#he’s Dr doofenshmirtz evil you feel me?
boomboxwizard14 · 2 years
Announcing party member 2 of my friend’s campaign!
Here’s the introductory mood board, take a second to guess race, class, and vibes.
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Okay now go!
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The winter eladrin raised by three hag mothers, this pretentious man will spread their evil deeds wherever he goes. Because he is evil. He thinks. And he’s well adjusted. Maybe. But why is he so bad at doing evil? And why is an ancient moon goddess taking notice of him?
Stay tuned for more!
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nobodyfamousposts · 5 months
How would Littlebug react to characters like Doofenshmirtz? Or Jack Fenton?
(In Doofenschmirtz's living room...)
(Doofenschmirtz and Littlebug are having tea.)
Doofenschmirtz: …all that to say, I am kind of off the market for an arch nemesis, though I do appreciate the offer! But I promised Perry the Platypus that I wouldn't take on another arch nemesis and then I promised my daughter, Vanessa, that I would stop my acts of villainy after she made me see that it wasn't actually healthy or what I really wanted in life. And now I'm helping out at OWCA, supporting my daughter, and sharing my non-evil inventions meant to help the world instead of trying to settle petty grudges. So I am sorry, but I hope we can still be occasional rivals or maybe allies?
Littlebug: (Confused)
Littlebug: (Looks down at List)
Littlebug: (Looks up at Doofenschmirtz and points to name on the List)
Doofenschmirtz: (Looks at the name) Oh! I see where the mixup is! I'm Dr. Doofenschmirtz! Mr. Doofenschmirtz is actually my father!
Littlebug: (Tilts head)
Doofenschmirtz: Well you see, a lot of my villainy has been related to my backstory…backstories. You see, back when I was…
(15 Minutes later.)
Doofenschmirtz: (Still going)
Littlebug: (Eye twitching)
Doofenschmirtz: And then there was the time I was shamed for not jumping off the high diving board and—wait, where are you going?
Littlebug: (Leaves)
Doofenschmirtz: Okay! Well feel free to drop by again sometime! What a strange girl.
(Suddenly, Perry the Platypus bursts in.)
Doofenschmirtz: Perry the Platypus! I'm not evil anymore! What are you doing coming in through my window?
Perry: (Chitters and pulls up a screen showing Littlebug)
Doffenschmirtz: Oh, the little living doll thing. Yes, she just left.
Perry: (Looks around warily and chitters)
Doof: What? No! She was perfectly nice!
Perry: (Gestures to Doof)
Doof: Oh, it turned out she actually wasn't looking for me, she was looking for my father.
Perry: (Worried)
Doof: What? What harm could she do?
TV Announcer: This just in! An attack in Gimmelshtump as an elderly citizen is being dangled from a rope off the condemned diving board at the old community pool.
Doof: (Eyes widen) …oh.
(In another universe, in the Fenton household...)
Jack: (Going to the kitchen when he sees a piece of fudge on the floor) Floor fudge!
(As he picks up the fudge, he notices another piece on the floor and proceeds to pick that up as well.)
(Then he notices another piece.)
(And another.)
(He follows the trail of fudge all the way into the basement and leading to the Fenton Stockades.)
Jack: And that's the last piece! (Picks up the piece inside the Fenton Stockades)
(The door slams shut on him, trapping him in the Fenton Stockades.)
Jack: HEY! Who's there?! Let me out!
Littlebug: (Nods resolutely and marks Jack Fenton's name off The List and starts to leave the Lab)
Voice: Ahem?
Littlebug: (Turns)
(Danny is standing there.)
Danny: You're not another ghost sent by Vlad to kill my dad, are you?
Littlebug: (Shakes her head and shows him her Bad Dad List)
Danny: Why is my dad on this list?!
Littlebug: (Gestures to the Fenton Stockades with a flat look)
Danny: Okay, I know that looks bad. But he's a good dad, really!
Littlebug: (Frown)
Danny: Look, I know he's fought me, but that's only because he doesn't know I'm half-ghost. And the times he found out, he was pretty supportive. I mean, there were situations going on at the time, so we didn't really get to talk it out, but he still seemed to care about me. Even in an alternate reality where I accidentally erased my existence.
Littlebug: (Uncertain)
Danny: If you want to look for bad dads, you should see Vlad Masters. He keeps wanting to kill my dad, marry my mom, and make me his son like some sort of twisted setup of Hamlet.
Littlebug: (Eyes widen)
Danny: So yeah, there are already enough plots against my dad, so I'd really appreciate if you—wait, where are you going?
Littlebug: (Holds up The List, now with Jack Fenton scribbled out and "Vlad Masters" written in on it)
Danny: ....you know what? Have fun.
(They leave.)
Jack: Hello? Anyone?
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thatmexisaurusrex · 2 months
Ridiculous BuckTommy prompt
Tommy has been secretly working to get information not for Gerrard but his uncle Dr Heinz Doofenshmirtz.
Send Me Ridiculous BuckTommy Prompts
Lol the way that I've never watched a full episode of Phineas & Ferb but I feel like I know enough about Doofenshmirtz from Milo Murphy's Law 😂 Let's gooooooooo.
The Unpaid Intern
When Tommy's Uncle, notorious villain Dr. Heinz Doofenshmirtz, had dubbed Tommy his "Unpaid College Intern" (despite Tommy not being in college) and tasked him to do research on the "Hot Firefighter-inator", Tommy knew that he would have to go deep undercover.
He joined the army.
He got discharged from the army early.
He got his pilot license but then finally hit step two - becoming a firefighter.
He silently worked his way to Harbor Station and built essentially an almost twenty-year-long fake career as a firefighter pilot.
And then.
Tommy found him.
The perfect research subject for his uncle's "Hot Firefighter-inator".
Evan Buckley.
Not to say that Tommy hadn't accrued research on other hot firefighters over the years. Howie Han, Hen Wilson, Bobby Nash, Lucy Donato, and Metlon had all been prime research subjects for Tommy's mission. Even newer faces like Eddie Diaz and Ravi Panikkar were now vital to Tommy's "Hot Firefighter-inator" data.
But Evan Buckley?
There was something different about Evan Buckley.
It totally wasn't because Tommy was in love with the guy. It totally wasn't because every time Tommy's eyes locked with Evan's, his heart skipped a beat. It totally wasn't because every time Evan's eyes flittered from Tommy's eyes to his lips, Tommy wanted to kiss him. It totally wasn't because every time Evan gave him a TEDTalk about the evolution of ants or the history of the paperclip, all Tommy wanted to do was listen to Evan forever.
However, Tommy didn't expect his heart to break when he saw that Evan had found his dastardly plans - had walked into the guest bedroom marked "TOTALLY NOT SECRET PEPE SILVIA ROOM" and found all the data Tommy had gotten over the years for the "Hot Firefighter-inator" tactfully organized on the walls with red string.
With Evan at the center of it all.
"You're... trying to make a ray gun that turns everyone into hot firefighters?" asked Evan, confused.
"Yes. Well. No. Not me. My uncle is. But it's true. I've been lying this whole time," said Tommy, "I'm not a hot firefighter pilot. I'm an intern. An unpaid intern for an evil mastermind hellbent on turning everyone into a hot firefighter. And I'm here to spy on you all."
"But - you have a pilot license."
"I do."
"You've been a firefighter for almost twenty years."
"As a ruse for my nefarious schemes."
"And - and you think I'm the hottest firefighter?" asked Evan, waggling his eyebrows.
Okay, Tommy thought Evan would be a little more upset over this.
"I mean, yeah. You're always smiling. You can talk for hours about monarch butterflies and the creation of butter and it's always fascinating. You're sweet. You're kind. You're thoughtful. You've got muscles and a nice tummy. Not all hot people are abs on abs on abs. Who doesn't like a bit of a stomach? It's healthy. And all I want to do is spend time with you. Of course you're the hottest of the firefighters I've spied on."
