#he’s her osirian and she’s the chosen one and that’s what they do for each other
lovelyamneris · 7 months
“Suddenly it’s as if every atom in his body is being split apart by a hot knife. The Osirian voice inside of him is quiet, as if being smothered by something else, and for the first time since he went mad he wished for it to come back. Rufus screams. Whatever is inside of him screams. He’s not a god. Rufus is mortal and he’s dying.” -Sibling Telepathy on ao3
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incorrectsibunaquotes · 9 months
Do you think Eddie would have found out about all the supernatural adventures if he hadn't been Osirian and Patricia had been there instead? And how would the third season go in that case?
Correct me if I’m wrong, but you’re asking about the Osirian!Patricia AU, right? If not, I’m so sorry for the rest of this answer 😂
So if everything was the exactly same through S1/S2 (i.e. the adults thought Joy was the Chosen One but it was actually Nina, the Cup got built, Sibuna gets cursed by Senkhara, etc.), except for the fact that Patricia was actually the Osirian, it stands to reason that the kids probably wouldn’t know that right away. And the same way Victor doesn’t actually have confirmation Nina is the Paragon until the S2 finale, the adults might suspect there’s something a little wacky about Patricia, but they probs would not know for sure what that wackiness actually was.
I think maybe in this AU because Patricia would still be interacting with Rufus as much as she did in S1 that he might tell her or give her reason to suspect there’s something up with her, but if let’s say he didn’t and she just spent the entirety of S1 having strangely intense nightmares and hallucinations that she and everyone else chalk up to being really upset over Joy’s disappearance. This just means that all of S2 is pretty much the same as canon apart from the occasional “funny feeling.” (If I were going to write this AU out as a story, tho, she’d probably know she was the Osirian by the end of S1, but for the sake of argument, let’s just assume this discovery comes at the same place as the canon timeline)
So here’s Eddie, right? He’s just a normal kid whose dad was a poopy head and left him and his mom to be in a cult. Casual business, all that. He and Patricia are still gonna hit it off, naturally, because nothing has really changed in their dynamic apart from a slight role reversal that isn’t even really relevant to them yet at the point where they meet, have their banter, fall for each other, etc.. The only difference might be that Patricia is a little more ✨inexplicably one-track-minded✨ about the mystery… so that could put some strain on their relationship. But other than that business as usual for Peddie.
Here’s where it gets tricky. In the finale, I don’t see any reason as to why Fabian, Alfie, and Patricia wouldn’t still go to the barn to rescue Jerome, and therefore Eddie would follow them bc he wanted to see what Patricia was hiding from him. He’d probably still get knocked in the head by Rufus, and Jerome would still give him the gem in a panic before getting dragged away, and Patricia and Alfie would still discover a concussed Eddie and bring him home, where she’d finally have to explain to Eddie who Rufus is/whats going on.
The divergence of the plot would come the moment Patricia gets her hands on that gem. She starts hearing voices, realizes Nina is about to do some dumb shit, starts rambling to Eddie that the Chosen One needs her, and she runs out the door. I don’t see why Eddie wouldn’t follow her, except for maybe if he’s really concussed. But I feel like he’d pull through because he’d obviously be really worried for his girlfriend, especially after what just happened.
So the final showdown happens, except it’s Patricia banishing Senkhara with the crown. So obviously if Eddie was there, he’d have a pretty good idea of the sort of supernatural shenanigans that went down.
In Season 3, however, all bets are off. Patricia would not be a shithead like Eddie, and she would obviously tell Fabian that Nina wasn’t coming back to Anubis House like a normal person, so that random Fabian vs Eddie brawl craziness doesn’t happen. Peddie probably still breaks up over the summer, but maybe not idk… let’s just say they did. Okay so Patricia has the vision of KT and the key, so when she turns up, Eddie is not being a total freak toward her, rather Patricia is, but it’s not as weird because Sibuna as a whole is being freaks about it.
KT gets sussed out as an ally rather than a threat pretty quickly, and Sibuna adopts her pretty quickly. Meanwhile, Eddie is aware that Sibuna exists, but isn’t taken into the club because his ex is now leading it 💀. So I’m thinking maybe he’s aware they’re up to something and does some of his own digging when his dad gets weird about the family tree project. Eventually, though, I think he’d approach Patricia and the others and offer his help. Cue romantic violins as the same harebrained scheme of KT to push her two friends back together ensues. Also in this AU she and Patricia are def besties bc there’s no wack misunderstandings and they’re still the only girls in Sibuna.
Now it’s also messy bc Patricia would be both Descended and the Osirian, but… she’s just OP I guess idk. Anyway, the ceremony works (womp womp) and S3b begins. I think Eddie would be in Sibuna atp, but maybe more in an unofficial way? Idk. But I think he’d probably get taken as a Sinner bc the only reason he escaped the crypt is because his vision of Patricia getting manhandled radicalized him. So he’s probs caught in a similar way to how he would have been if he’d not made it out of the crypt, and now he’s got all he needs to target the Osirian.
But don’t worry, she’s got plot armor!! Idk, anon it’s not super fleshed out 😂
Anyway, to give you the short answer to your question: yes I think Eddie would find out about the mystery in this AU, he just wouldn’t be as much of a key player in the story
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frobisher-smythe · 1 year
I just rewatched S1 bc Netflix, idk if im gonna go into S2 bc it aint on Netflix but i do have questions!!
- We figure out that only a descendant of Amneris can restore the Cup right? So, Nina.
- why was Sarah considered a Chosen One during S2? was she also a descendant?
- if she was a descendant, that means she and Nina are related which isn’t the wildest theory— makes a lot of sense actually. but, if she’s a descendant via her father, would that make KT a possible Chosen One as well?
- Rufus Zeno was considered the Osirian remember?
- then it was Eddie, but what exactly is the Osirian? (asking for a girl who hasn’t rewatch s2 in a minute)
- is it not related to your bloodline? because in the movie, Eddie lived while the Osirian part of him died. did it just pass from Rufus to Eddie when Rufus became unworthy or something? Or are Rufus and Eddie, and therefore Mr. Sweet possibly all related?
- off topic but never forget that Mr. Sweet and Jerome’s dad knew each other because they both attended Anubis House as teenagers. and they more than likely had Victor as a caretaker as well. isn’t that wild. imagine Jerome’s dad in Anubis House, happy and relieved to be out of prison, and then boom! there’s that creep-raven-obssesed-i-want-to-hear-a-pin-drop-bastard still looking the exact same age. must’ve been a nightmare.
Sarah was a Chosen One in season one as well! That's why Nina didn't start heavy hearing voices and talking to the house until after Sarah died :( Nina is the "true" Chosen One bc the thing they were being chosen for was to rebuild the Cup of Ankh and only Nina did that. It's implied that Nina will be the last Chosen One, meaning when she dies there won't be another one to take her place like she did with Sarah, because the goal has been achieved. Now there was some open-ended stuff with the Chosen One with the "not allowed to be around the Osirian" thing, so that might not be accurate.
From what I understand, to be a Chosen One you have to be a descendent of Amneris (meaning that Sarah and Nina are distantly related) and you have to be born on all the same number. Sarah was born on the first hour of the first day of the first month (1AM on January 1st) and Nina was born on the seventh hour of the seventh day of the seventh month (7am on July 7th). KT is also a descendant (I think? ig the Amneris could be from Sarah's mother but I feel like it was always implied that her father was the start) but can't be a chosen one because there can only be one at a time and that's Nina. I also don't remember if KT's birthday was ever stated. Also fun thought: this means Nina and Joy are also probably distantly related!
Not as much about the Osirian is known but I imagine it's in a similar vein. The job of the Osirian is to protect the Chosen One. Rufus was the Osirian during the generation that Sarah was the Chosen One (and failed his duty), and Eddie was the Osirian during the generation that Nina was the Chosen One. Similarly, Eddie's Osirian abilities didn't fully develop until Rufus was near death and then dead. It's implied that Mr. Sweet knew that Eddie was the next Osirian, which implies that it's also based on birthdate, but we don't know the details of that, or who the original Osirian was (by comparison Amneris being the original Chosen One). This also suggests Eddie and Mr. Sweet are related to Rufus. The movie was kinda wack but I think it was just that Eddie gave up his abilities as an Osirian and like Nina would be the last Chosen One, Eddie was the last Osirian so when he gave it up it just died instead of passing onto someone else for the next generation.
THATS SO FUNNY I have honestly never thought about Jeomes dad returning and seeing Victor exactly the same. It's even funnier if you think that bc it's never brought up he just saw Victor and was like. Nah I'm good. None of my business. 😭😭
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non-cannon · 1 year
Some Nina and Victor Head canons. Note, that these are all season two or post season two in an AU where Nina came back for her third year, and Victor's characterization/character arc from the first two seasons isn't ignored.
(I feel like season three messed up almost everyone's characterizations/character arcs, with Victor and Jerome being the most egregious examples of their season three selves not matching with their end of season two selves.)
Victor respects Nina. During season two, when he admits to Vera that Nina makes him nervous, he clearly at the very least respects what she is capable of. And I think after the finale he just respects her with no asterisks or qualifiers.
If anyone else had told Victor that his father was sorry, he wouldn't have believed them, but he believes Nina. If it was Sarah, he would think that she was lying to make him feel better. If it were Rufus, then a lie to manipulate him some how. And he probably wouldn't even bother listening to anyone else about it. But for some reason he believes Nina, and not just because she's so bad at lying.
