#head gasket cost
csandyou · 9 months
Cost of Head Gasket Repair in Australia: Key Things to Consider
Looking for reliable head gasket repair and replacement services in Melbourne? Look no further than Car Servicing & You! Our certified mechanics provide high-precision solutions that ensure there are no unlikely incidents with your engine, all at a competitive head gasket repair cost in Australia.
Ignoring early warning signs of a failing head gasket can lead to major engine damage later on. That's why it's essential to entrust your car to professional, qualified experts who utilise cutting-edge technology and best-in-class materials. At Car Servicing & You, we guarantee to provide seamless and efficient head gasket repair and replacement services for all makes and models.
So, why settle for sloppy and incomplete services? Trust us for your head gasket concerns and give your vehicle the performance and efficiency it deserves. Get in touch with us today!
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muzdiir · 11 months
we tried to do some fun basic maintenance on my car: changing the front rotors & the spark plugs.
the rotors were a no-go bc the screws holding the caliper in were impossible to move. we don't have the tools necessary to take care of it, so now it's gonna be some other dude's problem.
the plugs were easy overall. except, of course, that 2 out of 4 were flooded with oil 🙃 (this is not a good thing)
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bigcollections · 9 months
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Head Gasket: Understanding, Diagnosing, and Repair Costs When it comes to your vehicle's engine, the head gasket plays a critical role in maintaining its health and performance. HeadGasketInfo.com is your go-to source for comprehensive information about head gaskets, addressing issues like a blown head gasket, and understanding the associated repair costs. Exploring the Head Gasket: At HeadGasketInfo.com, we delve into the intricacies of the head gasket. From its function within the engine to signs of wear and tear, our site provides an in-depth exploration. Whether you're a car enthusiast or a novice, our content is designed to be informative and accessible. Blown Head Gasket: Causes and Symptoms: A blown head gasket can be a daunting issue for any vehicle owner. Our website breaks down the causes and symptoms of a blown head gasket, helping you identify potential problems early on. By understanding the signs, you can take proactive measures to address issues before they escalate. Head Gasket Repair Cost Guide: Curious about the potential costs associated with head gasket repair cost? HeadGasketInfo.com provides a comprehensive guide to head gasket repair costs. We cover factors that influence pricing, average repair costs, and tips for minimizing expenses. This information empowers you to make informed decisions about your vehicle's maintenance. Why Choose HeadGasketInfo.com? Expert Insights: Our content is crafted by automotive experts, ensuring reliable and accurate information. User-Friendly Interface: Easily navigate through our user-friendly website to find the information you need. Comprehensive Coverage: From basic concepts to advanced topics, we cover a wide range of head gasket-related subjects. Regular Updates: Stay informed with the latest trends, repair techniques, and industry insights through our regularly updated content. Visit Headgasketinfo.com for a wealth of knowledge on head gaskets, blown head gasket issues, and repair costs. Whether you're dealing with a specific problem or just want to enhance your automotive knowledge, we've got you covered!
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creator1mpersonator · 2 months
Through the Mirror
00. Prologue
Inspired by Coraline, reader is gender-neutral, no use of Y/N.
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This new home was painfully dreary. Based on the copper-colored bricks that built up the walls and the immensely overgrown shrubbery around it, you assumed this was a pre-war building. There were neighboring houses, but they all looked as copper, lifeless, and boring as yours. As you assisted your parents unload the U-Haul, you saw a little girl ride past on her little bike with the expression of a Victorian child—poor thing, so young and living in a place with the mental stimulation of the color beige. Your father procured the key from one of his pockets, slotting it into the rusty doorknob and turning it. The door simply opened by itself, and you heard him mumble something about fixing it to himself before entering. Your mother followed, waving away cobwebs with her hand. You remained outside for a moment, and it wasn’t until you heard your mother shriek your name that you picked up a box and scampered inside.
The inside of the home was, predictably, as depressing as its exterior. Dusty, with cobwebs along walls like terrible little decorations. You screamed when you saw a cockroach scuttle past your feet, its wretched antenna going this way and that before fleeing out the open front door.
“Bugs, great. Just what I need.” Your mother muttered in a rather disgruntled tone, arms crossed over her chest. She seemed even more upset by this move than you were, even if it was supposed to be good for her and your father’s job. Not that you even knew what it was that they did.
“Nothing an exterminator can’t fix, honey.” Your father said in a cheerful tone, ever the optimist.
“Exterminators cost money. Money we don’t have.” Your mother retorted, killing another roach beneath her shoe with a rather cruel stomp that sounded throughout the empty house.
“You’ll see,” your father began, “things will be just fine.”
“Yeah, right.”
Your father sighed, and you gave him a sympathetic smile before setting the box you were holding down on the dusty hardwood floors.
“___” your mother called out, “go pick out your room.”
You nodded, walking past your at-odds parents and heading up the stairs. There was an old carpet that lined the hallway, like in picture books. It was a faded blue and you think there were once flowers printed on the fabric. You decided to walk on the regular hardwood instead when the carpet began to squish under your feet. You don’t think the carpet was supposed to do that. 
