#he’s too admirable sexy smart and charismatic
iwaasfairy · 2 months
Okay but imagine if it was incel nii-chan or uncle (i haven't gotten over that one yet) gojo. How worse would he be 😭
I genuinely genuinely had to hold off on immediately turning it into cest when I gOt thAT ASK KFNFJFJJFJF but since you’re giving me a platform!!
Absolutely!!! Satoru nii as an incel would work soooo well brrrbbrrrrrrrr he’s just like a nasty guy, he’s mean, he’s impatient— and worst of all he thinks you owe him the right of snuggling up on you even tho he’s sweaty and gross and stinks and kissing up on you n shit
Also he doesn’t like women all that much bc he wants them to immediately jump on him even when he’s not willing to put in the least bit of effort. He’s just forced to be around you, that’s the only reason why you even talk to him :/ and he has to go and make stupid shit comments about your body and if you don’t get a boyfriend soon half your eggs will already be dead and you should really just,,, settle already
Preferably with him
Only with him
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comradekatara · 3 months
apparently suki got sexy lamped (i didn’t watch the show but that’s what i heard) and that is one of the worst things that could ever happen to me. suki is snarky and passionate and excitable and bad at making jokes and she is way too cool for sokka but that’s why they work.
yeah what they did to every single girl in that thing is unconscionable but what they did to suki and yue especially is crazy because we’re meant to believe that they’re both #StrongWomen but also going crazy stupid for white devil sokka even though he has nothing to offer either of them, and is not attractive, charismatic, or intelligent. suki doesn’t like sokka because he’s a hot guy with a six pack (couldn’t even type that without snorting. sorry) she likes him because he displays humility, open-mindedness, intelligence, humor, and bravery. none of which he actually displays in natla, for the record (although i guess you could call him telling suki that “they should put a bell on her” humor???? if you’re stupid??????), certainly not humility or a willingness to expand his worldview. he doesn’t apologize for doubting her skill, he doesn’t admit he was wrong, he doesn’t let her feminize him (WHO is this cis white boy!!!), and he doesn’t change his mind on anything.
in fact, SHE is the one who thanks HIM for “showing her the world,” which is obviously crazy if you spend even a second thinking about it. SUKI is the one who firsts presents sokka with a reason to expand his worldview. SUKI is the one who disrupts SOKKA’s entrenched paradigms. the whole point is that sokka knows NOTHING of the world and SUKI is the first person who teaches him something. suki is the first person to show him that being a warrior is not a biologically determined fact, but rather a state of mind. suki is the first person to actually train him formally. suki is the first person who helps sokka to realize that people beyond his immediate family can value him outside of his role as protector/martyr. that she can like him because he’s open-minded and makes her laugh (and certainly not because she’s entranced by his shiny muscles). suki is, in fact, the one who shows sokka the world. yes, they’re both isolated and sheltered when the show begins, and suki’s decision to leave kyoshi island is in large part influenced by meeting sokka, and she does kind of go crazy stupid over him and is the first one to initiate their romance, but she’s still the one imparting a valuable lesson onto sokka, not the other way around.
suki works so well with sokka, like natla very unsubtly points out, because they do have a lot in common as kids who are also the designated leaders and warriors of their respective villages. they understand each other on this implicit level, and they’re both very smart and share a (quite dark) sense of humor, so they’re able to banter and spar and hang out as equals. but they’re also different enough to balance each other out. sokka plans while suki reacts. sokka is cerebral whereas suki is kinetic. sokka is tightly wound whereas suki helps him relax. suki is confident in her own skin whereas sokka is deeply insecure and neurotic. she helps him loosen up and get out of his own head, and in turn he supports her and admires her unconditionally. sokka demonstrates to suki that he would do anything to help her, and suki demonstrates to sokka that he can accept her help and doesn’t need to shoulder every single burden alone out of some perverse guilt/martyr complex. they protect each other, have each others backs, make jokes together, hype each other up. they’re each other’s right hand arm man silly rabbit.
the reason suki is able to forgive sokka for his sexist comments is because he immediately apologizes when she proves him wrong. he humbles himself and demonstrates that he knows he has a lot to learn from her. he then also, after like, a couple hours at most of receiving any kind of formal hand to hand training for the first time in his life, manages to beat her. the thing about suki is that she’s also very proud. even prouder than sokka, if you consider that her confidence is 100% real and not a feigned defense mechanism like his is. and so the fact that she loses to him, even just in this one moment, does force her to reevaluate him. like, he’s obviously full of shit when he boasts of his skills (he has no formal training to speak of), we all know that, but he is nonetheless incredibly skilled. and suki has to acknowledge that, because i don’t think anyone who has been learning the form she’s spent her entire life mastering for less than a day has ever gotten the better of her like that before. and it’s certainly not because he’s a boy, or biologically superior; it’s because he’s smart enough to know how to adapt. and that intelligence is demonstrated not only in his skill, but also his willingness to completely upend everything he’s been taught within the span of a few hours.
this episode is in fact crucial for sokka, not because he learns how to fight or because he “stops being sexist” (imo, he’s still sexist, but that’s for another post), but because it demonstrates to the audience how sokka’s mind works, and how fucking impressive he is. i know that it may seem like this episode is just an after school special teaching young boys to be nicer to their sisters (and it is very much that), but it’s also illustrative of how sokka is able to process and synthesize new information and immediately change his mind. i’ve called sokka the personification of the scientific method before, and what i mean by that is that he is constantly absorbing new empirical data into his worldview and updating it accordingly. contrast this mindset with zuko’s, or even katara’s. how many times do they have to have the same lesson drilled into their heads over and over and over again before they actually properly internalize it? i’m not saying that zuko and katara are bad or stupid, to be clear, they’re actually incredibly realistic. sokka is the one who is unrealistically open-minded and intelligent. toph is really the only other character in the gaang who matches his sheer level of brilliance, creativity, and ingenuity.
so the reason this episode is valuable for establishing who sokka is, is just. completely negated by the way he’s portrayed in natla, as just some “hot” guy to ogle over. he doesn’t display his scientific mind, he doesn’t expand his worldview, he doesn’t complicate his own gender identity by wearing traditionally feminine garb, he doesn’t give suki or us, the audience, any reason to actually like him. and when he gets to omashu and starts expressing to the mechanist his aptitude for engineering, it feels completely hollow and unearned because at no point prior has he demonstrated that this mind works in a scientific way. we’re just expected to believe that he’s an engineering prodigy despite being given no prior evidence that even thinks logically.
in fact, everything that is unique and subtle about sokka is completely stripped away by this white devil. he isn’t “the only man” left in the village so he seems absolutely stupid insisting that he shoulders a unique burden. he constantly communicates his deepest emotions so he ends up sounding more like zuko or katara than sokka. he isnt funny, although i think he tries to be but simply lacks any charm. he isnt humble, he isnt depressed, he isnt intelligent, he isnt stupidly loyal and self-sacrificing. he acts more like a jock who magically knows engineering than a nerd who kills people. and suki seems like an absolute fool for being so obsessed with this absolutely worthless white boy, instead of the wonderful, confident girl who knows exactly what she wants and gets it.
meanwhile, yue, on the other hand, IS a girlboss who knows exactly what she wants, and it’s CRAZY. they completely reduce everything that makes her character important by turning her into a liberated woman (despite the nwt still being sexist???) who breaks off her own arranged marriage because she just wasn’t feeling it (even though THIS version of hahn is gorgeous and kind and respectful, so like…… huh??) and is a badass waterbender who talks back to her father. she wears euphoria makeup and a party city wig as she tells us (like she may as well be talking into the camera) that sokka is the hottest guy she’s ever seen (which would make more sense if the guy who played sokka played hahn and VICE VERSA, but i digress) and she loves him for…. reasons??? certainly not because he represents a figure beyond her limited paradigm, and certainly not because he’s charming or kind or makes her laugh or treats her like a person. and certainly not because they both feel restricted by their respective patriarchal duties to their fathers and to their people, because yue doesn’t feel restricted at all, and the extent of sokka’s daddy issues are simply “hakoda was mean to him because he sucks at ice dodging” (which is also crazy, for many reasons). they just feel like two people who were forced together because the narrative demanded it, and not because they have any sort of meaningful thematic connection that deepens both their stories. it’s horrendous.
ultimately, the ways in which these characters (and every character) are reduced are reflective of some incredibly dire patterns in these soulless, corporately produced objects of commerce that barely pass as art. “sokka’s sexism is too problematic so instead we’re going to change every single element of the story so that no one has any sort of objectionable flaws — or depth.” i know i talk a lot about sokka here, but they also massacre aang, and (especially!) katara, and even zuko (even though the guy playing zuko was definitely giving it his all). and azula and iroh and everyone else (except for ken leung and danny pudi who are innocent). they don’t want to create anything nuanced or intricate, but they want to make it marketable, so they advertise it as “appealing to a game of thrones audience.” i’ve always hated game of thrones, but it’s still leagues better than this. in fact, i think it might even be better for women than this. i don’t think it’s that hard to understand a Y-7 nickelodeon cartoon (although the takes ive seen on here do make me wonder…) and yet somehow the writers of this monstrosity managed to get every single facet wrong. distressingly wrong. every time i think about it i get mad all over again. smh
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uyuforu · 6 months
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Jungkook's Juno in his Natal Chart
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Juno (3) is an asteroid discovered in 1804 by Karl Ludwig Harding. It represents another part of the person we will marry as it represents destined partner, our soulmate, "the one" for us. Briede & Groom asteroids are more about just the FS. But Juno has a more destiny message, more of a spiritual link. To see moe about this person, looking at our Juno Persona Chart is recommended!
