#he’s still crying for eddie.
nymime · 1 year
Im blasting my radio with sad songs, but spanish sad song.
And i just imaging hispanitalian Steve Harrington singing while crying “Señoras” songs that his mama like/listen because Eddie went to a date with some guy he meet on Indianapolis.
And he sing with Pimpinela, Roció Durcal, Gloria Trevi, Ana gabriel, La oreja de Van Gogh, etc.
Robin was worried and a little mad with Steve. The older didn’t come to his turn on Family Video, he even didn’t call her after the plan Steve had to confess to Eddie.
She sigh and look over the clock onto the wall, ten minutes more and Robin can left and go see if Steve was okay. To the sound of the bell on the door and this hitting the big window, Robin jump and look over there, only to see the kids and a piss off Eddie.
“Robin! Robin! Did you see steve?! He didn’t come to search for us after hellfire!” Dustin makes his fast way where the mention one was, looking concerned and sad.
“No, he didn’t even call me last night.” Robin play nervously with her fingers, pinching her cuticles nearly making them bleed. “I was planning go to his house and see him.”
“Good, check out earlier and let’s go.” Max demands to the only older girl there.
Robin look again the clock, nine minute more, she can go nine minutes earlier. “let’s go.”
They make it to Harrington State, or the castle, how Mike and Eddie calls it. Robin knock the door, no respond, she do it again, no respond, she back up looking around for a emergency key, she found it under a big leaf of a plant.
She opens the door and they all jumps to the loud sound of music and singing that comes from upstairs, Robin look at the group, they enter and follow the music.
“shit, someone really passionate about this song” mike comment with a half grin on his face. “what language even is this?”
“Spanish, if i can guess.” Eddie responded vaguely.
“¡LLOVERÁ, Y YA NO SERÉ TUYA!” a loud sob comes after that. “¡SERÉ LA GATA BAJOOO LA LLUVIAA. Y MAULLARÉ… POR TI!” “the last vocal expand but broke for heavy and louds sobs and laments, the voice was familiar.
They all look each other until see over the open door of Steve rooms, who was in the floor rounded with chocolate wrappers and nose-rags, the brunette let out an ugly whimper that makes the group shiver, they never seem Steve like this.
Another song start to play, Steve let out another whimper.
“Tu eres la tristeza y de mis ojos.”
“Que lloran en silencio por tu amor.”
“What we can do?” ask Dustin softly to Eddie, who bites his lip and didn’t answer.
“¡…Obligo a que te olvide el pensamiento! ¡Pues siempre estoy pensando en el ayer!” The crying boy let out a lament with his eyes closed, Steve blew his nose and continue to sing along the women in the Vinyl with tears still running down his face.
The group just backwards and left him be, maybe tomorrow he is okay.
After a while of leaving on eddie’s van, Lucas let out the question that everyone was thinking.
“Hey, since when Steve knows spanish?”
The two song i mention are “La gata bajo la lluvia” and “Amor eterno” - Roció Durcal.
Both song are really good and makes me cry, the first come out in 1981 and the second in 1984. So, thinking of Steve following Roció Durcal for his hispan side just makes me kicks my feets.
Edit: i just correct little mistakes of grammar i made. This was wrote at 4 am.
I just sleep 2 hours. I enjoy so much Latino/Hispanitalian Steve Harrington.
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tennant-the-tigger · 1 year
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Proud of you, Eddie
Wayne makes time to attend Eddie's first gig at the hideout. He hasn't stopped making time since...
My Stranger Things Art |  The Munsons
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shushmal · 6 months
Steve notices when Eddie disappears from the party, almost immediately. Robin and the others are crossfaded and a little weepy, and Steve knows they're excited—and scared. They're all heading out next week, Robin to Chicago, Nancy to New York, Jonathan to California. So they didn't notice it, when Eddie got up for the bathroom and didn't come back.
Steve did. Steve's pretty good at recognizing stuff like that, especially when it's painfully familiar.
