#villain ranking
kivishipps · 4 months
How would you rank the Villians in Legend of Korra from your favorite to least favorite? In terms of design, powers, story, etc...
My ORIGINAL favorite was Kuvira, partially because it was so close to my omnisexual awakening. However years later as I am now a big girl with big girl idras and observations it’s safe to say my ranking has definitely changed up a little bit as you will find below!!
Amon; Ignoring the fact he is simply my favorite and I would run away with him any day, Amon is an extremely well rounded character in my opinion. Not only is his design very well… well, designed, but it also took a lot of thought and dedication. Following this the more I think about what he stands for the more I realize how right he was. Now no I don’t agree benders should lose their bending, but he was addressing the system of oppression at its core and that to me is something that can’t be made light of. I am disabled, LGBTQ+ and fall into multiple minority groups and understand the frustrations of the oppressed on a pesonal level meaning that to me his motivations were real, and extremely well written.
Kuvira; I admit I don’t have a big reason for this outside of thinking she’s absolutely gorgeous and a real powerhouse of a woman. That being said she is not without her own personal strengths and I think her years of dedication to her craft made her a very cut-throat and growth inducing(for Korra) villain. Her motivations were admittedly super lackluster because I feel like the need for power had been used time and time again.
Zaheer; Zaheer and the Red Lotus to me was a very creative plot point to work around, and in general I really do enjoy the idea of there being other more secretive gatherings of power out there with the potential to influence the world just as much as the avatar does. Following this he was extremely skilled for having become a master air bender in only a few weeks!!
Unalaq; I just… didn’t care for book two, I’m sorry. To me the only good part of book two was learning about Ravaa and seeing Korra’s parents as well as the tribe she grew up in. I’m a sucker for lore and getting background on my girl Korra was a lot of fun but ultimately Unalaq’s goal made ZERO sense to me and his design was the only reason he had points to begin with.
Noatak could solo him easy.
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I'm having 4am opinions apparently
I feel like what most MCU movies and/or Disney shows lack nowadays is good comprehension of the villains unless they're shows about the villains, especially in genres like superhero movies. Thought of this ranking system today that might help explain what I mean with four examples. It's an axis between menace and scale.
Dr. Doofenshmirtz (Phineas and Ferb count as superheroes, right??)
low menace, low scale.
Doof is comic relief for a reason: everyone knows he's not going to succeed and doesn't have any really evil schemes (much to his chagrin) like killing or even hurting anyone. His menace is for petty vengeance at best. And he doesn't aspire to take over more than the tri-state area, and doesn't think or plan much beyond his latest inator.
The Joker
high menace, low scale
Now before the comic junkies come after me, I know there are multiple variations of the Joker for which this might not be true, but most versions I've seen align with this. Joker is the bad guy in every sense of the word. He's toxic and sadistic, killing without thought. No doubt he's menacing. But he's low scale because he, like Doofenshmirtz, rarely plots beyond the next scheme or betrayal, and keeps his mayhem to the confines of Gotham City. He's a crime lord, not going for world domination, but he's well written and scary, which makes him such a classic villain.
high menace, high scale
Thanos brings the big guns to every fight and challenges literally all of the avengers at once, which few villains can boast of. His scale is undeniable and catastrophic, not only global but universal in the MCU. Dusting half of the population of, well, everything, is a pretty big goal to shoot for. He's also fairly menacing, with the earlier post-credits scenes featuring him in the shadows and literally everything to do with Gamora and the methods he uses to take the Infinity Stones. Some people argue he's too weak or too OP, which makes me think he's pretty well balanced.
low menace, high scale
Hades from Hercules is the last example in this analysis, ik it's a kids movie so OF COURSE the villains will be less menacing but the guy is also iconic and funny and relatable. Intends to destroy the gods and Hercules, but is more disposed to bargaining like a car salesman than overt cruelty. That said, his plan does involve full Olympian destruction so he's got plenty of scale. These kinds of characters are a little less common, so harder to define, but can be very effective if written correctly.
I think Disney/MCU stuff lately has veered more towards too sympathetic villains with a ton of power or too cruel villains with not enough power. a proper supervillain has a balance of both, and I wouldn't mind seeing a few more of the high menace/low scale villains, or, even better, low menace/high scale villains who are a bit out of their league. comment with any thoughts and where you think other villains fit on the chart :)
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nibbelraz · 9 months
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A writer and His number one fan hater
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sunderwight · 8 months
Shen Yuan was just a regular (ehhh kind of) nerd when the invasions began, monsters and dungeons started showing up, and people started "awakening" as RPG-style superheroes with special abilities, enhanced strength/speed/etc, and ranked classifications.