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Juno Leo
-> This man will marry someone with Leo placements. In the big 3 or at least in the big 6. Juno Leo means that he will marry someone who will be famous at some point. He will look at her, and she will just be the most beautiful woman he has ever seen. She will be the sun to him, he will not be able to look at anything else. He will just radiate around her. He will be obsessed with her, but he will need her to be obsessed with him at some point. She is warm, have a beautiful laugh and smile, hair are very good looking, more on the wavy, curly hair. Thick hair. It can make the FS also bright and very charismatic. She can be popular. And people just love her. She might feel like the main character most of the times. She can be lucky in any occasions. It means love at first sight too, for both of them. Like in the movies type of love! This placement makes him want to be chased, to feel like his FS will literally fall on her knees when she sees him, yet it will be his reaction lmao. An intense connection when they meet, he will just know she is the one. He will absolutely adore her, and she will too. He will see her as perfect, and she will keep thinking "how come he chose me?? am I that lucky??". Just a couple who will be obsessed with each other and be their biggest fan lmao. A power couple. Basically: Jk will marry someone who will give him the love he always desired to give, meaning a huge love. He will commit himself 3000% as she will, and they will love that. It will literally make him feel so in love, he will feel like he is back alive.
Juno 8H
-> She will bring a lot of change in his life, literally nothing will be the same after her. JK's rebirth. He will meet her at a moment something important in his life is ending, and a new era is starting. It can also be at a moment he is going though a major changement, that he likes it or not. Instant attractiveness, a lot of passion towards each other, and could even be instant s3xual attraction, JK will think she is the hottest girl he has ever seen, very sexy. She could appear cold like, someone who looks very distant, etc. Could wear a lot of dark and black. Looks intimidating. But someone who warms up when you talk to her. Meeting her at night, or somewhere hidden, somewhere where nobody else see. Emotional bond, spiritual bond.
Juno 21°
-> Love at first sight, loving them from the first time he laid eyes on her. Absolutely loving her vibe since the first moment. He will think she is very funny and very smart. So someone smart, funny, open-minded. Another sign she could be a foreigner. He will think she is very unique and outstanding. She is literally very different, and doesn't even try. Someone he can and will admire, he will feel like she can teach him a lot of things.
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Thank you for reading!
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saiyanandproud · 5 months
🖤 y’know he’s gotta💃🏾
send 🖤 and my character will answer about yours.
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repulsive / hideous / ugly / not attractive / unappealing / not unattractive / meh / no preference / ok / mildly attractive / nice looking / cute / adorable / attractive / pleasant on the eyes / good looking / hot / sexy / beautiful / gorgeous / hot damn / would tap that / perfect / godlike / holy fuck there are no words.
"Seriously?" She asks, irritated. "You got into this stupid game too?"
She steals the paper from his hand with a snort. Whatever. She's gonna humor him, just because she knows he won't leave her alone unless she will, and starts highlighting words with an annoyed frown on her head.
"I guess you're okay looking," she begins. "But don't make a great deal out of it. I'm just trying to be objective here."
grating / irritating / frustrating / boring / confusing at best / awkward / unreasonable / psychotic / disturbing / interesting / engaging / affectionate / aggressive / ambitious / anxious / artistic / bad tempered / bossy / charismatic / appealing / unappealing / creative / courageous / dependable / unreliable / unpredictable / predictable / devious / dim / extroverted / introverted / egotistical / gregarious / fabulous / impulsive / intelligent / sympathetic / talkative / up beat / peaceful / calming / badass / flexible.
This section is a pain. Too much in common with her Fu. Which, if one hand makes this one irritating, on the other one it also makes him interesting, as they are all traits that drew her to the previous one. But she decides to keep the qualities she admired the most to herself, only allowing a couple here.
"I guess you gotta be smart, to do whatever weird time-experimenting stuff you do," she admitted with a flat voice. "One could call it creative too. I suppose it makes you interesting, in a way," she adds with a grumble. "But boy, do you chat a lot."
how likely they would have sex with them:
not if they were the last person on earth and the world was ending / fuck no! / never / no way / not likely / not sure / indifferent / I’m asexual / maybe / probably / it depends / fairly likely / likely / yeah sure / yes / would tap that / hell yes / fuck yes! / wishing that could happen right now / as many times as possible / we are already having sex.
She turns to give Fu a deadpan glare.
"I suppose 'you gotta be kidding me' is not on the list, is it?"
Once again, the answer might have been different with the other Fu. If she had the guts to speak honestly at least.
level of friendship:
never in a million years / worst of enemies / enemies / rivals / indifferent / neutral / acquaintance / friendly toward each other / casual friends / friends / good friends / best friends / fuck buddies / bosom buddies / practically the same person / would die for them / true friends / my only friend.
"I guess I did drag you out of a couple of messy situations," she concedes. "Not sure if it's enough to call you a friend, though."
first impression of them:
i hate them so much / i don’t like them / i don’t trust them / they annoy me / they’re weird / I’m indifferent / meh / they seem alright / they’re growing on me / truce / I think I like them / I like them / I’m not sure if I trust them / I trust them / they’re cool / they’re genuine / I think we’re going to get along / I really like them / I think I’m in love / oh fuck they’re hot / I love them.
She scoffs. "I guess this comes with no surprise to you."
The reason why she found him annoying, however, might not be the one he believes.
current impression of them:
i hate them so much / i don’t like them / i don’t trust them / they annoy me / they’re weird / I’m indifferent / meh / they seem alright / they’re growing on me / truce / I think I like them / I like them / I’m not sure if I trust them / I trust them / they’re cool / they’re genuine / I think we’re going to get along / I really like them / I think I’m in love / oh fuck they’re hot / I love them.
"Yep, you're still weird," she confirms with no qualms. "Although I guess you're okay. For being a chaotic offspring of the Timebreakers, that is."
She hands him the paper with an impatient frown.
"Here. Happy?" She pats her hands. "And don't bother me again for stupid stuff like this, thank you."
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countlessrealities · 11 months
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Send 🖤 and my character will answer about yours || Accepting !
@advnterccs sent: 🖤 { And the Mortys 👀 }
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repulsive / hideous / ugly / not attractive / unappealing / not unattractive / meh / no preference / ok / mildly attractive / nice looking / cute / adorable / attractive / pleasant on the eyes / good looking / hot / sexy / beautiful / gorgeous / hot damn / would tap that / perfect / godlike / holy fuck there are no words
"I-I know that we, uh, look the same, b-but...FM...I think he looks better than me. H-He's cuter, an-and I could stare at him all day. I-I wouldn't do that with myself. I-Is it weird? I don't know. An-And then there are times on adventures, w-when he's really ho-...I-I mean, badass and that makes me want...I-I really admired that, you know?"
grating / irritating / frustrating / boring / confusing at best / awkward / unreasonable / psychotic / disturbing / interesting / engaging / affectionate / aggressive / ambitious / anxious / artistic / bad tempered / bossy / charismatic / appealing / unappealing / creative / courageous / dependable / unreliable / unpredictable / predictable / devious / dim / extroverted / introverted / egotistical / gregarious / fabulous / impulsive / intelligent / sympathetic / talkative / up beat / peaceful / calming / badass / flexible
"W-We're pretty similar personality-wise too, but...H-He's more level-headed than me. L-Less impulsive and kinder. I-I don't know how he does it, w-with everything we went through...B-But I really love that about him. I-It makes me feel calmer too. An-And safer. An-And he's so badass...uh, I-I already said that...an-and smart and I-I love his ideas. I-It's...we can talk for hours an-and I'll never be bored.",
Level of friendship
never in a million years / worst of enemies / enemies / rivals / indifferent / neutral / acquaintance / friendly toward each other / casual friends / friends / good friends / best friends / fuck buddies / bosom buddies / practically the same person / would die for them / true friends / my only friend
"W-We became best friends b-before getting together an-and I still consider him my best friend. W-We're dating, but w-we also kept the friendship part, y-you know? I-It just felt right. W-We can be friends and boyfriends. I-It makes us closer."
First impression of them
i hate them so much / i don’t like them / i don’t trust them / they annoy me / they’re weird / I’m indifferent / meh / they seem alright / they’re growing on me / truce / I think I like them / I like them / I’m not sure if I trust them / I trust them / they’re cool / they’re genuine / I think we’re going to get along / I really like them / I think I’m in love / oh fuck they’re hot / I love them
"W-Well, I knew that he was me, s-so...we clicked very quickly. H-He was nice and funny an-and I finally had someone who really understood...I-I liked him since the start. F-For once I was glad that Rick had messed up."
Current impression of them
i hate them so much / i don’t like them / i don’t trust them / they annoy me / they’re weird / I’m indifferent / meh / they seem alright / they’re growing on me / truce / I think I like them / I like them / I’m not sure if I trust them / I trust them / they’re cool / they’re genuine / I think we’re going to get along / I really like them / I think I’m in love / oh fuck they’re hot / I love them
"I...T-There's not...I mean...H-He makes me happy. A-As I've rarely been. An-And I've never felt what I feel for him. I-It was a little confusing at first, b-but now I love feeling this way. I...I love being in love with him. I-I know, it's cheesy as fuck, b-but it's true. FM is wonderful, an-and I'm so lucky to have him an-and his affections."
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What clone boys (+ the bad batch boys) looking for in their s/o? What is their ideal s/o?
Well, I kinda sorta went nuts with this question and got just a liiiitle carried away... oops...
Cody would be impressed by someone who could take charge of a messy situation or unruly group of people. He'd like someone who is independent and self-sufficient; he recognizes he may not always be there for them and wants to know they can take care of themselves. When he is around, he wants them to feel like a team, partners who are in sync, share the same goals, and make up for what the other lacks. He is attracted to good leadership skills, but turned off by cockiness.
