#he's not even a good parent to his own son
anniebeemine · 2 days
sawyer and spencer- s.r. x fem!reader
spencer has no idea how to take care of your son, but he'll try
Spencer stood in the living room, watching as you gathered your things near the front door. He had heard you earlier, casually mentioning that you were heading out for a few hours, but it hadn't really sunk in until now. He glanced over at Sawyer, your son—his soon-to-be stepson—who was standing at the coffee table, gripping it with his small hands, a binky in his mouth.
The little boy wobbled slightly, teetering as he practiced his new standing skills, and Spencer's heart thudded in his chest. He adored Sawyer—he really did—but parenthood still felt like a foreign language he was struggling to understand. He wasn’t sure when to step in, when to let things go, or how much he should be doing. The boundaries between being your partner and Sawyer’s stepfather still felt blurry.
"Are you sure you're okay with Sawyer for a few hours?" you asked, turning to him with a questioning look as you slipped your shoes on.
Spencer straightened up, pushing aside his internal doubts and offering you a quick nod. "Yeah, of course. We’ll be fine," he said, trying to sound more confident than he felt.
You gave him a warm smile, walking over and pressing a kiss to his cheek. “Thank you. I won’t be gone too long. Just a few errands."
Sawyer babbled something unintelligible, his binky bouncing slightly in his mouth as he looked up at Spencer with wide, curious eyes. Spencer stared back, feeling a mix of affection and panic swirl in his chest. This was the part of parenthood that scared him—the responsibility of being someone this small’s entire world for a few hours.
As you headed out the door, Spencer gave a little wave, still trying to keep the calm facade. Once the door clicked shut, he turned to face Sawyer, who had now plopped down on his bottom, his little legs splayed out in front of him. Spencer swallowed nervously.
"Alright, buddy," Spencer said, walking over and crouching down to Sawyer's level. "It’s just you and me. What do you want to do?"
Sawyer blinked up at him, the binky still firmly lodged in his mouth, then gave a little giggle as if Spencer had just told the funniest joke in the world. Spencer couldn’t help but smile back, his heart softening a little at the sound of Sawyer’s laughter.
“Okay,” Spencer muttered, running a hand through his hair. "How hard can this be?"
Sawyer suddenly reached up, his tiny fingers grabbing for Spencer’s sleeve, and pulled himself up to a wobbly stand again. He wiggled, still holding onto the coffee table for balance, his eyes focused intently on a toy car that was just out of reach.
Spencer watched, his instinct to help warring with the knowledge that you always encouraged Sawyer to figure things out on his own. He wasn’t sure when it was appropriate to step in, or if he should let Sawyer try it on his own.
After a moment, Spencer decided to sit back and watch, his hands hovering near Sawyer, ready to catch him if he fell. "You got this, Sawyer," he encouraged softly. "You can do it."
Sawyer glanced at Spencer, then back at the toy. With a determined little grunt, he let go of the table and took one wobbly step toward the car. Spencer held his breath, heart racing as Sawyer lifted one chubby foot, then the other. He swayed dangerously for a second, and Spencer’s hand instinctively shot out, hovering just behind his back—but Sawyer didn’t fall.
Instead, he reached the toy car and plopped down, triumphant, grabbing the car with a delighted squeal. Spencer let out a breath he didn’t realize he was holding, a mixture of relief and pride flooding through him.
“You did it!” Spencer smiled, his nerves easing slightly as he sat down next to Sawyer. "Good job, buddy."
Sawyer looked up at him with a grin, his binky hanging half out of his mouth, and Spencer couldn’t help but chuckle. For the first time that evening, he felt a small surge of confidence. Maybe he didn’t have this whole parenting thing completely figured out, but in this moment, it was okay. They were figuring it out together, one wobbly step at a time.
"Alright," Spencer said with a soft smile, picking up a second toy car and gently rolling it across the floor. "Let's see what else we can do before your mom gets back."
Sawyer clapped his hands, clearly excited, and Spencer felt the knot of anxiety in his chest start to loosen. Maybe he was still learning, but moments like this? They felt just right.
Spencer spent the next hour on the floor with Sawyer, rolling cars back and forth between them. The more time he spent with Sawyer, the more his nerves began to settle. He even started to enjoy himself, finding the little boy’s infectious giggles and curiosity charming. It was a stark contrast to the chaos Spencer usually faced at work, but this calm, domestic moment had its own challenges—and rewards.