"Oh, of course. Definitely just because I'm hot. Only ulterior motives with that answer," said Evan as he walked over and draped his arms loosely over Tommy's shoulders, "Want to make out? For science?"
"I mean, if it's for science," said Tommy as Evan backed Tommy up into his Pepe Silvia board of hot firefighters; as Evan dove into a deep kiss that made Tommy forget his name.
And okay.
Maybe this wasn't just about science.
Fuck, Tommy was a bad spy.
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howlingday · 2 months
Ok but imagine what would happen if Loid and Perry teamed up? No one could stop them.
Okay... Time for something new...
A Phineas and Ferb/Spy X Family One-Shot
"An extended conference overseas?"
"Yes, it's a sort of outreach programs between different countries to share different psychiatric methods." Loid explained to Yor. "I'm sorry this is so last minute. I will try to call you as soon as I get back."
Lying to Yor felt wrong, but it was a necessary evil in his life as a spy. The truth was that he was assisting in a joint operation with a foreign intelligence agency, though the whole thing felt like a bad joke to him. Whoever heard of a spy agency under the title of "The Organization Without a Cool Acronym"? Regardless of his feelings, his mission was clear. He was to rendezvous with the agent known as "The Platypus" and provide backup as required.
"Papa?" Anya, his daughter, pointed to picture in her book. Coincidentally, it was a platypus. "Is this a plassapess?"
"No, it isn't." Loid shook his head. "Just because I'll be gone for a little bit doesn't mean you're allowed to shirk on your studies. I expect nothing less than perfect marks when I return home."
"Aw..." Anya groaned.
"Loid, where is this conference being held?" Yor asked.
"I wasn't given the exact details myself, but it's in a region known as the 'Tri-State Area'."
"And that's about the gist of the assignment, Agent P." Major Monogram said through the video screen. "Find out what Dr. Doofenshmirtz is up to and put a stop to it!"
"If it's evil, sir." Carl's voice said off-screen.
"Yes, yes, if it's evil, put a stop to it." Major Monogram rolled his eyes. "We're counting on you, Agent P."
Perry the Platypus gave a salute and left the briefing room.
"I thought the evil thing was implied, Carl." Major Monogram grumbled.
"It doesn't hurt to be sure, sir. Words can be confusing."
"Not as confusing as this finger trap." The major lifted his hands to reveal his fingers had been locked in a threaded snare trap for fingers"
"Did you put your fingers in that trap again, sir?"
"Carl, we've been over this; if I don't do it myself, then how will I learn when I need it most?"
Meanwhile, in the middle of a city in the tri-state area, at an oddly designed building with the logo, Doofenshmirtz Evil Inc.~, Dr. Heinz Doofenshmirtz heard a knock at his door.
"I'm coming, I'm coming!" He opened the door to an elderly man delivering the mail. He was fragile and hunched over. In his hands was a clipboard and a large parcel behind him. "Oh, look at you! You're so old! Why aren't you retired yet? Here, come inside and rest for a bit. I can show you what you're delivering is being used for."
The elderly man hobbled in, his left leg limping with every step. He mumbled something alike to a thank you before being seated on a large loveseat inside a laboratory. Unknown to the oddly kind-hearted doctor, the old man was actual the legendary Agent Twilight in perfect disguise. In front of him was a massive ray-gun of sorts, like in the cartoons Anya watched, with a scope and a trigger beneath. At the tip of the barrel was a missing component.
"So, you're probably wondering what it is I'm building with a mind-tapping helmet." He held out his hands. "Oh, I'm a little rusty. I usually save these backstories for my nemesis, Perry the Platypus, but here goes." Through Agent Twilight's perfect mental imagery, every word spoken became a clear picture of the very sad and tragic backstory of the target. "You see, back when I was growing up in Gimmelshtump, it's a town in Drusselstein if you didn't know, my grandparents would always say something, but mean something else. Like, they would tell me to wash the ham, but what they really meant was marinate it, but it was one of those old sayings that grandparents use and, me being a child, I didn't know what they really meant because I'd only heard it said once." He ripped open the parcel, was handed the mind-tapping helmet, and held it to the device. "And that's when I came up with this! BEHOLD, THE SAYWHAT'SONYOURMIND-INATOR!" He then climbed his way to the apex of the machine. "With this inator, people will say what's on their mind and mean what they really say! Like, say your friends want to hang out and, I don't know, do old person things, like play cards, but the way they say it makes it sound like they want to sleep all day, so they'll say what's on their mind! Here, let me try it on you!"
Faster than Agent Twilight can react, the nefarious doctor was already on the ground and using his weapon on him. He was then hit with the powerful radio waves the machine emitted. He blinked.
"I don't feel any different." He said aloud. "Did this mad scientist's machine really work-" His eyes widened as the doctor laughed for a moment.
"Hey, who are you calling a mad scientist? I'm not mad. I mean, I'm mad now, but I'm not always mad." He looked to the platypus climbing out of the parcel package. "Perry the Platypus, tell him I'm not always mad." The platypus in the fedora chittered. "See? He gets it." At this, he gasped. "PERRY THE PLATYPUS?! Wait, were you able to hear my backstory while I you were inside the- OOF!"
Perry punched Dr. Doofenshmirtz, sending him stumbling backwards into his machine. The machine fired off in a random direction before being taken into the hands of its creator.
"There's no need to fight me, Perry the Platypus. Why don't you just-" He fired the inator on Perry. "USE YOUR WORDS! AHAHAHAHA~!"
Perry winced at the sudden radio waves bombarding him. He blinked a few times. He was looked at expectantly by his nemesis.
"Oh, right. You're a platypus." He then pressed a button on his inator and a net flew out and ensnared Perry. "But I planned for that!" A punch flew in from out of nowhere, knocking the doctor over with his inator. Standing not far away was the old man from before. "What are you doing, Old Man?"
"My name," the mask ripped, revealing the spy, "is Agent Twilight, and on behalf of the good people of Westalis, I order you to surrender your weapon."
"Westalis? Where is that? Is he with you, Perry the Platypus?"
"I won't allow you to threaten the good people of the world with this strange contraption." Agent Twilight said, fully removing his disguise. "Especially while I am assigned to this joint operation."
"Well, I didn't really have anything planned for someone bigger than Perry the Platypus, but I did have this in case he escaped!" With a push of a button, another net of ribbon spewed forth. Unfortunately, the new agent was too fast to be caught and rolled his way over to Agent P, where he easily ripped apart his bindings. "No, no, don't do that! That is so unfair, fighting two against one!" He groaned. "Of all the days for Norm to take one of his 'mandatory vacation days'."
This vacation day in question included going to the mechanic for a semi-spa treatment involving oil, rags, and oily rags. Back to the fight, Agent Twilight kept the doctor on his toes, swinging fist after fist, easily overpowering his opponent. Meanwhile, Agent P was altering the inator by turning the mind-control helmet around so that the machine would reverse its effects.
"I cannot fail here. I cannot allow my emotions to get the better of me. I must keep on my toes. I need to keep applying pressure and overwhelm my opponent with quick, but meaningful strikes."
"Ugh! I regret hitting you with my inator." Dr. Doofenshmirtz groused amidst his thrashings. "Why can't you be more quiet like Perry the Platypus?"
"Chkchkchkchkt." The OWCA agent chittered from atop before swinging the inator around and firing it on himself Agent Twilight. Agent P patted himself down before giving a thumbs up to his fellow agent from afar.
"Oh, finally! I didn't think you would ever stop talking!" Dr. Doofenshmirtz groused even more.
