#heal our blues }* CONVO
noisyquokka · 11 months
Headcanons for Jisung and reader taking our cutie patootie little cousin out trick or treating? 👉👈🤧
Ohhhohohoo, do not get me started bestie! || GN!Reader || WORDCOUNT - 1080
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spooky season starts somewhere around the last week or two of September
which means your little cousin is already listing off the different things she wants to be for Halloween
it's like this every year, but since Jisung absolutely folds for the little tyke, he will sit with her on the couch and start having a whole-ass convo about costumes
"A fairy warrior dragon princess?!" He'd balk back, eyes comically wide as she hides her face with her hands and shakes her head
"No!! A fairy dragon warrior princess!"
yes, yes, you must get the title right!!
you've made her costumes ever since she started going trick-or-treating, so you're more than ready to take on her mighty requests
Jisung will too, of course! Even if he knows nothing on the topic of sewing or crafting costumes
he's good with being an assistant; taking measurements and pinning fabrics, keeping the little menace occupied when you need to really focus
when the day finally comes, your little cousin is wearing the costume All. Day. No ifs, ands, or buts about it!
doing her makeup is a chore when she's so excited and happy with the way her costume turned out
You need Jisung to hold her while you add little dragon scales to her face, near her temples and her cheeks. Little freckles over the expanse of her nose for the whimsy fairy look
it takes you like 45 minutes just to do that with a squirmy 6-year-old, but she's even more giddy at the final product so it's worth the struggles
you and Jisung are also in character, it's only fair that you two choose to be the side characters to the main character, so naturally, Jisung wanted to be a knight; fiercely protecting his little princess from the evil ghouls and spooks in the shadows of her kingdom.
you were to be the spell caster, upon your little cousin's request
"We need a healer, and if you have magic it means you can heal anyone who gets hurt real bad!"
you couldn't argue there! So now you both stand in your garbs...
Jisung with his shield and sword, wearing a flowy top that's tucked into thrifted navy slacks that you added some little charms to. Black calf-high boots. And of course, his crown that your cousin insisted on since he's always the King in her eyes
and you with your cloak draping your shoulders, hiding the wares that cling to the belt around your waist beneath. shimmering makeup - again, upon your cousin's request, "You gotta look super cool or nobody will believe you're a big, bad healer!"- and fangs because... obviously it's for the coolness factor
you leave the house around 6pm because your sub-division starts handing out candy early for the youngsters
your little cousin is much less the concoction of chosen fantasy characters and very much a jumping bean as she scuttles down the sidewalk
Jisung is consistently trailing behind her, reminding her not to run too far ahead, to which she replies that she's part dragon and nothing can take her down when she breathes fire
"But your costume is blue and green, Princess!" Jisung says, and you grin at the way he holds himself, a gloved hand settled upon the handle of his sheathed sword
always in character, he is...
"I'm a dark dragon so I breath blue fire! It's important for the story, Sung-Sung!" She calls over her shoulder, racing towards the first house on the block
yells the loudest trick or treat on the block at every door
asks everyone if they like her costume and that it's custom made. She's so proud when she tells people she came up with it
she tells everyone she comes across about how she became a fairy dragon warrior princess, and the important info that she thought up in her character backstory and lore
sometimes she's so excited that you and Jisung have to remind her to say thank you for the candy
or one of you say it for her if she's already racing to the next house
after an hour of chasing her, Jisung is picking her up when he's getting tuckered out
she whines until he mentions a piggy back ride, those brown eyes are sparkling with joy at the prospect
jokingly uses his shield as she clings to his neck
giggles for days, right there
thirty minutes goes by and suddenly she's asking if she can have a piece of candy
so you take the time to stop, let her pick out her choice in candy, and open it to check for any tampering before she's able to pop it into her mouth
cue the happiest little wiggles as she scampers off to the next house
cue you and Jisung racing after her, exasperated by her antics
you're questioning how 6-year-olds are so fast with their short little legs like wtf
by 8pm, she's getting tuckered out from her running about and you're almost through the entire sub-division
you three finish the last six houses, minus one that's already lights out for the evening, and make your way back to your house with a hefty bag of candy
she gets too tired, so you pick her up for the walk home
Jisung takes the bag of candy, promising to protect it from any sneaky hands
a nap is enough to suffice her on the walk home and once you're back, she's asking for more candy
so again, you sit down in your costumes while your little cousin spins around in her little dress with the dragon tail out the back to go through the candy that could've been tampered with
every piece that's checked is placed in a Halloween bowl that's in her reach, and she sticks a tiny hand in to grab for her favored goodies
"Not too many, now! You'll be bouncing off the walls all night!" You tell her, and she hands you one of your favored candies like it'll butter you up into letting her have free reign of the candy bowl
it doesn't...
okay, three candies turns to five...
but that's it!
once you and Jisung finish going through the candy, you all get out of your costumes and freshen up, slipping into some cozy pajamas
you end the night by watching one of her favorite Halloween movies, all cuddled up on the couch with some snacks and definitely not some extra candy
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Requests are open! 💛
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ressu-rection · 2 months
👻🕯️ Spirit Communication Candle Spell 🕯️👻
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Honestly I feel bad sitting on this thing when I’ve had such great success with it so here it is:
Let’s make a spell candle for your spirits! This could be for a guide, an ancestor, anything that talks and is a spirit, this candle will work for.
This candle makes sure that only the designated spirit may talk during the convo so you don't have to worry if there is outside communication, it also takes the energetic toll off of them and you during the talk, helps enhance the clarity of the communication and helps foster a positive vibe during the convo as well.
Please remember to ask your spirits for consent before making and read the whole post before getting started.
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To start, grab a glass prayer candle, it doesn't really matter what color it is. It could be their favorite color, it could be light blue for communication, it could be purple to represent spiritual realms, it could be just white.
On a piece of paper (the smaller the better), write the following paragraph and fill in the blanks: "I invite only __ energy while this candle is burning, all other spirits are respectfully asked to step aside. The communication with __ is clear, concise and filled with positive intentions"
On another small piece of paper, draw a sigil that draws the energy from source. I do this because without it, the energy draw it creates is pretty significant. Here is my sigil that i use for it:
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On yet another small piece of paper, draw a sigil that stands for the intention of only that spirit talking while the candle is burning. I can't really show an example for this because the sigil changes based on what the name is. Either way you do your sigils, it'll be fine. Example intention for the sigil "While this candle burns, only jessica may talk"
Take those 3 pieces of paper, and put them to the side for now. Next, grab these following herbs and crystals and one by one, speak your intention into them and add them on top of the candle. You can soften the wax if you'd like to, but i don't find that necessary, I just throw them on top.
Blue Chalcedony: clear communication, self expression and tranquility
Amethyst: spiritual protection and help guard against negativity and other spirits talking
Obsidian: shield against negative energies, outside spirits trying to talk, and enhance clarity of communication
Lapis Lazuli: effective communication and self expression
Clear Quartz: amplify the energy and success of the spell
Yellow Agate: boost personal power, energy and help foster a positive vibe within the convo
Thyme: clarity in communication
Coffee grounds: boost the energy and success of the spell
Pink Salt: clarity, balance, grounding and healing
Cinnamon: boost energy and vitality of spell
All Spice: protection, prosperity, energy boost, psychic abilities, harmony
Do we really need all this for it to be successful? Not sure, but this is the recipe that has worked and proven successful time and time again. Okay so we have our crystals and our herbs on there, next we grab the 3 pieces of paper and burn them one at a time, putting the ashes on top of the wax.
To finish off the candle, redraw the first sigil that draws the energy from source and then on top of that sigil, draw the same sigil you did for the specific spirit and tape it onto the candle. I usually just draw these on sticker paper and stick it to the candle but if you don't have that, just tape it. Bonus points if you draw a cute design and put it on top! Here’s what my sigils would look like:
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Yay! Now we have our finished candle. This candle works well for all sorts of communication methods. Tarot, pendulum, dousing rods, radio, apps etc etc, tho i made this candle with paranormal apps/radio in mind, that's where you'll see the most difference. Make sure you cut the wick well above the ashes, crystals and herbs because we don't want it being drowned out.
Please please please keep this candle within sight when first burning it cuz all those ashes are a pretty decent fire hazard and they most definitely will light on fire. I just poke em out when they do.
❗️The only disclaimers I have for this spell is the fact that it will not be perfect communication, you're speaking across dimensions after all, but it will most definitely help and you'll notice a difference both in the communication and energy levels, especially if you're using an app like ghosttube or a psb7 spirit box. Also, this candle creates a barrier. Please tell your spirit to let you know when they would like to go because they will not be able to leave the conversation by themselves, you'll have to blow out the candle in order for them to leave.
✨ If you'd like to get a commission for this spell instead of having to doing it yourself, DM me! I would absolutely love to make this candle for you so you can save time and money for supplies and as a bonus i'll make a cute design for the outside of the candle✨
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quinloki · 5 months
AHHHH thank u for ur advice and encouragement 🥹🫶🏻 I immediately followed her so I can devour her entire blog and study up (wiki can only do so much lmao) I will do that crew justice 😤
Ok, my next OC is Celeste Greyscale(she/her)!! The only other OC on my list who was initially inspired by a fic (tho she has diverged far more at this point compared to Zella)
Warning for heavy topics for this one, but here is the link if anyone is interesting!~ https://archiveofourown.org/works/50155342/chapters/134294377?view_adult=true ~
Celeste is a 20-22 year old leopard seal selkie with long dark brown hair and spotting to matching her seal species on her human skin, and currently a proud crew member of the Straw Hat Pirates. She’s also my shortest, standing at 5’4”, but don’t let her height and soft, curvy appearance fool u, she’s got hella muscles under her blubber and can lay the best of them out flat! She tends to favor wearing swimsuits or wet suits under her pelt as she likes to regularly jump off ship and swim in her seal form for fish and fun/exploration!
Now, my bullet points
• thankfully had a fairly normal childhood in a small shipwrights village in the North Blue, living with her parents and 2 siblings. During one particular repair visit, she was inspired to paint and travel by a famous pirate artist who stopped on their island with her crew, amazed by her works and stories and wanting her own adventure, to tell it through her paintings and inspire others.
• All was well until it went up in smokes when she was 13. A group of poachers disguised as merchant sailors found them and raided her village, capturing most of the younger selkies to be sold where they saw fit. Celeste was sold off with a few of the older, stronger kids to be ring fighters on island on the Grand Line, surrounded by a mix of human, mink, fishmen, and other selkie slaves. She only escaped once when her parents (who had miraculously survived the initial attack) had found her, but even that was short lived and she was returned to her prison parentless. She spent several more years there, believing there was no hope or future for her anymore, only a life of cruelty (in so many ways) as the Ring Leader’s shining favorite.
• Her true freedom came in the form of our favorite rubber lad led crew, when one of the doctors working for the ring fell ill and they needed a replacement, snatching up Chopper after overhearing a conversation. He met Celeste post fight, who slowly managed to get her talking, saying how his captain was going to help! That everything would be ok! While he managed to wiggle his way into her heart, she and the others still doubted him and his hope. Boy were they shocked when he was right! The crew swinging in looking for their lost crewmate, invoking and aiding a riot, returning the pelts to the selkies and freeing them, with Celeste at the lead of the other fighters. At the end after they ran down and dispatched their enslavers, a daunted Celeste was approached by a bounding Luffy and bright little Chopper, with an invite to join their crew. After a week of recovery and consideration, and a heartfelt convo, she said yes and hasn’t looked back since
• She fights with a javelin and is well experienced in hand-to-hand, packing more punch (and claws!) when in her halfway form where she stands at 6’6” (a full 11’ in her seal form!) She is also gifted by the Sea Mother with the ability to manipulate water and its various forms, even being able to heal minor-mid injuries with it (though it is more exhausting than transforming*, healing especially so)
• *her Leviathan form is the only exception, as she transforms into a spiked, long clawed 60’+ monster of a seal. But it puts so much strain on her body that she’s susceptible to fainting and heart attacks afterwards
• She’s got a more quiet personality, vibes really well with Robin in that way, but more gentle and easily flustered. Her trust in others is kinda funny, going from 0%, to 50%, to 110%. Has even fallen for a few of Ussop’s lies from time to time, which Nami is quick to fix
• Has her own painting desk that she uses for mainly storing extra supplies (and rainy days), instead using a travel easel and sketchbooks to work on her projects, often joined by Ussop when on the ship, and finding her own spot when they visit a more quiet island
• She has go-to nicknames for her crew; Bug for Luffy and Ussop, Minnow for Chopper, Honey for Sanji, Zoro, and Nami, and Dear for Robin, Franky, Brook, and later Jinbei. Used usually when having silly/fun convos or when she’s trying to smooth them when they get huffy
• Kisses to the forehead are part of her selkie culture, to bestow them good fortune and well wishes when departing. After witnessing Celest me interact with other selkies and an inquiry, Luffy and Zoro were the first to lower their heads to her when she drew the short straw to be on ship duty. From then it became a more regular thing for her give and receive for the whole crew.
• She is, not a happy camper when she gets sick, becoming more weepy and refusing to eat or take any medicine in pill form. After a particularly hard flu she caught, Chopper made sure to underline his notes to only give her liquid medicine whenever possible. Is this a trauma response? Maybe hehe
• Speaking of she has, so much, for so many reasons. Between loss of home and freedom, she had gained and lost a mate during her enslavement, even later losing her child after only getting to hold her for two weeks before they ripped her from Celeste (did she die? Sent away? Who knows [me 👁️])
I’m gonna stop there for now, I have so much for Celeste she is my beauty, my blorbo, lives rent free in my head in pretty dresses and happiness (and maybe some sadness but shhhh) (id also like to say if this ever gets too much or anything, im happy to tone it down im just, really excited to share but so nervous haha. Thanks for letting me basically spill my guts about them)
The 🌷
\o/ Thank you for sharing again =D
Sorry it took me a bit to get to this - I am not, unfortunately feeling much better today compared to yesterday, and I had to read it a few times to really grasp what I was reading 😵‍💫 The brain just wasn't keeping up.
But I got there, and I love her! From the name to the culture, to the story to the names 😍🥰❤️
I love the different sizes of her, and the abilities too! xD Luffy and Zoro tilting their foreheads down like "okay now us" is just such a cute visual and I really love that too.
Man, going through hell and having a very assured, very bright and cheerful Chopper be there to help. T-T my heart. I love Chopper, he's just so sweet and genuine. Lil' guy. gibe him all the head pats.
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rimeiii · 1 year
People were posting resemblances between the different representations of the WHB demons in other media a while back and let me introduce to you the fucker (affectionate) that is GBF Belial. And I implore you to search up Parade's Lust and listen to the song in its entirety. It's a great song and encapsulates Belial perfectly (though I still greatly prefer Paradise Lost over it).
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Dude's literally one of my faves in GBF despite him being an antagonist, it's just his raid battle is annoying. And this may have been a snippet from a convo back when his raid first dropped but our sentiments regarding said raid battle remains the same.
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Also am I the only one who finds it so unbelievably weird that WHB's Beelzebub has had no overt references to his title as the Lord of the Flies (unless I'm missing something)? One of SMT's renditions of Bubs is a giant fly, and even GBF's has a skill called 'Black Flies' in his raid...
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As an aside I love how the Belial trailer in GBVS has a clip of him getting his ass handed to him by Bubs. It really reflects their current relationship; they were forced allies back in What Makes the Sky Blue 2: Paradise Lost, with Belial still being wholly loyal to Lucilius, whose goals (return the world to nothing) are at ends with Beelzebub's goals (take over the entire world).
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Also no mention of the entire Fallen race in SMT? They're all demons from the Ars Goetia, and the way some of these demons are so different is quite intriguing I'm ngl. Off the top of my head:
Naberius, or Nebiros, is a necromancer who has one of the most bullshit mechanics in Devil Survivor 2, where he'll continuously revive himself in the place of any living demon teams. In the SMT multiverse, he, with Belial, is responsible for turning Alice into a Fiend by infusing her with demonic magic, causing the human to be driven insane before dying and finally becoming the Fiend she is known for today. All because she wanted to have friends.
Belial is also in SMT! And is so fucking annoying to deal with in Devil Survivor, because he has an NPC stuck in a ring of fire that you have to heal continuously, because she takes damage every turn and her dying is a lose condition. He is a participant of the War of Bel, an ongoing war between the Bel demons to prove themselves worthy to Babel, making them the King of Bel and by extension the king of the demons. He fights the MC as he is the reincarnation of Abel and also part of the War after slaying Beldr. Another fun fact about Belial and Nebiros: in at least one SMT title, the fusion recipe for Alice is Nebiros and Belial, referencing their role in turning Alice into the Fiend we know today.
Eligos, or Eligor, is often an early to midgame demon who specializes in physical skills. He often takes the form of an armored humanoid riding a horse.
Dantalian, or Dantalion, is portrayed as a scholar with many heads, holding a large book. Oftentimes a magic-oriented demon.
Astaroth carried me in midgame SMT Devil Survivor as an early Tyrant demon aha. MP recovery is always nice lmao. He's depicted as a naked, blonde man riding a giant snake.
