#he’d be the first person electro tells I think
voltrixz · 6 months
Transgender thoughts about electro tonight….
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Can I request a Scaramouche x mute!reader?
Scaramouche is protective of them and make sure their safe from harm. The reader communicates with their vision.
hi anon! I hope you enjoy this request!
Scaramouche x mute!reader
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The reader communicates with their vision (pryo by writing words/sentences in front of them with fire and heating up scara’s wrist or arm with morse code).
Scaramouche isn’t trusting person, even when you both starting dating, so the fact that you were mute rubbed him the wrong way because he though you were purposely deceiving him. Which lead to him asking other agents or harbingers if you were really mute and finding out that you were for a personal reason (they might be harbinger but they respect trauma), later that night confronting you about his mistrust and you both came clean about your past (maybe not all of it but what mattered). Ever since, your lover is very protective of you especially when he can’t be around you and whenever you need to go somewhere he assigns his most trusted subordinates to you. Spotting him learning sign language from another colleague in order to better understand you without you having to write things on paper and use your vision to communicate what you wanted.
This is one of those situations where you would’ve love to have the balladeer by your side as you got yelled at by a Fatui agent who mistook you for a trespasser and was currently gripping your arm tightly while threatening to hurt you or worse take you to his superior. It was a harbinger of course but you didn’t know which one so it was still scary and risky, not to mention you didn’t want to hurt them but you also couldn’t tell them who you were. Struggling in their hold as they dragged you into a secluded hall to a large ornate door with intricate carvings, pushing the door open and shouting about the “intruder”.
You’d never been so happy to see familiar faces, tears pricking your eyes when you saw your lover talking to his fellow colleagues Childe and Il Dottore, putting your arm on their grip they had on you and trying to pull away. At first Scaramouche was beyond irritated at the nerve a lowly lackey had to even barge in unannounced with something to trivial as a trespasser but then he locked eyes with you and saw how distraught you clearly were. You tried to sign to him but the agent snatched your wrist to berate you for trying to talk your way out of it and smirking at your when he saw the sixth harbinger stride over emotionless.
Childe and Dottore knew what was about to happen and only wished they had some fire-water to go with the show happening in-front of them, not even bothering to contain the hurricane of fury that was about to rain down. “They’re all your lord harbinger. I caught them trying to sneak inside, didn’t even bother talking or saying anything.” Scaramouche’s pale hand practically crushed the agents and threw them across the room, kicking their stomach and electrocuting them for good measure.
“To think that even someone as stupid and daft as you couldn’t recognize them is pathetic. You’re lucky there’s an audience because if not for them you wouldn’t be alive to see the hell you brought upon yourself.” The agent received another shock of electro before turning to you and briefly checking your over for any injuries that were caused, turning to other two who were holding back smiles at the punishment the lackey received and gave a wicked grin. “Dottore, you need a new test subject right?”
You heard your lover whisper appologies as you both left the room with Childe yelling out to you. “I’m glad you’re okay!” Silently chuckling to yourself at his comment and no longer trying to hide the built up emotions swirling in you, you sobbed and kelt your head against Scara’s chest. The fabric of his uniform clenched in balled up fists while you clung to him like he’d leave you if you let go, his thumb wiping your tears away and hugging you tightly. “Tell me what happen.” His usually commanding voice was soft and emotional, still shaken up from seeing his darling harmed by someone under his command no less.
Your pyro vision glowed as you wrote what happen with fire in the air, trying not to shake and signing some other comments like about how scared you were, how you couldn’t tell them who you were, or what you were doing there. Scaramouche gently kissed your forehead and leaned his against yours, clearly still hiding his anger but prioritizing you. “I- I’m sorry I couldn’t protect you. Fuck.”
Violet thin hair brushing against your cheek as he nuzzled in your neck and quickly worked his arms around your body to pick you up, still keeping an eye on where he was going to mainly continuing to hold your gaze with a softness rarely seen. “You aren’t leaving my side. I won’t let any harm come to you again.” Safe to say he meant it, for the next week he was always within 3 feet of you and you couldn’t complain with how affectionate he’d been behind closed doors after the incident.
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sdr2lovemail · 5 months
Is there any chance I could get a general relationship headcanons for Yomi Hellsmile and Martina Electro (Raincode) with a g/n reader?
Yomi Hellsmile and Martina Electro Relationship Headcanons (GN Reader)
Notes: I got really carried away with these! (O_O;) I was going to write headcanons for them together as well, but this post was getting super long. But if you're interested in that, feel free to send another request, dear! With the way my askbox looks, I'll become the person known for writing about Martina and Yomi. Not complaining tho, lol! I hope you enjoy the fruits of my indulgent labors.
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Yomi Hellsmile
Getting into a relationship with Yomi would not be easy. He’s standoffish, rude, and devoted to his work. He would have to know you for a long time before even thinking about pursuing a relationship.
Yomi is surprisingly romantic. He knows he’s handsome and how to charm people. As director of the peacekeepers, he can take you out almost anywhere. His preferred places are ones where the two of you can be alone.
Yomi is the possessive type. Like the way Kanai Ward is his city, you are his partner. No one else is allowed to think about you he does. He’s got a nasty jealousy streak as well and isn’t fond of people throwing advances at you.
What he considers advances is vague though. Depending on how he’s feeling that day, someone just speaking to you in a way he didn’t like is eligible to be framed for murder.
Dates are few and far between. He’ll tell you early on that Amaterasu comes first. But sometimes he’ll surprise you with a night out. Yomi would buy out an entire restaurant so you could spend time in private. He enjoys more expensive tastes, so they’ll be decently fancy places.
When it comes to affection, Yomi is on the rougher side. Kissing would usually incorporate some type of biting, his favorite places being the neck and shoulders. He’s a strange man so he’s not above drawing a little blood.
He acts like he’s giving you some grand gift while being affectionate. Even if he’s coming to you for a hug or kiss, Yomi will tease you like you need him. As a fan of being dramatic, he’d go as far as calling himself ‘your savior.’
As much as he likes you, his sadism knows no bounds. He’ll be mean towards you, but in a somewhat loving way. If you mess something up, he’ll be sure to point it out, more than likely laughing. Yomi may or may not help you out, it all relies on his mood.
Want a kiss? That’s too bad, he’s much too busy to entertain you right now. He’ll come to you when he’s ready. Or jump on you the minute you turn your back.
There are two sides that fight inside his brain: one that wants to show you off to every and anyone, and the other that wants to keep his romantic life to himself. The first one usually wins as he can’t keep his hands off you.
If you worked at Amaterasu Corporation, Yomi would seek you out during the workday. Maybe asking you to do tasks for him like gathering files or preparing his afternoon tea. Or he’d have you accompany him on a homicide case. He thinks he can make you swoon by showing off his sense of justice.
If you were a regular Kanai Ward citizen, he would be a bit more private about your relationship. Crime is rampant there and he knows that there are very few, if any at all, people that like him. Yomi doesn’t know what he would do if some disgusting criminals were to harm you because of himself. Yes, he does, and it wouldn’t be pretty.
If you were a detective, it’s just a big mess all around. He wants to see your corpse hanging above his mantle yet craves the feel of your lips crashing against his so bad. Purposefully goes out of his way to be a nuisance in cases you’re working on. Yomi is not above an alleyway make-out session before sending the peacekeepers after you.
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Martina Electro
Martina is a bit easier to court, but she holds herself in high regard and expects the same from her partner. She won’t accept anything less than what she deserves.
Unless you are in a position of power higher than hers, Martina would take more of a leading role in figuring out this relationship. She plans dates out weeks in advance, she is a fan of high-end café’s, shopping, and museum dates.
One fact about Martina that everyone is aware of, she loves talking about her partner. She’ll talk about you when brought up, she’ll talk about you unprompted, she’ll talk about you even if no one is listening. Martina will constantly sing your praises.
If there’s something to know about you, Martina will know it. She knows how you like your food and drinks to be prepared, hobbies, how you prefer your bed to be made. It sounds obsessive, and it kind of is, but this is how she shows her love. Her love language is being involved with your life.
Martina isn’t one to be jealous, she’s pretty secure in her relationships. People know her status as a peacekeeper and won’t come near you anyways. However, that doesn't mean that she doesn’t get possessive. Keeping you near her and in her grasp really gets her going.
Speaking of getting her going, she’s very reactive to affection. If your attention is a drug, she’s addicted to it. Holding her in your arms, kissing her anywhere, will make her flush a deep red. At first, her kissing is very clinical, like she’s analyzing you rather than kissing. But with time, she gets more enthusiastic, more relaxed. She doesn’t mind PDA either if you’re the one dealing it.
Despite her devotion, and borderline obsession, Martina is still her own, headstrong woman. If you do something she doesn’t like, she will be sure to tell you. Unfortunately, she’s stubborn by nature. If it comes down to arguments, it’ll usually be her way or no way until she cools off and gets more level headed.
Maybe it’s the homunculus DNA, but she enjoys your smell. There’s no real rhyme or reason to it. The familiarity of your scent is just something she likes. Borrowing pieces of clothing or spending time wrapped in your blankets are just heavenly. In the comfort of her own home, Martina would love to hold you in her arms, her face buried in your neck or hair. Watch out though, she has a bit of a drooling problem.
Motorcycle dates with Martina! Bring a thick rain coat, or not, she can provide one. She’ll take you out driving around the outskirts of Kanai Ward. There’re not many places that are very scenic, but there are a few places where the two of you can be alone. Make sure to hold on tight because she loves showing off with all types of tricks.
Post game, when she’s working in accounting, Martina will want to have a long talk with you. She knows the way she acted while working under Yomi was awful, and she wants to be completely transparent with you. However, working in an office now gives her more time to spend with you. If you surprised her with lunch one day, she might just die from joy!
If you worked at Amaterasu Corporation, she would want you by her side at all times. Follow her around and help at crime scenes. If you were a common peacekeeper, Martina would have you added to her team. Being her personal assistant is a fun thought. Her cute, devoted assistant that does as she says. But, that’s a post for another time.
If you were a citizen of Kanai Ward, she would be a bit condescending. She’s the beautiful vice director of the peacekeepers and you’re probably some poor office worker. She would talk down to you both unintentionally and intentionally. Nevertheless, she does love you. Martina would absolutely spoil you with gifts and lavish dates.
If you were a detective, she’s going to have a lot of fun tormenting you. Not much makes her happier than a cute face twisting in despair. Unlike Yomi, Martina doesn’t want you dead. No, that would ruin the fun too quickly. She would love to personally crush any hope you had of being a detective in Kanai Ward. She’s aware that she’s attractive and would try to use her charisma into getting you to join Amaterasu.
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your-local-hoemie · 1 year
ꕥgenshin impactꕥ boyfriend head-canons. Number 2 Liyue boogaloo~
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The first one I did got so much attention like thank you so much, I’d die for you all ^^
No I didn’t put xiao first because I was too excited to write him and no I didn’t get carried away with his scenario. Shut up.
I’m still super busy, I kid you fucking not I’ve been trying to get fired but it isn’t working for some god damn reason and I’ve had like four hours sleep in total since my last request so I apologise if this is completely incoherent, I am rapidly becoming very unhinged <33
This was just for funsies and to keep me sane so I still apologise for not get to any requests at the moment :(
Summary: Just the Liyue boys as your S/O uwu
Warnings: fluff, swearing, established relationship, gn!reader, a little suggestive (childe), not proof-read.
Characters: Xiao, Zhongli, Childe (I know he’s from that Russian place I can’t spell for the life of me but shush).
I really wanted to do baizhu but I just pulled him and I wanna go through his story so I can really get his character traits, I’ll be doing my fruity baby in the future~
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Oh my sweet baby
My boy
The man, the myth :(, the legend~
He’s the reason my standards are too high
Curse his pretty face
Absolutely oblivious before confessing
Everyone around him could tell how different he was around you
But no matter how much they mentioned it he’d just be like
“Adepti have no need for such feelings, you mortals have such foolish ideas and no respect”
Meanwhile he’s trying his best to stomach the cake you made him just because you made it for him
At first he genuinely thought you were kinda annoying lmao
Always being so nice to him and wouldn’t leave him alone
Only when you went away to Inazuma did he realise how much he grew accustomed to your strange daily rituals of bringing him qingxings that you picked yourself just to follow him around like a puppy
I actually don’t think he’d appreciate being given too much almond tofu
Even though he likes it better than any other food can you imagine being fed the same thing everyday non stop :/
Proceeded to ask his dad Zhongli for advice
He doesn’t understand why he feels all weird and tingly
Genuinely thinks it’s his karmic debt
Zhongli proceeds to be a shit and tell’s him to “find out on his own” for some kind of moral lesson or something idfk
When he accidentally brings it up with Goldet, things get fun
Well not really for him but for everyone else’s entertainment, yes
Even with exTREME reluctance he somehow gets roped into “how to express emotions 101” lessons
Has to practice having a full conversation with a scarecrow that Goldet ever so kindly dragged in for him :)
Embarrassed, Humiliated, overwhelmed
And yet still he persists for reasons unbeknownst to him
It isn’t until he overhears some rumours about a show down between the electro archon and a mortal that he realises he might like like you
That and the constant teasing and encouragement from Zhongli and Goldet
Boys distraught
First of all he can’t have feelings for someone
He’s just going to hurt you!
He has a duty to uphold!
Only after brooding to himself for a few days does he accept it
Take it slow with him please, he may be a demon killing yaksha but he’s so scared and paranoid
Red flags? Nah we colour blind here
When you get back from Inazuma it’s very clear that your patience is thin and energy being nonexistent
Fuck you tsurimi island I hope you burn
So seeing when returning to Wangsheng Inn to find the one person you’d be holding out to see after so long, not there and a letter left to you telling you to head to the top of gingyun peak
You were not happy to say the least
Thought it was another commission and almost didn’t go
Curiosity got the better tho and that’s where he awkwardly gave you his own qingxing flowers and a amusingly bad attempt at making your favourite food
Tries to hide how red he is
Seeing you cloaked in the moonlight, leaves and fireflies framing your pretty face~
Boys a mess~
He doesn’t even have to say anything, you just pull him in for a hug and after the initial shock of it he decides then and there that you’re now bound together <3
Rarely openly admits he loves you
Too scary
At least for the moment
He is a bird
So you know what that means?
Bird behaviour goobery activated~
Brings you flowers, pebbles, crystals and anything “pretty” he comes across during his day
Pda is a no unless you want him teleporting away and pouting for a good 48 hours because he got flustered
When you’re alone though he’s more open
Hand holding, forehead kisses, sometimes even cuddling if the planets align and his karma isn’t bothering him as much that day!
