuckle and it made you laugh, a tear rolling down your face. 'I will wait. For however long it takes. 'Coz I want you.'
'I think I have waited for this long enough.' You say,  and lean forward, placing a soft peck on his lips.
Hyunjin gave you the brightest smile ever, scooting closer and placing a hand on your cheek, kissing you. His lips moved softly with yours, and you could taste the alcohol in his mouth.
Pulling back a bit, you speak against his lips, 'Are you drunk, Hyunjin?'
'I had one drink, Y/N.' He said. 'Good enough to remember this for tomorrow.'
Getting off his chair and dragging you along, he walked towards the exit.
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Jennie, Lisa and Changbin stood watching you kiss Hyunjin.
'Yes!' Jennie said, pumping her fist in the air. 'Finally!!'
She kissed Changbin in happiness and Lisa grinned at the two.
'I hope our work here is done. I'd rather murder them both than try to get them together. Again.' Lisa said, shaking her head.
Jennie laughed happily.
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You close your eyes, melting as Hyunjin's lips placed open mouthed kisses along your neck. Both of your lips were swollen from kissing and a few pink marks were starting to show up on your neck.
'I love you, baby.' He whispered, his sweet voice sending shivers down your spine.
'I love you too.' You managed to reply, only to have him capture your lips with his. His hands gripped at your hips, desperate for some friction. He held you close,  and moaned softly as you moved your hips, almost involuntarily.
'I want you.' Hyunjin said, struggling to control himself. 'I can't hold back anymore.'
'Then don't.' you tell him, cupping his cheeks with your hands.
'Are you sure?'
'Take me home, Jinnie. I want this.'
Letting you climb off his lap, Hyunjin drove you home. His hand remained on your thigh, squeezing gently, like he needed that touch to make sure this was real.
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He had no patience. Scooping you up in his arms, he walked towards your bedroom. Kicking the door shut behind you, he dropped you on the bed carefully,  climbing in behind you.
More kisses, more urgent ones, followed. His hands roamed your body, not missing an inch of it, as you had yours around his neck,  holding him as close as possible. His fingers moved towards the zipper of your dress and he looked at you for permission.
Pressing your lips to his for a small kiss, you give him a smile and nod. His fingers graze your smooth skin as the zipper fell open. Pulling the dress off you, his lips buried themselves in your soft breasts.
Legs intertwined, fingers intertwined, his lips left shades of pink on their wake on the soft flesh of your breasts.
'Jinnie!', you cry.
'Yes, baby' he purred, his thigh pressing against your sensitive core.
'Please -' you whimper.
You were overwhelmed as you watched him strip. This being your first time, you were nervous. You entire body trembled in his arms.
His lips found your hardened nipple, and he sucked on it gently. You moan, your fingers gripping his hair tightly. Back to devouring your lips, his hand moved down, disappearing between your thighs.
You gasp as you feel his fingers graze over your sensitive bud. You hold on tightly as he explored your wet folds, fingers slipping inside you and then surfacing to massage your clit.
You were falling apart. Ragged breaths and soft moans filled the room.
'Baby, can I?' Hyunjin whispered against your ear. You nod slowly. Getting in between your legs, he positioned himself at your entrance. He was so handsome, you were lost in his beauty. And you gasped again as he rubbed the swollen head of his length against your wetness.
'Hyunjin, wait-' you stutter.
'Hmm?' He looked afraid all of a sudden.
'Please go slow...I -'
'Is this...?' He looked concerned, and a bit surprised.
You nod, blushing.
'Its ok, baby. We can stop anytime you want to, ok? Tell me if it hurts too much. And I'll be slow, I promise.' he says, kissing your cheek lovingly.
He kept his promise as he pushed in slowly. It felt so uncomfortable and the stretch was painful. But he kept whispering sweet things to you, asking you to relax. A few tears were shed, as the pain and sting felt way too much. But once in, he waited for you to adjust to him. When you finally nod, allowing him to move, he did ever so gently.
