supernovasilence · 11 months
Narnia headcanons: characters + how they take being sick
Peter: baby. Absolute needy baby. He's sick and he's miserable and everyone needs to feel sorry for him and take care of him. Will put on a good face in public because he knows the High King has to project strength and security but with family and friends he's just absolutely Suffering. The only time he's stoic is when he's seriously injured and doesn't want to scare his siblings (but then they're scared anyway because they can tell it's serious). Also so bad at not scratching scabs, bug bites, etc. All his siblings learn how to automatically say "Peter, don't scratch" whenever he has something they know he's going to pick at.
Peter: *absently starts picking at a scab*
Edmund, chucking a pillow at him from across the room without looking up from his book: peterdon'tscratch
Peter, indignantly: I wasn't!
Susan: the only one of the lot who acts halfway sensibly when sick. As long as she has a good supply of books and tea she will settle down and rest, though she does have a tendency of ignoring when she's starting to get sick. Running Narnia is a full time job; she can't afford to rest today, but tomorrow, or the day after, things will be quieter, and then ofc they never are. The others learn to watch when she starts getting extra snappy, because it means she's feeling bad and muscling through it, and they need to take some of her work off her hands so she can be convinced to go rest
Edmund: Thinks he'll enjoy the chance to lie around doing nothing but gets restless within a day, and then is grumpy and sulky. Like Susan, has a tendency to push himself when he starts getting sick, making it worse in the long run, except he's better at hiding it
Lucy: goes back to running around doing stuff the instant she starts feeling better, and then is worse again the next day. This happens every time and she never learns. Her friends/family make sure at least one of them sits with her when she's sick so they can make sure she stays in bed (imagine Mr. Tumnus playing her lullabies and telling her about all the magical sights and scenes they'll go see once she's better but that means resting first or the Beavers chattering away to her or Susan reading to her or Edmund telling her increasingly wild tales about what's supposedly going on in Narnia without her and occasionally physically sitting on her out of purest duty as an older sibling (Lucy: I can murder you without leaving this bed!) or Peter insisting he has to leave the busy everything that wants the High King's attention right this moment because he has an important matter to attend to and the important matter is cuddling his little sister and promising she can get out of bed soon or poor confused Caspian distracting Lucy by letting her teach him the rules of those hand-clapping games (a 30-second wikipedia dive also leads me to believe rock-paper-scissors would have made it to Britain by the 1940s))
Caspian: probably that one person who never gets sick. Even when a bug's going around and everyone else is hacking and snotty and miserable, he's fine and everyone hates him. The few times he does get sick, it's randomly in the middle of summer when no one else is sick and he hasn't gone out in the rain or done anything differently than usual and no one gets how he's sick now. Caspian is quietly melodramatic and just. resigns himself to death. Guilt trips people into taking care of him almost as much as Peter, except that he's not actually trying. Peter finds it very unfair people are sympathetic to Caspian and not to him
Eustace: whiny whiny baby and hypochondriac that convinces himself he's dying. Is lucky the internet has not been invented yet because he would end up on webMD, certain he has everything
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madstronaut · 3 months
13 Books!
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I can't reblog the original post I saw this from for some reason but saw this originally from @/glassprism; thanks for sharing!
answer these 13 qs
tag 13 ppl
add a shelfie
1) The last book I read:
Caste: The Origins of Our Discontents by Isabel Wilkerson
2) A book I recommend:
Conversations on Love by Natasha Lunn
3) A book that I couldn’t put down:
The Name of the Wind by Patrick Rothfuss
4) A book I’ve read twice (or more):
toss-up between Wounded Healer by Henri Nouwen/The Elephant Vanishes: Stories by Haruki Murakami
5) A book on my TBR: not sure what a TBR is but guessing to be read? idk im not a goodreads/booktok girlie
Nobody Knows My Name by James Baldwin
6) A book I’ve put down: I hate finished these books but nearly stopped...
Klara and the Sun by Kazuo Ishiguro found it hard to follow, trying to keep up with the writing made me feel like I was wearing glasses with the wrong prescription strength, just had trouble focusing
On Earth We're Briefly Gorgeous by Ocean Vuong. an absolutely incredible and poetic read but I felt like I was getting constantly emotionally pickaxed in the eyes with the raw frequent recountings of trauma told in blunt detail
Power of Myth by Joseph Campbell (George Lucas hyped you up way too much sir...)
7) A book on my wish list:
I keep giving away the copies of all about love by bell hooks lol so for the fourth time it is back on my wishlist
8) A favorite book from childhood:
The Phantom Tollbooth by Norton Juster. Even now when I pass by a bookstore and see it prominently displayed I get such a happy curious and wondrous feeling
9) A book you would give to a friend:
I recently gave The Midnight Library by Matt Haig to a grieving friend who loved it ❤️‍🩹
10) There was no tenth question so I am making up my own; a fiction book you own:
The Voyage of the Dawn Treader by C.S. Lewis
11) A nonfiction book you own:
Wne and War: The French, The Nazis, and the Battle for France's Greatest Treasure by Don and Petie Kladstrup - this is a fucking fun and interesting read!!! great commute/plane/timekiller read
12) What are you currently reading:
Currently speedreading The Hunger Games trilogy by Suzanne Collins
13) What are you planning on reading next?