He's pretty loud when he crawls through his own bedroom window out onto the roof, loud enough that Eddie startles and drops his cigarette onto the asphalt shingles.
"H-Hey!" he says, all false cheer despite the croak in his voice and the sniffling—the way he wipes quickly at his face.
"Hey," Steve says, going for softness and compassion. God knows he's spent many a night out here crying by himself. He doesn't want Eddie to think he's being a dick about it. "You okay?"
"Yep!" Eddie says, pitched too high and the words crack between his lips. "Totally fine! I'll come down in a bit so—"
"Do you want to talk about it?"
Eddie's teeth clack together when he shuts his mouth, falling into silence as Steve settles down at his side. Neither of them say anything. Faintly, they can hear the murmur of their friends' voices, mixed with the summer night call of forest frogs and bugs. Steve thinks about chasing fireflies in the back yard when he was little, how the dark woods are near impenetrable to Steve now, the boyhood security long stripped from him.
Beside him, Eddie wipes at his face again, his elbow brushing Steve's arm because Steve's sat himself so close. Steve, carefully not thinking about it, leans over—further and further—until his head hits Eddie's shoulder.
The sound Eddie makes is soft and broken, so Steve tucks himself even closer into Eddie's side, arm going around his back, and closes his eyes just so he could overwhelm himself with the warmth radiating from Eddie, the smell of soap and sweat and weed, the feel of Eddie's hair on his head when Eddie bows his head as he cries, hair long and curtaining the two of them—Eddie keeping Steve, pulling him in to witness his private grief.
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estrellami-1 · 1 year
If I Should Stay
Part 1 | . . . | Part 14 | Part 15 | Part 16
Steve gets home and enters into chaos.
The older teens are nowhere to be found—Steve hopes they’re still in the shed—but the boys are arguing, pointing first at sheets on the table, then each other.
“No, you dumbass-”
“Oh, I’m the dumbass? I’m the one who forgot oxygen?”
Steve sighs. “Always the damn babysitter,” he mumbles to himself, fighting a smile. “Alright, cut it out!” He says, loud enough to be heard over the arguing. Immediately, everyone turns to him. He crosses his arms and nods at them. “What’s going on?”
Immediately they’re all talking over each other, doing their best to give Steve a headache. He sighs and raises a hand, and slowly they all peter off. “One at a time. Lucas?”
Lucas sighs. “We’re still trying to figure out the best way to weaponize fire down there.”
“And you’re disagreeing on something?”
“Yeah, we all think it would be best to do it different ways.”
Steve nods. “Write down a list of all the pros and cons you can think of. Pass the lists around in case you’ve forgotten something. When they’ve all been passed around, compare them together. But please, if it’s at all possible for you, do it quietly. If for no other reason than El’s still resting.”
“Oh,” Mike says quietly, and they all get to work, scribbling out their lists.
Steve sighs and scans the rest of the room, smiling when he sees Eddie leaning on the doorway. “Hey. Wanna help me bring stuff in?”
“Sure,” Eddie shrugs, and follows him out. It’s silent for a few moments before he speaks. “Y’know, a part of me was hesitant to believe everything until just about three minutes ago.”
Steve chuckles. “It does sound crazy,” he agrees. “What changed your mind?”
“You,” Eddie says simply, like it doesn’t send Steve’s heart jackrabbiting in his chest. “The way you are with the kids.”
Steve chuckles. “Y’know that’s the very reason we started to get along, before?” He glances at Eddie as he shuts the trunk. “We saw how we were with them. We were both a little jealous of each other, mainly cause of Dustin. I swear, he was always going on about Eddie this, Eddie that, greatest Dungeon Master ever but don’t tell Will, and… I started to feel like I was being replaced.” He smirks. “Course, then you told me how he practically worshiped me, and I realized Dustin’s just being a shithead.”
Eddie snorts. “From what I’ve seen of them, that does seem pretty accurate.”
