#he was testing the waters with Angel and it blew up in his face
iwozlegit · 6 months
Incorrect Huskerdust quotes
Husk: Ich liebe dich, Angel
Angel: Woah, you love dick?! I’m so happy for you!
Husk: …
Husk: (through gritted teeth)…yep, any hole is a goal…
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dreamescapeswriting · 9 months
The Baby Blues ~ MYG
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GENRE: established relationships, husband and wife, first time parents, worrying about not being good enough, Yoongi comforting reader with her postpartum depression, helping each other
PAIRING: Yoongi x Fem!Reader
⤜Copyright: © DreamEscapesWriting - January 2024
A/N: I hope that I did this justice for you! Please let me know if I did anything wrong, I’ve never been a parent so i tried to do as much research on this as I could! <3 I love you and I bet you’re the best parent a kid could ever ask for!
TRIGGER WARNING: Mentions of postpartum depression, depression, parenting anxiety, feelings of not being good enough, not connecting
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Water slushed around in the tub as Yoongi picked up some more bubbles and blew them into the air, a gummy smile plastered itself all over your daughter's face and he couldn't help but smile. God, he was so lucky to have you in his life as well as the little angel the two of you had created together. It was hard to believe that she was already three weeks old, it felt like just yesterday that the two of you took the test and found out you were going to be expecting.
"Who's the cutest little baby in the world?" He cooed, his voice slightly higher which was something he'd always teased Namjoon for but now couldn't help but do whenever it came to his own child.
"You are! Yes, you are, yes you are," He cooed as he blew some more bubbles off his hand and watched as they rained down all over your child. All of the worries that Yoongi had experienced before your daughter was born had melted away the second he held her tiny body in his hands. Sure, he was still scared of everything that came with being a parent but some part of him knew that he had this all under control. That no matter what happened he was doing a good job and he was going to be a good dad. 
As soon as you'd heard him in the bathroom you'd slipped out of bed, wrapping yourself up in the warmest dressing gown that you owned and you stood in the door watching him. How was this so easy for him to do?
From the moment that your daughter was born, it was like something had clicked inside of Yoongi and he was the most terrific father you'd met. There was nothing that worried him, he and your daughter clicked with one another and all it seemed to petrify you. While everyone around you seemed to be bonding well with your daughter you couldn't feel it, did that make you a terrible person?
Before your daughter was born you felt ready, you'd studied all there was on babies, you'd been to every single mum class that the hospital offered - sometimes even twice - but as soon as you gave birth all of that went away.
It was replaced with doubts, were you good enough to be a mum? Why weren't you able to connect with your little girl when everyone else seemed to manage it fine. The more you thought about it the worse it got, you found it hard to get out of bed every day, but you did it. Every day you forced yourself out of bed and tried to connect with your little girl, you did everything the books and internet told you but nothing worked.
Whenever she was with you it felt as though she was someone else, that she didn't want to be near you only Yoongi.
"Hey look, it's mummy." Yoongi cooed, interrupting you from your thoughts, as soon as he noticed that you were watching them together. He took hold of your daughter's tiny hand and gently moved it in a waving motion, the small action made your eyes burn and your throat dry up as you stared at them together. The vision of the bathroom began to blur thanks to the tears that were welling up in your eyes and you tried to swallow the lump in your throat but all of a sudden it was as though your throat was the size of a straw.
"I was just giving her a bath and I was going to come and wake you up. We figured mummy needed her rest," He told you but with his back to you, tears began to roll down your cheeks silently as he gently washed your daughter's body making her smile even more. You'd never been able to make her do that, you'd only ever made her cry when you spent time with her.
"Babe?" Yoongi called out, glancing over his shoulder at you to see you sobbing into your hands and he sat there stunned for a second.
"Baby? What's wrong? Did I use the wrong shampoo? I thought I got the right stuff?" He looked down at the bottle and then at your daughter, everything was right or at least he thought it was.
"The temperature was perfect-"
"E-Everything is for you, you do all of this right." You cut him off with a sob and he let out a sigh instantly knowing what this was. A few nights ago he'd heard you get up for the night feed and heard you crying and begging for your daughter to take her food but she wouldn't until he came in and your tears only grew harder that night. Things were finally clicking into place and he let a small smile onto his face,
"You're doing everything so well and I...I-I can't even feed her without you there," Sobs were erupting out of you, everything you'd been holding back all this time was now erupting out of you like a volcano.
Yoongi instantly rinsed off your child, wrapped her up in her small bath dressing gown and made his way over to you. 
"Let's go and sit down." He whispered as he walked with you and your daughter into your shared room, making you sit down on the edge of the bed as you continued to cry.
"I'm such a bad mum-"
"Don't you even finish that sentence," Yoongi grumbled as he gently swayed your daughter in his arms while standing in front of you. He knew that there was not going to be much he could say or do but he was going to be there for you no matter what. And he was also going to knock all of those feelings of doubt straight out of your head.
"I'm a failure as a mother, I can't even hold her without crying...I-I can't connect with her," You whimpered, sniffling a little as Yoongi stopped swaying and stared at you. How could you ever think something like that?
The whole time you'd been pregnant you'd been a rock for a very unsure and nervous Yoongi and now it was his turn to return the favour. Whenever he would get scared you'd remind him how ready the two of you were for this, that no matter what his head was telling you the two of you were going to be great parents.
"Baby, you're an incredible mother," He started but it was quickly met with a scoff from you. How could you be an incredible mother when you couldn't even hold your daughter without feeling nothing but guilt? Or Nothing at all. There was no in-between, there was only guilt or no feelings whatsoever. All you wanted was to hold your daughter and love her because you did, you loved her but there was just nothing there.
It was even getting to the point where you didn't want to hold her because you were so scared that you were going to break her. Everything made you panic, no matter what you did, or how you researched it. Everything was made worse.
"I'm serious, you birthed and created an entire human inside of you, don't you dare say that." He kneeled down in front of you, your eyes landed on your child who was staring up at you with her big eyes and you swallowed the lump in your throat. Your daughter was staring at you, you were supposed to feel something, anything, but once again there was nothing there.
"I-I don't feel anything, there's something wrong with me," You whimpered before the tears started to roll all over again and Yoongi looked at you. All he wanted to do was shake you and tell you how amazing you were but he knew it wasn't going to work, he needed to be there for you, emotionally and physically.
"There's nothing wrong with you, this is normal. Plenty of women go through this," It was true, you'd done your research on it but it didn't make it any easier to accept.
"Look out our baby, she's here with us and she's incredible because of you," He gently poked your arm making you smile weakly, 
"You gave her such a good home inside of your body and now here too. You're already an incredible mother for growing her inside of your body, for being able to create such a beautiful person." You nodded a little, doing your best to listen to him,
"Why don't you try talking to her? She loves it when we talk to her...She understands you," He tilted himself a little so you could see your daughter's face more,
"She loves it when you talk about everything. She listened to me talk about work the other morning," He chuckled weakly and you nodded a little, sitting up straight and nervously playing with the sleeves of your shirt. 
Why did this feel so hard for you when everyone else seemed to be a master at it? Talking to kids seemed so easy but when it came down to it, you had no idea what to do or what to say.
"Hey baby," You whispered a little, running your thumb gently over her chubby cheeks as she showed off her gums with a smile.
"S-She's smiling!" You whisper yelled excitedly to your husband who couldn't fight the tears in his eyes from seeing you so excited,
"You know, your dad used to run me baths like that," As soon as you started talking to her the words were flowing out of you. All doubts of not being able to talk to her were being melted away the more you spoke and Yoongi couldn't have been happier.
"I have to pee, can you hold her?" Yoongi questioned, he didn't actually need to go but he needed an excuse to get you to hold your child - at least for a minute or two,
"What? N-No. What if I do it wrong? We should put her in her crib," You rushed out, doubt creeping its way back into you as though it was a grey cloud on a bright day,
"Then we'll get her dressed together," Yoongi stated as he stood up, you quickly followed him toward the nursery with your eyes tracked onto your daughter.
"What if I hurt her?" Your voice began shaking as he gently laid your daughter down on the changing table and you looked down at her, she looked so happy and peaceful. Like a little doll, you almost didn't want to touch her in case she broke from a small touch.
"You won't," Yoongi reassured you, gently rubbing your back softly as he watched you anxiously staring at your daughter. 
You hadn't gotten your daughter dressed since the first day in the hospital, you'd always asked Yoongi to do it - or one of the boys if they were around because you'd been so scared to touch her but he was going to help you.
"But, all of the forums are different on how to change your baby. They all say you should do it in different ways, which is the right one?" Your eyes shot over to Yoongi as he took some clothes out of the wardrobe and laid them down next to your girl. It was a pyjama set you'd picked out when you first found out you were pregnant, there were little Shooky's all over them and you knew you'd needed them for her,
"T-Then your mum said something different than mine, what if they're both wrong?" Yoongi smiled weakly, it didn't matter what people online said, what doctors or trained professionals said there was always going to be someone with a differentiating opinion on the matter and no person was ever right or wrong about it.
"Everyone tells us what to do...W-What not to do, what if I'm doing it all wrong?" Without realising it you were already drying off your little girl and applying some baby powder to her, it was like your body was working automatically without your mind catching up.
"Baby, even if you got it all perfect there's going to be people who don't agree with the way you do it." Yoongi rubbed your arms gently as you stared down at the clothes in your hand, you nodded a little and took in a deep breath.
This was nothing, you used to change your cousin's clothes all of the time with no problems so this was going to be a walk in the park,
"You're a great mother, the best I know. Remember all that research we did. All of those classes and you were always on top of it all," Yoongi spoke as you carefully - very carefully - changed your daughter for the second time in her life. 
"There's no one better for this job than you baby," As soon as your angel was dressed you stared down at her,
"Pick her up,"
"I can't," Yoongi nodded his head, he wasn't going to push you too far tonight,
"I'm proud of you," He whispered, kissing your cheek softly before gently scooping up his little girl and walking her over to her crib, while he laid her down you gently wound up the mobile that the boys had made for her. All of the toys that were hanging from it were all BT21 members - the mini versions - and your daughter was the only girl in the world to have one of these.
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"I text the boys, they're going to watch her tomorrow for us," Yoongi stated as he gently used the sponge to rub body wash into your back. The two of you were sitting inside your huge bathtub, candles surrounding you with soft music playing in the background. The baby monitor was pointed so that the two of you could easily see your daughter and it was relaxing. Watching her sleep was helping your body relax and it wasn't just you that was noticing it,
"What? Why?" You shifted in place, craning your neck to look at your husband who smiled at you. It was like he was looking at a different person than he was an hour ago, your bags were still there but there was a sparkle in your eyes that wasn't there before,
"Because you need a little time and I'm going to help you," He smiled, rinsing off the soap suds from your body and then putting the sponge away, leaning you back so that you were laid against his chest and he could feel you close to him.
"She will be fine, and when she's back I'm going to try something with you both." You arched an eyebrow at what he had in store for you and he gently ran his fingers up and down your skin,
"We're going to go back to basics, hospital basics, skin to skin with her." You remembered having to do that for the first few days of being in the hospital, she was laid against your bare chest and it was one of the times you'd felt closest to her.
"We'll keep talking to her, spending more time with her together and then when you're ready, you'll do it alone." The thought of doing it with Yoongi was calming but alone? Dread was already worming its way inside of your chest,
"How will I know if I'm ready?" Your voice cracked a little but Yoongi smiled rubbing your cheek with his thumb. You were ready, you just didn't know it or see it yet.
"You already are, we just need to remind you of it." He whispered before gently kissing the top of your head.
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"Yn," Yoongi groaned as he rolled over in the bed, feeling around in the sheets to try and find you but you weren't there. In a second he sat up in the bed looking around for you and then to the bedside crib for his daughter but it was empty.
"YN?!" He called out louder, getting up and running into the bathroom but there was no sign of you in there and he sprinted across the hall to the nursery. The door slowly crept open and he let out a breath finding you on the rocking chair gently rocking your daughter back to sleep,
"She started fussing so I took her away so we wouldn't wake you," You told him as he made his way toward you. It had almost been a week since the two of you started working on your relationship with your daughter, having her sleep in a crib beside you had been a massive help.
"You did it alone." He whispered proudly of you as you glanced up at him with a giant grin on your face, you knew that there would have been no way you could have done this without Yoongi by your side and everyday you were grateful to have him.
"I had a great teacher," He blushed, leaning down and kissing you softly. He couldn't have been any prouder than he was right now.
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chestcongestion · 6 months
Powder and Ice: Ha//zbin Ho/tel
Warnings/ Content Tags: Mess, Mentions of Addiction and Drug Use
Word Count: 3,813
This one got away from me plot-wise, was working on a fic with a more stubborn/ in denial An/gel for a Hus/ker/dust fic, and then it inched closer to a study on An/gel and Che/rri's relationship after he starts making an effort to stay clean. I still like it, but I think I'll try another Hus/ker/dust fic later if I get some other ideas. Enjoy! ^^
It was a rainy Saturday evening, and Husk was polishing glasses when the double doors to the hotel swung open and a pair of long, thin, fishnet-clad legs sauntered their way inside. 
Setting down the martini glass he’d been cleaning, Husk gently wiggled his fluffy ears and attempted to suppress his smile as Angel approached the bar and sat down on a stool. 
“You’re back early,” Husk said, analyzing Angel’s expression and pondering whether or not he should pour the spider a drink. 
“Shoot ended early,” Angel replied, fighting back a slight shiver as the air conditioning above the bar blew over him, sending a chill down his spine and blasting frigid air onto his damp fur, “snff!” 
Husk noticed Angel’s vibrating shoulders and shot him a look of concern, sliding a bellini across the bar before going back to polishing glasses, “You alright?” he asked, testing the waters. 
“Mhm… I’m fine,” Angel replied, taking a sip of his drink and licking his lips, the bubbly prosecco hitting his nostrils, “H-hahh…Hhh… HNK-Ksshh! Hh-kxhht!” 
Husk’s ears twitched, “Bless you,” he said, still focusing on the martini glasses. 
Angel flushed briefly from embarrassment, wanting desperately to dab at his nostrils with a tissue as he felt his ‘nose’ threatening to run, but holding off, just letting it itch, and itch, and itch, “Oh, th-thanks,” he replied, “Hh! H-hihh…HnK-! Hh’Ddtsh! Hhnk’kxhht!” 
“Bless you,” Husk said, raising a fluffy eyebrow as he put away the last martini glass and popped open a bottle of vodka he kept under the counter, taking two swigs and setting it back down, “Snow day?” 
Angel shook his head. To help keep him on track while he weaned his body off of cocaine and PCP, Husk only used euphemisms and coded language to ask Angel if a shoot or particular day had been difficult enough to make him use again. So far, the system was an incredible success, and Angel had been completely clean for 4 months and counting. 
“Nuh-uh… snff!... I think it’s just the drink- Hh’Ddtshh!- bubbly always mbakes mby ndose itch… SnFF!” Angel replied, scrubbing away at his face, ice cold rainwater still dripping from his pristine white fur, threatening to crystallize under the harsh air conditioning, “H-hahhh…Hah’KsShew!” 
Husk rolled his eyes, “I never would’ve guessed… surprised you didn’t get this sensitive after chuggin’ a bottle of champagne with me that one time,” he said, drumming his fingertips against the countertop. 
“I think it’s just… snff!... more sensitive now that I’m not usin’ anymore,” Angel said, his face contorting and twitching as he tried desperately to keep from sneezing again. 
“You know what I think?” Husk asked. 
“What? That lookin’ all dewy and shiny from the rain makes me look cute?” Angel asked, leaning forward and fluffing out his furry pompadour, causing a mist of rain droplets to hit the air, glistening as they reflected the ceiling lights, “Hh!...Ha-Ah’tSshiew!” 
“That you’re gettin’ a cold,” Husk replied. 
“What? Nahh, I’m fine… I-ihh…I’m fine,” Angel said, rummaging through his pockets until he pulled out a napkin, holding it up to his ‘nose’ and letting loose, “Hihh-Ah’TsShew! H-hiIhh’TsShhew!” 
“Mhm, sure,” 
“Oh fuck off- snff!- maybe I’m allergic to you, Furball,” Angel scoffed, poking Husk’s nose. 
“Whatever helps you sleep at night, Angel,” Husk replied, wiping off the whiskey glasses and smirking at Angel’s scowling expression.
Suddenly, the two men jumped at the sound of an energetic Cherri Bomb bursting into the parlor, covered in glowstick jewelry and wearing a scrunchie as a garter. 
“Angie! There’s a new joint opening up at the border, you should totally come with me, it’ll be fun!” Cherri said, reaching out and grabbing Angel’s hands, batting her eyelashes at him in an attempt at persuasion. 
“Sure, just lemme change first,” Angel said, shooting Cherri a half-smile as he wandered upstairs and came back down in a tube top, hot pants, and knee-high boots to replace his usual thigh-highs, “There we go- snff!- perfect.” 
“Yea! There we go, lookin’ just like old times, let’s hit the road!” Cherri cheered, pumping her fist in the air as she tugged at the neckline of her shirt and moved a piece of her hair out of her face. 
Angel inched back over to the bar, leaning against the counter and looking at Husk with pleading eyes, “Wanna come with? I could use the company,” he whispered, ignoring his watery sniffles that he seemed to punctuate each sentence with, dabbing at his nostrils with the napkin again. 
“Sure, why not,” Husk said with a sigh, tidying up everything behind the bar and pocketing a flask before mentally preparing himself to join the pair of party animals for their night out. 
“Hey, hey, this isn’t a trip to the old folks home, FancyFeast, if you’re gonna tag along you’ve gotta be cool,” Cherri scoffed, folding her arms in a manner that was more petulant than intimidating. 
“I can be cool… I’m only goin’ for Angel anyways, relax,” Husk said, stretching his arms out over his head and sticking close to Angel as the trio headed out the door- Charlie and Vaggie were on a brief trip to the Gluttony ring and would be back in a couple of days, leaving Alastor in charge, although he was also missing in action. 
“Whateva’ ,” Cherri said with a scowl, refusing to look at Husk as they traversed to the outskirts of Pentagram City in what was now pouring rain. 
Cherri and Husk were just short enough to get by sheltering themselves from the downpour with the awnings of buildings, while Angel was forced to get hopelessly soaked, his mascara and eyeliner smearing and running down the fur on his face. 
“Y’know… we aren’t that far from the hotel, we could just turn back,” Husk offered, raising his voice slightly so that the sound carried over the loud percussion of raindrops against the ground. 
“N-no way, I’b fide… I-I’ll dry off whe’d we get there…Snff- Snff!” Angel replied, his voice slightly croaky from struggling to talk over the rain with an already scratchy throat. 
Husk frowned, and inched closer to Angel while still under the safety of the awning, opening his mouth to attempt reasoning with him, only for a massive truck to whizz past, rolling their chunky tires through a deep puddle that was flooding the road, spraying Angel aggressively until he was absolutely waterlogged, his hair limp and his skimpy top threatening to slide off of his drenched chest fluff. 
“Hh-Hihh’Tsschhew! Hi-Ihh’kSsHEW!” Angel sneezed, spraying into the air before swiping at his nostrils with a damp, pitiful sniffle. 
Husk sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose as the group approached the club, a dingy neon sign reading ‘The Closed Freezer’ hanging in front of the brick building as obnoxious dubstep leaked out from under the steel-plated impact doors like smoke. 