Nothing is True and Everything is Possible by Peter Pomerantsev
My shelfie:
I will be opting out of sharing a pic of my super-disorganized, filled to the brim with personal knickknacks bookcase but here's some gifs of the hottest bookwrangler in the known universe throughout all space and time as a substitute
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no pressure taggies: @evergreenfields @gemmahale @the-californicationist @valkyri @astraluminaaa
@devcica @vampirekilmer @void-my-warranty @ohgeesoap @glossysoap
@syoddeye @kyletogaz @bluemoonrover
@/you if you'd like to share 🤗🤗📚📚
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fishareglorious · 9 months
im trying to do the green lake stages in arduous difficulty and oh my god i have so many pollution debuff stacks.
the enemy does one turn. i get two hundred million quantillion pollution stacks. sonetto breathes for half a second and suddenly she's at dangerously low health. druvis does one attack and then she gets -255 -134 -165 damage to her. dikke doesn't generate enough healing cards.
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georgie-weasley · 8 months
Deep Wounds: Chapter 1.5
Warnings: A wee bit of self loathing from Remus, mentions of scars
Word Count: 1.1k
Pairing: eventual Remus x fem!healer!reader
A/N: So it has been a while since I posted anything about this series so to refresh, there will be smaller chapters like this one in-between each of the longer chapters. The smaller chapters generally won't focus on the reader and mostly Remus instead. As of now I'm still tagging everyone that's on my Remus taglist but if people want I'll make a separate one just for the series
Series Masterlist Taglist
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Remus laid on the couch, his arm covering his eyes. He could hear his friends whispering about him only a few feet away. They often talked about him and his condition in hushed tones like it was some sort of secret but there was no point. Remus knew what kind of monster he was; they didn’t need to pretend he didn’t. “Can you stop pretending I’m not here and speak at a higher volume so I can decipher what you’re saying?”
The whispering stopped at once. Remus peaked out from behind his arm to see the group of four moving from the doorway to surround him in the living room. Sirius lifted Remus’s legs and sat down, resting the werewolf’s feet on his lap. James and Peter sat on the floor while Lily stood behind the couch and busied herself looking at the new scars forming on Remus.
“Want to fill me in on your secrets?” Remus whispered, moving his arm so Lily could look at his face. Since she found out about his monthly issue, she had taken on a sort of motherly role. She was always checking on him and trying to feed him and do her best to help heal him but that was never her strongest magic. But it was nice to have her care so much for him even if he didn’t want to bother her.
“James was just filling us in on your trip to St. Mungos.” Sirius let the silence hang after he answered. Remus kept his eyes closed but he could feel everyone looking at him. When no one else spoke, Sirius continued. “Are you really going to let some random girl help you find a cure?”
Remus sighed and sat up with a groan, causing Lily to rush into the kitchen to grab some ice. “No, I’m not. I had no choice though since James wouldn’t leave me alone.”
“That’s going to be awkward.” Lily handed Remus the ice before she took a seat next to him on the couch. “James said she’s coming over here after her shift.”
Remus put the ice on his right shoulder, sinking into the couch. “When she gets here I’ll tell her that I changed my mind and she can leave. I don’t need her help. I have you guys and that’s all I need. There’s no reason for some random girl to give me pity and spend her time and my time making a cure that won’t work.”
“Why not?” Peter spoke up from the floor. “She wants to help so why not let her.”
“I don’t know her Wormtail. I don’t know a single thing about her besides the fact that she seems to think she can help me. She could be doing this because she has pity or because she thinks this will get her points in the medical field.” Remus felt like he was making fair points but the look on James’s face told him it wasn’t enough.
“Moons, I think we all know why you don’t want to accept help.” Remus watched James and shook his head. “I think you’re scared to be let down.”
Remus quickly stood, ignoring the way his body screamed in protest from the quick movements. He didn’t want to sit around and hear James’s ridiculous ideas. James may be one of his best friends but he didn’t know a single thing about this life that he was forced to have. He needed a walk, he needed air, he needed to get away from everyone for just a minute. It’s only been a few hours since he was out of control of his body and attacked by a hippogriff and forced to go to the hospital where a healer refused to take care of him because of what he is. Not to mention a random healer decided to wedge her way into his life to try and help him for whatever reason. He needed a nap.
Remus headed out to the small backyard and collapsed onto a plastic chair. He closed his eyes and felt like maybe he could relax for a few minutes before the door slid open and Lily walked out. Remus grew close to Lily during their last few years at Hogwarts and he was beyond thrilled that she joined the little group of misfits they had. She had a bond with Remus that none of the boys could ever come close to replicating. He loved his friends and he was closer to them than anyone else in the world but his bond with Lily was special. He thought that their relationship would be one like he could have had with a sister.