Morax, in Strange Journey, is the boss of Sector Antlia, the first dungeon of the game. He has a skill called Gehenna, which is a partywide chance to inflict Fear. He's easy as long as you can use ice magic - I fused Apsaras and had other Law demons like Archangel or Hamsa for co-op attacks. Depicted as a humanoid with a bull for a head, he believes humanity's true nature is one of eternal conflict and conquest, reflected in how the latter half of Antlia is a war-torn battlefield.
For the demon kings in SMT, given their associations with the Seven Deadly Sins, they do have their own depictions. The two that I'm most familiar with (and has the largest roles across multiple entries) are Satan and Beelzebub - the latter of which I briefly touched upon earlier. So let's talk Satan first!
Satan, in the SMT multiverse, is on the side of Law, the side associated with angels. As a result, he and Lucifer (the usual Chaos route representative) absolutely detest each other. This is particularly obvious in SMT 2, where he is YHVH's right-hand man and a foe in the Chaos and Neutral routes. Interesting to note is that he betrays YHVH upon realizing His machinations wiped out all life on Earth, which happens on the Law path.
Yeah, the SMT multiverse is kinda fucked up like that. There's a reason why I'm a Neutral route truther, apart from certain endings (like the new Strange Journey Redux endings for all routes).
As for Beelzebub, one of his most relevant roles is as a participant of the War of Bel in Devil Survivor, in which Belial is also a participant. He has a special attack that inflicts the Egg ailment - a ticking time bomb that goes off after one turn, inflicting heavy Almighty damage to the victim and spawning a team of maggot flies right beside the team with the victim. Bring your ailment clears!
As for the angels, apart from the standard SMT fare of Archangels where they're loyal to YHVH's will (although at least once Gabriel isn't as blindly loyal to YHVH as the rest, like in SMT 2), GBF has the Four Primarchs!
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Gabriel is the Primarch of water. Kind-hearted and motherly, yet deceptively smart - she destroyed her own wings in What Makes the Sky Blue so her powers cannot be used by the event's antagonist, Sandalphon, to destroy the world.
Michael is the Primarch of fire. A tactician, fierce in battle, and a commander, her close association with combat meant that she had the most trouble adjusting to a peaceful life after the events of What Makes the Sky Blue 3: 000. She tried her hand in acting and is decent enough at it actually!
Raphael is the Primarch of wind. The most silent and thoughtful of the four Primarchs, he is known to be able to heal others using his winds. Also the easiest Primarch to be bullied imo, because Fire has a lot of busted DPS characters in exchange for very limited sustain options (I run Yukata Silva, Wilnas, and Michael - Wilnas has hit 10 mil CA damage with Silva's CA debuff).
Uriel, who was presumably killed by Gabriel in WHB, is the Primarch of earth. Which is ironic in GBF terms, because earth has elemental advantage over water. Anyways, he loves sparring and is the most boisterous among all the Primarchs!
As for other demon references in GBF:
Morax appears once again, this time as Magisa's familiar. Most of her playable forms incorporate her fighting with Morax, usually as a source of additional damage (counted as skill damage for the most part). Also is a dark composition of Summer Magisa, Fediel, and Lich is overkill, because that's my main dark comp...
Mammon is a Primal Beast. Same with Avaritia. They're both event antagonists - Mammon being the main antagonist of Detective Barawa and the Jewel Resort Incident (also depicted as a female in this game!) and Avaritia being the main antagonist of The Inner Light. Both stories are about greed, and The Inner Light in particular talks about how greed can destroy relationships. It's one of the events that made me cry, apart from the What Makes the Sky Blue trilogy, Together in Song, Lonesome Dragoness, Marionette Stars, and you., and Home Sweet Moon.
Leviathan is the Primal Beast who serves as the Auguste Archipelago's guardian. Mellow and gentle, but turned violent due to the Erste Empire's machinations, and the main crew managed to calm him down. Thankfully it never got past the point of going berserk, but the raid battle Leviathan Malice is a decent enough interpretation of what could've happened to him should the Erste Empire continue. Also memed to hell and back because of his sprite, as if he's laughing at your bad drops.
Satan is also a Primal Beast who, ironically, isn't the Satan-adjacent figure (that role goes to Avatar, who looks similar but is a different being entirely). Notably, Satan is part of Lyria's April Fools skin, with him riding on the Demonbream that she's stuck in (it makes sense I swear). Video here - Lyria is the blue-haired girl in white (WHOA-WHOA-YEAH!!!!).
((my wind otk is pitiful - i'm a water and dark main))
Anyways I'll add on to this if I find more, but I just wanna say this sort of shit tickles my GBF and SMT brain a lot. So...
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duckbeater · 2 years
Story Assignment / Did You Prevail?
Peter Handke’s memoir A Sorrow Beyond Dreams is notable for its brevity and also the brevity of its composition. In less than 90 pages he examines his mother’s suicide, sketches something of her backwoods youth in interwar Germany, sympathetically evokes her enervating middle years (child-rearing, poverty, spirit-killing monotony), then analyzes her life’s coda—a time of curiosity, social reinvention and zest. By elevating her consciousness, she apparently collapsed all that’d come before, made it ugly and non-negotiable. To quit the past required a whole bottle of sleeping pills.  
Handke’s analyses is forensic, delicate and rational. You believe he loves his mother not from sentimental asides or fantasies of saving, but by his devotion to the truth, which, given his mother’s unhappiness and pettiness and lack of education, has a nearly universal meaningless. What did her death mean? Who could it possibly affect?
Anyway, he finished the book in two months, and included the odd occasional all-caps abstraction. When I’m walking around at night I sometimes think, “NEAT, CLEAN and JOLLY,” or “WEAK-KNEED,” or “GREAT FALL,” or “MEANWHILE HAD GONE OUT OF EXISTENCE,” and know I’m occupied once more with my little sorrow beyond dreams.
“Man,” I texted Mackie, “I’ve been awake since 3AM. It’s 5 now. Jerked off 2x. No sleep.” I hit send before deciding my intentions. I don’t think we know what to say to each other, but we’re always saying things to each other, and it’s never, “Was thinking about you, how great it’d be to be turn over and just talk to you in the dark.” I don’t know if he’d actually ever say that to me—seems wishful. Mackie is not very nice and he lives very far away. 
Went to a party on Wednesday. I wore dark blues down to my briefs, and navy small shoes with no arches. I got off the train hobbling and talked myself up in the alleys on the way to the two-story condo where we’d celebrate night 4 of Hanukkah. I’d slept with the host, obviously, and one or two friends in attendance. I’m not really a part of this group, I’ve just—I guess I’ve penetrated it, as they say. 
I had rehearsed convos in my head. I had slammed a blue-bottled beer before getting on the train and felt woozy but competent, just a little in pain. Everyone there seemed leagues more jovial and put together and interesting and adult than me, I felt, immediately on opening the door. I had forced an earring in a closed hole and my left ear was berry red and throbbing—a part of why I felt so juvenile. Grown men don’t just press past the barrier of healed skin. It made a small gratifying popping sound as it cleared the other side and felt hot-hot, and it’s a sensation I’ll repeat (it’s a sensation writing repeats). 
For a while, to get out of the heat and press of my successful and attached gay cohort, I hung out with the only female in attendance, Bernice, a noted fag hag (I believe she condones this use), and stroked a paw of the small dog seeking refuge in a pillow-pile beside me on the over-plush couch. Because I felt lonely, I wanted to ask, “Bernice, why do you exclusively attend these kinds of events? Why do you exclusively attend events where you’re shunted to an oversized couch with a social incompetent? What’s the deal with you and gays?” Instead we talked about our jobs. This inadvertently dimensionalized Bernice for me. 
“I’ve done so much bullshit work for the last decade,” she snorted, “and in 2022 I got hired as a special projects consultant for an absolutely broken renewable energies firm.” She explained the firm’s stultifying snags on ESG semantics, its optical insecurities, how it quavered on progressive politics, waffling on bygone  talking points. “I was loaned out,” said Bernice. “Um, so my firm actually salaried me. I could say whatever I wanted in the vaunted halls of the executive suites and the buffet boxes of free sports tickets and the Connecticut mansion parties. And I called them cowards. I really busted their balls for weeks and weeks—on op-eds, white papers, social media posts, ‘the state security alignment’—I’m sorry, I mean the police—and also, who are those tadpoles in DC—”—“Lobbyists,” I breathed—“Lobbyists,” she breathed back, “I called them out on how based and cucked and knob-choked they all were on the teeny fucking penises of the DC lobbyists. I wanted them to feel so small and stupid and dry and bad, for what they were making, which was millions every day, millions on millions, while I—finally—afforded a Kia. I hate feeling poor. At our age? Don’t you?” “Yes. I hate it.” “Right. So I made them feel poor, a little bit.”
During this peroration I got trembly and blank, excited and critical. I let this leave me. I said, “Did you prevail?” and Bernice said, “The fuck no. But god damn! I made sixteen-kay in November. You ever make that much in a month?” “No, never, and I never,” I said. I told her how had I finally afforded a new car by taking a job at a bank. Bernice has also studied literature. (I don’t think she keeps a blog.) We cheersed saying, “Eat the rich,” [clink], “Eat the rich,” and that felt very correct. The dog licked my palm, perhaps mistaking our intent. “We’re not gonna eat you,” I said, and the dog chittered his teeth at me.
Later that night I made out with a guy name Andrew (such an indelible millennial name), and then never talked to him again though we’ve texted somewhat since.
Mackie asked what I was up to that night and I sent him a couple photo and video updates that were greeted by silence. The next AM he was sending obscure memes again. Out of jealousy, I told myself.
It’s odd—I didn’t really solve why Bernice exclusively hangs out with thirty-something gays who ignore her. (My last theory is that she enjoys recreational drugs: her gay friend group is really into those.) Past the obscure memes, I solicited Mackie for some explanation. He unimaginatively offered misogynistic trash, with the line, “Can’t pull but likes to watch.” Typing that up makes me feel very late and very closed-minded to the asexual community, although assuming Bernice is asexual feels as offensive as assuming she hangs out with queers for ketamine. Sometimes our friends, our networks, our densest and most particular milieus spring upon us by accident. And yet—she’s consulted for a living. She made $16K in November. She’s canny. Also clearly she hates straight rich white men. What gives?
I texted the host, thanking him for his hospitality; I texted Andrew, thanking him for his wonderful plump kisses; I texted other men who’d breeched my IG stronghold with accolades and complaints about my attention and comportment. A guy I’d “met” on Grindr and spoken to in the kitchen let me know I’d “rejected him” after he’d shared his album; that’d I stopped talking to him after seeing him naked. But—he was glad we’d met in real life, because he’d had the opportunity to confirm I did read books. He’d written: “When you talk, you use big words.” Embarrassed, I messaged him back saying, “I didn’t reject you. I’m just bad at Grindr. And yeah, I read books.” (Guys: the fact remains, I read books.)
I did reject him. His body repulsed me. He’d been overweight for years and undertaken marathon training, so all the skin on him was oozing and angry and stretched like taffy. Also I wasn’t that into his penis. Judging his fitness—his ripeness—his fuckability—based on something as arbitrary as cock-hardness and a sculpted torso—is the remit of the sexually unenlightened. I know! Not wanting to bang Stu because his body gave me the squick (and his body giving me the squick because of socially inherited standards of gay male beauty) drove me slightly batshit. I’d gone to Hanukkah Night 4 hoping for no part of that—hoping, indeed, for enlightenment. And still, I was confronted in the corner of the kitchen with a man who I had no intention of sleeping with, with him later asking me, “Why?” Also, I think that’s a party foul. If I’d been hideous on Grindr that’d be one thing, but I’d only been silent. 
(I’d gone to Hanukkah Night 4, actually, fully with the intention of some very beautiful, intelligent man courting me, seducing me, sweetly asking if he might take me home. Mackie reminded me: “You went to a gay party hoping to get laid.” When I revisit our texts, I see that on Wednesday night, I did jokingly say, “Wearing blue briefs tonight in case I get laid.”)
Prevail in the sense of what. 
I keep telling myself, if you just write in the style (or concern) of Grace Paley, you’ll manage your output better. You’ll actually write, rather than not write, which—bizarre to point out—a lot of egregiously more talented writers simply don’t do. They either don’t read Grace Paley or they don’t take her example seriously. Can’t drop the kids off at the sitter? Disappointing a union rep? Grocery store reverie? Class action lawsuit? Neighborhood defense? Teaching Zoomers dialogue? Furious about parking? Guys being complete pricks? What’s for breakfast? (“Our shrinking family requires more coffee, more eggs, more cheese, less butter, less meat, less orange juice, more grapefruit.”) Seasons shift their responsibilities [planting, watering, raking, shoveling] and finally the apartment, the car, the stoop, and [even] the park demand a graceless apology and accounting for. How do you come by these treasures? 
Paley gives you freedom to remark on the banal frustrations and the relentless petty drama of existing while renting. So too of dating while maybe dating others (a grace for the gays), and of wanting to attend an alderman’s fundraiser but maybe sliding one or more of your dates there, too—a Jane Jacobs by way of Nora Ephron. Maybe I only read her young writing. Perhaps I only read her young concerns. (No: She was 63 when she published the breakfast items above.) But everything feels fresh and hilarious and condoned. “You will sorely fuck this up, surely, but the lesson of living in the city will stick.” (I wrote that last quote, not Grace Paley.)
Later, Mackie texted, “Stop being annoying and text me back.”
I sent him maybe the 81st photo of me in my underwear, haggard, glasses, brushing my teeth, and the caption, “All clear.”
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crimsonblackrose · 2 months
Oh man we're already at the all-valley? (That time jump between Johnny and Miguels heart breaking convo and Johnny getting his ass kicked by Silver is too jarring)
Training all year. 🤣 Well Eagle Fang I don't think is a year old, and Devon for sure hasn't been training a year.
Daniel's new fighters are pretty much all Johnny's old fighters....
Damn the comittee went all out on making this an EVENT, we've got smoke, we've got flashing lights, a digital screen, the blue mat...
Amanda standing up to cheer for Daniel. 💖
Anthony I think has always gone to the All-Valley, he was there last year anyway and it doesn't surprise me, he likes watching people fight.
I dunno how I feel about standing ovation for Daniel and Miyagi-do. I mean the public opinion on him at the beginning of the season was rancid. People blamed him and his dojo for Miguel's fall and only the people at the town council meeting got to hear Miguel's fight for the All-Valley to continue. And as far as we know Daniel hasn't really healed the Miyagi-do reputation yet.
Like the board knows Daniel, the general audience might know him because of his car commercials but I don't quite get the standing ovation.
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I... "This last dojo took last years title" does that count if the sensei that accomplished that and the student that accomplished that left/were kicked out?
Like honestly surprised because Robby Keene is with the cobras they don't get boo'd.
Again how can they be defending champions if their sensei and champion are gone? Shouldn't Eagle fang be teh defending champions?
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I do say I like the red.
"This dojo is making their all-valley debut" I mean is it? I'd say at least have the students you've introduced were Johnny's and either got poached by Kreese, or kicked out by Kreese, or because of Hawk's bullying/actions left for Miyagi-do. (Which is wild because those kids are now on the same team as Hawk!!!!! LIKE Y'ALL REALIZE YOU LEFT BECAUSE OF HIM?! It wasn't because of Johnny it was because Hawk was bullying them and then defaced the Miyagi-do dojo that they left...we're just not going to even discuss that beyond once are we huh?)
The way Johnny has ducttaped his own equipment together because he doesn't have any rich kid students any more is just so...resourceful.
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look at these kids using cinder-blocks as weights. On the one hand dangerous, on the other hand, they're being ingenious and resourceful. Since Kreese stole of Johnny's hard earned equipment. At least the kids probably think it's badass.
Like there's something really heart breaking seeing how Johnny had established his space and his stuff for his students, and no sooner had he gotten the new equipment he'd been saving up for Tommy dies and Kreese takes over.
Anyone other than Johnny would've probably tried to sue and get at least their stuff back.
Also "new dojo" feels so rude. Like I get Eagle Fang is new, but it's not. At this point Johnny's taught most of the kids on this stage. And you'd think people especially our die-hard council for the all-valley would be like wait what the fuck? Why is Johnny and his champion now under Eagle Fang and why did those guys who were listed on the ban, Silver and Kreese suddenly turn in the paperwork for Cobra Kai?
You would think Daniel would've returned and been like yo, you gotta not let Cobra Kai compete anymore, Johnny was fine but these two are the reason Cobra Kai was banned in the first place. But nope. Daniel said Johnny Lawrence was the worst of them all so now Kreese and Silver get a free pass they didn't earn to a tournament they were literally banned from.
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Johnny is literally making due with what he can find, and a lot of duct tape.
This is literally so heart breaking
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Devon is on a skate board and what looks like a bag of concrete.
Miggy is jumping rope with a literal chain.
None of the other students are even on par with these kids and the making due.
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I bet Johnny saved every cent of the kids dues for those gi's, and they're cute, look at the red stripe through their black belts.
Aww Johnny got some standing ovation.
Johnny looking at Daniel who looks away from him really fast and then Silver whose just sort of laughing to himself like yes I kicked your ass, and Kreese before like rolling his eyes to the ceiling.