As the afternoon wore on, Sawyer started to get restless, his attention shifting from his toys to the kitchen. Spencer recognized the signs—his soon-to-be stepson was getting hungry. He’d seen you go through the routine before, so he stood up, dusting off his pants, and carefully scooped Sawyer up into his arms.
“Alright, I think it’s snack time,” Spencer said, smiling down at Sawyer, who was already trying to squirm out of his arms to reach for the refrigerator door.
Spencer opened the fridge, glancing around for something he could prepare quickly. His eyes landed on a bowl of pre-cooked oatmeal you must have made earlier. He grabbed it, setting Sawyer down in his high chair and microwaving the oatmeal until it was warm.
When it was ready, Spencer stirred in a little bit of milk to cool it down and then pulled up a chair beside Sawyer. He grabbed two spoons—one for himself and one for Sawyer—then sat back with a sigh. This was another part of parenting that felt odd to him. He never would’ve imagined himself sharing a bowl of oatmeal with a toddler, but here he was.
Sawyer reached for the spoon, his little fingers curling around it awkwardly. Spencer helped guide the spoon to Sawyer’s mouth, then took a small bite himself, smiling at the surprised look on Sawyer’s face as he tasted the oatmeal.
“It’s not so bad, right?” Spencer asked with a chuckle, watching as Sawyer made a happy little sound and reached for more.
They ate together, Sawyer taking messy, enthusiastic bites while Spencer cleaned up any stray oatmeal that dribbled onto the high chair. It was a simple, quiet moment, but there was something soothing about it.
After a while, Sawyer started to slow down, his bites becoming more sluggish as he leaned back in his high chair. Spencer recognized the familiar signs of fatigue—his eyelids were drooping, and his movements were less coordinated.
“Are you getting tired, buddy?” Spencer asked softly, standing up to wipe Sawyer’s hands and face with a damp cloth.
Sawyer let out a small, whiny sound in response, rubbing his eyes with his chubby fists. Spencer carefully lifted him out of the high chair and held him against his chest, his heart softening as Sawyer instinctively nuzzled into him, his small body fitting perfectly in Spencer’s arms.
“There we go,” Spencer murmured, swaying gently as he carried Sawyer over to the couch. He sat down carefully, still holding Sawyer close as the little boy snuggled into him, his head resting against Spencer’s shoulder.
Sawyer let out a sleepy sigh, his hand clutching a fistful of Spencer’s shirt as his eyes fluttered closed. Spencer felt a rush of warmth as he looked down at him, the weight of Sawyer in his arms suddenly making the anxiety of the day fade away. He hadn’t overstepped. He’d taken care of Sawyer, and it had been okay—more than okay, actually.
Spencer continued to rock gently, resting his cheek against Sawyer’s soft hair. The little boy’s breathing became slow and steady, and Spencer couldn’t help but smile at the quiet, intimate moment they were sharing. For all his fears about parenthood and being unsure of when to step in, right now, with Sawyer asleep in his arms, everything felt right.
When you finally returned a couple of hours later, you found Spencer still sitting on the couch, cradling Sawyer in his arms. The sight made your heart swell with affection. Spencer looked up at you with a soft smile, his eyes full of warmth and pride.
"How did it go?" you asked quietly, not wanting to disturb Sawyer.
Spencer smiled down at the little boy, brushing a strand of hair from his face. "We had a pretty good afternoon. Shared some oatmeal, played with cars... and now, I guess it’s nap time."
You leaned down and kissed Spencer gently on the forehead, whispering, "Thank you."
Spencer met your gaze, his earlier doubts nowhere to be found. "I think we’re going to be just fine," he said softly, his arms wrapped protectively around Sawyer.
And in that moment, you knew he was right.
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writingsofwesteros · 2 days
inspiration for a filthy lil thought....that can maybe be an au?
Imagine post-dance, the greens win the war. Of Aegon and Helaena's three children, only their daughter remains. She grows up to be the most beautiful maiden in all the realm, she is the apple of Aegon's eye, she is Helaena's greatest comfort, who brings her some semblance of peace and comfort in the aftermath of the loss.