Agent Twilight was about to go in for another punch when he was dragged away by Agent P. Looking back to the inator, he saw that there was a self-destruct device placed at the device's weak point. Jumping over the balcony, Agent P held tight to Agent Twilight, the two silently gliding through the air to a safe location. On the winds, they could hear the defeated shouting of their shared nemesis for the day.
"Excuse me, is this your platypus?"
"Huh?" Phineas turned around to see a man standing in their yard, holding Perry in his hands. "Oh, there you are, Perry!"
"I found him wandering around in your front yard, and I thought it was odd to see an animal so far from their home."
"He's not far from his home, he's simply living in a new home away from his natural habitat. We feed him four meals a day, plus treats, and give him as much comfort as possible." Ferb explained in excess.
"Oh, I... see..."
"Yeah, sorry about Ferb." Phineas explained. "He's been a lot more talkative than usual today. It's almost like some kind of radio wave went off and made him say everything that was on his mind."
"That's... quite an imaginative explanation." The man said. "But maybe this will help. I specialize in psychiatric help and this device helps ease those affected by 'radio wave' abnormalities in humans."
"Oh, you mean like brain stimulation therapy?" Phineas asked. "Isn't that controversial?"
"Yes, yes, it is." The man quirked his brow. "But I believe it may be the best way to help your friend."
"Oh, Ferb's not my friend. He's my brother!"
"Ah, excuse me. Now, may I use my device. I promise no harm will come to your brother."
"Well, okay, if you say so." Phineas stepped aside and let the man hold the device up to Ferb before pressing a button. Ferb blinked a few times before the man placed the device in his pocket. "How you feelin', Ferb?"
Ferb gave a thumbs up.
"Hey, it looks like it worked! Thank you, Mr... Huh? Where'd he go?"
"Papa! You're home~!" Anya cheered, running to the door.
"You're back already?" Yor asked. "I thought you'd be gone a lot longer, considering how far you were traveling."
"I was offered a trip on a much fast return flight than the one prior." Reaching into his doctor's bag, he pulled free a plush doll in the shape of a strange creature with a duck bill, a beaver tail and feet, and a strange greenish-blur fur color. "Anya, I found this on the way home. I remember you being curious about platypus before leaving, so I thought you'd enjoy this."
"Thank you, Papa!"
"Oh, that is so cute~! What are you going to name him?"
Anya thought for a moment, then noticed a certain look in his eyes. It was the same look he held when he was in thought of something. Focusing on him, she heard a name said over and over again.
"Percy the Plassypess?" Anya smiled, tossing her plush in the air. "Yeah! Agent Percy the Plassypess~!"
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Propaganda below
They both have autistic swag to me, an autistic person. He also has dad vibes. I’m honestly just intrigued by the idea
Dean Winchester
"Dean is an idiot dork trapped inside layers of murder and butt hurt, Amelia Bedelia is an intelligent yet also idiot dork hidden inside a cage of incompetence. She also bakes damn god pie.
Imagine: Dean stumbles across Ms. Bedelia in some sort of trial prospected by God. He thinks her an omen or possessed= who'd blame him? She'd be killing masses of birds with well aimed stones, always two at once. Giving an arm and a leg to the local car dealerships- he's ready to kill her. Fires pure silver bullets at her, and she fucking bites them. He doesn't know what she is.
""Your a loose cannon!"" He yells at her. Amelia gets this look in her eye, drags Dean behind her as she heads home.
""Loose cannon.."" She mumbles repeatedly. ""Loose cannon..""
Dean gets it, he understands now.
""Now, ma'am- maybe you should just.. I don't know, hit the road?"" Amelia looks down at the street- she goes faral. Scratching and slaming punches at the ground, Dean out her grasp, and tackles her.
Anyway, shenanigans- He's got her chained up in her motel room and Dean searches for hex bags.
A slight bitterness fills the air.
""My pie!"" Amelia Bedelia screams, ""Please for the sake of mercy- save my pie!""
""Pie?"" Dean looks up sharply from half crouched under the bed. He runs to the oven- pulls out the most beautiful pie he has ever seen.
He licks his lips nervously.
""This ain't poisoned, right?""
""It was meant for poor Mr. Rogers."" Amelia sobs. ""He- he called me 'Drop dead gorgeous."" Thick tears stroll down her cheeks.
""He grabbed his chest- and just... went down.""
She looks up as Dean sharply. ""Please, please I don't know why this happens to me.""
Dean strolls over, looking down at her. ""What's your name?""
""Amelia, Amelia Bedelia.""
Dean smirks. ""Tell you what Amelia, I'll figure out how to stop this.""
""Yeah.. It's kinda my job."" He winks at her.
""Now about this pie.""
After that first slice, Dean new he had to keep her around. She's kept safely in the bunker, making the best pies. Takes a bit of time for Team Free WIll to get used to not using expressions- but it's worth it for the pie."
Dr. Heinz Doofenshmirtz
They could be evil together. I feel like Amelia should do crimes
Same energy, would make great pals.
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sillymuses · 10 months
✒️ the muse's canon
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//I love this movie a lot. Does it have issues? Of course. But that goes for any film out there. I know I'm in the minority when I say I whole-heartedly love the canon of the film. Most people either want the Nerissa twist retconned or the film just deleted entirely for the sake of their Chelby shipping. Meanwhile I would like to see canon be used as a jumping off point for greater stories. I would rather focus on the world of RGTK than a single ship that wasn't ever going to happen in canon anyway.
🎉 the fan favorite character of my muse's canon
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//Lord, I don't want this just be a whole rant thing because I do love Chelsea. But I'm so sick and tired of people literally turning her into the thing the movie mocked and made fun of. She is a villain. That's what she was made to be as. In every iteration of RGTK, from the darker mature story to the OG pitch Chelsea is the antagonist. That's her role. Like, I don't mind her becoming the fanon version of herself. That's called character development. But outright erasing her antagonist-ism just so you can supplant your need for shipping is just UGH. And it really sucks man because she's such a fun character on screen. She is. I love her!
🌓 crossovers
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Crossovers? Love them. Adore them!! Tumblr is the perfect place for the most bizarre rp crossovers. I remember a long time ago when I played Dr. Doofenshmirtz and he ended up meeting Rick Sanchez. It was hilarious because Rick was flabbergasted over how Doof was simultaneously smarter and dumber than him at the same time. Or back in my Ratchet and Clank days where we had this crossover thread with Sonic characters where Emperor Tachyon faced off against a lombax OC and Knuckles from Sonic. Ahh, memories. But yeah, crossovers are always welcomed here!
👀 dash commentary
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//It's a fun little thing! Admittedly I don't do it as much as I used too. But I feel like that mostly stems from how different tumblr acts now compared to how it used to be in the better days.
🎲 ask memes and sentence starters
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//Outside of just making greeters, they're the best way to show someone you're interested. Or you're just curious to learn more about someone's muse and how they work! Good stuff, yeah!
🥂 my favorite part of the canon
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//Giant monsters! Listen, I am a sucker for kaiju. It's kind of what pulled me into RGTK in the first place. And you're telling me I get four giant kaiju's in this film??? And one of them is a mermaid? Something we usually don't see?? Sign me the heck up!
And we see so many other monster statues down in the kraken kingdom and other monsters are name dropped in the art book! There's so much potential for other kaiju's in RGTK's world!!
And you know what? The Nerissa twist. But I should give some context for it. I went into this film pretty blind. I didn't watch any of the trailers. I knew it was coming out and had a vague idea of what it might be. So, I go and see it. I'm enjoying it so far. We get to the half way point where Chelsea's like, 'My mother died trying to get it.' and in my head I'm like, 'AHA. I've got this film figured out. She's gonna use the trident to get revenge for her mother. Finish what her mom started in a sort of way.'
But then we get to the final act and 'Lol, actually I am Nerissa.' which genuinely took me by surprise. I didn't expect that. Ya got me good movie. I didn't see that part coming, props to you. And then when I watched it again knowing she's Nerissa, it just makes her retroactively more evil and I love it.