What this makes me realize is that Johnny had to take care of himself after Kreese beat him up. Miguel got him to bed but that's about it. And it never gets brought up again beyond "That old man can kick" which Miguel doesn't understand. 💔😭
I love that Darryl like is so into it. And he's such a good host even if he doesn't have all the facts and is somewhat biased with Daniel because they know each other so well.
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Bud no, you were a bundle of nerves and didn't know what the hell was happening and just sort of got shoved in blindly with only Ali as your guide to what happens at a tournament.
Miguel still looks so sad.
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He looks soo sad. Also who are those other guys? I swear they just swap out background students all the time.
Also the "if we lose our dojo closes for good." is too much pressure to put on all these kids.
Apparently Johnny's junior prom was a shitshow.
He thinks it's about Sam, but it's not just about Sam it's about Robby and Johnny but Johnny doesn't remember that because he got kicked in the head so hard his ears were ringing and I'm like 80% sure was concussed.
All the sleeveless gi's Johnny's been missing went to Cobra Kai students. All of them have sleeveless gi's.
"I have had students with all the talent in the world squander their moment. Don't let history repeat itself. Do not let your emotions cloud your judgement." Kreese is talking about Johnny here isn't he?
Demetri and his kamas, and just want to point out that Daniel's hatchimaki design is part of the miyagi-do gi's it's under the black belt on the right.
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Why are the panel of judges behind everyone. Generally they're on the low level in front of the audience so everyone is looking at people from the same-ish angle.
Devon's doing board breaking with all of eagle fang holding boards for her.
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Eagle fangs have these little beaks on their sleeves:
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A couple things on this. One huge kudos to Chris. The only other person we've seen do this is Johnny. Twice. We haven't seen anyone else break cinder blocks before. (Though in the second part Kyler does it with his head)
Johnny did this at the valley fest and for his own training to prep to fight Daniel. He did not have his students do this. And while it's badass that Chris is doing it, he didn't witness Johnny doing this, not from Cobra Kai (under Johnny at the time) or Miyagi-do (students were only Sam and Robby). Unless of course he was the intake from the crowd after the Valley Fest, which I don't remember. But that means this is...to an extent, Daniel's revenge? I mean it's a cobra kai move/Johnny move. Like if it was a Daniel/Miyagi-do move for badass points Daniel would've taught Chris how to do the ice breaking.
Like there's a chance that Johnny taught them this, but it wouldn't make sense that he taught the Miyagi-do's this and not the Eagle Fangs. It'd make sense that Devon whose new wouldn't be doing this, but one of the older Eagle Fangs, like Mitch could've. But again this doesn't look like something Daniel would teach or have thought of.
Though it is cool that Chris who loves wrestling which is a showmanship performance got to do something so badass.
It looks like Nate and Miguel might be doing kata? And maybe one of the other background Eagle fangs???? I don't know if it's kata but it kinda seems like it.
Kenny's also breaking boards. (Note no cinder blocks, so once again that's a Johnny thing not a cobra kai thing)
Nate blows a kiss to the crowd, adorable.
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I kinda like the digital board
Sam and her sai's, she should study those with Chozen. It's kinda interesting that the writers decided to add the skills competition pre-Chozen in the US.
Mitch has a bo staff
Tory has a sword
I guess Robby is also doing kata?
I don't know what else all the fighting moves and flips without an opponent would be called based off the original list the All-Valley sent out.
The snik sounds of the sword slicing through the air, is hilarious, they don't make that sound. Not when just being waved through the air.
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All four of your dad's are so proud dude. SIlver and Johnny looked happy for you.
Hawk didn't break the high board that Nate held with his eyes shut.
Mitch accidentally threw his bo staff at the judges and literally ran off stage.
Ohhh okay, Kyler's also doing the cinder blocks with his head.
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Kyler's head going straight through those cinder blocks, ow
Aw Devon missed a board too. But she started what, a few weeks ago? Huge kudos to her.
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I do kind of hate the edit that shows Devon kicking ass in the first set only to fail in the second. Like why break hers up like that? She's the only one from the first round to also be in the second. I assume just because there's not enough Eagle fangs. Though they could've shown Bert doing something.
Devon is the perfect bridge between nerd talk and Johnny badass talk. Literally going from math to realizing math just doesn't work with Johnny and changing gears to what does.
Sue is the lady on the board. Everyone is pumped about the skills challenge except for Ron, who also botched up the contract for the parking garage.
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The musical interlude of Carrie Underwood is so weird. Like it's not the first time they've had a performer on, but Johnny literally took Miguel to a concert. This though... is just like a half time show like the superbowl or something.
Ron ( a dentist) is her husband's dentist.
I...Do you think this was a netflix idea or do you think she wanted to be on the show?
Bert looking back at Johnny like I got this, and then actually getting it. Proud of him. For Johnny's students that have been his this whole time, the growth is impressive.
Though I feel like since for three dojo's most of the kids are his, he's gotta be so proud of all of them. Even if he feels a little betrayed.
Another thing that the All-valley should credit is that Johnny's dojo and Aisha were the first team with a girl on it and the first girl competitor. So I wonder how many other teams got girls to sign up after that All-valley or like eagle fang started scrambling for new girl students after the announcement went out?
ah spoke too soon, Bert goes flying. But still his opponent is freaking huge.
Devon and Johnny have a secret/special handshake. 🥺💖
Kyler using miyagi-do against Chris. Kenny using the drum technique against Nate.
Kenny and Robby's secret hand shake includes make a snake with their arms and the way they hold their hands, it's cute.
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Poor Eagle fang only Miguel and Devon made it.
Piper's last name is Elswith (she and Tory made it to the finals)
Miguel is distracted, looking out in the crowd. And some of his focus is on Robby during his fights with others.
Which, Johnny usually is good at catching but I think the amount at stake here and the amount going on he hasn't quite caught or he's blamed it on Sam and Miguel's after prom fight. Because Miguel never brought up finding Johnny passed out on his floor again and mistaking him for Robby.
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To an extent the only one truly focused from Eagle Fang is Devon.
Johnny is right, Tory hits Devon while out of bounds. It shouldn't count. And Silver just grins. Which is our first clue that he's paid off the judges. But because it's Johnny whose bringing it up....it's ignored.
What's wild is that Daniel should know that Terry's done this before, or at least assumed so or learned of it after joining the all-valley board, yet it doesn't even cross his mind that everything is rigged. Again
Even though in this moment Eagle Fang has pretty much lost all hope because they're in 6th and even if Miguel wins first they probably won't get the championship Johnny still gives a pep talk
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But Devon continues to pleasantly surprise Johnny and everyone I think.
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Like Miguel's been distracted this whole time but look at that proud smile.
What I think is interesting is, the first time I saw this I thought Johnny was unfairly putting a ton of pressure on Miguel. Because it is a lot of fucking pressure, but instead he's just trying to remain positive. Devon says if the right people get eliminated and Miguel wins then they've got a chance and Johnny lots at Miguel and smiles and softly says 'a good chance.'
So I don't think theres a ton of pressure on Miguel yet.
Robby you're wrong. Johnny doesn't think his way is the only way, he just keeps getting shoved away from teh table and has to keep crawling his way back. He's accepted Miyagi-do, and he knows Cobra Kai and wanted his version to be just a smidge kinder. He's trying to be someone unlike Sid, his own father or Kreese and he's doing a rather good job. Daniel though does 100% believe his way is the only way at least when Cobra Kai and Johnny exist.
I'm honestly surprised anyone let Daniel talk to Robby. Yes he's his ex-sensei but in the last all-valley the staff kept telling Johnny to go back to his side with his students and stay away from Robby.
That was during a fight, but still. You'd think it'd be considered unsportsmanlike. Essentially getting in a players head.
Demetri's shock that he won and made it that far. See kid? You're doing great.
Moons pep talk to Hawk, While helpful and probably a turning point for him I'm again surprised she was allowed to go up and talk to him. I mean in TKK1 they almost didn't let Ali join and they definitely kicked Lucille out and back to the stands when she tried to wish Daniel luck. Let alone the fact Moon can just kiss him beside the mat.
It is kinda nice that Eli is competing as himself and not Hawk. I think he needed that chance at being just him and not his alter ego.
Century seems to be a brand I'm noticing a lot, they're the ones who made the Miyagi-do gi's. It's on the back of Hawk's collar. His confidence and his jump up on the mat. Good for him. Still other than Demetri being on the team, no clue why he's on Miyagi-do at all.
Three kicks to Kyler and won, real fast. Johnny I bet is so proud. I don't think (or at least they don't show) Kyler getting a hit on Eli.
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I love that yaya gets high before each of these and she bought herself nachos because of the munchies.
Sam vs Piper
I don't know if Daniel's 'you got this sam just like we practiced' helps sam at all or throws her off a little.
Piper kicks Sam in the face
I like how the camera person subtly pans from just showing Sam with Daniel and Miyagi-do in the background to Johnny also right behind Sam, standing and watching.
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there's some symbolism in that shot.
And she immediatly turns around to look at both of them and Johnny even gives her a nod. She might not be his student on his team, but he's still got her back and she's still one of his students.
Which I think means, truly other than random blackground unnamed kids, all the students are Johnny's.
Piper's shocked face when Sam changes to Johnny's like revving up pre-fight/move bounce and then starts striking first with kicks a la Johnny.
Daniel even looks surprised, which he shouldn't, because according to Sam she got permission from him/told him she'd learn both styles.
Sam chases her to the end of the mat and Piper has to block all of them until Sam kicks her in the shoulder, and then in the next point kicks her in the face.
Daniel does not look happy. Sam did you lie to Johnny?
Johnny's standing on the court-side clapping eyes not leaving Sam's fight while Daniel's looking around and watching Johnny.
Daniel's face on Sam's win:
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Johnny's face on Sam's win:
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Daniel asking how Sam picked up so much makes me think that Sam lied to Johnny. Or at least didn't fully tell Daniel she was studying with Johnny.
Robby literally told this to Daniel's face that he believes this and Daniel confirms it:
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Like Daniel, how on earth did you sit on the all-valley committee for years with this mindset because you sir are the only one prior to the start of this show in the valley who knows miyagi-do and is apart of the all-valley. Have you literally sat there year after year and said to Amanda, they're not winning the right way, they're not doing this right because they're not using Miyagi-do? I somehow doubt that. And it was Cobra Kai that was wrong right? This isn't Cobra Kai, it's Eagle Fang, and yet it's still wrong. Or is it wrong because it's Johnny? The mental gymnastics you're doing is throwing me, because it's literally just Johnny and Cobra Kai, not any of the other dojo's who I doubt are doing the defense only thing. Because could you imagine? The All-Valley where two defense only dojos go up against one another? They'd just circle each other the whole game until no one hit, struck, or got a point.
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Mr. Miyagi said something about how Daniel's karate didn't have to be 100% Mr. Miyagi's, just the root of it was, but Daniel himself had strong roots, and his best karate would be his own. Which is what Sam here is going for, what most of the kids are going for. But for some reason Daniel's fighting tooth and nail against it.
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Robby would never want to hear this, at least not right now, but the only sensei he's acting like is Johnny. This is the kind of pep talk Johnny gives, because even though the stake of their dojo is on the line Johnny's still cheering the kids on. And has since the first one.
There's so many random little things that are so Robby and Johnny. This and the fact they both keep losing everything and pick themselves up and start over. They're determined fighters who don't give up. Robby loses his home because his mother thought her boyfriend would pay and he didn't, and we never see him getting his stuff.
Maybe Daniel put it in storage somewhere? But I doubt it. Which means everything his family has had is gone. Then he lives with Daniel, and loses that home and all his stuff. again. But he keeps going. He goes to Cobra Kai, lives there, starts over again. He keeps taking care of himself, picking himself up, and learning a new karate under a new teacher, just trusting each a little less then the last one, while the world is never stable under his feet. Maybe it is now with Shannon back but who knows.
Johnny meanwhile keeps losing his dojo and space with teh kids. All the equipment, all his students, he just loses everything over and over again but keeps picking himself up and trying again and making do with what he can.
Kenny calling Robby an old man an Robby calling him a wiseass and telling him his brother would be proud.
Also....don't you have to be a brown and black belt to compete here? How did Kenny and Devon get there so fast?
Kenny got Silver and Robby got Kreese. I wonder how that worked when Johnny had to fight against Tommy and Bobby, ect when they just had Kreese????
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Johnny trying to figure out what Kreese just told Robby and Miguel's like trademark tired face.
They gave Robby gel, maybe Kyler did it since his hair is similarly gelled back.
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Which is better than him getting it in his face all the time like he did back when he was in Miyagi-do. I get that the 'hair back/slicked hair' is like the shows way of denoting villains, but it's so much more logical then how much it kept getting in Robby's face.
I also like that all the Cobra's have personalized gi's, over their little fist patches their name is part of the patch. Not even last name, first.
Oof Robby kicking Kenny in the face then a punch to the chest.
The no point kicks Robby is doing, which included a kick to Kenny's butt is too close to Mike Barnes's toying with Daniel to drag out the match to torture Daniel for comfort.
Robby that kick to Kenny's head was too hard.
And the whole crowd goes ooh and flinches.
Which is wild for a Valley crowd. They love blood and have since the 80s. The only time they ooh and flinch is like when a true true underdog gets hurt, which was Daniel in the 80's and Kenny now. Because all the other kicks to the head/face they have not done that for since the 80s either.
Kenny grabbing his nose and running off the mat, nearly in tears. 😭
Johnny's little head shake of like no, no
While Robby looks confused like he was too focused in the match to remember what all he'd done.
Tory rushing to intercept Robby to tell him to let Kenny cool off and make sure he's okay himself.
Miguel smiling at Daniel and talking to him friendly before the match.
Johnny, rightly asking if Daniel's trying to soften him up before the match since he does occasionally try and get in students heads, i.e. Robby earlier.
0 notes
druidxd · 3 years
*{ starter for gcslight
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    *{  “i think i’m perfectly content with it being someone else’s problem,” jude all but barked at the other person. his arms were crossed over his chest as if in a defensive or challenging stance.
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charnelhouse · 3 years
I'm absolutely feral over the idea of Val and reader having that convo about what sex with Heimdall is like. It turning into an encounter instead? "Should I just show you? So you can experience what brought our gatekeeper to his knees?" And then AND THEN "He can see us. If you call out-- just like that, so sweetly. Let's draw his attention, see if he won't join us." Heimdall deserves more love.
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A/N: Valkyrie x F!Reader. Val x Heimdall. F/F Smut. Squirting. Non-Canon compliant.
It happens like this. Val is just trying to cheer you up because she kind of feels some weird sort of kinship with you.
After Hela, you’d gone all sparked out - used every last bit of your power to blast that demon bitch into what was left of the palace.
It still didn’t work, Val.
It did something.
Val knows a lot about defeat and she knows even more about defeat by Hela. Her name still breaks Val’s head open with image after bloody image: sisters falling like confetti - the spray of viscera and the crack of bone and all those shards of black ripping open Asgard’s finest. The silence afterward had been the worst. Odin had demanded that she stay - honor them - honor them - and Val had felt like honor had been peeled from her skin.
She’d sat in her armor for a month - collecting blood and infection and when she finally tried to remove it, it stuck to her like glue. She left after that - ran for the edge of the galaxy and stayed there to die drunk.
“We basically won,” she points out as you blankly stare at the floor. Thor and Loki are treading quietly around you - expressions slack with concern. It’s like you’re a piece of glass and they’re much too clumsy.
“I can’t feel my feet,” you whisper before you walk away from them - disappearing into some spare bedroom and shutting the door.
“Should we do something?” Loki asks just as Thor’s about to yank at the door handle when Val stops him.
“I’ll talk to her.”
It takes about a week. You stay bed-ridden and Val visits you at least twice a day just to check. Mostly because Thor is bewildered and anxious and half-distraught and won’t stop bothering her about it.
“Is she okay? How’d she look?”
“She’s fine. She’s healing. She used up most of her energy during the battle.”
“Should we call a doctor?”
“From where? The stars?”
“He’s a doctor?”
“Of many things.”
“No - she’s alright. Stop yammering like that - you’re spitting in my ear.”
Val lounges on the bed - watching you watch her. You’re really quite pretty - in a sort of shiny-silky princess way. Like froth and foam and scented oils.
But you were more than that. Val had seen you go near-nuclear as you slammed a force field of purple energy into Hela’s face. She’d tuck the memory away for late nights when she was alone.
You twist on your side - pressing your cheek into your palm as you regard her with interest. You’d managed to walk around the ship - join the weekly meetings to discuss the supplies and the journey to Midgard.
You were much better and yet Val kept stopping by your room. She found herself missing your conversation and she didn’t know what to do with that.
“So,” you say - tracing a pattern in blue sheets - branding the space between them. “You going to tell me about Heimdall?”
Val chuckles. “Curious are we?”
And then Val pauses - finding herself a little caught off guard as you smile up at her. There’s something gleaming behind your expression - bright and mischievous and wanting. Val could have read all the signs incorrectly - she could be misstepping here, but she figures she can take a chance.
She gently reaches for your face - cradling your jaw and you lean into it - lips parted and the pink dart of your tongue.
“Shall I show you then?”
