#love this electric guy dearly actually
voltrixz · 6 months
Transgender thoughts about electro tonight….
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evilminji · 2 months
Okay this is going to drive me INSANE. D:>
Dearly beloved, Phandom darlings...
I... I NEED to know. You don't UNDERSTAND!? Think about it. No, seriously. THINK about all those HIGHLY unrealistic, too good to be true, PERFECT looking meals. Animated shows n games etc where there are chefs who will "cook for Anybody!"
Now think about being 14 going 20. A teenager. A broke college student. Your fridge is empty and everything you touch? Comes back to LIFE. You're... you're just so hungry. Tired. Your bruises have bruises and you have a paper due tomorrow.
I kinda want to CRY.
Can only eat cup ramen so many times before you DO.
And this show? That commercial? Yonder cooking game?? Well... they did a REAL good job animating it. It looks so WARM. So FILLING and COMFORTING. You can practically SMELL it.
You look down at your sad, soggy, cheap but you can afford it, EZ Noodles and? Feel something BREAK inside. You... you KNOW you can travel inside technology. KNOW this. Have done it before. Why... why AREN'T you? You can't keep living like this.
You gotta TRY, right?
I? Wanna believe it TOTALLY works?? Because Ectoplasm is weird like that? And just shrugs? Says "actual food, the concept of food backed by electricity, what's the difference? Sure, we can fuck with this"? And so Danny? IMMEDIATELY fucking switches his diet.
Like? Dead stop screech, slam on the breaks, u-turn to take that last off-ramp. Type IMMEDIATE.
Grocery bill? No, no, you mistake him! No. NOW it's his "carefully researched for their cooking, games and shows" bill. Touch his collection and he'll FUCKING BITE.
They got sticky notes on the cases. Menus n lil fold out "grocery store" locations. He punched a dragon for this fruit. Mmmmm, home cooked meeeeeals~
Just? Weird Foodie Danny. Yes he DOES know what those steaks taste like. While YOU fuckers were staring at the cat girls bizangas, HE was eating granny cat lady's home made meatball stew! Ha! YOU FOOLS!
More then that? I want him to write reviews. Like "yeah, fight system was OKAY but- *5 hour glowing rant about the food, sounding like a food critic who'd actually fucking gone and loved it* " and people are like?? Who? Is this funky lil madman? This is hilarious?
I want it to be DPxDC JUST? So everyone slowly starts to play the game "Meta or Shtick?" Because no one REALLY knows who he is. This dude gets POPULAR though. For some reason can't be hacked (shame on you guys! Way to try and ruin the FUN!). And like? Eventually? Someone just fucking ASKS?
And Danny is like... " wouldn't YOU like to know, weatherboy?"
So everyone is like:
But hey... since they're already ASSUMING~? >:3c WHOOOOO wants to help him PAY RENT~? Let's VLOG this fucker! Wooooo! Say "hi" Catchef! *feline noises* like? It's like a let's play combined with a mukbang.
Teen Heros everywhere are FACINATED. Game developers are suddenly like? "If there's food. You BETTER make it look amazing. We want that weird YouTube twink to... whatever his powers are, our game! Free viral marketing!" Food channels? Rending their clothes, on their KNEES, please! PLEASE! Just ANSWER OUR EMAIL! Just ONE SHOW! A one off! Guest appearance!
We have MONEY!!!
All while Danny? Is finally happy with his life. Weird as hell. Harrasing the world. Good food on the regular. Gets to travel, kinda. Best of all? He's raising money from it! Can help people! Now... who wants salad?
@babbling-babull @hdgnj @hypewinter @legitimatesatanspawn @spidori @dcxdpdabbles @the-witchhunter @lolottes
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pickingupmymercedes · 5 months
Your future was Ferrari - Part 1/?
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Part 2
summary: She was finally making her dreams come true, but as the old saying goes "when it rains, it pours" and maybe the nudge Charles gave her might get her somewhere she would never find on her own.
pairing: Lewis Hamilton x Reader!
warnings: mild mature content, alchool consumption, mentions of sexual activies
Also, wrap it before you tap it
wordcount: +3K
a/n: It's my birthday!!! So, naturally you guys get something as a gift. This is my first ever series, and gosh, it's so hard to coordinate it. Also huge thanks to @mysticworks for the plot, I'm gonna milk this one.
As always, I'm open for feedback, come say hi!
The fireworks in the Abu Dhabi night sky painted the picture as the 2023 Formula 1 season came to an end. The Yas Marina Circuit buzzed with activity as teams packed up and exchanged congratulations and goodbyes. Amidst the hustle and bustle, the end-of-season official celebration promised a night to celebrate the ending and the beginnings of cycles.
As you stood at the entrance to the lavish venue, your heart pounded with excitement and nerves. You tried smoothing down your pants but the wrinkles kept showing up, almost as if to annoy you, a touch of nervousness fluttering in your stomach as you whispered to yourself, “I do not belong in this type of party.” But this wasn't just any celebration; it was the culmination of a year's hard work and dedication. And tonight, you had an added reason to celebrate – you were finally moving to Ferrari, after years of dedication, fulfilling yours and your father’s dream in the red team.
Stepping foot in the main event’s room, your eyes scanned the crowd, searching for a familiar face. Just when you started having second guesses, you saw him – Charles Leclerc, an old friend and colleague from your days at Alpha Romeo. A smile spread across your face as his eyes met yours in the crowd and he motioned for you to come closer.
"Charles!" your voice filled with warmth and a hint of relief at finding someone familiar.
“You made it!" He answered, pulling you into a tight hug. "I knew you wouldn't miss this."
You laughed, now finally breathing in a bit calmer. "Wouldn't miss it for the world."
As you made your way into the party, Charles filled you in with stories from the season and introduced you to everyone he could find dressed in red. The atmosphere was electric, filled with laughter, music, and the clinking of glasses.
A few drinks in, Charles grinned mischievously at you. "I dare you to go and hit on Lewis."
Your eyes widened in surprise. "You must be joking?" Charles grin only widening. "Come on, it'll be fun, you’ve had the biggest crush on him since forever, give it a go!"
You were high, so incredibly high at that point, much like everyone else in that club. But one very clear thought took over: Lewis didn’t know you and besides, what was the worst it could happen, a rejection?!
So, taking a deep breath and fueling a mix of “screw it” and liquid courage, you approached Lewis Hamilton, a god to the sport you loved so dearly.
"Hi, are you really a race car driver? You’ve been driving me crazy all night" you said, extending your hand with a playful smile.
"Okay, that was actually a good one. I'm Lewis," he replied, handing out his hand for you to shake with a smile that made your heart skip a beat.
“Was it?” You bursted with laughter, clearly amazed he was actually charmed by your cheesy pickup line.
“That, and you’re really hot, miss…?” His intense gaze on you as his hands reached to touch your waist just so slightly, almost as if asking for your name was actually him asking for permission to touch you.
“Oh right, I’m y/n”
“Would you give me the honor of dancing with you?”
“Can’t really say no to a sir, can I?!” the playfull banter you intended igniting something is his eyes that you almost didn’t catch, but that changed the relaxed energy between you two.
As you danced with and around Lewis, you two continued to charm each other, the connection between you undeniable, and the chemistry palpable, but still, only touches were really there. You were hyper aware of his hands dancing across your body but not once did he motioned to bring his lips anywhere near you.
In those hours you never once talked about Formula 1, notreally interested in that part of him anyway, you wanted to get to know the person behind all the success, not the figure the world got to see weekend in and out.
“I need to go in a few minutes, but hm... would you like to go on a date with me, tomorrow afternoon? I promise to surprise you” His question caught you by surprise, he didn’t really show any interest in seeing you privately, at least not in the way you thought he would, but the gleam in his big dark eyes made it impossible for you to deny him.
“I’d love to” You moved to get your phone so he could put his number but he stopped dead “I don’t do phone number, love. Let me get you to your hotel tonight, I’ll be sure to pick you tomorrow”
You hesitated for a moment, secrecy a huge red flag for you, but then again, it wasn’t anyone, it was Lewis and he had every reason under the sun to be like that.
So, you got into the Mercedes waiting for him at the back entrance, his friends in a different car already heading to their own hotel, just you, him and the crazy tension that could be cut with a knife between the two of you.
“Be ready by 16:00, wear something light.”
“Where are you taking me, Lewis?”
“I do hope you’re just as courageous as you were approaching me today” And with that he left a soft kiss to your temple before you could even think about an answer. Getting out of car without really understanding where you had gotten yourself into.
The anticipation was palpable as you waited in the lobby of your hotel. Your heart raced with a blend of excitement and nervous energy, each passing second amplifying your anticipation. The surroundings of the hotel lobby seemed oddly out of place with the adventure that Lewis had promised you. The juxtaposition was not lost on you – here you were, waiting to be picked up by a global superstar, for an adventure you knew nothing about in a fancy lobby of a hotel in Abu Dhabi.
When Lewis pulled up, driving himself, clad in shorts and a t-shirt, the surreal nature of the situation hit you even harder. The sight of him, so casually dressed and behind the wheel, added a layer of authenticity that momentarily caught you off guard. This wasn't the man the world knew; this was Lewis, the person, taking a genuine interest in sharing an adventure with you.
"Hey, ready for this?" Lewis greeted you with a warm smile as you climbed into the car.
"Still don’t know what for, but let’s do this" you replied, trying to mask your excitement with casual ease, earning a chuckle from him.
As Lewis maneuvered through the streets, he made small talk in an attempt to break the mounting tension. His easygoing demeanor and genuine interest in getting to know you better were both disarming and endearing. You found yourself gradually relaxing, the initial awkwardness dissipating with each passing moment.
"So, have you ever done anything like this before?" Lewis asked, casting a sideways glance at you.
"Getting into a date I know nothing about, with a dude that could be potently trying to kidnap me?! Nah, this will be my first time" you mused, seeing how his features lightened the more you opened up.