After meeting Victor Sr. and hearing what he has to say about his son, Nina understands where Victor Jr. is coming from a bit better. And she has more empathy and understanding for him, and after season two she no longer fears him.
After season two, Victor starts regularly calling her Nina, and she doesn't really notice until someone else points it out to her. And it weirds everyone else out because he only calls the students (prior to this, including Nina) by their last names.
After season two, Victor would be willing to give Nina lessons about Egyptian mythology, reading hieroglyphics, and alchemy, and Nina would be willing to receive them. I don't know which one of them broaches the subject first, but these lessons do start happening. Both of them, especially after the first name incident, are determined to keep this a secret. Nina does share the fact that Victor is teaching her "chosen one things" with the core members of Sibuna (Fabian, Amber, Patricia, Alfie).
Sibuna warns her to be careful, and Fabian desperately wants to be included in those lessons, but Victor makes it perfectly clear that none of the other miscreants are invited. Nina does share the knowledge with Fabian anyway. Or at least the impersonal knowledge that these lessons are objectively supposed to be about.
But after a while these meetings go from being purely academic to at least partially personal. It starts with Nina asking about what Sarah was like when she was younger, and with Victor asking for more details about his father's ghost. Over time they form a sort of relationship, I'm not sure if I would call it a friendship, they certainly wouldn't, but a positive relationship where they find themselves trusting each other with things that they don't tell anyone else.
Victor discusses things like his childhood with Rufus and Sarah, and his father, and about his guilt over what he and Rufus did to Sarah, and how he misses them sometimes.
Nina admits to being terrified of being the chosen one. It's a curse and it's already hurt the people around her, and what if it gets them killed? And she admits to being confused by Eddie and what her relationship is supposed to be with him as the osirian. She barely interacted with him at all last year outside of his relationship with Patricia. And he seems so eager to embrace being the osirian, while she just wants to runaway from being the paragon.
And in response Victor tells her about Rufus and Sarah discovering what being the osirian and chosen one meant for them, and what it was like watching them before Rufus went made with power. Victor then makes a comment about Mr. Miller being too much of an imbecile to go down the same path that Rufus did. And Nina takes it as the reassurance it was meant to be.
I'm not mad that Natalia Ramos left. I refuse, on principle to be mad at her. It's just, with Nina gone, there was so much potential for Nina and Victor's character dynamic to develop. And it makes me so upset when I think about it. And even without Nina there I feel like Victor's character arc was thrown down the drain even before he became a sinner!
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nina and 2, 7, 14, and 15 for the ask game! :D
Yee my girl!! So many thoughts
2. When did you start liking them?
I watched House of Anubis on youtube for season 1 (and was happy to find out there'd soon be a season 2 premiere) back in 2011/2012. I rewatched it (s1/s2) last year (and again this year). I can't exactly remember the exact time, I always liked her, but from a more recent stand point, I think my more recent fondness is probably based on how kind and compassionate she is. She immediately took off her school jacket to give to Sarah on the bench outside Anubis house. She's kind, clever, and brave (like Barbie!).
7. A quote you remember of her's
Besides all the funny ones "Hi, I'm Nina, I'm from America!""stop playing with your milk!" "Nothing that a year of counseling won't fix." Any of her more deep quotes or serious quotes "Will you free my friends and my family?" "I trust you." I might edit part of the amswer later because right now the only thing on my mind is the funnier things. Also when she gets her and Fabian out of detention with her French.
14. Favorite storyline
Back in the day, I probably would have said season 2 was my favorite, but now I love both s1 and s2 equally. I really enjoy her relationship with Sarah and her growth into the Chosen One throughout season 1. The search for the cup is iconic. So is the Mask. I enjoyed some of the whole house shenanigans as well (the cameras in s1, keeping Victor up all night in s2 (which was Sibuna business that ended up involving the whole house), confronting Jerome!! About the gem!!!). How she wrote the Mysteries of Anubis and threw some shade on Victor. When she insists on going back into the attic (she knows how to pick locks!!!) despite fear and unease because she wants to be certain about whether she saw someone and out of possible concern about the possibility of Joy actually being up there. "I need it because I'm going back up there tonight. I need to know." "Know what?" "If I saw something up there."
Also any Fabina plotline that is happy because those two are cute and love each other and fit so well together (if they had better communication skills especially!!).
15 least favorite storyline?
Honestly? Whatever mini subplot they had going on between her and Fabian in season 2. It was extremely obvious that they both still had feelings for one another, and even they managed that, but they always got in the way of themselves. Nina choosing to do the web task without Fabian, largely out of anger (but also urgency) was reckless.
Also her leaving in s3. While I appreciate and understand and know it is not my place now nor was it then to be mad about the fact Nathalia Ramos decided to leave the show in order to continue her education, I think they could have chosen a better route out than "the Osirian and the Chosen One can't be together..." when it is the Osirian's job to protect the Chosen One. Could this fact be proven by Rufus growing with Sarah and them being the Osirian and Chosen One respectively and him turning out the way he did? Maybe. But Rufus was power hungry, and seemingly had been that way for most of his adolescent/adult life. I think that wasn't too thought out, perhaps she just decided to stay behind for her Gran. This is less of a Nina problem and more of a behind the scenes cause and effect though.
Thank you!!!
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joysmercer · 2 years
what are the reasons??? (p.s. what sin does nina end up getting taken for?) (p.p.s i absolutely love the idea of Patricia being super protective of Eddie so he doesn't get taken and he's like -.-)
ok basically, the chosen one and osirian both count as "souls”, and because of their connection to each other, they’re more potent than a typical person's you know? so if nina and eddie are made Sinners, ammut doesn't need any more to reawaken. and because eddie’s supposed to protect nina, if nina’s taken, eddie will almost immediately feel forced to go find her…and if eddie’s taken first, we all know nina will freak out and try to fix things herself and that will not end well.
charles (KTs grandpa) knows all this the same way he knows about the reawakening ceremony. nina finds out from him (her locket starts glowing and that’s how she knows to trust him).
idk if this explanation is believable to people who aren’t me or if it’s even canon compliant so i’m currently trying to come up with a more plausible story for how nina decides to stay away in canon + another excuse to get protective!patricia in the au but we’ll see
anyway in the au, nina’s captured because she’s arguing with the others about how to deal w what they read in the book and storms off…not angry, but like “why won’t they listen to me, do they want to die.” so she gets caught for hubris. then eddie gets the worst migraine of his life but also keeps wanting to run off and that’s when patricia realizes what happened. 
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yackers · 2 years
what do you think would happen or you wanted to happen if Nina stayed on s3? What did you think of Fabian and Mara ending up together?
I mean if we’re talking show wise I think they would’ve either done a different plot or made the existing one more clue based and a little less action based because I think that suits nina’s sibuna best and that the changes were made in order to accommodate for eddie as a new leader.
but if they were to keep the plot the same, I think that nina would’ve or I would’ve liked her to have been one of the early on sinners. like the other long standing members of sibuna, she was so jaded and over confident after continuously over coming the odds that she would’ve been a prime target to snap and get captured under all the pressure. I think that would be a really fun way of sibuna not only navigating without her as their leader but dealing with a powerful enemy who knows all their secrets and weaknesses. also the osirian trying to protect the chosen one whilst they’re both working against each other would be super cool to see. basically I think if nina was still around she was well overdue a her biggest breakdown yet coz she was barely coping as is.
as for mara and fabian, because of the pacing of them I kinda liked them? like he had all of season 3 to get over nina and her with jerome and I think it was nice that we got to see them both move on a little and be happy again. I think when you’re younger you’re like “it all seems rushed and they barely interacted beforehand!” but like they were never, at least within canon, in a relationship, it was kinda just a fling with their academic rival that they happened to have a lot in common with and it was fun! it was nice in scenes like the fireworks to have them have someone to talk to and I think it was a fun alternative to just leaving them sad and lonely hung up on their SOs from a year ago. plus idk tor needed to do something different and everyone other than kt was already coupled up in fan favourite relationships.
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ironicsopsychotic · 3 years
Director's cut on anything from the more you think of me the more i'll manifest? 👀
first of all—you know the way to my heart. thank you for asking about this, my babiessss.
second of all—i took a long moment to think about what i wanted to discuss here bc everything that was coming to mind isn’t OUT yet gkdnfkgk. but finally i landed on *drum roll* the last email.
I know my previous email seemed like the end of a chapter, like I closed our book. And I had every intention of leaving it like that, I promise you. But I can’t.
There’s something about us. Some connection that, in my head, goes deeper than our supernatural tether. Maybe it’s because we’re both American and that gives us some shared experiences, or because neither of us have had normal childhoods growing up with odd families. Maybe it’s because of how “warmly” we were welcomed to Anubis in our respective beginnings. Ha.
It’s not that I don’t feel a connection to Fabian, or that I doubt yours to Patricia. This just seems stronger to me, somehow. Like I never have to try too hard to get my point across to you. And that means something to me. YOU mean something to me. Not just because you were my first, but because you being my first felt right. Morally it wasn’t, but in the moment… in the moment I didn’t question anything about it.
This has been gnawing at me ever since the wedding. It won’t go away. And I know this is completely unprofessional and will only serve to muddle things further, but I had to get it off my chest.
I probably won’t even send this, honestly. I can’t do that to you. I can’t do that to myself.
So, in the spirit of typing things I’ll never say, here’s another: I wish we’d met two years ago. I wish I’d seen you before I headed off to Amun, or that you decided to arrive at the same time. I wish Joy had stayed long enough for my attraction to Fabian to die off, or that your thing with Patricia didn’t start. I just… I wish for the start we’ll never know we could’ve had. I wish things weren’t so complicated.