Rex needs someone he can walk through life with side-by-side as equals, no exhausting power dynamics. He'd like someone who is dedicated to their beliefs and goals, but also someone who knows how to let loose and have a bit of (responsible) fun. He wants to know he can be himself around them, whether it's having an honest, soul-baring conversation or just acting really silly for no reason than because they can. He is attracted to good-humored attitudes, but turned off by shallow-ness. 
Wolffe would be into someone with style and sass, someone who isn't afraid to speak their mind or stand up for what's right. He'd like someone who is fearless and passionate, but also full of hope, who will meet his glass-half-empty attitude with unwavering and inspiring optimism. He may butt heads with his S/O from time to time, but they keep him honest and he does appreciate them for it, even if he looks unamused. He is attracted to wit, but turned off by self-centeredness.
Fox likes someone who is warm and friendly, someone who embodies the spirit of the word home. They would need to be dependable, loyal, and a real sweetheart. He is a true romantic at heart and would continue to "woo" his S/O even after they got together, so they would need to be appreciative of such gestures. After a tough day or mission, he'd rather go home to someone who can help him relax and maybe laugh a little. He is attracted to stability, but turned off by laziness.
Fives would fall for someone with a zest for life and a great sense of humor. They don't need to be chipper all the time; in fact, he appreciates someone who takes things seriously and who will fight for what is right, even when it's hard. But he also needs someone he can have fun with, who can find the joy in any situation, and maybe even get into a bit of innocent trouble from time to time. They would be his best friend. His other half. He is attracted to liveliness but turned off by ditziness. 
Jesse is drawn to the sweet, innocent types, someone who would get flustered by his flirting in the cutest of ways. He likes the feeling of being depended on and would take that duty very seriously. He's secretly a sensitive guy and would need someone he feels safe with, who would listen to his feelings without judgment and encourage him to be the best he can be. He really doesn't want to argue with his S/O. He is attracted to pretty smiles and turned off by stubbornness.
Kix admires someone who isn't afraid of honest, hard work, who will not hesitate to roll up their sleeves and do what is needed. But he'd also like someone with a flirty side, who could really surprise him and keep his days interesting. It's important to him that his S/O gets along with his brothers in the 501st, even allowing their free time to be spent with the battalion. He is a family-oriented guy and would need his partner to be, too. He is attracted to spontaneity, but turned off by recklessness.
Tup would like to be with someone who is more reserved, who can be a constant and steady presence in his life without being overwhelming or controlling. He is a bit withdrawn and struggles to feel understood sometimes, so he'd need someone who is patient with him, and comfortable with a less-intimate relationship. He'd be intrigued by someone creative or artistic, as well, and would be their biggest fan. He is attracted to gentleness and turned off by impulsiveness.
Hardcase would dig someone who can keep up with him, someone who is vibrant and always ready for an adventure. He wouldn't mind if they were chaotic or didn't have their life figured out; they could grow and learn together. When others try to hold him back, his S/O would encourage him to keep pushing; they'd be his cheerleader, and he'd be theirs. He finds it really sexy when someone puts themselves out there, both physically and emotionally. He is attracted to spunk and turned off by passiveness.
Dogma prefers someone who is rational and level-headed, maybe a little book-smart or nerdy. He wants to be able to have interesting and meaningful conversations with someone, about anything and everything. He likes someone who takes on quiet responsibilities, not needing to be seen in order to help. He also likes a level of tenderness; nothing too flirty or passionate, just simple and caring. He is attracted to humility and turned off by emotional reactions.
Echo has a soft spot for someone who is charismatic but compassionate, someone who uses their people-driven attitude to be hospitable and generous. He'd like to be with someone who's a little more outgoing than him, but not someone he'd have to keep up with. They would need to be polite and thoughtful, and always willing to communicate, even when it's awkward. He would want to share everything with them. He is attracted to candor but turned off by demanding attitudes.
Hunter wants someone who is easygoing and laid-back, who is uncomplicated and doesn't get caught up in drama or chaos. Someone who makes it clear what they think and what they want, rather than withdrawing or leaving him to make his own assumptions. They would be easy to be in a relationship with. But he does enjoy a good adventure, so it's important that they are active in that regard, too. He is attracted to wholesomeness and turned off by high-maintenance personalities.
Wrecker would be smitten with someone who meets his strength and brutality with softness and gentleness, who is a good balance for his rather intense way of living. They can't be timid in any way, though, because he'll challenge them to try new things. As long as they're a good sport, even if they're out of their element, he'll be very happy. They'd need to have a nice laugh, too, and he'd make it his personal mission every day to hear it. He is attracted to femininity and turned off by cowardliness.
Crosshair is interested in someone who lives their life honestly and sincerely, who is deeply kind but won't let themselves be walked over. Someone who accepts him for who he is but also challenges him when he's being too stubborn or unfair. They would be his rock in life, a person he will always seek out to have by his side. Their maturity puts him at ease and he never has to worry about them or doubt his worth in their eyes. He is attracted to confidence but turned off by popularity.
Tech would fancy someone who looks at the world with wide eyes, who asks questions and listens with their whole heart. They do not need to be super smart or an academic, but they do need to have curiosity and passion. He'd bond with someone over shared interests, but would be equally thrilled to learn something new from someone knowledgeable in other areas. Looks would hardly matter to him; it's their mind he'd fall in love with. He is attracted to talent and turned off by apathy.
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gojology · 3 years
Job Benefits (Part Three)
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broken routines - chapter three.
you can find part two here : 
part two : undesirable pairing : ceo! gojo x female reader warnings : cursing wordcount : 1442 a/n : im highly disappointed with this but im very hyped abt writing part 4 and uh i need to change my writing style sooner or later wtf is this mess LOL
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     If there’s one thing Gojo knows more then his own body, it’s routines.       It’s what he grew up around, coming from such a bustling family. Since he learned how to walk, he had attended many interviews, gone to parties, all in one day. Of course, it was commonplace in his already hectic life. He saw routine in everything.      Imagine his shock when you came into the office in an outfit that differed so greatly from your regular one that his jaw might unhinge and fall off.      He can’t wrap his head around why, but he’s utterly confused as to why you changed this up. Was it permanent, and why the change? He had many questions going through his head. This is one of the many negative traits Gojo Satoru has; he thinks his input is important, even though the majority of time it is... Maybe it was somewhat justified. But he doesn’t realize how unnecessary it comes out to be when no one asked.      No one had ever told him no, of course they hadn’t, he was ranked nationally as an important kid due to his wit and charismatic personality, essential for entering the business industry.     When he opened his mouth to speak, even at 8 years old at his parent’s conferences, the old professionals would all look at him, keenly waiting for his orders, or perhaps his opinion. This was what he grew up having; so naturally he didn’t know any boundaries, nor did he know when to close his mouth.      But that’s besides the point, he thoroughly enjoyed the look on you.     He takes his normal trip down the hallway into your office, humming a tune, a messy stack of papers in one hand, a custom ceramic mug in the other; made personally just for him. He expects to see you in your regular outfit, a pencil skirt, white t-shirt, the short clicky heels, and the black blazer. It certainly made for an excellent example of casual, formal attire.      Unexpectedly, you’re not. You’re calling someone, phone perched delicately on your shoulder almost as if it’s supposed to slip out, your hair framing your face. Lips parting as you start responding to whatever is on the opposite side, and he notices an evident gloss, your lips are a different color too.      You glance up at him and gesture to your phone, and his hands are shoved deep into his pockets, taking this extra time to examine you up and down. White turtleneck, layered alongside a slightly unbuttoned dress shirt with a crisp warm toned brown trench coat. Not too long, not too short.       Simple gold jewelry adorned your neck, and his eyes caught onto the gold bracelet that jingled on your arm as you swayed it around; he kinda found it cute how even when the person you were talking to wasn’t in front of you, you were still so animated.      Gojo can’t see your pants nor your shoes, but he’s about to enter cardiac arrest because truthfully he didn’t expect that you knew how to dress.     “What?” you say, words dripping with venom and menace, putting the phone back down. He’s taken aback, what’s with the tone?      “What do you mean, what, (Y/N)?” giving you a shit eating grin, he takes a step closer to your table.     “Answer my question, I asked first.” you shot back, now crossing your legs, you hope you look bored just to add more insult to injury. The guy deserved it for thinking the world revolved around him.      He doesn’t answer, instead staring at you, setting his cup of coffee onto the already crowded tabletop, slightly hunched over. You feel your heart drop. Fuck, maybe seeking some sort of symbolic revenge against your boss wasn’t the best of ideas.    Actually, none of your ideas were the best last night. Naturally you’d only think up disasters when you were under distress.     “What’s with the new outfit? Buy a new fashion sense on Amazon?” he finally inquires, a tinge of sarcasm in his voice, brushing your... Rude words aside.      You shrug, pulling out your planner from the drawer and mumbling, biting your pen before writing inside, they’re mindless words. You hope your acting is good, because you want to cry again even at the slight sound of those words. “I don’t know, I felt like I would try something different.” Fuck, were was the sass? Why did you answer nervously? Why did you feel so scared?      There was obviously something that you wanted to do rather then chit chat with him, and Gojo’s now unoccupied hand rubs his neck, this was suddenly so awkward, even for someone as lively as him.     “Hm. Right. Anyways, these were in the printer.” he slaps the freshly printed lukewarm pages onto your desk. “Figured these were yours, still had your name on them.”      “Ah. Thanks.” you say before yawning, covering your mouth before sliding the papers back into the drawer behind you- as if you had no care for them. Actually, you didn’t. This was apart of your master plan that you had crafted at 1 AM last night, too exhilarated to rest. You would print papers out in Gojo’s printer, which you had used once in a while prior so it wouldn’t be too suspicious, and since Gojo never left the dang office he’d hear the sounds and return them to you.       Both of you were silent again, and he’s debating between hitting you up with a topic of conversation, perhaps a joke, but you seem so uninterested he’s not sure if it’s the right moment.      “Just to let you know- your lunch break is in 10 minutes.” he adds, whistling to try to appear careless, but he could feel his heart sinking. You were acting unusually cold, no dramatic tantrums from you that he usually loved. In fact, that was the whole reason why he liked coming to your office. That, and the cute stationary.     “Ah! Really?” you make sure to act like you just got a ticket to heaven, just as a petty way of saying, “Hey. You’re boring. I want to get out.” and Gojo’s pretty sure that all the contents of his heart was shattered now.       Hmph. Whatever, if you continued this behavior he’d swear he’d fire you, but even he knows that’s not true. He had grown fond about you over the small amount of time that you had worked as his secretary, besides, what was a good work life if you didn’t have a good relationship with your very own secretary? He’s sure his banter doesn’t affect you.     “Yeah.” he says, now quiet. He turns his back on you, pausing for a quick moment before walking out, not before he bangs the top of his forehead against the door frame, which earned a slight groan out of him, and just like that he left. You still hear the faint clicking against the tile floor from his shoes.       You exhaled a sigh you didn’t know you were holding, twirling your office chair to look at the large window pane behind your desk. This was something you admired about the architecture of the building you worked out. Every single office had a large window facing Tokyo, so late working hours would always involve beautiful city lights and the bustling of night life.       The sun and sky was bright and cheery, and it comforted your frazzled body. Today wasn’t as bad as yesterday, but it still felt strange from not having your daily ridiculous conversation with Gojo- and strangely you missed it.       Instilled with energy and motivation, you stand up, pulling your bento out of your bag, determined to go through with the rest of your plan. You knew Gojo had a good friend that worked here, Keto Sugareu or something like that. You’d have lunch with him, work your feminine charms, and that was that.       It wasn’t like you wanted to, but a part of you so desperately wanted to prove to Gojo that you could be smart, witty, yet sexy at the same time. You weren’t a prude- just someone not as exposed to these lifestyles.     But you didn’t really eat your lunch in the break room, rather, you were almost always in your very own office. If you weren’t found in there, it’d either be the bathroom or conspiring to steal Gojo’s luxury coffee machine at your house. Infact, you’re not even quite sure if you remember how it looks like.    “Whatever.” you mumble to yourself, before scooping up your utensils and napkins and heading out for the break room.      You shouldn’t have ever stepped foot into that cursed hellish room that day.
