#he’d be head over heels enough to make this fucking thing I’m embarrassing
watchyourbuck · 9 months
Impromptu moodboard of images that made me go ‘oh that reminds me of Buck’s birthmark’
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yanderenightmare · 3 months
Gojo Satoru
TW: implied noncon, yandere
fem reader
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The way Gojo Senpai is so obnoxious, he doesn’t understand his flirting is making you uncomfortable…
He seriously thinks he’s making you fall head over heels in love with him even when you give him nothing in return to make him think that. He just thinks you’re embarrassed and nervous, flustered by his attention, and that’s the reason you divert your gaze and bite your lip when he has you against the lockers, leaning on his hand with his shades gliding low on his nose—telling you that you have no shot becoming a sorcerer, but that you look too cute in the uniform not to give it your best try. 
“Don’t worry, just say my name, and I’ll come save you,” he’ll say. “You can be my personal assistant supervisor instead.” 
His game isn’t anything to brag about. It's more in line with bullying than flirting, but you pick up on the suggestiveness. That heated saccharine look within his blue eyes can only mean one thing if the way he plays with your hair isn’t enough of a hint already.
But his words are nothing short of derogatory, and all in all, he simply makes you feel gross—a sentiment you thought you put across, but it seems that having six eyes only makes you blind.
It takes Shoko telling him to leave the poor Kohai alone for him to finally understand that you don’t like him. And then he’s just confused and embarrassed.
And a tinge bit irritated.
Gojo knows for a fact he could make any girl want him. Even those who seem to hate him would melt if he gave them the same attention he’s been giving you. Any girl. He could have any girl, but he chose you. And you reject him?
No. He can’t accept that.
“Most girls would be grateful for my attention,” He states plainly after having tracked you down.
Your head snapped, jolting. “Gojo Senpai—” You dropped the mop in your hands with a clatter, having been deep in your own thoughts on classroom cleaning duty. You sighed as the scare settled, giving a breathy laugh, “You scared me—”
“Is that it?” he interrupted. “I scare you?”
You quirked a brow with a tilt of your head. “What?”
“Do I scare you?” he repeated, louder, posted on the threshold in a stance you’d never seen him in—stiff and squared, not his usual lazy laidbackness.
Confused, your eyes looked around as if searching for clues but came up emptyhanded, “Uhm, I don’t understand—”
“It’s a simple question,” he said, cutting you off again, this time with a step into the classroom. He talked slowly, cradling the next words, “Are you scared of me?”
Where it all came from, you hadn’t a clue. But then again, Gojo Senpai has always been rather strange. 
Were you scared of him? It’s not really something you’ve ever thought about. Sure, if you were to go one versus one with him, you’d probably piss yourself. But in a regular setting, you just found him to be as grating as the next person.
“I don’t think so?” you end up answering.
“Good. So what is it then?” His shades were low enough for his stare to skim over. Brighter than clear skies, and yet, somehow, so dark. “Why don’t you like me.”
Oh, so he’s figured it out on his own then. It’s about time. And thank fuck for it—saves you the trouble of breaking it to him yourself. Though you were still left with the unfair task of telling him why.
“Honestly, Gojo Senpai, I’m not, or well… you’re just not my type.”
Stick to the basics, is what you told yourself. There’s no need to drag this out.
“Yeah, I figured. I’m asking why,” he countered, in complete disagreement with your thought.
Still, you wanted to fight for it. “Does it really matter?”
This conversation was the last thing you wanted, but it seemed the white-haired prodigy wouldn’t leave without having it.
“Well…” you started, still pondering. Maybe he’d appreciate the honesty? He’s a rather straightforward guy himself. “I mean, there’s no way you don’t already know this, but—” You picked up the broom again mid-sentence. “You’re really obnoxious.”
He took a small second before he scoffed, “So? No one else cares.”
It reminded you of arguing with someone half your age—the petty anger in an ill-thought-through comment slung at you as if it carried all the weight in the world. But what everyone else thought of him hadn’t anything to do with you—and even so, out of the people on campus, you’re certain you’re not the only one who finds his attitude unpleasant—they just don’t tell it to his face. 
You had half the mind to tell him to go get a grip, but he was still your Senpai.
“Good for you, I guess?” You weren’t really looking to fight with him, after all. “So you can flirt with literally anyone else then,” you dismiss him and go back to finish cleaning the classroom—glad to have put it all behind you. You were starting to fear he’d never leave you alone.
There’s a woosh, then the hard thunk of your back hitting the wall. Both your upper arms are gripped tight, pinned. When you open your eyes again after adjusting to the impact, you look straight up into the full view of two crisp comet blues.
“You’re mighty rude for a Kohai. You know that?”
Your head stings. You blink crookedly.
“Maybe I’ve misjudged you. D’you have anythin’ for show to back that attitude up?” It’s eerie how he says it in the same flirty fashion he would otherwise—even the look in his eyes are the same. But his grip tightens.
“I don’t want to fight—”
“No?” he cuts you off with a pout. “I could've sworn you were asking for it—all but begging for it a second ago.”
You whimper, cowering at the sudden bite in his voice.
“What’s the matter, huh? I thought you said you weren’t scared?”
Your voice comes out weak, “Please, Gojo Senpai, I—”
“Please?” he questions brightly, eyes stark and burning like a stovetop. “Yeah, that’s got a nicer ring to it—suits you better.” The smile that splits across his face is nothing short of unhinged. “But it’s not enough for me to let your disrespect slide.” He licks his lips, and a chill runs up your spine, feeling like caught prey. “Lucky you, I know exactly what price to put on it.”
His mouth devour yours the same way—pouncing like a beast would, with teeth more than lips, then a tongue. You whine as you twist—it’s more instinctive than deliberate when your knee shoots up into the unprotected space between his legs—right into that thing that was rubbing and rutting against you.
You make a run for it as he staggers back with a hiss, but you don’t make it farther than three measly steps before you’re bent over the closest desk.
His fist wrangles your hair, using it to shove you face-down against the wood—the weight of his body on top of your back with his voice raspy against your ear. “We could’ve left this with a kiss, but I don’t think it’s gonna be that easy now.”
Tears spill hotly in a panic, but no matter how much strength you put into lifting yourself up, you remain down. Sobbing, “Let go—help—”
He snickers with a hand under your skirt, spidering delicately up your thigh. “Who’re you callin’ for help, hm? I’m already here.”
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♡ GOJO SATORU masterlist ♡ JUJUTSU KAISEN masterlist
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princessbrunette · 4 months
I’m crying cause imagine she sees him in public after he posts the lyrics and he’s trynna talk to her and she’s like all out of it like “☹️☹️” and he’s like “Kid, what’s wrong?” And she’s like “who were you talking about when u posted that?” I know he’d be embarrassed too cause not him posting it for her nd she doesn’t even understand
the way it would be s1!rafe and bunny from this timeline <3333
ೀ 🐰 ‧ ˚ 🪽 ⊹˚. ♡
he follows the sound of kitten heels clacking obnoxiously along the marble of the country club, heading toward the exit. rafe breaks into a light jog to catch up, appearing at your side to witness your pouty expression.
“hey— woahwoahwoah where you going? hm?” he tests the waters with a hand on your lower back. usually you preen to his attention and touch, but seeing you head for the exit as soon as the boy arrived has him wondering what was wrong.
“just can’t be around you right now, rafe.” you mewl like you’re on the verge of tears, shrugging as you continue your exit.
“wh—why?” he takes a hold of your arm, gently — but firm enough to stop you in your tracks and turn you towards him. your bottom lip wobbles, eyes glassy and your left leg wobbles like you’re threatening to thump your foot.
“because i’m not the only girl! i thought you liked me, but you’re posting all this stuff on your instagram n—n i’m not an idiot rafe. know everyone thinks i am but i’m not. jus’ dont wanna get played by you—” you go to walk away but he holds you still, tilting his head.
“what stuff? fuck are you talking about kid?” he looks genuinely perplexed, eyes squinted and all — which makes you soften your demeanor only slightly.
“you… were posting lyrics n’stuff… all this freaky stuff about what you wanna do with her…” it sounds dumb and petty when it leaves your mouth and you know that, which is why it leaves your mouth so quietly. he stares for a moment, only confirming how you felt and as you turn away from him his hand gets a hold of your cheeks, squishing them lightly in his hand as he forces you to look at him.
“jesus, that was about you. who the hell else do you see me talking to…huh?” he explains firmly and you blink, realisation setting in.
“oh.” your nose twitches, still upset. the eldest cameron backs up, scratching his cheek a little over the whole thing before spreading his arms in gesture for you to follow him.
“yeah, and if you’re done with your little tantrum i’d like you to come back into the club with me, so we can talk.”
as embarrassed about the whole thing as you were, you feel your cheeks push up into a smile — under rafes spell and never passing up an opportunity to talk with him.
“m’kay!” you chime, sniffing back the residual tears that never fell and joining him at his side. the boy throws an arm around your shoulders, shaking his head.
“n’don’t go assuming shit again, alright? ask.”
ೀ 🐰 ‧ ˚ 🪽 ⊹˚. ♡
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stevebabey · 1 year
Eddie is beginning to wonder if he’ll ever reach a point where Steve couldn’t reduce him to this state.
This state being… transfixed. Eddie is sure he must look like a lovesick cartoon. In fact, if he could manage to drag his gaze away, he’d probably find red hearts circling around his head in a halo, popping like little bubbles.
But Eddie can’t move his eyes. Can’t even close his mouth either.
Steve’s talking to him too, which is most definitely worse — he’s totally missing every word. He can see Steve’s lips moving, pink plush lips wrapping around words but fuck, that was a total trap because now Eddie is just looking at his lips. He tries to refocus, to listen. His eyes just wander back to what he was staring back at the first place.
Was Steve like this all the time? Just a walking around looking so damn delectable?
Or is it Eddie, just a starved man who’s been living off stolen glances, for as long as he can remember? For once, he’s learning, he’s allowed to look.
And by God, is he looking.
Steve’s not even doing it on purpose either, which probably makes the whole thing funnier. Eddie knows what his boyfriend (boyfriend! he thinks giddily in his mind) looks like when he’s cleaned up to impress. He can spot the way Steve preens beneath Eddie’s lingering gaze.
This is not that. Today, Steve is just cleaning, a usual Sunday morning ritual.
He’s got some old sport shorts on and he’s clearly grown a bit since he first got them— unless Hawkins has always been giving out slutty little shorts to the basketball team (They haven’t. Eddie would know if they did.)
He’s wearing one of his wife-beater singlets too. It’s a little on the scrappy side though, considering it’s nearly see-through with how worn it is.
Honestly, in Eddie’s humble and gay opinion, it’s stupidly hot. The dark hair dusted across of Steve’s chest is visible beneath it, the shirt showing off the shape of his broad chest. Even better, his happy trail is visible and goddamn, if that doesn’t make Eddie happy, he doesn’t know what will.
But it’s not even that.
Quite frankly, Eddie’s rather embarrassed that he’s basically blue-screening because Steve is pulling out the cord out from the vacuum cleaner.
But… but he’s yanking it up towards his chest, slow and strong repetitive motions— that take enough effort to make his biceps bulge with every tug.
Eddie can’t stop watching. The cord must be several metres long and he’s not sure if he should be cursing it or thanking it for the view he gets; Steve’s tan arms flexing and rippling. Try as he might, Eddie can’t help imagining how they must look when Steve’s got his hand aroun—
“—hello? Are you even listening to me?”
Steve’s voice cuts into Eddie’s dangerously side-tracked thoughts and he pauses his tugging at the same time. It’s the thing that finally allows him to break his lustful stare at Steve’s arms. Oh God, he just got all hot and bothered over his boyfriend doing the vacuuming.
“Hello.” Eddie says back, because that was the first word to register in his brain. “I mean- yes. I’m—”
Eddie decides mid-sentence that he’s not getting away with the lie. He pivots. “Okay, no, I didn’t hear that. Would you please tell me what you just said, oh lovely sweet man of mine?”
Ever the butterer-upper, he was. Thank God it works on Steve. He rolls his eyes a little but there’s an adoring grin on his lips.
“Man of mine,” Steve mutters amusedly under his breath. He drops the vacuum cord on the carpeted floor and leans down the grab the handle of the vacuum. “You just kinda froze when you came in. I was asking if everything was okay? I’m just doing this room then I’ll be done, if you don’t like the noise.”
Eddie adores that Steve’s taken his silence as though he might be afraid of the vacuum cleaner or something. He nearly snorts aloud at how far from the truth it is.
“Uh huh.” Eddie nods, not bothering to correct him. He jerks a thumb behind him, pointing at nothing. “I’m just gonna…”
He spins on his heel and exits left stage, fast as he can while still looking normal (he’s unsuccessful, as he leaves a baffled Steve behind him.) As he enters into the kitchen and decides to fix them both a pot of coffee, Eddie lets himself giggle over the pure absurdity of what just happens.
It’s mortifying. It’s hilarious. He can never tell Steve.
Except, when Steve comes to find him in the kitchen and trades a kiss for some coffee, Eddie can’t help it. All he ever wants to do is make Steve laugh.
He decides it’s worth the embarrassment when Steve laughs so hard coffee comes out his nose.
Steve teasingly promises that he’ll to try be less distracting, then rescinds his words at Eddie’s abject reaction (“Don’t you dare.”) looking far too smug— in a delighted sort of way. Preening, in that way Eddie loves.
Their first kiss, as Eddie slides onto Steve’s lap and loops his arms over his shoulders, fingers dancing on those tasty arms, tastes a little bit like coffee. Their mugs grow cold, untouched.
Eddie doesn’t mind — he’s too busy finding out that the rest of their kisses taste like something between sunlight and Steve.
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lonelystarrs · 11 months
𝑫𝒐𝒏’𝒕 𝑻𝒐𝒖𝒄𝒉.
𝗧𝗼��𝗶 𝗭𝗲𝗻’i𝗻 𝘅 𝗙𝗲𝗺𝗥𝗲𝗮𝗱𝗲𝗿
His gambling and betting habits often got himself into situations he’d rather not be in, it’s what landed him here at this stupid Halloween party with his utter goof of a girlfriend, but there were plans hiding under that ridiculous outfit.
Warnings: 18+ MDNI + smut + crack + size kink + ghostface! Toji + whip use + switch reader + mean Toji + public sex +
4.7k smut fic • I am unwell • enjoy my terrible humour. Kinktober
Part Two: Maid Zen’in
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You thought you were real fucking funny didn’t you? Turning up in that ridiculous outfit.
Gojo was already cackling and elbowing Toji in the side.
“It’s hilarious, you sure got a keeper huh Zen’in?”
Toji rolled his eyes, thick shoulders hunching more and biceps bulging from his arms crossed. His ghostface mask sitting on the side of his head so he could literally drink his way out of this.
“Gotta admit, I still would.”
“Yeah? Feel free.” Toji sneered, trying so hard not to watch you but it was hard not to, you were busting out moves on the dance floor and because of the air filled suit, the moves were impossible to actually see them.
No matter where he looked, he could see the air filled horn bobbing around above the heads of others in the crowd of people at the club, the laser lights illuminating to the music as you danced with no care in the world amongst a group of people.
You said you were coming as a murderous unicorn, which was ridiculous enough, but what you were wearing was anything but fucking murderous, maybe to Toji’s ego and pride. The mane was rainbow, the white blow up body suit you had on filled with air and a pair of heels.
Fucking designer, red bottom strappy heels, in that costume.
“Yo, Zenin, isn’t that your girl?”
“No.” Toji denied it many times this evening, even though those asking knew otherwise.
Gojo cackled again, elbowing Suguru who joined the conversation as he watched you moving on the dance floor having far too much fun for your own good, the air filled suit making you move in a way that was fucking hilarious to the six eyes.
Toji knew why you were doing it, because you’d gotten into a argument this morning and he’d made a snide remark about something he didn’t even remember quite frankly, either way you’d fallen out and had been giving him the cold shoulder all day. Even meeting him here instead of coming with him.
Now though he was glad for the distance, soon as he seen you he couldn’t help but think thank fuck he walked into this club alone. He just had to bear witness to you flirting with the bouncers as they bantered with you about your outfit.
He wore a black tight muscle shirt, with black jeans, a holster on his chest with two big hunting knives either side and a ghost mask.
He looked like a threat, like something suitable for Halloween, you just looked like a girl living her princess dream prancing around like a pony. It was your whole idea coming to this thing in the first place and the only reason he was going was because he lost a bet with you, his damn gambling habit presenting her karma for him finding any opportunity to bet irresistible.
“Eh, she is sure giving it beans with those dance moves.” Satoru couldn’t help himself, his eyes were twinkling with amusement, he couldn’t stop watching you.
“I’m surprised you came, Toji, not usually your kind of thing.” Suguru at least was less bothersome on the topic.