But you’re my Osirian, and I’m your Chosen One, and that has to count for something, doesn’t it?
It does to me.
Have a wonderful year.
so the thing w this is nina sent it in a moment of weakness, back when she still thought she wasn’t going to back to anubis. it even directly states that she wasn’t going to send it and then she decided to. she fully intended for this to be the last mode of communication—and it looked like it was, bc eddie didn’t respond to it. but of course, he read it, he was freaking out over it, and nina came back to anubis anyway.
this email is included at the end of part two, but it happened before, meaning every interaction nina and eddie have throughout part two is after this email. every time they’re beside each other, doing sibuna activities, or paired up for school projects, they’re aware of this.
eddie brings it up during the trust fall exercise and nina is absolutely BLINDSIDED bc she assumed they’d never discuss it. she’s still w fabian and everything w eddie happened during that, and despite how intensely they jump back into cheating it’s not something she wants to be doing to fabian. the email represents everything nina can’t let go of in regards to eddie. she can try to put it behind them and keep things in a chosen one/osirian manner, but she still sent that email and she still feels that connection that she detailed in it. it was always going to catch up to her.
the second time eddie brings it up they’re in the tunnels, and it ends with them making out and effectively restarting what they’d begun at the wedding. here it’s nina’s pov again, but we get this interaction:
“If what I said bothered you so much then why didn’t you respond?”
“Because I didn’t have to!”
“Why? Why didn’t you have to?”
for eddie, the email is what pushes him to make that decision, to rationalize that what he feels isn’t one-sided and—morality aside—he can’t just ignore it. so he doesn’t. he doesn’t respond verbally but kisses her instead, and from then on the email is just the catalyst, the straw that broke the camel’s back, and it’s not brought up again bc they addressed it. they’re doing something about it. they’re together, whether they’ll phrase it that way or not.
my favorite part of all of this is throughout 02. out of habit they’re both attempting to stay away from each other and get back to “normal,” but unbeknownst to the audience nina’s already laid everything out for them. eddie says he didn’t respond bc he didn’t think he had to, as in he feels the exact same way. so no matter how they tried to distance themselves and put up a front of JUST the chosen one and osirian, they were always barreling towards more. they only needed to address it.
the more you think of me, the more i’ll manifest
feel free to ask me for the director’s cut on my fics! a specific fic, scene, lines, or just anything at all!
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carebooks · 4 years
alright i watched the whole third season of House of Anubis
I first have to say how much I enjoyed the leads: Eddie and KT. They have such a good chemistry and they’re honestly hilarious together. As I mentioned before, I did ship them together when I was younger and first watched the show but with watching it again, I would keep them as friends. Best friends. (especially since KT is hella gay I don’t care what anyone says) They totally give me Cloak and Dagger vibes, especially in terms of partnership. At the start of the show, they were alone, they had no one to confide in, no one to be with, Eddie was torn about letting Sibuna know about Nina, still not over Patricia. KT just lost her grandfather and came to England on a quest with some key and vague warnings, she was hella confused but still did so out of loyalty to her grandfather (this baby is too precious and good for this world, i swear). And next thing you know, fate and Osirian visions bring them together. They form a partnership, they snoop around the Gatehouse, they form a bond. And I love it so much. What I love especially, is that at the end, when the sinners are everywhere and even the Sibuna members are taken as sinners, it’s down to Eddie and KT, just like the beginning. Sure, they get help from Willow and Harriet, but they lose Willow pretty quickly, and right at the end, Harriet sacrifices herself so they can get the other key and lock away the evil for good. And together, Eddie and KT join the keys and lock the evil as one. They started together, and they ended it together, and I think that was really poetic. I know that the Osirian and the Chosen One are meant to be the pair and the Ying & Yang, but in this particular case, Eddie and KT were a bond formed by friendship and hardship rather than destinies planned or written in the stars by the gods, yes fate brought them together, but only because they knew they could only accomplish their tasks with each other. I especially loved when they took down Ammut, and Robert tried a last ditch attempt to get KT to feel guilty over doing this, telling her that he would die if Ammut was locked away. It brings in KT’s loyalty to her family, even when it’s bad, but then Eddie yells during the commotion, “Don’t trust him, trust me!” And I think it really brings a full circle what a great partnership and bond they have.
Other than that, it’s really just random stuff I liked
i liked that Willow could sense bad vibes that Robert had whenever he was around Anubis House, as well as sensing the bad vibes that sinner!Victor and sinner!Patricia gave off. I kinda wished they could’ve looked more into that. Like she was naturally sensitive to these things or something.
Her relationship with Alfie was a nice touch, seeing him with someone who liked the same things that he did was real cute. Especially seeing them happy.
Victor and Sweet playing that card game gave me life.
Joy’s new attitude and look were certainly appreciated
While I preferred the Jerome that developed in S2 and won Mara over (especially over the course of the first season and second, i mean talk about a slow burn done right) and rather he didn’t cheat on her and Willow, the Joy+Jerome ship wasn’t terrible. I much prefer the developed S2 Jerome, I’ve said this twice now, but again, it wasn’t terrible. (but real talk? KT and Joy should’ve happened)
Amber being the one to bring Sibuna and the pair Eddie & KT together because *Amber Millington voice* “Hello people! Isn’t it obvious? Work together.”
Like that girl knew what was up. Well, she did invent Sibuna, not surprised.
Alfie was perfection this season, leave him be. Also, highlights of him:
“Crypts are for dead people!” “I’m afraid of everything.” “Guys, go! Get out of here! Sibuna! SIBUNNAAA!!”
I already talked plenty of Eddie and KT being the best, so yeah. But imma do it again anyway.
I have a theory that Eddie focused his primary Osirian instinct of being protective over the Chosen One to being protective over KT. Like he reffocused his powers to someone else for the time being. Nina wasn’t there, and when KT showed up in his vision it was almost like the house was telling him “You need to help her now. Keep her safe.” And I really like that.
It was especially shone a lot through out the season, and the last episodes too. 
When sinner!Patricia and sinner!Fabian had KT and wanted to exchange an artifact that Eddie had discovered, she told him to run and get away, like they did when Alfie told them to leave him behind. And he says, “That was Alfie, this is you.”
And when Eddie, KT, Willow and Harriet went to get the sun key from Caroline, and she managed to take KT and Willow and turn them into sinners, Eddie says, “Not KT,” very worriedly. Later on he’s hard on himself, “I can’t believe they got to KT.”
It was interesting that half the season was awakening the man in the tank and the other half was releasing evil into the world. Like a different feel for half the season, not many shows do that.
I kinda despise the fact that the things I didn’t like are probably going to be longer.
Let’s go paragraph first so, how about that plot? First off, the whole thing is very weird for Sibuna. The first two seasons were about riddles and thinking things through. They were real mysteries. In this, it was more direct, they had an obvious problem, they had to stop the bad guys from waking up a bad guy, and then literal evil converted their own friends against each other. It sounds super interesting for a Vampire Diaries or Teen Wolf or even My Babysitter’s A Vampire plot line (or just one episode) since those shows were more active based. This season barely had any hidden things or riddles, and half of it had Sibuna paranoid and working against each other which I’m sure no one really loved. Not to mention that the action mainly happened at the Gatehouse rather than the actual Anubis House, the center for two of the last mysteries. Now I know, I know, the new season couldn’t just be a copy, and having a third mystery with hidden compartments over the house would certainly be a lot for Robert and Louisa. But I mean, didn’t Het Huis Anubis have four seasons? They couldn’t just do their version of that? I’m guessing that they did something different (I really hope so, because if not, this is embarrassing)
things i did not like at all about this season
the fact that they twisted Mara’s character up in their new ‘messed up girl obsessed with a boy’ like Joy in S2. just- why?
the fact that they undid a bunch of Jerome’s development.
or how about the fact that all Jerome got to do this season was be part of a love triangle cheat fest and then a love drama with Joy. In S1 he shoved himself into Sibuna and Rufus and it was bad for him, but he was involved. And S2, he was just amazing, they managed to connect his family and his family troubles with something that Sibuna would’ve needed for the Mask of Anubis: the Frobisher Gem. It all came together perfectly.
we didn’t get anything of Mr. Sweet telling Eddie about his Osirian thing or their family history.
The way they treated KT when they thought she was evil. It was so messed up, honestly, that poor baby. (though I did appreciate that the other residents noticed, like at breakfast when she sat down and no one looked at her, and he said, “Good morning, KT.” and he just noticed something was wrong. And then Joy and Mara noticed. I just really feel like that was the moment where Jerome and Joy coulda been more involved with Sibuna again- wait what am I saying)
No, when they and Patricia and Alfie were at the Gatehouse and they tried to warn them about the ceremony is when JOY AND JEROME SHOULDA GOTTEN INVOLVED IN SIBUNA AGAIN. Or like, at least be more aware, I mean come on?? Joy, you’re better than this. And Jerome, you’ve seen enough weird stuff to know when it’s Sibuna-related and usually that means deadly-related so you’re whole having two girlfriends thing can wait for a while.
Caroline Denby sucked. (And Caroline Forbes from TVD is a fan favorite of mine and not to mention that MY NAME IS CAROLINE so imagine that).
the fact that we got rid of the real Victor was kinda just wrong for me. I mean, Victor has always been a pain in the ass with the kids, and he’s usually wanted what they were after as well but he’d never resort to murder or anything like that, so when he got turned into a sinner and lost his friggin soul (yes, they said that, this is true) we truly lost Victor and I didn’t like that at all.
