#he's so unbelievably hot in this movie omg
hamishlinklaters · 10 months
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"Please don't be chipper in the face of me being miserable. It really makes me hate you."
HAMISH LINKLATER as PORTER COLLINS The Big Short (2015) | dir. Adam McKay
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lllivia · 2 years
Happy birthday, cara mia
Wednesday Addams x fem!reader
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You were sitting at the weathervane cafe with Wednesday as usual, doing your homework. "Shit I'm kinda hungry, I'm gonna go buy a sandwich, do you want something?" you said getting up and almost tripping from a biology paper you lost on the floor. Looking up in amusement Wednesday rolled her eyes at your little sqeal "no thank you, I'll stick to my coffee".
Blushing slightly in embarrassment you walked over to the counter where Tyler was standing ready to take your order "Hi Y/N what can I get for you?" You looked through the glass counter for a second before choosing. "Hmm I'll take an avocado sandwich"
Walking back to your seat with your sandwich, some hot chocolate and a slice of red velvet cake you looked happily at Wednesday "Tyler gave me this for free since my birthday is coming up! He's so nice" Wednesday's eyes flickered up to yours fast after hearing that. "Birthday? You didn't tell me it was your birthday?" Trying to hide her panic, her mind flew rapidly across what she could do for you. "I didn't? Huh must of slipped my mind, I don't really do much for my birthday usually" munching on your cake you grinned at her wide eyes.
"I got to go, I think I just figured something out about the murders" Wednesday said quickly getting up and packing her things, hoping you'd believe her lie. "oh alright, want me to help you?" You asked setting your fork down slightly disappointed that she was leaving this soon. "No, I have to do this alone, I'll come by your dorm tonight"
Rushing into her dorm Wednesday slammed the door behind her, scaring Enid that missed her nail and got light blue nail polish all over her her hand instead. "HOLY SHIT WEDNESDAY, YOU CAN'T JUST COME IN LIKE THAT" Standing up ready to argue she noticed how the girl on the dark side of the room seemed occupied by something. "If I remember right Enid this is a shared dorm" rolling her eyes Enid skipped over to her roommate. "Soooo watcha doing, I thought you were on a date with Y/N?" She asked standing behind her as she was looking for paper on her desk "I was, before Y/N told me unbelievably late that her birthday is in a couple of days... And I want to do something nice for her. can you maybe.. Help me?"
Enid stood still as a statue for about a second before "EEEEEEEEEEEEEEE OMG WEDNESDAY ADDAMS JUST ASKED FOR MY PARTY ADVICE" flinching slightly at Enid's scream she merely looked at her amused. "So are you going to help me or not, because if you aren't I can get Thing to help instead"
Later that evening Wednesday and Enid had already put up a big board of ideas, not noticing how late it actually was before now Wednesday glanced over the board once again before walking over to the door "where are you going, I thought we were working on ideas?" Enid said confused, turning away from her so called 'masterpiece'. "I'm sleeping in Y/N's dorm tonight, she wanted to watch some movie called 'Harry Potter' about some imaginary wizarding world or something"
The next day she was up and going before you even woke up, it was the day before your birthday and she was rushing to find the perfect gift that you'd enjoy.
After walking through the small town in circles for at least an hour she finally spotted the perfect gift - a beautiful ring with a blue/grey crystal on display in the window of Uriah's heap. Walking in she immediately asked the lady at the counter to get it for her not caring about how expensive it was seeing it was for the love of her life.
Proudly walking back to her dorm she was almost ready for her girlfriends special day, secretly excited to see her reaction to what she had prepared. Closing the door behind her she walked over to her desk, ignoring Enid's grinning face that was awing at her. Packing the ring up neatly in some black silk paper she almost smiled. The day was starting to slip by so she decided it was finally time to go to your dorm to sleep.
The sun shining bright outside woke you up as you reached out trying to find Wednesday's resting body next to yours, only to find a cold empty space next to you, feeling sad you got up. Even though you didn't really care for your birthday you still hoped that Wednesday would at least wake up next to you. After getting dressed in your normal school attire you were about to leave your dorm when you saw a note laying folded on your desk.
"Meet me at weathervane at 11:00 - W. A."
Cursing to yourself you realized that it was already 10:32 and you didn't have much time to get there. Almost running outside you bumped into Enid "fuck- OH- HAPPY BIRTHDAY Y/N" Enid yelled unnecessarily loud causing people to turn around to stare, not really caring Enid grabbed both of your hands and spun you around squealing. "Enid, Enid- I'm going to throw up if you continue to spin me around" you laugh at your best friends behavior. "I'm just so excited, it's your special day after all cutie!!" She said and hugged you tightly, closing your eyes you hugged her back loving your friends kindness.
Walking into weathervane your eyes scanned the shop for your goth girlfriend, immediately spotting her sitting there with a big bouquet of roses, you smile widely at how adorable she looked with her freckles being more noticeable in the sunshine. Sitting down in front of her you gazed over the table, where there was every kind of cake from the cafe in front of you. "What's all this for Wens?" You asked curiously "well I wasn't really sure what cake you would prefer, so, I bought them all." Wednesday said in her deadpan voice, rolling her eyes at you like it was obvious, blushing you looked away, not used to this kind of treatment from any of your other former partners. "Also here, Enid said it would be romantic to give you these flowers" she said giving the gorgeous flowers to you. "Thank you so much Wednesday, I love them, and I love you, I really wasn't expecting something like this, thank you" you pecked her dark lips "of course, I would do anything to see you happy dolcezza" she responded smiling slightly - something she would almost only do with you.
"I'm sorry Y/N but I have something I got to do" Wednesday said in her most apologetic voice grabbing your hand. "Oh, alright, are you still going to be sleeping in my dorm tonight?" You said somberly looking down at the table "of course my love, I'll see you later" Wednesday said before getting up and leaving the cafe, again leaving you alone to your thoughts.
Finally back in your dorm you sighed getting a vase and filling it up with water from your bathroom, you went back over to your desk before putting the vase there with the flowers in it. Finding a good book on the shelf that occupied most of your wall you sat down on your bed and relaxed, trying not to be suspicious of what Wednesday was doing.
The clock was nearing 04:00 pm when you finally heard a knock on your door, but as soon as you opened the door, Thing rushed inside, signing as fast as he could. "Hold on Thing, you're going to fast, I literally can't understand a word you're saying" you said worried by the urgency. "Wednesday, hurt - woods - dorm Wednesday got hurt by the monster in the woods and now she's back in her dorm??!" You said now ready to run out to get her as thing nodded, putting on your shoes you hurried over to Wednesday's shared dorm where you knocked forcefully entering without getting any response.
The multiple people in the room shouted, everyone wearing colorful party hats - even Wednesday, who was weirdly sporting a big crooked smile on her face. "Happy birthday again Y/N!!!" Enid came up first handing you her gift. Opening the glittery bag up you noticed it was a bright pink sweater with a dog print wearing sunglasses on, kinda confused you thanked her profusely before walking over and saying hi to the other guests, Eugene had gotten you three glasses of honey from his hive and Ajax had gotten you one of those weird stuffed rats from Uriah's heap as a joke, when you finally got to Wednesday she was holding a small package in her hand. "This is for you my love" you took her gift gently and opened the wrapping paper, gasping you looked at the beautiful ring before looking up at Wednesday, the look of love being all over your face. "Thank you so much Wens, this is the best birthday I've ever had, also, if you ever scare me by saying you're hurt again I will kill you." You said glaring a bit at the end of your sentence, taking the ring from you Wednesday put it on your finger, a sadistic smirk playing on her lips "I had to surprise you somehow, happy birthday, cara mia"
💗🍰🥳 It's my birthday!! 🥳🍰💗
💗 Masterlist 💗
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twigg96 · 1 year
Twiiigg i have an idea, how would Dethklok + Charles react if someone walks in while they're having an intimate moment with their s/o?? Teehee 👁
OMG @gogomeaty 😏 I love this idea! Let's goooo!