Shen Yuan's older brother awakens as S-classes. His younger sister awakens as an S-class. Shen Yuan?
Of course, chronically ill Shen Yuan told himself he wasn't really expecting any different. But there have been people who have awakened as higher classes despite their own lifelong health problems or disabilities, and in many cases awakening cured them, and so he'd hoped...
Well. It doesn't matter what he'd hoped.
The worst part isn't even that he's not some badass dungeon-delver himself (even though he is wildly curious about all the strange monsters and beasts and demons that have been turning up), the worst part is that his siblings have all but left him in the dust. They aren't just busy, he can tell that they've increasingly been avoiding him, until virtually the only time they speak to him is when they catch him trying to go into a dungeon again and then yell at him about it.
(Of course, his siblings have been increasingly aware of the danger SY is in whenever he's in proximity to them, but no one ever accused the Shen family of having strong communication skills...)
Nonetheless, if there is some possible way for Shen Yuan to increase his rank, he won't find it staying at home. And there are too many mysteries to investigate to just keep himself out of it, even if that would be more sensible. So, Shen Yuan arranges to be on various low-level dungeon teams. Often among the more questionable, misguided ones being attempted by the newly-awakened or by people who are just desperate to try and get some kind of windfall. Dungeons are dangerous, but a lucky item drop can still make someone more money in a minute than they could otherwise earn in a year. It's through these jobs that Shen Yuan meets fellow F-class Shang Qinghua, whose motives for entering the dungeons are definitely more financial than academic.
This is also how Shen Yuan ends up in the wrong place at the wrong time, in a dungeon that has suddenly gone from low-level to a high-level boss, fleeing for his life. Just when it seems like he's about to become mincemeat, his older brother (Shen Jiu) shows up and takes on the dungeon boss. But it's too much for a lone S-class, even one as determined and vicious as SJ, and Shen Yuan can only watch in horror as his brother is killed by the terrifyingly powerful and weirdly beautiful Heavenly Demon Boss.
But the reason SY survived the initial assault, when no one else did, is thanks to his hidden ability. Which temporarily grants him the powers of anyone he has a bond with who has just died, x2. Previously, he had his bacon saved by Shang Qinghua's traumatic death, and when Shen Jiu dies, SY gains enough power to actually take down this mysterious Heavenly Demon boss.
It's a hollow victory. His brother is dead. His friend is dead. Even the boss monster seems inexplicably tragic to him somehow.
And why did SJ show up anyway? Between his siblings, Shen Yuan thought that his brother had grown the most distant from him, that he even hated him now! Why couldn't he have just... stayed away...?
Despite the traumatic horror of these events, killing the boss monster grants Shen Yuan a boon. It isn't a "raise people from the dead" boon, but it does permit time travel! In fact it seems kind of emphatic on that point, like something has gone really horribly wrong with reality and the world is struggling to hold itself together now somehow. Though that could also just be because Shen Yuan's world is struggling to hold itself together...?
Regardless, this new entity called "the system" refuses to let Shen Yuan go back to a point in time before he awakened, or before the dungeons appeared. But he can go back to a point before his brother died, which is definitely good enough. Accept, accept! Who has time to read the terms & conditions? Whatever it is he'll deal with it! Just send him as far back in time as he can go!
As such, Shen Yuan's memories are sent back five years in time. Along with him go a bunch of weird new unlocked abilities, and the system menu, which demands he fulfill certain tasks and complete certain quests as a stipulation of the time travel boon. Succeed, and he gets more rewards to help him keep himself and his loved ones alive. Fail, and he'll be rebooted back to the bad ending, except to the moment before the Heavenly Demon boss died but without any of his power boosts.
So maybe Shen Yuan should have read the fine print.
Though, even if he had, he still would have made the same choice.
