#he's literally insufferable god bless.
darcyolsson · 5 months
finished the sunshine court..... kind of deranged and it wouldn't be aftg if it wasn't. absolutely had a great time even though jean spent most of his pov so miserable im pretty sure he invented at least 5 new dsm diagnoses. also im obsessed with cat and laila doing what renison couldnt back in 2016 a part of me is healed now. 10s across the board thank you nora
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blujayonthewing · 2 years
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grandma I love you so much but you have got to knock this off
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acewoo · 9 months
* Bad Decisions
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Pairing: Suguru Geto x Reader
Summary: Both you and Geto are in the student council and have been paired together to work on an important event plan. Although things started off rocky you somehow find yourself quite literally underneath him.
Content: NSFW, fluff, AFAB, slight enemies to lovers, teasing, praising, degrading, dom Geto, unprotected sex, fingering, sexual tension, slight mentions of depression and abandonment, flirting, smut.
Word count: 7.1k
a/n: this took wayyyyyy longer than I thought it would take lol. Anyways I tried shortening this a bit so if some pieces seemed rush I apologize :v
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Suguru Geto is a student council member, a star student, an amazing athlete, and your worst nightmare. Similar to Geto you were on the student council which consisted of 12 members. The student council was looked up to by the rest of the school, and heavily respected. There wasn't anyone who was a considerably bad person to be a part of it- except for Suguru Geto.
“Hey Y/N how are you doing?” your eyes dart up to see Geto’s soft pure smile. How nice of him to check up on you. He was polite and anyone else in the room wouldn't see the act as sinister. There had been a few times people had mistaken you for being close friends because of how friendly you were with each other. But, they don’t see him like you do. You respond to his gesture by giving an annoyed pout and then smiling. “I’m well Geto, just a bit annoyed.” he raises an eyebrow keeping his pleasant demeanor. “Oh? And why might that be?” you could hear the mockery in his voice. Nevertheless, you stood your ground. “Just some social issues with someone, you know how it is.” He nodded, giving a small chuckle. “Yes, I do… Well, I hope you can sort things out then Y/N since you're already going through so much.” you just nod without giving any verbal reply. He started to head out of the classroom but, before fully leaving he looked back at you. “And see you later.”
What an insufferable bastard. You pack up your belongings not wanting to even acknowledge the last comment he made. The student council meeting was later today, which you weren't exactly thrilled to attend because of a certain someone. Your dislike for him has always been this way though. Since freshman year everything about him pissed you off. Was he smart, sure but a total asshole. He’d come off so polite and kind. You could see right through it though. His politeness. Just a way to mask his mockery and selfish intent. It was obvious he thought less of most people, it was obvious he’d be kind only to further progress himself. You swore to that, but couldn’t tell anyone how you saw through because, well how could others believe you? So, you kept silent harboring your disliking to him.
Similar to yourself, Geto saw right through you. He knew you hated him. He saw the way it looked like you were holding back punching him every time he spoke. He saw the way you would so sweetly decline any event that he’d be an important piece too. Most importantly he saw the way you saw him, and it amused him. Geto indeed finds many of his peers to be lesser or monkey-like, but not you. You were interesting. Sure you might not have been the first one to see through him but, you were the first to play the same game as him, with him. Even if it wasn’t fully by choice. The fact you both were in the student council this year too was like a blessing from god himself. Giving him the perfect opportunity to mess with you as much as he wanted. And if you or anyone else questioned it. Well, he was just trying to get closer with a fellow student council member!
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The meeting was nothing special, mostly. It was more or less the casual rundown and discussions. Until it wasn’t. See near the end of the meeting, the club advisor- your principal. Had asked that Geto and you stay after everyone left because she needed to discuss something with the two of you. Your immediate thought is, why him?
“Thank you, guys, for staying, I have something I’d like to have your help with.” She paused as she leaned forward in her chair. Suguru had the same demeanor as usual. You did too, well mostly, you were slightly anxious but it was manageable your knee was bobbing up and down making small tapping noises anytime your heel touched the floor. “See, our school will be hosting this event on the 31st and we need help with planning it… it’ll have many scouts here and important people attending. With this I’ve selected the two of you to plan and coordinate the event.” the smile that was painted on your face drops.
“With all due respect Ma’am I’m thankful for this opportunity but… Wouldn’t it be more beneficial if all twelve members of the student council helped with this event rather than two?” You said trying to stay polite. She nodded before responding. “Sadly not, considering the time we have it simply would be too hard to try to plan an event with that many people involved. Alongside that based on previous events hosted by the student council, it tends to be you or Mr. Geto who takes the lead on these projects, it’d be best.” You weren’t sure how to exactly argue against that. Before you could get another point in anyways Geto speaks up. “I think it’s a lovely opportunity, ma’am, Y/N and I would be honored to plan this event together.” both heads turned to you and you hesitantly nodded. “Agreed… We’ll start working right away Ma’am.” They both smile and the two of you are dismissed.
Once you guys got decently far from the meeting room you pulled Geto to the side and snapped. “Are you serious?! ‘Y/N and I would be honored’ Why the hell would I ever want to work with you!” Geto was slightly shocked by your outburst but, he chuckled, he fucking chuckled. He then shrugged and replied. “I’m sorry Y/N I don’t understand what you're trying to say. Did I do something wrong?” he didn’t even try to hide the enjoyment in his voice. He loved seeing you get so upset. It was a rare sight, like finding diamonds in the dirt. Of course, he had to appreciate this moment the most he could. Your jaw was tightened as you spat out. “Look, I don’t know what bullshit you're planning to do for this or with me but, I want none of it. If I’m working with you I am not going to deal with your-” he sighed and waved off your concerns. “Don’t worry yourself with that Princess, I'm not planning anything.” You were about to comment on his sudden use of a pet name but he beat you to it, handing you his phone. “We’re going to need to stay in touch.” You give him your number and quickly leave, not wanting to be in his presence any longer.
That evening you were in your room laying in bed petting your cat and doing basically nothing. Your parents were out on business and wouldn't be here for two weeks. so, the whole house was yours. As you were lying in bed you received a text from an unknown number.
You paused and remembered you had given Geto your number.
Doesn't concern you
What do you want Geto
Was js checking up
But by that answer, I suppose ur not busy
You don’t respond by figuring out what to type. As you started to type out a come back he sent another message.
Can I come over
To work on the event planning
I mean we don’t need to do it today
But ur not busy
And I'm not busy
Working now would be for both our benefit
And really you couldn't disagree with him. So you agree. Now it was just a wait-and-see game for when he would arrive. With that time you tried to tidy up a bit so your room wasn’t a complete mess.
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Knock Knock Knock. You open the door not looking through it since you knew it was Geto. He shut the door behind him and slipped off his shoes. “Your place is nice” His voice was, well how would you describe it? He was Geto but something sounded softer? Just, something was different. You sit down on the couch and look over in his direction. His hair was down, and it was long. In full honesty he’d never have his hair down in school; always having it in some kind of bun. His hair down framed his face perfectly. You must have been staring because Geto spoke again. “You're acting like you’ve never seen me before Y/N” “I just never saw you with your hair down that’s all” you spoke embarrassed as he sat on the other side of the couch. “It’s nice,” you mumble, not sure if you're speaking to him or yourself. He turned to you “That gets a compliment from you? I need to start wearing my hair down more than.” you rolled your eyes before opening your laptop. “Yeah yeah, forget it, we need to start working on this, the sooner we finish the better.”
Working with Geto was weirdly pleasant. He gave good input, he was easy-going, and overall a productive person. Right now he was typing away on the laptop trying to budget. You wait by watching him type away. His hands were nice- not that it mattered. Why were you even paying attention to that, hell why were you not completely hating his presence right now? You get up to get some water. The cold water traveling down your throat helped you regain some sense of logic. Suguru Geto is not a nice guy. Remember that. He comes off nice, and just because you're not in school, it doesn’t change anything. Remember he’s just doing this to get something from you. Geto Suguru is not your friend.
It’s 11 pm now and Geto finally leaves. He’s slipping his shoes on as he’s talking to you. “Later, Y/N have a good night.” and just like that he was gone. That was good. Now you can finally go to sleep, after all you have school tomorrow so, it’s better not to waste the night.
“I just don’t get it,” Gojo groaned over the phone. Suguru and Satoru told each other everything, so of course, after Geto came back from his little session with you he told Gojo all about it. Gojo didn’t get Geto’s fascination with you “Get what?” “Your obsession with her I mean she had a nice ass but-” Suguru cut him off before he could finish. “She’s fun to mess with. Most people don’t know how to see me but, in her case, she saw right through me. On top of that, she hasn’t done anything about it other than make a few comments. I suppose I just want to see how far I could push her.” In response, Satoru rolls his eyes. “I get it you have a crush on a nerd girl good for you man.” Geto scoffs “Not a crush, and you know it Satoru.” Satoru doesn’t respond and they quickly change the topic. Both of them blabbering on till early morning.
the next day
You were in class utterly bored, who wouldn’t be? Your teacher was on some lecture about ecosystems' energy flow or something of that sort. Thankfully, this was your last class so you could finally relax a bit. You were looking forward to it. Keyword, were. Until a notification showed up on your phone.
Geto 🖕
What class u in?
You were utterly bored, so you gave in.
AP bio y
Geto 🖕
Wanna skip:v
Yeah no
Geto 🖕
It’s the last period ur gonna be fine
Besides ur such a goody two shoes no teacher will care if ur gone for a period
You contemplated. And knew you were going to regret your decision.
Geto 🖕
Meet me outside
And so you did. It wasn’t hard to leave even with your stuff. Teachers don’t ask questions, especially for students like you. “You actually did it. I'm shocked, I didn't think you had it in you.” Geto was leaning up against the side of the building. Two others next to him, which you recognized instantly. To his left, a man just as tall as himself stood with white fluffy hair and circular sunglasses. Satoru Gojo, you didn’t have anything against him but he had a certain reputation… Popular varsity basketball player, of course, but that wasn’t the only thing he played, to say the least. A bit farther strayed from the group was Shoko, the most tolerable out of the three. She was one of the few openly queer people at your school and was much more laid back than most. You had talked to her a few times since she was also on the council but, outside that you didn’t talk much. “Suguru, you didn’t tell me you were bringing anyone else,” Gojo spoke, making you completely forget about the first comment made by Geto. Shoko then interjected herself “Hey I don’t mind having another girl along.” Gojo scoffed but didn't speak further.