“I know this probably doesn’t mean much to you, but I’m glad you’re here.” He smiles at Eddie and walks inside, giving Eddie a second alone outside.
He almost runs into Robin as he turns the corner, steadying himself, the bag, and her. She looks up at his face, wide-eyed, then slowly morphs the look into a judgy one.
“Quit breaking his brain, Dingus, let him actually like you as a person first.”
“How the hell could you tell that from my face?”
She gives him another supremely judgy look. “Have you forgotten I’ve known you for years? Steve,” she sighs, taking the bag from him. He lets her. “Don’t forget this is four years ago for them. At this point, does he even know who Chrissy is?”
“Okay,” Steve admits, “you may have a point. But we had a breakthrough just now! We were talking and he said he believes me because of how I am with the boys!”
Robin sighs again. “And did you respond with something that happens in the future?”
Steve splutters. “How do you do that?”
“I’ve known you for years, Stevie-boy, don’t forget.” She ruffles his hair as she passes. “Leave the future out of it,” she advises. “Live in the now.”
“Kinda hard to do, considering we’re here to change the future,” he says, just to be contrary. She gives him a look like she knows what he’s doing.
“Talk to him like you’re getting to know him for the first time, Steve. Because that’s where he is. Everything about the Upside Down, and even the kids… that’s all secondary. You got along because your personalities match. Give them a chance to.” She smirks at him. “And maybe show off a little bit of that Harrington charm I know is in there somewhere.”
He shakes his head, grinning. “You’ll see one day, Robs, I’ve got game.”
She grins, ruffling his hair one last time before dancing out of reach as he squawks at her. “I’ll believe it when I see it, Dingus.” She leaves, bringing the bag into the other room, and he sighs and follows her, wondering—not for the first time—how he ended up with her as a best friend.
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maydaydiaz · 2 months
fic writers don’t you even dare ever mention what we’ve just witnessed
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artiststarme · 1 year
Sneaky, Like a Ninja
Kind of a part 2 to this post based on a comment from @doubleb11. I hope you guys like it and please leave your thoughts in the comments!
Now with a third and final part!
Living with Hopper, Joyce, and the kids while he recovered was great. Steve woke up every morning to breakfast before work, even if it was usually a disgustingly sweet Triple-Decker Eggo Extravaganza. He and the kids were bonding and the stilted conversations with Jonathan had lost their awkwardness. Even Joyce was starting to come around to Steve and was involving him in conversations instead of speaking around him. Things were good. 
What Steve didn’t appreciate was his midnight curfew or the rule that the door had to stay open three inches when all he wanted to do was make out with his boyfriend. He didn’t want Hopper glaring into his borrowed bedroom while he tried to “talk” with Eddie. I mean, anything more than a cautious peck was enough for Hopper to barge in with threats. 
These rules were grating on Steve’s nerves. For most of his childhood and all of his teenage years, Steve has been on his own. He made his own rules and could do almost whatever he wanted without repercussions since his parents were always out of town. So, living with other people and being expected to follow arbitrary rules fitted to a ten year old girl was significantly impacting his sense of independence. 
What choice did he have other than sneaking out? His head was fine, the mild concussion symptoms had long since dissipated but Hopper was unwilling to concede and if Steve didn’t have a fulfilling make out session with Eddie at least every other day, he was going to die. Luckily for Steve, he was somewhat of a ninja. 
So on a night that Hopper and Joyce both went to sleep early and Jonathan was out of the house working late, Steve snuck out. Honestly, it was easier than he had anticipated. He wiggled through the bedroom window, flopped ungracefully onto the hard earth while making sure not to hit his head, and waited a moment. When none of the house lights turned on and everyone remained silent in sleep, Steve grabbed Will’s bike and took off towards the trailer park. The ride was smooth and there was no one out at that time of night, it made the ride peaceful in a way that Steve hadn’t before considered. When he got to the Munson trailer, Eddie pulled him to his bedroom for cuddles and kisses. It had been far too long for both of them despite it being only a little over a week. Steve bragged to Eddie about how he was ‘sneaky, like a ninja’ and he kissed him to his heart’s content. He could get used to this. 
