#he's my beloved boy (all of the greens are my beloved boys except for when they're my beloved girls)
navree · 2 years
I know you’ve shared your thoughts on Aegon II before but if there’s anything you haven’t or still want to talk about, I’d love to hear it <3 
I just came around to enjoying his character but like others, what he did to Dyana and the child fighting ring makes me apprehensive and I have to check myself and make sure I’m not woobifying him. 
Like, what would you like to see from him during his reign and his relationships with his family now that he’s king. I hope they don’t hammer us with more wild awfulness, (and hopefully he doesn’t lash out at Alicent or Helaena who are going to witness a horrific act of cruelty), to show us how unworthy he is. We won’t know until we know but child fighting rings, really? Most of what I like about Aegon (fan meta aside) seem to be TGC’s own acting choices, apparently the “do you love me line” was improv, so there’s only so much he can do. Thanks!
I know that some people are really dooming about the upcoming seasons and the Greens but I will say, it's not just Team Green who's been part of the backlash to some of the more stupid stuff in Aegon's character, it's been general audiences AND TGC himself. Combining that with the fact that they know there's an audience for the Greens (they only gave Ewan eleven piddly minutes of screentime and he turned that into making him the fandom darling, they know there's a capacity for it, along with as many people appreciating Alicent as they did), I'd imagine that they're not gonna turn those people away with more cartoonish antics, especially the stupid fighting pits. Those especially I think were just there to kinda establish that Mysaria is a champion of the poor, due to her background as a slave (and also I don't remember if they ever specified what Aegon's involvement was in that tomfoolery was because I'll freely admit to skipping over that portion whenever I rewatch the ep).
It's important not to woobify Aegon because, as much as I say that those scenes seem to exist only for the sake of existing and not to really say anything about Aegon other than cartoonish nonsense, they did happen. And there's information to be gleaned from them, especially the Dyana scene, both for Aegon (he's a drunkard and a bit of a lech, as well as clearly inebriated when he attempts to consummate his marriage) and certainly for Alicent, to show why the smallfolk like her and what kind of woman and ruling queen she is and how her own experiences have shaped her and her interactions with other women. But I can choose to focus on the myriad other aspects of his character, and the insights his actor provides into him, and acknowledge that those scenes were poor writing choices I disagree with even if I still think they happened.
I'm unsure as to what I'd want to see from his reign, because his reign is well chronicled in F&B and is incredibly short, and his reign is largely filled with his wartime decisions. I'd like to see his relationship with his council, and with the smallfolk, especially after the coronation and the mythologizing that's gonna come from what happened with him and Alicent and Meleys on the dais, along with the fact that his mother and wife are well known for being adored by the smallfolk. I'd just like to see some of why people would be willing to go along with his reign, especially when compared to the book where they were far more unenthusiastic than they were in the show. I assume he'd have a better relationship with his family than we saw in season 1, especially with Alicent after she proved her love for him in such a big way, but I'd also like to see some good moments with Helaena and especially with his kids, not just to show why he'd be willing to spare Aegon the Younger and Gaemon Pale-hair with his apparent softness for children, but also to an add an extra gut punch in how good everything was going before it goes to shit. And I don't think he'll likely lash out at Alicent or Helaena for anything, since a) Blood and Cheese is gonna happen pretty soon in season 2 and b) there'd be no reason to. Aegon's gonna be nearly as destroyed as Helaena from what happened (and I don't think even he would start castigating his brokenminded wife for how she handled an atrocious situation while in fear for her life, and certainly not his mother who was attacked and then bound and gagged in order to prevent her from interfering at all), and even the source material specifies that he wasn't being cruel to Helaena, he just wasn't capable of providing comfort to her, both because she was just so mentally debilitated by what happened and also because of his own grief. I think if he lashes out at anyone, it'll be Aemond. Speaking of Aemond...
One thing I absolutely want to see is more of Aemond and Aegon. I've talked about them a bit as we've seen in season 1 in the aforementioned Aegon posts, but let's talk about season 2 and what I want. First things first, I want them to expand on the fact that, in the book, Aegon was the only one who wasn't upset with Aemond after Storm's End. I want to see him don his big brother hat and try, in his clumsy way, to attempt to comfort him, to point out that it's not so bad that he killed Luke, and hey he got the Baratheons over to their side so that's good. I want him to take Aemond at his word that it was an accident, to throw him that feast as an Aegon-style attempt to make him feel better. Because I want their relationship to be at its highest point we've seen in the narrative before it comes crashing down. Blood and Cheese is gonna be seen, in universe, as Aemond's fault, and I want that to really fuck with Aegon for a while. I definitely want the family to stand together in the immediate aftermath of it, like from the moment it happens until whatever funeral they hold with Jahaerys, and I'd really like to see Aemond try to be a comfort to his siblings (as I've written in fic, he should tell Aegon, he should be the one to do it) while dealing with his guilt in the process. But as Aegon, as F&B says, drinks and rages and drinks, I want him to start turning over in his mind the fact that it was Aemond's killing of Luke that prompted this horrible thing to happen to his wife, to his children, and I want him to blame Aemond, to his face. To call him kinslayer, to say that he holds him responsible, and I especially want one of those scenes where person A (Aegon) beats person B (Aemond) into the ground while person B refuses to fight back because they think they deserve it. Mayhaps a bit hokey (even tho this show did the stupid White Hart which is peak hokey) but if that beatdown ends with Aegon weeping like a child about the whole thing because he's really just grieving and needs an outlet, that'd be great too.
And crucially, I want Aegon's involvement at Rook's Rest to be a surprise. The source material is oddly explicit in the fact that, if it was only Meleys vs Vhagar, she'd have a chance, but it was adding in Sunfyre that ended up being her doom. So I want it to be primarily Aemond and Criston's plan, and Aemond's prepared to essentially have a kamikaze attack, taking Meleys and Rhaenys down even if it kills him, and maybe it gets close, and then suddenly, in swoops Aegon on Sunfyre. Unexpected but he's there, and he's saving Aemond from Rhaenys and Sunfyre is incurring grievous wounds in the process, before the final plunge happens that kills Rhaenys and injures Aegon. And then, after the attempts at highs after Storm's End and the deep lows of the Blood and Cheese aftermath and the slow attempt to build back up to something normal, when Aegon swoops in to save his little brother and finds himself incapacitated, that's when he names Aemond his Prince Regent. And that's when Aemond takes it, as seriously as he can, and why he refuses to call himself king in the meantime, because Aegon trusted him with this, after everything, and he won't let his family down ever again. @ HBO I don't have a minimum salary requirement if you're hiring, just saying.
The Aemond and Aegon stuff is my main wishcast for season 2, and I've written a Blood and Cheese fic that's my ideal interpretation for how the immediate aftermath can go (still want that beatdown tho, just later in the aftermath), and I'm hoping for everything else I'm proven either right or semi-right. Haven't touched on everything I could talk about with Aegon; there's some sex stuff I've alluded to in previous posts that I almost included here but this is already long and it's an incredibly niche reading of the character, but if y'all wanna hear it lemme know.
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tarjapearce · 8 months
Old Friend
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Summary: You meet an old friend in your shopping trip with the family.
Nothing but a slice of life, fluff, bit of angst and a jealous Miguel ~
Whenever it was restock day, Costco or Walmart would be the main places to go.
You'd get the list, Miguel would secure Rosie to his chest, as Benjamin would get inside your cart. Gabi would walk alongside you or her beloved Papa, pushing his cart.
Each would take separate ways, you'd get the meats and veggies, as Miguel would get the rest, powder detergent, cleansing products, and snacks.
"Mama, can I have these?" Benjamin swayed his feet pointing at the  colorful packaging of dinosaur shaped nuggets.
"Course you can, mi niño. Which one you want?"
"I tried the red one last time, I'll get the purple"
Benji's boyish voice echoed around you as you stopped on the frozen meals section.
"Alright, purple it is."
You picked the purple package, a triceratops and a T-Rex on the cover. Then, filled the cart with different sort of meats, Miguel's favorite cuts, hams and of course, lots of canned jalapeños. Orange, pineapple, and cranberry juice, a couple of sodas and finally you got to go to the cereal and coffee aisle.
Miguel was running out of coffee in his office, and back at home you only had a couple of packages. It reminded you the time Miguel nearly had an anxiety attack when he found out he had ran out of the black liquid gold, even in his secret stash.
For some reason the brand he always bought was put on the top shelves. With a huff you looked around to see if there was any ladder, but upon finding none, You stepped on the bottom shelf, trying to get the six pack in the edge, but obviously, you couldn't reach it.
Benjamin giggled when you missed, as revenge you smothered his face in kisses, earning you a loud and bubbling squeal.
"Here, let me." A deep voice rumbled behind you. Your eyes widened at the all too familiar face before you. Reaching effortlessly for the coffee packaging.
"Richard" you mumbled while taking the package, to then put it on the cart.
"Hey" His hand waved softly. Clad in a hoodie, bermudas and sneakers. A little gold band hugging his ring finger. Dull, as his overall aura.
Despite the years coming through, he hadn't lost his kind green eyes. Some wrinkles adorned his matured face. Ricky was only two years older than you, and still had some white hairs poking out here and there.
He sported a short and well trimmed beard, hair parted and neatly arranged to a side. His eyes darted to the boy that undoubtedly resembled alot like you, except for his curious big and round red-ish eyes.
"Whose this little champ?" The smile on his face was coy, but genuine.
"It's my boy, Benjamin."
A proud beam stretched on your face as your hand caressed Benjamin's head, some of his curls trapping your fingers.
"Nice to meet you, champ." Ricky stretched his hands towards him and Benjamin shook it, a tad nervous.
"He definitely has your curls."
You smiled, eyes diverting behind him, ready to meet his partner but, there was none, just his half cart full of car appliances, some diary products and snacks.
"My goodness, you have a beard now."
Ricky chuckled and scratched it. He was a handsome man, undoubtedly. Good and well worked physique. Lean muscles, athletic and healthy looking. Green eyes a shade darker than green apples, pretty lips you liked biting and a healthy tan on his skin, despite him being a pale guy. A couple of freckles adorned his nose.
"And you've got a kid now." there was a bit of disbelief in his tone.
"Three actually. Funny how we ended up doing the things we always said we wouldn't do right away."
Richard gave a soft laugh.
"At least we look good. And I'm sure you're a great mom. How long has it been?"
"I don't know, I suck at math. But I do know it's more than ten years." You pushed the cart to get the cereals and naturally he helped you to get them. Eyes looking for Miguel in every chance you had.
"How have you been?" He tensed a bit at the question, not expecting your openness to talking so casually, specially when your finger shone with a golden band. He graduated college and never saw you again, until now. Gentle and caring as always. You hadn't changed, and he was glad.
"As usual. Existing, trying to keep myself afloat after, uh... my divorce." His mouth pressed in a tight line, green eyes looked away for a second, unable to meet your stare. Ashamed.
Your eyes blinked at his reply. Clearly surprised by such thing. Face falling with worry. "I'm sorry to hear that."
Richard shook his head, and gave a nonchalant shrug.
"Things happen. It's one of those situations that get your eyes open for good." Ricky rubbed his neck awkwardly and you offered a little reassure with a hand on his shoulder, patting it softly.
"Hey, you've got this. I know it's been a while, but I'm sure your problem solving skills are still top notch."
Hw chuckled, almost sympathetic at himself, "I don't even know anymore, if I'm honest. But if you say so."
The voices in the aisles kept indistinct, each in their own world, mingling with the upbeat background music.
"Also... I'm sorry." His eyes remained on yours. Something he'd always do when speaking truthfully.
Your brow quirked, "Whatever for?"
Ricky's hands squeezed the insides of his pockets as he spoke.
"For breaking up with you. Specially like that. It was a d-" He caught his tongue before continuing with the french before Benjamin, "It was wrong of me."
You could only stare at him, and he recoiled further in his spot, shoulders hunched, eyes on the floor.
"If something's worth saying, I... divorced cause my mom also ruined it for me."
You frowned, confused and he shook his head.
"So I cut ties, went to therapy and yeah." He reached out for a three pack of granola for himself, and another for you after you pointed at the brand.
"I'm sorry, I'm kind of confused as to why would you think I'd be happy to know something awful happened to you, Richard?"
Richard's brow puckered. You really hadn't changed at all. Even after he dumped you a few days before Christmas eve.
"I... don't know? Thought you'd hold a grudge for what I did."
"A grudge?" You tittered and this threw him off guard, "Not to sound mean or anything, but I didn't even remember what had happened until now. You know I'm forgetful."
You both chuckled as he nodded.
"Yeah, kinda wondered if you'd lose your head too if it wasn't attached to your body."
You gasped while mocking offense, "That was rude."
You grabbed a couple of cereal boxes Benjamin pointed at.
"But true. In all seriousness, I'm glad that at least something great came after me. Is he a good man?, wait..." He shook his head softly, "Stupid question Of course he is, you married him."
You beamed and this made his chest swell in a mix of happiness and pride. You deserved it after all he also put you through.
"You'll find someone, I know so." It always made him wondered why he was stupid like that to allow his mother come in between.
"I'll give myself a couple of years to heal first. Wanna make sure I don't repeat things over."
It was your turn to get that pride sensation in your chest. Knowing he was making a good progress out of his mother's shadow also made you happy. You out of everyone knew how hard it was like.
"Hope they're ready to listen country music nonstop in your car." He rolled his eyes.
"I know you hated the genre, that's why I always played them"
Your lips pursed with faked anger as he tittered, however, Ricky cleared his throat off the laughing upon watching a behemoth of a man, approaching from behind. Red eyes set on him. A shudder crawled on his skin as he gulped. The baby on his chest did little to appease the intimidating aura around him.
"Mama!" Gabi came to you with an excited face as she showed you her new acquisition. A purple and glittery cover for her phone.
"Qué lindo! Do they have it in blue too?" (How cute!)
"Nah, it was the last one, Papa said this would match with my room too."