Back five years in the past, he's got some thinking to do. Five years is a decent chunk of time. His siblings have both awoken, and begun distancing themselves from him, but their positions are still pretty different. Shen Jiu and his childhood friend Yue Qi had a falling-out over something (they wouldn't say what) at this point in time. Shen Jiu signed on with the Qiu Collective, one of the initial rich adventuring guilds that hired people to go into dungeons. But the Qiu Collective was corrupt even by the standards of a lot of dungeon-oriented corporations, and though Shen Yuan was never made privy to the details, he knew they mistreated Shen Jiu badly and that there were a lot of investigations. The collective ultimately went under when their office was destroyed by a rogue rampaging monster, after an undiscovered dungeon opened nearby. Dungeons that open but aren't found are especially dangerous, as the threat levels will steadily increase without anyone to clear them out, until the result is a dungeon break -- monsters escaping the dungeon and emerging in the normal world, causing havoc and Godzilla-style rampages.
According to the official reports, that was what caused the destruction of the Qiu Collective's head office and the death of their CEO.
Yue Qi, on the other hand, joined the Cang Qiong guild, which had fared a little better over the five year span. Yue Qi eventually even took over the guild, and after the Qiu Collective went under, Shen Jiu made up with him enough to join him there. Shen Yuan had hoped they would reconcile and maybe even answer some of his calls, but things remained strained between all of them even afterwards.
Shen Ying, his little sister, was sheltered and trained by their older brother until she was old enough to join Cang Qiong as well, but despite being S-rank, her youth and inexperience kept her more on the sidelines. Shen Yuan had thought they might bond over being kept out of the loop, but his last conversation with his sister had made it clear that as far as she was concerned, he was still world's away from her level.
(Read: Shen Ying told him he should keep away from dangerous things, was clumsy about it, and unwittingly fed some of Shen Yuan's worst insecurities.)
On top of that, though, was another consideration:
Luo Binghe.
Among the guilds that could rival Cang Qiong five years hence, the biggest one was Demon Path. Luo Binghe would start out as a member of Cang Qiong guild, recruited shortly after awakening. Shen Yuan had thought he was pretty cool, actually, but there was some bad blood between Luo Binghe and Shen Jiu, and it got bad enough that when Luo Binghe made his solo break he got Shen Jiu embroiled in some kind of legal investigation (something about the wrongful death of another guild member) on his way out. Demon Realm and Cang Qiong remained thoroughly at odds afterwards, and things only got worse when Demon Realm surpassed Cang Qiong's count of S-rank members, and conducted a successful merger with Huan Hua guild. That is, until Luo Binghe just mysteriously vanished altogether from the public eye.
Though Luo Binghe of course wasn't the dungeon boss that actually killed Shen Jiu, he had certainly been trying to destroy him before Shen Yuan reset the timeline.
But going five years back in time... Luo Binghe had been a prodigy, the youngest to become a guild leader. Five years hence, he'd be around twenty years old.
Which means that right now, thanks to the rewind, he is fourteen or fifteen years old and hasn't even awakened yet.
It would be possible to take him out of the equation altogether.
Then, there's Liu Qingge. An S-rank who died in a dungeon under suspicious circumstances, which provided the crux of the investigation into Shen Jiu. He and Shen Jiu had also never gotten along, although once again no one had confided the details to him. Shen Yuan refused to believe that his brother had actually murdered Liu Qingge, though. If Shen Jiu was going to murder someone he'd be a lot less obvious about it.
But it would probably be better if Liu Qingge didn't die at all.
Lastly, there's the matter of Shang Qinghua.
According to Shen Yuan's mental math, Shang Qinghua won't have awoken his abilities yet either. Five years into the future, extensive research and several regrettable moves on the part of various governments and guilds would reveal that even though it was supposedly impossible to increase someone's rank after awakening, how a person awoke their abilities could have a great deal of impact on their rank.
Shang Qinghua was a textbook example of a bad awakening. His skills were mostly oriented towards stealth and item drop bonuses, but his awakening had been violent, prompted by a shady center that promised people an avenue to adventure and riches only to use mortal terror to trigger the awakening process. Being in extreme danger would work fine for those with combat skills, but wasn't so good for everyone else. A lot of people had their awakening stunted by such early methods, which were not only a bad way to go about it but also traumatic to boot.
Shen Yuan has a suspicion that someone like Shang Qinghua would actually be incredibly valuable for stealth missions and item farming, if only he'd awoken at full potential. Instead, he'd struggled to make anything of his abilities due to his lack of durability or access to the kind of high-level items that would compensate for it.
Gathering all this foresight, Shen Yuan sets about altering the future to protect his siblings.