A thoughtful pause followed before Lewis blurted out "I thought skydiving would be fun."
Your heart leapt with joy at his words. The exhilaration you had been feeling was now tinged with elation. Skydiving had always been on your bucket list, a dream you had yet to fulfill. And here was Lewis, suggesting it as if he had read your mind.
"No way? I've always wanted to try skydiving!" you exclaimed, unable to contain your excitement any longer.
Lewis grinned, his eyes sparkling with a mix of mischief, excitement and relief "Well then, today's your lucky day."
Upon arriving at the skydiving center, the adrenaline was palpable. The vibrant energy of the place was contagious, and the sight of the vast blue sky served as a stark reminder of the adventure that lay ahead. Lewis led you towards the instructor who would guide you through the process.
"Alright, let's get you geared up," the instructor began, laying out the parachute and harness. He proceeded to give you a detailed briefing on safety protocols and what to expect during the jump. As the instructor demonstrated the proper techniques and emphasized safety precautions, you couldn't help but feel nervousness. Lewis, ever attentive, kept casting side glances your way, his eyes filled with concern and curiosity.
Just before gearing up, Lewis pulled you aside, his gaze locking onto yours. "Are you okay with this? Are you still excited?" his genuine concern evident in his voice. However, you couldn't contain your excitement, a wide grin spreading across your face as you reassured him "Absolutely! I can't wait!"
Lewis smiled; his relief palpable. "Alright, let's do this." With a final check of the equipment and a nod of approval from the instructor, you and Lewis found yourselves boarding the plane. The anticipation built with each passing moment as the plane ascended, the ground below becoming increasingly distant.
As you reached the desired altitude the plane's door opened, revealing the vast expanse of the sky below. The rush of wind and the sheer height were both exhilarating and intimidating. Locked in tandem with your instructor and Lewis paired with his, you prepared to take the leap. And then the world around you turned into a blur of colors and sensations. The initial rush was overwhelming, but as you acclimated to the sensation of freefalling, a profound realization began to form in the back of your mind.
Upon landing safely back on solid ground, a brief silence enveloped you. The gravity of the experience left you momentarily speechless, lost in thought. Noticing your quiet demeanor, Lewis approached you, his concern evident. "Did you enjoy it?" he asked softly.
"It was... intense. I'm still processing it." You hesitated, trying to find the right words. Lewis nodded, sensing there was more you weren't sharing. "Is everything okay? You seem a bit lost in thought."
At first, you brushed off his concern with a simple, "It's nothing." But Lewis, ever perceptive, gently pressed on as you got back to the car, his hands reaching for yours encouraging you to open up. Taking a deep breath, you finally confessed, "The jump made me question how little humankind really was, how vast and boundless the world truly is."
A smile spread across Lewis's face, his features almost successfully hiding the happiness that you had gotten the point he tried to show everyone "It has a way of putting things into perspective, doesn't it?"
The drive back to your hotel was quiet, the tension palpable in the confined space of the car. The city lights began to paint fleeting shadows across Lewis's face as the sun dipped below the horizon, casting a warm, golden glow. His tattooed hands gripped the steering wheel tightly, his focus split between the road ahead and fleeting glances in your direction.
"Would you like to grab something to eat? I don't want to let you go just yet," Lewis ventured, his voice laced with a subtle reluctance, yet an underlying desire.
Your eyes met his, a playful glint shimmering in your gaze as you assessed the situation. His profile, illuminated by the soft dashboard light, was a stark reminder of his reputation and allure.
"Sure, where to, then?" you replied, your voice light and teasing, yet laced with a hint of challenge.
Lewis chuckled, his lips curling into a knowing smile, the glint in his eyes intensifying. "It’s gonna sound so pretentious, but my hotel has this amazing pasta."
A soft laugh escaped your lips as you leaned back, the thrill of the moment coursing through your veins. Of course, that's where the evening was headed. He was Lewis Hamilton, after all, a man known for his lavish tastes and adventurous spirit. You'd heard the stories, the tales of his countless escapades and magnetic allure. You were just another name on his list, a fleeting encounter in the grand tapestry of his life.
Yet, as the playful banter continued, a sense of pride and daring took hold. If you were destined to be just a footnote in his story, why not make it memorable? Why not enjoy the moment and embrace the excitement?
"It sounds as indulgent as you think, but I'd love to spend a bit more time with you," you replied, your voice dripping with playful mischief. Your fingers reached out, brushing against his hand that rested on the console between you, feeling the warmth and strength of his grip, a silent acknowledgment of the mutual attraction and intrigue that simmered beneath the surface.
As Lewis parked the car and led you towards his suite, the atmosphere was thick with anticipation. The soft lighting and luxurious rooms added to the intensity of the moment, casting a romantic glow that heightened your senses.
Once in his suite, Lewis turned to face you, his eyes searching yours with a mix of desire and uncertainty. "Are you sure about this?" he asked, his voice low and husky. "I want to make sure you're comfortable."
Your heart raced as you met his gaze, captivated by the sincerity and respect in his eyes. Despite the playful banter, daring adventure and certainty you held that you were a hook up, Lewis's concern for your well-being was there and it shocked you for a bit.
With a shy smile, you nodded, your voice steady yet filled with anticipation. "Yes, I'm sure," you replied, your words also echoing the desire you felt. The tension was palpable as Lewis leaned in, closing the distance between you. The world around fading as his lips met yours. His hands found their way to your waist, pulling you closer so you could really feel him.
The sensation of his lips against yours sent shivers down your spine, the chemistry between you undeniable. The intensity of the kiss deepened, the boundaries between playful banter and genuine connection blurring as you both surrendered to whatever it was that made him so incredibly irresistible.
As you both pulled apart, catching your breath from the intensity of the moment, a playful smirk crossed your lips, a thought crossing your mind.
"Do you have a condom?" you asked, your voice filled with anticipation. Lewis's eyes widened slightly at your forwardness, a hint of surprise flashing across his face before a confident grin replaced it. Without a word, he reached for his pack on his backpack, pulling out a condom and holding it up for you to see.
"Of course, you'd have packs with you," you mused, your voice dripping with playful mischief and a hint of mistrust. The allure of the moment, the intensity of the connection, and the thrill of the unexpected encounter had led you both to this point, and you, for sure, wouldn’t turn back now.
Before you could say another word, Lewis silenced you with another passionate kiss, the intensity of the moment deepening as he pulled you close. His hands found their way to your waist, lifting you effortlessly and carrying you towards the bed. The soft fabric of the sheets beneath you, the warmth of Lewis's embrace, and the intimacy of the moment combined to create a sense desire that was intoxicating.
He was going to be yours, if only for one night. And in that moment, there was nothing more you could wish for.
As the first light of dawn hit the curtains, the sound of running water from the shower echoed in the room. The luxurious suite was bathed in a soft glow, the remnants of past night still lingering in the air. You stirred from your sleep, the sheets tangled around you, Lewis's scent lingering on every fabric, surface and memory. The night before played in your mind, a mix of passion, connection, and lust that had led to a whirlwind of emotions.
With a sigh, you sat up, the reality of the situation settling in. You knew that this was a fling, a one-night stand. Despite the intensity and allure of the shared moments, you were aware of the nature of what had happened.
Gathering your belongings quietly, you moved with ease, ensuring that nothing was left behind. The weight of the morning, filled with the silence and anticipation of how you were about to leave, added to the bittersweet nature of the encounter.
As you slipped out of the room, the sound of the shower continued, the steam and warmth of the bathroom contrasting with the cool, early morning air. The suite was filled with what if’s and wishes, mostly yours, mainly yours. The thrown-out pieces of clothing a reminder of something you were meant to never see again.
With a final glance back, you stepped out into the hallway, the memories of the shared moments and the intensity of the connection lingering in your mind as you closed the door behind you. You brushed those feelings aside though, telling yourself that this was for the best. You had to protect your heart, guard against any attachment. After all, Lewis Hamilton was Lewis Hamilton, a superstar in the world of Formula 1. And you were just an engineer, living out your dream but still feeling out of your league.
Surely, it meant nothing for Lewis and you would probably never see him again. Your future was at Ferrari, somewhere he would never step foot in.
Or would he?!
TAGLIST - @saturnssunflower @xoscar03 @chocolatediplomatdreamerzonk @happy-golden-hour
If you’d like to be added to my taglist you can leave a comment or send me a dm/ask.
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fleur-a-whump · 2 months
Overloaded (#2)
late night sparks
guys guess what!! little villain guy has a name!! it’s Jasper and we love him dearly. also team leader’s got a name too, it’s Miguel, but we don’t really care about him because he’s a bitch. plus new character reveal: Chase, a teammate. he is also, unsurprisingly, a bitch.
Content: ex-villain whumpee, hero/leader whumper, manipulative whumper, collars, electrocution (for realsies this time), implied referenced abuse of a minor, referenced bullying, bad team dynamics, adult language
in which Miguel gets worse. takes place probably a few months after "preventative measures"
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Jasper's back was sore. And his arms. And his everything.
He sat kneeling on the kitchen floor, determinately ignoring the pins and needles that pricked at his calves. He couldn't stop, couldn't take a break till the floor was spotless. Chase had once again threatened some mixture of violence and telling on him to Miguel for insubordination if he didn't do the man's chores. 
Big man-child, Jasper thought bitterly.
So, here he was, scrubbing well past midnight, after having spent the day straining his powers in the lab and doing his own chores. 
Jasper sat back to indulge a long, dramatic yawn. He nearly jumps out of his skin when an impatient ahem cuts through the previously dead silent kitchen. His bleary eyes take several long moments to focus on Miguel, leaning against the doorway. The hero would look casual if it weren’t for the peeved look on his face. Jasper’s stomach does a somersault.
Sheepish, Jasper drawls, “Heyyy, Miguel…”
Miguel is not amused. “What the fuck are you doing out here,” he snaps.