Said Papa hugged you from behind, and kissed your temple, red eyes never left him. Ricky gave Miguel a polite smile as he backed away a few steps. Miguel's strong features only turned sharper. It would be a lie to say if Ricky wasn't surprised and intimidated.
Surprised cause you hugged Miguel's narrow waist, a pleased and proud purr emanated from his chest. Loud enough for only you to hear it.
The man before him screamed danger a mile ago. But also, explained lots of things. Like Benjamin's eyes.
"Richard, this is my husband. Miguel O'Hara."
Ricky hesitated for a second, but stretched his hands towards him, big tan hands easily enveloped his in a firm shake.
"Nice to meet you." His nervous smile was like fuel to your husband's ego.
Miguel acknowledged him with a brief nod, eyes not tearing away from him. A quiet She's mine in his eyes.
"Richard and I used to go at the same college. Oh! This is my eldest daughter, Gabriella. And my youngest baby, Rosie."
Gabi smiled politely while holding onto Miguel's hips.
"You have a beautiful family." His green eyes stared at an ever curious Rosie that gazed back at him. Miguel's shoulder's tensed when Rosie gave Ricky a smile.
"Thanks, You'll be fine though. Things take time, but, It all comes together somehow. Just be patient. I'm glad you're doing good on your own." Again, you patted his shoulder, he just gave you a small but genuine smile. Miguel's guts churned as his jaw clenched.
Ricky left after saying his goodbyes, not wanting to impose his presence any further.
"Gabibi, mi amor, can you get the food cart to the line, please?"
"Okay. Don't take too long, please?"
Gabriella took the cart as Benjamin showed her his nuggets, leaving you and Miguel with Rosie alone.
"Alright, interrogation can start now." You chuckled and Miguel pulled you by your waist towards him, ebbing you to walk a few steps before giving a firm slap on your rear.
"Miguel!" you hushed, flustered while looking around to see of there were people and he smirked.
"Wanted to do that before that guy, but that wouldn't be too polite of me, wouldn't it?"
You kissed his cheek, but he quickly corrected the place and pecked your lips.
"That's better. Who was he anyway?"
"My ex from college."
He just hummed and it was your turn to return the squeeze, he chuckled, "Relax. He just got divorced and obviously not having a good time."
"Too bad." He shrugged, a bit nonchalant and you deadpanned.
"Don't be mean. You were scaring him on purpose."
"Obvio. Still, forgot to thank him." (Obviously)
You chuckled as you approached to the line, Gabi waved at you both.
"Thank him?"
"Well, he let you go, and I wouldn't have met you in the first place. So thanks to that."
"Well, he's there on the other line, go tell him."
You teased, but to your surprise Miguel stepped away from the beeline and was walking towards Richard.
"W-Wait! Miguel!" You had skip a few steps to catch him and pull him back to spot, he smirked while pulling you tighter towards him.
"Don't tempt me, mi reina."
"God, I swear. You're-"
"Your husband, mi amor." He smirked, satisfied at his own title in your life.
"A jealous one."
He leaned to your ear and whispered, "Espérate que lleguemos a casa. No te la vas a acabar conmigo, mi reina." (Wait till we get home. You'll see what's up.)
Gabriella rolled her eyes at the flirty atmosphere around you and covered Benjamin's eyes.
"You're too young to see that."
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ikaroux · 2 years
Learn to love yourself
Synopsis: There are things about you that you can hate. Curves that are too pronounced. A face that is too round. A more self-effacing character. And you sometimes wonder, "Why did he choose me?"
Style: female reader, Cute, sweet, loving, reassuring, established relationship.
Alert: None.
Characters: Venti, Dainsleif, Ayato.
Note: I love writing about Venti, especially since I started writing "Before the Sun and Moon." I know this character isn't necessarily the most beloved of the boys, and I won't hide the fact that Diluc is still number one in my heart. Nevertheless, I hope to make him more attractive to you… On the other hand, it's quite short, but I appreciate having written for these three characters.
Part 1: Diluc Zhongli Kaeya Xiao
Part 2: Albedo, Kazuha, Tartaglia/Childe
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Sitting in front of your dressing table, your eyes stared at that large brown spot with no distinct shape imprinted on your neck since birth. You hated it, you always did… Not only were you born with it, but it was in a place that was nearly impossible for you to cover, except in the winter when you wore turtlenecks. Of course, you tried to use makeup to hide this birthmark, but despite your best efforts, it was impossible to cover it completely.
Your frustration and discomfort had intensified when you met Venti. Over the months, he had become so dear to your heart. So gentle and loving, making you feel beautiful and loved. You had done everything to hide this flaw from him, for fear that it would disgust him… But Venti was the kind of man who liked physical contact, and he often wondered why you always wore something around your neck, preventing him from placing teasing kisses on it. But he never forced you to respond, showing patience and restraint.
Caressing your birthmark with your fingertip, your mind wandering in the twists and turns of your imagination, you didn't notice that your boyfriend had come in through your bedroom window, as he so often did with his anemo vision. When you felt lips brush against your ear, a gasp almost made you fall off the stool you were sitting on as your hand reflexively came to cover your neck.
"Venti! I already told you not to come in through the window!" The young man laughed as usual, apologizing without much conviction as his aqua green eyes seemed to be drawn to what your hand was hiding.
"What are you hiding from me my dove?"
"I-I- Nothing at all! Go wait for me in the living room!" Venti did not move as you asked, instead tilting his head to the side when he caught the tremor in your voice.
"What are you so afraid of, my sweet spring? Don't tell me someone has hurt you?" Venti walked over to you, settling behind your back, his hands firmly on your tense shoulders. When you looked at his face in the reflection of the mirror, something unusual caught your eye… His eyes and the tips of his pigtails were glowing with an intense glow, identical to that of his anemo vision. Anger seemed to be what had triggered this strange reaction.
"No one hurt me… I-" You lowered your head, tightening your grip on your neck. It was then that tender arms encircled your chest as Venti's face rested on the hollow of your shoulder.
"So tell me what you're afraid of. I love you my dove, you know you can tell me anything."
"I don't want to put you off me…" Venti moved slightly away from you, his bewildered eyes staring at you as if you had just said the stupidest thing in the world. You turned your face toward him, your lips close to his. Your hand trembled against your skin, hesitant to move against his gaze. "I love you Venti, I don't want to lose you. You're the best thing that ever happened to me in my life. Try to understand me…" Venti sighed, delicately moving closer to you to place a tender but brief kiss on your lips. As soon as he pulled away, the young man rested his forehead against your shoulder, his arms tightening their grip around you.
"It's more like I should be afraid of losing you. There's so much about me that you don't know… That could scare you or worse, make you hate me. Believe me when I tell you that you are more precious to me than anything else in the world. You will never keep me away from you. Never." Tears welled up in your eyes and slowly, carefully, you slid your hand down your neck, revealing the mark that painted your skin. You closed your eyes, waiting for your lover's reaction. You felt him move behind you before the warmth of his lips kissed your birthmark, making you flinch slightly. "You are beautiful, Y/N. More beautiful than anything I've ever seen. Sweeter than any poem I've ever heard or sung. I'm so glad I met you." And before he could give you time to respond, he held you closer to him, placing eager kisses on your neck, letting only a few moans escape your lips. Venti accepted you completely, carving out a place in your heart that would be reserved for him forever. You hoped that one day he too would be able to face his fears and open up to you…
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"Did you see how skinny she is." Whispered a passerby to her friend.
"Yes, how awful!"
"Don't tell me that the handsome blond guy with her is her boyfriend?"
"No way!" Sneered the stranger.
Dainsleif turned around to face the two women who were openly criticizing you, his cool gaze and poise silencing them immediately. He proudly took your hand to lead you away from the atmosphere that he knew was making you sadder than ever.
Dainsleif was not always present at your side, too busy fighting the abyss and protecting the world you lived in. He always expressed his affection, his love for you. But you couldn't help thinking that these women were right… You were too thin, wiry, nothing attractive to men. Dainsleif was… well he was perfect. An angelic face, blond hair framing his jaw perfectly, blue eyes that seemed to hold a deep, quiet ocean, a beautifully sculpted body…
"Don't pay attention to what they say." Dain muttered softly as he continued to walk quietly, his hand still firmly holding yours.
"Why? You know it's the truth. I don't need them to know that my body is… Hideous. I don't even know what attracted you to me in the first place." Dainsleif paused, slowly turning to face you, his gaze still soft when it came to you. His free hand came to rest on your cheek, his thumb tenderly caressing your skin.
"I love your eyes." He said softly, his caresses extending to your eyelid. "I love your nose." The warmth of his finger ran along the bridge of your nose until it reached your mouth, his thumb lovingly brushing your bottom lip. "I love your lips." His hand planted itself on the back of your neck, drawing you into a sudden, deep kiss, eliciting soft moans between breaths. "I love your voice." Finally, he gently placed his forehead against yours, keeping his hand in your hair. Closing your eyes, you both savored this tender moment. "Do you need a reason to love someone? I love you for who you are, not for what others think of you. I absolutely love every part of your body, every part of your soul." And you knew that Dainsleif spoke sincerely, he was a man who never lied, his sincerity and honesty could sometimes be hurtful, but always helped you move on. More than that, Dainsleif had helped you learn to love yourself step by step, even if it wasn't always easy, even if the looks on your face kept tearing you apart from the inside, as long as he stayed by your side, the world would keep turning.
"I love you Dain." A rare frank smile stretched his features as he pulled you closer to him.
"I love you Y/N." Such simple words yet brimming with emotion when spoken by him. Dainsleif held you in his arms for a long time, kissing every part of your face that your proximity allowed him to reach. Ignoring the regular passage of strangers, their curious eyes gazing at your two bodies tenderly entangled against each other.
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Ayato was the very personification of perfection. He was an upright man, always elegant, always polite, always discreet… A clan leader leading the cultural commission with a masterful hand. When he spoke, people listened, when he fought, it was always with elegance and determination. However, Ayato had sides that he preferred to hide from others, even from his sister. Manipulative, cunning, ingenious, hiding behind his false smiles his real intentions. Only in front of you could he show himself… The trust and love he had for you made you so happy and yet… You were infuriatingly clumsy. Appearances in Inazuma were something essential in society, the slightest slip could bring shame and dishonor to a clan… Slipping on a stone in public. Spilling a cup of tea. Breaking a precious object. Ayato always stood behind you, catching your blunders. You were so ashamed of yourself. So ashamed to embarrass him in front of those who held him in respect.
You were a burden in his life…
Little by little, you began to refuse to accompany him to official dinners or meetings with other clan leaders, using any excuse to justify your absence from his side. But Ayato wasn't blind, watching your every reaction with sadness. He wanted to wait for you to make the first move to confide in him, which you never did… You were pulling away from him, and he couldn't stand that.
"Y/N, how about coming with me to this new restaurant they opened in town? They serve some strange drinks there that I would love to try."
"Not tonight Ayato, I have to visit a sick friend." Ayato watched you out of the corner of his eye, putting on his gloves with more rigor than he wanted.
"You don't have any sick friends." He said simply, pulling on his white jacket over his shirt, consciously ignoring the stiffness in your body at his words. "I asked Thomas to watch you when I couldn't. I was worried about your change in attitude. Why are you avoiding me Y/N? I'd rather you tell me if I've done anything that might have hurt you than watch you grow further and further away from me." You remained silent, clenching your fists in your lap. Ayato sighed loudly, his arms falling heavily at his sides. "Do you still love me?" He asked in a quavering voice, fear soaking into it like ink on paper.
"Of course!"
"Then why do I feel like I'm losing you?" Ayato finally turned to you, his face marked by loneliness and anxiety. "Tell me what I've done, and I promise to do everything I can to make it up to you. I love you and-I don't want to see you walk away from me again."
"You didn't do anything wrong! I'm the one who… I'm embarrassing you with my clumsiness. I feel… Unworthy of you." You lowered your head, hiding the feeling of humiliation that invaded you behind your closed eyelids. Ayato seemed to want to remain silent, his blue eyes watching you carefully. How could he let you think that about yourself? Did you really think you were beneath him? Ayato felt hurt… Not because of you, no, but because of his own incompetence. Wasn't it him who didn't deserve you? After all, he hadn't been able to immediately see the distress his status had caused you. Hesitantly, he slowly approached you, kneeling beside you and lifting your chin to him with his fingertip.
"Forgive me for not understanding what was wrong…" Your eyes glistened with tears that you refused to let fall. "I love your clumsiness. I love your innocence as well as your pure naivety. All these parts of you melt my heart. It doesn't matter what other people think… Did you ever notice my amusement when you spilled your tea on one of the clansmen?" A tear rolled down your cheek as a soft smile stretched your lips. "Or the tenderness in my eyes when you caught yourself on my arm when you were about to fall? Ayato placed a soft kiss on your forehead. "Oh, and that day when you broke a Kujou clan vase. If I hadn't had my younger sister by my side, I don't think I would have been able to keep my urge to laugh out loud locked inside me." Said he, starting to laugh as he reviewed the images flashing through his head. A blush warmly invaded your cheeks as you tugged on the sleeve of his coat, laughing softly with him.
"It's-It's okay I get it! You can stop right there!" Ayato slowly stopped laughing, affection evident in his eyes focused on you.
"I love you my precious Y/N. Don't turn away from me. You bring so much joy to my life… More than I could ever feel. Don't be ashamed of yourself, because I absolutely love all sides of you." He placed a tender kiss on your lips before rising to his feet, reaching out to help you. "Well, how about we go taste this drink that seems to be all the rage?"
"D-Don't come complaining if I spill my drink on you!" A wry smile spread across his face.
"I wouldn't complain, considering you'll be the one to clean me up." The man made you stammer incoherent words, the red on your cheeks spreading to your ears. "Perhaps I should force this inevitable fate and bring about the catastrophe?" Ayato brought your hand to his lips, a mischievous smile on his face.