“Oh look she’s on her way over!”
It was embarrassing watching you waddle through the crowds, beaming a smile that was only making his jaw clench and when you eyed him, giving him a flirty look of acknowledgment before changing your pace to a flirty strut, Toji nearly walked away.
“Hey handsome, do you wanna feed the pony?”
Gojo Satoru lost it beside you, bellowing a laugh at your over the top flirtation and even Suguru started to laugh.
“-cause you make me so hooooorny T.”
Your hands lifted to flick the bobbling horn on your head and Toji grabbed his mask pulling it back over his face before storming off to the bar again. Leaving Gojo to strut up to you and smack a hand on your shoulder in some kind of praise, perhaps he should just let you both date.
Perfectly suited for each other and the six eyes did have a thing for you, the sulking for two weeks after Toji first claimed you as his girl was enough of a clue. Let alone the remarks Satoru made towards you, his eyeballing and offering to date you instead of Toji.
But you’d always refused.
And he was kinda glad, as odd as it could be at times you did bring some fun to Toji’s life, a perfectly grown women when needed but that side of you that had zero ability to be embarrassed was troublesome, but at times entertaining. He could banter with you in a way he couldn’t with females usually and you only dished it back.
But the sex, fuckkkk the sex. You were insatiable and you’d even made his eyes almost cross a few times, how you sucked his cock was unworldly and lucky for him you couldn’t get enough of doing it.
Toji took a seat at the bar, ordering a strong whiskey to try give him some hope on getting through this evening with some sanity, how long he was sat there he didn’t know, but being alone only gave the opportunity for girls to come up to him.
So you wanted to play huh?
He could play, perhaps make you regret trying to show him up like that.
He entertained it, a girl in an angle costume coming up, her tits out held by some flimsy looking material that Toji could so easily rip from her, some skimpy white skirt that was hiding nothing, white stockings on show and pretty blonde hair.
She wasn’t exactly horrifying, but this was what girls went for this time of year, not like he was complaining -he was a guy after all.
She twirled her finger around a strand of hair, battering her eye lashes at him.
“You’re like, the hottest guy I’ve ever seen.”
“Oh yeah?” Toji smirked, turning in his seat to face her, giving her the once over, “—how so?”
Toji played it clever, soaking up the praise instead of giving it just because if you were looking you’d be none the wiser. As much of a woman jumper as he used to be Toji was loyal when treated well, and treated well by you he certainly was.
The blonde reached out to trace a finger on his muscles, dragging an acrylic nail down the line between his bicep.
“You’re huge-“
“So I’ve been told,”
“Anything else big about you?”
Toji chuckled tilting his head to her when she bravely gripped his arm and squeezing the bicep, just as he was about to say that’s enough a riding crop slammed down between them, hitting the bar with enough force everyone sat there spun around.
“Hey angel face, he flexing his muscles for you hmm? He’s such a show off, thought I trained him better than that.”
Toji knew that tone, the kind that made him lay back let you ride him until you were spent, the kind that kinda made him melt a little inside for you —not like you’d ever, in a million fucking years, know that.
Green eyes turned to meet you, expecting to see you in that ridiculous blow up unicorn suit, instead it was gone and suddenly he was wondering where the hell it was so he could put it back on you to stop the amount of looks you were getting.
Stood there with the lights dancing around you in leather chaps with studs, a leather bra with a body harnesses a fucking pink gag horse bit dangling down your neck resting between your collar bones and bright red lipstick, hair into a clean, high ponytail with a crop in hand.
And he knew his dick was gonna be under those red bottomed heels this evening.
You had a black, glittery horn on your head that had red glitter spilling down it that imitated blood, along with make up running down your forehead in red glitter.
This was your damn take on a murderous unicorn?
The blonde went to open her mouth, but you beat her to it, pressing the crop under her chin and closing it for her.
“Shh, this guy-“ you stepped forward and Toji reached for you, standing behind you as he pulled you in, a large hand made its way around your neck to grip it from behind “-he doesn’t fuck angels, he’s too corrupt for that.”
The smirk that spread over his face was nasty, tilting your head back into his chest and pressing his lips to yours, going straight for your bottom lip with his teeth and pulling.
He felt you moan against his tongue as it swiped your bottom lip between his teeth.
“Playin’ a dangerous game comin’ out like this doll,”
Toji hummed whilst kissing you upside down again,
“Yeah, s’get outta here-“
“Or-“ you span around in his arms, leaned up to him and brushed your lips against his, “-we can use the private room back there for VIP.”
Toji rose an eyebrow at you, you only grinning at him and grabbing his hand to lead the way through the groups of people until you both reached a gold door, the bouncer there nodded at you and Toji rose an eyebrow.
Since when did you know people on that level to only be acknowledged through nodding?
Your back hit the door the moment it shut and Toji was on you within seconds, hand gripping your neck and squeezes it in the way he knew made your cunt clench, choking you lightly whilst tilting your head up to him feeling your little moan on his palm against your throat.
“What you got goin’ on in that head of yours sweetheart? I ain’t stupid.”
You shrugged, “-nothing really, but I am wondering if you wanna make a lil bet again.”
Toji rose an eyebrow, leaning back slightly to look around the room, it wasn’t huge, the seats were black trimmed with gold in a booth shape with a small table off to the side.
“Keep talkin’”
“I’m thinking, you let me take control and if you lose it I win.”
Toji snorted a laugh, “-you won’t even get my cock in that tight lil cunt without my help doll, you think you’re gonna manage with me just sitting back?”
“If I need your help, then I lose.”
He released you and stepped back until he let himself slump back onto the booth, spreading his legs and his arms across the top of the booth, one hand reaching down to unbuckle his belt and undo the button to his jeans, pulling the zipper down. His skin tight top riding up showing the lines of his V that lead to a cock too big for most girls to handle. The black pubic trail of hair also leading a line down into his boxers.
“C’mon then sweetheart, it’s all yours.”
He was snide, cocky with how he was sat spread out and you smirked at him stepping forwards, pressing the crop under his chin and tilting it up to you looking down on him, his green eyes glazed with sly intention, his smirk only aiding it.
“You’re not allowed to touch me, clear?”
Toji rolled his eyes and shrugged “-whatever you say, boss. You’ll be begin’ for me too long before I need to.”
Toji’s eyes widened when you actually smacked the crop across his face, anger filtered through him briefly at you having the fucking balls to even think you’d get away with it, but when he looked back at you, eyes half hooded with some kind of pissed off look he only felt his cock throb. The leather you wore was glistening in the low lights, hugging every curve and pressing your tits up perfectly.
“Less snark, Zen’in, it’s boring me.”
Holy shit —fuck you were still surprising him 2 years into this damn relationship, how the hell had you hidden this from him? You had attitude, that was never hidden and fucking it outta you was borderline impossible, but it didn’t mean keeping you fucked dumb didn’t work until you got bratty again.
He glared at you, hands balling into fists and his jaw clenched, the red welt forming on his cheek as he held eyes with you.
“Don’t push it,”
“I plan to, Toji, or do you feel yourself losing patience already? Might be an easy win for me after all.”
You litt-
Toji groaned, his stomach tensing as the ball of your foot pressed into his semi hard dick only encourage it to harden under it, his hips rolled and his head tilted back, keeping eyes with you as you watched his reaction.
“Been thinking about sucking you off all night, my mouths watering over it T.”
“As said doll, it’s all yours.”
You hummed and stepped forward, pulling his jeans down just enough to free his dick as it slapped against his stomach, pre drooling from the tip into the deep lines of his six pack.
“You’re drooling already, Toji.”
He watched as you lowered yourself between his legs, bending forward to run your tongue between the lines of his six pack collecting pre on your tongue, teasingly running it around the head of his dick not touching it directly, only grazing the tip with the underside of your tongue. Your eyes never leaving his as your placed your hands on his thighs.
“That’s it-“ Toji sucked in air, his muscles tensing under your tongue as he watched you, eyes focused on your tongue glistening with drool and pre.
You pressed a kiss to the underside of his head, peppering them down the length of him before your tongue pressed to the base and ran up to the tip again, letting a glob of spit drip to cover it. His cock flexed against his stomach, smearing the spit along his skin as it rested heavy on his stomach.
His eyes rolled back when you finally wrapped your lips around him, hollowing your cheeks and sucking before bobbing your head with your hand twisting, keeping to the top of his dick and moving your tongue around the head. His hips bucked, fingers digging into the booths padding to stop himself reaching out, cause all he wanted was to grip your hair and fuck your face like a fleshlight. See how watery your eyes got, watch the drool spilling down your chin, see how well your throat bulged out from his dick, pressing his hand against your throat to feel himself fucking you.
But he was a man of strong will, even if his toes were curling in his shoes as you worked his cock like a dream, the squelching of your mouth as spit started to dribble down his dick. You kept going in the same pattern, twisting your hand when it separated from your mouth bobbing and sucking him in, your tongue swirling around this head giving him constant friction.
“Gonna suck the cum outta me? Fuck -hah- shit doll, that your fucking plan?”
He felt you laugh on him, pulling away with a pop and drool down your cheeks, red lip stick smeared on your lips and his dick.
Your eyes all glassy and panting lightly looking at him with fuck me eyes and his heart thumped against his rib cage, kicking away in a flutter that only pissed him off. He knew he liked you, way too fucking much for his own sanity and it pissed him off that you got under his skin in a way he couldn’t get enough of.
But how you looked right now? Between his thick thighs, running your tongue up and down his big cock that looked so huge in your hands, staring at him with eyes like that, willingly making a mess of yourself on him?
Fuck it took everything in him to not reach out and kiss you stupid, to bury his cock into you and let you cum over and over on him in a love language only he could give.
You didn’t reply, instead you stood and placed your feet on the booth seat either side of him, then lifting your right to place beside his head, hovering your cunt over him as you ran two fingers over your clothed pussy.
“No Toji, that’s not my plan.”
He groaned when you pushed the material aside, letting him view your glistening cunt as it drooled with slick. He was half expecting you to let him touch you at this point, his cock flexing against his stomach as his own pre started to leak into his muscle lines again. Watching as one hand spread yourself open for him, the other rolling around your clit.
It was cruel how you moaned above him, it was mean as you pressed two fingers into your tight hole letting him watch you spread yourself open for him.
“You’re clenching around those fingers, they ain’t deep enough are they sweetheart? Trying to act like a little whore but you can’t fuck yourself like that, y’need me, so why don’t you just give in?”
Toji reached for his own cock, wrapping a fist around himself slowly stroking.
“-sit on my face, get that other leg up and put that pussy where it it belongs hmm? I’ll get you cummin’ how you like.”
Pulling your fingers back covered in slick you toyed with your clit again, hips rolling as you lowered yourself to his face.
“S’it baby, she needs my mouth hmm? I know what she needs-“
“M’gonna cum-“ Toji hid his sneer as he watched you pick up your pace, rolling your clit around your slick covered fingers and he could see your little hole clenching around nothing, fluttering as you came.
His nice attitude left him, sneering an insult under his breath as you cummed over his face, thinking he almost had you breaking the bet by caving first.
“Open your mouth T, I’ll let you catch it,”
Green eyes focused on the clear slick starting to drool from your fluttering hole, a link forming and he held his tongue out, letting the sweetness of you coat it.
“You’re so fucking hot, honestly.” Toji hummed at your praise and taste of you, your foot retreated from besides his head, falling to your knees either side of him, eyes all glassy and pretty, pink dusting across your cheeks.
Your hand reached down to grab his dick from his own hands, wrapping a hand around him and rubbing his head at your hole.
“You’re brave but you ain’t doin’ that without me. No fucking chance.”
You hummed and let your weight start to drop onto him, the stretch already too much as his thick head pushed through the tight ring of muscle, both moaning at the feel of it, your warmth starting to swallow him in.
He gave an airy chuckle when he seen you panting, struggling to take him when you got half way.
“What’s wrong brat? Thought you had this, you look like you’re struggling to me.”
You glared at him, reaching up and turning the ghost face mask on the side of his head to cover him completely.
“Shut up you asshole,”
His patience was dancing on thin ice, the need to thrust into you and bury you to hilt, to bully the rest of his thick cock into you was making his nerves jump. As much as he tried to ignore the need to grip your hips and slam into you, to fuck you until you seen stars and begged him to stop was overwhelming.
However when you slammed yourself down onto him, his head tilted back.
“Ah fuck- you little brat-“
Your hands gripped his shoulders and you spread your knees further from him, already feeling so full. You looked up only to see him tilting his head back, his breathing picking up and his hips stuttering under you fighting the instinct to move.
You couldn’t see his face, covered by the ghost face mask and it only made it hotter. Your hands gripped the material either side of it and tilted him to look at you.
When you started to bounce on him, your walls tightened around him still trying to adjust, his eyes rolled back under the mask only opening again to see you above him looking fucked out.
“Shit, sweetheart y-you’re, fuck me, shit, y’fucking yourself dumb on this fat dick?”
You nodded dumbly at him giving him a panty ‘uh-huh’ as you sank yourself down on him again.
“Harder, if you’re gonna fuck this dick do it harder, I wanna see you strugglin’ on it.”
His hands were flexing on the booth, he started to fidget under you as you kept a pace that was no where close to getting you both to cum, he wasn’t a fool, he ever was a stupid man…
He knew you were doing it to break him first and when that thought crept into his head about giving in, he couldn’t ignore it.
You felt wet, you sounded soaking and he could feel your slick drooling down past his balls. Fucking him with this mask on like he was some toy for you was in fucking credible.
To top it all off you had the balls to smack him with that whip, the boss him around which no one done, and you were both in public.
He wanted your mouth, fuck he wanted your tongue down his throat as you whimpered into him.
He was never one who bothered about consequences, never one to care about repercussions.
“You never told me -hah- you never said what the loser has to do.”
“Maid outfit-“ you painted out, “-fucking you in this mask is so hot, fuck your dick is made f’me T.”
“Maid outfit? Loser wears one?”
You nodded dumbly and he chuckled, that’s it?
“That’s it? Fuck this-“
Toji reached up, tearing the mask off and throwing it across the booth, his large hands reaching down to grab your ass painfully.
“You ain’t walkin’ outta here pretty girl, I ain’t carrying you either-“ your eyes widened as he pulled from you , his tip just stretching you out as a wild smirk blew across his face, his eyes almost dots as he looked at you like he was about to kill you “-you little brat, I’m gonna watch you struggle then I’m gonna fuck you even harder when we get home.”
He seen your face fall, the regret perhaps dancing across your eyes and he soaked it up knowing it would fade by tomorrow. Knowing you’d be your cocky self all over again.
And he couldn’t wait.
His pace was brutal, hips slapping up into you with such force your skin was starting to sting, the leather of your outside screeching with each movement.
“Kiss, now-“ his demand was through panting, his breathing heavy as he worked his body to bully his cock inside of you, you gave him wanted he wanted as your whimpers and moans vibrated against his tongue. He swallowed each noise, his hands bruising on your ass cheeks as he held onto them for life.
Then you made a noise he’d never heard, almost a sob that mixed with a moan.
“Atta girl, keep making that noise-“ your arms wrapped around his neck, burying your face into it as your body stuttered and he knew he hit the place he was looking for, “-there it is, gonna cum for me you little slut? Can feel her squeezing me, she’s so tight”
He moaned into your ear, teeth biting at it as he coaxed you into coming with harsh words.
“M’cumming, holy shit Toji-Toji slow down, fuck m’gonna cum!”
“Do it then, I want her sucking the cum outta me, gonna have it drooling down your legs when we get outta here, whole clubs gonna see you’re a slut.”
The moan you gave was pained, frustrated as you danced on the edge of cumming, that coil so tight in your stomach, feeling like you were gonna snap but it wasn’t happening.
“Fuck!” You growled out in frustration into his neck, shifting yourself against him and he chuckled.
“She’s as stubborn as you huh?” He wrapped an arm around you, turning you so your back landed on the booth seat and his other hand grabbed the mask he flung off, pulling it back over his head as he towered over you.
“Look at you, tiny, pathetic little thing- look so dumb all cock drunk,” he rotated his cock inside you, hips moving in a circle as he looked down on you in the ghost mask.
Your hands reaching up to grip his biceps that bulged from holding his weight above you and he looked huge, made you feel like nothing under him. The low light of the room almost blocked out by his shoulders.
He started to rut into you, pressing a thumb to your clit and rolling rough circles around it. A strangled noise leaving you as your hips bucked up, tears welling in your eyes as your body started to shake under him.
“It’s too much, T-Toji it’s too much.”
“Yeah? Deal with it, I’m gonna cum soon and I don’t give a shit if you don’t,”
The panic on your face was enough to make him smirk under the mask, rolling his thumb around your clit harshly knowing it would be too much to actually make you cum.