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fouralignments · 2 years
This was supposed to be an author's note for Chapter 5: I’ve Opened by Mind, Yet I am Blind for Blessed by Khonshu, My Son Comes Back to Me to explain my reasoning behind Sabah Nur's why he acts the way that he does.
I have a pet peeve in writing is the idiot plot.
Don't get me wrong there is a time and place for it. I love me some Bride Wars or your Flash Gordon's Emperor Ming who revival in the camp and who doesn't skim through the Evil overlord list. But you knows its comedy and we can laugh at the absurdity and the larger than life antics and emotions. Or even your Dr. Doofenshmirtz, his entire schtick is this. But I don't mind it! I enjoy Back to the Future II because you know the story and characters are great and I can overlook it.
Sometimes characters do not have all the information or their egos into the way or they do not listen and they make the wrong decisions or a stupid decision; which for me is perfectly alright.
My beef with the idiot plot is when there are instances of the idiocy of the characters drives the plot forward in order to work. Theses are your Prometheus. I enjoy this despite its flaws and also Michael Fassbender performance saved this movie; the forced conflict of a character withholding information and not just sitting down and talking about in romantic movies that could have been so easily solved in the first act.
Its the writing equivalent of twisting your characters into pretzel in order, and deliberately writing them out of character for convivence and not really putting in the effort and thinking through would X character response to this situation and/or crisis. For me this bad writing.
Now, its one thing for your Emperor Ming or Dr. Doofenshmirtz to be idiotic in their villainy. But, we're talking about one of the X-Men's biggest big bad: Apocalypse. He's one of the most powerful villains that they ever faced during their runs.
There is a saying: That your hero is only as good as your villain.
The writers XM:A kneecapped Apocalypse for our heroes in order for them to win. It takes away from Sabah Nur menace. Apocalypse holds that villain ball hard with Charles delivering his speech to the world and giving Jean his location to save him. It sabotages the characters, so it requires less of them in order to defeat Apocalypse or the situation that they are in. Things happen to the characters like Wolverine making mincemeat at Akali lake that require very little of our characters to escape.
So the defeat feels less earned; its cheating in order for the writer to get the results that they wants. Its like technobabble, it isn't your characters thinking their way out of problem, its magic and no more explanation is needed. If your characters are pressed against wall and they can either fight, think or talk to get themselves out.
I get the feeling this why the Jean unleashing the phoenix felt so underwhelming because It isn't our heroes exhausting all possibilities of defeating Apocalypse, where he outsmarted them, out fought them and won at every front and the X-Men can just barely defeat him with all their powers combined, but it isn't enough. Therefore, they do need the Deus ex Machina of the Phoenix in order to defeat him.
The other X-Men movies didn't require the villains: Trask, Stryker (both young and old), Shaw, Senator Kelly or Magneto to be stupid in order for the heroes to defeat them; quite the opposite, their intelligence made more scary and adding to the challenge for our heroes to overcome.
The sentinel are the X-Men cinematic universe equivalent of the fucking Borg; if you had an ad agency advertising futility the DOFP future! sentinels would be it.
XM:A needed to go through several more drafts because this is just sloppy writing and nowhere the caliber of DOFP and FC.
Also you have Oscar God-damn Isaac How could not make this work???
There are parts of this movie that work really damn well for En Sabah Nur because he can be damn scary if the writers allow him to be.
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I'm having 4am opinions apparently
I feel like what most MCU movies and/or Disney shows lack nowadays is good comprehension of the villains unless they're shows about the villains, especially in genres like superhero movies. Thought of this ranking system today that might help explain what I mean with four examples. It's an axis between menace and scale.
Dr. Doofenshmirtz (Phineas and Ferb count as superheroes, right??)
low menace, low scale.
Doof is comic relief for a reason: everyone knows he's not going to succeed and doesn't have any really evil schemes (much to his chagrin) like killing or even hurting anyone. His menace is for petty vengeance at best. And he doesn't aspire to take over more than the tri-state area, and doesn't think or plan much beyond his latest inator.
The Joker
high menace, low scale
Now before the comic junkies come after me, I know there are multiple variations of the Joker for which this might not be true, but most versions I've seen align with this. Joker is the bad guy in every sense of the word. He's toxic and sadistic, killing without thought. No doubt he's menacing. But he's low scale because he, like Doofenshmirtz, rarely plots beyond the next scheme or betrayal, and keeps his mayhem to the confines of Gotham City. He's a crime lord, not going for world domination, but he's well written and scary, which makes him such a classic villain.
high menace, high scale
Thanos brings the big guns to every fight and challenges literally all of the avengers at once, which few villains can boast of. His scale is undeniable and catastrophic, not only global but universal in the MCU. Dusting half of the population of, well, everything, is a pretty big goal to shoot for. He's also fairly menacing, with the earlier post-credits scenes featuring him in the shadows and literally everything to do with Gamora and the methods he uses to take the Infinity Stones. Some people argue he's too weak or too OP, which makes me think he's pretty well balanced.
low menace, high scale
Hades from Hercules is the last example in this analysis, ik it's a kids movie so OF COURSE the villains will be less menacing but the guy is also iconic and funny and relatable. Intends to destroy the gods and Hercules, but is more disposed to bargaining like a car salesman than overt cruelty. That said, his plan does involve full Olympian destruction so he's got plenty of scale. These kinds of characters are a little less common, so harder to define, but can be very effective if written correctly.
I think Disney/MCU stuff lately has veered more towards too sympathetic villains with a ton of power or too cruel villains with not enough power. a proper supervillain has a balance of both, and I wouldn't mind seeing a few more of the high menace/low scale villains, or, even better, low menace/high scale villains who are a bit out of their league. comment with any thoughts and where you think other villains fit on the chart :)
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looney-mooney · 3 years
I just fuckin realized something.
Perry the Platypus fills the same role in Doof’s life that Isabella fills in Phineas’s.
Allow me to explain the parallel:
Isabella shows up every day to Phineas’s backyard and asks him “whatcha doin,” which in turn inspires him to have an answer worth talking about and experiencing. He builds these fantastical machines, not just for his own gain, but for the people who show up every day to experience them. Similarly, Perry the Platypus shows up to Doofenshmirtz Evil Incorporated every day, listens to his monologue about what he’s doing that day, and enjoys/thwarts the resulting machines. Different objective, same pattern. Perry’s presence works as a sort of inspiration to Doofenshmirtz in almost the same way Isabella’s presence works as an inspiration for Phineas.
To further the parallel, Perry and Isabella are both associated with organizations that send them out on missions and have clear&defined goals: OWCA to thwart the evil of Danville, and the Fireside Girls to enrich the community and gain life experience in hyper-specific fields. They are both the best of the best at what they do, Perry at being an OWCA agent and Isabella at being a Fireside Girl. They are both kick-ass, intelligent, unstoppable, determined, and adorable. And both are willing to weaponize their adorableness. They even both keep secrets, Isabella about her feelings for Phineas and Perry about his home life. And, in the show’s postgame, they will both eventually trust their respective partners with those secrets.
Heck, even in crossovers and other dimensions, OWCA and the Fireside Girls are usually one and the same, with the Fireside Girls acting as rebels against whatever force of evil OWCA is fighting against. The parallels between Phineas and Dr. Doofenshmirtz have been pointed out by the show itself several times, to the point where some people would speculate that they might even be related (though if you suggest Doof might be Phineas’s biological father, Dan and Swampy will eradicate you on sight).
And now that I think about it, I’m not sure if the show would even work without this parallel. There’s so much going on at once in any given episode, that the repeating rhythm of it all is somewhat crucial. Phineas and Ferb’s A plot is the sunny slice-of-life that balances Perry and Doof’s slightly darker high-stakes action show. Same rhythm, different flavor.