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They call her the Golden Princess, because when the sun shines on her, her hair shines with silver and gold mixed, and all who see her are enraptured. Aegon spoils her, incessantly and Helaena does not even begrudge him this, because she spoils her not with jewels or gowns like Aegon, but with her mother's love and attention. Even her dragon, borne of Sunfyre and Dreamfyre, is silverish-gold, like her hair.
Aegon receives dozens of marriage offers every day for the hand of his jewel, and he does the same with them all. "Another proposal?" Helaena asks softly that afternoon, as Aegon's doublet, embroidered by Helaena's own hand with a gold dragon, stood out as he stood under the sunlight from the window. He nodded. Helaena picked up the letter and gently tossed it into Aegon's hearth, making him chuckle. "That once came from all the way up North," He told her. "The snow should not cover such glittering gold," Helaena said. That night the Golden Princess could not sleep, and wandered into her mother's chambers.
"Mother?" She spoke softly. "My lovebug," Helaena sat up, beckoning her daughter up on the bed. "Is something wrong?" "Sleep evades me," She whispered. "Then sleep here," Helaena cupped her cheek. Her perfect, beautiful girl, with eyes like amethyst stones, lips pouty and rosy pink, and skin soft and without blemish, like porcelain. The moonlight shining through the curtains made her daughter's nightgown transparent, and she saw her soft, supple breasts, the cool air hardening her pert little pink nipples. As she settled into bed beside Helaena, Helaena was soothed by the familiar scent of rose oils used in her daughter's hair. "Beautiful girl," Helaena whispered. "Sweet treasure." Her hands slid under her nightgown to feel her skin soft and warm. "Mother?" She whispered, her body growing hotter. How could any even think themselves worthy of her? Her little golden angel, sent from the gods to shine her light upon her and Aegon, the best of them both? No, she belonged to them, this pretty angel. "My sweet girl," Helaena whispered, feeling a slight dampness on her smallclothes. "Let Mother make you feel good. It will help you to sleep, my love."
Ever innocent, ever trusting, for she loved none like she loved her parents, she nodded, gasping softly when Helaena's fingers slipped between her folds to find her clit, sending tremors of pleasure unknown through her body. That was the hidden danger of sweet Helaena. Everyone saw her softness and her riddles and they didn't realise that was exactly what hid her darker desires so well. Her touch was soft but no less hungry. Their sweet little princess, perhaps she might give Aegon the son the council hassles him constantly for. Oh, how Helaena would adore that. But not yet- she wanted her for herself, now.
Oh people underestimate Helaena all the time but she's just as dark.
The sweet Princess trusts her mother's touches as she falls apart; the pleasure taking over her mind now as Helaena plays with her treasure
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waterfalls-bunny · 1 day
Looking at Kenny's bedroom makes me wonder if he's simply a disorganized boy and won't listen to his mom or it could be bc that while for some boys in south park their mothers make their bed (e.g. Cartman) and for others they're told to do that themselves (e.g. Kyle) so at least there's the pressure of their moms to make their bed, but since Kenny parents are not around to be actual parents then Kenny was left alone to do these chores and since he's disorganized (or low self steem-) he won't mind his bedroom being a mess. And I say disorganized and not irresponsible because if we follow this logic he'd do other chores by himself AND for Karen. I like this second version more because iirc Carol does consider Kenny to be a good son and they don't really have a beef going on, really shown when he gets his own bedroom and is free to do wtw he wants probably (this lenient attitude is more shown in early seasons when Karen didn't exist but I think it still applies till now) so why would he refuse to make his bed and cleaning his bedroom?
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Another detail I'd like to point out is that if we follow the logic that Kenny does most of the chores then it could be possible that he actually is who cleans Karen's bedroom (just look, is definitely cleaner than any place in the house), only a hc bc it could perfectly be Kevin or Karen herself who does this but think about it
We really don't know a lot about Kevin, only that he has beef with Stuart and they fight often, he's not seen around the McCormick's household so it could be kinda implied he doesn't spend a lot of time in his home, avoiding it altogether crashing at his friends place. Maybe.
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About Karen c'mon, first, she's a small child so is less likely she already learned how to do chores (i mean is at her age when you learn) and the idea of Kenny ignoring his own bedroom but diligently cleaning Karen's bedroom so she can have the best version of her place is more Kenny like
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The bedroom is still kinda disorganized but it would be bc since Kenny is already a messy boy, even if he cleans he wouldn't ace at this but is clean enough for Karen to be at a safe space I think. It's even cleaner in the next pic
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So is Kenny being a good sibling? Kenny is being a good bro
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all-pacas · 3 days
I love how House is a much better parental figure for Chase than his actual parents,even tho he's a disaster. The bar is so low...