“I want to,” your head rolled back and tears finally fell from your eyes in frustration, fucked beyond the point of cumming for him as you felt that knot slipping away left with raw, frustrating over stimulation from his rough handling.
“Then cum like a slut, you know how to do it.”
He moved his thumb, slowing his pace to harder thrusts that made your body jolt, tits bounce with each delayed, wet plap, plap, plap of his dick bullying into you.
When your eyes glazed over, your body relaxed under him he knew he had you were he wanted, Toji dropped to his elbows, leaning down to your ear as his hips worked to keep you both going.
“Baby-“ he cooed into you, voice slightly muffled under the mask, “-you feel good, pussy made f’me yeah?”
He felt you nod dumbly, your moans jolted by his hips.
“And dicks made for ya, sweetheart, she’s sucking me in so well.”
He knew he was contradicting himself making a fucking idiot out of his previous taunting that he’d cum without you, but seeing you actually frustrated, tears spilling down and you struggled made the little empathy he had in life flicker.
He kept his short punches, his lower stomach rubbing against your clit and keeping his cock punching that spot inside you until you cried out, suddenly cumming around him violently. Clinging onto him for dear life and sobbing after, pushing his mask off again so you could look at him.
“Damn girl, you’re -“ he groaned at your face, absolutely ruined from his rough treatment, your lipstick smeared, eyeliner smudged with drool and tears.
Your walls fluttering around him brought him with you, curling himself over you until he folded you up, burying himself balls deep as he emptied into you, stuttering, airy curses leaving him as he convulsed against you, hips jolting as your walls pressed around him swimming his dick in cum.
You were slack under him and his energy spent as he almost fell into you, burying his face into your neck as your panting filled the room.
Bodies aching as you pulled apart, Toji sitting back on the booth and leaning his head back, chest still heaving to bring air into his lungs.
He side glanced at you, looking at your pretty face before moving down to your swollen hole leaking cum from it. Toji reached out and patted your public bone.
“She takes me like a champ-“
You deadpanned, before sitting up onto your elbows still recovering with a breathy voice.
“She doesn’t have a choice, you monster.”
Your foot playfully pushed him and he grabbed it, bringing it up to his head so he could kiss the inside of your ankle.
“Seem to be dealin’ with it just fine,”
“So, you liked the unicorn thing?”
“No. Don’t ever do it again, I’ll leave your ass and Gojo can have you.”
“Really? Cause I was thinking of a new theme song, it’s a twist on the original-“
“Don’t sing it,”
“My lil pony, you wanna bone me~?“
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©pharix/lonelystarrs 2023 permission is not given to repost, translate or post anywhere else.
If you want Toji in the maid outfit here’s the link to the next part : Maid Zen’in
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happyhauntt · 6 months
a touch of colour — eddie diaz.
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writing masterlist | askbox
─── summary: eddie and chris' home is freakishly empty. you decide to redecorate a little.
─── pairing: eddie diaz x reader.
─── warnings & notes: fluffy fluff. no use of y/n, this was just supposed to be a short drabble but it ran aay from me and eddie might seem a little ooc but i don't even care it's so cute.
─── word count: 2.7k.
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     “BUCK, CAN I BORROW YOUR KEY to Eddie’s place, please?”
     Your arrival at the station house isn’t preceded by any warning, and though it isn’t your intention to sneak up on Buck, he doesn’t seem to hear you coming. A panicked shriek tears itself from his throat as he drops what he’s holding, and the spray bottle full of cleaning fluid clatters to the floor at your feet.
     An amused smile curls at your lips as he tries to play it off, ducking his head to hide the embarrassment blossoming in bright red spots across his cheeks.
     “Uh, hey.” The words stumble out of Buck and he coughs, trying to recover what remains of his dignity. “You know, sneaking up on people isn’t good for your health. What if I’d panicked and thrown a punch or something?”
     You quirk an eyebrow at him. “You did panic, Buck. Seems like it’s worse for your health than mine. Key, please?”
     “Eddie’s just up in the loft, I can grab him if you want.”
     It’s your turn to look a little sheepish. “Please don’t. It’s a surprise. Or it will be a surprise, if you let me borrow your key. I’ll return it tomorrow, I promise, and I’m not going to let a bunch of raccoons loose in there or anything━”
     Buck blinks. The hint of a smile tugs at the corner of his mouth, just enough to let you know that he’s teasing. Mostly. “I wasn’t worried, but now I am.”
     “I’m saving the raccoons for your apartment, actually,” you tell him, and now you’re not even really asking anymore, know that Buck will inevitably break because you’re Eddie’s girlfriend, and he actually likes you, and most importantly, his insatiable curiosity will not allow him to deny you. Hand outstretched, you wiggle your fingers expectantly. “Key, please.”
     He huffs at you as if you’ve asked him to scale Mount Everest in nothing but swim trunks, rather than the perfectly reasonable request you’ve actually made, and makes a show of tugging the key to Eddie’s house off the keyring before passing it along to you.
     “I have only one condition,” says Buck, a mischievous gleam in his eye as he presses the key into your palm.
     You watch him warily. You’ve been dating Eddie, and subsequently been acquainted with Buck, long enough to recognise that look. “What?”
     “Whatever you’re doing, make sure you film his reaction. I’ve got a funny feeling he’s gonna freak out.”
     A nervous laugh bubbles in your throat, and you can’t help rolling your lips together as you pocket the key. It doesn’t take a genius to know that Eddie Diaz isn’t overly fond of surprises, but… fuck, you hope this one goes down well.
      “I’ll keep you posted, Buck.” You offer him a two-fingered salute and turn on your heel, hurrying out of the firehouse before Eddie catches you sneaking around.
      What he doesn’t know can’t hurt him, right?
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     Here’s the thing.
     The first time Eddie invited you back to his place, you hadn’t really seen it. A euphoric haze had clouded all rational thought in your brain, because this brilliant guy you’d fallen head over heels for was so obviously guarded, and you’d been so happy the day he’d kissed you and invited you back to his place for coffee.
     You’d been dating for three months by that point, and you’d wandered in and out of his house without really seeing anything except for him.
     Meeting Christopher had gone much the same way. On the drive over you’d been rattling with nerves so much that you’d had to pull over on the freeway and shake out the cramp in your hand after white-knuckling the steering wheel. Your heart had thudded so hard in your chest that you worried Eddie would be able to hear it from the other side of the room.
     There had been nothing to worry about, in the end, and almost a year on, you’re certain that neither of these boys can be pried out of the space they’ve created in your heart. Somehow, without really noticing, the pair of them have made a home there, built on a foundation of blood and muscle and all the love in your body.
     You’re not sure your heart would know how to beat without them now.
      And you love them, you love them, you love them both with everything you have…
     … but this damn house is driving you insane.
     There’s nothing wrong with it, in particular. It’s small and functional, perfect for the little family it shelters. Beige walls, basic furniture, sparse decorations that Eddie definitely had nothing to do with, and that’s sort of… it.
     Now, you’re not an interior decorator, and you’d managed to miss it the first few times you visited, but now it’s like the blank walls are mocking you. Now you’ve seen it, you know, and the stark bleakness of this house has become a glaringly obvious problem that you’ve finally decided to tackle.
     Unlocking the door with Buck’s key, you manage to nudge it open with your hip, hands and wrists weighed down with Target shopping bags that you dump on the floor the moment the door is closed. Tucking Buck’s key back into your pocket ━ Eddie gave you a key almost six months ago, but you’ve managed to lose four of them since, so it’s widely agreed that it’s best you borrow Eddie’s or Buck’s or Carla’s whenever you need to ━ you turn to the sparse open space of the kitchen/diner.
     Hands settling on your hips, a slow breath escapes through your teeth as you survey the house. Christopher’s room is the only one with any personality, and you wouldn’t dare intrude on his privacy in that way anyway. Eddie’s room, similarly, feels off-limits.
     But the rest of the house? Fair game.
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     When Eddie stumbles through the front door at the end of his shift, he doesn’t notice it right away. Not your bag hanging on a hook by the door, or your shoes tucked neatly against the wall. His head feels like it’s filled with cotton after a twelve-hour shift, and he’s simply grateful that Carla offered to drop Christopher off later, rather than have Eddie come pick him up after his shift.
     He doesn’t notice you lingering in the kitchen with a bottle of beer in your hand until you clear your throat, and then he looks over, and a tired smile spreads over his face.
     “That for me?” he asks, as hold out the beer bottle towards him, drops of condensation soaking your fingers.
     “It’s definitely not for me.” You wrinkle your nose playfully as he accepts the drink, and you lean over the counter to press a kiss to the corner of his mouth. You hand over Buck’s key, and with it, all the anxiety you’ve felt since it first landed in your possession that morning. “Give this back to Buck for me? If I lose another one, I’ll never hear the end of it.”
     Eddie chuckles and tucks the key into his pocket. “Buck didn’t mention you came by the firehouse.”
     “I asked him not to.” Your voice wavers, just a little. The way you’re picking at a loose bit of skin near your thumb lets him know you’re nervous, and he reaches out with his free hand, curling rough fingers around your own. Unable to help yourself, a deluge of words start to babble out of you. “I did a thing. And I’m aware that you may not like the thing, and it almost certainly wasn’t my place which I’m realising now, but it seemed like a pretty harmless idea at the time?”
     “And if you hate it, I can take it all away! We can pretend I never did it, it’s just that your walls were driving me freaking insane, like which decorator decided that beige was a good base colour because I would like to have a word━”
     “Hey!” A gentle squeeze of your hand grabs your attention, and when you look back at Eddie, the sight of him knocks the breath of you. You never knew eyes could be so big and brown and full of love, and even though there’s a little humour glinting in there at your expense, you still find it a little difficult to breathe.
     Fuck, you love this man.
     “What am I supposed to hate, exactly?” There’s a lilt of laughter in his voice, a gentle quirk to the corner of his mouth.
     You want to kiss him until it blossoms into a full-blown grin. You hope you’re lucky enough to make this man laugh forever.
     The look on his face helps to ease the tension in your shoulders. Slowly, you reach out and take the beer bottle from his grip, setting it on the counter. Instead, you replace it with your own hand, threading your fingers through his, a little chilly where the bottle pressed against his skin.
     “Let me show you.”
     Guiding him by the hand, you lead him through to the living room, and at first, he’s not sure what’s changed. There’s still the couch, and the TV, and the coffee table he knows you’ve always hated because it’s glass, and who has a glass coffee table, Eddie, you're a firefighter and this feels like a recipe for disaster!
     (You’ve seen way too many movies where characters end up crashing through a glass coffee table but you still think it’s a valid point.)
     And then he sees them.
     He spots the first one next to the television; a picture of Chris from a few months ago, the first time all three of you went to the beach together. He’s grinning at the camera and there’s a dab of ice-cream on his nose from where you swiped him just a moment before. Eddie remembers taking this and sending it to you.
     It wasn’t the first moment he realised he loved you, not by a long shot, but he hadn’t said it yet, and that day on the beach had cemented your place in his heart even further.
     The picture is small, sitting in a quirky silver frame that you’ve glued a few seashells to.
     The next two are over on the mantel. A photograph of the 118 in Bobby and Athena’s backyard last summer; Bobby’s frowning in the foreground, having been bullied into wearing a Kiss The Cook apron by Buck and Hen, while the rest of them are howling with laughter behind him. The other is a picture of Christopher and Shannon cuddled together beneath the Christmas tree.
     Tucked between them, bizarrely, is a little wooden figurine of a runner duck wearing galoshes. This one, he knows, came from your personal collection.
     Eddie’s heart stutters in his chest as he turns, finally, to the big thing. The wall behind the couch has always been depressingly bare, a dull expanse of beige paint that he’s always sworn he’d do something with, eventually.
     Hell, the whole house is bare. And depressing. This, he’s ready to admit, even if the reason for it used to sting a little bit.
     Before now, the only personal touches in his home belonged to Christopher. Report cards and drawings stuck to the fridge with kitschy magnets from tourist spots. An ever-changing pile of video games stacked on the floor next to the TV. A dinosaur-print throw that was dragged from Christopher’s bedroom on a lazy Sunday that hasn’t quite managed to migrate back there yet.
     It was never that way on purpose. At first, he thinks, it was a reluctance to put down roots. Life was hectic enough, with his work schedule and Christopher switching schools. Before Carla, Eddie hardly had a moment to breathe, let alone think about decorating their home beyond the bare minimum required to get by.
     And then, he thinks, it might have been guilt.
     He doesn’t dare to dwell on that for too long. He feels your hand in his own, steady as a rock, and stares, glassy-eyed, at the wall you’ve managed to transform into something… something that feels like home.
     A collage of wooden picture frames are scattered over the surface of the wall, in varying hues of warmth that contrast nicely with the beige that peeks through the cracks. A beige that, formerly, kind of made him want to scratch his eyes out. He hadn’t quite realised that until now.
     Dozens of smiling faces peer down at him. A handful of memories he holds most dear, and each of them sends a flush of warmth through his chest.
     There’s the day Chris was born, and he’s staring at this tiny baby in his arms as if he’s holding the sun and stars themselves. There’s Buck and Chris at the zoo, posing near the penguin exhibit. There’s Eddie, on the day he was certified as a full-fledged member of the LAFD, shaking Bobby’s hand. There’s even a picture where he’s fallen asleep on the couch, and his sisters are brandishing Sharpies like the little demons they are, drawing a moustache and beard that took days to properly fade away.
     It’s such a little thing, really. They’re just pictures. But his throat feels tight and his eyes are wet and it doesn’t feel little to him. Not at all.
     “You thought I’d hate this?” He’ll never admit that the words come out a little choked up.
     You shrug. “You’re not a fan of surprises.”
     “I might be now.”
     And you both know it’s not true, that Eddie will never be that guy, but this is fine. This is perfect, and he’s damn sure it might be the nicest thing any girlfriend’s ever done for him.
     He turns to you, a thousand more questions on the tip of his tongue, when he notices you’re holding your phone up with your free hand. A confused furrow appears between his brows.
     “Buck,” you tell him, and it really doesn’t require further explanation, but still you add, “He thought you’d freak out. Asked for evidence.”
     “Ah.” Eddie nods. You put your phone away as he winds his arms around your waist, pulling you close enough to kiss the tip of your nose. “I’m not freaking out.”
     “I noticed.”
     “Thank you,” he says, and kisses you again. This time his mouth slides against yours and lingers there for a few seconds, slow and gentle. “I can’t help but notice you’re not in any of the pictures.”
     Your cheeks turn a rosy pink. “That would have been a little presumptuous of me, Mr. Diaz. And I was already hijacking your home for my own selfish agenda, so…”
     “Wanna hijack it some more?”
     The question slips out without any warning, and you blink up at your boyfriend in bewilderment. “Uh?”
     Eddie smiles, wide and wonderful, and even though it’s not possible to fall more in love with him, you think you do.
     “I talked to Chris about it a while ago,” he tells you, his thumb rubbing slow circles against your hip. “I was just waiting for the right time to ask you. And then you went all House Flipper anyway━”
     “I did not go all House Flipper!”
     “━ so it feels like the right time to ask.”
     You watch him for a moment, all soft at the edges. “You want me to move in with you?”
     “I think you’ve got a tartan throw that would look great in here,” he says teasingly, “and that little duck is part of a collection. He might get lonely.”
     “He might,” you concede with a hum.
     There is enough space on that mantel for the whole family.
     You feel like there’s a tiny sun in your chest, like you might honest-to-God be glowing from the inside out right now, and when you pull Eddie down so you can kiss him again, you know without a doubt that the answer is yes.
     There are a hundred things to figure out. You have a lease to get out of, and an apartment filled with enough clutter to furnish ten houses, and you’ve really got to figure out a solution for the key situation, because it’s getting ridiculous.
     But in this moment, none of that matters. It’s you, and Eddie, and Chris, and a bare apartment suddenly filled with a lifetime of potential, and you just know everything is going to be fine.
     And you hope, for a moment, that he’ll let you replace the couch next.
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crypticminx · 7 months
lowkey need subby Nate being embarrassed but he can’t help it
LOVE SEEING THIS MAN FALL TO HIS KNEES- here you go my darling enjoy!! Smutttt ahead xoxo
𐙚₊˚⊹ᡣ𐭩 𐙚₊˚⊹ᡣ𐭩 𐙚₊˚⊹ᡣ𐭩 𐙚₊˚⊹ᡣ𐭩 𐙚₊˚⊹ᡣ𐭩 𐙚₊˚⊹ᡣ𐭩 𐙚₊˚⊹ᡣ𐭩 𐙚₊˚⊹ᡣ𐭩
It’s nate who can’t believe you’re the one who’s made him utterly head over heels for you. It’s a burning sensation, the one you provide him, and he’s unable to shift away from it. He desires you more than anything, he’s devoted to you and hell, he’d do absolutely anything for you, even if it costs the very preserved man to feel embarrassed—something he wasn’t used to feeling, especially from a girl like you.
