#hecate headcanons // goddess of magic and witchcraft
calliopescorner · 1 year
I'd love to know about Hecate or Hestia in the rewrite! Or if they are going to be important/otherwise present in it?
(Hestia is done!)
Before the new pact was made, Hecate still tried to be there for her children when they needed her most. She could provide a boon if she was available, and even (though rarely) visit them in their dreams to give them magical advice. However, she was also working with the surviving titans, as they were her family, as well as working with the other Underworld gods and goddesses. This prevented her from being able to see her children all the time.
When she joined the Titan Army, she only did under the promise that her children would be kept safe. Kronos agreed, and Hecate actually got to know her children much more closely during the Second Titanomachy. Through this the bonds of her children became stronger.
Now, she visits her children on their 12th, 18th, and 21st birthdays, as well as their birthdays on the decade-marks. She also visits them every other month at Camp Empeiria. She loves her children immensely and loves to teach them how to hone their unique forms of magic. While she may be taller and more mysterious, not divulging into her past, she does offer her children affection when she comes to see them.
She is a virgin goddess, but she can create her children using magic and different elements of nature. This, along with some of the blood from her lover, creates the newborn demigod baby.
Her cabin is made out of dark wood, with some rocks at the bottom for foundation. The walls are painted purple and two green torch-flames sit outside the door. The door has Hecate’s three faces carved into it. The cabin has been blessed and protected by the different plants grown around it, including some of the magical herbs that were grown from Kronos’ blood. The cabin is blessed to not be destroyed from the outside. In the busier months at Camp Empeiria, some children of Hecate and Hermes have been known to set up a small stand for potions outside the cabin.
Inside, the cabin is very cluttered with different tools for magic and potions. Not a single space is clear, and everyone uses the space to set up different things. It is considered very messy, even when things are “put where they belong.” There are stains on the walls from potions and magic that glow slightly at night. There is a pet polecat that lives somewhere in the cabin. There are books, vials, potions, flowers, and other ingredients found everywhere, with dried flowers being hung, candles being lit on windowsills, and tons of different books on the history of magic.
The cabin has been close with the Hermes children, as they also share powers related to paths, language, and travel. They also share an alliance with the Hypnos children, who give them Lethe water to help aid potion creation. Together, the three cabins team up for many different Camp activities, and friendships are made between them.
The older children of Hecate, who were in the Titan Army, are very protective of their siblings. This level of protection is passed down through the other cabin counselors of Hecate. They are encouraged to help their siblings with magic, though this can lead to the cabin getting rather noisy at its most full. Many talk over each other, and interruption is common.
Demigods who get overwhelmed by the noise are able to go and get some space outside, though they may also have to deal with any onlookers watching them practice. The cabin tends to be more chaotic during the later hours of the day, so going to practice earlier in the morning can be helpful.
Every other month, Hecate comes to teach her children magic by the light of the month’s full moon. She is able to give them advice and help them find clues from different aspects of nature, as well as teach them about how different magical ingredients grow at different times of the year. This allows her also to catch up with her children, and be in a very comfortable spot for all of them to practice magic together without worrying about many of the other demigod dangers.
Mageia (Witchcraft)
Manipulation of the Mist
Zoolingualism with polecats
Limited necromancy
Enhanced strength and speed at night
Reblog or @/ this blog if it inspires you to make your own child of Hecate! Thank you @themythicalgeek for the request!
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audreyscribes · 1 month
Author’s Note: Diana following right after Apollo here we goooo. This one is going to be very similar to the Artemis headcanons but there are some twists after I did some research on Diana and made some conclusions. The Huntresses are going to eat good today! ROMAN DEMIGODS H/CS MASTERLIST LINKS: [TUMBLR] // [AO3]
Alright, unlike Apollo, there are some differences that Diana has with Artemis. For one thing, Diana is considered a triple deity; a deity with three forms that function as an entire whole, with Diana merged with Luna/Selene, and the underworld, Hecate. (this also applies vise-versa with Hecate’s roman aspect, Trivia), so Diana is witchcraft associated with not only Hecate, but also Nyx, and Erebeus.
So when the Huntresses of Diana and Artemis merge, the latter have a bit of an adjustment to get used to. While they both serve the same goddess with the same values and oaths, and in turn there’s less of a conflict compared to the Greeks and Roman merge, it’s still something to get used to.
So with Diana being a goddess of crossroads (kinda), you often find promising hunteress or those seeking Diana/Artemis’ help at crossroads, if not looking for Hecate/Trivia.
While Diana and Artemis are two separate beings, sort of, it’s not as severe when among her huntresses. She’s not as coherent like Apollo, but it’s something.
As huntresses, magic is more of an applied skill now. There was always magical elements when you hunt, but its very everyday with your parkas, your tents, and the like, with Diana, it’s more incorporated. Using and chanting spells, bestowing blesses and curses, and healing and hurting are part of your skills as much as tracking and your archery skills.
Speaking of magic, you’ll find yourself in more contact with more diverse people. Not just magical folk, but also those who respect and pray to Diana, Hecate, among other gods. Those who practise Wicca are one of  those among those folks, and they are often times happy to invite your goddess and the hunters into their home and allowing you brief hospitality. In times, they’ve also helped when required and in turn often alert you and the huntresses of any dangers or evils they have seen.
Since Diana is considered a triple deity, associated with other gods like Hecate, Nyx, Erebus, and Selene/Luna, as part of the practice, the hunteress observe moon viewing parties or participate in nightly rituals. What those rituals are exactly no one knows except for a true hunteress of Diana/Artemis, but what I can tell you is that it involves the moon, its phases, offerings. I’ve said too much but only the night and moon knows. Don’t pry or let anyone uninvited know; the wild forest is already dangerous but now its a magical, wild forest; if you’re not careful, you’ll be lucky to just get lost or be turned into a deer. 
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scarlet--wiccan · 1 day
Seeing you said about having headcanons and ideas about the witches road, I was wondering if you could show us a few of what's in your mind?
For sure! So, in the TV show, the Road is presented as a series of magical trials that witches have to overcome to receive power and other rewards. That's a tried and true fantasy trope, but it's not really how the Road is presented in comics. In Scarlet Witch, it appears to be more of spirit world, with branching paths representing different folklore and mythology. It's also home to the Witchcraft goddess, an abstract entity personifying witchcraft itself and the natural laws that govern it. The Road also leads to other worlds and planets beyond Earth, and contains a special afterlife realm where witches go when they die, and which seems to frequently enable their return.
We've never really seen witches visit the Road under "normal" circumstances, so it's hard to say how often they visit, but I think the logical assumption is that it's a special place where witches go to commune with gods, spirits and ancestors, and something they can use as a means of inter-world/inter-planar travel, sort of like the Bifrost. I would really like to see it incorporated into more stories any time witches need to gather, communicate, or visit other worlds. These days, most of the spellcasters in Marvel comics can just astral project or make portals when they need to get around, but I think magic is more interesting when you add these details and devices.