"You wouldn't dare!?" A squeak escaped your lips as he pulled you outside the Kamisato domain, lovingly intertwining his fingers with yours…
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markantonys · 11 months
My Mom Reacts To: wheel of time season 2 episodes 1-4 (season 1)
episode 1
"if i had to carry water all that way for a bath, i'd get a smaller bathtub" you know what? that is a very fair point. just get a smaller tub, moiraine!
mom, #1 Lan Stan: so, he doesn't have any powers, right? except cunning and strength and loyalty of course me: of course
mom: so liandrin wants nynaeve to become red because she........doesn't want her to have a warder? me doing a great aes sedai truth-telling: nynaeve is really powerful so liandrin wants to recruit her for her own team
my dad predicted moiraine was scamming bayle domon and loved it when it was revealed that she was. as always, not too much commentary from him because he remains silent and seems to not be paying attention for most of the time, only to randomly come out with a completely correct prediction or read on a scene.
"i don't think it's true that neat and tidy things can't be worthwhile 🙄" clearly my mom subscribes more to the Egwene School Of Thought than to the Alanna School Of Thought
lan to moiraine after she is Mean to him: make dinner yourself mom: GOOD FOR YOU
when lan brings her the plate later and puts it on top of the maps: "what if he gets greasy food all over her maps?"
"ugh i hate dark scenes where i can't see anything" [scary fade appears] "okay maybe it's good that i can't see"
episode 2
my mom got all confused about rand's dream of him killing his friends and wondered at first if it was real, please pray for her when tel'aran'rhiod is introduced later
"HE'S BALD??????" all of us when we first saw s2 rand's new look djkfgjh
"they must like him here if he gets free food" my boy, beloved wherever he goes :')
she wasn't particularly fond of mat last season, but he's gotten quite a few laughs so far this season! (notably the moment when we ALL fell in love with New Mat, when he was miming liandrin locking the door)
she gave an annoyed TUH! at elayne dissing egwene's room, but didn't comment further, possibly because i'd just told her 20 seconds earlier that elayne was my favorite character and she didn't want to offend me jdkfgh
she was like "wait, is she blue or green???" during a scene where alanna was wearing a slightly-darker-than-normal green outfit, so i think it was definitely a good call by the show to dress aes sedai in their ajah colors always. hard to keep track otherwise!
after moiraine had her hand on her knife when verin revealed she knew about the dragon: "what was she gonna do?? just stab her right in front of all the others??? that's ridiculous!" djkfjg points were made! poor moiraine just kinda panicked and lost all her braincells for a moment there.
my mom was a randgwene shipper last season so i thought she was gonna be pissed about rand hooking up with a strange new woman whilst egwene mourns his death, but she has not said a single word about that situation yet! i did once catch her reading lanfear's wiki article which she'd gotten onto after reading lan's because "i just want to know what happens to him and i'm not going to read all those books" so maybe she retained some info from lanfear's article that made her suspect something fishy with selene?
she recognized min from s1 right away and hastened to add her to her handwritten character list, when other characters needed a couple scenes to get that honor, and i remember she laughed a lot at min's lines last season and she did again today. guys, if my mom becomes a min stan, i may never recover lmao (i'm mostly kidding, show!min has done nothing wrong and is cool. MOSTLY kidding.)
re: the list, i told her she wasn't allowed to google and print out a list of characters because she would see spoilers, only to accidentally spoil her myself last season by instinctively writing liandrin's name down in the "bad guys" column and making her ask "wait, so she's ACTUALLY a villain, not just mean??", rip (but i played it off as "oh she's just unfriendly to moiraine so that's why i put her there" so we shall see whether or not she ends up being surprised by the black ajah reveal)
when min was saying how she sees glimpses of the pattern, my mom made a connection to perrin seeing the past earlier, which i thought was very interesting! (since we hadn't yet learned that what he saw was actually a sending from the wolves.) min's viewings and wolfbrothers are the two major magical powers that have nothing to do with the one power, and it always minorly bugged me that they don't Fit In to the rest of the magic system (despite my apparently-hypocritical mocking of people who get hung up on lore rules etc haha), so i just thought it was neat to think of them in conjunction with each other.
mom, shocked and dismayed: MAT'S GOING TO KILL RAND???????? me: [vibrating with glee over The Great Cauthor Stabbening]
when nynaeve is taken to the arches: "so is she getting a promotion?"
there was some line during the moiraine-lan divorce that got a big offended gasp from our #1 Lan Stan, but i forget which one it was (it wasn't "we were never equals" it was an earlier one)
my dad just laughed when they first showed suroth and her redonkulus getup jkjfg the correct reaction to the pomp and ceremony of seanchan high blood
episode 3
when the aes sedai were saying nynaeve was ready to take the test my mom was like "NO SHE ISN'T!!!!" and was pressed about them rushing her into it
during the bandit attack in the test: "boy, i wouldn't want to live in this world!"
when nynaeve left the tower my mom was like "is this what happens in the books?!" and i couldn't reveal yet that it was still part of the test so i just instinctively said "you'll see" which is my response to everything, and she was like "no i won't, i'm not reading all these books" lmao
my dad during the version of mashiara playing during the lanaeve reunion: why is "somewhere over the rainbow" playing
sheriam: she wasn't ready mom: THAT'S WHAT I SAID!!!!!!!!!!!
she was genuinely very upset for a moment because she thought nynaeve was dead, but i think she then guessed pretty quickly that It Ain't Over Yet
scene transition from nynaeve being left in the arches over to the seanchan: "we're going from bad to worse!"
i was dithering over uno's impending death because i didn't want to spoil them but i thought my mom might want a trigger warning, and thankfully my dad went "that horn looks like it's in a dangerous spot" when they first made uno kneel, so i was all clear to say "yeah this is about to get gory" lmao
my dad wondered if suroth was the dark one which fascinated me! i think everyday negroes had the same thought, iirc. i guess it IS the logical conclusion when you know that ishy is the dark one's right-hand man and in this scene we see him being suroth's right-hand man!
my mom thought elayne might be evil or a spy! how could she! i guess she isn't accustomed to wheel of time strangers just being friendly without an ulterior motive djkfg i didn't outright say her theory was wrong because i'm not about to be a booksplainer, but i'm sure i was so visibly baffled at the idea of elayne being evil that i shot down the theory nonetheless haha
when liandrin goes to visit mat again: "how does she have time for all this? she has her sick son, she has mat, and she has whatever else she does at the tower"
when liandrin blames mat for nynaeve's death: "this lady is CRAZY!!"
mat's "is that an 'i'm here to murder you' stare or a 'light i never realized how handsome you are' stare" line was a big hit! love to see my boy getting some appreciation in this house
...............which he promptly squandered when he a) initially left his cell without freeing min too, and b) did not go comfort egwene. but i pointed out that liandrin's been psychologically tormenting him for months into thinking his friends are better off without him, because i couldn't bear to see them judge my boy!
"it's like we're in 18th century france!" was the first thing out of my mom's mouth when they went to the cairhienin party, i'm sure the costume designers would be thrilled!
mom: how did this lady from the poor district get them into a fancy party? and how could she afford these clothes? 🤨 me: 🤷👀
when logain pours out the wine: "AFTER ALL RAND'S HARD WORK TO GET IT!!"
why did my dad laugh when the inn was on fire jdkfg maybe he just likes to see rand have a bad time
mom: jeez, maybe rand shouldn't stay in other people's houses anymore me: i'm sure rand's thinking the same thing
mom at the end of the test: it's so sad that they keep getting glimpses of the nice lives they could've had 😔
episode 4
mom 2 seconds before the camera reveals who the visitor is: is her little sister moiraine? [camera shows moiraine] mom: I GUESSED SOMETHING FOR ONCE
"it's pretty rude to show up to someone's house and then say 'i don't have time to hang out with you'!"
selene: the fire wasn't your fault rand mom: well it kinda was actually
there was some moment where my dad referred to "sneezing and burning down an inn, or whatever he did" and it killed me, i wish i could remember the context bc it was even funnier in context
"i speak with the amyrlin every time i open my mouth" was also a hit! as was perrin asking if he would turn into a wolf and elyas saying "don't be stupid"
mom when moiraine waltzes into the foregate dressed to the nines: i thought she wanted to keep a low profile
just earlier that day we'd been bemoaning the lack of pockets in women's clothing, as one does, so my mom was like "[delighted] now THAT'S a pocket!" when moiraine fit a whole-ass knife into the pocket of her fancy dress. WOT costumers understand the importance of giving girls pockets! lanfear's outfits have a lot too
my dad said "she seems like a bad guy" about selene during the mountaintop scene, he been knew! but he ended up falling asleep and missing the reveal that he was right
meanwhile, mom: "i'm just waiting for a monster to crawl up that cliff and get them"
when alanna & co go through lan's bags to get the poem: "aww, i thought they were his friends! 😔"
mom: too bad moiraine won't just ask her sister about rand, she talked to him at the party! anvaere: so if you want to know where that redheaded boy is, you'll have to ask me very nicely over tea mom: [just as smug as anvaere]
when ishy shows up at min's room: "how is he EVERYWHERE????"
she didn't seem TOO surprised when liandrin attacked the girls, and she clocked that liandrin was working for ishy after this scene with min (or rather, she asked me if that was the case and i said "you'll see")
she let out the fondest chuckle when rand was like "[choking back tears] i'm going to leave now, thank you" he is BABY YOUR HONOR!!!
as the Lanfear Reveal started my mom said "i just knew she was evil" so that must be why she was so silent on the relationship and so un-judgmental of rand, she must've clocked selene's Bad Vibes from the start! or else she retained something from reading lanfear's wiki article a while back lmao
even so, she went "OH MY GOSH!!!!" and clapped her hands over her mouth in shock when moiraine slit lanfear's throat, which i think is one of her biggest reactions to anything in either season so far! the initial stabbing, zero reaction, but the followup throat-slitting, freakout.
the "i'm a monster too" line + Undead Lanfear Moment has her CONVINCED that forsaken are some kind of creatures or zombies, i'm trying to explain they're just humans who are really powerful and evil haha
at the final shot of lanfear: "i'm going to have nightmares! i'll have to go read my murder mystery to calm down before bed." duality of woman
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fuctacles · 9 months
The best date that never happened
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for @steddiemicrofic's prompt "pine". This is part 4 of the accidental AU i only write for random challenges now apparently.
508 | G | no cw | they say the b word!!!
1 / 2 / 3
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Steve was moping. He’s been planning another round of holiday preparations with Eddie, but he ditched him at the last minute, claiming something important has come up. What could be more important than picking up a Christmas tree?
And maybe a cup of hot chocolate while they maybe walk around the stores brainstorming gifts for little shitheads, too.
Okay, yes, he was hoping to turn it into an impromptu date, sue him.
He had this perfect sneaky date day fully formed in his head for a week and now he had to go alone. While he wasn’t angry at Eddie, the bitter feeling wouldn’t leave him. Even the new Wham! couldn’t compare to Eddie's chatter if he was walking alongside him. He would comment on how creepy the nutcrackers on the display were, and how the hot chocolate could use more marshmallows. 
He passes dads with measuring tape and kids whipping each other with abandoned twigs. Everyone is looking for the perfect tree in their own way. 
Except for him. His perfect way would include Eddie. Or Robin, at least. But he wasn’t ready for her opinions right now. 
Over the Christmas chatter, a familiar voice broke out. He whipped his head around to look for the under-conditioned, beloved mop of hair, but all he could see was a Santa hat. Confused, he looked further, but the person in the hat started waving. With no more prompting needed, he jogged over.
The boy’s cocky smile turned into a startled laugh when Steve ran into him and hugged him tightly, lifting him off the ground.
“Did you ditch me to play dress-up?” he asks incredulously after they part, pulling on the white pompom of his hat.
“Yeah, Jeff’s family needed an extra pair of hands at the last minute. I’m sorry for canceling our plans, but…” He perks up immediately, mischief in his eyes, as he pulls Steve deeper into the green maze. “I was told I could pick one tree for myself, but we both know there’s no space in the trailer for this, so I thought, what better way to abuse my newfound power to save a tree for my boy- My- My boy,” he settles on after a moment of stuttering. He squeezes self-consciously on Steve's hand but doesn’t let go. 
They stopped at the back of the fenced-off area, in front of a gorgeous pine tree. Its branches are full and even and the perfect height for Steve's living room. He’s not looking at it.
“Your boy?” he asks teasingly. 
“You are a boy,” Eddie counters. 
“I'd argue that I'm a man, but nobody says ‘manfriend’, do they?”
Eddie is red in the face, and so is Steve, with what he’s about to say.
“So… Boyfriends?”
Their hands are still clasped together, but Eddie smiles down at the ground, kicking stray pebbles.
“Yeah. Do you like it?”
He’s not sure if he’s asking about the tree or the new status of their relationship, but the answer is the same anyway.
“I really do.” 
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ladykailitha · 1 year
Royal Pain Part 4
Hello! I am loving the response for this story. Thank you so much. In this one we get pouty Steve and chaotic Eddie.
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3
To say Steve was vibrating out of his skin would be an understatement. Eddie had really killed it on stage. He was a little unsure about the music itself, but watching Eddie play said music got him on his feet and bouncing to the beat.
The rest of the band was great, too. But Eddie was electric. Like he was born to be in front of an audience. There was a passion to their sound that made all the music on the radio sound rote and boring.
Steve and Robin followed Miranda to the backstage.
The security guy eyed Steve and Robin warily. “Who you got there, Mandy?”
Miranda looked over her shoulder. “They’re with me. They’re friends of Eddie’s.”
The security guards eyes narrowed. “And if I call Eddie, he’ll tell me the same thing?”
Miranda rolled her eyes. “Always so fucking suspicious, Callahan. What you think they’re holding me against my will to get to Eddie?”
Callahan opened his mouth, probably to agree when he felt a hand on his shoulder. He turned around to see Eddie standing there.
“Let them through, Cal,” Eddie growled.