You taste like power. Val digs her nails into your thighs as she presses the flat of her tongue from your fluttering hole to the bud of your sex. She drinks your essence with strategized precision. She’d had thousands of years of practice - of eating pussy and sucking cock. Your hips move beneath her chin - bucking up as she curls her fingers - massaging that sensitive patch of flesh that’s deep.
“C’mon - princess,” she teases. “Let go - just cum - I can feel that pretty cunt squeezing my fingers.”
You’re moaning and whimpering - hands wrapped firmly around the headboard as Val practically swallows you whole.
How’d he fuck?
Well - I fucked him - rode him until he just had to shut those eyes from the pleasure of it.
And then?
And then I let him turn me on my belly and screw me from behind.
Val had remembered it well. The thick blunt pressure of Heimdall’s magnificent cock breaching her folds - the tight channel of her sex. He’d ripped at her hair and bruised her hips and they’d made such sounds. Obscene. Desperate. Heimdall and his very low, feral grunts to match her own.
“Val,” you sob as she suckles the hard peak of your clit - as she begins to plunge her fingers to the knuckle - back and forth and back and forth - until it all gets very wet and your cunt starts squelching like it’s ready to gush and she doesn’t let up. She just keeps going as you writhe and plant your heels into the sheets and she can feel you clamp around her - hole blinking open and closed and your lower muscles bearing down hard upon her and then you go liquid - you spurt all over Val’s chin and she licks you through it.
It tastes a little salty and even a tad sweet - like the musk of flesh after a fight.
She idly wonders if Thor or Loki can hear you - wonders if they’d be fully scandalized by a Valkyrie tongue-fucking their sweet darling until she’d flooded Val’s mouth.
It’s pleasure. It’s a gift. It’s something they can share.
You’re shaking and trembling and still tugging at her hair as she soothes you through the sharp aftershocks of one very violent orgasm.
“No wonder you bagged Heimdall,” you mutter - slightly awed.
She nips your inner thigh before she slides up your body. Your chest is heaving - your lips parted as she kisses you sloppy. “Call out to him,” she whispers. “He’ll watch us.”
You blink at her - your skin burning hot beneath her touch. “Would - would he want to?”
“Yes,” Val says. “Maybe - he’ll even join.”
You grab Val hard by the hips before you flip her onto her back. She’s a little surprised - a little shocked as you smirk down at her like you’d somehow won something. Maybe - you had? Val hadn’t felt this desperate for someone in a very long time. She can feel your wet, puffy cunt drag across her thigh - your nimble fingers sliding through the seam of her wanting pussy.
“Heimdall,” you murmur against Val’s open mouth. “We’re waiting.”
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johnsbleu · 2 years
Hold My Hand: John Wick x Reader Chapter 133
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warnings: none, just a little nsfw (barely) convo at the end hmh masterlist
Life with a newborn hasn’t been completely life changing, but your routine is definitely a bit different now. Every morning Ronan wakes up between 6 and 6:30, and usually John is the one to get her since he’s already up. Once you’ve gotten more rest and you’ve healed more, you know that you’ll be getting up earlier to get her for her first feeding.
Since Ronan wakes up for her first feeding around 6, she usually goes down for her first nap at 8, which is perfect because it gives you and John time to get ready for the day yourselves. You’ll shower quickly, get dressed, eat some breakfast, and John makes a pot of coffee for the two of you for the day. Around 9, Ronan wakes up for another feeding, and John always brings her to wherever you are so the two of you can watch her eat and spend time together as a family before he needs to run some errands if he needs to that day.
Even though it’s only been a little over a week, the two of you already have a whole system down. It’s been helping a lot with your baby blues as well to have a routine.
Last night wasn’t exactly a walk in the park, but it wasn’t the most difficult night you’ll ever have or even have had. Ronan usually only wakes up about twice in the night to feed, but last night, she woke up about four times. John was there to help though, so that was nice.
Today is Ronan’s first appointment since she’s been born, and to say that you and John are nervous is an understatement. You’re not entirely sure why you’re so nervous since Ronan was healthy and happy at the hospital, and since she’s been home, she’s been just as good. The only downside is that she isn’t latching once again, so you’ve decided to just bottle feed from now on since she doesn’t seem to want to breastfeed. You’re a little hurt by it, which contributed a lot to your baby blues but you know that what matters most is that she’s getting food.
It’s a little after 8, which means Ronan is down for her nap and she won’t be up for about an hour, so you and John are already getting yourselves ready for the day. You’ve invited everyone over for a barbecue so they can finally meet Ronan, and you’re so excited to be able to show off the newest member of your family!
“So,” John looks up from the baby monitor at you as you inhale your breakfast, “Whoa, baby, slow down.”
“I’m sorry,” you laugh, covering your mouth with your hand, “I’m like…ravenous lately.”
John walks over to you at the table and sits down, “You did a lot of work, and your body has to recover from it. How are you feeling otherwise?”
“Pretty good. The pain is pretty much gone, which I was a little shocked about. I mean, it’s been a little over a week, but my doctor said it was normal, I guess. Emotionally I feel so much better too.” you say, and John smiles wide, then he watches as you put your hands on your boobs, “My breasts are a little tender, but what little milk I had is drying up. I’m still so bummed about not being able to breastfeed, but hopefully I can work with a lactation nurse next pregnancy and I’ll be able to do that.”
“You’re an amazing mother.” he says, pressing a kiss to the back of your hand, “Watching you this past week has made my heart grow twenty times bigger.”
You nod as you lean over to kiss John, “Mine too. Seeing you in the night with Ronan on your chest and watching you soothe her has been the highlight, no doubt. I just love you so much. I didn’t think I could love you any more than I do--which is a whole lot, by the way--but I have so much fucking love for you and for how you’re responding to our new roles.”
John shrugs as his cheeks turn a little red, “They’re great roles.”
“They really are.” you nod, getting up from your chair to sit in John’s lap. You wrap your arms around John’s neck to hug him tight, and the two of you bask in the silence for a moment before you hear Ronan whimpering on the the baby monitor. “That was 3 minutes. Definitely the record.”
John chuckles as you get off his lap, “I am determined to hold you for five uninterrupted minutes.”
“Well,” you laugh quietly, “Maybe in 18 years.”
Leaving the kitchen, you head up to your room to check on Ronan. She’s crying a little when you walk into your room but as soon as you say hello to her, she stops and looks around.
“Hi, bug.” you whisper as you bend over to look at her in the bassinet, then you get her unswaddled, her arms shooting above her head as she stretches, “Are you gettin’ hungry? Momma will feed you.”
Ronan lets out one big cry and begins to kick her legs as she grows more and more fussy. John rounds the corner with a bottle in his hand, and he waits until you’re comfortable on the bed to hand it to you. He watches you as you prop Ronan up in your arms to feed her, then he crawls into bed to watch as she drinks her bottle.
“She looks just like you, John.” you whisper, staring into Ronan’s brown eyes.
John presses a kiss to Ronan’s forehead, then he sits back up to kiss your cheek, “I think she looks like you sometimes.”
“Oh, yeah? When she’s crying?” you joke, and John starts to laugh.
“No, she’s beautiful just like her momma.” John whispers as he rubs his thumb against her forehead. “And she has my entire heart just like her momma.”
You smile as you look over at John, “I love you, Wick.”
“I love you.” he says as his gaze falls to your lips, and he leans over to give you another kiss with a little more warmth.
Thankfully you got to your appointment in enough time to fill out all of your paperwork, and Ronan has been a little angel this whole time. She’s still sleeping, but she’s in John’s arms instead. He absolutely loves to hold her, and you don’t blame him one bit.
John sits down in the chair next to you and bounces Ronan a little, “Hey, baby girl.”
“You’ll need to take her clothes off.” you say, and John looks over at you, “They’ll have to weigh her and measure her, so we’ll just take off her clothes and wrap her in a blanket. It’ll only take a few minutes.”
“Okay,” John nods, “I just don’t want her to be too cold.”
“She’s going to be fine, John.” you chuckle as he stands up and puts Ronan on the bed so he can pull off her onesie. He wraps a blanket around her, then he sits down next to you again as the door opens.
A middle aged woman with salt and pepper hair and pale skin steps in, and when she smiles, she has the most beautiful teeth you’ve ever seen. She looks at you and John, then she stretches out her arm to shake your hand, “Hi, I’m Amy. I’m your nurse, and I’ll be handling this first half of the exam.”
“I’m Y/N, this is my husband, John. And this little one is Ronan.” you smile, then you smile at John as he looks down at Ronan in his arms.
Amy bends down a little to get a look at Ronan, then she puts her hand over her heart as she stands back up, “Oh, she’s precious. Congratulations.”
“Thank you.” you smile, then you look over at John to see him beaming with pride.
“So, we’re just going to do some checkups today. Just measuring her height and weight, and don’t be alarmed if she’s lost weight since birth. That usually happens in the first week, but she’ll start gaining it back by her two week checkup.” she says, then she gestures for John to lay Ronan on the bed.
The two of you watch closely as she measures Ronan from top to bottom, then she uses the tape measure to determine the circumference of Ronan’s head. Amy smiles at Ronan and talks to her as she continues looking her over, and John is standing right next to her the whole time.
“She is a wiggly baby.” Amy laughs as she tries to listen to Ronan’s heart, then she gives John a nod to let him know he can hold her again. She writes everything down on the chart, then she smiles as she looks over at you and John, “So, she’s lost a little weight, and like I said it’s totally normal. She’s a pretty chunky baby, and she hasn’t lost enough weight to cause us any alarm. If she had, I would definitely suggest feeding her a bigger bottle and more often, but she hasn’t. Doctor Marlene will be in shortly to finish up the rest of the exam, so with that, I’ll be going unless you two have any questions.”
You look at John and shrug, then you smile as you look at Amy, “No, I think we’re good. Thank you so much.”
“Have a great day.”
Only a few minutes pass before the door opens again, and your doctor steps in wearing a bright colored top under her lab coat which is covered in cats and dogs. She’s a new doctor that you haven’t seen yet, but Doctor Mendez recommended her.
“Hello, hello.” she smiles, reaching out for John’s hand to shake, “Doctor Marlene.”
“John.” he nods, then he bounces Ronan a little, “This is Ronan.”
“Ronan, what a beautiful name for such a beautiful little girl.” Doctor Marlene smiles, then she looks over at you, “And you must be mom.”
You smile as you reach out to shake her hand, “I’m Y/N.”
Doctor Marlene looks over at Ronan as John places her on the bed, and she smiles when John keeps his hand on her stomach like he’s afraid she’s going to roll off and hurt herself.
“So, you’ve obviously met Nurse Amy, she’s great with kiddos. She took baby’s measurements, and from the looks of it, Ronan is just where she should be at this point. I see she’s lost a little weight, which is normal, I’m sure Amy reassured you of that a few times.” she says, leaning back against the counter, “Today, I’m going to be checking her collarbone…”
“Her collarbone?” John asks, and you look over at him as his deep voice fills the small room. “Why her collarbone?”
Doctor Marlene smiles at John’s curiosity and nods as she takes a deep breath, “Well, sometimes babies fracture their clavicle when they’re squeezing through the birth canal. It mends in a few weeks, you just need to be extra careful of course.”
John nods his head, then he looks down at Ronan, already growing worried about Ronan and her fragile little collarbone. The doctor looks over at you and smiles, then she moves to check Ronan before John bursts into tears. She feels along Ronan’s neckline, then she smiles and nods.
“She’s good, Mr. Wick. You can relax.” Doctor Marlene can tell that John is growing more and more nervous, so she decides to finish the rest of the exam. She palms around Ronan’s head to feel it, then she lays Ronan back down so she can check her hips, her reflexes, her pulse, and a few other things. “You can hold her now, Mr. Wick.”
“Please, you can call me John.” he says, then he sits down next to you as he wraps Ronan back up.
Doctor Marlene nods her head, then she’s silent for a moment as she types down the notes on her laptop. She takes a deep breath and looks over at you, “She’s in great health, and she’s doing really well. Are you breastfeeding?”
“I’m not. I was at the hospital and for a day or so after we got home, but she stopped latching, and my milk has dried up. Guess there wasn’t much in there.” you say, laughing a little to hide your hurt, “I called Doctor Mendez and she told me to switch to bottle feeding full time.”
“Nothing wrong with that. As long as she’s getting fed!” she smiles at you and nods, “How often does she feed?”
“About 7 or 8 times a day, every two or so hours.” you look at John, and he nods his head, agreeing with you. “She sleeps really well through the night so far, and we only have to get up once to feed and change her.”
“And you change her every time she gets fed?”
You nod, “Yup, and any time in between. It’s like we never stop changing her diaper, I’ve never seen so many diapers in my life.”
Doctor Marlene laughs as she taps away on her keyboard, then she keeps her gaze set on her laptop as she asks more questions, “And sleeping? You said she’s good?”
“Yeah, she sleeps really well at night.” John says, bouncing Ronan. “And she sleeps really well during the day. Always on her back too.”
“Very good, dad.” she smiles, letting out a small laugh, “So, Ronan won’t need any shots until she comes in for her two month checkup, if that’s something you want to do.”
You and John both nod in unison, “Absolutely.”
“Okay,” she nods, then she stands up, “Mr. and Mrs. Wick, you have a beautiful, healthy little girl, and I can’t wait to go on this journey with you and watch her grow!”
“Thank you so much.” John reaches for her hand and shakes it. He looks down at Ronan and smiles wide, “You did so good, bug! Didn’t she, momma?”
You nod as you look up at John, “Mhm.”
“Are you okay?”
You shake your head and shrug, “I just feel so sad that she’s a week old already.”
John nods his head as he puts Ronan in her car seat, then he looks over at you and smiles, “Are you ready to show off your baby, Mrs. Wick?”
“Yeah,” you nod, then you smile at John when he cups your face, “I can’t wait.”
It’s mid-afternoon, which means Ronan has just had her afternoon feeding and she’s now down for her nap. You had planned everything out so that while she’s sleeping, everyone will be getting here, and they can hang out and relax for a little bit before she wakes up. Hopefully she won’t be too fussy since this is the first time she’s going to be around more people.
John is helping you get the patio cleaned off since the wind was a little bit crazy this morning and it blew leaves all over the place. He pulled the grill from the backyard to the patio, and he even ran to the store to get a few things that he had forgotten to grab.
He sits down on the loveseat, then he pats it and looks at you, “Come here.”
You set the broom aside and walk over to sit next to John, and he carefully moves your hair off your shoulder to look at you before the two of you look around the yard. John presses a kiss to the top of your head, then he lets out a content sigh.
“I can’t wait for everyone to meet Ronan.” he says, wrapping his arm around your shoulder, “I can’t wait for Harper and Benji to meet her.”
You laugh quietly, “Harper will love her, Benji probably won’t really care. He thinks you’re much cooler than a baby. Amanda said he still talks about when we went to the roller rink.”
John hugs you tighter to his side, then he exhales contently, “I should probably get the food ready. You’re probably getting hungry, huh?”
“Yeah, but I’m fine to just snack on stuff until people are ready to eat.” you say, then you look up to see Aurelio pulling into the driveway. “Why don’t you go greet everyone? I’ll just make myself a salad or something.”
John claps his hands together as he gets off the loveseat to greet Aurelio and his family, and you can’t help but smile when you realize just how excited John is. You hear John greeting everyone as you walk back inside, and you stop by the monitor to see Ronan wiggling around in her bed.
“Oh, you little stinker.” you whisper, making your way up to her room. You get Ronan from her bed and change her diaper since she’s bombed it already, then you change her into a different outfit that’s a little thinner since it’s so warm outside today. “Hi, bug. How are you doing?”
Ronan coos a little, then she wiggles around on the changing table. Taking her back into your arms, you sit down in the rocking chair to see if she’ll maybe go back to sleep for at least another 30 minutes.
“So,” you exhale, rocking back and forth, “How am I doing so far? Am I good momma? Sorry I was having a rough go of it at the start there. Postpartum is no joke.”
Ronan yawns silently as she stretches her arms above her head, then she grunts a little as she moves around.
You press a soft kiss to her head and inhale her new baby scent, “Your daddy has been doing so much of the work lately, I feel like maybe you and I aren’t having enough time to bond. I try to get up and help you in the night, but daddy stops me.”
You know John is just trying his best to help you, but sometimes it feels like Ronan is his kid and not yours. Anytime you wake up in the night to help with her, John immediately tells you to go back to bed. You know that you should be grateful for it--and you are!--but sometimes you want to spend those early hours in the morning holding and feeding your baby. It’s obvious that it’s just his way of helping you since you really were having a hard time those first few days.
There’s a soft knock at the door, and you look up to see John poking his head in, “Hi, girls.”
You smile, holding Ronan’s hand up so she can wave, “Hi, daddy.”
John walks over and kneels down in front of the two of you, “Can’t sleep?”
“She had a dirty diaper. I’m hoping she’ll go down for a bit longer, but I don’t think we’re going to have much luck.”
“Well, that’s okay,” John says, standing back up, “Everyone’s starting to get here, so…”
John places his hands in front of you as you get up from the chair, then he smiles when you look at him. You grab Ronan’s blanket and pacifier, and you put it in her mouth and smile when you see her sucking on it.