Season 1 was all about a mystery but also partly conspiracy, there was a moment between all five of Sibuna where they got proof and realistic statements after Joy lied to them (at the insistence of her dad) they were starting to think that the mystery wasn’t real and almost backed out of the search. Remember? Nina said, “You guys aren’t giving up on me, right?” Anyway, that was that. It was all about finding more information about what really happened and what’s really going on. About finding answers.
Season 2 was darker, it was a race against time because unlike the mystery of the first season, this one was more about saving themselves. Nina’s life and her friends and Gran would’ve died, it’s a great motivator to go through the tunnels. And there were moments where we see just how serious this is, there’s one shot where Nina is in a dream sequence in the house and all her friends are running away from her, terrified. And even when Victor sees her, he backs away in fear and hides himself in his office and then in the mirror it’s revealed Nina’s dressed and appears as Senkhara. And then when Senkhara freezes Vera, Victor knows it’s time to back away, he’s scared, he’s worried, so we see him do what he has to do to get Vera back. And when he’s playing the game? With Sibuna as his game pieces on the huge board? When Alfie disappeared, he backed out, he knew when to stop and almost considered calling Mr. Sweet to do something about it.
Meanwhile, Season 3 was all dark evil stuff, run for your life or your literal soul will be taken. It’s the end of the world if they awaken this sleeping dude, we need heroes to stop the bad team. Oh no, he’s awake, now he’s going to unleash hell and evil and it’s the end of the world, only now everyone’s converted to the evil and it’s real bad, we need heroes desperately. 
This season might’ve been more dark or good vs. evil type of thing but it just didn’t feel right for HOA. The show has always been subtle, it’s quiet and the kids solve the mystery and they do everything very hushed and private, this season sort of felt like WHOAH PIE IN YOUR FACE GUESS WHAT IM A SIBUNA what with turning the whole school into sinners, I just didn’t like the whole school being this active. but that’s me personally. 
Robert Frobisher-Smythe being the one in the tank is ridiculous considering wE SAW HIS FRIGGIN GHOST AT THE END OF S1. And honestly, bringing him in and saying that he’s going to bring forth a darkness to make people evil and bring the apocalypse is just a really bland plot. It’s no mystery, it’s legit good guys vs. a villain. It’s a ‘save the world’ plot, yeah like we’ve never seen that before.
We love the mystery, where was it? oh right, nowhere.
When the four descendants of Robert’s expedition party were revealed: Patricia, Joy, Alfie and Jerome, there could have so much content.
The four of them speaking in unison while they sleep should’ve been used more.
Remember the childhood lullabies they were supposed to use to find a random artifact? Those lullabies were riddles and other than that cylinder that KT opened using her synesthesia, it was the only thing that made it feel like good old days of House of Anubis.
again, making Robert the man in the tank and then evil was just stupid. im not gonna approach the fact that he took the punishment meant for his expedition party and that’s why he’s cursed, and now he’s evil? oh gods
again, seeing the three OG Sibuna gang members evil and not on Sibuna kept killing me.
that ending bugged me
like oh no! everyone’s gone insane, we gotta shut this thing down before it devours more souls. TWO HOURS LATER and now it’s time to enjoy fireworks and Fabian and Mara and flirting and its so unnecessary, whyy??
Leave Mara with Jerome (in which he didnt cheat) and Willow is happy with Alfie and KT and Joy are out there being gay as hell. Those are the ships that shoulda happened.
Honestly, when I think back at S2 and Amber and Nina are there, it just brings back such good vibes. S2 really is the best season, but I stand by my love for Eddie and KT. Friendship goals AF. Like I said before, the third season was in your face, it was loud and it was telling everyone ‘end of the world’ and when you think about it, it’s perfect for the characters they introduced. S1 and S2 fit so well for Nina, because she’s like that, she’s quiet yet badass and is about riddles and mysteries. Meanwhile, Eddie is loud and wants to get this over with, LET’S BREAK INTO OUR TEACHER’S HOUSE BECAUSE I HAVE A HUNCH. YOU WANNA SEE THE SLEEPING MAN’S FACE, FABIAN? LET’S REMOVE THE GLASS. LET’S STEAL THE TANK WITH THE SLEEPING MAN IN BROAD DAYLIGHT.  LET ME JUST BARGE INTO VICTOR’S OFFICE TO TAKE YOUR KEY BACK, KT. LET’S DO WHATEVER IMPORTANT TASK OR MISSION WE NEED HAVE TONIGHT. LET ME BANG AGAINST PIPES AND BRICKS REALLY LOUDLY. And let me tell you, it just makes me laugh how into it he gets, like “why not?” it’s just so funny for some reason. Anyway, I think they decided to make this season fit what they wanted Eddie to be and that’s what they did. I loved Eddie’s performance, I loved him so much, I loved KT more. But I just didn’t love this season.
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house-of-secrets · 4 years
Do you think a revival of HOA would be darker? I feel like it would be and I'd move it to Netflix since the current Nick Gen wouldn't necessarily be familar with it. It would also be darker. And here is what I'm thinking I would do: Nina would return (be it Nathalia or recast), Fabian and the others would be angry with how they left things, Fabian's backstory regarding his absent father would play into the plot (he's the new villain). I'll continue this in another post due to word count.
Revival Ideas Part 2: Eddie would be dealing with the loss of his powers (they didn't give it a good resolution at the end of touchstone of ra), his relationship with Mr. Sweet be strained due to Sweet's actions during S3, Patricia would've broken up with him, Willow would be dealing with memory loss due to being turned into a sinner (aftereffects), Mara and Mick would reconnect, Amber would also be angry with Nina, and Fabian would be revealed as a protector of both Osirian and chosen one.
Revivals Idea Part 3: Vera returns working for Fabian's father, Jerome is blackmailed into working with, Joy would befriend Nina (we never got this and I think she would understand Nina's reasons for leaving better than anyone, though I'm on the fence with this one), the Tears of Gold would come into play since they never bothered with this in S3, and Fabian's father would be part of a secret evil organization in opposition to the one Victor was part of. Anyways I would appreciate your thoughts.
Hi Anon,
I agree that a revival of HOA would definitely be darker than the original show. I would love to see it on a different network or Netflix so that the writers could really dive into the darker aspects that Nick touched on. That said a revival is a touchy subject, simply based on the fact that the story is supposedly tied up at the end of TOR.
One way to circumvent the issue could be to treat Touchstone of Ra as a fever dream and pick up where Season 3 left off with spring semester senior year. If the writers went this route, Eddie could write to Nina and say that the danger is passed (ha! not really) and they can be near each other again. She decides to come back and has to deal with Mara/Fabian’s relationship as well as everyone’s anger over her letter based goodbye. In this vein I would love to see Mick and Amber return as well (especially if they reconnect and start dating again).
Fabian’s absentee father is a great choice for a villain since we get to start with a blank slate. The show tells us nothing officially about Fabian’s parents so it isn’t too far of a stretch to have Mr. Rutter appear with wicked plans. Mr. Rutter would be searching for the Tears of Gold in an attempt to achieve godhood. I feel like the show is past the point of simple immortality, and needs to connect more with the supernatural aspects. Vera could return to work as Mr. Sweet’s assistant and seek to seduce Victor again while secretly working for the Rutters.
I like your suggested side effect of being soulless. The show simply moved on to a party after they defeated the Big Bad without delving into their trauma. Memory loss and other traumas would be interesting to see in a possible revival.
I would love to see scenes of Victor’s reformed Society vs the Rutter’s organization vs Sibuna. The groups would be frantically trying to stop each other and all the while Mick and Mara would remain oblivious to the battle for humankind happening around them.
Speaking of which, there would be a total power struggle in Sibuna if Nina returned. I feel like she would also have issues with KT simply due to her feeling replaced. This could drive her to form a relationship with the one person who understands, Joy. A Nina/Joy friendship would have been super interesting and would have driven Fabian insane.
Personally I’d like to see Peddie stay together since we never got see them as a functional relationship. Nina and Eddie could practice their powers and find that they are stronger together (literally). Eddie would find a ring which functions like Nina’s locket, it used to belong to Rufus, which increases his powers.
There definitely needs to be more scenes with Eddie and Mr. Sweet sorting out their relationship. Mr. Sweet got away with abandoning Eddie way too easily in the show. I vote that Eddie gives him hell for his murder cult past.
Fabian as a super-powered character is interesting. I feel that a lot of what makes his character what it is, is his humanity. In being a normal human without special Egyptian god powers he must rely on his strength and wits to protect his friends and found family. If the writers/you choose to go that route I figure that his powers could be a source of tension with his family. - Evie
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So finally finished season 2 of House of Anubis and feel dead on the inside, just because I know Nina isn’t in S3, we don’t get anymore Fabina and I know Amber leaves.
So, thoughts:
- When I originally watched S2, I only watched the first half and I really came to dislike Joy because of the love triangle and it killed me because I loved Klariza in Dani’s House and I remembered her in Skins. However, this time round I came to enjoy her. I think young me would still not like her, but adult me, I loved how when she wrote that horrible article about my baby Nina and was like I just want her gone - it sounded immature and spiteful but having her POV when no one was looking really added layers to Joy as a character. Which I think was important because Joy wasn’t really a character in S1 while she was one, so she lacked the opportunity for development like the rest did.