Nathan - Despite his outward appearance Nathan is a very gentle lover. He would never take advantage of his partner in anyway. Public sex is not something he has ever thought of in his life and while it's not off the table for him it would need to be discussed in detail with boundaries clearly drawn. But in this instance that never happened. He and his partner were in the supposed privacy of his room. His large calloused hands sweetly caressed their supple thighs as he went to work on them. His mouth doing dirty things that had his partner pulling his hair and moaning so ever lewdly. Just as they were about to get to the good part... the door burst open, Murderface leading the whole band into the room despite the way Nathan scrambled to cover both him and most importantly his partner. "Hey, Nathan... do you think this milk went bad Pickles told me juscht to usche it but-" Murderface went silent staring at the two in shock. "Were you two... FUCKING?!" Pickles laughed elbowing the bassist in the ribs. "Dude, they totally were." Toki was disgusted and ran out of the room while Skwisgaar smirked and winked. "Can I join?" Nathan felt so overwhelmed and embarassed. His whole body felt hot and chest felt tight as he growled. "Get the fuck out NOW!"
Pickles - This man is the king of oral. He is not afraid of using his prowess on his partner whenever and wherever was the most convenient for the both of them. He loved having his partner's legs wrapped around his head squeezing his earrings and gauges into the sides of his head, his tongue ring bringing his partner to bliss over and over again. Pickles had no humility and would go down on his partner in the middle of the living room while they watched a movie. It was during one of these times that the rest of the band came home early from bar hopping and just so happened to see Pickles enoying his partner like they were the last meal he was ever going to get. The redhead didn't even stop. Just held his hand up in acknowledgement as the boys all stared in various forms of disgust and amazement and continued with his ministrations. Nathan was the only one with the good sense to leave on his own accord. But after the others realized that Pickles really wasn't going to stop for anything including them they left feeling violated and a little disturbed.
Murderface - William is a very loving and sweet lover. He takes his sex life very seriously and while he may "Brag" about it to his friends. Making wild and unbelievable statements about crazy sex acts he did with his partner, Murderface is incredibly respectful while in the bedroom and would never do anything that would make his partner uncomfortable. Public sex while in theory is hot, is something that gives him hives thinking about. So he personally likes to keep things secluded to the bedroom or somewhere more private if he can help it. If any of the band ever walked in on him mid-fuck he would loose his absolute marbles on them. Screaming profanities would only be the beginning. William would throw whatever sharp object he could reach first at whoever had interrupted them. And it would be up to his partner to keep him from gutting whoever was at the door with his favorite knife. He took his partner's modesty seriously and was an EXTREMELY jealous man after all. There would be no sexy times that night after whoever walked in left (screaming in terror). Instead William and his partner would need to talk. About what just happened. He would need to be assuaged that he was really the only one for them. Cuddles would be a must for him afterwards with his partner allowing him to run his fingers through their hair.
Toki - While he is very proud and prominent with his PDA Toki doesn't actually want to be caught in the act with his partner. Believe it or not he is a rather modest and shy lad when it comes to his sex life and doesn't so much as like to kiss and tell. So if he and his partner were to get freaky in a public place he would take extra procausions to make sure that no one would be able to walk in on them. He would order the gears to stand gaurd at the doors, close the shades so no paparazzi can get shots of his naked back, and even go as far as to place a pen or pencil on the doorframe so that he can hear if it opens during. However things happen. Sometimes he gets distracted and forgets to close the blinds the full way and pictures are taken. Sometimes his bandmates still barge in whether he wants them to or not. He always is a burning mess of embarassment when it happens. Screaming and throwing things is his go to especially if it's just a family member. But if it's the press... he shuts down. It's not until Charles goes out of his way to fix the situation that he starts to relax again.
Skwisgaar - This man lives for sex. Every bit of it, every position, every thrill. He loves on his partner like it's the last day either of them will ever live. However he has standards from past experiences. Public sex is off the table. He has an image to uphold. Quite literaly. He is the fastest guitarist in the world. He can't damage that simply because he's feeling saucy at the dinner table. He will always tease his partner. But never go farther than that in a public space. In the bedroom however... Oh Boy. He is all over them like icing on a cake. That comes back to bite him in the ass sometimes however whenever he forgets to lock his door and poor Toki comes strolling in asking when their next practice session is. Or the gears come in begging for him to go to Charles' office. Skwisgaar doesn't stop however. He has no shame in his own domain. He knows he is doing no wrong in there and refuses to stop until both he and his partner are completely satisfied.
Charles - Poor poor Charles is used to being walked in on by now. He loves his bois more than anything in the world but GOD DAMN does he wish that he locks on his doors were stronger sometimes. Charles is the most dignified man on the face of the earth. He wouldn't be caught dead trying to do anything naughty to his partner out in the open... HOWEVER he has gotten into the habit of being blatantly honest with his man sized sons by telling them when he's planning to get laid so he can maybe have some alone time with his partner. This has seemingly helped... at first. That is until Nathan and Pickles both realized they could use this information to their advantage and sabotoge Charles' sexy time to get whatever they want...
Magnus - He would straight up slice a bitch if they ever walked in of him and his partner fucking. Especially Dethklok lol
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egg-emperor · 3 months
How does it feel seeing so many newbies/tourists in the fandom drooling over Robotnik after the movies came out (and made him Skinny), when you've been simping over Game!Robotnik/Eggman long before it was cool?
Oh goddd you don't even know lol. I remember the day jimbotnik was first shown in the trailer thing, posted about it on here then about how empty I felt as I was already sad about it being live action and not CG voiced by Mike Pollock from the start. Then being shocked when people were saying "omg he's hot now, why did they make Eggman hot" and I was like EGGMAN ALWAYS HAS BEEN HOT!!!! and I've been saying that for years!!!! Was a strange feeling being the only opposite, finds game Egg hot but not the movie
Hell, I felt the same when the Boom design was revealed and people said the same then of "they made him hot" like he wasn't already, often just because he wasn't so fat. Don't get me wrong, not taking shots at those who got into the series through movies/Boom and now like game Egg. I'm glad you came to like the beautiful best game canon Egg no matter your introduction, this ain't about you, we have no beef. Though you really should've realized sooner, shouldn't have taken Jim Carrey to do so, you were decades too late smh XD
But the people that were very blatantly, shamelessly, and openly acted like game Eggman is ugly in comparison literally just because he's fat compared to Boom/movie, or bald and has a big nose unlike the movie etc- which are all absolutely gorgeous features- I was judging those hateful people very hard for only liking him when they take literally all his key features away and openly disliking and putting down game Eggman. Especially all the blatant fatphobia that people didn't try to hide or outright admitted to
Now I'm a lot less vocal about my personal distaste of jimbotnik because everyone knows it. Many got the wrong idea thinking I had something against them if they like him so I just try not to speak on it anymore. Obviously people can like what they want, can't say I understand the appeal of it in the absolute slightest but you do you so long as you're not being an asshole towards the reason your beloved movie version exists, the gorgeous perfect best original! You better respect the roots 🔫
I'm also proud to have desired Eggman carnally and to have been simping over him way before it was cool lol. Long before official simps like Thunderbolt/Stone/Starline etc existed and years before both Boom and the movie versions existed. I didn't need a what's widely regarded as a "conventionally attractive" version to exist to recognize Eggman's true beauty, of being a fat and bald old man with a big nose because those are genuinely all features that make me 😍💜💘 Unironically!