Early the next morning, Eddie drove him back to the Byers’ and dropped him off a few houses down. He did not want Hopper to see him dropping off his son so early, thank you very much. 
Steve gave him a kiss goodbye and carefully snuck back into the house. He was quietly closing the window behind him when he heard a throat clear. 
Steve jumped and turned around to face an unimpressed Jonathan. “Dude, what the hell! You should be asleep right now!”
Jonathan’s look only got blanker, “so should you. Where were you?”
“I was with Eddie, so what?” Steve did not want to talk about his sexual escapades to his pseudo step-brother/ex-girlfriend’s ex. 
“Steve, what would’ve happened if Hop had noticed you missing?”
“He wouldn’t have, okay. I’m sneaky! It’s fine, he's not going to find out,” Steve assured him. 
“Alright, if you’re sure, just be careful,” Jonathan warned before clapping his shoulder and walking away. 
It was fine, Steve was practically a ninja with how sneaky he could be. No one else would find out. 
His attempts to sneak out were successful the next several times. He would just use the bedroom window and off he went. However, on this particular night, when he crawled back into his room after spending a few hours with Eddie, Will and El were standing in front of the bed waiting for him like the twins from The Shining. 
“Son of a bitch!” Steve exclaimed and jerked back into the wall in surprise. He hadn’t expected the kids to notice his absence considering both of them were supposed to be asleep. “What the hell are you doing in here?”
“We were looking for you. What are you doing?” Will asked him. Steve didn’t know how to break it to him that he was sneaking out to make out with his beloved dungeon master so he stayed quiet. 
“Steve, are you okay? Should I get my dad?” El asked him, she seemed genuinely worried about him which made his heart hurt. 
“No! Do not get Hopper! Look guys, I was just going out to get some air. Everything is fine.”
“Why did you not use the door? Why the window?” El asked. 
“Were you sneaking out?” Will asked him.
“Okay, you need to tone down the accusations, kid. I was not sneaking out. Why would I even do that?” Steve asked him. 
“To see Eddie?” Will’s eyebrows raised for emphasis and Steve just stared at him. 
“Oh,” El nodded sagely. “You do not like the three inch rule. I did not either.”
“Wow! Hey,” Steve exclaimed, waving his hands. “You’re a kid, you shouldn’t be doing anything behind closed doors. Me though? I’m an adult. Also, it’s none of your business! Go to bed, weirdos!”
They each narrowed their eyes at him in tandem which kind of creeped him out but they filed out of the room regardless. Jesus Christ, Steve couldn’t wait to get back home to the empty house and parents that didn’t care what he was doing. 
When he tried to sneak out again the next night, he ran into a snag. Apparently, Will and El did not appreciate his methods of escape via bedroom window and had glued it shut. No amount of gently frantic jimmying could force it open. Son of a bitch!
The next few days Steve tried increasingly creative ways of sneakily escaping the house. He jumped through Will’s window one day, he left the back door propped open slightly to avoid the creaking sound later, he even constructed a fake body out of pillows and stayed out all night! 
When it was finally time to return home after Hopper kidnapped him, he could only breathe a sigh of relief. The Hopper-Byers were a caring bunch but the stress was starting to build up. Hopper gave him a ride back to his house and stopped him just as he was about to walk away from the cruiser.
“Hey kid?”
“Yeah,” Steve looked back at him in askance. He better not try to talk him into going back because he already had a movie night with Eddie and Robin planned at his place. 
“Next time, go through the front door. It doesn’t creak like the one in the back or stick like that bedroom window. Alright?” Hopper’s voice was void of emotion but his eyes looked amused. 
“You knew?!” Steve screamed. 