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nice to see u down here, u want chapt 4? too bad. just kidding! here, have at it.  chapter four : conspiring     
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famej · 4 years
Mammon x Reader
Camera flashes filled the room, capturing the demon’s face. Poses after poses, from cute to extra hot and with or without clothes, every little patch of Mammon has been immortalized.
I was sitting on a bench, far away from all  the lights, on the side of the shooting spot. Mye yes were glued to the handsome demon, unable to understand how this man who always made bad decisions for himself and getting himself in trouble most of the time, coudl also be a model for the most famous fashion brandin all the devildom.
Apparently, his thirst for money could make him do anything and «  anything » meant becoming hot to the point he’d make you wanting more.
The flashes died down and the photographer put his camera down.
-«  Five minutes break and we’ll do the swim suits » he said before the crew scattered around in the studio.
Mammon looked in your direction and waved before leaving his spot and trotted twoard you.
He stopped right in front of you with a bright smile, you stood up.
«  How was it ? Did I make your heart melt with my beauty ? » he teased, flexing his muscles exageeratingly.
After rolling my eyes and chuckling at his antics, I answered :
You were really good ! Honestly I have trouble admitting that the Mammon I kno can be that good looking and charismatic »
«  Ah thanks ! I knew you… Oi ! What does that mean ? I’m always good-looking and charismatic ! And you forgot smart as hell ! »
«  Sometimes more than others… » you teased «  Want some water ? » you asked, grabbing the bottle of fresh water you’d kept especially for him.
He accepted your gift and took a big gulp ; he didn’t even finish drinking that a member of the staff came to take him to get changed.
«  See you later, MC, don’t take your eyes off me  or you’ll miss one of my glorious pose » he shouted through the room before running off.
I shook my head and let myself fall back on the bench.
While Mammon was in the changing room, the background completely changed . The color whent from white to night blue  and on the floor was a sort of low pool of water . Going with this set up came hoses placed above the water. Only with the materials before your eyes, you had a brief idea of what could be the incoming photoshoot.
Next thing, Mammon re-appeared, wearing a white swim trunk, matching his hair and fitting perfectly i ncontrast with his tanned skin. Oh and were those abs I was seeing ? Yeah they were ! It definitely wasn’t the same person you were living with ! The one doing stupid things, who stole his brothers’ stuff to buy ridiculously luxurious items, and who ended more often than not hung by his feet from the chandelier. But this Mammon walked past you, throwing yo a wink over his shoulder before settling in his previous spot. He stepped in the water while the photograph ordered two of his minions to work the hoses.
 « This one will be for summer, you’ll make all the girls fawn over you and the other demons will be crazy jealous ! Give it your all and you’ll be our next face, Mammon » he told his model
The staff turned the hoses on and the avatar of greed received the water from above, switching to super model mode. Arms extended and head lighlty thrown back, eyes closed with a satisfied smile. The water poured down on him, drops glistening on his exposed skin.
«  Yeah ! Just like that ! »
Mammon brought his hands to his hair, pushing his wet mane back, then gave a seductive look at the camera. Followed, was a cliché of him sliding his hands from his neck down to his lower belly, stopping a few seconds on his defined abs. The photographer was capturing every bit of his sexiness as, well as you, trying to immortalize this image in your mind forever.
«  For the last one, be sexy as hell, we want our readers to drool »
The demon grabbed the hem of his swim trunk and lowered it enough so the white hair of his happy trail was exposed. He lowered it even more to show off the very last few of his pubes before his engine. V-line perfectly shadowed and garanteed to please all Majolish fans.
The photographer let out a bunch of satisfied noise and obscene onomatopeias before putting his camera away.
«  Perfect ! Mammon, dear, you will be Majolish next man model, you’re amazing ! »
The latter looked at you and gave you thumbs up, punctued by a wink, with an exaggerated mouth movement. Yeah, usual Mammon was back.
I waited quietly until he came back from changing, all the previous sights of Mammon clear in my head.
« Y/N are yo uready ? »
I shook my head, chasing my impure thoughts away and followed him out of the studio, eager to got my hands on a copy of that magazine.
Two weeks later, Majolish had published their new edition of their ashion magazine and on the cover was an unknown handsome demon.
Knwoming the release date, thanks to that unknown demon who kept throwing hints your way, in case you forgot, you decided to wait for the morning opening and buy as much as you could.
When you left, a bunch of girls were gushing over Mammon’s pictures and you thanked yourself for being so well organized, ‘cause the news had spreaded and all the copies have been sold out within the first minutes of the shop’s opening.
The house of Lamentation was rather quiet at this hour, weekends meant that the inhabitants, except Lucifer would sleep in, leaving the household in utter quietness.
So, itw as easy to trottle back to your room without been seen. Arrived there, you sat on your bed and spreaded all the copies on your blanket. Your took one and admire dit. The picture was beautiful, Mammon’s skin was wet, his hair pushed back and trunk low on his hips. Sooooo hot !!! You couldn’t refrain a squeal of happiness. Yo uhad to keep those copies somewhere safe where no one especially the second born, who has the curious habit to rummage through your stuff like a raccoon, would find it.
Speaking of the devil, he bursted through your door, screaming, terrorizing you in the process.
«  MC ! Have you seen the cover ?! I received the picture by e-mail a minute ago. I’m so hot ! »
He speed walked to your bed, not caring that he was still in his pajamas, his hair looking like a bird’s nest.
Before you could do anything, his eyes fells on the numerous magazines.
«  Ugh… »
None answer came to your mind due to the embarrassement you were feeling.
«  How many of these did you buy ? Damn, this picture is amazing ! What do you think ? »
He looked at you intently, his self pide evident on his face.
«  Why do you think I bought some many ? You look marvelous ! »
It was too much to look at him, you kept your eyes on the magazine, hoping that not seeing his face would prevent the incoming blush. The silence became heavy, normally Mammon would blabber nonsense to fill the blanks.
«  AHAHAH Of course I am ! I always look fabulous , I’m the great Mammon after all ! »
It shoulve have sounded so confident but the stutter and blush didn’t make it very convincing.
«  You’re right. I’ve seen you during the photoshoot and it’s not surprising, you’re a really good model. Here, take one as a souvenir, I keep one for myself and distribute the others to your brothers, I bet they’ll be proud of you » you smiled at him, handing him one of the copies.
He seized it and looked at the cover, before lowering the magazine, and looking at the floor.
«  Do…you really think that ? »
He looked adorable when he was flustered. Oh Mammon…
«  Of course ! And if you ever get the other pics I can make an album so you’ll have you own professional book that we can look at whenever we want »
He perked up at your words and dared to show you his flushing face.
«  Well, thanks, I’ll think about it. But… you know, you have the real me to look at right ? »
That made you get off your bed and walk up to him. And got on your tiptoes and kissed his cheek, which made him blush even more than he already was.