I don't care how weird and crazy and unbelievable it may be, I'm just enlightened and powerful in ways they can't comprehend. Honestly I don't really feel like it is considered cool still because it seems it's still considered very weird and unbelievable to find game Eggman hot completely unironically in comparison to jimbotnik and Boom. And I actually like that, still makes it feel more special and exclusive that way XD Like y'all can have them, more of the handsome fat bald evil bastard old man for me hehe
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hiii alex!! i have so many numbers for you heheh 🤭 9 (though i don’t believe in guilty pleasures), 12, 16, 34, 38, 43 💖
omg loveee!! thanks for sending so many, you get me 🫶🫶
9. guilty pleasure movie?
i don’t really believe in guilty pleasures either! but i suppose the best answer for this is made-for-tv holiday romances. a perfect 90 minutes (2 hrs if you’re watching on tv with commercials) and they squeeze in so many predictable tropes that i made bingo cards for them several years ago. my family still uses them every year! so fun with hot chocolate, even better if you spike it with peppermint schnapps and make it a drinking game
12. subtitles or no subtitles?
subtitles, more often than not. it helps me absorb what i’m hearing more quickly and i like knowing i’ll never miss an important line
16. favorite book to film adaptation?
greta gerwig’s little women (2019). little women was one of my all-time favorite books growing up, and greta breathed such life into it. she clearly loves the source material so much, and i thought the structural changes she made were such a fresh take. i really didn’t think i could love the story any more and then this version came along and it was everything i could have hoped and wished for 🥲 i owe her my life
34. which film is the most visually beautiful?
if beale street could talk (2019) is maybe the prettiest film i’ve ever seen and the score is so good it’ll take your breath away. i also was so pleasantly taken aback by the taste of things (2023). the food and the love and the warmth in that film is so gorgeous. maybe a bit more basic, but i also love the cinematography of most of denis villeneuve’s films. actually beautiful might not be the right word, maybe striking is what i’m looking for? he’s so good at capturing sweeping, epic scale in a way that makes you as the viewer feel so small. it’s really impressive
38. in your opinion that is the most overrated movie?
promising young woman (2020). holy shit, i hated that movie. i thought it was one of the worst written films i’d ever seen and it won the oscar for best original screenplay. unbelievable
43. what movie do you quote the most?
gotta be mean girls (2004)…so much of that film has just been fully absorbed into my everyday vernacular that i almost don’t even realize when i’m quoting it. tbh that’s probably true for most people my age, but yeah. that’s the one
this was so fun ✨
ask me about movies!!
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whoslaurapalmer · 3 months
pinocchio (as annotated by lemony snicket) 🦗
-okay objectively the way they put the book together is gorgeous -- it's enormous with these fun blue black and white illustrations by mike mignola, and it feels like, a very grand and impressive fairytale experience, which I think is thoroughly charming and the way you SHOULD read fairytales, with this, sprawling expanse of art and text, in a book that doesn't NEED to be this big but also does, bc it's supposed to capture magic and excitement and a literary journey, especially like, in a child's hands
-only thing missing is one of those ribbon bookmarks........
-it has a slipcover too!!!!!!
-lemony's annotations are inserted as extra sheets of paper with typewritten and numbered notes at the beginning of each chapter that you can take out, and have pen marks and stains on some of them, and corresponding numbers written in pen within the text, which is all INCREDIBLY neat
-I have to say that I myself have about like 2% knowledge of what happens in pinocchio and it's been an absolute actual age since I saw the disney movie. this lead to some, uh, Thoughts of my own
-but since the idea behind lemony's notes is that he too is reading it for the first time, it felt as if I was in the room with lemony snicket and we were looking at each other with increasing incredulity and horror and concern (and decreasing hope)
geppetto and cherry: /TWO arguments that lead to violent physical altercations that end with friendship handshakes lemony: ????? me: ??????????????????
the narrator: what happened after this is an almost unbelievable story, but you may read it, dear children, in the chapters that follow. me: you know, that's a vibe.
pinocchio: if you're a kid you have to go to school and school sucks me: pinocchio you've been alive for a hot HOUR AND A HALF how do you know about school????????
the cricket: kids shouldn't run away from home, or be lazy! get a job pinocchio: wow shut up /angrily throws hammer the cricket: /dead, re: the hammer me: HOLD ON HOLY SHIT WHAT THE HELL????????? JIMINY BOY'S DEAD??????????? JUST LIKE THAT????????? lemony: this happens to people you get attached to. me: I'm. hello. what the hell.
the marionettes: omg look it's pinocchio!! lemony: I do not understand how the marionettes recognize pinocchio, who just a short time ago was a piece of wood in a cottage, and thus has had hardly any time or experience in the world. me: E X A C T L Y
ghost cricket: I am the ghost of the talking cricket me: HELLO????????????????? HE CAME BACK?????????
-AND THEN HE COMES BACK AGAIN -this should come as news to absolutely 100% no one not even me but i did in fact think 'goddamn disney did a fucking number on this.'
-i do find part of all this incredibly silly though bc danhan HAS been asked if 'lemony snicket' came somehow subconsciously from 'jiminy cricket' but he's always said no. and i do believe him.
-these adventures. are horrifying. like. no seriously, what the fuck
the narrator: I don't know what happened to lamp-wick lemony: WHY DON'T YOU me: BOLD WORDS, LEMON MAN???????????????
me, some chapters later, presented with a random donkey: oh, it's gonna be lamp-wick the narrator: it was lamp-wick! and then he died. me: wait, what lemony: /performs the written equivalent of a table flip
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-lemony going 'i'm nothing but a puppet controlled by the mysteries of literature alone! humanity is nonexistent and impossible!' will, in fact, stick with me for some time, i must say
and then, i'm so sorry lemony i'm cackling
lemony: NOTHING IS REAL the narrator: and pinocchio becomes a real boy. lemony: n e v e r m i n d
-there are honestly some great little lemony gems --
"these paintings in geppetto's house are examples of 'trompe l'oeil,' a phrase which here means 'paintings of things you wish were here but aren't.'"
"I am so disturbed by pinocchio's feet turning to ashes that I fainted and missed this chapter." (however this turns into a running joke of lemony fainting at the mentions of bizarre danger every few chapters which did, wear on me after a while.)
"Anyone crying does not want to die. I write this weeping."
"'Disobedience' seems like a curious way to describe the activities of someone trying to find out what happened to their father, like referring to someone chased through the streets by a panther as a 'jaywalker.'"
"There has been so much trickery in this book that this question seems to me larger and more profound than it may seem at first glance. What is the joke? Pinocchio finds himself alone and in trouble once more, and as anyone who has found themselves alone and in trouble knows, life begins to feel like some long, cruel joke that, like so many jokes, is tricky to understand."
"NEAR a farmer's wagon doesn't seem like a good hiding place. Almost any other preposition would do: aboard, above, alongside, astride, behind, below, beneath, beside, inside, on, over, past, under, underneath, upon, with or within a farmer's wagon are all better plans to avoid being spotted."
"It is often the case that people work very hard making children and then seem very eager to get them to leave the house, as if it is the thrill of making children, rather than the responsibility of raising them, which most interests them."
after geppetto says "I should have thought of this before I made him. Now it's too late!" -- "This, sadly, is a common lament among people who make other people, and if you don't believe me, wait until the middle of the night, and wake up the people who made you and ask them if they have any regrets." me: /eyeing and then? and then? what else? which is still on the coffee table, thinking about the part where danhan's son wakes him up to look at the lighthouse
-still unsure just what to make of this --
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-literally no other mention of her after that, except in that last note with the 'mysterious woman' comment -i mean, tempting to think of it as bea, and i certainly did when presented with the first one, but it also doesn't really fit with bea??? -but i have no idea who i would even say it is??? -i feel like we are once again in the position of, this is danhan, choosing to write something in lemony's tone just to have a good time, i guess -there's some references in his notes early on to absinthe and nightcaps too where i was like 'danhan, your, danhan is showing.'