He’s so touch starved he just needs to get used to affection ;-;
Stalks you romantically
He just wants to keep you safe, he’s lost so much and gone through unimaginable pain
It took some time for him to be ok with you being so close to him since he’s scared of his karmic debt hurting you
Gets super red when talking about you~
“Hm? Y/N? Well they’re..um..very important to me I suppose”
Poof. he’s suddenly “needed” somewhere else
Even if it doesn’t seem like he cares too much I can assure you that he treasures you
You’ve given his life filled with pain and loss so much meaning and even though he’s bad with expressing his emotions he’ll always find some way to make sure you know how special you are to him <3
I don’t think he’d use much pet names
Either calls you by your first name/Qingxing/sweetheart/love.
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Mmm fancy gentleman
British but if British people weren’t a mistake
Sighs in being British
He’s such a gentle dude ;-;
Always pulling chairs out for you or kissing your hand while holding a door open
Don’t be mistaken though
He’s an absolute smug little shit
He just hides it very well
Teases you in the most unholy of ways only to look at you with confused innocent eyes
Impossible to be mad at istg
Sliced fruit dad™️
Teaches you how to traditionally make tea after he noticed you using tea bags
Genuinely mortified him
Likes to take you on walks around Liyue and tells you stories from his life as a archon
Speaking of which I’m 100% sure he was completely unhinged when he was younger
When he first realised he was falling for you he was the sweetest person
He’d take time to somehow “accidentally” cross paths with you and just so happened to be there if you needed help
Brings you the prettiest bouquets of flowers all personally arranged by him
He has experience to a certain degree
We all know the back story and if you don’t I’m not spoiling uwu
When he decided he had dragged it on for long enough he decided to finally confess
Surprisingly nervous
Man had to keep adjusting his collar and tie and absolutely wasn’t sweating just a little
Made casual conversation while walking with you to that big crystal tree where he kept his traumatised dog
Held both of your hands right as the sun spilled golden sunlight across the mountains and probably end up cupping your cheek with the softest smile ;-;
“I have witnessed many beauties in my time but the warmth of your smile truly is the most awe inspiring sight I ever have and ever will lay eyes upon”
Xiao gets so tired of hearing him brag about you
Even Hu Tao is wearing thin 💀
Doesn’t get jealous
He knows he has nothing to worry about between his trust for you and his not very subtle ego
Tries to be better at earning and holding money just because he wants to treat you!
Doesn’t want to give Childe the luxury of knowing his money is the cause of your happiness
Not that it necessarily is anyway
It’s just the experience of seeing how your face lights up when you try that really expensive food you always wanted or find that adorable plush you’d been eyeing up, on your bed
But of course that being said it’s truly the small things you both enjoy the most
The walks and stories
Teaching him how to be more accustomed to mortal life
He loves to hold your hands or pet your head!
Also loved it when you randomly peck his cheek or nose when he’s being adorably oblivious
Good luck to anyone who tries to hurt you btw
Man will summon his pillar so far up their ass they’d legally be a lollipop
That’s a threat I swear
If you come home hurt he’ll immediately roll his sleeve up and grab the first aid
Probably scolding you for not being careful enough but he really can’t keep the act up for long
He’s just worried ;-;
He’s lived for so long
You don’t even begin to understand how much he adores and admires you for bringing excitement and warmth back to his life~
Pet names are darling/dear/love/sweetheart/jewel.
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Someone slap him please
I love him but good god
I know deep down he’s a really nice boy and very soft very caring yes very nice 10/10 boyfriend
But you need to housetrain him
Dead ass would sit on the couch covered in blood and put his feet on the coffee table and get so confused to why you were mad 💀
Do not flirt back
Don’t even attempt it
Not unless you want to encourage him and make it 20x worse
You will nEVER live it down
Is actually very sweet though, if not a little dumb sometimes
Immediately knew he liked you the second you met
How did he go about showing he liked you?
Pestering you constantly
Buys you lots of things too
Have to literally threaten him to stop
Which ofc turns him on hardly works
There’s really no winning with him
That is until you realise you can bring the mighty Tartaglia, 11th of the Fatui Harbingers to his knees by just kissing his cheek or holding his hand
He’s so immune to his own teasing that he forgot to consider that affection is a pretty good way to get people to warm up to you
Jealous boy
Well sort of
He trusts you but he gets easily insecure under his cronchy ego front
Casually talks about the most fucked up shit and then laugh it off
Indirectly asked Zhongli for help confessing
Reluctantly Zhongli finds out your favourite food/hobbies/Ect.
Yeah help him but not Xiao, betrayer
I’m not getting salty at my own headcanons shut up
When he invited you to dinner, you already knew why
He’s not subtle
Quiet is the last thing he can do well without cracking up every now and then
Either that or it was the candlelit table surrounded by roses that had been set up for you near the harbour and a very nervous ginger waiting for you with the biggest, goofiest grin imaginable
He’d be on his very best behaviour ;)
Stares at you in the candlelight before you ask him what’s up in hopes to make the tension a little less overwhelming
“I have won countless battles but none have meant quite as much to me as winning your heart does”
Congrats on become Liyues new power couple
He’d be lying if he didn’t feel at least a little smug seeing people gawk at you both
You’re so pretty together, how can they not?
Some dude tried to hit on you one time while he was drunk
Somehow Dottore magically ended up with a new play thing
When he introduced you to his family he was so happy!!
Tonia, Teucer, and Anthon all adore you!!
He does get a little jealous though when you play house with Teucer and you tease him by purposefully refusing to be his spouse
Good job keeping that act up for too long
Has absolutely sent piles of letters to his family telling them all about you!
His parents probably know pretty much everything there is by now
Though if you have boundaries he’ll respect them :)
He loves to show his affection to you no matter where you are!
Teasing kisses, hand holding, hugging
He’ll often barge into your room and plop his head down on your lap just so you can play with his hair while he talks~
If you fall asleep then he’ll wrap you all up and cuddle you uwu
Had to decide if he should tell you about his occupation
He was so scared that you’d leave him or become scared ;-;
Sure, you and the fatui aren’t exactly on close terms but it’s different with him
When you asked to have some time to think he was terrified
Please give him hugs and reassure him when you return
He’s even seemed to calm down a little since you got together
Of course he’s still a battle crazed maniac that gets hard just off the thought of being challenged
But he’s devoting more of his time to cherishing you and spending time together <3
Gets so excited when you ask to spar him
Does the whole thing where he’ll stand behind you while he shows you how to hold his bow
All steamy and shit
Elbow him
You also have to admit his status has its plus points
You never have to worry about being in danger while on commissions or having enough mora to survive
Romantic idiots 3.0
Though you’re probably a little less unhinged
Probably not by much if you’re dating him tho~
When you’re tired or don’t have the time to deal with his neediness he’ll go full pout mode
All whiny and touchy
Give him a head pat and a kiss that lasts maybe a little longer than it should and he’ll satisfied
Expect for the times he carries you back home to enjoy your attention a little more~
Honestly a 50/50
He always makes sure to tell you how much he loves you and how much happier you’ve made his life~
If you look close enough you might even see a slight sparkle in his deep blue eyes that never used to be there <3
Pet names areeee: cutie/babe/baby/honey/droplet/spark/love
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I know xiaos was long enough to be it’s own post but let me have my silly little obsession with my silly little traumatised men!
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magnumdays · 1 year
Magnum PI 5.10 ‘Charlie Foxtrot’ review
So lots of stuff happened and at the same time not that much stuff happened. Some rapid fire thoughts.
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We did get some Miggy heart eyes... never gets old!
For me I think the first 5 minutes and the last 5 minutes were the best.
I liked it but also preferred the season 4 ‘Higgy spy adventures - MI6 don’t care about you...I do’ mid season finale to this (I mean there was the x-mas one too but plot-wise it was the spy episode that was the season finale right?). Like IDK, more emotional impact in that one was better?
Maybe Magnum should have been the one that got snatched or shot here. Just saying.
Poor Cade! Like even though TC is the one that got shot and paralysed (:O) I feel worse for our poor baby Cade!
RIP Childs, you were just starting to grow on me. No funeral? Is that going to be the start of 5.11? Or do we just not care enough about Childs for there to be one?
Very little Miggy in this one, even if soft + banter was cute, I feel like it was a pretty quick flip from kind of feel-y end of 5.09 to start of 5.10 which was all banter though really was meant to be like what? half an hour apart?
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(Magnum being domestic and making Higgy food (or hot milk) and stuff has been like the running theme of this season and I want to nominate him for some boyfriend of the year award. Not just for the cooking but, you know, a little bit for that.)
(Higgy just keeps on going - seriously she was drugged and had crazy wacky nightmares like a few hours ago? This girl can not catch a break.)
Why is it so hard to make a villain still scary after learning their motives/backstories? 
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Higgy sharing recipes from childhood, Magnum being all ‘you’ve had a rough day, how about we take a break (from watching news stories about the lady who tried to kill you and totally drugged you up a few hours ago’ and stuff’ is adorable. We almost got the “why does Higgy not drink tea” story which now is a story I must know. Like come on! It’s almost as enticing as maybe one day learning what her tattoo is...
Juliet looking out the guest house window and noticing commandos - you cannot tell me that was legit not her worst fear coming true - and then our faves being all badass (that flip!), very much a good start.
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Then, because I’d somehow gotten it into my head we were going to have ‘Robin’s Nest under siege’ for like a good chunk of the episode, I felt a little bummed out. Because I wanted like hostage, drama, no police, gang vs, baddies. But I didn’t get that.
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Now, other than the fact that Rick is the person we’re looking for and TC is in the hospital, this case feels weirdly like just a normal case.
Don’t get me wrong, I liked it, but somehow it lacked a little of the ‘wow shocking! thrilling! excitement’ I’d hoped for in the mid-season finale. Maybe-just maybe because we kind of know Magnum, Higgins, Rick and TC and even Gordy and Kumu probably with 99% certainty aren’t going to die.
Which is nice.
But it also makes them being in danger less scary than for example say Cade had been taken or Suzy or even Childs (if he’d not gotten blown up.) Why Beth or Dennis being in danger is scarier than Rick. Because they could die. There is actual bad things that could happen.
I think that’s why Higgy in the mental hospital still felt scary and had lots of potential, because we knew she was going to be alive - we just wasn’t sure what kind of messed up visions, drugs, weird electro shock stuff that could have happened to her, right?
So I am kind of excited to see what they do with TC not being able to feel his feet/being paralyzed. Because you know, that is scary stuff, and super duper emotional and scaring to go through (good thing he rigged the chopper for Shammy to fly!)
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Bad guy (well gal) of the season instantly became less badass when she became an actual person, which is sad. If that was her backstory of falling for a terrorist, dead child or just how not scary she felt IDK. I just felt a little sad for her.
Did it all also go kind of fast?
Fast can be good, it means it’s entertaining enough the 42 minutes flew by fast. But it also maybe means it was a little unmemorable. Which I think is what this episode ended up being for me.
Also random small question - would anyone ever get found or saved or stuff figured out without Higgy’s hacking skills? Just you know, asking for a friend...
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(I’ve also been watching some K-dramas lately and IDK, I guess I wanted more melodrama and more cute-y feels and angsty accidental car accidents and evil CEO father figures than I got...)
Depressing for my Miggy heart, that this episode failed to really deal with Higgins ‘I’m scared Mangum will die’ worries and I doubt we’ll get it next “season”. Rather brought up Magnum’s worry about the gang maybe being broken up if TC or Rick didn’t pull through. Just because he said that and Rick made the video, I almost wondered if they would kill of Rick.
So when they didn’t it felt a little bland.
Mean of me to say, but that would have been pretty interesting and brave of them to do. Kill Rick I mean.
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Like that would have been something! Suzy getting that video and it would also maybe be a “ahah” moment for Magnum, making him feel a little of what Juliet have been feeling with Richard and why she’s so worried. It could have gotten us a Miggy ‘I love you’ moment too, because though we know our two idiots love each other they haven’t said it yet.
Yeah, Rick’s death would have made for character development everyone too, going forward. Like maybe suddenly super over protective Magnum in the B part of the season? TC being suddenly a sad boi and not himself and struggling with a depression sort of thing, freaking Cade out, making him consider moving with his family on the mainland, making it worse. Higgy feeling like she failed the guys and Suzy because she was too focused on Magnum’s safety. Suzy could just be a big mess and we could have Miggy babysitting moments? But it’d be sad because Rick is dead... So much potential for angst and stuff.
Whatever. I’m not considering writing a fic where Rick died. I’m really not.
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Anyways, I did like the ending with Cade and Higgy talking a lot. Higgy somehow being her normal ‘feelings?what are those’ while at the same time really saying awesome and uplifting things and just all around being the new spokes person for Happy Endings... 
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They guys all joining up and it feeling pretty hopeful was nice too. It was a nice place to end it, because while I got some angst and worries about the TC recovery plot, he’s alive and kicking and got his friends. And he’s TC! Come on, he’s going to big bear his way back to running after bad guys in no time. And if he don’t, he still awesome!
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(Though what happened to TC’s girl? Is she not his girl anymore? Did I miss something? Maybe she’ll show up in part B of the season!)
Yeah, over all I enjoyed the episode, but it did not feel super-duper much like a midseason finale. I’d also like to inform everyone that it’s 132 days until September 3rd. So basically forever! How will we ever survive!? I guess we do have some pretty epic Miggy fluff and content to re-watch...
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Anyone know when we’ll know anything about season 6? 
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melanielocke · 2 years
The Stars Collide - chapter 17
I figured it was time to post the next chapter and actually managed to edit it in time before I collapse from exhaustion and go to bed. I explore the reaction Thomas has to the events of the previous chapter a bit more here and later Alastair and Thomas visit Christopher in his lab, and meet his new lab partner. CW: mentions of electro convulsion therapy @alastair-appreciation-month
Thomas was feeling restless. His response to any sort of crisis was to do something, to fix it. He wanted to confront somebody about the way Alastair was hurt, wanted to do something to make this better. He couldn’t. Charles was dead and would never be confronted with what he’d done. Alastair absolutely did not want anyone else to know, and so he couldn’t confront Charlotte about it either.
Christopher had time for them in the afternoon and Alastair had agreed to come see him. Alastair had left to spend the morning catching up with Kamala, leaving Thomas alone with his restlessness. He knew only one way to get himself to calm down a little, which was to go to the dojo and hit something.