«  I know that . But I’m just showing how proud of you I am, Mammon »
And then you wrapped your arms around him, hugging him tightly.
The avatar of greed was speechless, his arms laid at his side,  under  his disbelief. But he slowly  encircled your little frame, letting himself slump against you, even burying his face in the crook of your neck.
«  Thank you » he whispered , holding you thight
«  Don’t thank me for pointing how amazing you are, Mammon »
That was the only thing he need to start tearing up in their embrace, thanking whoever decided to send you to him.
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takeallofme-mj · 4 years
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Pairing: Namjoon x Reader
Genre: Fluff, Smut & Angst
Summary: The man who helped you through the darkest times of you life, your soulmate. The one you thought you were never going to meet, is standing right in front of you declaring to be a fan of the stories you created about him. 
Rating: 18+
Warnings: depression, suicide references, anxiety, mental health issues, future smut. 
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Monday; 5:30 a.m. September 2020.
Laying in my bed, awake, I found myself thinking that the only thing an unemployed twenty-three-year-old -college dropout- should be doing at 5:30 in the morning is sleeping. There was no reason to stay awake. I did not have a job to blame for waking up this early.
Well, I also did not just wake up unexpectedly either. I simply have not slept at all in weeks.
After a few minutes of repeatedly torturing myself with negative thoughts, my bladder  warned me about my need to pee – badly- However, the thought of leaving the bed felt like hiking the Himalaya on bare feet, wearing inadequate clothing during a crude winter storm in the middle of a December night.
After sighing one last time, I decided to take my phone from the impromptu nightstand table located on the right side of my double bed – there was no point on keep on trying to sleep, I already knew it was not going to happen- The bed and the mediocre attempt of a nightstand -which consisted of a wood fondling table- took most of the space of my tiny room, so there was little to none effort made when I reached out for the electronic device.
-Kim Namjoon-
Those are the words I have found myself typing every day for the last 3 months.
Kim Namjoon was a gift from the universe, a blessing or maybe just a coincidence if you are a little too skeptical.
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Namjoon, was not the love of my life, there were high chances that we never got to meet each other, and even higher ones, that the love of his life will be someone way better than me.
Even though I knew he was not the person I was supposed to find at the end of my red threat of destiny -if there’s even such a thing- Kim Namjoon, will always be one of the most important people in my life.
He caught my attention because he was all the things, I used to be a few years ago –  the hundred times better version of myself, to be honest-
Kim Namjoon felt like the male version of who I used to be a couple years ago – the sane version of myself-.
Kim Namjoon and I had many things in common, for example, We taught ourselves English through music and T.V shows, we loved the show F.R.I.E.N.D.S, we loved to read books, we were both blessed with the talent of destroying everything around us -by doing absolutely nothing else outside of existing- we loved poetry, we had sexy brains and we also shared a big love for nature and art.
My connection – if I can even dare to call it that- to him went beyond these superficial personality traits or zodiac sign compatibilities, our zodiac signs are actually completely incompatible - just in case you were wondering-.
Every single word he said, every single thought he shared, reminded me of that smart woman who walked around like she owned the world when she was just twenty years old– the woman I used to be so proud to called myself-.
Kim Namjoon gave me a sense of peace; he felt like home -even though I’ve never been in his presence-. He made me feel like I could trust him. He made me want to be a better person. He made everything bearable.
Kim Namjoon was simply my best coping mechanism.
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At this point I really do want to believe that there was such a thing as a “past life” where he was definitely my soulmate or the love of my life. I know I should have been laughing at such silly thoughts, he clearly did not write that thinking about me, he probably was not thinking about anything else but his own feelings. However, every time I heard him sing, I felt my soul connecting to his in a way I could not describe with words. It felt as if 40 years ago or maybe centuries ago -when I was probably worth the love and admiration of people- Kim Namjoon was the one holding my hand, singing to me, and kissing my lips with the promise of forever.
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Seoul, Korea. September 2024.
The grand opening of one of my dearest friend’s gallery.
An event I would not dare to miss for the world. The sophisticated gallery was located, east from the Gyeongbokgung Palace, a very prestigious area filled with many other fancy, outstanding places for artist to share their masterpieces.
Ji-Hoon, my talented friend, was proud of his achievements. His success was not handed on a silver plate. Ji- Hoon worked hard since the tender age of eight-teen years old to make his dreams a reality. He spent many years studying, investigating and perfecting his abilities, he was smart and talented enough to know how to get to the most important art’s exhibitions, and he was charismatic enough to not only be appreciated for his artistic abilities, but also for his amazing people skills as well.
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My career was skyrocketing; I was clearly in a better place.
But even with all the success. I still felt like there was something missing. As if there was something waiting for me. Deep inside me, my core… or soul -according to all the spiritual advocates- was waiting for something to happen.
For something -or someone-  to change my life forever.
I spent years wondering what -or who- it was.
And it wasn’t until I saw Ji-Hoon approaching me, accompanied by a nearly six feet tall, brown haired man, with the sweetest eyes and the most mesmerizing smile, adorned with a pair of adorable dimples, that I knew what my so called soul was craving.
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He was here, at an arm’s length distance.
Looking into my eyes. Standing beside my friend, completely unaware of the chaos happening inside my head. Completely oblivious to the pounding heart inside my chest, triggered by the simple sight of a man I’ve thought I’ll never get the chance to meet.
“Hello, Y/N. My name is Kim Namjoon, I’m a big fan of your inspiring words” he hesitated for a moment, but continued nonetheless “and now an official fan of your outstanding beauty as well”
My soulmate, my beautiful and precious soulmate was standing right in front of me.
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haikyu-hoe · 3 years
Love From Abroad
Tendou Satori x reader
one shot, fluff
this is one of my first times writing, so feedback is appreciated! dm for requests :)
hope you like it!
You’re an exchange student in Japan and today is your first day at Shiratorizawa Academy. You’re a second year. You’re quite nervous but you’re confident that you’ll make friends.
When you get to class, the teacher asks you to introduce yourself to the class.
“Hi i’m y/k, i’m from [your country] and i’ll be joining for the rest of the year”, you say with a shy wave.
You sit on an empty seat beside a black haired girl with cute chubby cheeks.
“Hi i’m Elen”, she says with a timid smile.
You smile back at her and the lesson begins. This is harder than the classes you had at your previous school but you think you’ll get used to it. After all, you’ve always been pretty smart.
At lunch you sit with Elen and a few of her friends from your class and they’re all super nice to you and even offer to give you a tout after classes end. You of course accept this offer gladly since you kinda got lost this morning...
During the tour, they show you many things.
“Here we have the library, over there is a place where you can study and there’s 3rd years to help you and over here is the sports wing”, explains Lin, one of Elen’s friends, a short girl with brown, wavy hair.
“Thanks for the tour! I really appreciate it”, you thank them with a big smile.
They then leave to walk home but you decide to stick around a bit more. As you wander in the corridors you get to the sports wing Lin talked about. Curious about how big it might be, you walk down the main corridor. You can hear balls thudding and smashing on the walls inside one of the gym. You push the door shyly and go sit on a bench with other spectators.
“Their volleyball team is pretty good... Well i did hear it was what they call a powerhouse school so...”, you think, kinda zoning out.
One of the players, Ushijima, seems to be the star of the team. But he’s not the one you’re looking at. A red haired funky boy caught your eyes. He’s so charismatic and his bandaged fingers just look so hot...
You listen closely and finally catch his name: Tendou Satori.
After practice ends, you get up to leave but someone shouts behind you. You turn around to see a black haired boy with a choppy haircut and... TENDOU?!
“OI!!”, they say enthusiastically.
“h- hi?”, you ask, unsure if they’re really talking to you (even though there’s no one around anymore).
“I’m Goshiki and he’s Tendou”, says the black haired boy. “That over there is Shirabu and that, of course, is Ushijima. Are you new around here? I don’t think we’ve ever seen you around before.”, he says with a bright smile.
“Yeah i’m new I just transferred from [your country]. I’m y/k by the way!”, you reply, holding out your hand.
Goshiki shakes it while Tendou just looks at you with some weird smile that is somehow so attractive?
“Y/k huh... want me to walk you home?”, Tendou says while getting extremely close to you.
“Sureee”, you say. “But aren’t you tired from practice?”
“Don’t worry, it’ll replace my stretching!”, he says happily. He then grabs his bag, puts his arms around your shoulders and guides you to the exit.
“He sure is a people person huh”, you think. You’re kinda lost in your thought but you catch a few things he’s saying. He’s a 3rd year in class 2, and he’s a middle blocker. He then goes on about the other team members and fun facts about the school.
“Soooo tell me about yourself nowwww”, he says with that weird smile again.
You blush a bit and scratch the back of your neck and reply “Well i’m new to everything here, but i made a few friends in my class. I’m in second year, class one. The team was really amazing today by the way”, you try to be nice to him.
His smile widens at those last words and you walk in a comfortable silence back home. You thank him and walk inside.
“fuck...”, you mutter to yourself. It didn’t even take a full day for you to be completely in love with this strange volleyball player.
[time skip]
The next morning, you hurry up to school so you can look at the gyms before going to class. You catch a glimpse of Tendou, but of course he doesn’t see you.
At lunch, you tell Elen and the others all about last night. Lin is especially excited and Akira even lets out a little squeal. They convince you to go to practice again tonight.
When you get to practice, you quietly sits on the spectator’s bench but Tendou still notices you and smirks at you with a slight wink.
Luckily he quickly turns back to the game so he doesn’t see you blushing like a tomato. Watching him is fun but you can’t wait till practice is over and you can talk to him.
At about 5 pm, he finally gets out of the boy’s changing room and walks up to you.
