#he’s over a foot long
butcherb1rd · 1 year
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my large wrinkly son
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esmes · 5 months
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that wouldn't be too painful, would it? 🎥 @theriddletrades
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tiktaaliker · 1 year
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also hi ive been kinda scarce due to classes and work and life and all that shit but look at this tardigrade I made out of cardboard
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tenisperfection · 1 month
Eddie’s been thinking about that conversation with Shannon for years now, the one where she turned down his offer to be together again. He never got a chance to say his piece, he never got a chance to tell her everything he’s been feeling about her leaving and coming back until she left permanently, with no way back. He’s been holding on to that anger for years too, and if Shannon’s ghost gives him a second chance to do that like how Shannon’s letter gave Christopher some closure, it’ll be a chance for Eddie to finally move forward. He’s never going to stop loving or missing or mourning Shannon, but maybe now he can see past that grief into those parts of himself he’s been repressing.
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ourfag · 4 months
Forgive my asking, but what are you meant to do if you find hair in your food at a restaurant? Send the whole thing back to the kitchen? I'd of course send my food back over something larger or grosser, like a nail clipping, or multiple pieces of hair, but it seems like such a hassle for just one piece.
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thedreadvampy · 1 month
there's a MOUSE in my ROOM now obviously mice will happen but I'm way more of it about it here than I was in my last flat which was a 250 year old tenement building like OBVIOUSLY there were going to be mice THERE. I just don't think mice should be allowed to live in new builds. and if they're going to they shouldn't be scratching up my skirting boards loudly in the night. get out of my Fucking House, mouse.
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Behold: approximately 4 hours I should have spent doing laundry.
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(I hope to hell those post in the right order lol i do NOT use this app for this)
EDIT: got these from the overhaul website, credit where credit is due
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lil-vibes · 9 months
Now that the translations are out I gotta say that IF this is trully how it ends for him, I'm disappointed. Like I was never under the illusion that Gojo would've survived till the end of the manga but this just feels so... off? So underwhelming, almost? Like, it feels incomplete and granted, Gege has killed characters that, arguably, weren't finished with their arcs (Nobara, Nanami) before but even if we take that into consideration this one still feels so wrong to me.
Obviously I wanted Gojo to win and obviously everyone knew that he wasn't going to (historically, he has always lost something so important whenever he 'wins' a battle that it renders his victory almost meaningless) but killing him off screen, even with all of the explanations, when he was straight up folding Sukuna's shit for like 10 chapters straight just feels cheap and Sukuna's victory actually feels undeserved to me bc of it.
He was on the defence most of the fight. He pulled out every single thing he could from Megumi's CT and STILL got his ass handed to him multiple times. Im gonna be real, despite me making fun of his ✨fraud-core✨ chapters, I like Sukuna. I like him a lot as a character and as an antagonist and so I want to see his victory actually mean something, or be hard won since this was a fight between THE pillars of the jujutsu world. Perhaps if he killed Gojo with his own CT it would have felt more right ? Maybe..
Besides all of that, what happens now? What could possibly be done against Sukuna now that The Strongest is out of the picture? Kashimo, and let it be known that i love him dearly, will be folded in probably 2 chapters max. Yuta (<3), Yuuji, Maki, Hakari and his domain will not be enough.
Like sometimes I feel like people just either forget or don't grasp the sheer depth of the power gap between Gojo and EVERYONE else. It's just so insanely large that after defeating him, Sukuna is trully unstoppable. And if Gege pulls some shit and has him defeated regardless, then that will just be bad writing and Gege, for all I curse him on the daily, isn't a bad writer.
Truth be told, whenever a chapter ended before, I wasn't all that scared that Gojo was done for solely because the manga would have ended. Like, in universe, if Gojo goes down then it's a wrap for everyone else pretty much immediately (like mans got sealed and not even 10minutes later everything went to hell in that godforsaken train station) so now that this has happened I trully wonder where this will go from here?