Just for fun, I designed some imaginary grimoire pages explaining the rules and layout of the Road. To be clear, this is basically fanfiction-- I have a strictly-canon breakdown here.
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As for story ideas, I have a few--
I wrote this outline for Hecate's return as a recurring villain.
Billy's mentioned receiving magical lessons and mentorship from Wanda, but we've never seen this on-page. Obviously, teleporting between Throneworld and Earth isn't hard for them, but the Road would be a convenient place for them to meet up without having to physically travel. Staging conversations there could be an organic way to bring up stuff like the Scarlet Witch lineage, how Billy fits into it.
On a related note, I've always wondered if it would be possible for some of the other Maximoffs to walk the Road-- we've talked about the possibility of including Tommy and Pietro in the magical world, and I've also said that having Luna explore her magical potential would be a great way to stage meaningful conversations about heritage.
Outside of the Maximoffs, there are a lot of characters in this particular corner of the Marvel world who would benefit from unpacking some of their ancestral baggage. Zoe Laveau, Alice Gulliver, and Nico Minoru are all top of mind. I would love if the next step in Nico's journey was to reach closure with her mom's history, and forge her own staff so she can reclaim that power on her own terms.
If we ever revisit Agatha's history with the coven at Mount Wundagore, including the Witches' Road would be a natural choice. I'm imagining Agatha convincing Nico, Zoe, and some of the other coven descendants to walk the Road in order to revive an old magical pact between the families. Agatha would obviously make a power grab, but the descendants-- maybe with help from Wanda-- would thwart her by altering the pact to be more equitable. (yes, this is my idea of a more in-character version of the TV plot.)
Chthon is free again. We know that there is a history of witches and the Witchcraft goddess binding chaos magic, and I think that Wanda is coming around to the idea that she can't, or shouldn't, shoulder that burden alone. Reviving the old coven, or maybe forming a new one, could the first step in binding Chthon more sustainably, and maybe the witches will need to walk the Road in order to get help from the goddess.
Hexfinder also has history with the Witchcraft goddess. If she's going to be a recurring villain, I'd like to revisit that. I imagine that Wanda would want to find a way to settle the debt between Witchcraft and the alchemists, not just to get Nicola off her back, but to provide genuine, transformative justice. That's the core principle of how Wanda operates as a solo hero.
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teecupangel · 1 year
I have this idea that might interest you:
Desmond gets reborn as Shaun's twin: a normal family, modern(ish) comforts, a good friend for a brother, what's not to like, right? And sure, sometimes weird things happen, like when he got so angry he melted the fork he held... he'll just chalk it up to the Isu nonsense, okay?
Only he can't.
Because he's eleven.
There is a letter.
And a professor.
With a wand.
Is this... what the hell... is he in Harry Potter!?! (Yes, Desmond. Yes, you are.)
If I'm counting right, Desmond's first DADA teacher would be Umbridge. Second's Snape. And then all the hell comes loose.
(related crossover headcanon that might come in handy: "modern tech is pretty much copied from the Isu tech" × "magic interferes with modern technology" + "religions are based around Isus" × "witchcraft is considered sinful across cultures" = magic is human domain and fundamentaly anti-isu)
Okay, so if Desmond was reborn, Imma assume that we’re going for the Yew Branches rules of rebirth where Desmond remembers his past life and has the skills of his Bleeds (but with foggy memories and shackled by the limitation of his young body) so in this scenario, he’d definitely be the chill twin and the one who always makes sure Shaun doesn’t get into fights because of his tongue and doesn’t stay too long thinking of the weirdest strangest things that would later become the foundation of his conspiracies.
He’d also be more inclined to join Shaun in reading and maybe Shaun’s interest in history would only be propelled by his twin’s own interest.
So it would be a surprise when they hear that Desmond is the younger twin because he’s pretty much Shaun’s minder and their parents are ever so grateful.
Also… the whole “is he in Harry Potter!?!” sounds so much like he knows about Harry Potter which means Harry Potter was a book series in his world.
And this means…
We finally have a “Desmond is the ultimate isekai protagonist” fic idea where Desmond ends up in one of the most commonly used setting in isekais!
The “I got transported into this book I read” setting!
There is a problem though…
Shaun is born on 16 November 1985 (he’s 2 years older than Desmond) so Desmond would have received his letter late 1996 which would mean he’d have to enroll the following year for this to work. BUT 1997 is already Deathly Hallows which means…
He’d be enrolled in Hogwarts during the time the Death Eaters have it under their control as Snape as the headmaster.
Unorganized Notes:
Magic being fundamentally anti-Isu would mean that Desmond, having high Isu genes, would have a harder time with his magic. This might even get him the nickname of being a failure or a testament to how weak ‘mudbloods’ are.
On the other hand, Desmond’s inability to control magic is because he’s trying to control it the way humans do. Considering Hecate is the goddess of magic and she was an Isu, this could mean that even if magic is fundamentally anti-Isu and of human domain, an Isu can still do magic. And Desmond, being human but Isu-touched, means he must control magic the way Isus do.
This means that Desmond would have an easier time controlling magic wandlessly and wordlessly. It’s all about intent and desire.
Let’s say humans do magic by asking permission, by requesting help from magic itself (metaphorically). Isus do magic by demanding it, by ordering its submission, and doing their will. Isu tech like the Pieces of Eden readily do what Desmond orders because they see Desmond as an Isu but magic sees Desmond as an Isu and does not wish to help so Desmond must demand its submission (which would be funny because this is Desmond)
This also means that magic hurts Desmond more than a normal human and healing spells stings (like pouring vinegar with salt into an open wound) so… don’t get hit, Desmond.
If you want to go down the OP isekai protagonist route, we can also add in that because Desmond orders magic to do his bidding, with enough focus (and maybe a lot of irritation), he could hijack the spells of others. Mostly, he could make the spell go in a different direction or dispel it completely.
And to make Desmond’s life much, much more harder, Desmond didn’t read the books. He watched the movies so he’d be surprised when the characters don’t look like their actors or if the events don’t line up with what he remembers.
This will end up with Desmond making his own Brotherhood made of people who are not ‘satisfied’ with the status quo of Hogwarts. Hell, by the end of it, Desmond would probably make a Magical Branch of the Brotherhood and work in the shadows.
Ngl, Desmond would probably see a lot of problems with the situation of the Wizarding World, not just because of Voldemort and the Death Eaters, but there’s something rotten at the very core of this magical world that wouldn’t sit well with Desmond.