“Heyyyy~ were you waiting for me?”, he says in a teasing tone while raising one eyebrow.
You blush a bit and lightly punch his arm.
“Why would i wait for such an idiot” , you say with a smirk. He pretends that your words are breaking his heart and then laughs. You had heard him laugh before but never that way... it was so carefree, so... adorable...
On the way home, he catches you staring at him, lost in the admiration of his perfect self.
“you ok y/k?”, he asks.
“ye- yeah sorry”, you reply quickly and start looking in front of you.
“soooo are you free tomorrow” he suddenly asks. You most certainly didn’t expect this. Does he mean as a date?? Maybe he juste want to hang out, i mean you barely know each other right?
He looks at you amused by the confused look on your face and his grin gets wider. He lets out a little chuckle before adding “yes, as a date y/k”
You blush heavily. It’s no use trying to hide it, you’re like a volcano about to erupt.
“yes! I mean um of course”, you reply nervously. You scratch the back of your neck, something you do each time you’re nervous.
“Great” he says happily, in a sing-song voice. “I’ll pick you up at 11 alright?” he adds.
You nod your head. God what will you wear?? Will you hold hands? Kiss even? What will you guys even do? All these questions keep you awake that night but you still fall asleep after a while, so happy about that date.
[at 10 the next morning]
You wake up, grab some quick breakfast and jump in the shower. You have to look perfect for this. After carefully planning an outfit and doing your hair and makeup, you hear the doorbell ring. Your heart starts beating faster.
You open the door to see a casually dressed Tendou grinning widly at you. He’s wearing black ripped jeans, adidas shoes and a hoodie that matches his hair colour. It’s so weird seeing him without his school or volleyball uniform.
“hey y/k~ you look...” he looks you up and down while blushing before continuing. “...great. You look great.”
You just blush as he takes your hand and drags you along with him.
“where are we going, Tendou-kun?”, you ask in a shy voice.
As a reply, he simply smiles at you and whispers “you’ll see”.
Impatient to know where you’re going, you try to get him to walk faster. But Tendou is not in a hurry at all, and since he’s stronger than you, you have to follow his pace. No matter how much you whine, insist and plead, the red-haired noodle boy refuses to reveal where you’re going.
After about 20 minutes you get to a 50’s themed restaurant. The inside is amazing with its vintage jukebox, checkered floor, coca cola adds and Marylin Monroe posters on the walls, retro booths and milkshakes on the menu.
You sit down on a booth by the window and order a milkshake. You share it with two straws, and when you both lean in to take a sip, your faces get so close they almost touch... Tendou’s breath feels warm close to your lips.
He then leans back and crosses his arms behind his head and just stares at you.
“Why did you agree to come today, y/k-chan?”, asks Tendou. He looks eager to receive an answer but he also looks like he’d rather not know in fear of being disappointed.
You give out a light chuckle before answering.
“because i wanted to, of course! You’re the nicest guy i’ve met and ever since I first saw you play i knew you were special.” you reply calmly before taking another sip.
He blushes like mad but then leans in to take a sip too. As you both let go of the straws, he lifts your chin with one finger and lightly kisses your lips. You’re chocked at first but you kiss back after a few instants.
He suddenly breaks the kiss and leans back. He looks out the window, nervously scratching his crimson hair. You start to wonder if maybe he regrets it...
“y/k i’m sorry that was so sudden i should’ve asked please forgive me i didn’t mean to-” Tendou starts talking saying quickly but you cut him off.
“tendou.” He finally dares to glance at you. “i’m glad you did. And i hope you’ll do it again” you whisper the last part but he still hears you. It’s enough to put a gigantic grin on his face. He leans in closer to you over the table and rests his chin on his hands.
“Then would you mind if we did something next weekend?” he asks while raising an eyebrow.
“i’d love that, Tendou-kun”, you reply.
For the following week, he walks you home each night but nothing really happens. You just talk and laugh, realizing how much you love him.
When the weekend comes, you get butterflies in your stomach as you get ready in the morning. Tendou should arrive soon, so you have to hurry.
When the doorbell rings, your heart does a loophole. Tendou is standing on your porch, in his cute casual clothes. He winks at you after saying a sexy “hey” and grabs your hand to bring you to another mystery place.
As you walk, you can only focus on his hand in yours... his fingers are so long, his palm so huge... but it’s their perfect temperature that makes them so wonderful. And god let’s not get started on his eyes and hair...
Time goes by so quickly when you’re with him, so before you know it you’ve reached your destination.
“we’re heeeereeee!” sings Tendou.
It’s a wonderful park with a small pond in which several koi fishes are swimming. A few ducks also swim around them and there’s lovely benches all around.
You sit on one of them and rest your head on Tendou’s shoulder. You can’t see it but his whole face lights up at this gesture.
“say, y/k-chan” starts Tendou. You turn your face to look up to his. He takes both your hands in his before continuing. “would you let me be your boyfriend?”
Your cheeks flush bright pink as you reply “of- of course Tendou-chan!!”
He smirks before kissing you softly. As seconds pass, he kisses you more and more roughly until you both run out of breath.
He looks at you like you’re the most beautiful thing in the world while you’re both trying to catch your breath.
He cups your face softly and puts his forehead on yours. You look tenderly in each other’s eyes, before Tendou finally speaks.
“thank you y/k-chan... i feel so comfortable around you, you make me feel so lucky, so... so... so happy. I hope i’ll feel like this forever and that it’ll be reciprocated” he says as his eyes fill with water.
You raise a hand to wipe his tears as you reply “I’ll stay as long as you need me, Satori. You’re so dear to me, i’ve never felt this way before” you sweetly replying.
He blushes at the fact you used his first name and closes his eyes to appreciate the moment. When he opens them again, he leans in close to hug you tightly and as he does so, he kisses your neck.
When you part, he kisses your lips tenderly and you can feel him grin slightly. You stay in the park until the sun starts going down. He then walks you home like a true gentleman, putting one last kiss on your soft lips.
~the end~
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xxvanrougexx · 5 years
My pdx top 11
I know no one cares but i thought it would be fun to post something once in awhile
1. Lee Eunsang
He is my #1 pick since x1-ma came out. Not that i stanned him immediately at this point but he was the trainee i was most interested in. 1st ep only confirmed him in my top spot! I love that he's really sweet, shy child who transforms into a charismatic man on the stage. Sure, he still has a lot to learn but i think he's ready to debut. One of the best points i love about him is that he is loved so much by his friends, classmates and teachers, heartwarming anecdotes abt him are never-ending. In my ideal top 11 he would be a vocalist in charge of sweet voice but he dances very well too. He's good in english and i'm also sure he has a lot to show us
2. Kim Wooseok
Wooshin is special in my heart bc i loved up10tion since their debut and wooshin was my bias. I cant say i was a honey10 bc i didnt follow them closely after white night came out but i was devastated by thinking about wooshin's hiatus too. Even though he has a group to comeback to, i think he already decided to himself that he needs to debut again. In my opinion he is the perfect center, he is incredibly eye-catching, his expressions are on point, he was just born to be in the spotlight. His visuals are outstanding and he's super talented too. I hope he will get to open up with his personality more bc i love his sassiness and mischivousness. Anyways stan up10tion!!
3. Yun Junghwan
A main vocal in the house!!!! Not only that but he's also an all rounder even though people tend to overlook it. I think he's ready to debut and his stage presence is there as well just watch his twit fancam. I love his adorkable personality and i would like to know about him more. Plus he likes cats like me!! He has a fine chemistry with eunsang btw. His fox-like visuals remind me of minhyun but he's very handsome in his own way. Did i say he's talking voice is amazing?
4. Son Dongpyo
Ok i just gotta include this cutie pie. He got the center not for nothing and it shows. Not only he's very talented, he constantly challenges himself with different concepts and i admire it. I mean it's obvious he is cut-out for cute concepts but he is not afraid to choose cool and mature "boss" and sexy and powerful "believer" and slay it. He'd be lead dancer and vocalist, boy's got a voice to show off. I know all of the trainees are trying their hardest but with dongpyo i feel his sincerity and determination very strongly.
5. Kang Seokhwa
Ok, it might be a little bit shallow but i just think he's cute. When i first noticed him he immediately reminded me of my cat lol. But despite that he is actually a good vocalist and i think he'd be a lead vocalist in my top. I love reading anecdotes about him and would like to get to know him better. My heart aches for him bc i want him to debut after leaving all those companies including yg and jyp.
6. Song Yuvin
I was never really interested in myteen but i knew song yuvin. He is a great main vocalist, yes but i was attracted to him bc of his bright personality. He just seems like a fun person to hang out with he's funny and cool, every group needs someone like him. Not to mention his pinky finger has more talent than my entire body. I dont really see his resemblance with mingyu but nevertheless he's very handsome.
7. Kim Yohan
Yeah, i fell into his trap too. I think it's just impossible to stay neutral with him. I can see why he is so popular. He has that natural adorableness in him. The greatest quality about him that i love is how quick he develops as a trainee, i just blinked and he's no longer a lacking visual but a hidden gem with many talents. In conclusion i have a lot of hopes when it comes to yohan. In my top he'd be a vocalist+rapper.
8. Kim Sihun
Kim sihun is all-rounder every team needs. Vocalist? Check. Lead dancer? Check. Lead rapper? Check. And leader and composer. He is very kind, i can see it. Theres nothing to hate about him to be honest. He's not my top pick i dont really think abt him all the time but i definitely want him to debut.