“So like what now Geto,” you say less than amused, already regretting your choice. “We’re just going to walk around the city, maybe do some shopping.” they were already walking off, with you and Shoko in the back. Shopping didn’t sound bad but, you didn’t have any money on you. You flushed in embarrassment and told the group. “Oh, I’ll sit this one out. I don't have any money on me so…” Gojo was about to say something but Geto spoke first. “Don’t bother I’ll pay for you Y/N”
Now most people, such as Gojo, would be confused about why Geto offered to pay, especially since you weren’t exactly close to one another. But, to Geto, it was a perfect idea. Geto knew you would protest and spout on with nonsense about how you’d never let a guy like him pay for you. He also knew you would eventually give in. That’s just how you were. As you eventually did give in, Gojo whispered to Geto. “Not a crush my ass- why else are you inviting her out with us” Geto cut Gojo off waving off his concern. “Satoru I’ve told you before why, it’s just like that, nothing more,” Gojo spoke under his breath before the group started conversing with one another. You didn’t speak much. Only speaking when spoken to. By now you guys had decided to head to the mall and it wasn’t exactly the worst scenario to be in. Were you with the man you couldn’t stand, yes, but was he also paying for whatever you wanted, and have not terrible
friends (well Shoko, maybe not Gojo) to hang out with? Also yes.
“So, Y/N you and Suguru” You and Shoko had decided to get some food while the two boys went to do something. And now Shoko was curious about you more specifically your relationship with Suguru so, of course, it was her first idea for a conversation starter. “It’s nothing, he’s just an asshole.” Shoko hums “So, why accept his invitation in the first place?” you hum leaning back in your seat. “Well, yes I don’t like him. I do have to deal with him because of his involvement in the student council. Sure I’d like to avoid him as much as possible but, hell I’m bored and he didn’t have any clear ill intent other than irritating the shit out of me.” Shoko laughs and you take a bite out of your food. “Geez you sure are like him Y/N” You point your food at her and yell at her in a lighthearted manner. “Don’t you ever compare me to that man. I don't even know where you’d get that idea from Shoko.” Your response just made Shoko laugh more. “Hey, don’t take offense to it, I don’t mean it in a bad way, it's just the way the two of you excuse things.” Shoko paused “Look just forget I said anything” and you do. You knew Shoko meant no harm and you didn’t take offense to it. (well maybe some.) It wasn’t long before Gojo and Geto came back.
“Heyyy looks like you’re having fun Shoko, talk about anything interesting?” Geto laughs putting his hand on Satoru’s shoulder. “Now Satoru, it’s not very polite to ask a lady about her private affairs.” Gojo scoffs, making some comment to Geto you can’t make out. It doesn’t matter anyway you and Shoko were done eating so, it was perfect timing. Plus you didn’t want to talk with her any longer anyway (Well more that you don't want to talk about Geto any longer.) It had been a while since you’d been to this mall so a flood of memories had come back to you. It was nice. Geto interrupted your train of thought though when he tapped you on your shoulder. “Any stores you want to go to?” you thought about it. Your first thought was to go get anything you needed but, at the moment you were well off. So, you figure a clothing store wouldn’t hurt. “M’ not sure… I mean a clothing store would be nice. Nothing fancy I mean just-” Geto nods and guides you guys through the mall. Gojo was complaining to Shoko since he’s been demoted (You now walk where Gojo was previously.) Shoko got him to shut up by telling him some random gossip.
Visvim Focused was the store Geto took you to. Not by any means low-end. Did you know Geto was well off? Yeah a bit, he didn’t clearly show it off like Gojo did, wearing designer brands any day of the week. But, you’d notice the small things. Like the watch, he was wearing it back at your place. But, that’s beside the point. You began browsing through the lines of clothes trying to figure out what you’d want to try on. Having difficulty deciding Shoko chimes in. “You lost?” You sigh, shaking your head. “I just don’t think any of this will look good on me yah know.” Shoko hummed as she looked through with you, she gave you a few picks you were hesitant about but tried out of politeness. While you started to go through them together Gojo and Geto were doing their own thing. (Gojo forced Geto to watch him try on 100 different outfits.) While you were trying on a certain dress and as you were about to step out the two boys had finished up and made their way over to Shoko. You stepped out unaware they had come over and the first thing you see well hear is Gojo doing a dog whistle. Your face flushes and you mumble to Shoko. “I don’t know Sho I don’t wear stuff like this yah know…” Shoko wraps her arm around you “Awe come on Y/N you look great wouldn’t you agree Suguru.” Your eyes darted to Geto, slightly nervous mainly because you were sure that he’d make some comment to try to upset you. What he did though rather surprised you. “I think you should get it, it looks nice on you.” He had a soft smile. It felt weird. You went back into the dressing room and took a breather. “It looks nice on you.” he was always nice to you but this was different. It didn’t have anything laced in it. That’s what was probably pissing you off the most. This whole trip he’s just been nice.
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You’ve been staring at the dress for an hour now with only one question in mind. Why? He spent over 137.000 yen on you and didn’t even hint at an alternative motive. It pissed you off. Like a lot. Suguru Geto the person you had labeled to be the worst fucking asshole on the planet, was being nice, to you. The person who would constantly take any chance he got to get under your skin, was just treating you like a friend. You wanted to scream, so you did. In your pillow. As you were busy doing that a text hand came through your phone.
Geto 🖕
Not today but
When would you want to meet to work on the planning again
He waited for a response tapping his finger against the armrest of the couch he sat on. “What’s got you all antsy Suguru?” Shoko asked as she took a drag from her cigar. “It’s nothing Shoko.” Shoko laughed “That’s what's got you like this, Nothing? Here I thought you were a good liar.” Leaning back she continued. “Ooo let me guess it Y/N, come on it’s gotta be. What’s up with you guys anyways?” Geto laughed and similar to you waved off her interest, the only difference was Geto found her asking much more amusing than you had. “It’s nothing that you're thinking about, it’s just fun to mess with her. She’s such an interesting girl I can’t help but poke fun. You know how I am.” Shoko and Geto stayed talking to one another for a while. In that time you finally realize you had gotten a text. After your small childish fit (thirty minutes) you rolled over to open your phone. And low and behold the first notification on your screen was none other than those texts.
We can do Wednesday
Tmr I'm busy working on finals
Geto 🖕
See u then
He had responded almost instantly but then had gone silent. Not feeling like thinking about him any longer, you decided to head to bed and worry about dealing with him on Wednesday. You had gotten the dress Geto got you off your bed and put it in the very back of the closet. To not be seen by anyone. You didn’t want to see it, seeing it made you more confused than you were.
The next day went by fairly fast with nothing eventful happening at school. And when you got home you made yourself some instant ramen and began to study. It wasn’t anything special just like the rest of the day, it was calm. After studying you lay in bed scrolling through your phone. A notification had rung up from Shoko whom you gave your number to the other day.
Hey hey
Ello Sho
Anything u need?
Nothing of that sort
Js wanted to see how you are 😉
I’m good
I’m good
You guys went back and forth for around an hour before you stopped texting back because you needed to sleep. Shoko was easy to talk to, and enjoyable to talk to (unlike Geto.) And this routine had gone on for the next week. You and Shoko had grown close. As for Geto, you guys met up that one time but, since then you both have been busy. Well by busy you magically kept having things popping up for you (excuses) so you couldn’t see Geto. And for that week Geto didn’t push too much. For that week… Once the two-week mark hit he hadn’t exactly been as easygoing as the previous week.
On this particular day, Geto had pulled you aside after a student council meeting. “Look Y/N, I was fine with this little cat-and-mouse game for a bit. But, it's over, and stop with the excuses.” While Geto found it amusing that you'd tried to ignore him for a bit, he also couldn’t pinpoint why you were doing this. He’s well aware you didn’t like him but, the first few meetings the two of you had went pretty smoothly which is why he was confused about what had changed. (Not that he was worried or anything but, the game would get boring if it kept going this way.) You stood there for a minute not saying anything. You then mumble, “We can meet tonight.” Geto was sure he was seeing you wrong because you looked like you had blush on your face? No, it was probably you getting upset at him, that's all.
After he left you went straight home and slammed your door, you were pissed. Not at him, well at him, it was complicated. See you were upset because you had come to a realization that was weirdly painful to admit, Geto was just as human as you. And yeah you knew that but you didn’t know that. And the craziest part of this, you were spiraling over one comment he made. One scene. It pissed you off, he pissed you off.
Around a week ago
“Yes, I think it’d be better if we did this setup for the music rather than that…” Working with Geto was going as smoothly as the last few times. It was nice, it was nice he wasn’t giving you trouble. At this rate, you guys would only need to meet maybe one more time before you were finished planning. Which was good, you were almost done dealing with the devil. You guys continued to work. Geto asked a question that wasn’t about event planning. “Hey Y/N you know every time we’ve worked at your place, and every time your parents aren’t here, why is that?” you answered, you're not sure why you did but you did. “Oh, they just travel for work a lot. It’s been like that since I was young.” Unintentionally the last part of your statement came off conflicted. And you were about to make some comment to not open up that vulnerability but, Geto spoke before you. “That must be hard.” your head darted to his face trying to analyze for the deeper, malice reason behind his words. But, you couldn’t find anything of that sort. Geto was still typing away but, you swear you could see some kind of fragility in his eyes, something you’d never see in someone who isn’t another person. And that’s what made you choke up, Geto wasn’t the devil, he might not be the most purest of people, but fuck at the end of the day he was human, just like you.
And that’s how you're in the predicament you're in now, you're utterly conflicted. It was easy to blow off Geto and dislike him when he didn’t display his humanity. Now though you couldn’t do that all week you’ve been hung up on that fact. In no way did it mean you like Geto, you still dislike him. Just your rude thoughts about him feel slightly cruel now.
Geto 🖕
My place tn?
Sure just give me address
The pit in your stomach grew, god why did you care so much, it was one comment. It was funny because Geto doesn’t remember that situation at all. Or at least in the way you viewed it. He was still trying to piece together why you were acting the way you were acting. He didn’t remember making you uncomfortable in fact, he was going out of his way not to because he wanted to see what would happen. But, this reaction was not at all what he was expecting. Thinking about it just left him more confused so he focused on something else for the time being before you came over.