The bar is subterranean. And I think the funny thing is, I don’t think either of them would label their relationship as such: Chase kind of does this with every authority figure he runs into (sucks up to them and tries to get them to like him); House resists every relationship that isn’t on precisely his own terms.
I was thinking just the other day about Human Error vs the Nobody’s Fault/Chase duo. A bit running theme of House is that he hates change. He lives in the same apartment, drives the same car, plays the same guitar. What relationships he has are grandfathered in: he’s known Cuddy on and off since med school, Wilson for a decade at the series start. He had One Relationship with Stacy. He does not generally seek new friends or romantic partners.
And House when called on this gets pretty contrary, of course. He buys a motorcycle. He buys a new guitar. He… fires Chase. And that’s an interesting decision to me, because it really is out of nowhere. House is told he’s struggling to let Foreman go, to let things change, so he proves he’s fine with change by… firing Chase. It’s not because he actually hates Chase; I’m not arguing they’re bffs or have a reciprocal father-son thing at this point. But he’s had Chase the longest.
And the point comes up again in Nobody’s Fault. Cofield practically starts his conversation with Chase with: you’ve worked with him longer than anyone. He brings the point up again with House: 
COFIELD: He's your friend, and he's not well. HOUSE: He's a coworker. COFIELD: Coworker whom you've known for almost ten years who nearly died and who's still scared he may not walk.
COFIELD: So your testimony is that Dr. House's complete lack of concern is evidence of his deep concern?
And yes, sure, knowing someone ten years is enough in itself. But again and again for House, that’s a big deal. That’s… Wilson in S1. Chase has been part of House’s life for a decade. House fired him and he came back. I’ve talked before about how, to Chase, House is the one constant in his life, the one person who approves of what he does and takes him back and wants him around. But it really does go both ways. No, Chase isn’t the only person House has, or the most important person in House’s life. But Chase got fired, and he came back. House punched Chase and immediately regretted it, and Chase didn’t press charges or hold a grudge.
The thing is, House really doesn’t treat Chase like a peer or an equal, and Chase doesn’t try (unlike Foreman and Cameron) to be treated as an equal. I think that’s why their relationship has such father-son vibes; they’re both seemingly pretty happy with the weird employer/mentor/approval seeker relationship they ended up with. But on other levels, they’re very close. Chase gets House, and while in some ways he does seem to idealize him (Chase consistently — and very interestingly given his own history — ignores and enables House’s addictions), he neither idealizes House into a polish or into a monster: he is very good at reading House. They’re both very observant, they both hate opening up, they have deeply parallel histories that the show eventually leans into. Chase was not the first fellow House ever had, but he is the first one that stuck. The first one that stayed.
House can’t admit that means something, but Chase doesn’t need him to, because Chase knows how House thinks. Chase is lonely, S8 drives home he’s lonely and stuck and wants change (and will never get it): House, in his way, always makes it known he notices and cares. They’ve been in one another’s lives for ten years.
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zahri-melitor · 12 hours
I don't believe Joshua Williamson is acting on his own accord strictly when it comes to shoving Damian forward as the only actual son, i think that was DC's intent. And it's why i think Damian should have never been kept as a recurring character in the main cast, he should have died back when Grant Morrison intended in Damian's initial conception.
If they were going to have another Robin he shouldn't have been related to Bruce.
Ink has a very good post that goes into how Williamson's characterisation in this manner is actually out of step with what's going on in a bunch of contemporaneous titles written by other writers. In this circumstance, it's very much more likely to be the writer rather than editorial, because even though Williamson's remit with the titles is to be focused on Damian, the problem can be seen particularly in the lack of care with how Williamson treats the other Batfam characters he has appear, and how he describes their relationships in a manner that suggests that really Bruce has a son who is more important than any of the adopted children.
Like, let's take the Bruce and Lex scene I just complained about. It would have taken a single word balloon for Bruce to push back with "you mean my son" there, after Lex (the person who killed Dick Grayson on panel) completely waives Dick and Bruce's relationship's depth away with the term "former ward". The only reason anyone should be using the term "former ward" for Dick and Bruce in a comic set at any point after Gotham Knights #17, a comic that came out in May 2001, is to be an enormous asshole and be corrected about their actual relationship. This scene from Williamson came out twenty one years after Dick was adopted.