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stevethehairington · 1 year
was going to try to write today but instead i have spent the last hour thinking up tattoos for eddie to have
#so far i have:#stick and poke w on his foot for wayne (the very first stick and poke he gave himself)#those like mostly bone bat wing type tats on his shoulder blades#im thinking a fantasy dragon either winding down his spine OR curling around his hip half on his front half on his back; maybe w flowers to#his favorite lotr quote on his ribs? or like lower abdomen maybe?#a tiny lil d20 somewhere maybe an ankle? or on a finger or something#either laurels around his knees or maybe eyeballs above them#a sword either on his thigh or forearm or the side of his ribs like under his armpit#i also think he'd have some sort of music/cc type tribute SOMEWHERE#maybe a stick and poke CC below the crook of his elbow? OR AN ACTUAL COFFIN YEAH as a subtle ref; or a guitar/guitar pick somewhere?#i also think that after he's been w steve long enough he would get a steve tatoo too - not quite sure WHAT that would be yet but he'd do it#a wayne tribute tattoo which could go two routes - serious or silly#serious... i have not quite figured out what yet. i feel like a wagon wheel bc thats what wayne means but all the designs ive seen of that#are UGLY lol so either eddie finds a good way to do it or he picks something else lol#but silly would ABSOLUTELY be that traditional sailor type heart 'mom' tattoo on his bicep but instead of mom it says wayne#i think it would be funny if he let argyle tattoo him while they were high and so he has a tiny lil pizza slice somewhere#OH WAIT HE GETS I LOVE YOU WRITTEN IN STEVE'S HANDWRITING (STEVE TATTED IT ONTO HIM MAYBE?) IN THE CREASE OF HIS HIP OR SOMEWHERE INTIMATE#he also has an assortment or random doodles all over filling in the space#defs a jack-o-lantern; the hellfire logo; a flying saucer; a skull & crossbones; a lil crown; a smiley face; flowers; things like that#he has everyone important to him draw something and he gets that tattooed on him so he has a piece of everyone with him always#that's all ive got so far lol but im still looking and also i am SO open to hearing what tattoos yall think he'd get so 👀👀👀#eddie munson#stranger things
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thelunarbar · 7 months
I dare you to tell that in 2x16 dean wasn’t seconds away from getting physical when they’re arguing in the kitchen about the fact that Jess had been there. He screams at her about how she lied to him and why was Jess there and how her excuses are crap and you can see how afraid Rory is by how mad dean is.
And then Paris and you can’t tell it’s not bc she can see how things are escalating and she’s afraid of Rory getting hurt.
After awhile Deans habit of flying off the handle over everything and his overwhelming insecurity become his only personality traits.
Not to mention that as soon as Jess comes into the show it becomes abundantly clear that Dean and Rory have nothing in common. And we all know Dean wants a Donna Reed and Rory was never going to be that so frankly the whole thing was doomed from the beginning.
Rory held on bc Dean was a safe choice. Dean held on bc he felt like she was meant to be his forever. Frankly considering they’re sixteen their relationship way too much like fucking dysfunctional marriage.
Jess and Rory had a much more believable teenage relationship than dean and Rory ever had.
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eldenringle · 2 months
Sometimes things bother me
#and i 100% dont say them out loud on the internet cause i dont wanna get crucified#but people distilling shit around chillchuck to just being “shotacon” pisses me off for reasons i know they dont intend#like i relate to chillchuck because im a disabled person#specifically a wheelchair user#ryoko kui did a perspective study of the party from chilchuck's perspective#and of where his eyeline is at on everyone's body#and i haven't felt more seen by anything in a long fucking time#like god chilchuck would understand how fucking awful it feels to be crammed in an elevator right at stomach and crotch height with everyone#and more than just that gut personal relation#half-foots like disabled people live shorter lives and its not clear if thats natural#or if its because they're seen as disposable#and the infantalization is so fucking textbook ableism#like yall thats a whole ass man#next people are gonna be saying its not okay to ship mithrun because he needs a carer#this is what people mean when they say shipping rots people's brains#it goes both ways#and it makes it impossible to really explore the complex topic of relationships in fiction#the portrayal of those relationships and how they interplay with the wider story#and you just flatten everything to Ship Good and Ship Bad or Shippable and Not Shippable#it makes it impossible to talk about actual problems in fan communities and point out actual dangerous behavior#because everyone's pointing fingers over shit without having proper discussions#and talking about characters like the#they're real people#while ignoring the things real people do do other real people#because they're treating people like characters#chilchuck is a blurry fucking line and because of that the devil is in the details#twitter ruined the internet with it's character limit by eliminating nuance#and all the algorithms eliminated context by shuffling shit out of chronological order#and this whole little mini rant is disjointed as fuck cause im doing it in tags#so i can only see half of my previous thought
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torchickentacos · 3 months
There's not many things that unsettle me about myself, but the fact that I have a mysterious six inch long scar on my foot and no clue of why it's there is definitely one of those things.
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whoslaurapalmer · 15 days
my mom and i went to the park today and ran into one of her old co-workers who was walking her dog so we got to talk to her for a couple minutes and her dog!!!! was the cutest!!!!!! he doesn't like bridges and refused to walk over the little one in the park but then we stood there and talked and he sniffed the bridge for a while (and got pollen all over his face) and then happily pranced over the bridge and then. didn't want to get off it
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mydemonsdrivealimo · 29 days
also jensens post-work, headphones on, don't talk to me game is a little to the left. absolutely his fav
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remitro · 2 months
feeling shrimp emotions about cbee again. sorry it will happen again
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theriverbeyond · 2 years
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"I speak your name, Matthias Nonius, cavalier of the Ninth House. I charge you to protect the Reverend Daughter of Drearburh, and to slay her enemies"
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