“You ready to get fucked up, Angie?!” Cherri asked, gently shaking Angel’s shoulders and grinning at him with a fierce look in her eye, bouncing on her heels. 
Angel quietly dragged the heel of his wrist across his face with another congested sniffle, “Mhmm… this is gonna be fun…Hh’ktshew! ‘Scuse mbe…” he replied, waiting until Cherri wasn’t paying attention to discreetly clear his scratchy throat. 
Cherri swung the industrial doors open and a blast of freezing cold air hit Angel and Husk like a tidal wave, frost clinging to Angel’s wet fur almost immediately as they stepped inside. 
The Closed Freezer was a more literal name than Husk had previously thought, as the entire building was covered ceiling-to-floor with slippery, skin-numbing ice crystals, with chunky climate control units blasting freezing cold air into the room constantly. Husk exhaled, and watched as his breath instantly turned to fog against the frigid, dry air. 
“H-holy sh-shit,” Angel stammered, his teeth almost immediately beginning to chatter as his thin layer of drenched white fur froze over, his movements slightly stiff as ice crystals broke and reformed every time he took a step or readjusted his arms… or blinked, “H-Hi-ihh’Tshhhew! ‘KsShiiew!” 
Husk looked at the thin layer of ice that was coating Angel’s clothing like a protective lacquer and bit his tongue, “You sure you wanna do this?” he asked, wrapping one of his wings around Angel briefly in a futile attempt to warm him up. 
“Y-yes… I’b f-fide… I-ihh’tshhew!” Angel replied in a hushed tone, his sinuses leaking a stream of half-frozen mess down his face, which he struggled to wipe up with his jittery hands and chattering teeth. Once his face was clean, Angel turned away from Husk to cover a sharp, dry, almost barking cough. 
“C’mon Ange, you’ll warm up in no time once you’ve gotten pumped, you know what it’s time for, Bitch!” Cherri coaxed, holding up a plastic sandwich bag of white powder and dangling it in front of Angel’s face, gesturing toward the bathroom with her head. 
Angel bit his lip, taking a step back and fiddling with his freezer-burnt fingers, “No,” he said firmly before blowing into his hands in an attempt to warm up his freezing digits, “I’b ndot doin’ that, Cherri.” 
“Don’t be a fuckin’ buzzkill, A.D., we’re here to have fun, you can repent or whateva’ afterwards!” Cherri urged, grabbing Angel’s wrist and preparing to drag him. 
“I s-said. No.” Angel replied with a huff, yanking his hand out of Cherri’s grasp, still shivering violently, “I can have fun w-wit’out gettin’ fucked up… sNFF!... if you wanna get high, th-that’s your business, m-more power to ‘ya, but I don’t.” 
Cherri frowned for a moment, looking away from Angel in embarrassment, before regaining her spark, “Alright, fine, that’s… that’s cool, I’ll just trip hard enough for the both of us! Yeah!” she cheered, vanishing into the bathroom. 
Now alone, Husk turned to face Angel, a proud smile on his face, “That was good… Charlie would say that was ‘a healthy way to stand firm on your boundaries with a friend’,” he said, patting Angel on the small of his back. 
“I’m proud of myself,” Angel replied, turning to cover another harsh cough, the desperate barks were beginning to sound… croup-y against the stale and frosty air. 
“Angel…” Husk said, his voice probing as he folded his arms and shot the spider a knowing look. 
“What? I-ihh’tsShew! Ih’KShhew!” Angel sneezed, wiping away more half-frozen mucus with a napkin, silently thankful that nothing was smearing on his already mascara-stained face. 
“You got drenched on the walk over here and we’re literally in a repurposed meat locker… and, whether you are ready to admit it or not, you have a cold,” Husk said plainly, quietly moving his tail out of the way of a dancing drunk couple. 
“I don’t have a…a-ahh… Ii-Ahh’kTsShEW! Hh’kShew! Hnk’TsSchew!” Angel argued, letting loose a watery sniffle as his sinuses began to leak, and looking pitifully at his crumpled-up napkin. 
Husk pulled a travel package of tissues out of his pocket, waving them teasingly in Angel’s reach, a playful smirk on his face when he pulled them away as Angel reached for them, “Nope, nuh-uh,” he teased. 
“Th-that ain’t fair, Husk… SnFF!... Mby ndose is runnin’, this is embarrassin’,” Angel pleaded, holding a hand over his face to hide the trickle of mess from view.
“What, you allergic to ice now?” Husk scoffed. 
“Husk, baby, pleeease?” Angel begged, his scratchy voice cracking on the ‘please’, turning into another barking cough that seemed to suck the life out of his eyes as he visibly drooped upon catching his breath. 
“If you’re not sick, I don’t see why you’d need these, that napkin ought to work just fine,” Husk said, staring at Angel with a knowing look in his dark eyes, “Go on… you want ‘em so badly, don’t you?” 
“SnFF! Snff-snFF!” Angel sniffled pitifully, his sinuses still hopelessly dripping, his gloves damp with warm mess as he struggled to keep his composure, “Hi-Ihh’DdtsShheww! Hih’TsscHEW!” 
“C’mon Angel,” Husk teased, “Admit it, and they’re yours.” 
“F-fide! I cad’t take it- Ihh’KTsShEW!” Angel cried, “I’ve got a cold, you win, can I have the tissues now? Please?” 
“Christ, Angel- here,” Husk said with a nervous chuckle, watching as Angel desperately blew his ‘nose’ until a tissue was completely soaked, cloudy yellow-ish mess rattling in his sinuses with each sniffle, “We should go home… you sound like you’re gettin’ worse.” 
“I’b fide… SnFF! SnRkk! Fine! I’m…f-fine,” Angel argued, swallowing harshly and ignoring the throbbing sensation from his sore throat, “Besides… freezin’ stuff is a good way to kill germs, ain’t it?” 
“Yes, when they aren’t already inside you, once that happens, shivering and sniffling in a furnished freezer full of loud drunks is just a good way to get bronchitis,” Husk said, looking away sheepishly as though he was speaking from experience. 
Angel pouted, “I can take care of mbyself… snff!...IhH’TsShiew!” he insisted, tugging at his frost-covered tube top with numb fingers, muffling a hoarse, scratchy cough with his fist. 
“Mhm, ‘cause takin’ care of yourself is going out in the rain showin’ this much skin when you were already gettin’ sick,” Husk said, gesturing to Angel’s skimpy outfit, watching Angel struggle to stop trembling from the cold, “Healthy, smart decisions.” 
“Oh fuck off, SnFF!- I don’t need you to lecture me-ee… Ihh… Ihh’KTSHHEW!” Angel replied, swiping at his ‘nose’ with his thumb to alleviate the obnoxious itch. 
“Y’know, your pal hasn’t come back from the bathroom in a while… this happen often?” Husk asked, raising an eyebrow as Angel let out another pitiful-sounding sniffle. 
“Sorta… she’d get lost in the moment, havin’ her fun and sometimes she’d forget about me- SnFF!- it’s fine, I’m used to it,” Angel said, his hoarse voice struggling not to crack as he fought to be heard over the loud music. 
Husk frowned, but said nothing. 
Two hours went by in a long, frosty blur. By the time the second hour passed, Husk found himself feeling slightly jittery and out-of-sorts as the piercing cold of the nightclub finally managed to hit his skin through his dense forest of fur. 
After a few minutes of pressure and pleading, Cherri had finally pulled Angel out onto the dance floor, and the two had been dancing for a while. 
Cherri hopped and bounced, pumping her fists in the air and flipping her massive mane of blonde locks excitedly; on the other hand, Angel waned, occasionally swaying his head to the oppressively loud thumping of the music, but mostly just trying to stay on his own two feet. 
Husk perked  up from his parking space at the bar when he felt a pair of ice cold, shaking hands rest on his shoulders, smelling Angel’s fragrant rose perfume from behind, “I’m not dancin’ with you… this kind of music ain’t my style,” he said firmly. 
“Don’t wanna dance…SnfF!” Angel replied, leaning forward so that more of his body weight was being pressed against Husk’s back and shoulders, “H-hihh… HiIh’DdtSshiew! I wanna go home.” 
“Hmph, now you’re ready to go? Bored of the music?” Husk scoffed, raising an eyebrow at Angel with a particular ‘I told you so’ look on his face. 
“No… No you were right- snff!- I ain’t feelin’ good,” Angel said weakly, covering a throaty cough with his arm. 
Husk noticed Angel’s trembling legs and his dazed expression, reaching a hand out to feel Angel’s cheek, chewing on his tongue when he felt heat radiating from Angel’s skin in spite of the bitter chill hanging through the nightclub. 
“Alright, let’s go,” Husk beckoned, holding Angel’s hand and gently tugging him along, only for Angel to stop in his tracks, refusing to budge, “Angel, c’mon.” 
“Wait… I wanna wait for Cherri,” Angel muttered. 
“Oh for fuck’s sake- Cherri!” Husk hollered into the crowd, folding his arms when a heavily-inebriated Cherri Bomb spun out of the intense crowd on the dance floor to meet them at the bar, “C’mon, we’re goin’ home.” 
“Oh please, this Heaven bullshit might be worth tryin’, but it in’t worth turnin’ into a square over, y’can’t force Angie to give up everythin’ that makes him happy over it,” Cherri argued, her slurred speech and wandering eye making Husk roll his eyes as she reached for Angel’s wrist, “C-C’mon Ange, let’s fuckin’ dance!” 
Angel pulled his hand away from Cherri’s grasp- not necessarily out of malice, but because he quickly held it up to his mouth to cover another croupy, barking cough. 
Struggling to catch his breath after his coughing fit, Angel clutched his chest and took a ragged inhale through clenched teeth, feeling the cold air burning his throat and shocking his sensitive lungs on its way in. The climate control was blasting in such harsh jet streams of ice-cold air that the oxygen felt thin, like the stagnant air near the top of a mountain. 
“SnrRk! He’s ndot mbaki’d mbe do a’dythi’g… Snrkk! I… Iiihh.. Hih’KsschEW! Hih’DdtSchhiew!” Angel said sharply, blowing his nose into the last of his tissues and leaning against Husk for support, still shivering. 
“Pshh, y’don’t have to pretend for the cat, Ange, I know you, we’ve still got all night to tear it up!” Cherri cheered, swatting Angel on the back, the blow to his sensitive chest making him cough. 
Cherri chuckled at the sight until a minute passed and Angel was still coughing, desperately wheezing for air whenever his lungs allowed him a quick break. Angel coughed, and coughed, and coughed. 
“Angie?” Cherri asked, reaching out to rub Angel’s shoulder, only for him to be yanked out of reach, with Husk dragging him to the exit by his waist, “H-hey!” 
“I’m takin’ him home, with or without you,” Husk spat back in Cherri’s direction, desperately rubbing Angel’s back as they moved. 
Cherri felt knots in her stomach, turning back to look at the hyped up energy of the dance floor, before refocusing her gaze on the club’s entrance and exit, the conflict and panic sobering her up just a bit, “Fuck it,” she muttered to herself, pulling off her heels- the last thing she wanted was to shatter her ankle from slipping on the icy floor- and running out the door back into the rain. 
It didn’t take long for Cherri to find Husk and Angel, Angel quickly grew lightheaded and exhausted by the end of his coughing fit, and dropped to his knees a few paces away from the club’s entrance. 
“Angie?” Cherri asked again, sitting down next to Angel’s desperately panting form, watching her friend’s chest rise and fall drastically. “What happened?” Cherri asked, turning to Husk for answers as Angel struggled to catch his breath. 
“Exactly what the fuck I said was gonna happen, he spent over two hours dickin’ around in a giant freezer while soaking wet when he was already sick, and now his lungs are kickin’ his ass for it,” Husk scoffed. 
“I’m-” Angel paused to cough again, finally getting some air in his lungs to the point where he could relax his shoulders and support his weight without leaning to hold himself up, “-I’m fine… Snrkk!- it was just so cold in there, the air was blowin’ so hard, I was fine for a while and then suddenly I couldn’t breathe.” 
“You okay?” Cherri asked. 
“Ndot really-” Angel said with a sniffle, “I…I shouldn’t have come out tonight- snFF!- I was already sick and this just mbade it worse.” 
Husk bit back the urge to smirk. 
“Why’d you agree to come?” Cherri asked, “Y’ could’ve told me, bitch, I’d have gone alone and brought y’ along some other time.” 
“I’ve been turnin’ ya down a lot… Ihh’Ddtshhew!, didn’t want ya to think I didn’t wanna hang anymore just ‘cause I got clean,” Angel admitted, coughing slightly as he rubbed his chest, “It’s just that hangin’ out can be… a lot, even when I don’t feel like shit.” 
Cherri, now far more cemented in her right mind, looked back on some of her behavior from the night and rested a hand on her best friend’s thigh, “Sorry Ange,” she said, just loud enough to be heard over the rain, “Still gettin’ used to the new you… I’m tryin’, I promise.” 
Angel rolled his eyes, “h-Hihh’Ddtshhew! Ih’DdtSsHEW! I’b ndot that different, Cherri… I would’ve been happy to hang out wit’ ya if I wasn’t… Hih’DdtSHHEW!... sick,” he explained, “Mbe bein’ clean doesn’t- Snff!- mean I don’t wanna have fun anymore.” 
Cherri smiled, slowly rising to her feet and pulling Angel up after her, “C’mon, let’s go home,” she said. 
“I-Ihh’KtSschew!” Angel sneezed, dragging the heel of his palm under his nostrils, “Uch, I’m outta tissues.” 
Cherri fished around in her pockets, pulling out a beige square of cloth and handing it to Angel, “I usually keep these around to make molotovs, but you can use it as a snot rag tonight,” she said. 
Angel wiped his face off, slightly embarrassed, but choosing not to be too headstrong about it, “Thanks,” he mumbled, beginning to sound hopelessly stuffy as he blew his ‘nose’ into the cloth. 
Upon arriving back at the hotel, Angel was practically dead on his feet, soaking wet from the rain for a second time, and struggling to find a dry spot on his damp makeshift-handkerchief that he could use. 
“hHihh… Hi-ihh’ktschhiew! Ih’KtsSchew!” Angel sneezed. 
“Bless you,” Husk sighed, “I’m gonna go root through the medicine cabinets to see if we’ve got any cold medicine while you take a hot shower and get changed.”
“Mkay,” Angel replied, too exhausted to argue or attempt to challenge the passive demand, “I-ihh’KTsSchhew!” 
“Oh wait, Angie!” Cherri called out, pulling a plastic bag out of her pockets that was filled with what looked like rock salt, “Here-” 
“Cherri… what the-” 
“No, relax! It’s bath salts… they’re uhh… Eucalyptus and lavender,” Cherri offered, “If you put ‘em on the floor of the shower, the steam helps a ton… that’s not why I have ‘em, but you can still use ‘em that way!” 
Angel smiled, hugging the bag to his chest, “Thanks Cherri,” he replied, nervously rubbing the back of his head, “Once I’m outta the shower… you wanna watch a movie?” 
Cherri smiled, twirling a strand of her blonde hair around with her index finger, “Fuck yea,” she replied, resisting the urge to eagerly shake Angel by his shoulders, “See ya when you get outta the shower, dickhead!” 
Angel nodded, shooting Cherri a curt wave, and turning to head upstairs for an all-too-necessary hot shower and a warm pair of pajamas. Halfway up the steps, Angel paused, fanning in front of his face as an itch built in his sinuses. 
“What’s he doin’?” Cherri asked Husk in a hushed tone, watching Angel remain frozen on the steps, “Should I go ask him what’s wrong?” 
Husk shook his head, counting down the seconds with his claws, “Nahhh, watch this- in three… two… one-” 
“That was it,” Husk whispered to Cherri, snickering as Angel disappeared up the steps.
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sublieu · 2 years
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synopsis: You'd look so pretty sitting on my thighs, angel. Would it affect you if I started to bounce it? Get all shy and embarrassed cause it feels good, doesn't it? Go ahead, use my thigh to get off while I sit and watch you become a whiny mess
references: ⚉ ⚆ ⚇
word count:
cont.warning: Manipulation, coercion, dubcon/noncon, cheating whilst married, revenge sex, most lap fucking
mutuals/friends: @mortal-mayhem @zmzsnakes
recommended music: Don't by Bryson Tiller
×- Narinder (The One Who Waits) using you as his outlet for being power hungry after he was forced to become a lowly cult member If he can't control them, he'll have to control you, instead. -@mortal-mayhem
┆"All creations/edits belong to ©𝐒𝐮𝐛𝐥𝐢𝐞𝐮 𝟐𝟎𝟐𝟑; 𝐀𝐥𝐥 𝐑𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭𝐬 𝐑𝐞𝐬𝐞𝐫𝐯𝐞𝐝"┆
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Narinder always loathed being a feeble cat under the lamb's rules, watching as the followers that originally belonged to him love and adore his once apprentice. Getting up to go to his tent before bumping into you.
"Oh! my apologies Narinder, here! take a cookie as an apology!"
You gifted to the frowning god with one of your recently baked cookies from the basket, only a few of the warm treats were laid out on the ground, essentially spoiling them. With him staring at the cookie in his hand before taking a small bite, his mouth watering the more he ate till it was completely gone; Having you chuckle and hand him another before petting his head and walking off to your leader to hand him a cookie as well.
As much as Narvinder hated admitting, he just can't help when you act so kindly towards him especially. Getting a hard-on and running off before anyone could spot him to finish his business.
The next day arrived, Lambert was heading off to run some errands and bring gifts to his married and followers, gifting him perfect enough time to engage in his plan as he's been training his magic in secret; Immediately running off to test it out on you.
He enters your hut to spot you taking off your clothes and getting ready for bed, drying off your fur before turning around and seeing him in your doorway.
"Hi Narv! Uh, what brings you here? I'm kinda busy doing something..."
You trail off when seeing him enter and lock your door, worry evident on your face as you tie your towel and back away from him before the candle blew out, hearing his footsteps quicken as you attempt to see in the dark to evade him; Until the lights came back on with him standing above you and you on the floor, your towel untied and showing your naked body to the cat.
"N-narinder... why are you-" Your voice stop as he stares into your eyes, his red and black eyes hypnotizing you, as if he's lulling you to sleep with just his eyes alone.
"Y/n? can you hear me?" "uh..huh?" you hazily reply to his question, your eyes changing color to copy his own as he responds further. Your body going limp and leaning onto the wooden boards of your hut for support. With you paying attention to him by his claws gently holding your chin.
"You are my servant, however, we have a certain lamb that thinks he's our leader. Follow his rules and act normal around this foolish lump of meat and I will reward you greatly...understood?" He continues as he places a finger on your plump lips before kissing you, making sure it imprints as he watches your eyes form a similar appearance to his before fading to your normal eye color; With you blinking and your null face, you reply by shaking your head before he lifts you up and puts you on your bed.
Before he leaves however, he fixes up your room so it doesn't look like a mess as it was before and locks your door. Making you fall asleep shortly after as the night slowly fades to morning.
You wake up and yawn before scratching your head, entering your bathroom you saw that your eyes were the same color as Narv, even the eye structure as well before rubbing them and seeing them back to normal.
"I must be seeing things.." You mutter and wash your face before entering your shower to freshen up and start the day, already in the fields and helping to pick berries, wheat and placing them in storage until you heard your name being called by the lamb as he ran up to you to give you a gift.