Five months earlier, in Nightwing #84, during Fear State, Tom Taylor specifically has Bruce say to Dick "I watched my parents die in that alley. I wasn't going to let that happen to my son."
There may very well be people in editorial who want to push the Only Blood Son agenda, but it's certainly not consistent and it's certainly not a mandate people are being held to, because if it was we wouldn't have so many examples in the opposite direction.
This has been something that's been a niggling issue with Williamson's writing since he started on the Bat books. It's been a problem again as recently as Batman & Robin #12 2023, which came out on 14 August 2024, where Williamson frames significant retcons around Alfred and Damian's relationship that not only present characterisation that the two frequently did not display in the periods called out, but in one in particular specifically removes both Dick and Tim's agency and position in the narrative at that time (the R.I.P. flashback).
It's honestly just petty at this point.
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asharkapologist · 2 days
May I request Leopold Rochester and Diego del Lobo for your S4 heacanons? They're two of my favourite S4 characters, and I'd love to see what headcanon you have for them!
Yes of course! I'll start with Leopold, and then later make a different post for Diego. I love Leopold, he's such a sweetheart :)
Spoilers for Mysteries of the Past and TW for death and abuse.
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During the holidays, he often volunteers at soup kitchens, orphanages, shelters, churches, and other similar places, hoping to help the less fortunate as much as possible. Similarly, he often donates to various academic institutions and charities. 
Out of everyone in the family, he was the kindest to Veronica, feeling awful that her husband was frequently unfaithful to her, and tried to be as welcoming and warm to her as possible.
He was the only member of the Rochester family who died in the game who had a funeral whose attendance included people outside of the family. Horatio wanted to keep Clarissa and Archie’s funerals a family-only affair, not wanting people to come to private Rochester estates and memorials to gossip and talk about members of the Rochester family being murdered, as Horatio thought that would make the family look weak. However, once that crusty mf was in prison, Rockley and Bernadine organized a funeral where many people could attend and celebrate Leopold’s accomplishments, good deeds, and life.
Considering Horatio had pretty much disowned Patricia, he didn't organize a funeral for her. However, her brother did, and Leopold was one of the few attendees at Patricia's funeral.
I headcanon that Bernadine, Malcolm, and Monty’s parents died when the three of them were children, and Leopold took in Bernadine and Monty, raising them alongside his own sons and providing a safe, comforting environment for them. Because of this, Bernadine saw Leopold as not only an uncle, but a father figure. 
Leopold is an excellent singer, and has Christmas caroled multiple times throughout the years.
Leopold’s wife died of tuberculosis shortly after Larry was born.
Leopold tried to visit Patricia in the asylum several times after Horatio imprisoned her there, concerned for his sister-in-law and her “sudden break from sanity and reality,” as Horatio put it, considering Patricia had seemed healthy. However, as Horatio had ordered any visitors Patricia might have be turned away, staff never permitted Leopold from visiting her, telling him she was in no condition to be seen. When he was finally able to visit her, she no longer recognized him. (Yeah, you can probably tell I hate Horatio).
Despite this, Leopold did try to visit Patricia even if she didn’t know who he was, bringing her small gifts such as potted plants and flowers, despite Horatio’s disapproval of such visits. 
He was invited to several of Mr. Alastor’s parties (before the ones where people were murdered), but almost always declined, as the parties fell at the same time when Leopold was working on setting up and running the World Exhibition. 
That's it for Leopold! Thank you for requesting him, I love making Rochester family content!
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i’m sure this has been said before but when adam and michael are talking in the bunker about the possibility of michael’s dad being a grade a asshole, there’s something so so so important to me about how adam points out michael’s hypocrisy.
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ADAM: Point is…. Parents keep secrets. Does it hurt to ask the question?
MICHAEL: Yes! It would mean I doubt him. The good son; the favorite doubts his father.
ADAM: You still care about that? After he left you in the cage?
this matters because michael was JUST criticizing sam and dean for leaving adam and how he is in unable to trust them. he doubts them because of their actions.