This is a world where the Solar Flare won’t happen (most probably) and the reason for it might be because of magic, to be exact: the source of all magic that these magical folks could do, is a primordial ‘entity’ that blessed humans. It was too late to protect the world from the first Solar Flare but it successfully took out what causes the Solar Flare afterward.
Desmond’s Bleeds will confuse the sorting hat and he’d get to choose which house he’d like. He’d most definitely choose Hufflepuff because Gryffindor and Slytherin are too dangerous this year and Ravenclaw might give the idea that he was smart and he’s trying not to stand out.
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charmixpower · 2 years
More rambling about "Twinning with the Witches" and "In the Heart of Cloudtower"
Can I just say, I'm like, so upset about how Winx being annoying about witches competely careen this episode off of cliff
The episode is called twinning (with the) witches and YET there is no twinning with the witches!! Crimes!!! Crimes!!
"Oh welcome to Cloud Tower we're all evil witches who use negative emotions for our magic and constantly back stab eachother" shut up shut up shut up this is the lamest shit I've ever heard in my entire life
I'm obessed with these episodes, and I am literally unable to shut up about them, but they suck. They suck so much ass. I need them to be better. That will justify my obessesion
Anyway I wish that the Winx and the Witches didn't just draw a line in the sand and decide to stand on their sides glaring at eachother, constantly fighting like it's so lame
Side stepping the Codex and Darkar for now, bc I love season 2 but God they sucked, it would of been amazing to see each of the Winx actually team up with a witch
Why are they teaming up with Witches? Well maybe there's some external force of magic that needs to be controlled/subdued/fixed in some way, and Witch magic is about interacting with external magic sources, while all fairy magic is personal
While Faries can connect to external manifestations of their cores, it's not as stable or direct. Flora has to send her own personal magic to a plant to start controlling it by integrating her own magic with the present magic, while a witch would just be able to control the magic present in the plant outright. So I'm thinking what ever the things are they're so unstable and volitle that it won't let any external magic interact or integrate with it, ergo the Winx need to hangout with some witches
This is actually more likely in s3 over s2 because of Valtor breaking shit. The things he's stealing the powers from, like the second Sun of Solaria and the Heart of All Oceans, and planets magical cores. Being the most powerful magical cores in the dimension because they're connected to all forms of whatever they represent. They're the core of most environmental magic
Personally would really enjoy a more low key and more low stakes thing where the Winx just hang out with some Cloud Tower witches. Maybe they need help making a very specific potion only a witch can make, but I also offer the more high stakes version because it's more in line with how high stakes the episode originally was
A day in the life of a witch. We don't have any Witch protagonists or anything of the sort because the writers were annoying about Mirta
I want to see witch girlies!!!!
Witches I want to see hanging out with the Winx:
1) Shilly. Girl has A LOT going on in the comics and it would be cool to see her in the show doing stuff. Shilly in twinning witches accidentally makes light enegry instead of dark energy, so I'm taking this to mean she's a incredibly positive person. She gives me anxious extrovert enegry. I've never read the comics about her. I think she'd be better at more support magic
2) Karen. The cheerleader!! I wanna see more of her. I think she'd be a lot like Ty-lee from alta. She'd probably cartwheel places. Does CT have a cheer squad?? She's apart of it. She probably holds some kind of student body position. I think she'd be good at more offensive magic and take a more active role over support. I've always headcanoned she was from Eraklyon too lol
3) Endora. That girl is a noble of some kind. Look at her hair. It has all the prestige she would ever need in her entire life. She looks confident and fiercely intelligent. I think she'd be a fun character to follow around. She seems like she'd be able to do combat magic
4) Hecate. Named after the goddess of witchcraft. This is a bitch with some power right here. I wanna see her get to show off. Plus she styles her hair the exact same way that I do and I'm eternally biased
5) Yakobetta. For the punk girlie energy
6) Pulisatilla. Not much is known about her except that she's flirtatious, like most witches bc they're easy to use for love triangles, but she was the one making the potion (along with Ivey) to help escape Cloud Tower in season 1 so I think she'd be a good witch to call on for help
If we're talking Witches with similar powers to match the twin part:
Lunilla for Stella. For the sake of this she's the witch of more than just the moon, but concentrates on her Moon powers being the opposite of Stella.
Vera for Musa. Vera wears headphones, which is enough for me to headcanon her as the witch of silence, as opposed to Musa being the fairy of sound.
Ivey probably has plant powers much like Flora, and I would love to see Flora hang out with a witch. Flora's love of science is basically her being the closest to a classical witch than the other Winx so they'd vibe
Lucrezia for Aisha. The girl looks like she has liquid powers, probably water tbh
Bloom and Tecna don't have easy analog tho. I'd used Rubis for Bloom and Zulema for Tecna bc they look like they could have similar powers
I wanna see them hang out with some witches!!!
I don't really have anything solid here except for a wish list, but twinning witches being about actually hanging with some witches instead of fighting with them would be fun
Plus. Fairy magic can apparently solve any problem???? That's lame. Give me a problem that faries just aren't equiped to handle at all, give me a reason witches are equally important as faries
Come on, come on, there has to be SOMETHING that the witches can do that Fairies can't that help keep the dimension stable and safe. Some sort of skill set that makes witches a better choice than faries in certain situations
Just, I wanna see them be useful, I wanna see them do something helpful for the plot. Screaming, crying, and begging
DAPHNE SHOULD BE A WITCH!!!!! Hehehehe it would explain how she was able to do fuckery with Domino's magic core??? Would that fuck?? I think it fucks
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You know Disney's Hecate looks like she could be mistaken for Yzma's sister even though she came first. Even better I totally see Hecate being someone who would sing Snuff out the light, Yzma's deleted song when the movie was called Kingdom of the Sun.
Omg so true! I mean look at them!
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I know there’s this one popular Disney headcanon that Kronk may be a descendant of Meg because he has weak ankles lol, so it may not be too far off that Yzma is a descendant of Hecate lol! I mean, she is the goddess of witchcraft and I believe in the “Kingdom of the Sun” version of the movie Yzma was a magic royal mortician who had the mark of a magician, so hey! It’s possible lol!
But yes! I totally agree that Hecate would totally sing something like Snuff Out the Light! She totally should’ve had a song in the show! Even Hades had a least 1 song lol! I made this post sometime last month that if Hecate were to ever have a song it pretty much be like Big & Loud (the reprise) from Cats Don’t Dance. Just singing about the downfall of Hades and Persephone as she imagines them being frightened of her, running away before falling into the River Styx and getting dragged to the depths by the angry souls of the dead. Oh man, if only I could draw! I’d make so many pics and comics lol!
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magissathea · 5 years
auntiezelda replied to your post: Eating my bagel… I just had a thought Hecate could...
Zelda appreciates the power please and thank you
Well, I mean. Lucifer isn’t inherently magickal. Its a perk of his creation.