It stung, but the pleasure was beyond words. You were both so giddy with excitement and happiness. Finally.
You lay in his arms, spent and cuddling. Your head rested on his chest, his arms wrapped around your waist. You quickly clean up before falling asleep, wrapped in each other's arms.
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You woke up to the sound of someone knocking on your bedroom door. You try to untangle yourself from Hyunjin, but he didn't let you go.
'Jinnie, it's really late.' You laugh, turning around to face him.
'I don't want to get up. Just wanna cuddle with you forever.' He mumbled.
'Well, you're lucky, 'coz you can do that forever. But let's go get breakfast now, yeah?' You said and he agreed reluctantly. But he pulled you closer and pressed his lips to you before letting you go.
Wearing a sweater that covered most of the hickeys, you step out. Jennie and Changbin gave you teasing grins.
Jennie glanced at the purple bruise on your collarbone that unfortunately wasn't covered by your dress and cleared her throat.
'So-' she began.
'Are we gonna ignore that little-?' Lisa points at the hickey, and you drop the slice of toast you were buttering.
'Lisa!!' Jennie hissed.
Changbin sniggered and raised his eyebrows at Hyunjin who had joined the table. He saw you trying to pull at your sweater and raised his eyebrows.
'Why would you hide it?!' Hyunjin asked, making you blush more.
'Oh my God!' You groan, turning away from him.
'Wow. This would take some getting used to.' Lisa said. 'I think I liked it better when you guys tried to kill each other all the time.'
Hyunjin hugged you from the back, burying his face in the crook of your neck.
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Hyunjin wanted to walk you to class and followed you around like a lovesick child. ALL THE TIME. He stole a kiss or two whenever opportunity presented itself. You think you've never seen him smile so much.
He literally wanted to carry your books for you. The two books you just got from the library. But you thought he was the cutest little bean. Chris saw Hyunjin fussing over you and had the time of his life, laughing. He would never let you forget this. Ever.
Chris: I just saw the funniest thing.
Chris: Oh My God. LOL.
Y/N: Christopher.
Y/N: I saw you staring at us and then rolling on the floor laughing.
Y/N: I thought you'd be on my side.
Chris: I'm sorry. I'm so used to you wanting to strangle him.
Y/N: We didn't even do anything.
Y/N: Stop it. You're doing it again.
Chris: What have you done to Hwang Hyunjin?
Chris: Playboy. Campus bad boy.
Y/N: He's not!
Chris: He's like a puppy rn
Chris: Wtf did you do?!
Y/N: I hate you
Chris: Ok sorry. I'm so happy for you. And puppy.
Chris: 🤣🤣🤣
Y/N: 🙄🙄🙄
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darlingshane · 3 days
hot to go
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Michael Berzatto x F!Reader
Summary: You get some playtime in a hot tub with Michael.
CW: 18+, explicit, smut, heavy petting, making out, smoking weed, crack, pwp.
Word Count: 1.9k
— Links: AO3 // Michael Masterlist.
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There’s certainly something lingering in the air making you shift on your seat. It's not the mild summer breeze. Or the grey clouds scattered across the stark dark sky threatening to break into a storm. Or the romantic vibe of the fairy lights adorning the patio. It’s the man sitting across from you that's stirring something warm and wet between your legs. It's hard to tell because most of your body is submerged in a bubbling hot tub. It could be the effervescent water but no. It's the fact that both of you stripped down to your underwear to get in the tub to get away from the crowd in the cabin.
The music was getting loud, everyone was drinking and having a great time. But it was giving you a headache. So you went outside to the patio and couldn’t resist taking your clothes off and getting into the warm bubbling water.
Michael followed shortly after and asked your permission before removing his clothes and sitting across from you.
No one in the party got the heads-up about the jacuzzi so, here you are soaking wet in your underwear with him. It'd be intimidating if you didn't know him already. He's a friend of a friend you've hung out with a handful of times but never got to talk to him just one on one. You're doing pretty good so far. He's pretty easy to converse with and get a good laugh if you need to.