God this show is good
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hannahhook7744 · 2 years
Can i have a prompt and an AU where Dr Doofenshmirtz is Carlos' dad?
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"My dad is who?" Carlos asked his oldest cousin, Hunter, completely baffled. Surely he hadn't heard him right. I mean, the name was completely ridiculous and he had never even heard of--
"Dr Heinz Doofenshmirtz " the elder repeated patiently, barely looking up from whatever he was tinkering with at the moment. It looked like a mix between a Television, a toaster, and a radio. Carlos was too distracted to really ask about it or get a closer look. He had more important things to ask about after all; like his supposed father who his mother never talked about and who's name didn't ring a bell. And he was desperate to know more. Even if this wasn't a conversation one should probably be having over lunch.
Who wouldn't be after being deprived of said knowledge for 17 years of their life? Especially someone as curious as Carlos?
"What was he in for?" Hunter winced at the question, unintentionally letting Carlos know that he was probably gonna regret asking that question. He didn't have a chance to take the question back ,however, because his cousin had already began listing off his father's crimes "Theft, Animal cruelty, Kidnapping, Terrorism, Oppression, Unlawful imprisonment, Vandalism, Sabotage, Unethical experimentation, Abuse of power, Hostile takeover, Brainwashing, Conspiracy, and destruction of property "
Carlos groaned and slammed his head against the table. He'd been right. He already regretted asking and knowing what his father had done. Because apparently his father was just as much as a psycho and an animal hater as his mother was--
"He wasn't so bad you know" Hunter said suddenly, cutting off his internal tirade. "Huh?" The younger boy lifted his head, thinking once again that he must have heard his cousin wrong. Because his cousin never lied to spare anyone's feelings because he knew just how much people hated him doing that. But he was positive that his cousin had just said--
His cousin once again cut him off. "Your dad, I mean. He wasn't as bad as he sounds. He was kinda like us actually. Nice and desperate for approval. Desperate to prove he was evil. Shitty childhood. Great mind. He was even an animal lover, believe it or not. He just happened to have an archenemy who was a sentient platypus "
Carlos stared at his cousin, wondering if he had lost his mind but decided not to question it. Mainly for his own sanity; he didn't think he could handle having two horrible parents ontop of a loud of horrid relatives. He couldn't be that unlucky. Could he? "What happened to him?"
Hunter paused in his movements but he didn't stare at Carlos. No, instead, he just stared at the screw driver in his hand that he was using to build his memoryinator. Something he and Ivy had been working on in secret for Carlos' 18th birthday that was just a couple of weeks away. He knew that he had to tell Carlos the truth but he also knew that the truth would be hard to here. "People from Auardon came and dragged him and other adults that they considered 'mistakenly placed here or kidnapped' back with them. He didn't want to leave you. He really didn't. He wanted to take you, but they wouldn't let him. Tried to take us too. But they wouldn't let him and took him away, and we never saw him or heard from him again. I'm not even sure he's even still alive to be honest ".
Carlos swallowed heavily, his mouth had gone dry. His hands were shaking. And his eyes stung. But he didn't let himself cry. He didn't let his anger, hurt, bitterness, or that bit of envy he felt show. Not even for a second. No, instead, he just looked Hunter straight in the eye-- a rarity among the de vils-- and asked the one question that had been on his mind since Hunter first broached the topic.
"Why are you telling me this? Why now? Why after all this time?" He figured it was a good question. That there had to be a reason for the forbidden topic to have been brought up again after all these years. Especially because of what happened to all of them the last time he had asked his mother about his father. And he was right.
"Because you have a sister and she wants to meet you "
(Ask and you shall receive. Also to all my other people waiting on asks and other stuff, don't worry. I'm still working on it. )
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shurisneakers · 4 years
harmless (i)
Summary: Bucky volunteers to go stop a small time villain, but nothing can prepare him for what exactly he has to deal with. (Bucky x villain!reader)
Warnings: cursing, nonsense writing
Word count: 1.5k 
A/N: listen i just needed something to keep my mind busy and a perry the platypus!bucky and dr. doofenshmirtz!reader was the only thing i could think of. dont have any high expectations from this series, you will be sorely disappointed.
If you have any ideas for this series, lemme know!! it’d be cute to write!!
here’s my ko-fi if you’d like to support my writing <333
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Series Masterlist
Bucky Barnes, for all intents and purposes, is edgy. 
His SHIELD salary is definitely enough to afford him a simple beanie, gloves even if he’s that eager. His long hair, though a spectacle in itself, isn’t as good at keeping away the cold as he claims it to be. 
It’s a personal choice, a fashion statement even, to be roaming the streets in a long flimsy t-shirt that does nothing to accentuate his broad shoulders, and tactical pants that look a little too comfortable. 
It’s cold. He says he likes it, to appease his blond haired best friend who insisted that he wear a cardigan at least. He won’t like it in a while, but he would never admit it.
The bike ride to the other side of town for a minor mission takes longer than he expected. The wind rushing by gets his adrenaline racing. 
Official missions are long and gruelling, and oftentimes not fun. But it gives him a purpose.
It’s easy, therefore, to find him brooding when he’s not on one. 
No one wants their room to be on the receiving end of Bucky’s stress-cleaning sessions. His baking is more appreciated.
So when there’s news of a small time villain creating havoc again, it made sense that he volunteered to go sort it out. No one else wanted the job. They’d all been at it before. 
SHIELD didn’t seem particularly bothered either. 
“It’s not that serious, Barnes.”
“I’m going.”
“Just stop her from doing whatever dumb plan she has today. She seems to have a new one every week.”
“Can I-”
“This is not an assassination mission.”
“Fine. Can I-”
He didn’t know what to expect. He had an idea of how they should be. Smaller villains tended to be more aggressive, vicious to prove their point. They were here to stay.
He wears his regular gear. Enough knives to make a butcher look away in shame, and guns including, but not limited to, his biceps.
He finally pulls the bike to a stop a few metres away, leaving it out of reach in case things got too out of hand. He didn’t want to have to walk back to the Tower, and his friends, as much as they loved him, would never go out of their way to pick him up. Little shits. 
The address is a dingy, plain concrete house near an old construction site. It was flat and felt more like an afterthought than an actual building. It looked more like an abandoned Walmart than an actual villain lair. 
The only entrance is the door in the front. He counts to three, lifting his leg to kick it down.
It falls down ungracefully, loud and creaky like it was bound to the doorframe by rust. 
The only light source inside is a green light. All the way at the other end on an elevated platform is a desk and a chair facing away from him. He can’t see much other than that.
Someone’s laughter comes back loud and booming. He raises his gun, feet apart in a defensive stance. 
“I’ve been expecti-” the voice pauses mid-sentence- “Did you just kick down my door?”
He looks behind him to where the wooden piece is on the floor. He certainly did.
He can finally see you as you stand up, green light illuminating your face. You reach over to the side, pressing a few switches. 
He squints when all the lights turn on, pulling the both of you from darkness. 
“Dude!” you cry out, face twisting into what only could be described as a mix of horror and disdain. “What’d you do that for?”
He doesn’t say anything but he doesn’t lower his gun either.
“You’re an Avenger, just fuckin’ pick the lock or something. This is expensive!” 
He only watches as you whine, looking beyond him at your now demolished entrance. You take a few steps closer, jumping down from the elevated platform.
“Insurance isn’t going to cover this.” You drag your palm across your fist before extending it towards him. “Pay up.”
He wasn’t sure if he heard you right.
“What?” he finally asked, voice gruff.
“All you superheroes go around, destroying walls and cars in the name of world peace like you own the damn thing. Not today, bitch boy. Pay up.”
He doesn’t have his wallet with him. He didn’t expect to need it.