When the two of you are intimate, he’s begging for you to let him have a taste, the sight of your naked body on display for him is like art, the beauty of your busty breasts and your wet little pussy sprawled in front of him like it’s nothing, makes him feel so drawn with hunger for you.
You act like you’re not interested in him, like he’s a second fucking choice from a long list of unworthy boys you can pick from and it drives him insane.
“Fuck,” he groans, the feeling of his dick growing hard with pressure makes him crack. He’s weak for you and needs to have you, but you’re not letting him get you that easy.
You’re the one in charge, you give him demanding orders, stating very carefully that if he wants to have you—if he wants to savour you with all his might, he’s gonna have to work for it.
“Play with yourself,” your soft voices purrs, your eyes growing wide with pleasure seeing the man stunned that he can’t wither his way into you as hes done many times with various girls.
He’s flustered, he can feel his throat grow thick and he tries to hide away the radiating stains of red on his cheeks, but it’s no good. He stammers with his words, trying to reason why he can’t just fuck you right then and there.
But it’s hot.
You’re so damn hot, he doesn’t even dare to question it.
As you tilt your head as you lay across his bed, watching the scene in front of you unfold, you know you have full control over him.
He pulls down his pants, you’ve seen that his dick is already twitching to puncture your insides. He spits on his hand, he knows you like it when he does unruly things like that. And slowly but surely, his damp palm strokes his cock up and down. Thick strokes make his dark doe eyes feel hazy with lust.
His motions turn rapid once he sees you begin to touch your breasts, the slight bounce of your boobs as your hard nipples peak through your fingers make him wish he could wrap his tongue around them. Sucking them until you beg him to stop. However, that wasn’t going to happen.
“Y/n,” it sounds like a whimper—a desperate plea, he’s so close to cuming but he doesn’t want to do it until he can be in you and so once you’ve had enough of watching Nate jerk himself off, you allow him to join you on the bed.
His large frame towers over you and just as he’s about to settle his position of being on top, you stop him.
“No no no, Nate,” you grin wide with a sinful smile, “I’m on top, baby.”
He chuckles, his forehead is sweaty and he can feel tiny bits of precum exit himself, but he can’t afford to let a single drop go to waste.
You push him down as he falls with grace into the scattered pillows behind him, holding your body as you sit with ease on his cock. Your warm lips glide on his throbbing cock, easily making the two of you wet as he finally can let himself go.
You stir back and forth, aggressively riding him as you let out an angelic moan. His tight grip of your arms let go and you place your hands on his chest, furthering yourself deeper until he hits the right spot.
He wants to cum so bad, he’s dying for it, but he’s not going to do so until he hears his girl let him.
“Baby,” he begs again, such a strong man whining for your command makes you feel even more wet. The pressure in the air feels lust worthy and you arch your head beg as you clutch your hands with his, interlocking deeply as you can feel the eagerness of his cock ready to pulse.
He’s amazed that the two of you aren’t using protection, he’d always been so careful before. You liked to take risks and so did he.
“Fuck, I can’t-“ he groans, watching your eyes slowly roll back, your hair messily flowing as you bounce on him.
“Cum in me,” you finally let him and your wish is his command.
He happily releases himself as he’s got you overstimulated. He loves watch you get lost in the moment that’s making sweet love to you.
After all, there wasn’t anything he loved more than you.
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spidermans-l-o-v-e-r · 2 months
Two of a Kind
Pairing: Buck x Reader
Word count: hahaha 2024
Notes: Y’all are literally so creative, I dont know if this is good enough but I sure hope it is!
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This is stupid, this is so so stupid but he really doesn’t have a choice and he really doesn’t have much time and honestly, it’s probably a better idea to be doing this in the bathroom (which he’s done before) but there’s just a level of privacy his Jeep offers, especially since he parked in the back lot oh yeah and it’s 3am. 
Buck pushes his seat back as far as it’ll go and takes out his phone. It’s- it’s embarrassing but he can’t help himself, she just looks so much like you, right down to the curve of her hips. She’s even got the same color nails you do, and he’s not a perv honestly he’s not. But when she shoves his hand down his pants, pulling his cock out and stroking it in time with the man absolutely railing the girl beneath him he feels like one, just a teeny bit. 
“Fuck that’s it baby, fuck cum on this cock” he moans to himself, his hips thrusting up into his hand, he wishes it was your hand, he wishes it was your pussy squeezing his cock, soaking the front of his work pants. But that's wishful thinking 
“Please, please deep-“ 
His hand freezes and he nearly drops his phone, fumbling with it to try and pause his video as fast as possible. He’s watched that video religiously all week, he knows every soft cry and every curse… and he’s never heard that before. 
He looks around for a minute, his heart pounding in his ears as he sits forward just a little bit, his head peeking up from the window. That’s when he notices a soft glow in the car next to him. It’s a couple of spaces away, but the windows are cracked.
“Oh. Shit” He recognizes the Barbie pink car because he’s always teasing the owner of said car. He sits up a little more, he can’t get caught, not now. He can just see your pretty face illuminated by the phone in your hand, your lips are parted, soft moans falling like a symphony as you touch yourself. You’re in the passenger seat, it’s laid back like his was, your legs up on the dash as you work your clit slowly, your shirt is wide open and your pants are discarded somewhere he can’t see
It is 3am after all 
He can feel his cock painfully throbbing at the sight of you, and he makes a decision, a very stupid decision but like… you guys are always so flirty at work and he’s head over heels and there’s literally no other perfect time 
He fixes his pants, leaving his shirt partially open, and gets out of his Jeep, quietly closing the door and taking a deep breath. This is either going to be the hottest thing to ever happen to him or he’s being fired, there is absolutely no in-between.
He struts over, shaking out his arms. He’s not sure how you haven’t noticed him, and it’s just making him more nervous. He takes a deep breath before leaning down and knocking on your window 
You shriek and cover your body, your phone falling to the ground as he puts his hands out in front of him 
“It’s me!! It’s me! it’s just me!” 
You throw your door open, swinging your legs down 
“Are you insane?! That was terrifying!” You yell at him and he puts his hands over your mouth 
“Shut up!! We’re gonna get caught!! Move over, come on” 
You shove his hands away, climbing over the center console and he gets in the passenger seat. He looks around for a minute, he’d never been in your car before 
“Well shit, this is actually pretty luxurious” he wiggles his butt and you facepalm, still sitting there in just your half-open work shirt and little else 
“Can I help you??” You ask, holding your head in your hands 
“Actually” He winks as he reaches down and grabs your phone, the video still playing, and his heart nearly stops when the man looks suspiciously like he does 
“Was wondering if maybe I could help you” 
You laugh a little, he’s crazy. 
“Y-you want to what?” 
“I’m gonna be honest with you… we came out here to do the same thing” 
His cheeks are such a lovely shade of pink as he looks over at you, his eyes raking over your body hungrily. This isn’t the first time he’s looked at you like this, and definitely not the first time you’ve seen him do it. 
“Y-you came out here t-to-“ He pulls his phone from his pocket, unlocking it and handing it over. The woman on the screen looks incredibly similar to you and your eyes widen, your heart pounding out of your chest 
“Why don’t we get more comfortable in the back?” Buck is asking, as he gestures toward the backseat and you find yourself climbing over the chairs, curling up on the seat with your knees to your chest as Buck follows you. 
He kicks off his shoes and sits in front of you, taking your legs and pulling them straight so they’re across his lap 
You nod slowly, looking at his chest. His shirt is wide open as he leans back against the door and smirks at you, massaging your legs. He takes up so much of the backseat, it makes you feel smaller than you already are 
“Now what?” You croak and he grins widely 
“Maybe we just finish what we started?… together?” He pulls his cock out of his pants, it’s still rock hard, the tip dripping pre cum as he strokes it lightly. Your mouth goes dry as you stare at it, you’d seen the outline before, it just kind of happened, especially when he would work out… but seeing it? 
Oh he’s a work of art 
“Your turn” he eggs you on, watching as you shyly wriggle from your panties. He takes them from you, stroking himself with them for a minute 
“F-fuck that’s good” He whimpers, his head falling against the window, his lips parting. He’s panting softly, using your panties to get off when he hears a little moan fall from your lips. His head jerks up and his eyes lock with your hand between your legs, sinking your fingers inside you. 
You stop when he does, biting your lip. He watches with rapt attention as he slowly strokes his cock, and your fingers move in and out in time with his hand. He giggles a little deliriously, practically drooling over you as you fuck yourself with him. He speeds up, jerking his hips up into his hands and you do too, keening softly and sliding down on the seat further, your leg hooking around the chair in front of you 
The lewd wet sounds of your pussy echo in the car around you as you pant together, your hands working together. He stops for a second, reaching for his phone in the front seat 
“C-can I??” He holds it up, and you nod, your cheeks flushing 
“Y-yea do it, want you to get off to me all the time” 
Buck groans as he takes a minute to record you, keeping your body perfectly in frame. He zooms in on your fingers plunging in and out of your puffy pussy, dripping down onto the seat below you. 
“Jesus you’re making such a mess” He whispers, his hand reaching out, softly rubbing the inside of your thigh. Your fingers slow to a stop as you stare at him, he looks at you and it’s like both of you are completely frozen
You reach for his phone, turn it around, and look at him expectantly 
“A-are- do- do you mean???”
You bite your lip, nodding your head and he strokes his cock a couple times before tapping your clit with it. He relishes the feeling of your body jumping each time he does it. He drags his cock through your messy folds, admiring the way you coat his cock so nicely 
“You want it?” He asks softly, his voice deepening “You want daddy’s cock?” 
You nod eagerly, keeping the camera on your dripping sex and his hard cock as he leans down to kiss you, your lips connect for the first time and you easily melt into him. His kiss is long and passionate, his hands touching your hair gently and you sigh dreamily into his mouth as he wraps his tongue around yours, easily dominating you. 
You’d both been crushing way too damn long. All the dirty jokes, the lingering glances, and subtle touches finally explode as he presses you down into the leather beneath you
His hands roam over her body, squeezing her ass and rubbing your clit in slow torturous circles while you’re spreading yourself open for him more. 
"God you're so fucking hot," he murmurs between kisses, getting more worked up by the second. With one swift motion, he slides inside her, groaning at how tight and wet she feels. 
“Y-you’re not so bad yourself” Your voice is high-pitched as he bottoms out, holding it there for a minute. He hands you back his phone, hitting the record button again 
“Oh you’re not gonna wanna miss this”
Buck smirks, thrusting into her harder and faster, his grip on her waist tightening. "Fuck yeah, that's it," he encourages her, loving the way she responds to his touch. The sensation of her pussy gripping his cock sends shivers down his spine, making him want to pound into her even harder 
“H-harder please- fuck go harder” 
Buck growls lowly, "You like that, huh?" he asks, giving her exactly what she wants. He pounds into her relentlessly, the sound of skin slapping against skin filling the confined space of the SUV. His eyes roll back in pleasure, and he knows he won't last much longer. "Almost there, pretty girl," he warns her, his breath coming in short pants.
“Cum in me” She holds him to her, her nails dragging down his back, decorating his skin with pretty red lines
“Wanna go the rest of the shift feeling you inside me”
A shiver runs through Buck's body at your request, and he can feel his orgasm building up. "Fuck, yes," he groans, thrusting into you one final time before releasing his load inside you. 
You sob out his name, cumming with him as he holds himself inside you, filling you with every last drop and loving the way your head tilts back into the seat, your body writhing underneath him as you finish
He lets out a satisfied little sigh, burying his face in your neck as he comes down from his high. "Damn, that was hot," he whispers, his breathing still labored. She nods along with him, panting softly in his ear 
“Sooo hot” 
“We should totally, totally do this again” Buck mumbles as he sits up, and lies back on the seat. He opens his arms and you push yourself up slowly, groaning at the soreness in your muscles, and collapse back on top of him where he cuddles you to his chest 
“Every chance we get, really” you agree and he snickers, rubbing your back slowly 
“So like… before we go further…”
“Are you gonna ask me “what are we?” You giggle and he rolls his eyes, blushing 
“Maybe. Shut up.” 
You look at him, your palms flat on his chest, your head resting on them “What do you think we are? Or rather, what do you want us to be?” 
Buck shrugs, his hands moving up and down your sides, he can’t stop touching you 
“Me? Personally? Would definitely prefer it if only my girlfriend filmed me fucking the shit out of her. But that’s just me…” 
“So if I was your girlfriend…. We could make more? maybe, possibly?” You ask quietly and his cheeks flush deeply 
“Isss that something you want to do? M-make uh- make pornos w-with me?”
“Only if you’ll be my boyfriend” You wink and he smacks your ass, gripping it tightly and pulling you against him suddenly to kiss you
“Oh fuck yes”
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isackwhy · 5 months
my time to shine.
isaacwhy sfw hc’s!!!
i fully believe this man is terrified to flirt
like i blame all the homeschooling he’s so sociable normally but just buckles up w flirting
unless he’s drunk
so w that i think he’d easily fall for a best friend
someone he gets more comfortable with but also more head over heels for
kinda makes it easier to flirt in the long run tbh
okay enough i’m too high i’m going too in depth w that LOL
even after you guys start dating he gets ten times bolder when he’s drunk
that’ll be more detailed in nsfw dw dw
loves play wrestling w you
like no matter or tall or body type this man will try and gently body slam you onto a bean bag
does that fake punching shit w the “ugh! agh!” noises behind you when ur editing or cooking or looking at something in the store
also bluetooth humps u
it’s embarrassing the amount of times he’s done it in the middle of target and people have spotted it as you swat him away
isaac laughs everytime as soon as they’re gone while u just sulk
here’s a quick take: if ur both content creators and known best friends when u start dating, i feel like at some point one of y’all would let it slip OR u drop one too many hits and the ppl catch on
y’all would want it to be private but not like secret. u would mention that u arent single every so often and he’d slip into a podcast one day but never directly state it
until a slip up on stream when u we’re playing a horror game and he came into your room to scare you
you yelped, headphones falling off
once your heart stops beating you let out a whined, “babeeeee….”
he stops laughing first
it’s only then u realize what u did
and then boom everyone knew
he posted a lot of pics of u before but now he’s reposting ur ig posts to his stories. posting selfies of u two on his story. (w his face covered ofc)
nsfw hc’s now >:)
i remember vividly during one of the podcasts that willy said isaac is the freakiest. it was under his breath and i remember isaac just going “wha—“ BUT I REMEMBER IT
w that said…..choking, a mix of praise and degradation, marking you….like he goes IN w that
he’s like got your legs in the air doing what he has to do with his hand around your neck, curls slightly sweaty, toned abs shining under the light
“you’re doing so fucking good baby. you like this? you like the world knowing you’re a good slut?”
EEP okay
the next day your whole neck is purple. his back and biceps are scratched up and u are being bullied by your friends
“they’re mad they didn’t get laid last night!” isaac yells
after u guys announce ur dating and someone even spots what could be a hickey on ur neck it floods into the chat and thank god for ur mods bc u are not addressing how ur bf was pounding ur shit and then went to play clash of clans after
now….when he’s drunk.
he had just filmed that drunk lethal company video w yumi and larry
downed far too many shots of vodka
he gets up and plops onto the bed, wrapping his arm around your waist
“you okay there?” you laugh, moving some of his curls so u can see his face
his eyes are glazed over but a goofy smile works it’s way across his face
next thing your know he’s inching towards your thighs, kissing them and then trying to separate them to get to your core
“isy. you’re drunk.”
“hmmm? i think i’m still sober enough to make you cum.”