MICHAEL: You’re asking me to trust you. You who doomed me, you who let Lucifer walk free while your own brother sat in Hell.
in turn, adam is pointing out that clearly michael has a line for his family members and it’s been crossed by michael’s own, so why is his dad any different than sam or dean? what makes michael different than adam? why does his dad get to betray and abandon him and still get michael’s trust and loyalty? why is michael expendable?
he’s really tapping into michael’s beliefs that were just established to us as the audience at the diner. (ie: family sometimes hurts you and just because they’re blood relatives or ‘family’ doesn’t mean they have your best interests at heart. sometimes there are things more important than family, sometimes walking away from your family is freedom) and he’s holding michael to the same standard he’s set for the winchesters.
side note: another thing i enjoy about this interaction is that adam is being gentle, although it 100% appears as if they’ve had this conversation before since he literally rolls his eyes, and not to mention that michael is an archangel. he could easily be mean or not even care about his feelings or michael could not even take his opinion into account and do what he wants. but despite everything, adam asks for michael to listen to him, and he does. and in turn adam appeals to him with logic and reasoning, because he’s overall a very rational and strategic being that’s simply been groomed from the get go in his dad’s weird cult. adam appeals to his emotions in a way that’s familiar. they share this experience. adam knows michael is protective of him and that it’s easy for michael to hate sam and dean for the same things his dad has done. but michael’s own lack of self worth that was drilled into him by his dad for aeons is being challenged, and it’s uncomfortable for him, but adam doesn’t back down and he helps get through to him. it’s really a great scene. this post wasn’t meant to be so long but yeah i have lots of thoughts about this short interaction!
#also the fact that michael compares him and adam being together for years (around 50k) as comparable in importance….#he’s not saying that adam is less important he’s presenting a logical fallacy. there’s been so much time. he can’t change his belief now#it’s been eternity! what does that mean for him? it’s the logic of the sunk cost fallacy#he’s invested so much time in it that he has to continue and adam is pulling him away with appealing to his compassion for a situation#adam was also in. and the nail in the coffin was castiel showing him those memories. it’s one of the reasons why#15x19 feels so odd because he is very 0-100. he 100% had faith his father and then had no faith in him#so it feels kinda ooc for him to suddenly go back when he spent 6 months coming to terms with something he had already been questioning#then for him to go back to his dad? why? what does he gain? both he and lucifer actually have this issue where their motivations aren’t#exactly established. we can assume lucifer is told a paradise type fantasy where he gets to have jack or something of equal importance#and we can assume michael is told that he will bring adam back but both of them have been betrayed so many times (and so recently) it’s#whiplash for them to be suddenly team god again. also michael killing lucifer is ooc imo as well#it just feels too convenient considering jack needed to absorb more power in regards to both their deaths#anyway lol#supernatural#adam milligan#dean winchester#sam winchester#spn#michael spn#15x08#spn 15x08
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Last night I dreamt about Hawkmoth giving Ladybug parenting advices
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unsteadylilactree · 1 year
the progression from "there's a morning snack and a midday snack" and "20 bucks for pizza" buck looking after his friend's kid to "bobby's famous lasagne: 6 types of cheese cooked to perfection" buck cooking for his family to "that's makes me your sous chef" teaching his kid how to cook is making me go so feral.
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birdcatt · 1 year
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takaraphoenix · 1 year
No, actually, I’ll not just be generally vaguely upset about the framework that pisses me off, I will also be specifically pissed off about the way he’s trying to pat himself on the back and rewrite history.
So having a gay character be brave by coming out and that bravery be an inspiration to other queer characters so they can be brave and come out too is something that comes off poor on its own already - because of the shallow framework that our existence alone is already oh-so brave of us and that others wouldn’t have dared come out if not for Major Queer Character who did it first.
But there is something particularly twisted and nasty about Riordan using this for Nico di Angelo, actually.
Because Nico di Angelo didn’t come out.
Nico di Angelo didn’t get to be brave or inspirational.
Nico di Angelo was forced out of the closet.
Nico di Angelo was outed against his will, in front of others.
Eros forced Nico to come out in front of Jason.
And, quite frankly, the way it was handled further was just as poor. To make this repressed teen from the 1930s, who up until mere days ago was dealing with severe internalized homophobia and couldn’t even admit his own feelings to himself, confess his crush in public, in the middle of camp...
Both of these events really just showed that Riordan is a straight man who doesn’t know this, and didn’t do his research beforehand.