- Also I think the whole Joy storyline should have been explored more earlier, like everyone went through a lot in S1, however what Sibuna went through was way different to what Joy went through so they were forced to grow up and mature as they became responsible for these tasks. Meanwhile Joy she was kind of sheltered from it when she was kidnapped, she never saw the struggle. That doesn’t make what she went through any less but she didn’t have to grow up and develop like Sibuna did - especially when it turned out that she wasn’t The Chosen One - So I think she expected things to go back to normal and move on, especially since no one really wanted to talk about it with her.
- And I think once Patricia became involved with Sibuna again, it only made the situation worse, she truly had no one that knew what she went through since Mara was blissfully unaware and Patricia had to focus on the Mask of Anubis.
- In my last HoA post, I mentioned my complaint about Jerome not being in Sibuna. I still stand by that. I’m happy he got more involved by the end, and he did catch wind of Alfie even if they denied it. However, him not being in Sibuna still doesn’t make sense, considering how he was in S1 about wanting to be part of the gang, he wanted his best mate etc. And if they wanted him out of Sibuna, there should have been a scene or explanation about him leaving Sibuna or not being part of it. Especially since when S2 started, Sibuna wasn’t what it was in S1, there was no mystery and it was just friends having fun, being a gang etc. When Patricia and Alfie got brought in, Jerome should have as well and they could have done a scene where he rejects getting involved because of Poppy and his dad etc.
- I loved Eddie this time round, I remember the first time finding him annoying, it wasn’t the actor but I think I was like Patricia, going “oh not another American.” Because I find in British shows their accent stands out and they sound too American. But this time I enjoyed him. Also grew to like Peddie.
- I do feel like the Osirian stuff was rushed, would have liked a nice build up, like I wouldn’t mind them pulling a S1 with Fabian/Eddie, also the fallout with Eddie would have been great - and I read the spoilers about The Chosen One And Osirian can’t be together or near each other, which as a mythology rule makes no sense - especially with how it’s built up in S2 by Victor Senior.
- Also I think I multiship with Mara, because in my rewatch of S1, my opinion of Mara stayed the same, she really annoyed me, the Mick/Mara/Amber stuff was one reason, like my take on Mara is that she’s that good girl on a pedestal but hides this shady side that even she doesn’t know about it, because she was trying to get with Mick while he was with Amber but it about to hide it under pretences - but I genuinely think she’s trying to do what’s best, to not hurt anyone but I think she made it worse by not being openly honest. Anyway, in S2, Mara I loved way more, as a character she felt more subdued as a goody two shoes, she was still one, but it felt less fake and I thought Tasie was a better actress in S2, also I found myself enjoying Mickara more in the little we got from S2, they were written better than in S1 ironically, considering Mick left early on and returned by the end. Also Jara were great, I liked it in S1 as it added a layer to Jerome but also enjoyed it here. And in the last episode, I was rooting for Mickara and then Jara.
- I love Amber and Alfie, like I’m fully aware that the first half of S2 is not a healthy relationship and Amber treated Alfie awful, but it was entertaining to watch, plus I love Alfie discovering his self worth through this and Sibuna and then the roles reversing at the end of the evening with Amber. I just love the dynamic of them.
- Bobby being credited for the whole season is a joke. I know he left HoA at the end of S2 for Wolfblood, but wonder for the reason in S2, because I never loved or hated Mick in S1, but I would have liked to see more of him in S2, like the beginning of S2, I was like “see ya, not gonna miss ya” but when he returned at the end of S2, I actually missed him and felt he was wasted in S2 and the last few episodes.
- The S2 finale just highlights how big of a shame it was that Nathalia didn’t return. It would have been nice to see Joy and Nina form a friendship or frenemy relationship after this season. That would have been a natural direction, while also furthering Joy and the stuff she went through in S1. Then Eddie/Nina is another one, since you don’t really see a friendship between them in S2, so it would have been fun to see that friendship especially with Patricia and Fabian, since Patricia is Patricia and Fabian has always been the closest to Nina. And of course the Fabina stuff, since we never really see them be a couple. I was robbed.
- Only other thought I can think of is that the acting improved A LOT in S2. The stand out is Patricia with Jade Ramsay, I just remember in S1 thinking at the beginning when she was upset at Joy at the police station, I thought the acting was poor and a lot of overacting. And when she was mean to Nina and bullying her, her acting and voice out on felt quite caricature mean girl, like voice acting. But I’m S2, from episode 1, it felt natural and improved. Nina and Nathalia was another weak link in S1, and in the beginning of S2, it was improved but there were some weak moments, but by the end of the season, maybe even the middle she improved. Like I said, the whole cast improved, Tasie is another one mentioned, but the ones I’ve gone into detail I felt were the biggest weaknesses in S1 and who improved.
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AU: Joy is the Chosen One & Patricia is her Osirian
Okay this is based off this post of mine, and I’ve been thinking about it a lot since. This is just gonna be bullet points and fragmented ideas, so if someone wants to write something along these lines fully, feel free! This goes of any of my other AUs, like my Fabian is Victor’s protege AU. Basically what I’m saying is if anyone talented wants to get creative, I’m very much cheering you on!
Anyway, without further ado, here is the AU:
Right around the same time as Mr. Sweet is gathering up the Descendants, he comes to the realization that Joy Mercer is in fact the Chosen One. Born on the right day, the right time— all of it.
Without clueing Victor into his role as the Seeker (since that’s none of his business at the time), Mr. Sweet informs his Society leader that he’s found the Chosen One.
So when the four students on the Candy Scholarship get to school, they’re all four placed in Anubis House: Joy, Patricia, Alfie, and Jerome.
Victor is beyond delighted to have the Paragon in his sights only a few years before the Chosen Hour, and he makes sure to keep her close by and unharmed from anyone who might want to exploit the Chosen One (only he’s allowed to do that, thanks).
Rufus is long gone at this point, though of course, he’s just in hiding. But the Society assumes he’s dead since he hasn’t come sniffing around in quite some time.
Right away, Joy and Patricia are thick as thieves, and the adults take notice of Patricia’s protective nature immediately.
They aren’t positive Patricia’s the Osirian— there is no bloodline marker or any special indicator to confirm or deny it one way or the other, after all. And the Osirian is typically a masculine figure— but Victor has his suspicions, keeping a watchful eye over both of them.
Naturally, disaster strikes everywhere the girls go, but they don’t give a singular shit, because growing up in a boarding school far away from your blood family, you tend to forge a different sort of bond.
Joy was a sensitive child, and before she became as popular as she was pre-S1, she faced constant ridicule from the other students for things like carrying a stuffed bunny with her to school.
Patricia got in so many fights on Joy’s behalf, it was only by the grace of her future role in the eclipse ceremony she wasn’t expelled and thrown in juvenile detention.
Both the girls have vivid dreams and nightmares, but because Sarah and Rufus are still alive, neither of them have fully come into their destined roles.
Despite oddities here and there, Joy and Patricia function as normal pre-teens most of their school life. They went to town together, watched movies together, signed up for the same classes, painted each other’s nails, shared secrets, and did all the normal things normal best friends do.
Of course, as the mythology states, if the Chosen One and Osirian are in close proximity to each other, trouble is sure to follow. A burst lightbulb here, a small fire there. One time, Amber’s curling iron short circuited and blew every fuse at the school after Joy and Patricia used it for a school dance. Little things that could be written off as coincidence, but when combined, put the Society on edge.
Until one day, two weeks into a new school term…
The Chosen Hour fast approaches, and there are whispers that Rufus has resurfaced. Though skeptical, the Society doesn’t want to dangle the carrot that is Joy Mercer, the Paragon, out in the open for Rufus to kidnap, so the Society does it first. Joy is removed from school, and erased from the records without a trace.
Mr. Sweet thinks they ought to inform Patricia, just in case she does happen to be Joy’s divine protector (he’s still not convinced his own son isn’t the Osirian, but he doesn’t tell Victor that).
Victor orders him and the other Society members to tell Patricia no such thing. He does it to see if his long-held theory was correct, and because he knows that if she is the Osirian, Patricia would do everything in her power to thwart the building of the Cup.
So when Nina arrives, Patricia is going ballistic, because why does she feel so lost and confused? She can just tell that Joy is afraid, tell that she needs her, but she can’t find Joy. And now, here’s this random girl who seems to have taken Joy’s place.
Nina still finds Sarah, and because Sarah can sense that Nina is just a kind, pure-of-heart girl (with a birth date very similar to the actual Chosen One), Sarah entrusts the locket to Nina with the instruction to find the one who can use it.
Meanwhile, Patricia is searching high and low, met with increasingly bullshit excuses as to where her best friend has gone.
She comes into contact with Rufus, who immediately clocks that this girl is exactly like him and can lead him to the Paragon.
He gains her trust and begins to slowly but surely manipulate her into doing his dirty work.
Patricia and Nina actually become cool way faster in this AU because the moment, Patricia touches the locket, it starts glowing. Nina’s like “oh, damn I guess this is yours.”
A lot of the same exact stuff that happens in S1 happens in this AU except that Patricia is the one able to use the locket. Sibuna still forms, and Nina still is de facto leader since she’s good at getting shit done and is slightly unhinged, but Patricia is one hundred percent the brawn of the operation.
She still gets kidnapped, still has all those crappy things happen to her, but now there’s a tiny voice in the back of her head guiding her through the motions.
Rufus mentions something about how their destinies align, and Patricia is like “bruh you’re crazy” but something in her knows it’s not as bonkers as it sounds.
Flash forward, Joy buys them time by very slowly building the Cup of Ankh, and Fabian and Alfie pull the same trick, so it all works out relatively the same.