Jasper squeezes his hands into fists to quell the tremors. He stutters, “J-just cleaning.”
The villain can hardly finish the statement before the unsettling and painful electricity of the collar arcs through him. His muscles seize and ache and burn and it feels like death and he can't breathe—
Just as quickly as it began, the electricity stops. He gasps and collapses to the side, just barely able to catch himself on his forearm. Small, choked-off whimpers escape him as he tries to catch his breath and keep his volume to a minimum. His father never liked to hear him whine.
Jasper continues to shudder as his powers go haywire. The typically comforting restless skittering of his own electricity under his skin now burns as it travels across the newly fried neurons. More than that, it feels wrong for such a core part of his being to cause him pain. The feeling is everywhere, from the tip of his nose to his toes, and it is everything. Little sparks and crackles of energy fly from his shaking hands as it becomes too painful to completely contain his powers. Simply existing—not to mention actually using his powers—will be painful while his body tries to recover from the unnaturally strong current, engineered just for him.
As his body gradually backs down from its state of panic, ire at the punishment surges within him. The hero didn’t even let him explain. It was Chase who ordered him to do his chores; ordered him to not leave this room until it was spotless.
“I was just following orders!” he bursts.
Oh shit.
A quick glance at Miguel and his quirked eyebrow lets him know just how badly he just fucked up. And even if it didn't, the second burst of electricity from the collar definitely spells it out for him.
A guttural groan escapes his clenched teeth as he feels the current worm its way through his neurons, igniting them. The burning, all-encompassing pain is all he knows. Spots cloud his vision. Seconds feel like minutes, feel like hours, feel like eternity, until he wonders if that's all he'll ever feel. Nothing but the gut-wrenching pain of his greatest gift, so deeply intertwined with his being, turned against him and ripping him apart from the inside out. 
And then, it stops.
Jasper’s body fully gives out this time, his chin bouncing off the tile and teeth clacking painfully. He's a pitiful mess of useless limbs. His muscles feel like jelly and yet are still forced to endure the waves of aftershock, twitching and spasming irregularly. Each movement is agony.
He gulps oxygen, having still been out of breath from the first shock. He can hardly hear his own moans and whimpers bouncing around the kitchen with each breath over the ringing in his ears, and he has zero energy to control them this time.
A hand lands on his shoulder, and he can't help the delayed but violent flinch that ripples through him. But the hand is soft, gentle, as it pulls him to lie on his back. It guides his hand to rest on someone's chest, to follow as it rises and falls rhythmically. He latches onto it, using it as a guide to breathe and bring himself back to reality. Another hand gently cards through his loose curls as he works to steady his breathing and his vision clears. If he eagerly leans into the gentle touch, well, he can blame it on his delirious state.
When Miguel's face finally comes into focus above him, a shiver runs through him, and he averts his gaze. He'll blame that on his still-spasming muscles.
Miguel’s soft voice calls for his attention again. He focuses back on his leader’s face, haloed above him by the bright kitchen lights.
“There you are. You're alright, it's okay,” he soothes.
The hero lets Jasper relish the contact a moment longer before gently returning his hand to his own chest.
Jasper swallows the whimper at the loss.
Miguel lets out a long-suffering sigh. It gives Jasper whiplash how suddenly the familiar weight of anxiety settles back in his chest.
“I don't like doing that, man. You know better than to be in the common areas after your curfew, and you definitely know better than to talk back, bud. I don't wanna have to punish you, but the rules are rules for a reason. Yeah, they're to protect the team, but they're also to protect you. What if you'd had another episode with your powers?”
He decidedly doesn’t think about the ‘episodes’ Miguel is referring to. Still, the disappointment in his savior's voice hurt almost as much as the electricity. His eyes flood with tears as guilt settles like a rock in his stomach. The hero was right. He knew the rules, and he agreed to them. Anything to stay. Anything to be good.
His voice breaks, small and shaky, as he says, “I-I'm really s-sorry, Mig-guel.”
The villain’s not one hundred percent sure what exactly he's sorry for, but, fuck, is he sorry.
“Okay, that's alright, don't cry. I think you've learned your lesson. You're fine.” 
The words should be comforting. The edge to his tone, however, is not. Jasper blinks hard to clear the tears, not wanting to annoy him. That was another thing his father didn't like.
Miguel brings him back to the present, asking, “Why are you cleaning the floor anyways? That's not on your list for this week.”
Jasper swallows hard past the lump still in his throat. He’s afraid of what Chase will do to him if he tells Miguel and Miguel decides he doesn’t like that. However, he’s more “Chase s-said I should be busy all the t-time to k-keep me out of trouble…”
Miguel hums in thought, ever casual as Jasper trembles on the floor below of him. 
“I actually like that idea. We wouldn't want you getting bored. You'd be helping the team out a lot too, taking some work off our plates so we can train more. I'll work on the new chore schedule in the morning.”
Jasper bit his lip. He could read between the lines.
“A-and, my training?”
“We can reduce it some,” Miguel says, thoughtful. “I know you've been struggling to keep up.”
He makes it sound like a kindness, voice full of sympathy. No matter how gentle the tone, Jasper has to blink the tears from his eyes again. He knew he wasn't the strongest or the most capable, but that was the point of training. He'd never be good enough to redeem himself without the chance to train.
Miguel sighs again and stands. He suddenly reaches towards him. Jasper has to carefully control the urge to flinch, not knowing what to expect from the movement. He never knows what to expect.
Miguel simply holds it out towards him, however, expectantly. It takes Jasper a moment to realize he's trying to help him up. He takes the hand after that moment's hesitation and wavers on unsteady feet as the blood finally rushes back into his legs. He blinks spots from his vision, gripping Miguel for dear life until he's sure he's not going to pass out.
The hero gives him an easy smile, clapping a hand on his shoulder just a bit too hard. He nudges him in the direction of the bedrooms.
“You look tired, man. I think it's time for bed,” he all but coos.
It sounds like a caring gesture, or at the very least a joke. Jasper knows it's an order.
He dutifully mumbles, “Goodnight,” before making his way to the door slowly. He knows he probably looks like a newborn fawn as his jittery body tries to carry him to his bed.
“And Jasper?”
A slight jolt of anxiety stops him as he turns back to his leader.
“If I catch you out past curfew again, we're going to have an issue worth more than a little jolt, understand?”
“Yes, sir,” the villain says, too tired to bite back the honorific once totally engrained in him.
He doesn't notice the way Miguel preens at the submission.
“Attaboy, Jasper. Goodnight.”
The praise rings hollow after the night's events, but as he makes his way back to his room, dead on his feet, he allows the praise to warm him. 
He'll take what he can get.
jasper doesn't deserve this :( but he will get more >:)
tags!! lmk if you wanna be added (or removed, I added some extra people)!!
@sergeant-jasper (yo i didn't even realize lol)
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soaked-ghost · 1 month
Please....talk more about objectum ink... I'm interested..
projecting really really hard but I think not only do they personalize objects and talk to them and has a different and complex relationship to each of their plushies, figurines, and object that he has a history with.
but also has a thing for big hulking machinery, or things like radio towers and electric polls and the like
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this is probably the coolest thing for ink. he wants to be tangled in those wires SO BAD. number on guy in the hugging computers competition.
I think he sees something 'holy' in machines, which makes sense, cuz I have this hc in my head that creators are interlinked with machinery and computers and such. but also I think if he keeps thinking about his toaster too hard he would start wanting it.
speaking of which, did u guys remember his little radio? that he hears the creators with? his relationship to that radio makes me go crazy.
that radio is the personification of the very beings he loves dearly. it is the most normal everyday object there is, yet it speaks his gods' words, that object is an actual holy artifact to him.
but it is also the very personification of the extremely unbalanced power imbalance between ink and the creators, as the radio is a one way communication line that only transmets what the creators say and not ink's, showing how little ink matters for his words to not even reach the creators. yet he doesn't see that, cuz that radio is everything to him. and he wants it so bad.
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eekshade · 10 months
Dating Barty
Barty Crouch Jr x m!reader
Warnings/Info: headcanon format, i made this for his (fake hc) birthday on Oct 27th, bartylus besties, internalized homophobia, not much else I think
- the two of you are in separate friend groups so you don't talk much until slughorn places you two in a group together
- he is a little mean at the start, soft teasing mostly but if you match is energy then hes immediately smitten, although he doesn't realize it
- the two of you start talking in passing more, small smiles as you pass by, hi's when you linger near eachother
- he asks if you want to study with him
- those little study sessions quickly become routine
- he starts to realize his own feelings
- it takes him a little while to warm up to the thought of liking a guy
- he has such a hard time on your study dates, he doesn’t learn anything so when he gets back to his room he has to re go over everything
- he invites you to hang out with and his friends in hogsmade
- you have to gain regulus's approval before he asks you out for real (he usually doesn't care, but this feels more...feelings)
- regulus is a little uncomfortable that a person he doesn't know is with them, but quickly warms up when you bond over one of his interests (reading, painting, quidditch, etc.)
- after you part ways barty is trying to nonchalantly ask what they thought of you
"I didn't mind him, he's got good taste in [shared interest] at least." -reg
"Yeah, seems like a nice enough guy lol." -evan
- they tease him a bit over this whole thing but he ignores them by walking faster
"You can't hide from your fweelings Barty!" -evan
- hes a nervous reck totally calm getting ready for your guys' (hopefully) last platonic study date
- he dispite his nervous behavior, he's actually quite confident, having watched your mannerisms around him
- he wasted no time asking when you met up
- he said it so calmly you had to do a double take
- you agree of course
- now onto the acual dating!!
- it takes him a while to open up about his family life, you knew it wasn't good for a while because of his jokes about it
- the first time he cried in front of you was when he was trying to explain his family dynamic
- and how because of that he doesn't know what a real relationship looks like, and he doesn't want to disappoint you
- he apologizes when he's done, he isn't use to crying in front of others
- the two of you continue your study dates but they now are in a dorm intead of the library
- they are now mostly barty kissing you all over your face and neck, to make up for all the times he wasn't able to because of him denying his feelings
"Come on focus, the test is on friday."