And people just love giving Riordan the benefit of the doubt. Love giving him a pass and clapping him on the shoulder for the inclusion and for trying. And you know what! Yeah, I do love that he includes the gays. I do not think he should get excused for handling representation like shit though.
And this? This is in his newest book? You should think authors grow. Best selling authors should do more research. Get consultants. Stuff like that.
Instead, we’re going back and rewriting history. That forced coming out? Now a moment of bravery and inspiration for others!! Look how great and amazing that is!
Nico di Angelo didn’t get to choose that he was ready to come out, it wasn’t a moment of bravery. Not the kind of bravery that it takes when you are ready to face your personal truth and willingly take the step to own it. It was a moment of fear and desperation. And it was the bravery to face that fear and desperation.
And it really makes me sick to now learn that we’re looking back at it and pretending otherwise, in-universe.
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kattythingz · 22 days
Hot take but Ed's crippling daddy issues and his trigger-happy attitude around older male figures in his life are completely valid and make a lot more sense when you, too, have crippling daddy/mommy issues
Stop forcing Ed to forgive Hohenheim 2024 :) Please :))
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nadiaerre · 2 years
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“You know Mozzie is an orphan. An orphan's gonna wonder about his parents, so he imagined they were spies. Occasionally, something happens that triggers Mozzie to revisit his childhood. When Ellen told me my Dad was corrupted, I ran from the truth and it became a self-fulfilling prophecy. Mozzie tells himself these stories to maintain his faith in the world. His faith, however limited, is all that separates a man with a conscience from a man without one.”
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skyloftian-nutcase · 6 months
Hi? Is it okay to ask for Ganondorf's possible anxieties involving having a son?
I mean, it's highly unlikely that Ganon even saw another male until at least 18. Imagine what that would do to someone. No father, no male role model, no male friends, no male associates. No male contact at all.
Like, I can't even imagine what it would've been like to have had no female contact at all until 18.
Just not having a good father in one's life is known to stunt a person substantially. I can't even fathom how othered Ganon must've felt growing up. How utterly pressured he felt to become a pillar of masculinity without any real example to follow. No one to teach him what it actually means to be a good man. No one to explain things to him. No one to show him the subtle little things that seems to almost be universal among men no matter the culture. Especially in how they interact amongst each other. No one to teach him about comradery between men. About the unspoken rules that men seem to have.
And, not to mention the almost commodifying perspective the Gerudo have towards men. One even mentioned that she'd believed that all men were useless except for Ganondorf.
I can't help but think he might've internalized some of that.
So, would Ganon be anxious about setting a good example for his son seeing as he likely didn't have that himself?
Ganondorf had to admit he was still in shock over looking at his children. But the longer he stared at them, the more a new feeling settled into his heart.
Watching his daughter was a blessing; a strong feeling of protectiveness overcame him, and he wondered how such a delicate looking child could grow into a warrior like her mother. But his son…
Ganondorf could fathom having a daughter, could handle raising a girl. But a son…
He’d never felt so simultaneously out-of-depth and excited.
It wasn’t particularly a feeling he enjoyed. Ganondorf despised being out of control. But looking at the little boy made him feel so utterly alone and adrift, wondering how in the world he could possibly raise this child correctly. Yet at the same time, it filled him with eagerness, an excitement to give the boy guidance that he had been sorely lacking in his life.
Growing up as a Gerudo male had been so incredibly isolating. Ganondorf had been treated as a king and as some Other, his childhood filled with voids and gaps in understanding, in confusion that had left him stumbling when he’d first entered Hyrule. He’d never felt unwelcome by his fellow Gerudo, but he’d also never felt welcome. His presence was a blessing, a symbol of leadership with no understanding of what that even meant. Somehow it was his responsibility to lead his band of thieves, and the best way he knew how was to be the strongest. His physicality lent to it naturally, so it only seemed the correct path. But when he’d first entered Hyrule, when he’d first seen another man, he had felt wholly inadequate. It had been a group of Hylian soldiers, all strong in their own right, laughing amongst each other, at ease, normal.
He wasn’t normal. He’d never been normal. His body had been strange and cursed, developing in ways no other Gerudo’s had, lacking the gift of life that the women bore, making up for it in sheer power and aggression. It had been his goddess-given right to be a protector, and that had developed into a greater desire when he’d seen Hyrule.