“Of course I knew, I’m the chief of police. You think anything happens around here that I’m not aware of?” The teasing tone dropped from his voice but he continued. “Tell Munson that he better stop defiling my son or we’re going to have words. Capiche?”
“Jesus Christ, Hop,” he muttered. His voice was kind of strangled and he cleared his throat as he started walking away. “I got it! Go be the chief of police and stop embarrassing me. Bye dad!” 
He shut the door behind him and leaned his head against it. So much for being sneaky like a ninja. 
Permanent Tag List: @doubleb11 @nburkhardt @zerokrox-blog @newtstabber @i-less-than-three-you @carlyv @pyrohonk @straight4joekeery @trippypancakes @conversesweetheart @estrellami-1 @suddenlyinlove @yikes-a-bee @swimmingbirdrunningrock @perseus-notjackson @anaibis @merricatty @maya-custodios-dionach @grtwdsmwhr @manda-panda-monium @lumoschild @goodolefashionedloverboi @mentallyundone @awkwardgravity1 @anzelsilver @ghosttotheparty @jestyzesty @gregre369 @mysticcrownshipper
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f4llingst4rb0y · 2 months
Thinking of my IT au where Eddie has a kid with Myra and just.
Just eddie being a good and supportive dad.
Eddie looking up anything lgbtqia+ related when his kid accidently comes out to him as Trans.
Researching any and everything about it and risks and amd just the safety Trans kids have and worrying constantly for his little boy.
Helping name his son a name he'd love and appreciate and actually want.
Defending him in every argument Myra starts abt their child being ill.
Making sure his boy knows he's loved every hour of every day.
Taking his son with him to Derry to get him away from Myra, completely forgetting about IT and everything that has happened in the shithole.
Eddie apologizing profusely once everything is done and settled for when his son comes out of Derry with scars and some paranormal trauma alongside them.
Eddie and his son hugging eachother, both sobbing and holding on so tight the other can't breathe.
Eddie divorcing Myra and getting custody of his boy and making sure he feels safe around his friends and helping him get on hormones and and
Just just just
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andywear · 4 months
I want Eddie freaking out about Shannon being gone. Like finally having to accept that she’s dead and Kim isn’t her. And Buck being there in the moment of his breakdown and telling him “She’s gone Eddie. She’s been gone. But Chris is still here. I’m still here.”
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whatohitsonfirewelp · 5 months
Buddie may never go canon. And that’s okay.
It doesn’t change that Buck, Eddie, and Christopher are a family.
And honestly? I truly believe I might even like this more. The idea that hey, yes, a bisexual man and a straight man can continue to be best friends, co-parents, to show vulnerability with one another and still keep it platonic.
That men overall are allowed to show their emotions and be human and love each other without it inherently being sexual or romantic.
Especially when one of those characters is a Hispanic man, because men of color have so little freedom to express themselves and show their love loudly and openly for their family.
Because Evan Buckley is Eddie’s family.
And they don’t need to be a couple for that to still be true. And if you don’t think it’s possible for two grown men to love each other and still be a family without also being in love, then you need to take a good long look at yourself.
The idea that he can’t is rooted in homophobia and sexism.
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it-one-line-at-a-time · 4 months
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dinerfries · 1 year
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p4nishers · 2 years
something something eddie saying "now i can't even talk to you because of it" about the lawsuit something something buck saying "i just want you to talk to me" when he goes back to work after the lawsuit something something eddie screaming "can you hear me" and "talk to me, talk to me" to bucks lifeless body
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dontcallmeeds · 2 years
I just really really wish Eddie had been in Season 3 (its not just because its my favorite season)
*We all need Eddie unable to handle the Scoops Ahoy fit, that ones been said and done a million ways*
But Eddie would’ve knocked sense into Mike and Lucas about DnD, he would’ve fully been supporting Will and backing him up. (I know he was also a super senior and they were just leaving 8th grade, buh buh buh lets ignore canon for a second okay?) He could’ve been a mentor to Will, helped him pitch DnD back to Mike and Lucas to make it seem cooler. Plus the obvious.