And as the Greek/pagan gods were worshiped before the Christian god, following the lore of CAOS, it stands to tell that Hecate is the source of magick for all witches and warlocks.
In one of the mythos, Hecate has a high priestess that she grants immense power to because of her dedication to the goddess. The high priestess later in life leaves Hecate’s temple and weds, Hecate tells her that “though you have left my temple, I will not abandon you.” She would always give her power to her priestess and her followers.
So, in the case of CAOS: No matter who the witches and warlocks worship, Hecate would never abandon them.
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hecatcd-archived · 2 years
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@iwannapaintitblack​ - 
Name: Asteria, Goddess of Witchcraft and Shadows
Gender: Female
General appearance: (Link)
Personality: Takes after her mother
Who they like better: Probably mom. Jovanny in and out alot.
Who they take after more: Mom but, got dad temper
Personal headcanon: She wasn't planned but, both of her parents love her to death.
Face Claim: Drow female. 
If They Had a Kid
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Accident or not, Hecate would love the hell out of that child. Though she’d have to take a lot of convincing to name her after her mother.
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beveronica · 4 years
Misty is Medusa and Blind!Cordelia Headcanons
As follows Misty is Medusa, she was r*ped by Poseidon in Athena's temple. Athena turned her into a gorgon with snakes for hair and the ability to turn any creature that looks at her into stone.
The whole Perseus debacle never happened. Misty currently resides in a cave beside the swamps of Lafayette, Louisiana.
The towns people never go around the swamp believing the whole myth about Misty as they found statues of men around the swamp area over the years.
Misty loves protecting life, so she lives in such a state of sadness knowing her curse would turn any creature to stone. She learns the habit of closing her eyes whenever she hears a wild animal at the distance.
She cries whenever she accidentally turns a bird to stone and not being able to help it back to life.
Cordelia is still a witch, the coven worships Hecate. The supremacy was Hecate's gift.
As the coven were looking for the new supreme in the name of Hecate and the coven's sake, the witch hunters were responsible for blinding Cordelia with acid in order for her to be more dependent to Hank.
Hank's plan backfires as Cordelia gains the gift of the sight.
Fiona frames Myrtle of the acid attack and Cordelia is left struck and vulnerable.
Cordelia may have been blind but she can still manage to wander around with her stick although not too far.
Cordelia loves wandering around to clear her mind.
She usually wanders around for her to get away and cope from the stress of a divorce with Hank, the responsibility of being headmistress, and specially Fiona being constantly up her ass.
She adopts a guide dog and names her Talaria. She calls her Tally for short. She's mystical, and Cordelia swears she can undestand and think just like a human being. When she held Talaria at the adoption center for the first time, Talaria drew her in, she thinks Talaria is magical.
Cordelia then got used to being blind with Talaria to thank.
With Talaria around Cordelia gets far when she does her wandering.
She finds out Myrtle was framed and she got furious.
She took Talaria with her and leaves. She walks and walks till she and Talaria reaches Misty's swamp.
Cordelia accidentally bumps a statue, it falls and makes a loud thud. Misty hears the noise and swarms to where the sound is since she knows no creature is strong enough to bump off the statues.
Talaria kept barking at Misty once she saw her. Cordelia tries to hush Talaria.
"Tally. Down, girl."
Talaria (conveniently) does not turn to stone as Misty saw her. This baffles Misty.
What baffles Misty even more is seeing a beautiful, golden haired woman who seem to not be able to see.
Misty asks "Who are you?" firmly because its not everyday Misty encounters a beautiful human & her dog and not turn them into stone.
Misty is now admiring observing the golden haired older woman as she was fascinated. She creeps closer to Cordelia.
"I'm Cordelia Goode. I'm a witch, I worship Hecate-
Misty's hair hisses at Cordelia and she swivers off. She does not want to be pissing off another Goddess more so the Goddess of Witchcraft thank you very much. Cordelia flinches to the hissing.
Cordelia senses Misty leaving as she hears twigs break under Misty's steps.
"WAIT! I mean no harm." Cordelia reaches up to Misty and she gasps.
Cordelia's gift of the sight made her see Misty's god awful past.
"You are Misty. You were cursed by Athena as punishment for the sins you were merely a victim of. Whatever you think about me, I am no threat. I-"
Misty pulls away from Cordelia's grasp and runs back to her cave.
In her cave she cries at the thought of one beautiful blind witch finally seeing her as a victim and not the monster she was cursed to be. It scared her.
Cordelia was awestruck of the turn of events, she tells Tally that they need to come back home.
Cordelia grew confused as she had read all about the Myth of Misty before when she was able to see. Who hadn't? She wasn't aware she'd be around Louisiana.
What makes her even more confused is Talaria not turning into stone. She then finds out Talaria is a magical creature that is immune to many vulnerabilities as she heard Queenie tell her Talaria didn't bleed nor bat an when a vase accidentally fell to her.
Cordelia goes to the swamp everyday with Talaria because there's something about the gorgon that drew her in like a magnet, it may have been curiosity or fascination but she knows she wants to learn more and help Misty.
Misty would often see Cordelia wandering her swamp with her mutt. Nice now she has a witch trailing her around. great. the gods really favored her, huh?
Misty would often gaze from afar afraid of forming any connections with the witch.
One day 3 Gator Hunters find Cordelia at Misty's swamp. Thinking that Cordelia had been around, it means that there's no threat whatsoever and the whole Misty Myth is bullcrap, they approached Cordelia with bad intentions.
Talaria kept barking at them and one of them kicked her but she kept jumping back up until one of them shot Tally. Cordelia shouted for help.
Misty contemplated whether to help her but once she saw Talaria fall from the shot and the men pushing Cordelia down whilst unzipping their fly, Misty storms over.
As they saw Misty in horror they turned into stone.
Misty turns to Cordelia and checks if she was okay. Misty doesn't want Cordelia to experience what she had been through.
Cordelia reassured Misty she was okay but she held unto Talaria to check if she was alive.
Misty carries Talaria on her shoulder carefully and uses her free hand to guide Cordelia to her cave where it's safe.
As she sets Talaria down Cordelia asks Misty to guide her hand where Talaria is so she could hold her.
Misty hesitates to hold Cordelia's hand again as she remembers Cordelia's gift of the sight.
Before Cordelia gets to hold Talaria, Talaria slowly heals herself and her body instantly pushes the once pierced bullet out.
Misty was so surprised and looks at Tally in wonder. Misty describes the occurence to Cordelia out loud.
Tally is now up and runs over to Cordelia and Cordelia happily holds her.
Cordelia and Misty both giggle from relief as they thought Talaria was not gonna make it.
Talaria goes to Misty and licks her face.
"Down! Down girl, yeah yeah you're magic. Gods you scared me."
"Gods that was scary."
"You should've seen those monsters' faces when they saw me."