"Uhh I hink I'll pass." he laches onto where your shoulders and neck connect
"What happened? You used to study all the time."
"I was just doing that to be close to you, now I can be closer" he mumbles into you
- he taught himself how to play the guitar, and loves to practice while you study
- as said prior he knows how to play the guitar, and he really wants to learn the electric guitar but hasn't been able to buy one
- get him one for his birthday/the holidays/just because, he'll try and play it cool but he's actually crying inside
- he always calls reg a nerd for reading so much (and you if you read), but he secretly loves horror books
- cuddle with him while he reads and he'll melt completely
- speaking of cuddling, he switches the positions every night
- he trys to be big spoon to try and be more "masculine"
- but if you force him to be the little spoon once, he is never going back
- he loves you dearly but opts to have a private relationship
- only your and his inner circles knowing about it
- I don't know how to end this lmao
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femmepire-butchbiter · 2 months
Realizing I'm a lesbian feels so similar to coming to terms with my autism as an adult, in the sense that I keep having realizations, and they strike me like lightning.
I was watching a video game clip (completely unrelated) when I realized that I've kissed all of two men in a consistent and romantic way, and neither time was anywhere near as electric as when I'd kissed girls in the past.
I remember my first kiss with my then girlfriend, current friend. I remember how it felt, the way her face was in my hands, how warm her skin was. How badly I wanted to touch her, just in general. How it felt like I was going to pass out, but I was so enamored that I made myself push through the feeling. I remember sitting on her bed, sitting under trees in autumn, outside on the grass on cool nights just... Kissing. It was electricity in my blood, fire in my throat. I could write forever about it.
But.. I never really felt that way with guys. I remember a boy I dated in middle school, and how i loathed how he kissed me. It was invasive and awkward and he?? Tasted weird?? My second boyfriend, after I was much older- well the thing is he's actually my best friend. But that was the problem 😭 it felt like pecking a friend, like kissing but platonic. He's a wonderful man, and I love him dearly, but quite frankly I don't think I'd get the feeling from kissing him I seek. And we'll, I don't wanna kiss him anyhow cos he's a man :P.
I guess what I'm saying here is, lesbian attraction has always been playing so aggressively in the backdrop of my memories, and it keeps coming to me in waves. I'll be honest, it's a little hard to accept at times. It reframes so much of who I am, so much of what I've endured. And especially as someone who is frightened by big and sudden change, that scares me. Understanding myself more and more is scary sometimes. But I've been through waves of self discovery before, and I'm not going to run from it. I know good and well that it's for the best, just like with accepting my autism. I just need to take my time.
But uh, yeah! To be fair, I am also watching "But I'm A Cheerleader" right now, and it's kinda giving me stuff to think about.
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jiminiecrickets · 11 months
Seven days a week couple drabble where oc is out with jk and they see jk's ex boyfriend and oc make out with jk to make his ex jealous ?
sfw. kinda abrupt ending sorry lol
jungkook crashes into your chest with a squeak and a massive sigh of relief. he grabs you by the shoulders – his can of coca cola seems to have vanished.
"ah, baby, i've been looking for you everywhere! come, come."
you let yourself be dragged after him, away from the club's bar. you'd been using it as a central landmark to find jungkook. "o-okay."
he pauses just by the neon-lit dance floor, turning to you. he places his hands on your chest and nibbles on his lower lip. the heavy electric music pounds in your bones. "i should probably tell you what i'm thinking."
"that'd be nice, yes. you disappeared quite suddenly."
"okay, well, you know my ex? the american boy?"
"uh, yeah...? where are you going with this?"
"he's here. tonight."
you blink down at him, mouth opening and closing like a fish out of water. he gnaws on his lower lip, fidgeting with the edge of his jacket and watching you anxiously for a response.
eventually, you find your voice. "well, okay, that puts a damper on things. would you like to leave?"
"no, no. i don't wanna ruin our night just 'cause of one guy. instead, i was thinking we could maybe say hi... or hi."
you get what he's hinting at immediately. your eyes narrow and you place your hands on your hips. "i'm seriously just a piece of meat to you? i'm only your trophy boyfriend and eye-candy when you want to make someone jealous, but to all your friends, you're constantly greeting them with the most embarrassing stories about me?"
jungkook's eyes widen to the size of saucers and he waves his hands frantically. "what? no! they're not the most embarrassing ones. a-anyway, my love language is actually bullying people, so you should be grateful that i'm mean to you. it just means i love you a lot."
"oh, thank you so dearly for not using the worst ones. much appreciated." you can't keep up the drama any longer and the act drops with a soft huff of laughter. "so, you're feeling petty, huh?"
"yeah." he hides his grin by nibbling on his thumbnail, placed between his front teeth. gently, you pull his hand down, and he hums, swinging your hands together and pressing closer. "please? for me? i'll do something real nice for you if you do..."
"this is bribery," you murmur against his lips. "mmh..."
"is it?" he ghosts his lips over your jawline, sucking gently over your pulse. it makes your breath hitch. slowly, he guides you in his ex's direction, pulling on your hands and sticking close to the walls. you don't actually know what the guy looks like, but you trust jungkook to know where he's going.
"red shirt, black jeans," he whispers into your ear. "to your left."
you spot the guy he's referencing facing your direction, chatting with a couple of friends with a drink in his hand. you tuck your face into jungkook's neck as he positions the both of you just perfectly in his line of sight, tugging you in by your collar until his back hits the wall.
he moans softly as your lips trail over his neck and collar. "oh, he's already looking. lift me up."
you comply, hooking your hands beneath his perfect thighs and hoisting him against the wall with ease. he makes it easy, knowing where to shift his weight towards yours and how to cling to you without looking like he's trying too hard.
"hey, this is nice," you chuckle, hefting him even higher so that your face is level with his chest, rising and falling rapidly. "why don't we do this more often?"
he scoffs and blushes, glad that it's dark. "my eyes are up here."
he tightens his legs around you and lowers his lips to yours, humming as he wraps his arms around your shoulders. it's hot, electric, your breaths hot and sweet with fruity alcohol.
"he's looking. oh, god, he's looking," he whispers, hungrily moulding your lips together once again. you don't know how much of it is an act anymore. "this is so much more fun than i thought it would be. kiss me harder, hyung."
"as you wish," you reply with a grin, and kiss him until he's so full of love that bitterness has no more space to breathe.
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hazbinsillynight · 5 months
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This might sound strange, but a prompt I can't stop thinking about is comparing hand sizes between characters. It's intimate, but not too sexual. But which Hazbin Hotel characters would this prompt actually work for?
It's not strange at all! It was a very cute idea and I had fun writing it! I was not sure who to take for that because at first I was going for Husk and Angel, then it was Valentino and Vox. Like you can see I brought Alastor in the game ^^'
So here it is! It's a bit short but I hope you'll like it ^^
A special thanks to the friend who helped me to correct my mistake with grammar.
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Listening to the fire crackling, Vox was simply enjoying the calm and cozy moment he and Alastor were sharing. They just came back from a little walk and Alastor, like the powerful Overlord he was, had been challenged for his position. They had already spent a few months together since Alastor found him in the street and Vox was still wondering how the red demon could be so used to it. 
It’s a part of the fame, he told him once. Yeah, well, Vox was glad he hadn’t had guys like this on his ass while he was still human. He would have fallen way sooner. It was still weird for him to see the infernal realm. He had never been a believer and he got quite a shock when he first woke up with a TV for a head that famous day.
His appearance was weird. It felt weird. Not just the TV head but every part of him. He may have looked human but his insides were made of flesh. His veins were just small wires, while his organs were mainly electronical. He brought energy and electricity to Hell when he woke up and he could feel this reminder in him every single day. The only thing that felt human on him was his skin and even that was covered with a few blue lights. 
“You’ve been quiet for a moment, my friend.” A static voice said from the kitchen before Alastor passed his head over the door to check on Vox. “Is something weighing on that silly head of yours?” He asked, chuckling a bit, amused by his own pun.
 “No no…I’m just thinking.” Vox said vaguely as he was looking at his hands and how big they seemed with the sharp claws on them. Seriously, the claws were two-thirds of his fingers. Even in the animal world, there wasn’t anything like this! It literally made no sense. 
“You’re thinking about it too much,” Alastor said as if he was reading in his mind. He couldn’t, right? Vox was never sure about anything linked to Alastor’s magic with how powerful he was.
 “Probably yeah…It’s just still so strange for me.” 
Alastor hummed as he got closer to Vox, sitting next to him near the fireplace. He took one of Vox’s hands carefully and put his own against it. He smiled as he felt the electricity that was running inside Vox’s veins. It was roaming right under his skin. 
The blue claws were tapping the top of his fingers, touching his own claws. The red and the blue were dancing together. Vox looked at them, frowning a bit. Alastor had claws too but his hands looked normal. Just a bit more pointy and bicolored. He loved Alastor’s hands, not as much as his smile, but still. They were beautiful. The black and the red had always fit him well. 
“Well, this looks perfect to me.” The red demon said with a charming smile as his fingers intertwined with Vox’s.
 “Perfect?” Vox repeated, clearly not seeing what could be perfect with his hands, since he’d fallen. Perhaps Alastor found them nice because of how sharp they were. A divine tool for any predator. He, however, couldn’t see the charm. 
Alastor smiled softly, a bit amused, and then drew Vox’s hands up to his face. He started kissing them dearly like they were something precious he cared so much about. His own fingers were rubbing them as he looked up at Vox who was blushing. 
“Yes. Perfect.” He said again without any hesitation. 
Vox was perfect in his own way. He was unique and just for that he was so dear to Alastor’s heart. His special and unique friend. It was time he printed that in this silly picture box of his.