“I’m supposed to be stopping you.” 
“You can do that once you pay for my door.” 
You sound resolute, unshaken. A little annoyed. There’s what appears to be a gun in your hand, although it’s unlike any weapon he’s seen before.
“What’s your plan?” Bucky looks at your hand. Your stare follows his. You lift the thing up and he tenses.
“I was going to freeze some jerk but now my plan is to get you cancelled on Twitter.” 
“Why?” his eyebrows knit together in confusion.
“Local superhero destroys property of tax paying citizen for no good reason.”
“I mean-” he shakes his head, discarding what you’re saying, “-why were you going to freeze someone?”
“Because I wanted to. But you’ve ruined the mood now, so that won’t happen.”
He blinks, lowering his weapon when he realises you weren’t making any attempt to move. “What’s your ulterior motive?”
“Nothing! I just wanted to mildly inconvenience that stupid fuck for being such a prick.”
He doesn’t know what to say. 
“Is that the freeze ray?” Bucky asks instead, raising his gun when he realises there’s a very real chance he could end up like his best friend. 
“You got a problem with it?” You hold it up carelessly. 
“I can’t let you use that.”
“That’s all you’re going to do?” you huff, “Is this what you call an intervention? This is so boring.”
“Give me the freeze ray and no one has to get hurt.” 
“No one was going to get hurt in the first place, genius. All this does is slow him down for 5 minutes so he misses the subway.”
There’s nothing technically that evil about what you’re doing. He doesn’t even know how you ended up on SHIELD’s radar. He gets why no one was particularly driven to take this seriously.
“And for fuck’s sake put that gun away. You’re not scaring me.” 
He doesn’t oblige, even though something tugs at him, telling him that you’re speaking the truth. 
“Here, take the stupid thing.” You don’t bother waiting for his response, bending over and sliding the gun towards his feet. “I’ll find another way to get back at that dickhead.”
It hits his boot with a small thud. He looks down. Its design is ridiculously comical, like you ripped it straight out of a kid’s TV show. 
“Next time, bring some drama. Wear a cape or something.” You wave him off. “Now get out of my lair. I need to fix the door.”
“You don’t have another one of these lying around, do you?”
“Why, do your friends want one too?” The glare you give him is dangerous. He doesn’t react to it. “No, it’s limited edition. I don’t build the same thing twice.”
“You have others?”
“Wouldn’t you like to know, weather boy?” A smile grows on your face, dropping as quickly as it arrives. “SHIELD will tell you if I do. Now leave.”
Bucky looks at the freeze ray in his hand. He supposes his job is done. He was told to stop you, but you didn’t seem to have any inclination to go on with your plan.
“You can ask them if you want, they know about me.” You roll your eyes. “Go ahead, call them.”
He doesn’t want to take a chance. As odd as the situation is, it’s still novel and he isn’t quite sure how to deal with it.
He tucks your weapon under his arm, pressing his phone to his ear.
“Yes, Sergeant Barnes?” Maria’s voice is crisp as ever.
“I confiscated a... freeze ray.” He feels ridiculous even saying it. “But I’m going to bring her in to SHIELD headquarter-”
“That won’t be necessary.”
“But we can’t trust-”
“We’ve been keeping tabs on her for a while. She’s more or less harmless. You can take the rest of the night off, Sergeant.”
He cuts the call, not entirely at ease with the smug, expectant look on your face. 
Still, he couldn’t disobey direct orders.
“I’m gonna... go.” He mentions towards the gaping hole in the wall.
“That would be ideal, yes.” You nod, crossing your arm over your chest.
“Okay.” He hesitates, but finally takes a step backwards. He peeks over his shoulder as he leaves, but finds you swivelled away from him again. 
He steps back outside. The cold greets him again like an old friend. The weight of his weapons feels stupidly embarrassing now. 
It’s a long drive back to the Tower. He keeps replaying the entire story in his mind. He’s unsure of whether he made the right call, but no one else really seemed to care. 
He had seen weirder things. It came with the gig.
He leaves it at that.
“How’d it go?” Steve asks him when he walks into the living room.
“T’was fine,” he answers, toying with the stupid device he took from you. Maybe he would test it on Clint. He had been getting annoying lately. Breathing too much in Bucky’s general direction.
A part of him feels guilty for his carelessness towards your building. The other part is just bewildered. 
That night he looks up the cost it takes to replace a door, making a mental note to draw some money from the ATM soon.
Next part
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Consider Perry the Platypus.
Perry doesn't talk, so he can't truly banter, but go with me here. He still has a banter-like dynamic between himself and Dr. Doofenshmirtz, in a sense, mostly done on his end with facial expressions.
And this comedic interplay works because Doof is not, like, EVIL evil. Even in his worst moments he's still only cartoonishly evil, like a James Bond villain from the 60s or a Saturday morning cartoon villain from the 80s. It's all one step removed from reality so you don't feel bad about laughing at some witty repartee while the bad guy is like "okay time to take over the world now".
But when you have the villain doing EVIL evil things - like Doof has an alternate universe counterpart who is even eviller and runs a totalitarian nightmare state, or there's an alternate timeline where this Doof succeeds and runs a different totalitarian nightmare state that, among other things, keeps children locked up until adulthood - that changes the dynamic right? Perry the Platypus stops bantering and starts fighting like hell because we're no longer dealing with a guy who made a magnet that alters the rotation of the Earth, we're dealing with a guy who keeps kids in cages. The tonal shift works because the writers know that the new stakes aren't funny and treat the characters' reactions accordingly.
Cause imagine if the villain transitioned from Cartoon Evil to Actual Evil and the hero still bantered at them. That's no longer funny, dude, that's messed up.
James Bond is another good example. Bantering at Blofeld in You Only Live Twice, where Blofeld is this cartoonishly evil villain whose plan is to live inside a Japanese volcano crater and use larger spaceships to eat smaller spaceships, is funny. But imagine if he bantered with Safin or with Madeleine in No Time To Die when Safin kidnapped a small child and made her walk around his garden full of deadly poisons. You'd be saying "Jesus Christ Bond, this is not the time, there are CHILDREN'S LIVES at stake!"
This post is about Thor: Love and Thunder.
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schibi12 · 3 years
I'm about to rant dear Tumblr follower or mutual so if you don't like that well keep on scrolling
I love Ever After High, it's whole theme of legacy and destiny with interesting characters and storyline it was great and I always wanted an Ever After High Doll but I never got one because and I quote "I am a bit to old to still be playing with dolls" but then Disney came along and ruined everything and they made Descendants which to be honest I like in theory but they failed the execution, it's an interesting concept but there are several things I don't like and they failed to do where I feel Ever After High accomplished better for example the designs yes Ever After High may look abit similar because they are a doll franchise but you still can distinguish each and every character be it the main character or a background one while Descendants has the anime problem
" I wonder which ones the main character? Is it that brunette, no it's that one with bright purple hair!"
And the designs are uninspiring these are the children of Disney Heroes and Villains and this is the best you could do. Audrey becomes a villain in the third movie and as we see her color palette is baby pink and pastel blue I think a villain with those colors could be different and unique villain design but they ruined they gave her pink, black and purple which are already common villain colors.
Apparently you just need to dye your hair an unnatural color wear some leather and your part of the Isle of the Lost and that is if you're a major character if not you are just dressed in rags and dirty. I honestly can't remember if the background characters from Descendants have names they are that forgettable well to me but Compare it with Ever After High background characters they may not be relevant to the story but I remember them Tiny the Giant, Humphrey Dumpty, Hopper the third I think, Melody Piper and I didn't Google none of them that's memorable they are!