"Well, I'm not able to do that as of the moment."
"Shit, I'm so sorry, I forgot you're- I got carried a-"
"No no, it's fine." Cordelia giggles, Misty thinks the witch has the most beautiful giggle she had ever heard.
"Thank you for helping me, Misty."
That was the start of their beautiful friendship.
.....or maybe something more?
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genericmuses · 4 years
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Bobby Singer (canon, hunter)
Ben Braeden (headcanon based, hunter)
Remiel (oc, archangel of hope & mercy)
Helena Moseley (oc, hunter & psychic) 
Felix Manganella (oc, prophet)
Máximo Espinoza (oc, hunter)
Ari Espinoza (oc, hunter)
Cameron Sorin (oc, bad witch/hunter)
Evana Holmes (oc, good witch/hunter) 
Seth Morello (oc, good witch/hunter)
Kaidan Singer (oc, hunter) 
Camael (oc, archangel of war, strength & courage)
Navin Rai (oc, hunter)
Oberon (fairy king/god, Supernatural influences)
Dean Akkerman (witch & magic shop owner)
Dorian Zaman (wereleopard)
Mianni (wish fairy)
Wesley Lightfoot (half-fae information dealer)
Leo Moore (hunter & doctor)
Surendra Egillsson (conspiracy thoerist & provider of supernatural intel)
Richard Morgan (witch)
Ali Jensson (witch/hunter)
Gabriel Akkerman (witch & con artist)
Derek Strand (witch)
Fen Norwood (shapeshifter)
Frank Fisher (witch & runner of a “neutral zone” bar)
Terry Beckett (vampire)
Jonnny Tregenza (vampire & 70s rockstar)
Hades (Greek, god of the dead & king of the underworld) 
Hecate (Greek, goddess of magic and witchcraft) 
Hathor (Egyptian, goddess music, dance, joy, love, sexuality and maternal care)
Bastet (Egyptian, warrior & sun goddess)
Brynhildr (Norse, Valkyrie)
The Morrígan (Irish, war & fate goddess)
Billy Black (canon, human)
Jack Swan (oc, vampire or human depending on the timeline)
Lillian Cullen (oc, vampire)
Welcome to Nightvale:
Carlos Palmer (canon, scientist)
Dana Cardinal (canon, former mayor)
Marvel (various movie worlds):
Tony Stark (MCU canon, Iron Man)
Wade Wilson/Deadpool (Deadpool canon, mutate)
Neena Thurman/Domino (Deadpool canon, mutant)
Ororo Munroe/Storm (X-Men canon, mutant)
Night World:
Thea Harman (canon, witch)
Rashel Jordan (canon, hunter)
Poppy North (canon, vampire)
Caspian Harman (oc, witch)
Morgana Harman (oc, witch)
Rupert Giles (Buffy the Vampire Slayer canon, watcher)
Isabelle Lightwood (Shadowhunters canon, shadowhunter)
Margo Hanson (The Magicians canon, magician & king)
Jack O'Neill (Stargate SG1 canon, member of SG1)
The Tenth Doctor (Doctor Who canon, Time Lord)
The Fourth Doctor (Doctor Who canon, Time Lord)
Romana (Doctor Who canon, Time Lord)
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About Spelldon
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“MONSTER HIGH STYLE” profile can be found HERE.
Below is a more detailed about page. If you want something quick-glance, see the link above.
✨ Answers to All Asks
📋 Memes with Survey Questions
Spelldon is Dyslexic. Dyslexia is a learning disorder that affect areas of the brain that process language. This is all despite normal intelligence, eyesight, and cognitive understanding. This used to be called “word-blindness”. Problems may include difficulties in spelling words, reading quickly, writing words, “sounding out” words in the head, pronouncing words when reading aloud and understanding what one reads. 
In Spelldon’s case, he hates to read out loud and is very thankful for auto-correct on his iCoffin when he texts. Sometimes he will add extra spaces when he writes notes. In spell casting, while reading directly from a book, he will mix up words and misspeak… causing mishaps... So he avoids it where he can. 
His Gold-rimmed Glasses: Spelldon has no problem with his vision. They were a gift from his sister to help him read better and further his magic studies without being hindered by his dyslexia. They are enchanted in such a way that converts text to make it easier for Spelldon to process and decode words. He uses them primarily when reading.
His Mother: Circe is a powerful witch from greek tales and myth. She is the daughter of the Greek goddess Hekate / Hecate: associated with crossroads, entrance-ways, night, magic, witchcraft, knowledge of herbs and poisonous plants, ghosts, necromancy, and sorcery. 
Circe is best known for her part in the Homer’s “The Odyssey”. In the story, she lived on the isolated island of Aeaea where she uses her magic to turn the men who visit her into livestock. She comes to fall in love with the hero, Odysseus, and even teaches him how to contact the dead in the Underworld. She has green skin and hair like her children but Casta and Spelldon inherited the straighter texture of their hair from their father.
Casta and Spelldon have other half-siblings, but none from the same father as them. Additionally, they are the youngest by a vast margin and therefore have the closest bond.
~(Headcanon Warning: Below this point in his scaritage may change if I RP with a Casta with a different headcanon)~
His Father: Theo Cauldronello was one of the last descendants of the Oracle of Delphi and was highly favored by the god Apollo. Theo’s talents for fortunetelling and spell-weaving was unmatched. Local elite would seek his readings and guidance. 
Hecate told her daughter, Circe, to go to the city where he practiced and seduce Theo. If she could, she would have a faithful lover for the rest of her days. She succeeded, they were wed, and bore two children. However, Theo’s friendly personality and charming good looks made Circe constantly jealous and question his loyalty to her. During one of many squabbles on the subject, Circe cursed him and turned Theo into a black cat. To this day he serves as her familiar. Theo is always at her side, but can not speak or intervene in any way. All he can do is prove his faithfulness by remaining at Circe’s side. 
Casta inherited a lot from their mother, but Spelldon favors his father in many ways. Besides his green skin, the looks were incredibly similar. So much, in fact, that in his resent years Circe was scared that Theo had broken her curse before she realized the young man in front of her was her son.  Spelldon inherited all of his father's grimoires, which contained much of his knowledge of potions and charms, and his tarot deck. 
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The Coven: Circe's many children went on to create a coven dedicated to Hecate and promote their bloodline as the heads of it. The females were placed higher than the boys, despite Spelldon’s earnest attempts to impress his elders. 
When Casta left the coven to obtain a career in music, Spelldon followed her so he can find where he belonged. 
Clothing: (Tagged here: 🎩 Wicked Wardrobe )
Tarot Readings:  The tarot deck that Spelldon uses was given to him by his mother, but it was his father’s deck first. Spelldon treasures it and always keeps it on him. He enjoys offering readings and uses it to get to know people. He is not a gossip and he often keeps the results between himself and the person he reads.