“hmph no. you’re drunk.”
he pouts and climbs on top of you
he leans down and rests kisses all over ur face, trailing to your neck, whispering ‘please’ between every kiss
“no. when ur sober” you push him away with a laugh
he gives in, very excited to wake up sober
as soon as your eyes flutter open there’s kisses along your jawline and a wide eyed isaac in your face
“i’m sober.”
but when you’re BOTH like any sort of intoxicated
by golly
it’s very rare you two find yourselves at a party but when you do and you’re both taking shots and then running to the sesh circle and then getting more shots
first, you’re holding onto each other so you don’t fall
second, your hands are all over his biceps while his keep trailing under your shirt or around your stomach
ur walking around to find nick. the only one who didn’t drink. because you guys are impatient and like need each other like now
he takes you guys back to the house and goes back to keep an eye on the other guys
meaning. y’all have the house to ur selves
lord do u take that to ur advantage
you don’t even make it to the bedroom. you stumble into the living room and before the front door is even closed your lips are attached to his
you’re both stumbling as you kiss until the back of your legs hit the couch and he falls on top to you
“i was so very tempted to just fuck you in the bathroom of that house,” you laugh between kisses, words slurred with adrenaline and alcohol
“well—now—weee have the house to ourselves,” isaac slurs as well, his hands sliding down your bottoms and pulling them and your underwear down swiftly
“nuh uh! you too mister!” you giggle as you drunkenly tug at his pants
he complies ofc duh
lots of drunk mumbles of i love you are exchanged. his head in the crook of your neck as you fuck on his couch 🫡
he’s whines a lot more when he’s drunk too like he whines when he’s sober but it gets louder when he’s drunk and u love it sm omfg
i barely write for nsfw so if it’s ASS i apologize
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s74rf1sh · 9 months
Woah it’been a while since my first post…
ANYWAY, I’m in a very sleepy mood so here’s cuddle headcanons for the turtles
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-This guy is so goofy
-Constantly grabbing at your ass or tights to massage them while teasing you about it
-He loves to lay on you or having you lay on him
-Lots of churring and snuggling (if you have a prominent chest it’s not yours anymore, it’s his)
-Muffled rambling about literally any topic
-Praises your body constantly (not in a sexual way, this guy is just head over heels about you and wants to make sure you know it)
-“I have no idea why you worry so much, you’re so damn beautiful”
-PLEASE take his mask off and gently caress his face markings, this guy will MELT
-If you’re not laying down he’s definetly resting on your lap ᵃᵗ ᵗʰⁱˢ ᵖᵒⁱⁿᵗ ⁱ ᵗʰⁱⁿᵏ ⁱᵗˢ ᵒᵇᵛⁱᵘᵒˢ ⁱ ʰᵉᵃᵈᶜᵃⁿᵒⁿ ʰⁱᵐ ᵃˢ ᵃ ᵗⁱᵍʰᵗ ᵍᵘʸ
-He’ll play with your hair, even braid it if it’s long enough
-Even massage your face if he’s in the mood
-Will nibble on your neck playfully AND tease you about your reaction
-Will gently squeeze your hips and/or shoulders
-I guess the preferred location is his room, but the couch is comfy too
-If you’re having a movie night all together he won’t be shy and lay on your lap (ᵒʳ ˡᵉᵗ ʸᵒᵘ ˡᵃʸ ᵒⁿ ʰⁱˢ)
-Of course he will refrain from squeezing your ass or doing TOO intimate things…
-But yeah, he will cuddle with you in public if your comfortable with it
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-He’s baby
-Tried to be the small spoon but miserably failed
-(you got slight injuries by his shell and he never forgive himself about it)
-He likes to squeeze you to his plastron and feel your heat
-He often wraps you two in a big blanket, morphing in a big burrito
-He does chur, but it’s really really low and hardly hearable
-Snacks and hot drinks while you cuddle>>>
-If someone were ever to walk in on you two he’d be so fucking embarassed (probably hiding his face in your body)
-He doesn’t mind if you take his bandana off or not, but if you wear it yourself? Oh he’s jumping on you.
-Asks April for advice💀👍 (especially the first times you ever cuddled together)
-Overthinks a little too much about your well-being (I feel ya buddy) what if you’re uncomfortable in that position? What if you’re not hot enough? Is his smell fine? Are you bothered by his churrs?
-Please comfort this poor guy
-Is teased by his brothers (*COUGH* Leo *COUGH*) about him being so vulnerable when you’re around
-As you probably already guessed he’s kind of embarrassed around his family, but holding hands sround others is so special to him
-It makes him feel as if he’s telling the world (his family) that you’re his
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-Ok let’s be real: he’s VERY touchy
-He’s basically cuddling with you 24/7
-Takes every opportunity to kiss or hug or snuggle you throughout the day
-When you two are alone he just doesn’t let go of you LIKE
-“Mike l need to use the bathroom” “OK :D” “…Le-Let me go” “wwWHY..?” “I NEED TO PEE” “I CAN COME WITH YOU”
-You’ll eventually get him to let you go for a few minutes
-He LOVES when you even slightly match his energy and also crave affection (even if you won’t admit it ;))
-Doesn’t really care where you are or what position you’re in as long as you’re both comfortable
-But if he had to choose a position he would probably like facing and spooning
-Churrs happily and loudly, not giving two fucks about who hears him🫡
-Squeezes your cheeks (the puffier they are the more full this lil guy’s heart gets)
-If you’ll let him, he’ll draw small doodles on your hands or arms
-Cuddles in public couldn’t be less of a problem for him
-Just say if you’re ok with it or not and he will obey (except for a few stolen kisses in case you say no)
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-Will NEVER admit how much he actually enjoys your cuddles
-Will have you sit on his lap as he works, chest to chest
-…or you laying on his chest and viceversa
-The very first times he kept everything on- battleshell included
-But after a while he allowed you to take off his mask
-The shell thing is a bit more delicate (Yk?Cause he’s a softshell turtle? God I want to hang myse-) and might take more time
-But if you play your cards right he’s throwing it out the window in a few months
-When he’s not rambling he’ll just lay there and melt in your touch
-Whether you’re running your hands through his bare shell or caressing his face and muscles he’ll just let you love him
-He finded it hard to let you cuddle him, let alone him cuddling you…
-A lot of patience is needed but will be rewarded
-Him inviting you to lay on him, rest your face on his shoulder, sometimes he will even kiss you first
-Ew I’m getting diabetes MOVING ON
-Cuddling in public is usually a big No-no, but there’s situations where you’ll get a text from him where he just—
-“Cuddles in bed later?”
-You smile at him and he acts his blush off…
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anemptypuddingcup · 11 months
I’ve got you now!
Stalker to Yandere!Eustass Kid x Female Reader.
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‼️Contains: !!DARK CONTENT AHEAD!! I mean really- Non-con. Forced impregnation. Mind breaking (somewhat). Y’all there’s stabbing in this. ModernAU! Eustass is obsessed with Reader. Eustass just being straight up creepy. Eustass somewhat has a blood fetish. Law is also in here- and damn near dies bc of Eustass. Gets straight into the story. A lot of time-skipping. Multiple events happening. Kinda messy? But overall a wild story. Sit back and relax, this shit is long. The ending is…I’ll let you decide tbh. I couldn’t capture Eustass enough in here (in my opinion) so I’ll let you decide.
Excuse the errors, I’m halfway sleep.
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The first time he had saw you he fell head over heels. Heart pounding, sweaty palms, all of the signs for love at first sight.
The first time he had saw you, you needed help with your car, so you went to his shop to ask for his help. You heard that he was one of the best mechanics that could help in the city, so you went with an eager smile on your face.
You had showed up to speak to him about your car and as a mechanic he was happy to help you with the issue. Though after that, part of him really wished that your car would’ve broken down or have another issue so that you could come back to his shop. He was a great mechanic after all, so of course you didn’t come back once he had fixed your car up.
Eustass wished to see you again to remember your face and your body, your sweet personality and voice was the only thing he could remember fully about you. He curses himself for forgetting, forgetting such a beautiful angel that he may not see again in his life.
Surprise for both you and him when he spotted you out at the grocery store, looking for the sweetest and ripest fruit you could find. He happened to be browsing through the section of vegetables when he hear your pretty voice mumbling across from himself. His eyes widens and he quickly turns over and see your pretty face looking at strawberries.
He couldn’t control himself and rushed up to you, calling out to you and trying to gain your attention, which he did. You looked even prettier than the first time he’d seen you. Even with a normal cotton shirt and blue jeans, you were stunning in the outfit regardless. He doubted you looked bad in anything.
“Hey! I ain’t think I’d see a familiar face here!” With a smile on his face he greeted you and you gave him that sweet smile in return. “Eustass! Oh goodness, it’s so nice to see you again! I can’t thank you enough for fixing my car sweetie!” You smile, thanking him once again for fixing your car. Eustass heart begins to pound out of his chest so bad that it hurt. Fuck you were beautiful. He couldn’t help but to stare at you blankly in awe.
Though it didn’t matter to him, a beautiful woman like you deserves his attention. “Eustass? Everything okay?” You call out to him and give him a look of worry, making him snap back into his mind. “Yeah yeah, sorry ‘bout that. It’s no problem though, I’m happy I fixed your car for you! I’m sure it would’ve broke down if you didn’t bring it over sooner-“
Eustass freezes and immediately facepalms. “Fuck- why did I say that-“ He thought to himself. You giggle at his little reaction. “Yeah I’m sure it would’ve too! That’s why I’m so happy you fixed it for me. Like I said I really can’t thank you enough, you’re a wonderful mechanic~” You hum, looking back around for some fruit while speaking to him. Eustass blushes at the remark.
“So what’re you shoppin’ for here?” He asked you. You smiled, happy that he was showing some interest in your shopping. “Well, I’m looking around for some fruit for my homemade fruit pops tonight. I kinda ran out yesterday so had to come buy some more today.” You say, sharing one of your interests with him. Eustass raises his brow in interest. “That’s pretty fuckin’ cool, you make your own healthy snacks huh?” He asks you. You nodded before blushing out of embarrassment.
“Yeah…Have to find some way to be healthy you know? I like fruit so it’s not much of an issue for me to find something sweet without it being unhealthy.” You admit to him.
The sound of your phone ringing startles both you an Eustass and you quickly pull your phone out of your back pocket and answer it.
“Hello? Hey baby!-”
Eustass frowns at those words, realizing that you had a partner and that you aren’t a single woman. Who could it be? Who was the lucky man or woman to get with you? Whoever it was Eustass was already expressing a deep hatred for them. You quickly hang up the phone before giggling to Eustass, apologizing for the abrupt interruption of your conversation.
He’s quick to shrug it off to you, but deep down he was already set out for whoever this person was taking his sweet princess from him. After continuing conversation, Eustass offered his phone number to you in hopes to actually get somewhere with you. You happily took it and you waved before going your separate way down the grocery store.
He did follow you to see you a couple more times in the store before you had fully left, and he had also left at the same time. He knew what he was doing- He didn’t know how to control it. He wanted to see just who this lucky partner of yours was.
So he followed you home, but he made sure to make it seem rather…normal.
To make sure you wouldn’t suspect anything.
He went down a couple of roads and noticed that they began to look a bit familiar. Why was it the same paths that…no. No way. It couldn’t have been who he thought it was. It would have to be a fucking coincidence for it to be him.
He was in for a shitty surprise when he found out that your lover was in fact his ex-best friend, Trafalgar D. Water Law.
Just the thought of him made his blood boil, and the fact that he was dating you of all people pissed him off even more. Why did it have to be him of all people?
Over the course of a month, Eustass had started calling you after you had saved his number. You admittedly enjoyed his conversations and his talks with you, which grew both of your relationship rapidly. He did daily check-ups on you, asked questions about how your day was or just genuinely wanted to talk to you about how shitty his day was.
It was so enjoyable to have such a best friend like him, but Law seemed to think otherwise. Law knew how dangerous Eustass was, he found it surprising that he had gotten your number to begin with. After finding that out, Law had to warn you about the man you were talking to.
That sweet and knuckle-headed mechanic was an actual monster. A wolf in sheep’s clothing.
“Oi. Who’re you on the phone with?” Law asked, finding your giggles to be slightly disturbing but not too much for him to handle. “I’m talking to my friend Eustass sweetie, am I disturbing you?” You asked, turning over to Law. Law freezes up at your words and quickly sits up from his chair. You tilt your head and quirk a brow to him, going silent before Eustass calls out to you.
“________ hang up the phone.”
“Hm?- Why?-“
“Hang up the phone baby, I’m serious!”
You gave Eustass a quick apology before hanging up, the sound of Law raising his voice startling you. Law stands up from his seat and walks over to you, pulling out a chair from the dining table before sitting beside you. “I’m sorry? Did you say you were speaking to Eustass? As in Eustass Kid?” Law asks you, giving you a serious you. You nodded reluctantly, causing Law to sigh heavily before pressing a hand to his mouth out of slight worry.
“Listen to me…Eustass…is not who he seems to be.” Law explains, pressing his hands to your shoulders. “How would you know that baby?” You asked him, giving him a look of worry. “He was my best friend in college. He was…but not anymore. We’ve separated.” Law explains to you. He begins to tell you about Eustass and who he really was. All of the details and words Law used to describe him made a chill run down your spine.
The more you listened, the more you grew paranoid and shocked about the information.
And that’s when you began to grow distant to protect both you and Law.
A few weeks after, Eustass began to notice you distancing yourself from him. You declined his calls and left his messages on read which made him feel upset but not only upset, he knew that Law had told you the truth about him. Which is exactly what made this task more harder for him.
He wanted to get his hands on you but he just couldn’t. Not when Law was getting in his way.
So instead, that’s when he finally decided to start stalking you.
He stalked you when you left your house for work, went anywhere else or when you were just home in general. He would watch you through the window of your shared bedroom with a wide and aroused smile on his face.
He would even watch you and Law have sex at times.
Watching you crumble beneath Law was like absolute heaven for him. As much as he hated Law, the only thing he could admire him for was fucking you like a slut. Your moans would echo throughout his mind but what he really loved hearing were your whimpers.
Even if they weren’t from pain, he imagined that they were. The thought of hearing your screams and cries while Eustass cut open or beat you senseless had made something go off within’ himself.
This feeling was stronger than it had ever been with anyone before.
He wanted you.
He needed you.
And most of all…
He wanted to bleed and breed you to his heart’s content.
He wanted to see you in your own mess of blood or in his blood.
Either didn’t matter to him.
You could stab and slice him open and all he would do is moan out in pleasure.
This is what he wanted, and this is what he had to have.
Eustass had trailed down the sidewalk as his hands began shaking with anticipation. It was pitch-black outside and Eustass had just gotten off work and was now walking home. He was eager to finally get home so he could get some rest just to repeat the day, but there was just one thing he needed to take care of beforehand.
He took the same path, the path that he always made sure to go down after work. “I wonder if she’s home this time…Probably not. She wasn’t home yesterday when I walked to her house.” A thought to himself was cut short as he saw light shining through the curtains of your home. Excitement filled his heart as he began to speed walk down the sidewalk and into your yard.
He peeks in through that same window that showed your bedroom. You were that cute little nightgown, watching a horror movie on Netflix while eating some popcorn on the bed. He made sure to get a good view of you, watching your every movement. He felt himself growing hotter with each passing moment, and with his body growing hotter he began to grow hard from watching you.
He begins to breathe heavily and he slowly begins to palm his erection through his jeans.
Eustass jolts and pulls away from your window, the sound of Law calling his name nearly giving him a heart attack. What the hell was Law doing here? Why was he even standing here before him by your window. “Trafalgar-” He says sternly, his brows furrowing with annoyance at how Law had just nearly caught him masturbating to you. Law had his arms crossed and he stared at Eustass deep in his ruby eyes before pressing his back against wall of your home.
“What’re you even doing out here?” Eustass asked, quirking a brow to him. Law looks up at him with a frown. “I should be asking you that, what’re you doing in my yard?” Law asked, a bit of anger leaking from his voice. Eustass chuckled before walking closer to Law, a wide smile across his face. “Why does it matter to you? I’m just here.” Eustass says, looking down at Law. “Why’re you stalking my woman?” Law asks, clenching his fists as he started up into Eustass’ eyes.
Eustass smiles, a bit surprised that Law had just now noticed Eustass’ stalking. “Because I can. She’s real easy on the eyes.” He says, a nonchalant tone leaking through his words. Law huffs. “How about you get your ass out of my yard and leave my girl alone?” Law demands, pointing back to the street where Eustass walked.
“What’re you gonna do if I don’t?” Eustass asks in a playful tone. “I’ll fucking kill you. That’s what I’ll fucking do.” Law threatens, clenching his teeth tight out of anger. Eustass laughs at Law’s empty threat before slamming his hands on either side of him. Law doesn’t flinch as Eustass moves his face in closer to Law’s.
“I’d like to see you try, you’re nothin’ but small fry to me.” Eustass snickered to Law, pressing a finger to his forehead. Law shoves his hand away from his head, his glare growing darker with each word that spilled from Eustass’ mouth “Your girl isn’t going to be yours soon after all-”
“Don’t you fucking dare. I swear to god if you lay a hand on her-”
“Oh I’ll lay more than just a hand on her Trafalgar.”
“Get the fuck out of my yard.”
Eustass snickers once again before pulling away from Law, giving one last glance to the window before turning back to Law. “Just watch Trafalgar, my words are fucking sincere.” Eustass spits, walking backwards before turning around and walking out of the yard.
Law stood there for a moment as he watched Eustass walk until he was out of his distance. The weakness kicks into Law’s legs and he slowly slides down the wall, his breathe heavy as he sat there with panic in his eyes. Law sighs heavily to himself, the worry and anxiety finally kicking at his gut. He had to do something and he had to make sure that he prevent Eustass from putting his hands on you.