You peered into different rooms, making keen observations about each one that would help you pick out the least worst one. One room had a hole in the floor, your mother was gonna blow a gasket when she saw it. The next room sent you running out of it when you saw the cockroaches gathered around like a council of terrible little things. The third room you saw was the one you picked. Compared to the last two, it wasn’t in a state of disrepair nor did it make your skin crawl. It was bland because of course it was, but you figured some paint, furniture, and decorations could fix it right up. Two windows let natural light inside your bedroom, there was a closet with bi-fold doors, and a mirror.
The mirror caught your attention the most. It was undoubtedly an antique, the glass of the mirror surrounded by a golden border with swirling decals carved into it. It was beautiful and vaguely reminded you of the Evil Queen’s mirror in Snow White. 
“Mom!” You called out, “Come up here!”
You heard footsteps come up the stairs, a disgusted sound when the carpet squished beneath her foot, an angry sigh at the hole in the floor, and a shriek when she found the council of roaches before she finally found your room.
“Couldn’t have told me what room you were in?” She sighed, arms still crossed.
“Sorry.” You said, before quickly changing focus, “check out this mirror.”
Your mother glanced at the mirror briefly, eyebrow raised.
“It’s creepy”
“I think it looks pretty.” You defended.
“Sweetheart, are you sure you don’t wanna get rid of that one and just get a new mirror?” Your mother asked.
“I’m sure.”
She sighed.
“As long as you’re happy, bug.”
You wouldn’t begin to understand the trouble that mirror would get you into until that night.
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seat-safety-switch · 11 months
It's not just Walmart that has to deal with weird people creeping in their parking lot. With the skyrocketing cost of living, more of your fellow citizens are forced to live in their cars. In theory, it's easy: simply pull into an anonymous residential driveway, throw up some sunshades and catch some Zs. Just get out of there before the homeowner has to leave in the morning, and no one's the wiser.
You might find it hard to believe, but I actually have a clear spot on my driveway right now. My current daily driver is not capable of climbing even the slightest incline without blowing its head gasket sky high, so I've been parking it in the street with all the other ones instead. Did I say I have a clear spot? Had is maybe the correct term, because Jeep people ("Jeeple") have been sleeping in it.
There's many reasons a Jeep person may have lost their home. Off-road tires have become very expensive; stand-up comedians will refer to this as "inflation" and then have a little chuckle at how clever their joke is. Either way, I figured out what they were up to when I noticed a strange oil leak had been left behind on my driveway, on top of my regular oil leak. I tasted it: 75W140 axle lube, with friction modifier. A Jeep had been here.
Now, every night before I go to sleep, I try to make sure no Jeep people ("Jeeple") have burrowed their way onto my property. Of course, since the power doesn't work, I can't just flick on the exterior lights and take a peep. Instead, I stand by the technique that my grandfather taught me: yelling incorrect facts about the New Venture NP231 transfer case out the window, and seeing if anyone responds.
I've gotten rid of at least three Wranglers and one Comanche this way, and I strongly recommend you consider it as well. They could be eyeing up your precious driveway right now.
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745voiceofthepeople · 5 months
In a world where Azula defeated and imprisoned Zuko and Katara after the final Agni Kai. Azula’s speech is based on the final speech of Constantine XI in 1453. Tentative idea I had for an Azutara enemies to lovers Au. A preliminary excerpt is below.
A servant ran over to Azula, as she watched the approaching army batter against the walls of Caldera city. The army was led by Avatar Aang and it combined the Earth kingdom, the Water tribes and the forces of the white lotus (along with her treacherous uncle)
“Pri- Fire lord Azula, the city is falling, you must use the tunnels to escape, now your majesty!” The servant shouted. She was one of the remaining few in the palace. The panic in her expression evident to all the at gazed upon her.
Azula stood upon the battlements. With her solders (few though that they were) turning to her expectantly. A hush fell over the city’s defenders. Bleak and all consuming.
As Azula looked out at the approaching army. Then at her own skelton forces manning the cities walls. The measly lot her father had left Azula before he went to undergo his foolish plan in the Earth Kingdom.
But as Azula tuned her contemplation back and forth, she realized that her mind felt lighter, clearer than it had in days.
Azula dwelled on the events of the last week or so in her mind. She was an abandoned by her father. The one individual l Azula thought would be on her side. More fool her. Just another one of her betrayers in the long line. Azula wondered what Ozai felt being in such vaunted company as Mai or Ty Lee, or Zuko, or her uncle. Azula smirked lightly as she imagined the gasket her father would undoubtedly blow. As well as the one Zuko would wear in turn.
Speaking of her brother, treacherous son of bitch that he is (full offense intended mother!) Azula had defeated him during an Agni Kai. Along with his Water bender friend. Who weirdly put up a greater fight than her brother. During Sozin’s comet of all times!