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sarcasticsra · 2 years
I cannot stress enough how much everyone should watch Starkid’s A VHS Christmas Carol if you haven’t seen it yet. It’s pretty short, only about 45 minutes, and it’s truly one of the best adaptations of A Christmas Carol that I’ve ever seen.
No, seriously. I think it has even surpassed The Muppets Christmas Carol for me. That has been my favorite Christmas movie since I was a child. My mom and sister and I used to watch it every Christmas Eve. I still love it dearly and it is an amazing adaptation that I’ll defend to my death, but you guys. You guys. A VHS Christmas Carol is just THAT GOOD.
It’s done in the style of 80s music/videos, which is delightful. It’s an opera, so it’s all sung through, which I love. And it’s so good!
Let me enumerate the ways. Spoilers to follow. (Can you spoil A Christmas Carol? Once a story becomes public domain does that exempt it from spoiling? Idk, lol. Spoilers for the show, anyway. Also for Avatar: The Last Airbender. …I promise there’s a path.)
1) Bah Humbug! - Song number one and it goes hard right from the start. It is everything an opening number should be. Dynamic, sets the tone, and an incredible fucking bop. The interactions between Scrooge and Fred and Scrooge and Bob are done so well, too. You so quickly get a sense of their characters. Obviously we know their characters because this is a story that has been told many a time before, but it does it so well that you would immediately get them even if you were an alien who had never in your existence been exposed to A Christmas Carol in any capacity. That’s impressive to me. It’s not relying on the familiarity of the story to do its character work.
2) 3 Spirits - I love the tone of this song. This is a Marley with true regret and pain who is absolutely pleading with Scrooge to take the chance he’s being given. It’s less “scared straight” and more, “I need you to understand this like you’ve never understood anything before.” Marley becomes a character in his own right as opposed to merely a backdrop for Scrooge to react to. That’s a theme with this adaptation. Characters who are pretty flat in a lot of adaptations seem so much more like real people in this one. Also, whoever decided to cast Meredith as Marley here is a fucking genius. She’s so goddamn talented and she really shines here. The emotion, the weight. Gah. Beautiful. The interplay between Marley and Scrooge is incredible as well; these are two insanely talented performers breathing a new life into tried and true characters, and you really feel the relationship between them.
3) I’m The Ghost - Christmas Past is so pointed and snarky and incredible, making Scrooge come to certain realizations. “Huh, little boy left all alone. Oh, your sister died so young. Didn’t she have a son though? Why are the employees so happy, this party didn’t cost much? Thinking of something? Okay, last stop, buckle up, it’s all your own doing.” I love it so much.
4) That Scrooge - You guys. You guys. They’ve done what I assumed was impossible. They’ve done what even the Muppets couldn’t. It’s a Scrooge-Belle breakup song that isn’t the most unbelievably boring and bland thing you’ve ever heard in your life. Belle is a fucking person! She has a personality! She’s very clearly stating her case, that he’s changed and she doesn’t like it and does he have anything to say? No? Okay, bye! THE EMOTION IN THIS SONG. Scrooge starts singing not just with her but to her! All the things he didn’t say before! And then he starts singing angrily about/at his past!self for being an idiot! You actually FEEL THINGS about this relationship. It was a deep love and losing it super fucked him up! I have never before seen Belle/Scrooge done as well as this one (1) song handles it.
5) Christmas Electricity - Get ready to have this song stuck in your head for ten thousand years. This song is, I believe, the standard classical definition of “a fuckin’ bop.” It’s so high energy and exciting, you really can understand how Scrooge gets so caught up in it himself. You also see more of Fred in this song and, again, he’s a person! He has specific motivations for why he keeps reaching out to Scrooge. Corey’s Fred is hands down one of the best performances of this character full stop. He took what is usually a bit, side character and made him a full human with understandable thoughts and feelings. They gave the Fred-Scrooge relationship such incredible emotional weight because of it. I think that’s one of my favorite aspects of this adaptation.
6) Priceless - Here we see the Cratchits enjoying their Christmas with an incredibly sweet song about having little but feeling like they have a lot. I really like the way this song feels a bit cheesy (goes with the whole 80s vibe) but they also feel like a real family with some silliness and some sweetness and Bob’s wife having very strong opinions about Scrooge that he’s too polite for. Also “listen to this key change out of the bridge” goddamn just show off constantly how freaking talented this entire cast is, why don’t you.
7) The Final Ghost - I probably have too much to say about this song. It’s my favorite, which considering this entire show is pitch fucking perfect, is really saying a lot. Dylan Saunders is truly one of the most talented performers I’ve ever seen, and his Scrooge is so, so good. It really shines through here. His interactions with Christmas Future show him mirroring Bob from earlier (he has a line that’s almost an exact quote of a line from Bob in Bah Humbug!), correcting himself, and trying to be respectful/humble. Subtle displays of emotional growth even before he gets to the truly scary parts. The song is of course a darker tone, as is correct for this part of the narrative, perfectly setting up the finale song. We get Scrooge overhearing about a funeral no one cares about, the same man being robbed after death, and this death bringing actual happiness to people. Throughout it all so far Christmas Future only speaks in a wordless melody, as is apt. Scrooge asks for tenderness connected to death and is shown the Cratchits mourning Tiny Tim, which breaks him, and he asks who the dead man was from earlier. Still wordless, Christmas Future leads him to a cemetery, and that wordless melody perfectly transforms into an eerie, ethereal, “Ebenezer Scrooge.” The fucking amount of sheer EMOTION Dylan packs into Scrooge pleading for his soul, that he is changed, and the final bit of narration… fuck, you guys, it’s so good. I love all of the “scene” parts of this song so much. It all builds so perfectly.
7a) The narrator. - This isn’t a specific song, I just want to call out how excellent the narrator is through the whole show and how perfectly the narration ties the whole show together. It’s one of those things where it goes unnoticed because it’s so perfect, but if it were bad you would definitely notice. You need it to be there and understated or a lot a falls apart, but it can be such hard balance to strike. This show nails it.
8) Christmas Day - The finale! And what a finale it is! The energy is a perfect contrast to the song before it as Scrooge delights in being alive and having time to make things right. His joy is palpable as he goes about his day, buying Bob a huge turkey, making an incredible donation to the charity he blew off the day before, and showing up at Fred’s. Guys. This scene. Especially when I watch the live, but even sometimes just via the soundtrack, this scene just fucking perfectly, beautifully guts me. You know how in Avatar: The Last Airbender, Zuko has to go on his whole narrative arc to eventually join the right side, and along the way sort of betrays his Uncle Iroh, aka the only good father figure he’s ever had, because he’s a traumatized teenager, and eventually he meets back up with him and starts stumbling out an apology and Iroh just sweeps him up in a hug without a word, and you sob because it’s perfect? That is the energy present in this, what, 15-second scene, just this incredible emotional buildup and payoff accomplished in a scant 45-minute runtime. It’s truly wondrous. The finale, as all true finales should, calls back musically to previous character beats, and ends on the perfect bookend to the opening number. It’s just so, so immensely satisfying.
Tl;dr - this musical has made me feel more Christmas-y than I have in a long, long time, and I have listened to little else in terms of music since I watched it two weeks ago. (It was literally the only music I had listened to since then until right now, and that’s only because I’m in a van on a road trip to my sister-in-law’s for Christmas. While I would have been perfectly content to listen to this soundtrack on repeat for the entire 8-hour drive, I also recognize that the four other people in this van do not have my particular flavor of hyperfixated ADHD brain and probably would not appreciate that, heh. Thus I played it once and then other music. Compromise!)
But yes. Seriously. It’s so good. Gah. Go watch it!
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moosemonstrous · 9 months
Ghost Rider Pacific Rim AU - and the wheel keeps turning
Guero has a reputation in the barracks. He knows people, and people know him, partially because he’s been running around the base since early Cat-3s and partially because he made it his business. He made sure the mid-level folks on the support side know to come to him when they need something from the dome without the fuss of the paperwork. He made sure the quartermaster always gives him and his first pick at the list if he doesn’t want his city activities exposed to the higher-ups. He made sure to drop in by the techs’ break room every other day for literal years and feed them whatever it is they aren’t getting through the official channels, in return for a little of the same. The Shatterdome machine rolls smoothly with a little grease, and Guero holds the oil canister.
It means he’s a busy man, and it means that he doesn’t like to waste his time if he can help it. When he reached out to the new guy, it was mostly because someone getting into the academy outside of a recruitment drive usually means they’ve got interesting friends. Reyes certainly turned out to have those, if not in the way Guero suspected.
“Decommissioned, my ass,” he mutters, watching the EPLS deliver an arc reactor to Hell Charger’s bay. Word in the hangar has it that Stark is personally overseeing installation, too. Some very interesting friends indeed.
“What do you even want with the jaegers, anyway,” Pavel groans, bored. “Didn’t you say there’s money in working the ground?”
“I did, and there is. But it’s risky, and I don’t have a good contact in the Bone Slums yet.” He has to be extra careful, talking to Hannibal Chau’s people. He isn’t willing to sell anything actually important. “Think about it, the rangers go anywhere they want. Even the brass doesn’t want to piss them off.”
“Isn’t it good, then, that Reyes made it in?”
Guero loves his friends dearly, but he’s painfully aware they’d be all doomed to the front lines if any of them was behind the wheel. Sometimes it’s like trying to keep a bunch of puppies from jumping into the lagoon. “Reyes is a lying piece of shit.”
“Eh,” Pavel shrugs. He’s more interested in watching the beastie fights on his phone than anything going on in the hangar. “No offence, man, but you give him too much credit. Lena said the blood lab all think the whole solo drift is bullshit. He’s gonna get a stroke the first time he goes out for real.”