-i have, Thoughts i am trying to parse out -i feel like his lemony voice has changed over time and well, change comes for us all -but also that he's definitely (poison for breakfast) used lemony to say things about himself that he just doesn't want to put his name on, for reasons known only to danhan -and after reading and then? and then? what else? i do see more pieces of danhan in lemony, like i said before re: poison for breakfast that lemony has a kindness that i didn't think i saw in danhan but after reading the memoir, no, i absolutely Do see it in danhan, a great deal, and he reveals this like, silly history of lemony's name AFTER coming up with it for the right-wing material and BEFORE using it on the books, so i see more of how danhan exists in lemony (-i did not expect to read and then? and then? what else and feel personally shot in the heart by lisa brown but that also happened. god i can't get over her saying 'well if lemony snicket is so lonely why doesn't he come join us and hang out?' at the goldfish ghost reading. like. pierced to the bone, lisa.) (-oh, and you know, the rumination on the word lunatic in and then? and then? vs the use of the word lunacy here) -but! lemony is still of course his own distinct character, with his own distinct personality and everything that exists apart from danhan, all the same -and i can approach this from a vibe of, even lemony has grown out of his grief, and it's not his grief necessarily that characterizes him nor would i not want him to, i mean we all know i roll post-canon lemony around in my head very often and wish him great joy -but i do feel like when danhan does something with lemony now it is Missing something of Lemony. -which i also feel rude saying. like fucking christ who am i to tell a man how to write his own character -but he didn't always do it like this either, like hero of the story and that murder alibi book whose name escapes me and i can't find at the moment but you know what i'm talking about. i've got screenshots somewhere -anyway they clearly exist as lemony pieces irrevocably linked to lemony the character, without any, idk interference from danhan himself, as danhan -but as we move through time i feel this less with more current lemony, and there's, yknow, a sadness in it -not that i went into PINOCCHIO OF ALL THINGS expecting any particular snicket content, bc i didn't, but you really never know with danhan -idk. the musical and all its potential perils and joys is looming somewhere in the future of us all as well, so, shrug emoji?????????? -i can't say i had a BAD time reading the annotations to pinocchio (reading pinocchio is a different matter), i enjoyed them, but i do feel like, there's just something Missing, is all i can say about it -and it's not that lemony's sadness is what makes him, there is so much that makes lemony, but i just see lemony Less, in a way -SHRUG EMOJI you couldn't pay me to actually use the shrug emoji. it's funnier to say shrug emoji. -so, anyway
-oh the art really was incredible. some of my favs --
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-the book in its slipcover!
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-oh and lemony's author picture is the most fascinating thing i have seen in some time --
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dracoandthehounds · 6 months
Fanfic Writer Ask Meme: K, Q, S, T
thank you for sending this in!!!! :)
K: Guilty fanfic pleasure--
hehe okay this was kinda a hard one bc i don't rlly have a lot of tropes that i feel like "guilty" about liking or anything, but I do think I have one!!!
Sometimes in some media that's super sad... i really like searching out the most like self-indulgent fix-it incredible/magic fics that undo all the bad lmaoo. Like the sort of stuff that would not make it a good story hypothetically bc it just magically fixes every problem just so I can like imagine a little world where everything had a happy ever after lmao. I guess it's sort of a guilty pleasure too bc it's not even something I want in a story lmao I want those characters to suffer lol for The Plot but sometimes I like to just read one story where just this once, everyone lives. lmao.
Q: Do you like getting prompts from your readers?
YES! I love it so much. I wish i had more time to respond to some of the ones I have sitting in my ask box or half written lmao. But I love it bc it can be so helpful for me thinking abut the characters in a different way. Like, really, go crazy with it. Send me ten different ones. (100% guarantee i will not get to all of them lmao but it would be fun to pick one out where I get an idea with it that just rolls lmao)
S: How do you feel about fanart inspired by your writing?
Ummmm like crying??? lmaooooo. it's absollutely incredible and i have no words for it at all. It's like..... unbelievable. One of my favorite things is the idea of like what it means to communicate (bear w me lmao). but like the idea that communication is like (idea in your head) > (how you speak it aloud) > (how the other person hears what you say) > (idea in their head) and how like each time the idea has to go through one of the ">" -- it changes. So like when someone draws fanart of something I've written, I get to see how the idea that began in my head ended up in theirs and is now being portrayed again. It's just like............ so unreal lmao. so. so so sos so sos sosooooo cool.
T: Any fanfic tropes you can't stand?
Oooh okay interesting... okay I feel like i can answer this better in the context of like general fiction tropes I can't stand. I cannotttt vibe with relationships being portrayed as like the... this character needs a love interest so let me put this cardboard cutout of a love interest into the show/movie/book whatever and slam them together until it works. Like... what I enjoy about romance is the concept of two characters with fully fleshed out personalities/identities slowly over time melding together until them being together feels inevitable.
I feel like that's why I enjoy fanfic of non-canon relationships bc it is more of a way to bring together two characters who *weren't* made just so they could be in a relationship together. Like they are very much their own people before the romance, so it feels more natural and more exciting. I want to feel like their relationship will last because they've developed and grown into each other if that makes sense.
so like even in canon media, I feel like a good example of this is angel/buffy vs. spike/buffy (.... no hate to angel/buffy shippers pls omg....) but this is why I'm so much more of a fan of spike/buffy bc those characters were NOT written to be together. Their relationship came about bc James Marsters did such a good job portraying Spike as this lovesick puppy (Joss Whedon did not ask him to do that lol and planned on killing him off after a seven epsiode arc), that everyone demanded the character stick around. And then the chemistry between him and Buffy just like leapt off the screen and it just made sense through their journeys that they would inevitably collide together. (unlike buffy/angel where angel was written to be her love interest and like she was into him after three episodes bc he was hot and mysterious lmao).
So that extends to fanfic sometimes I feel like bc sometimes I don't see a reason behind a pairing in the story and it can take me out of it. Like I want to understand why these characters would end up together... I want to see what they see in each other and I just can't do it when it feels like two dolls that are just being slammed together for the sake of making sure they don't end up w/o a partner. I'd rather have them single than that tbh.
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curlyhairedprince · 2 years
reviews? was it good?
I‘m putting this under the cut cause I dont wanna spoil anyone, i will not mention any certain plotlines etc so this will be pretty much spoiler free but i just wanna make sure 
SO jesus christ, i really went into it expecting the worst, like emotionally, and i really got what i bargained for, like i was on the verge of tears from the get go ngl. The older actors are SO good and at the beginning i was a bit confused with the pacing when we went into the younger ones but it all makes sense when it goes on, tbh at first when H showed up I had a bit of hard time to not see HIM but that went away. I really think he did a wonderful job, considering his experience etc it is just not fair to compare him to the others but he did definitely hold up. I am very very proud of him, seriously this is a very huge thing for him and it made me so happy to see him like that. His acting with David was just natural, speaking of what really surprised me is that the sex scenes didnt feel uncomfortable to me at all and I now get what Michael meant with it is more like a dance cause the bed scene??? Put it in the fucking Louvre that was SO fucking beautiful and not in a omg hot way but in a jesus christ i cant believe we get to see queer sex in such a beautiful way, totally get what H meant in the rs interview.
And last but not least David my beloved, I knew he was good but he was SO fucking good it‘s unbelievable. I hope he gets all the recognition he deserves, really really special. The scenes with the older versions really had a way of fucking me up and there is one scene at the end that made everyone gasp, like literally blubbering mess and someone even called out like oh fuck off or something, that scene is so so heartbreaking. It‘s not in the book cause it‘s something you really only can do visually it was such a genius thing, i literally have not been able to stop thinking about it and ugh, i just love that movie a lot lot lot and I feel so blessed to have seen it 🥺
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mobius-m-mobius · 2 years
Omg you're an Ed fan! Did you ever watch that movie father figures he did with Owen, its really good
Hey there anon, an absolute yes to both and a fav comfort watch!! 😁
It's actually one of the exactly two Owen movies I'd ever seen before the Loki series sent life on a whole new trajectory, lol. Went opening weekend because while I've loved Ed forever a lot of his movies don't even screen locally so I specifically remember driving to the movie theater furthest from my house in December when it was an icy negative 2 degrees out (do not recommend 😅) and very ironically walked away captivated with how Owen's character wasn't at all like the stereotypical slacker brother who ruins everything?? Which I've now found out was all due to his usual improv/adjustment of each character he plays because ofc it was, haha. Super refreshing and their relationship was instantly natural plus as someone completely biased here their contrast in personality and style is unbelievably hot 👀
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Brother Red
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You and Chase have been dating in secret because of your twin brother Tyler. Of course Chase is your brothers best friend but if he found out he would be pissed. When you get the lead in a movie called 'Zombies' everyone was happy and on the first day you and co-starts had to sing the song 'Jailhouse Rock' (Alternate Universe. Their Disney Zombies is different) and a few other songs as well. The whole time you were singing Chase was giving you heart eyes and it didn't take long for Tyler to notice. The thought of his twin sister having a boyfriend pissed him of.