Cordelia had gone to the dojo too, it seemed, and Thomas was unsure how much he should tell her of what had happened the other night. Cordelia suspected too, but that didn’t mean it was alright for Thomas to confirm her suspicions, he’d have to talk to Alastair about that first.
‘Thomas! How have you been?’ Cordelia asked.
‘Alright,’ Thomas said, not entirely sure how to answer that question. ‘How is your new job?’
‘It’s great. I’ve taken Lucie on several longer flights for rare ingredients already. I get a lot of days off, and Lucie lets me know where she needs to go long enough in advance that I can plan the routes as efficiently as possible as to not waste fuel. I’ve already seen so much of this planet, and it’s all so beautiful.’
‘There’s a reason it’s called the Fair Planet, I guess,’ Thomas said.
‘Definitely. Turan is beautiful too, but in a different way. A lot drier for sure. I’ve never seen so much water.’
‘I might visit Turan sometime in the future,’ Thomas said. ‘I think I should meet your mother and younger brother too someday.’
‘You should! But before going to Turan, you definitely should do a training regime for the gravity. Alastair too, he’s not as muscular anymore as when he lived on Turan, he’s been here long enough to get used to Fair gravity.’
‘Right,’ Thomas said. ‘I guess that’s why so many intergalactic visitations take place on the Fair Planet. Lowest gravity.’
‘For me it still feels like I can fly. Lucie probably thinks I’m crazy considering how much I’m enjoying jumping around here.’
‘Trust me, Lucie wouldn’t think you’re crazy. I imagine it’s nice to live somewhere else and then travel here,’ Thomas said. ‘For me it doesn’t feel like flying at all, I’m just used to it.’
‘Turan is going be a nightmare for you,’ Cordelia said. ‘But if you want, I can set up a training regime for visiting. Take Alastair too, he will need it if he wants to meet Rostam in real life.’
‘I’ll discuss it with him,’ Thomas said.
He practiced his moves against a boxing ball, which took a beating like no other today. It was a better way of dealing with anger than sparring with a person and he definitely didn’t want to risk accidently hurting someone again. Perhaps he should put a picture of Charles’ face on the boxing ball, but that would surely raise questions.
After an hour of hitting a boxing ball, Thomas did feel a little better, but he still wished there was something real he could have done. Something that would actually make things better for Alastair. Instead, he could only hope Christopher would be able to help.
He went to take a shower when he got home, and when he was finished Alastair had returned, he was sitting on the couch with his laptop, typing.
‘I made an appointment with the doctor, who referred me to mental healthcare,’ Alastair said. ‘They’ll call me sometime this week to make a first appointment, but the doctor assured me they don’t have long waiting times right now.’
‘That’s good,’ Thomas said. ‘I’m proud of you. What do you want for lunch? I figured we should heat up some leftovers before they expire, and then we can go to Christopher’s lab. Or, well, is it alright if I come too or would you rather go to the lab alone?’
‘It’s alright, you can come,’ Alastair said. ‘I don’t think Christopher knows what to do if I get mad. It’d be easier with you around.’
Alastair had a point there. Christopher wasn’t good with people and Alastair wasn’t an easy person to interact with. When they found a common interest, Alastair and Christopher communicated really well, but Thomas wasn’t sure how it would go with Christopher’s machines. He also secretly suspected Alastair wanted him there for support, but wasn’t willing to admit that.
They heated up some leftovers from the past days for lunch and then left for the lab. Christopher was quickly shoving sandwiches into his mouth alongside another scientist, a young woman Thomas had never seen before.
‘Eating lunch on your own accord, I’m proud of you Kit,’ Thomas said.
‘It’s been easier to remember ever since Grace started working here,’ Christopher said. ‘She is a lot stricter about her lunch breaks and reminds me I should stop to eat too.’
Grace had to be the young woman at the table beside Christopher. She was blonde and very pretty, dressed in a lab coat and wearing a pair of gloves.
‘Is she also working with your magic machine?’ Alastair asked.
‘No, she’s doing her own project, but she’s using some of the other equipment in this space. She’s trying to break down Lucie’s charms, but she’s studying the product, not the person, which makes it easier,’ Christopher said. ‘You could ask her about it, but I don’t think she likes being disturbed during work.’
‘Mr. Carstairs, isn’t it?’ Grace said. ‘I’m sorry, it’s Prince, isn’t it? Forgive me, I’m not used to being around royalty.’
‘I’m not actually a Prince of Fair anymore since I married Thomas, I gave up that title,’ Alastair said. ‘I am still a Prince of Turan by birth, though only fifteenth in line for the throne. My sister Cordelia is sixteenth.’
Alastair would have been King-Consort one day if Charles hadn’t died. Thomas wondered how he felt about that. He was set to inherit a duchy someday, but that was nothing compared to the entire planet.  
‘Didn’t realize there were so many potential successors.’
‘All royal families keep track of their lineage. It happens sometimes that a ruler dies without any children and then succession needs to be determined to avoid war and chaos. If the entire royal family of Turan somehow ends up dying, I might become Shah, but I think that’s unlikely. I don’t believe in monarchy myself anyway. The problem is, if we tried to end it we’d be invaded before we’d established an alternative.’
‘I don’t think the monarchy is so bad here,’ Grace said. ‘There’s still a lot of elected officials who speak for the public. Where I’m from, leaders are absolute and if you want things to be different you’ll have to scheme your way into a position of higher power. Everyone was very cut throat back there, but I just wanted to do research. That’s why I came here.’
‘Nobles are cut throat here too,’ Alastair said. ‘At least, they were in Prince Charles’ circles. Everyone wanted to get something from the Crown Prince. I don’t miss that now that I’m not in those circles anymore. I don’t envy Prince Matthew his role, even if I do not believe he’s well suited for it.’
Thomas couldn’t fault Alastair for saying that, Matthew was not suited for ruling. He’d never wanted it, had never prepared for it assuming the throne would go to Charles and he could focus on his own interests. Alastair was right, monarchy was stupid.
‘Where are you from? Outside the seven planets?’
‘I’m from the Edom Empire,’ Grace said. ‘You’re right to be scared of them here, they have people watching for planets to lose the protecting from the Raziel empire, ready to invade the moment they can. My home planet was such a planet, they invaded when I was very young because the treaty with the Raziel empire wasn’t renewed. There was an issue with a marriage alliance and Raziel just left us. I don’t remember life before the empire. I was very lucky to be able to get a research visa and I’m hoping to get Fair citizenship someday.’
‘I hope you get it,’ Alastair said. ‘I know the seven planets have their issues, but at least you don’t have to live under the empire that conquered your home here. And I hope your home can earn their freedom someday.’
Thomas knew that was unlikely. It was something he tried not to think about too often, the Edom Empire. It was a force all of them were scared of, something only treaties upheld by the Raziel Empire protected them from, the only army large enough to dent the Edom Empire. The Raziel nor Edom empires wanted a war with one another, which was why Edom respected the treaties Raziel held and Raziel turned a blind eye when unprotected planets were conquered. Even if sometimes treaties were sabotaged, or fell through due to inconsequential bureaucratic errors.
Small galaxies like the Seven Planets were defenseless against the second largest empire of the galaxy and they had no choice but to adhere to Raziel’s desires. Planets like Grace’ home world didn’t stand a chance.
‘Me too,’ Grace said. ‘But I don’t think it’ll happen in my lifetime. We’re all just doing the best we can, aren’t we? I hope if we get to the bottom of magic, we’ll find better ways to protect ourselves from the greed of Edom. But they’re trying to get their hands on technology like this too. They’re experimenting with magic.’
‘Grace has given us much knowledge from the Edom Empire,’ Christopher said. ‘It has been invaluable for our research as well as for Charlotte. Now, I’m sure Grace has much work to do, and so do we. The magic reader is in the other room, follow me.’
Seeing the magic reader didn’t spark any memories. Alastair wasn’t sure why he’d believed it would. He didn’t remember the machine from his dreams well enough, and couldn’t tell if this thing looked anything like it.
‘You have to sit here, on the chair.’
A little hesitant, Alastair sat down, trying to ignore the feeling that something awful was going to happen. He wasn’t so sure if he could do this, but he had to. He had to know what he’d lost, what Charles was working on and if anyone was still out to harm him.
‘I’m going to apply the electrodes,’ Christopher said and all Alastair could do was close his eyes when it happened.
The sensation of the electrodes on his head was awful and he tried his best to block it out, to calm his breathing, but he wasn’t sure if he could. Thomas took his hand, and Alastair squeezed it gently. Thomas’ hand was far bigger and firmer than his, warm and comforting. He could do this.
‘It’s finished,’ Christopher said after a while.
‘It doesn’t take that long to take a base reading,’ Christopher said. ‘Especially with how much info we already got from you.’
Removing the electrodes was painful, like removing a band aid, but Alastair was glad to be free of the chair. He walked over to the screen, but all he could see where several lines going up and down.
‘You can read this?’
‘A little. The computer does it far faster,’ Christopher said. ‘It’s still analyzing the data alongside the data about you I already put in beforehand. Like what kind of power you have and the question if anything’s wrong with it. Otherwise the reading has too many potential interpretations.’
‘How long does that take?’
‘Long enough for you and Tom to drink some coffee or tea,’ Christopher said. ‘I’ll call you back in when it’s done.’
Alastair was glad to go back to the break room of the lab, where he poured himself a cup of tea. Christopher and Grace had quite the selection of tea bags, and Alastair picked a fruity flavor.
‘You did really well.’
‘You don’t need to praise me like I’m some kindergartener who needed to overcome his fear,’ Alastair grumbled.
This was precisely why he’d wanted anyone to find out what had happened with Charles. He hated being treated his way. He’d rather be hurt again than pitied.
‘I’m sorry,’ Thomas said.
‘Whatever. Just don’t treat me like I’m pathetic, or like you should pity me.’
‘I don’t think you’re pathetic. But it’s natural to feel sorry for what happened to you, isn’t it?’
‘I don’t know,’ Alastair said. ‘But it doesn’t feel good. That’s not how I want to be seen.’
‘You know human emotions are meant to elicit a response in those around them, right?’
Alastair stared at Thomas for a moment. ‘So?’
‘So the whole point of how you’re feeling, of crying or showing your emotions is to show other people they should help you.’
‘And if I’d rather be left alone?’ Alastair snapped. ‘Is there a way to do it?’
‘Generally, you seem to be doing a pretty good job at that,’ Thomas said. ‘But I can tell you only get angry and defensive to hide how vulnerable you really are, and what I mean to say is, you don’t have to. What happened to you wasn’t your fault and you don’t have to be ashamed of it. Nor is there any shame in how you’re feeling.’
‘I hate feeling like this,’ Alastair said. ‘I’d much rather just forget it all happened and move on with my life. Feeling so much about something that isn’t happening anymore seems useless. I’m out of that relationship, I’m safe and yet he’s still haunting me. It’s not fair.’
‘I know. It’s not, and I can’t imagine what it’s like for you. But that’s why you’re going to see a therapist. They’re going to help you and in time you don’t have to feel like this anymore. You could be happy.’
‘I’d much rather be able to do that on my own,’ Alastair said. ‘But I got the referral, so I guess therapy it is. I’m just really mad about it.’
‘Anger is also a very normal emotion, you know,’ Thomas said. ‘It’s purpose is to protect you from harm, and to stop injustice. I think it’s normal to get angry more often when you’ve been through a marriage like yours, it’s how you try to protect yourself.’
‘How do you know so much?’
‘This is something you’re supposed to learn in elementary school,’ Thomas said. ‘Which not everyone does, but it’s really important. My mom is an elementary school teacher and she puts a lot of work in teaching her class about different emotions. She also put a lot of work into teaching me and my sisters when we were young. And when we were older, so I’d stop neglecting my own emotions for the sake of other people’s. It’s really not so easy to deal with your own and other people’s emotions all the time in a healthy way, yet everyone has to do it.’
‘I think I’ve always been prone to anger,’ Alastair said. ‘Even when I was little. I think I got that from my mother. I wasn’t about to let mean people walk over me and I didn’t have the skills to make people like me, so anger kept me safe. I don’t think I had any primary school classes on emotions though.’
‘I could show you the props my mom uses for her classes,’ Thomas said. ‘All emotions have a doll to represent them and they play out conversations the emotions have with each other to explain how different emotions can cause conflict.’
‘That sounds cute,’ Alastair said. ‘Maybe Rostam would like it. I’ve been speaking with him and my mom more often lately. Rostam is so smart his teachers can barely keep up.’
‘I’d love to meet him and your mother too someday. Cordelia offered to make us a training regime so we can handle the gravity of Turan.’
Alastair nodded. He knew it would take time, that if he were to travel to Turan now the gravity would become suffocating. Still, he hated that he couldn’t just fly over to his mother when he wanted to. ‘That’s kind of her.’
‘The reading is finished,’ Christopher said.
Alastair and Thomas walked back into Christopher’s room in the lab. ‘What did you find?’ Alastair asked.
‘The machine accurately reads your power as related to memory,’ Christopher said. ‘I have to say this is the most powerful reading I’ve ever seen. Based on this, I’d say you have far more power than you choose to use. If your theory of being experimented on is true, it’s also possible something they did enhanced your power. But there is some damage too. The power reads as a lot more volatile than it’s supposed to be. I have no previous readings to compare it to, but based on your story I’d say something happened that damaged your power. Now, that’s not something that could easily be done. I’ve read research from Raziel Empire about blocking people’s magic and they haven’t actually been able to do it. But their participants’ magic could get more volatile and sometimes they lost memories too.’
‘Any way to get my power back to normal? And to get my memory back?’
‘Some studies mention electroconvulsion therapy,’ Christopher said. ‘However, they’re also from Raziel Empire and I can’t access them, only the abstracts. I’ve tried emailing the researchers, but apparently it’s illegal to share that research with people outside their empire. But I do believe electroconvulsion therapy is a good plan and I’m going to email a psychiatrist from the academic hospital who regularly works with electroconvulsion therapy if they agree it’s a good idea.’
‘Doesn’t electroconvulsion therapy cause memory loss?’ Alastair asked.
‘Usually, it does. However, in your case, if we were to reset your power you should be able to remember everything again. Besides, memory loss caused by ECT is not permanent, so even if it gets worse at first it should get better after several sessions.’