Also why is Mal the only one who has magical powers?! Like the Evil queen makes potions in her original movie shouldn't Evie be able to brew potions or Jafar was a sorcerer shouldn't Jay should also have magical powers what about the children of heroes Jane is the daughter of the Fairy Godmother shouldn't she have magical powers or Ben son of Belle and Beast shouldn't he have like some remnants of the beast curse sort of like a werewolf and he doesn't know if he truly belongs in Auradon cause of how much they villainized the Villains and their children so he does his best to hide that form and how his perfect kid image is all a facade and how he truly feels the best and free in his beast form and the VK find out and instead of rejecting him they accept him and help him keep his secret and forming a genuine friendship with them, I just gave you a more interesting story arc that I just invented at this moment with meaningful and topical themes than what Disney did with this characters in 3 movies.
Or why doesn't Audrey have remnants of the sleeping curse or is that too on the nose Disney of the franchise you plagiarized of this from, speaking of Ever After High no matter if royal or rebel, good or bad everybody had a magical gift, Cedar couldn't lie, Kitty could teleport, Duchess could dance on water, Raven and Faybelle had magical powers, Briar had remnants of the sleeping curse.
Also why in Descendants are all the Villains bad parents like only the good villain parent I remember is Dr Facilier I think but yeah apparently in the Descendants universe only heroes are good parents and villains are bad parents like there is no Dr Doofenshmirtz who is a villain but is a pretty good father and not trying to enforce their beliefs and evil agenda to their kids.
But in Ever After High there are good villain parents like the Queen of Hearts and sort of bad hero parents like Snow White.
You wanna know the worst thing that happened after Disney ruined the franchise? Is that we where robbed of the Monster High and Ever After High crossover as fan of the both series and watching all the movies where they referenced and hinted to the crossover just for it to never happened! And yes I am aware that they crossovered in the books but I wanted my TV special ok.
And that's all I have for today I hope you enjoyed reading this rant and I will see you real soon!
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duckmumbo · 2 years
is. does evil xisuma count as a hermit? b/c if so i'd love to here your thoughts on him <3
You know what anon I am making the executive decision that he does in fact count as a hermit
First impression - the first I ever saw of him was in a s8 hermitcraft recap and I was like “there’s an evil version of one of the hermits? that’s kinda cool. Anyways.” so I apparently was not that interested I guess cjkdhsj
Impression now - he’s my poor little meow meow. He’s committed so many war crimes but he’s my special little boy so it’s ok. Cryptocurrency (derogatory). I could fix him (platonically) but whatever’s wrong with him is so much funnier. I want to throw him off a roof I want to make him dinner (platonic) I want to trap him in a snow globe and shake it. I bet if he got electrocuted you would see his skeleton like in cartoons. He is a wet towel.
Favorite moment - in a hilarious contrast to the above section I have actually not watched xisuma’s videos with Evil X in them so I have no favorite moments like at all haha whoops
Idea for a story - he learns what NFTs are and instead of being evil and doing NFTs he decides to be evil towards NFTs. Starts a minecraft equivalent of twitter account and tells crypto bros he’s right clicking to save the image of their NFTs. Becomes a complete nuisance to everyone doing NFTs and moves into Xisuma’s basement so he can both cackle at the people on minecraft!twitter getting mad at him and annoy xisuma. Best of both worlds he is a multitasking genius
Random opinion - I feel like he would be the kinda guy to watch phineas and ferb, take a look at dr. Doofenshmirtz and be like he just like me fr
Favorite relationship - again I have yet to watch any eps w evil xisuma but all the fics talk about his friendship with Zedaph so legally I have to go with him <3
Favorite headcanon - him and xisuma being brothers absolutely slaps. Is this even a headcanon or is it actually canon I don’t really know. Either way it always slaps I’m obsessed with it
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What're some of your favorite moments between Doof and Perry during Phineas and Ferb?
You have absolutely no idea how fucking long I spent making this video fhdsjahkjaf I’m gonna gush under the cut about why I liked each one so y’all don’t have to deal with me if you don’t want to lol
These are in no particular order. They’re just numbered to line up with the reasoning. I added lil descriptions to each of them but you’ll probably have to either watch the video first or have a pretty good memory of the show to understand them lol
1. “Dr. Wexler, you’re a platypus?” (A Hard Day’s Knight)
Literally just the way he says, “Dr. Wexler, you’re a platypus?”
2. “Is every platypus named Perry?” and then Perry bites him (AT2D)
M O N C H (also Heinz calls him cute) (also also “We do not bite the elderly!”)
3. Perry tries to fly him and Heinz home from the desert but Heinz flips the turbo switch and they lose the jetpack (Road to Danville)
“Like you didn’t know about my switch-flipping compulsion!” They’re literally an old married couple omfg I can’t even (also moment of appreciation for the fact that they’re close enough that Heinz just assumes Perry knows about his switch-flipping compulsion) (another moment of appreciation because Perry probably does)
4. The end of the Perry/Doof subplot of Terrifying Tri-State Trilogy of Terror
First of all, the way Perry decides to run under his giant floating head when going around would take two extra seconds? Beautiful. And, of course, Perry’s fucking smirk because that’s just not his problem lmaooo
5. The pause in the FIGHT FIGHT IT’S A PLATYPUS FIGHT (Doofapus)
I love that they literally just stop mid-fight to have tea. I firmly believe there is no other pair of nemeses that would do that and this is just how Heinz and Perry work. Also, Perry’s smile? He feels so understood? It’s so pure?
6. Vanessa lets Perry in before he can break down the door with his rocket launcher and then Perry accidentally shoots it through the wall (My Sweet Ride)
“This is why I can never have anything nice -_-”
7. Heinz doesn’t trap Perry (Road to Danville)
He’s so confused fjdahfksdhfak he literally goes out of his way to get trapped at that point (even if he pretends he doesn’t) and Heinz flipped the script on him without telling him and his lil shrug is so cute and I just jsfhkjadhsk
8. There’s a Platypus Controlling Me (Brain Drain)
You had to know this one was gonna be there
9. “In your letters, you said your nemesis was a suave, semi-aquatic personification of unstoppable dynamic fury” (Oil on Candace)
The fact that Heinz sent his ex-professor a letter gushing about his nemesis is just *chef’s kiss*
10. Perry and Dennis are fighting in giant puppets in the street and Heinz recognizes Perry piloting the puppet because of his fighting style (The Return of the Rogue Rabbit)
I’m pretty sure this is the only time Heinz ever recognizes Perry without his hat on (correct me if I’m wrong tho) and the fact that it’s literally just because Perry punched the fuckin camera kills me every time
11. Heinz is worried they won’t make his play in time so Perry tells him to flip the turbo switch (Road to Danville)
Perry just trusts him so much??? Flipping the switch was what got them into that mess in the first place??? But Perry cares so much about Heinz making his LOVEMUFFIN play that he’s willing to give it another go??? I love it???
I feel like we don’t get to see Perry just kinda hanging out like that a lot. He’s always doing that steely glare, even when they’re having fun. I don’t think Perry really realizes how emotionless he can look sometimes (the beginning and end of Sidetracked are from Perry’s POV especially at the end, the way he acts with the boys shows too much character for a secret agent, so even though he seems to think it’s obvious that he’s all lovey dovey with them, he does much too good a job at hiding his emotions) but it’s nice to see him drop the facade every now and then
13. Heinz calls Monogram because Perry hasn’t shown up (Perry the Actorpus)
I know Perry’s not technically in this one but I love that Heinz a) calls OWCA when Perry doesn’t show up and b) looks so nervous as he calls OWCA because Perry hasn’t shown up
14. Perry brings Heinz a glass of water (Road to Danville)
Half this episode is just them being mad at each other because they blame the other one for sticking them in the desert with way home, and I love that even though Perry’s been fuming pretty much the entire time, the second Heinz actually starts yelling at him, he’s immediately hit with a wave of guilt (also I love that he somehow found a glass of water in the middle of the desert?)