“I think she’s hungry again.” you whisper as you walk out of the room, “She’s probably wondering why no food is coming out of that.”
“I can make her another bottle.” John says, placing one hand on your lower back and the other around you to help hold Ronan.
You look out the window as you walk down the stairs, and you see Aurelio and his family are all sitting around the table. You look out across the yard to see Finn, Tess, and Jimmy making their way over.
“Yeah, that would be great.” you smile, looking up at John as he leans down to kiss you. You head outside to greet everyone, and Amanda gasps when she sees the tiny baby in your arms. “Hi, everyone.”
“Oh, my gosh,” she stands up and walks over to get a good look at Ronan, “She is so beautiful. Look at her hair! Oh, my gosh, and her brown eyes!”
Aurelio laughs, “No denying she’s John’s.”
You laugh as you sit down in the loveseat, “Oh, I know. The moment she was born, she was the spitting image of John. Thankfully he’s cute!”
Amanda keeps a tight grip on Harper since she’s trying to get a look at Ronan, and she sits down on the chair across from you, “How are you feeling?”
“If we’re being honest, I feel so damn tired and so hungry. John and I are just so in love with Ronan, we kinda forget about ourselves. We’ll sit down to talk about what we want for dinner, then we fall asleep and don’t wake up until it’s the middle of the night.” you say, looking over as John comes out with Ronan’s bottle. You know he’ll be dying to feed her, so you hand her off to him so he can do it. “Poor John was having a hard time trying to figure out who to tend to first when I’d be crying along with Ronan.”
John chuckles as he nods, “I think we got it down now though.”
“Sort of, I’m still having weird emotions, and I’m still starving. Like I could literally eat non-stop.” you chuckle, then you shrug as you look at Amanda, “But things are starting to look up.”
Once Amanda got wind of what was happening with you (definitely from Tess, which you don’t mind), she started making some meals for you and John. She’d drop them off on the front step without even sticking around. It was nice how she respected that you and John just needed your privacy for awhile.
You smile as you look at her, “Thank you so much for making those meals for us. I think we have enough leftovers to last us for the next two months.”
“Of course!” Amanda smiles genuinely, then she looks at Aurelio, “I didn’t want anyone around after I had Benji, so I totally understand that you weren’t up for visitors. I am more than happy to respect that. Postpartum is freaking hard!”
“Well, she’s not gonna get rid of me though. I don’t care what you say.” Tess says, and you smile at her.
You chuckle as your eyes fall onto everyone, “I don’t want to get rid of any of you guys. You’ve been such a big help to us, so seriously, from the bottom of my heart, thank you.”
John nods, “Thanks for everything.”
Aurelio waves his hand, “Not a problem, man.”
“Are you feeling better?” Amanda asks, and you inhale as you nod.
“John and I went out and did some running around two days ago, and I felt so freaking good!” you say, then you shake your head, “We had breakfast out with Ro, we went and did some grocery shopping, went out to dinner with Tess and Jimmy. Had a great night at home just hanging out. Next morning I woke up and was just…dead. I had no motivation to get up, I wanted to crawl in a hole and just cry all day.”
John pats your leg, “She just needs to find a balance.”
“I feel like I’ve found it now.” you say, nodding your head, “I think I just pushed myself because I felt so good, so for the last few days, we’ve just been taking it really easy and keeping to ourselves. My mom has been coming over to help out too, so it’s nice. I’m really starting to feel like myself again. Thank god!”
Amanda laughs, then she looks at Ronan in John’s arms, “How was your labor?”
“It was so good. My labor and birth were really good, and everything went really smooth.”
“It was amazing.” John smiles, and you roll your eyes a little. “I was so proud of her.”
You shake your head a little and look at Amanda, “I started having contractions around 3 in the morning and they lasted for about 12 hours. I didn’t want to go to the hospital and be sent home, but finally I agreed to go since I had no idea what my progress was. We started heading to the house to get our things, next thing I knew, my water broke and John was frantically running around to get everything. I got to the hospital, waited a little bit longer, got my epidural, and didn’t feel much.”
“The best.” Tess says as she sits down.
“Yeah,” you nod, looking over to check on Ronan, “We came home that next night and had such good sleep, then everything went downhill with me. Honestly I thought he’d see what a mess I was and just take off with Ronan.”
John laughs, “Absolutely not. Who would I get to change her smelly diapers?”
You playfully slap the back of your hand against his arm and laugh, “Ass.”
“You seem much better!” Amanda smiles as she lets go of Harper.
“Much better! We’re so in love with this little bug and I feel so complete when I have John and her in my arms. I just adore them both.” you say, then you look down at Harper, “Do you want to see my baby?”
Harper nods her head as she looks up at you, then she crawls onto the loveseat between you and John. He carefully places Ronan in her arms and keeps his hands on her so she doesn’t fall. Aurelio and Amanda both get out of their seats and kneel down to take a picture of Harper, and the smile on her face is so sweet.
You look up at Benji, who is keeping his distance and playing with Finn, then you smile, “Benji, do you want to see her?”
Benji shrugs a little, then he walks over and looks at Ronan. He’s trying his hardest not to smile, but when Ronan kicks her legs and grunts a little, he lets out a laugh, “What’s her name?”
“Her name is Ronan.” John smiles, and Benji leans over more to look at Ronan.
“Uh, are you her dad?”
John smiles proudly, “I am. And Y/N is her mom.”
“She’s little.”
“She is very little.” John laughs, then he looks at you and leans over to kiss your cheek. “I think she’s gonna be pretty tiny like her mom, but soon she’ll be a big kid like Finn, so you can play with her.”
“I can play with her and Finn?”
Aurelio laughs as he ruffles his hair, “Of course.”
Tess sits down on the arm of the loveseat and nudges you, “Hey, how did her appointment go?”
“Really well. We liked Doctor Marlene.”
John laughs, “It’s a little weird that she goes by her first name, but she was nice.”
Tess lets out a loud laugh as she tilts her head back, “Jimmy thinks it’s weird too.”
“Our appointment went well. She lost a little weight, but that’s to be expected of course.” you say, and you reach over to take Ronan when she gets a bit fussy, “John was beyond nervous for our appointment, and he’ll end up giving himself a heart attack if he doesn’t calm down a little.”
John laughs, “It’s stressful having a kid.”
Aurelio and Jimmy both laugh and nod their heads, but Tess immediately rolls her eyes and scoffs, “Being a dad is much easier than being a mom, let’s be real.”
“I won’t fight you on that.” Jimmy smiles as he wraps his arm around her shoulder.
Ronan was a little sleepy from all the excitement she had today, and she went down a little sooner than usual. You and John got her bathed, fed, and in bed within an hour, and you’re just now waiting on the couch for John to get done cleaning the patio.
John finally comes inside and presses a kiss to the top of your head as he walks past. He heads into the bathroom, then he comes out a few minutes later and plops down on the couch next to you, “What are we watching?”
“Uh,” you look at the TV and shrug, “I don’t know. Up to you.”
As John exhales, he takes the remote from you and flips around the channels to find something. With no luck, he mutes the TV and puts the remote down, “How about we just talk? Maybe you can tell me what’s been bothering you all day?”
You scrunch your face up as you laugh, “How did you even know?”
“Remember, Mrs. Wick, I know you very well.”
Taking a deep breath, you look down at your hands in your lap and watch as John intertwines his fingers with yours. You look up at him timidly and shrug, “You promise not to be mad at me?”
“Never.” he says, letting go of your hand to wrap his arm around your shoulder, “These are your feelings, and I would never get mad at you for having them.”
“Since Ronan has been born, I feel like you’ve been doing all of the work. I wake up in the night to feed her and change her, but you tell me to go back to bed. During the day, I try to feed her and you go do it instead. I feel like I’m not getting the chance to be her mom. I mean, even at the doctor earlier, I just sat there and let you do everything. I feel like I’m either not pulling my weight, or I’m just not made to be a mom.”
John looks at you as you talk, and he squeezes your hand a little tighter to let you know that he’s listening and taking in everything that you’re saying.
“Thank you for telling me how you’re feeling.” he says, and he wipes away the small tear escaping from your eye. “You were definitely made to be a mom, baby. You are so good with Ronan. When you change her and feed her, it’s like second nature to you. You could do it all with your hand tied behind your back. I’m sorry that you feel this way, but I promise that it’s not true. You are pulling your weight. You’re doing exactly what you need to be doing right now: resting.”
“But I’m not getting up and helping you in the night.”
John smiles tenderly, “Because I want you to rest. I want you to feel like yourself again, and that starts with you resting. I know how tired you are, and trust me, I’m tired too, but it’s nothing compared to what you’re feeling.”
“I am pretty tired.” you whisper, then you exhale loudly, “It’s just that I’m starting to feel better now, and I don’t want you to think that I’m taking advantage of the fact that you are helping out with her. I don’t want you to do everything for her.”
John nods his head, “You and Ronan have a bond that I will never have with her. You carried her inside of you for nine whole months. She’s only been here for a week, but your bond with her is already incredibly strong. I feel like it’s important for me to take over some of the work because it helps me bond with her.”
“Hmm,” you look up at John and shrug, “I never thought of that. I guess I just thought about how I was feeling.”
“I was thinking about myself too.” John admits. “I guess I didn’t think about how that hurt your feelings when I would kind of push you out of the way to do things for her instead. I really was doing it in your best interest, I would never purposefully push you out of the way. I just want you to feel like yourself again.”
You exhale as you look over at him, “I know, and I know I should be thankful that you’re even willing to get up and tend to her in the night, so with that being said, thank you so much for all you’re doing for our daughter and me. I promise it doesn’t go unnoticed.”
John lets out a small laugh as he pulls you closer, “You don’t need to thank me. I’m just doing my job, and honestly, it’s fun. I like it. But I promise to let you get her in the night.”
“I just want us to have those special little moments as a family, you know? I just want to have those moments so we’ll look back in four years and say ‘man, she was up all night that night, but it was nice to have you with me the whole time’, you know?”
“I just…” John stops talking as he looks away from you, and you notice tears in his eyes when he looks up at you, “Seeing you in so much pain, it brought back memories that I never wanted to think about again. Losing Helen was one of the hardest things I’ve ever had to go through, and even though I knew you weren’t going to die, I still had this fear of losing you--I always have the fear of losing you. I just thought if I did everything, you wouldn’t strain yourself.”
“John…” you whisper softly as you turn to face him, “I’m not going anywhere. I promise I will never leave you. Not only am I in this for the long haul, I’m healthy too! I’m perfectly fine! You’re not losing me…ever!”
John nods his head a few times and finally looks up at you, “I don’t think I’d be able to handle losing you. I would die. I’m not being dramatic either.”
“Well,” you laugh a little, “Yeah, you are. We had a talk about this already, remember?”
John playfully rolls his eyes, “I know, I know. Sometimes I just feel like you have an expiration date, sometimes I just feel like I’m running out of time with you. I only had Helen for five years before I lost her, and I can’t go through it all again. I feel…cursed.”
“Why are you talking about me dying as if it’s going to happen? John, I’m going to be around for a long time. I mean, you’re going to be sick of me by the time Ronan is three.”
“Never,” he shakes his head as he chuckles, “I will never be sick of you. You’re my favorite person on this planet. I never get tired of being around you. Haven’t you figured that out yet?”
You look at John as you smile, “Yeah, I mean, I’m the same way.”
“Even when you leave to hang out with Tess for the day, I just have my phone glued to my hand just in case you’ll text me.” he says, then he laughs, “Wow, I sound clingy.”
Shaking your head, you move to sit in John’s lap, “Not at all, because I’m the same way. I just love you so much, John. Seeing you with Ronan has, like I said earlier, made me love you so much more. I love seeing you in this role. It’s my favorite thing we’ve ever done together.”
“I can’t lose you.” he whispers against your lips.
“You won’t.” you whisper back, then you hold his gaze, “I’m sticking around for a long time, so you better get used to it.”
John smiles as he leans forward to kiss you, and he cups your face to keep you from moving away too quickly. He sucks on your bottom lip as you cup his face, then he slides his tongue into your mouth.
You sigh, “How are we ever going to last six weeks?”
“You wanna have sex with me?”
You shrug a little, “I mean, I’m still sore down there and when I start to get a little turned on, my vagina reminds me to calm down, but…”
John laughs so loud that he puts his hand over his mouth so he doesn’t wake up Ronan, “I’m flattered.”
“I miss having sex with you. I miss when we’d have sex and I could…” you look away from John as your cheeks turn red, but he cups your face to bring your gaze back to him, “I miss not having a belly and being able to lay under you and feel my chest against yours. I miss seeing you on top of me, I miss feeling you inside of me. I know we had sex the day before Ronan was born, but still…”
John chuckles softly, “I think this is harder for you than it is for me.”
“Thanks, John.” you say, flatly. “That sure made me feel good.”
“Hey,” he cups your face with his right hand and wraps his left arm around you tighter, “You know that I want you…so ridiculously bad. It’s very hard not to just bend you over the table and fuck you. We’ll never be able to do that again.”
You furrow your brow, “I have a mom and a sister who both would love to take Ronan off our hands for the day.”
John laughs again, “I can’t believe we’re sitting here a week after having a baby and talking about how we’ll never have sex again.”
“She is not sleeping in our room forever. I think she should stay in there for about a month, then she needs to go into her own room. We were smart when we decided that during the day, she’d sleep in her room for her naps.” you cup John’s face and smile, “Once I get the okay from my doctor that I’m good to have sex, you better run, Mr. Wick.”
John smiles as he pulls you closer, “Oh, yeah, I’ll run as fast as I can.”
Wrapping your arms around John’s neck, you press your lips to his softly, then you part your lips so he can slide his tongue into your mouth. You move your hand into John’s hair as the kisses become more passionate and frantic, then you lean back a little to look at John as the two of you smile.
“Yeah, I don’t think I’ll run at all,” he whispers, and you laugh as you get up.
John hops up from the couch and walks through the house to turn off all of the lights and lock up while you head upstairs to your room. You bend over a little to look at Ronan swaddled in her bed, and you shake your head a little as you look at her.
“She’s so unbelievably cute.” you whisper, rubbing your finger against her cheek. “I know parents always think their baby is cute, but like…she actually is.”
John stands behind you and wraps his arms around your waist, “She is very cute.”
“I know she’s sleeping, but I just want to hold her and snuggle her so bad.” you say, moving out of John’s arms to change into your pajamas--and to keep you from grabbing Ronan to hold her. “I can’t wait until she’s like six months old.”
“Why six months?”
You laugh quietly as you crawl in bed, “I’m guessing you haven’t read that far ahead in your baby books yet.”
John laughs as he pulls his pants off, “No, I was kind of focusing on the pregnancy and newborn stuff. Silly me.”
You playfully roll your eyes and chuckle, “Six months is my favorite. Babies can sit without support, they know their name, they know their parents by then, well, before then but…you get what I mean. Some babies try to crawl. They’re very talkative, and they’re usually pretty chunky at that point. You know I love a chunky baby.”
“I’m excited for that, but at the same time…” John sighs and walks over to look at Ronan, “I don’t ever want her to grow up.”
You nod, “I know. I can’t believe we have a week old baby.”
John sits down on the edge of the bed and you sit up to lean against his shoulder as he smiles, “Look at her. She’s just so perfect. Her perfect round little head and her perfect skin.”
“I still can’t believe that she’s ours. We get to keep her forever.” you say, chuckling a little. “I can’t wait to raise her with you, Jonathan. You’re such an understanding and patient man. Ronan is very lucky to have a dad like that. Especially in this day and age. I want Ronan to be able to be who she is and I don’t want her to ever feel ashamed about who she is. I want her to be confident and happy in life, and with us as her parents, I think she will be.”
“I just love her.” he says, looking down at her one last time before getting in bed. “I’ll love her no matter what. No matter what.”
“And that’s why you’re the perfect person to be her dad.” you say, wrapping your arm around John when he lays down, “Something tells me that that little girl is going to have a mind of her own, and she’s going to have a voice that she won’t be afraid to use. I couldn’t be prouder of that.”
John smiles proudly as he looks at you, “She is our daughter after all.”
taglist: @wheretheriversrunintothesea​​ | @tnu-ree​​ | @aragornswife​​ | @samaraj​​ | @that-one-writer | @youusunshineyoutemptress​​ | @sakurachan-9​​ | @hhighkey​​​ i recently updated my tagging list, so let me know if you want to be tagged in future chapters!
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thiswasinevitableid · 3 years
for mermay, 9 indruck nsfw?
Here you go! #9 was folklore, Indrid’s design is based on a blue-ring Octopus, and I borrowed from one of the Discord convos we had about mer Indrid recently.
Content note: there is implied transphobia/misgendering in the reason Duck ends up in the water.
Duck goes to the depths still protesting, hands and ankles bound in rope and dark water closing over his head. 
No amount of insisting he was the man he said he was or appealing to logic was enough; a woman aboard, even when he isn’t a woman, is bad luck and must be gotten rid off. So here he is, drowning for the sake of superstition, folklore and nonsense the reason his lungs scream in protest, denied air. 
Whoever said drowning was like falling asleep was a damn liar; he’s in agony, reduced to his most basic state of a creature that wants to stay alive and cursed with the knowledge that he won’t. He shuts his eyes, as if that might make it more dreamlike, and circles past him, he feels fingers on his cheek and then, and then....
