#heatwave x quickshadow
anonymousbeeblurr · 4 months
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My mutuals and friends have not convinced me about the HeatShadow ship
I'm sorry guys but I'm out for this one
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Quickshadow and Heatwave
Their relationship would be so playfully (and at times not so playfully) competitive lmao 8/10
I don’t think I could see Heatwave getting with any other femme than Quickshadow.
They’d love challenging each other and sharpening their skills. I feel like they’d unintentionally piss each other off sometimes though, by overcorrecting the other.
That would be a test of their relationship, however, if they could communicate and get though arguments without calling it off.
With Quickshadow off doing her spy missions and such, I think it would work great for them that they each get their respective space. They would do long-distance phenomenally!
They would truly be a power couple. I mean, C’MON! Would you want to fight this duo??
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dragonsgirl572 · 21 days
my mutuals really like heatshadow which is making me, someone who wasn't really a fan of it, really like it as well.
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figitorynonsense · 1 year
erp heres uh some pride bots
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they look a little wonky since i havent drawn em in a deca-cycle 🥲🥲🥲🥲
enjoy tho
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starscoffeecreamer · 4 months
Not the OG anon but I want to know your NSFW rescue bot headcannona please.
okie dokie (putting this under a read more)
-They all have boobs, don't ask me how but they do. Boulder's got the smallest, nice, firm, weighty ones. Chase has the second smallest, but they're perky, soft and easy to cup. Blades has the second largest, they're squishy and bouncy and have pretty orange highlights. And Heatwave has the biggest, they're weighty, the perfect mix between firm and soft, and have red and yellow highlights on them
-Boulder's got the girthiest spike and Blades has the longest
-Heatwave tops despite being on the recieving end of a spike.
-Boulder has a huge breeding k1nk, and likes to go all-natural. Whenever Blades and Bumblebee frag him, he never makes them use protection unless they want to (usually they don't)
-High Tide, like Ratchet, was a partier during the War. He's got a few kids (for example, I hc seaspray and nautica as two of his kids) that he misses a lot. Unlike Ratchet, however, he used protection often, so he didn't have to worry about kids much.
-Quickshadow sometimes has threesomes with Heatwave and Chase. She doms both of them
-Blades would probably be the one most likely to wear lingerie
-Boulder has love handles that Bee and Blades grab during interface. He's a pretty chubby mech and lets them frag his thighs too.
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sinblurnshockblurr · 3 months
I think you'd like this story: " transformers without any context (18+) " by anonymoussprinter on Wattpad https://www.wattpad.com/story/371595826?utm_source=android&utm_medium=com.tumblr&utm_content=story_info&wp_page=story_details_button&wp_uname=anonymoussprinter
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sun-light-ratchet · 2 months
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"Prime, I wouldn't do this." Charlie warned, putting his hand on the holster of his tox-en knife. He had bought it from Swindle and only carried it when he thought he would use it. It was too dangerous for everyday carry.
"Where is Heatwave? He hasn't reported in." Optimus sounded angry, his plating flared and smokestacks steaming.
"He's busy sir." Chase said. "With the wedding."
"Whose wedding?" Optimus asked, a cold edge to his voice.
"My daughter and Blades." Charlie said. Optimus was shocked. "They haven't proposed yet, but it's practically set in stone.
"Literally," Chase said. "Dani's wedding rings came in yesterday, and Blades's conjunx medal has been custom ordered."
"Which means?" Charlie said, a smirk on his face.
"By Autobot code on interspecies marriage, the deployed bot must stay at a base within a visitable distance of their spouse, especially if there's additional dependents. Blades would be duty bound to stay on the nearest autobot base to Dani." Chase recited.
"We will relocate her then. Blades is needed in China." Optimus said.
"Optimus, with all due respect, that's a twelve hour one-way plane trip to and from Griffin Rock. And even if you used the ground bridge, Dani isn't fluent in Chinese or Mandarin, never mind getting a job in her field. It would require her to renounce her American passport, become fluent in both languages, pass the citizenship exam, and then the civil service exam. The process would take years, and she would have to start over in her career, retaking all the licenses exams too. She would be confined to the house, with very little access to the community before she reaches fluency." Charlie said.