"I see you've been working hard y/n" He coos and holds your cheek in his hand, kissing your forehead as your tail wags with excitement. He was always this kind towards you, even though you never really returned the favor. As he was your beloved husband.
Lambert gifts you a necklace he got from one of his raids, the beautiful piece of jewelry looked rather expensive, possibly enough to buy off a whole eight buckets of meat, which were difficult to come by.
"It's for you, I thought you'd might like it since I found the stone on a raid" He smiles and kisses you sweetly, although you didn't respond, the way how your tail wagged he could tell you were very happy with his gift before going on to preach about another topic. Narvinder showing up behind you and holding your waist.
"What did he give you?" "It's just a necklace." You respond and followed him to his hut, his hand still holding onto your waist before opening the door and guiding you inside; You sit on the bed and await more of his questions as he sat down behind you.
"Did you get any info from him?" "No sadly, all he does is plant and marry off villagers" You'd huff and take off the necklace and cast it aside, Narvinder looks beside him and questions you as to why you took it off. But from the steam blowing out of your nose and your eyes casting away from him, he could read that you were jealous, if not enraged.
"How many times has he done this to you, dear?" He asks and holds onto your waist before kissing your neck, his hand pressed at your abdomen, unsure if he should make a move or not. "More than nine times, and he spends more time with that bitch Amoure." You hissed just by saying that wretched goat's name. He was surprised, and turned on by the fact that you were jealous and enraged with the lamb. Your hatred for him fueled him, gifting him a noticeable amount of energy.
"Tell me how angry Amore makes you." He whispers and watches your face twist from anger, hearing you curse the poor goat and your 'husband' out was supplying him with even more energy as he purrs uncontrollably. But you were too enraged to even process what the hell he was doing before you felt his boner pressing on your back; Turning around and feeling what that poking was before standing up, with Narvinder pulling you back.
"What's the matter angel?" "Narv, I'm married." You mutter and try to get him to let go of you, only for him to turn and put your under him, face to face and seeing his flushed state, with him between your legs.
"When are you going to stop letting him ruin your relationship? It's pretty obvious he doesn't care about you like I do..." He replies softly, his eyes formed into little hearts as he kisses your neck and chest. Leaving you gasping and looking away, with no response to his statement.
"Bu-but-" "Don't make excuses for a measly lamb who can't even be devoted to your marriage as you are to his, He betrayed me too.."
He stops you midsentence, his head pressed against yours and his claws holding on your waist. Staring daggers into your soul to read what excuse you were planning for the lamb, only to be met with your eyes trying to avoid his gaze.
"Use me as a means to get back at him, I promise to treat you ten folds better than that degenerate cult leader ever will" He whispers to your one last time, his pleads finally met as your hands held his cheeks, with him rubbing his face on your hand when you respond with a yes.
He thanks you before kissing you, his hands lifting you up and carry you to his bedhead, letting you sit on his lap as your hands were stuck in his fur before gently pushing him away as the saliva trailed from your lips and onto your chest, with him tearing and ripping off your dress and he lies you back down on his bed again; Going behind him for his pillows to rest your head on as you wrapped your legs around him.
"Want me to try and keep it down?" "No, I want Lambert to hear."
He was left shocked but chuckling in your chest, pulling off your panties and throwing them aside as he took off his cloak, leaving you to trace down his chest to his abdomen before caressing his ribbed cock. His breath hitched in his throat when you pulled it out and started stroking as his ears twitched. Letting him groan pleasurably, as his purrs grew louder.
He traces down to your abdomen with his claw, an imprint on your belly before pulling you up to his crotch. The tip of his cock pressed between your folds as you share another kiss with the demon, questioning whether or not to back out before it became too late; But you were growing sick of his obvious and open flirting, plus he slept with her so you shouldn't even feel bad for doing this.
Narv slowly pushed the tip inside as he hushes you, knowing his size he tries not to hurt you as he gently pushes more in. Only half of the base outside as he kissed away your tears.
"There there my love, you're taking me so well, think you could handle more?"
He ushers as he holds your tummy, you tried to say yes but it only came out in whimpers, hence you shook your head yes, sitting back up and gently pulling you to the hilt before his fur fuzzes up. Narvinder's eyes rolling to the back of his head from the tight fit and thrusting slowly.
The low, wet plapping alongside your moans were the only thing you both were focusing on, alongside his cock pressing at spots you've never felt before with Lambert, feeling even the veins of his dick press at your dark pink walls as you moaned in bliss.
And he was enjoying every bit of the sight, watching you intensely and focusing on your pleasure, his eyes turning back into hearts as he holds you close whilst thrusting deep, hard thrusts in your pussy; Cursing under his breath everytime you suddenly clench around him.
"Why would anyone ever cheat on a pussy like this oh my stars.."
He groans as he lifts up your legs to put on his shoulder, dragging a pillow and putting it under your back to get you more comfortable while he's breeding you; His ears flicked when he heard an all too familiar voice right at his front door, a toothy grin at his lips when he realized another person was there with him. Thrusting to make sure it was loud and wet, feeling your climax coming when the tip went past your cervix and deep inside your womb. Your claws digging into his flesh and your teeth on his shoulder, possibly enough to draw blood.
His fingers rubbed your clit as he thrusts more, feeling his climax coming as well. Cooing at how you greedily basked into this pleasure, holding your head and sitting down fully so you were sitting on his lap. Bouncing on his dick and staring back at him as tears of pleasure run down your cheeks
"Gonna cum for me angel? Wanna leave your imprint on my dick to tell everyone I'm yours?"
He whispers in your ear as he watches his door crack open a little, watching Amoure as he thrusts up into you, your legs giving out after bouncing, muttering his name as he bites down on your neck. Marking you as his as he cums deep inside, with you shortly cumming as well and pushing his cock out of you as it leaks more cum on his sheets; His and your juices dripping from your legs and onto his lap as you relaxed, with him resting you on his bed and kissing your forehead before going outside and seeing her head leave from the door crack. Already expecting Lambert to be outside as he prepared for a earfull.
As you slept, you couldn't help but hear two people arguing outside Narvinder's door, draping on on of the cat's cloak and walking outside to see Amoure on the ground, Narvinder's handprint on her face and him and the Lamb arguing.
"HOW FUCKING DARE YOU SLEEP WITH MY WIFE" "I dunno, a god you not only betrayed, and you were cheating on HER so of course we wanted to get back at you and by the way I smelled your goat slut and SHE HAS AN STD"
Narvinder cusses the lamb before pushing him out of his face, evidently breaking out a fight as Amoure cried. You couldn't help but laugh at her misery before walking up to her and spitting on her face.
"Enjoy fucking Lambert, if you want to sleep in his tent be my fucking guest cause I'm not going back to that man-whore"
You laughed and walked away, taking the necklace he gave you and throwing it on her broken horn and going to the river for a shower. Things are gonna be very different for you from now on, but you couldn't careless.
©𝐒𝐮𝐛𝐥𝐢𝐞𝐮 𝟐𝟎𝟐𝟑; 𝐀𝐥𝐥 𝐑𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭𝐬 𝐑𝐞𝐬𝐞𝐫𝐯𝐞𝐝
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avictimofthejazz · 1 year
Shattered Memories--CaughttheFever/Amy & Face
Getting caught up in explosions was, somewhat unfortunately, part and parcel of being on the A-Team. That was how Face blew out one of his eardrums in Vietnam, an injury that had not quite healed even now. He just never mentioned that part to Hannibal. So, on the surface, getting caught up in the edge of that car exploding should have been a minor thing. The only hitch was that Amy took the brunt of it… but if she went unconscious at all, it was only for a few seconds. The reporter was awake by the time BA and he reached her, and they did a field check for serious injuries right there. She passed the tests just fine… Still, something set uneasily with Face. It had bubbled in the back of his mind while they mopped up the mission. It became a positive roil in the relatively quiet of the van ride home. Murdock had fallen asleep early on, which only gave Face more time to think and observe Amy. He kept noting how she was unusually quiet and reserved, a trait that grew more pronounced at they got closer to LA. At the time he assured himself that it had to be due to the explosion. Anyone would be rattled after an event like that. The team dropped Face off first where he left his Corvette, and he volunteered to drive Amy home. It would never do for any of her nosy neighbors to spot her getting out of the infamous A-Team van, but he had a feeling she was not fit to drive herself home either. Her car could wait at the paper another day or two. Making sure she got into her apartment safely, he drove himself back to his newest scammed property. Scammed, of course, only in the sense that the real owners of the beach condo thought he was a house-sitter on the level instead of a criminal on the run from the military. However, what Doctor Hindriks and his lovely wife did not know would not hurt them, or their six-week European cruise, any. Even at home though, Face could not settle. He fed the Hindriks’s cat, dutifully collected their mail and tucked it through the mail slot in the door of the doctor’s (locked) private office, and attended to a few other chores they had left on their list. He missed the Thursday plant watering, but Saturday was close enough… Part-way through dealing with the plants, the con-artist made a decision. He needed to go check on Amy. Though a rare development, concussion symptoms could be delayed. The more time passed since the explosion, the more Amy had been acting like she had one. If she did, it was dangerous to leave her on her own. Even with Los Angeles evening traffic, Face reached Amy’s apartment in under an hour. Reaching her door, he knocked against it quickly. “Amy? Are you still up? It’s me—Face.” If she was fine, and just tired, he might look like a bit of a fool in the morning. Still, better to look a fool in the daylight, then have her go to sleep and not wake up in the morning at all due to a slow-moving brain injury, and no one there monitoring her.  
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ali-r3n · 2 years
Of Babies, Rock 'N' Roll
Eddie Munson x Female!Reader
Corroded Coffin had taken off. While on their first tour, Eddie and Y/N get some amazing yet nerve wracking news
Fluff, Vomit, Pregnancy
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During Soundcheck, Y/N stood in the wings of the stage as she watched her fiancé with an adoring smile.
As he strummed his guitar, Eddie turned to look at her and gave her a wink. She blew him a kiss before he had to direct his attention to his task.
She felt her stomach turn and bile rise up her throat. She covered her mouth as she turned to run to the bathroom.
Sweat beaded on her skin as she fell to her knees. She bent over the toilet and expelled the contents of her stomach. Her eyes and nose watered at the burn of the acid.
Eddie handed his guitar to someone as he walked off the stage. A large smile on his face as he expected to get a hug and a kiss from h woman he loved.
"Sweetheart," he called.
He frowned with his brows pinched when he couldn't find his wife-to-be.
He stopped a crew member.
"Hey. Have you seen Y/N?"
They nodded and pointed in the direction she ran in. "Yeah. She went that way. I gotta tell ya man, she looked a little green."
"Thank you."
Eddie walked the way he was told and came to the bathroom. He could hear the faint sound of vomiting and gently knocked on the door.
"Just a minute," Y/N called, weakly. Her voice strained.
"Sweetheart, it's me."
"It's not locked, Ed. Come in."
He pushed it open as she flushed the toilet. She stood up and sat on the seat. She gave him a small smile.
"Hi Baby," she greeted, quietly.
He kneeled in front of her and gave her a reassuring grin. He placed a ringed hand on her thigh and messaged her.
"Are you okay, Sweetheart?" he asked.
She nodded and touched her stomach. "Yeah. Just feel a little sick. I think it must've been something I ate."
He nodded. "Why don't we get you some ginger ale and saltines? Then get you settled on the couch in the green room. Sound nice?"
She nodded. "That sounds good."
Her head swam as he helped her to her feet. She closed her eyes and grabbed his sleeveless black shirt.
"Y/N?" His voice sounded far away before she lost consciousness. "Y/N!" he exclaimed as he caught her.
She woke up in a cold, sterile room with Eddie's fingers running through her hair. He leaned in and pressed a kiss to her forehead with a small smile.
"Hi Sweetheart," he greeted.
"Eddie? What happened?"
Just as he opened his mouth to answer, a man in blue scrubs entered the room.
"Hello Ms. Y/L/N. How're you feeling?"
"Thats normal after a fainting spell. I'm sure your fiancée will be able to explain it to you while he run some tests."
One quick conversation and a vile of blood later, the man returned.
"Congratulations, Ms. Y/L/N. You're pregnant."
Y/N looked over at Eddie, whose jaw dropped in shock. Once he processed it, his eyes welled with tears and he covered his mouth.
"I'm going to be a father," he whispered. He looked up at Y/N and cupped her face to lean in and kiss her.
"Thank you."
"You're happy."
"Happy, Sweetheart. I'm ecstatic." He took a seat on the bed next to her. "Are you? Because it’s your body. If you aren't ready for this..."
She nodded and took his hand. "All I want is to marry you and start a family. Looks like we're doing the latter first."
Eddie rested his forehead against hers with a grin. "I love you," he whispered.
"I love you too."
Corroded Coffin Frontman, Eddie Munson walks out of Hospital with Fiancée, Y/N Y/L/N
Eddie Munson Taglist:
@seros-bitch @eddiemunsons-girl @m-i-1-0 @lunar-flwr @winchester-angel @angelbbygrl @madnessismylover @cherrybean1116 @edwardjamesmunson @3ternalreal1ty
@meaganjm @sweetpeapod @eddiemunsonsfavbitch @fangirling-4-ever @zzokks @mattymurdocksbitch @fillechatoyante @luvbug4728 @doll-in-the-walls @ches-86
Stranger Things Taglist:
@valeriiecameron @maruushkka @rainbows-dreams
Stranger Things (Billy excluded) Taglist;
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weixuldo · 2 years
Never Forgotten//
Darth Vader x Reader
Ch 12-Epilogue
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(A/N: so this takes place several years after the events of ch 11 and just fyi, Vader is now Anakin once again and has possession of his old saber. there’s more in the a/n at the end!! but, as always, thank you for being here!)
You and Anakin finally found peace
chapter song: everything stays- adventure time
Warnings: old injuries/ scars, trauma, weapons
Wc: 2489
The cool ocean breeze blew through white curtains that adorned a large bay window. In the summers you enjoyed keeping the windows open, but it did get cold sometimes.
You felt the cold air and nuzzled further into the covers. You peeked an eye open to see the two moons shining brightly over the water.
It was peaceful. 
You closed your eyes once more and felt a cool sensation traveling up your abdomen. You smiled at the familiar feeling as you turned on your side. A pair of blue eyes, not completely awake, met your gaze.
“Go back to sleep Ani” you whispered, kissing his forehead. 
He tightened his grip on your waist and breathed in your scent, “are you alright, Angel?”.
“Yes, Love, now let's go back to sleep” you responded. He nodded and rested his chin on top of your head.
Morning came quickly and soon the warm glow of the sun covered the bedroom. You rose slowly, stretched, and yawned. You took a moment to bask in the sunlight before turning to the man beside you. He was propped up on his elbows looking at you as if he’d never seen something so beautiful.
“Ani” you giggled shyly, covering your face with your hands.
He extended an arm to pull your hands away, “I want to see you” he smiled.
Now you were full on blushing, “You act as if you don’t see me everyday”.
“And everyday I have the privilege of reveling in your beauty”. 
He pushed himself up to meet your face. You felt one of his metal hands brush the left side of your face, a delicate finger brushed your cheekbone where the small branched scar still sat. He drew you closer to him and captured you in a tender kiss. 
You held his face in your hands and looked over his features. A few years had gone by, but he stood the test of time, he was still your beautiful boy. His scarring had subsided significantly from the salves, he was still quite pale though. His skin was smoother but it still had burnt textures in some places. 
His chest was adorned with lightning shaped scars from the duel with Palpatine, luckily they didn’t hurt him. Oftentimes you would find yourself tracing them before drifting off to sleep. 
The two of you made your way to the kitchen to start breakfast. Since leaving the empire, Anakin had grown more accustomed to his more “humanly” habits. He ate regular foods more frequently, which you were glad to provide him with. He loved your cooking, especially when you would make dishes from your childhood. 
This morning he opted to make breakfast while you sat at the bay window. You looked over the small garden in front of the window, the herbs were growing nicely, this planet had a good atmosphere for them. When the two of you left, Anakin searched for the most secluded planet he could, but still made sure it could grow your plants. 
You turned to observe him as he meddled in the kitchen, a smile on your face. He was working diligently preparing the food. Your gaze drifted to the plants on the counter top. The small aloe plant he gifted to you all that time ago and the fern you insisted on bringing to your room. They were the much bigger now. __________________________________________
Since the two of you built a life here, you taught each other so much. You taught him herbology and how to suture wounds. You helped him become himself again and he loved you for it. 
He taught you mechanics, how to wire ships, how to repair his prosthetics, and how to build basic droids.
You also convinced him to teach you how to wield a saber. He was hesitant at first, worried it would bring back unpleasant memories of days past, but when he looked into your bright eyes, his anxieties melted away. He made sure to be extra careful as he taught you the basics, but once he saw how quickly you picked it up, he felt the competitive side of him surface. 
He used his red saber he had grown accustomed to while he allowed you to use his old blue one. He felt at ease if you were the wielder of his old life. The two of you often spared for fun, but were careful to never actually do harm to each other. 
Your thoughts were broken when he sat a bowl in front of you, you thanked him and waited for him to take his seat across from you. He smiled at you as he began to eat, nowadays he didn’t have to rely on his helmet and his lungs were healing well. He would never be at full capacity, but he was in significantly better shape than he was when you were first reunited with him. 
With his help you developed a smaller, more efficient life support system for him. You designed it and he helped you make it The new mechanic still sat where his chest box did, but it was much less noticeable and way more portable. He also didn’t have to rely on his oxygen mask as frequently either. The bacta pills you created were helping his lungs as well as the atmosphere on the new planet.
The two of you sat in comfortable silence while eating breakfast. You cleared the table and washed the dishes as he went back to the bedroom to start his routine. 
Outside, you heard the sounds of nature as they also began their day. The weather looked nice today, maybe you and Anakin could go for a walk later.
You returned to the bedroom to begin your routine, but you stopped to observe Anakin for a moment. He was moving well today and his breathing was stable.
Today was a good day. 
Even though your two escaped the harsh life of the empire, the damage was still there. Anakin had his share of good days and bad days. Some days he would wake in unbearable pain and not be able to get out of bed, other times he would feel depressed about his former actions.
You were there for the good and the bad, you knew how to comfort and how to take care of him. You reassured him that he was a good man, you told him how much you loved him, and you always reminded him how much he was worth.
In the days he was in physical pain, you would take care of, and help him complete tasks. He felt most vulnerable these days, but he always found comfort in you. Your voice, your touch, just you.
But the bad days made the good days all the better because they had such a drastic difference. You could tell he was happy today. As you brushed your teeth and did your hair he wrapped his arms around your torso and rested his head on your shoulder. You placed your hands over his and leaned into him, “all these years and you're still the most stunning being in the galaxy” Anakin whispered into you.
“Oh stop it” you teased, blushing. He left to finish getting dressed, “What? It's true my love” he smirked.
These days, uniforms and armor had no place in your lives, instead they were traded for dresses and comfortable robes.
Today Anakin sported some earth toned robes and you wore a light dress with layered silk texture and pearl embellishments. Since you spent most of your years in medic uniform, you decided to treat yourself to more fashionable clothing now. 
“Let’s go in the garden” you said to him, capturing his attention. 
You grabbed one of his metal hands and brought him over to a small area you had been working on. It was full of blooming flowers and healthy plant life of all shades of green. You bent down to show him the small scene you set up in the soil. You placed small trinkets and such around the plants to make it look like a small community. 