9. Song Hyeongjun
Some people say hyeongjun and dongpyo in one group is too much cuteness but i don't think so. As i already said dongpyo is able to pull off any concepts and hyeongjun seems pretty natural in any concept too. He's a great dancer, im not an expert but i can say he's natural at it. I geniunely love his pureness and somehow i came to a thought that its not something i witness a lot this days. Theres nothing bad about being a cute child. He'd be a lead dancer and sub rapper.
10. Keum Donghyun
He entered my top 11 literally just now after the fancams for the believer dropped but he's been wrecking me ever since love shot. He is young but already ready to debut. Just look at his moves, at his expressions, theres no other like him in produce. Main dancer in the house!!!!! His rap is decent but i have no problem with it. His voice is somewhat teenager-esque but already very low and velvety and i love it. Plus he seems to be a stay and that indicates a taste! I dont know abt his personality too much but he seems like a sweet kid and it was amusing to watch him when love shot team were choosing their center. Not to mention he is undeniably smart and lucky bc every stage he has been in so far are legendary. Keumvengers rise!!
11. Ham Wonjin/Lee Jinhyuk
I'm torn between these too bc i had to push out someone since i added keumdong to my top but i just can't :( i'd like wonjin and hyeongjun to debut together. I love wonjin's cuteness and stage charisma, he slayed clap center. His voice is definitely unique but i like it. I think he can be a vocalist and a rapper but he's mainly a dancer. Jinhyuk is just my up10tion baby, i have soft spot for him. He wasnt my bias but hes just adorable through and through. Plus need a main rapper? Wei is here!!!
My top can change soon bc some may get e worded :( but nevertheless i support a lot of trainees and wish them all the best
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thecrimsonmonster-a · 6 years
10 & 11
questions for the mun, regarding the muse. | accepting!
10. What do you love about your muse?
Kimbley is brilliant. He’s... well, basically a genius when it comes to most subjects---linguistics, philosophy, mathematics, science, and, in FMA land, alchemy---and not only is that something I admire, but it gives me a chance as a writer to explore these subjects by doing a whole helluva lot of research and expand my own understanding of some very obscure subjects (and hopefully if anyone were to somehow dig up my gruesome search history, they would understand I did what I did as a writer).
He’s also enviably confident and charismatic, which is something that I definitely... am not. xD He’s just way too damn good at keeping his cool at all times and legit not giving a shit because he is so intensely nihilistic and damn I wish I could be like that.
And in a weird way he’s not discriminatory?? For him, we’re all garbage, no matter who we are, and the only difference is that if you understand that, you’re at least intelligent garbage.
Also....... he’s kinda hot. And in my canon he didn’t betray Greed, so he and Greed get to be hot together. :X
11. What do you hate about your muse?
Well, no matter how smart and sexy and self-assured Kimbley is, he’s............. still a fuckin’ serial killer/mass murderer, and that’s definitely not something to aspire to be. And I mean at least he doesn’t have a taste for genocide like way back when because it doesn’t really fit his personal style anymore, but uuuuhhhhhhh the whole Ishbal thing?????? Y e a h let’s not forget about that. (Though, at least he acknowledges that “yeah, I did that because I wanted to kill a lot of people, what of it” and doesn’t pretend he was doing something for the greater good or whatever.)
And sometimes that confidence can get really out of hand, to the point where he just becomes this long-winded edgelord know-it-all like okay dude we get it you can speak all of the known Xingese dialects and do alchemical equations in your sleep and know how to skin a person and make their skin into a decorative lampshade and their fat into candles uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuughhhhhhh. 
Also in terms of writing, while I do love learning new things, no matter how much I research, his brain is always like 50 steps above mine, so while I really want to convey that his IQ is through the roof, I worry that my ignorance sometimes shows through. Like dammit why did I choose to play such a smart character w e h.
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abumblebeeat221b · 7 years
Sherlock and the Female Gaze
If anyone asked me to point them to the most revolutionary piece of media ever created I’d probably show them Doctor Who (because guys - nothing beats a show that is basically Sherlock Holmes in space and keeps reinventing itself every other year).
But the second thing would be Sherlock. Not Doyle’s original, not the Rathbone, Granada, Soviet, new Russian adaptations (even though they are dear to me). Just 13 episodes of a TV show that was only ever meant to win some obscure film award in Eastern Europe and became a success over night instead.
The fandom that does its research has spent seven years trying to pinpoint its secret and the only thing we can agree on are three little words: it looks pretty.
On a more serious note: it is probably the first thing which made male eye-candy unashamedly mainstream. It is the millennial version of Pride and Prejudice, of Mr. Darcy, only that this time society doesn’t expect the story to bore our boyfriends to death.
And I’m not even sure that was something Mofftiss and Co were aiming for.
You see. It is a truth universally acknowledged that men have no idea what women like. They confuse it with male power fantasies ALL THE TIME because that’s what the media tells them we are day dreaming about. They are shocked to learn that we think Loki to be the sexually most appealing hero villain in the Avangers, that we consider Rodger from the original 101 Dalmatians to be perfect boyfriend material, that yes, we’d happily choose a dog loving, kind individual (with great hair) over most more manly super heroes out there.
And Sherlock ticks all the right boxes for women to find him attractive, while most guys wouldn’t think that lanky nerd to be much of a competition for them.
The cherry on our metaphorical fandom-cake is that Sherlock  is pretty much the first thing produced for a main stream audience I know of* which treats its leading male character as if he was a woman in order to cater to the female gaze (because the lgbqt+ community was not the only reason why the name Cumberbatch has showed up on most versions of the sexiest men alive lists since 2010/11).
Women look at Sherlock and think ‘sexy’ because we’ve been conditioned by the media to recognise this is what ‘sexy’ looks like.
And this my friends is where the magic happens.
You want the list? Here have the list:
A well-tailored suit is to women what lingerie is to men. And let me tell you Sherlock wearing suits doesn’t look like a coincidence from over here.
The coat. It’s like a cape. Only way cooler.
The buttons which deserve their own award™. We all know the story behind the coat™, but I’m not aware of the official one explaining why Sherlock couldn’t buy the purple shirt of sex™ in a bigger size (lucky us he didn’t). On a sidenote: too small dress sizes and strained buttons are exactly what actresses are expected to wear in front of the camera.
The white sheet of possibilities. Sherlock Holmes visits Buckingham palace wearing nothing but a sheet BECAUSE THE SCRIPT SAYS SO and I can’t be the only one feeling reminded of the long standing tradition of women having to take off their clothes for very important plot reasons™. Two series later, Moffat does it again, and while IMHO Sherlock should have kept his hospital gown on in His Last Vow, I’m aware that is a pretty problematic™ thing to say given how it belongs to the most beloved (i.e. gifed and photoshopped) bits of that episode. (While at the same time, apart from Irene Adler, we have no idea what the Sherlock ladies wear underneath).
The cheekbones. Oh. The. Cheekbones. It is shocking exactly no one that Carrie Fisher was asked to lose weight every time she played Princess Leia (yes, also that one). Benedict Cumberbatch lost weight for series 2, then went to play the villain in Star Trek: Into Darkness, came back to series 3 having to lose those muscles and some weight - which goes against the *typical* male beauty standards in the industry, just saying. (NB: I’m pretty sure he did it again for TAB and series 4, but series 2 and series 3 are the only instances I’m aware of him mentioning it).
The weapons of a woman. When was the last time the male hero was allowed to lose? James Bond gets the girl because he is the best agent out there. It’s always the best knight who slays the dragon and saves the princess. I agree today personality matters - but that just means that now he needs to slay the dragon AND be charismatic on the top of it.
Heroes aren’t damsels in distress, they don’t get favours because of their looks and smiles, they don’t rely on other people or need emotional support. They are lone wolves, strong and self-efficient in every possible sense of the word and they have more than just their muscles to show for it.
Not in Sherlock.
Odds (*literally odds*) are Sherlock wouldn’t have survived the first episode without John.
Here we have someone who manipulates Molly (and clients alike) using his charm to get what he wants. Sherlock relies on his social network all the time, his adventures are about showing us how being the Cleverest™, the Best™ does not equal success.
He gets saved, beaten and drugged by Irene Adler, and just in case we’d still have some illusions left, the script for that scene describes the leading male character with the words ‘weak as a kitten’. I leave you to draw your own conclusions.
In the same episode he wins a fight because of pepper spray.
He relies on his brother’s help to beat Moriarty. He shoots Magnussen because even Mycroft’s long arm doesn’t end up being long enough. The only reason he makes it out of that mess alive is his freaking sister he isn’t even aware of.
The point is. Sherlock is right when he points out the obvious: he is no hero, but a mess who solves crimes as an alternative to getting high. Yes, he is phenomenally good at what he does. But he also needs an assistant, someone who takes some part of the responsibilities off his not-so-bulky shoulders and helps him to win those victories.
The fairytale of the high-functioning sociopath. For some baffling reason, sometime between now and the dark middle ages humankind decided that European culture only ever allows men to seek companionship when somehow sex (or bragging about sex) is involved.
This is why “being friendzoned” is the worst that can happen to the modern man™. This is why they honestly don’t get the concept of just friends™. To a good deal of them female friends are like unicorns in that they don’t exist. To them the age old “if I’m not getting sex out of it then why should I bother?” argument works on both sides: “if you are not getting sex out of it then why should you care?”.
(Before you spam my inbox yes, I know Scrubs exists, I’m more than just familiar with House MD *laughs uncomfortably for ten years*. But. For every single piece of media that happens to get it right there are 10 AU remakes of Fifty Shades of Grey being published).
Now. What on Earth does this have to do with Sherlock?