“Right away, man.” He moved aside and let them in.
As they walked Eddie explained, “Sorry about that, for some reason this asshole thinks he’s security for Metallica or some shit.”
They got the “green room” that already had Gethin already with the rest of the band, chilling.
“You were right, Gare,” Eddie said as he strutted into the room. “Cal had them held up in security.”
Gareth rolled his eyes. “I thought so. I’ve talked to management about getting someone else to do door duty, but they think he’s the best.” He waved his hands sarcastically.
Steve snorted. “I was at a store like that once,” he said moving further into the room. “Was so sure being extra super cautious was better anything else, because anything else was just being lazy.”
“Yes!” Brian said. “He gets it!”
Steve smiled.
Robin grinned at him, “Was this Scoops or Family Video?”
Every head in the room turned to Steve and Robin.
“Wait, wait, wait,” Eddie said. “Do you mean to tell me that you two lovely individuals worked at Scoops? In those ridiculous little sailor outfits?”
Robin and Steve looked at each other and shrugged.
“Yeah,” Robin said. “Steve hated the hat.”
“My hair was too thick for it sit properly on my head,” Steve grumbled, “so the damn thing kept falling off!”
Robin smirked and eyed him sidelong. “And you’re sure it had nothing to do to the fact that you thought it hid your best feature and you couldn’t get any bitches?”
The whole room laughed as Steve blushed. “Snitch.”
Robin laughed. “Love you, babe.”
Steve stuck out his tongue at her before turning to the room. “You guys all coming out to drinks with us?”
Eddie saluted. “All cleared for drinking. Except are dearly beloved designated drivers, Gareth and Miranda.”
Steve grinned. “Great! Robin and I took an Uber here, so we don’t worry about who’s driving home tonight.”
Everyone nodded.
“You two are going with Jeff and Miranda,” Gareth explained. “And Gethin is coming with the rest of us.”
Steve felt a pool of disappointment settle in his stomach. But he could see the logic in the match up.
“Sounds great!” Robin said cheerfully, bumping Steve’s shoulder with her own.
Eddie winked at Steve. “Don’t worry, big boy, we’ll have plenty of time to socialize once we get to the club.”
Steve had suggested a nearby club for their after party because the last thing he wanted to do was try to get to know Eddie better surrounded by people that judge the ever-loving fuck out of him. Because yeah, Steve loved giving stereotypes the middle finger, but he wasn’t immune to the snide remarks and sneering looks he got from people on the regular.
So he was really relieved when Eddie agreed to the change in location. He just assumed he would be going with Eddie to club and was a little cross when he found out they weren’t. He tried not to let it bother him as they all walked out to the parking lot.
Robin bumped his shoulder again, clocking his mood immediately. He smiled at her, but he knew it was weak. God, he was such a loser. He was quiet in the car as they drove to the club. Standing in line, his mood started to improve as Eddie turned his full attention on Steve.
“So what did you think of the music, Stevie?” Eddie asked once they lined up.
Steve thought about lying and saying how much he loved it, but he knew that would only get him into trouble later.
“I’m not really familiar with the genre to know for sure,” he said instead. “I would love for you to educate me though, broaden my horizons a bit.”
Which was apparently the right thing to say because everyone was nodded their approval.
Eddie positively beamed at him. “I’d love that! When would you like to meet up for that?”
Steve laughed delightedly. “Sundays are a no go, I have dinner with Dustin and his wife Suzie, but I close up my shop every day at eight. So really any time after that.”
Eddie grinned. “Is Monday at nine okay? What time do you open in the morning?”
“I don’t open until ten,” Steve said brightly, “so nine on Monday sounds fantastic, we can order in and make night of it.”
Eddie bounced on the balls of his feet excitedly. “I’m so there. Text me your address.”
Steve pulled out his phone and did just that. “There you go.”
Eddie pulled out his own phone and smiled at the new message. “There I am.”
Behind him Gareth and Gethin were making gagging noises.
Jeff smacked the back of both of their heads. “Ignore the children. Their mother didn’t raise them right.”
Robin laughed as Steve shook his head.
“It’s like Dustin and Mike all over again,” he said, resigned.
“Who’s Mike and Dustin or Dustin and Mike or whatever?” Brian asked.
Eddie bounced up and down. “Ooh, ooh! You’re going to love this Bri! Dustin and Mike are Nog and Tayr respectively.”
Brian’s eyes nearly bulged out of his head. “No way! You know Nog and Tayr?”
Steve scratched his cheek and half shrugged. “If those are their D&D characters then sure, I’ve known them for ages.”
“Stevie here used to babysit them!” Eddie said excitedly.
Steve blushed. “More like made sure they didn’t kill themselves doing some stupid ass shit while their parents worked to make sure they had a roof over their head and food in their bellies. But yeah, good kids.”
They got into the club where the music was loud but not overbearing, the lights were dimly lit but not so dark you couldn’t see and the atmosphere was hopping without being oppressive.
In short, it was Steve’s favorite place to go.
Soon even the Corroded Coffin boys were bobbing their heads to the music as they drank and danced the night away. It was a fun evening that ended too soon if you asked Steve.
But the thought of Eddie coming over on Monday is was kept Steve from pouting all the way to the cars.
“You two are coming with us, pretty boy,” Eddie said with a grin. “Bri and Jeffie and Mandy aaallll live in the same general area so they go home together. Which means Gareth takes you home!”
Gareth who had wisely gotten the address to their apartment before they got drunk off their asses just shook his head fondly. With the help of a mildly tipsy Gethin, the two managed to get the three drunks pilled into the back of the car without much fuss.
Robin wisely sat between the two boys so they wouldn’t do anything they might not recall in the morning as she wasn’t as drunk as they were.
Eddie got dropped off first much to Steve’s chagrin. Robin kept slapping his arm every time he pouted.
Gareth just shook his head every time he caught them in the rear view mirror doing exact that.
Gethin and Robin helped a very ineberiated Steve up the three flight of stairs to their apartment.
Robin thanked Gethin and got Steve into bed. She flopped down next him and murmured. “We are going to regret this in the morning.”
“Not if I don’t wake until noon,” came the mumbled response.
Eddie woke up the next morning with his head pounding a rhythm in his brain that was outside his usual Sunday morning hangover. The place Steve chose for them was outside Corroded Coffin’s usual wheelhouse, but it was fun.
The type of thing that Wayne had suggested he do. He was still planning on going to the park today for some doodling, but last night was good. Really good in fact.
He could tell that Miranda and Robin had become fast friends and he loved that. With Brian and Gareth not having romantic partners, Miranda often felt a little on the outskirts of the band. But if Robin and Steve kept coming to their shows, Miranda would have people to chat with.
He got out of bed and staggered to the bathroom to take a cool shower and shave. Once he felt mildly human again, he made some coffee and had cereal for breakfast.
He cleaned the apartment and did dishes. Once he was satisfied with the state of the place, he pulled on a loose t-shirt that had the sleeves cut off, making sure the tattoo was covered and applied sunscreen, even going as far as to put another bandage over it, to protect it. He just needed to get out and get fresh air, but not at the cost of ruining his brand new tattoo. Then he packed up his drawing pad and art pencils and walked to the nearby park.
It wasn’t really a park. At least not one maintained by the city, but rather a strip of green in an otherwise grey landscape of hell. There were always kids kicking around a soccer ball and teenagers laying on the grass smoking weed.
It was Eddie’s favorite spot to just doodle and people watch. He just let his hand and mind wander as he free-handed a bunch of sketches. He wasn’t sure how long he sat there just enjoying the breeze and the sounds of the city, muted around him.
He felt the growl of his stomach and looked at his watch. He had been sitting there for three hours. Yeah, it was time to eat. He put away his art stuff into his bag and hoisted it up on his shoulders. He felt really lucky today; he didn’t get hit with a soccer ball, he didn’t get harassed by Karens and the cops didn’t come by to scare the teenagers off.
Eddie got the fast food joint and ordered his lunch. He happily munched away while he visited the band’s social media. And if he grinned at the two new followers on their TikTok, Instagram, and Twitter accounts, you didn’t see shit.
He walked back to his apartment and let himself in. He went to go to the bathroom and as he was washing he hands he realized that he had made a grave error.
Eddie had done everything to keep his tattoo safe, but had neglected the rest of him. His cheeks, his shoulders, and the back of his neck were all bright cherry red.
“Fuck, fuck, fuck!”
He dialed Steve up immediately. “Steve, I think I fucked up our appointment this week.”
“What happened?” Steve asked, more worried then disappointed.
“I protected my new tattoo when I went out to draw,” Eddie explained, “but forgot about the rest of me.”
“Let me text you where I’m at,” Steve murmured, “so I can check out the damage and see if we need to reschedule your tattoo appointment, okay?”
“Yeah,” Eddie said letting out a shuddering breath. “Thanks, man. Sorry about all this.”
He could hear the smile in Steve’s voice when he said, “Hey don’t worry about it. We’ll figure this out, I promise.”
Eddie agreed and hung up. How could he have been so stupid? He even had the sunscreen out for the tattoo for fuck’s sake. Why didn’t he make sure the rest of him was covered, too?
His phone trilled in his hand and he looked down at the message from Steve.
He supposed there was one silver lining in all this. He got see Steve a day earlier than planned.
Part 5 Part 6  Part 7  Part 8 Part 9 Part 10  Part 11 Part 12  Part 13 Part 14  Part 15  Part 16  Part 17  Part 18 Part 19  Part 20  Part 21 Part 22  Part 23  Part 24  Part 25 Part 26  Part 27  Part 28  Epilogue
Tag List: @spectrum-spectre @estrellami-1 @zerokrox-blog @artiststarme @swimmingbirdrunningrock @gregre369 @pyrohonk​ @renaissan-vvitch @goodolefashionedloverboi @chaoticlovingdreamer @maya-custodios-dionach @messrs-weasley @val-from-lawrence @plyerice27 @thedragonsaunt @chaoticlovingdreamer @sapphirecobalt-1 @a-little-unsteddie @i-must-potato @danili666  @carlyv @rozzieroos @wonderland-girl143-blog @itsall-taken @justforthedead89 @emly03 @bookworm0690 @aizawa-emma @redfreckledwolf @thesuninyaface @bookbinderbitch @yikes-a-bee @littlewildflowerkitten @scheodingers-muppet @archermightbegay @hallucinatedjosten 
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lovedreamer11 · 9 months
A little about the “difficult” green childhood
I'm tired of reading posts that say that Aegon and Aemond became terrible people because they had "rough childhoods." What kind of nonsense is this?
Yes, Viserys did not love his sons very much, but he was not a monster. He did not insult or beat his sons. These boys are part of the ruling dynasty, they lived in luxury and comfort, had a good education, they got everything they wanted (except for the title of heir), they were forgiven almost everything, they had a mother next to them who loved them. How many boys in Westeros have this?
Aegon has nothing to complain about at all. The boy was a spoiled hedonist who got everything he wanted. His wife was his sister, the Targaryen princess and dragon rider, whom he knew well and he did not have to leave his home (Daemon, who at the age of sixteen was forced to leave the home in which he grew up and live with a strange woman, was not so lucky). And even if Aegon was not satisfied with Helaena as a wife, then since he was born a man, the prince could afford promiscuity with any woman he wanted. And it doesn't seem like anyone at court would be bothered by this. Re-read the book. All of Aegon's problems began from the moment he usurped his sister's throne.
The only thing Aemond could complain about was the loss of his eye. After all, even if Viserys had made Aegon his heir, Aemond would still not be very high in the line of succession, since Aegon had two sons by the age of twenty, and in the future there could be even more. As for losing an eye, yes, it's bad. But still, many things happen in life. I mean, in real life, injuries happen during children's games or fights.
At the same time, Rhaenyra lost her mother when she was a child, and after some time she was replaced by an embittered and full of hatred and envy woman, because of which she had to leave the house in which she grew up, and after her own father forbade her to leave Dragonstone, to protect the “beloved” daughter and wife from new conflicts.
I've written before about what I think of Viserys as a father and my opinion hasn't changed. Viserys's love brought Rhaenyra more harm than good. Viserys was a terrible father to all of his children, but at least his children from his second marriage had a mother. No matter how much I hated Alicent, she was there for her children and loved them in her own way. Rhaenyra has been alone since she was a child.
Rhaenyra was also forced to marry against her will to a man who would never love her as a woman. And when she allowed herself a relationship with someone else, she was certainly condemned and humiliated.
Every time I see posts about the "difficult childhood" of Alicent's children, I want to laugh. Rhaenyra grew up without a mother, her stepmother was an evil witch, and her father was a useless idiot. But of course, according to the greens, Rhaenyra was born evil in the flesh and her suffering does not matter and she deserves it.
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starsarefire824 · 1 year
Byler Fic Recs
I haven't posted some fic recs in a while so I thought I would!
Here are some ones I love:
In Undertow (M) by olliecoddle (@souverian-are-we): This is my favorite thing I'm reading right now. It's. Just. So. Good.
The Wheeler’s lakehouse was a two-story wooden building with white siding and blue shutters on each of the little windows. It sat on the edge of a large blue-green lake, a long backyard full of tall tufted grass that ended in a wooden dock extending out over the water. Will had been to the Wheeler’s lakehouse twice as a child, once when he was eight and again when he was sixteen. Now, he was twenty-nine and pulling up to the long driveway of the house in his beaten-up Ford Escort, his stomach in nervous knots that he was trying to calm with a half-full can of ginger ale.
or, four months after one byers/wheeler couple breaks up, another gets married. and, of course, will and mike are both the best men. and, of course, there is a plot to get them back together. nothing goes to plan.
one soft infested summer (M) by wheelersboy (@lucasvenkman)" The Stoned Byler to ever be stoned. And it's sexy and emotional and just delicious summer vibes. And I'll forever be thankful for the Director's Cut. 😉
The Party spend their last summer before college together at Summerfest in Milwaukee. Oh yeah, and they're stoners.