“And I put the little bakery over by the rosemary! And I built a small pool for the bugs if they need some water” you excitedly explained. You had such a positive aura and he adored you for it.
He looked around the garden, noting some of the plants were the same ones that were presented to you in the med bay all that time ago. You tended to them and helped them survive, just as you had for him too. 
He felt his heart race when he felt the small bands in his pocket, he was finally ready.
“Let's go down to the ocean, Angel” he said as you rose from your garden.
You looked at him puzzled, “but you hate the sand?”.
He smiled and brushed a strand of hair out of your face, “yes, but I know you love walking along the beach”.
You held his hand in yours, “Are you sure, Ani?”, in the few years you had lived here, he had only accompanied you to the shore once, and that was only to check if it was safe.
“I’m positive, my darling” 
You smiled up at him and took his hand in yours as you made your way to the bay.
The path to the sea was filled with blooming wildflowers and beautiful organisms that tended to float around the particularly sweet smelling buds. You extended your arms to brush your hands along the soft plants.
You were honestly so happy, you were surrounded by beauty everyday and  you lived a comfortable life with the man you loved. 
Anakin trailed behind you with a fond smile as he watched you enjoy the atmosphere. He held the rings in his pocket a little bit tighter.
He had known for a long time that he wanted to be yours and wanted you to be his “officially”. But he didn’t want to rush anything, he waited decades to see you again, what was a little longer going to do? 
He wanted to wait until the two of you got settled and he wanted to work on his anxieties pertaining to those he holds dear, before jumping in. But he knew today was the day.
You reached where the grass met the shore at a small slope and waited for Ani to catch up. You gathered your dress in one hand and he held the other as you leaped onto the sand. He followed you, ignoring the sand, because in this moment, you were the only thing on his mind. 
You found yourselves walking across the shore with you closest to the water. You liked to admire the colorful sea glass that littered the shallow water. The water was so clear and the shells were so vibrant, it was like looking upon a rainbow. 
Anakin rested an arm on the small of your back while you admired the glistening decor of the ocean. A light breeze blew by making you nuzzle closer to your lover. He smiled at the contact, he closed his eyes as the fresh ocean breeze filled his senses. You always used to smell like calming sea air, he enjoyed that scent when you would pass him in the hall back in his fortress. But now, you scent just smelled like home. 
You broke away from him for a moment to observe an enchanting shell. “Oh Ani! This one is so pretty!” you exclaimed, holding your hair back from the wind. He watched as you excitedly examined the creation of the ocean as the crystal tide rose and fell softly behind you. If he were an artist, he would have made a painting of you at that moment. 
Once you stood up, you saw a blushing Anakin standing awkwardly upshore. You waded through the shallow water and made your way to him. 
“What is it, my love?” you asked him.
He took a deep breath before taking your hands in his. He looked straight into your beautiful eyes and spoke softly. 
“F/N, I know you already know how much I love you, but I will never stop telling you. It is truly something that will never go away.”
You began to blush, you would think you’d be used to this romantic stuff by now.
“I loved you as a child, I loved you when I had to leave home, I loved you as I trained, I loved you as Darth Vader, and I love you now.”
It made you feel comforted that, through all those years, you were never forgotten.
“Ani, I’ve loved you too, more than you could know”
“Though my love has changed and…evolved, it's always been there. It has always stayed”
Your heart was full of nothing but pure love and adoration of the man in front of you. He had overcome so much and yet he still held on to the tenderness you always loved. You pulled him into a heartfelt kiss before resting your foreheads together. You only opened your eyes as you felt him shift. 
Fluttering your eyes open, you saw him reach into his pocket.
“I know we are already going to spend the rest of our days together…but I wanted to give you something to make it official”
Was he really doing this?
After all this time?
“F/N L/N, my Love, my Angel. Will you do me the honor of becoming my wife?”
He could barely finish the question before you were engulfing him in a tight embrace.
“Yes, Yes a hundred times over. Of course Anakin!” 
He laughed and picked you up, you were careful of his support system as you held onto him. 
He set you down lightly and presented you with the rings. They were a beautiful mix of precious metals, yours with a small diamond in the middle.
As you inspected them further you noticed the diamond looked like one crafted from…sand? As a child on Tatooine you saw the long process of turning sand to diamonds. They were splendors only few could afford. 
You looked up at Anakin, who was already smirking at you.
“Yeah, it's from Mos Espa.”
You looked at him bewildered. How did he get a hold of the sand? Then you remembered a few months back he left to run an “errand”, which was odd since he usually never left the planet. 
 “Is that where you went like two months ago?”
His smile told you everything you needed to know. “You're so sneaky, Anakin Skywalker” you teased.
He slipped the ring onto your finger and the other on his own, “But you love it… Ms. Skywalker”
You playfully hit his arm “You’re so corny”.
Taking a moment to admire the band on your finger you reminisce on your history with the man in front of you. A soft smile found its way onto your lips as Anakin spoke once more
 “Well, my mother always did say we would be married someday”.
He laughed before drawing you closer to him once more. 
“So are we married now?” you asked him.
“Well as far as I see, there are no objections… so if you’ll allow it”
You pulled him into a deep kiss
“Always, Anakin.”
(a/n: guys, I cannot express how much I love each and every one of you. Thank you so much for taking the time to read my silly little fic, thank you for all the kind words and encouragement too. I can’t believe its over! like I began this a the start of summer and now i’m off to college in two days, like what?! But I loved writing this story and I’m so glad people got enjoyment from it too <3)
Taglist: @dokoni-mo , @the-official-memester , @wizardofrozz , @guinea-pig16 , @jar-of-moondust , @stxrrielle , @katsukiswrld , @eskel-adores-lilbleater , @yvette-ace , @lordfishflakes , @venus-armote , @emuxmu , @msblazer , @organasith , @loversjoy , @khaleesihavilliard, @sxoulchvn, @madeleine-w , @abby-22 , @astra-1780, @hyojin-2579, @lollaa-puff, @ayothatsano, @qvnthesia , @alexandra900925, @arelisskywalker
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r0-boat · 2 years
If pokemen had gwa Accounts p2
Hisui ver.
mentions of: non-con, degrading, nsfw themes,yandere
The Hisui characters will take place in modern day :D
warden ingo is not here I already did ingo and emmet here
He can make either very sweet loving audios too fucked up noncon.
Loves doing Scripts he has a hard time making his own so he would rather fill a script he likes His favorite scripts are they yandere ones or the roleplays where worship is involved.(or any script that has religious trauma)
Volo is REALLY good at voice acting his crazy laughs and feeling behind each tone will make you shiver
Mostly posts audioswhere he is dominant but is testing the Waters of him being submissive.
Posted his first audio because he was bored then fell down a slippery slope where he's posted continuously and has a patreon.
Pet names for Listener
My devoted follower
Actually he used to do sfw like boyfriend experiences and actual ASMR. By popular demand he got another account to post horny audio about mostly his boyfriend experience characters.
THAT SHIT BLEW UP. he's sitting there looking at his monitor face in his hands regretting his decision. Now his vanilla ass is going to have to try to create more horny for these fuckers
He's not comfortable with making anything darker Maybe the occasional rough sex but other than that everything is nice and consensual.
Adaman makes all his scripts great time into each audio while editing. No more than that he makes characters and plans potential scenarios.
His audios always start off with some kind of plot no matter if it's sfw or his horny ones.
Pet names for Listener
He started posting because 1. Super fucking horny with no Outlet and 2. Fuck you, he does what he wants.
He mostly posts script fills about Kinks or scenarios he likes. Ramble faps are his favorite he loves talking about being his fantasy is knowing that people are listening
Immediately gets reality slapped in the face when he realizes that he has to juggle his horny other account, because hes already an extremely popular streamer.
(He's not going to lie and say the idea of being caught dosent intrigues him😳)
Luckily he there's a really talented in his voice and can play off as more feminine or masculine but occasionally he does get the comments that his voice sounds familiar.
His post schedule and what he post are all over the place because dump his horny and leave.
pet names for listener
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marjorie189 · 3 years
Stop Doubting Yourself - A Jordan Baker Imagine
Sum: Y/N, Jordan’s girlfriend, comforts and assures Jordan throughout all of his doubts and over analyzations on his QB1 position. 
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Jordan is an amazing person and I love him for that. He always looks out for me, he's caring, sweet, and a good-hearted person. He always looks out for others, which can sometimes be a curse in disguise.
Jordan is so selfless that he forgets to take care of himself.
I know in my heart that he’s an angel but he doesn’t see that.
I know deep inside he doubts himself and questions his worth, especially when it comes to football.
Jordan’s insecurities started coming to light when Spencer came to Beverly. The shift of Billy’s attention towards Spencer affected Jordan, more than anyone knew.
Billy was focused on getting Beverly High’s football team to its best potential but not being completely aware that his family needed him more than ever.
It all came crashing down when the Beverly squad was having a pool party at the Bakers.
Jordan and I were laying down on the pool lounge chairs. The tension between the boys was evident. The presence of Spencer ticked the boys off big time.
“You good babe?” I ask Jordan as I acknowledge Jordan evilly having his eyes on the Crenshaw boy.
Jordan’s eyes diverted to me as he was just eyeing Layla leaving the sleeping Asher to the beaming Spencer at the pool.
“Yeah. It's just this Spencer guy comes out of nowhere, destroying everything that I’ve built and now he’s flirting with Layla. It just seems like he’s not here with good intentions. Something just isn’t right about him,” Jordan rants to me as his eyes were glued to Spencer and the now smiling Layla. I reach over to intertwine my hand with Jordan’s big one.
His eyes leave the two by the pool and meet mine, staying this time. A smile forming on his face at the touch, but quickly faltering once again.
“First it was my dad, my home, and now it’s Layla. Like what is he going to take next?” Jordan huffs as he lays back down on the lounge chair.
I smile at him foolishly.
“Well, you don’t gotta worry about him taking me,” I cheekily smile, leaning over him. My face on top of his, inches away from his laying one.
An ear-to-ear toothy smile appears on his face followed by his adorable laughter.
His arm makes it to the end of my back, loosely placing it on my lower back.
l chuckle and lean into his lips giving him a quick peck.
He smiles and looks at me longingly with loving eyes.
I feel my cheeks flushing as his eyes stay put on my physique. I nervously break eye contact and he chuckles.
“You’re so beautiful,” He compliments as he places his hand on the side of my face, reconnecting our lips.
“You never fail to make me nervous. It’s like I’m meeting you all over again,” I mumble as my eyes deeply look into his deep brown ones.
He smiles and continues with his longing looks, not breaking eye contact.
“And you never fail to make me feel better. Like who’s Spencer?” Jordan jokes.
I playfully roll my eyes with a smile and lay back down on the lounge chair.
Jordan scoots closer to me and lays his head on my shoulder. As he does, I put my arm behind his neck, wrapping it around him and running my fingers through his soft hair.
Asher was still fast asleep, tanning in the sun. JJ was up to playing pool games with a couple other teammates. Spencer and Layla were chatting it up by the pool and a few others were swimming.
“I’m going to grab a couple waters, I’m quite thirsty. Do you want one?” Jordan asks as he lifts from his previous position.
“Yeah. Please,” I smile with a nod.
He smiles brightly at me and jogs off into his house.
I take in his adorableness as he walks into his house with a playful eye roll, he could be such a kid sometimes.
A couple minutes later he comes back outside with bottles of water in hand and a furious but hurt look on his face.
I instantly frown at the miserable look on his face.
I stand up and meet him midway through his walk towards our spot.
“What's wrong?” I ask with a worried expression.
I look up at him, having a perfect sight of his clenched jaw and furious facial expression.
Jordan’s eyes were everywhere but on mine. “Hey?” I try and console.
He subsequently looks down at me, having a displeased and angry look on his face.
“Talk to me,” I urge at him.
He lets out a huge sigh and looks down into my worried eyes.
“Come on. Let’s go inside,” I suggest as I start walking with him towards the back entrance of his home.
“No,” He says immediately as he stops us on our tracks. “My dad’s in there and I don’t want to see him right now,”
“Okay then let’s go to your room,” I beckoned.
He stays quiet, which I take as an opportunity to take him inside. I’m holding his hand, leading him to the room. We walk past his occupied parents and up the stairs, into his room.
I close the bedroom door behind him as we both stand in his room.
He puts the freshwater bottles down, puts his hand to his face, and starts pacing walking around the room.
“Come on. Let it out. What happened now?” I say as I break the silence.
“Guess what he said? Just guess what he said?” He angrily says, looking over at me as he paces around the room.
He didn't even give me a chance to respond as he was already speaking again.
“He said ‘I would not have recruited him if anybody on the squad had half of his potential’. That’s what he said Y/N.” Jordan says as his voice goes from angry and exploding to hurt and feeling betrayed.
He looked like he was about to cry.
My eyes soften to his change of voice and clear look of hurt.
I walked over to him, seeing how broken he was.
“Jordan,” I let out softly once I was face to face with him, placing my hand on the side of his face. “You know that’s not true,”
His eyes fall to the ground, not looking at me, breaking our eye contact.
My heart breaks at the sight of my boyfriend doubting himself.
“Come on Jordan,” I whisper slightly to him, lifting his face to meet me.
His eyes were like glass. They were glossy and filled with tears threatening to spill.
I immediately pulled him into a tight hug at the sight of him.
“It’s okay babe,” I console, holding him in my arms.
The sounds of his sniffling tore me apart.
I turn my face a bit and place my lips on his tear stained cheek.
“Come on,” I say as I pull away from our embrace. I go to wipe the tears off his face.
“You’re an amazing player Jordan! Don’t ever think otherwise! I don’t know what your dad meant by that but everyone at Beverly knows who our QB is and that's you! Don’t ever doubt your potential because you’re a great quarterback, on and off that field,” I boast.
“But y/n… what if it’s true? I heard it coming from his mouth. What if I’m just the quarterback because I’m the coach’s son? I’m not going to lie and say that it hasn’t come across my mind,” Jordan says in distress.
“Come on, Jordan. Okay let’s say that’s true, maybe you do have an advantage because you’re the coach’s son but that doesn’t change the fact that you’re a good ass player. Coach Baker knows that you can handle the responsibility and pressure of having that number one jersey. He’s not just going to give that to anyone. It’s you, Jordan. No one else,” I affirm to him in hopes that he’ll get it in his head.
“Okay,” He says with a look of belief, sending me a nod.
I smile at him knowing that he’s feeling a little better.
“You’re one helluva player, Jordan! You better see that because everybody else does. Anyone can say that you got the position because you’re the coach’s son but that doesn’t change the fact that you’re a great quarterback, J! Don’t let those thoughts get the best of you! Sure, Spencer got brought to the team but he doesn’t have an influence or interference with your ability and potential as a player. I hope you see that,” I say with a frown at the end.
Jordan’s eyes meet the floor once again, staying quiet in his thoughts.
He looks back up at me after a while with a nod.
“I’ll work on it, alright? I promise,” Jordan determinedly says to me.
A wide smile grows on my face. “Good! Because you deserve it! Be proud of yourself, J! Prove everyone wrong!” I encourage with a huge smile.
He reciprocates the smile, looking handsome as ever.
“Thank you for this, y/n! I appreciate it. I love you,” He blissfully says, sending me a kiss.
Jordan came to realize that what his girlfriend was telling him was true but it was still hard for him to accept. He still had that little voice of doubt and uncertainty within himself. But, every time he doubted himself, he recalled his girlfriend's kind and inspiring words. If someone as amazing as her believed it, then it must be true.
But even after this conversation that was had with Jordan, his place as quarterback was tested multiple times.
One of those times being at the College Recruit Event; District Combine.
Players from all around Los Angeles were being tested by their height, weight, strength, and speed. They were tried and measured, seen closely by the college scouts.
Jordan came in hot, he knew what he was bringing to the table, he was confident. As he should.
But was tested with extremity.
The tests were competitive and there was so much pressure in hopes of landing on a school’s scholarship list.
Those thoughts were coming back in causing Jordan to fall back. He started focusing on all the other players and not himself. But it was a rigorous event and it got Jordan overthinking and becoming nervous. It wasn’t helping that a Crenshaw player was coming at Jordan, tearing down Jordan’s wall.
He felt like he blew it and it was messing with his head.
After the event, he went with the one person he could count on to be there for him.
“I’m sure you did amazing Jordan. Don’t overthink it! If you did even just as half as I know what you could do then you already did more than most of those guys. Because you work extremely hard! It doesn’t matter what Chris and that other Crenshaw boy said. Who’s the one that got an invite? You!” I praise.
“Yeah I know but Chris outplayed me today! He didn’t even miss a catch. What he said about me, it just gets me thinking. What if it’s true? What if I just got the invite because my dad was in the NFL?” Jordan worriedly wonders.
I let out a sigh.
“Be confident in yourself! Know what you’re worth because you’re worth a lot. It doesn’t matter if your dad was in the NFL or if your dad is your coach. You’re you Jordan! I know it must be hard to believe but trust me. Trust yourself!” I beg. “I wish you could see yourself the way I see you, the way your dad sees you, the way your team sees you, and the way those recruiters saw you today!”
Jordan looks over at me taking in all my words.
A little smile peeking through his face.
“Gosh!” Jordan lets out. “You always to know what to say,”
“I only say the truth,” I smile as I get closer to him, opening my arms.
Jordan chuckles as I welcome him into my arms.
“You’re amazing Jordan! Never forget that!” I say into our hug.
“Okay.” He mumbles into my hair.
When Jordan found out that he and JJ had to fight for the QB spot, Jordan’s heart shattered.
How could Coach Montes take his position away?
Y/N, Billy, and Laura were all seated on the kitchen counter seats. Jordan came zooming into the kitchen with a stressful look on his face.
“How was your first day?” Laura asks her son.
“Fine,” Jordan replies as he goes to grab a drink from their fridge.
“What’s up with all these panicked texts I got about your new coach trying to take away your spot?” Billy inquires.
Jordan deeply lets out a sigh before he speaks.
“Montes has me and JJ going up against each other for the QB1 spot,” Jordan devastatingly states.
“JJ, who got his hand stuck in the vending machine JJ?” Billy surprisingly says.
Laura and I let out chuckles.
“It seems like you have nothing to worry about J. No offense to JJ but that spot is meant for you. You just got to prove it to her,” I say like it’s nothing.
“Exactly!” Billy says, patting my shoulder in thanks. “Come on. You know JJ’s a beast on the field. And he was a really good quarterback in junior high!” Jordan protests.
“Junior High,” Billy mocks, immediately letting out his laughs, not even trying to hide them.
“And you’re a really great quarterback who led his team to a championship,” Laura defends.
“Look, if JJ was better then, I would’ve started him,” Billy says, getting serious.
Jordan lightly scoffs and rolls his eyes.
“Oh, right. The fact that I’m your son had nothing to do with me starting,” Jordan sarcastically states.
Laura shakes her head with a smile on her face.
Billy looks at him like he’s insane.
“Do you think if Butler was my son, he’d be starting QB?” Billy asks, looking straight at his son. “You need to have a little bit more faith in yourself, son! You are Beverly’s quarterback. Everybody knows it! All you gotta do now is convince Montes!” Billy encouragingly says.
“Exactly what I’ve been telling him for years!” I exclaim.
“Okay. Okay.” Jordan smiles, getting the push he needed from his loved ones. “I will!”