Food: Spelldon has very fond memories of fall and all the smells and tastes that do with it. Pumpkin, apple, and cinnamon are the best things. If he could get any combo of these flavors, he will. He is that guy that buys all the pumpkin spice crap that comes out around Halloween.
Subject: Of the classes offered at Monster High, Spelldon can find himself in Wood Shop. He likes working with is hands and making something out of nothing. Hand made gifts are the best gifts. Among witches, handmade things carry energy. Something you bought would be less powerful then something you put work in to create. A gift is also more powerful than something you acquired yourself. A gift someone made for you is of the highest caliber. Whenever possible, he rather make things for those closest to him.
People: He has a distaste for anyone that approaches him just because he has a famous sister. Often people will give him special treatment but forget his name. “Oh! You are Casta’s Brother.” Is the worst sentence ever spoken in the English language. 
Subject: Spelldon is uncomfortable in any situation where he is expected to read aloud. Hisstory is one of the worst for him because the names of people and places are the worst to pronounce. 
[Will add more as I think of it or if an ask brings something interesting up. 
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magaprima · 4 years
Lilith Origin Headcanon Part 2
Note; Just as a reminder, these posts are my origin story headcanons for specifically CAOS, compliantly entirely with what they have shown us so far. I will be writing a concise origin headcanon for my generic mythology verses at a later date
After healing Lucifer, enough that his wounds stopped bleeding, though the scars there show that they’ll never completely heal, introductions are made between the fallen angel and Lilith and Stolas. The witch and the raven are able to explain who and what they are. Stolas explains that is a raven sent by the Goddess Hecate herself to serve as teacher and friend to Lilith, to help her grow as a witch. Lucifer learns that although Stolas may look like a raven, as any creature that walks the earth, he is something else entirely, that his appearance is an illusion that hides the power he comes, that he was created by a Goddess in the same way Lucifer was created by a God, as something with power in their own right. The only difference is Stolas has never been commanded or punished or denied his freedom and Lucifer feels the smallest spark of jealousy and resentment over this. 
Lilith explains that she originally came from the Garden and that she became a witch, came into the very powers that had healed him, when she defied her own Creator and his rules. Lucifer is immediately entranced by the idea of another who had questioned and challenged his Father. He says he remembers God making her (and Adam), but he had never seen her, and confesses he never imagined she would be this beautiful or this fiery and interesting. He tells her he has seen Eve and the Garden and Adam and that he knows now that Lilith is var too unique and powerful and fascinating for something as limiting and ordinary as Eden, that she deserves a much more impressive kingdom. Lilith is, undeniably, flattered by the flirtatious compliments and finds herself attracted to Lucifer in a way she never was to Adam. She is also drawn in by the idea of someone seeing her this way, of someone seeing her as powerful and fascinating and deserving of better. 
Lilith admits she sometimes still thinks about the Garden and Adam and what could have been, even though she knows now that he never wanted an equal, and she knows that a witch could never be in paradise, that the angels told her so. And she’d much rather be a witch in the wastelands than a mortal in paradise. In that moment Lucifer realises they are of like minds, kindred spirits, and that he might have found someone who is his equal. 
But he doesn’t want anyone else to have her. He immediately begins to think that the False God or Adam will take her back, that they’ll come for her and she’ll accept their offer. After all, she admitted she thinks of the Garden sometimes, the fact Adam treated her so foully might mean nothing in the face of an offer of paradise. After all, she’s only human. So Lucifer starts sowing discord, whispering in her ear, telling her that Adam has been saying that she kills children, that she eats them, that she’s a clawed foot winged beast. Lilith is understandably offended and horrified, and worries that Eve will believe the things Adam says. They’d only spoken a couple of times, but it was enough for Lilith to feel a bond to her, a sister of sorts. Lilith wants to clear her name, but Lucifer convinces her not to return to the Garden and confront them, he convinces her that all that matters is that they know the truth, all that matters is each other. 
Over their time together in each other’s company, Lilith continues to use her magic (learning more from Stolas’ mentorship), but now Lucifer provides her with his own teachings, showing her his own gifts and joining them with hers, and, with the help of Stolas, the three begin to thrive in their own little Kingdom, and Lilith begins to think that this is what she was meant for, that this is the world she was seeking when she left the Garden. She grows curious about Lucifer’s magics and wishes to learn more, to add his powers to her own that she has from Hecate’s teachings and gifts. Stolas questions this, but Lilith reasons that all magic is magic regardless of it’s origin and she loves all of it and yearns for all of it. The power is something she thrives on. She reasons that while Hecate made her a witch, gifted her, she was created by the same God that created Lucifer, so shouldn’t she also harness those magics too?
Lucifer encourages Lilith to show him more of her Hecate magic, and she shows him her mastery of elements, her healing gifts (of which he already knew), the way fire doesn’t touch her, the way water can bend for her, the way food grows for her, with a single touch, how her own voice can lull creatures to her, even Lucifer himself finds himself entranced by what Stolas calls her ‘siren song’ (he’s only partly joking). His susceptibility to Lilith’s magics, essentially making him feel less than what he is, makes him want to discourage her in his own subtle way. He compliments her magics, but  in such a condescending way as to make Lilith feel self-conscious, as if her magic is perhaps embarrassing or too simple, something not to boast about. 
Yet, Stolas, her truest friend and companion, reassures and builds her confidence, sweeping away any insecurities Lucifer inadvertently caused with a kind, supportive word and the touch of a wing. Stolas reminds Lilith that her magic, her witchcraft comes from a source much more ancient and powerful than a fallen angel, that she should never forget how powerful that is, no matter how young she might be, and how new to the craft. 
Lucifer realises how close Lilith and Stolas, how tight their bond is, and how she will never be fully reliant on him, fully loyal to him, as long as she also has Stolas, and wonders if she loves the bird more than him. That night, as they lay in each other’s arms after making love beneath the starlit sky as always, Lucifer decides that he loves her and tells her so, and asks her if she loves him too. Lilith says that she does, but he finds that isn’t enough. He wants her all for himself, he wants her love to be for him and him alone.
So, he begins to talk to her of Kingdoms, of new realms, of a realm entirely for them. He talks to her of crowns and thrones, of new worlds, where woman and man are equal, where she could rule by his side as his Queen. Lilith is entranced by the idea, almost intoxicated by it, this idea of a realm that didn’t have God’s rules or Adam’s beliefs, where any woman could be equal to any man, where she could rule at the side of Lucifer rather than submit as his servant as Adam wished. Lucifer encourages her dreams and hopes and is pleased to see how happy she is at the idea, how attached she is....but it still isn’t enough. So he decides he can only be certain of her love if there is no other to distract her. He says, casually, in a throwaway comment, that ‘while Stolas might not think you should be a Queen, I certainly do’. When Lilith questions this, Lucifer dismisses it, claiming Stolas didn’t mean it in that way, only that she’s a witch, not a Queen, that he’s stuck in his old world views,’he can’t see the future as we can, Lilith’.