Ding Dong Geto opened the door with the soft smile that usually plastered his face. “Ah Y/N glad you came, wasn’t sure if you were” he joked as you walked inside. His place was nice, surprisingly clean. After a few minutes of viewing the place Geto offered some drinks for the both of you and the two of you got started. You were both a lot more quiet than usual. And you couldn’t help but keep looking over at Geto. You hadn’t even realized you were scotting closer to him until you felt your body slightly touching his. As soon as you realized you had jumped back he laughed. “Get lost in the moment princess?” your face turned red and you replied back. “Oh hush it’s warmer on your side so, I was probably moving there because of that.” he chuckled again before asking in a more playful manner. “Is that so? Are you saying you're cold?” you nod hesitantly not sure where he was going with this. Knowing that tone though definitely nothing good. He got up and went off to another room, once he came back he had a blanket in hand. He sat next to you placing the blanket over the two of you.
You tried to nudge back, but there wasn’t much room for you to go and you groaned. “Geto do you have to be so close there’s a whole couch-” “The blanket wouldn’t reach across the couch” you wanted to protest but, gave up shutting your mouth. You guys continued to work and were able to finish up the planning completely. You stretch out in joy now that you finished you could head home. “Woooo finally done!” you then yawned, as you had realized the time. “Wow we went on for a while, didn't we, already 1 am.” Geto said as he got off the couch grabbing a beer and offered you one. “Oh, I’m not a fan- thanks though” he nods and you clean up ready to go back to your place. The only problem is all the train stations were closed, and your house wasn’t exactly walking distance. You bite your lip trying to figure out what to do. You're knocked out of your thought process though, when there was a tap on your shoulder. “If you need, you can stay here since it's already late.” Fuck, why’d he have to offer that. You in no way wanted to stay with Geto, but at the same time walking home this late at night didn’t seem pleasant either. You groan, slipping your shoes off. “You know what I’ll take that beer-” and he smiles, handing you the other bottle.
So, maybe you guys got carried away (you did). After Geto offered you one you had another… And another… After that he stopped you but, it didn’t mean you didn’t feel the effects of the alcohol. You just wanted to have one to be able to loosen up a bit, but then you figured fuck it you didn’t want to remember any of this. “Thought you didn’t like beer?” he joked, his hair was pretty, it always was when it was let down. You weren’t even aware you had begun to softly stroke it till he faked coughed. “There's a spare room across from mine… You can sleep there here I’ll show you.” Your face flushed as he helped you up. His place wasn’t huge, but it was nice. When you entered the room he was about to speak but you spoke before. “What will happen after this?” he turned around giving you a confused look. You bit your tongue, “After the event is finished what will happen. Are things just… Going back to how they were me hating you and you periodically teasing me..?” Your throat was dry, you weren’t sure why you were saying this, frankly you didn’t care. Geto was confused because he didn’t expect someone like you to get this emotional out of the blue, of course being under the influence lets people speak their mind much more freely. “Is that what you want to happen?” you bit your lip sitting on the bed. Your eyes darted down to the floor shifting focus constantly. “I don’t know what I want… But, I don’t hate you, and I don’t want to act like I do. Once this ends after tonight… I don’t want to act like I hate another person…” You let out a long sigh before hesitating. “I don’t want to lose you Suguru” For the first time you had said his name, not his last name not his full name, his actual first name. In such a gloomy way, it was like his name was something special to you; maybe it was. Even though you were in no way the first person to use his name, or the first girl to stay at his place, or anything of that sort. You were the first time he felt something, he didn’t think he could. Your voice was soft and raw, the complete opposite of how you came off to you. Something about seeing you in such a weirdly vulnerable state made Suguru Geto go silent. There was no teasing comment, no malice there wasn't any of that. He shook it off ‘you’re drunk, you don’t know what you're saying’ he thought.
“Goodnight Y/N” the door shuts.
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You’re awoke to soft rays of sun resting onto your face. Your eyes feel heavy as you turn off the bed. Before you fully get up, memories of last night flood your mind. You were so stupid. You didn’t even want to get out of bed, you laid back down. Maybe the mattress would let you fully sink in, be consumed by it and never have to see the light of day again. You wanted that. Sadly you couldn’t sink into the sheets and never come back, life doesn’t work like that. You get up with an army of thoughts weighing you down as you grab the door handle to leave the room. You take a deep breath swallowing the lump that had stilled in your throat and opened the door. You marched out to the living room and the smell of bacon? Your eyes darted in the kitchen and Suguru had stood there, cooking what was in fact bacon, along with eggs. “Sleeping beauty finally awakes.” he says in a playful tone, it was friendly though. You don’t move towards him but your mouth begins to slip open. “I’m sorry about last night… I- my mind gets all fucked when I drink.” you speak guilty dying on what Geto would say luckily you wouldn’t have to wait long. “It’s alright you didn’t do anything wrong.” you bite your lip “Yeah But-” he turns around placing down the spatula he was using. Walking over to you he looks down at you, his hand gently cupping your face. “Y/N it’s okay I won’t judge you or see you any different for something you said drunk.” Some alcohol must've been left in your system because you tug his head down. You fucking kiss him.
His head dipped down pushing further connecting your mouths more than before. He didn’t pull away. It didn’t take long for his tongue to slip inside you, it was welcomed joyfully. Pulling back you regain your breath Suguru didn’t wait long though before pushing you against the wall. He softly let out a whimper and he kissed you again. Your lips were vibrating against one another, it felt warm, and he felt safe. While he was intense and rough there was also a gentleness to his touch; it was intimate in a way that wasn’t just lust. His knee slipped between your thighs applying an ever-so-slight amount of pressure. You craved more. Still interlinked as you try pushing more pressure onto yourself, Suguru’s leg quickly drops through ashe chuckles. “Oh come on Y/N why try to rush this?” his voice was like velvet the way he whispered in your ear sent butterflies not only to your stomach…
You whimper whining to him “Come on Sugu’ please-” Geto’s face was buried in your neck humming. “Using nicknames now princess? You must really want this then.” his hair was down which was causing strands of hair to tickle your chin. His hands traveled down your waist as he continued to speak. “Tell me… how wet are you for me?” his hand was already dipping into your pants. His middle finger hooks your underwear. He doesn't move any further though and looks at you. “Before I go any further, do you want to do this Princess? I'm not sure if I'll be able to hold myself back if you say yes though…” you whine biting on your bottom lip, fuck you were hot. “Please Suguru-” and that was all the confirmation he needed.
His fingers slip inside your underwear and start toying with your clit ever, his middle finger rubbed ever so slightly against your entrance driving you crazy. Your jaw was shaking as you tried so hard not to make a loud noise. Suguru obviously took notice, he pressed his thumb into your cunt causing you to moan out of shock. “I won't allow you to purposely stay quiet Y/N.” his thumb moved out and was replaced by his middle finger and ring finger stuffing themselves deep into your dripping sex. Once they rested deep in you he started to make a scissoring motion stretching out your walls.
He barely even started and you were a mess, heavy breathing with flushed cheeks, God you were beautiful like this. He wondered how much more pretty you get when you are ruined. A third finger entered inside you and you chocked up a moan. “Sugu- too much-“ he laughed softly. “Too much? We’ve haven’t even started yet… and if you can’t take this how are you going to handle my dick inside you?” He didn’t sound sympathetic in the slightest, he was enjoying your suffering. If it was any other situation you would’ve cursed him out but, for right now you kept your mouth shut.
His digits started thrusting in and out of you, his pace started off slow but quickly grew in pace. At the same time his free hand was slipping down your pants while firmly holding a grip on you. By now your own hands were grasping onto his shoulders, your nails crinkling his shirt. “Loosen up, you're so tight it feels like you’re going to snap my fingers.” Suguru spoke as he continued to thrust inside you. You moaned softly panting as Geto felt his pants painfully tighten. He couldn’t wait much longer but seeing you like this made him desperate to savor the moment. Usually when he fucks people he tries to get down decently fast, taking too long to get to him fucking someone’s brains out usually leads to him being ever so greatly uninterested. You though, he wanted to see how much he could push you, he wanted to break you and see how much of a mess your perfect little self could become.
It didn’t take long to make you cum over his fingers, your walls clenching and your breath shaky. “F-fuck” you moan out gripping harder on Geto’s shoulders. Your head pressed on his chest and his fingers sliding out of you. He takes fingers and presses them against your mouth. “Suck” it wasn’t a request, it was an order. And so you obliged opening your mouth and sucking his digits clean of your very own fluid. When he removes his fingers from your mouth he replaces them with his mouth and tongue. You feel him groan against you and you feel his erection grind on your unclothed pussy.
He couldn’t wait much longer, he needed to feel inside you god he had fantasied moments like this. Yet when it was so close to becoming reality he felt absolutely insane. He unbuckled his belt and you help him, pull down his pants and through his boxers your could really get an idea of his size. He was big. When it sprung free that idea was really put to light and god, it was mesmerizing. He laugh before guiding you to be perched against the counter. His fingers trace down your spine as he lifts up your shirt. Suguru admires the beauty of your bare body whispering “God you have no idea how long I’ve wanted to do this for Princess” you didn’t have time to pick away on what he meant by that, right now you were focused on feeling him inside you. Which didn’t take long as you could feel him already pressing his tip being covered in your wet content. “G-God…” He was trying so hard to control himself and not shove his whole length in one go.
Slowly his cock entered your clit until he bottomed out. When he did you both let out a soft groan. His pace started of slow and shallow, he was trying to not completely get lost in you’d. But feeling how tight you were around him, god he couldn’t help but go faster. Maybe a bit too fast as you were letting out hiccuped moans. “Sugu- p-please slow down” god you sounded fucking ruined, he loved it. He thrusted into you one more time before he started to slow down, he was getting close. “Fuck bout’ to cum p-princess” he was about to pull out but, you stop him. “Don’t… please- need it inside.” And who was he to deny you…
“God I love you Y/N… so fucking perfect” and you couldn’t help but whimper back to him “I love you too.”
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orgasming-caterpillar · 2 months
F1 Drivers As Desi Boys
A.K.A. The F1 grid as Indian guys
Also, I will be writing an entire chatfic about this AU on ao3, so stay tuned ;)
Charles Leclerc — “Charlie”
I think he would be from Mumbai. But like, he lived in the very high-end part of it so it's very hard to know right off the bat.
I just KNOW he studied abroad, okay? Italy or Canada I think. Look at his face— you just know he's the kinda guy people see on the street and think “angrej”
Speaks Hindi with a subtle but insufferable white guy accent. He can't even help it, that's just how he speaks. He once called Max “bhenchod” with the most authentic, desi accent when he was mad and they have all beaches in that high ever since.
Dropped out of university in his last year and came back to India to handle his dad's business after his dad's death.