It’s glaring obvious by the way his eyes have been glued to you the whole night that he’s after something more than talking and doesn’t shy away from showing you. And to be honest, you don’t mind it at all.
You haven’t had much luck lately when it comes to dating so getting someone like Michael’s attention without having to go through the pains of fucking dating apps and shit feels amazing.
Though he doesn’t have the best reputation, you’re not looking for a nice guy right now or something profoundly deep.
Fun is the key word here, and he seems to be right on the same wavelength as you.
One of his hands hangs over the edge of the tub, safeguarding his fingers that are holding a joint to keep it safe from the bubbles.
“Can I get a hit of that?” You rarely ever smoke, but you want to touch the same filter his lips have touched.
“There you go, sweetheart.” He holds it up to you as you dry your hand on the towel you left beside the jacuzzi before picking it from his fingers.
“Thanks,” you bring it slowly to your slips to take a drag, trying to keep your cool and not choke on the smoke you inhale.
When you take a second puff, the smoke goes down the wrong pipe, and you start coughing.
So much for keeping it cool.
“Sorry,” you say, handing it back. “I haven’t smoked in a while.”
He waves you off with his free hand as he takes a long drag from his other.
Leaning your head back on the edge of the tub, you watch his hair curling from the humidity as you wave your arms inside the steaming water.
“Can I ask you something?”
“Shoot,” he says as a cloud of smoke exits his mouth.
“What’s the weirdest place you’ve ever done it?”
“Wow, we’re jumping from weed to sex? That’s a pretty big leap.”
“You don’t have to tell me if you don't wanna. I was just making conversation.”
“No, I wanna. I just didn’t see that coming. Let me think…” he pauses, and puts off the joint in the ashtray perched on the corner of the tub. “The weirdest place I’ve ever had sex in was the back of a hearse.”
“The back of a hearse? That’s pretty morbid. Please tell me the other person was alive.”
He chuckles, smoothing a palm over his opposite bicep.
“Of course she was. There was no coffin or anything. It was just us.”
“How did that happen? If you don’t mind me asking”
“I used to work at this body shop when I was younger. One night it got late, and I was left alone fixing this bike. My girlfriend at the time came over to have dinner and thought it’d be funny to make out in the hearse that we got in the garage. What was yours?”
“My weirdest place? An airport bathroom. Just two horny idiots not being able to wait till they got home.”
“It’s not as odd as mine, but it’s close. Is it my turn now to ask?” He extends his arms along the edge of the tub, showcasing his toned muscles.
“Yeah, go for it.”
“Is there a place you never had sex in that you’d like to try?”
“Hm.” You pause to gather an answer, going over a list of places that you always wanted to try but never dared to. But the right answer is right beneath your butt.
“I’ve never had sex in a jacuzzi. I always thought it'd be kind of icky, but I guess some play would be nice. What do you think?”
“Yeah, I think that’d be great,” biting his lip, his eyes cast a darker shadow than the sky as he pegs you with a most certain gaze, conveying what you knew, that he truly is down to get down with you tonight.
“Would you…?” You swallow nervously, moving your foot to caress his calf underwater, “would you like to play right now?”
Nodding his head once, his hands dive into the tub to find your foot. He props your heel on his thigh and softly massages your sole with his thumbs.
“You sure that’s wh––?”
“Yo, Cousin! Where are you?” a loud voice interrupts, and you look back to see Richie emerging behind one of the corners of the cabin to the back patio where the tub sits.
“Shit,” he mumbles as his friend comes closer.
You straighten your posture, but Michael keeps your foot in his grip.
“Where the fuck did you go? Thought we were playing poker. The table is ready, man. Come inside.”
“I have better things to do right now, as you can see,” he gives him a look with a brow raised, but Richie doesn’t take the hint.
“What are you? A fucking fish? C’mon, let’s rob these fools.”
“Richie… I need you to look around, read the room and go back inside. You’re a big boy. Play on your own.”