@alastaircarstairsdefenselawyer @life-through-the-eyes-of @styxdrawings @justanormaldemon @ipromiseiwillwrite @a-dream-dirty-and-bruised @amchara @all-for-the-fanfiction @imsoftforthomastair @ddepressedbookworm @queenlilith43 @wagner-fell @cant-think-of-anything @laylax13s @tessherongraystairs @boredfangirl16 @artist-in-soul @broodyhawthorne @ikissedsmithparker
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devilisln-moved · 2 years
So. Matt and Industrial Music? What gives? You may ask. Iggy, I love you, you might say, but it’s been already established that Matt is a classy guy that likes Jazz and classical music. To which I say 1) At one point he identifies a certain kind of electronic music while in an arcade, so lets not pretend he’s precious like that. 2) That sort of attitude assumes that all other types of music is nothing but noise (especially to someone like Matt). Which, very shitty.
So, now that I’m done with the defensive part of this post, because I’m sorry, as I said, I’ve been heavily influenced by ye olden days of fandom and feel like I need to bring every head canon to the table with a dissertation and full notes to back  it up. Because you know, god forbid we have head canons just cuz, but you know, this is why people say my writing is thoughtful, I suppose.
If you’re unaware of this particular genre of music, that’s fine. It’s very niche? Generally considered within the realm of “Goth Music.” Basically, it’s a type of electronic music that’s inspired by the noise and rhythm of machinery and also may use industrial noise to make music. For example the breaking of glass, striking sheet metal, hammering, banging, ever seen Eraserhead? A lot of the background music in early parts of that movie has that vibe (I say early parts because I couldn’t get further than a half hour in because the overall sound design of that movie triggered such anxious, miserable feelings in me that I just could not cope). Anyway, so not to bog it down with too much bullshit and turn this into a more personal than head canon post, I’ll say it’s been a thing since the eighties, foundational bands being Einstürzende Neubauten, Skinny Puppy, Ministry, and Front Line Assembly. Of course there are the sub-genres within, Industrial rock/alternative (Nine Inch Nails), Industrial Metal (Rammstein), Electro-Industrial (KMFDM), and has influenced other genres such as EBM and (god forbid) dub step.
So, how do I intend to connect that to Matt? The easy version is to say growing up in as big a city as NYC, in its most populated burrough, he would find a certain appeal in that sort of music. It’s deeper than that though. A much longer portion of his life has been shaped by the city itself, the sounds, the smells, the very feel of it in a very intimate way. This is a man who can tell the time by the sound of the trains rumbling underneath his feet, hear the minute creak of tall buildings swaying in the wind, and doesn’t know total silence. Even on the quietest of nights, distant motors reach him, voices, and I think as much as he might bitch about it from time to time, I think he’d feel lost with out it. I’m not sure how he’d cope with the absence of anything, especially sound. So I think instead of abstaining from music that reminds him of the harsher or more mechanical beats of the city, he’d embrace it as a comfort, something familiar. This is a man that would probably be unable to sleep in a rural town for the first couple days. He’d wake up with every rustle of grass that sound like a foot step, bird calls, and other myriad animal sounds. Matt’s used the cacophony.
So, tl:dr: I’m sure there’s some kind of eldritch vibe I could attribute to Matt and his connection to the city, and there’s some thing very primal in how people relate to music.
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genshin-obsessed · 4 years
You Get Injured!
Yo! I’m back and this time with a little bit of angst. One thing about me: I ADORE ANGST!!! LEMME BREAK SOMEONE’S HEART!!! I love, love, love writing angst so much! Anyway, enjoy!
Summary:  You get injured on the job, what’s his reaction?
Includes: Aether, Kaeya, Diluc, Venti, Razor, Xiao, Xingqiu, Zhongli, and Childe! (YES I ADDED AETHER >:0)
Come one, come all! See what happens when you come home injured!
Warnings: Mentions of blood, no details though.
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You were supposed to be with Aether, but he had his own commissions, but he swore he’d come help you right after. You weren’t patient and ended up getting into a fight with too many hilichurls and it didn’t end well.
He immediately remembered the time he lost Lumine, but for some reason, he was even more scared than that incident. He felt as if the wind had been knocked out of him and he’d completely frozen up. When he saw your bloodied form fall to the floor, it brought him back to reality.
He ran to you and pulled you into his arms, desperately searching for life. He needed to see that you were ok. In fact, he’d taken your hand and squeezed your wrist to feel your pulse. It was weak, but it was there. He pressed his lips to yours, ignoring the taste of iron that followed.
As the doctor was stitching up the larger gashes, he was cleaning up the blood around your face and whispering words of encouragement to you. He gave you water and held your hand throughout the entire process.
PERSONAL NURSE AETHER REPORTING FOR DUTY! Beck and call, whenever you need him, he’s there for you. He put his adventuring on hold until you were 100% better.
Did you need an adventuring partner? Cuz Aether needs one! And you’re the perfect candidate. He’s going on adventures will you- well ok, he’s going EVERYWHERE with you but for a while. Once his nerves and anxiety dies down, he backs off quite a bit.
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You had been fighting hilichurs for a commission and the last thing you had expected was multiple Mitachurls to be around. Well, there were more than you could handle and they floored you.
His heart almost stopped when he saw your bloodied form walking towards him, reaching out ever so weakly. He sprinted towards you, hating that he wasn’t there for you. Why was he so slow?! Why were so you far away, dammit?
He takes you into his arms and holds you close before quickly rushing you to the doctor. He knew he might’ve been a bit rough, but he could barely think. All that was going through his mind was him wishing that it was all just a nightmare.
He’s there 24/7, whenever you need him. He’s got meals, blankets, cuddles, kisses, whatever you need. He helps you with EVERYTHING. He knew it was hard to shower with all those wounds and he didn’t want your stitches to open up, so he was a bit strict.
After your full recovery, he’s a little bit hesitant to let you go on your own. He might just join you on a mission or two. Don’t mind him, but once his worries are eased a little, he backs off. Besides, the cavalry captain can’t exactly run around with you, even though he so desperately wants to.
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You were on your way to Mondstat from Liyue where you ended up on a beach with more ruin guards than you could handle (may the lord protect you if you wander there on accident).
Full fledged panic. It almost feels like someone was actively tearing his heart out. He couldn’t even breathe in that moment. He desperately wished he could heal you (I don’t think he can…), make you all better so you wouldn’t have to hurt so much. Were… were you crying?
He ran to you but the second he reached out to touch you, he pulled back a little. He was almost scared to touch you, like something as gentle as his touch might shatter what remained. He didn’t want to hurt you anymore, but it was clear you couldn’t walk so he had to carry you.
He does hold you close when you get help, whispering words of encouragement and love to you; anything to help. He immediately helped clean the blood off of you, trying to be as gentle as possible.
Through your healing process, he’s beside you constantly. He helps you with everything. Anything you need, he’s there. Thirsty? He’s got some water. Hungry? He’s got a plate of food. Need cuddles? Scoot over.
He’s actually terrified to let you go, but he knows you. This is your job and he’d seen you in action. So, he does let you go… as long as he can stick to you like glue (Cries in no Venti).
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You had been hunting some abyss mages down and everything was going great… until it wasn’t. A rookie mistake almost caused your death. You’d never been so scared and the only thing you could think of was Diluc in that moment. You wanted to be in his arms.
He thought he’d been caught in a nightmare. He genuinely believed it wasn’t you. But when you called out to him, he was yanked back to reality. Everything felt so weird, it felt like a weird out of body experience for him. He was so scared he was shaking as he reached out to touch your bloodied face.
The first thing he does is check you to see how bad your injuries are before he brings you home to his personal doctor. Your blood burned him, it stung as tears welled up in his eyes. How could he let this happen to you? How could he fail you like this?
As the doctor patches you up, he sits beside you, holding your hand and giving you kisses every now and then, telling you you’re doing great and that you’ll be ok. He was still shaking, but he didn’t want you to worry, so he did his best to hide it. 
He’s extremely busy, so he can’t be beside you 24/7, but he tries to be with you every single night. In fact, he lets the knights handle everything while you heal, not wanting to leave you alone for too long
You best believe he’s hunting down every single abyss mage in existence. One hurt you? They all suffer. You try to keep him in check by keeping him at your side.
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You had decided to challenge Electro Hypostases on your own... You should’ve been more careful. You didn’t realize how powerful it was and you got extremely lucky. 
Oh he can smell your blood from a distance. So he didn’t even need to see you to know you were injured. He was terrified. His heart was beating so fast and he couldn’t catch his breath. He felt himself going insane when he couldn’t find you.
Well wolves lick their wounds, but he couldn’t lick yours. One, it wouldn’t work, your wounds were too deep, two, he was a human, not a wolf. He knew your friends could help you so he rushed you back to Mondstat (I’m sure this is probably wrong, feel free to roast me).
Although he knew the doctors were just trying to help, he couldn’t stop himself from being aggressive. He even growled at a doctor when you whimpered as you received the stitches. Kaeya and Jean had to hold him back.
No one is allowed near you until you’re fully healed, Razor doesn’t let anyone get close. It’s not just him being super possessive, he was deeply terrified that in case someone attacked you while he wasn’t there…
Your new adventure partner is Razor. Even if he has to live in Mondstat with the other humans, he’ll do it. As long as you’re with him. Don’t bother trying to argue, it won’t work.
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You had a teeny weeny competition with Xiangling that you two could find the best ingredients first. You got careless, wandered into a hilichurl camp, only to get floored by 4 mitachurls.
Who hurt you?! Who hurt you and where are they? Xiao just wants to talk. 
Thankfully, the boss of the inn was able to find some help for you and helped patch you up, while Xiao waited patiently. On the outside he looked calm, on the inside- well it was chaos. Nothing could calm his anger and anxiety.
He reassured you that you did a great job, letting you know that he was proud of you. Not to mention, he kept thanking you for coming back alive so that he could save you. He didn’t even want to think about what could’ve happened if you weren’t able to come back… 
He kept you close. As you healed, he was almost like a personal nurse. He brought you whatever you wanted and lots of almond tofu. If you don’t like it… well more for him.
He was very reluctant to let you go. He couldn’t go with you and it was his biggest regret. But he knew holding you back would do nothing, therefore he poured all his faith and trust in you. So please... come back to him.
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You had gone to visit Chang the Ninth and on the way back had seen a village get attacked by some abyss mages. You jumped into action without thinking… at all.
Xingqiu actually hadn’t looked up from his book because he was so invested. You called after him, collapsing nearby but he wasn’t even paying attention. Finally, he heard you scream and jumped, his heart leaping out of his chest. He still won’t forgive himself… or pick up a book.
He immediately takes you back home, carefully carrying you so that he wouldn’t agitate your injuries anymore than they already were.
He stayed by your side and even helped patch you up, wanting to do as much as he could to help. He even kissed your injuries to help them heal faster.
He stays by your side as much as possible. You suggest he read you some books, but it seems like he’s too scared to touch any. Something that might need time to recover from.
Xingqiu’s still too busy to join you, but whenever he can, he definitely does. He is a little too protective in the beginning but as time goes on, he finds himself being able to hold back.
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You just needed some chaos devices, just a few. YOU DIDN’T EXPECT TO GET YOUR ASS HANDED TO YOU SO BADLY!
He couldn’t believe it. His heart had almost stopped when he saw you walking towards him. You were covered in blood and you weakly reached out before you fell. He dashed forward and caught you before you hit the ground.
He takes you to his place, getting a doctor to immediately patch you up. As they were cleaning your wounds, he tried to stay calm, yet had this overwhelming urge to destroy whatever hurt you into a million pieces.
He stayed with you, nursing you back to health. Of course, constantly forgetting mora was a thing when buying you literally anything. This will never change.
He wasn’t able to understand why he couldn’t physically let you go in the beginning. Slowly, it made sense that he was scared. Scared he might lose you and that you might never come back. Scared you might disappear like you almost did. But you were… well you. So he had to trust you. Come back home to him safely.
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You had just finished up your commissions and were head home when you stumbled upon an Oceanid. You needed a cleansing heart… or four. You weren’t prepared and you were a little tired, but you went anyway. You were lucky you came back alive.
Childe had set up a cute little date for you two, but you were running a little bit late. He was starting to get worried and when he asked Katheryne, he was surprised to learn that you hadn’t returned home from your commissions. Then he saw you. Leaving a trail of blood and limping towards him. He felt as if someone had done all that to him instead.
He immediately runs to you, with Katheryne following. The two of them quickly get you some medical attention, but Childe refuses to let go the entire time. No matter what anyone says, they can’t take you away, so he goes with you everywhere.
You explain what had happened afterwards and he was angry that you’d put yourself in danger for a stupid item. But at the same time, he was proud of you for beating the Oceanid and coming back to him, regardless of what shape you were in. You still got an earful though.
He wanted to be around you 24/7, but he’s really busy. He tries to get away from work as much as he can to spend time with you. Throughout your healing process, he does a lot to help. Simple things like making you meals, the ones that melt your heart. 
He was reluctant, constantly checking up on you and even wanting to go on adventures with you. But he couldn’t spend every minute with you, so he needed to learn how to ease his own anxieties. Of course, you would never say no to going on a few adventures with him.
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scarlettriot · 3 years
Stood Up
You (Y/N) get stood up from a date and Kaminari decides to do something about it.
Pairing: Kaminari/F!Reader
Contains: Fluff, Flirty Denki, Established BakuSquad Friendship
Warnings: 18+ Below the cut, Minors DNI! Swearing, Electro-Stim, Overstimulation, use of pet names (cuddle bug & cutie), oral (F receiving), consensual recording
A/N: Well, here we are with the third in my Stood Up series. There is also Bakugo & Kirishima if you're interested. This one took me way too long and it's also my first time writing Kaminari at length. I hope you all like it :)
Word Count Starting Below: 2,461
You slipped your foot into the silver heels you had picked out. Something a little fancier since this was a first date after all and you wanted to make a lasting impression. Not only that but this was your first first date in a while. Being a Pro Hero made life busy and dating difficult.
Practically the entire day leading up to this very moment revolved around you either getting ready or babbling with excitement to your closest friends.
An alert chimed on your phone with a text from your date, a smile sliding onto your face expecting to read some message about how they were on their way and that they'd see you soon, but that wasn't what you were met with.
Instead, it was a screenshot of your Instagram page, multiple of them actually, all of you and the ridiculous photos you took with your friends but mostly with one Denki Kaminari. The most recent of which was from a tea shop he met you at just earlier that day so you could show him the shoes for your date.