Fell in love with the hot employee and made him the manager. Everyone knows Carlos got the position by sleeping with the new young hot boss but they stay silent to avoid getting fired.
Now lives in the same complex in Mumbai as Carlos, Max, Lando and others. Lives with his mother, two brothers and a dog.
Leo is a recurring guest in every society event no matter what. Shanta aunty ki kitty party? He's invited. Children playing cricket below? He is the referee. Security guard's dad died? Arthi Leo hi utha raha hai.
Best friends with Pierre. went to the same school as him in his childhood.
Not friendly at ALL with Max.
Carlos Sainz— “Mirchi”
Marathi Mulga for sure
Maula Mere Maula king of guy
His ass should be in a TV serial
Was a regular office worker before he fucked down his boss and now he's the manager. And, well, a win is a win, right?
His parents were kind of homophobic before he became the manager. It's hilarious, actually.
He has such a good voice. If you catch him singing one of the old bollywood songs of Lata Mangeshkar or Muhammad Rafi, consider yourself blessed by the gods.
Knows how to cook since he lives alone
Literally the guy every aunty dreams of marrying their daughter to. Manager of his office. Cooks. Cleans. Respects his elders. Funny. Charming. Every time he and Charles go out at least one middle aged person has asked Carlos if he's married yet and frankly, as his boyfriend who's Right There, Charles is pretty offended.
Have y'all seen the pictures of him in those button up shirts and trousers? The eyes that make Rahat Fateh Ali Khan songs play in your ear every time you look into them? So desi husband material
Best friends with Lando, basically brothers with his they are with each other
Like any best friend, he does NOT like Lando's boyfriend
Max Verstappen— “JATT DON'T CARE 💪🔥💯”
From Haryana
The M in Max stands for Mharo Balam Thanedar Chalawe Gypsy— jkjk
Some say he's aggressive, hot headed, quick tempered; some say he's just Haryanvi.
Is in a psychosexual homoerotic rivalry with Charles and is in denial because of his internalised homophobia.
His dad and Charles’ dad were business partners and now they're always wanting to one up another in the family businesses.
Talking about his father— his dad is very rich and also a typical Haryanvi dad. Bapu sehat ke liye haanikarak type shit.
His father made him do kushti when he was younger and Charles still teases him about it
Will randomly infodump about his father whenever the opportunity presents itself
With how he usually is and what his childhood was like, you'd think he'd be a horrible father but you're WRONG
Everyone loves his daughter Prithvi, or P, for short.
They love spoiling her. Every year on her birthday she gets so many gifts it takes her two days just to open them.
Funnily enough, she once “betrayed” him by saying her favourite was Charlie Uncle.
I just think it would be so funny if he drove a Toyota Fortuner.
Lando Norris— “Lassan 🧄”
From Bangalore
Youtuber. Makes videos for every one of his channels religiously. Has a channel for gaming, another for vlogs, another for shorts and somehow manages them all while uploading reels and posting on Instagram???
He's a university student but nobody knows it because he's always posting videos so they just think he's a full time youtuber
“Shares a room” with Oscar, who is his boyfriend, by the way. You'd never guess. (that is a fucking lie. If you watch even one of his livestreams you'd know that they have explored each other's bodies. He's always “dekho guys Oscar aa gaya 😄😄😄” bro you're not fooling anyone)
Has his own merchandise. His designs are always so cool that they sell out before they're properly out.
Will probably make his own content team when he graduates
He once slipped on the desi toilet while travelling and Carlos made a reel about it. It is one of his most famous reels and Lando will absolutely ignore you if you talk about it.
Kinda fuckboyish???? Like he gives off the vibes of the kinda boy that only texts you past midnight and says shit like “what are you wearing? ;)” Like thank god he has a boyfriend or he would single handedly destroy the faith in love of every girl in a 5 kilometre radius
Oscar Piastri— “gora pakora”
From Goa
Frequently shows up on Lando's videos and livestreams
Studying engineering and living with Lando, basically taking care of him because of course he is
Regular victim of Lando's youtube shenanigans. Gets pranked one too many times every other day.
Has this kind of dead stare where he's just 😐 until Lando comes and annoys (see: kisses or pranks) him
Gets asked “bhai tu kabhi kuch bolta kyu nahi hai” so frequently he should just write “pata nahi yaar” on his face.
Has strong beef with Carlos. Do not talk about that man in front of him. Now this is really inconvenient because Carlos is Lando's bEsT FrIeNd iN tHe WoRlD
There beef started when Lando cried because he missed Oscar and Carlos showed up to Oscar's parents house asking him to square the fuck up. His parents —poor them they don't even know their son is gay— were left to wonder why their son was on a video call with his roommate OUTSIDE in the middle of winter vacation while a strange man cussed him the fuck out.
Lando can and will and DOES make him do silly dance trends with him on Instagram reels
Best friend is Logan, who studies engineering with him. You don't know how much you can depend on someone else until you're an IISER student and they're the only good friend you have.
Daniel Ricciardo— “Paaji”
From Chandigarh
Y'all remember Sodhi from Tarak Mehta Ka Ulta Chashma? Yeah. Him.
No one knows how he's able to control Max. Literally his best friend. Max will always have a resting bitch face but when Danny paaji is there he's all “😆😆😂😂🤣🤣” like bro 😐
I just know he would randomly say “oye balle balle balle balle balle” for no reason other than to annoy people. I just know it.
Actually works very hard and always helps people, but he's such a troll that people just think he's some unemployed youtuber with a prank channel
Absolute party animal. Do not ever in front of him mention that you're free that night.
George Russell— “nazuk kali”
From Delhi
Graphic designer. Edits Lando's videos for nim. Studies computer science.
Shared a room with Alex Albon and Logan Sargeant. Their relationship status is very complex. I'm not saying that they're a throuple, I'm not saying that they're friends. What I'm saying is that they're so dependent on each other I don't think they could function alone anymore. These three idiots make a full functional human being together. George cleans the house, Alex does the cooking and Logan does the laundry and the dishes. They manage, thanks.
George Russell is the type of guy to say “ghar pe maa behen nahi hai kya?” When he sees a girl getting catcalled.
George Russell is the type of guy to say “aapko kahin lagi to nahin?” When he bumps into someone.
George Russell is the type of guy to cover his mouth and say “uff” when he eats something spicy on accident.
On that note, George absolutely cannot handle his spice. Never bit into a raw green chilli willingly in his entire life.
You just know he eats the meethi pani puri with the red chutney and all.
Thinks momos are better than pani puri (he's wrong).
Closes his eyes and covers his ears when a condom ad or a spicy movie scene comes on the TV
Very pale because he rarely leaves his room (which— he's a computer science major, come on)
Lewis Hamilton— “dac saab”
From Kozhikode (Kerala)
Fashion influencer, gets brand deals all the time. Always promoting this brand or that.
Also actually a veterinary doctor with his own dog clinic.
Has a youtube channel where heostly makes affordable fashion tips etc but also posts the dogs at his clinic from time to time.
Spent a lot of years in South Delhi where he fell in love with a guy when he was a teenager but when he eventually moved back to Kozhikode they fell out of contact. Now he’s moved to Mumbai as he opened up a new clinic there and doesn't even know that he actually lives in the same goddamn building as the guy he fell in love with 20 years ago back in South Delhi.
I think y'all can already guess who the guy was, but if you can't (shame on you) it's Nico Rosberg.
Had a wife but she cheated so they divorced or something idk how do you justify a 40 year old guy being unmarried in India?
Loves his dogs more than anything, if there's a dog at his clinic that he can't save he will be sad for days.
Speaks Hindi in a voice that's like three octaves lower than his usual voice. Thinks he sounds bad but he sounds so damn hot.
Nico Rosberg— “thi ek.”
From South Delhi
News anchor for sure. Has a sadness in his eyes that makes you wonder if he ever got over the heartbreak he had at 19 (he did not)
Most people think his hair is dyed (it is not) because he's a chapri (he might be)
Legends say that the only time he has been seen with a smile on his face on TV was when he was talking about his childhood best friend.
The reason he doesn't anchor for any of the big or daresay political news channels is because they don't like how he compares international disputes to the fight he had with his best friend when he was 19.
Regularly travels to other metropolitan cities for news coverings (mainly sports) but lives in Mumbai for majority of the time.
In fact, lives in the same building as Lewis. The fact that they haven't run into each other in the elevator yet is a miracle (or a curse).
Will talk about love and heartbreak to anyone who would listen. You know those boys who say “thi ek” whenever someone tries to talk to them about love? Yeah that's him.
Married and has two daughters that he loves very much.
No pets because they remind him too much of Lewis.
Sebastian Vettel— “Chacha”
From Delhi
Lives in Mumbai with his wife.
Best friends with Lewis, knows everything about him and Nico.
Kind of a father figure to Charles.
The beloved colony uncle that always has the wildest stories ever. Catch him at the tea stall and just get him talking— you will be a changed man when he is done.
“Aur phir uska accident ho gaya aur usne apna haath kho diya, to uski manghetar ki family ne unse rishta tudwa liya. Jiske baad uski manghetar ki sagai mujhse hui aur phir hamari shaadi hui or shayad aaj bhi wo akela hi ek haath se apna hila raha hai bechara”
You would think considering how sweet he is, he was always this sweet but NO, this man was a MENACE.
Everyone who knew him before he got married wants him dead even now after all the years.
Fernando Alonso— "Kaka"
From Jaipur
The exact opposite of Sebastian.
The old man you see on the side of the road with paan in his mouth and a gaali on his lips
Also tells you stories from his youth and they're just as interesting but he's so arrogant about it that you're no longer interested in listening five minutes in no matter how interesting the story is
The kind of old man who sees children playing in the streets and starts acting like an overly invested referee for no reason.
Goes to the park in the morning at the same time as Sebastian but unlike him, Fernando does not let the joy and whimsy of life have any effect on him making you wonder why he's there at all
Lance Stroll— “vegan wali diet almond wala ghee 😌💅”
From South Bombay
Ameer baap ki bigri aulad
“What do you mean I can't buy the whole store?”
Y'all remember that “Mawn, terew paaw ki jewtie maawwww” girl??? Yeah
Sonam Kapoor is jealous of how much better he is at being a nepo baby
Logan Sargeant— “ye bhi thik hai”
Lives with George and Alex
From Goa
Thank god he does because he would not be surviving otherwise
Might have feelings for his roommates but all he knows how to do is wash the dishes and the clothes and he doesn't wanna die of hunger so he's silent.