Maybe. The D-Sci people know their odds. But so do the techs, and they have been surprisingly tight-lipped on the matter. Rumour has it that Stark has been trying to get his mini-armour program off the ground since he took over R&D – and suddenly a long-lost heir to The Charger turns up to pilot the damn thing solo? Guero likes to think he can read people pretty well, and Reyes didn’t strike him as a complete idiot. Naïve and in over his head, but not necessarily a patsy – even Brooks thought he was cheating on the sims. Someone who, with a bit of guidance, could help Guero get his foot in the damn door.
Besides, he did a little digging. Reyes Senior was easy – his photos are in the news reports from the time, and there was an obituary and everything. It even mentions a wife and children, even if no further detail. It’s his co-pilot that doesn’t show up in any searches. Probably a brother, because most rangers were related or married before Mk-3s, but everything about him has been scrubbed out from any database Guero managed to get his hands on. All he has is the old Filipino down in electrics ranting about a missing friend before his shift leader told Guero to scram, and several extremely vague recollections of an asshole nobody wanted to be around anyway. Which is just another piece of this puzzle that makes no sense – the rangers do everything in pairs, it’s their whole thing. The Romeo Blue brothers are said to be constantly at each other’s throats, but you can’t mention one without the other. All the other dead rangers have their dedicated entries on the memorial wall in the main hall. He checked both names around Alberto Reyes, and then the whole list from that year – every other one could be linked to a tech, or a janitor, or a soldier. Nobody unaccounted for, nobody ‘unassigned’, save for a girl who was only six years old and died a couple of months before Daggerblight anyway.
It's weird. It doesn’t follow what Guero has always understood as the way the Shatterdome operates. Rangers are damn near revered around here – this little information about the first ones to die from the corruption is just– maddening.
Guero Valdez doesn’t suffer being made a fool lightly. He’s going to figure this out if he has to beat the answers out of Reyes himself.
(ugh genuinely is he going too hard too quickly? I've had a Day so people making logical decisions as according to their internal compasses is a somewhat alien concept rn)
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lookatmysillies · 9 days
Miscellaneous Modern AU Character Headcanons
-He resembles his biological father more than his mother
-His mother became pregnant with him when she was still a teenager. She wasn’t emotionally prepared to have a child at the time and therefore treats Cas more like a peer than a child
-Castor’s father abused him as a young child in multiple ways including verbal abuse, physical abuse, and SA
-He berated Cas for being “too girly” and Cas was pretty repressed for years and years even after he and his mom got into a better situation and she married Castor’s stepfather, whose surname he later took (Morgenstern)
-Castor started growing his hair out and being freer with his expression in his teens. He became a much happier kid as time went on
-He wasn’t at all jealous when his mom and stepdad had Nyx. He was super cuddly with Nyx when he was a baby and was the one who changed his diaper and bottle-fed him most often.
-He met Kyo in middle school, and having a friend managed to get him out of the shell he’d been in because of his father
-They play video games together a lot but Castor is VERY easily distracted while Kyo gets sucked in to the point where he forgets to pee. Or sleep. Or eat or drink
-Castor steals his mom’s makeup sometimes until he can get his own
-He’s a tattoo freak, Kyo is a piercings freak
-He’s most experienced with dog ownership but is really interested in unusual pets like tarantulas and snakes
-He’s always been the tallest kid in his class
-Would actually be an awesome parent in this au since he’d have kids by choice and not by force
-Been in the foster care system since he was little
-Has moved around a lot and lived with different foster siblings. He’s had issues with several of them.
-Ended up in a more long-term foster home in high school where he met his foster sister, Itsaso
-Both of them having had negative experiences in the past with foster siblings, they mostly avoided one another for a long time
-Has Korean lineage on his biological mother’s side
-He's loved singing and gaming since he was young, finding an escape from his chaotic life in both
-Proficient in both acoustic and electric guitar
-He thinks it's ridiculous that Castor named his bass. He's not a naming instruments type of guy
-Contrary to canon ALNST Caskyo, Kyo is younger than Cas in the modern/actor au (which I've merged some aspects of)
-Constantly fighting with Aegaeon for the title of captain of the swim team in high school
-He's pretty well-built with lean muscle from all the competitive swimming he does
-He and Itsaso start to grow close when they recognize that neither of them is volatile and wants to hurt the other
-They don't consider one another siblings, but they do think of each other as a good friend. When they can't sleep at home, they hang out in one another's rooms and play games together
-Got his ears pierced at age 15. He double pierced them a year later, got a helix piercing around the same time, and once he becomes an adult, he gets an eyebrow piercing with Cas, snakebites, a tongue piercing, and a nose piercing
-He spends most of his time at the Morgenstern house and sees Nyx and Auri as family as a result
-Mrs. Morgenstern loves Kyo and thinks he's super sweet. Kyo is polite to her but isn't a huge fan of her parenting.
-MAJOR dog person. Once the Morgensterns get a dog, he's all over him whenever he's over. Castor often playfully accuses him of trying to steal his son.
-The type of nerd to have one of those Minecraft encyclopedias
-Lives with his grandmother
-His parents are uninvolved in his life and his grandfather passed away from lung cancer when Tallis was 4
-His grandmother loves him dearly but is very strict. Tallis has a specific chore schedule, has to do his homework immediately when he gets home, and is scolded for leaving messes around
-He has Bible study frequently and his grandmother always takes him to church on Sundays
-They don’t have a lot of money and life as an only child is pretty lonely, so Tallis spends a lot of time at Himei’s house
-Hayate is much livelier in the modern AU and talks Tallis's ear off whenever he's over
-Hayate is also a horror fanatic. Tallis is not. This causes problems every time Hayate casually puts The Shining or A Quiet Place on while Tallis is over and scares the shit out of him
-Tallis's fingers are always calloused from playing the harp. When he first started getting serious about music at a relatively young age, he had blisters on his fingers all the time and had to wear band-aids on his fingers constantly
-His first school band instrument was the clarinet. He's good at it, but he found he has more of an affinity for string instruments
-Like in canon, he has trouble befriending other boys for a while. Hence why his main friend group is girls, lmao
-Himei and Tov like to undo and redo his braids when they're sitting together, and Tallis gets so used to it that he barely notices
-Has so much rizz he pulls not one but two girls (he has no rizz)
-He, Himei, and Tov all plan with one another when they near graduation so they can find a university they can all attend together
-They probably squeal and jump into one another's arms like the nerds they are when they buy their first apartment together
-The middle child of 3 siblings, Halo being her little sister and Hayate being her older brother
-Has stereotypical middle child feelings of inferiority and is constantly trying to outshine her siblings despite being close with and loving them dearly
-Has been happily pestering the Morgensterns since they moved across the street
-Nyx is closest to her age, so she goes over to his house a lot when they're little to convince him to play
-Once she and Dian become friends when they're relatively young (I imagine them becoming best friends in elementary school) she brings Dian and Tallis with her frequently, forming their group
-Asian American
-Has an insane spice tolerance built from her mom putting spice in literally everything. Tallis sometimes ends up crying when he eats dinner at their house
-Part of her high school's drama club
-She has to hold in tears when she doesn't get the part she wants. She's VERY serious about it.
-Has the most extensive skincare routine known to man. She's always trying to convince Tallis to use some of her products to combat his bad acne as a teenager, but he doesn't like the smell of it
-She and Tov probably first bonded by nerding out over astronomy and astrology together. They're the most serious astronomy students in the whole school
-Sucked into Hayate's horror shows and movies from a young age. She's been watching horrific shit since she was 9 and at this point is that one person in the theater who laughs at the parts of the movie that everyone else screams at
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panzershrike-pretz · 9 months
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Source: x x x | x x x | x x x -> When The Day Met the Night
When the moon fell in love with the sun All was golden in the sky All was golden when the day met the night When the sun found the moon She was drinking tea in a garden Under the green umbrella trees In the middle of summer When the moon found the sun He looked like he was barely hanging on But her eyes saved his life In the middle of summer (summer) In the middle of summer All was golden in the sky All was golden when the day met the night Summer, all was golden in the sky All was golden when the day met the night Summer, summer, summer, summer Golden when the day met the night
- About;
- Hugh Lawrence Apiston - he/him - USA
Hugh's name comes from the book Miss Peregrine's Home For Peculiar Children, just as does his surname (Apiston).
Lawrence was chosen simply because I thought Having A Middle Name Is A Very American Thing To Do 🤠🤙so I chose that xD it means "bright one" and, well, Hugs sure is a bright little guy, I'll tell you that much.
- Gunner
Operating under Dean, the Master Gunner of the ship, Hugh's training in the army gave him enough experience for him to earn this job aboard of Blithe.
He learns fast and easily, so he's very much able to opperate all of Blithe's artillery - his favorites are the cannons, tho, which he uses to incapacitate enemy ships. He hates the sound of it, but a job is a job and the pay is good.
- Apikinesis
The hability to manipulate bees. Hugh's main peculiarity, is the fact that his stomach is the home of numerous bees - as scary as it sounds, they don't bother him. Instead, he can comunicate and use his little insect companions to his advantage.
They can be used as spies or, if the situation really needs it, as a form of direct attack. Because of how bees die after stinging, tho, Hugh doesn't use them unless it's really his only and last choice.
He has little bee wings and antennae, which makes him able to fly (not very high or far, but just enough for him to move around, seeing as he lost one of his legs and he is way more confortable flying than walking).
The antennae on his head are helpful sensory organs, which he can use to feel changes in the enviroment such as electric fields and humidity - Hugh's senses get easily overwhelmed when he finds himself in modern big cities, mostly due to his sensible antennae. They can also be used for feromone communication with his little bees.
- Personality
Hugh prides himself in being kind, affectionate and very helpful. He's a very optimistic bean, with a huge heart and capacity of love - he learned very well from his adoptive dad's, mainly Michael.
He's aware of the fact that his appearance and bees scare most people, so he learned to not take the ones he has for granted - he knows that he's very lucky to have such friends and to be so dearly loved for who he is.