Lucifer is so apologetic and innocent when he confesses he never meant for it to come out like that, that he would never want her to think ill of Stolas, that Lilith is sated, accepting this, and assures the Morningstar that it’s fine, that she knows what Stolas must have meant, and she knows that Lucifer meant no harm by his comment.
Yet, the first hints of distance between the once inseparable Lilith and Stolas begin to grow. 
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angelusreprcbi · 5 years
I’m still thinking of how to write the s3 addition to my Luci’s headcanons and stuff, but like I can say one thing:
He’s 100% okay with the coven now worshipping Hecate. Like he could think of no better person, other than Lilith, to worship. However since the witches gifts stem from him being an angel, then Hecate is the best bet in order to keep their powers since she is the goddess of magic and witchcraft.
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agirlinhell · 5 years
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Just in case y’all missed it or didn’t look at Clementine’s updated bio, here are a few things you need to know that are a distinct and unique part of my portrayal of her that I DO NOT want anyone stealing! Beware of spoilers and mature themes and post length! If you see anyone stealing these headcanons, please IM me.
-Clementine is an eclectic witch with an intrigue for the occult and all things magical. She takes elements from African Witchcraft, Animism, Art Witchcraft, Astrology Witchcraft, Crystal Witchcraft, Dianic Witchcraft, Divination, Elemental Witchcraft, Kemeticism, Floral Witchcraft, Green Witchcraft, Hearth / Kitchen Witchcraft, Hellenism, Lunar Witchcraft, Musical Witchcraft, Sea / Water Witchcraft and Hoodoo to make her own type of magic.
-Clementine is demibiromantic and demibisexual - most times she has no preference between men and women, but sometimes this fluctuates in preferences, i.e sometimes she prefers the company of males over females and vice versa.
-When she was younger, from ages eight to eleven, she would start to draw vent art, especially after the incident at the St. John’s Dairy - and often times this consisted of rather dark imagery. She stopped at age twelve.
-Clementine is racially ambiguous. She identifies as Black / African-American, but it is possible that she may be descended from other none-African races further back in the family tree, though this is debatable. Regardless, Clementine does not know her true heritage nor is it likely she ever will, and it’s not like she can take a DNA test. However, regardless of belief, it's highly unlikely that Clementine will ever know her true heritage, and as such, she identifies as Black / African-American, even if there is the possibility of her being mixed.
-Clementine identifies as Cisgender Female / Demigirl so thus she uses she/her/ and they/them pronouns. She’s still experimenting with her gender identity and discovering herself. 
-Clementine is very androgynous, especially in her youth during the events of Season Two. Many individuals at Howe’s thought she was a boy.
-In her default verse, Clementine is eighteen, as it is set a few months after the events of The Final Season.
-Clementine is a proud Scorpio - and a Scorpio Queen at that.
-In her default verse, Clementine is leader and Headmistress of Ericson’s Boarding School For Troubled Youth, to which it is later renamed The Enlightenment - Aasim is the one who came up with the name because the previous suggestions that Violet gave out were considered quite informal but Clementine and Violet sometimes call the school the name they chose as a private joke.
-The Enlightenment is not only a settlement in it’s own right, but it also doubles as a sanctuary for the lost and the refugees from the wars outside of their borders and an actual school in the apocalypse. The settlement becomes formidable and renown for it’s neutrality and safe environment, and survivors from more established communities send their children to learn there.
-Clem was raised in a mild Christian household before the outbreak; she was an agnostic during the events of Season Two to Season Three: A New Frontier, and in present time, she is Pantheistic and a believer of the Greek Pantheon but will occasionally pray to and brings offerings to Egyptian gods such as Bastet and Sekhmet. She mostly prays and brings offerings to Hecate, Persephone, Aphrodite, Athena and Artemis, but will also pray to Apollo, Demeter, Dionysus, Hermes, Hestia, Harmonia, Nemesis, the Muses and the Charites. Yet her patron goddess that she prays to most will always be Hecate, the goddess of crossroads, entrance-ways, light, the night, the moon, magic, witchcraft, knowledge of herbs and poisonous plants, ghosts, sorcery and necromancy. Despite all this, she is very open minded to other religions and faiths, and even those who don’t have a faith.
-She believes in past lives and reincarnation, and that there is life on other planets.
-Honestly, at this point, after seeing humans literally rise from the dead and start devouring people, she’ll most likely believe in anything considered “occult”, “mystical” or “magical”.
-She speaks English (mother tongue), Spanish (intermediate, taught by the Garcia family), French (beginner, self taught, Louis teaches her a bit as well), American Sign Language (in a verse where Louis loses his tongue, self taught, intermediate, post-The Final Season), Latin (self taught, beginner, post-The Final Season), and Korean (beginner, taught by James, post-The Final Season) in default. She hopes she can learn more languages in the future, because of just how essential it is for communication in the apocalypse.
-Clementine has up to the middle of her calf on her left leg amputated by AJ after she was bit by a walker - often uses crutches to move around, but this advances to using a wheelchair or riding on her mare, Epona, when she wants to speed up her pace, and this evolves into a wooden foot and then a prosthetic foot via trade with other settlements.
-What is truly concerning, however, is her mental health: Clementine is psychologically damaged. Depressive disorder, PTSD, Anxiety, abandonment issues, suffers with hallucinatory episodes from time to time, she is an insomniac. Survivor's guilt. Self-loathing tendencies. Sociopathic tendencies. Suicidal tendencies. Possible messiah complex. She has the possibility of becoming an addict to drugs or alcohol if she is not careful and has suffered from substance abuse after her exile from The New Frontier whilst in Prescott at a young age. She could potentially have a "hero complex," with her inherent desire to help those around her, despite being unable to help herself, and having a compulsion to make the world right. She dislikes her reality which is mostly portrayed as polluted, dull and disheartening, full of the dead walking among the living, human trafficking, anarchy and homelessness, and struggles to cope with everyday life but it has improved post-The Final Season. 
-Clementine's lived in borderline poverty and homelessness for most of her young life and she has faced the possibility of prostitution at a very young age in Prescott in order to survive and this obviously leads her to having trust issues. Clementine was for the most part, lonely, and did not have friends or family, as everyone else had either betrayed her or died.
-She has heightened senses. 
-Clementine also has a deep fear of illness. She lived for a very long time in the wilderness with the groups she’s been with, especially in Larry’s case and his frequent heart attacks to the point where it indirectly lead to his own death by Kenny’s hands and then lived on the streets of Prescott and received very minimal medical care, for this, she can be absurdly clean to the point it’s a little jarring. Even a simple cold can make her worry as she had no way to provide for herself if ill, it reminds her of the extreme situations she endured. 