Patricia and Joy are the ones to hide the Cup.
Victor is now certain that Patricia is an Osirian-to-be, and he fears what Rufus still being alive out in the world now means for Joy. She’s a full Chosen One, but her own Osirian isn’t able to fully protect her until Rufus is dead.
In the S2 plot, Joy functions as more of a Noa type character— aka: she stays the hell out of Sibuna stuff. She and Nina are still fighting over Fabian, but there’s less hurt there because there isn’t any bitterness about Joy being kidnapped for nothing, since she actually is the Chosen One.
Still, they don’t get along all that much.
Patricia is the one to get targeted by Senkhara first, because she goes to check on the Cup. She demands to know who the Chosen One is, and of course Patricia is like “lol no kys”
So she gets marked, of course, and Senkhara hates this petulant Osirian bitch. Like seriously, why doesn’t she do what she asks? Doesn’t she know her life is on the line? So she curses Piper into a coma lol. That’ll keep Patricia in line.
Nina, being the team player she is, agrees to pretend to be the Chosen One to spare Joy for Patricia’s sake. Senkhara believes it and marks her too, which of course means that Fabian, Amber, and Alfie soon follow.
A lot of the same nonsense happens Sibuna-wise, just with Patricia getting her shit mostly rocked by Senkhara (and Nina catches smoke too)
Knowing now that Eddie is safe to reconnect with, Mr. Sweet has his son enroll at school.
Patricia and Eddie are immediately beefing for all the same reasons as canon.
It’s harder for Patricia to juggle that with Sibuna, though, considering her increased role.
She still doesn’t know what an Osirian is though. She just knows that Joy is the Chosen One, and she’d rather die than see her hurt.
Still, she and Eddie are constantly bickering (flirting), and Joy’s oblivious ass is obsessed with this ship.
Patricia and Eddie get together way earlier on in the timeline of the season, after he gets brought into the Sibuna nonsense almost right away when he’s the one to save Patricia from falling down the chasm.
So now all of Sibuna (plus Eddie) is trying to find the Mask, while keeping Senkhara away from Joy, which works for a while until it doesn’t.
Joy discovers everything that Nina’s done for her once Sibuna asks her to help with the Senet game. (Patricia was very against clueing her in at all, but she was outvoted)
Joy feels super bad for her treatment toward Nina and you KNOW she put aside the baggage and was like “we are besties now and I’m gonna save you even if you totally stole my boyfriend.”
Anyway, a lot of the same stuff happens, but Senkhara discovers that Joy is the actual Chosen One and makes her wear the Mask.
Nina takes the hit for Fabian in this, and Patricia uses the crown to un-possess Joy.
Rufus rocks up, and Eddie steps in to beat the shit out of the guy who kidnapped his girlfriend. Eventually tho Rufus overpowers him and puts on the Mask.
Bye, Rufus!
Piper’s awake again! Happily ever after.
Holy shit! Now Patricia’s a full Osirian, and Joy is a full Chosen One! Wowza. Now what?
Well, bad shit starts happening more frequently. Nothing crazy, but more blown fuses, more burst lightbulbs, more small fires.
Mr. Sweet is panicking bc he needs both Joy and Patricia for this ceremony, but everyone knows that trouble always follows a Chosirian duo.
Maybe nothing bad will happen tho…?
Anyway, Patricia and Eddie don’t break up, and Nina and Amber stick around. Basically all the same stuff happens in S3 as it does in canon except Patricia’s the Osirian, and Sibuna is unified from the jump. Joy stays in Sibuna in this AU too.
KT and Patricia are fast friends, and Joy and KT hit it off immediately.
The eclipse ceremony is unsuccessfully thwarted, and RFS is as shitty as ever.
Eddie gets captured as a Sinner immediately because of course he does, and he is very much the same as Sinner!Patricia, except he targets both Nina and KT to destabilize two romantic relationships in the group (and also attack the Chosen One where it hurts: her gf)
Nina also gets captured as a Sinner, who catches Fabian, who catches Amber. Oops.
Now it’s Sibuna (Joy, Patricia, Alfie, and KT) vs Team Evil (Frobisher, Victor, Denby, Eddie, Nina, Amber, and Fabian).
World is saved eventually, but boy does it almost go so wrong.
Anyway, TOR is the same but Patricia “dies” instead, which means that Joy is officially the final Chosen One.
Everything ends pretty chill I guess. This got very lackluster toward the end I’m sorry there’s so much to cover
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frobisher-smythe · 5 years
The Reawakening
Chapter 1: House of Arrivals
Summary:  When the Anubis kids return to school, they find themselves one member short. Sibuna is determined to discover why Nina has not returned and Eddie is just as motivated to keep them from the truth. But the truth always comes out eventually, and the Paragon/Osirian duo might just need their friends' help to survive. ______________________________________________ Basically, this is exploring the Chosen pair and what that means while introducing a new mystery at the house. I've had this idea since season 3 first aired and I was disappointed by the plot, so this is how I believe the series should have continued. Hope you enjoy!
Word Count: 1189
Read on AO3
“So, no one has been able to get in contact with her?”
Amber’s voice rang out as they walked into the drama lounge. Everyone shook their heads.
“Even you, Fabian?” The boy shrugged his shoulders.
“We talked over the holiday, but it’s been nothing for a few weeks now. She would’ve said something if she knew she wasn’t coming back, I know it.”
The others gave Fabian sympathetic looks. They were all worried about Nina, but he was the most distraught, especially after Amber’s comment about him not making the America trip. It wasn’t his fault plane tickets were ridiculously expensive, even if Nina’s gran offered their home for him to stay. Right?
A ping on his computer brought Fabian out of his thoughts.
“Guys! She’s messaged me back!”
They all crowded around him with inquires, though Fabian’s excitement soon deflated once he read the message.
“It just says she couldn’t come back.”
“Well, ask her why, dufus,” Patricia’s comment was shushed quickly while they waited for the typing symbol to appear.
“Really, Fabian? Double texting?” Fabian shook his head at Amber in response. Finally, the little dots showed up and Fabian, along with the rest of Sibuna, almost held his breath. He knew there was probably some logical explanation, but his mind couldn’t help but wander to Joy and her disappearance, all because she was the believed Chosen One.
“She says there’s a letter? I don’t know what she’s talking about,”
“Maybe I should try messaging her,” Amber wondered out loud. “I’m very good at interpreting Nina,”
“Oh, shut up, Amber,” Patricia quipped, which earned her a huff from Amber and a harmless push from Alfie.
“Maybe it hasn’t come yet. Or maybe aliens took the memory of the letter from you and--” The ramblings of Alifre were cut short by a less harmless shove from Jerome.
“‘Ask Eddie’?” Fabian read. What did that mean? Eddie was his roommate, surely if he had a letter to give, he would have done by now. He thought back and realized that Eddie had been acting strangely. He was quiet when he’d arrived, and hadn’t joined in the uproar when Mr. Sweet told them of Nina’s departure. Still, all of that had to be just coincidence.
“Where is Eddie, anyways?” Alfie piped up. “Why isn’t he Sibuna-ing? Y’know because of that stuff from last term? The Oraden or whatever,”
“The Osirian,” Jerome supplied.
“He said he was staying after to get the homework,”
“Homework? Eddie?” Patricia sputtered. “Definitely not. I say confront him,”
“He’s your boyfriend, isn’t he? Why don’t you do it?” said Jerome with he signature smirk. Patricia faltered.
“I’ll do it,” Fabian spoke up, still staring at the screen. “After classes,”
Conversation between FabianRR and NinaM22
FabianRR: Why aren’t you back at school?
NinaM22: I couldn’t go back.
FabianRR: Why not?
FabianRR: Hello??
NinaM22: My gran. Look, the letter explains everything.
FabianRR: What letter?
NinaM22: Ask Eddie.
NinaM22 has signed off.
Eddie sighed as he listened to Ms. Andrews prattled on about the French homework. He’d asked her about it, despite being fluent, in order to escape the Sibuna meeting he knew was about Nina. It was bad enough he would have to lie to them when asked questions about her whereabouts, but he’d also misplaced the letter Nina had written to help answer questions.
“Will that be all?” Ms. Andrews spoke.
Eddie shook his head out of his thoughts. “Yes, Ms., thank you,”
If avoiding Sibuna was this difficult already, he had no idea how he was going to make through the rest of term. Hopefully, everything would soon be sorted and he wouldn’t have to.
This summer, Eddie had gone to Cleveland to visit Nina, with the intention of figuring out this Osirian stuff. It was great, at first. He found that despite all their differences, Nina and Eddie got on really well. She told him stories of the house, of finding artifacts that made up the cup, about how Senkhara came to use Sibuna. He felt included. It didn’t last.
Things went wrong when they tried to discover what they could do as the Chosen pair. Victor Sr.’s ghost had told Nina of their duty to protect the world, but not how nor from what. With Nina’s naturally curious personality, she thought it would be good to test it. Eddie couldn’t blame her, of course. She was tired of being afraid of the abilities she knew she had.
The first time Eddie had ever felt a pull like the ones he’d been given at the house was when he was still at school in America with his mom. He’d been in school and suddenly he couldn’t breathe, couldn’t sit still. He needed to go somewhere, do something, but he didn’t know what. When he rushed out of the classroom, it had been the last straw in his generally unruly behavior and he was expelled. Through their swapping of stories, Eddie realized that this was the same day Nina had been trapped by Rufus and put the Cup together. It was his first Osirian instinct and, oddly enough, paved the way for his coming to Amun and meeting Nina.