She pulled another chair over and sat next to Remus, handing him the ice pack that had fallen when he stormed off. “I suppose you’re here to convince me to go through with this.”
Lily sighed and shrugged. “Not really. I think you should give it a shot but you’re right. You don’t know her and while it seems nice that she wants to help, you don’t know why she would. James was just excited to know there was someone else that wanted to help.”
She carefully rested a hand on his arm. “We all just want you to be happy and to have a good life that you deserve. Everyone is just excited at the idea that maybe this healer could be the one to help that.” Lily glanced at a new scar on his arm. “And if she’s as good at potion making as she is at healing, then I think she really could help.”
Remus looked at his arm. He had plenty of scars all over his body but the one on his arm that you had fixed earlier that morning was harder to see than the others. In fact some of them you did such a good job that there was hardly any evidence he had been hurt there in the first place. You had done a better job than anyone else ever had so maybe that did bode well for a cure.
“Give her one month, just one chance to figure this out and if it seems to go well or you think she isn’t weird, then it can’t hurt to keep trying. It really can’t hurt to give her a shot.”
“Fine but just one month.” Lily smiled and left Remus alone with his thoughts as she went back inside. He would agree to one month of help but Lily was wrong. This could end up hurting so many people. Remus had been hurt by strangers and friends but nothing hurt more than getting his hopes up only to have reality come crashing down on him and continuing to be a monster. This could hurt a lot.
@100gaysnails @weasleybuns @s1aaaaayyyyyyyt @steelthistle @asuperconfusedgirl @jsjcue @Andy200700 @7-seas-of-fat-bottomed-girls @daisydark @creepybloodykitty2 @avatheveela @themarauderswife7 @Mintyme101
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gusujay · 11 months
Ignoring the important life decisions of the month to focus on the life changing decision of whether I’m gonna cosplay as peter stamatin or clara for halloween
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Hi! I'm with the new headcannon. And again a crossover with Marvel. I haven't watched the last Spider-Man movie yet, but I know the plot and I really want to make this bun uncomfortable. Peter was once badly injured after fighting criminals and was found by Chen Yuzhi, who was passing by. He brings the guy to his clinic and treats him. Yuzhi does not remove the mask from his mask and treats wounds. When Spiderman wakes up, he is surprised that he does not feel pain and that the doctor did not take off his mask. Yuzhi just snorts and says that he is not the first superhero he treats and he respects the mystery of identity. Peter is confused and delighted at the same time. Yuzhi, not listening to the child's objections, forces him to eat and only after making sure that he has eaten everything, lets Peter go. And she also gives him food with her. To all Peter's objections, Yuzhi declares that since he has a fast regeneration and metabolism, he should eat well. Peter couldn't argue with Yuzhi/the child, the heads of triads and prominent politicians can't argue with him/ and takes food with him. Gradually, Peter, in the image of Spiderman, became friends with Yuzhi and his family. Jian Yuelou is willing to adopt this child and kill anyone who harms him. Keing accepted him as an older brother, Zhan Junbai tells his people to look after him, Yu Tanchun likes to talk to Peter/because he's a damn smart young man/ Somehow Peter had given away his secret to Jian Yuelou. More precisely, he got a patient already as Peter and was recognized by his voice. But his new friends did not react to this in any way. "Of course we don't like that you risk yourself, but we can't forbid you. Just remember that we will always help you"- that's what Parker heard. How will the Avengers react when they find out that Peter often disappears in Chinatown? When the story of Mysterio happens, Yuzhi and Yuelou were in Jingcheng and when the whole world forgot Peter, they remembered him. Let there be some anomaly in Jingcheng and the spell did not touch them. They find the lost Peter and take him with them. "I've always needed an assistant. Do you think you can handle it? "--that's what Peter heard from Chen Yuzhi and he just sobbed that there are those who remember him. Everyone comforts the teenager and takes care of him.
Ohh, cute. I can vibe with this
Chen Yuzhi had a…habit of finding trouble wherever he went
He also had a habit of picking up injured people on his way to work and bringing them to his clinic
And today was no exception
It was a typical morning, in his opinion, as he headed to his clinic in Chinatown when he noticed a young man (at least he assumed he was a young man by the body type and height) in a spandex suit and a mask covering his face in an alley, part of his suit stained a dark red
“Oh dear”
He then walked over to the young man and knelt down before he reached out and gently shook his shoulder
“Are you alright?  Hello?”