Except maybe in front of Oscar but that's his best friendddd
Studying computer science too
Alex Albon— “dhokla4lifer”
From Gujarat
I might be projecting a bit but as someone who fucking LOVES dhokla, I don't see any reason as to why Alex should not.
Cooks for his two roommates, and always cooks so good.
Dhokla on Sundays and a tiffin box full of thepla and aam ka aachar whenever one of them is travelling home
Studying history and geography
Yuki Tsunoda— “momo wale bhaiya”
From Dehradun
Do not call him momo wale bhaiya. He can and will kill you.
Actually does love cooking
Has his own restaurant near the university campus
Pierre Gasly— “tantar mantar”
From West Bengal
Tired of everyone's “kaala jaadu” jokes.
Charles’ best friend and confidante.
Gossip girls. They have all the tea on everyone in the uni.
Does sports.
Final year law student
Esteban Ocon— “Pierre's ex (he is NOT)”
From Odisha
Has beef with Pierre.
Will argue about anything from the origin of roshogulla to the state's contribution in the fight for freedom of the country.
Also final year law student
Sergio Perez from Bihar
K Mag from Kashmir (haha get it? Because he's a track terroris—)
Nico Hulkenburg from Kashmir too
Valtteri Bottas from The Andaman Nicobar islands or something idk he shows so much ass it's unreal
Zhou Guanyu from Meghalaya
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annoyingblondebracket · 9 months
Round 1 | Poll 4
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~ Note: This poll is being done out of a genuine love and affection for these types of characters! Please keep that in mind when adding commentary.
Propaganda under the cut!
~ Likes to talk loudly in public spaces about the illegal things he and his friends are doing.
~ He’s a little shit - he is super talkative, very obnoxious, has dumb catchphrases and never thinks before he acts. He is weirdly unpopular in the jpn fanbase and is constantly beaten up in canon and fanon, but he’s pretty well loved in the western fandom!
~ He’s a little slow on the uptick and has a tendency to talk first think later. He’s also a lot less aware of his surroundings, once accidentally outing himself as a Phantom Thief to someone (yes she ended up being a good guy and joined them but still). He’s also a part of a fairly annoying plot point when one member of the team goes missing thanks partially due to his actions, though the fandom has mostly forgiven him for that.
~ Omfggg where to begin Tamaki thinks hes the main character of a romance anime and like true but he also really annoying. And makes puppy dog eyes every time he wants something. The host club mostly ignore him when hes talking about how beautiful he is even though hes the club president
~ Pretty much all the main characters admit to finding him annoying because he can be silly and overly dramatic.
~ He is completely oblivious to everything going on around him and he is rich and doesn't understand anything about regular life
~ Dear god EVERYTHING about this man is Blond and Annoying. I love him <3
~ Literally the entire show and everyone in the cast thinks hes annoying af [ included a youtube link that i unfortunately had to omit because this won't show up in the tags otherwise </3 ]
~ Tamaki is the most insufferable motherfucker in the world. He’s homophobic. He thinks he’s hot shit. He’s stupid. He talks too much. He sulks endlessly when upset. He has no boundaries at all. His only skills are piano and flirting. He insists that the gnc female lead should be more feminine frequently (for a very long time anyway, he stops eventually). Said lead’s first impression of him was “obnoxious.” For these reasons be brings me joy.
~ "It's not everyday God creates a perfect person like moi, beautiful both inside and out." Loves romance but can't recognize his own feelings as romantic. He thinks of his emotions towards Haruhi as "fatherly love" and therefore refers to himself as her "daddy".
~ cmon this is the Ouran website. tamaki sweep. he is Exhausting god bless
~ overdramatic stupid self-obsessed rich boy (affectionate)
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vylad243 · 7 months
first, a sincere apology for this MONSTER of a prompt to come — bless my random half-conscious 4am thoughts for sending me down this downward spiral — BUT: we all know how protective/absolutely fucking feral Alastor is over any implied threat towards Vox’s safety: one can only imagine how horrible a fate would befall the poor, foolish folk who have the balls to ACTUALLY try to harm the Radio Demon’s mate.
Like, imagine Vox just going about his normal every day routine, taking precious baby boi Vark on his early morning walkies when he’s suddenly jumped by a group of very brave, very stupid sinners who either 1) want to get to Alastor through Vox and are SEVERELY underestimating the capabilities of the older overlord because he’s (in their minds) a “washed-up has-been fossil playing guard dog for the princess” who’s gotten soft because he’s in love (barf); or b) are hoping to take down an overlord out of sheer hubris, completely forgetting that Vox is literally a living power grid for Pentagram City, if not the entirety of Hell itself. Either way, f in the chat for their courage I guess. Since this attack is premeditated, our hapless captors made through work of trying to clear this specific area — a shortcut through an alley because not even Vox is immune to horror movie logic at times — clear of any cameras or electrical devices that could ensure an easy getaway and blocking off any potential exits they can.
Naturally, Vox — not being some helpless damsel in distress — puts up a damn good fight, at the cost of constant power shortages throughout the next hour or so. Eventually, however, he gets overpowered/taken by surprise and boom! Realm-wide power outage. Now, the gang at the hotel were already wary when the lights began flickering and the internet cut out during breakfast; their fear only intensifies when a sudden blackout strikes and they can hear a VERY pissed wendigo demon barreling down the stairs. Maybe even they find Vark on the hotel doorstep, visibly distressed and even a little injured (only a LITTLE, because I’m not a monster), with a crudely-written ransom note taped to him. Charlie can barely get through the first sentence before Al is out the door — a fifty ft tall, at the very minimum, mass of tentacles and sickly green static illuminating the pitch black streets, uncaring of those foolish enough to end up in his path.
It takes less than an hour for Alastor to find the dingy warehouse they took his mate to: these gentleman are not only bold in their stupidity but sloppy as well. Thanks to the blackout, he slips in undetected with his shadows and makes quick work of finding Vox. The overlord in question is more annoyed than anything else, bound in an uncomfortable position with angelic rope and put on mute (his captors’ egos couldn’t handle his viscous verbal roasts after he already fried them up pretty bad), but otherwise unharmed. Of course, this is Alastor we’re talking about: so much as the sight of his lover in pain, with a crack on his screen and his clothes visibly tousled is enough to spark a raging fire in the seething Radio Demon that would put the fear in God in anyone foolish enough to trifle with him.
Speaking of foolish, our intrepid group of attempted kidnappers are too busy trying and failing to restore the internet to try and broadcast their Very Spooky Hostage Negotiations stream (they rehearsed it and everything! Brad brought the costumes and eerie mood lighting!) to notice the horrifyingly wholesome lovers reunion going on literally right behind them. Alastor wastes no time in doing away with the bindings and making sure Vox is as comfortable as can be before teleporting him to a safe location outside; his lover is slightly irritated at the prospect of being left out for now, but is placated for now with kisses and the promise of watching these insufferable fools burn for their transgressions against Hell’s most ferocious power couple. Because of this, Vox waits outside for the next hour and makes a point of NOT restoring the power yet as he listens to his amazing and powerful mate torment the sinners psychology: the sounds of screaming are just all the more beautiful and crisp without the distracting noise of traffic and the nagging electric current constantly running through his veins distracting him from the most simple of pleasures.
Eventually though, by the two-hour mark, he gets bored of playing games on his phone, restores the power, and teleports back inside to tell Alastor to wrap things up because he actually has things to do today and he still hasn’t gotten his morning coffee yet, damnit. Al relents, teleporting the sobbing and trembling group of would-be kidnappers to the shadow realm, immediately showering his mate with kisses, cuddles, protective bites, the whole routine. Vox is slightly embarrassed at the entire ordeal (mostly at his own actions that led to him ending up here in the first place) but the assurances of Alastor that he did nothing wrong and the confirmation of Vark being alright soothes his guilt. He even allows Alastor to carry him out of the building bridal style as the warehouse burns down in a beautiful show of green fire and blue electrical fire around them (he thinks the view is fucking hot, literally in this case)
Naturally, Al and the rest of the hotel staff are on protective watch for almost the entirety of the next month — not because they think Vox is incapable of managing himself just fine, no; they just fear the consequences of what would happen Hell-wide if he were to go missing again. Vox can’t bring himself to be annoyed because he, more than anyone, is aware that Alastor would fistfight Lucifer and the entire order of Hell itself to ensure his safety. Not that he’s complaining anyway: his attention-craving ass is VERY much reveling in the almost 24 hour cuddle sessions and kisses, and Vark very much appreciates Al accompanying them during their morning walks now because he gets double the treats.
And the sugar on the cream comes later on in the week after the incident, when a VERY special, extended broadcast of Alastor’s radio show goes live on air, featuring a VERY special guest star: the media overlord himself, who would like to send a little message to the denizens of Hell that overlords are not to be messed with and are in power for a REASON. Alastor let’s him take the reins like the good, supportive partner he is, of course — any fool who dares to touch HIS mate has earned the cruel fate lined up in store, especially those with less than savory intentions (and sue him if he thinks the sight of his lover reveling in the suffering of those who dare cross him is more beautiful and poetic than the stars and moon and oceans combined)
Despite her usual preaching of going for as little violence as possible, Charlie makes an allowance this one time; in fact, she’s their first caller. After all, these sinners are her family, and woe betold you when you mess with the Princess of Hell’s family. Vaggie is only slightly perturbed by this reaction, but the soft look of pure adoration on her lover’s face as they listen in on the broadcast with the rest of the gang, languidly giving a stretched out Vark in their lap head pats, is worth the future nightmares, she reasons.
I didn't do the whole prompt, but I did my best! I hope you enjoy it, anon ^-^ I also included it in my 'A Month In Rut' series so it's vague enough to keep it spoiler-free of any unreleased chapters!
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armoredsuperheavy · 1 year
MASTERS OF THE UNIVERSE: An Insufferably Queer Film Review
I rewatched MASTERS OF THE UNIVERSE (1987) for the first time since it came out last night and WOW I have some thots about this thing. We enjoyed roasting the living shit out of it but there's a few gold nuggets in there despite the brutal budget cuts that impacted the plot and what not.
Contains plenty of spoilers.
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God bless Wardrobe
OK so … the film doesn't bother to set up any real motivations for the characters, and He-Man (an incredible looking Dolph Lundgren rrrowrrrr) has almost no dialogue which is such a fucking waste. But this complete lack of narrative framework means we can apply OUR OWN explanations to events.