Sometime after you finished filming the movie the secret of your relationship started to get out. First you only told Shelby and Chase only told Riley. But then they figured out that the other person knew as well.
"Hey Riley can you go into Chases bedroom and get that book back the he, uh borrowed from me?" Shelby asked him.
"Uhh, now? You want me to go over there now?" Riley asked back. She nodded
"Do you know something?" Riley asked curiously.
"Do you know something?" Shelby asked back.
"I might know something."
"I might know something too."
"What's the thing that you know?"
"Oh I can't tell you what I know until you tell me what you know."
"I can't tell you what l know."
"Well then I can't tell you what I know."
"Okay fine, you don't know."
"Alright, how about I go over there and I walk into chases bedroom and see the thing that I know is actually the thing that I think that I know!"
"Chase and Y/N? Oh this is unbelievable. How long have you known?"
"To long. Shelby I've been dying to talk to someone about this for so long. But listen, you can't say anything to anybody, they're so weird about that."
All Shelby did was nod and then Ivan came into the room.
"Ivan!" Riley said greeting his ancient friend.
"Hey. It's raining out there and I don't like to train in the rain." Ivan spoke formally to them.
"I am gonna go for a walk in the rain." Riley said and looked at Shelby.
"Oh yeah, me too." Shelby said and followed him outside. A few days after Riley and Shelbys little episode, Koda, Ivan and Kendall found out.
"OMG, Chase and Y/N." Kendall screamed.
"Chase and Y/N." Ivan repeated.
"Oh." Koda says while covering his eyes and didn't want to see what his two best friends were doing.
"Guys." Riley said trying to get them to stop.
"No, no they're doing it." Kendall said to them like they're stupid.
"Guys, we know. We know." Shelby says to her friends.
"You knew?" Ivan asked/screamed.
"Yes I know it, Riley knows it, but Tyler doesn't know so you guys have to stop screaming." Shelby yelled. The worst part was that you almost got caught a few times.
Chase climbed up a tree and softly nocked on your bedroom window. You opened it only to see Chase. "What are you doing here?" "To see you. Is that such a problem?" "Yes! What if Tyler came in right now?" "We'll be fine." The two of you heard a nock on the door. "Hide." He quickly kissed your check and hid. You went up to the door and opened it. "Hey, brother. What's up?" "I thought I heard you talking to someone." "Nope, must have been my computer that I just closed." "Well, dad and mum are making hot chocolate. Do you want any?" "No, Tyler I do not want hot chocolate. Honestly we're 18 years old." "Sorry, I just thought someone said they wanted to live in a chocolate house." "Well that's impractical." You closed the door and opened it again "And fating." You closed the door and Chase looked at you "What?" "Chocolate house." You just rolled your eyes in that moment.
2. You came home while wearing chases jacket. You went inside the house and Tyler turned on the lights. "Crap." "Mhmmm. What are you doing up, and why are you wearing chases jacket?" "Ummm, about that. I went on a date but the guy stood me up. Chase found me, saw that I was cold, let me use his jacket and he brought me home."
3. When Tyler went out on a date with Shelby you invited chase to watch a movie. You both fell asleep but woke up when you heard a car door. "Go out the back way." He gave you a goodbye kiss. "Go." You fell back to sleep, relived that you didn't caught.
Lets just say a few weeks after almost getting caught, the 4th time you got caught. Tyler was pissed and chased your boyfriend/ he's friend around the room.
"Tyler stop." Shelby yelled.
"Chase get back here." Tyler yells ignoring his girlfriend. Everyone was running, trying to stop Tyler from murdering Chase. The base was in utter chaos.
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This went on for about 5-10 hours. Kendall had enough of this and yelled,
You all did as she said.
"Look Tyler, just because your best friend is dating your sister, you're gonna kill him?" Kendall asked confused as anything.
"Yes!" The Red Ranger replied. Kendall rolled her eyes while thinking of a way to stop this madness.
"My best friend and my sister, I can't believe this." Tyler muttered.
"Look mate, we're not just messing around, I love her. Okay? I'm in love with her." Chase said seriously.
"It's true T, I love him too." You said to your brother.
He then looked at the two of you and said,
"Awww, my best friend and my sister."
"So you're not mad?" You asked him.
"Of course I'm still mad, you're not of the hook Chase, and nither are you sis. But I.... approve. Chase if you ever hurt her, you're dead for real." He replied seriously.
"Wouldn't dream of it." Chase said while looking at you and you blushed.
"Big news."
"Aww, that's okay, we already Knew." Ivan said and everyone looked at him with the 'What the heck' look.
"What?! You Knew and you didn't tell me?" Tyler asked.
"Well, we new how upset you can be and we were worried about you." Shelby said to her protective boyfriend.
"You were worried about me?" He asked in shock. Even though Tyler approved it still didn't stop him to start chasing his best friend around when Chase looked at you or kissed you, and it always went into chaos, but seeing you happy my your twin happy.
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maidenvault · 3 years
please talk more about the weird psychosexual vibes in The Batman because I felt troubled by some of it but it also felt hot?
Oh my God, so. I’d say what makes it work despite having an uncomfortable dynamic at parts is that Selina’s the one who is so transparently into him and always initiating it when they kiss. The way her eyes roam up and down him when they first look at each other and again later when she says “I have a thing about strays”...LOL he doesn’t know what to do with this!! And that line says so much about how she instinctively recognizes another damaged person who has been deprived of so much and hides it, who has reasons for all of his giant flaws, which has to be largely what draws them to each other. I love that it’s never commented on by either of them that they’re both dressed up like weirdos. They’ve both been hurt badly enough to leave any sense of normalcy behind in some single-minded pursuit that skirts the law, and it doesn’t need comment or explanation because they both get it.
And it’s such a testament to Pattinson’s performance that you buy her attraction to him even though she never sees his face. It’s unbelievable how expressive he manages to be with the cowl on. His eyes soften so much when he looks at her closely. This is such a unique and strange portrayal of Batman, the more he acts hard and impassive the more this weird vulnerability seems to come through. He’s so repressed and locked inside himself. How can she resist?
It also definitely helps, at least for me, that I think the relationship is supposed to be troubling and there is a purpose to that. There are a lot of parallels between Batman and the Riddler in this movie, and this Riddler is clearly a representation of the gross, radicalized 8chan incel type. When he describes how Bruce grew up safely removed from the common people’s problems and just watching them from his tower, it’s more apt than he could know because Batman has made a whole damn thing out of studying people from a distance and uses his own technology to survey and record them. His detachment from the world around him and resulting bad social skills definitely includes not relating to women very well. He pressures Selina into situations she’s not fully comfortable with, and so stupidly can’t see her discomfort when Falcone talks to her. He watches her changing through her window, obviously not for pervy reasons and really not seeing much compared to what she was wearing before but DUDE NO. (I think it’s interesting, though, that once he’s made himself known to her and wants her to cooperate with him he lets her know right off the bat how long he’s been following her and that he was watching her at her place, by saying something regarding Annika like “She did seem upset.”)