Though admittedly Azula was distracted by the Water benders… aesthetics during the battle. She knew the president and the laws Sozin had set up. Yet despite this, and her… mental state, Azula had found the Water witch to be… pleasing to the eye. Even when she was hurling icicles sharp as fangs at Azula’s neck. Perhaps especially so.
It felt like the pleasant warmth of a campfire for Azula to be honest to herself. Honest of her interest in the fairer sex . Especially after so long in denial. Until only a few hours ago in fact. The new Fire lord, expected to die in battle soon anyway. So she could afford the cost of honest words for once in her life. They remained the knowledge of Azula and hers alone.
Azula turned back to the servant knowing that they expected an answer. She shook her head slowly. A melancholic smile grazing the Fire lords beautiful face. Azula chuckled without humor. “No my dear Okanu. It is not my place to abandon the city in her hour of need”. Azula said. “I will meet the forces of the Avatar and my traitor uncle head on. For there is little time more for schemes. But you may leave and go to your family. My civilian subjects have already been escorted out of the city. You will join them”.
Small mercies indeed Azula thought. It wouldn’t due for her to drop the ball and get all her subjects killed in the cities sack. In the first several days of being Fire lord! The Earth kingdom forces hungered for battle and vengeance. A hunger Azula knew they would take out on the cities inhabitants. Had she not made sure to move them away from the city.
“But Fire lord” - the servant Okanu started.
“I give you one last order Okanu, you are banished from the city forever, now join your family”. The servant appeared at once resigned and grateful. After bowing one last time, Okanu turned and left.
Azula turned to her men stationed on the walls. Just outside of the gate. That was being battered by the Avatar’s forces in this very battle. Azula briefly considered the strangeness that neither the avatar nor his companions used their bending to destroy the walls. Perhaps they were still tired from previous battle? Or mayhaps they were simply waiting her out? Or perhaps they feared ahead would execute Zuko or the Water bender girl.
Azula looked her men over, scanning her eyes of their faces. Fear and doubt was the most prominent reflection. That Azula was sure would also be mirrored in her face. If she were not so skilled in clouding her features.
Azula opened her mouth and began to speak to her troops. She considered, there was time for fear and time for awe.
“Once this city [Caldera city] mastered the entire universe. She placed beneath her feat the Fire islands, Yu Dao, Makapu, Omashu,Gaoling, and all the lands of the Earth kingdom and the Si Wong desert. Our empire, presently humbled, did fell the continental walls of Ba Sing Se, Rivaled the great conquerers of old, Repelled the Water Tribe invaders during the eclipse, Slayed the Avatar’s (for a time), seen the Air Nomads retuned to dust, tamed the stubborn lands of Earth, and cast out our empires traitors. She is now finally, to be devoured by the house of Avatar Aang. And as my city falls…I will fall with her”.
Azula held up her hand and a beautiful sword made of the purest blue flame appeared. A speck of shining azure against the inky darkness of the night. Azula breathed deeply to calm the panic that nearly overwhelmed her and charged down from the walls. Straight into the forces of the avatar. Though Azula did have troops stationed to ambush the invaders at the flanks. She wasn’t a fool after all, and the enemy forces would burn for every inch of this city. For every inch of her home.
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heliads · 2 years
Hello heliads i wanted to request a jeper fahey x reader, based on the prompt "stop stealing my clothes"
Please and thank you😊
hello anonymous here is your jeper fahey request
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You are enjoying a rare moment of peace. In a place like the Barrel, such instances come few and far between. You don’t think you’ve gone this long without hearing gunshots ring out since you first joined the Dregs. That’s not even to mention the shockingly low level of stabbings that have taken place over the past week. Perhaps nature is healing. Ketterdam can never truly clean itself of all violence, but it can come close to a sort of truce, and you’re enjoying the aftereffects of that now. 
Your peace is only defined by the lack of violence that surrounds you. It isn’t quiet, so to speak. The Barrel never could be quiet, even if you forcibly dragged out all the criminals and thugs and let the stadwatch rule the streets like they’re meant to do. The canals would still roil with sound, the streets would still let noise echo up to the rafters. This city of yours was never meant to rest for long. Still, you can find pockets of serenity in it, breaths caught in between chaos. For this fleeting moment, you are calm. Such things are treasured almost as much as kruge.
Thus you have it all before you, the rarest bits of tranquility in the world’s last bastions of grime and disorder, and thus it is taken from you within a manner of minutes. One instant, you’re sitting by yourself in a quieter corner of the Crow Club, nursing your drink and pretending you’ll ever be at peace for longer than a nanosecond, and the next thing you know, you have company. Not unwelcome company, to be sure. No, not unwelcome in the slightest.
The sight of you might be more unwelcome to your company, however. Jesper Fahey has barely slid into a seat in front of you before his easy smile drops into an exasperated groan. 
Fingers rising to pinch the bridge of his nose, Jesper gestures uselessly at you with his free hand. “What the hell is this?”
You decide to feign innocence. “A friend, Jesper. I’m a friend. Hard enough to come by that you’ve started forgetting what they look like, huh?”
Jesper slides a deeply troubled look your way. “Obviously I’m just grand when it comes to my legions of friends. You know what I’m talking about.”