And how would he infiltrate the group in the first place? He would also have had a job at Starcourt, there was Camelot Music back in the 80s, Spencer’s was around. People have done fics where he was a theater usher who catches the kids which I LOVE.
So he sees Steve working at Scoops, he’s fucking intrigued because duh, obviously. He remembers him from high school, remembers him being popular and kind of a douche, but barely heard anything about him senior year. Figured he was at some fancy college in another state with daddy’s money, but here he is in a ridiculous outfit. But he starts crushing hard because of the stupid little outfit.
He goes to get ice cream during his lunch even though he feels sick all the time because he does it every other freakin’ day. Finally one of those days he sees the scene we all know and love, Steve and Dustin doing the lightsaber handshake. He ends up overhearing Dustin saying something about DnD one day in passing and stops him to talk about it.
Or even better, he works at one of those sword shops with the dragon stuff and maybe Dustin goes in there to get some shit for Will to cheer him up and they get to talking to him about DnD.
oh and OBVIOUSLY him and Robin have an “are you…?” “Are YOU?” “Yes bitch I’m fuckin gay”. They end up becoming friends and Robin definitely calls him out for crushing on Steve because she thinks Steve is annoying as hell until their little Russian incident.
Either way idc, there’s some of my thoughts on the fact we were robbed of Season 3 Eddie.
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makorragal-312 · 4 months
I think that next episode, when Buck and Eddie talk about everything that's happened with Kim, Buck is gonna talk to Eddie the same way he talked to him about Ana.
He's gonna show concern for Eddie and what he's going through and he's going to offer him words of encouragement and advice, but he's also gonna add in that harsh jab and make it clear to Eddie that he did, in fact, fuck up with his emotional affair and that Chris has every right to be pissed at him.
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nandermoenthusiast · 6 months
oh my god i got so emotional SHUT UUUUUP
#911#911verse#evan buckley#so this is what crying about a character is actually like#like i do be crying at times dont get me wrong#but i just love buck so much. i kept stopping the episode and going. omg omg omg#omg its happening. omg idk if i can actually watch this. omg its happening !!!!!!!!!!!#jesus christ JESUS CHRIST#like i know we throw the word around a lot but this is MY SON#and everything that happened in the episode. it was like it was happening to me#i felt actual physical damage and actual butterflies as the kiss moment approached#like theY DID THAT#THEY MADE MY BI SON CANONICALLY BI#idk to have this shift in a characters perception this late in a procedural….. 911 you gods#i really hope they can somehow make more seasons cause they would deserve ti#it. and like. this doesn’t have to be the end of buddie??#they could get them together at any time bc buck realizing hes into men is a lot other worm can than buck realizing hes in love with#his best friend. i just dont know how they would do it with eddie bc they would have to pull a lot of focus over there too with a big#chance of feeling repetitive with their narratives#maybe they just show them together after a timejump and say they worked some stuff out idk lmao#ANYWAY I AM STILL CRYING BECAUSE BUCK MY SON IS A CANONICAL BISEXUAL JEALOUS DISASTER JUST LIKE HIS MAMA ❤️#THIS IS WHAT REPRESENTATION IS ACTUALLY ALL ABOUT (and i mean his horrifying handling of the feelings of being left out of course lmao)#THE LOOK EDDIE SHOT HIM TOO#i am too frazzled rn i just need to scream i think#hi. im sorry this is me coming out of the 911 closet now that wwdits is on hiatus#evan buckley!!!!!#SON OF MY SONS#LIGHT OF MY LIFE#APPLE OF MY EYE
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jadewritesficshere · 2 years
Spirit Animal
Summary: this is simply high ramblings with the guys.
Eddie Munson x Reader x Steve Harrington (can be considered platonic or romantic)
Content warnings: just some weed
All my fics are 18+ regardless of content. Thank you.