Then he’s waking up, chest rising and falling with ease. No more than a nightmare, then, he’s still on the ship-
No, wait, his blanket is floating where he kicked it away. He’s alive, he’s in some sort of bedroom, and he’s fucking confused.
Voices float in under the door, a lilting one reaching him first, “...most stubborn set of legs I ever encountered. A kiss is supposed to be enough, yet while his body can survive in our realm, it insists on remaining like itself.”
“Indrid, his majesty is going to be unhappy when he finds out.”
“I am aware, Vincent. And if my brother finds a drowning man, he may rescue him or not as he sees fit. He does not get to dictate my conscious.”
“I mean, I think you did the right thing” A woman’s voice now, “but he’s still pretty angry at you for the whole giving me legs incident.”
“You wanted to see your beloved, and I am almost as fond of Aubrey as I am of you. A charm that allows you to go between worlds is hardly cause for such a fuss.”
“It was the no-voice thing that bothered him.”
A sigh, “Time and again I have reminded him that strong magic comes with a price. In your case it was easily paid, because Aubrey recognized you instantly and kissed you. As if I would send my own niece into a situation where she might be trapped.” The last sentence is muttered, like the speaker knows no one will listen.
“I know that. That’s why you're my favorite uncle.”
“I am your only uncle” the smile is audible, “and I am just glad the two of you will be married soon. Now if you will excuse me, my foresight tells me my guest is awake.”
A door opens and shuts, and a moment later the curtain of kelp at the end of the room parts. Duck’s never believed in mermaids (or mermen), but that’s what swims to him now, human face and torso giving way to eight silvery tentacles dotted with deep blue rings. They’re almost as striking as his face, his features sharp and alien, crowned with silver-white hair. 
“Hello” The mer smiles with sharp teeth, “How are you feeling?”
“Uh, not as confused as I could be on account of what I heard, but still tryin to work out why the fuck you saved me at all.”
“Three reasons: for starters, I dislike having corpses floating around the kingdom. I also do not see the point in having the power of foresight if I cannot use it to prevent suffering when possible. And finally I…” The calm smile on his face falters a moment, “I saw the moments that lead to your being thrown into the waves. You were condemned for being something you are not. I, ah, I could not let such an injustice come to pass.” His mask remakes itself, “and so here you are, Duck Newton.”
“And the kiss?” Duck raises his eyebrow.
“Ah, yes. If a mer kisses a dying human, that human will become a mer themselves. Except in your case, you have-”
“-Stubborn legs?”
A light laugh, “And here I thought I would be the one interrupting you. Yes, exactly. I have no idea why. I’m simply glad the magic worked well enough to help you breathe. There is a, ah, an issue however. My visions show that in your current state, you will not be able to survive on land.”
“But you said somethin about a charm to your, uh, niece?”
“That worked because it simply had to take her from mermaid to human; you’re stuck between forms in a way that, were I to apply the same approach to you it would end badly. As in accidentally turn you into a fish badly, at least in most timelines.”
“Huh” Duck worries the inside of his cheek with his tongue, “so I’m stuck here.”
“Indeed. I’m sorry.” Indrid sits on the foot of the bed, tentacles moving this way and that to fidget with the blankets, the bedposts, and the stray shells on the floor, “This has never happened before, and I did not mean to trap you in this way, I only meant to save you, to give you freedom.”
“That’s more than a lot of folks’ve tried to give me lately.” Tentatively, he touches the tentacle tip nearest him. It weaves between his fingers, the pressure from the suckers on the underside oddly pleasant. He rubs his thumb over a blue spot, which draws Indrid’s attention. His face goes pink and he pulls the tentacle back.
“Apologies, they have a mind of their own at times.”
“Don’t bother me. I, uh, I was just tryin to show you I ain’t mad. Feel a little adrift, but that’s a damn sight better then bein’ dead.”
“Adrift--OH, oh I see, you are going to say you do not know what to do now. The answer is heal; even though you are alive, your body and mind suffered before I saved you. You need rest and care, and I promise you shall want for neither. You are my honored guest, Duck Newton. My home is yours. I, ah, I would offer to let you leave the instant you are feeling able, but as you heard there are some issues with you being seen in this state.”
“Used to layin low.” Duck sighs, flopping back on the bed (or trying to, as he floats down onto the mattress instead).
“I gathered. If I had things my way, you would not need to do such things here. Alas, until my brother gets eaten by a shark, we may be dealing with this arrangement for some time” he gestures to the room, bathed in blues and greens as light filters down from the surface and in through the windows. Two tentacles gather the blanket, spreading it back up Duck’s body and smoothing it down. 
“Rest now, Duck Newton. In the morning I will have much to show you.”
Duck wakes up clawing at the water above the bed, heart beating fast enough he fears it might eject itself up his throat. 
The nightmares a fewer these last two days, but whenever they want to be done for good is fine by him. 
He gathers seaweed green robe Indrid gave him and makes his way out of the bedroom and down the hall. Indrid gave him a bracelet of cowrie shells that’s enchanted to let him walk without floating away. He’s a strong swimmer, but without a tail to aid him he tires quickly against the force of the water.
The merman’s house is huge, an attempt by the king to keep him happy without giving him any useful power. Most rooms are cluttered with etchings and drawings or items salvaged from wrecks or the shoreline. There are spare beds, but after the night where Duck awoke in a panic and could not calm down, where Indrid found him the next morning exhausted and shaking, the mer offered to sleep in the same room with him. Duck pointed out that it was technically Indrid’s bedroom anyway and he could sleep there if he wanted to. The mer dragged a variety of comfy pillows into the corner and declared he would be quite happy there. More than once Duck’s woken up first to see him sprawled out on the cushions, always clinging one against his chest. Duck wonders what would happen if he offered to take it’s place. He suspects he could  do so without issue. 
He’s no stranger to being admired, though the last time someone eyed him so approvingly he ran off to sea to avoid marrying them. Indrid’s red eyes contain the same desire but none of the entitlement. The merman’s been staring at him since that first day, though it’s only recently that he let’s Duck seem him doing so, after Duck caught his eye and stared right back. 
Teasing Indrid is more fun than he expected, because while the mer usually gives as good as he gets, some days he blushes and wiggles his tentacle tips under Ducks attention. Indrid is obviously high status and, in Duck’s view, the most captivating mer in the kingdom; making him go pinker than a virgin at a striptease from a little flirting is gratifying. 
His absolute favorite part of his new home, aside from Indrid, are the gardens at the center. Coral glistens and rainbows of fish flit across his path, sea flowers bloom and wave as he passes by. The best place to sit is in a massive clam shell with an excellent view of the grounds and the city beyond. It also happens to be Indrid’s preferred location to draw. 
The mer takes one look at him and extends a tentacle, guiding Duck down to nestle close to him. When they’re with arms reach, one hand leaves his drawing to pet Duck’s thigh soothingly. He tilts his head, intending to study the sketch and ask about it, but ends up with his head on Indrid’s shoulder, slipping back into sleep. 
“Oh dear.” Indrid murmurs, closing the book as a flurry of voices swim towards them. 
“So, the rumors are true; you’ve brought a human into our domain.”
“Good morning to you as well, dear brother.”
The king crosses his arms, glaring at them, “if you cannot provide a decent reason for your having him here, I will make exile him myself. Right now.” 
Indrid’s expression and voice remain calm, but one tentacle coils around Duck’s ankle and his hand clings to the loose trousers, “He, ah, he is, ah”
“I thought as much.” The king swims forward.
“Pet!” Indrid grins triumphantly, “he’s my pet. You keep saying you wish I would find a way to occupy my time and stay out of trouble, and here he is.” Indrid pulls Duck into his lap, patting his head with such exaggeration Duck has to stifle a laugh, “I have been so busy with him the last few weeks I’ve had little time for anything else. Isn’t that right, Vincent?”
Their friend nods, “Yes, your highness, the prince has found Du--, uh, the human most diverting.”
The king narrows his eyes, “Very well. The human may stay in that capacity.” With that, he swims from the gardens, trailed by his advisors. 
“I gotta start wearing a leash now?” Duck teases, realizing too late that he’d do so in an instant as long as Indrid was holding the other end. 
The blue of the rings deepens, “Not at all. Apologies for referring to you as my pet, but the timelines shifted so heavily in the direction of him casting you into the open sea that I panicked.”
“Aw, you lied to the kings face just for me. Must really like me.”
“I do! I, oh dear have I not made that clear?” Indrid gathers Duck’s hands between his own. 
“You have, I was just teasin you. I don’t mind playin your spoiled pet to get one over on him, provided you keep spoilin me.”
Indrid’s grin returns, “I’m certain I can manage that.”
“I hate it when he calls my bluffs.” Indrid glowers into the jeweled box just delivered to their doorstep. Right before Duck asks what’s wrong, the merman hands him a small piece of parchment. 
Prince Indrid, 
Included is a gift for your ‘pet,’ as you are apparently in need of it. It would be a shame for him to get lost, after all.
The note ends with the kings seal. Duck looks up as Indrid turns the box his way, revealing a collar studded with abalone shells and a leash woven from dark, sturdy seaweed. So many obscene images flood his mind it takes two tries before he can focus on Indrid’s words.
“...Thought I kept us clear of anyone who would bother to report us. I’m sure there’s a way around it, ruse aside you are my friend and equal and I will not ask you to humiliate yourself. Hmm, oh goodness, we will need to send word to Dani and Barclay that we cannot come to dinner to tonight, that’s not enough time to draw up a solution, though perhaps we can invite them here instead.” His tentacles trawl the ground as he paces the room.
“Yes?” The mer stops, then his eyes widen, “you are serious?”
“Gotta let me offer first.” He replies with fond exasperation, “I fine with wearin it while we’re out. I know how you really feel about me and, uh, it, uh, makes me feel...safe?” It’s right on the border of a lie by omission, but he manages to get it out. 
“I see” Indrid swims casually towards him, as if that will distract Duck from the pink creeping up his cheeks, “in that case, may I put this on you, pet?”
“Uh huh.” Duck tilts his chin up, shuts his eyes with a happy sigh as Indrid latches the collar in place. The mer stays chest to chest with him, testing to be certain the collar is comfortable. 
“How is that?”
“Woof” Duck deadpans.
Indrid blinks, confused.
“It’s the noise a dog makes.”
Another blink.
“Y’know those things that are like sea lions but on four legs instead of flippers?”
“That’s what those are called. Fascinating.” Indrid loops the leash into place and Duck growls playfully. The mer pats his cheek, fingers lingering on his skin as he purrs, “good boy.”
“Are you ready?” Indrid tips to vials of purple powder into a bowl, causing sweet smelling swirls of color to fill the room. 
“Yeah. Been ready for years.” Duck stands opposite from him, drumming his fingers nervously on the rim of the bowl. 
A week ago, Indrid asked in that blunt way of his if Duck wanted his human form to be different than it was. When he said yes, the mer immediately swam from the table and into the library to pull books from shelves. 
“It will take a few days to prepare; I am careful in all my spells but, well...well I suppose when it is you I am inclined to take even more care than usual.”
It’s not the spell that’s making his nerves bubble up his chest; it’s the component of it he has to contribute. A secret, a precious one, because powerful magic will not give something for nothing. 
“Whisper it into the foam.” Indrid gestures to the golden bubbles on the surface of the bowl. 
Duck keeps it short and sweet. Then blinding light surrounds him, pure white spiked through with pink and blue, and he collapses to the ground, unable to do anything but hold himself as the spell courses through him. When the colors fade and the room returns to view, it’s all he can do to make his legs stand. 
“How, ah, how do you feel?” Indrid taps his fingers together nervously, four of his tentacles following suite. 
“Like I got trampled by a horse and came out a new man.”
“Oh. Good.” The fidgeting intensifies. Duck can only think of one reason for that.
“‘Drid? Did, uh, did the spell mean you learned the secret?”
“Does it bother you? What I said, I mean.”
A pulse of water, flourish of blue and silver, and Indrid’s lips find his. Arms and tentacles lift and hold him as they spin slowly across the room, the mer moaning when Duck drags his hands up his chest. He keeps kissing him as he speaks, mouth growing needier after every pause, “I, there were only a few timelines where you confessed your feelings for me and I, I wanted them so badly but I swore I would only act on your feelings if you used them in the spell, not simply because I saw futures where you might.” Tentacles slide under his shirt and up his pant-leg, “ohhhh, touching you in visions is nothing compared to feeling you for real.”
“Can feel me as much as you want, darlin. Got some things I wanna get my hands on too.” He tangles his fingers in Indrid’s hair, glides his mouth down to kiss his collarbone and tease a nipple with his tongue. 
“Oh my sweet little human, the things I am going to do to yo-”
The doorbell times and Indrid nearly drops him. 
“Damn it all, I forgot we were hosting game night.”
“Don’t worry ’Drid,” Duck pinches the base on one tentacle, “I ain’t goin anywhere, we can pick this up another time.”
“I call that a success.” Indrid ushers Duck into the house. They’re returning from Aubrey and Dani’s engagement party (Indrid having provided Aubrey with a mer-charm of her own. As much as he loathes the idea, King Woodbridge has had to give the marriage his blessing; Dani is his only heir. If he disowns her, his throne passes to Indrid, a scenario he hates even more than a human/mer wedding. 
Duck wore his collar all evening in case one of the king’s toadies got it into their heads to tell on him. It also matches the clothing Indrid bought him exceedingly well, and he’s not ashamed he admired himself while passing the mirror. 
Indrid doffs his cloak as Duck closes the bedroom door, “You can remove that now my sweet.”
He leans against the carved driftwood, “And, uh, what if I don’t wanna?”
The mers hand pauses where it’s setting the leash on a table, “then I suggest you come here at once, pet.”
Not for the first time, Duck longs for a tail so he could speed through the water into Indrid’s arms. The mer is impatient as well, gives a wickedly charming grin as the lease whips out on it’s on to connect with the collar so he can yank Duck flush against him. 
“Better, but you are still not as I need you.” Keeping the leash wrapped around one hand, the other starts on the buttons of Duck’s shirt. The human tries to help, only for tentacles to trap his wrists together, “thoughtful, pet, but I do so enjoy unwrapping you myself.”
“‘Drid, pleaseplease hurry.”
“Manners, pet” A tentacle thwacks his ass just as two others pull his pants to the ground. 
“I said please” Duck laughs as Indrid nibbles his neck. 
“Is that sufficient for someone who spoils you as much as I?” Indrid flutters his eyelashes.
Duck bumps their noses together, “Please, ‘Drid, want you to fuck me, you take such good care of me, wanna take care of you right back, I’ll make you feel so good darlin please.”
“Much better”
His remaining clothing falls away. Out of habit, he moves to cover himself, only for his arms and legs to be pulled outwards, leaving him spread-eagle in Indrid’s hold. 
“Do not so much as think about hiding this perfect form from me, pet.” In the front folds between his tentacles, Indrid’s dick begins to emerge.
“Someone get off on admirin his handiwork?”
The smile softens, “I am admiring you, sweet one. You have the finest body I have ever laid eyes on; you did when we met, and you do now. I delight in holding it, touching it, these days I delight in seeing your comfort in your own skin.” A predatory glint returns to his eyes, “and of course, I like fucking you in it. In fact, that gives me an idea.”
Tentacles spin Duck in a half circle as Indrid swims to the mirror, meaning the human sees their reflections as the mer purrs in his ear, “I want you to see just how perfect you look on my cock, pet.”
“Jesusfuck, ‘Drid, yes” His own cock is hardening between his legs as small tendrils part and prod his ass; Indrid’s cock resembles a human one until it reaches it’s base, where the tendrils wait to push his partner further open or coax them to climax. They took some getting used to at first, cool and slick as the teased into Duck’s ass. Now he welcomes them, savors the tenderness with which they ready him. 
Indrid coos and purrs in his ear, chirping whenever his cock grinds between Duck’s cheeks. The hand not holding the leash caresses his face while the tentacles see to everything else. And he means everything
“Fuck!” One coils around his dick as another rubs gently at his balls. The first time they tried this they were cautious, unsure how human anatomy would respond to the pressure and suckers. In Duck’s case, the answer was “cum so hard and fast it takes them both by surprise.”  Indrid had taken one look at the cock with cum still beading at the head and swallowed it to the root, not relenting until Duck came a second time. 
“Ohhhnnnyes” The head of Indrid’s cock presses into him, “oh I never tire of how you feel, pet. So warm and welcoming for you, ah” he whispers in Duck’s ear, “master”
“‘Drid you, you keep that up I’m gonna cum any second.”
“Not before I show you something important. Look” Indrid forces his head forward with the collar. His reflection writhes and bounces eagerly on a cock he can’t see but can definitely feel, lips parted in a prolonged moan as Indrid lays claim to every inch of him. 
“My perfect, handsome pet, letting me play with him as I see fit.”
“Damn rightAHfuck, I’m close, if you twist like that again I’m gonna-”
“Cum” Indrid orders. Duck obeys, spilling into the water with a groan of thanks. The mer waists no time, traps him in place with his tentacles so can fuck him hard and fast, one hand tugging the collar and the other fisted in his hair, “oh yes, yes pet, just a little more, you can take a little more, you must, because you are my spoiled little treasure and I can cum in you whenever I please.”