You prop your chin up on your hands. “Do I?”
“Yes,” Jesper snorts, “you do. You’re wearing my hat. And my coat, if I’m not mistaken.”
Not one to trifle with his marksman’s eyes, you give up your ruse at last. “Perhaps it is. What do you have to say about that?”
Jesper grimaces. “I shouldn’t have to say anything about it because it shouldn’t be happening. Stop stealing my clothes.”
You grin. “No.”
Jesper narrows his eyes at you. “What do you mean, no?”
“I mean no,” you clarify, “I rather like this hat. And the coat goes so well with it. It would have been criminal to leave it behind.”
“It would not have been criminal to leave the cost behind,” Jesper argues, “it would actually have been less criminal. You know stealing is a crime, right?”
You nod solemnly. “And a terrible one at that. Out of curiosity, from which store did you buy this hat? Since stealing is such a crime, I know you got it from a reputable source.”
Jesper’s air of confidence grinds to a standstill. “Of course I did. Why would you ask such a thing?”
You ask such a thing because you happen to know perfectly well that Jesper stole the aforementioned hat from the house of a wealthy mercher. Kaz had his team break in with the intention of grabbing a few documents, nothing more. He’d nearly blown a gasket when Jesper insisted on taking the hat, especially since it was being worn at the time of the theft. It had gone well in the end, Jesper had snatched the garment from the head of the sleeping mercher with all the grace of a second coming of the Wraith, but the chastisements from Kaz had been legendary. 
Knowing this backstory, you fix Jesper with a terrible grin. “Oh, no reason. I was just wondering if you might have happened to steal it in the first place. That would make my theft of it more okay, right?”
“I don’t like your logic,” Jesper comments. 
“Of course you don’t,” you say soothingly. 
Jesper shrugs and downs a swallow of his own drink. You don’t entirely remember it arriving at the table, but for as long as you’ve known him, Jesper has had a knack for being able to conjure drinks out of thin air. Every time you ask, he makes up some excuse about his tens of thousands of admirers, but you think the bartenders just know that they’ll end up with high tips if they ply him with spirits early on. 
Encouraged by the fire of Ketterdam’s finest brew, Jesper carries on his argument. “Look, you know what, I’ll allow it just this once. Don’t make it a habit, though. I happen to like those clothes.”
You beam triumphantly. “I knew you’d come around! I’ll try not to get blood on them as a thank you.”
Jesper shudders. “Don’t say such things. The thought of stains on such fine craftsmanship makes my hair stand on end.”
You pretend to be affronted. “Not the thought that I might be injured in them? Be honest with me, Jesper, would you wear the coat again if I died in it? You cannot lie.”
He laughs. “Depends on if there were visible bullet holes or stab wounds in it. I prefer quality garments over that whole ‘distressed chic’ thing the stores keep trying to push on us.”
You roll your eyes. “Not the fact that I might be dead?”
“Of course I’m not worried that you’d be dead,” Jesper says easily, “I know you wouldn’t be dead.”
You cock your head to the side, considering his statement. “In the Barrel? How can you know that?”
Jesper shrugs, as if the truth he’s bestowing is just common knowledge and not something that has the power to completely devastate you. “I wouldn’t let it happen. If someone tries to hurt you, well, I’d like to see them try. I’d welcome a good challenge.”
His eyes gleam, and as he speaks, Jesper’s hands drift to the pearlescent handles of his revolvers. Jesper likes to pretend that he’s untouchable by the stresses of the world, utterly without principle and unable to feel something as bone crushingly mediocre as fear, but in this moment you almost believe it. If someone tried to come in between Jesper and someone he cared about— and Ghezen forbid that person in danger was you— Jesper would burn the entire city to a cinder just to make sure you would feel its warmth. There is no gamble he wouldn’t bet on to keep you by his side. 
For some reason the thought of it is far too much to consider, and you find yourself turning away, unable to pay Jesper the credit of letting him look at you and realize what an impact he’s had on you. Judging by the self satisfied smirk you can just see out of the corner of your eye, however, Jesper knows too much for his own good. 
“That’s a perfectly admirable sentiment,” you say, partly to fill the silence that seems to be pressing in at every nook and cranny of your suddenly bared heart and partly to make Jesper stop smiling at you like that, for the Saints’ sake, “but it isn’t reasonable. There’s no way you could possibly shoot every single conman or crook in Ketterdam. You’d run out of bullets.”
Jesper dismisses this worry with a wave of his hand. The low light of the Crow Club shines on his many rings, guiding your gaze slowly but surely from the all too fascinating corner of the table where it had been earlier and back towards him again. 
“I’ll take extra bullets from the corpses. I’d never run out.”
“Morbid,” you reproach. 
“Clever,” Jesper argues. 
“Unusual,” you amend, and that does well enough by the two of you. 
Jesper glances around the club, then conspiratorially leans forward, as if he’s including you in a secret the rest of the world could only ever hope to know.