“Well y/n and I have to catch up on homework. So we’ll see you two later,” Jordan boasts as he grabs onto my arms and starts tugging.
“Oh?!” I let out realizing Jordan’s plan. “Right.” “Homework already? It’s the first day of classes!” Laura interjects.
“Oh, you know… we’re seniors now so we’re getting loads of work now,” Jordan lies.
I shake my head at him and giggle.
“Alright well since you’re sneaking off to do homework I’ll be expecting all A’s from you!” Billy yells out at Jordan.
Jordan gives him a not so convincing nod before dragging us up the stairs.
My laugh echoes through Jordan’s room and we make it onto his bed.
“What? My homework is cuddling you,” Jordan slyly comments with a grin as he pulls me into his arms.
He lays my head on his chest and starts to roam his long fingers through my hair.
“See! I told you!” I sassily say to Jordan as I look up at him.
He playfully rolls his eyes at me.
“I know! Now that my dad’s coaching at Crenshaw, I’m seeing that. Thank you for believing me since sophomore year,” Jordan softly says to me.
I let out a chuckle.
“Of course. I always knew it. It’s time you finally see it too!” I smile standing up from his chest and leaning into him, crashing my lips into his.
He smiles through our interlocked lips.
“Well thanks again.” Jordan gracefully says.
I nod, sending him a couple of other pecks on his lips, chuckling.
“Anytime, babe,” I say, closing my eyes, pressing our lips with one another again.
“Okay, we can get back to kissing now!” He laughs showing his deep dimples.
“Kissing should be part of your homework too!” I tease in between our kisses.
“Yeah?” He mumbles deeply. “What else?”
I smile cheekily.
“I think you know, Baker.” I flirt with a smirk.
“Hmm?” Jordan says with a furrow of eyebrows. “I don’t think so... “ He says, teasingly, tracing his fingers down my neck and chest.
“Well then let's find out!” I reckon as I fall back into the bed with a top Jordan.
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yutaabyss · 3 years
have your cake and eat it too
characters: taeyong x female!reader
genre: smut, fluff
warnings: birthday sex, oral
description: taeyong’s birthday wish is too eat something sweeter than the cake
author’s note: yall i fucking went crazy on this one omfg. tell me your favorite part after you read it. im like losing it after this one. happy birthday taeyong
“Happy birthday dear Taeyong,” the voices sang the kind words while you held the cake. All eyes were on Taeyong but his eyes were on you. “Make a wish,” your voice was so soft, making Taeyong’s heart swell up. He closed his eyes and blew out the small flames, “finally we can eat some cake,” Haechan yelled excitedly. You laughed at the younger boy’s comment and set the cake on the table. “Birthday boy gets first slice,” the knife in your hand cuts through the pretty frosting. “Yeah, yeah, yeah we know,” Haechan never missed a chance to sass you. “Here you go baby,” you handed Taeyong his piece happily. “Thank you,” you could hear the smile in his voice. The other boys waited patiently as you cut them all slices of the dessert, well almost all the boys waited patiently, you decided to tease Haechan and make him wait for the last plate. “Are you going to have some too,” Taeyong looked at you curiously as you began putting away the remaining pieces in the fridge. “No, I’ll have some later.” “Are you sure, it’s really sweet, you’d like it” Taeyong offered out a forkful of his own. You smiled at him and took the piece into your mouth humming in satisfaction. “Mmm you’re right it is really sweet,” Taeyong knew you wouldn’t deny just a taste. “Not as sweet as you,” his wink was mischievous and it sent butterflies flying in your tummy. 
The last couple boys had left your apartment, leaving you alone at last with your Taeyong. “Did you get what you wished for,” you asked him while you cuddled up to his body on the couch. “I only had one wish but it hasn’t come true yet,” he turned his head to look you in the eyes. You pouted at this, “what did you want, I’ll give you anything just tell me.” Taeyong’s eyes glistened with lust as you spoke those words. “I wished that I could eat something sweeter than the cake,” he looked at your innocent face and bit his lip. You weren’t even doing anything but sitting there and his dick was already hard. You played with your fingers as you looked at him, “what do you mean something sweeter?” Taeyong smiled at how cute you looked, so small and fragile, and all his. Instead of answering, Taeyong kissed your lips, testing the waters a bit. You kissed back gently but that wasn’t good enough for Taeyong. He pulled you onto his lap and that’s when you felt it, his bulge pressing against your exposed thigh. You looked at him, “what’s sweeter than cake?” “You,” Taeyong lifted you off the sofa making you squeal. 
At first you really didn’t understand what Taeyong was hinting at, but you knew for a fact now that he was about to devour your pussy. He dropped you on your bed, pushing your little white dress up to your breasts. Taeyong had no patience, he waited all day to have his cake and eat it too. But even in his lust driven state he still had time to tease you slightly, make you need him as much as he needed you. Cold fingers slid your lacy panties down your soft legs. You moaned out his name as he kissed up your thighs and landed his lips directly on your clit. He left a soft kiss there, he was determined to hear you beg. After all, he was the birthday boy and you were determined to make all his dreams come true. “Taeyong please,” your voice was soft and shy in the quiet space. “Please what angel?” Taeyong already knew what you wanted but he wanted to hear the words come out of your mouth. “Please eat me baby” you whimpered. He was satisfied enough with those four words. He licked between your folds and up to your clit, playing with the sensitive bundle, sucking and licking loudly. Every time Taeyong ate you, he liked to be messy but not sloppy. Your hands shot down to his locks, pulling his head closer to your dripping core, “Taeyong,” you needed him. He didn’t pay any mind to your desperate voice, instead he started fucking his tongue in and out of your tight hole. Your pussy was clenching hard, causing more and more of your wetness to leak onto his chin. “Mmm you're so sweet angel, I don’t ever want to stop eating you,” the vibrations of his words made your hips buck up in his face. His hands pressed your hips down, and he sucked your clit, licking it like a starved person. You couldn’t control yourself anymore, “yes, y-yes Taeyong p-please- I wanna ah cum.” You felt your orgasm hit you like a train. Taeyong didn’t stop though, he lapped up all you had to offer as if you were his favorite ice cream. “Fuck,” Taeyong hissed as he took his hard cock out of it’s confinment. Your chest was rising and falling, waiting for what was about to happen next. He aligned himself with your spent core and thrusted in softly. Your mouth gaped open, you were sensitive but it felt so good to clench around him. He started fucking you fast, his fingers played with your clit to bring you to your next orgasm. And just like that, your back arched and none of the words falling from your mouth were actually words, just incoherent sounds. His dick twitched in you and he pulled out, jacking himself off over the top of your aching pussy. Spurts of his cum covered your core as he came all over it. His fingers then rubbed his load all over you and pushed some past your lower lips. You shied away at the feeling. Taeyong’s breathing was ragged as he leaned down to kiss you softly. His birthday wish finally came true.
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claudemblems · 3 years
Say the Word | Kaeya
ah yes, the kaeya brainrot strikes again
word count: 680
⊱ ────── {.⋅ ✯ ⋅.} ────── ⊰
Kaeya’s lips ghosted over yours, the touch so faint that you wondered if he’d even kissed you, but the grin he wore on his face said it all. The warmth of his breath tickled your skin as he laughed, leaving a wave of goosebumps across your skin in its wake. 
“If I didn’t know better, I would think that your response means that I’ve read the situation correctly?” 
You swallowed thickly, the furious pounding of your heart making it hard to think straight. Of course Kaeya had noticed the fleeting glances you’d sent him from across the bar at the Angel’s Share, the way your fingers lingered a little too long on his skin when he passed you a fresh glass of wine. He’d seen the deep hue on your cheeks when sweet words smoothly rolled off his tongue, recognized the desire in your eyes when he dared to test the waters, carefully gauging each of your reactions. Had he simply read you like an open book, or was it that you’d subconsciously presented every page to him that harbored your deepest, darkest secrets? And before you’d even realized it, Kaeya had already picked up a pen and ink and began to inscribe his name into your heart, forever sealed safely within the pages of your soul.
You willed yourself to say something, anything to break the tension in the air, but every time you looked into Kaeya’s ocean eyes, his dark hair falling perfectly over his shoulder and down his toned chest, you found yourself tongue-tied, succumbing to his alluring presence in the alleyway hidden by the darkness of night.
You watched as doubt flickered in his eyes for a moment, and he sighed, slowly removing his hand from the wall behind you. “I apologize. I was way too forward with—”
You stopped Kaeya mid-sentence as you grabbed his shirt collar and pulled his body flush against yours. Even in the dim moonlight, you were certain he could see the deep rose burning on your cheeks. You were never one to be so bold with your actions, but the only way you’d come up with to keep him from leaving was drawing him right back against you. And now you were left feeling more shy than audacious, though it was your own fault for getting into this tricky situation. So it was up to you to find a way out.
But you considered the idea for another moment and wondered, Do I really want this moment to end?
As if he could read the thoughts floating through your mind, Kaeya tipped your chin upwards, his thumb gently brushing your cheek. There was a rare fondness in his gaze as he smiled down at you. Kaeya, who had taught himself to question every person’s intentions, to doubt one’s integrity and character, now dared to venture into uncertain territory with you. Little by little, he’d begun to shed his calculated perception of the world, believing, for better or worse, that you were true to who you claimed yourself to be; that you were purehearted, a safe place for him to run when the tides turned against him. He thought he’d learned his lesson from years of being naive, watching as his own brother turned against him. No one could fully be trusted, no matter if they were mortal or divine. 
But all those uncertainties faded away when he looked at you, and he wanted nothing more than to simply be by your side.
“So...I guess that means my assumption was correct?” he asked coolly, slipping into his smooth persona once more. He blew a hot breath against your ear, laughing to himself when he felt you shiver against him. “All you have to do is say the word. You know I’ll give all of myself to you, every inch, every breath, every beat of my heart until my last day, don’t you?”
He pulled back to lock his eyes with yours one last time before you guided his lips back onto your own.
“All you have to do is ask.” 
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boldlyvoid · 3 years
Amoreena | Chapter Six
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Chapter Six
main summary: Heaven is a real place and it's located exactly 14.6 miles away from the FBI, Quantico Headquarters. Off behind a small park, under a fantastical willow tree surrounded by wildflowers, in every colour young minds can imagine.
Don't forget, heaven also comes with angels.
Chapter Warnings: slight smut** angst, spencer's overthinking and anxiety, passing out, plot twist, very understanding reader, happy ending, smut implied but not graphic
word count: 6.2K
from the beginning <3
Derek and Savannah planned to come over on Sunday morning to introduce Hank and Amoreena, his namesake and his honorary daughter meeting felt very important to him.
Y/N and he spent the morning cleaning up the house, making sure all the books were away and the coffee was on so when they pulled in at 11 for brunch they’d be ready.
Amoreena was beyond excited at the idea of a 16th cousin, not knowing about Henry or Michael yet either, bringing her total to 18 cousins.
Spencer learned something new about them and the farm every single day he was there. Which he expected, it had been 8 days and he was all but moved in. They joked just that morning about them moving too fast, shrugging it off and living their lives anyway.
Derek and Savannah were one of the sweetest couples Spencer knew. They had a love he admired, it also blossomed fast and stayed strong through everything Derek went through.
Derek was always going to be his rock, someone he loved deeply and cherished more than he could ever explain to anyone. More than a brother, a long-lost lover, a confidant, his best friend in the whole world. If he could live through everything he’s been through and still be happy, so could Spencer.
Amoreena is out the door and meeting them before Y/N and Spencer are even aware they pulled in. “Hey little lady, I’m your uncle Derek,” he can hear Derek’s sweet voice that he only uses with kids.
They walked out onto the porch to see Amoreena shaking both their hands before asking if Savannah needed help carrying her purse. Ever the little helper, she intended on making the best introduction to her new family members.
“Spence, this place is amazing!” Savannah gushed as she pulled him into a hug, and then Y/N, “It’s lovely to meet you.”
“You too! You’re all so pretty, holy cow,” she swoons, “what does the FBI put in the water over there?”
“Whatever it is, I’m sure it’s running off over here too,” Spencer compliments Y/N right back.
Derek gives Y/N the biggest hug he’s ever seen, “you are my new bestie, anyone who loves Reid as much as me is a keeper.”
“I like this one, Savannah you have good taste,” Y/N teases, holding Derek in her embrace.
“We got the best guys the bureau had to offer and stole them away,” she laughed, wrapping an arm around Spencer as they turned to see Hank.
“Well, someone had to put them to good use,” Y/N had an arm wrapped around Derek too, slipping into Spencer’s life effortlessly.
Hank was almost 5, it blew Spencer’s mind to think that Derek had been a father for 5 years now. He was the sweetest little guy, holding Amoreena’s hand as the two of them walked up the stairs.
They had sandwiches and muffins in the garden, everything was homemade and grown on the farm. It was a life Spencer was excited to get used to, they even made their own cheese and wine in the summer for the farmers market.
Every time he learned a new detail about this place it got more perfect.
Hank loved the goats, he crawled right in with Amoreena and sat down in the mud. Petting the babies and letting all the mamma goats nibble at his hat as they got close. He giggled and screamed, petting all of them nicely as Amoreena told him all their names.
Derek was very quick to pick out a cowboy hat and pretend he was southern, trying out his fake accent and making Savannah laugh as they explored the farm, skipping through the fields and kissing in the grass. They were just as in love as Spencer and Y/N, they all got along like couples who have been friends since college.
Like this had been their life all along, nothing about it felt new. It just felt right.
Everything about her fit into his life like she was handcrafted for it, picked and polished before set in a box and hidden away from the world. She was a collector's item and he was a collector, keeping her close and never letting her go. He knew her worth, but the feeling she produced in his heart was better than anything in the world.
Before they know it, it’s almost 3 and Hank is about to fall asleep in the grass as Amoreena reads him a story. Derek and Savanah are laying back on a blanket half-listening as they watch the clouds. Spencer and Y/N doing the same.
It’s wonderful, he makes eye contact with Derek while running his fingers through Y/N’s hair. He just smiles at Spencer, prouder he can even express.
“I think it’s about time we head out,” Derek cuts into the peacefulness of their day.
“We’ll be back, and often,” Savannah laughs, “I’m going to hide here from the hospital, you don’t have service right?”
“Not if you turn it off and leave it in the car,” Y/N laughed too, pulling Savannah into a hug and walking with her towards the house. Best friends in the making, it was going to be trouble for him and Derek, exciting, but frightful at the same time.
Savannah excuses herself to the bathroom before they leave, Spencer offers to help Derek carry his tired little toddler to the car so they can talk. He was excited to hear Derek's thoughts about the day, proud of the life he could introduce them to.
“Can I ask you a serious question?” Derek finally cut into their quiet walk to the car with a very serious tone.
“Sure,” Spencer nodded vigorously, a little nervous.
“Do you remember when we lost that bet in 2008?” Derek started, “JJ and Emily were saying it wasn’t fair, that we were hogging all the sexiness and smarts and we should just donate sperm to help the population?”
“Did you actually do it?” Derek watches Spencer’s mind wandering as he recalls everything.
He has donated sperm twice in his life, keeping it between him and Derek the first time, telling no one about it the second time. The first was when JJ got pregnant with Henry, teasing him that he should make more geniuses in the world. Emily was even considering having a baby on her own back then before everything with Doyle went down.
The second time was after Maeve died in 2013 when he realized that he might not ever get to actually be a dad.
Donating again purely in the hopes that in 18 years someone would find him in search of a connection with their birth father. It seemed like the only way he’d be able to be a father one day, and that was right around the time Amoreena would have been conceived if she’s 7 now.
Spencer looks at him with wide eyes, “you think she’s mine?”
“Without a doubt,” he whispers, stopping to put Hank in his car seat and give Spencer some time to panic.
“She’s not mine,” Spencer keeps shaking his head, so hard that Derek is worried it might fall off as he panics, “she can’t be, that would be insane. No way, no I’m not even going to pretend she is. Nope.”
Derek places his hand on Spencer’s shoulder to calm him, “do you know who her father is?”
“No,” he whispers as he closes his eyes, pushing his hair out of his eyes. “She tells people that Amoreena is her fiancé Stephens, no one really questions that she had her 2 years after he died, but Y/N doesn’t even know who her father is.”
“That’s a serious conversation you need to have with her, regardless, she deserves to know you’ve possibly got other geniuses walking around out there.”
Spencer felt his anxiety dump adrenaline into his blood, making him sweat and panic as he turned around in circles a few times. He looked physically drained, not know what the fuck to do moving forward.
“I can’t go talk to her right now while Amoreena is there,” Spencer panicked as Derek finally closed the door, Hank was all situated and ready to go.
“I can bring you home?” Derek offered, “go get your things and tell her that you have to go.”
“Okay,” he whispered, trying to calm down enough to face her.
Walking back up to her house felt like it took forever, even passing savannah as he all but ran, stepping inside the house to see Amoreena reading on the couch while Y/N was in the kitchen, whistling happily, waiting for him to come back.
Amoreena looked up at him with a smile, “are you okay?”
“Oh yeah, I’m fine,” he lied with a fake smile. “I actually have to go, Derek needs help with something at his place and I’ll be back later for dinner, okay?”
“Awe,” Y/N’s voice travelled from the kitchen to where he was, she walked into the room with an apron on and a towel in her hands. “I was hoping you’d help me make a pie.”
“I’m sorry, hun, I’ll be back soon,” he assured her, “I love you guys.”
“Love you, Dad,” Amoreena smiled, before returning to her book.
Every time she called him dad it made his heart stop, but that one made his breathing stop too, he struggled to swallow as he turned his attention to Y/N approaching him.
Y/N gave him a big hug and then he was gone, running down the driveway and hopping in Derek's car as fast as he could. Still overthinking everything, his mind memorizing every look on Amoreena’s face and trying to see if there was any proof in her being his.
There was a lot. He didn’t want to get his hopes up, he didn’t want to think about that at all. She was his regardless, no DNA test would change how he loved her. He was more afraid of Y/N’s reaction to finding out.
Savannah didn’t ask what was going on, leaving him and Derek to be as weird and cryptic as they always were together. Looking out the window quietly as Spencer had a panic attack in the back seat.
He convinced Derek to drop him off at the clinic where he donated the sperm both times. Still absolutely pissed off with himself that one of the biggest decisions of his life was the one he forgot about, wanting to know if he could find out anything about his potential offspring.
“Sir, I’m so sorry,” the nice receptionist tried her best to stay calm as Spencer rushed through his dilemma.
“Only a child can learn who their father was when they turn 18, if they choose to contact you it’s up to them. You agreed to that when you donated.”
“You can’t even tell me how many kids I have out there?” He tried to reason with her, “I’m in the FBI surely you can make an exception for me it’s not like I'm going to stalk the kids, I just want to know if one’s going to contact me one day,” he tried everything to get her to open up.
“What’s your name?”
“Spencer Reid.”
She stood and walked into the back, opening a cabinet full of records and pulling one out. She opened it, running a finger along with the document as she read it over.
“You have four offspring so far, none of the other samples used have produced a child, the women were all IVF as well so it wasn’t your swimmer's fault; if you wanted to donate again,” she read him all the facts and somehow it just made him panic more.
Y/N’s voice echoing in his mind, “after I did IVF.” She said those words. He heard them. She didn’t know the father. His name wasn't on the sample. It was anonymous. Everything caught up to him at that moment.
“Thank you,” he whispered, white as a ghost as he tried to turn away, dropping to the floor and passing out instead.