Not gonna lie, I mostly picked this one for shits and giggles BUT that doesn’t mean I can’t overanalyze it because that’s what I do best. Perry’s whole role in the show is to tie together the two completely unrelated plots, and that’s only so entertaining because not only does neither side know the other, but neither side knows what version of Perry the other side knows. This is the first time Heinz has really connected mindless pet Perry with Agent P Perry, and I feel like that was the most interesting part of the movie was that Phineas, Ferb, Candace, and Heinz all saw a side of Perry they didn’t know. 
16. Heinz invites Perry out for lunch (The Quietest Day Ever)
Heinz doesn’t even know he got hit with the de-handsome-inator. He literally just thinks he lost, and his immediate reaction is to ask if Perry wants to hang out. I just love those lil insights into their relationship when they’re not fighting. Also, perry.exe has stopped working.
17. Honestly just all of Father’s Day
I hate knowing that chronologically, Father’s Day had to happen probably less than halfway through the summer and not towards the end like it does in the episode order. It’s such a sweet turning point in their relationship. Perry’s head all these horrible backstories about Mr. Doofenshmirtz and I can only assume he hates the guy, but he’s still so supportive of Heinz trying to win his approval -- and he’s supportive when that fails and Heinz needs someone to lean on.
18. Perry Lays An Egg
T H W A R T   M E   P E R R Y   T H E   P L A T Y P U S 
19. Heinz proving he knows how to shut the fuck up by refusing to shut the fuck up (Road to Danville)
Perry’s literally about to fight a bitch and I can’t blame him. I also like the lil look into Heinz’s thoughts with the “it’s not like I have to fill the space” line because it really explains a lot about him.
20. Perry waiting for the New Year’s ball to drop and for Heinz to finish his scheme (Happy New Year!)
Once again, a beautiful look at how their entire relationship is based on their routine and knowing what to expect. It wouldn’t be Heinz and Perry if there was not punching and kicking involved. (Also, Perry’s smug face while he waits) (Also also, Perry’s lil shrug)
21. Heinz invites Perry to hang out in his house in the suburbs (Put That Putter Away)
GIVE PERRY A DAY OFF (but for real I love that Heinz literally just asked if he wanted to hang out, AND that he assured Perry that he’d make sure he didn’t get in trouble with Monogram for it)
22. The end of Sidetracked
23. “The thing that’s kept me from succeeding all these years is YOU!” *turns finger around* (Road to Danville)
24. Roger tries to say hi to sleeping Perry (Just Our Luck)
How often does Perry have to fall asleep around Heinz for the guy to know he gets testy when someone wakes him up?
25. The brief New Year’s dance break (Happy New Year!)
26. Perry accidentally became famous for advertising tools and then shows up at DEI (Perry the Actorpus)
He’s so happy to see his nemesis again :,)
27. “You think I’m evil, right?” *finger guns* (Oil on Candace)
Perry is at least partially responsible for how horribly that day went, but that’s his job is to make sure evil scientists don’t impress other evil scientists. You don’t want, like, an evil scientist team up or whatever. But I’m decently sure there’s nothing in the job description that says Perry has to stick around and assure his nemesis that he’s good at being evil, so that’s all Perry’s doing.
28. Perry pulled an all nighter and shows up at DEI asleep and Heinz has to try not to wake him up (Just Our Luck)
The amount of respect it takes for Heinz to see his nemesis sleeping on the job and go out of his way not to wake him up (but to make sure he’s still included, of course; he’s not a disrespectful guy, even if he is evil) warms my heart
29. Perry shows Heinz a bunch of their pictures together (This Is Your Backstory)
a) I love that Perry carries those pictures in his wallet 
b) I love that those pictures exist at all
 c) I love that Heinz has enjoyed his nemesisship with Perry so much that it basically negates every tragic backstory
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sxrrandomfanfics · 2 years
Got any favorite Villains out there? OC Villains are included.
Oh boy, I'm not too big of a fan of villains. Their actions tend to squick me out. Lemme see what I can think of...
Amount of series - 13 Amount of characters - 18
Cree (Kids Next Door) - I don't like it when sisters fight because there is not enough healthy sibling representation between two or more sisters in media, but dang if Cree and Abigale's relationship doesn't hit me in the feels everytime. Dr. Doofenshmirtz (Phineas and Ferb) - Technically a villain. He's a great dad though. And hilarious with the overly tragic backstory. He looses to a platypus in a fedora every single day of the summer. Before going to teach some science class. I love how he evolved. Boxman (OK K.O.) - Doesn't understand organics, so he makes robots who see him as a father figure. Loves evil just to be evil, which is a breath of fresh air. Charles (No Evil) - THIS BOYO. This child. He has been given the power of the Jaguar of Shadows, Tezcatlipoca, and he has no idea how to use it. He was thinking what he was doing was justified and then when the main characters capture him. Zira (Lion King II: Simba's Pride) - This woman is fantastic. Will not give up her ideals when her life is on the line. She's a great use of the "Gaslight, Gatekeep, Girlboss is just being mean" and manipulation. And she has a better villain song than Mother Gothel. Caligosto Loboto (Psychonauts) - I love tragic villains. Caligosto is one of them. I'm not as into him as some of the other fans, but a Dentist/Brain surgeon/mercenary who got a lobotomy because he used to be psychic is just such a great character to bounce with the other characters in the series. I like his interactions with Sasha especially. N (Pokemon) - May have been my first villain crush. I was 10 at the time. Didn't get a lot of the nuance, just liked the pretty boy. Now I see him and think LAYERS. Lusamine (Pokemon) - Listen my mom is pretty cool. She doesn't really force me to do things. So seeing mom's in media that do just unnerves me in all the best ways. Guzma (Pokemon) - It's MA BOY. He loves bugs and reminds me of my friends. Plus I love Team Skull in general. Myotismon (Digimon) - I think of just Myotismon's first arc was him at his best. He literally murders Digimon and people for kicks and is such a big threat to Gatomon that when she defeats him it's SO well deserved. Ennard (FNaF Sister Location) - Ennard was such an unnerving villain. Oooo... such shivers. Dr. Starline (Sonic IDW Comics) - This platypus with too much ego is just an amazingly horrid person. He's such a dumb smart person. And mean. Like with Surge and Kitsunami. Nothing King (Centaurworld) - What a creature. What a pathetic wet beast. What a simp. Haunting Lullaby and scary strength, this Minotaur who refused his own Centaur nature corrupted himself, leaving the only out through death. Incredible. GLaDOS (Portal) - Snarky, motherly, downright funny. And a great singer to boot! Cha-cha (Umbrella Academy) - While I would rather she be dead over her partner, Cha-cha was fun to have on the villains against the Umbrella Academy, particularly, Number 5.
Nelly (Whatever Happened to Shadowy Figure) - A person who you think is a victim, a little gal, then turns out to still want the villainous ideas of power and harm, just is pushed down by others to not do it her way. Delightful in the manipulation of reader's feeling bad for her only for me to bet she's not going to be as bad but still bad. Victoria Warsh - Strawberry Milk has talked about her in a Discord server we share and her story is delightfully twisted.
[REDACTED] - OH BOY LEMME DESCRIBE HIM. This fallen prince of once positive feelings has turned into a monster that causes so much distress for the people that knew him. An older brother watched him become a monster and now longs to become a monster as well to be reunited with his little brother, unaware that the little brother has long since nursed all of his love into hatred for his eldest brother. A general is trying to keep the land safe but unknowingly falling into every idea this little prince has created. A youngest brother once close to him now fears his older and middle brothers for what the middle brother has done. A "replacement" brother and his guard who have NO idea of the mania that the middle brother created. I LOVE HIM SO MUCH AND I CAN'T SAY ANYTHING ABOUT HIM.
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