“Can I tell you something?” His voice is low, scarcely carried to you over the gentle raucous of bets won and lost echoing in the background of the club. There’s an argument two tables over that makes more sense then what’s going on. The man getting escorted out of the doors for drunkenness has no idea what it’s like to have his head spin the way yours is right now. You’re more intoxicated than he could ever dream, all because Jesper is looking at you like he’d never see anyone else if he could help it.
You nod, unable to form a word. 
Jesper smiles and continues on. “I don’t actually mind it when you steal my clothes. I like to give you a hard time because it’s fun to watch you try to defend yourself. In fact,” he says, reaching out a hand to fix the errant flap of your coat collar, “I think you look better in them than I could ever hope to.”
“What’s so fun about teasing me, then?” You ask. Anything to cover up the spike in your pulse as you turn his words over and over again in your head. He’s saying something that both of you have been alluding to for quite some time. You and Jesper have been dancing around a certain unspoken truth for weeks, perhaps even longer, neither of you willing to commit long enough to set it in stone.
Ketterdam is made of crooks, after all, beggars and borrowers and charlatans. This is no place for something as unguarded as a heart to give up to someone you need, someone you love. If you were to feel something for Jesper Fahey, you had best hide it before he realizes, before he uses you as a guarantee in a job gone south like anyone else. This is not a city for lovers, it is a city for killers, and as long as you like your heart more whole and less bloody, you had better throw up your walls before Jesper finds a way to tear them down.
It is too late for that, of course. It has been too late for too long. Jesper knows it, but you think you’re going to be alright on that front. For one thing, you have a feeling that he harbors the exact same affections for you as you do for him.
Jesper’s grin lets you know soon enough. “I like spending time with you,” he explains easily, “Saints, I like you. Never thought you’d need me to say it out loud, though.”
“Maybe I like hearing it anyway,” you say as casually as you can.
The flash in Jesper’s eyes is electric. “I’ll just have to say it more often, then,” he declares.
You’re unable to hide your smile any longer. “I think that sounds good to me.”
It sounds good to Jesper as well, and soon enough he’s downing the last of his drink. He stands, offering a hand to you. You take it without thinking– when have you not, by the way– and let him lead you to the door.
“Let’s get out of here,” he whispers. You’re halfway over the threshold and wondering how far you would go for him, how much you would lose. Do the consequences really matter when you think about all the heights you would reach, the riches you would gain? The answer is no, spoken in the pleased sort of laugh Jesper always manages to drag out of you.
So you let Jesper pull you out into the darkened street. The cobblestone streets roll on endlessly before you, the streetlights flash by ceaselessly as you walk. There is no end to the city, not tonight. This world is infinite for you and the boy by your side. You could spend the rest of your midnights chasing him down this rush, and you think just this once, you will.
grishaverse tag list: @rogueanschel, @cameronsails, @deadreaderssociety, @mxltifxnd0m, @story-scribbler, @retvenkos, @thatfangirl42, @amortensie, @gods-fools-heroes, @bl606dy
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Modern Arthur Morgan Headcannons
This was requested by @mrsarthurmorgan7​ Modern Arthur is one of my favorite things to think about, and I think it’s mainly because he....well cause tattoos more than likely, so lets get this ball rolling! 
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Ok, so first things first
Modern Arthur’s job
It’s important to him, it might not pay well, but it is important to him.
He loves his job, he has so much fun with it! 
He’s a mechanic of course. 
Well, I mean, he likes his side hustle at Dutch’s ranch where he helps out with the horses, takes care of them, runs them when the need to be worn out, and helps wrangle the new ones, but when he isn’t doing that he’s working over at the mechanic shop he started with a couple of the boys, Charles and John.
He meets you when your car breaks down in the middle of nowhere and he just happened to be on the road in his tow truck. 
You had very little knowledge about what went on under the hood, I mean, you could Identify what car brand was what, Honda, Hyundai, Subaru, Chevy, Ford, the list goes on, but you couldn’t tell a head gasket from a piston. 
So, when he sees you on the side of the road, the hood up on your orange 1971 Dodge Challenger he whistles to himself and pulls over.
To be honest with you he was really just interested in the car more so than you, at least that was until he got out of the truck.
He pulled on that stupid dodge baseball cap of his and did the best to wipe the oil off his hands.
When he finally gets out of his old tow truck and moves around your car, again whistling, which this time catches your attention.
When you lean around and offer a shy smile to him.
Oh, it’s love at first sight.
He has to compose himself, but when he does he mentions how much he loves the year of your car, how it’s his favorite model, and he wished that they were still made.
You admit to him that you only got it because it made you feel like you were actually important with all the looks you got.
He laughs at that and offers to take a look under the hood, to which you gladly allow because you have no idea what else you’re gonna do otherwise. 
When Arthur takes a look under the hood he realizes that your problem is probably gonna cost a fortune to fix, and more than likely whoever had sold you the car had known that it was an issue,
Mainly because the damage seemed man made. In his opinion the guy who sold it was probably hoping you’d come back and pay him more to fix it.