Richie’s blue eyes dart back and forth between you and Michael until it dawns on him.
“Oh… OH… Okay. Well, have a good time I guess. Just remember you owe me one.” As he walks away he points at Michael with a firm finger.
“Owe you, my ass,” he scoffs, making you chuckle. “Okay, sorry for that. Where were we, sweetheart?”
“Thought you were going to ask me if I was sure of this.”
“Right. Are you sure you wanna do this?”
“Hm, yeah, I’m pretty sure.”
Smiling at each other for a second, he releases your foot, and moves to your side of the tub pulling you onto his lap with one shift motion.
His lips curve up as you settle on top of him, placing your hands on his broad shoulders.
“You’re so damn beautiful, you know that?” He uses a finger to trace the shape of your neck as he takes a good look at you up close.
“Thank you. You’re not so bad yourself.” You glance down to his toned torso, letting your hands slide over his pecs.
“C’mere, sweetheart,” his finger touches your chin, pulling it closer so he can get a taste of your lips.
His puckered mouth bounces softly against yours a couple of times. When his lips part wider, you follow his cue and do the same. Your head leans to the side, letting your tongue explore and figure out the rhythm of his kiss.
It's sweet and steamy. Gradually bubbling hotter than the hot tub’s water as the hunger of your lips quickly becomes more urgent.
Your arms curl around his neck as his palms land on your ass to pull you flush against his hips. He's not fully hard yet, but you can tell he's big when you start grinding against him. Your ass feels weightless underwater when you rock your hips back and forth, but his tight grip helps you stay close to him as he grows harder.
When he runs out of air, he breaks the kiss to get a taste of your sweet skin. His teeth draw the curve of your neck until they reach the strap of your bra. He bites it and tugs to the side to pull it off your shoulder and uncover your chest partially.
His pointer finger finds the strap and slides it further down, peeling one of the cups to fully expose your boob.
Leaving a trail of kisses all over your chest, he cups your tit and lifts it slightly as his head dips so he can draw the shape of your pebbled nipple with the tip of his playful tongue. It makes your core squirm and beg desperately for more when his lips close around the peak to give it a good suck. You almost moan at the sensation, but you press your teeth hard on your bottom lip to keep yourself from screaming.
Bending your arm back, you fumble to unclasp your bra, and slip it off completely as Michael’s mouth travels to the other side of your chest. This time he uses his teeth to tease your nipple for a little longer before viciously sucking it between his eager lips. Your skin buzzes and you have to keep marking your lip to tame the sounds that threaten to come out of your throat.
You don't stop rolling against his dick that has fully swollen into a hard-rock perfection pole for you to rub yourself on as fast as you can to aid the aching between your legs.
When he returns to your mouth, your skin feels like melting into the hot mass of water, as the temperature between your bodies rises.
You can feel he's close by the way his hands clutch to your flesh, coaxing your ass to move even faster. It feels like a time bomb about to go off, and you don't even wanna stop it. You let him devour you with burning passion until his orgasm breaks through the barrier.
You feel his bulge twitch against your clit, and his whole body shakes beneath you. His breath catches in your mouth as he buries a grunt deep inside his throat.
Aware that you haven't gotten your release yet, he keeps one hand anchored to your ass while the other slides between your legs. His fingers sneak under the elastic of your panties to rub your clit without any layers.
“Come for me, sweetheart,” he whispers in your ear as you close your eyes to focus on the maddening circling of his touch.
You hold your hands tight to his neck as he wildly drives you to the final line. You moan under your breath when a tide of pleasure runs warmly all over your body making your toes curl and your head spin.
“There you go,” he purrs, cradling your head, placing it down on his chest.
“Thank you,” you say, breathless, still riding the high of your impromptu affair.
“Likewise, sweetheart.” You gaze at him so see him sweetly drawing a smile.
“Do you… Would you like to go up to my room and play some more?”
Michael doesn't even think twice before getting out of the hot tub and moving the private party upstairs.
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