When the young hero didn’t answer, Chen Yuzhi hummed before he reached out and took them by the arm, carefully pulling them to their feet before he carefully maneuvered them so that they were draped over his back, almost as if he was piggie-backing them
Once the young hero was on his back, Chen Yuzhi slowly and carefully made his way to his clinic, careful not to jostle the young hero or their wound
When he finally arrived at his clinic, Chen Yuzhi opened his doors and pushed them open before he stepped inside and carried the young hero upstairs to the second floor of his clinic and over to one of the hospital beds, carefully placing the young man down on the bed before he looked him over
‘Hmm…how to do this…without ruining his suit or without taking off his mask…’
However, as he looked him over, Chen Yuzhi decided that ruining the suit would be better than trying to take off the mask, as suits could always be replaced
Once he had decided how he was going to go about doing the treatment, he reached over and grabbed a pair of scissors that he kept nearby before he carefully cut the suit away, making it easier for him to access it
After he had cut the suit away, Chen Yuzhi quickly headed downstairs and grabbed his kit before he headed back upstairs and over to the young hero, opening his kit before he got to work
Once he had stitched up the young man, Chen Yuzhi closed his kit and cleaned up before he quietly headed back downstairs to work, leaving the young hero to rest
A little while later, while Chen Yuzhi was still downstairs working, the young hero, Peter Parker, otherwise known as Spiderman, slowly woke up, and looked around, noting that he wasn’t in the alley anymore
‘Where am I?’
He then looked down to see that he was no longer wearing his spandex suit and instead was just wearing what looked like a hospital gown, making his eyes widen
“My suit…what happened to my suit?!”
“I had to cut it away.  It was the only way I could reach your wound”
Peter looked up to see Chen Yuzhi looking kindly at him, making him frown
“Who are you?”
Chen Yuzhi smiled
“Dr. Chen Yuzhi.  I’m the one who treated your wound”
Peter nodded slowly before his eyes widened and he reached up, quickly touching his face, only to find that it was still covered with his mask
Chen Yuzhi chuckled softly
“You needn’t worry, I know how important a super’s identity is to them, so I know how to treat heroes without removing their masks”
Peter frowned
“Who are you?  Really?”
Chen Yuzhi smiled
“I’m just a doctor, my boy.  Now, how should I address you?”
Peter gulped before he cleared his throat
“You can call me…Spiderman”
Chen Yuzhi hummed
“That would explain the spider emblem on your suit…I see”
He then looked at him and smiled
Peter nodded as Chen Yuzhi tilted his head
“How are you feeling?  Do you any pain?”
Peter hummed and felt himself all over before he shook his head
“No, I don’t”
He then looked at Chen Yuzhi and frowned
“What did you do?  What did you give me?”
Chen Yuzhi laughed and shook his head
“The only thing I gave you was anesthetics so that the surgery wouldn’t hurt.  I didn’t give you a special pill or anything like that nor did I heal you using supernatural powers.  I’m not that kind of doctor.  But I can give you some normal painkillers so that you won’t be in so much pain once the anesthetics wear off”
Peter was quiet before he looked at him and nodded
“I’d like that”
Chen Yuzhi smiled and nodded before he walked over to a shelf full of pills and reached out, grabbing a bottle before he opened it and shook out two pills, holding out his hand to Peter”
Peter smiled behind his mask and took the pills gratefully before he slowly pulled up his mask and popped the pills into his mouth, just as Chen Yuzhi held out a glass of water
“Drink.  Don’t swallow medicine without any water, it’s bad for your stomach”
Peter nodded and took the glass of water, chasing the pills with a few sips before he handed the glass back to Chen Yuzhi and looked at him
“Why did you treat me?”
Chen Yuzhi looked at him incredulously
“Did you expect me to just leave you in that alley to bleed out?”
Peter was quiet before he cleared his throat and shook his head as he pulled his mask down properly over his face
“No.  Thank you”
Chen Yuzhi nodded before he pointed at him
“Rest some more.  I’ll bring you food in a little bit”
Peter blinked before he shook his head
“Oh, no, I really…I really should get going—”
Chen Yuzhi fixed him with a look
“You will not be getting out of that bed until I say you can get out.  You’re still healing.  And while I know you’re a super and have fast healing metabolism, you still need to rest.  Understand?”
Peter gawked at him before he nodded
“Yes Dr. Chen”
Chen Yuzhi nodded
He then turned and headed back downstairs as Peter stared after him, rather shocked
No one had spoken to him like that since Aunt May and it was…both nice and also a little scary
He then let out a soft sigh before he laid back down and shut his eyes; he might as well get some rest
A few hours later, when Peter woke up, he found Chen Yuzhi at his side, a bowl of warm congee in his hands
“I don’t know if you like Chinese food but…this should warm you right up and make you feel better”
Peter looked at the bowl of congee for a moment before he reached out and took it from him before he looked at him
“Thank you”
Chen Yuzhi nodded
“I’ll leave you so that you can take off your mask and eat in peace”
Peter looked at him in shock as he pushed himself to his feet and headed back downstairs
Once he was gone, Peter looked down at the congee before he reached up and removed his mask, carefully placing it to his side before he picked up his spoon and began to eat, letting out a soft hum; this was delicious
After he had finished the bowl of congee, he placed it on the bedside table and reached over, picking up his mask and placing it back over his head just as Chen Yuzhi came back upstairs, a small smile on his face
“Well?  Was it enough?”