“Fuuck” Duck turns his head for a messy kiss as the mer empties into him with a muffled trill. 
One by one, the tentacles relax, Duck’s feet gradually meeting the floor as Indrid trails kisses down his spine. 
“Goodness, whatever did I do to deserve you, Duck Newton?”
“Save my life?” Duck turns, gathering the mer into a hug.
“I did that because it was the right thing.”
“You’re right. Hmmmm” he peppers Indrid’s face with kisses, “must be because you’re so damn perfect.”
Indrid hums happily as Duck maneuvers them into bed, “I doubt that’s it, but I am too tired to argue.”
Duck lays down beside him, looping his leg over Indrid’s waist as tentacle twines around his ankle. Maybe one day it will cling to his fins instead, but he’s not all that worried about that now. However he ends up, as long as he’s with Indrid, he knows life will be perfect. 
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lasquadradefender69 · 4 years
eyes of heaven concept
Dual Heat Combo
Bruno grabs Abbacchio’s shoulder to make him pay attention, Bruno jumps at the enemy and begins to beat the shit out of them. “Let me echo your strength!” says Abbacchio and Moody blues, replays and redoes all damage that Bruno does. “Here I saved some fun for you!” and throws the bastard at Abbachio who grins, and then grabs them, twists their neck and kicks them to the ground. 
A: Come on, Bucciarati, let’s spar for a bit.
B: Sounds fun - don't expect me to go easy on you, though. 
B: Abbacchio? You against me? Don’t take it personally when I beat you to the ground.
A: Don’t be cocky, Bucciarati. That attitude will leave you soon. 
A: You and me Bucciarati! Let’s dance! B: Always so dramatic - Let’s go at it then!
Support Pre-Combat
B: Abbacchio, will you lend me support during this battle? A: Tsk, as if you need to ask. 
A: Buccierati! Let’s show them!
B: With your keen eye, victory will be ours!
Bruno Win
“Might want to recall this later to see where you faltered, hm?”
“Abbacchio, enough. Let’s go heal your bruised ego at Libeccio, huh?”
Abba win
“Tch, Bucciarati… letting down your guard like that!”
“Seems I have come up at top this time. Oi Bucciarati you alright?”
Support convos
B: “Nicely done Abbacchio - although I wish you’d rush less into danger.”
A: “Oi! My decisiveness won us the fight!”
B:”Thank you for being there Abbacchio - without you, I don’t know what I’d do.”
A:”What’s all that? I am not going anywhere you know..”
A:” Bucciarati, even fighting at your side - it makes me feel peaceful.”
B:” What a strange admission - still I am glad to have you here.”
A: “This is what they get for messing with us!”
B: “We make quite a pair huh?”
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straykats · 3 years
if you take a shower and you dry off with a towel, is the towel dirty or not??? cause you just got all clean but you are still using the towel so,,,,,??? 👀👀👀👀
do you think the people in our dreams are only people weve seen before? or people we make up in our heads? cause my theory is that everyone in our dreams (like the random “filler” people if you know what i mean) is someone that youve seen at least ONCE, maybe passing by on the street, a grocery store, the mall, seeing on an advertisement, etc. and your brain stores them away to be used in your dreams later. or do you think we just make up people on our own?
how do we know the colors were seeing are the colors people are describing? like how do we know that [this] is supposed to be purple, did people just come together and decide “yeah, thats purple” cause what if someone saw [this] instead but still agreed that its purple?? 🤔🤔🤔
did you know that apparently years and years ago people thought that eating the dead would have healing/healthy benefits? i forget the details so sorry bout that but it was in one of these books i had to read for my forensic anthropology class about different things people did to dead bodies and apparently there was a group of people whod douse their dead in honey and soak and preserve them for like 100 years and then just *chomp chomp* yummy 😋
lol i hope this clusterfuck of random thoughts and questions gave you some sort of entertainment (im curious to see what your opinions on these things are tho 👀)
gonna answer this under the cut bc its gonna be a bit long maybe
if you take a shower and you dry off with a towel, is the towel dirty or not??? cause you just got all clean but you are still using the towel so,,,,,??? 👀👀👀👀
i would say dirty, because when you decide to get a new towel it’s because the old one is dirty? 
do you think the people in our dreams are only people weve seen before? or people we make up in our heads? cause my theory is that everyone in our dreams (like the random “filler” people if you know what i mean) is someone that youve seen at least ONCE, maybe passing by on the street, a grocery store, the mall, seeing on an advertisement, etc. and your brain stores them away to be used in your dreams later. or do you think we just make up people on our own?
i remember reading smth about this and i’m pretty sure our brain is somewhat incapable to dreaming up their own people? cant remmeber if science backed this up or not lol but yeah everyone you see in your dream is someone you’ve seen before. although, there is an exception with the “have you seen this man” guy (i personally get a lil creeped out by the picture they have of him). if you don’t already know, it’s this face that many people all over the world have seen in their dreams, but no one knows who he is and their’s a sketch/generated picture of the face and a whole website for the guy but no one in the entire world knows who he is? also, i just did a google bc i just remembered reading smth recently about him and nvm its a hoax AHHAHAHAHA but yeah that’s always creeped me out.
how do we know the colors were seeing are the colors people are describing? like how do we know that [this] is supposed to be purple, did people just come together and decide “yeah, thats purple” cause what if someone saw [this] instead but still agreed that its purple?? 🤔🤔🤔
OHHHHH  I LOVE THINKING ABOUT THIS SO MUCHHHHHH and then you consider the fact that lobsters or shrimp or smth see more colours than we do and its so cool!!! like !!!!! there is so much out there that we don’t know or see or hear because humans just arent able to process the stuff and thats so funky cool! but the reason we all unanimously agree a colour is a colour despite everyone viewing it differently is becasue we just.. like... thats what we’ve been told and that’s how we see it? every inidivdual understands “purple” to be one thing, so if i told you that this cup is purple, you would also see purple even if the purple you see if not the purple i see; you’ve jsut always associated that colour with the word “purple” and i could tell you that if you mixed blue and red together you’ll get purple and you would agree because your understanding of colours is consistent within your own little brain and my understanding is consistent in my own little brain and so we just match up the parts that are similar (the word) and it makes sense to our own inidivudla selves? as kids we’re told that the colour we percieve is called X, and soo i guess it’s passed down what we call certain colours.
Hypothetically, then, if eveyrone in this generation and the next few generations told their kids that what we perceieve as purple was orange, eventually would what we know to be purple be called orange in the future?
idk if any of the above makes sense HAHA
Fun fact newborns see in black and white?? how funky is that?
did you know that apparently years and years ago people thought that eating the dead would have healing/healthy benefits? i forget the details so sorry bout that but it was in one of these books i had to read for my forensic anthropology class about different things people did to dead bodies and apparently there was a group of people whod douse their dead in honey and soak and preserve them for like 100 years and then just *chomp chomp* yummy 😋
OMG YOU DO FORENSIC ANTHROPOLOGYYYYY tbh idk what that actually means but i kinda understand the words separately and they both interest me so i’m assuming a cool word/study + a cool word/study = a super cool word/study. 
thats pretty interesting?? honeys a really good preservative so !!! but damn 100 years,,, but yeah i’ve heard of that happening in a few cultures!! 
lol i hope this clusterfuck of random thoughts and questions gave you some sort of entertainment (im curious to see what your opinions on these things are tho 👀)
hehe ty this was very fun to read through and answer/share my thoughts etc!! i love having these type of convos where we (me and whoever im voncersing w) can just go batshit crazy and hypothesise and think about stuff!!! tyvm for sending this innnnnnnnn <3 mwah
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meeko-mar · 4 years
Ok I just thought of this. 
This is a further, further thought about my Kidnapped Deku Theory, about the captivity of Izuku, as well as the FUNCTION such an event would serve in his story. Surprise influence from a different Anime(movie) plays into my thought on this. 
Now. Imma just preface this with: Part of me hopes I'm wrong about this, cause I like Compress and I don't want him to die yet.
But here we go.
So, Deku gets kidnapped, and somehow, the whole group, (probably minus Machia) escapes.
They bunker down in some hidden location. Shigaraki is way too depleted to physically do anything about stealing OFA at this particular point, so for now they just restrain Izuku where they can keep a close eye on him until shiggy gains enough strength . Izuku is desperately tired as well and cannot even hope of fighting back yet. So sit in captivity he does. And he observes.
And now here's where the whole thing of "Izuku needs to realize that the villains need saving too" thing comes into play,
Compress is SUPER injured. And unless one of them has some pretty adept med skills, it's unlikely that he'll get proper medical treatment for his wounds. So...barring anyone coming up with sudden healing Quirks, be it Shigaraki Or Izuku, it's likely that Compress will die. 
Izuku is going to have a front row seat to the league as they lose, and mourn the loss of their friend.
Like I said I kinda don't want compress to die, but if his death has a purpose, aside from the escape of Shigaraki, maybe it's a step towards humanizing the League to Izuku. Up until this point, to him, they have been a nefarious, one-dimensional entity who has done nothing but terrorize his class and caused mayhem and death.
And nooo, this definitely ain't gonna erase any of that terrible shit they’ve done, or want to do, and he sure as hell ain’t gonna become their friend, but seeing some more relatable  moments and seeing that even these guys are a found family and mourn each other's losses and that they sacrifice for one another too. It's gonna give him something more to think about in the big picture(and maybe make him realize some of the flaws in their Hero Society)
And, even though Izuku has chosen the profession of Hero, it doesn’t mean that he’d witness Compress’s death and be happy about it. He’s not the type to sit there and say “GOOD, you all deserve it, one less villain in the world!” (that’s Bakugou’s thing, after all) Izuku is a naturally kind and empathetic person. He can understand death and loss, and even though he cannot agree with their methods of rage, murder and destruction, he could come to understand some of the more nuanced roots of it. He wants Villains to face justice for their crimes, but he’s never been the type to actually wish death upon them (even when he’s trash-talking them while emulating Bakugou’s style). 
((not to diverge too far, but I think the same goes for his understanding of Touya, he can grasp that Enji Todoroki was an absolute shit-heel to his kids/wife. He has a concept of abuse and how that had affected Shoto, and has in fact snapped back at Enji himself back at the sports fest when he really didn’t have to or even have the place for it, BUT It still doesn’t change the fact that Dabi was so far out of line in trying to murder his own brother that yes, Izuku is still super justified in what he said to Dabi instead of stopping mid-battle and trying to work it out with him. Like I said before, this ain’t that type of Talk-no-Jutsu anime. BUT I DIGRESS, BACK TO OUR TOPIC))
Like I said before and will say again til I’m blue in the face, Izuku’s understanding and developing vision of this world is more nuanced than that, and this is basically a slow-burn. He’s still young and learning, and he just needs those perspectives and experiences to edge in to his pre-conceived and admittedly exclusionary notions of heroism and society.
Secondly, Toga is also going to be mourning the death of Twice, who was killed at the hands of a hero that Izuku has worked with/admired himself. She’s going to have her own issues with Izuku and she may get the chance to have a more extended conversation with him, not like how the convo with Ochako was so stunted because Ochako was trying to apprehend Toga and was full of anger and adrenaline...Izuku in this situation will probably have no other option than to hear her out entirely. Assuming she’s not trying to stab him or suck his blood while she’s doing so. 
The third thing that could affect him and his outlook, is that Izuku has already seen AFO’s manipulative tendencies over Tomura in the Quirk “dimension”, so he even has that to think about as well...potentially more, if Shiggy gets to try stealing OFA again. So there’s also that, which I think Hori is going to expand on later no matter what, arguably there was that one panel already that showed Izuku try to run towards Tomura as if to save him(not sure if that was what was happening, but we shall see).
Izuku may find himself in the den with villains, but he may see more pieces to the puzzle, and it might be the perspective he needs to truly become the world's next symbol of hope.  
OKAY ADDED CONTEXT TIME. I suddenly realized where I think I got this particular vision. 
If you have seen the Studio Trigger movie, PROMARE, there is a scene where the plucky protagonist, Galo, finds where a group of the Burnish are hiding, and the Deuteragonist, and Burnish leader, Lio knocks him out and ties him up. (without being too spoilery, the Burnish are people who have sometimes uncontrolled bursts of flames that have a habit of causing much destruction and death)
From here, Galo witnesses how they take care of each other even when the public image of the Burnish is a harsh and fearful one of rigid oppressionand dehumanization. He sees that they need to eat to survive, and most importantly, he witnesses one of their number perish after being a victim of many human experiments, and he sees them try to save that person, and then mourn, before they all leave. Additionally, Lio explains to him what the Burnish experience is actually like, as opposed to the narrative that is out there surrounding them, that Galo knows.
Now, Galo wasn’t exactly hateful against the Burnish people to begin with, but due to his job being a firefighter(an occupation in this world that is super Hype, kind of like Heroes in BNHA), his lot in life runs opposed to them by nature. He serves to protect others from the chaos that the Burnish people (mostly unintentionally) bring about...(also a bit like the Hero society.)
But this scene, set in a cave, with him restrained and with no option but to observe, serves to humanize the Burnish people, which obviously serves as the catalyst to the rest of Galo’s development and his choices later to stand up and help Lio.
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BTW, PROMARE is an absolutely EXCELLENT movie and I highly recommend it...my hubby and I only just now got to watch it one of the first nights we were stuck at home sick. We slept on this the first year or two it was out, but it’s really good.
And as I was typing this and looking at a Meta video on YT about PROMARE it clicked that I must have gotten a little brain worm from this scene. Sorry if this got too far out of BNHA, and I didn’t share anything very spoilery.
So, RETURNING TO DEKU, and long story short: what would be the point of Deku getting kidnapped, especially at this time when the Villains have faced loss with Twice, and are quite likely to face it again if Compress dies from his wounds??
I think it’d be very very similar to this Promare scene, and would serve...almost the same function. Again, he’s not gonna become friends with the villains, and they are not going to turn to the Hero side, either. And it bears stressing, it doesn’t erase or condone or change Deku’s opinion on any of their criminal actions. Of which, there are many.
But it’d force Izuku into a different perspective, and he might learn a bit about at least some of their past, and their reasons for villainy... If they feel like explaining any of that to Izuku. It’s going to build on that foundation that his fight with Gentle and La Brava built. (Y’all, I love Gentle and his fight with Deku was important, if I’m reading these breadcrumbs right)
Anyway, this was super long, hopefully wasn’t too hard to follow, But my Kidnapped Deku Theory just keeps growing-- H E L P. 
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bre95611 · 4 years
Super High Me 15x17 rewatch meta/spec/thoughts thing pt 2!
I’m back!!
Okay, so the structure of this one is. All of these individual stories are taking place at one time. Super cool. I love all the non-linear stuff they do with episodes. like the real Tarantino-y one. that Speight directed? I think? The super gay one with the love confession.
Worlds again (Amara to Chuck: You’ve been ending worlds.) Chuck saved the best for last
So what, Chuck is trying to do a Big Bang round 2?
OKAY so interesting thing here that I said I was gonna talk about, okay, so since Dean didn’t have any sort of actual feelings for Amara, its more compulsion than attraction, I assumed this was a Chuck thing. But lo and behold, Chuck says he didn’t write it. I don’t know what to think here. The most prevailing thought I’ve seen is that love is the essence of free will, chuck doesn’t write love, stuff like that. And I love the sentiment, but....writer’s lie. This scene came across to me as Chuck manipulating Amara. Dean argued that Chuck was writing Amara’s story too in Gimme Shelter. it was a factor in her decision to help the Winchesters. This is showing Amara that’s not true. It’s also increasing her emotions towards Dean, because she thinks its a true attraction on Dean’s part, not her brother arranging a marriage. Chuck has potentially written romances before, or at least smut. Dean says he’s full frontal in the books, talks about writing Sam to go fuck Lilith. The whole Sam and Ruby thing. So, I dunno. This reads as not true to me.
Amara again saying someone needs to protect the world.
Failure....Dean’s young ghost said Dean failed.
Who the fuck are these angels? are they the ones Jack made?
God Amara’s shoes are INCREDIBLE.
I wish they had made Chuck evil a long time ago, cause Rob as a villain is the greatest thing ever.
Chuck THRIVES off the drama. That entire thing with Amara right there...it was just the ultimate self-insert.
Jensen;s acting is so detailed, his facial expression, you know he doesn’t really hate Jack! He’s so broken, and he’s still trying so fucking hard.
I kinda hate that Dean asks if she’s Eve. like....you....you literally killed eve while she was in the form of your mother???? how do you forget that? and then I remember that was 9 YEARS AGO
Also this is such a blatant Destiel mirror, I’m losing my mind. Adam the first human ever in a green shirt, Dean Humanity Winchester, “Seraph” -ina the angel with black hair wearing pink and blue.....I’m shook. I just....Its canon. Destiel is so blatantly canon i’m laughing
ALright, so more generational trauma type things. Adam and Eve get kicked out of the garden “eh we deserved it, but then he moved onto our sons”. Chuck has a thing with brothers. Parents hellbent to protect chasing down the divine in an endless circle of rage, a new same story every generation
She gives me such Endverse!Cas vibes, I love her.