The message below was simple and more than enough to leave a sour taste in your mouth, this isn't what I want to see when I'm supposed to be taking you out tonight. What, one date a day isn't enough? Why are you even dating? Does your blonde boyfriend know?
You giggled at what they were implying, quick to explain how these were all your friends, they had been since high school! They are people you spent what little free time you had with. Especially Denki, your best friend since you were 15!
That joy you felt started dissipating within the next few messages. You hadn't even had a first date and they were already jealous, and that was something you didn't have room for in your life. So, you slipped the heels off your feet and put them directly back in the box to return when you had the time. Tight black jeans and fitted top were exchanged with a hoodie and sweats although your makeup and hair stayed done, you didn't have the energy to undo your hard work.
Instead, you slid back into your computer chair, your headset snuggly back on your ears and before you notified everyone you were back online, you took a moment listening to the chatter of your friends.
"Shitty Hair! Fuckin' pay attention!"
"Yeah, man! We're getting slaughtered over here!"
"Less yelling at Kiri! More shooty shooty!"
"All of you are hopeless..."
Eijiro chuckled out an apology that was accompanied by a lighter giggle also coming from his mic. "Think this is gonna be my last round for a bit, guys."
"You're so fuckin' whipped." Bakugo scoffed, before screaming profanities.
"Is it whipped if I'm the one who's wanting to get her into bed though?"
You clicked your mic back on then. "Hey, remember last week when Kats forgot his push to talk so we all heard him getting head and we party whipped because someone couldn't focus?"
"You better shut the hell up right fucking now!"
Everyone else roared with laughter. "Yeah! At least I have the decency to mute myself!"
"Hey, wait a sec, why are you online, Y/N!" Denki noted, "You should have already left!"
You screenshot your messages to the group chat because it was far easier than just explaining the ordeal.
"Cute shoes." Eijiro and Kyoka commented at the same time.
There was a lull as their game ended and the messages were read.
"Ya don't need 'em if they're gonna have their head so far up their ass like this."
"I agree." Hanta chimed in. "They're not worth your time."
"Still, sorry they turned out to be a shit." You could hear the frown on Kyoka's face, "I know how excited you were."
"Right, you doin' okay, Y/N? I can stick around and we can all shoot some things!"
"Thanks, Kiri but I'll be just fine! Go spend time with your girl!"
One by one, everyone signed off. You pulled up Spotify and Stardew Valley, something of a comfort for you to get lost in for the rest of the night.
Less than an hour later, you noticed your phone lighting up with your best friend's familiar smiling face. "What's up, Denki?"
"Open your door! I have my hands full and don't wanna put everything down to get my key!"
You sprang from your desk and rushed to your door. Sure enough, on the other side was Denki with bags in both hands and his phone tucked between his ear and shoulder. You grabbed it and a bag before he had a chance to drop anything like the klutz he was. "What's with all this?"
"I feel bad."
"Why? You didn't stand me up?"
He fiddled with the edge of a paper bag. "Yeah, but, we both read those messages and no one said anything but they didn't just call our group out, they called us out.
"Denks, it doesn't matter to me-"
"But, it does to me! You were so excited about this and I got in the way, unknowingly but, still! So, I gotta make it up to you now!"
He pulled out take-out boxes from your favorite restaurant. Two bottles of your favorite wine. Your top three favorite movies and video games, and a board game you both had been meaning to try. "I mean, if they think I'm your boyfriend I kinda gotta live up to the hype, right?"
You really wanted to insist that none of this was necessary. That just because some person that neither of you really knew that well, assumed something about your relationship that didn't mean he had to blame himself for it.
But, you had to admit, this was really sweet. It shouldn't have come as a surprise to you that he knew everything you liked but it was nice. Instead of sitting across from a stranger, making awkward small talk, and trying to learn about one another, you were barefoot in your kitchen, laughing with your best friend while he plated dinner and you poured the wine.
Formalities were out the window. Both you and Denki were eating dinner in your living room, laughing and drinking just as you'd done a million times before. You snapped a photo of the delicious food on paper plates, toasting good times with your cheap wine, ready to post them to your Instagram.
"Gonna make them more jealous..."
"I think they made it pretty clear they don't want to see me so why should I care?"
He shrugged. "I just thought they might, you know, come to their senses that they obviously lost."
"I don't really care either way." You wandered back into your kitchen, putting away the leftovers, "They can forget I exist or they can stalk my page like a creep. If someones' gonna try and tell me I can't be friends with my friends or just not listen to me, then I don't want them in my life. No matter how good-looking they are."
Denki watched you from the sofa, a bit of a lopsided grin on his face that had butterflies taking flight in your stomach. "What?" Laughing to hide the bit of a crush you always had on the man. It was unavoidable you told yourself. His personality was infectious and had 15 year old you head over heels.
He pushed back bright blonde hair back off his forehead and just shook his head. "Nothin'. Uh, what's next? Video game, board game, or movie?"
You peaked on the counter at the options. "Well, we probably should have checked this but the board game needs at least four people to play... guess we'll have to save that for our next game night. Is a movie okay?"
Of course, it was.
You brought over the DVD with a refill of wine and he pulled a blanket down off the back of your sofa.
It really didn't take long, just fifteen minutes or so, and you were curled up into Denki's side. You'd make grabby hands for your wine glass and he'd pass it over with that damn grin again.
And not long after that, he'd pulled out his phone, angling it to take a picture of the two of you. "What are you doing?" You could see him on his own Instagram, tagging you, with the caption, Check out my cute cuddle bug.
"I thought you didn't want to make them more jealous."
"I decided I don't care either. You're mine tonight, their loss. And since you're mine tonight, I get bragging rights." He snapped another quick picture of you rolling your eyes at him, and then he kept snapping them.
"Denki! Why!"
"Because you're cute, cuddle bug! I like having all the pictures of you that I can!"
Even as you tackled him back down on the sofa, pinning him below you, he still managed a photo. "Bet if I post this one, they'll really get the wrong idea."
You could have moved. You were the one on top of him and you had his arms above his head. You had the power here and yet you just lingered above him.
"Y/N? Not that I'm one to complain about having a beautiful person such as yourself pinning me down, like, it's kinda hot, but..." Looking down into half-lidded golden eyes, you wondered why you had to become best friends with such a damn flirt! "Are you gonna take advantage of this situation we're in or are we just gonna keep dancing around this for another decade or so?"
You couldn't have heard him right? No... no this was your brain playing tricks on you because he certainly hadn't had that much wine tonight. You sat upright on his lap. "Another decade then, Y/N?"
"You- ha- you should stop that, Denki."
He leaned up, moving his arms around you, "Gimme a good reason to and I will."
You didn't have one. And not just because you've been in love with him for ten years but also because he was your best friend. The only reason to not go through with it was the possibility of losing your friendship if something bad were to happen but, you really didn't think anything would.
Denki might have been a serial flirt but he was surprisingly loyal in all the relationships he'd been in, not that there had been all that many serious ones.
"I'm not hearing anything." He teased, his face getting closer to yours. You could count each and every one of the faint freckles that littered the balls of his cheeks and the bridge of his nose. "But, I promise, if you tell me no, I'll stop, won't push this any further."
This whole thing seemed like a frickin' whirlwind, happening faster than your brain could really process the situation but you didn't want it to stop either. You wanted to take it further, didn't want to say no.
Which was why you coiled your arms around his neck and kissed him deeply. There was that small little buzz of electricity that tickled your lips when he'd kiss your nose or cheeks that was now playing on his lips, on his tongue when you welcomed him in.
He leaned back again, pulling you with him until you were both a pile of needy hands and breathy pleas. Everywhere his hands roamed you felt that faint trail of shock against your skin, making the little hairs on your body stand on end.
Clothes were shed, tossed haphazardly around your living room, both of you pausing to laugh when Denki managed to land your hoodie over a lamp. His attention was drawn back to you quickly though, still perched on top of him but now he had your chest on full display since you'd forgone a bra when your date canceled.
Electrifying tongue twirled around your nipples, sensitive normally, now it felt like you knew what it was like when he fried his damn brain. He was eager, relentless even, pulling and sucking, another hand giving your other breast a similar treatment. He had you so focused that you let out a broken moan when slender fingers found their way into your panties.
"Fuckin' hell, Denki."
The bastard winked up at you, nipple still between his lips and before you could retort, he sent another small jolt through you.
You were blatantly grinding down on his hand, reaching behind you, you found him completely solid, barely being contained in the tight black boxers he wore. You had enough sense to tug them down and wrap your hand around him making his teeth sink into your soft flesh, whining when you stroked him.
"Y/N..." He whimpered, his hand momentarily distracted from his ministrations gave you enough time to shift in his lap to scoot forward putting his cock in front of you. In one swift motion, you had his length between your slick. "Oh fuck, cutie!" Golden eyes were squeezed shut while you moved along him, feeling that pleasant curve he had, you could only imagine what it was gonna be like to have him inside you.
"You're being a little tease, ma-makes me wanna do all sorts of things to y-you."
He was kissing your neck, your chest, shoulders, and arms, anywhere on you that he could reach. His hips bucking up into you, just trying to hit that perfect angle.
Strength and agility were something most overlooked when it came to Denki Kaminari but when the man wanted something bad enough, he found a way to get it.
He had your ass rising up in the air with a harsh thrust of his hips and a small squeak from you, giving him exactly enough time to scoot down on the sofa so you were sat atop his face. If you complained, he didn't hear you. Denki already had your thighs around his head and his tongue devouring you completely.
Little shockwaves rocked you while you cried out his name, hands fisting blonde locks just trying to stay upright.
One orgasm from you apparently wasn't enough, neither was two but on the third, Denki finally relented, allowing your heartrate to come back down and your gasping breaths to come in more steadily.
You slid back down his body, his erection now smack against your ass. His hair was recked, face completely flush but he had the biggest grin on his face that you'd ever seen.
Denki kissed both your cheeks, "You are so amazing, cutie!" Kissed your lips, "You taste better than anything I've ever had!" And one more on the tip of your nose. "Doin' okay?"
You nodded, starting to really gather yourself again, and by this point, you really just wanted one thing.
"I wanna... Denks... can I take care of you now?"
"Sure, cutie! How do you want me?" The wiggling eyebrows had you rolling your eyes and pushing him on his back again.
It took little effort for you to position yourself above his cock, and with how slick you were, his bright pink head slipped right inside. He held your hands while you scrunched up your face, sliding all the way down him until he was completely sheathed within.
The curve was immaculate. Hitting in just the right way that had you moaning with just a couple thrusts from him. Before long, you were eagerly bouncing on his cock. Riding him hard so he filled you up each and every time.
You barely registered him reaching for the coffee table, his phone now in his hands. "What're you doin'?" You practically slurred, slowing only slightly. He tapped the camera lens with a wicked grin. "Seriously?"
"We could make 'em really jealous now..."
Somewhere in your brain, you knew your date wouldn't give two shits, in fact, this probably would have only validated their thoughts about your's and Denki's relationship but with his cock stuffed so deeply into you, kissing your cervix in the most beautiful way, you really didn't give a damn.
You and Denki put on the best possible show you could think of. You were overstimulated, sore, and completely elated! He balanced the phone against the wine bottle so neither of you had to try to hold it.
This way he could play with your breasts or squeeze your thighs while you dug half-moons into his chest. Shocked with the playful zaps he sent right to your core.
Your makeup you'd didn't feel like taking off now ran down your cheeks with tears. Your hair was a mess thanks to him pulling at it.
Denki had you howling through another two orgasms, telling you how perfect you were, how nice you felt squeezing him so tightly, your nails felt so good against his skin.
It was only when you collapsed against his chest did he hoist your hips up so he could ram into you, pulling out just at the last second with a strangled cry of your name.
He wiggled himself free, grabbing a towel from your bathroom and cleaning you both up before stopping the recording.
"You're, hey you're gonna send that to me right?" You asked when he handed back your hoodie off the lamp.
He dropped a kiss on your lips, plopping down beside you on the sofa again and you noticed your email already up and the video uploading. "Obviously, we share all our videos and photos. Why would this be different?"
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albedoswifehusband · 4 years
For the electro archon, reader is a separate person and just how the relationship would be and there reaction (headcanons) sorry I didn't add details about the request 😅
Thank you for the clarification, I hope you enjoy this!
Reader As An Electro Archon Headcanons
-He’s originally going to try to get close to them solely because of their gnosis. This is another archon to get one from and he’s just doing his job, albeit in a hopefully friendly way
-He probably starts getting attached though after a few meetings, itching to talk to them more, or even possibly get them to agree to a spar at the very least if not a full on fight.
-He’s basically a glorified golden retriever help him.
-He’s acquainted with all the archons currently and Inazuma is close to Liyue so it’s reasonable to think he’s interacted with them because of that. 
-It’s nice to have tea with other immortals when you can, so I think he’d be up for enjoyable company if they get along well.
I think he’d be really relieved to have another friend or lover that will live a long time. Eternity is lonely.
-He would’ve met them through Zhongli. I don’t think he can leave Liyue since he’s a guardian on duty 24/7 but he’s probably been to meetings that Zhongli suggested he join for some relaxation every once in a while.
-If they ever pass him gifts while visiting I think he’s very shocked. There’s no reason to do this, why is another archon bothering to give him so much attention?
-I think Zhongli will tell them to bribe him to like them with almond tofu or foods with similar texture to it. It’s a long haul type of deal, like with trying to get a friend’s pet cat to warm up to you.
-I think he’d hold them in more reverence than the others considering he’s from inazuma, but his loyalties still lie first and foremost with the Tsaritsa so it’s not too much reverence.
-Because of this he’s only acquainted with them personally from the mission to get their gnosis. Hopefully through peaceful negotiation.
-He’ll probably find himself enjoying their company and requesting to be the one to talk to lead each meeting with them for the Fatui.