My Teeth In Your Neck (T) by @foodiewithdahoodie: Boarding school, sexual tension, and fencing. It's dope.
Mike and Will used to be friends. Best friends! But after one fight they couldn't come back from during the summer, they haven't spoken to each other since. The only time they cross paths is on the piste, with epee swords brandished, as fencing rivals for their opposing boarding schools - Hawkins High vs Lenora Hills Prep. This year is no different, except it kind of is. Something pulls them together and this time they can't escape it. Because there's no Mike without Will and there's no Will without Mike. Simple as that.
the strawberries are dying (T) by @eggowls Rated T: the world needs more historical au Byler fics, and this one is perfect. Beautifully written and an interesting premise. I have to catch up on this one.
At the height of the stock market crash, the Wheelers are the richest family in Roane County and in need of domestic servants to fulfill their estate's needs. In a bout of desperation, they end up hiring the Byers family, much to everyone’s (except Nancy’s, who has a crush on Jonathan) chagrin.
However, in the midst of it all, two outcasted young boys from completely different lives find a light in each other. And—slowly—their lives begin to intertwine to the point of no return.
need, lie, mean, cry (T) by @willow-lark: a good shorty fic with lots of angst!
Nobody needs Mike Wheeler. He probably wouldn't be so mad about it if Will hadn't lied and made him think otherwise.
Let's Go Crazy Together (but not like this) (M) by Julia_Skysong: Byler hate each other and end up sharing a room at rehab. It's awkward. I'm only halfway through, but I'm loving it.
Anger, fear, trauma, grief. One turned to alcohol. One turned to drugs. Now, somehow, they've ended up sharing a room at the same mental hospital. Will and Mike are stuck, forced to work through their issues together, for better or for worse.
things i can't say (T) by @chiquitablanquita. Switched notebook trope, my beloved. I really liked the writing here.
Will’s sketches contain a confession: he’s in love with his best friend. Unfortunately, his best friend’s journal looks a lot like his sketchbook.
If You Stay (M) by Flurryofstarz. A The Proposal AU, Byler edition. It's fucking cute. Impatiently awaiting an update.
Faced with the threat of deportation, career-oriented Mike Wheeler says he's engaged to his hapless assistant, Will Byers. Will commits to the lie while imposing a few conditions of his own. With a skeptical immigration official waiting for them to slip up, the two must work together to fool their friends and families into believing that their once-strained relationship has since evolved into true love.
But what happens when they start to believe the lie too?
Or, the fic inspired by the enemies-to-lovers rom-com, The Proposal (2009).
he could be a bee to a blossom (E) by anonymous: I loooveed the writing. Truly a Tragedy that it's anonymous.
Mike reached down and grabbed something. He was seated on the edge of the bed, curled towards him with his knee resting near Will’s pillow. He had a carton of freshly washed and cut fruit in his hand. “I already went to the grocery store and got, like, a million things. We could probably shelter in place here for a month and a half.”
Mike said it in a way that was not remotely sexy, but it still made something in Will’s stomach heat. He almost felt like purring, kneading his hands into the mattress with satisfaction. [My alpha got that for me. My alpha is making sure I’m healthy and hydrated. My alpha is taking such good care of me.]
A record scratch went off in Will’s head. Christ alive, Mike was NOT his alpha.
(A/B/O AU… And they were roommates!)
Be mine through the Hawkinspocalypse (and I'll be yours forever) (E) by TikaWayward: I love this whole series. It's unique and sexy and well written.
Mike was long. Long frame extended in a stretch. Long limbs shaking from exhaustion. Long fingers clenched around ripped sheets. Long hair damp with sweat, sticking to his long pale nape and freckled shoulders. Even his back seemed long as he tensed. Will had to commit this view to memory, engrave it in his mind forever. Even if it was the only time they ever shared such intimacy, even if Mike had only asked him for help because he was there, familiar, convenient, and they needed his heat to stop as soon as possible. There are goddamned monsters out there Will, I can’t be in heat right now, I can’t! He needed to revere this moment.
Mike truly was the most beautiful creature Will had laid his eyes on. __________________________________________________________________
Or Mike presents as an omega in the middle of his patrol with Will in a monster infested forest.
The Best Ever Death Metal Band Out of Hawkins (M) by olliecoddle (@souverian-are-we): uhmmmmm, I'm obsessed with this. Rock star angsty Byler.
Will had the same pre-show ritual before every gig he ever performed. About twenty minutes before he had to go on stage, he would lock himself in any confined space he could find. In a bathroom stall, his dressing room, the maintenance closet, he would turn off the lights and hide for a few minutes. Today, though, it was five minutes before he had to go on stage, the clock ticking down, and he had spent the last half hour wandering around the venue looking for Mike Wheeler.
Will needed to talk to him.
or, the party has a band. will and mike make out on stage. for the bit, of course. it causes problems.
I’m a Wreck (Without You Here) (M) by @talkingtothelights. I'm only on the first chapter but it's so heartbreaking and emotional. Good shit.
Mike has been living 2,200 miles away from his family and hometown for the past fourteen years. He rarely visits, but when he receives heartbreaking news, he’s forced to return home for a funeral. It’s in this unfortunate chapter of life that Mike must come to terms with the consequences of abruptly running away from home and perhaps reconnect with the one person he’s tried his damnedest to forget about.
not strong enough to be your man (T) by @perexcri. The prose is fucking beautiful. I really enjoyed this one.
He swallows down a flurry of all the things he wants to say – every moment and untold truth and aching thought that’s bruised his mind for years – but it comes out so plain, so stark and oddly-jagged in the silence following the lighting, taking up space where thunder should be:
“I meant it, Will. You’re not an inconvenience.”
Will shakes his head and turns.
Mike wants to feel like he's meaningful, like he's an active part of his own life - worthwhile.
It's a good thing Will needs him now more than ever.
Make Believe (E) by FlurryofStarz. One of all time favorites. Amazing slow burn and super interesting a/b/o dynamics. Mike centric. I cannot wait until the plot point I think is going to happen is revealed. 👀
There's absolutely no way to know what a person will present as ahead of time, but Mike's never been more certain about something in his life. Will Byers is going to be an Omega--a male Omega--and the second that happens, he'll lose everything. Some knothead Alpha like Troy or James will claim him as their own and no one will be able to stop them. Luckily, the Party has a plan. It might be complicated and unconventional. It might not even be legal, but it's something and that's all Will really needs. Something. And Mike's more than willing to try it if it means saving Will.
But what if Will isn't the one who needs saving?
*** if you’re listed here and want to be tagged let ms know!
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dp-marvel94 · 5 months
I just finished your cat acquisition portal au fix and I loved it! Missy my beloved. I can't help but imagine Danny instinctively going invisible and intangible out of sheer 'oh shit' at the end, which would NOT make either of them more calm. Ahdjfkf I also read the end note and I think I speak for everyone in that we would LOVE to hear your deranged ideas <3
This is in reference to this story, An unconventional way to get a cat.
Thanks for sending the ask! Missy really is the best girl. I can definitely see Danny turning invisible and intangible and freaking Jazz out even more. XD
Okay, so you asked for more details so get ready. This is going to be a ride. 😅
Fic below the cut, featuring my favorite: spilt Danny. And Danny literally becoming the ghost portal? About 3k words
So right at the end, something bigger than anything else he’d felt so far came through the portal but disappeared, right? There was a big flash of light as the ghost portal opened through him, and Danny was a ghost. He and Jazz both freak out about this, thinking he finally actually died. Then he turns human with another flash of light. And he’s back to normal, except with a weird ghost that looks just like him laying on the floor, very confused and disoriented.
Que more freaking out. The ghost runs off, just as freaked out as Danny and Jazz. The two siblings throw out a lot of ideas about what just happened. Maybe the weird ghost is some kind of shape shifter? They have no idea and no way to find out. They definitely are not telling their parents. And how are they supposed to go after the ghost? So they just… try to move on, try to find a way to stop Danny throwing his guts out, and enjoy some kitty cuddles.
Having a ghost that looks just like him flying around the town is weird for Danny, though. He has weird dreams, as if he’s seeing Amity Park from above. Weird, random feelings. Thoughts that echo, that feel not quite like his own but somehow unquestioningly are. And… memories of green swirling clouds and purple doors. Danny feels… strange. He’s felt weird since the accident but this is something else. An invisible line connecting him to… something. The feeling that something is missing.
Danny ends up hacking up more ghost animals, even some humanoid ghosts. He gets weird dreams of fighting ghosts… even when he’s awake. School starts and he inevitably has to tell Sam and Tucker. The trio encounter the Lunch Lady, and Danny’s weird ghostly double. Looking at the ghost boy is very strange. It kinda makes his head hurt, like he’s staring in a funhouse mirror. And Danny has an uneasy feeling that the dreams he’s been having aren’t quite dreams.
Things get even more strange when Danny blinks and finds himself floating above Amity Park. He… can’t snap himself back to his body. Shocked, he’s actually here, floating in the air. Like… just before his look alike showed up. Did the ghost possess him (semi-possess?) him again? That must have been what happened then. The ghost came through, immediately overshadowed him and then got thrown out. Except Danny has control of his body and there isn’t another voice in his head (at least not anymore than normal). He manages to fly back to his house. To find himself freaking out in his room.
So apparently the ghost switched bodies with him. And the ghost, Phantom, is no help. He has no idea what is happening. He doesn’t even know who he is. All he remembers is floating on the other side of the portal, guarding it. One day there had been a pain, a green flash and he’d been in the Zone in front of the ghost portal and he knew it was his job to guard it. He wasn’t very good at it though. Ghost animals kept coming through and… it was calling him. Or maybe something on the other side was. But he just knew he had to come through. So he touched the rift and found himself in the human world. That weird…possession was crazy but when their body turned warm and human, he was just Phantom again. 
This answers very little. Eventually the two switch back. The memory, thought, and emotion sharing is even more intense now. The two keep switching places. Danny fights the ghost in Phantom’s place. The ghost gets an… oddly familiar taste of Danny Fenton’s life. And inevitably, the two bond, forming an odd friendship through their efforts to hide their weirdness from the Fenton parents and the town as a whole. They find they have a lot in common too. Phantom loves puns as much as Danny does. The human boy’s love of the stars is as great as his ghostly friend’s. Music, books, movies, games. They squeeze so many shared interests into the quieter moments. Sometimes they but-heads because of how similar they are but… overall Danny is happy. Phantom feels like the brother he never had. Maybe the ghost is his twin that he absorbed in the womb. Maybe he’s just a random ghost that he was lucky enough to meet. Either way, it’s nice to have met him.
But, things are not all good. The portal is getting worse. More ghosts are coming through. More fights, worse injuries. Phantom’s powers are growing, including new, hard to control ice powers. And the portal feels colder too. Danny can feel it swirling. He can feel the tenderals spreading, wrapping around his bones and organs. It… shines through his skin. He can see it, a ball of neon green below his ribs. It flashes bigger, blinding him when it opens. And… each time, the spot of light is a little bigger.
One morning, Danny wakes up to a tingling feeling on his skin. Like the occasional invisibility and intangibility he experiences when he’s Phantom but… it's pervasive, spreading from his stomach to the surface. He lifts his shirt and… the portal is there. On his skin? In his skin? Above his skin? It does not make any sense but it is there, bound to him and visible. The size of his fist, it swirls below his rib cage. He brushes it with a finger and… it is like touching his own skin. At the same time, it is like brushing cold mist. His hand sinks in, not intangible but like sticking his hand in a bucket. And he shivers. He can feel it, the cold atmosphere of the Realms on his hand… and the portal swirling around his wrist. He feels the mist brushing the hand and his mist brushing the hand. Like he is  both hand and mist.
Danny rips his hand out, as if he has been burned. Horror sinks into him. What is happening to him?
The switching keeps happening and the portal keeps growing. And Danny is scared. He hides it from his friends and sister. At first, it’s not that hard. A shirt is enough to cover the swirling gate below his ribs. But it spreads onto his shoulder, below his belly button. He switches to long shirts and hoodies. He is nervous and on edge, avoiding his friends, changing the subject whenever Jazz asks what’s wrong.
But there is no hiding from Phantom. Not when half the time Danny’s body is his. The ghost is oddly quiet about the problem. Sometimes Danny catches the ghost looking at him, brow furrowed with thought. Phantom is closing off, acting more distant.
But Danny can barely notice as the dread turns to terror. His heart races, he can’t sleep, can’t eat. Every minute, he can feel the portal getting bigger. He can feel it eating at his insides, invading them, turning them to ice and mist and evaporating them. He can feel it grow and tear, lashing out to replace and pull apart. And it doesn’t even hurt. It should hurt. Being unmade, being changed should hurt. A part of Danny wants it to hurt. The portal is killing him. In the end, it will destroy him. And he doesn’t want to die. Or… 
A much worse possibility screams at the back of his mind, in the way he feels his shirt above the portal entrance, can feel small ghosts flitting through. Mutation, transformation, horrible violating change….
Down in the empty portal one night, Danny cries alone. All this struggling, all this hiding and for what? He really is going to die down here, where he should have all those months ago. The portal has spread to just above his knees, to his elbows. He can barely stand, barely walk now. He can’t fill his fingers. But he can feel it, every inch. The portal is killing him, tearing him apart. It pulses, ready for release. And part of him wants to give in but… his friends and sister. Phantom, his precious double. This would be giving up, leaving them. But… he can’t do this, can’t keep fighting forever.
“Danny!” Phantom is there, kneeling in front of him.
The human (Is ever human anymore, with this.. thing parasitizing his body?) blinks, surprised. “What are you doing here?”
“You can’t give up.”