You had been at Family Video, picking up a movie to watch with the boys later. You had been having random conversations with Robin when she brought up a topic you had never thought of before. Robin had pointed out that some people resemble their animals (like Janice from the trailer park who looked like her Shih Tzu), which made her think that you could assign a person an animal. "Like if you died and got reincarnated or some shit, you come back as that animal. It has to be like your spirit animal! It would suck if I came back as a Robin just cause thats my name..." You had laughed a bit but the thought had stayed with you.
It had stuck with you so much you actually were categorizing your friends as animals now. Which led to later that night, sitting in your apartment with Steve and Eddie, passing a joint around. Eddie was leaning against the couch, with one leg straight out in front of him and the other curled towards him. Steve was laying on his side on the couch. You were sitting next to Eddie facing him, but if you turned your head right, Steve and your faces would meet.
Eddie was absolutely the most sober out of you and Steve. You were trying your best, but fuck if you weren't giggling (and you don't giggle). You looked over at Steve, who had a small grin and glassy eyes. You looked at Eddie, who wiggled his eyebrows st you before crossing his eyes, making you giggle more. Eddie grinned taking another drag from the joint. He had shed his jacket and vest, his arms on full display along with his tattoos. Eddie thought you were simply staring at his bare arms and his tattoos, so he was slightly flexing for you. Meanwhile, you were staring thinking about the topic Robin had brought up earlier, not even noticing him flexing.
You nodded once and then twice to yourself before blurting out," Hedgehog." Both boys turned to you with confusion plainly written on their faces. "Sorry, what was that sweetheart?" Eddie asked as you paused before shaking your head. "No wait does that even work?" you mumbled resting your head on your hand. "Babe, what are you talking about?" Steve asked, pushing some hair out of your face so he could see you fully.
After explaining the whole concept to them that Robin brought up ("Which Robin is totally not a bird like sure that's her name but like she isn't! She's like...like a honeybee! She's sweet and always buzzing around, and she's like and like yeah and honey and like..." "You lost your train of thought didn't you?" "No no they have a point."). "So wait... you think one of us is a rodent?" Steve asked wrinkling his nose. You scoffed," they are mammals Steve." "Aren't...aren't all rodents mammals?" He tilted his head, making you pause before mumbling, "Huh...well shit." Eddie chuckles as Steve gives you a shit eating grin.
You cross your arms and glare at both of them. "This whole topic is stupid. We are people for a reason," Steve muttered looking at his nails. "You just don't understand my genius," you flick Steve who slaps your hands away," It is stupid though!" "Uh huh, like you won't think of this later, man. So, who is this hedgehog then?" Eddie asks, discarding the stub of the joint. He turns to face you, laying his head against the couch and against Steve's knee. "It's gotta be you, you're a rodent. A rat." Steve says, reaching over and bopping Eddie on the nose. Eddie immediately goes to bite Steve's hand and you wave your hands," See! That's what I'm talking about!" They look at you confused. "My friend had a hedgehog and it nibbled a lot. It bit when it found a scent it liked. Eddie you literally come up and bite us randomly all the time!" "...They're love bites..." You ignore Eddie's interjection and continue," plus they make like dens. Like they make little piles and hide in them. You will steal all the blankets I own and curl up under them. And hide in them, wait did I say that already? Plus PLUS they have quills which are sharp and they protect you! It's like an armor and like you put on this act to protect yourself but really you're sweet and have a soft underbelly."
Eddie blinks a few times, opening and closing his mouth. "Aren't they like night creatures the...fuck I forgot the word...not awake during the day?" Steve runs a hand through his hair and you snap pointing at him," Yes nocturnal! So is Eddie!" "Okay okay enough exposing me." Eddie lightly kicks you," besides if I'm a hedgehog what is Steve?" You pause as you think before grinning. "Uh obviously I'm something cool like a-" "A chihuahua." "oh fuck you!"
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