From the very beginning Skeletor has this obsession with He-Man, which will simmer and then culminate in a final showdown. But before we get to that hot mess, we have to wade through the middle of the film.
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He gets as much screen time as He-Man.
Meet the utterly repulsive dwarf scientist Gwildor played by Billy Barty, a rinse-and-repeat of his performance as an utterly repulsive magic troll in Legend (1986). This dwarf is the film's Jar Jar. His face is like a deep dish pizza after an acid attack. His real mouth is visible behind the immobile thick prosthetics and it makes for some truly disturbing close-up dialogue shots. Please, pan away from Pizza the Hutt and give us another shot of Lundgren's pecs please I am begging you, DP
We find ourselves in Gwildor's hobbit hole, and he's a magical inventor. So he has this cylindrical object, it's not clear whether it's a weapon or a teleporter but I'm calling it the Butt-Reamer 9000. Inexplicably, there are two of these things and Skeletor has the other one, and wants to collect both of them. So Skeletor has an excuse to go hunting He-Man as he's hunting his missing McGuffin, er I mean sex toy.
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Features rotating ticklers, a big improvement over the Butt Reamer 8000.
The thing about the Butt-Reamer 9000 is its magical power to make even this promising setup devolve into a grind as it whisks the Eternians into the magical, enchanting world of a 1987 New Jersey parking lot. WHO WROTE THIS?
The entire middle of the movie is pretty much hot garbage and involves police detectives, arson, vandalism, high school prom, and other dumb bullshit. Aside from the distractingly naked He-Man, the good guys are an utter bore and include some Eternians, some regular Earth humans and their quotidian concerns which really brings down the fun of the movie. (No, baby Courtney Cox, I don't care about your imminent breakup with your mediocre boyfriend!)
The film owes a second mortgage to Star Wars and steals a lot of ideas from it, from bad guys in shiny black stormtrooper helmets, to heroes shooting blue lasers, baddies shooting red.
Let's turn from this depressing state of affairs and focus back on our cherished villain blorbos.
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(L-R: Karg, Evil-Lyn our goddess, and Blade.)
Evil-Lyn is beautiful, evil, a cold bitch queen. Gurl you can do so much better than sticking with this loser Skeletor.
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Dump! Him! He's gay anyway!
Skeletor is a shit lazy boss of Greyskull and makes Evil-Lyn run the goddamn place in general. He literally shoots the messenger at one point. Great for morale, there, Skel buddy.
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Look closer. Fierce!
There's a number of budget rate henchmen on the job, including Karg, who used a whole can of aqua net this morning and is running around in a white fur capelet with a massive bouffant. He is just doing his best okay, really it's hard to look fabulous around these other bitches.
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Blade definitely deserved more screen time
Also, Blade, who had a slutty costume of silvery scale maille or something, and was a bit like a sci-fi bondage Riff Raff / space Judas Priest. Best side character costume.
So, there we have it, the queer coded villain roster of the film.
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This homemade collage is for sure taped inside Skeletor's locker at school
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Note the gigantic brown eye.
Finally, thank Satan, we return to Castle Greyskull, though it's more like beige-and-brown-skull. But aside from the questionable use of faux marble finishes, this is a quality villain lair with hard points installed directly in the floor of the living room, convenient death pits, and an excellent throne setup that I'm pretty sure they recycled for The Fifth Element.
He-Man is captured alive and brought before Skeletor. Blade does the honors with a 15 foot glowing red bullwhip to He-Man's naked and oiled back, much to the delight of dyed-in-the-wool sadist Evil-Lyn.
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Movie is getting good now. Was the side quest to Jersey really necessary?
Skeletor, though, watches this action from the throne and has a lot of interesting responses. We had to conclude that Skeletor is a big old bottom but won't admit it. As a dom he is utterly ineffective. He's trying to make He-man kneel and all this shit but He-Man is not submissive at all. Skeletor is … lol. He really just wants to smell He-Man's dick.
The depths (heh) of his bottom nature will become apparent shortly. But first, a costume change.
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Skeletor's glow up --- i'm every woman.
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Honey we know you're just trying to impress He-man.
Werk tho.
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Indiana Jones and the Temple of Hole
The gigantic sky-sphincter directly behind the throne has slid open wide… "Begin! The Goatse Ritual! Join me, He-Man, as I become LORD OF THE GAPE" But He-Man's phallic symbol shines bright in defiance. In the end, Skeletor is vanquished symbolically by his own nature and instead of his hole swallowing He-Man, a gaping hole swallows Skeletor instead.
They don't really explain what happened to Evil-Lyn after He-Man's inevitable victory in final man to man combat but she was too smart to get caught sleeping in there and must have survived. What a hot evil competent BABE. After the events of the film end, I vote that Evil-Lyn seduces Teela (the good guy solder lady) and has a hot toxic lesbian affair with her.
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Evil-Lyn serves cunt in hell 4 evar
Thanks for coming to my Ted Talk.
Want some more?
Nice fanart
Another breakdown on Buzzfeed if you enjoyed mine this is even more gay headcanon
The movie is free on Tubi if you want to subject yourself to it.
ArmoredSuperHeavy, 19 Aug 2023
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xxswagcorexx · 2 years
hell ya! please info dump about casino quartet that would be awesome
STARTS VIBRATING OKAY!! for those who dont know, casino quartet refers to the group/ship name of ash, branzy, clown, and red (also known as branzypierceswagdoons or the abcd's because. Ashswag Branzy Clown and red. Doons) . i am #)(%*@#()%*#(@% about them 4 reasons i will elaborate down the cut ^_^
reason one: oh my GOD the comedic potential of these fuckers is sooooo. not one ounce of communication or sanity between any of them god bless!!! they are all enablers of different things and all make each other worse!!!! they will kill each other over not doing the dishes!!! also the diff dynamics between all of them would be Insufferable like clown and branzy would just do So Much pda during the most inappropriate times while ash and red have to Put Up with it while beating the shit out of each other <3 cue clown and red coming back home and doing God Knows What (not talking about feelings straight up) (repressed emotions) (bullying) and ash and branzy get white girl wasted on whiteclaw of wine or whatever and ash bitches about red to branzy while branzy calls him babygirl (branzy is the only one that can call ash this) (once red overheard this and ash almost killed him) (he had to be held back by branzy and clown so he wouldn't kill him) (<- this one is sponsored by cherny)
ANYWAYS ash and clown r a funny bunch too. clown would Always attempt to get ash to do stupid shit and try to hit him with the big wet pathetic eyes and "but please?? for me.,.." and it only works 20% of the time when ash caves in (do not worry ash bullies clown back) (also literally based off of this) . both of them think they're the most normal ones . red and branzy r literally just vibing. imagine everyone else being insufferable/them being insufferable to others and they're like "omg hiiii bestie ^_^" and they chill and knit while drinking sweet tea together or whatever . they're awesome
REASON NUMBER 2: PUNCHES THE GROUND ok ok. they're like 0 canon content of them IN VIDEOS but u have to understand : the original team chaos had red in the group . and the only reason red left is bc they didn't tell him anything (also ash was asleep like 90% of the time L) but like. i think u Could do smth interesting with lingering feelings abt team chaos Esp considering ash Did go back to red and apologize for s3/team chaos and gave him favors .,.. that's if u wanna go Canon Compliant ofc but i think there Could be something that u could write abt clown and red being Farely loyal and strategic and ash and branzy being willing to betray and both being wildcards. i feel like u could do smth interesting with that (and also if you wanna go romantic) some polymary negotiations might b fun ti explore :thumbs_up: usually the Link between them is clown and red but i've also seen branzy and ash ^_^ either way they r rlly fun to think about either way!!!
i dont really like a reason number 3 so i will put this mangoball edit here . thank u for letting me indulge in my insanity
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enchantra35 · 1 year
Reflections upon V6 by a first time watcher
As I have just finished v6, I'm jumping here to write this right away now that's everything's fresh and all.
-I think this is when the plot solidifies and takes a far more serious turn. We finally get the full story of the world, which is tied with Ozpin and Celium. The Ozpin/Dumbledore pararels continue. I had a hintch Ozpin was related to Salem some way or another - romantically or otherwise - especially when he claims very early on that he has made more mistakes than everyone else, and I was right. Their past is so tragic. It made me think however, that Ozpin lied about his resurrection. He claimed in previous volumes that he was being resurrected again and again because the Gods punished him for failing to stop Salembut that's not the case at all? He was given that ability to stop her, not as a punishment. Unless, he himself sees it as a punishment for siding with her at the very beginning. Now, as for Salem's immortality... I'm sure there is a way to get rid off her and I think it's very much relates to Ruby's silver eyes.
-The number 4 is a prevalent motif in the series from the beginning, but it was while watching volumes 6 that it solidified itself in my brain. The four members of team RWBY (or any other team in that regard), the four kingdoms/schools, the four maidens, the four artifacts and Ozbin and Celium's four children. Coincidence? I THINK NOT!
-Pyrrha is truly haunting the narrative on both sides huh? The parallelism between Jaune finding Pyrrha's statue and regaining his hope vs Cinder who speaks about destiny (although in a much disrespectful manner as she doesn't even name Pyrrha).
-Bumbleby in particular but also Whiterose bloom this volume (haha, get it?). From Blake awkwardly trying to make things as they used to (although they will not quite be and that's okay) to the fight against Adam? Poetic cinema.
I loved the parallels between Blake holding Yang's prosthetic arm, a signifier of her promise to protect her, to her holding Yang's trembling hand during the fight with Adam, symbolizing her realization that she doesn't need to protect Yang, only for them to protect each other. Adam could tell something was going on before the hand holding though, LFMAO. Speaking of which, I'm not going to go into details about the Beauty and the Beast parallels because people have already discussed this thoroughly and better than I can articulate it. Another point for poetic cinema.
What kills me the most is the way Yang INSTANTLY runs to Blake and hugs her. Literally, right away. And don't get me started on the way they talk to each other:
-I will not break my promise. I swear.
-I know you won't.
The voice acting here was INSANE. The way Yang's voice breaks - ARE YOU KIDDING ME? And the touching foreheads? The way they hold to each other's hands and arms? THEY INVENTED ROMANCE. I also find it very funny how insufferable they instantly become, like they're already holding hands every chance they get. NO DISCRETION AT ALL.
-"I'm so glad Yang was there for you", Weiss Shnee YOU ARE A REAL ONE since day one, God BLESS.