I feel like I have to talk about an interpretation I’ve only recently come across, that what Bruce is really freaking out about re: her knowing Falcone is the possibility that she is OMG a sex worker!! And that the twist about him being her father disappointingly lets him off the hook for his non-empathetic attitude about that. If that is actually what’s intended without the film more clearly saying it (ridiculously, it's trying to not be completely inappropriate for children), then indeed that is exceedingly gross and ugly and can’t really be excused, just adamantly ignored as subtext.
I really don’t think that’s what’s going on, though? He knows Selina didn’t work in the 44 Below like Annika, she isn’t recognized there. When Bruce starts obsessing over whether she might have slept with Falcone, to me it’s clear he’s imagining something more personal than the transactional and coercive situation of being an escort for dangerous men like this, hence the judgment. The fact that the latter, much darker possibility doesn’t even seem to occur to him probably further shows his privilege and cluelessness about women’s experience, and maybe that should have been addressed somehow. But it just seems absurd to think when he’s obsessively replaying the footage of her talking about Falcone, he’s disgustedly imagining that she’s *gasp* been paid for sex. That’s so uninteresting and cartoonishly puritanical it’s hard for me to give this otherwise really good screenplay that little credit. It’s more than that, Bruce is trying to figure out what her deal is and if she’s even a trustworthy person. She doesn’t seem like someone who’d be messing with a place like the Iceberg Lounge out of desperation; she’s a skilled cat burglar and there’s clearly more to her than she’s told him. Bruce is unforgiving of weakness in himself and he is very attracted to Selina despite not being sure he can trust her, so he’s really unfair in judging her based on what information he has as if this can guard him from being femme-fataled. Yeah, it’s sexism. But hopefully not that level of sexism.
After she gets the cash, his ultimate conclusion before she tells him the truth is that she got close to the mob to steal from them. It’s money earned by destroying lives which as far as he can see she took for purely self-serving reasons, and he hoped there was more to her than this. That this was apparently her motivation for associating with such terrible people, selling drugs in the club and who knows what else, is disappointing. It’s definitely a bunch of bullshit how judgmentally he confronts her about it (she just found her girlfriend dead in a trunk, you could at least just ghost her if you don’t like her anymore like a normal person but nooo).
So yeah, Bruce treats her in a fucked up way through some of this movie. But she calls him out on his privileged way of thinking and shows him that other people’s lives and choices can be much more complicated than his have ever been. And honestly, I’m not sure that their connection evolves to much more than sexual attraction until the moment he stops her from killing Falcone. Earlier when he gives her the “Then you’re no better than him” line he is as usual applying to everyone else the rigid moral standard he holds himself to as if he’s just like everyone else (and projecting like hell since he’s just learned how one mistake of his father would have tainted all the good he ever could have done from that point on if he was able to continue a political career). But later he’s empathizing with her, actually meaningfully reaching out to her as someone who is also traumatized, because he cares and killing her own father isn’t something he wants her to carry.
(Then of course not long after she was just strangled by her own dad, she gets attacked by redpilled guy #7 and Bruce very nearly crosses that line himself by fucking murdering the guy and it's maybe the most fucked up and sexy thing in the movie. Put me in jail.)
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cartierbin · 3 years
14&10 with chan pls? (your writing legit gave me chills omg)
thank you sm sweetheart.
『 10. “Stop being so gentle damn it”. 14. “I’m going to fucking wreck you”.
pairing — chan x reader
genre — smut, blowjob + rough car sex with chan
word count — 1.469k 』
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smut under the cut !
you licked your lips underneath the steering wheel, popping the tip from your mouth with spit strings to follow, driving chan absolutely insane. he sucks in a sip of air through his teeth and grips the root of your hair at the feeling of your warm mouth coddling his cock. he tilts his head back against the headrest with his eyes barely open, the drive-in movie that you guys were sitting in had been nothing but a waste now.
you and chan grew unbelievably horny while cuddling in the car together. one thing led to another and now here you were, in between his legs deep throating his cock like you never had before. chan always pleasured you so you figured tonight you could relieve him of being the dominant one most of the time. you both were happy that the car windows were tinted enough for no one to detect a thing, because chan was glaring down at you and tilting his head back in a fit of heavy groans. the deeds you two were doing would’ve been way too obvious. the vibrations of your moans coated his dick while he was six inches deep inside your mouth, the other inch left out to keep you from gagging too hard. “oh fuck you’re so good at this”, he praises, sending shudders down your spine and further moistened your pussy. you bobbed your head around his length lethargically with sheets of spit and precum dripping from your tongue.
he clasped both of his hands on either sides of your head and began pushing his dick further into your mouth, fucking your throat like the extremely horny man that he was. you gurgle a little in shock and surprise, the squelching wet noises of your mouth made his jaw drop with weighty chuffs of breath. his eyes roll to the back of his head, the sensation your warm wet mouth was giving him sent him down an erotic spiral and he didn’t stop. he continuously slammed his hips into your mouth with disregard for how much of a mess he was making on his lap and around your mouth. you breathed through your nose as much as you possibly could in order to help him get to his release and once he had, he thrusted into your mouth one last time before his hot cum shot the back of your mouth. you held your mouth open gasping for air feeling more than used. but it was okay because you loved the feeling more than anything else. you loved being used by chan.
he tilts his head back on the head rest again with a heaving chest and you climb on his lap and straddle it, your legs on either sides of his waist. you ring your arm around his neck and began to plant kisses all over his neck and adam’s apple bruising him with burning hickies. the episode he just had had your panties practically clinging to your sticky folds. you subtly grind your hips on his lap while mushing your lips on his, encasing him in hot desperate kisses. chan felt his heart rate start back up again, he runs his veiny hands over the expanse of your thighs stopping to squeeze different parts of them ever so often. you groused into his mouth, reaching to the waistband of your leggings to roll them down along with your panties. you kicked both of them down underneath the steering wheel and chan relished the way you looked on his lap like this. the curvature of your body and how beautiful it was. his cock had already started growing again becoming anxious of what you were about to do next.
you giggle into your next kiss with chan and reach behind you clutching his cock and twisting your hand up it to make sure it was nice and hard for you to sit on. “are you going to let me ride you channie?”. you spoke in between kisses, asking in the most innocent tone you could muster. he drops his hand at the curve of your waist. “please do”. he replies, holding the small of your back while kissing your nipples. you take a moment to inch his cock into your hole, letting it part you until you were fully seated and fully filled. chan’s body tenses and you gasp a little at the moment you’ve been waiting for. his cock twitched inside you as you began riding, bouncing on his lap a little with your hands splayed on his chest. you could already feel your body burning inside and out, the feeling was more intoxicating than any liquor you’ve ever had in your life. chan presses his thumb in the flesh of your inner thighs all while licking his lips. he could tell you were nervous and hesitant to take control. “stop being so gentle, damn it. fuck me.” he encourages and squeezes your waist. your pace wasn’t enough for him and granted, he knew your nerves were being wrecked by the pressure he was putting on you but he needed to cum so desperately bad. you hastened your pace a little and slip your bottom lip behind your front row of teeth, drawing your head back in sheer arousal. “fuck— like this? am I riding you good?”. you ask in that innocent tone again, the tone that made chan’s dick twitch. he groans at the sudden switch of tempo and lays his head back on the headrest biting his lips at the way you looked just bouncing on him at that moment.
although his dick was throbbing the sensation wasn’t building up for him as fast as he wanted it to. it made him impatient. “fuck me harder baby”. he groans beneath you and you try your best to follow his commands, rearing your hips down a bit harder than before. you immediately grew cold at Chan’s unreceptive nature, usually when he liked something particular he’d moan or curse. maybe suck in a breath or two. when you started trying to fuck him harder like he wanted his groans remained indifferent. chan enjoyed seeing you like this, on top of him nervous and almost scared. he thought your pussy felt fucking good too. but your movements were not enough to get him cumming like he wanted. “turn around”. he demands next, his voice coming out gruff and raspy. your heart sank. “turn around?”. you glimpsed at him with uncertainty yet still turning your body around like he asked, your back facing his front and your arms wrapped around the steering wheel. you adjusted your hips so you could prepare to ride him this way until you felt your his hand entangle itself in your hair and grip. your body grew cold as he leaned in just to kiss your cheeks and whisper, “I’m going to fucking wreck you”.