Eustass has you both in for a mean surprise.
Even though you both weren’t expecting it, you should’ve.
Eustass slowly walks into your yard once again, a sly smirk across his face as he noticed that the lights were off inside of your bedroom. What a wonderful time for you to be sleeping.
He slowly creeps beside the staircase to your front porch and hides, waiting patiently for Law the come home.
It had been around fifteen minutes when Law had finally arrive home. He had pulled up slowly in the driveway and got out of his car, a yawn leaving him as he was ready to just take a shower and go to bed. Law slowly walked up the stairs of the porch and steps up to the door, groaning as he digs around for his keys.
After pulling out his keys, he slowly unlocks the door, opening it before sighing and walking into the house. He was rather tired for the night and his eyes were slightly fluttering from the sleepiness brewing in his body. Eustass slowly and quietly sneaks in through the door and behind Law, and Law freezes as he hears footsteps behind him.
Law quickly turns around and his eyes widens as he felt a sharp pain deep with his stomach. His body freezes for a moment and he gasps out as he felt Eustass shove the knife deeper into his stomach.
That’s when Law had realized…that he had just been stabbed by Eustass.
Eustass quickly covers Law’s mouth and he screams into his palm, thrashing around he struggled to push Eustass’ large body off of him.
Eustass twists the knife in his stomach which causes Law’s eyes to widen more and to scream out louder through Eustass’ palm.
Blood begins to coat Eustass’ palm and Eustass smiles widely in excitement, a heavy and aroused gasp leaving him as he felt the warm blood trail down his arm and through the long sleeve of his shirt. Law grips Eustass’ shirt tightly out of pain and Eustass lets go of the knife, leaving it inside of Law’s stomach. He lets go of Law and Law falls down to the ground, breathing heavily as tears begin to brew within his eyes.
He rolls over as he lets out heavy and pained gasps, his eyes slowly glancing over to Eustass while Eustass stared down at Law with pure arousal and insanity in his eyes. “That face of yours is making my dick hard Law. Didn’t think you of all people would get me aroused.” Eustass snickered, standing over Law. Law turns over to the direction of your shared bedroom and desperately yells out to you.
“________-YA!- AH!“
A kick to his stomach causes Law to yell out even more, his cries growing more intense as he grips his stomach out of pain. Eustass smiles before walking away from Law, looking around for you while Law continues to scream out to Eustass.
“DON’T YOU FUCKING DO IT! DON’T TOUCH HER EUSTASS!” Law yells out, his body trembling against the carpet as he struggles to move. Eustass just smiles as he continues to walk around the house, looking for your bedroom.
Law bangs his fist onto the ground, a few tears spilling from his eyes as he begins to wail out. “________-YA!” He curses himself he fucking curses himself. If only he was a little more fucking cautious.
You shoot up from your bed as you hear Law’s screams and your body begins to shudder as you hear how shaky his voice was. Sirens began to go off in your head and you quickly began to panic, shooting up out of your bed and rushing over to your bedroom door.
Law was hurt.
Law was hurt!
Fuck! Law was fucking hurt!
But what could you do? You didn’t know where the intruder was and you didn’t even know where Law was. How can you help Law if you’re sitting here panicking.
You take a few deep breathes before listening out, pressing your ear close to the door. You couldn’t hear the intruder’s footsteps, which made you conclude that he was already deep in the house an walking along the carpet. “Oiiii~ ________!~ Where are youuuu?~”
Your eyes widens and your body freeze as you heard the voice of Eustass. That alone made the panic spread throughout your entire body. You could feel your headache growing from fear as you sat there trembling while Eustass search for you. You didn’t dare to open the door as you hear Eustass opening doors throughout the house, each door growing closer and closer to your bedroom.
Your eyes quickly trace across the room, trying to think of a route out of the room. Then your eyes finally land on the window. You quickly get up without thinking, reaching over the bed and close to the window and lift it up. Thankfully there was no screen, so it was in easy escape.
The sound of your bedroom door opened causes you to freeze, your body growing cold as you realized that your time was now up to escape. You couldn’t move and you stayed there on the bed frozen.
A large pair of hands grabs your hips and pulls you away from the window, his tone cold and dark as he moves in and whispers into your ear.
“I found you baby.”
You slowly turn around and see Eustass, smiling wide while he pulls your body back away from the window and onto the bed. You begin to whimper out and hot tears immediately began to run down your face as you realized your life was over. With Law in the front room nearly dead, there wasn’t any other thing you could do but fight back.
But how…How can you fight back when you already know it’s over. With the fear of your life coming to an end, you couldn’t do anything. And that’s what hurt the most.
“Aw, don’t cry, I haven’t even done anything yet.” He chuckles, his hand immediately tearing your panties off of you. You gasped and sniveled as you shuddered beneath Eustass, the fear just making you tremble and cry beneath him. He snickers as he looks at your tear-soaked face, the arousal growing more rapidly deep inside of him as his body begins to shake.
“Fuck, your face. Keep making that fucking face. I want you to make that face while I fuck you so hard.” Eustass demands, his hand gripping both of your wrists. “N-NO! NO PLEASE!-“ You yell out, flailing around as you struggled beneath him. Eustass wastes no time pulling his cock, your eyes widening as the landed on Eustass’ thick length. You quickly scoot back from the sight of it but Eustass pulls you closer, pressing his hot length against your cunt.
“Your boyfriend’s cock isn’t nearly as big as mine is it?”
“T-That- That can’t fit inside of me!” You whine out, continuously scooting as your fear began to sink deeper within your body. “Don’t worry, I promise I’ll go in nice and slow for you since you can’t fit all of it inside of your pussy so quickly.” Eustass says to you softly, a maniacal grin plastered across his face.
He spreads your legs open and drools out onto your pussy, the warmth of his saliva making your shudder against him. You whimpered out as you felt him slide his thick mushroom tip against your entrance, your heart pounding out of your chest out of fear. You felt your headache growing worse from the fear, but you really couldn’t do anything.
As bad as it was, the only thing viable to do was to beg Eustass not to do this to you. “Please…Please Eustass…” You whimper out, your body shuddering as you turned away from him. Eustass could only sit there and smile as he watched you cry, seeing you snivel beneath him…he couldn’t help but to feel so aroused from it. He spreads your thighs open a bit more and you close your eyes tightly.
“Aww, you don’t wanna watch?” Eustass teased.
You didn’t want to watch.
You didn’t want to see.
You just wanted him to be quick with it.
He slowly stuffs his cock inside of you, a pained whimper leaving your lips while a sigh of ecstasy leaves Eustass. He grips your hips tight as he begins to thrust into you, heavy gasps leaving him as your pussy was nice and snug around his length. You sigh out and grip the sheets beneath your body, his cock going deep inside of you and hitting all the right places.
You begin to curse to yourself as you began to the feel pleasure, biting your lip tight to prevent any noise from leaving past your lips. Eustass could see that you were starting to enjoy it, giving you a toothy grin while he climbs up farther into the bed. “Look at you. You’re enjoying it aren’t you? You like how good my dick reaches all of those spots deep in your pussy?”
Your face contorts from his words of truth and you whimper out as your toes begins to curl. Eustass begins to increase the speed of his thrusts and you gasp out, arching your back as he thrusted into your g-spot. “Don’t be shy, you can make some noise, can’t you?” A hard shove against your cervix makes you cry out in pleasure and slight pain, and tears began to spill down your face once again.
This wasn’t right, Law’s in the other room on the floor bleeding to death. You didn’t want him to hear how good Eustass was making you feel alongside the fact that Eustass is raping you. Your mind didn’t want this, but your body craved it. You cursed your body for enjoying such and indecent act. Eustass was raping you…so how could you enjoy it?
It wasn’t his fault his cock was so big.
“N-No~ I-I won’t~ I-I don’t want this!” You moan out, your legs wrapping around his hips tightly. “Yes you do! You don’t have to act like you don’t just because your boyfriend’s in there dyin’ on the ground~” Eustass laughs, his thrusts growing more harsher while your pussy took him in with neediness. You whine and breathe out heavily as he pounds into your cunt, pressing smooches against your soft skin while you whimper out in pleasure and inner mental pain.
“Ah! A-Ah!~ E-Eustass! P-Please!~” You cry out, struggling to fight back as your moans spill out of you. Eustass chuckles as he stares into your eyes, noticing the pleasure seeping within while he fucked you with love. “Hm? Please what? You want me to fuck you harder!? Hm?”
“N-No! NO- MMGH!~“ A hard shove into your cunt makes you moan out loudly and throw your head back, your eyes rolling up while your pussy begins to tighten around his length. “Yeah! That’s it! Scream my fucking name! You love my cock don’t you ________!?” Eustass asked you, his hands cupping your tear-soaked face. “N-No!~ F-Fuck! Nooo~” You weep, beginning to hyperventilate as your mind begins to break.
You had to fight back but you’re struggling to keep yourself composed with Eustass fucking you. With his large cock, your mind couldn’t help but to melt from the pleasure. It felt so good…It felt so fucking good inside of your pussy. Rubbing against your gummy walls and close to pushing deep past your cervix.
How could you keep composure with this monster inside of you?
Eustass begins to rut into you a bit faster as he begins to feel himself growing closer to climax, you wrap your legs tight around his hips and your arms wrap tight around his body. Your grip his shirt tightly, close to tearing the fabric as you held on to him for dear life. “Fuck~ F-Fuckkk~” You gasp out angelically as you begin to slowly shut your eyes. “Yeah that’s it, break on my cock. Break on my fucking cock baby.” Eustass urged you, his hands sliding up to your sides and causing you to mewl out.
You internally apologized to Law.
“N-No~” You whimper out, the tears spilling out once again as you felt disgusted of yourself for enjoying this. Eustass wipes your tears away with his thumb and presses a kiss to your lips, a giggle leaving him as he relishes in your cute and broken little face. “Cmon sweetheart, I feel your pussy tightening around my dick…Just say you like it already~” He whispers to you, his hand cupping your chin.
Your whimpers began to grow louder as you felt your orgasm growing close, your legs twitching while you felt your pussy pulsating around Eustass’ length. You grip Eustass’ forearm and moan out, a few curses spilling out of your lips. “Eustass! F-Fuck Eustass!~” You moan out, pulling him closer to you. “Yeah, fuck yeah! Keep moaning my name!~” Eustass groans out, biting his lip as he pulls you farther onto his cock.
You gasp and moan out and you begin to wiggle beneath him as you grew so close to your orgasm. “I-I’m coming! F-Fuck no I’m coming!~” You gasp out, you eyes widening as you breathe heavily. “Come on then! Fucking cum! Cum on my dick baby!~ Scream as loud as you can so Law can hear it!” Eustass yells, giving you a wide grin as he fucks hard into your g-spot.
“Fuckfuckfuck! FUCK I’M CUMMING N-NO!~” You scream out and arch your back as you finally gush out on Eustass’ cock, your juices spilling out whilst you whine and cry out in unwanted pleasure. Eustass huffs heavily and grips your thighs, fucking you as hard as he can to finally reach his orgasm. “Ohhh fuck you looked so fucking hot!~ Fuck you looked so hot squirting on me like that!” Eustass groans with pleasure, his voice growing louder as he grew close to his orgasm.
You struggle beneath Eustass and whine out as you tried to pull away. “No! NO- NOT INSIDE EUSTASS!-“ You yell out to him, pushing your hands against his chest as you desperately trying to push him off. Eustass moves your arms out of the way and pins you against the mattress, huffing and groaning like a dog in heat while you felt his cock twitching. “Shit! Oh I’m cumming inside~ I’m cumming inside of this pretty pussy babe~” Eustass sighs out, his eyes brewing with ecstasy as his thrusts grew harder.
“NO- PLEASE NO E-EUSTASS NO~” You begged, huffing heavily as you turn your head away from him. Eustass grips your chin, forcing you to look at him as he finally reaches his peak. “Look at me- Fucking look at me while I pump my fucking seed deep inside of you~” Eustass says, his tone suddenly dark as he stares into your eyes. You cried out and wiggle your legs, denying him and not wanting him to shoot his seed inside.
“Mmh- Fuck- Fuck yes! FUCK-“
You scream and cry out as he cums inside of you, his cock shooting thick ropes of cum deep inside of your pussy and filling you up to the brim. You whine and cry out, gripping the sheet below you in anger as you felt his seed spilling out of you. You wept in despair and defeat, your heart pumping heavily while you felt his warmth filling your womb.
“Ooh~ You like how it felt?~ You love that warm cum deep inside of you?~” Eustass asked, teasing you and laughing in your face at your despair. You grit your teeth at him but your face softens up in sadness, and tears continue to pour out as you cry out. Eustass chuckles and finally pulls out of you, his cum spilling out of your cunt and onto the carpet below.
You turn over and curl up into a ball, still weeping as you realize that you’re carrying his seed deep inside. Eustass smiles before pulling up his jeans, giving you a wide smile before pressing a smooch to your head. “I’ll come back for you…and I’ll make sure that nothing…will get in my way.” Eustass whispers to you as he slowly begins to climb out of the window.
He finally leaves…and he leaves to there in your own puddle of defeat. You cried…cried as if you had just lost something in your life…which you did…your dignity…your self respect…your self confidence and maybe more.
You shoot up as you hear Law call out to you, the sound of his pained groans finally echoing into the room and your eyes land on Law standing in the doorway. You stared down in horror as you noticed Law’s blood soaked bandages wrapped around his stomach. “T-Traffy…” You whimper out his name as you continue to cry once again, a heavy gasp leaving you as you reached out to him.
Law hugs you tightly and sighs heavily, hearing him sniveling as he felt ashamed for what had happened to you. “I’m…I’m so sorry…” He says, his voice broken as he grips your gown tight. Your eyes widens and your face scrunched up again as the tears spilled uncontrollably from your eyes. “No no baby it’s not your fault…it’s not..” You whine out, peppering kisses all over his face to comfort him.
Both you and him were broken. Hurting immensely in different ways.
“I…If only…I stayed away from him…If only I hadn’t taken his number…” You snivel, looking back on the idiotic decisions you made. Law presses a smooch to your temple and sighs out, feeling how your body trembled against his.
“It’s okay…It’s not your fault.” He whispers to you, his hand playing with your pretty strands before he lies down onto the mattress. He pulls you down and closer to him, pressing a kiss to your lips before sighing out weakly. You continued to cry but Law wipes your tears away and shushes you, pressing your head up against his chest.
“Shh…It’s okay. We’re both…going to be okay…________-Ya…” He whisper to you softly, a yawn leaving him. “Traffy…” You whimper out, holding his body tight yet gentle as you lay your head against him. “Relax ________-Ya. We’ll get him…just not now.” Law says sleepily to you.
You pout to him before sighing and relaxing your body against him.
With the window open, you both lie there defeated and injured. Accepting your defeats you rested in each others arms, happy to at least still have each other in the process.
“It’s going to be okay…We’re both going to be…okay.”
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peterpparkrr · 1 year
Banter (Ch. 2)
Series: Banter
Pairing: Roy Kent x f!Reader
Summary: You and Roy try to pretend your almost-date never happened.
A/N: Whoo! Really pleased that I’m getting this chapter up before the new episode tomorrow. Hope you enjoy it!
(Ch. 1) // (Ch. 3) (Ch. 4) (Ch. 5)
series masterlist
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“Absolutely not,” You mutter as you grab your bag and pull it over your shoulder, moving to push past Roy and get out of this already embarrassing situation before it can become truly pathetic.
You are not letting this man embarrass you. Not any more than he already has.
God. You’d liked him so much. 
All for him to turn out to be someone that you despised.
You had no idea what she had done to deserve this kind of karma. Maybe it was all the Uber Eats. All those takeaways had definitely been bad for the environment. And now you were paying the price. 
“Wait,” Roy called after you as he followed you out onto the pavement.
“This is already embarrassing enough, okay?” You hiss as you whip around to face him. Your voice cracks on you ‘okay’ in a way that makes your face heat up.
Roy’s back straightened as he pulled his shoulders back.
“Can we just pretend this never happened?” You ask when Roy doesn’t reply. 
You’re desperate for this conversation to end so that this horrible night can end too. You can’t believe how stupid you’d been. An hour ago you’d been giddy. You’d been imagining an amazing date with a great guy that would lead to equally amazing sex. And maybe even a good, happy, healthy relationship. 
And now those hopes had been painfully dashed. You’d been rejected the moment Roy had walked in and realized you were his date. 
He’d hated you since he’d met you. That had been painfully obvious in every interaction you’d had since. And how he’d seen you in a vulnerable position. This was awful.
“Yeah,” He replied gruffly. “Whatever.” 
“Great,” You replied before you pursed your lips and nodded at him. “Goodnight.” 