When he woke up, he was somehow back in Derek’s car on the way back to his apartment. Hank and Savannah nowhere to be seen, the radio on low as Derek paid attention to the road. It was quiet, he didn’t even know Spencer was awake again until he sighed.
He didn’t say anything to Derek, instead, taking out his phone and texting Y/N.
Spencer: Hey, something serious came up. I won't be able to come back till after bedtime and then I need to tell you something important that might make you very mad at me.
Y/N: you’re going to make me go grey being this ominous
Spencer: I’m sorry, but it’s going to be a lot to explain.
Y/N: should I get wine or something harder ready to listen?
Spencer: Honestly, I’m not even sure yet.
Y/N: cant wait… love you?
Spencer: I love you too, don’t forget that!
Y/N: as long as you don’t either ♥︎
He pulled up to Y/N’s house at 9:30, knowing that Amoreena would be well asleep by then. Unbothered by any crying or yelling that could arise from the news he had to share with her mother.
He was terrified to tell her but he needed to. Relationships only work with communication and he knew that, respecting her and loving her enough to do anything in his power to keep her in his life.
He walked inside to see the lights all off, heading around the back of the house to see her in the garden with a drink, surrounded by little lights twinkling as she listened to her favourite Taylor Swift album, he wasn’t shocked in the slightest to find her like that.
“Hey,” he announced himself to her so she wouldn’t be startled.
Her smile warms his heart and clears the butterflies from his stomach for a quick moment, “hey cutie, did you want me to warm up some dinner for you?”
“No thank you,” he shook his head softly, standing by the gate and not wanting to get too close. “I need to tell you something and you might get really mad at me.”
“Alright,” she sat up straighter, hands on her knees as she played with the material of her jeans.
“I donated sperm as a joke in 2008, but then again in January of 2013 when my girlfriend died because I thought it would be the only way to maybe have a kid find me one day when they turned 18. I never thought I’d get to have a family after Maeve died,” the words fell out of his mouth and onto the patio.
“Oh my god,” was all she said, eyes wide and mouth open, she was completely still.
“I went to the clinic and they won't tell me who my kids are, apparently there are four of them so I have no idea if it’s Amoreena or not and I’m just so sorry for not telling you. I honestly forgot, and I don’t normally forget. After everything that’s happened to me, I just forgot, I’m sure it looks like I found you on purpose or something but I assure you that I didn’t,” he wasn’t sure why he was just dumping all these thoughts on her when he hadn’t even thought them through, but they wouldn’t stop.
“There’s only one way to find out,” she shrugged then, smiling at his confused face. “We have more and see if they look like her.”
“You’re kidding?”
“No,” she shook her head, “I’d never joke about making another Amoreena, that would be amazing.”
“You’re not mad?” He blinked at her a few times, wondering if he heard her wrong, twice.
“Why would I be mad at the fact that you might be her real father and the reason she’s the smartest person on earth? She’s literal walking sunshine, am I supposed to be mad you could give her fully biological siblings? I wanted your babies even if she wasn’t yours,” Y/N paused, eyebrows raised as she made her point.
“If I’m supposed to be mad about you completing our family then I’m furious,” she laughed as she stood up, walking over to wrap her arms around him.
“Even if you’re not her father, you’re always going to be her dad,” she whispered as she reached him.
He looked down into her eyes, the most beautiful and caring woman in the world, cuddled into his chest in the middle of paradise. He couldn’t help but laugh, it was insane how easy it was to love her.
“I love you,” he reminded her.
She pulled him down into a kiss, holding her hand on his cheek lightly as he pressed his lips to hers. She rested her forehead on his as they parted, “I love you more.”
“Doubt it,” he teased her with a smile, pulling her in closer and lifting her up into his arms.
“Where are we going?” She giggled.
“Where would you like to go, Princess? This is your kingdom after all.”
The biggest, most suspicious grin appeared on her face then, “put me down,” she instructed and he followed. Setting her down and feeling her grab his hand instead.
She led him inside the house and up the stairs, placing her finger over her lip to let him know to be quiet. She pulled him inside her bedroom for the first time and he was absolutely mesmerized.
It was like a jungle of books in there, pictures of her and Amoreena all over the walls and the cutest mushroom bedsheets in the world. It was like he walked into her mind, it was calming and beautiful and just what he imagined.
“We’re not staying in here,” she whispered towards him, pulling him into the closet.
She pulls out 2 black garment bags and places them on the bed before looking through her jewellery box. She brings back a small velvet box and places it in his hands.
“Would you want to do something insane with me?”
“Always,” he can’t help but smile.
“My grandma always wanted Stephen to propose to me with that ring, but he used his own mothers instead,” she whispered. “I don’t want to have an official thing, I already planned one wedding and never got to have it.”
“Okay?” He tried his best to follow along, analyzing her facial expressions to see just how nervous she was, as well as the underlying sadness of time missed. Just like she had mentioned that first night he stayed here.
“I had my grandma’s dress tailored to wear at my wedding, I’ve never put the final version on,” she unzips the one bag, revealing a silk white dress with an incredibly long train.
“My grandpa's suit is in the other one, I think you will fit into it,” she reaches out a hand to pull him closer to the bed and look at it with her. “I just want to put them on and tell you I love you in the field and just call you my husband. I don’t give a single shit that it’s been a week, why should I wait a year to call you that when I can start now?”
He doesn’t know what to say, he’s speechless for too long and he knows that it’s making her anxious but he can’t speak. His eyes turn glossy and his hands shake as he holds the small box in his hands, opening it to find a beautiful ruby on a gold band, surrounded by small diamonds, alongside her grandfather's gold band.
He gets down on one knee then and she pulls him right back up to his feet, shaking her head. “It can’t be like last time, I don’t want to repeat a single part of it. I can’t lose you too.”
“You never will,” he’s finally able to speak. “I’m not going anywhere, believe me, you are the most important person in my life. I would drop everything and hide here forever to keep safe, if you wanted me to, I’m too in love with you to go anywhere.”
She smiles at him with wide eyes and the glimmer of hope returning. She picks up her dress and heads to the bathroom door, “put the suit on and meet me downstairs?”
“Yes Ma’am,” he winks at her before taking the suit down the hall to his room.
He notices the wedding photo on the night table again, taking the suit out of the bag to see nothing really changed since the last time it was worn. Her grandfather was tall and skinny like him when they got married, so he fits into the 1950’s suit almost perfectly.
He straightened everything out in the mirror, making sure he tucked the ring box back into his pocket before quietly tiptoeing back down the creaky wooden steps.
Y/N wasn’t done yet, he could hear her walking around in her room softly as she paced from her dresser to the bathroom over and over, most likely trying to find something in her jewellery box and looking in the mirror more than once. She didn’t sound nervous, her feet weren’t hesitant, she sounded like a woman on a mission, that was a good thing.
He was the nervous one, scared out of his mind with the fear he wouldn’t do this right. That she had dreams, plans and expectations he needed to live up to and what if he couldn’t? He put his face in his hands and tried his best to push all the fears away but they kept swirling. Making his brain hurt, he didn’t want to fuck anything up with her. She was already so understanding and wonderful, she’d given so much to him already he can’t fuck this up—
And then she’s walking down the stairs. Like sunshine; parting the grey skies as the thunder clouds dissipate and the rain washes down the streets, he’s fine again.
“You look beautiful,” he whispers.
Her smile was priceless, “thanks, cutie, I’m so glad it fits you!”
He followed her towards the kitchen where she picked up the phone, dialled a number and waited, “hey mom.”
“Spencer and I are going on a late-night walk, outback, yeah, Amoreena is asleep, can you just keep an eye on the house? I’m going to let Rufus in to keep guard anyway,” Y/N explained over the phone, agreeing and humming to whatever her mother said in response. “love you too, thanks."
She let the dog in like she said she would, handing the overly friendly golden retriever a treat before finally pulling Spencer outside and towards the barn.
They were both in running shoes, it was incredibly adorable for the occasion and he wouldn’t have it any other way. Her hand was so soft as she tugged him along behind her, her dress and hair blowing in the wind as they walked.
She grabbed an old kerosene lantern from the barn, lighting it quickly and holding it by the handle, “you ready?”
“I am,” he smiled softly, still anxious in his core, more so now because he was overly excited to be spending the rest of his life with her.
They continued to walk down past the barn, through the cow pasture and finally entering a clearing. It was full of lilacs and ragweed, yellows and purples blowing ever so gently back and forth under the moonlight.
“This is where my grandparents would read to me, and where they renewed their vows when I was 14, and this is where I got the call that I was pregnant with Amoreena. It’s a very special place to me,” her voice was barely a whisper.
Spencer took the lantern from her and placed it in the grass, it illuminated the both of them just enough that they could see each other's faces and know exactly how much they loved each other without even having to say any words.
“Are you sure you want to do this?” Spencer’s words were careful, he didn’t want her to think he didn’t either.
She nodded softly, “I loved Stephen very much, I don’t think I’ll ever stop, but I loved him enough to know he’d want me to be happy, he’d really like you and don’t tell him this but I think I love you more than I ever loved him,” she made light of a very heavy subject.
Smiling at him like he was the world, he fully believed her. “I thought Maeve as it for me too before she died, I was so, so wrong. Every day I discover a new level of love for you I didn’t think possible the day before, I never want to stop searching for how deep my love for you goes.”
“To new adventures,” she whispered.
“And happy endings,” he replied, remembering the conversation they had about the Disney characters they loved the most just yesterday morning.
He removed the box from his pocket, opening it and taking her ring out of the fabric. The tiny diamonds around the ruby sparked in the light, shining little rainbows over their faces as they smiled at each other once again, cheeks aching from all the happiness.
“What finger do you want to wear it on? Seeing as we’re doing this our way,” he compromised for her very easily.
“The middle one on my left hand, you?” She asked as she took his ring out as well.
“The ring finger,” he whispered. “I want you to be close to my heart forever.”
“Okay,” she whispered back, pushing the ring onto his finger first before placing her hand in his, waiting for his hands to stop shaking so he could put it on her.
He pushed it right back towards the knuckle, holding her hand in his after and just staring at the ring. He just married the woman of his dreams.
“Holy shit,” he whispered to himself, making her laugh.
A tear trickled down his cheek as he tried to smile at her, his jaw wobbling as he tried to stay calm but he couldn’t, he let himself cry softly as she cupped his face with her free hand.
“I love you too, Spencer,” is all she said, pressing her lips to his, finally.
He held her there in his embrace, lips touching as they breathed each other in. The smell of the field and the flowers that were once so strong in his nose, now he only smells her perfume, he almost forgets where he is as they kiss. The world could have stopped and he wouldn’t have ever known, too caught up on loving her.
He doesn’t pull away when the kiss breaks, instead, resting their foreheads together as they breathed.
“I’m going to love you until the day I die.”
She brushes their noses together softly as if to agree, “give me at least 40 years with you, and then I’ll meet you in heaven?”
“We’re already here,” he whispers, “you and Amoreena are my angels.”
They kissed again, just as soft and perfect as before. She smiled at the end, pulling back and taking her cellphone out of the dress pocket that he didn’t even know was there.
She set it on the fence post that separated the cows from the field, making sure it was steady and setting a timer. She rushed to Spencer and pulled him back into the same kiss, letting the phone take a burst of photos for them to remember later on.
“Pick a song,” he whispered into the moment, seeing her face scrunch as she became confused. “We need a first dance, I know your grandparents had to have danced out here at least once if she loved music as much as you say she did.”
“I love you,” is all she can say as she beams a smile at him. Skipping over to her phone and doing just as he asked.
“I need a piece of Amoreena in this moment,” she explained her song choice, making him think it would be the Elton John song, but it wasn’t.
A beautiful piano balled played before he heard the all too familiar voice of Taylor Swift, the girl's favourite. “Seven, because that’s how many years it took for us to find you.”
He takes her hand again, twirling her around before pulling her body into his. The both of them holding on tight as they swayed to the song, it fit every single aspect of his love for her to a T. Like it was Taylor made for them.
“Sweet tea in the summer Cross your heart, won't tell no other And though I can't recall your face I still got love for you Your braids make a pattern Love you to the Moon and to Saturn Passed down like folk songs The love lasts so long,”
It was so unbelievable. She had mentioned the love she felt for Stephen, he mentioned his love for Maeve, both of their faces hard to bring to memory as they fell in love with each other. A new feeling, a happier love, a long-lasting one that wasn’t nearly as flimsy. Powerful and strong like the earth's gravitational pull, he was never leaving her.
She’s singing the words ever so softly beside his ear, her voice is softer than Taylor’s and his favourite thing he’s heard all night, but he’d never tell her that.
They kiss randomly throughout their dance, listening to more songs as they swayed in the evening breeze. The cows coming to the fence to see what was happening, they twirled and dipped and jumped with each other, it was perfect.
She pulls him in for another kiss and she is all giggles, high from the dopamine and serotonin rush they were both on. Like someone injected sugar right into his veins, he was unbelievably sweet on her.
“We’re you serious?” Spencer whispered against her lips before she can pull back any further and disrupt the courage he felt.
“About what? I’ve said a lot tonight,” she teased him gently.
“About having more kids?” His voice is low and his eyes can’t meet hers as he prays she was being honest.
She nods softly, “never been more certain, actually, I would have 10 more of your kids if they’re all as perfect as our Amoreena.”
He tilts his head to the side and presses his lips together in a tight smile, he lost all control of his tears a while back, feeling them slip down his cheeks as he took everything in. She had given him everything and then some.
“How are you this perfect? It’s been 8 days since I laid eyes on you and you’ve managed to make every single dream come true, while simultaneously creating new dreams I never imagined I’d be allowed to have. You’re the best thing that has ever happened in the world Y/N, I’m so incredibly in love with you I could scream right now,” he is more passionate than he plans to be, she stares at him with more lust than happiness this time.
“Prove it and make love to me, you said you’d rather fuck me at home. Well,” she kept teasing him opening her arms and twirling around as she showed off the farm. “This is your home now, husband.”
“Where should we go?” He felt adventurous, willing to take her against the fence if the cows wouldn’t eat her hair, the thought alone making him giggle to himself.
“What?” She can't help but giggle right back.
“I thought about fucking you against the fence for a hot second and then the intrusive thoughts kicked in and I thought about the cows eating your hair,” he admitted with a fierce laugh.
“I love you so much,” she shook her head and sighed, the same way she did at the museum when Amoreena made her laugh.
That was all the proof he needed. Never would he question how she felt, if she loved him half as much as she loved Amoreena then he was blessed by far. This was over the top.
He picked up the lantern then, handing it to her as well as her phone before picking her up bridal style and attempting to carry her back to the house. He made it to the barn before she begged him to put her down, wanting to skip the rest of the way with him.
Giddy as all hell, the two of them snuck back into her house. Rufus, the best guard dog in the world, was passed out on the couch and didn’t even move as they walked in. Locking the doors and windows for the night before tiptoeing up the stairs again.
Luckily, Amoreena’s room was on the opposite side of the house from Spencers. Y/N pulled him down the hall and inside the room, lightly closing the door before leaning back against it and sighing.
“Are you sure? I never asked you what you wanted,” Y/N whispered.
Spencer just shook his head and slipped out of his suit jacket. “All I want is to have a big happy family with you, where ever that takes us, I’m up for the adventure.”
Y/N was the one who teared up this time, looking away from Spencer and at her grandparent's wedding photo on the side table. She walked past Spencer, brushing her hand against his arm as she did so, picking up the photo and kissing it softly.
She turned it face down and turned back to Spencer, “help me with the zipper?”
He nodded, silently stepping forward and brushing her hair off her back, freeing her from the dress. He pressed his lips gently to her sun-kissed shoulders, surprised by the array of freckles, kissing the pattern they made on her skin as she let the dress slip to the floor.
He wrapped his arms around her, hugging her from behind as he continued to kiss her neck and shoulder. She hummed into the feeling, tilting her head to the side so he had more room to explore, her hands cover Spencers as she felt up his arms, still in his embrace.
She had the softest skin on earth, he could spend the next 14 hours kissing every square inch of her. It was all perfect and he wanted her to know it, “get on the bed,” he whispered in her ear as he pulled away.
He picked her dress up off the floor and put it on a hanger from the shirt he had on. She watched with soft eyes as he hung it on the back of the bathroom door, keeping it safe and taken care of while they became a married couple.
He slipped out of the tie and started unbuttoning his shirt, she laid back against the covers, pulling her grandma's quilt off and folding it at the end of the bed. She laid back and waited as he slipped his pants to the ground and finally joined her once again.
She met him halfway for a kiss, holding his face as he knelt between her spread legs, she leaned back and took him with her. He hovered then, barely touching her as she leaned forward to keep kissing him, eventually wrapping her arms around his back and pulling him down.
Skin to skin for the first time ever.
It’s slow and explorative, they take their time as they enjoy every single inch of each other's bodies. She’s soft and perfect, she fits in the palm of his hand like he’s always been holding her. Moulded for her and her alone.
He’s never made love before. Sure, he’s had sex but never in his life has it felt like this… no, this was perfect. It was everything he’s ever dreamed of and then some. Her kisses felt like dreams coming true, her touch so light it was like sunshine on a hot day, just dancing over him.
It was perfect.
He brushed her hair behind her ear, still inside her, as he took a moment to just look at her. Her eyes were hypnotic, he was so dawn into her it was like she controlled him. He kissed her gently on the forehead, “I love you,” he reminded her, for the millionth time that hour.
She pulled him in closer, breathing against his neck gently as they continued. Her nails on his back were amazing, he felt the sharp pain of her grip which only excited him more, fastening his pace, both his hips and where his thumb was pleasuring her between their bodies.
She looked like she was floating, relaxed as she laid against the sheets, blissed-out while she took it all in, panting airy nonsense as she got closer and closer.
She was quiet, they both were. It was silent as possible while they made love for the first time ever. She was everything in the world to him and then some, he couldn’t believe she was real as they both finished and managed to somehow get closer to each other.
Another level of love was just unlocked in his heart, he was never going to stop loving her. That would be the only impossible known to man.
tag list: @shemarmooresfedora @spencers-dria @spookyspence @reidsfish @manuosorioh @mochionly @samuel-de-champagne-problems @jswessie187
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wesimpforxiao · 4 years
Say My Name and I’ll Be There: 8.2; Lantern Rite Part 1
You never had the chance to push Childe for answers on his vague statement, even after the two of you arrived in Liyue on the afternoon of the Lantern Rite.  It was as busy as you remembered, though it was nothing compared to how it would be once the sun set.  You weren't new to the festival, as you had gone a few times with Granny when you were a child, but that was a long time ago.  You were around twelve years old the last time you had joined the festival.
Being here again was like a breath of fresh air.  
It was a shame that breath of fresh air turned stale when Childe continued to prod at you.  "So, ojou-chan, what will you be doing after dark?"  He had intentionally turned it into a suggestive question, his smug brow raising slightly even after you glared daggers at him.
"I'm going to walk around, of course," you replied without giving him an inch.  "And I'm going to find Aether and Zhongli, too."
"Oh? Aren't you forgetting someone?"
"What I do in my free time is none of your business," your jaw tightened.  "You, Tartaglia, are literally a child.  Why don't you step aside and let your elders do what they want?  I am older than you, you know."
"I see you've picked up Signora's attitude," he moped and finally dropped the subject.