Step one: find Luo Binghe.
Shen Yuan's initial thought was to just kind of, nudge Luo Binghe towards something different from Cang Qiong altogether. Maybe if he started out with Huan Hua guild, he could contain all his trouble there. But when he finds him, Binghe is in a bad situation. The kid's living in foster care with abusive caretakers, his adoptive mother has recently died, and he's waiting tables and picking up trash instead of going to school. His clothes are threadbare, he's too skinny, and he looks like he's been beaten.
Between a rocky introduction and an attack from a Moon Python Rhinoceros thanks to a nearby dungeon break, Shen Yuan manages to convince Luo Binghe to hire him as his agent (fee = 0% of all Binghe's dungeon earnings plus 0% from contracts), and determinedly takes over. The System seems to wildly approve of it.
Creepy. And suspicious.
But Binghe is actually a total sweetheart, as it happens, to the point where Shen Yuan can't imagine what inspired the enmity between him and Shen Jiu. This kid truly is a diamond in the rough. He just needed a little help and some actual guidance, that's all!
With Binghe on the road to a less antagonistic fate, the next most chronologically urgent item on the list is Shang Qinghua. Shen Yuan has a new ability that lets him awaken people to their full potential, and his chosen guinea pig is his own formerly deceased bro. Somehow, awakening Shang Qinghua's abilities ends up involving a near-miss with rescuing him from debt collectors, and running into (and rescuing) the S-class Mobei Jun, who had joined Demon Realm as Luo Binghe's subordinate back in the original timeline.
It's actually quite fortuitous, though, because Shang Qinghua's treasure-hunter and stealth abilities are best suited to him being accompanied by a high-ranking hunter who can pick up the physical slack. Shen Yuan had been thinking that at least awakening Shang Qinghua as a D-rank would make him durable enough to handle some dungeons without turning to sketchy organizations for back-up, but with Mobei Jun, the ice prince can ferry the man right to the most valuable loot!
Shen Yuan's on a roll!
He discovers that some of his new abilities have utility as beast-taming skills, and tackles several dungeons successfully with the help of Luo Binghe, Shang Qinghua, and Mobei Jun. They even manage to rescue A-class Sha Hualing from a sticky situation, and Shen Yuan learns that his abilities can, in fact, help other awakened level up their own rank (previously believed impossible). With enough of his influence, Sha Hualing could become S-rank one day.
But of course, it can't be too easy.
When Shen Yuan moves to intervene with the dungeon break that wiped out the Qiu Collective, and seemed to start all the controversies against his brother, he instead finds that there is no dungeon at all. Yet, clearly some kind of attack on the building is underway.
He finds out why when he comes across his brother in a fugue state, murdering his way through his own guild.
Turns out, most S-ranks creep people out. Most average people can barely tolerate being around them even before they awaken. But afterwards? Their oppressive auras and sheer strength tend to trigger everyone's flight-or-fight reflex. Shen Yuan never noticed, because he's grown up surrounded by S-ranks his whole life. Even upon watching Shen Jiu kill the Qiu members, Shen Yuan's chief source of upset is that they were apparently treating his brother so badly that they inspired a murder spree from someone ordinarily much more calculating and clever than that.
Apparently, Shen Yuan should have been taking the opportunity to move against them a lot sooner, rather than just mitigating the whole supposed dungeon-break disaster and then investigating after. His own fault. He thought that keeping his distance would help his siblings, but clearly, letting them hoard their secrets and do whatever they think is best isn't the way to go either.
Does he even know what's really happening with his sister? Or to Yue Qi over at Cang Qiong? At this point in time, his friend had stopped contacting him altogether for several months in a row. When he came back, he was definitely more subdued and even more distant than he had been before. And that's the same guild that Shen Jiu and Shen Ying will eventually join as well, presumably with its own skeletons packed into the closet.
Shen Yuan's going to have to adjust a lot of his plans, it seems.
But first -- he's got a murder spree to help cover up, and an older brother to take home and, uh. Calm down. Or something?
Damn. Maybe Shen Jiu did kill Liu Qingge on purpose. He's going to have to thoroughly figure that situation out too, if he wants to handle it right...
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reineydraws · 1 month
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had to draw this to understand the way i feel about him now that the manga's ended. 🥲 on that note: if you like hawks and his ending, maybe don't read my tags lol. it's not bashing (imo) but they're not v nice. 😅
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bg + unobstructed pose under the cut!