Optimus sighed. "Very well. I will reassign someone else. It's been a while since I have seen my son. I still want to see a report from Heatwave by the end of the week."
Optimus transformed and drove through an open ground bridge.
"Sir, when will you tell Optimus that Heatwave is deceased?"
"When I can plan an accident to cover up the hole in his crotch. Bastard had to have the weirdest place for a subspace, didn't he. I like your new cyber matter avatar. Doc Greene worked wonders with the base design. I'm glad you added your own personal touches. Maybe later I could find out how personal?" Charlie smirked as Chase's avatar blushed.
"I would be happy to if I still feel up to it."
"If not, we will take a rain check. Your alt mode does need a bath, you know."
Chase's avatar blushed harder. "Could we keep it platonic? I really just want a quiet evening and sleep in my alt mode tonight."
"You know what? For your quick thinking, I will give you some cash and you can go to the car wash you like on main street. The one with the soft scrubbers."
Chase beamed. "Thank you, boss."
"That's alright, my siren."
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gombazsofia · 1 year
Srácok, azt találtam, hogy Hotshot bigander, wedge bi és transz, Whirl bi, medix transz fiú, emelő pedig egyenes. Mivel az én ajkam Quickshadowx hőhullám, boulderx pengék, wedgexhotshot, whoist. Hotshot igazi gander fem ő/ő (tudom, hogyan is kell mondani helyesen) van egy ikertestvére Kagami, ő pan és egy lil húga Lita (Elita), szomorúan árvák, Quickshadow és Firefrost (húga) pedig anya és nagynénje. A Heatwave és a Quickshadow esküvője az S2-ben volt az S3-ban, ahol Hotshot, Kagami és Lita fogadták. Wedge and Hoist boulder és Blades fiakat fogadtak örökbe, és van egy big testvérük, Bladez. Scorhs a hotshot ex-je (és ő d!ckhead). A The Twins nagyon jó énekes és táncos. Hotshot and Whirl a legjobb barátok. The grils
van egy beceneve: Hotshot=HS/sunshine, Kagami=Kamie, Whirl= fly girl (és nem a d!ckhead ex hívja ezt először),
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annabelle-creart · 4 months
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How the AViVA’s song says: never understand what i’m cooking (Houdini by AViVA)
Ok, if you remember the post where I said I remembered what I wanted to do before forgetting it, it was something like this
The Sweet Tooth brainrot is making fun of me and wanted me to make an Au
So, here’s my Tf Rescue Bots x Sweet Tooth Au, where the bots (excepting Hightide) are Hybrids kids and the Rescue Team, simple humans from Maine, save them and protect them
At first I wanted them to be like cyberorganic and not completely hybrids but then I said “nah, let’s make them kids” because i wanted some animal kids shenanigans and here we are
I just saw that I forgot to make Sissi, shit, well, Sissi is undetermined, but I want her to be a fox.
The wolves triplet are Shockwave, Soundwave and Heatwave
The kids with Graham are Boulder (left) and Bulkhead (right) and are hedgehogs, the big man is Hightide and the kids he have on his arms are Blurr (left) and Salvage (right), a saanen goat and a german shepherd dog
The kids above Hightide are Cody and Frankie as apocalypse teens HAJAHSJS. Ft. Kade and Quickshadow as an owl
And the red panda and the budgie are Chase and Blades
I sincerely just wanted to sketch a little but let’s make some backstory
When the great crumble happened, Griffin Rock had to close to any kind of person, but chief Burns couldn’t let the kids, the new hybrids, by their own, he was sure they wouldn’t survive with the angry people and wanted to make something, so, he left the island with the hope he could save some, and so he did, a year later he came back with some kids, and after seeing they’re not contagious, Griffin Rock became a secret sanctuary for hybrids, but the job was still undone and Charlie had to go, since then, Kade became rescue chief and made sure to protect both citizens and hybrid orphans, especially when the new pregnancies resulted on hybrids and the people started to really fear the kids, but sometimes, he’s replaced by his siblings to make his dad company at mainland and help him.