Danny hears the words but… it’s too much. “I’m… I’m scared.” He cries. Just moments ago, he wanted to let the portal rip him apart. Dying was terrifying. But… “I can’t… I can’t keep fighting it. I…” A flash of cold. Danny feels the green claw up his neck. “It’s going to rip me apart. It’s going to kill me, really kill me this time. But…” He hiccups, the sound part cry, part laugh. “What if I don’t die? What if…” A tendril curls passed his knee, half way down his calf. “I can feel it, the portal. I can feel it like… like it’s my own skin. What if it… it destroys me but I… I’m still…”
He can’t force out the words, not with the cold tickling his throat, with the tears drowning his voice. But the thought…. What if the portal destroys his body but he still exists? What if it breaks out of his fragile human body and becomes him? What if he becomes it? The un-living gate between worlds, trapped in his cage of metal. Without sight or sound, just… his thoughts and the ghosts swimming through him forever.
“You won’t be trapped.” 
That… is not what Danny expected Phantom to say. He opens his eyes, tears cutting off in his shock. “What?”
The ghost shakes his head. “I figured it out. Why the accident made me, why you called me through.”
“I don’t understand.”
“We really should have figured it out months ago. The shared memories was a big hint. And the switching bodies.” He rolls his eyes. 
“What are-”
Phantom takes his hands. “You are the portal. There’s no denying it now. It’s part of you. It is you.”
“No.” Pure despair. The word echoes, more thought and emotion that sound, Danny’s throat replaced by the green. 
It’s true then. A few more minutes and he’ll be nothing more than a cloud of mist, hanging in the frame. At least he’ll get to say goodbye-
“Stop that.” Phantom reprimands. “This isn’t the end. You’ll survive this.” 
Danny narrows his eyes. He appreciates the attempt at comfort but it was too late for comforting lies. Even if he wouldn’t die, this is still the end.
The ghost points up the stairs. “You will walk up their stairs in a few minutes and go to bed. You’ll go to school on Monday and the Nasty Burger and bug Jazz and…” Phantom is crying now too. “We’ll… we’ll do it together.”
Danny feels it, Phantom means every word. He is so sure but-
“I’m your ghost. I’m your ghost, Danny.” The ghost boy shrugs, eyes glistening with tears. “I always have been. Your accident made me. You made me. You called me through the gate. You made me, an echo, your friend. And now…” He sniffled, a soft smile blooming. “I’m… I’m becoming something more.”
Hands still clasps, Phantom brings one of Danny’s to his hazmat suited chest. The still-flesh fingers feel and… 
“That’s… that’s impossible.” Danny’s eyes widened awed. There under his hand, in Phantom’s chest is a heart beat.
“Is it really?” The ghost raises one eyebrow.
“Yes! You’re a ghost. This is…” Danny trails off. No, of course, it’s not impossible. He’s becoming a ghost portal and Phantom… “Why are you telling me this?” His mind whirls. He imagines, Phantom as a human. Like so many times before, laying in his bed, doing his homework, going to school, hanging out with his friends. Danny can’t help but smile. The thought of his fading away and Phantom taking his life, the tastes he’d loved so much becoming real…
“No. I said… I said we’d go up those stairs together.” Desperation in Phantom’s voice.
Danny blinks. He does not understand. 
“When I first came through the portal, and we shared a body and mind. It only lasted for a few seconds but…”
Dread, excitement, anticipation bubble in what once was Danny’s stomach. In Phantom’s chest he can feel his, their heart pounding. “But…. Phantom, what happens to you if that… if… if we…”
The ghost shakes his head. “We’ve always been a step from being the same person. I think…. We’d finally fall into step.”
They’d fall into step… 
The portal pulses, his arms and legs consumed. 
“I’ve always been you.” Phantom says. “And you… you’ve felt it too, the link between us. We’re intertwined.”
The ghost is… right. Of course he is. Danny feels it in Phantom’s bones. The tip of his nose disappears…
Fear on Phantom’s face. “What matters is…. Not matter what happens to me, you won’t be trapped in the frame. I…” The ghost steels his face. “I wouldn’t take your life without you in it. Go back up those stairs with me.”
Danny stares for a long moment. He is just a pair of eyes now, two hands, and two feet. The pleading, the desperation in Phantom…. His other self’s eyes. “O… okay.”
The boy-who-was-a-portal pulls his ghost into a hug. His portal self pulses, straining to fill its proper shape. The last of his mortality in ghostly hands… the two fragmented minds intertwine. Ghost and human and something all together other fall into the weave. Danny releases.
The portal explodes out, a supernova of force. Yet contained by its mind. The green mist coalesses, filling the metal machine made by his parent’s hands. The gateway becomes and the new born halfa inside floats out.
The halfa blinks for a long moment, staring at the portal, his other body. A gloved hand over his chest, heart and core intertwined. Ghostly chill in his veins and human warmth.
He breathes out and… laughs with relief. His portal self pulses with mirth, mist curling. 
“I’m… I’m alive. That worked. Danny… Phantom… we did it.”
He is a ghost and he is alive. He is a gateway and he is a boy. He is Danny and he is Phantom. And he is whole.
So yeah, yall know how much I love split Danny so this idea was born out of that love. If you’ve read my other words, you’ll probably notice some thematic similarities to Face to Face, hence why I never wrote this despite coming up with this idea first. Seriously, I was daydreaming about this fic while I was in grad school and supposed to be paying attention in the lecture I was TAing. 😅
The portal consuming Danny’s physical body was an interesting idea which came from free story I read on Kindle years ago. It was either a one off short story or in an anthology but I had not luck finding it. It was about a man who got a case of cancerous pocket dimension. Basically, this pocket of space appeared on his stomach and grew like a cancer, eventually destroying him. It was sad, about his wrestling with his impending death and leaving his daughter behind. About how his new part of space was being created with his life and yet he would not live to see it. He was not becoming the space, no part of his consciousness would stay. And yet, the planet that was visible through the spot, a new planet in a whole new universe, which he told his daughter about and showed her to her amazement, was named after her. A part of him did survive. 
I swear the story was a lot more poignant that my explanation and I really wish I could find it but I’m having no luck. 😭
Anyway, thanks for pushing me into writing this. Feel free to tell me what you think!
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darkestspring · 2 years
Second-born daughters of Y/N Targaryen Aemon and Jocely Baratheon. Y/N Targaryen has Targaryen hair and Targaryen eye color. She is the rider of Ancalagon the Black. She has an excellent sibling relationship with Rhaenys. Y/N Targaryen and Otto have 5 sons and a daughter (maybe they have another daughter besides Alicent.) Except for Alicent, all the children are dragon riders. The children have their father's hair color and Targaryen eye color. She does not have a single Alicent (Targ) eye color. I think Viserys will be jealous of Otto because of the sons. Daemon will be jealous of Otto for marrying a Targaryen. I think Rhaenys will take the green side for her sister. Her grandchildren and great-grandchildren are obsessed with their great-grandmothers. Aegon does not get drunk, Aemond's eye does not get injured for helping Aemond adopt a dragon, protects Helaena, Daeron gives the love he did not receive.
despitent alicent not claiming a dragon or not looking like a targaryen would not make you love her any less. you'd love your daughter all the same, refusing to hand her off to a wet nurse or let maids dress and tedn to your daughter. up until she was five years old, you bathed her yourself. always doting on your daughter and giving her so many jewels and books. she was the apple of your eye. You loved your sons just as much, nursing them yourself when they were babies and being there for them always.
when alicent became queen, you almost lashed out at your husband. could he not have thought of alicent for a single second? how she felt marrying a man nearly three times her age? whose daughter was her best friend? otto managed to calm you down but nothing could stop you from moving to the red keep to be near your beloved daughter.
you didn't hate your cousin viserys or his daughter rhaenyra, they were dragons but you had always been closer to your older sister and she, you. She had your support from the beginning.
You held her many nights as she sobbed into your arms and struggled to maintain her composure. "We do what we must, as women, you sweet girl." You had told her and she had taken those words and locked them in her heart.
It went without saying that you adored you grandchildren. You doted on all four of them heavily. there was nothing you would not do for your grandchildren, that's why it angered you to see viserys only pay attention to rhaenyra.
You understood that he had loved Aemma. You understood that Rhaenyra was his daughter from her but that did not give him the right to disregard his other children and even yell at them then act like he cares.
just like you had done with alicent, you took joy in braiding helaena's hair. you went with her often when she looked for bugs for her collection.
you kept aegon away from alcohol. you kept him in his studies, encouraging to do better. "if the stress is too much, take to Sunfyre, or come to me. You are more than anyone knows, my lovely boy."
when it came to Aemond, you were much more overprotective. You knew that Aegon and rhaenyra's son teased him for not having a dragon. it did not make him less in your eyes but the words of boys are cruel.
"Don't pay any attention to them." You had told him once as you brought him to visit your own dragon. "You will have a dragon one day and everyone will swallow their words like bitter poison."
you never acted out, always being the perfect lady but inside you couldn't help but despise rhaenyra and her children for the insult to laenor and your sister. you took care to be around them as little as possible, constantly doting on your family and showering them with love.
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arxxq · 2 years
༊*·˚୨⎯ "mm..can we stay like this a little while longer ?" ⎯୧
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| ︶꒦꒷♡꒷꒦︶ | Nagi Seishiro| ︶꒦꒷♡꒷꒦︶
≡;- ꒰ °I love you so much ꒱ ≡;- ꒰ °but I love you even more ꒱
lowercase intended
mistakes will be corrected once I reread...
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you were nothing but an ordinary person. just a normal citizen with average talent. well maybe not too ordinary since well for some reason your entire existence was well known when you manage to pull a certain lazy football player. lazy? i think that word is enough to guess who this person was. 
it was none other the nagi seishiro. your beloved athletic, tall, talented yet lazy boyfriend. most people would question you on how you manage to catch the eye of nagi but in all honesty, you yourself don’t even know how. to you it just happened so quick. you two were just strangers in the beginning but afterwards you became friends and lastly into lovers. 
your relationship with nagi was worth questioning yes but not even both of you can answer a question on how you two became a thing in the first place. well your meeting with each other did start due to mikage reo, your older cousin. the story quite began in a simple way. 
it all started during a normal school day, well after school. it was already evening and here you were under the shade of a tree reading a normal novel that you recently bought near a mesmerizing view of the sunset. the scenery and atmosphere was perfect. nothing but shades of green which were grass and trees and other colors as well that shows the colors of the flowers. not to forget to mention that the sounds were calming, nothing but silence at this moment of time. the breeze as well was just right that time. 
“i had a feeling you were going to be here!” in the far distance of where you sat yelled an all too familiar voice. it was none other than mikage reo your cousin. there you saw him coming towards you while waving and beside him you saw a tall figure of a snow white haired boy playing a game. once reo and his what you assumed was his friend stood infront of you, you smiled. “what actually brings you here reo?” you asked raising a brow. “i just wanted to know how my younger cousin was doing,” you smiled happy that he was concerned for you. 
“i’m doing alright,” you replied to him eyes still glued on your novel. “oh by the way this is my friend nagi! nagi meet y/n, and y/n meet nagi,” talk about perfect timing, the moment your eyes left your book was the same moment nagi’s eyes left his game and well your eyes met. as if time had stopped you were quite mesmerized the same for nagi. you two lasted the eye contact for quite a while until you decided to break the silence along with the eye contact. 
“nice to meet you nagi,” you tilted your head and gave him a genuine smile. “nice to meet you too...”
that was how you met, how you became a thing was different. different timing but same setting. what do i mean by that. well the place you confessed to him was still under the tree shade where you first met except it was during the weekend in the mid-day. 
you were quite nervous for this day to come. you were about to confess to nagi seishiro. your friend and well your cousin’s bestest friend. here you were pacing under the tree biting your nail due to anxiety. you do expect rejection since you know that nagi seishiro wasn’t the type to be in a relationship. at the same time you were afraid to ruin the friendship you had created with him. the only reason you wanted confess in the first place was also because you wanted to deliver your mind somewhere else either then him all the time. 
“mm..is there something wrong?” you froze when you heard that monotone voice of his. turning around his look was nothing but calm. “nagi..” 
you mumbled. “hmm?” you took a deep breathe and let it out afterwards “i like you..not in the friend way i mean,” you wanted to be straight forward. silence was all there is. you took that as a reply of rejection so your head hung low, but when you raised your head up to see his reaction, what surprises was that he was looking at another direction away from your figure with a flustered face. 
“i-i like you too,” you heard him muttered while his had was on his nape still looking at away from you. “nagi..i-” now it was you who was even more flustered. “seishiro..” he spoke out. “huh?” “call me seishiro or sei for short,”
it has been years since then. today was your anniversary. it was the afternoon during the season of spring. the two of you were still under the tree shade. you could say this spot technically belongs to the two of you. you were reading a novel as well as playing nagi’s white locks while he was playing his game with his head on your lap. it was nothing but silence with the calming breeze. 
“hmm dove?” spoke nagi. your eyes left your novel to see nagi looking up at you with eyes that looked curious. “yes sei?” you asked as well replied to him. “have you always wondered how you fell for me?” that question shocked you, i guess his curiosity can wonder far. “hmm not really because most of the time i just let it be..” nagi looked you and gave you small smile. “hmm good to know,” 
you chuckled which made him confused. “why are you laughing?” you closed your book and put it aside then proceed to pinch his cheeks. “your so adorable you know that?” “i could say the same for you,” he says nonchalantly. “mm...can we stay like this a little while longer?” you giggled. “you know yourself that i have a hard time saying no to you...” nagi hummed in reply. 
“i love you so much you know that?” “but i love you even more..”
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To those who have sent me request, I have read them yes but there are some that I can't do and I'm sorry to say that I'll have to delay it for the time being. Its not really easy for me to write on laptop as well as my tablet ever since my phone broke and I don't really want to ruin your request in a way so for now please be patient. 
Thank you for understanding...
reblogs are highly appreciated...
DO NOT claim as your own work and absolutely DO NOT post on any other platforms! 