“Well, it ain’t pretty I ain’t gonna lie to ya.” 
He doesn’t tell you how much it will cost you, mainly because he is absolutely smitten with you.
Instead he offers to hook you up and drive you back to his garage and take a better look at what parts he’s got in stock.
Of course you let him and from there the two of you climb into his truck and are on your way to a little car garage run by three guys in a fairly small town. 
The whole ride there the two of you bond, and it comes to your attention that you like him, he’s handsome and he’s incredibly charming with the way he talks to you the whole ride over. 
When you get there he looks the car over a little more carefully and goes through his inventory to figure out if he’s got what he needs.
You can’t help but watch him in that black tank top with a red grease rag hooked in to one of his belt loops and a concentrated look in his eyes.
A wrench in hand and grease and oil smeared all over him.
You realize that maybe....
You do in fact feel something for this kind stranger. 
When he finishes up and claims that it’s on the house, you demand that you pay him for the hard work he’s done, considering that it took him a solid two hours to do it.
He smiles a little sheepishly at you and then says you can make it up to him if you agree to go on a date with him.
You happily agree, and that’s where the wonderful relationship between you two starts.
Lord have mercy, from there the two of you are nearly inseparable. I mean, you do everything together.
He introduces you to his family, Dutch and Hosea up at the ranch, John and Charles, though John is on accident, he just happens to be in the shop when the two of you were uh....fooling around 
You two still had wonderful, AMAZING sex that night.
Your first time with him and from there you knew you weren’t gonna leave him.
I mean, you knew that you weren’t going to before you did it with him but...
sealed the deal for sure.
That was only about six months into dating.
Sean, Lenny, Javier, Bill and the others all come later, when Dutch and Hosea hold a holiday get together, and all of them absolutely adore you.
After just a year of dating he asks you to move in with him, and in all honesty he wanted to ask you to move in after only a few months, but he waited just because he didn’t want to push his luck with you.
His house is small, but it’s in no way uncomfortable. 
It’s just a little ranch house, not far from his shop, and while the house is little there’s plenty of land to expand it if you need too.
He’s got three vehicles that he stores lovingly in the garage which is much bigger than the house. 
A 1969 Camero, a newer, probably like 2020, Chevy truck, and a Harley Davidson bike, which he LOVES to ride in the summer.
And boy, he is absolutely 
on that bike. 
His cigarettes rolled up in his sleeve to keep them where he can find them, and those tight fitting jeans
Now, every once in a while, even though you’re moved into the same house together you get anxiety, horrible, horrible anxiety.
I mean, crippling, as well as depression, and Arthur understands.
He gets it, he has both of those himself, but he doesn’t understand why you think he’d start hating you all the sudden.
He loves you with everything he has and every time he sees you sitting there with that look on your face he knows your in your head too much.
Those are the days when he simply kisses your forehead and then guides you out to his truck where he then takes you out to Dutch’s ranch and the two of you spend the rest of the day riding until you’re ready to talk about what’s going on in your head.
If you refuse that, he’ll gladly sit behind you and cuddle with you until you want to talk. 
Sometimes all you need is some reassurance and he’s happy to give it to you.
In return you always offer reassurance to him when he needs it, he has issues just like you do. 
The night he proposes to you is a night you’ll never forget.
You came home from work, it had been the shittiest day of the week. 
The whole day you’d been harassed, you’d been yelled at, you hated work.
When you come through the door you’re hoping to just take a bath and curl up with Arthur but you’re greeted with something else. 
The living room is completely dark, and all you can see is a candle lit in the kitchen.
When you plop your bag down you hear a radio click on and one of your favorite country songs, one of Arthur’s as well, “Must Be Doin’ Somethin’ Right” starts to play. 
You walk to the kitchen and there he is, kneeling next to a boombox wearing his best suit he’s got, and a small jewelry box in his hands.
“Darlin’, I....Y/N I love you to the ends of the earth, I love ya more than life itself. You mean more to me than anything else in my life, and...Well Shit, I wish I coulda done this with more finesse...Y/N L/N, will you marry me?” 
Of course you say yes.
The two of you embrace and share a passionate kiss that makes the day’s troubles disappear from your mind. 
He’s the best husband you could have asked for.
.....Wedding headcannons soon? Modern....not modern???? THOUGHTS?
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shadowkat678 · 1 year
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Hey guys. I’ve been trying to keep people informed with what’s going on. Instead of doing it over with each group I'm going to make an announcement. Full saga. All the information.
The 2002 Honda Civic Absolute Disaster.
Yesterday, my car decided to overheat and shit itself. In the middle of my 700 mile move to Detroit with my gf and an hour away from our planned hotel stop. I don't know much about cars! Apparently I should have stopped when I saw the engine meter staying over the H line on the thermostat.
I did not, because I didn't want to break down on the side of the road. Instead we broke down very conveniently in the lot of an AutoZone type car shop. What might have been a small issue to fix, however, is now fucking huge.
My car won't start. My engine is likely totaled. There's probably an issue with the thermostat or water pump or radiator one, then the head gasket got cracked so water is leaking into the car's surrounding pipes, to the best of what I could gather. I am not a car person.