-Speaking of Weiss, her and Ruby too had their moments this volume, albeit a bit more discreetly, so to speak. We see just how much they trust each other. Ruby has so much faith in Weiss, even when Weiss is like "what if I didn't catch you?", her response is "but you did!". That said, I don't think it's a coincidence that they show us Weiss helping Ruby back on her feet in the opening.
-Ruby is really lucky to have Weiss this volume because Qrow was an absolute mess this time around, and although his response is humane, he also let a bunch children do all the work while he was getting drunk in his misery. The absolute AUDACITY when he tells Ruby she has grown up. SHE WAS FORCED TO!!!!!
-The Grim Reaper is such a fascinating character. I feel like she's going to be essential in teaching Ruby how to use her silver eyes.
-First glimpse at Summer Rose 👀. Excited to learn more about her.
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Lmfaooo I know I already yapped my way into ur inbox earlier but. Sighhhh aroace reader has been on my mind again and I’m literally screaming clutching my torso rolling around on the floor crying thinking about it no joke <///333
I think that aroace reader + stsg comes with SO much comedic potential I physically cannot 😭😭 especially with reader who’s pretty much romance averse with satosugu (secretly) being their exception… like maybe shoko and utahime end up talking about their love lives and ask reader about THEIR love life and reader just deadpans “oh I don’t do romance. Doesn’t interest me” and satosugu (particular toru) are just like “….🙁ok but but but but but but-“ LMFAOO BUT THIS ALSO WORKS WITH READER WHOS COMPLETELY UNAWARE OF HOW STSG FEEL ABOUT THEM DESPITE IT BEING OBVIOUS TO EVERYONE ELSE???? imagine being with them out in public, being all affectionate n shit and then a cashier asks “oh are you guys dating? :)” and before either of them can get a word in ur just like “oh no, we’re just close friends haha!!! I know it looks like we do but none of us having feelings for each other at all haha!!!!” And they just look so fucking dejected like satorus shoulders slump and he puts on such a babyish pout…… and sugus just nodding and smiling along (he’s trying not to start screaming and crying on the floor) or maybe someone comes up to you and asks for your number before noticing suguru with his arm wrapped around your waist and satoru who’s got his arm around your shoulders and is looking at you like you hung the stars with your bare hands n the person is like “oh sorry I didn’t notice you guys are dating!!!” But reader is just like “huh?? No we’re not dating u can have my number!!” LMFAOOO I CAN SEE SATORU PULLING THIS FACE
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They’re so funny I actually cannotttt 😭😭😭 another thing that’s been on my mind is that if sugu didn’t leave and stsg + reader sorted out their feelings for each other, they could all be teen parents to little Megumi ☹️☹️ satoru gets some money from his rich aah family (cause no way they aren’t rich cmon he was spoiled as a kid) and buys a nice apartment for you all, maybe somewhere by the sea… firm believer that suguru is the mother of all time like. He absolutely makes pancakes with syrup and blueberries and whatever else for u all in the morning……. U guys wake up early in the morning sometimes when it’s still a little dark with Megumi in his tiny little raincoat and take him out for walks by the beach….. collecting pretty rocks and seashells….. megumis dogs swimming in the ocean and satoru skipping stones while sugu reminds him not to go too close incase the tide comes in unexpectedly and he gets his shoes soaked…… I gotta stop myself now or else I’ll go on the lengthiest sugu rant you’ve ever seen but. You get the idea. Sugu being a caretaker mommy for one actual baby and one baby that’s actually a tall pouty bastard that’s so insufferably charming <//333 and you ofc!!! (His favourite baby) (joke he adores you all equally) (even if he lovingly pretends satoru is his least favourite)
HAAHHAAAAA I SERIOUSLY CANT STOP THINKING AB THEM I NEED HELP 😭😭😭 AS ALWAYS I HOPE UR DOING ALRIGHT N TAKING CARE OF URSELF!!! AND ARIIIII the merman sugu asks you’ve been getting have actually been making me laugh my ass off everytimeeeee 😭😭 sugu flopping around like a seal and hating all humans except reader is so fucking funny to me like he’s just straight up dissing the human race but just looks you dead in the eyes and says “but you’re one of the good ones” GOODBYEEEEE 💀💀💀 ANYWAYS HOW HAVE U BEEN???? UP TO ANYTHING INTERESTING??? :3 🎤🎤🎤🎤🎤 gives u a flower + pancakes (sugu made them) u deserve it mwah mwah hope ur ok <333 🌷🥞
OLLIEEEEEE IT’S ALWAYS GREAT TO SEE U IN MY INBOX DW !!! we are yapping together 🫂🫂
PHDJDGDHDH THIS CONCEPT MEANS THE WORLD TO ME I HOPE U KNOW THAT 😭😭…. aroace!reader makes us all insane god bless. u are so REAL for mentioning the comedic potential bc it’s literally so beautiful….. i think i’m biased towards this option:
reader who’s pretty much romance averse with satosugu (secretly) being their exception… like maybe shoko and utahime end up talking about their love lives and ask reader about THEIR love life and reader just deadpans “oh I don’t do romance. Doesn’t interest me” and satosugu (particular toru) are just like “….🙁ok but but but but but but-“
IT’S JUST SOOOO FUNNY AND SWEET…. but i think stsg would also be so smug abt being reader’s exceptions 😭😭 losers. lovesick fools. utahime is just like… don’t you and those idiots have a thing 🤨🤨 and reader just goes well yeah but that’s different. they’re satoru and suguru. <- as if it’s just the most obvious thing in the world and stsg are sitting there all quiet and smug….. mentally squealing……… idk i just lovelovelove the idea of reader being very blunt with their emotions because they just don’t view romance in the same way others would and it flusters stsg Every Single Time. they used to always daydream abt being teasing bfs and making them flustered by acting all lovey-dovey but as it turns out they’re the ones who keep getting caught off guard by reader….
this is rlly just a random thought but. i’m just imagining them in the future, living together, not necessarily labelled in any way but they very much Love each other… suguru is smoking by the balcony late at night (he’s planning on quitting bc he doesn’t want to worry his babies <3) while satoru & reader are keeping him company… and reader just casually mentions that they want to live with stsg forever. that they’re happiest like that and don’t ever want it to end. and they’re just bluntly telling the truth but suguru and satoru are genuinely Losing It bc????? did we just get proposed to ????????? satoru is oddly quiet bc he’s trying to stop himself from blushing and suguru just clears his throat and tells reader that they feel the same way ….. but he’s not nearly as suave as usual bc he is in fact getting choked up LMAOO i love them sm they’re so silly ….. T—T
ok but back to ur lovely thoughts !!!! the idea of aroace!reader being oblivious is also rlly charming to me 😭😭 SATORU MAKING THAT FACE LMAO HE SOOO WOULD ……. i picture suguru just kinda twitching lol like he’s trying sooo hard to keep it together but a part of him kinda wants to kiss reader all over their pretty face so that they get the message. (jokes on him bc reader would somehow still assume that it was just … platonic kissing … just kissing the homies goodnight …..) sigh. it’s tough out here for stsg BUT i think they’d also be really endeared by it …… their oblivious lil reader….
AND WAHHHHH LIL BABY GUMI 🥺🥺🥺🥺 OLLIEEEE YOU’RE KILLING ME a nice house by the sea…….. taking walks by the beach…… and . mommy sugu ..,, our lord and saviour ……. makes u breakfast every morning and wakes u up by kissing u :(((( lets u cling to him while he cooks .. sighhhh. sigh sigh sigh. being a househusband could’ve fixed him idc 😔😔
Sugu being a caretaker mommy for one actual baby and one baby that’s actually a tall pouty bastard that’s so insufferably charming <//333 and you ofc!!! (His favourite baby) (joke he adores you all equally) (even if he lovingly pretends satoru is his least favourite)
AND THISSSS PLS u know the way to my heart….. caretaker mommy sugu 🥺🥺🥺 he would thrive off taking care of his babies like truly. he’s the Mother ever. and now he has one lil baby to Actually Mother and two overgrown babies to coddle and tease…… his dream life tbh. now i’m just imagining reader, toru & gumi waking sugu up on mother’s day to celebrate LMAOO they made a cake and everything….. he’s exasperated but secretly very touched :’3 maybe tears up a lil later when he’s looking at the world’s best mommy <3 cup u guys bought him LOL he’s such a sap …..
AND ARIIIII the merman sugu asks you’ve been getting have actually been making me laugh my ass off everytimeeeee 😭😭 sugu flopping around like a seal and hating all humans except reader is so fucking funny to me like he’s just straight up dissing the human race but just looks you dead in the eyes and says “but you’re one of the good ones” GOODBYEEEEE 💀💀💀
PHDJDJJD NO BECAUSE SAMEEEE i still have a couple more mer!sugu asks to get to actually… they’re all so great…… my anons have converted me fully into a mer!sugu stan and now i can’t stop thinking abt him 😭😭 HE’S SOOOO FUNNY U GET IT COMPLETELY LIKE …. he’s just a grumpy little seal man ……. ”you’re one of the good ones” NO BC LITERALLY!! THAT’S HOW HE FEELS…… reader is his emotional support human <33 he doesn’t like anyone else and WILL consider drowning anyone who gives them trouble but then reader gives him a Look and he’s like. sigh. 😒😒😒 you’re no fun. <-… he’s insane actually BUT WE LOVE HIM <33333 silly lil fishy !!
WAHHH URE SO SWEET OLLIE 😭😭🥺🥺 thank u for the flowers and sugu’s pancakes…….. i am munching on them gratefully…… here are some nice sunflowers 🌻🌻🌻 and croissants 🥐🥐🥐 for u <333 I’M DOING WELLL trying to catch up on asks + cooking up a lil sashisu/reader thingie.. 👀👀 i haven’t been able to post fics as regularly bc of uni but hopefully i can get it out by next weekend :33 and thennnn i think i’ll focus on mer!sugu…
ANYWAY WHAT ABT U ???? how have u been ?? tell me tell me 🎤🎤…… i hope it’s sunny wherever u are, here it’s still cold n gray T—T but spring will be with us soon … stay strong …….
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saintmouthed · 2 months
dtcfdp chapter 1 (author commentary)
I fear it is time to Reread dtcfdp Again and I'm going to be so annoying about it, actually. Anyway I'm gonna basically reread my own fic and liveblog the experience. Getting started under the cut:
TBH most of the time I just skip to the end of this chapter when I reread bc it the exposition is cute but makes me cringe. But I'll do it. I'll reread it. I'll reread it for you.
What are you doing that you don’t want Musichetta knowing about, then?  Same as you. Something stupid.