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demigoddessqueens · 2 years
gold and green
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Summary: Altair grapples with an unresolved element of your relationship.
read on ao3
writing prompts - “Bet I can beat you to it” + A reunion with a party + “Wait a minute, are you jealous?” + A kiss so long they share each other’s breath + Spooning + passionate kisses + Hiding face in other’s neck
He had challenged you to a dare that you couldn’t resist. Racing to the nearest tower, and whoever the victor, was exempt from the new trainee mentoring. You were winded but spurred on by the adrenaline of Altair’s chase.
Although, you heard a brief call to you. The voice sounded familiar enough from your life, once upon a time before.
“Is that you?”
You turned in the direction of the voice. William, a face you thought you would never see again. The shock of seeing a dearly beloved friend from your childhood compelled you to just embrace him again.
Lost in conversation of his travels that unbeknownst to you, Altair had retraced the path you had taken. Just at the moment when William
The soured look on his face lingered for the remainder of the day as his golden eyes brimmed with his emotions.
Later that night, you had still noticed that Altair had been distant. You, Malik, Maria and the boys had retreated to sleep for the night but his absence was felt. Awakened by the empty space he occupied, you peeled your eyes open.
Standing near the edge of the window, the Master Assassin overlooked the high moon shining down on Masyaf.
He could hear you stir awake before making your way over to him. “Who was he? That man who you were speaking to?”
You breathed a deep sigh of relief. Finally, something from an answer!
So you were jealous. Is what your mind initially came to, but you knew it wasn’t the time or place for such a quip right now.
“He was someone from my past…Maria isn’t the only who had a life from before.”
Altair quickly turned around to face you. Knowing concern was etched on his face, and those golden eyes drew you in more. You reached out for his hands, finding comfort in the callouses that were always gentle with you.
“We were arranged to be married when we came of age, but settled on forging our own path. I needed a new scene for life, as did he. We needed our freedom, lest we condemn ourselves to a slow death in gilded cages.”
You paused for a moment before pulling yourself closer into his arms.
”And it was the greatest gift he could have given me because I found you. I found you all and got a chance to live for myself.”
It was instantaneous that he let down the insecure guard. A hand cupped around the back of where your head and neck met. The soft sigh in his kisses left you renewed with a sense of clarity and relief. Of course there would be no one except him, and you would always choose Altair first given the choice.
When you both pulled back for air, a small murmur of “Baba…” from Sef alerted you both to return back to bed.
You drifted off to sleep, a hand reaching out to comfort Sef and Altair’s arm protectively wrapped around you both. You felt at peace as your eyes grew heavy. The last thing you remembered was Altair burying himself in the crook of your neck with a final kiss.
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luvreyn · 1 year
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WARNING: implied suicide, obsessive + possessive + toxic relationship, deaths, insanity, (implied) violence 
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The first time you met your lord, you were supposed to be his meal.
But your lord took a long, hard look at you and decided against eating you; now, you’re his ward.
Serving him in the temple, guiding his guests to paradise, and guiding his enemies to hell.
You and your three friends played together in the snow. One with pink-colored hair; a brown-haired child; and a black-haired boy.
(Sukuna’s eyes darken when the black-haired boy offers a hand to you when you fall.)
Your lord doesn’t like any of the friends you befriended, and you’ve always followed his orders, but the three friends you met were the only ones you kept a secret from him.
Partly because you don’t want to be lonely and partly because you love them, especially Megumi. The only warmth in your every-day life.
But maybe you should’ve followed your lord’s orders after all, because seeing this much red in the snow is not worth being lonely for the rest of your life.
And when you saw who exactly were the dead bodies laying on the ground, you screamed.
Where is he? You asked, and your voice seems so far away. Who are you looking for? Where is he? Where did he go?
Who are you looking for? A low and dangerous voice answered.
You shake your head. It’s not the voice you’re looking for. You tried to shake your head again because you couldn’t remember.
Who is he? Who is he? Why can’t you remember?
Sukuna-sama, the potion worked.
Yes, it did. Good work. A smooth, velvety voice answered. Different from the voice you heard earlier. Who is she? Who is Sukuna-sama?
Someone tips your chin up and starts cursing. "Why can’t she see? What did you do?"
"Ah," the next voice is scared, terrified. "I don’t know. The potion should’ve only erased her me-"
The next you heard were screams at the same time the place turned chilly and you would’ve hugged yourself except someone was already hugging you.
And you can’t see. Why can’t you see? Why is it so dark?
Just when you can see again, that’s when you’re dying. You think you’re dying. Maybe you are as the shadows of your lord’s enemy slowly consume you.
Someone is screaming at you to move and live.
"This is for my son," the man who cast the shadow announced. "You should’ve never laid your hands on him."
Who is your son? I’m sorry, I don’t remember him. You wanted to apologize, but you can’t open your mouth.
You slowly closed your eyes, and instead of being afraid of the shadows, you finally felt at peace.
(It’s been quite a long time since you slept soundly.)
And when you opened your eyes to see his green and warm eyes, you finally remembered him.
A raven with green eyes follows you and your husband wherever you go.
"He’s back again, Sukuna!" you say excitedly. "He’s been gone for so long, and he’s back again!"
Your beloved husband, Ryoumen Sukuna, watches in silence when the raven perches itself on your shoulder and stares at him with its unfathomable gaze.
"Are you hungry?"
The raven’s fate was sealed when you named him Blessing.
You’re holding onto him tightly now, but he wonders who you're thinking of while staring at the sky.
And he wonders how many times he has to kill the same thing in his lifetime.
Blessing sure is taking his time. You say whimsical while sitting on his lap. I wonder where he went.
Sukuna pauses, smelling your hair, but decides not to say anything.
And when you felt your husband’s hands on the knot of your obi, you scrambled to get away from him.
"Ah, let me start dinner," was your pathetic excuse.
You wish your raven was here; if only you could forget your husband’s repulsive touch.
Please just kill me. Just kill me! Kill me already!
Sukuna wonders why you deny what’s meant for him. Whether it would be your attention, your affection, your love, or your body—
(He watches you lifelessly floating in the lake.)
and your life.
For some reason, your husband doesn’t want a lake or any bodies of water near your estate, even after you pleaded with him. He’d always tell you no.
And for some reason, despite how many times you tried to love him, you just... can’t.
You met a raven-haired girl on one of your outings who happens to be a courtesan. She’s just like you. Maybe that’s why you feel such a connection to her.
You’re sold by your father to your husband, and she's sold to the brothel.
And you couldn’t quite help the way your heart skips a beat whenever you see her forest eyes.
Sukuna is gone most nights. You have no idea where he goes or what he does for a living, but you know that whatever it is, he’s the best at it.
Your husband never took on anything that he wasn’t the best at.
Her sigh against your skin, your hands on her hair, and your lips on her skin shake you to the very core.
You know that your husband would have you hanged for this, but he’ll never know, right?
(And besides, you have never felt happier.)
He’s a patient man, but he’s no fool.
(Why do you not smile like that when you’re with him?)
And he has never let anyone touch what’s supposed to be his.
The courtesans are whispering as he walks through the hallway with purpose.
He lets them be because they’d be screaming later.
He stops at the door, opening it, and he’s greeted by a familiar soul.
He came back again. For you, no doubt.
"Welcome, master," the raven-haired girl in front of him greets.
Sukuna slams the tatami door shut.
Your husband is at home today, which means you wouldn’t get to see your lover.
He’s making you breakfast, as you followed him with your eyes while drinking the tea he made. He came back earlier than you were used to last night. You wonder where he went.
You choked on your tea, screaming when he came face-to-face with you while holding a familiar head.
He doesn’t know how many generations he went through alone after that. He misses you terribly. He misses you so much.
Next time, he’s going to try to be less cruel, if only that would make you stay with him.
Sukuna doesn’t want kids. Kids will just get in the way of your relationship. They’ll just take away the precious time and attention you’re supposed to shower him with.
"No! No!" you cried when he killed your child, hands grabbing onto the bloodied unborn menace on the floor. "Oh, god. NO! Plea—I'll do anything."
Sukuna sighs and tips your chin up so you’ll look at him. Only him.
"Kill me! Just kill me! Please!"
Sukuna doesn’t know how many times he's heard you say that in all the lives you've lived, but his answer will never change.
And you laughed.
The cherry blossom sways lightly as if comforting you. You smelled the wild rose that you found earlier, its scent relaxing. You played with it while staring at the falling petals in your backyard.
"Megumi, you’re back already?" Your eyes are glassy as you turn to him, eyes unfocused.
Yes, how are the kids?
"Sleeping." You giggled. "They were very excited to see you."
Me too.
Sukuna watches unflinching as you converse with yourself. He came to get you when he saw the storm brewing in the distance but changed his mind. The cherry blossom sways violently, and he pried the wild rose off your hands when he noticed you cut yourself on its thorns, and you looked at him clearly for the first time in anger before you forgot that he’s there.
He finds you panicking while frantically looking around the house. Around you, the house helpers don’t know how to help.
"Ah, Sukuna-sama-" you cried, running toward him. "Sukuna-sama!"
"Where did they go? Have you seen them?" You sobbed, holding onto his robe. "Where are they? Where are our kids?"
"They're not real."
"Don’t lie!"
He says nothing.
"Take it back!" He doesn't. Your eyes widened as if in realization."Oh, I know. They're with Megumi."
His eyes darkened at the mention of the name.
"Yeahh... they're fine. Megumi's with them." you say in a frenzy tone, holding onto your face. "But they need their mommy."
You left without a second thought, but he knows you're headed toward the backyard.
And he finally lets you end your suffering.
Never let it be said that he's incapable of love.
Sukuna woke up from his long slumber when a pathetic human ate his fingers.
And he thinks that the past is following him because he saw who it was and who the shadow-wielding sorcerer was. He knows that this time will be different.
(You watched as Sukuna in Megumi’s body killed your friends, your teachers, and your families.
And you watched as he walked closer to you, his two sets of eyes in frenzy; it was like slow motion when he put his hands on his chest. You ran towards him to stop him when you realized what he was gonna do, but it was too late. He pulled the heart out anyway
And you screamed)
You woke up, screaming, and Megumi was quick to your aid, brushing your tears away.
"Megumi," you sobbed, holding onto him.
"What happened?" Megumi asked, worried.
"I-Sukuna was- he-" you couldn’t breathe. You don’t know what you’re going to say first.
"Sssh, it’s okay. It was just a nightmare."
Yes, yes. It was just a nightmare. A nightmare, after all. Megumi is still Megumi. Your friend, your lover, your family.
You hugged him tightly, and Megumi smiled. You don’t notice the markings on his face and body, which are barely visible, or his two extra eyes smiling in mischief.
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majorproblems77 · 7 months
Hi! Its time for a Recalled update! :D
Ive been following this comic for a while and i really enjoy the concept for it, I highly recommend you go and check it out over at @recalled11.
It's an interesting take on the links meet idea and i love the art style and the character designs.
Now, this is a rambly post, no I'm not sorry. Please sit with me, grab some popcorn and some hot chocolate or a hot drink of choice. Prepare to sit for like 30 minutes :D
Also prepare for blorbo hype cause he's here too :D
Lets get started!
All panels belong to @recalled11 thanks for the permission! :D
Alright here we go!!!
First off, it must must be said.
These backgrounds are incredible. like, oh yes oh hell yeah *chefs kiss* I love them.
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So at first i was a little confused about the glowing eye, i was looking back at the other pages and back to here and thinking about if it's just a Wild thing. Which would make sense right?
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Then they throw this curve ball
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Man's like, bionic? eye is doing work for us and I'm here for it. the blue glow as well, yes. Just yes.
Also with this panel. We know each of the arrows while a Link is holding it points to a Link. The same goes for Zelda.
And i've been brainstorming who is who.
So, If I've got this right, based off what i could figure out in panels where the compass appears.
Mainly this one
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From directionless 2
White (Blue white?) - Wild
Green - Time
Blue - Captain
And now
Yellow - Sky
Let me know if you think it's different! :D
Moving on!
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The detail in this is making me so excited, I'm wondering what it means when an arrow acts like this. Is it travelling towards the compass? It is exclusive to just Sky's point? Little thunderbolts spark from it.
Maybe im reading too far into this but the others dont do this, so Im definitely intrigued by this!
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I love a full-body shot of anyone, and I love how Wild looks! The little poncho and the details with the scaring!
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Now I've not found any official names for the loftwings yet, I personally use Crimson and Luna. And will differ to these unless told otherwise. But if there are official names please please tell me! :D
Also is this the camera attachment? A zoom feature? I figure we are gonna see more of wilds ability as we go through but I'm thoroughly enjoying finding out what he can do!
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This is the correct reaction when you see a GIANT BIRD flying at you at speed. The people of Wild's world have been through so much at this point the assumption of another monster first its absolutely fair.
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When I tell you I had happy clappy hands at this panel I mean my phone fell to the floor with more than a thud.
There's a lot to unpack here, first the reigns with that little gold detailing from the clasp. The saddle? Is it a saddle for loftwings? The leather straps around Link's loftwings.
And Sky's design!
If you know me you know that SKSW is my fave game and that SS link if my fave in pretty much every AU that i encounter. This one is no exception
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I'll go into detail later, when we have the detailed screenshots. But just look at my boy!
Also the goggles were a nice touch! It just makes sense for them to wear them, they fly so damn fast imagine the dust.
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Captain is a fight first ask questions later, man is ready to go!
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Crimson is out here getting half pages and he deserves every inch of space he gets. Such an extra boy and i love him. The details with the feathers flying from both of them too. I love it. I love them
Loftwings my beloved!
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Shout out to Zelda for landing Luna not right in the way of everyone, Sky please. Your scaring the adults. The kids think it's cool and want a ride.
But the detailing on the feathers and the eyes even from this far is just incredible.
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Crimson please, your scaring the adults. Im here for just the amount of people in lookout landing who sprung to its defense.
While wild is just up here chilling out, This is a totally normal Tuesday!
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this reminds me of my chill cat and it makes me love Zelda's loftwing even more. Just a birb chilling.
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And this reminds me of my other cat. Loud noises!