If only their little summer test had such fate. They found they could connect on a deep level by concentrating on each other. It took some getting used to, after the first time Eddie could feel Nina’s emotions, just the same as she could his. It was weird, knowing someone that deeply when you had just met mere months ago. But it was also exhilarating. His purpose was clear and for the first time he felt like his duty of protecting her wasn’t impossible.
“Eddie!” someone’s voice rang out, interrupting his thoughts.
He glanced up to see Patricia rushing towards him, brow furrowed.
“I called you like three times, what’s up with you,”
“Sorry,” Eddie said, putting on a fake smirk. “Just in my head,”
“In your head? And what was with the staying behind for homework? It’s only the second day,” He shrugged his shoulders as his girlfriend prattled on. Normally, he loved listening to her ridiculous rants, but lately, after everything that happened, he couldn’t focus on much else beyond Nina. The sick feeling he’d felt in the classroom, the days when she was missing, and when she put the Mask of Anubis on -- it was constant now. He needed to fix this.
“Eddie! Are you even listening to me?”
“Sorry, yacker, I, uh, am not feeling well, I’ll see you later,”
He sped up and went on into class, sitting next to someone from a different house. The rest of the day he kept his head down, avoiding his friends. Logically, he knew it was probably a bad idea; he needed to act normal. Emotionally, however, he didn’t have the energy to care. He figured he could get through a quiet dinner at the house, and then message Nina. The sooner they figure this out and she could come back to school, the better.
His plans were interrupted as soon as he got to the house, with Fabian glaring at him in the entryway.
A/N:  Ayy that's the first chapter!! The next one will be up on Sunday 2/16! I've had this idea literally since literally 2014 and am super excited to finally write it. I've always been dissatisfied with the way season three went and the excuse of the Chosen One and the Osirian not being able to be near each other got my younger self thinking. I really hope you enjoy this and get lost in the mystery that's to come!! Let me know what you think!!
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joysmercer · 2 years
How do you think Season 3 would've went down if Nina and Amber never left? (Would KT/Willow still show up? Would Peddie/Fabina still go through a breakup? Etc) Also, how do you think they would've played out the osirian/chosen one relationship? (I've always thought they would've revealed them to be related or something)
ok so someone asked this as a prompt ages ago and i’m stuck on it lmaooo (sorry) but to answer your questions directly/share what i have so far:
KT would still show up and stay in Anubis and willow would still be around but maybe not move in
i have an idea that would explain why nina left in canon and how she figured things out but hesitant to share it lmao but let's just say that nina does know of kt vaguely (but doesn't initially recognize her), though i haven't decided if kt knows of nina (in this universe)
patricia and eddie would still break up over the summer—I think they were heading that way at the end of season 2 itself and the breakup was actually really important to their future stability so we're going to keep it in.
things are pretty awkward between patricia and eddie for obvious reasons, and fabian and nina as well because that’s just how they are 
nina and eddie did spend some time together post-breakup though, with amber at one point; the latter posted a picture of the three of them in nyc so everyone knows they hung out
fabian’s jealous. so is patricia
eddie's vision about KT comes during amber's party (so a little later than in canon i think), except it's nina who gets it instead…as she's walking down the stairs…and eddie's in the living room but gets a Sense and dashes outside to catch her just as she's about to faint.
fabian finds them leaning against eddie's bed and she has a headache and resting against his shoulder and because fabian’s already wary of them, he immediately thinks the worst. things get a little crazy.
anyway this happens…
i don't think nina and eddie would be related (unless very distantly). their relationship would be like that of cousins who are the same age and constantly compared to each other but also good friends.
everyone just expects them both to always know what to do and i feel like, at least in the beginning, they'd be convinced the other is better as a sibuna leader than they are, and that would cause tension. nina in particular would probably chafe under eddie's direction when he takes the lead on something (because she's so used to doing things a certain way).
however, they also have a close connection (both supernaturally and as friends) and they'd definitely grow closer over the season—i anticipate it becoming kinda how eddie and kt are in canon; i do think the 3 of them in this au would band together not just because they're outsiders but because they all have a weird connection to the house that the others don't and an innate trust for each other because of it
nina would become the first sinner (or ig second counting victor) instead of patricia. patricia immediately gets super protective over eddie after this happens for Reasons and he gets annoyed lowkey.
also jerome and joy are briefed on the Sinner situation after this and joy immediately institutes a buddy system so no one's alone to be taken/there are always ppl around to manage high emotions before denby can grab the offending person
someone pls correct me if I'm wrong but i don't think there was a way to bring the sinners back except for reawakening ammut? so then they're like. shit. and buddy system goes away to maximize their chances of awakening ammut quickly, except, again, for peddie because under no circumstances can eddie get taken (again, for Reasons)
regardless of whether or not that^ is true, other students are also targetted too in this au so maybe only 1 other sibuna member is taken in the end
nina and amber end up in a similar state as fabian/mara do at the end of s3 in canon (like openly flirty but not together u know). i currently dont think either of them act on anything until grad/after grad but this might change akfsjl
but also im just generally debating namber vs fabina endgame so who even knows.
like i said this is very preliminary but if you have more specific questions feel free to ask! it'll help me figure things out too and i love this au so much so id love to answer :)
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yackers · 3 years
jobs I hc the hoa kids doing in the future
joy: events/wedding planner - for obvious reasons. in my head she doesn’t do it immediately though. she does hospitality at uni and then takes some job weekend managing a hotel that she doesn’t enjoy much. it’s only after the insane stress of planning patricia and eddie’s wedding that she decides it’s the creative thrill of it that she loves so much. everyone kinda thinks that’s a nuts way to decide to do what they think she should’ve done all along but she doubted her ability.
jerome: founder of a successful business/investment group - he’s so smart and if he put his mind to it I think he’d be very successful. he doesn’t go to uni and instead takes a degree apprenticeship with alfie’s dad and works his way into his own company. he’s got the kind of initiative that makes very powerful men say ‘I like this kid’ and help him.
mick: athlete until he retires and then a coach/manager - self explanatory. he plays for a decent football team in with Australia or the uk. I don’t think he’s the most well known or anything but he does well for himself. he also has the natural ability to encourage people that would make him a great coach
mara: investigative journalist/activist - the vera incident taught her a lot about sources but she doesn’t give up easily. uni teaches her a lot but her teacher recognises her potential. she’s very determined and has a need to do good. her parents were also olympians so she’d have connections
nina: successful mystery author/full time chosen one - the play did well and to be honest she just writes about things that happen to her. tales of her school years do well, and once she’s covered her own and sarah’s experiences, she writes the untold stories of the ghosts and gods she encounters and helps. her publisher definitely thinks she has a couple screws loose but she’s doing well so who are they to care?
fabian: historian/researcher - not only is he interested and good in it but it’s what his family does. he has the hoity toity attitude of a weathered expert down and he knows a suspicious amount about egyptian gods but he’s able to provide evidence for the most part.
patricia: in a high managerial/sales role in a big company - I don’t necessarily think she knows much about the actual business she works in but when people find a girl that good at talking and selling things and getting people to bend to her will however much it takes they give her a whole staff of people and she loves it. this is one of the most different takes to the general fandom consensus but idk this job gives her more independence and I think she’d also love to travel with work and idk it makes more sense to me personally
kt: events photographer that volunteers at an animal shelter in her free time - each day is different which she loves. after properly honing I’m on her artistic talents during college she works under another photographer until she’s able to freelance. she works with mara, fabian and joy whenever they need her
eddie: firefighter - this is the one I’m most happy with idc. after losing his osirian powers he’s still left with a strong desire to help people and it’s also athletic and competitive and rewarding and allows him to feel himself again. he does go to college though. idk what he would do but he would have a good time.
willow: primary school teacher who also volunteers in her free time - it would just really fit her personality. she really loves people and it allows her to feel young forever. she’s so good at reading the children and helping them through everything.
amber: fashion designer - another obvious one idc it’s who she’s born to be she has the money connections talent and will. she gets an internship right out of fashion school and works her way up until she can start her own brand. she would absolutely destroy the met gala
alfie: children’s trauma councillor - alfie was hard but this felt right. for someone who went through a lot and was scared of everything he was very good at coping with and pushing through it for the sake of the people he cares about. I also just think he’d be so good with kids and making them laugh and feel heard. he’s just a very approachable understanding person
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The Latest in my S3 watch of House of Anubis:
I apologise because it turns into a mini Joy essay, which honestly surprised me myself. Just to sum up beforehand, I don’t hate her, nor do I love her or think she’s a fave (and I’ve firmly been Team Nina and Fabina) but Klariza is charismatic actress that made Joy compelling to watch in S2 and turned a character that could easily just have been bitchy, bitter and have her actions driven by selfish and immature reasons, but made Joy complex (especially the latter half of S2 where you see the Joy no one else sees)
Season 3 Thoughts:
- It’s just not the same without Nina. This has nothing to do with the quality of the show, I’ve watched countless of shows that goes bad and they keep their originals characters or have replacement characters. So far, this is not one of them. But Nina (despite the question acting from Nathalia) was the heart of the show, Nina and Fabina. Hell even Amber, that trio were the heart of it all. It just feels like something is missing.
- Also I think another reason why Nina’s exit hurt the show is not only was she the lead and part of the heart of the show, but she was also the audience’s window into the world of House of Anubis and Sibuna. We very much watched the show from her perspective.