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archived-kin · 4 years
caught in a twin courtship
note from kin: i’m going to be honest i only really wrote this because the title is fun to say, so it isn’t as cohesive as i normally would have wanted to make it
(this is an au where the twins aren’t separated by the unknown god! instead, just their world-hopping powers were stolen, and that’s why they’re journeying to find said god - to get their powers back so that they can go home. i’ve also excluded paimon since i kind of forgot about her while writing this haha)
(this doesn’t follow canon at all since reader and the twins just kind of start wandering about after the dvalin incident rather than heading straight for liyue oops)
fandom: genshin impact
character(s): gn!reader, lumine, aether, diluc, venti, jean
pairing(s): aether/reader/lumine
warning(s): i don’t think so??
genre: fluff with a little bit sprinkling of angst
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you first meet the twins in the aftermath of the stormterror battle. it isn’t a glamorous introduction by any means - it’s pretty unflattering, actually - but it definitely makes a powerful first impression.
the group - aether, lumine, venti, diluc, and jean - are on their way back to mondstadt city, making small talk here and there, but mostly just walking in silence.
then they hear a yell in the distance.
jean and lumine both drop into a battle stances, venti leaps to hide behind aether with a very unmanly squeak of fear… but diluc, who arguably should have been the most alerted by this occurrence, just gives a resigned sigh and pauses.
a split second later, a figure comes speeding up to the group. you barrel up to diluc and immediately punch him square in the stomach, yelling “why didn’t you tell me you were going after stormterror?!”
aether and venti both give matching gasps of horror at the blatant disrespect, but diluc only shakes his head and catches your fist as it goes for another blow, this one aimed at his chest, and chastises, “calm down, i left a note.”
“i left a note,” you mimic, an absolutely awful impression that has you sounding more like a mosquito than the darknight hero, “fat lot of use that is when you aren’t even telling me where you’re going!”
diluc evades another jab at his arm and firmly sets his hands on both your shoulders, effectively anchoring you to the ground. you contemplate swinging your feet at his knees and knocking him over, or maybe shocking him with your electro vision, but ultimately decide that you might as well try to preserve what little dignity you have left in front of those three people you’ve never met before
so you stop with a defeated sigh and turn to face said three people to introduce yourself
it turns out that you’re diluc’s cousin and he’s been having to baby-sit you for the last few years after your own parents left on a ‘business trip’ to snezhnaya that they’re still not back from
you’re pretty sure they’re dead, killed by the fatui, and you say as much during your introduction without even the slightest sign of distress, which is a little unsettling
lumine’s first thought is that you’re quite the interesting character, what with the casual way you treat diluc, and how you don’t seem to question whatever situation lead you to meet in the first place
aether’s first thought is holy shit, they’re cute
one twin greets you in return with a lot more enthusiasm than the other, and venti the bard wastes no time in asking whether you have access to good master diluc’s wine storage
(you’d be shocked by the audacity if you weren’t just as bad as him when it came to shamelessness)
strangely enough, the fact that aether likes you so much actually makes lumine more wary of you than she was initially
aether trusts too easily, and from experience, that usually leads to disaster - and your flippancy regarding your parents’ apparent probable deaths rather inclines her to think that you might be a very dangerous person indeed
the three of you don’t see each other for a couple of days after that - you and diluc leave for dawn winery together, while the twins depart with venti to wrap their whole situation up, and jean returns to her duties in mondstadt city
all this time, apparently unbeknownst to even himself, aether keeps finding ways to bring you up in the middle of conversation
you’d only spoken to him for a few minutes and somehow that as enough to get him absolutely fascinated
lumine would be lying if she said she wasn’t still curious about you as well, but it gets annoying after aether somehow manages to mention how ‘mysterious’ your black cloak is in the middle of a conversation about why mitachurls are able to randomly set their axes on fire
luckily for these two, they happen to run into you the very next day!
you’re in the middle of taking out a ruin guard stomping around the thousand winds temple -  a ruin guard that the twins had been meaning to take down themselves, which is why they’re here in the first place
at first they move to help you, only to stop short and watch in awe as you plunge down at the ruin guard from atop one of the enormous pillars, your polearm held steady in your grasp as your entire body seems to spark and glow with a deep purple electro energy
the sharp blade of your polearm goes clean through the top of the ruin guard’s head and shatters its core, and it sinks to the ground with a massive thud that echoes around the temple ruins, massive wooden limbs twitching and jerking as the last of your vision’s energy disperses from it
aether and lumine are basically star-struck
from there you spot them and call them over for a conversation, show them how to take apart a ruin guard’s circuits to get at the good parts, and somehow end up agreeing to journey with them across teyvat in their search for an unknown god who stole their abilities to hop from world to world as well as their apparent true power that allows them to wield all seven elements at once
the details are a little lost on you, but what you’re hearing is that you get to go on a cool adventure with a cool gal and a cool lad, so you’re pretty much all for it
diluc isn’t too happy about you up and leaving without so much as two week’s notice (partially because he has literally no friends apart from you and he’d get lonely without his little cousin bothering him all the time) but you simply tell him to deal with it and go anyway
(you do give him a big hug and promise to visit, you’re not heartless)
from then on you, aether and lumine become a dynamic trio like no other
it’s actually pretty damn spooky how well the three of you end of working together
aether and lumine had long since formed a style of fighting that meant they made up for each other’s weak spots and could attack in perfect sync, but then you come along and somehow manage to make their already pretty flawless formation even better
is it witchcraft? they honestly don’t know
considering you fit so well into their battle strategies, it follows that you’d also slot perfectly into their every day life
lumine is cautious at first, wondering if your presence would disrupt her and her brother’s long since pre-established routines, but you fit in so naturally that it’s as if you were there all long
maybe it it’s this that makes both twins slowly start falling for you - the comfort of being beside you and the familiarity that you bring are things that they struggled to find, being trapped in a world far from their own with no way to get out, and they unknowingly latch onto you like drowning men clutching lifebuoys
aether is the most obvious about his feelings - he starts waking up earlier just because he knows you do, sitting beside you as you stoke a campfire and keep watch for any approaching monsters, making quiet conversation as lumine continues sleeping. he tells you stories about his adventures in other worlds, including an encounter with a rather bigoted individual who is the reason that he keeps his hair so long while lumine’s has been cut short
he even starts taking his hair out of its braid before he goes to sleep so that he can ask you to braid it for him when he wakes up
lumine is a lot more subtle
she finds excuses to stand closer to you when, deliberately brushing her fingers against yours when handing you something. she listens far more attentively to you when you speak than anyone else, and she smiles far more in your presence, hanging onto your every word and gazing at you so intensely that it’s almost unsettling
of course, the twins notice each other’s feelings pretty easily
at first neither acknowledges it - it’d be far too messy for both to accept that they’d both fallen in love with the same person, let alone actually admit this to each other
but it gets to the point where it just isn’t ignorable anymore, and finally the twins decide to talk
it’s about as civil and sensible as they could hope for with the subject at hand, and they eventually decide to talk to you about it
and so, we come to an ultimatum. what will your choice be?
if you reject both, it’ll be hard to continue adventuring with twins who can’t look in your direction. neither resent you, of course, but the atmosphere has become so stifling that they can’t even make eye contact
it’s as if an enormous gap has opened up between the three of you. the twins are avoiding each other as well, unsure of how to handle the fact that they’re both in love with the same person and have now both been rejected by that same person. if anything, they should be becoming closer out of solidarity, but it seems that they can’t stand to be in each other’s presence as much as they can’t stand to be in yours.
the three of you still work together as seamlessly in battle as you did before, but once the final monster has been cut down and your weapons are sheathed, that connection seems to disappear again.
it’s aether who finally breaks the stalemate. he starts trying to start conversations as the three of you sit awkwardly apart from each other around a fire, and while the first few attempts end in stony silence and an awkward cough on his part, eventually you begin replying with some semblance of the humour you used to
from there things only improve - the three of you come to a silent mutual agreement to leave this behind you, and soon you’re all laughing and joking as you used to
lumine and aether both know that they cannot force you to love either of them, and they respect your choice. if anything, they’re the ones in the wrong for springing something like this on you so suddenly, and they start to feel a little guilty that they were essentially pressuring you into making a choice that you were never obligated to make
so they return to treating you as a dear friend, just as before. things are different now, of course, but they can only be grateful that you continue to travel with them and stay by their side; this situation doesn’t make them love you any less, even if you don’t love them in the same way.
if you choose lumine, aether will be understanding. the twins have been each other’s only support for longer than they can remember, and as the older brother, he’s well used to giving things up for his sister.
he’ll still be friendly and amicable, but he won’t seek you out as much as he did before. he starts braiding his hair by himself again, and stays in bed as late as he can every morning so that he doesn’t have to be face to face with you. just because he’s accepted this doesn’t mean that it doesn’t hurt.
sometimes, when the sky grows dark and you and lumine have long since fallen asleep beside each other, he wonders to himself - why is it that he has to give everything to his sister? he’s given away so much, so why couldn’t the universe let him have this one thing?
but he knows, deep down, that this is nothing to do with the universe - you simply fell in love with someone that wasn’t him, his sister at that, and he’s struggling to come to terms with it.
he wants to hate you, hate lumine, hate the relationship that the two of you have formed, but he just can’t. he loves the both of you in different ways that are just as important as each other, and he can’t stand to lose either of you. he’d rather throw himself off of starsnatch cliff.
so he’ll smile and bear it, even if it’s a battle to keep himself from breaking down every time he sees the two of you lace your hands together, off in your own little word, so near and yet so far from him.
if you choose aether, lumine will become cold. at first, that is. she’s never been as empathetic as her brother, always holding grudges and developing dislike much more easily. it had taken a lot for her to open up to you in the first place, and now that you’ve rejected her, it’s going to take a while for her to return to the same camaderie with you that she had before.
lumine does not begrudge aether for being the one you chose. if anything, she’s glad - aether is always putting her first and himself second, and she’s happy that he has someone like you, who lights his eyes up in a way that she’s never seen before.
but our hearts often betray our mind, after all, and lumine can’t help but scowl and turn away every time she sees her brother wrap his arms around your waist or press a kiss to your cheek. despite her best efforts, all she can think is why? why did you have to choose him?
she can’t bring herself to hate you, though. as much as it feels like her heart is threatening to split down the middle when she sees you smile and is reminded of something that she cannot have, there is an equal joy in the fact that her brother can be with the person that he loves so dearly. if anything, the two of you deserve to be happy together.
lumine would never do anything that could take that away, and so she forces herself to accept it. it takes several days of tentative conversation and barely held back tears, but eventually the two of you seem to return to the way you were before - all friendly jabs and light-hearted banter and little jokes exchanged over crossed blades.
but lumine knows that your friendship can never be quite the same as it was before. she’ll forever be holding you at arm’s length, terrified to let you get too close lest you see how much your presence affects her. she can’t let you know how much she loves you because she will never be the one who links hands with you as you walk down a long, winding path, or the one who holds you close under a darkening sky filled with stars - because that person is aether, and she would sooner die before she takes her brother’s happiness away.
if you refuse to choose, the twins will be at a loss at what to do. they hadn’t considered this scenario - that you had somehow come to love both of them.
the confusion becomes joy soon enough, though. they realise what this means - they both love you, and you love both of them! isn’t this perfect?
neither are particularly thrilled at the concept of ‘sharing’ you with the other, so to speak, but in the end they both equally want each other to be happy as they want you to be, so the logical conclusion is that they both become your partners.
they’re not too sure how this should work, nor what sort of label to put on it, but they come to you tentatively with the idea anyway
to their joyous surprise, you agree!
and from then marks the point of no return…
aether is definitely the clingier of the two. once he realises that he’s allowed to show affection and be close to you for no particular reason, he won’t stop - it’s as if he absolutely has to be holding your hand or be standing or sitting  as close to you as physically possible. he’s always buying you souvenirs at every place you stop by, scaling trees to pick apples for you when you mention a craving for fruit, presenting you little treasures that he’s found with all the pride of a golden retriever.
lumine is a more subdued kind of partner, preferring to demonstrate her feelings with little things like making your favourite food for dinner or bringing you sprigs of flowers that she’s secretly been collecting in order to present you with them. of course, that doesn’t mean she isn’t physically affectionate at all - she presses perhaps even closer to you than aether when you sleep beside her, and somehow her hand finds yours at every opportunity she has.
the twins clash every now and then, as siblings often do, except that you’re usually caught in the middle. their arguments are little more than playful squabbles, though - things like play-fighting over who gets to hug you first after a well-fought battle, or who gets to hold your hand on the way to the next village (you have to step in and remind them that you do, in fact, have two hands)
in conclusion: why choose one when you can have both and prevent the unchosen from having endless amounts of angst?
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yostresswritinggirl · 4 years
hi! ik sojourner's already ended but i have an(other?) idea in case u ever pick it up since i love ur albedo 😳😳 ok so
what abt a reader who is rlly excited abt alchemy, but they avoid talking abt it bc they start rambling and stuttering and stumbling over their words bc they're so excited? they get assigned/asked to go w/ albedo bc they're rlly good at alchemy too, but they end up fidgeting a lot, muttering and stopping just a few words in before their volume rises and giving short answers when w/ him bc they're afraid of rambling (since they do it to think better when alone, sometimes insulting and arguing w the objects when they don't get the expected result) & being seen as annoying or unprofessional?? i'd like to see how he reacts to these and what he'd think!! and how or when he discovers the reason reader is acting like that
it's kinda (a lot, rlly skowkskdk i always have ideas but never write them) specific, but i rlly like the idea!! i'd love to see what u do w/ it if u ever pick it up in the future :D hope you're staying hydrated and well🥺🥰 -🌌
What do you mean Sojourner's already ended, Sojourner is eternal, Sojourner is forever-
Kidding aside, this is too cute to pass up, even if it's quite a lot! Cute Albedo brainrot moments always please. It might be too much sometimes but I hope you enjoy my interpretation of it! Scenarios format! Starry night, oh I'm always hydrated, thank you and I hope you're well!
For the Record
Albedo working with a Reader that's highly enthusiastic about alchemy but insecure about rambling... (masterlist)
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You dealt with Alchemy a year before the Kreideprinz entered Mondstadt, your attunement to the mystic arts baffling and intriguing you every time. During that period, you're not really sure of what art you're doing but in the end, you kept doing great that the people had acknowledged your talents.
Through your own effort and self-study even if unnamed, you managed to put your talent into this art of Alchemy and created discoveries regarding powders and mineral-focused ingredients. It was a shame there was no one to share it to, and when you talk to scholars/practitioners alike, you end up rambling so much to the point that on their end you barely make sense. Whether this was caused by your eaten words or lax and personalized vocabulary over the matter, you're not sure.
Their confused and judgmental stare haunts you, leaving you alone with your raging thoughts and overworking mind when you just want to learn and expand your discoveries to other people without driving them away. Your enthusiasm is great and all, but it's not enough to make others understand.
So when the Chalk Prince entered Mondstadt, blessing the city with his scholarly knowledge and boundless creations, he easily made a name for himself and in extension the city itself.
Before Sucrose and Timaeus, you were called upon by the Grand Master Varka to accompany Albedo and be his temporary assistant seeing as his field in the division is still quite new and you were the only other 'Alchemist' in town besides him. You're both giddy and nervous, like really, really nervous.