We've called around, no one nearby has any openings for repairs for at least a week. The closest place is 60 miles away. AAA won't cover towing that far, and would charge me $7+tax for every mile. We managed to find someone else who'd take it for $250, luckily.
He thought he might be able to fix the car by Saturday, but all together the cost would be $2.8k ish. Including the tow.
That's not including the money I already had to pay for the last few mechanic visits that we thought fixed everything over the past few months. Which was already way too much. So now that's all down the drain too.
There's now another devolvement about that as seen in the texts. Basically, the type of engine was different than believed. Making it a lot more expensive and time extensive to fix. We have neither money or time for that. So, stuck in the middle of Kentucky countryside, we're having to get rid of our car.
After conversation with family and friends and advice we're going to focus on getting to Detroit and trying to get a car there. I still have to make another trip back in a few months to get the rest of my stuff and the overheating has done so much damage we probably will have to pay even more than just what's already been discussed wrong with it anyway. Luckily we'll be able to sell it to the mechanic for about....$300.
To put this into perspective on how bad that is for me, I currently only make about $1,200 a month.
We have a way out and up to Detroit, thankfully. But even without the car costs of fixing it we're going to be out a three nights in the hotel plus the towing, which is about $600 all totalled and we still need to get transportation once in Detroit. Not to mention rent and groceries and other moving things. We also still have like. Zero furniture at the apartment.
I'll keep everyone updated as things continue. It was suggested I make a donation post with all the information. So here's my Google pay, PayPal, Cash app, and Venmo.
We've gotten some help so far from my family and some friends but anything would be amazing to put towards a car and necessities fund. I'm going to have absolutely no transportation at a time where getting places is going to be super important. So I'm putting it out there.
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sardonic-the-writer · 2 years
MAY I REQUEST PRINCE AND MALE OR GENDER NEUTRAL READER….. i just need some fluff in my life, maybe reader comes back from being on a job and they’re all beat up bc it went haywire and prince is taking care of them while trying to lecture them about it but truly she’s just glad they came home in one piece
first time writing for the prince! hope i did her justice <3
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• She had been pacing the floors of the hallway entrance for quite some time now
• While she would never admit it, the fact you had been gone for almost an entired week worried her
• You were only supposed to be gone one or two days, tops—engaging in a simple mission for someone of your skillful tact
• So The Prince had nearly blown a fucking gasket when you threw her front door open with a tired smile, limping in with what seemed to be buckets of blood on you
• "We're you followed?" Was the first thing out of her mouth
• When you had nodded your head no and rolled your eyes, playfully offended she would think so low of you, your partner sighed
• Before promptly marching over to you and slapping you over the head
• "Arsehole! Where were you? I was worried fucking sick!"
• She continued to growl at you as you clutched your injured arm to your chest, just letting her let off some steam
• "You done?"
• "Only because I'm too angry to fucking say anything else."
• "Alright. Now, if you don't mind, can we get some bandaids for me please? I'm bleeding all over your new carpet, and I would hate to have to replace that again."
• The Prince really is just relived you made it back alive and well. Er, alive at least
• She's not exactly the best at expressing tender emotions. Opening herself up was something she's been taught to avoid at all costs as an assasin
• But she finds it in her to share some of those softer emotions with you, even if it takes a great deal of time to get used to the feeling
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handhourgalleries · 5 months
Life update rant. Not very uplifting and its terribly long, so its under a line for people that don't want to subject themselves to it.
After having our car finally towed to a mechanic that agreed to replace the head gasket on the engine for an affordable price that my mother in law offered to cover, mechanic states that rust has developed in the engine that apparently demands either a rebuild of the engine or total replacement, which bumps up the cost of the car repair to a ridiculous amount no one can pay. We are now being asked if we want to have the car scrapped. Doubt we will get anything remotely feasible for it to help toward the purchase of a new car in the near future, but I suppose we'll see what happens. Having no car in the USA is just a slow suffocation of resources, which we have little of.
My spouse and I are currently still unemployed, even after trying to apply for different places within walking distance - we are often told that the actual location is elsewhere, and we aren't getting there without a car. Bus stop is a 30 minute walk just to even get to ride a bus, takes 2 hours to get anywhere from there after bus transfers.
Luckily my husband is able to draw unemployment - I was unable to get accepted for it myself since I was fired in February (for my unstable attendance due to an undiagnosed medical condition). My oldest son is still able to help with his own job, though only on the weekends, which he is trying to keep up on with Uber rides. I'm trying to make do with applying for a remote job that will accept online working from something that doesn't require ethernet, as I don't have access to that. Trying to get hired on to a company currently that can potentially pay me part time. So I am currently hinging my life on promoting art commissions right now to help...which has not been as successful as I would like, sigh.