Does anyone know anything about crystals/rocks? I wonder if anyof those have any sort of significance.
I don’t feel good about Sera saying its “meant to be” we don’t fuck around with fate here
Interesting. So I just rewatched Last Call cause its probably my favorite episode ever, and Dean killed Lee...just like that with a pool stick. Because of the insinuated past relationship Dean and Lee(similar in look to Cas, but polar opposites in character) had, and now this obvious Destiel mirror, doing the same thing.... And like. Dean stabbing Cas kinda similar to that is a call back to their first meeting....What does it meeeeeeeean?
World again with Jack and Dean convo in Impala. Dean says Jack shouldn’t have had to hear what he said, need to look up quote, can’t remember wording, but he basically doesn’t want to drop his baggage on Jack, and honestly? Not great, but its something, and I appreciate that. I’m sure some people felt this came off as super fake, Dean telling Jack what he needed to hear to have him do it, and to an extent he does, parroting back some stuff Billie had said. But I think that feeling of not wanting Jack to carry the weight of Dean’s expectations, shortcomings, failures, all that, is defying John Winchester. All John ever did was make his problems Dean’s problems, and Dean is trying so hard.
What text did Dean get?
I have a lot of feelings about this. Dean had kinda managed to push past the divine orchestration of his birth. Like, did yall forget that bit of trauma? His parents were paired up by the angels. To recreate Michael and Lucifer (BROTHERS, CHUCK OBSESSION) and their perfect vessels. And Dean has had his bodily autonomy taken away quite a bit too, something I was less coherent about earlier. Most recently the possession of Michael, before that he was a demon, before that there was the influence of the Mark of Cain, and even back to when he was a child with John, Dean had no choice. He was whatever John wanted him to be. A good soldier. He was just breaking through and healing with a lot of the stuff with his dad. He’d pretty well fully dealt with that bit of his trauma. and then all this. Fuck.
Alright, Sam’s turn.
God Sassy Cassie “Maybe Dean was right” “Yeah maybe” *full body eye roll*
God, Sam’s instincts are so good. He’s been calling Chuck’s interference over and over all season.
Such a sweet moment with them and the “Sam you will not be dramatic and kill yourself to summon Death like Dean thinks is just a fun little thing to do now and again” “Cas don’t worry I’m not a chaotic disaster like him, I will look for a book and it will have the answers”
Surely there is so importance to all the items they pulled out of these chests when looking for the key right?
I know everyone’s been talking about this scene and the cup? I don’t get the importance, but I’m intrigued.
So Cas is staying behind for Dean and Sam is going....cough cough
Cause of course the door in the bunker leads directly to the W section.......
I really love how this scene was shot
I’m so happy they were able to bring Rachel Miner back!! I really love her
The Shadow says “The empty was supposed to be my domain, not even god had sway, but lies! sweet lies!”........So go does have power in the empty? Explains how lilith came back. And cas all those times. I need to go back and rewatch destiny’s child. I can’t remember a single bit of the scene where cas goes to the empty. I probably should.
Realities, demensions, graves.
How far back has this....alliance? gone between Death and the Shadow? All a chess game.
SAM smoother than a motherfucker
Okay, so the rest of the episode is going in another post. Jesus. I’ve been doing this for like....3 hours. hhahah
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iilko · 5 years
hi iilko! i hope ur having a nice day! i hav this idea for a while now and i hope youre caught up with the manga so may i request a scenario with muichirou and his fem s/o who fights alongside with him against koku, but she ended up dying and mui surviving? months prior to that, they both decided to get married once they defeated muzan and are old enough, and they both wear a ring that they would replace w a real one once theyre old. upon remembering this convo, mui just breaks. thank you
Mono No Aware.
count: 1k words.
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The thought tended to flee from him before he could utter it out loud, but Tanjirou enjoyed how Muichiro’s household looked from afar. How the sakura trees cradled and hid the home from the onlookers and outsiders. The blessing of spring was that the trees birthed mutations of pink petals that puffed and covered every inch, giving them the illusion of a sakura forest.
Yet, in a season like winter, they became cold and barren, like a being stripped from its warmth, like Eve (the life-giver, naïve woman who cursed the flesh) after struck with the shame of being naked. Then, his shelter became noticeable and the world could see it.
In seasons like those, the former pillar wouldn’t step into the place.
“Ah, Muchirou.” Tanjirou settled himself down onto the engawa. “Did you plant another tree today?”
“… Two today.”
“Ah,” He tugged at the ends of his sleeves, sweat seeping through the cuffs, “I’m sorry, I was running late so I couldn’t help!”
“It’s fine,” Muchirou shuffled in his crossed position, he leaned his back to the wooden rail behind them and scratched his right bicep, the scarred bicep floating and wiggling in response. A painting of scars littered his body as the soft light slightly hit them. “You travel a lot.”
Tanjirou chuckled, “that I do.”
They hadn’t reached the middle-half of being twenty. Yet their bodies carried rivers of scars and wounds that spoke of an older, morbidly nostalgic time. As kind as their hearts could be to others, the skin of a former slayer would always be so tough and cruel. Time healed many wounds but not enough, and not the ones that mattered.
He found it tough but manageable living in an era of peace. War and bloodshed still carried on under his eyelids and at night you could hear the voices––– cinematic and life-like. He had the ghosts of the fallen stand beside him as he slept. Life, mentally, was never silent.
He was sure Muchirou could relate.
Those gradient locks were always in a single braid, resting down to the tailbone. His pale skin lost its glow from the scratches that marred his skin like a thin woman’s hair. His deep eyes were narrow but that infamous passive glint was stronger than ever. He said more than he would in the past but spoke less. Almost living in this weird plane of being.
He couldn’t help but play with the word if, if she was still here… Who would he be now?
“I’ve run out of seeds, though. The birds have eaten a lot of them.” Muichiro admitted.
“I’ll buy you more then” Tanjirou exhaled with a softness, “so you’ll never run out.”
He hummed, “she would’ve fed them back to the birds, anyway.”
Kamado laughed. Light and airy, “still, would’ve kept some to plant, no?”
Muichirou did not give him an answer but Tanjirou didn’t need one.
There was a river. It ran from the mountains down through the towns. On its journey, it often made a route behind Tokito’s household, where it would splash against the salty river rocks and little rolls of bumps on the earth. The process was loud enough to hear through the tatami rooms, and it’s chattering spoke for them when they were stuck in their silence. When Tanjirou couldn’t say what he was here for.
“Did I do enough?” He whispered through the rivers.
Tanjirou could hear him loud and clear.
“You always do.”
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Muichiro felt sick when he saw you like this.
Your hurried steps alongside him and Gyoumei were hushed and light. The sheathed claymore you wielded so tight in your grasp made each individual knuckle popped under your skin. Your eyes were dry and burned with holy fire.
It was that aura of a shining beacon, the grace of felinity, and the energy of warzone–– all bombs and pipes that only you radiated. Your face hot, your breathing became heavier, your legs rose higher with each step, and you exploded with a diluted hubris to ease the people around you. To convince everyone that you had it under control.
You were digging your funeral and were waiting for the right time to fall into it.
Yet, when Gyoumei was ahead, you stopped, pulled him to the side and told him not to die. Your warm, calloused hands squished his cheeks as you rested your hot forehead against his. In a firm, beckoning, and tender voice you told him, “don’t you die on me.”
‘Don’t you die on me.’ You said it and soused it with love. Now, those words were morbid and achingly haunting.
You pecked his chapped lips, and the smoothed jade that jumped above your valley winked at him. His eyes went down to the jade bracelet on his right wrist, his words still lost in his throat.
You let go of him and stumbled back to inspect, your expressive eyes invoked a sweet melancholy (it was SAUDADE; a kindling affection sticky like mochi but an accepted destiny lingering under it), before you gleamed a smile, “I still want to get married, y’know.”
Maybe, if he had said it back to you before Gyoumei had called out for the both of you and before the shifting rooms violently pushed you from his space, you would’ve lived.
“Stop looking like that.” Those were the words refused to leave his mouth, he remembered his lips even trembling just to spit them out. His stomach dropped and the world collapsed.
Stop looking like you’re about to leave me.
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Tanjirou then put his hand into his laid coat, “right, Muichiro, it’s finally done. I’m sorry they took too long but sending such a small thing overseas can have it lost in a lot of things.”
Initially, it was just a small black box. Those scarred fingers pulled back the top and revealed two rings carved out of pure jade with a centerpiece of a lighter, brighter gem all accented with a gold bezel ring.
“Do you like it? It’s fancier than I expected but…”
“Will you help me put one on?” Muchirou asked and Tanjirou agreed with eager.
When placed, the ring flaunting on his marred digits, the corners of the younger man’s lips pulled.
“It’s glowing.”
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“Mui, do you want kids?”
Hazy eyes peeked up at you, before directing their attention back to the frog on the lily pad, his crouched form unwavering. “I haven’t thought that far, probably not.”
You pouted falsely and made your shoulders deflate as you turned your head away from him, “wow, that’s not what I wanted to hear at all.”
“Do you?”
“No, but I’m still kind of disappointed.”
“Oh,” Muchirou said lamely, “sorry.”
You rolled your eyes and sighed, making quick steps towards him. You crouched beside him, shoveling your skirt beneath your bent backside then turned to meet his blank stare, “you were supposed to say maybe, Mui.”
You could see the blurry confusion in his eyes and pursed your lips to stop your laughter. You punched him lightly with a fist and hopped an inch closer to him, placing your sight on the frog too.
“Just in case we think about having some.”
“I don’t want any right now.”
“Not in the future, though? When we marry?”
He didn’t answer you then, not until the frog hopped onto another lily pad. His eyebrows bumped together.
“You want to marry me?”
“Of course,” you smiled, “I love you.”
Shock looked hazy in his pupils, and it would leave his eyes to burn into embarrassment on his ears. The stoic look he was so infamous for melted with the small smile on his lips and pink cheeks.
“Okay.” He nodded, his eyes never off you. He wasn’t sure about love most of the time, and what it could mean or be but he didn’t mind learning with you. Never you.
“After, Kibutsuji is done for.” You nodded curtly, “we’ll get married in a forest of sakura trees and our rings would be made of that pretty rock we found. Oh! and we’ll invite everybody.”
“Okay.” He said softly and you arched a brow at his face, “what is it? Why are you making that face?”
The frog hopped and Muichirou’s grin grew a tad wider, “I don’t know, I can’t really stop!”
“You’re so weird!”
“It’s because of you!”
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Could one die looking heroic? Of course, you could leave this earth as a hero but could you die looking like one?
If it was, then could you die looking like you were in love? Perhaps, that would just be dying with a smile on your face.
Muchirou believed you died being violently, helplessly, foolishly in love.
You were in love with your family, your friends, humanity, earth, good, and maybe him. There had to be some if you wanted to marry him but maybe not enough if you left this earth knowing you were to die.
He kind of got love now, it was when he hated your absence far more than he loved your presence.
The sight of your body being impaled by the roots of his ancestor would never leave his mind. Along with the sight of his parents, the sight of Yuchiro.
It always felt as if they were always in his grasp and that he was never quick enough, never strong enough. The ones that mattered always died when he was still weak. At that moment, he knew was strong enough to have saved his mother and father. Weeks ago, he was strong enough to stop Yuchiro.
Years later, in a home hiding in a sea of sakura trees, he was strong enough to save you.
None of it mattered if they weren’t there, though. That’s the catch, no matter how strong you get, there was a time when you were too weak and couldn’t do anything, and that will always haunt you.
As Muchirou stood in front of your glorified grave with its white Chrysanthemums, yellow Camellias, petals of Sakura, and blue Sweetpeas, he came to a solution. It was a solution that took years to make.
He couldn’t have been strong enough for you, but he’d strong for himself and the others that needed him. It was the most he could do and it was what you would’ve wanted.
But for today, he’d plant another flower, the red spider-lily, place your ring on the top of the tombstone and cry out the last of his tears.
The river silenced itself, so did the branches, and the wind, and allowed him to cry one last time.
Sakura (櫻)/Cherry Blossoms: 物の哀れ (The pathos of life, the sensitivity to ephemera)
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sweetcatastrophex · 4 years
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This kid I know just shared this tweet on Snapchat and said: “Crazy how everyone has to be Politically Correct to the point where you can (sic) let someone know they are extremely unhealthy.”
I replied: Lizzo is popular bc black fat women are finally being represented in mainstream pop music culture when they were previously ignored, despite their obvious talents. And who isn’t encouraging exercise and good diet? Bc she does… lol she posts about her exercises all the time. And I’m posting this on Tumblr to add: If there’s an obesity epidemic in the country, why does the onus fall on her, an individual, to coach every person through their diet and exercise habits? Why is that burden on her? I didn’t see Watkins criticize Rick Ross or Action Bronson for not encouraging exercise... Not to mention that obesity is linked to genetic factors. So again, why is it her job to denounce obesity rather than doctors’?
Gonna just log our convo. He said: It took her how long to do it. and it’s not healthy to be the size she is, there’s no excuse for putting your own body through something like that and then pass it off as normal. it’s not I said: but he said it is normal when he stated there’s an obesity epidemic. it’s a widespread issue. how do you know she hasn’t been exercising since she was 8? you don’t. bc she’s fat she can’t sing in public? why didn’t that guy criticize Rick Ross? Action Bronson? Fat Joe???? He said: I actually do know she hasn’t been exercising since 8 because I did my research for this exact situation. and she’s using her platform publicly to say being the size she is is okay. also rick ross has completely transformed himself and promotes a healthy lifestyle. and action and joe aren’t using their platform to encourage obesity I said: lmao that’s not a research based finding, you don’t know her therefore you don’t know her habits especially since she was little. rick ross rapping about drugs and crimes is promoting a health lifestyle? 😂 no. so why aren’t action bronson and fat joe telling people to exercise? according to this logic they should. He said: you are deflecting so hard right now it’s hilarious. here, go yell at him *links to tweet* I said: lmao i already am on the tweet and i’m not deflecting you just don’t like that i’m pointing out the double standard. why is it her job to denounce obesity? and not doctors? He said: its not her job, imo no celebrities should voice their opinions bc it can sway the gullible. however people gotta be retarded to not understand her weight is beyond unhealthy. shes also whats happening now, you cant dwell on the past. and doctors do but thanks to trump everyone thinks doctors dont know shit also u cant say shit about the rappers “promoting drugs” as if we both dont smoke 😂 I said: i think celebs should absolutely use their platforms to spread awareness about issues. and Fat Joes and Actions weight is also obviously unhealthy so where are the tweets about that? or news stories from the past? ... weed isn’t a drug in my eyes, or a healing one rather than harmful one. i’m talking about the oxys and xannys and cocaine that they all love to promote which actually contribute to deaths He said: we have evolved from past mistakes. i would think shed wanna better her future and this generation. guess i was wrong I said: is that why DJ Khaled is so famous? lol letting fat people perform is “past mistakes?” yikes. again, she exercises regularly and it’s not her job to influence an entire generation. and obesity is linked to genetics He said: that man is so unhealthy idk how he’s alive tbh. and no perform is not the problem (or something like that). the mistake is allowing yourself to get like that. and yes it is but it’s not 100% the cause. being careless is too I said: yeah but some people could exercise every day til they turn blue in the face and still not be skinny He said: me I said: doesn’t make them unworthy of performing He said: where are you getting this performance from. I have no problem with ppl performing whatever size or shape I said: bc lizzo is a performer. so then what’s the problem He said: she promotes her obesity. that’s not a good thing I said: how? how does she promote obesity? i see her posting about exercise and healthy eating 🤔 He said: got u hold on *links to Lizzo says body positivity has become too commercialized...* I said: body positivity is commercialized. i’ll ask again how is she promoting obesity? He said: did u read the article. heres another *links to blacknews.com/... legrand h clegg lizzo image of...* (TLDR black people flaunt their degradation, and other shocking misogynistic and racist comments) I said: yeah did u? lolll He said: yes I said: so you still haven’t said how she promotes obesity He said: the article explained it. shes normalizing it I said: but obesity is already normal since it’s widespread. then fat joe and dj khaled are promoting it too He said: yes they are. also i love how you deflect it to someone else. and just because something is widespread that doesn’t make it normal. thats like saying covid is normal and we should just live with it instead of do something about it I said: nah you should look up the definition of normal. and its not deflecting (lol) it’s pointing out the double standard. they’re all top charts musicians. so why call out lizzo and not dj khaled He said: i have plenty of times when he was relevant. why not accept the fact its serious I said: he’s still relevant he produces songs. again lizzo isn’t a doctor so the responsibility doesn’t fall on her. plus you said celebs shouldn’t comment on things He said: but they do anyway so if they dont like the backlash then they can hop off social media. and like you said theyre “performers” he doesn’t perform because of his health. no disrespect but you don’t seem like you researched khaled at all I said: 😂 you dont need to research dj khaled to know he’s been performing. again double standard to not bash him while ur at it. and celebs have every right to post whatever they want to just like me and u He said: oh so everyone is the same? I said: everyone has the same freedom of speech He said: correct. im talking about the obesity I said: what about it He said: how serious it is I said: it is serious and doctors should talk about it more He said: 100%
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