Peter looked at him and nodded
“Yeah, it was.  Thank you Dr. Chen”
Chen Yuzhi nodded
“Good, good.  Well, now that you’ve eaten, I think you should be okay to go home.  Come back and see me in a few days and I’ll take a look at your wound to make sure it’s healing properly”
Peter blinked before he nodded
He then looked down at himself
“Um…since you cut my suit, do you have um…”
Chen Yuzhi chuckled and walked over to him, holding out his backpack to him
“I hope you didn’t mind but I went through your bag to see if you had an extra pair of clothes”
He then smiled softly when he noticed how Peter stiffened
“Don’t worry, I didn’t look at anything else that might give away your real identity.  I promise”
Peter looked at him before he nodded and reached out, taking his bag from him
“Thanks Dr. Chen”
Chen Yuzhi smiled and nodded
“Of course.  Let me know if you need anything else”
He then turned and headed back downstairs, Peter staring after him before he smiled slightly and opened his bag, quickly taking out his change of clothes before he slipped out of bed and changed
Once he had changed, he quickly zipped up his bag and slung it over his shoulder before he headed downstairs and looked at Chen Yuzhi, who was working on paperwork
“Thank you, Dr. Chen”
Chen Yuzhi looked up at him and smiled, nodding
“Of course.  Please come by anytime”
Peter nodded before he turned and headed out of the clinic, quickly sending out a line of webbing before he disappeared in a flash, causing Chen Yuzhi to blink in surprise before he laughed softly
‘Spiderman indeed’
A few days after he had treated Peter, Chen Yuzhi was heading to a house call when he was suddenly stopped by two thugs, causing his eyes to widen in surprise as one of them brandished a knife
At the sight of the knife, Chen Yuzhi’s eyes widened even further, but before he could even call for help, one of the thugs suddenly went flying, causing Chen Yuzhi to let out a gasp of surprise, just as a fist suddenly knocked out the other thug and a figure landed before him
“Hey Dr. Chen!”
Chen Yuzhi blinked before he laughed in delight
“Hello Spiderman”
Peter grinned behind his mask
“Good thing I was in the neighborhood, huh?”
Chen Yuzhi laughed and nodded
“Yes, a very good thing”
“Yuzhi?  Who’s this?”
Both Peter and Chen Yuzhi turned to see Chen Yuzhi’s husband, Chief Jiang Yuelou, looking at them, mainly Peter, with narrowed eyes, causing Chen Yuzhi to smile and motion to Peter
“Yuelou, this is Spiderman.  I treated him in my clinic a few days ago and he just saved me from some thugs”
Jiang Yuelou hummed and nodded before he held out his hand to Peter
“Thank you”
Peter looked at him in surprise before he reached out and shook his hand, letting out a nervous laugh
“No one’s…no one’s ever thanked me before”
Chen Yuzhi and Jiang Yuelou looked at him in surprise
“You’re kidding”
Peter shook his head
“Nah, they just…I don’t know.  People see me as a nuisance”
Chen Yuzhi frowned
“But you’re…”
He then stopped himself from saying “just a kid” before he cleared his throat
“You’re not a nuisance, Spiderman”
Peter smiled weakly
“I’m glad you think so, Dr. Chen”
He then looked at them and cleared his throat
“Um, I gotta…I gotta go.  I’ll see you around”
He then threw out a web and swung off, Jiang Yuelou and Chen Yuzhi watching him leave before Chen Yuzhi shook his head
“How could people think a child is a nuisance?  That’s just terrible”
Jiang Yuelou looked over at him in surprise
“How do you know he’s a kid?”
Chen Yuzhi huffed
“Oh come on, Yuelou, you can hear it in his voice.  The poor thing’s no more than maybe a freshman…maybe a sophomore.  A child”
Jiang Yuelou hummed
“I trust you so…I’d have to agree, it’s cruel to call a child nuisance, especially when he’s just trying to do a good thing and help people”
Chen Yuzhi nodded before he looked over at him and frowned
“What are you doing here?”
