#he's gone!!!
marypsue · 6 months
Keep seeing that post where OP starts like 'Thinking about...grieving the undead' and then adds on about like. Real life situations where people have not died but have left your life and you would have reason to grieve them.
All respect, that's an important concept, but that is not what I am thinking about when I read 'grieving the undead'.
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suiheisen · 3 months
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liberté, egalité, fraternité et yaoi
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amustikas · 4 months
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“I showed you my fish pls respond”
would you swipe right on him???
oh and happy valentines ;)
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hiveswap · 10 months
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watchingwisteria · 7 months
listen there really was just something about how in the book, snow’s 3-page descent from hesitant lover boy to deluded psychopath happens entirely in his mind. lucy gray gives him no indication whatsoever that she suspects him, that she’s going to leave or betray him. he’s just sitting quietly in the cabin waiting for her to return when that seed of calculated suspicion, which he has needed to survive the capitol, takes a hold of him and chokes the life out of any goodness left inside him. it really drives home your terror as a reader that “oh my god did he kill her? did she escape? what happened to her? why would he even think that?” in a way that when the movie had to adjust for visualization it lost some of that holy shit this guy has lost it emphasis.
#seeing some discourse and im not saying lucy grey didnt know#im saying she never dropped the kind of hints that she knew like she did in the movie#or if she did snow isnt worried about them until he very suddenly is consumed by them#snow is not concerned about whether or not she believed him. of course she did! hes snow!#but then shes gone…. for a while……#and its the sudden immediate drastic unravelling that comes across so clearly in the book#that i knew wouldn’t translate to screen yet still cant help but miss#the hunger games#coriolanus snow#tbosas#lucy gray baird#not a crime or anything just a note that i cannot stop thinking about#the ballad of songbirds and snakes#this is all from memory of reading it quite a while ago. so maybe 3 pages is an exaggeration#but i remember it happening VERY quickly and without much external cause#like we as the reader have no indication as to whether shes nearby or not.#snow has no idea either. he just SUSPECTS. and his suspicion breeds the hatred that has been bubbling inside him all this time#he hates how she undoes him. he hates that he WOULD run away with her if shed let him keep his secrets#and he HATES more than anything that she makes him WANT to tell his secrets#he wants to be vulnerable and reveal the ugly nasty parts about himself and still be loved#but he does not let himself and it is everyone’s downfall#he chooses cruelty bc it is easy and familiar and makes him feel more powerful than the vulnerable give and take that real love requires
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onesidedradiostatic · 3 months
stayed gone but you're the sinners watching/listening
(AKA I spend an unnecessary amount of time editing)
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cryptocism · 2 months
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a dænce of roëmænce
depictions of the ace experience never seem to include the nightmare-borne skeleton creature from hell so kudos to the dimension 20 team for their commitment to accurate rep
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egberts · 7 months
louis gets bitey when he's sleepy so we got him a chew toy duck from the dog section and he loves it
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hinamie · 21 days
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some quick jjk eye paintings
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captainsaltypear · 30 days
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for legal reasons caine needs to give pomni her own marketable gummipoo plushie. as a treat.
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cosmosnout · 1 month
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The most doomed siblings ever
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nerdpoe · 13 days
Damian, as Robin, is about to be sacrificed to summon a Powerful Being. Except instead of a Powerful Being, a kid his age pops into existence as though he was shoved forward.
The kid looks around, startled. He's got a black eye and he's holding a length of rope, presumably what had been restraining him.
"Uh. Is. Is this the afterlife?" The kid asks, bewildered.
"...No, this is Gotham. We were trying to summon Pariah Dark?" One of the cultists answers, also confused.
"But I was being sacrificed to summon Pariah Dark?" The kid says, brows furrowed.
The cultists pause in their attempted murder of Robin and hurriedly reconvene, taking their eyes off of the kid. They're muttering about how maybe there was another cult doing a sacrifice at the same time, and things got switched up. Should they sacrifice both of the boys?
Damian, though. Damian never takes his eyes off of the new kid.
Unlike the cultists, he's not an idiot. He knows a liar when he sees one. That boy is no sacrifice.
That boy is the being they summoned.
He waits for the being to show it's true colors. And waits. And waits.
'Hurry up!' Damian mouths to it.
'I am trying!' It mouths back, motioning at it's feet where it's been wearing away the containment sigil.
'Well try faster!'
'That's not how it works!'
'How hard is it to mess up chalk?'
'Well then you come here and you do it!'
"Maybe I will," Damian spits outloud, done with this farce.
"Uh, do you two need a moment or...?"
Damian answers the cultists question by kicking her in the face as he cuts himself loose.
He will rescue both himself and the demon they dragged into this world.
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shima-draws · 3 months
Also the implication that megas are FINALLY coming back. Will he finally get the justice he deserves......
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captain-flint · 1 month
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Tommy 'my priority is Evan' Kinard
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wu-does-art · 3 months
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coming out as a "Will snores obnoxiously loud" and "Nico breaths so quietly you can barely tell hes alive" truther
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maniccherrygirl · 9 months
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