“Erh,” Roy grunted before you turned on your heels and walked down the street as quickly as you could without it looking like you were training to flee. 
Roy sighed and rubbed a hand down his face before shoving his hands into his pockets and heading down the pavement in the opposite direction. Even though he was parked in the same direction as you.
But he’d rather take the scenic route back to his car than have to interact with you again. 
And he needed to take a walk to clear his head.
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Roy Kent hadn’t wanted to get on a dating app.
He hadn��t wanted to date. Period. 
But when he’d made the mistake of complaining to his niece Phoebe about the insane dating app that Keeley was pushing on all the players she’d turned to him with that perceptive look that Roy found so disconcerting on his nine-year-old niece.
“Don’t you want to find someone who makes you happy?” 
“No photos and no names means you get to know people for their personalities, doesn’t it?” “You could find someone who you get along with.”
Roy had grunted in annoyance at Phoebe. 
But he hadn’t been able to brush what she said aside. 
So the next time he had to pick her up from school for his sister he’d hesitantly asked her what he should put on his profile.
And the way her face had lit up with delight was more than enough to convince Roy to give it a try.
He honestly hadn’t expected to meet anyone. 
But you’d messaged him. And then he’d replied and you’d never stopped. 
You were easy to talk to and with the anonymity, Roy didn’t need to worry about you just laughing at his jokes because he had a nice house, or because you could sell pictures of him to the tabloids. 
You actually found him funny. 
Roy had opened up to you. 
He’d told you things he hadn’t told anyone else. 
He’d thought he was ready to meet you when you asked.
He’d wanted to meet you.
And then he’d locked eyes with you when you walked through the door. Your thinly-veiled distaste wasn’t even hidden when you saw him. 
And when you realized he was your date and you were his. 
You’d looked so disappointed.
It had cut at a part of Roy that he didn’t even like to admit existed.
You’d said it was embarrassing. The idea of going on a date with him was so embarrassing to you that you’d almost cried.
What was Roy supposed to do with that?
And how was he supposed to pretend that tonight had never happened?
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“Hiya babes, what were you up to this weekend? I didn’t hear from you at all,” Keeley greets you as you walk into the AFC Richmond building on Monday morning. 
She has too much energy for this early. And you’re not even hungover, but you’re suddenly wishing you’d worn your sunglasses this morning.
“Oh, I just needed a quiet weekend in, getting stuff done and all that,” You tell her. 
It’s not a lie. You did spend the weekend in your flat pretending you were dead to the world so that you could watch Love is Blind and cry about the relationships on the show (and definitely not anything to do with the state of your personal life).
“Yeah?” You knew that Keeley knew something was up. But she was also a good enough friend that she didn’t push you any further.
You would break down and admit everything to Keeley sooner or later. You both knew it. It was just a matter of if it would be tonight or eighteen months from now. And Keeley didn’t mind. She’d be there to listen whenever you decided you were ready. 
Keeley chattered along beside you as you moved to grab your equipment out of the storage closet that Keeley let you use to store it in. 
You’re lugging it all out into the hallway, Keeley still talking away, your camera bag in her arms, when you make solid contact with someone as you run into them.
“Shit, sorry,” You murmur as you try to maintain your grasp on the bags you’re holding onto and have tucked under your arms.
You look up to apologize further when you realize who you’ve run into.
“Roy!” You exclaim as your tripod drops from your grasp to the floor.
Roy mutters your name as he stoops down to pick it up and wordlessly hands it to you before pushing past you and continuing down the hallway.
You and Keeley turn to watch him walk away.
“That was…” Keeley mutters.
“What?” You ask as your head whips around to look at her, sounding way more defensive than you meant to.
“Even more awkward than last week,” Keeley replies. “I don’t understand why the two of you are so tense around each other.”
“Hmm,” You hummed in a non-committed reply. 
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Today’s shoot was for action shots of the team so you were out on the field for Richmond’s practice. Granted, you were in the stadium and not on the practice field, but everyone was looking around nervously like they’d never been on the field before.
“Where do you want ‘em?” Ted asked as you made your way onto the field. 
“I want these to be as natural as possible, just run them through your normal drills, and I’ll move to get the shots. You won’t even notice I’m here.”
Roy muttered something unintelligible under his breath and you managed to hold your tongue as moved past him to find the best light. 
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“I met someone,” You blurted out a few days later at one of your and Keeley’s coffee dates. 
So it would be sooner rather than later. 
Keeley shrieked as she nearly spilled her latte.
“Oh my god! Holy shit!” She hissed as she stared at you with wide eyes.
“On Bantr-” You start to explain when she nods for you to continue.
“I knew it! I knew you would! God, I knew it would be perfect for you.”
“I asked him out-” You continue.
“Yeah? How was it? It must have been amazing if you ignored me all weekend,” Keeley replied as she continued to pepper you with her questions in her excitement. “Holy shit, were you having wild sex all weekend? I knew you were too tired on Monday for it to have just been a chill weekend in!”
“No,” You reply with a sharp shake of your head. “It was Roy,” You tell her in a stage whisper.
“You had sex with Roy?!” She full-on screams, causing the entire cafe to turn and look at you.
“No! I didn’t! That’s what I’m trying to tell you,” You hiss at her through the mortification of all of these strangers now knowing your business. “The guy on Bantr turned out to be Roy,” You repeat.
Keeley paused.
“And you didn’t have sex?” She asks as her forehead pinches in confusion. “No! We obviously didn’t go on the date!” You reply in exasperation. Confused by why Keeley is being so intentionally dense. You know she loves to see the best in people. Just look at her dating history, but she’s got to understand why the two of you together was a no-go.
“Why?” She asks.
“Because he hates me!” You explain. “We both agreed to pretend it didn’t happen.”
“Did he?” Keeley asks, her forehead still pinched together. You’re tempted to reach out your hand and smooth out the wrinkles. Knowing Keeley she’ll complain about you causing them once she catches a glimpse in the mirror of them.
“Yes, he was clearly disappointed when we both realized what had happened.”
You could still see the permanent scowl on his face.
“He walked out on you?” Keeley asked as her eyes widened.
“Well, no, technically I walked out first,” You reply, causing Keeley to open her mouth. “But he followed me!” You add before she can interject again.
“And is that when he told you he hated you and never wanted to see you again?”
“Um...” You stall.
“Did you call it off or did he?” Keeley repeats.
“I did!” You admit. “But he never talks. If I hadn’t said it we would have just stared at each other in silence until one of us walked away.”
“What if he was just nervous?” 
“That’s definitely not what was happening,” You scoff. “Have you seen that man?”
“Yes, but you’re one of the sexiest, smartest, coolest girls I know,” Keeley replied. “Anyone would be a little intimidated by you, even Roy.”
“Yeah,” You reply. You know Keeley’s hyping you up the same way she hypes everyone up, and you appreciate the compliment, you always do, but even Keeley has to know that Roy Kent is out of your league. Along with being a complete and total ass.
“You don’t have to believe it, but you also have no reason to believe that he didn’t want to go on that date with you,” Keeley tells you.
“You have to talk to him,” She adds.
You groan loudly as you slump back in your chair. 
“I can’t do that.”
Keeley shrugs. 
“You have to.”
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Thinking about Being earlier metallica James' gf, u know, back in that time where Jaymz and Lars lived together....that time were Lars would hear James railing his girl like there was no tomorrow? Yeah, so....
Imagine Being said gf and not being aware of an on going game between her boyfriend and his drummer friend, the game you ask? Seeing How many orgasms they Can Ruin
The rules are:
- Lars must pretend to be sleeping as best as he's able to;
- James Will fuck her increasingly harder, trying to rip out of her more and more noises;
- Since she's shy, Lars must pretend to stir in his sleep every time she let's a noise slip, and James Will increase his performance on her;
- Once she gets close to hitting her orgasm, Lars must pretend to wake up and cock block them (James must hold back from laughing or else he would give It away)
- And they Keep This cycle until they feel like she had been good enough for them
There are no games and James is Just a shameless Motherfucker that gets his ego stroked every time someone catch him folding his girl and furiously pistoning his hips against her, knowing Full well that even If the guys are his friends and respect him very much, they still drool and lust over his girl
they’d have so much fun with you, the both of them loving how red you turn when you’re so fucking close, but then that cock-block of a drummer makes his appearance so you and james both have to stop.
one time, james was fucking you like his life depended on it. your body shoved into the bed as he’s mercilessly fucking into you. you were already worried about the squeaking of the mattress waking up lars, but then james reaches between the both of you and starts rubbing your clit to get you closer. he would grin like the devil, watching you squirm and try to keep quiet. even when you’d bring your fist to your mouth to muffle your noises, it would do shit and you’d just be so fucking loud. lars stirs to face the both of you, his eyes still ‘shut,’ james tries his hardest not to laugh at you while you’re literally trying to hold back tears. you poor thing, they’ve been edging you for a whole week every single day and you had no idea.
a loud “fuck james!” rips out of you as you grasp one of his shoulders, letting him know that you were so close as you grind your hips to meet his halfway. your moaning was getting louder and louder and you couldn’t keep quiet for the life of you. just as you were about to reach your climax, lars wakes up, causing james to pull away, your back falling against the pillow, chest heaving up and down.
“for fuck’s sake, again?!” you’d groan, digging the heels of your palms into your eyes from both frustration and embarrassment. but then you feel james fingers slip through your sopping folds, causing you to gasp. “what about lars!” you’d whisper-yell to james and he lets out a chuckle
“what about him?” he’d keep fingering you, wanting to bring you to your climax since you haven’t cum in such a long time, he was starting to feel bad. you were so overstimulated, you bit down on james’ shoulder to keep quiet, but lars tutted you.
“oh, come on. you’ve been loud all week, you’re gonna stay quiet now?” lars taunts, causing your face to turn redder than it already is.
you turn to look at james, not knowing what to do, but he nods his head with a supportive smile on his face “it’s okay, baby, go ahead.” his fingers curl and move inside you at a prompt speed. you try to keep your moans at a low volume, too embarrassed and not used to having an audience, although the thought of someone watching you being fingered aroused you.
james’ fingers kept pumping in and out of you as his thumb reached around to rub your clit, increasing his abuse on your already overstimulated cunt. when lars’ hand went down to palm himself and he let out a little groan, you started crying, ready to finally let go.
“i’m cumming, oh, god i’m gonna cum, fuck!” you would heave out since there was no oxygen in your lungs whatsoever. you thrash and wail under james and lars’ gaze, whimpering as you feel your hot cum leak out of you. you pant as james kisses you through your orgasm, murmuring sweet words “fuck, you did so good for us.” lars would praise
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NEED THIS RN😭 this reminds me of this one tiktok i saw that said when james and lars used to live together in a teeny tiny apartment, lars would sit in a corner until james was done with whoever he was with that night, but sometimes lars would join in, i was shocked.
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whoahoney · 1 year
For the celebration: Eddie, enemies to lovers, dialogue prompt: ‘Swallow.’ 💛💛
Honey’s 2k Fics!
CW: Minors DNI, mean!reader, fem/afab!reader, subby!eddie, a hint of jealousy, smut (oral f and m receiving, cum eating, semi public sex)
I loved writing this so much, I’ve just begun dabbling in enemies to lovers so I’m sorry if it isn’t like the others 💀🫶🏻 this was supposed to be a lil blurb but it just kept going lmao. Thank you for sending this in!!! I call this one… My Pleasure
Join the celebration
“Oh shit!” You gasp as his mouth closes around your cunt, the feeling so good you can’t even think about the wooden locker room bench biting into your back. “Fuck, c’mon—“ you grunt and roll your hips against his face.
He chuckles against you, the throaty satisfied melody humming through your core before he lifted his mouth only enough to mutter against your lips, “Someone’s eager—“ you cut him off by shoving his face back down.
“—not here to talk, Munson.” You say breathily, your building high already fleeing in the mere seconds he stopped working his oral magic against your cunt.
He nods and resumes eating, pressing his fingers into your thighs with more fervor. “Shit—yeah, just like that—“ you sigh out in relief and dig your fingers into the edge of the bench above your head.
This has been a regular thing for a couple weeks. A nice little hate fuck in the locker rooms after cheer practice ended and Eddie was done with—well, whatever it is he did.
Currently you were enjoying yourself the most you’d ever had and Eddie was well aware. He mapped your every move, every word, every sweet little noise he pulled from you with his tongue. He’d purposely tease and edge you to draw it out longer, wishing to keep his mouth on you as long as possible.
He couldn’t believe how far you’d come in only a couple of months, how comfortable you grew in front of him after making him question his skills the first time you met like this, your silence had been deafening.
The first time, he’d been locking up the drama room as you’d been shutting off lights in the gym. You hadn’t meant to engage but when he opened his mouth and let out a, “Well, who do we have here? Y’know the basketball team finished up a couple hours ago, aren’t you supposed to be cheering them on in the locker rooms?” He smirked at you as you pulled the double doors shut and scoffed.
“What’s that supposed to mean?” He scoffed this time as he turned to you fully and approached.
You wanted to swallow but didn’t want to give him the satisfaction, “I mean, why are you so pressed about the basketball team for? Girlies aren’t lining up to go down on the freak?”
He tsks like it’s a challenge and steps closer. “No, actually they’re lining up for me to go down on them. How do you like them apples, cap’n?” He said so matter-of-factly you believed him.
No matter your effort, the air in your lungs was forced out by laugh of disbelief, maybe embarrassment or shock, but you clear your throat and maintain the hardness in your eyes.
Eddie looks awfully satisfied until you say, “I don’t see anybody.”
He smiles as if he wanted you to say it, “Looks like the line starts here, huh?” He looks you over with a predatory gleam and you arch an eyebrow, the intrigue peeking through.
Before you knew it you were turning on your heel and walking towards the door to the locker room. Eddie stood for a minute, glancing around and wondering if this was his rejection until you turn to him, “Well, are you coming?” You ask with a hand on your hip. “I want proof, Munson.” You say with a hidden smirk that set him on fire. A feral smile stretches across his face and he hurries after you, rubbing his hands together as if he were about to eat a fine meal.
You kept your cool the whole time, almost refusing to accept how good it felt, refusing to give yourself over to him. He was so tender with his touches, unlike anyone you’d been with. The kisses on your thighs were so foreign you jumped the first few pecks he laid down beneath your skirt.
The only thing that told Eddie you enjoyed yourself was the change in your breathing, otherwise you were quiet as a mouse. It wasn’t until you stopped breathing that he looked up at you—expecting you to be staring at him with the same disdainful look you always shot is way, but no. Your eyes were clamped shut and your jaw clenched, as if in discomfort.
He smirked and massaged your thighs to get your attention, “Tell me you like it, or I’ll stop.” He almost whispers.
Your mouth relaxes and your eyes pop open and you glance down at him as you breathe out, almost defeated, “…I do.” You say with a hint of shame in your tone. That same mischievous grin stretches on his face and he strokes your clit to make your breath shudder and your hips jerk.
“Stop teasing me.” You push at his forehead playfully, his smile widening as he leans back down.
“Stop holding back.” He says with delight and dives back in.
He savored every drop of you on his tongue that night, every squeak, squeal, and squirm he’d pulled out of you. He watched you ready yourself to leave, not bothering to wash his hands so he could savor the scent of you when he got himself off at home.
You sat there as he licked his fingers and held eye contact, “It was a pleasure.” He mumbled, stepping away.
You stare at him for a second and begrudgingly sigh and shake your head, suppressing a smile, “Indeed.”
It’s all he needed to hear before he was turning on his heel and gliding out the door.
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
After a week of stolen looks in the cafeteria, in the hall as you passed, or even in class— you found yourself waiting outside of the drama room as Hellfire let out. You breathe out a puff of nervous air as freshman filed out, followed by the juniors that shot you curious looks—ones that told you they didn’t know. Why hadn’t he told them?
You nod at them indifferently as they walk out of the building, the pounding in your chest almost enough to convince you to follow them and walk to your car to go home and go to sleep and pretend you never considered him as an option again.
But you stayed. You stayed until that click of the knob sounded and your breath caught in your throat as he stepped out into the hallway, halting only for a moment before he smiled and shut the door the rest of the way.
“Hey there, sweetheart,” he turns to lock the door, “What can I do for you?” He turns to you with an expectant smile, stepping up to lean against the lockers you’d gotten comfortable on.
You roll your eyes and try not to smile though you fail. “Was it… really a pleasure?” You ask.
Eddie swallows and nods, “Yeah,” he whispers before looking over his shoulder to find an empty hallway and then back to you, inching closer. “Why? Can’t stop thinking about me?”
You roll your eyes and turn to the gym, Eddie waiting again in his place against the lockers. “Am I suppose to follow?” He asked in a whisper yell.
You turn to him as you lean against the doors and say, “Duh!”
He gleefully follows you again.