NOTHING.  We see Sherlock having more healthy relationships in every single episode (yes even that one) than Bond will have in a lifetime. And no matter how much Sherlock insists on being a sociopath, the hero in this story has friends, imperfect friends, and whether he likes it or not they do care about him. And he cares about them too.
Otherwise Mycroft wouldn’t need to tell his little brother that caring is not an advantage and Sherlock wouldn’t meet those words like an old friend.
On top of it, the writers never code Sherlock and John as gay. No, they don’t. To be fair, they also don’t say he’s straight. However, they do make him canonically fall for Irene Adler (FYI: if him going ALL THE WAY to Karachi for her sake wasn’t a big enough clue, then MP!Sherlock keeping a picture of her in his pocket watch should have been).
And while we do see Sherlock invested in plenty of typical male stuff (he fights, he wins, he plays the rude smart arse, the hero, the brilliant detective) at the same time he also accepts it when in TEH John decides he wants to keep his distance, and Sherlock leaves the matter in Mary’s capable hands, John’s love interest, the woman who should be traditionally the mortal enemy of male friendships.
We had a whole episode which was basically Sherlock helping Mary with wedding preparations and not (just) having a bad time.
The next episode has him do his best to save his friends’ marriage. It also has him fake a relationship with a woman (who ends up owning a cottage in Sussex that comes with bees). But he never takes advantage of her even though she wouldn’t mind being taken advantage of. And when she gets her well deserved revenge he admires her for her agency. That boy is so smitten by Janine Hawkins that the original shooting script for His Last Vow  had them agreeing to marry each other should they end up without anyone else by the time they are old end grey (page 72, you’re welcome).
Sherlock gets his support system and it doesn’t ask for anything in return. He is allowed to struggle, to become emotional, to not deserve his victories and still be the hero of the show. Those 13 episodes have Sherlock stumble from one failure to the next but every single time we learn it doesn’t matter. He gets to learn from his mistakes, he gets to grow.
Yes, he has his ghosts and demons but he never needs to face them on his own, which is something I’ve only ever seen on this stupid show
_____ * If anyone wants to point out the masterpiece that’s George from the Jungle then yes, I’m aware of it (also, surprise surprise another film that was pretty popular with the LGBTQ+ folks). However, generally speaking it never became mainstream. Which is what I’m talking about here. And while Marvel’s Loki is mainstream, he is not the main character in The Avengers.
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REMEMBER THIS IS JUST AN OPINION AND NONE OF THIS IS SET IN STONE Acid Betty: A queen of immense talent, potential, and wit! She serves some AMAZING looks on the runway and only gets better with age. She is a queen that was taken too soon in my opinion. Plus, we all want to see a Trixie/Betty storyline. Akashia: A weird choice for All-Stars but I have been keeping up with Akashia throughout the years since the first season, and she is fierce! She deserves a chance at redemption. Her drag has changed so much (I mean, come on, it's almost been 10 years). Alisa Summers: Another weird choice that many might not remember, but she has a similar case to Akashia's. Her drag has evolved and she is stunning. Not to mention an amazing performer. It would be brilliant to see her back. BenDeLaCreme: I think its unanimous that we all would like to see Ben back. Season 6 Miss Congeniality, and well deserved, she is another queen who went home too soon. Even though there are rumors of her saying no to the show, there are also rumors of her being gone for casting. Only time will tell. Chi Chi DeVayne: She won our hearts on season 8. And she can PERFORM! Her look has evolved and she is a girl who shows how far you can go if you just be yourself, which is a tough skill to master. She would be tough competition. Farrah Moan: Farrah is SO sweet. She added a light-heartedness to season 9. I think that if she came back, knowing what she knows now, she has the chance to go very far! She is so lovable and polished. Definitely deserves a spot on this list. India Ferrah: This queen definitely took her spotlight on Drag Race, and ran with it! She is doing wonderful things. Her look is amazing and her performance is jawdropping. Did you see her perform at the season 9 reunion?! Not only was it fantastic but it boosted her image in the public's eye. Fierce competition for sure. Jasmine Masters: Personally, I LOVE Jasmine. She is so fucking funny. She was perceived as kind of bitchy on her season, but she just kept it real. She has a very good relationship with the girls now and would definitely be a strong competitor second time around. Would love to see her again. Kennedy Davenport: Moving on to Jasmine's best friend, Kennedy! We have all seen how funny, polished, talented, etc. Kennedy is. The top 4 of season 7 was so tight, someone had to go. Unfortunately, it was Kennedy. But I think we will get our Kennedy redemption moment and no one will be ready for it. Kim Chi: No words for this beauty. How could you not want to see her on All Stars? Her look is unlike anything we have ever seen before. She is funny, ditzy, and so sweet. Her vulnerability is so cute and she can go super far. Kimora Blac: She may not know what an adjective is, but she sure can serve a look! She is so sexy, polished, and sweet. She is smart in her own way and could bring lots of opportunity to the show. Laila McQueen: Talk about someone who went home too soon. What she does now is so far from what her airtime represented on the show. Her mug is BEAT and she is so effortlessly funny. I think this time around, if she stays true to herself, she could take it all the way. Lashauwn Beyond: Someone I stanned from the first time I saw her. Lashauwn is a brilliant seamstress. If you follow her social media, it shows. I personally hate the term "robbed", but I can't think of another term to describe it. It's far out there but I hope to see her again. Lineysha Sparx: This girl is a talent that I think has kind of been forgotten by the fandom. She is SO gorgeous. Why wasn't she on All Stars 2? I will never know. But she sure is up there on my list for this next All Stars. Magnolia Crawford: VERY unpopular opinion, but hear me out. She was beaten down by the community, so much that it forced her to quit drag. But when you do some research, you will find that she is super funny and lovable. Almost similar to Jinkx Monsoon (my favorite queen of all time). If she gets back into it, I would love to see what she would do differently this time around. Max: Our (almost) British Dame. A queen that is different from anyone we have seen thus far. She brought something vintage and refreshing to the show, and just keeps getting better. I know I am not alone when I say... Max for All Stars! Milk: Talk about a front runner. She is, again, something that we have only seen once before. She is kind, funny, creative, kooky... the list goes on and on. It is quite possible that she is a lock-in for All Stars 3. Miss Fame: Very shocked to not see this one go all the way! I know how many people were disappointed when we saw her Sashay Away. She is an artist like no other when she picks up that brush. Fame is definitely a worthy contender. Mrs. Kasha Davis: It's always time for Kasha Davis! She may be campy, she may be pretty, and she may be on All Stars 3! I can't even begin to imagine what stops she would pull out this time around. Mystique Summers Madison: Child, let me tell you. Mystique has evolved and is not playing around this time. She turned into such a seasoned queen who could offer so much talent and beauty. I know how unlikely it is but it would be amazing to have her on the show again. Naomi Smalls: I don't think that I have ever seen Naomi Smalls look bad. Her legs are CRAZY long and her look is unreal. She made it to top 2 for a reason. Maybe she will take it all this time. Naysha Lopez: I wasn't sure about this queen at first, but after the show she flourished. Her sense of humor is so down to earth and funny. And she doesn't have to try so hard. Not to mention how gorgeous she is! Nina Bo'Nina Brown: Nina's struggles on her season were so unfortunate, because I was #TeamNina! Her look is something that we have never seen EVER on any queen, whether is be on Drag Race or out of it. Such a misunderstood talent. I know that she doesn't want to do All Stars, but you never know if a queen would change her mind! Ongina: She is one that has been talked about a lot. I think she has a good chance of going far! Sometimes I forget that Ongina is even real because of how cute she is! Her claws are out and she is ready to fight! Pearl: Her look on the show was stunning, and her look after the show is even better! There was some feud with her and Ru on the show. But it's past them now. She could be a possible contender, and boy, would she do great things. One can only hope. Penny Tration: I know that many of you are probably saying, "who?" But trust me on this one. Penny is so funny and her look (in my personal opinion) is so fun! She represents a very classic style of drag that I feel is missing from these past couple seasons. Would love to see what she brings. Stacy Layne Matthews: My personal favorite from season 3. I love Miss Stacy so much, I couldn't put it into words. But I will try. She is so charismatic, talented, beautiful, funny, etc. Why wouldnt you want her on the show? Could a big girl finally take the crown? Tempest DuJour: It doesn't matter how old she is, she is smart! Her style of drag is something I admire so much. She is so lovely and admirable. Please RuPaul! Give me some Tempest! Thorgy Thor: Talk about kooky! That's Thorgy. She was a front runner for me on season 8. I thought she would go farther. Unfortunately, her time was cut short. But I can tell that she and I are both ready for Thorgy part 2. Trinity K. Bonet: There is no doubt in my mind that she wants to come back for an All Stars season. I mean, she tags all her pictures with #TKB4AS3! Her look is so beautiful, and she has grown in a way that not everyone can understand. Love her and hope she comes back again. Trixie Mattel: This is just a given. We all pretty much know that she's on the show. But she deserves it. She has worked so hard. She is maybe the funniest person I have ever seen and her look just keeps getting better and better. If the rumors are true, Trixie may be the one to take it all. Victoria "Porkchop" Parker: If we are on the topic of queens who deserve redemption, lets talk about Porkchop! For being the first queen EVER eliminated, she has left her legacy and her mark on this show. Ru loves her, we love her. This is the time for her to come back. Come one Ru! Vivacious: One of my picks for top 3 on season 6. She definitely went too soon. She is one of the few, true club kids around. She keeps it real and authentic. She brings something new every time. I need some more Vivacious! Willam: Last, but not least... Willam! I think we all need someone to stir the pot, and that would be Willam. Even though WoW hates him, I think he still has a big chance of coming back. I hope and I pray. Who would you like to see come back for AS3?
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