An extrovert, Hugh is never afraid to meet new people and loves to talk about whatever he can, especially his dear wife - speaking of which, he can't stop complimenting whatever she does. He went to the lengts of learning german just so she could feel more confortable in speaking to him, since her English is bad; he's very happy to be her translator, always smiling and looking at her with heart eyes (or eye, actually).
Hugh is not scared of voicing his problems and concerns. He has minor PTSD episodes, tho he had many years to learn how to deal with them, and always goes to help when he feels like needing it.
A confident little guy, full of love to give.
- Funfact: Hugh has a very high tolerance to sugar. He rarely has to eat anything, since the honey created by his bees is enough to give him all nutrients he needs. If he does eat anything, it's mostly sweet fruits. Diabetes fear him-
- Relationship: Fiona
-> song: Rome Wasn't Built In A Day
You and me, were meant to be, Walking free, in harmony, One fine day, we'll fly away, Don't you know that Rome wasn't built in a day, Hey hey hey. In this day and age it's so easy to stress, 'Cause people act strange and you can never second guess, In order to love, child, we got to be strong, I'm caught in the cross fire, Why can't we get a long. 'Cause you and me, were meant to be, Walking free, in harmony, One fine day, we'll fly away, Don't you know that Rome wasn't built in a day, hey hey hey. I'm having a day dream, we are getting somewhere, I'm kissing your lips and running fingers through your hair, I'm as nervous as you, bout making it right, Well we know we were wrong, we can't give up the fight. (oh no) 'Cause you and me, were meant to be, Walking free, in harmony, One fine day, we'll run away, Don't you know that Rome wasn't built in a day, Hey hey hey
- About;
- Fiona Frauenfelder Apiston - she/her - Germany
Fiona also comes from the MPHFPC series, but the reason I chose to keep it is actually because of my uncle's dog. When I was a child and she was a puppy, I spent the whole Christmas night taling care of her so she would not be alone while the adults where talking and eating; I always loved that dog and she's very old now. It's been years since I last saw her and to change the name of my character would be betrayng that damn dog. I could never.
Frauenfelder is a swiss surname, which mens "someone who comes from Frauenfeld", a place in Switzerland. According to google, Frauenfeld means "field of women" and that is very cool.
Apiston is Hugh's surname. She got it from him.
- Striker
Often overlooked, a striker's position is the one of hunter and gatherer. Tho Fiona usually is responsible only for the gathering part, she is indeed a very good hunter as well, who can use the plants to her advantage.
Her knowledge in plants is extremely important in collecting fruits and plants to be eaten or used in remedies. Fiona doesn't have to work very hard in finding what is needed, given her fitocinetic hability, but she still goes out in hunts with her striker companions.
- Plant Manipulation
Fiona's power makes her capable of creating and manipulating almost any form of plantlife, apart from magical ones.
She's able to make plants grow almost anywhere, having a strong connection with nature because of that. Her favorite plant is the mallow flower, which grows out of her body when she's feeling happy.
Flowers grow whenever Fiona walks on land, usually leaving a very coloful path leading to her - or, in case of anger, a very thorny and dangerous path full of poison ivy.
- Personality
Fiona has selective mutism. She suffers from severe anxiety and is really only able to speak in whispers to Hugh, the person with whom she's most confortable with. Apart from that, she spends most of her time in complete silence, unless she feels the need to speak. Not many people know her voice.
Her strong fear of public interaction with people she doesn't know make her seem weird in the eyes of strangers and she grew to learn that it's not her fault she's this way. She doesn't need a voice to express herself, mostly, and only uses her flowers and plants to show her strongest emotions.
She's a caring girl, always there if needed by any of her crewmates. She's a good listener, who'll kindly pay attention to her colleagues. But don't let her looks fool anyone, she's a strong girl if needed.
She may be a mess of a person, but she'll always follow her gut and do almost anything so the ones she care for can be safe.
- Funfact: Fiona's dream was to settle down and grow old with Hugh, with a big family. She knows very well that is far from what they can afford - being peculiars, the thought of having a place where time can pass normally and they can get old is just a fairytale. They'll never get to do that; instead, their bodies and minds will stay frozen in time for as long as they live. She learned to be okay with that, but deep down she still earns for a different life.
- Relationship: Hugh
HERE THEY ARE!! MY BABIES!! I love them so much 😭😭 they just need a cabin in the woods somewhere and a break. But oh well,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Blithe will do xD
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Taglist: @luckynumber4 @sweetxvanixlla @whollyjoly @xxluckystrike @1waveshortofashipwreck @malarkgirlypop (if you want to be out of the oc taglist, just tell me! I didn't know how to proceed here so I just put everyone xD)
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undervaluedagent · 2 years
Duck does 100% care for Yellow Guy even if he's a twit: an incoherent ramble written by a Duck apologist. (Now under a read more because I know how to do that now!)
Quick note: this post may use ideas discussed in and was inspired by this post:
In Jobs, Yellow Guy acting strange and aging at an alarming rate is what gets Duck to break out of the world. Duck is a creature of habit. When things are as they always are, he feels safe. And when his friends are acting as they always are, he feels both he and they are safe. To Duck, the fact that Yellow Guy has changed so drastically from what he knows of him is a clear sign that something is wrong. This is a trend throughout the series for Duck to see things are wrong when his friends are acting off, as mentioned in the linked post.
Duck also freaked the fuck out when Yellow had an accident, and he went to get the med kit to save him the best he could! Even when Yellow's changed almost beyond recognition, Duck doesn't want him to get hurt.
In the Memories song, it's mentioned that Duck A) Told Yellow Guy about the military, and B) Told him he was far too weak to join. I'm gonna be slightly autistic for a second because all these puppets are bloody autistic, but Duck explaining his interests to Yellow Guy is a sure sign that Duck likes and trusts Yellow Guy. Now, when Duck said Yellow was too weak to join. That's mean, right? Well, yes. But think about it: Yellow's not shown any actual signs of physical weakness throughout the series, so chances are Duck is talking out of his ass. Why? Because the military is dangerous! And Duck doesn't want Yellow to get hurt! But Duck doesn't want to express that openly, so he hides it behind insults!
The. Entire. Family. Episode. Duck labels Yellow as the pet because this boy can't help himself, he has to poke fun. But of course this still means Duck considers Yellow part of his family! And he really doesn't want Yellow to leave him, along with Red of course but this ain't about him. Duck is uneasy the whole time they're at the twins' house because his friends are being changed, but less of their actions and more their role is being changed. They're going into a role away from Duck. Then Duck sings the family song, where he's clearly struggling to cope with the loneliness of not having the other two around. He misses them so dearly already, and he tries to convince himself he can live without them and it's heartbreaking, this bird loves his friends and has nobody else and never has had anyone else because there's three of them! Then at the end of the episode Duck asks what happened to the other family, showing a modicum of concern for what happened with Yellow while he was gone!
Not as much to say about Friendship, but he and Red both make Warren stick around because they want to help get Yellow back, and at the end Duck sings that song to Yellow along with Red to reassure him they don't hate him and they're still his friends. Sure, there's the fight at the end, but that was mostly for comedic effect lol.
(Nothing to say about Transport but it's cute how Duck and Yellow scream in tandem when the clipboard is insulted.) EDIT: After Red Guy says that he hates the clipboard and hates the house and Yellow Guy expresses distress, Duck goes to reassure him "he doesn't mean that." EDIT TWO: Duck resting his head on Yellow's shoulder for a moment. This has me thinking, Red's acting kinda weird in this episode, causing Duck to view Yellow as the more stable one at least temporarily. This isn't expressed much since Duck's kinda checked out for most of the episode but I think it might be the case.
Electricity. Oh boy. This one def got people a bit miffed at Duck, and for good reason. He did steal Yellow's accommodations that he needs. But he was also the one to give the new batteries to him in the first place, out of concern about the condition of the old batteries. Duck took them away later because he was scared. When his friends act different, something goes wrong. And Yellow is acting very, very different. In fact, Duck likely thought Yellow's intelligence would get him hurt eventually! Because he's acting wrong, and that means something worse than what usually happens is going to happen to him. Listen to Duck, he's so upset and stressed. He doesn't know what's going to happen. Is Yellow going to get sick of them and leave? Is he going to get hurt for not following the rules of this world? Is he going to get killed for it? Duck isn't malicious. He's anxious, he's traumatized. And he was happy to have Yellow back to normal and shredding things at the end. He was happy his friend was back to normal and everything worked out okay. EDIT THREE: Duck asking Red about Yellow in the fridge scene too, he hasn't forgotten about his other friend
Not from the TV series, but Duck and Red saving Yellow the last boiled egg from the chicken picnic because they love him. That one's pretty straightforward and sweet.
Lastly, the It's Nice That interview. Dubiously canon, but in it, Duck responds to the question "Who do you love?" with "Anyone who loves me back." Look at Yellow. Yellow definitely, absolutely loves Duck. And so, Duck must love him too.
(I ask that you don't tag or comment on this as a direct father/son relationship, I respect your headcanon, but this post assumes Yellow Guy is an adult and the DHMIS trio doesn't do strict nuclear family dynamics. Thanks for reading!)
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ravenwolfie97 · 9 months
alright, first things first, i gotta introduce you to my three brand new rescue teams!