Perhaps you had, even though you hated her with all your life force after the trick she pulled at Angel's Share.  Even so, you couldn't help but bite the harbinger that fed you after he made strange offhanded comments about his own behavior, or his self-proclaimed 'apology' gift, or the way he held you the first time you felt Xiao's suffering.  You still couldn't figure out what was going on with him, and quite frankly, you could care less.  That's what you told yourself, anyway.
Was he an ally or an enemy?
"Earth to Mezzetin."  He rudely poked at your forehead.  "Is everything alright?  You've been obnoxiously loud all day and now you're quiet."
"You do realize you're equally as obnoxious?"  You met his eyes head-on after pulling away from your thoughts.  "I'm hungry."
"Ah, thought so.  Here," he handed you a heavy sack of mora without warning.  "I'll be at Northland Bank if you need anything."
"Eh? That's it?"  You watched him begin to walk off, expecting much more of a threat to your life if you so much as thought about running.
"You said it yourself ojou-chan, you're an adult," he called out over his shoulder.  "I'd expect you to act like one in these circumstances."
"Wha--!"  You scoffed at his shrinking figure as he climbed the stairs to the Snezhnayan bank.  "Ugh, whatever." Your gaze fell to the mora pouch in your hands.  Maybe I'll stop by the funeral parlor first and find Zhongli.
When you did, the archon paled at the sudden surprise appearance.  "How did you find yourself in Liyue Harbor?"  He scanned your body as if you were to be handled with care.  "I was under the impression you would remain at Zapolyarny Palace until further notice.  How did you happen to gain the Tsaritsa's trust so quickly?"
"Eh, you'll have to ask Childe that."  You didn't notice Zhongli's eyes narrow with contempt.  "He won't tell me why they decided to have me accompany him here," you answered without skipping a beat.  Though the archon was certainly thrown off guard, the two of you appeared to start right where you had left off like none of the events in the past two months had ever occurred in the first place.  It was refreshing to be with a friendly presence again, and you sighed in relief, hiding a wince from the sharp pain in your ribcage.
The movement didn't go unnoticed by Zhongli.  "Ah, yes...Allow me to brew you some tea.  The leaves I've gathered recently have exceptional pain-relieving qualities, though they don't compare to that of Xiao's medications--"
"How is he?"  Your interruption stopped the man in his tracks.  "Is he okay?"  If Zhongli knew you were feeling Xiao's pain, that meant the yaksha had been in contact.
"He's as well as he can be, given the circumstances he's been burdened with.  Do not worry yourself with him.  Please, take a seat."
You watched Zhongli's graceful movements as he prepared a kettle and brought the water to a boil, dropping the leaves in when it was hot enough.  You were oblivious to the thoughts that ran through his mind as he sent a wry smile your way.
That day, I made a grave miscalculation, Zhongli thought back to the group's encounter with Childe in Fontaine.  A guilty sigh escaped his lips as he poured the tea into two ceramic teacups.
Deception.  Maybe Zhongli was a little too good at playing the part of an innocent bystander, if he had succeeded in fooling Aether not once, but twice.  But this route would be the only way to ensure yours and Xiao's sanity...The archon grit his teeth as he parried Childe's relentless blows in the pouring rain.  The harbinger didn't hold back even though this was all for show.
How long did the fighting go on? Twenty minutes? Thirty?  An hour?  Childe gave the signal to Zhongli as he summoned his fifth and final narwhal using the rain that fell around them.  Most of the group was worn out from constantly changing tactics as the harbinger switched between his vision and delusion.  Childe was so much stronger than the first time he faced off with Aether...but so was Aether.  Zhongli understood the only way to make this plan work would be to sacrifice his two closest allies in one way or another.
"Retreat!"  Zhongli gave the order and an exhausted trio followed it without question.  Well, except for Aether.
"We can't leave Xiao!"
He had hoped he gave Xiao the push he needed to seal the bond, but it apparently was not enough..."Here is your tea," he placed the teacup in front of you before sitting at the opposite end of the table.  "Tell me, have they remained true to their word and put an end to your experiments?"
You blew at your steaming cup before taking a small sip.  "Yeah...They've already begun testing on Fatui agents, but every single one of them dies.  It's funny, actually.  Dottore still can't figure out the correct ratio for my blood.  I've watched hundreds die."
"And how are you?"
That question was loaded, but you swallowed the nervous chuckle that had bubbled in your throat.  "I'm just glad to be so close to home." To him, you meant, even if the two of you never actually met up during your stay here.  Your eyes trailed to the window, and Zhongli noticed the sadness in the depths of your gaze as you watched people decorate the buildings with xiao lanterns.
"Xiao will be especially busy today, fighting off the demons that rise from the festivities," he answered your looming question.  "But I am sure he would find the time to meet you if he knew you were here."
"You know, I hold most of his memories, but I can never seem to know what he's thinking."  Your low voice captured the archon's attention again after a few silent minutes.  You were saying it more to yourself than to spark a conversation, eyes still gazing out the window.  "Maybe I am chasing after a fruitless dream."
"Your love for Xiao is strong."
"Eh?" Your head snapped back to the present moment.  "H-how did you--did he--?"
Your flustered composure drew out a low chuckle from Zhongli, and he set his teacup aside.  "I've lived for six thousand years; I know a thing or two about human concepts and emotions.  The entire group has known for quite some time."
"I was that obvious?" An insane amount of heat rose to your cheeks and you buried your face in your hands.  "So did he know before I...?"
"Xiao may be a few thousand years old, but he understands humans less than I do.  I can confidently say you caught him off guard."
You peeked out from behind your fingers.  "Hm?"
"It is not my place to say anything more on the matter," his lips tugged into a friendly grin as he brought the teacup to his lips once again.  "But I would not call it a 'fruitless' dream."
The lanterns that lit the streets of Liyue illuminated the bustling crowds of people that were focused on getting food, souvenirs, and lanterns that were to be released later that evening.  You had parted ways with Zhongli in an effort to find Aether, with no luck in locating the boy even after nightfall.  Despite this, you navigated the festival alone in hopes of running into him as you eyed the food stalls.
That is, until the voices grew louder.  You swayed on your feet from the unexpected wave of nausea that overcame you, and grabbed onto one of the support beams next to the stairs.  Xiao was fighting something again, wasn't he?  You had felt the damned creep up on you as the day progressed, but nothing prepared you for the jarring pains that were too similar to the first time you had felt this side effect.  You nearly puked from the overwhelming sensation, coughing into your hand only for it to be splattered with blood.
Not again, you stared in horror as you hastily blinked away the splotches in your vision.  A quick glance around confirmed that there were children in the immediate vicinity, and you didn't want to scar them with the sight of you on what was supposed to be a happy night.  Your eyes flit to the distant building that housed the Northland Bank, and you were determined to make it there even if it was a bit too far for you to walk at the moment.
You stumbled through the crowd on unsteady feet and shallow breath until you bumped shoulders with a boy and tripped.  "Ngh!"  The impact worsened your dilemma, and your eyes caught those of the person you ran into.
"Sorry!  Wait, are you okay, ma'am?"  The white-haired boy retracted his outstretched hand and instead knelt at your side to offer his shoulder.  "You..."  This energy....could it be that I can finally...?
"U-um, excuse me."  You struggled to your feet and tried to make your way to the bank again.  This time you were immediately halted by the boy.  
"Ma'am, are you by any chance experiencing paranormal activity?"  His hard gaze made you hold your breath without realizing.  When he saw your eyes flash as if someone had held a lantern to your face, his grip on your shoulder loosened ever so slightly.  "My name's Chongyun.  I'm an exorcist.  Do you mind if we speak in private?"
He brought you to the docs, which were a little less crowded than the main area of the harbor.  Chongyun watched as you sat down and steadied your breathing while attempting to sneakily wipe away the blood that dripped from the corner of your mouth.  
I finally haven't scared them off, the boy thought as he stared at you in wonder.  Why now, though?  "Ma'am, can you tell me what's going on?"
"I-I appreciate your concern," you ground your teeth together while another wave of pain consumed you, "but I d-don't need your help."
"When did you start feeling this way?"  Chongyun sat with his legs crisscrossed in front of you, and summoned a deck of cards from his pocket.  Anger boiled as you watched him shuffle them in his hands and set them in the space between you one at a time.
"I wouldn't do that," you growled while your thoughts grew hazy.
"Don't worry, this won't hurt you."  He started mumbling some sort of incoherent verses before flipping one of the cards.
"I said DON'T!"
Chongyun caught your hand before it could swipe the cards away from the pier's surface, and he locked eyes with you.  He took a deep breath before speaking as if you were the one agitating him.  "Those are the evil spirits talking.  I can tell you're not that far gone.  Sit patiently, and I can help you."
You blinked for a moment and regained some control over yourself, relaxing your shoulders once he let go of your wrist.  "What is it you're trying to do?"
"Purge evil; it's my job.  We exorcists have protected Liyue for generations," he flipped another card over, noting your tension rising again before dying down.  Whatever he was doing with those cards seemed to piss off the voices in your head.
"Like adepti?"  You grimaced when he replaced one of the cards with another.  
"Yes, much like the Guardian Yaksha of Liyue," he replied calmly while testing your reaction with another card.  "I have much respect for him, but--"
"Xiao?  Have you seen him?"  Your hand burned when you grabbed his, but you ignored it once you caught his attention.  "Have you seen him recently?"  
"You know him by name?"  Chongyun was as confused as you were.  "That's odd, I thought we were the only ones who--"
"Hey!"  A high-pitched voice interrupted the conversation, and the two of you turned your heads toward the sound.  Paimon was flying towards you, Aether running right behind her.  "What are you doing here?! Are you okay? Did you escape? Did you kick Childe's butt?"
"I--" Aether stopped himself from hugging you when he saw the dried blood on your hand, his relieved smile fading into a concerned frown as his feet came to a halt.  "...Are you okay?"
"You know each other?"  Chongyun looked between the trio and summoned a new set of cards.  These ones held terrifying symbolism of demonic entities you didn't wish to know the name of, and he placed them over the other ones that sat on the ground.
"Ngh!"  A hand covered your eye in an attempt to put pressure against a sharp pain.  "You can't help me! Enough of this!"
"...W-what's wrong with her?"  Paimon trembled slightly when she heard the uncharacteristic aggressiveness in your voice.  "Is she...possessed?!"  
"Not quite," Chongyun returned his eyes to you in deep thought.  "I've never seen this before..."
"Wait, your positivity didn't scare them off?"  Aether suddenly looked a lot more concerned, and he moved so that he sat beside you.  Chongyun scared every spirit away...if that didn't happen this time, it must've been a bad sign. ��"What happened to you in Snezhnaya?"  His voice was a mix of both guilt and anger.
"Zhongli didn't tell you?"  It took all your strength not to attack the three of them as Chongyun put another card down.  
"The group went their separate ways after you..." Aether shook his head and put a hand on your shoulder when he noticed the malice in your stare.  "What did Childe do to you?"
"It's just another side effect," you growled and pushed his hand off.  "I'm not possessed like this guy is saying."
"Is this true?" Paimon's skepticism antagonized you further, but you bit your tongue.
"We should take you to Zhongli," Aether pulled you to your feet without hearing your objections.  If your words were accurate, then there was no way the exorcist could help.  "Sorry, Chongyun!  She'll be fine!"
"W-Wait! Ah-"  Chongyun already lost them in the sea of people that were getting ready to release their lanterns.  It was almost time to fill the sky with the light of human prayers and wishes to the adepti.
Once out of Chongyun's vicinity, the voices dispersed as if nothing had happened.  "What the hell--"  Your confused grumblings caught the attention of Aether as he guided you through the crowd.  "This is so stupid."
"So you're able to feel Xiao's mental distress?"  He glanced back at you for a brief moment once he figured out what he had witnessed.  "At least now, he has someone that can understand a little bit of what he's going through, right?"
"I don't know," interjected Paimon.  "Didn't Zhongli say the yakshas fell one by one from karma?  Wouldn't feeling Xiao's karma kill you?"
"Probably."  Your uninterested answer brought both of them to look at you, only to find that your eyes were surveying the crowd with expectation--or was it hope?  Your companions exchanged knowing, but glum glances.
"He won't be here."
Aether's words went through one ear and out the other.  "Yes he will."
"Um...Paimon doesn't think so.  Xiao doesn't like crowds, remember?"  You were so different than a few months ago...Each sound seemed to startle you or make you wince, and you had a peculiar distant look in your eyes.  Your friends were growing more and more concerned about you.
Xiao, I'm here, you called out in your heart, not fully aware of it.
Coming up:  A long-awaited reunion.  The fears of a yaksha.  A display of trust.
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passivenovember · 3 years
Ok this is silly I had this thought and didn’t know what to do with it so since I know you’re from the midwest too here you go lol; no one explaining to billy the concept of testing tornado sirens after the move to Indiana so he’s just sitting in class on a sunny Wednesday morning when the sirens go off and he’s the only one freaking out (does Indiana even get tornadoes? idk)
Being born on the coast, right on the water, practically on a surfboard grants Billy wings. Flying high on the surf of tsunamis and hurricanes--tropical storms that lay palm trees flat when the wind blows just right--Billy knows that whatever monsters exist in Hawkins probably lie dormant under the weatherman's bed, or something. Completely harmless save for two weeks out of the year.
Butbutbut--that doesn't stop him from preparing. He's got half a brain for self preservation, being raised by Neil, so Billy does the math. Scans a few Farmer's almanacs the week after they move into their cozy little shit shack on Cherry Lane and finds that Indiana has had 32 tornadoes in the last year.
Thirty fucking two.
And 1,015 people got hurt. And 32 Midwesterners died trying to rescue their hay bails from landing dick first in Oz, or something, but no one ever seems to be talking about it. No candles line the streets. No public vigils are held, Chief Hopper disgracing the dead just as he does the living.
Things continue on with regularly scheduled boredom, until second period History. Billy's relaxed. Loose limbed, leaning into the blunt he smoked on the way across town this morning, and he's happy, for a Wednesday.
Counting the seconds until lunch, staring at the back of Steve Harrington's head, just. Salivating over waves of barley falling to rest against the collar of Harrington's stupid little shirt...when the wailing starts.
And Billy's fingers go white-knuckle on the desk in front of him, carefully highlighted notes fading in and out of focus as his throat dries up.
Billy's never heard a noise like this in all his life.
It's a fucking nightmare. Cosmic punishment--nails on the black board, and screeching children, and road burned tires rolled up in one.
Billy thinks the skies have cracked open for the angels to sing with their high, scary voices. He thinks the walls must be vibrating with it. Humming in tune, as the wind whips a hole into the cosmos--
"Hey, are you alright?" Steve Harrington asks.
Mrs. Decker's gone.
Everyone's gone.
Billy tries to make sense of it, eyes blinking in rapid succession. One, two, three. Onetwo three twoo--
"Where did everyone go?" Billy tries, sounding. A lot weaker than he means to.
"You look like you're gonna hurl." Steve says, shuffling awkwardly. "I could, like. Grab a trash can for you, if that'd help?"
Billy tries to breathe in through his nose, and. Out through his mouth, or something.
Steve waves a hand in front of Billy's face, all, "Look, dude, if you're gonna ralph just tell me and I'll get the trash can."
"I don't want to--"
"Connor O'Murphy blew chunks in the one by science hall last year and it smelled like peanut butter." Steve says. Mean, like Billy's trying to be difficult. "It's not a big deal."
He waits for Billy to say something.
Billy doesn't.
Steve gets on his knees, leans back on his haunches, and. He looks kinder up close. Worried. "Hey." He says again.
Billy frowns. "I'm not deaf, alright, don't talk to me like I'm--"
"--I heard you the first fucking time--"
"Alright," Harrington snaps. "Jesus, you're not sayin' shit. And you're frozen in time or something. Freaking out." Steve tosses his hair.
Right out in the open like that, like. Billy didn't need the air in his lungs anyway.
Steve frowns. "You alright?" He tries again.
And Billy's had enough. "Where the fuck is that noise coming from?"
Steve looks over his shoulder and back again, like, "What noise."
Billy lets out a sound. It's rough. Hurts, a little.
Steve touches his knee. Billy smacks his hand away. "That noise," He says, as the angels hit another high note. "What the fuck is that, It sounds like a bomb's gone off somewhere."
Steve makes that stupid face again. The one with the doe eyes, and the puffy pink lips, and the flop of hair across his forehead.
The one that sets Billy's blood on fire. The one that makes him mad. Harrington eases the burn with a frown. "The tornado siren?" He supplies.
Billy's whole ass, fucking. Drops into the gymnasium below.
"There's a tornado?" He whispers, chest staging a riot. "Why is no one doing. Anything. Why is no one--"
"Woah, woah, hey--"
"Why aren't we finding shelter?" Billy demands wildly. "There were thirty-two tornadoes last year, and 1,015 people got hurt and thirty two died and--"
"Listen, you gotta breathe, Hargrove." Steve makes a big show. Puckers his stupid pink lips and demonstrates how to do it.
Like human's aren't conditioned to breathe on impulse. Like Billy even could, with Harrington's lips looking like that--
Billy slaps the hand away that finds his chest. Gasps, too, like the room is filling with smoke. "Shouldn't we be finding shelter?"
Steve shakes his head. "No, man, 's a test siren." He says easily.
Too easily.
Billy stares at him. Watches him breathe in and out until his own breaths match up, just. Naturally.
"Yeah." Steve's hand finds his knee again. Billy wishes he'd stop doing that, as Harrington's fingers toy with the rip in his pants. "Every Wednesday--"
"Let me finish." Steve says, almost. Fondly. "Every Wednesday from February to May they do practice drills."
"Who does practice drills?" Billy says thickly, trying to breathe. "Who's they, why would they do that--"
"How should I know?" Harrington snaps. Then; gently. "The power plant? The mayor? Channel 15? Who's to say."
Practice drills.
Billy goes back to monitoring his breathing even as Steve crowds into his space and immediately backs up. Looking like he wants to touch. More than just a knee.
"I hate the Midwest." Billy stands. Gathers his shit into a pile before thrusting it into his bag.
He can feel eyes on him. Soft, soulful brown eyes that pin him down. Hold him hostage.
"Look," Harrington says. Billy does, heart thumping in a way that has nothing to do with the sirens. Steve watches him for a moment before grinning softly. "I got a joint in my car." He says.
Billy frowns. "Yeah? And I got a will to live."
"I told you, it's not a real tornado--"
"But it could be." Billy finds the strength to stand smile. "If I'm gonna die in a natural disaster I don't want it to be because the corn swallowed me whole."
"I'll protect you." Harrington says fiercely.
And Billy's got half a brain for self preservation. Like a boy scout who couldn't pass the D.A.R.E course.
Turns out? He'd sacrifice it for a pair of brown eyes.
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bts-hyperfixation · 4 years
Iced out - kinktober - day 19
Yoongi X reader - married Wax play, ice play, f!oral, unprotected sex
This had been the worst fight the two of you had had in a long time. Yoongi was due to set off on a new world tour within the next month and he kept bringing home the stress of rehearsals with him. Every time he came home he either collapsed on the sofa and stayed there until long after you gone to bed, or forced himself through dinner with you snapping at you when you asked questions he deemed too overwhelming for his current mental state. You know he didn’t mean it, often apologising as soon as he realises how short he had been with you, but after two weeks you’d had enough.