We are also trying to support my other 2 children who are on the spectrum, and they are enrolled in a vocational program to help them to be more self sufficient in their adult lives. I am hoping more resources will become more available to them individually when they can finally get the diagnosis they need from their assigned therapists. I am so, so proud of all my spawn and what they try to do, and my rock of a husband, and some days they are the only thing that keeps me from wanting to walk into oncoming traffic and put myself out of my useless existence, quite frankly lol.
Money is severely tight, most times we can only afford to pay our weekly rent and little else. We are trying to take advantage of food pantries but most depend on actually being able to drive there to pick up the food, which connects back to our primary issue with the car. But we have basic internet access and shelter and potential connections for help, and in-laws that understand the situation and are trying to help to the best of their own ability. Very survival mode right now. I am trying to not lose hope. Some days are harder to smile than others, definitely.
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vellichor01 · 8 months
I had to put my car in the shop over the weekend while getting ready for my friend's wedding, and it may be a valve cover issue or a head gasket, and if it's a head gasket, I need to get a new car bc it'll cost more than I paid for mine to fix it. And only being 90 days from my wedding and still having a bunch of stuff to pay for, I am stressing out my guys.
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sailermoon · 1 year
good news: not my head gasket again 🥳
bad news: might cost me 500 dollars 🤒
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sellurcar · 2 years
4 Primary signs that car repair is no longer worth it
However much you are in love with your vehicle, there will come a point at which it isn't running. Investing in repairs becomes just a waste of money. Therefore, it's best to keep an eye on the moment when car repairs aren't worth it. It's better to sell your car after this point as quickly as you can to make sure you receive an acceptable price on your vehicle.
What are the major signs which indicate your car repair doesn't warrant it anymore? Read on for answers.
Signs that your car's repair isn't worth the expense
A few of the most important signs that your car's repair not worthwhile anymore are as follows.
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1. Increased repairing costs: This is the very first indication of the possibility that it's time to get rid of your vehicle. At some point, the vehicle requires regular repairs and the repair expenses are quite costly. If the repair costs of your car are straining your budget, then it's time to give up on repairs and sell it.
In the end, what's an assurance that after spending so much on repair the car will run fine? So, it's best to obtain a decent price for your vehicle by selling it in the appropriate time.
2. There are no safety standards that have been met: When a car becomes too old, it doesn't conform to safety standards, which is yet another indicator that repairs to the car are not worth the effort anymore.
A vehicle that does not meet safety standards can put your and other people's lives in danger. It could also get you into legal trouble.
3. Repair type required: Repair types are the main factor in determining the repair cost and the amount to which it can be repaired even after paying a hefty amount for the same. For instance, regular repairs such as tires wearing out brake pads, brakes, etc. might get repaired at a relatively low cost however, something such as head gaskets may require enormous costs and have no guarantee of longevity.
4. The value of depreciation on a car is high: If the value of depreciation of your car is very high, and you're ready to sell your car. Of course, why would be willing to pay for a vehicle if it's not performing well? A high depreciation value is a clear sign that you could suffer a major loss if you don't sell it at the right time.
We hope you're now aware of the most obvious signs that your car's repair isn't worthwhile. If you're interested in more information, or if you're wondering, how I sell my car in Toronto, you don't have to look at us any further. Our experts on the premises will ensure that you get the best price for your car, along with a seamless process for selling your car. Contact us to sell your car for the best price, phone us at 416-841-7058.
To know more, visit https://sellurcar.ca/
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seat-safety-switch · 2 years
Ever since my editorial in the newspaper, people have been driving by my house, screaming obscenities. Morning, noon, and night. I'd close the window to muffle their profane entreaties, but one of the neighbourhood parents sent their kids by to smash out all the glass, and new sheets of plywood cost more than my car. It's enough to make a guy wish he hadn't written all that kook-ass bullshit in a public source of truth and then attached his real name to it.
Now, you have to understand. I'm not some sort of reactionary conspiracy-spewing nutjob. Everything I'm saying is meticulously backed up, word for word, by evidence. That's what's really got everyone's panties in a knot, metaphorical or otherwise. When confronted with an impossible fact, the human mind reels. Lashing out at the messenger is an understandable reaction, and I forgive those who trespass against me, even if my insurance adjuster is getting tired of it.
Still, I stand by my words. Last night, some dude came by in a misfiring Neon. I could barely hear what he was saying over all the exhaust noise. After listening to him circle the block twice, I stepped out onto the lawn, waiting to be struck down by a thrown can of expired luncheon meat. None arrived. In fact, the coward stepped on the gas to try and get away from me, his target that was now seemingly defending himself. The little Plymouth stalled, and then shat out about three pounds of oil and coolant from the muffler.
On the side of the road, I helped him change the blown head gasket, and hopefully he's gone back to his friends to tell him that the guy from the news, the pariah, isn't actually all that bad after all. Maybe he'll even come around to my way of thinking: everyone who loiters in the left lane should be forcibly exterminated by a highly-efficient government pogrom and their assets redistributed to worthy charities.
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aidenwaites · 2 years
I still miss Her (my 1998 Honda crv that blew a head gasket on Christmas eve and cost more to fix than I could afford/than she was reasonably worth)
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