You've heard of Albedo and maybe a caught a glimpse or two, but you've never actually interacted enough to know exactly what he looks like or how he is as a person. All you know is that he's a very, very attractive person overall.
"Good-looking, carries this aura of wisdom around him, he's just really charming," were the words that rang through your mind as you pointedly watched your steps, following the carpets leading to Ordo Favonius' laboratory while Lisa's words rang through your head.
Is he really that kind of person? You've heard that he's quite stoic too, but if he's really that distracting, you're scared that it would be harder for you to focus and help out. Honestly how would you even deal with him when your fields of Alchemy are so different from each other?
You have no idea how long you've been thinking, standing in contemplation in front of the set of double doors that leads to the workshop with nothing but doubt in your mind. But upon realizing the teal gaze of another person silently waiting instead of wooden doors, you figured it was far too long.
"Ah, I'm sorry! I was in my head, I wasn't expecting you to-!" You flailed your hands around comically before abruptly stopping, noticing the now confused stare of Albedo of which are distracted by your hands. Clearing your throat, you extended a hand towards him to shake, trying to stare anywhere but his face. "I'm (Y/N), I'll be your assistant until you're well settled in the city. It's nice to meet you, Ma-"
His hand finds yours in a firm grip, a firm shake so sudden you bit your tongue back, "Albedo, Kreideprinz of the Art of Kemia, but just Albedo is fine, I'll be under your care."
Albedo finds it intriguing and surprisingly not that distracting whenever you talk to yourself or to the ingredients whenever you so much as feel the slightest frustration. "Ugh, this Zinc powder is so stubborn, clingy," you angrily mumbled under your breath as you washed off the blue powder that spilled at your hand, "So, so clingy." Since you're facing the sink, you couldn't see the way he was holding himself from laughing audibly at your amusing antics.
You seemed lively and open, is what Albedo thought when he first met you. But this observation soon shattered when he kept getting hanged upon your abrupt stops when delving into your field, something he was really irked about the first few times. Your art of Alchemy is much different from his and he's wishing that you'd clarify and expound all your learnings to him, but in the end, you somehow step back everytime your words became lengthy.
Are you hiding something? Did you not want him to learn the same arts as yours? If those were the case, he couldn't bring himself to ask a simple question such ad why. Every time it crosses his mind, it brings a purse of a pout to his lips and furrowed eyebrows.
Every response you gave always hints even tiny bits of trivias and tips he's never heard, Albedo always takes note of your spills that always cuts before reaching its climax. "-sorry, yes, this is activated charcoal Geo and Pyro slimes reaction." He lets out an audible sigh upon your retreat, your frustrated mind too occupied to notice.
"Please," his desperation drips in his word when he looks at you with eyes filled with raw emotion you'd never know he'd be able to pull off. Your tightly locked lips only pressed on further at his puppy eyes, "Please continue, I wish to know more about your Alchemy, if you would be so kind."
"It's not really- I'm not really the best at explaining it..." You're almost fidgeting, cheeks aching from tensing and warmth. But he regarded you with a blank stare, forcing you to fill the silence, "If I- If I start, my ramblings may not uhm they're not easy to comprehend... or something."
Albedo had been watching more than he'd like to admit, and he's come to relieved (yet still confused) realization that your treatment with him wasn't his alone. You always step back before things get lengthy, words then cutting short and concise with a steeled expression. Lips caught between teeth.
"I digress," his hand motions to yourself to emphasize his next clause. "As your field and sole practitioner of this art, like my own condition, your word of mouth is the best ground of knowledge."
If he was irritated, he's doing a very good job in hiding it. And even with the respectable yet close distance in between you still felt cornered. This is still your master and it's not professional to refuse a scholarly talk, "The electro crystals when charged... ionized? create sparks, while also producing the same result when smacking- mining!"
The scribbles of his pen against his clipboard as he nods in attention urges you on, realizing his focus and sincere interest on the topic, "So when you put the little tidbits or even powdered version in a beaker thingy, depending on the material, they interact with the spark. Honestly, I'm unsure yet how lethal it is but if you put the sparks under fire too, they make like those makeshift gunpowder as well as additional reactions such as-!"
The lilt and proceeding high pitch in your voice usually signifies the approach of your insecurity as well as the climax of your enthusiasm. At this point, you pull your hand up to shut your mouth forcefully, and when Albedo really detests the abrupt end of the conversation his hand would shoot forward to grasp your own.
He'd intertwine your fingers to distract, before urging you to continue with a challenging stare, as if daring you to use your other hand to pull that off again. This whole scene felt oddly scandalous, but oh boy does it send your mind into a bambling, overloaded mess. A heated head forces your lips open even if they sometimes come out in a jumbled string, he learns to decipher them.
The more you get used to or feel more comfortable, Albedo uses that fondness skillfully whenever he wants. "Can you tell me more about the scarlet chunks from Dragonspine?" He throws it so casually in the silence as you two work back to back in your stations, without a beat as your mind is partially preoccupied, you answered into a narrative of trivia. It almost feels like you're talking to the flames of the bunsen while you wait, but Albedo smiles at the now filled silence as he listens with divided attention.
He really likes your voice, and the word of wonders you bring along with you.
"For the record, I don't mind it at all," his breath hovers on your lips, cold and prickly, "Whatever comes out of these lips, I want to hear it all."
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That last part eheh
Woah, this went long. Like reader babbling hahaha. I said I'm gonna speedrun, not freaking write this long smh
@zelos-simp @legionqueensav @snackgod @rxsalinee @cala-ran @wind-wheel @lilydewi22 @yellowflowre @traveler-lumine @nonniechan @creation-magician @hanniejji @gojos-baby @just-some-stars @volleybloop @tartuu @moaa @dandelion-dreams @witchsungie @lehra @albaedhoe @xiaophilia @heisenwurst @childe-simp-exe
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cinnamonest · 3 years
the way my pussy clenched when i saw albedo got a 10 on sadism 👁👄👁 could u possibly elaborate (if thats ok, if not i totally understand!)
//tw: piercing, sadism
Oh yes, hear me out!
He starts off as like... guilty? Unaware? He’s not the most social person in the world and consequently hasn’t really had these kinds of experiences before, and given his general easy-going nature he wouldn’t ever imagine himself taking pleasure in that sort of thing. He jerks off sometimes, but he gets it over with pretty quickly, never thinking detailed fantasies, he’s got too much work to do.
But you know, he has a lot of built up frustration. Generally he’s an easy going person, but sometimes, honestly, the people around him... get on his nerves. Everyone, really, he’s always keeping a calm demeanor and that monotone voice even when sometimes he really wants to just kinda deck someone in the face if he could, but he internalizes it and goes about his day. There’s just... a lot of bottled up frustration, waiting to crack... except the bottles are filled with rubbing alcohol and darling is a lit match.
It’s a combination of that, and just being prone to certain things as certain people are, an innate quality. Honestly, it’s always the quiet, reserved, calm guys that are the biggest, deepest, nastiest sadists, really, and he’s not an exception.
Now, there are three major types of guys who are “sadists.” You have 1) sadists in the sense of guys who more or less enjoy just beating the shit out of people for no real reason (I’m looking @ u Scara & Childe) bc it gives them an adrenaline high and a power rush, 2) ones who have some anger issues (Xiao, Diluc) or have trouble expressing their emotions in normal ways and have bottled up frustration (Razor, Kaeya) who use rough fucking, choking, spanking etc as a way of exerting that anger, to get it out and soothe them. Then you have 3) the sadists that just... like it, crave it, need it, deep down on a primal level that doesn’t depend on their emotional state. And that’s the most terrifying kind there is -- the kind that can stay calm while they do it, that doesn’t need to be mad or even upset to desire it. It’s somewhat rare, some people are just... a little fucked up like that. They’re a blend of the first two, because they *do* get a high from it and often are that way to get out frustration, but sometimes they just do it because they crave it and love it.
He bounces back and forth between #2 and #3, but he’s one of the only yans that crosses into #3 territory at all. And he tries to deny it, the first few times. It likely comes into discovery by accident when he first starts experimenting on darling and giving them injections, or at a time where he really does get mad and punishes them for whatever reason. The breath hitching, the sniffles and whimpers and wide eyes and tears and begging get to him and what do you know, he’s hard.
And he’s not sure why, he blows it off at first as random. But he keeps thinking about it. He keeps hearing the sniffles, keeps seeing the images in his head, and eventually is forced to accept the reality that his brain wants to witness that again. It’s a combination of things, but at it’s root, boils down to dominance and power. Plus the taboo and wrongness of it all helps, but really, seeing you vulnerable -- you’re at his mercy, and something about that just makes his blood rush.
But the calmness of it all is what makes it so terrifying. He can get like the others when he’s mad -- that is, he can get to where he’s angry and just roughly slamming into you, pulling your hair and choking you, if you push him far enough, but honestly that’s preferable to what he’s like when he’s not angry, when he just gets a craving for seeing tears in your eyes. When he’s like that, he gets into slow, almost torturous things, and he drags it out with quiet and calm because ultimately, the rush he gets comes from your fear. 
He gets into some fucked up stuff, a little bit into the extreme end. Would definitely like to shock you, either with a collar or a prod of some kind, would probably design a electro prod to jolt you with. Keeps you bound to a table, arms and legs spread out, he finds new ways to maximize your feeling of vulnerability. He fucks with your mind, and that’s what makes him different from other sadists. It’s just as much fear as it is pain. 
But he does love the pain. The buildup. The anticipation in your trembling, so much fear and knowing it’s coming, the little yelp and jolt when he finally brings down leather belts to your ass or jolts you with electric shocks. When he’s experimenting, he does the same thing for the needles to your skin -- yeah, if he’s being honest he gets off to injecting you, hearing your breath hitch, and especially if they make you cry. Stretching out your tight little cunt as far as he can, moving on to your throat, watching tears gather as you choke, the feeling of you trying to pull back, moving onto your ass, listening to you wail and whimper and cry that it hurts, just like he hopes it does.
One of the most intimate experiences he ever has, one of the hottest things that he held himself back from doing for so long because he knew he would lose control of his arousal and fuck you right there like an animal -- piercing those cute nipples. He read up on it first to make sure he knew how to do it properly, but the thought of it had plagued his mind so long he’d never be at peace until he did it. And he’s sweet about it, telling you it’ll be over soon, it’ll just feel bad for one moment, he’ll give you something to squeeze -- but he holds your mouth open with a ring gag, because deep down he wants to hear those little cries. It’s exhilarating.
It’s not that he doesn’t feel sorta bad about it at first, but again, darling’s like a lit match to a flammable bottle. He gets a high from the feeling, and he can’t control himself.
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schnedoop · 3 years
Servitude (Kaeya x Reader)
SUMMARY: You were just so sweet, so diligent, so noble. Too noble, if Kaeya’s honest. He’s glad that he was the first one to take advantage of it.
WARNINGS: dubcon/noncon
TAGS: cockwarming, PIV penetration, manipulation, abuse of power, asshole Kaeya
Kaeya can’t help but think that you would have made an amazing knight.
You were born with all the qualities needed for the job: a quick wit, a reassuring demeanor, a natural respect for the Anemo Archon, and a blinding devotion to serving the people of Mondstadt to top it all off. Inside you seemed to be a fierce combination of Diluc, Jean, Varka—and Kaeya can’t deny that, in your early training days, he sometimes saw himself in your unfailing persistence—and you seemed to carry everyone's best traits only, all weaknesses of character cast to the side.
Yes, the man muses, continuing to write his report. An amazing knight indeed. 
He still remembers how popular you were during your training years. Captains and soldiers alike stepped away from their taverns to spend their free time watching you, someone they all imagined to be the future of the Ordo, the next grandmaster, someone even Jean couldn’t hide her favoritism for.
Kaeya can’t say he blames any of them. He was always among the spectators, of course, watching you train, eavesdropping on your conversations in the mess hall, taking stalker-like measures to decode the enigma that was you.
In the beginning, it was out of wariness.
Kaeya was disinclined to believe that anyone could be so perfect, so pure. He assumed that you were putting up a facade, that the way you always took the long way home to help any citizens who crossed your path was nothing but a vicious scheme to gain Mondstadt’s trust so you could betray it—but soon, he learned that it wasn’t a lie. That you truly were this good a person. That your blinding naivety was natural, and not even a little feigned.
That was around when Kaeya began to watch over you, not as a potential threat, but as a subject of interest.
He found that everything about you was sincere. That you were one of the only knights who wouldn’t lie about their numbers for the bi-annual physical evaluations, who would spend their free time scouting out hillichurl camps and anonymously reporting them, who would wake up early to get extra training in, who would do anything and everything you could think of to better equip you to serve Mondstadt.
Kaeya found it endearing. You were so sweet, so diligent, so noble.
Too noble, if Kaeya’s honest. 
He’s glad that he was the first one to take advantage of it.
It started off with a casual comment during training. Your instructor was on bedrest after getting ambushed by some Electro slimes while swimming in a lake, so Kaeya had been asked to fill in. He paced down the line of your fellow soldiers-in-training slowly, offering loud compliments and gentle corrections to everyone he walked past, only for him to come to a halt at you.
“Come on, I’m sure you can do better than that. Training is no joke, cadet. Please take this seriously.”
You practically froze when he said that to you. 
His words were whispered, hushed low into your ear as if Kaeya didn’t want to embarrass you by chastizing you publicly, as if Kaeya was still the amicable Cavalry Captain everyone knew him to be, as if his criticism of you was genuine and wasn’t a stupid lie to make you question yourself.
It took all of Kaeya’s self-restraint to keep his expression neutral as he moved on. No doubt, it was the first time anyone had ever spoken to you as if you were failing to meet expectations instead of surpassing them—and Kaeya half-expected you to protest, to argue that you were doing a better job than everyone else in the room. 
He was pleasantly surprised when you mumbled an even more determined “Yes sir,” before continuing. 
A perfect soldier indeed. 
After that, you seemed determined to impress Kaeya. He could see the hierarchy in your mind: the fact that, although Jean was higher in authority, her praise meant less to you than Kaeya’s because he was the only one to not be impressed.
After you set your sights on impressing him, it was all over for you.
Crushing your spirit was an easy feat for Kaeya. You were a brilliant soldier, probably the strongest recruit the Ordo has had since Diluc, but you were nothing exceptional when it came to mind games. The occasional “do you need a break, cadet?” and the more often “there’s no shame in admitting weakness, solder” began to wear into you. Whereas before you responded to his every criticism with a fierce determination to do better, Kaeya could sense the change when you began to think your efforts futile, when you began to feel like the Cavalry Captain you so wanted to impress would, seemingly, never find you as exceptional as everyone else did. 