Red Team Gooseberry: Duck the Psyduck & Chikorita (no name) Blue Team Fireflower: Leif the Bulbasaur & Cinder the Cyndaquil DX Team Epoch Spark: Tori the Torchic & Sparky the Pikachu
all of the teams ended up having some kind of interesting thing to them for Gooseberry, i don't think i've ever played as a Psyduck before and i neglected to give Chikorita a nickname for Fireflower, i chose Cyndaquil over Torchic as my partner here because i love both Bulbasaur and Cyndaquil a lot as starters and thought it would be nice to have my two faves together and for Epoch Spark, funny enough, from the quiz I actually got Psyduck again, but since this is a newer PMD game I had the option to freely choose as well. and after much deliberation, i decided on Torchic and thought it would be kind of funny to have my partner be a Pikachu - i purposefully chose her species, gender, and name because my very first PMD team had the protagonist as a girl Pikachu. and choosing Torchic was not just a gut decision, but also to 1. round out the protagonists' types and 2. to reference the human-turned-pokemon in the PMD manga Ginji's Rescue Team which i love and cherish dearly
anyway, i started by going through the first dungeon of the game and getting our rescue team formed, and here are some of the things i noticed between the old and the new:
first, i should mention the quiz, or more specifically the pokemon selection screens. i do find it very funny that all the pokemon are just jimmying around wildly, but it also was. just a lot of sensory input. i will give it credit where it's due - it is a lot more interesting than just selecting from a list! but i do feel like Gates and Super had it better with a literal rotating cast rather than a chaotic cloud of bustling lil guys
what i thought was interesting out the gate was the fact that barely any of the text in-game is altered. it's the exact same dialogue for most of the time, with the exception of a few additional scenes not present in the old games, like a partially verbalized tutorial and when you put on the scarves as a uniform for the rescue team - which, by the way, was super cute
speaking of text, i don't know what exactly my reasoning is for being against it, but i find the little speech bubbles in dungeons to be really annoying. it's a fun idea conceptually to have more of an inner monologue as you roam around and fight and stuff, but having something to say every time you fight or get attacked is just… too much. i didn't see an option to turn them off but i kind of hope there is one and i just didn't see it
there is a pretty steep mechanical difference between the two that is very evident when playing them side-by-side. DX is mechanically very similar to Super, and given that i haven't touched Super in a few years it took me a while to remember that this wasn't completely novel and in fact something i had to get used to before. and also while i knew the movesets got more beefy and diverse as time went on in the franchise, i forgot just how robust the movesets you get out the gate are nowadays. back in the day, Pikachu knew exactly what it would in the main series games at Lv. 5: Thunder Shock, Growl, and Tail Whip. but now, in DX, my Pikachu knows Fake Out, Electro Ball, Grass Knot, and Iron Tail! like that's insanity!! and you can't even use a basic A-button attack anymore, but that's one of the things you're immediately taught in Blue/Red! it's gonna be a weird thing to juggle back and forth, i think
i noticed there was a "Random" button when making the rescue team name, and i absolutely love it. i only went through a handful of choices but they were all really good and fun and some in particular were very silly. it was very charming i will say, though - the default was "Efficiency" and it was so incredibly close to my first team's name "Electricy" (bc Electricity was too long to fit) and it really threw me hkjjk
after listening to all three iterations of that handful of sound tracks at the beginning, especially for Tiny Woods, i still feel like DX missed the mark somewhat. i will say that the version heard in Red was closer, but it's still very well mixed in Blue. DX just has issues with the relationships between timbres and between instruments' dynamics, as i've heard in a couple of its other OST remakes. it's not as offensive in person, but it's still a bit too over the top
one of the reasons i hesitated so much on getting DX was because of the aesthetics. it's radically different from any previous PMD game, and evokes kind of a storybook feeling. playing it for myself now, as far as i've gotten, i'm not the most into it, but i do appreciate it. i think my main issue is that it feels kind of unpolished and also quite cramped. the 3d renditions of 2d spaces just feels very small, and the 3d games before this didn't have that issue at all, so i feel like it's either to do with the dev team being different than previous installations, or more than likely it's just because they're struggling to adapt something from the past rather than coming up with environments and scenarios wholecloth
i do find it kind of incredible and amusing seeing the progression of how games have changed in the last 15 years, like seeing a language select at the top of Rescue Team DX, and the fact that it autosaves so it doesn't need to include the tutorial scene in the original that teaches you to go to bed to save. i just think that's really neat :3
i think that's it concerning the first impressions. overall, i'm actually most fascinated by what hasn't changed than what has. i would have expected an updated dialogue beyond adding scenes for the more modern demographic of PMD players instead of what is essentially a copy-paste from the original games. and i know it is copy-paste because i Just read it twice over in both Red and Blue just before booting up the new game! idk if that's a bad thing, but it's strange to me that it is so unaltered. i dunno, my feelings so far are mixed, but i've only just gotten started, so we'll see what comes next!
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spacedreamerz · 2 years
Edgar Munsen Headcanons
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His parents have always been poor. Like really poor. They barely had any money to pay the electric or water bill. They’ve almost got evicted multiple times from their home. He often went hungry when he was little and barely had any clothes to wear. He wore the same thing just about every day.
On top of that, he used to get picked on because he was poor.
His parents would fight a lot..like it would be bad. They’d get so mad and stressed out that they’d start hitting each other. His mom always had tons of bruises on her. His father, self-harm from all the stress he was under to provide for his family. Neither of his parents ever abused Edgar. They both loved him dearly and wished they could give him the world. However, seeing them struggle and hurt each other traumatized Edgar.
 The Townies kind of formed on their own. A group of kids that were hurt and mistreated by society (or family) banned together. Edgar, due to his confidence and surprisingly good leadership skills, was kind of made the leader nonchalantly. Everyone just kind of did what he said. 
Edgar is quite antisocial. 
 He works at a bar as a bartender. He despises it, but at least he’s getting cash. 
 He’s been fired from a lot of places due to his flipping out at customers, co-workers, managers, and even his own boss.
He much rather prefers to be alone. 
He uh.. definitely does some illegal stuff in his free time.
He hates rich people. Just despises them. He hates how they stand around and laugh with money in their pockets while people who are less off suffer. He legit wouldn’t hesitate to murder a prep if they pissed him off.
Edgar has a car. While it’s really not in the best of shape and will randomly refuse to start sometimes, he’s really proud of it. He worked hard and saved a lot of money for it.
Yeah, he smokes weed. Maybe about every other weekend.
He’s been getting into fights since he was 6. 
He loves fighting. It blows off steam and it can be really fun. 
He’s a really tough guy. He doesn’t let anything phase him.
Edgar wouldn’t mind being a tattoo artist.
He wanted to be a police officer when he was little. Thinking back, he laughs at his naivety and stupidity.
He’s actually been arrested a few times. 
Edgar is really quite a serious and brooding type of person. He just likes to be alone and think about things.
He’s kind of a jerk to strangers. 
Edgar is a bit of a cheapskate. He refuses to pay for things he thinks are way too high. 
A lot of Edgar’s money goes into helping his parents.
He’s had a few girlfriends, though the relationships have always ended badly. It was always due to either Edgar’s possessiveness or lack of communication on his part. 
He wants to leave Bullworth so badly that there have been times he’s just wanted to drive off in his car and never come back. He doesn’t do that though. He can’t just leave his parents and friends. Besides, he doesn’t have enough cash to start living somewhere else randomly. 
He has connections to some dangerous people. 
You do NOT want to be on Edgar’s bad side. He’ll either beat you black and blue himself or he’d get somebody to do way worse.
He never backs down from a fight.
Zoe’s kind of like a little sister to Edgar. He is very protective of her. The same goes for the rest of the Townies. 
While it’s unpleasant, Edgar doesn’t cause too much of a fuss if he gets beaten up. He just congratulates his opponent for being able to beat him. 
The dude can break dance VERY well. Though he doesn’t dance in public. 
Due to not being able to attend Bullworth, Edgar had to go to this very crappy public school. It was even worse than Bullworth. There had been at least 10 stabbings and mugging on campus. Plus 3 confiscated firearms. There was even some sort of drug operation going on there. There were all types of harassment at that school, but none of the staff or principal seemed to care. Life was hell for Edgar at that school. He desperately wanted to take him out of there, but couldn’t. There was no other school close enough to where they lived and they couldn’t pay for him to go to Bullworth. Edgar dropped out of that school as soon as he turned 16.
Due to that, Edgar loathed Bullworth in all of its glory. So when Gary came to him with the offer to practically run Bullworth into the ground, Edgar immediately agreed. 
Edgar does indeed possess a firearm. He doesn’t keep it on him though.
Edgar met Omar when he was 14 at the same high school they attended. They met when Edgar was going to get jumped by some punks that Omar didn’t like. So when he saw them attempting to jump Edgar, he decided to help him out. 
Edgar’s pretty good at poker.
Edgar honestly wants to just get himself an RV and travel the US with his parents and friends. 
Loyalty and respect are very big things to Edgar. If you help him out and remain loyal to him, he’ll always have your back.
Though if you betray him, you’ll rue the day. Someone he thought was a friend betraying him is ten times worse than someone actively antagonizing him. He feels hurt and stupid when he’s betrayed.
He loves watching MTV.
He can vibe to just about any rap
He deeply cares about his gang. Other than his parents, they’re his family.
Edgar can be stubborn. 
He likes to mix CDs.
In general, he’s a mostly chill person. 
His behavior worries his parents. They’re afraid that he’s going to end up in some serious trouble one day. 
One of his favorite pastimes is playing Tekken with his friends and getting high.
He’s been shot at by some guys he had beef with. Luckily, none of the shots hit him. 
He wishes the entire town of Bullworth would just get destroyed somehow. 
He got his name from the famous Edgar Allan Poe. His mother loved Poe’s works. She’d always read them to Edgar before bed. He can still quote The Raven word-for-word. 
Despite being named after a famous poet, Edgar didn’t like English too much. Mostly because they only read Shakespeare's plays that he could never understand. 
If Edgar actually went to a good school, he would’ve been a good student.
Through his time on the poor and crime-ridden side of Bullworth, he’s seen a lot of things.
Edgar is rather secretive about a lot of things. Neither does he like being incessantly questioned. 
He kind of likes doing dangerous stuff. He just enjoys the thrill of it.
Edgar will never take any hard drugs. After seeing what happened to his Uncle (who took hard drugs) he's refused to.
The tattoo he has was not done legally.
He'd love to beat the life out of the Jocks and Preps.
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