he didn’t give you time to think about the statement before he was jackhammering his hips up into your pussy, watching your ass jiggle cutely with each thrust. his thrusts were harsh and rough and he stuck himself so deep inside you that you were seeing white. you gripped the steering wheel to keep you from falling to the side gear. you wailed loudly, knowing— just knowing that the people in the next car over probably heard you by now. chan was fucking into you so hard that the car had to be shaking and you were much too empty headed right now to check to see if it was. you reach one hand below you to grab ahold of chan’s thigh and he gripped your wrist. “when I say fuck me this is how hard I want you to do it”. he scowls, you almost choked on your own spit at the sound of his voice. the windows of the car had grew foggy due to your muffled pleads and exasperated cries. but chan didn’t care one bit. he only cared for the orgasm that was waiting for him in that moment and he wasn’t going to stop until he got it. you were leaning your face on the leather handle of the steering wheel with tears chasing each other down your cheeks. “I’m going to cum so hard channie”. you sobbed in his grip. he enabled it, giving you a few long strokes before you were spasming and creaming down his cock. he drove you into overstimulation until he got his fix and god, if you hadn’t ever felt achey and sore before you were definitely feeling it now. you felt good though. you felt used and that’s how you liked it. chan kisses a trail up your back until he reached the back of your perspired neck.
“I’m sorry baby. I fucked you too hard didn’t I?”.
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hi again omg! im getting into the feral boys and i was hoping you could do some headcanons for them with a reader that has their period (but could you make it gender neutral if possible?) - ⚙️ anon
⚙️ anon ! hi ! i can absolutely do this , im sorry it took a long time . i genuinely ended up LOVING these , and i hope you do too ! 
AYO LOOK AT THESE : reader who gets a period , mentions of cramps , usage of tylenol / painkillers of that sort , very very very fluffy feral boys content . i luv them .
reblogs are always appreciated ! <3
dream : 
would be incredibly worried :(
and unbelievably empathetic
he’s such a good fkn person in general ugh
“i don't know how it feels but i would imagine its … not good”
he would just want to keep you comfortable
“stay in bed, baby, i’ll bring [whatever] to you”
would go on pad/tampon runs for you
and wouldn’t be a pussy about it
“what size ? how heavy is your flow ?”
would call you while he was in the aisle to double check
and would get more than one box
“i know it fluctuates”
while he was out he would pick up some little gifts for you
just things to keep you comfortable
a blanket because “it looked soft”
some of your favorite chocolate
“did you know that chocolate produces endorphins ? which can help with cramps ?”
a little teddy bear
and would pick up some junk food for you
he’d move his stream to comfort you all night
“can i hold you ? will you still be comfortable ?”
would end up laying your head in his lap and running his hands through your hair
he’d do small , soothing actions until you fell asleep
and would be so still while you napped on him
clay would die if he woke you up
you’re his number one priority , and you need your rest
george :
sweet gogs would be . so concerned .
“... are you alright , my love ?”
would get pouty because you were irritated 
but would understand
he tries his best to help you in anyway possible
brings you water and tylenol
and would make you a snack to go with it
“you have to take it with food so your body can process it , darling .”
purchases a heating pack to keep at his house
and genuinely just tries to keep you as comfortable as possible
picks you up bridal style
to transfer you from couch to bed
and would be SO upset when you whimpered in pain
“did i hurt you , baby ? are you okay ?”
you’d try to explain that it wasn’t him at all
just your body working against you
but would insist on nursing you 
going as far to lift your water cup to your lips for you
“wanna make sure you’re taken care of , sweet thing .”
would bring you desserts and comfort foods
and would eat half
gogy would try to get you to nap
“your body is working so hard ! you need rest !”
and would be elATED when you fell asleep tucked against him
he’d run a hand up and down your back while you slept
trying to comfort you even in unconsciousness
sapnap :
trying his best
bless his little heart
would be incredibly concerned but very scared
not necessarily of you
but of you
wouldn't want to make you mad in any way , shape , or form
is worried that you’ll rip him to shreds
but is also v soft for you
doesn’t like seeing his s/o in pain :(
so he’d be very careful with you
won't give up his cuddles tho
would jump 10 feet into the air when you said “ow!” after he wrapped an arm around your lower tummy
apologizes incessantly
feels bad for the next week
would make you tea and warm drinks to help
and would diy a heat pack out of rice and a sock 😭
nick would NOT want to leave you alone
so he’d try to cook
and would do pretty well !!
would make you mac and cheese from the box
but it was so good
and would feed you oreos
he’d make you both milkshakes, too
karl : 
nurse karl™ is on the case
he would be the BEST at taking care of you
would have an entire period kit at his place
and would carry tampons/pads in a bag in his backpack just in case
karl knows you inside and out 
and has taken notes on what to do while you're on your cycle
stocks up on all your comfort foods the week before
makes sure you have plenty of supplies
he would make a movie lineup for the two of you to watch together
all cheesy rom coms and disney flicks
he’d sing all the songs to you
would make jokes about being your prince charming
karl would try to make you smile in any way he could
he would make you a comfy spot on the couch
with lots of pillows and blankets
“is it okay if i hold you ?”
would be s o gentle
barely touching you
“baby , i'm not made of glass”
“but i don't want to hurt you !”
would end up spooning
and karl would smother you with kisses
“gotta kiss it better >:(“
he’d keep you clothed in his big hoodies and sweatpants
and would make sure that you always had a warm towel when you got out of the shower
karl would run all the errands you usually did
and would bring flowers back from the store
quackity :
loml big q
god he would be so so so tender with u
he would go completley soft
because seeing you in pain just rips his heart to shreds
has the whole phantom pain thing
because yall are so fkn close w each other
wouldn’t leave you alone like ,,, ever
is so worried that you’re going to lose too much blood
you’ve tried to explain that your body regulates it to an extent
but he doesn’t care
he’d call your mom to ask for tips
and would follow all of them to a t , PLUS everything that he’d picked up on already
would make sure to keep you hydrated
gets gatorade “because you need electrolytes !”
he’d run you warm showers
and get you clean , soft clothes
would give you back and neck rubs to help with your muscles
alex would lay in bed with you all day 
he’d love when you napped on his chest
would set timers on his phone for giving you ibuprofen
“every six hours , my love .”
alex would 100% get midol and be so proud that he found it
finally makes a trip to the store on like ,,,,,, day 3/4
would take a picture the pads/tampons you use so he gets the correct ones
and would buy multiple boxes so you’d never run out
is incredibly comforting
does small tasks for you
brushes your hair and tries his best to braid it back
would make you foods that are high in iron
“you need it , baby , it’s for your blood”
but would follow it up with hot chocolates for the both of you
he’d sing softly to you until you fell asleep in his arms
and would press little kisses to your head
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killingviolets · 4 years
Watching a horror movie with Xavier Plympton♡︎
Hey sooo this is the first thing I’ve ever written so I hope it’s not bad omg 🤪
 Warnings: none just cuteness n fluff :)
Xavier Plympton x gn!reader
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 I think Mr Plympton LOVES horror movies and so you kinda have to love em too...
He calls you up on your lunch break as usual..
”Hey babe, you wanna come over? They’re showing The Exorcist on tv tonight at nine thirty” !
”But I’ll get nightmares Xav” :(
”Pleaseee, this movie is so bitchin, you know I’ll protect you babe” 
You obviously give in because “babe” ! 
You also try to look past his use of the word bitchin...
