#he's compiling research
camzverse · 12 days
rereading ggy so i can type tony, holy SHIT all this boy thinks about is stories and journalism
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valyrfia · 1 year
No but max explaining charles lore in detail like he's one of us fans who are obsessed
Max wants to respect to his name he's not just a Charles Leclerc fan he's the ORIGINAL Charles Leclerc fan. He's been doing this for a lot longer than the likes of us peasants.
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ffc1cb · 2 years
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ive never had alistair in any of my playthrus before because ive never played with my personal worldstate so this was my first time ever hearing this line in the game & it FLOORED me. it’s so funny
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teruel-a-witch · 11 months
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1.01/3.03/3.14 Steve using beer bottles to flirt with Danny
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thissisatitle · 6 months
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I often speculated that Elena would be acting like a tsundere concerning Rufus due to her behavior in BC & TKAA and I'm happy that Rebirth confirmed that =')
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clockworkvampyre · 4 months
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dream blunt rotation
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drjohnhwatson · 3 months
have an illustration of my favourite (male) 19th century theatre actor in a corset as a treat
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"Bellew has an absorbing passion for a small and feminine waist, high-heeled boots, and ladies' gloves."
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coockie8 · 9 months
In the same "character acts like another character is being unreasonable for something that makes perfect sense if you actually think about it for 2 seconds" vein as "Vlad has every right to hate Jack given the man hospitalised then ghosted him for several years", I would probably hate Christmas if I had to listen to my parents scream at each other about the same pointless bullshit every year for 14 years too!
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doctorwhoisadhd · 6 months
no but for real. re: the woman from end of time. WHAT THE FUCK WAS THAT.
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yabagofmilfs · 1 year
Once I figure out how to make video edits it’s over for you bitches*.
*me and the side of my adhd that allows me to become extremely focused on unproductive projects
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sugar-konpeito · 2 years
kogoro is one of my favorite characters, but i never post about him because i never have thoughts about him. i just like him
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sienne-k · 1 year
i just spent the whole three days of the easter hols devouring akai x furuya fanfiction in a fugue state and i am not in an emotionally stable mood to go to work tomorrow
like no regrets 10/10 would do it again, i'm just saying reading fanfic should occur in a separate time dimension so that i could have read all the fic i did and still have three days off work to recuperate and nurse my bleeding heart and pick up my damaged brain so that i can actually function tomorrow and not accidentally start sobbing and freak out my boss
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8512121589 · 1 year
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okok heres a lineup of all my guys i love them so much
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mycological-mariner · 2 years
I’m gonna be seeing my little brother for the first time in years in a couple of weeks and we’ve been talking and I mentioned reading The Worst Journey and mentioning Scott to which my brother said “Oh yeah, didn’t they name a ship after him? And it was special made for going to the Antarctic or something? It’s got a penguin painted on it.” I am DELIGHTED by this news of a giant penguin and my brother sends me a photo he took of the Scott last time it was in harbour and INDEED THERE IS A LARGE PENGUIN PAINTED ON IT. We’re obviously going to try and see if it’ll be in harbour when he’s here so we can go visit and see the penguin.
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amoontoyou · 2 years
i’ve fallen down another rabbit hole and their names are dnf
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yournewmisstress · 6 months
In the Danny is Damian’s brother trope what if instead of Damian not telling the family about Danny wasn’t because of grief or shame or any of the more commonly used reasons for his silence. What if it was because he heard about how his father talked about Jason after his death, focusing and exaggerating the negative. That he was violent, angry, never listened to orders but in some iterations and popular fanon is that Jason was a cheerful and studious Robin.
What if while compiling info and researching the former robins during his tumultuous introduction he saw what kind of robin Jason was, good with kids and victims. Talking about his favorite books while on patrol and similar. Reminding Damian of his most Beloved brother.
Then he finds out about how Bruce talked about Jason after he died. Using him as an example as what not to do, erasing his good traits and just using him as a cautionary tale of what happens when you don’t follow orders. Just like what Ra’s said about Danny.
So he didn’t tell the family, not out of guilt or grief. But because his father stripped away Jason’s positive traits after death, the son he chose, adopted and loved. Who when he failed because he was a child led astray by his mother. What would he do to his brother, who loved the stars and excelled in stealth, who was quite in his kills but had no lust for killing.
Whether or not Bruce would do this to Danny’s memory doesn’t matter. B’s actions are gonna affect how Damian views his father even years after the initial actions. Because Damian will protect his brothers memory from being twisted even by their father.
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