Grantaire/Éponine friendship is something that can be so personal.
oh GOD the DEMOS...somebody remind me to write the boot scene epilogue one of these days. It was supposed to bring everything Full Circle.
“Good. I do love interrogating the new faces.” “You’re free to interrogate my face any time.” Grantaire says, unable to help himself, cracking a smile. “Oh, God, that’s the worst thing I’ve ever heard.” Lark says, groaning and covering her face with her hands, even though she’s laughing again. “Please tell me you’ve got a little more game than that. You’re way too cute not to have better game than that.” “Well, I’m flattered you think so.”
I have no canon or tbh fanon basis for making Cosette and Grantaire friends but I LOVE that I did. They're so funny. Goth lesbian queen and Bisexual disaster.
He’s listening with a mix of rapt fascination and complete horror as they describe something called ‘fire-flogging’ to him, when Lark returns with a friend.
this happened to me. THIS WHOLE FIC IS JUST...me Processing huh? really is something.
Recognizing someone in the local kink scene from IRL is ALSO something that has happened to me. bless.
let's all ignore the fact that I italicized all the Japanese rope words that aren't in English bc I was an early 20 something and so stupid. Same goes with periods instead of commas. I still don't care about the periods instead of commas LMAO it literally makes no difference to me but I do know the difference now.
"Grandeur, with the last R capitalized.”
catch me giving R all the most INSUFFERABLE usernames
Together they do make a god-like image, separate from the rest of the room, Dionysus and Apollo holding court in the middle of a fetish club.
damn that's a good line. I wrote that? damn.
He’d remember that face. 
I said oh i'm sure
waxplay was my first scene too awww newbie R you're just like newbie me fr
okay okay that was cute I'm glad I reread it again. if anyone cares.
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bamgyw · 3 months
i know yeonjun's supposed to be evil spirited and a horny bastard in six nights but i wanna know ur thoughts on him being That but also silly in like,, an adorable way....... sometimes.... bc i want him.. badly. kinda!
hi !! i love this kind of ask so much mhhpfnjsjsk. now i get to go on an insufferable rant. thanks for indulging me, god bless you.
so, the thing about yeonjun in six nights is that he's supposed to be entitled. someone who has had it easy in contraposition to beomgyu, soobin and the mc. he's silly and nonchalant because he gets to be. he has nothing to lose. no inquisitive religious authorities, no economic struggles, no beating waiting for him at home.
it's a very specific type of sheltered / unmarred boyhood, haven't u met someone like that irl? the type of boy who is confident and conceited because he has never been questioned or reprimanded.
yeonjun is greedy, too, and gets angry when he can't have it his way. he gets totally jealous at the possibility of the mc being into someone else, just at the slightest sign of disinterest from her.
(and all this greediness and sense of obervearing self-esteem is a product of how he was brought up. his dad is literally a big mighty capitalist, taking as much as he can from less powerful people just to accumulate wealth.)
but still. yeonjun is also quick witted,,, really charismatic, and obviously good-looking. the kind of person who's a walking red flag but you're down bad for anyway because of how attractive they are.
everyone wants him, and he's used to people wanting him, and he thrives on that feeling of being worshipped and glorified. which is fucked up, but it's hot! confidence is hot, and boldness his hot, and he knows that.
he also represents a sense of unrestrained lust and sex for the sake of sex. which i think is really appealing in this context of repression and religious guilt. a kind of bacchanalian fantasy. he's open about being sexually attracted to the mc, and keeps on planting nasty scenarios in her mind.
so it's an universal struggle, how hot he is even though he's mean spirited and cruel. classic,,,, bad boy appeal, i guess.
a side of him is for those who would've had a desperate crush on the popular boy from school, cute and funny, makes everyone laugh, skirt-chaser and praised for it, the whole pack.
and another side of him is for the denigration kink, autodestructive girlies. manipulative, aggressively horny, spits filth non-stop.
depends on your personal interpretation, and that's okay !! the two overlap for me, but idk,,
sheesh i cannot shut my ass up. sorry.
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rickybaby · 5 months
lol where I am from the vernacular “all right. gangster.” would mean like “all right. all good/everythings cool” not calling the person I’m talking to gangster 😂 don’t know if it’s same in Australia tho
Of course he’s not literally calling his mom a gangster 😅 The funny thing is man in his late twenties uses a casual slang term to end a call with his mom 😭
Not to forget the other episode where his mom is telling him to be careful and wear a mask and his answer is ‘I hear if you drink coronas, you’re safe’. God bless Grace Ricciardo cause that man is insufferable 😩
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project-icarus · 1 year
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0H0! who're these?!
ok so basically they're characters from a game called I was a teenage exocolonist. the game has a lot of stuff but it also has romanceable characters. this got very long so I'm putting it under the cut
the main character is sol (which is why they're in all the polyamorous relationships that exist with the romanceable characters). technically they don't have a personality of their own because the whole game is about making choices as sol so it wouldn't quite work yknow.
dys is the most perfect human being in space. sym is the most perfect alien in space. usually they kinda fall in love with each other even though dys should have been aromantic and to me he is. sometimes if you manage to interact enough with both of them, they fall in love with each other and with you (so sol bc main character). I can't remember how that ending goes tbh bc I got it a long long time ago but in my head sol, dys and sym stay in love forever and live happily ever after as trees or whatever.
now rex is also the most perfect human being in space. he's part dog also, not that that's relevant. the game never says it but he's aroallo and you cannot argue with me about it because you know I'm right. he's the best romanceable character because 1 he lets you hug him every season (technically you can hug him endlessly but like you only get friendship points for hugging him once per season) and 2 not only is he up for having a casual / open relationship, he also is fine with fucking as friends (the fucking is just implied btw like fade to black sort of thing), AND you can date him like. usual dating the same way you date everyone else in that game.
now marz is the most beautiful person in space. she is also insufferable for a while but I forgive her as long as she doesn't invent capitalism (canonically she usually invents capitalism yes). I love her she's done nothing wrong except for inventing capitalism. now the thing about her is that apparently no matter what she never ends up with a fixed partner (or so I've heard) and I think that's very aromantic of her. anyways she kind of always thinks rex is hot and gets together with him BUT if you date her first or rex first (tbh idk bc I always do the same thing and date rex and leave her alone god bless) then eventually one of them asks to make the relationship include them both. thus we have sol, marz, rex.
nomi (aka nomi nomi) is rex's best friend. they are canonically nonbinary and some flavor of aroace that is unclear to me because what the fuck is demi/ace supposed to mean like. is it demiro ace? is it demiace? what. but anyways if you keep bribing them to like you (as you do with all the characters) for all of eternity eventually they fall in love with you. I think. it's been a while I can't remember. they also fall in love with rex. so then we got sol, rex and nomi.
the reason why I hate sol, rex and nomi together is that nomi is aroace to me like non partnering aroace like they are so sex repulsed and romance repulsed throughout the whole game and then suddenly they're in love with their best friend who literally says they're like siblings earlier???? cmon.
anyways yes. thank you for asking me about my blorbos who I'm very normal about.
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dont put ur kids on antidepressants it makes them gay
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dr4kenlvr · 3 years
looks just like a dream.. ♡
pairing: mikey sano, angry, peh-yan x gn!reader
genre/wc: fluff (0.5k)
request: Hey hey could you do some hcs for Mikey, Souya/angry and peh yan with an S/O that’s really pretty so a lot of people like them (for reference they get treated like teruhashi from saiki k or kiyoko from haikyuu) but they’re also sorta shy with people they don’t know and is sorta like kenma from haikyuu (Sorry if it’s worded weird)
a/n: not worded weirdly at all :) it's a super cute idea!! i wrote this as if the reader and the character are already dating as you wrote s/o! thanks for requesting <3
cw: feminine terms are used for the sake of the request, just a heads up!
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ngl.. mikey is super proud to have copped a s/o as gorgeous as you
to walk around school with you linked on his arm—albeit shyly, he does finds it adorable—and have people do double looks? wow <3 you're just that powerful huh
your shy nature is sweet to him, and he appreciates how humble you stay about your looks but he doesn't understand why
he once mentioned to draken that if he looked like you, he would never shut up about it
(draken says it's cause "you're an ass, and y/n isn't", to which mikey pouts with a "kennnnn!!!")
he just thinks you should be a tinsy bit more prideful about your looks!—but he is in no way going to force you to act another way
he's also there to fend off any weirdos that try to do more than stare at you. mikey does not tolerate that shit, nuh uh.
he has quite literally beaten up some people and simply left them in the halls, walking off to grab your hand swiftly with a peck on the cheek
"not on my watch, baby!"
he's a 10/10 bodyguard, who needs another 10/10 bodyguard (aka draken LMAO)
uhm despite the permanent scowl on his face, he is screaming inside— 'why is everyone staring at me, just stare at y/n please!'
he can't fathom how you keep up with the constant glances and comments from classmates and passersby... until he realizes that you do have trouble—if your limited responses, lowered eyes, and tight hold on his hand didn't give anymore hints to him
suddenly wants to man up and become your guardian because there is no way angry will let his baby be uncomfortable !!
"don't worry, i'm here okay !?"
he literally growled at someone once and they were so terrified. the look on their face made you laugh and that only caused more people to gape at you because your "smile is so bright and pretty, oh my god!!"
angry: 'did i just make things worse...'
pls comfort him with smooches because he's trying his best truly
angry opts to wait by your door after class so that you two can get the FUCK out before you get bombarded by a hoard of fans LMAO
peh-yan LIVES for you; he practically worships you like all the other people do AHAHA
the only difference is, he is actually dating you !!!
so you already know that peh-yan's pride is skyrocketing up to the moon because of that
you chose him. .. . out of everyone else that is begging for even a small acknowlegment from you??? wow.... truly amazed and blessed he feels
you don't like to boast and show off? no problem, he'll do it for you.
mf walks around all hunched as a gangster does, but he has a pinky locked with your own as you two dominate the school halls
so, peh-yan does not FUCK with anyone who tries anything with you okay?
he's probably a little too aggressive at times tbh
"WHAT YOU LOOKIN' AT PUNK?!" him to a guy who was just glimpsing at you
cue another person who stared at you a little too long, then peh goes "HUUUH? SOMETHING TO SAY LITTLE BITCH!?"
he's insufferable but he's yours so you have to tame him okay? <3
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taglist: @dai-tsukki-desu @chuuae @kazuhoya @eriskaitto @gwynsapphire (send an ask or dm to be added!)
reblogs & comments are very appreciated <3
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