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his expression's a lil different 'cuz i only changed the merged layer, all the lighting effects already flattened onto it. 💀 alas.
#hawks#mha hawks#bnha hawks#takami keigo#keigo takami#bnha#bnha fanart#mha#mha fanart#spoilers#bnha spoilers#mha spoilers#it's not very positive lol i don't really like the way his character ended 🥲#i think his hero worship for endeavor blinded him from seeing or doing anything that could make a difference#i was so let down when he didm't have any sort of critique or moral dilemma after the touya reveal#and just immediately supported endeavor--it made me think he wss incapable of being critical of his idol.#only further underscored with the way he remembers his endeavor plushie while he defends the rabking system.#like. he thinks about his childhood toy of his hero while he defends the system that ultimately caused that ''hero'' to ruin his family.#so blinded by that pedestal that he unironically thinks about the BIGGEST example of why the ranking system does NOT work#WHILE he defends said system.#he was introduced as this morally complicated guy and instead of his childhood worship of a flawed guy making him more interesting#by having him really THINK about what it means that his hero inadvertently created a super villain#he was instead flattened into an endeavor fan boy. and even tho he was introduced as a guy w a complicated bg of#villainous father + harshly trained by the HPSC from a young age he still doesn't do very much with the system of which he's gained charge.#if he thought of the plushie as a memory of what it meant to have a symbol of hope in his hands it's like...#hawks... abolishing the ranking system wont stop merch and news articles and good PR from happening...#anyways yeah. he was one of my faves for a really long time but the way he ends... i dont like that guy.#that being said him becoming president of the HPSC isnt smth i hate even tho idve given him a vacay and his sought-after free time.#and i like that he brings a katana around now. i tried to make the projection make it look like his epilogue self has wings.#oh and i hated the tiny epilogue panel that made it look like endeavor replaced his entire set of kids. :) just. absolutely loathed it. :))
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free-n-wild · 1 year
Chris: Don’t kill me! My brother, my crew, they're probably really worried about me! Some new villain: You think I care about that? Chris: Oh, no, this isn’t a plea for mercy. It’s a warning. Villain: Wha— Martin, kicking down the door: ARE YOU READY TO DIE?!
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Who's the better villain?
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copper-ice-cube · 2 months
Main D20 Seasons Ultimate Ranking: part 2
Bonus: who was the scariest villain? Who was the antagonist you most agreed with?
(Part I, Part III, Part IV, Part V, Part VI, Part VII, Part VIII, Part IX, Part X, Part XI)
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dear-mrs-otome · 6 months
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No surprises there, really
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keyt-solani · 2 months
So... what's supposed to happen with the quirk singularity theory? The theory that we spent so much time on that stated that one day quirks would be too powerful for humanity to control? The theory that was created by Ujiko, the theory that motivated Overhaul to try to destroy quirks? The theory that Eri's quirk proves? The theory that is also supported by the overpowered kindergarteners Shoto and Bakugo had barely been able to control? Did we like... just forget about that?
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cancelforcipe · 13 days
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hawks: sooo what are we watching today?
dabi: the lion king
hawks: disney?
dabi: yeah, i wanna watch how simba’s old man dies and he’s better off without him
hawks: okay, sure. so you wanna tell me that you don’t cry on disney movies?
dabi: me? never. birdie please, you know me.
*somewhere in the middle of the lion king movie*
dabi: *mufasa dies and he is curled up in a blanket on hawks’ lap and sobs loudly*
hawks: *stroking dabi’s hair gently* are you ok babe? still not crying?
dabi: *sobbing* yes, why? i told you he’s better of without mufasa, and i’m not crying at all
hawks: *smiling a little bit* of course, softie
dabi: i’m not a softie
hawks: sure you’re not
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chiquilines · 1 year
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Redraw of a comic i made a year ago for the villain!fuyumi AU!!
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wyvernspirit · 5 months
Happy lesbian week take this objectively right Barbie movie protagonist(s) Gay Tierlist ♥️🧡🤍💗💜
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atticcreationz · 8 months
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this has been hanging out in my drafts for a while coz I wanted to update it with NPMD songs but I have since lost the link to the tier maker and am too lazy to make it from scratch again sooooo here's an incomplete tier list of Starkid Villain Songs
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sualne · 1 year
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taking a break to do this very important montage.
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