-She suffers in silence as a survivor of sexual abuse - she has never told anyone of her experiences. 
-She's self harmed and attempted suicide on multiple occasions in her past, both at a very young age. She hasn’t done either of these things since she was twelve years old.
-Clem still dreams of Lee and her loved ones and talks to them as if they were still there with her. 
-While Clementine is not completely cured of her depression and her mental illnesses, it is also noticeable that she is no longer suffering from it as much as she was before, and some of her mental health is under her control.
-Clem worked as a Former Supply Runner, Patroller, Hunter, Medic and Fighter for The New Frontier.
-She was a Former Spy, Beggar, Thief, Arsonist and Child Mercenary For Hire and has been a Bar Owner and a Businesswoman of many trades - almost that of a Gang Leader in Prescott - all at a young age.
-Clementine ends up taking Tennessee and Willy under her wing and thinks of them almost the same way as she would AJ - her younger brothers or her sons - it’s complicated, but she loves them very much.
-After the events of The Final Season, Tenn shows up quite often in her room at night because he cannot sleep due to the recent trauma he’s endured and asks her for advice or alternatively, to sing him to sleep. She gladly does so. 
-Clementine’s maternal grandmother was a Voodoo practitioner. Clem can still remember her, but only vaguely. Her grandmother had intended on teaching her granddaughter Voodoo but the outbreak hit before she could.
-Post-The Final Season, Clementine and the group takes care of nine stray cats who she’s named Luna, Hazel, Sol, Serena, Rai, Brynjar, Oreo, Pepper, and Stella. She and AJ take care of a little box turtle that they’ve named Franklin. Three stray, friendly foxes also make their way around the school, a white fox, a black fox, and a red fox, to which Clementine and the group began naming Aurora, Agni and Aenar. Determinantly, Clementine has her own horse that she stole from the Delta and named it Epona after the mare began taking a liking to the girl. Clementine rides her often whenever she feels stressed and they share a great bond.
-Clementine’s full name is Clementine Maria Jasmine Cree, but will use the surname Everett in honor of her protector and adoptive father figure. “Clementine” is “Mercy” in Latin, “Maria” is the Latinized form of “Mary” whom is a respected figure in many religions - notably Christianity and Islam - whom is the mother of the savior of the world; it has several different meanings: “sea of bitterness”, “sea of sorrow”, “rebellion”, “wished-for-child” and “mistress or lady of the sea.”, “Jasmine” is a Persian word meaning “Gift from God” or “God’s Gift” and it is also named after the Jasmine flower, which holds significant cultural, symbolic and religious significance in countries like India, Hawaii, Indonesia, Pakistan, the Philippines, Syria, Thailand and the United States. It symbolizes motherhood, love, respect, beauty, sensuality, appreciation, good luck, purity, and romance. “Cree” means “Highly Spirited”. “Everett” - a surname that Clementine takes on as a momentum to her mentor, Lee Everett, comes from the Old English word eoforheard which means “brave as a wild boar”.
-She is directly descended from a Voodoo Queen in New Orleans, she also has ancestral ties to the Maroons and many of her ancestors were bokor or caplata, meaning male and female Vodou witches. Many of her recent ancestors were skilled in music. Her relations tie back to Ancient Egypt and other great African empires, many of them were explorers, travelers and sailors, whilst others were horsemen and feared archers and warriors. Clementine has no knowledge of any of this, nor is it likely she ever will discover this revelation.
-Post-The Final Season, Clementine lets her hair grow out a little longer. She lets her hair loose, especially when the colder seasons pass through as it covers her neck and just past her shoulderblades. When styling her hair, she often chooses protective styles in traditional African styles such as Afro Puffs, Bantu Knots, braids, and cornrows.
-As an eclectic witch, she likes using glyphs, sigils, runes, colored candles, metals, herbs, oils, crystals, special stones, rocks, seashells, animal skulls, flowers and plants to use in her spells and to decorate her room. She has a grimoire that she write her past in, the history of magic and how she initiated, an appendix of crystals, herbs, plants and trees, spells, ingredients, prayers, incantations, rituals, holidays, zodiacs, planets and celestial bodies, gods/goddesses/deities, their powers and how to worship them, the planes of existence, animals, mythical creatures, demonology, dragonlore, necromancy, the dark arts, books to use as references, colors, altars, recipes while cooking / baking in spells, magical objects, spiritualism, mythologies of several cultures around the world, symbols, sigils, the phases of the moon, flower language from the Victorian Era and fan language. Luckily, the school is quite large and the library is being rebuilt and books are generously donated by other settlements through trade. Clementine’s knowledge skyrockets in adulthood, quite impressive for a girl who had once been in first grade.
-In the colder seasons, such as autumn and winter, she tends to wear more to clothing with furs on and inside them if she manages to acquire them. Some of the outfits she wears consists of her own homemade outfits of animal furs she had skinned herself. Clementine wears an Omega necklace that Louis gives her, symbolizing the end of something. In current plots, she wears a opal crystal pendant necklace around her neck, hanging down to about her chest as a gift from The Commonwealth; it’s her birthstone and she believes it could grant her luck among other things. She often makes her friends and family fur cloaks to keep them warm.
-She begins taking an intrigue in playing musical instruments, notably the piano, but has started playing the flute, the violin and the harp. Clem is mostly focused on learning her piano lessons as of now, though.
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jadenthehybrid · 7 years
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Jaden has a set of four other tattoos besides his faerie wings:
An arrow on his outer right forearm. This was his first tattoo so it doesn’t have much meaning – he got it cause it looked cool. 
The fingers of his right hand contain the runic symbols of the four elements he can control with magic: fire, earth, air, and water. 
His left hand contains three other runic symbols. The "third eye” represents his precognitive abilities. The crescent/full moon represents a multitude of symbolism behind the moon, however, Jaden focuses on the intuition, emotion, and balance aspect, as well as it representing Hecate, the goddess of Magic and Witchcraft. The double arrows represent movement and flowing energy. 
His final tattoo is on his left palm/wrist. It’s a tree with roots extending halfway down his inner forearm, and three birds flying around the branches. The tree is a symbol of immortality, good health, positive energy, and fresh starts. With his magic, Jaden is capable of animating the tattoo according to each season, adding leaves and blossoms or leaving the branches bare as he pleases. 
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magissathea · 5 years
What form would your daemon take?
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Your daemon would take the form of a fox! Those who have fox daemons are cunning and sly, socially savvy but preferring to work behind the scenes. Their expertise is charm and seduction, and their mastery over words combined with their playfulness makes them natural tricksters.
Tagged by: @magaprima​ Tagging: You.
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