Upon arrival you see he has lit candles and has tons of blankets ready for you both the snuggle under on the couch 
(a romantic king ^)
“You ready to be scared Y/N”   
Teases you for being a “little scaredy cat” 
Microwaves popcorn for you both, makes sure it’s sweet because you hate salty !! 
(A thoughtful angel ^)
“Babe it’s starting hurry!” 
You run up and jump onto the couch where he is situated and he grabs you, tickling your sides and planting lots of little kisses on your face 
Both of you in fits of laughter till you hear the movie start...
You settle down under the blanket and he makes sure that you’re covered with it so you don’t get cold !!
He lets you lie on his chest with one arm around you, his hand gently rubbing the top of your arm and the other in the bowl of popcorn 
“I can feed myself you know” you giggle 
“I know babe, I just wanna make sure you eat some or I’ll eat it all” 
Jumpscare buildup making you SUPER UNEASY !!
“Xav it’s too scary, I can’t watch” 
“I got you, you wuss”
HIS CUTE LAUGH AT HOW SCARED YOU ARE he finds it so sweet !!! 
Cuddles you tightly into his chest and gently uses his fingers to massage the back of your head, your face is buried in the crook of his neck to shield your eyes from the horrors of the screen while he’s still watching and smiling like a friggin PSYCHO ?!
“Babe did you know...”
He tells you facts about the movie like the secret nerd he really is
He smells so fresh, you can lit TELL his cologne is expensive 
lots of  h e a d   k i s s e s
Looking up at him to see him concentrating on the movie, his brows slightly furrowed and biting his lower lip, an unbelievably sexy habit he has
He notices you looking at him and looks down at you with a soft smile 
Hugs you closer to him every once in a while so that you know he’s “protecting you”
“Would you still love me if I got possessed and looked like Regan?” 
“Of course babe, besides, she’s pretty hot” 
You throw popcorn at him and he ATTACKS you with kisses��
When the movie finishes he puts on your favourite show so you can relax a little because even though he teases you, he wouldn't want you to be genuinely scared :(
(adorable ^)
You feel suuuuper comfortable snuggled up to him so you fall asleep on his chest, wrapping your arms around his waist and hugging him close to you
He is so happy you feel relaxed enough so that you can be in your most vulnerable state around him; sleeping 
He can't stop looking at how peaceful you look, so beautiful and content
He smiles to himself and softly tells you that he loves you (even though you are asleep) before placing a gentle kiss on your head and falling asleep on the couch himself, holding you carefully in his arms...
(sidetone I literally love horror movies so much omfg)
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oreomonsterhunter · 4 years
BFF Chan
Some bang chan thoughts because I have feelings today and so does @tabsteen (you deserve a bff like Chan, darling 😘)
Chan would be the best friend omg
He’s an arm slung over your shoulder, pulling you in tight
He’s the friend who buttons your jacket for you, yelling at you to stay warm and also “you’ll spill hot chocolate on your sweater, you dummy”
If you’re ever having a bad day, he’d notice you sounded off and immediately whisk you away from your problem to give you a breather
Whether that’s “I’m stealing you for movie night” or “we’re going to sing horrible karaoke” or “you’re gonna help me try all the dumplings in the city tonight”
And he’d notice right away. Like if a text doesn’t sound like you, or you stop responding for a day
Chan always has an extra pair of gloves in his coat pockets, just in case you forget/lose yours
Chan loves to be embarrassing with you. By that I mean, he wants to make memories neither of you will forget. With some people, he has a facade, needs to be a certain version of himself. But you’re the one who knows his awkward history, and all his embarrassing stories. And he knows yours. But the best stories are the ones you share
He also loves inside jokes, to jump off of that idea. He loves that he can make you snort your drink with a single word, and you’ll be the only two laughing in the room because no one else gets it. It’s not to exclude others, but to feel extra special with you (he has those inside jokes with all of his friends)
He’ll happily make fun of himself to make you laugh :) what a goof
He’d hum casually whenever he had a new song, just to make you ask him about it (which you do, of course, just to hear him talk about it)
He’d convert you to eating donuts with chopsticks and the two of you would go for donuts every Saturday morning, unbreakable brunch friend date
He’s the type to prioritize his bff above anything else, so work calls? He’s like “family emergency sorry” and hangs up
Because he needs to make sure you know your worth. Because he never wants anyone to doubt if they’re good enough, to wonder if they’re just a token friend, to feel like decoration without any real meaning
Chan is the most genuine friend. He’s incapable of lying to you, to anyone really, but especially you. Not just because you’d know (he’d be fidgety as hell) but because he never wants to be dishonest with you. He shows his love by being his truest self, and he loves you soooo much, he only ever wants to be himself with you
Your friendship is unbelievably precious to him because you both treasure a relationship founded on absolute trust, on acceptance. You could never do anything to scare him off, and vice versa. He’ll always care about you, no matter what. Once you’re in Chan’s heart, there is no leaving it ❤️
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logically-asexual · 4 years
i would very much love to read more if you’re willing to share :)
dzsfdxgfgh hell yeah
ART/original idea
Previous ramble
My inspiration juices aren’t flowing like last night after 12 but i’ll see if i can remember what i had thought lol. [EDIT im 5 or 6 paragraphs into this post and i can say the inspiration juices flowed again]
First of ALL Janus owns like a million turtlenecks and blazers and coats and he always wears some combination on them, with fashion and color coordination always On Point.
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(people get worried for him because sometimes it’s sometimes a little too hot for that, but Janus is always cold lol. its a cold city, anyway, so no big deal)
Logan never misses a day to dress up, either, because he always wears his buttoned shirts and (also color coordinated) ties. i don’t have references but you can imagine, white and light blue shirts with indigo tie and black vest, or black shirt and light blue tie, or maybe even add some purple when he’s feeling colorful. he also isn’t afraid to wear an oversized sweater in the colder months.
the students actually admire both of them for their fashion, different but equally nice to look at.
Now teaching styles ♡ ♡ ♡
 Logan is very good at explaining math functions and equations and everything because he is very structured and comes prepared with markers of all sorts of colors that always paint well (he never brings an old, worn out marker to class) and loves explain with arrows, diagrams, pictures, etc. his students eventually memorize his color code because he’s always consistent. some of them think it’s too much but the majority are very grateful.
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(kind of like the guys from ASAPScience but without the silly drawings lol) ((these are my own notes lol, i couldn’t find a better example))
Janus on the other hand, is just.. too fond of chalkboards. He doesn’t write down more than a few keywords or important quotes, but his handwritting is unbelievably neat. -both of theirs, except Janus writes in cursive, of couse-. Logan is impressed, because he couldn’t imagine living without colors and diagrams to put his thoughts into writing, and he wouldn’t like the innefficiency of erasing white chalk. Janus doesn’t mind because his lectures are mostly him talking and pointing at the notes he already has written, which he erases until the end of the class. It’s fine, though, because Janus is very good at public speaking, he has you captivated for however long he wants (Logan learns that first-hand).
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i like to imagine Logan getting ready to explain something very counterintuitive in his physics class, maybe the relativity of time or the curving of space. he knows his students have seen many sci-fi movies and must have all kind of misconceptions, so he has to be very very clear. Logan goes to Janus when he needs help explaining these more abstract concepts without losing his students’ attention and Janus thinks he is very good at it already, but gives him a few tips nonetheless.
omg now i imagine Janus getting Logan a small blackboard and a box of chalk of different colors for him to carry in his bag, particularly for their conversations, so Logan has an easier time explaining whatever he’s talking about 💕
ANYWAY they have their coffee dates meetings and every single time they begin talking about specific stuff from either of their fields, but eventually they end up in heated philosophical discussions about the place of humans in the universe, the meaning of our existence, how apparently contradicting statements can be true simultaneously, what is the meaning of truth, how everything is defined by our perspective etc. etc. and they have a lot of fun :3
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