Jiang Yuelou smiled
“I got called about the thugs, but it seems my services weren’t needed”
Chen Yuzhi hummed before he smiled
“I still have a house call to go to…I could use the company”
Jiang Yuelou blinked before he grinned
“I can certainly escort you, Dr. Chen”
Chen Yuzhi laughed and shook his head before he leaned over and gently nudge him
“Come on, let’s go.  I’m going to be late”
Jiang Yuelou smiled and nodded
“Of course.  Let’s go”
They then continued on their way; Jiang Yuelou protectively close to Chen Yuzhi
After saving Chen Yuzhi that one time, Peter decided to swing by Chinatown more often, mainly because he knew that if he did good and helped people there, he wouldn’t get yelled or shouted at but actually thanked
And he rather liked Chinatown
He had never visited before, mainly because he was always dealing with the Avengers or school, but he liked the smells and the fast talking/bartering of the store owners
And he liked visiting Chen Yuzhi
(In disguise, of course because he didn’t want them knowing his real identity)
But Chen Yuzhi didn’t seem to mind and always greeted him with a kind smile, and so did Jiang Yuelou, if he came by the clinic to visit
Sometimes he even got a friendly pat on the shoulder and that would just make Peter’s afternoon/evening (mainly because he missed Tony and having people who treated him…normally was just…really nice)
He also got to meet other members of Jiang Yuelou and Chen Yuzhi’s family sometimes, like Chen Yuzhi’s little sister Keying, who always smiled so brightly at him, Chen Yuzhi’s…brother (Peter didn’t know if he was his brother but Keying kept calling him “uncle” so he assumed that meant that he was his brother) Wang Meng (whom he thought he heard Jiang Yuelou say was a triad leader), and Jiang Yuelou’s friend Zhan Junbai and his husband, Yu Tangchun
Peter really liked the strange family…they were kind and fun to talk to (the threats of violence he had to get used to but once he realized that they were threatening violence against those who might try to be mean to him…he didn’t mind it as much)
Of course, he did his best to keep his real identity a secret but sometimes you couldn’t always get what you want because one day, he and Ned decided to head to Chinatown, mainly because Ned had been craving some authentic Chinese food
So they walked around, enjoying the smells and the stalls and the bartering, when Peter noticed some shady looking people heading towards Chen Yuzhi’s clinic, causing his eyes to widen before he looked over at Ned
“Hey, uh…I gotta pick something up for Aunt May.  Why don’t you go on ahead and I’ll catch up?”
Ned nodded before he turned and continued on in search of a good restaurant while Peter turned and ran towards Chen Yuzhi’s clinic, slipping inside just in time to see one of the shady thugs raising a knife towards Chen Yuzhi’s unsuspecting back as he searched through patient files
“Dr. Chen, look out!”
He then shot a web at the attacker before he yanked them away, causing Chen Yuzhi to spin around in shock, his eyes wide as he watched Peter easily take down the thugs before Peter looked at him and smiled weakly
“Um…should I go find Chief Jiang?  And tell him about this?”
Chen Yuzhi looked at him for a moment before he nodded slowly
“Yes, probably”
Peter nodded before he turned to head out of the clinic when Chen Yuzhi looked at him
Peter froze and turned to look at him with wide eyes as he smiled slightly
“Thank you”
Peter blinked before he nodded and turned, rushing out of the clinic as Chen Yuzhi smiled and shook his head
Meanwhile, Peter continued to run through Chinatown, searching for Jiang Yuelou, when he soon came upon him out on patrol
“Chief Jiang!  Chief Jiang!”
At his title, Jiang Yuelou looked up and blinked in surprise to see Peter running towards him
“Do I know you?”
Peter huffed
“It’s me, Peter!  Peter Parker!”
Jiang Yuelou shook his head
“I’m sorry, I don’t—”
Peter groaned before he looked at him
“Dr. Chen was almost attacked!  The suspects are still in his clinic”
Jiang Yuelou’s eyes widened
“What?!  Show me!”
Peter nodded before he turned and ran back towards Chen Yuzhi’s clinic, Jiang Yuelou right on his heels
When they arrived at the clinic, Jiang Yuelou rushed past Peter and ran inside, looking at the two unconscious thugs before he ran over to Chen Yuzhi and cupped his face in his hands
“Yuzhi!  Are you okay?”
Chen Yuzhi looked at him and nodded
“I’m fine, Yuelou”
He then looked over at Peter and smiled
“Thanks to Spiderman here”
Jiang Yuelou’s eyes widened and he looked over at Peter in surprise
“You?  You’re Spiderman?”
Peter blushed embarrassedly before he looked at Chen Yuzhi
“How did you uh…”
Chen Yuzhi chuckled
“How did I know?  Your voice”
Peter looked at him in surprise as Jiang Yuelou nodded
“Yeah, I hear the resemblance now”
Peter looked at both of them with wide eyes before he shook his head
“I should install a voice modifier in my suit…”
Chen Yuzhi shook his head
“You don’t have to do that.  Besides us, who knows about your real identity?”
Peter shook his head
“Uh…just Ned?”
Chen Yuzhi smiled
“Then you’re fine.  And we won’t tell, don’t worry”
Jiang Yuelou nodded
“You can trust us”
Peter looked at them before he nodded
He then cleared his throat
“Uh…I gotta catch up with Ned but…I’ll see you later!”
He then turned and ran out of the clinic as Jiang Yuelou hummed softly
“You were right.  Just a kid”
Chen Yuzhi huffed
“Of course I was right.  I’m always right”
Jiang Yuelou looked over at him and smirked
“Not always, dear”
Chen Yuzhi rolled his eyes
He then looked at the unconscious men and sighed
“What are we going to do about these men?”