“STOP IT!” you shout after the twelfth grumbled reply of the evening “You have been awful to me for weeks now, and I get it you are stressed but did you ever think maybe I have bad days too?” he glances up at you from under his bangs before excusing himself from the table and locking himself in his home studio. You let out an exasperated sigh before throwing the empty plates into the sink, chipping one in the process. The flood gates opened then, and you retreated to your shared bedroom, safe in the knowledge that your husband would not come to bed until after he was sure you were asleep.
You must’ve passed out while crying. When you awoke the sun was streaming through the crack in the blinds, Yoongi no where to be found. He must have come in at some point though because your jeans had been removed, and you were tucked in with your favourite blanket and the teddy bear he bought you for your first date. You cuddle the small toy close before unravelling yourself and going in search of your missing spouse. You walk out into the living room but he’s not on the sofa. You search further into the house, heading for his musical sanctuary. That’s where you find him. Curled up on the small leather sofa in the corner usually reserved for when you want to watch him work. Soft snores fall from his mouth, he looks so peaceful there, finally relaxed. You crouch by his side and try to wake him, eager to sort through any lingering contempt from the night before. However, when he doesn’t stir, an evil idea forms in your head.
You run back to the kitchen to receive your weapon of choice. The ice cubes burn your hand a little as you rush back to mess with the man you love. When you return, he has turned in his sleep, giving you the perfect access to your target. You almost abort the plan when you see his angelic face, mouth slightly agape, he just looks so cute. But the ice is staring to drip out of our hand so its now or never. You take one of the cubes and rub it gently along the back of his neck. He lets out a small moan in protest to the damp sensation. The noise only spurs on your mischievous replacement for an alarm clock. You drop two ice cubes down his back, knowing how sensitive he is. The sudden damp wakes him up immediately and you rush to hide the evidence, slipping the remaining ice cubes into your mouth, not having an exit strategy for him awaking so fast.
The bleary man eyes you suspiciously, looking at your blown-out chipmunk cheeks. While tired he is not stupid. His eyes squint as his hand reaches out to push your cheeks together. One of the cubes falls out of your mouth and he laughs shaking his head at your antics, felling the tension break between the two of you. You stick your tongue out, the last remaining block of ice proudly sat in the middle. He pulls you in to kiss you. The two of you pass the cold shard back and forth until nothing remains. You pull away a little breathless, resting your forehead against his.
“I’m sorry for shouting at you baby” you whisper, genuinely sad that you’d snapped knowing how hard he’d been working.
“Don’t be silly, it’s all on me. I should never be that short with you ever. I love you far too much to ever make you that upset.” His hand caresses the side of your face as you cling to him, happy to finally be talking through the rising resentment.
“I love you too… so much” tears sting your eyes again when you think about how much your going to miss him when he goes on tour, knowing that part of the argument was pushing each other away in preparation for the long separation.
“Come with me?” he asks for what must be the hundredth time since the tour was announced. You sigh about to refuse again, you couldn’t just up and leave your job and friends, especially with how busy he would be, but his lips press against yours to halt your response. “Please, I don’t want to leave you again, I can’t” his eyes plead with yours, a sadness planted deep within them.
“Maybe” your voice is barely above a whisper, but it’s all he needs for now “Maybe for a little bit of the tour at least” you clarify, but it doesn’t matter, because he knows you, once your resolve budges an inch he can run with it for a mile. He sweeps you into his arms, all sleepiness worn off. He carries you back to your bedroom as you squeal for him to release you. He dumps you on the bed and is instantly covering your body with his. He places kisses along your chin and down your throat before pulling your hands away from your sides and above your head. He secures them with the handcuffs that had become a permanent fixture to your headrest.
“Now I think it’s time to get you back for the rather rude awakening this morning.” He pulls your shirt up your body, so it pools around your extended arms and crawls back off the bed. Reaching into your box of toys he pulls out a candle and lighter. “Fire for ice… what do you think Jagi” his voice dropped an octave as he set the wick alight and waited for wax to start dripping from the top. You squirm in anticipation as he moves the candle over your body. He tests the temperature on his own skin before letting it hang freely over your stomach.
The first splatter of warmth hits your stomach and you let out a moan.
The next two hit your thighs, close to your core. His free hand moves to play with the drying wax connecting the small trail of dots, his fingers getting dangerously close to where you wanted them most before he pulled them away and moved the candle to a new target. The wax was flowing a little quicker now, he took the opportunity to write his initials across your chest before blowing out the flame and placing the candle on the heatproof mat on your dresser. He signals you to stay still and exits the room. You close your eyes awaiting his return, enjoying the feeling of the cooling wax on your skin.
You hear him return but don’t bother to look. Your trust in him is complete, unwavering. A trust you regret just a little when the ice I dragged slowly across your heated flesh. Your eyes fly open, glaring at the cocky smirk now on his face.
“What happened to the fire?” you question trying to sound annoyed and failing miserably. His freezing touch prevents you from actually being upset. Too turned on to even keep up your fake argument. He pulls the cube down from between your breasts to your pussy, holding it just above your slit and letting the cool water mix in with your juices. When that cube was gone Yoongi reached for another one from a glass on the side. Placing it on his tongue he tucked his head between your legs and blew a cold wind over your still heated skin. One arm wrapped around your thigh the other snaking underneath him to play with your folds. Once his mouth is almost as cold as the ice he licks up your slit before sucking on your clit.
The severe temperature shift made you shiver with pleasure. His mouth moves expertly against your clit, drawing nonsensical shapes in your skin. Two of his fingers tease your entrance, their tips dancing in and out of you but never enough to cause the stretching burn you craved from them. Your about to whine for what you want, not above begging after the taunting he had put you through, when he surprises you by pushing three of his digits inside. You let out a high squeak at the sudden intrusion, the burn almost too much. Almost. You grind down as far as the handcuffs will let you. He chuckles at your eager reaction, pulling his hand back as much as far as you advanced.
“Please” the plea left your mouth almost involuntarily. He pumps his fingers languidly in and out. His digits curve expertly against your sweet spot.
“Please what Jagi… tell me what you need” he places kisses on your thighs and waits for your response.
“Fuck me… hard, make me cum hard all over your cock” your filthy mouth makes it impossible for him to hold back any longer. He rips his fingers from you almost painfully. He unlocks your hands, flips you over, and removes his pants. You grip onto the pillows as he lines himself up. He thrusts into you hard, pistoning his hips like a man gone mad. The feeling is incredible. One hand reaches round to play with your clit as the other wraps in your hair pulling you up flush against him. He places small kisses along your shoulders in between the grunts leaving his mouth. Your orgasm builds quickly in this position. The combination of the angle and his ministrations on the bundle of nerves between your legs has you almost screaming as the pleasure overtakes you, your husband not far behind as his hips stutter.
He cuddles you close as the two of you fall to the mattress, exhausted. When your highs fade, he moves to grab your recover kit, using a plastic card to remove the dried wax from your skin and rubbing the areas with a soothing moisturiser. He places kisses to the slightly pink skin and pulls you favourite blanket back around the two of you as you fall into a late morning nap. Back in his arms where you belong.
@adventuresinwonderlust @thedarkwinterrose @samros95
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pl-panda · 4 years
To Marry a Vigilante: Part 5
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By the time the class landed in Gotham, Marinette and Chloé had enough. Their recorders, which were supposed to serve as damning evidence of blatant bullying, got ‘damaged’ when Lila accidentally splashed the two girls with a drink. Whatever it was, it was sticky, didn’t wash with water, and also ruined their hidden dictaphones. 
Of course, the liar made it look like it was Marinette who tripped her. The class almost hounded her, but they kept their distance not wanting to also get their clothes dirtied. Of course, Lila was occupying the bathroom for the next fifteen minutes, so when she finally left the drink already dried, making it even harder to get rid of. 
When the girls made their way out of the plane to meet with Sabine and their teacher, Lila pushed past them and came crying about how rude Marinette ruined her outfit, which was supposedly incredibly expensive. None of the intelligent people bothered to try and point out that it was cheap mass-produced junk. Alix was visibly conflicted, but also did not speak up in the end. 
“Marinette. I expected better of…” The teacher started, but then she saw both girls were hit worse than Lila, who cleaned most of it in the bathroom. 
“Sweetie…” Sabine started to rethink if a simple murder wouldn’t solve their problem.
“Don’t worry Maman. I can probably salvage it once we ret… get to Damian’s” Mari corrected herself. Luckily, it seemed like nobody caught her slip of tongue. 
“Ugh! Not that creep.” Alya complained. “He gives me shivers.” 
Mari glared at her former friend. She wanted to say something, but her teacher urged them to move. They were put into a small lounge. Marinette, of course, had to run them through a safety course, for reasons. She still did her best, as Gotham earned its reputation as the World’s Capital of Crime. 
When they were finally cleared and the class left the airport, there was a bus waiting, ready to take them to the hotel. Marinette and Chloé were about to board when a limousine pulled next to them. 
“Angel, Bourgeoise…” He greeted the girls. “Since you’ll be staying with us, my father decided to send a proper escort.”
The class stared in disbelief. The guy with a sword was loaded? It definitely looked like it from the car. 
“I bet his gramps just works as a driver and borrowed his work car,” Lila whispered to Alya and suddenly everyone was repeating the lie. “Or maybe even stole it…” 
A blade was suddenly pressed into Lila’s neck, a hair width away from drawing blood
“Tt. I will tolerate many things, but if you try to insult Alfred one more time, your end will be painful.” The class backed away in fear. Marinette immediately went to try and drag the boy away from a very pale Lila, but he wouldn’t budge. “Am. I. Clear?”
Lila was too paralyzed to answer, so he pressed the blade further. Now it was in contact with her skin and a moment of inattention could have fatal consequences. “Am. I. Clear?” He seethed.
“Yes…” She managed to whisper. 
“Tt. Good.” He sheathed his blade just as two security guards came outside to check the commotion. 
“Arrest him! He tried to murder Lila!” Alya immediately screamed. 
“No. If I did, she would be dead. I only explained certain values.” Damian deadpanned. 
The two guards looked between the class and visibly angry Damian Wayne and scratched their heads. They could report it, but they only had the word of some foreigners against the word of the son of the First Citizen of Gotham who was also the fifth richest man in the world. The cameras here stopped working, hence they came out to check what happened. 
“Children. We should be going or we’ll miss lunch at the hotel,” their teacher urged. That was enough for the guards. If the chaperone did not press charges, they wouldn’t bother. 
“But… But…” 
“Lila. Be a bigger person here and apologize to Damian.” Sabine grinned. 
“But he…”
“I don’t want to hear it!” The woman cut her off. “You must show our host some respect.”
“I didn’t…” The glare Sabine sent her and the murderous expression on Damian’s face made the words freeze in her throat. “Fine. I’m sorry Damien.”
“Tt.” Was the boy’s only response. 
Marinette and Chloé were about to leave when Rose protested. “Why are they not going with us to the hotel!?”
“Because as one of the host families, I’m allowed to welcome the students I choose to my house for the stay.” Damian did not care enough to elaborate more. Instead, he just jumped into the back seat of the Limousine. The girls followed, with Chloé going as far as sticking her tongue at the class. 
Once the doors closed and Alfred started the engine, Damian lowered the windshield and leaned outside. “By the way, it’s Damian. Damian W…” He didn’t get to finish because Marinette covered his mouth with her hand and dragged him inside. The windshield closed. 
When the car entered the main road, the girl finally let him go. 
“What was that about, Habibti?” He glared at her. 
“You were about to reveal that you’re the Damian Wayne.” She accused him.
“Tt. It’s time that liar learns who she’s dealing with.”
“It would only blow up in our faces. She would make it worse for all of us, including your family.” Seeing that both her best friend and her husband (still hard to get used to) were looking at her with no small amount of curiosity, she elaborated. “Damian Wayne is supposedly her ‘ultimate price’ from this exchange. She will want to sink her claws into you with all her skill.”
“Tt. She can try.” He huffed. His hand instinctively went to his sword. 
“You do know you are quite murderous for a Robin?” Chloé quipped.
“And you’re bratty for a lady.” 
“That’s Drake. Spoiled princess.”
“Daddy can afford it so why not? Trained monkey.”
“Grayson. Try harder. Talentless heiress.”
“I’m helping Marinette start her own company. Emo McBroodyPants.”
“Where did you even get that one?”
“I read.” She huffed. “And looks like I won.”
“Tt. As if.”
Marinette just sat back and watched her best friend and lover bicker there and back. It was nice that they were warming up to one another…
When Sabine finally arrived at the Manor, she was dead on her feet. Alfred was, of course, waiting for her at the entrance.
“Eventful day, Madame?”
“Don’t.” She cut him off.
“I assume it went worse than anticipated then?”
“Where is Tom?”
“Master Tom is in the kitchen. He decided to prepare some baked goods for the afternoon.”
Sabine stormed to the kitchen where she found her husband. He was clearly busy preparing the dough. After a quick greeting, she went to help him. 
“That bad?”
“Worse.” She sighed. “I really don’t understand that woman. How… She cut me whenever I tried to rein those monsters in.”
“Oh… Hand me the pin.” He interrupted himself. Sabine gave him the item, which she already had in hand when he started speaking. 
“I’m not sure if I can survive until school starts again. And even then there will be occasional afternoon trips. If it continues, I might just… I will get a jam. You did bring it?”
“I’ve put it on the counter,” Tom replied while still preparing the dough. “And don’t worry. I’m sure it’ll get better.”
“I hope so…”
In the evening, Marinette, Chloé, and Sabine were introduced to the Batcave. It was indeed impressive, but Sabine was mostly interested in the training ring. She would lie if she didn’t want to test herself against the famous Batman. And she didn’t fancy committing crimes to do so. Well, for now. The class was making it more and more appealing.
“So you’re the girl that tamed Robin?” A redhead in a wheelchair rolled over to Marinette. 
“Tt. Shut up, Gordon.” Damian managed to spend a beautiful afternoon without any teasing from his family. Sadly, nothing could last forever.
“Come on baby bird. After the show you gave us on Christmas Eve, you can’t expect us to just drop it.” Dick was there, smiling cockily. 
“As much as I too want to tease that couple, I hoped for some sparring matches.” Sabine decided to save the teens. For now.
“Well, Madame, I’m happy to oblige.”
“Who’s with you?” She asked once Nightwing entered the ring.
“Um… I didn’t think you wanted a team match?” He replied, slightly confused. 
“No, no. I just thought I would have some challenge.” She smiled brightly. She was dressed in a dark-pink judoka and wooden sandals. 
“I… want.” Cass chimed in. She gracefully jumped into the ring before turning to Dick. “Alone.”
“Of course Sweetie. But I won’t go easy on you.” 
“Did not… expected.” 
The two women watched one another, neither moving from their spots. Both seemed relaxed but ready to react. Cass was first to start circling, with Sabine following. Neither could find any obvious flaws to exploit. Finally, Sabine lunged forward, only to jump to the side before getting in Cassandra’s range. The girl didn’t lose the bit and with a quick spin kicked her aunt, only to be deflected. Sabine tried to capitalize on the opening, but Cass followed her failed kick with another, launching herself in the air. Her target ducked low before trying to deliver an upper-cut punch toward the flying girl. It did connect, serving to push her back. She used the momentum to get some distance before landing on her hands and doing a double backward cartwheel and ending in a ready stance. 
“Not bad, Cassandra. I’m impressed. That boy would probably already be crying on the floor.” Sabine smiled genuinely. There was no need for banter between them. 
“Weakling.” The girl blew Dick a raspberry. 
Two women watched each other for a moment. This time, it was Sabine who initiated the actual fight. She delivered three quick punches that Cass blocked, but it created a small opening. She tried to deliver a side-kick to the girl’s head, but her opponent had the same idea. 
Their legs clashed by the shins. Sabine landed her leg firmly on the ground, but Cass once more lunged in the air, trying to use the momentum. She did two more kicks that her aunt blocked before she tried to put the older woman in a grip. Sabine, seeing the attempt, jumped back and tried to grab Cassandra’s hand, but instead, the girl spun around, delivering a powerful kick to Sabine’s side. 
The woman felt the kick, but she used the opportunity to timely grab her opponent’s foot and twist it. Cass, to avoid an injury, also had to spin in the air. She managed to attempt a kick before falling on her stomach. Her kick did force Sabine to let go of the foot to avoid having her head hurt. The girl quickly jumped on her feet, just in time to block an open-palm strike, which was followed with a kick. She did not get to respond, because Sabine made a low-sweep. Cass jumped in the air, only to find herself pushed away by another open-palm strike that, this time, connected with her chest, pushing the air out of her lungs. 
The woman followed Cass in the air, so she did not get a chance to stand up before getting pinned and rotated on her stomach. The grip that Sabine used effectively made it almost impossible to get out of before her aunt delivered a mock game-ending strike to her head. 
When Sabine stood up and helped her niece, both were panting heavily. It did not affect the accuracy with which the older of them made a back-kick, right below Jason’s belt. 
“Next time you try to sneak on either of us I will hit harder.” Sabine didn’t even bother to turn around and watch how the man curled on the floor, crying. “Good fight.” She focused her gaze on Cass, who blushed slightly.
“I lost.” 
“Well, depends on the criteria. You got the first hit, which is often decisive. And an achievement.” The woman cheered her with a broad smile on her face. Cassandra couldn’t help but also smile. “We could both use some more practice. I definitely would’ve taken you when I caught your foot and if you capitalized on the initial advantage you could’ve ended the fight.”
“It is an honor… training… with you.”
“Thank you, my dear. I also enjoyed it.” Sabine then turned to the gobsmacked group. The fight must have looked more impressive than she thought. 
“Did you just… defeat Cass in less than five minutes…?” Tim asked, unable to form a smooth sentence.
“Well, Sandra always said that I was the better one in unarmed combat. She does rock with swords though. And you should’ve seen her in that club in Tokyo. She’s definitely the dancer of the family, or rather was. I enjoy Cass’s ballet more.”
The great moment was interrupted by Batman speaking to everyone over the comms. 
“Suit up. We’ve got a hostage situation at Gotham Plaza.”
“For the love of Kwami… Please tell me it’s not my class.” Marinette groaned. 
“Tt. Of course it’s them.” Damian pulled his phone, showing her a live feed from the news helicopter. On the rooftop, there was a clearly visible group of teenagers, surrounded by goons with guns aimed at them. Near the edge stood a guy in a two-color suit. Half white and half black, with a red and black tie to complete the mad image. Half of his face was badly damaged and purple. 
“If Batman doesn’t show here to save his precious sidekick soon, we shall see if the little birdie can actually fly.”
Everyone who met Lila groaned. 
“I assume we can’t just let him deal with her?” Marinette asked hopefully.
“Sadly, Angel, it would be bad for our image.”
“I guess you’re right.”
“The two of you are sitting this out.” Batman walked into the cave, already in his suit. “We can’t risk any of them recognizing you two and it’s too early for Ladybug and Chat to appear. It would be too easy to associate their appearance with you two coming to Gotham.”
Seeing Damian’s irritated face, Marinette decided to intervene before she had a fight on her hands “Let’s do a movie night. I’m sure you have a theatre room somewhere in here.” 
Immediately, the boy brightened. “No Bourgeoise?”
“I think Chloé has other plans for the evening.” She nodded toward where the blonde was talking excitedly with Cass, trying to convince her to train her.
“Good.” Damian offered his hand and the two left the cave.
“Damn! I didn’t get the chance to tease him about the proposal.” Jason looked really dejected. 
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