Kaeya still remembers the devastated look on your face when you barged into his office at midnight on the eve of your official recruitment into the Ordo.
“What do I have to do?!” you blurted, hands balled in fists. “What do I have to do to make you think I deserve to be a knight?!”
Kaeya recalls how surprised he’d been at that. He stared at you, that night, with genuine shock at your outburst. 
Before, he assumed that your attempts to impress him had merely been out of a selfish desire to earn the praise of everyone around you. Yet, there you stood, cute little tears building in your eyes as you revealed that the true reason was that you felt bad joining the knights without his approval, as if Kaeya was some benchmark that you needed to pass.
Very well, the knight remembers thinking. With your official graduation from soldier-in-training to soldier, Kaeya had been prepared to release the possessive grip he had around you...but when you presented him with such an obvious opportunity to take what he wanted, who was he to resist?
“It’s not anything you can change, cadet. Some people are meant to be soldiers. Some people aren’t. I already know which kind you are, but it doesn’t matter.” 
Every word Kaeya said had been carefully placed. He phrased his response in a perfect way, all to prompt the inevitable question from your soft, sweet lips:
“A-and which kind am I?”
“Which kind of what?” Kaeya asked, pretending as if he was barely giving this conversation any thought. He brought his eyes down to the map that he was detailing, pretending to continue working on it. 
“Wh-which kind of knight do you think I am?”
Kaeya remembers how hard it had been to stop a vicious smile from spreading across his face.
“You don’t want to know, cadet.”
“I do, Captain! I really do! Y-your opinion matters to me!”
“Oh?” That had been the first time Kaeya placed his quill down. “So if I tell you that I don’t think you’re ready to be a knight, you’ll heed my advice?”
Your sheepish expression had been almost too much to bear. 
“If you came here to ask for my opinion just to ignore it, I’d advise going elsewhere. Please don't waste my time. The Ordo will spend enough resources trying to turn you into a half-decent knight, so don’t disregard all of that by—”
“Why?” you practically sobbed. You’d come forward and placed your palms flat against the surface of Kaeya’s desk, a pose that would have been wholly intimidating if not for the tears building in your eyes. “Why don’t you think I’ll make a good knight? Why won’t I—” you’d broken off to wipe away the tears that had begun to spill. “Why won’t I be able to help the Knights of Favonius?”
Instantly, Kaeya had risen and walked over you to wrap you in his arms. 
You were confused, no doubt, because the captain had been anything but kind to you in your previous interactions, but you openly sobbed into Kaeya’s chest, gripping the fabric of his jacket weakly. 
“I j-just want to help—I just want to m-m-make Mondstadt safer—I j-just—just want—”
“Of course you can help,” Kaeya whispered gently into your ear, wiping your tears away. “You’d be an invaluable resource to the city. It’s just that serving as a knight would be useless when you could be so much more useful.”
That stole your attention.
Instantly, you looked up at Kaeya with hopeful eyes.
“R-really? You think I can...actually help?”
Kaeya remembers how even he had been unable to stop the cruel smile from spreading across his face when he realized that you genuinely believed his words all this time: thinking yourself lesser, weaker, inferior to your fellow cadets. 
“Of course you can,” Kaeya whispered into your ear, gentle as the setting sun. 
And in this way, he managed to persuade you in a single night to abandon your dreams of becoming a soldier. Easily, he made you understand that such a thing was futile. Soldiers were expendable, and when Kaeya asked you if you thought you were expendable, you shook your head like a good girl and said you wanted to be alive to protect Mondstadt, not a dead body that could do nothing.
Still, you would have made an amazing knight. 
Would have, but not anymore.
You were born with all the qualities you needed for the job—but one by one, Kaeya’s replaced them with smarter, more reasonable goals. Your once-quick wit has been refocused on pleasing Kaeya, on figuring out whether he’d rather hear “yes, sir” or “thank you, sir” based on the question he poses you with. The calm, reassuring demeanor that once drew people into you is now nonexistent, completely replaced with something more obedient. The respect you used to allot the Anemo Archon has been redirected onto Kaeya: because what has Barbatos actually done for you? Kaeya is the one who’s given you a home, a purpose—it’s him that you pray to every day when you get on your knees.
The one thing that has remained constant is the devotion you carry for the people of Mondstadt: but that, too, has shifted.
Where you once wished to serve your people by protecting them on the front lines, you now understand that your purpose is to personally aid the superiors who already know how to do the job, to make Kaeya happier so that he can protect the nation for you. 
It was hard, at first.
But your mind is pliant, now, moldable and malleable as Kaeya wraps a hand around your naked hip to halt your grinding.
“Now, now,” he chides, kissing your shoulder as he continues to write his report. “None of that. I’ll fuck you nice and good after I’m done with this, so don’t distract me.”
“But—but sir,” you whine, wriggling your hips gently on top of Kaeya as if hoping that it’ll convince him to forgo the report and fuck you now. 
Internally, Kaeya appreciates how well you’ve acclimated to your new life. Externally, he clicks his tongue and lays a slap against your bare bottom, ignoring your delighted giggle.
“Be a good girl and let me focus. These are important documents, okay? You being here only helps me work if you’re not trying to distract me. Or do you not want to help Mondstadt out after all?”
That line always works, and you instinctively coil in on yourself, ashamed as you halt your playful teasing and rest your head on Kaeya’s shoulder. 
“I—I want to help Mondstadt…”
“I thought so. So be a good girl and keep my cock warm until I’m done.”
And you do a good job of it. Oh, you do such a good job, your little cunt clenching down on Kaeya the whole time as he proofreads his report once, then twice (and then thrice, though that’s more to torture you than it is to actually check for mistakes)—and when Kaeya finally tucks his report inside an envelope, sealing it with the crest of the Cavalry Captain, he knows you deserve a reward.
“Good girl,” he coos, slipping his gloves off to massage the soft flesh of your ass with his bare hands. “How did that feel? What do you want me to do to you?”
“Felt good,” you whisper, and Kaeya loves the shudder that runs down your spine when he drags a finger to circle at your clit. “P-please, Sir. Want more. I-if you have time. If you're busy with your captain duties...I can w-wait. But if not. Please.”
So cute, Kaeya thinks, loving how even now, months after you’ve been isolated from the world, you still cling to the naive hope that somehow, being Kaeya’s private slut is contributing to the prosperity of Mondstadt. Not that it’s something Kaeya will ever correct. He can keep you here for as long as you believe you want to be here, so he won’t do anything to jeopardize your innocent naivety. 
“Hmm, you’re going to be more specific than that, sweetheart. What do you want more of?”
“You, Sir,” you gasp, rolling your hips down on Kaeya’s cock to enunciate your point. “Wanna get fucked. Pretty please.”
“Oh?” Kaeya chuckles, lifting you up and laying you down on his desk, not caring about the paperwork your body is sprawled over because goddamn, you look hot like this, tits exposed, face flushed, pupils dilated, like the only thing you can think about is Kaeya’s cock and how bad you want it.
“You don’t want anything else?”
Normally, this is the part where you deliver a mumble about Mondstadt and how you want prosperity for the nation. Those comments have been getting more and more halfhearted recently, overshadowed by your larger desire for the overwhelming pleasure that Kaeya, and today—
Today, you forget about your so-called love for Mondstadt altogether.
“No,” you babble, wrapping your legs around Kaeya’s hips, desperately trying to tempt him into fucking into you. “No, Sir, don’t want anything but you so please, please, please—”
A breathy laugh falls from Kaeya’s lips as he leans over to press a quick kiss to your forehead. 
“Of course, sweetheart.” His hands find your hips, slender fingers digging in to grip them with bruising force as he prepares to wreck you from the inside. “I’ll always give you what you want.”
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kaebedom-me · 4 years
okay so...foul legacy childe nsfw hcs? :3c
I'd like to apologise in advance for the amount of thirst y'all are gonna be subjected to because the fight is still fresh? And i- I'm whore knee
So I've said before foul legacy Childe is in armour so he isn't as sensitive
Like the feelings all just kinda catch up to him so after the sex it'll hit him like a truCk
I just think it's cute after fucking you good he has to just lie back for awhile because fuck
When you're fucking foul legacy Childe prioritises your pleasure over his
Not that he doesn't usually? It's just cuz he doesn't feel as much in that form uwu
He doesn't not feel at all he feels it a little less
So he prioritises you so you can enjoy it to its full potential
To fuck foul legacy i feel like y'all have to fight first
Because while Childe is on board w fucking you in his Childe legacy form (cuz he has a size kink too) you have to indulge in his kinks too
So y'all gotta battle it out uwu
Personally, I'd love to fight him I'd fight him 24/7 everyday of the WeEk
Like his fucking laughs and taunts in w e a K just- mmf
So y'all did the fight and now y'all fucking
I stand by my opinion that he's not 100% human in that form so i do like to think he has a monster type dick
I will not be taking any criticisms
He's also got like a long tongue like dudes not human rn
let me have tHIs shuT UP
He's got electro too like,,,, you know sensual lil sparks?? Cute asf
His claws tho super big could easily break ur skin? YES HOT ASF
He's gonna be sooo fucking turned on honestly like he hasn't thought about something like this but he has been turned on when fighting before so this is right up his alley
No plot just me going ham
We like covered this before but i just want to put this here because we're making it official
But foul legacy has aggressive cum
It's harder to wash, much thicker and the load is so muuuch more
I wanna say it's less potent though? It's like some sort of armour-y like it's not meant to reproduce so it's cum has very little chance if at all of getting you pregenerant
You can absolutely drown in foul legacy's cum 1038% yes
If Childe's like in his prime in his best shape he'd be able to hold that form for a while so uwu he can go for rounds
And 1 round could drench you
Are we into stomach inflation? Cuz i am and i- neEd this shit AND the crotch tattoo
I also think the way he sounds so demonic while taunting you like if he dirty talked it'd really get me going like you can't tell you want to fuck foul legacy and say him humiliating you in his demonic voice doesn't turn you on
He'll prolly use light elemental reactions on you too like electro charge and maybe overload if we're feeling extra kinky✨
I also think it's a little harder to control himself in foul legacy? Because he's brain is going brrrr from the fight and he gets fired uP
Then i think his body has chemical reactions like adrenaline probably that makes him just g o
So expect to be completely obliterated because he can't stop thrusting when he feels how tiny you are, and you're practically screaming in pleasure and his cock
Him!!!!!!! Him using you literally like a cock sleeve on rougher sessions!!! Like he just holds you up with one claw and just fucks you hot shit hot shit
The aftercare is a little like slow though HAHAHA cuz Childe's just processing all the pleasure from before? He needs like 2 minutes
And you're fucked out of your mind cuz Holy fuck that was hot and you're practically immobilised from his giant dick tf
But ok hc his aggressiveness cum stays warm for a while like for a period of time and it doesn't dry out as fast so it's not icky when you're done?
Childe has to use his hydro to help clean you because a wipe down will not do it no
Gives you all the kisses after tho tells you how well you did and how much he loves you uwu
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buckyownsmylife · 4 years
Spencer Reid being assigned to a high class reader only to find out she’s exactly his type when he is forced to accompany him to a club?
Yay! A Spencer Reid request! Love you, Ash!
If you’re reading this, it means that headcanon Sunday has started! If you want me to write something, feel free to send me your idea! I’ll be writing headcanons all day!
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“The senator’s daughter is most likely going to be the next target, so we’ll need someone to accompany her for a few days,” Emily explained, eyes scanning the room for the best person to take care of the job.
“Spencer, she’s just your type. I think you’ll have fun playing babysitter for a while.”
Spencer groaned inwardly but nodded, already expecting this to be hell.
Looking over someone was already stressful, but when it came to high class young people, he’d come to expect the very worst
And the fact that Emily had joked about you being his “type” only worsened his already low expectations
When she warned him he’d have to accompany you out to the club tonight, he had THE worst kind of expectations then.
But when he got to the senator’s house, where you still lived, he barely had the time to meet you and confirm his suspicions before you had to leave.
“I don’t like being late,” you explained, coat already on, and ran out of the house in the direction of the car.
He was distinctly confused, because it was barely over 6pm, and what kind of clubbing experience starts at that time?
Then again, he wasn’t exactly the clubbing type, so he just followed along and prepared himself for a night of loud electro music and having to look out for your drunk ass
But first, he was surprised by how distinct and approachable you sounded while you tried to make conversation in the car
You didn’t treat him like he was inferior to you nor did you treat him like he was ruining your life by having to accompany you everywhere
In short, you were nowhere near spoiled and now he was confused
Especially since when the car stopped, you guys were still in a residential neighborhood
In his mind, Spencer was like “what kind of a club is that?”
But you were already at the door, being greeted by a woman much older than you.
The lady enveloped you in her arms and then came for him, like one of those scary aunts in teen movies
But before she could reach him, you stopped her with a hand on her elbow, playfully scolding her
“What did I tell you about touching people without permission? Not everyone is comfortable with that, Dolores.”
The woman laughed, but relented, introducing herself as the owner of the house before leading the way towards the living room
Where seven women sat
Each with their own copy of a book on their lap
And that’s when Spencer wanted to slap his own forehead
But instead of doing that, he excused himself to the balcony and gave Emily a call
“Why would you do that? You told me I’d need to accompany her to a club!”
It was obvious that she was trying to keep herself from laughing when she asked, “... Was I wrong?”
“Maybe not, but I’m going to shove you off the stairs next time I see you.”
“I wouldn’t do that if I were you… If you pay close attention to her, you’ll see that I wasn’t wrong?”
“About the club?”
“About her being your type. Swear to God, the woman launched into a rant about some very specific Victorian habit of drinking tea the first time I met her, it was like I was seeing you in a skirt.”
Spencer noticed you waiting by the door and said goodbye before Emily could do another thing to make him want to kill her
“Everything alright? It’s cold outside, I don’t think you’d stand here without your coat unless something pretty serious was  going on.” You asked, once more surprising him by just how caring you were
“Yes, I just needed to run some stuff by Emily. Can’t have anything happening to you. You can go back in, I’ll be there in a second.”
You smiled mischievously before answering, “Yes, sir” and throwing him a wink
And Spencer knew right then and there that he was screwed.
This took a different turn than we were expecting I guess, but I had so much fun writing it!
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