Jiang Yuelou looked down at the men as well before he hummed
“I’ll take care of them”
He then reached down and grabbed the thugs by the back of their shirts before he dragged them out of the clinic, Chen Yuzhi watching him leave with a small fond smile
After leaving Chen Yuzhi’s clinic, Peter didn’t show up for a while, mainly because he was trying to enjoy his youth and enjoy his school trip but then Mysterio showed up and fucked up everything by revealing his identity to the fucking world and then he spent time afterwards having to clean up the mess by having his entire existence erased from the fucking world (while also losing Aunt May in the process)
So…overall, he was not having a good time
A few months after the whole…incident, Peter returned to Chinatown and made his way to Chen Yuzhi’s clinic, quietly stepping inside before he looked around and shut his eyes, breathing in the smell of the herbs and the medicine
At his name, Peter spun around to see Chen Yuzhi coming down the stairs from the second floor, surprise in his brown eyes
“Peter, what are you doing here?”
Peter stared at him for a moment before he rushed over to him and threw his arms around him, Chen Yuzhi stumbling back in surprise before he slowly wrapped his arms around him
“Peter?  Peter, what’s wrong?”
Peter, however, didn’t answer and just sobbed into his shoulder, causing Chen Yuzhi to frown but he didn’t say anything as he just gently rubbed Peter’s back comfortingly
As he was comfortingly Peter, Jiang Yuelou came into the clinic and when he saw what was going on, he gave Chen Yuzhi a look of confusion, only for Chen Yuzhi to shake his head in return
When Peter finally calmed down, Chen Yuzhi looked at him and smiled kindly
“Why don’t we go upstairs?  You can explain what happened”
Peter nodded before he slipped away and headed upstairs, Jiang Yuelou and Chen Yuzhi looking over at each other before they headed upstairs to join Peter
Once they were all upstairs, Peter explained what happened with his trip, with Mysterio, with having his identity revealed, with meeting others like him from the multiverse, with losing Aunt May, and having Dr. Strange cast a spell to wipe his existence from everyone’s memory, all while doing his damndest to not break down any more than he had earlier
After listening to his tale, both Jiang Yuelou and Chen Yuzhi looked at him sympathetically before they reached out and wrapped their arms around him, hugging him tightly
As their arms went around him, Peter felt tears fill his eyes before he broke down again, crying even harder than when he cried when Chen Yuzhi first called his name
He cried and cried, his cries even turning to wails at one point, before he pulled away and wiped his eyes, looking over at Chen Yuzhi
“How do you…how do you still remember me?  The spell was supposed to wipe everyone’s memories.  All over the world”
Chen Yuzhi shrugged
“I don’t know.  I don’t know but it’s a good thing that we didn’t get hit with the spell because I don’t think you can handle any more bad things right now, Peter”
Peter was quiet before he let out a whimper as he nodded
He then sniffled as Jiang Yuelou reached out and cupped the back of his neck
“Hey.  We were actually planning on moving back to Jing City…you wanna come with us?”
Peter looked over at him in surprise
Chen Yuzhi smiled and nodded
“Really.  And besides…I could always use an assistant.  Are you up for that?”
Peter looked over at him with wide eyes before he nodded, brightening significantly
Jiang Yuelou and Chen Yuzhi both laughed before Jiang Yuelou gave Peter’s neck a gentle squeeze
“Come on, pack your things.  We leave tomorrow”
Peter’s eyes widened and he nodded before he quickly shot to his feet and ran over to the stairs, about to rush down them when he stopped and turned, looking at the two men
“Thank you.  Seriously.  Thank you”
He then turned and continued down the stairs, Jiang Yuelou and Chen Yuzhi watching him leave with small smiles on their faces
After moving to Jing City, Peter had never been happier
Sure he missed MJ and Ned and all of his friends back in New York…but here in Jing City he didn’t have to worry about the Avengers or Fury or Mysterio or being a superhero and risking his life…
Here he could just help Chen Yuzhi with his work, learn the language, enjoy the amazing food…and just be Peter
Not “Spiderman”
But Peter
And he liked it
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I'm writing a multichapter platonic Peter Parker & reader whump/ hurt comfort fic that I probably won't be posting here
If you want to check it out, bon apetit
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onewaytheonlyway · 2 years
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He will Himself make you strong. 1 Peter 5:10
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Guys guys
Why are you fighting about the ships??? Just make them all poly boom, problem solved. Then there's no fighting.
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soundingstars · 1 year
Peter Parker Verses Alec Lightwood Verses Request Only Verses Hoyoverse Verses Anime Verses C/K Drama Verses
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emyn-arnen · 2 months
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Then the heart of Éowyn changed, or else at last she understood it. And suddenly her winter passed, and the sun shone on her.  'I stand in Minas Anor, the Tower of the Sun,' she said; 'and behold! The Shadow has departed! I will be a shieldmaiden no longer, nor vie with the great Riders, nor take joy only in the song of slaying. I will be a healer, and love all things that grow and are not barren.' And again she looked at Faramir. 'No longer do I desire to be a queen,' she said. Then Faramir laughed merrily. 'That is well,' he said; 'for I am not a king.'