- Still don’t like how they handled her exit, I think it could be handled better. I just hate the Osirian/Chosen One excuse because it makes no sense because of what we learn in S2 and what we saw of Sarah and Rufus in S1. And we got no explanation on it, I wish they explained how and why.
- I still have my own version on how they could have explained her exit better.
- Amfie have my heart, like they are a couple in real life that probably wouldn’t work or be together but they are also cute and entertaining to watch. Ana and Alex have chemistry that makes Alfie and Amber rootable.
- Joy gets some of the worse writing. Well at least inconsistent writing. In S1, she doesn’t have much of a personality because of the storyline. But she is conveyed as a innocent, good, popular student. I got this because everyone loved Joy as well as the title sequence, her pose and body language conveys good girl. Then in S2, she was thrown into the love triangle - and I didn’t hate her, but I disliked her because of Team Fabina, but she was also fun to watch and made things interesting. Especially in the middle and near the end. I think in the beginning Joy was a bit hit or miss because everyone knew who their character was and the dynamics and Klariza was essentially playing a new character, coming in fresh etc. So in the beginning she felt less like a character still and a bit caricature in her behaviour regarding Fabina, but as time went on, she became her own, sneaky and slightly devious. It was a refreshing dynamic to add to the Anubis House and explains Joy and Patricia’s friendship. Patricia = Sneaky on the outside, soft on the inside lol (considering her loyalty) then Joy = Soft/Innocent on the outside, sneaky on the inside. Regarding Joy’s characterisation in S2, it could be interpreted in many ways, one is a result of what happened in S1, which I think many assume because she outright blames Nina for coming in and ‘stealing’ Fabian and her friends.
- However, I choose that Joy has always been like that but it wasn’t common knowledge because Joy has never felt threatened by any of the residents. Especially if you assume that they were all in Anubis House since the first day of Year 7, when they started Secondary School, they are like a family, so she struggled with outsiders, especially ones that came while she was gone. Plus, to me, saying she was always like this makes her more interesting and complex in my head.
- Still on Joy but making another point to spread it out a bit. In S3, she’s more mellow compared to S2, and what’s frustrating for me is that I want to know if this was how Joy would still be if Nina returned or not. Now she doesn’t have a rival, we seem to see the Joy you hear about in S1, the Joy that friends see. But anyway, I say she gets inconsistent writing because she very much wants to belong, she wants to be in Sibuna, we saw this in S2 because she never got the support she wanted from Sibuna who knew the truth (they wanted to move on) and both sides just generally didn’t want to talk about it (even though I think Joy did), at the end of the season, Shea excited and happy to be in Sibuna, she wants to save Nina, she’s accepted Fabina and realised that Fabian just wants to be friends and at the end she hugs Nina, suggesting a beginning of a friendship, and then less than 5 seconds after Fabian reading Nina’s letter, she’s already trying to move in. Now I don’t like this, because I think Joy needs to move on, it’s healthier for her, but also I think any girl knows timing is everything. She saw the Fabina bond in S2, he wouldn’t move on 5 minutes later. Maybe it was pacing issues? Like they want to brush it under the rug now and move onto other subplots?
- But also another thing I didn’t like was how she quit Sibuna because Fabian rejected her. Now this is more the feminist in me I suppose. Because her wanting to be a part of Sibuna was the same reason as Jerome, they both wanted to belong. When she was crying at times in S2, it wasn’t because of Fabian (all the time) but it was how this small pack, that was aware of what happened in S1 were keeping to themeselves, doing their own thing and not telling anyone. I think they should have played up the danger aspects more or the school work, final year more. Because those are valid reasons. I think the problem with this is that at the end of the season they have more people involved in Sibuna and then at the beginning they have to inexplicably cut it down because too many people know or are a part of it and either a) They don’t know how to handle too many people in Sibuna, i.e. finding them all a role and purpose, no one floundering or b) They prefer Sibuna smaller and not everyone aware to keep the secret group and sneaking about aspect more, to add suspense etc.
- But also another reason why I sat Joy’s writing is inconsistent is that we can say Joy is more calm in S3 because Nina has left (I will always bring up and be bitter about how we get no Joy/Nina in S3 because I want to now if we would have got S3 Joy or S2 Joy) but also the writers have so far appear to have swept under the rug a lot of Joy’s behaviour in S2, like her behaviour and jealousy of Mara. Not to sound dramatic but who is Joy? I love all these potential layers added (which I think Klariza did) but at the same time, I don’t know who is Joy because I feel like the writers intended to only use her in S2 as a threat to Fabina and then Klariza added these layers which made Joy more that a roadblock for Fabina, and then in S3, Joy no longer needs to be a threat to Fabina and they kind of write her as the Joy you hear about in S1 then as soon as she hears Nina is officially gone, and she makes her move, it’s a mix of S1 and S2 Joy.
- Also I want to stress that Jabian have a cute friendship, like by the end of S2, you can’t hate it because there is an innocence to it, but at the same time I think friendship is all there is to it, I just think they are too different to work as a couple. Like I think Joy thinks he’s cute and what a nice guy he is and likes the idea of him, but I just feel like if they dated, they’d eventually realise that they work better as friends because their interests are too different. Like if I remember, they never had a shared interest, I think in S2 Joy tried to be interested in history and Egypt because Fabian was and Fabian and Nina both have a shared interest in it. But it wasn’t genuinely, like I don’t think she came out of it and was like THIS IS ACTUALLY INTERESTING. Like with Fabian and Nina both have tried to not be in Sibuna and not into history and the Egyptians (Nina in S1 and Fabian in S3) and both didn’t take long before being sucked in again.
- And to conclude my Mini Joy essay, if this was made for an older audience or released now, Joy and Patricia would be canon, whether it’s an unrequited crush on one end or a full blown school romance, it would have been a thing - eventually.
- I quite like the Sisterhood of Anubis, at least the concept of it. However, I do think it is flawed a bit, I love how they stick together but how it’s used so far I think is flawed. Because it’s all about them being upfront and honest with other people - which is great and all, but they don’t go deep. Take Joy’s situation, they are all encouraging her to be honest with Fabian, supporting her and acting like Jabian will happen, but Mara and Patricia witnessed Fabina, they saw the bond Fabina had, and especially with Patricia, saw how much they loved each other, especially on Fabian’s end - it wasn’t that long ago that Fabian went crazy over Nina not returning and Neddie possibly happening. Everyone commented on how they never seen Fabian like that before. So while they should encourage Joy, they should also warn her about the possibility of rejection since Fabina broke up a few episodes back. And if Fabian said yes, she’d likely be a rebound. With Mara, I think she’s gonna benefit from it the most as she’s always tried to be a people pleaser, however I found the Alfie/Mara scene a bit forced, like a forceful way to show the development. Maybe as time goes on the new Mara will feel more natural.
- Also, this is probably the Fabina shipper in me, but I don’t like how the writers appear to be quick for Joy to move in on Fabian and for the whole house to want Fabian to move on, like Fabina was a huge part of S1&S2, they were first loves, the writers made that canon and first loves aren’t easy to get past.
- Speaking of ships, why did Peddie break up? I feel like it’s so KT and Eddie can have all the scenes together and they can explain the lack of Peddie.
- Not sure how I feel about Amber’s Fashion School exit storyline. It’s not a bad storyline and I’m glad that they gave Ana an exit storyline (If it was Ana’s choice to leave - if not, I have a complaint to make) but I think my issue is we never saw her interest in Fashion beforehand. Like we know she’s into fashion but we never saw her interested in designing clothes etc, which is what she would be doing in fashion school. For the past two seasons she was too interested in Sibuna, gossip magazines, how she looked (and Fabina) etc.
- I still can’t warm up to KT, the only reason I can think of why is because of how she just jumps up the pecking order of the main characters when others have been their longer (also I think a part of it, the Nina stan in me is because I remember how tough it was for Nina to be welcomed when she joined and KT and Eddie got it so easy, I know a part of it was because of Joy, but still). Also I’m just not invested in her and Eddie’s mystery with the key, I’m more into Sibuna and Fabian’s decoding. I know that the two mysteries with merge as one, but I just can’t get into Eddie/KT mystery compared to Fabian/Joy/Patricia/Amber/Alfie investigating.
- Willow...after you kind of get over the shock and forces nature of her entrance - I will say this until proven otherwise because she’s wanted to be in Anubis House for so long, but we only see her now? Hear of her now? Her entrance reminds me of those characters in Lost S3 that just appeared with no explanation and then were killed off because everyone hated how they were introduced. - Anyway, I enjoyed Willow a bit in this ep, this may be actress bias because I saw her in Wolfblood and Marine 6, but anyone that makes the Anubis House happy and laugh and aren’t shady are a plus in my eyes, also I quite liked her dynamic with Victor, it’s very much comedic and pure and Victor is less villainy and shady when it’s Willow/Victor.
- But Willow just suddenly always appearing at Anubis House is incredibly forced, I think it was done so viewers got use to her character before she moved in, but her suddenly always appearing with the Anubis folks and in the House just feels forced because we know she’s been on the list for 2 years and wanted to join but we have never seen her before or heard of her and the characters act like it’s normal. Her entrance could have been handled better. Like maybe suggest she had a massive transformation over the summer that she looks like a different person. And give her a more legitimate reason for always being in Anubis all of the sudden, like Amber suddenly wanting a protege or a school project.
- Also, I know Willow is meant to be in the same year as the Anubis lot, but in the few episodes I see her, I keep assuming that she’s in the year below, I don’t know if it has to do with the character or maybe how she’s introduced as she still feels out of place from the cast.
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