Again and again, he waits for you, you wait for him, and he gives you the best head you’d ever imagined possible.
At school, your shitty comments had stopped and Eddie began to worry about you. Were you pulling away? Was this your way of icing him out? He thought about asking you the next Friday, if you were still comfortable with it all.
It wasn’t until lunch rolled around and Jason tripped him on his way past that he heard you speak, “Jason! Why are you so obsessed with him?” You crooned with a smile. The jocks started laughing, some even made kissy noises at Jason, while Eddie met your gaze and righted himself, finding your smile on him—til you noticed he was staring then you bit the inside of your cheek with a blush, stabbing another limp green bean on your fork.
After that, you’d gotten brave and let his hands wander up your shirt, your whines and writhing hips making him chuckle against you every time—until you shoved his hands away and grabbed him by the hair to grind your pussy against his face.
You thought it’d piss him off but he only moaned into your pussy and shook his head till you gushed. That was the first time you’d cried out his name as you finished.
It rang in his ears til he came in his fist an hour later at home.
You were always left with lingering thoughts about him; if he thought about you, if he got himself off after, why he never asked for anything in return, and then of course— who else is he fucking around with? How does he know how to do it so good??
The thought made your stomach twist—in disgust, of course. Cause you couldn’t ever be jealous of another girl with Eddie Munson. Absolutely not.
Okay maybe a little.
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
As you walk in the hall, you’re debating on stopping this arrangement with Eddie, or telling him how you feel. How you can’t stop thinking about his stupid face, or the way he looks at you when he kneels before you as you undress for him. The way he chuckles at your banter and always knows what to say back or when he encourages you with sweet nothings that you’d never known you wanted to hear from anyone, let alone him.
“That’s it, that’s it, atta girl,”
“Such a good girl for me.”
“Such a sweet little pussy, baby,”
“Mmm—so wet for me.”
They echoed through your head at the worst times, making your thighs clench in class and your cheeks redden at how your insides turn to liquid at the mere thought of him. Not to mention the way your stomach flipped at the sight of him.
Him and his stupid smile, and stupid hair. And his stupid fucking fingers that you wanted in your mouth, in your hair, in your hands as you played with his dumb janky rings that you found yourself staring at more lately because you know exactly what they feel like on your clit, and no idea how they feel in your hand.
And currently, they were twirling a lock of hair that didn’t belong to you.
You stop in your tracks and spot Eddie at his locker and Heather Prosser leaning next to it. She was also a cheerleader.
A very pretty one.
And a stupid fucking bitch.
You watch for a moment as she flashes a smile and bats her lashes at him, asking about meeting up soon. He tosses the strand over her shoulder and tsks before he looks up from her with a keen smile—until his gaze lands on you and the daggers you were shooting at him.
His smile fell and his shoulders slumped. As he glanced back to Heather and shut his locker, you want to turn on your heel and run away to your car and drive home.
How could you be so stupid.
Obviously he got what he wanted—the satisfaction of seeing you vulnerable and weak for him after years of the back and forth bullshit you always sorta looked forward to. It didn’t mean the same for him—any of it.
Before you know it you’re marching up to him and grabbing him by the wrist, looking her dead in the eye before you say, “Bye, Heather!” and pull him along.
Heather scoffs as you bypass her and drag him away, your heart pounding so hard in your chest you fear he might feel it in your hand.
The bell rings and you pull him into the locker room, which you know will be vacant til the end of school in two hours.
You push through first and glance around, noticing the static quiet surrounding you and turn to him as the door clicks shut.
He’s quick to find your waist, your hands resting up on his chest as his fingers stroke at your lower back beneath your shirt. “Tell me why.” He quietly demands.
You shrug your shoulders and avoid his eye, “I dunno, Eddie.”
He scoffs, “Well, do you want me, or do you just not want to see me with anyone else?” He asks quieter than before.
You scrunch your brow at him, “… both, duh.” You find your hands on his face for the first time, his cheeks soft yet prickled with stubble you were well acquainted with between your thighs.
Eddie melts into your touch and nods, “Well, luckily for you… I haven’t been able to stop thinking about…” he blushes this time and your smirk finally returns, “What?” You ask with a daring smile. “Tell me.”
His eyes meet yours and he bites his lip before answering, “Having you all to myself.”
You nod, “I think that could be arranged,” you bite your lip and his heart thunders beneath your touch. “But there’s something I have to do, first. Before we make this little thing official.” You trace along his chain and tug the guitar pick at the end of it before tugging him along by it.
His cock throbs in his pants at the sight, that hungry look in your eyes he found set on him in more places than just the locker room these days.
But now it was more than just hunger. It was true desire. Little did he know how much you paid attention before all of this, not to mention the tabs you kept on him since you found out about his… talents.
You knew the music he liked, and that it wasn’t half bad. You knew he was a total dork about a book you had to read in middle school and he’d read it so much he could quote it (against your skin, more recently).
That he was in a band and he’d played guitar since he was 8 and was supposedly really fucking good. You believe every bit of that claim due to the magic he worked on you with only his fingers.
You knew he was respectful and caring, and could take a lot of shit for no goddamn reason.
You also knew he liked it when you wound your fingers in his hair and tugged at the roots. That he liked it when you used him and that he was a fucking giver.
Not to mention how handsome he was.
And you knew there were a million other things to learn about him. Things you wouldn’t want anyone else to know, because he was yours.
And that you didn’t want to see anyone ever touch him again, ever.
You push him into a shower cubical and shut the curtain, his eyes shining and mouth gaping in awe as you strip off your shirt and drop to your knees. Your hand flattens against his chest to push him the rest of the way against the wall.
“My turn, Munson.” You curl your fingers around his belt loops and his hips involuntarily rock. He groans softly and you smile widely, as he caresses your cheek.
“Show me what you can do, baby.” He says as his thumb sweeps down your cheekbone and across your bottom lip, to which you open your mouth and stick out your tongue and chest.
“Oh, I like this.” He smiled as you wrap your lips around his digit and sucked. “Shit, baby, are you a freak?”
Your eyes open and you slide off his thumb with a small pop, your hands working at his belt. “I’ll let you decide.”
“Shit.” He smiles and slumps against the wall his hands glued to his thighs as you work his jeans open and palm his rock hard cock til he sighs in relief.
“You’re gonna use me, okay, Eddie? I want you to.” You nuzzle your face against his balls until he responds with an, “Ah, shit!” And laces his fingers at the back of your hair. “My pleasure.” He says and lets you pull his pants down past his ass, soon followed by his boxers.
His dick springs up and your mouth drops at the sight. It was long and thick, the tip an angry red and the shaft the same color his cheeks turned when he blushed.
“Oh my go—“ but you can’t finish because Eddie’s already sliding it in and groaning out, “Fuuuuck!”
He starts slow, deliberate strokes, only halfway down his shaft, his fingers winding into your hair. Your hands cover his, and your feel his fingers searching for yours and you moan around his cock.
“That’s it… so pretty—my pretty girl.” He whispered down to you. You open your eyes to find his set on you, his pace quickening and strokes getting deeper. Your eyes water but your gaze is practically desperate— and he can’t fathom that it’s for him.
He groans out another pretty sound at the contact, your unbreakable stare that soon grows smug again, at how desperate he is for you.
You start bobbing in time with his thrusts and hollowing your cheeks and it nearly makes him keel over right then and there. He lurches and leans over and his grip slides from your hair to your cheeks, his thrusts still consistent, yet you could tell he was holding back. You push him deeper til he hit the back of your throat and he whines out openly. You match it with a whine of your own and your panties dampen.
He stays hunched over you as he fucks your face and soon you feel his hands working at the clasp of your bra til it popped open. You give a surprised little yelp and shimmy it the rest of the way off for him. He leans back against the wall and pushes you off his cock gently to get a good look at you.
He fists his spit slicked dick, and watches you, bare chested and on your knees for him. “Touch yourself.” He orders you quietly. “Lemme watch you play with those gorgeous tits.”
A lupine smile tugs at your cheeks and you arch your back for him before caressing the sides of your breasts for him, pushing them together and squeezing them, “Like this?”
“Yeah…” he whispers before spitting on his hand and stroking himself harder. You pinch and roll your nipples before you start a slow rhythm on the heel of your foot, your chest softly bouncing along.
“Oh yeah, keep going, pretty girl…” he smiles down at you, his hips fucking into his fist. You hold your tits for him and hold his eye, your smile blooming again. “Where do you want me to—“
“On me?” You say without hesitation, smoothing your hands from your stomach all the way up over your breasts and neck. “…In my mouth?” You suggest and he freezes before he nods.
“Yeah, baby, get back here.” He mutters as he grips you by the hair and pushes his cock back inside to start a brutal pace that sends you gagging without much time to recover. “Aww, you’re okay, you’re okay.” He mutters to you absently as he works closer to his release.
Your hands start at his hips before one sneaks down to his balls to massage and roll in hand, and his hips stutter before he’s able to warn, “I’m gonna— awww!” He groans out and spills his load into your mouth, whimpering when he feels you continue to suck, as if demanding every drop.
You finally pull off him, your mouth obviously full as you look up at him. He leans over, a finger on your chin before he demands, “Swallow.” In a bone chilling whisper.
You gulp it down and let your tongue swipe over your lip before he’s tugging you up by the arm and pressing his mouth to yours for the first time.
“That was so good, baby.” He whispered against your lips before you chuckled and pushed away from him to pull on your bra and shirt, ignoring the dumb smile he gave you as you dressed—the same way he always looked at you.
“Oh, c’mon, Munson.” You say before pulling your shirt over your head, “—it was my pleasure.” You mock him.
A wild smile stretches across his face before he’s on you in an instant, pulling you to him to kiss again and again, “A pleasure Indeed.” He teases before kissing your nose.
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ontheshroom · 2 years
In the office
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Ceo!Jack x fem!reader
A/n: this is fictional and takes place in an au
Synopsis: Your boss notices you’re out of dress code.
The second he heard the clack of your heels coming down the hall his ears perked and he rose his head.
“Good morning, Ms. Y/l/n.” He yells.
You let out a sigh and stop just inches away from his door. You walk into the room with your fists curled.
“Hello, Mr. Harlow.” You breathe out.
Jack laughs at you as he looks you up and down. Even though he’s laughing, he can feel his cock bulging against his zipper. Your skirt tightly hugs your curves but ends far too high. He’s sure if he were to have you sit in front of him he’d have a perfect view of your undergarments. What could you be wearing today?
“Care to explain your fashion choices today?” He asks, folding his hands on his desk.
“Well, I uhm. I broke my skirt this morning, the zipper fell off, and the rest are at the dry cleaners. So, I just wore this one. I apologize.” You rush out in one breath.
“So, why not wear any of your dresses?” He questions.
“You told me to wear my skirts.” You furrow your eyebrows.
A smirk forms on his lips. Guess you are a good girl.
“You’ll be in here today.” He tells you, pressing 5 on the dial to call your coworker in.
“Please bring in a desk and a chair for Ms. Y/l/n.” He tells Cody over the phone.
“Mr. Harlow, you really don-“
“Considering you’re out of dress code I do, or you could go home. I can’t promise that you’ll have your job still though.” He shrugs.
“Right. I’m sorry sir.”
It takes everything in him not to moan at your words. The sound of you calling him sir over and over as he dril-
“Where do you want the desk?” Cody asks him.
“Right here in front of mine,” Jack says, pointing to a spot directly in front of him.
Cody looks at him with a puzzled face but obliges. He smiles at you as he leaves and compliments your skirt, to which you innocently say thank you to. Jack made a mental note to fire him later.
You sit down in front of Jack, pulling out your to-do list for the day. You open your legs to cross them and a smile flashes across Jack’s face. Red today.
You press your thighs together, the lewd thoughts clouding your mind as you think about Jack. Only the sound of him clearing his throat was enough to pull you away from them. Embarrassed, you return to your work as he smirks.
There is a comfortable peace between you and Jack as y’all work. No talking unless a question or two. Before you know it it’s nearly 4:50. You begin packing up your things before you hear Jack clear his throat.
“Will you stay after please?” He asks you.
“Yes sir.” You nod, pausing packing up your things, and sit down patiently.
He closes his laptop and walks in front of his desk resting on it.
“You’ll have on your regular dress code tomorrow?” He asks you.
“Yes sir, I am so sorry.” You apologize.
“Call me that again.” He says, walking towards you.
“I’m sorry, what?”
“Call me sir.”
“I- uh?”
“You pick and choose when to be a good girl, huh?” He says, caressing your cheek with his thumb.
“Don’t lie to me now, baby.” He says.
“Did you want me to see you like this today, Hmm?” He asks.
Your breath hitches as if you’ve been caught. You nod your head as he runs his thumb along your bottom lip.
“Mm, I thought so.” He pushes his thumb in your mouth as you wrap your lips around it and suck lightly.
“Get up.” He says.
You get up and he pushes you to bend over his desk. You open your legs as he stands behind you. He pulls the zipper down, exposing your ass. The red thong was placed between them teasingly. He pulls the thong down before quickly pulling his pants down and rubbing his tip along your folds. Within a second he’s pushing into you, stretching you out.
“Oh god.” You moan.
“God’s not making you feel like this, baby. That’s all me.” He says.
The sound of his skin slapping against yours fills his office.
“Fuck fuck fuck.” You chant.
He pulls the buttons of your blouse showing your boobs, he looks at them through his window before palming them.
“Fuck, you feel as good as I thought.” He sighs.
“I’m gonna cum!” You announce.
“Do it, baby. Mark my dick with your cum.” Jack grunts.
“Shit! Feels so good sir!” You cum.
Jack groans loudly, filling you up with his cum.
“Atta girl.” He moans.
He pulls out and zips up your skirt, making sure to leave out your panties. You turn around, your tits on display for him.
“I can’t leave like this.” You sigh.
He shrugs his suit down his shoulders and places it on yours.
“You’re going home with me.” He tells you.
“You don’t have t-“
“Don’t talk back to me. We’ll discuss our rules later.” He tells you.
Picking up your thong and placing it in his pocket. He grabs his keys before resting his hand on your lower back before leading you out of his office.
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tiniedemon · 1 year
— ♡
the waiting game | smau
part five
kyle was still deep in thought, hands flat against the shower wall as cold water streamed down his back. his teeth were chattering and his chest was heaving, soft pants leaving his lips as he fought the urge to cry. he couldn’t stop imagining you and kenny, holding hands, kissing, sleeping next to each other, sleeping with each other. he was nauseous and angry and the cold shower wasn’t really helping him.
he lathered a layer of shampoo into his curls, making use of the fact that it was wash day anyways. conditioner followed, kyle running a brush through his hair once he knew his hair was fully saturated. he could imagine you in the shower with kenny, giggling and washing each other, and he paused mid brush. he was sick to his stomach.
he wanted to be the one to experience all those things with you. he wanted to hold your hand, to kiss you, to massage shampoo into your scalp. it was so stupid of him to be so upset over another man’s woman but he couldn’t help it. he’d loved you since you’d moved to south park midway through sophomore year.
almost as soon as he had rinsed his head and began lathering body wash onto his skin, stan had burst through the door. kyle jumped and poked his head around the side of the shower curtain, furrowed eyebrows rising in concern as he spotted the frenzied look on stan’s face.
“stan?” the ginger asked cautiously, his head tilting to the side. stan was out of breath, his chest heaving and his hands shaking.
“the girls. wendy and y/n,” he gasped, kyle’s heart sinking slowly. “they’re in trouble. they need our help.”
kyle was out of the shower in seconds, not bothering to rinse the soap from his body or even turn the water off. he hopped around, struggling to get his boxers over his soapy legs.
“where is she?” he shouted as he ran out of the house in only his underwear. stan followed closely behind him, calling for him as kyle ran straight towards the sidewalk.
“kyle it was a prank!” stan shouted, kyle stopping dead in his tracks and spinning on his heel. he was red in the face, eyebrows pointedly furrowed.
“what the fuck, stan?” kyle shouted back, fists clenched at his sides. he startled at the sound of a horn honking, turning slightly to spot your car driving by in front of his house. you were leaned through far enough to show your grinning face through the passenger window. kenny was visible too, his smile big enough to show off the missing tooth and the dimples in his smile lines.
“damn, broflovski! a fat ass and a fat dick?” you shouted, kyle blushing up to the tips of his ears as he dropped his hands to cover his crotch.
“see you guys in a few!” kenny called directly after, waving wildly towards kyle and stan. you chortled as you drove off, and kyle stormed back into the house with embarrassed tears in his eyes.
“i’m sorry, ky. i didn’t think it would go that far,” stan called up the stairs to kyle. kyle scoffed and pushed his way into his bedroom, slamming the door and locking it behind him. stan sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose between his fingers.
what a fucking shit storm.
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