The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King (2003, dir. Peter Jackson)
The Return of the King by J. R. R. Tolkien (published October 1955)
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hybridreviews · 2 years
Anime DISCOVERY & TIME of the SEASON Present: The WORST Anime of 2022
The bullshit commences!!!
Well, 2022 was something of a year for anime. Maybe some things for the best and yet for the worst. This is the year that the Funimation brand is gone and absorbed into Crunchyroll as they now have a monopoly on the anime game since they also gotten RightStuf and it’s getting kind of tiresome at this point. Yeah, I know AMC Holdings has gotten Sentai Filmworks/HiDive but that honestly worked out…
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daportalpractitioner · 4 months
pisces degrees in the natal chart (12°, 24°)
12° = starseed. the planet tells you about your spiritual gifts. natual connection to your spiritual DNA. feel disconnected from earth family. potential for telepathy to be your strong suit. don't be so hard on yourself. flakey. not a lot of friends. very empathetic. strong intuition. mystical. escapist tendencies. peter pan syndrome. sensitive immune system. toxic positivity. inherent wisdom. needs to unlock certain codes in order for life to make sense. aware of spiritual purpose. came from a line of healers. very compassionate. dreamy outlook on life. creative. inspiring.
24° = spiritual practitioner. strong manifestor. a very painful experience of loss + death. innerstands metaphysics. needs to learn the importance of staying devoted to faith/spiritual practice. must make painful sacrifices. deep shedding taking place in this lifetime. past life wounds wanting to be healed. past life trauma coming up. intense shifts + activations to embody your innerG(od). tests of integrity. divorce self-sabotage. don't run away from your purpose. imposter syndrome. fighting addiction. commitment issues. many soul mate encounters from past life. break up with self-neglect. very protected by divine council. mediumship skills.
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a-asterias · 2 years
— micaela's february recs
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ty to all these amazing writers who have left me with butterflies in my stomach and/or tears rolling down my face, much appreciated <3
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— nikolai lantsov.
young royals by @clairecrive
currents by @lantsovsupremacist
↳ you are in love
the art of pretension by @fleurspun
↳ sick and stubborn
↳ healer's duties
love language by @fishley
speak up by @prince-septimus
sugar cube by @magpiencrow
a dare for a truth by @sumsebien
— kaz brekker.
when am i gonna lose you? by @crowsmybeloveds
confrontations in a lonely club by @curseofaphrodite
what do you want from me? by @romeomontaague
silent birthdays by @amourology
↳ schat
you are done for by @sumsebien
this is what happens by @fishley
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— peter parker.
you more than anything by @nghtwngs
↳ you love me, i love you
on that rooftop by @nezuscribe
skateboards, the force, and a lack of pants by @damnedparker
secrets and skateparks by @earthgirl616
aurora by @mgparker
scenes from a modern romance by @dameronology
— marc spector.
just let me dream a little more by @the-archxr
— matt murdock.
green is the color by @courtforshort15
the defence rests by @dameronology
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— jj maybank.
hot for a pogue by @butgilinsky
meet me at our spot by @amourology
— rafe cameron.
midsummers by @butgilinsky
so gorgeous it actually hurts by @folkloreslovechild
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— fred weasley.
after all this time by @httpbakugou
— james potter.
five times james wanted to kiss you and the one time he did by @moonlitmeeks
— sirius black.
all your fault by @heloisedaphnebrightmore
↳ absurd ideas
'cause i don't want you like a best friend by @evermoreal
grand scheme by @fishley
— remus lupin.
it's time to go by @godlessandwrecked
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— benedict bridgerton.
en garde by @delphispoeticals
show me love by @romeomontaague
— anthony bridgerton.
should've never let go by @writeroutoftime
illicit affairs by @marwritesgood
— colin bridgerton.
alone together by @romeomontaague
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— bradley bradshaw.
delirium by @kyber-crystal
↳ head in the clouds
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— sherlock holmes.
invisible string by @marwritesgood
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— lo'ak.
in full bloom by @loaksky
— neteyam.
warm hands by @loaksky
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— aemond targaryen.
corridor kisses by @flowerpotmage
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georgie-weasley · 1 year
Deep Wounds Series Masterlist
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Remus Lupin x fem!healer!reader multi part series
“What deep wounds ever closed without a scar?” -Lord Byron
Series Summary: a multi part series about Remus and healer!reader slowly falling in love and trying to navigate the werewolf side of Remus
Series Warnings: swearing, doctors/healers, blood, wounds, werewolves, discrimination against werewolves
All Writings Masterlist Taglist
Chapter 1
Chapter 1.5: Coming Soon
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