He didn’t have to defend. He could just take as his sisters did, but with greater results. He could live in a land that prospered, he could rule it, as was his birthright.
But all of those thoughts felt empty when looking at his son, because here he held a new gift and opportunity. He could be a father. He could raise a boy to be a man, could show him what that meant when he’d never had that chance.
But what could he possibly do in this role? He knew nothing of fathers, even in his journeys to Hyrule. The closest he’d gotten to interacting with a father was seeing the king, who occasionally was present with the princess, but mostly the girl was elsewhere in the palace. Was being a father not that involved, then, or was it simply because the king of Hyrule had other duties? Ganondorf surely wouldn’t abandon his children nearly so much. They could attend duties with him. How else could they learn to fulfill their roles, anyway?
Was that the correct course of action? Twinrova had done as much with Ganondorf, so it seemed reasonable. He’d been involved in the care and leadership of his people since he was a teenager, perhaps even a little younger.
The worst part of this was that he had no one to turn to for this. Ganondorf hated relying on anything or anyone else but himself, but in this matter… he… almost wished he did have someone. Nabooru, as much as he loved her, was not going to be helpful in this matter. However, in this land that Din had taken him to, the Gerudo here did have a very small amount of men present in their ranks – only those who joined with Gerudo women were allowed. Men from a nearby settlement occasionally interacted with Gerudo, and those who chose to embrace the culture and marry one of the women were allowed. But they were foreigners, and Ganondorf was their ruler through his own birthright and his marriage to Nabooru. He refused to look to them for an example.
Ganondorf took a steadying breath, lifting the child into his arms. It didn’t matter if he had an example or not. He’d forged his own way his entire life, and that wasn’t changing now. He would be a father to these children whether he was ready or not, and so he would strive to be the best father he could be, whatever that meant.
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monsterbisexual · 1 month
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the silt verses: chapter 34
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chapter 38
#p#tsv#the silt verses#im being so brave n tagging this + making it rb-able. i think#posting this for my own benefit cuz it made me go nuts (positive) when i listened to ch 38 n got to this part#i was like WAIT THIS REMINDS ME OF SMTH#n then i found the right ep to check the transcript for the first one n i was like YESSSS >:)#this podcast dude.....im eating it its eating me we're (cant spell the O word) snake eating self thing#this is like. what if we were both prophets of our faith (in different ways i think)#n bargaining w our god for the safety of our loved ones#basically threatening it w the power we have over it#And we were both trans??? :O#Also! how theyre both v like jaded abt their god when they started w good intentions (paige)#or like such zealous belief n feel the bad actions u do are justified by ur faith n its for ur god etc (faulkner but i worded it badly)#now that im rambling here: anyway i do miss that faulkner era sldjk like hes still doing fucked up stuff ofc#but at this point he admitted he doesnt feel the same abt the trawler man n is maybe more like carpenter at the beginning of the series#ok 38 made me cry it was wild actually. the stuff w his dad got me dude!!!#him telling raine that hes wanted to like confront his dad for not being around for him+his brothers n basically abandoning him eventually#but now that theyre together again he cant cuz his dad isnt even like. himself sometimes n needs to be looked after etc#this podcast is great w complicated parental/family relationships i think. faulkner n his alive brother+dad#paige w her dad + carpenter w nana glass#anyway back to 38 lol n when faulkner had to comfort his dad who thought he was his abusive uncle not his son n kept repeating#''i love u. im not him'' jeeeeez#then when his dad is more coherent n they have a long talk abt how faulkner (richard lol) has been n that he thinks hes rly fucked things u#<- CORRECT#OHH n the trans stuff omg like 'ur voice is deeper than last time i saw u' n feelin bad he couldnt afford#testosterone when faulkner was younger n stuff n saying how he looks n sounds suits him n skdjdk wah#ok posting this before i can regret it byeee
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llycaons · 1 year
'poor heroic tragic saint jiang cheng' is actually my favorite jc misinterpretation it is just so fucking funny. I'll watch the man advocate to abandon a group of political prisoners to mass murder, constantly yell about his issues, threaten his nephew and everyone else around him, and abuse his power to intentionally trigger his traumatized brother bc he's mad at him and I go online and see posts about how he's so strong and noble and a great parent/leader despite suffering so much. LIKE
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