Thanks to Griffin Rock’s tech, the island never was found again by people, especially the Last Men, who hunted hybrids, making their own ways to reach mainland without being reached, at that times, Graham, the engineer of the Rescue Team, Ezra Greene, scientist lead, and Hightide, named Horace in this Au, a retired Navy and marine soldier, have to help guiding the kids when Charlie can’t
As Kade, Frankie and Cody became also “saviors of hybrids” because they wanted
And for Morrocco, Madeline and the other zoo guy I don’t remember the name, I wanted to kill them with the Sick (the virus that fucked up everything) but it would be fun to have them trying to reach Griffin Rock, like, Morrocco needs the kids blood to make a cure for the Sick but he really wants to stay young with their blood, and Madeline is a racist who uses the kids as trophies and her influences to hunt the kids and the zoo guy want them for their zoo or something, like with the bots :=)
This group, the triplet, the twins, Blurr, Salvage, Quickshadow, Chase and Blades, were the hardest to find and save, because they were bought by the Last Men to be used on experiments, the wolf triplet could escape before being Last Men's soup and found Charlie using their noses, they told them everything as they could because Shockwave was the only one who knew to talk but poorly, so, Charlie prepared an ambush when the kids were transported by train to save them, the equivalents of Hence, Board, Bridget, Stone and Grill were already used, never were find again, but the rest were rescued and sent to Griffin Rock. their lives became a little brighther since then.
But the Last Men weren't the only ones who wanted the hybrids…
Whatever, don’t mind my crazy ass🙃
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anonymousbeeblurr · 4 months
I love this Ship
Eu amo esse ship
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llamawrites · 6 months
Quickshadow x Heatwave and their adopted (not really) son Cody.
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gamecrash716 · 27 days
Another One Bites the Dust
For @gelu-the-babosa-multiversal
For timing, the TFRB x AEMH happened in season three Snap takes place two years later, one year before season four
Here comes the best part (For me, not you) the list of everyone who lives and dies (All characters that I will write about) (Avengers and Other Marvel characters will be added later)
Cody Burns Kade Burns Myles Priscilla Pynch Anna Baranova CeCe Greene (Anna is just pregnant with her) Frankie Greene Chase Heatwave Blurr Knockout Quickshadow (They haven't met her yet) Bumblebee (He does not take it well with Blades is dead) Servo Shockwave (Shockwave redemption real?) Arcee Ratchet Miko Jack Darby Agent Fowler
Charlie Burns Dani Burns Graham Burns Madeline Pynch Evan Ezra Greene Blades Boulder Hightide Salvage Optimus Prime Megatron Soundwave Breakdown (Airachnid did not kill him) Starscream Raf Bulkhead June Darby
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capn-rikshu · 6 months
Wow the 'Boulder x Quickshadow' post got more traction than I thought it would lol. I think I'll elaborate now.
I only thought about it when I was writing my fic (it's still ongoing but it's in a bit of a hiatus). There are scenes of them that can be kinda 'romantically' intoned. Canonically Boulder and Quickshadow barely interacted but I see their dynamic romantically as sorta playful, less teasing as Heatwave and Quickshadow. Quickshadow would flirt and Boulder would either be flustered or play along with her advances. I don't think they would immediately be open about their relationship.
It would be a mature/sensible romance, I don't see much drama coming about from it.
I think the team would find the relationship surprising, who would expect the modest bulldozer and the snarky spy become a couple? I think Dani would be most shocked, maybe she is a HeatShadow shipper hehe.
Maybe there can be some drama with Heatwave. I actually ship Boulder x Heatwave (my rare otp) and Quickshadow x Heatwave as well. Maybe he'd feel conflicted.
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figitorynonsense · 2 years
RB ship drawings #2:
this, as usual is posted with consent of the requestee, @wildlygay!!
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Quickshadow X Heatwave
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