Are loftwings in this universe just giant cats? Two types, Chill and crazy.
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The real mvp right here. He is ready to fight the big bird.
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From a later panel, we can see that the one at the back here is Captain. This means he not only drew his sword he was straight-up ready to fight by this point. He is fast!
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Sky my beloved, god I love his design so much.
Also captain's face, He's seen the green tunic and is like. Well, its another child to add to our collection better put the sword away before he does something.
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Yes malon, yes they are! And they are wonderful! :D
Time looks worried, is Time afraid of birds? My understanding of oot is that he and the owl were friends?
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My fave panel, the best boy with best birb.
Crimson totally knows this is a comic and breaks the forth wall to smile at the reader as well as the others in lookout landing. I love the details here. I love him so much.
He know's he is stunning and will flaunt it every opportunity he gets
Also Sky and Sun having matching sailcloths? I am in love. I love them both.
I'm gonna mention the feathers now too. I love the details of them having their loftwing feathers in their hair as like a head dress. That's such a cool idea i love it!
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These two panels had me laughing I wont lie.
First off, Sun responds to Hylia. That is the face of someone who's heard their name. Second off, Flower is a mood. running out of bed with a sword, questions later style.
The detail on Zelda's loftwing too. Such a pretty creature. So well-behaved.
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Also, Zelda(flower) asking captain what's happening and the link responds rather than one of her captains.
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I really like captain, He's a chill guy. while Sky is just confused. Really cool of captain to be the one to introduce first, he seems to be the one who will be the main referral when it comes to authority. I assume he will be the one who introduces first for all of them.
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Time for me to be excited about their designs.
Skyloftian goggles, I love it. It just makes so much sense.
I love Sun, Her dress, the way she's got an sailcloth wrapped around her shoulders like that, the way she's got loftwing feathers not only behind her ears but at the end of her longest braid too. I'm very excited to see more with her.
And Sky! where do i start without going on a twenty minute rampage about him. The way he's got his sailcloth around one shoulder like that. I assume to make it easier to use if he ever needs to use it to land. The loftwing feather hanging off his belt. (Which I notice Zelda doesn't have. Is this just a him thing?)
I can't get over the headdress with the loft wing feathers. Is that a skyloftian thing? Is it ceremonial? Is it because they wanted matching headgear?
I want to know more about Skyloftians in this universe.
Also totally not Sky being an absolute cinnamon roll. Beloved. I love him.
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Time and Malon are an absolute mood. time just existing in a state of confusion. And Malon being excited about loftwings. Me too malon, Me too! Let Malon ride one of the loft wings as soon as possible.
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Captain behaving like a dad already. Gives me 'Where is the wild child' vibes. Which is funny, cause Wild is older than him.
Oh and I will mention the scars on Sky's face, I love the scars that they all have. It's all so detailed. Sky's lightning, Captain's burns. And the two cuts on his face.
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The fact that this is an expression at all, let alone one that the rest of them are not going to understand cause you know, No remlits on the surface. Poor cinnamon roll man is confused.
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Again chill dude with all the friends, i love Captain so much. He's just here to help you out.
Oh man, I enjoyed this update, this was good. I love Sky he is wonderful.
Im sure she can and im very excited to see what's next!
thanks for listening to me ramble for so long. I'm gonna get something to eat and you should too.
See you later! :D
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clonebrainrot · 4 months
Aftermath Season 1 episode 1 rewatch
A live reaction
The bad batch aftermath
So we begin
I completely forgot that they had a clone wars intro for this
Ah Kanan sounding like a 40 year old man
And here they come!
Ah POV shot my beloved
God they are so badass
God I am already getting emotional over fucking nothing lol
Tech no you can’t say the C-word
You gotta appreciate all these battles where they are working together it only happens like 3 times in the entire show
God captain grey sucks
lol Tech doesn’t even look up from his data pad when he is introduced by Kanan. He is literally me.
Any orders or shall we do what we do? God what a great line
Oh yay! Order 66!
And everything continued to go down hill from this point onward
smh rebels was contradicted in rebels he said her last words were run not Caleb! I can’t believe they would get this wrong. My day is ruined
Also I am literally just writing all my thoughts out as they happen I’ll have a lot more succinct post later.
Even this early I cannot get over how good the animation looks
You have orders from the chancellor? Wrecker doesn’t give a shit lol
Hunter saw Kanan and he wanted to adopt him immediately
Crosshair is an amazing shot anytime he isn’t shooting a good guy. Then he misses a lot. Although you can argue that he is subconsciously resisting the order if you want
Poor Hunter he is trying his best to
God I am so tempted to writer a the bad batch protests Kanan fic. I think Omega and Kanan would have such a fun dynamic.
God the scenery shots all look gorgeous I wish I knew how to take screenshots of Disney plus or else I would show you
I forgot how often Tech talked. I don’t know why
Remember when people said the dead Jedi here was shaak ti? Cause that made no sense. She literally has a green hand.
Also every line of dialogue between Tech and Wrecker is just hilarious
“Oh they seem the same to me” I love you tech
My exceptional mind! Another great line
Info dump more Tech I will enjoy every piece of dialogue you give me
First appearance of Omega!
Interestingly Omega notices when Hunter looks up at her. Hmm makes one think doesn’t it. Tap this one down as the first of “omega is force sensitive” (I won’t let this theory die”
There she is. She is just the best.
Also Omega has the worst haircut ever.
I love all of Omega’s weird little waves. She’s so socially awkward sometimes I love that about her.
Oh boy. Tarkin here he comes to ruin the day
lol the Kaminoasn really are like “bitch what are you talking about”
Oh my man soup clone is gonna steal the scene
I like to blow things up because I like to blow things up. You always know your ways with words tech
I can’t get over how horrible omega’s haircut looks it is so bad
Soup clone or should I say CX2!
I love that this food fight is a regular occurrence
Regular clone coming in With a metal tray!
I wish they had done more with Echo’s PTSD
I will leave you to process the shock of this revelation
Maybe this empire thing isn’t so bad after all (it was)
I just realized what happened to Lama Su? He just dipped out of the shows lol
And wrecker is shot for the first time. First of many. I think it might be four total. Wrecker takes an absolute beating throughout the show
What we did on Felucia. Well now I need a whole show about that
Tech riding the proto dark troopers is such a video game moment
I completely forgot how little Omega is in this first episode until like well over half way through
Crosshair’s knife shot may be my favorite of the entire show.
Ah the fetus room my favorite one on Kamino
I completely forgot Tarkin has met Omega.
Squad does not make a squadron. I thought squadron was just for aircraft and naval vessels? I know this is a nitpick and doesn’t really matter but it stood out
I love how Hunter always goes to Omega’s eye level. I love that about him.
Oh oh! Oh no! Kid you aren’t a soldier. Damnit I am crying now. She grew up to be a soldier! Ah I hate it I am going to bawl my eyes out for the rest of the episode
Saw you complicated man. I don’t hate you like some, but you always go about it the wrong way you drove so many people away you indirectly killed one of the brightest minds on Star Wars, but your heart was in the right place. It’s just how you fight. That’s what is important
I love how Tech knows who Saw is on sight. He knows literally everything I love that about him
Saw also does it. He gets to eye level when talking to children. I love this detail. Not talking down always talking directly.
Crosshair always the contrarian with “not that you know of”
Wait how did Tech know about the conversation with Tarkin where he talks about the five clones. He wasn’t there. There are a few instances throughout the show where characters know things they really shouldn’t
Someone is coming we need to go. That’s two strikes for force sensitive omega (again not letting this die)
God the wide shots on this show are stunning
Do you think it’s a problem that I can recognize all the trailer shots as they appear? lol
Strike 3 for Omega being force sensitive. Although this one you can excuse as just her knowing about the inhibitor chip. There is one that will be coming up that you can’t read as anything other than force sensitive IMO
Oh did I ever tell you how when I first saw Omega in the trailer I thought she was a boy lol.
I love Omega copying her brothers it’s so cute
I can’t get over how bad her hair is. I hate her original hair style. It’s just so bad lol
God even in this episode so early the music is absolutely banging.
Omega knows crosshair is coming before he actually comes. And then she’ll make this amazing shot. Omega is force sensitive. Nothing says she isn’t in the show. And so I will go to my grave believing it. Canon be damned
Also why is the Coruscant guard on Kamino? What happened to the gray colored Kamino police clones?
That’s a second shot for wrecker. Dude just keeps getting beaten the shit out of. Already planting the seeds for that inhibitor chip activating later
And there is the shot. Followed by shots that go completely off the mark. Makes one think doesn’t it…
Also Nala Se you sneaky sneaky. I hate you for fives and also love you for helping Omega in the end.
So begins Omega’s adventure. And so begins the beginning of the end for theirs
Next stop Cut Lawquane
God I am excited to go through these episodes. It’s like it’s starting all over again even If I have watched this show a collective 4 times lol.
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sweetcloverheart · 1 year
Actually I’m still bitter about the finale - here’s an AU
I’ve lovingly decided to call this “Because the Butterflies Hate You” AU (Because Butterfly Effect is a spiteful bitch as Gabriel will soon learn).
So Gabemoth does as leaked and tries making his wish to “undo his past mistakes” via taking on Emilie’s coma status and giving his life for hers.
Un(Fortunately) for him, my version of Gimme is petty AF and the dictionary definition of the Jerkass Genie trope+monkey’s paw, so it grants his wish by taking him literally and undoing all his choices that lead him here to this moment - including his meeting Emilie. Should have been a bit more specific on that part Gabbie-boy!
So instead of croaking, Gabriel wakes up in his old family flat from back when he was still Gabbie Grassette. A quick search of his things and his old diary reveals that in this new reality, Gabbie’s attempt to strike out on his own fell flat, as never meeting Emilie meant he never met her parents or Audrey and Andre to help get his fashion career off the ground and create his “Gabriel Agreste” persona to escape his past. After too many failures in attempting to start up his own brand, he eventually (and reluctantly) returned home and took over the family frystand as was originally ordained for him.
Needless to say, Gabe’s not happy about this (nor the fact that he’s still alive, because that means Gimme didn’t use him as the wish’s price as planned), especially since despite all his googling, he can’t find anything about Emilie in the new reality (or Nathalie and Adrien).
So he gives temp control to one of his family employee’s and asks Harry (Who’s comedy career sadly failed to take off) to drive him to Paris under the guise of “Fry research” to see if he can gather clues there (and maybe see how much this world differs from the old one)
When he arrives, he sees the entire city has changed. Certain shops aren’t where they’re supposed to be or replaced with unfamiliar businesses, different people have taken different roles and jobs, and there’s no one who recognizes him. Even Andre, Audrey, and Tomoe are no longer the same people they were in the original universe either...
But even with all that, Gabriel still can’t find any sign of Emilie. Even researching her family turns up no clues for him (though that blasted Amelie seems to be doing well though). He had originally assumed she somehow still managed to break away from her parents, but none of that explains why he can’t find anything about her. It’s like she vanished into thin air. The only real clue he has is that she clearly didn’t find any success as an actress in this universe since he can’t find her filmography.
The same goes for Nathalie - though she seemed to have had a very detailed and lucrative career as an archeologist and explorer a few years back before she all but disappeared from the public eye some odd months ago. Conspiracy theorists point the finger at the mysterious research benefactor from her last expedition, but so far her case has many people stumped.
Which just leaves Adrien - and while his son seems to no longer have articles or magazine covers to track him with in this universe, Gabriel at least hopes one thing hasn’t changed in the universe.
“...Gabbie?” “Yes Harry?” “This isn’t about fry research is it?” “What makes you say that?” “*Gestures to the fact that they’re two grown men hanging outside a middleschool in a van*” “...” “...” “...I promise this makes sense.” “Do you now?”
Luckily for Gabriel, he was actually correct on that point - the Adrien of the new universe still attends Francois Dupont, and he spots him exiting during the lunch bell with some friends (Though that Dupain-Cheng girl isn’t with him - Strange...?). He still looks the same as the old universe, the perfect image of him and his beloved’s dream child
...Except, isn’t his hair a little darker? And the shade of green for his eyes is way off - nothing like the subtle emerald hues of his wife? Also, is that a cane? And why is he wearing that trashy bargain bin outfit for? Just what did that blasted Gimme change to cause his son to become so different!?
Before he can question it more though - a Sentimonster attacks. Yep, still a thing in this universe. Gabriel gets separated from Harry in the chaos but remains calm. After all, if there’s still an active Peacock user (which means it got fixed in this world as well), then that must mean the butterfly must be active too, which also mean that blasted Ladybug and Chat Noir are still around. They should be able to help him.
And Chat (or at least a new one it appears) does show up alongside three other heroes...but there’s no Ladybug among their numbers. An akuma never shows to help the sentimonster either. They take down the creature and rescue civilians caught up in the attack, but the damage done around the school remains as the children are forced to leave early, Adrien included.
Naturally, the lack of a Ladybug wielder despite the Peacock (and what happened to the Butterfly Miraculous? Is it not active? Was it never found?) still being in play is concerning, but Gabriel’s more interested in following his son (who technically isn’t really his son anymore but eh - semantics), to make sure he gets home okay - aaaaaand maybe learn more about his new life in the post-wish verse and possibly find a clue about Emilie. After all, if their son still exists, that must mean she still used Dusuu’s powers to create him which also means his wish didn’t change anything
Of course, it’s just then that Gabriel gets ambushed and dragged away into a random alley. When he finally regains his wits he learns his attacker is...
Marinette (wielding the Pig Miraculous no less), who as it turns out, still remembers the old timeline too - and is very pissed at Gabriel for that backstab venom (oh, and also for throwing the fabric of the cosmos out of whack because he thought he knew better than her, his wife, and the centuries old cosmic demigod).
Lucky for him though, she’s prioritizing undoing his universe-sized goof up over payback (for now), so now the two have to work together to find the Ladybug, get the Cat’s new owner to help them, and undo Gabriel’s wish to turn things back to normal. Hurray...
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